Washington, D.C. 20549
Pursuant to Section 13 OR 15(d) of The Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported) August 30, 2015
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
(State or other jurisdiction of incorporation)
(Commission File Number)
(IRS Employer Identification No.)
Suite F – 1500 West 16th Avenue, Vancouver, BC  V6J 2L6  Canada
(Address of principal executive offices and Zip Code)
Registrant's telephone number, including area code
Not Applicable
(Former name or former address, if changed since last report)
Check the appropriate box below if the Form 8-K filing is intended to simultaneously satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any of the following provisions:
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[ ] Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4(c) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))
Item 1.01  Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
On August 30, 2015, the Registrant entered into a Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement with Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) (“Paltar”), replacing in its entirety the parties’ Second Amended and Restated Agreement dated June 13, 2015.  Also on August 30, 2015, and pursuant to the terms of that Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement, Paltar or its wholly-owned subsidiary, Officer Petroleum Pty Ltd. (ACN 142 330 738) (“Officer”), and the Registrant’s wholly-owned Australian subsidiary, Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd. (ACN 606 533 046) (“Nation Australia”), entered into seven separate earning agreements and an option agreement, all dated August 30, 2015.

Paltar owns seven oil and gas exploration permits (the “Exploration Permits”) covering, in the aggregate, approximately 8,936,800 acres of potentially prospective land located in the Northern Territory of Australia and Western Australia.  Paltar owns a 50% interest in two of these Exploration Permits (EP 136 and 143), which cover land located in the Northern Territory’s Beetaloo Basin, and a 100% interest in four of the Exploration Permits (EP 231, 232, 234 and 237), which cover land located in the Northern Territory’s Victoria River Basin.  Paltar’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Officer, owns a 100% interest in the seventh Exploration Permit (EP 468), which covers land located in Western Australia’s Officer Basin.  In addition to these Exploration Permits, Paltar owns a 100% interest in 29 pending applications for exploration permits and has a less than 100% interest in one additional application (collectively, the “Applications”).
Pursuant to the terms of the Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement, Paltar farmed out three specific graticular blocks in each of EP 136, 143, 231, 232, 234 and 237 (the Beetaloo and Victoria River Basin permits) pursuant to six earning agreements (one earning agreement for each Exploration Permit) and it caused Officer to farm out forty blocks in EP 468 (the Officer Basin permit) pursuant to a seventh earning agreement.  In addition, Paltar agreed to enter into additional earning agreements with Nation Australia on December 17, 2015 (or such other date as the parties mutually agree), in which it will farm out to Nation Australia six additional graticular blocks in EP 136, three additional blocks in EP 143, and 18 additional blocks in the Victoria Basin, with all of these additional blocks to be selected by Nation.  The Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement provides that these additional earning agreements are to be on terms substantially similar to the terms of the seven earning agreements entered into by the parties on August 30, 2015.
Each of the seven initial earning agreements, all of which are dated August 30, 2015, grants certain rights and imposes certain obligations on Nation Australia in respect of the blocks of land described.  In the aggregate, these blocks of land comprise 1,003,400 acres of the 8,936,800 acres covered by the seven Exploration Permits.  Each of the seven earning agreements follows one of two negotiated templates (depending on whether the underlying interest in the Exploration Permit is 100% owned by Paltar), with variations in the applicable standard form driven by the specific circumstances affecting each Exploration Permit.  Each earning agreement contains general terms and conditions, a description of the area covered, a list of the encumbrances affecting the area, an amount of money to be paid by Nation Australia on or before December 31, 2015, and a commitment to pay 100% of the costs under applicable work programs and budgets.  Paltar will act as the operator subject to overall supervision by an Operating Committee comprised of one representative from each of Paltar and Nation Australia.  With respect to the earning agreements covering the Exploration Permits for which Paltar does not own a 100% interest, ownership of the Exploration Permits remains with Paltar during the term of the earning agreements, but if Paltar discovers a commercially exploitable accumulation of petroleum on any affected block it must transfer any production license granted in respect of that discovery to Nation Australia, insofar as it covers blocks subject to the earning agreement.  In connection with such transfer, Paltar is permitted to retain for itself an overriding royalty equal to the difference between 25% and all existing royalty burdens applicable to the production license. With respect to the earning agreements covering the Exploration Permits for which Paltar owns a 100% interest, upon Nation Australia spending at least the Earning Amount specified therein in expenditure before the end of the Earning Period also specified therein, Nation Australia will acquire a beneficial interest of 25% in the underlying Exploration Permit and any production license granted in connection therewith.  If a 25% interest in a production license is acquired by Nation Australia pursuant to these earning agreements, Nation Australia may, at its option for a period of ninety days thereafter, acquire the remaining 75% interest held by Paltar in exchange for the grant of an overriding royalty equal to the difference between 25% and all existing royalty burdens applicable to the production license.  A copy of each of the earning agreements has been filed as an exhibit to this Form 8-K.

In addition to the seven initial earning agreements, the parties entered into an option agreement dated August 30, 2015, pursuant to which Paltar granted to Nation Australia an option to purchase all of the Exploration Permits, all related business, financial, technical, geophysical, geological, geochemical and environmental information and data that Paltar has the legal right to convey, the Applications and all of the issued and outstanding shares of Officer (collectively, the “Assets”) for an exercise price of AUD$10,000,000 (approximately $7,006,870 at current exchange rates) until August 30, 2016.  In the event that Paltar and the Registrant complete a share exchange transaction as contemplated in the Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement, the option shall immediately terminate.  The option agreement acknowledges that the Assets are subject to the earning agreements, the Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement, certain other agreements listed on a schedule to the option agreement, and security interests granted in favor of certain directors of the Registrant securing indebtedness of Paltar in the aggregate amount of AUD$428,000 (approximately $299,881 at current exchange rates).  A copy of the option agreement has been filed as an exhibit to this Form 8-K.
The Third Amended and Restated Agreement contemplates that, promptly following the date of the initial seven earning agreements, the Registrant and Paltar will endeavor to negotiate the terms of a share exchange transaction in which all of the equity interests in Paltar will be exchanged for an unspecified number of newly issued equity interests in the Registrant.  If a share exchange transaction has not been completed before December 17, 2015, the Registrant has agreed to issue to Paltar, from the Registrant’s treasury 600,000,000 common shares at an agreed value of $0.03 and one-third cent per share as consideration for the other transactions described in the Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement.  All of the Registrant’s common shares to be issued pursuant to the Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement, whether the 600,000,000 common shares to be issued if the share exchange transaction is not completed or the common shares to be issued in the share exchange, are to be held in escrow for at least three years.  The escrow agent is to be a newly-formed Delaware limited liability company with a board of four managers.  David Siegel, Marc Bruner and John Hislop are currently directors of the Registrant; each will have the right to appoint one manager to the escrow agent’s board of managers.  Each of Messrs. Siegel and Bruner currently own Paltar equity, while Mr. Hislop has the right to acquire Paltar equity.  A fourth director of the Registrant, who has yet to be identified and appointed and who will not own any Paltar equity, is to serve as the fourth manager of the escrow agent’s board of managers.  Each of the four managers will hold one vote and Mr. Bruner or his appointee will hold a tie-breaking vote in the event of deadlock.
If a share exchange transaction is not completed before December 17, 2015, the Registrant has agreed to register for resale as many of the 600,000,000 common shares to be issued to Paltar, together with as many of the approximately 145,000,000 of the Registrant’s common shares held by John Hislop, as the Securities and Exchange Commission will permit the Registrant to register.

The Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement also provides that Paltar, which will be the operator under the earning agreements, will have the right of first offer to provide goods, services and work to the blocks subject to the earning agreements on terms that are competitive with and comparable to those customarily available in the open market from arms-length third parties.
Item 9.01  Financial Statements and Exhibits



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.
/s/ John R. Hislop                                       
By:  John R. Hislop
John R. Hislop
President, Chief Executive Officer,
Chief Financial Officer, and Director
Date:  September 3, 2015




Suite F - 1500 West 16th Avenue
Vancouver BC V6H 4B9 Canada

August 30, 2015


Paltar Petroleum Limited
1555 Blake Street, Suite 1002
Denver, Colorado  80202 
Attention:                      Mr. Marc Bruner
Dear Sirs:

RE:           THIRD AMENDED AND RESTATED AGREEMENT regarding Paltar Petroleum Limited Australia Permits & Applications

This letter sets out the Third Amended and Restated Agreement (“Agreement”) reached between Nation Energy Inc., as farmee and optionee (“Nation”), and Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”), as farmor and optionor, regarding (i) the immediate grant of earning rights to Nation relating to a portion of the oil and gas exploration permits listed on Schedule A; (ii) the later grant of earning rights relating to additional portions of the oil and gas exploration permits listed on Schedule A or portions of new permits granted as a result of the pending applications listed on Schedule A (the “Applications”); (iii) the possible later sale to Nation, at Nation’s option, of Paltar’s entire interest in all such permits, the outstanding shares of Officer Petroleum Pty Ltd. (“Officer”), and, when issued, any additional exploration permits issued as a result of the Applications (collectively, the “Assets”); or (iv) a possible business combination transaction in which substantially all of the equity interests of Paltar would be exchanged for newly issued equity interests of Nation (an “Exchange Transaction”), all on the terms and conditions set forth herein (collectively, the “Transactions”).  Marc Bruner (“Bruner”) and John Hislop (“Hislop”), as major shareholders (indirectly or directly) of Paltar and Nation, respectively, agree to the terms hereof. This Agreement replaces in its entirety the Second Amended and Restated Agreement dated June 13, 2015.
All dollar amounts in this Agreement are expressed in Australian dollars, except those specially indicated in Paragraph 3 as being in US dollars.
First Farmout Group
On the date hereof (the “Earn-In Closing Date”) and under seven separate Earning Agreements (the “Initial Earning Agreements” and together with the Additional Earning Agreements (as defined below), the “Earning Agreements”), Paltar will farm out three specific graticular blocks in each of the six petroleum exploration permits listed on Schedule A and will cause Officer to farm out forty blocks in Exploration Permit 468 (collectively, the “Nation Blocks”) to Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd, an Australian limited company and wholly owned subsidiary of Nation (“Nation Australia”), in exchange for the consideration specified in each Initial Earning Agreement.  Under each Earning Agreement, applications for Production Licenses (as defined therein) may only be made where there has been a Discovery (as defined in such Earning Agreement), so there is no assurance that Production Licenses will be granted covering any of the Nation Blocks.  There has been no discovery of petroleum on any of the exploration permits listed on Schedule A and the exploration permits currently produce no revenues.  The Earning Agreements and the rights of Nation thereunder shall be evidenced by approval and registration under the relevant petroleum legislation of the Northern Territory and Western Australia, respectively, at Nation’s option following December 31, 2015.

Second Farmout Group
On December 17, 2015, or such other date as the parties may mutually agree, Paltar and Nation will enter into additional earning agreements (the “Additional Earning Agreements”) farming out to Nation Australia on terms substantially similar to the Earning Agreements six additional graticular blocks in Exploration Permit 136, three additional blocks in Exploration Permit 143, and 18 blocks in exploration permits (whether now existing or hereafter issued under the Applications) covering lands in the Victoria Basin, with the specific blocks covered by such agreements to be selected by Nation in its sole discretion (or, if Nation fails to select blocks by 5:00 PM MST on December 16, 2015, then by Paltar), in exchange for the consideration specified therein.  The Additional Earning Agreements and the rights of Nation thereunder shall be evidenced by approval and registration under the relevant petroleum legislation of the Northern Territory at Nation’s option following December 31, 2015.
Share Issuance
Nation agrees to issue an aggregate of 600,000,000 Nation common shares (the “Earning Agreement Shares”) to Paltar, with an agreed value of US$0.03 and one-third cent per share, by December 17, 2015; provided, that in the event that an Exchange Transaction is consummated on or prior to December 16, 2015, Nation shall not be required to issue the Earning Agreement Shares to Paltar and this Agreement shall automatically be deemed to have been amended by the parties without any action of any person such that the text of this Paragraph 3 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the words “[Reserved]”.
On the Earn-In Closing Date, Paltar and Nation will execute an Option Agreement (the “Nation Purchase Option”), which will provide for an option of Nation, exercisable in its sole discretion (or its permitted designee as set forth therein) at any time before August 30, 2016 (but only if prior to such time Nation Australia (i) has executed the Additional Earning Agreements and (ii) performed its material obligations under all earning agreements to be performed through the date of exercise) to purchase (A) all of the Assets (including the right to exploration permits when the Applications for such permits are granted) and (B) all of the outstanding securities of Officer for an aggregate cash purchase price of $10,000,000.  The existence of the Nation Purchase Option and the rights of Nation thereunder may be evidenced by a filing on the personal property securities register kept under the Personal Property Securities Act (Cth) upon mutual agreement of the parties thereto.  In the event that an Exchange Transaction is consummated on or prior to December 16, 2015, the Option Agreement shall automatically terminate by its terms.

Exchange Transaction
Promptly following the Earn-In Closing Date, Nation and Paltar will endeavor to negotiate the terms of an Exchange Transaction.  Unless and until Nation and Paltar execute definitive documentation applicable thereto (the “Exchange Documentation”), neither Party is or will be under any obligation to enter into an Exchange Transaction.
Document Preparation and Closing
The parties agree to instruct their attorneys to co-operate and complete comprehensive documents required to complete the Transactions (the “Closing Documents”), including the Exchange Documentation.
The Earning Agreements and the Option Agreement will be executed and delivered on the Earn-In Closing Date.
Nation will be required within four days after the Earn-In Closing Date to file a comprehensive material change report on Form 8-K, and Paltar promises to provide on a timely basis such information as Nation or its attorneys or auditors consider necessary to prepare the 8-K.
If the Nation Purchase Option is exercised or an Exchange Transaction is consummated, Nation will be required within four business days after transfer of the Officer Shares to Nation Australia or completion of the Exchange Transaction to file a comprehensive material change report on Form 8-K and Paltar promises to provide, and to cause Officer to provide, on a timely basis, such information as Nation or its attorneys or auditors consider necessary to prepare the 8-K.  On or before delivery of the Officer Shares to Nation Australia, Paltar will provide audited financial statements regarding Officer and Paltar for the three most recent fiscal years prepared in accordance with US GAAP and accompanied by an audit report thereon from a PCAOB and SEC approved auditor which report complies with the rules and requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and such additional fiscal period financial statements as may be required under SEC regulations.
Paltar acknowledges that, until registered in accordance with Paragraph 18(b), all of the Earning Agreement Shares, if issued, will be restricted as to sale by US securities laws and rules and will carry a restrictive legend indicating such restrictions.  Paltar also acknowledges that following the issuance of the Earning Agreement Shares, if any, Paltar will become an “affiliate” of Nation and will be required to file insider reports and otherwise comply with applicable SEC rules.  In addition, Paltar acknowledges that Nation is a reporting issuer in Canada under Multilateral Instrument 51-105, Issuers Quoted in the U.S. Over-the-Counter Markets, and will remain so for a year after Closing, and Canadian securities filings will be required during that time.  Paltar shall not sell any of the Earning Agreement Shares in Canada or to a resident of Canada for so long as Nation continues to be a reporting issuer in Canada under Multilateral Instrument 51-105.

All of the Earning Agreement Shares or, in the event that an Exchange Transaction is consummated, all shares of the common stock of Nation issued to the Paltar shareholders pursuant to the terms of the Exchange Documentation (the “Exchange Shares”), shall be held in an escrow account subject to the terms of an escrow agreement.  The escrow agreement shall provide, among other things, that (A) in the event an Exchange Transaction is consummated on or prior to December 16, 2015, the Exchange Shares issued in connection therewith shall be held in the escrow account for a period of at least 3 years, or (B) alternatively, in the event that an Exchange Transaction is not consummated on or prior to December 16, 2015 and the Earning Agreement Shares are issued on December 17, 2015, all of the Earning Agreement Shares shall be held in the escrow account for a period of at least (1) with respect to a percentage of Earning Agreement Shares then beneficially held by Bruner, 5 years, and (2) with respect to a percentage of Earning Agreement Shares beneficially held by persons other than Bruner, 3 years, in each case subject to earlier release by the escrow agent.  The escrow agreement shall provide that the escrow agent will be a newly formed Delaware limited liability company that shall be managed by a board of managers.  The board of managers shall be composed of the following 4 members, each of whom shall have equal voting rights under the terms of the escrow agent’s governing document:
2 managers appointed by Bruner and David Siegel, an individual resident of Denver, Colorado (“Siegel”); so long as each of them continues to hold directly or indirectly at least 1/2% of the issued and outstanding shares of Nation’s common stock, or, if one or both of them does not hold at least 1/2% of the issued and outstanding shares of Nation’s common stock, 1 or 2 managers, as the case may be, appointed by the Nation Board (as defined below) that does not hold any equity securities of Paltar;

1 manager appointed by Hislop, so long as he continues to hold directly or indirectly at least 1% of the issued and outstanding shares of Nation’s common stock, or, if Hislop does not hold at least 1% of the issued and outstanding shares of Nation’s common stock, 1 manager appointed by the Nation Board that does not hold any equity securities of Paltar; and

the Independent Director (as defined below).

In the event of deadlock among the members of the board of managers of the escrow agent, the chairman of the board of managers shall possess an additional tie-breaking vote. The governing document of the escrow agent shall provide that the chairman of the board of managers of the escrow agent be Bruner or, if Bruner ceases to serve on the board of managers, then a person elected by the board of managers after the vacancy created by Bruner’s departure has been filled.

At the time of issuance of (A) the Earning Agreement Shares, Paltar and Hislop or (B) the Exchange Shares, Hislop, Bruner, Siegel, Darrel Causbrook and their affiliates, whichever of (A) and (B) occurs earlier, shall enter into a shareholder agreement (the “Shareholder Agreement”) which shall include a covenant that Paltar and Hislop will each vote their Nation common shares to increase the number of Nation directors to 5 and, for 5 years thereafter, to elect Hislop (or his nominee), Darrel Causbrook, Siegel, and Bruner (or such other nominees as Paltar may nominate from time-to-time), so long as each of them directly or beneficially holds at least 1% of the issued and outstanding shares of Nation’s common stock, and one independent person as members of the Board of Directors (the “Nation Board”), although there may be as many other directors of Nation as its shareholders may determine.  Prior to any issuance of the Earning Agreement Shares or the consummation of an Exchange Transaction (but not thereafter), Hislop agrees to vote his shares of Nation common stock to elect Hislop, Darrel Causbrook, Siegel, Bruner and one independent person that is also not an equity holder of Paltar (the “Independent Director”) as members of the Nation Board.
Provided that Paltar (or a successor operator approved by Nation that has executed a joinder to this Agreement for the purposes of this Paragraph 13) is then the operator under the applicable Earning Agreement, Paltar shall have the right of first offer to provide goods, services and work supplied or performed (i) on the Nation Blocks specified in such Earning Agreements, including permits issued as a result of the Applications, and (ii) in respect of all hydrocarbons produced therefrom (collectively, the “Proposed Work”) as follows: (A) the operator under the Earning Agreements relating to the concerned permit, in its capacity as the operator, shall first offer to Paltar, in its capacity as a third-party service provider, the contractual right to provide the Proposed Work; if Paltar indicates (1) that it or one of its affiliates, whether acting alone or in a joint venture or in some other contractual arrangement with others (in any of these events, a “Paltar entity”), is capable of providing the Proposed Work in a good and workmanlike manner and (2) that such Paltar entity wishes to enter into a contract with such operator to provide the Proposed Work, then such operator shall, before seeking any other proposals or bids concerning the Proposed Work, first negotiate in good faith with the Paltar entity in a good faith effort to reach a final contract concerning the provision of the Proposed Work; (B) such operator shall award the contract for the Proposed Work to the Paltar entity if the price and terms proposed by the Paltar entity and otherwise negotiated between such operator and the Paltar entity are competitive with and comparable to those customarily available in the open market from an arm’s length third party; and (C) Paltar shall have the first right to purchase petroleum produced from lands covered by the applicable permits at a price and upon terms competitive with and comparable to those customarily available in the open market from an arm’s length third party.  If, despite good faith efforts to do so, an agreement contemplated by the foregoing sentence cannot be reached within 30 days after the contractual rights were initially offered to Paltar, the operator shall be free to contract therefor with arms-length third parties on terms no less favorable than those offered by Paltar.  In the event an Exchange Transaction is consummated on or before December 16, 2015, the foregoing rights of Paltar shall expand to all permits set forth on Schedule A (including retention and production licenses issued in respect thereof), including permits issued after the date hereof in respect of the Applications.

The parties hereto agree to work in good faith with one another to minimize the aggregate tax liability to the parties incurred in connection with the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
Representations of Nation
Nation represents and warrants to Paltar that:
the authorized capital of Nation consists of 5,000,000,000 common shares with no par value per share, of which there are presently 150,020,000 common shares issued and outstanding;
other than as contemplated under this Agreement, there are no other rights, warrants or options outstanding pursuant to which any shares of Nation may be issued and there are no other securities issued and outstanding or issuable which are or may be convertible or converted into shares of Nation;
Nation is duly incorporated under the laws of Wyoming; and
all of Nation’s continuous disclosure filings with the Securities Exchange Commission of the United States are up to date and were, at the date they were filed, complete and accurate and, other than as contemplated herein, there are not and shall not, at the Earn-In Closing Date, be any material adverse changes in Nation’s business and affairs from that which was disclosed in Nation’s most recently-filed continuous disclosure documents.
Representations of Paltar
Each of Paltar and Bruner represents and warrants to Nation that:
subject to required governmental and other approvals as required by law, which Paltar will use its best efforts to obtain, Paltar has the full power and authority to transfer or cause to be transferred the Assets to Nation or Nation Australia free and clear of any charges, encumbrances, liens or claims, other than royalties and overriding royalties in existence at the date of this Agreement, including without limitation the overriding royalties referred to in Paragraph 1.1 of the Joint Venture Operating Agreement between Paltar and Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Limited;
other than as contemplated under this Agreement, there are no other rights or options outstanding pursuant to which any third party has any right or interest in the Assets;
Paltar is duly incorporated and in good standing under the laws of Australia; and
other than liens arising under the Joint Venture Operating Agreement between Paltar and Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Limited, Paltar’s interest in the Assets is free and clear of all encumbrances.

Nation covenants to Paltar that, except as contemplated hereby.
Nation shall conduct its business in the ordinary and normal course and shall not, without the prior written consent of Paltar, enter into any transaction which would cause any of its representations or warranties or agreements in this Agreement to be incorrect or to constitute a breach of any covenant or agreement of Nation herein;
Nation shall not issue or redeem any shares in its capital nor issue any securities convertible or exchangeable into shares other than as disclosed in this Agreement.
Paltar covenants to Nation that, except as contemplated hereby:
Paltar shall conduct its business in the ordinary and normal course and shall not enter into any transaction which would cause any of Paltar’ representations or warranties in this Agreement to be incorrect or constitute a breach of any covenant or agreement of Paltar in this Agreement;
If an Exchange Transaction is not consummated on or prior to December 16, 2015, within 60 days after the issuance of the Earning Agreement Shares on December 17, 2015, Nation shall file a registration statement with the SEC seeking registration under the Securities Act of 1933 of as many of the approximately 750 million shares of common stock of Nation (on a pro rata basis) anticipated then to be beneficially owned by Hislop and Paltar as may be permitted by the SEC.  If an Exchange Transaction is consummated on or prior to December 16, 2015, within 60 days after the issuance of the Exchange Shares, Nation shall file a registration statement with the SEC seeking registration under the Securities Act of 1933 of as many of the approximately 145 million shares of common stock of Nation anticipated then to be beneficially owned by Hislop as may be permitted by the SEC.  As soon as practicable after the Earn-In Closing Date the parties may, at the request of Hislop or Paltar, as applicable, negotiate and sign a Registration Rights agreement with Hislop or Paltar, or both, as applicable, which sets out these rights and provides for penalties if registration does not occur as contemplated;
Paltar shall not take any action which would result in any material adverse change to Paltar or to sell, transfer, encumber or dispose of any of the Assets or related entitlements, except as permitted in writing by Nation;
Paltar shall deliver to Nation, within 60 days following the Earn-In Closing Date, consolidated financial statements for Paltar’s three most recently completed fiscal years audited by a PCAOB approved auditor in US GAAP, together with such additional fiscal period financial statements as may be required under SEC regulations; and

Paltar will not, without the prior written consent of Nation, which may be granted or withheld by Nation in its sole and absolute discretion, transfer any of the Assets to any other party except in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
Binding Agreement
Upon acceptance of the terms of this Agreement by all of the parties hereto, this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute and shall be a legally valid and binding agreement.
Paltar acknowledges that Nation is a public company and has an obligation to disclose all material information about its affairs.  Paltar agrees that it will not trade in the securities of Nation while in possession of, and will ensure that its management does not so trade, nor will Paltar inform others of (except on a need to know basis and subject to a non-disclosure agreement), any non-disclosed material information about Nation.
The parties acknowledge that any provision of this Agreement that would effect an acquisition of an interest in Australian urban land [within the meaning of the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth) (“FATA”)] is subject to and conditional upon the person making the acquisition not having received any order or notice under FATA prohibiting the person from making the acquisition or making the acquisition subject to conditions which are unacceptable to the person.  The parties further acknowledge that the Nation Purchase Option may constitute the acquisition of an interest in Australian urban land and, accordingly, Nation Australia and/or Hislop shall, on or as soon as practicable after the date of this Agreement make and pursue all necessary applications and notifications under FATA as required.  The “FATA Approval Date” referred to in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement shall be the earliest to occur of the following: (i) The date upon which Nation Australia receives notice that the grant of the Nation Purchase Option is not prohibited under FATA (provided that any conditions placed on the notice (if any) are acceptable to Nation Australia); (ii) the date upon which a notice prohibiting the acquisition can no longer be delivered to Nation Australia and / or Hislop under the FATA; and (iii) the date upon which Nation Australia and / or Hislop (as applicable) waive this condition in accordance with Paragraph 22.
The obligation to pursue applications and notifications under FATA, and the receipt of any approvals thereunder, may be waived by Nation Australia or Hislop (as applicable) in its or his sole and absolute discretion.
Each party will pay its own legal costs, whether or not the transactions contemplated hereby are completed.
This Agreement shall be governed and interpreted under the laws of the State of Wyoming.

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts with the same effect as if each of the parties hereto had signed the same document and all counterparts will be construed together and constitute one and the same instrument.
This Agreement will inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns.
This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties regarding the transactions contemplated herein and supersedes all other prior agreements, understandings, negotiations and discussions.
No modification or amendment of any provisions of this Agreement shall be valid unless it is in writing and signed by the parties hereto and the Nation Board has expressly voted in favor of such amendment (in writing or at a properly convened meeting of the Nation Board in which any holders of equity interests of Paltar have abstained from such vote).
[remainder of page intentionally blank]



If the foregoing correctly sets out our agreement, please execute this letter in the space provided.

NATION ENERGY INC.                                                                                     PALTAR PETROLEUM LIMITED
Per:           /s/ John R. Hislop                                                                 Per:           /s/ Marc Bruner                                                      
                John R. Hislop                                                                                             Marc A. Bruner


/s/ Zachary Bruner
Witness Signature
Zachary Bruner
/s/ Marc Bruner


/s/ Carolyn Laurin
Witness Signature
Carolyn Laurin
/s/ John Hislop





100% interest in the following permits:

Permit Date
EP 231
EP 232
EP 234
EP 237

50% interest in Northern Territory Exploration Permits 136 and 143, which are subject to the Joint Venture Operating Agreement between Paltar and Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Limited, dated September 16, 2011.

As to which Paltar will promise to deliver transfer instruments to Nation when and if exploration permits are issued to Paltar:

Application Date
EP(A) 197
EP(A) 230
EP(A) 233
EP(A) 235
EP(A) 236
EP(A) 238
EP(A) 239
EP(A) 240
EP(A) 241
EP(A) 242
EP(A) 243
EP(A) 244
EP(A) 245
EP(A) 246
EP(A) 247
EP(A) 248
EP(A) 249
EP(A) 250
EP(A) 251
NTC/P 12
NTC/P 13
EP(A) 266
EP(A) 267
EP(A) 268
EP(A) 269
EP(A) 270
EP(A) 271
EP(A) 272
EP(A) 273
EP(A) 306


1 Partial interest in any exploration permit granted as a result of the Application, as provided in the Joint Venture Operating Agreement with Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Limited dated 16 September 2011, but only if such permit is granted on or before 31 December 2016.




EX-10.2 3 ex10-2.htm OPTION AGREEMENT ex10-2.htm

THIS OPTION AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”), is made and entered into as of August 30, 2015, by and between PALTAR PETROLEUM LIMITED, an Australian public company limited by shares (“Paltar”), in favor of NATION ENERGY INC., a Wyoming corporation (together with its Permitted Designees (as defined below), “Nation”).
WHEREAS, Paltar is the owner of (a) all of the issued share capital (being 10 shares as at the date of this agreement) (the “Shares”) of Officer Petroleum Pty Ltd., an Australian proprietary company (“Officer”), and (b) (i) an undivided 50% interest in EP 136 and EP 143, as listed on Exhibit A-1 attached hereto, and a 100% interest in EP 231, EP 232, EP 234 and EP 237, as listed on Exhibit A-2 attached hereto (in each case as updated in accordance with Section 10 hereof, and together with all related business, financial, technical, geophysical, geological, geochemical and environmental information and data which Paltar has the legal right to covey, the “Permits”, and the Permits, collectively with the Shares, the “Assets”), and (ii) the applications for exploration permits listed on Exhibit B attached hereto (the “Applications”); and
WHEREAS, in connection with the execution by the parties and certain of their affiliates of seven Earning Agreements listed on Schedule 1 attached hereto (the “Earning Agreements”) and the consummation of the other transactions (the “Transactions”) contemplated by that certain Third Amended and Restated Agreement regarding Paltar Petroleum Limited Australia Permits & Applications, dated as of August 30, 2015 (the “Letter Agreement”), and as further inducement to Nation to consummate the Transactions, Paltar desires to grant to Nation an option to acquire the Assets on the terms and conditions specified herein.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises, the mutual covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, including the payment of AUD$100, by Nation to Paltar, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:
1. Conditional Grant of Option.  Pursuant to the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement, on the FATA Approval Date (as defined below), if any, Paltar grants to Nation or, at Nation’s designation, any one or more of Nation’s Australian subsidiaries or affiliates (other than Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd, an Australian limited company (ACN 606 533 046) (“Nation Australia”)) (each a “Permitted Designee”), an indivisible option (the “Option”) to purchase the Assets, subject in all cases to, and following compliance with, the approvals contemplated by Section 3 below.
2. Purchase Price.  If, following the FATA Approval Date, if any, Nation chooses to exercise the Option pursuant to Section 5, the purchase price for all of the Assets (the “Purchase Price”) shall be AUD$10,000,000 (exclusive of GST (as defined below)).
3. Governmental Approvals.  The parties acknowledge that the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby may constitute an acquisition of an interest in Australian urban land (“AUL”) within the meaning of the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth) (“FATA”) and, as a result, the Option granted hereunder by Paltar in favor of Nation may be subject to and conditional upon Nation not having received any order or notice under FATA prohibiting Nation (or, if applicable, a Permitted Designee) from making an acquisition of AUL or making an acquisition of AUL subject to conditions which are unacceptable to Nation in its sole and absolute discretion.  On or as soon as practicable after the date of this Agreement, Nation agrees to use its commercially reasonable efforts to make and pursue all necessary applications and notifications under FATA. The “FATA Approval Date” referred to in Section 1 of this Agreement shall be the earliest to occur of the following: (a) the date upon which Nation receives notice that the grant of the Option is not prohibited under FATA (provided that any conditions placed on the notice (if any) are acceptable to Nation in its sole and absolute discretion); (b) the date upon which a notice prohibiting the acquisition can no longer be delivered to Nation under FATA; and (c) the date upon which Nation waives compliance with FATA, which waiver Nation shall control in its sole and absolute discretion.

4. Registration.  At any time following the FATA Approval Date, if any, Nation may, if it elects to do so in the exercise of its sole discretion, apply to the relevant Minister pursuant to section 96(3) of the Petroleum Act (NT) for approval of this Option for the purposes of having an entry made in the register in accordance with section 96(7) of the Petroleum Act.  Paltar shall take all such steps in its power as are necessary or reasonably requested by Nation in order to achieve the approval and entry in the register in accordance with this clause.
5. Effect of Exchange Transaction;  Exercise of the Option; Revocation
(a) Effect of Exchange Transaction.  Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, including any delivery by Nation of a Notice of Exercise (as defined below), in the event that an Exchange Transaction (as defined in the Letter Agreement) is consummated on or prior to December 16, 2015, this Agreement shall immediately terminate and be of no further force or effect.
(b) Notice of Exercise. In order to validly exercise the Option conditionally granted hereunder, Nation must deliver a written notice (the “Notice of Exercise”) to Paltar during the term of this Agreement, which it may do at any time during the period beginning on the FATA Approval Date and ending at 11:59 PM (Mountain Daylight Time) on August 30, 2016 (provided that the Agreement is not earlier terminated automatically pursuant to Section 5(a) or otherwise, the “Expiration Date”), stating that it has elected to exercise the Option and certifying that it has (i) caused Nation Australia to execute the two additional earning agreements (the “Additional Earning Agreements”) contemplated by Paragraph 2 of the Letter Agreement and (ii) performed its material obligations under all of the Earning Agreements and the Additional Earning Agreements as of such date.  If Nation has not delivered a Notice of Exercise to Paltar by the Expiration Date, this Agreement shall immediately terminate.
(c) Due Diligence Materials; Revocation.  Upon delivery of a Notice of Exercise during the term of this Agreement, Paltar shall promptly provide (i) audited financial statements regarding Officer and Paltar for the three most recent fiscal years prepared by a PCAOB approved auditor in compliance with accounting principles and standards acceptable to the Securities and Exchange Commission and any additional fiscal period financial statements that may then be required under the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and (ii) all information reasonably requested by Nation in order for Nation to conduct its due diligence review of the Assets.  Provided that this Agreement has not been earlier terminated pursuant to Section 5(a) or otherwise, in the event that Nation is not satisfied with the results of its due diligence review, as determined in its sole and absolute discretion, it shall have the right to revoke the Notice of Exercise as to all or any portion of the Assets by providing written notice of its election to revoke (a “Revocation Notice”) to Paltar no later than 11:59 PM (Mountain Time) on the sixtieth (60th) day after its delivery of the Notice of Exercise (such date the “Revocation Expiration Date”).
(d) Required Approvals.  Unless (i) this Agreement is earlier terminated pursuant to Section 5(a) or otherwise or (ii) the Notice of Exercise is revoked in accordance with Section 5(c), immediately following the Revocation Expiration Date, Paltar and Nation will use commercially reasonable efforts to (x) obtain any approval of any third party (including any governmental entity) necessary to validly and lawfully transfer any and all of the Assets from Paltar to Nation (each a “Required Approval”), and (y) take all actions necessary to transfer or cause to be transferred the Assets from Paltar to Nation at the Closing.

6. Transaction Agreements.  Unless (i) this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 5(a) or otherwise or (ii) the Notice of Exercise is revoked in accordance with Section 5(c), promptly following the Revocation Expiration Date, Nation and Paltar will negotiate in good faith the definitive agreements and other documents and instruments necessary to effect Nation’s purchase of the Assets (the “Transaction Agreements”).  The Transaction Agreements shall contain customary representations and warranties relating to the Assets and the Applications and shall provide that, among other things, (A) Paltar’s interest in the Assets shall be transferred to Nation free from any lien or other encumbrance other than the Existing Liens (as defined below), (B) any Permit granted to Paltar after the Closing Date (as defined below) will be conveyed by Paltar to Nation as soon as practicable after such Permit has been granted, (C) Paltar will agree to (1) inform Nation of all actions necessary in its good faith, reasonable judgment required to be taken in order to maintain the Applications or convert the Applications into exploration permits, as the case may be, and (2) take all such actions as may be requested by Nation to cause the Applications to be maintained or converted into exploration permits, all direct, out-of-pocket costs associated therewith to be borne by Nation and (D) the obligation of Nation to purchase the Assets and to take the other actions required by this Agreement at the Closing are subject to the satisfaction (or waiver by Nation in its sole and absolute discretion) on or before the Closing Date of the following conditions: (X) the Paltar-Hislop-Siegel Notes (as defined below) shall have been repaid in full by Paltar and any security interest in the Assets securing the Paltar-Hislop-Siegel Notes shall have been released; (Y) any and all Required Approvals shall have been obtained or waived, in each case as determined by Nation in its sole and absolute discretion; and (Z) the representations and warranties of Paltar contained herein shall be true and correct on and as of the Closing Date.
7. Closing.  The closing of the exercise of the Option (the “Closing”) shall take place at the offices of Hogan Lovells US LLP, One Tabor Center, 1200 Seventeenth Street, Suite 1500, Denver, Colorado  80202, or such other address as Nation may elect, acting reasonably.  If the Option is validly exercised, the Closing shall occur on or before the day that is one hundred eighty (180) days following the Revocation Expiration Date (the date on which the Closing occurs being the “Closing Date”).
8. Representations and Warranties.
(a) Representations and Warranties of Paltar.  Paltar represents, warrants and covenants to Nation as of the date hereof and as of the date of any Notice of Exercise as follows:
i. Paltar is an Australian public company limited by shares duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of its jurisdiction of formation and has all requisite public limited company power and authority to carry on its business and own and operate its properties as now conducted and as proposed to be conducted and to perform its obligations pursuant to this Agreement.  Paltar is duly qualified to transact business and is in good standing in each jurisdiction where the failure to be so qualified would have or could reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on Paltar’s financial condition or business as now conducted or as currently proposed to be conducted (a “Paltar Material Adverse Effect”).

ii. All public limited company action on the part of Paltar, its directors, officers, governing body and equity holders necessary for the authorization, execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance of all obligations of Paltar hereunder have been taken or will be taken. This Agreement, when executed and delivered by Paltar, shall constitute a valid and legally binding obligation of Paltar, enforceable against Paltar in accordance with its respective terms except as limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium, fraudulent conveyance and other laws of general application affecting enforcement of creditors’ rights generally, and as limited by laws relating to the availability of specific performance, injunctive relief, or other equitable remedies.
iii. Paltar is not in violation of any term of its formation or governing documents, each as amended to date, or, in any respect of any term or provision of any note, indenture, mortgage, indebtedness, indenture, contract, agreement, purchase order, instrument, judgment, order or decree to which it is party or by which it or its assets is bound which has had or will have a Paltar Material Adverse Effect.  Paltar is not in violation of any law, statute, rule or regulation applicable to Paltar the violation of which would have had or will have a Paltar Material Adverse Effect.  The execution and delivery of this Agreement by Paltar, the performance by Paltar of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement will not result in any violation of, or conflict with, or constitute with or without the passage of time and giving of notice, either a default under, Paltar’s formation or governing documents, each as amended to date, or any of its instruments, judgments, orders, writs, decrees, contracts, agreements, nor result in (except as contemplated hereby) the creation of any mortgage, pledge, lien, encumbrance or charge upon any of the properties or assets of Paltar or the suspension, revocation, impairment, forfeiture or nonrenewal of any permit, license, authorization or approval applicable to Paltar, its business or operations or any of its assets or properties (including the Assets and the Applications).
iv. Except for the Required Approvals and filings and recordings in connection with this Agreement, and except as have been obtained and are in effect, no consent, approval or authorization of or designation, declaration or filing with any governmental authority on the part of Paltar is required in connection with the valid execution and delivery of this Agreement.
v. Paltar is the sole legal and beneficial owner of the Assets free and clear of any lien or other encumbrance other than liens or encumbrances arising under (collectively, the “Existing Liens”): (A) this Agreement, (B) the Earning Agreements and any agreement or arrangement referred to therein or in any Permit listed on Exhibit A-1 or Exhibit A-2 attached hereto on the date hereof as being applicable to each Permit comprising the Assets, (C) the Letter Agreement, and (D) the security interests of John Hislop and the David N. Siegel Family Trust in the Assets under any indebtedness of Paltar, including each Promissory Note issued by Paltar to John Hislop and the David N. Siegel Family Trust on or around the date hereof, in the aggregate amount of AUD$428,000 (collectively, the “Paltar-Hislop-Siegel Notes”).
vi. Subject to obtaining all of the Required Approvals, Paltar has the full power and authority to transfer or cause to be transferred the Assets to Nation free and clear of any charges, encumbrances, liens or claims, other than the Existing Liens.
vii. No options or other agreements providing for the acquisition of all or some of the Assets (other than this Agreement) are outstanding.
viii. Paltar is not affected by an Insolvency Event, where the term “Insolvency Event” means an administrator, liquidator, receiver, receiver and manager or other controller (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)) being appointed to, or over, any of the property or undertaking of Paltar; or Paltar being unable to pay its debts when they become due and payable.

(b) Representations and Warranties of Nation.  Nation represents, warrants and covenants to Paltar as follows:
i. Nation is a Wyoming corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of Wyoming and has all requisite corporate power and authority to carry on its business and own and operate its properties as now conducted and as proposed to be conducted and to perform its obligations pursuant to this Agreement.
ii. All corporate action on the part of Nation, its officers, directors, and shareholders necessary for the authorization, execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance of all obligations of Nation hereunder have been taken or will be taken. This Agreement, when executed and delivered by Nation, shall constitute a valid and legally binding obligation of Nation, enforceable against Nation in accordance with its respective terms except as limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium, fraudulent conveyance and other laws of general application affecting enforcement of creditors’ rights generally, and as limited by laws relating to the availability of specific performance, injunctive relief, or other equitable remedies.
9. Covenants.
(a) Covenants of Paltar.  Except as contemplated by the Letter Agreement, Paltar agrees during the term of this Agreement to (1) conduct its business in the ordinary and normal course and shall not enter into any transaction which would cause any of Paltar’s representations or warranties in this Agreement to be incorrect at any time or constitute a breach of any covenant or agreement of Paltar in this Agreement at any time, (2) not take any action which would result in any Paltar Material Adverse Effect or to sell, transfer, encumber or dispose of any of the Assets or related entitlements, except as permitted in writing by Nation, and (3) not, without the prior written consent of Nation, which may be granted or withheld by Nation in its sole and absolute discretion, (A) transfer or create further encumbrances on the Assets in addition to the Existing Liens or (B) cause or permit Officer to transfer any of its assets.
(b) Covenants of Nation.  Except as contemplated by the Letter Agreement, Nation agrees during the term of this Agreement to conduct its business in the ordinary and normal course and shall not enter into any transaction which would cause any of Nation’s representations or warranties in this Agreement to be incorrect or constitute a breach of any covenant or agreement of Nation in this Agreement.
10. Conversion of Applications into Permits.  Paltar agrees to (A) inform Nation of all actions necessary in its good faith, reasonable judgment required to be taken in order to maintain the Applications or convert the Applications into exploration permits, as the case may be, and (B) take all such actions as may be requested by Nation to cause the Applications to be maintained or converted into exploration permits.  All direct, out-of-pocket costs associated with such requested actions shall be borne by Nation.  To the extent any such Application is converted into an exploration permit, Exhibit A-1 and Exhibit A-2 attached hereto shall be deemed to have been updated automatically to include such exploration permit, as appropriate, and Exhibit B attached hereto shall be deemed to have been updated automatically to exclude such Application (or portion thereof), and such newly issued exploration permit shall be deemed to be a Permit for all purposes hereunder except as specified in Section 8(a)v(B).
11. Further Assurances.  The parties agree that at any time, and from time to time until the earlier of (a) the termination of this Agreement in accordance with its terms or (b) in the event of a consummation of the Closing, sixteen (16) months following the Closing Date, at the requesting party’s expense, as applicable, each party will promptly execute and deliver all further instruments and documents, and take all further action, requested by the other party that may be necessary or desirable in order to in order to more effectively consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

12. Confidentiality. Nation shall maintain the terms of any information disclosed to it pursuant to the terms of Section 5(c) (the “Confidential Information”) in confidence; provided, that Nation may disclose such Confidential Information to those of its partners, officers, directors, employees, affiliates, agents, sources of financing, advisors and attorneys who need to know such information for the purpose of evaluating the transaction contemplated by this Agreement or who otherwise need to know such information under this Agreement or any of the Transaction Agreements (it being understood and agreed that Nation has advised such persons of their obligations concerning the confidentiality of all client affairs and information and shall instruct such persons to maintain the confidentiality of such Confidential Information).
13. Public Disclosure.  Each of the parties hereby agrees with the other party that, except as may be required by the e Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules and regulations of the SEC promulgated thereunder or other applicable provisions of law or the rules and regulations of each stock exchange or other automated quotation system upon which the securities of one of the parties is listed or to which such securities are admitted for trading, no press release or similar public announcement or communication will be made or caused to be made concerning the execution or performance of this Agreement unless specifically approved in advance by both parties hereto.
14. Miscellaneous.
(a) Successors and Assigns.  The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective successors and assigns of the parties.  Nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to confer upon any party other than the parties hereto or their respective successors and assigns any rights, remedies, obligations, or liabilities under or by reason of this Agreement, except as expressly provided in this Agreement.
(b) Governing Law.  This Agreement and all acts and transactions pursuant hereto and the rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be governed, construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Wyoming, without giving effect to principles of conflicts of law.
(c) Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one instrument.  The exchange of copies of this Agreement and of signature pages by facsimile transmission or other electronic means shall constitute effective execution and delivery of this Agreement as to the parties and may be used in lieu of the original Agreement for all purposes. Signatures of the parties transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means, including PDF format, shall be deemed to be their original signatures for any purposes whatsoever.
(d) Titles and Subtitles.  The titles and subtitles used in this Agreement are used for convenience only and are not to be considered in construing or interpreting this Agreement.
(e) Notices.  All notices and other communications given or made pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed effectively given upon: (a) personal delivery to the party to be notified, (b) when sent, if sent by electronic mail or facsimile during normal business hours of the recipient, and if not sent during normal business hours, then on the recipient’s next business day or (c) three (3) business days after deposit with a nationally recognized overnight courier, freight prepaid, specifying next business day delivery, with written verification of receipt.  All communications shall be sent to the respective parties at their address as set forth on the signature pages hereto, or as subsequently modified by written notice.

(f) Amendments and Waivers.  Any term or condition of this Agreement may be waived at any time by the party that is entitled to the benefit thereof, but no such waiver shall be effective unless set forth in a written instrument duly executed by such waiving party.  The failure or delay of either party to require performance by the other party of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect its right to require performance of such provision unless and until such performance has been waived by such party in writing in accordance with the terms hereof.  No waiver by either party of any term or condition of this Agreement, in any one or more instances, shall be deemed to be or construed as a waiver of the same or any other term or condition of this Agreement on any future occasion.  No modification or amendment of any provisions of this Agreement shall be valid unless it is in writing and signed by Paltar and Nation and that the Board of Directors of Nation Energy Inc. has expressly voted in favor of such amendment (in writing or at a properly convened meeting of such Board of Directors in which any holders of equity interests of Paltar have abstained from such vote).
(g) Severability.  If one or more provisions of this Agreement are held to be unenforceable under applicable law, the parties agree to renegotiate such provision in good faith, in order to maintain the economic position enjoyed by each party as close as possible to that under the provision rendered unenforceable.  In the event that the parties cannot reach a mutually agreeable and enforceable replacement for such provision, then (1) such provision shall be excluded from this Agreement, (2) the balance of the Agreement shall be interpreted as if such provision were so excluded and (3) the balance of the Agreement shall be enforceable in accordance with its terms.
(h) Entire Agreement.  This Agreement and the documents referred to herein constitute the entire agreement between and among the parties hereto pertaining to the subject matter hereof and thereof, and any and all other written or oral agreements existing between the parties hereto are expressly canceled, excluding, for the avoidance of doubt, the Letter Agreement.
(i) Goods and Services Tax. Where the grant of the option under this Agreement or anything else done or agreed to be done by a party ("supplier") for another party ("recipient") under this Agreement (all those things being "supply") attracts or creates a liability in the supplier to pay, or remit amounts in respect of, any payment to be made or consideration to be given by the recipient (including the option fee) in respect of the supply must be increased so that the supplier obtains, after paying or remitting the GST, the same payment or consideration as it would in the absence of a GST, and the increase in the payment or consideration is sufficient to cover all of the GST payable in respect of the supply at the increased level of payment or consideration. This clause does not apply to any payment that is expressed to be or is calculated as being inclusive of GST, except to the extent that the rate of GST payable by the supplier is increased above 10%.  Despite any other provision of this Agreement, the Recipient need not make a payment under this Agreement until the Supplier has given the Recipient a valid tax invoice in the form required by the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth) in respect of the relevant supply.  All words and phrases used in this Agreement which are defined in the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth) (“GST Act”) shall have the meaning attributed to the words and phrases in the GST Act.
(j) Choice of Counsel; Construction.  The parties have reviewed and understand this Agreement, and each has had a full opportunity to negotiate the terms of this Agreement and to consult with separate counsel of its own choosing.  Therefore, the parties expressly waive all applicable common law and statutory rules of construction that any provision of this Agreement should be construed against the drafter of this Agreement, and agree that this Agreement shall be construed as a whole, according to the fair meaning of the language used.

[Remainder of page intentionally left blank]



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Option Agreement to be executed by their authorized representatives as of the date first above written.
PALTAR PETROLEUM LIMITED by 2 of its directors or 1 of its directors and 1 secretary in accordance with section 127 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth):

By:/s/ Darrel Causbrook                                                      
Name:  Darrel John Causbrook
Title: Director
By: /s/ Nick Tropea 
Name: Nick Tropea
Title: Secretary

Address for Notices:
Level 10
32 Martin Place
Sydney NSW Australia 2000

with a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:




By: /s/ John Hislop 
Name:  John Hislop
President, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board, Chief Financial Officer, and Director
Address for Notices:
Suite F-1500 West 16th Avenue
Vancouver, BC
V6J 2L6 Canada

with a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:
Hogan Lovells US LLP
c/o David Brody
1200 Seventeenth Street, Suite 1500
Denver, CO 80202



Schedule 1
Earning Agreements
EP 136 Earning Agreement, dated August 30, 2015, by and between Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) and Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046).
EP 143 Earning Agreement, dated August 30, 2015, by and between Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) and Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046).
EP 231 Earning Agreement, dated August 30, 2015, by and between Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) and Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046).
EP 232 Earning Agreement, dated August 30, 2015, by and between Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) and Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046).
EP 234 Earning Agreement, dated August 30, 2015, by and between Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) and Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046).
EP 237 Earning Agreement, dated August 30, 2015, by and between Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) and Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046).
EP 468 Earning Agreement, dated August 30, 2015, by and between Officer Petroleum Pty Ltd (ACN 142 330 738) and Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046).




Exhibit A-1
Exploration Permits (50% Interest)

Permit Date
EP 136
EP 143



Exhibit A-2
Exploration Permits (100% Interest)

Permit Date
EP 231
EP 232
EP 234
EP 237



Exhibit B

Application Date
EP(A) 197
EP(A) 230
EP(A) 233
EP(A) 235
EP(A) 236
EP(A) 238
EP(A) 239
EP(A) 240
EP(A) 241
EP(A) 242
EP(A) 243
EP(A) 244
EP(A) 245
EP(A) 246
EP(A) 247
EP(A) 248
EP(A) 249
EP(A) 250
EP(A) 251
NTC/P 12
NTC/P 13
EP(A) 266
EP(A) 267
EP(A) 268
EP(A) 269
EP(A) 270
EP(A) 271
EP(A) 272
EP(A) 273
EP(A) 306

1 Partial interest in any exploration permit granted as a result of the Application, as provided in the Joint Venture Operating Agreement with Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Limited dated 16 September 2011, but only if such permit is granted on or before 31 December 2016.



EX-10.3 4 ex10-3.htm EP 143 EARNING AGREEMENT ex10-3.htm



EP 136 Earning Agreement


Paltar Petroleum Limited  (ACN 149 987 459)

Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd  (ACN 606 533 046)



Defined terms
Initial Consideration
Operating Committee
Work Programs and Budgets
Production Licences
Relinquishments and renewals
Transfer of interest or rights
Withdrawal from Agreement
Relationship of Parties and Tax
Confidential Information
Force majeure
Applicable law and arbitration
General provisions



Schedule 1:  Royalties
Schedule 2:  Nation Blocks
Schedule 3:  Permit Year 3 Work Program and Budget
Annex 1:      Accounting Procedure



EP 136 Earning Agreement
Dated 30 August 2015
Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) of Level 10, 32 Martin Place, Sydney,
New South Wales 2000 (Paltar)
Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd  (ACN 606 533 046) of RPO Box 60610, Granville Park,
Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 4B9 (Nation)
Paltar and Sweetpea each own an undivided 50% interest in the Permit.
Paltar and Sweetpea have associated themselves under the JVOA as an unincorporated joint venture to conduct petroleum exploration on lands covered by the Permit and certain other permits granted under the Petroleum Act.
Under the JVOA, Paltar has the right to designate a specific Block covered by the Permit, which will then cause that designated Block and all diagonally contiguous Blocks in a checkerboard pattern within the Permit to be allocated to Paltar.
Under the Petroleum Act, Paltar may apply for a Production Licence covering one or more of the Blocks allocated to it after discovering a commercially exploitable accumulation of petroleum.
The Parties enter into this Agreement to evidence their binding agreement concerning Cash Consideration and Share Consideration, the costs of Operations to be borne by Nation, and the interests that may be earned by Nation if one or more Production Licences are issued to Paltar covering one or more of the Nation Blocks.
Operative provisions
Defined terms
Clause 18 of this Agreement sets out and explains the defined terms, or refers to the definitions of the terms, and the rules of interpretation that apply.

Initial Consideration
Share Consideration
Nation Energy Inc., a Wyoming corporation, has agreed to issue on December 17, 2015 600,000,000 of its common shares (the Share Consideration) to Paltar, and Paltar has agreed to certain restrictions on the transfer of such shares, under the terms of the Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement, dated 30 August 2015 between Nation Energy Inc. and Paltar (the Letter Agreement), in the event that an Exchange Transaction (as defined in the Letter Agreement) has not been consummated on or before December 16, 2015.
Cash Consideration
No later than 31 December 2015, Nation shall pay by wire transfer to an account designated by Paltar the sum of $769,143.  If Nation fails timely to pay this amount to Paltar, this Agreement shall terminate, Paltar shall retain the share consideration described in Clause 2.1, and neither Party shall have any further obligation to the other.
Non-Refundable Consideration for Earning Rights
The Share Consideration (if issued) and Cash Consideration are non-refundable consideration for the right given Nation hereunder to earn interests in any Production Licences covering the Nation Blocks that may be granted Paltar under the Permit.
Designation of Operator
Paltar is hereby designated as Operator, and agrees to act as such in accordance with this Agreement.
Designation of Blocks
Paltar will use its best efforts to cause the Nation Blocks to be selected as Paltar Blocks under Article 11 of the JVOA.
Rights and Duties of Operator
Subject to the terms and conditions of the JVOA and this Agreement, Paltar shall have all of the rights, functions and duties of Operator under this Agreement and will have exclusive charge of and shall conduct all Operations on the Nation Blocks under the overall direction of the Operating Committee.  Paltar may employ independent contractors and agents, including Related Bodies Corporate of Paltar, in such Operations.
Paltar warrants and represents to Nation that the JVOA and Paltar’s Participating Interest under the JVOA are in good standing and are not subject to any breach, default or other circumstance that will or may result in the JVOA terminating or Paltar’s Participating Interest under the JVOA being surrendered, transferred or assigned or becoming subject to any Encumbrance. Paltar shall:

perform all actions necessary to comply with the requirements imposed upon it by the JVOA;
take all steps as are necessary or appropriate under the JVOA in order to:
maintain its position as operator under the JVOA and use its positon as operator under the JVOA to achieve the objectives of this Agreement;
implement the decisions of the Operating Committee, including by making all decisions and casting all votes under the JVOA consistently with the decisions of the Operating Committee; and
without limiting clause 5.1(d), and subject to applicable Government requirements, ensure that all Work Programs and Budgets, including the Initial Work Program, and any of Paltar’s Sole Risk Exploration (as those terms are defined in the JVOA) consist of work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks,
not grant, create or allow the grant or creation of any Encumbrance over Paltar’s Participating Interest as defined in the JVOA without the prior written consent of Nation;
not sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of or part with possession of Paltar’s Participating Interest under the JVOA without the prior written consent of Nation;
immediately notify Nation of any act, event, circumstance, correspondence, notice or other information (in any form and from whatever source) that may cause, or is relevant to, Paltar’s Participating Interest under the JVOA becoming the subject of an Encumbrance or being surrendered, transferred, assigned or disposed of; and
take all steps as are necessary or appropriate to ensure that the application for, grant and transfer of a Production Licence to Nation occurs as soon as practicable following a decision by Nation under clause 6.1(b).
In the conduct of Operations, Paltar shall:
perform Operations in accordance with the provisions of the Permit, the Laws, this Agreement and the decisions of the Operating Committee;
conduct all Operations in a diligent, safe and efficient manner in accordance with good and prudent oil field practices and field conservation principles generally followed by the international petroleum industry under similar circumstances;
prepare and submit to the Operating Committee the proposed Work Programs and Budgets as provided in clause 5;

acquire all permits, consents, approvals, surface or other rights that may be required for the conduct of Operations;
permit Nation’s representatives to have at all reasonable times and at their own risk and expense reasonable access to the Operations with the right to observe all such Operations;
pay to the Government within the periods and in the manner prescribed by the Laws, all periodic payments, taxes, fees and other amounts pertaining to Operations, but excluding any taxes measured by the incomes of the Parties;
carry out the obligations of Paltar pursuant to the Permit, including, but not limited to, preparing and furnishing such reports, records and information as may be required pursuant to the Petroleum Act;
have, in accordance with the decisions of the Operating Committee, the exclusive right and obligation to represent the Parties in all dealings with the Government with respect to matters arising under Operations;
act as the Parties’ representative in respect of Native Title Rights and aboriginal heritage issues, negotiate and enter into agreements with the parties to Native Title Claims, and in all other respects deal with issues of this kind as and when they arise, including the recognition of Native Title Rights and the settlement of Native Title Claims;
in case of an emergency (including a significant fire, explosion, Petroleum release, or sabotage; incident involving loss of life, serious injury to an employee, contractor, or third party, or serious property damage; strikes and riots; or evacuations of Paltar personnel): (i) take all necessary and proper measures for the protection of life, health, the environment and property; and (ii) as soon as reasonably practicable, notify Nation of the details of such emergency and any measures it has taken or plans to take in response; and
do all other acts and things that are reasonably necessary or desirable to fulfil its functions or are incident to the above powers and duties.
Paltar Personnel
Paltar shall engage or retain such employees, contractors, consultants and agents as are reasonably necessary to conduct Operations.
Subject to the Laws and this Agreement, Paltar will determine the number of employees, contractors, consultants and agents, the selection of such persons, their hours of work, and the compensation to be paid to all such persons in connection with Operations.
Information Supplied by Paltar
Paltar shall provide Nation with the following data and reports from the Operations:

copies of all logs or surveys;
daily drilling reports;
copies of all tests and core data and analysis reports;
final well report;
copies of the final geological and geophysical maps, seismic sections and shot point location maps and reports;
engineering studies, development schedules and annual progress reports on development projects;
field and well performance reports, including reservoir studies and reserve estimates; and
copies of all reports relating to Operations furnished by Paltar to a Government.
Paltar shall provide Nation such additional information as Nation may reasonably request in writing, provided that Nation must pay the costs of preparing such information and the preparation of such information must not unduly burden Paltar’s administrative and technical personnel.
Paltar shall give Nation access at all reasonable times during normal business hours to all data and reports acquired in the conduct of Operations.  Nation may make copies of such other data at its sole expense.
Settlement of Claims and Lawsuits
Paltar shall promptly notify Nation of any and all claims or suits which arise out of Operations or relate in any way to Operations.  Paltar shall represent Nation and defend or oppose the claim or suit. Paltar may in its sole discretion compromise or settle any such claim or suit or any related series of claims or suits for an amount not to exceed the equivalent of $250,000, exclusive of legal fees.  Paltar shall seek guidance from the Operating Committee on amounts in excess of the above-stated amount.  Nation shall have the right to be represented by its own counsel at its own expense in the settlement, compromise or defence of such claims or suits.
Nation shall promptly notify Paltar of any claim made against Nation by a third party which arises out of or may affect the Operations.

Limitation on Liability of Paltar
Except as set out in Clause 3.7(c), neither Paltar nor any other Indemnitee (as defined below) shall bear any damage, loss, cost, expense or liability resulting from performing (or failing to perform) the duties and functions of Operator, and the Indemnitees are hereby released from liability to Nation for any and all damages, losses, costs, expenses and liabilities arising out of, incidental to or resulting from such performance or failure to perform, even though caused in whole or in part by a pre-existing defect, the negligence (whether sole, joint or concurrent), strict liability or other legal fault of Paltar (or any such Indemnitee).
Except as set out in Clause 3.7(c), Nation shall defend and indemnify Paltar and its Related Bodies Corporate, and their respective employees, officers and directors (collectively, the Indemnitees), from any and all damages, losses, costs, expenses (including reasonable legal costs, expenses and attorneys' fees) and liabilities incidental to claims, demands or causes of action brought by or on behalf of any person or entity, which claims, demands or causes of action arise out of, are incidental to or result from Operations, even though caused in whole or in part by a pre-existing defect, the negligence (whether sole, joint or concurrent), strict liability or other legal fault of Paltar (or any such Indemnitee).
Notwithstanding Clauses 3.7(a) and 3.7(b), if any Senior Supervisory Personnel of Paltar or its Related Bodies Corporate engage in Wilful Misconduct which proximately causes Nation to incur damages, loss, cost, expense or liability for claims, demands or causes of action referred to in Clauses 3.7(a) or 3.7(b), then Paltar shall be liable for such damages, loss, cost, expense and liability.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, under no circumstances shall Paltar or any other Indemnitee ever bear any Consequential Loss.
In the event that there is a change of Operator then, from the date a new Operator is appointed, the new Operator shall have the benefit of each of clause 3.7(a) – (d) as if the new Operator were named in those clauses in place of Paltar.
Insurance Obtained by Paltar
Paltar shall maintain for such limits as it may reasonably believe prudent any and all insurance it believes appropriate under the circumstances, including:
All insurance required by the Laws;
Third party liability insurance covering liability to third parties which may arise in connection with the Operations;
Cost of well control/redrilling and recompletion expenses/seepage and contamination and pollution liability insurance covering expenses incurred in regaining control of wells including materials and services necessary to bring the wells under control and costs expended to reinstate the well to the depth and condition which existed prior to an insured occurrence; and
Workers compensation insurance.
Paltar shall, in respect of such insurance:
use reasonable endeavours to procure or cause to be procured such insurance prior to or concurrent with the commencement of relevant operations and maintain or cause to be maintained such insurance during the term of the relevant operations or any longer term required under the Permit or the Laws;

promptly inform Nation when insurance is taken out and at Nation’s request supply it with certificates of insurance or copies of the relevant policies when they are issued; and
duly file all claims and take all necessary and proper steps to collect any proceeds.
Paltar shall use its reasonable endeavours to require all contractors (including sub-contractors) performing work with respect to the Operations to:
obtain and maintain all insurance required under the Laws or any decision of the Operating Committee; and
provide Paltar with certificates reflecting such insurance prior to the commencement of their services.
Subject to Clause 3.11, Paltar may resign as Operator at any time by so notifying Nation at least 120 days before the effective date of such resignation.
Paltar shall resign immediately if it dissolves, liquidates, is wound up, or otherwise terminates its existence.
Subject to Clause 3.11, Paltar shall be removed upon receipt of notice from any Party if:
Paltar becomes insolvent, bankrupt or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or
a receiver or receiver and manager is appointed for a majority (by value) of Paltar's assets.
Subject to Clause 3.11, Paltar may be removed by written notice from Nation if Paltar has committed a material breach of this Agreement and has either failed to commence to cure that breach within 30 days after receipt of a Notice from Nation detailing the alleged breach or failed to diligently pursue the cure to completion.
Appointment of Successor
When a change of Operator occurs pursuant to Clause 3.9 or Clause 3.10:
the Operating Committee shall meet as soon as possible to elect a successor Operator; provided, however, that if Paltar has been removed or is deemed to have resigned and either fails to vote or votes only to succeed itself, then the successor Operator shall be elected by the affirmative vote of Nation alone.

if Paltar disputes commission of or failure to rectify a material breach alleged pursuant to Clause 3.10(c) and proceedings are initiated pursuant to Clause 15.2, Paltar shall continue as Operator and no successor Operator may be appointed pending the conclusion or abandonment of such proceedings;
Paltar, if it resigns or is removed as Operator, shall be compensated out of the Operating Account for its reasonable expenses related to its resignation or removal;
Paltar, if it resigns or is removed as Operator, and the successor Operator shall arrange for the taking of an inventory of all Property and an audit of the books and records relating to Operations, the cost of which shall be charged to the Operating Account;
the resignation or removal of Paltar as Operator and its replacement by the successor Operator shall not become effective prior to receipt of any necessary Government approvals; and
upon the effective date of the resignation or removal, the successor Operator shall succeed to all duties, rights and authority prescribed for Operator.  Paltar shall transfer to the successor Operator custody of all Property, books of account, records and other documents maintained by Operator pertaining to the Nation Blocks and to Operations.  Upon delivery of the above-described property and data, Paltar shall be released and discharged from all obligations and liabilities as Operator accruing after such date, except to the extent such liabilities relate to facts, matters or circumstances which occurred prior to such date
Commingling of Funds
Paltar may commingle with its own funds the monies which it receives from or for the Operating Account pursuant to this Agreement.
Operator may delegate all or part of its rights or responsibilities as Operator under this agreement to a Related Body Corporate.  Any such delegation shall not relieve Operator of its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement.
Operating Committee
Establishment of Operating Committee
An Operating Committee composed of representatives of each Party shall provide overall supervision and guidance to Paltar concerning the direction of Operations.  Each Party shall appoint one representative and two alternates to serve on the Operating Committee.  Each Party shall as soon as possible after the date of this Agreement give notice in writing to the other Party of the name and address of its representative, its first alternate and its second alternate serving on the Operating Committee.  Each Party shall have the right to change its representative and alternate representatives at any time by giving Notice to such effect to the other Party.

Authority to Vote
The representative of a Party, or in his absence the alternate representative, shall be authorised to represent such Party with respect to any matter which is within the power of the Operating Committee and is properly brought before the Operating Committee. Each such representative shall have one vote on matters coming before the Operating Committee.  Alternate representatives may attend Operating Committee meetings, but shall have no vote at such meetings except in the absence of the representative for whom they are the alternate.  In addition to the representative and alternate representatives, each Party may also bring to any Operating Committee meetings such technical and other advisers as it may deem appropriate.  The technical and other advisers shall be given the opportunity to present data and voice opinions on behalf of a Party, but may not vote.
The Operating Committee may establish such advisory subcommittees, including technical and commercial subcommittees, as the Operating Committee may deem appropriate.
Notice of Meeting
Either Party may call a meeting of the Operating Committee by giving Notice to the other Party at least 15 days in advance of such meeting.
Notice periods above may be waived with unanimous consent of all Parties.
The day the Notice was delivered and the date the meeting is to be held shall not be included in calculating the Notice period.
Notwithstanding the above, Nation agrees that if there is an operational issue involving an urgent operational matter, then Nation shall be deemed to have waived the above notice period so that the Operating Committee may make a decision within 48 hours, as contemplated by Clause 4.11(a)(i).
Contents of Meeting Notice
Each Notice of a meeting of the Operating Committee shall contain:
the date, time and location of the meeting;
an agenda of the matters and proposals to be considered and/or voted upon; and
copies of all proposals to be considered at the meeting.
A Party receiving Notice may, by Notice to the other Party given not less than seven days before a meeting, may add additional matters to the meeting agenda.

With the unanimous consent of all Parties, the Operating Committee may consider at a meeting a proposal not contained in such meeting agenda.
Location of Meetings
All meetings of the Operating Committee shall be held in Sydney, New South Wales, or elsewhere as may be decided unanimously by the Operating Committee.
Operator's Duties for Meetings
With respect to meetings of the Operating Committee and any subcommittee, Paltar's duties shall include, but not be limited to:
conduct of the meeting; and
preparation of a written record or minutes of each meeting.
Paltar shall have the right to appoint the chairman of the Operating Committee and all subcommittees.
Voting Procedure
Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement in respect of certain specific matters, all decisions, approvals and other actions of the Operating Committee on all proposals coming before it shall be decided by Paltar alone.
Record of Votes
The chairman of the Operating Committee shall appoint a secretary who shall make a record of each proposal voted on and the results of such voting at each Operating Committee meeting.  Each representative shall sign and be provided a copy of such record at the end of such meeting and it shall be considered the final record of the decisions of the Operating Committee.
The secretary shall provide each Party with a copy of the minutes of the Operating Committee meeting within 21 days after the end of the meeting.  Each Party shall have 14 days after receipt of such minutes to give notice of its objections to the minutes to the secretary. A failure to give notice specifying objection to such minutes within said 14 day period shall be deemed to be approval of such minutes. In any event, the votes recorded under Clause 4.9 shall take precedence over the minutes described above.

Voting by Notice
In lieu of a meeting, any Party may submit any proposal to the Operating Committee for a vote by Notice.  The proposing Party shall notify Operator who shall give each representative notice describing the proposal so submitted and whether Paltar considers such operational matter an urgent operational matter.  Each Party shall communicate its vote by Notice to Paltar and any other Party within one of the following appropriate time periods after receipt of Operator's notice:
48 hours in the case of urgent operational matters;
14 days in the case of all other proposals.
Except in the case of Clause 4.11(a)(i), Nation may by Notice delivered to Paltar within five days after receipt of Paltar's notice request that the proposal be decided at a meeting rather than by notice. In such an event, that proposal shall be decided at a meeting duly called for that purpose.
Except as provided in Clause 10.1(b), a Party failing to communicate its vote in a timely manner shall be deemed to have voted against such proposal.
If a meeting is not requested, then at the expiration of the appropriate time period, Paltar shall give Nation a confirmation notice stating the tabulation and results of the vote.
Work Programs and Budgets
Agreed Permit Work Programs and Budgets
The Work Program and Budget detailing the Operations to be performed in respect of the Permit for the remainder of the third Permit Year is attached as Schedule 3.
On or before the first day of June of each year beginning 2016 and continuing each year thereafter, Operator shall deliver to Nation a proposed Work Program and Budget detailing the Operations to be performed in respect of the Permit for the following Permit Year.  Within 30 days of such delivery, the Operating Committee shall meet to consider and endeavour to agree a Work Program and Budget.
The Work Program and Budget for the fourth and subsequent Permit Years will be adopted by the unanimous vote of both Paltar and Nation; provided, however, that if the Parties fail unanimously to agree, the proposed Work Program and Budget reasonably estimated to cost the least will conclusively be deemed adopted, so long as such proposed Work Program and Budget (i) consists solely of work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks and (ii) will satisfy all of the Minimum Work Obligations of that Permit Year.  For the avoidance of doubt, geological and geophysical operations conducted both on the Nation Blocks and on adjoining lands shall be considered work performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks where the operator believes such work prudent to gain a fuller understanding of the geology of the Nation Blocks.

Work Programs and Budgets for subsequent years will be determined under the JVOA.  Paltar will initially propose to the Management Committee of that joint venture a Work Program and Budget consisting of work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks in an amount sufficient to satisfy the Minimum Work Obligations of that Permit Year.  This initial Paltar proposal will be unanimously agreed by Paltar and Nation or, failing unanimous agreement, will be the lowest cost proposal.  If this initial Paltar proposal for a particular year is not adopted by the Beetaloo Joint Venture Management Committee, then Paltar will have sole authority to negotiate, propose, vote, and otherwise act in respect of subsequent proposals in Paltar’s sole discretion.  Paltar will not be required to consult or seek the approval of Nation in connection with its actions relating to these subsequent proposals, although it will endeavour to keep Nation informed concerning these proposals and to consider any views that may be expressed by Nation.
Any approved Work Program and Budget may be revised by the Operating Committee from time to time.  To the extent such revisions are approved by the Operating Committee, the Work Program and Budget will be amended accordingly.
Sole Risk Exploration Work Programs and Budgets
If less than all of the work initially proposed to the Beetaloo Venture Management Committee is ultimately included in the approved Work Program and Budget by the Beetaloo Venture for that year, then either Paltar or Nation may propose to the Operating Committee that some or all of the omitted work be proposed to the Beetaloo Venture Participants under a Sole Risk Exploration Notice, as that term is defined in the JVOA.
The Operating Committee decision whether to propose such omitted work to the Beetaloo Venture Participants shall be decided by Nation alone.
If the Operating Committee decides to propose such omitted work to the Beetaloo Venture Participants, Paltar shall take all action necessary to comply with the Sole Risk Exploration Notice requirements of the JVOA and to cause such work to be timely commenced.
Funding of Work Program Expenses
Nation agrees to contribute 100% of the actual Work Program Expenses.
Nation must pay all Work Program Expenses as follows:
As soon as practicable after Nation has such funds conveniently available,  Nation will deliver to Paltar the full amount of the estimated Work Program and Budget costs for the remainder of the third Permit Year, as shown in Schedule 3;
Estimated Work Program Expenses for subsequent years will be delivered to Paltar on or before the date which is the 150th day anniversary following the date on which the applicable Permit was granted; and
Amounts in addition to the estimated amounts set forth in approved Work Programs and Budgets, whether incurred as a result of cost overruns, unforeseen events, or otherwise, will be delivered by Nation to Paltar in accordance with the cash call procedures set forth in clause 1.6 of the Accounting Procedure.

Production Licences
Decision to Apply
If a Discovery is made on a Nation Block, Paltar shall deliver any notice of Discovery required under the Petroleum Legislation and shall as soon as possible submit to the Operating Committee a report containing available details concerning the Discovery and Operator’s recommendation as to whether a Production Licence should be sought.
The Operating Committee decision whether to apply to the Government for a Production Licence covering such Nation Block shall be decided by Nation alone.
Production Licence Granted
Upon the grant of a Production Licence for a Nation Block and the receipt of all necessary transfers to Paltar from any other party to the JVOA concerning the Nation Block, Paltar will deliver to Nation registrable transfer forms of Paltar’s entire interest in the Production Licence, insofar as it covers the Nation Block, except for the payment of stamp duty and registration fees.  Nation will lodge the transfer forms, together with a notice appointing Nation or its designee as Operator of the Production Licence, with the Government for approval and registration, as required under the Petroleum Act, and promptly thereafter Nation must deliver to Paltar the duly executed transfer forms and pay the stamp duty and registration fees in the amounts determined by the Government. Paltar’s interest in the Production Licence shall be transferred to Nation free from any Encumbrance except as set out in Clause 6.2(b); provided, that, Paltar shall be entitled to reserve for itself an overriding royalty with respect to all petroleum produced from the portion of the relevant Nation Block covered by the Production Licence with such royalty being equal to the difference between 25% and the sum of the existing royalty burdens shown in Schedule 1 applicable to such portion of the relevant Nation Block such that the revenue interest of Nation in such production of petroleum, after giving effect to all of the royalty burdens described in Schedule 1, will be exactly 75%, and with the understanding that if a royalty burden set forth in Schedule 1 later increases in accordance with its terms, the additional overriding royalty in favor of Paltar will be correspondingly decreased, so that Nation’s revenue interest will remain constant at 75%.
Nation shall be entitled to that Nation Block and shall assume all the obligations of (and be assigned all the benefits of):
the Exploration Agreements that relate to that Nation Block; and
the royalty burdens set forth in Appendix 1 in relation to that Nation Block;
and Paltar shall execute all such agreements (including any deeds of assignment and assumption) as reasonably required by Nation and the counterparties to the above agreements to perfect the assumption of such obligations and the assignment of any benefits and the release of Paltar.

Upon the grant of a Production Licence for a Nation Block, Paltar will be deemed to have resigned as Operator with respect to such Nation Block.
Upon transfer of a Production Licence to Nation pursuant to this Clause 6.2, this Agreement will cease to apply to the Nation Block covered by that Production Licence.
Paltar and Nation will, contemporaneously with the reservation of the royalty described in clause 6.2(a), enter into an overriding royalty agreement which more fulsomely sets out the terms of the royalty based on terms standard for such an agreement in the Australian petroleum industry.
Production Licence Not Granted
If the Operating Committee decides not to apply for a Production Licence or, having applied for a Production Licence, the application is denied, the Operating Committee shall meet to determine whether the Discovery merits appraisal.
If the Operating Committee determines that the Discovery merits appraisal, Paltar shall deliver to the Operating Committee within 60 days after the determination a proposed Work Program and Budget for appraisal of the Discovery.  Within thirty 30 days after delivery, or earlier if necessary to meet any applicable deadline under the Petroleum Legislation, the Operating Committee shall meet to consider or modify such Work Program and Budget, with Nation having the sole power to approve, reject or modify the proposal.
Default and Notice
Nation will be in default under this Agreement if it fails to contribute any portion of the Work Program Expenses when due under Clause 5.3(b).  Paltar shall promptly provide Nation written notice of such default.
Immediate Consequences
From the date the default notice is given by Paltar until the time all defaults under Clause 7.1 have been remedied, Nation shall have no right to:
call or attend Operating Committee or subcommittee meetings;
vote on any matter coming before the Operating Committee or any subcommittee; or
access any data or information relating to any operations under this Agreement.
Any matter which is to be decided by Nation alone under this Agreement shall instead be decided by Paltar.

If the Nation default relates to a failure to contribute a portion of the Work Program Expenses for the third, fourth of fifth Permit Years, and if Nation fails to remedy such default within 30 days following Paltar’s notice, then Nation, upon the written request of Paltar, shall surrender its entire interest in this Agreement to Paltar, free of all encumbrances arising by, through or under Nation, and shall execute a written surrender instrument in such form as reasonably may be requested by Paltar.  As a result of such surrender, Nation shall have no right ever to receive any interest whatsoever in the Permit or Nation Blocks and no right ever to recover any amounts it previously expended or contributed, whether under this Agreement, in quantum meruit, or under any other legal or equitable principle.
If the Nation default relates to a failure to contribute a portion of the Work Program Expenses for the sixth or subsequent Permit Years, and if Nation fails to remedy such default within 30 days following Paltar’s notice, then Paltar may, but is not obligated to, purchase Nation’s entire interest under this Agreement for 90% of the fair market value of such interest, less the amount in default. If Paltar wishes to undertake this purchase, it will notify Nation of its desire and of the fair market value, and Nation shall have seven days after receipt of this notice either (i) to notify Paltar that it accepts Paltar’s statement of the fair market value, or that it requires an independent determination of the fair market value.  If it does not notify Paltar, it will be deemed to have accepted Paltar’s statement of the fair market value. In either event, Nation will conclusively be deemed to have sold its rights under this Agreement to Paltar effective as of the date Paltar sends notice of its desire to purchase the interest and of the fair market value.
If Nation timely requests independent determination of the fair market value, the Chairman of the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association Limited shall be asked by either Party to appoint an expert to make the determination. The expert so appointed shall have exclusive power to establish the venue and timing of, and the procedural rules governing, the determination of fair market value.  Each Party shall bear its own costs and attorney’s fees in connection with the determination, although all fees, costs and expenses of the expert shall be borne solely by Nation.
No Right of Set Off
Nation acknowledges that a fundamental principle of this Agreement is that it pay the Work Program Expenses under this Agreement as and when required. Accordingly, Nation waives any right to raise by way of set off or to invoke as a defence any claim it may have against Paltar, whether under this Agreement or otherwise, so as to reduce or avoid its obligation timely to contribute required Work Program Expenses.
Without Prejudice
Paltar may exercise its rights, remedies or powers under this clause 7 or otherwise at law or in equity, concurrently, individually or cumulatively.

No penalty
The remedies in this clause 7 have been selected by the Parties in light of the fact that no interest in a Nation Block may be assigned to Nation unless there is a Discovery on that block and the Government issues a Production Licence for that block, events which can occur, if at all, only if Work Programs and Budgets are timely funded. Nation agrees that the remedies conferred by this clause 7 do not constitute a penalty or an unreasonable forfeiture and are necessary to ensure the maintenance of the Permit in good standing. Nation acknowledges that it is essential to the viability of the Permit that Nation comply with its financial obligations in a timely manner, and that assumption by Paltar of the obligations of Nation under this Agreement is good and valuable consideration for the exercise by Paltar of its rights to acquire Nation’s interest in this Agreement under this clause 7.
Relinquishments and renewals
If the Petroleum Act or the Permit requires Paltar to relinquish any portion of the Permit Area, the decision as to the lands to be relinquished will be made under the JVOA. Paltar will use its best endeavors to ensure that the Nation Blocks will not be relinquished, although it may not be successful.  If a Nation Block is relinquished, Paltar will cause another Paltar Block to be substituted for the relinquished Nation Block.  The other Paltar Block selected for this substitution will be the nearest Paltar Block to the relinquished Block as to which neither Nation nor any third party then has any earning rights.
Extension of the Term
Decisions to renew the Permit will be made under the JVOA, and Nation will be bound by the renewal work program and all other consequences of the renewal.
Surrender of Permit or Licence
If Paltar wishes voluntarily to surrender the entire Permit, such surrender shall require the specific agreement of Nation.
Transfer of interest or rights
If a Transfer subject to this clause 9 occurs without satisfaction (in all material respects) by the transferor of the requirements hereof, then the other Party shall be entitled to enforce specific performance of the terms of this clause 9, in addition to any other remedies (including damages) to which it may be entitled.  Each Party agrees that monetary damages alone would not be an adequate remedy for the breach of any Party's obligations under this clause 9.

Except in the case of a Party transferring all of its interest under this Agreement, no Transfer shall be made by any Party which results in the transferor or the transferee holding an interest under this Agreement of less than ten percent (10%) of its original interest under this Agreement.
Both the transferee, and, notwithstanding the Transfer, the transferring Party, shall be liable to the other Parties for the transferring Party’s share of any obligations (financial or otherwise) which have vested, matured or accrued under the provisions of this Agreement prior to such Transfer, including any obligation to contribute Work Program Expenses.
A transferee shall have no rights under this Agreement unless and until:
it expressly undertakes in an instrument reasonably satisfactory to the other Party to perform the obligations of the transferor under this Agreement in respect of the interest being transferred; and
except in the case of a Transfer to a Related Body Corporate, the other Party has consented in writing to such Transfer, which consent shall be denied only if the transferee fails to establish to the reasonable satisfaction of the other Party its financial capability to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
No consent shall be required under Clause 9.2(c)(ii) for a Transfer to a Related Body Corporate if the transferring Party agrees in an instrument reasonably satisfactory to the other to remain liable for performance by the Related Body Corporate of its obligations.
Nothing contained in this clause 9 shall prevent a Party from Encumbering its interest under this Agreement to a third party for the purpose of security relating to finance, provided that:
the Party shall remain liable for all obligations relating to such interest;
the Encumbrance shall be expressly subordinated to the rights of the other Party to this Agreement; and
the Party shall ensure that any Encumbrance is expressly without prejudice to the provisions of this Agreement.
Withdrawal from Agreement
Right of Withdrawal
Nation may not voluntarily withdraw from this Agreement before the close of the fifth Permit Year.
Subject to the provisions of this clause 10, Nation may withdraw from this Agreement at any time after the fifth Permit Year by providing written notice to Paltar at least 90 days prior to the effective date of the withdrawal.  Such Notice shall be unconditional and irrevocable when given and, on the effective date of the withdrawal, this Agreement shall terminate.

Nation may not withdraw from this Agreement if its interest in the Agreement is subject to any Encumbrance, unless Paltar is willing to accept the assignment reflecting the withdrawal subject to any such Encumbrance and any necessary consents are obtained from the holder of any such encumbrance.
Obligations and Liabilities of Nation upon Withdrawal
Nation shall, following its notification of withdrawal, remain liable only for its share of the following:
all Work Program Expenses coming due before the effective date of the withdrawal;
all costs and expenses associated with a fire, blow out, loss of well control, act of sabotage or vandalism, or other emergency occurring prior to the effective date of the withdrawal, without regard to when such costs are actually incurred; and
all other obligations and liabilities of Nation with respect to acts or omissions under this Agreement prior to the effective date of the withdrawal for which Nation would have been liable, had it not withdrawn from this Agreement.
Relationship of Parties and Tax
Relationship of Parties
The rights, duties, obligations and liabilities of the Parties under this Agreement shall be several, not joint or joint and several.  It is not the intention of the Parties to create, nor shall this Agreement be deemed or construed to create a mining or other partnership or association or (except as explicitly provided in this Agreement) a trust.  This Agreement shall not be deemed or construed to authorise any Party to act as an agent, servant or employee for any other Party for any purpose whatsoever except as explicitly set forth in this Agreement. In their relations with each other under this Agreement, the Parties shall not be considered fiduciaries except as expressly provided in this Agreement.
Each Party shall be responsible for reporting and discharging its own royalty and tax measured by the profit or income of the Party under this Agreement.  Each Party shall protect, defend and indemnify each other Party from any and all loss, cost or liability arising from the indemnifying Party's failure to report and discharge such royalties and taxes.  The Parties intend that all income and all tax benefits (including, but not limited to, deductions, depreciation, credits and capitalisation) with respect to the expenditures made by the Parties hereunder will be allocated by the relevant tax authorities to the Parties based on the share of each tax item actually received or borne by each Party.  If such allocation is not accomplished due to the application of the laws and regulations of the Government or other Government action, the Parties shall attempt to adopt mutually agreeable arrangements that will allow the Parties to achieve the financial results intended.  Paltar shall provide each Party, in a timely manner and at such Party's sole expense, with such information with respect to Operations as such Party may reasonably request for preparation of its tax returns or responding to any audit or other tax proceeding.

United States Tax Election
For United Stated Federal Income Tax Purposes, each U.S. Party hereby elects to be excluded from the application of all the provisions of Subchapter K, Chapter 1, Subtitle A, of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as permitted by Section 761 of said Code and the Regulations promulgated thereunder.
Should there be any requirement that each U.S. Party evidence this election, each Party agrees to execute such documents and furnish such other evidence as may be required by the United States Internal Revenue Service or may otherwise be necessary. Each Party further agrees not to give any notices or take any other action inconsistent with the election made hereby.
If any further income tax law of the United States contains provisions similar to those contained in said Subchapter K, under which an election similar to that provided by Section 761 is permitted, each U.S. Party agrees to make such elections as may be permitted by such laws. In making this election, each U.S. Party affirms that the income derived by it from the operations under this Agreement can be adequately determined without the computation of partnership taxable income.
Unless approved by every U.S. Party, no activity shall be conducted under this Agreement that would cause any Non-U.S. Party to be deemed to be engaged in a trade or business within the United States under United States income tax laws or regulations.
Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to require any Party to do or execute any document that might subject it or its income or property to United States taxation or to render liable to United States taxation any Party which prior to entering into this Agreement was not subject to United States taxation.
For the purposes of this Clause 11.3, “U.S. Party” shall mean any Party that is subject to the income tax law of the United States in respect with operations under this Agreement.  “Non-U.S. Party” shall mean any Party that is not subject to such income tax law.
Goods and Services Tax
Unless otherwise stated, all consideration specified in this Agreement does not include goods and services tax (GST) under the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cwlth) (GST Act).
If and to the extent that a supply under this Agreement is subject to GST, the recipient must pay to the supplier an additional amount equal to the amount of GST payable on that supply (GST Amount).

The GST Amount is payable at the same time as the GST exclusive consideration for the supply is payable or to be provided.  However, the GST Amount need not be paid until the supplier provides a Tax Invoice to the recipient.
If the GST Amount differs from the amount of GST payable by the supplier, the GST Amount must be adjusted.
If a party is entitled to be reimbursed or indemnified under this agreement, the amount to be reimbursed or indemnified must be reduced by any amount for which the Participant is entitled to an Input Tax Credit (as defined in the GST Act) for the acquisition to which that reimbursement of indemnification relates.
Confidential Information
Disclosure of Confidential Information
Nation may not disclose Confidential Information to any person except:
with the written consent of Paltar;
if Nation is required to do so by law, a Government or a stock exchange;
if Nation is required to do so in connection with legal proceedings relating to this Agreement;
to a transferee or potential transferee (or its advisers) of the whole or any part of Nation’s interest under this Agreement who gives an appropriate confidentiality undertaking to Nation for the benefit of Paltar and other parties to the JVOA; or
in connection with, or in contemplation of, a listing on a stock exchange.
Disclosure by recipient of Confidential Information
If Nation discloses Confidential Information under Clause 12.1, it must use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that persons receiving Confidential Information do not disclose the information except in the circumstances permitted in that Clause.
Use of Confidential Information
Nation may not use Confidential Information except for the purpose of exercising its rights or performing its obligations under this Agreement.
Prior notification of disclosure to stock exchange
If Nation is required or wishes to disclose Confidential Information in accordance with Clause 12.1(ii) or Clause 12.1(iii), it must notify Paltar of the proposed disclosure as far in advance as practicable.

Return of Confidential Information
Nation must, upon the request of Paltar, immediately deliver to Paltar all documents or other materials containing or referring to the Confidential Information which are in its possession, power or control or in the possession, power or control of persons who received Confidential Information from it under Clause 12.1(i) or 12.1(iv).
Retention of Confidential Information
Despite Clause 12.5, Nation may retain one single copy only of the documents or other materials referred to in that clause provided that the Party continues to comply with all other obligations set out in this Clause 12 in respect of any retained copies.
Obligations Continue
The rights and obligations of a Party under this Clause 12 with respect to confidentiality will continue to apply to that Party even after this Agreement terminates.
Force majeure
Force Majeure
If, as a result of an event of Force Majeure, a Party becomes unable, wholly or in part, to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement:
that Party shall give the other Party notice of the event of Force Majeure with reasonably full particulars and, insofar as is known to it, the probable extent to which it will be unable to perform or be delayed in performing its obligations;
on giving the notice of the event of Force Majeure, that obligation, other than an obligation to pay money, is suspended but only so far as and for so long as it is affected by the Force Majeure; and
the Party affected by the event of Force Majeure must continue to maintain, or ensure that Paltar maintains, the Permit in good condition.
Labour disputes and Native Title matters
The obligation to use reasonable diligence to overcome or remove the effect of event of Force Majeure does not require the affected Party to:
settle any strike, or other labour dispute on terms contrary to its wishes;
contest the validity or enforceability of any Laws; or
settle any Native Title Claim or enter into any agreement with respect to Native Title Rights,

on terms not reasonably acceptable to it solely for the purpose of removing the event of Force Majeure.
The obligation of the affected Party to perform its obligations resumes as soon as it is no longer affected by the Force Majeure event.
Form of Notice
Unless expressly stated otherwise in this Agreement, any notice, certificate, consent, approval, waiver or other communication in connection with this Agreement (Notice) must be in writing or given by electronic transmission, signed by an authorised officer of the sender and marked for the attention of the person identified in Clause 14.3 or, if the recipient has notified otherwise, then marked for attention in the last way notified.
When Notices are taken to have been given and received
A Notice is regarded as given and received:
if delivered by hand, when delivered;
if sent by pre-paid post from an address in Australia to an address in Australia, three days after posting;
if sent by pre-paid post from or to an address outside Australia, ten days after posting;
if given by fax, when the sender’s fax machine issues a successful transmission report;
if given by email, on the earlier of:
the time the sender receives an automated message that the email was delivered; and
six hours after being delivered unless:
the sender receives an automated message that the email was undeliverable or that the recipient is out of the office; or
the sender knows or reasonably should know that there is a network failure and accordingly knows or suspects that the email was not delivered,

in which case the email is taken not to be delivered and the sender should resend the notice by hand, post or fax.
Address details for Notices
   Paltar Petroleum Limited
   Level 10, 32 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000
   Attention:  Marc Bruner / Darrel Causbrook
   Telephone: +61 2 8222 6100
   Facsimile: +61 2 9222 1880
   e-mail:  darrel.causbrook@causbrookds.com.au
   Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd
   1500 West 16th Avenue, Suite F
   Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6J 2L6
   Attention: John R. Hislop
   Telephone: +1 604 331 3375
   Facsimile: +1 604 688 4712
   e-mail:   jhislop@14u.org
Applicable law and arbitration
Applicable Law
This Agreement shall be governed by, construed, interpreted and applied in accordance with the laws of the Northern Territory, excluding any choice of law rules which would refer the matter to the laws of another jurisdiction.
Any and all claims, demands, causes of action, disputes, controversies and other matters in question arising out of, in connection with, or relating to this Agreement, including any question regarding its breach, existence, validity or termination, must be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with, and subject to, the International Chamber of Commerce Rules of Arbitration.
The appointing and administering body will be The Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia.  The arbitrators must have at least ten years’ experience as to the subject of the dispute.
There shall be three arbitrators, the language of arbitration shall be English and the place of arbitration shall be a mutually-agreed place in Australia.
Each Party will each appoint one arbitrator within 30 days of the filing of the request for arbitration and the two arbitrators so appointed will select the presiding arbitrator within 30 days of the appointment of the first two arbitrators.

The resulting arbitral award will be final and binding upon the Parties, and judgment upon such an award may be entered and enforced by either Party in any court with sufficient jurisdiction.
Subject to clause 16(b), this Agreement shall be effective upon execution by all Parties and shall continue, unless sooner terminated by the express provisions of this Agreement, until all three of the Nation Blocks are covered by Production Licence or until Nation withdraws from the Agreement under clause 10.
Any provision of this Agreement that would (but for this clause) effect an acquisition of an interest in Australian urban land (within the meaning of the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth) (FATA)) is subject to and conditional upon the person making the acquisition not having received any order or notice under the FATA prohibiting the person from making the acquisition or making the acquisition subject to conditions which are unacceptable to the person.
At any time after December 31, 2015, Nation may apply to the relevant Minister pursuant to section 96(3) of the Petroleum Act for approval of this agreement for the purposes of having an entry made in the register in accordance with section 96(7) of the Petroleum Act.  Paltar shall take such steps as necessary or reasonably requested by Nation in order to achieve the approval and entry in the register in accordance with this clause.
General provisions
Warranties as to no Payments, Gifts and Loans
Each of the Parties warrants that neither it nor its affiliates has made or will make, with respect to the matters provided for hereunder, any offer, payment, promise to pay or authorisation of the payment of any money, or any offer, gift, promise to give or authorisation of the giving of anything of value, directly or indirectly, to or for the use or benefit of any official or employee of the Government or to or for the use or benefit of any political party, official, or candidate unless such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation is authorised by the Laws, or the payment of any bribe to any person or entity.  Each of the Parties further warrants that neither it nor its Related Bodies Corporate has made or will make any such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation to or for the use or benefit of any other person if the Party knows, has a firm belief, or is aware that there is a high probability that the other person would use such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation for any of the purposes described in the preceding sentence.  Each Party shall respond promptly, and in reasonable detail, to any notice from any other Party or its auditors pertaining to the above stated warranty and representation and shall furnish documentary support for such response upon request from such other Party.
Conflicts of Interest
Each Party undertakes that it shall avoid any conflict of interest between its own interests (including the interests of Related Bodies Corporate) and the interest of the other Parties in dealing with suppliers, customers and all other organisations or individuals doing or seeking to do business with the Parties in connection with activities contemplated under this Agreement.

The provisions of 17.2(a) shall not apply to Paltar's acquisition of products or services from a Related Body Corporate, or the sale thereof to a Related Body Corporate, made in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
Unless otherwise agreed, the Parties and their Related Bodies Corporate are free to engage or invest (directly or indirectly) in an unlimited number of activities or businesses, any one or more of which may be related to or in competition with the business activities contemplated under this Agreement, without having or incurring any obligation to offer any interest in such business activities to any Party.
Without limiting the generality of Clause 17.2(c), Nation specifically acknowledges that Paltar will own or be allocated under the JVOA interests in certain Blocks covered by the Permit other than the Nation Blocks; that work performed on the Nation Blocks may benefit other Blocks covered by the Permit, including those owned or allocated to Paltar; that Paltar may enter into sales, farmouts and other agreements of every type and nature relating to Blocks covered by the Permit which are not Nation Blocks; and that Nation will have no interest or expectation of any interest resulting from Paltar’s activities on Blocks that are not Nation Blocks.
Public Announcements
Subject to Clause 17.3(b), Paltar shall be responsible for the preparation and release of all public announcements and statements regarding this Agreement or the Operations; provided that, no public announcement or statement shall be issued or made unless prior to its release Nation has been furnished with a copy of such statement or announcement.  Where a public announcement or statement becomes necessary or desirable because of danger to or loss of life, damage to property or pollution as a result of activities arising under this Agreement, Paltar is authorised to issue and make such announcement or statement without prior approval of Nation, but shall promptly furnish Nation with a copy of such announcement or statement.
Nation may issue any such public announcement or statement if it is necessary to do so in order to comply with the applicable laws, rules or regulations of any government, legal proceedings or stock exchange having jurisdiction over Nation or its Related Bodies Corporate.
Successors and Assigns
Subject to the limitations on transfer contained in clause 9, this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Parties.

No waiver by any Party of any one or more defaults by another Party in the performance of this Agreement shall operate or be construed as a waiver of any future default or defaults by the same Party, whether of a like or of a different character.  Except as expressly provided in this Agreement no Party shall be deemed to have waived, released or modified any of its rights under this Agreement unless such Party has expressly stated, in writing, that it does waive, release or modify such right.
Severance of Invalid Provisions
If and for so long as any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be judged invalid for any reason whatsoever, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or operation of any other provision of this Agreement except only so far as shall be necessary to give effect to the construction of such invalidity, and any such invalid provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement without affecting the validity of the balance of this Agreement.
Except as is provided in Clause 17.6, there shall be no modification of this Agreement except by written consent of all Parties.
The topical headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be construed as having any substantive significance or as indicating that all of the provisions of this Agreement relating to any topic are to be found in any particular clause.
Singular and Plural
Reference to the singular includes a reference to the plural and vice versa.
Reference to any gender includes a reference to all other genders.
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and supersedes all prior understandings and negotiations of the Parties.
A reference in this Agreement to the Petroleum Act or any other statute or any provision or clause thereof shall be read (unless otherwise provided in this Agreement) as though the words ‘including any statutory amendment or modification thereof any statutory provision substituted thereof, re-enactment or replacement thereof and any rules, regulations, by laws and instruments or other documents made pursuant thereto’ were added to such reference.
No clause within this document can be used by any person as defence to any action brought under the Criminal Code or Corporations Act.

Rule against perpetuities
For the purposes only of avoiding breach of the rule against perpetuities this Agreement has a term not exceeding 80 years.
Defined terms
Authorised Person of a Party means:
the officers and employees of the Party;
the technical, financial, legal or other advisors of the Party; and
the respective officers and employees of the technical, financial, legal or other advisors of the Party.
 Beetaloo Joint Venture Management Committee means the committee formed under Clause 6.1 of the JVOA.
Beetaloo Joint Venture Participants means Paltar and Sweetpea.
Blocks means the numbered blocks that each graticular section of the Northern Territory is divided into pursuant to Section 8 of the Petroleum Act and Block is a reference to any one of them.
Confidential Information means all confidential, non-public or proprietary information regardless of how the information is stored or delivered, delivered to Nation before, on or after the date of this Agreement relating to this Agreement or the Operations.
Consequential Loss means:
any damages or losses which are not direct or which do not flow naturally from the relevant breach of this Agreement, even if those damages or losses may reasonably be supposed to have been in the contemplation of all Parties as a probable result of the breach at the time they entered into this Agreement; and
any losses of profits, business opportunity, reputation, customers or markets, whether direct or indirect.
Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
Discovery means the discovery of an accumulation of petroleum whose existence until that moment was unproven by drilling.

Encumbrance means any mortgage, lien, charge, pledge, assignment by way of security, security interest, preferential right or trust arrangement, or other arrangement having the same effect.
Exploration Agreements means the agreement dated 18 July 2012 among Sweetpea, the Native Title Party (as that term is defined in the Exploration Agreement), and Northern Land Council, and any other agreement entered into in accordance with the provisions of the Native Title Act or the Aboriginal Land Rights Act in relation to the Permit.
Force Majeure means any of the following events provided that they are outside the reasonable control of the affected Party and could not have been prevented or avoided by that Party taking reasonable steps:
act of God, earthquake, cyclone, fire, explosion, flood, landslide, lightning, storm, tempest, drought or meteor;
war (declared or undeclared), invasion, act of a foreign enemy, hostilities between nations, civil insurrection or militarily usurped power;
act of public enemy, sabotage, malicious damage, terrorism or civil unrest;
ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear waste or from combustion of nuclear fuel;
confiscation, nationalisation, requisition, expropriation, prohibition, embargo, restraint or damage to property by or under the order of any government or government authority; or
strikes, blockades, lock out or other industrial disputes.
Government means any department, local government council, administrative or statutory authority or any other person under a Law which has a right to impose a requirement or whose consent is required.
Indemnitees has the meaning set forth in Clause 3.7(b).
JVOA means the Joint Venture and Operating Agreement dated 16 September 2011 between Paltar and Sweetpea.
Law means any treaty, statute, subordinate legislation, code, regulation, rule, common law, equity determination, injunction, judgment, order, decree, ruling, directive, decision and any judicial, regulatory, administrative or other interpretation,  implementation or enforcement of any of the foregoing issued by any Government having jurisdiction as to the undertakings and any other matters arising under this Agreement, whether currently in effect or subsequently modified, including Commonwealth, Northern Territory and local government legislation, regulations, by-laws, and other subordinate legislation.
Minimum Work Obligations means those work or expenditure obligations that must be performed in order to satisfy Permit obligations.

Nation Blocks means the three Blocks identified in Schedule 2, or such replacement Blocks as may be identified under Clause 8.1.
Native Title Claims means either:
any claim, application or proceeding in respect of Native Title Rights which is accepted by the Native Title Tribunal or the Registrar thereof pursuant to the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth); or
any claim, application or proceeding in respect of those rights, interests and statutory protections of and relating to aboriginal persons as set out in the legislation of the Northern Territory or the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth).
Native Title Rights has the same meaning as the expressions “native title” or “native title rights and interests” defined in section 223(1) of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) and includes those rights, interests and statutory protections of and relating to aboriginal persons and aboriginal cultural heritage as set out in the relevant legislation of the Northern Territory including the Northern Territory Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act (NT) or the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth).
Notice has the meaning set forth in Clause 14.1.
Operating Account means the account established and maintained by the Operator in accordance with this Agreement to record all charges, expenditures, credits and receipts in respect of Operations which are chargeable or to be credited to Nation.
Operating Committee means the committee established and functioning under clause 4.
Operations means the following activities required for the operation of the Permit in accordance with this Earning Agreement:
management and operation of the Permit;
facilitation of access to the Permit including liaising with native title parties and landholders;
preparation, development and carrying out of exploration and appraisal programs on the Nation Blocks;
geological analysis and interpretation of exploration results;
compliance with conditions and legal requirements relating to the Permit;
appointment and management of contractors undertaking seismic analysis, drilling, and related exploration and appraisal programs;
but excluding any exploration or appraisal work physically conducted on lands other than the Nation Blocks.

Operator has the meaning given to it in the 1993 NT Onshore Petroleum Directions.
Paltar Block has the meaning set forth in Clause 11.2(b) of the JVOA, but, when used in this Agreement, excludes the Nation Blocks.
Parties means the entities named in the first paragraph to this Agreement and their respective permitted successors or assigns, and Party is a reference to any one of them.
Permit means Exploration Permit 136 issued under the Petroleum Act and includes any extension, renewal, conversion, substitution, modifications or variations thereof.
Permit Year means a year beginning 28 August and ending the following 27 August.
Petroleum Act means the Petroleum Act 2009 (NT).
Production Licence has the meaning provided in the Petroleum Act.
Property means all property, whether real or personal, which is owned, leased, held, developed, constructed, produced or acquired by the Operator solely for the conduct of Operations.
Related Body Corporate has the meaning given to it in section 50 of the Corporations Act.
Senior Supervisory Personnel means a Party’s senior manager, who directs all operations and activities of such Party in Australia.
Sole Risk Exploration Notice means a notice given by a Beetaloo Venture Participant in respect of Sole Risk Exploration under Clause 8.1 of the JVOA.
Sweetpea means Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Limited (ACN 074 750 879).
Transfer means assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of any interest in this Agreement in whole or part, whether by sale, lease, declaration or creation of a trust or otherwise.
Wilful Misconduct means an intentional and conscious disregard of any obligation owed by the relevant person, but does not include any act or omission which is (directly or indirectly) attributable to any breach or negligence on the part of any other person or of such other person's Related Body Corporate.
Work Program and Budget means an annual work program prepared by Paltar setting out the Operations to be undertaken during that year under this Agreement in respect of the Permit, together with the estimated amounts required to perform such work program.
Work Program Expenses means the costs and expenses incurred, paid or payable by the Operator in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement or otherwise authorized by the Operating Committee in connection with conducting Work Programs and Budgets.
In this Agreement, except where the context otherwise requires:

the singular includes the plural and vice versa and a gender includes other genders;
another grammatical form of a defined word or expression has a corresponding meaning;
a reference to a clause, paragraph, schedule or annexure is to a clause or paragraph of, or schedule or annexure to, this Agreement and a reference to this Agreement includes any schedule or annexure;
a reference to a document or instrument includes the document or instrument as novated, altered, supplemented or replaced from time to time;
all references to dollar amounts are in Australian currency;
a reference to a Party is to a party to this Agreement and a reference to a Party to a document includes the Party's executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns and substitutes;
a reference to a person includes a natural person, partnership, body corporate, association, governmental or local authority or agency or other entity;
a reference to a statute, ordinance, code or other law includes regulations and other instruments under it and consolidations, amendments, re-enactments or replacements of any of them;
the meaning of general words is not limited by specific examples introduced by including, for example or similar expressions;
a rule of construction does not apply to the disadvantage of a Party because the Party was responsible for the preparation of this Agreement or any part of it; and
if a day on or by which an obligation must be performed or an event must occur is not a business day in Sydney, Australia, the obligation must be performed or the event must occur on or by the next day that is a business day.
Headings are for ease of reference only and do not affect interpretation.




Executed by Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) in accordance with section 127 of the Corporations Act by authority of its directors:
/s/ Nick Tropea
/s/ Darrel Causbrook
Nick Tropea
Darrel John Causbrook
Print name
Print name


Executed by Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046) in accordance with section 127 of the Corporations Act by authority of its directors:
/s/ John R. Hislop
/s/ Darrel Causbrook
John R. Hislop
Darrel John Causbrook
Print name
Print name

Schedule 1 – Royalties

Holder & Granting Document
Percentage of Hydrocarbons produced/sold
1. Stock Purchase and Exploration Agreement between MAB Resources LLC and Robert L. Bayless Estate, et al, dated 9 November 2005, as amended
2. Acquisition and Consulting Agreement between MAB Resources LLC and Petrohunter Energy Corporation dated 1 January 2007, as amended
4% (after proportionate reduction), decreasing to 3.9% after one million barrels have been produced from EP 136 and 143, and decreasing again to 3.85% after one billion barrels have been produced from lands covered by the two permits
3. Exploration Agreement among Sweetpea, Native Title Party and Northern Land Council dated 18 July 2012
2%, increasing to 4% after one million barrels have been produced from EP 136 and 143, and increasing again to 5% after one billion barrels have been produced from lands covered by the two permits
4. Northern Territory of Australia royalty pursuant to the Petroleum Act (NT)



Schedule 3 – Permit Year 3 Work Program and Budget
 Work to be perfomed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks:    
 One exploration well     $1,341,090
 Geological and geophysical work   33,527
 General and administrative            670,547

Amounts shown above are in Australian dollars.  All such amounts were originally estimated in United States dollars and converted to Australian dollars at the rate of USD 1 = AUD 1.34109, the oanda.com average bid rate in effect when this Schedule 3 was prepared.




Annex 1 – Accounting Procedure

Section 1
General Provisions
Section 2
Direct Charges
Section 3
Indirect Charges
Section 4
Acquisition of Material
Section 5
Disposal of Materials
Section 6


Section 1  
General Provisions
The purpose of this Accounting Procedure is to establish fair and equitable methods for determining charges and credits applicable to Operations.  If the methods prove unfair or inequitable to Paltar or Nation, the Parties shall meet and in good faith endeavour to agree on changes to correct any unfairness or inequity.
In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Accounting Procedure and the provisions of the Agreement, the provisions of the Agreement shall prevail.
The definitions contained in clause 18 of the Agreement shall apply to this Accounting Procedure and have the same meanings when used herein. Certain terms used herein are defined as follows:
Accrual basis means that basis of accounting under which costs and benefits are regarded as applicable to the period in which the liability for the cost is incurred or the right to the benefit arises, regardless of when invoiced, paid, or received.
Cash basis means that basis of accounting under which only costs actually paid and revenue actually received are included for any period.
Country of Operations means the Commonwealth of Australia.

Material means machinery, equipment and supplies acquired and held for use in Operations.
Operating Account Records / Currency Exchange
Paltar shall at all times maintain and keep true and correct records of the production and disposition of all petroleum, and of all costs and expenditures under the Agreement, as well as other data necessary or proper for the settlement of accounts between the Parties hereto in connection with their rights and obligations under the Agreement and to enable Parties to comply with their respective applicable income tax and other laws.
Paltar shall maintain accounting records pertaining to Operations in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices used in the international petroleum industry and any applicable statutory obligations of the Country of Operations as well as the provisions of the Permit and the Agreement.
The Operating Account shall be maintained by Paltar in the English language and in Australian currency.  Conversions of currency shall be recorded at the rate actually experienced in that conversion.  Currency translations are used to express the amount of expenditures and receipts for which a currency conversion has not actually occurred.  Currency translations for expenditures and receipts shall be recorded at the arithmetic average of the buying and selling exchange rates at the close of each business day of the month of the current accounting period as published by oanda.com or, if not published by oanda.com, then by Westpac Banking Corporation.
Any currency exchange gains or losses shall be credited or charged to the Operating Account, except as otherwise specified in this Accounting Procedure.  Any such exchange gains or losses shall be separately identified as such.
The Accrual basis for accounting shall be used in preparing accounts concerning the Operations.  If a Cash basis for accounting is used, Paltar shall show accruals as memorandum items.
Statements and Billings
Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, Paltar shall submit monthly to Nation, on or before the 15th day of each month, statements of the costs and expenditures incurred during the prior month, indicating by appropriate classification the nature thereof and the corresponding budget category.
These statements, as a minimum, shall contain the following information:
advances of funds setting forth the currencies received from Nation;
the share of Nation in total expenditures, if other than 100%;
the accrued expenditures;
the current account balance of Nation;
summary of costs, credits, and expenditures on a current month, year-to-date, and inception-to-date basis or other periodic basis, as agreed by the Parties (such expenditures shall be grouped by the categories and line items designated in the approved Work Program and Budget so as to facilitate comparison of actual expenditures against that Work Program and Budget), and

details of unusual charges and credits in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A $50,000.00).
Paltar shall, upon request, furnish a description of the accounting classifications used by it.
Amounts included in statements and billings shall be expressed in Australian currency and reconciled to the currencies advanced.
Each Party shall be responsible for preparing its own accounting and tax reports to meet the requirements of the Country of Operations and of all other countries to which it may be subject.  Paltar, to the extent that the information is reasonably available from the Operating Account records, shall provide Nation in a timely manner the necessary information to facilitate the discharge of such responsibility.
Payments and Advances
Upon approval of any Work Program and Budget, if Paltar so requests, Nation shall advance its share of estimated cash requirements for the succeeding month's operations.  Each such Cash Call shall be equal to Paltar's estimate of the money to be spent in the currencies required to perform its duties under the Work Program and Budget during the month concerned.  For informational purposes the Cash Call shall contain an estimate of the funds required for the succeeding two months detailed by the categories designated in the Work Program and Budget.
Each such cash Call, detailed by the categories designated in the Work Program and Budget, shall be made in writing and delivered to Nation not less than 15 days before the payment due date.  The due date for payment of such advances shall be set by Paltar but shall be no sooner than the first day of the month for which the advances are required. All advances shall be made without bank charges. Any charges related to receipt of advances from Nation shall be borne by Nation.
Nation shall wire transfer its share of the full amount of each Cash Call to Paltar on or before the due date, in the currencies requested or any other currencies acceptable to Paltar at a bank designated by Paltar.  If currency provided by Nation is other than the requested currency, then the entire cost of converting to the requested currency shall be charged to Nation.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 1.6.2 of this Accounting Procedure, should Paltar be required to pay any sums of money for Operations which were unforeseen at the time estimates were provided to Nation, Paltar may make a written request of Nation for special advances covering Nation' share of such payments.  Each such Nation shall make its proportional special advances within ten days after receipt of such notice.
If Nation's advances exceed its share of cash expenditures, the next succeeding cash advance requirements, after such determination, shall be reduced accordingly.  However, if the amount of such excess advance is greater than the amount of the next month's estimated cash requirements for such Nation, Nation may request a refund of the difference, which refund shall be made by Paltar within ten days after receipt of Nation's request provided that the amount is in excess of twenty five thousand Australian dollars (A$ 25,000.00).

If Nation's advances are less than its share of cash expenditures, the deficiency shall, at Paltar's option, be added to subsequent cash advance requirements or be paid by Nation within ten days following the receipt of Paltar's billing to Nation for such deficiency.
If, under the provisions of the Agreement, Paltar is required to segregate funds received from the Parties, any interest received on such funds shall be applied against the next succeeding Cash Call.
If Paltar does not ask Nation to advance its share of estimated cash requirements, Nation shall pay its share of cash expenditures within 10 days following receipt of Paltar's billing.
Payments of advances or billings shall be made on or before the due date. If these payments are not received by the due date the unpaid balance shall bear and accrue interest from the due date until the payment is received by Paltar at the Agreed Interest Rate.   For the purpose of determining the unpaid balance and interest owed, Paltar shall translate to Australian currency all amounts owed in other currencies using the currency exchange rate determined in accordance with Clause 1.4.3 at the close of the last business day prior to the due date for the unpaid balance.
Subject to governmental regulation, Paltar shall have the right, at any time and from time to time, to convert the funds advanced or any part thereof to other currencies to the extent that such currencies are then required for operations.   The cost of any such conversion shall be charged to the Operating Account.
Paltar shall endeavour to maintain funds held for the Operating Account in bank accounts at a level consistent with that required for the prudent conduct of Operations.
If under the Agreement, Paltar is required to segregate funds received from or for the Operating Account, the provisions under this Clause 1.6 for payments and advances by Nation shall apply also to Paltar.
Payments of any advances or billings shall not prejudice the right of Nation to protest or question the correctness thereof; provided, however, all bills and statements rendered to Nation by Paltar during any year shall conclusively be presumed to be true and correct after 24 months following the end of such year, unless within the said 24 month period Nation takes written exception thereto and makes claim on Paltar for adjustment.  Failure on the part of Nation to make claim on Paltar for adjustment within such period shall establish the correctness thereof and preclude the filing of exceptions thereto or making claims for adjustment thereon.  No adjustment favourable to Paltar shall be made unless it is made within the same prescribed period.  The provisions of this Clause 1.7 shall not prevent adjustments resulting from a physical inventory of the Material as provided for in Clause VI.  Paltar shall be allowed to make adjustments to the Operating Account after such 24 month period if these adjustments result from audit exceptions outside of this Accounting Procedure, third party claims, or government requirements.  Any such adjustments shall be subject to audit within the time period specified in Clause 1.8.l of this Accounting Procedure.

Nation, upon at least 60 days advance notice in writing to Paltar, shall have the right to audit the Operating Account and records of Paltar relating to the accounting hereunder for any year within the 24 month period following the end of such year, except as otherwise provided in Clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure.  As provided in Clause 4.2(b)(6) of the Agreement, Nation shall have reasonable access to Paltar's personnel and to the facilities, warehouses, and offices directly or indirectly serving Operations.  The cost of each such audit shall be borne by Nation.  Nation must take written exception to and make claim upon Paltar for all discrepancies disclosed by said audit within said 24 month period.  Nation may request information from Paltar prior to the commencement of the audit.  Paltar will provide the information in electronic format or hard copy documents, if electronic format is not available.  Paltar will provide the information requested within 30 days before commencement of the audit but in no event sooner than 30 days after the written request.  The information requested shall be limited to that normally used for pre-audit work such as trial balance, general ledger, and sub-ledger data.
Paltar shall endeavour to produce information from its Affiliates reasonably necessary to support charges from those Affiliates to the Operating Account other than those charges referred to in Clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure.
Except for charges under Clause 2.7.1, the following provisions apply to all charges by Paltar for its Affiliates.
In addition to the information provided by Paltar under Clause 1.8.2, Nation may seek to audit the books and records of an Affiliate of Paltar relating to the charges by the Affiliate to the Operating Account for the same year as provided in Clause 1.8.1 above.  The charges of the Affiliate shall be subject to audit in accordance with (a), (b), or (c) below or any combination thereof.
(a)          If the Affiliate of Paltar consents to the audit, the audit may be conducted in the same manner as the audit of the books and records of Paltar.
If all or part of the charges are not audited under (a) above, the unaudited portion may be audited under (b) and/or (c) below.
(b)         The Affiliate may require use of an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm to confirm confidential or proprietary information and charges.  The cost of the internationally recognized independent public accounting firm shall be borne by Nation.  Nation will seek agreement with the Affiliate on the audit scope to confirm the details and facts relating to such information and charges.

If the internationally recognized independent public accounting firm of the Affiliate declines to conduct the audit, Nation will seek agreement with the Affiliate on an alternative internationally recognized independent public accounting firm.  The cost of using such firm shall be borne by Nation.
Paltar will endeavor to cause its Affiliate to not unreasonably withhold approval of the use of an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm or the scope of examination requested by Nation.
If all or part of the charges are not audited under (a) or (b) above, the unaudited portion may be audited under (c) below.
(c)         Paltar may request its Affiliate to provide Nation an annual report from an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm attesting that charges billed from such Affiliate to the Operating Account represent a complete and accurate allocation of its costs to the Operations, exclude any element of profit, exclude any duplication of costs covered under Clauses 2 and 3, and are consistent in application to all of its activities.  The report will be furnished by Paltar within 12 months of the request from Nation.  The cost of providing the annual report shall be borne by Nation.
No amounts paid to an Affiliate of Paltar, which Nation seeks to audit, may be charged to the Operating Account if the Affiliate of Paltar does not allow audit of such amounts as provided above.
Any information obtained by Nation under the provisions of Clause 1.8 which does not relate directly to the Operations shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed to any party, except as would otherwise be permitted under Clause 15.2(a)(ii) and (x) of the Agreement.
In the event that Paltar is required by law to employ a public accounting firm to audit the Operating Account and records of Paltar relating to the accounting hereunder, the cost thereof shall be a charge against the Operating Account, and a copy of the audit shall be furnished to Nation.
At the conclusion of each audit, the Parties shall endeavour to settle outstanding matters expeditiously.  To this end Nation will make a reasonable effort to prepare and distribute a written report to Paltar as soon as possible and in any event within 90 days after the conclusion of each audit.  The report shall include all claims arising from such audit together with comments pertinent to the operation of the accounts and records.  Paltar shall make a reasonable effort to reply to the report in writing as soon as possible and in any event no later than 90 days after receipt of the report.  Should Nation consider that the report or reply requires further investigation of any item therein, Nation shall have the right to conduct further investigation in relation to such matter notwithstanding the provisions of Clauses 1.7 and 1.8 of this Accounting Procedure that the period of 24 months may have expired.  However, conducting such further investigation shall not extend the 24 month period for taking written exception to and making a claim upon Paltar for all discrepancies disclosed by said audit. Such further investigations shall be commenced within 30 days and be concluded within 60 days after the receipt of such report or reply, as the case may be.

All adjustments resulting from an audit agreed between Paltar and Nation conducting the audit shall be reflected promptly in the Operating Account by Paltar and reported to Nation.  If any dispute shall arise in connection with an audit, it shall be reported to and discussed by the Operating Committee, and, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties to the dispute, resolved in accordance with the provisions of clause 18 of the Agreement. If all the Parties to the dispute so agree, the adjustments) may be referred to an independent expert agreed to by the Parties to the dispute.  At the election of the Parties o the dispute, the decision of the expert will be binding upon such Parties.  Unless otherwise agreed, the cost of such expert will be shared equally by all Parties to the dispute.
If it becomes necessary to allocate any costs or expenditures to or between Operations and any other operations, such allocation shall be made on an equitable basis. When it is reasonably foreseeable that such an allocation will be required, Paltar will furnish a description of its allocation procedures pertaining to these costs and expenditures and its rates for personnel and other charges.  Such allocations shall be subject to audit under Clause 1.8.
Section 2  
Direct Charges
Paltar shall charge the Operating Account with all costs and expenditures incurred by Paltar for the conduct of Operations.  Charges for services normally provided by an operator such as those contemplated in Clauses 2.7.2 and 2.7.3 which are provided by Paltar’s Affiliate shall reflect the cost to the Affiliate, excluding profit, for performing such services, except as otherwise provided in Clause 2.6 and Clause 2.7.1.
Charges shall only be applied to the Operating Account to the extent such charges are reasonably incurred in the legitimate exercise of Operations under the Agreement and in bona fide arms-length transactions on commercial terms generally available in the market place.
The costs and expenditures shall be recorded as required for the settlement of accounts between the Parties hereto in connection with the rights and obligations under this Agreement and for purposes of complying with the tax laws of the Country of Operations and of such other countries to which any of the Parties may be subject.  Chargeable costs and expenditures may include, but are not limited to:
All costs, if any, attributable to the acquisition, maintenance, renewal or relinquishment of the Permits paid in accordance with the Petroleum Act when paid by Paltar in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement.
Salaries, Wages and Related Costs.
Salaries, wages and related costs include everything constituting the employees' total compensation, as well as the cost to Paltar of holiday, vacation, sickness, disability benefits, living and housing allowances, travel time, bonuses, and other customary allowances applicable to the salaries and wages chargeable hereunder, as well as the costs to Paltar for employee benefits, including but not limited to employee group life insurance, group medical insurance, hospitalization, retirement, severance payments required by the laws or regulations of the Country of Operations.

Expenditures or contributions made pursuant to assessments imposed by governmental authority for payments with respect to or on account of employees described in Clause 2.2.1 and Clause 2.2.2 shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
The salaries, wages and related costs of employees of Paltar and its Affiliates temporarily or permanently assigned in the Country of Operations and directly engaged in Operations shall be chargeable to the Operating Account;
The salaries, wages and related costs of employees of Paltar and its Affiliates temporarily or permanently assigned outside the Country of Operations directly engaged in Operations and not otherwise covered in Clause 2.7.2 of this Accounting Procedure shall be chargeable to the Operating Account;
Costs for salaries, wages and related costs may be charged to the Operating Account on an actual basis or at a rate based upon the average cost in accordance with Paltar's usual practice.  In determining the average cost, expatriate and national employees' rates shall be calculated separately and reviewed at least annually;
Reasonable expenses (including related travel costs) of those employees whose salaries and wages are chargeable to the Operating Account under Clauses 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 of this Section 2 and for which expenses the employees are reimbursed under the usual practice of Paltar shall be chargeable to the Operating Account; and
If employees are engaged in other activities in addition to the Operations, the cost of such employees shall be allocated on an equitable basis.
Employee Relocation Costs
Except as provided in Clause 2.3.3 of this Accounting Procedure, Paltar's cost of employees' relocation to or from an assignment with the Operations, whether within or outside the Country of Operations and whether permanently or temporarily assigned to the Operations, shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.  If such employee works on other activities in addition to Operations, such relocation costs shall be allocated on an equitable basis.
Such relocation costs shall include transportation of employees, families, personal and household effects of the employee and family, transit expenses, and all other related costs in accordance with Paltar's usual practice.
Relocation costs to an assignment that is not with the Operations to another location shall not be chargeable to the Operating Account unless the place of the new assignment is the point of origin of the employee or unless otherwise agreed by the Operating Committee.

Offices, Camps, and Miscellaneous Facilities.
The cost of maintaining any offices, sub-offices, camps, warehouses, housing, and other facilities of Paltar and/or Affiliates directly serving the Operations. If such facilities serve operations in addition to the Operations the costs shall be allocated to the properties served on an equitable basis.
The cost, net of discounts taken by Paltar, of Material purchased or furnished by Paltar, Such costs shall include, but are not limited to, export brokers' fees, transportation charges, loading, unloading fees, export and import duties and licence fees associated with the procurement of Material and in-transit losses, if any, not covered by insurance. So far as it is reasonably practical and consistent with efficient and economical operation, only such Material shall be purchased for, and the cost thereof charged to, the Operating Account as may be required for immediate use.
Exclusively Owned Equipment and Facilities of Paltar and Affiliates.
Charges for providing its exclusively owned equipment, facilities, and utilities of Paltar or any of its Affiliates at rates not to exceed the average commercial rates of non-affiliated third parties then prevailing for like equipment, facilities, and utilities for use in the area where the same are used hereunder.  On request, Paltar shall furnish Nation a list of rates and the basis of application. Such rates shall be revised from time to time if found to be either excessive or insufficient, but not more than once every six months.
Exclusively owned drilling tools and other equipment lost in the hole or damaged beyond repair may be charged at replacement cost less depreciation plus transportation costs to deliver like equipment to the location where used.
The charges for services provided by third parties shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
The cost of services performed by Paltar’s Affiliates’ technical and professional staffs not located within the Country of Operation and not otherwise covered under Clause 2.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, shall be chargeable to the Operating Account. The individual rates shall include salaries and wages of such technical and professional personnel, lost time, governmental assessments, and employee benefits.  Costs shall also include all support costs necessary for such technical and professional personnel to perform such services, such as, but not limited to, rent, utilities, support staff, drafting, telephone and other communication expenses, computer support, supplies, depreciation, and other reasonable expenses.
Premiums paid for insurance required by law or the Agreement to be carried for the benefit of the Operations.

Damages and Losses to Property
All costs or expenditures necessary to replace or repair damages or losses incurred by fire, flood, storm, theft, accident, or any other cause shall be chargeable to the Operating Account. Paltar shall furnish Nation written notice of damages or losses incurred in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A$ 50,000.00) as soon as practical after report of the same has been received by Paltar.  All losses in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A$ 50,000.00) shall be listed separately in the monthly statement of costs and expenditures.
Credits for settlements received from insurance carried for the benefit of Operations and from others for losses or damages to Property or Materials shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
Expenditures incurred in the settlement of all losses, claims, damages, judgments, and other expenses for the account of Operations shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
Litigation, Dispute Resolution and Associated Legal Expenses
The costs and expenses of litigation, dispute resolution and associated legal services necessary for the protection of the Operations under the Agreement as follows:
Legal services, other than those provided by the internal legal staffs of the Parties or their Affiliates, necessary or expedient for the protection of the Operations, and all costs and expenses of litigation, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution procedure, including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, together with all judgments obtained against the Parties or any of them arising from the Operations.
If the Parties shall so agree, litigation, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution procedures resulting from actions or claims affecting the Operations hereunder may be handled by the legal staff of one or any of the Parties or their respective Affiliates; and a charge commensurate with the reasonable costs of providing and furnishing such services rendered may be made by the Party or the Affiliate providing such service to Paltar for the Operating Account, but no such charges shall be made until approved by the Parties.
Taxes and Duties
All taxes, duties, assessments and governmental charges, of every kind and nature, assessed or levied upon or in connection with the Operations, other than any that are measured by or based upon the revenues, income and net worth of a Party.
If Paltar or an Affiliate is subject to income or withholding tax as a result of services performed at cost for the operations under the Agreement, its charges for such services may be increased by the amount of such taxes incurred (grossed up).

Ecological and Environmental
Costs incurred on the Property as a result of statutory regulations for archaeological and geophysical surveys relative to identification and protection of cultural resources and/or other environmental or ecological surveys as may be required by any regulatory authority. Also, costs to provide or have available pollution containment and removal equipment plus costs of actual control, clean up and remediation resulting from responsibilities associated with Hydrocarbon contamination as required by all applicable laws and regulations.
Decommissioning (Abandonment) and Reclamation.
Costs incurred for decommissioning (abandonment) and reclamation of the Property, including costs required by governmental or other regulatory authority or by the Agreement.
Other Expenditures
Any other costs and expenditures incurred by Paltar for the necessary and proper conduct of the Operations and not covered in this Section 2 or in Section 3.
Section 3  
Indirect Charges
Paltar shall charge the Operating Account monthly for the cost of indirect services and. related office costs of Paltar and its Affiliates not otherwise provided in this Accounting Procedure. Indirect costs chargeable under this Section 3 represent the cost of general assistance and support services provided by Paltar and its Affiliates. These costs are such that it is not practical to identify or associate them with specific projects but are for services which provide the Operations with needed and necessary resources which Paltar requires and provide a real benefit to Operations. No cost or expenditure included under Section 2 shall be included or duplicated under this Section 3. The charges under Section 3 are not subject to audit under Clauses 1.8.1 and 1.8.2 of this Accounting Procedure other than to verify that the overhead percentages are applied correctly to the expenditure basis.
The indirect charge under Clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure for any month shall equal the greater of the total amount of indirect charges for the period beginning at the start of the year through the end of the period covered by Paltar's invoice (Year-to-Date) determined under Clause 3.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, less indirect charges previously made under Clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure for the year in question, or the amount of the minimum assessment determined under Clause 3.2.3, calculated on an annualized basis (but reduced pro rata for periods of less than one year), less indirect charges previously made under Clause 3.1 for the year in question.
Unless exceeded by the minimum assessment under Clause 3.2.3, the aggregate Year-to-Date indirect charges shall be a percentage of the Year-to-Date expenditures, calculated on the following scale:
Annual Expenditures
$0 to A$ 3,000,000 of expenditures = 5 %
Next A$ 7,000,000  of expenditures = 4 %

Next A$11,000,000 of expenditures = 3 %
Excess above A$ 11,000,000 of expenditures = 1.5 %
A minimum amount of A $ 36,000.00 shall be assessed each year calculated from the Effective Date and shall be reduced pro rata for periods of less than a year.
Indirect Charge for Projects.
If a major infrastructure construction project is undertaken, a separate indirect charge for such project shall be approved by the Operating Committee at the time of approval of the project.
Section 4  
Acquisition of Material
Materials purchased for the Operating Account shall be charged at net cost paid by Paltar. The price of Materials purchased shall include, but shall not be limited to export broker's fees, insurance, transportation charges, loading and unloading fees, import duties, licence fees, and demurrage (retention charges) associated with the procurement of Materials, and applicable taxes, less all discounts taken.
Materials Furnished by Paltar
Materials required for operations shall be purchased for direct charge to the Operating Account whenever practicable, except Paltar may furnish such Materials from its stock under the following conditions:
New Materials transferred from the warehouse or other properties of Paltar hall be priced at net cost determined in accordance with Clause 4.1 above as if Paltar had purchased such new Material just prior to its transfer.  Such net costs shall in no event exceed the then current market price.
Material which is in sound and serviceable condition and suitable for use without repair or reconditioning shall be classed as Condition ‘B’ and priced at 75% of such new purchase net cost at the time of transfer.
Materials not meeting the requirements of Clause 4.2.2 above, but which can be made suitable for use after being repaired or reconditioned, shall be classed as Condition "C" and priced at 50% of such new purchase net cost at the time of transfer.  The cost of reconditioning shall also be charged to the Operating Account provided the Condition ‘C’ price, plus cost of reconditioning, does not exceed the Condition ‘B’ price; and provided that Material so classified meet the requirements for Condition ‘B’ Material upon being repaired or reconditioned.
Material which cannot be classified as Condition ‘B’ or Condition ‘C’, shall be priced at a value commensurate with its use.
Tanks, derricks, buildings, and other items of Material involving erection costs, if transferred in knocked-down condition, shall be graded as to condition as provided in this Clause 4.2 of Section 4, and priced on the basis of knocked-down price of like new Material.

Material including drill pipe, casing and tubing, which is no longer useable for its original purpose but is useable for some other purpose, shall be graded as to condition as provided in this Clause 4.2 of Section 4.  Such Material shall be priced on the basis of the current price of items normally used for such other purpose if sold to third parties.
Premium Prices
Whenever Material is not readily obtainable at prices specified in Clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of this Clause IV because of national emergencies, strikes or other unusual causes over which Paltar has no control, Paltar may charge the Operating Account for the required Material at Paltar's actual cost incurred procuring such Material, in making it suitable for use, and moving it to Permit area, provided that notice in writing, including a detailed description of the Material required and the required delivery date, is furnished to Nation of the proposed charge at least 10 days (or such shorter period as may be specified by Paltar) before the Material is projected to be needed for operations and prior to billing Nation for such Material the cost of which exceeds fifty thousand Australian dollars (A $ 50,000.00).  Nation shall have the right, by so electing and notifying Paltar within seven (7) days (or such shorter period as may be specified by Paltar) after receiving notice from Paltar, to furnish in kind all or part of his share of such Material per the terms of the notice which is suitable for use and acceptable to Paltar both as to quality and time of delivery.  Such acceptance by Paltar shall not be unreasonably withheld.  If Material furnished is deemed unsuitable for use by Paltar, all costs incurred in disposing of such Material or returning Material to owner shall be borne by Nation furnishing the same unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.  If Nation fails to properly submit an election notification within the designated period, Paltar is not required to accept Material furnished in kind by Nation.  If Paltar fails to submit proper notification prior to billing Nation for such Material, Paltar shall only charge the Operating Account on the basis of the price allowed during a "normal" pricing period in effect at time of movement.
Warranty of Material Furnished by Paltar
Paltar does not warrant the condition or fitness for the purpose intended of the Material furnished. In case defective Material is furnished by Paltar for the Operating Account, credit shall not be passed to the Operating Account until adjustment has been received by Paltar from the manufacturers or their agents.
Section 5  
Disposal of Materials
Paltar shall be under no obligation to purchase the interest of Nation in new or used surplus Materials.  Paltar shall have the right to dispose of Materials but shall advise and secure prior agreement of the Operating Committee of any proposed disposition of Materials having an original cost to the Operating Account either individually or in the aggregate of A$ 50,000 or more.  When Operations are relieved of Material charged to the Operating Account, Paltar shall advise Nation of the original cost of such Material to the Operating Account so that the Parties may eliminate such costs from their asset records.  Credits for Material sold by Paltar shall be made to the Operating Account in the month in which payment is received for the Material.  Any Material sold or disposed of under this Clause shall be on an ‘as is, where is’ basis without guarantees or warranties of any kind or nature. Costs and expenditures incurred by Paltar in the disposition of Materials shall be charged to the Operating Account.

Material Purchased by Nation or its Affiliate
Proceeds received from disposed Material purchased by Nation or its Affiliate shall be credited to the Operating Account, with new Material valued in the same manner as new Material under Clause 4.2.1 of this Accounting Procedure and used Material valued in the same manner as used Material under Clause 4.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, unless otherwise agreed by the Operating Committee.
Sales to Third Parties
Proceeds received from Material purchased from the Property by third parties shall be credited by Paltar to the Operating Account at the net amount collected by Paltar from the buyer. If the sales price is less than that determined in accordance with the procedure set forth in Clause 5.2 of this Accounting Procedure, then approval by the Operating Committee shall be required prior to the sale.  Any claims by the buyer for defective materials or otherwise shall be charged back to the Operating Account if and when paid by Paltar.
Section 6  
Periodic Inventories - Notice and Representation
At reasonable intervals, inventories shall be taken by Paltar of all Material held in warehouse stock on which detailed accounting records are normally maintained.  The expense of conducting periodic inventories shall be charged to the Operating Account.  Paltar shall give Nation written notice at least 60 days in advance of its intention to take inventory, and Nation, at its sole cost and expense, shall each be entitled to have a representative present.  The failure of Nation to be represented at such inventory shall bind such Nation to accept the inventory taken by Paltar, who shall in that event furnish Nation with a reconciliation of overages and shortages.  Inventory adjustments to the Operating Account shall be made for overages and shortages.  Any adjustment equivalent to A$ 50,000 or more shall be brought to the attention of the Operating Committee.
Special Inventories
Whenever there is a sale or change of interest in the Agreement, a special inventory may be taken by Paltar provided the seller and/or purchaser of such interest agrees to bear all of the expense thereof. In such cases, both the seller and the purchaser shall be entitled to be represented and shall be governed by the inventory so taken.






EX-10.4 5 ex10-4.htm EP 136 EARNING AGREEMENT ex10-4.htm



EP 143 Earning Agreement


Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459)

Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046)



Defined terms
Initial Consideration
Operating Committee
Work Programs and Budgets
Production Licences
Relinquishments and renewals
Transfer of interest or rights
Withdrawal from Agreement
Relationship of Parties and Tax
Confidential Information
Force majeure
Applicable law and arbitration
General provisions
Schedule 1:  Royalties
Schedule 2:  Nation Blocks
Schedule 3:  Permit Year 3 Work Program and Budget
Annex 1:      Accounting Procedure



EP 143 Earning Agreement
Dated 30 August 2015
Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) of Level 10, 32 Martin Place, Sydney,
New South Wales 2000 (Paltar)
Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046) of RPO Box 60610, Granville Park,
Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 4B9 (Nation)
Paltar and Sweetpea each own an undivided 50% interest in the Permit.
Paltar and Sweetpea have associated themselves under the JVOA as an unincorporated joint venture to conduct petroleum exploration on lands covered by the Permit and certain other permits granted under the Petroleum Act.
Under the JVOA, Paltar has the right to designate a specific Block covered by the Permit, which will then cause that designated Block and all diagonally contiguous Blocks in a checkerboard pattern within the Permit to be allocated to Paltar.
Under the Petroleum Act, Paltar may apply for a Production Licence covering one or more of the Blocks allocated to it after discovering a commercially exploitable accumulation of petroleum.
The Parties enter into this Agreement to evidence their binding agreement concerning Cash Consideration and Share Consideration, the costs of Operations to be borne by Nation, and the interests that may be earned by Nation if one or more Production Licences are issued to Paltar covering one or more of the Nation Blocks.
Operative provisions
Defined terms
Clause 18 of this Agreement sets out and explains the defined terms, or refers to the definitions of the terms, and the rules of interpretation that apply.

Initial Consideration
Share Consideration
Nation Energy Inc., a Wyoming corporation, has agreed to issue on December 17, 2015 600,000,000 of its common shares (the Share Consideration) to Paltar, and Paltar has agreed to certain restrictions on the transfer of such shares, under the terms of the Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement, dated 30 August 2015 between Nation Energy Inc. and Paltar (the Letter Agreement), in the event that an Exchange Transaction (as defined in the Letter Agreement) has not been consummated on or before December 16, 2015.
Cash Consideration
No later than 31 December 2015, Nation shall pay by wire transfer to an account designated by Paltar the sum of $769,143.  If Nation fails timely to pay this amount to Paltar, this Agreement shall terminate, Paltar shall retain the share consideration described in Clause 2.1, and neither Party shall have any further obligation to the other.
Non-Refundable Consideration for Earning Rights
The Share Consideration (if issued) and Cash Consideration are non-refundable consideration for the right given Nation hereunder to earn interests in any Production Licences covering the Nation Blocks that may be granted Paltar under the Permit.
Designation of Operator
Paltar is hereby designated as Operator, and agrees to act as such in accordance with this Agreement.
Designation of Blocks
Paltar will use its best efforts to cause the Nation Blocks to be selected as Paltar Blocks under Article 11 of the JVOA.
Rights and Duties of Operator
Subject to the terms and conditions of the JVOA and this Agreement, Paltar shall have all of the rights, functions and duties of Operator under this Agreement and will have exclusive charge of and shall conduct all Operations on the Nation Blocks under the overall direction of the Operating Committee.  Paltar may employ independent contractors and agents, including Related Bodies Corporate of Paltar, in such Operations.
Paltar warrants and represents to Nation that the JVOA and Paltar’s Participating Interest under the JVOA are in good standing and are not subject to any breach, default or other circumstance that will or may result in the JVOA terminating or Paltar’s Participating Interest under the JVOA being surrendered, transferred or assigned or becoming subject to any Encumbrance. Paltar shall:

perform all actions necessary to comply with the requirements imposed upon it by the JVOA;
take all steps as are necessary or appropriate under the JVOA in order to:
maintain its position as operator under the JVOA and use its positon as operator under the JVOA to achieve the objectives of this Agreement;
implement the decisions of the Operating Committee, including by making all decisions and casting all votes under the JVOA consistently with the decisions of the Operating Committee; and
without limiting clause 5.1(d), and subject to applicable Government requirements, ensure that all Work Programs and Budgets, including the Initial Work Program, and any of Paltar’s Sole Risk Exploration (as those terms are defined in the JVOA) consist of work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks,
not grant, create or allow the grant or creation of any Encumbrance over Paltar’s Participating Interest as defined in the JVOA without the prior written consent of Nation;
not sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of or part with possession of Paltar’s Participating Interest under the JVOA without the prior written consent of Nation;
immediately notify Nation of any act, event, circumstance, correspondence, notice or other information (in any form and from whatever source) that may cause, or is relevant to, Paltar’s Participating Interest under the JVOA becoming the subject of an Encumbrance or being surrendered, transferred, assigned or disposed of; and
take all steps as are necessary or appropriate to ensure that the application for, grant and transfer of a Production Licence to Nation occurs as soon as practicable following a decision by Nation under clause 6.1(b).
In the conduct of Operations, Paltar shall:
perform Operations in accordance with the provisions of the Permit, the Laws, this Agreement and the decisions of the Operating Committee;
conduct all Operations in a diligent, safe and efficient manner in accordance with good and prudent oil field practices and field conservation principles generally followed by the international petroleum industry under similar circumstances;
prepare and submit to the Operating Committee the proposed Work Programs and Budgets as provided in clause 5;

acquire all permits, consents, approvals, surface or other rights that may be required for the conduct of Operations;
permit Nation’s representatives to have at all reasonable times and at their own risk and expense reasonable access to the Operations with the right to observe all such Operations;
pay to the Government within the periods and in the manner prescribed by the Laws, all periodic payments, taxes, fees and other amounts pertaining to Operations, but excluding any taxes measured by the incomes of the Parties;
carry out the obligations of Paltar pursuant to the Permit, including, but not limited to, preparing and furnishing such reports, records and information as may be required pursuant to the Petroleum Act;
have, in accordance with the decisions of the Operating Committee, the exclusive right and obligation to represent the Parties in all dealings with the Government with respect to matters arising under Operations;
act as the Parties’ representative in respect of Native Title Rights and aboriginal heritage issues, negotiate and enter into agreements with the parties to Native Title Claims, and in all other respects deal with issues of this kind as and when they arise, including the recognition of Native Title Rights and the settlement of Native Title Claims;
in case of an emergency (including a significant fire, explosion, Petroleum release, or sabotage; incident involving loss of life, serious injury to an employee, contractor, or third party, or serious property damage; strikes and riots; or evacuations of Paltar personnel): (i) take all necessary and proper measures for the protection of life, health, the environment and property; and (ii) as soon as reasonably practicable, notify Nation of the details of such emergency and any measures it has taken or plans to take in response; and
do all other acts and things that are reasonably necessary or desirable to fulfil its functions or are incident to the above powers and duties.
Paltar Personnel
Paltar shall engage or retain such employees, contractors, consultants and agents as are reasonably necessary to conduct Operations.
Subject to the Laws and this Agreement, Paltar will determine the number of employees, contractors, consultants and agents, the selection of such persons, their hours of work, and the compensation to be paid to all such persons in connection with Operations.
Information Supplied by Paltar
Paltar shall provide Nation with the following data and reports from the Operations:
copies of all logs or surveys;

daily drilling reports;
copies of all tests and core data and analysis reports;
final well report;
copies of the final geological and geophysical maps, seismic sections and shot point location maps and reports;
engineering studies, development schedules and annual progress reports on development projects;
field and well performance reports, including reservoir studies and reserve estimates; and
copies of all reports relating to Operations furnished by Paltar to a Government.
Paltar shall provide Nation such additional information as Nation may reasonably request in writing, provided that Nation must pay the costs of preparing such information and the preparation of such information must not unduly burden Paltar’s administrative and technical personnel.
Paltar shall give Nation access at all reasonable times during normal business hours to all data and reports acquired in the conduct of Operations.  Nation may make copies of such other data at its sole expense.
Settlement of Claims and Lawsuits
Paltar shall promptly notify Nation of any and all claims or suits which arise out of Operations or relate in any way to Operations.  Paltar shall represent Nation and defend or oppose the claim or suit. Paltar may in its sole discretion compromise or settle any such claim or suit or any related series of claims or suits for an amount not to exceed the equivalent of $250,000, exclusive of legal fees.  Paltar shall seek guidance from the Operating Committee on amounts in excess of the above-stated amount.  Nation shall have the right to be represented by its own counsel at its own expense in the settlement, compromise or defence of such claims or suits.
Nation shall promptly notify Paltar of any claim made against Nation by a third party which arises out of or may affect the Operations.
Limitation on Liability of Paltar
Except as set out in Clause 3.7(c), neither Paltar nor any other Indemnitee (as defined below) shall bear any damage, loss, cost, expense or liability resulting from performing (or failing to perform) the duties and functions of Operator, and the Indemnitees are hereby released from liability to Nation for any and all damages, losses, costs, expenses and liabilities arising out of, incidental to or resulting from such performance or failure to perform, even though caused in whole or in part by a pre-existing defect, the negligence (whether sole, joint or concurrent), strict liability or other legal fault of Paltar (or any such Indemnitee).

Except as set out in Clause 3.7(c), Nation shall defend and indemnify Paltar and its Related Bodies Corporate, and their respective employees, officers and directors (collectively, the Indemnitees), from any and all damages, losses, costs, expenses (including reasonable legal costs, expenses and attorneys' fees) and liabilities incidental to claims, demands or causes of action brought by or on behalf of any person or entity, which claims, demands or causes of action arise out of, are incidental to or result from Operations, even though caused in whole or in part by a pre-existing defect, the negligence (whether sole, joint or concurrent), strict liability or other legal fault of Paltar (or any such Indemnitee).
Notwithstanding Clauses 3.7(a) and 3.7(b), if any Senior Supervisory Personnel of Paltar or its Related Bodies Corporate engage in Wilful Misconduct which proximately causes Nation to incur damages, loss, cost, expense or liability for claims, demands or causes of action referred to in Clauses 3.7(a) or 3.7(b), then Paltar shall be liable for such damages, loss, cost, expense and liability.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, under no circumstances shall Paltar or any other Indemnitee ever bear any Consequential Loss.
In the event that there is a change of Operator then, from the date a new Operator is appointed, the new Operator shall have the benefit of each of clause 3.7(a) – (d) as if the new Operator were named in those clauses in place of Paltar.
Insurance Obtained by Paltar
Paltar shall maintain for such limits as it may reasonably believe prudent any and all insurance it believes appropriate under the circumstances, including:
All insurance required by the Laws;
Third party liability insurance covering liability to third parties which may arise in connection with the Operations;
Cost of well control/redrilling and recompletion expenses/seepage and contamination and pollution liability insurance covering expenses incurred in regaining control of wells including materials and services necessary to bring the wells under control and costs expended to reinstate the well to the depth and condition which existed prior to an insured occurrence; and
Workers compensation insurance.
Paltar shall, in respect of such insurance:
use reasonable endeavours to procure or cause to be procured such insurance prior to or concurrent with the commencement of relevant operations and maintain or cause to be maintained such insurance during the term of the relevant operations or any longer term required under the Permit or the Laws;

promptly inform Nation when insurance is taken out and at Nation’s request supply it with certificates of insurance or copies of the relevant policies when they are issued; and
duly file all claims and take all necessary and proper steps to collect any proceeds.
Paltar shall use its reasonable endeavours to require all contractors (including sub-contractors) performing work with respect to the Operations to:
obtain and maintain all insurance required under the Laws or any decision of the Operating Committee; and
provide Paltar with certificates reflecting such insurance prior to the commencement of their services.
Subject to Clause 3.11, Paltar may resign as Operator at any time by so notifying Nation at least 120 days before the effective date of such resignation.
Paltar shall resign immediately if it dissolves, liquidates, is wound up, or otherwise terminates its existence.
Subject to Clause 3.11, Paltar shall be removed upon receipt of notice from any Party if:
Paltar becomes insolvent, bankrupt or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or
a receiver or receiver and manager is appointed for a majority (by value) of Paltar's assets.
Subject to Clause 3.11, Paltar may be removed by written notice from Nation if Paltar has committed a material breach of this Agreement and has either failed to commence to cure that breach within 30 days after receipt of a Notice from Nation detailing the alleged breach or failed to diligently pursue the cure to completion.
Appointment of Successor
When a change of Operator occurs pursuant to Clause 3.9 or Clause 3.10:
the Operating Committee shall meet as soon as possible to elect a successor Operator; provided, however, that if Paltar has been removed or is deemed to have resigned and either fails to vote or votes only to succeed itself, then the successor Operator shall be elected by the affirmative vote of Nation alone.

if Paltar disputes commission of or failure to rectify a material breach alleged pursuant to Clause 3.10(c) and proceedings are initiated pursuant to Clause 15.2, Paltar shall continue as Operator and no successor Operator may be appointed pending the conclusion or abandonment of such proceedings;
Paltar, if it resigns or is removed as Operator, shall be compensated out of the Operating Account for its reasonable expenses related to its resignation or removal;
Paltar, if it resigns or is removed as Operator, and the successor Operator shall arrange for the taking of an inventory of all Property and an audit of the books and records relating to Operations, the cost of which shall be charged to the Operating Account;
the resignation or removal of Paltar as Operator and its replacement by the successor Operator shall not become effective prior to receipt of any necessary Government approvals; and
upon the effective date of the resignation or removal, the successor Operator shall succeed to all duties, rights and authority prescribed for Operator.  Paltar shall transfer to the successor Operator custody of all Property, books of account, records and other documents maintained by Operator pertaining to the Nation Blocks and to Operations.  Upon delivery of the above-described property and data, Paltar shall be released and discharged from all obligations and liabilities as Operator accruing after such date, except to the extent such liabilities relate to facts, matters or circumstances which occurred prior to such date
Commingling of Funds
Paltar may commingle with its own funds the monies which it receives from or for the Operating Account pursuant to this Agreement.
Operator may delegate all or part of its rights or responsibilities as Operator under this agreement to a Related Body Corporate.  Any such delegation shall not relieve Operator of its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement.
Operating Committee
Establishment of Operating Committee
An Operating Committee composed of representatives of each Party shall provide overall supervision and guidance to Paltar concerning the direction of Operations.  Each Party shall appoint one representative and two alternates to serve on the Operating Committee.  Each Party shall as soon as possible after the date of this Agreement give notice in writing to the other Party of the name and address of its representative, its first alternate and its second alternate serving on the Operating Committee.  Each Party shall have the right to change its representative and alternate representatives at any time by giving Notice to such effect to the other Party.

Authority to Vote
The representative of a Party, or in his absence the alternate representative, shall be authorised to represent such Party with respect to any matter which is within the power of the Operating Committee and is properly brought before the Operating Committee. Each such representative shall have one vote on matters coming before the Operating Committee.  Alternate representatives may attend Operating Committee meetings, but shall have no vote at such meetings except in the absence of the representative for whom they are the alternate.  In addition to the representative and alternate representatives, each Party may also bring to any Operating Committee meetings such technical and other advisers as it may deem appropriate.  The technical and other advisers shall be given the opportunity to present data and voice opinions on behalf of a Party, but may not vote.
The Operating Committee may establish such advisory subcommittees, including technical and commercial subcommittees, as the Operating Committee may deem appropriate.
Notice of Meeting
Either Party may call a meeting of the Operating Committee by giving Notice to the other Party at least 15 days in advance of such meeting.
Notice periods above may be waived with unanimous consent of all Parties.
The day the Notice was delivered and the date the meeting is to be held shall not be included in calculating the Notice period.
Notwithstanding the above, Nation agrees that if there is an operational issue involving an urgent operational matter, then Nation shall be deemed to have waived the above notice period so that the Operating Committee may make a decision within 48 hours, as contemplated by Clause 4.11(a)(i).
Contents of Meeting Notice
Each Notice of a meeting of the Operating Committee shall contain:
the date, time and location of the meeting;
an agenda of the matters and proposals to be considered and/or voted upon; and
copies of all proposals to be considered at the meeting.
A Party receiving Notice may, by Notice to the other Party given not less than seven days before a meeting, may add additional matters to the meeting agenda.

With the unanimous consent of all Parties, the Operating Committee may consider at a meeting a proposal not contained in such meeting agenda.
Location of Meetings
All meetings of the Operating Committee shall be held in Sydney, New South Wales, or elsewhere as may be decided unanimously by the Operating Committee.
Operator's Duties for Meetings
With respect to meetings of the Operating Committee and any subcommittee, Paltar's duties shall include, but not be limited to:
conduct of the meeting; and
preparation of a written record or minutes of each meeting.
Paltar shall have the right to appoint the chairman of the Operating Committee and all subcommittees.
Voting Procedure
Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement in respect of certain specific matters, all decisions, approvals and other actions of the Operating Committee on all proposals coming before it shall be decided by Paltar alone.
Record of Votes
The chairman of the Operating Committee shall appoint a secretary who shall make a record of each proposal voted on and the results of such voting at each Operating Committee meeting.  Each representative shall sign and be provided a copy of such record at the end of such meeting and it shall be considered the final record of the decisions of the Operating Committee.
The secretary shall provide each Party with a copy of the minutes of the Operating Committee meeting within 21 days after the end of the meeting.  Each Party shall have 14 days after receipt of such minutes to give notice of its objections to the minutes to the secretary. A failure to give notice specifying objection to such minutes within said 14 day period shall be deemed to be approval of such minutes. In any event, the votes recorded under Clause 4.9 shall take precedence over the minutes described above.
Voting by Notice
In lieu of a meeting, any Party may submit any proposal to the Operating Committee for a vote by Notice.  The proposing Party shall notify Operator who shall give each representative notice describing the proposal so submitted and whether Paltar considers such operational matter an urgent operational matter.  Each Party shall communicate its vote by Notice to Paltar and any other Party within one of the following appropriate time periods after receipt of Operator's notice:

48 hours in the case of urgent operational matters;
14 days in the case of all other proposals.
Except in the case of Clause 4.11(a)(i), Nation may by Notice delivered to Paltar within five days after receipt of Paltar's notice request that the proposal be decided at a meeting rather than by notice. In such an event, that proposal shall be decided at a meeting duly called for that purpose.
Except as provided in Clause 10.1(b), a Party failing to communicate its vote in a timely manner shall be deemed to have voted against such proposal.
If a meeting is not requested, then at the expiration of the appropriate time period, Paltar shall give Nation a confirmation notice stating the tabulation and results of the vote.

Work Programs and Budgets
Agreed Permit Work Programs and Budgets
The Work Program and Budget detailing the Operations to be performed in respect of the Permit for the remainder of the third Permit Year is attached as Schedule 3.
On or before the first day of June of each year beginning 2016 and continuing each year thereafter, Operator shall deliver to Nation a proposed Work Program and Budget detailing the Operations to be performed in respect of the Permit for the following Permit Year.  Within 30 days of such delivery, the Operating Committee shall meet to consider and endeavour to agree a Work Program and Budget.
The Work Program and Budget for the fourth and subsequent Permit Years will be adopted by the unanimous vote of both Paltar and Nation; provided, however, that if the Parties fail unanimously to agree, the proposed Work Program and Budget reasonably estimated to cost the least will conclusively be deemed adopted, so long as such proposed Work Program and Budget (i) consists solely of work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks and (ii) will satisfy all of the Minimum Work Obligations of that Permit Year.  For the avoidance of doubt, geological and geophysical operations conducted both on the Nation Blocks and on adjoining lands shall be considered work performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks where the operator believes such work prudent to gain a fuller understanding of the geology of the Nation Blocks.
Work Programs and Budgets for subsequent years will be determined under the JVOA.  Paltar will initially propose to the Management Committee of that joint venture a Work Program and Budget consisting of work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks in an amount sufficient to satisfy the Minimum Work Obligations of that Permit Year.  This initial Paltar proposal will be unanimously agreed by Paltar and Nation or, failing unanimous agreement, will be the lowest cost proposal.  If this initial Paltar proposal for a particular year is not adopted by the Beetaloo Joint Venture Management Committee, then Paltar will have sole authority to negotiate, propose, vote, and otherwise act in respect of subsequent proposals in Paltar’s sole discretion.  Paltar will not be required to consult or seek the approval of Nation in connection with its actions relating to these subsequent proposals, although it will endeavour to keep Nation informed concerning these proposals and to consider any views that may be expressed by Nation.

Any approved Work Program and Budget may be revised by the Operating Committee from time to time.  To the extent such revisions are approved by the Operating Committee, the Work Program and Budget will be amended accordingly.
Sole Risk Exploration Work Programs and Budgets
If less than all of the work initially proposed to the Beetaloo Venture Management Committee is ultimately included in the approved Work Program and Budget by the Beetaloo Venture for that year, then either Paltar or Nation may propose to the Operating Committee that some or all of the omitted work be proposed to the Beetaloo Venture Participants under a Sole Risk Exploration Notice, as that term is defined in the JVOA.
The Operating Committee decision whether to propose such omitted work to the Beetaloo Venture Participants shall be decided by Nation alone.
If the Operating Committee decides to propose such omitted work to the Beetaloo Venture Participants, Paltar shall take all action necessary to comply with the Sole Risk Exploration Notice requirements of the JVOA and to cause such work to be timely commenced.
Funding of Work Program Expenses
Nation agrees to contribute 100% of the actual Work Program Expenses.
Nation must pay all Work Program Expenses as follows:
As soon as practicable after Nation has such funds conveniently available,  Nation will deliver to Paltar the full amount of the estimated Work Program and Budget costs for the remainder of the third Permit Year, as shown in Schedule 3;
Estimated Work Program Expenses for subsequent years will be delivered to Paltar on or before the date which is the 150th day anniversary following the date on which the applicable Permit was granted; and
Amounts in addition to the estimated amounts set forth in approved Work Programs and Budgets, whether incurred as a result of cost overruns, unforeseen events, or otherwise, will be delivered by Nation to Paltar in accordance with the cash call procedures set forth in clause 1.6 of the Accounting Procedure.

Production Licences
Decision to Apply
If a Discovery is made on a Nation Block, Paltar shall deliver any notice of Discovery required under the Petroleum Legislation and shall as soon as possible submit to the Operating Committee a report containing available details concerning the Discovery and Operator’s recommendation as to whether a Production Licence should be sought.
The Operating Committee decision whether to apply to the Government for a Production Licence covering such Nation Block shall be decided by Nation alone.
Production Licence Granted
Upon the grant of a Production Licence for a Nation Block and the receipt of all necessary transfers to Paltar from any other party to the JVOA concerning the Nation Block, Paltar will deliver to Nation registrable transfer forms of Paltar’s entire interest in the Production Licence, insofar as it covers the Nation Block, except for the payment of stamp duty and registration fees.  Nation will lodge the transfer forms, together with a notice appointing Nation or its designee as Operator of the Production Licence, with the Government for approval and registration, as required under the Petroleum Act, and promptly thereafter Nation must deliver to Paltar the duly executed transfer forms and pay the stamp duty and registration fees in the amounts determined by the Government. Paltar’s interest in the Production Licence shall be transferred to Nation free from any Encumbrance except as set out in Clause 6.2(b); provided, that, Paltar shall be entitled to reserve for itself an overriding royalty with respect to all petroleum produced from the portion of the relevant Nation Block covered by the Production Licence with such royalty being equal to the difference between 25% and the sum of the existing royalty burdens shown in Schedule 1 applicable to such portion of the relevant Nation Block such that the revenue interest of Nation in such production of petroleum, after giving effect to all of the royalty burdens described in Schedule 1, will be exactly 75%, and with the understanding that if a royalty burden set forth in Schedule 1 later increases in accordance with its terms, the additional overriding royalty in favor of Paltar will be correspondingly decreased, so that Nation’s revenue interest will remain constant at 75%.
Nation shall be entitled to that Nation Block and shall assume all the obligations of (and be assigned all the benefits of):
the Exploration Agreements that relate to that Nation Block; and
the royalty burdens set forth in Appendix 1 in relation to that Nation Block;
and Paltar shall execute all such agreements (including any deeds of assignment and assumption) as reasonably required by Nation and the counterparties to the above agreements to perfect the assumption of such obligations and the assignment of any benefits and the release of Paltar.

Upon the grant of a Production Licence for a Nation Block, Paltar will be deemed to have resigned as Operator with respect to such Nation Block.
Upon transfer of a Production Licence to Nation pursuant to this Clause 6.2, this Agreement will cease to apply to the Nation Block covered by that Production Licence.
Paltar and Nation will, contemporaneously with the reservation of the royalty described in clause 6.2(a), enter into an overriding royalty agreement which more fulsomely sets out the terms of the royalty based on terms standard for such an agreement in the Australian petroleum industry.
Production Licence Not Granted
If the Operating Committee decides not to apply for a Production Licence or, having applied for a Production Licence, the application is denied, the Operating Committee shall meet to determine whether the Discovery merits appraisal.
If the Operating Committee determines that the Discovery merits appraisal, Paltar shall deliver to the Operating Committee within 60 days after the determination a proposed Work Program and Budget for appraisal of the Discovery.  Within thirty 30 days after delivery, or earlier if necessary to meet any applicable deadline under the Petroleum Legislation, the Operating Committee shall meet to consider or modify such Work Program and Budget, with Nation having the sole power to approve, reject or modify the proposal.

Default and Notice
Nation will be in default under this Agreement if it fails to contribute any portion of the Work Program Expenses when due under Clause 5.3(b).  Paltar shall promptly provide Nation written notice of such default.
Immediate Consequences
From the date the default notice is given by Paltar until the time all defaults under Clause 7.1 have been remedied, Nation shall have no right to:
call or attend Operating Committee or subcommittee meetings;
vote on any matter coming before the Operating Committee or any subcommittee; or
access any data or information relating to any operations under this Agreement.
Any matter which is to be decided by Nation alone under this Agreement shall instead be decided by Paltar.

If the Nation default relates to a failure to contribute a portion of the Work Program Expenses for the third, fourth or fifth Permit Years, and if Nation fails to remedy such default within 30 days following Paltar’s notice, then Nation, upon the written request of Paltar, shall surrender its entire interest in this Agreement to Paltar, free of all encumbrances arising by, through or under Nation, and shall execute a written surrender instrument in such form as reasonably may be requested by Paltar.  As a result of such surrender, Nation shall have no right ever to receive any interest whatsoever in the Permit or Nation Blocks and no right ever to recover any amounts it previously expended or contributed, whether under this Agreement, in quantum meruit, or under any other legal or equitable principle.
If the Nation default relates to a failure to contribute a portion of the Work Program Expenses for the sixth or subsequent Permit Years, and if Nation fails to remedy such default within 30 days following Paltar’s notice, then Paltar may, but is not obligated to, purchase Nation’s entire interest under this Agreement for 90% of the fair market value of such interest, less the amount in default. If Paltar wishes to undertake this purchase, it will notify Nation of its desire and of the fair market value, and Nation shall have seven days after receipt of this notice either (i) to notify Paltar that it accepts Paltar’s statement of the fair market value, or that it requires an independent determination of the fair market value.  If it does not notify Paltar, it will be deemed to have accepted Paltar’s statement of the fair market value. In either event, Nation will conclusively be deemed to have sold its rights under this Agreement to Paltar effective as of the date Paltar sends notice of its desire to purchase the interest and of the fair market value.
If Nation timely requests independent determination of the fair market value, the Chairman of the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association Limited shall be asked by either Party to appoint an expert to make the determination. The expert so appointed shall have exclusive power to establish the venue and timing of, and the procedural rules governing, the determination of fair market value.  Each Party shall bear its own costs and attorney’s fees in connection with the determination, although all fees, costs and expenses of the expert shall be borne solely by Nation.
No Right of Set Off
Nation acknowledges that a fundamental principle of this Agreement is that it pay the Work Program Expenses under this Agreement as and when required. Accordingly, Nation waives any right to raise by way of set off or to invoke as a defence any claim it may have against Paltar, whether under this Agreement or otherwise, so as to reduce or avoid its obligation timely to contribute required Work Program Expenses.
Without Prejudice
Paltar may exercise its rights, remedies or powers under this clause 7 or otherwise at law or in equity, concurrently, individually or cumulatively.

No penalty
The remedies in this clause 7 have been selected by the Parties in light of the fact that no interest in a Nation Block may be assigned to Nation unless there is a Discovery on that block and the Government issues a Production Licence for that block, events which can occur, if at all, only if Work Programs and Budgets are timely funded. Nation agrees that the remedies conferred by this clause 7 do not constitute a penalty or an unreasonable forfeiture and are necessary to ensure the maintenance of the Permit in good standing. Nation acknowledges that it is essential to the viability of the Permit that Nation comply with its financial obligations in a timely manner, and that assumption by Paltar of the obligations of Nation under this Agreement is good and valuable consideration for the exercise by Paltar of its rights to acquire Nation’s interest in this Agreement under this clause 7.
Relinquishments and renewals
If the Petroleum Act or the Permit requires Paltar to relinquish any portion of the Permit Area, the decision as to the lands to be relinquished will be made under the JVOA. Paltar will use its best endeavors to ensure that the Nation Blocks will not be relinquished, although it may not be successful.  If a Nation Block is relinquished, Paltar will cause another Paltar Block to be substituted for the relinquished Nation Block.  The other Paltar Block selected for this substitution will be the nearest Paltar Block to the relinquished Block as to which neither Nation nor any third party then has any earning rights.
Extension of the Term
Decisions to renew the Permit will be made under the JVOA, and Nation will be bound by the renewal work program and all other consequences of the renewal.
Surrender of Permit or Licence
If Paltar wishes voluntarily to surrender the entire Permit, such surrender shall require the specific agreement of Nation.
Transfer of interest or rights
If a Transfer subject to this clause 9 occurs without satisfaction (in all material respects) by the transferor of the requirements hereof, then the other Party shall be entitled to enforce specific performance of the terms of this clause 9, in addition to any other remedies (including damages) to which it may be entitled.  Each Party agrees that monetary damages alone would not be an adequate remedy for the breach of any Party's obligations under this clause 9.

Except in the case of a Party transferring all of its interest under this Agreement, no Transfer shall be made by any Party which results in the transferor or the transferee holding an interest under this Agreement of less than ten percent (10%) of its original interest under this Agreement.
Both the transferee, and, notwithstanding the Transfer, the transferring Party, shall be liable to the other Parties for the transferring Party’s share of any obligations (financial or otherwise) which have vested, matured or accrued under the provisions of this Agreement prior to such Transfer, including any obligation to contribute Work Program Expenses.
A transferee shall have no rights under this Agreement unless and until:
it expressly undertakes in an instrument reasonably satisfactory to the other Party to perform the obligations of the transferor under this Agreement in respect of the interest being transferred; and
except in the case of a Transfer to a Related Body Corporate, the other Party has consented in writing to such Transfer, which consent shall be denied only if the transferee fails to establish to the reasonable satisfaction of the other Party its financial capability to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
No consent shall be required under Clause 9.2(c)(ii) for a Transfer to a Related Body Corporate if the transferring Party agrees in an instrument reasonably satisfactory to the other to remain liable for performance by the Related Body Corporate of its obligations.
Nothing contained in this clause 9 shall prevent a Party from Encumbering its interest under this Agreement to a third party for the purpose of security relating to finance, provided that:
the Party shall remain liable for all obligations relating to such interest;
the Encumbrance shall be expressly subordinated to the rights of the other Party to this Agreement; and
the Party shall ensure that any Encumbrance is expressly without prejudice to the provisions of this Agreement.
Withdrawal from Agreement
Right of Withdrawal
Nation may not voluntarily withdraw from this Agreement before the close of the fifth Permit Year.
Subject to the provisions of this clause 10, Nation may withdraw from this Agreement at any time after the fifth Permit Year by providing written notice to Paltar at least 90 days prior to the effective date of the withdrawal.  Such Notice shall be unconditional and irrevocable when given and, on the effective date of the withdrawal, this Agreement shall terminate.

Nation may not withdraw from this Agreement if its interest in the Agreement is subject to any Encumbrance, unless Paltar is willing to accept the assignment reflecting the withdrawal subject to any such Encumbrance and any necessary consents are obtained from the holder of any such encumbrance.
Obligations and Liabilities of Nation upon Withdrawal
Nation shall, following its notification of withdrawal, remain liable only for its share of the following:
all Work Program Expenses coming due before the effective date of the withdrawal;
all costs and expenses associated with a fire, blow out, loss of well control, act of sabotage or vandalism, or other emergency occurring prior to the effective date of the withdrawal, without regard to when such costs are actually incurred; and
all other obligations and liabilities of Nation with respect to acts or omissions under this Agreement prior to the effective date of the withdrawal for which Nation would have been liable, had it not withdrawn from this Agreement.
Relationship of Parties and Tax
Relationship of Parties
The rights, duties, obligations and liabilities of the Parties under this Agreement shall be several, not joint or joint and several.  It is not the intention of the Parties to create, nor shall this Agreement be deemed or construed to create a mining or other partnership or association or (except as explicitly provided in this Agreement) a trust.  This Agreement shall not be deemed or construed to authorise any Party to act as an agent, servant or employee for any other Party for any purpose whatsoever except as explicitly set forth in this Agreement. In their relations with each other under this Agreement, the Parties shall not be considered fiduciaries except as expressly provided in this Agreement.
Each Party shall be responsible for reporting and discharging its own royalty and tax measured by the profit or income of the Party under this Agreement.  Each Party shall protect, defend and indemnify each other Party from any and all loss, cost or liability arising from the indemnifying Party's failure to report and discharge such royalties and taxes.  The Parties intend that all income and all tax benefits (including, but not limited to, deductions, depreciation, credits and capitalisation) with respect to the expenditures made by the Parties hereunder will be allocated by the relevant tax authorities to the Parties based on the share of each tax item actually received or borne by each Party.  If such allocation is not accomplished due to the application of the laws and regulations of the Government or other Government action, the Parties shall attempt to adopt mutually agreeable arrangements that will allow the Parties to achieve the financial results intended.  Paltar shall provide each Party, in a timely manner and at such Party's sole expense, with such information with respect to Operations as such Party may reasonably request for preparation of its tax returns or responding to any audit or other tax proceeding.

United States Tax Election
For United Stated Federal Income Tax Purposes, each U.S. Party hereby elects to be excluded from the application of all the provisions of Subchapter K, Chapter 1, Subtitle A, of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as permitted by Section 761 of said Code and the Regulations promulgated thereunder.
Should there be any requirement that each U.S. Party evidence this election, each Party agrees to execute such documents and furnish such other evidence as may be required by the United States Internal Revenue Service or may otherwise be necessary. Each Party further agrees not to give any notices or take any other action inconsistent with the election made hereby.
If any further income tax law of the United States contains provisions similar to those contained in said Subchapter K, under which an election similar to that provided by Section 761 is permitted, each U.S. Party agrees to make such elections as may be permitted by such laws. In making this election, each U.S. Party affirms that the income derived by it from the operations under this Agreement can be adequately determined without the computation of partnership taxable income.
Unless approved by every U.S. Party, no activity shall be conducted under this Agreement that would cause any Non-U.S. Party to be deemed to be engaged in a trade or business within the United States under United States income tax laws or regulations.
Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to require any Party to do or execute any document that might subject it or its income or property to United States taxation or to render liable to United States taxation any Party which prior to entering into this Agreement was not subject to United States taxation.
For the purposes of this Clause 11.3, “U.S. Party” shall mean any Party that is subject to the income tax law of the United States in respect with operations under this Agreement.  “Non-U.S. Party” shall mean any Party that is not subject to such income tax law.
Goods and Services Tax
Unless otherwise stated, all consideration specified in this Agreement does not include goods and services tax (GST) under the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cwlth) (GST Act).
If and to the extent that a supply under this Agreement is subject to GST, the recipient must pay to the supplier an additional amount equal to the amount of GST payable on that supply (GST Amount).

The GST Amount is payable at the same time as the GST exclusive consideration for the supply is payable or to be provided.  However, the GST Amount need not be paid until the supplier provides a Tax Invoice to the recipient.
If the GST Amount differs from the amount of GST payable by the supplier, the GST Amount must be adjusted.
If a party is entitled to be reimbursed or indemnified under this agreement, the amount to be reimbursed or indemnified must be reduced by any amount for which the Participant is entitled to an Input Tax Credit (as defined in the GST Act) for the acquisition to which that reimbursement of indemnification relates.
Confidential Information
Disclosure of Confidential Information
Nation may not disclose Confidential Information to any person except:
with the written consent of Paltar;
if Nation is required to do so by law, a Government or a stock exchange;
if Nation is required to do so in connection with legal proceedings relating to this Agreement;
to a transferee or potential transferee (or its advisers) of the whole or any part of Nation’s interest under this Agreement who gives an appropriate confidentiality undertaking to Nation for the benefit of Paltar and other parties to the JVOA; or
in connection with, or in contemplation of, a listing on a stock exchange.
Disclosure by recipient of Confidential Information
If Nation discloses Confidential Information under Clause 12.1, it must use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that persons receiving Confidential Information do not disclose the information except in the circumstances permitted in that Clause.
Use of Confidential Information
Nation may not use Confidential Information except for the purpose of exercising its rights or performing its obligations under this Agreement.
Prior notification of disclosure to stock exchange
If Nation is required or wishes to disclose Confidential Information in accordance with Clause 12.1(ii) or Clause 12.1(iii), it must notify Paltar of the proposed disclosure as far in advance as practicable.

Return of Confidential Information
Nation must, upon the request of Paltar, immediately deliver to Paltar all documents or other materials containing or referring to the Confidential Information which are in its possession, power or control or in the possession, power or control of persons who received Confidential Information from it under Clause 12.1(i) or 12.1(iv).
Retention of Confidential Information
Despite Clause 12.5, Nation may retain one single copy only of the documents or other materials referred to in that clause provided that the Party continues to comply with all other obligations set out in this Clause 12 in respect of any retained copies.
Obligations Continue
The rights and obligations of a Party under this Clause 12 with respect to confidentiality will continue to apply to that Party even after this Agreement terminates.
Force majeure
Force Majeure
If, as a result of an event of Force Majeure, a Party becomes unable, wholly or in part, to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement:
that Party shall give the other Party notice of the event of Force Majeure with reasonably full particulars and, insofar as is known to it, the probable extent to which it will be unable to perform or be delayed in performing its obligations;
on giving the notice of the event of Force Majeure, that obligation, other than an obligation to pay money, is suspended but only so far as and for so long as it is affected by the Force Majeure; and
the Party affected by the event of Force Majeure must continue to maintain, or ensure that Paltar maintains, the Permit in good condition.
Labour disputes and Native Title matters
The obligation to use reasonable diligence to overcome or remove the effect of event of Force Majeure does not require the affected Party to:
settle any strike, or other labour dispute on terms contrary to its wishes;
contest the validity or enforceability of any Laws; or
settle any Native Title Claim or enter into any agreement with respect to Native Title Rights,

on terms not reasonably acceptable to it solely for the purpose of removing the event of Force Majeure.
The obligation of the affected Party to perform its obligations resumes as soon as it is no longer affected by the Force Majeure event.
Form of Notice
Unless expressly stated otherwise in this Agreement, any notice, certificate, consent, approval, waiver or other communication in connection with this Agreement (Notice) must be in writing or given by electronic transmission, signed by an authorised officer of the sender and marked for the attention of the person identified in Clause 14.3 or, if the recipient has notified otherwise, then marked for attention in the last way notified.
When Notices are taken to have been given and received
A Notice is regarded as given and received:
if delivered by hand, when delivered;
if sent by pre-paid post from an address in Australia to an address in Australia, three days after posting;
if sent by pre-paid post from or to an address outside Australia, ten days after posting;
if given by fax, when the sender’s fax machine issues a successful transmission report;
if given by email, on the earlier of:
the time the sender receives an automated message that the email was delivered; and
six hours after being delivered unless:
the sender receives an automated message that the email was undeliverable or that the recipient is out of the office; or
the sender knows or reasonably should know that there is a network failure and accordingly knows or suspects that the email was not delivered,

in which case the email is taken not to be delivered and the sender should resend the notice by hand, post or fax.
Address details for Notices
 Paltar Petroleum Limited
 Level 10, 32 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000
 Attention:  Marc Bruner / Darrel Causbrook
 Telephone: +61 2 8222 6100
 Facsimile: +61 2 9222 1880
 e-mail:  darrel.causbrook@causbrooks.com.au
 Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd
 1500 West 16th Avenue, Suite F
 Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6J 2L6
 Attention: John R. Hislop
 Telephone: +1 604 331 3375
 Facsimile: +1 604 688 4712
 e-mail:    jhislop@14u.org
Applicable law and arbitration
Applicable Law
This Agreement shall be governed by, construed, interpreted and applied in accordance with the laws of the Northern Territory, excluding any choice of law rules which would refer the matter to the laws of another jurisdiction.
Any and all claims, demands, causes of action, disputes, controversies and other matters in question arising out of, in connection with, or relating to this Agreement, including any question regarding its breach, existence, validity or termination, must be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with, and subject to, the International Chamber of Commerce Rules of Arbitration.
The appointing and administering body will be The Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia.  The arbitrators must have at least ten years’ experience as to the subject of the dispute.
There shall be three arbitrators, the language of arbitration shall be English and the place of arbitration shall be a mutually-agreed place in Australia.
Each Party will each appoint one arbitrator within 30 days of the filing of the request for arbitration and the two arbitrators so appointed will select the presiding arbitrator within 30 days of the appointment of the first two arbitrators.

The resulting arbitral award will be final and binding upon the Parties, and judgment upon such an award may be entered and enforced by either Party in any court with sufficient jurisdiction.
Subject to clause 16(b), this Agreement shall be effective upon execution by all Parties and shall continue, unless sooner terminated by the express provisions of this Agreement, until all three of the Nation Blocks are covered by Production Licence or until Nation withdraws from the Agreement under clause 10.
Any provision of this Agreement that would (but for this clause) effect an acquisition of an interest in Australian urban land (within the meaning of the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth) (FATA)) is subject to and conditional upon the person making the acquisition not having received any order or notice under the FATA prohibiting the person from making the acquisition or making the acquisition subject to conditions which are unacceptable to the person.
At any time after December 31, 2015, Nation may apply to the relevant Minister pursuant to section 96(3) of the Petroleum Act for approval of this agreement for the purposes of having an entry made in the register in accordance with section 96(7) of the Petroleum Act.  Paltar shall take such steps as necessary or reasonably requested by Nation in order to achieve the approval and entry in the register in accordance with this clause.
General provisions
Warranties as to no Payments, Gifts and Loans
Each of the Parties warrants that neither it nor its affiliates has made or will make, with respect to the matters provided for hereunder, any offer, payment, promise to pay or authorisation of the payment of any money, or any offer, gift, promise to give or authorisation of the giving of anything of value, directly or indirectly, to or for the use or benefit of any official or employee of the Government or to or for the use or benefit of any political party, official, or candidate unless such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation is authorised by the Laws, or the payment of any bribe to any person or entity.  Each of the Parties further warrants that neither it nor its Related Bodies Corporate has made or will make any such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation to or for the use or benefit of any other person if the Party knows, has a firm belief, or is aware that there is a high probability that the other person would use such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation for any of the purposes described in the preceding sentence.  Each Party shall respond promptly, and in reasonable detail, to any notice from any other Party or its auditors pertaining to the above stated warranty and representation and shall furnish documentary support for such response upon request from such other Party.
Conflicts of Interest
Each Party undertakes that it shall avoid any conflict of interest between its own interests (including the interests of Related Bodies Corporate) and the interest of the other Parties in dealing with suppliers, customers and all other organisations or individuals doing or seeking to do business with the Parties in connection with activities contemplated under this Agreement.

The provisions of 17.2(a) shall not apply to Paltar's acquisition of products or services from a Related Body Corporate, or the sale thereof to a Related Body Corporate, made in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
Unless otherwise agreed, the Parties and their Related Bodies Corporate are free to engage or invest (directly or indirectly) in an unlimited number of activities or businesses, any one or more of which may be related to or in competition with the business activities contemplated under this Agreement, without having or incurring any obligation to offer any interest in such business activities to any Party.
Without limiting the generality of Clause 17.2(c), Nation specifically acknowledges that Paltar will own or be allocated under the JVOA interests in certain Blocks covered by the Permit other than the Nation Blocks; that work performed on the Nation Blocks may benefit other Blocks covered by the Permit, including those owned or allocated to Paltar; that Paltar may enter into sales, farmouts and other agreements of every type and nature relating to Blocks covered by the Permit which are not Nation Blocks; and that Nation will have no interest or expectation of any interest resulting from Paltar’s activities on Blocks that are not Nation Blocks.
Public Announcements
Subject to Clause 17.3(b), Paltar shall be responsible for the preparation and release of all public announcements and statements regarding this Agreement or the Operations; provided that, no public announcement or statement shall be issued or made unless prior to its release Nation has been furnished with a copy of such statement or announcement.  Where a public announcement or statement becomes necessary or desirable because of danger to or loss of life, damage to property or pollution as a result of activities arising under this Agreement, Paltar is authorised to issue and make such announcement or statement without prior approval of Nation, but shall promptly furnish Nation with a copy of such announcement or statement.
Nation may issue any such public announcement or statement if it is necessary to do so in order to comply with the applicable laws, rules or regulations of any government, legal proceedings or stock exchange having jurisdiction over Nation or its Related Bodies Corporate.
Successors and Assigns
Subject to the limitations on transfer contained in clause 9, this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Parties.
No waiver by any Party of any one or more defaults by another Party in the performance of this Agreement shall operate or be construed as a waiver of any future default or defaults by the same Party, whether of a like or of a different character.  Except as expressly provided in this Agreement no Party shall be deemed to have waived, released or modified any of its rights under this Agreement unless such Party has expressly stated, in writing, that it does waive, release or modify such right.

Severance of Invalid Provisions
If and for so long as any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be judged invalid for any reason whatsoever, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or operation of any other provision of this Agreement except only so far as shall be necessary to give effect to the construction of such invalidity, and any such invalid provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement without affecting the validity of the balance of this Agreement.
Except as is provided in Clause 17.6, there shall be no modification of this Agreement except by written consent of all Parties.
The topical headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be construed as having any substantive significance or as indicating that all of the provisions of this Agreement relating to any topic are to be found in any particular clause.
Singular and Plural
Reference to the singular includes a reference to the plural and vice versa.
Reference to any gender includes a reference to all other genders.
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and supersedes all prior understandings and negotiations of the Parties.
A reference in this Agreement to the Petroleum Act or any other statute or any provision or clause thereof shall be read (unless otherwise provided in this Agreement) as though the words ‘including any statutory amendment or modification thereof any statutory provision substituted thereof, re-enactment or replacement thereof and any rules, regulations, by laws and instruments or other documents made pursuant thereto’ were added to such reference.
No clause within this document can be used by any person as defence to any action brought under the Criminal Code or Corporations Act.

Rule against perpetuities
For the purposes only of avoiding breach of the rule against perpetuities this Agreement has a term not exceeding 80 years.
Defined terms
Authorised Person of a Party means:
the officers and employees of the Party;
the technical, financial, legal or other advisors of the Party; and
the respective officers and employees of the technical, financial, legal or other advisors of the Party.
 Beetaloo Joint Venture Management Committee means the committee formed under Clause 6.1 of the JVOA.
Beetaloo Joint Venture Participants means Paltar and Sweetpea.
Blocks means the numbered blocks that each graticular section of the Northern Territory is divided into pursuant to Section 8 of the Petroleum Act and Block is a reference to any one of them.
Confidential Information means all confidential, non-public or proprietary information regardless of how the information is stored or delivered, delivered to Nation before, on or after the date of this Agreement relating to this Agreement or the Operations.
Consequential Loss means:
any damages or losses which are not direct or which do not flow naturally from the relevant breach of this Agreement, even if those damages or losses may reasonably be supposed to have been in the contemplation of all Parties as a probable result of the breach at the time they entered into this Agreement; and
any losses of profits, business opportunity, reputation, customers or markets, whether direct or indirect.
Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
Discovery means the discovery of an accumulation of petroleum whose existence until that moment was unproven by drilling.

Encumbrance means any mortgage, lien, charge, pledge, assignment by way of security, security interest, preferential right or trust arrangement, or other arrangement having the same effect.
Exploration Agreements means the agreement dated 18 July 2012 among Sweetpea, the Native Title Party (as that term is defined in the Exploration Agreement), and Northern Land Council, and any other agreement entered into in accordance with the provisions of the Native Title Act or the Aboriginal Land Rights Act in relation to the Permit.
Force Majeure means any of the following events provided that they are outside the reasonable control of the affected Party and could not have been prevented or avoided by that Party taking reasonable steps:
act of God, earthquake, cyclone, fire, explosion, flood, landslide, lightning, storm, tempest, drought or meteor;
war (declared or undeclared), invasion, act of a foreign enemy, hostilities between nations, civil insurrection or militarily usurped power;
act of public enemy, sabotage, malicious damage, terrorism or civil unrest;
ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear waste or from combustion of nuclear fuel;
confiscation, nationalisation, requisition, expropriation, prohibition, embargo, restraint or damage to property by or under the order of any government or government authority; or
strikes, blockades, lock out or other industrial disputes.
Government means any department, local government council, administrative or statutory authority or any other person under a Law which has a right to impose a requirement or whose consent is required.
Indemnitees has the meaning set forth in Clause 3.7(b).
JVOA means the Joint Venture and Operating Agreement dated 16 September 2011 between Paltar and Sweetpea.
Law means any treaty, statute, subordinate legislation, code, regulation, rule, common law, equity determination, injunction, judgment, order, decree, ruling, directive, decision and any judicial, regulatory, administrative or other interpretation,  implementation or enforcement of any of the foregoing issued by any Government having jurisdiction as to the undertakings and any other matters arising under this Agreement, whether currently in effect or subsequently modified, including Commonwealth, Northern Territory and local government legislation, regulations, by-laws, and other subordinate legislation.
Minimum Work Obligations means those work or expenditure obligations that must be performed in order to satisfy Permit obligations.

Nation Blocks means the three Blocks identified in Schedule 2, or such replacement Blocks as may be identified under Clause 8.1.
Native Title Claims means either:
any claim, application or proceeding in respect of Native Title Rights which is accepted by the Native Title Tribunal or the Registrar thereof pursuant to the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth); or
any claim, application or proceeding in respect of those rights, interests and statutory protections of and relating to aboriginal persons as set out in the legislation of the Northern Territory or the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth).
Native Title Rights has the same meaning as the expressions “native title” or “native title rights and interests” defined in section 223(1) of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) and includes those rights, interests and statutory protections of and relating to aboriginal persons and aboriginal cultural heritage as set out in the relevant legislation of the Northern Territory including the Northern Territory Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act (NT) or the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth).
Notice has the meaning set forth in Clause 14.1.
Operating Account means the account established and maintained by the Operator in accordance with this Agreement to record all charges, expenditures, credits and receipts in respect of Operations which are chargeable or to be credited to Nation.
Operating Committee means the committee established and functioning under clause 4.
Operations means the following activities required for the operation of the Permit in accordance with this Earning Agreement:
management and operation of the Permit;
facilitation of access to the Permit including liaising with native title parties and landholders;
preparation, development and carrying out of exploration and appraisal programs on the Nation Blocks;
geological analysis and interpretation of exploration results;
compliance with conditions and legal requirements relating to the Permit;
appointment and management of contractors undertaking seismic analysis, drilling, and related exploration and appraisal programs;
but excluding any exploration or appraisal work physically conducted on lands other than the Nation Blocks.

Operator has the meaning given to it in the 1993 NT Onshore Petroleum Directions.
Paltar Block has the meaning set forth in Clause 11.2(b) of the JVOA, but, when used in this Agreement, excludes the Nation Blocks.
Parties means the entities named in the first paragraph to this Agreement and their respective permitted successors or assigns, and Party is a reference to any one of them.
Permit means Exploration Permit 143 issued under the Petroleum Act and includes any extension, renewal, conversion, substitution, modifications or variations thereof.
Permit Year means a year beginning 28 August and ending the following 27 August.
Petroleum Act means the Petroleum Act 2009 (NT).
Production Licence has the meaning provided in the Petroleum Act.
Property means all property, whether real or personal, which is owned, leased, held, developed, constructed, produced or acquired by the Operator solely for the conduct of Operations.
Related Body Corporate has the meaning given to it in section 50 of the Corporations Act.
Senior Supervisory Personnel means a Party’s senior manager, who directs all operations and activities of such Party in Australia.
Sole Risk Exploration Notice means a notice given by a Beetaloo Venture Participant in respect of Sole Risk Exploration under Clause 8.1 of the JVOA.
Sweetpea means Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Limited (ACN 074 750 879).
Transfer means assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of any interest in this Agreement in whole or part, whether by sale, lease, declaration or creation of a trust or otherwise.
Wilful Misconduct means an intentional and conscious disregard of any obligation owed by the relevant person, but does not include any act or omission which is (directly or indirectly) attributable to any breach or negligence on the part of any other person or of such other person's Related Body Corporate.
Work Program and Budget means an annual work program prepared by Paltar setting out the Operations to be undertaken during that year under this Agreement in respect of the Permit, together with the estimated amounts required to perform such work program.
Work Program Expenses means the costs and expenses incurred, paid or payable by the Operator in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement or otherwise authorized by the Operating Committee in connection with conducting Work Programs and Budgets.
In this Agreement, except where the context otherwise requires:
the singular includes the plural and vice versa and a gender includes other genders;

another grammatical form of a defined word or expression has a corresponding meaning;
a reference to a clause, paragraph, schedule or annexure is to a clause or paragraph of, or schedule or annexure to, this Agreement and a reference to this Agreement includes any schedule or annexure;
a reference to a document or instrument includes the document or instrument as novated, altered, supplemented or replaced from time to time;
all references to dollar amounts are in Australian currency;
a reference to a Party is to a party to this Agreement and a reference to a Party to a document includes the Party's executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns and substitutes;
a reference to a person includes a natural person, partnership, body corporate, association, governmental or local authority or agency or other entity;
a reference to a statute, ordinance, code or other law includes regulations and other instruments under it and consolidations, amendments, re-enactments or replacements of any of them;
the meaning of general words is not limited by specific examples introduced by including, for example or similar expressions;
a rule of construction does not apply to the disadvantage of a Party because the Party was responsible for the preparation of this Agreement or any part of it; and
if a day on or by which an obligation must be performed or an event must occur is not a business day in Sydney, Australia, the obligation must be performed or the event must occur on or by the next day that is a business day.

Headings are for ease of reference only and do not affect interpretation.




Executed by Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) in accordance with section 127 of the Corporations Act by authority of its directors:
/s/ Nick Tropea
/s/ Darrel Causbrook
Nick Tropea
Darrel John Causbrook
Print name
Print name


Executed by Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046) in accordance with section 127 of the Corporations Act by authority of its directors:
/s/ John R. Hislop
/s/ Darrel Causbrook
John R. Hislop
Darrel John Causbrook
Print name
Print name

Schedule 1 – Royalties

Holder & Granting Document
Percentage of Hydrocarbons produced/sold
1. Stock Purchase and Exploration Agreement between MAB Resources LLC and Robert L. Bayless Estate, et al, dated 9 November 2005, as amended
2. Acquisition and Consulting Agreement between MAB Resources LLC and Petrohunter Energy Corporation dated 1 January 2007, as amended
4% (after proportionate reduction), decreasing to 3.9% after one million barrels have been produced from EP 136 and 143, and decreasing again to 3.85% after one billion barrels have been produced from lands covered by the two permits
3. Exploration Agreement among Sweetpea, Native Title Party and Northern Land Council dated 18 July 2012
2%, increasing to 4% after one million barrels have been produced from EP 136 and 143, and increasing again to 5% after one billion barrels have been produced from lands covered by the two permits
4. Northern Territory of Australia royalty pursuant to the Petroleum Act (NT)



Schedule 3 – Permit Year 3 Work Program and Budget
 Work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks:   
 One exploration well     $1,341,090
 Geological and geophysical work  33,527
 General and administrative      670,547

Amounts shown above are in Australian dollars.  All such amounts were originally estimated in United States dollars and converted to Australian dollars at the rate of USD 1 = AUD 1.34109, the oanda.com average bid rate in effect when this Schedule 3 was prepared.




Annex 1 – Accounting Procedure

Section 1
General Provisions
Section 2
Direct Charges
Section 3
Indirect Charges
Section 4
Acquisition of Material
Section 5
Disposal of Materials
Section 6


Section 1  
General Provisions
The purpose of this Accounting Procedure is to establish fair and equitable methods for determining charges and credits applicable to Operations.  If the methods prove unfair or inequitable to Paltar or Nation, the Parties shall meet and in good faith endeavour to agree on changes to correct any unfairness or inequity.
In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Accounting Procedure and the provisions of the Agreement, the provisions of the Agreement shall prevail.
The definitions contained in clause 18 of the Agreement shall apply to this Accounting Procedure and have the same meanings when used herein. Certain terms used herein are defined as follows:
Accrual basis means that basis of accounting under which costs and benefits are regarded as applicable to the period in which the liability for the cost is incurred or the right to the benefit arises, regardless of when invoiced, paid, or received.
Cash basis means that basis of accounting under which only costs actually paid and revenue actually received are included for any period.
Country of Operations means the Commonwealth of Australia.
Material means machinery, equipment and supplies acquired and held for use in Operations.

Operating Account Records / Currency Exchange
Paltar shall at all times maintain and keep true and correct records of the production and disposition of all petroleum, and of all costs and expenditures under the Agreement, as well as other data necessary or proper for the settlement of accounts between the Parties hereto in connection with their rights and obligations under the Agreement and to enable Parties to comply with their respective applicable income tax and other laws.
Paltar shall maintain accounting records pertaining to Operations in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices used in the international petroleum industry and any applicable statutory obligations of the Country of Operations as well as the provisions of the Permit and the Agreement.
The Operating Account shall be maintained by Paltar in the English language and in Australian currency.  Conversions of currency shall be recorded at the rate actually experienced in that conversion.  Currency translations are used to express the amount of expenditures and receipts for which a currency conversion has not actually occurred.  Currency translations for expenditures and receipts shall be recorded at the arithmetic average of the buying and selling exchange rates at the close of each business day of the month of the current accounting period as published by oanda.com or, if not published by oanda.com, then by Westpac Banking Corporation.
Any currency exchange gains or losses shall be credited or charged to the Operating Account, except as otherwise specified in this Accounting Procedure.  Any such exchange gains or losses shall be separately identified as such.
The Accrual basis for accounting shall be used in preparing accounts concerning the Operations.  If a Cash basis for accounting is used, Paltar shall show accruals as memorandum items.
Statements and Billings
Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, Paltar shall submit monthly to Nation, on or before the 15th day of each month, statements of the costs and expenditures incurred during the prior month, indicating by appropriate classification the nature thereof and the corresponding budget category.
These statements, as a minimum, shall contain the following information:
advances of funds setting forth the currencies received from Nation;
the share of Nation in total expenditures, if other than 100%;
the accrued expenditures;
the current account balance of Nation;
summary of costs, credits, and expenditures on a current month, year-to-date, and inception-to-date basis or other periodic basis, as agreed by the Parties (such expenditures shall be grouped by the categories and line items designated in the approved Work Program and Budget so as to facilitate comparison of actual expenditures against that Work Program and Budget), and

details of unusual charges and credits in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A $50,000.00).
Paltar shall, upon request, furnish a description of the accounting classifications used by it.
Amounts included in statements and billings shall be expressed in Australian currency and reconciled to the currencies advanced.
Each Party shall be responsible for preparing its own accounting and tax reports to meet the requirements of the Country of Operations and of all other countries to which it may be subject.  Paltar, to the extent that the information is reasonably available from the Operating Account records, shall provide Nation in a timely manner the necessary information to facilitate the discharge of such responsibility.
Payments and Advances
Upon approval of any Work Program and Budget, if Paltar so requests, Nation shall advance its share of estimated cash requirements for the succeeding month's operations.  Each such Cash Call shall be equal to Paltar's estimate of the money to be spent in the currencies required to perform its duties under the Work Program and Budget during the month concerned.  For informational purposes the Cash Call shall contain an estimate of the funds required for the succeeding two months detailed by the categories designated in the Work Program and Budget.
Each such cash Call, detailed by the categories designated in the Work Program and Budget, shall be made in writing and delivered to Nation not less than 15 days before the payment due date.  The due date for payment of such advances shall be set by Paltar but shall be no sooner than the first day of the month for which the advances are required. All advances shall be made without bank charges. Any charges related to receipt of advances from Nation shall be borne by Nation.
Nation shall wire transfer its share of the full amount of each Cash Call to Paltar on or before the due date, in the currencies requested or any other currencies acceptable to Paltar at a bank designated by Paltar.  If currency provided by Nation is other than the requested currency, then the entire cost of converting to the requested currency shall be charged to Nation.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 1.6.2 of this Accounting Procedure, should Paltar be required to pay any sums of money for Operations which were unforeseen at the time estimates were provided to Nation, Paltar may make a written request of Nation for special advances covering Nation' share of such payments.  Each such Nation shall make its proportional special advances within ten days after receipt of such notice.

If Nation's advances exceed its share of cash expenditures, the next succeeding cash advance requirements, after such determination, shall be reduced accordingly.  However, if the amount of such excess advance is greater than the amount of the next month's estimated cash requirements for such Nation, Nation may request a refund of the difference, which refund shall be made by Paltar within ten days after receipt of Nation's request provided that the amount is in excess of twenty five thousand Australian dollars (A$ 25,000.00).
If Nation's advances are less than its share of cash expenditures, the deficiency shall, at Paltar's option, be added to subsequent cash advance requirements or be paid by Nation within ten days following the receipt of Paltar's billing to Nation for such deficiency.
If, under the provisions of the Agreement, Paltar is required to segregate funds received from the Parties, any interest received on such funds shall be applied against the next succeeding Cash Call.
If Paltar does not ask Nation to advance its share of estimated cash requirements, Nation shall pay its share of cash expenditures within 10 days following receipt of Paltar's billing.
Payments of advances or billings shall be made on or before the due date. If these payments are not received by the due date the unpaid balance shall bear and accrue interest from the due date until the payment is received by Paltar at the Agreed Interest Rate.   For the purpose of determining the unpaid balance and interest owed, Paltar shall translate to Australian currency all amounts owed in other currencies using the currency exchange rate determined in accordance with Clause 1.4.3 at the close of the last business day prior to the due date for the unpaid balance.
Subject to governmental regulation, Paltar shall have the right, at any time and from time to time, to convert the funds advanced or any part thereof to other currencies to the extent that such currencies are then required for operations.   The cost of any such conversion shall be charged to the Operating Account.
Paltar shall endeavour to maintain funds held for the Operating Account in bank accounts at a level consistent with that required for the prudent conduct of Operations.
If under the Agreement, Paltar is required to segregate funds received from or for the Operating Account, the provisions under this Clause 1.6 for payments and advances by Nation shall apply also to Paltar.
Payments of any advances or billings shall not prejudice the right of Nation to protest or question the correctness thereof; provided, however, all bills and statements rendered to Nation by Paltar during any year shall conclusively be presumed to be true and correct after 24 months following the end of such year, unless within the said 24 month period Nation takes written exception thereto and makes claim on Paltar for adjustment.  Failure on the part of Nation to make claim on Paltar for adjustment within such period shall establish the correctness thereof and preclude the filing of exceptions thereto or making claims for adjustment thereon.  No adjustment favourable to Paltar shall be made unless it is made within the same prescribed period.  The provisions of this Clause 1.7 shall not prevent adjustments resulting from a physical inventory of the Material as provided for in Clause VI.  Paltar shall be allowed to make adjustments to the Operating Account after such 24 month period if these adjustments result from audit exceptions outside of this Accounting Procedure, third party claims, or government requirements.  Any such adjustments shall be subject to audit within the time period specified in Clause 1.8.l of this Accounting Procedure.

Nation, upon at least 60 days advance notice in writing to Paltar, shall have the right to audit the Operating Account and records of Paltar relating to the accounting hereunder for any year within the 24 month period following the end of such year, except as otherwise provided in Clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure.  As provided in Clause 4.2(b)(6) of the Agreement, Nation shall have reasonable access to Paltar's personnel and to the facilities, warehouses, and offices directly or indirectly serving Operations.  The cost of each such audit shall be borne by Nation.  Nation must take written exception to and make claim upon Paltar for all discrepancies disclosed by said audit within said 24 month period.  Nation may request information from Paltar prior to the commencement of the audit.  Paltar will provide the information in electronic format or hard copy documents, if electronic format is not available.  Paltar will provide the information requested within 30 days before commencement of the audit but in no event sooner than 30 days after the written request.  The information requested shall be limited to that normally used for pre-audit work such as trial balance, general ledger, and sub-ledger data.
Paltar shall endeavour to produce information from its Affiliates reasonably necessary to support charges from those Affiliates to the Operating Account other than those charges referred to in Clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure.
Except for charges under Clause 2.7.1, the following provisions apply to all charges by Paltar for its Affiliates.
In addition to the information provided by Paltar under Clause 1.8.2, Nation may seek to audit the books and records of an Affiliate of Paltar relating to the charges by the Affiliate to the Operating Account for the same year as provided in Clause 1.8.1 above.  The charges of the Affiliate shall be subject to audit in accordance with (a), (b), or (c) below or any combination thereof.
(a)          If the Affiliate of Paltar consents to the audit, the audit may be conducted in the same manner as the audit of the books and records of Paltar.
If all or part of the charges are not audited under (a) above, the unaudited portion may be audited under (b) and/or (c) below.
(b)         The Affiliate may require use of an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm to confirm confidential or proprietary information and charges.  The cost of the internationally recognized independent public accounting firm shall be borne by Nation.  Nation will seek agreement with the Affiliate on the audit scope to confirm the details and facts relating to such information and charges.

If the internationally recognized independent public accounting firm of the Affiliate declines to conduct the audit, Nation will seek agreement with the Affiliate on an alternative internationally recognized independent public accounting firm.  The cost of using such firm shall be borne by Nation.
Paltar will endeavor to cause its Affiliate to not unreasonably withhold approval of the use of an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm or the scope of examination requested by Nation.
If all or part of the charges are not audited under (a) or (b) above, the unaudited portion may be audited under (c) below.
(c)         Paltar may request its Affiliate to provide Nation an annual report from an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm attesting that charges billed from such Affiliate to the Operating Account represent a complete and accurate allocation of its costs to the Operations, exclude any element of profit, exclude any duplication of costs covered under Clauses 2 and 3, and are consistent in application to all of its activities.  The report will be furnished by Paltar within 12 months of the request from Nation.  The cost of providing the annual report shall be borne by Nation.
No amounts paid to an Affiliate of Paltar, which Nation seeks to audit, may be charged to the Operating Account if the Affiliate of Paltar does not allow audit of such amounts as provided above.
Any information obtained by Nation under the provisions of Clause 1.8 which does not relate directly to the Operations shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed to any party, except as would otherwise be permitted under Clause 15.2(a)(ii) and (x) of the Agreement.
In the event that Paltar is required by law to employ a public accounting firm to audit the Operating Account and records of Paltar relating to the accounting hereunder, the cost thereof shall be a charge against the Operating Account, and a copy of the audit shall be furnished to Nation.
At the conclusion of each audit, the Parties shall endeavour to settle outstanding matters expeditiously.  To this end Nation will make a reasonable effort to prepare and distribute a written report to Paltar as soon as possible and in any event within 90 days after the conclusion of each audit.  The report shall include all claims arising from such audit together with comments pertinent to the operation of the accounts and records.  Paltar shall make a reasonable effort to reply to the report in writing as soon as possible and in any event no later than 90 days after receipt of the report.  Should Nation consider that the report or reply requires further investigation of any item therein, Nation shall have the right to conduct further investigation in relation to such matter notwithstanding the provisions of Clauses 1.7 and 1.8 of this Accounting Procedure that the period of 24 months may have expired.  However, conducting such further investigation shall not extend the 24 month period for taking written exception to and making a claim upon Paltar for all discrepancies disclosed by said audit. Such further investigations shall be commenced within 30 days and be concluded within 60 days after the receipt of such report or reply, as the case may be.

All adjustments resulting from an audit agreed between Paltar and Nation conducting the audit shall be reflected promptly in the Operating Account by Paltar and reported to Nation.  If any dispute shall arise in connection with an audit, it shall be reported to and discussed by the Operating Committee, and, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties to the dispute, resolved in accordance with the provisions of clause 18 of the Agreement. If all the Parties to the dispute so agree, the adjustments) may be referred to an independent expert agreed to by the Parties to the dispute.  At the election of the Parties o the dispute, the decision of the expert will be binding upon such Parties.  Unless otherwise agreed, the cost of such expert will be shared equally by all Parties to the dispute.
If it becomes necessary to allocate any costs or expenditures to or between Operations and any other operations, such allocation shall be made on an equitable basis. When it is reasonably foreseeable that such an allocation will be required, Paltar will furnish a description of its allocation procedures pertaining to these costs and expenditures and its rates for personnel and other charges.  Such allocations shall be subject to audit under Clause 1.8.
Section 2  
Direct Charges
Paltar shall charge the Operating Account with all costs and expenditures incurred by Paltar for the conduct of Operations.  Charges for services normally provided by an operator such as those contemplated in Clauses 2.7.2 and 2.7.3 which are provided by Paltar’s Affiliate shall reflect the cost to the Affiliate, excluding profit, for performing such services, except as otherwise provided in Clause 2.6 and Clause 2.7.1.
Charges shall only be applied to the Operating Account to the extent such charges are reasonably incurred in the legitimate exercise of Operations under the Agreement and in bona fide arms-length transactions on commercial terms generally available in the market place.
The costs and expenditures shall be recorded as required for the settlement of accounts between the Parties hereto in connection with the rights and obligations under this Agreement and for purposes of complying with the tax laws of the Country of Operations and of such other countries to which any of the Parties may be subject.  Chargeable costs and expenditures may include, but are not limited to:
All costs, if any, attributable to the acquisition, maintenance, renewal or relinquishment of the Permits paid in accordance with the Petroleum Act when paid by Paltar in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement.
Salaries, Wages and Related Costs.
Salaries, wages and related costs include everything constituting the employees' total compensation, as well as the cost to Paltar of holiday, vacation, sickness, disability benefits, living and housing allowances, travel time, bonuses, and other customary allowances applicable to the salaries and wages chargeable hereunder, as well as the costs to Paltar for employee benefits, including but not limited to employee group life insurance, group medical insurance, hospitalization, retirement, severance payments required by the laws or regulations of the Country of Operations.

Expenditures or contributions made pursuant to assessments imposed by governmental authority for payments with respect to or on account of employees described in Clause 2.2.1 and Clause 2.2.2 shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
The salaries, wages and related costs of employees of Paltar and its Affiliates temporarily or permanently assigned in the Country of Operations and directly engaged in Operations shall be chargeable to the Operating Account;
The salaries, wages and related costs of employees of Paltar and its Affiliates temporarily or permanently assigned outside the Country of Operations directly engaged in Operations and not otherwise covered in Clause 2.7.2 of this Accounting Procedure shall be chargeable to the Operating Account;
Costs for salaries, wages and related costs may be charged to the Operating Account on an actual basis or at a rate based upon the average cost in accordance with Paltar's usual practice.  In determining the average cost, expatriate and national employees' rates shall be calculated separately and reviewed at least annually;
Reasonable expenses (including related travel costs) of those employees whose salaries and wages are chargeable to the Operating Account under Clauses 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 of this Section 2 and for which expenses the employees are reimbursed under the usual practice of Paltar shall be chargeable to the Operating Account; and
If employees are engaged in other activities in addition to the Operations, the cost of such employees shall be allocated on an equitable basis.
Employee Relocation Costs
Except as provided in Clause 2.3.3 of this Accounting Procedure, Paltar's cost of employees' relocation to or from an assignment with the Operations, whether within or outside the Country of Operations and whether permanently or temporarily assigned to the Operations, shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.  If such employee works on other activities in addition to Operations, such relocation costs shall be allocated on an equitable basis.
Such relocation costs shall include transportation of employees, families, personal and household effects of the employee and family, transit expenses, and all other related costs in accordance with Paltar's usual practice.
Relocation costs to an assignment that is not with the Operations to another location shall not be chargeable to the Operating Account unless the place of the new assignment is the point of origin of the employee or unless otherwise agreed by the Operating Committee.

Offices, Camps, and Miscellaneous Facilities.
The cost of maintaining any offices, sub-offices, camps, warehouses, housing, and other facilities of Paltar and/or Affiliates directly serving the Operations. If such facilities serve operations in addition to the Operations the costs shall be allocated to the properties served on an equitable basis.
The cost, net of discounts taken by Paltar, of Material purchased or furnished by Paltar, Such costs shall include, but are not limited to, export brokers' fees, transportation charges, loading, unloading fees, export and import duties and licence fees associated with the procurement of Material and in-transit losses, if any, not covered by insurance. So far as it is reasonably practical and consistent with efficient and economical operation, only such Material shall be purchased for, and the cost thereof charged to, the Operating Account as may be required for immediate use.
Exclusively Owned Equipment and Facilities of Paltar and Affiliates.
Charges for providing its exclusively owned equipment, facilities, and utilities of Paltar or any of its Affiliates at rates not to exceed the average commercial rates of non-affiliated third parties then prevailing for like equipment, facilities, and utilities for use in the area where the same are used hereunder.  On request, Paltar shall furnish Nation a list of rates and the basis of application. Such rates shall be revised from time to time if found to be either excessive or insufficient, but not more than once every six months.
Exclusively owned drilling tools and other equipment lost in the hole or damaged beyond repair may be charged at replacement cost less depreciation plus transportation costs to deliver like equipment to the location where used.
The charges for services provided by third parties shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
The cost of services performed by Paltar’s Affiliates’ technical and professional staffs not located within the Country of Operation and not otherwise covered under Clause 2.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, shall be chargeable to the Operating Account. The individual rates shall include salaries and wages of such technical and professional personnel, lost time, governmental assessments, and employee benefits.  Costs shall also include all support costs necessary for such technical and professional personnel to perform such services, such as, but not limited to, rent, utilities, support staff, drafting, telephone and other communication expenses, computer support, supplies, depreciation, and other reasonable expenses.
Premiums paid for insurance required by law or the Agreement to be carried for the benefit of the Operations.

Damages and Losses to Property
All costs or expenditures necessary to replace or repair damages or losses incurred by fire, flood, storm, theft, accident, or any other cause shall be chargeable to the Operating Account. Paltar shall furnish Nation written notice of damages or losses incurred in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A$ 50,000.00) as soon as practical after report of the same has been received by Paltar.  All losses in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A$ 50,000.00) shall be listed separately in the monthly statement of costs and expenditures.
Credits for settlements received from insurance carried for the benefit of Operations and from others for losses or damages to Property or Materials shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
Expenditures incurred in the settlement of all losses, claims, damages, judgments, and other expenses for the account of Operations shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
Litigation, Dispute Resolution and Associated Legal Expenses
The costs and expenses of litigation, dispute resolution and associated legal services necessary for the protection of the Operations under the Agreement as follows:
Legal services, other than those provided by the internal legal staffs of the Parties or their Affiliates, necessary or expedient for the protection of the Operations, and all costs and expenses of litigation, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution procedure, including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, together with all judgments obtained against the Parties or any of them arising from the Operations.
If the Parties shall so agree, litigation, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution procedures resulting from actions or claims affecting the Operations hereunder may be handled by the legal staff of one or any of the Parties or their respective Affiliates; and a charge commensurate with the reasonable costs of providing and furnishing such services rendered may be made by the Party or the Affiliate providing such service to Paltar for the Operating Account, but no such charges shall be made until approved by the Parties.
Taxes and Duties
All taxes, duties, assessments and governmental charges, of every kind and nature, assessed or levied upon or in connection with the Operations, other than any that are measured by or based upon the revenues, income and net worth of a Party.
If Paltar or an Affiliate is subject to income or withholding tax as a result of services performed at cost for the operations under the Agreement, its charges for such services may be increased by the amount of such taxes incurred (grossed up).
Ecological and Environmental
Costs incurred on the Property as a result of statutory regulations for archaeological and geophysical surveys relative to identification and protection of cultural resources and/or other environmental or ecological surveys as may be required by any regulatory authority. Also, costs to provide or have available pollution containment and removal equipment plus costs of actual control, clean up and remediation resulting from responsibilities associated with Hydrocarbon contamination as required by all applicable laws and regulations.

Decommissioning (Abandonment) and Reclamation.
Costs incurred for decommissioning (abandonment) and reclamation of the Property, including costs required by governmental or other regulatory authority or by the Agreement.
Other Expenditures
Any other costs and expenditures incurred by Paltar for the necessary and proper conduct of the Operations and not covered in this Section 2 or in Section 3.
Section 3  
Indirect Charges
Paltar shall charge the Operating Account monthly for the cost of indirect services and. related office costs of Paltar and its Affiliates not otherwise provided in this Accounting Procedure. Indirect costs chargeable under this Section 3 represent the cost of general assistance and support services provided by Paltar and its Affiliates. These costs are such that it is not practical to identify or associate them with specific projects but are for services which provide the Operations with needed and necessary resources which Paltar requires and provide a real benefit to Operations. No cost or expenditure included under Section 2 shall be included or duplicated under this Section 3. The charges under Section 3 are not subject to audit under Clauses 1.8.1 and 1.8.2 of this Accounting Procedure other than to verify that the overhead percentages are applied correctly to the expenditure basis.
The indirect charge under Clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure for any month shall equal the greater of the total amount of indirect charges for the period beginning at the start of the year through the end of the period covered by Paltar's invoice (Year-to-Date) determined under Clause 3.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, less indirect charges previously made under Clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure for the year in question, or the amount of the minimum assessment determined under Clause 3.2.3, calculated on an annualized basis (but reduced pro rata for periods of less than one year), less indirect charges previously made under Clause 3.1 for the year in question.
Unless exceeded by the minimum assessment under Clause 3.2.3, the aggregate Year-to-Date indirect charges shall be a percentage of the Year-to-Date expenditures, calculated on the following scale:
Annual Expenditures
$0 to A$ 3,000,000 of expenditures = 5 %
Next A$ 7,000,000  of expenditures = 4 %

Next A$11,000,000 of expenditures = 3 %
Excess above A$ 11,000,000 of expenditures = 1.5 %
A minimum amount of A $ 36,000.00 shall be assessed each year calculated from the Effective Date and shall be reduced pro rata for periods of less than a year.
Indirect Charge for Projects.
If a major infrastructure construction project is undertaken, a separate indirect charge for such project shall be approved by the Operating Committee at the time of approval of the project.
Section 4  
Acquisition of Material
Materials purchased for the Operating Account shall be charged at net cost paid by Paltar. The price of Materials purchased shall include, but shall not be limited to export broker's fees, insurance, transportation charges, loading and unloading fees, import duties, licence fees, and demurrage (retention charges) associated with the procurement of Materials, and applicable taxes, less all discounts taken.
Materials Furnished by Paltar
Materials required for operations shall be purchased for direct charge to the Operating Account whenever practicable, except Paltar may furnish such Materials from its stock under the following conditions:
New Materials transferred from the warehouse or other properties of Paltar hall be priced at net cost determined in accordance with Clause 4.1 above as if Paltar had purchased such new Material just prior to its transfer.  Such net costs shall in no event exceed the then current market price.
Material which is in sound and serviceable condition and suitable for use without repair or reconditioning shall be classed as Condition ‘B’ and priced at 75% of such new purchase net cost at the time of transfer.
Materials not meeting the requirements of Clause 4.2.2 above, but which can be made suitable for use after being repaired or reconditioned, shall be classed as Condition "C" and priced at 50% of such new purchase net cost at the time of transfer.  The cost of reconditioning shall also be charged to the Operating Account provided the Condition ‘C’ price, plus cost of reconditioning, does not exceed the Condition ‘B’ price; and provided that Material so classified meet the requirements for Condition ‘B’ Material upon being repaired or reconditioned.
Material which cannot be classified as Condition ‘B’ or Condition ‘C’, shall be priced at a value commensurate with its use.
Tanks, derricks, buildings, and other items of Material involving erection costs, if transferred in knocked-down condition, shall be graded as to condition as provided in this Clause 4.2 of Section 4, and priced on the basis of knocked-down price of like new Material.

Material including drill pipe, casing and tubing, which is no longer useable for its original purpose but is useable for some other purpose, shall be graded as to condition as provided in this Clause 4.2 of Section 4.  Such Material shall be priced on the basis of the current price of items normally used for such other purpose if sold to third parties.
Premium Prices
Whenever Material is not readily obtainable at prices specified in Clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of this Clause IV because of national emergencies, strikes or other unusual causes over which Paltar has no control, Paltar may charge the Operating Account for the required Material at Paltar's actual cost incurred procuring such Material, in making it suitable for use, and moving it to Permit area, provided that notice in writing, including a detailed description of the Material required and the required delivery date, is furnished to Nation of the proposed charge at least 10 days (or such shorter period as may be specified by Paltar) before the Material is projected to be needed for operations and prior to billing Nation for such Material the cost of which exceeds fifty thousand Australian dollars (A $ 50,000.00).  Nation shall have the right, by so electing and notifying Paltar within seven (7) days (or such shorter period as may be specified by Paltar) after receiving notice from Paltar, to furnish in kind all or part of his share of such Material per the terms of the notice which is suitable for use and acceptable to Paltar both as to quality and time of delivery.  Such acceptance by Paltar shall not be unreasonably withheld.  If Material furnished is deemed unsuitable for use by Paltar, all costs incurred in disposing of such Material or returning Material to owner shall be borne by Nation furnishing the same unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.  If Nation fails to properly submit an election notification within the designated period, Paltar is not required to accept Material furnished in kind by Nation.  If Paltar fails to submit proper notification prior to billing Nation for such Material, Paltar shall only charge the Operating Account on the basis of the price allowed during a "normal" pricing period in effect at time of movement.
Warranty of Material Furnished by Paltar
Paltar does not warrant the condition or fitness for the purpose intended of the Material furnished. In case defective Material is furnished by Paltar for the Operating Account, credit shall not be passed to the Operating Account until adjustment has been received by Paltar from the manufacturers or their agents.
Section 5  
Disposal of Materials
Paltar shall be under no obligation to purchase the interest of Nation in new or used surplus Materials.  Paltar shall have the right to dispose of Materials but shall advise and secure prior agreement of the Operating Committee of any proposed disposition of Materials having an original cost to the Operating Account either individually or in the aggregate of A$ 50,000 or more.  When Operations are relieved of Material charged to the Operating Account, Paltar shall advise Nation of the original cost of such Material to the Operating Account so that the Parties may eliminate such costs from their asset records.  Credits for Material sold by Paltar shall be made to the Operating Account in the month in which payment is received for the Material.  Any Material sold or disposed of under this Clause shall be on an ‘as is, where is’ basis without guarantees or warranties of any kind or nature. Costs and expenditures incurred by Paltar in the disposition of Materials shall be charged to the Operating Account.

Material Purchased by Nation or its Affiliate
Proceeds received from disposed Material purchased by Nation or its Affiliate shall be credited to the Operating Account, with new Material valued in the same manner as new Material under Clause 4.2.1 of this Accounting Procedure and used Material valued in the same manner as used Material under Clause 4.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, unless otherwise agreed by the Operating Committee.
Sales to Third Parties
Proceeds received from Material purchased from the Property by third parties shall be credited by Paltar to the Operating Account at the net amount collected by Paltar from the buyer. If the sales price is less than that determined in accordance with the procedure set forth in Clause 5.2 of this Accounting Procedure, then approval by the Operating Committee shall be required prior to the sale.  Any claims by the buyer for defective materials or otherwise shall be charged back to the Operating Account if and when paid by Paltar.
Section 6  
Periodic Inventories - Notice and Representation
At reasonable intervals, inventories shall be taken by Paltar of all Material held in warehouse stock on which detailed accounting records are normally maintained.  The expense of conducting periodic inventories shall be charged to the Operating Account.  Paltar shall give Nation written notice at least 60 days in advance of its intention to take inventory, and Nation, at its sole cost and expense, shall each be entitled to have a representative present.  The failure of Nation to be represented at such inventory shall bind such Nation to accept the inventory taken by Paltar, who shall in that event furnish Nation with a reconciliation of overages and shortages.  Inventory adjustments to the Operating Account shall be made for overages and shortages.  Any adjustment equivalent to A$ 50,000 or more shall be brought to the attention of the Operating Committee.
Special Inventories
Whenever there is a sale or change of interest in the Agreement, a special inventory may be taken by Paltar provided the seller and/or purchaser of such interest agrees to bear all of the expense thereof. In such cases, both the seller and the purchaser shall be entitled to be represented and shall be governed by the inventory so taken.






EX-10.5 6 ex10-5.htm EP 231 EARNING AGREEMENT ex10-5.htm



EP 231 Earning Agreement


Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459)

Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046)






Defined terms
Initial Consideration
Operating Committee
Work Programs and Budgets
Production Licences
Relinquishments and renewals
Transfer of interest or rights
Withdrawal from Agreement
Relationship of Parties and Tax
Confidential Information
Force majeure
Applicable law and arbitration
General provisions
Schedule 1:  Royalties
Schedule 2:  Nation Blocks
Schedule 3:  Permit Year 3 Work Program and Budget
Annex 1:      Accounting Procedure




EP 231 Earning Agreement
Dated    30 August 2015
Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) of Level 10, 32 Martin Place, Sydney,
New South Wales 2000 (Paltar)
Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046) of RPO Box 60610, Granville Park,
Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 4B9 (Nation)
Paltar owns the Permit.
Paltar and Nation have agreed to enter into a farm-in arrangement to allow for exploration of the Nation Blocks and, if warranted, apply for a Production Licence covering one or more of the Nation Blocks after discovering a commercially exploitable accumulation of petroleum.
The Parties enter into this Agreement to evidence their binding agreement concerning the Cash Consideration and Share Consideration (each as defined below), the costs of Operations to be borne by Nation, and the Nation Interest that may be earned by Nation upon Expenditure of the Earning Amount.
Operative provisions
Defined terms
Clause 18 of this Agreement sets out and explains the defined terms, or refers to the definitions of the terms, and the rules of interpretation that apply.
Initial Consideration
Share Consideration
Nation Energy Inc., a Wyoming corporation, has agreed to issue on December 17, 2015 600,000,000 of its common shares (the Share Consideration) to Paltar, and Paltar has agreed to certain restrictions on the transfer of such shares, under the terms of the Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement, dated 30 August 2015 between Nation Energy Inc. and Paltar (the Letter Agreement), in the event that an Exchange Transaction (as defined in the Letter Agreement) has not been consummated on or before December 16, 2015.

Cash Consideration
No later than 31 December 2015, Nation shall pay by wire transfer to an account designated by Paltar the sum of $769,143.  If Nation fails timely to pay this amount to Paltar, this Agreement shall terminate and neither Party shall have any further obligation to the other.
Non-Refundable Consideration for Earning Rights
The Share Consideration (if issued) and the Cash Consideration are non-refundable consideration for the rights given to Nation hereunder.
Farm-in and Operator
Nation Interest
On Nation spending at least the Earning Amount in Expenditure on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks before the end of the Earning Period (Earning Date), Nation, on giving notice to Paltar verifying the amount of Expenditure Nation has incurred:
acquires a beneficial interest, to the extent of the Nation Interest, in the Nation Blocks; and
will have the right to be transferred the Nation Interest in the Nation Blocks, in such manner and on such terms as do not materially increase the obligations owed the Government in respect of the area then covered by the Permit; and
Joint Venture Operating Agreement
On or as soon as practicable after the Earning Date the parties shall enter into an exploration joint venture operating agreement in respect of the Nation Blocks on terms customary for such an agreement in the Australian petroleum industry and under which:
Paltar holds the Paltar Interest and Nation holds the Nation Interest in the Nation Blocks;
Paltar is the operator of the joint venture;
Nation shall contribute 100% of the actual Work Program Expenses under the joint venture operating agreement until production licences have been issued covering each Nation Block;
Nation shall not be permitted to withdraw from the joint venture operating agreement until the end of the fifth Permit Year;
the terms set out in clause 6.1 to 6.3 (inclusive) of this Agreement will be incorporated; and
the terms of the Option in favour of Nation set out clauses 5.3 to 5.7 (inclusive) will be incorporated and, in the event that the Option is exercised by Nation with respect to a Production Licence, then the Production Licence will not form part of the joint venture property under the joint venture operating agreement from the date of exercise of the Option, and

upon entry into the joint venture operating agreement, the remaining effective clauses of this Agreement will immediately terminate with respect to the Nation Blocks, subject to any and all accrued rights and liabilities of the parties.
Designation of Operator.
Paltar is hereby designated as Operator, and agrees to act as such in accordance with this Agreement.
Rights and Duties of Operator
Paltar shall have all of the rights, functions and duties of Operator under this Agreement and will have exclusive charge of and shall conduct all Operations on the Nation Blocks under the overall direction of the Operating Committee.  Paltar may employ independent contractors and agents, including Related Bodies Corporate of Paltar, in such Operations.
Paltar warrants and represents to Nation that the Permit and Paltar’s interest in the Permit is in good standing and is not subject to any breach, default or other circumstance that will or may result in the Permit being surrendered or cancelled or becoming subject to any Encumbrance. Paltar shall:
without limiting clause 5.1(c) and subject to applicable Government requirements, ensure that each Work Program and Budget consists of work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks;
not grant, create or allow the grant or creation of any Encumbrance over Paltar’s interest in the Permit without the prior written consent of Nation;
not sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of Paltar’s interest in the Permit or part with possession of the Permit without the prior written consent of Nation;
immediately notify Nation of any act, event, circumstance, correspondence, notice or other information (in any form and from whatever source) that may cause, or is relevant to, Paltar’s interest in the Permit becoming the subject of an Encumbrance or being surrendered or cancelled; and
take all steps as are necessary or appropriate to ensure that the application for, grant and transfer or issue of a Production Licence to Nation occurs as soon as practicable following a decision by Nation under clause 6.1(b).
In the conduct of Operations, Paltar shall:
perform Operations in accordance with the provisions of the Permit, the Laws, this Agreement and the decisions of the Operating Committee;
conduct all Operations in a diligent, safe and efficient manner in accordance with good and prudent oil field practices and field conservation principles generally followed by the international petroleum industry under similar circumstances;
prepare and submit to the Operating Committee the proposed Work Programs and Budgets as provided in clause 5;

acquire all permits, consents, approvals, surface or other rights that may be required for the conduct of Operations;
permit Nation’s representatives to have at all reasonable times and at their own risk and expense reasonable access to the Operations with the right to observe all such Operations;
pay to the Government within the periods and in the manner prescribed by the Laws, all periodic payments, taxes, fees and other amounts pertaining to Operations, but excluding any taxes measured by the incomes of the Parties;
carry out the obligations of Paltar pursuant to the Permit, including, but not limited to, preparing and furnishing such reports, records and information as may be required pursuant to the Petroleum Act;
have, in accordance with the decisions of the Operating Committee, the exclusive right and obligation to represent the Parties in all dealings with the Government with respect to matters arising under Operations;
act as the Parties’ representative in respect of Native Title Rights and aboriginal heritage issues, negotiate and enter into agreements with the parties to Native Title Claims, and in all other respects deal with issues of this kind as and when they arise, including the recognition of Native Title Rights and the settlement of Native Title Claims;
in case of an emergency (including a significant fire, explosion, petroleum release, or sabotage; incident involving loss of life, serious injury to an employee, contractor, or third party, or serious property damage; strikes and riots; or evacuations of Paltar personnel): (i) take all necessary and proper measures for the protection of life, health, the environment and property; and (ii) as soon as reasonably practicable, notify Nation of the details of such emergency and any measures it has taken or plans to take in response; and
do all other acts and things that are reasonably necessary or desirable to fulfil its functions or are incidental to the above powers and duties.
Paltar Personnel
Paltar shall engage or retain such employees, contractors, consultants and agents as are reasonably necessary to conduct Operations.
Subject to the Laws and this Agreement, Paltar will determine the number of employees, contractors, consultants and agents, the selection of such persons, their hours of work, and the compensation to be paid to all such persons in connection with Operations.
Information Supplied by Paltar
Paltar shall provide Nation with the following data and reports from the Operations:
copies of all logs or surveys;

daily drilling reports;
copies of all tests and core data and analysis reports;
final well report;
copies of the final geological and geophysical maps, seismic sections and shot point location maps and reports;
engineering studies, development schedules and annual progress reports on development projects;
field and well performance reports, including reservoir studies and reserve estimates; and
copies of all reports relating to Operations furnished by Paltar to a Government.
Paltar shall provide Nation such additional information as Nation may reasonably request in writing, provided that Nation must pay the costs of preparing such information and the preparation of such information must not unduly burden Paltar’s administrative and technical personnel.
Paltar shall give Nation access at all reasonable times during normal business hours to all data and reports acquired in the conduct of Operations.  Nation may make copies of such other data at its sole expense.
Settlement of Claims and Lawsuits
Paltar shall promptly notify Nation of any and all claims or suits which arise out of Operations or relate in any way to Operations.  Paltar shall represent Nation and defend or oppose the claim or suit. Paltar may in its sole discretion compromise or settle any such claim or suit or any related series of claims or suits for an amount not to exceed the equivalent of $250,000, exclusive of legal fees.  Paltar shall seek guidance from the Operating Committee on amounts in excess of the above-stated amount.  Nation shall have the right to be represented by its own counsel at its own expense in the settlement, compromise or defence of such claims or suits.
Nation shall promptly notify Paltar of any claim made against Nation by a third party which arises out of or may affect the Operations.
Limitation on Liability of Paltar
Except as set out in clause 3.8(c), neither Paltar nor any other Indemnitee (as defined below) shall bear any damage, loss, cost, expense or liability resulting from performing (or failing to perform) the duties and functions of Operator, and the Indemnitees are hereby released from liability to Nation for any and all damages, losses, costs, expenses and liabilities arising out of, incidental to or resulting from such performance or failure to perform, even though caused in whole or in part by a pre-existing defect, the negligence (whether sole, joint or concurrent), strict liability or other legal fault of Paltar (or any such Indemnitee).

Except as set out in clause 3.8(c), Nation shall defend and indemnify Paltar and its Related Bodies Corporate, and their respective employees, officers and directors (collectively, the Indemnitees), from any and all damages, losses, costs, expenses (including reasonable legal costs, expenses and attorneys' fees) and liabilities incidental to claims, demands or causes of action brought by or on behalf of any person or entity, which claims, demands or causes of action arise out of, are incidental to or result from Operations, even though caused in whole or in part by a pre-existing defect, the negligence (whether sole, joint or concurrent), strict liability or other legal fault of Paltar (or any such Indemnitee).
Notwithstanding clauses 3.8(a) and 3.8(b), if any Senior Supervisory Personnel of Paltar or its Related Bodies Corporate engage in Wilful Misconduct which proximately causes Nation to incur damages, loss, cost, expense or liability for claims, demands or causes of action referred to in clauses 3.8(a) or 3.8(b), then Paltar shall bear such damages, loss, cost, expense and liability.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, under no circumstances shall Paltar or any other Indemnitee ever be liable for any Consequential Loss.
In the event that there is a change of Operator then, from the date a new Operator is appointed, the new Operator shall have the benefit of each of clause 3.8(a) – (d) as if the new Operator were named in those clauses in place of Paltar.
Insurance Obtained by Paltar
Paltar shall maintain for such limits as it may reasonably believe prudent any and all insurance it believes appropriate under the circumstances, including:
All insurance required by the Laws;
Third party liability insurance covering liability to third parties which may arise in connection with the Operations;
Cost of well control/redrilling and recompletion expenses/seepage and contamination and pollution liability insurance covering expenses incurred in regaining control of wells including materials and services necessary to bring the wells under control and costs expended to reinstate the well to the depth and condition which existed prior to an insured occurrence; and
Workers compensation insurance.
Paltar shall, in respect of such insurance:
use reasonable endeavours to procure or cause to be procured such insurance prior to or concurrent with the commencement of relevant operations and maintain or cause to be maintained such insurance during the term of the relevant operations or any longer term required under the Permit or the Laws;
promptly inform Nation when insurance is taken out and at Nation’s request supply it with certificates of insurance or copies of the relevant policies when they are issued; and

duly file all claims and take all necessary and proper steps to collect any proceeds.
Paltar shall use its reasonable endeavours to require all contractors (including sub-contractors) performing work with respect to the Operations to:
obtain and maintain all insurance required under the Laws or any decision of the Operating Committee; and
provide Paltar with certificates reflecting such insurance prior to the commencement of their services.
Subject to clause 3.12, Paltar may resign as Operator at any time by so notifying Nation at least 120 days before the effective date of such resignation.
Paltar shall resign immediately if it dissolves, liquidates, is wound up, or otherwise terminates its existence.
Subject to clause 3.12, Paltar shall be removed upon receipt of notice from any Party if:
Paltar becomes insolvent, bankrupt or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or
a receiver or receiver and manager is appointed for a majority (by value) of Paltar's assets.
Subject to clause 3.12, Paltar may be removed by written notice from Nation if Paltar has committed a material breach of this Agreement and has either failed to commence to cure that breach within 30 days after receipt of a Notice from Nation detailing the alleged breach or failed to diligently pursue the cure to completion.
Appointment of Successor
When a change of Operator occurs pursuant to clause 3.10 or clause 3.11:
the Operating Committee shall meet as soon as possible to elect a successor Operator; provided, however, that if Paltar has been removed or is deemed to have resigned and either fails to vote or votes only to succeed itself, then the successor Operator shall be elected by the affirmative vote of Nation alone.
if Paltar disputes the commission of or failure to rectify a material breach alleged pursuant to clause 3.11(c) and proceedings are initiated pursuant to clause 15.2, Paltar shall continue as Operator and no successor Operator may be appointed pending the conclusion or abandonment of such proceedings;
Paltar, if it resigns or is removed as Operator, shall be compensated out of the Operating Account for its reasonable expenses related to its resignation or removal;

Paltar, if it resigns or is removed as Operator, and the successor Operator shall arrange for the taking of an inventory of all Property and an audit of the books and records relating to Operations, the cost of which shall be charged to the Operating Account;
the resignation or removal of Paltar as Operator and its replacement by the successor Operator shall not become effective prior to receipt of any necessary Government approvals; and
upon the effective date of the resignation or removal, the successor Operator shall succeed to all duties, rights and authority prescribed for Operator.  Paltar shall transfer to the successor Operator custody of all Property, books of account, records and other documents maintained by Operator pertaining to the Nation Blocks and to Operations.  Upon delivery of the above-described property and data, Paltar shall be released and discharged from all obligations and liabilities as Operator accruing after such date, except to the extent such liabilities relate to facts, matters or circumstances which occurred prior to such date.
Commingling of Funds
Paltar may commingle with its own funds the monies which it receives from or for the Operating Account pursuant to this Agreement.
Operator may delegate all or part of its rights or responsibilities as Operator under this agreement to a Related Body Corporate.  Any such delegation shall not relieve Operator of its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement.
Operating Committee
Establishment of Operating Committee
An Operating Committee composed of representatives of each Party shall provide overall supervision and guidance to Paltar concerning the direction of Operations.  Each Party shall appoint one representative and two alternates to serve on the Operating Committee.  Each Party shall as soon as possible after the date of this Agreement give notice in writing to the other Party of the name and address of its representative, its first alternate and its second alternate serving on the Operating Committee.  Each Party shall have the right to change its representative and alternate representatives at any time by giving Notice to such effect to the other Party.
Authority to Vote
The representative of a Party, or in his absence the alternate representative, shall be authorised to represent such Party with respect to any matter which is within the power of the Operating Committee and is properly brought before the Operating Committee. Each such representative shall have one vote on matters coming before the Operating Committee.  Alternate representatives may attend Operating Committee meetings, but shall have no vote at such meetings except in the absence of the representative for whom they are the alternate.  In addition to the representative and alternate representatives, each Party may also bring to any Operating Committee meetings such technical and other advisers as it may deem appropriate.  The technical and other advisers shall be given the opportunity to present data and voice opinions on behalf of a Party, but may not vote.

The Operating Committee may establish such advisory subcommittees, including technical and commercial subcommittees, as the Operating Committee may deem appropriate.
Notice of Meeting
Either Party may call a meeting of the Operating Committee by giving Notice to the other Party at least 15 days in advance of such meeting.
Notice periods above may be waived with unanimous consent of all Parties.
The day the Notice was delivered and the date the meeting is to be held shall not be included in calculating the Notice period.
Notwithstanding the above, Nation agrees that if there is an operational issue involving an urgent operational matter, then Nation shall be deemed to have waived the above notice period so that the Operating Committee may make a decision within 48 hours, as contemplated by clause 4.11(a)(i).
Contents of Meeting Notice
Each Notice of a meeting of the Operating Committee shall contain:
the date, time and location of the meeting;
an agenda of the matters and proposals to be considered and/or voted upon; and
copies of all proposals to be considered at the meeting.
A Party receiving Notice may, by Notice to the other Party given not less than seven days before a meeting, may add additional matters to the meeting agenda.
With the unanimous consent of all Parties, the Operating Committee may consider at a meeting a proposal not contained in such meeting agenda.
Location of Meetings
All meetings of the Operating Committee shall be held in Sydney, New South Wales, or elsewhere as may be decided unanimously by the Operating Committee.
Operator's Duties for Meetings
With respect to meetings of the Operating Committee and any subcommittee, Paltar's duties shall include, but not be limited to:
conduct of the meeting; and
preparation of a written record or minutes of each meeting.

Paltar shall have the right to appoint the chairman of the Operating Committee and all subcommittees.
Voting Procedure
Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement in respect of certain specific matters, all decisions, approvals and other actions of the Operating Committee on all proposals coming before it shall be decided by Paltar alone.
Record of Votes
The chairman of the Operating Committee shall appoint a secretary who shall make a record of each proposal voted on and the results of such voting at each Operating Committee meeting.  Each representative shall sign and be provided a copy of such record at the end of such meeting and it shall be considered the final record of the decisions of the Operating Committee.
The secretary shall provide each Party with a copy of the minutes of the Operating Committee meeting within 21 days after the end of the meeting.  Each Party shall have 14 days after receipt of such minutes to give notice of its objections to the minutes to the secretary. A failure to give notice specifying objection to such minutes within said 14 day period shall be deemed to be approval of such minutes. In any event, the votes recorded under clause 4.9 shall take precedence over the minutes described above.
Voting by Notice
In lieu of a meeting, any Party may submit any proposal to the Operating Committee for a vote by Notice.  The proposing Party shall notify Operator who shall give each representative notice describing the proposal so submitted and whether Paltar considers such operational matter an urgent operational matter.  Each Party shall communicate its vote by Notice to Paltar and any other Party within one of the following appropriate time periods after receipt of Operator's notice:
48 hours in the case of urgent operational matters;
14 days in the case of all other proposals.
Except in the case of clause 4.11(a)(i), Nation may by Notice delivered to Paltar within five days after receipt of Paltar's notice request that the proposal be decided at a meeting rather than by notice. In such an event, that proposal shall be decided at a meeting duly called for that purpose.
Except as provided in clause 10.1(a), a Party failing to communicate its vote in a timely manner shall be deemed to have voted against such proposal.
If a meeting is not requested, then at the expiration of the appropriate time period, Paltar shall give Nation a confirmation notice stating the tabulation and results of the vote.

Work Programs and Budgets; Post Farm-in Arrangements
Agreed Permit Work Programs and Budgets
The Work Program and Budget detailing the Operations to be performed in respect of the Permit for the remainder of the third Permit Year is attached as Schedule 3.
On or before the first day of June of each year beginning 2016 and continuing each year thereafter, Operator shall deliver to Nation a proposed Work Program and Budget detailing the Operations to be performed in respect of the Permit for the following Permit Year.  Within 30 days of such delivery, the Operating Committee shall meet to consider and endeavour to agree a Work Program and Budget.
The Work Program and Budget for the fourth and subsequent Permit Years will be adopted by the unanimous vote of both Paltar and Nation; provided, however, that if the Parties fail unanimously to agree, the proposed Work Program and Budget reasonably estimated to cost the least will conclusively be deemed adopted, so long as such proposed Work Program and Budget (i) consists solely of work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks and (ii) will satisfy all of the Minimum Work Obligations of that Permit Year.  For the avoidance of doubt, geological and geophysical operations conducted both on the Nation Blocks and on adjoining lands shall be considered work performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks where the operator believes such work prudent to gain a fuller understanding of the geology of the Nation Blocks.
Any approved Work Program and Budget may be revised by the Operating Committee from time to time.  To the extent such revisions are approved by the Operating Committee, the Work Program and Budget will be amended accordingly.
Paltar may, if it wishes in its sole discretion, conduct operations in any year on or for the benefit of Blocks in the Permit which are not Nation Blocks.  Such operations will be conducted at the sole risk and expense of Paltar and will not be subject to this Agreement.
Funding of Work Program Expenses
Nation agrees to contribute 100% of the actual Work Program Expenses.
Nation must pay all Work Program Expenses as follows:
As soon as practicable after Nation has such funds conveniently available,  Nation will deliver to Paltar the full amount of the estimated Work Program and Budget costs for the remainder of the third Permit Year, as shown in Schedule 3;
Estimated Work Program Expenses for subsequent years will be delivered to Paltar on or before the date which is the 150th day anniversary following the date on which the applicable Permit was granted; and
Amounts in addition to the estimated amounts set forth in approved Work Programs and Budgets, whether incurred as a result of cost overruns, unforeseen events, or otherwise, will be delivered by Nation to Paltar in accordance with the cash call procedures set forth in clause 1.6 of the Accounting Procedure.

Grant of Option
If, after the Earning Date, Nation acquires an undivided twenty-five percent (25%) interest in a Production Licence granted with respect to any area under a Nation Block pursuant to clause 6.2(a) (the Acquisition Date), Paltar shall grant to Nation, in exchange for $100 and other good and valuable consideration, the sole and exclusive option (Option) to purchase at any time during the period commencing on the Acquisition Date and ending ninety (90) days later (the Option Period) the Paltar Interest free from Encumbrances subject to compliance with clauses 5.4 through 5.6.
Exercise of Option
The Option may be exercised by Nation at any time during the Option Period by giving notice in writing to Paltar specifying that the Option has been exercised.
As soon as practicable after the exercise of the Option in accordance with clause 5.4, Paltar will deliver to Nation registrable transfer forms of Paltar’s entire interest in the Production Licence, insofar as it covers the Nation Block, except for the payment of stamp duty and registration fees.  Nation will lodge the transfer forms, together with a notice appointing Nation or its designee as Operator of the Production Licence, with the Government for approval and registration, as required under the Petroleum Act, and promptly thereafter Nation must deliver to Paltar the duly executed transfer forms and pay the stamp duty and registration fees in the amounts determined by the Government.
Paltar’s entire interest in the Production Licence shall be transferred to Nation free from any Encumbrance except as set out in clause 5.5(c).
Upon the effective transfer of Paltar’s entire interest in the Production Licence, Nation shall assume all the obligations (and be assigned all the benefits) of:
the Exploration Agreements that relate to the Nation Block (or portion thereof) covered by the Production Licence; and
the royalty burdens in relation to such Nation Block (or portion thereof) as set forth in Schedule 1 and as provided in clause 5.6(a),
and Paltar shall execute all such agreements (including any deeds of assignment and assumption) as reasonably required by Nation and the counterparties to the above agreements to perfect the assumption of such obligations and the assignment of any benefits and the release of Paltar.
Upon the transfer of a Production Licence pursuant to this clause 5.5, this Agreement will cease to apply to the Nation Block (or portion thereof) covered by that Production Licence.

In consideration for the transfer of the Paltar Interest to Nation, upon exercise of the Option, Paltar shall be entitled to an overriding royalty with respect to all petroleum produced from the portion of the relevant Nation Block covered by the Production Licence with such royalty being equal to the difference between 25% and the sum of the existing royalty burdens shown in Schedule 1 applicable to such portion of the relevant Nation Block such that the revenue interest of Nation in such production of petroleum, after giving effect to all of the royalty burdens described in Schedule 1, will be exactly 75%, and with the understanding that if a royalty burden set forth in Schedule 1 later increases in accordance with its terms, the additional overriding royalty in favor of Paltar will be correspondingly decreased, so that Nation’s revenue interest will remain constant at 75%.
Paltar and Nation will, as soon as practicable after the exercise of the Option, enter into an overriding royalty agreement under which Paltar holds the overriding royalty described in this clause and which more fulsomely sets out the terms of the royalty based on terms standard for such an agreement in the Australian petroleum industry.
Lapse of Option
In the event that the Option is not exercised within the Option Period then the Option will lapse and the parties shall use their best endeavours to enter a production joint venture operating agreement in respect of such Production Licence under which:
Paltar holds the Paltar Interest and Nation holds the Nation Interest in the Production Licence, insofar as it covers the Nation Block; and
Nation is the operator of the joint venture; and
which is otherwise on terms standard for the Australian petroleum industry (including provisions for dilution of interests).
Production Licences
Decision to Apply
If a Discovery is made on a Nation Block, Paltar shall deliver any notice of Discovery required under the Petroleum Act and shall as soon as possible submit to the Operating Committee a report containing available details concerning the Discovery and Operator’s recommendation as to whether a Production Licence should be sought.
The Operating Committee decision whether to apply to the Government for a Production Licence covering such Nation Block shall be decided by Nation alone.
Production Licence Granted
Paltar acknowledges and agrees that, following the Earning Date, if a Production Licence is applied for and issued in respect of any area under the Nation Blocks in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, (i) Paltar’s interest in such Production Licence will be equal to seventy-five percent (75%), insofar as it covers the Nation Block, subject to the Option granted hereunder pursuant to clause 5.3, and (ii) Nation’s interest in such Production Licence, insofar as it covers the Nation Block, will be equal to twenty-five percent (25%).

Upon the issue of a Production Licence for a Nation Block (or portion thereof), Paltar will be deemed to have resigned as Operator with respect to such Nation Block (or portion thereof).
Upon the issue of a Production Licence to Nation pursuant to this clause 6.2, each clause of this Agreement other than clauses 5.3 through 5.7 will cease to apply to the Nation Block (or portion thereof) covered by that Production Licence.
Production Licence Not Granted
If the Operating Committee decides not to apply for a Production Licence or, having applied for a Production Licence, the application is denied, the Operating Committee shall meet to determine whether the Discovery merits appraisal.
If the Operating Committee determines that the Discovery merits appraisal, Paltar shall deliver to the Operating Committee within 60 days after the determination a proposed Work Program and Budget for appraisal of the Discovery.  Within thirty 30 days after delivery, or earlier if necessary to meet any applicable deadline under the Petroleum Act, the Operating Committee shall meet to consider or modify such Work Program and Budget, with Nation having the sole power to approve, reject or modify the proposal.
Default and Notice
Nation will be in default under this Agreement if, prior to the Earning Date, it fails to contribute any portion of the Work Program Expenses when due under clause 5.2(b).  Paltar shall promptly provide Nation written notice of such default.
Immediate Consequences
From the date the default notice is given by Paltar until the time all defaults under clause 7.1 have been remedied, Nation shall have no right to:
call or attend Operating Committee or subcommittee meetings;
vote on any matter coming before the Operating Committee or any subcommittee; or
access any data or information relating to any operations under this Agreement.
Any matter which is to be decided by Nation alone under this Agreement shall instead be decided by Paltar.
If the Nation default relates to a failure to contribute a portion of the Work Program Expenses for the third, fourth or fifth Permit Years, and if Nation fails to remedy such default within 30 days following Paltar’s notice, then Nation, upon the written request of Paltar, shall surrender its entire interest in this Agreement to Paltar, free of all Encumbrances arising by, through or under Nation, and shall execute a written surrender instrument in such form as reasonably may be requested by Paltar.  As a result of such surrender, Nation shall have no right ever to receive any interest whatsoever in the Permit or Nation Blocks and no right ever to recover any amounts it previously expended or contributed, whether under this Agreement, in quantum meruit, or under any other legal or equitable principle.

If the Nation default relates to a failure to contribute a portion of the Work Program Expenses for the sixth or subsequent Permit Years, and if Nation fails to remedy such default within 30 days following Paltar’s notice, then Paltar may, but is not obligated to, purchase Nation’s entire interest under this Agreement for 90% of the fair market value of such interest, less the amount in default. If Paltar wishes to undertake this purchase, it will notify Nation of its desire and of the fair market value, and Nation shall have seven days after receipt of this notice either (i) to notify Paltar that it accepts Paltar’s statement of the fair market value, or that it requires an independent determination of the fair market value.  If it does not notify Paltar, it will be deemed to have accepted Paltar’s statement of the fair market value. In either event, Nation will conclusively be deemed to have sold its rights under this Agreement to Paltar effective as of the date Paltar sends notice of its desire to purchase the interest and of the fair market value.
If Nation timely requests independent determination of the fair market value, the Chairman of the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association Limited shall be asked by either Party to appoint an expert to make the determination. The expert so appointed shall have exclusive power to establish the venue and timing of, and the procedural rules governing, the determination of fair market value.  Each Party shall bear its own costs and attorney’s fees in connection with the determination, although all fees, costs and expenses of the expert shall be borne solely by Nation.
No Right of Set Off
Nation acknowledges that a fundamental principle of this Agreement is that it pay the Work Program Expenses under this Agreement as and when required. Accordingly, Nation waives any right to raise by way of set off or to invoke as a defence any claim it may have against Paltar, whether under this Agreement or otherwise, so as to reduce or avoid its obligation timely to contribute required Work Program Expenses.
Without Prejudice
Paltar may exercise its rights, remedies or powers under this clause 7 or otherwise at law or in equity, concurrently, individually or cumulatively.
No penalty
The remedies in this clause 7 have been selected by the Parties in light of the fact that no interest in a Nation Block may be assigned to Nation unless there is a Discovery on that block and the Government issues a Production Licence for that block, events which can occur, if at all, only if Work Programs and Budgets are timely funded. Nation agrees that the remedies conferred by this clause 7 do not constitute a penalty or an unreasonable forfeiture and are necessary to ensure the maintenance of the Permit in good standing. Nation acknowledges that it is essential to the viability of the Permit that Nation comply with its financial obligations in a timely manner, and that assumption by Paltar of the obligations of Nation under this Agreement is good and valuable consideration for the exercise by Paltar of its rights to acquire Nation’s interest in this Agreement under this clause 7.

Relinquishments and renewals
If the Petroleum Act or the Permit requires Paltar to relinquish any portion of the Permit Area, Paltar will use its best endeavors to ensure that the Nation Blocks will not be relinquished, although it may not be successful.  If a Nation Block is relinquished, Paltar will cause another Block to be substituted for the relinquished Nation Block.  The other Block selected for this substitution will be the nearest Block to the relinquished Nation Block as to which neither Nation nor any third party then has any earning rights.
Extension of the Term
Decisions to renew the Permit will be made by the Operating Committee, although the Operating Committee decision whether to renew shall be decided by Nation alone. If the Operating Committee decides to renew, Nation will be bound by the renewal work program and all other consequences of the renewal; if the Operating Committee decides not to renew, Paltar may renew the Permit for its own account, and this Agreement will automatically terminate upon such renewal.
Surrender of Permit or Licence
If Paltar wishes voluntarily to surrender the entire Permit, such surrender shall require the specific agreement of Nation.
Transfer of interest or rights
If a Transfer subject to this clause 9 occurs without satisfaction (in all material respects) by the transferor of the requirements hereof, then the other Party shall be entitled to enforce specific performance of the terms of this clause 9, in addition to any other remedies (including damages) to which it may be entitled.  Each Party agrees that monetary damages alone would not be an adequate remedy for the breach of any Party's obligations under this clause 9.
Except in the case of a Party transferring all of its interest under this Agreement, no Transfer shall be made by any Party which results in the transferor or the transferee holding an interest under this Agreement of less than ten percent (10%) of its original interest under this Agreement.
Both the transferee, and, notwithstanding the Transfer, the transferring Party, shall be liable to the other Parties for the transferring Party’s share of any obligations (financial or otherwise) which have vested, matured or accrued under the provisions of this Agreement prior to such Transfer, including any obligation to contribute Work Program Expenses.

A transferee shall have no rights under this Agreement unless and until:
it expressly undertakes in an instrument reasonably satisfactory to the other Party to perform the obligations of the transferor under this Agreement in respect of the interest being transferred; and
except in the case of a Transfer to a Related Body Corporate, the other Party has consented in writing to such Transfer, which consent shall be denied only if the transferee fails to establish to the reasonable satisfaction of the other Party its financial capability to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
No consent shall be required under clause 9.2(c)(ii) for a Transfer to a Related Body Corporate if the transferring Party agrees in an instrument reasonably satisfactory to the other to remain liable for performance by the Related Body Corporate of its obligations.
Nothing contained in this clause 9 shall prevent a Party from Encumbering its interest under this Agreement to a third party for the purpose of security relating to finance, provided that:
the Party shall remain liable for all obligations relating to such interest;
the Encumbrance shall be expressly subordinated to the rights of the other Party to this Agreement; and
the Party shall ensure that any Encumbrance is expressly without prejudice to the provisions of this Agreement.

Withdrawal from Agreement
Right of Withdrawal
Subject to the provisions of this clause 10, Nation may withdraw from this Agreement at any time after the fifth permit year and prior to the Earning Date by providing written notice to Paltar at least 90 days prior to the effective date of the withdrawal.  Such Notice shall be unconditional and irrevocable when given and, on the effective date of the withdrawal, this Agreement shall terminate.
Nation may not withdraw from this Agreement if its interest in the Agreement is subject to any Encumbrance, unless Paltar is willing to accept the assignment reflecting the withdrawal subject to any such Encumbrance and any necessary consents are obtained from the holder of any such Encumbrance.
Obligations and Liabilities of Nation upon Withdrawal
Nation shall, following its notification of withdrawal, remain liable only for its share of the following:
all Work Program Expenses coming due before the effective date of the withdrawal;

all costs and expenses associated with a fire, blow out, loss of well control, act of sabotage or vandalism, or other emergency occurring prior to the effective date of the withdrawal, without regard to when such costs are actually incurred; and
all other obligations and liabilities of Nation with respect to acts or omissions under this Agreement prior to the effective date of the withdrawal for which Nation would have been liable, had it not withdrawn from this Agreement.
Relationship of Parties and Tax
Relationship of Parties
The rights, duties, obligations and liabilities of the Parties under this Agreement shall be several, not joint or joint and several.  It is not the intention of the Parties to create, nor shall this Agreement be deemed or construed to create a mining or other partnership or association or (except as explicitly provided in this Agreement) a trust.  This Agreement shall not be deemed or construed to authorise any Party to act as an agent, servant or employee for any other Party for any purpose whatsoever except as explicitly set forth in this Agreement. In their relations with each other under this Agreement, the Parties shall not be considered fiduciaries except as expressly provided in this Agreement.
Each Party shall be responsible for reporting and discharging its own royalty and tax measured by the profit or income of the Party under this Agreement.  Each Party shall protect, defend and indemnify each other Party from any and all loss, cost or liability arising from the indemnifying Party's failure to report and discharge such royalties and taxes.  The Parties intend that all income and all tax benefits (including, but not limited to, deductions, depreciation, credits and capitalisation) with respect to the expenditures made by the Parties hereunder will be allocated by the relevant tax authorities to the Parties based on the share of each tax item actually received or borne by each Party.  If such allocation is not accomplished due to the application of the laws and regulations of the Government or other Government action, the Parties shall attempt to adopt mutually agreeable arrangements that will allow the Parties to achieve the financial results intended.  Paltar shall provide each Party, in a timely manner and at such Party's sole expense, with such information with respect to Operations as such Party may reasonably request for preparation of its tax returns or responding to any audit or other tax proceeding.
United States Tax Election
For United Stated Federal Income Tax Purposes, each U.S. Party hereby elects to be excluded from the application of all the provisions of Subchapter K, Chapter 1, Subtitle A, of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as permitted by Section 761 of said Code and the Regulations promulgated thereunder.
Should there be any requirement that each U.S. Party evidence this election, each Party agrees to execute such documents and furnish such other evidence as may be required by the United States Internal Revenue Service or may otherwise be necessary. Each Party further agrees not to give any notices or take any other action inconsistent with the election made hereby.

If any further income tax law of the United States contains provisions similar to those contained in said Subchapter K, under which an election similar to that provided by Section 761 is permitted, each U.S. Party agrees to make such elections as may be permitted by such laws. In making this election, each U.S. Party affirms that the income derived by it from the operations under this Agreement can be adequately determined without the computation of partnership taxable income.
Unless approved by every U.S. Party, no activity shall be conducted under this Agreement that would cause any Non-U.S. Party to be deemed to be engaged in a trade or business within the United States under United States income tax laws or regulations.
Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to require any Party to do or execute any document that might subject it or its income or property to United States taxation or to render liable to United States taxation any Party which prior to entering into this Agreement was not subject to United States taxation.
For the purposes of this clause 11.3, “U.S. Party” shall mean any Party that is subject to the income tax law of the United States in respect with operations under this Agreement.  “Non-U.S. Party” shall mean any Party that is not subject to such income tax law.
Goods and Services Tax
Unless otherwise stated, all consideration specified in this Agreement does not include goods and services tax (GST) under the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cwlth) (GST Act).
If and to the extent that a supply under this Agreement is subject to GST, the recipient must pay to the supplier an additional amount equal to the amount of GST payable on that supply (GST Amount).
The GST Amount is payable at the same time as the GST exclusive consideration for the supply is payable or to be provided.  However, the GST Amount need not be paid until the supplier provides a Tax Invoice to the recipient.
If the GST Amount differs from the amount of GST payable by the supplier, the GST Amount must be adjusted.
If a party is entitled to be reimbursed or indemnified under this agreement, the amount to be reimbursed or indemnified must be reduced by any amount for which the Participant is entitled to an Input Tax Credit (as defined in the GST Act) for the acquisition to which that reimbursement of indemnification relates.
Confidential Information
Disclosure of Confidential Information
Nation may not disclose Confidential Information to any person except:
with the written consent of Paltar;
if Nation is required to do so by law, a Government or a stock exchange;

if Nation is required to do so in connection with legal proceedings relating to this Agreement;
to a transferee or potential transferee (or its advisers) of the whole or any part of Nation’s interest under this Agreement who gives an appropriate confidentiality undertaking to Nation for the benefit of Paltar; or
in connection with, or in contemplation of, a listing on a stock exchange.
Disclosure by recipient of Confidential Information
If Nation discloses Confidential Information under clause 12.1, it must use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that persons receiving Confidential Information do not disclose the information except in the circumstances permitted in that clause.
Use of Confidential Information
Nation may not use Confidential Information except for the purpose of exercising its rights or performing its obligations under this Agreement.
Prior notification of disclosure to stock exchange
If Nation is required or wishes to disclose Confidential Information in accordance with clause 12.1(ii) or clause 12.1(iii), it must notify Paltar of the proposed disclosure as far in advance as practicable.
Return of Confidential Information
Nation must, upon the request of Paltar, immediately deliver to Paltar all documents or other materials containing or referring to the Confidential Information which are in its possession, power or control or in the possession, power or control of persons who received Confidential Information from it under clause 12.1(i) or 12.1(iv).
Retention of Confidential Information
Despite clause 12.5, Nation may retain one single copy only of the documents or other materials referred to in that clause provided that the Party continues to comply with all other obligations set out in this clause 12 in respect of any retained copies.
Obligations Continue
The rights and obligations of a Party under this clause 12 with respect to confidentiality will continue to apply to that Party even after this Agreement terminates.
Force majeure
Force Majeure
If, as a result of an event of Force Majeure, a Party becomes unable, wholly or in part, to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement:

that Party shall give the other Party notice of the event of Force Majeure with reasonably full particulars and, insofar as is known to it, the probable extent to which it will be unable to perform or be delayed in performing its obligations;
on giving the notice of the event of Force Majeure, that obligation, other than an obligation to pay money, is suspended but only so far as and for so long as it is affected by the Force Majeure; and
the Party affected by the event of Force Majeure must continue to maintain, or ensure that Paltar maintains, the Permit in good condition.
Labour disputes and Native Title matters
The obligation to use reasonable diligence to overcome or remove the effect of event of Force Majeure does not require the affected Party to:
settle any strike, or other labour dispute on terms contrary to its wishes;
contest the validity or enforceability of any Laws; or
settle any Native Title Claim or enter into any agreement with respect to Native Title Rights,
on terms not reasonably acceptable to it solely for the purpose of removing the event of Force Majeure.
The obligation of the affected Party to perform its obligations resumes as soon as it is no longer affected by the Force Majeure event.
Form of Notice
Unless expressly stated otherwise in this Agreement, any notice, certificate, consent, approval, waiver or other communication in connection with this Agreement (Notice) must be in writing or given by electronic transmission, signed by an authorised officer of the sender and marked for the attention of the person identified in clause 14.3 or, if the recipient has notified otherwise, then marked for attention in the last way notified.
When Notices are taken to have been given and received
A Notice is regarded as given and received:
if delivered by hand, when delivered;
if sent by pre-paid post from an address in Australia to an address in Australia, three days after posting;

if sent by pre-paid post from or to an address outside Australia, ten days after posting;
if given by fax, when the sender’s fax machine issues a successful transmission report;
if given by email, on the earlier of:
the time the sender receives an automated message that the email was delivered; and
six hours after being delivered unless:
the sender receives an automated message that the email was undeliverable or that the recipient is out of the office; or
the sender knows or reasonably should know that there is a network failure and accordingly knows or suspects that the email was not delivered,
in which case the email is taken not to be delivered and the sender should resend the notice by hand, post or fax.
Address details for Notices
   Paltar Petroleum Limited
   Level 10, 32 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000
   Attention:  Marc Bruner / Darrel Causbrook
  Telephone: +61 2 8222 6100
   Facsimile: +61 2 9222 1880
   e-mail:  darrel.causbrook@causbrooks.com.au
Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd
   1500 West 16th Avenue, Suite F
   Vancouver, B.C. Canada  V6J 2L6
   Attention: John R. Hislop
   Telephone: +1 604 331 3375
   Facsimile: +1 604 688 4712
   e-mail:  jhislop@14u.org
Applicable law and arbitration
Applicable Law
This Agreement shall be governed by, construed, interpreted and applied in accordance with the laws of the Northern Territory, excluding any choice of law rules which would refer the matter to the laws of another jurisdiction.

Any and all claims, demands, causes of action, disputes, controversies and other matters in question arising out of, in connection with, or relating to this Agreement, including any question regarding its breach, existence, validity or termination, must be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with, and subject to, the International Chamber of Commerce Rules of Arbitration.
The appointing and administering body will be The Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia.  The arbitrators must have at least ten years’ experience as to the subject of the dispute.
There shall be three arbitrators, the language of arbitration shall be English and the place of arbitration shall be a mutually-agreed place in Australia.
Each Party will each appoint one arbitrator within 30 days of the filing of the request for arbitration and the two arbitrators so appointed will select the presiding arbitrator within 30 days of the appointment of the first two arbitrators.
The resulting arbitral award will be final and binding upon the Parties, and judgment upon such an award may be entered and enforced by either Party in any court with sufficient jurisdiction.
Term and Condition Precedent
Subject to clause 16(b), this Agreement shall be effective upon execution by all Parties and shall continue, unless sooner terminated by the express provisions of this Agreement, until all of the Nation Blocks are covered by Production Licences or until Nation withdraws from the Agreement under clause 10.
Any provision of this Agreement that would (but for this clause) effect an acquisition of an interest in Australian urban land (within the meaning of the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth) (FATA)) is subject to and conditional upon the person making the acquisition not having received any order or notice under the FATA prohibiting the person from making the acquisition or making the acquisition subject to conditions which are unacceptable to the person.
Nation may apply to the relevant Minister after December 31, 2015 pursuant to section 96(3) of the Petroleum Act for approval of this agreement for the purposes of having an entry made in the register in accordance with section 96(7) of the Petroleum Act.  Paltar shall take such steps as necessary or reasonably requested by Nation in order to achieve the approval and entry in the register in accordance with this clause.
General provisions
Warranties as to no Payments, Gifts and Loans
Each of the Parties warrants that neither it nor its affiliates has made or will make, with respect to the matters provided for hereunder, any offer, payment, promise to pay or authorisation of the payment of any money, or any offer, gift, promise to give or authorisation of the giving of anything of value, directly or indirectly, to or for the use or benefit of any official or employee of the Government or to or for the use or benefit of any political party, official, or candidate unless such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation is authorised by the Laws, or the payment of any bribe to any person or entity.  Each of the Parties further warrants that neither it nor its Related Bodies Corporate has made or will make any such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation to or for the use or benefit of any other person if the Party knows, has a firm belief, or is aware that there is a high probability that the other person would use such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation for any of the purposes described in the preceding sentence.  Each Party shall respond promptly, and in reasonable detail, to any notice from any other Party or its auditors pertaining to the above stated warranty and representation and shall furnish documentary support for such response upon request from such other Party.

Conflicts of Interest
Each Party undertakes that it shall avoid any conflict of interest between its own interests (including the interests of Related Bodies Corporate) and the interest of the other Parties in dealing with suppliers, customers and all other organisations or individuals doing or seeking to do business with the Parties in connection with activities contemplated under this Agreement.
The provisions of 17.2(a) shall not apply to Paltar's acquisition of products or services from a Related Body Corporate, or the sale thereof to a Related Body Corporate, made in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
Unless otherwise agreed, the Parties and their Related Bodies Corporate are free to engage or invest (directly or indirectly) in an unlimited number of activities or businesses, any one or more of which may be related to or in competition with the business activities contemplated under this Agreement, without having or incurring any obligation to offer any interest in such business activities to any Party.
Without limiting the generality of clause 17.2(c), Nation specifically acknowledges that Paltar will own interests in the Blocks covered by the Permit that are not Nation Blocks; that work performed on the Nation Blocks may benefit the other Blocks covered by the Permit; that Paltar may enter into sales, farmouts and other agreements of every type and nature relating to Blocks covered by the Permit which are not Nation Blocks; and that Nation will have no interest or expectation of any interest resulting from Paltar’s activities on Blocks that are not Nation Blocks.
Public Announcements
Subject to clause 17.3(b), Paltar shall be responsible for the preparation and release of all public announcements and statements regarding this Agreement or the Operations; provided that, no public announcement or statement shall be issued or made unless prior to its release Nation has been furnished with a copy of such statement or announcement.  Where a public announcement or statement becomes necessary or desirable because of danger to or loss of life, damage to property or pollution as a result of activities arising under this Agreement, Paltar is authorised to issue and make such announcement or statement without prior approval of Nation, but shall promptly furnish Nation with a copy of such announcement or statement.

Nation may issue any such public announcement or statement if it is necessary to do so in order to comply with the applicable laws, rules or regulations of any government, legal proceedings or stock exchange having jurisdiction over Nation or its Related Bodies Corporate.
Successors and Assigns
Subject to the limitations on transfer contained in clause 9, this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Parties.
No waiver by any Party of any one or more defaults by another Party in the performance of this Agreement shall operate or be construed as a waiver of any future default or defaults by the same Party, whether of a like or of a different character.  Except as expressly provided in this Agreement no Party shall be deemed to have waived, released or modified any of its rights under this Agreement unless such Party has expressly stated, in writing, that it does waive, release or modify such right.
Severance of Invalid Provisions
If and for so long as any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be judged invalid for any reason whatsoever, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or operation of any other provision of this Agreement except only so far as shall be necessary to give effect to the construction of such invalidity, and any such invalid provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement without affecting the validity of the balance of this Agreement.
Except as is provided in clause 17.6, there shall be no modification of this Agreement except by written consent of all Parties.
The topical headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be construed as having any substantive significance or as indicating that all of the provisions of this Agreement relating to any topic are to be found in any particular clause.
Singular and Plural
Reference to the singular includes a reference to the plural and vice versa.
Reference to any gender includes a reference to all other genders.
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and supersedes all prior understandings and negotiations of the Parties.

A reference in this Agreement to the Petroleum Act or any other statute or any provision or clause thereof shall be read (unless otherwise provided in this Agreement) as though the words ‘including any statutory amendment or modification thereof any statutory provision substituted thereof, re-enactment or replacement thereof and any rules, regulations, by laws and instruments or other documents made pursuant thereto’ were added to such reference.
No clause within this document can be used by any person as defence to any action brought under the Criminal Code or Corporations Act.
Rule against perpetuities
For the purposes only of avoiding breach of the rule against perpetuities this Agreement has a term not exceeding 80 years.
Defined terms
Acquisition Date has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 5.3.
Authorised Person of a Party means:
the officers and employees of the Party;
the technical, financial, legal or other advisors of the Party; and
the respective officers and employees of the technical, financial, legal or other advisors of the Party.
Blocks means the numbered blocks that each graticular section of the Northern Territory is divided into pursuant to Section 8 of the Petroleum Act and Block is a reference to any one of them.
Commencement Date means the date hereof.
Confidential Information means all confidential, non-public or proprietary information regardless of how the information is stored or delivered, delivered to Nation before, on or after the date of this Agreement relating to this Agreement or the Operations.
Consequential Loss means:
any damages or losses which are not direct or which do not flow naturally from the relevant breach of this Agreement, even if those damages or losses may reasonably be supposed to have been in the contemplation of all Parties as a probable result of the breach at the time they entered into this Agreement; and
any losses of profits, business opportunity, reputation, customers or markets, whether direct or indirect.

Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
Discovery means the discovery of an accumulation of petroleum whose existence until that moment was unproven by drilling.
Earning Amount means $335,273 of Expenditures, which, for the avoidance of doubt, is an amount separate and apart from the Cash Consideration and the Share Consideration.
Earning Date has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 3.1.
Earning Period means the period commencing on the Commencement Date and ending at the conclusion of the fifth Permit Year.
Encumbrance means any mortgage, lien, charge, pledge, assignment by way of security, security interest, preferential right or trust arrangement, or other arrangement having the same effect.
Expenditure means expenditure in respect of Operations and other exploration on the Nation Blocks and includes all amounts spent on keeping the Permit in good standing or fulfilling obligations of Paltar with respect to the Permit.
Exploration Agreement means the agreement dated 27 June 2013 among Paltar, the Native Title Parties (as that term is defined in the Exploration Agreement), and Northern Land Council, and any other agreement entered into in accordance with the provisions of the Native Title Act or the Aboriginal Land Rights Act in relation to the Permit.
Force Majeure means any of the following events provided that they are outside the reasonable control of the affected Party and could not have been prevented or avoided by that Party taking reasonable steps:
act of God, earthquake, cyclone, fire, explosion, flood, landslide, lightning, storm, tempest, drought or meteor;
war (declared or undeclared), invasion, act of a foreign enemy, hostilities between nations, civil insurrection or militarily usurped power;
act of public enemy, sabotage, malicious damage, terrorism or civil unrest;
ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear waste or from combustion of nuclear fuel;
confiscation, nationalisation, requisition, expropriation, prohibition, embargo, restraint or damage to property by or under the order of any government or government authority; or
strikes, blockades, lock out or other industrial disputes.
Government means any department, local government council, administrative or statutory authority or any other person under a Law which has a right to impose a requirement or whose consent is required.
Indemnitees has the meaning set forth in clause 3.8(b).

Law means any treaty, statute, subordinate legislation, code, regulation, rule, common law, equity determination, injunction, judgment, order, decree, ruling, directive, decision and any judicial, regulatory, administrative or other interpretation,  implementation or enforcement of any of the foregoing issued by any Government having jurisdiction as to the undertakings and any other matters arising under this Agreement, whether currently in effect or subsequently modified, including Commonwealth, Northern Territory and local government legislation, regulations, by-laws, and other subordinate legislation.
Minimum Work Obligations means those work or expenditure obligations that must be performed in order to satisfy Permit obligations.
Nation Blocks means the portions of three Blocks identified in Schedule 2, or such replacement Blocks as may be identified under clause 8.1.
Nation Interest means an undivided twenty-five percent (25%) interest in the Permit, insofar as it covers the Nation Blocks, and any Production Licence granted in connection therewith, insofar as it covers any area under a Nation Block (subject to clause 5).
Native Title Claims means either:
any claim, application or proceeding in respect of Native Title Rights which is accepted by the Native Title Tribunal or the Registrar thereof pursuant to the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth); or
any claim, application or proceeding in respect of those rights, interests and statutory protections of and relating to aboriginal persons as set out in the legislation of the Northern Territory or the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth).
Native Title Rights has the same meaning as the expressions “native title” or “native title rights and interests” defined in section 223(1) of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) and includes those rights, interests and statutory protections of and relating to aboriginal persons and aboriginal cultural heritage as set out in the relevant legislation of the Northern Territory including the Northern Territory Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act (NT) or the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth).
Notice has the meaning set forth in clause 14.1.
Operating Account means the account established and maintained by the Operator in accordance with this Agreement to record all charges, expenditures, credits and receipts in respect of Operations which are chargeable or to be credited to Nation.
Operating Committee means the committee established and functioning under clause 4.
Operations means the following activities required for the operation of the Permit in accordance with this Earning Agreement:
management and operation of the Permit;
facilitation of access to the Permit including liaising with native title parties and landholders;

preparation, development and carrying out of exploration and appraisal programs on the Nation Blocks;
geological analysis and interpretation of exploration results;
compliance with conditions and legal requirements relating to the Permit;
appointment and management of contractors undertaking seismic analysis, drilling, and related exploration and appraisal programs;
but excluding any exploration or appraisal work physically conducted on lands other than the Nation Blocks.
Operator has the meaning given to it in the 1993 NT Onshore Petroleum Directions.
Option has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 5.3.
Option Period has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 5.3.
Paltar Interest means an undivided seventy-five percent (75%) interest in the Permit, insofar as it covers the Nation Blocks, and any Production Licence granted in connection therewith, insofar as it covers any area under a Nation Block (subject to clause 5).
Parties means the entities named in the first paragraph to this Agreement and their respective permitted successors or assigns, and Party is a reference to any one of them.
Permit means Exploration Permit 231 issued under the Petroleum Act and includes any extension, renewal, conversion, substitution, modifications or variations thereof.
Permit Year means a year beginning 5 September and ending the following 4 September.
Petroleum Act means the Petroleum Act 2009 (NT).
Production Licence has the meaning provided in the Petroleum Act.
Property means all property, whether real or personal, which is owned, leased, held, developed, constructed, produced or acquired by the Operator solely for the conduct of Operations.
Related Body Corporate has the meaning given to it in section 50 of the Corporations Act.
Senior Supervisory Personnel means a Party’s senior manager, who directs all operations and activities of such Party in Australia.
Transfer means assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of any interest in this Agreement in whole or part, whether by sale, lease, declaration or creation of a trust or otherwise.
Wilful Misconduct means an intentional and conscious disregard of any obligation owed by the relevant person, but does not include any act or omission which is (directly or indirectly) attributable to any breach or negligence on the part of any other person or of such other person's Related Body Corporate.

Work Program and Budget means an annual work program prepared by Paltar setting out the Operations to be undertaken during that year under this Agreement in respect of the Permit, together with the estimated amounts required to perform such work program.
Work Program Expenses means the costs and expenses incurred, paid or payable by the Operator in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement or otherwise authorized by the Operating Committee in connection with conducting Work Programs and Budgets.
In this Agreement, except where the context otherwise requires:
the singular includes the plural and vice versa and a gender includes other genders;
another grammatical form of a defined word or expression has a corresponding meaning;
a reference to a clause, paragraph, schedule or annexure is to a clause or paragraph of, or schedule or annexure to, this Agreement and a reference to this Agreement includes any schedule or annexure;
a reference to a document or instrument includes the document or instrument as novated, altered, supplemented or replaced from time to time;
all references to dollar amounts are in Australian currency;
a reference to a Party is to a party to this Agreement and a reference to a Party to a document includes the Party's executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns and substitutes;
a reference to a person includes a natural person, partnership, body corporate, association, governmental or local authority or agency or other entity;
a reference to a statute, ordinance, code or other law includes regulations and other instruments under it and consolidations, amendments, re-enactments or replacements of any of them;
the meaning of general words is not limited by specific examples introduced by including, for example or similar expressions;
a rule of construction does not apply to the disadvantage of a Party because the Party was responsible for the preparation of this Agreement or any part of it; and
if a day on or by which an obligation must be performed or an event must occur is not a business day in Sydney, Australia, the obligation must be performed or the event must occur on or by the next day that is a business day.
Headings are for ease of reference only and do not affect interpretation.




Executed by Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) in accordance with section 127 of the Corporations Act by authority of its directors:
/s/ Nick Tropea
/s/ Darrel Causbrook
Nick Tropea
Darrel John Causbrook
Print name
Print name


Executed by Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046) in accordance with section 127 of the Corporations Act by authority of its directors:
/s/ John R. Hislop
/s/ Darrel Causbrook
John R. Hislop
Darrel John Causbrook
Print name
Print name




Schedule 1 – Royalties

Holder & Granting Document
Percentage of Hydrocarbons produced/sold
1. Exploration Agreement among Paltar, Native Title Parties and Northern Land Council
2%, increasing to 4% after one million barrels have been produced from EP 231, 232 and 234, and increasing again to 5% after one billion barrels have been produced from lands covered by the two permits
2. Northern Territory of Australia royalty pursuant to the Petroleum Act (NT)






Schedule 2 – Nation Blocks




Schedule 3 – Permit Year 3 Work Program and Budget

 Work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks:  
 Geological and geophysical work   201,164
 General and administrative       134,109
Amounts shown above are in Australian dollars.  All such amounts were originally estimated in United States dollars and converted to Australian dollars at the rate of USD 1 = AUD 1.34109, the oanda.com average bid rate in effect when this Schedule 3 was prepared.



Annex 1 – Accounting Procedure

Section 1
General Provisions
Section 2
Direct Charges
Section 3
Indirect Charges
Section 4
Acquisition of Material
Section 5
Disposal of Materials
Section 6

Section 1  
General Provisions
The purpose of this Accounting Procedure is to establish fair and equitable methods for determining charges and credits applicable to Operations.  If the methods prove unfair or inequitable to Paltar or Nation, the Parties shall meet and in good faith endeavour to agree on changes to correct any unfairness or inequity.
In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Accounting Procedure and the provisions of the Agreement, the provisions of the Agreement shall prevail.
The definitions contained in clause 18 of the Agreement shall apply to this Accounting Procedure and have the same meanings when used herein. Certain terms used herein are defined as follows:
Accrual basis means that basis of accounting under which costs and benefits are regarded as applicable to the period in which the liability for the cost is incurred or the right to the benefit arises, regardless of when invoiced, paid, or received.
Cash basis means that basis of accounting under which only costs actually paid and revenue actually received are included for any period.
Country of Operations means the Commonwealth of Australia.
Material means machinery, equipment and supplies acquired and held for use in Operations.

Operating Account Records / Currency Exchange
Paltar shall at all times maintain and keep true and correct records of the production and disposition of all petroleum, and of all costs and expenditures under the Agreement, as well as other data necessary or proper for the settlement of accounts between the Parties hereto in connection with their rights and obligations under the Agreement and to enable Parties to comply with their respective applicable income tax and other laws.
Paltar shall maintain accounting records pertaining to Operations in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices used in the international petroleum industry and any applicable statutory obligations of the Country of Operations as well as the provisions of the Permit and the Agreement.
The Operating Account shall be maintained by Paltar in the English language and in Australian currency.  Conversions of currency shall be recorded at the rate actually experienced in that conversion.  Currency translations are used to express the amount of expenditures and receipts for which a currency conversion has not actually occurred.  Currency translations for expenditures and receipts shall be recorded at the arithmetic average of the buying and selling exchange rates at the close of each business day of the month of the current accounting period as published by oanda.com or, if not published by oanda.com, then by Westpac Banking Corporation.
Any currency exchange gains or losses shall be credited or charged to the Operating Account, except as otherwise specified in this Accounting Procedure.  Any such exchange gains or losses shall be separately identified as such.
The Accrual basis for accounting shall be used in preparing accounts concerning the Operations.  If a Cash basis for accounting is used, Paltar shall show accruals as memorandum items.
Statements and Billings
Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, Paltar shall submit monthly to Nation, on or before the 15th day of each month, statements of the costs and expenditures incurred during the prior month, indicating by appropriate classification the nature thereof and the corresponding budget category.
These statements, as a minimum, shall contain the following information:
advances of funds setting forth the currencies received from Nation;
the share of Nation in total expenditures, if other than 100%;
the accrued expenditures;
the current account balance of Nation;
summary of costs, credits, and expenditures on a current month, year-to-date, and inception-to-date basis or other periodic basis, as agreed by the Parties (such expenditures shall be grouped by the categories and line items designated in the approved Work Program and Budget so as to facilitate comparison of actual expenditures against that Work Program and Budget), and

details of unusual charges and credits in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A $50,000.00).
Paltar shall, upon request, furnish a description of the accounting classifications used by it.
Amounts included in statements and billings shall be expressed in Australian currency and reconciled to the currencies advanced.
Each Party shall be responsible for preparing its own accounting and tax reports to meet the requirements of the Country of Operations and of all other countries to which it may be subject.  Paltar, to the extent that the information is reasonably available from the Operating Account records, shall provide Nation in a timely manner the necessary information to facilitate the discharge of such responsibility.
Payments and Advances
Upon approval of any Work Program and Budget, if Paltar so requests, Nation shall advance its share of estimated cash requirements for the succeeding month's operations.  Each such Cash Call shall be equal to Paltar's estimate of the money to be spent in the currencies required to perform its duties under the Work Program and Budget during the month concerned.  For informational purposes the Cash Call shall contain an estimate of the funds required for the succeeding two months detailed by the categories designated in the Work Program and Budget.
Each such cash Call, detailed by the categories designated in the Work Program and Budget, shall be made in writing and delivered to Nation not less than 15 days before the payment due date.  The due date for payment of such advances shall be set by Paltar but shall be no sooner than the first day of the month for which the advances are required. All advances shall be made without bank charges. Any charges related to receipt of advances from Nation shall be borne by Nation.
Nation shall wire transfer its share of the full amount of each Cash Call to Paltar on or before the due date, in the currencies requested or any other currencies acceptable to Paltar at a bank designated by Paltar.  If currency provided by Nation is other than the requested currency, then the entire cost of converting to the requested currency shall be charged to Nation.
Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 1.6.2 of this Accounting Procedure, should Paltar be required to pay any sums of money for Operations which were unforeseen at the time estimates were provided to Nation, Paltar may make a written request of Nation for special advances covering Nation' share of such payments.  Each such Nation shall make its proportional special advances within ten days after receipt of such notice.

If Nation's advances exceed its share of cash expenditures, the next succeeding cash advance requirements, after such determination, shall be reduced accordingly.  However, if the amount of such excess advance is greater than the amount of the next month's estimated cash requirements for such Nation, Nation may request a refund of the difference, which refund shall be made by Paltar within ten days after receipt of Nation's request provided that the amount is in excess of twenty five thousand Australian dollars (A$ 25,000.00).
If Nation's advances are less than its share of cash expenditures, the deficiency shall, at Paltar's option, be added to subsequent cash advance requirements or be paid by Nation within ten days following the receipt of Paltar's billing to Nation for such deficiency.
If, under the provisions of the Agreement, Paltar is required to segregate funds received from the Parties, any interest received on such funds shall be applied against the next succeeding Cash Call.
If Paltar does not ask Nation to advance its share of estimated cash requirements, Nation shall pay its share of cash expenditures within 10 days following receipt of Paltar's billing.
Payments of advances or billings shall be made on or before the due date. If these payments are not received by the due date the unpaid balance shall bear and accrue interest from the due date until the payment is received by Paltar at the Agreed Interest Rate.   For the purpose of determining the unpaid balance and interest owed, Paltar shall translate to Australian currency all amounts owed in other currencies using the currency exchange rate determined in accordance with clause 1.4.3 at the close of the last business day prior to the due date for the unpaid balance.
Subject to governmental regulation, Paltar shall have the right, at any time and from time to time, to convert the funds advanced or any part thereof to other currencies to the extent that such currencies are then required for operations.   The cost of any such conversion shall be charged to the Operating Account.
Paltar shall endeavour to maintain funds held for the Operating Account in bank accounts at a level consistent with that required for the prudent conduct of Operations.
If under the Agreement, Paltar is required to segregate funds received from or for the Operating Account, the provisions under this clause 1.6 for payments and advances by Nation shall apply also to Paltar.
Payments of any advances or billings shall not prejudice the right of Nation to protest or question the correctness thereof; provided, however, all bills and statements rendered to Nation by Paltar during any year shall conclusively be presumed to be true and correct after 24 months following the end of such year, unless within the said 24 month period Nation takes written exception thereto and makes claim on Paltar for adjustment.  Failure on the part of Nation to make claim on Paltar for adjustment within such period shall establish the correctness thereof and preclude the filing of exceptions thereto or making claims for adjustment thereon.  No adjustment favourable to Paltar shall be made unless it is made within the same prescribed period.  The provisions of this clause 1.7 shall not prevent adjustments resulting from a physical inventory of the Material as provided for in clause VI.  Paltar shall be allowed to make adjustments to the Operating Account after such 24 month period if these adjustments result from audit exceptions outside of this Accounting Procedure, third party claims, or government requirements.  Any such adjustments shall be subject to audit within the time period specified in clause 1.8.l of this Accounting Procedure.

Nation, upon at least 60 days advance notice in writing to Paltar, shall have the right to audit the Operating Account and records of Paltar relating to the accounting hereunder for any year within the 24 month period following the end of such year, except as otherwise provided in clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure.  As provided in clause 4.2(b)(6) of the Agreement, Nation shall have reasonable access to Paltar's personnel and to the facilities, warehouses, and offices directly or indirectly serving Operations.  The cost of each such audit shall be borne by Nation.  Nation must take written exception to and make claim upon Paltar for all discrepancies disclosed by said audit within said 24 month period.  Nation may request information from Paltar prior to the commencement of the audit.  Paltar will provide the information in electronic format or hard copy documents, if electronic format is not available.  Paltar will provide the information requested within 30 days before commencement of the audit but in no event sooner than 30 days after the written request.  The information requested shall be limited to that normally used for pre-audit work such as trial balance, general ledger, and sub-ledger data.
Paltar shall endeavour to produce information from its Affiliates reasonably necessary to support charges from those Affiliates to the Operating Account other than those charges referred to in clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure.
Except for charges under clause 2.7.1, the following provisions apply to all charges by Paltar for its Affiliates.
In addition to the information provided by Paltar under clause 1.8.2, Nation may seek to audit the books and records of an Affiliate of Paltar relating to the charges by the Affiliate to the Operating Account for the same year as provided in clause 1.8.1 above.  The charges of the Affiliate shall be subject to audit in accordance with (a), (b), or (c) below or any combination thereof.
(a)          If the Affiliate of Paltar consents to the audit, the audit may be conducted in the same manner as the audit of the books and records of Paltar.
If all or part of the charges are not audited under (a) above, the unaudited portion may be audited under (b) and/or (c) below.
(b)         The Affiliate may require use of an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm to confirm confidential or proprietary information and charges.  The cost of the internationally recognized independent public accounting firm shall be borne by Nation.  Nation will seek agreement with the Affiliate on the audit scope to confirm the details and facts relating to such information and charges.

If the internationally recognized independent public accounting firm of the Affiliate declines to conduct the audit, Nation will seek agreement with the Affiliate on an alternative internationally recognized independent public accounting firm.  The cost of using such firm shall be borne by Nation.
Paltar will endeavor to cause its Affiliate to not unreasonably withhold approval of the use of an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm or the scope of examination requested by Nation.
If all or part of the charges are not audited under (a) or (b) above, the unaudited portion may be audited under (c) below.
(c)         Paltar may request its Affiliate to provide Nation an annual report from an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm attesting that charges billed from such Affiliate to the Operating Account represent a complete and accurate allocation of its costs to the Operations, exclude any element of profit, exclude any duplication of costs covered under clauses 2 and 3, and are consistent in application to all of its activities.  The report will be furnished by Paltar within 12 months of the request from Nation.  The cost of providing the annual report shall be borne by Nation.
No amounts paid to an Affiliate of Paltar, which Nation seeks to audit, may be charged to the Operating Account if the Affiliate of Paltar does not allow audit of such amounts as provided above.
Any information obtained by Nation under the provisions of clause 1.8 which does not relate directly to the Operations shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed to any party, except as would otherwise be permitted under clause 15.2(a)(ii) and (x) of the Agreement.
In the event that Paltar is required by law to employ a public accounting firm to audit the Operating Account and records of Paltar relating to the accounting hereunder, the cost thereof shall be a charge against the Operating Account, and a copy of the audit shall be furnished to Nation.
At the conclusion of each audit, the Parties shall endeavour to settle outstanding matters expeditiously.  To this end Nation will make a reasonable effort to prepare and distribute a written report to Paltar as soon as possible and in any event within 90 days after the conclusion of each audit.  The report shall include all claims arising from such audit together with comments pertinent to the operation of the accounts and records.  Paltar shall make a reasonable effort to reply to the report in writing as soon as possible and in any event no later than 90 days after receipt of the report.  Should Nation consider that the report or reply requires further investigation of any item therein, Nation shall have the right to conduct further investigation in relation to such matter notwithstanding the provisions of clauses 1.7 and 1.8 of this Accounting Procedure that the period of 24 months may have expired.  However, conducting such further investigation shall not extend the 24 month period for taking written exception to and making a claim upon Paltar for all discrepancies disclosed by said audit. Such further investigations shall be commenced within 30 days and be concluded within 60 days after the receipt of such report or reply, as the case may be.

All adjustments resulting from an audit agreed between Paltar and Nation conducting the audit shall be reflected promptly in the Operating Account by Paltar and reported to Nation.  If any dispute shall arise in connection with an audit, it shall be reported to and discussed by the Operating Committee, and, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties to the dispute, resolved in accordance with the provisions of clause 18 of the Agreement. If all the Parties to the dispute so agree, the adjustments) may be referred to an independent expert agreed to by the Parties to the dispute.  At the election of the Parties o the dispute, the decision of the expert will be binding upon such Parties.  Unless otherwise agreed, the cost of such expert will be shared equally by all Parties to the dispute.
If it becomes necessary to allocate any costs or expenditures to or between Operations and any other operations, such allocation shall be made on an equitable basis. When it is reasonably foreseeable that such an allocation will be required, Paltar will furnish a description of its allocation procedures pertaining to these costs and expenditures and its rates for personnel and other charges.  Such allocations shall be subject to audit under clause 1.8.
Section 2  
Direct Charges
Paltar shall charge the Operating Account with all costs and expenditures incurred by Paltar for the conduct of Operations.  Charges for services normally provided by an operator such as those contemplated in clauses 2.7.2 and 2.7.3 which are provided by Paltar’s Affiliate shall reflect the cost to the Affiliate, excluding profit, for performing such services, except as otherwise provided in clause 2.6 and clause 2.7.1.
Charges shall only be applied to the Operating Account to the extent such charges are reasonably incurred in the legitimate exercise of Operations under the Agreement and in bona fide arms-length transactions on commercial terms generally available in the market place.
The costs and expenditures shall be recorded as required for the settlement of accounts between the Parties hereto in connection with the rights and obligations under this Agreement and for purposes of complying with the tax laws of the Country of Operations and of such other countries to which any of the Parties may be subject.  Chargeable costs and expenditures may include, but are not limited to:
All costs, if any, attributable to the acquisition, maintenance, renewal or relinquishment of the Permits paid in accordance with the Petroleum Act when paid by Paltar in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement.
Salaries, Wages and Related Costs.
Salaries, wages and related costs include everything constituting the employees' total compensation, as well as the cost to Paltar of holiday, vacation, sickness, disability benefits, living and housing allowances, travel time, bonuses, and other customary allowances applicable to the salaries and wages chargeable hereunder, as well as the costs to Paltar for employee benefits, including but not limited to employee group life insurance, group medical insurance, hospitalization, retirement, severance payments required by the laws or regulations of the Country of Operations.

Expenditures or contributions made pursuant to assessments imposed by governmental authority for payments with respect to or on account of employees described in clause 2.2.1 and clause 2.2.2 shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
The salaries, wages and related costs of employees of Paltar and its Affiliates temporarily or permanently assigned in the Country of Operations and directly engaged in Operations shall be chargeable to the Operating Account;
The salaries, wages and related costs of employees of Paltar and its Affiliates temporarily or permanently assigned outside the Country of Operations directly engaged in Operations and not otherwise covered in clause 2.7.2 of this Accounting Procedure shall be chargeable to the Operating Account;
Costs for salaries, wages and related costs may be charged to the Operating Account on an actual basis or at a rate based upon the average cost in accordance with Paltar's usual practice.  In determining the average cost, expatriate and national employees' rates shall be calculated separately and reviewed at least annually;
Reasonable expenses (including related travel costs) of those employees whose salaries and wages are chargeable to the Operating Account under clauses 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 of this Section 2 and for which expenses the employees are reimbursed under the usual practice of Paltar shall be chargeable to the Operating Account; and
If employees are engaged in other activities in addition to the Operations, the cost of such employees shall be allocated on an equitable basis.
Employee Relocation Costs
Except as provided in clause 2.3.3 of this Accounting Procedure, Paltar's cost of employees' relocation to or from an assignment with the Operations, whether within or outside the Country of Operations and whether permanently or temporarily assigned to the Operations, shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.  If such employee works on other activities in addition to Operations, such relocation costs shall be allocated on an equitable basis.
Such relocation costs shall include transportation of employees, families, personal and household effects of the employee and family, transit expenses, and all other related costs in accordance with Paltar's usual practice.
Relocation costs to an assignment that is not with the Operations to another location shall not be chargeable to the Operating Account unless the place of the new assignment is the point of origin of the employee or unless otherwise agreed by the Operating Committee.

Offices, Camps, and Miscellaneous Facilities.
The cost of maintaining any offices, sub-offices, camps, warehouses, housing, and other facilities of Paltar and/or Affiliates directly serving the Operations. If such facilities serve operations in addition to the Operations the costs shall be allocated to the properties served on an equitable basis.
The cost, net of discounts taken by Paltar, of Material purchased or furnished by Paltar, Such costs shall include, but are not limited to, export brokers' fees, transportation charges, loading, unloading fees, export and import duties and Licence fees associated with the procurement of Material and in-transit losses, if any, not covered by insurance. So far as it is reasonably practical and consistent with efficient and economical operation, only such Material shall be purchased for, and the cost thereof charged to, the Operating Account as may be required for immediate use.
Exclusively Owned Equipment and Facilities of Paltar and Affiliates.
Charges for providing its exclusively owned equipment, facilities, and utilities of Paltar or any of its Affiliates at rates not to exceed the average commercial rates of non-affiliated third parties then prevailing for like equipment, facilities, and utilities for use in the area where the same are used hereunder.  On request, Paltar shall furnish Nation a list of rates and the basis of application. Such rates shall be revised from time to time if found to be either excessive or insufficient, but not more than once every six months.
Exclusively owned drilling tools and other equipment lost in the hole or damaged beyond repair may be charged at replacement cost less depreciation plus transportation costs to deliver like equipment to the location where used.
The charges for services provided by third parties shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
The cost of services performed by Paltar’s Affiliates’ technical and professional staffs not located within the Country of Operation and not otherwise covered under clause 2.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, shall be chargeable to the Operating Account. The individual rates shall include salaries and wages of such technical and professional personnel, lost time, governmental assessments, and employee benefits.  Costs shall also include all support costs necessary for such technical and professional personnel to perform such services, such as, but not limited to, rent, utilities, support staff, drafting, telephone and other communication expenses, computer support, supplies, depreciation, and other reasonable expenses.
Premiums paid for insurance required by law or the Agreement to be carried for the benefit of the Operations.

Damages and Losses to Property
All costs or expenditures necessary to replace or repair damages or losses incurred by fire, flood, storm, theft, accident, or any other cause shall be chargeable to the Operating Account. Paltar shall furnish Nation written notice of damages or losses incurred in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A$ 50,000.00) as soon as practical after report of the same has been received by Paltar.  All losses in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A$ 50,000.00) shall be listed separately in the monthly statement of costs and expenditures.
Credits for settlements received from insurance carried for the benefit of Operations and from others for losses or damages to Property or Materials shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
Expenditures incurred in the settlement of all losses, claims, damages, judgments, and other expenses for the account of Operations shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
Litigation, Dispute Resolution and Associated Legal Expenses
The costs and expenses of litigation, dispute resolution and associated legal services necessary for the protection of the Operations under the Agreement as follows:
Legal services, other than those provided by the internal legal staffs of the Parties or their Affiliates, necessary or expedient for the protection of the Operations, and all costs and expenses of litigation, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution procedure, including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, together with all judgments obtained against the Parties or any of them arising from the Operations.
If the Parties shall so agree, litigation, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution procedures resulting from actions or claims affecting the Operations hereunder may be handled by the legal staff of one or any of the Parties or their respective Affiliates; and a charge commensurate with the reasonable costs of providing and furnishing such services rendered may be made by the Party or the Affiliate providing such service to Paltar for the Operating Account, but no such charges shall be made until approved by the Parties.
Taxes and Duties
All taxes, duties, assessments and governmental charges, of every kind and nature, assessed or levied upon or in connection with the Operations, other than any that are measured by or based upon the revenues, income and net worth of a Party.
If Paltar or an Affiliate is subject to income or withholding tax as a result of services performed at cost for the operations under the Agreement, its charges for such services may be increased by the amount of such taxes incurred (grossed up).

Ecological and Environmental
Costs incurred on the Property as a result of statutory regulations for archaeological and geophysical surveys relative to identification and protection of cultural resources and/or other environmental or ecological surveys as may be required by any regulatory authority. Also, costs to provide or have available pollution containment and removal equipment plus costs of actual control, clean up and remediation resulting from responsibilities associated with Hydrocarbon contamination as required by all applicable laws and regulations.
Decommissioning (Abandonment) and Reclamation.
Costs incurred for decommissioning (abandonment) and reclamation of the Property, including costs required by governmental or other regulatory authority or by the Agreement.
Other Expenditures
Any other costs and expenditures incurred by Paltar for the necessary and proper conduct of the Operations and not covered in this Section 2 or in Section 3.
Section 3  
Indirect Charges
Paltar shall charge the Operating Account monthly for the cost of indirect services and. related office costs of Paltar and its Affiliates not otherwise provided in this Accounting Procedure. Indirect costs chargeable under this Section 3 represent the cost of general assistance and support services provided by Paltar and its Affiliates. These costs are such that it is not practical to identify or associate them with specific projects but are for services which provide the Operations with needed and necessary resources which Paltar requires and provide a real benefit to Operations. No cost or expenditure included under Section 2 shall be included or duplicated under this Section 3. The charges under Section 3 are not subject to audit under clauses 1.8.1 and 1.8.2 of this Accounting Procedure other than to verify that the overhead percentages are applied correctly to the expenditure basis.
The indirect charge under clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure for any month shall equal the greater of the total amount of indirect charges for the period beginning at the start of the year through the end of the period covered by Paltar's invoice (Year-to-Date) determined under clause 3.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, less indirect charges previously made under clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure for the year in question, or the amount of the minimum assessment determined under clause 3.2.3, calculated on an annualized basis (but reduced pro rata for periods of less than one year), less indirect charges previously made under clause 3.1 for the year in question.
Unless exceeded by the minimum assessment under clause 3.2.3, the aggregate Year-to-Date indirect charges shall be a percentage of the Year-to-Date expenditures, calculated on the following scale:
Annual Expenditures
$0 to A$ 3,000,000 of expenditures = 5 %
Next A$ 7,000,000  of expenditures = 4 %

Next A$11,000,000 of expenditures = 3 %
Excess above A$ 11,000,000 of expenditures = 1.5 %
A minimum amount of A $ 36,000.00 shall be assessed each year calculated from the Effective Date and shall be reduced pro rata for periods of less than a year.
Indirect Charge for Projects.
If a major infrastructure construction project is undertaken, a separate indirect charge for such project shall be approved by the Operating Committee at the time of approval of the project.
Section 4  
Acquisition of Material
Materials purchased for the Operating Account shall be charged at net cost paid by Paltar. The price of Materials purchased shall include, but shall not be limited to export broker's fees, insurance, transportation charges, loading and unloading fees, import duties, Licence fees, and demurrage (retention charges) associated with the procurement of Materials, and applicable taxes, less all discounts taken.
Materials Furnished by Paltar
Materials required for operations shall be purchased for direct charge to the Operating Account whenever practicable, except Paltar may furnish such Materials from its stock under the following conditions:
New Materials transferred from the warehouse or other properties of Paltar hall be priced at net cost determined in accordance with clause 4.1 above as if Paltar had purchased such new Material just prior to its transfer.  Such net costs shall in no event exceed the then current market price.
Material which is in sound and serviceable condition and suitable for use without repair or reconditioning shall be classed as Condition ‘B’ and priced at 75% of such new purchase net cost at the time of transfer.
Materials not meeting the requirements of clause 4.2.2 above, but which can be made suitable for use after being repaired or reconditioned, shall be classed as Condition "C" and priced at 50% of such new purchase net cost at the time of transfer.  The cost of reconditioning shall also be charged to the Operating Account provided the Condition ‘C’ price, plus cost of reconditioning, does not exceed the Condition ‘B’ price; and provided that Material so classified meet the requirements for Condition ‘B’ Material upon being repaired or reconditioned.
Material which cannot be classified as Condition ‘B’ or Condition ‘C’, shall be priced at a value commensurate with its use.
Tanks, derricks, buildings, and other items of Material involving erection costs, if transferred in knocked-down condition, shall be graded as to condition as provided in this clause 4.2 of Section 4, and priced on the basis of knocked-down price of like new Material.

Material including drill pipe, casing and tubing, which is no longer useable for its original purpose but is useable for some other purpose, shall be graded as to condition as provided in this clause 4.2 of Section 4.  Such Material shall be priced on the basis of the current price of items normally used for such other purpose if sold to third parties.
Premium Prices
Whenever Material is not readily obtainable at prices specified in clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of this clause IV because of national emergencies, strikes or other unusual causes over which Paltar has no control, Paltar may charge the Operating Account for the required Material at Paltar's actual cost incurred procuring such Material, in making it suitable for use, and moving it to Permit area, provided that notice in writing, including a detailed description of the Material required and the required delivery date, is furnished to Nation of the proposed charge at least 10 days (or such shorter period as may be specified by Paltar) before the Material is projected to be needed for operations and prior to billing Nation for such Material the cost of which exceeds fifty thousand Australian dollars (A $ 50,000.00).  Nation shall have the right, by so electing and notifying Paltar within seven (7) days (or such shorter period as may be specified by Paltar) after receiving notice from Paltar, to furnish in kind all or part of his share of such Material per the terms of the notice which is suitable for use and acceptable to Paltar both as to quality and time of delivery.  Such acceptance by Paltar shall not be unreasonably withheld.  If Material furnished is deemed unsuitable for use by Paltar, all costs incurred in disposing of such Material or returning Material to owner shall be borne by Nation furnishing the same unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.  If Nation fails to properly submit an election notification within the designated period, Paltar is not required to accept Material furnished in kind by Nation.  If Paltar fails to submit proper notification prior to billing Nation for such Material, Paltar shall only charge the Operating Account on the basis of the price allowed during a "normal" pricing period in effect at time of movement.
Warranty of Material Furnished by Paltar
Paltar does not warrant the condition or fitness for the purpose intended of the Material furnished. In case defective Material is furnished by Paltar for the Operating Account, credit shall not be passed to the Operating Account until adjustment has been received by Paltar from the manufacturers or their agents.
Section 5  
Disposal of Materials
Paltar shall be under no obligation to purchase the interest of Nation in new or used surplus Materials.  Paltar shall have the right to dispose of Materials but shall advise and secure prior agreement of the Operating Committee of any proposed disposition of Materials having an original cost to the Operating Account either individually or in the aggregate of A$ 50,000 or more.  When Operations are relieved of Material charged to the Operating Account, Paltar shall advise Nation of the original cost of such Material to the Operating Account so that the Parties may eliminate such costs from their asset records.  Credits for Material sold by Paltar shall be made to the Operating Account in the month in which payment is received for the Material.  Any Material sold or disposed of under this clause shall be on an ‘as is, where is’ basis without guarantees or warranties of any kind or nature. Costs and expenditures incurred by Paltar in the disposition of Materials shall be charged to the Operating Account.

Material Purchased by Nation or its Affiliate
Proceeds received from disposed Material purchased by Nation or its Affiliate shall be credited to the Operating Account, with new Material valued in the same manner as new Material under clause 4.2.1 of this Accounting Procedure and used Material valued in the same manner as used Material under clause 4.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, unless otherwise agreed by the Operating Committee.
Sales to Third Parties
Proceeds received from Material purchased from the Property by third parties shall be credited by Paltar to the Operating Account at the net amount collected by Paltar from the buyer. If the sales price is less than that determined in accordance with the procedure set forth in clause 5.2 of this Accounting Procedure, then approval by the Operating Committee shall be required prior to the sale.  Any claims by the buyer for defective materials or otherwise shall be charged back to the Operating Account if and when paid by Paltar.
Section 6  
Periodic Inventories - Notice and Representation
At reasonable intervals, inventories shall be taken by Paltar of all Material held in warehouse stock on which detailed accounting records are normally maintained.  The expense of conducting periodic inventories shall be charged to the Operating Account.  Paltar shall give Nation written notice at least 60 days in advance of its intention to take inventory, and Nation, at its sole cost and expense, shall each be entitled to have a representative present.  The failure of Nation to be represented at such inventory shall bind such Nation to accept the inventory taken by Paltar, who shall in that event furnish Nation with a reconciliation of overages and shortages.  Inventory adjustments to the Operating Account shall be made for overages and shortages.  Any adjustment equivalent to A$ 50,000 or more shall be brought to the attention of the Operating Committee.
Special Inventories
Whenever there is a sale or change of interest in the Agreement, a special inventory may be taken by Paltar provided the seller and/or purchaser of such interest agrees to bear all of the expense thereof. In such cases, both the seller and the purchaser shall be entitled to be represented and shall be governed by the inventory so taken.




EX-10.6 7 ex10-6.htm EP 232 EARNING AGREEMENT ex10-6.htm



EP 232 Earning Agreement

Paltar Petroleum Limited  (ACN 149 987 459)

Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd  (ACN 606 533 046)






Defined terms
Initial Consideration
Operating Committee
Work Programs and Budgets
Production Licences
Relinquishments and renewals
Transfer of interest or rights
Withdrawal from Agreement
Relationship of Parties and Tax
Confidential Information
Force majeure
Applicable law and arbitration
General provisions



Schedule 1:  Royalties
Schedule 2:  Nation Blocks
Schedule 3:  Permit Year 3 Work Program and Budget
Annex 1:      Accounting Procedure




EP 232 Earning Agreement
Dated    30 August 2015
Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) of Level 10, 32 Martin Place, Sydney,
New South Wales 2000 (Paltar)
Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd  (ACN 606 533 046) of RPO Box 60610, Granville Park,
Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 4B9 (Nation)
Paltar owns the Permit.
Paltar and Nation have agreed to enter into a farm-in arrangement to allow for exploration of the Nation Blocks and, if warranted, apply for a Production Licence covering one or more of the Nation Blocks after discovering a commercially exploitable accumulation of petroleum.
The Parties enter into this Agreement to evidence their binding agreement concerning the Cash Consideration and Share Consideration (each as defined below), the costs of Operations to be borne by Nation, and the Nation Interest that may be earned by Nation upon Expenditure of the Earning Amount.
Operative provisions
Defined terms
Clause 18 of this Agreement sets out and explains the defined terms, or refers to the definitions of the terms, and the rules of interpretation that apply.
Initial Consideration
Share Consideration
Nation Energy Inc., a Wyoming corporation, has agreed to issue on December 17, 2015 600,000,000 of its common shares (the Share Consideration) to Paltar, and Paltar has agreed to certain restrictions on the transfer of such shares, under the terms of the Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement, dated 30 August 2015 between Nation Energy Inc. and Paltar (the Letter Agreement), in the event that an Exchange Transaction (as defined in the Letter Agreement) has not been consummated on or before December 16, 2015.

Cash Consideration
No later than 31 December 2015, Nation shall pay by wire transfer to an account designated by Paltar the sum of $769,143.  If Nation fails timely to pay this amount to Paltar, this Agreement shall terminate and neither Party shall have any further obligation to the other.
Non-Refundable Consideration for Earning Rights
The Share Consideration (if issued) and the Cash Consideration are non-refundable consideration for the rights given to Nation hereunder.
Farm-in and Operator
Nation Interest
On Nation spending at least the Earning Amount in Expenditure on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks before the end of the Earning Period (Earning Date), Nation, on giving notice to Paltar verifying the amount of Expenditure Nation has incurred:
acquires a beneficial interest, to the extent of the Nation Interest, in the Nation Blocks; and
will have the right to be transferred the Nation Interest in the Nation Blocks, in such manner and on such terms as do not materially increase the obligations owed the Government in respect of the area then covered by the Permit; and
Joint Venture Operating Agreement
On or as soon as practicable after the Earning Date the parties shall enter into an exploration joint venture operating agreement in respect of the Nation Blocks on terms customary for such an agreement in the Australian petroleum industry and under which:
Paltar holds the Paltar Interest and Nation holds the Nation Interest in the Nation Blocks;
Paltar is the operator of the joint venture;
Nation shall contribute 100% of the actual Work Program Expenses under the joint venture operating agreement until production licences have been issued covering each Nation Block;
Nation shall not be permitted to withdraw from the joint venture operating agreement until the end of the fifth Permit Year;
the terms set out in clause 6.1 to 6.3 (inclusive) of this Agreement will be incorporated; and
the terms of the Option in favour of Nation set out clauses 5.3 to 5.7 (inclusive) will be incorporated and, in the event that the Option is exercised by Nation with respect to a Production Licence, then the Production Licence will not form part of the joint venture property under the joint venture operating agreement from the date of exercise of the Option, and

upon entry into the joint venture operating agreement, the remaining effective clauses of this Agreement will immediately terminate with respect to the Nation Blocks, subject to any and all accrued rights and liabilities of the parties.
Designation of Operator.
Paltar is hereby designated as Operator, and agrees to act as such in accordance with this Agreement.
Rights and Duties of Operator
Paltar shall have all of the rights, functions and duties of Operator under this Agreement and will have exclusive charge of and shall conduct all Operations on the Nation Blocks under the overall direction of the Operating Committee.  Paltar may employ independent contractors and agents, including Related Bodies Corporate of Paltar, in such Operations.
Paltar warrants and represents to Nation that the Permit and Paltar’s interest in the Permit is in good standing and is not subject to any breach, default or other circumstance that will or may result in the Permit being surrendered or cancelled or becoming subject to any Encumbrance. Paltar shall:
without limiting clause 5.1(c) and subject to applicable Government requirements, ensure that each Work Program and Budget consists of work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks;
not grant, create or allow the grant or creation of any Encumbrance over Paltar’s interest in the Permit without the prior written consent of Nation;
not sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of Paltar’s interest in the Permit or part with possession of the Permit without the prior written consent of Nation;
immediately notify Nation of any act, event, circumstance, correspondence, notice or other information (in any form and from whatever source) that may cause, or is relevant to, Paltar’s interest in the Permit becoming the subject of an Encumbrance or being surrendered or cancelled; and
take all steps as are necessary or appropriate to ensure that the application for, grant and transfer or issue of a Production Licence to Nation occurs as soon as practicable following a decision by Nation under clause 6.1(b).
In the conduct of Operations, Paltar shall:
perform Operations in accordance with the provisions of the Permit, the Laws, this Agreement and the decisions of the Operating Committee;
conduct all Operations in a diligent, safe and efficient manner in accordance with good and prudent oil field practices and field conservation principles generally followed by the international petroleum industry under similar circumstances;
prepare and submit to the Operating Committee the proposed Work Programs and Budgets as provided in clause 5;

acquire all permits, consents, approvals, surface or other rights that may be required for the conduct of Operations;
permit Nation’s representatives to have at all reasonable times and at their own risk and expense reasonable access to the Operations with the right to observe all such Operations;
pay to the Government within the periods and in the manner prescribed by the Laws, all periodic payments, taxes, fees and other amounts pertaining to Operations, but excluding any taxes measured by the incomes of the Parties;
carry out the obligations of Paltar pursuant to the Permit, including, but not limited to, preparing and furnishing such reports, records and information as may be required pursuant to the Petroleum Act;
have, in accordance with the decisions of the Operating Committee, the exclusive right and obligation to represent the Parties in all dealings with the Government with respect to matters arising under Operations;
act as the Parties’ representative in respect of Native Title Rights and aboriginal heritage issues, negotiate and enter into agreements with the parties to Native Title Claims, and in all other respects deal with issues of this kind as and when they arise, including the recognition of Native Title Rights and the settlement of Native Title Claims;
in case of an emergency (including a significant fire, explosion, petroleum release, or sabotage; incident involving loss of life, serious injury to an employee, contractor, or third party, or serious property damage; strikes and riots; or evacuations of Paltar personnel): (i) take all necessary and proper measures for the protection of life, health, the environment and property; and (ii) as soon as reasonably practicable, notify Nation of the details of such emergency and any measures it has taken or plans to take in response; and
do all other acts and things that are reasonably necessary or desirable to fulfil its functions or are incidental to the above powers and duties.
Paltar Personnel
Paltar shall engage or retain such employees, contractors, consultants and agents as are reasonably necessary to conduct Operations.
Subject to the Laws and this Agreement, Paltar will determine the number of employees, contractors, consultants and agents, the selection of such persons, their hours of work, and the compensation to be paid to all such persons in connection with Operations.
Information Supplied by Paltar
Paltar shall provide Nation with the following data and reports from the Operations:
copies of all logs or surveys;

daily drilling reports;
copies of all tests and core data and analysis reports;
final well report;
copies of the final geological and geophysical maps, seismic sections and shot point location maps and reports;
engineering studies, development schedules and annual progress reports on development projects;
field and well performance reports, including reservoir studies and reserve estimates; and
copies of all reports relating to Operations furnished by Paltar to a Government.
Paltar shall provide Nation such additional information as Nation may reasonably request in writing, provided that Nation must pay the costs of preparing such information and the preparation of such information must not unduly burden Paltar’s administrative and technical personnel.
Paltar shall give Nation access at all reasonable times during normal business hours to all data and reports acquired in the conduct of Operations.  Nation may make copies of such other data at its sole expense.
Settlement of Claims and Lawsuits
Paltar shall promptly notify Nation of any and all claims or suits which arise out of Operations or relate in any way to Operations.  Paltar shall represent Nation and defend or oppose the claim or suit. Paltar may in its sole discretion compromise or settle any such claim or suit or any related series of claims or suits for an amount not to exceed the equivalent of $250,000, exclusive of legal fees.  Paltar shall seek guidance from the Operating Committee on amounts in excess of the above-stated amount.  Nation shall have the right to be represented by its own counsel at its own expense in the settlement, compromise or defence of such claims or suits.
Nation shall promptly notify Paltar of any claim made against Nation by a third party which arises out of or may affect the Operations.
Limitation on Liability of Paltar
Except as set out in clause 3.8(c), neither Paltar nor any other Indemnitee (as defined below) shall bear any damage, loss, cost, expense or liability resulting from performing (or failing to perform) the duties and functions of Operator, and the Indemnitees are hereby released from liability to Nation for any and all damages, losses, costs, expenses and liabilities arising out of, incidental to or resulting from such performance or failure to perform, even though caused in whole or in part by a pre-existing defect, the negligence (whether sole, joint or concurrent), strict liability or other legal fault of Paltar (or any such Indemnitee).

Except as set out in clause 3.8(c), Nation shall defend and indemnify Paltar and its Related Bodies Corporate, and their respective employees, officers and directors (collectively, the Indemnitees), from any and all damages, losses, costs, expenses (including reasonable legal costs, expenses and attorneys' fees) and liabilities incidental to claims, demands or causes of action brought by or on behalf of any person or entity, which claims, demands or causes of action arise out of, are incidental to or result from Operations, even though caused in whole or in part by a pre-existing defect, the negligence (whether sole, joint or concurrent), strict liability or other legal fault of Paltar (or any such Indemnitee).
Notwithstanding clauses 3.8(a) and 3.8(b), if any Senior Supervisory Personnel of Paltar or its Related Bodies Corporate engage in Wilful Misconduct which proximately causes Nation to incur damages, loss, cost, expense or liability for claims, demands or causes of action referred to in clauses 3.8(a) or 3.8(b), then Paltar shall bear such damages, loss, cost, expense and liability.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, under no circumstances shall Paltar or any other Indemnitee ever be liable for any Consequential Loss.
In the event that there is a change of Operator then, from the date a new Operator is appointed, the new Operator shall have the benefit of each of clause 3.8(a) – (d) as if the new Operator were named in those clauses in place of Paltar.
Insurance Obtained by Paltar
Paltar shall maintain for such limits as it may reasonably believe prudent any and all insurance it believes appropriate under the circumstances, including:
All insurance required by the Laws;
Third party liability insurance covering liability to third parties which may arise in connection with the Operations;
Cost of well control/redrilling and recompletion expenses/seepage and contamination and pollution liability insurance covering expenses incurred in regaining control of wells including materials and services necessary to bring the wells under control and costs expended to reinstate the well to the depth and condition which existed prior to an insured occurrence; and
Workers compensation insurance.
Paltar shall, in respect of such insurance:
use reasonable endeavours to procure or cause to be procured such insurance prior to or concurrent with the commencement of relevant operations and maintain or cause to be maintained such insurance during the term of the relevant operations or any longer term required under the Permit or the Laws;
promptly inform Nation when insurance is taken out and at Nation’s request supply it with certificates of insurance or copies of the relevant policies when they are issued; and

duly file all claims and take all necessary and proper steps to collect any proceeds.
Paltar shall use its reasonable endeavours to require all contractors (including sub-contractors) performing work with respect to the Operations to:
obtain and maintain all insurance required under the Laws or any decision of the Operating Committee; and
provide Paltar with certificates reflecting such insurance prior to the commencement of their services.
Subject to clause 3.12, Paltar may resign as Operator at any time by so notifying Nation at least 120 days before the effective date of such resignation.
Paltar shall resign immediately if it dissolves, liquidates, is wound up, or otherwise terminates its existence.
Subject to clause 3.12, Paltar shall be removed upon receipt of notice from any Party if:
Paltar becomes insolvent, bankrupt or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or
a receiver or receiver and manager is appointed for a majority (by value) of Paltar's assets.
Subject to clause 3.12, Paltar may be removed by written notice from Nation if Paltar has committed a material breach of this Agreement and has either failed to commence to cure that breach within 30 days after receipt of a Notice from Nation detailing the alleged breach or failed to diligently pursue the cure to completion.
Appointment of Successor
When a change of Operator occurs pursuant to clause 3.10 or clause 3.11:
the Operating Committee shall meet as soon as possible to elect a successor Operator; provided, however, that if Paltar has been removed or is deemed to have resigned and either fails to vote or votes only to succeed itself, then the successor Operator shall be elected by the affirmative vote of Nation alone.
if Paltar disputes the commission of or failure to rectify a material breach alleged pursuant to clause 3.11(c) and proceedings are initiated pursuant to clause 15.2, Paltar shall continue as Operator and no successor Operator may be appointed pending the conclusion or abandonment of such proceedings;
Paltar, if it resigns or is removed as Operator, shall be compensated out of the Operating Account for its reasonable expenses related to its resignation or removal;

Paltar, if it resigns or is removed as Operator, and the successor Operator shall arrange for the taking of an inventory of all Property and an audit of the books and records relating to Operations, the cost of which shall be charged to the Operating Account;
the resignation or removal of Paltar as Operator and its replacement by the successor Operator shall not become effective prior to receipt of any necessary Government approvals; and
upon the effective date of the resignation or removal, the successor Operator shall succeed to all duties, rights and authority prescribed for Operator.  Paltar shall transfer to the successor Operator custody of all Property, books of account, records and other documents maintained by Operator pertaining to the Nation Blocks and to Operations.  Upon delivery of the above-described property and data, Paltar shall be released and discharged from all obligations and liabilities as Operator accruing after such date, except to the extent such liabilities relate to facts, matters or circumstances which occurred prior to such date.
Commingling of Funds
Paltar may commingle with its own funds the monies which it receives from or for the Operating Account pursuant to this Agreement.
Operator may delegate all or part of its rights or responsibilities as Operator under this agreement to a Related Body Corporate.  Any such delegation shall not relieve Operator of its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement.
Operating Committee
Establishment of Operating Committee
An Operating Committee composed of representatives of each Party shall provide overall supervision and guidance to Paltar concerning the direction of Operations.  Each Party shall appoint one representative and two alternates to serve on the Operating Committee.  Each Party shall as soon as possible after the date of this Agreement give notice in writing to the other Party of the name and address of its representative, its first alternate and its second alternate serving on the Operating Committee.  Each Party shall have the right to change its representative and alternate representatives at any time by giving Notice to such effect to the other Party.
Authority to Vote
The representative of a Party, or in his absence the alternate representative, shall be authorised to represent such Party with respect to any matter which is within the power of the Operating Committee and is properly brought before the Operating Committee. Each such representative shall have one vote on matters coming before the Operating Committee.  Alternate representatives may attend Operating Committee meetings, but shall have no vote at such meetings except in the absence of the representative for whom they are the alternate.  In addition to the representative and alternate representatives, each Party may also bring to any Operating Committee meetings such technical and other advisers as it may deem appropriate.  The technical and other advisers shall be given the opportunity to present data and voice opinions on behalf of a Party, but may not vote.

The Operating Committee may establish such advisory subcommittees, including technical and commercial subcommittees, as the Operating Committee may deem appropriate.
Notice of Meeting
Either Party may call a meeting of the Operating Committee by giving Notice to the other Party at least 15 days in advance of such meeting.
Notice periods above may be waived with unanimous consent of all Parties.
The day the Notice was delivered and the date the meeting is to be held shall not be included in calculating the Notice period.
Notwithstanding the above, Nation agrees that if there is an operational issue involving an urgent operational matter, then Nation shall be deemed to have waived the above notice period so that the Operating Committee may make a decision within 48 hours, as contemplated by clause 4.11(a)(i).
Contents of Meeting Notice
Each Notice of a meeting of the Operating Committee shall contain:
the date, time and location of the meeting;
an agenda of the matters and proposals to be considered and/or voted upon; and
copies of all proposals to be considered at the meeting.
A Party receiving Notice may, by Notice to the other Party given not less than seven days before a meeting, may add additional matters to the meeting agenda.
With the unanimous consent of all Parties, the Operating Committee may consider at a meeting a proposal not contained in such meeting agenda.
Location of Meetings
All meetings of the Operating Committee shall be held in Sydney, New South Wales, or elsewhere as may be decided unanimously by the Operating Committee.
Operator's Duties for Meetings
With respect to meetings of the Operating Committee and any subcommittee, Paltar's duties shall include, but not be limited to:
conduct of the meeting; and
preparation of a written record or minutes of each meeting.

Paltar shall have the right to appoint the chairman of the Operating Committee and all subcommittees.
Voting Procedure
Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement in respect of certain specific matters, all decisions, approvals and other actions of the Operating Committee on all proposals coming before it shall be decided by Paltar alone.
Record of Votes
The chairman of the Operating Committee shall appoint a secretary who shall make a record of each proposal voted on and the results of such voting at each Operating Committee meeting.  Each representative shall sign and be provided a copy of such record at the end of such meeting and it shall be considered the final record of the decisions of the Operating Committee.
The secretary shall provide each Party with a copy of the minutes of the Operating Committee meeting within 21 days after the end of the meeting.  Each Party shall have 14 days after receipt of such minutes to give notice of its objections to the minutes to the secretary. A failure to give notice specifying objection to such minutes within said 14 day period shall be deemed to be approval of such minutes. In any event, the votes recorded under clause 4.9 shall take precedence over the minutes described above.
Voting by Notice
In lieu of a meeting, any Party may submit any proposal to the Operating Committee for a vote by Notice.  The proposing Party shall notify Operator who shall give each representative notice describing the proposal so submitted and whether Paltar considers such operational matter an urgent operational matter.  Each Party shall communicate its vote by Notice to Paltar and any other Party within one of the following appropriate time periods after receipt of Operator's notice:
48 hours in the case of urgent operational matters;
14 days in the case of all other proposals.
Except in the case of clause 4.11(a)(i), Nation may by Notice delivered to Paltar within five days after receipt of Paltar's notice request that the proposal be decided at a meeting rather than by notice. In such an event, that proposal shall be decided at a meeting duly called for that purpose.
Except as provided in clause 10.1(a), a Party failing to communicate its vote in a timely manner shall be deemed to have voted against such proposal.
If a meeting is not requested, then at the expiration of the appropriate time period, Paltar shall give Nation a confirmation notice stating the tabulation and results of the vote.

Work Programs and Budgets; Post Farm-in Arrangements
Agreed Permit Work Programs and Budgets
The Work Program and Budget detailing the Operations to be performed in respect of the Permit for the remainder of the third Permit Year is attached as Schedule 3.
On or before the first day of June of each year beginning 2016 and continuing each year thereafter, Operator shall deliver to Nation a proposed Work Program and Budget detailing the Operations to be performed in respect of the Permit for the following Permit Year.  Within 30 days of such delivery, the Operating Committee shall meet to consider and endeavour to agree a Work Program and Budget.
The Work Program and Budget for the fourth and subsequent Permit Years will be adopted by the unanimous vote of both Paltar and Nation; provided, however, that if the Parties fail unanimously to agree, the proposed Work Program and Budget reasonably estimated to cost the least will conclusively be deemed adopted, so long as such proposed Work Program and Budget (i) consists solely of work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks and (ii) will satisfy all of the Minimum Work Obligations of that Permit Year.  For the avoidance of doubt, geological and geophysical operations conducted both on the Nation Blocks and on adjoining lands shall be considered work performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks where the operator believes such work prudent to gain a fuller understanding of the geology of the Nation Blocks.
Any approved Work Program and Budget may be revised by the Operating Committee from time to time.  To the extent such revisions are approved by the Operating Committee, the Work Program and Budget will be amended accordingly.
Paltar may, if it wishes in its sole discretion, conduct operations in any year on or for the benefit of Blocks in the Permit which are not Nation Blocks.  Such operations will be conducted at the sole risk and expense of Paltar and will not be subject to this Agreement.
Funding of Work Program Expenses
Nation agrees to contribute 100% of the actual Work Program Expenses.
Nation must pay all Work Program Expenses as follows:
As soon as practicable after Nation has such funds conveniently available,  Nation will deliver to Paltar the full amount of the estimated Work Program and Budget costs for the remainder of the third Permit Year, as shown in Schedule 3;
Estimated Work Program Expenses for subsequent years will be delivered to Paltar on or before the date which is the 150th day anniversary following the date on which the applicable Permit was granted; and
Amounts in addition to the estimated amounts set forth in approved Work Programs and Budgets, whether incurred as a result of cost overruns, unforeseen events, or otherwise, will be delivered by Nation to Paltar in accordance with the cash call procedures set forth in clause 1.6 of the Accounting Procedure.

Grant of Option
If, after the Earning Date, Nation acquires an undivided twenty-five percent (25%) interest in a Production Licence granted with respect to any area under a Nation Block pursuant to clause 6.2(a) (the Acquisition Date), Paltar shall grant to Nation, in exchange for $100 and other good and valuable consideration, the sole and exclusive option (Option) to purchase at any time during the period commencing on the Acquisition Date and ending ninety (90) days later (the Option Period) the Paltar Interest free from Encumbrances subject to compliance with clauses 5.4 through 5.6.
Exercise of Option
The Option may be exercised by Nation at any time during the Option Period by giving notice in writing to Paltar specifying that the Option has been exercised.
As soon as practicable after the exercise of the Option in accordance with clause 5.4, Paltar will deliver to Nation registrable transfer forms of Paltar’s entire interest in the Production Licence, insofar as it covers the Nation Block, except for the payment of stamp duty and registration fees.  Nation will lodge the transfer forms, together with a notice appointing Nation or its designee as Operator of the Production Licence, with the Government for approval and registration, as required under the Petroleum Act, and promptly thereafter Nation must deliver to Paltar the duly executed transfer forms and pay the stamp duty and registration fees in the amounts determined by the Government.
Paltar’s entire interest in the Production Licence shall be transferred to Nation free from any Encumbrance except as set out in clause 5.5(c).
Upon the effective transfer of Paltar’s entire interest in the Production Licence, Nation shall assume all the obligations (and be assigned all the benefits) of:
the Exploration Agreements that relate to the Nation Block (or portion thereof) covered by the Production Licence; and
the royalty burdens in relation to such Nation Block (or portion thereof) as set forth in Schedule 1 and as provided in clause 5.6(a),
and Paltar shall execute all such agreements (including any deeds of assignment and assumption) as reasonably required by Nation and the counterparties to the above agreements to perfect the assumption of such obligations and the assignment of any benefits and the release of Paltar.
Upon the transfer of a Production Licence pursuant to this clause 5.5, this Agreement will cease to apply to the Nation Block (or portion thereof) covered by that Production Licence.

In consideration for the transfer of the Paltar Interest to Nation, upon exercise of the Option, Paltar shall be entitled to an overriding royalty with respect to all petroleum produced from the portion of the relevant Nation Block covered by the Production Licence with such royalty being equal to the difference between 25% and the sum of the existing royalty burdens shown in Schedule 1 applicable to such portion of the relevant Nation Block such that the revenue interest of Nation in such production of petroleum, after giving effect to all of the royalty burdens described in Schedule 1, will be exactly 75%, and with the understanding that if a royalty burden set forth in Schedule 1 later increases in accordance with its terms, the additional overriding royalty in favor of Paltar will be correspondingly decreased, so that Nation’s revenue interest will remain constant at 75%.
Paltar and Nation will, as soon as practicable after the exercise of the Option, enter into an overriding royalty agreement under which Paltar holds the overriding royalty described in this clause and which more fulsomely sets out the terms of the royalty based on terms standard for such an agreement in the Australian petroleum industry.
Lapse of Option
In the event that the Option is not exercised within the Option Period then the Option will lapse and the parties shall use their best endeavours to enter a production joint venture operating agreement in respect of such Production Licence under which:
Paltar holds the Paltar Interest and Nation holds the Nation Interest in the Production Licence, insofar as it covers the Nation Block; and
Nation is the operator of the joint venture; and
which is otherwise on terms standard for the Australian petroleum industry (including provisions for dilution of interests).
Production Licences
Decision to Apply
If a Discovery is made on a Nation Block, Paltar shall deliver any notice of Discovery required under the Petroleum Act and shall as soon as possible submit to the Operating Committee a report containing available details concerning the Discovery and Operator’s recommendation as to whether a Production Licence should be sought.
The Operating Committee decision whether to apply to the Government for a Production Licence covering such Nation Block shall be decided by Nation alone.
Production Licence Granted
Paltar acknowledges and agrees that, following the Earning Date, if a Production Licence is applied for and issued in respect of any area under the Nation Blocks in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, (i) Paltar’s interest in such Production Licence will be equal to seventy-five percent (75%), insofar as it covers the Nation Block, subject to the Option granted hereunder pursuant to clause 5.3, and (ii) Nation’s interest in such Production Licence, insofar as it covers the Nation Block, will be equal to twenty-five percent (25%).

Upon the issue of a Production Licence for a Nation Block (or portion thereof), Paltar will be deemed to have resigned as Operator with respect to such Nation Block (or portion thereof).
Upon the issue of a Production Licence to Nation pursuant to this clause 6.2, each clause of this Agreement other than clauses 5.3 through 5.7 will cease to apply to the Nation Block (or portion thereof) covered by that Production Licence.
Production Licence Not Granted
If the Operating Committee decides not to apply for a Production Licence or, having applied for a Production Licence, the application is denied, the Operating Committee shall meet to determine whether the Discovery merits appraisal.
If the Operating Committee determines that the Discovery merits appraisal, Paltar shall deliver to the Operating Committee within 60 days after the determination a proposed Work Program and Budget for appraisal of the Discovery.  Within thirty 30 days after delivery, or earlier if necessary to meet any applicable deadline under the Petroleum Act, the Operating Committee shall meet to consider or modify such Work Program and Budget, with Nation having the sole power to approve, reject or modify the proposal.
Default and Notice
Nation will be in default under this Agreement if, prior to the Earning Date, it fails to contribute any portion of the Work Program Expenses when due under clause 5.2(b).  Paltar shall promptly provide Nation written notice of such default.
Immediate Consequences
From the date the default notice is given by Paltar until the time all defaults under clause 7.1 have been remedied, Nation shall have no right to:
call or attend Operating Committee or subcommittee meetings;
vote on any matter coming before the Operating Committee or any subcommittee; or
access any data or information relating to any operations under this Agreement.
Any matter which is to be decided by Nation alone under this Agreement shall instead be decided by Paltar.
If the Nation default relates to a failure to contribute a portion of the Work Program Expenses for the third, fourth of fifth Permit Years, and if Nation fails to remedy such default within 30 days following Paltar’s notice, then Nation, upon the written request of Paltar, shall surrender its entire interest in this Agreement to Paltar, free of all Encumbrances arising by, through or under Nation, and shall execute a written surrender instrument in such form as reasonably may be requested by Paltar.  As a result of such surrender, Nation shall have no right ever to receive any interest whatsoever in the Permit or Nation Blocks and no right ever to recover any amounts it previously expended or contributed, whether under this Agreement, in quantum meruit, or under any other legal or equitable principle.

If the Nation default relates to a failure to contribute a portion of the Work Program Expenses for the sixth or subsequent Permit Years, and if Nation fails to remedy such default within 30 days following Paltar’s notice, then Paltar may, but is not obligated to, purchase Nation’s entire interest under this Agreement for 90% of the fair market value of such interest, less the amount in default. If Paltar wishes to undertake this purchase, it will notify Nation of its desire and of the fair market value, and Nation shall have seven days after receipt of this notice either (i) to notify Paltar that it accepts Paltar’s statement of the fair market value, or that it requires an independent determination of the fair market value.  If it does not notify Paltar, it will be deemed to have accepted Paltar’s statement of the fair market value. In either event, Nation will conclusively be deemed to have sold its rights under this Agreement to Paltar effective as of the date Paltar sends notice of its desire to purchase the interest and of the fair market value.
If Nation timely requests independent determination of the fair market value, the Chairman of the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association Limited shall be asked by either Party to appoint an expert to make the determination. The expert so appointed shall have exclusive power to establish the venue and timing of, and the procedural rules governing, the determination of fair market value.  Each Party shall bear its own costs and attorney’s fees in connection with the determination, although all fees, costs and expenses of the expert shall be borne solely by Nation.
No Right of Set Off
Nation acknowledges that a fundamental principle of this Agreement is that it pay the Work Program Expenses under this Agreement as and when required. Accordingly, Nation waives any right to raise by way of set off or to invoke as a defence any claim it may have against Paltar, whether under this Agreement or otherwise, so as to reduce or avoid its obligation timely to contribute required Work Program Expenses.
Without Prejudice
Paltar may exercise its rights, remedies or powers under this clause 7 or otherwise at law or in equity, concurrently, individually or cumulatively.
No penalty
The remedies in this clause 7 have been selected by the Parties in light of the fact that no interest in a Nation Block may be assigned to Nation unless there is a Discovery on that block and the Government issues a Production Licence for that block, events which can occur, if at all, only if Work Programs and Budgets are timely funded. Nation agrees that the remedies conferred by this clause 7 do not constitute a penalty or an unreasonable forfeiture and are necessary to ensure the maintenance of the Permit in good standing. Nation acknowledges that it is essential to the viability of the Permit that Nation comply with its financial obligations in a timely manner, and that assumption by Paltar of the obligations of Nation under this Agreement is good and valuable consideration for the exercise by Paltar of its rights to acquire Nation’s interest in this Agreement under this clause 7.


Relinquishments and renewals
If the Petroleum Act or the Permit requires Paltar to relinquish any portion of the Permit Area, Paltar will use its best endeavors to ensure that the Nation Blocks will not be relinquished, although it may not be successful.  If a Nation Block is relinquished, Paltar will cause another Block to be substituted for the relinquished Nation Block.  The other Block selected for this substitution will be the nearest Block to the relinquished Nation Block as to which neither Nation nor any third party then has any earning rights.
Extension of the Term
Decisions to renew the Permit will be made by the Operating Committee, although the Operating Committee decision whether to renew shall be decided by Nation alone. If the Operating Committee decides to renew, Nation will be bound by the renewal work program and all other consequences of the renewal; if the Operating Committee decides not to renew, Paltar may renew the Permit for its own account, and this Agreement will automatically terminate upon such renewal.
Surrender of Permit or Licence
If Paltar wishes voluntarily to surrender the entire Permit, such surrender shall require the specific agreement of Nation.
Transfer of interest or rights
If a Transfer subject to this clause 9 occurs without satisfaction (in all material respects) by the transferor of the requirements hereof, then the other Party shall be entitled to enforce specific performance of the terms of this clause 9, in addition to any other remedies (including damages) to which it may be entitled.  Each Party agrees that monetary damages alone would not be an adequate remedy for the breach of any Party's obligations under this clause 9.
Except in the case of a Party transferring all of its interest under this Agreement, no Transfer shall be made by any Party which results in the transferor or the transferee holding an interest under this Agreement of less than ten percent (10%) of its original interest under this Agreement.
Both the transferee, and, notwithstanding the Transfer, the transferring Party, shall be liable to the other Parties for the transferring Party’s share of any obligations (financial or otherwise) which have vested, matured or accrued under the provisions of this Agreement prior to such Transfer, including any obligation to contribute Work Program Expenses.

A transferee shall have no rights under this Agreement unless and until:
it expressly undertakes in an instrument reasonably satisfactory to the other Party to perform the obligations of the transferor under this Agreement in respect of the interest being transferred; and
except in the case of a Transfer to a Related Body Corporate, the other Party has consented in writing to such Transfer, which consent shall be denied only if the transferee fails to establish to the reasonable satisfaction of the other Party its financial capability to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
No consent shall be required under clause 9.2(c)(ii) for a Transfer to a Related Body Corporate if the transferring Party agrees in an instrument reasonably satisfactory to the other to remain liable for performance by the Related Body Corporate of its obligations.
Nothing contained in this clause 9 shall prevent a Party from Encumbering its interest under this Agreement to a third party for the purpose of security relating to finance, provided that:
the Party shall remain liable for all obligations relating to such interest;
the Encumbrance shall be expressly subordinated to the rights of the other Party to this Agreement; and
the Party shall ensure that any Encumbrance is expressly without prejudice to the provisions of this Agreement.

Withdrawal from Agreement
Right of Withdrawal
Subject to the provisions of this clause 10, Nation may withdraw from this Agreement at any time after the fifth permit year and prior to the Earning Date by providing written notice to Paltar at least 90 days prior to the effective date of the withdrawal.  Such Notice shall be unconditional and irrevocable when given and, on the effective date of the withdrawal, this Agreement shall terminate.
Nation may not withdraw from this Agreement if its interest in the Agreement is subject to any Encumbrance, unless Paltar is willing to accept the assignment reflecting the withdrawal subject to any such Encumbrance and any necessary consents are obtained from the holder of any such Encumbrance.
Obligations and Liabilities of Nation upon Withdrawal
Nation shall, following its notification of withdrawal, remain liable only for its share of the following:
all Work Program Expenses coming due before the effective date of the withdrawal;

all costs and expenses associated with a fire, blow out, loss of well control, act of sabotage or vandalism, or other emergency occurring prior to the effective date of the withdrawal, without regard to when such costs are actually incurred; and
all other obligations and liabilities of Nation with respect to acts or omissions under this Agreement prior to the effective date of the withdrawal for which Nation would have been liable, had it not withdrawn from this Agreement.
Relationship of Parties and Tax
Relationship of Parties
The rights, duties, obligations and liabilities of the Parties under this Agreement shall be several, not joint or joint and several.  It is not the intention of the Parties to create, nor shall this Agreement be deemed or construed to create a mining or other partnership or association or (except as explicitly provided in this Agreement) a trust.  This Agreement shall not be deemed or construed to authorise any Party to act as an agent, servant or employee for any other Party for any purpose whatsoever except as explicitly set forth in this Agreement. In their relations with each other under this Agreement, the Parties shall not be considered fiduciaries except as expressly provided in this Agreement.
Each Party shall be responsible for reporting and discharging its own royalty and tax measured by the profit or income of the Party under this Agreement.  Each Party shall protect, defend and indemnify each other Party from any and all loss, cost or liability arising from the indemnifying Party's failure to report and discharge such royalties and taxes.  The Parties intend that all income and all tax benefits (including, but not limited to, deductions, depreciation, credits and capitalisation) with respect to the expenditures made by the Parties hereunder will be allocated by the relevant tax authorities to the Parties based on the share of each tax item actually received or borne by each Party.  If such allocation is not accomplished due to the application of the laws and regulations of the Government or other Government action, the Parties shall attempt to adopt mutually agreeable arrangements that will allow the Parties to achieve the financial results intended.  Paltar shall provide each Party, in a timely manner and at such Party's sole expense, with such information with respect to Operations as such Party may reasonably request for preparation of its tax returns or responding to any audit or other tax proceeding.
United States Tax Election
For United Stated Federal Income Tax Purposes, each U.S. Party hereby elects to be excluded from the application of all the provisions of Subchapter K, Chapter 1, Subtitle A, of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as permitted by Section 761 of said Code and the Regulations promulgated thereunder.
Should there be any requirement that each U.S. Party evidence this election, each Party agrees to execute such documents and furnish such other evidence as may be required by the United States Internal Revenue Service or may otherwise be necessary. Each Party further agrees not to give any notices or take any other action inconsistent with the election made hereby.

If any further income tax law of the United States contains provisions similar to those contained in said Subchapter K, under which an election similar to that provided by Section 761 is permitted, each U.S. Party agrees to make such elections as may be permitted by such laws. In making this election, each U.S. Party affirms that the income derived by it from the operations under this Agreement can be adequately determined without the computation of partnership taxable income.
Unless approved by every U.S. Party, no activity shall be conducted under this Agreement that would cause any Non-U.S. Party to be deemed to be engaged in a trade or business within the United States under United States income tax laws or regulations.
Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to require any Party to do or execute any document that might subject it or its income or property to United States taxation or to render liable to United States taxation any Party which prior to entering into this Agreement was not subject to United States taxation.
For the purposes of this clause 11.3, “U.S. Party” shall mean any Party that is subject to the income tax law of the United States in respect with operations under this Agreement.  “Non-U.S. Party” shall mean any Party that is not subject to such income tax law.
Goods and Services Tax
Unless otherwise stated, all consideration specified in this Agreement does not include goods and services tax (GST) under the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cwlth) (GST Act).
If and to the extent that a supply under this Agreement is subject to GST, the recipient must pay to the supplier an additional amount equal to the amount of GST payable on that supply (GST Amount).
The GST Amount is payable at the same time as the GST exclusive consideration for the supply is payable or to be provided.  However, the GST Amount need not be paid until the supplier provides a Tax Invoice to the recipient.
If the GST Amount differs from the amount of GST payable by the supplier, the GST Amount must be adjusted.
If a party is entitled to be reimbursed or indemnified under this agreement, the amount to be reimbursed or indemnified must be reduced by any amount for which the Participant is entitled to an Input Tax Credit (as defined in the GST Act) for the acquisition to which that reimbursement of indemnification relates.
Confidential Information
Disclosure of Confidential Information
Nation may not disclose Confidential Information to any person except:
with the written consent of Paltar;
if Nation is required to do so by law, a Government or a stock exchange;

if Nation is required to do so in connection with legal proceedings relating to this Agreement;
to a transferee or potential transferee (or its advisers) of the whole or any part of Nation’s interest under this Agreement who gives an appropriate confidentiality undertaking to Nation for the benefit of Paltar; or
in connection with, or in contemplation of, a listing on a stock exchange.
Disclosure by recipient of Confidential Information
If Nation discloses Confidential Information under clause 12.1, it must use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that persons receiving Confidential Information do not disclose the information except in the circumstances permitted in that clause.
Use of Confidential Information
Nation may not use Confidential Information except for the purpose of exercising its rights or performing its obligations under this Agreement.
Prior notification of disclosure to stock exchange
If Nation is required or wishes to disclose Confidential Information in accordance with clause 12.1(ii) or clause 12.1(iii), it must notify Paltar of the proposed disclosure as far in advance as practicable.
Return of Confidential Information
Nation must, upon the request of Paltar, immediately deliver to Paltar all documents or other materials containing or referring to the Confidential Information which are in its possession, power or control or in the possession, power or control of persons who received Confidential Information from it under clause 12.1(i) or 12.1(iv).
Retention of Confidential Information
Despite clause 12.5, Nation may retain one single copy only of the documents or other materials referred to in that clause provided that the Party continues to comply with all other obligations set out in this clause 12 in respect of any retained copies.
Obligations Continue
The rights and obligations of a Party under this clause 12 with respect to confidentiality will continue to apply to that Party even after this Agreement terminates.
Force majeure
Force Majeure
If, as a result of an event of Force Majeure, a Party becomes unable, wholly or in part, to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement:

that Party shall give the other Party notice of the event of Force Majeure with reasonably full particulars and, insofar as is known to it, the probable extent to which it will be unable to perform or be delayed in performing its obligations;
on giving the notice of the event of Force Majeure, that obligation, other than an obligation to pay money, is suspended but only so far as and for so long as it is affected by the Force Majeure; and
the Party affected by the event of Force Majeure must continue to maintain, or ensure that Paltar maintains, the Permit in good condition.
Labour disputes and Native Title matters
The obligation to use reasonable diligence to overcome or remove the effect of event of Force Majeure does not require the affected Party to:
settle any strike, or other labour dispute on terms contrary to its wishes;
contest the validity or enforceability of any Laws; or
settle any Native Title Claim or enter into any agreement with respect to Native Title Rights,
on terms not reasonably acceptable to it solely for the purpose of removing the event of Force Majeure.
The obligation of the affected Party to perform its obligations resumes as soon as it is no longer affected by the Force Majeure event.
Form of Notice
Unless expressly stated otherwise in this Agreement, any notice, certificate, consent, approval, waiver or other communication in connection with this Agreement (Notice) must be in writing or given by electronic transmission, signed by an authorised officer of the sender and marked for the attention of the person identified in clause 14.3 or, if the recipient has notified otherwise, then marked for attention in the last way notified.
When Notices are taken to have been given and received
A Notice is regarded as given and received:
if delivered by hand, when delivered;
if sent by pre-paid post from an address in Australia to an address in Australia, three days after posting;

if sent by pre-paid post from or to an address outside Australia, ten days after posting;
if given by fax, when the sender’s fax machine issues a successful transmission report;
if given by email, on the earlier of:
the time the sender receives an automated message that the email was delivered; and
six hours after being delivered unless:
the sender receives an automated message that the email was undeliverable or that the recipient is out of the office; or
the sender knows or reasonably should know that there is a network failure and accordingly knows or suspects that the email was not delivered,
in which case the email is taken not to be delivered and the sender should resend the notice by hand, post or fax.
Address details for Notices
   Paltar Petroleum Limited
   Level 10, 32 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000
   Attention:  Marc Bruner / Darrel Causbrook
   Telephone: +61 2 8222 6100
   Facsimile: +61 2 9222 1880
   e-mail:  darrel.causbrook@causbrooks.com.au
   Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd
   1500 West 16th Avenue, Suite F
   Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6J 2L6
   Attention: John R. Hislop
   Telephone: +1 604 331 3375
   Facsimile: +1 604 688 4712
   e-mail:  jhislop@14u.org
Applicable law and arbitration
Applicable Law
This Agreement shall be governed by, construed, interpreted and applied in accordance with the laws of the Northern Territory, excluding any choice of law rules which would refer the matter to the laws of another jurisdiction.

Any and all claims, demands, causes of action, disputes, controversies and other matters in question arising out of, in connection with, or relating to this Agreement, including any question regarding its breach, existence, validity or termination, must be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with, and subject to, the International Chamber of Commerce Rules of Arbitration.
The appointing and administering body will be The Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia.  The arbitrators must have at least ten years’ experience as to the subject of the dispute.
There shall be three arbitrators, the language of arbitration shall be English and the place of arbitration shall be a mutually-agreed place in Australia.
Each Party will each appoint one arbitrator within 30 days of the filing of the request for arbitration and the two arbitrators so appointed will select the presiding arbitrator within 30 days of the appointment of the first two arbitrators.
The resulting arbitral award will be final and binding upon the Parties, and judgment upon such an award may be entered and enforced by either Party in any court with sufficient jurisdiction.
Term and Condition Precedent
Subject to clause 16(b), this Agreement shall be effective upon execution by all Parties and shall continue, unless sooner terminated by the express provisions of this Agreement, until all of the Nation Blocks are covered by Production Licences or until Nation withdraws from the Agreement under clause 10.
Any provision of this Agreement that would (but for this clause) effect an acquisition of an interest in Australian urban land (within the meaning of the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth) (FATA)) is subject to and conditional upon the person making the acquisition not having received any order or notice under the FATA prohibiting the person from making the acquisition or making the acquisition subject to conditions which are unacceptable to the person.
Nation may apply to the relevant Minister after December 31, 2015 pursuant to section 96(3) of the Petroleum Act for approval of this agreement for the purposes of having an entry made in the register in accordance with section 96(7) of the Petroleum Act.  Paltar shall take such steps as necessary or reasonably requested by Nation in order to achieve the approval and entry in the register in accordance with this clause.

General provisions
Warranties as to no Payments, Gifts and Loans
Each of the Parties warrants that neither it nor its affiliates has made or will make, with respect to the matters provided for hereunder, any offer, payment, promise to pay or authorisation of the payment of any money, or any offer, gift, promise to give or authorisation of the giving of anything of value, directly or indirectly, to or for the use or benefit of any official or employee of the Government or to or for the use or benefit of any political party, official, or candidate unless such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation is authorised by the Laws, or the payment of any bribe to any person or entity.  Each of the Parties further warrants that neither it nor its Related Bodies Corporate has made or will make any such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation to or for the use or benefit of any other person if the Party knows, has a firm belief, or is aware that there is a high probability that the other person would use such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation for any of the purposes described in the preceding sentence.  Each Party shall respond promptly, and in reasonable detail, to any notice from any other Party or its auditors pertaining to the above stated warranty and representation and shall furnish documentary support for such response upon request from such other Party.
Conflicts of Interest
Each Party undertakes that it shall avoid any conflict of interest between its own interests (including the interests of Related Bodies Corporate) and the interest of the other Parties in dealing with suppliers, customers and all other organisations or individuals doing or seeking to do business with the Parties in connection with activities contemplated under this Agreement.
The provisions of 17.2(a) shall not apply to Paltar's acquisition of products or services from a Related Body Corporate, or the sale thereof to a Related Body Corporate, made in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
Unless otherwise agreed, the Parties and their Related Bodies Corporate are free to engage or invest (directly or indirectly) in an unlimited number of activities or businesses, any one or more of which may be related to or in competition with the business activities contemplated under this Agreement, without having or incurring any obligation to offer any interest in such business activities to any Party.
Without limiting the generality of clause 17.2(c), Nation specifically acknowledges that Paltar will own interests in the Blocks covered by the Permit that are not Nation Blocks; that work performed on the Nation Blocks may benefit the other Blocks covered by the Permit; that Paltar may enter into sales, farmouts and other agreements of every type and nature relating to Blocks covered by the Permit which are not Nation Blocks; and that Nation will have no interest or expectation of any interest resulting from Paltar’s activities on Blocks that are not Nation Blocks.
Public Announcements
Subject to clause 17.3(b), Paltar shall be responsible for the preparation and release of all public announcements and statements regarding this Agreement or the Operations; provided that, no public announcement or statement shall be issued or made unless prior to its release Nation has been furnished with a copy of such statement or announcement.  Where a public announcement or statement becomes necessary or desirable because of danger to or loss of life, damage to property or pollution as a result of activities arising under this Agreement, Paltar is authorised to issue and make such announcement or statement without prior approval of Nation, but shall promptly furnish Nation with a copy of such announcement or statement.

Nation may issue any such public announcement or statement if it is necessary to do so in order to comply with the applicable laws, rules or regulations of any government, legal proceedings or stock exchange having jurisdiction over Nation or its Related Bodies Corporate.
Successors and Assigns
Subject to the limitations on transfer contained in clause 9, this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Parties.
No waiver by any Party of any one or more defaults by another Party in the performance of this Agreement shall operate or be construed as a waiver of any future default or defaults by the same Party, whether of a like or of a different character.  Except as expressly provided in this Agreement no Party shall be deemed to have waived, released or modified any of its rights under this Agreement unless such Party has expressly stated, in writing, that it does waive, release or modify such right.
Severance of Invalid Provisions
If and for so long as any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be judged invalid for any reason whatsoever, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or operation of any other provision of this Agreement except only so far as shall be necessary to give effect to the construction of such invalidity, and any such invalid provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement without affecting the validity of the balance of this Agreement.
Except as is provided in clause 17.6, there shall be no modification of this Agreement except by written consent of all Parties.
The topical headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be construed as having any substantive significance or as indicating that all of the provisions of this Agreement relating to any topic are to be found in any particular clause.
Singular and Plural
Reference to the singular includes a reference to the plural and vice versa.
Reference to any gender includes a reference to all other genders.
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and supersedes all prior understandings and negotiations of the Parties.

A reference in this Agreement to the Petroleum Act or any other statute or any provision or clause thereof shall be read (unless otherwise provided in this Agreement) as though the words ‘including any statutory amendment or modification thereof any statutory provision substituted thereof, re-enactment or replacement thereof and any rules, regulations, by laws and instruments or other documents made pursuant thereto’ were added to such reference.
No clause within this document can be used by any person as defence to any action brought under the Criminal Code or Corporations Act.
Rule against perpetuities
For the purposes only of avoiding breach of the rule against perpetuities this Agreement has a term not exceeding 80 years.
Defined terms
Acquisition Date has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 5.3.
Authorised Person of a Party means:
the officers and employees of the Party;
the technical, financial, legal or other advisors of the Party; and
the respective officers and employees of the technical, financial, legal or other advisors of the Party.
Blocks means the numbered blocks that each graticular section of the Northern Territory is divided into pursuant to Section 8 of the Petroleum Act and Block is a reference to any one of them.
Commencement Date means the date hereof.
Confidential Information means all confidential, non-public or proprietary information regardless of how the information is stored or delivered, delivered to Nation before, on or after the date of this Agreement relating to this Agreement or the Operations.
Consequential Loss means:
any damages or losses which are not direct or which do not flow naturally from the relevant breach of this Agreement, even if those damages or losses may reasonably be supposed to have been in the contemplation of all Parties as a probable result of the breach at the time they entered into this Agreement; and
any losses of profits, business opportunity, reputation, customers or markets, whether direct or indirect.

Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
Discovery means the discovery of an accumulation of petroleum whose existence until that moment was unproven by drilling.
Earning Amount means $335,273 of Expenditures, which, for the avoidance of doubt, is an amount separate and apart from the Cash Consideration and the Share Consideration.
Earning Date has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 3.1.
Earning Period means the period commencing on the Commencement Date and ending at the conclusion of the fifth Permit Year.
Encumbrance means any mortgage, lien, charge, pledge, assignment by way of security, security interest, preferential right or trust arrangement, or other arrangement having the same effect.
Expenditure means expenditure in respect of Operations and other exploration on the Nation Blocks and includes all amounts spent on keeping the Permit in good standing or fulfilling obligations of Paltar with respect to the Permit.
Exploration Agreement means the agreement dated 27 June 2013 among Paltar, the Native Title Parties (as that term is defined in the Exploration Agreement), and Northern Land Council, and any other agreement entered into in accordance with the provisions of the Native Title Act or the Aboriginal Land Rights Act in relation to the Permit.
Force Majeure means any of the following events provided that they are outside the reasonable control of the affected Party and could not have been prevented or avoided by that Party taking reasonable steps:
act of God, earthquake, cyclone, fire, explosion, flood, landslide, lightning, storm, tempest, drought or meteor;
war (declared or undeclared), invasion, act of a foreign enemy, hostilities between nations, civil insurrection or militarily usurped power;
act of public enemy, sabotage, malicious damage, terrorism or civil unrest;
ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear waste or from combustion of nuclear fuel;
confiscation, nationalisation, requisition, expropriation, prohibition, embargo, restraint or damage to property by or under the order of any government or government authority; or
strikes, blockades, lock out or other industrial disputes.
Government means any department, local government council, administrative or statutory authority or any other person under a Law which has a right to impose a requirement or whose consent is required.
Indemnitees has the meaning set forth in clause 3.8(b).

Law means any treaty, statute, subordinate legislation, code, regulation, rule, common law, equity determination, injunction, judgment, order, decree, ruling, directive, decision and any judicial, regulatory, administrative or other interpretation,  implementation or enforcement of any of the foregoing issued by any Government having jurisdiction as to the undertakings and any other matters arising under this Agreement, whether currently in effect or subsequently modified, including Commonwealth, Northern Territory and local government legislation, regulations, by-laws, and other subordinate legislation.
Minimum Work Obligations means those work or expenditure obligations that must be performed in order to satisfy Permit obligations.
Nation Blocks means the portions of five Blocks identified in Schedule 2, or such replacement Blocks as may be identified under clause 8.1.
Nation Interest means an undivided twenty-five percent (25%) interest in the Permit, insofar as it covers the Nation Blocks, and any Production Licence granted in connection therewith, insofar as it covers any area under a Nation Block (subject to clause 5).
Native Title Claims means either:
any claim, application or proceeding in respect of Native Title Rights which is accepted by the Native Title Tribunal or the Registrar thereof pursuant to the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth); or
any claim, application or proceeding in respect of those rights, interests and statutory protections of and relating to aboriginal persons as set out in the legislation of the Northern Territory or the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth).
Native Title Rights has the same meaning as the expressions “native title” or “native title rights and interests” defined in section 223(1) of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) and includes those rights, interests and statutory protections of and relating to aboriginal persons and aboriginal cultural heritage as set out in the relevant legislation of the Northern Territory including the Northern Territory Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act (NT) or the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth).
Notice has the meaning set forth in clause 14.1.
Operating Account means the account established and maintained by the Operator in accordance with this Agreement to record all charges, expenditures, credits and receipts in respect of Operations which are chargeable or to be credited to Nation.
Operating Committee means the committee established and functioning under clause 4.
Operations means the following activities required for the operation of the Permit in accordance with this Earning Agreement:
management and operation of the Permit;
facilitation of access to the Permit including liaising with native title parties and landholders;

preparation, development and carrying out of exploration and appraisal programs on the Nation Blocks;
geological analysis and interpretation of exploration results;
compliance with conditions and legal requirements relating to the Permit;
appointment and management of contractors undertaking seismic analysis, drilling, and related exploration and appraisal programs;
but excluding any exploration or appraisal work physically conducted on lands other than the Nation Blocks.
Operator has the meaning given to it in the 1993 NT Onshore Petroleum Directions.
Option has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 5.3.
Option Period has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 5.3.
Paltar Interest means an undivided seventy-five percent (75%) interest in the Permit, insofar as it covers the Nation Blocks, and any Production Licence granted in connection therewith, insofar as it covers any area under a Nation Block (subject to clause 5).
Parties means the entities named in the first paragraph to this Agreement and their respective permitted successors or assigns, and Party is a reference to any one of them.
Permit means Exploration Permit 232 issued under the Petroleum Act and includes any extension, renewal, conversion, substitution, modifications or variations thereof.
Permit Year means a year beginning 3 October and ending the following 2 October.
Petroleum Act means the Petroleum Act 2009 (NT).
Production Licence has the meaning provided in the Petroleum Act.
Property means all property, whether real or personal, which is owned, leased, held, developed, constructed, produced or acquired by the Operator solely for the conduct of Operations.
Related Body Corporate has the meaning given to it in section 50 of the Corporations Act.
Senior Supervisory Personnel means a Party’s senior manager, who directs all operations and activities of such Party in Australia.
Transfer means assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of any interest in this Agreement in whole or part, whether by sale, lease, declaration or creation of a trust or otherwise.
Wilful Misconduct means an intentional and conscious disregard of any obligation owed by the relevant person, but does not include any act or omission which is (directly or indirectly) attributable to any breach or negligence on the part of any other person or of such other person's Related Body Corporate.

Work Program and Budget means an annual work program prepared by Paltar setting out the Operations to be undertaken during that year under this Agreement in respect of the Permit, together with the estimated amounts required to perform such work program.
Work Program Expenses means the costs and expenses incurred, paid or payable by the Operator in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement or otherwise authorized by the Operating Committee in connection with conducting Work Programs and Budgets.
In this Agreement, except where the context otherwise requires:
the singular includes the plural and vice versa and a gender includes other genders;
another grammatical form of a defined word or expression has a corresponding meaning;
a reference to a clause, paragraph, schedule or annexure is to a clause or paragraph of, or schedule or annexure to, this Agreement and a reference to this Agreement includes any schedule or annexure;
a reference to a document or instrument includes the document or instrument as novated, altered, supplemented or replaced from time to time;
all references to dollar amounts are in Australian currency;
a reference to a Party is to a party to this Agreement and a reference to a Party to a document includes the Party's executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns and substitutes;
a reference to a person includes a natural person, partnership, body corporate, association, governmental or local authority or agency or other entity;
a reference to a statute, ordinance, code or other law includes regulations and other instruments under it and consolidations, amendments, re-enactments or replacements of any of them;
the meaning of general words is not limited by specific examples introduced by including, for example or similar expressions;
a rule of construction does not apply to the disadvantage of a Party because the Party was responsible for the preparation of this Agreement or any part of it; and
if a day on or by which an obligation must be performed or an event must occur is not a business day in Sydney, Australia, the obligation must be performed or the event must occur on or by the next day that is a business day.
Headings are for ease of reference only and do not affect interpretation.




Executed by Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) in accordance with section 127 of the Corporations Act by authority of its directors:
/s/ Nick Tropea
/s/ Darrel Causbrook
Nick Tropea
Darrel John Causbrook
Print name
Print name


Executed by Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046) in accordance with section 127 of the Corporations Act by authority of its directors:
/s/ John R. Hislop

/s/ Darrel Causbrook
John R. Hislop
Darrel John Causbrook




Schedule 1 – Royalties

Holder & Granting Document
Percentage of Hydrocarbons produced/sold
1. Exploration Agreement among Paltar, Native Title Parties and Northern Land Council
2%, increasing to 4% after one million barrels have been produced from EP 231, 232 and 234, and increasing again to 5% after one billion barrels have been produced from lands covered by the two permits
2. Northern Territory of Australia royalty pursuant to the Petroleum Act (NT)






Schedule 2 – Nation Blocks



Schedule 3 – Permit Year 3 Work Program and Budget

Work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks:
Geological and geophysical work                                                                     201,164
General and administrative                                                                                134,109

Amounts shown above are in Australian dollars.  All such amounts were originally estimated in United States dollars and converted to Australian dollars at the rate of USD 1 = AUD 1.34109, the oanda.com average bid rate in effect when this Schedule 3 was prepared.



Annex 1 – Accounting Procedure

Section 1
General Provisions
Section 2
Direct Charges
Section 3
Indirect Charges
Section 4
Acquisition of Material
Section 5
Disposal of Materials
Section 6
Section 1  
General Provisions
The purpose of this Accounting Procedure is to establish fair and equitable methods for determining charges and credits applicable to Operations.  If the methods prove unfair or inequitable to Paltar or Nation, the Parties shall meet and in good faith endeavour to agree on changes to correct any unfairness or inequity.
In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Accounting Procedure and the provisions of the Agreement, the provisions of the Agreement shall prevail.
The definitions contained in clause 18 of the Agreement shall apply to this Accounting Procedure and have the same meanings when used herein. Certain terms used herein are defined as follows:
Accrual basis means that basis of accounting under which costs and benefits are regarded as applicable to the period in which the liability for the cost is incurred or the right to the benefit arises, regardless of when invoiced, paid, or received.
Cash basis means that basis of accounting under which only costs actually paid and revenue actually received are included for any period.
Country of Operations means the Commonwealth of Australia.
Material means machinery, equipment and supplies acquired and held for use in Operations.

Operating Account Records / Currency Exchange
Paltar shall at all times maintain and keep true and correct records of the production and disposition of all petroleum, and of all costs and expenditures under the Agreement, as well as other data necessary or proper for the settlement of accounts between the Parties hereto in connection with their rights and obligations under the Agreement and to enable Parties to comply with their respective applicable income tax and other laws.
Paltar shall maintain accounting records pertaining to Operations in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices used in the international petroleum industry and any applicable statutory obligations of the Country of Operations as well as the provisions of the Permit and the Agreement.
The Operating Account shall be maintained by Paltar in the English language and in Australian currency.  Conversions of currency shall be recorded at the rate actually experienced in that conversion.  Currency translations are used to express the amount of expenditures and receipts for which a currency conversion has not actually occurred.  Currency translations for expenditures and receipts shall be recorded at the arithmetic average of the buying and selling exchange rates at the close of each business day of the month of the current accounting period as published by oanda.com or, if not published by oanda.com, then by Westpac Banking Corporation.
Any currency exchange gains or losses shall be credited or charged to the Operating Account, except as otherwise specified in this Accounting Procedure.  Any such exchange gains or losses shall be separately identified as such.
The Accrual basis for accounting shall be used in preparing accounts concerning the Operations.  If a Cash basis for accounting is used, Paltar shall show accruals as memorandum items.
Statements and Billings
Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, Paltar shall submit monthly to Nation, on or before the 15th day of each month, statements of the costs and expenditures incurred during the prior month, indicating by appropriate classification the nature thereof and the corresponding budget category.
These statements, as a minimum, shall contain the following information:
advances of funds setting forth the currencies received from Nation;
the share of Nation in total expenditures, if other than 100%;
the accrued expenditures;
the current account balance of Nation;
summary of costs, credits, and expenditures on a current month, year-to-date, and inception-to-date basis or other periodic basis, as agreed by the Parties (such expenditures shall be grouped by the categories and line items designated in the approved Work Program and Budget so as to facilitate comparison of actual expenditures against that Work Program and Budget), and

details of unusual charges and credits in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A $50,000.00).
Paltar shall, upon request, furnish a description of the accounting classifications used by it.
Amounts included in statements and billings shall be expressed in Australian currency and reconciled to the currencies advanced.
Each Party shall be responsible for preparing its own accounting and tax reports to meet the requirements of the Country of Operations and of all other countries to which it may be subject.  Paltar, to the extent that the information is reasonably available from the Operating Account records, shall provide Nation in a timely manner the necessary information to facilitate the discharge of such responsibility.
Payments and Advances
Upon approval of any Work Program and Budget, if Paltar so requests, Nation shall advance its share of estimated cash requirements for the succeeding month's operations.  Each such Cash Call shall be equal to Paltar's estimate of the money to be spent in the currencies required to perform its duties under the Work Program and Budget during the month concerned.  For informational purposes the Cash Call shall contain an estimate of the funds required for the succeeding two months detailed by the categories designated in the Work Program and Budget.
Each such cash Call, detailed by the categories designated in the Work Program and Budget, shall be made in writing and delivered to Nation not less than 15 days before the payment due date.  The due date for payment of such advances shall be set by Paltar but shall be no sooner than the first day of the month for which the advances are required. All advances shall be made without bank charges. Any charges related to receipt of advances from Nation shall be borne by Nation.
Nation shall wire transfer its share of the full amount of each Cash Call to Paltar on or before the due date, in the currencies requested or any other currencies acceptable to Paltar at a bank designated by Paltar.  If currency provided by Nation is other than the requested currency, then the entire cost of converting to the requested currency shall be charged to Nation.
Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 1.6.2 of this Accounting Procedure, should Paltar be required to pay any sums of money for Operations which were unforeseen at the time estimates were provided to Nation, Paltar may make a written request of Nation for special advances covering Nation' share of such payments.  Each such Nation shall make its proportional special advances within ten days after receipt of such notice.

If Nation's advances exceed its share of cash expenditures, the next succeeding cash advance requirements, after such determination, shall be reduced accordingly.  However, if the amount of such excess advance is greater than the amount of the next month's estimated cash requirements for such Nation, Nation may request a refund of the difference, which refund shall be made by Paltar within ten days after receipt of Nation's request provided that the amount is in excess of twenty five thousand Australian dollars (A$ 25,000.00).
If Nation's advances are less than its share of cash expenditures, the deficiency shall, at Paltar's option, be added to subsequent cash advance requirements or be paid by Nation within ten days following the receipt of Paltar's billing to Nation for such deficiency.
If, under the provisions of the Agreement, Paltar is required to segregate funds received from the Parties, any interest received on such funds shall be applied against the next succeeding Cash Call.
If Paltar does not ask Nation to advance its share of estimated cash requirements, Nation shall pay its share of cash expenditures within 10 days following receipt of Paltar's billing.
Payments of advances or billings shall be made on or before the due date. If these payments are not received by the due date the unpaid balance shall bear and accrue interest from the due date until the payment is received by Paltar at the Agreed Interest Rate.   For the purpose of determining the unpaid balance and interest owed, Paltar shall translate to Australian currency all amounts owed in other currencies using the currency exchange rate determined in accordance with clause 1.4.3 at the close of the last business day prior to the due date for the unpaid balance.
Subject to governmental regulation, Paltar shall have the right, at any time and from time to time, to convert the funds advanced or any part thereof to other currencies to the extent that such currencies are then required for operations.   The cost of any such conversion shall be charged to the Operating Account.
Paltar shall endeavour to maintain funds held for the Operating Account in bank accounts at a level consistent with that required for the prudent conduct of Operations.
If under the Agreement, Paltar is required to segregate funds received from or for the Operating Account, the provisions under this clause 1.6 for payments and advances by Nation shall apply also to Paltar.
Payments of any advances or billings shall not prejudice the right of Nation to protest or question the correctness thereof; provided, however, all bills and statements rendered to Nation by Paltar during any year shall conclusively be presumed to be true and correct after 24 months following the end of such year, unless within the said 24 month period Nation takes written exception thereto and makes claim on Paltar for adjustment.  Failure on the part of Nation to make claim on Paltar for adjustment within such period shall establish the correctness thereof and preclude the filing of exceptions thereto or making claims for adjustment thereon.  No adjustment favourable to Paltar shall be made unless it is made within the same prescribed period.  The provisions of this clause 1.7 shall not prevent adjustments resulting from a physical inventory of the Material as provided for in clause VI.  Paltar shall be allowed to make adjustments to the Operating Account after such 24 month period if these adjustments result from audit exceptions outside of this Accounting Procedure, third party claims, or government requirements.  Any such adjustments shall be subject to audit within the time period specified in clause 1.8.l of this Accounting Procedure.

Nation, upon at least 60 days advance notice in writing to Paltar, shall have the right to audit the Operating Account and records of Paltar relating to the accounting hereunder for any year within the 24 month period following the end of such year, except as otherwise provided in clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure.  As provided in clause 4.2(b)(6) of the Agreement, Nation shall have reasonable access to Paltar's personnel and to the facilities, warehouses, and offices directly or indirectly serving Operations.  The cost of each such audit shall be borne by Nation.  Nation must take written exception to and make claim upon Paltar for all discrepancies disclosed by said audit within said 24 month period.  Nation may request information from Paltar prior to the commencement of the audit.  Paltar will provide the information in electronic format or hard copy documents, if electronic format is not available.  Paltar will provide the information requested within 30 days before commencement of the audit but in no event sooner than 30 days after the written request.  The information requested shall be limited to that normally used for pre-audit work such as trial balance, general ledger, and sub-ledger data.
Paltar shall endeavour to produce information from its Affiliates reasonably necessary to support charges from those Affiliates to the Operating Account other than those charges referred to in clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure.
Except for charges under clause 2.7.1, the following provisions apply to all charges by Paltar for its Affiliates.
In addition to the information provided by Paltar under clause 1.8.2, Nation may seek to audit the books and records of an Affiliate of Paltar relating to the charges by the Affiliate to the Operating Account for the same year as provided in clause 1.8.1 above.  The charges of the Affiliate shall be subject to audit in accordance with (a), (b), or (c) below or any combination thereof.
(a)          If the Affiliate of Paltar consents to the audit, the audit may be conducted in the same manner as the audit of the books and records of Paltar.
If all or part of the charges are not audited under (a) above, the unaudited portion may be audited under (b) and/or (c) below.
(b)         The Affiliate may require use of an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm to confirm confidential or proprietary information and charges.  The cost of the internationally recognized independent public accounting firm shall be borne by Nation.  Nation will seek agreement with the Affiliate on the audit scope to confirm the details and facts relating to such information and charges.

If the internationally recognized independent public accounting firm of the Affiliate declines to conduct the audit, Nation will seek agreement with the Affiliate on an alternative internationally recognized independent public accounting firm.  The cost of using such firm shall be borne by Nation.
Paltar will endeavor to cause its Affiliate to not unreasonably withhold approval of the use of an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm or the scope of examination requested by Nation.
If all or part of the charges are not audited under (a) or (b) above, the unaudited portion may be audited under (c) below.
(c)         Paltar may request its Affiliate to provide Nation an annual report from an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm attesting that charges billed from such Affiliate to the Operating Account represent a complete and accurate allocation of its costs to the Operations, exclude any element of profit, exclude any duplication of costs covered under clauses 2 and 3, and are consistent in application to all of its activities.  The report will be furnished by Paltar within 12 months of the request from Nation.  The cost of providing the annual report shall be borne by Nation.
No amounts paid to an Affiliate of Paltar, which Nation seeks to audit, may be charged to the Operating Account if the Affiliate of Paltar does not allow audit of such amounts as provided above.
Any information obtained by Nation under the provisions of clause 1.8 which does not relate directly to the Operations shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed to any party, except as would otherwise be permitted under clause 15.2(a)(ii) and (x) of the Agreement.
In the event that Paltar is required by law to employ a public accounting firm to audit the Operating Account and records of Paltar relating to the accounting hereunder, the cost thereof shall be a charge against the Operating Account, and a copy of the audit shall be furnished to Nation.
At the conclusion of each audit, the Parties shall endeavour to settle outstanding matters expeditiously.  To this end Nation will make a reasonable effort to prepare and distribute a written report to Paltar as soon as possible and in any event within 90 days after the conclusion of each audit.  The report shall include all claims arising from such audit together with comments pertinent to the operation of the accounts and records.  Paltar shall make a reasonable effort to reply to the report in writing as soon as possible and in any event no later than 90 days after receipt of the report.  Should Nation consider that the report or reply requires further investigation of any item therein, Nation shall have the right to conduct further investigation in relation to such matter notwithstanding the provisions of clauses 1.7 and 1.8 of this Accounting Procedure that the period of 24 months may have expired.  However, conducting such further investigation shall not extend the 24 month period for taking written exception to and making a claim upon Paltar for all discrepancies disclosed by said audit. Such further investigations shall be commenced within 30 days and be concluded within 60 days after the receipt of such report or reply, as the case may be.

All adjustments resulting from an audit agreed between Paltar and Nation conducting the audit shall be reflected promptly in the Operating Account by Paltar and reported to Nation.  If any dispute shall arise in connection with an audit, it shall be reported to and discussed by the Operating Committee, and, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties to the dispute, resolved in accordance with the provisions of clause 18 of the Agreement. If all the Parties to the dispute so agree, the adjustments) may be referred to an independent expert agreed to by the Parties to the dispute.  At the election of the Parties o the dispute, the decision of the expert will be binding upon such Parties.  Unless otherwise agreed, the cost of such expert will be shared equally by all Parties to the dispute.
If it becomes necessary to allocate any costs or expenditures to or between Operations and any other operations, such allocation shall be made on an equitable basis. When it is reasonably foreseeable that such an allocation will be required, Paltar will furnish a description of its allocation procedures pertaining to these costs and expenditures and its rates for personnel and other charges.  Such allocations shall be subject to audit under clause 1.8.
Section 2  
Direct Charges
Paltar shall charge the Operating Account with all costs and expenditures incurred by Paltar for the conduct of Operations.  Charges for services normally provided by an operator such as those contemplated in clauses 2.7.2 and 2.7.3 which are provided by Paltar’s Affiliate shall reflect the cost to the Affiliate, excluding profit, for performing such services, except as otherwise provided in clause 2.6 and clause 2.7.1.
Charges shall only be applied to the Operating Account to the extent such charges are reasonably incurred in the legitimate exercise of Operations under the Agreement and in bona fide arms-length transactions on commercial terms generally available in the market place.
The costs and expenditures shall be recorded as required for the settlement of accounts between the Parties hereto in connection with the rights and obligations under this Agreement and for purposes of complying with the tax laws of the Country of Operations and of such other countries to which any of the Parties may be subject.  Chargeable costs and expenditures may include, but are not limited to:
All costs, if any, attributable to the acquisition, maintenance, renewal or relinquishment of the Permits paid in accordance with the Petroleum Act when paid by Paltar in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement.
Salaries, Wages and Related Costs.
Salaries, wages and related costs include everything constituting the employees' total compensation, as well as the cost to Paltar of holiday, vacation, sickness, disability benefits, living and housing allowances, travel time, bonuses, and other customary allowances applicable to the salaries and wages chargeable hereunder, as well as the costs to Paltar for employee benefits, including but not limited to employee group life insurance, group medical insurance, hospitalization, retirement, severance payments required by the laws or regulations of the Country of Operations.

Expenditures or contributions made pursuant to assessments imposed by governmental authority for payments with respect to or on account of employees described in clause 2.2.1 and clause 2.2.2 shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
The salaries, wages and related costs of employees of Paltar and its Affiliates temporarily or permanently assigned in the Country of Operations and directly engaged in Operations shall be chargeable to the Operating Account;
The salaries, wages and related costs of employees of Paltar and its Affiliates temporarily or permanently assigned outside the Country of Operations directly engaged in Operations and not otherwise covered in clause 2.7.2 of this Accounting Procedure shall be chargeable to the Operating Account;
Costs for salaries, wages and related costs may be charged to the Operating Account on an actual basis or at a rate based upon the average cost in accordance with Paltar's usual practice.  In determining the average cost, expatriate and national employees' rates shall be calculated separately and reviewed at least annually;
Reasonable expenses (including related travel costs) of those employees whose salaries and wages are chargeable to the Operating Account under clauses 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 of this Section 2 and for which expenses the employees are reimbursed under the usual practice of Paltar shall be chargeable to the Operating Account; and
If employees are engaged in other activities in addition to the Operations, the cost of such employees shall be allocated on an equitable basis.
Employee Relocation Costs
Except as provided in clause 2.3.3 of this Accounting Procedure, Paltar's cost of employees' relocation to or from an assignment with the Operations, whether within or outside the Country of Operations and whether permanently or temporarily assigned to the Operations, shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.  If such employee works on other activities in addition to Operations, such relocation costs shall be allocated on an equitable basis.
Such relocation costs shall include transportation of employees, families, personal and household effects of the employee and family, transit expenses, and all other related costs in accordance with Paltar's usual practice.
Relocation costs to an assignment that is not with the Operations to another location shall not be chargeable to the Operating Account unless the place of the new assignment is the point of origin of the employee or unless otherwise agreed by the Operating Committee.

Offices, Camps, and Miscellaneous Facilities.
The cost of maintaining any offices, sub-offices, camps, warehouses, housing, and other facilities of Paltar and/or Affiliates directly serving the Operations. If such facilities serve operations in addition to the Operations the costs shall be allocated to the properties served on an equitable basis.
The cost, net of discounts taken by Paltar, of Material purchased or furnished by Paltar, Such costs shall include, but are not limited to, export brokers' fees, transportation charges, loading, unloading fees, export and import duties and Licence fees associated with the procurement of Material and in-transit losses, if any, not covered by insurance. So far as it is reasonably practical and consistent with efficient and economical operation, only such Material shall be purchased for, and the cost thereof charged to, the Operating Account as may be required for immediate use.
Exclusively Owned Equipment and Facilities of Paltar and Affiliates.
Charges for providing its exclusively owned equipment, facilities, and utilities of Paltar or any of its Affiliates at rates not to exceed the average commercial rates of non-affiliated third parties then prevailing for like equipment, facilities, and utilities for use in the area where the same are used hereunder.  On request, Paltar shall furnish Nation a list of rates and the basis of application. Such rates shall be revised from time to time if found to be either excessive or insufficient, but not more than once every six months.
Exclusively owned drilling tools and other equipment lost in the hole or damaged beyond repair may be charged at replacement cost less depreciation plus transportation costs to deliver like equipment to the location where used.
The charges for services provided by third parties shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
The cost of services performed by Paltar’s Affiliates’ technical and professional staffs not located within the Country of Operation and not otherwise covered under clause 2.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, shall be chargeable to the Operating Account. The individual rates shall include salaries and wages of such technical and professional personnel, lost time, governmental assessments, and employee benefits.  Costs shall also include all support costs necessary for such technical and professional personnel to perform such services, such as, but not limited to, rent, utilities, support staff, drafting, telephone and other communication expenses, computer support, supplies, depreciation, and other reasonable expenses.
Premiums paid for insurance required by law or the Agreement to be carried for the benefit of the Operations.

Damages and Losses to Property
All costs or expenditures necessary to replace or repair damages or losses incurred by fire, flood, storm, theft, accident, or any other cause shall be chargeable to the Operating Account. Paltar shall furnish Nation written notice of damages or losses incurred in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A$ 50,000.00) as soon as practical after report of the same has been received by Paltar.  All losses in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A$ 50,000.00) shall be listed separately in the monthly statement of costs and expenditures.
Credits for settlements received from insurance carried for the benefit of Operations and from others for losses or damages to Property or Materials shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
Expenditures incurred in the settlement of all losses, claims, damages, judgments, and other expenses for the account of Operations shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
Litigation, Dispute Resolution and Associated Legal Expenses
The costs and expenses of litigation, dispute resolution and associated legal services necessary for the protection of the Operations under the Agreement as follows:
Legal services, other than those provided by the internal legal staffs of the Parties or their Affiliates, necessary or expedient for the protection of the Operations, and all costs and expenses of litigation, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution procedure, including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, together with all judgments obtained against the Parties or any of them arising from the Operations.
If the Parties shall so agree, litigation, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution procedures resulting from actions or claims affecting the Operations hereunder may be handled by the legal staff of one or any of the Parties or their respective Affiliates; and a charge commensurate with the reasonable costs of providing and furnishing such services rendered may be made by the Party or the Affiliate providing such service to Paltar for the Operating Account, but no such charges shall be made until approved by the Parties.
Taxes and Duties
All taxes, duties, assessments and governmental charges, of every kind and nature, assessed or levied upon or in connection with the Operations, other than any that are measured by or based upon the revenues, income and net worth of a Party.
If Paltar or an Affiliate is subject to income or withholding tax as a result of services performed at cost for the operations under the Agreement, its charges for such services may be increased by the amount of such taxes incurred (grossed up).

Ecological and Environmental
Costs incurred on the Property as a result of statutory regulations for archaeological and geophysical surveys relative to identification and protection of cultural resources and/or other environmental or ecological surveys as may be required by any regulatory authority. Also, costs to provide or have available pollution containment and removal equipment plus costs of actual control, clean up and remediation resulting from responsibilities associated with Hydrocarbon contamination as required by all applicable laws and regulations.
Decommissioning (Abandonment) and Reclamation.
Costs incurred for decommissioning (abandonment) and reclamation of the Property, including costs required by governmental or other regulatory authority or by the Agreement.
Other Expenditures
Any other costs and expenditures incurred by Paltar for the necessary and proper conduct of the Operations and not covered in this Section 2 or in Section 3.
Section 3  
Indirect Charges
Paltar shall charge the Operating Account monthly for the cost of indirect services and. related office costs of Paltar and its Affiliates not otherwise provided in this Accounting Procedure. Indirect costs chargeable under this Section 3 represent the cost of general assistance and support services provided by Paltar and its Affiliates. These costs are such that it is not practical to identify or associate them with specific projects but are for services which provide the Operations with needed and necessary resources which Paltar requires and provide a real benefit to Operations. No cost or expenditure included under Section 2 shall be included or duplicated under this Section 3. The charges under Section 3 are not subject to audit under clauses 1.8.1 and 1.8.2 of this Accounting Procedure other than to verify that the overhead percentages are applied correctly to the expenditure basis.
The indirect charge under clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure for any month shall equal the greater of the total amount of indirect charges for the period beginning at the start of the year through the end of the period covered by Paltar's invoice (Year-to-Date) determined under clause 3.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, less indirect charges previously made under clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure for the year in question, or the amount of the minimum assessment determined under clause 3.2.3, calculated on an annualized basis (but reduced pro rata for periods of less than one year), less indirect charges previously made under clause 3.1 for the year in question.
Unless exceeded by the minimum assessment under clause 3.2.3, the aggregate Year-to-Date indirect charges shall be a percentage of the Year-to-Date expenditures, calculated on the following scale:
Annual Expenditures
$0 to A$ 3,000,000 of expenditures = 5 %
Next A$ 7,000,000  of expenditures = 4 %


Next A$11,000,000 of expenditures = 3 %
Excess above A$ 11,000,000 of expenditures = 1.5 %
A minimum amount of A $ 36,000.00 shall be assessed each year calculated from the Effective Date and shall be reduced pro rata for periods of less than a year.
Indirect Charge for Projects.
If a major infrastructure construction project is undertaken, a separate indirect charge for such project shall be approved by the Operating Committee at the time of approval of the project.
Section 4  
Acquisition of Material

Materials purchased for the Operating Account shall be charged at net cost paid by Paltar. The price of Materials purchased shall include, but shall not be limited to export broker's fees, insurance, transportation charges, loading and unloading fees, import duties, Licence fees, and demurrage (retention charges) associated with the procurement of Materials, and applicable taxes, less all discounts taken.
Materials Furnished by Paltar

Materials required for operations shall be purchased for direct charge to the Operating Account whenever practicable, except Paltar may furnish such Materials from its stock under the following conditions:
New Materials transferred from the warehouse or other properties of Paltar hall be priced at net cost determined in accordance with clause 4.1 above as if Paltar had purchased such new Material just prior to its transfer.  Such net costs shall in no event exceed the then current market price.
Material which is in sound and serviceable condition and suitable for use without repair or reconditioning shall be classed as Condition ‘B’ and priced at 75% of such new purchase net cost at the time of transfer.
Materials not meeting the requirements of clause 4.2.2 above, but which can be made suitable for use after being repaired or reconditioned, shall be classed as Condition "C" and priced at 50% of such new purchase net cost at the time of transfer.  The cost of reconditioning shall also be charged to the Operating Account provided the Condition ‘C’ price, plus cost of reconditioning, does not exceed the Condition ‘B’ price; and provided that Material so classified meet the requirements for Condition ‘B’ Material upon being repaired or reconditioned.
Material which cannot be classified as Condition ‘B’ or Condition ‘C’, shall be priced at a value commensurate with its use.
Tanks, derricks, buildings, and other items of Material involving erection costs, if transferred in knocked-down condition, shall be graded as to condition as provided in this clause 4.2 of Section 4, and priced on the basis of knocked-down price of like new Material.

Material including drill pipe, casing and tubing, which is no longer useable for its original purpose but is useable for some other purpose, shall be graded as to condition as provided in this clause 4.2 of Section 4.  Such Material shall be priced on the basis of the current price of items normally used for such other purpose if sold to third parties.
Premium Prices
Whenever Material is not readily obtainable at prices specified in clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of this clause IV because of national emergencies, strikes or other unusual causes over which Paltar has no control, Paltar may charge the Operating Account for the required Material at Paltar's actual cost incurred procuring such Material, in making it suitable for use, and moving it to Permit area, provided that notice in writing, including a detailed description of the Material required and the required delivery date, is furnished to Nation of the proposed charge at least 10 days (or such shorter period as may be specified by Paltar) before the Material is projected to be needed for operations and prior to billing Nation for such Material the cost of which exceeds fifty thousand Australian dollars (A $ 50,000.00).  Nation shall have the right, by so electing and notifying Paltar within seven (7) days (or such shorter period as may be specified by Paltar) after receiving notice from Paltar, to furnish in kind all or part of his share of such Material per the terms of the notice which is suitable for use and acceptable to Paltar both as to quality and time of delivery.  Such acceptance by Paltar shall not be unreasonably withheld.  If Material furnished is deemed unsuitable for use by Paltar, all costs incurred in disposing of such Material or returning Material to owner shall be borne by Nation furnishing the same unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.  If Nation fails to properly submit an election notification within the designated period, Paltar is not required to accept Material furnished in kind by Nation.  If Paltar fails to submit proper notification prior to billing Nation for such Material, Paltar shall only charge the Operating Account on the basis of the price allowed during a "normal" pricing period in effect at time of movement.
Warranty of Material Furnished by Paltar
Paltar does not warrant the condition or fitness for the purpose intended of the Material furnished. In case defective Material is furnished by Paltar for the Operating Account, credit shall not be passed to the Operating Account until adjustment has been received by Paltar from the manufacturers or their agents.
Section 5  
Disposal of Materials
Paltar shall be under no obligation to purchase the interest of Nation in new or used surplus Materials.  Paltar shall have the right to dispose of Materials but shall advise and secure prior agreement of the Operating Committee of any proposed disposition of Materials having an original cost to the Operating Account either individually or in the aggregate of A$ 50,000 or more.  When Operations are relieved of Material charged to the Operating Account, Paltar shall advise Nation of the original cost of such Material to the Operating Account so that the Parties may eliminate such costs from their asset records.  Credits for Material sold by Paltar shall be made to the Operating Account in the month in which payment is received for the Material.  Any Material sold or disposed of under this clause shall be on an ‘as is, where is’ basis without guarantees or warranties of any kind or nature. Costs and expenditures incurred by Paltar in the disposition of Materials shall be charged to the Operating Account.

Material Purchased by Nation or its Affiliate
Proceeds received from disposed Material purchased by Nation or its Affiliate shall be credited to the Operating Account, with new Material valued in the same manner as new Material under clause 4.2.1 of this Accounting Procedure and used Material valued in the same manner as used Material under clause 4.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, unless otherwise agreed by the Operating Committee.
Sales to Third Parties
Proceeds received from Material purchased from the Property by third parties shall be credited by Paltar to the Operating Account at the net amount collected by Paltar from the buyer. If the sales price is less than that determined in accordance with the procedure set forth in clause 5.2 of this Accounting Procedure, then approval by the Operating Committee shall be required prior to the sale.  Any claims by the buyer for defective materials or otherwise shall be charged back to the Operating Account if and when paid by Paltar.
Section 6  
Periodic Inventories - Notice and Representation
At reasonable intervals, inventories shall be taken by Paltar of all Material held in warehouse stock on which detailed accounting records are normally maintained.  The expense of conducting periodic inventories shall be charged to the Operating Account.  Paltar shall give Nation written notice at least 60 days in advance of its intention to take inventory, and Nation, at its sole cost and expense, shall each be entitled to have a representative present.  The failure of Nation to be represented at such inventory shall bind such Nation to accept the inventory taken by Paltar, who shall in that event furnish Nation with a reconciliation of overages and shortages.  Inventory adjustments to the Operating Account shall be made for overages and shortages.  Any adjustment equivalent to A$ 50,000 or more shall be brought to the attention of the Operating Committee.
Special Inventories
Whenever there is a sale or change of interest in the Agreement, a special inventory may be taken by Paltar provided the seller and/or purchaser of such interest agrees to bear all of the expense thereof. In such cases, both the seller and the purchaser shall be entitled to be represented and shall be governed by the inventory so taken.




EX-10.7 8 ex10-7.htm EP 234 EARNING AGREEMENT ex10-7.htm



EP 234 Earning Agreement

Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459)


Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046)








Defined terms
Initial Consideration
Operating Committee
Work Programs and Budgets
Production Licences
Relinquishments and renewals
Transfer of interest or rights
Withdrawal from Agreement
Relationship of Parties and Tax
Confidential Information
Force majeure
Applicable law and arbitration
General provisions



Schedule 1:  Royalties
Schedule 2:  Nation Blocks
Schedule 3:  Permit Year 3 Work Program and Budget
Annex 1:      Accounting Procedure




EP 234 Earning Agreement
Dated    30 August 2015
Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) of Level 10, 32 Martin Place, Sydney,
New South Wales 2000 (Paltar)
Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046) of RPO Box 60610, Granville Park,
Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 4B9 (Nation)
Paltar owns the Permit.
Paltar and Nation have agreed to enter into a farm-in arrangement to allow for exploration of the Nation Blocks and, if warranted, apply for a Production Licence covering one or more of the Nation Blocks after discovering a commercially exploitable accumulation of petroleum.
The Parties enter into this Agreement to evidence their binding agreement concerning the Cash Consideration and Share Consideration (each as defined below), the costs of Operations to be borne by Nation, and the Nation Interest that may be earned by Nation upon Expenditure of the Earning Amount.
Operative provisions
Defined terms
Clause 18 of this Agreement sets out and explains the defined terms, or refers to the definitions of the terms, and the rules of interpretation that apply.
Initial Consideration
Share Consideration
Nation Energy Inc., a Wyoming corporation, has agreed to issue on December 17, 2015 600,000,000 of its common shares (the Share Consideration) to Paltar, and Paltar has agreed to certain restrictions on the transfer of such shares, under the terms of the Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement, dated 30 August 2015 between Nation Energy Inc. and Paltar (the Letter Agreement), in the event that an Exchange Transaction (as defined in the Letter Agreement) has not been consummated on or before December 16, 2015.

Cash Consideration
No later than 31 December 2015, Nation shall pay by wire transfer to an account designated by Paltar the sum of $769,143.  If Nation fails timely to pay this amount to Paltar, this Agreement shall terminate and neither Party shall have any further obligation to the other.
Non-Refundable Consideration for Earning Rights
The Share Consideration (if issued) and the Cash Consideration are non-refundable consideration for the rights given to Nation hereunder.
Farm-in and Operator
Nation Interest
On Nation spending at least the Earning Amount in Expenditure on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks before the end of the Earning Period (Earning Date), Nation, on giving notice to Paltar verifying the amount of Expenditure Nation has incurred:
acquires a beneficial interest, to the extent of the Nation Interest, in the Nation Blocks; and
will have the right to be transferred the Nation Interest in the Nation Blocks, in such manner and on such terms as do not materially increase the obligations owed the Government in respect of the area then covered by the Permit; and
Joint Venture Operating Agreement
On or as soon as practicable after the Earning Date the parties shall enter into an exploration joint venture operating agreement in respect of the Nation Blocks on terms customary for such an agreement in the Australian petroleum industry and under which:
Paltar holds the Paltar Interest and Nation holds the Nation Interest in the Nation Blocks;
Paltar is the operator of the joint venture;
Nation shall contribute 100% of the actual Work Program Expenses under the joint venture operating agreement until production licences have been issued covering each Nation Block;
Nation shall not be permitted to withdraw from the joint venture operating agreement until the end of the fifth Permit Year;
the terms set out in clause 6.1 to 6.3 (inclusive) of this Agreement will be incorporated; and
the terms of the Option in favour of Nation set out clauses 5.3 to 5.7 (inclusive) will be incorporated and, in the event that the Option is exercised by Nation with respect to a Production Licence, then the Production Licence will not form part of the joint venture property under the joint venture operating agreement from the date of exercise of the Option, and

upon entry into the joint venture operating agreement, the remaining effective clauses of this Agreement will immediately terminate with respect to the Nation Blocks, subject to any and all accrued rights and liabilities of the parties.
Designation of Operator.
Paltar is hereby designated as Operator, and agrees to act as such in accordance with this Agreement.
Rights and Duties of Operator
Paltar shall have all of the rights, functions and duties of Operator under this Agreement and will have exclusive charge of and shall conduct all Operations on the Nation Blocks under the overall direction of the Operating Committee.  Paltar may employ independent contractors and agents, including Related Bodies Corporate of Paltar, in such Operations.
Paltar warrants and represents to Nation that the Permit and Paltar’s interest in the Permit is in good standing and is not subject to any breach, default or other circumstance that will or may result in the Permit being surrendered or cancelled or becoming subject to any Encumbrance. Paltar shall:
without limiting clause 5.1(c) and subject to applicable Government requirements, ensure that each Work Program and Budget consists of work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks;
not grant, create or allow the grant or creation of any Encumbrance over Paltar’s interest in the Permit without the prior written consent of Nation;
not sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of Paltar’s interest in the Permit or part with possession of the Permit without the prior written consent of Nation;
immediately notify Nation of any act, event, circumstance, correspondence, notice or other information (in any form and from whatever source) that may cause, or is relevant to, Paltar’s interest in the Permit becoming the subject of an Encumbrance or being surrendered or cancelled; and
take all steps as are necessary or appropriate to ensure that the application for, grant and transfer or issue of a Production Licence to Nation occurs as soon as practicable following a decision by Nation under clause 6.1(b).
In the conduct of Operations, Paltar shall:
perform Operations in accordance with the provisions of the Permit, the Laws, this Agreement and the decisions of the Operating Committee;
conduct all Operations in a diligent, safe and efficient manner in accordance with good and prudent oil field practices and field conservation principles generally followed by the international petroleum industry under similar circumstances;
prepare and submit to the Operating Committee the proposed Work Programs and Budgets as provided in clause 5;

acquire all permits, consents, approvals, surface or other rights that may be required for the conduct of Operations;
permit Nation’s representatives to have at all reasonable times and at their own risk and expense reasonable access to the Operations with the right to observe all such Operations;
pay to the Government within the periods and in the manner prescribed by the Laws, all periodic payments, taxes, fees and other amounts pertaining to Operations, but excluding any taxes measured by the incomes of the Parties;
carry out the obligations of Paltar pursuant to the Permit, including, but not limited to, preparing and furnishing such reports, records and information as may be required pursuant to the Petroleum Act;
have, in accordance with the decisions of the Operating Committee, the exclusive right and obligation to represent the Parties in all dealings with the Government with respect to matters arising under Operations;
act as the Parties’ representative in respect of Native Title Rights and aboriginal heritage issues, negotiate and enter into agreements with the parties to Native Title Claims, and in all other respects deal with issues of this kind as and when they arise, including the recognition of Native Title Rights and the settlement of Native Title Claims;
in case of an emergency (including a significant fire, explosion, petroleum release, or sabotage; incident involving loss of life, serious injury to an employee, contractor, or third party, or serious property damage; strikes and riots; or evacuations of Paltar personnel): (i) take all necessary and proper measures for the protection of life, health, the environment and property; and (ii) as soon as reasonably practicable, notify Nation of the details of such emergency and any measures it has taken or plans to take in response; and
do all other acts and things that are reasonably necessary or desirable to fulfil its functions or are incidental to the above powers and duties.
Paltar Personnel
Paltar shall engage or retain such employees, contractors, consultants and agents as are reasonably necessary to conduct Operations.
Subject to the Laws and this Agreement, Paltar will determine the number of employees, contractors, consultants and agents, the selection of such persons, their hours of work, and the compensation to be paid to all such persons in connection with Operations.
Information Supplied by Paltar
Paltar shall provide Nation with the following data and reports from the Operations:
copies of all logs or surveys;

daily drilling reports;
copies of all tests and core data and analysis reports;
final well report;
copies of the final geological and geophysical maps, seismic sections and shot point location maps and reports;
engineering studies, development schedules and annual progress reports on development projects;
field and well performance reports, including reservoir studies and reserve estimates; and
copies of all reports relating to Operations furnished by Paltar to a Government.
Paltar shall provide Nation such additional information as Nation may reasonably request in writing, provided that Nation must pay the costs of preparing such information and the preparation of such information must not unduly burden Paltar’s administrative and technical personnel.
Paltar shall give Nation access at all reasonable times during normal business hours to all data and reports acquired in the conduct of Operations.  Nation may make copies of such other data at its sole expense.
Settlement of Claims and Lawsuits
Paltar shall promptly notify Nation of any and all claims or suits which arise out of Operations or relate in any way to Operations.  Paltar shall represent Nation and defend or oppose the claim or suit. Paltar may in its sole discretion compromise or settle any such claim or suit or any related series of claims or suits for an amount not to exceed the equivalent of $250,000, exclusive of legal fees.  Paltar shall seek guidance from the Operating Committee on amounts in excess of the above-stated amount.  Nation shall have the right to be represented by its own counsel at its own expense in the settlement, compromise or defence of such claims or suits.
Nation shall promptly notify Paltar of any claim made against Nation by a third party which arises out of or may affect the Operations.
Limitation on Liability of Paltar
Except as set out in clause 3.8(c), neither Paltar nor any other Indemnitee (as defined below) shall bear any damage, loss, cost, expense or liability resulting from performing (or failing to perform) the duties and functions of Operator, and the Indemnitees are hereby released from liability to Nation for any and all damages, losses, costs, expenses and liabilities arising out of, incidental to or resulting from such performance or failure to perform, even though caused in whole or in part by a pre-existing defect, the negligence (whether sole, joint or concurrent), strict liability or other legal fault of Paltar (or any such Indemnitee).

Except as set out in clause 3.8(c), Nation shall defend and indemnify Paltar and its Related Bodies Corporate, and their respective employees, officers and directors (collectively, the Indemnitees), from any and all damages, losses, costs, expenses (including reasonable legal costs, expenses and attorneys' fees) and liabilities incidental to claims, demands or causes of action brought by or on behalf of any person or entity, which claims, demands or causes of action arise out of, are incidental to or result from Operations, even though caused in whole or in part by a pre-existing defect, the negligence (whether sole, joint or concurrent), strict liability or other legal fault of Paltar (or any such Indemnitee).
Notwithstanding clauses 3.8(a) and 3.8(b), if any Senior Supervisory Personnel of Paltar or its Related Bodies Corporate engage in Wilful Misconduct which proximately causes Nation to incur damages, loss, cost, expense or liability for claims, demands or causes of action referred to in clauses 3.8(a) or 3.8(b), then Paltar shall bear such damages, loss, cost, expense and liability.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, under no circumstances shall Paltar or any other Indemnitee ever be liable for any Consequential Loss.
In the event that there is a change of Operator then, from the date a new Operator is appointed, the new Operator shall have the benefit of each of clause 3.8(a) – (d) as if the new Operator were named in those clauses in place of Paltar.
Insurance Obtained by Paltar
Paltar shall maintain for such limits as it may reasonably believe prudent any and all insurance it believes appropriate under the circumstances, including:
All insurance required by the Laws;
Third party liability insurance covering liability to third parties which may arise in connection with the Operations;
Cost of well control/redrilling and recompletion expenses/seepage and contamination and pollution liability insurance covering expenses incurred in regaining control of wells including materials and services necessary to bring the wells under control and costs expended to reinstate the well to the depth and condition which existed prior to an insured occurrence; and
Workers compensation insurance.
Paltar shall, in respect of such insurance:
use reasonable endeavours to procure or cause to be procured such insurance prior to or concurrent with the commencement of relevant operations and maintain or cause to be maintained such insurance during the term of the relevant operations or any longer term required under the Permit or the Laws;

promptly inform Nation when insurance is taken out and at Nation’s request supply it with certificates of insurance or copies of the relevant policies when they are issued; and
duly file all claims and take all necessary and proper steps to collect any proceeds.
Paltar shall use its reasonable endeavours to require all contractors (including sub-contractors) performing work with respect to the Operations to:
obtain and maintain all insurance required under the Laws or any decision of the Operating Committee; and
provide Paltar with certificates reflecting such insurance prior to the commencement of their services.
Subject to clause 3.12, Paltar may resign as Operator at any time by so notifying Nation at least 120 days before the effective date of such resignation.
Paltar shall resign immediately if it dissolves, liquidates, is wound up, or otherwise terminates its existence.
Subject to clause 3.12, Paltar shall be removed upon receipt of notice from any Party if:
Paltar becomes insolvent, bankrupt or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or
a receiver or receiver and manager is appointed for a majority (by value) of Paltar's assets.
Subject to clause 3.12, Paltar may be removed by written notice from Nation if Paltar has committed a material breach of this Agreement and has either failed to commence to cure that breach within 30 days after receipt of a Notice from Nation detailing the alleged breach or failed to diligently pursue the cure to completion.
Appointment of Successor
When a change of Operator occurs pursuant to clause 3.10 or clause 3.11:
the Operating Committee shall meet as soon as possible to elect a successor Operator; provided, however, that if Paltar has been removed or is deemed to have resigned and either fails to vote or votes only to succeed itself, then the successor Operator shall be elected by the affirmative vote of Nation alone.
if Paltar disputes the commission of or failure to rectify a material breach alleged pursuant to clause 3.11(c) and proceedings are initiated pursuant to clause 15.2, Paltar shall continue as Operator and no successor Operator may be appointed pending the conclusion or abandonment of such proceedings;
Paltar, if it resigns or is removed as Operator, shall be compensated out of the Operating Account for its reasonable expenses related to its resignation or removal;

Paltar, if it resigns or is removed as Operator, and the successor Operator shall arrange for the taking of an inventory of all Property and an audit of the books and records relating to Operations, the cost of which shall be charged to the Operating Account;
the resignation or removal of Paltar as Operator and its replacement by the successor Operator shall not become effective prior to receipt of any necessary Government approvals; and
upon the effective date of the resignation or removal, the successor Operator shall succeed to all duties, rights and authority prescribed for Operator.  Paltar shall transfer to the successor Operator custody of all Property, books of account, records and other documents maintained by Operator pertaining to the Nation Blocks and to Operations.  Upon delivery of the above-described property and data, Paltar shall be released and discharged from all obligations and liabilities as Operator accruing after such date, except to the extent such liabilities relate to facts, matters or circumstances which occurred prior to such date.
Commingling of Funds
Paltar may commingle with its own funds the monies which it receives from or for the Operating Account pursuant to this Agreement.
Operator may delegate all or part of its rights or responsibilities as Operator under this agreement to a Related Body Corporate.  Any such delegation shall not relieve Operator of its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement.
Operating Committee
Establishment of Operating Committee
An Operating Committee composed of representatives of each Party shall provide overall supervision and guidance to Paltar concerning the direction of Operations.  Each Party shall appoint one representative and two alternates to serve on the Operating Committee.  Each Party shall as soon as possible after the date of this Agreement give notice in writing to the other Party of the name and address of its representative, its first alternate and its second alternate serving on the Operating Committee.  Each Party shall have the right to change its representative and alternate representatives at any time by giving Notice to such effect to the other Party.
Authority to Vote
The representative of a Party, or in his absence the alternate representative, shall be authorised to represent such Party with respect to any matter which is within the power of the Operating Committee and is properly brought before the Operating Committee. Each such representative shall have one vote on matters coming before the Operating Committee.  Alternate representatives may attend Operating Committee meetings, but shall have no vote at such meetings except in the absence of the representative for whom they are the alternate.  In addition to the representative and alternate representatives, each Party may also bring to any Operating Committee meetings such technical and other advisers as it may deem appropriate.  The technical and other advisers shall be given the opportunity to present data and voice opinions on behalf of a Party, but may not vote.

The Operating Committee may establish such advisory subcommittees, including technical and commercial subcommittees, as the Operating Committee may deem appropriate.
Notice of Meeting
Either Party may call a meeting of the Operating Committee by giving Notice to the other Party at least 15 days in advance of such meeting.
Notice periods above may be waived with unanimous consent of all Parties.
The day the Notice was delivered and the date the meeting is to be held shall not be included in calculating the Notice period.
Notwithstanding the above, Nation agrees that if there is an operational issue involving an urgent operational matter, then Nation shall be deemed to have waived the above notice period so that the Operating Committee may make a decision within 48 hours, as contemplated by clause 4.11(a)(i).
Contents of Meeting Notice
Each Notice of a meeting of the Operating Committee shall contain:
the date, time and location of the meeting;
an agenda of the matters and proposals to be considered and/or voted upon; and
copies of all proposals to be considered at the meeting.
A Party receiving Notice may, by Notice to the other Party given not less than seven days before a meeting, may add additional matters to the meeting agenda.
With the unanimous consent of all Parties, the Operating Committee may consider at a meeting a proposal not contained in such meeting agenda.
Location of Meetings
All meetings of the Operating Committee shall be held in Sydney, New South Wales, or elsewhere as may be decided unanimously by the Operating Committee.
Operator's Duties for Meetings
With respect to meetings of the Operating Committee and any subcommittee, Paltar's duties shall include, but not be limited to:
conduct of the meeting; and
preparation of a written record or minutes of each meeting.

Paltar shall have the right to appoint the chairman of the Operating Committee and all subcommittees.
Voting Procedure
Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement in respect of certain specific matters, all decisions, approvals and other actions of the Operating Committee on all proposals coming before it shall be decided by Paltar alone.
Record of Votes
The chairman of the Operating Committee shall appoint a secretary who shall make a record of each proposal voted on and the results of such voting at each Operating Committee meeting.  Each representative shall sign and be provided a copy of such record at the end of such meeting and it shall be considered the final record of the decisions of the Operating Committee.
The secretary shall provide each Party with a copy of the minutes of the Operating Committee meeting within 21 days after the end of the meeting.  Each Party shall have 14 days after receipt of such minutes to give notice of its objections to the minutes to the secretary. A failure to give notice specifying objection to such minutes within said 14 day period shall be deemed to be approval of such minutes. In any event, the votes recorded under clause 4.9 shall take precedence over the minutes described above.
Voting by Notice
In lieu of a meeting, any Party may submit any proposal to the Operating Committee for a vote by Notice.  The proposing Party shall notify Operator who shall give each representative notice describing the proposal so submitted and whether Paltar considers such operational matter an urgent operational matter.  Each Party shall communicate its vote by Notice to Paltar and any other Party within one of the following appropriate time periods after receipt of Operator's notice:
48 hours in the case of urgent operational matters;
14 days in the case of all other proposals.
Except in the case of clause 4.11(a)(i), Nation may by Notice delivered to Paltar within five days after receipt of Paltar's notice request that the proposal be decided at a meeting rather than by notice. In such an event, that proposal shall be decided at a meeting duly called for that purpose.
Except as provided in clause 10.1(a), a Party failing to communicate its vote in a timely manner shall be deemed to have voted against such proposal.
If a meeting is not requested, then at the expiration of the appropriate time period, Paltar shall give Nation a confirmation notice stating the tabulation and results of the vote.

Work Programs and Budgets; Post Farm-in Arrangements
Agreed Permit Work Programs and Budgets
The Work Program and Budget detailing the Operations to be performed in respect of the Permit for the remainder of the third Permit Year is attached as Schedule 3.
On or before the first day of June of each year beginning 2016 and continuing each year thereafter, Operator shall deliver to Nation a proposed Work Program and Budget detailing the Operations to be performed in respect of the Permit for the following Permit Year.  Within 30 days of such delivery, the Operating Committee shall meet to consider and endeavour to agree a Work Program and Budget.
The Work Program and Budget for the fourth and subsequent Permit Years will be adopted by the unanimous vote of both Paltar and Nation; provided, however, that if the Parties fail unanimously to agree, the proposed Work Program and Budget reasonably estimated to cost the least will conclusively be deemed adopted, so long as such proposed Work Program and Budget (i) consists solely of work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks and (ii) will satisfy all of the Minimum Work Obligations of that Permit Year.  For the avoidance of doubt, geological and geophysical operations conducted both on the Nation Blocks and on adjoining lands shall be considered work performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks where the operator believes such work prudent to gain a fuller understanding of the geology of the Nation Blocks.
Any approved Work Program and Budget may be revised by the Operating Committee from time to time.  To the extent such revisions are approved by the Operating Committee, the Work Program and Budget will be amended accordingly.
Paltar may, if it wishes in its sole discretion, conduct operations in any year on or for the benefit of Blocks in the Permit which are not Nation Blocks.  Such operations will be conducted at the sole risk and expense of Paltar and will not be subject to this Agreement.
Funding of Work Program Expenses
Nation agrees to contribute 100% of the actual Work Program Expenses.
Nation must pay all Work Program Expenses as follows:
As soon as practicable after Nation has such funds conveniently available,  Nation will deliver to Paltar the full amount of the estimated Work Program and Budget costs for the remainder of the third Permit Year, as shown in Schedule 3;
Estimated Work Program Expenses for subsequent years will be delivered to Paltar on or before the date which is the 150th day anniversary following the date on which the applicable Permit was granted; and
Amounts in addition to the estimated amounts set forth in approved Work Programs and Budgets, whether incurred as a result of cost overruns, unforeseen events, or otherwise, will be delivered by Nation to Paltar in accordance with the cash call procedures set forth in clause 1.6 of the Accounting Procedure.

Grant of Option
If, after the Earning Date, Nation acquires an undivided twenty-five percent (25%) interest in a Production Licence granted with respect to any area under a Nation Block pursuant to clause 6.2(a) (the Acquisition Date), Paltar shall grant to Nation, in exchange for $100 and other good and valuable consideration, the sole and exclusive option (Option) to purchase at any time during the period commencing on the Acquisition Date and ending ninety (90) days later (the Option Period) the Paltar Interest free from Encumbrances subject to compliance with clauses 5.4 through 5.6.
Exercise of Option
The Option may be exercised by Nation at any time during the Option Period by giving notice in writing to Paltar specifying that the Option has been exercised.
As soon as practicable after the exercise of the Option in accordance with clause 5.4, Paltar will deliver to Nation registrable transfer forms of Paltar’s entire interest in the Production Licence, insofar as it covers the Nation Block, except for the payment of stamp duty and registration fees.  Nation will lodge the transfer forms, together with a notice appointing Nation or its designee as Operator of the Production Licence, with the Government for approval and registration, as required under the Petroleum Act, and promptly thereafter Nation must deliver to Paltar the duly executed transfer forms and pay the stamp duty and registration fees in the amounts determined by the Government.
Paltar’s entire interest in the Production Licence shall be transferred to Nation free from any Encumbrance except as set out in clause 5.5(c).
Upon the effective transfer of Paltar’s entire interest in the Production Licence, Nation shall assume all the obligations (and be assigned all the benefits) of:
the Exploration Agreements that relate to the Nation Block (or portion thereof) covered by the Production Licence; and
the royalty burdens in relation to such Nation Block (or portion thereof) as set forth in Schedule 1 and as provided in clause 5.6(a),
and Paltar shall execute all such agreements (including any deeds of assignment and assumption) as reasonably required by Nation and the counterparties to the above agreements to perfect the assumption of such obligations and the assignment of any benefits and the release of Paltar.
Upon the transfer of a Production Licence pursuant to this clause 5.5, this Agreement will cease to apply to the Nation Block (or portion thereof) covered by that Production Licence.
In consideration for the transfer of the Paltar Interest to Nation, upon exercise of the Option, Paltar shall be entitled to an overriding royalty with respect to all petroleum produced from the portion of the relevant Nation Block covered by the Production Licence with such royalty being equal to the difference between 25% and the sum of the existing royalty burdens shown in Schedule 1 applicable to such portion of the relevant Nation Block such that the revenue interest of Nation in such production of petroleum, after giving effect to all of the royalty burdens described in Schedule 1, will be exactly 75%, and with the understanding that if a royalty burden set forth in Schedule 1 later increases in accordance with its terms, the additional overriding royalty in favor of Paltar will be correspondingly decreased, so that Nation’s revenue interest will remain constant at 75%.

Paltar and Nation will, as soon as practicable after the exercise of the Option, enter into an overriding royalty agreement under which Paltar holds the overriding royalty described in this clause and which more fulsomely sets out the terms of the royalty based on terms standard for such an agreement in the Australian petroleum industry.
Lapse of Option
In the event that the Option is not exercised within the Option Period then the Option will lapse and the parties shall use their best endeavours to enter a production joint venture operating agreement in respect of such Production Licence under which:
Paltar holds the Paltar Interest and Nation holds the Nation Interest in the Production Licence, insofar as it covers the Nation Block; and
Nation is the operator of the joint venture; and
which is otherwise on terms standard for the Australian petroleum industry (including provisions for dilution of interests).
Production Licences
Decision to Apply
If a Discovery is made on a Nation Block, Paltar shall deliver any notice of Discovery required under the Petroleum Act and shall as soon as possible submit to the Operating Committee a report containing available details concerning the Discovery and Operator’s recommendation as to whether a Production Licence should be sought.
The Operating Committee decision whether to apply to the Government for a Production Licence covering such Nation Block shall be decided by Nation alone.
Production Licence Granted
Paltar acknowledges and agrees that, following the Earning Date, if a Production Licence is applied for and issued in respect of any area under the Nation Blocks in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, (i) Paltar’s interest in such Production Licence will be equal to seventy-five percent (75%), insofar as it covers the Nation Block, subject to the Option granted hereunder pursuant to clause 5.3, and (ii) Nation’s interest in such Production Licence, insofar as it covers the Nation Block, will be equal to twenty-five percent (25%).
Upon the issue of a Production Licence for a Nation Block (or portion thereof), Paltar will be deemed to have resigned as Operator with respect to such Nation Block (or portion thereof).
Upon the issue of a Production Licence to Nation pursuant to this clause 6.2, each clause of this Agreement other than clauses 5.3 through 5.7 will cease to apply to the Nation Block (or portion thereof) covered by that Production Licence.
Production Licence Not Granted
If the Operating Committee decides not to apply for a Production Licence or, having applied for a Production Licence, the application is denied, the Operating Committee shall meet to determine whether the Discovery merits appraisal.

If the Operating Committee determines that the Discovery merits appraisal, Paltar shall deliver to the Operating Committee within 60 days after the determination a proposed Work Program and Budget for appraisal of the Discovery.  Within thirty 30 days after delivery, or earlier if necessary to meet any applicable deadline under the Petroleum Act, the Operating Committee shall meet to consider or modify such Work Program and Budget, with Nation having the sole power to approve, reject or modify the proposal.
Default and Notice
Nation will be in default under this Agreement if, prior to the Earning Date, it fails to contribute any portion of the Work Program Expenses when due under clause 5.2(b).  Paltar shall promptly provide Nation written notice of such default.
Immediate Consequences
From the date the default notice is given by Paltar until the time all defaults under clause 7.1 have been remedied, Nation shall have no right to:
call or attend Operating Committee or subcommittee meetings;
vote on any matter coming before the Operating Committee or any subcommittee; or
access any data or information relating to any operations under this Agreement.
Any matter which is to be decided by Nation alone under this Agreement shall instead be decided by Paltar.
If the Nation default relates to a failure to contribute a portion of the Work Program Expenses for the third, fourth or fifth Permit Years, and if Nation fails to remedy such default within 30 days following Paltar’s notice, then Nation, upon the written request of Paltar, shall surrender its entire interest in this Agreement to Paltar, free of all Encumbrances arising by, through or under Nation, and shall execute a written surrender instrument in such form as reasonably may be requested by Paltar.  As a result of such surrender, Nation shall have no right ever to receive any interest whatsoever in the Permit or Nation Blocks and no right ever to recover any amounts it previously expended or contributed, whether under this Agreement, in quantum meruit, or under any other legal or equitable principle.

If the Nation default relates to a failure to contribute a portion of the Work Program Expenses for the sixth or subsequent Permit Years, and if Nation fails to remedy such default within 30 days following Paltar’s notice, then Paltar may, but is not obligated to, purchase Nation’s entire interest under this Agreement for 90% of the fair market value of such interest, less the amount in default. If Paltar wishes to undertake this purchase, it will notify Nation of its desire and of the fair market value, and Nation shall have seven days after receipt of this notice either (i) to notify Paltar that it accepts Paltar’s statement of the fair market value, or that it requires an independent determination of the fair market value.  If it does not notify Paltar, it will be deemed to have accepted Paltar’s statement of the fair market value. In either event, Nation will conclusively be deemed to have sold its rights under this Agreement to Paltar effective as of the date Paltar sends notice of its desire to purchase the interest and of the fair market value.
If Nation timely requests independent determination of the fair market value, the Chairman of the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association Limited shall be asked by either Party to appoint an expert to make the determination. The expert so appointed shall have exclusive power to establish the venue and timing of, and the procedural rules governing, the determination of fair market value.  Each Party shall bear its own costs and attorney’s fees in connection with the determination, although all fees, costs and expenses of the expert shall be borne solely by Nation.
No Right of Set Off
Nation acknowledges that a fundamental principle of this Agreement is that it pay the Work Program Expenses under this Agreement as and when required. Accordingly, Nation waives any right to raise by way of set off or to invoke as a defence any claim it may have against Paltar, whether under this Agreement or otherwise, so as to reduce or avoid its obligation timely to contribute required Work Program Expenses.
Without Prejudice
Paltar may exercise its rights, remedies or powers under this clause 7 or otherwise at law or in equity, concurrently, individually or cumulatively.
No penalty
The remedies in this clause 7 have been selected by the Parties in light of the fact that no interest in a Nation Block may be assigned to Nation unless there is a Discovery on that block and the Government issues a Production Licence for that block, events which can occur, if at all, only if Work Programs and Budgets are timely funded. Nation agrees that the remedies conferred by this clause 7 do not constitute a penalty or an unreasonable forfeiture and are necessary to ensure the maintenance of the Permit in good standing. Nation acknowledges that it is essential to the viability of the Permit that Nation comply with its financial obligations in a timely manner, and that assumption by Paltar of the obligations of Nation under this Agreement is good and valuable consideration for the exercise by Paltar of its rights to acquire Nation’s interest in this Agreement under this clause 7.

Relinquishments and renewals
If the Petroleum Act or the Permit requires Paltar to relinquish any portion of the Permit Area, Paltar will use its best endeavors to ensure that the Nation Blocks will not be relinquished, although it may not be successful.  If a Nation Block is relinquished, Paltar will cause another Block to be substituted for the relinquished Nation Block.  The other Block selected for this substitution will be the nearest Block to the relinquished Nation Block as to which neither Nation nor any third party then has any earning rights.
Extension of the Term
Decisions to renew the Permit will be made by the Operating Committee, although the Operating Committee decision whether to renew shall be decided by Nation alone. If the Operating Committee decides to renew, Nation will be bound by the renewal work program and all other consequences of the renewal; if the Operating Committee decides not to renew, Paltar may renew the Permit for its own account, and this Agreement will automatically terminate upon such renewal.
Surrender of Permit or Licence
If Paltar wishes voluntarily to surrender the entire Permit, such surrender shall require the specific agreement of Nation.
Transfer of interest or rights
If a Transfer subject to this clause 9 occurs without satisfaction (in all material respects) by the transferor of the requirements hereof, then the other Party shall be entitled to enforce specific performance of the terms of this clause 9, in addition to any other remedies (including damages) to which it may be entitled.  Each Party agrees that monetary damages alone would not be an adequate remedy for the breach of any Party's obligations under this clause 9.
Except in the case of a Party transferring all of its interest under this Agreement, no Transfer shall be made by any Party which results in the transferor or the transferee holding an interest under this Agreement of less than ten percent (10%) of its original interest under this Agreement.
Both the transferee, and, notwithstanding the Transfer, the transferring Party, shall be liable to the other Parties for the transferring Party’s share of any obligations (financial or otherwise) which have vested, matured or accrued under the provisions of this Agreement prior to such Transfer, including any obligation to contribute Work Program Expenses.

A transferee shall have no rights under this Agreement unless and until:
it expressly undertakes in an instrument reasonably satisfactory to the other Party to perform the obligations of the transferor under this Agreement in respect of the interest being transferred; and
except in the case of a Transfer to a Related Body Corporate, the other Party has consented in writing to such Transfer, which consent shall be denied only if the transferee fails to establish to the reasonable satisfaction of the other Party its financial capability to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
No consent shall be required under clause 9.2(c)(ii) for a Transfer to a Related Body Corporate if the transferring Party agrees in an instrument reasonably satisfactory to the other to remain liable for performance by the Related Body Corporate of its obligations.
Nothing contained in this clause 9 shall prevent a Party from Encumbering its interest under this Agreement to a third party for the purpose of security relating to finance, provided that:
the Party shall remain liable for all obligations relating to such interest;
the Encumbrance shall be expressly subordinated to the rights of the other Party to this Agreement; and
the Party shall ensure that any Encumbrance is expressly without prejudice to the provisions of this Agreement.
Withdrawal from Agreement
Right of Withdrawal
Subject to the provisions of this clause 10, Nation may withdraw from this Agreement at any time after the fifth permit year and prior to the Earning Date by providing written notice to Paltar at least 90 days prior to the effective date of the withdrawal.  Such Notice shall be unconditional and irrevocable when given and, on the effective date of the withdrawal, this Agreement shall terminate.
Nation may not withdraw from this Agreement if its interest in the Agreement is subject to any Encumbrance, unless Paltar is willing to accept the assignment reflecting the withdrawal subject to any such Encumbrance and any necessary consents are obtained from the holder of any such Encumbrance.
Obligations and Liabilities of Nation upon Withdrawal
Nation shall, following its notification of withdrawal, remain liable only for its share of the following:
all Work Program Expenses coming due before the effective date of the withdrawal;

all costs and expenses associated with a fire, blow out, loss of well control, act of sabotage or vandalism, or other emergency occurring prior to the effective date of the withdrawal, without regard to when such costs are actually incurred; and
all other obligations and liabilities of Nation with respect to acts or omissions under this Agreement prior to the effective date of the withdrawal for which Nation would have been liable, had it not withdrawn from this Agreement.
Relationship of Parties and Tax
Relationship of Parties
The rights, duties, obligations and liabilities of the Parties under this Agreement shall be several, not joint or joint and several.  It is not the intention of the Parties to create, nor shall this Agreement be deemed or construed to create a mining or other partnership or association or (except as explicitly provided in this Agreement) a trust.  This Agreement shall not be deemed or construed to authorise any Party to act as an agent, servant or employee for any other Party for any purpose whatsoever except as explicitly set forth in this Agreement. In their relations with each other under this Agreement, the Parties shall not be considered fiduciaries except as expressly provided in this Agreement.
Each Party shall be responsible for reporting and discharging its own royalty and tax measured by the profit or income of the Party under this Agreement.  Each Party shall protect, defend and indemnify each other Party from any and all loss, cost or liability arising from the indemnifying Party's failure to report and discharge such royalties and taxes.  The Parties intend that all income and all tax benefits (including, but not limited to, deductions, depreciation, credits and capitalisation) with respect to the expenditures made by the Parties hereunder will be allocated by the relevant tax authorities to the Parties based on the share of each tax item actually received or borne by each Party.  If such allocation is not accomplished due to the application of the laws and regulations of the Government or other Government action, the Parties shall attempt to adopt mutually agreeable arrangements that will allow the Parties to achieve the financial results intended.  Paltar shall provide each Party, in a timely manner and at such Party's sole expense, with such information with respect to Operations as such Party may reasonably request for preparation of its tax returns or responding to any audit or other tax proceeding.

United States Tax Election
For United Stated Federal Income Tax Purposes, each U.S. Party hereby elects to be excluded from the application of all the provisions of Subchapter K, Chapter 1, Subtitle A, of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as permitted by Section 761 of said Code and the Regulations promulgated thereunder.
Should there be any requirement that each U.S. Party evidence this election, each Party agrees to execute such documents and furnish such other evidence as may be required by the United States Internal Revenue Service or may otherwise be necessary. Each Party further agrees not to give any notices or take any other action inconsistent with the election made hereby.
If any further income tax law of the United States contains provisions similar to those contained in said Subchapter K, under which an election similar to that provided by Section 761 is permitted, each U.S. Party agrees to make such elections as may be permitted by such laws. In making this election, each U.S. Party affirms that the income derived by it from the operations under this Agreement can be adequately determined without the computation of partnership taxable income.
Unless approved by every U.S. Party, no activity shall be conducted under this Agreement that would cause any Non-U.S. Party to be deemed to be engaged in a trade or business within the United States under United States income tax laws or regulations.
Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to require any Party to do or execute any document that might subject it or its income or property to United States taxation or to render liable to United States taxation any Party which prior to entering into this Agreement was not subject to United States taxation.
For the purposes of this clause 11.3, “U.S. Party” shall mean any Party that is subject to the income tax law of the United States in respect with operations under this Agreement.  “Non-U.S. Party” shall mean any Party that is not subject to such income tax law.
Goods and Services Tax
Unless otherwise stated, all consideration specified in this Agreement does not include goods and services tax (GST) under the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cwlth) (GST Act).
If and to the extent that a supply under this Agreement is subject to GST, the recipient must pay to the supplier an additional amount equal to the amount of GST payable on that supply (GST Amount).
The GST Amount is payable at the same time as the GST exclusive consideration for the supply is payable or to be provided.  However, the GST Amount need not be paid until the supplier provides a Tax Invoice to the recipient.
If the GST Amount differs from the amount of GST payable by the supplier, the GST Amount must be adjusted.
If a party is entitled to be reimbursed or indemnified under this agreement, the amount to be reimbursed or indemnified must be reduced by any amount for which the Participant is entitled to an Input Tax Credit (as defined in the GST Act) for the acquisition to which that reimbursement of indemnification relates.
Confidential Information
Disclosure of Confidential Information
Nation may not disclose Confidential Information to any person except:
with the written consent of Paltar;
if Nation is required to do so by law, a Government or a stock exchange;

if Nation is required to do so in connection with legal proceedings relating to this Agreement;
to a transferee or potential transferee (or its advisers) of the whole or any part of Nation’s interest under this Agreement who gives an appropriate confidentiality undertaking to Nation for the benefit of Paltar; or
in connection with, or in contemplation of, a listing on a stock exchange.
Disclosure by recipient of Confidential Information
If Nation discloses Confidential Information under clause 12.1, it must use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that persons receiving Confidential Information do not disclose the information except in the circumstances permitted in that clause.
Use of Confidential Information
Nation may not use Confidential Information except for the purpose of exercising its rights or performing its obligations under this Agreement.
Prior notification of disclosure to stock exchange
If Nation is required or wishes to disclose Confidential Information in accordance with clause 12.1(ii) or clause 12.1(iii), it must notify Paltar of the proposed disclosure as far in advance as practicable.
Return of Confidential Information
Nation must, upon the request of Paltar, immediately deliver to Paltar all documents or other materials containing or referring to the Confidential Information which are in its possession, power or control or in the possession, power or control of persons who received Confidential Information from it under clause 12.1(i) or 12.1(iv).
Retention of Confidential Information
Despite clause 12.5, Nation may retain one single copy only of the documents or other materials referred to in that clause provided that the Party continues to comply with all other obligations set out in this clause 12 in respect of any retained copies.
Obligations Continue
The rights and obligations of a Party under this clause 12 with respect to confidentiality will continue to apply to that Party even after this Agreement terminates.
Force majeure
Force Majeure
If, as a result of an event of Force Majeure, a Party becomes unable, wholly or in part, to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement:

that Party shall give the other Party notice of the event of Force Majeure with reasonably full particulars and, insofar as is known to it, the probable extent to which it will be unable to perform or be delayed in performing its obligations;
on giving the notice of the event of Force Majeure, that obligation, other than an obligation to pay money, is suspended but only so far as and for so long as it is affected by the Force Majeure; and
the Party affected by the event of Force Majeure must continue to maintain, or ensure that Paltar maintains, the Permit in good condition.
Labour disputes and Native Title matters
The obligation to use reasonable diligence to overcome or remove the effect of event of Force Majeure does not require the affected Party to:
settle any strike, or other labour dispute on terms contrary to its wishes;
contest the validity or enforceability of any Laws; or
settle any Native Title Claim or enter into any agreement with respect to Native Title Rights,
on terms not reasonably acceptable to it solely for the purpose of removing the event of Force Majeure.
The obligation of the affected Party to perform its obligations resumes as soon as it is no longer affected by the Force Majeure event.
Form of Notice
Unless expressly stated otherwise in this Agreement, any notice, certificate, consent, approval, waiver or other communication in connection with this Agreement (Notice) must be in writing or given by electronic transmission, signed by an authorised officer of the sender and marked for the attention of the person identified in clause 14.3 or, if the recipient has notified otherwise, then marked for attention in the last way notified.
When Notices are taken to have been given and received
A Notice is regarded as given and received:
if delivered by hand, when delivered;
if sent by pre-paid post from an address in Australia to an address in Australia, three days after posting;

if sent by pre-paid post from or to an address outside Australia, ten days after posting;
if given by fax, when the sender’s fax machine issues a successful transmission report;
if given by email, on the earlier of:
the time the sender receives an automated message that the email was delivered; and
six hours after being delivered unless:
the sender receives an automated message that the email was undeliverable or that the recipient is out of the office; or
the sender knows or reasonably should know that there is a network failure and accordingly knows or suspects that the email was not delivered,
in which case the email is taken not to be delivered and the sender should resend the notice by hand, post or fax.
Address details for Notices
   Paltar Petroleum Limited
   Level 10, 32 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000
   Attention:  Marc Bruner / Darrel Causbrook
   Telephone: +61 2 8222 6100
   Facsimile: +61 2 9222 1880
   e-mail:  darrel.causbrook@causbrooks.com.au
   Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd
   1500 West 16th Avenue, Suite F
   Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6J 2L6
   Attention: John R. Hislop
   Telephone: +1 604 331 3375
   Facsimile: +1 604 688 4712
   e-mail:  jhislop@14u.org
Applicable law and arbitration
Applicable Law
This Agreement shall be governed by, construed, interpreted and applied in accordance with the laws of the Northern Territory, excluding any choice of law rules which would refer the matter to the laws of another jurisdiction.

Any and all claims, demands, causes of action, disputes, controversies and other matters in question arising out of, in connection with, or relating to this Agreement, including any question regarding its breach, existence, validity or termination, must be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with, and subject to, the International Chamber of Commerce Rules of Arbitration.
The appointing and administering body will be The Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia.  The arbitrators must have at least ten years’ experience as to the subject of the dispute.
There shall be three arbitrators, the language of arbitration shall be English and the place of arbitration shall be a mutually-agreed place in Australia.
Each Party will each appoint one arbitrator within 30 days of the filing of the request for arbitration and the two arbitrators so appointed will select the presiding arbitrator within 30 days of the appointment of the first two arbitrators.
The resulting arbitral award will be final and binding upon the Parties, and judgment upon such an award may be entered and enforced by either Party in any court with sufficient jurisdiction.

Term and Condition Precedent
Subject to clause 16(b), this Agreement shall be effective upon execution by all Parties and shall continue, unless sooner terminated by the express provisions of this Agreement, until all of the Nation Blocks are covered by Production Licences or until Nation withdraws from the Agreement under clause 10.
Any provision of this Agreement that would (but for this clause) effect an acquisition of an interest in Australian urban land (within the meaning of the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth) (FATA)) is subject to and conditional upon the person making the acquisition not having received any order or notice under the FATA prohibiting the person from making the acquisition or making the acquisition subject to conditions which are unacceptable to the person.
Nation may apply to the relevant Minister after December 31, 2015 pursuant to section 96(3) of the Petroleum Act for approval of this agreement for the purposes of having an entry made in the register in accordance with section 96(7) of the Petroleum Act.  Paltar shall take such steps as necessary or reasonably requested by Nation in order to achieve the approval and entry in the register in accordance with this clause.

General provisions
Warranties as to no Payments, Gifts and Loans
Each of the Parties warrants that neither it nor its affiliates has made or will make, with respect to the matters provided for hereunder, any offer, payment, promise to pay or authorisation of the payment of any money, or any offer, gift, promise to give or authorisation of the giving of anything of value, directly or indirectly, to or for the use or benefit of any official or employee of the Government or to or for the use or benefit of any political party, official, or candidate unless such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation is authorised by the Laws, or the payment of any bribe to any person or entity.  Each of the Parties further warrants that neither it nor its Related Bodies Corporate has made or will make any such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation to or for the use or benefit of any other person if the Party knows, has a firm belief, or is aware that there is a high probability that the other person would use such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation for any of the purposes described in the preceding sentence.  Each Party shall respond promptly, and in reasonable detail, to any notice from any other Party or its auditors pertaining to the above stated warranty and representation and shall furnish documentary support for such response upon request from such other Party.
Conflicts of Interest
Each Party undertakes that it shall avoid any conflict of interest between its own interests (including the interests of Related Bodies Corporate) and the interest of the other Parties in dealing with suppliers, customers and all other organisations or individuals doing or seeking to do business with the Parties in connection with activities contemplated under this Agreement.
The provisions of 17.2(a) shall not apply to Paltar's acquisition of products or services from a Related Body Corporate, or the sale thereof to a Related Body Corporate, made in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
Unless otherwise agreed, the Parties and their Related Bodies Corporate are free to engage or invest (directly or indirectly) in an unlimited number of activities or businesses, any one or more of which may be related to or in competition with the business activities contemplated under this Agreement, without having or incurring any obligation to offer any interest in such business activities to any Party.
Without limiting the generality of clause 17.2(c), Nation specifically acknowledges that Paltar will own interests in the Blocks covered by the Permit that are not Nation Blocks; that work performed on the Nation Blocks may benefit the other Blocks covered by the Permit; that Paltar may enter into sales, farmouts and other agreements of every type and nature relating to Blocks covered by the Permit which are not Nation Blocks; and that Nation will have no interest or expectation of any interest resulting from Paltar’s activities on Blocks that are not Nation Blocks.
Public Announcements
Subject to clause 17.3(b), Paltar shall be responsible for the preparation and release of all public announcements and statements regarding this Agreement or the Operations; provided that, no public announcement or statement shall be issued or made unless prior to its release Nation has been furnished with a copy of such statement or announcement.  Where a public announcement or statement becomes necessary or desirable because of danger to or loss of life, damage to property or pollution as a result of activities arising under this Agreement, Paltar is authorised to issue and make such announcement or statement without prior approval of Nation, but shall promptly furnish Nation with a copy of such announcement or statement.

Nation may issue any such public announcement or statement if it is necessary to do so in order to comply with the applicable laws, rules or regulations of any government, legal proceedings or stock exchange having jurisdiction over Nation or its Related Bodies Corporate.
Successors and Assigns
Subject to the limitations on transfer contained in clause 9, this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Parties.
No waiver by any Party of any one or more defaults by another Party in the performance of this Agreement shall operate or be construed as a waiver of any future default or defaults by the same Party, whether of a like or of a different character.  Except as expressly provided in this Agreement no Party shall be deemed to have waived, released or modified any of its rights under this Agreement unless such Party has expressly stated, in writing, that it does waive, release or modify such right.
Severance of Invalid Provisions
If and for so long as any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be judged invalid for any reason whatsoever, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or operation of any other provision of this Agreement except only so far as shall be necessary to give effect to the construction of such invalidity, and any such invalid provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement without affecting the validity of the balance of this Agreement.
Except as is provided in clause 17.6, there shall be no modification of this Agreement except by written consent of all Parties.
The topical headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be construed as having any substantive significance or as indicating that all of the provisions of this Agreement relating to any topic are to be found in any particular clause.
Singular and Plural
Reference to the singular includes a reference to the plural and vice versa.
Reference to any gender includes a reference to all other genders.
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and supersedes all prior understandings and negotiations of the Parties.

A reference in this Agreement to the Petroleum Act or any other statute or any provision or clause thereof shall be read (unless otherwise provided in this Agreement) as though the words ‘including any statutory amendment or modification thereof any statutory provision substituted thereof, re-enactment or replacement thereof and any rules, regulations, by laws and instruments or other documents made pursuant thereto’ were added to such reference.
No clause within this document can be used by any person as defence to any action brought under the Criminal Code or Corporations Act.
Rule against perpetuities
For the purposes only of avoiding breach of the rule against perpetuities this Agreement has a term not exceeding 80 years.
Defined terms
Acquisition Date has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 5.3.
Authorised Person of a Party means:
the officers and employees of the Party;
the technical, financial, legal or other advisors of the Party; and
the respective officers and employees of the technical, financial, legal or other advisors of the Party.
Blocks means the numbered blocks that each graticular section of the Northern Territory is divided into pursuant to Section 8 of the Petroleum Act and Block is a reference to any one of them.
Commencement Date means the date hereof.
Confidential Information means all confidential, non-public or proprietary information regardless of how the information is stored or delivered, delivered to Nation before, on or after the date of this Agreement relating to this Agreement or the Operations.
Consequential Loss means:
any damages or losses which are not direct or which do not flow naturally from the relevant breach of this Agreement, even if those damages or losses may reasonably be supposed to have been in the contemplation of all Parties as a probable result of the breach at the time they entered into this Agreement; and
any losses of profits, business opportunity, reputation, customers or markets, whether direct or indirect.

Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
Discovery means the discovery of an accumulation of petroleum whose existence until that moment was unproven by drilling.
Earning Amount means $335,273 of Expenditures, which, for the avoidance of doubt, is an amount separate and apart from the Cash Consideration and the Share Consideration.
Earning Date has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 3.1.
Earning Period means the period commencing on the Commencement Date and ending at the conclusion of the fifth Permit Year.
Encumbrance means any mortgage, lien, charge, pledge, assignment by way of security, security interest, preferential right or trust arrangement, or other arrangement having the same effect.
Expenditure means expenditure in respect of Operations and other exploration on the Nation Blocks and includes all amounts spent on keeping the Permit in good standing or fulfilling obligations of Paltar with respect to the Permit.
Exploration Agreement means the agreement dated 27 June 2013 among Paltar, the Native Title Parties (as that term is defined in the Exploration Agreement), and Northern Land Council, and any other agreement entered into in accordance with the provisions of the Native Title Act or the Aboriginal Land Rights Act in relation to the Permit.
Force Majeure means any of the following events provided that they are outside the reasonable control of the affected Party and could not have been prevented or avoided by that Party taking reasonable steps:
act of God, earthquake, cyclone, fire, explosion, flood, landslide, lightning, storm, tempest, drought or meteor;
war (declared or undeclared), invasion, act of a foreign enemy, hostilities between nations, civil insurrection or militarily usurped power;
act of public enemy, sabotage, malicious damage, terrorism or civil unrest;
ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear waste or from combustion of nuclear fuel;
confiscation, nationalisation, requisition, expropriation, prohibition, embargo, restraint or damage to property by or under the order of any government or government authority; or
strikes, blockades, lock out or other industrial disputes.
Government means any department, local government council, administrative or statutory authority or any other person under a Law which has a right to impose a requirement or whose consent is required.
Indemnitees has the meaning set forth in clause 3.8(b).

Law means any treaty, statute, subordinate legislation, code, regulation, rule, common law, equity determination, injunction, judgment, order, decree, ruling, directive, decision and any judicial, regulatory, administrative or other interpretation,  implementation or enforcement of any of the foregoing issued by any Government having jurisdiction as to the undertakings and any other matters arising under this Agreement, whether currently in effect or subsequently modified, including Commonwealth, Northern Territory and local government legislation, regulations, by-laws, and other subordinate legislation.
Minimum Work Obligations means those work or expenditure obligations that must be performed in order to satisfy Permit obligations.
Nation Blocks means the portions of three Blocks identified in Schedule 2, or such replacement Blocks as may be identified under clause 8.1.
Nation Interest means an undivided twenty-five percent (25%) interest in the Permit, insofar as it covers the Nation Blocks, and any Production Licence granted in connection therewith, insofar as it covers any area under a Nation Block (subject to clause 5).
Native Title Claims means either:
any claim, application or proceeding in respect of Native Title Rights which is accepted by the Native Title Tribunal or the Registrar thereof pursuant to the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth); or
any claim, application or proceeding in respect of those rights, interests and statutory protections of and relating to aboriginal persons as set out in the legislation of the Northern Territory or the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth).
Native Title Rights has the same meaning as the expressions “native title” or “native title rights and interests” defined in section 223(1) of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) and includes those rights, interests and statutory protections of and relating to aboriginal persons and aboriginal cultural heritage as set out in the relevant legislation of the Northern Territory including the Northern Territory Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act (NT) or the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth).
Notice has the meaning set forth in clause 14.1.
Operating Account means the account established and maintained by the Operator in accordance with this Agreement to record all charges, expenditures, credits and receipts in respect of Operations which are chargeable or to be credited to Nation.
Operating Committee means the committee established and functioning under clause 4.
Operations means the following activities required for the operation of the Permit in accordance with this Earning Agreement:
management and operation of the Permit;
facilitation of access to the Permit including liaising with native title parties and landholders;

preparation, development and carrying out of exploration and appraisal programs on the Nation Blocks;
geological analysis and interpretation of exploration results;
compliance with conditions and legal requirements relating to the Permit;
appointment and management of contractors undertaking seismic analysis, drilling, and related exploration and appraisal programs;
but excluding any exploration or appraisal work physically conducted on lands other than the Nation Blocks.
Operator has the meaning given to it in the 1993 NT Onshore Petroleum Directions.
Option has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 5.3.
Option Period has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 5.3.
Paltar Interest means an undivided seventy-five percent (75%) interest in the Permit, insofar as it covers the Nation Blocks, and any Production Licence granted in connection therewith, insofar as it covers any area under a Nation Block (subject to clause 5).
Parties means the entities named in the first paragraph to this Agreement and their respective permitted successors or assigns, and Party is a reference to any one of them.
Permit means Exploration Permit 234 issued under the Petroleum Act and includes any extension, renewal, conversion, substitution, modifications or variations thereof.
Permit Year means a year beginning 5 September and ending the following 4 September.
Petroleum Act means the Petroleum Act 2009 (NT).
Production Licence has the meaning provided in the Petroleum Act.
Property means all property, whether real or personal, which is owned, leased, held, developed, constructed, produced or acquired by the Operator solely for the conduct of Operations.
Related Body Corporate has the meaning given to it in section 50 of the Corporations Act.
Senior Supervisory Personnel means a Party’s senior manager, who directs all operations and activities of such Party in Australia.
Transfer means assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of any interest in this Agreement in whole or part, whether by sale, lease, declaration or creation of a trust or otherwise.
Wilful Misconduct means an intentional and conscious disregard of any obligation owed by the relevant person, but does not include any act or omission which is (directly or indirectly) attributable to any breach or negligence on the part of any other person or of such other person's Related Body Corporate.

Work Program and Budget means an annual work program prepared by Paltar setting out the Operations to be undertaken during that year under this Agreement in respect of the Permit, together with the estimated amounts required to perform such work program.
Work Program Expenses means the costs and expenses incurred, paid or payable by the Operator in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement or otherwise authorized by the Operating Committee in connection with conducting Work Programs and Budgets.
In this Agreement, except where the context otherwise requires:
the singular includes the plural and vice versa and a gender includes other genders;
another grammatical form of a defined word or expression has a corresponding meaning;
a reference to a clause, paragraph, schedule or annexure is to a clause or paragraph of, or schedule or annexure to, this Agreement and a reference to this Agreement includes any schedule or annexure;
a reference to a document or instrument includes the document or instrument as novated, altered, supplemented or replaced from time to time;
all references to dollar amounts are in Australian currency;
a reference to a Party is to a party to this Agreement and a reference to a Party to a document includes the Party's executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns and substitutes;
a reference to a person includes a natural person, partnership, body corporate, association, governmental or local authority or agency or other entity;
a reference to a statute, ordinance, code or other law includes regulations and other instruments under it and consolidations, amendments, re-enactments or replacements of any of them;
the meaning of general words is not limited by specific examples introduced by including, for example or similar expressions;
a rule of construction does not apply to the disadvantage of a Party because the Party was responsible for the preparation of this Agreement or any part of it; and
if a day on or by which an obligation must be performed or an event must occur is not a business day in Sydney, Australia, the obligation must be performed or the event must occur on or by the next day that is a business day.
Headings are for ease of reference only and do not affect interpretation.




Executed by Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) in accordance with section 127 of the Corporations Act by authority of its directors:
/s/ Nick Tropea
/s/ Darrel Causbrook
Nick Tropea
Darrel John Causbrook
Print name
Print name


Executed by Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046) in accordance with section 127 of the Corporations Act by authority of its directors:
/s/ John R. Hislop
/s/ Darrel Causbrook
John R. Hislop
Darrel John Causbrook
Print name
Print name




Schedule 1 – Royalties

Holder & Granting Document
Percentage of Hydrocarbons produced/sold
1. Exploration Agreement among Paltar, Native Title Parties and Northern Land Council
2%, increasing to 4% after one million barrels have been produced from EP 231, 232 and 234, and increasing again to 5% after one billion barrels have been produced from lands covered by the two permits
2. Northern Territory of Australia royalty pursuant to the Petroleum Act (NT)






Schedule 2 – Nation Blocks




Schedule 3 – Permit Year 3 Work Program and Budget

Work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks:
Geological and geophysical work                                                                     201,164
General and administrative                                                                                134,109

Amounts shown above are in Australian dollars.  All such amounts were originally estimated in United States dollars and converted to Australian dollars at the rate of USD 1 = AUD 1.34109, the oanda.com average bid rate in effect when this Schedule 3 was prepared.



Annex 1 – Accounting Procedure

Section 1
General Provisions
Section 2
Direct Charges
Section 3
Indirect Charges
Section 4
Acquisition of Material
Section 5
Disposal of Materials
Section 6
Section 1  
General Provisions
The purpose of this Accounting Procedure is to establish fair and equitable methods for determining charges and credits applicable to Operations.  If the methods prove unfair or inequitable to Paltar or Nation, the Parties shall meet and in good faith endeavour to agree on changes to correct any unfairness or inequity.
In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Accounting Procedure and the provisions of the Agreement, the provisions of the Agreement shall prevail.
The definitions contained in clause 18 of the Agreement shall apply to this Accounting Procedure and have the same meanings when used herein. Certain terms used herein are defined as follows:
Accrual basis means that basis of accounting under which costs and benefits are regarded as applicable to the period in which the liability for the cost is incurred or the right to the benefit arises, regardless of when invoiced, paid, or received.
Cash basis means that basis of accounting under which only costs actually paid and revenue actually received are included for any period.
Country of Operations means the Commonwealth of Australia.
Material means machinery, equipment and supplies acquired and held for use in Operations.

Operating Account Records / Currency Exchange
Paltar shall at all times maintain and keep true and correct records of the production and disposition of all petroleum, and of all costs and expenditures under the Agreement, as well as other data necessary or proper for the settlement of accounts between the Parties hereto in connection with their rights and obligations under the Agreement and to enable Parties to comply with their respective applicable income tax and other laws.
Paltar shall maintain accounting records pertaining to Operations in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices used in the international petroleum industry and any applicable statutory obligations of the Country of Operations as well as the provisions of the Permit and the Agreement.
The Operating Account shall be maintained by Paltar in the English language and in Australian currency.  Conversions of currency shall be recorded at the rate actually experienced in that conversion.  Currency translations are used to express the amount of expenditures and receipts for which a currency conversion has not actually occurred.  Currency translations for expenditures and receipts shall be recorded at the arithmetic average of the buying and selling exchange rates at the close of each business day of the month of the current accounting period as published by oanda.com or, if not published by oanda.com, then by Westpac Banking Corporation.
Any currency exchange gains or losses shall be credited or charged to the Operating Account, except as otherwise specified in this Accounting Procedure.  Any such exchange gains or losses shall be separately identified as such.
The Accrual basis for accounting shall be used in preparing accounts concerning the Operations.  If a Cash basis for accounting is used, Paltar shall show accruals as memorandum items.
Statements and Billings
Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, Paltar shall submit monthly to Nation, on or before the 15th day of each month, statements of the costs and expenditures incurred during the prior month, indicating by appropriate classification the nature thereof and the corresponding budget category.
These statements, as a minimum, shall contain the following information:
advances of funds setting forth the currencies received from Nation;
the share of Nation in total expenditures, if other than 100%;
the accrued expenditures;
the current account balance of Nation;
summary of costs, credits, and expenditures on a current month, year-to-date, and inception-to-date basis or other periodic basis, as agreed by the Parties (such expenditures shall be grouped by the categories and line items designated in the approved Work Program and Budget so as to facilitate comparison of actual expenditures against that Work Program and Budget), and

details of unusual charges and credits in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A $50,000.00).
Paltar shall, upon request, furnish a description of the accounting classifications used by it.
Amounts included in statements and billings shall be expressed in Australian currency and reconciled to the currencies advanced.
Each Party shall be responsible for preparing its own accounting and tax reports to meet the requirements of the Country of Operations and of all other countries to which it may be subject.  Paltar, to the extent that the information is reasonably available from the Operating Account records, shall provide Nation in a timely manner the necessary information to facilitate the discharge of such responsibility.
Payments and Advances
Upon approval of any Work Program and Budget, if Paltar so requests, Nation shall advance its share of estimated cash requirements for the succeeding month's operations.  Each such Cash Call shall be equal to Paltar's estimate of the money to be spent in the currencies required to perform its duties under the Work Program and Budget during the month concerned.  For informational purposes the Cash Call shall contain an estimate of the funds required for the succeeding two months detailed by the categories designated in the Work Program and Budget.
Each such cash Call, detailed by the categories designated in the Work Program and Budget, shall be made in writing and delivered to Nation not less than 15 days before the payment due date.  The due date for payment of such advances shall be set by Paltar but shall be no sooner than the first day of the month for which the advances are required. All advances shall be made without bank charges. Any charges related to receipt of advances from Nation shall be borne by Nation.
Nation shall wire transfer its share of the full amount of each Cash Call to Paltar on or before the due date, in the currencies requested or any other currencies acceptable to Paltar at a bank designated by Paltar.  If currency provided by Nation is other than the requested currency, then the entire cost of converting to the requested currency shall be charged to Nation.
Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 1.6.2 of this Accounting Procedure, should Paltar be required to pay any sums of money for Operations which were unforeseen at the time estimates were provided to Nation, Paltar may make a written request of Nation for special advances covering Nation' share of such payments.  Each such Nation shall make its proportional special advances within ten days after receipt of such notice.

If Nation's advances exceed its share of cash expenditures, the next succeeding cash advance requirements, after such determination, shall be reduced accordingly.  However, if the amount of such excess advance is greater than the amount of the next month's estimated cash requirements for such Nation, Nation may request a refund of the difference, which refund shall be made by Paltar within ten days after receipt of Nation's request provided that the amount is in excess of twenty five thousand Australian dollars (A$ 25,000.00).
If Nation's advances are less than its share of cash expenditures, the deficiency shall, at Paltar's option, be added to subsequent cash advance requirements or be paid by Nation within ten days following the receipt of Paltar's billing to Nation for such deficiency.
If, under the provisions of the Agreement, Paltar is required to segregate funds received from the Parties, any interest received on such funds shall be applied against the next succeeding Cash Call.
If Paltar does not ask Nation to advance its share of estimated cash requirements, Nation shall pay its share of cash expenditures within 10 days following receipt of Paltar's billing.
Payments of advances or billings shall be made on or before the due date. If these payments are not received by the due date the unpaid balance shall bear and accrue interest from the due date until the payment is received by Paltar at the Agreed Interest Rate.   For the purpose of determining the unpaid balance and interest owed, Paltar shall translate to Australian currency all amounts owed in other currencies using the currency exchange rate determined in accordance with clause 1.4.3 at the close of the last business day prior to the due date for the unpaid balance.
Subject to governmental regulation, Paltar shall have the right, at any time and from time to time, to convert the funds advanced or any part thereof to other currencies to the extent that such currencies are then required for operations.   The cost of any such conversion shall be charged to the Operating Account.
Paltar shall endeavour to maintain funds held for the Operating Account in bank accounts at a level consistent with that required for the prudent conduct of Operations.
If under the Agreement, Paltar is required to segregate funds received from or for the Operating Account, the provisions under this clause 1.6 for payments and advances by Nation shall apply also to Paltar.
Payments of any advances or billings shall not prejudice the right of Nation to protest or question the correctness thereof; provided, however, all bills and statements rendered to Nation by Paltar during any year shall conclusively be presumed to be true and correct after 24 months following the end of such year, unless within the said 24 month period Nation takes written exception thereto and makes claim on Paltar for adjustment.  Failure on the part of Nation to make claim on Paltar for adjustment within such period shall establish the correctness thereof and preclude the filing of exceptions thereto or making claims for adjustment thereon.  No adjustment favourable to Paltar shall be made unless it is made within the same prescribed period.  The provisions of this clause 1.7 shall not prevent adjustments resulting from a physical inventory of the Material as provided for in clause VI.  Paltar shall be allowed to make adjustments to the Operating Account after such 24 month period if these adjustments result from audit exceptions outside of this Accounting Procedure, third party claims, or government requirements.  Any such adjustments shall be subject to audit within the time period specified in clause 1.8.l of this Accounting Procedure.

Nation, upon at least 60 days advance notice in writing to Paltar, shall have the right to audit the Operating Account and records of Paltar relating to the accounting hereunder for any year within the 24 month period following the end of such year, except as otherwise provided in clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure.  As provided in clause 4.2(b)(6) of the Agreement, Nation shall have reasonable access to Paltar's personnel and to the facilities, warehouses, and offices directly or indirectly serving Operations.  The cost of each such audit shall be borne by Nation.  Nation must take written exception to and make claim upon Paltar for all discrepancies disclosed by said audit within said 24 month period.  Nation may request information from Paltar prior to the commencement of the audit.  Paltar will provide the information in electronic format or hard copy documents, if electronic format is not available.  Paltar will provide the information requested within 30 days before commencement of the audit but in no event sooner than 30 days after the written request.  The information requested shall be limited to that normally used for pre-audit work such as trial balance, general ledger, and sub-ledger data.
Paltar shall endeavour to produce information from its Affiliates reasonably necessary to support charges from those Affiliates to the Operating Account other than those charges referred to in clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure.
Except for charges under clause 2.7.1, the following provisions apply to all charges by Paltar for its Affiliates.
In addition to the information provided by Paltar under clause 1.8.2, Nation may seek to audit the books and records of an Affiliate of Paltar relating to the charges by the Affiliate to the Operating Account for the same year as provided in clause 1.8.1 above.  The charges of the Affiliate shall be subject to audit in accordance with (a), (b), or (c) below or any combination thereof.
(a)          If the Affiliate of Paltar consents to the audit, the audit may be conducted in the same manner as the audit of the books and records of Paltar.
If all or part of the charges are not audited under (a) above, the unaudited portion may be audited under (b) and/or (c) below.
(b)         The Affiliate may require use of an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm to confirm confidential or proprietary information and charges.  The cost of the internationally recognized independent public accounting firm shall be borne by Nation.  Nation will seek agreement with the Affiliate on the audit scope to confirm the details and facts relating to such information and charges.

If the internationally recognized independent public accounting firm of the Affiliate declines to conduct the audit, Nation will seek agreement with the Affiliate on an alternative internationally recognized independent public accounting firm.  The cost of using such firm shall be borne by Nation.
Paltar will endeavor to cause its Affiliate to not unreasonably withhold approval of the use of an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm or the scope of examination requested by Nation.
If all or part of the charges are not audited under (a) or (b) above, the unaudited portion may be audited under (c) below.
(c)         Paltar may request its Affiliate to provide Nation an annual report from an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm attesting that charges billed from such Affiliate to the Operating Account represent a complete and accurate allocation of its costs to the Operations, exclude any element of profit, exclude any duplication of costs covered under clauses 2 and 3, and are consistent in application to all of its activities.  The report will be furnished by Paltar within 12 months of the request from Nation.  The cost of providing the annual report shall be borne by Nation.
No amounts paid to an Affiliate of Paltar, which Nation seeks to audit, may be charged to the Operating Account if the Affiliate of Paltar does not allow audit of such amounts as provided above.
Any information obtained by Nation under the provisions of clause 1.8 which does not relate directly to the Operations shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed to any party, except as would otherwise be permitted under clause 15.2(a)(ii) and (x) of the Agreement.
In the event that Paltar is required by law to employ a public accounting firm to audit the Operating Account and records of Paltar relating to the accounting hereunder, the cost thereof shall be a charge against the Operating Account, and a copy of the audit shall be furnished to Nation.
At the conclusion of each audit, the Parties shall endeavour to settle outstanding matters expeditiously.  To this end Nation will make a reasonable effort to prepare and distribute a written report to Paltar as soon as possible and in any event within 90 days after the conclusion of each audit.  The report shall include all claims arising from such audit together with comments pertinent to the operation of the accounts and records.  Paltar shall make a reasonable effort to reply to the report in writing as soon as possible and in any event no later than 90 days after receipt of the report.  Should Nation consider that the report or reply requires further investigation of any item therein, Nation shall have the right to conduct further investigation in relation to such matter notwithstanding the provisions of clauses 1.7 and 1.8 of this Accounting Procedure that the period of 24 months may have expired.  However, conducting such further investigation shall not extend the 24 month period for taking written exception to and making a claim upon Paltar for all discrepancies disclosed by said audit. Such further investigations shall be commenced within 30 days and be concluded within 60 days after the receipt of such report or reply, as the case may be.

All adjustments resulting from an audit agreed between Paltar and Nation conducting the audit shall be reflected promptly in the Operating Account by Paltar and reported to Nation.  If any dispute shall arise in connection with an audit, it shall be reported to and discussed by the Operating Committee, and, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties to the dispute, resolved in accordance with the provisions of clause 18 of the Agreement. If all the Parties to the dispute so agree, the adjustments) may be referred to an independent expert agreed to by the Parties to the dispute.  At the election of the Parties o the dispute, the decision of the expert will be binding upon such Parties.  Unless otherwise agreed, the cost of such expert will be shared equally by all Parties to the dispute.
If it becomes necessary to allocate any costs or expenditures to or between Operations and any other operations, such allocation shall be made on an equitable basis. When it is reasonably foreseeable that such an allocation will be required, Paltar will furnish a description of its allocation procedures pertaining to these costs and expenditures and its rates for personnel and other charges.  Such allocations shall be subject to audit under clause 1.8.
Section 2  
Direct Charges
Paltar shall charge the Operating Account with all costs and expenditures incurred by Paltar for the conduct of Operations.  Charges for services normally provided by an operator such as those contemplated in clauses 2.7.2 and 2.7.3 which are provided by Paltar’s Affiliate shall reflect the cost to the Affiliate, excluding profit, for performing such services, except as otherwise provided in clause 2.6 and clause 2.7.1.
Charges shall only be applied to the Operating Account to the extent such charges are reasonably incurred in the legitimate exercise of Operations under the Agreement and in bona fide arms-length transactions on commercial terms generally available in the market place.
The costs and expenditures shall be recorded as required for the settlement of accounts between the Parties hereto in connection with the rights and obligations under this Agreement and for purposes of complying with the tax laws of the Country of Operations and of such other countries to which any of the Parties may be subject.  Chargeable costs and expenditures may include, but are not limited to:
All costs, if any, attributable to the acquisition, maintenance, renewal or relinquishment of the Permits paid in accordance with the Petroleum Act when paid by Paltar in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement.
Salaries, Wages and Related Costs.
Salaries, wages and related costs include everything constituting the employees' total compensation, as well as the cost to Paltar of holiday, vacation, sickness, disability benefits, living and housing allowances, travel time, bonuses, and other customary allowances applicable to the salaries and wages chargeable hereunder, as well as the costs to Paltar for employee benefits, including but not limited to employee group life insurance, group medical insurance, hospitalization, retirement, severance payments required by the laws or regulations of the Country of Operations.

Expenditures or contributions made pursuant to assessments imposed by governmental authority for payments with respect to or on account of employees described in clause 2.2.1 and clause 2.2.2 shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
The salaries, wages and related costs of employees of Paltar and its Affiliates temporarily or permanently assigned in the Country of Operations and directly engaged in Operations shall be chargeable to the Operating Account;
The salaries, wages and related costs of employees of Paltar and its Affiliates temporarily or permanently assigned outside the Country of Operations directly engaged in Operations and not otherwise covered in clause 2.7.2 of this Accounting Procedure shall be chargeable to the Operating Account;
Costs for salaries, wages and related costs may be charged to the Operating Account on an actual basis or at a rate based upon the average cost in accordance with Paltar's usual practice.  In determining the average cost, expatriate and national employees' rates shall be calculated separately and reviewed at least annually;
Reasonable expenses (including related travel costs) of those employees whose salaries and wages are chargeable to the Operating Account under clauses 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 of this Section 2 and for which expenses the employees are reimbursed under the usual practice of Paltar shall be chargeable to the Operating Account; and
If employees are engaged in other activities in addition to the Operations, the cost of such employees shall be allocated on an equitable basis.
Employee Relocation Costs
Except as provided in clause 2.3.3 of this Accounting Procedure, Paltar's cost of employees' relocation to or from an assignment with the Operations, whether within or outside the Country of Operations and whether permanently or temporarily assigned to the Operations, shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.  If such employee works on other activities in addition to Operations, such relocation costs shall be allocated on an equitable basis.
Such relocation costs shall include transportation of employees, families, personal and household effects of the employee and family, transit expenses, and all other related costs in accordance with Paltar's usual practice.
Relocation costs to an assignment that is not with the Operations to another location shall not be chargeable to the Operating Account unless the place of the new assignment is the point of origin of the employee or unless otherwise agreed by the Operating Committee.

Offices, Camps, and Miscellaneous Facilities.
The cost of maintaining any offices, sub-offices, camps, warehouses, housing, and other facilities of Paltar and/or Affiliates directly serving the Operations. If such facilities serve operations in addition to the Operations the costs shall be allocated to the properties served on an equitable basis.
The cost, net of discounts taken by Paltar, of Material purchased or furnished by Paltar, Such costs shall include, but are not limited to, export brokers' fees, transportation charges, loading, unloading fees, export and import duties and Licence fees associated with the procurement of Material and in-transit losses, if any, not covered by insurance. So far as it is reasonably practical and consistent with efficient and economical operation, only such Material shall be purchased for, and the cost thereof charged to, the Operating Account as may be required for immediate use.
Exclusively Owned Equipment and Facilities of Paltar and Affiliates.
Charges for providing its exclusively owned equipment, facilities, and utilities of Paltar or any of its Affiliates at rates not to exceed the average commercial rates of non-affiliated third parties then prevailing for like equipment, facilities, and utilities for use in the area where the same are used hereunder.  On request, Paltar shall furnish Nation a list of rates and the basis of application. Such rates shall be revised from time to time if found to be either excessive or insufficient, but not more than once every six months.
Exclusively owned drilling tools and other equipment lost in the hole or damaged beyond repair may be charged at replacement cost less depreciation plus transportation costs to deliver like equipment to the location where used.
The charges for services provided by third parties shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
The cost of services performed by Paltar’s Affiliates’ technical and professional staffs not located within the Country of Operation and not otherwise covered under clause 2.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, shall be chargeable to the Operating Account. The individual rates shall include salaries and wages of such technical and professional personnel, lost time, governmental assessments, and employee benefits.  Costs shall also include all support costs necessary for such technical and professional personnel to perform such services, such as, but not limited to, rent, utilities, support staff, drafting, telephone and other communication expenses, computer support, supplies, depreciation, and other reasonable expenses.
Premiums paid for insurance required by law or the Agreement to be carried for the benefit of the Operations.

Damages and Losses to Property
All costs or expenditures necessary to replace or repair damages or losses incurred by fire, flood, storm, theft, accident, or any other cause shall be chargeable to the Operating Account. Paltar shall furnish Nation written notice of damages or losses incurred in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A$ 50,000.00) as soon as practical after report of the same has been received by Paltar.  All losses in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A$ 50,000.00) shall be listed separately in the monthly statement of costs and expenditures.
Credits for settlements received from insurance carried for the benefit of Operations and from others for losses or damages to Property or Materials shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
Expenditures incurred in the settlement of all losses, claims, damages, judgments, and other expenses for the account of Operations shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
Litigation, Dispute Resolution and Associated Legal Expenses
The costs and expenses of litigation, dispute resolution and associated legal services necessary for the protection of the Operations under the Agreement as follows:
Legal services, other than those provided by the internal legal staffs of the Parties or their Affiliates, necessary or expedient for the protection of the Operations, and all costs and expenses of litigation, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution procedure, including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, together with all judgments obtained against the Parties or any of them arising from the Operations.
If the Parties shall so agree, litigation, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution procedures resulting from actions or claims affecting the Operations hereunder may be handled by the legal staff of one or any of the Parties or their respective Affiliates; and a charge commensurate with the reasonable costs of providing and furnishing such services rendered may be made by the Party or the Affiliate providing such service to Paltar for the Operating Account, but no such charges shall be made until approved by the Parties.
Taxes and Duties
All taxes, duties, assessments and governmental charges, of every kind and nature, assessed or levied upon or in connection with the Operations, other than any that are measured by or based upon the revenues, income and net worth of a Party.
If Paltar or an Affiliate is subject to income or withholding tax as a result of services performed at cost for the operations under the Agreement, its charges for such services may be increased by the amount of such taxes incurred (grossed up).

Ecological and Environmental
Costs incurred on the Property as a result of statutory regulations for archaeological and geophysical surveys relative to identification and protection of cultural resources and/or other environmental or ecological surveys as may be required by any regulatory authority. Also, costs to provide or have available pollution containment and removal equipment plus costs of actual control, clean up and remediation resulting from responsibilities associated with Hydrocarbon contamination as required by all applicable laws and regulations.
Decommissioning (Abandonment) and Reclamation.
Costs incurred for decommissioning (abandonment) and reclamation of the Property, including costs required by governmental or other regulatory authority or by the Agreement.
Other Expenditures
Any other costs and expenditures incurred by Paltar for the necessary and proper conduct of the Operations and not covered in this Section 2 or in Section 3.
Section 3  
Indirect Charges
Paltar shall charge the Operating Account monthly for the cost of indirect services and. related office costs of Paltar and its Affiliates not otherwise provided in this Accounting Procedure. Indirect costs chargeable under this Section 3 represent the cost of general assistance and support services provided by Paltar and its Affiliates. These costs are such that it is not practical to identify or associate them with specific projects but are for services which provide the Operations with needed and necessary resources which Paltar requires and provide a real benefit to Operations. No cost or expenditure included under Section 2 shall be included or duplicated under this Section 3. The charges under Section 3 are not subject to audit under clauses 1.8.1 and 1.8.2 of this Accounting Procedure other than to verify that the overhead percentages are applied correctly to the expenditure basis.
The indirect charge under clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure for any month shall equal the greater of the total amount of indirect charges for the period beginning at the start of the year through the end of the period covered by Paltar's invoice (Year-to-Date) determined under clause 3.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, less indirect charges previously made under clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure for the year in question, or the amount of the minimum assessment determined under clause 3.2.3, calculated on an annualized basis (but reduced pro rata for periods of less than one year), less indirect charges previously made under clause 3.1 for the year in question.
Unless exceeded by the minimum assessment under clause 3.2.3, the aggregate Year-to-Date indirect charges shall be a percentage of the Year-to-Date expenditures, calculated on the following scale:
Annual Expenditures
$0 to A$ 3,000,000 of expenditures = 5 %
Next A$ 7,000,000  of expenditures = 4 %

Next A$11,000,000 of expenditures = 3 %

Excess above A$ 11,000,000 of expenditures = 1.5 %
A minimum amount of A $ 36,000.00 shall be assessed each year calculated from the Effective Date and shall be reduced pro rata for periods of less than a year.
Indirect Charge for Projects.
If a major infrastructure construction project is undertaken, a separate indirect charge for such project shall be approved by the Operating Committee at the time of approval of the project.
Section 4  
Acquisition of Material
Materials purchased for the Operating Account shall be charged at net cost paid by Paltar. The price of Materials purchased shall include, but shall not be limited to export broker's fees, insurance, transportation charges, loading and unloading fees, import duties, Licence fees, and demurrage (retention charges) associated with the procurement of Materials, and applicable taxes, less all discounts taken.
Materials Furnished by Paltar
Materials required for operations shall be purchased for direct charge to the Operating Account whenever practicable, except Paltar may furnish such Materials from its stock under the following conditions:
New Materials transferred from the warehouse or other properties of Paltar hall be priced at net cost determined in accordance with clause 4.1 above as if Paltar had purchased such new Material just prior to its transfer.  Such net costs shall in no event exceed the then current market price.
Material which is in sound and serviceable condition and suitable for use without repair or reconditioning shall be classed as Condition ‘B’ and priced at 75% of such new purchase net cost at the time of transfer.
Materials not meeting the requirements of clause 4.2.2 above, but which can be made suitable for use after being repaired or reconditioned, shall be classed as Condition "C" and priced at 50% of such new purchase net cost at the time of transfer.  The cost of reconditioning shall also be charged to the Operating Account provided the Condition ‘C’ price, plus cost of reconditioning, does not exceed the Condition ‘B’ price; and provided that Material so classified meet the requirements for Condition ‘B’ Material upon being repaired or reconditioned.
Material which cannot be classified as Condition ‘B’ or Condition ‘C’, shall be priced at a value commensurate with its use.
Tanks, derricks, buildings, and other items of Material involving erection costs, if transferred in knocked-down condition, shall be graded as to condition as provided in this clause 4.2 of Section 4, and priced on the basis of knocked-down price of like new Material.

Material including drill pipe, casing and tubing, which is no longer useable for its original purpose but is useable for some other purpose, shall be graded as to condition as provided in this clause 4.2 of Section 4.  Such Material shall be priced on the basis of the current price of items normally used for such other purpose if sold to third parties.
Premium Prices
Whenever Material is not readily obtainable at prices specified in clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of this clause IV because of national emergencies, strikes or other unusual causes over which Paltar has no control, Paltar may charge the Operating Account for the required Material at Paltar's actual cost incurred procuring such Material, in making it suitable for use, and moving it to Permit area, provided that notice in writing, including a detailed description of the Material required and the required delivery date, is furnished to Nation of the proposed charge at least 10 days (or such shorter period as may be specified by Paltar) before the Material is projected to be needed for operations and prior to billing Nation for such Material the cost of which exceeds fifty thousand Australian dollars (A $ 50,000.00).  Nation shall have the right, by so electing and notifying Paltar within seven (7) days (or such shorter period as may be specified by Paltar) after receiving notice from Paltar, to furnish in kind all or part of his share of such Material per the terms of the notice which is suitable for use and acceptable to Paltar both as to quality and time of delivery.  Such acceptance by Paltar shall not be unreasonably withheld.  If Material furnished is deemed unsuitable for use by Paltar, all costs incurred in disposing of such Material or returning Material to owner shall be borne by Nation furnishing the same unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.  If Nation fails to properly submit an election notification within the designated period, Paltar is not required to accept Material furnished in kind by Nation.  If Paltar fails to submit proper notification prior to billing Nation for such Material, Paltar shall only charge the Operating Account on the basis of the price allowed during a "normal" pricing period in effect at time of movement.
Warranty of Material Furnished by Paltar
Paltar does not warrant the condition or fitness for the purpose intended of the Material furnished. In case defective Material is furnished by Paltar for the Operating Account, credit shall not be passed to the Operating Account until adjustment has been received by Paltar from the manufacturers or their agents.
Section 5  
Disposal of Materials
Paltar shall be under no obligation to purchase the interest of Nation in new or used surplus Materials.  Paltar shall have the right to dispose of Materials but shall advise and secure prior agreement of the Operating Committee of any proposed disposition of Materials having an original cost to the Operating Account either individually or in the aggregate of A$ 50,000 or more.  When Operations are relieved of Material charged to the Operating Account, Paltar shall advise Nation of the original cost of such Material to the Operating Account so that the Parties may eliminate such costs from their asset records.  Credits for Material sold by Paltar shall be made to the Operating Account in the month in which payment is received for the Material.  Any Material sold or disposed of under this clause shall be on an ‘as is, where is’ basis without guarantees or warranties of any kind or nature. Costs and expenditures incurred by Paltar in the disposition of Materials shall be charged to the Operating Account.

Material Purchased by Nation or its Affiliate
Proceeds received from disposed Material purchased by Nation or its Affiliate shall be credited to the Operating Account, with new Material valued in the same manner as new Material under clause 4.2.1 of this Accounting Procedure and used Material valued in the same manner as used Material under clause 4.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, unless otherwise agreed by the Operating Committee.
Sales to Third Parties
Proceeds received from Material purchased from the Property by third parties shall be credited by Paltar to the Operating Account at the net amount collected by Paltar from the buyer. If the sales price is less than that determined in accordance with the procedure set forth in clause 5.2 of this Accounting Procedure, then approval by the Operating Committee shall be required prior to the sale.  Any claims by the buyer for defective materials or otherwise shall be charged back to the Operating Account if and when paid by Paltar.
Section 6  
Periodic Inventories - Notice and Representation
At reasonable intervals, inventories shall be taken by Paltar of all Material held in warehouse stock on which detailed accounting records are normally maintained.  The expense of conducting periodic inventories shall be charged to the Operating Account.  Paltar shall give Nation written notice at least 60 days in advance of its intention to take inventory, and Nation, at its sole cost and expense, shall each be entitled to have a representative present.  The failure of Nation to be represented at such inventory shall bind such Nation to accept the inventory taken by Paltar, who shall in that event furnish Nation with a reconciliation of overages and shortages.  Inventory adjustments to the Operating Account shall be made for overages and shortages.  Any adjustment equivalent to A$ 50,000 or more shall be brought to the attention of the Operating Committee.
Special Inventories
Whenever there is a sale or change of interest in the Agreement, a special inventory may be taken by Paltar provided the seller and/or purchaser of such interest agrees to bear all of the expense thereof. In such cases, both the seller and the purchaser shall be entitled to be represented and shall be governed by the inventory so taken.




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EP 237 Earning Agreement


Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459)

Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046)







Defined terms
Initial Consideration
Operating Committee
Work Programs and Budgets
Production Licences
Relinquishments and renewals
Transfer of interest or rights
Withdrawal from Agreement
Relationship of Parties and Tax
Confidential Information
Force majeure
Applicable law and arbitration
General provisions
Schedule 1:  Royalties
Schedule 2:  Nation Blocks
Schedule 3:  Permit Year 3 Work Program and Budget
Annex 1:      Accounting Procedure




EP 237 Earning Agreement
Dated    30 August 2015
Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) of Level 10, 32 Martin Place, Sydney,
New South Wales 2000 (Paltar)
Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046) of RPO Box 60610, Granville Park,
Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 4B9 (Nation)
Paltar owns the Permit.
Paltar and Nation have agreed to enter into a farm-in arrangement to allow for exploration of the Nation Blocks and, if warranted, apply for a Production Licence covering one or more of the Nation Blocks after discovering a commercially exploitable accumulation of petroleum.
The Parties enter into this Agreement to evidence their binding agreement concerning the Cash Consideration and Share Consideration (each as defined below), the costs of Operations to be borne by Nation, and the Nation Interest that may be earned by Nation upon Expenditure of the Earning Amount.
Operative provisions
Defined terms
Clause 18 of this Agreement sets out and explains the defined terms, or refers to the definitions of the terms, and the rules of interpretation that apply.
Initial Consideration
Share Consideration
Nation Energy Inc., a Wyoming corporation, has agreed to issue on December 17, 2015 600,000,000 of its common shares (the Share Consideration) to Paltar, and Paltar has agreed to certain restrictions on the transfer of such shares, under the terms of the Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement, dated 30 August 2015 between Nation Energy Inc. and Paltar (the Letter Agreement), in the event that an Exchange Transaction (as defined in the Letter Agreement) has not been consummated on or before December 16, 2015.

Cash Consideration
No later than 31 December 2015, Nation shall pay by wire transfer to an account designated by Paltar the sum of $769,143.  If Nation fails timely to pay this amount to Paltar, this Agreement shall terminate and neither Party shall have any further obligation to the other.
Non-Refundable Consideration for Earning Rights
The Share Consideration (if issued) and the Cash Consideration are non-refundable consideration for the rights given to Nation hereunder.
Farm-in and Operator
Nation Interest
On Nation spending at least the Earning Amount in Expenditure on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks before the end of the Earning Period (Earning Date), Nation, on giving notice to Paltar verifying the amount of Expenditure Nation has incurred:
acquires a beneficial interest, to the extent of the Nation Interest, in the Nation Blocks; and
will have the right to be transferred the Nation Interest in the Nation Blocks, in such manner and on such terms as do not materially increase the obligations owed the Government in respect of the area then covered by the Permit; and
Joint Venture Operating Agreement
On or as soon as practicable after the Earning Date the parties shall enter into an exploration joint venture operating agreement in respect of the Nation Blocks on terms customary for such an agreement in the Australian petroleum industry and under which:
Paltar holds the Paltar Interest and Nation holds the Nation Interest in the Nation Blocks;
Paltar is the operator of the joint venture;
Nation shall contribute 100% of the actual Work Program Expenses under the joint venture operating agreement until production licences have been issued covering each Nation Block;
Nation shall not be permitted to withdraw from the joint venture operating agreement until the end of the fifth Permit Year;
the terms set out in clause 6.1 to 6.3 (inclusive) of this Agreement will be incorporated; and
the terms of the Option in favour of Nation set out clauses 5.3 to 5.7 (inclusive) will be incorporated and, in the event that the Option is exercised by Nation with respect to a Production Licence, then the Production Licence will not form part of the joint venture property under the joint venture operating agreement from the date of exercise of the Option, and

upon entry into the joint venture operating agreement, the remaining effective clauses of this Agreement will immediately terminate with respect to the Nation Blocks, subject to any and all accrued rights and liabilities of the parties.
Designation of Operator.
Paltar is hereby designated as Operator, and agrees to act as such in accordance with this Agreement.
Rights and Duties of Operator
Paltar shall have all of the rights, functions and duties of Operator under this Agreement and will have exclusive charge of and shall conduct all Operations on the Nation Blocks under the overall direction of the Operating Committee.  Paltar may employ independent contractors and agents, including Related Bodies Corporate of Paltar, in such Operations.
Paltar warrants and represents to Nation that the Permit and Paltar’s interest in the Permit is in good standing and is not subject to any breach, default or other circumstance that will or may result in the Permit being surrendered or cancelled or becoming subject to any Encumbrance. Paltar shall:
without limiting clause 5.1(c) and subject to applicable Government requirements, ensure that each Work Program and Budget consists of work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks;
not grant, create or allow the grant or creation of any Encumbrance over Paltar’s interest in the Permit without the prior written consent of Nation;
not sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of Paltar’s interest in the Permit or part with possession of the Permit without the prior written consent of Nation;
immediately notify Nation of any act, event, circumstance, correspondence, notice or other information (in any form and from whatever source) that may cause, or is relevant to, Paltar’s interest in the Permit becoming the subject of an Encumbrance or being surrendered or cancelled; and
take all steps as are necessary or appropriate to ensure that the application for, grant and transfer or issue of a Production Licence to Nation occurs as soon as practicable following a decision by Nation under clause 6.1(b).
In the conduct of Operations, Paltar shall:
perform Operations in accordance with the provisions of the Permit, the Laws, this Agreement and the decisions of the Operating Committee;
conduct all Operations in a diligent, safe and efficient manner in accordance with good and prudent oil field practices and field conservation principles generally followed by the international petroleum industry under similar circumstances;
prepare and submit to the Operating Committee the proposed Work Programs and Budgets as provided in clause 5;

acquire all permits, consents, approvals, surface or other rights that may be required for the conduct of Operations;
permit Nation’s representatives to have at all reasonable times and at their own risk and expense reasonable access to the Operations with the right to observe all such Operations;
pay to the Government within the periods and in the manner prescribed by the Laws, all periodic payments, taxes, fees and other amounts pertaining to Operations, but excluding any taxes measured by the incomes of the Parties;
carry out the obligations of Paltar pursuant to the Permit, including, but not limited to, preparing and furnishing such reports, records and information as may be required pursuant to the Petroleum Act;
have, in accordance with the decisions of the Operating Committee, the exclusive right and obligation to represent the Parties in all dealings with the Government with respect to matters arising under Operations;
act as the Parties’ representative in respect of Native Title Rights and aboriginal heritage issues, negotiate and enter into agreements with the parties to Native Title Claims, and in all other respects deal with issues of this kind as and when they arise, including the recognition of Native Title Rights and the settlement of Native Title Claims;
in case of an emergency (including a significant fire, explosion, petroleum release, or sabotage; incident involving loss of life, serious injury to an employee, contractor, or third party, or serious property damage; strikes and riots; or evacuations of Paltar personnel): (i) take all necessary and proper measures for the protection of life, health, the environment and property; and (ii) as soon as reasonably practicable, notify Nation of the details of such emergency and any measures it has taken or plans to take in response; and
do all other acts and things that are reasonably necessary or desirable to fulfil its functions or are incidental to the above powers and duties.
Paltar Personnel
Paltar shall engage or retain such employees, contractors, consultants and agents as are reasonably necessary to conduct Operations.
Subject to the Laws and this Agreement, Paltar will determine the number of employees, contractors, consultants and agents, the selection of such persons, their hours of work, and the compensation to be paid to all such persons in connection with Operations.
Information Supplied by Paltar
Paltar shall provide Nation with the following data and reports from the Operations:
copies of all logs or surveys;

daily drilling reports;
copies of all tests and core data and analysis reports;
final well report;
copies of the final geological and geophysical maps, seismic sections and shot point location maps and reports;
engineering studies, development schedules and annual progress reports on development projects;
field and well performance reports, including reservoir studies and reserve estimates; and
copies of all reports relating to Operations furnished by Paltar to a Government.
Paltar shall provide Nation such additional information as Nation may reasonably request in writing, provided that Nation must pay the costs of preparing such information and the preparation of such information must not unduly burden Paltar’s administrative and technical personnel.
Paltar shall give Nation access at all reasonable times during normal business hours to all data and reports acquired in the conduct of Operations.  Nation may make copies of such other data at its sole expense.
Settlement of Claims and Lawsuits
Paltar shall promptly notify Nation of any and all claims or suits which arise out of Operations or relate in any way to Operations.  Paltar shall represent Nation and defend or oppose the claim or suit. Paltar may in its sole discretion compromise or settle any such claim or suit or any related series of claims or suits for an amount not to exceed the equivalent of $250,000, exclusive of legal fees.  Paltar shall seek guidance from the Operating Committee on amounts in excess of the above-stated amount.  Nation shall have the right to be represented by its own counsel at its own expense in the settlement, compromise or defence of such claims or suits.
Nation shall promptly notify Paltar of any claim made against Nation by a third party which arises out of or may affect the Operations.
Limitation on Liability of Paltar
Except as set out in clause 3.8(c), neither Paltar nor any other Indemnitee (as defined below) shall bear any damage, loss, cost, expense or liability resulting from performing (or failing to perform) the duties and functions of Operator, and the Indemnitees are hereby released from liability to Nation for any and all damages, losses, costs, expenses and liabilities arising out of, incidental to or resulting from such performance or failure to perform, even though caused in whole or in part by a pre-existing defect, the negligence (whether sole, joint or concurrent), strict liability or other legal fault of Paltar (or any such Indemnitee).

Except as set out in clause 3.8(c), Nation shall defend and indemnify Paltar and its Related Bodies Corporate, and their respective employees, officers and directors (collectively, the Indemnitees), from any and all damages, losses, costs, expenses (including reasonable legal costs, expenses and attorneys' fees) and liabilities incidental to claims, demands or causes of action brought by or on behalf of any person or entity, which claims, demands or causes of action arise out of, are incidental to or result from Operations, even though caused in whole or in part by a pre-existing defect, the negligence (whether sole, joint or concurrent), strict liability or other legal fault of Paltar (or any such Indemnitee).
Notwithstanding clauses 3.8(a) and 3.8(b), if any Senior Supervisory Personnel of Paltar or its Related Bodies Corporate engage in Wilful Misconduct which proximately causes Nation to incur damages, loss, cost, expense or liability for claims, demands or causes of action referred to in clauses 3.8(a) or 3.8(b), then Paltar shall bear such damages, loss, cost, expense and liability.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, under no circumstances shall Paltar or any other Indemnitee ever be liable for any Consequential Loss.
In the event that there is a change of Operator then, from the date a new Operator is appointed, the new Operator shall have the benefit of each of clause 3.8(a) – (d) as if the new Operator were named in those clauses in place of Paltar.
Insurance Obtained by Paltar
Paltar shall maintain for such limits as it may reasonably believe prudent any and all insurance it believes appropriate under the circumstances, including:
All insurance required by the Laws;
Third party liability insurance covering liability to third parties which may arise in connection with the Operations;
Cost of well control/redrilling and recompletion expenses/seepage and contamination and pollution liability insurance covering expenses incurred in regaining control of wells including materials and services necessary to bring the wells under control and costs expended to reinstate the well to the depth and condition which existed prior to an insured occurrence; and
Workers compensation insurance.
Paltar shall, in respect of such insurance:
use reasonable endeavours to procure or cause to be procured such insurance prior to or concurrent with the commencement of relevant operations and maintain or cause to be maintained such insurance during the term of the relevant operations or any longer term required under the Permit or the Laws;
promptly inform Nation when insurance is taken out and at Nation’s request supply it with certificates of insurance or copies of the relevant policies when they are issued; and

duly file all claims and take all necessary and proper steps to collect any proceeds.
Paltar shall use its reasonable endeavours to require all contractors (including sub-contractors) performing work with respect to the Operations to:
obtain and maintain all insurance required under the Laws or any decision of the Operating Committee; and
provide Paltar with certificates reflecting such insurance prior to the commencement of their services.
Subject to clause 3.12, Paltar may resign as Operator at any time by so notifying Nation at least 120 days before the effective date of such resignation.
Paltar shall resign immediately if it dissolves, liquidates, is wound up, or otherwise terminates its existence.
Subject to clause 3.12, Paltar shall be removed upon receipt of notice from any Party if:
Paltar becomes insolvent, bankrupt or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or
a receiver or receiver and manager is appointed for a majority (by value) of Paltar's assets.
Subject to clause 3.12, Paltar may be removed by written notice from Nation if Paltar has committed a material breach of this Agreement and has either failed to commence to cure that breach within 30 days after receipt of a Notice from Nation detailing the alleged breach or failed to diligently pursue the cure to completion.
Appointment of Successor
When a change of Operator occurs pursuant to clause 3.10 or clause 3.11:
the Operating Committee shall meet as soon as possible to elect a successor Operator; provided, however, that if Paltar has been removed or is deemed to have resigned and either fails to vote or votes only to succeed itself, then the successor Operator shall be elected by the affirmative vote of Nation alone.
if Paltar disputes the commission of or failure to rectify a material breach alleged pursuant to clause 3.11(c) and proceedings are initiated pursuant to clause 15.2, Paltar shall continue as Operator and no successor Operator may be appointed pending the conclusion or abandonment of such proceedings;
Paltar, if it resigns or is removed as Operator, shall be compensated out of the Operating Account for its reasonable expenses related to its resignation or removal;

Paltar, if it resigns or is removed as Operator, and the successor Operator shall arrange for the taking of an inventory of all Property and an audit of the books and records relating to Operations, the cost of which shall be charged to the Operating Account;
the resignation or removal of Paltar as Operator and its replacement by the successor Operator shall not become effective prior to receipt of any necessary Government approvals; and
upon the effective date of the resignation or removal, the successor Operator shall succeed to all duties, rights and authority prescribed for Operator.  Paltar shall transfer to the successor Operator custody of all Property, books of account, records and other documents maintained by Operator pertaining to the Nation Blocks and to Operations.  Upon delivery of the above-described property and data, Paltar shall be released and discharged from all obligations and liabilities as Operator accruing after such date, except to the extent such liabilities relate to facts, matters or circumstances which occurred prior to such date.
Commingling of Funds
Paltar may commingle with its own funds the monies which it receives from or for the Operating Account pursuant to this Agreement.
Operator may delegate all or part of its rights or responsibilities as Operator under this agreement to a Related Body Corporate.  Any such delegation shall not relieve Operator of its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement.
Operating Committee
Establishment of Operating Committee
An Operating Committee composed of representatives of each Party shall provide overall supervision and guidance to Paltar concerning the direction of Operations.  Each Party shall appoint one representative and two alternates to serve on the Operating Committee.  Each Party shall as soon as possible after the date of this Agreement give notice in writing to the other Party of the name and address of its representative, its first alternate and its second alternate serving on the Operating Committee.  Each Party shall have the right to change its representative and alternate representatives at any time by giving Notice to such effect to the other Party.
Authority to Vote
The representative of a Party, or in his absence the alternate representative, shall be authorised to represent such Party with respect to any matter which is within the power of the Operating Committee and is properly brought before the Operating Committee. Each such representative shall have one vote on matters coming before the Operating Committee.  Alternate representatives may attend Operating Committee meetings, but shall have no vote at such meetings except in the absence of the representative for whom they are the alternate.  In addition to the representative and alternate representatives, each Party may also bring to any Operating Committee meetings such technical and other advisers as it may deem appropriate.  The technical and other advisers shall be given the opportunity to present data and voice opinions on behalf of a Party, but may not vote.

The Operating Committee may establish such advisory subcommittees, including technical and commercial subcommittees, as the Operating Committee may deem appropriate.
Notice of Meeting
Either Party may call a meeting of the Operating Committee by giving Notice to the other Party at least 15 days in advance of such meeting.
Notice periods above may be waived with unanimous consent of all Parties.
The day the Notice was delivered and the date the meeting is to be held shall not be included in calculating the Notice period.
Notwithstanding the above, Nation agrees that if there is an operational issue involving an urgent operational matter, then Nation shall be deemed to have waived the above notice period so that the Operating Committee may make a decision within 48 hours, as contemplated by clause 4.11(a)(i).
Contents of Meeting Notice
Each Notice of a meeting of the Operating Committee shall contain:
the date, time and location of the meeting;
an agenda of the matters and proposals to be considered and/or voted upon; and
copies of all proposals to be considered at the meeting.
A Party receiving Notice may, by Notice to the other Party given not less than seven days before a meeting, may add additional matters to the meeting agenda.
With the unanimous consent of all Parties, the Operating Committee may consider at a meeting a proposal not contained in such meeting agenda.
Location of Meetings
All meetings of the Operating Committee shall be held in Sydney, New South Wales, or elsewhere as may be decided unanimously by the Operating Committee.
Operator's Duties for Meetings
With respect to meetings of the Operating Committee and any subcommittee, Paltar's duties shall include, but not be limited to:
conduct of the meeting; and
preparation of a written record or minutes of each meeting.

Paltar shall have the right to appoint the chairman of the Operating Committee and all subcommittees.
Voting Procedure
Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement in respect of certain specific matters, all decisions, approvals and other actions of the Operating Committee on all proposals coming before it shall be decided by Paltar alone.
Record of Votes
The chairman of the Operating Committee shall appoint a secretary who shall make a record of each proposal voted on and the results of such voting at each Operating Committee meeting.  Each representative shall sign and be provided a copy of such record at the end of such meeting and it shall be considered the final record of the decisions of the Operating Committee.
The secretary shall provide each Party with a copy of the minutes of the Operating Committee meeting within 21 days after the end of the meeting.  Each Party shall have 14 days after receipt of such minutes to give notice of its objections to the minutes to the secretary. A failure to give notice specifying objection to such minutes within said 14 day period shall be deemed to be approval of such minutes. In any event, the votes recorded under clause 4.9 shall take precedence over the minutes described above.
Voting by Notice
In lieu of a meeting, any Party may submit any proposal to the Operating Committee for a vote by Notice.  The proposing Party shall notify Operator who shall give each representative notice describing the proposal so submitted and whether Paltar considers such operational matter an urgent operational matter.  Each Party shall communicate its vote by Notice to Paltar and any other Party within one of the following appropriate time periods after receipt of Operator's notice:
48 hours in the case of urgent operational matters;
14 days in the case of all other proposals.
Except in the case of clause 4.11(a)(i), Nation may by Notice delivered to Paltar within five days after receipt of Paltar's notice request that the proposal be decided at a meeting rather than by notice. In such an event, that proposal shall be decided at a meeting duly called for that purpose.
Except as provided in clause 10.1(a), a Party failing to communicate its vote in a timely manner shall be deemed to have voted against such proposal.
If a meeting is not requested, then at the expiration of the appropriate time period, Paltar shall give Nation a confirmation notice stating the tabulation and results of the vote.


Work Programs and Budgets; Post Farm-in Arrangements
Agreed Permit Work Programs and Budgets
The Work Program and Budget detailing the Operations to be performed in respect of the Permit for the remainder of the third Permit Year is attached as Schedule 3.
On or before the first day of June of each year beginning 2016 and continuing each year thereafter, Operator shall deliver to Nation a proposed Work Program and Budget detailing the Operations to be performed in respect of the Permit for the following Permit Year.  Within 30 days of such delivery, the Operating Committee shall meet to consider and endeavour to agree a Work Program and Budget.
The Work Program and Budget for the fourth and subsequent Permit Years will be adopted by the unanimous vote of both Paltar and Nation; provided, however, that if the Parties fail unanimously to agree, the proposed Work Program and Budget reasonably estimated to cost the least will conclusively be deemed adopted, so long as such proposed Work Program and Budget (i) consists solely of work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks and (ii) will satisfy all of the Minimum Work Obligations of that Permit Year.  For the avoidance of doubt, geological and geophysical operations conducted both on the Nation Blocks and on adjoining lands shall be considered work performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks where the operator believes such work prudent to gain a fuller understanding of the geology of the Nation Blocks.
Any approved Work Program and Budget may be revised by the Operating Committee from time to time.  To the extent such revisions are approved by the Operating Committee, the Work Program and Budget will be amended accordingly.
Paltar may, if it wishes in its sole discretion, conduct operations in any year on or for the benefit of Blocks in the Permit which are not Nation Blocks.  Such operations will be conducted at the sole risk and expense of Paltar and will not be subject to this Agreement.
Funding of Work Program Expenses
Nation agrees to contribute 100% of the actual Work Program Expenses.
Nation must pay all Work Program Expenses as follows:
As soon as practicable after Nation has such funds conveniently available,  Nation will deliver to Paltar the full amount of the estimated Work Program and Budget costs for the remainder of the third Permit Year, as shown in Schedule 3;
Estimated Work Program Expenses for subsequent years will be delivered to Paltar on or before the date which is the 150th day anniversary following the date on which the applicable Permit was granted; and
Amounts in addition to the estimated amounts set forth in approved Work Programs and Budgets, whether incurred as a result of cost overruns, unforeseen events, or otherwise, will be delivered by Nation to Paltar in accordance with the cash call procedures set forth in clause 1.6 of the Accounting Procedure.

Grant of Option
If, after the Earning Date, Nation acquires an undivided twenty-five percent (25%) interest in a Production Licence granted with respect to any area under a Nation Block pursuant to clause 6.2(a) (the Acquisition Date), Paltar shall grant to Nation, in exchange for $100 and other good and valuable consideration, the sole and exclusive option (Option) to purchase at any time during the period commencing on the Acquisition Date and ending ninety (90) days later (the Option Period) the Paltar Interest free from Encumbrances subject to compliance with clauses 5.4 through 5.6.
Exercise of Option
The Option may be exercised by Nation at any time during the Option Period by giving notice in writing to Paltar specifying that the Option has been exercised.
As soon as practicable after the exercise of the Option in accordance with clause 5.4, Paltar will deliver to Nation registrable transfer forms of Paltar’s entire interest in the Production Licence, insofar as it covers the Nation Block, except for the payment of stamp duty and registration fees.  Nation will lodge the transfer forms, together with a notice appointing Nation or its designee as Operator of the Production Licence, with the Government for approval and registration, as required under the Petroleum Act, and promptly thereafter Nation must deliver to Paltar the duly executed transfer forms and pay the stamp duty and registration fees in the amounts determined by the Government.
Paltar’s entire interest in the Production Licence shall be transferred to Nation free from any Encumbrance except as set out in clause 5.5(c).
Upon the effective transfer of Paltar’s entire interest in the Production Licence, Nation shall assume all the obligations (and be assigned all the benefits) of:
any exploration agreements that may hereafter be negotiated with holders of Native Title Rights; and
the royalty burdens in relation to such Nation Block (or portion thereof) as set forth in Schedule 1 and as provided in clause 5.6(a),
and Paltar shall execute all such agreements (including any deeds of assignment and assumption) as reasonably required by Nation and the counterparties to the above agreements to perfect the assumption of such obligations and the assignment of any benefits and the release of Paltar.
Upon the transfer of a Production Licence pursuant to this clause 5.5, this Agreement will cease to apply to the Nation Block (or portion thereof) covered by that Production Licence.

In consideration for the transfer of the Paltar Interest to Nation, upon exercise of the Option, Paltar shall be entitled to an overriding royalty with respect to all petroleum produced from the portion of the relevant Nation Block covered by the Production Licence with such royalty being equal to the difference between 25% and the sum of the existing royalty burdens shown in Schedule 1 applicable to such portion of the relevant Nation Block such that the revenue interest of Nation in such production of petroleum, after giving effect to all of the royalty burdens described in Schedule 1, will be exactly 75%, and with the understanding that if a royalty burden set forth in Schedule 1 later increases in accordance with its terms, the additional overriding royalty in favor of Paltar will be correspondingly decreased, so that Nation’s revenue interest will remain constant at 75%.
Paltar and Nation will, as soon as practicable after the exercise of the Option, enter into an overriding royalty agreement under which Paltar holds the overriding royalty described in this clause and which more fulsomely sets out the terms of the royalty based on terms standard for such an agreement in the Australian petroleum industry.
Lapse of Option
In the event that the Option is not exercised within the Option Period then the Option will lapse and the parties shall use their best endeavours to enter a production joint venture operating agreement in respect of such Production Licence under which:
Paltar holds the Paltar Interest and Nation holds the Nation Interest in the Production Licence, insofar as it covers the Nation Block; and
Nation is the operator of the joint venture; and
which is otherwise on terms standard for the Australian petroleum industry (including provisions for dilution of interests).
Production Licences
Decision to Apply
If a Discovery is made on a Nation Block, Paltar shall deliver any notice of Discovery required under the Petroleum Act and shall as soon as possible submit to the Operating Committee a report containing available details concerning the Discovery and Operator’s recommendation as to whether a Production Licence should be sought.
The Operating Committee decision whether to apply to the Government for a Production Licence covering such Nation Block shall be decided by Nation alone.
Production Licence Granted
Paltar acknowledges and agrees that, following the Earning Date, if a Production Licence is applied for and issued in respect of any area under the Nation Blocks in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, (i) Paltar’s interest in such Production Licence will be equal to seventy-five percent (75%), insofar as it covers the Nation Block, subject to the Option granted hereunder pursuant to clause 5.3, and (ii) Nation’s interest in such Production Licence, insofar as it covers the Nation Block, will be equal to twenty-five percent (25%).

Upon the issue of a Production Licence for a Nation Block (or portion thereof), Paltar will be deemed to have resigned as Operator with respect to such Nation Block (or portion thereof).
Upon the issue of a Production Licence to Nation pursuant to this clause 6.2, each clause of this Agreement other than clauses 5.3 through 5.7 will cease to apply to the Nation Block (or portion thereof) covered by that Production Licence.
Production Licence Not Granted
If the Operating Committee decides not to apply for a Production Licence or, having applied for a Production Licence, the application is denied, the Operating Committee shall meet to determine whether the Discovery merits appraisal.
If the Operating Committee determines that the Discovery merits appraisal, Paltar shall deliver to the Operating Committee within 60 days after the determination a proposed Work Program and Budget for appraisal of the Discovery.  Within thirty 30 days after delivery, or earlier if necessary to meet any applicable deadline under the Petroleum Act, the Operating Committee shall meet to consider or modify such Work Program and Budget, with Nation having the sole power to approve, reject or modify the proposal.
Default and Notice
Nation will be in default under this Agreement if, prior to the Earning Date, it fails to contribute any portion of the Work Program Expenses when due under clause 5.2(b).  Paltar shall promptly provide Nation written notice of such default.
Immediate Consequences
From the date the default notice is given by Paltar until the time all defaults under clause 7.1 have been remedied, Nation shall have no right to:
call or attend Operating Committee or subcommittee meetings;
vote on any matter coming before the Operating Committee or any subcommittee; or
access any data or information relating to any operations under this Agreement.
Any matter which is to be decided by Nation alone under this Agreement shall instead be decided by Paltar.
If the Nation default relates to a failure to contribute a portion of the Work Program Expenses for the third, fourth or fifth Permit Years, and if Nation fails to remedy such default within 30 days following Paltar’s notice, then Nation, upon the written request of Paltar, shall surrender its entire interest in this Agreement to Paltar, free of all Encumbrances arising by, through or under Nation, and shall execute a written surrender instrument in such form as reasonably may be requested by Paltar.  As a result of such surrender, Nation shall have no right ever to receive any interest whatsoever in the Permit or Nation Blocks and no right ever to recover any amounts it previously expended or contributed, whether under this Agreement, in quantum meruit, or under any other legal or equitable principle.

If the Nation default relates to a failure to contribute a portion of the Work Program Expenses for the sixth or subsequent Permit Years, and if Nation fails to remedy such default within 30 days following Paltar’s notice, then Paltar may, but is not obligated to, purchase Nation’s entire interest under this Agreement for 90% of the fair market value of such interest, less the amount in default. If Paltar wishes to undertake this purchase, it will notify Nation of its desire and of the fair market value, and Nation shall have seven days after receipt of this notice either (i) to notify Paltar that it accepts Paltar’s statement of the fair market value, or that it requires an independent determination of the fair market value.  If it does not notify Paltar, it will be deemed to have accepted Paltar’s statement of the fair market value. In either event, Nation will conclusively be deemed to have sold its rights under this Agreement to Paltar effective as of the date Paltar sends notice of its desire to purchase the interest and of the fair market value.
If Nation timely requests independent determination of the fair market value, the Chairman of the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association Limited shall be asked by either Party to appoint an expert to make the determination. The expert so appointed shall have exclusive power to establish the venue and timing of, and the procedural rules governing, the determination of fair market value.  Each Party shall bear its own costs and attorney’s fees in connection with the determination, although all fees, costs and expenses of the expert shall be borne solely by Nation.
No Right of Set Off
Nation acknowledges that a fundamental principle of this Agreement is that it pay the Work Program Expenses under this Agreement as and when required. Accordingly, Nation waives any right to raise by way of set off or to invoke as a defence any claim it may have against Paltar, whether under this Agreement or otherwise, so as to reduce or avoid its obligation timely to contribute required Work Program Expenses.
Without Prejudice
Paltar may exercise its rights, remedies or powers under this clause 7 or otherwise at law or in equity, concurrently, individually or cumulatively.
No penalty
The remedies in this clause 7 have been selected by the Parties in light of the fact that no interest in a Nation Block may be assigned to Nation unless there is a Discovery on that block and the Government issues a Production Licence for that block, events which can occur, if at all, only if Work Programs and Budgets are timely funded. Nation agrees that the remedies conferred by this clause 7 do not constitute a penalty or an unreasonable forfeiture and are necessary to ensure the maintenance of the Permit in good standing. Nation acknowledges that it is essential to the viability of the Permit that Nation comply with its financial obligations in a timely manner, and that assumption by Paltar of the obligations of Nation under this Agreement is good and valuable consideration for the exercise by Paltar of its rights to acquire Nation’s interest in this Agreement under this clause 7.

Relinquishments and renewals
If the Petroleum Act or the Permit requires Paltar to relinquish any portion of the Permit Area, Paltar will use its best endeavors to ensure that the Nation Blocks will not be relinquished, although it may not be successful.  If a Nation Block is relinquished, Paltar will cause another Block to be substituted for the relinquished Nation Block.  The other Block selected for this substitution will be the nearest Block to the relinquished Nation Block as to which neither Nation nor any third party then has any earning rights.
Extension of the Term
Decisions to renew the Permit will be made by the Operating Committee, although the Operating Committee decision whether to renew shall be decided by Nation alone. If the Operating Committee decides to renew, Nation will be bound by the renewal work program and all other consequences of the renewal; if the Operating Committee decides not to renew, Paltar may renew the Permit for its own account, and this Agreement will automatically terminate upon such renewal.
Surrender of Permit or Licence
If Paltar wishes voluntarily to surrender the entire Permit, such surrender shall require the specific agreement of Nation.
Transfer of interest or rights
If a Transfer subject to this clause 9 occurs without satisfaction (in all material respects) by the transferor of the requirements hereof, then the other Party shall be entitled to enforce specific performance of the terms of this clause 9, in addition to any other remedies (including damages) to which it may be entitled.  Each Party agrees that monetary damages alone would not be an adequate remedy for the breach of any Party's obligations under this clause 9.
Except in the case of a Party transferring all of its interest under this Agreement, no Transfer shall be made by any Party which results in the transferor or the transferee holding an interest under this Agreement of less than ten percent (10%) of its original interest under this Agreement.
Both the transferee, and, notwithstanding the Transfer, the transferring Party, shall be liable to the other Parties for the transferring Party’s share of any obligations (financial or otherwise) which have vested, matured or accrued under the provisions of this Agreement prior to such Transfer, including any obligation to contribute Work Program Expenses.

A transferee shall have no rights under this Agreement unless and until:
it expressly undertakes in an instrument reasonably satisfactory to the other Party to perform the obligations of the transferor under this Agreement in respect of the interest being transferred; and
except in the case of a Transfer to a Related Body Corporate, the other Party has consented in writing to such Transfer, which consent shall be denied only if the transferee fails to establish to the reasonable satisfaction of the other Party its financial capability to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
No consent shall be required under clause 9.2(c)(ii) for a Transfer to a Related Body Corporate if the transferring Party agrees in an instrument reasonably satisfactory to the other to remain liable for performance by the Related Body Corporate of its obligations.
Nothing contained in this clause 9 shall prevent a Party from Encumbering its interest under this Agreement to a third party for the purpose of security relating to finance, provided that:
the Party shall remain liable for all obligations relating to such interest;
the Encumbrance shall be expressly subordinated to the rights of the other Party to this Agreement; and
the Party shall ensure that any Encumbrance is expressly without prejudice to the provisions of this Agreement.
Withdrawal from Agreement
Right of Withdrawal
Subject to the provisions of this clause 10, Nation may withdraw from this Agreement at any time after the fifth permit year and prior to the Earning Date by providing written notice to Paltar at least 90 days prior to the effective date of the withdrawal.  Such Notice shall be unconditional and irrevocable when given and, on the effective date of the withdrawal, this Agreement shall terminate.
Nation may not withdraw from this Agreement if its interest in the Agreement is subject to any Encumbrance, unless Paltar is willing to accept the assignment reflecting the withdrawal subject to any such Encumbrance and any necessary consents are obtained from the holder of any such Encumbrance.
Obligations and Liabilities of Nation upon Withdrawal
Nation shall, following its notification of withdrawal, remain liable only for its share of the following:
all Work Program Expenses coming due before the effective date of the withdrawal;

all costs and expenses associated with a fire, blow out, loss of well control, act of sabotage or vandalism, or other emergency occurring prior to the effective date of the withdrawal, without regard to when such costs are actually incurred; and
all other obligations and liabilities of Nation with respect to acts or omissions under this Agreement prior to the effective date of the withdrawal for which Nation would have been liable, had it not withdrawn from this Agreement.
Relationship of Parties and Tax
Relationship of Parties
The rights, duties, obligations and liabilities of the Parties under this Agreement shall be several, not joint or joint and several.  It is not the intention of the Parties to create, nor shall this Agreement be deemed or construed to create a mining or other partnership or association or (except as explicitly provided in this Agreement) a trust.  This Agreement shall not be deemed or construed to authorise any Party to act as an agent, servant or employee for any other Party for any purpose whatsoever except as explicitly set forth in this Agreement. In their relations with each other under this Agreement, the Parties shall not be considered fiduciaries except as expressly provided in this Agreement.
Each Party shall be responsible for reporting and discharging its own royalty and tax measured by the profit or income of the Party under this Agreement.  Each Party shall protect, defend and indemnify each other Party from any and all loss, cost or liability arising from the indemnifying Party's failure to report and discharge such royalties and taxes.  The Parties intend that all income and all tax benefits (including, but not limited to, deductions, depreciation, credits and capitalisation) with respect to the expenditures made by the Parties hereunder will be allocated by the relevant tax authorities to the Parties based on the share of each tax item actually received or borne by each Party.  If such allocation is not accomplished due to the application of the laws and regulations of the Government or other Government action, the Parties shall attempt to adopt mutually agreeable arrangements that will allow the Parties to achieve the financial results intended.  Paltar shall provide each Party, in a timely manner and at such Party's sole expense, with such information with respect to Operations as such Party may reasonably request for preparation of its tax returns or responding to any audit or other tax proceeding.
United States Tax Election
For United Stated Federal Income Tax Purposes, each U.S. Party hereby elects to be excluded from the application of all the provisions of Subchapter K, Chapter 1, Subtitle A, of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as permitted by Section 761 of said Code and the Regulations promulgated thereunder.
Should there be any requirement that each U.S. Party evidence this election, each Party agrees to execute such documents and furnish such other evidence as may be required by the United States Internal Revenue Service or may otherwise be necessary. Each Party further agrees not to give any notices or take any other action inconsistent with the election made hereby.

If any further income tax law of the United States contains provisions similar to those contained in said Subchapter K, under which an election similar to that provided by Section 761 is permitted, each U.S. Party agrees to make such elections as may be permitted by such laws. In making this election, each U.S. Party affirms that the income derived by it from the operations under this Agreement can be adequately determined without the computation of partnership taxable income.
Unless approved by every U.S. Party, no activity shall be conducted under this Agreement that would cause any Non-U.S. Party to be deemed to be engaged in a trade or business within the United States under United States income tax laws or regulations.
Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to require any Party to do or execute any document that might subject it or its income or property to United States taxation or to render liable to United States taxation any Party which prior to entering into this Agreement was not subject to United States taxation.
For the purposes of this clause 11.3, “U.S. Party” shall mean any Party that is subject to the income tax law of the United States in respect with operations under this Agreement.  “Non-U.S. Party” shall mean any Party that is not subject to such income tax law.
Goods and Services Tax
Unless otherwise stated, all consideration specified in this Agreement does not include goods and services tax (GST) under the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cwlth) (GST Act).
If and to the extent that a supply under this Agreement is subject to GST, the recipient must pay to the supplier an additional amount equal to the amount of GST payable on that supply (GST Amount).
The GST Amount is payable at the same time as the GST exclusive consideration for the supply is payable or to be provided.  However, the GST Amount need not be paid until the supplier provides a Tax Invoice to the recipient.
If the GST Amount differs from the amount of GST payable by the supplier, the GST Amount must be adjusted.
If a party is entitled to be reimbursed or indemnified under this agreement, the amount to be reimbursed or indemnified must be reduced by any amount for which the Participant is entitled to an Input Tax Credit (as defined in the GST Act) for the acquisition to which that reimbursement of indemnification relates.
Confidential Information
Disclosure of Confidential Information
Nation may not disclose Confidential Information to any person except:
with the written consent of Paltar;
if Nation is required to do so by law, a Government or a stock exchange;

if Nation is required to do so in connection with legal proceedings relating to this Agreement;
to a transferee or potential transferee (or its advisers) of the whole or any part of Nation’s interest under this Agreement who gives an appropriate confidentiality undertaking to Nation for the benefit of Paltar; or
in connection with, or in contemplation of, a listing on a stock exchange.
Disclosure by recipient of Confidential Information
If Nation discloses Confidential Information under clause 12.1, it must use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that persons receiving Confidential Information do not disclose the information except in the circumstances permitted in that clause.
Use of Confidential Information
Nation may not use Confidential Information except for the purpose of exercising its rights or performing its obligations under this Agreement.
Prior notification of disclosure to stock exchange
If Nation is required or wishes to disclose Confidential Information in accordance with clause 12.1(ii) or clause 12.1(iii), it must notify Paltar of the proposed disclosure as far in advance as practicable.
Return of Confidential Information
Nation must, upon the request of Paltar, immediately deliver to Paltar all documents or other materials containing or referring to the Confidential Information which are in its possession, power or control or in the possession, power or control of persons who received Confidential Information from it under clause 12.1(i) or 12.1(iv).
Retention of Confidential Information
Despite clause 12.5, Nation may retain one single copy only of the documents or other materials referred to in that clause provided that the Party continues to comply with all other obligations set out in this clause 12 in respect of any retained copies.
Obligations Continue
The rights and obligations of a Party under this clause 12 with respect to confidentiality will continue to apply to that Party even after this Agreement terminates.
Force majeure
Force Majeure
If, as a result of an event of Force Majeure, a Party becomes unable, wholly or in part, to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement:

that Party shall give the other Party notice of the event of Force Majeure with reasonably full particulars and, insofar as is known to it, the probable extent to which it will be unable to perform or be delayed in performing its obligations;
on giving the notice of the event of Force Majeure, that obligation, other than an obligation to pay money, is suspended but only so far as and for so long as it is affected by the Force Majeure; and
the Party affected by the event of Force Majeure must continue to maintain, or ensure that Paltar maintains, the Permit in good condition.
Labour disputes and Native Title matters
The obligation to use reasonable diligence to overcome or remove the effect of event of Force Majeure does not require the affected Party to:
settle any strike, or other labour dispute on terms contrary to its wishes;
contest the validity or enforceability of any Laws; or
settle any Native Title Claim or enter into any agreement with respect to Native Title Rights,
on terms not reasonably acceptable to it solely for the purpose of removing the event of Force Majeure.
The obligation of the affected Party to perform its obligations resumes as soon as it is no longer affected by the Force Majeure event.
Form of Notice
Unless expressly stated otherwise in this Agreement, any notice, certificate, consent, approval, waiver or other communication in connection with this Agreement (Notice) must be in writing or given by electronic transmission, signed by an authorised officer of the sender and marked for the attention of the person identified in clause 14.3 or, if the recipient has notified otherwise, then marked for attention in the last way notified.
When Notices are taken to have been given and received
A Notice is regarded as given and received:
if delivered by hand, when delivered;
if sent by pre-paid post from an address in Australia to an address in Australia, three days after posting;

if sent by pre-paid post from or to an address outside Australia, ten days after posting;
if given by fax, when the sender’s fax machine issues a successful transmission report;
if given by email, on the earlier of:
the time the sender receives an automated message that the email was delivered; and
six hours after being delivered unless:
the sender receives an automated message that the email was undeliverable or that the recipient is out of the office; or
the sender knows or reasonably should know that there is a network failure and accordingly knows or suspects that the email was not delivered,
in which case the email is taken not to be delivered and the sender should resend the notice by hand, post or fax.
Address details for Notices
Paltar Petroleum Limited
Level 10, 32 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000
Attention:  Marc Bruner / Darrel Causbrook
Facsimile: +61 2 9222 1880
e-mail:  darrel.causbrook@causbrooks.com.au
Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd
1500 West 16th Avenue, Suite F
Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6J 2L6
Attention: John R. Hislop
Telephone: +1 604 331 3375
Facsimile: +1 604 688 4712
e-mail: jhislop@14u.org
Applicable law and arbitration
Applicable Law
This Agreement shall be governed by, construed, interpreted and applied in accordance with the laws of the Northern Territory, excluding any choice of law rules which would refer the matter to the laws of another jurisdiction.

Any and all claims, demands, causes of action, disputes, controversies and other matters in question arising out of, in connection with, or relating to this Agreement, including any question regarding its breach, existence, validity or termination, must be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with, and subject to, the International Chamber of Commerce Rules of Arbitration.
The appointing and administering body will be The Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia.  The arbitrators must have at least ten years’ experience as to the subject of the dispute.
There shall be three arbitrators, the language of arbitration shall be English and the place of arbitration shall be a mutually-agreed place in Australia.
Each Party will each appoint one arbitrator within 30 days of the filing of the request for arbitration and the two arbitrators so appointed will select the presiding arbitrator within 30 days of the appointment of the first two arbitrators.
The resulting arbitral award will be final and binding upon the Parties, and judgment upon such an award may be entered and enforced by either Party in any court with sufficient jurisdiction.
Term and Condition Precedent
Subject to clause 16(b), this Agreement shall be effective upon execution by all Parties and shall continue, unless sooner terminated by the express provisions of this Agreement, until all of the Nation Blocks are covered by Production Licences or until Nation withdraws from the Agreement under clause 10.
Any provision of this Agreement that would (but for this clause) effect an acquisition of an interest in Australian urban land (within the meaning of the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth) (FATA)) is subject to and conditional upon the person making the acquisition not having received any order or notice under the FATA prohibiting the person from making the acquisition or making the acquisition subject to conditions which are unacceptable to the person.
Nation may apply to the relevant Minister after December 31, 2015 pursuant to section 96(3) of the Petroleum Act for approval of this agreement for the purposes of having an entry made in the register in accordance with section 96(7) of the Petroleum Act.  Paltar shall take such steps as necessary or reasonably requested by Nation in order to achieve the approval and entry in the register in accordance with this clause.

General provisions
Warranties as to no Payments, Gifts and Loans
Each of the Parties warrants that neither it nor its affiliates has made or will make, with respect to the matters provided for hereunder, any offer, payment, promise to pay or authorisation of the payment of any money, or any offer, gift, promise to give or authorisation of the giving of anything of value, directly or indirectly, to or for the use or benefit of any official or employee of the Government or to or for the use or benefit of any political party, official, or candidate unless such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation is authorised by the Laws, or the payment of any bribe to any person or entity.  Each of the Parties further warrants that neither it nor its Related Bodies Corporate has made or will make any such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation to or for the use or benefit of any other person if the Party knows, has a firm belief, or is aware that there is a high probability that the other person would use such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation for any of the purposes described in the preceding sentence.  Each Party shall respond promptly, and in reasonable detail, to any notice from any other Party or its auditors pertaining to the above stated warranty and representation and shall furnish documentary support for such response upon request from such other Party.
Conflicts of Interest
Each Party undertakes that it shall avoid any conflict of interest between its own interests (including the interests of Related Bodies Corporate) and the interest of the other Parties in dealing with suppliers, customers and all other organisations or individuals doing or seeking to do business with the Parties in connection with activities contemplated under this Agreement.
The provisions of 17.2(a) shall not apply to Paltar's acquisition of products or services from a Related Body Corporate, or the sale thereof to a Related Body Corporate, made in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
Unless otherwise agreed, the Parties and their Related Bodies Corporate are free to engage or invest (directly or indirectly) in an unlimited number of activities or businesses, any one or more of which may be related to or in competition with the business activities contemplated under this Agreement, without having or incurring any obligation to offer any interest in such business activities to any Party.
Without limiting the generality of clause 17.2(c), Nation specifically acknowledges that Paltar will own interests in the Blocks covered by the Permit that are not Nation Blocks; that work performed on the Nation Blocks may benefit the other Blocks covered by the Permit; that Paltar may enter into sales, farmouts and other agreements of every type and nature relating to Blocks covered by the Permit which are not Nation Blocks; and that Nation will have no interest or expectation of any interest resulting from Paltar’s activities on Blocks that are not Nation Blocks.
Public Announcements
Subject to clause 17.3(b), Paltar shall be responsible for the preparation and release of all public announcements and statements regarding this Agreement or the Operations; provided that, no public announcement or statement shall be issued or made unless prior to its release Nation has been furnished with a copy of such statement or announcement.  Where a public announcement or statement becomes necessary or desirable because of danger to or loss of life, damage to property or pollution as a result of activities arising under this Agreement, Paltar is authorised to issue and make such announcement or statement without prior approval of Nation, but shall promptly furnish Nation with a copy of such announcement or statement.

Nation may issue any such public announcement or statement if it is necessary to do so in order to comply with the applicable laws, rules or regulations of any government, legal proceedings or stock exchange having jurisdiction over Nation or its Related Bodies Corporate.
Successors and Assigns
Subject to the limitations on transfer contained in clause 9, this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Parties.
No waiver by any Party of any one or more defaults by another Party in the performance of this Agreement shall operate or be construed as a waiver of any future default or defaults by the same Party, whether of a like or of a different character.  Except as expressly provided in this Agreement no Party shall be deemed to have waived, released or modified any of its rights under this Agreement unless such Party has expressly stated, in writing, that it does waive, release or modify such right.
Severance of Invalid Provisions
If and for so long as any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be judged invalid for any reason whatsoever, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or operation of any other provision of this Agreement except only so far as shall be necessary to give effect to the construction of such invalidity, and any such invalid provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement without affecting the validity of the balance of this Agreement.
Except as is provided in clause 17.6, there shall be no modification of this Agreement except by written consent of all Parties.
The topical headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be construed as having any substantive significance or as indicating that all of the provisions of this Agreement relating to any topic are to be found in any particular clause.
Singular and Plural
Reference to the singular includes a reference to the plural and vice versa.
Reference to any gender includes a reference to all other genders.
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and supersedes all prior understandings and negotiations of the Parties.

A reference in this Agreement to the Petroleum Act or any other statute or any provision or clause thereof shall be read (unless otherwise provided in this Agreement) as though the words ‘including any statutory amendment or modification thereof any statutory provision substituted thereof, re-enactment or replacement thereof and any rules, regulations, by laws and instruments or other documents made pursuant thereto’ were added to such reference.
No clause within this document can be used by any person as defence to any action brought under the Criminal Code or Corporations Act.
Rule against perpetuities
For the purposes only of avoiding breach of the rule against perpetuities this Agreement has a term not exceeding 80 years.
Defined terms
Acquisition Date has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 5.3.
Authorised Person of a Party means:
the officers and employees of the Party;
the technical, financial, legal or other advisors of the Party; and
the respective officers and employees of the technical, financial, legal or other advisors of the Party.
Blocks means the numbered blocks that each graticular section of the Northern Territory is divided into pursuant to Section 8 of the Petroleum Act and Block is a reference to any one of them.
Commencement Date means the date hereof.
Confidential Information means all confidential, non-public or proprietary information regardless of how the information is stored or delivered, delivered to Nation before, on or after the date of this Agreement relating to this Agreement or the Operations.
Consequential Loss means:
any damages or losses which are not direct or which do not flow naturally from the relevant breach of this Agreement, even if those damages or losses may reasonably be supposed to have been in the contemplation of all Parties as a probable result of the breach at the time they entered into this Agreement; and
any losses of profits, business opportunity, reputation, customers or markets, whether direct or indirect.

Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
Discovery means the discovery of an accumulation of petroleum whose existence until that moment was unproven by drilling.
Earning Amount means $335,273 of Expenditures, which, for the avoidance of doubt, is an amount separate and apart from the Cash Consideration and the Share Consideration.
Earning Date has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 3.1.
Earning Period means the period commencing on the Commencement Date and ending at the conclusion of the fifth Permit Year.
Encumbrance means any mortgage, lien, charge, pledge, assignment by way of security, security interest, preferential right or trust arrangement, or other arrangement having the same effect.
Expenditure means expenditure in respect of Operations and other exploration on the Nation Blocks and includes all amounts spent on keeping the Permit in good standing or fulfilling obligations of Paltar with respect to the Permit.
Force Majeure means any of the following events provided that they are outside the reasonable control of the affected Party and could not have been prevented or avoided by that Party taking reasonable steps:
act of God, earthquake, cyclone, fire, explosion, flood, landslide, lightning, storm, tempest, drought or meteor;
war (declared or undeclared), invasion, act of a foreign enemy, hostilities between nations, civil insurrection or militarily usurped power;
act of public enemy, sabotage, malicious damage, terrorism or civil unrest;
ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear waste or from combustion of nuclear fuel;
confiscation, nationalisation, requisition, expropriation, prohibition, embargo, restraint or damage to property by or under the order of any government or government authority; or
strikes, blockades, lock out or other industrial disputes.
Government means any department, local government council, administrative or statutory authority or any other person under a Law which has a right to impose a requirement or whose consent is required.
Indemnitees has the meaning set forth in clause 3.8(b).
Law means any treaty, statute, subordinate legislation, code, regulation, rule, common law, equity determination, injunction, judgment, order, decree, ruling, directive, decision and any judicial, regulatory, administrative or other interpretation,  implementation or enforcement of any of the foregoing issued by any Government having jurisdiction as to the undertakings and any other matters arising under this Agreement, whether currently in effect or subsequently modified, including Commonwealth, Northern Territory and local government legislation, regulations, by-laws, and other subordinate legislation.

Minimum Work Obligations means those work or expenditure obligations that must be performed in order to satisfy Permit obligations.
Nation Blocks means the portions of three Blocks identified in Schedule 2, or such replacement Blocks as may be identified under clause 8.1.
Nation Interest means an undivided twenty-five percent (25%) interest in the Permit, insofar as it covers the Nation Blocks, and any Production Licence granted in connection therewith, insofar as it covers any area under a Nation Block (subject to clause 5).
Native Title Claims means either:
any claim, application or proceeding in respect of Native Title Rights which is accepted by the Native Title Tribunal or the Registrar thereof pursuant to the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth); or
any claim, application or proceeding in respect of those rights, interests and statutory protections of and relating to aboriginal persons as set out in the legislation of the Northern Territory or the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth).
Native Title Rights has the same meaning as the expressions “native title” or “native title rights and interests” defined in section 223(1) of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) and includes those rights, interests and statutory protections of and relating to aboriginal persons and aboriginal cultural heritage as set out in the relevant legislation of the Northern Territory including the Northern Territory Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act (NT) or the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth).
Notice has the meaning set forth in clause 14.1.
Operating Account means the account established and maintained by the Operator in accordance with this Agreement to record all charges, expenditures, credits and receipts in respect of Operations which are chargeable or to be credited to Nation.
Operating Committee means the committee established and functioning under clause 4.
Operations means the following activities required for the operation of the Permit in accordance with this Earning Agreement:
management and operation of the Permit;
facilitation of access to the Permit including liaising with native title parties and landholders;
preparation, development and carrying out of exploration and appraisal programs on the Nation Blocks;
geological analysis and interpretation of exploration results;

compliance with conditions and legal requirements relating to the Permit;
appointment and management of contractors undertaking seismic analysis, drilling, and related exploration and appraisal programs;
but excluding any exploration or appraisal work physically conducted on lands other than the Nation Blocks.
Operator has the meaning given to it in the 1993 NT Onshore Petroleum Directions.
Option has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 5.3.
Option Period has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 5.3.
Paltar Interest means an undivided seventy-five percent (75%) interest in the Permit, insofar as it covers the Nation Blocks, and any Production Licence granted in connection therewith, insofar as it covers any area under a Nation Block (subject to clause 5).
Parties means the entities named in the first paragraph to this Agreement and their respective permitted successors or assigns, and Party is a reference to any one of them.
Permit means Exploration Permit 237 issued under the Petroleum Act and includes any extension, renewal, conversion, substitution, modifications or variations thereof.
Permit Year means a year beginning 5 September and ending the following 4 September.
Petroleum Act means the Petroleum Act 2009 (NT).
Production Licence has the meaning provided in the Petroleum Act.
Property means all property, whether real or personal, which is owned, leased, held, developed, constructed, produced or acquired by the Operator solely for the conduct of Operations.
Related Body Corporate has the meaning given to it in section 50 of the Corporations Act.
Senior Supervisory Personnel means a Party’s senior manager, who directs all operations and activities of such Party in Australia.
Transfer means assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of any interest in this Agreement in whole or part, whether by sale, lease, declaration or creation of a trust or otherwise.
Wilful Misconduct means an intentional and conscious disregard of any obligation owed by the relevant person, but does not include any act or omission which is (directly or indirectly) attributable to any breach or negligence on the part of any other person or of such other person's Related Body Corporate.
Work Program and Budget means an annual work program prepared by Paltar setting out the Operations to be undertaken during that year under this Agreement in respect of the Permit, together with the estimated amounts required to perform such work program.

Work Program Expenses means the costs and expenses incurred, paid or payable by the Operator in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement or otherwise authorized by the Operating Committee in connection with conducting Work Programs and Budgets.
In this Agreement, except where the context otherwise requires:
the singular includes the plural and vice versa and a gender includes other genders;
another grammatical form of a defined word or expression has a corresponding meaning;
a reference to a clause, paragraph, schedule or annexure is to a clause or paragraph of, or schedule or annexure to, this Agreement and a reference to this Agreement includes any schedule or annexure;
a reference to a document or instrument includes the document or instrument as novated, altered, supplemented or replaced from time to time;
all references to dollar amounts are in Australian currency;
a reference to a Party is to a party to this Agreement and a reference to a Party to a document includes the Party's executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns and substitutes;
a reference to a person includes a natural person, partnership, body corporate, association, governmental or local authority or agency or other entity;
a reference to a statute, ordinance, code or other law includes regulations and other instruments under it and consolidations, amendments, re-enactments or replacements of any of them;
the meaning of general words is not limited by specific examples introduced by including, for example or similar expressions;
a rule of construction does not apply to the disadvantage of a Party because the Party was responsible for the preparation of this Agreement or any part of it; and
if a day on or by which an obligation must be performed or an event must occur is not a business day in Sydney, Australia, the obligation must be performed or the event must occur on or by the next day that is a business day.
Headings are for ease of reference only and do not affect interpretation.




Executed by Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) in accordance with section 127 of the Corporations Act by authority of its directors:
/s/ Nick Tropea
/s/ Darrel Causbrook
Nick Tropea
Darrel John Causbrook
Print name
Print name


Executed by Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046) in accordance with section 127 of the Corporations Act by authority of its directors:
/s/ John R. Hislop
/s/ Darrel Causbrook
John R. Hislop
Darrel John Causbrook
Print name
Print name




Schedule 1 – Royalties

Holder & Granting Document
Percentage of Hydrocarbons produced/sold
1. Northern Territory of Australia royalty pursuant to the Petroleum Act (NT)






Schedule 2 – Nation Blocks



Schedule 3 – Permit Year 3 Work Program and Budget

Work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks:
Geological and geophysical work                                                                     201,164
General and administrative                                                                                134,109

Amounts shown above are in Australian dollars.  All such amounts were originally estimated in United States dollars and converted to Australian dollars at the rate of USD 1 = AUD 1.34109, the oanda.com average bid rate in effect when this Schedule 3 was prepared.



Annex 1 – Accounting Procedure

Section 1
General Provisions
Section 2
Direct Charges
Section 3
Indirect Charges
Section 4
Acquisition of Material
Section 5
Disposal of Materials
Section 6

Section 1  
General Provisions
The purpose of this Accounting Procedure is to establish fair and equitable methods for determining charges and credits applicable to Operations.  If the methods prove unfair or inequitable to Paltar or Nation, the Parties shall meet and in good faith endeavour to agree on changes to correct any unfairness or inequity.
In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Accounting Procedure and the provisions of the Agreement, the provisions of the Agreement shall prevail.
The definitions contained in clause 18 of the Agreement shall apply to this Accounting Procedure and have the same meanings when used herein. Certain terms used herein are defined as follows:
Accrual basis means that basis of accounting under which costs and benefits are regarded as applicable to the period in which the liability for the cost is incurred or the right to the benefit arises, regardless of when invoiced, paid, or received.
Cash basis means that basis of accounting under which only costs actually paid and revenue actually received are included for any period.
Country of Operations means the Commonwealth of Australia.
Material means machinery, equipment and supplies acquired and held for use in Operations.

Operating Account Records / Currency Exchange
Paltar shall at all times maintain and keep true and correct records of the production and disposition of all petroleum, and of all costs and expenditures under the Agreement, as well as other data necessary or proper for the settlement of accounts between the Parties hereto in connection with their rights and obligations under the Agreement and to enable Parties to comply with their respective applicable income tax and other laws.
Paltar shall maintain accounting records pertaining to Operations in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices used in the international petroleum industry and any applicable statutory obligations of the Country of Operations as well as the provisions of the Permit and the Agreement.
The Operating Account shall be maintained by Paltar in the English language and in Australian currency.  Conversions of currency shall be recorded at the rate actually experienced in that conversion.  Currency translations are used to express the amount of expenditures and receipts for which a currency conversion has not actually occurred.  Currency translations for expenditures and receipts shall be recorded at the arithmetic average of the buying and selling exchange rates at the close of each business day of the month of the current accounting period as published by oanda.com or, if not published by oanda.com, then by Westpac Banking Corporation.
Any currency exchange gains or losses shall be credited or charged to the Operating Account, except as otherwise specified in this Accounting Procedure.  Any such exchange gains or losses shall be separately identified as such.
The Accrual basis for accounting shall be used in preparing accounts concerning the Operations.  If a Cash basis for accounting is used, Paltar shall show accruals as memorandum items.
Statements and Billings
Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, Paltar shall submit monthly to Nation, on or before the 15th day of each month, statements of the costs and expenditures incurred during the prior month, indicating by appropriate classification the nature thereof and the corresponding budget category.
These statements, as a minimum, shall contain the following information:
advances of funds setting forth the currencies received from Nation;
the share of Nation in total expenditures, if other than 100%;
the accrued expenditures;
the current account balance of Nation;
summary of costs, credits, and expenditures on a current month, year-to-date, and inception-to-date basis or other periodic basis, as agreed by the Parties (such expenditures shall be grouped by the categories and line items designated in the approved Work Program and Budget so as to facilitate comparison of actual expenditures against that Work Program and Budget), and

details of unusual charges and credits in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A $50,000.00).
Paltar shall, upon request, furnish a description of the accounting classifications used by it.
Amounts included in statements and billings shall be expressed in Australian currency and reconciled to the currencies advanced.
Each Party shall be responsible for preparing its own accounting and tax reports to meet the requirements of the Country of Operations and of all other countries to which it may be subject.  Paltar, to the extent that the information is reasonably available from the Operating Account records, shall provide Nation in a timely manner the necessary information to facilitate the discharge of such responsibility.
Payments and Advances
Upon approval of any Work Program and Budget, if Paltar so requests, Nation shall advance its share of estimated cash requirements for the succeeding month's operations.  Each such Cash Call shall be equal to Paltar's estimate of the money to be spent in the currencies required to perform its duties under the Work Program and Budget during the month concerned.  For informational purposes the Cash Call shall contain an estimate of the funds required for the succeeding two months detailed by the categories designated in the Work Program and Budget.
Each such cash Call, detailed by the categories designated in the Work Program and Budget, shall be made in writing and delivered to Nation not less than 15 days before the payment due date.  The due date for payment of such advances shall be set by Paltar but shall be no sooner than the first day of the month for which the advances are required. All advances shall be made without bank charges. Any charges related to receipt of advances from Nation shall be borne by Nation.
Nation shall wire transfer its share of the full amount of each Cash Call to Paltar on or before the due date, in the currencies requested or any other currencies acceptable to Paltar at a bank designated by Paltar.  If currency provided by Nation is other than the requested currency, then the entire cost of converting to the requested currency shall be charged to Nation.
Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 1.6.2 of this Accounting Procedure, should Paltar be required to pay any sums of money for Operations which were unforeseen at the time estimates were provided to Nation, Paltar may make a written request of Nation for special advances covering Nation' share of such payments.  Each such Nation shall make its proportional special advances within ten days after receipt of such notice.

If Nation's advances exceed its share of cash expenditures, the next succeeding cash advance requirements, after such determination, shall be reduced accordingly.  However, if the amount of such excess advance is greater than the amount of the next month's estimated cash requirements for such Nation, Nation may request a refund of the difference, which refund shall be made by Paltar within ten days after receipt of Nation's request provided that the amount is in excess of twenty five thousand Australian dollars (A$ 25,000.00).
If Nation's advances are less than its share of cash expenditures, the deficiency shall, at Paltar's option, be added to subsequent cash advance requirements or be paid by Nation within ten days following the receipt of Paltar's billing to Nation for such deficiency.
If, under the provisions of the Agreement, Paltar is required to segregate funds received from the Parties, any interest received on such funds shall be applied against the next succeeding Cash Call.
If Paltar does not ask Nation to advance its share of estimated cash requirements, Nation shall pay its share of cash expenditures within 10 days following receipt of Paltar's billing.
Payments of advances or billings shall be made on or before the due date. If these payments are not received by the due date the unpaid balance shall bear and accrue interest from the due date until the payment is received by Paltar at the Agreed Interest Rate.   For the purpose of determining the unpaid balance and interest owed, Paltar shall translate to Australian currency all amounts owed in other currencies using the currency exchange rate determined in accordance with clause 1.4.3 at the close of the last business day prior to the due date for the unpaid balance.
Subject to governmental regulation, Paltar shall have the right, at any time and from time to time, to convert the funds advanced or any part thereof to other currencies to the extent that such currencies are then required for operations.   The cost of any such conversion shall be charged to the Operating Account.
Paltar shall endeavour to maintain funds held for the Operating Account in bank accounts at a level consistent with that required for the prudent conduct of Operations.
If under the Agreement, Paltar is required to segregate funds received from or for the Operating Account, the provisions under this clause 1.6 for payments and advances by Nation shall apply also to Paltar.
Payments of any advances or billings shall not prejudice the right of Nation to protest or question the correctness thereof; provided, however, all bills and statements rendered to Nation by Paltar during any year shall conclusively be presumed to be true and correct after 24 months following the end of such year, unless within the said 24 month period Nation takes written exception thereto and makes claim on Paltar for adjustment.  Failure on the part of Nation to make claim on Paltar for adjustment within such period shall establish the correctness thereof and preclude the filing of exceptions thereto or making claims for adjustment thereon.  No adjustment favourable to Paltar shall be made unless it is made within the same prescribed period.  The provisions of this clause 1.7 shall not prevent adjustments resulting from a physical inventory of the Material as provided for in clause VI.  Paltar shall be allowed to make adjustments to the Operating Account after such 24 month period if these adjustments result from audit exceptions outside of this Accounting Procedure, third party claims, or government requirements.  Any such adjustments shall be subject to audit within the time period specified in clause 1.8.l of this Accounting Procedure.

Nation, upon at least 60 days advance notice in writing to Paltar, shall have the right to audit the Operating Account and records of Paltar relating to the accounting hereunder for any year within the 24 month period following the end of such year, except as otherwise provided in clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure.  As provided in clause 4.2(b)(6) of the Agreement, Nation shall have reasonable access to Paltar's personnel and to the facilities, warehouses, and offices directly or indirectly serving Operations.  The cost of each such audit shall be borne by Nation.  Nation must take written exception to and make claim upon Paltar for all discrepancies disclosed by said audit within said 24 month period.  Nation may request information from Paltar prior to the commencement of the audit.  Paltar will provide the information in electronic format or hard copy documents, if electronic format is not available.  Paltar will provide the information requested within 30 days before commencement of the audit but in no event sooner than 30 days after the written request.  The information requested shall be limited to that normally used for pre-audit work such as trial balance, general ledger, and sub-ledger data.
Paltar shall endeavour to produce information from its Affiliates reasonably necessary to support charges from those Affiliates to the Operating Account other than those charges referred to in clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure.
Except for charges under clause 2.7.1, the following provisions apply to all charges by Paltar for its Affiliates.
In addition to the information provided by Paltar under clause 1.8.2, Nation may seek to audit the books and records of an Affiliate of Paltar relating to the charges by the Affiliate to the Operating Account for the same year as provided in clause 1.8.1 above.  The charges of the Affiliate shall be subject to audit in accordance with (a), (b), or (c) below or any combination thereof.
(a)          If the Affiliate of Paltar consents to the audit, the audit may be conducted in the same manner as the audit of the books and records of Paltar.
If all or part of the charges are not audited under (a) above, the unaudited portion may be audited under (b) and/or (c) below.
(b)         The Affiliate may require use of an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm to confirm confidential or proprietary information and charges.  The cost of the internationally recognized independent public accounting firm shall be borne by Nation.  Nation will seek agreement with the Affiliate on the audit scope to confirm the details and facts relating to such information and charges.

If the internationally recognized independent public accounting firm of the Affiliate declines to conduct the audit, Nation will seek agreement with the Affiliate on an alternative internationally recognized independent public accounting firm.  The cost of using such firm shall be borne by Nation.
Paltar will endeavor to cause its Affiliate to not unreasonably withhold approval of the use of an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm or the scope of examination requested by Nation.
If all or part of the charges are not audited under (a) or (b) above, the unaudited portion may be audited under (c) below.
(c)         Paltar may request its Affiliate to provide Nation an annual report from an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm attesting that charges billed from such Affiliate to the Operating Account represent a complete and accurate allocation of its costs to the Operations, exclude any element of profit, exclude any duplication of costs covered under clauses 2 and 3, and are consistent in application to all of its activities.  The report will be furnished by Paltar within 12 months of the request from Nation.  The cost of providing the annual report shall be borne by Nation.
No amounts paid to an Affiliate of Paltar, which Nation seeks to audit, may be charged to the Operating Account if the Affiliate of Paltar does not allow audit of such amounts as provided above.
Any information obtained by Nation under the provisions of clause 1.8 which does not relate directly to the Operations shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed to any party, except as would otherwise be permitted under clause 15.2(a)(ii) and (x) of the Agreement.
In the event that Paltar is required by law to employ a public accounting firm to audit the Operating Account and records of Paltar relating to the accounting hereunder, the cost thereof shall be a charge against the Operating Account, and a copy of the audit shall be furnished to Nation.
At the conclusion of each audit, the Parties shall endeavour to settle outstanding matters expeditiously.  To this end Nation will make a reasonable effort to prepare and distribute a written report to Paltar as soon as possible and in any event within 90 days after the conclusion of each audit.  The report shall include all claims arising from such audit together with comments pertinent to the operation of the accounts and records.  Paltar shall make a reasonable effort to reply to the report in writing as soon as possible and in any event no later than 90 days after receipt of the report.  Should Nation consider that the report or reply requires further investigation of any item therein, Nation shall have the right to conduct further investigation in relation to such matter notwithstanding the provisions of clauses 1.7 and 1.8 of this Accounting Procedure that the period of 24 months may have expired.  However, conducting such further investigation shall not extend the 24 month period for taking written exception to and making a claim upon Paltar for all discrepancies disclosed by said audit. Such further investigations shall be commenced within 30 days and be concluded within 60 days after the receipt of such report or reply, as the case may be.

All adjustments resulting from an audit agreed between Paltar and Nation conducting the audit shall be reflected promptly in the Operating Account by Paltar and reported to Nation.  If any dispute shall arise in connection with an audit, it shall be reported to and discussed by the Operating Committee, and, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties to the dispute, resolved in accordance with the provisions of clause 18 of the Agreement. If all the Parties to the dispute so agree, the adjustments) may be referred to an independent expert agreed to by the Parties to the dispute.  At the election of the Parties o the dispute, the decision of the expert will be binding upon such Parties.  Unless otherwise agreed, the cost of such expert will be shared equally by all Parties to the dispute.
If it becomes necessary to allocate any costs or expenditures to or between Operations and any other operations, such allocation shall be made on an equitable basis. When it is reasonably foreseeable that such an allocation will be required, Paltar will furnish a description of its allocation procedures pertaining to these costs and expenditures and its rates for personnel and other charges.  Such allocations shall be subject to audit under clause 1.8.
Section 2  
Direct Charges
Paltar shall charge the Operating Account with all costs and expenditures incurred by Paltar for the conduct of Operations.  Charges for services normally provided by an operator such as those contemplated in clauses 2.7.2 and 2.7.3 which are provided by Paltar’s Affiliate shall reflect the cost to the Affiliate, excluding profit, for performing such services, except as otherwise provided in clause 2.6 and clause 2.7.1.
Charges shall only be applied to the Operating Account to the extent such charges are reasonably incurred in the legitimate exercise of Operations under the Agreement and in bona fide arms-length transactions on commercial terms generally available in the market place.
The costs and expenditures shall be recorded as required for the settlement of accounts between the Parties hereto in connection with the rights and obligations under this Agreement and for purposes of complying with the tax laws of the Country of Operations and of such other countries to which any of the Parties may be subject.  Chargeable costs and expenditures may include, but are not limited to:
All costs, if any, attributable to the acquisition, maintenance, renewal or relinquishment of the Permits paid in accordance with the Petroleum Act when paid by Paltar in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement.
Salaries, Wages and Related Costs.
Salaries, wages and related costs include everything constituting the employees' total compensation, as well as the cost to Paltar of holiday, vacation, sickness, disability benefits, living and housing allowances, travel time, bonuses, and other customary allowances applicable to the salaries and wages chargeable hereunder, as well as the costs to Paltar for employee benefits, including but not limited to employee group life insurance, group medical insurance, hospitalization, retirement, severance payments required by the laws or regulations of the Country of Operations.

Expenditures or contributions made pursuant to assessments imposed by governmental authority for payments with respect to or on account of employees described in clause 2.2.1 and clause 2.2.2 shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
The salaries, wages and related costs of employees of Paltar and its Affiliates temporarily or permanently assigned in the Country of Operations and directly engaged in Operations shall be chargeable to the Operating Account;
The salaries, wages and related costs of employees of Paltar and its Affiliates temporarily or permanently assigned outside the Country of Operations directly engaged in Operations and not otherwise covered in clause 2.7.2 of this Accounting Procedure shall be chargeable to the Operating Account;
Costs for salaries, wages and related costs may be charged to the Operating Account on an actual basis or at a rate based upon the average cost in accordance with Paltar's usual practice.  In determining the average cost, expatriate and national employees' rates shall be calculated separately and reviewed at least annually;
Reasonable expenses (including related travel costs) of those employees whose salaries and wages are chargeable to the Operating Account under clauses 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 of this Section 2 and for which expenses the employees are reimbursed under the usual practice of Paltar shall be chargeable to the Operating Account; and
If employees are engaged in other activities in addition to the Operations, the cost of such employees shall be allocated on an equitable basis.
Employee Relocation Costs
Except as provided in clause 2.3.3 of this Accounting Procedure, Paltar's cost of employees' relocation to or from an assignment with the Operations, whether within or outside the Country of Operations and whether permanently or temporarily assigned to the Operations, shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.  If such employee works on other activities in addition to Operations, such relocation costs shall be allocated on an equitable basis.
Such relocation costs shall include transportation of employees, families, personal and household effects of the employee and family, transit expenses, and all other related costs in accordance with Paltar's usual practice.
Relocation costs to an assignment that is not with the Operations to another location shall not be chargeable to the Operating Account unless the place of the new assignment is the point of origin of the employee or unless otherwise agreed by the Operating Committee.

Offices, Camps, and Miscellaneous Facilities.
The cost of maintaining any offices, sub-offices, camps, warehouses, housing, and other facilities of Paltar and/or Affiliates directly serving the Operations. If such facilities serve operations in addition to the Operations the costs shall be allocated to the properties served on an equitable basis.
The cost, net of discounts taken by Paltar, of Material purchased or furnished by Paltar, Such costs shall include, but are not limited to, export brokers' fees, transportation charges, loading, unloading fees, export and import duties and Licence fees associated with the procurement of Material and in-transit losses, if any, not covered by insurance. So far as it is reasonably practical and consistent with efficient and economical operation, only such Material shall be purchased for, and the cost thereof charged to, the Operating Account as may be required for immediate use.
Exclusively Owned Equipment and Facilities of Paltar and Affiliates.
Charges for providing its exclusively owned equipment, facilities, and utilities of Paltar or any of its Affiliates at rates not to exceed the average commercial rates of non-affiliated third parties then prevailing for like equipment, facilities, and utilities for use in the area where the same are used hereunder.  On request, Paltar shall furnish Nation a list of rates and the basis of application. Such rates shall be revised from time to time if found to be either excessive or insufficient, but not more than once every six months.
Exclusively owned drilling tools and other equipment lost in the hole or damaged beyond repair may be charged at replacement cost less depreciation plus transportation costs to deliver like equipment to the location where used.
The charges for services provided by third parties shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
The cost of services performed by Paltar’s Affiliates’ technical and professional staffs not located within the Country of Operation and not otherwise covered under clause 2.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, shall be chargeable to the Operating Account. The individual rates shall include salaries and wages of such technical and professional personnel, lost time, governmental assessments, and employee benefits.  Costs shall also include all support costs necessary for such technical and professional personnel to perform such services, such as, but not limited to, rent, utilities, support staff, drafting, telephone and other communication expenses, computer support, supplies, depreciation, and other reasonable expenses.
Premiums paid for insurance required by law or the Agreement to be carried for the benefit of the Operations.

Damages and Losses to Property
All costs or expenditures necessary to replace or repair damages or losses incurred by fire, flood, storm, theft, accident, or any other cause shall be chargeable to the Operating Account. Paltar shall furnish Nation written notice of damages or losses incurred in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A$ 50,000.00) as soon as practical after report of the same has been received by Paltar.  All losses in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A$ 50,000.00) shall be listed separately in the monthly statement of costs and expenditures.
Credits for settlements received from insurance carried for the benefit of Operations and from others for losses or damages to Property or Materials shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
Expenditures incurred in the settlement of all losses, claims, damages, judgments, and other expenses for the account of Operations shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
Litigation, Dispute Resolution and Associated Legal Expenses
The costs and expenses of litigation, dispute resolution and associated legal services necessary for the protection of the Operations under the Agreement as follows:
Legal services, other than those provided by the internal legal staffs of the Parties or their Affiliates, necessary or expedient for the protection of the Operations, and all costs and expenses of litigation, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution procedure, including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, together with all judgments obtained against the Parties or any of them arising from the Operations.
If the Parties shall so agree, litigation, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution procedures resulting from actions or claims affecting the Operations hereunder may be handled by the legal staff of one or any of the Parties or their respective Affiliates; and a charge commensurate with the reasonable costs of providing and furnishing such services rendered may be made by the Party or the Affiliate providing such service to Paltar for the Operating Account, but no such charges shall be made until approved by the Parties.
Taxes and Duties
All taxes, duties, assessments and governmental charges, of every kind and nature, assessed or levied upon or in connection with the Operations, other than any that are measured by or based upon the revenues, income and net worth of a Party.
If Paltar or an Affiliate is subject to income or withholding tax as a result of services performed at cost for the operations under the Agreement, its charges for such services may be increased by the amount of such taxes incurred (grossed up).

Ecological and Environmental
Costs incurred on the Property as a result of statutory regulations for archaeological and geophysical surveys relative to identification and protection of cultural resources and/or other environmental or ecological surveys as may be required by any regulatory authority. Also, costs to provide or have available pollution containment and removal equipment plus costs of actual control, clean up and remediation resulting from responsibilities associated with Hydrocarbon contamination as required by all applicable laws and regulations.
Decommissioning (Abandonment) and Reclamation.
Costs incurred for decommissioning (abandonment) and reclamation of the Property, including costs required by governmental or other regulatory authority or by the Agreement.
Other Expenditures
Any other costs and expenditures incurred by Paltar for the necessary and proper conduct of the Operations and not covered in this Section 2 or in Section 3.
Section 3  
Indirect Charges
Paltar shall charge the Operating Account monthly for the cost of indirect services and. related office costs of Paltar and its Affiliates not otherwise provided in this Accounting Procedure. Indirect costs chargeable under this Section 3 represent the cost of general assistance and support services provided by Paltar and its Affiliates. These costs are such that it is not practical to identify or associate them with specific projects but are for services which provide the Operations with needed and necessary resources which Paltar requires and provide a real benefit to Operations. No cost or expenditure included under Section 2 shall be included or duplicated under this Section 3. The charges under Section 3 are not subject to audit under clauses 1.8.1 and 1.8.2 of this Accounting Procedure other than to verify that the overhead percentages are applied correctly to the expenditure basis.
The indirect charge under clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure for any month shall equal the greater of the total amount of indirect charges for the period beginning at the start of the year through the end of the period covered by Paltar's invoice (Year-to-Date) determined under clause 3.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, less indirect charges previously made under clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure for the year in question, or the amount of the minimum assessment determined under clause 3.2.3, calculated on an annualized basis (but reduced pro rata for periods of less than one year), less indirect charges previously made under clause 3.1 for the year in question.
Unless exceeded by the minimum assessment under clause 3.2.3, the aggregate Year-to-Date indirect charges shall be a percentage of the Year-to-Date expenditures, calculated on the following scale:
Annual Expenditures
$0 to A$ 3,000,000 of expenditures = 5 %
Next A$ 7,000,000  of expenditures = 4 %

Next A$11,000,000 of expenditures = 3 %
Excess above A$ 11,000,000 of expenditures = 1.5 %
A minimum amount of A $ 36,000.00 shall be assessed each year calculated from the Effective Date and shall be reduced pro rata for periods of less than a year.
Indirect Charge for Projects.
If a major infrastructure construction project is undertaken, a separate indirect charge for such project shall be approved by the Operating Committee at the time of approval of the project.
Section 4  
Acquisition of Material

Materials purchased for the Operating Account shall be charged at net cost paid by Paltar. The price of Materials purchased shall include, but shall not be limited to export broker's fees, insurance, transportation charges, loading and unloading fees, import duties, Licence fees, and demurrage (retention charges) associated with the procurement of Materials, and applicable taxes, less all discounts taken.
Materials Furnished by Paltar

Materials required for operations shall be purchased for direct charge to the Operating Account whenever practicable, except Paltar may furnish such Materials from its stock under the following conditions:
New Materials transferred from the warehouse or other properties of Paltar hall be priced at net cost determined in accordance with clause 4.1 above as if Paltar had purchased such new Material just prior to its transfer.  Such net costs shall in no event exceed the then current market price.
Material which is in sound and serviceable condition and suitable for use without repair or reconditioning shall be classed as Condition ‘B’ and priced at 75% of such new purchase net cost at the time of transfer.
Materials not meeting the requirements of clause 4.2.2 above, but which can be made suitable for use after being repaired or reconditioned, shall be classed as Condition "C" and priced at 50% of such new purchase net cost at the time of transfer.  The cost of reconditioning shall also be charged to the Operating Account provided the Condition ‘C’ price, plus cost of reconditioning, does not exceed the Condition ‘B’ price; and provided that Material so classified meet the requirements for Condition ‘B’ Material upon being repaired or reconditioned.
Material which cannot be classified as Condition ‘B’ or Condition ‘C’, shall be priced at a value commensurate with its use.
Tanks, derricks, buildings, and other items of Material involving erection costs, if transferred in knocked-down condition, shall be graded as to condition as provided in this clause 4.2 of Section 4, and priced on the basis of knocked-down price of like new Material.

Material including drill pipe, casing and tubing, which is no longer useable for its original purpose but is useable for some other purpose, shall be graded as to condition as provided in this clause 4.2 of Section 4.  Such Material shall be priced on the basis of the current price of items normally used for such other purpose if sold to third parties.
Premium Prices
Whenever Material is not readily obtainable at prices specified in clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of this clause IV because of national emergencies, strikes or other unusual causes over which Paltar has no control, Paltar may charge the Operating Account for the required Material at Paltar's actual cost incurred procuring such Material, in making it suitable for use, and moving it to Permit area, provided that notice in writing, including a detailed description of the Material required and the required delivery date, is furnished to Nation of the proposed charge at least 10 days (or such shorter period as may be specified by Paltar) before the Material is projected to be needed for operations and prior to billing Nation for such Material the cost of which exceeds fifty thousand Australian dollars (A $ 50,000.00).  Nation shall have the right, by so electing and notifying Paltar within seven (7) days (or such shorter period as may be specified by Paltar) after receiving notice from Paltar, to furnish in kind all or part of his share of such Material per the terms of the notice which is suitable for use and acceptable to Paltar both as to quality and time of delivery.  Such acceptance by Paltar shall not be unreasonably withheld.  If Material furnished is deemed unsuitable for use by Paltar, all costs incurred in disposing of such Material or returning Material to owner shall be borne by Nation furnishing the same unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.  If Nation fails to properly submit an election notification within the designated period, Paltar is not required to accept Material furnished in kind by Nation.  If Paltar fails to submit proper notification prior to billing Nation for such Material, Paltar shall only charge the Operating Account on the basis of the price allowed during a "normal" pricing period in effect at time of movement.
Warranty of Material Furnished by Paltar
Paltar does not warrant the condition or fitness for the purpose intended of the Material furnished. In case defective Material is furnished by Paltar for the Operating Account, credit shall not be passed to the Operating Account until adjustment has been received by Paltar from the manufacturers or their agents.
Section 5  
Disposal of Materials
Paltar shall be under no obligation to purchase the interest of Nation in new or used surplus Materials.  Paltar shall have the right to dispose of Materials but shall advise and secure prior agreement of the Operating Committee of any proposed disposition of Materials having an original cost to the Operating Account either individually or in the aggregate of A$ 50,000 or more.  When Operations are relieved of Material charged to the Operating Account, Paltar shall advise Nation of the original cost of such Material to the Operating Account so that the Parties may eliminate such costs from their asset records.  Credits for Material sold by Paltar shall be made to the Operating Account in the month in which payment is received for the Material.  Any Material sold or disposed of under this clause shall be on an ‘as is, where is’ basis without guarantees or warranties of any kind or nature. Costs and expenditures incurred by Paltar in the disposition of Materials shall be charged to the Operating Account.

Material Purchased by Nation or its Affiliate
Proceeds received from disposed Material purchased by Nation or its Affiliate shall be credited to the Operating Account, with new Material valued in the same manner as new Material under clause 4.2.1 of this Accounting Procedure and used Material valued in the same manner as used Material under clause 4.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, unless otherwise agreed by the Operating Committee.
Sales to Third Parties
Proceeds received from Material purchased from the Property by third parties shall be credited by Paltar to the Operating Account at the net amount collected by Paltar from the buyer. If the sales price is less than that determined in accordance with the procedure set forth in clause 5.2 of this Accounting Procedure, then approval by the Operating Committee shall be required prior to the sale.  Any claims by the buyer for defective materials or otherwise shall be charged back to the Operating Account if and when paid by Paltar.
Section 6  
Periodic Inventories - Notice and Representation
At reasonable intervals, inventories shall be taken by Paltar of all Material held in warehouse stock on which detailed accounting records are normally maintained.  The expense of conducting periodic inventories shall be charged to the Operating Account.  Paltar shall give Nation written notice at least 60 days in advance of its intention to take inventory, and Nation, at its sole cost and expense, shall each be entitled to have a representative present.  The failure of Nation to be represented at such inventory shall bind such Nation to accept the inventory taken by Paltar, who shall in that event furnish Nation with a reconciliation of overages and shortages.  Inventory adjustments to the Operating Account shall be made for overages and shortages.  Any adjustment equivalent to A$ 50,000 or more shall be brought to the attention of the Operating Committee.
Special Inventories
Whenever there is a sale or change of interest in the Agreement, a special inventory may be taken by Paltar provided the seller and/or purchaser of such interest agrees to bear all of the expense thereof. In such cases, both the seller and the purchaser shall be entitled to be represented and shall be governed by the inventory so taken.




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EP 468 Earning Agreement


Officer Petroleum Pty Ltd (ACN 142 330 738)

Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046)





Defined terms
Initial Consideration
Operating Committee
Work Programs and Budgets
Production Licences
Relinquishments and renewals
Transfer of interest or rights
Withdrawal from Agreement
Relationship of Parties and Tax
Confidential Information
Force majeure
Applicable law and arbitration
General provisions
Schedule 1:  Royalties
Schedule 2:  Nation Blocks
Schedule 3:  Permit Year 3 Work Program and Budget
Annex 1:      Accounting Procedure




EP 468 Earning Agreement
Dated    30 August 2015
Officer Petroleum Pty Ltd (ACN 142 330 738) of Level 10, 32 Martin Place, Sydney,
New South Wales 2000 (Officer)
Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046) of RPO Box 60610, Granville Park,
Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 4B9 (Nation)
Officer owns the Permit.
Officer and Nation have agreed to enter into a farm-in arrangement to allow for exploration of the Nation Blocks and, if warranted, apply for a Production Licence in respect of one or more of the Nation Blocks covered by the Permit after discovering a discrete accumulation of petroleum.
The Parties enter into this Agreement to evidence their binding agreement concerning the Cash Consideration and Share Consideration (each as defined below), the costs of Operations to be borne by Nation, and the Nation Interest that may be earned by Nation upon Expenditure of the Earning Amount.
Operative provisions
Defined terms
Clause 18 of this Agreement sets out and explains the defined terms, or refers to the definitions of the terms, and the rules of interpretation that apply.
Initial Consideration
Share Consideration
Nation Energy Inc., a Wyoming corporation, has agreed to issue on December 17, 2015 600,000,000 of its common shares (the Share Consideration) to Officer’s corporate parent, Paltar Petroleum Limited (ACN 149 987 459) (Paltar), and Paltar has agreed to certain restrictions on the transfer of such shares, under the terms of the Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement, dated 30 August 2015 between Nation Energy Inc. and Paltar (the Letter Agreement), in the event that an Exchange Transaction (as defined in the Letter Agreement) has not been consummated on or before December 16, 2015.

Cash Consideration
No later than 31 December 2015, Nation shall pay by wire transfer to an account designated by Officer the sum of $769,143.  If Nation fails timely to pay this amount to Officer, this Agreement shall terminate and neither Party shall have any further obligation to the other.
Non-Refundable Consideration for Earning Rights
The Share Consideration (if issued) and the Cash Consideration are non-refundable consideration for the rights given to Nation hereunder.
Farm-in and Operator
Nation Interest
On Nation spending at least the Earning Amount in Expenditure on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks before the end of the Earning Period (Earning Date), Nation, on giving notice to Officer verifying the amount of Expenditure Nation has incurred:
acquires a beneficial interest, to the extent of the Nation Interest, in the Nation Blocks; and
will have the right to be transferred the Nation Interest in the Nation Blocks, in such manner and on such terms as do not materially increase the obligations owed the Government in respect of the area then covered by the Permit; and
Joint Venture Operating Agreement
On or as soon as practicable after the Earning Date the parties shall enter into an exploration joint venture operating agreement in respect of the Nation Blocks on terms customary for such an agreement in the Australian petroleum industry and under which:
Officer holds the Officer Interest and Nation holds the Nation Interest in the Nation Blocks;
Officer is the operator of the joint venture;
Nation shall contribute 100% of the actual Work Program Expenses under the joint venture operating agreement until production licences have been issued covering each Nation Block;
Nation shall not be permitted to withdraw from the joint venture operating agreement until the end of the fifth Permit Year;
the terms set out in clause 6.1 to 6.3 (inclusive) of this Agreement will be incorporated; and
the terms of the Option in favour of Nation set out clauses 5.3 to 5.7 (inclusive) will be incorporated and, in the event that the Option is exercised by Nation with respect to a Production Licence, then the Production Licence will not form part of the joint venture property under the joint venture operating agreement from the date of exercise of the Option, and

upon entry into the joint venture operating agreement, the remaining effective clauses of this Agreement will immediately terminate with respect to the Nation Blocks, subject to any and all accrued rights and liabilities of the parties.
Designation of Operator.
Officer is hereby designated as Operator, and agrees to act as such in accordance with this Agreement.
Rights and Duties of Operator
Officer shall have all of the rights, functions and duties of Operator under this Agreement and will have exclusive charge of and shall conduct all Operations on the Nation Blocks under the overall direction of the Operating Committee.  Officer may employ independent contractors and agents, including Related Bodies Corporate of Officer, in such Operations.
Officer warrants and represents to Nation that the Permit and Officer’s interest in the Permit is in good standing and is not subject to any breach, default or other circumstance that will or may result in the Permit being surrendered or cancelled or becoming subject to any Encumbrance. Officer shall:
without limiting clause 5.1(c) and subject to applicable Government requirements, ensure that each Work Program and Budget consists of work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks;
not grant, create or allow the grant or creation of any Encumbrance over Officer’s interest in the Permit without the prior written consent of Nation;
not sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of Officer’s interest in the Permit or part with possession of the Permit without the prior written consent of Nation;
immediately notify Nation of any act, event, circumstance, correspondence, notice or other information (in any form and from whatever source) that may cause, or is relevant to, Officer’s interest in the Permit becoming the subject of an Encumbrance or being surrendered or cancelled; and
take all steps as are necessary or appropriate to ensure that the application for, grant and transfer or issue of a Production Licence to Nation occurs as soon as practicable following a decision by Nation under clause 6.1(b).

In the conduct of Operations, Officer shall:
perform Operations in accordance with the provisions of the Permit, the Laws, this Agreement and the decisions of the Operating Committee;
conduct all Operations in a diligent, safe and efficient manner in accordance with good and prudent oil field practices and field conservation principles generally followed by the international petroleum industry under similar circumstances;
prepare and submit to the Operating Committee the proposed Work Programs and Budgets as provided in clause 5;
acquire all permits, consents, approvals, surface or other rights that may be required for the conduct of Operations;
permit Nation’s representatives to have at all reasonable times and at their own risk and expense reasonable access to the Operations with the right to observe all such Operations;
pay to the Government within the periods and in the manner prescribed by the Laws, all periodic payments, taxes, fees and other amounts pertaining to Operations, but excluding any taxes measured by the incomes of the Parties;
carry out the obligations of Officer pursuant to the Permit, including, but not limited to, preparing and furnishing such reports, records and information as may be required pursuant to the Petroleum Act;
have, in accordance with the decisions of the Operating Committee, the exclusive right and obligation to represent the Parties in all dealings with the Government with respect to matters arising under Operations;
act as the Parties’ representative in respect of Native Title Rights and aboriginal heritage issues, negotiate and enter into agreements with the parties to Native Title Claims, and in all other respects deal with issues of this kind as and when they arise, including the recognition of Native Title Rights and the settlement of Native Title Claims;
in case of an emergency (including a significant fire, explosion, petroleum release, or sabotage; incident involving loss of life, serious injury to an employee, contractor, or third party, or serious property damage; strikes and riots; or evacuations of Officer personnel): (i) take all necessary and proper measures for the protection of life, health, the environment and property; and (ii) as soon as reasonably practicable, notify Nation of the details of such emergency and any measures it has taken or plans to take in response; and
do all other acts and things that are reasonably necessary or desirable to fulfil its functions or are incidental to the above powers and duties.

Officer Personnel
Officer shall engage or retain such employees, contractors, consultants and agents as are reasonably necessary to conduct Operations.
Subject to the Laws and this Agreement, Officer will determine the number of employees, contractors, consultants and agents, the selection of such persons, their hours of work, and the compensation to be paid to all such persons in connection with Operations.
Information Supplied by Officer
Officer shall provide Nation with the following data and reports from the Operations:
copies of all logs or surveys;
daily drilling reports;
copies of all tests and core data and analysis reports;
final well report;
copies of the final geological and geophysical maps, seismic sections and shot point location maps and reports;
engineering studies, development schedules and annual progress reports on development projects;
field and well performance reports, including reservoir studies and reserve estimates; and
copies of all reports relating to Operations furnished by Officer to a Government.
Officer shall provide Nation such additional information as Nation may reasonably request in writing, provided that Nation must pay the costs of preparing such information and the preparation of such information must not unduly burden Officer’s administrative and technical personnel.
Officer shall give Nation access at all reasonable times during normal business hours to all data and reports acquired in the conduct of Operations.  Nation may make copies of such other data at its sole expense.
Settlement of Claims and Lawsuits
Officer shall promptly notify Nation of any and all claims or suits which arise out of Operations or relate in any way to Operations.  Officer shall represent Nation and defend or oppose the claim or suit. Officer may in its sole discretion compromise or settle any such claim or suit or any related series of claims or suits for an amount not to exceed the equivalent of $250,000, exclusive of legal fees.  Officer shall seek guidance from the Operating Committee on amounts in excess of the above-stated amount.  Nation shall have the right to be represented by its own counsel at its own expense in the settlement, compromise or defence of such claims or suits.

Nation shall promptly notify Officer of any claim made against Nation by a third party which arises out of or may affect the Operations.
Limitation on Liability of Officer
Except as set out in clause 3.8(c), neither Officer nor any other Indemnitee (as defined below) shall bear any damage, loss, cost, expense or liability resulting from performing (or failing to perform) the duties and functions of Operator, and the Indemnitees are hereby released from liability to Nation for any and all damages, losses, costs, expenses and liabilities arising out of, incidental to or resulting from such performance or failure to perform, even though caused in whole or in part by a pre-existing defect, the negligence (whether sole, joint or concurrent), strict liability or other legal fault of Officer (or any such Indemnitee).
Except as set out in clause 3.8(c), Nation shall defend and indemnify Officer and its Related Bodies Corporate, and their respective employees, officers and directors (collectively, the Indemnitees), from any and all damages, losses, costs, expenses (including reasonable legal costs, expenses and attorneys' fees) and liabilities incidental to claims, demands or causes of action brought by or on behalf of any person or entity, which claims, demands or causes of action arise out of, are incidental to or result from Operations, even though caused in whole or in part by a pre-existing defect, the negligence (whether sole, joint or concurrent), strict liability or other legal fault of Officer (or any such Indemnitee).
Notwithstanding clauses 3.8(a) and 3.8(b), if any Senior Supervisory Personnel of Officer or its Related Bodies Corporate engage in Wilful Misconduct which proximately causes Nation to incur damages, loss, cost, expense or liability for claims, demands or causes of action referred to in clauses 3.8(a) or 3.8(b), then Officer shall bear such damages, loss, cost, expense and liability.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, under no circumstances shall Officer or any other Indemnitee ever be liable for any Consequential Loss.
In the event that there is a change of Operator then, from the date a new Operator is appointed, the new Operator shall have the benefit of each of clause 3.8(a) – (d) as if the new Operator were named in those clauses in place of Officer.
Insurance Obtained by Officer
Officer shall maintain for such limits as it may reasonably believe prudent any and all insurance it believes appropriate under the circumstances, including:
All insurance required by the Laws;
Third party liability insurance covering liability to third parties which may arise in connection with the Operations;
Cost of well control/redrilling and recompletion expenses/seepage and contamination and pollution liability insurance covering expenses incurred in regaining control of wells including materials and services necessary to bring the wells under control and costs expended to reinstate the well to the depth and condition which existed prior to an insured occurrence; and

Workers compensation insurance.
Officer shall, in respect of such insurance:
use reasonable endeavours to procure or cause to be procured such insurance prior to or concurrent with the commencement of relevant operations and maintain or cause to be maintained such insurance during the term of the relevant operations or any longer term required under the Permit or the Laws;
promptly inform Nation when insurance is taken out and at Nation’s request supply it with certificates of insurance or copies of the relevant policies when they are issued; and
duly file all claims and take all necessary and proper steps to collect any proceeds.
Officer shall use its reasonable endeavours to require all contractors (including sub-contractors) performing work with respect to the Operations to:
obtain and maintain all insurance required under the Laws or any decision of the Operating Committee; and
provide Officer with certificates reflecting such insurance prior to the commencement of their services.
Subject to clause 3.12, Officer may resign as Operator at any time by so notifying Nation at least 120 days before the effective date of such resignation.
Officer shall resign immediately if it dissolves, liquidates, is wound up, or otherwise terminates its existence.
Subject to clause 3.12, Officer shall be removed upon receipt of notice from any Party if:
Officer becomes insolvent, bankrupt or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or
a receiver or receiver and manager is appointed for a majority (by value) of Officer's assets.
Subject to clause 3.12, Officer may be removed by written notice from Nation if Officer has committed a material breach of this Agreement and has either failed to commence to cure that breach within 30 days after receipt of a Notice from Nation detailing the alleged breach or failed to diligently pursue the cure to completion.

Appointment of Successor
When a change of Operator occurs pursuant to clause 3.10 or clause 3.11:
the Operating Committee shall meet as soon as possible to elect a successor Operator; provided, however, that if Officer has been removed or is deemed to have resigned and either fails to vote or votes only to succeed itself, then the successor Operator shall be elected by the affirmative vote of Nation alone.
if Officer disputes the commission of or failure to rectify a material breach alleged pursuant to clause 3.11(c) and proceedings are initiated pursuant to clause 15.2, Officer shall continue as Operator and no successor Operator may be appointed pending the conclusion or abandonment of such proceedings;
Officer, if it resigns or is removed as Operator, shall be compensated out of the Operating Account for its reasonable expenses related to its resignation or removal;
Officer, if it resigns or is removed as Operator, and the successor Operator shall arrange for the taking of an inventory of all Property and an audit of the books and records relating to Operations, the cost of which shall be charged to the Operating Account;
the resignation or removal of Officer as Operator and its replacement by the successor Operator shall not become effective prior to receipt of any necessary Government approvals; and
upon the effective date of the resignation or removal, the successor Operator shall succeed to all duties, rights and authority prescribed for Operator.  Officer shall transfer to the successor Operator custody of all Property, books of account, records and other documents maintained by Operator pertaining to the Nation Blocks and to Operations.  Upon delivery of the above-described property and data, Officer shall be released and discharged from all obligations and liabilities as Operator accruing after such date, except to the extent such liabilities relate to facts, matters or circumstances which occurred prior to such date.
Commingling of Funds
Officer may commingle with its own funds the monies which it receives from or for the Operating Account pursuant to this Agreement.
Operator may delegate all or part of its rights or responsibilities as Operator under this agreement to a Related Body Corporate.  Any such delegation shall not relieve Operator of its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement.

Operating Committee
Establishment of Operating Committee
An Operating Committee composed of representatives of each Party shall provide overall supervision and guidance to Officer concerning the direction of Operations.  Each Party shall appoint one representative and two alternates to serve on the Operating Committee.  Each Party shall as soon as possible after the date of this Agreement give notice in writing to the other Party of the name and address of its representative, its first alternate and its second alternate serving on the Operating Committee.  Each Party shall have the right to change its representative and alternate representatives at any time by giving Notice to such effect to the other Party.

Authority to Vote
The representative of a Party, or in his absence the alternate representative, shall be authorised to represent such Party with respect to any matter which is within the power of the Operating Committee and is properly brought before the Operating Committee. Each such representative shall have one vote on matters coming before the Operating Committee.  Alternate representatives may attend Operating Committee meetings, but shall have no vote at such meetings except in the absence of the representative for whom they are the alternate.  In addition to the representative and alternate representatives, each Party may also bring to any Operating Committee meetings such technical and other advisers as it may deem appropriate.  The technical and other advisers shall be given the opportunity to present data and voice opinions on behalf of a Party, but may not vote.
The Operating Committee may establish such advisory subcommittees, including technical and commercial subcommittees, as the Operating Committee may deem appropriate.
Notice of Meeting
Either Party may call a meeting of the Operating Committee by giving Notice to the other Party at least 15 days in advance of such meeting.
Notice periods above may be waived with unanimous consent of all Parties.
The day the Notice was delivered and the date the meeting is to be held shall not be included in calculating the Notice period.
Notwithstanding the above, Nation agrees that if there is an operational issue involving an urgent operational matter, then Nation shall be deemed to have waived the above notice period so that the Operating Committee may make a decision within 48 hours, as contemplated by clause 4.11(a)(i).
Contents of Meeting Notice
Each Notice of a meeting of the Operating Committee shall contain:
the date, time and location of the meeting;
an agenda of the matters and proposals to be considered and/or voted upon; and
copies of all proposals to be considered at the meeting.
A Party receiving Notice may, by Notice to the other Party given not less than seven days before a meeting, may add additional matters to the meeting agenda.

With the unanimous consent of all Parties, the Operating Committee may consider at a meeting a proposal not contained in such meeting agenda.
Location of Meetings
All meetings of the Operating Committee shall be held in Sydney, New South Wales, or elsewhere as may be decided unanimously by the Operating Committee.
Operator's Duties for Meetings
With respect to meetings of the Operating Committee and any subcommittee, Officer's duties shall include, but not be limited to:
conduct of the meeting; and
preparation of a written record or minutes of each meeting.
Officer shall have the right to appoint the chairman of the Operating Committee and all subcommittees.
Voting Procedure
Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement in respect of certain specific matters, all decisions, approvals and other actions of the Operating Committee on all proposals coming before it shall be decided by Officer alone.
Record of Votes
The chairman of the Operating Committee shall appoint a secretary who shall make a record of each proposal voted on and the results of such voting at each Operating Committee meeting.  Each representative shall sign and be provided a copy of such record at the end of such meeting and it shall be considered the final record of the decisions of the Operating Committee.
The secretary shall provide each Party with a copy of the minutes of the Operating Committee meeting within 21 days after the end of the meeting.  Each Party shall have 14 days after receipt of such minutes to give notice of its objections to the minutes to the secretary. A failure to give notice specifying objection to such minutes within said 14 day period shall be deemed to be approval of such minutes. In any event, the votes recorded under clause 4.9 shall take precedence over the minutes described above.
Voting by Notice
In lieu of a meeting, any Party may submit any proposal to the Operating Committee for a vote by Notice.  The proposing Party shall notify Operator who shall give each representative notice describing the proposal so submitted and whether Officer considers such operational matter an urgent operational matter.  Each Party shall communicate its vote by Notice to Officer and any other Party within one of the following appropriate time periods after receipt of Operator's notice:
48 hours in the case of urgent operational matters;

14 days in the case of all other proposals.
Except in the case of clause 4.11(a)(i), Nation may by Notice delivered to Officer within five days after receipt of Officer's notice request that the proposal be decided at a meeting rather than by notice. In such an event, that proposal shall be decided at a meeting duly called for that purpose.
Except as provided in clause 10.1(a), a Party failing to communicate its vote in a timely manner shall be deemed to have voted against such proposal.
If a meeting is not requested, then at the expiration of the appropriate time period, Officer shall give Nation a confirmation notice stating the tabulation and results of the vote.

Work Programs and Budgets; Post Farm-in Arrangements
Agreed Permit Work Programs and Budgets
The Work Program and Budget detailing the Operations to be performed in respect of the Permit for the remainder of the fourth Permit Year is attached as Schedule 3.
On or before the first day of June of each year beginning 2016 and continuing each year thereafter, Operator shall deliver to Nation a proposed Work Program and Budget detailing the Operations to be performed in respect of the Permit for the following Permit Year.  Within 30 days of such delivery, the Operating Committee shall meet to consider and endeavour to agree a Work Program and Budget.
The Work Program and Budget for the fifth and subsequent Permit Years will be adopted by the unanimous vote of both Officer and Nation; provided, however, that if the Parties fail unanimously to agree, the proposed Work Program and Budget reasonably estimated to cost the least will conclusively be deemed adopted, so long as such proposed Work Program and Budget (i) consists solely of work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks and (ii) will satisfy all of the Minimum Work Obligations of that Permit Year.  For the avoidance of doubt, geological and geophysical operations conducted both on the Nation Blocks and on adjoining lands shall be considered work performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks where the operator believes such work prudent to gain a fuller understanding of the geology of the Nation Blocks.
Any approved Work Program and Budget may be revised by the Operating Committee from time to time.  To the extent such revisions are approved by the Operating Committee, the Work Program and Budget will be amended accordingly.
Officer may, if it wishes in its sole discretion, conduct operations in any year on or for the benefit of Blocks in the Permit which are not Nation Blocks.  Such operations will be conducted at the sole risk and expense of Officer and will not be subject to this Agreement.
Funding of Work Program Expenses
Nation agrees to pay 100% of the actual Work Program Expenses.
Nation must pay all Work Program Expenses as follows:

As soon as practicable after Nation has such funds conveniently available,  Nation will deliver to Officer the full amount of the estimated Work Program and Budget costs for the remainder of the fourth Permit Year, as shown in Schedule 3;
Estimated Work Program Expenses for subsequent years will be delivered to Officer on or before the date which is the 150th day anniversary following the date on which the applicable Permit was granted; and
Amounts in addition to the estimated amounts set forth in approved Work Programs and Budgets, whether incurred as a result of cost overruns, unforeseen events, or otherwise, will be delivered by Nation to Officer in accordance with the cash call procedures set forth in clause 1.6 of the Accounting Procedure.
Grant of Option
If, after the Earning Date, Nation acquires an undivided twenty-five percent (25%) interest in a Production Licence granted with respect to any area under a Nation Block pursuant to clause 6.2(a) (the Acquisition Date), Officer shall grant to Nation, in exchange for $100 and other good and valuable consideration, the sole and exclusive option (Option) to purchase at any time during the period commencing on the Acquisition Date and ending ninety (90) days later (the Option Period) the Officer Interest free from Encumbrances subject to compliance with clauses 5.4 through 5.6.
Exercise of Option
The Option may be exercised by Nation at any time during the Option Period by giving notice in writing to Officer specifying that the Option has been exercised.
As soon as practicable after the exercise of the Option in accordance with clause 5.4, Officer will deliver to Nation registrable transfer forms of Officer’s entire interest in the Production Licence, insofar as it covers the Nation Block, except for the payment of stamp duty and registration fees.  Nation will lodge the transfer forms, together with a notice appointing Nation or its designee as Operator of the Production Licence, with the Government for approval and registration, as required under the Petroleum Act, and promptly thereafter Nation must deliver to Officer the duly executed transfer forms and pay the stamp duty and registration fees in the amounts determined by the Government.
Officer’s entire interest in the Production Licence shall be transferred to Nation free from any Encumbrance except as set out in clause 5.5(c).
Upon the effective transfer of Officer’s entire interest in the Production Licence, Nation shall assume the royalty burdens in relation to such Nation Block (or portion thereof) as set forth in Schedule 1 and as provided in clause 5.6(a), as well as any other royalty burdens created after the date of this Agreement with Officer’s specific consent.
Upon the transfer of a Production Licence pursuant to this clause 5.5, this Agreement will cease to apply to the Nation Block (or portion thereof) covered by that Production Licence.

In consideration for the transfer of the Officer Interest to Nation, upon exercise of the Option, Officer shall be entitled to an overriding royalty with respect to all petroleum produced from the portion of the relevant Nation Block covered by the Production Licence with such royalty being equal to the difference between 25% and the sum of the existing royalty burdens shown in Schedule 1 applicable to such portion of the relevant Nation Block such that the revenue interest of Nation in such production of petroleum, after giving effect to all of the royalty burdens described in Schedule 1, will be exactly 75%, and with the understanding that if a royalty burden set forth in Schedule 1 later increases in accordance with its terms, the additional overriding royalty in favor of Officer will be correspondingly decreased, so that Nation’s revenue interest will remain constant at 75%.
Officer and Nation will, as soon as practicable after the exercise of the Option, enter into an overriding royalty agreement under which Officer holds the overriding royalty described in this clause and which more fulsomely sets out the terms of the royalty based on terms standard for such an agreement in the Australian petroleum industry.
Lapse of Option
In the event that the Option is not exercised within the Option Period then the Option will lapse and the parties shall use their best endeavours to enter a production joint venture operating agreement in respect of such Production Licence under which:
Officer holds the Officer Interest and Nation holds the Nation Interest in the Production Licence, insofar as it covers the Nation Block; and
Nation is the operator of the joint venture; and
which is otherwise on terms standard for the Australian petroleum industry (including provisions for dilution of interests).
Production Licences
Decision to Apply
If a Discovery is made on a Nation Block, Officer shall deliver any notice of Discovery required under the Petroleum Act and shall as soon as possible submit to the Operating Committee a report containing available details concerning the Discovery and Operator’s recommendation as to whether a Production Licence should be sought.
Subject to the rights of the Government to require such actions, the Operating Committee decisions whether to nominate lands including one or more Nation Blocks for declaration as a location and to apply to the Government for a Production Licence covering such Nation Block shall be decided by Nation alone.

Production Licence Granted
Officer acknowledges and agrees that, following the Earning Date, if a Production Licence is applied for and issued in respect of any area under the Nation Blocks in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, (i) Officer’s interest in such Production Licence will be equal to seventy-five percent (75%), insofar as it covers the Nation Block, subject to the Option granted hereunder pursuant to clause 5.3, and (ii) Nation’s interest in such Production Licence, insofar as it covers the Nation Block, will be equal to twenty-five percent (25%).
Upon the issue of a Production Licence for a Nation Block (or portion thereof), Officer will be deemed to have resigned as Operator with respect to such Nation Block (or portion thereof).
Upon the issue of a Production Licence to Nation pursuant to this clause 6.2, each clause of this Agreement other than clauses 5.3 through 5.7 will cease to apply to the Nation Block (or portion thereof) covered by that Production Licence.
Production Licence Not Granted
If the Operating Committee decides not to apply for a Production Licence or, having applied for a Production Licence, the application is denied, the Operating Committee shall meet to determine whether the Discovery merits appraisal.
If the Operating Committee determines that the Discovery merits appraisal, Officer shall deliver to the Operating Committee within 60 days after the determination a proposed Work Program and Budget for appraisal of the Discovery.  Within thirty 30 days after delivery, or earlier if necessary to meet any applicable deadline under the Petroleum Act, the Operating Committee shall meet to consider or modify such Work Program and Budget, with Nation having the sole power to approve, reject or modify the proposal.
Default and Notice
Nation will be in default under this Agreement if, prior to the Earning Date, it fails to contribute any portion of the Work Program Expenses when due under clause 5.2(b).  Officer shall promptly provide Nation written notice of such default.
Immediate Consequences
From the date the default notice is given by Officer until the time all defaults under clause 7.1 have been remedied, Nation shall have no right to:
call or attend Operating Committee or subcommittee meetings;
vote on any matter coming before the Operating Committee or any subcommittee; or
access any data or information relating to any operations under this Agreement.
Any matter which is to be decided by Nation alone under this Agreement shall instead be decided by Officer.

If the Nation default relates to a failure to contribute a portion of the Work Program Expenses for the fourth, fifth or sixth Permit Years, and if Nation fails to remedy such default within 30 days following Officer’s notice, then Nation, upon the written request of Officer, shall surrender its entire interest in this Agreement to Officer, free of all Encumbrances arising by, through or under Nation, and shall execute a written surrender instrument in such form as reasonably may be requested by Officer.  As a result of such surrender, Nation shall have no right ever to receive any interest whatsoever in the Permit or Nation Blocks and no right ever to recover any amounts it previously expended or contributed, whether under this Agreement, in quantum meruit, or under any other legal or equitable principle.
If the Nation default relates to a failure to contribute a portion of the Work Program Expenses for the seventh or subsequent Permit Years, and if Nation fails to remedy such default within 30 days following Officer’s notice, then Officer may, but is not obligated to, purchase Nation’s entire interest under this Agreement for 90% of the fair market value of such interest, less the amount in default. If Officer wishes to undertake this purchase, it will notify Nation of its desire and of the fair market value, and Nation shall have seven days after receipt of this notice either (i) to notify Officer that it accepts Officer’s statement of the fair market value, or that it requires an independent determination of the fair market value.  If it does not notify Officer, it will be deemed to have accepted Officer’s statement of the fair market value. In either event, Nation will conclusively be deemed to have sold its rights under this Agreement to Officer effective as of the date Officer sends notice of its desire to purchase the interest and of the fair market value.
If Nation timely requests independent determination of the fair market value, the Chairman of the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association Limited shall be asked by either Party to appoint an expert to make the determination. The expert so appointed shall have exclusive power to establish the venue and timing of, and the procedural rules governing, the determination of fair market value.  Each Party shall bear its own costs and attorney’s fees in connection with the determination, although all fees, costs and expenses of the expert shall be borne solely by Nation.
No Right of Set Off
Nation acknowledges that a fundamental principle of this Agreement is that it pay the Work Program Expenses under this Agreement as and when required. Accordingly, Nation waives any right to raise by way of set off or to invoke as a defence any claim it may have against Officer, whether under this Agreement or otherwise, so as to reduce or avoid its obligation timely to contribute required Work Program Expenses.
Without Prejudice
Officer may exercise its rights, remedies or powers under this clause 7 or otherwise at law or in equity, concurrently, individually or cumulatively.

No penalty
The remedies in this clause 7 have been selected by the Parties in light of the fact that no interest in a Nation Block may be assigned to Nation unless there is a Discovery on that block and the Government issues a Production Licence for that block, events which can occur, if at all, only if Work Programs and Budgets are timely funded. Nation agrees that the remedies conferred by this clause 7 do not constitute a penalty or an unreasonable forfeiture and are necessary to ensure the maintenance of the Permit in good standing. Nation acknowledges that it is essential to the viability of the Permit that Nation comply with its financial obligations in a timely manner, and that assumption by Officer of the obligations of Nation under this Agreement is good and valuable consideration for the exercise by Officer of its rights to acquire Nation’s interest in this Agreement under this clause 7.
Relinquishments and renewals
If the Petroleum Act or the Permit requires Officer to relinquish any portion of the Permit Area, Officer will use its best endeavors to ensure that the Nation Blocks will not be relinquished, although it may not be successful.  If a Nation Block is relinquished, Officer will cause another Block to be substituted for the relinquished Nation Block.  The other Block selected for this substitution will be the nearest Block to the relinquished Nation Block as to which neither Nation nor any third party then has any earning rights.
Extension of the Term
Decisions to renew the Permit will be made by the Operating Committee, although the Operating Committee decision whether to renew shall be decided by Nation alone. If the Operating Committee decides to renew, Nation will be bound by the renewal work program and all other consequences of the renewal; if the Operating Committee decides not to renew, Officer may renew the Permit for its own account, and this Agreement will automatically terminate upon such renewal.
Surrender of Permit or Licence
If Officer wishes voluntarily to surrender the entire Permit, such surrender shall require the specific agreement of Nation.

Transfer of interest or rights
If a Transfer subject to this clause 9 occurs without satisfaction (in all material respects) by the transferor of the requirements hereof, then the other Party shall be entitled to enforce specific performance of the terms of this clause 9, in addition to any other remedies (including damages) to which it may be entitled.  Each Party agrees that monetary damages alone would not be an adequate remedy for the breach of any Party's obligations under this clause 9.

Except in the case of a Party transferring all of its interest under this Agreement, no Transfer shall be made by any Party which results in the transferor or the transferee holding an interest under this Agreement of less than ten percent (10%) of its original interest under this Agreement.
Both the transferee, and, notwithstanding the Transfer, the transferring Party, shall be liable to the other Parties for the transferring Party’s share of any obligations (financial or otherwise) which have vested, matured or accrued under the provisions of this Agreement prior to such Transfer, including any obligation to contribute Work Program Expenses.
A transferee shall have no rights under this Agreement unless and until:
it expressly undertakes in an instrument reasonably satisfactory to the other Party to perform the obligations of the transferor under this Agreement in respect of the interest being transferred; and
except in the case of a Transfer to a Related Body Corporate, the other Party has consented in writing to such Transfer, which consent shall be denied only if the transferee fails to establish to the reasonable satisfaction of the other Party its financial capability to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
No consent shall be required under clause 9.2(c)(ii) for a Transfer to a Related Body Corporate if the transferring Party agrees in an instrument reasonably satisfactory to the other to remain liable for performance by the Related Body Corporate of its obligations.
Nothing contained in this clause 9 shall prevent a Party from Encumbering its interest under this Agreement to a third party for the purpose of security relating to finance, provided that:
the Party shall remain liable for all obligations relating to such interest;
the Encumbrance shall be expressly subordinated to the rights of the other Party to this Agreement; and
the Party shall ensure that any Encumbrance is expressly without prejudice to the provisions of this Agreement.
Withdrawal from Agreement
Right of Withdrawal
Subject to the provisions of this clause 10, Nation may withdraw from this Agreement at any time after the sixth permit year and prior to the Earning Date by providing written notice to Officer at least 90 days prior to the effective date of the withdrawal.  Such Notice shall be unconditional and irrevocable when given and, on the effective date of the withdrawal, this Agreement shall terminate.
Nation may not withdraw from this Agreement if its interest in the Agreement is subject to any Encumbrance, unless Officer is willing to accept the assignment reflecting the withdrawal subject to any such Encumbrance and any necessary consents are obtained from the holder of any such Encumbrance.

Obligations and Liabilities of Nation upon Withdrawal
Nation shall, following its notification of withdrawal, remain liable only for its share of the following:
all Work Program Expenses coming due before the effective date of the withdrawal;
all costs and expenses associated with a fire, blow out, loss of well control, act of sabotage or vandalism, or other emergency occurring prior to the effective date of the withdrawal, without regard to when such costs are actually incurred; and
all other obligations and liabilities of Nation with respect to acts or omissions under this Agreement prior to the effective date of the withdrawal for which Nation would have been liable, had it not withdrawn from this Agreement.
Relationship of Parties and Tax
Relationship of Parties
The rights, duties, obligations and liabilities of the Parties under this Agreement shall be several, not joint or joint and several.  It is not the intention of the Parties to create, nor shall this Agreement be deemed or construed to create a mining or other partnership or association or (except as explicitly provided in this Agreement) a trust.  This Agreement shall not be deemed or construed to authorise any Party to act as an agent, servant or employee for any other Party for any purpose whatsoever except as explicitly set forth in this Agreement. In their relations with each other under this Agreement, the Parties shall not be considered fiduciaries except as expressly provided in this Agreement.
Each Party shall be responsible for reporting and discharging its own royalty and tax measured by the profit or income of the Party under this Agreement.  Each Party shall protect, defend and indemnify each other Party from any and all loss, cost or liability arising from the indemnifying Party's failure to report and discharge such royalties and taxes.  The Parties intend that all income and all tax benefits (including, but not limited to, deductions, depreciation, credits and capitalisation) with respect to the expenditures made by the Parties hereunder will be allocated by the relevant tax authorities to the Parties based on the share of each tax item actually received or borne by each Party.  If such allocation is not accomplished due to the application of the laws and regulations of the Government or other Government action, the Parties shall attempt to adopt mutually agreeable arrangements that will allow the Parties to achieve the financial results intended.  Officer shall provide each Party, in a timely manner and at such Party's sole expense, with such information with respect to Operations as such Party may reasonably request for preparation of its tax returns or responding to any audit or other tax proceeding.

United States Tax Election
For United Stated Federal Income Tax Purposes, each U.S. Party hereby elects to be excluded from the application of all the provisions of Subchapter K, Chapter 1, Subtitle A, of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as permitted by Section 761 of said Code and the Regulations promulgated thereunder.
Should there be any requirement that each U.S. Party evidence this election, each Party agrees to execute such documents and furnish such other evidence as may be required by the United States Internal Revenue Service or may otherwise be necessary. Each Party further agrees not to give any notices or take any other action inconsistent with the election made hereby.
If any further income tax law of the United States contains provisions similar to those contained in said Subchapter K, under which an election similar to that provided by Section 761 is permitted, each U.S. Party agrees to make such elections as may be permitted by such laws. In making this election, each U.S. Party affirms that the income derived by it from the operations under this Agreement can be adequately determined without the computation of partnership taxable income.
Unless approved by every U.S. Party, no activity shall be conducted under this Agreement that would cause any Non-U.S. Party to be deemed to be engaged in a trade or business within the United States under United States income tax laws or regulations.
Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to require any Party to do or execute any document that might subject it or its income or property to United States taxation or to render liable to United States taxation any Party which prior to entering into this Agreement was not subject to United States taxation.
For the purposes of this clause 11.3, “U.S. Party” shall mean any Party that is subject to the income tax law of the United States in respect with operations under this Agreement.  “Non-U.S. Party” shall mean any Party that is not subject to such income tax law.
Goods and Services Tax
Unless otherwise stated, all consideration specified in this Agreement does not include goods and services tax (GST) under the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cwlth) (GST Act).
If and to the extent that a supply under this Agreement is subject to GST, the recipient must pay to the supplier an additional amount equal to the amount of GST payable on that supply (GST Amount).
The GST Amount is payable at the same time as the GST exclusive consideration for the supply is payable or to be provided.  However, the GST Amount need not be paid until the supplier provides a Tax Invoice to the recipient.
If the GST Amount differs from the amount of GST payable by the supplier, the GST Amount must be adjusted.

If a party is entitled to be reimbursed or indemnified under this agreement, the amount to be reimbursed or indemnified must be reduced by any amount for which the Participant is entitled to an Input Tax Credit (as defined in the GST Act) for the acquisition to which that reimbursement of indemnification relates.
Confidential Information
Disclosure of Confidential Information
Nation may not disclose Confidential Information to any person except:
with the written consent of Officer;
if Nation is required to do so by law, a Government or a stock exchange;
if Nation is required to do so in connection with legal proceedings relating to this Agreement;
to a transferee or potential transferee (or its advisers) of the whole or any part of Nation’s interest under this Agreement who gives an appropriate confidentiality undertaking to Nation for the benefit of Officer; or
in connection with, or in contemplation of, a listing on a stock exchange.
Disclosure by recipient of Confidential Information
If Nation discloses Confidential Information under clause 12.1, it must use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that persons receiving Confidential Information do not disclose the information except in the circumstances permitted in that clause.
Use of Confidential Information
Nation may not use Confidential Information except for the purpose of exercising its rights or performing its obligations under this Agreement.
Prior notification of disclosure to stock exchange
If Nation is required or wishes to disclose Confidential Information in accordance with clause 12.1(ii) or clause 12.1(iii), it must notify Officer of the proposed disclosure as far in advance as practicable.
Return of Confidential Information
Nation must, upon the request of Officer, immediately deliver to Officer all documents or other materials containing or referring to the Confidential Information which are in its possession, power or control or in the possession, power or control of persons who received Confidential Information from it under clause 12.1(i) or 12.1(iv).

Retention of Confidential Information
Despite clause 12.5, Nation may retain one single copy only of the documents or other materials referred to in that clause provided that the Party continues to comply with all other obligations set out in this clause 12 in respect of any retained copies.
Obligations Continue
The rights and obligations of a Party under this clause 12 with respect to confidentiality will continue to apply to that Party even after this Agreement terminates.
Force majeure
Force Majeure
If, as a result of an event of Force Majeure, a Party becomes unable, wholly or in part, to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement:
that Party shall give the other Party notice of the event of Force Majeure with reasonably full particulars and, insofar as is known to it, the probable extent to which it will be unable to perform or be delayed in performing its obligations;
on giving the notice of the event of Force Majeure, that obligation, other than an obligation to pay money, is suspended but only so far as and for so long as it is affected by the Force Majeure; and
the Party affected by the event of Force Majeure must continue to maintain, or ensure that Officer maintains, the Permit in good condition.
Labour disputes and Native Title matters
The obligation to use reasonable diligence to overcome or remove the effect of event of Force Majeure does not require the affected Party to:
settle any strike, or other labour dispute on terms contrary to its wishes;
contest the validity or enforceability of any Laws; or
settle any Native Title Claim or enter into any agreement with respect to Native Title Rights,
on terms not reasonably acceptable to it solely for the purpose of removing the event of Force Majeure.
The obligation of the affected Party to perform its obligations resumes as soon as it is no longer affected by the Force Majeure event.


Form of Notice
Unless expressly stated otherwise in this Agreement, any notice, certificate, consent, approval, waiver or other communication in connection with this Agreement (Notice) must be in writing or given by electronic transmission, signed by an authorised officer of the sender and marked for the attention of the person identified in clause 14.3 or, if the recipient has notified otherwise, then marked for attention in the last way notified.
When Notices are taken to have been given and received
A Notice is regarded as given and received:
if delivered by hand, when delivered;
if sent by pre-paid post from an address in Australia to an address in Australia, three days after posting;
if sent by pre-paid post from or to an address outside Australia, ten days after posting;
if given by fax, when the sender’s fax machine issues a successful transmission report;
if given by email, on the earlier of:
the time the sender receives an automated message that the email was delivered; and
six hours after being delivered unless:
the sender receives an automated message that the email was undeliverable or that the recipient is out of the office; or
the sender knows or reasonably should know that there is a network failure and accordingly knows or suspects that the email was not delivered,
in which case the email is taken not to be delivered and the sender should resend the notice by hand, post or fax.
Address details for Notices
   Officer Petroleum Pty Ltd
   Level 10, 32 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000
   Attention:  Marc Bruner / Darrel Causbrook
   Telephone: +61 2 8222 6100
   Facsimile: +61 2 9222 1880
   e-mail:  darrel.causbrook@causbrooks.com.au

   Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd
   1500 West 16th Avenue, Suite F
   Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6J 2L6
   Attention: John R. Hislop
   Telephone: +1 604 331 3375
   Facsimile: +1 604 688 4712
   e-mail:  jhislop@14u.org
Applicable law and arbitration
Applicable Law
This Agreement shall be governed by, construed, interpreted and applied in accordance with the laws of Western Australia, excluding any choice of law rules which would refer the matter to the laws of another jurisdiction.
Any and all claims, demands, causes of action, disputes, controversies and other matters in question arising out of, in connection with, or relating to this Agreement, including any question regarding its breach, existence, validity or termination, must be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with, and subject to, the International Chamber of Commerce Rules of Arbitration.
The appointing and administering body will be The Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia.  The arbitrators must have at least ten years’ experience as to the subject of the dispute.
There shall be three arbitrators, the language of arbitration shall be English and the place of arbitration shall be a mutually-agreed place in Australia.
Each Party will each appoint one arbitrator within 30 days of the filing of the request for arbitration and the two arbitrators so appointed will select the presiding arbitrator within 30 days of the appointment of the first two arbitrators.
The resulting arbitral award will be final and binding upon the Parties, and judgment upon such an award may be entered and enforced by either Party in any court with sufficient jurisdiction.
Term and Condition Precedent
Subject to clause 16(b), this Agreement shall be effective upon execution by all Parties and shall continue, unless sooner terminated by the express provisions of this Agreement, until all of the Nation Blocks are covered by Production Licences or until Nation withdraws from the Agreement under clause 10.
Any provision of this Agreement that would (but for this clause) effect an acquisition of an interest in Australian urban land (within the meaning of the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth) (FATA)) is subject to and conditional upon the person making the acquisition not having received any order or notice under the FATA prohibiting the person from making the acquisition or making the acquisition subject to conditions which are unacceptable to the person.

Nation may apply to the relevant Minister after 16 November 2015 pursuant to section 75(3) of the Petroleum Act for approval of this agreement for the purposes of having an entry made in the register in accordance with section 75(12) of the Petroleum Act.  Officer shall take such steps as necessary or reasonably requested by Nation in order to achieve the approval and entry in the register in accordance with this clause.
General provisions
Warranties as to no Payments, Gifts and Loans
Each of the Parties warrants that neither it nor its affiliates has made or will make, with respect to the matters provided for hereunder, any offer, payment, promise to pay or authorisation of the payment of any money, or any offer, gift, promise to give or authorisation of the giving of anything of value, directly or indirectly, to or for the use or benefit of any official or employee of the Government or to or for the use or benefit of any political party, official, or candidate unless such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation is authorised by the Laws, or the payment of any bribe to any person or entity.  Each of the Parties further warrants that neither it nor its Related Bodies Corporate has made or will make any such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation to or for the use or benefit of any other person if the Party knows, has a firm belief, or is aware that there is a high probability that the other person would use such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorisation for any of the purposes described in the preceding sentence.  Each Party shall respond promptly, and in reasonable detail, to any notice from any other Party or its auditors pertaining to the above stated warranty and representation and shall furnish documentary support for such response upon request from such other Party.
Conflicts of Interest
Each Party undertakes that it shall avoid any conflict of interest between its own interests (including the interests of Related Bodies Corporate) and the interest of the other Parties in dealing with suppliers, customers and all other organisations or individuals doing or seeking to do business with the Parties in connection with activities contemplated under this Agreement.
The provisions of 17.2(a) shall not apply to Officer's acquisition of products or services from a Related Body Corporate, or the sale thereof to a Related Body Corporate, made in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
Unless otherwise agreed, the Parties and their Related Bodies Corporate are free to engage or invest (directly or indirectly) in an unlimited number of activities or businesses, any one or more of which may be related to or in competition with the business activities contemplated under this Agreement, without having or incurring any obligation to offer any interest in such business activities to any Party.
Without limiting the generality of clause 17.2(c), Nation specifically acknowledges that Officer will own interests in the Blocks covered by the Permit that are not Nation Blocks; that work performed on the Nation Blocks may benefit the other Blocks covered by the Permit; that Officer may enter into sales, farmouts and other agreements of every type and nature relating to Blocks covered by the Permit which are not Nation Blocks; and that Nation will have no interest or expectation of any interest resulting from Officer’s activities on Blocks that are not Nation Blocks.

Public Announcements
Subject to clause 17.3(b), Officer shall be responsible for the preparation and release of all public announcements and statements regarding this Agreement or the Operations; provided that, no public announcement or statement shall be issued or made unless prior to its release Nation has been furnished with a copy of such statement or announcement.  Where a public announcement or statement becomes necessary or desirable because of danger to or loss of life, damage to property or pollution as a result of activities arising under this Agreement, Officer is authorised to issue and make such announcement or statement without prior approval of Nation, but shall promptly furnish Nation with a copy of such announcement or statement.
Nation may issue any such public announcement or statement if it is necessary to do so in order to comply with the applicable laws, rules or regulations of any government, legal proceedings or stock exchange having jurisdiction over Nation or its Related Bodies Corporate.
Successors and Assigns
Subject to the limitations on transfer contained in clause 9, this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Parties.
No waiver by any Party of any one or more defaults by another Party in the performance of this Agreement shall operate or be construed as a waiver of any future default or defaults by the same Party, whether of a like or of a different character.  Except as expressly provided in this Agreement no Party shall be deemed to have waived, released or modified any of its rights under this Agreement unless such Party has expressly stated, in writing, that it does waive, release or modify such right.
Severance of Invalid Provisions
If and for so long as any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be judged invalid for any reason whatsoever, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or operation of any other provision of this Agreement except only so far as shall be necessary to give effect to the construction of such invalidity, and any such invalid provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement without affecting the validity of the balance of this Agreement.
Except as is provided in clause 17.6, there shall be no modification of this Agreement except by written consent of all Parties.

The topical headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be construed as having any substantive significance or as indicating that all of the provisions of this Agreement relating to any topic are to be found in any particular clause.
Singular and Plural
Reference to the singular includes a reference to the plural and vice versa.
Reference to any gender includes a reference to all other genders.
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and supersedes all prior understandings and negotiations of the Parties.
A reference in this Agreement to the Petroleum Act or any other statute or any provision or clause thereof shall be read (unless otherwise provided in this Agreement) as though the words ‘including any statutory amendment or modification thereof any statutory provision substituted thereof, re-enactment or replacement thereof and any rules, regulations, by laws and instruments or other documents made pursuant thereto’ were added to such reference.
No clause within this document can be used by any person as defence to any action brought under the Criminal Code or Corporations Act.
Rule against perpetuities
For the purposes only of avoiding breach of the rule against perpetuities this Agreement has a term not exceeding 80 years.
Defined terms
Acquisition Date has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 5.3.
Authorised Person of a Party means:
the officers and employees of the Party;
the technical, financial, legal or other advisors of the Party; and
the respective officers and employees of the technical, financial, legal or other advisors of the Party.

Blocks means the numbered blocks that each graticular section of Western Australia is divided into pursuant to Section 27 of the Petroleum Act and Block is a reference to any one of them.
Commencement Date means the date hereof.
Confidential Information means all confidential, non-public or proprietary information regardless of how the information is stored or delivered, delivered to Nation before, on or after the date of this Agreement relating to this Agreement or the Operations.
Consequential Loss means:
any damages or losses which are not direct or which do not flow naturally from the relevant breach of this Agreement, even if those damages or losses may reasonably be supposed to have been in the contemplation of all Parties as a probable result of the breach at the time they entered into this Agreement; and
any losses of profits, business opportunity, reputation, customers or markets, whether direct or indirect.
Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
Discovery means the discovery of a discrete accumulation of petroleum.
Earning Amount means $335,273 of Expenditures, which, for the avoidance of doubt, is an amount separate and apart from the Cash Consideration and the Share Consideration.
Earning Date has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 3.1.
Earning Period means the period commencing on the Commencement Date and ending at the conclusion of the fifth Permit Year.
Encumbrance means any mortgage, lien, charge, pledge, assignment by way of security, security interest, preferential right or trust arrangement, or other arrangement having the same effect.
Expenditure means expenditure in respect of Operations and other exploration on the Nation Blocks and includes all amounts spent on keeping the Permit in good standing or fulfilling obligations of Officer with respect to the Permit.
Force Majeure means any of the following events provided that they are outside the reasonable control of the affected Party and could not have been prevented or avoided by that Party taking reasonable steps:
act of God, earthquake, cyclone, fire, explosion, flood, landslide, lightning, storm, tempest, drought or meteor;
war (declared or undeclared), invasion, act of a foreign enemy, hostilities between nations, civil insurrection or militarily usurped power;
act of public enemy, sabotage, malicious damage, terrorism or civil unrest;

ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear waste or from combustion of nuclear fuel;
confiscation, nationalisation, requisition, expropriation, prohibition, embargo, restraint or damage to property by or under the order of any government or government authority; or
strikes, blockades, lock out or other industrial disputes.
Government means any department, local government council, administrative or statutory authority or any other person under a Law which has a right to impose a requirement or whose consent is required.
Indemnitees has the meaning set forth in clause 3.8(b).
Law means any treaty, statute, subordinate legislation, code, regulation, rule, common law, equity determination, injunction, judgment, order, decree, ruling, directive, decision and any judicial, regulatory, administrative or other interpretation,  implementation or enforcement of any of the foregoing issued by any Government having jurisdiction as to the undertakings and any other matters arising under this Agreement, whether currently in effect or subsequently modified, including Commonwealth, Western Australia and local government legislation, regulations, by-laws, and other subordinate legislation.
Minimum Work Obligations means those work or expenditure obligations that must be performed in order to satisfy Permit obligations.
Nation Blocks means the 40 Blocks identified in Schedule 2, or such replacement Blocks as may be identified under clause 8.1.
Nation Interest means an undivided twenty-five percent (25%) interest in the Permit, insofar as it covers the Nation Blocks, and any Production Licence granted in connection therewith, insofar as it covers any area under a Nation Block (subject to clause 5).
Native Title Claims means either:
any claim, application or proceeding in respect of Native Title Rights which is accepted by the Native Title Tribunal or the Registrar thereof pursuant to the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth); or
any claim, application or proceeding in respect of those rights, interests and statutory protections of and relating to aboriginal persons as set out in the legislation of Western Australia or the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth).
Native Title Rights has the same meaning as the expressions “native title” or “native title rights and interests” defined in section 223(1) of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) and includes those rights, interests and statutory protections of and relating to aboriginal persons and aboriginal cultural heritage as set out in the relevant legislation of Western Australia including the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA) or the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth).
Notice has the meaning set forth in clause 14.1.

Officer Interest means an undivided seventy-five percent (75%) interest in the Permit, insofar as it covers the Nation Blocks, and any Production Licence granted in connection therewith, insofar as it covers any area under a Nation Block (subject to clause 5).
Operating Account means the account established and maintained by the Operator in accordance with this Agreement to record all charges, expenditures, credits and receipts in respect of Operations which are chargeable or to be credited to Nation.
Operating Committee means the committee established and functioning under clause 4.
Operations means the following activities required for the operation of the Permit in accordance with this Earning Agreement:
management and operation of the Permit;
facilitation of access to the Permit including liaising with native title parties and landholders;
preparation, development and carrying out of exploration and appraisal programs on the Nation Blocks;
geological analysis and interpretation of exploration results;
compliance with conditions and legal requirements relating to the Permit;
appointment and management of contractors undertaking seismic analysis, drilling, and related exploration and appraisal programs;
but excluding any exploration or appraisal work physically conducted on lands other than the Nation Blocks.
Operator has the meaning given to it in the Petroleum Act.
Option has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 5.3.
Option Period has the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 5.3.
Parties means the entities named in the first paragraph to this Agreement and their respective permitted successors or assigns, and Party is a reference to any one of them.
Permit means Exploration Permit 468 issued under the Petroleum Act and includes any extension, renewal, conversion, substitution, modifications or variations thereof.
Permit Year means a year beginning 8 March and ending the following 7 March.
Petroleum Act means the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 (WA).
Production Licence has the meaning provided in the Petroleum Act.
Property means all property, whether real or personal, which is owned, leased, held, developed, constructed, produced or acquired by the Operator solely for the conduct of Operations.

Related Body Corporate has the meaning given to it in section 50 of the Corporations Act.
Senior Supervisory Personnel means a Party’s senior manager, who directs all operations and activities of such Party in Australia.
Transfer means assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of any interest in this Agreement in whole or part, whether by sale, lease, declaration or creation of a trust or otherwise.
Wilful Misconduct means an intentional and conscious disregard of any obligation owed by the relevant person, but does not include any act or omission which is (directly or indirectly) attributable to any breach or negligence on the part of any other person or of such other person's Related Body Corporate.
Work Program and Budget means an annual work program prepared by Officer setting out the Operations to be undertaken during that year under this Agreement in respect of the Permit, together with the estimated amounts required to perform such work program.
Work Program Expenses means the costs and expenses incurred, paid or payable by the Operator in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement or otherwise authorized by the Operating Committee in connection with conducting Work Programs and Budgets.
In this Agreement, except where the context otherwise requires:
the singular includes the plural and vice versa and a gender includes other genders;
another grammatical form of a defined word or expression has a corresponding meaning;
a reference to a clause, paragraph, schedule or annexure is to a clause or paragraph of, or schedule or annexure to, this Agreement and a reference to this Agreement includes any schedule or annexure;
a reference to a document or instrument includes the document or instrument as novated, altered, supplemented or replaced from time to time;
all references to dollar amounts are in Australian currency;
a reference to a Party is to a party to this Agreement and a reference to a Party to a document includes the Party's executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns and substitutes;
a reference to a person includes a natural person, partnership, body corporate, association, governmental or local authority or agency or other entity;
a reference to a statute, ordinance, code or other law includes regulations and other instruments under it and consolidations, amendments, re-enactments or replacements of any of them;
the meaning of general words is not limited by specific examples introduced by including, for example or similar expressions;

a rule of construction does not apply to the disadvantage of a Party because the Party was responsible for the preparation of this Agreement or any part of it; and
if a day on or by which an obligation must be performed or an event must occur is not a business day in Sydney, Australia, the obligation must be performed or the event must occur on or by the next day that is a business day.
Headings are for ease of reference only and do not affect interpretation.




Executed by Officer Petroleum Pty Ltd (ACN 142 330 738) in accordance with section 127 of the Corporations Act by authority of its directors:
/s/ Nick Tropea
/s/ Darrel John Causbrook
Nick Tropea
Darrel John Causbrook
Print name
Print name


Executed by Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 606 533 046) in accordance with section 127 of the Corporations Act by authority of its directors:
/s/ John R. Hislop
/s/ Darrel John Causbrook
John R. Hislop
Darrel John Causbrook
Print name
Print name




Schedule 1 – Royalties

Holder & Granting Document
Percentage of Hydrocarbons produced/sold
1. State of Western Australia royalty pursuant to the Petroleum Act
Between 5% and 12.5%, but most commonly either 10% [for primary location] or 12.5% [for secondary location]






Schedule 2 – Nation Blocks




Schedule 3 – Permit Year 4 Work Program and Budget

Work to be performed on or for the benefit of the Nation Blocks:
Geological and geophysical work                                                                $4,023,270
General and administrative                                                                                443,901

Amounts shown above are in Australian dollars.  All such amounts were originally estimated in United States dollars and converted to Australian dollars at the rate of USD 1 = AUD 1.34109, the oanda.com average bid rate in effect when this Schedule 3 was prepared.


Annex 1 – Accounting Procedure

Section 1
General Provisions
Section 2
Direct Charges
Section 3
Indirect Charges
Section 4
Acquisition of Material
Section 5
Disposal of Materials
Section 6
Section 1  
General Provisions
The purpose of this Accounting Procedure is to establish fair and equitable methods for determining charges and credits applicable to Operations.  If the methods prove unfair or inequitable to Officer or Nation, the Parties shall meet and in good faith endeavour to agree on changes to correct any unfairness or inequity.
In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Accounting Procedure and the provisions of the Agreement, the provisions of the Agreement shall prevail.
The definitions contained in clause 18 of the Agreement shall apply to this Accounting Procedure and have the same meanings when used herein. Certain terms used herein are defined as follows:
Accrual basis means that basis of accounting under which costs and benefits are regarded as applicable to the period in which the liability for the cost is incurred or the right to the benefit arises, regardless of when invoiced, paid, or received.
Cash basis means that basis of accounting under which only costs actually paid and revenue actually received are included for any period.
Country of Operations means the Commonwealth of Australia.
Material means machinery, equipment and supplies acquired and held for use in Operations.

Operating Account Records / Currency Exchange
Officer shall at all times maintain and keep true and correct records of the production and disposition of all petroleum, and of all costs and expenditures under the Agreement, as well as other data necessary or proper for the settlement of accounts between the Parties hereto in connection with their rights and obligations under the Agreement and to enable Parties to comply with their respective applicable income tax and other laws.
Officer shall maintain accounting records pertaining to Operations in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices used in the international petroleum industry and any applicable statutory obligations of the Country of Operations as well as the provisions of the Permit and the Agreement.
The Operating Account shall be maintained by Officer in the English language and in Australian currency.  Conversions of currency shall be recorded at the rate actually experienced in that conversion.  Currency translations are used to express the amount of expenditures and receipts for which a currency conversion has not actually occurred.  Currency translations for expenditures and receipts shall be recorded at the arithmetic average of the buying and selling exchange rates at the close of each business day of the month of the current accounting period as published by oanda.com or, if not published by oanda.com, then by Westpac Banking Corporation.
Any currency exchange gains or losses shall be credited or charged to the Operating Account, except as otherwise specified in this Accounting Procedure.  Any such exchange gains or losses shall be separately identified as such.
The Accrual basis for accounting shall be used in preparing accounts concerning the Operations.  If a Cash basis for accounting is used, Officer shall show accruals as memorandum items.
Statements and Billings
Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, Officer shall submit monthly to Nation, on or before the 15th day of each month, statements of the costs and expenditures incurred during the prior month, indicating by appropriate classification the nature thereof and the corresponding budget category.
These statements, as a minimum, shall contain the following information:
advances of funds setting forth the currencies received from Nation;
the share of Nation in total expenditures, if other than 100%;
the accrued expenditures;
the current account balance of Nation;
summary of costs, credits, and expenditures on a current month, year-to-date, and inception-to-date basis or other periodic basis, as agreed by the Parties (such expenditures shall be grouped by the categories and line items designated in the approved Work Program and Budget so as to facilitate comparison of actual expenditures against that Work Program and Budget), and

details of unusual charges and credits in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A $50,000.00).
Officer shall, upon request, furnish a description of the accounting classifications used by it.
Amounts included in statements and billings shall be expressed in Australian currency and reconciled to the currencies advanced.
Each Party shall be responsible for preparing its own accounting and tax reports to meet the requirements of the Country of Operations and of all other countries to which it may be subject.  Officer, to the extent that the information is reasonably available from the Operating Account records, shall provide Nation in a timely manner the necessary information to facilitate the discharge of such responsibility.
Payments and Advances
Upon approval of any Work Program and Budget, if Officer so requests, Nation shall advance its share of estimated cash requirements for the succeeding month's operations.  Each such Cash Call shall be equal to Officer's estimate of the money to be spent in the currencies required to perform its duties under the Work Program and Budget during the month concerned.  For informational purposes the Cash Call shall contain an estimate of the funds required for the succeeding two months detailed by the categories designated in the Work Program and Budget.
Each such cash Call, detailed by the categories designated in the Work Program and Budget, shall be made in writing and delivered to Nation not less than 15 days before the payment due date.  The due date for payment of such advances shall be set by Officer but shall be no sooner than the first day of the month for which the advances are required. All advances shall be made without bank charges. Any charges related to receipt of advances from Nation shall be borne by Nation.
Nation shall wire transfer its share of the full amount of each Cash Call to Officer on or before the due date, in the currencies requested or any other currencies acceptable to Officer at a bank designated by Officer.  If currency provided by Nation is other than the requested currency, then the entire cost of converting to the requested currency shall be charged to Nation.
Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 1.6.2 of this Accounting Procedure, should Officer be required to pay any sums of money for Operations which were unforeseen at the time estimates were provided to Nation, Officer may make a written request of Nation for special advances covering Nation' share of such payments.  Each such Nation shall make its proportional special advances within ten days after receipt of such notice.

If Nation's advances exceed its share of cash expenditures, the next succeeding cash advance requirements, after such determination, shall be reduced accordingly.  However, if the amount of such excess advance is greater than the amount of the next month's estimated cash requirements for such Nation, Nation may request a refund of the difference, which refund shall be made by Officer within ten days after receipt of Nation's request provided that the amount is in excess of twenty five thousand Australian dollars (A$ 25,000.00).
If Nation's advances are less than its share of cash expenditures, the deficiency shall, at Officer's option, be added to subsequent cash advance requirements or be paid by Nation within ten days following the receipt of Officer's billing to Nation for such deficiency.
If, under the provisions of the Agreement, Officer is required to segregate funds received from the Parties, any interest received on such funds shall be applied against the next succeeding Cash Call.
If Officer does not ask Nation to advance its share of estimated cash requirements, Nation shall pay its share of cash expenditures within 10 days following receipt of Officer's billing.
Payments of advances or billings shall be made on or before the due date. If these payments are not received by the due date the unpaid balance shall bear and accrue interest from the due date until the payment is received by Officer at the Agreed Interest Rate.   For the purpose of determining the unpaid balance and interest owed, Officer shall translate to Australian currency all amounts owed in other currencies using the currency exchange rate determined in accordance with clause 1.4.3 at the close of the last business day prior to the due date for the unpaid balance.
Subject to governmental regulation, Officer shall have the right, at any time and from time to time, to convert the funds advanced or any part thereof to other currencies to the extent that such currencies are then required for operations.   The cost of any such conversion shall be charged to the Operating Account.
Officer shall endeavour to maintain funds held for the Operating Account in bank accounts at a level consistent with that required for the prudent conduct of Operations.
If under the Agreement, Officer is required to segregate funds received from or for the Operating Account, the provisions under this clause 1.6 for payments and advances by Nation shall apply also to Officer.
Payments of any advances or billings shall not prejudice the right of Nation to protest or question the correctness thereof; provided, however, all bills and statements rendered to Nation by Officer during any year shall conclusively be presumed to be true and correct after 24 months following the end of such year, unless within the said 24 month period Nation takes written exception thereto and makes claim on Officer for adjustment.  Failure on the part of Nation to make claim on Officer for adjustment within such period shall establish the correctness thereof and preclude the filing of exceptions thereto or making claims for adjustment thereon.  No adjustment favourable to Officer shall be made unless it is made within the same prescribed period.  The provisions of this clause 1.7 shall not prevent adjustments resulting from a physical inventory of the Material as provided for in clause VI.  Officer shall be allowed to make adjustments to the Operating Account after such 24 month period if these adjustments result from audit exceptions outside of this Accounting Procedure, third party claims, or government requirements.  Any such adjustments shall be subject to audit within the time period specified in clause 1.8.l of this Accounting Procedure.

Nation, upon at least 60 days advance notice in writing to Officer, shall have the right to audit the Operating Account and records of Officer relating to the accounting hereunder for any year within the 24 month period following the end of such year, except as otherwise provided in clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure.  As provided in clause 4.2(b)(6) of the Agreement, Nation shall have reasonable access to Officer's personnel and to the facilities, warehouses, and offices directly or indirectly serving Operations.  The cost of each such audit shall be borne by Nation.  Nation must take written exception to and make claim upon Officer for all discrepancies disclosed by said audit within said 24 month period.  Nation may request information from Officer prior to the commencement of the audit.  Officer will provide the information in electronic format or hard copy documents, if electronic format is not available.  Officer will provide the information requested within 30 days before commencement of the audit but in no event sooner than 30 days after the written request.  The information requested shall be limited to that normally used for pre-audit work such as trial balance, general ledger, and sub-ledger data.
Officer shall endeavour to produce information from its Affiliates reasonably necessary to support charges from those Affiliates to the Operating Account other than those charges referred to in clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure.
Except for charges under clause 2.7.1, the following provisions apply to all charges by Officer for its Affiliates.
In addition to the information provided by Officer under clause 1.8.2, Nation may seek to audit the books and records of an Affiliate of Officer relating to the charges by the Affiliate to the Operating Account for the same year as provided in clause 1.8.1 above.  The charges of the Affiliate shall be subject to audit in accordance with (a), (b), or (c) below or any combination thereof.
(a)          If the Affiliate of Officer consents to the audit, the audit may be conducted in the same manner as the audit of the books and records of Officer.
If all or part of the charges are not audited under (a) above, the unaudited portion may be audited under (b) and/or (c) below.
(b)         The Affiliate may require use of an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm to confirm confidential or proprietary information and charges.  The cost of the internationally recognized independent public accounting firm shall be borne by Nation.  Nation will seek agreement with the Affiliate on the audit scope to confirm the details and facts relating to such information and charges.

If the internationally recognized independent public accounting firm of the Affiliate declines to conduct the audit, Nation will seek agreement with the Affiliate on an alternative internationally recognized independent public accounting firm.  The cost of using such firm shall be borne by Nation.
Officer will endeavor to cause its Affiliate to not unreasonably withhold approval of the use of an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm or the scope of examination requested by Nation.
If all or part of the charges are not audited under (a) or (b) above, the unaudited portion may be audited under (c) below.
(c)         Officer may request its Affiliate to provide Nation an annual report from an internationally recognized independent public accounting firm attesting that charges billed from such Affiliate to the Operating Account represent a complete and accurate allocation of its costs to the Operations, exclude any element of profit, exclude any duplication of costs covered under clauses 2 and 3, and are consistent in application to all of its activities.  The report will be furnished by Officer within 12 months of the request from Nation.  The cost of providing the annual report shall be borne by Nation.
No amounts paid to an Affiliate of Officer, which Nation seeks to audit, may be charged to the Operating Account if the Affiliate of Officer does not allow audit of such amounts as provided above.
Any information obtained by Nation under the provisions of clause 1.8 which does not relate directly to the Operations shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed to any party, except as would otherwise be permitted under clause 15.2(a)(ii) and (x) of the Agreement.
In the event that Officer is required by law to employ a public accounting firm to audit the Operating Account and records of Officer relating to the accounting hereunder, the cost thereof shall be a charge against the Operating Account, and a copy of the audit shall be furnished to Nation.
At the conclusion of each audit, the Parties shall endeavour to settle outstanding matters expeditiously.  To this end Nation will make a reasonable effort to prepare and distribute a written report to Officer as soon as possible and in any event within 90 days after the conclusion of each audit.  The report shall include all claims arising from such audit together with comments pertinent to the operation of the accounts and records.  Officer shall make a reasonable effort to reply to the report in writing as soon as possible and in any event no later than 90 days after receipt of the report.  Should Nation consider that the report or reply requires further investigation of any item therein, Nation shall have the right to conduct further investigation in relation to such matter notwithstanding the provisions of clauses 1.7 and 1.8 of this Accounting Procedure that the period of 24 months may have expired.  However, conducting such further investigation shall not extend the 24 month period for taking written exception to and making a claim upon Officer for all discrepancies disclosed by said audit. Such further investigations shall be commenced within 30 days and be concluded within 60 days after the receipt of such report or reply, as the case may be.

All adjustments resulting from an audit agreed between Officer and Nation conducting the audit shall be reflected promptly in the Operating Account by Officer and reported to Nation.  If any dispute shall arise in connection with an audit, it shall be reported to and discussed by the Operating Committee, and, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties to the dispute, resolved in accordance with the provisions of clause 18 of the Agreement. If all the Parties to the dispute so agree, the adjustments) may be referred to an independent expert agreed to by the Parties to the dispute.  At the election of the Parties o the dispute, the decision of the expert will be binding upon such Parties.  Unless otherwise agreed, the cost of such expert will be shared equally by all Parties to the dispute.
If it becomes necessary to allocate any costs or expenditures to or between Operations and any other operations, such allocation shall be made on an equitable basis. When it is reasonably foreseeable that such an allocation will be required, Officer will furnish a description of its allocation procedures pertaining to these costs and expenditures and its rates for personnel and other charges.  Such allocations shall be subject to audit under clause 1.8.
Section 2  
Direct Charges
Officer shall charge the Operating Account with all costs and expenditures incurred by Officer for the conduct of Operations.  Charges for services normally provided by an operator such as those contemplated in clauses 2.7.2 and 2.7.3 which are provided by Officer’s Affiliate shall reflect the cost to the Affiliate, excluding profit, for performing such services, except as otherwise provided in clause 2.6 and clause 2.7.1.
Charges shall only be applied to the Operating Account to the extent such charges are reasonably incurred in the legitimate exercise of Operations under the Agreement and in bona fide arms-length transactions on commercial terms generally available in the market place.
The costs and expenditures shall be recorded as required for the settlement of accounts between the Parties hereto in connection with the rights and obligations under this Agreement and for purposes of complying with the tax laws of the Country of Operations and of such other countries to which any of the Parties may be subject.  Chargeable costs and expenditures may include, but are not limited to:
All costs, if any, attributable to the acquisition, maintenance, renewal or relinquishment of the Permits paid in accordance with the Petroleum Act when paid by Officer in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement.
Salaries, Wages and Related Costs.
Salaries, wages and related costs include everything constituting the employees' total compensation, as well as the cost to Officer of holiday, vacation, sickness, disability benefits, living and housing allowances, travel time, bonuses, and other customary allowances applicable to the salaries and wages chargeable hereunder, as well as the costs to Officer for employee benefits, including but not limited to employee group life insurance, group medical insurance, hospitalization, retirement, severance payments required by the laws or regulations of the Country of Operations.

Expenditures or contributions made pursuant to assessments imposed by governmental authority for payments with respect to or on account of employees described in clause 2.2.1 and clause 2.2.2 shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
The salaries, wages and related costs of employees of Officer and its Affiliates temporarily or permanently assigned in the Country of Operations and directly engaged in Operations shall be chargeable to the Operating Account;
The salaries, wages and related costs of employees of Officer and its Affiliates temporarily or permanently assigned outside the Country of Operations directly engaged in Operations and not otherwise covered in clause 2.7.2 of this Accounting Procedure shall be chargeable to the Operating Account;
Costs for salaries, wages and related costs may be charged to the Operating Account on an actual basis or at a rate based upon the average cost in accordance with Officer's usual practice.  In determining the average cost, expatriate and national employees' rates shall be calculated separately and reviewed at least annually;
Reasonable expenses (including related travel costs) of those employees whose salaries and wages are chargeable to the Operating Account under clauses 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 of this Section 2 and for which expenses the employees are reimbursed under the usual practice of Officer shall be chargeable to the Operating Account; and
If employees are engaged in other activities in addition to the Operations, the cost of such employees shall be allocated on an equitable basis.
Employee Relocation Costs
Except as provided in clause 2.3.3 of this Accounting Procedure, Officer's cost of employees' relocation to or from an assignment with the Operations, whether within or outside the Country of Operations and whether permanently or temporarily assigned to the Operations, shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.  If such employee works on other activities in addition to Operations, such relocation costs shall be allocated on an equitable basis.
Such relocation costs shall include transportation of employees, families, personal and household effects of the employee and family, transit expenses, and all other related costs in accordance with Officer's usual practice.
Relocation costs to an assignment that is not with the Operations to another location shall not be chargeable to the Operating Account unless the place of the new assignment is the point of origin of the employee or unless otherwise agreed by the Operating Committee.

Offices, Camps, and Miscellaneous Facilities.
The cost of maintaining any offices, sub-offices, camps, warehouses, housing, and other facilities of Officer and/or Affiliates directly serving the Operations. If such facilities serve operations in addition to the Operations the costs shall be allocated to the properties served on an equitable basis.
The cost, net of discounts taken by Officer, of Material purchased or furnished by Officer, Such costs shall include, but are not limited to, export brokers' fees, transportation charges, loading, unloading fees, export and import duties and Licence fees associated with the procurement of Material and in-transit losses, if any, not covered by insurance. So far as it is reasonably practical and consistent with efficient and economical operation, only such Material shall be purchased for, and the cost thereof charged to, the Operating Account as may be required for immediate use.
Exclusively Owned Equipment and Facilities of Officer and Affiliates.
Charges for providing its exclusively owned equipment, facilities, and utilities of Officer or any of its Affiliates at rates not to exceed the average commercial rates of non-affiliated third parties then prevailing for like equipment, facilities, and utilities for use in the area where the same are used hereunder.  On request, Officer shall furnish Nation a list of rates and the basis of application. Such rates shall be revised from time to time if found to be either excessive or insufficient, but not more than once every six months.
Exclusively owned drilling tools and other equipment lost in the hole or damaged beyond repair may be charged at replacement cost less depreciation plus transportation costs to deliver like equipment to the location where used.
The charges for services provided by third parties shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
The cost of services performed by Officer’s Affiliates’ technical and professional staffs not located within the Country of Operation and not otherwise covered under clause 2.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, shall be chargeable to the Operating Account. The individual rates shall include salaries and wages of such technical and professional personnel, lost time, governmental assessments, and employee benefits.  Costs shall also include all support costs necessary for such technical and professional personnel to perform such services, such as, but not limited to, rent, utilities, support staff, drafting, telephone and other communication expenses, computer support, supplies, depreciation, and other reasonable expenses.
Premiums paid for insurance required by law or the Agreement to be carried for the benefit of the Operations.

Damages and Losses to Property
All costs or expenditures necessary to replace or repair damages or losses incurred by fire, flood, storm, theft, accident, or any other cause shall be chargeable to the Operating Account. Officer shall furnish Nation written notice of damages or losses incurred in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A$ 50,000.00) as soon as practical after report of the same has been received by Officer.  All losses in excess of fifty thousand Australian dollars (A$ 50,000.00) shall be listed separately in the monthly statement of costs and expenditures.
Credits for settlements received from insurance carried for the benefit of Operations and from others for losses or damages to Property or Materials shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
Expenditures incurred in the settlement of all losses, claims, damages, judgments, and other expenses for the account of Operations shall be chargeable to the Operating Account.
Litigation, Dispute Resolution and Associated Legal Expenses
The costs and expenses of litigation, dispute resolution and associated legal services necessary for the protection of the Operations under the Agreement as follows:
Legal services, other than those provided by the internal legal staffs of the Parties or their Affiliates, necessary or expedient for the protection of the Operations, and all costs and expenses of litigation, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution procedure, including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, together with all judgments obtained against the Parties or any of them arising from the Operations.
If the Parties shall so agree, litigation, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution procedures resulting from actions or claims affecting the Operations hereunder may be handled by the legal staff of one or any of the Parties or their respective Affiliates; and a charge commensurate with the reasonable costs of providing and furnishing such services rendered may be made by the Party or the Affiliate providing such service to Officer for the Operating Account, but no such charges shall be made until approved by the Parties.
Taxes and Duties
All taxes, duties, assessments and governmental charges, of every kind and nature, assessed or levied upon or in connection with the Operations, other than any that are measured by or based upon the revenues, income and net worth of a Party.
If Officer or an Affiliate is subject to income or withholding tax as a result of services performed at cost for the operations under the Agreement, its charges for such services may be increased by the amount of such taxes incurred (grossed up).

Ecological and Environmental
Costs incurred on the Property as a result of statutory regulations for archaeological and geophysical surveys relative to identification and protection of cultural resources and/or other environmental or ecological surveys as may be required by any regulatory authority. Also, costs to provide or have available pollution containment and removal equipment plus costs of actual control, clean up and remediation resulting from responsibilities associated with Hydrocarbon contamination as required by all applicable laws and regulations.
Decommissioning (Abandonment) and Reclamation.
Costs incurred for decommissioning (abandonment) and reclamation of the Property, including costs required by governmental or other regulatory authority or by the Agreement.
Other Expenditures
Any other costs and expenditures incurred by Officer for the necessary and proper conduct of the Operations and not covered in this Section 2 or in Section 3.
Section 3  
Indirect Charges
Officer shall charge the Operating Account monthly for the cost of indirect services and. related office costs of Officer and its Affiliates not otherwise provided in this Accounting Procedure. Indirect costs chargeable under this Section 3 represent the cost of general assistance and support services provided by Officer and its Affiliates. These costs are such that it is not practical to identify or associate them with specific projects but are for services which provide the Operations with needed and necessary resources which Officer requires and provide a real benefit to Operations. No cost or expenditure included under Section 2 shall be included or duplicated under this Section 3. The charges under Section 3 are not subject to audit under clauses 1.8.1 and 1.8.2 of this Accounting Procedure other than to verify that the overhead percentages are applied correctly to the expenditure basis.
The indirect charge under clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure for any month shall equal the greater of the total amount of indirect charges for the period beginning at the start of the year through the end of the period covered by Officer's invoice (Year-to-Date) determined under clause 3.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, less indirect charges previously made under clause 3.1 of this Accounting Procedure for the year in question, or the amount of the minimum assessment determined under clause 3.2.3, calculated on an annualized basis (but reduced pro rata for periods of less than one year), less indirect charges previously made under clause 3.1 for the year in question.
Unless exceeded by the minimum assessment under clause 3.2.3, the aggregate Year-to-Date indirect charges shall be a percentage of the Year-to-Date expenditures, calculated on the following scale:
Annual Expenditures
$0 to A$ 3,000,000 of expenditures = 5 %
Next A$ 7,000,000  of expenditures = 4 %


Next A$11,000,000 of expenditures = 3 %
Excess above A$ 11,000,000 of expenditures = 1.5 %
A minimum amount of A $ 36,000.00 shall be assessed each year calculated from the Effective Date and shall be reduced pro rata for periods of less than a year.
Indirect Charge for Projects.
If a major infrastructure construction project is undertaken, a separate indirect charge for such project shall be approved by the Operating Committee at the time of approval of the project.
Section 4  
Acquisition of Material

Materials purchased for the Operating Account shall be charged at net cost paid by Officer. The price of Materials purchased shall include, but shall not be limited to export broker's fees, insurance, transportation charges, loading and unloading fees, import duties, Licence fees, and demurrage (retention charges) associated with the procurement of Materials, and applicable taxes, less all discounts taken.
Materials Furnished by Officer

Materials required for operations shall be purchased for direct charge to the Operating Account whenever practicable, except Officer may furnish such Materials from its stock under the following conditions:
New Materials transferred from the warehouse or other properties of Officer hall be priced at net cost determined in accordance with clause 4.1 above as if Officer had purchased such new Material just prior to its transfer.  Such net costs shall in no event exceed the then current market price.
Material which is in sound and serviceable condition and suitable for use without repair or reconditioning shall be classed as Condition ‘B’ and priced at 75% of such new purchase net cost at the time of transfer.
Materials not meeting the requirements of clause 4.2.2 above, but which can be made suitable for use after being repaired or reconditioned, shall be classed as Condition "C" and priced at 50% of such new purchase net cost at the time of transfer.  The cost of reconditioning shall also be charged to the Operating Account provided the Condition ‘C’ price, plus cost of reconditioning, does not exceed the Condition ‘B’ price; and provided that Material so classified meet the requirements for Condition ‘B’ Material upon being repaired or reconditioned.
Material which cannot be classified as Condition ‘B’ or Condition ‘C’, shall be priced at a value commensurate with its use.
Tanks, derricks, buildings, and other items of Material involving erection costs, if transferred in knocked-down condition, shall be graded as to condition as provided in this clause 4.2 of Section 4, and priced on the basis of knocked-down price of like new Material.

Material including drill pipe, casing and tubing, which is no longer useable for its original purpose but is useable for some other purpose, shall be graded as to condition as provided in this clause 4.2 of Section 4.  Such Material shall be priced on the basis of the current price of items normally used for such other purpose if sold to third parties.
Premium Prices
Whenever Material is not readily obtainable at prices specified in clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of this clause IV because of national emergencies, strikes or other unusual causes over which Officer has no control, Officer may charge the Operating Account for the required Material at Officer's actual cost incurred procuring such Material, in making it suitable for use, and moving it to Permit area, provided that notice in writing, including a detailed description of the Material required and the required delivery date, is furnished to Nation of the proposed charge at least 10 days (or such shorter period as may be specified by Officer) before the Material is projected to be needed for operations and prior to billing Nation for such Material the cost of which exceeds fifty thousand Australian dollars (A $ 50,000.00).  Nation shall have the right, by so electing and notifying Officer within seven (7) days (or such shorter period as may be specified by Officer) after receiving notice from Officer, to furnish in kind all or part of his share of such Material per the terms of the notice which is suitable for use and acceptable to Officer both as to quality and time of delivery.  Such acceptance by Officer shall not be unreasonably withheld.  If Material furnished is deemed unsuitable for use by Officer, all costs incurred in disposing of such Material or returning Material to owner shall be borne by Nation furnishing the same unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.  If Nation fails to properly submit an election notification within the designated period, Officer is not required to accept Material furnished in kind by Nation.  If Officer fails to submit proper notification prior to billing Nation for such Material, Officer shall only charge the Operating Account on the basis of the price allowed during a "normal" pricing period in effect at time of movement.
Warranty of Material Furnished by Officer
Officer does not warrant the condition or fitness for the purpose intended of the Material furnished. In case defective Material is furnished by Officer for the Operating Account, credit shall not be passed to the Operating Account until adjustment has been received by Officer from the manufacturers or their agents.
Section 5  
Disposal of Materials
Officer shall be under no obligation to purchase the interest of Nation in new or used surplus Materials.  Officer shall have the right to dispose of Materials but shall advise and secure prior agreement of the Operating Committee of any proposed disposition of Materials having an original cost to the Operating Account either individually or in the aggregate of A$ 50,000 or more.  When Operations are relieved of Material charged to the Operating Account, Officer shall advise Nation of the original cost of such Material to the Operating Account so that the Parties may eliminate such costs from their asset records.  Credits for Material sold by Officer shall be made to the Operating Account in the month in which payment is received for the Material.  Any Material sold or disposed of under this clause shall be on an ‘as is, where is’ basis without guarantees or warranties of any kind or nature. Costs and expenditures incurred by Officer in the disposition of Materials shall be charged to the Operating Account.

Material Purchased by Nation or its Affiliate
Proceeds received from disposed Material purchased by Nation or its Affiliate shall be credited to the Operating Account, with new Material valued in the same manner as new Material under clause 4.2.1 of this Accounting Procedure and used Material valued in the same manner as used Material under clause 4.2.2 of this Accounting Procedure, unless otherwise agreed by the Operating Committee.
Sales to Third Parties
Proceeds received from Material purchased from the Property by third parties shall be credited by Officer to the Operating Account at the net amount collected by Officer from the buyer. If the sales price is less than that determined in accordance with the procedure set forth in clause 5.2 of this Accounting Procedure, then approval by the Operating Committee shall be required prior to the sale.  Any claims by the buyer for defective materials or otherwise shall be charged back to the Operating Account if and when paid by Officer.
Section 6  
Periodic Inventories - Notice and Representation
At reasonable intervals, inventories shall be taken by Officer of all Material held in warehouse stock on which detailed accounting records are normally maintained.  The expense of conducting periodic inventories shall be charged to the Operating Account.  Officer shall give Nation written notice at least 60 days in advance of its intention to take inventory, and Nation, at its sole cost and expense, shall each be entitled to have a representative present.  The failure of Nation to be represented at such inventory shall bind such Nation to accept the inventory taken by Officer, who shall in that event furnish Nation with a reconciliation of overages and shortages.  Inventory adjustments to the Operating Account shall be made for overages and shortages.  Any adjustment equivalent to A$ 50,000 or more shall be brought to the attention of the Operating Committee.
Special Inventories
Whenever there is a sale or change of interest in the Agreement, a special inventory may be taken by Officer provided the seller and/or purchaser of such interest agrees to bear all of the expense thereof. In such cases, both the seller and the purchaser shall be entitled to be represented and shall be governed by the inventory so taken.




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