[Reference Translation]

April 25, 2024

To Whom It May Concern:


    Name and Title of Representative:

Koji Sato, President


(Code Number: 7203


Prime of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and


Premier of the Nagoya Stock Exchange)

    Name and Title of Contact Person:

Yoshihide Moriyama, General Manager,


Capital Strategy & Affiliated Companies Finance Div.


(Telephone Number: 0565-28-2121)

Notice of the Difference in Non-Consolidated Financial Results of our

Consolidated Subsidiary from the Previous Fiscal Year

We hereby inform you of the difference in non-consolidated financial results of our consolidated subsidiary, Hino Motors, Ltd. for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 compared with the previous fiscal year.

The impact of this matter on our forecasts of consolidated results is expected to be immaterial.

Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024 (April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024)

Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2023 (April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023)


    (% of change from previous year.)  
    Net sales     Operating income     Ordinary income     Profit  
    Millions of yen     %     Millions of yen     %     Millions of yen     %     Millions of yen     %  


    827,969       -0.5       -31,736             -56,894             -948        


    832,061       -3.7       -15,761             -25,743             -119,189        

For the reason for the difference, please refer to the attached Hino Motors, Ltd. disclosure below.

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024

[Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)

English translation from the original Japanese-language document
         April 25, 2024  
Name of Listed Company   :    Hino Motors, Ltd.     Stock Listing: Tokyo and Nagoya  
Code Number   :    7205  
URL   :    http://www.hino.co.jp/  
Representative   :    Satoshi Ogiso, President & CEO, Member of the Board of Directors


Contact Point   :    Hiroshi Hashimoto, Operating Officer, General & Government & Public Affairs


Phone   :    (042) 586-5494  
Scheduled Date of Annual Meeting of Shareholders   :    June 26, 2024  
Scheduled Date of Financial Statements Filing   :    June 26, 2024  
Scheduled Date of Dividend Payment Start   :     
Supplementary materials for Financial Results   :    Yes  
Investor conference for Financial Results   :    Yes (For Mass Media and Analysts)  

(Amounts are rounded down to the nearest one million yen)



Consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024 (April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024)



Consolidated Financial Results


    (% of change from previous year.)  
    Net sales     Operating income     Ordinary income     Profit attributable to
owners of parent
    Millions of yen     %     Millions of yen     %     Millions of yen     %     Millions of yen     %  

FY 2024

    1,516,255       0.6       -8,103             -9,233             17,087        

FY 2023

    1,507,336       3.3       17,406       -48.5       15,787       -58.4       -117,664        


(Note)   Comprehensive income FY 2024: ¥43,901 million (—%) FY 2023: ¥-78,297 million (—%)


     Profit per share      Diluted Profit
per share
     Return on equity      Ordinary income
to total assets
     Operating income
to net sales
     Yen      Yen      %      %      %  

FY 2024

     29.77               4.5        -0.7        -0.5  

FY 2023

     -204.98               -28.5        1.2        1.2  


(Reference)    Equity in earnings of affiliated companies:  FY 2024: ¥3,155 million FY 2023: ¥-900 million



Consolidated Financial Position


     Total assets      Net assets      Equity ratio      Net assets per share  
     Millions of yen      Millions of yen      %      Yen  

FY 2024

     1,440,409        471,085        27.7        696.12  

FY 2023

     1,361,735        433,409        27.0        640.94  


(Reference) Equity capital:   FY 2024: ¥399,593 million   FY 2023: ¥367,914 million



Consolidated Cash Flows

     Cash flows from
operating activities
     Cash flows from
investing activities
     Cash flows from
financing activities
     Cash and cash
at end of year
     Millions of yen      Millions of yen      Millions of yen      Millions of yen  

FY 2024

     -110,410        39,244        55,638        67,733  

FY 2023

     -40,799        -60,257        114,208        75,683  





     Dividends per share      Total
payout ratio
     Dividends on
net assets
     1Q      2Q      3Q      Year-end      Annual  
     Yen      Yen      Yen      Yen      Yen      Millions of Yen      %      %  

FY 2023

            0.00               0.00        0.00                       

FY 2024

            0.00               0.00        0.00                       

FY 2025 (forecast)



(Note)   Since the full-year forecast of profit attributable to owners of parent is still to be made, so the forecast dividend for the fiscal year ending March 2025 is still to be made.


Forecasts of Consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2024 (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025)



(% of change from FY2024)


Net sales


Operating income


Ordinary income


Profit attributable to
owners of parent


per share

    Millions of yen   %     Millions of yen   %     Millions of yen   %     Millions of yen   %     Yen

FY 2025

  1,600,000     5.5     20,000         10,000                



Changes in significant subsidiaries (changes of specified subsidiaries resulting in changes in scope of consolidation) during the current term: None



Changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and restatements:



Changes in accounting policies due to revisions of accounting standards: None



Changes in accounting policies due to reasons other than above 1): None



Changes in accounting estimates: None



Restatements: None



Number of outstanding shares (common stock)



Number of outstanding shares (including treasury stock) at end of term



FY 2024 574,580,850 shares FY 2023 574,580,850 shares



Number of treasury stock at end of term



FY 2024 554,874 shares FY 2023 554,114 shares



Average number of shares



FY 2024 574,026,355 shares FY 2023 574,027,093 shares

(Reference) Overview of Non-Consolidated Financial Results



Non-Consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024 (April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024)



Non-Consolidated Financial Results


    (% of change from previous year.)  
    Net sales     Operating income     Ordinary income     Profit  
    Millions of yen     %     Millions of yen     %     Millions of yen     %     Millions of yen     %  

FY 2024

    827,969       -0.5       -31,736             -56,894             -948        

FY 2023

    832,061       -3.7       -15,761             -25,743             -119,189        


     Profit per share      Diluted Profit per share  
     Yen      Yen  

FY 2024


FY 2023




Non-Consolidated Financial Position


     Total assets      Net assets      Equity ratio      Net assets per share  
     Millions of yen      Millions of yen      %      Yen  

FY 2024

     852,112        187,641        22.0        326.81  

FY 2023

     832,468        195,566        23.5        340.62  


(Reference) Equity capital:    FY 2024: ¥187,641 million    FY 2023: ¥195,566 million

<Reasons for the difference in non-consolidated results from the previous fiscal year>

In FY 2024, our company saw operating loss worsening, due to the skyrocketing prices of materials. In non-consolidated financial results, we posted ¥59,175 million as the provision of allowance for doubtful accounts accompanying the loans receivable from consolidated subsidiaries in the section of non-operating expenses, so ordinary loss worsened. In addition, as mentioned in “3 Consolidated Financial Statements and Major Notes (5) Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Additional Information)” on page 15 of the attachment, the loss related to North American certification was posted as an extraordinary loss, and gain on sale of non-current assets and reversal of the loss related to domestic certification were posted as extraordinary gains, so net loss improved from that in the previous fiscal year.



Summary of financial results is out of scope of audit by Certified Public Accountants or Audit companies.



Statement regarding the proper use of financial forecasts and other remarks

Descriptions regarding the future, including the financial projections contained in this report, are based on certain assumptions currently available to the Company, which are, at the discretion of the Company, deemed reasonable, and the Company gives no guarantees that it will achieve these results. In addition, actual financial results may significantly vary due to various factors.