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Employee compensation and benefits (Tables)
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2022
Employee Compensation And Benefits [Abstract]  
Disclosure of employee compensation and benefits
Employee compensation and benefits1
18,366 18,742 18,076 
Capitalised wages and salaries 922 870 1,320 
Gross employee compensation and benefits for the year ended 31 Dec19,288 19,612 19,396 
Consists of:
Wages and salaries16,954 17,072 17,072 
Social security costs1,413 1,503 1,378 
Post-employment benefits921 1,037 946 
Year ended 31 Dec19,288 19,612 19,396 
Disclosure of average number of employees
Average number of persons employed by HSBC during the year by global business1

Wealth and Personal Banking135,676 138,026 144,615 
Commercial Banking
48,004 44,992 45,631 
Global Banking and Markets48,597 48,179 49,055 
Corporate Centre
365 359 411 
Year ended 31 Dec
232,642 231,556 239,712 
1 Average number of persons employed represents the number of persons with contracts of service with the Group.
Average number of persons employed by HSBC during the year by geographical region1

58,145 60,919 64,886 
132,257 127,673 129,923 
Middle East and North Africa9,541 9,329 9,550 
North America
12,242 13,845 15,430 
Latin America
20,457 19,790 19,923 
Year ended 31 Dec
232,642 231,556 239,712 
1 Average number of persons employed represents the number of persons with contracts of service with the Group.
Disclosure of total incentive awards granted to income statement charge
Reconciliation of total incentive awards granted to income statement charge
Total incentive awards approved for the current year3,359 3,495 2,659 
Less: deferred bonuses awarded, expected to be recognised in future periods
Total incentives awarded and recognised in the current year3,016 3,116 2,420 
Add: current year charges for deferred bonuses from previous years239 270 286 
Income statement charge for incentive awards3,233 3,390 2,708 
Explanation of effect of share-based payments on entity's profit or loss
‘Wages and salaries’ includes the effect of share-based payments arrangements, of which $400m was equity settled (2021: $467m; 2020: $434m), as follows:
Conditional share awards402479411
Savings-related and other share award option plans222751
Year ended 31 Dec424506462
Disclosure of terms and conditions of share-based payment arrangement
HSBC share awards
Deferred share awards (including annual incentive awards, long-term incentive (‘LTI’) awards delivered in shares) and Group Performance Share Plans (‘GPSP’)
An assessment of performance over the relevant period ending on 31 December is used to determine the amount of the award to be granted.
• Deferred awards generally require employees to remain in employment over the vesting period and are generally not subject to performance conditions after the grant date. An exception to these are LTI awards, which are subject to performance conditions.
• Deferred share awards generally vest over a period of three, four, five or seven years.
• Vested shares may be subject to a retention requirement post-vesting.
• Awards are subject to malus and clawback provisions.
International Employee Share Purchase Plan (‘ShareMatch’)
The plan was first introduced in Hong Kong in 2013 and now includes employees based in 31 jurisdictions.
• Shares are purchased in the market each quarter up to a maximum value of £750, or the equivalent in local currency.
• Matching awards are added at a ratio of one free share for every three purchased. In mainland China, matching awards are settled in cash.
• Matching awards vest subject to continued employment and the retention of the purchased shares for a maximum period of two years and nine months.
HSBC share option plans
Main plans
Savings-related share option plans (‘Sharesave’)
• From 2014, employees eligible for the UK plan could save up to £500 per month with the option to use the savings to acquire shares.
These are generally exercisable within six months following either the third or fifth anniversary of the commencement of a three-year or five-year contract, respectively.
The exercise price is set at a 20% (2021: 20%) discount to the market value immediately preceding the date of invitation.
Disclosure of number of other equity instruments
Movement on HSBC share awards
Conditional share awards outstanding at 1 Jan109,364 103,473 
Additions during the year
90,190 75,549 
Released in the year
Forfeited in the year
Conditional share awards outstanding at 31 Dec126,246 109,364 
Weighted average fair value of awards granted ($)
5.60 6.49 
Disclosure of number and weighted average exercise prices of share options
Movement on HSBC share option plans
share option plans
Outstanding at 1 Jan 2022123,197 2.85 
Granted during the year2
8,928 4.24 
Exercised during the year3
Expired during the year
Forfeited during the year
Outstanding at 31 Dec 2022115,651 2.89 
– of which exercisable4,029 4.11 
Weighted average remaining contractual life (years)
Outstanding at 1 Jan 2021130,953 2.97 
Granted during the year2
15,410 3.15 
Exercised during the year3
Expired during the year
Forfeited during the year
Outstanding at 31 Dec 2021123,197 2.85 
– of which exercisable4,949 4.05 
Weighted average remaining contractual life (years)
1    Weighted average exercise price.
2    The weighted average fair value of options granted during the year was $1.45 (2021: $0.85).
3    The weighted average share price at the date the options were exercised was $6.22 (2021: $5.87).
Disclosure of income statement charge
Income statement charge
Defined benefit pension plans42 243 146 
Defined contribution pension plans852 767 775 
Pension plans894 1,010 921 
Defined benefit and contribution healthcare plans27 27 25 
Year ended 31 Dec921 1,037 946 
Disclosure of net defined benefit liability (asset)
Net assets/(liabilities) recognised on the balance sheet in respect of defined benefit plans
Fair value of
plan assets
Present value of
defined benefit
Effect of
limit on plan
Defined benefit pension plans
32,171 (25,693) 6,478 
Defined benefit healthcare plans
96 (388) (292)
At 31 Dec 202232,267 (26,081) 6,186 
Total employee benefit liabilities (within Note 27 ‘Accruals, deferred income and other liabilities’)
Total employee benefit assets (within Note 22 ‘Prepayments, accrued income and other assets’)

Defined benefit pension plans
51,431 (42,277)(23)9,131 
Defined benefit healthcare plans
103 (572)— (469)
At 31 Dec 202151,534 (42,849)(23)8,662 
Total employee benefit liabilities (within Note 27 ‘Accruals, deferred income and other liabilities’)
Total employee benefit assets (within Note 22 ‘Prepayments, accrued income and other assets’)
Net asset/(liability) under defined benefit pension plans

Fair value of plan assetsPresent value of defined benefit obligationsEffect of the asset ceilingNet defined benefit asset/(liability)


At 1 Jan 202241,384 10,047 (32,255)(10,022) (23)9,129 2 
Service cost
  (30)(170)  (30)(170)
– current service cost
  (12)(161)  (12)(161)
– past service cost and gains/(losses) from settlements
  (18)(9)  (18)(9)
Net interest income/(cost) on the net defined benefit asset/(liability)703 198 (546)(202) (1)157 (5)
Remeasurement effects recognised in other comprehensive income(11,505)(2,181)9,532 2,360  (3)(1,973)176 
– return on plan assets (excluding interest income)(11,505)(2,181)    (11,505)(2,181)
– actuarial gains/(losses) financial assumptions  10,543 2,383   10,543 2,383 
– actuarial gains/(losses) demographic assumptions  (123)24   (123)24 
– actuarial gains/(losses) experience adjustments  (888)(47)  (888)(47)
– other changes     (3) (3)
Exchange differences
(4,288)(180)3,325 35  2 (963)(143)
Benefits paid
(1,222)(616)1,222 686    70 
Other movements2
49 (218)(35)407  25 14 214 
At 31 Dec 202225,121 7,050 (18,787)(6,906)  6,334 144 
At 1 Jan 202142,505 10,485 (33,005)(10,990)— (44)9,500 (549)
Service cost
— — (55)(276)— — (55)(276)
– current service cost
— — (14)(206)— — (14)(206)
– past service cost and losses from settlements
— — (41)(70)— — (41)(70)
Net interest income/(cost) on the net defined benefit asset/(liability)613 172 (473)(174)— (1)140 (3)
Remeasurement effects recognised in other comprehensive income(377)(271)471 — 22 (648)500 
– return on plan assets (excluding interest income)(377)— — — — (377)
– actuarial gains/(losses) financial assumptions— — 611 315 — — 611 315 
– actuarial gains/(losses) demographic assumptions— — (447)64 — — (447)64 
– actuarial gains/(losses) experience adjustments— — (435)92 — — (435)92 
– other changes— — — — — 22 — 22 
Exchange differences
(361)(94)283 138 — — (78)44 
Benefits paid
(1,396)(645)1,396 712 — — — 67 
Other movements2
400 122 (130)97 — — 270 219 
At 31 Dec 202141,384 10,047 (32,255)(10,022)— (23)9,129 
1    For further details of the principal plan, see page 377.
2    Other movements include contributions by HSBC, contributions by employees, administrative costs and taxes paid by plan.
Disclosure of information about maturity profile of defined benefit obligation Benefits expected to be paid from the plans to retirees over each of the next five years, and in aggregate for the five years thereafter, are as follows:
Benefits expected to be paid from plans


The principal plan1,2
1,234 1,275 1,317 1,359 1,403 7,737 
Other plans1
433 439 445 428 452 2,231 
1    The duration of the defined benefit obligation is 13.2 years for the principal plan under the disclosure assumptions adopted (2021: 17.3 years) and 10.2 years for all other plans combined (2021: 12.7 years).
2    For further details of the principal plan, see page 377.
Disclosure of fair value of plan assets
Fair value of plan assets by asset classes

31 Dec 202231 Dec 2021

market price
in active
No quoted
market price
in active
market price
in active
No quoted
market price
in active

The principal plan2
Fair value of plan assets
25,121 13,915 11,206 510 41,384 36,270 5,114 1,037 
– equities3
112  112  197 192 — 
– bonds4
14,764 14,301 463  36,295 35,612 683 — 
– derivatives1,203  1,203 510 1,864 — 1,864 1,037 
– property842  842  1,094 — 1,094 — 
– other5
8,200 (386)8,586  1,934 653 1,281 — 
Other plans
Fair value of plan assets
7,050 5,848 1,202 37 10,047 8,248 1,799 52 
– equities639 486 153 2 892 668 224 
– bonds4,986 4,537 449 4 7,080 6,490 590 
– derivatives4 (1)5  (13)20 — 
– property109 104 5  123 119 — 
– other1,312 722 590 31 1,945 984 961 42 
1    The fair value of plan assets includes derivatives entered into with HSBC Bank plc as detailed in Note 36.
2    For further details on the principal plan, see page 377.
3    Includes $112m (2021: $192m) in relation to private equities.
4    Principal plan bonds includes fixed income bonds of $5,285m (2021: $18,315m) and index-linked bonds of $9,479m (2021: $18,160m).
5 Other assets within the principal plan includes $8,586m (2021: $1,281m) of unquoted pooled investment vehicles, of which the majority of the underlying assets are invested in bonds.
Disclosure of defined benefit plans
Key actuarial assumptions for the principal plan1
Discount rateInflation rate (RPI)Inflation rate (CPI)Rate of increase for pensionsRate of pay increase
At 31 Dec 20224.93 3.39 2.84 3.27 3.34 
At 31 Dec 20211.90 3.45 3.20 3.30 3.45 
1    For further details on the principal plan, see page 377.
Mortality tables and average life expectancy at age 60 for the principal plan1
Life expectancy at age 60 for
a male member currently:
Life expectancy at age 60 for
a female member currently:
Aged 60Aged 40Aged 60Aged 40
At 31 Dec 2022
At 31 Dec 2021SAPS S327.328.828.530.1
1    For further details of the principal plan, see page 377.
2    Self-administered pension scheme (‘SAPS’) S3 table, with different tables and multipliers adopted based on gender, pension amount and member status, reflecting the Scheme’s actual mortality experience. Improvements are projected in accordance with the Continuous Mortality Investigation’s CMI 2021 core projection model with an initial addition to improvement of 0.25% per annum, a long-term rate of improvement of 1.25% per annum, and a 5% weighting to 2020 and 2021 mortality experience reflecting updated long-term view on mortality improvements post-pandemic.
Disclosure of sensitivity analysis for actuarial assumptions
The effect of changes in key assumptions on the principal plan1
Impact on HBUK section of the
HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme obligation2
Financial impact of increaseFinancial impact of decrease
Discount rate – increase/decrease of 0.25%
(582)(1,337)612 1,425 
Inflation rate (RPI and CPI) – increase/decrease of 0.25%
466 1,211 (446)(980)
Pension payments and deferred pensions – increase/decrease of 0.25%
551 1,267 (519)(1,177)
Pay – increase/decrease of 0.25%
10 20 (10)(20)
Change in mortality – increase of 1 year
470 1,387 N/AN/A
1    For further details of the principal plan, see page 377.
2 Sensitivities allow for HSBC UK’s convention of rounding pension assumptions during 2022 to the nearest 0.01% (2021: 0.05%). The degree of rounding has been increased to align with market practice.