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Report of Foreign Private Issuer

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For the month of February 2009


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Date: February 17, 2009




Stephen Taylor

Chief Financial Officer






  Exhibit Number   Description

  99.1   Press Release dated February 17, 2009










Superman and Batman join CryptoLogic’s branded game line-up

Branded games earn CryptoLogic Top Casino Software Award for 4th straight year

February 17, 2009 (Dublin, IRELAND, and Toronto, CANADA) – CryptoLogic Limited, a world leader in Internet casino and branded gaming software for adults outside the United States, today announced the signing of an exclusive multi-year licensing agreement with Warner Bros. Digital Distribution and DC Comics to bring Superman, Batman and other members of the World’s Greatest Super Heroes to leading Internet casinos starting in the fourth quarter of 2009.

The deal was announced as CryptoLogic earned the industry’s top honour — Gambling Online Magazine’s Top Casino Software Award — for the fourth consecutive year. The agreement and the award solidify the company’s position as the Internet gaming industry’s leading creator of branded games.


Big brands expected to drive revenue growth


Under the licensing agreement, CryptoLogic will create games featuring legendary characters such as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and the Flash. These heroes have provided the inspiration for movies, television shows, and even Broadway musicals, and are universally recognized by fans all over the world.


Targeted for an adult audience, CryptoLogic’s existing games featuring superhero characters have proven highly popular with Internet gaming operators and their players, generating significant licensing revenue for CryptoLogic.


“CryptoLogic leads the way in bringing the world’s biggest entertainment brands to the world’s best Internet casinos — and there are few brands bigger than the DC Super Heroes,” said Brian Hadfield, CryptoLogic’s President and CEO. “It’s all about doing what we do best: branded games are the fastest-growing part of our business, and we expect these and other games will help drive CryptoLogic’s revenue growth for years to come.”


CryptoLogic wins Top Casino Software Award for fourth consecutive year

CryptoLogic’s leadership in branded games has also catapulted the company to Gambling Online Magazine’s Top Casino Software Award for the fourth consecutive year. Based on the votes of thousands of readers, players and website visitors around the world, this award is recognized as the industry’s top honour.

CryptoLogic also earned two other major awards: the Best Software Award from Casinomeister.com, a site that provides information and news on online gambling, online casinos, player issues and industry events; and the Best New Slot Game of the Year Award from AllonlineSlots.com for CryptoLogic’s King Kong slot game.




TEL (353)1234.0400







“At CryptoLogic, we’re proud to have earned such confidence from players, and from a growing list of top-tier entertainment brands,” said Justin Thouin, CryptoLogic’s Vice President, Product Management and Business Development. “These new games and new awards validate CryptoLogic’s strategy to offer the most innovative casino software and branded games on the Internet.”


About CryptoLogic® (www.cryptologic.com)

Focused on integrity and innovation, CryptoLogic Limited is a world-leading public developer and supplier of Internet gaming software. Its leadership in regulatory compliance makes it one of the very few companies with gaming software that is certified to strict standards similar to land-based gaming. WagerLogic® Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CryptoLogic, is responsible for the licensing of its gaming software and services to blue-chip customers who offer their games to non-U.S. players around the world. For information on WagerLogic, please visit www.wagerlogic.com.


CryptoLogic’s common shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange (CRY, CXY), the NASDAQ Global Select Market (CRYP) and the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange (CRP).


About DC Comics


DC Comics, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company, is the largest English-language publisher of comics in the world and home to such iconic characters as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and the Sandman. These DC Super Heroes and others have starred in comic books, movies, television series (both animated and live-action) and cyberspace, thrilling audiences of all ages for generations. DC Comics’ Web site is located at www.dccomics.com.


Batman, Superman, DC Super Heroes and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and (c) DC Comics.



For more information, please contact:

CryptoLogic, 353 (0) 1 234 0415

Argyle Communications, (416) 968-7311

(North American and gaming industry media)

Stephen Taylor, Chief Financial Officer

Kyla Thoms, ext. 237



Daniel Tisch, ext 223



Corfin Communications

(UK media only)


Neil Thapar, +44 207 977 0020


Harry Chathli or Alexis Gore, +44 207 977 0020



Statements in this news release which are not historical are forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Investors are cautioned that all forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties including, without limitation, risks associated with the company’s financial condition and prospects, legal risks associated with Internet gaming and risks of governmental legislation and regulation, risks associated with market acceptance and technological changes, risks associated with dependence on licensees and key licensees, risks relating to international operations, risks associated with competition and other risks detailed in the Company’s filings with securities regulatory authorities. These risks may cause results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements.