EX-99.1 2 exhibit99-1.htm CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOVEMBER 30, 2007 Filed by Automated Filing Services Inc. (604) 609-0244 - Sungold International Holdings Corp. - Exhibit 99.1

Sungold International Holdings Corp.
(A Development Stage Company)

Consolidated Financial Statements
(Presented in Canadian Dollars)

(Unaudited – Prepared by Management)

November 30, 2007

Sungold International Holdings Corp.
(A Development Stage Company)
(Presented in Canadian Dollars)
(Unaudited – Prepared by Management)


In accordance with Canadian Securities Administrators National Instrument 51-102, Sungold International Holdings Corp. discloses that these unaudited financial statements for the first financial quarter ended November 30, 2007, have not been reviewed by our auditors, MSCM LLP, Chartered Accountants.

Toronto, ON

April 21, 2008


Sungold International Holdings Corp.
(A Development Stage Company)
(Presented in Canadian Dollars)
(Unaudited – Prepared by Management)
Consolidated Balance Sheets
November 30, 2007

    (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
    November 30     August 31  
    2007     2007  
   Current assets            
           Sundry receivables $  43,423   $  38,073  
           Prepaid expenses and deposits   640     640  
    44,063     38,713  
   Pre-development costs (note 4)   292,762     270,288  
   Equipment (note 5)   367,884     387,588  
   Investment and advances to related company (note 6)   155,841     105,400  
   Marketing rights (note 7)   11,974     12,870  
  $  872,524   $  814,859  
   Current liabilities            
           Bank overdraft $  6,612   $  17,152  
           Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (note 8(c))   942,297     875,291  
           Loans payable (note 8(d))   98,363     92,974  
           Current obligation under capital leases (note 9)   4,831     6,518  
    1,052,103     991,935  
   Long-term liabilities            
           Obligation under capital leases (note 9)   -     -  
    1,052,103     991,935  
Shareholders’ (deficiency) equity            
   Share capital (note 10)   22,888,776     22,639,945  
   Contributed surplus (note 11)   996,954     941,722  
Deficit   (24,065,309 )   (23,758,743 )
    (179,579 )   (177,076 )
  $  872,524   $  814,859  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Going concern (note 1)

Approved by the Directors:

“Art Cowie”   Director
“Donald Harris”   Direct


Sungold International Holdings Corp.
(A Development Stage Company)
(Presented in Canadian Dollars)
(Unaudited – Prepared by Management)
Consolidated Statements of Loss And Deficit
for the first quarter ended November 30

    April 7, 1986     Three Months Ended  
    (inception) to              
    November 30, 2007     2007     2006  
   Gain on disposition of marketable securities $  838,947   $  -   $  -  
   Impairment write-down of                  
     pre-development costs   6,460,304     -     -  
   Professional and consulting fees (note 8(a))   3,919,264     115,415     19,731  
   Advertising and promotion   3,460,556     1,979     2,619  
   Management fees and salaries (note 8(a))   2,689,015     59,802     77,172  
   Investor relations   1,458,822     15,846     10,185  
   Travel and conference   1,183,308     2,824     3,803  
   Amortization   1,068,049     24,165     25,358  
   Office and miscellaneous   911,589     8,114     3,424  
   Internet services   847,739     372     1,152  
   Stock-based compensation (note 10(b))   686,879     -     54,085  
   Office rent and services (note 8(b))   696,942     21,435     10,710  
   Transfer agent and filing fees   438,248     1,169     2,283  
   Insurance   263,953     -     -  
   Financing fees   237,433     -     5,000  
   Interest and bank charges   158,244     3,331     2,295  
   Finder fees   154,031     -     -  
   Settlement agreements   71,178     -     -  
   Equity loss on investment (note 6)   110,825     50,726     -  
   Interest on capital leases   34,180     233     476  
   Fees and commissions   39,943     -     -  
   Loss on disposition of equipment   16,402     -     606  
   Foreign exchange (gain) loss   (2,648 )   1,155     4,452  
    24,904,256     306,566     223,351  
Net loss   24,065,309     306,566     223,351  
Deficit, beginning of year   -     23,758,743     22,190,315  
Deficit, end of quarter $ 24,065,309   $ 24,065,309   $ 22,413,666  
Weighted average number of shares         139,176,550     126,751,076  
Loss per share       $ 0.0022   $ 0.0018  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


Sungold International Holdings Corp.
(A Development Stage Company)
(Presented in Canadian Dollars)
(Unaudited – Prepared by Management)
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow
for the first quarter ended November 30

    April 7, 1986     Three Months Ended  
    (inception) to              
    November 30, 2007     2007     2006  
Operating activities                  
           Net loss $ (24,065,309 ) $  (306,566 ) $  (223,351 )
           Items not involving cash                  
                 Write-down of pre-development costs   6,460,304     -     -  
                 Amortization   1,068,049     24,165     25,358  
                 Stock-based compensation   686,879     -     54,085  
                 Issuance of common shares for services   793,115     81,640     6,180  
                 Gain on disposition of marketable securities   (838,947 )   -     -  
                 Acquisition of marketing rights   (28,835 )   (3,095 )   -  
                 Equity loss   110,825     50,726     -  
                 Loss on disposition of equipment   16,402     -     606  
    (15,797,517 )   (153,130 )   (137,122 )
           Cash provided (used) by changes in non-                  
                 cash operating items                  
                 Sundry receivables   (43,423 )   (5,350 )   (4,439 )
                 Prepaid expenses and deposits   (640 )   -     -  
                 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities   953,630     67,006     46,982  
    (14,887,950 )   (91,474 )   (94,579 )
Investing activities                  
           Pre-development costs   (5,343,687 )   (22,474 )   (3,199 )
           Proceeds of disposition of equipment   43,134     -     -  
           Investment and advances to related company   (137,020 )   (101,167 )   -  
           Acquisition of equipment   (1,407,314 )   (470 )   (500 )
    (6,844,887 )   (124,111 )   (3,699 )
Financing activities                  
           Loans payable (ii)   2,674,091     5,389     -  
           Repayment of obligation under capital leases   (77,972 )   (1,687 )   (1,444 )
           Issuance of shares   17,404,359     222,423     109,678  
           Proceeds of disposition of marketable securities   1,725,747     -     -  
    21,726,225     226,125     108,234  
Change in (bank overdraft) cash   ( 6,612 )   10,540     9,956  
(Bank overdraft), beginning   -     (17,152 )   (2,919 )
(Bank overdraft) cash, ending $  ( 6,612 ) $  ( 6,612 ) $  7,037  
(i)           Interest paid: $ 192,424   $ 3,564   $ 2,771  


During the quarter, the Company issued 1,133,380 shares to settle $71,000 loans payable. Since April 7, 1986 (inception) to November 30, 2007, the Company issued 42,262,644 shares to settle $2,659,237 of debts.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


Sungold International Holdings Corp.
(A Development Stage Company)
(Presented in Canadian Dollars)
(Unaudited – Prepared by Management)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
November 30, 2007

1. Nature of Operations and Going Concern

Sungold International Holdings Corp. (the “Company” or “Sungold”) was incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act and is a publicly traded company on the OTC bulletin board. The principal activities are developing and promoting a proprietary pari-mutuel wagering virtual horseracing product, commercial advertising time on the product, and an internet payment system. To date, the Company has not earned significant revenues and is considered to be in a development stage.

These consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. The going concern basis of presentation assumes that the Company will continue in operation for the foreseeable future and be able to realize its assets and discharge its liabilities and commitments in the normal course of business.

The recoverability of the amounts shown for pre-development costs is primarily dependant on the ability of the Company to put its pre-development projects into economically viable products in the future. The Company plans to meet anticipated financing needs in connection with its obligations by the exercise of stock options, share purchase warrants, and through private placements, public offerings or joint-venture participation by others.

There is significant doubt about the appropriateness of the use of the going concern assumption because the Company experienced significant recurring losses from operations and has experienced significant negative cash flows from operations over a number of years.

The ability of the Company to continue as a going concern and to realize the carrying value of its assets and discharge its liabilities when due is dependent on the successful completion of the actions taken or planned, which management believes will mitigate the adverse conditions and events which raise doubt about the validity of the going concern assumption used in preparing these consolidated financial statements. There is no assurance that the Company will be successful in its efforts.

These consolidated financial statements do not reflect adjustments that would be necessary if the going concern assumption were not appropriate. If the going concern basis did not prove to be appropriate for these consolidated financial statements, then adjustments would be necessary in the carrying value of assets and liabilities, the reported revenues and expenses, and the balance sheet classifications used.

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) and are presented in Canadian dollars.


Sungold International Holdings Corp.
(A Development Stage Company)
(Presented in Canadian Dollars)
(Unaudited – Prepared by Management)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
November 30, 2007

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - continued


Basis of Consolidation


These consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries, Horsepower Broadcasting Network (HBN) International Ltd., SafeSpending Inc. and Racing Unified Network (R.U.N.) Inc. All inter-company transactions and balances have been eliminated upon consolidation.


Translation of Foreign Currencies


The Company has determined that all of its Subsidiaries’ operations are integrated; as such, the Company translates foreign currencies into U.S. dollars using the temporal method. Under this method, accounts recorded in foreign currency have been converted to Canadian dollars as follows:

  • Monetary assets and liabilities at the exchange rate in effect at the balance sheet date;

  • Other assets at historical rates;

  • Revenues and expenses at the average rate of exchange for the month incurred except amortization which is translated at the same rates as those used in the translation of the corresponding assets. Gains and losses resulting from the fluctuation of foreign exchange rates are included in the determination of net loss.


    Pre-development costs


    The Company is in the development stage and capitalizes all costs related to its pre-development projects in accordance with Accounting Guideline No. 11, “Enterprises in the Development Stage”, issued by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. These costs will be amortized on the basis of revenue generated in relation to the project following commencement of operations. When management decides a project is to be abandoned, costs of the abandoned project are written off to operations. Costs related to regular maintenance of the pre-development projects are expensed as incurred.


    The costs deferred at any time do not necessarily reflect present or future values. The ultimate recovery of such amounts depends on the Company successfully developing the project.




    Equipment is recorded at cost with amortization provided on a declining balance as follows:

    Software – Horsepower® 20%
    Computer hardware 30%
    Leased computer equipment 30%
    Office equipment 20%
    Computer software 100%

    The above rates have been utilized to reflect the anticipated life expectancy. In the year acquired and put in use, only one-half the normal rate is applied.


    Sungold International Holdings Corp.
    (A Development Stage Company)
    (Presented in Canadian Dollars)
    (Unaudited – Prepared by Management)
    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
    November 30, 2007

    2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - continued


    Long-lived and Intangible Assets


    The Company reviews the recoverability of long-lived and intangible assets with definite lives whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset or asset group may not be recoverable. The assessment of possible impairment is based upon the Company’s ability to recover the carrying value of the asset or asset group from the expected pre-tax cash flows, undiscounted and without interest charges, of the related operations. If these cash-flows are less than the carrying value of such asset or asset group, an impairment loss is recognized for the difference between estimated fair value and carrying value. The measurement of impairment requires management to estimate future cash-flows and the fair value of long-lived assets. The Company’s intangible assets are amortized using the straight-line method over the following estimated useful lives:

    Marketing rights 2 years


    Income Taxes


    The Company accounts for income taxes using the asset and liability method of accounting. Under this method, future income tax assets and future income tax liabilities are recorded based on temporary differences between the financial reporting basis of the Company's assets and liabilities and their corresponding tax basis. The future benefits of income tax assets, including unused tax losses, are recognized subject to a valuation allowance, to the extent that it is more likely than not that such losses will be ultimately utilized. These future income tax assets and liabilities are measured using substantively enacted tax rates and laws that are expected to apply when the tax assets or liabilities are to be settled or realized.


    Loss Per Share


    Loss per share is calculated using the weighted-average number of shares outstanding during the period. Diluted loss per share is calculated using the treasury stock method whereby all options, warrants and equivalents are assumed to have been exercised at the beginning of the period and the proceeds from the exercise are assumed to have been used to purchase common shares at the average market price during the period. Stock options and warrants outstanding are not included in the computation of diluted loss per share if their inclusion would be anti-dilutive.


    Long-term investment


    The Company uses the equity method of accounting for its investment in shares of a company over which it has significant influence. Under the equity method of accounting, investments are carried at the original cost plus the Company’s cumulative share of earnings (loss), less any dividends received, netted with advances made to the company.


    Sungold International Holdings Corp.
    (A Development Stage Company)
    (Presented in Canadian Dollars)
    (Unaudited – Prepared by Management)
    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
    November 30, 2007

    2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - continued


    Stock-based Compensation


    The Company has in effect a Stock Option Plan (“the Plan”), which is described in note 10(b). Stock options are accounted for using the fair value-based method. Fair value is calculated using the Black- Scholes model with the assumptions described in note 10(b). On the exercise of stock options, consideration received and the accumulated contributed surplus amount is credited to share capital.


    Measurement uncertainty


    The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those reported.


    The Black-Scholes pricing model, used by the Company to determine fair values, was developed for use in estimating the fair value of freely traded options. This model requires the input of highly subjective assumptions including future stock price volatility and expected time until exercise. Changes in the subjective input assumptions can materially affect the fair value estimate, and therefore the existing model does not necessarily provide a reliable single measure of the fair value of the Company's stock options granted during the year.




    Certain amounts from prior years have been reclassified to conform to the current year’s presentation.

    3. Future Changes in Accounting Policies

    Financial Instruments - Recognition and Measurement and Comprehensive Income and Equity

    In January 2005, the CICA released new Handbook Section 3855, “Financial Instruments - Recognition and Measurement”, Handbook Section 3861, “Financial Instruments – Disclosure and Presentation”, Handbook Section 1530, “Comprehensive Income”, and Section 3251, “Equity”, effective for annual and interim periods beginning on or after October 1, 2006. The Company will adopt these standards on September 1, 2007.

    As a result of adopting these standards, a new category, accumulated other comprehensive income, will be added to the shareholders’ equity and certain unrealized gains and losses will be reported in other comprehensive income until realization. Effective September 1, 2007, certain financial assets and liabilities will be measured at fair value and others at amortized cost. Any adjustment of the previous carrying amounts will be recognized as an adjustment to either accumulated other comprehensive income or deficit at September 1, 2007, and prior period consolidated financial statements will not be restated. The adoption of these standards is not expected to have a material impact on the consolidated financial statements of the Company.


    Sungold International Holdings Corp.
    (A Development Stage Company)
    (Presented in Canadian Dollars)
    (Unaudited – Prepared by Management)
    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
    November 30, 2007

    3. Future Changes in Accounting Policies - continued

    Capital Disclosures

    In December 2006, the CICA issued Handbook Section 1535, “Capital Disclosures”. This new section requires disclosure of an entity's objectives, policies and processes for managing capital, quantitative data about what the entity regards as capital and whether the entity has complied with any capital requirements and, if it has not complied, the consequences of such non-compliance. This standard is effective for annual and interim periods beginning on or after October 1, 2007 and will be adopted on September 1, 2008. The adoption of this section is not expected to have a material impact on the Company's consolidated financial statements.

    Financial Instruments - Disclosure and Presentation

    In December 2006, the CICA released new Handbook Sections 3862, “Financial Instruments – Disclosures” and 3863, “Financial Instruments – Presentation”, which will replace Section 3861, “Financial Instruments – Disclosure and Presentation”. These standards are effective for annual and interim periods beginning on or after October 1, 2007 and will be adopted on September 1, 2008. The adoption of these sections is not expected to have a material impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.

    4. Pre-development Costs


    SafeSpending™ project


    In May 2001, a subsidiary of the Company, SafeSpending Inc., acquired all the rights to an internet payment system technology which is a spending system that can be used to make anonymous purchases online from merchants and individuals. The agreement provides SafeSpending Inc. with all copyrights, trademarks, source codes and intellectual property and the Company has patents pending in 105 countries for the SafeSpending™ anonymous payment system.

          August 31,           Impairment     November 30,  
          2007     Additions     Write off     2007  
      Acquisition cost $  62,300   $  -   $  -   $  62,300  
      Legal and consulting fees   83,191     -     -     83,191  
        $ 145,491   $  -   $  -   $ 145,491  


    Sungold International Holdings Corp.
    (A Development Stage Company)
    (Presented in Canadian Dollars)
    (Unaudited – Prepared by Management)
    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
    November 30, 2007

    4. Pre-development Costs - continued


    Horsepower® project


    Horsepower® World Pool Virtual Horse Racing System is a proprietary, pari-mutuel wagering product operated by Horsepower Broadcasting Network (HBN) International Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company. The product is being offered to Licensed facilities and Authorized Racetrack Affiliates. Development of this project is largely complete but there are no operating installations as of November 30, 2007.


    The hardware and software development costs are capitalized under equipment and amortized annually at 20%.

          August 31,           Impairment     November 30,  
          2007     Additions     Write off     2007  
      Legal and consulting fees $ 124,797   $  -   $  -   $ 124,797  


    Breezestreams project


    The Breezestreams concept, acquired in the first quarter, is a method to archive Thoroughbred workouts for handicapping purposes.

          August31,           Impairment     November 30,  
          2007     Additions     Write off     2007  
      Acquisition costs $ -   $  22,474   $  -   $ 22,474  

            August 31,           Impairment     November 30,  
            2007     Additions     Write off     2007  
      (d) Total pre development costs $ 270,288   $  22,474   $  -   $ 292,762  


    Sungold International Holdings Corp.
    (A Development Stage Company)
    (Presented in Canadian Dollars)
    (Unaudited – Prepared by Management)
    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
    November 30, 2007

    5. Equipment

          November 30     August 31  
          2007     2007  
          Cost     Less     Net Book     Net Book  
                Accumulated     Value     Value  
      Software – Horsepower® $ 1,033,216   $  705,000   $ 328,216   $ 345,490  
      Computer hardware   315,225     289,592     25,633     27,183  
      Leased computer equipment   10,488     5,538     4,950     5,352  
      Office equipment   10,723     1,638     9,085     9,563  
        $ 1,369,652   $ 1,001,768   $ 367,884   $ 387,588  

    6. Investment and Advances to Related Company

    During the 2007 fiscal year, the Company acquired a 37.87% interest in a US-based private company, Silks Media Corporation (“Silks Media”) valued at $8,765. During the first quarter of this year, the Company made advances valued at $101,167 to Silks Media, which are unsecured, non-interest bearing with no specific term of repayment.

    Silks Media is related to the Company by common directors. The investment in Silks Media is accounted for using the equity method. At November 30, 2007, the Company recorded an equity loss of $50,726 in Silks Media, and reduced the carrying value of its investment accordingly which resulted in a value of $155,841.

    7. Marketing Rights

          August 31,           Accumulated     November 30,  
          2007     Additions     Amortization     2007  
        $ 25,740   $ 3,095   $ (16,861 ) $ 11,974  


    Sungold International Holdings Corp.
    (A Development Stage Company)
    (Presented in Canadian Dollars)
    (Unaudited – Prepared by Management)
    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
    November 30, 2007

    8. Related Party Transactions and Balances


    During the quarter, salaries, directors’ fees, and bookkeeping services of $56,100 (November 2006 - $75,825) were paid in cash to directors and officers of the Company and subsidiaries of the Company. Amounts paid by shares was $NIL (November 2006 – $NIL). The fees are in the normal course of business and are measured at the exchange amount, which is the amount of consideration established and agreed to by the related parties.


    During the quarter, the amount paid to an officer for rent of office space provided was $NIL (November 2006 – $4,710).


    Accounts payable includes $134,905 owed to directors, officers and management for salaries, management fees and consulting services rendered (November 2006 – $172,077). The amounts are unsecured, non-interest bearing and have no repayment terms.


    The loans payable of $98,363 are unsecured, non-interest bearing advances from shareholders and directors and have no specified repayment terms (November 2006 – $7,500).

    9. Capital Leases

    The Company has a lease agreement for computers accounted for as capital leases. Current payments are $640 monthly, expiring July 2008. The following is a schedule of future lease payments:

          November 30,     August 31,  
          2007     2006  
      Total minimum lease payments $  5,118   $  7,038  
      Less amount representing interest   (287 )   (520 )
      Balance of obligations   4,831     6,518  
      Less current portion   (4,831 )   (6,518 )
      Non-current portion $  -   $  -  


    Sungold International Holdings Corp.
    (A Development Stage Company)
    (Presented in Canadian Dollars)
    (Unaudited – Prepared by Management)
    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
    November 30, 2007

    10. Share Capital

          November 30,     August 31,  
          2007     2006  
             Unlimited common shares without par value            
             100,000,000 Class “A” preference shares            
                   without par value            
           100,000,000 Class “B” preference shares            
                   without par value            
      Issued and outstanding:            
           141,342,295 common            
                     (August 31, 2007 – 136,926,215 common) $ 22,888,776   $ 22,639,945  

      a) Shares issued during the first quarter ended November 30, 2007:

    For cash   3,488,810     222,423  
    Non-cash transactions:            
         - for services provided   927,270     81,640  
    Amount allocated for warrants            
         to Contributed Surplus   -     (55,232 )
        4,416,080   $ 248,831  


    Stock options and stock-based compensation


    The Company has a fixed stock option plan for the granting of options to directors, officers and employees of up to 10% of the Company’s issued share capital. The terms of the awards under the Plan are determined by the Board of Directors. The following is a summary of outstanding options:


    Sungold International Holdings Corp.
    (A Development Stage Company)
    (Presented in Canadian Dollars)
    (Unaudited – Prepared by Management)
    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
    November 30, 2007

    10. Share Capital - continued

      b) Stock options and stock-based compensation – continued

    Date of
    August 31,
    Granted Exercised
    / Expired
    / Cancelled
    November 30,
    Aug 10, 2001 US$0.12 300,000              - - 300,000 Aug 10, 2008
    Oct 11, 2002 US$0.15 200,000              - - 200,000 Oct 11, 2007
    Jan 15, 2003 US$0.11 136,000              - - 136,000 Jan 15, 2008
    May 27, 2003 US$0.05 64,000              - - 64,000 May 27, 2008
    Mar 1, 2006 US$0.50 200,000              - - 200,000 Feb 28, 2008
    Mar 10, 2006 US$0.15 495,000              - - 495,000 Mar 31, 2008
    Sep 1, 2006 US$0.50 200,000              - - 200,000 Jul 31, 2008
    Sep 5, 2006 US$0.20 2,800,000              - - 2,800,000 Sep 30, 2008
    Oct 31, 2006 US$0.50 100,000              - - 100,000 Oct 31, 2009
    Feb 14, 2007 US$0.75 175,000              - - 175,000 Feb 28, 2009
    Feb 14, 2007 US$0.30 500,000              - - 500,000 Feb 28, 2009
    Mar 15, 2007 US$0.50 300,000              - - 300,000 Mar 31, 2009
        5,470,000              - - 5,470,000  

    At November 30, 2007, 5,470,000 options are outstanding and exercisable. The weighted-average price of these options is $0.29 and the weighted-average remaining contractual life is 0.78 years.

    There were no options granted in the first quarter ended November 30, 2007. In the 2007 fiscal year, the Company recognized $432,292 (2006 - $64,130) in stock-based compensation expense using the Black-Scholes option pricing model with the following assumptions:

        2007 2006
      Risk-free interest rate 3.92% - 4.5% 2.82% to 3.00%
      Dividend yield NIL NIL
      Expected life 2 - 3 years 2 - 3 years
      Volatility 160% - 172% 120% - 150%


    Sungold International Holdings Corp.
    (A Development Stage Company)
    (Presented in Canadian Dollars)
    (Unaudited – Prepared by Management)
    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
    November 30, 2007

    10. Share Capital - continued

      c) Share purchase warrants

    Date of Grant

    August 31, 2007


    Expired /
    November 30, 2007

    Expiration date
    Oct 3, 2005 US$0.15 35,750 - - 35,750 - Sep 30, 2007
    Oct 3, 2005 US$0.15 35,750 - - 35,750 - Sep 30, 2007
    Oct 3, 2005 US$0.15 53,750 - - 53,750 - Oct 31, 2007
    Nov 15, 2005 US$0.15 30,150 - - 30,150 - Nov 30, 2007
    Nov 29, 2005 US$0.15 53,500 - - 53,500 - Nov 30, 2007
    Dec 2, 2005 US$0.15 608,333 - - 608,333 - Nov 30, 2007
    Dec 8, 2005 US$0.15 25,000 - - - 25,000 Dec 31, 2007
    Dec 20, 2005 US$0.35 11,400 - - - 11,400 Dec 31, 2007
    Dec 29, 2005 US$0.50 195,750 - - - 195,750 Dec 31, 2007
    Jan 2, 2006 US$0.45 110,000 - - - 110,000 Dec 31, 2007
    Jan 3, 2006 US$0.50 7,250 - - - 7,250 Jan 31, 2008
    Jan 4, 2006 US$0.42 50,000 - - - 50,000 Dec 31, 2007
    Jan 12, 2006 US$0.60 14,750 - - - 14,750 Jan 31, 2008
    Jan 31, 2006 US$0.55 8,000 - - - 8,000 May 31, 2008
    May 10, 2006 US$0.30 32,250 - - - 32,250 May 31, 2008
    May 31, 2006 US$0.26 35,000 - - - 35,000 May 31, 2008
    Jul 7, 2006 US$0.25 21,000 - - - 21,000 Jul 31, 2008
    Aug 11, 2006 US$0.18 50,000 - - - 50,000 Aug 15, 2008
    Aug 18, 2006 US$0.20 62,500 - - - 62,500 Aug 31, 2008
    Sep 17, 2006 US$0.15 75,000 - - - 75,000 Sep 30, 2008
    Sep 14, 2006 US$0.20 62,500 - - - 62,500 Sep 30, 2008
    Sep 14, 2006 US$0.20 62,500 - - - 62,500 Sep 15, 2008
    Oct 19, 2006 US$0.10 400,000 - - - 400,000 Oct 31, 2008
    Nov 20, 2006 US$0.10 150,000 - - - 150,000 Nov 30, 2008
    Nov 30, 2006 US$0.11 250,000 - - - 250,000 Nov 30, 2008
    Dec 28, 2006 US$0.11 934,091 - - - 934,091 Dec 31, 2008
    Dec 15, 2006 US$0.10 400,000 - - - 400,000 Dec 31, 2008
    Jan 22, 2007 US$0.14 285,715 - - - 285,715 Jan 23, 2009
    Feb 27, 2007 US$0.11 650,000 - - - 650,000 Feb 28, 2009
    Feb 27, 2007 US$0.16 412,500 - - - 412,500 Feb 28, 2009
    Feb 27, 2007 US$0.13 538,460 - - - 538,460 Feb 28, 2009
    Mar 5, 2007 US$0.13 1,015,385 - - - 1,015,385 Mar 31, 2009
    Mar 7, 2007 US$0.13 153,846 - - - 153,846 Mar 31, 2009
    Mar 9, 2007 US$0.12 500,000 - - - 500,000 Mar 31, 2009
    Mar 15, 2007 US$0.11 200,000 - - - 200,000 Mar 31, 2009
    Mar 25, 2007 US$0.14 75,000 - - - 75,000 Mar 31, 2009
    May 24, 2007 US$0.14 345,150 - - - 345,150 May 31, 2009
    May 25, 2007 US$0.14 100,000 - - - 100,000 May 31, 2009
    Jun 6, 2007 US$0.16 30,490 - - - 30,490 Jun 30, 2009
    Aug 3, 2007 US$0.16 62,500 - - - 62,500 Jul 31, 2009
    Aug 14, 2007 US$0.16 31,250 - - - 31,250 Jul 31, 2009
    Sep 5, 2007 US$0.14 - 400,000 - - 400,000 Sep 15, 2009
    Sep 5, 2007 US$0.15 - 101,135 - - 101,135 Sep 30, 2009
    Sep 25, 2007 US$0.16 - 32,715 - - 32,715 Sep 30, 2009
    Oct 18, 2007 US$0.13 - 100,000 - - 100,000 Oct 31, 2009
    Oct 19, 2007 US$0.13 - 566,690 - - 566,690 Oct 31, 2009
    Oct 25, 2007 US$0.13 - 250,000 - - 250,000 Oct 31, 2009


    Sungold International Holdings Corp.
    (A Development Stage Company)
    (Presented in Canadian Dollars)
    (Unaudited – Prepared by Management)
    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
    November 30, 2007

    10. Share Capital - continued

      c) share purchase warrants – continued

    Date of Grant

    August 31, 2007


    Expired /
    November 30, 2007

    Expiration date
    Nov 13, 2007 US$0.12 - 50,000 - - 50,000 Nov 30, 2008
    Nov 13, 2007 US$0.12 - 200,000 - - 200,000 Nov 15, 2009
    Nov 16, 2007 US$0.12 - 100,000 - - 100,000 Nov 30, 2009
    Nov 19, 2007 US$0.12 - 100,000 - - 100,000 Nov 30, 2009
        8,174,520 1,900,540 - 817,233 9,257,827  

    The fair value of the 1,900,540 warrants issued in the first quarter ended November 30, 2007, has been determined to be $55,232 using the Black-Scholes pricing model. The following assumptions were used:

    Dividend yield NIL
    Risk-free interest rate 3.95% to 4.56%
    Expected stock volatility 158% to 172%
    Expected life 2 years

    11. Contributed Surplus

          November 30,     August 31,  
          2007     2007  
      Contributed surplus, beginning of year $ 941,722   $ 254,587  
      Stock-based compensation (note 10(b))   -     432,293  
      Fair value of warrants (note 10(c))   55,232     254,842  
      Contributed surplus, end of period $ 996,954   $ 941,722  

    12. Commitments


    Lease commitments


    The Company has a five year lease ending December 31, 2011 for its office space. Minimum annual lease payments for the next five years are as follows:

    2008   -   $ 102,431  
    2009   -   $ 107,666  
    2010   -   $ 112,901  
    2011   -   $ 118,136  
    2012   -   $  39,960  


    Sungold International Holdings Corp.
    (A Development Stage Company)
    (Presented in Canadian Dollars)
    (Unaudited – Prepared by Management)
    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
    November 30, 2007

    12. Commitments - continued


    Share commitment


    The Company is committed to issue in fiscal 2008, a sufficient number of its common shares to equal $90,000 as determined by the market price on the issue date to satisfy a commitment related to Silks Media.

    13. Financial Instruments

    The Company’s financial instruments consist of sundry receivables, bank overdraft, accounts payable and accrued liabilities, loans payable, and obligations under capital leases. Unless otherwise noted, it is management’s opinion that the Company is not exposed to significant interest, currency or credit risks arising from these financial statements. The fair value of these financial instruments approximates their carrying value, unless otherwise noted.

    14. Subsequent Events

    Subsequent to the quarter end, the Company received $503,006 from the issuance of 8,979,535 private placement shares, for an average share price of $0.056 per share.

    Subsequent to the quarter end, the Company issued 2,875,163 shares for services in lieu of payments of $222,286.
