EX-99.1 2 tm227483d1_ex99-1.htm EXHIBIT 99.1


Exhibit 99.1






São Paulo, February 23, 2022 – Gerdau S.A. (B3: / NYSE: GGB) announces its results for the fourth quarter of 2021. The consolidated financial statements of the Company are presented in Brazilian real (R$), in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the accounting practices adopted in Brazil. The information in this report does not include the data of associates and jointly controlled entities, except where stated otherwise.




Operating Results


CONSOLIDATED  4Q21   4Q20      3Q21      2021   2020    
Volumes (1,000 tonnes)                                        
Production of crude steel   3,279    3,374    -3%   3,416    -4%   13,294    12,194    9%
Shipments of steel   3,165    3,217    -2%   3,253    -3%   12,722    11,461    11%
Results (R$ million)                                        
Net Sales   21,555    13,620    58%   21,317    1%   78,345    43,815    79%
Cost of Goods Sold   (16,368)   (10,960)   49%   (14,898)   10%   (57,528)   (37,884)   52%
Gross profit   5,187    2,660    95%   6,419    -19%   20,817    5,931    251%
Gross margin (%)   24.1%   19.5%   4.5p.p   30.1%   -6.0p.p   26.6%   13.5%   13.0p.p
SG&A   (633)   (483)   31%   (527)   20%   (2,106)   (1,530)   38%
Selling expenses   (204)   (165)   24%   (188)   9%   (716)   (513)   40%
General and administrative expenses   (428)   (318)   35%   (340)   26%   (1,390)   (1,017)   37%
%SG&A/Net Sales   2.9%   3.5%   -0.6p.p   2.5%   0.5p.p   2.7%   3.5%   -0.8p.p
Adjusted EBITDA   5,983    3,056    96%   7,023    -15%   23,222    7,690    202%
Adjusted EBITDA Margin   27.8%   22.4%   5.3p.p   32.9%   -5.2p.p   29.6%   17.6%   12.1p.p

1 – Non-accounting measure calculated by the Company. The Company presents Adjusted EBITDA to provide additional information on cash generation in the period.


Production & Shipments


In 4Q21, crude steel production and volumes shipped decreased slightly in relation to 4Q20 and 3Q21 in Gerdau’s main business divisions. Gerdau’s production capacity utilization rate of 74% reflects the seasonally weaker quarter, especially in the domestic market of the Brazil BD, as well as the scheduled maintenance typically carried out at some units of the Company during this time of year.


Net Sales


Net sales increased in 4Q21 compared to 4Q20, reflecting the commodities global growth through 2021 and the positive impact from the translation of net sales from our operations in North America influenced by the weaker Brazilian real. Compared to 3Q21, net sales were relatively stable, which offset the slight decrease in consolidated steel shipments.


Cost of Goods Sold


The main factors driving the increase in cost of goods sold in 4Q21 compared to 4Q20 were the higher costs for the main raw materials used by the Company, such as scrap consumed and iron ore, which registered price increases in the comparison period of 55% and 82%, respectively. In relation to 3Q21, the increase in cost of goods sold is explained mainly by the 28% increase in coal costs. Another important factor was the cost of the special bonus of R$204 million paid in 4Q21 to recognize the contribution made by operational employees – facing the challenges posed by the pandemic - to the record-high results in the year, when the Company commemorated its 120th anniversary.






Gross Profit


Gross profit and gross margin increased in the quarter compared to 4Q20, driven mainly by the good performance of the construction industry in the U.S. and Brazilian markets and by the performance of sales to the industrial sector in Brazil. In relation to 3Q21, the highlight was the growth in gross profit at the North America BD. The metals spread remained high in the period, supported by higher steel prices.


Selling, General & Administrative Expenses


Selling, general and administrative expenses as a ratio of net sales decreased to 2.9% in 2021, compared to 3.5% in 2020.




Breakdown of Consolidated EBITDA (R$ million)  4Q21   4Q20      3Q21      2021   2020    
Net income   3,560    1,057    237%   5,594    -36%   15,559    2,388    552%
Net financial result   615    834    -26%   (78)   -    750    1,698    -56%
Provision for income and social contribution taxes   338    674    -50%   1,872    -82%   4,714    1,108    325%
Depreciation and amortization   707    684    3%   673    5%   2,659    2,499    6%
EBITDA - Instruction CVM ¹   5,220    3,250    61%   8,062    -35%   23,681    7,693    208%
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated companies   94    (75)   -    (271)   -    (563)   (153)   269%
Proportional EBITDA of associated companies and jointly controlled entities   308    171    80%   405    -24%   1,302    555    134%
Losses due to non-recoverability of financial assets   (7)   (8)   -15%   1    -    (0)   64    - 
Non recurring items   367    (282)   -    (1,173)   -    (1,199)   (471)   155%
Recovery of compulsory loans   -    -    -    (1,391)   -    (1,391)   -    - 
Credit recovery / Provisions   -    (694)   -    218    -    (175)   (1,002)   -82%
Mexico corporate reorganization   163    -    -    -    -    163    -    - 
Special bonus to operators   204    -    -    -    -    204    -    - 
Impairment of non-financial assets   -    412    -    -    -    -    412    - 
Fixed cost impacts of plants without production   -    -    -    -    -    -    119    - 
Adjusted EBITDA²   5,983    3,056    96%   7,023    -15%   23,222    7,690    202%
Adjusted EBITDA Margin   27.8%   22.4%   5.3p.p   32.9%   -5.2p.p   29.6%   17.6%   12.1p.p


CONCILIATION OF CONSOLIDATED EBITDA (R$ million)  4Q21   4Q20   3Q21   2021   2020 
EBITDA -  Instruction CVM ¹   5,220    3,249    8,062    23,681    7,693 
Depreciation and amortization   (707)   (684)   (673)   (2,659)   (2,499)
OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FINANCIAL RESULT AND TAXES³   4,514    2,566    7,389    21,023    5,194 

1 – Non-accounting measure calculated in accordance with CVM Instruction 527.

2 – Non-accounting measure calculated by the Company. The Company presents Adjusted EBITDA to provide additional information on cash generation in the period.

3 - Accounting measure reported in the consolidated Income Statement.


Gerdau’s Adjusted EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA margin in 4Q21 set all-time highs for a fourth quarter. The results reflect the scenario of strong demand for steel in all countries where the Company operates, combined with the teams’ capacity to seize the opportunities arising in the market.






EBITDA (R$ million) & EBITDA Margin (%)



Financial Result & Net Income


CONSOLIDATED (R$ million)  4Q21   4Q20      3Q21      2021   2020    
Income before financial income expenses and taxes¹   4,514    2,565    76%   7,389    -39%   21,023    5,194    305%
Financial Result   (615)   (834)   -26%   78    -    (750)   (1,698)   -56%
Financial income   87    55    59%   56    54%   249    194    28%
Financial expenses   (421)   (379)   11%   (354)   19%   (1,433)   (1,448)   -1%
Tax credit update   -    -    -    326    -    789    -    - 
Exchange variation   (14)   (270)   -95%   33    -    (108)   (204)   -47%
Bond repurchase expenses   (265)   (239)   11%   -    -    (265)   (239)   11%
Gains (losses) on financial instruments, net   (2)   (1)   66%   16    -    18    (1)   - 
Income before taxes¹   3,898    1,731    125%   7,467    -48%   20,272    3,496    480%
Income and social contribution taxes   (338)   (674)   -    (1,872)   -    (4,714)   (1,108)   325%
Other lines   (1,052)   (487)   116%   (1,414)   -26%   (4,670)   (857)   445%
Non recurring items   713    (187)   -    (466)   -    (43)   (251)   -83%
Consolidated Net Income ¹   3,560    1,057    237%   5,594    -36%   15,559    2,388    552%
Non recurring items   (81)   145    -    (1,034)   -    (1,680)   20    - 
Recovery of compulsory loans   -    -    -    (1,391)   -    (1,391)   -    - 
Credit Recovery / Provisions   -    (694)   -    (108)   -    (964)   (1,002)   -4%
Mexico corporate reorganization   163    -    -    -    -    163    -    - 
Special bonus to operators   204    -    -    -    -    204    -    - 
Bond repurchase expenses   265    239    11%   -    -    265    239    11%
Fixed costs Impacts of plants without production   -    -    -    -    -    -    119    - 
Impairment of non-financial assets   -    412    -    -    -    -    412    - 
Income tax and social contribution on extraordinary items   (713)   187    -    466    -    43    251    -83%
Consolidated Adjusted Net Income²   3,479    1,202    190%   4,560    -24%   13,879    2,408    476%

1 - Accounting measure disclosed in the consolidated Income Statement.

2 - Non-accounting measure calculated by the Company to show net profit adjusted by non-recurring events that influenced the result.






The financial result in 4Q21, adjusted by non-recurring items, improved due to the negative exchange variation, which benefitted the Company’s foreign-denominated liabilities. Compared to 3Q21, the financial expense was affected by the bond repurchase operation to reduce the Company’s exposure to foreign-denominated debt.


Adjusted net income in 4Q21 also set a new record for the Company for a fourth quarter, supported by EBITDA growth.


Dividends and Interest on Equity


On February 22, 2022, the Board of Directors of Gerdau S.A. approved the distribution of dividends in the amount of R$ 341.1 million (R$ 0.20 per share), to be paid as an advance on the minimum mandatory dividend for 2021, as stipulated in the Bylaws.


Record date: shareholding position on March 7, 2022.


Ex-dividend date:  March 8, 2022.


Payment date: March 16, 2022.


In 2021, Gerdau S.A. distributed dividends and interest on equity of R$ 5.4 billion (R$ 3.14 per share), with the amount, which set a new record for a fiscal year, corresponding to 37.3% of net income after all allocations to reserves required by the Bylaws.


Management reaffirms its understanding that the best way to increase absolute dividends is through strong cash generation, which it has been delivering, enabling it to maintain its policy of distributing at least 30% of adjusted net income.


Working Capital & Cash Conversion Cycle


The cash conversion cycle (working capital divided by daily net sales in the quarter) decreased from 63 days in September 2021 to 60 days in December 2021, reflecting the increase of 8% in inventories and decrease of 16% in accounts receivable. Note that these are natural adjustments given the normalization of inventories throughout the chain, influenced by the higher net sales in the comparison period.


Working Capital (R$ million) & Cash Conversion Cycle (days)








Financial Liabilities


DEBT BREAKDOWN (R$ Million)  12.21.2021   09.30.2021   12.31.2020 
Short Term   1,767    747    1,432 
Long Term   12,273    16,374    16,084 
Gross Debt   14,040    17,121    17,516 
Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments   6,787    8,431    7,658 
Net Debt   7,253    8,690    9,858 


On December 31, 2021, 13% of gross debt was due in the short term while 87% was concentrated in the long term, with the consolidated exposure of total gross debt denominated in U.S. dollar at 78%, in Brazilian real at 21% and in other currencies at 1%.


On December 31, 2021, 52% of cash was denominated in U.S. dollar. The evolution in key debt indicators is shown below:


Indicators  12.31.2021   09.30.2021   12.31.2020 
Gross debt / Total capitalization ¹   25%   29%   36%
Net debt² (R$) / EBITDA ³ (R$)   0,30x   0,41x   1,25x


1 - Total capitalization = shareholders' equity + gross debt – interest on debt.

2 – Net debt = gross debt – interest on debt – cash, cash equivalents and financial investments.

3 – Adjusted EBITDA in the last 12 months.


The reduction in the net debt/EBITDA ratio from 0.41x, on September 30, 2021, to 0.30x on December 31, 2021, is explained by the Company’s robust EBITDA generation and deleveraging actions in 4Q21.


Gross Debt Maturity Schedule

(R$ billion)




At the end of December 2021, the weighted average nominal cost of gross debt was 6.58%, with 9.78% for the portion denominated in BRL, 5.85% plus foreign-exchange variation for the portion denominated in USD contracted by companies in Brazil and 4.96% for the portion contracted by subsidiaries abroad. On December 31, 2021, the average gross debt term was 8.3 years, with the debt maturity schedule well balanced and well distributed over the coming years.








Capital expenditures amounted to R$ 1,216 million in 4Q21, with R$ 961 million allocated to general maintenance and R$ 255 million to technological expansion and updating. Of the amount invested in the quarter, 57% was allocated to the Brazil BD, 23% to the North America BD, 17% to the Special Steel BD and 3% to the South America BD.


On February 24, 2021, the Company announced capex's projection for 2021 in the amount of R$ 3.5 billion. Disbursements made in 2021 totaled R$ 3.0 billion. With the worsening of the pandemic in the first half of 2021 and the difficulties caused by bottlenecks in some global supply chains, approximately R$ 500 million have not been disbursed and will be implemented in 2022.


Of the total capex, more than R$ 600 million represents investments in implementing technologies to improve the environmental control and performance of existing facilities, with these expenditures surpassing by 53% the amount invested in environmental improvements in 2020.


The environmental benefits obtained included:


Implementing and developing technologies for producing iron ore using the dry stacking of tailings method, a project that reduces the use of natural resources, such as water and energy, and decreases operational risks.


Expanding the forest base, the area used for producing biomass, a source of renewable raw materials for making charcoal, which is used as a bioreducer in the production of pig iron. Planted forests are a source of renewable raw materials and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Modernizing equipment and environmental control processes, such as dedusting, wastewater treatment plant and shredder, which will minimize impacts and create opportunities in material topics, such as stakeholder relations, water and wastewater management and scrap recycling.


Technological improvements to ensure energy efficiency, conserve natural resources, minimize solid waste and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in blast furnace, mini mill, rolling mill and logistics processes.


On February 22, 2022, Gerdau S.A. approved its new investment plan in the amount of R$ 4.5 billion for 2022, which includes the amount postponed in 2021.


The investment plan is divided into two fronts: Maintenance and Expansion and Technological Updating.


Maintenance projects are associated with the concept of reinvestment of depreciation over the years to ensure the good functioning of plants.


Meanwhile, Expansion and Technological Updating projects are related to the growth, technological updating and modernization of the business divisions, with a focus on improving Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices and sustainable development.


Of the total planned for 2022, investments that return environmental benefits will surpass R$ 800 million, which is 33% higher than the amount invested in 2021. These investments include expanding forest assets, updating and improving environmental controls, technological improvements that increase energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as new projects in the approval phase.


Gerdau S.A. has been demonstrating its capacity to adapt to changing scenarios, and the expenditures in its investment plan will be directly related to the safety of our operations and to the pace of demand in our markets, as well as based on criteria involving the return on capital invested and the consequent cash generation.







Free Cash Flow


Free cash flow in 4Q21 was positive R$ 3.4 billion, which reflects the contribution from EBITDA and the lower use of working capital. In 2021, the Company generated positive free cash flow of R$ 9.6 billion, which reinforced its liquidity position.


Free Cash Flow (R$ million)









Free Cash Flow, Quarterly (R$ million)










The information in this report is divided into four Business Divisions (BD) in accordance with Gerdau’s corporate governance, as follows:


Brazil BD (Brazil Business Division) – includes the operations in Brazil (except special steel) and the iron ore operation in Brazil;


North America BD (North America Business Division) – includes all operations in North America (Canada, United States and Mexico), except special steel, as well as the jointly controlled company in Mexico;


South America BD (South America Business Division) – includes all operations in South America (Argentina, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela), except the operations in Brazil, and the jointly controlled companies in the Dominican Republic and Colombia;


Special Steel BD (Special Steel Business Division) – includes the special steel operations in Brazil and the United States, as well as the jointly controlled company in Brazil.















BRAZIL BD   4Q21   4Q20        3Q21        2021    2020     
Volumes (1,000 tonnes)                                        
Production of crude steel   1,458    1,565    -7%   1,642    -11%   6,051    5,492    10%
Shipments of steel   1,448    1,419    2%   1,547    -6%   5,755    5,219    10%
Domestic Market   1,084    1,226    -12%   1,359    -20%   5,042    4,394    15%
Exports   364    193    89%   188    93%   714    825    -13%
Shipments of long steel   999    1,007    -1%   1,117    -11%   4,057    3,671    11%
Domestic Market   686    821    -16%   933    -27%   3,422    2,939    16%
Exports   314    186    69%   184    71%   635    733    -13%
Shipments of flat steel   449    412    9%   430    4%   1,698    1,548    10%
Domestic Market   399    406    -2%   426    -6%   1,620    1,455    11%
Exports   50    7    653%   4    1045%   79    92    -15%
Results (R$ million)                                        
Net Sales¹   8,874    5,787    53%   10,060    -12%   34,758    17,753    96%
Domestic Market   7,364    5,258    40%   9,246    -20%   31,825    15,725    102%
Exports   1,510    529    186%   814    85%   2,933    2,028    45%
Cost of Goods Sold   -6,347    -4,119    54%   (6,221)   2%   -22,496    -14,180    59%
Gross profit   2,528    1,668    52%   3,839    -34%   12,262    3,573    243%
Gross margin (%)   28.5%   28.8%   -0.3p.p   38.2%   -9.7p.p   35.3%   20.1%   15.2p.p
Adjusted EBITDA²   2,796    1,790    56%   4,005    -30%   12,972    4,178    211%
Adjusted EBITDA Margin (%)   31.5%   30.9%   0.6p.p   39.8%   -8.3p.p   37.3%   23.5%   13.8p.p


1 – Includes iron ore sales.

2 – Non-accounting measure calculated by the Company. The Company presents Adjusted EBITDA to provide additional information on cash generation in the period.


Production & Shipments


According to data from the Brazilian Steel Institute (IABr), the domestic market contracted 16% in 4Q21 compared to 3Q21. Crude steel production and shipments at the Brazil BD decreased in 4Q21, reflecting the seasonality of the period. This quarter, the Company directed 25% of its shipments to export markets, compared to 12% in 3Q21.


The fourth quarter was influenced by the seasonality of the industry, when demand usually stabilizes. Supply and inventories in the chains have normalized.


Shipments in the domestic market were marked by lower volumes of reinforced concrete, drawn steel and bars and profiles. Demand from the construction retail sector, driven by the work-from-home trend and government assistance, has stabilized at high levels. In flat steel, the highlight was the demand for heavy plates to serve the wind power and infrastructure sectors.


In 4Q21, 201,000 tonnes of iron ore were sold to third parties and 787,000 tonnes were consumed internally.


Operating Result


Net sales increased in 4Q21 compared to 4Q20, explained by the higher prices practiced in the period and higher exports with positive exchange variation. The decline in relation to 3Q21 is due to the lower volumes shipped in the domestic market and the change in the domestic and export market sales mix, with higher sales of semi-finished products.






The cost of goods sold in 4Q21 increased compared to 4Q20, due to the high costs of raw materials: iron ore rose 82% and metallurgical coal rose 59%. In December, occurred some seasonal maintenance stoppages.


Given the changes in the scenario for the international steel industry and the costs of key inputs, the Company has been working to rebuild and protect its margins given the upcycle in the costs of its main raw materials.


Gross profit and gross margin increased in 4Q21 compared to 4Q20, since the increase in revenue per tonne sold surpassed the increase in costs per tonne sold.


In 4Q21, the Brazil BD delivered its highest EBITDA ever for a fourth quarter, with the result reflecting the good scenario for both the local and global steel industry combined with the capacity of Gerdau’s teams in seizing the opportunities arising from this scenario.


EBITDA (R$ million) & EBITDA Margin (%)









NORTH AMERICA BD   4Q21   4Q20        3Q21        2021    2020     
Volumes (1,000 tonnes)                                        
Production of crude steel   1,249    1,177    6%   1,229    2%   4,998    4,706    6%
Shipments of steel   1,054    1,166    -10%   1,131    -7%   4,451    4,334    3%
Results (R$ million)                                        
Net Sales   7,893    5,030    57%   7,445    6%   27,838    17,458    59%
Cost of Goods Sold   (6,058)   (4,639)   31%   (5,786)   5%   (22,417)   (16,213)   38%
Gross profit   1,835    391    369%   1,658    11%   5,421    1,246    335%
Gross margin (%)   23.2%   7.8%   15.5p.p   22.3%   1.0p.p   19.5%   7.1%   12.3p.p. 
EBITDA   2,162    562    284%   1,892    14%   6,249    1,866    235%
EBITDA margin (%)   27.4%   11.2%   16.2p.p   25.4%   2.0p.p   22.4%   10.7%   11.8p.p. 


1 – Non-accounting measure calculated by the Company. The Company presents Adjusted EBITDA to provide additional information on cash generation in the period.


Production & Shipments


Steel production increased in 4Q21 in relation to 4Q20, driven by strong demand from the construction and industrial sectors. Note that the North America BD currently is operating near its full capacity, with the rolling mills running at over 90% capacity.


Shipments in 4Q21 were slightly affected by the seasonality of the comparison periods. Demand from the non-residential construction and industrial sectors remained at strong levels. Total investments in construction (CPIP) grew by 10.6% in the 12 months to December, to US$ 1.6 trillion. Note that the leading indicator for non-residential construction (ABI) recovered to strong expansion territory, reaching 52 in December 2021. The industrial sector also remained strong, as shown by the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) index, which reached 59 points in December.


Operating Result


The growth in net sales in 4Q21 compared to 4Q20 and 3Q21 is explained by the increases in net sales per tonne sold recorded in the comparison periods.


Cost of goods sold increased in 4Q21 in relation to 4Q20, affected mainly by higher scrap and alloy costs.


Gross profit and gross margin increased significantly in 4Q21 in relation to 4Q20, explained by the better metals spread and by the initiatives to reduce costs with production at full capacity (above 90% utilization).


EBITDA and EBITDA margin set all-time highs, accompanying the better performances of gross profit and gross margin.






EBITDA (R$ million) & EBITDA Margin (%)



Corporate reorganization of operations in Mexico


As announced previously, the Company concluded the steps of the corporate restructuring of the operations in Mexico involving its subsidiary Sidertúl, S.A. de C.V. (Sidertúl), the shared-control company Gerdau Corsa, S.A.P.I. de C.V. (Gerdau Corsa) and its subsidiary Aceros Corsa, S.A. de C.V. (Aceros Corsa). The corporate restructuring also reinforces the Company’s commitment to its operations in Mexico, which is an important and strategic geography to its long-term vision in the North America BD. Due to the corporate restructuring, the Company increased its interest in Gerdau Corsa from 70% to 75%, while maintaining joint control of the company with Grupo Córdova. As from December 1, 2021, the results of the operations in Mexico will be presented on an equivalent ratio basis, including EBITDA, proportionately to the 75% interest it holds in the shared-control company Gerdau Corsa.








SOUTH AMERICA BD   4Q21   4Q20        3Q21        2021    2020     
Volumes (1,000 tonnes)                                        
Production of crude steel   145    184    -21%   160    -9%   591    574    3%
Shipments of steel   372    331    12%   318    17%   1,255    962    30%
Results (R$ million)                                        
Net Sales   2,240    1,326    69%   1,860    20%   6,857    3,831    79%
Cost of Goods Sold   (1,831)   (974)   88%   (1,438)   27%   (5,333)   (3,015)   77%
Gross profit   409    352    16%   423    -3%   1,524    816    87%
Gross margin (%)   18.3%   26.5%   -8.3p.p   22.7%   -4.5p.p   22.2%   21.3%   0.9p.p
EBITDA   521    454    15%   602    -13%   2,167    1,113    95%
EBITDA margin (%)   23.3%   34.2%   -11.0p.p   32.4%   -9.1p.p   31.6%   29.1%   2.6p.p


1 – Non-accounting measure calculated by the Company. The Company presents Adjusted EBITDA to provide additional information on cash generation in the period.


Production & Shipments


Steel production decreased in 4Q21 compared to 4Q20 and 3Q21, while shipments increased in 4Q21 in both comparison periods, mainly due to the continued good performance of the operations in Peru and Argentina.


Operating Result


Net sales increased considerably in 4Q21 in relation to 4Q20, due to higher shipments and the strong correlation of these countries with international steel prices. In relation to 3Q21, net sales increased, accompanying the higher volumes shipped in the comparison periods.


Cost of goods sold increased in 4Q21 compared to 4Q20, in line with the growth in shipments and higher raw material prices, especially the increase of over 56% in the cost of scrap consumed.


Gross profit increased in 4Q21 compared to 4Q20, due to the same factors that influenced sales and cost of goods sold. Gross margin decreased in the comparison periods due to the higher cost of goods sold.


EBITDA increased in 4Q21 compared to 4Q20, reflecting the higher gross profit and the important contribution from the joint ventures in Colombia and the Dominican Republic. In relation to 3Q21, EBITDA decreased due to the 22% increase in scrap costs.


EBITDA (R$ million) & EBITDA Margin (%)









SPECIAL STEEL BD   4Q21   4Q20        3Q21        2021    2020     
Volumes (1,000 tonnes)                                        
Production of crude steel   427    448    -5%   386    11%   1,654    1,422    16%
Shipments of steel   404    407    -1%   408    -1%   1,654    1,252    32%
Results (R$ million)                                        
Net Sales   3,029    2,061    47%   2,871    6%   10,980    6,096    80%
Cost of Goods Sold   (2,634)   (1,839)   43%   (2,405)   10%   (9,427)   (5,795)   63%
Gross profit   395    222    78%   466    -15%   1,553    302    415%
Gross margin (%)   13.0%   10.8%   2.3p.p   16.2%   -3.2p.p   14.1%   5.0%   9.2p.p
EBITDA   540    310    74%   539    0%   1,983    675    194%
EBITDA margin (%)   17.8%   15.1%   2.8p.p   18.8%   -1.0p.p   18.1%   11.1%   7.0p.p


1 – Non-accounting measure calculated by the Company. The Company presents Adjusted EBITDA to provide additional information on cash generation in the period.


Production & Shipments


Steel production increased in 4Q21 in relation to 3Q21, but decreased slightly compared to 4Q20.


Shipments remained stable in the comparison periods. Light vehicle production continued to be affected by the supply of semiconductors, which are used in all electronic components installed in vehicles. The good performances of the heavy vehicle sector in Brazil and the oil and gas industry in the United States offset the effects caused by the semiconductor shortage on the light vehicle sector.


Operating Result


The increases in net sales and cost of goods sold in 4Q21 were due to the higher steel prices and raw material costs practiced in the industry.


In 4Q21, gross profit and gross margin accompanied the performance of net sales and cost of goods sold. Note that this division has been posting a gradual recovery in performance, which can be indicated by the production capacity utilization rate, around 70% in 4Q21.


EBITDA and EBITDA margin increased in 4Q21 in comparison with both periods, accompanying the performance of gross profit and gross margin. As a result, the Special Steel BD sustained margin levels not observed since 2018.


EBITDA (R$ million) & EBITDA Margin (%)









This document contains forward-looking statements. These statements are based on estimates, information or methods that may be incorrect or inaccurate and that may not occur. These estimates are also subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions that include, among other factors: general economic, political and commercial conditions in Brazil and in the markets where we operate, as well as existing and future government regulations. Potential investors are cautioned that these forward-looking statements do not constitute guarantees of future performance, given that they involve risks and uncertainties. Gerdau does not undertake and expressly waives any obligation to update any of these forward-looking statements, which are valid only on the date on which they were made.









In thousands of Brazilian reais (R$)  


   December 31, 2021   December 31, 2020 
Cash and cash equivalents   4,160,654    4,617,204 
Short-term investments   2,626,212    3,041,143 
Trade accounts receivable - net   5,414,075    3,737,270 
Inventories   16,861,488    9,169,417 
Tax credits   2,083,885    1,201,312 
Income and social contribution taxes recoverable   804,053    1,051,584 
Dividends receivable   7,671    - 
Fair value of derivatives   3,246    - 
Other current assets   679,193    591,523 
    32,640,477    23,409,453 
Tax credits   124,600    664,045 
Deferred income taxes   2,929,308    3,393,354 
Related parties   2,678    134,354 
Judicial deposits   1,659,379    1,825,791 
Other non-current assets   571,637    590,864 
Prepaid pension cost   4,942    39,196 
Investments in associates and jointly-controlled entities   3,340,775    2,271,629 
Goodwill   12,427,527    12,103,519 
Leasing   861,744    815,311 
Other Intangibles   509,760    622,578 
Property, plant and equipment, net   18,741,786    17,252,915 
    41,174,136    39,713,556 
TOTAL ASSETS   73,814,613    63,123,009 








In thousands of  Brazilian reais (R$)      


   December 31, 2021   December 31, 2020 
Trade accounts payable   8,017,140    5,437,953 
Short-term debt   234,537    1,424,043 
Debentures   1,531,956    7,463 
Taxes payable   548,173    600,089 
Income and social contribution taxes payable   863,136    810,125 
Payroll and related liabilities   1,199,143    591,653 
Dividends payable   -    510,348 
Leasing payable   275,086    231,703 
Employee benefits   39    208 
Environmental liabilities   231,711    125,992 
Fair value of derivatives   -    971 
Obligations with FIDC   45,497    944,513 
Other current liabilities   1,090,396    797,082 
    14,036,814    11,482,143 
Long-term debt   10,875,249    13,188,891 
Debentures   1,397,951    2,894,954 
Related parties   24,648    22,855 
Deferred income taxes   98,975    61,562 
Provision for tax, civil and labor liabilities   1,741,026    1,172,511 
Environmental liabilities   343,998    171,102 
Employee benefits   1,415,151    1,861,231 
Obligations with FIDC   -    42,893 
Leasing payable   643,279    624,771 
Other non-current liabilities   421,873    514,886 
    16,962,150    20,555,656 
Capital   19,249,181    19,249,181 
Treasury stocks   (152,409)   (229,309)
Capital reserves   11,597    11,597 
Retained earnings   17,838,494    7,292,332 
Operations with non-controlling interests   (2,870,825)   (2,870,825)
Other reserves   8,528,244    7,407,295 
NON-CONTROLLING INTERESTS   211,367    224,939 
EQUITY   42,815,649    31,085,210 
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY   73,814,613    63,123,009 








In thousands of Brazilian reais (R$)


   For the three-month period ended on   For the year ended on 
   December 31, 2021   December 31, 2020   December 31, 2021   December 31, 2020 
NET SALES   21,554,924    13,620,179    78,345,081    43,814,661 
Cost of sales   (16,367,809)   (10,959,981)   (57,527,721)   (37,884,102)
GROSS PROFIT   5,187,115    2,660,198    20,817,360    5,930,559 
Selling expenses   (204,234)   (165,094)   (715,830)   (512,950)
General and administrative expenses   (428,383)   (318,257)   (1,390,121)   (1,017,435)
Other operating income   268,007    965,291    979,760    1,763,684 
Other operating expenses   (58,573)   (247,438)   (460,029)   (645,985)
Eletrobras compulsory loan recovery   -    -    1,391,280    - 
Results in operations with subsidiary and joint ventures   (162,913)   -    (162,913)   - 
Impairment of financial assets   6,556    7,999    357    (64,132)
Impairment of non-financial assets   -    (411,925)   -    (411,925)
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated companies   (93,899)   74,674    563,158    152,569 
INCOME BEFORE FINANCIAL INCOME (EXPENSES) AND TAXES   4,513,676    2,565,448    21,023,022    5,194,385 
Financial income   86,904    54,754    249,024    194,092 
Financial expenses   (421,481)   (379,032)   (1,433,087)   (1,448,461)
Bonds repurchases   (264,687)   (239,273)   (264,687)   (239,273)
Tax credits monetary update   -    -    788,741    - 
Exchange variations, net   (14,299)   (269,642)   (108,373)   (204,291)
Gain and losses on financial instruments, net   (1,634)   (982)   17,928    (774)
    3,898,479    1,731,273           
INCOME BEFORE TAXES   3,898,479    1,731,273    20,272,568    3,495,678 
Current   (806,799)   (543,804)   (4,306,223)   (908,051)
Deferred   468,304    (130,673)   (407,407)   (199,573)
Income and social contribution taxes   (338,495)   (674,477)   (4,713,630)   (1,107,624)
NET INCOME   3,559,984    1,056,796    15,558,938    2,388,054 
(+) Fixed costs of plants without production   -    -    -    119,356 
(-) Eletrobras compulsory loan recovery   -         (1,391,280)     
(-) Credit recovery / Provisions   -    (693,710)   (963,563)   (1,001,483)
(+) Impairment of non-financial assets   -    411,925    -    411,925 
(-)  Results in operations with subsidiary and joint ventures   162,913    -    162,913    - 
(+) Special bonus to production team   204,386    -    204,386    - 
(+) Bonds repurchases   264,687    239,273    264,687    239,273 
(+) Income tax of extraordinary items   (713,360)   187,356    43,195    251,418 
(=) Total of extraordinary items   (81,374)   144,844    (1,679,662)   20,489 
ADJUSTED NET INCOME*   3,478,610    1,201,640    13,879,276    2,408,543 


*Adjusted net income is a non-accounting indicator prepared by the Company, reconciled with the financial statements and consists of net income adjusted for extraordinary events that influenced the net income (loss), without cash effect.








In thousands of  Brazilian reais (R$)


   For the three-month period ended on   For the year ended on 
   December 31, 2021   December 31, 2020   December 31, 2021   December 31, 2020 
Cash flows from operating activities                    
Net income for the year   3,559,984    1,056,796    15,558,938    2,388,054 
Adjustments to reconcile net income for the year to net cash provided by operating activities                    
Depreciation and amortization   706,559    683,840    2,658,561    2,499,104 
Impairment of non-financial assets   -    411,925    -    411,925 
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated companies   93,899    (74,674)   (563,158)   (152,569)
Exchange variation, net   14,299    269,642    108,373    204,291 
Losses (Gains) on financial instruments, net   1,634    982    (17,928)   774 
Post-employment benefits   59,554    52,016    255,477    203,689 
Long-term incentive plans   20,286    31,491    65,289    62,801 
Income tax   338,495    674,477    4,713,630    1,107,624 
(Gains) Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment   (73,670)   3,607    (77,417)   (18,482)
Results in operations with subsidiary and joint ventures   162,913    -    162,913    - 
Impairment of financial assets   (6,556)   (7,999)   (357)   64,132 
Provision (reversal) of tax, civil, labor and environmental liabilities, net   32,863    246,999    125,641    477,518 
Tax credits recovery   -    (901,559)   (1,182,082)   (1,358,744)
Interest income on short-term investments   (59,032)   (29,556)   (170,671)   (99,359)
Interest expense on loans   353,849    251,554    1,059,841    1,022,460 
Interest on loans with related parties   (1,147)   (2,031)   (6,089)   (8,277)
Reversal of net realisable value adjustment in inventory   3,386    (5,866)   (2,812)   (40,697)
    5,207,316    2,661,644    22,688,149    6,764,244 
Changes in assets and liabilities                    
Decrease (Increase) in trade accounts receivable   939,038    257,384    (1,614,047)   (527,722)
(Increase) Decrease in inventories   (1,287,349)   (627,860)   (7,704,329)   (428,263)
Increase in trade accounts payable   896,761    1,065,916    2,534,329    1,014,800 
Decrease (Increase) in other receivables   1,693,359    (29,030)   290,658    369,076 
Increase (Decrease) in other payables   386,180    49,292    (317,658)   182,934 
Dividends from joint ventures   96,838    75,323    117,438    94,937 
Purchases of short-term investments   (649,814)   (937,852)   (3,010,084)   (3,224,158)
Proceeds from maturities and sales of short-term investments   2,535,257    924,268    3,595,212    3,924,799 
Cash provided by operating activities   9,817,586    3,439,085    16,579,668    8,170,647 
Interest paid on loans and financing   (501,771)   (401,486)   (1,100,826)   (1,079,981)
Interest paid on lease liabilities   (21,054)   (14,503)   (68,789)   (61,727)
Income and social contribution taxes paid   (1,473,010)   (428,367)   (2,893,120)   (621,033)
Net cash provided by operating activities   7,821,751    2,594,729    12,516,933    6,407,906 
Cash flows from investing activities                    
Purchases of property, plant and equipment   (1,214,945)   (548,910)   (3,026,023)   (1,650,778)
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment, investments and other intangibles   60,143    6,663    82,635    61,275 
Purchases of other intangibles   (58,288)   (71,185)   (166,310)   (154,250)
Capital decrease (increase) in joint venture   113,595    -    113,595    (42,782)
Payment for business combination   -    (442,542)   -    (442,542)
Net cash used in investing activities   (1,099,495)   (1,055,974)   (2,996,103)   (2,229,077)
Cash flows from financing activities                    
Dividends and interest on capital paid   (3,279,539)   (204,078)   (5,339,426)   (274,815)
Proceeds from loans and financing   5,063    1,176,770    609,703    3,120,745 
Repayment of loans and financing   (3,316,870)   (1,818,818)   (5,116,621)   (5,084,028)
Leasing payment   (70,595)   (64,542)   (275,854)   (247,914)
Intercompany loans, net   123,887    27,694    139,556    (7,777)
Net cash used in financing activities   (6,538,054)   (882,974)   (9,982,642)   (2,493,789)
Exchange variation on cash and cash equivalents   375    (209,705)   5,262    290,512 
Increase (Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents   184,577    446,076    (456,550)   1,975,552 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year   3,976,077    4,171,128    4,617,204    2,641,652 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year   4,160,654    4,617,204    4,160,654    4,617,204 

