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Exhibit 99.1


Ray Davis    Ron Farnsworth 
President/CEO    EVP/Chief Financial Officer 
Umpqua Holdings Corporation    Umpqua Holdings Corporation 
503-727-4101    503-727-4108 
raydavis@umpquabank.com    ronfarnsworth@umpquabank.com 

Net income of $13.6 million or $0.23 per diluted share - an increase of 5% from prior year
Reserve build – increased allowance for credit loss from 1.22% to 1.54% of total loans
Non-performing assets ended quarter at 1.54% of total assets
Deposits increased $134 million, or 2%, Core deposits increased $168 million, or 3%
Significant increase in non-interest bearing demand deposit accounts

PORTLAND, Ore. – October 16, 2008 – Umpqua Holdings Corporation (NASDAQ: UMPQ), parent company of Umpqua Bank and Strand, Atkinson, Williams & York, Inc., today announced third quarter 2008 net income of $13.6 million, or $0.23 per diluted share, compared to $13.2 million, or $0.22 per diluted share, for the third quarter of 2007, an increase of 5% on a diluted per share basis. For the year to date, the Company reports net income of $48.4 million, or $0.80 per diluted share, compared to $53.8 million, or $0.89 per diluted share a year ago, a decrease of 10% on a diluted per share basis.

Significant financial statement items for the third quarter of 2008 include:

  • Deposits increased $134 million during the quarter, an increase of 2%;
  • Core deposits increased $168 million, an increase of 3%;
  • Provision for loan losses of $35.5 million, represented a reduction of $0.35 per diluted share. This includes a reserve build of $20.3 million, increasing the allowance for credit losses from 1.22% to 1.54% of total loans;
  • Total net charge-offs of $15.2 million, or 0.98% of average loans on an annualized basis;
  • Non-performing assets ended the quarter at 1.54% of total assets. Non-performing loans ended the quarter at 1.92% of total loans. Non-performing assets have been written-down (reduced) to their estimated net realizable value;
  • Gain on fair value of junior subordinated debentures of $25.3 million, based on widening spreads for new issuances, increased earnings per diluted share by $0.25;
  • Loss on investment securities of $2.5 million, primarily represented an other than temporary impairment related to non-agency mortgage backed securities which have deteriorated in value during the third quarter, decreased earnings per diluted share by $0.03;
  • Loss on other real estate owned of $2.2 million, representing a reduction of $0.02 per diluted share;
  • Mortgage banking revenue includes a $1.4 million decline in the value of the mortgage servicing right (MSR) asset, which reduced earnings per diluted share by $0.01;
  • Interest income reversals on loans of $0.7 million reduced earnings per diluted share by $0.01 and reduced net interest margin by 4 basis points;
  • The cost of interest bearing deposits decreased 13 basis points during the quarter;

Umpqua Holdings Corporation Announces Third Quarter 2008 Results
October 16, 2008
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  • Net interest margin, on a tax equivalent basis, decreased 3 basis points during the quarter to 4.12%. Excluding reversals of interest on loans of 4 basis points, the net interest margin would have increased 1 basis point during the quarter.

"It goes without saying that the current economic situation is truly unprecedented as it relates to the financial markets and financial institutions. Despite the economic environment, Umpqua is in a strong position for the future - we are well-capitalized, with strong liquidity, and continue to make good progress in reducing our loan portfolio risks," said Ray Davis, president and CEO of Umpqua Holdings Corporation. “We are optimistic that the recently approved economic actions, once implemented, will have a positive impact on the financial services industry as a whole, as well as on the country's community banks."

Credit quality
Non-performing assets were $128.1 million, or 1.54% of total assets, as of September 30, 2008, compared to $104.4 million, or 1.25% of total assets as of June 30, 2008. Of this amount, $6.4 million represented loans past due greater than 90 days and still accruing interest, $111.9 million represent non-accrual loans, and $9.8 million is other real estate owned. Approximately 71% of non-performing assets are from the residential development loan segment of the portfolio.

Total net charge-offs were $15.2 million in the third quarter of 2008, a decrease of 60% from the second quarter of 2008. Prior to the second quarter of 2008, the Company recognized the charge-off of an impairment reserve when the loan was resolved, sold, or foreclosed/transferred to other real estate owned. Starting in the second quarter of 2008, the Company accelerated the charge-off of the impairment reserve to the period when it arises for collateral dependent loans. Therefore, the non-accrual loans of $111.9 million as of September 30, 2008 have already been written-down to their estimated net realizable value, based on disposition value, and are expected to be resolved over the coming quarters with no additional material loss.

The provision for loan losses for the third quarter of 2008 was $35.5 million, which was $20.3 million above the net charge-off level for the quarter. This difference represents a reserve build, increasing the allowance for credit losses from 1.22% of total loans as of June 30, 2008 to 1.54% of total loans as of September 30, 2008. Approximately $8 million of the provision for loan losses, and allowance for credit losses, is unallocated to specific loans, and was provided for in the third quarter of 2008 given the economic environment. There was no unallocated allowance as of June 30, 2008.

For the past six quarters, the Company has been aggressively resolving problems arising from the current economic downturn. The following is a recap of the credit quality trends of the Company since the start of 2007, noting the accelerated charge off of impairment reserves discussed above was implemented in the second quarter of 2008:

(Dollars in thousands)        Ending           

Change in ratio of 

    Provision    Net    specific    Allowance        non-performing 
    for    charge-offs    impairment    for credit loss    30-89 days    assets to 
    loan loss    (recoveries)    reserve    to loans %    past due %    total assets 
Q1 2007    $83    $(90)    $857                       1.14%    0.17%    0.06% 
Q2 2007    3,413    31    5,088                       1.17%    0.56%    0.41% 
Q3 2007    20,420    865    16,244                       1.47%    0.99%    0.37% 
Q4 2007    17,814    21,188    9,893                       1.42%    0.64%    0.22% 
Q1 2008    15,132    13,476    13,281                       1.45%    1.13%    (0.12)% 
Q2 2008    25,137    37,976    --                       1.22%    0.31%    0.19% 
Q3 2008    35,454    15,193    --                       1.54%    1.16%    0.29% 
Total    $117,453    $88,639                 

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October 16, 2008
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Total construction loans decreased 16% from September 30, 2007. Within the construction loan portfolio, the residential development loan segment is $465 million, or 7.5% of the total loan portfolio. This segment has decreased $299 million, or 39%, from September 30, 2007. Oregon/Washington residential development loans total $272 million, a decrease of 36% from a year ago. California residential development loans total $193 million, a decrease of 43% from a year ago. The remaining $535 million in construction loans are commercial construction projects. These commercial construction loans are uniquely different than the residential development loans and are performing with no notable issues.

The following is a geographic distribution of the residential development portfolio at September 30, 2008:

Residential Development Loans            Non-        Remaining 
(Dollars in thousands)                accrual    Remaining    average 
    Balance     Balance     Balance    loans     balance    balance 
    9/30/07     6/30/08     9/30/08    9/30/08     9/30/08    9/30/08 
Northwest Oregon    $244,586    $158,588    $152,686    $10,244    $142,442    $982 
Central Oregon    59,660    51,594    47,213    4,208    43,005    1,162 
Southern Oregon    56,756    44,781    38,048    5,488    32,560    638 
Washington    61,818    36,324    34,327    4,235    30,092    1,157 
Greater Sacramento    225,468    135,648    126,629    40,376    86,253    958 
Northern California    116,084    74,730    66,414    18,438    47,976    631 
Total    $764,372    $501,665    $465,317    $82,989    $382,328    $900 
Change from 9/07 $        $(262,707)    $(299,055)             
Change from 9/07 %        (34)%    (39)%             

Net interest margin
The Company reported a tax equivalent net interest margin of 4.12% for the third quarter of 2008, compared to 4.15% for the second quarter of 2008, and 4.20% for the third quarter of 2007. The decrease in net interest margin from the second quarter of 2008 resulted primarily from interest reversals on loans of 4 basis points. The Company reversed $0.7 million in interest income during the third quarter. The cost of interest bearing deposits was 13 basis points lower than the second quarter of 2008, while the yield on interest earning assets was 12 basis points lower.

Mortgage servicing rights
Mortgage interest rates decreased in the third quarter of 2008, resulting in the Company recognizing a $1.4 million decline in value of the MSR asset. On September 30, 2008, the MSR asset was valued at 1.14% of the total serviced loan portfolio.

Loss on investment securities
During the third quarter of 2008, the Company recognized a net loss of $2.5 million on investment securities. This represented an other than temporary impairment charge related to non-agency mortgage backed securities (impairment of $2.5 million), and trust preferred securities (impairment of $0.1 million), which have deteriorated in value during the third quarter. The Company reclassified the non-agency mortgage

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backed security portfolio, totaling $12.2 million or 1% of the total investment portfolio, from investment securities available for sale to investment securities held to maturity. Offsetting the $2.6 million total other than temporary impairment charge was a gain on sale of investments of $0.1 million, resulting in the net $2.5 million loss on investment securities in the third quarter of 2008.

Fair value of junior subordinated debentures
The Company recognized a gain on the fair value of junior subordinated debentures of $25.3 million during the third quarter of 2008. This fair value gain resulted from widening credit spreads for similar issuances in the market. The Company utilizes a pricing service along with internal models to determine the valuation of this liability. The majority of the gain relates to the $61.8 million of junior subordinated debentures issued in the third quarter of 2007, which carried spreads of 135 and 275 basis points over the 3 month LIBOR. As of September 30, 2008, the spread for new issuance was significantly higher. The difference between spreads represents the gain in fair value of the Company’s junior subordinated debentures compared to new instruments in the market. This fair value adjustment will reverse and be recognized as a reduction in non-interest income over the remaining period to maturity of the related instrument. As of September 30, 2008, the total par value of junior subordinated debentures carried at fair value was $134.0 million, and the fair value was $101.2 million.

Non-interest expense
Total non-interest expense for the third quarter of 2008 was $54.2 million, compared to $51.4 million for the second quarter of 2008. The increase on a sequential quarter basis related primarily to normal increases in compensation, occupancy, professional services and marketing costs.

Balance sheet
Total consolidated assets as of September 30, 2008 were $8.3 billion, compared to $8.2 billion a year ago. Total gross loans and leases, and deposits, were $6.2 billion and $6.5 billion, respectively, as of September 30, 2008, compared to $6.1 billion and $6.5 billion, respectively, a year ago.

Total loans increased $60 million, or 1%, during the third quarter of 2008, while deposits increased $134 million, or 2%. Core deposits (total deposits excluding time deposits greater than $100,000) increased $168 million, or 3%, during the third quarter of 2008. The total number of deposit accounts and relationships continue to increase, with an increase of 4,300 demand deposit accounts during the quarter.

Based on the increase in deposits during the quarter, short term borrowings were reduced by $108 million.

The Company’s estimated total risk-based capital as of September 30, 2008 is 11.2%, and has increased from 11.0% as of June 30, 2008, and 10.8% as of September 30, 2007. Our total risk-based capital level is in excess of the regulatory definition of “well capitalized” of 10.0% . The increase during the quarter related to the recognition of net income, and continued management of risk-weighted assets. This capital ratio as of September 30, 2008 is an estimate pending filing of the Company’s regulatory reports.

As of September 30, 2008, total shareholders’ equity was $1.25 billion. Book value per share was $20.76, tangible book value per share was $8.12 and tangible equity to assets was 6.45% . These measures increased slightly during the third quarter of 2008.

There have been no repurchases of common stock during 2008. The total remaining available common shares authorized for repurchase is approximately 1.54 million as of September 30, 2008.

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Visa related activity
In March 2008, Visa completed its initial public offering. Umpqua Bank and certain other Visa member banks are shareholders in Visa. Following the initial public offering, the Company received $12.6 million in proceeds from the offering, as a mandatory partial redemption of 295,377 shares, reducing the Company’s holdings from 764,036 shares to 468,659 shares of Class B common stock. Using proceeds from this offering, Visa established a $3.0 billion escrow account to cover the resolution of pending litigation and related claims. The partial redemption proceeds are reflected in non-interest income in the first quarter of 2008.

In connection with Visa’s establishment of the litigation escrow account, the Company reversed a $5.2 million reserve in the first quarter of 2008, reflected as a reduction of non-interest expense. This reserve was created in the fourth quarter of 2007, pending completion of the Visa initial public offering, as a charge to non-interest expense.

The remaining unredeemed shares of Visa Class B common stock are restricted and may not be transferred until the later of (i) three years from the date of the initial public offering, or (ii) the period of time necessary to resolve the covered litigation. A conversion ratio of 0.71429 was established for the conversion rate of Class B shares into Class A shares. If the funds in the escrow account are insufficient to settle all the covered litigation, Visa may sell additional Class A shares, use the proceeds to settle litigation, and further reduce the conversion ratio. If funds remain in the escrow account after all litigation is settled, the Class B conversion ratio will be increased to reflect that surplus.

As of September 30, 2008, the value of the Class A shares was $61.39 per share. The value of unredeemed Class A equivalent shares owned by the Company was $20.6 million as of September 30, 2008, and has not been reflected in the accompanying financial statements.

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Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the “Safe-Harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which management believes are a benefit to shareholders. These statements are necessarily subject to risk and uncertainty and actual results could differ materially due to various risk factors, including those set forth from time to time in our filings with the SEC. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and we undertake no obligation to update any such statements. In this press release we make forward-looking statements about the prospect of improved performance, the impact of government programs under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 and the expected resolution of existing non-accrual loans without further loss. Specific risks that could cause results to differ from the forward-looking statements are set forth in our filings with the SEC and include, without limitation, our ability to realize expected recoveries of non-accrual loans, further deterioration in credit quality and our ability to resolve non-accrual loans in a satisfactory manner.

About Umpqua Holdings Corporation
Umpqua Holdings Corporation (NASDAQ: UMPQ) is the parent company of Umpqua Bank, an Oregon-based community bank recognized for its entrepreneurial approach, innovative use of technology, and distinctive banking solutions. Umpqua Bank has 148 locations between Napa, Calif., and Bellevue, Wash., along the Oregon and Northern California Coast and in Central Oregon. Umpqua Holdings also owns a retail brokerage subsidiary Strand, Atkinson, Williams & York Inc., which has locations in Umpqua Bank stores and in dedicated offices throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington. Umpqua Bank's Private Client Services Division provides tailored financial services and products to individual customers. Umpqua Holdings Corporation is headquartered in Portland, Ore. For more information, visit www.umpquaholdingscorp.com.

Umpqua Holdings Corporation will conduct a quarterly earnings conference call Thursday, October 16, 2008, at 10:00 a.m. PT (1:00 p.m. EST) during which the Company will discuss third quarter 2008 results and provide an update on recent activities. There will be a question-and-answer session following the presentation. Shareholders, analysts and other interested parties are invited to join the call by dialing 800-752-8363 a few minutes before 10:00 a.m. The conference ID is “59371867.” Information to be discussed in the teleconference will be available on the Company’s Website prior to the call at www.umpquaholdingscorp.com. A rebroadcast can be found approximately two hours after the conference call by dialing 800-642-1687 with the conference ID noted above, or by visiting the Company’s Website.

Umpqua Holdings Corporation Announces Third Quarter 2008 Results 

October 16, 2008                     
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Umpqua Holdings Corporation
Consolidated Statements of Income

        Quarter Ended:         
                Sequential    Year over 
                Quarter    Year 
Dollars in thousands, except per share data    Sep 30, 2008    Jun 30, 2008    Sep 30, 2007    % Change    % Change 
Interest income                     
 Loans and leases    $98,180    $97,963    $116,111    0%    (15)% 
 Interest and dividends on investments:                     
     Taxable    9,725    10,882    9,137    (11)%    6% 
     Exempt from federal income tax    1,644    1,677    1,588    (2)%    4% 
     Dividends    104    116    96    (10)%    8% 
 Temporary investments    69    87    929    (21)%    (93)% 
   Total interest income    109,722    110,725    127,861    (1)%    (14)% 
Interest expense                     
 Deposits    30,025    31,468    48,138    (5)%    (38)% 
 Repurchase agreements and                     
   fed funds purchased    714    495    530    44%    35% 
 Junior subordinated debentures    3,211    3,216    4,444    0%    (28)% 
 Term debt    2,064    2,011    874    3%    136% 
   Total interest expense    36,014    37,190    53,986    (3)%    (33)% 
Net interest income    73,708    73,535    73,875    0%    0% 
Provision for loan and lease losses    35,454    25,137    20,420    41%    74% 
Non-interest income                     
 Service charges    8,911    8,819    8,448    1%    5% 
 Brokerage fees    2,319    2,070    2,498    12%    (7)% 
 Mortgage banking revenue    1,027    3,687    1,366    (72)%    (25)% 
 Net loss on investment securities    (2,477)    (2)    (13)    nm    nm 
 Gain on junior subordinated debentures                     
     carried at fair value    25,311    3,199    4,138    691%    512% 
 Net loss on other real estate owned    (2,193)    (2,851)    --    (23)%    100% 
 Other income    1,573    2,206    2,106    (29)%    (25)% 
Total non-interest income    34,471    17,128    18,543    101%    86% 
Non-interest expense                     
 Salaries and benefits    29,131    27,668    28,005    5%    4% 
 Occupancy and equipment    9,340    9,149    9,166    2%    2% 
 Intangible amortization    1,437    1,491    1,767    (4)%    (19)% 
 Other    14,304    13,130    13,692    9%    4% 
 Merger related expenses    --    --    263    0%    (100)% 
Total non-interest expense    54,212    51,438    52,893    5%    2% 
Income before provision for income taxes    18,513    14,088    19,105    31%    (3)% 
Provision for income tax    4,899    3,932    5,928    25%    (17)% 
Net income    $13,614    $10,156    $13,177    34%    3% 
Weighted average shares outstanding    60,096,637    60,074,920    60,489,522    0%    (1)% 
Weighted average diluted shares outstanding    60,443,949    60,406,466    61,065,401    0%    (1)% 
Earnings per share – Basic    $0.23    $0.17    $0.22    35%    5% 
Earnings per share – Diluted    $0.23    $0.17    $0.22    35%    5% 
nm = not meaningful                     

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation
Consolidated Statements of Income

    Nine months ended: 
Dollars in thousands, except per share data    Sep 30, 2008    Sep 30, 2007    % Change 
Interest income             
 Loans and leases    $300,295    $331,889    (10)% 
 Interest and dividends on investments:             
     Taxable    29,936    25,376    18% 
     Exempt from federal income tax    5,000    4,151    20% 
     Dividends    298    249    20% 
 Temporary investments    359    2,439    (85)% 
   Total interest income    335,888    364,104    (8)% 
Interest expense             
 Deposits    101,118    133,750    (24)% 
 Repurchase agreements and             
   fed funds purchased    1,958    1,757    11% 
 Trust preferred securities    10,349    12,329    (16)% 
 Other borrowings    5,200    1,767    194% 
   Total interest expense    118,625    149,603    (21)% 
Net interest income    217,263    214,501    1% 
Provision for loan and lease losses    75,723    23,916    217% 
Non-interest income             
 Service charges    26,107    23,648    10% 
 Brokerage fees    6,564    7,594    (14)% 
 Mortgage banking revenue    2,844    5,772    (51)% 
 Net gain (loss) on investment securities    1,422    (10)    nm 
 Gain on junior subordinated debentures             
     carried at fair value    30,152    4,746    535% 
 Net loss on other real estate owned    (5,655)    --    100% 
 Proceeds from Visa             

       mandatory partial redemption 

  12,633    --    100% 
 Other income    6,515    6,688    (3)% 
Total non-interest income    80,582    48,438    66% 
Non-interest expense             
 Salaries and benefits    85,043    85,172    0% 
 Occupancy and equipment    27,605    26,774    3% 
 Intangible amortization    4,419    4,400    0% 
 Other    40,642    37,304    9% 
 Visa litigation    (5,183)    --    100% 
 Merger related expenses    --    3,200    (100)% 
Total non-interest expense    152,526    156,850    (3)% 
Income before income taxes    69,596    82,173    (15)% 
Provision for income tax    21,155    28,421    (26)% 
Net income    $48,441    $53,752    (10)% 
Weighted average shares outstanding    60,066,908    59,790,297    0% 
Weighted average diluted shares outstanding    60,413,653    60,450,412    0% 
Earnings per share – Basic    $0.81    $0.90    (10)% 
Earnings per share – Diluted    $0.80    $0.89    (10)% 
nm = not meaningful             

Umpqua Holdings Corporation Announces Third Quarter 2008 Results             
October 16, 2008                     
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Umpqua Holdings Corporation
Consolidated Balance Sheets

                Sequential    Year over 
  Quarter    Year 
Dollars in thousands, except per share data    Sep 30, 2008    Jun 30, 2008    Sep 30, 2007    % Change    % Change 
 Cash and due from banks    $161,282    $194,458    $148,434    (17)%    9% 
 Temporary investments    5,556    1,353    46,787    311%    (88)% 
 Investment securities:                     
     Trading    1,531    2,087    4,144    (27)%    (63)% 
     Available for sale    963,714    998,307    911,883    (3)%    6% 
     Held to maturity    16,609    5,115    7,116    225%    133% 
 Loans held for sale    14,061    12,694    19,964    11%    (30)% 
 Loans and leases    6,171,541    6,111,488    6,079,435    1%    2% 
 Less: Allowance for loan and lease losses    (93,982)    (73,721)    (88,278)    27%    6% 
   Loans and leases, net    6,077,559    6,037,767    5,991,157    1%    1% 
 Restricted equity securities    19,573    18,892    15,297    4%    28% 
 Premises and equipment, net    105,341    104,861    107,189    0%    (2)% 
 Other real estate owned    9,753    5,826    10,310    67%    (5)% 
 Mortgage servicing rights, net    10,738    11,576    9,474    (7)%    13% 
 Goodwill and other intangibles    760,252    761,738    767,210    0%    (1)% 
 Other assets    181,664    191,315    186,846    (5)%    (3)% 
Total assets    $8,327,633    $8,345,989    $8,225,811    0%    1% 
 Deposits    $6,493,671    $6,359,909    $6,518,217    2%    0% 
 Securities sold under agreements                     
   to repurchase    52,174    41,281    52,883    26%    (1)% 
 Fed funds purchased    40,000    147,945    20,000    (73)%    100% 
 Term debt    206,694    236,774    75,010    (13)%    176% 
 Junior subordinated debentures, at fair value    101,247    126,539    131,984    (20)%    (23)% 
 Junior subordinated debentures, at amortized cost    103,879    104,146    104,947    0%    (1)% 
 Other liabilities    81,673    85,161    89,580    (4)%    (9)% 
   Total liabilities    7,079,338    7,101,755    6,992,621    0%    1% 
Shareholders' equity:                     
 Common stock    992,402    990,952    987,543    0%    0% 
 Retained earnings    265,606    263,446    253,487    1%    5% 
 Accumulated other comprehensive loss    (9,713)    (10,164)    (7,840)    (4)%    24% 
   Total shareholders' equity    1,248,295    1,244,234    1,233,190    0%    1% 
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity    $8,327,633    $8,345,989    $8,225,811    0%    1% 
Common shares outstanding at period end    60,124,192    60,087,850    59,864,335    0%    0% 
Book value per share    $20.76    $20.71    $20.60    0%    1% 
Tangible book value per share    $8.12    $8.03    $7.78    1%    4% 
Tangible equity    $488,043    $482,496    $465,980    1%    5% 
Tangible equity to tangible assets    6.45%    6.36%    6.25%         
nm = not meaningful                     

Umpqua Holdings Corporation Announces Third Quarter 2008 Results             
October 16, 2008                                 
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Umpqua Holdings Corporation
Deposits by Type/Core Deposits

Dollars in thousands    Sep 30, 2008    Jun 30, 2008    Sep 30, 2007    Sequential    Year over 
  Quarter    Year 
    Amount    Mix    Amount    Mix    Amount    Mix    % Change   % Change
Demand, non interest-bearing    $1,263,520    19%    $1,256,236    20%    $1,294,334    20%    1%    (2)% 
Demand, interest-bearing    2,872,953    44%    2,857,116    45%    2,950,605    45%    1%    (3)% 
Savings    305,352    5%    310,542    5%    358,825    6%    (2)%    (15)% 
Time    2,051,846    32%    1,936,015    30%    1,914,453    29%    6%    7% 
 Total Deposits    $6,493,671    100%    $6,359,909    100%    $6,518,217    100%    2%    0% 
 Total Core deposits (1)    $5,375,170    83%    $5,207,125    82%    $5,454,028    84%    3%    (1)% 
Number of open accounts:                                 
Demand, non interest-bearing    148,507        145,435        140,066        2%    6% 
Demand, interest-bearing    59,330        58,119        62,932        2%    (6)% 
Savings    70,272        70,620        71,532        0%    (2)% 
Time    33,085        33,760        38,841        (2)%    (15)% 
 Total    311,194        307,934        313,371        1%    (1)% 
Average balance per account:                             
Demand, non interest-bearing    $8.5        $8.6        $9.2             
Demand, interest-bearing    48.4        49.2        46.9             
Savings    4.3        4.4        5.0             
Time    62.0        57.3        49.3             
 Total    $20.9        $20.7        $20.8             
(1) Core deposits are defined as total deposits less time deposits greater than $100,000.             

Umpqua Holdings Corporation Announces Third Quarter 2008 Results             
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Umpqua Holdings Corporation
Loan Portfolio

Dollars in thousands    Sep 30, 2008         Jun 30, 2008    Sep 30, 2007    Sequential    Year over 
  Quarter    Year 
Loans and leases by class:    Amount    Mix    Amount    Mix    Amount    Mix    % Change   % Change
 Commercial real estate    $3,234,180    52%    $3,161,908    52%    $3,071,588    51%    2%    5% 
 Residential real estate    421,062    7%    401,245    7%    379,657    6%    5%    11% 
 Construction    998,452    16%    1,070,429    18%    1,191,757    20%    (7)%    (16)% 
Total real estate    4,653,694    75%    4,633,582    76%    4,643,002    76%    0%    0% 
 Commercial    1,446,024    23%    1,406,339    23%    1,365,786    22%    3%    6% 
 Leases    40,927    1%    40,839    1%    37,095    1%    0%    10% 
 Installment and other    42,757    1%    42,131    1%    44,970    1%    1%    (5)% 
 Deferred loan fees, net    (11,861)    0%    (11,403)    0%    (11,418)    0%    4%    4% 
     Total loans and leases    $6,171,541    100%    $6,111,488    100%    $6,079,435    100%    1%    2% 

Umpqua Holdings Corporation Announces Third Quarter 2008 Results             
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Umpqua Holdings Corporation
Credit Quality

        Quarter Ended        Sequential   Year over

    Quarter      Year 
Dollars in thousands   Sep 30, 2008    Jun 30, 2008    Sep 30, 2007    % Change   % Change
Allowance for credit losses                     
Balance beginning of period    $73,721    $86,560    $68,723         
   Provision for loan and lease losses    35,454    25,137    20,420         
Charge-offs    (17,108)    (38,752)    (1,414)    (56)%    1,110% 
Less: Recoveries    1,915    776    549    147%    249% 

      Net charge-offs 

  (15,193)    (37,976)    (865)    (60)%    1,656% 
Total Allowance for loan and lease losses    93,982    73,721    88,278    27%    6% 
Reserve for unfunded commitments    1,059    1,112    1,246         
 Total Allowance for credit losses    $95,041    $74,833    $89,524    27%    6% 
Net charge-offs to average                     
 loans and leases (annualized)    0.98%    2.51%    0.06%         
Recoveries to gross charge-offs    11%    2%    39%         
Allowance for credit losses to                     
 loans and leases    1.54%    1.22%    1.47%         
Past due 30-89 days    $71,684    $18,897    $60,238         
Past due 30-89 days to total loans and leases    1.16%    0.31%    0.99%         
Nonperforming assets:                     
 Loans on non-accrual status    $111,895    $94,666    $67,419    18%    66% 
 Loans past due 90+ days & accruing    6,406    3,911    1,488    64%    331% 
Total nonperforming loans    118,301    98,577    68,907    20%    72% 
 Other real estate owned    9,753    5,826    10,310    67%    (5)% 
Total nonperforming assets    $128,054    $104,403    $79,217    23%    62% 
Nonperforming loans to total loans and leases    1.92%    1.61%    1.13%         
Nonperforming assets to total assets    1.54%    1.25%    0.96%         
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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Announces Third Quarter 2008 Results     
October 16, 2008             
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Umpqua Holdings Corporation
Credit Quality (continued)

    Nine Months ended:     

Dollars in thousands    Sep 30, 2008    Sep 30, 2007    % Change 
Allowance for credit losses             
Balance beginning of period    $84,904    $60,090     
   Provision for loan and lease losses    75,723    23,916     
   Acquisitions    --    5,078     
Charge-offs    (69,830)    (2,997)    2,230% 
Less: Recoveries    3,185    2,191    45% 
     Net (charge-offs) recoveries    (66,645)    (806)    8,169% 
Total Allowance for loan and lease losses    93,982    88,278    6% 
Reserve for unfunded commitments    1,059    1,246     
 Total Allowance for credit losses    $95,041    $89,524    6% 
Net charge-offs to average             

   loans and leases 

  1.46%    0.02%     
Recoveries to gross charge-offs    5%    73%     
nm = not meaningful             

Umpqua Holdings Corporation Announces Third Quarter 2008 Results 

October 16, 2008                     
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Umpqua Holdings Corporation
Selected Ratios

        Quarter Ended:        Sequential    Year over 
  Quarter    Year 

Sep 30, 2008 

  Jun 30, 2008    Sep 30, 2007    Change    Change 
Net Interest Spread:                     
 Yield on loans and leases    6.33%    6.44%    7.62%    (0.11)    (1.29) 
 Yield on taxable investments    4.67%    4.93%    4.83%    (0.26)    (0.16) 
 Yield on tax-exempt investments (1)    5.73%    5.62%    5.62%    0.11    0.11 
 Yield on temporary investments    2.08%    2.00%    5.18%    0.08    (3.10) 
   Total yield on earning assets (1)    6.11%    6.23%    7.24%    (0.12)    (1.13) 
 Cost of interest bearing deposits    2.32%    2.45%    3.69%    (0.13)    (1.37) 
 Cost of securities sold under agreements                     
     to repurchase and fed funds purchased    2.22%    2.09%    3.28%    0.13    (1.06) 
 Cost of term debt    3.60%    3.51%    4.62%    0.09    (1.02) 
 Cost of junior subordinated debentures    5.54%    5.53%    7.59%    0.01    (2.05) 
   Total cost of interest bearing liabilities    2.50%    2.61%    3.86%    (0.11)    (1.36) 
Net interest spread (1)    3.61%    3.62%    3.38%    (0.01)    0.23 
     Net interest margin – Consolidated (1)    4.12%    4.15%    4.20%    (0.03)    (0.08) 
     Net interest margin – Bank (1)    4.29%    4.33%    4.45%    (0.04)    (0.16) 
Return on average assets    0.65%    0.49%    0.64%    0.16    0.01 
Return on average tangible assets    0.72%    0.54%    0.70%    0.18    0.02 
Return on average equity    4.34%    3.25%    4.20%    1.09    0.14 
Return on average tangible equity    11.11%    8.23%    10.92%    2.88    0.19 
Efficiency ratio – Consolidated    49.77%    56.27%    56.83%    (6.50)    (7.06) 
Efficiency ratio – Bank    61.28%    55.13%    55.57%    6.15    5.71 
(1) Tax exempt interest has been adjusted to a taxable equivalent basis using a 35% tax rate.         

Umpqua Holdings Corporation Announces Third Quarter 2008 Results         
October 16, 2008             
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Umpqua Holdings Corporation
Selected Ratios


Nine Months Ended: 

    Sep 30, 2008    Sep 30, 2007    Change 
Net Interest Spread:             
 Yield on loans and leases    6.55%    7.72%    (1.17) 
 Yield on taxable investments    4.63%    4.72%    (0.09) 
 Yield on tax-exempt investments (1)    5.63%    5.49%    0.14 
 Yield on temporary investments    2.55%    5.20%    (2.65) 
   Total yield on earning assets (1)    6.29%    7.33%    (1.04) 
 Cost of interest bearing deposits    2.60%    3.66%    (1.06) 
 Cost of securities sold under agreements             
   to repurchase and fed funds purchased    2.44%    3.40%    (0.96) 
 Cost of term debt    3.65%    4.58%    (0.93) 
 Cost of junior subordinated debentures    5.92%    7.60%    (1.68) 
   Total cost of interest bearing liabilities    2.77%    3.83%    (1.06) 
Net interest spread (1)    3.52%    3.50%    0.02 
     Net interest margin – Consolidated (1)    4.08%    4.33%    (0.25) 
     Net interest margin – Bank (1)    4.27%    4.57%    (0.30) 
Return on average assets    0.78%    0.93%    (0.15) 
Return on average tangible assets    0.86%    1.02%    (0.16) 
Return on average equity    5.17%    5.91%    (0.74) 
Return on average tangible equity    13.21%    14.79%    (1.58) 
Efficiency ratio – Consolidated    50.83%    59.27%    (8.44) 
Efficiency ratio – Bank    53.24%    56.35%    (3.11) 

(1) Tax exempt interest has been adjusted to a taxable equivalent basis using a 35% tax rate.

Umpqua Holdings Corporation Announces Third Quarter 2008 Results 

October 16, 2008                     
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Umpqua Holdings Corporation
Average Balances

        Quarter Ended:        Sequential    Year over 
  Quarter    Year 
Dollars in thousands    Sep 30, 2008    Jun 30, 2008    Sep 30, 2007    % Change    % Change 
 Temporary investments    $13,182    $17,538    $71,165    (25)%    (81)% 
 Investment securities, taxable    841,810    892,619    765,346    (6)%    10% 
 Investment securities, tax-exempt    167,132    173,171    159,998    (3)%    4% 
 Loans held for sale    13,966    23,290    10,732    (40)%    30% 
 Loans and leases    6,159,644    6,091,914    6,032,388    1%    2% 
Total earning assets    7,195,734    7,198,532    7,039,629    0%    2% 
 Goodwill & other intangibles    760,911    762,398    766,591    0%    (1)% 
 Total assets    8,333,242    8,320,962    8,190,032    0%    2% 
 Non interest bearing demand deposits    1,267,356    1,248,093    1,319,280    2%    (4)% 
 Interest bearing deposits    5,154,922    5,172,049    5,171,123    0%    0% 
 Total deposits    6,422,278    6,420,142    6,490,403    0%    (1)% 
 Interest bearing liabilities    5,741,816    5,731,942    5,542,587    0%    4% 
 Total shareholders’ equity    1,248,357    1,258,591    1,245,390    (1)%    0% 
 Tangible equity    487,446    496,193    478,799    (2)%    2% 
Umpqua Holdings Corporation             
                                                               Average Balances             


Nine Months Ended: 

Dollars in thousands    Sep 30, 2008    Sep 30, 2007    % Change         
 Temporary investments    $18,781    $62,680    (70)%         
 Investment securities, taxable    870,311    723,978    20%         
 Investment securities, tax-exempt    171,335    142,444    20%         
 Loans held for sale    18,827    13,719    37%         
 Loans and leases    6,105,082    5,733,639    6%         

    Total earning assets 

  7,184,336    6,676,460    8%         
 Goodwill & other intangibles    762,427    729,979    4%         
 Total assets    8,314,019    7,765,832    7%         
 Non interest bearing demand deposits    1,255,403    1,250,188    0%         
 Interest bearing deposits    5,193,790    4,884,775    6%         
 Total deposits    6,449,193    6,134,963    5%         
 Interest bearing liabilities    5,724,529    5,222,253    10%         
 Total shareholders’ equity    1,252,099    1,215,730    3%         
 Tangible equity    489,672    485,751    1%         

Umpqua Holdings Corporation Announces Third Quarter 2008 Results         
October 16, 2008                     
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Umpqua Holdings Corporation
Mortgage Banking Activity

        Quarter Ended:        Sequential    Year over 
  Quarter         Year 
Dollars in thousands    Sep 30, 2008    Jun 30, 2008    Sep 30, 2007    % Change    % Change 
Mortgage Servicing Rights (MSR):                     
Mortgage loans serviced for others    $939,876    $922,039    $877,648    2%    7% 
MSR Asset, at fair value    $10,738    $11,576    $9,474    (7)%    13% 
MSR as % of serviced portfolio    1.14%    1.26%    1.08%         
Mortgage Banking Revenue:                     
Origination and sale    $1,817    $1,284    $1,468    42%    24% 
Servicing    636    603    546    5%    16% 
Change in fair value of MSR asset    (1,426)    1,800    (648)    (179)%    120% 
Change in fair value of MSR hedge    --    --    --    0%    0% 

    Total Mortgage Banking Revenue 

  $1,027    $3,687    $1,366    (72)%    (25)% 

Nine Months Ended: 

Dollars in thousands    Sep 30, 2008    Sep 30, 2007    % Change         
Mortgage Banking Revenue:                     
Origination and sale    $4,953    $4,896    1%         
Servicing    1,839    1,853    (1)%         
Change in fair value of MSR asset    (1,550)    (977)    59%         
Change in fair value of MSR hedge    (2,398)    --    nm         

    Total Mortgage Banking Revenue 

  $2,844    $5,772    (51)%         
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