EX-99.01 2 barclapresentation.htm BARCLAY PRESENTATION barclapresentation.htm
Barclays Capital
Global Financial Services Conference
15 September 2009 ■ New York

Forward-Looking Statements
This presentation contains statements that relate to the projected performance of
Zions Bancorporation and elements of or affecting such performance, including
statements with respect to the beliefs, plans, objectives, goals, guidelines,
expectations, anticipations and estimates of management. These statements
constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of the Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act. Actual facts, determinations, results or achievements may
differ materially from the statements provided in this presentation since such
statements involve significant known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Factors
that might cause such differences include, but are not limited to: competitive
pressures among financial institutions; economic, market and business conditions,
either nationally or locally in areas in which Zions Bancorporation conducts its
operations, being less favorable than expected; changes in the interest rate
environment reducing expected interest margins; changes in debt, equity and
securities markets; adverse legislation or regulatory changes; and other factors
described in Zions Bancorporation’s most recent annual and quarterly reports. In
addition, the statements contained in this presentation are based on facts and
circumstances as understood by management of the company on the date of this
presentation, which may change in the future. Zions Bancorporation disclaims any
obligation to update any statements or to publicly announce the result of any
revisions to any of the forward-looking statements included herein to reflect future
events, developments, determinations or understandings.

A Collection of Great Banks

 Annual pretax, pre-provision earnings of ~$950 mm-to-
  NIM: 4.09%, ranked #2 of regional banks/peers.
  One quarter of deposits are non-interest bearing (rank: #3 of peers)
 Strong allowance for credit loss: 3.2% of loans
 Tier 1 Common / Risk-weighted assets: $1.1 billion in
 excess of 4%.
 Successfully won bids on four FDIC assisted
*Peer group includes U.S. regional banks with assets greater than $20 billion and
less than $200 billion plus footprint competitors WFC and USB.
Zions’ Strengths

 Rising NPAs, to 4.7% of loans from 4.0% in prior
  Total delinquent + NPA was up 4%, decelerating sharply from the prior
 quarter rate
 YTD net charge-off rate of 2.4%
 Continued securities impairments (OTTI), primarily on
 bank/insurance CDOs - $42.0 million in 2Q
Zions’ Challenges

Footprint Population Growth Estimates from SNL Financial (2009-2014)
Our Growth Engine

Key Drivers Going Forward
 Net Interest Margin
 Credit Quality
 Securities Portfolio
Outlook Summary

Source: SNL
Source: SNL
Note: Peer group includes U.S. regional banks with assets greater than $20 billion
and less than $200 billion plus footprint competitors WFC and USB.
Net Interest Margin
(Regional Bank Peers)

Note: Peer group includes U.S. regional banks with assets greater than $20 billion
and less than $200 billion plus footprint competitors WFC and USB.
Source: SNL

 Continued strength in DDA balances, strong yields on new
 loan production
 Further reducing negative spread assets - $500 million to $1
 billion, or about 1%-2% of earning assets.
 As discussed on earnings call, 3Q NIM likely to experience
 pressure due to capital actions
  Swap gain amortization eliminated (was about 7 bps in 2Q09 NIM)
  Introduction of discount accretion (interest expense) from sub debt
 tender - about $380 million total over about six years; approximately
 $60 million per year, or 12-13 bps of pressure, beginning in 3Q09.
 Accelerated discount accretion from sub debt tender if/when
 bondholders exercise option to convert to preferred stock -
 NIM effect likely volatile, using Form 8-k to provide
 transparency on issue.
NIM Moving Pieces

 Fixed-rate loans:
  25% of portfolio
  Duration of about 1.1 years
 Variable-rate loans:
  75% of portfolio
  Continual reduction of interest rate swaps (increasing asset
 22% of total loans have floors that are in-the-money
 Non-interest bearing deposits to earning assets is 22%
 (rank #1 among peers; peer median 16%)
Peer data source: SNL
Note: Peer group includes U.S. regional banks with assets greater than $20 billion
and less than $200 billion plus footprint competitors WFC and USB.
Asset Sensitivity


Key Drivers Going Forward
 Net Interest Margin
 Credit Quality
 Securities Portfolio
Outlook Summary

Loan Portfolio Composition

CRE Portfolio Change Summary
(Dollar Change from 4Q07 to 2Q09 in billions)

Loan Portfolio Performance

Loan Portfolio Performance

Zions NPA/Asset ratio excludes FDIC-supported assets
Note: Peer group defined as U.S. bank holding companies with assets > $10 billion.
Peer data source: SNL
Note: Zions’ ratio excludes FDIC-supported assets
NPAs as a % of Total Assets
(Large Bank Peers)

Note: Zions’ ratio excludes FDIC-supported assets
Delinquency Trends
(Large Bank Peers)

Note: Peer group defined as U.S. bank holding companies with assets > $10 billion.
Peer data source: SNL
Note: Zions’ ratio excludes FDIC-supported assets
NPAs & Delinquency Trends
(Large Bank Peers)

Note: Peer group defined as U.S. bank holding companies with assets > $10 billion.
Peer data source: SNL; 2Q09 peer data estimated from SNL & financial releases

Credit Performance Summary
Compared to Large Banks, Zions has
  Larger, secured commercial portfolio
  Smaller, high performing consumer
 Results in
  Higher Non Performing Assets, but
  Lower net charge-offs

Note: Peer group includes U.S. regional banks with assets greater than $20 billion and less than $200 billion plus
footprint competitors WFC and USB. Source: SNL
*The C&I Loans category excludes the impact of Flying J. This $47.5 million loan was charged-off in 2Q09, but
ZION anticipates a substantial recovery on this loan in 2010.
Percentage of Zions
Total Loans
Net Charge Offs
(Regional Bank Peers)

Note: Peer group includes U.S. regional banks with assets greater than $20 billion and
less than $200 billion plus footprint competitors WFC and USB.
Source: SNL
Reserves & Net Charge Offs
(Regional Bank Peers)

Credit Quality
 Weakness in residential construction activity
 and land values in the Southwest expected to
 persist through 2009
 Credit problems spreading to other geographies
 and loan categories as economy weakens
 Continued elevated levels of NPAs, provisions
 and net losses
 Continued ALLL build likely in 3Q and 4Q09,
 but declining compared to 2Q

Key Drivers Going Forward
 Net Interest Margin
 Credit Quality
 Securities Portfolio
Outlook Summary

Bank & Ins. Trup CDOs 3% of Assets

 Credit-related OTTI losses $42.0 million in 2Q09
 Noncredit-related OTTI on securities of $29.5 million in
 2Q09 recognized in OCI
 Future near-term OTTI losses likely stable
  Driven by bank deferrals, defaults, and expected probabilities of
 default (PDs)
  Non-investment grade securities with OTTI or that are PIKing
 (payment in kind): $374 million remaining value not in OCI
  If all these securities were written to zero, Zions would incur an
 adverse impact to TCE of approximately $240 million
Investment Securities Performance 2Q09

Key Drivers Going Forward
 Net Interest Margin
 Credit Quality
 Securities Portfolio
Outlook Summary



Tangible Common Equity
Tier 1 Risk Based
Total Risk Based
Capital Ratios

Outlook Summary
 Continued elevated levels of credit losses, loss
 provisions, and some reserve build in a weak
 Future OTTI losses likely stable, possibly
 Continued strong core net interest margin, but
 volatile due to capital actions
 Reduced dividend and asset levels will help
 preserve capital ratios

Outlook Summary
 Long-term outlook remains strong when
 economy begins to recover
  Best long-term growth markets
  Sustainable competitive advantage in
 operating model
  Superior risk-adjusted NIM through the
 business cycle

Barclays Capital
Global Financial Services Conference
15 September, 2009
New York


$ Per Share
Net Income To Common
Goodwill Impairment
Valuation Loss on Purchased
OTTI Impairment on Securities
Provisions For Credit Losses
Net Charge-offs
OREO Expense
Core Pretax Income (ex provision,
impairment, OREO exp, & non-recurring items)
*This includes purchases from Lockhart and re-purchased auction rate securities
Q2 2009 Earnings Highlights

Zions NPA/Asset ratio excludes FDIC-supported assets
NPAs as a % of Total Assets
(Regional Bank Peers)
Note: Peer group includes U.S. regional banks with assets greater than $20 billion and
less than $200 billion plus footprint competitors WFC and USB.
Source: SNL

90 + Days Delinquent Still Accruing / Total Net Loans
Delinquency Trends
(Regional Bank Peers)
Note: Peer group includes U.S. regional banks with assets greater than $20 billion and
less than $200 billion plus footprint competitors WFC and USB.
Source: SNL

NPAs + Greater than 90 Days Delinquent / Loans + OREO
Note: Peer group includes U.S. regional banks with assets greater than $20 billion and
less than $200 billion plus footprint competitors WFC and USB.
Source: SNL
NPAs & Delinquency Trends
(Regional Bank Peers)

Note: Peer group includes U.S. regional banks with assets greater than $20 billion and
less than $200 billion plus footprint competitors WFC and USB.
Source: SNL
Net Charge-offs as % of Loans*
(Regional Bank Peers)

CRE Portfolio Composition
Loans by Product Type and Location - 6/30/09

CRE Portfolio Change
(Dollar Change from 4Q07 to 2Q09 in $000s)