Exhibit 99.8

Form of Releases to Stock Exchanges and Advertisement



  Infosys Limited

Regd. office: Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru – 560 100, India

CIN : L85110KA1981PLC013115

Website: www.infosys.com

Email: investors@infosys.com

T: 91 80 2852 0261, F: 91 80 2852 0362 


Audited consolidated financial results of Infosys Limited and its subsidiaries for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2016, prepared in compliance with the Indian Accounting Standards (Ind-AS)


(in crore, except per equity share data)

Particulars Quarter ended December 31, Quarter ended September 30, Quarter ended December 31, Nine months ended
December 31,
 Year ended
March 31,
  2016 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
  Audited Audited Audited Audited Audited Audited
Revenue from operations  17,273 17,310 15,902  51,364 45,891 62,441
Other income, net  820 760 802  2,333 2,351 3,123
Total Income  18,093 18,070 16,704  53,697 48,242 65,564
Employee benefit expenses  9,420 9,648 8,772  28,349 25,383 34,406
Deferred consideration pertaining to acquisition 25 149 149
Cost of technical sub-contractors  975 940 998  2,833 2,606 3,531
Travel expenses  502 520 530  1,762 1,667 2,263
Cost of software packages and others  461 381 278  1,119 945 1,274
Communication expenses  145 136 109  400 331 449
Consultancy and professional charges  165 165 213  505 566 779
Depreciation and amortisation expenses  433 424 369  1,257 1,040 1,459
Other expenses  838 787 649  2,450 1,804 2,511
Total expenses  12,939 13,001 11,943  38,675 34,491 46,821
Profit before non-controlling interests / share in net profit / (loss) of associate  5,154 5,069 4,761  15,022 13,751 18,743
Share in net profit/(loss) of associate (3) (5) (2) (3)
Profit before tax  5,154 5,066 4,761  15,017 13,749 18,740
Tax expense:            
Current tax  1,468 1,469 1,319  4,404 3,892 5,318
Deferred tax (22) (9) (23) (136) (35) (67)
Profit for the period  3,708 3,606 3,465  10,749 9,892 13,489
Other comprehensive income            
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss            
Remeasurement of the net defined benefit liability/asset (8) (40)  5 (65) (9) (12)
Equity instruments through other comprehensive income
  (8) (40)  5 (65) (9) (12)
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss            
Fair value changes on cash flow hedges, net  26  2  1  28  1
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations (47) (51)  1 (60) 207 303
  (21) (49)  2 (32)  208  303
Total other comprehensive income, net of tax (29) (89)  7 (97) 199 291
Total comprehensive income for the period  3,679 3,517  3,472  10,652  10,091  13,780
Paid up share capital (par value 5/- each, fully paid) 1,144 1,144 1,144 1,144 1,144 1,144
Other equity 60,600 60,600 54,198 60,600 54,198 60,600
Earnings per equity share (par value 5/- each)            
Basic ()  16.22  15.77 15.16  47.03  43.28  59.02
Diluted ()  16.22  15.77 15.16  47.02  43.28  59.02




1.The audited consolidated financial statements for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2016 have been taken on record by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on January 13, 2017. The statutory auditors have expressed an unqualified audit opinion. The information presented above is extracted from the audited consolidated financial statements. The consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Indian Accounting Standards (Ind-AS) as prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 3 of the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 and Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2016.
2.The Group has adopted all the Ind-AS on April 1, 2016, with the transition date as April 1, 2015, and the adoption was carried out in accordance with Ind-AS 101-First time adoption of Indian Accounting Standards. The transition was carried out from Indian Accounting Principles generally accepted in India as prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 (IGAAP), which was the previous GAAP.
3.Change of Auditors on account of mandatory rotation requirement in India


Under Section 139 of the Indian Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder, it is mandatory for Infosys Limited (‘the Company’) to rotate the current statutory auditors on completion of the maximum term permitted under the said Section. Therefore, the Audit Committee of Infosys Limited has proposed and on January 13, 2017, the Board of Directors of the Company have recommended, the appointment of Deloitte Haskins & Sells, LLP, Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration No. 117366 W/W 100018) (Deloitte) as the statutory auditors of the Company. Deloitte will hold office for a period of 5 (five) consecutive years from the conclusion of the 36th Annual General Meeting of the Company scheduled to be held in the year 2017 till the conclusion of the 41st Annual General Meeting to be held in the year 2022, subject to the approval of shareholders of the Company. The first year of audit will be of the financial statements for the year ending March 31, 2018 which will include audit of the quarterly financial statements for the year.


To align with the above, the Board of Directors of the Company also approved the appointment of Deloitte as the independent registered public accounting firm of the Company. This appointment is effective year ending March 31, 2018. As the independent registered public accounting firm, Deloitte will audit the annual financial statements of the Company to be included in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). KPMG will continue as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm through the completion of the audit for the year ending March 31, 2017 and for the purpose of filing such audited financial statements in the Form 20-F for the year ending March 31, 2017.


In addition, in accordance with disclosure requirements under SEC regulations, the following may be noted:


· During the two fiscal years ended March 31, 2016 and March 31, 2015, KPMG has not issued any report on the financial statements that contained an adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion, nor were the reports of KPMG qualified or modified in any manner.
· During the two fiscal years ended March 31, 2016 and March 31, 2015 and the subsequent interim period preceding January 13, 2017, there is no disagreement with KPMG on any matter of accounting principles or practices, financial statement disclosure, or auditing scope or procedures, or any reportable event as described in Item 16F(a)(1)(v) of Form 20-F.
· During the two fiscal years ended March 31, 2016 and March 31, 2015 and the subsequent interim period preceding January 13, 2017, we have not consulted with Deloitte for any matters regarding either
  (i)the application of accounting principles to a specified transaction, either completed or proposed, or the type of audit opinion that might be rendered with respect to the consolidated financial statements of Infosys Limited; or
  (ii)any matter that was the subject of a disagreement as defined in Item 16F(a)(1)(iv) of Form 20-F and the related instructions to this Item or a “reportable event” as described in Item 16F (a)(1)(v) of Form 20-F.


4. Management change


The Company has appointed Ravikumar S as Deputy Chief Operating Officer reporting to U. B. Pravin Rao with immediate effect. In addition to his current responsibility of heading the global delivery organization, Ravikumar S will oversee certain business enabling functions.


5. Information on dividends for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2016


An interim dividend of 11/- (par value 5/- each) per equity share was declared on October 14, 2016 and paid on October 26, 2016. The interim dividend declared in the previous year was 10/- per equity share.

(in )

Particulars Quarter ended December 31, Quarter ended September 30, Quarter ended December 31, Nine months ended December 31, Year ended March 31,
  2016 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
Dividend per share (par value 5/- each)            
Interim dividend  11.00  11.00  10.00  10.00
Final dividend  14.25


6.Reconciliation of the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss as previously reported under IGAAP to Ind-AS

 (in crore)

Particulars Note Quarter ended December 31, 2015
    IGAAP Effects of transition to Ind- AS Ind-AS
Revenue from operations    15,902  15,902
Other income, net    802  802
Total income    16,704  16,704
Employee benefit expenses 1.1  8,764  8  8,772
Deferred consideration pertaining to acquisition 1.2  18  7  25
Cost of technical sub-contractors    998  998
Travel expenses    530  530
Cost of software packages and others    278  278
Communication expenses    109  109
Consultancy and professional charges    213  213
Depreciation and amortisation expenses 1.3  316  53  369
Other expenses 1.2  644  5  649
Total expenses   11,870 73 11,943
Profit before non-controlling interest/ share in profit/(loss) of associate   4,834 (73) 4,761
Share in net profit/(loss) of associate  
Profit before tax   4,834 (73) 4,761
Tax expense        
Current tax 1.4 1,322 (3)  1,319
Deferred tax 1.5 (8) (15) (23)
Profit for the period   3,520 (55) 3,465
Other comprehensive income        
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss        
Remeasurement of the net defined benefit liability/asset 1.1  5  5
Equity instruments through other comprehensive income  
    5 5
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss        
Fair Value changes on cash flow hedges, net   1  1
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations 1.6 (8)  9  1
    (7) 9 2
Total other comprehensive income, net of tax   (7) 14 7
Total comprehensive income for the period   3,513 (41) 3,472


This reconciliation statement has been provided in accordance with circular CIR/CFD/FAC/62/2016 issued by SEBI dated July 05, 2016 on account of implementation of Ind-AS by listed companies.


Explanations for reconciliation of Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss as previously reported under IGAAP to Ind-AS


1.1 a. As per Ind-AS 19 Employee benefits, actuarial gains and losses are recognized in other comprehensive income and not reclassified to profit and loss in a subsequent period.
  b. Adjustments reflect unamortized negative past service cost arising on modification of the gratuity plan in an earlier period. Ind-AS 19 requires such gains and losses to be adjusted to retained earnings.
1.2 Adjustments reflect the impact of discounting pertaining to deferred and contingent consideration payable for business combinations.
1.3 Adjustment reflects the impact of amortization of intangible assets included within goodwill under the IGAAP, separately recognized under Ind-AS.
1.4 Tax component on actuarial gains and losses which was transferred to other comprehensive income under Ind-AS.
1.5 The reduction in deferred tax expense is on account of the reversal of deferred tax liabilities recorded on intangible assets acquired in business combination.

Under Ind-AS, exchange differences on translation of foreign operations are recorded in other comprehensive income.


7. Audited financial results of Infosys Limited (Standalone Information)

(in crore)

Particulars Quarter ended December 31, Quarter ended September 30, Quarter ended December 31, Nine months ended December 31, Year ended
March 31,
  2016 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
Revenue from operations  14,949  15,000  13,562  44,369  39,825  53,983
Profit before tax  4,883  4,812  4,353  14,155  12,896  17,600
Profit for the period  3,599  3,476  3,163  10,255  9,302  12,693


Note: The audited results of Infosys Limited for the above mentioned periods are available on our website, www.infosys.com and on the Stock exchange websites www.nseindia.com and www.bseindia.com. The information above has been extracted from the audited standalone financial statements as stated.


8. Segment reporting (Consolidated - Audited)

(in crore)

Particulars Quarter ended December 31, Quarter ended September 30, Quarter ended December 31, Nine months ended December 31, Year ended March 31,
  2016 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
Revenue by business segment            
Financial Services (FS)  4,663  4,686  4,377  13,900  12,502  17,024
Manufacturing (MFG)  1,893  1,853  1,756  5,589  5,200  6,948
Energy & utilities, Communication and Services (ECS)  3,885  3,864  3,410  11,468  9,912  13,547
Retail, Consumer packaged goods and Logistics (RCL)  2,821  2,833  2,576  8,515  7,499  10,226
Life Sciences, Healthcare and Insurance (HILIFE)  2,196  2,089  2,102  6,289  6,007  8,090
Hi-Tech  1,250  1,339  1,198  3,911  3,564  4,891
All other segments  565  646  483  1,692  1,207  1,715
Total  17,273  17,310  15,902  51,364  45,891  62,441
Less: Inter-segment revenue
Net revenue from operations  17,273  17,310  15,902  51,364  45,891  62,441
Segment profit before tax, depreciation and non-controlling interests:            
Financial Services (FS)  1,320  1,295  1,250  3,881  3,590  4,839
Manufacturing (MFG)  455  469  425  1,376  1,135  1,560
Energy & utilities, Communication and Services (ECS)  1,123  1,122  969  3,311  2,920  4,029
Retail, Consumer packaged goods and Logistics (RCL)  837  826  699  2,466  2,073  2,840
Life Sciences, Healthcare and Insurance (HILIFE)  632  558  581  1,712  1,638  2,265
Hi-Tech  324  342  314  986  937  1,301
All other segments  78  123  95  221  156  259
Total  4,769  4,735  4,333  13,953  12,449  17,093
Less: Other unallocable expenditure  435  426  374  1,264  1,049  1,473
Add: Unallocable other income  820  760  802  2,333  2,351  3,123
Add: Share in net profit/(loss) of associate  (3)  (5)  (2)  (3)
Profit before tax and non-controlling interests  5,154  5,066  4,761  15,017  13,749  18,740


Notes on segment information


Business segments


Based on the "management approach" as defined in Ind-AS 108 - Operating Segments, the Chief Operating Decision Maker evaluates the Company's performance and allocates resources based on an analysis of various performance indicators by business segments. Accordingly, information has been presented along these business segments. The accounting principles used in the preparation of the financial statements are consistently applied to record revenue and expenditure in individual segments.


Segmental capital employed


Assets and liabilities used in the Company's business are not identified to any of the reportable segments, as these are used interchangeably between segments. The Management believes that it is not practicable to provide segment disclosures relating to total assets and liabilities since a meaningful segregation of the available data is onerous.


  By order of the Board
  for Infosys Limited
Bangalore, India Dr. Vishal Sikka
January 13, 2017 Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director


The Board has also taken on record the unaudited condensed consolidated results of Infosys Limited and its subsidiaries for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2016, prepared as per International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and reported in US dollars. A summary of the financial statements is as follows:

(in US$ million, except per equity share data)

Particulars Quarter ended December 31, Quarter ended September 30, Quarter ended December 31, Nine months ended December 31, Year ended
March 31,
  2016 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
Revenues 2,551 2,587 2,407 7,639 7,055 9,501
Cost of sales  1,601  1,638  1,512  4,832 4,435  5,950
Gross profit  950  949  895  2,807  2,620  3,551
Net profit  547  539  524  1,597  1,519  2,052
Earnings per equity share            
Basic  0.24  0.24  0.23  0.70  0.66  0.90
Diluted  0.24  0.24  0.23  0.70  0.66  0.90
Total assets 11,870 11,875 10,771 11,870 10,771 11,378
Cash and cash equivalents including current investments 4,487 5,086 4,523 4,487 4,523 4,946


Certain statements in these results concerning our future growth prospects are forward-looking statements regarding our future business expectations intended to qualify for the 'safe harbor' under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in such forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties relating to these statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties regarding fluctuations in earnings, fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, our ability to manage growth, intense competition in IT services including those factors which may affect our cost advantage, wage increases in India, our ability to attract and retain highly skilled professionals, time and cost overruns on fixed-price, fixed-time frame contracts, client concentration, restrictions on immigration, industry segment concentration, our ability to manage our international operations, reduced demand for technology in our key focus areas, disruptions in telecommunication networks or system failures, our ability to successfully complete and integrate potential acquisitions, liability for damages on our service contracts, the success of the companies in which Infosys has made strategic investments, withdrawal or expiration of governmental fiscal incentives, political instability and regional conflicts, an inability to accurately predict economic or industry trends, legal restrictions on raising capital or acquiring companies outside India, and unauthorized use of our intellectual property and general economic conditions affecting our industry. Additional risks that could affect our future operating results are more fully described in our United States Securities and Exchange Commission filings including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2016. These filings are available at www.sec.gov. Infosys may, from time to time, make additional written and oral forward-looking statements, including statements contained in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and our reports to shareholders. In addition, please note that the date of this result is January 13, 2017, and any forward-looking statements contained herein are based on assumptions that we believe to be reasonable as of this date. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements that may be made from time to time by or on behalf of the Company unless it is required by law.




  Infosys Limited

Regd. office: Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru – 560 100, India

CIN : L85110KA1981PLC013115

Website: www.infosys.com

Email: investors@infosys.com

T: 91 80 2852 0261, F: 91 80 2852 0362 


Extract of the Audited consolidated financial results of Infosys Limited and its subsidiaries for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2016, prepared in compliance with the Indian Accounting Standards (Ind-AS)

( in crore except equity share data)

Particulars Quarter ended December 31, Nine months ended December 31, Quarter ended December 31,
  2016 2016 2015
Revenue from operations  17,273  51,364  15,902
Profit before tax  5,154  15,017  4,761
Net profit after tax  3,708  10,749 3,465
Total comprehensive income for the period (comprising profit for the period after tax and other comprehensive income after tax)  3,679  10,652  3,472
Paid-up equity share capital (par value 5/- each, fully paid)  1,144  1,144  1,144
Other equity  60,600  60,600  54,198
Earnings per share (par value 5/- each)      
Basic  16.22  47.03 15.16
Diluted  16.22  47.02 15.16



1.The audited consolidated financial statements for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2016 have been taken on record by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on January 13, 2017. The statutory auditors have expressed an unqualified audit opinion. The information presented above is extracted from the audited consolidated financial statements. The consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Indian Accounting Standards (Ind-AS) as prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 3 of the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 and Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2016.


2.The Group has adopted all the Ind-AS on April 1, 2016, with the transition date as April 1, 2015, and the adoption was carried out in accordance with Ind-AS 101 - First time adoption of Indian Accounting Standards. The transition was carried out from Indian Accounting Principles generally accepted in India as prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 (IGAAP), which was the previous GAAP.


3. Change of Auditors on account of mandatory rotation requirement in India


Under Section 139 of the Indian Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder, it is mandatory for Infosys Limited (‘the Company’) to rotate the current statutory auditors on completion of the maximum term permitted under the said Section. Therefore, the Audit Committee of Infosys Limited has proposed and on January 13, 2017, the Board of Directors of the Company have recommended, the appointment of Deloitte Haskins & Sells, LLP, Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration No. 117366 W/W 100018) (Deloitte) as the statutory auditors of the Company. Deloitte will hold office for a period of 5 (five) consecutive years from the conclusion of the 36th Annual General Meeting of the Company scheduled to be held in the year 2017 till the conclusion of the 41st Annual General Meeting to be held in the year 2022, subject to the approval of shareholders of the Company. The first year of audit will be of the financial statements for the year ending March 31, 2018 which will include audit of the quarterly financial statements for the year.


To align with the above, the Board of Directors of the Company also approved the appointment of Deloitte as the independent registered public accounting firm of the Company. This appointment is effective year ending March 31, 2018. As the independent registered public accounting firm, Deloitte will audit the annual financial statements of the Company to be included in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). KPMG will continue as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm through the completion of the audit for the year ending March 31, 2017 and for the purpose of filing such audited financial statements in the Form 20-F for the year ending March 31, 2017.


In addition, in accordance with disclosure requirements under SEC regulations, the following may be noted:


During the two fiscal years ended March 31, 2016 and March 31, 2015, KPMG has not issued any report on the financial statements that contained an adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion, nor were the reports of KPMG qualified or modified in any manner.
During the two fiscal years ended March 31, 2016 and March 31, 2015 and the subsequent interim period preceding January 13, 2017, there is no disagreement with KPMG on any matter of accounting principles or practices, financial statement disclosure, or auditing scope or procedures, or any reportable event as described in Item 16F(a)(1)(v) of Form 20-F.
During the two fiscal years ended March 31, 2016 and March 31, 2015 and the subsequent interim period preceding January 13, 2017, we have not consulted with Deloitte for any matters regarding either
   (i)  the application of accounting principles to a specified transaction, either completed or proposed, or the type of audit opinion that might be rendered with respect to the consolidated financial statements of Infosys Limited; or
   (ii) any matter that was the subject of a disagreement as defined in Item 16F(a)(1)(iv) of Form 20-F and the related instructions to this Item or a “reportable event” as described in Item 16F (a)(1)(v) of Form 20-F.


4. Management change


The Company has appointed Ravikumar S as Deputy Chief Operating Officer reporting to U. B. Pravin Rao with immediate effect. In addition to his current responsibility of heading the global delivery organization, Ravikumar S will oversee certain business enabling functions.


5. Information on dividends for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2016


An interim dividend of 11/- (par value 5/- each) per equity share was declared on October 14, 2016 and paid on October 26, 2016. The interim dividend declared in the previous year was 10/- per equity share.

 (in )

Particulars Quarter ended December 31, Nine months ended December 31 Quarter ended December 31,
  2016 2016 2015
Dividend per share (par value 5/- each)      
Interim dividend   11.00  
Final dividend      


6. Reconciliation of the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss as previously reported under IGAAP to Ind-AS

( in crore)

Particulars Note Quarter ended December 31, 2015
    IGAAP Effects of transition to Ind-AS Ind-AS
Revenue from operations    15,902    15,902
Other income, net    802    802
Total income    16,704    16,704
Employee benefit expenses 1.1  8,764  8  8,772
Deferred consideration pertaining to acquisition 1.2  18  7  25
Cost of technical sub-contractors    998    998
Travel expenses    530    530
Cost of software packages and others    278    278
Communication expenses    109    109
Consultancy and professional charges    213    213
Depreciation and amortization expenses 1.3  316  53  369
Other expenses 1.2  644  5  649
Total expenses    11,870  73  11,943
Profit before non-controlling interest/ share in net profit / (loss) of associate    4,834  (73)  4,761
Share in net profit / (loss) of associate        
Profit before tax    4,834  (73)  4,761
Tax expense        
Current tax 1.4  1,322  (3)  1,319
Deferred tax 1.5  (8)  (15)  (23)
Profit for the period    3,520  (55)  3,465
Other comprehensive income        
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss        
Remeasurement of the net defined benefit liability / asset 1.1    5  5
Equity instruments through other comprehensive income        
       5  5
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss        
Fair Value changes on cash flow hedges, net    1    1
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations 1.6  (8)  9  1
     (7)  9  2
Total other comprehensive income, net of tax    (7)  14  7
Total comprehensive income for the period    3,513  (41)  3,472


This reconciliation statement has been provided in accordance with circular CIR/CFD/FAC/62/2016 issued by SEBI dated July 05, 2016 on account of implementation of Ind-AS by listed companies.


Explanations for the reconciliation of the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss as previously reported under IGAAP to Ind-AS


1.1 a. As per Ind-AS 19 - Employee benefits, actuarial gains and losses are recognized in other comprehensive income and not reclassified to profit and loss in a subsequent period.
  b. Adjustments reflect unamortized negative past service cost arising on modification of the gratuity plan in an earlier period. Ind-AS 19 requires such gains and losses to be adjusted to retained earnings.
1.2 Adjustments reflect the impact of discounting pertaining to deferred and contingent consideration payable for business combinations.
1.3 Adjustment reflects the impact of amortization of intangible assets included within goodwill under the IGAAP, separately recognized under Ind-AS.
1.4 Tax component on actuarial gains and losses which was transferred to other comprehensive income under Ind AS.
1.5 The reduction in deferred tax expense is on account of the reversal of deferred tax liabilities recorded on intangible assets acquired in business combination.
1.6 Under Ind-AS, exchange differences on the translation of foreign operations are recorded in other comprehensive income.


7. Audited financial results of Infosys Limited (Standalone information)

  (in crore)

Particulars Quarter ended December 31, Nine months ended December 31, Quarter ended December 31,
  2016 2016 2015
Revenue from operations  14,949  44,369  13,562
Profit before tax  4,883  14,155  4,353
Profit for the period  3,599  10,255  3,163


The above is an extract of the detailed format of Quarterly Financial Results filed with Stock Exchanges under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing and Other Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The full format of the Quarterly Financial Results are available on the Stock Exchange websites, www.nseindia.com and www.bseindia.com, and on the Company's website, www.infosys.com.


Certain statements in this advertisement concerning our future growth prospects are forward-looking statements regarding our future business expectations intended to qualify for the 'safe harbor' under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in such forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties relating to these statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties regarding fluctuations in earnings, fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, our ability to manage growth, intense competition in IT services including those factors which may affect our cost advantage, wage increases in India, our ability to attract and retain highly skilled professionals, time and cost overruns on fixed-price, fixed-time frame contracts, client concentration, restrictions on immigration, industry segment concentration, our ability to manage our international operations, reduced demand for technology in our key focus areas, disruptions in telecommunication networks or system failures, our ability to successfully complete and integrate potential acquisitions, liability for damages on our service contracts, the success of the companies in which Infosys has made strategic investments, withdrawal or expiration of governmental fiscal incentives, political instability and regional conflicts, an inability to accurately predict economic or industry trends legal restrictions on raising capital or acquiring companies outside India, and unauthorized use of our intellectual property and general economic conditions affecting our industry. Additional risks that could affect our future operating results are more fully described in our United States Securities and Exchange Commission filings including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2016. These filings are available at www.sec.gov. Infosys may, from time to time, make additional written and oral forward-looking statements, including statements contained in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and our reports to shareholders. In addition, please note that the date of this advertisement is January 13, 2017 and any forward-looking statements contained herein are based on assumptions that we believe to be reasonable as of this date. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements that may be made from time to time by or on behalf of the Company unless it is required by law.




  Infosys Limited

Regd. office: Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru – 560 100, India

CIN : L85110KA1981PLC013115

Website: www.infosys.com

Email: investors@infosys.com

T: 91 80 2852 0261, F: 91 80 2852 0362 


Audited financial results of Infosys Limited for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2016 prepared in compliance with the Indian Accounting Standards (Ind-AS)


(in crore, except per equity share data)

Particulars Quarter ended
December 31,
Quarter ended
September 30,
Quarter ended
December 31,
Nine Months ended
December 31,
Year ended
March 31,
  2016 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
  Audited Audited Audited Audited Audited Audited
Revenue from operations  14,949  15,000  13,562  44,369  39,825 53,983
Other income, net  805  763  737  2,330  2,233 3,006
Total income  15,754  15,763  14,299  46,699  42,058 56,989
Employee benefit expenses  7,733  7,939  7,115  23,277  20,909 28,207
Deferred consideration pertaining to acquisition  –  –  25  –  149 149
Cost of technical sub-contractors  1,228  1,183  1,226  3,547  3,225 4,417
Travel expenses  356  364  360  1,296  1,217 1,655
Cost of software packages and others  358  312  200  894  826 1,049
Communication expenses  96  90  73  268  232 311
Consultancy and professional charges  124  119  153  362  408 563
Depreciation and amortisation expense  339  338  275  995  799 1,115
Other expenses  637  606  519  1,905  1,397 1,923
Total expenses  10,871  10,951  9,946  32,544  29,162 39,389
Profit before tax  4,883  4,812  4,353  14,155  12,896 17,600
Tax expense:            
Current tax  1,287  1,327  1,204  3,927  3,590 4,898
Deferred tax (3) 9 (14) (27)  4 9
Profit for the period  3,599  3,476  3,163  10,255  9,302 12,693
Other comprehensive income            
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss            
Remeasurement of the net defined benefit liability / asset (6) (35) 8 (58) 1 (2)
Equity instruments through other comprehensive income  –  –  –  –  –
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss            
Fair value changes on cash flow hedges, net  26  2  –  28  –
Total other comprehensive income, net of tax 20 (33) 8 (30) 1 (2)
Total comprehensive income, for the period  3,619  3,443  3,171  10,225  9,303 12,691
Paid-up share capital (par value 5/- each fully paid)  1,148  1,148  1,148  1,148  1,148 1,148
Other Equity  59,934  59,934  51,617  59,934  51,617 59,934
Earnings per equity share ( par value 5 /- each)            
Basic ()  15.67  15.13  13.77  44.65  40.50 55.26
Diluted ()  15.67  15.13  13.77  44.65  40.50 55.26




1.The audited financial statements for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2016 have been taken on record by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on January 13, 2017. The statutory auditors have expressed an unqualified audit opinion. The information presented above is extracted from the audited standalone financial statements. The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Indian Accounting Standards (Ind-AS) as prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 3 of the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 and Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2016.


2.The Company has adopted all the Ind-AS on April 1, 2016, with the transition date as April 1, 2015, and the adoption was carried out in accordance with Ind-AS 101-First time adoption of Indian Accounting Standards. The transition was carried out from Indian Accounting Principles generally accepted in India as prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 (IGAAP), which was the previous GAAP.


3. Change of Auditors on account of mandatory rotation requirement in India


Under Section 139 of the Indian Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder, it is mandatory for Infosys Limited (‘the Company’) to rotate the current statutory auditors on completion of the maximum term permitted under the said Section. Therefore, the Audit Committee of Infosys Limited has proposed and on January 13, 2017, the Board of Directors of the Company have recommended, the appointment of Deloitte Haskins & Sells, LLP, Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration No. 117366 W/W 100018) (Deloitte) as the statutory auditors of the Company. Deloitte will hold office for a period of 5 (five) consecutive years from the conclusion of the 36th Annual General Meeting of the Company scheduled to be held in the year 2017 till the conclusion of the 41st Annual General Meeting to be held in the year 2022, subject to the approval of shareholders of the Company. The first year of audit will be of the financial statements for the year ending March 31, 2018 which will include audit of the quarterly financial statements for the year.


To align with the above, the Board of Directors of the Company also approved the appointment of Deloitte as the independent registered public accounting firm of the Company. This appointment is effective year ending March 31, 2018. As the independent registered public accounting firm, Deloitte will audit the annual financial statements of the Company to be included in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). KPMG will continue as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm through the completion of the audit for the year ending March 31, 2017 and for the purpose of filing such audited financial statements in the Form 20-F for the year ending March 31, 2017.


In addition, in accordance with disclosure requirements under SEC regulations, the following may be noted:


During the two fiscal years ended March 31, 2016 and March 31, 2015, KPMG has not issued any report on the financial statements that contained an adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion, nor were the reports of KPMG qualified or modified in any manner.
 During the two fiscal years ended March 31, 2016 and March 31, 2015 and the subsequent interim period preceding January 13, 2017, there is no disagreement with KPMG on any matter of accounting principles or practices, financial statement disclosure, or auditing scope or procedures, or any reportable event as described in Item 16F(a)(1)(v) of Form 20-F.
During the two fiscal years ended March 31, 2016 and March 31, 2015 and the subsequent interim period preceding January 13, 2017, we have not consulted with Deloitte for any matters regarding either
  (i) the application of accounting principles to a specified transaction, either completed or proposed, or the type of audit opinion that might be rendered with respect to the consolidated financial statements of Infosys Limited; or
   (ii) any matter that was the subject of a disagreement as defined in Item 16F(a)(1)(iv) of Form 20-F and the related instructions to this Item or a “reportable event” as described in Item 16F (a)(1)(v) of Form 20-F.


4. Management Change


The Company has appointed Ravikumar S as Deputy Chief Operating Officer reporting to U. B. Pravin Rao with immediate effect. In addition to his current responsibility of heading the global delivery organization, Ravikumar S will oversee certain business enabling functions.


5. Information on dividends for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2016


An interim dividend of 11/- (par value 5/- each) per equity share was declared on October 14, 2016 and paid on October 26, 2016. The interim dividend declared in the previous year was 10/- per equity share.


(in )

Particulars Quarter ended December 31, Quarter ended September 30, Quarter ended December 31, Nine months ended
December 31,
 Year ended March 31,
  2016 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
Dividend per share (par value 5/- each)            
Interim dividend    11.00    11.00  10.00  10.00
Final dividend            14.25


6. Reconciliation of Statement of Profit and Loss as previously reported under IGAAP to Ind-AS

 (in crore)

Particulars Note Quarter ended December 31, 2015
    IGAAP Effects of transition to Ind-AS Ind-AS
Revenue from operations    13,562    13,562
Other income, net 1.2  737    737
Total income    14,299    14,299
Employee benefit expenses 1.1  7,103  12  7,115
Deferred consideration pertaining to acquisition 1.2  18  7  25
Cost of technical sub-contractors    1,226    1,226
Travel expenses    360    360
Cost of software packages and others    200    200
Communication expenses    73    73
Consultancy and professional charges    153    153
Depreciation and amortization expenses    275    275
Other expenses 1.2  515  4  519
Total expenses    9,923  23  9,946
Profit before exceptional items and tax    4,376  (23)  4,353
Profit on transfer of business        
Profit before tax    4,376  (23)  4,353
Tax expense:        
Current tax 1.3  1,207 (3)  1,204
Deferred tax   (14)   (14)
Profit for the period    3,183  (20)  3,163
Other comprehensive income        
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss        
Remeasurement of the net defined benefit liability / asset 1.1   8 8
       8  8
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss        
Total other comprehensive income, net of tax      8  8
Total comprehensive income for the period    3,183  (12)  3,171


This reconciliation statement has been provided in accordance with circular CIR/CFD/FAC/62/2016 issued by SEBI dated July 05, 2016 on account of implementation of Ind-AS by listed companies.


Explanations for reconciliation of profit and loss as previously reported under IGAAP to Ind-AS


1.1 a) As per Ind-AS 19 - Employee Benefits, actuarial gains and losses are recognized in other comprehensive income and not reclassified to profit and loss in a subsequent period.
  b) plan in an earlier period. Ind-AS 19 requires such gains and losses to be adjusted to retained earnings.
1.2. Adjustments reflect impact of discounting pertaining to deferred consideration and contingent consideration payable for business combinations.
1.3 Tax component on actuarial gains and losses which is transferred to other comprehensive income under Ind AS.


7. Segment reporting (Standalone-Audited)

(in crore)

Particulars Quarter ended December 31, Quarter ended September 30, Quarter ended December 31, Nine months ended
December 31,
 Year ended March 31,
  2016 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
Revenue by business segment            
Financial services (FS)  3,939  3,998  3,698  11,810  11,041  14,846
Manufacturing (MFG)  1,541  1,506  1,345  4,519  4,038  5,434
Energy & utilities, communication and services (ECS)  3,519  3,510  3,045  10,370  8,869  12,124
Retail, consumer packaged goods and logistics (RCL)  2,596  2,598  2,353  7,777  6,909  9,411
Life sciences, healthcare and insurance (HILIFE)  1,842  1,736  1,648  5,206  4,766  6,392
Hi-Tech  1,199  1,275  1,168  3,744  3,471  4,736
All Other Segments  313  377  305  943  731  1,040
Total  14,949  15,000  13,562  44,369  39,825  53,983
Less: Inter-segment revenue            
Net revenue from operations  14,949  15,000  13,562  44,369  39,825  53,983
Segment profit before tax            
Financial services (FS)  1,085  1,064  1,009  3,175  3,154  4,185
Manufacturing (MFG)  452  449  376  1,311  1,049  1,436
Energy & utilities, communication and services (ECS)  1,093  1,114  935  3,229  2,750  3,829
Retail, consumer packaged goods and logistics (RCL)  816  816  694  2,402  2,060  2,817
Life sciences, healthcare and insurance (HILIFE)  566  500  454  1,517  1,330  1,844
Hi-Tech  341  365  336  1,047  993  1,373
All other segments  66  81  91  146  135  239
Total  4,419  4,389  3,895  12,827  11,471  15,723
Less: Other unallocable expenditure  341  340  279  1,002  808  1,129
Add: Unallocable other income  805  763  737  2,330  2,233  3,006
Profit before tax  4,883  4,812  4,353  14,155  12,896  17,600


Notes on segment information:

Business segments


Based on the "management approach" as defined in Ind-AS 108 - Operating Segments, the Chief Operating Decision Marker evaluates the Company's performance and allocates resources based on an analysis of various performance indicators by business segments. Accordingly, information has been presented along these business segments. The accounting principles used in the preparation of the financial statements are consistently applied to record revenue and expenditure in individual segments


Segment Assets / Liabilities


Assets and liabilities used in the company's business are not identified to any of the reportable segments, as these are used interchangeably between segments. The Management believes that it is not practicable to provide segment disclosures relating to total assets and liabilities since a meaningful segregation of the available data is onerous.


  By order of the Board
  for Infosys Limited
Bangalore, India Dr. Vishal Sikka
January 13, 2017 Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director


Certain statements in these results concerning our future growth prospects are forward-looking statements regarding our future business expectations intended to qualify for the 'safe harbor' under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in such forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties relating to these statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties regarding fluctuations in earnings, fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, our ability to manage growth, intense competition in IT services including those factors which may affect our cost advantage, wage increases in India, our ability to attract and retain highly skilled professionals, time and cost overruns on fixed-price, fixed-time frame contracts, client concentration, restrictions on immigration, industry segment concentration, our ability to manage our international operations, reduced demand for technology in our key focus areas, disruptions in telecommunication networks or system failures, our ability to successfully complete and integrate potential acquisitions, liability for damages on our service contracts, the success of the companies in which Infosys has made strategic investments, withdrawal or expiration of governmental fiscal incentives, political instability and regional conflicts, an inability to accurately predict economic or industry trends, legal restrictions on raising capital or acquiring companies outside India, and unauthorized use of our intellectual property and general economic conditions affecting our industry. Additional risks that could affect our future operating results are more fully described in our United States Securities and Exchange Commission filings including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2016. These filings are available at www.sec.gov. Infosys may, from time to time, make additional written and oral forward-looking statements, including statements contained in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and our reports to shareholders. In addition, please note that the date of this release is January 13, 2017, and any forward-looking statements contained herein are based on assumptions that we believe to be reasonable as of this date. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements that may be made from time to time by or on behalf of the Company unless it is required by law.