EX-19.1 2 0002.txt INFOSYS QUARTERLY REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS Exhibit 19.1 INFOSYS TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED Report for the nine months ended December 31, 2000 [LOGO OF INFOSYS] At a glance - Indian GAAP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rs. in crores, except per share data
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quarter ended Nine months ended Year ended December 31 December 31 March 31, 2000 -------------------------------------------------- 2000 1999 2000 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the period Total revenue 551.54 233.52 1387.86 635.47 921.46 Export revenue 529.24 224.41 1321.56 598.10 869.70 Operating Profit (PBIDT) 218.85 98.47 567.60 262.33 378.88 Profit after tax (PAT) from ordinary activities 166.33 73.79 441.64 200.10 285.95 PBIDT as a percentage of total revenue 39.68% 42.17% 40.90% 41.28% 41.12% PAT (from ordinary activities) as a percentage of total revenue 30.16% 31.60% 31.82% 31.49% 31.03% Earnings per share (from ordinary activities)* 25.14 11.16 66.76 30.25 43.23 Dividend per share NA NA 2.50 1.50 4.50 Dividend amount NA NA 16.54 9.92 29.76 Capital investment 125.16 46.98 325.01 106.74 159.87 At the end of the period Total assets 1261.09 761.26 833.30 Fixed assets-net 457.23 172.92 207.34 Cash and equivalents 517.75 464.43 508.37 Working capital 767.54 587.58 612.13 Total debt -- -- -- Net worth 1261.09 761.26 833.30 Equity 33.08 33.07 33.08 Market capitalization 37,667.93 47,843.98 59,338.17
Note: Market capitalization is calculated by considering the Indian market price for shares outstanding at the period / year end. * EPS figures have been calculated for the period and have not been annualized. Export Revenue Rs. in crores Year ended Nine months ended Nine months ended Mar. 31, 2000 Dec. 31, 1999 Dec. 31, 2000 869.69 598.10 1,321.56 Total Revenue Rs. in crores Year ended Nine months ended Nine months ended Mar. 31, 2000 Dec. 31, 1999 Dec. 31, 2000 921.46 635.46 1,387.85 Net Profit Rs. in crores Year ended Nine months ended Nine months ended Mar. 31, 2000 Dec. 31, 1999 Dec. 31, 2000 285.94 200.10 441.64 Letter to the shareholders -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear shareholders: We are pleased to report on another strong quarter. Under Indian GAAP, revenues grew by 136% over Q3FY2000 while net profits witnessed an increase of 125%. Net of separations, we added 985 employees in the quarter -- highlighting the continued vigorous growth in our business. A key driver of this performance is the de-risked nature of the Infosys business model. Prudent risk management policies, strong processes to monitor various risk factors, and a focus on diversification continue to guide our business strategy. Our strong relationships with Fortune 1000 corporations, our in-depth understanding of their decision cycles, and our track record of customer satisfaction enabled us to maintain topline predictability while ceaselessly improving overall revenue productivity. As transformation partners to traditional economy corporations, we help them build next-generation information infrastructure for the new economy. In light of the talk of a slowdown in the US economy, we recently polled many of our large clients and believe that IT spending trends in these organizations will work in our favor. Further, we are encouraged by the intentions of most of our clients to expand the scope of their relationship with Infosys in the years to come. We continue to focus on long-term symbiotic partnerships -- evidenced by our repeat business rate of 83.4% in the quarter. We added 26 new clients this quarter, the majority of them from the Fortune 1000 space. Significant wins include Providian, the fifth-largest bankcard provider in the US; The Bank of Nova Scotia, a leading global financial institution headquartered in Canada; Fairfax Financial Services, a leading financial-services-holding company; Suncorp Metway, Australia's sixth-largest bank and seventh largest general insurance company; Schlumberger, a leading international technical company; The Business Depot Limited, a leading office supplies company; and Dynegy Inc., a leading provider of energy and communications solutions. In the communications segment, we undertook cutting-edge projects for Cisco, the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet; Nortel Networks, a global Internet and communications leader; and Lucent Technologies, a leading provider of broadband and mobile Internet infrastructure. Further, in order to supplement our expertise in working with large corporations, we continued to work with high-quality venture-funded companies in order to garner expertise in high-potential technology areas such as wireless, broadband and optical networking. EC Cubed Inc., a US-based provider of B2B e-commerce solutions, in which Infosys had made a strategic investment, filed for liquidation during the quarter. In line with our conservative reporting policies, pending the conclusion of liquidation proceedings, we have fully provided for this investment and for receivables from this client in our income statement for the quarter. Our investments continue to be key to Infosys' strategic objectives of gaining access to niche technologies and markets. We have recently evaluated our other investments and are comfortable with them. We continued to globalize our operations -- our proximity development center in Chicago became operational during the quarter, as did our marketing office in Paris. Our Infosys City facility in Bangalore was formally inaugurated this quarter and includes a world-class customer care center. We continue to build capacity in our other development centers in India and abroad. During the quarter, Infosys was ranked No. 1 in a survey by Hewitt Associates and Business Today on the best companies to work for in India. A hundred and fifty five organizations spanning several industries participated in this study. The Far Eastern Economic Review rated Infosys as the No. 1 company in India in the Review 200, an annual survey of Asia's leading companies. Infosys became the first IT company to win the IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Award and was also judged by the Financial Technology Asia Magazine as the Best Regional Software House. The BankAway product from Infosys won the CSI-Wipro award for the Best Packaged Application for the Year 2000. We inducted Dr. Omkar Goswami, Chief Economist to the Confederation of Indian Industry, and Sen. Larry Pressler, Former Senator, US Senate, and presently Attorney and Senior Partner, O'Connor and Hannan LLP, onto the board of directors. During the quarter, V. Balakrishnan, Associate Vice President - Finance, took up additional responsibilities as Company Secretary. On your behalf, we wish them the very best and also extend our appreciation to our fellow Infoscions who contributed to yet another successful quarter in our history. Sd. Sd. Bangalore Nandan M. Nilekani N. R. Narayana Murthy January 9, 2001 Managing Director, President and Chairman and Chief Operating Officer Chief Executive Officer Auditors' report to the members of Infosys Technologies Limited -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of Infosys Technologies Limited (the Company) as at December 31, 2000 and the Profit and Loss Accounts of the Company for the nine-month period and quarter ended on that date, annexed thereto, and report that: 1 As required by the Manufacturing and Other Companies (Auditor's Report) Order, 1988, issued by the Company Law Board in terms of Section 227(4A) of the Companies Act, 1956, we enclose in the Annexure a statement on the matters specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the said Order. 2 Further to our comments in the Annexure referred to in paragraph 1 above: (a) we have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit; (b) in our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company so far as appears from our examination of these books; (c) the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Accounts dealt with by this report are in agreement with the books of account; (d) in our opinion, the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Accounts dealt with by this report are prepared in compliance with the accounting standards referred to in Section 211(3C) of the Companies Act, 1956, to the extent applicable; (e) in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the said accounts give the information required by the Companies Act, 1956, in the manner so required and give a true and fair view: (i) in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Company as at December 31, 2000; and (ii) in the case of the Profit and Loss Accounts, of the profit for the nine-month period and quarter ended on that date. 3 We have also examined the attached Cash Flow Statements of the Company for the nine-month and quarter ended December 31, 2000. The Statements have been prepared by the Company in accordance with the requirements of Clause 32 of the listing agreements entered into with the Stock Exchanges. for Bharat S Raut & Co. Chartered Accountants Bangalore Balaji Swaminathan January 9, 2001 Partner Balance Sheet as at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in Rs.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dec 31, 2000 Dec 31, 1999 Mar 31, 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOURCES OF FUNDS SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS Share capital 33,07,64,335 33,06,95,500 33,07,55,000 Reserves and surplus 1228,01,09,686 728,18,83,990 800,22,73,248 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1261,08,74,021 761,25,79,490 833,30,28,248 ======================================================================================================================== APPLICATION OF FUNDS FIXED ASSETS Gross block 504,18,02,852 232,93,48,993 284,03,05,143 Less: Depreciation 207,06,98,673 116,24,08,642 133,65,20,594 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Net block 297,11,04,179 116,69,40,351 150,37,84,549 Add: Capital work-in-progress 160,11,55,758 56,23,06,951 56,96,03,505 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 457,22,59,937 172,92,47,302 207,33,88,054 INVESTMENTS 36,32,53,429 75,48,469 13,83,48,469 CURRENT ASSETS, LOANS AND ADVANCES Sundry debtors 303,96,24,611 138,35,95,210 136,17,81,253 Cash and bank balances 365,07,68,672 395,23,42,087 431,79,35,730 Loans and advances 355,39,12,507 178,21,08,869 210,12,77,161 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1024,43,05,790 711,80,46,166 778,09,94,144 Less: Current liabilities 148,35,86,795 57,84,73,154 67,15,06,459 Provisions 108,53,58,340 66,37,89,293 98,81,95,960 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NET CURRENT ASSETS 767,53,60,655 587,57,83,719 612,12,91,725 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1261,08,74,021 761,25,79,490 833,30,28,248 ========================================================================================================================
This is the Balance Sheet referred to in our report of even date. for Bharat S Raut & Co. Chartered Accountants Balaji Swaminathan N. R. Narayana Murthy Nandan M. Nilekani Deepak M. Satwalekar Partner Chairman and Managing Director, President and Director Chief Executive Officer Chief Operating Officer Ramesh Vangal Marti G. Subrahmanyam Philip Yeo Jitendra Vir Singh Director Director Director Director Omkar Goswami S. Gopalakrishnan K. Dinesh S. D. Shibulal Director Deputy Managing Director Director Director T. V. Mohandas Pai Phaneesh Murthy Srinath Batni V. Viswanathan Director and Chief Financial Officer Director Director Company Secretary
Bangalore January 9, 2001 Profit and Loss Accounts for the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in Rs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quarter ended Nine months ended Year ended ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dec 31, 2000 Dec 31, 1999 Dec 31, 2000 Dec 31, 1999 Mar 31, 2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCOME Software development services and products Overseas 529,24,01,389 224,40,92,531 1321,55,65,725 598,10,25,956 869,69,80,931 Domestic 7,82,82,900 2,00,37,227 17,13,76,490 6,87,97,826 12,62,56,042 Other income 14,47,31,965 7,11,00,819 49,16,27,114 30,48,32,499 39,14,11,095 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 551,54,16,254 233,52,30,577 1387,85,69,329 635,46,56,281 921,46,48,068 =================================================================================================================================== EXPENDITURE Software development expenses 273,14,49,717 117,78,46,621 688,98,50,133 320,04,95,341 466,26,84,578 Administration and other expenses 46,46,66,367 17,27,30,083 118,19,38,434 46,26,00,508 69,48,50,282 Provision for contingencies -- -- -- 3,33,00,000 3,33,00,000 Provision for e-inventing the company -- -- -- 3,50,00,000 3,50,00,000 Provision for investment 13,08,00,000 -- 13,08,00,000 -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 332,69,16,084 135,05,76,704 820,25,88,567 373,13,95,849 542,58,34,860 Operating profit (PBIDT) 218,85,00,170 98,46,53,873 567,59,80,762 262,32,60,432 378,88,13,208 Interest -- -- -- -- -- Depreciation 33,01,92,680 14,47,99,080 74,99,31,944 34,52,40,998 53,23,27,389 Profit before tax and extraordinary items 185,83,07,490 83,98,54,793 492,60,48,818 227,80,19,434 325,64,85,819 Provision for tax - earlier periods -- 6,00,000 1,40,00,000 23,00,000 24,00,000 - current period 19,50,00,000 10,14,00,000 49,56,00,000 27,47,00,000 39,46,00,000 Profit after tax before extraordinary items 166,33,07,490 73,78,54,793 441,64,48,818 200,10,19,434 285,94,85,819 Effect of extraordinary item - provision no longer required -- -- -- -- 7,56,70,846 Extraordinary income (net of tax) -- -- 5,49,44,000 -- -- Net profit after tax and extraordinary items 166,33,07,490 73,78,54,793 447,13,92,818 200,10,19,434 293,51,56,665 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMOUNT AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION 166,33,07,490 73,78,54,793 447,13,92,818 200,10,19,434 293,51,56,665 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dividend Interim -- -- 16,53,78,418 9,92,08,200 9,92,08,200 Final -- -- -- -- 19,84,18,210 Dividend Tax -- -- 3,63,83,252 1,09,12,902 3,27,38,905 Amount transferred - general reserve -- -- -- -- 260,47,91,350 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance in Profit & Loss Account 166,33,07,490 73,78,54,793 426,96,31,148 189,08,98,332 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 166,33,07,490 73,78,54,793 447,13,92,818 200,10,19,434 293,51,56,665 ===================================================================================================================================
These are the Profit & Loss Accounts referred to in our report of even date, for Bharat S Raut & Co. Chartered Accountants Balaji Swaminathan N. R. Narayana Murthy Nandan M. Nilekani Deepak M. Satwalekar Partner Chairman and Managing Director, President Director Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer Ramesh Vangal Marti G. Subrahmanyam Philip Yeo Jitendra Vir Singh Director Director Director Director Omkar Goswami S. Gopalakrishnan K. Dinesh S. D. Shibulal Director Deputy Managing Director Director Director T. V. Mohandas Pai Phaneesh Murthy Srinath Batni V. Viswanathan Director and Chief Financial Director Director Company Secretary Officer Bangalore January 9, 2001
Schedules to the Profit and Loss Accounts for the
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in Rs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quarter ended Nine months ended Year ended ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dec 31, 2000 Dec 31, 1999 Dec 31, 2000 Dec 31, 1999 Mar 31, 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER INCOME Interest received on deposits with banks and others 10,68,10,037 6,87,87,893 27,26,13,143 18,98,10,230 26,68,79,106 (Tax deducted at source Rs. 1,43,43,030, Rs. 49,08,629, Rs. 2,54,72,210, Rs. 1,01,56,924 and Rs. 1,67,51,195 respectively) Sale of special import licenses -- 72,35,156 6,77,431 2,02,31,549 2,02,31,549 Miscellaneous income 34,73,009 12,03,605 1,28,90,220 31,57,854 49,73,365 Exchange differences * 3,44,48,919 (61,25,835) 20,54,46,320 9,16,32,866 9,93,27,075 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14,47,31,965 7,11,00,819 49,16,27,114 30,48,32,499 39,14,11,095 ============================================================================================================================ * arising on translation of foreign currency deposits maintained abroad includes a realized gain of Rs. 1,52,33,885 and Rs. 5,06,25,885 during the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2000 (prior periods / year : Rs. nil). SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT EXPENSES Salaries and bonus including overseas staff expenses 188,63,43,160 81,15,35,725 478,65,24,542 213,58,96,745 307,54,46,295 Staff welfare 2,18,73,891 1,20,75,533 5,42,85,756 3,17,77,904 4,93,07,308 Contribution to provident and other funds 8,82,04,890 3,83,57,945 25,75,56,485 9,93,25,259 22,08,36,923 Foreign travel expenses 44,02,57,051 20,19,68,835 110,14,10,530 57,55,38,493 84,09,02,293 Consumables 2,11,69,196 59,07,518 4,06,76,271 1,65,15,050 2,70,06,251 Cost of software packages for own use 8,11,32,780 4,42,89,192 27,91,17,606 13,71,43,852 16,53,57,382 for banking product 2,45,17,799 15,50,489 3,78,29,076 56,15,548 2,84,48,397 Computer maintenance 2,00,03,268 1,46,47,267 4,71,14,556 2,47,25,626 3,27,43,350 Communication expenses 11,01,43,134 3,94,21,621 20,96,26,522 13,41,81,710 17,31,23,718 Consultancy charges 2,71,97,534 58,12,786 5,70,53,217 1,98,99,290 2,85,50,034 Provision for post-sales client support 1,06,07,014 22,79,710 1,86,55,572 1,98,75,864 2,09,62,627 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 273,14,49,717 117,78,46,621 688,98,50,133 320,04,95,341 466,26,84,578 ============================================================================================================================ ADMINISTRATION AND OTHER EXPENSES Traveling and conveyance 5,03,33,615 2,12,19,985 12,73,73,079 4,83,98,364 7,68,26,394 Rent 4,48,41,073 2,94,91,308 11,43,78,110 7,37,30,739 10,34,93,593 Telephone charges 3,68,91,306 1,34,11,165 10,19,81,069 3,80,10,382 5,93,95,252 Professional charges 5,05,13,391 2,12,23,219 11,47,21,141 5,07,17,048 7,55,68,079 Office maintenance 2,93,12,737 1,50,73,562 8,60,34,491 3,32,62,319 5,81,01,381 Brand building 2,47,18,294 47,97,411 7,48,95,563 47,97,411 99,17,816 Provision for bad and doubtful debts 7,26,85,587 25,07,614 12,18,80,048 2,15,50,851 94,03,099 Power and fuel 3,35,13,263 1,24,49,207 7,93,39,269 3,25,57,317 5,01,41,466 Printing and stationery 1,15,13,158 59,54,552 4,76,37,455 2,13,46,379 2,76,70,902 Donations 1,49,59,500 80,00,000 4,77,68,563 2,21,86,367 3,49,27,871 Advertisements 1,37,18,952 (1,69,062) 4,25,94,491 1,10,67,865 2,12,41,343 Marketing expenses 98,00,148 99,89,474 3,26,51,683 2,30,42,736 3,14,93,837 Repairs to building 1,11,35,584 17,62,336 2,52,18,521 57,67,172 1,13,44,232 Insurance charges 1,07,21,154 87,73,960 2,32,87,345 1,78,04,591 2,41,35,289 Rates and taxes 7,42,710 19,31,644 1,05,85,709 76,75,290 1,03,80,848 Postage and courier 56,07,009 33,70,815 1,52,13,860 95,70,551 1,37,56,638 Commission charges 33,82,901 15,94,215 1,24,08,622 50,79,015 64,70,454 Books and periodicals 32,48,425 13,34,638 1,21,62,970 34,83,388 77,13,886 Repairs to plant and machinery 82,15,361 21,39,787 1,55,99,302 62,89,049 84,12,905 Research grants 25,00,000 37,50,000 75,00,000 62,50,000 1,03,00,000 Bad debts written off -- -- 27,70,254 -- 1,59,20,938 Bank charges and commission 33,25,944 9,67,665 42,50,287 27,30,597 42,21,668 Bad loans and advances written off 11,891 -- 11,891 3,46,577 3,13,050 Auditor's remuneration - audit fees 4,45,500 4,46,250 13,38,750 13,38,750 17,85,000 - certification charges -- -- -- -- 2,00,000 - other services -- -- -- -- 4,50,000 - out-of-pocket expenses 50,000 50,000 1,50,000 1,50,000 2,00,000 Freight 21,33,762 4,43,453 43,63,988 17,60,484 23,84,003 Membership and participation fee 1,28,00,739 7,83,132 2,41,80,298 37,02,506 80,12,040 Other miscellaneous expenses 75,44,363 14,33,753 3,16,41,675 99,84,760 1,06,68,298 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46,46,66,367 17,27,30,083 118,19,38,434 46,26,00,508 69,48,50,282 ============================================================================================================================
1. Significant accounting policies and notes on accounts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Company overview Infosys Technologies Limited ("Infosys" or "the company") is a publicly held company providing information technology ("IT") solutions principally to Fortune 1000 and emerging new economy companies. Infosys' range of services includes IT consulting, IT architecture, application development, e-commerce and Internet consulting, and software maintenance. In addition, the company develops and markets certain software products. Headquartered in Bangalore, India, Infosys has 17 state-of-the-art offshore software development facilities located throughout India that enables it to provide high quality, cost-effective services to clients in a resource-constrained environment. The company also maintains offices in North America, Europe and Asia. 1.1 Significant accounting policies 1.1.1 Basis of preparation of financial statements The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention, in accordance with Indian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP") comprising the accounting standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, as adopted consistently by the company. All income and expenditure having a material bearing on the financial statements are recognized on the accrual basis. The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires that the management of the company ("Management") make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenue and expenses of the period, reported balances of assets and liabilities and disclosures relating to contingent assets and liabilities as of the date of the financial statements. Examples of such estimates include expected contract costs to be incurred to complete software development, provision for doubtful debts, future obligations under employee retirement benefit plans and the useful lives of fixed assets. Actual results could differ from those estimates. 1.1.2 Revenue recognition Revenue from software development on time-and-materials contracts is recognized based on software developed and billed to clients as per the terms of specific contracts. On fixed-price contracts, revenue is recognized based on milestones achieved as specified in the contracts on the percentage-of-completion basis. Revenue from rendering Annual Technical Services ("ATS") is recognized proportionately over the period in which services are rendered. Revenue from the sale of licenses for the use of software applications is recognized on transfer of the title in the user license. Interest on deployment of surplus funds is recognized using the time-proportion method, based on interest rates implicit in the transaction. Dividend income is recognized when the right to receive dividend is established. Revenue from the sale of special import licenses is recognized when the licenses are transferred. 1.1.3 Expenditure The cost of software purchased for use in software development and services is charged to revenue in the year the software is acquired. Project costs in the nature of salaries, travel and other expenses incurred on fixed price contracts, where milestones are yet to be reached are classified as "Costs in excess of billings" in the balance sheet. Provisions are made for all known losses and liabilities. Provisions are made for future unforeseeable factors that may affect the profit on fixed-price software development contracts. Provisions are made towards likely expenses for providing post-sales client support on fixed-price contracts. The leave encashment liability of the company is provided on the basis of an actuarial valuation. 1.1.4 Fixed assets Fixed assets are stated at cost, after reducing accumulated depreciation until the date of the balance sheet. Direct costs are capitalized until the assets are ready for use and include financing costs relating to any specific borrowing attributable to the acquisition of the fixed assets. 1.1.5 Capital work-in-progress Advances paid to acquire fixed assets and the cost of assets not put to use before the period-end, are disclosed under capital work-in-progress. 1.1.6 Depreciation Depreciation on fixed assets is determined using the straight-line method based on useful lives of assets as estimated by Management. Depreciation for assets purchased/ sold during the period is proportionately charged. Individual assets acquired for less than Rs. 5,000 are entirely depreciated in the year of acquisition. Management estimates the useful lives for the various fixed assets as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buildings 15 years Plant and machinery 5 years Computer equipment 2-5 years Furniture and fixtures 5 years Vehicles 5 years -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.7 Retirement benefits to employees 1.1.7a Gratuity In accordance with the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, Infosys provides for gratuity, a defined benefit retirement plan (the "Gratuity Plan") covering eligible employees. The Gratuity plan provides a lump sum payment to vested employees at retirement, death or termination of employment, of an amount based on the respective employee's salary and the years of employment with the company. The company established the Infosys Technologies Limited Employees' Gratuity Fund Trust (the "Trust") in 1997, until which the company made contributions to a gratuity plan managed by the Life Insurance Corporation of India. Liabilities with regard to the Gratuity Plan are determined by actuarial valuation, based upon which, the company contributes to the Trust. Trustees administer the contributions made to the Trust. The funds contributed to the Trust are invested in specific designated securities as mandated by law and generally comprise central and state government bonds and debt instruments of government-owned corporations. 1.1.7b Superannuation Apart from being covered under the Gratuity Plan described above, certain employees of Infosys are also participants of a defined contribution plan. The company makes monthly contributions to the superannuation plan (the "Plan") based on a specified percentage of each covered employee's salary. The company has no further obligations under the Plan beyond its monthly contributions. 1.1.7c Provident fund In addition to the above benefits, eligible employees receive benefits from a provident fund, which is a defined contribution plan. Both the employee and the company make monthly contributions to this provident fund plan equal to a specified percentage of the covered employee's salary. Infosys established a Provident Fund Trust in 1996 to which a part of the contributions are made each month. Prior thereto, the company made contributions to the provident fund plan administered by the Government of India. The remainders of the contributions are made to the Government administered provident fund. The company has no further obligations under the provident fund plan beyond its monthly contributions. 1.1.8 Research and development Revenue expenditure incurred on research and development is charged off as incurred. Capital expenditure incurred on research and development is depreciated over the estimated useful lives of the related assets. 1.1.9 Foreign currency transactions Sales made to overseas clients and collections deposited in foreign currency bank accounts are recorded at the exchange rate as of the date of the respective transactions. Expenditure in foreign currency is accounted at the exchange rate prevalent when such expenditure is incurred. Disbursements made out of foreign currency bank accounts are reported at a rate that approximates the actual monthly rate. Exchange differences are recorded when the amount actually received on sales or actually paid when expenditure is incurred is converted into Indian Rupee. The exchange differences arising on foreign currency transactions are recognized as income or expense in the period in which they arise. Fixed assets purchased at overseas offices are recorded at cost, based on the exchange rate as of the date of purchase. The charge for depreciation is determined as per the company's accounting policy. Current assets and current liabilities denominated in foreign currency are translated at the exchange rate prevalent at the date of the balance sheet. The resulting difference is also recorded in the profit and loss account. In the case of forward contracts, the difference between the forward rate and the exchange rate on the date of the transaction is recognized as income or expense over the life of the contract. 1.1.10 Investments Trade investments refer to the investments made with the aim of enhancing the company's business interests in software development and services. The investments are classified as current investments or long-term investments. Current investments are carried at the lower of cost and fair value. Cost for overseas investments comprises the Indian Rupee value of the consideration paid for the investment. Provisions are recorded for any decline in the carrying value as of the balance sheet date. Long-term investments are carried at cost and provisions recorded to recognize any decline, other than temporary, in the carrying value of such investment. The investment in the subsidiary is accounted on the cost method, whereby, the investment is carried at cost and the company recognizes only dividends received from the subsidiary as income in the profit and loss account. Provisions are recorded to recognize any decline, other than temporary, in the carrying value of the investment. 1.1.11 Income tax Provision is made for income tax annually based on the tax liability computed after considering tax allowances and exemptions. Provisions are recorded as considered appropriate for matters under appeal due to disallowances or for other reasons. 1.2 Notes on accounts The previous period's figures have been recast / restated, wherever necessary, to conform to the current period's classification. 1.2.1 Capital commitments and contingent liabilities a. The estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account, and not provided for (net of advances) is Rs. 122,65,64,426 as at December 31, 2000. The amount of such contracts as at December 31, 1999 was Rs. 69,54,19,558 and as at March 31, 2000 was Rs. 80,31,29,007. b. The company has outstanding guarantees and counter guarantees of Rs. 5,24,55,000 as at December 31, 2000, to various banks, in respect of the guarantees given by the banks in favor of various government authorities. The guarantees and counter guarantees outstanding as at December 31, 1999 were Rs. 1,58,84,263 and as at March 31, 2000 were Rs. 5,26,30,000. c. Claims against the company, not acknowledged as debts, amounted to Rs. 8,75,532 as at December 31, 2000. Such claims, as at December 31, 1999 were Rs. 17,91,814 and as at March 31, 2000 were Rs. 32,89,661. 1.2.2 Quantitative details The company is engaged in the development and maintenance of computer software. The production and sale of such software cannot be expressed in any generic unit. Hence, it is not possible to give the quantitative details of sales and certain information as required under paragraphs 3, 4C and 4D of part II of Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956. 1.2.3 Managerial remuneration paid to the chairman, managing director and whole-time directors
in Rs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three months ended Dec 31, Nine months ended Year ended Dec 31, Mar 31, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000* 1999 2000* 1999 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Salary 44,28,013 9,73,800 1,10,70,522 29,21,400 38,00,059 Contribution to provident fund and other funds 4,79,325 3,09,780 13,49,791 9,29,340 12,08,855 Perquisites 62,31,308 11,19,870 80,59,982 26,98,239 37,32,482 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* includes the remuneration paid to three directors who were co-opted into the board on May 27, 2000. 1.2.4 Managerial remuneration paid to non-whole-time directors
in Rs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three months ended Dec 31, Nine months ended Year ended Dec 31, Mar 31, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commission -- -- -- -- 48,17,800 Sitting fees 40,000 34,000 1,77,000 78,000 92,000 Reimbursement of expenses 1,99,558 4,45,123 6,98,232 9,01,728 10,13,703 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2.5 Imports on the Cost, Insurance and Freight basis
in Rs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three months ended Nine months ended Year ended Dec 31, Dec 31, Mar 31, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital goods 33,87,91,131 7,31,57,517 77,08,00,573 22,70,52,455 37,47,31,691 Software packages 64,03,627 20,60,167 1,56,42,543 2,28,66,965 2,54,95,652 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2.6 Expenditure in foreign currency (on the payments basis)
in Rs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three months ended Nine months ended Year ended Dec 31, Dec 31, Mar 31, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Travel expenses 33,61,54,345 18,62,06,010 79,26,44,748 49,97,76,870 70,29,13,532 Professional charges 4,10,08,733 80,48,926 7,90,58,475 2,01,25,172 4,51,95,637 Other expenditure incurred overseas for software development 145,60,82,397 62,24,10,619 342,62,24,925 154,40,25,716 221,74,57,133 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2.7 Earnings in foreign exchange (on the receipts basis)
in Rs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three months ended Nine months ended Year ended Dec 31, Dec 31, Mar 31, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income from software development services and products 437,33,71,715 216,85,95,849 1172,86,45,074 565,67,38,823 833,29,73,465 Interest received on deposits with banks 4,93,37,030 4,63,87,145 10,69,20,563 13,19,57,503 18,42,65,368 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2.8 Depreciation on assets costing less than Rs. 5,000 each During the nine months ended December 31, 2000, the company charged depreciation at 100% in respect of assets costing less than Rs. 5,000 each, amounting to Rs. 21,85,52,260 (previous period Rs. 6,49,71,753). For the three months ended December 31, 2000 the charge is Rs. 11,81,34,465 (previous period Rs. 4,22,62,848) and for the previous year March 31, 2000 is Rs. 13,21,59,074. 1.2.9 Exchange differences
in Rs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three months ended Nine months ended Year ended Dec 31, Dec 31, Mar 31, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gains on the translation of Foreign currency deposits 3,44,48,919 (61,25,835) 20,54,46,320 9,16,32,866 9,93,27,075 Net realized and unrealized exchange gains - others 5,77,89,866 5,59,25,835 23,09,17,899 14,44,67,134 8,76,31,024 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total net realized and unrealized gains 9,22,38,785 4,98,00,000 43,63,64,219 23,61,00,000 18,69,58,099 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total realized and unrealized exchange gains comprise, gains on the translation of foreign currency deposits which is classified as "other income" and net realized and unrealized exchange gains, which are classified as "Income from software development services and products- overseas". 1.2.10 Research and development expenditure
in Rs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three months ended Nine months ended Year ended Dec 31, Dec 31, Mar 31, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital 73,00,838 -- 1,41,29,064 -- 15,27,500 Revenue 3,87,87,821 2,27,65,340 11,04,47,197 6,16,17,330 8,07,35,940 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total research and development expenses 4,60,88,659 2,27,65,340 12,45,76,261 6,16,17,330 8,22,63,440 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2.11 Provision for contingencies The company had instituted a contingency plan effective October 1, 1998 and made a total provision of Rs. 9,99,00,000 to meet any possible disruption in client support due to the Year 2000 impact on the technology and communication infrastructure provided to the company by its vendors. For the year ended March 31, 2000, Rs. 2,42,29,154 was spent towards the Year 2000 transition effort, which was set off against the provision and the remainder of Rs. 7,56,70,846 was written back to the profit and loss account. 1.2.12 Provision for e-inventing the company The company made a provision of Rs. 3,50,00,000 for the quarter ended September 30, 1999 towards e-inventing the company. Until March 31, 2000 the company had incurred Rs. 3,10,99,023 towards e-inventing Infosys, which was set-off against the provision earlier made. The remainder of Rs. 39,00,977 was incurred and set-off against this provision during the first quarter of the current year. 1.2.13 Unearned revenue Unearned revenue as of December 31, 2000 amounting to Rs. 49,62,20,659 (previous period Rs. 23,11,41,772 and previous year Rs. 17,56,71,963) primarily consists of client billings on fixed-price, fixed-time-frame contracts for which the related costs have not yet been incurred. 1.2.14 Dues to small-scale industrial undertakings As of December 31, 2000, the company had no outstanding dues to small-scale industrial undertakings (previous period Rs. nil; previous year Rs. nil). 1.2.15 Balance of unutilized money raised by issue of American Depositary Shares During the year ended March 31, 1999, Infosys made an Initial Public Offering of American Depositary Shares ("ADS"), of US$ 70,380,000, equivalent to Rs. 296,86,00,000. The issue proceeds net of expenses of Rs. 19,68,00,000 were entirely utilized as of the balance sheet date. The unutilized ADS proceeds as at December 31, 2000 is Rs. nil (Rs. 140,99,00,000 as at December 31, 1999 and March 31, 2000). 1.2.16 Stock option plans The company currently has three stock option plans. These are summarized below. 1994 Stock Option Plan ("the 1994 Plan") As of December 31, 2000, options to acquire 3,32,200 shares are outstanding with the employees under the 1994 Plan. These options were granted at an exercise price of Rs. 50 per option. Additionally, the number of shares earlier issued to employees subject to lock-in-period is 16,74,800 shares. 1998 Stock Option Plan ("the 1998 Plan") The company's 1998 Stock Option Plan ("the 1998 Plan") provides for the grant of non-statutory stock options and incentive stock options to employees. The 1998 Plan was approved by the Board of Directors in December 1997 and by the company's shareholders in January 1998. The Government of India approved the 1998 Plan, subject to a limit of 14,70,000 equity shares representing 29,40,000 ADSs to be issued under the plan. A total of 16,00,000 equity shares corresponding to 32,00,000 ADSs are currently reserved for issue pursuant to the 1998 Plan. These options may be issued at an exercise price that is not less than 90% of the fair market value of the underlying equity share on the date of the grant. The 1998 Plan will terminate in January 2008, unless terminated earlier. All options under the 1998 Plan are exercisable for ADSs representing equity shares. A committee of the Board of Directors administers the 1998 Plan.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of options granted, Three months ended Nine months ended Year ended exercised and forfeited Dec 31, Dec 31, Mar 31, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Options outstanding, Beginning of period/year 8,71,466 4,19,000 6,89,500 4,19,000 4,19,000 Granted 80,800 2,32,000 3,12,800 2,32,000 2,94,300 Exercised 1,400 -- 2,734 -- 23,800 Forfeited 6,200 -- 54,900 -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Options outstanding, end of period/year 9,44,666 6,51,000 9,44,666 6,51,000 6,89,500 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weighted average US$ 86.67 US$ 42.84 US$ 86.67 US$ 42.84 US$ 58.53 Exercise price (Rs. 4,046) (Rs. 1,863) (Rs. 4,046) (Rs. 1,863) (Rs. 2,552) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1999 Stock Option Plan ("the 1999 Plan") In fiscal 2000, the company instituted the 1999 Plan. The shareholders and the Board of Directors approved the 1999 Plan in June 1999. The 1999 Plan provides for the issue of 66,00,000 equity shares to the employees. The 1999 Plan is administered by a Compensation Committee comprising a maximum of seven members, the majority of whom are independent directors on the Board of Directors. Under the 1999 Plan, options will be issued to employees at an exercise price, which shall not be less than the Fair Market Value. Fair Market Value is the closing price of the company's shares in the stock exchange where there is the highest trading volume on a given date and if the shares are not traded on that day, the closing price on the next trading day. Under the 1999 Plan, options may be issued to employees at exercise prices that are less than Fair Market Value only if specifically approved by the members of the company in a general meeting.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of options granted, Three months ended Nine months ended Year ended exercised and forfeited Dec 31, Dec 31, Mar 31, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Options outstanding, beginning of period/year 18,83,000 -- 10,06,800 -- -- Granted 1,78,200 9,53,200 11,32,300 9,53,200 10,14,500 Exercised 500 -- 500 -- -- Forfeited 48,700 2,200 1,26,600 2,200 7,700 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Options outstanding, end of period/year 20,12,000 9,51,000 20,12,000 9,51,000 10,06,800 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weighted average exercise price Rs. 5,512 Rs. 4,065 Rs. 5,512 Rs. 4,065 Rs. 4,268 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2.17 Pro-forma disclosures relating to the Employee Stock Option Plans ("ESOPs") The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) recently issued the (Employee Stock Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999 which is applicable to all stock option schemes established after June 19, 1999. In accordance with these guidelines, the excess of the market price of the underlying equity shares as of the date of the grant of the options over the exercise price of the options, including up-front payments, if any is to be recognized and amortized on a straight-line basis over the vesting period. All options under the 1998 and 1999 stock option plans have been issued at fair market value, hence there are no compensation costs. The company's 1994 stock option plan was established prior to the SEBI guidelines on stock options. Had the stock compensation costs for this stock option plan been determined as per the guidelines issued by SEBI, the company's reported net profit would have been reduced to the pro forma amounts indicated below.
in Rs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three months ended Nine months ended Year ended Dec 31, Dec 31, Mar 31, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net profit: - As reported 166,33,07,490 73,78,54,793 447,13,92,818 200,10,19,434 293,51,56,665 - Adjusted pro forma 160,39,26,704 68,17,38,506 429,74,13,557 183,51,84,658 271,34,60,717 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2.18 Provision for taxation The company's profits from export activities are partly deductible from taxable income. However, most of Infosys' operations are conducted through 100% Export Oriented Units ("EOU"), which are entitled to a tax holiday for a period of ten years from the date of commencement of operations. The Government of India amended the tax incentive available to companies operating through EOUs. The period of tax exemption available to such companies has been restricted to 10 consecutive years, commencing from the earlier of, the fiscal year in which the unit commences software development, and March 31, 2000. Additionally, export related tax deductions apart from the 100% EOU scheme earlier described are being phased out by fiscal 2004. The provision for taxation includes tax liabilities in India on the company's global income as reduced by exempt incomes and any tax liabilities arising overseas on income sourced from those countries. 1.2.19 Cash and bank balances The cash and bank balances include interest accrued but not due on fixed deposits amounting to Rs. 1,80,15,245 for the nine month period ended December 31, 2000 (previous period Rs. 32,93,237 and previous year Rs. 94,92,514). 1.2.20 Loans and advances "Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or for value to be received" mainly comprises prepaid travel and per-diem expenses and advances to vendors for current assets. Deposits with financial institutions and a body corporate comprise:
in Rs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As at Dec 31, As at Mar 31, ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2000 1999 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deposits with financial institutions: Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited 51,14,87,343 25,50,22,081 25,50,19,994 ICICI Limited 50,91,88,495 18,10,98,742 25,75,52,742 Deposits with body corporate: G E Capital Services India Limited 50,60,89,326 25,58,23,674 25,32,29,129 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 152,67,65,164 69,19,44,497 76,58,01,865 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The above amounts include interest accrued but not due amounting to Rs. 2,67,65,164 (corresponding previous period Rs. 1,19,44,497 and previous year Rs. 1,58,01,865).The financial institutions and the body corporate have AAA rating from Credit Rating and Information Services of India Limited ("CRISIL"). Mr. Deepak M Satwalekar, Director, is also the Director of HDFC. Mr. N R Narayana Murthy, Chairman and CEO, and Prof. Marti G. Subrahmanyam, Director, are also directors in ICICI Limited. Except as directors in these financial institutions, these persons have no direct interest in these transactions. 1.2.21 Current liabilities Sundry creditors for other liabilities represent mainly the retention amounts payable to the vendors, and amounts accrued for various other operational expenses. 1.2.22 Fixed assets The company has entered into lease-cum-sale agreements to acquire certain properties. In accordance with the terms of these agreements, the company has the option to purchase the properties outright at the expiry of the lease period. The company has already paid 99% of the value of the properties at the time of entering into the lease-cum-sale agreements. These amounts are disclosed as "Land -leasehold" under "Fixed assets" in the financial statements. 1.2.23 Transfer of intellectual property rights During the first quarter of the current fiscal, the company transferred its intellectual property rights in Onscan - a web-focussed wireless-enabled notification product, to Onscan Inc., USA, a company incubated by Infosys as part of its ongoing effort to encourage and promote budding entrepreneurs among its employees. The product was transferred for a gross consideration of Rs. 8,93,40,000 (US$ 2 million), received as equity, preferred voting and preferred non-voting securities in Onscan Inc. The income arising out of the transfer of Rs. 5,49,44,000 (net of tax) is disclosed as an extraordinary item. 1.2.24 Investments Purpleyogi Inc., USA During the current quarter, the company made a strategic investment of Rs. 2,33,34,992 comprising 2,76,243 fully paid Series D Convertible Preferred Stock, par value of US$ 0.001 each, at US$ 1.81 each in Purpleyogi Inc., USA. Purpleyogi Inc. is a developer of infrastructure software for information management, related to empowering networks to enable next generation content management and enterprise knowledge management solutions. M-Commerce Ventures Pte. Ltd., Singapore Until December 31, 2000, the company has agreed to invest an aggregate amount of Singapore $ ("S$") 1,000,000 in M-Commerce Ventures Pte. Ltd ("MCV"), a Singapore based venture fund. As at December 31, 2000, the company made an investment of Rs. 1,84,47,700 (equivalent to S$ 700,000), and acquired 70 capital units in MCV. Each unit in MCV represents one ordinary share of S$ 1 each, issued at par, and nine redeemable preference shares at a par value of S$ 1 each, with a premium of S$ 1,110 per redeemable preference share. MCV is promoted by the Economic Development Board, Singapore and intends to focus on companies offering mobile portals, personal information management and messaging, bandwidth optimization and offer key enablers of m-commerce. EC Cubed Inc., USA During the current quarter, EC Cubed Inc., USA, one of the companies in which Infosys had made a strategic investment, filed for liquidation. Pending the conclusion of liquidation proceedings, the company has provided for the entire amount of investment amounting to Rs. 13,08,00,000 in its income statement. Alpha Thinx Mobile Phone Services AG, Austria During the second quarter of the current fiscal, the company invested Rs. 2,20,98,608 (equivalent to <128> 555,800) and acquired 27,790 bearer shares of nominal value <128> 1 each, at an issue price of <128> 20 per share in Alpha Thinx Mobile Phone Services AG ("Alpha Thinx"), a Vienna-based company. Alpha Thinx operates in the wireless Internet space and plans to host interactive services for mobile users across Europe. Asia Net Media BVI Limited, the British Virgin Islands During the second quarter of the current fiscal, the company invested Rs. 6,84,75,000 (equivalent to US$ 1,500,000) and acquired 3,00,00,000 Ordinary Shares of par value US$ 0.01 each, at an issue price of US$ 0.05 per Ordinary Share in Asia Net Media BVI Limited ("Asia Net"). Asia Net intends to leverage under-exploited offline brands in media and entertainment by delivering them through online channels and to establish a synergistic network of companies in this space. CiDRA Corporation, USA During the first quarter of the current fiscal, the company made a strategic investment of Rs. 13,40,08,660 comprising 33,333 fully paid Series D Convertible Preferred Stock, par value of US$ 0.01 each, at US$ 90 each in CiDRA Corporation, USA. CiDRA Corporation is a developer of photonic devices for high- precision wavelength management and control for next-generation optical networks. 1.2.25 Segment reporting The company's operations predominantly relate to providing IT services, which is delivered to globally located customers. The accounting principles that have been consistently used to record revenue, expenditure, assets and liabilities in the individual segments are as set out in the note on significant accounting policies. While the primary segment reporting is already set out in detail in the company's balance sheet, statement of profit and loss and the various schedules and notes thereto, the secondary disclosures in relation to Revenues are as follows:
in Rs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three months ended Dec 31, Nine months ended Dec 31, Year ended Mar 31, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- North America 401,92,65,784 182,73,81,277 1027,74,30,757 493,56,33,001 713,27,33,054 Europe 101,07,66,302 26,80,13,811 243,08,05,236 85,56,72,711 129,09,73,822 Rest of the world 32,85,91,803 19,25,10,236 84,07,03,516 39,23,29,074 52,40,04,100 India 15,67,92,365 4,73,25,253 32,96,29,820 17,10,21,495 26,69,37,092 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 551,54,16,254 233,52,30,577 1387,85,69,329 635,46,56,281 921,46,48,068 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Certain expenses such as personnel costs, communication, depreciation on plant and machinery, etc., which form a significant component of total expenses, have not being specifically allocated to these geographical segments as the underlying services are used inter-changeably between reportable segments. Management believes that it is not practicable to provide segment disclosures relating to segment costs and expenses, and consequently segment profits or losses, since detailed allocation is presently unfeasible. Moreover, the fixed assets used in the company's business or the liabilities contracted have not been identified to any particular reportable segment as the fixed assets and services can be used inter-changeably amongst segments. Accordingly, management believes that it is currently not practicable to provide segment disclosures relating to total assets since a meaningful segregation of the available data among the various geographic segments is onerous. 1.2.26 Related party transactions The company entered into related party transactions during the nine months with Yantra Corporation, USA, the subsidiary of the company and key management personnel. The transactions with Yantra comprise sales of Rs. 15,76,72,000 during the nine months ended December 31, 2000. The corresponding amounts for the nine months ended December 31, 1999 and the year ended March 31, 2000 were Rs. 7,77,25,748 and Rs. 11,40,18,372 respectively. The amount due by Yantra to the company as at December 31, 2000 was Rs 1,87,57,679 (December 31, 1999 - Rs 1,00,84,800 and March 31, 2000 - nil). Key management personnel are non-director officers of the company, who have the authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the company. The table below represents details of the dues to the company by the non-director officers of the company:
in Rs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nine months ended Dec 31, Year ended Mar 31, --------------------------------------------------------------- 2000 1999 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount due as at end of period/year 71,07,809 1,66,40,680 1,35,08,825 Maximum amount due during the period/year 2,34,98,527 1,86,66,659 2,29,89,747
1.2.27 Provisions for doubtful debts Periodically management evaluates all customer dues to the company for collectibility. The need for provisions is assessed based on various factors including collectibility of specific dues, risk perceptions of the industry in which the customer operates and general economic factors, which could effect the customer's ability to settle. The company normally provides for debtor dues outstanding for 180 days or longer. In the nine months ended December 31, 2000, the company provided for doubtful debts of Rs. 5,31,11,414 (previous period Rs. nil and previous fiscal year Rs. nil) for dues from certain customers although the outstanding amounts were under 180 days old, since the amounts were considered doubtful of recovery. Management continues pursuing the parties for recovery of the dues, in part or full.
Statement of Cash Flows ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in Rs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quarter ended Dec 31, Nine months ended Dec 31, ------------------------------------------------------------------- Year ended 2000 1999 2000 1999 Mar 31, 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash flows from operations Profit before tax 185,83,07,490 83,98,54,793 492,60,48,818 227,80,19,434 325,64,85,819 Non-operating income (14,13,12,785) (6,26,62,058) (47,80,59,463) (28,14,43,096) (36,62,06,181) Profit on sale of fixed assets (7,87,388) (4,06,879) (7,87,388) (8,70,656) (8,73,015) Provision for long-term investments 13,08,00,000 -- 13,08,00,000 -- -- Increase (decrease)in provision for contingencies -- (1,05,17,012) -- 2,27,82,988 (6,66,00,000) Increase (decrease) in provision for e-inventing the company -- (2,08,21,326) (39,00,977) 1,41,78,674 39,00,977 Depreciation, depletion and amortization 33,01,92,680 14,47,99,080 74,99,31,944 34,52,40,998 53,23,27,389 Decrease (increase) in sundry debtors (60,90,55,865) (4,88,85,406) (167,78,43,358) (53,84,06,785) (51,65,92,828) Decrease (increase) in loans and advances (8,27,15,875) (9,21,43,936) (21,45,10,572) (26,95,41,820) (41,49,70,588) Increase (decrease) in current liabilities and provisions (1,40,20,268) (70,61,317) 74,78,95,908 17,00,06,537 42,26,37,450 Income taxes paid (31,31,33,686) (11,69,30,617) (63,56,65,477) (25,53,68,098) (35,53,53,877) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash from operations 115,82,74,303 62,52,25,322 354,39,09,435 148,45,98,176 249,47,55,146 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash flows from financing Proceeds from conversion of options 72,13,119 -- 82,14,625 -- 1,76,25,277 Expenses relating to issue of American Depositary Shares (ADS) -- (21,00,000) -- (2,26,30,090) (2,35,06,514) Expenses relating to issue of ADS linked stock (1,01,93,113) options -- -- -- -- Dividends paid (including dividend tax) (20,17,61,670) (11,01,21,102) (42,20,05,883) (19,92,57,109) (19,92,57,109) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash used for financing (19,45,48,551) (11,22,21,102) (41,37,91,258) (22,18,87,199) (21,53,31,459) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash flows from investing Income from investments 10,68,10,037 6,87,87,893 27,26,13,143 18,98,10,230 26,68,79,106 Proceeds of sale of fixed assets 18,31,825 4,06,879 20,69,586 9,78,588 10,20,400 Purchases of fixed assets (125,15,71,385) (46,98,20,540) (325,00,86,025) (106,74,37,021) (159,87,03,617) Long-term investments (3,67,46,692) -- (26,63,64,960) -- (13,08,00,000) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash used for investing (117,96,76,215) (40,06,25,768) (324,17,68,256) (87,66,48,203) (146,16,04,111) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Effect of exchange differences on translation of foreign currency deposit maintained abroad 3,44,48,919 (61,25,835) 20,54,46,320 9,16,32,866 9,93,27,075 Total increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents during the period (18,15,01,544) 10,62,52,617 9,37,96,241 47,76,95,640 91,71,46,651 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 535,90,35,380 453,80,33,967 508,37,37,595 416,65,90,944 416,65,90,944 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 517,75,33,836 464,42,86,584 517,75,33,836 464,42,86,584 508,37,37,595 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note: During the nine months ended December 31, 2000, the company transferred intellectual property rights in Onscan- a web focussed wireless-enabled notification product, to Onscan Inc., USA, a company incubated by Infosys as part of its ongoing effort to encourage and promote enterpreneurs amongst its employees. The product was transferred for a gross consideration of Rs. 8.93 crore (US$ 2 million) received as equity, preferred voting and preferred non- voting securities in Onscan Inc. and accordingly, is not considered in these statements of cash flows. These are the Cash Flow Statements referred to in our report of even date. for Bharat S Raut & Co. Chartered Accountants Balaji Swaminathan N. R. Narayana Murthy Nandan M. Nilekani Deepak M. Satwalekar Partner Chairman and Managing Director, President Director Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer Ramesh Vangal Marti G. Subrahmanyam Philip Yeo Jitendra Vir Singh Director Director Director Director Omkar Goswami S. Gopalakrishnan K. Dinesh S. D. Shibulal Director Deputy Managing Director Director Director T. V. Mohandas Pai Phaneesh Murthy Srinath Batni V. Viswanathan Director and Chief Financial Director Director Company Secretary Officer Bangalore January 9, 2001
Statement of Cash Flows ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in Rs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quarter ended Dec 31, Nine months ended Dec 31, -------------------------------------------------------------------- Year ended 2000 1999 2000 1999 Mar 31, 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reconciliation of Balance Sheet items with cash flow items Non-operating income As per Profit and Loss Account 14,47,31,965 7,11,00,819 49,16,27,114 30,48,32,499 39,14,11,095 Less: Income from operating activities (26,31,792) (80,31,882) (1,27,80,263) (2,25,18,747) (2,43,31,899) Profit on sale of fixed asset considered separately (7,87,388) (4,06,879) (7,87,388) (8,70,656) (8,73,015) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance considered for preparing the cash flow statement 14,13,12,785 6,26,62,058 47,80,59,463 28,14,43,096 36,62,06,181 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loans and advances As per Balance sheet 355,39,12,507 178,21,08,869 355,39,12,507 178,21,08,869 210,12,77,161 Less: Deposits with financial institutions/body corporate, included in cash equivalents (152,67,65,164) (69,19,44,497) (152,67,65,164) (69,19,44,497) 76,58,01,865) Advance income taxes considered separately (102,12,57,828) (44,42,14,197) (102,12,57,828) (44,42,14,197) (54,40,96,353) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance considered for preparing the cash flow statement 100,58,89,515 64,59,50,175 100,58,89,515 64,59,50,175 79,13,78,943 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current liabilities and provisions As per Balance sheet 256,89,45,135 124,22,62,447 256,89,45,135 124,22,62,447 165,97,02,419 Less: Provision for taxation considered separately (101,15,11,740) (50,61,23,365) (101,15,11,740) (50,61,23,365) (62,60,19,742) Provision for dividend considered separately -- -- -- -- (19,84,18,210) Provision for dividend tax considered separately -- -- -- -- (2,18,26,003) Provision for contingencies -- (8,93,82,988) -- (8,93,82,988) -- Provision for e-inventing the company -- (1,41,78,674) -- (1,41,78,674) (39,00,977) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance considered for preparing the cash flow statement 155,74,33,395 63,25,77,420 155,74,33,395 63,25,77,420 80,95,37,487 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income taxes paid As per Profit and Loss Account 19,50,00,000 10,20,00,000 50,96,00,000 27,70,00,000 39,70,00,000 Add: Provision for tax on sale of intellectual property rights -- -- 3,43,96,000 -- -- Decrease(increase) in balance in provision for taxes account (5,69,47,253) (10,14,38,084) (38,54,91,998) (27,47,65,877) (39,46,62,254) Increase(decrease) in balance in advance income tax account 17,50,80,939 11,63,68,701 47,71,61,475 25,31,33,975 35,30,16,131 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance considered for preparing the cash 35,53,53,877 flow statement 31,31,33,686 11,69,30,617 63,56,65,477 25,53,68,098 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purchases of fixed assets As per Balance sheet 69,62,40,707 32,04,12,874 221,85,33,772 65,39,65,870 117,79,35,912 Add: Closing capital work-in-progress 160,11,55,758 56,23,06,951 160,11,55,758 56,23,06,951 56,96,03,505 Less: Opening capital work-in-progress (104,58,25,080) (41,28,99,285) (56,96,03,505) (14,88,35,800) (14,88,35,800) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance considered for preparing the cash flow statement 125,15,71,385 46,98,20,540 325,00,86,025 106,74,37,021 159,87,03,617 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash and cash equivalents As per Balance sheet 365,07,68,672 395,23,42,087 365,07,68,672 395,23,42,087 431,79,35,730 Add: Deposits with financial institutions/body corporate considered herein 152,67,65,164 69,19,44,497 152,67,65,164 69,19,44,497 76,58,01,865 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance considered for preparing the cash flow statement 517,75,33,836 464,42,86,584 517,75,33,836 464,42,86,584 508,37,37,595 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
These are the Cash Flow Statements referred to in our report of even date. for Bharat S Raut & Co. Chartered Accountants Balaji Swaminathan N. R. Narayana Murthy Nandan M. Nilekani Deepak M. Satwalekar Partner Chairman and Managing Director, President Director Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer Ramesh Vangal Marti G. Subrahmanyam Philip Yeo Jitendra Vir Singh Director Director Director Director Omkar Goswami S. Gopalakrishnan K. Dinesh S. D. Shibulal Director Deputy Managing Director Director Director T. V. Mohandas Pai Phaneesh Murthy Srinath Batni V. Viswanathan Director and Chief Financial Director Director Company Secretary Officer Bangalore January 9, 2001
At a glance - US GAAP
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- US$ in millions, except as otherwise stated ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three months ended December 31 Nine months ended December 31 Year ended -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000 1999 2000 1999 March 31, 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the period Revenues 114.91 52.16 293.11 139.83 203.44 Export revenues 113.22 51.69 289.34 138.25 200.54 Operating income 38.19 15.69 96.79 42.61 60.50 Net income 34.01 15.42 93.62 43.45 61.34 Operating income as a percentage of total revenues 33.23% 30.08% 33.02% 30.47% 29.74% Net income as a percentage of total revenues 29.60% 29.56% 31.94% 31.07% 30.15% Basic earnings per share $ 0.52 $ 0.24 $ 1.43 $ 0.66 $ 0.93 Dividend declared per equity share NA NA $ 0.05 $ 0.03 $ 0.10 Capital investments 25.64 10.87 66.78 23.84 35.93 At the end of the period Total assets 304.50 195.18 219.28 Property, plant and equipment - net 97.93 39.76 47.55 Cash and cash equivalents 110.89 106.79 116.60 Working capital 156.94 131.30 137.94 Total debt -- -- -- Stockholders' equity 271.14 179.22 198.14 Common stock 8.59 8.59 8.59 Market capitalization 12,205.15 21,825.8 13,609.67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note: Market capitalization is calculated by considering the Indian market price for the shares outstanding at the period / year end. Export Revenue US$ in millions Year ended Nine months ended Nine months ended Mar 31, 2000 Dec 31, 1999 Dec 31, 2000 200.54 138.25 289.34 Total Revenue US$ in millions Year ended Nine months ended Nine months ended Mar 31, 2000 Dec 31, 1999 Dec 31, 2000 203.44 139.83 293.11 Net Profit US$ in millions Year ended Nine months ended Nine months ended Mar 31, 2000 Dec 31, 1999 Dec 31, 2000 61.34 43.45 93.62
Shareholder information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Listing on stock exchanges Bangalore Stock Exchange Ltd. in India at Stock Exchange Towers, No. 51, 1st Cross, J.C. Road, Bangalore - 560 027, India. Tel.: +91-80-299 5234, Fax: +91-80-299 5242 The Stock Exchange, Mumbai Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400 001, India. Tel.: +91-22-265 5581, Fax: +91-22-265 8121 National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Trade World, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400 013, India. Tel.: +91-22-497 2950, Fax: +91-22-491 4275 / 85 2. Listing fees Paid for all the above stock exchanges for 2000-2001. 3. Listing on stock exchanges NASDAQ National Market in the United States outside India 33 Whitehall Street, New York, NY-1004-4087 Tel.: +1-212-709-2400, Fax: +1-212-709-2496 4. Registered office Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bangalore - 561 229, India. Tel.: +91-80-852 0261, Fax: +91-80-852 0362 Homepage: www.infy.com ------------ 5. Stock market data relating to shares listed in India a. The company's market capitalization is included in the computation of the BSE-30 Sensitive Index (Sensex), the BSE Dollex and S&P CNX NIFTY Index. b. Monthly high and low quotations as well as the volume of shares traded at Mumbai, National and Bangalore Stock Exchanges for the three-month period ended December 31, 2000 are:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BSE NSE BgSE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- High Low Volume High Low Volume High Low Volume Rs. Rs. Nos. Rs. Rs. Nos. Rs. Rs. Nos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ October 7,714 6,102 1,41,69,566 7,725 6,120 1,57,50,857 7,700 6,110 59,794 November 8,042 7,150 1,08,26,217 8,014 7,160 1,28,90,086 8,025 7,150 47,303 December 7,680 5,416 1,51,85,245 8,042 5,422 1,67,18,910 7,872 5,411 45,266 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 4,01,81,028 4,53,59,853 1,52,363 % of volume traded to average shares outstanding for the period 62.71%** 70.80% ** 0.24% ** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** The number of shares outstanding is 6,40,69,300. The equity shares underlying the American Depositary Shares (ADSs) have been excluded for the purpose of this calculation. 6. Par value of equity shares Rs. 5 each fully paid-up 7. Share transfers in physical form Karvy Consultants Limited and other communication regarding Registrars and Share Transfer Agents share certificates, dividends, T.K.N. Complex, No. 51/2, Vanivilas Road, change of address, etc., in India Opp. National College, Basavanagudi, may be addressed to Bangalore - 560 004, India. Tel.: +91-80-662 1184/92/93, Fax: +91-80-662 1169 E-mail: bangalore@karvy.com
8. Share transfer system Shares sent for physical transfer are generally registered and returned within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt, if the documents are clear in all respects. The share transfer committee of the company meets as often as required. The total number of shares transferred in physical form during the three-month period ended December 31, 2000 was 1,500 (previous year - 18,110). 100.00% of transfers (previous year - 96.08%) were completed within 10 days.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Three-month period ended December 31, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2000 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transfer No. of No. of No. of No. of period transferees (folios) shares % transferees (folios) shares % in days New Existing New Existing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 - 10 4 -- 1,500 100.00 29 12 17,400 96.08 11 - 15 -- -- -- -- 1 1 110 0.61 16 - 20 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- * 21 and above -- -- -- -- 1 1 600 3.31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 -- 1,500 100.00 31 14 18,110 100.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Delays beyond 21 days were due to compliance with legal requirements 9. Investors' services - complaints received during
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Three-month period ended December 31, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nature of complaints 2000 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Received Attended to Received Attended to ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Non-receipt of share certificates -- -- -- -- 2. Non-receipt of bonus shares/split shares 1 1 3 3 3. Letters from Stock Exchanges, SEBI, etc. -- -- -- -- 4. Non-receipt of dividend 21 21 19 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22 22 22 22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The company has attended to most of the investors' grievances/correspondence within a period of 10 days from the date of receipt of the same, during the three-month period ended December 31, 2000 except in cases of disputes or legal impediments. 10. Legal proceedings The company is responding to various petitions, relating to the title to its shares, filed by certain parties. These are unlikely to have a significant effect on the affairs of the company. 11. Distribution of shareholding as on December 31
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2000 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No. of equity No. of % of No. of % of No. of % of No. of % of shares held share- share- shares share- share- share- shares share- holders holders holding holders holders # holding ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 - 100 64,159 83.93 8,50,963 1.33 12,098 57.17 5,82,144 0.91 101 - 200 2,710 3.55 4,48,303 0.70 2,294 10.84 8,63,548 1.35 201 - 500 3,172 4.15 11,13,906 1.74 2,800 13.23 20,84,142 3.25 501 - 1000 2,673 3.50 19,76,590 3.09 2,071 9.79 31,17,150 4.87 1001 - 5000 2,953 3.86 61,51,441 9.60 1,395 6.59 57,83,822 9.03 5001 - 10000 331 0.43 23,48,692 3.67 208 0.98 29,93,362 4.67 10001 and above 440 0.58 5,02,83,733 78.47 297 1.40 4,80,14,342 74.94 Shares in transit in NSDL - - 8,95,672 1.40 - - 6,30,290 0.98 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 76,438 100.00 6,40,69,300 100.00 21,163 100.00 6,40,68,800 100.00 Equity shares 1 *20,83,267 1* 20,70,000 underlying ADSs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 76,439 6,61,52,567 21,164 6,61,38,800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Held by beneficial owners outside India. # Shares have been restated consequent to the 2-for-1 stock-split in February 2000. 12. Categories of shareholders as on December 31
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2000 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Category No. of Voting No. of shares No. of Voting No.of shares shareholders strength (%) held shareholders strength (%) held # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Individuals 72,110 25.17 1,66,49,341 19,698 25.84 1,70,92,256 Companies 3,139 2.24 14,80,588 988 1.52 10,03,608 FIIs 363 25.45 1,68,33,123 209 24.88 1,64,54,358 OCBs and NRIs 594 0.73 4,85,473 143 0.72 4,75,664 Founders and their families 23 29.22 1,93,32,960 18 29.44 1,94,70,260 Mutual Funds, Banks, FIs 209 12.69 83,92,143 107 13.52 89,42,364 Shares in transit in NSDL - 1.35 8,95,672 - 0.95 6,30,290 Equity shares underlying 1* 3.15 20,83,267 1* 3.13 20,70,000 American Depositary Shares ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 76,439 100.00 6,61,52,567 21,164 100.00 6,61,38,800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Held by beneficial owners outside India. # Shares have been restated consequent to the 2-for-1 stock-split in February 2000. 13. Shares under lock-in Employees Stock Offer Plan (ESOP) 1994 Details of shares of par value of Rs. 5 each held by employees under the Employee Stock Offer Plan (ESOP) 1994 subject to lock-in are given below. These shares are also included in the categories of shareholders given in (12) above.
No. of shares subject to lock-in as on December 31, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2000 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Period of lock-in No. of shares No. of employees No. of shares # No. of employees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4-5 years - - 7,84,600 1,042 3-4 years 7,56,400 1,000 5,00,800 341 2-3 years 4,82,400 332 2,04,000 151 1-2 years 1,92,800 146 2,57,200 105 0-1 years 2,43,200 102 2,12,600 74 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Shares have been restated consequent to the 2-for-1 stock-split in February 2000. As on December 31, 2000, 540 employees hold rights to 3,32,200 shares of par value of Rs. 5 each which are subject to a lock-in of 3-4 years. Currently, 1,562 employees hold shares under the 1994 Stock Offer Plan. Shares subject to lock-in held by the employees will be transferred back to the ITL Employees Welfare Trust if such employees leave the services of the company before the vesting period. As on December 31, 2000, the ITL Employees Welfare Trust holds 2,44,800 shares of par value of Rs. 5 each. The 1994 Stock Offer Plan has since been terminated. Employees Stock Offer Plan (ESOP) 1998 The company established the 1998 Stock Offer Plan, which provides for the grant of non-statutory stock options and incentive stock options to its employees. This plan was approved by the Board of Directors in December 1997 and by the shareholders in January 1998. The Government of India has approved the 1998 plan, subject to a limit of 14,70,000 equity shares of par value Rs. 5 each representing 29,40,000 ADSs to be issued under the plan. During the quarter ended December 31, 2000, options were granted to 36 employees to acquire 80,800 ADSs corresponding to 40,400 equity shares of par value Rs. 5 each. During the three-month period ended December 31, 2000, 4 employees exercised the options to acquire 1,400 ADSs corresponding to 700 equity shares of par value of Rs. 5 each. As of December 31, 2000, 194 employees hold options to acquire 9,44,666 ADSs corresponding to 4,72,333 equity shares of par value of Rs. 5 each. Details of the number of ADSs options granted and exercised are given below. No. of options granted and exercised ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Granted Exercised ------------------------------------------------------------ No. of ADSs Options No. of Balance ADSs Period employees (Net) employees ADSs options ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year ended March 31, 1999 32 4,01,200 20 24,934 3,76,266 Year ended March 31, 2000 67 2,73,500 4 1,200 2,72,300 Quarter ended June 30, 2000 53 1,32,600 -- -- 1,32,600 Quarter ended September 30, 2000 49 82,700 -- -- 82,700 Quarter ended December 31, 2000 36 80,800 -- -- 80,800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 9,70,800 26,134 9,44,666 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Employees Stock Offer Plan (ESOP) 1999 The 1999 plan was approved by the board of directors and the shareholders in June 1999 and was instituted in fiscal 2000. The plan provides for the issue of 66,00,000 equity shares of par value of Rs. 5 each to the employees. During the three-month period ended December 31, 2000, options were granted to 1,123 employees to acquire 1,78,200 equity shares of par value of Rs. 5 each. During the three-month period ended December 31, 2000, 7 employees exercised the option to acquire 500 shares of par value of Rs. 5 each. As on December 31, 2000, 8,047 employees hold options to acquire 20,12,000 shares of par value of Rs. 5 each. Details of options held by employees under the Employee Stock Offer Plan (ESOP) 1999 are given below. No. of options granted and forfeited
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Period Granted (net) Exercised Balance ------------------------------------------------------ No. of No. of No. of No. of employees options employees options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year ended March 31, 2000 1,161 9,55,100 7 500 9,54,600 Quarter ended June 30, 2000 3,840 5,98,250 -- -- 5,98,250 Quarter ended September 30, 2000 2,155 2,84,000 -- -- 2,84,000 Quarter ended December 31, 2000 1,108 1,75,150 -- -- 1,75,150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 20,12,500 500 20,12,000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14. Dematerialization of shares and liquidity Your company was the first in India to pay a one-time custodial fee of Rs. 44.43 lakh to National Securities Depositary Limited (NSDL). Consequently, the company's shareholders do not have to pay depositary participants, the custodial fee charged by the NSDL on their holding. Over 98% of the company's shares are now held in electronic form. 15. Financial calendar (tentative and subject to change) Financial results for the year ending March 31, 2001 April 11, 2001 Annual General Meeting for the year ending March 31, 2001 May 2001 16. Investors' correspondence in India Any queries relating to the financial statements may be addressed to: of the company may be addressed to: The Company Secretary, Mr. T. V. Mohandas Pai, Investors' Service Cell, Director (F&A) and CFO, Infosys Technologies Ltd., Electronics City, Infosys Technologies Ltd., Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bangalore - 561 229, India. Hosur Road, Bangalore - 561 229, India. Tel.: +91-80-852 1518, Fax: +91-80-852 0362 Tel.: +91-80-852 0396, Fax: +91-80-852 0362 (e-mail address: invest@infy.com) (e-mail address: mdpai@infy.com) 17. Reuters code - INFY.BO (BSE) Bridge code - IN;INF (BSE) Bloomberg code - INFO IN (BSE) - INFY.NS (NSE) - IN;INFN (NSE) - NINFO IN (NSE) - INFY.O (NASDAQ) - US;INFY (NASDAQ)
18. Stock market data relating to American Depositary Shares (ADSs) a. ADS listed at NASDAQ National Market in the United States b. Ratio of ADS to equity shares 2 ADS for one equity share c. ADS symbol INFY d. The American Depositary Shares issued under the ADS program of the company were listed on the NASDAQ National Market in the United States on March 11, 1999. The monthly high and low quotations as well as the volume of ADSs traded at the NASDAQ National Market for the three-month period ended December 31, 2000 are:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- High Low Volume ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ Rs. $ Rs. Nos. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 137.55 12,839 105.13 9,813 25,84,900 November 147.25 13,800 112.00 10,497 13,72,600 December 141.50 13,213 90.06 8,410 29,63,900 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 69,21,400 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % of volume traded to total float 166.12%*
* 2 ADS = 1 equity share $ have been converted into Indian rupees at the monthly closing rates e. Premium of American Depositary Shares over the shares traded on the Indian stock exchanges The ADS price considered for the comparison below is in $ and has been converted into Indian Rupees at the monthly closing rates. [GRAPH APPEARS HERE]
ADS Premiun Price (INR) % Premium 15,000 80.00 70.00 10,000 60.00 50.00 5,000 40.00 30.00 0 20.00 10.00 0.00 6-Oct 13-Oct 20-Oct 27-Oct 3-Nov 10-Nov 17-Nov 24-Nov 1-Dec 8-Dec 15-Dec 22-Dec 29-Dec Series 2 11037 11014 11854 12064 13133 11984 11715 12582 11562 11713 11532 9151 8614 Series 1 7534 6517 7124 7201 7570 7738 7636 7583 7288 7392 7202 5812 5694 Series 3 46.50 69.01 66.40 67.54 73.48 54.88 53.41 65.93 58.64 58.47 60.12 57.45 51.28
* 2 ADS = 1 equity share (Source: Bloomberg) f. Investor correspondence in P. R. Ganapathy the US may be addressed to Investor Relations Officer Infosys Technologies Limited 34760, Campus Drive, Fremont CA 94555, USA. Tel.: +1-510-742-3030, Mobile: +1-510-872-4412, Fax: +1-510-742-2930, E-mail: guns@infy.com ------------- g. Name and address of the Deutsche Bank A.G. depositary bank Corporate Trust and Agency Services 4 Albany Street New York, NY 10006, USA. Tel.: +1-212-250-8500, Fax: +1-212-250-5644. Corporate Trust and Agency Services Deutsche Bank A.G. 1 st Floor, Kodak House 222, Dr. D. N. Road. Fort, Mumbai - 400 001, India. Tel.: +91-22-207 3262, Fax: +91-22-207 9614 h. Name and address of the ICICI Limited custodian in India ICICI Towers Bandra Kurla Complex Mumbai - 400 051, India. Tel.: +91-22-653 1414, Fax: +91-22-653 1164/65.
Segment Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rs. in lakhs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revenue by Quarter ended December 31, Nine months ended December 31, Year ended ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2000 1999 2000 1999 March 31, 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geographical segments North America 40,192.66 18,273.82 1,02,774.31 49,356.35 71,327.35 Europe 10,107.66 2,680.14 24,308.05 8,556.73 12,909.74 Rest of the world 3,285.92 1,925.10 8,407.03 3,923.29 5,240.03 India 1,567.92 473.25 3,296.30 1,710.20 2,669.36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55,154.16 23,352.31 1,38,785.69 63,546.57 92,146.48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Business segments Branded services -- 1,395.24 -- 5,638.42 5,895.00 Products 1,226.93 444.48 3,290.21 1,576.81 2,290.12 Software development and maintenance 52,479.91 20,801.59 1,30,579.21 53,283.03 80,047.26 Treasury 1,447.32 711.00 4,916.27 3,048.31 3,914.10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55,154.16 23,352.31 1,38,785.69 63,546.57 92,146.48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note: Exchange differences arising on translation of foreign currency deposits kept abroad has been included under treasury.
Geographical segment - quarter ended December 31, 2000 Business segment - quarter ended December 31, 2000 ------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- India - 3% Treasury - 3% Rest of the world - 6% Products - 2% Europe - 18% North America - 73% Software development and Maintenance - 95%
Ratio analysis
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quarter ended Nine months ended Year ended Dec 31, Dec 31, Mar 31, ------------------------------------------- 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ratios - Financial performance Export revenue / total revenue (%) 95.96 96.10 95.22 94.12 94.38 Domestic revenue / total revenue (%) 1.42 0.86 1.23 1.08 1.37 Other income / total revenue (%) 2.62 3.04 3.55 4.80 4.25 Employee costs / total revenue (%) 36.20 36.91 36.74 35.67 36.31 Administration expenses / total revenue (%) 8.42 7.40 8.52 7.28 7.54 Operating expenses / total revenue (%) 60.32 57.83 59.10 58.72 58.88 Depreciation / total revenue (%) 5.99 6.20 5.40 5.43 5.78 Tax / total revenue (%) 3.54 4.37 3.67 4.36 4.31 Tax / PBT (%) 10.49 12.14 10.35 12.16 12.19 EBIDTA / total revenue (%) 39.68 42.17 40.90 41.28 41.12 PAT from ordinary activities / total revenue (%) 30.16 31.60 31.82 31.49 31.03 PAT from ordinary activities / average net worth (%) (LTM) 52.17 47.60 52.17 47.60 40.63 ROCE (PBIT/Average capital employed) (%) (LTM) 58.39 54.17 58.39 54.17 46.27 Return on invested capital (%)(LTM) 97.29 99.95 97.29 99.95 111.68 Capital output ratio (LTM) 1.60 1.48 1.60 1.48 1.31 Invested capital output ratio (LTM) 3.11 3.28 3.11 3.28 3.82 Ratios - Balance sheet Debt-Equity ratio -- -- -- Debtors turnover (Days)* 62 63 56 Current ratio 3.99 5.73 4.69 Cash and equivalents / total assets (%) 41.06 61.01 61.00 Cash and equivalents / total revenue (%) (LTM) 30.93 58.85 55.17 Depreciation / average gross block (%) (LTM) 25.42 25.55 23.50 Technology investment / total revenue (%) (LTM) 6.23 6.74 5.86 Ratios - Growth** Export revenue (%) 136 63 121 70 74 Total revenue (%) 136 67 118 77 80 Operating expenses (%) 146 58 120 62 69 Operating profit (%) 122 80 116 104 98 Net profit (from ordinary activities) (%) 125 95 121 123 115 Per - share data (Period End) Earnings per share from ordinary activities (Rs.) 25.14 11.16 66.76 30.25 43.23 Earnings per share (including extraordinary items) (Rs.) 25.14 11.16 67.59 30.25 44.37 Cash earnings per share from ordinary activities (Rs.) 30.13 13.35 78.10 35.47 51.27 Cash earnings per share (including extraordinary items) 30.13 13.35 78.93 35.47 52.42 (Rs.) Book value (Rs.) 190.63 115.08 125.97 Price / earning (LTM) 71.41 196.72 207.50 Price / cash earnings (LTM) 60.64 163.77 174.96 Price / book value 29.87 62.85 71.21 EPS growth (%) 125.27 89.47 120.69 115.76 115.07 PE / EPS Growth 0.57 2.20 0.59 1.70 1.80 Dividend per share -- -- 2.50 1.50 4.50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Annualized. ** Denotes growth compared with figures of the corresponding period in the previous year. Note: The ratio calculations are based on Indian GAAP and have been adjusted for the stock split. LTM - Last twelve months Infosys Technologies Limited --------------------------------------------------------------------------- United States Addison 15305 Dallas Parkway Suite 210 Addison, TX 75001 Tel.: 972 770 0450 Fax: 972 770 0490 Bellevue 10900 NE 4th St, #2300 Bellevue, WA 98004 Tel.: 425 990 1028 Fax: 425 990 1029 Berkeley Heights Two Oak way 4/th/ Floor South Wing, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 Tel.: 908 286 3100 Fax: 908 286 3125 Cranford 20 Commerce Drive Cranford, NJ 07016 Tel.: 908 497 1710 Fax: 908 497 1770 Fremont 34760 Campus Drive Fremont, CA 94555 Tel.: 510 742 3000 Fax: 510 742 3090 Lisle 2300 Cabot Dr. Suite 250 Lisle, IL 60532 Tel.: 630 482 5000 Fax: 630 505 9144 Marietta 1950 Spectrum Circle, #400 Marietta, GA 30067 Tel.: 770 857 4428 Fax: 770 857 2258 Newport Beach 4590 MacArthur Suite 500 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Tel.: 949 475 0196 Fax: 949 475 0198 Oakbrook Terrace One Tower Lane, #1700 Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 Tel.: 630 573 6050 Fax: 630 573 6051 Quincy Two Adams Place Quincy, MA 02169 Tel.: 781 356 3109 Fax: 781 356 3150 Troy 100 Liberty Center, #200 West Big Beaver Troy, MI 48084 Tel.: 248 524 0320 Fax: 248 524 0321 Australia Melbourne Level 7, 505 St. Kilda Road Melbourne, Victoria 3004 Tel.: 61 3 9868 1607 Fax: 61 3 9868 1652 Fax: 61 3 9820 0777 Sydney Level 4, 90 Mount Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060 Tel.: 61 2 9954 0036 Fax: 61 2 8904 1344 UK 10/th/ Floor, Emerald House 7-15 Lansdowne Road Croydon, Surrey CR0 2BX Tel.: 44 20 8774 3329 Fax: 44 20 8686 6631 France 12 av du Center, Faubourg de l'Arche, 92419, Courbevoie Cedex Paris Tel.: 33 1 46 91 84 54 Fax: 33 1 46 91 88 00 Belgium Dreve Richelle 161, Building N 1410 Waterloo, Brussels Tel.: 322 352 8743 Fax: 322 352 8844 Canada 5140 Yonge Street Suite 1400 Toronto, Ontario M2N 6L7 Tel.: 416 224 7420 Fax: 416 224 7449 Germany TOPAS 2 Mergenthalerallee, 79-81 65760 Eschborn/Frankfurt Tel.: 49 6196 920 2115 Fax: 49 6196 920 2320 Hong Kong 16F Cheung Kong Centre 2 Queen's Road Central Central, Hong Kong Tel.: 852 2297 2806 Fax: 852 2297 0066 Japan 4F Madre Matsuda Bldg. 4-13, Kioi-Cho, Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo 102-0094 Tel.: 81 3 3234 3597 Fax: 81 3 3239 3300 Sweden Stureplan 4C, 4tr, 114 35, Stockholm Tel.: 46 8 463 1112 Fax: 46 8 463 1114 India Bangalore Electronics City Hosur Road, Bangalore 561 229 Tel.: 080 852 0261 Fax: 080 852 0362 Reddy Builiding K-310, 1st Main, 5th Block Koramangala, Bangalore 560 095 Tel.: 080 553 0392 Fax: 080 553 0391 Pavithra Complex, #1,27th Main, 2nd Cross, 1st Stage BTM Layout, Bangalore 560 068 Tel.: 080 668 1755 Fax: 080 668 0181 Infosys Towers No. 27, Bannerghatta Road, 3rd Phase J. P. Nagar, Bangalore 560 076 Tel.: 080 6588668 Fax: 080 6588676 Bhubaneswar Plot #N-1/70, Nayapalli, Adjoining Planetarium on NH5, Post RRL, Bhubaneswar 751 013 Tel.: 0674 584068 - 71 Fax: 0674 583991 Plot No. E/4 Infosys City Chandaka Bhubaneswar 751 014 Tel.: 0674 442 194 Chennai 1st & 2nd Floor, Alexander Square, 35 Sardar Patel Road, Guindy, Chennai 600 032 Tel.: 044 2300031- 40 Fax: 044 2300091 No. 138 Sholinganallur Old Mahabalipuram Road Chennai 600 119 Tel.: 044 496 4304 Archbishop Arokia Swamy Building 145, Santhome High Road Mylapore (Santhome) Chennai 600 004 Tel.: 044 4612021 Fax: 044 4956958 Hyderabad #1Q3-A1, First Floor, Cyber Tower, Hitec City Madhapur, Hyderabad 500 033 Tel.: 040 3100242 Fax: 040 3100243 Mangalore #16/403 Star of Bombay Complex 3/rd/ Floor, Kankanady Mangalore 575 002 Tel.: 0824 439401-7 & 434401-06 Fax: 0824 439430 Kuloor Ferry Road, Kottara Cross, Mangalore 575 006 Tel.: 0824 451485-88 Fax: 0824 451504 Mohali (Chandigarh) B100, Phase VIII, Industrial Area, SAS Nagar Mohali 160 059 Tel.: 0172 254191/92/ 94 Fax.: 0172 254193 Mumbai 85, `C', Mittal Towers, 8th Floor Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021 Tel.: 022 2846490 Fax: 022 2846489 Mysore Sree Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering - Science and Technology Entrepreneurs Park (SJCE- STEP), Manasagangothri Mysore 570 006 Tel.: 0821 500001 - 06 Fax: 0821 511614 New Delhi K30, Green Park Main, Behind Green Park Market New Delhi 110 066 Tel.: 011 6514829/ 30 Fax: 011 6853366 Pune 3/rd/ Floor, 321/A/3 TPS III Shankar Seth Road Mahatma Phule Peth Pune 411 042 Tel.: 0212 647420/21 Fax: 0212 648226 Plot #1, Infotech Park MIDC Hinjawadi, Taluka Mulshi, Pune 411 027 Tel.: 02139 32801 - 03 Fax: 02139 32832 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bankers Visit Inosys at ICICI Bank Limited www.infy.com Bank of America Company secretary Send e-mail to V. 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