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Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2023
Accounting Policies [Abstract]  
Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Basis of Presentation
The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared by management in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”).
Principles of Consolidation
The consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2023 and 2022 and consolidated statements of income for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021 include Astrana’s wholly owned subsidiaries and consolidated variable interest entities (“VIEs”).
Certain amounts disclosed in prior period financial statements have been reclassified to conform to the current period presentation. These reclassifications were made between other assets and investments in privately held entities on the accompanying consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2022. The reclassification had no effect on net income, earnings per share, retained earnings, cash flows or total assets.
Use of Estimates
The preparation of the consolidated financial statements and related disclosures in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the consolidated financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Significant items subject to such estimates and assumptions include collectability of receivables, recoverability of long-lived and intangible assets, business combinations and goodwill valuation and impairment, accrual of medical liabilities (incurred but not reported (“IBNR”) claims), determination of hospital shared-risk and health plan shared-risk revenue and receivables (including constraints, completion factors, and historical margins), income tax valuation allowance, share-based compensation, and right-of-use assets and lease liabilities. Management evaluates its estimates and assumptions on an ongoing basis using historical experience and other factors, including the current economic environment, and makes adjustments when facts and circumstances dictate. As future events and their effects cannot be determined with precision, actual results could differ materially from those estimates and assumptions.
Variable Interest Entities
On an ongoing basis, as circumstances indicate the need for reconsideration, the Company evaluates each legal entity that is not wholly owned by the Company in accordance with the consolidation guidance. The evaluation considers all of the Company’s variable interests, including equity ownership, as well as management services agreements. To fall within the scope of the consolidation guidance, an entity must meet both of the following criteria:
The entity has a legal structure that has been established to conduct business activities and to hold assets; such entity can be in the form of a partnership, limited liability company, or corporation, among others; and
The Company has a variable interest in the legal entity; i.e., variable interests that are contractual, such as equity ownership, or other financial interests that change with changes in the fair value of the entity’s net assets.
If an entity does not meet both criteria above, the Company applies other accounting guidance, such as the cost or equity method of accounting. If an entity does meet both criteria above, the Company evaluates such entity for consolidation under either the variable interest model if the legal entity meets any of the following characteristics to qualify as a VIE, or under the voting model for all other legal entities that are not VIEs.
A legal entity is determined to be a VIE if it has any of the following three characteristics:
The entity does not have sufficient equity to finance its activities without additional subordinated financial support;
The entity is established with non-substantive voting rights (i.e., where the entity deprives the majority economic interest holder(s) of voting rights); or
The equity holders, as a group, lack the characteristics of a controlling financial interest. Equity holders meet this criterion if they lack any of the following:
The power, through voting rights or similar rights, to direct the activities of the entity that most significantly influence the entity’s economic performance, as evidenced by:
Substantive participating rights in day-to-day management of the entity’s activities; or
Substantive kick-out rights over the party responsible for significant decisions;
The obligation to absorb the entity’s expected losses; or
The right to receive the entity’s expected residual returns.
If the Company determines that any of the three characteristics of a VIE are met, the Company will conclude that the entity is a VIE and evaluate it for consolidation under the variable interest model.
Variable interest model
If an entity is determined to be a VIE, the Company evaluates whether the Company is the primary beneficiary. The primary beneficiary analysis is a qualitative analysis based on power and economics. The Company consolidates a VIE if both power and benefits belong to the Company – that is, the Company has:
The power to direct the activities of a VIE that most significantly influence the VIE’s economic performance (power), and
The obligation to absorb losses of, or the right to receive benefits from, the VIE that could potentially be significant to the VIE (economics).
The Company consolidates VIEs whenever it is determined that the Company is the primary beneficiary. Refer to Note 18 – “Variable Interest Entities (VIEs)” to the consolidated financial statements for information on the Company’s consolidated VIEs. If there are variable interests in a VIE but the Company is not the primary beneficiary, the Company may account for the investment using the equity method of accounting, refer to Note 6 – “Investments in Other Entities” for entities that qualify as VIEs but the Company is not the primary beneficiary.
Business Combinations
The Company uses the acquisition method of accounting for all business combinations, which requires assets and liabilities of the acquiree to be recorded at fair value, to measure the fair value of the consideration transferred, including contingent consideration, to be determined on the acquisition date, and to account for acquisition-related costs separately from the business combination.
Reportable Segments
The Company operates as three reportable segments:
Care Partners;
Care Delivery; and
Care Enablement.
Refer to Note 1 — “Description of Business” and Note 20 — “Segments” to the consolidated financial statements for information on the Company’s segments.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
The Company’s cash and cash equivalents primarily consist of money market funds and certificates of deposit. The Company considers all highly liquid investments that are both readily convertible into known amounts of cash and mature within 90 days from their date of purchase to be cash equivalents.
The Company maintains its cash in deposit accounts with several banks, which at times may exceed the insured limits of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”). The Company believes it is not exposed to any significant credit risk with respect to its cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash. As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, the Company’s deposit accounts with banks exceeded the FDIC’s insured limit by approximately $318.9 million and $324.7 million, respectively. The Company has not experienced any losses to date and performs ongoing evaluations of these financial institutions to limit the Company’s concentration of risk exposure.
Restricted Cash
Restricted cash consists of cash held as collateral in the event of default as required by certain health plan contracts.
Investments in Marketable Securities
Investments in marketable securities consist of equity securities and certificates of deposit with various financial institutions. The appropriate classification of investments is determined at the time of purchase and such designation is reevaluated at each balance sheet date. Certificates of deposit in investments in marketable securities are reported at par value, plus accrued interest, with maturity dates greater than ninety days. Equity securities are reported at fair value. These securities are classified as Level 1 in the valuation hierarchy, where quoted market prices from reputable third-party brokers are available in an active market and unadjusted. Equity securities with low trading volume are determined to not have an active market with buyers and sellers ready to trade. Accordingly, the Company classifies such equity securities as Level 2 in the valuation hierarchy, and their valuation is based on weighted-average share prices from observable market data.
Receivables, Receivables – Related Parties, Other Receivables, Loan Receivable, and Loan Receivable - Related Party
The Company’s receivables are comprised of accounts receivable, capitation and claims receivable, risk pool settlements, incentive receivables, management fee income, and other receivables. Accounts receivables are recorded and stated at the amount expected to be collected.
The Company’s receivables – related parties are comprised of risk pool settlements, management fee income, and other receivables. Receivables – related parties are recorded and stated at the amount expected to be collected.
The Company’s loan receivable and loan receivable - related party consists of promissory notes that accrue interest per annum. As of December 31, 2023, promissory notes are expected to be collected by their maturity date.
Capitation receivables relate to each health plan’s capitation and are received by the Company in the month following the month of service. Risk pool settlements and incentive receivables mainly consist of the Company’s hospital shared-risk pool receivable that is recorded quarterly based on reports received from the Company’s hospital partners and management’s estimate of the Company’s portion of the estimated risk pool surplus for open performance years. Settlement of risk pool surplus or deficits occurs approximately 18 months after the risk pool performance year is completed. Other receivables consist of receivables from fee-for-services (“FFS”) reimbursement for patient care, certain expense reimbursements, transportation reimbursements from the hospitals, and stop-loss insurance premium reimbursements.
The Company maintains reserves for potential credit losses on accounts receivable. Management reviews the composition of accounts receivable and analyzes historical bad debts, customer concentrations, customer credit worthiness, current economic trends, and changes in customer payment patterns to evaluate the adequacy of these reserves. The Company also regularly analyzes the ultimate collectability of accounts receivable after certain stages of the collection cycle using a look-back analysis to determine the amount of receivables subsequently collected and adjustments are recorded when necessary. Reserves are recorded primarily on a specific identification basis.
Receivables are recorded when the Company is able to determine amounts receivable under applicable contracts and agreements based on information provided and collection is reasonably likely to occur. In regard to the credit loss standard, the Company continuously monitors its collections of receivables, and the Company’s expectation is that the historical credit loss experienced across its receivable portfolio is materially similar to any current expected credit losses that would be estimated under the current expected credit losses (“CECL”) model.
Concentrations of Credit Risks
The Company disaggregates revenue from contracts by service type and payer type. This level of detail provides useful information pertaining to how the Company generates revenue by significant revenue stream and by type of direct contracts. The consolidated statements of income present disaggregated revenue by service type. The following table presents disaggregated revenue generated by each payer type (in thousands):
Years Ended December 31,
Commercial$167,048 $171,723 $138,333 
Other third parties52,19858,89444,985
Revenue$1,386,661 $1,144,163 $773,915 
The Company had major payers from its Care Partners segment that contributed the following percentages of net revenue:
Years Ended December 31,
Payer A*%*%15.3 %
Payer B38.8 %34.2%11.9 %
Payer C10.1 %*%*%
Payer D*%*%12.5 %
* Less than 10% of total net revenues
The Company had major payers that contributed to the following percentages of net receivables and receivables - related parties:
As of December 31,
Payer B36.0 %26.0 %
Payer E41.0 %52.0 %
Land, Property, and Equipment, Net
Land is carried at cost and is not depreciated as it is considered to have an indefinite useful life.
Property and equipment, including leasehold improvements, are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and amortization. Depreciation is provided principally on the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets ranging from three to thirty-nine years. Leasehold improvements are amortized on a straight-line basis over the shorter of the terms of the respective leases or the expected useful lives of those improvements.
Maintenance and repairs are charged to expense as incurred. Upon sale or retirement, the asset cost and related accumulated depreciation and amortization are removed from the accounts, and any related gain or loss is included in the determination of consolidated net income.
Fair Value Measurements of Financial Instruments
The Company’s financial instruments consist of cash and cash equivalents, fiduciary cash, investment in marketable securities, receivables, loans receivable, accounts payable, certain accrued expenses, finance lease obligations, long-term debt, and certain other liabilities. The carrying values of the financial instruments classified as current in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets are considered to be at their fair values, due to the short maturity of these instruments. The carrying amounts of finance lease obligations and long-term debt approximate fair value as they bear interest at rates that approximate current market rates for debt with similar maturities and credit quality.
Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) 820, Fair Value Measurement (“ASC 820”), applies to all financial assets and financial liabilities that are measured and reported on a fair value basis and requires disclosure that establishes a framework for measuring fair value and expands disclosure about fair value measurements. ASC 820 establishes a fair value hierarchy for disclosure of the inputs to valuations used to measure fair value.
This hierarchy prioritizes the inputs into three broad levels as follows:
Level 1 —Inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that can be accessed at the measurement date.
Level 2 —Inputs include quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability (i.e., interest rates and yield curves), and inputs that are derived principally from or corroborated by observable market data by correlation or other means (market corroborated inputs).
Level 3 —Unobservable inputs that reflect assumptions about what market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability. These inputs would be based on the best information available, including the Company’s own data.
There have been no changes in Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 classification and no changes in valuation techniques for these assets and liabilities for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022.
Intangible Assets and Long-Lived Assets
Intangible assets with finite lives include network-payer relationships, management contracts, member relationships, subscriber relationships, and developed technology and are stated at cost, less accumulated amortization, and impairment losses. These intangible assets are amortized using the accelerated method based on the discounted cash flow rate or using the straight-line method.
Intangible assets with finite lives also include a patient management platform, as well as trade names and trademarks, whose valuations were determined using the cost to recreate method and the relief from royalty method, respectively. These assets are stated at cost, less accumulated amortization, and impairment losses, and are amortized using the straight-line method.
Finite-lived intangibles and other long-lived assets are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. If the expected future cash flows from the use of such assets (undiscounted and without interest charges) are less than the carrying value, a write-down would be recorded to reduce the carrying value of the asset to its estimated fair value. Fair value is determined based on appropriate valuation techniques.
Goodwill and Indefinite-Lived Intangible Assets
Under ASC 350, Intangibles – Goodwill and Other, goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets are reviewed at least annually for impairment under a two step process.
Step 1— Under a qualitative assessment, determine if there are indicators of impairment. If so, proceed to Step 2.
Step 2 — Under a quantitative assessment, if the fair value of each reporting unit is less than its carrying value, there is an impairment.
The Company may also elect to skip the qualitative testing and proceed directly to quantitative testing. The Company’s four reporting units consist of the following:
Care Partners – IPA;
Care Partners – ACO;
Care Delivery; and
Care Enablement.
An impairment loss is recognized if the carrying value of a reporting unit exceeds its fair value. If this event arises, the impairment loss recorded is equal to the excess of the carrying value of the reporting unit over its fair value.
At least annually, indefinite-lived intangible assets are tested for impairment. Impairment for intangible assets with indefinite lives exists if the carrying value of the intangible asset exceeds its fair value. The fair values of indefinite-lived intangible assets are determined using valuation techniques based on estimates, judgments, and assumptions management believes are appropriate in the circumstances.
The Company had no impairment of its goodwill or indefinite-lived intangible assets during the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021.
Investments in Other Entities – Equity Method
The Company accounts for certain investments using the equity method of accounting when it is determined that the investment provides the Company with the ability to exercise significant influence, but not control, over the investee. Significant influence is generally deemed to exist if the Company has an ownership interest in the voting stock of the investee of between 20% and 50%, although other factors, such as representation on the investee’s board of directors, are considered in determining whether the equity method of accounting is appropriate. Under the equity method of accounting, the investment, originally recorded at cost, is adjusted to recognize the Company’s share of net earnings or losses of the investee and is recognized in the accompanying consolidated statements of income under “Income (loss) from equity method investments” and also is adjusted by contributions to and distributions from the investee.
Investments in Privately Held Entities
The Company accounts for certain investments using the cost method of accounting when it is determined that the investment provides the Company with little or no influence over the investee. Under the cost method of accounting, the investment is measured at cost, adjusted for observable price changes and impairments, with changes recognized in net income. The investments in privately held entities that do not report net asset value are subject to qualitative assessment for indicators of impairments.
Medical Liabilities
The Company’s Care Partners segment is responsible for integrated care that the associated physicians and contracted hospitals provide to their enrollees. The Company’s Care Partners segment provides integrated care to HMOs, Medicare, and Medi-Cal enrollees through a network of contracted providers under sub-capitation and direct patient service arrangements. Medical costs for professional and institutional services rendered by contracted providers are recorded as cost of services, excluding depreciation and amortization, in the accompanying consolidated statements of income.
An estimate of amounts due to contracted physicians, hospitals, and other professional providers is included in medical liabilities in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets. Medical liabilities include claims reported as of the balance sheet date and estimated IBNR claims. Such estimates are developed using actuarial methods and are based on numerous variables, including the utilization of healthcare services, historical payment patterns, cost trends, product mix, seasonality, changes in membership, and other factors. The estimation methods and the resulting reserves are periodically reviewed and updated. Many of the medical contracts are complex in nature and may be subject to differing interpretations regarding amounts due for the provision of various services. Such differing interpretations may not come to light until a substantial period of time has passed following the contract implementation.
Fiduciary Cash and Payable
The Company’s Care Partner segment collects cash from health plans on behalf of their sub-IPAs and providers and passes the money through to them. The fiduciary cash balance of $7.7 million and $8.1 million as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively, is presented within prepaid expenses and other current assets and the related payable is presented as fiduciary payable in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets.
Revenue Recognition
The Company receives payments from the following sources for services rendered:
Commercial insurers;
Federal government under the Medicare program administered by CMS;
State governments under Medicaid and other programs;
Other third-party payers (e.g., hospitals and IPAs); and
Individual patients and clients.
Revenue primarily consists of the following:
Capitation revenue;
Risk pool settlements and incentives;
GPDC/ACO REACH capitation revenue;
Management fee income; and
FFS revenue.
Revenue is recorded in the period in which services are rendered or the period in which the Company is obligated to provide services. The form of billing and related risk of collection for such services may vary by type of revenue and the customer.
Nature of Services and Revenue Streams
Revenue primarily consists of capitation revenue, risk pool settlements and incentives, GPDC/ACO REACH capitation revenue, management fee income, and FFS revenue. Revenue is recorded in the period in which services are rendered or the period in which the Company is obligated to provide services. The form of billing and related risk of collection for such services may vary by type of revenue and the customer. The following is a summary of the principal forms of the Company’s billing arrangements and how revenue is recognized for each.
Capitation, Net
Managed care revenues of the Company consist primarily of capitated fees for medical services provided by the Company under a capitated arrangement directly made with various managed care providers, including HMOs. Capitation revenue is
typically prepaid monthly to the Company based on the number of enrollees selecting the Company as their healthcare provider. Capitation revenue is recognized in the month in which the Company is obligated to provide services to plan enrollees under contracts with various health plans. Minor ongoing adjustments to prior months’ capitation, primarily arising from contracted HMOs finalizing their monthly patient eligibility data for additions or subtractions of enrollees, are recognized in the month they are communicated to the Company. Additionally, Medicare pays capitation using a “Risk Adjustment” model, which compensates managed care organizations and providers based on the health status (acuity) of each individual enrollee. Health plans and providers with higher acuity enrollees will receive more and those with lower acuity enrollees will receive less. Under Risk Adjustment, capitation is determined based on health severity, measured using patient encounter data. Capitation is paid on a monthly basis based on data submitted for the enrollee for the preceding year and is adjusted in subsequent periods after the final data is compiled. Positive or negative capitation adjustments are made for Medicare enrollees with conditions requiring more or fewer healthcare services than assumed in the interim payments. Since the Company cannot reliably predict these adjustments, periodic changes in capitation amounts earned as a result of Risk Adjustment are recognized when those changes are communicated by the health plans to the Company.
Per member per month (“PMPM”) managed care contracts generally have a term of one year or longer. The Company assesses the profitability of its managed care contracts to identify contracts where current operating results or forecasts indicate probable future losses. If anticipated future variable costs exceed anticipated future revenues, a premium deficiency reserve is recognized. No premium deficiency reserves were recorded as of December 31, 2023. All managed care contracts have a single performance obligation that constitutes a series for the provision of managed healthcare services for a population of enrolled members for the duration of the contract. The transaction price for PMPM contracts is variable as it primarily includes PMPM fees associated with unspecified membership that fluctuates throughout the contract. In certain contracts, PMPM fees also include adjustments for items such as performance incentives, performance guarantees, and risk sharing. The Company generally estimates the transaction price using the most likely amount methodology and amounts are only included in the net transaction price to the extent that it is probable that a significant reversal of cumulative revenue will not occur once any uncertainty is resolved. The majority of the Company’s net PMPM transaction price relates specifically to the Company’s efforts to transfer the service for a distinct increment of the series (e.g., day or month) and is recognized as revenue in the month in which members are entitled to service.
GPDC/ACO REACH Capitation Revenue
CMS contracts with ACOs, which are composed of healthcare providers operating under a common legal structure and accept financial accountability for the overall quality and cost of medical care furnished to Medicare FFS beneficiaries aligned to the entity. The combination of the FFS model and the GPDC/ACO REACH model changes the distribution of responsibilities, risks, costs, and rewards among CMS, ACOs and providers. By entering into a contract with CMS, an ACO voluntarily takes on operational, financial, and legal responsibilities and risks that no party has, individually or collectively, under the existing FFS model. Each ACO bears the economic costs, and reaps the economic rewards, of fulfilling its responsibilities and managing its risks as an ACO. APAACO has participated in ACO REACH, and its predecessor model, Global and Professional Direct Contracting Model (“GPDC Model”), since January 1, 2022.
For each performance year, CMS will pay a total benchmark amount, determined unilaterally by CMS in advance but subject to prospective adjustments throughout the year, for the totality of care provided to the ACO’s population of aligned beneficiaries over the course of that year. The benchmark is net of a quality withholding applied by CMS. At the end of each performance year, a portion, or all, of the quality withholding can be earned based on APAACO’s performance. ACO REACH capitation revenue is recognized based on the estimated transaction price to transfer the service for a distinct increment of the series (i.e., month) and is recognized net of quality incentives/penalties. ACO REACH capitation revenue is recognized in the accompanying consolidated statements of income under capitation, net.
Risk Pool Settlements and Incentives
Certain IPAs enter into hospital shared-risk capitation arrangements with certain health plans and local hospitals, where the hospital is responsible for providing, arranging and paying for institutional risk and the IPA is responsible for providing, arranging, and paying for professional risk. Under a hospital shared-risk pool-sharing agreement, the IPA generally receives a percentage of the net surplus from the affiliated hospital’s risk pools with HMOs after deductions for the affiliated hospital’s costs. Advance settlement payments are typically made quarterly in arrears if there is a surplus. The Company’s risk pool settlements under arrangements with health plans and hospitals are recognized using the most likely amount methodology and amounts are only included in revenue to the extent that it is probable that a significant reversal of cumulative revenue will not occur once any uncertainty is resolved. The assumptions for historical margin, IBNR completion factors, and constraint percentages were used by management in applying the most likely amount methodology.
Under capitated arrangements with certain HMOs, certain IPAs participate in one or more health plan shared-risk arrangements relating to the provision of institutional services to enrollees and thus can earn additional revenue or incur losses based upon the enrollee utilization of institutional services. Health plan shared-risk arrangements are entered into with certain health plans, which are administered by the health plan, where the IPA is responsible for rendering professional services, but the health plan does not enter into a capitation arrangement with a hospital and therefore the health plan retains the institutional risk. Health plan shared-risk deficits, if any, are not payable until and unless (and only to the extent) risk-sharing surpluses are generated. At the termination of the HMO contract, any accumulated deficit will be extinguished.
The Company's risk pool settlements under arrangements with HMOs are recognized, using the most likely methodology, and only included in revenue to the extent that it is probable that a significant reversal of cumulative revenue will not occur. Given the lack of access to the health plans’ data and control over the members assigned to the IPA, the adjustments and/or the withheld amounts are unpredictable and as such, the IPA’s risk-share revenues are deemed to be fully constrained until they are notified of the amount by the health plan. Final settlement of risk pools for prior contract years generally occur in the third or fourth quarter of the following year.
In addition to risk-sharing revenues, the Company also receives incentives under “pay-for-performance” programs for quality medical care, based on various criteria. As an incentive to promote quality care, certain HMOs have designed quality incentive programs and commercial generic pharmacy incentive programs to compensate the Company for its efforts to improve the quality of services and efficient and effective use of pharmacy supplemental benefits provided to HMO members. The incentive programs track specific performance measures and calculate payments to the Company based on the performance measures. The Company’s incentives under “pay-for-performance” programs are recognized using the most likely methodology. However, as the Company does not have sufficient insight from the health plans on the amount and timing of the health plan shared-risk pool and incentive payments, these amounts are considered to be fully constrained and only recorded when such payments are known and/or received.
Generally, for the foregoing arrangements, the final settlement is dependent on each distinct day’s performance within the annual measurement period but cannot be allocated to specific days until the full measurement period has occurred and performance can be assessed. As such, this is a form of variable consideration estimated at contract inception and updated through the measurement period (i.e., the contract year), to the extent the risk of reversal does not exist and the consideration is not constrained.
Under the NGACO Model, CMS aligned beneficiaries to the Company to manage direct care and pay providers based on a budgetary benchmark established with CMS. The Company was responsible for managing medical costs for these beneficiaries. The beneficiaries received services from physicians and other medical service providers that were both in-network and out-of-network. The Company received capitation-like All Inclusive Population Based Payment (“AIPBP”) payments from CMS on a monthly basis to pay claims from in-network providers. The Company recorded such AIPBPs received from CMS as revenue as the Company was primarily responsible and liable for managing the patient care and for satisfying provider obligations, was assuming the credit risk for the services provided by in-network providers through its arrangement with CMS, and had control of the funds, the services provided and the process by which the providers were ultimately paid. Claims from out-of-network providers were processed and paid by CMS, while claims from APAACO’s in-network contracted providers were paid by APAACO. The Company’s shared savings or losses in managing the services provided by out-of-network providers were generally determined on an annual basis after reconciliation with CMS. Pursuant to the Company’s risk share agreement with CMS, the Company was eligible to receive the savings or was liable for the deficit according to the budget established by CMS based on the Company’s efficiency in managing how the beneficiaries aligned to the Company by CMS were served by in-network and out-of-network providers. The Company’s savings or losses on providing such services were both capped by CMS,
and were subject to significant estimation risk, whereby payments would vary significantly depending upon certain patient characteristics and other variable factors. Accordingly, the Company recognized such surplus or deficit upon substantial completion of reconciliation and determination of the amounts. The Company recorded NGACO AIPBP revenues monthly. Excess AIPBPs over claims paid, plus an estimate for the related IBNR claims were deferred and recorded as a liability until actual claims were paid or incurred. CMS determined if there were any excess AIPBPs for the performance year and the excess was refunded to CMS.
For each performance year, CMS paid the Company in accordance with the alternative payment mechanism, if any, for which CMS had approved the Company; the risk arrangement for which the Company has been approved by CMS, and was otherwise provided in an NGACO Participation Agreement between APAACO and CMS (the “Participation Agreement”). Following the end of each performance year and at such other times as would be required under the Participation Agreement, CMS would issue a settlement report to the Company setting forth the amount of any shared savings or shared losses and the amount of other monies. If CMS owed the Company shared savings or other monies, CMS would pay the Company in full within 30 days after the date on which the relevant settlement report was deemed final, except as provided in the Participation Agreement. If the Company owed CMS shared losses or other monies owed as a result of a final settlement, the Company would pay CMS in full within 30 days after the relevant settlement report was deemed final. If the Company failed to pay the amounts due to CMS in full within 30 days after the date of a demand letter or settlement report, CMS would assess simple interest on the unpaid balance at the rate applicable to other Medicare debts under current provisions of law and applicable regulations. In addition, CMS and the U.S. Department of the Treasury would use any applicable debt collection tools available to collect any amounts owed by the Company.
The Company participated in the AIPBP track of the NGACO Model. Under the AIPBP track, CMS estimated the total annual expenditures for APAACO’s assigned patients and paid that projected amount to the Company in monthly installments, and the Company was responsible for all Part A and Part B costs for in-network participating providers and preferred providers contracted by the Company to provide services to the assigned patients.
As APAACO did not have sufficient insight into the financial performance of the shared risk pool with CMS because of unknown factors related to IBNR claims, risk adjustment factors, and stop-loss provisions, among other factors, an estimate couldn’t be developed. Due to these limitations, APAACO could not determine the amount of surplus or deficit that would likely be recognized in the future and therefore this shared risk pool revenue was considered fully constrained. With the ending of the NGACO Model on December 31, 2021, the Company no longer received AIPBPs but remained eligible to recognize any shared savings or loss for performance year 2021 upon issuance of the settlement report from CMS. Pursuant to the Participation Agreement, the Company recognized $48.8 million related to savings from the 2021 performance year as revenue in risk pool settlements and incentives in the accompanying consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2022.
Management Fee Income
Management fee income encompasses fees paid for management, physician advisory, healthcare staffing, administrative, and other non-medical services provided by the Company to IPAs, hospitals, and other healthcare providers. Such fees may be in the form of billings at agreed-upon hourly rates, percentages of gross revenue or fee collections, or amounts fixed on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. The revenue may include variable arrangements measuring factors, such as hours staffed, patient visits, or collections per visit, against benchmarks, and, in certain cases, may be subject to achieving quality metrics or fee collections. The Company recognizes such variable supplemental revenues in the period when such amounts are determined to be fixed and therefore contractually obligated as payable by the customer under the terms of the applicable agreement.
The Company provides a significant service of integrating the services selected by the Company’s clients into one overall output for which the client has contracted. Therefore, such management contracts generally contain a single performance obligation. The nature of the Company’s performance obligation is to stand ready to provide services over the contractual period. Also, the Company’s performance obligation forms a series of distinct periods of time over which the Company stands ready to perform. The Company’s performance obligation is satisfied as the Company completes each period’s obligations.
Consideration from management contracts is variable in nature because the majority of the fees are generally based on revenue or collections, which can vary from period to period. The Company has control over pricing. Contractual fees are invoiced to the Company’s clients generally monthly and payment terms are typically due within 30 days. The variable consideration in the Company’s management contracts meets the criteria to be allocated to the distinct period of time to which it relates because (i)
it is due to the activities performed to satisfy the performance obligation during that period and (ii) it represents the consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled.
The Company’s management contracts generally have terms ranging from one to thirty years, although they may be terminated earlier under the terms of the applicable contracts. Since the remaining variable consideration will be allocated to a wholly unsatisfied promise that forms part of a single performance obligation recognized under the series guidance, the Company has applied the optional exemption to exclude disclosure of the allocation of the transaction price to remaining performance obligations.
Fee-for-Service Revenue
FFS revenue represents revenue earned under contracts in which the professional component of charges for medical services rendered by the Company’s affiliated physician-owned medical groups are billed and collected from third-party payers, hospitals, and patients. FFS revenue related to patient care services is reported net of contractual allowances and policy discounts and is recognized in the period in which the services are rendered to specific patients. All services provided are expected to result in cash flows and are therefore reflected as net revenue in the consolidated financial statements. The recognition of net revenue (gross charges, less contractual allowances) from such services is dependent on such factors as proper completion of medical charts following a patient visit, the forwarding of such charts to the Company’s billing center for medical coding and entering into the Company’s billing system and the verification of each patient’s submission or representation at the time services are rendered as to the payer(s) responsible for payment of such services. Revenue is recorded based on the information known at the time of entering such information into the Company’s billing systems, as well as an estimate of the revenue associated with medical services.
The Company is responsible for confirming member eligibility, performing program utilization review, potentially directing payment to the provider and accepting the financial risk of loss associated with services rendered, as specified within the Company’s client contracts. The Company has the ability to adjust contractual fees with clients and possesses the financial risk of loss in certain contractual obligations. These factors indicate the Company is the principal and, as such, the Company records gross fees contracted with clients in revenues.
Consideration from FFS arrangements is variable in nature because fees are based on patient encounters, credits due to clients, and reimbursement of provider costs, all of which can vary from period to period. Patient encounters and related episodes of care and procedures qualify as distinct goods and services, provided simultaneously together with other readily available resources, in a single instance of service, and thereby constitute a single performance obligation for each patient encounter and, in most instances, occur at readily determinable transaction prices. As a practical expedient, the Company adopted a portfolio approach for the FFS revenue stream to group together contracts with similar characteristics and analyze historical cash collection trends. The contracts within the portfolio share the characteristics conducive to ensuring that the results do not materially differ under the new standard if it were to be applied to individual patient contracts related to each patient encounter.
Estimating net FFS revenue is a complex process, largely due to the volume of transactions, the number and complexity of contracts with payers, the limited availability at times of certain patient and payer information at the time services are provided, and the length of time it takes for collections to fully mature. These expected collections are based on fees and negotiated payment rates in the case of third-party payers, the specific benefits provided for under each patient’s healthcare plans, mandated payment rates in the case of Medicare and Medicaid programs, and historical cash collections (net of recoveries) in combination with expected collections from third-party payers.
The relationship between gross charges and the transaction price recognized is significantly influenced by payer mix, as collections on gross charges may vary significantly, depending on whether the patients, to whom services are provided, in the period are insured and the contractual relationships with those payers. Payer mix is subject to change as additional patient and payer information is obtained after the period services are provided. The Company periodically assesses the estimates of unbilled revenue, contractual adjustments and discounts, and payer mix by analyzing actual results, including cash collections, against estimates. Changes in these estimates are charged or credited to the consolidated statements of income in the period that the assessment is made. Significant changes in payer mix, contractual arrangements with payers, specialty mix, acuity, general economic conditions, and healthcare coverage provided by federal or state governments or private insurers may have a significant impact on estimates and significantly affect the results of operations and cash flows.
Contract Assets
Revenues and receivables are recognized once the Company has satisfied its performance obligation. Accordingly, contract assets are comprised of receivables and receivables - related parties.
The Company’s billing and accounting systems provide historical trends of cash collections and contractual write-offs, accounts receivable aging, and established fee adjustments from third-party payers. These estimates are recorded and monitored monthly as revenues are recognized. The principal exposure for uncollectible fees for service visits is from self-pay patients and, to a lesser extent, for co-payments and deductibles from patients with insurance.
Contract Liabilities (Deferred Revenue)
Contract liabilities are recorded when cash payments are received in advance of the Company’s performance. As of December 31, 2023, the Company’s contract liability balance was $0.7 million. The Company’s contract liability was $0.5 million as of December 31, 2022. Approximately $0.5 million of the Company’s contract liability accrued in 2022 has been recognized as revenue during the year ended December 31, 2023. Contract liability is presented within accounts payable and accrued expenses in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets.
Income Taxes
Income taxes are accounted for using the asset and liability method. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the consolidated financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using the enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period of enactment. The Company records a valuation allowance to reduce deferred tax assets to an amount for which realization is more likely than not.
The Company recognizes the tax benefit from an uncertain tax position if it is more likely than not that the tax position will be sustained upon examination by the tax authorities, based on the merits of the position. The Company’s policy is to recognize interest and penalties related to the underpayment of income taxes as a component of income tax expense or benefit. To date, there have been no interest or penalties incurred in relation to the unrecognized tax benefits.
Share-Based Compensation
The Company maintains a stock-based compensation program for employees, non-employees, directors, and consultants. From time to time, the Company issues shares of its common stock to its employees, directors, and consultants, which shares may be subject to the Company’s repurchase right (but not obligation), that vests based on time-based and/or performance-based vesting schedules. The value of share-based awards is recognized as compensation expense and adjusted for forfeitures as they occur. Compensation expenses for time-based awards are recognized on a cumulative straight-line basis over the vesting period of the awards. Share-based awards with performance conditions are recognized to the extent the performance conditions are probable of being achieved. Compensation expenses for performance-based awards are recognized on an accelerated attribution method. The grant date fair value of the restricted stock awards is the grant date’s closing market price of the Company’s common stock. The fair value of options granted is determined using the Black-Scholes option pricing model and includes several assumptions, including expected term, expected volatility, expected dividends, and risk-free rates. The expected term is presumed to be the midpoint between the vesting date and the end of the contractual term. The expected stock price volatility is determined based on an average of historical volatility. The expected dividend yield is based on the Company’s expected dividend payouts. The risk-free interest rate is based on the U.S. Constant Maturity curve over the expected term of the option at the time of grant.
Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share
Basic earnings per share (“EPS”) is computed by dividing net income attributable to holders of the Company’s common stock by the weighted-average number of shares of common stock outstanding during the periods presented. Diluted earnings per share is computed using the weighted-average number of shares of common stock outstanding, plus the effect of dilutive securities outstanding during the periods presented, using the treasury stock method. Refer to Note 17 — “Earnings Per Share” for a discussion of shares treated as treasury shares for accounting purposes.
Non-controlling Interests
The Company consolidates entities in which the Company has a controlling financial interest. The Company consolidates subsidiaries in which the Company holds, directly or indirectly, more than 50% of the voting rights, and VIEs in which the Company is the primary beneficiary. Non-controlling interests represent third-party equity ownership interests (including equity ownership interests held by certain VIEs) in the Company’s consolidated entities. Net income attributable to non-controlling interests is disclosed in the consolidated statements of income.
Mezzanine Equity
Pursuant to APC’s shareholder agreements, in the event of a disqualifying event, as defined in the agreements, APC could be required to repurchase its shares from the respective shareholders based on certain triggers outlined in the shareholder agreements. As the redemption feature of the shares is not solely within the control of APC, the equity of APC does not qualify as permanent equity and has been classified as mezzanine or temporary equity. Accordingly, the Company recognizes non-controlling interests in APC as mezzanine equity in the consolidated financial statements. As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, APC’s shares were not redeemable nor was it probable the shares would become redeemable.
The Company determines if an arrangement is a lease at its inception. The expected term of the lease used for computing the lease liability and right-of-use asset and determining the classification of the lease as operating or financing may include options to extend or terminate the lease when it is reasonably certain that the Company will exercise that option. The Company elected practical expedients for ongoing accounting that is provided by the standard comprised of the following:
The election for classes of underlying assets to not separate non-lease components from lease components, and
The election for short-term lease recognition exemption for all leases under twelve-month terms.
The present value of the lease payments is calculated using a rate implicit in the lease, when readily determinable. However, as most of the Company’s leases do not provide an implicit rate, the Company uses its incremental borrowing rate to determine the present value of the lease payments for the majority of its leases.
Beneficial Interest
In April 2020, APC received a beneficial interest as a result of selling one of its equity method investments, pursuant to the terms of the stock purchase agreement. The estimated fair value of such interest in April 2020 was $15.7 million. In 2021, the beneficial interest was determined to not be collectible and the $15.7 million was written off and expensed in other income (expense) in the accompanying consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2021.
Recent Accounting Pronouncements Not Yet Adopted
In November 2023, the Financial Standards Accounting Board (FASB) issued Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2023-07 "Segment Reporting (Topic 280): Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures" which expands annual and interim disclosure requirements for reportable segments, primarily through enhanced disclosures about significant segment expenses. ASU 2023-07 is effective for the Company’s annual periods beginning January 1, 2024, and for interim periods beginning January 1, 2025, with early adoption permitted. The Company is currently evaluating the potential effect that the updated standard will have on its financial statement disclosures.
In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-09 "Income Taxes (Topics 740): Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures" to expand the disclosure requirements for income taxes, specifically related to the rate reconciliation and income taxes paid. ASU 2023-09 is effective for the Company’s annual periods beginning January 1, 2025, with early adoption permitted. The Company is currently evaluating the potential effect that the updated standard will have on its financial statement disclosures.