EX-2.4 3 exhibit02x4.htm EXHIBIT 2.4 exhibit02x4
Exhibit 2.4
This exhibit summarizes the material
provisions of ABB Ltd’s (the “Company”
or “ABB”) Articles of
Incorporation and the Swiss Code of
Obligations relating to the shares
of ABB Ltd, and ABB Ltd’s
Amended and Restated Deposit Agreement
dated May 7, 2001 (the “Deposit
Agreement”). The
description is only a summary and
is qualified in its entirety by
ABB Ltd’s Articles of Incorporation,
ABB Ltd’s filings with the commercial register
of the Canton of Zurich (Switzerland)
and Swiss statutory
Registration and Business Purpose
ABB Ltd was registered as a corporation
) in the commercial register of
Canton of Zurich (Switzerland) on
March 5, 1999, under the name
of “New ABB Ltd” and its
name was
subsequently changed to “ABB Ltd”.
Our Shares
ABB Ltd’s shares are registered shares
) with a par value of CHF 0.12 each.
ordinary share capital (including
treasury shares) as registered with the Commercial
Register amounts to
CHF 225,840,309.00, divided into 1,882,002,575
fully paid registered shares
with a par value of CHF 0.12
per share.
The shares are fully paid and
non-assessable. The shares rank
pari passu in all respects with
each other, including in respect of entitlements
to dividends, to a share of the liquidation
proceeds in the
case of a liquidation of ABB Ltd, to
advance subscription rights and
to pre-emptive rights.
Each share carries one vote in ABB
Ltd’s general meeting of shareholders.
Voting rights may be
exercised only after a shareholder
has been recorded in ABB Ltd’s share register
) as a
shareholder with voting rights, or with
Euroclear Sweden AB in Sweden, which
maintains a subregister of
ABB Ltd’s share register. Euroclear Sweden AB is an authorized
central securities depository under
Swedish Act on Registration of
Financial Instruments and carries
out, among other things, the duties
registrar for Swedish companies
listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm
Exchange. Registration with
voting rights is subject to the restrictions
described in “Transfer of Shares”.
The shares are not issued in certificated
form and are held in
collective custody at SIX SIS AG.
Shareholders do not have the right
to request printing and delivery
of share certificates (
), but may at any time request
ABB Ltd to issue a confirmation
of the number of registered
shares held.
Right to vote
A shareholder may be represented
at the general meeting
of shareholders by the independent
proxy elected by the shareholders
unabhängiger Stimmrechtsvertreter
), its legal representative or, by
means of a written proxy, any other proxy who need not
be a shareholder. If the Company does not have
an independent proxy, the Board of Directors shall
appoint the independent
proxy for the next general
meeting of shareholders. All shares held
by one shareholder
may be represented by one representative
For practical reasons shareholders
must be registered in the share register
no later than 6
business days before the general
meeting of shareholders in
order to be entitled to vote.
Except for the
cases described under “Transfer of Shares” below, there are
no voting rights restrictions limiting
shareholders’ rights.
There is no provision in ABB Ltd’s Articles
of Incorporation requiring
a quorum for the holding of
general meetings
of shareholders.
Unless otherwise required
by law or the Company’s Articles of Incorporation,
the general meeting
of shareholders shall pass resolutions
and decide elections upon
a majority of the votes represented.
A resolution passed with a qualified
majority (at least two thirds) of
the shares represented and
majority of the par value of shares
represented at a general
meeting of shareholders is, in particular,
required for:
a modification of the purpose of ABB
the creation of shares with increased
voting powers,
restrictions on the transfer of registered
shares and the removal of
those restrictions,
restrictions on the exercise of the right
to vote and the removal of those restrictions,
the introduction of conditional share
capital or the introduction
of a capital band,
an increase in share capital through
the conversion of capital
surplus, through an in-kind
contribution or by set-off against a claim, and
a grant of special benefits,
the restriction or denial of pre-emptive
a transfer of ABB Ltd’s place of incorporation,
the combination of shares, if not the
consent of all affected shareholders
is required,
the change of currency of the share
the introduction of the casting vote
of the presiding officer in the general
meeting of
the delisting of ABB Ltd’s equity securities,
the introduction of an arbitration
clause in the Articles of Incorporation,
ABB Ltd’s dissolution.
Shareholders’ dividend rights
The unconsolidated statutory financial
statements of ABB Ltd are prepared
in accordance with
Swiss law. Based on these financial statements,
dividends may be paid only
if ABB Ltd has sufficient
distributable profits from previous
years or sufficient free reserves to allow
the distribution of a dividend.
Swiss law requires that ABB Ltd retain
at least 5 percent of its annual
net profits as legal reserves until
these reserves amount to at least 20
percent of ABB Ltd’s share capital.
Any net profits remaining in
excess of those reserves are at
the disposal of the general
meeting of shareholders.
Under Swiss law, ABB Ltd may only pay out a dividend
if it has been proposed by a shareholder
or the Board of Directors and approved
at a general meeting of shareholders,
and the auditors confirm
that the dividend conforms to statutory
law and ABB’s Articles of Incorporation.
In practice, the general
meeting of shareholders usually
approves dividends as proposed
by the Board of Directors.
Dividends are usually due
and payable no earlier than two trading
days after the shareholders’
resolution and the ex
date for dividends is normally
two trading days after the shareholders’
approving the dividend. Dividends
are paid out to the holders that are registered
on the record date.
Euroclear administers the payment
of those shares registered
with it. Under Swiss law, dividends not
collected within five years after
the due date accrue to ABB Ltd
and are allocated to its profit reserves.
ABB Ltd pays cash dividends, if any, in Swiss francs (subject
to the exception for certain shareholders
Sweden described below),
exchange rate fluctuations will
affect the US dollar amounts received by
holders of ADSs upon conversion of
those cash dividends from
Swiss francs.
For shareholders who are residents
of Sweden, ABB has established
a dividend access facility
(for up to 600,004,716 shares).
With respect to any annual
dividend payment for which this facility
is made
available, shareholders who
register with Euroclear may elect to
receive the dividend from ABB
Holding AB in Swedish krona
(in an amount equivalent to the dividend
paid in Swiss francs) without
deduction of Swiss withholding
tax. For further information
on the dividend access facility, see ABB’s
Articles of Incorporation.
Transfer of Shares
The transfer of shares is effected by a corresponding
entry in the books of a bank or depository
institution. An acquirer of shares
must file a share registration form
in order to be registered in ABB
share register as a shareholder
with voting rights. Failing such registration,
the acquirer will not be able to
participate in or vote at general meetings
of shareholders,
but will be entitled to dividends,
and advanced subscription
rights, and liquidation proceeds.
An acquirer of shares will be recorded
in ABB Ltd’s share register with voting
rights upon
disclosure of its name and address.
However, ABB Ltd may decline a registration
with voting rights if the
shareholder does not declare
that it has acquired the shares
in its own name and for its own
account, that
there is no agreement on the redemption
of the relevant shares and
that it bears the economic risk
associated with the shares.
If the shareholder refuses to
make such declarations, it will be
registered as a
shareholder without voting rights. A
person failing to expressly declare
in its registration application
that it
holds the shares for its own account
(a nominee) will be entered in
the share register with voting rights,
provided that such nominee has entered
into an agreement with ABB
concerning its status, and
provided that the nominee is subject
to recognized bank or financial
market supervision.
After having given the registered
shareholder or nominee
the right to be heard, the Board of
Directors may cancel registrations
in the share register retroactively
to the date of registration
if such
registrations were made on the basis
of incorrect information. The
relevant shareholder or nominee
will be
informed promptly as to the cancellation.
The Board of Directors will oversee
the details and issue the
instructions necessary for compliance
with the preceding regulations.
In special cases, it may grant
exemptions from the rule concerning
Acquirers of registered shares who
have chosen to have their shares
registered in the share
register with Euroclear Sweden AB
are not requested to file a share
registration form or declare
that they
have acquired the shares in their own
name and for their own
account in order to be registered
as a
shareholder with voting rights. However, in order
to be entitled to vote at a general meeting
shareholders those acquirers
need to be entered in the Euroclear
Sweden AB share register in their
name no later than six business
days prior to the meeting. Holders
of such shares are also able to attend
general meetings of shareholders.
Uncertificated shares registered
with Euroclear Sweden AB may
pledged in accordance
with Swedish law.
Except as described in this subsection,
neither the Swiss Code of
Obligations nor ABB Ltd’s
Articles of Incorporation limit any
right to own ABB Ltd’s shares, or any
rights of non-resident or foreign
shareholders to exercise voting rights
of ABB Ltd’s shares.
Pre-emptive Rights
Shareholders of a Swiss corporation
have certain pre-emptive rights
to subscribe for new shares
issued in connection with capital
increases in proportion to the nominal
amount of their shares held.
resolution adopted at a general
meeting of shareholders with a supermajority
of two-thirds of the shares
represented may, however, repeal, limit or suspend (or authorize
the board of directors to repeal,
limit or
suspend) pre-emptive rights for cause.
Cause includes an acquisition
of a business or a part thereof, an
acquisition of a participation in
a company or the grant of shares to
employees. In addition, based
Article 4bis para. 1 and para. 4 of
ABB Ltd’s Articles of Incorporation,
pre-emptive rights of the
shareholders are excluded
in connection with the issuance of convertible
or warrant-bearing bonds
other financial market instruments,
shares to employees of ABB issued
out of ABB Ltd’s contingent share
capital or the grant of warrant rights
to shareholders, or may be restricted
or denied by the Board of
Directors of ABB Ltd under certain circumstances
in connection with the issuance
of shares under the
Company’s capital band as set forth in Article
4ter of ABB Ltd’s Articles of Incorporation.
Advance Subscription Rights
Shareholders of a Swiss corporation
may have an advance
subscription right with respect to
bonds and other instruments issued in
connection with options
or conversion rights for shares if
option or conversion rights are based
on the corporation’s conditional
capital. However, the general
meeting of shareholders can, with a
supermajority of two-thirds of
the shares represented at the
exclude or restrict (or authorize
the board of directors to exclude
or restrict) such advance subscription
rights for cause.
Repurchase of Shares
Swiss law limits a corporation’s ability
to repurchase or hold its own shares.
ABB Ltd and its
subsidiaries may only repurchase
shares if ABB Ltd has sufficient freely distributable
reserves to pay the
purchase price, and the aggregate
nominal value of such shares
does not exceed 10 percent of ABB
total share capital. Furthermore, ABB
Ltd must create a special
reserve on its balance sheet in
the amount
of the purchase price of the acquired
shares. Such shares held by ABB Ltd or
its subsidiaries do not carry
any rights to vote at general meetings
of shareholders, but are entitled
to the economic benefits applicable
to the shares generally and
are considered to be “outstanding”
under Swiss law.
Written communication by ABB Ltd to its shareholders
will be sent by ordinary mail to
shareholder’s or authorized delivery
agent’s last registered contact information in
the share register. To
the extent that personal notification is
not mandated by law, all communications
to the shareholders are
validly made by publication
in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce
). To
the extent required by the listing
rules of the capital markets where
ABB Ltd’s
shares are listed,
notices will be published
in accordance with the rules of those
All such
shareholder notices will
also be published on ABB’s website.
Duration, Liquidation and Merger
The duration of ABB Ltd as a legal
entity is unlimited. It may be dissolved
at any time by a
resolution which must be approved
by a supermajority of two-thirds of
the shares
represented at the general meeting
of shareholders (this supermajority
requirement applies in the event
a dissolution by way of liquidation
or a merger where ABB Ltd is not
the surviving entity). Dissolution
court order is possible if it becomes bankrupt
or if holders of at least 10 percent
of its share capital
registered in the commercial register
can establish cause for dissolution.
Under Swiss law, any surplus arising out of a liquidation
of a corporation (after the settlement
all claims of all creditors) is distributed
to the shareholders in proportion
to the paid-up par value of shares
held, but this surplus is subject
to Swiss withholding tax of 35 percent.
Disclosure of Major Shareholders
Under the Swiss Financial Market Infrastructure
Act, shareholders
and groups of shareholders
acting in concert who directly or indirectly
acquire or sell shares of a listed
Swiss corporation or rights
based thereon and thereby reach, exceed
or fall below the thresholds
of 3 percent, 5 percent, 10 percent,
15 percent, 20 percent, 25 percent,
percent, 50 percent or 66
percent of the voting
rights of the
corporation must notify the corporation
and the exchange(s) in Switzerland
on which such shares are
listed of such holdings in writing
within four trading days, whether
or not the voting rights
can be
exercised. Following receipt of such a
notification, the corporation
must inform the public within two
trading days.
An additional disclosure
requirement exists under the Swiss
Code of Obligations, according
which ABB Ltd must disclose individual
shareholders and groups of shareholders
acting in concert and
their shareholdings if they hold
more than 5 percent of all
voting rights and ABB Ltd knows or has
to know of such major shareholders.
Such disclosures must be
made once a year in the notes
to the
financial statements as published
in its annual report.
Mandatory Offering Rules
Under the Swiss Financial Market Infrastructure
Act, shareholders
and groups of shareholders
acting in concert who acquire more
than 33
percent of the voting
rights (whether exercisable or not)
of a
listed Swiss company have to submit
a takeover bid to all remaining
shareholders unless the articles of
incorporation of the company provide
for an alteration of this obligation.
ABB Ltd’s Articles of Incorporation
do not provide for any alterations
of the acquiror’s
obligations under the Swiss
Financial Market
Infrastructure Act. The mandatory offer obligation
may be waived under certain
circumstances, for
example if another shareholder
owns a higher percentage of voting
rights than the acquiror. A waiver from
the mandatory bid rules may be granted
by the Swiss Takeover Board. If no waiver is granted, the
mandatory takeover bid must be
made pursuant to the procedural
rules set forth in the Swiss Financial
Market Infrastructure Act and the implementing
Other than the rules discussed in
this section and in the section
above entitled “—Duration,
Liquidation and Merger” and as disclosed
from time to time in our Annual
Report on Form 20-F with
respect to general meetings of shareholders
(which reflect mandatory provisions
of Swiss law), no
provision of ABB Ltd’s Articles of Incorporation
would operate only with respect
to a merger, acquisition or
corporate restructuring of ABB (or
any of its subsidiaries) and have
the effect of delaying, deferring or
preventing a change in control
of ABB.
Cancellation of Remaining Equity
Under Swiss law, any offeror who has made a tender offer
for the shares of a Swiss target
company and who, as a result of
such offer, holds more than 98 percent of the voting
rights of the target
company, may petition the court to cancel the remaining
equity securities. The corresponding
must be filed against the target company
within three months after
the lapse of the offer period. The
remaining shareholders may
join in the proceedings. If the court orders
cancellation of the remaining
equity securities, the target company
will reissue the equity securities
and deliver such securities
to the
offeror against performance of the offer for
the benefit
of the holders of the cancelled equity
Revision of Swiss Corporate Law
Swiss corporate law has been revised,
effective as of January 1, 2023. The
main objectives of the
revision were to strengthen shareholder
rights, improve corporate governance
and modernize corporate
law in general. Swiss corporations
are required to amend their
articles of incorporation and other
organizational regulations, as applicable,
for compliance with the new law by
the end of 2024 at the latest.
The shareholders of ABB Ltd approved
the necessary changes to ABB’s Articles of
Incorporation as
proposed by the Board of Directors at
ABB’s Annual General Meeting
in March 2023.
American Depositary Shares
American Depositary Shares
The Company’s American Depositary
Shares (each representing
one registered share of ABB
Ltd) are referred to as “ADSs”. Citibank,
N.A. is the depositary bank
(the “Depositary”) of the Company’s
ADS program and its principal
executive office is 388 Greenwich Street, New
York, New York
Voting the Deposited Securities
Holders generally have
the right under the Deposit Agreement
to instruct the Depositary
to vote
the number of deposited shares
represented by their ADSs. At
the Company’s request, the Depositary will
distribute to holders as of a specified
record date a notice of meeting
or solicitation of consent
or proxies
together with information explaining
how to instruct the Depositary to exercise
the voting rights of the
shares represented by ADSs. Upon
the timely receipt of voting instructions
from a holder of ADSs as of
the specified record date in the manner
specified by the Depositary, the Depositary must
insofar as practicable and permitted under
applicable law and
the provisions of the Articles of
Incorporation of the Company and
the provisions of the shares,
to vote, or cause Citibank, N.A. – Zurich
(the “Custodian”) to vote, the shares
represented by such holder’s
ADSs in accordance with such
If the Depositary timely receives voting
instructions from a holder
that fail to specify the manner
which the Depositary is to vote
the shares represented by such holder’s
ADSs, the Depositary will deem
such holder (unless otherwise
specified in the notice distributed
to holders) to have instructed
Depositary to vote in favor of
the proposals of the Board
of Directors in respect of the items
set forth on
the agenda for the relevant meeting.
Shares represented
by ADSs for which no timely voting
are received by the Depositary
from the holder will not
be voted. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
if the
Depositary receives a request
from the Company less than
30 days but at least 10 days prior
to a meeting
or proxy or consent solicitation,
the Depositary, subject to certain conditions, must distribute
to holders as
of the specified record date an information
statement which describes
for such holders the matters
to be
voted on at such meeting. Under
these circumstances, the Depositary
will not be responsible for the
inability of any holder to exercise its
right to vote.
Distributions of Cash
Whenever the Depositary receives
confirmation from the Custodian
of receipt of any cash
dividend or other cash distribution
on any shares, or receives
proceeds from the sale of any shares
or of
any entitlements held in respect
of shares under the terms of the Deposit
Agreement, the Depositary
arrange for the funds to be converted
into U.S. dollars and for the distribution
of the U.S. dollars to holders
entitled thereof as of a specified record
date in proportion to the number
of ADSs held as of such record
date. The distribution of cash will be
made net of the fees, expenses,
taxes and governmental charges
payable by holders under
the terms of the Deposit Agreement.
The Depositary must distribute
only such
amount, however, as can be distributed without attributing
to any holder a fraction of one cent, and
balance not so distributable must be held
by the Depositary (without
liability for interest thereon)
and must
be added to and become part of the
next sum received
by the Depositary for distribution to holders
ADSs then outstanding at the time of
the next distribution. Alternatively, the funds that
the Depositary
holds must be escheated as unclaimed
property in accordance with
applicable law.
Distributions of Shares
If any distribution upon any deposited
shares consists of a dividend
in, or free distribution of,
shares, the Company must cause
such shares to be deposited
with the Custodian and registered, as
case may be, in the name of the
Depositary, the Custodian or their respective nominees.
Upon receipt of
confirmation of such deposit from
the Custodian, the Depositary
must, subject to and in accordance
the Deposit Agreement, distribute
to the holders as of a specified
record date in proportion to the number
of ADSs held as of such date, additional
ADSs, which represent in aggregate
the number of shares
received as such dividend, or free distribution,
subject to the terms of the Deposit
Agreement. If additional
ADSs are not so distributed, each
ADS issued and outstanding
after the specified record date must,
to the
extent permissible by law, also represent the additional
integral number of shares distributed
upon the
shares represented thereby.
The distribution of shares or the
modification of the ADS-to-share
ratio upon a distribution
shares will be made net of fees,
expenses, taxes and governmental
charges payable by holders
under the
terms of the Deposit Agreement.
Only whole new ADSs
will be distributed. Fractional
entitlements will be
sold and the proceeds of such sale
will be distributed as in the case
of a cash distribution.
Elective Distributions in Cash or
Whenever the Company intends
to distribute a dividend payable
at the election of the holders
either in cash or in additional
shares, the Company must give
prior notice thereof to the Depositary
will indicate whether the Company
wishes the elective distribution
to be made available to holders
ADSs. In such case, the Company
will assist the Depositary
in determining whether such distribution
lawful and reasonably practicable
and the means by which such elective
distribution can be made
available. The Depositary will
make the election available
to the holders only if it is reasonably
and the Company has provided
all documentation contemplated
in the Deposit Agreement. In such
the Depositary will establish procedures
to enable the holders to elect to
receive either cash or additional
ADSs, in each case as described in
the Deposit Agreement.
Distribution of Rights to Purchase Additional
Whenever the Company intends
to distribute to holders rights to subscribe
for additional shares,
the Company must promptly give notice
thereof to the Depositary
stating whether or not it wishes
rights to be made available
to holders of ADSs. Upon the timely receipt
of the Company's notice indicating
that the Company wishes such rights
to be made available
to holders of ADSs, the Depositary must
consult with the Company to determine,
and the Company must assist
the Depositary in its determination,
whether it is lawful and reasonably
practicable to make such
rights available to the holders and
the means
of making such rights available
to the holders. The Depositary will
establish procedures to distribute rights
to purchase additional ADSs to holders
to exercise such rights if it is lawful and
reasonably practicable to
make the rights available
to holders of ADSs, and if the Company
provides all of the documentation
contemplated in the Deposit Agreement
(such as opinions to address
the lawfulness of the transaction).
Holders may have to pay fees, expenses,
taxes and other governmental
charges to subscribe for the new
ADSs upon the exercise of the holders’
rights. The Depositary is not obligated
to establish procedures to
facilitate the distribution and exercise
by holders of rights to
purchase shares other than in
the form of
ADSs. The Depositary will not distribute
rights to a holder if the Company
does not timely request that
rights be distributed to the holder
or the Company requests that the
rights not be distributed to the holder;
or if the Company fails to deliver
satisfactory documents to the Depositary, or it is not reasonably
practicable to distribute the rights.
The Depositary will sell the
rights that are not exercised or not
distributed if such sale is lawful and
reasonably practicable. The proceeds
of such sale will be distributed
to holders as in the case of a cash distribution.
If the Depositary is unable
to sell the rights, it will allow
rights to lapse.
Notices and Reports
The Depositary will, at the expense
of the Company, make available a copy of any notices,
reports or communications issued
by the Company and delivered
to the Depositary for inspection by
holders of the receipts evidencing
the ADSs representing such shares governed
by such provisions at the
Depositary's principal office, at the office of
the Custodian and at any other designated
transfer office.
Changes Affecting Deposited Securities
The shares held on deposit for holders’
ADSs may change from time
to time. For
example, there may be a change
in nominal or par value, split-up,
cancellation, consolidation
or any other
reclassification of such shares or a recapitalization,
reorganization, merger, consolidation
or sale of assets
of the Company. If any such change were to occur, the holders’
ADSs would, to the extent permitted by
law, represent the right to receive the property received
or exchanged in respect of the shares
held on
deposit. The Depositary may in such
circumstances deliver new
ADSs to the holders, amend the Deposit
Agreement, the receipts, and the applicable
registration statement(s) on Form
F-6, call for the exchange
of the holders’ existing ADSs for new
ADSs and take any other actions
that are appropriate to reflect as
the ADSs the change affecting the shares.
If the Depositary may not lawfully
distribute such property
the holders, the Depositary may sell
such property and distribute
the net proceeds to the holders
as in the
case of a cash distribution.
Amendment or Termination of Deposit Agreement
The Company may agree with the Depositary
to modify the Deposit Agreement
without the prior
written consent of the holders or
beneficial owners. The Company
will give holders 30 days’
prior notice of
any modifications that would materially
prejudice any of their substantial rights
under the Deposit
Agreement. The Company does not
consider to be materially
prejudicial to the holders’ substantial
any modifications or supplements
that are reasonably necessary
for the ADSs to be registered
under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended
(the “Securities Act”) or to be
eligible for book-entry settlement,
each case, without imposing or increasing
the fees and charges holders
are required to pay. In addition,
the Company may not be able to provide
the holders with prior notice of any modifications
or supplements
that are required to accommodate compliance
with applicable
provisions of law. Holders will be bound by
modifications to the Deposit Agreement
if they continue to hold ADSs
after the modifications to the
Deposit Agreement become effective.
The Deposit Agreement
cannot be amended to prevent
a holder
from withdrawing the shares represented
by its ADSs (except as permitted
by law). The Company has
right to direct the Depositary to
terminate the Deposit Agreement.
Similarly, the Depositary may in certain
circumstances on its own initiative
terminate the Deposit Agreement.
In either case, the Depositary
give notice to the holders at least 30 days
before termination. Until
termination, the holders’ rights under
the Deposit Agreement will be unaffected.
After termination, the Depositary will
continue to collect dividends
and other distributions
received (but will not distribute any such
property until holders request
the cancellation of their ADSs) and
may sell the securities held on
deposit. After the sale, the
Depositary will hold the proceeds
from such
sale and any other funds then held
for the holders of ADSs in a non-interest
bearing account. At that
the Depositary will have no further
obligations to holders other than
to account for the funds then held
the holders of ADSs still outstanding
(after deduction of applicable
fees, taxes and expenses).
Inspection of Books and Records
The Depositary (or any bank or
trust company appointed by the Depository
in accordance with the
Deposit Agreement, the “registrar”)
must keep books for the registration
of issuances and transfers of
receipts, which at all reasonable
times must be open for inspection
by the Company and by the holders
such receipts, provided that such inspection
must not be, to the registrar’s
knowledge, for the purpose of
communicating with holders of such
receipts in the interest of
a business or object other than
the business
of the Company or other than a matter
related to the Deposit Agreement
or the receipts. The registrar
close the transfer books with respect
to the receipts, at any time or
from time to time, when deemed
necessary or advisable by it in good
faith in connection with the performance
of its duties under the
Deposit Agreement, or at the reasonable
written request of the Company
subject, in all cases, to the
of the Deposit Agreement.
Combination and Split Up of Receipts
Holders will be entitled to transfer, combine or split
up receipts and the shares evidenced
For transfers of receipts, holders
will have to surrender the receipt
to be transferred to the Depositary
also must:
ensure that the surrendered receipt
is properly endorsed or otherwise
in proper form for
provide such proof of identity and
genuineness of signatures as
the Depositary deems
provide any transfer stamps required
by the State of New York or the United States; and
pay all applicable fees, charges,
expenses, taxes and other
government charges payable
holders pursuant to the terms of
the Deposit Agreement, upon the
transfer of receipts.
have receipts either combined
or split up, holders must surrender
the receipts in question to
the Depositary with a request to
have them combined or split up, and
must pay all applicable
charges and expenses payable
by receipt holders, pursuant to the
terms of the Deposit Agreement,
a combination or split up of receipts.
Withdrawal of Shares Upon Cancellation
of ADSs
Holders are entitled to present
ADSs to the Depositary
for cancellation and then receive
corresponding number of underlying
shares at the Custodian's offices. A holder’s
ability to withdraw the
shares held in respect of the ADSs
may be limited by Swiss law considerations
applicable at the time of
withdrawal. In order to withdraw
the shares represented by ADSs,
a holder will be required
to pay to the
Depositary the fees for cancellation
of ADSs and any charges
and taxes payable upon the transfer
of the
shares. Holders assume the risk
for delivery of all funds and
securities upon withdrawal. Once
the ADSs will not have any rights under
the Deposit Agreement.
The Depositary may ask a holder
to provide proof of identity and genuineness
of any signature
and such other documents as the Depositary
may deem appropriate before
it will cancel ADSs. The
withdrawal of the shares represented
by the ADSs may be delayed
until the Depositary receives
satisfactory evidence of compliance
with all applicable laws and
regulations. The Depositary will
accept ADSs for cancellation
that represent a whole number
of securities on deposit.
A holder will have the right to withdraw
the securities represented by ADSs at
any time except as
a result of:
temporary delays that may arise
because (i) the transfer books for
the shares or ADSs are
closed, or (ii) shares are immobilized
on account of a shareholders'
meeting or a payment of
obligations to pay fees, taxes and similar
charges; and/or
restrictions imposed because of
laws or regulations applicable
to ADSs or the withdrawal of
securities on deposit.
Limitation on Liability
The Deposit Agreement limits the
Company’s obligations and the Depositary’s
obligations to
holders. Specifically:
The Company and the Depositary are
obligated only to take the actions
specifically stated in
the Deposit Agreement without negligence
or bad faith.
The Depositary disclaims any liability
for any failure to carry out voting
instructions, for any
manner in which a vote is cast or
for the effect of any vote, provided
it acts in good faith and in
accordance with the terms of the Deposit
The Depositary disclaims any liability
for any failure to determine
the lawfulness or practicality
of any action, for the content of any
document forwarded to holders
on the Company’s behalf
or for the accuracy of any translation
of such a document, for the investment
risks associated
with investing in shares, for the
validity or worth of the shares,
for any tax consequences
result from the ownership of ADSs,
for the credit-worthiness
of any third party, for allowing
any rights to lapse under the terms of
the Deposit Agreement, for the
timeliness of any of the
Company’s notices or for its failure to give
The Company and the Depositary will
not be obligated to perform
any act that is inconsistent
with the terms of the Deposit Agreement.
The Company and the Depositary disclaim
any liability if the Company or
the Depositary are
prevented or forbidden from or subject
to any civil or criminal penalty
or restraint on account
of, or delayed in, doing or performing
any act or thing required
by the terms of the Deposit
Agreement, by reason of any provision,
present or future of any law or
regulation of the United
States, Switzerland, or any other
country, or by reason of present or future provision of any
provision of the Company’s Articles of
Incorporation, or any provision
of or governing the
securities on deposit, or by reason
of any act of God or war or other
circumstances beyond
the Company’s control.
The Company and the Depositary disclaim
any liability by reason
of any exercise of, or failure
to exercise, any discretion provided
for in the Deposit Agreement
or in the Company’s Articles
of Incorporation or in any provisions
of or governing the securities on deposit.
The Company and the Depositary
further disclaim any liability
for any action or inaction in
reliance on the advice or information
received from legal counsel,
accountants, any person
presenting shares for deposit, any
holder of ADSs or authorized
representatives thereof, or
any other person believed by either
of us in good faith to be
competent to give such advice or
The Company and the Depositary also
disclaim liability for the inability
by a holder to benefit
from any distribution, offering, right or other
benefit that is made available
to holders of shares
but is not, under the terms of
the Deposit Agreement, made
available to holders of ADSs.
The Company and the Depositary
may rely without any liability
upon any written notice,
request or other document believed
to be genuine and to have been
signed or presented by
the proper parties.
The Company and the Depositary also
disclaim liability for any consequential
or punitive
damages for any breach of the
terms of the Deposit Agreement.
No disclaimer of any Securities
Act liability is intended by any
provision of the Deposit