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Revenue Recognition
6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2018
Revenue from Contract with Customer [Abstract]  
Revenue Recognition
Revenue Recognition
At the adoption of Topic 606, the cumulative effect of initially applying the new revenue standard is required to be presented as an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings. This cumulative effect amount was determined to be related to the full risk pool arrangements of APC, a variable interest entity (see Note 1). Therefore, the cumulative net effect of initially applying Topic 606 in the amount of $10,208,000, which is comprised of $11,600,000 of additional revenue, offset by $1,392,000 in related management fee expense, has been presented as an adjustment to the opening balance of the mezzanine equity, “Noncontrolling interest in Allied Pacific of California IPA.” Consequently, as a result of APC recording additional receivables, NMM recorded a corresponding entry of $1,392,000 to retained earnings to record the related management fee income. These adjustments were offset by an aggregate adjustment to deferred tax liability of $3,246,098.
The impact of the adoption of this ASU on the Company’s revenue, when comparing the amount of revenue recognized for the three and six months ended June 30, 2018 to the revenue that would have been recognized under the prior revenue standard ASC 605, are summarized as follows:
The table below presents the impact of the adoption of ASC 606 on the Company’s consolidated statements of income.
Three months ended June 30, 2018
Under ASC
Effect of ASC
As Reported
Under ASC 606
Risk pool settlements and incentives $10,466,217  $3,400,000  $13,866,217 
Total revenue
Provision for income taxes  572,364   951,443   1,523,807 
Net income
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interest  3,046,761   2,154,730   5,201,491 
Net income attributable to Apollo Medical Holdings, Inc.
Earnings per share - basic $0.07  $0.01  $0.08 
Earnings per share - diluted $0.06  $0.01  $0.07 
Six months ended June 30, 2018
Under ASC
Effect of ASC
As Reported
Under ASC 606
Risk pool settlements and incentives $28,452,953  $3,400,000  $31,852,953 
Total revenue
Provision for income taxes  7,801,204   951,443   8,752,647 
Net income
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interest  16,603,961   2,154,730   18,758,691 
Net income attributable to Apollo Medical Holdings, Inc.
Earnings per share - basic $0.14  $0.01  $0.15 
Earnings per share - diluted $0.12  $0.01  $0.13 
The table below presents the impact of the adoption of ASC 606 on the Company’s consolidated balance sheet.
June 30, 2018
Under ASC
Effect of ASC
As Reported
Under ASC 606
Trade accounts receivable, net $31,141,815  $3,400,000  $34,541,815 
Total assets
Noncurrent liabilities
Deferred tax liability  
Mezzanine equity
Noncontrolling interest in Alliled Pacific of California IPA  
Shareholders’ equity
Retained earnings  7,267,729   293,827   7,561,556 
Total liabilities, mezzanine equity and stockholders' equity
The cumulative effect of changes made to the Company’s condensed consolidated balance sheet as of January 1, 2018 for the adoption of Topic 606 were as follows:
Balance at
December 31,
due to Topic
Balance at
January 1, 2018
Current Assets
Liabilities, Mezzanine Equity and Stockholders’ Equity
Noncurrent Liabilities
Deferred tax liability
Mezzanine equity
Noncontrolling interest in Allied Pacific of California IPA
Stockholders’ Equity
Retained earnings
The Company operates as one reportable segment, the healthcare delivery segment. The Company disaggregates revenue from contracts by service type and by payor. This level of detail provides useful information pertaining to how the Company generates revenue by significant revenue stream and by type of direct contracts. The condensed consolidated statements of income present disaggregated revenue by service type. The following table presents disaggregated revenue generated by each payor type for the three and six months ended June 30, 2018 and 2017:
Three Months Ended
June 30, 2018
June 30, 2017
Commercial $97,852,959  $79,277,193 
Medicare  24,920,063   1,979,486 
Medicaid  183,794   - 
Other third parties  47,730   55,021 
Revenue $123,004,546  $81,311,700 
Six Months Ended
June 30, 2018
June 30, 2017
Commercial $203,231,219  $163,126,111 
Medicare  43,461,178   3,433,189 
Medicaid  360,144   - 
Other third parties  118,732   88,462 
Revenue $247,171,273  $166,647,762 
The Company receives payments from the following sources for services rendered: (i) commercial insurers; (ii) the federal government under the Medicare program administered by CMS; (iii) state governments under the Medicaid and other programs; (iv) other third party payors (e.g., hospitals); and (v) individual patients and clients. As the period between the time of service and time of payment is typically one year or less, the Company elected the practical expedient under ASC 606-10-32-18 and did not adjust for the effects of a significant financing component.
The Company derives a significant portion of its revenue from Medicare, Medicaid and other payors that receive discounts from established billing rates. The Medicare and Medicaid regulations and various managed care contracts under which these discounts must be calculated are complex, subject to interpretation and adjustment, and may include multiple reimbursement mechanisms for different types of services provided and cost settlement provisions. Management estimates the transaction price on a payor-specific basis given its interpretation of the applicable regulations or contract terms. The services authorized and provided and related reimbursements are often subject to interpretation that could result in payments that differ from the Company’s estimates. Additionally, updated regulations and contract renegotiations occur frequently, necessitating regular review and assessment of the estimation process by management.
Settlements under cost reimbursement agreements with third-party payors are estimated and recorded in the period in which the related services are rendered and are adjusted in future periods as final settlements are determined. Final determination of amounts earned under the Medicare and Medicaid programs often occurs in subsequent years because of audits by such programs, rights of appeal and the application of numerous technical provisions.
Under the new revenue standard, the Company has elected to apply the following practical expedients and optional exemptions:
Recognize incremental costs of obtaining a contract with amortization periods of one year or less as expense when incurred. These costs are recorded within general and administrative expenses.
Recognize revenue in the amount of consideration to which the Company has a right to invoice the customer if that amount corresponds directly with the value to the customer of the Company’s services completed to date.
Exemptions from disclosing the value of unsatisfied performance obligations for (i) contracts with an original expected length of one year or less, (ii) contracts for which revenue is recognized in the amount of consideration to which the Company has a right to invoice for services performed, and (iii) contracts for which variable consideration is allocated entirely to a wholly unsatisfied performance obligation or to a wholly unsatisfied promise to transfer a distinct service that forms part of a single performance obligation.
Use a portfolio approach for the fee-for-service (FFS) revenue stream to group contracts with similar characteristics and analyze historical cash collections trends.
No adjustment is made for the effects of a significant financing component as the period between the time of service and time of payment is typically one year or less.
Nature of Services and Revenue Streams
Revenue primarily consists of capitation revenue, risk pool settlements and incentives, NGACO All-Inclusive Population-Based Payments (“AIPBP”) revenue, management fee income, MSSP surplus revenue and FFS revenue. Revenue is recorded in the period in which services are rendered. The form of billing and related risk of collection for such services may vary by type of revenue and the customer. The following is a summary of the principal forms of the Company’s billing arrangements and how revenue is recognized for each.
Capitation, net
Managed care revenues of the Company consist primarily of capitated fees for medical services provided by the Company under either provider service agreements (each, a “PSA”) or capitated arrangements directly made with various managed care providers including HMOs. Capitation revenue under the PSAs and HMO contracts is prepaid monthly to the Company based on the number of enrollees selecting the Company as their healthcare provider. Capitation revenue is recognized in the month in which the Company is obligated to provide services. Minor ongoing adjustments to prior months’ capitation, primarily arising from contracted HMOs finalizing their monthly patient eligibility data for additions or subtractions of enrollees, are recognized in the month they are communicated to the Company. Additionally, Medicare pays capitation using a “Risk Adjustment model,” which compensates managed care organizations and providers based on the health status (acuity) of each individual enrollee. Health plans and providers with higher acuity enrollees will receive more and those with lower acuity enrollees will receive less. Under Risk Adjustment, capitation is determined based on health severity, measured using patient encounter data. Capitation is paid on a monthly basis based on data submitted for the enrollee for the preceding year and is adjusted in subsequent periods after the final data is compiled. Positive or negative capitation adjustments are made for Medicare enrollees with conditions requiring more or less healthcare services than assumed in the interim payments. Since the Company cannot reliably predict these adjustments, periodic changes in capitation amounts earned as a result of Risk Adjustment are recognized when those changes are communicated by the health plans to the Company.
Per member per month (PMPM) managed care contracts generally have a term of one year or longer. All managed care contracts have a single performance obligation that constitutes a series for the provision of managed healthcare services for a population of enrolled members for the duration of the contract. The transaction price for PMPM contracts is variable as it primarily includes per member per month fees associated with unspecified membership that fluctuates throughout the contract. In certain contracts, PMPM fees also include adjustments for items such as performance incentives, performance guarantees and risk shares. The Company generally estimates the transaction price using the most likely methodology and amounts are only included in the net transaction price to the extent that it is probable that a significant reversal of cumulative revenue will not occur once any uncertainty is resolved. The majority of the Company’s net PMPM transaction price relates specifically to its efforts to transfer the service for a distinct increment of the series (e.g. day or month) and is recognized as revenue in the month in which members are entitled to service.
Risk Pool Settlements and Incentives
APC enter into full risk capitation arrangements with certain health plans and local hospitals, which are administered by a third party, where the hospital is responsible for providing, arranging and paying for institutional risk and APC is responsible for providing, arranging and paying for professional risk. Under a full risk pool sharing agreement, APC generally receives a percentage of the net surplus from the affiliated hospital’s risk pools with HMOs after deductions for the affiliated hospitals costs. Advance settlement payments are typically made quarterly in arrears if there is a surplus. Risk pool settlements under arrangements with health plans and hospitals are recognized using the most likely methodology and amounts are only included in revenue to the extent that it is probable that a significant reversal of cumulative revenue will not occur once any uncertainty is resolved. The assumptions for IBNR completion factor and constraint percentages were used by management in applying the most likely method.
Under capitated arrangements with certain HMOs and APC participates in one or more shared risk arrangements relating to the provision of institutional services to enrollees (shared risk arrangements) and thus can earn additional revenue or incur losses based upon the enrollee utilization of institutional services. Shared risk capitation arrangements are entered into with certain health plans, which are administered by the health plan, where APC is responsible for rendering professional services, but the health plan does not enter into a capitation arrangement with a hospital and therefore the health plan retains the institutional risk. Shared risk deficits, if any, are not payable until and unless (and only to the extent of any) risk sharing surpluses are generated. At the termination of the HMO contract, any accumulated deficit will be extinguished. Risk pool settlements under arrangements with HMOs are recognized using the most likely methodology and amounts are only included in revenue to the extent that it is probable that a significant reversal of cumulative revenue will not occur once any uncertainty is resolved. Risk pools for the prior contract years are generally final settled in the third or fourth quarter of the following year.
As APAACO does not have sufficient insight into the financial performance of the shared risk pool with CMS because of unknown factors related to IBNR, risk adjustment factors, stop loss provisions, etc., an estimate cannot be developed. Due to these limitations, APAACO cannot determine the amount of surplus or deficit that will probably not be reversed in the future and therefore this shared risk pool revenue is considered to be fully constrained.
In addition to risk-sharing revenues, the Company also receives incentives under “pay-for-performance” programs for quality medical care, based on various criteria. As an incentive to control enrollee utilization and to promote quality care, certain HMOs have designed the quality incentive programs and commercial generic pharmacy incentive programs to compensate the Company for efforts it takes to improve the quality of services and for efficient and effective use of pharmacy supplemental benefits provided to the HMO’s members. The incentive programs track specific performance measures and calculate payments to the Company based on the performance measures. Incentives under “pay-for-performance” programs are recognized using the most likely methodology. As the Company does not have sufficient insight from the health plans on the amount and timing of the incentive payments, this revenue is considered to be fully constrained and is only recorded when such payments are received.
Generally for the foregoing arrangements, the final settlement is dependent on each distinct day’s performance within the annual measurement period but cannot be allocated to specific days until the full measurement period has occurred and performance can be assessed. As such, this is a form of variable consideration estimated at contract inception and updated through the measurement period (i.e. the contract year), to the extent the risk of reversal does not exist and the consideration is not constrained.
Under the NGACO Model, CMS grants the Company a pool of patients to manage (direct care and pay providers) based on a budget established with CMS. The Company is responsible for managing medical costs for these patients. The patients will receive services from physicians and other medical service providers that are both in-network and out-of-network. The Company receives capitation from CMS on a monthly basis to pay claims from in-network providers. The Company records such capitation received from CMS as revenue as the Company is primarily responsible and liable for managing the patient care and for satisfying provider obligations, is assuming the credit risk for the services provided by in-network providers through its arrangement with CMS, and has control of the funds, the services provided and the process by which the providers are ultimately paid. Claims from out-of-network providers are processed or paid by CMS and the Company’s profits or losses in managing the services provided by out-of-network providers are generally determined on an annual basis after reconciliation with CMS. Pursuant to the Company’s risk share agreement with CMS, the Company will be eligible to receive the surplus or be liable for the deficit according to the budget established by CMS based on the Company’s efficiency or lack thereof, respectively, in managing how the patients assigned to the Company by CMS are served by in-network and out-of-network providers. The Company’s profits or losses on providing such services are both capped by CMS, and are subject to significant estimation risk, whereby payments can vary significantly depending upon certain patient characteristics and other variable factors. Accordingly, the Company recognizes such surplus or deficit upon substantial completion of reconciliation and determination of the amounts. In accordance with the guidance in ASC 606-10-55-36 through 55-40 on principal versus agent considerations, the Company records such revenues in the gross amount of consideration.
The Company also has arrangements for billing and payment services with the medical providers within the NGACO network. The Company retains certain defined percentages of the payments made to the providers in exchange for using the Company’s billing and payment services. The revenue for this service is earned as payments are made to medical providers.
APAACO and CMS entered into a Next Generation ACO Model Participation Agreement (the “Participation Agreement”) with a term of two performance years through December 31, 2018. CMS may offer to renew the Participation Agreement for additional terms of two performance years.
For each performance year, the Company shall submit to CMS its selections for risk arrangement; the amount of the profit/loss cap; alternative payment mechanism; benefits enhancements, if any; and its decision regarding voluntary alignment under the NGACO Model. The Company must obtain CMS consent before voluntarily discontinuing any benefit enhancement during a performance year.
For each performance year, CMS shall pay the Company in accordance with the alternative payment mechanism, if any, for which CMS has approved the Company; the risk arrangement for which the Company has been approved by CMS; and as otherwise provided in the Participation Agreement. Following the end of each performance year and at such other times as may be required under the Participation Agreement, CMS will issue a settlement report to the Company setting forth the amount of any shared savings or shared losses and the amount of other monies owed. If CMS owes the Company shared savings or other monies owed, CMS shall pay the Company in full within 30 days after the date on which the relevant settlement report is deemed final, except as provided in the Participation Agreement. If the Company owes CMS shared losses or other monies owed as a result of a final settlement, the Company shall pay CMS in full within 30 days after the relevant settlement report is deemed final. If the Company fails to pay the amounts due to CMS in full within 30 days after the date of a demand letter or settlement report, CMS shall assess simple interest on the unpaid balance at the rate applicable to other Medicare debts under current provisions of law and applicable regulations. In addition, CMS and the U.S. Department of the Treasury may use any applicable debt collection tools available to collect any amounts owed by the Company.
The Company participates in the AIPBP track of the NGACO Model. Under the AIPBP track, CMS estimates the total annual expenditures for APAACO’s assigned patients and pays that projected amount to the Company in monthly installments, and the Company is responsible for all Part A and Part B costs for in-network participating providers and preferred providers contracted by the Company to provide services to the assigned patients.
As it relates specifically to the Company’s Participation Agreement with CMS, the Company recognizes capitation revenue in the month in which the Company is obligated to provide services. Also, because the Company’s arrangement with CMS is new (became effective in 2017), numerous factors create uncertainty regarding the risk pool settlement and incentive amounts that the Company is entitled to receive and limited historical data exists to develop reasonable and reliable estimates. As a result, the Company recognizes revenue from risk pool settlements and incentives under the arrangement with CMS in the period in which amounts are estimable and collection is reasonably assured. The Company will continue to evaluate and assess the reliability and reasonableness of data available to it in order develop future estimates, and will recognize risk pool settlements and incentives revenue based on such estimates only to the extent it is probable that a significant reversal of cumulative revenue will not occur in future periods.
In October 2017, CMS notified the Company that it would not be renewed for participation in the AIPBP payment mechanism of the NGACO Model for performance year 2018 due to certain alleged deficiencies in performance. The Company submitted a reconsideration request. In December 2017, the Company received the official decision on its reconsideration request that CMS reversed the prior decision against the Company’s continued participation in the AIPBP mechanism. As a result, the Company is eligible for receiving monthly AIPBP payments currently at a rate of approximately $7.3 million per month from CMS starting February 2018. The Company, however, will need to continue to comply with all terms and conditions in the Participation Agreement and various regulatory requirements to be eligible to participate in the AIPBP mechanism and/or NGACO Model.
Management Fee Income
Management fee income encompasses fees paid for management, physician advisory, healthcare staffing, administrative and other non-medical services provided by the Company to IPAs, hospitals and other healthcare providers. Such fees may be in the form of billings at agreed-upon hourly rates, percentages of revenue or fee collections, or amounts fixed on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. The revenue may include variable arrangements measuring factors such as hours staffed, patient visits or collections per visit against benchmarks, and, in certain cases, may be subject to achieving quality metrics or fee collections. Such variable supplemental revenues are recognized as revenue in the period when such amounts are determined to be fixed and therefore contractually obligated as payable by the customer under the terms of the respective agreement. The Company’s MSA revenue also includes revenue sharing payments from the Company’s partners based on their non-medical services.
The Company provides a significant service of integrating the services selected by the Company’s clients into one overall output for which the client has contracted. Therefore, such management contracts generally contain a single performance obligation. The nature of the Company’s performance obligation is to stand ready to provide services over the contractual period. Also, the Company’s performance obligation forms a series of distinct periods of time over which the Company stands ready to perform. The Company’s performance obligation is satisfied as the Company completes each period’s obligations.
Consideration from management contracts is variable in nature because the majority of the fees are generally based on revenue or collections, which can vary from period to period. The Company has control over pricing. Contractual fees are invoiced to the Company’s clients generally monthly and payment terms are typically due within 30 days. The variable consideration in the Company’s management contracts meets the criteria to be allocated to the distinct period of time to which it relates because (i) it is due to the activities performed to satisfy the performance obligation during that period and (ii) it represents the consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled.
The Company’s management contracts generally have long terms (e.g., ten years), although they may be terminated earlier under the terms of the respective contracts. Since the remaining variable consideration will be allocated to a wholly unsatisfied promise that forms part of a single performance obligation recognized under the series guidance, the Company has applied the optional exemption to exclude disclosure of the allocation of the transaction price to remaining performance obligations. 
Medicare Shared Savings Program Surplus Revenue
The Company participated in the MSSP, which is sponsored by CMS. The goal of the MSSP is to improve the quality of patient care and outcomes through a more efficient and coordinated approach among providers. The MSSP allows ACO participants to share in cost savings it generates in connection with rendering medical services to Medicare patients. Payments to ACO participants, if any, will be calculated annually by CMS on cost savings generated by the ACO participant relative to the ACO participants’ cost savings benchmark. Revenues earned by the Company are uncertain, and, if such amounts are payable by CMS, they will be paid on an annual basis significantly after the time earned, and will be contingent on various factors, including achievement of the minimum savings rate as determined by MSSP for the relevant period. Such payments are earned and made on an “all or nothing” basis. The Company considers revenue, if any, under the MSSP, as contingent upon the realization of program savings as determined solely by CMS, which are subject to significant estimation risk. Accordingly, they are not recognized as revenue until the amounts are estimable and collection is reasonably assured, which is generally when notice is received from CMS that cash payments are to be imminently received.
Fee-for-Service Revenue
FFS revenue represents revenue earned under contracts in which the Company bills and collects the professional component of charges for medical services rendered by the Company’s contracted physicians and employed physicians. Under the FFS arrangements, the Company bills the hospitals and third-party payors for the physician staffing and further bills patients or their third-party payors for patient care services provided and receives payment. FFS revenue related to the patient care services is reported net of contractual allowances and policy discounts and are recognized in the period in which the services are rendered to specific patients. All services provided are expected to result in cash flows and are therefore reflected as net revenue in the financial statements. The recognition of net revenue (gross charges less contractual allowances) from such services is dependent on such factors as proper completion of medical charts following a patient visit, the forwarding of such charts to the Company’s billing center for medical coding and entering into the Company’s billing system and the verification of each patient’s submission or representation at the time services are rendered as to the payor(s) responsible for payment of such services. Revenue is recorded based on the information known at the time of entering of such information into the Company’s billing systems as well as an estimate of the revenue associated with medical services.
The Company is responsible for confirming member eligibility, performing program utilization review, potentially directing payment to the provider and accepting the financial risk of loss associated with services rendered, as specified within the Company’s client contracts. The Company has the ability to adjust contractual fees with clients and possess the financial risk of loss in certain contractual obligations. These factors indicate the Company is the principal and, as such, the Company records gross fees contracted with clients in revenues.
Consideration from FFS arrangements is variable in nature because fees are based on patient encounters, credits due to clients and reimbursement of provider costs, all of which can vary from period to period. 
Contract Assets
Typically, revenues and receivables are recognized once the Company has satisfied its performance obligation. Accordingly, the Company’s contract assets comprise accounts receivable. Generally, the Company does not have material amounts of other contract assets.
Contract Liabilities (Deferred Revenue
Contract liabilities are recorded when cash payments are received in advance of the Company’s performance, which is generally uncommon. The Company’s contract liability balance was $708,591 and $250,000 as of June 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017, respectively, and is presented within the “Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses” line item of the condensed consolidated balance sheets. None of the amounts accrued as of December 31, 2017 was recognized as revenue for the three and six months ended June 30, 2018.