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Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and Activities (Policies)
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2023
Accounting Policies [Abstract]  
Basis of Presentation

Basis of Presentation

The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its wholly owned subsidiary, Southern First Bank. In consolidation, all significant intercompany transactions have been eliminated. The accounting and reporting policies conform to accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. In accordance with guidance issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”), the operations of the Trusts have not been consolidated in these financial statements.

Business Segments

Business Segments

The Company, through the Bank, provides a broad range of financial services to individuals and companies in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia. These services include demand, time and savings deposits; lending services; ATM processing and mortgage banking services. While the Company’s management periodically reviews limited production information for these revenue streams, that information is not complete as it does not include a full allocation of revenue, costs and capital from key corporate functions. Management will continue to evaluate these lines of business for separate reporting as facts and circumstances change.  Accordingly, the Company’s various banking operations are not considered by management to constitute more than one reportable operating segment.

Use of Estimates

Use of Estimates

The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities as of the date of the consolidated financial statements and the reported amount of income and expenses during the reporting periods. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Material estimates that are particularly susceptible to significant change in the near term relate to the determination of the allowance for credit losses, derivatives, real estate acquired in settlement of loans, fair value of financial instruments, evaluating investment securities for credit impairment and valuation of deferred tax assets.

Risks and Uncertainties

Risks and Uncertainties

In the normal course of its business, the Company encounters two significant types of risks: economic and regulatory. There are three main components of economic risk: interest rate risk, credit risk and market risk. The Company is subject to interest rate risk to the degree that its interest-bearing liabilities mature or reprice at different speeds, or on different bases, than its interest-earning assets. Credit risk is the risk of default within the Company’s loan portfolio that results from borrowers’ inability or unwillingness to make contractually required payments. Market risk reflects changes in the value of collateral underlying loans receivable and the valuation of real estate held by the Company. There were three significant bank failures in the first five months of 2023, primarily due to the failed banks’ lack of liquidity as depositors sought to withdraw their deposits. Due to rising interest rates, the failed banks were unable to sell investment securities held to meet liquidity needs without realizing substantial losses. As a result of the recent bank failures and in an effort to strengthen public confidence in the banking system and protect depositors, regulators announced that any losses to the Deposit Insurance Fund to support uninsured depositors will be recovered by a special assessment on banks, as required by law, which has and could continue to increase the cost of our FDIC insurance assessments. The continued impact of these bank failures on the economy, financial institutions and their depositors, as well as any governmental regulatory responses or actions resulting from the same, is difficult to predict at this time.

The Company is subject to the regulations of various governmental agencies. These regulations can and do change significantly from period to period. The Company also undergoes periodic examinations by the regulatory agencies, which may subject it to changes with respect to valuation of assets, amount of required credit loss allowance and operating restrictions resulting from the regulators’ judgments based on information available to them at the time of their examinations.

The Bank makes loans to individuals and businesses in the Upstate, Midlands, and Lowcountry regions of South Carolina as well as the Triangle, Triad and Charlotte regions of North Carolina and Atlanta, Georgia for various personal and commercial purposes. The Bank’s loan portfolio has a concentration of real estate loans. As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, real estate loans represented 84.8% of total loans. However, borrowers’ ability to repay their loans is not dependent upon any specific economic sector.

As of December 31, 2023, the Company’s and the Bank’s capital ratios were in excess of all regulatory requirements. While management believes that we have sufficient capital to withstand an extended economic recession, our reported and regulatory capital ratios could be adversely impacted by future credit losses.

The Company maintains access to multiple sources of liquidity, including a $15.0 million holding company line of credit with another bank which could be used to support capital ratios at the subsidiary bank. As of December 31, 2023, the $15.0 million line was unused.

Subsequent Events

Subsequent Events

Subsequent events are events or transactions that occur after the balance sheet date but before financial statements are issued. Recognized subsequent events are events or transactions that provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the balance sheet, including the estimates inherent in the process of preparing financial statements. Non-recognized subsequent events are events that provide evidence about conditions that did not exist at the date of the balance sheet but arose after that date. Management performed an evaluation to determine whether there have been any subsequent events since the balance sheet date and determined that no subsequent events occurred requiring accrual or disclosure.



Certain amounts, previously reported, have been reclassified to state all periods on a comparable basis and had no effect on shareholders’ equity or net income.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents include cash and due from banks, interest bearing deposits and federal funds sold. Cash and cash equivalents have original maturities of three months or less, and federal funds sold are generally purchased and sold for one-day periods. Accordingly, the carrying value of these instruments is deemed to be a reasonable estimate of fair value. At December 31, 2023 and 2022, included in cash and cash equivalents was $5.1 million and $5.8 million, respectively, on deposit with the Federal Reserve Bank.

Investment Securities

Investment Securities

We classify our investment securities as held to maturity securities, trading securities and available for sale securities as applicable.

Investment securities are designated as held to maturity if we have the intent and the ability to hold the securities to maturity. Held to maturity securities are carried at amortized cost, adjusted for the amortization of any related premiums or the accretion of any related discounts into interest income using a methodology which approximates a level yield of interest over the estimated remaining period until maturity.

Investment securities that are purchased and held principally for the purpose of selling in the near term are reported as trading securities. Trading securities are carried at fair value with unrealized holding gains and losses included in earnings.

We classify investment securities as available for sale when at the time of purchase we determine that such securities may be sold at a future date or if we do not have the intent or ability to hold such securities to maturity. Securities designated as available for sale are recorded at fair value. Changes in the fair value of available for sale debt securities are included in shareholders’ equity as unrealized gains or losses, net of the related tax effect. Realized gains or losses on available for sale securities are computed on the specific identification basis.

Other Investments

Other Investments

Other investments include stock acquired for membership and regulatory purposes, such as Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta (“FHLB”) stock, investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries and other nonmarketable securities. FHLB stock is

generally pledged against any borrowings from the FHLB and cash dividends on our FHLB stock are recorded in investment income. Other nonmarketable securities consist of investments in funds related to the Small Business Investment Company (“SBIC”) and Rural Business Investment Company (“RBIC”) programs, as well as an investment in a South Carolina not-for-profit corporation. No ready market exists for these stocks and they have no quoted market value. As a result, these securities are carried at cost and are periodically evaluated for impairment.



Loans are stated at the principal balance outstanding. Unamortized net loan fees and the allowance for possible credit losses are deducted from total loans on the balance sheets. Interest income is recognized over the term of the loan based on the principal amount outstanding. The net of loan origination fees received and direct costs incurred in the origination of loans is deferred and amortized to interest income over the contractual life of the loans adjusted for actual principal prepayments using a method approximating the interest method.

Nonaccrual and Past Due Loans

Nonaccrual and Past Due Loans

Loans are generally placed on nonaccrual status when principal or interest becomes 90 days past due, or when payment in full is not anticipated. When a loan is placed on nonaccrual status, interest accrued but not received is generally reversed against interest income. Cash receipts on nonaccrual loans are not recorded as interest income, but are used to reduce the loan’s principal balance. A nonaccrual loan is generally returned to accrual status and accrual of interest is resumed when payments have been made according to the terms and conditions of the loan for a continuous six month period. Our loans are considered past due when contractually required principal or interest payments have not been made on the due dates.

Nonperforming Assets

Nonperforming Assets

Nonperforming assets include real estate acquired through foreclosure or deed taken in lieu of foreclosure, loans on nonaccrual status and loans past due 90 days or more and still accruing interest. Loans are placed on nonaccrual status when, in the opinion of management, the collection of additional interest is uncertain. Thereafter no interest is taken into income until such time as the borrower demonstrates the ability to pay both principal and interest.

Individually Evaluated Loans

Individually Evaluated Loans

Our individually evaluated loans include loans on nonaccrual status and certain loans modified to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty, whether on accrual or nonaccrual status. For loans that are classified as individually evaluated, an allowance is established when the fair value (discounted cash flows, collateral value, or observable market price) of the individually evaluated loan less costs to sell, are lower than the carrying value of that loan. A loan is considered individually evaluated when, based on current information and events, it is probable that the Company will be unable to collect the scheduled payments of principal or interest when due according to the contractual terms of the loan agreement. Factors considered by management in determining impairment include payment status, collateral value, and the probability of collecting scheduled principal and interest payments when due, among other factors. Loans that experience insignificant payment delays and payment shortfalls generally are not classified as individually evaluated. Management determines the significance of payment delays and payment shortfalls on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration all of the circumstances surrounding the loan and the borrower, including, without limitation, the length of the delay, the reasons for the delay, the borrower's prior payment record, and the amount of the shortfall in relation to the principal and interest owed. The allowance for credit loss is measured on a loan by loan basis for commercial and consumer loans by either the present value of expected future cash flows discounted at the loan's effective interest rate, the loan's obtainable market price, or the fair value of the collateral if the loan is collateral dependent.

Loan Charge-off Policy

Loan Charge-off Policy

For commercial loans, we generally fully charge off or charge collateralized loans down to net realizable value when management determines the loan to be uncollectible; repayment is deemed to be projected beyond reasonable time frames; the loan has been classified as a loss by either our internal loan review process or our banking regulatory agencies; the client has filed bankruptcy and the loss becomes evident owing to a lack of assets; or the loan is 120 days past due unless both well-secured and in the process of collection. For consumer loans, we generally charge down to net realizable value when the loan is 180 days past due.

Loan Modifications to Borrowers Experiencing Financial Difficulty

Loan Modifications to Borrowers Experiencing Financial Difficulty

Loans that are modified are reviewed by the Company to identify if the modification was due to a borrower experiencing financial difficulty. Terms may be modified to fit the ability of the borrower to repay in line with its current financial status. The modification of the terms of such loans includes one or a combination of the following: a reduction of the stated interest rate of the loan, an extension of the maturity date, a permanent reduction of the recorded investment of the loan, or an other-than-insignificant payment delay. The adoption of Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2022-02 on January 1, 2023 eliminated the recognition and measurement of troubled debt restructurings (“TDRs”) and enhanced disclosures for modifications to loans related to borrowers experiencing financial difficulties.

Other Real Estate Owned (“OREO”)

Other Real Estate Owned (“OREO”)

Real estate acquired through foreclosure is initially recorded at the lower of cost or estimated fair value less selling costs. Subsequent to the date of acquisition, it is carried at the lower of cost or fair value, adjusted for net selling costs. Fair values of real estate owned are reviewed regularly and write-downs are recorded when it is determined that the carrying value of real estate exceeds the fair value less estimated costs to sell. Costs relating to the development and improvement of such property are capitalized, whereas those costs relating to holding the property are expensed.

Property and Equipment

Property and Equipment

Property and equipment are stated at cost. Major repairs are charged to operations, while major improvements are capitalized. Depreciation is computed using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the related assets. Upon retirement, sale, or other disposition of property and equipment, the cost and accumulated depreciation are eliminated from the accounts, and gain or loss is included in income from operations.

Construction in progress is stated at cost, which includes the cost of construction and other direct costs attributable to the construction. No provision for depreciation is made on construction in progress until such time as the relevant assets are completed and put into use.

Operating Leases

Operating Leases

The Company maintains operating leases on land and buildings for various office spaces. The operating right-of-use asset is included in property and equipment and the operating right-of-use liability is included in other liabilities on the balance sheet. The right-of-use asset and lease liability are recognized at lease commencement by calculating the net present value of the lease payments over the lease term.

Bank Owned Life Insurance Policies

Bank Owned Life Insurance Policies

Bank owned life insurance policies represent the cash value of policies on certain officers of the Company.

Comprehensive Income

Comprehensive Income

Comprehensive income (loss) consists of net income and net unrealized gains (losses) on securities and is presented in the statements of shareholders’ equity and comprehensive income. The statement requires only additional disclosures in the consolidated financial statements; it does not affect our results of operations.

Revenue from Contracts with Customers

Revenue from Contracts with Customers

The Company records revenue from contracts with customers in accordance with Accounting Standards Codification Topic 606, “Revenue from Contracts with Customers” (“Topic 606”). Under Topic 606, the Company must identify the contract with a customer, identify the performance obligations in the contract, determine the transaction price, allocate the transaction price to the performance obligations in the contract, and recognize revenue when (or as) the Company satisfies a performance obligation. Significant revenue has not been recognized in the current reporting period that results from performance obligations satisfied in previous periods.

The Company’s primary sources of revenue are derived from interest and dividends earned on loans, investment securities, and other financial instruments that are not within the scope of Topic 606. The Company has evaluated the nature of its contracts with customers and determined that further disaggregation of revenue from contracts with customers into more granular categories beyond what is presented in the Consolidated Statements of Income was not necessary. The Company generally fully satisfies its performance obligations on its contracts with customers as services are rendered and the transaction prices are typically fixed; charged either on a periodic basis or based on activity. Because performance

obligations are satisfied as services are rendered and the transaction prices are fixed, the Company has made no significant judgments in applying the revenue guidance prescribed in Topic 606 that affect the determination of the amount and timing of revenue from contracts with customers.

Income Taxes

Income Taxes

The financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis. When income and expenses are recognized in different periods for financial reporting purposes versus for the purposes of computing income taxes currently payable, deferred taxes are provided on such temporary differences. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the expected future tax consequences of events that have been recognized in the consolidated financial statements or tax returns. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using the enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be realized or settled. The Company believes that its income tax filing positions taken or expected to be taken on its tax returns will more likely than not be sustained upon audit by the taxing authorities and does not anticipate any adjustments that will result in a material adverse impact on the Company’s financial condition, results of operations, or cash flow. Therefore, no reserves for uncertain income tax positions have been recorded. The Company’s federal and state income tax returns are open and subject to examination from the 2020 tax return year and forward.

Stock-Based Compensation

Stock-Based Compensation

The Company has a stock-based employee compensation plan. Compensation cost is recognized for all stock options granted and for any outstanding unvested awards as if the fair value method had been applied to those awards as of the date of grant.

Adoption of New Accounting Standard

Adoption of New Accounting Standard

In June 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-13, Financial Instruments – Credit Losses (Topic 326). The ASU introduced a new credit loss methodology, the Current Expected Credit Loss (“CECL”) methodology, which requires earlier recognition of credit losses, while also providing additional transparency about credit risk. Since its original issuance in 2016, the FASB has issued several updates to the original ASU.

The CECL methodology utilizes a lifetime “expected credit loss” measurement objective for the recognition of credit losses for loans, held-to-maturity securities, and other receivables at the time the financial asset is originated or acquired. It also applies to off-balance sheet credit exposures, such as unfunded commitments to extend credit. The expected credit losses are adjusted each period for changes in expected lifetime credit losses. The methodology replaces the multiple existing impairment methods in current GAAP, which generally require that a loss be incurred before it is recognized. For available-for-sale securities where fair value is less than cost, credit-related impairment, if any, is recognized through an allowance for credit losses and adjusted each period for changes in credit risk.

On January 1, 2022, the Company adopted the guidance prospectively with a cumulative adjustment to retained earnings. Results for reporting periods beginning after January 1, 2022 are presented under CECL while prior period amounts continue to be reported in accordance with the previously applicable incurred loss accounting methodology. The transition adjustment for the adoption of CECL included an increase in the allowance for credit losses on loans of $1.5 million and an increase in the reserve for unfunded loan commitments of $2.0 million, which is recorded within other liabilities. The adoption of CECL had an insignificant impact on the Company's investment securities portfolio. The Company recorded a net decrease to retained earnings of $2.8 million as of January 1, 2022 for the cumulative effect of adopting CECL, which reflects the transition adjustments noted above, net of the applicable deferred tax assets recorded. Federal banking regulatory agencies provided optional relief to delay the adverse regulatory capital impact of CECL at adoption. The Company did not elect to use this optional relief.

In January 2023, the Company adopted ASU 2022-02, “Financial Instruments – Credit Losses (Topic 326): Troubled Debt Restructurings and Vintage Disclosures” (“ASU 2022-02”), which eliminated the accounting guidance for troubled debt restructurings (“TDRs”) while enhancing disclosure requirements for certain loan refinancing and restructurings by creditors when a borrower is experiencing financial difficulty. In addition, for public business entities, the guidance requires disclosure of current-period gross write-offs by year of origination for financing receivables and net investments in leases within the scope of Subtopic 326-20. The Company adopted the guidance using the modified retrospective method. Upon adoption of this guidance, the Company no longer establishes a specific reserve for modifications to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty. Instead, these modifications are included in their respective cohort and a historical loss rate is applied to the current loan balance to arrive at the quantitative baseline portion of the allowance. The difference

between the allowance previously determined and the current allowance was not material to the Company’s financial statements.

In January 2023, the Company adopted ASU 2022-01, “Derivatives and Hedging (Topic 815): Fair Value Hedging – Portfolio Layer Method”, which intended to better align hedge accounting with an organization’s risk management strategies. The ASU became applicable to the Company in the second quarter of 2023 when we entered into a fair value hedge using the portfolio layer method.

Significant Accounting Policy Changes

Significant Accounting Policy Changes

Upon adoption of Topic 326, the Company revised the accounting policy for the Allowance for Credit Losses as detailed below. 

Allowance for Credit Losses – Investment Securities

Allowance for Credit Losses – Investment Securities

For available for sale debt securities in an unrealized loss position, the Company first assesses whether it intends to sell, or if it is more likely than not that it will be required to sell the security before recovery of the amortized cost basis. If either of the criteria regarding intent or requirement to sell is met, the security's amortized cost basis is written down to fair value through income with the establishment of an allowance under CECL compared to a direct write down of the security under Incurred Loss. For debt securities available for sale that do not meet the aforementioned criteria, the Company evaluates whether any decline in fair value is due to credit loss factors. In making this assessment, management considers any changes to the rating of the security by a rating agency and adverse conditions specifically related to the security, among other factors. If this assessment indicates that a credit loss exists, the present value of cash flows expected to be collected from the security are compared to the amortized cost basis of the security. If the present value of the cash flows expected to be collected is less than the amortized cost basis, a credit loss exists and an allowance for credit losses is recorded for the credit loss, limited by the amount that the fair value is less than the amortized cost basis. Any impairment that has not been recorded through an allowance for credit losses is recognized in other comprehensive income.

Changes in the allowance for credit losses under CECL are recorded as provision for (or reversal of) credit loss expense. Losses are charged against the allowance when management believes the uncollectibility of an available-for-sale security is confirmed or when either of the criteria regarding intent or requirement to sell is met. At December 31, 2023 and 2022, there was no allowance for credit losses related to the available-for-sale portfolio. In addition, the Company had no held to maturity securities at December 31, 2023 and 2022.

Accrued interest receivable on available for sale debt securities totaled $530,000 and $382,000 at December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively, and was excluded from the estimate of credit losses.

Allowance for Credit Losses - Loans

Allowance for Credit Losses - Loans

Under the current expected credit loss model, the allowance for credit losses on loans is a valuation allowance estimated at each balance sheet date in accordance with GAAP that is deducted from the loans’ amortized cost basis to present the net amount expected to be collected on the loans.

Management assesses the adequacy of the allowance on a quarterly basis. This assessment includes procedures to estimate the allowance and test the adequacy and appropriateness of the resulting balance. The level of the allowance is based upon management's evaluation of historical default and loss experience, current and projected economic conditions, asset quality trends, known and inherent risks in the portfolio, adverse situations that may affect the borrowers' ability to repay a loan, the estimated value of any underlying collateral, composition of the loan portfolio, industry and peer bank loan quality indications and other pertinent factors, including regulatory recommendations. Management believes the level of the allowance for credit losses is adequate to absorb all expected future losses inherent in the loan portfolio at the balance sheet date. The allowance is increased through provision for credit losses and decreased by charge-offs, net of recoveries of amounts previously charged-off.

The allowance for credit losses is measured on a collective basis for pools of loans with similar risk characteristics. The Company has identified the following pools of financial assets with similar risk characteristics for measuring expected credit losses:

Commercial loans

Owner occupied real estate - Owner occupied commercial mortgages consist of loans to purchase or re-finance owner occupied nonresidential properties. This includes office buildings, other commercial facilities, and

farmland. Commercial mortgages secured by owner occupied properties are primarily dependent on the ability of borrowers to achieve business results consistent with those projected at loan origination. While these loans and leases are collateralized by real property in an effort to mitigate risk, it is possible the liquidation of collateral will not fully satisfy the obligation.

Non-owner occupied real estate - Non-owner occupied commercial mortgages consist of loans to purchase or refinance investment nonresidential properties. This includes office buildings and other facilities rented or leased to unrelated parties, as well as farmland and multifamily properties. The primary risk associated with income producing commercial mortgage loans is the ability of the income-producing property that collateralizes the loan to produce adequate cash flow to service the debt. While these loans are collateralized by real property in an effort to mitigate risk, it is possible the liquidation of collateral will not fully satisfy the obligation.
Construction - Construction loans consist of loans to finance land for development of commercial or residential real property and construction of multifamily apartments or other commercial properties. These loans are highly dependent on the supply and demand for commercial real estate as well as the demand for newly constructed residential homes and lots acquired for development. Deterioration in demand could result in decreased collateral values, which could make repayments of outstanding loans difficult for customers.
Commercial business - Commercial business loans consist of loans or lines of credit to finance accounts receivable, inventory or other general business needs, business credit cards, and lease financing agreements for equipment, vehicles, or other assets. The primary risk associated with commercial and industrial and lease financing loans is the ability of borrowers to achieve business results consistent with those projected at origination. Failure to achieve these projections presents risk the borrower will be unable to service the debt consistent with the contractual terms of the loan.

Consumer loans

Real estate - Residential mortgages consist of loans to purchase or refinance the borrower’s primary dwelling, second residence or vacation home and are often secured by 1-4 family residential property. Significant and rapid declines in real estate values can result in borrowers having debt levels in excess of the current market value of the collateral.
Home equity – Home equity loans consist of home equity lines of credit and other lines of credit secured by first or second liens on the borrower’s primary residence. These loans are secured by both senior and junior liens on the residential real estate and are particularly susceptible to declining collateral values. This risk is elevated for loans secured by junior lines as a substantial decline in value could render the junior lien position effectively unsecured.
Construction - Construction loans consist of loans to construct a borrower’s primary or secondary residence or vacant land upon which the owner intends to construct a dwelling at a future date. These loans are typically secured by undeveloped or partially developed land in anticipation of completing construction of a 1-4 family residential property. There is risk these construction and development projects can experience delays and cost overruns exceeding the borrower’s financial ability to complete the project. Such cost overruns can result in foreclosure of partially completed and unmarketable collateral.
Other - Consumer loans consist of loans to finance unsecured home improvements, student loans, automobiles and revolving lines of credit that can be secured or unsecured. The value of the underlying collateral within this class is at risk of potential rapid depreciation which could result in unpaid balances in excess of the collateral.

For all loan pools, the Company uses a lifetime probability of default and loss given default modeling approach to estimate the allowance for credit losses on loans. This method uses historical correlations between default experience and the age of loans to forecast defaults and losses, assuming that a loan in a pool shares similar risk characteristics such as loan product type, risk rating and loan age, and demonstrates similar default characteristics as other loans in that pool, as the loan progresses through its lifecycle. The Company calculates lifetime probability of default and loss given default rates based on historical loss experience, which is used to calculate expected losses based on the pool’s loss rate and the age of loans in the pool. Management believes that the Company’s historical loss experience provides the best basis for its assessment of expected credit losses to determine the allowance for credit losses. The Company uses its own internal data to measure historical credit loss experience within the pools with similar risk characteristics over an economic cycle. The probability of default and loss given default method also includes assumptions of observed migration over the lifetime of the underlying loan data.

Management also considers further adjustments to historical loss information for current conditions and reasonable and supportable forecasts that differ from the conditions that exist for the period over which historical information is evaluated as well as other changes in qualitative factors not inherently considered in the quantitative analyses. The Company generally utilizes a four-quarter forecast period in evaluating the appropriateness of the reasonable and supportable forecast scenarios which are incorporated through qualitative adjustments. There is immediate reversion to historical loss rates. The qualitative categories and the measurements used to quantify the risks within each of these categories are subjectively selected by management but measured by objective measurements period over period. The data for each measurement may be obtained from internal or external sources. The current period measurements are evaluated and assigned a factor commensurate with the current level of risk relative to past measurements over time. The resulting qualitative adjustments are applied to the relevant collectively evaluated loan pools. These adjustments are based upon quarterly trend assessments in certain economic factors such as labor, inflation, consumer sentiment and real disposable income, as well as associate retention and turnover, portfolio concentrations, and growth characteristics. The qualitative analysis increases or decreases the allowance allocation for each loan pool based on the assessment of factors described above.

Loans that do not share similar risk characteristics with the collectively evaluated pools are evaluated on an individual basis and are excluded from the collectively evaluated loan pools. Individual loan evaluations are generally performed for nonaccrual loans and other loans as considered necessary. Such loans are evaluated for credit losses based on either discounted cash flows or the fair value of collateral. The Company has elected the practical expedient under ASC 326 to estimate expected credit losses based on the fair value of collateral, which considers selling costs in the event sale of the collateral is expected. Loans for which terms have been modified are evaluated using these same individual evaluation methods. In the event the discounted cash flow method is used for a loan modification, the original interest rate is used to discount expected cash flows.

While the Company’s policies and procedures used to estimate the allowance for credit losses, as well as the resulting provision for credit losses charged to income, are considered adequate by management and are reviewed periodically by regulators, model validators and internal audit, they are necessarily approximate and imprecise. There are factors beyond the Company’s control, such as changes in projected economic conditions, real estate markets or particular industry conditions which may materially impact asset quality and the adequacy of the allowance for credit losses and thus the resulting provision for credit losses.

Accrued Interest Receivable

Accrued Interest Receivable

Accrued interest receivable related to loans totaled $11.6 million and $8.9 million at December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively, and was reported in other assets on the consolidated balance sheets. The Company elected not to measure an allowance for credit losses for accrued interest receivable and instead elected to reverse interest income on loans or securities that are placed on nonaccrual status, which is generally when the instrument is 90 days past due, or earlier if the Company believes the collection of interest is doubtful. The Company has concluded that this policy results in the timely reversal of uncollectable interest.

Unfunded Commitments

Unfunded Commitments

Effective with the adoption of CECL, the Company estimates expected credit losses on commitments to extend credit over the contractual period in which the Company is exposed to credit risk on the underlying commitments, unless the obligation is unconditionally cancelable by the Company. The allowance for off-balance sheet credit exposures, which is reflected within other liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets, is adjusted for as an increase or decrease to the provision for credit losses. The estimate includes consideration of the likelihood that funding will occur and an estimate of expected credit losses on commitments expected to be funded over its estimated life. The allowance is calculated using the same aggregate reserve rates calculated for the funded portion of loans at the portfolio level applied to the amount of commitments expected to fund.

The Company's CECL allowances will fluctuate over time due to macroeconomic conditions and forecasts as well as the size and composition of the loan portfolios.

Newly Issued, But Not Yet Effective Accounting Standards

Newly Issued, But Not Yet Effective Accounting Standards

In December 2022, the FASB issued amendments to defer the sunset date of the Reference Rate Reform Topic of the Accounting Standards Codification from December 31, 2022 to December 31, 2024, because the current relief in Reference

Rate Reform Topic may not cover a period of time during which a significant number of modifications may take place. The amendments were effective upon issuance. The Company does not expect these amendments to have a material effect on its financial statements.

In December 2023, the FASB amended the Income Taxes topic in the Accounting Standards Codification to improve the transparency of income tax disclosures. The amendments are effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2024. Early adoption is permitted for annual financial statements that have not yet been issued or made available for issuance. The Company does not expect these amendments to have a material effect on its financial statements.