N-30D 1 jul15035.txt STRATEGIC PARTNERS ASSET ALLOCATION -- PROS -- 10/1/01 (ICON) ANNUAL REPORT JULY 31, 2001 STRATEGIC PARTNERS ASSET ALLOCATION FUNDS Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Objective: Seeks Long-Term Capital Appreciation This report is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus. The views expressed in this report and information about the Fund's portfolio holdings are for the period covered by this report and are subject to change thereafter. (LOGO) Build on the Rock Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Performance at a Glance INVESTMENT GOALS AND STYLE The Strategic Partners High Growth Fund seeks to provide long-term capital appreciation. It invests in a diversified portfolio of equity stocks. There can be no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective. MANAGER Prudential Investments Fund Management LLC INVESTMENT ADVISERS (LOGO) www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 Annual Report July 31, 2001 Cumulative Total Returns1 As of 7/31/01 One Since Year Inception2 Class A -10.09% 23.25% Class B -10.66 21.05 Class C -10.66 21.05 Class Z -9.74 24.41 Lipper Multi-Cap Core Fund Avg.3 -12.56 18.62 Average Annual Total Returns1 As of 6/30/01 One Since Year Inception2 Class A -12.24% 7.23% Class B -13.24 7.57 Class C -10.16 8.17 Class Z -7.43 9.67 Past performance is not indicative of future results. Principal and investment return will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. 1 Source: Prudential Investments Fund Management LLC and Lipper Inc. The cumulative total returns do not take into account sales charges. The average annual total returns do take into account applicable sales charges. The Fund charges a maximum front-end sales charge of 5% for Class A shares. Class B shares are subject to a declining contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) of 5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, 1%, and 1% for six years. Approximately seven years after purchase, Class B shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis. Class C shares are subject to a front-end sales charge of 1% and a CDSC of 1% for 18 months. Class Z shares are not subject to a sales charge or distribution and service (12b-1) fees. 2 Inception date: Class A, B, C, and Z, 11/18/98. 3 Lipper average returns are unmanaged, and are based on the average return for all funds in each share class for the one-year and since inception periods in the Lipper Multi-Cap Core Fund category. The Lipper Multi-Cap Core Fund Average includes funds that invest in a variety of market capitalization ranges, generally have between 25% and 75% of their equity assets invested in companies with market capitalizations above 300% of the dollar-weighted median of the S&P MidCap 400 Index, have wide latitude in the companies in which they invest, have an above-average price/earnings ratio and price-to-book ratio, and have a three-year earnings growth figure. 1 STRATEGIC PARTNERS Asset Allocation Funds (LOGO) September 18, 2001 DEAR SHAREHOLDER, The horrific events that took place on September 11, 2001 will remain forever ingrained in our nation's consciousness. In their aftermath, our thoughts and our prayers remain with the victims of this senseless tragedy, their families, and friends. It is also with deep gratitude that we acknowledge the heroic efforts of the men and women involved in the rescue efforts. We at Prudential Financial would like to take the opportunity during this difficult time to reassure our shareholders of our unwavering commitment to their investment needs. Under normal circumstances, the investment landscape is a difficult one to navigate, and during this extremely tragic period in our nation's history, even more so. We're here to provide the expertise and resources that may help make the journey ahead less daunting. For now, investors should try to maintain a patient focus on their long-term investment strategies. It is also important for individuals to avoid making investment decisions based on emotional reactions. While no one can predict the future, history has shown that after an event of this magnitude, the major markets post initial sharp declines from which they eventually recover. Should history repeat itself, individuals who leave the market now may be unable to fully participate in a market rebound. Above all, investors should continue to seek guidance from their financial professionals. It is a testament to the resiliency of our country that as we mourn, we also carry on. Please let us know how we can help you as we move forward together in the weeks and months ahead. Sincerely, David R. Odenath, Jr., President Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds 2 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Annual Report July 31, 2001 PRUDENTIAL DIVERSIFIED FUNDS RENAMED "STRATEGIC PARTNERS ASSET ALLOCATION FUNDS" On September 4, 2001, we welcomed the Prudential Diversified Funds into the Strategic Partners family of mutual funds, renaming them the Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds. These changes will have no effect at all on the Funds' management: Both the asset allocations and the advisers for each asset class have stayed the same. The change will allow investors in these Funds to exchange their shares with shares of other Strategic Partners Funds, including the Strategic Partners Style Specific Funds and the Strategic Partners Opportunity Funds. Our team of investment management analysts selected investment advisers for all of the Strategic Partners Funds from among leading managers across the entire investment industry. Should you and your financial professional wish to modify the asset allocation provided by your fund, we believe the Strategic Partners family offers a fine selection. Effective September 4, 2001, however, your shares of any Strategic Partners fund are no longer exchangeable for those of funds in the Prudential fund family. 3 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Annual Report July 31, 2001 INVESTMENT ADVISERS' REPORT PERFORMANCE During the Strategic Partners High Growth Fund's (formerly Prudential Diversified High Growth Fund) fiscal year ended July 31, 2001, the price of growth stocks fell sharply. The stronger performance of value stocks only mitigated the decline for investors in the Fund; it didn't offset it. However, the -10.09% return of the Fund's Class A shares (-14.52% to those paying the maximum one-time Class A share sales charge) was substantially above the - 12.56% Lipper Multi-Cap Core Fund Average. A GOOD TIME FOR DEFENSIVE INVESTING During the 12 months ended July 31, 2001, investors gradually came to accept that the U.S. economy was slowing and that it was affecting the global economy. As company after company announced profits that were well below growth estimates, and even below levels a year earlier, stock prices began to fall precipitously. The worst hit were primarily growth stocks whose peak prices reflected the assumption that their companies' earnings would increase very rapidly. U.S. large-cap and small-cap growth stocks had prolonged slides from September 2000 through March 2001 before recovering modestly. In response to the market conditions, many investors fled to asset classes that are thought of as defensive--that is, relatively immune to an economic slowdown--such as inexpensively priced (value) stocks. This increased interest pushed up prices in those asset classes. Small-cap value stocks, which had been neglected for some time, particularly benefited: the return of the small-cap Russell 2000 Value Index was a huge 47 percentage points above that of the corresponding Growth Index. International stocks generally followed the U.S. market down as the slowing U.S. economy affected sales of companies based in other countries. 4 www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 Asset Class Index Returns (GRAPH) Source: Prudential and Lipper Inc. The performance cited does not represent the performance of the Strategic Partners High Growth Fund. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. The S&P/ Barra Value Index is an unmanaged, weighted index comprising companies within the S&P 500 Index with lower price-to-book ratios. The S&P/Barra Growth Index is an unmanaged, weighted index comprising companies within the S&P 500 Index with higher price-to-book ratios. The Russell 2000 Value Index is an unmanaged, weighted index that measures the performance of those Russell 2000 companies with lower price- to-book ratios. The Russell 2000 Growth Index is an unmanaged, weighted index that measures the performance of those Russell 2000 companies with higher price- to-book ratios. The Morgan Stanley Capital International Emerging Market Free Index (MSCI EAFE Index) is an unmanaged, weighted index that comprises approximately 965 companies representing Asia, Africa, Europe, and North and South America. MSCI Free Indexes account for the actual buyable securities available to foreign investors by taking into account local market restrictions on share ownership by foreigners. These indexes are calculated in U.S. dollars, without dividends reinvested. 5 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Annual Report July 31, 2001 THE FUND OUTPERFORMED ITS BENCHMARK... The Strategic Partners High Growth Fund's outperformance relative to the Lipper Multi-Cap Core Fund Average was primarily due to the substantial positive returns of its value stocks, which made up about 40% of its holdings. The Fund's large-cap value comparable index, the S&P/Barra Value Index, was solidly positive, but the Fund's holdings in that asset class still far outperformed the Index. The Fund's strong performance in this asset class resulted from focuses on the insurance (primarily property and casualty), basic materials (paper, aluminum, and chemicals), tobacco, and health services (HMO and hospital management) industries. Stocks in these industries were recovering from their depressed prices in previous years, and earnings were consistent or rising. Small-cap value stocks, an asset class that had previously suffered several years of poor performance, staged a strong rebound when investors fled from high-priced stocks to those that had remained inexpensive. Because of their volatile nature, small-cap value stocks are among the Fund's smaller asset allocations. Nonetheless, their exceptionally high return this reporting period made a significant, positive contribution to the Fund, even though the Fund's holdings slightly trailed the Russell 2000 Value Index. ...BUT LOSING ASSET CLASSES STILL PREDOMINATED The largest detractor from the Fund's return was its position in large-cap growth stocks--the worst performing asset class over the period and one of the larger components of the Fund. As corporate profits fell below last year's levels, the stocks of rapidly growing companies suffered most. Cumulatively, the Fund's holdings fell a bit farther than the S&P/Barra Growth Index largely because of their emphasis on technology, media, and telecommunications. The Fund's investments in these industries included companies that were central to the building of the Internet (such as Cisco Systems and JDS Uniphase), and to wireless telecommunications products and services (such as Nokia and Vodafone). Share price declines in these industries were very dramatic. 6 www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 The slowing U.S. economy and falling stock market also affected the Fund's international stock holdings. Over the reporting period, the MSCI EAFE Index, a general measure of international stock performance, dropped by more than 20%. Although the Fund's holdings modestly outperformed this Index, the magnitude of the international markets' decline overwhelmed the Fund's margin of outperformance. Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Management Team 7 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Annual Report July 31, 2001 WHAT IS DIVERSIFICATION Diversification--spreading your investments over many different securities--is a basic principle of investing. It helps reduce the overall risk of your portfolio. Mutual funds not only provide professional money management, but they also allow a relatively small investment to be spread over many different securities. When you own a large number of different securities, the impact of any one security on your return is reduced. In addition, if you diversify your investments among asset classes and investment styles--between stocks and bonds, value and growth stocks, and investment-grade and high- yield bonds--it is less likely that all the securities you own will move in the same direction at one time. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds provide more of this buffer than funds investing in only one asset class. We believe this will result in more consistent returns over time. In addition, when we rebalance the Strategic Partners High Growth Fund to restore the original weighting of different asset classes, the discipline forces us to sell high and buy low. Over time, this may improve your return. REBALANCING The Strategic Partners High Growth Fund has a target allocation for each asset class. As some asset classes perform better than others, the portfolio will drift from this original target: the securities that rise most will become a larger proportion of the invested assets. We direct new investments to the asset classes that have fallen below their target ratio and, when necessary, sell certain securities in appreciated asset classes to maintain the balance. This not only keeps your risk exposure from changing too much, but it may reduce the average cost of our investments and increase our average selling price over time. Although an individual investor can diversify and rebalance, it would require a large investment to own the range of asset classes represented in the Strategic Partners High Growth Fund. Moreover, calculating the amounts to allocate to each kind of security in a rebalancing would be difficult. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds do it all for you. 8 www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 Glossary of Terms Asset classes are classifications of investments. The most basic classification of securities is among stocks, bonds, and money market investments. Stocks are shares of ownership in a firm. Owners share in the profits after debts are paid, and share in the firm's appreciation in value. Generally, the prices of stocks vary with investors' estimates of a firm's earnings prospects, including the impact of broader economic conditions. Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Diversification Target (GRAPH) 9 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS 94.4% Common Stocks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advertising 0.8% 1,950 ADVO, Inc. $ 76,148 12,200 Lamar Advertising Co. 536,556 6,200 Omnicom Group, Inc. 541,694 4,300 R.H. Donnelley Corp. 133,300 ---------------- 1,287,698 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aerospace/Defense 0.9% 4,900 BE Aerospace, Inc.(a) 90,993 81,700 British Aerospace PLC (United Kingdom)(a) 436,048 7,600 Embraer Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica SA, ADR 270,560 9,000 Northrop Grumman Corp. 722,070 ---------------- 1,519,671 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agriculture & Equipment 0.4% 11,700 Monsanto Co. 411,840 3,900 Toro Co. 183,885 ---------------- 595,725 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Airlines 0.5% 10,050 Airtran Holdings, Inc. 86,430 14,050 America West Holdings Corp. (Class B) 145,418 14,300 Atlantic Coast Airlines Holdings, Inc.(a) 415,415 2,650 SkyWest, Inc. 88,881 ---------------- 736,144 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto & Truck 1.3% 16,300 General Motors Corp. (Class H Stock)(a) 314,590 7,000 Lear Corp.(a) 277,200 12,700 Navistar International Corp.(a) 407,797 104,000 Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (Japan)(a) 715,086 16,000 Toyota Motor Corp. 528,269 ---------------- 2,242,942
10 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Banking 5.3% 1,600 1st Source Corp. $ 38,928 45,900 ABN AMRO Holdings NV, ADR 811,529 2,300 Astoria Financial Corp. 137,977 8,450 BancorpSouth, Inc. 136,045 15,200 Bank One Corp. 588,392 16,600 BankAtlantic Bancorp, Inc. (Class A) 170,150 6,151 Banknorth Group, Inc. 141,227 5,800 Banque Nationale de Paris (France) 504,350 13,500 Bayerische Vereinsbank AG (Germany) 602,328 3,400 City National Corp. 159,800 8,150 Colonial BancGroup, Inc. 119,968 2,300 Corus BankShares, Inc. 136,160 3,300 Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc. 115,863 7,487 CVB Financial Corp. 142,028 5,800 East West Bancorp, Inc. 148,016 450 First Citizens BancShares, Inc. 45,230 4,550 First Merchants Corp. 106,925 6,615 Fulton Financial Corp. 146,853 2,800 Harbor Florida Bancshares, Inc. 53,340 79,000 HSBC Holdings PLC (United Kingdom)(a) 915,378 4,500 Independent Bank Corp. 87,975 4,350 MAF Bancorp, Inc. 134,154 96 Mizuho Holdings, Inc. (Japan) 369,275 48,850 Overseas-Chinese Banking Corp., Ltd. (Singapore) 308,869 5,600 PFF Bancorp, Inc. 143,360 28,700 San Paolo Imi SpA (Italy) 355,877 6,850 Silicon Valley Bancshares(a) 138,096 4,250 Southwest Bancorporation of Texas, Inc.(a) 142,885 74,000 Sumitomo Bank (Japan) 530,160 61,000 Sumitomo Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. (Japan) 353,921 5,850 Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc. 121,914 85,904 United Overseas Bank, Ltd. (Singapore) 500,273 7,205 Washington Federal, Inc. 191,725 3,400 WestAmerica Bancorp. 134,130
See Notes to Financial Statements 11 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2,800 Whitney Holding Corp. $ 126,252 ---------------- 8,859,353 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building & Construction 1.0% 3,900 Centex Corp. 183,456 6,176 D.R. Horton, Inc. 170,149 4,700 KB Home 153,173 3,500 Lennar Corp. 160,615 3,825 M.D.C. Holdings, Inc. 160,421 3,950 Nortek, Inc. 105,149 5,150 Thomas Industries, Inc. 132,458 9,038 Vivendi SA (France) 530,276 3,600 York International Corp. 119,232 ---------------- 1,714,929 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chemicals 1.5% 16,900 Akzo Nobel NV (Netherlands) 706,520 4,400 Albany Molecular Research, Inc.(a) 136,796 5,150 Arch Chemicals, Inc. 103,515 8,600 Cambrex Corp. 409,790 5,125 Cytec Industries, Inc.(a) 166,511 2,250 Du Pont Photomasks, Inc. (Class A) 86,783 3,900 Ferro Corp. 86,190 4,650 Great Lakes Chemical Corp. 132,014 3,050 H.B. Fuller Co. 160,643 5,650 Lubrizol Corp. 197,072 3,650 Minerals Technologies, Inc. 155,015 7,700 Olin Corp. 129,899 1,850 OM Group, Inc. 108,225 ---------------- 2,578,973 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commercial Services 0.4% 3,900 Arbitron, Inc. 102,570 20,150 Kforce, Inc.(a) 99,541
12 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 34,100 Modis Professional Services, Inc. $ 217,217 7,600 Resources Connection, Inc.(a) 193,040 ---------------- 612,368 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computers 2.7% 40,200 Dell Computer Corp.(a) 1,082,586 12,400 EMC Corp.(a) 244,528 59,000 Fujitsu, Ltd. (Japan) 550,827 4,200 Hewlett-Packard Co. 103,572 16,700 International Business Machines Corp. 1,757,007 29,050 Iomega Corp. 46,190 69,360 Maxtor Corp.(a) 457,776 8,200 MTS Systems Corp. 114,800 25,650 Silicon Graphics, Inc.(a) 16,160 11,950 Storage Technology Corp.(a) 164,551 ---------------- 4,537,997 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computer Services 1.8% 22,800 Advanced Digital Information Corp.(a) 258,780 13,800 ASM Lithography Holding NV, (Netherlands)(a) 282,486 3,300 CACI International, Inc. (Class A)(a) 115,500 8,700 Carreker Corp.(a) 164,865 5,700 Catapult Communications Corp.(a) 98,268 34,200 Cisco Systems, Inc.(a) 657,324 13,500 Inforte Corp.(a) 151,200 20,000 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc. 565,400 8,400 MatrixOne, Inc.(a) 133,140 8,600 Sapient Corp.(a) 53,750 30,300 Sun Microsystems, Inc.(a) 493,587 6,500 Tier Technologies, Inc. (Class B)(a) 75,400 ---------------- 3,049,700 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computer Software & Services 2.1% 11,400 Actuate Corp.(a) 116,508 21,400 BindView Development Corp.(a) 29,318 21,800 BMC Software, Inc.(a) 436,000 28,500 Brio Technology, Inc.(a) 118,845
See Notes to Financial Statements 13 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3,550 JDA Software Group, Inc.(a) $ 74,195 17,100 Keane, Inc.(a) 316,350 23,700 Microsoft Corp.(a) 1,568,703 4,750 NetIQ Corp.(a) 156,702 8,950 Novell, Inc.(a) 44,661 18,700 Oracle Corp.(a) 338,096 8,600 Precise Software Solutions, Ltd.(a) 186,104 7,100 Verity, Inc.(a) 124,676 ---------------- 3,510,158 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consumer Products 2.1% 12,733 R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Holdings, Inc. 683,889 14,200 American Greetings Corp. 156,910 10,500 Eastman Kodak Co. 454,755 26,700 Electrolux AB, Ser. B (Sweden) 401,646 2 Japan Tobacco, Inc. (Japan) 14,505 2,300 K-Swiss, Inc. (Class A Stock) 74,750 20,000 Kao Corp. (Japan) 468,005 21,500 Philip Morris Co., Inc. 978,250 19,350 RPM, Inc. 179,568 6,050 Tupperware Corp. 142,054 ---------------- 3,554,332 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consumer Services 1.1% 17,100 Cheap Tickets, Inc.(a) 199,044 4,500 Ebay, Inc.(a) 281,565 5,750 Navigant International, Inc.(a) 99,187 34,700 Service Corp. International(a) 274,130 3,150 Tetra Tech, Inc.(a) 71,505 3,500 Travelocity.com, Inc.(a) 80,675 6,200 Trico Marine Services, Inc.(a) 60,946 8,100 United Rentals, Inc.(a) 189,459 17,200 Waste Management, Inc. 533,200 ---------------- 1,789,711 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Processing/Management 0.3% 15,700 ProBusiness Services, Inc.(a) 432,849
14 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Diversified Manufacturing 3.1% 5,750 ESCO Technologies, Inc. $ 161,575 3,700 Federal Signal Corp. 78,070 31,100 General Electric Co. 1,352,850 11,700 Gerber Scientific, Inc. 126,594 3,000 Harsco Corp. 91,680 33,000 Hutchison Whampoa, Ltd. (Hong Kong) 318,378 275,500 Invensys PLC (United Kingdom) 333,957 4,000 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. 447,520 3,900 National Service Industries, Inc. 88,218 8,600 Roper Industries, Inc. 325,510 13,400 Thyssen Krupp AG (Germany)(a) 185,520 22,300 Tyco International, Ltd. 1,186,360 7,000 Veba AG (Germany) 384,038 ---------------- 5,080,270 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electronics 1.3% 2,800 Fisher Scientific International, Inc. 75,460 2,500 Intermagnetics General Corp.(a) 78,125 29,547 Koninklijke (Royal) Philips Electronics NV (Netherlands) 826,684 5,400 Mentor Graphics Corp.(a) 100,710 42,300 National Grid Group PLC (United Kingdon) 286,539 4,200 Polycom, Inc.(a) 106,890 10,800 Sony Corp. (Japan) 532,275 3,350 Tweeter Home Entertainment Group, Inc.(a) 95,576 ---------------- 2,102,259 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electronic Components 2.7% 2,315 ABB Ltd. (Switzerland) 25,695 3,400 Belden, Inc. 83,130 7,100 Cable Design Technologies Corp.(a) 106,855 4,300 Caliper Technologies Corp.(a) 70,735 9,400 CTS Corp. 207,270 17,100 DDI Corp.(a) 332,424 3,300 Electronic Scientific Industries, Inc.(a) 106,095 5,750 Electronics for Imaging, Inc.(a) 126,730
See Notes to Financial Statements 15 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17,100 Gentex Corp.(a) $ 560,709 68,000 Hitachi, Ltd. (Japan) 572,729 4,450 Idacorp, Inc. 164,650 5,550 Keithley Instruments, Inc. 111,278 1,800 Kyocera Corp. (Japan) 135,016 14,550 Methode Eletronics, Inc. (Class A) 130,514 4,900 Novellus Systems, Inc.(a) 249,753 6,700 STMicroelectronics NV (France) 213,328 2,750 Technitrol, Inc. 68,255 37,800 Texas Instruments, Inc. 1,304,100 ---------------- 4,569,266 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exchange Traded Fund 0.2% 6,800 Nasdaq-100 Shares 283,968 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Financial Services 8.3% 11,200 A.G. Edwards, Inc. 490,000 2,400 Acom Co., Ltd. (Japan)(a) 195,793 5,300 Allied Capital Corp. 123,225 15,200 American Express Co. 613,016 8,600 Americredit Corp.(a) 528,814 2,150 Chittenden Corp. 71,918 32,500 Citigroup, Inc. 1,631,825 5,050 Doral Financial Corp. 187,153 4,500 Downey Financial Corp. 263,565 4,900 Eaton Vance Corp. 167,286 9,400 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 643,336 10,400 Fortis NL NV (Netherlands) 271,397 5,000 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 415,800 16,000 Hartford Financial Group, Inc. 1,059,360 14,400 Household International Corp. 954,576 7,550 Indymac Bancorp, Inc.(a) 196,224 12,700 ING Groep NV (Netherlands) 414,160 15,800 Instinet Group, Inc. 219,620 49,800 Investor AB (Sweden) 619,975 4,700 Jefferies Group, Inc. 166,662 2,500 J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. 108,250 8,500 Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. 612,000 2,300 MBNA Corp. 81,420
16 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11,800 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. $ 640,032 8,800 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. 526,416 86,000 Nikko Securities Co., Ltd. (Japan) 540,321 3,700 Orix Corp. (Japan) 312,818 8,300 PNC Bank Corp. 550,705 4,050 Provident Financial Group, Inc. 133,691 7,700 Sky Financial Group, Inc. 150,612 13,200 Stilwell Financial, Inc. 391,512 2,850 Triad Guaranty, Inc. 108,015 3,250 Webster Financial Corp. 116,155 960 Zurich Financial Services AG (Switzerland) 318,832 ---------------- 13,824,484 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Food & Beverage 2.3% 62,900 Cadbury Schweppes PLC (United Kingdom) 428,774 6,800 Corn Products International, Inc. 201,960 3,250 Dean Foods Co. 136,175 11,500 Del Monte Foods Co. 103,385 62,100 Diageo PLC (United Kingdom)(a) 638,524 12,100 Dole Food Co., Inc. 272,734 12,500 Heineken NV (Netherlands) 493,785 21,200 PepsiCo, Inc. 988,556 23,000 Sara Lee Corp. 463,910 1,900 Suiza Foods Corp.(a) 104,671 ---------------- 3,832,474 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gas Distribution 0.4% 4,900 AGL Resources, Inc. 117,600 3,350 CH Energy Group, Inc. 141,203 5,950 Energen Corp. 151,725 3,600 New Jersey Resources Corp. 156,420 9,300 Oneok, Inc. 169,260 ---------------- 736,208 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Health Care 1.0% 14,900 HCA-The Healthcare Corp. 684,655
See Notes to Financial Statements 17 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8,500 Health Net, Inc.(a) $ 155,975 9,300 Humana, Inc.(a) 103,695 3,350 Sunrise Assisted Living, Inc.(a) 102,208 5,300 Wellpoint Health Networks, Inc.(a) 566,888 ---------------- 1,613,421 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotels & Leisure 1.1% 5,700 Argosy Gaming Co. 150,480 24,900 Boyd Gaming Corp. 149,898 6,000 Marriott International, Inc. (Class A) 286,500 39,400 MeriStar Hotels & Resorts, Inc.(a) 69,738 9,400 Prime Hospitality Corp.(a) 112,894 20,300 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. 724,507 11,900 Station Casinos, Inc.(a) 171,241 5,000 WMS Industries, Inc. 115,000 ---------------- 1,780,258 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Insurance 5.1% 5,600 Alfa Corp. 135,016 24,135 Alleanza Assicurazioni SpA (Italy) 268,626 2,841 Allianz AG (Germany) 798,579 15,300 Allstate Corp. 534,888 12,450 American International Group, Inc. 1,036,462 4,550 Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. 125,125 20,780 AXA (France) 608,691 7,300 Chubb Corp. 512,241 4,800 CIGNA Corp. 481,488 7,650 CNA Surety Corp. 110,007 4,700 Commerce Group, Inc.(a) 173,148 4,390 Fidelity National Financial, Inc. 112,560 7,300 First American Financial Corp. 129,575 5,000 LandAmerica Financial Group, Inc. 160,000 4,550 Leucadia National Corp. 148,603 7,000 Lincoln National Corp. 357,210 8,400 Loews Corp. 476,784 6,400 Milacron, Inc. 117,120
18 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17,900 Old Republic International Corp. $ 474,350 5,400 Presidential Life Corp. 103,842 11,700 Reinsurance Group of America, Inc. 457,236 4,950 StanCorp Financial Group, Inc. 218,295 11,400 XL Capital, Ltd. 874,950 ---------------- 8,414,796 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet 0.3% 15,700 Avocent Corp.(a) 406,630 2,800 DigitalThink, Inc.(a) 40,600 2,150 Sonicwall, Inc.(a) 45,688 ---------------- 492,918 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machinery 0.4% 11,450 AGCO Corp. 118,049 5,500 Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc. 94,325 7,100 JLG Industries, Inc. 80,230 6,600 Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc. 157,872 3,950 Manitowoc Co., Inc. 109,771 3,600 Sauer-Danfos, Inc. 32,760 5,400 Snap-On, Inc. 145,800 ---------------- 738,807 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manufacturing 1.1% 1,710 Compagnie de Saint Gobain (France) 252,320 8,200 CoorsTek, Inc.(a) 255,020 9,500 Jakks Pacific, Inc. 190,285 6,500 Merix Corp. 158,405 12,100 Mettler-Toledo International, Inc.(a) 515,460 16,400 Varian Medical Systems, Inc. 471,992 ---------------- 1,843,482 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Media 2.6% 8,600 Acme Communications, Inc.(a) 68,800 17,300 AOL Time Warner, Inc.(a) 786,285 6,250 Banta Corp. 173,812 21 Clear Channel Communications, Inc.(a) 1,231
See Notes to Financial Statements 19 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5,900 Consolidated Graphics, Inc.(a) $ 129,800 28,500 Entravision Communications Corp.(a) 357,105 10,750 Lagardere SCA (France) 567,180 2,000 Liberty Corp. 79,700 1,100 Media General, Inc. 52,789 19,600 Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc. 392,000 13,000 Univision Communications, Inc.(a) 496,340 23,824 Viacom, Inc.(a) 1,186,435 ---------------- 4,291,477 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical Products & Services 3.5% 16,800 Amgen, Inc.(a) 1,053,528 2,800 Aspect Medical Systems, Inc. 33,348 7,900 Baxter International, Inc. 393,420 7,500 Coventry Health Care, Inc.(a) 172,575 4,000 Digene Corp.(a) 138,520 13,200 Genetech, Inc.(a) 558,360 11,374 GlaxoSmithKline PLC (United Kingdom)(a) 328,789 25,400 Health Management Associates, Inc. 501,904 9,400 Johnson & Johnson 508,540 5,550 Mid-Atlantic Medical Services, Inc. 116,550 5,000 North American Scientific, Inc.(a) 76,750 4,300 ORATEC Interventions, Inc. 36,464 12,700 Ortec International, Inc. 90,170 15,000 Packard BioScience Co. 144,450 15,801 Pharmacia Corp. 705,040 7,000 Sepracor, Inc. 308,420 7,600 STERIS Corp.(a) 163,476 2,900 Triad Hospitals, Inc.(a) 98,368 2,300 Varian Medical Systems, Inc. 164,450 5,700 Ventana Medical Systems, Inc.(a) 190,950 4,000 VISX, Inc. 63,600 ---------------- 5,847,672 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mining 0.5% 22,400 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc. (Class A)(a) 218,624
20 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7,600 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc. (Class B)(a) $ 81,776 2,900 Massey Energy Corp. 49,822 10,100 Newmont Mining Corp. 188,870 10,700 Stillwater Mining Co.(a) 276,060 ---------------- 815,152 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Networking 0.4% 3,250 Anixter International, Inc.(a) 93,763 1,650 Black Box Corp.(a) 90,519 21,600 Ixia(a) 302,616 33,100 Lucent Technologies, Inc. 221,770 ---------------- 708,668 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Office Equipment & Supplies 0.9% 11,000 Canon, Inc. (Japan) 372,000 11,050 Daisytek International Corp.(a) 169,175 16,100 Harris Corp. 483,322 2,200 United Stationers, Inc. 72,578 3,450 Wallace Computer Services, Inc. 58,788 35,700 Xerox Corp. 284,886 ---------------- 1,440,749 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oil & Gas 5.3% 5,000 Amerada Hess Corp. 386,400 2,800 Cal Dive International, Inc. 52,360 11,500 Conoco, Inc. (Class A) 354,660 20,500 Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc. 601,470 57,200 ENI 695,750 38,900 ENSCO International, Inc. 804,841 13,100 FMC Technologies, Inc. 236,717 27,850 Grey Wolf, Inc. 86,892 22,700 Halliburton Co. 794,727 6,300 Key Energy Services, Inc. 58,590 11,900 Nabors Industries, Inc. 348,670 14,600 Santa Fe International Corp. 436,540 16,900 Schlumberger, Ltd. (France) 908,375 3,892 Stone Energy Corp.(a) 177,281
See Notes to Financial Statements 21 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7,100 Superior Energy Services, Inc.(a) $ 60,350 17,900 Talisman Energy, Inc. (Canada)(a) 703,649 7,733 TotalFinaElf SA, ADR 548,115 5,440 TotalFinaElf SA (France) 774,595 4,550 Universal Compression Holdings, Inc.(a) 127,627 6,800 WGL Holdings, Inc. 189,244 13,100 Williams Companies, Inc. 438,850 ---------------- 8,785,703 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oil & Gas Exploration & Production 0.8% 105,900 BP Amoco PLC (United Kingdom) 881,225 8,600 Chesapeake Energy Corp. 55,556 8,800 Comstock Resources, Inc.(a) 64,416 5,750 Seitel, Inc.(a) 77,625 4,200 Spinnaker Exploration Co. 169,260 7,000 Vintage Petroleum, Inc. 129,850 ---------------- 1,377,932 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paper & Packaging 2.0% 11,600 Boise Cascade Corp. 419,920 5,750 Buckeye Technologies, Inc.(a) 77,913 13,950 Caraustar Industries, Inc. 138,803 13,448 Georgia-Pacific Group 492,197 12,100 International Paper Co. 494,406 11,100 Louisiana-Pacific Corp. 117,882 33,650 Pactiv Corp.(a) 522,584 4,500 Pope & Talbot, Inc. 62,100 9,200 Temple-Inland, Inc. 570,860 6,600 Universal Forest Products, Inc. 129,426 11,200 UPM-Kymmene Oy (Finland) 333,466 ---------------- 3,359,557 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pharmaceuticals 3.2% 13,800 Abbott Laboratories 739,542
22 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13,250 Alpharma, Inc. (Class A) $ 373,782 19,800 American Home Products Corp. 1,194,138 5,551 Aventis SA (France) 427,040 6,900 Elan Corp. PLC, ADR(a) 398,475 1,100 Eli Lilly & Co. 87,208 7,450 Perrigo Co. 123,447 20,600 Pfizer, Inc. 849,132 3,200 Pharmaceutical Product Development, Inc.(a) 113,312 5,450 Roche Holdings AG (Switzerland) 415,391 20,000 Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 554,554 ---------------- 5,276,021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Printing & Publishing 0.1% 7,200 Pearson PLC, ADR(a) 110,880 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Publishing 1.1% 5,400 Hollinger, Inc. 78,408 13,300 Knight-Ridder, Inc. 819,147 14,600 New York Times Co. (Class A) 675,980 12,300 Wolters Kluwer NV (Netherlands)(a) 326,257 ---------------- 1,899,792 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Estate 0.3% 25,500 Security Capital Group, Inc. (Class B) 525,300 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Estate Investment Trust 2.2% 6,250 Amli Residential Properties Trust 146,562 6,450 Arden Realty, Inc. 163,830 7,550 Boykin Lodging Co. 91,355 4,250 BRE Properties, Inc. 129,030 5,750 Cabot Industrial Trust 120,750 3,200 Camden Property Trust 119,840 5,700 Capital Automotive REIT 96,843 700 CBL & Associates Properties, Inc. 21,588 6,250 CBRL Group, Inc. 121,187 16,800 Equity Office Properties Trust 504,336 6,900 Felcor Lodging Trust, Inc. 150,006 4,350 First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc. 136,590
See Notes to Financial Statements 23 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7,500 Glenborough Realty Trust, Inc. $ 141,750 6,600 Highwoods Properties, Inc. 168,630 2,400 Home Properties of New York, Inc. 72,360 4,600 Hospitality Properties Trust 129,030 18,200 HRPT Properties Trust 157,066 5,750 Innkeepers USA Trust 67,218 10,700 JDN Realty Corp. 127,544 3,400 Kilroy Realty Corp. 91,120 7,350 New Plan Excel Realty Trust, Inc. 117,968 2,500 Realty Income Corp. 71,675 15,700 Reckson Associates Realty Corp. 347,755 5,950 Regency Centers Corp. 153,034 3,650 Summit Properties, Inc. 95,265 3,750 Weingarten Realty Investors 167,625 ---------------- 3,709,957 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restaurants 0.8% 5,700 CEC Entertainment, Inc. 203,433 20,600 Darden Restaurants, Inc. 615,940 6,900 Landry's Seafood Restaurants, Inc. 130,410 8,100 McDonald's Corp. 236,034 6,600 Ruby Tuesday, Inc. 122,760 ---------------- 1,308,577 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retail 5.6% 2,900 BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc.(a) 162,400 10,950 Borders Group, Inc.(a) 252,616 2,650 Christopher & Banks Corp. 71,020 12,000 Cost Plus, Inc. 338,760 7,650 Dillard's, Inc. (Class A) 113,526 16,500 Federated Department Stores, Inc.(a) 636,900 925 Fred's, Inc. (Class A) 23,449 6,400 Friedman's, Inc. (Class A) 47,680 15,600 Gillette Co. 434,772 38,820 Great Universal Stores PLC (United Kingdom) 345,454 30,200 Home Depot, Inc. 1,521,174 16,450 IKON Office Solutions, Inc. 127,981
24 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5,500 Kenneth Cole Productions, Inc. (Class A) $ 108,625 17,400 Kohl's Corp.(a) 996,672 1,900 Libbey, Inc. 65,265 8,600 Linens 'n Things, Inc. 221,020 2,800 Payless Shoesource, Inc.(a) 160,356 8,200 Phillips-Van Heusen Corp. 112,340 8,150 Pier 1 Imports, Inc. 95,763 15,450 ShopKo Stores, Inc. 133,642 12,600 Sonic Automatic, Inc.(a) 245,700 15,600 Target Corp. 603,720 131,500 Tesco PLC (United Kingdom)(a) 470,706 25,900 The Limited, Inc. 439,523 17,200 Tiffany & Co. 607,160 15,600 Value City Department Stores, Inc. 97,344 12,750 Venator Group, Inc. 210,375 12,200 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 681,980 ---------------- 9,325,923 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Semiconductors 3.3% 5,700 Alpha Industries, Inc.(a) 217,284 8,700 Applied Materials, Inc.(a) 398,982 10,000 Credence Systems Corp.(a) 207,000 21,800 Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc.(a) 420,740 18,300 Intel Corp. 545,523 20,700 Intersil Holding Corp.(a) 718,290 4,400 KLA Instruments Corp.(a) 239,316 8,900 Micron Technology, Inc. 373,800 3,000 Nanometrics, Inc.(a) 99,000 15,400 National Semiconductor Corp.(a) 493,570 8,600 Power Integrations, Inc.(a) 186,190 11,400 Rudolph Technologies, Inc.(a) 473,100 15,700 Semtech Corp.(a) 581,685 16,400 Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates, Inc.(a) 576,624 ---------------- 5,531,104
See Notes to Financial Statements 25 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steel & Metals 1.2% 11,300 Alcoa, Inc. $ 443,299 4,400 Carpenter Technology Corp. 120,736 3,250 Century Aluminum Co. 56,713 3,750 Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc. 62,812 4,300 Ladish Co., Inc.(a) 68,800 7,300 NS Group, Inc. 69,350 7,100 Phelps Dodge Corp. 286,840 3,000 Precision Castparts Corp. 109,500 5,500 Quanex Corp. 150,425 8,600 Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. 214,140 6,550 Timken Co. 109,188 8,400 Wolverine Tube, Inc.(a) 130,368 9,650 Worthington Industries, Inc. 135,679 ---------------- 1,957,850 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Telecommunications 6.7% 28,500 Advanced Fibre Communications, Inc.(a) 719,625 9,500 Alcatel (France) 169,295 6,800 ALLTEL Corp. 419,220 3,600 Andrew Corp.(a) 79,344 19,900 AT&T Corp. 402,179 19,503 AT&T Wireless Svcs., Inc.(a) 364,511 94,130 British Telecommunications PLC (United Kingdom) 655,085 11,400 Leap Wireless International, Inc.(a) 279,756 73,700 Liberty Media Group (Class A) 1,159,301 27,100 Nokia Corp., ADR(a) 591,051 30 NTT Mobile Communication (Japan) 415,915 62,734 Portugal Telecom SA (Portugal) 449,927 13,900 Powerwave Technologies, Inc.(a) 238,523 28,400 Qwest Communications International, Inc.(a) 738,400 2,800 SBA Communcations Corp.(a) 55,188 12,000 SBC Communications, Inc. 540,360 5,700 Sierra Wireless, Inc.(a) 69,255 37,000 Sprint Corp. 886,542 12,800 Stanford Microdevices, Inc.(a) 102,400
26 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 33,672 Telefonica SA (Spain) $ 410,453 12,100 Verizon Communications, Inc. 655,215 212,900 Vodafone Airtouch PLC (United Kingdom)(a) 466,052 20,375 Vodafone Group PLC, ADR(a) 439,081 21,400 Western Multiplex Corp. (Class A)(a) 102,720 5,000 Western Wireless Corp.(a) 194,550 33,000 Worldcom, Inc.(a) 462,000 ---------------- 11,065,948 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trucking & Shipping 1.5% 8,600 Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. 218,440 3,550 Arkansas Best Corp.(a) 97,980 11,500 Canadian Pacific Ltd. 435,850 4,700 CNF Transporation, Inc. 152,562 52 East Japan Railway 278,784 10,850 Forward Air Corp. 300,002 49,600 OMI Corp. 237,584 4,300 Roadway Express, Inc. 124,915 7,400 Teekay Shipping Corp. 254,560 5,900 Union Pacific Corp. 316,771 6,550 Yellow Corp.(a) 142,528 ---------------- 2,559,976 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Utilities 2.9% 5,700 ALLETE, Inc. 135,033 15,680 Alstom 437,331 14,300 Beacon Power Corp.(a) 66,495 3,750 California Water Service Group 89,813 9,800 Cleco Corp. 222,950 6,550 El Paso Electric Co. 94,910 36,400 Endesa SA (Spain) 594,477 6,375 Exelon Corp. 360,187 6,500 Kansas City Power & Light Co. 157,950 3,900 MDU Resources Group, Inc. 118,443 2,800 NewPower Holdings, Inc. 19,600 19,800 NiSource, Inc. 521,928
See Notes to Financial Statements 27 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3,650 OGE Energy Corp. $ 78,840 4,400 Park Electrochemical Corp. 108,460 3,550 Peoples Energy Corp. 135,113 30,800 PG&E Corp. 457,996 20,000 Power-One, Ltd.(a) 310,000 4,800 Public Service Company of New Mexico(a) 142,128 19,350 Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux (France) 653,561 5,250 Western Resources, Inc. 97,597 ---------------- 4,802,812 ---------------- Total long-term investments (cost $158,192,254) 157,036,211 ---------------- SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS 5.8% Principal Amount (000) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Repurchase Agreement $ 9,722 Joint Repurchase Agreement Account, 3.87%, 8/1/01 (cost $9,722,000; Note 5) 9,722,000 ---------------- Total Investments 100.2% (cost $167,914,254; Note 4) 166,758,211 Liabilities in excess of other assets (0.2%) (370,180) ---------------- Net Assets 100% $ 166,388,031 ---------------- ----------------
28 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd. (a) Non-income producing security. AB--Aktiebolag (Swedish Company). ADR--American Depository Receipt. AG--Aktiengesellschaft (German Company). NV--Naamloze Vennootschap (Dutch Corporation). Oy--Osakehio (Finnish Company). PLC--Public Liability Company (British Company). REIT--Real Estate Investment Trust. SA--Sociedad Anonima (Spanish Corporation) or SA-- Societe Anonyme (French Corporation). SCA--Societe Capital Anonyme (French Corporation). SpA--Societa per Azione (Italian Corporation). See Notes to Financial Statements 29 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Statement of Assets and Liabilities
July 31, 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSETS Investments, at value (cost $167,914,254) $166,758,211 Foreign currency, at value (cost $134,018) 133,235 Receivable for investments sold 2,054,458 Receivable for Fund shares sold 387,889 Dividends and interest receivable 102,838 Tax reclaim receivable 29,788 ---------------- Total assets 169,466,419 ---------------- LIABILITIES Payable to custodian 102,367 Payable for investments purchased 2,133,055 Payable for Fund shares reacquired 461,163 Accrued expenses 159,632 Distribution fee payable 112,531 Management fee payable 105,629 Foreign withholding tax payable 4,011 ---------------- Total liabilities 3,078,388 ---------------- NET ASSETS $166,388,031 ---------------- ---------------- Net assets were comprised of: Shares of beneficial interest, at par $ 15,715 Paid-in capital in excess of par 169,264,410 ---------------- 169,280,125 Distributions in excess of net investment income (85,442) Undistributed net realized loss on investments (1,650,329) Net unrealized depreciation on investments and foreign currency transactions (1,156,323) ---------------- Net assets, July 31, 2001 $166,388,031 ---------------- ----------------
30 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Statement of Assets and Liabilities Cont'd.
July 31, 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class A: Net asset value and redemption price per share ($39,527,818 / 3,692,578 shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding) $10.70 Maximum sales charge (5% of offering price) 0.56 ---------------- Maximum offering price to public $11.26 ---------------- ---------------- Class B: Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per share ($86,940,550 / 8,244,107 shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding) $10.55 ---------------- ---------------- Class C: Net asset value and redemption price per share ($36,507,113 / 3,461,823 shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding) $10.55 Sales charge (1% of offering price) 0.11 ---------------- Offering price to public $10.66 ---------------- ---------------- Class Z: Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per share ($3,412,550 / 316,992 shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding) $10.77 ---------------- ----------------
See Notes to Financial Statements 31 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Statement of Operations
Year Ended July 31, 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NET INVESTMENT LOSS Income Dividends (net of foreign withholding taxes of $79,489) $ 1,977,479 Interest 708,439 ---------------- Total income 2,685,918 ---------------- Expenses Management fee 1,213,003 Distribution fee--Class A 97,820 Distribution fee--Class B 849,490 Distribution fee--Class C 353,869 Custodian's fees and expenses 385,000 Transfer agent's fees and expenses 302,000 Reports to shareholders 203,000 Registration fees 64,000 Audit fee 25,000 Legal fees 25,000 Trustees' fees 20,000 Miscellaneous 6,013 ---------------- Total expenses 3,544,195 ---------------- Net investment loss (858,277) ---------------- REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) ON INVESTMENTS AND FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS Net realized gain (loss) on: Investment transactions 1,292,627 Foreign currency transactions (79,745) ---------------- 1,212,882 ---------------- Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of: Investments (18,672,362) Foreign currency 4,287 ---------------- (18,668,075) ---------------- Net loss on investments and foreign currencies (17,455,193) ---------------- NET DECREASE IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS $ (18,313,470) ---------------- ----------------
32 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Statement of Changes in Net Assets
Year Ended July 31, ------------------------------------ 2001 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS Operations Net investment loss $ (858,277) $ (593,753) Net realized gain on investments and foreign currency transactions 1,212,882 17,935,568 Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments and foreign currencies (18,668,075) 5,900,003 ---------------- ---------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations (18,313,470) 23,241,818 ---------------- ---------------- Dividends and distributions (Note 1) Distributions in excess of net investment income Class A -- (798,740) Class B -- (1,548,906) Class C -- (694,850) Class Z -- (1,329,649) ---------------- ---------------- -- (4,372,145) ---------------- ---------------- Distributions from net realized gains Class A (2,991,298) (510,822) Class B (6,683,757) (1,183,192) Class C (2,720,970) (530,788) Class Z (122,496) (794,899) ---------------- ---------------- (12,518,521) (3,019,701) ---------------- ---------------- Fund share transactions (net of share conversions) (Note 6) Net proceeds from shares sold 62,710,336 75,419,062 Net asset value of shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 12,225,780 7,276,356 Cost of shares reacquired (26,141,501) (68,742,787) ---------------- ---------------- Net increase in net assets from Fund share transactions 48,794,615 13,952,631 ---------------- ---------------- Total increase 17,962,624 29,802,603 NET ASSETS Beginning of year 148,425,407 118,622,804 ---------------- ---------------- End of year $166,388,031 $148,425,407 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
See Notes to Financial Statements 33 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Allocation Funds (the 'Trust'), formerly Prudential Diversified Funds, are registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end, diversified management investment company presently consisting of three Portfolios: Strategic Partners High Growth Fund ('the Fund'), Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund and Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund. These financial statements relate only to Strategic Partners High Growth Fund. The financial statements of the other Portfolios are not presented herein. The Trust was organized as a business trust in Delaware on July 29, 1998. The Fund's Advisers consist of Jennison Associates LLC ('Jennison'), Prudential Investment Management, Inc. ('PIM'), formerly known as Prudential Investment Corporation, Lazard Asset Management, Franklin Advisers, Inc. and the Dreyfus Corporation. The investment objective of the Fund is to provide long-term capital appreciation. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in a diversified portfolio of equity securities issued by U.S. and foreign companies. Under normal circumstances, substantially all of the Fund's assets will be invested in equity securities, including common stock, securities convertible into common stock and preferred stock. Note 1. Accounting Policies The following is a summary of significant accounting policies followed by the Trust in the preparation of its financial statements. Securities Valuation: Securities for which the primary market is on an exchange and NASDAQ National Market Securities are valued at the last sales price on such exchange on the day of valuation, or, if there was no sale on such day, at the mean between the last bid and asked prices on such day or at the bid price on such day in the absence of an asked price. Securities that are actively traded in the over-the-counter market, including listed securities for which the primary market is believed by the Prudential Investment Fund Management LLC ('PIFM' or the 'Manager'), in consultation with the Adviser, to be over-the-counter, are valued by an independent pricing agent or principal market maker. Privately placed securities including equity securities for which market prices may be obtained from primary dealers shall be valued at the bid prices provided by such primary dealers. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available, may be valued using the last available market quotation for a period not to exceed five days, provided the Manager and Adviser feel this is representative of market value; after that period, such securities are valued in good faith under procedures adopted by the Trustees. Short-term securities which mature in more than 60 days are valued at current market quotations. Short-term securities which mature in 60 days or less are valued at amortized cost. All securities are valued as of 4:15 p.m., New York time. 34 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. Foreign Currency Translation: The books and records of the Fund are maintained in U.S. dollars. Foreign currency amounts are translated into U.S. dollars on the following basis: (i) market value of investment securities, other assets and liabilities - at the closing daily rates of exchange. (ii) purchases and sales of investment securities, income and expenses - at the rate of exchange prevailing on the respective dates of such transactions. Although the net assets of the Fund are presented at the foreign exchange rates and market values at the close of the fiscal period, the Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations arising as a result of changes in the foreign exchange rates from the fluctuations arising from changes in the market prices of securities held at the end of the period. Similarly, the Fund does not isolate the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates from the fluctuations arising from changes in the market prices of portfolio securities sold during the fiscal period. Accordingly, realized foreign currency gains (losses) are included in the reported net realized gains (losses) on investment transactions. Net realized gains (losses) on foreign currency transactions represent net foreign exchange gains (losses) from the holdings of foreign currencies, currency gains (losses) realized between the trade and settlement dates on security transactions, and the difference between the amounts of dividends, interest and foreign taxes recorded on the Fund's books and the U.S. dollar equivalent amounts actually received or paid. Foreign security and currency transactions may involve certain considerations and risks not typically associated with those of domestic origin as a result of, among other factors, the possibility of political and economic instability and the level of governmental supervision and regulation of foreign securities markets. Repurchase Agreements: In connection with transactions in repurchase agreements with U.S. financial institutions, it is the Fund's policy that its custodian or designated subcustodians, as the case may be under triparty repurchase agreements, take possession of the underlying securities, the value of which exceeds the principal amount of the repurchase transaction, including accrued interest. If the seller defaults and the value of the collateral declines or if bankruptcy proceedings are commenced with respect to the seller of the security, realization of the collateral by the Fund may be delayed or limited. Securities Transactions and Net Investment Income: Securities transactions are recorded on the trade date. Realized gains (losses) on sales of investment and currency transactions are calculated on the identified cost basis. Dividend income is 35 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. recorded on the ex-dividend date and interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. Expenses are recorded on the accrual basis which may require the use of certain estimates by management. Net investment income (loss) (other than distribution fees) and unrealized and realized gains (losses) are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the relative proportion of net assets of each class at the beginning of the day. Dividends and Distributions: The Fund expects to pay dividends of net investment income and distributions of net realized capital and currency gains, if any, annually. Dividends and distributions are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Income dividends and capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles. Taxes: For federal income tax purposes, each Fund in the Trust is treated as a separate taxpaying entity. It is the Fund's policy to meet the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies and to distribute all of its taxable net income and capital gains, if any, to shareholders. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required. Withholding taxes on foreign dividends have been provided for in accordance with the Fund's understanding of the applicable country's tax rules and rates. Reclassification of Capital Accounts: The Fund accounts for and reports distributions to shareholders in accordance with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' Statement of Position 93-2: Determination, Disclosure, and Financial Statement Presentation of Income, Capital Gains, and Return of Capital Distributions by Investment Companies. The effect of applying this statement was to decrease distributions in excess of net investment income by $1,014,056, decrease accumulated net realized gain on investments by $1,977,522 and increase paid-in capital in excess of par by $963,466 for the year ended July 31, 2001, for redemptions utilized as distributions for federal income tax purposes and realized and recognized currency gains during the period and due to a net operating loss. Net investment income, net realized gains and net assets were not affected by this change. Note 2. Agreements The Fund has a management agreement with PIFM. Pursuant to this agreement, PIFM manages the investment operations of the Fund, administers the Fund's affairs and supervises the Advisers' performance of all investment advisory services. PIFM pays for the costs pursuant to the advisory agreements, the cost of compensation of officers of the Fund, occupancy and certain clerical and accounting costs of the Fund. The Fund bears all other costs and expenses. The management fee paid to PIFM is 36 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. computed daily and payable monthly at an annual rate of .75% of the average daily net assets of the Fund. PIFM, in turn, pays the Advisers' fees, based on the average daily net assets of the Fund segments they manage. The Fund has a distribution agreement with Prudential Investment Management Services LLC ('PIMS') which acts as the distributor of the Class A, Class B, Class C and Class Z shares of the Fund. The Fund compensates PIMS for distributing and servicing the Fund's Class A, Class B and Class C shares, pursuant to plans of distribution (the 'Class A, B and C Plans') regardless of expenses actually incurred by PIMS. The distribution fees are accrued daily and payable monthly. No distribution or service fees are paid to PIMS as distributor for Class Z shares of the Fund. Pursuant to the Class A, B and C Plans, the Fund compensates PIMS for distribution-related activities at an annual rate of up to .30 of 1%, 1% and 1% of the average daily net assets of the Class A, B and C shares, respectively. Such expenses under the Plans were .25 of 1%, 1% and 1% of the average daily net assets of the Class A, B and C shares respectively, for the year ended July 31, 2001. PIMS has advised the Fund that it has received approximately $190,100 and $132,900 in front-end sales charges resulting from sales of Class A and Class C shares, respectively, during the year ended July 31, 2001. PIMS has advised the Fund that for the year ended July 31, 2001, it has received approximately $188,000 and $20,500 in contingent deferred sales charges imposed upon certain redemptions by Class B and Class C shareholders, respectively. Jennison, PIMS, PIM and PIFM are indirect, wholly owned subsidiaries of The Prudential Insurance Company of America ('Prudential'). The Fund, along with other affiliated registered investment companies (the 'Funds'), entered into a syndicated credit agreement ('SCA') with an unaffiliated lender. The maximum commitment under the SCA is $500 million. Interest on any such borrowings will be at market rates. The Funds pay a commitment fee of .080 of 1% of the unused portion of the credit facility. The commitment fee is accrued and paid quarterly on a pro rata basis by the Funds. The expiration date of the SCA is March 7, 2002. Prior to March 9, 2001, the maximum commitment was $1 billion and the commitment fee was .080 of 1% of the unused portion of the credit facility. Effective September 14, 2001, the commitment under the SCA was increased to $930 million through December 31, 2001. Effective January 1, 2002, the commitment will be reduced to $500 million. All other terms and conditions are unchanged. The purpose of the agreement is to serve as an alternative source of funding for 37 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. capital share redemptions. The Fund did not borrow any amounts pursuant to the SCA during the year ended July 31, 2001. Note 3. Other Transactions with Affiliates Prudential Mutual Fund Services LLC ('PMFS'), an affiliate of PIFM and an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Prudential, serves as the Fund's transfer agent. During the year ended July 31, 2001, the Fund incurred fees of approximately $252,800 for the services of PMFS. As of July 31, 2001 approximately $23,200 of such fees were due to PMFS. Transfer agent fees and expenses in the Statement of Operations include certain out-of-pocket expenses paid to nonaffiliates. For the year ended July 31, 2001, Prudential Securities Incorporated, a wholly owned subsidiary of Prudential, earned approximately $30 in brokerage commissions from portfolio transactions executed on behalf of the Fund. Note 4. Portfolio Securities Purchases and sales of portfolio securities, other than short-term investments, for the year ended July 31, 2001, aggregated $168,964,837 and $123,083,386, respectively. The United States federal income tax basis of the Fund's investments at July 31, 2001 was $169,994,614 and accordingly, net unrealized depreciation on investments for federal income tax purposes was $3,236,403 (gross unrealized appreciation $14,623,832, gross unrealized depreciation $17,860,235). For United States Federal income tax purposes, the Fund will elect to treat net currency losses of approximately $45,000 incurred in the nine month period ended July 31, 2001 as having been incurred in the next fiscal year. Note 5. Joint Repurchase Agreement Account The Fund, along with other affiliated registered investment companies, transfers uninvested cash balances into a single joint account, the daily aggregate balance of which is invested in one or more repurchase agreements collateralized by U.S. Treasury or federal agency obligations. As of July 31, 2001, the Fund had a 1.7% undivided interest in the joint account. The undivided interest for the Fund represents $9,722,000 in principal amount. As of such date, each repurchase agreement in the joint account and the collateral therefore were as follows: Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown, 3.87%, in the principal amount of $65,821,000, repurchase price $65,828,075, due 8/1/01. The value of the collateral including accrued interest was $67,137,420. 38 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. Greenwich Capital Markets, Inc., 3.87%, in the principal amount of $180,000,000, repurchase price $180,019,350, due 8/1/01. The value of the collateral including accrued interest was $183,603,519. Morgan Stanley Co., Inc., 3.87%, in the principal amount of $180,000,000 repurchase price $180,019,350, due 8/1/01. The value of the collateral including accrued interest was $183,603,260. State Street Bank & Trust Co., 3.87%, in the principal amount of $145,661,000, repurchase price $145,676,658, due 8/1/01. The value of the collateral including accrued interest was $148,578,786. Note 6. Capital The Fund offers Class A, Class B, Class C and Class Z shares. Class A shares are sold with a front-end sales charge of up to 5%. Class B shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge which declines from 5% to zero depending on the period of time the shares are held. Class C shares are sold with a front-end sales charge of 1% and a contingent deferred sales charge of 1% during the first 18 months. Class B shares automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis approximately seven years after purchase. A special exchange privilege is also available for shareholders who qualified to purchase Class A shares at net asset value. Class Z shares are not subject to any sales or redemption charge and are offered exclusively for sale to a limited group of investors. The Fund has authorized an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest at $.001 par value per share. Transactions in shares of beneficial interest were as follows:
Class A Shares Amount ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- ------------ Year ended July 31, 2001: Shares sold 1,257,928 $ 14,867,212 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 262,678 2,920,976 Shares reacquired (753,781) (8,636,896) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion 766,825 9,151,292 Shares issued upon conversion from Class B 169,673 1,979,162 ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding 936,498 $ 11,130,454 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ Year ended July 31, 2000: Shares sold 1,540,352 $ 19,257,931 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 106,417 1,264,231 Shares reacquired (967,716) (12,147,899) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion 679,053 8,374,263 Shares issued upon conversion from Class B 233,346 3,014,476 ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding 912,399 $ 11,388,739 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------
39 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd.
Class B Shares Amount ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- ------------ Year ended July 31, 2001: Shares sold 2,503,158 $ 28,942,699 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 597,823 6,582,027 Shares reacquired (891,341) (10,095,052) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion 2,209,640 25,429,674 Shares reacquired upon conversion into Class A (171,643) (1,979,162) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding 2,037,997 $ 23,450,512 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ Year ended July 31, 2000: Shares sold 3,291,551 $ 40,858,317 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 226,817 2,687,787 Shares reacquired (655,599) (8,105,781) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion 2,862,769 35,440,323 Shares reacquired upon conversion into Class A (234,534) (3,014,476) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding 2,628,235 $ 32,425,847 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ Class C ------------------------------------------------------------ Year ended July 31, 2001: Shares sold 1,328,084 $ 15,425,950 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 236,394 2,602,699 Shares reacquired (563,097) (6,282,292) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding 1,001,381 $ 11,746,357 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ Year ended July 31, 2000: Shares sold 1,132,420 $ 14,053,104 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 101,310 1,200,525 Shares reacquired (508,887) (6,343,433) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding 724,843 $ 8,910,196 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ Class Z ------------------------------------------------------------ Year ended July 31, 2001: Shares sold 304,334 $ 3,474,475 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 10,760 120,078 Shares reacquired (99,609) (1,127,261) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding 215,485 $ 2,467,292 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ Year ended July 31, 2000: Shares sold 96,668 $ 1,249,710 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 178,772 2,123,813 Shares reacquired (3,324,795) (42,145,674) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding (3,049,355) $(38,772,151) ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------
40 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Financial Highlights
Class A ---------------------------------------------------- Year Ended July 31, November 18, 1998(a) ----------------------------- Through 2001 2000 July 31, 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PER SHARE OPERATING PERFORMANCE(d): Net asset value, beginning of period $ 12.95 $ 11.52 $ 10.00 ------------- ------------- -------- Income from investment operations: Net investment income --(e) --(e) --(e) Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment and foreign currency transactions (1.27) 2.14 1.52 ------------- ------------- -------- Total from investment operations (1.27) 2.14 1.52 ------------- ------------- -------- Less distributions: Dividends in excess of net investment income -- (.43) -- Distributions from net realized capital gains (.98) (.28) -- ------------- ------------- -------- Total dividends and distributions (.98) (.71) -- ------------- ------------- -------- Net asset value, end of period $ 10.70 $ 12.95 $ 11.52 ------------- ------------- -------- ------------- ------------- -------- TOTAL RETURN(b) (10.09)% 18.99% 15.20% RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: Net assets, end of period (000) $39,528 $35,678 $ 21,248 Average net assets (000) $39,128 $27,528 $ 10,442 Ratios to average net assets: Expenses, including distribution and service (12b-1) fees 1.64% 1.54% 1.73%(c) Expenses, excluding distribution and service (12b-1) fees 1.39% 1.29% 1.48%(c) Net investment income .02% .01% .02%(c) For Classes A, B, C and Z shares: Portfolio turnover rate 83% 67% 38%
------------------------------ (a) Commencement of investment operations. (b) Total return does not consider the effect of sales loads. Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of shares on the first day and a sale on the last day and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions. Total returns for periods of less than one full year are not annualized. (c) Annualized. (d) Calculated based upon weighted average shares outstanding during the period. (e) Less than $.005 per share. See Notes to Financial Statements 41 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Financial Highlights Cont'd.
Class B ---------------------------------------------------- Year Ended July 31, November 18, 1998(a) ----------------------------- Through 2001 2000 July 31, 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PER SHARE OPERATING PERFORMANCE(d): Net asset value, beginning of period $ 12.86 $ 11.47 $ 10.00 ------------- ------------- -------- Income from investment operations: Net investment income (loss) (.08) (.09) (.05) Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment and foreign currency transactions (1.25) 2.12 1.52 ------------- ------------- -------- Total from investment operations (1.33) 2.03 1.47 ------------- ------------- -------- Less distributions: Dividends in excess of net investment income -- (.36) -- Distributions from net realized capital gains (.98) (.28) -- ------------- ------------- -------- Total dividends and distributions (.98) (.64) -- ------------- ------------- -------- Net asset value, end of period $ 10.55 $ 12.86 $ 11.47 ------------- ------------- -------- ------------- ------------- -------- TOTAL RETURN(b) (10.66)% 18.13% 14.70% RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: Net assets, end of period (000) $86,941 $79,793 $ 41,049 Average net assets (000) $84,949 $60,994 $ 24,260 Ratios to average net assets: Expenses, including distribution and service (12b-1) fees 2.39% 2.29% 2.48%(c) Expenses, excluding distribution and service (12b-1) fees 1.39% 1.29% 1.48%(c) Net investment income (loss) (.72)% (.71)% (.70)%(c)
------------------------------ (a) Commencement of investment operations. (b) Total return does not consider the effect of sales loads. Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of shares on the first day and a sale on the last day and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions. Total returns for periods of less than one full year are not annualized. (c) Annualized. (d) Calculated based upon weighted average shares outstanding during the period. 42 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Financial Highlights Cont'd.
Class C ---------------------------------------------------- Year Ended July 31, November 18, 1998(a) ----------------------------- Through 2001 2000 July 31, 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PER SHARE OPERATING PERFORMANCE(d): Net asset value, beginning of period $ 12.86 $ 11.47 $ 10.00 ------------- ------------- -------- Income from investment operations: Net investment income (loss) (.08) (.09) (.05) Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment and foreign currency transactions (1.25) 2.12 1.52 ------------- ------------- -------- Total from investment operations (1.33) 2.03 1.47 ------------- ------------- -------- Less distributions: Dividends in excess of net investment income -- (.36) -- Distributions from net realized capital gains (.98) (.28) -- ------------- ------------- -------- Total dividends and distributions (.98) (.64) -- ------------- ------------- -------- Net asset value, end of period $ 10.55 $ 12.86 $ 11.47 ------------- ------------- -------- ------------- ------------- -------- TOTAL RETURN(b) (10.66)% 18.13% 14.70% RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: Net assets, end of period (000) $36,507 $31,636 $ 19,914 Average net assets (000) $35,387 $26,413 $ 15,204 Ratios to average net assets: Expenses, including distribution and service (12b-1) fees 2.39% 2.29% 2.48%(c) Expenses, excluding distribution and service (12b-1) fees 1.39% 1.29% 1.48%(c) Net investment income (loss) (.73)% (.73)% (.75)%(c)
------------------------------ (a) Commencement of investment operations. (b) Total return does not consider the effect of sales loads. Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of shares on the first day and a sale on the last day and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions. Total returns for periods of less than one full year are not annualized. (c) Annualized. (d) Calculated based upon weighted average shares outstanding during the period. See Notes to Financial Statements 43 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Financial Highlights Cont'd.
Class Z ---------------------------------------------------- Year Ended July 31, November 18, 1998(a) ----------------------------- Through 2001 2000 July 31, 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PER SHARE OPERATING PERFORMANCE(d): Net asset value, beginning of period $ 12.98 $ 11.56 $ 10.00 ------------- ------------- -------- Income from investment operations: Net investment income .03 .02 .02 Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment and foreign currency transactions (1.26) 2.14 1.54 ------------- ------------- -------- Total from investment operations (1.23) 2.16 1.56 ------------- ------------- -------- Less distributions: Dividends in excess of net investment income -- (.46) -- Distributions from net realized capital gains (.98) (.28) -- ------------- ------------- -------- Total dividends and distributions (.98) (.74) -- ------------- ------------- -------- Net asset value, end of period $ 10.77 $ 12.98 $ 11.56 ------------- ------------- -------- ------------- ------------- -------- TOTAL RETURN(b) (9.74)% 19.23% 15.60% RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: Net assets, end of period (000) $ 3,413 $ 1,318 $ 36,413 Average net assets (000) $ 2,270 $25,793 $ 45,999 Ratios to average net assets: Expenses, including distribution and service (12b-1) fees 1.39% 1.29% 1.48%(c) Expenses, excluding distribution and service (12b-1) fees 1.39% 1.29% 1.48%(c) Net investment income .23% .12% .21%(c)
------------------------------ (a) Commencement of investment operations. (b) Total return does not consider the effect of sales loads. Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of shares on the first day and a sale on the last day and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions. Total returns for periods of less than one full year are not annualized. (c) Annualized. (d) Calculated based upon weighted average shares outstanding during the period. 44 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Report of Independent Accountants To the Shareholders and Board of Trustees of Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds-- Strategic Partners Diversified High Growth Fund In our opinion, the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the portfolio of investments, and the related statements of operations and of changes in net assets and the financial highlights present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds--Strategic Partners Diversified High Growth Fund, formerly Prudential Diversified Funds--Prudential Diversified High Growth Fund (the 'Fund') at July 31, 2001, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended and the financial highlights for each of the periods presented, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. These financial statements and financial highlights (hereafter referred to as 'financial statements') are the responsibility of the Fund's management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits, which included confirmation of securities at July 31, 2001 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers, provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP New York, New York September 21, 2001 45 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Tax Information (Unaudited) We are required by the Internal Revenue Code to advise you within 60 days of the Fund's fiscal year end (July 31, 2001) as to the federal income tax status of dividends paid by the Fund during such fiscal period. Accordingly, we are advising you that during its fiscal period ended July 31, 2001, the Fund paid distributions of $.155 and $.825 per share which represent short-term capital gains and long-term capital gains, respectively. The Fund utilized redemptions as distributions in the amount of $.07 per Class A, Class B, Class C and Class Z shares of long-term capital gains. For the purpose of preparing your annual federal income tax return, however, you should report the amounts as reflected on the appropriate Form 1099-DIV or substitute 1099-DIV. 46 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds The Strategic Partners Mutual Fund Family Strategic Partners offers a variety of mutual funds designed to meet your individual needs. For information about these funds, contact your financial professional or call us at (800) 225-1852. Please read the applicable prospectus carefully before you invest or send money. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Strategic Partners Style Specific Funds Strategic Partners Large Capitalization Growth Fund Strategic Partners Large Capitalization Value Fund Strategic Partners Small Capitalization Growth Fund Strategic Partners Small Capitalization Value Fund Strategic Partners International Equity Fund Strategic Partners Total Return Bond Fund Strategic Partners Opportunity Funds Strategic Partners Focused Growth Fund Strategic Partners New Era Growth Fund Strategic Partners Focused Value Fund Special Money Market Fund, Inc.* * This fund is not a direct purchase money fund and is only an exchangeable money fund. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Getting the Most from Your Mutual Fund How many times have you read these reports--or other financial materials--and stumbled across a word that you don't understand? Many shareholders have run into the same problem. We'd like to help. So we'll use this space from time to time to explain some of the words you might have read, but not understood. And if you have a favorite word that no one can explain to your satisfaction, please write to us. Basis Point: 1/100th of 1%. For example, one- half of one percent is 50 basis points. Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMOs): Mortgage-backed bonds that separate mortgage pools into different maturity classes called tranches. These instruments are sensitive to changes in interest rates and homeowner refinancing activity. They are subject to prepayment and maturity extension risk. Derivatives: Securities that derive their value from other securities. The rate of return of these financial instruments rises and falls-- sometimes very suddenly--in response to changes in some specific interest rate, currency, stock, or other variable. Discount Rate: The interest rate charged by the Federal Reserve on loans to member banks. Federal Funds Rate: The interest rate charged by one bank to another on overnight loans. Futures Contract: An agreement to purchase or sell a specific amount of a commodity or financial instrument at a set price at a specified date in the future. www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 Leverage: The use of borrowed assets to enhance return. The expectation is that the interest rate charged on borrowed funds will be lower than the return on the investment. While leverage can increase profits, it can also magnify losses. Liquidity: The ease with which a financial instrument (or product) can be bought or sold (converted into cash) in the financial markets. Price/Earnings Ratio: The price of a share of stock divided by the earnings per share for a 12-month period. Option: An agreement to purchase or sell something, such as shares of stock, by a certain time for a specified price. An option need not be exercised. Spread: The difference between two values; often used to describe the difference between "bid" and "asked" prices of a security, or between the yields of two similar maturity bonds. Yankee Bond: A bond sold by a foreign company or government on the U.S. market and denominated in U.S. dollars. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Class A Growth of a $10,000 Investment (GRAPH) Average Annual Total Returns as of 7/31/01 One Year Five Years Ten Years Since Inception With Sales Charge -14.52% N/A N/A 6.04% Without Sales Charge -10.09% N/A N/A 8.07% Past performance is not indicative of future results. Principal and investment return will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the Strategic Partners High Growth Fund (Class A shares) with a similar investment in the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index (S&P 500 Index) by portraying the initial account values at the commencement of operations of Class A shares (November 18, 1998) and the account values at the end of the current fiscal year (July 31, 2001), as measured on a quarterly basis. For purposes of the graph, and unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that (a) the maximum applicable front-end sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in Class A shares; (b) all recurring fees (including management fees) were deducted; and (c) all dividends and distributions were reinvested. The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of 500 stocks of large U.S. companies. It gives a broad look at how stock prices have performed. The S&P 500 Index total returns include the reinvestment of all dividends, but do not include the effect of sales charges or operating expenses of a mutual fund. The securities that comprise the S&P 500 Index may differ substantially from the securities in the Fund. The S&P 500 Index is not the only index that may be used to characterize performance of balanced stock funds. Other indexes may portray different comparative performance. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. This graph is furnished to you in accordance with SEC regulations. www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 Class B Growth of a $10,000 Investment (GRAPH) Average Annual Total Returns as of 7/31/01 One Year Five Years Ten Years Since Inception With Sales Charge -15.13% N/A N/A 6.33% Without Sales Charge -10.66% N/A N/A 7.32% Past performance is not indicative of future results. Principal and investment return will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the Strategic Partners High Growth Fund (Class B shares) with a similar investment in the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index (S&P 500 Index) by portraying the initial account values at the commencement of operations of Class B shares (November 18, 1998) and the account values at the end of the current fiscal year (July 31, 2001), as measured on a quarterly basis. For purposes of the graph, and unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that (a) the maximum applicable contingent deferred sales charge was deducted from the value of the investment in Class B shares, assuming full redemption on July 31, 2001; (b) all recurring fees (including management fees) were deducted; and (c) all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Approximately seven years after purchase, Class B shares will automatically convert to Class A shares, on a quarterly basis. This conversion feature is not reflected in the graph. The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of 500 stocks of large U.S. companies. It gives a broad look at how stock prices have performed. The S&P 500 Index total returns include the reinvestment of all dividends, but do not include the effect of sales charges or operating expenses of a mutual fund. The securities that comprise the S&P 500 Index may differ substantially from the securities in the Fund. The S&P 500 Index is not the only one that may be used to characterize performance of balanced stock funds. Other indexes may portray different comparative performance. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. This graph is furnished to you in accordance with SEC regulations. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Class C Growth of a $10,000 Investment (GRAPH) Average Annual Total Returns as of 7/31/01 One Year Five Years Ten Years Since Inception With Sales Charge -12.44% N/A N/A 6.93% Without Sales Charge -10.66% N/A N/A 7.32% Past performance is not indicative of future results. Principal and investment return will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the Strategic Partners High Growth Fund (Class C shares) with a similar investment in the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index (S&P 500 Index) by portraying the initial account values at the commencement of operations of Class C shares (November 18, 1998) and the account values at the end of the current fiscal year (July 31, 2001), as measured on a quarterly basis. For purposes of the graph, and unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that (a) the maximum applicable front-end sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in Class C shares; (b) the maximum applicable contingent deferred sales charge was deducted from the value of the investment in Class C shares, assuming full redemption on July 31, 2001; (c) all recurring fees (including management fees) were deducted; and (d) all dividends and distributions were reinvested. The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of 500 stocks of large U.S. companies. It gives a broad look at how stock prices have performed. The S&P 500 Index total returns include the reinvestment of all dividends, but do not include the effect of sales charges or operating expenses of a mutual fund. The securities that comprise the S&P 500 Index may differ substantially from the securities in the Fund. The S&P 500 Index is not the only index that may be used to characterize performance of balanced stock funds. Other indexes may portray different comparative performance. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. This graph is furnished to you in accordance with SEC regulations. www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 Class Z Growth of a $10,000 Investment (GRAPH) Average Annual Total Returns as of 7/31/01 One Year Five Years Ten Years Since Inception -9.74% N/A N/A 8.42% Past performance is not indicative of future results. Principal and investment return will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the Strategic Partners High Growth Fund (Class Z shares) with a similar investment in the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index (S&P 500 Index) by portraying the initial account values at the commencement of operations of Class Z shares (November 18, 1998) and the account values at the end of the current fiscal year (July 31, 2001), as measured on a quarterly basis. For purposes of the graph, and unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that (a) all recurring fees (including management fees) were deducted, and (b) all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Class Z shares are not subject to a sales charge or distribution and service (12b-1) fees. The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of 500 stocks of large U.S. companies. It gives a broad look at how stock prices have performed. The S&P 500 Index total returns include the reinvestment of all dividends, but do not include the effect of sales charges or operating expenses of a mutual fund. The securities that comprise the S&P 500 Index may differ substantially from the securities in the Fund. The S&P 500 Index is not the only index that may be used to characterize performance of balanced stock funds. Other indexes may portray different comparative performance. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. This graph is furnished to you in accordance with SEC regulations. FOR MORE INFORMATION Prudential Mutual Funds Gateway Center Three 100 Mulberry Street Newark, NJ 07102-4077 (800) 225-1852 Visit our website at: www.strategicpartners.com Trustees Eugene C. Dorsey Saul K. Fenster Robert F. Gunia Maurice F. Holmes Robert E. LaBlanc Douglas H. McCorkindale W. Scott McDonald, Jr. Thomas T. Mooney David R. Odenath, Jr. Stephen Stoneburn Joseph Weber Clay T. Whitehead Officers David R. Odenath, Jr., President Robert F. Gunia, Vice President Judy A. Rice, Vice President Grace C. Torres, Treasurer George P. Attisano, Secretary William V. Healey, Assistant Secretary Manager Prudential Investments Fund Management LLC Gateway Center Three 100 Mulberry Street Newark, NJ 07102-4077 Investment Advisers Jennison Associates LLC 466 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10017 Franklin Advisers, Inc. 920 Park Place. San Mateo, CA 94403 The Dreyfus Corporation 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166 Lazard Asset Management 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10112 Prudential Investment Management, Inc. Prudential Plaza Newark, NJ 07102-3777 Distributor Prudential Investment Management Services LLC Gateway Center Three, 14th Floor Newark, NJ 07102-4077 Custodian State Street Bank and Trust Company One Heritage Drive North Quincy, MA 02171 Transfer Agent Prudential Mutual Fund Services LLC P.O. Box 8098 Philadelphia, PA 19101 Independent Accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 1177 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 Legal Counsel Kirkpatrick & Lockhart LLP 1800 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Fund Symbols NASDAQ CUSIP Class A PHGAX 86276X509 Class B PIHGX 86276X608 Class C PHGCX 86276X707 Class Z PDHZX 86276X806 MFSP504E5 (LOGO) Printed on Recycled Paper ANNUAL REPORT JULY 31, 2001 STRATEGIC PARTNERS ASSET ALLOCATION FUNDS (LOGO) STRATEGIC PARTNERS CONSERVATIVE GROWTH FUND Objective: Seeks Current Income and a Reasonable Level of Capital Appreciation This report is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus. The views expressed in this report and information about the Fund's portfolio holdings are for the period covered by this report and are subject to change thereafter. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Performance at a Glance INVESTMENT GOALS AND STYLE The Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund seeks current income and a reasonable level of capital appreciation. It invests in a diversified portfolio of stocks and fixed- income securities. There can be no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective. MANAGER Prudential Investments Fund Management LLC INVESTMENT ADVISERS (LOGO) www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 Annual Report July 31, 2001 Cumulative Total Returns1 As of 7/31/01
One Since Year Inception2 Class A 1.00% 18.87% Class B 0.34 16.58 Class C 0.34 16.58 Class Z 1.30 19.61 Lipper Balanced Fund Avg.3 -2.12 12.31
Average Annual Total Returns1 As of 6/30/01
One Since Year Inception2 Class A -3.65% 4.55% Class B -4.35 4.77 Class C -1.35 5.42 Class Z 1.64 6.85
Past performance is not indicative of future results. Principal and investment return will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. 1 Source: Prudential Investments Fund Management LLC and Lipper Inc. The cumulative total returns do not take into account sales charges. The average annual total returns do take into account applicable sales charges. The Fund charges a maximum front-end sales charge of 5% for Class A shares. Class B shares are subject to a declining contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) of 5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, 1%, and 1% for six years. Approximately seven years after purchase, Class B shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis. Class C shares are subject to a front-end sales charge of 1% and a CDSC of 1% for 18 months. Class Z shares are not subject to a sales charge or distribution and service (12b-1) fees. 2 Inception date: Class A, B, C, and Z, 11/18/98. 3 Lipper average returns are unmanaged, and are based on the average return for all funds in each share class for the one-year and since inception periods in the Lipper Balanced Fund category. The Lipper Balanced Fund Average includes funds that generally seek to conserve principal by maintaining at all times a balanced portfolio of both stocks and bonds. Typically, the stock/bond ratio ranges around 60%/40%. 1 STRATEGIC PARTNERS Asset Allocation Funds (LOGO) September 18, 2001 DEAR SHAREHOLDER, The horrific events that took place on September 11, 2001 will remain forever ingrained in our nation's consciousness. In their aftermath, our thoughts and our prayers remain with the victims of this senseless tragedy, their families, and friends. It is also with deep gratitude that we acknowledge the heroic efforts of the men and women involved in the rescue efforts. We at Prudential Financial would like to take the opportunity during this difficult time to reassure our shareholders of our unwavering commitment to their investment needs. Under normal circumstances, the investment landscape is a difficult one to navigate, and during this extremely tragic period in our nation's history, even more so. We're here to provide the expertise and resources that may help make the journey ahead less daunting. For now, investors should try to maintain a patient focus on their long-term investment strategies. It is also important for individuals to avoid making investment decisions based on emotional reactions. While no one can predict the future, history has shown that after an event of this magnitude, the major markets post initial sharp declines from which they eventually recover. Should history repeat itself, individuals who leave the market now may be unable to fully participate in a market rebound. Above all, investors should continue to seek guidance from their financial professionals. It is a testament to the resiliency of our country that as we mourn, we also carry on. Please let us know how we can help you as we move forward together in the weeks and months ahead. Sincerely, David R. Odenath, Jr., President Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds 2 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Annual Report July 31, 2001 PRUDENTIAL DIVERSIFIED FUNDS RENAMED "STRATEGIC PARTNERS ASSET ALLOCATION FUNDS" On September 4, 2001, we welcomed the Prudential Diversified Funds into the Strategic Partners family of mutual funds, renaming them the Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds. These changes will have no effect at all on the Funds' management: Both the asset allocations and the advisers for each asset class have stayed the same. The change will allow investors in these Funds to exchange their shares with shares of other Strategic Partners Funds, including the Strategic Partners Style Specific Funds and the Strategic Partners Opportunity Funds. Our team of investment management analysts selected investment advisers for all of the Strategic Partners Funds from among leading managers across the entire investment industry. Should you and your financial professional wish to modify the asset allocation provided by your fund, we believe the Strategic Partners family offers a fine selection. Effective September 4, 2001, however, your shares of any Strategic Partners fund are no longer exchangeable for those of funds in the Prudential fund family. 3 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Annual Report July 31, 2001 INVESTMENT ADVISERS' REPORT PERFORMANCE During the Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund's (formerly Prudential Diversified Conservative Growth Fund) fiscal year ended July 31, 2001, the strong performance of the Fund's core bonds and value stocks earned it a moderate gain, despite the sharply falling prices of growth stocks. The 1.00% return on the Fund's Class A shares (-4.05% to those paying the maximum one-time Class A share sales charge) was significantly above the -2.12% Lipper Balanced Fund Average. A GOOD TIME FOR DEFENSIVE INVESTING During the 12 months ended July 31, 2001, investors gradually came to accept that the U.S. economy was slowing and that it was affecting the global economy. As company after company announced profits that were well below growth estimates, and even below levels a year earlier, stock prices began to fall precipitously. The worst hit were primarily growth stocks whose peak prices reflected the assumption that their companies' earnings would increase very rapidly. U.S. large-cap and small-cap growth stocks had prolonged slides from September 2000 through March 2001 before recovering modestly. In response to the market conditions, many investors fled to asset classes that are thought of as defensive--that is, relatively immune to an economic slowdown--such as core bonds and inexpensively priced (value) stocks. This increased interest pushed up prices in those asset classes. Small-cap value stocks, which had been neglected for some time, particularly benefited: the return of the small-cap Russell 2000 Value Index was a huge 47 percentage points above that of the corresponding Growth Index. Core bonds turned in the kind of large return usually associated with stocks. Falling interest rates, which increase the prices of previously issued bonds, helped bond returns. However, high-yield ("junk") bonds--those of companies with lower credit ratings--didn't share in the gains because investors 4 www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 Asset Class Index Returns (GRAPH) Source: Prudential and Lipper Inc. The performance cited does not represent the performance of the Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. The S&P/ Barra Value Index is an unmanaged, weighted index comprising companies within the S&P 500 Index with lower price-to-book ratios. The S&P/Barra Growth Index is an unmanaged, weighted index comprising companies within the S&P 500 Index with higher price-to-book ratios. The Russell 2000 Value Index is an unmanaged, weighted index that measures the performance of those Russell 2000 companies with lower price- to-book ratios. The Russell 2000 Growth Index is an unmanaged, weighted index that measures the performance of those Russell 2000 companies with higher price- to-book ratios. The Lehman Brothers Aggregate Index is an unmanaged index of investment-grade securities issued by the U.S. government and its agencies, and by corporations with between 1 and 10 years remaining to maturity. The Lehman Brothers Aggregate Index gives a broad look at how short- and intermediate-term bonds have performed. The Lehman Brothers High Yield Bond Index is an unmanaged index of fixed-rate, noninvestment- grade debt securities with at least one year remaining to maturity. The Lehman Brothers High Yield Bond Index gives a broad look at how high-yield (junk) bonds have performed. 5 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Annual Report July 31, 2001 became more sensitive about potential defaults. International stocks generally followed the U.S. market down as the slowing U.S. economy affected sales of companies based in other countries. THE FUND OUTPERFORMED ITS BENCHMARK... The Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund's outperformance relative to the Lipper Balanced Fund Average was primarily due to the substantial positive returns of its large-cap value stocks and core bonds. The Fund's positions in small-cap value stocks and high- yield bonds made smaller contributions to performance. The Fund's large-cap value comparable index, the S&P/Barra Value Index, was solidly positive, but the Fund's holdings in that asset class still outperformed the Index by far. The Fund's strong performance in this asset class resulted from focuses on the insurance (primarily property and casualty), basic materials (paper, aluminum, and chemicals), tobacco, and health services (HMO and hospital management) industries. Stocks in these industries were recovering from their depressed prices in previous years, and earnings were consistent or rising. Core bonds were the second best performing asset class (after small-cap value stocks), and the Fund's holdings only marginally trailed the return of the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Index, a general measure of performance for this asset class. Because of the strong performance of the bond market over this reporting period, the portion of the Fund's assets invested in core bonds made the second largest positive contribution to the Fund's return. Small-cap value stocks--an asset class that had previously suffered several years of poor performance--staged a strong rebound when investors fled from high-priced stocks to those that remained inexpensive. Because of their volatile nature, small-cap value stocks are among the Fund's smaller asset allocations. Nonetheless, their exceptionally high return this reporting period made a significant, positive contribution to the Fund, even though the Fund's holdings slightly trailed the comparable index return. 6 www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 The comparable index for high-yield bonds--the Lehman Brothers High Yield Bond Index--was essentially flat over this reporting period; the generally good outlook for bonds was offset by concerns that the slowing economy would increase the pressure on financially weak companies. However, the Fund's high-yield bond holdings substantially outperformed their comparable index, adding modestly to the Fund's return. ...BUT LOSING ASSET CLASSES STILL PREDOMINATED The largest detractor from the Fund's return was its position in large-cap growth stocks--the worst performing asset class over the period and one of the larger components of the Fund. As corporate profits fell below last year's levels, the stocks of rapidly growing companies suffered most. Cumulatively, the Fund's holdings fell a bit farther than the S&P/Barra Growth Index largely because of their emphasis on technology, media, and telecommunications. The Fund's investments in these industries included companies that were central to the building of the Internet (such as Cisco Systems and JDS Uniphase), and to wireless telecommunications products and services (such as Nokia and Vodafone). Share price declines in these industries were very dramatic. The slowing U.S. economy and falling stock market also affected the Fund's smaller commitment to U.S. small-cap growth stocks. The comparable index for this asset class dropped by more than 20%. Although the Fund's holdings in the asset class outperformed the comparable index, this did little to mitigate the impact of the falling markets. Only the fact that the asset allocation to this volatile class was relatively small held down its detractions from the Fund's return. Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Management Team 7 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Annual Report July 31, 2001 WHAT IS DIVERSIFICATION Diversification--spreading your investments over many different securities--is a basic principle of investing. It helps to reduce the overall risk of your portfolio. Mutual funds not only provide professional money management, but they also allow a relatively small investment to be spread over many different securities. When you own a large number of different securities, the impact of any one security on your return is reduced. In addition, if you diversify your investments among asset classes and investment styles--between stocks and bonds, value and growth stocks, and investment-grade and high- yield bonds--it is less likely that all the securities you own will move in the same direction at one time. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds provide more of this buffer than funds investing in only one asset class. We believe this will result in more consistent returns over time. REBALANCING The Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund has a target allocation for each asset class. As some asset classes perform better than others, the portfolio will drift from this original target: asset classes with the best performance will become a larger proportion of the invested assets. We direct new investments to the asset classes that have fallen below their target ratio and, when necessary, sell certain securities in appreciated asset classes to maintain the balance. This not only keeps your risk exposure from changing too much, but it may reduce the average cost of our investments and increase our average selling price over time. Although an individual investor can diversify and rebalance, it would require a large investment to own the range of asset classes represented in the Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund. Moreover, calculating the amounts to allocate to each kind of security in a rebalancing would be difficult. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds do it all for you. 8 www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Asset classes are classifications of investments. The most basic classification of securities is among stocks, bonds, and money market investments. Stocks are shares of ownership in a firm. Owners share in the profits after debts are paid, and share in the firm's appreciation in value. Generally, the prices of stocks vary with investors' estimates of a firm's earnings prospects, including the impact of broader economic conditions. Bonds are loans to a company, government, or agency. They carry a fixed interest rate or one that varies according to the terms specified in the bond. They have a maturity date at which they must be repaid. Generally, bond prices fluctuate with current interest rates and with events that affect the debtor's prospects of repaying the loan. Money market instruments are short-term loans that mature in 13 months or less. Bonds and money market instruments are called fixed-income securities. High-yield bonds are also known as junk bonds. They are subject to greater risk of loss of principal and interest, including default risk, than higher- rated bonds. Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Diversification Target (GRAPHIC) 9 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Annual Report July 31, 2001 Financial Statements '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS 109.9% Common Stocks 37.2% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advertising 0.4% 4,100 Lamar Advertising Co.(a) $ 180,318 2,100 Omnicom Group, Inc. 183,477 ---------------- 363,795 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aerospace/Defense 0.4% 325 ADVO, Inc. 12,691 800 BE Aerospace, Inc.(a) 14,856 2,400 Embraer Aircraft Corp., ADR (Brasil)(a) 85,440 3,100 Northrop Grumman Corp. 248,713 ---------------- 361,700 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Airlines 0.1% 1,625 Airtran Holdings, Inc.(a) 13,975 2,900 Atlantic Coast Airlines Holdings(a) 84,245 425 Skywest, Inc. 14,255 ---------------- 112,475 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aluminum 0.2% 3,600 Alcoa, Inc. 141,228 525 Century Aluminum Co. 9,161 875 Quanex Corp. 23,932 1,700 Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. 42,330 ---------------- 216,651 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apparel 0.1% 875 Kenneth Cole Productions, Inc.(a) 17,281 400 K-Swiss, Inc. (Class A Stock) 13,000 1,325 Phillips-Van Heusen Corp. 18,153 ---------------- 48,434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto & Truck 0.2% 1,150 Lear Corp.(a) 45,540 4,000 Navistar International Corp.(a) 128,440 2,050 Sonic Automatic, Inc.(a) 39,975 ---------------- 213,955
See Notes to Financial Statements 11 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Banking 1.0% 300 1st Source Corp. $ 7,299 375 Astoria Financial Corp. 22,496 1,375 BancorpSouth, Inc. 22,137 5,500 Bank One Corp. 212,905 2,675 BankAtlantic Bancorp, Inc. 27,419 1,005 BankNorth Group, Inc. 23,075 550 City National Corp. 25,850 1,325 Colonial BancGroup, Inc. 19,504 375 Corus Bankshares, Inc. 22,200 525 Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc. 18,433 1,198 CVB Financial Corp. 22,726 950 East West Bancorp, Inc. 24,244 75 First Citizens Bancshares, Inc. 7,538 750 First Merchants Corp. 17,625 1,076 Fulton Financial Corp. 23,887 400 Harbor Florida Bancshares, Inc. 7,620 725 Independent Bank Corp. 14,174 725 MAF Bancorp, Inc. 22,359 800 MBNA Corp. 28,320 900 PFF Bancorp, Inc. 23,040 2,800 PNC Bank Corp. 185,780 675 Provident Financial Group, Inc. 22,282 675 Southwest Bancorp(a) 22,693 950 Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc. 19,798 1,160 Washington Federal, Inc. 30,868 550 Westamerica BanCorporation 21,697 475 Whitney Holding Corp. 21,418 ---------------- 917,387 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building & Construction 0.2% 650 Centex Corp. 30,576 1,009 D.R. Horton, Inc. 27,798 750 KB Home 24,442
12 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 575 Lennar Corp. $ 26,387 612 M.D.C. Holdings, Inc. 25,667 650 Nortek, Inc.(a) 17,303 850 Thomas Industries, Inc. 21,862 575 York International Corp. 19,044 ---------------- 193,079 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Business Services 0.1% 600 Arbitron, Inc. 15,780 5,525 Modis Professional Services, Inc.(a) 35,194 ---------------- 50,974 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cable 550 Belden, Inc. 13,448 1,162 Cable Design Technologies Corp. 17,488 ---------------- 30,936 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chemicals 0.3% 700 Albany Molecular Research, Inc. 21,763 825 Arch Chemicals, Inc. 16,583 1,700 Cambrex Corp. 81,005 825 Cytec Industries, Inc.(a) 26,804 350 Du Pont Photomasks, Inc.(a) 13,500 625 Ferro Corp. 13,813 750 Great Lakes Chemical Corp. 21,292 500 H.B. Fuller Co. 26,335 600 Minerals Technologies, Inc. 25,482 1,250 Olin Corp. 21,087 300 OM Group, Inc. 17,550 925 The Lubrizol Corp. 32,264 ---------------- 317,478 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computers 1.8% 5,200 ASM Lithography Holding N.V. (Netherlands)(a) 106,444 1,200 Catapult Communications Corp.(a) 20,688 13,200 Dell Computer Corp.(a) 355,476 4,400 EMC Corp.(a) 86,768 1,500 Hewlett-Packard Co. 36,990
See Notes to Financial Statements 13 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5,600 IBM Corp. $ 589,176 4,700 Iomega Corp.(a) 7,473 10,400 Lucent Technologies, Inc.(a) 69,680 17,828 Maxtor Corp.(a) 117,665 2,800 Micron Technology, Inc. 117,600 1,325 MTS Systems Corp. 18,550 11,200 Sun Microsystems, Inc.(a) 182,448 ---------------- 1,708,958 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computer Services 0.8% 4,600 Advanced Digital Information(a) 52,210 525 CACI International, Inc.(a) 18,375 1,400 Carreker Corp.(a) 26,530 12,300 Cisco Systems, Inc.(a) 236,406 600 Digitalthink, Inc.(a) 8,700 1,600 eBay, Inc.(a) 100,112 4,000 Henry (Jack) & Associates, Inc. 113,080 2,700 Inforte Corp.(a) 30,240 3,200 Probusiness Services, Inc.(a) 88,224 1,950 Storage Technology Corp.(a) 26,851 1,025 Tier Technologies, Inc 11,890 ---------------- 712,618 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consulting Management 500 Tetra Tech, Inc. 11,350 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consumer Products/Services 0.3% 2,300 American Greetings Corp. 25,415 2,400 Cost Plus, Inc. 67,752 5,000 Gillette Co. 139,350 5,625 Service Corp. International(a) 44,438 975 Tupperware Corp. 22,893 ---------------- 299,848
14 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Diversified Manufacturing 1.5% 1,850 AGCO Corp. $ 19,074 700 Carpenter Technology Corp. 19,208 1,700 Coorstek, Inc.(a) 52,871 1,775 Daisytek International Corp.(a) 27,175 925 Esco Technologies, Inc.(a) 25,992 11,200 General Electric Co. 487,200 1,900 Gerber Scientific, Inc.(a) 20,558 500 Harsco Corp. 15,280 400 Intermagnetics General Corp.(a) 12,500 1,550 Jakks Pacific, Inc.(a) 31,046 725 Leucadia National Corp. 23,678 325 Libbey, Inc. 11,164 1,400 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. 156,632 625 National Service Industries, Inc. 14,138 1,700 Roper Industries, Inc. 64,345 600 Sauer-Danfoss, Inc. 5,460 875 Snap-On, Inc. 23,625 7,600 Tyco International Ltd. 404,320 375 United Stationers, Inc. 12,371 1,000 WMS Industries, Inc.(a) 23,000 ---------------- 1,449,637 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drugs & Medical Supplies 0.5% 3,300 Johnson & Johnson 178,530 3,000 Packard Bioscience Co. 28,890 5,775 Pharmacia Corp. 257,680 1,250 STERIS Corp.(a) 26,888 ---------------- 491,988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electrical Services 0.5% 925 Allete, Inc. 21,913 2,087 Exelon Corp. 117,915 625 MDU Resources Group, Inc. 18,981 6,300 Nisource, Inc. 166,068 600 OGE Energy Corp. 12,960 10,200 PG&E Corp. 151,674 850 Western Resources, Inc. 15,802 ---------------- 505,313
See Notes to Financial Statements 15 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Electronic Components 1.6% 1,200 Alpha Industries, Inc.(a) $ 45,744 900 Caliper Technologies Corp.(a) 14,805 2,000 Credence Systems Corp.(a) 41,400 1,775 CTS Corp. 39,139 525 Electro Scientific Industries, Inc.(a) 16,879 925 Electronics for Imaging, Inc.(a) 20,387 3,500 Gentex Corp.(a) 114,765 4,400 Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc.(a) 84,920 4,200 Intersil Holding Corp.(a) 145,740 900 Keithley Industries, Inc. 18,045 1,050 Merix Corp.(a) 25,588 2,350 Methode Eletronics, Inc. (Class A Stock) 21,079 1,700 Novellus Systems, Inc.(a) 86,649 712 Park Electrochemical Corp. 17,551 200 Polycom, Inc.(a) 5,090 4,000 Power-One, Inc.(a) 62,000 3,200 Semtech Corp.(a) 118,560 2,400 STMicroelectronics N.V. (Netherlands) 76,416 450 Technitrol, Inc. 11,169 13,000 Texas Instruments, Inc. 448,500 3,300 Varian Semiconductor Equipment, Inc. 116,028 ---------------- 1,530,454 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exchange Traded Fund 0.1% 2,200 Nasdaq--100 Shares Trust Unit Series 1 91,872 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Financial Services 3.1% 875 Allied Capital Corp. 20,344 2,275 America West Holdings Corp. 23,546 5,500 American Express Co. 221,815 1,700 Americredit Corp.(a) 104,533 750 Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. 20,625 350 Chittenden Corp. 11,708 12,066 Citigroup, Inc. 605,834 825 Doral Financial Corp. 30,574 725 Downey Financial Corp. 42,463 1,900 Eaton Vance Corp. 64,866 3,500 Edwards (A.G.), Inc. 153,125 3,100 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 212,164 600 Federal Signal Corp. 12,660
16 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1,800 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. $ 149,688 5,000 Household International, Inc. 331,450 1,225 Indymac Bancorp, Inc. 31,838 750 Jeffries Group, Inc. 26,595 900 J. P. Morgan Chase 38,970 800 Landamerica Financial Group, Inc. 25,600 2,600 Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. 187,200 4,300 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. 233,232 3,200 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter 191,424 1,300 Silicon Valley Bancshares(a) 26,208 1,250 Sky Financial Group, Inc. 24,450 4,400 Stilwell Financial, Inc. 130,504 450 Triad Guaranty, Inc.(a) 17,055 525 Webster Financial Corp. 18,763 ---------------- 2,957,234 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Food & Beverage 1.0% 1,100 Corn Products International, Inc. 32,670 525 Dean Foods Co. 21,998 1,900 Del Monte Foods Co.(a) 17,081 1,950 Dole Food Co., Inc. 43,953 2,500 Mettler-Toledo International, Inc.(a) 106,500 7,700 PepsiCo, Inc. 359,051 7,329 Purina Mills, Inc.(a) 167,321 7,400 Sara Lee Corp. 149,258 325 Suiza Foods Corp.(a) 17,904 ---------------- 915,736 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gaming 0.1% 1,200 Argosy Gaming Co.(a) 31,680 4,025 Boyd Gaming Corp.(a) 24,231 2,400 Station Casinos, Inc.(a) 34,536 ---------------- 90,447 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Health Care 1.0% 1,500 CIGNA Corp. 150,465 1,225 Coventry Healthcare, Inc.(a) 28,187
See Notes to Financial Statements 17 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4,700 HCA Healthcare Co. $ 215,965 8,200 Health Management Assoc., Inc.(a) 162,032 1,375 Health Net, Inc. 25,231 1,525 Humana, Inc.(a) 17,004 900 Mid Atlantic Medical Services, Inc.(a) 18,900 525 Sunrise Assisted Living, Inc. 16,018 600 Triad Hospitals, Inc.(a) 20,352 500 Varian Med Systems, Inc. 35,750 1,700 Wellpoint Health Networks, Inc.(a) 181,832 ---------------- 871,736 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotels 0.5% 3,900 Canadian Pacific Ltd. 147,810 2,100 Marriott International, Inc. (Class A Stock) 100,275 8,500 Meristar Hotels & Resorts, Inc.(a) 15,045 6,800 Starwood Hotels & Resorts (Class B Stock)(a) 242,692 ---------------- 505,822 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Human Resources 0.1% 3,275 Kforce, Inc.(a) 16,179 1,500 Resources Connection, Inc.(a) 38,100 ---------------- 54,279 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Insurance 2.1% 900 Alfa Corp. 21,699 4,900 Allstate Corp. 171,304 4,662 American International Group, Inc. 388,112 2,300 Chubb Corp. 161,391 1,250 CNA Surety Corp. 17,975 750 Commerce Group, Inc. 27,630 715 Fidelity National Financial, Inc. 18,333 1,175 First American Financial Corp. 20,856 2,200 Lincoln National Corp. 112,266 5,600 Old Republic International Corp. 148,400 875 Presidential Life Corp. 16,826 2,400 Reinsurance Group of America, Inc. 93,792 800 Stancorp Financial Group, Inc. 35,280
18 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5,500 The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. $ 364,155 2,000 Union Pacific Corp. 107,380 3,800 XL Capital Ltd. (Class A stock) 291,650 ---------------- 1,997,049 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet 0.1% 3,200 Avocent Corp.(a) 82,880 3,500 Cheap Tickets, Inc.(a) 40,740 350 Sonicwall, Inc.(a) 7,438 575 Travelocity.com, Inc.(a) 13,254 ---------------- 144,312 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lodging 1,225 Boykin Lodging Co. 14,823 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machinery & Equipment 0.2% 875 Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc. 15,006 4,400 FMC Technologies, Inc.(a) 79,508 1,150 JLG Industries, Inc. 12,995 1,050 Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc. 25,116 650 Manitowoc Co., Inc. 18,064 1,025 Milacron, Inc. 18,758 650 Toro Co. 30,647 750 Universal Compression Holdings, Inc.(a) 21,037 ---------------- 221,131 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Media 1.9% 1,700 Acme Communications, Inc.(a) 13,600 6,400 AOL Time Warner, Inc.(a) 290,880 27,000 AT&T Corp. Liberty Media 424,710 1,025 Banta Corp. 28,505 3 Clear Channel Communications, Inc.(a) 176 5,800 Entravision Communication Corp.(a) 72,674 875 Hollinger, Inc. 12,705 4,200 Knight-Ridder, Inc. 258,678 325 Liberty Corp. 12,951 175 Media General, Inc. 8,398 6,200 Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.(a) 124,000 4,800 New York Times Co. 222,240
See Notes to Financial Statements 19 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2,600 Pearson PLC, ADR (United Kingdom) $ 40,040 700 RH Donnelley Corp.(a) 21,700 5,200 Silicon Graphics, Inc.(a) 3,276 5,200 Univision Communications, Inc. (Class A stock)(a) 198,536 ---------------- 1,733,069 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical Products/Services 1.6% 4,900 Abbott Laboratories 262,591 6,100 Amgen, Inc.(a) 382,531 600 Aspect Med Systems, Inc.(a) 7,146 2,900 Baxter International, Inc. 144,420 925 Buckeye Technologies, Inc.(a) 12,534 800 Digene Corp. 27,704 500 Fisher Scientific International, Inc.(a) 13,475 4,800 Genentech, Inc.(a) 203,040 3,700 Monsanto Co. 130,240 1,000 North American Scientific, Inc.(a) 15,350 900 Oratec Interventions, Inc.(a) 7,632 2,600 Ortec International, Inc.(a) 18,460 2,500 Sepracor, Inc.(a) 110,150 3,300 Varian, Inc.(a) 94,974 1,200 Ventana Medical Systems, Inc.(a) 40,200 650 Visx, Inc.(a) 10,335 ---------------- 1,480,782 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metals 0.2% 600 Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc. 10,050 700 Ladish Co., Inc.(a) 11,200 1,175 NS Group, Inc.(a) 11,163 2,300 Phelps Dodge Corp. 92,920 475 Precision Castparts Corp. 17,338 1,050 Timken Co. 17,503 1,350 Wolverine Tube, Inc.(a) 20,952 1,575 Worthington Industries, Inc. 22,144 ---------------- 203,270
20 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mining 0.2% 7,100 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc. (Class A stock)(a) $ 69,296 2,600 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc. (Class B stock)(a) 27,976 475 Massey Energy Co. 8,160 3,200 Newmont Mining Corp. 59,840 2,200 Stillwater Mining Co.(a) 56,760 ---------------- 222,032 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous Consumer 0.1% 900 Consolidated Graphics, Inc.(a) 19,800 925 Navigant International, Inc.(a) 15,956 1,325 United Rentals, Inc. 30,992 ---------------- 66,748 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Networking 0.2% 525 Anixter International, Inc.(a) 15,146 275 Black Box Corp.(a) 15,087 4,200 IXIA(a) 58,842 6,500 Oracle Corp.(a) 117,520 4,300 Western Multiplex Corp. (Class A stock)(a) 20,640 ---------------- 227,235 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Office Equipment & Supplies 0.3% 5,100 Harris Corp. 153,102 575 Wallace Computer Services, Inc. 9,798 10,600 Xerox Corp. 84,588 ---------------- 247,488 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oil & Gas 2.0% 800 AGL Resources, Inc. 19,200 1,600 Amerada Hess Corp. 123,648 600 Cal Dive International, Inc.(a) 11,220 1,700 Chesapeake Energy Corp.(a) 10,982 6,900 Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc. 202,446 950 Energen Corp. 24,225
See Notes to Financial Statements 21 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13,100 ENSCO International, Inc. $ 271,039 4,500 Grey Wolf, Inc.(a) 14,040 8,400 Halliburton Co. 294,084 1,025 Key Energy Services, Inc.(a) 9,532 4,000 Nabors Industries, Inc.(a) 117,200 1,500 Oneok, Inc. 27,300 4,900 Santa Fe International Corp. 146,510 6,100 Schlumberger Ltd. 327,875 750 Spinnaker Exploration Co.(a) 30,225 1,400 Superior Energy Services, Inc.(a) 11,900 2,444 Total Fina, SA, ADR (France) 173,231 1,025 Trico Marine Services, Inc.(a) 10,076 1,150 Vintage Petroleum, Inc. 21,332 1,100 WGL Holdings, Inc. 30,613 ---------------- 1,876,678 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oil & Gas Exploration/Production 0.6% 1,425 Comstock Resources, Inc.(a) 10,431 3,700 Conoco, Inc. 114,108 925 Seitel, Inc.(a) 12,487 718 Stone Energy Corp.(a) 32,705 6,000 Talisman Energy, Inc. 235,860 4,200 Williams Companies, Inc. 140,700 ---------------- 546,291 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paint 3,125 RPM, Inc. 29,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paper & Forest Products 0.8% 3,800 Boise Cascade Corp. 137,560 2,250 Caraustar Industries, Inc. 22,387 4,296 Georgia-Pacific Corp. 157,234 3,600 International Paper Co. 147,096 1,800 Louisiana-Pacific Corp. 19,116 6,150 Pactiv Corp.(a) 95,509 725 Pope & Talbot, Inc. 10,005 2,900 Temple-Inland, Inc. 179,945 1,075 Universal Forest Products, Inc. 21,081 ---------------- 789,933
22 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pharmaceuticals 0.9% 2,525 Alpharma, Inc. $ 71,230 7,200 American Home Products Corp. 434,232 500 Lilly (Eli) & Co. 39,640 1,200 Perrigo Co. 19,884 7,450 Pfizer, Inc. 307,089 550 Pharmaceutical Product Development, Inc.(a) 19,476 ---------------- 891,551 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Photography 0.1% 3,000 Eastman Kodak Co. 129,930 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Estate Investment Trusts 0.9% 1,000 Amli Residential Properties Trust 23,450 1,025 Arden Realty, Inc. 26,035 700 BRE Properties, Inc. 21,252 1,000 Cabot Industrial Trust Corp. 21,000 500 Camden Property Trust 18,725 925 Capital Automotive REIT 15,716 100 CBL & Associates Properties, Inc. 3,084 5,600 Equity Office Properties Trust 168,112 1,125 Felcor Lodging Trust, Inc. 24,458 700 First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc. 21,980 1,225 Glenborough Realty Trust, Inc. 23,153 1,050 Highwoods Properties, Inc. 26,827 400 Home Properties of New York, Inc. 12,060 750 Hospitality Properties Trust 21,038 2,950 HRPT Properties Trust 25,458 925 Innkeepers USA Trust 10,813 1,725 JDN Realty Corp. 20,562 550 Kilroy Realty Corp. 14,740 1,200 New Plan Excel Realty Trust, Inc. 19,260 1,525 Prime Hospitality Corp.(a) 18,315 400 Realty Income Corp. 11,468
See Notes to Financial Statements 23 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2,850 Reckson Associates Realty Corp. $ 63,127 950 Regency Centers Corp. 24,434 6,900 Security Capital Group, Inc.(a) 142,140 600 Summit Properties, Inc. 15,660 600 Weingarten Realty Investors 26,820 ---------------- 819,687 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restaurants 0.4% 1,000 CBRL Group, Inc. 19,390 1,200 CEC Entertainment, Inc.(a) 42,828 6,500 Darden Restaurants, Inc. 194,350 1,125 Landry's Seafood Restaurants, Inc. 21,262 2,400 McDonald's Corp. 69,936 1,050 Ruby Tuesday, Inc. 19,530 ---------------- 367,296 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retail 2.4% 1,100 BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc.(a) 61,600 1,775 Borders Group, Inc.(a) 40,949 425 Christopher & Banks Corp.(a) 11,390 1,250 Dillards, Inc. (Class A stock) 18,550 5,600 Federated Department Stores, Inc.(a) 216,160 156 Freds, Inc. 3,955 1,000 Friedmans, Inc. 7,450 11,100 Home Depot, Inc. 559,107 2,650 IKON Office Solutions, Inc. 20,617 6,000 Kohl's Corp.(a) 343,680 7,600 Limited, Inc. 128,972 1,700 Linens N Things, Inc.(a) 43,690 450 Payless Shoesource, Inc. 25,771 325 Pier 1 Imports, Inc. 3,819 2,500 Shopko Stores, Inc. 21,625 6,100 Target Corp. 236,070 6,500 Tiffany & Co. 229,450 575 Tweeter Home Entertainment Group, Inc.(a) 16,405
24 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2,525 Value City Department Stores, Inc.(a) $ 15,756 2,050 Venator Group, Inc. 33,825 4,600 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 257,140 ---------------- 2,295,981 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Semiconductors 0.9% 3,000 Applied Materials, Inc.(a) 137,580 6,600 Intel Corp. 196,746 2,900 KLA Tencor Corp.(a) 157,731 600 Nanometrics, Inc.(a) 19,800 4,900 National Semiconductor Corp.(a) 157,045 1,700 Power Integrations, Inc.(a) 36,805 2,300 Rudolph Technologies, Inc.(a) 95,450 ---------------- 801,157 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shipping/Shipbuilding 0.1% 2,400 Teekay Shipping Corp. 82,560 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Software 1.0% 2,300 Actuate Corp.(a) 23,506 4,300 Bindview Development Corp.(a) 5,891 6,900 BMC Software, Inc.(a) 138,000 5,800 Brio Technology, Inc.(a) 24,186 575 JDA Software Group, Inc.(a) 12,017 3,500 Keane, Inc. 64,750 1,700 Matrixone, Inc.(a) 26,945 875 Mentor Graphics Corp.(a) 16,319 8,300 Microsoft Corp.(a) 549,377 775 NetIQ Corp.(a) 25,567 1,450 Novell, Inc.(a) 7,236 1,700 Precise Software Solutions Ltd.(a) 36,788 1,700 Sapient Corp.(a) 10,625 1,400 Verity, Inc.(a) 24,584 ---------------- 965,791
See Notes to Financial Statements 25 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Telecommunications 2.9% 5,800 Advanced Fibre Communications(a) $ 146,450 2,300 ALLTEL Corp. 141,795 600 Andrew Corp.(a) 13,224 6,200 AT&T Corp. 125,302 6,395 AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. 119,522 3,500 DDI Corp.(a) 68,040 5,100 General Motors Corp., (Class H stock) 98,430 2,300 Leap Wireless International, Inc.(a) 56,442 9,800 Nokia Corp., ADR (Finland) 213,738 2,800 Powerwave Technologies, Inc.(a) 48,048 9,500 Qwest Communications International, Inc.(a) 247,000 600 SBA Communications Corp.(a) 11,826 3,800 SBC Communications, Inc. 171,114 1,200 Sierra Wireless, Inc.(a) 14,580 12,000 Sprint Corp. 287,820 2,600 Stanford Microdevices, Inc.(a) 20,800 3,900 Verizon Communications, Inc. 211,185 8,740 Viacom, Inc.(a) 435,252 7,298 Vodafone Air Touch Group PLC, ADR (United Kingdom) 157,272 1,700 Western Wireless Corp.(a) 66,147 9,700 Worldcom, Inc.(a) 135,800 ---------------- 2,789,787 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tobacco 0.7% 2,700 Loews Corp. 153,252 6,800 Philip Morris Companies, Inc. 309,400 4,300 R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Holdings, Inc. 230,953 ---------------- 693,605 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transportation 0.3% 1,400 Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. 35,560 575 Arkansas Best Corp.(a) 15,870 775 CNF, Inc. 25,157
26 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2,125 Forward Air Corp.(a) $ 58,756 15,800 OMI Corp.(a) 75,682 700 Roadway Express, Inc. 20,335 1,050 Yellow Corp.(a) 22,848 ---------------- 254,208 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Utilities 0.2% 2,900 Beacon Power Corp.(a) 13,485 600 California Water Service Group 14,370 525 CH Energy Group, Inc. 22,129 1,600 Cleco Corp. 36,400 1,050 El Paso Electric Co. 15,214 725 Idacorp, Inc. 26,825 1,050 Kansas City Power & Light Co. 25,515 575 New Jersey Resources Corp. 24,984 600 Newpower Holdings, Inc.(a) 4,200 575 Peoples Energy Corp. 21,884 775 Public Service Company of New Mexico 22,948 ---------------- 227,954 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waste Management 0.2% 5,400 Waste Management, Inc. 167,400 ---------------- Total common stocks (cost $34,737,610) 35,310,904 ---------------- PREFERRED STOCKS 0.1% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Publishing 1,000 Primedia, Inc. (cost $94,875) 83,000 ----------------
See Notes to Financial Statements 27 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSET BACKED SECURITIES 0.7% A2 $ 700 General Motors Acceptance Corp., MTN, FRN, 4.07%, 10/5/01 (cost $699,826) $ 696,700 ---------------- CORPORATE BONDS 25.6% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aerospace/Defense 0.1% B2 20 Alliant Techsystems, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 8.50%, 5/15/11 20,700 Ba2 35 Sequa Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.00%, 8/1/09 34,913 ---------------- 55,613 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Airlines 0.7% Ba2 75 Continental Airlines, Inc., Sr. Notes, 8.00%, 12/15/05 75,040 Baa3 135 Delta Air Lines, Inc., Notes, 8.30%, 12/15/29 121,341 Ba2 75 Northwest Airlines, Inc. Notes, 7.625%, 3/15/05 73,829 United Airlines, Inc., Sr. Debs., Ba1 125 10.67%, 5/1/04 130,502 B1 5 9.75%, 8/15/21 4,759 B1 240 U.S. Air, Inc., Ser. 1993, 10.375%, 3/1/13 228,897 ---------------- 634,368 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aluminum 0.1% Ba3 35 Century Aluminum Co. Sr. Sec'd. Notes, 11.75%, 4/15/08 36,488 B3 35 United States Can Co. Sr. Sub. Notes, 12.375%, 10/1/10 33,250 ---------------- 69,738
28 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Automotive Parts 0.9% B1 $ 25 American Axle & Manufacturing, Inc. Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.75%, 3/1/09 $ 25,750 B2 15 Collins & Aikman Products Co., Sr. Sub. Notes, 11.50%, 4/15/06 15,000 Caa1 50 Eagle Picher Industries, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.375%, 3/1/08 31,000 B3 60 Motors & Gears, Inc., Sr. Notes, 10.75%, 11/15/06 59,700 Ba1 150 Navistar International Corp., Sr. Notes, 7.00%, 2/1/03 147,750 Baa2 500 TRW, Inc., Notes, 8.75%, 5/15/06 549,535 ---------------- 828,735 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banks 0.2% Ba3 150 Sovereign Bancorp, Inc., Sr. Notes, 10.25%, 5/15/04 158,872 B2 30 Western Financial Bank, Sub. Cap. Debs., 8.875%, 8/1/07 28,425 ---------------- 187,297 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building & Construction 0.1% B3 100 Nortek, Inc. Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.875%, 6/15/11 99,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cable 1.9% Adelphia Communications Corp., Sr. Notes, B2 150 10.875%, 10/1/10 150,000 B2 115 10.25%, 6/15/11 112,125
See Notes to Financial Statements 29 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Callahan Nordrhein Westfalen, Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 7/15/05), B3 $ 50 16.00%, 7/15/10 $ 19,250 Sr. Notes, B3 50 14.00%, 7/15/10 36,500 Charter Communications Holdings, Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 5/15/06), B2 420 11.75%, 5/15/11 237,300 Sr. Notes, B2 200 10.00%, 5/15/11 203,000 B2 25 10.75%, 10/1/09 26,000 B3 75 Coaxial Communications, Inc., Sr. Notes, 10.00%, 8/15/06 75,000 Ba3 200 CSC Holdings, Inc., Sr. Sub. Debs., 10.50%, 5/15/16 214,000 B1 15 Fox Family Worldwide, Inc., Sr. Notes, 9.25%, 11/1/07 16,200 B3 500 Insight Communications, Inc., Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 2/15/06), 12.25%, 2/15/11 295,000 B3 100 International Wire Group, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 11.75%, 6/1/05 100,000 Lin Holdings Corp., Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 3/1/03), B3 115 10.00%, 3/1/08 89,700 Zero Coupon (until 3/10/03) B3 20 10.00%, 3/1/08 14,550 B3 125 Paxson Communications Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.75%, 7/15/08 129,375 Caa1 180 United Pan-European Communications (Netherlands), Sr. Notes, 10.875%, 8/1/09 72,000 ---------------- 1,790,000
30 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chemicals 0.5% B2 $ 50 Applied Extrusion Tech., Inc., Sr. Notes 10.75%, 7/1/11 $ 52,000 B2 55 Huntsman ICI Chemicals, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.125%, 7/1/09 53,625 IMC Global, Inc. Sr. Notes, Ba1 20 10.875%, 6/1/08 20,072 Ba1 70 11.25%, 6/1/11 70,003 B2 60 ISP Chemco, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.25%, 7/1/11 60,000 B2 70 ISP Holdings, Inc., Sr. Notes 9.00%, 10/15/03 66,500 B2 70 Lyondell Chemical Co., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.875%, 5/1/09 69,300 Ba1 50 Millennium America, Inc., Sr. Notes, 9.25%, 6/15/08 50,625 B1 12 NL Industries, Inc., Sr. Sec'd. Notes, 11.75%, 10/15/03 12,120 Ca 70(b) Sterling Chemical Holdings, Inc., Sr. Sec'd. Notes, 12.375%, 7/15/06 56,000 ---------------- 510,245 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commercial Services 0.5% Comdisco, Inc. Notes, B2 35 6.00%, 1/30/02 28,525 Sr. Notes, B2 150 9.50%, 8/15/03 123,750 Baa1 300 Cox Enterprises, Inc., FRN 5.21375%, 5/1/03 300,020 ---------------- 452,295 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computer Services 0.4% Ba3 30 Amkor Tech, Inc., Sr. Notes, 9.25%, 2/15/08 26,700
See Notes to Financial Statements 31 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B1 $ 100 Echostar Broadband Corp., Sr. Notes, 10.375%, 10/1/07 $ 102,000 B1 150 Insight Midwest LP, Sr. Notes, 10.50%, 11/1/10 161,250 B1 75 Seagate Technology, Sub. Notes, 12.50%, 11/15/07 73,969 Ba1 50 Unisys Corp., Sr. Notes, 8.125%, 6/1/06 48,750 ---------------- 412,669 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Containers 0.3% B1 10 Norampac, Inc., Sr. Notes, 9.50%, 2/1/08 10,350 B3 106 Packaged Ice, Inc., Sr. Notes, 9.75%, 2/1/05 83,740 B2 100 Radnor Holdings, Inc., Sr. Notes, 10.00%, 12/1/03 80,000 B2 150 Stone Container Corp., Sr. Notes, 9.25%, 2/1/08 154,500 ---------------- 328,590 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electronics 0.1% Ba3 50 Flextronics International Ltd., 9.875%, 7/1/10 51,500 Ba3 75 TNP Enterprises, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.25%, 4/1/10 81,750 ---------------- 133,250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy 1.4% Baa2 700 Cinergy Corp., Debs., 6.125%, 4/15/04 694,797 Ba3 150 CMS Energy Corp., Sr. Notes, 9.875%, 10/15/07 160,137
32 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baa3 $ 200 Southern California Edison Co., Notes, 6.51375%, 8/1/01 $ 160,000 A3 300 TXU Electric Co., 4.53688%, 9/20/01 300,266 ---------------- 1,315,200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Financial Services 3.4% B3 15 Actuant Finance Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 13.00%, 5/1/09 15,300 Ba1 200 Americredit Corp., Gtd. Notes, 9.875%, 4/15/06 204,000 A2 300 Bear, Stearns & Co., Inc., FRN, Sr. Notes, 4.68875%, 8/1/01 300,228 A2 200 CIT Group, Inc., FRN, MTN, Sr. Notes, 4.27%, 4/7/03 200,705 A2 600 Ford Motor Credit Corp., 7.50%, 3/15/05 634,512 B1 200 Green Tree Financial Corp., MTN, 6.50%, 9/26/02 192,196 Ba1 400 GS Escrow Corp., Sr. Notes, 6.75%, 8/1/01 400,000 Midland Funding Corp., Debs., Ba3 75 13.25%, 7/23/06 88,052 Sr. Sec'd. Note, Ser. A, Ba3 250 11.75%, 7/23/05 273,510 Aa3 600 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, MTN, FRN, 3.83%, 1/28/02 600,545
See Notes to Financial Statements 33 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ba3 $ 100 Orion Power Holdings, Inc., Sr. Notes, 12.00%, 5/1/10 $ 112,000 B2 200 Stone Container Finance Co., Sr. Notes, 11.50%, 8/15/06 212,000 ---------------- 3,233,048 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Food & Beverage 0.3% B3 50 Agrilink Foods, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 11.875%, 11/1/08 47,062 B2 100 Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea, Inc., Sr. Notes, 7.70%, 1/15/04 91,500 B2 100 Notes, 7.75%, 4/15/07 85,000 B1 100 Pilgrim's Pride Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.875%, 8/1/03 100,250 ---------------- 323,812 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gaming 1.0% B2 20 Argosy Gaming Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.00%, 9/1/11 20,250 Circus Circus Enterprises, Inc., Debs., Ba2 100 6.70%, 11/15/96 99,086 Sr. Sub. Notes Ba3 300 6.75%, 7/15/03 289,500 Notes, Ba3 100 6.45%, 2/1/06 93,973 B2 75 Coast Hotels & Casinos, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.50%, 4/1/09 76,875 B2 100 Harveys Casino Resorts, Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.625%, 6/1/06 105,500 B3 25 Hollywood Casino Corp., Sr. Sec'd. Notes, 11.25%, 5/1/07 26,250
34 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B2 $ 100 Hollywood Park, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.25%, 2/15/07 $ 86,000 B2 30 Horseshoe Gaming Holding Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 8.625%, 5/15/09 30,075 Ba2 20 Park Place Entertainment Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.375%, 2/15/07 21,200 B3 50 Premier Parks, Inc., Sr. Notes, 9.75%, 6/15/07 51,250 B1 40 Station Casinos, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.875%, 7/1/10 40,800 Caa 35 Venetian Casino Resort LLC, Sec'd. Mtge. Notes, 12.25%, 11/15/04 37,100 ---------------- 977,859 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Health Care 1.4% Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp., Ba1 60 9.00%, 12/15/14 63,900 MTN, Ba1 300 6.73%, 7/15/45 302,250 C 350(b) Integrated Health Services, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.25%, 1/15/08 1,750 B2 25 Lifepoint Hospitals Holdings, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.75%, 5/15/09 28,000 Aa2 500 Long Island College Hosp., Rev., FHA Mtge., Ser. B, 8.90%, 8/15/30 566,265 B3 125 Magellan Health Services, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.00%, 2/15/08 118,750 B2 100 Matria Healthcare, Inc., Sr. Notes 11.00%, 5/1/08 96,250
See Notes to Financial Statements 35 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B3 $ 100 Select Medical Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.50%, 6/15/09 $ 97,500 B2 50 Triad Hospitals, Sr. Sub. Notes, 11.00%, 5/15/09 54,875 ---------------- 1,329,540 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Industrials 0.5% AES Drax Holdings Ltd., Sr. Sec'd. Notes, Ba2 100 11.50%, 8/30/10 108,500 Baa3 250 10.41%, 13/31/20 278,750 B3 325 United International Holdings, Inc., Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 2/15/03), 10.75%, 2/15/08 104,813 ---------------- 492,063 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Insurance 0.5% Conseco, Inc., Notes, B1 400 8.75%, 2/9/04 374,000 Sr. Notes, B1 120 10.75%, 6/15/08 118,200 ---------------- 492,200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet Ca 20 Exodus Communications, Inc., Sr. Notes, 11.625%, 7/15/10 6,600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lodging 0.2% B2 65 Extended Stay America, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.875%, 6/15/11 65,325
36 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ba1 $ 115 ITT Corp., Debs., 7.375%, 11/15/15 $ 106,723 Ba3 50 La Quinta Inns, Inc., Sr. Notes, 7.25%, 3/15/04 47,250 ---------------- 219,298 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manufacturing 0.3% B2 20 Blount, Inc., Sr. Notes, 7.00%, 6/15/05 13,400 B3 110 Core Mark International, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 11.375%, 9/15/03 106,150 B1 100 Elizabeth Arden, Inc., Ser. B, Sr. Sec'd. Notes, 11.75%, 2/1/11 106,500 B2 75 Gentek Corp. Sr. Sub. Notes, 11.00%, 8/1/09 56,063 Ca 20 Polymer Group, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, Ser. B, 8.75%, 3/1/08 7,800 B2 10 Venture Holdings, Inc., Sr. Notes, Ser. B, 9.50%, 7/1/05 7,825 ---------------- 297,738 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Media 2.1% B2 200 Ackerley Group, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, Ser. B, 9.00%, 1/15/09 180,000 B2 125 Alliance Atlantis Communications, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 13.00%, 12/15/09 132,500 B2 100 Canwest Media, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.625%, 5/15/11 104,500
See Notes to Financial Statements 37 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B1 $ 250 Fox Family Worldwide, Inc., Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon, 11/1/02 $ 243,125 B2 250 Mediacom Broadband LLC, Sr. Notes, 11.00%, 7/15/13 263,750 B3 50 Nextmedia, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.75%, 7/1/11 52,062 Ba3 50 Primedia, Inc., Sr. Notes, 8.875%, 5/15/11 48,000 Quebecor Media, Inc., Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 7/15/06) B2 100 13.75%, 7/15/11 59,000 Sr. Notes, B2 100 11.125%, 7/15/11 105,500 Baa1 600 Time Warner, Inc., Sr. Notes, 6.10%, 12/30/01 604,404 B2 175 Young Broadcasting, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.00%, 3/1/11 171,500 ---------------- 1,964,341 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metals 0.2% B2 75 Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp., Sr. Notes, 9.875%, 2/15/02 73,500 Ba1 150 USEC, Inc., Sr. Notes, 6.625%, 1/20/06 137,236 Caa3 40 WHX Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.50%, 4/15/05 20,400 ---------------- 231,136
38 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mining $ 30 Terex Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.375%, 4/1/11 $ 31,050 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous Services 0.8% B3 100 Concentra Operating Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, Ser. B, 13.00%, 8/15/09 108,000 200 Fresenius Med. Care Cap. Trust, Gtd. Notes, 7.875%, 2/1/08 198,000 Service Corp. International, Inc., Notes, B1 175 6.30%, 3/15/20 162,750 B1 175 6.50%, 3/15/08 139,562 Sr. Notes, B1 50 6.00%, 12/15/05 41,750 Ba3 150 Stena AB, (Sweden) Sr. Notes, 8.75%, 6/15/07 134.250 B2 5 Sun World International, Inc., First Mtge. Notes, Ser. B, 11.25%, 4/15/04 4,625 ---------------- 788,937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Networking 0.1% A3 50 Nortel Networks Ltd., Notes, 6.125%, 2/15/06 43,874 Caa1 155 Williams Communications Group, Inc., Sr. Notes, 10.875%, 10/1/09 67,425 ---------------- 111,299
See Notes to Financial Statements 39 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oil & Gas 0.5% B2 $ 55 Comstock Resources, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 11.25%, 5/1/07 $ 57,750 Ba2 255 Eott Energy Partners LP, Sr. Notes, 11.00%, 10/1/09 274,125 B2 15 Houston Exploration Co., Sr. Sub. Notes, 8.625%, 1/1/08 14,850 Ba2 25 Leviathan Gas Pipeline LP, Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.375%, 6/1/09 26,625 B1 55 Parker Drilling Co., Sr. Notes, Ser. D, 9.75%, 11/15/06 55,000 B2 40 Swift Energy Co., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.25%, 8/1/09 42,350 ---------------- 470,700 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paper & Packaging 0.3% Ba1 45 Caraustar Industries, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.875%, 4/1/11 44,663 Doman Industries Ltd. (Canada), Sr. Notes, B1 35 8.75%, 3/15/04 21,000 Sr. Notes, Ser. B B1 20 9.25%, 11/15/07 11,000 Sec'd. Notes, B3 20 12.00%, 7/1/04 20,300 B3 50 Riverwood International Corp., Sr. Notes, 10.625%, 8/1/07 51,500 B1 100 Silgan Holdings, Inc., Sr. Sub. Deb., 9.00%, 6/1/09 100,500 ---------------- 248,963
40 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pharmaceuticals 0.1% B2 $ 50 Bio Rad Labs, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 11.625%, 2/15/07 $ 54,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Publishing 0.2% B2 250 Mail-Well I Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 8.75%, 12/15/08 205,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Estate 0.4% B2 50 Blum CB Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 11.25%, 6/15/11 48,500 Ba2 185 HMH Properties, Inc., Sr. Notes, Ser. B, 7.875%, 8/1/08 177,138 B1 100 Intrawest Corp., Sr. Notes, 10.50%, 2/1/10 103,000 ---------------- 328,638 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recreation B3 35 Bally's Total Fitness Holdings, Ser. D, Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.875%, 10/15/07 35,175 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restaurants 0.8% B2 60 Carrols Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.50%, 12/1/08 53,400 Ba2 350 Felcor Suites LP, Gtd. Sr. Notes, 7.375%, 10/1/04 343,777 Ba3 25 Sbarro, Inc., Sr. Notes, 11.00%, 9/15/09 25,594 Ba1 350 Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc., Sr. Notes, 8.875%, 4/15/11 360,500 ---------------- 783,271
See Notes to Financial Statements 41 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retail 0.7% Dillards, Inc., Notes, Ba1 $ 50 6.125%, 11/1/03 $ 46,703 Ba1 75 6.43%, 8/1/04 70,170 Baa3 75 Kmart Corp., Notes, 9.875%, 6/15/08 75,303 Rite Aid Corp., Sr. Notes, B1 100 11.25%, 7/1/08 103,000 Debs., B1 25 6.875%, 8/15/13 18,469 B1 25 7.70%, 2/15/27 18,437 Notes, B2 50 6.00%, 12/15/05 40,750 Ba1 150 Saks, Inc., Notes, 7.375%, 2/15/19 109,500 Ba2 150 Winn Dixie Stores, Inc., Sr. Notes, 8.875%, 4/1/08 153,000 ---------------- 635,332 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schools 0.1% B3 80 Kindercare Learning Center, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.50%, 2/15/09 79,400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Semiconductors 0.1% B2 45 Fairchild Semiconductor Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.50%, 2/1/09 45,225 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sovereign Bonds 0.2% Baa2 200 State of Qatar, Sr. Notes, 9.75%, 6/15/30 230,000
42 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steel Ba2 $ 5 AK Steel Corp., Sr. Notes, 9.125%, 12/15/06 $ 5,150 Caa1 10 Lukens, Inc., Notes, 7.625%, 8/1/04 2,700 Ba2 25 United States Steel LLC, Sr. Notes, 10.75%, 8/1/08 25,125 ---------------- 32,975 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Telecommunications 2.0% B3 45 American Tower Corp., Sr. Notes, 9.375%, 2/1/09 41,625 B3 10 Dobson Communications Corp., Sr. Notes, 10.875%, 7/1/10 10,250 B3 40 Fairpoint Communications, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 12.50%, 5/1/10 35,200 Ba2 250 Global Crossing Holdings Ltd., Sr. Notes, 9.50%, 11/15/09 187,500 Level 3 Communications, Inc., Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon, (until 12/1/03), B3 30 10.50%, 12/1/08 9,900 Zero Coupon (until 3/15/05), B3 250 12.875%, 3/1/10 70,000 Sr. Notes, Caa1 55 11.00%, 3/15/08 31,075 Caa1 145 McleodUSA, Inc., Sr. Notes, 11.375%, 1/1/09 84,100
See Notes to Financial Statements 43 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B3 $ 90 Microcell Telecommunications, Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 6/1/04), 12.00%, 6/1/09 $ 37,800 B3 40 Millicom International Cellular, Sr. Disc. Sub. Notes, 13.50%, 6/1/06 34,800 B2 100 Netia Holdings BV, (Poland), Ser. B, Gtd. Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 11/1/01), 11.00%, 11/1/07 25,000 Nextel Communications, Inc., Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 9/15/02), B1 230 10.65%, 9/15/07 174,800 Sr. Notes, B1 185 9.375%, 11/15/09 152,394 B2 250 NTL Communications Corp., Sr. Notes, Zero Coupon, (until 10/1/03), 12.375%, 10/1/08 110,000 Baa3 35 Rogers Wireless, Inc., Sr. Sec'd. Notes, 9.625%, 5/1/11 35,437 B3 35 Spectrasite Holdings, Inc., Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 3/15/05), 12.875%, 3/15/10 12,250 B3 75 Star Choice Communications, Sr. Sec'd. Notes, 13.00%, 12/15/05 78,750 Tritel PCS, Inc., Sr. Sub. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 3/15/05), B3 55 12.75%, 5/15/09 35,200 B3 50 10.375%, 1/15/11 46,500
44 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A2 $ 300 Vodafone AirTouch PLC, FRN, 3.987%, 12/19/01 $ 300,063 Voicestream Wireless Corp., Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 11/15/04), Baa1 120 11.875%, 11/15/09 99,900 Sr. Notes, Baa1 80 10.375%, 11/15/09 91,300 ---------------- 1,703,844 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Utilities 1.9% AES Corp., Sr. Notes, Ba1 150 9.50%, 6/1/09 153,000 Ba1 100 8.75%, 12/15/02 101,250 Aaa 1,000 Boston Massachusetts Water and Sewer, Ser. D, Sr. Notes, Aaa 5.00%, 11/1/28 982,830 A3 400 Commonwealth Edison Co., First Mtge., 7.375%, 9/15/02 412,816 B1 15 El Paso Energy Partners LP, Sr. Sub. Notes, 8.50%, 6/1/11 15,000 Baa3 50 PSEG Energy Holdings, 10.00%, 10/1/09 55,455 Baa2 100 Reliant Energy Mid Atlantic, Ser. C, 9.681%, 7/2/26 112,449 ---------------- 1,832,800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waste Management 0.3% Allied Waste of North America, Inc., Sr. Notes, Ba3 50 7.375%, 1/1/04 49,375 Ba3 150 7.875%, 1/1/09 147,750 Sr. Sub. Notes, B2 75 10.00%, 8/1/09 77,625 ---------------- 274,750 ----------------
See Notes to Financial Statements 45 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total corporate bonds (cost $24,942,477) $ 24,276,494 ---------------- CONVERTIBLE BONDS 0.5% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Financial Services A3 Euro 500 Hellenic Finance Corp., 2.00%, 7/15/03 (cost $526,875) 435,661 ---------------- MORTGAGE-RELATED SECURITIES 4.9% Aaa US 600 Bear Stearns Mortgage Securities, Inc., Ser. 1997-7, Class A-9, 7.00%, 2/25/28 606,186 Aaa 490 Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage, Ser. 1999-WM1 Class M1, 6.6052%, 10/19/39 492,978 AAA(Pound) 262 GE Capital Mortgage Services, Inc., Ser. 1999-15, Class 16, 6.75%, 8/25/29 263,549 Baa2 300 Korea Asset Funding Ltd., Ser. 2000-1A, Class 1, 7.27%, 2/10/09 307,076 Aaa 500 Mellon Residential Funding Corp., Ser. 1999, Class A-3, 6.58%, 7/25/29 536,156 Aaa 500 Nationslink Funding Corp., Ser. 1999-Sl, Class A-3, 6.297%, 11/10/02 514,672 PNC Mortgage Securities Corp., Ser. 1995-2, Class A-4, Aa1 276 6.75%, 6/25/16 278,786 Ser. 1999, Class A-3, AAA(Pound) 496 7.25%, 10/25/29 515,754 Ser. 1999-8, Class I A-5, AAA(Pound) 415 6.75%, 8/25/29 418,934
46 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aaa $ 756 Residential Funding Mortgage, Inc., Ser. 1997 S-19, Class A-3, 6.50%, 12/25/12 $ 759,629 ---------------- Total mortgage-related securities (cost $4,539,464) 4,693,720 ----------------
Principal Amount (000) Description Value (Note 1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOREIGN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES 4.9% Government of Germany, EURO 2,300 6.00%, 7/4/07 2,161,643 2,300 5.25%, 1/4/08 2,073,620 20 6.25%, 1/4/24 19,143 170 6.50%, 7/4/27 168,386 200 6.25%, 1/4/30 193,897 ---------------- Total foreign government securities (cost $4,449,306) 4,616,689 ---------------- MUNICIPLE BONDS, U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCY AND SECURITIES 36.0% $ 400 Chicago Illinois Project & Refunding Series A 5.00%, 1/1/41(c) 381,808 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., 1,251 10.00%, 5/15/20(c) 1,320,077 84 7.66%, 8/1/23(c) 85,171 Federal National Mortgage Association, 415 6.50%, 5/1/06(c) 423,784 567 5.00%, 4/1/14(c) 548,937 4,000 7.50%, TBA(a) 4,116,240 2,000 7.00%, TBA(a) 2,035,000 3,500 6.00%, TBA(a) 3,423,455 400 6.25%, TBA(a) 403,961 Government National Mortgage Association, 67 7.75%, 9/20/22(c) 68,509 1,000 8.00%, TBA(a) 1,043,130 1,000 7.50%, TBA(a) 1,030,781
See Notes to Financial Statements 47 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Principal Amount (000) Description Value (Note 1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 468 7.50%, 12/15/28(c) $ 484,353 446 6.00%, 1/15/29(c) 440,838 522 6.00%, 2/15/29(c) 515,657 617 6.00%, 5/15/29(c) 609,334 559 6.00%, 8/15/29(c) 552,744 541 8.50%, 2/20/30(c) 566,191 590 8.50%, 5/20/30(c) 617,141 1,645 8.50%, 6/15/30(c) 1,726,450 1,246 8.50%, 8/15/30(c) 1,307,173 996 8.50%, 9/15/30(c) 1,045,576 126 8.50%, 10/15/30(c) 132,598 155 8.50%, 1/15/31(c) 163,034 986 United States Department Veteran Affairs, 6.83721%, 1/15/30(c) 1,017,351 United States Treasury Bonds, 500 6.25%, 8/15/23(c) 539,375 100 5.25%, 11/15/28(c) 94,828 United States Treasury Bond, (Principal Only) 1,500 Zero Coupon, 2/15/15(c) 701,325 1,000 Zero Coupon, 11/15/18(c) 368,110 250 Zero Coupon, 2/15/21(c) 80,190 United States Treasury Note, 1,775 3.625%, 7/15/02(c) 1,810,809 200 6.75%, 5/15/05(c) 216,156 900 7.00%, 7/15/06(c) 994,077 1,459 3.375%, 1/15/07(c) 1,484,149 500 6.125%, 8/15/07(c) 535,860 1,842 3.875%, 1/15/09(c) 1,916,558 1,300 6.50%, 2/15/10(c) 1,433,653 ---------------- Total Municiple Bonds, U.S. Government Agency and Securities (cost $33,666,187) 34,234,383 ---------------- Total long-term investments (cost $103,657,668) 104,347,551 ----------------
48 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Principal Amount (000) Description Value (Note 1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS 7.5% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Repurchase Agreement $ 7,151 Joint Repurchase Agreement Account, 3.87%, 8/1/01 (cost $7,151,000; Note 5) $ 7,151,000 ---------------- OUTSTANDING CALL OPTION PURCHASED 1.3% Description Contracts Value (Note 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Treasury Bonds August 01 @ $93.81 9,000 98,667 October 01 @ $93 100,000 1,139,900 ---------------- (cost $1,042,094) 1,238,567 ---------------- Total Investments 118.7% (cost $111,849,714; Note 4) 112,737,118 Liabilities in excess of other assets (18.7)% (17,741,891) ---------------- Net Assets 100% $ 94,995,227 ---------------- ----------------
------------------------------ (a) Non-income producing security. (b) Represents issuer in default on interest payments, non income producing security. (c) All or a portion of security segregated as collateral for TBA. Pound S&P rating. AB--Aktiebolag (Swedish stock company). ADR--American Depository Receipt. BV--Beloten Vennootschap (Dutch Company). FHA--Federal Housing Administration. FRN--Floating Rate Note. LLC--Limited Liability Company. LP--Limited Partnership. MTN--Medium-Term Note. N.V.--Naamloze Vennootschaap (Dutch Corporation). PLC--Public Limited Company. REIT--Real Estate Investment Trust. SA--Societe Anonyme (French Corporation). TBA--Securities purchased on a forward commitment basis. The Fund's current Prospectus contains a description of Moody's and Standard & Poor's ratings. See Notes to Financial Statements 49 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Statement of Assets and Liabilities
July 31, 2001 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSETS Investments, at value (cost $111,849,714) $ 112,737,118 Foreign currency, at value (cost $10,125) 9,528 Cash 4,619 Interest and dividends receivable 817,783 Receivable for investments sold 483,152 Receivable for Fund shares sold 335,226 Unrealized appreciation on forward currency contracts 13,645 ------------- Total assets 114,401,071 ------------- LIABILITIES Payable for investments purchased 18,611,864 Payable for Fund shares reacquired 554,546 Accrued expenses and other liabilities 112,489 Distribution fee payable 67,291 Management fee payable 59,440 Foreign withholding tax payable 214 ------------- Total liabilities 19,405,844 ------------- NET ASSETS $ 94,995,227 ------------- ------------- Net assets were comprised of: Shares of beneficial interest, at par $ 9,563 Paid-in capital in excess of par 95,177,145 ------------- 95,186,708 Distribution in excess of net investment income (85,176) Accumulated net realized loss on investments (888,705) Net unrealized appreciation on investments and foreign currency 782,400 ------------- Net assets, July 31, 2001 $ 94,995,227 ------------- -------------
50 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Statement of Assets and Liabilities Cont'd.
July 31, 2001 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class A: Net asset value and redemption price per share ($16,759,793 / 1,683,896 shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding) $9.95 Maximum sales charge (5% of offering price) .52 ------------- Maximum offering price to public $10.47 ------------- ------------- Class B: Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per share ($62,177,404 / 6,262,365 shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding) $9.93 ------------- ------------- Class C: Net asset value and redemption price per share ($14,626,444 / 1,473,163 shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding) $9.93 Sales charge (1% of offering price) .10 ------------- Offering price to public $10.03 ------------- ------------- Class Z: Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per share ($1,431,586 / 143,867 shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding) $9.95 ------------- -------------
See Notes to Financial Statements 51 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Statement of Operations
Year Ended July 31, 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NET INVESTMENT INCOME Income Interest $ 3,995,033 Dividends (net of foreign withholding taxes of $1,976) 369,629 ------------- Total income 4,364,662 ------------- Expenses Management fee 615,975 Distribution fee--Class A 39,961 Distribution fee--Class B 524,334 Distribution fee--Class C 127,635 Custodian's fees and expenses 350,000 Transfer agent's fees and expenses 88,000 Reports to shareholders 66,000 Registration fees 40,000 Audit fee 25,000 Trustees' fees and expenses 13,000 Legal fees 10,000 Miscellaneous 902 ------------- Total expenses 1,900,807 ------------- Net investment income 2,463,855 ------------- REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) ON INVESTMENTS AND FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS Net realized gain (loss) on: Investment transactions (859,998) Foreign currency transactions 152,630 Swaps (59,786) ------------- (767,154) ------------- Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on: Investments (1,356,689) Foreign currencies 95,105 Swaps 11,016 ------------- (1,250,568) ------------- Net gain (loss) on investments (2,017,722) ------------- NET INCREASE IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS $ 446,133 ------------- -------------
52 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Statement of Changes in Net Assets
Year Ended July 31, ------------------------------------ 2001 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS Operations Net investment income $ 2,463,855 $ 2,170,624 Net realized gain (loss) on investment and foreign currency transactions (767,154) 6,336,720 Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) of investments and foreign currencies (1,250,568) (211,361) ---------------- ---------------- Net increase in net assets resulting from operations 446,133 8,295,983 ---------------- ---------------- Dividends and distributions (Note 1) Dividends from net investment income Class A (576,487) (419,711) Class B (1,619,314) (1,002,217) Class C (390,857) (337,721) Class Z (42,134) (348,570) ---------------- ---------------- (2,628,792) (2,108,219) ---------------- ---------------- Distributions from net realized gains on investment transactions Class A (1,148,585) (113,245) Class B (3,624,125) (387,774) Class C (860,929) (152,973) Class Z (57,520) (219,765) ---------------- ---------------- (5,691,159) (873,757) ---------------- ---------------- Fund share transactions (net of share conversions) (Note 6) Net proceeds from shares sold 41,841,390 35,877,305 Net asset value of shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 7,966,952 2,861,038 Cost of shares reacquired (17,063,782) (48,138,088) ---------------- ---------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets from Fund share transactions 32,744,560 (9,399,745) ---------------- ---------------- Total increase/(decrease) 24,870,742 (4,085,738) NET ASSETS Beginning of year 70,124,485 74,210,223 ---------------- ---------------- End of year(a) $ 94,995,227 $ 70,124,485 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------------ (a) Includes undistributed net investment income of $ -- $ 392,105 ---------------- ----------------
See Notes to Financial Statements 53 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds (the 'Trust') formerly Prudential Diversified Funds, is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end, diversified management investment company presently consisting of three portfolios: Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund (the 'Fund'), Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund and Strategic Partners High Growth Fund. These financial statements relate only to Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund. The financial statements of the other portfolios are not presented herein. The Trust was organized as a business trust in Delaware on July 29, 1998. Jennison Associates LLC ('Jennison'), Prudential Investment Management, Inc. ('PIM'), formerly known as Prudential Investment Corporation, Pacific Investment Management Company, Franklin Advisers, Inc. and the Dreyfus Corporation are the Fund's 'Advisers'. The investment objective of the Fund is to provide current income and a reasonable level of capital appreciation. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in a diversified portfolio of debt obligations and equity securities. The ability of the issuers of the debt securities held by the Fund to meet their obligations may be affected by economic developments in a specific industry or country. Note 1. Accounting Policies The following is a summary of significant accounting policies followed by the Trust in the preparation of its financial statements. Securities Valuation: Securities for which the primary market is on an exchange and NASDAQ National Market Securities are valued at the last sales price on such exchange on the day of valuation, or, if there was no sale on such day, at the mean between the last bid and asked prices on such day or at the bid price on such day in the absence of an asked price. Securities that are actively traded in the over-the-counter market, including listed securities for which the primary market is believed by Prudential Investments Fund Management LLC ('PIFM' or the 'Manager'), in consultation with the Adviser, to be over-the-counter, are valued by an independent pricing agent or principal market maker. U.S. government securities for which market quotations are available shall be valued at a price provided by an independent pricing agent or broker-dealer. Privately placed securities including equity securities for which market prices may be obtained from primary dealers shall be valued at the bid prices provided by such primary dealers. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available may be valued using the last available market quotation for a period not to exceed five days, provided the Manager and Adviser feel this is representative of market value; after that period, such securities are valued in good faith under procedures adopted by the Trustees. 54 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. Short-term securities which mature in more than 60 days are valued at current market quotations. Short-term securities which mature in 60 days or less are valued at amortized cost. All securities are valued as of 4:15 p.m., New York time. Foreign Currency Translation: The books and records of the Fund are maintained in U.S. dollars. Foreign currency amounts are translated into U.S. dollars on the following basis: (i) market value of investment securities, other assets and liabilities - at the closing daily rates of exchange. (ii) purchases and sales of investment securities, income and expenses - at the rate of exchange prevailing on the respective dates of such transactions. Although the net assets of the Fund are presented at the foreign exchange rates and market values at the close of the fiscal period, the Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations arising as a result of changes in the foreign exchange rates from the fluctuations arising from changes in the market prices of securities held at the end of the period. Similarly, the Fund does not isolate the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates from the fluctuations arising from changes in the market prices of portfolio securities sold during the fiscal period. Accordingly, realized foreign currency gains (losses) are included in the reported net realized gains (losses) on investment transactions. Net realized gains (losses) on foreign currency transactions represent net foreign exchange gains (losses) from the holdings of foreign currencies, currency gains (losses) realized between the trade and settlement dates on security transactions, and the difference between the amounts of dividends, interest and foreign taxes recorded on the Fund's books and the U.S. dollar equivalent amounts actually received or paid. Foreign security and currency transactions may involve certain considerations and risks not typically associated with those of domestic origin as a result of, among other factors, the possibility of political and economic instability and the level of governmental supervision and regulation of foreign securities markets. Repurchase Agreements: In connection with transactions in repurchase agreements with U.S. financial institutions, it is the Fund's policy that its custodian or designated subcustodians, as the case may be under triparty repurchase agreements, take possession of the underlying securities, the value of which exceeds the principal amount of the repurchase transaction, including accrued interest. If the seller defaults and the value of the collateral declines or if bankruptcy proceedings are 55 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. commenced with respect to the seller of the security, realization of the collateral by the Fund may be delayed or limited. Forward Currency Contracts: A forward currency contract is a commitment to purchase or sell a foreign currency at a future date at a negotiated forward rate. The Fund enters into forward currency contracts in order to hedge its exposure to changes in foreign currency exchange rates on its foreign portfolio holdings or on specific receivables and payables denominated in a foreign currency. The contracts are valued daily at current exchange rates and any unrealized gain or loss is included in net unrealized appreciation or depreciation on investments. Gain or loss is realized on the settlement date of the contract equal to the difference between the settlement value of the original and renegotiated forward contracts. This gain or loss, if any, is included in net realized gain (loss) on foreign currency transactions. Risks may arise upon entering into these contracts from the potential inability of the counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts. Swaps: The Fund may enter into swap agreements. A swap agreement is an agreement between two parties to exchange a series of cash flows at specified intervals. Based on a notional amount, each party pays an interest rate or the change in the value of a security. Dividends and interest on the securities in the swap are included in the value of the exchange. The swaps are valued daily at current market value and any unrealized gain or loss is included in the net unrealized appreciation or depreciation on investments. Gain or loss is realized on the termination date of the swap and is equal to the difference between the Fund's basis in the swap and the proceeds of the closing transaction, including fees. During the period that the swap agreement is open, the Fund may be subject to risk from the potential inability of the counterparty to meet the terms of the agreement. Securities Transactions and Net Investment Income: Securities transactions are recorded on the trade date. Realized gains (losses) on sales of investment and currency transactions are calculated on the identified cost basis. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date and interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. The Fund amortizes premiums and discounts on portfolio securities as adjustments to interest income. Expenses are recorded on the accrual basis which may require the use of certain estimates by management. Net investment income (loss) (other than distribution fees) and unrealized and realized gains (losses) are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the relative proportion of net assets of each class at the beginning of the day. 56 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. Dividends and Distributions: The Fund expects to pay dividends of net investment income quarterly, and distributions of net realized capital and currency gains, if any, annually. Dividends and distributions are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Income dividends and capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles. Options: The Fund may either purchase or write options in order to hedge against adverse market movements or fluctuations in value caused by changes in prevailing interest rates or foreign currency exchange rates with respect to securities or currencies which the Fund currently owns or intends to purchase. When the Fund writes an option, it receives a premium and an amount equal to that premium is recorded as a liability. When the Fund purchases an option, it pays a premium and an amount equal to that premium is recorded as an asset. The asset or liability is adjusted daily to reflect the current market value of the option. If an option expires unexercised, the Fund realizes a gain (loss) to the extent of the premium received or paid. If an option is exercised, the premium received or paid is recorded as an adjustment to the proceeds from the sale or the cost basis of the purchase in determining whether the Fund has realized a gain (loss). The difference between the premium and the amount received or paid on effecting a closing purchase or sale transaction is also treated as a realized gain or loss. Gain or loss on purchased options is included in net realized gain (loss) on investment transactions. Gain or loss on written options is presented separately as net realized gain (loss) on written option transactions. The Fund, as writer of an option, has no control over whether the underlying securities or currencies may be sold (called) or purchased (put). As a result, the Fund bears the market risk of an unfavorable change in the price of the security or currency underlying the written option. The Fund, as purchaser of an option, bears the risk of the potential inability of the counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts. Taxes: For federal income tax purposes, each Fund in the Trust is treated as a separate taxpaying entity. It is the Fund's policy to meet the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies and to distribute all of its taxable net income and capital gains, if any, to shareholders. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required. Withholding taxes on foreign dividends have been provided for in accordance with the Fund's understanding of the applicable country's tax rules and rates. Reclassification of Capital Accounts: The Fund accounts for and reports distributions to shareholders in accordance with the American Institute of Certified 57 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. Public Accountants' Statement of Position 93-2: Determination, Disclosure, and Financial Statement Presentation of Income, Capital Gains, and Return of Capital Distributions by Investment Companies. The effect of applying this statement was to decrease undistributed net investment income by $312,344, increase accumulated net realized loss on investments by $368,335 and increase paid-in capital in excess of par by $680,679 due to realized and recognized currency gains during the period and the Fund treating redemptions as distributions for federal income tax purposes during the year ended July 31, 2001. Net investment income, net realized gains and net assets were not affected by this change. Note 2. Agreements The Fund has a management agreement with PIFM. Pursuant to this agreement, PIFM manages the investment operations of the Fund, administers the Fund's affairs and supervises the Advisers' performance of all investment advisory services. PIFM pays for the costs pursuant to the advisory agreements, the cost of compensation of officers of the Fund, occupancy and certain clerical and accounting costs of the Fund. The Fund bears all other costs and expenses. The management fee paid to PIFM is computed daily and payable monthly at an annual rate of .75% of the average daily net assets of the Fund. PIFM, in turn, pays the Advisers' fees, based on the average daily net assets of the Fund segments they manage. The Fund has a distribution agreement with Prudential Investment Management Services LLC ('PIMS') which acts as the distributor of the Class A, Class B, Class C and Class Z shares of the Fund. The Fund compensates PIMS for distributing and servicing the Fund's Class A, Class B and Class C shares, pursuant to plans of distribution (the 'Class A, B and C Plans') regardless of expenses actually incurred by PIMS. The distribution fees are accrued daily and payable monthly. No distribution or service fees are paid to PIMS as distributor for Class Z shares of the Fund. Pursuant to the Class A, B and C Plans, the Fund compensates PIMS for distribution-related activities at an annual rate of up to .30 of 1%, 1% and 1% of the average daily net assets of the Class A, B and C shares, respectively. Such expenses under the Plans were .25 of 1%, 1% and 1% of the average daily net assets of the Class A, B and C shares, respectively, for the year ended July 31, 2001. PIMS has advised the Fund that it has received approximately $85,100 and $47,400 in front-end sales charges resulting from sales of Class A and Class C shares, respectively, during the year ended July 31, 2001. PIMS has advised the Fund that for the year ended July 31, 2001, it has received approximately $135,900 and $7,000 in contingent deferred sales charges imposed upon certain redemptions by Class B and Class C shareholders, respectively. 58 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. Jennison, PIMS, PIM and PIFM are indirect, wholly owned subsidiaries of The Prudential Insurance Company of America ('Prudential'). The Fund, along with other affiliated registered investment companies (the 'Funds'), entered into a syndicated credit agreement ('SCA') with an unaffiliated lender. The maximum commitment under the SCA is $500 million. Interest on any such borrowings will be at market rates. The Funds pay a commitment fee of .080 of 1% of the unused portion of the credit facility. The commitment fee is accrued and paid quarterly on a pro rata basis by the Funds. The expiration date of the SCA is March 7, 2002. Prior to March 9, 2001, the maximum commitment was $1 billion and the commitment fee was .080 of 1% of the unused portion of the credit facility. The purpose of the agreement is to serve as an alternative source of funding for capital share redemptions. Effective September 14, 2001, the commitment under the SCA was increased to $930 million through December 31, 2001. Effective January 1, 2002, the commitment will be reduced to $500 million. All other terms and conditions are unchanged. The Fund did not borrow any amounts pursuant to the SCA during the year ended July 31, 2001. Note 3. Other Transactions with Affiliates Prudential Mutual Fund Services LLC ('PMFS'), an affiliate of PIFM and an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Prudential, serves as the Fund's transfer agent. During the year ended July 31, 2001, the Fund incurred fees of approximately $74,000 for the services of PMFS. As of July 31, 2001 approximately $7,000 of such fees were due to PMFS. Transfer agent fees and expenses in the Statement of Operations include certain out-of-pocket expenses paid to nonaffiliates. Note 4. Portfolio Securities Purchases and sales of portfolio securities, other than short-term investments, for the year ended July 31, 2001 aggregated $339,032,765 and $305,796,629, respectively. At July 31, 2001, the Fund had outstanding forward currency contracts to buy foreign currencies as follows:
Value at Value at Foreign Currency July 31, Settlement Date Purchase Contract 2001 Payable Appreciation ----------------------------------------- ----------- --------------- -------------- EUR, 499,000 expiring 8/21/01 $ 436,089 $ 422,444 $ 13,645 ----------- --------------- -------------- ----------- --------------- --------------
59 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. The United States federal income tax basis of the Fund's investments, at July 31, 2001 was $112,592,327 and accordingly, net unrealized appreciation on investments for federal income tax purposes was $144,791 (gross unrealized appreciation--$5,079,748, gross unrealized depreciation--$4,934,957). For federal income tax purposes, the Fund has a capital loss carryforward as of July 31, 2001 of approximately $17,574 which expires in 2009. In addition, the Fund will elect to treat net capital losses of approximately $128,518 and net foreign currency losses of $71,317 incurred in the nine month period ended July 31, 2001 as having been incurred in the next fiscal year. Accordingly, no capital gains distribution is expected to be paid to shareholders until net gains have been realized in excess of such amounts. Note 5. Joint Repurchase Agreement Account The Fund, along with other affiliated registered investment companies, transfers uninvested cash balances into a single joint account, the daily aggregate balance of which is invested in one or more repurchase agreements collateralized by U.S. Treasury or federal agency obligations. As of July 31, 2001, the Fund had a 1.3% undivided interest in the joint account. The undivided interest for the Fund represents $7,151,000 in principal amount. As of such date, each repurchase agreement in the joint account and the collateral therefore were as follows: Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown, 3.87%, in the principal amount of $65,821,000, repurchase price $65,828,075, due 8/1/01. The value of the collateral including accrued interest was $67,137,420. Greenwich Capital Markets, Inc., 3.87%, in the principal amount of $180,000,000, repurchase price $180,019,350, due 8/1/01. The value of the collateral including accrued interest was $183,603,519. Morgan Stanley Co., Inc., 3.87%, in the principal amount of $180,000,000, repurchase price $180,019,350, due 8/1/01. The value of the collateral including accrued interest was $183,603,260. State Street Bank & Trust Co., 3.87%, in the principal amount of $145,661,000, repurchase price $145,676,658, due 8/1/01. The value of the collateral including accrued interest was $148,578,786. Note 6. Capital The Fund offers Class A, Class B, Class C and Class Z shares. Class A shares are sold with a front-end sales charge of up to 5%. Class B shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge which declines from 5% to zero depending on the period of time the shares are held. Class C shares are sold with a front-end sales charge of 1% and a 60 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. contingent deferred sales charge of 1% during the first 18 months. Class B shares automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis approximately seven years after purchase. A special exchange privilege is also available for shareholders who qualified to purchase Class A shares at net asset value. Class Z shares are not subject to any sales or redemption charge and are offered exclusively for sale to a limited group of investors. The Fund has authorized an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest at $.001 par value per share. Transactions in shares of beneficial interest were as follows:
Class A Shares Amount ------------------------------------------------------ ---------- ------------ Year ended July 31, 2001: Shares sold 526,047 $ 5,460,468 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 167,430 1,659,110 Shares reacquired (459,254) (4,715,631) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion 234,223 2,403,947 Shares issued upon conversion from Class B 136,971 1,400,032 ---------- ------------ Net increase in shares outstanding 371,194 $ 3,803,979 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ Year ended July 31, 2000: Shares sold 1,090,045 $ 11,650,462 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 47,988 515,634 Shares reacquired (812,925) (8,741,195) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion 325,108 3,424,901 Shares issued upon conversion from Class B 109,810 1,201,204 ---------- ------------ Net increase in shares outstanding 434,918 $ 4,626,105 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ Class B ------------------------------------------------------ Year ended July 31, 2001: Shares sold 2,768,777 $ 28,390,731 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 510,312 5,039,906 Shares reacquired (845,336) (8,664,381) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion 2,433,753 24,766,256 Shares issued upon conversion into Class A (137,334) (1,400,032) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding 2,296,419 $ 23,366,224 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ Year ended July 31, 2000: Shares sold 1,916,483 $ 20,536,163 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 123,462 1,322,329 Shares reacquired (885,951) (9,503,752) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion 1,153,994 12,354,740 Shares issued upon conversion into Class A (110,000) (1,201,204) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding 1,043,994 $ 11,153,536 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------
61 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd.
Class C Shares Amount ------------------------------------------------------ ---------- ------------ Year ended July 31, 2001: Shares sold 669,736 $ 6,832,248 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 118,345 1,169,251 Shares reacquired (337,274) (3,462,746) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding 450,807 $ 4,538,753 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ Year ended July 31, 2000: Shares sold 304,558 $ 3,288,339 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 42,720 455,132 Shares reacquired (681,306) (7,334,166) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding (334,028) $ (3,590,695) ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ Class Z ------------------------------------------------------ Year ended July 31, 2001: Shares sold 113,224 $ 1,157,943 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 9,991 98,685 Shares reacquired (22,001) (221,024) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding 101,214 $ 1,035,604 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ Year ended July 31, 2000: Shares sold 37,256 $ 402,341 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 54,363 567,943 Shares reacquired (2,059,454) (22,558,975) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding (1,967,835) $(21,588,691) ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------
62 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Financial Highlights
Class A -------------------------------------------------------- Year Ended July 31, November 18, 1998(a) ------------------------------- Through 2001 2000 July 31, 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PER SHARE OPERATING PERFORMANCE(d): Net asset value, beginning of period $ 11.06 $ 10.36 $10.00 ------------- ------------- ------- Income from investment operations: Net investment income .37 .37 .19 Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currencies (.30) .82 .35 ------------- ------------- ------- Total from investment operations .07 1.19 .54 ------------- ------------- ------- Less distributions Dividends from net investment income (.36) (.37) (.18) Distributions from net realized capital gains (.82) (.12) -- ------------- ------------- ------- Total dividends and distributions (1.18) (.49) (.18) ------------- ------------- ------- Net asset value, end of period $ 9.95 $ 11.06 $10.36 ------------- ------------- ------- ------------- ------------- ------- TOTAL RETURN(b) 1.00% 11.73% 5.34% RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: Net assets, end of period (000) $16,760 $14,514 $9,097 Average net assets (000) $15,985 $12,535 $6,157 Ratios to average net assets: Expenses, including distribution and service (12b-1) fees 1.72% 1.73% 1.92%(c) Expenses, excluding distribution and service (12b-1) fees 1.47% 1.48% 1.67%(c) Net investment income 3.61% 3.46% 2.69%(c) For Class A, B, C and Z shares: Portfolio turnover rate 334% 244% 180%
------------------------------ (a) Commencement of investment operations. (b) Total return does not consider the effect of sales loads. Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of shares on the first day and a sale on the last day and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions. Total return for periods of less than a full year are not annualized. (c) Annualized. (d) Calculated based upon weighted average shares outstanding during the period. See Notes to Financial Statements 63 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Financial Highlights Cont'd.
Class B -------------------------------------------------------- Year Ended July 31, November 18, 1998(a) ------------------------------- Through 2001 2000 July 31, 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PER SHARE OPERATING PERFORMANCE(d): Net asset value, beginning of period $ 11.05 $ 10.35 $ 10.00 ------------- ------------- -------- Income from investment operations: Net investment income .29 .29 .14 Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currencies (.29) .82 .34 ------------- ------------- -------- Total from investment operations -- 1.11 .48 ------------- ------------- -------- Less distributions Dividends from net investment income (.30) (.29) (.13) Distributions from net realized capital gains (.82) (.12) -- ------------- ------------- -------- Total dividends and distributions (1.12) (.41) (.13) ------------- ------------- -------- Net asset value, end of period $ 9.93 $ 11.05 $ 10.35 ------------- ------------- -------- ------------- ------------- -------- TOTAL RETURN(b) .34% 10.89% 4.77% RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: Net assets, end of period (000) $62,177 $43,838 $ 30,235 Average net assets (000) $52,433 $36,574 $ 19,308 Ratios to average net assets: Expenses, including distribution and service (12b-1) fees 2.47% 2.48% 2.67%(c) Expenses, excluding distribution and service (12b-1) fees 1.47% 1.48% 1.67%(c) Net investment income 2.84% 2.70% 1.94%(c)
------------------------------ (a) Commencement of investment operations. (b) Total return does not consider the effect of sales loads. Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of shares on the first day and a sale on the last day and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions. Total return for periods of less than a full year are not annualized. (c) Annualized. (d) Calculated based upon weighted average shares outstanding during the period. 64 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Financial Highlights Cont'd.
Class C -------------------------------------------------------- Year Ended July 31, November 18, 1998(a) ------------------------------- Through 2001 2000 July 31, 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PER SHARE OPERATING PERFORMANCE(d): Net asset value, beginning of period $ 11.05 $ 10.35 $ 10.00 ------------- ------------- -------- Income from investment operations: Net investment income .29 .28 .14 Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currencies (.29) .83 .34 ------------- ------------- -------- Total from investment operations -- 1.11 .48 ------------- ------------- -------- Less distributions Dividends from net investment income (.30) (.29) (.13) Distributions from net realized capital gains (.82) (.12) -- ------------- ------------- -------- Total dividends and distributions (1.12) (.41) (.13) ------------- ------------- -------- Net asset value, end of period $ 9.93 $ 11.05 $ 10.35 ------------- ------------- -------- ------------- ------------- -------- TOTAL RETURN(b) .34% 10.89% 4.77% RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: Net assets, end of period (000) $14,626 $11,301 $ 14,035 Average net assets (000) $12,763 $12,954 $ 12,039 Ratios to average net assets: Expenses, including distribution and service (12b-1) fees 2.47% 2.48% 2.67%(c) Expenses, excluding distribution and service (12b-1) fees 1.47% 1.48% 1.67%(c) Net investment income 2.84% 2.63% 1.91%(c)
------------------------------ (a) Commencement of investment operations. (b) Total return does not consider the effect of sales loads. Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of shares on the first day and a sale on the last day and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions. Total return for periods of less than a full year are not annualized. (c) Annualized. (d) Calculated based upon weighted average shares outstanding during the period. See Notes to Financial Statements 65 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Financial Highlights Cont'd.
Class Z -------------------------------------------------------- Year Ended July 31, November 18, 1998(a) ------------------------------- Through 2001 2000 July 31, 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PER SHARE OPERATING PERFORMANCE(d): Net asset value, beginning of period $ 11.05 $ 10.37 $ 10.00 ------------- ------------- -------- Income from investment operations: Net investment income .38 .35 .21 Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currencies (.28) .85 .35 ------------- ------------- -------- Total from investment operations .10 1.20 .56 ------------- ------------- -------- Less distributions Dividends from net investment income (.38) (.40) (.19) Distributions from net realized capital gains (.82) (.12) -- ------------- ------------- -------- Total dividends and distributions (1.20) (.52) (.19) ------------- ------------- -------- Net asset value, end of period $ 9.95 $ 11.05 $ 10.37 ------------- ------------- -------- ------------- ------------- -------- TOTAL RETURN(b) 1.30% 11.84% 5.58% RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: Net assets, end of period (000) $ 1,432 $ 471 $ 20,843 Average net assets (000) $ 949 $12,354 $ 38,460 Ratios to average net assets: Expenses, including distribution and service (12b-1) fees 1.47% 1.48% 1.67%(c) Expenses, excluding distribution and service (12b-1) fees 1.47% 1.48% 1.67%(c) Net investment income 3.78% 3.30% 2.89%(c)
------------------------------ (a) Commencement of investment operations. (b) Total return does not consider the effect of sales loads. Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of shares on the first day and a sale on the last day and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions. Total return for periods of less than a full year are not annualized. (c) Annualized. (d) Calculated based upon weighted average shares outstanding during the period. 66 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Report of Independent Accountants To the Shareholders and Trustees of Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund In our opinion, the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the portfolio of investments, and the related statements of operations and of changes in net assets and the financial highlights present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds--Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund, formerly Prudential Diversified Funds--Prudential Diversified Conservative Growth Fund (the 'Fund') at July 31, 2001, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended and the financial highlights for each of the periods presented, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. These financial statements and financial highlights (hereafter referred to as 'financial statements') are the responsibility of the Fund's management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits, which included confirmation of securities at July 31, 2001 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers, provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP New York, New York September 21, 2001 67 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Federal Income Tax Information We are required by the Internal Revenue Code to advise you within 60 days of the Fund's fiscal year end (July 31, 2001) as to the federal income tax status of dividends paid by the Fund during such fiscal period. Accordingly, we are advising you that during its fiscal period ended July 31, 2001, the Fund paid dividends for Class A, Class B, Class C and Class Z shares totaling $.36, $.30, $.30 and $.38 per share, of ordinary income, which is taxable as such, respectively. In addition, the Fund paid to Class A, B, C and Z shares a short-term capital gain distribution of $.29 and a long term capital gain distribution of $.53 which are taxable as such. Further, we wish to advise you that 9.76% of the ordinary income dividends paid in the fiscal year ended July 31, 2001 qualified for the corporate dividend received deduction available to corporate taxpayers. The Fund utilized redemptions as distributions in the amount of $.043 and $.042 of ordinary income and long-term capital gains, respectively, for each class of shares. In January 2002, you will be advised on IRS Form 1099 DIV or substitute 1099 DIV as to the federal tax status of the distributions received by you in calendar year 2001. IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR CERTAIN SHAREHOLDERS We are required by Massachusetts, Missouri and Oregon to inform you that dividends which have been derived from interest on federal obligations are not taxable to shareholders providing the mutual fund meets certain requirements mandated by the respective state's taxing authorities. We are pleased to report that 5.87% of the dividends paid by Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund qualify for such deduction. For more detailed information regarding your state and local taxes, you should contact your tax advisor or the state/local taxing authorities. 68 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds The Strategic Partners Mutual Fund Family Strategic Partners offers a variety of mutual funds designed to meet your individual needs. For information about these funds, contact your financial professional or call us at (800) 225-1852. Please read the applicable prospectus carefully before you invest or send money. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Strategic Partners Style Specific Funds Strategic Partners Large Capitalization Growth Fund Strategic Partners Large Capitalization Value Fund Strategic Partners Small Capitalization Growth Fund Strategic Partners Small Capitalization Value Fund Strategic Partners International Equity Fund Strategic Partners Total Return Bond Fund Strategic Partners Opportunity Funds Strategic Partners Focused Growth Fund Strategic Partners New Era Growth Fund Strategic Partners Focused Value Fund Special Money Market Fund, Inc.* * This fund is not a direct purchase money fund and is only an exchangeable money fund. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Getting the Most from your Mutual Fund Some mutual fund shareholders won't ever read this--they don't read annual and semiannual reports. It's quite understandable. These annual and semiannual reports are prepared to comply with federal regulations, and are often written in language that is difficult to understand. So when most people run into those particularly daunting sections of these reports, they don't read them. WE THINK THAT'S A MISTAKE We've made some changes to our mutual funds report to make it easier to understand and more pleasant to read. We hope you'll find it profitable to spend a few minutes familiarizing yourself with your investment. Here's what you'll find in the report: PERFORMANCE AT A GLANCE Since an investment's performance is often a shareholder's primary concern, we present performance information in two different formats. You'll find it first on the "Performance at a Glance" page where we compare the Fund and the comparable average calculated by Lipper Inc., a nationally recognized mutual fund rating agency. We report both the cumulative total returns and the average annual total returns. The cumulative total return is the total amount of income and appreciation the Fund has achieved in various time periods. The average annual total return is an annualized representation of the Fund's performance. It gives you an idea of how much the Fund has earned in an average year for a given time period. Under the performance box, you'll see legends that explain the performance information, whether fees and sales charges have been included in the returns, and the inception dates for the Fund's share classes. See the performance comparison charts at the back of the report for more performance information. Please keep in mind that past performance is not indicative of future results. www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 INVESTMENT ADVISER'S REPORT The portfolio manager, who invests your money for you, reports on successful--and not-so-successful-- strategies in this section of your report. Look for recent purchases and sales here, as well as information about the sectors the portfolio manager favors, and any changes that are on the drawing board. PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS This is where the report begins to appear technical, but it's really just a listing of each security held at the end of the reporting period, along with valuations and other information. Please note that sometimes we discuss a security in the "Investment Adviser's Report" section that doesn't appear in this listing, because it was sold before the close of the reporting period. STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES The balance sheet shows the assets (the value of the Fund's holdings), liabilities (how much the Fund owes), and net assets (the Fund's equity or holdings after the Fund pays its debts) as of the end of the reporting period. It also shows how we calculate the net asset value per share for each class of shares. The net asset value is reduced by payment of your dividend, capital gain, or other distribution--but remember that the money or new shares are being paid or issued to you. The net asset value fluctuates daily, along with the value of every security in the portfolio. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS This is the income statement, which details income (mostly interest and dividends earned) and expenses (including what you pay us to manage your money). You'll also see capital gains here--both realized and unrealized. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Getting the Most from your Mutual Fund STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS This schedule shows how income and expenses translate into changes in net assets. The Fund is required to pay out the bulk of its income to shareholders every year, and this statement shows you how we do it (through dividends and distributions) and how that affects the net assets. This statement also shows how money from investors flowed into and out of the Fund. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS This is the kind of technical material that can intimidate readers, but it does contain useful information. The notes provide a brief history and explanation of your Fund's objectives. In addition, they outline how Strategic Partners mutual funds prices securities. The notes also explain who manages and distributes the Fund's shares and, more important, how much they are paid for doing so. Finally, the notes explain how many shares are outstanding and the number issued and redeemed over the period. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS This information contains many elements from prior pages, but on a per-share basis. It is designed to help you understand how the Fund performed, and to compare this year's performance and expenses to those of prior years. INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANT'S REPORT Once a year, an independent accountant looks over our books and certifies that the financial statements are fairly presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. TAX INFORMATION This is information that we report annually about how much of your total return is taxable. Should you have any questions, you may want to consult a tax adviser. www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 PERFORMANCE COMPARISON These charts are included in the annual report and are required by the Securities Exchange Commission. Performance is presented here as the return on a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund since its inception or for 10 years (whichever is shorter). To help you put that return in context, we are required to include the performance of an unmanaged, broad-based securities index as well. The index does not reflect the cost of buying the securities it contains or the cost of managing a mutual fund. Of course, the index holdings do not mirror those of the Fund--the index is a broad-based reference point commonly used by investors to measure how well they are doing. A definition of the selected index is also provided. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Class A Growth of a $10,000 Investment (GRAPHIC) Average Annual Total Returns as of 7/31/01
One Year Five Years Ten Years Since Inception With Sales Charge -4.05% N/A N/A 4.60% Without Sales Charge 1.00% N/A N/A 6.61%
Past performance is not indicative of future results. Principal and investment return will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund (Class A shares) with a similar investment in the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index (S&P 500 Index) by portraying the initial account values at the commencement of operations of Class A shares (November 18, 1998) and the account values at the end of the current fiscal year (July 31, 2001), as measured on a quarterly basis. For purposes of the graph, and unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that (a) the maximum applicable front-end sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in Class A shares; (b) all recurring fees (including management fees) were deducted; and (c) all dividends and distributions were reinvested. The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of 500 stocks of large U.S. companies. It gives a broad look at how stock prices have performed. The S&P 500 Index total returns include the reinvestment of all dividends, but do not include the effect of sales charges or operating expenses of a mutual fund. The securities that comprise the S&P 500 Index may differ substantially from the securities in the Fund. The S&P 500 Index is not the only index that may be used to characterize performance of balanced stock funds. Other indexes may portray different comparative performance. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. This graph is furnished to you in accordance with SEC regulations. www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 Class B Growth of a $10,000 Investment (GRAPHIC) Average Annual Total Returns as of 7/31/01
One Year Five Years Ten Years Since Inception With Sales Charge -4.66% N/A N/A 4.82% Without Sales Charge 0.34% N/A N/A 5.84%
Past performance is not indicative of future results. Principal and investment return will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund (Class B shares) with a similar investment in the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index (S&P 500 Index) by portraying the initial account values at the commencement of operations of Class B shares (November 18, 1998) and the account values at the end of the current fiscal year (July 31, 2001), as measured on a quarterly basis. For purposes of the graph, and unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that (a) the maximum applicable contingent deferred sales charge was deducted from the value of the investment in Class B shares, assuming full redemption on July 31, 2001; (b) all recurring fees (including management fees) were deducted; and (c) all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Approximately seven years after purchase, Class B shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis. This conversion feature is not reflected in the graph. The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of 500 stocks of large U.S. companies. It gives a broad look at how stock prices have performed. The S&P 500 Index total returns include the reinvestment of all dividends, but do not include the effect of sales charges or operating expenses of a mutual fund. The securities that comprise the S&P 500 Index may differ substantially from the securities in the Fund. The S&P 500 Index is not the only index that may be used to characterize performance of balanced stock funds. Other indexes may portray different comparative performance. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. This graph is furnished to you in accordance with SEC regulations. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Class C Growth of a $10,000 Investment (GRAPHIC) Average Annual Total Returns as of 7/31/01
One Year Five Years Ten Years Since Inception With Sales Charge -1.66% N/A N/A 5.45% Without Sales Charge 0.34% N/A N/A 5.84%
Past performance is not indicative of future results. Principal and investment return will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund (Class C shares) with a similar investment in the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index (S&P 500 Index) by portraying the initial account values at the commencement of operations of Class C shares (November 18, 1998) and the account values at the end of the current fiscal year (July 31, 2001), as measured on a quarterly basis. For purposes of the graph, and unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that (a) the maximum applicable front-end sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in Class C shares; (b) the maximum applicable contingent deferred sales charge was deducted from the value of the investment in Class C shares, assuming full redemption on July 31, 2001; (c) all recurring fees (including management fees) were deducted; and (d) all dividends and distributions were reinvested. The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of 500 stocks of large U.S. companies. It gives a broad look at how stock prices have performed. The S&P 500 Index total returns include the reinvestment of all dividends, but do not include the effect of sales charges or operating expenses of a mutual fund. The securities that comprise the S&P 500 Index may differ substantially from the securities in the Fund. The S&P 500 Index is not the only index that may be used to characterize performance of balanced stock funds. Other indexes may portray different comparative performance. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. This graph is furnished to you in accordance with SEC regulations. www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 Class Z Growth of a $10,000 Investment (GRAPHIC) Average Annual Total Returns as of 7/31/01
One Year Five Years Ten Years Since Inception 1.30% N/A N/A 6.85%
Past performance is not indicative of future results. Principal and investment return will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund (Class Z shares) with a similar investment in the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index (S&P 500 Index) by portraying the initial account values at the commencement of operations of Class Z shares (November 18, 1998) and the account values at the end of the current fiscal year (July 31, 2001), as measured on a quarterly basis. For purposes of the graph, and unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that (a) all recurring fees (including management fees) were deducted, and (b) all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Class Z shares are not subject to a sales charge or distribution and service (12b-1) fees. The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of 500 stocks of large U.S. companies. It gives a broad look at how stock prices have performed. The S&P 500 Index total returns include the reinvestment of all dividends, but do not include the effect of sales charges or operating expenses of a mutual fund. The securities that comprise the S&P 500 Index may differ substantially from the securities in the Fund. The S&P 500 Index is not the only index that may be used to characterize performance of balanced stock funds. Other indexes may portray different comparative performance. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. This graph is furnished to you in accordance with SEC regulations. FOR MORE INFORMATION Prudential Mutual Funds Gateway Center Three 100 Mulberry Street Newark, NJ 07102-4077 (800) 225-1852 Visit our website at: www.strategicpartners.com Trustees Eugene C. Dorsey Saul K. Fenster Robert F. Gunia Maurice F. Holmes Robert E. LaBlanc Douglas H. McCorkindale W. Scott McDonald, Jr. Thomas T. Mooney David R. Odenath, Jr. Stephen Stoneburn Joseph Weber Clay T. Whitehead Officers David R. Odenath, Jr., President Robert F. Gunia, Vice President Judy A. Rice, Vice President Grace C. Torres, Treasurer George P. Attisano, Secretary William V. Healey, Assistant Secretary Manager Prudential Investments Fund Management LLC Gateway Center Three 100 Mulberry Street Newark, NJ 07102-4077 Investment Advisers Prudential Investment Management, Inc. Prudential Plaza Newark, NJ 07102-3777 Jennison Associates LLC 466 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10017 Franklin Advisers, Inc. 920 Park Place San Mateo, CA 94403 The Dreyfus Corporation 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166 Pacific Investment Management Company LLC 840 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Distributor Prudential Investment Management Services LLC Gateway Center Three, 14th Floor 100 Mulberry Street Newark, NJ 07102-4077 Custodian State Street Bank and Trust Company One Heritage Drive North Quincy, MA 02171 Transfer Agent Prudential Mutual Fund Services LLC P.O. Box 8098 Philadelphia, PA 19101 Independent Accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 1177 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 Legal Counsel Kirkpatrick & Lockhart LLP 1800 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Fund Symbols NASDAQ CUSIP Class A PCGAX 86276X103 Class B PBCFX 86276X202 Class C PCCFX 86276X301 Class Z PDCZX 86276X400 MFSP504E (LOGO) Printed on Recycled Paper (ICON) ANNUAL REPORT JULY 31, 2001 STRATEGIC PARTNERS ASSET ALLOCATION FUNDS Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Objective: Seeks Capital Appreciation and a Reasonable Level of Current Income This report is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus. The views expressed in this report and information about the Fund's portfolio holdings are for the period covered by this report and are subject to change thereafter. (LOGO) Build on the Rock Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Performance at a Glance INVESTMENT GOALS AND STYLE The Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund seeks capital appreciation and a reasonable level of current income. It invests in a diversified portfolio of stocks and fixed-income securities. There can be no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective. MANAGER Prudential Investments Fund Management LLC INVESTMENT ADVISERS (LOGO) Cumulative Total Returns1 As of 7/31/01 One Since Year Inception2 Class A -4.89% 18.65% Class B -5.72 15.98 Class C -5.72 15.98 Class Z -4.75 19.40 Lipper Multi-Cap Core Fund Avg.3 -12.56 18.62 Average Annual Total Returns1 As of 6/30/01 One Since Year Inception2 Class A -8.56% 4.98% Class B -9.44 5.13 Class C -6.40 5.77 Class Z -3.50 7.32 Past performance is not indicative of future results. Principal and investment return will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. 1 Source: Prudential Investments Fund Management LLC and Lipper Inc. The cumulative total returns do not take into account sales charges. The average annual total returns do take into account applicable sales charges. The Fund charges a maximum front-end sales charge of 5% for Class A shares. Class B shares are subject to a declining contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) of 5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, 1%, and 1% for six years. Approximately seven years after purchase, Class B shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis. Class C shares are subject to a front-end sales charge of 1% and a CDSC of 1% for 18 months. Class Z shares are not subject to a sales charge or distribution and service (12b-1) fees. 2 Inception date: Class A, B, C, and Z, 11/18/98. 3 Lipper average returns are unmanaged, and are based on the average return for all funds in each share class for the one- year and since inception periods in the Lipper Multi-Cap Core Fund category. The Lipper Multi-Cap Core Fund Average includes funds that invest in a variety of market capitalization ranges, generally have between 25% and 75% of their equity assets invested in companies with market capitalizations above 300% of the dollar-weighted median of the S&P MidCap 400 Index, have wide latitude in the companies in which they invest, have an above-average price/earnings ratio and price-to-book ratio, and have a three-year earnings growth figure. 1 STRATEGIC PARTNERS Asset Allocation Funds September 18, 2001 DEAR SHAREHOLDER, The horrific events that took place on September 11, 2001 will remain forever ingrained in our nation's consciousness. In their aftermath, our thoughts and our prayers remain with the victims of this senseless tragedy, their families, and friends. It is also with deep gratitude that we acknowledge the heroic efforts of the men and women involved in the rescue efforts. We at Prudential Financial would like to take the opportunity during this difficult time to reassure our shareholders of our unwavering commitment to their investment needs. Under normal circumstances, the investment landscape is a difficult one to navigate, and during this extremely tragic period in our nation's history, even more so. We're here to provide the expertise and resources that may help make the journey ahead less daunting. For now, investors should try to maintain a patient focus on their long-term investment strategies. It is also important for individuals to avoid making investment decisions based on emotional reactions. While no one can predict the future, history has shown that after an event of this magnitude, the major markets post initial sharp declines from which they eventually recover. Should history repeat itself, individuals who leave the market now may be unable to fully participate in a market rebound. Above all, investors should continue to seek guidance from their financial professionals. It is a testament to the resiliency of our country that as we mourn, we also carry on. Please let us know how we can help you as we move forward together in the weeks and months ahead. Sincerely, David R. Odenath, Jr., President Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds 2 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Annual Report July 31, 2001 Prudential Diversified Funds Renamed "Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds" On September 4, 2001, we welcomed the Prudential Diversified Funds into the Strategic Partners family of mutual funds, renaming them the Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds. These changes will have no effect at all on the Funds' management: Both the asset allocations and the advisers for each asset class have stayed the same. The change will allow investors in these Funds to exchange their shares with shares of other Strategic Partners Funds, including the Strategic Partners Style Specific Funds and the Strategic Partners Opportunity Funds. Our team of investment management analysts selected investment advisers for all of the Strategic Partners Funds from among leading managers across the entire investment industry. Should you and your financial professional wish to modify the asset allocation provided by your fund, we believe the Strategic Partners family offers a fine selection. Effective September 4, 2001, however, your shares of any Strategic Partners fund are no longer exchangeable for those of funds in the Prudential fund family. 3 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Annual Report July 31, 2001 INVESTMENT ADVISERS' REPORT PERFORMANCE During the Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund's (formerly Prudential Diversified Moderate Growth Fund) fiscal year ended July 31, 2001, the price of growth stocks fell sharply. The stronger performances of bonds and value stocks weren't enough to pull the Fund into positive territory. However, the -4.89% return of the Fund's Class A shares (-9.65% to those paying the maximum one-time Class A share sales charge) was substantially above the -12.56% Lipper Multi-Cap Core Fund Average. A GOOD TIME FOR DEFENSIVE INVESTING During the 12 months ended July 31, 2001, investors gradually came to accept that the U.S. economy was slowing and that it was affecting the global economy. As company after company announced profits that were well below growth estimates, and even below levels a year earlier, stock prices began to fall precipitously. The worst hit were stocks whose peak prices reflected the assumption that their companies' earnings would increase very rapidly. U.S. large-cap and small-cap growth stocks had prolonged slides from September 2000 through March 2001 before recovering modestly. In response to the market conditions, many investors fled to asset classes that are thought of as defensive--that is, relatively immune to an economic slowdown--such as core bonds and inexpensively priced (value) stocks. This increased interest pushed up prices in those asset classes. Small-cap value stocks, which had been neglected for some time, particularly benefited: the return of the small-cap Russell 2000 Value Index was a huge 47 percentage points above that of the corresponding Growth Index. Core bonds turned in the kind of large return usually associated with stocks. Falling interest rates, which increase the prices of previously issued bonds, helped bond returns. However, high-yield ("junk") bonds--those of companies with lower credit ratings--didn't share in the gains because investors became more sensitive 4 www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 Asset Class Index Returns (GRAPH) Source: Prudential and Lipper Inc. The performance cited does not represent the performance of the Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. The S&P/ Barra Value Index is an unmanaged, weighted index comprising companies within the S&P 500 Index with lower price-to-book ratios. The S&P/Barra Growth Index is an unmanaged, weighted index comprising companies within the S&P 500 Index with higher price-to-book ratios. The Russell 2000 Value Index is an unmanaged, weighted index that measures the performance of those Russell 2000 companies with lower price-to-book ratios. The Russell 2000 Growth Index is an unmanaged, weighted index that measures the performance of those Russell 2000 companies with higher price-to-book ratios. The Morgan Stanley Capital International Emerging Market Free Index (MSCI EAFE Index) is an unmanaged, weighted index that comprises approximately 965 companies representing Asia, Africa, Europe, and North and South America. MSCI Free Indexes account for the actual buyable securities available to foreign investors by taking into account local market restrictions on share ownership by foreigners. These indexes are calculated in U.S. dollars, without dividends reinvested. The Lehman Brothers Aggregate Index is an unmanaged index of investment-grade securities issued by the U.S. government and its agencies, and by corporations with between 1 and 10 years remaining to maturity. The Lehman Brothers Aggregate Index gives a broad look at how short- and intermediate-term bonds have performed. The Lehman Brothers High Yield Bond Index is an unmanaged index of fixed-rate, noninvestment-grade debt securities with at least one year remaining to maturity. The Lehman Brothers High Yield Bond Index gives a broad look at how high-yield (junk) bonds have performed. 5 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Annual Report July 31, 2001 about potential defaults. International stocks generally followed the U.S. market down as the slowing U.S. economy affected sales of companies based in other countries. THE FUND OUTPERFORMED ITS BENCHMARK... The Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund's large outperformance relative to the Lipper Multi-Cap Core Fund Average was primarily due to the substantial positive returns on its large-cap value stocks and core bonds. Each of these asset classes made up a fifth of the Fund's holdings. The Fund's positions in small-cap value stocks and high-yield bonds made smaller contributions to performance. The Fund's large-cap value comparable index, the S&P/Barra Value Index, was solidly positive, but the Fund's holdings in that asset class still far outperformed the Index. The Fund's strong performance in this asset class resulted from focuses on the insurance (primarily property and casualty), basic materials (paper, aluminum, and chemicals), tobacco, and health services (HMO and hospital management) industries. Stocks in these industries were recovering from their depressed prices in previous years, and earnings were consistent or rising. Core bonds were the second best performing asset class (after small-cap value stocks), and the Fund's holdings performed in line with the return of the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Index, a general measure of performance for this asset class. Because of the strong performance of the bond market over this reporting period, the portion of the Fund's assets invested in core bonds made the second largest positive contribution to the Fund's return. Small-cap value stocks, an asset class that had previously suffered several years of poor performance, staged a strong rebound when investors fled from high- priced stocks to those that had remained inexpensive. Because of their volatile nature, small-cap value stocks are among the Fund's smaller asset allocations. Nonetheless, their exceptionally high return this reporting 6 www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 period made a significant, positive contribution to the Fund's return, even though the Fund's holdings slightly trailed the Russell 2000 Value Index. The comparable index for high-yield bonds-- the Lehman Brothers High Yield Bond Index-- was essentially flat over this reporting period; the generally good outlook for bonds was offset by concerns that the slowing economy would increase the pressure on financially weak companies. However, the Fund's high-yield bond holdings substantially outperformed this Index, adding modestly to the Fund's return. ...BUT LOSING ASSET CLASSES STILL PREDOMINATED The largest detractor from the Fund's return was its position in large-cap growth stocks--the worst performing asset class over the period and one of the larger components of the Fund. As corporate profits fell below last year's levels, the stocks of rapidly growing companies suffered most. Cumulatively, the Fund's holdings fell a bit farther than the S&P/Barra Growth Index largely because of their emphasis on technology, media, and telecommunications. The Fund's investments in these industries included companies that were central to the building of the Internet (such as Cisco Systems and JDS Uniphase), and to wireless telecommunications products and services (such as Nokia and Vodafone). Share price declines in these industries were very dramatic. The slowing U.S. economy and falling stock market also affected the Fund's smaller commitments to international stocks and U.S. small-cap growth stocks. The comparable indexes for both of these asset classes dropped by more than 20%. Although the Fund's holdings in both asset classes outperformed their comparable indexes, this did little to mitigate the impact of the falling markets. Only the fact that the asset allocations to these more volatile classes were relatively small held down their detractions from the Fund's return. Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Management Team 7 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Annual Report July 31, 2001 WHAT IS DIVERSIFICATION Diversification--spreading your investments over many different securities--is a basic principle of investing. It helps reduce the overall risk of your portfolio. Mutual funds not only provide professional money management, but they also allow a relatively small investment to be spread over many different securities. When you own a large number of different securities, the impact of any one security on your return is reduced. In addition, if you diversify your investments among asset classes and investment styles--between stocks and bonds, value and growth stocks, and investment-grade and high-yield bonds-- it is less likely that all the securities you own will move in the same direction at one time. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds provide more of this buffer than funds investing in only one asset class. We believe this will result in more consistent returns over time. In addition, when we rebalance the Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund to restore the original weighting of different asset classes, the discipline forces us to sell high and buy low. Over time, this may improve your return. REBALANCING The Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund has a target allocation for each asset class. As some asset classes perform better than others, the portfolio will drift from this original target: the securities that rise most will become a larger proportion of the invested assets. We direct new investments to the asset classes that have fallen below their target ratio and, when necessary, sell certain securities in appreciated asset classes to maintain the balance. This keeps your risk exposure from changing too much; by forcing us to sell high, it may also increase our average selling price over time. Although an individual investor can diversify and rebalance, it would require a large investment to own the range of asset classes represented in the Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund. Moreover, calculating the amounts to allocate to each kind of security in a rebalancing would be difficult. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds do it all for you. 8 www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 Glossary of Terms Asset classes are classifications of investments. The most basic classification of securities is among stocks, bonds, and money market investments. Stocks are shares of ownership in a firm. Owners share in the profits after debts are paid, and share in the firm's appreciation in value. Generally, the prices of stocks vary with investors' estimates of a firm's earnings prospects, including the impact of broader economic conditions. Bonds are loans to a company, government, or agency. They carry a fixed interest rate, or one that varies according to the terms specified in the bond. They have a maturity date at which they must be repaid. Generally, bond prices fluctuate with current interest rates and with events that affect the debtor's prospects of repaying the loan. Money market instruments are short-term loans that mature in 13 months or less. Bonds and money market instruments are called fixed- income securities. High-yield bonds are also known as junk bonds. They are subject to greater risk of loss of principal and interest, including default risk, than higher-rated bonds. Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Diversification Target (GRAPH) 9 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS 96.2% Common Stocks 60.8% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advertising 0.6% 1,100 ADVO, Inc. $ 42,955 12,300 Lamar Advertising Co. 540,954 6,400 Omnicom Group, Inc. 559,168 2,450 R.H. Donnelley Corp. 75,950 ---------------- 1,219,027 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aerospace/Defense 0.6% 2,775 BE Aerospace, Inc.(a) 51,532 52,400 British Aerospace PLC (United Kingdom)(a) 279,668 7,500 Embraer-Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica SA, ADR 267,000 9,300 Northrop Grumman Corp. 746,139 ---------------- 1,344,339 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agriculture & Equipment 0.2% 11,600 Monsanto Co. 408,320 2,250 Toro Co. 106,087 ---------------- 514,407 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Airlines 0.2% 5,700 Airtran Holdings, Inc. 49,020 7,950 America West Holdings Corp. (Class B) 82,283 9,800 Atlantic Coast Airlines Holdings, Inc.(a) 284,690 1,500 SkyWest, Inc. 50,310 ---------------- 466,303 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto & Truck 0.8% 16,200 General Motors Corp. (Class H)(a) 312,660 3,950 Lear Corp.(a) 156,420 12,700 Navistar International Corp.(a) 407,797 67,000 Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (Japan)(a) 460,680 10,300 Toyota Motor Corp. 340,073 ---------------- 1,677,630
10 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banking 2.6% 29,500 ABN AMRO Holding NV, ADR $ 521,571 1,325 Astoria Financial Corp. 79,487 4,800 BancorpSouth, Inc. 77,280 16,300 Bank One Corp. 630,973 9,400 BankAtlantic Bancorp, Inc. (Class A) 96,350 3,508 Banknorth Group, Inc. 80,544 3,660 Banque Nationale de Paris (France) 318,263 8,920 Bayerische Vereinsbank AG (Germany) 397,983 1,925 City National Corp. 90,475 4,625 Colonial BancGroup, Inc. 68,080 1,325 Corus BankShares, Inc. 78,440 1,875 Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc. 65,831 4,227 CVB Financial Corp. 80,186 3,300 East West Bancorp, Inc. 84,216 275 First Citizens BancShares, Inc. 27,640 900 1st Source Corp. 21,897 3,753 Fulton Financial Corp. 83,317 1,600 Harbor Florida BancShares, Inc. 30,480 50,700 HSBC Holdings PLC (United Kingdom)(a) 587,464 2,550 Independent Bank Corp. 49,853 2,475 MAF Bancorp, Inc. 76,329 60 Mizuho Holding, Inc. (Japan) 230,797 30,400 Overseas-Chinese Banking Corp. Ltd. (Singapore) 192,213 18,000 Sao Paolo Imi SpA (Italy) 223,198 4,325 Silicon Valley Bancshares(a) 87,192 4,375 Sky Financial Group, Inc. 85,575 2,350 Southwest BanCorp. of Texas(a) 79,007 48,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. (Japan) 343,887 38,000 Sumitomo Trust & Banking Co. Ltd. (Japan) 220,475 3,300 Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc. 68,772 54,896 United Overseas Bank, Ltd. (Singapore) 319,694 4,040 Washington Federal, Inc. 107,504 1,925 Westamerica Bancorp. 75,941 1,650 Whitney Holding Corp. 74,399 ---------------- 5,655,313
See Notes to Financial Statements 11 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building & Construction 0.4% 2,250 Centex Corp. $ 105,840 3,550 D.R. Horton, Inc. 97,802 2,625 KB Home 85,549 1,975 Lennar Corp. 90,633 2,175 M.D.C. Holdings, Inc. 91,219 2,950 Thomas Industries, Inc. 75,874 5,819 Vivendi Universal SA (France) 341,412 2,025 York International Corp. 67,068 ---------------- 955,397 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chemicals 0.7% 10,900 Akzo Nobel NV (Netherlands) 455,684 2,925 Arch Chemicals, Inc. 58,793 5,900 Cambrex Corp. 281,135 2,875 Cytec Industries, Inc.(a) 93,409 1,275 Du Pont Photomasks, Inc. 49,177 2,225 Ferro Corp. 49,173 2,625 Great Lakes Chemical Corp. 74,524 1,750 H.B. Fuller Co. 92,172 3,200 Lubrizol Corp. 111,616 2,075 Minerals Technologies, Inc. 88,125 4,325 Olin Corp. 72,963 1,025 OM Group, Inc. 59,962 ---------------- 1,486,733 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commercial Services 0.2% 2,200 Arbitron, Inc. 57,860 11,425 Kforce, Inc.(a) 56,440 19,350 Modis Professional Services, Inc. 123,259 5,200 Resources Connection, Inc.(a) 132,080 ---------------- 369,639 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computers 2.0% 41,400 Dell Computer Corp.(a) 1,114,902 13,000 EMC Corp.(a) 256,360
12 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38,000 Fujitsu Ltd. (Japan) $ 354,770 4,600 Hewlett-Packard Co. 113,436 17,300 International Business Machines Corp. 1,820,133 16,450 Iomega Corp. 26,156 60,464 Maxtor Corp.(a) 399,062 4,650 MTS Systems Corp. 65,100 17,700 Silicon Graphics, Inc.(a) 11,151 6,775 Storage Technology Corp. 93,292 ---------------- 4,254,362 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computer Services 1.3% 15,700 Advanced Digital Information(a) 178,195 15,000 ASM Lithography Holding NV (Netherlands)(a) 307,050 1,875 CACI International, Inc. (Class A)(a) 65,625 4,950 Carreker Corp.(a) 93,802 3,900 Catapult Communications Corp.(a) 67,236 36,700 Cisco Systems, Inc.(a) 705,374 3,250 Electronics for Imaging, Inc.(a) 71,630 9,300 Inforte Corp.(a) 104,160 13,800 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(a) 390,126 5,800 MatrixOne, Inc.(a) 91,930 5,900 Sapient Corp.(a) 36,875 33,200 Sun Microsystems, Inc.(a) 540,828 3,665 Tier Technologies, Inc. (Class B)(a) 42,514 ---------------- 2,695,345 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computer Software & Services 1.5% 7,900 Actuate Corp.(a) 80,738 14,700 BindView Development Corp.(a) 20,139 21,600 BMC Software, Inc.(a) 432,000 19,700 Brio Technology, Inc.(a) 82,149 2,025 JDA Software Group, Inc.(a) 42,323 11,800 Keane, Inc.(a) 218,300 24,900 Microsoft Corp.(a) 1,648,131 2,675 NetIQ Corp.(a) 88,248 5,075 Novell, Inc.(a) 25,324 19,800 Oracle Corp.(a) 357,984
See Notes to Financial Statements 13 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,900 Precise Software Solutions Ltd.(a) $ 127,676 4,900 Verity, Inc.(a) 86,044 ---------------- 3,209,056 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consumer Products 1.9% 8,050 American Greetings Corp. (Class A) 88,953 10,400 Eastman Kodak Co. 450,424 16,840 Electrolux AB, Ser. B (Sweden) 253,323 15,500 Gillette Co. 431,985 5,425 JAKKS Pacific, Inc. 108,663 1 Japan Tobacco, Inc. 7,252 13,000 Kao Corp. (Japan) 304,203 1,075 Libbey, Inc. 36,926 8,400 Loews Corp. 476,784 21,300 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. 969,150 5,235 Purina Mills, Inc. 119,515 12,833 R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Holdings, Inc. 689,260 10,975 RPM, Inc. 101,848 3,425 Tupperware Corp. 80,419 ---------------- 4,118,705 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consumer Services 0.7% 11,800 Cheap Tickets, Inc.(a) 137,352 4,900 Ebay, Inc.(a) 306,593 3,250 Navigant International, Inc.(a) 56,062 3,250 Seitel, Inc.(a) 43,875 19,700 Service Corp. International(a) 155,630 1,800 Tetra Tech, Inc.(a) 40,860 1,975 Travelocity, Inc.(a) 45,524 3,575 Trico Marine Services, Inc.(a) 35,142 4,625 United Rentals, Inc.(a) 108,179 17,100 Waste Management, Inc. 530,100 ---------------- 1,459,317 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Processing/Management 0.1% 10,800 ProBusiness Services, Inc.(a) 297,756
14 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diversified Manufacturing 2.3% 3,250 ESCO Technologies, Inc.(a) $ 91,325 2,075 Federal Signal Corp. 43,783 34,000 General Electric Co. 1,479,000 6,650 Gerber Scientific, Inc. 71,953 1,750 Harsco Corp. 53,480 20,000 Hutchison Whampoa, Ltd. (Hong Kong) 192,956 1,425 Intermagnetics General Corp. 44,531 177,700 Invensys PLC (United Kingdom) 215,405 2,400 Ladish Co., Inc. 38,400 3,675 Merix Corp. 89,560 4,300 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. 481,084 2,225 National Service Industries, Inc. 50,329 21,125 Pactiv Corp.(a) 328,071 5,900 Roper Industries, Inc. 223,315 23,400 Tyco International Ltd. 1,244,880 4,550 Veba AG (Germany) 249,625 ---------------- 4,897,697 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electronics 0.6% 1,600 Fisher Scientific International, Inc. 43,120 3,150 Keithley Instruments, Inc. 63,158 18,956 Koninklijke (Royal) Philips Electronics NV (Netherlands) 530,362 3,050 Mentor Graphics Corp.(a) 56,883 26,400 National Grid Group PLC (United Kingdom) 178,833 4,000 Polycom, Inc.(a) 101,800 7,000 Sony Corp. (Japan) 344,993 1,975 Tweeter Home Entertainment Group, Inc.(a) 56,347 ---------------- 1,375,496 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electronic Components 2.0% 3,900 Alpha Industries, Inc.(a) 148,668 1,925 Belden, Inc. 47,066 4,000 Cable Design Technologies Corp. 60,200 2,900 Caliper Technologies Corp. 47,705 5,550 Cleco Corp. 126,263 6,900 Credence Systems Corp.(a) 142,830
See Notes to Financial Statements 15 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,100 CTS Corp. $ 134,505 11,800 DDI Corp.(a) 229,392 1,875 Electro Scientific Industries, Inc. 60,281 11,800 Gentex Corp.(a) 386,922 44,000 Hitachi, Ltd. 370,589 2,500 Idacorp, Inc. 92,500 1,100 Kyocera Corp. (Japan) 82,510 8,250 Methode Eletronics, Inc. (Class A) 74,003 5,200 Novellus Systems, Inc.(a) 265,044 2,500 Park Electrochemical Corp. 61,625 13,800 Power-One, Inc.(a) 213,900 7,300 STMicroelectronics NV (France) 232,432 1,550 Technitrol, Inc. 38,471 40,000 Texas Instruments, Inc. 1,380,000 ---------------- 4,194,906 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exchange Traded Fund 0.1% 6,800 Nasdaq--100 Shares 283,968 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Financial Services 5.2% 11,100 A.G. Edwards, Inc. 485,625 1,600 Acom Co., Ltd. (Japan)(a) 130,528 3,025 Allied Capital Corp. 70,331 16,200 American Express Co. 653,346 5,900 Americredit Corp. 362,791 1,225 Chittenden Corp. 40,976 35,100 Citigroup, Inc. 1,762,371 2,875 Doral Financial Corp. 106,548 2,550 Downey Financial Corp. 149,353 6,000 Eaton Vance Corp. 204,840 9,500 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 650,180 2,600 First Merchants Corp. 61,100 7,800 Fortis NL NV (Netherlands) 203,548 5,600 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 465,696 14,900 Household International, Inc. 987,721 4,275 Indymac Bancorp, Inc.(a) 111,107 8,200 ING Groep NV 267,411 32,000 Investor AB (Sweden) 398,378 2,700 J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. 116,910 2,625 Jefferies Group, Inc. 93,083
16 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8,500 Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. $ 612,000 2,400 MBNA Corp. 84,960 12,800 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. 694,272 9,700 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. 580,254 56,000 Nikko Securities Co., Ltd. (Japan) 351,837 2,400 Orix Corp. (Japan) 202,909 3,150 PFF Bancorp, Inc. 80,640 8,400 PNC Financial Services Group 557,340 2,300 Provident Financial Group, Inc. 75,923 13,300 Stilwell Financial, Inc. 394,478 1,825 Webster Financial Corp. 65,226 606 Zurich Financial Services Group (Switzerland) 201,262 ---------------- 11,222,944 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Food & Beverage 1.7% 40,800 Cadbury Schweppes PLC (United Kingdom) 278,124 3,850 Corn Products International, Inc. 114,345 20,400 Darden Restaurants, Inc. 609,960 1,825 Dean Foods Co. 76,467 6,500 Del Monte Foods Co. 58,435 39,900 Diageo PLC (United Kingdom)(a) 410,259 6,875 Dole Food Co., Inc. 154,962 8,112 Heineken NV (Netherlands) 320,447 22,900 PepsiCo, Inc. 1,067,827 22,900 Sara Lee Corp. 461,893 1,075 Suiza Foods Corp.(a) 59,222 ---------------- 3,611,941 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gas Distribution 0.1% 2,775 AGL Resources, Inc. 66,600 1,875 CH Energy Group, Inc. 79,031 2,025 New Jersey Resources Corp. 87,987 ---------------- 233,618 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Health Care 1.0% 2,000 Aspect Medical Systems, Inc.(a) 23,820 14,800 HCA, Inc. 680,060
See Notes to Financial Statements 17 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25,300 Health Management Assoc., Inc. (Class A)(a) $ 499,928 4,800 Health Net, Inc.(a) 88,080 5,275 Humana, Inc.(a) 58,816 3,150 Mid-Atlantic Medical Services, Inc. 66,150 1,875 Sunrise Assisted Living, Inc.(a) 57,206 2,000 Triad Hospital, Inc.(a) 67,840 5,200 Wellpoint Health Networks, Inc.(a) 556,192 ---------------- 2,098,092 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotels & Leisure 0.7% 3,900 Argosy Gaming Co. 102,960 14,125 Boyd Gaming Corp. 85,033 6,500 Marriott International, Inc. (Class A) 310,375 27,400 MeriStar Hotels & Resorts, Inc. 48,498 5,325 Prime Hospitality Corp.(a) 63,953 20,700 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. 738,783 8,200 Station Casinos, Inc.(a) 117,998 3,400 WMS Industries, Inc. 78,200 ---------------- 1,545,800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Insurance 3.6% 3,150 Alfa Corp. 75,946 14,720 Alleanza Assicurazionni SpA (Italy) 163,836 1,794 Allianz AG (Germany) 504,277 15,200 Allstate Corp. 531,392 13,312 American International Group, Inc. 1,108,224 2,600 Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. 71,500 13,480 AXA (France) 394,858 7,300 Chubb Corp. 512,241 4,700 CIGNA Corp. 471,457 4,325 CNA Surety Corp. 62,194 2,625 Commerce Group, Inc.(a) 96,705 2,465 Fidelity National Financial, Inc. 63,203 4,150 First American Corp. 73,662 16,900 Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. 1,118,949 2,825 Landamerica Financial Group, Inc. 90,400 2,550 Leucadia National Corp. 83,283
18 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7,000 Lincoln National Corp. $ 357,210 17,800 Old Republic International Corp. 471,700 3,050 Presidential Life Corp. 58,652 8,100 Reinsurance Group of America, Inc. 316,548 2,825 StanCorp Financial Group, Inc. 124,582 1,600 Triad Guaranty, Inc.(a) 60,640 11,600 XL Capital Ltd. 890,300 ---------------- 7,701,759 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet 0.2% 10,800 Avocent Corp.(a) 279,720 2,000 DigitalThink, Inc. 29,000 1,225 Sonicwall, Inc. 26,031 ---------------- 334,751 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machinery 0.2% 6,500 AGCO Corp. 67,015 3,100 Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc. 53,165 4,000 JLG Industries, Inc. 45,200 3,725 Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc. 89,102 2,300 Manitowoc Co., Inc. 63,917 2,000 Sauer-Danfoss, Inc. 18,200 3,050 Snap-On, Inc. 82,350 ---------------- 418,949 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manufacturing 0.5% 1,050 Compaignie de Saint Gobain (France) 154,933 5,700 CoorsTek, Inc.(a) 177,270 8,400 Mettler-Toledo International, Inc.(a) 357,840 8,720 Thyssen AG (Germany) 120,727 11,300 Varian, Inc.(a) 325,214 ---------------- 1,135,984 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Media 1.6% 5,900 Acme Communications, Inc.(a) 47,200 18,700 AOL Time Warner, Inc.(a) 849,915 3,575 Banta Corp. 99,421 19,700 Entravision Communications Corp. 246,841
See Notes to Financial Statements 19 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7,000 Lagardere SA (France) $ 369,326 1,125 Liberty Corp. 44,831 650 Media General, Inc. (Class A)(a) 31,194 19,400 Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc. 388,000 25,830 Viacom, Inc. (Class B)(a) 1,286,334 ---------------- 3,363,062 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical Products & Services 2.1% 2,500 Albany Molecular Research, Inc.(a) 77,725 17,900 Amgen, Inc.(a) 1,122,509 8,600 Baxter International, Inc. 428,280 4,250 Coventry Health Care, Inc. 97,793 2,800 Digene Corp.(a) 96,964 14,000 Genetech, Inc. 592,200 7,305 Glaxo Smithkline PLC (United Kingdom)(a) 211,166 9,900 Johnson & Johnson 535,590 3,400 North American Scientific, Inc.(a) 52,190 2,900 ORATEC Interventions, Inc.(a) 24,592 8,700 Ortec International, Inc. 61,770 10,300 Packard Bioscience Co. 99,189 1,800 Pharmaceutical Product Development, Inc. 63,738 3,510 Roche Holdings AG 267,527 7,600 Sepracor, Inc. 334,856 4,325 STERIS Corp.(a) 93,031 1,600 Varian Medical Systems, Inc. 114,400 3,900 Ventana Medical Systems, Inc.(a) 130,650 2,250 VISX, Inc. 35,775 ---------------- 4,439,945 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mining 0.3% 22,200 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc. (Class A)(a) 216,672 7,900 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc. (Class B)(a) 85,004 10,000 Newmont Mining Corp. 187,000 7,400 Stillwater Mining Co.(a) 190,920 ---------------- 679,596
20 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Networking 0.2% 1,825 Anixter International, Inc.(a) $ 52,651 950 Black Box Corp.(a) 52,117 14,100 Ixia(a) 197,541 32,800 Lucent Technologies, Inc. 219,760 ---------------- 522,069 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Office Equipment & Supplies 0.5% 7,000 Canon, Inc. (Japan) 236,727 6,275 Daisytek International Corp.(a) 96,071 16,000 Harris Corp. 480,320 1,275 United Stationers, Inc. 42,062 1,975 Wallace Computer Services, Inc. 33,654 35,400 Xerox Corp. 282,492 ---------------- 1,171,326 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oil & Gas 4.0% 1,576 ABB, Ltd., ADR(a) 17,493 5,000 Amerada Hess Corp. 386,400 67,800 BP Amoco PLC (United Kingdom) 564,184 2,000 Cal Dive International, Inc. 37,400 11,400 Conoco, Inc. (Class A) 351,576 20,800 Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc. 610,272 3,350 Energen Corp. 85,425 36,800 ENI SpA (Italy) 447,615 39,300 ENSCO International, Inc.(a) 813,117 15,775 Grey Wolf, Inc. 49,218 24,700 Halliburton Co. 864,747 3,575 Key Energy Services, Inc. 33,247 12,000 Nabors Industries, Inc. 351,600 5,275 Oneok, Inc. 96,005 14,800 Santa Fe International Corp. 442,520 17,800 Schlumberger, Ltd. 956,750 2,303 Stone Energy Corp.(a) 104,902 4,900 Superior Energy Services, Inc.(a) 41,650 18,100 Talisman Energy, Inc. (Canada)(a) 711,511 7,685 TotalFinaElf SA, ADR 544,713
See Notes to Financial Statements 21 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,513 TotalFinaElf SA (France) $ 500,212 2,600 Universal Compression Holdings, Inc.(a) 72,930 13,100 Williams Companies, Inc. 438,850 ---------------- 8,522,337 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oil & Gas Exploration & Production 0.3% 5,900 Chesapeake Energy Corp. 38,114 5,000 Comstock Resources, Inc.(a) 36,600 13,200 Fmc Technologies , Inc. 238,524 2,600 Spinnaker Exploration Co. 104,780 3,950 Vintage Petroleum, Inc. 73,273 3,850 WGL Holdings, Inc. 107,145 ---------------- 598,436 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paper & Packaging 1.2% 11,700 Boise Cascade Corp. 423,540 3,250 Buckeye Technologies, Inc.(a) 44,037 7,900 Caraustar Industries, Inc. 78,605 13,422 Georgia-Pacific Corp. (Timber Group) 491,245 12,000 International Paper Co. 490,320 6,300 Louisiana-Pacific Corp. 66,906 2,575 Pope & Talbot, Inc. 35,535 9,100 Temple-Inland, Inc. 564,655 3,775 Universal Forest Products, Inc. 74,028 7,000 UPM-Kymmene Oy (Finland) 208,417 ---------------- 2,477,288 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pharmaceuticals 2.3% 14,500 Abbott Laboratories 777,055 8,725 Alpharma, Inc. (Class A) 246,132 21,400 American Home Products Corp. 1,290,634 3,600 Aventis SA(a) (France) 276,949 4,300 Elan Corp. PLC, ADR(a) 248,325 1,300 Eli Lilly & Co. 103,064 4,225 Perrigo Co. 70,008 22,025 Pfizer, Inc. 907,871 17,278 Pharmacia Corp. 770,944 13,000 Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 360,460 ---------------- 5,051,442
22 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Printing & Publishing 0.9% 3,400 Consolidated Graphics, Inc.(a) $ 74,800 3,050 Hollinger International, Inc. 44,286 13,600 Knight-Ridder, Inc. 837,624 14,700 New York Times Co. (Class A) 680,610 8,000 Pearson PLC, ADR(a) 123,200 7,700 Wolters Kluwer NV (Netherlands)(a) 204,242 ---------------- 1,964,762 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Estate 0.2% 22,250 Security Capital Group, Inc. (Class B) 458,350 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Estate Investment Trust 1.1% 3,525 Amli Residential Properties Trust 82,661 3,625 Arden Realty, Inc. 92,075 4,275 Boykin Lodging Co. 51,728 2,400 BRE Properties, Inc. 72,864 3,475 Cabot Industrial Trust 72,975 1,800 Camden Property Trust 67,410 3,250 Capital Automotive REIT 55,217 450 CBL & Associates Properties, Inc. 13,878 3,525 CBRL Group, Inc. 68,350 17,300 Equity Office Properties Trust 519,346 3,900 Felcor Lodging Trust, Inc. 84,786 2,400 First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc. 75,360 4,250 Glenborough Realty Trust, Inc. 80,325 3,725 Highwoods Properties, Inc. 95,174 1,375 Home Properties New York, Inc. 41,456 2,600 Hospitality Properties Trust 72,930 10,325 HRPT Properties Trust 89,105 3,250 Innkeepers USA Trust 37,993 6,075 JDN Realty Corp. 72,414 1,925 Kilroy Realty Corp. 51,590 4,200 New Plan Excel Realty Trust, Inc. 67,410 1,425 Realty Income Corp. 40,855 9,950 Reckson Associates Realty Corp. 220,392
See Notes to Financial Statements 23 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,350 Regency Centers Corp. $ 86,162 2,075 Summit Properties, Inc. 54,157 2,125 Weingarten Realty Investors 94,987 ---------------- 2,361,600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restaurants 0.2% 3,900 CEC Entertainment, Inc. 139,191 3,900 Landry's Seafood Restaurants, Inc. 73,710 8,000 McDonald's Corp. 233,120 3,725 Ruby Tuesday, Inc. 69,285 ---------------- 515,306 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retail 3.7% 3,200 BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc.(a) 179,200 6,225 Borders Group, Inc.(a) 143,611 1,500 Christopher & Banks Corp. 40,200 8,300 Cost Plus, Inc.(a) 234,309 4,325 Dillards, Inc. (Class A) 64,183 16,700 Federated Department Stores, Inc.(a) 644,620 543 Freds, Inc. (Class A) 13,765 3,600 Friedman's, Inc. (Class A) 26,820 24,290 Great Universal Stores PLC (United Kingdom) 216,153 32,500 Home Depot, Inc. 1,637,025 9,325 IKON Office Solutions, Inc. 72,549 1,375 K-Swiss, Inc. (Class A) 44,688 3,100 Kenneth Cole Productions, Inc. (Class A) 61,225 18,700 Kohl's Corp.(a) 1,071,136 5,900 Linens 'n Things, Inc.(a) 151,630 1,550 Payless Shoesource, Inc.(a) 88,768 4,650 Phillips-Van Heusen Corp. 63,705 4,575 Pier 1 Imports, Inc. 53,756 8,750 ShopKo Stores, Inc. 75,688 7,150 Sonic Automative, Inc.(a) 139,425 17,400 Target Corp. 673,380 83,300 Tesco PLC (United Kingdom)(a) 298,173 25,700 The Limited, Inc. 436,129 19,100 Tiffany & Co. 674,230
24 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8,850 Value City Department Stores , Inc. $ 55,224 7,200 Venator Group, Inc. 118,800 12,900 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 721,110 ---------------- 7,999,502 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Semiconductors 2.1% 8,900 Applied Materials, Inc.(a) 408,154 15,000 Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc.(a) 289,500 19,700 Intel Corp. 587,257 14,300 Intersil Corp. (Class A)(a) 496,210 9,000 KLA Tencor Corp.(a) 489,510 8,800 Micron Technology, Inc. 369,600 3,625 Milacron, Inc. 66,337 2,100 Nanometrics, Inc.(a) 69,300 15,300 National Semiconductor Corp.(a) 490,365 5,900 Power Integrations, Inc.(a) 127,735 7,900 Rudolph Technologies, Inc.(a) 327,850 10,800 Semtech Corp.(a) 400,140 11,300 Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates, Inc.(a) 397,308 ---------------- 4,519,266 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steel & Metals 0.7% 11,200 Alcoa, Inc. 439,376 2,450 Carpenter Technology Corp. 67,228 1,825 Century Aluminum Co. 31,846 2,125 Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc. 35,594 4,150 NS Group, Inc.(a) 39,425 7,000 Phelps Dodge Corp. 282,800 1,700 Precision Castparts Corp. 62,050 3,100 Quanex Corp. 84,785 5,900 Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. 146,910 3,725 Timken Co. 62,096 4,750 Wolverine Tube, Inc.(a) 73,720 5,450 Worthington Industries, Inc. 76,627 ---------------- 1,402,457
See Notes to Financial Statements 25 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Telecommunications 4.9% 19,700 Advanced Fibre Communications, Inc.(a) $ 497,425 5,900 Alcatel (France) 105,141 6,900 ALLTEL Corp. 425,385 2,000 Andrew Corp.(a) 44,080 19,800 AT&T Corp. 400,158 19,671 AT&T Wireless Services, Inc.(a) 367,651 61,070 British Telecommunications PLC (United Kingdom) 425,008 7,900 Leap Wireless International, Inc.(a) 193,866 80,000 Liberty Media Group (Class A) 1,258,400 28,800 Nokia Corp., ADR(a) 628,128 2,250 Nortek, Inc. 59,895 20 NTT Mobile Communications (Japan) 277,277 39,166 Portugal Telecom, SA (Portugal) 280,898 9,600 Powerwave Technologies, Inc. 164,736 28,800 Qwest Communications International, Inc.(a) 748,800 2,000 SBA Communcations Corp. 39,420 11,900 SBC Communications, Inc. 535,857 3,900 Sierra Wireless, Inc. 47,385 36,900 Sprint Corp. 884,466 8,800 Stanford Microdevices, Inc. 70,400 21,902 Telefonica SA (Spain) 266,980 14,300 Univision Communications, Inc.(a) 545,974 12,000 Verizon Communications, Inc. 649,800 22,096 Vodafone Group PLC, ADR(a) 476,169 134,100 Vodafone Group PLC (United Kingdom) 293,553 14,700 Western Multiplex Corp.(a) 70,560 5,000 Western Wireless Corp.(a) 194,550 32,700 Worldcom, Inc.(a) 457,800 ---------------- 10,409,762 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transportation/Shipping 1.0% 4,900 Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. 124,460 2,025 Arkansas Best Corp.(a) 55,890 11,600 Canadian Pacific Ltd. 439,640 2,650 CNF Transportation, Inc. 86,019 34 East Japan Railway 182,282 7,150 Forward Air Corp. 197,697
26 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Shares Description Value (Note 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49,400 OMI Corp. $ 236,626 2,450 Roadway Express, Inc. 71,173 7,600 Teekay Shipping Corp. 261,440 6,200 Union Pacific Corp. 332,878 3,725 Yellow Corp.(a) 81,056 ---------------- 2,069,161 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Utilities 1.5% 3,200 ALLETE 75,808 10,500 Alstom 292,856 9,800 Beacon Power Corp.(a) 45,570 2,125 California Water Service Group 50,894 3,725 El Paso Electric Co. 53,975 23,420 Endesa SA (Spain) 382,491 6,350 Exelon Corp. 358,775 3,675 Kansas City Power & Light Co. 89,303 1,650 Massey Energy Corp. 28,347 2,225 MDU Resources Group, Inc. 67,573 2,000 NewPower Holdings, Inc.(a) 14,000 19,700 NiSource, Inc. 519,292 2,125 OGE Energy Corp. 45,900 2,025 Peoples Energy Corp. 77,072 31,200 PG&E Corp. 463,944 2,725 Public Service Co. of New Mexico 80,687 12,150 Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux (France) 410,375 2,975 Western Resources, Inc. 55,305 ---------------- 3,112,167 ---------------- Total common stocks 130,417,068 ---------------- PREFERRED STOCKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Publishing 1,000 Primedia, Inc., 8.625% 83,000 ----------------
See Notes to Financial Statements 27 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORPORATE BONDS 13.9% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aerospace/Defense 0.1% B2 $ 35 Alliant Techsystems, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 8.50%, 5/15/11 $ 36,225 Ba2 250 Sequa Corp., Sr. Notes, 9.00%, 8/1/09 249,375 ---------------- 285,600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agricultural Products 0.1% IMC Global, Inc., Sr. Notes, Ba1 40 10.875%, 6/1/08 40,144 Ba2 125 11.25%, 6/1/11 125,006 ---------------- 165,150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Airlines 0.5% Ba2 140 Continental Airlines, Inc., Sr. Notes, 8.00%, 12/15/05 140,074 Baa3 230 Delta Air Lines, Inc., Notes, 8.30%, 12/15/29 206,729 Northwest Airlines, Inc., Notes, Ba2 100 7.625%, 3/15/05 98,439 Sr. Notes, Ba2 100 8.875%, 6/1/06 100,395 United Airlines, Inc., Debs., Ser. A, Ba1 125 10.67%, 5/1/04 130,502 Debs., Ba1 15 9.75%, 8/15/21 14,276 Ba3 300 US Airways, Inc., Pass-through Certs., 10.375%, 3/1/13 286,122 ---------------- 976,537 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto & Truck 0.1% B2 25 Collins & Aikman Products Co., Sr. Sub. Notes, 11.50%, 4/15/06 25,000
28 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B3 $ 75 Eagle-Picher, Inc., Gtd. Notes, 9.375%, 3/1/08 $ 46,500 Navistar International Corp., Sr. Notes, Ba1 100 7.00%, 2/1/03 98,500 Ba1 60 9.375%, 6/1/06 61,500 ---------------- 231,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banking 0.3% B1 100 Chevy Chase Savings Bank, Sub. Debs., 9.25%, 12/1/05 99,500 A1 300 KBC Bank Funding Trust, Gtd. Notes, 9.86%, 11/2/09 347,073 Sovereign Bancorp, Inc., Sr. Notes, Ba3 110 10.25%, 5/15/04 116,506 Ba3 90 10.50%, 11/15/06 97,650 B2 55 Western Financial Svgs. Bank, Sub. Cap. Debs., 8.875%, 8/1/07 52,113 ---------------- 712,842 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building Materials & Components 0.1% B3 200 Nortek, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.875%, 6/15/11 198,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cable 1.4% B2 400 Adelphia Communications Corp., Sr. Notes, 10.25%, 6/15/11 390,000 Callahan Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany), Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 7/15/05) B3 50 16.00%, 7/15/10 19,250 Sr. Notes, B3 100 14.00%, 7/15/10 73,000 Charter Communications Holdings, Inc., Sr. Disc. Notes, B2 445 Zero Coupon (until 5/15/06) 11.75%, 5/15/11 251,425
See Notes to Financial Statements 29 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sr. Notes, B2 $ 55 11.125%, 1/15/11 $ 58,300 B2 350 10.00%, 5/15/11 355,250 B2 75 10.75%, 10/1/09 78,000 B3 150 Diamond Cable Comm. Co. (United Kingdom), Sr. Disc. Notes, 13.25%, 9/30/04 97,500 Fox Family Worldwide, Inc., Sr. Notes, B1 30 9.25%, 11/1/07 32,400 Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 11/1/02), B1 325 10.25%, 11/1/07 316,063 B3 75 Insight Communications, Inc., Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 2/15/06) 12.25%, 2/15/11 44,250 B2 500 Mediacom Broadband LLC, Sr. Notes, 11.00%, 7/15/13 527,500 B2 250 Mediacom LLC/Capital Corp., Sr. Notes, 7.875%, 2/15/11 227,500 B3 175 Paxson Communications Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.75%, 7/15/08 181,125 B2 235 Telewest PLC, Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 2/1/05) 11.375%, 2/1/10 110,450 B3 250 United Int'l. Holdings, Inc., Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 2/1/02) 10.75%, 2/1/08 80,625 United Pan Europe Communications, Sr. Disc Notes, Zero Coupon (until 8/1/04) Caa1 100 12.50%, 8/1/09 19,500 Sr. Disc. Notes, Caa1 50 Zero Coupon (until 2/1/05) 9,250
30 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sr. Notes, Caa1 $ 200 10.875%, 8/1/09 $ 80,000 Caa1 250 11.25%, 2/1/10 100,000 ---------------- 3,051,388 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Casinos 0.7% Ba3 150 Aztar Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 8.875%, 5/15/07 150,750 B2 75 Coast Hotels & Casinos, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.50%, 4/1/09 76,875 B2 100 Harvey Casino & Resorts, Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.625%, 6/1/06 105,500 B3 45 Hollywood Casino Corp., Gtd. Notes, 11.25%, 5/1/07 47,250 B2 250 Hollywood Park, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, Ser. B, 9.25%, 2/15/07 215,000 B2 65 Horseshoe Gaming LLC, Sr. Sub. Notes, 8.625%, 5/15/09 65,162 Mandalay Resort Group, Inc., Deb. Notes, Ba2 100 6.70%, 11/15/96 99,086 Sr. Sub. Debs., Ba3 100 7.625%, 7/15/13 88,000 Sr. Sub. Notes, Ba3 300 6.75%, 7/15/03 289,500 Ba3 30 Park Place Entertainment Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.375%, 2/15/07 31,800 Station Casinos, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes B1 50 9.75%, 4/15/07 51,000 B1 220 9.875%, 7/1/10 224,400 NA 55 Venetian Casino Resort LLC, Gtd. Notes, 12.25%, 11/15/04 58,300 ---------------- 1,502,623
See Notes to Financial Statements 31 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chemicals 0.3% B2 $ 100 Huntsman ICI Chemicals LLC, Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.125%, 7/1/09 $ 97,500 B2 100 ISP Chemco, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.25%, 7/1/11 100,000 B2 100 ISP Holdings, Inc., Sr. Notes, 9.00%, 10/15/03 95,000 Lyondell Chemical Co., Sr. Sub. Notes, B2 120 10.875%, 5/1/09 118,800 Sec'd. Notes, Ba3 100 9.875%, 5/1/07 100,500 Ba1 80 Millennium America, Inc., Sr. Notes, 9.25%, 6/15/08 81,000 B1 24 NL Industries, Inc., Sr. Sec'd. Notes, 11.75%, 10/15/03 24,240 Ca 125 Sterling Chemicals, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 12.375%(b), 7/15/06 100,000 ---------------- 717,040 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computers B1 90 Seagate Technology International, Inc., Gtd. Notes, 12.50%, 11/15/07 88,763 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computer Services Ba1 100 Unisys Corp., Sr. Notes, 8.125%, 6/1/06 97,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consulting 0.1% B2 250 Comdisco, Inc., Sr. Notes, 9.50%, 8/15/03 206,250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consumer Products 0.1% B1 200 Elizabeth Arden, Inc., Sr. Sec. Notes, Ser. B, 11.75%, 2/1/11 213,000
32 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consumer Services 0.4% B2 $ 200 Alliance Atlantis Commerce, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 13.00%, 12/15/09 $ 212,000 B3 190 Kindercare Learning Center, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.50%, 2/15/09 188,575 Service Corp. International, Notes, B1 300 6.30%, 3/15/03 279,000 Notes, B1 250 6.50%, 3/15/08 199,375 ---------------- 878,950 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Distribution/Wholesalers 0.1% B3 115 Core-Mark Int'l, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 11.375%, 9/15/03 110,975 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diversified Manufacturing Operations 0.3% B1 25 American Axle & Manufacturing, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.75%, 3/1/09 25,750 B2 80 Applied Extrusion Tech, Inc., Sr. Notes, 10.75%, 7/1/11 83,200 B2 30 Blount, Inc., Sr. Notes, 7.00%, 6/15/05 20,100 Baa1 300 Cox Enterprises, Inc., Bonds, 5.21375%, 8/1/03 300,020 B2 150 Gentek, Inc., Gtd. Notes, 11.00%, 8/1/09 112,125 B2 55 Terex Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.375%, 4/1/11 56,925 B3 55 United States Can Corp., Gtd. Notes, Ser. B, 12.375%, 10/1/10 52,250 ---------------- 650,370
See Notes to Financial Statements 33 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diversified Operations 0.1% B3 $ 75 Nextmedia Operating, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.75%, 7/1/11 $ 78,094 Ba3 250 Stena AB, (Sweden), Sr. Notes, 8.75%, 6/15/07 223,750 ---------------- 301,844 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electronic Components 0.1% Ba3 90 Flextronics International Ltd. (Singapore), Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.875%, 7/1/10 92,700 B3 125 Motors & Gears, Inc., Sr. Notes, 10.75%, 11/15/06 124,375 ---------------- 217,075 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy 0.1% Ba2 100 AES Drax Energy Ltd., Sr. Sec. Notes, Ser. B, 11.50%, 8/30/10 108,500 B1 40 El Paso Energy Partners LP, Sr. Sub. Notes, 8.50%, 6/1/11 40,000 Baa3 50 PSEG Energy Holdings, 10.00%, 10/1/09 55,456 ---------------- 203,956 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Engineering & Construction 0.2% Ba3 429 CSC Holdings, Inc., Sr. Sub. Debs., 10.50%, 5/15/16 459,030 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Financial Services 1.4% B3 25 Actuant Finance Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 13.00%, 5/1/09 25,500 Baa3 175 AES Drax Holdings Ltd., Sr. Sec. Bonds, 10.41%, 12/31/20 195,125
34 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Americredit Corp., Gtd. Gtd. Notes, Ba1 $ 100 9.25%, 2/1/04 $ 100,000 Ba1 250 9.875%, 4/15/06 255,000 NR 100 Coinstar, Inc., Sr. Disc. Notes, 13.00%, 10/1/06 99,000 Conseco, Inc., Notes, B1 750 8.75%, 2/9/04 701,250 Sr. Notes, B1 215 10.75%, 6/15/08 211,775 NR 188 Credit Asset Receivable LLC, Sr. Sec'd. Notes, 6.274%, 10/31/03 188,870 B3 300 Finova Capital Corp., MTN, 5.98%, 2/27/49 287,250 Ba1 50 Golden State Holdings, Inc., Sr. Notes, 7.125%, 8/1/05 49,475 Midland Funding II, Debs., Ba3 75 13.25%, 7/23/06 88,052 Ba3 200 11.75%, 7/23/05 218,808 Ba3 500 Orion Power Holdings, Inc., Sr. Notes, 12.00%, 5/1/10 560,000 ---------------- 2,980,105 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Food & Beverage 0.3% B3 150 Agrilink Foods, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 11.875%, 11/1/08 141,187 Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Inc., Sr. Notes, B2 150 7.70%, 1/15/04 137,250 Notes, B2 150 7.75%, 4/15/07 127,500 B1 150 Pilgrim's Pride Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.875%, 8/1/03 150,375
See Notes to Financial Statements 35 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ba2 $ 150 Winn Dixie Stores, Inc., Sr. Notes, 8.875%, 4/1/08 $ 153,000 ---------------- 709,312 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Health Care 0.9% Columbia/HCA Healthcare Co., Deb. Notes, Ba1 50 8.36%, 4/15/24 48,500 Ba1 200 6.73%, 7/15/45 201,500 Notes, Ba1 55 9.00%, 12/15/14 58,575 B3 200 Concentra Operating Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, Ser. B, 13.00%, 8/15/09 216,000 Fresenius Medical Capital Trust II, Gtd. Notes, Ba2 75 7.875%, 2/1/08 74,250 Ba2 125 9.00%, 12/1/06 130,000 C 250 Integrated Health Services, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, Ser. A, 9.25%,(b) 1/15/08 1,250 Ba3 100 La Quinta Inns, Inc., Sr. Notes, 7.40%, 9/15/05 92,000 B2 55 LifePoint Hospitals Holdings, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.75%, 5/15/09 61,600 B3 325 Magellan Health Services, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.00%, 2/15/08 308,750 B2 200 Matria Healthcare, Inc., Sr. Notes, 11.00%, 5/1/08 192,500 Ba3 250 Meditrust, Notes, 7.82%, 9/10/26 241,875 B3 200 Select Med Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.50%, 6/15/09 195,000 B2 90 Triad Hospitals Holdings, Inc., Gtd. Notes, 11.00%, 5/15/09 98,775 ---------------- 1,920,575
36 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotels & Leisure 0.5% B2 $ 35 Argosy Gaming, Sr. Notes, 9.00%, 9/1/11 $ 35,437 B3 60 Ballys Total Fitness Holdings, Sr. Sub. Notes, Ser. C, 9.875%, 10/15/07 60,300 B2 115 Carrols Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.50%, 12/1/08 102,350 B2 110 Extended Stay Amererica, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.875%, 6/15/11 110,550 Felcor Lodging LP, Notes, Ba2 30 9.50%, 9/15/08 30,984 Gtd. Sr. Notes, Ba2 250 7.375%, 10/1/04 245,555 Ba2 300 HMH Properties, Inc., Gtd. Notes, Ser. B, 7.875%, 8/1/08 287,250 Ba1 120 ITT Corp., Deb. Notes, 7.375%, 11/15/15 111,364 Ba3 75 La Quinta Inns, Inc., Sr. Notes, 7.25%, 3/15/04 70,875 B3 95 Premier Parks, Inc., Sr. Notes, 9.75%, 6/15/07 97,375 ---------------- 1,152,040 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet Ca 35 Exodus Communications, Inc., Sr. Notes, 11.625%, 7/15/10 11,550 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manufacturing Polymer Group, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, Ser. B, Ca 20 9.00%, 7/1/07 8,600 Ca 25 8.75%, 3/1/08 9,750 B2 5 Sun World International, Inc., Gtd. Notes, Ser. B, 11.25%, 4/15/04 4,625
See Notes to Financial Statements 37 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B2 $ 10 Venture Holdings Trust, Sr. Notes, Ser. B, 9.50%, 7/1/05 $ 7,825 ---------------- 30,800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Media 0.3% B2 250 Ackerley Group, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, Ser. B, 9.00%, 1/15/09 225,000 B2 150 Canwest Media, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.625%, 5/15/11 156,750 Lin Holdings Corp., Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 9/1/03) B3 75 10.00%, 3/1/08 54,563 Zero Coupon (until 3/1/03) B3 175 10.00%, 3/1/08 136,500 ---------------- 572,813 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical Products & Services 0.1% B2 120 Bio-Rad Labs, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 11.625%, 2/15/07 130,800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oil & Gas 0.5% B2 55 Comstock Resources, Inc., Sr. Notes, 11.25%, 5/1/07 57,750 Ba2 250 Eott Energy Partners, Sr. Notes, 11.00%, 10/1/09 268,750 B2 20 Houston Exploration Co., Sr. Sub. Notes, 8.625%, 1/1/08 19,800 B1 80 Parker Drilling Co., Sr. Notes, Ser. D, 9.75%, 11/15/06 80,000 Baa3 200 Petroleos Mexicanos (Mexico), Gtd. Notes, 9.375%, 12/2/08 214,000 B2 55 Swift Energy Co., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.25%, 8/1/09 58,231 Ba3 250 Triton Energy Ltd., Sr. Notes, 9.25%, 4/15/05 270,000 ---------------- 968,531
38 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paper & Packaging 0.6% Ba1 $ 60 Caraustar Industries, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 9.875%, 4/1/11 $ 59,550 Doman Industries Ltd. (Canada), Gtd. Notes, B3 45 12.00%, 7/1/04 45,675 Sr. Notes, Caa1 15 8.75%, 3/15/04 9,000 Caa1 95 9.25%, 11/15/07 52,250 B1 20 Norampac, Inc., Sr. Notes, 9.50%, 2/1/08 20,700 B3 135 Packaged Ice, Inc., Sr. Notes, 9.75%, 2/1/05 106,650 B2 150 Radnor Holdings Corp., Sr. Notes, 10.00%, 12/1/03 120,000 B3 80 Riverwood International Corp., Sr. Notes, 10.625%, 8/1/07 82,400 B1 150 Silgan Holdings, Inc., Sr. Sub. Debs., 9.00%, 6/1/09 150,750 B2 515 Stone Container Corp., Sr. Notes, 11.50%, 8/15/06 545,900 ---------------- 1,192,875 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Printing & Publishing 0.3% B2 250 Mail Well I Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 8.75%, 12/15/08 205,000 Ba3 175 Primedia, Inc., Sr. Notes, 8.875%, 5/15/11 168,000 Quebecor Media, Inc., Sr. Disc. Notes, B2 150 13.75%, 7/15/11 88,500 Sr. Notes, B2 150 11.125%, 7/15/11 158,250 ---------------- 619,750 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Estate 0.1% B2 75 Blum CB Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 11.25%, 6/15/11 72,750
See Notes to Financial Statements 39 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B1 $ 100 Intrawest Corp., Sr. Notes, 10.50%, 2/1/10 $ 103,000 ---------------- 175,750 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restaurants 0.2% Ba3 30 Sbarro, Inc., Sr. Notes, 11.00%, 9/15/09 30,713 Ba1 350 Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc., Sr. Notes, 8.875%, 4/15/11 360,500 ---------------- 391,213 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retail 0.4% Dillards, Inc., Notes, Ba1 75 6.125%, 11/1/03 70,055 Ba1 145 6.43%, 8/1/04 135,662 Baa3 175 Kmart Corp., Notes, 9.875%, 6/15/08 175,706 Rite Aid Corp, Sr. Notes, Caa2 200 11.25%, 7/1/08 206,000 Debs., B1 25 6.875%, 8/15/13 18,469 B1 25 7.70%, 2/15/27 18,437 B2 25 6.875%, 12/15/28 16,938 Notes, B2 100 6.00%, 12/15/05 81,500 Ba1 290 Saks, Inc., Notes, 7.375%, 2/15/19 211,700 ---------------- 934,467 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Semiconductors 0.1% Ba3 50 Amkor Tech, Inc., 9.25%, 2/15/08 44,500 B2 80 Fairchild Semiconductor Corp., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.50%, 2/1/09 80,400 ---------------- 124,900
40 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steel & Metals 0.2% Ba2 $ 10 AK Steel Corp., Sr. Notes, 9.125%, 12/15/06 $ 10,300 Ba3 60 Century Aluminum Co., Sr. Sec. First Mtg., 11.75%, 4/15/08 62,550 Ba2 25 Leviathan Gas Pipeline Partners, Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.375%, 6/1/09 26,625 Caa1 15 Lukens, Inc., Notes, 7.625%, 8/1/04 4,050 Ba2 45 United States Steel LLC, Sr. Notes, 10.75%, 8/1/08 45,225 USEC, Inc., Sr. Notes, Ba1 175 6.625%, 1/20/06 160,109 Ba1 100 6.75%, 1/20/09 87,771 B3 70 WHX Corp., Sr. Notes, 10.50%, 4/15/05 35,700 ---------------- 432,330 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Telecommunications 1.7% B3 75 American Tower Corp., Sr. Notes, 9.375%, 2/1/09 69,375 B3 100 Coaxial Communications, Inc., Gtd. Notes, 10.00%, 8/15/06 100,000 B3 20 Dobson Communications Corp., Sr. Notes, 10.875%, 7/1/10 20,500 B1 150 Echostar Broadband Corp., Sr. Notes, 10.375%, 10/1/07 153,000 B3 95 FairPoint Communications, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 12.50%, 5/1/10 83,600 Ba2 500 Global Crossing Holdings Ltd., Sr. Notes, 9.50%, 11/15/09 375,000 B1 200 Insight Midwest LP, Sr. Notes, 10.50%, 11/1/10 215,000
See Notes to Financial Statements 41 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B3 $ 150 International Wire Group, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 11.75%, 6/1/05 $ 150,000 Level 3 Communications, Inc., Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 12/1/03) B3 130 10.50%, 12/1/08 42,900 Zero Coupon (until 3/15/05), B3 500 12.875%, 3/15/10 140,000 Sr. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 3/15/05), B3 30 11.00%, 3/15/08 16,950 McLeodUSA, Inc., Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 3/1/02), B1 50 10.50%, 3/1/07 24,500 Sr. Notes, B3 215 11.375%, 1/1/09 124,700 B3 160 Microcell Telecommunications, Inc., Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 6/1/04) 12.00%, 6/1/09 67,200 B3 65 Millicom International Cellular SA (Luxumburg), Sr. Disc. Notes, 13.50%, 6/1/06 56,550 B2 250 Netia Holdings BV (Poland), Gtd. Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon, (until 11/1/01), 11.00%, 11/1/07 62,500 Nextel Communications, Inc., Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 9/15/02) B1 430 10.65%, 9/15/07 326,800 Sr. Notes, B1 445 9.375%, 11/15/09 366,569 A3 80 Nortel Networks Ltd., 6.125%, 2/15/06 70,198 B2 250 NTL Communications Corp., Sr. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 10/1/03) 12.375%, 10/1/08 110,000
42 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baa3 $ 65 Rogers Wireless, Inc., Sr. Sec'd. Notes, 9.625%, 5/1/11 $ 65,812 B3 55 Spectrasite Holdings, Inc., Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 3/15/05) 12.875%, 10/15/08 19,250 B3 125 Star Choice Communications, Sr. Sec'd. Notes, 13.00%, 12/15/05 131,250 Tritel PCS, Inc., Gtd. Notes, Zero Coupon (until 5/1/04) B3 110 12.75%, 5/15/09 70,400 Sr. Sub. Notes, B3 50 10.375%, 1/15/11 46,500 Voicestream Wireless Corp., Sr. Notes, Baa1 130 10.375%, 11/15/09 148,362 Sr. Disc. Notes, Zero Coupon, (until 11/15/04), Baa1 240 11.875%, 11/15/09 199,800 Williams Communications Group, Inc., Sr. Notes, Caa1 25 10.70%, 10/1/07 10,875 Caa1 200 10.875%, 10/1/09 87,000 Caa1 100 11.875%, 8/1/10 43,500 B2 300 Young Broadcasting, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.00%, 3/1/11 294,000 ---------------- 3,692,091 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Utilities 0.9% AES Corp., Sr Sub. Debs., Ba1 100 8.875%, 11/1/27 91,000 Sr. Notes, Ba1 100 8.75%, 12/15/02 101,250 Ba1 250 9.50%, 6/1/09 255,000
See Notes to Financial Statements 43 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ba1 $ 500 Calpine Corp., Sr. Notes, 10.50%, 5/15/06 $ 523,043 Ba3 300 CMS Energy Corp., Sr. Notes, 9.875%, 10/15/07 320,274 A3 400 Commonwealth Edison Co., First Mtge., Ser. 85, 7.375%, 9/15/02 412,816 Baa2 100 Reliant Energy Mid Atlantic, Ser. C Pass-through Certs., 9.681%, 7/2/26 112,449 Ba3 175 TNP Enterprises, Inc., Sr. Sub. Notes, 10.25%, 4/1/10 190,750 ---------------- 2,006,582 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waste Management 0.3% Allied Waste of North America, Inc., Sr. Notes, Ba3 75 7.375%, 1/1/04 74,062 Ba3 250 7.875%, 1/1/09 246,250 Sr. Sub. Notes, B2 195 10.00%, 8/1/09 201,825 Ba1 100 Waste Management, Inc., Debs., 8.75%, 5/1/18 103,771 ---------------- 625,908 ---------------- Total corporate bonds 29,940,785 ---------------- CONVERTIBLE BONDS 0.2% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Financial Services A2 500 Hellenic Finance, 2.00%, 7/15/03 435,661 ---------------- SOVEREIGN BONDS 3.8% Ba3 500 Egyptian Government Bonds, 8.75%, 7/11/11 498,000 German Government Bonds, Aaa 2,000 6.00%, 1/5/06 1,861,738 Aaa 30 6.25%, 1/4/24 28,714 Aaa 580 6.50%, 7/4/27 574,492
44 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- German Government Bonds, Aaa $ 2,800 6.00%, 7/4/07 $ 2,631,565 Aaa 2,800 5.25%, 1/4/08 2,524,407 ---------------- Total sovereign bonds 8,118,916 ---------------- COLLATERALIZED MORTGAGE OBLIGATIONS 2.6% Aaa 1,131 Banktrust Mortgage Trust, Ser. 1 Class G, 5.70%, 12/1/23 1,119,483 Aaa 500 Bear Stearns Mortgage Secs., Inc., Ser. 97-7 Class A-9, 7.00%, 2/25/28 505,155 Aaa 85 Capital Asset Research Funding LP, Ser. 97-A, Class I, 6.40%, 12/15/04 85,105 Aaa 200 Contimortgage Home Equity Loan Trust, Ser. 1998-2, Class A4, 6.19%, 1/15/14 200,774 Aaa 100 FDIC Remic Trust, 1996 Class Commercial Mortgage Pass-through Certificate, 6.75%, 5/25/26 101,757 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., Preassign. 00132, Aaa 299 7.70%, 11/15/30 299,472 Series 119, Class H, Aaa 487 7.50%, 1/15/21 498,348 Series C007, Class C007A, Aaa 234 7.00%, 9/17/31 243,418 Aaa 226 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Pc Guaranteed, Ser. 1869, Class 1869B, 8.00%, 12/15/24 228,103 Aaa 576 Federal National Mortgage Association, Ser. 1998-73, Class MZ, 6.30%, 10/17/38 512,959
See Notes to Financial Statements 45 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aaa $ 300 GE Capital Mortgage Services, Inc., Ser. 1999-5, Class A29, 6.50%, 5/25/29 $ 294,990 B1 300 Green Tree Financial Corp., Tranche Trust 00007, 6.50%, 9/26/02 288,294 Aaa 61 Government National Mortgage, Assoc., Single Family, 008052 7.75%, 9/20/22 62,240 Aaa 397 PNC Mortgage Secs. Corp., Ser. 1999-9, Class A3, 7.25%, 10/25/29 412,603 Residential Funding Mortgage, Ser. 1993-S36, Class A9, Aaa 63 6.478%, 10/25/08 62,882 Ser. 1994-S5, Class A6, Aa1 500 6.50%, 2/25/24 480,155 Ser. 1999-S8, Class A1, Aaa 193 6.25%, 3/25/14 193,920 ---------------- Total collateralized mortgage obligations 5,589,658 ---------------- U.S. GOVERNMENT AND AGENCY SECURITIES 14.9% Federal National Mortgage Association, 767 6.00%, 8/1/06(c) 777,594 12,500 6.00%, TBA(a) 12,226,625 400 6.25%, TBA(a) 403,961 700 7.50%, TBA(a) 720,342 Government National Mortgage Association, 212 7.00%, 10/20/27(c) 217,601 1,520 7.50%, 12/15/28(c) 1,574,146 595 8.50%, 5/15/30(c) 624,333 411 8.50%, 5/20/30(c) 429,874 571 8.50%, 7/15/30(c) 599,152 66 8.50%, 7/15/30(c) 69,258 166 8.50%, 9/15/30(c) 174,199
46 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 828 8.50%, 4/20/31(c) $ 866,766 400 7.50%, TBA(a) 412,313 United States Treasury Bonds, 1,100 7.50%, 11/15/16(c) 1,325,324 1,000 United States Treasury Bonds, P/O, Zero Coupon, 2/15/19(c) 362,200 1,300 Zero Coupon, 2/15/15(c) 607,815 1,000 Zero Coupon, 5/15/18(c) 379,220 United States Treasury Notes, 500 7.00%, 7/15/06(c) 552,265 3,252 3.375%, 1/15/07(c) 3,308,052 1,870 3.625%, 1/15/08(c) 1,920,687 217 3.875%, 1/15/09(c) 225,477 3,700 6.50%, 2/15/10(c) 4,080,397 ---------------- Total U.S. government and agency securities 31,857,601 ---------------- Total debt obligations 75,942,621 ---------------- Total long-term investments (cost $207,338,957) 206,442,689 ---------------- SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS 13.0% CORPORATE BONDS 2.0% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Airlines 0.2% Baa3 400 AMR Corp., Notes, 8.47%, 2/20/02 408,976 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banking 0.2% Korea Development Bank, Sr. Notes, Baa2 300 7.90%, 2/1/02 305,034 Baa2 200 7.125%, 9/17/01 200,336 ---------------- 505,370 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cable 0.1% B2 150 Adelphia Communications Corp., Sr. Notes, 10.875%, 10/1/10 150,000
See Notes to Financial Statements 47 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consulting B2 $ 65 Comdisco, Inc., Sr. Notes, 6.00%, 1/30/02 $ 52,975 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Financial Services 0.7% A2 400 General Motors Acceptance Corp., MTN, 4.07%, 10/5/01 398,114 Golden State Holdings, Notes, Ba1 100 5.31375%, 8/1/01 98,134 Ba1 100 6.75%, 8/1/01 100,000 Aa3 600 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, Sr. Notes, 3.96%, 10/22/01 600,035 Aa1 300 PaineWebber Group, Inc., Sr. Notes, 4.33%, 10/15/01 301,238 ---------------- 1,497,521 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Media 0.1% Baa1 265 Time Warner, Inc., Series 97-1, Pass-through Certificates, 6.10%, 12/30/01 266,945 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steel & Metals 0.1% B2 225 Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical, Corp., Sr. Notes, 9.875%, 2/15/02 220,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Utilities 0.6% Baa1 300 Enron Corp., Bonds, 4.36813%, 9/10/01 300,113 Caa2 400 Pacific Gas & Electric Co., Sr. Notes, Zero Coupon(b), 10/31/01 328,000 Baa3 200 Southern California Edison Co., 6.51375%, 8/1/01 160,000
48 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Moody's Principal Rating Amount (Unaudited) (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A3 $ 400 TXU Electric Co., First Mtg. Bond, Class B, 4.53688%, 9/20/01 $ 400,354 ---------------- 1,188,467 ---------------- Total corporate bonds 4,290,754 ---------------- SOVEREIGN BONDS 0.2% B2 600 Brazilian Government Bonds, 5.4375%, 10/15/01 521,250 ---------------- COLLATERALIZED MORTGAGE OBLIGATIONS 1.2% A2 500 Bear Stearns Cos., Inc., Tranche Trust 00379, 4.1475%, 9/21/01 499,657 Aaa 1,100 Brazos Student Finance Corp., Student Loan Assoc. Bkd. Notes, 5.098587%, 9/3/01 1,096,683 A2 200 CIT Group, Inc., Tranche Senior 00048, 4.27%, 10/7/01 200,705 Aaa 490 Credit Suisse First Boston Mtg., Wash. Mut. Mtg. 1999 Cl. M 1, 6.60516%, 7/31/01 492,978 Aaa 88 Istar Receivables Trust, Ser. 2000-1, Class A, 4.105%, 8/25/01 87,658 Aaa 181 Salomon Brothers Mortgage, Ser. 1999-LB1, Class A, 4.105%, 8/26/01 180,690 ---------------- Total collateralized mortgage obligations 2,558,371 ---------------- U.S. GOVERNMENT AND AGENCY SECURITIES 0.8% Federal National Mortgage Association, 370 4.42%, 8/17/01 370,768 965 5.50%, 8/29/01 914,657
See Notes to Financial Statements 49 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Portfolio of Investments as of July 31, 2001 Cont'd.
Principal Amount (000) Description Value (Note 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 312 Government National Mortgage Association, 7.00%, 8/1/01 $ 317,462 ---------------- Total U.S. government and agency securities 1,602,887 ---------------- Total debt obligations 8,973,262 ---------------- REPURCHASE AGREEMENT 8.8% 18,888 Joint Repurchase Agreement Account, 3.87%, 8/1/01 (Note 5) 18,888,000 ---------------- Total short-term investments (cost $28,072,361) 27,861,262 ---------------- Total Investments 109.2% (cost $235,411,318; Note 4) 234,303,951 Liabilities in excess of other assets (9.2%) (19,829,993) ---------------- Net Assets 100% $ 214,473,958 ---------------- ----------------
------------------------------ (a) Non-income producing security. (b) Represents issuer in default on interest payments. (c) All or a portion of security segregated as collateral for TBA. AB--Antiebolay (Swedish Company). ADR--American Depository Receipt. AG--Aktiengesellschate (German Company). BV--Beloten Vennootschap (Dutch Company). LLC--Limited Liability Company. LP--Limited Partnership. MTN--Medium Term Note. NR--Not Rated by Moody's or Standard & Poor's NV--Naamkee Vennootschap (Dutch Corporation). Oy--Osakeyhtio (Finnish Stock Company). P/O--Principal Only. PLC--Public Limited Company (British Corporation). REIT--Real-Estate Investment Trust. SA--Sociedad Anomima (Spanish Corporation) or Societe Anonyme (French Corporation). SpA--Societa par Atione (Italian Corporation). TBA--Securities purchased on a forward commitment basis. The Fund's current Prospectus contains a description of Moody's and Standard & Poor's ratings. 50 See Notes to Financial Statements This page intentionally left blank Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Statement of Assets and Liabilities
July 31, 2001 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSETS Investments, at value (cost $235,411,318) $ 234,303,951 Foreign currency, at value (cost $93,533) 92,965 Receivable for investments sold 5,117,971 Interest and dividends receivable 1,258,875 Receivable for Fund shares sold 712,206 Tax reclaim receivable 19,043 Unrealized appreciation on forward currency contracts 4,218 ------------- Total assets 241,509,229 ------------- LIABILITIES Payable to custodian 78,456 Payable for investments purchased 25,534,663 Payable for Fund shares reacquired 1,026,394 Distribution fee payable 139,719 Management fee payable 135,304 Accrued expenses and other liabilities 117,336 Withholding taxes payable 3,399 ------------- Total liabilities 27,035,271 ------------- NET ASSETS $ 214,473,958 ------------- ------------- Net assets were comprised of: Shares of beneficial interest, at par $ 20,134 Paid-in capital in excess of par 218,122,410 ------------- 218,142,544 Undistributed net investment income 1,688,868 Accumulated net realized loss on investments (4,113,442) Net unrealized depreciation on investments (1,244,012) ------------- Net assets, July 31, 2001 $ 214,473,958 ------------- -------------
52 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Statement of Assets and Liabilities Cont'd.
July 31, 2001 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class A: Net asset value and redemption price per share ($58,516,834 / 5,471,150 shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding) $10.70 Maximum sales charge (5% of offering price) .56 ------------- Maximum offering price to public $11.26 ------------- ------------- Class B: Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per share ($117,663,808 / 11,065,170 shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding) $10.63 ------------- ------------- Class C: Net asset value and redemption price per share ($34,021,013 / 3,199,348 shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding) $10.63 Sales charge (1% of offering price) .11 ------------- Offering price to public $10.74 ------------- ------------- Class Z: Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per share ($4,272,303 / 398,480 shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding) $10.72 ------------- -------------
See Notes to Financial Statements 53 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Statement of Operations
Year Ended July 31, 2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NET INVESTMENT INCOME Income Interest (net of foreign withholding taxes of $1,709) $ 5,867,313 Dividends (net of foreign withholding taxes of $57,766) 1,551,095 ------------- Total income 7,418,408 ------------- Expenses Management fee 1,496,013 Distribution fee--Class A 141,568 Distribution fee--Class B 1,095,338 Distribution fee--Class C 306,226 Custodian's fees and expenses 436,000 Reports to shareholders 251,000 Transfer agent's fees and expenses 242,000 Registration fees 73,000 Audit fees 25,000 Trustees' fees and expenses 21,000 Legal fees 19,000 Miscellaneous 10,513 ------------- Total expenses 4,116,658 ------------- Net investment income 3,301,750 ------------- REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) ON INVESTMENTS AND FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS Net realized gain (loss) on: Investment transactions (2,472,830) Foreign currency transactions (153,480) ------------- (2,626,310) ------------- Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on: Investments (11,795,929) Foreign currencies (132,971) Interest Rate Swaps (3,410) ------------- (11,932,310) ------------- Net loss on investments and foreign currencies (14,558,620) ------------- NET DECREASE IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS $ (11,256,870) ------------- -------------
54 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Statement of Changes in Net Assets
Year Ended July 31, ------------------------------ 2001 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCREASE IN NET ASSETS Operations Net investment income $ 3,301,750 $ 2,431,469 Net realized gain (loss) on investment and foreign currency transactions (2,626,310) 10,087,355 Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments and foreign currencies (11,932,310) 4,428,145 ------------- ------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations (11,256,870) 16,946,969 ------------- ------------- Dividends and distributions (Note 1) Dividends from net investment income Class A (647,380) (845,618) Class B (883,997) (1,192,915) Class C (234,932) (367,691) Class Z (23,928) (80,073) ------------- ------------- (1,790,237) (2,486,297) ------------- ------------- Distributions from net realized gains Class A (2,725,332) (197,082) Class B (5,430,267) (490,277) Class C (1,443,155) (167,209) Class Z (91,171) (35,210) ------------- ------------- (9,689,925) (889,778) ------------- ------------- Fund share transactions (net of share conversions) (Note 6) Net proceeds from shares sold 88,346,449 96,274,299 Net asset value of shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 11,170,245 3,273,405 Cost of shares reacquired (40,429,816) (49,998,187) ------------- ------------- Net increase in net assets from Fund shares transactions 59,086,878 49,549,517 ------------- ------------- Total increase 36,349,846 63,120,411 NET ASSETS Beginning of year 178,124,112 115,003,701 ------------- ------------- End of year(a) $ 214,473,958 $ 178,124,112 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------------------------ (a) Includes undistributed net investment income of: $ 1,688,868 $ 403,745 ------------- -------------
See Notes to Financial Statements 55 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds (the 'Trust'), formerly Prudential Diversified Funds, is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end, diversified management investment company presently consisting of three Portfolios: Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund (the 'Fund'), Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund and Strategic Partners High Growth Fund. These financial statements relate only to Strategic Partners Diversified Moderate Growth Fund. The financial statements of the other Portfolios are not presented herein. The Trust was organized as a business trust in Delaware on July 29, 1998. The Fund's Advisers consist of Jennison Associates LLC ('Jennison'), Prudential Investment Management, Inc. ('PIM'), formerly known as Prudential Investment Corporation, Lazard Asset Management, Pacific Investment Company, Franklin Advisers, Inc., and the Dryfus Corporation. The investment objective of the Fund is to provide capital appreciation and a reasonable level of current income. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in a diversified portfolio of equity and fixed income securities. The ability of the issuers of the debt securities held by the Fund to meet their obligations may be affected by economic developments in a specific industry or country. Note 1. Accounting Policies The following is a summary of significant accounting policies followed by the Trust in the preparation of its financial statements. Securities Valuation: Securities for which the primary market is on an exchange and NASDAQ National Market Securities are valued at the last sales price on such exchange on the day of valuation, or, if there was no sale on such day, at the mean between the last bid and asked prices on such day or at the bid price on such day in the absence of an asked price. Securities that are actively traded in the over-the-counter market, including listed securities for which the primary market is believed by Prudential Investments Fund Management LLC ('PIFM' or the 'Manager'), in consultation with the Adviser, to be over-the-counter, are valued by an independent pricing agent or principal market maker. U.S. government securities for which market quotations are available shall be valued at a price provided by an independent pricing agent or broker-dealer. Privately placed securities including equity securities for which market prices may be obtained from primary dealers shall be valued at the bid prices provided by such primary dealers. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available may be valued using the last available, market quotation for a period not to exceed five days, provided the Manager and Adviser feel this is representative of market value; after that period, such securities are valued in good faith under procedures adopted by the Trustees. 56 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. Short-term securities which mature in more than 60 days are valued at current market quotations. Short-term securities which mature in 60 days or less are valued at amortized cost. All securities are valued as of 4:15 p.m., New York time. Repurchase Agreements: In connection with transactions in repurchase agreements with U.S. financial institutions, it is the Fund's policy that its custodian or designated subcustodians, as the case may be under triparty repurchase agreements, take possession of the underlying securities, the value of which exceeds the principal amount of the repurchase transaction, including accrued interest. If the seller defaults and the value of the collateral declines or if bankruptcy proceedings are commenced with respect to the seller of the security, realization of the collateral by the Fund may be delayed or limited. Options: The Fund may either purchase or write options in order to hedge against adverse market movements or fluctuations in value caused by changes in prevailing interest rates or foreign currency exchange rates with respect to securities or currencies which the Fund currently owns or intends to purchase. When the Fund writes an option, it receives a premium and an amount equal to that premium is recorded as a liability. When the Fund purchases an option, it pays a premium and an amount equal to that premium is recorded as an asset. The asset or liability is adjusted daily to reflect the current market value of the option. If an option expires unexercised, the Fund realizes a gain (loss) to the extent of the premium received or paid. If an option is exercised, the premium received or paid is recorded as an adjustment to the proceeds from the sale or the cost basis of the purchase in determining whether the Fund has realized a gain (loss). The difference between the premium and the amount received or paid on effecting a closing purchase or sale transaction is also treated as a realized gain or loss. Gain or loss on purchased options is included in net realized gain (loss) on investment transactions. Gain or loss on written options is presented separately as net realized gain (loss) on written option transactions. The Fund, as writer of an option, has no control over whether the underlying securities or currencies may be sold (called) or purchased (put). As a result, the Fund bears the market risk of an unfavorable change in the price of the security or currency underlying the written option. The Fund, as purchaser of an option, bears the risk of the potential inability of the counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts. Foreign Currency Translation: The books and records of the Fund are maintained in U.S. dollars. Foreign currency amounts are translated into U.S. dollars on the following basis: 57 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. (i) market value of investment securities, other assets and liabilities - at the closing daily rates of exchange. (ii) purchases and sales of investment securities, income and expenses - at the rate of exchange prevailing on the respective dates of such transactions. Although the net assets of the Fund are presented at the foreign exchange rates and market values at the close of the fiscal period, the Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations arising as a result of changes in the foreign exchange rates from the fluctuations arising from changes in the market prices of securities held at the end of the period. Similarly, the Fund does not isolate the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates from the fluctuations arising from changes in the market prices of portfolio securities sold during the fiscal period. Accordingly, realized foreign currency gains (losses) are included in the reported net realized gains (losses) on investment transactions. Net realized gains (losses) on foreign currency transactions represent net foreign exchange gains (losses) from the holdings of foreign currencies, currency gains (losses) realized between the trade and settlement dates on security transactions, and the difference between the amounts of dividends, interest and foreign taxes recorded on the Fund's books and the U.S. dollar equivalent amounts actually received or paid. Foreign security and currency transactions may involve certain considerations and risks not typically associated with those of domestic origin as a result of, among other factors, the possibility of political and economic instability and the level of governmental supervision and regulation of foreign securities markets. Forward Currency Contracts: A forward currency contract is a commitment to purchase or sell a foreign currency at a future date at a negotiated forward rate. The Fund enters into forward currency contracts in order to hedge its exposure to changes in foreign currency exchange rates on its foreign portfolio holdings or on specific receivables and payables denominated in a foreign currency. The contracts are valued daily at current exchange rates and any unrealized gain or loss is included in net unrealized appreciation or depreciation on investments. Gain or loss is realized on the settlement date of the contract equal to the difference between the settlement value of the original and renegotiated forward contracts. This gain or loss, if any, is included in net realized gain (loss) on foreign currency transactions. Risks may arise upon entering into these contracts from the potential inability of the counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts. Swaps: The Fund may enter into swap agreements. A swap agreement is an agreement between two parties to exchange a series of cash flows at specified 58 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. intervals. Based on a notional amount, each party pays an interest rate or the change in the value of a security. Dividends and interest on the securities in the swap are included in the value of the exchange. The swaps are valued daily at current market value and any unrealized gain or loss is included in the net unrealized appreciation or depreciation on investments. Gain or loss is realized on the termination date of the swap and is equal to the difference between the Fund's basis in the swap and the proceeds of the closing transaction, including fees. During the period that the swap agreement is open, the Fund may be subject to risk from the potential inability of the counterparty to meet the terms of the agreement. Securities Transactions and Net Investment Income: Securities transactions are recorded on the trade date. Realized gains (losses) on sales of investment and currency transactions are calculated on the identified cost basis. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date and interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. The Fund amortizes premiums and discounts on portfolio securities as adjustments to interest income. Expenses are recorded on the accrual basis which may require the use of certain estimates by management. Net investment income (loss) (other than distribution fees) and unrealized and realized gains (losses) are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the relative proportion of net assets of each class at the beginning of the day. Dividends and Distributions: The Fund expects to pay dividends of net investment income semi-annually, and distributions of net realized capital and currency gains, if any, declared annually. Dividends and distributions are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Income dividends and capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles. Taxes: For federal income tax purposes, each Fund in the Trust is treated as a separate taxpaying entity. It is the Fund's policy to meet the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies and to distribute all of its taxable net income and capital gains, if any, to shareholders. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required. Withholding taxes on foreign dividends have been provided for in accordance with the Fund's understanding of the applicable country's tax rules and rates. Reclassification of Capital Accounts: The Fund accounts for and reports distributions to shareholders in accordance with the American Institute of Certified 59 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. Public Accountants' Statement of Position 93-2: Determination, Disclosure and Financial Statement Presentation of Income, Capital Gains, and Return of Capital Distributions by Investment Companies. The effect of applying this statement was to increase accumulated net realized loss on investments by $901,927, decrease undistributed net investment income by $226,390 and increase paid-in capital in excess of par by $1,128,317 for redemptions utilized as distributions for federal income tax purposes and realized and recognized currency gains during the period. Net investment income, net realized gains and net assets were not affected by this change. Note 2. Agreements The Fund has a management agreement with PIFM. Pursuant to this agreement, PIFM manages the investment operations of the Fund, administers the Fund's affairs and supervises the Advisers' performance of all investment advisory services. PIFM pays for the costs pursuant to the advisory agreements, the cost of compensation of officers of the Fund, occupancy and certain clerical and accounting costs of the Fund. The Fund bears all other costs and expenses. The management fee paid to PIFM is computed daily and payable monthly at an annual rate of .75% of the average daily net assets of the Fund. PIFM, in turn, pays the Advisers' fees, based on the average daily net assets of the Fund segments they manage. The Fund has a distribution agreement with Prudential Investment Management Services LLC ('PIMS') which acts as the distributor of the Class A, Class B, Class C and Class Z shares of the Fund. The Fund compensates PIMS for distributing and servicing the Fund's Class A, Class B and Class C shares, pursuant to plans of distribution (the 'Class A, B and C Plans') regardless of expenses actually incurred by PIMS. The distribution fees are accrued daily and payable monthly. No distribution or service fees are paid to PIMS as distributor for Class Z shares of the Fund. Pursuant to the Class A, B and C Plans, the Fund compensates PIMS for distribution-related activities at an annual rate of up to .30 of 1%, 1% and 1% of the average daily net assets of the Class A, B and C shares, respectively. Such expenses under the Plans were .25 of 1%, 1% and 1% of the average daily net assets of the Class A, B and C shares, respectively, for the year ended July 31, 2001. PIMS has advised the Fund that it has received approximately $182,900 and $125,200 in front-end sales charges resulting from sales of Class A and Class C shares, respectively, during the year ended July 31, 2001. PIMS has advised the Fund that for the year ended July 31, 2001, it has received approximately $231,900 and $19,100 in contingent deferred sales charges imposed upon certain redemptions by Class B and Class C shareholders, respectively. 60 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. Jennison, PIMS, PIM and PIFM are indirect, wholly owned subsidiaries of The Prudential Insurance Company of America ('Prudential'). The Fund, along with other affiliated registered investment companies (the 'Funds'), entered into a syndicated credit agreement ('SCA') with an unaffiliated lender. The maximum commitment under the SCA is $500 million. Interest on any such borrowings will be at market rates. The Funds pay a commitment fee of .080 of 1% of the unused portion of the credit facility. The commitment fee is accrued and paid quarterly on a pro rata basis by the Funds. The expiration date of the SCA is March 7, 2002. Prior to March 9, 2001, the maximum commitment was $1 billion and the commitment fee was .080 of 1% of the unused portion of the credit facility. Effective September 14, 2001, the commitment under the SCA was increased to $930 million through December 31, 2001. Effective January 1, 2002, the commitment will be reduced to $500 million. All other terms and conditions are unchanged. The purpose of the agreement is to serve as an alternative source of funding for capital share redemptions. The Fund did not borrow any amounts pursuant to the SCA during the year ended July 31, 2001. Note 3. Other Transactions with Affiliates Prudential Mutual Fund Services LLC ('PMFS'), an affiliate of PIFM and an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Prudential, serves as the Fund's transfer agent. During the year ended July 31, 2001, the Fund incurred fees of approximately $202,100 for the services of PMFS. As of July 31, 2001 approximately $18,800 of such fees were due to PMFS. Transfer agent fees and expenses in the Statement of Operations include certain out-of-pocket expenses paid to nonaffiliates. For the year ended July 31, 2001, Prudential Securities Incorporated, a wholly owned subsidiary of Prudential, earned approximately $30 in brokerage commission fees from portfolio transactions executed on behalf of the Fund. Note 4. Portfolio Securities Purchases and sales of portfolio securities, other than short-term investments, for the year ended July 31, 2001, aggregated $544,151,163 and $486,450,962, respectively. 61 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. At July 31, 2001, the Fund had outstanding forward currency contracts both to purchase and sell foreign currencies, as follows:
Value at Value at Foreign Currency July 31, Settlement Date Purchase Contract 2001 Payable Appreciation ----------------------------------------- ----------- --------------- -------------- EUR 147,000, expiring 8/21/01 $ 128,666 $ 124,448 $4,218 ----------- --------------- ------- ----------- --------------- -------
The United States federal income tax basis of the Fund's investments at July 31, 2001 was $237,491,745 and accordingly, net unrealized depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes was $3,187,794 (gross unrealized appreciation $13,514,556, gross unrealized depreciation $16,702,350). For federal income tax purposes, the Fund has elected to treat currency losses of $116,545 and capital losses of $2,080,595 incurred in the nine month period ended July 31, 2001 as having occurred in the next fiscal year. Note 5. Joint Repurchase Agreement Account The Fund, along with other affiliated registered investment companies, transfers uninvested cash balances into a single joint account, the daily aggregate balance of which is invested in one or more repurchase agreements collateralized by U.S. Treasury or federal agency obligations. As of July 31, 2001, the Fund had a 3.31% undivided interest in the joint account. The undivided interest for the Fund represents $18,888,000 in principal amount. As of such date, each repurchase agreement in the joint account and the collateral therefore were as follows: Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown, 3.87%, in the principal amount of $65,821,000, repurchase price $65,828,075, due 8/1/01. The value of the collateral including accrued interest was $67,137,420. Greenwich Capital Markets, Inc., 3.87%, in the principal amount of $180,000,000, repurchase price $180,019,350, due 8/1/01. The value of the collateral including accrued interest was $183,603,519. Morgan Stanley Co., Inc., 3.87%, in the principal amount of $180,000,000, repurchase price $180,019,350, due 8/1/01. The value of the collateral including accrued interest was $183,603,260. State Street Bank & Trust Co., 3.87%, in the principal amount of $145,661,000, repurchase price $145,676,658, due 8/1/01. The value of the collateral including accrued interest was $148,578,786. 62 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd. Note 6. Capital The Fund offers Class A, Class B, Class C and Class Z shares. Class A shares are sold with a front-end sales charge of up to 5%. Class B shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge which declines from 5% to zero depending on the period of time the shares are held. Class C shares are sold with a front-end sales charge of 1% and a contingent deferred sales charge of 1% during the first 18 months. Class B shares automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis approximately seven years after purchase. A special exchange privilege is also available for shareholders who qualified to purchase Class A shares at net asset value. Class Z shares are not subject to any sales or redemption charge and are offered exclusively for sale to a limited group of investors. The Fund has authorized an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest at $.001 par value per share. Transactions in shares of beneficial interest were as follows:
Class A Shares Amount ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- ------------ Year ended July 31, 2001: Shares sold 2,384,528 $ 26,932,178 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 305,915 3,288,581 Shares reacquired (1,496,350) (16,719,530) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion 1,194,093 13,501,229 Shares issued upon conversion from Class B 222,872 2,518,136 ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding 1,416,965 $ 16,019,365 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ Year ended July 31, 2000: Shares sold 3,134,768 $ 36,505,644 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 86,639 1,018,090 Shares reacquired (1,196,414) (13,887,233) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion 2,024,993 23,636,501 Shares issued upon conversion from Class B 153,988 1,821,985 ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding 2,178,981 $ 25,458,486 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ Class B ------------------------------------------------------------ Year ended July 31, 2001: Shares sold 3,775,256 $ 42,088,513 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends 573,011 6,154,140 Shares reacquired (1,383,908) (15,299,565) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion 2,964,359 32,943,088 Shares reacquired upon conversion from Class A (223,494) (2,518,136) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding 2,740,865 $ 30,424,952 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------
63 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Cont'd.
Class B Shares Amount ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- ------------ Year ended July 31, 2000: Shares sold 4,174,726 $ 48,125,208 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends 139,553 1,627,356 Shares reacquired (1,240,994) (14,314,656) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion 3,073,285 35,437,908 Shares reacquired upon conversion from Class A (154,483) (1,821,985) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding 2,918,802 $ 33,615,923 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ Class C ------------------------------------------------------------ Year ended July 31, 2001: Shares sold 1,351,621 $ 14,913,266 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends 150,449 1,615,821 Shares reacquired (637,880) (7,061,147) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding 864,190 $ 9,467,940 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ Year ended July 31, 2000: Shares sold 864,615 $ 9,952,845 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends 44,150 512,945 Shares reacquired (635,034) (7,388,381) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding 273,731 $ 3,077,409 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ Class Z ------------------------------------------------------------ Year ended July 31, 2001: Shares sold 399,898 $ 4,412,492 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 10,381 111,703 Shares reacquired (123,697) (1,349,574) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding 286,582 $ 3,174,621 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ Year ended July 31, 2000: Shares sold 139,641 $ 1,690,602 Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions 10,092 115,014 Shares reacquired (1,287,052) (14,407,917) ---------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding (1,137,319) $(12,602,301) ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------
64 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Financial Highlights
Class A ---------------------------------------------------- Year Ended July 31, November 18, 1998(a) ----------------------------- Through 2001 2000 July 31, 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PER SHARE OPERATING PERFORMANCE:(d) Net asset value, beginning of period $ 12.03 $ 10.86 $ 10.00 ------------- ------------- ---------- Income from investment operations: Net investment income .24 .26 .12 Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currencies (.83) 1.25 .83 ------------- ------------- ---------- Total from investment operations (.59) 1.51 .95 ------------- ------------- ---------- Less distributions Dividends from net investment income (.14) (.26) (.09) Distributions from net realized capital gains (.60) (.08) -- ------------- ------------- ---------- Total dividends and distributions (.74) (.34) (.09) ------------- ------------- ---------- Net asset value, end of period $ 10.70 $ 12.03 $ 10.86 ------------- ------------- ---------- ------------- ------------- ---------- TOTAL RETURN(b) (4.89)% 13.96% 9.47% RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: Net assets, end of period (000) $ 58,517 $ 48,786 $ 20,372 Average net assets (000) $ 56,627 $ 34,809 $ 12,286 Ratios to average net assets: Expenses, including distribution and service (12b-1) fees 1.54% 1.49% 1.88%(c) Expenses, excluding distribution and service (12b-1) fees 1.29% 1.24% 1.63%(c) Net investment income 2.18% 2.27% 1.59%(c) For Class A, B, C and Z shares: Portfolio turnover rate 246% 155% 96%
------------------------------ (a) Commencement of investment operations. (b) Total return does not consider the effect of sales loads. Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of shares on the first day and a sale on the last day and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions. Total returns for periods of less than one full year are not annualized. (c) Annualized. (d) Calculated based upon weighted average shares outstanding during the period. See Notes to Financial Statements 65 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Financial Highlights Cont'd.
Class B ---------------------------------------------------- Year Ended July 31, November 18, 1998(a) ----------------------------- Through 2001 2000 July 31, 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PER SHARE OPERATING PERFORMANCE:(d) Net asset value, beginning of period $ 12.01 $ 10.85 $ 10.00 ------------- ------------- ---------- Income from investment operations: Net investment income .16 .17 .06 Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currencies (.84) 1.23 .83 ------------- ------------- ---------- Total from investment operations (.68) 1.40 .89 ------------- ------------- ---------- Less distributions Dividends from net investment income (.10) (.16) (.04) Distributions from net realized capital gains (.60) (.08) -- ------------- ------------- ---------- Total dividends and distributions (.70) (.24) (.04) ------------- ------------- ---------- Net asset value, end of period $ 10.63 $ 12.01 $ 10.85 ------------- ------------- ---------- ------------- ------------- ---------- TOTAL RETURN(b) (5.72)% 12.88% 8.99% RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: Net assets, end of period (000) $ 117,664 $ 99,950 $ 58,678 Average net assets (000) $ 109,534 $ 79,855 $ 36,645 Ratios to average net assets: Expenses, including distribution and service (12b-1) fees 2.29% 2.24% 2.63%(c) Expenses, excluding distribution and service (12b-1) fees 1.29% 1.24% 1.63%(c) Net investment income 1.43% 1.48% .85%(c)
------------------------------ (a) Commencement of investment operations. (b) Total return does not consider the effect of sales loads. Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of shares on the first day and a sale on the last day and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions. Total returns for periods of less than one full year are not annualized. (c) Annualized. (d) Calculated based upon weighted average shares outstanding during the period. 66 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Financial Highlights Cont'd.
Class C ---------------------------------------------------- Year Ended July 31, November 18, 1998(a) ----------------------------- Through 2001 2000 July 31, 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PER SHARE OPERATING PERFORMANCE:(d) Net asset value, beginning of period $ 12.01 $ 10.85 $ 10.00 ------------- ------------- ---------- Income from investment operations: Net investment income .16 .17 .06 Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currencies (.84) 1.23 .83 ------------- ------------- ---------- Total from investment operations (.68) 1.40 .89 ------------- ------------- ---------- Less distributions Dividends from net investment income (.10) (.16) (.04) Distributions from net realized capital gains (.60) (.08) -- ------------- ------------- ---------- Total dividends and distributions (.70) (.24) (.04) ------------- ------------- ---------- Net asset value, end of period $ 10.63 $ 12.01 $ 10.85 ------------- ------------- ---------- ------------- ------------- ---------- TOTAL RETURN(b) (5.72)% 12.88% 8.99% RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: Net assets, end of period (000) $ 34,021 $ 28,040 $ 22,375 Average net assets (000) $ 30,623 $ 25,835 $ 18,346 Ratios to average net assets: Expenses, including distribution and service (12b-1) fees 2.29% 2.24% 2.63%(c) Expenses, excluding distribution and service (12b-1) fees 1.29% 1.24% 1.63%(c) Net investment income 1.43% 1.44% .79%(c)
------------------------------ (a) Commencement of investment operations. (b) Total return does not consider the effect of sales loads. Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of shares on the first day and a sale on the last day and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions. Total returns for periods of less than one full year are not annualized. (c) Annualized. (d) Calculated based upon weighted average shares outstanding during the period. See Notes to Financial Statements 67 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Financial Highlights Cont'd.
Class Z ---------------------------------------------------- Year Ended July 31, November 18, 1998(a) ----------------------------- Through 2001 2000 July 31, 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PER SHARE OPERATING PERFORMANCE:(d) Net asset value, beginning of period $ 12.05 $ 10.87 $ 10.00 ------------- ------------- ---------- Income from investment operations: Net investment income .25 .27 .13 Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currencies (.82) 1.27 .84 ------------- ------------- ---------- Total from investment operations (.57) 1.54 .97 ------------- ------------- ---------- Less distributions Dividends from net investment income (.16) (.28) (.10) Distributions from net realized capital gains (.60) (.08) -- ------------- ------------- ---------- Total dividends and distributions (.76) (.36) (.10) ------------- ------------- ---------- Net asset value, end of period $ 10.72 $ 12.05 $ 10.87 ------------- ------------- ---------- ------------- ------------- ---------- TOTAL RETURN(b) (4.75)% 14.18% 9.70% RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: Net assets, end of period (000) $ 4,272 $ 1,348 $ 13,578 Average net assets (000) $ 2,685 $ 4,102 $ 21,914 Ratios to average net assets: Expenses, including distribution and service (12b-1) fees 1.29% 1.24% 1.63%(c) Expenses, excluding distribution and service (12b-1) fees 1.29% 1.24% 1.63%(c) Net investment income 2.39% 2.11% 1.68%(c)
------------------------------ (a) Commencement of investment operations. (b) Total return does not consider the effect of sales loads. Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of shares on the first day and a sale on the last day and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions. Total returns for periods of less than one full year are not annualized. (c) Annualized. (d) Calculated based upon weighted average shares outstanding during the period. 68 See Notes to Financial Statements Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Report of Independent Accountants To the Shareholders and Board of Trustees of Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds-- Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund In our opinion, the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the portfolio of investments, and the related statements of operations and of changes in net assets and the financial highlights present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds--Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund, formerly Prudential Diversified Funds--Prudential Diversified Moderate Growth Fund (the 'Fund') at July 31, 2001, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended and the financial highlights for each of the periods presented, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. These financial statements and financial highlights (hereafter referred to as 'financial statements') are the responsibility of the Fund's management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits, which included confirmation of securities at July 31, 2001 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers, provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP New York, New York September 21, 2001 69 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Tax Information (Unaudited) We are required by the Internal Revenue Code to advise you within 60 days of the Fund's fiscal year end (July 31, 2001) as to the federal income tax status of dividends paid by the Fund during such fiscal period. Accordingly, we are advising you that during its fiscal period ended July 31, 2001, the Fund paid an ordinary distribution for Class A, Class B, Class C and Class Z shares of $0.143 per share, $0.098 per share, $0.098 per share and $0.158 per share, respectively, which represents net investment income. The Fund also paid distributions of $0.224 and $0.378 per share which represent short-term capital gains and long-term capital gains, respectively. The Fund utilized redemptions as distributions in the amount of $.06 and $.01 per Class A, Class B, Class C and Class Z shares of long-term and short-term capital gains, respectively. Further, we wish to advise you that 19.01% of the ordinary income dividends paid in the fiscal period ended July 31, 2001 qualified for the corporate dividend received deduction available to corporate taxpayers. We are required by Massachusetts, Missouri and Oregon to inform you that dividends which have been derived from interest on federal obligations are not taxable to shareholders. Please be advised that 5.34% of the dividends paid from ordinary income in the fiscal year ended July 31, 2001, qualify for each of these states' tax exclusion. For the purpose of preparing your annual federal income tax return, however, you should report the amounts as reflected on the appropriate Form 1099-DIV or substitute 1099-DIV. 70 Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds The Strategic Partners Mutual Fund Family Strategic Partners offers a variety of mutual funds designed to meet your individual needs. For information about these funds, contact your financial professional or call us at (800) 225-1852. Please read the applicable prospectus carefully before you invest or send money. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Conservative Growth Fund Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Strategic Partners High Growth Fund Strategic Partners Style Specific Funds Strategic Partners Large Capitalization Growth Fund Strategic Partners Large Capitalization Value Fund Strategic Partners Small Capitalization Growth Fund Strategic Partners Small Capitalization Value Fund Strategic Partners International Equity Fund Strategic Partners Total Return Bond Fund Strategic Partners Opportunity Funds Strategic Partners Focused Growth Fund Strategic Partners New Era Growth Fund Strategic Partners Focused Value Fund Special Money Market Fund, Inc.* * This fund is not a direct purchase money fund and is only an exchangeable money fund. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Getting the Most from Your Mutual Fund How many times have you read these reports--or other financial materials--and stumbled across a word that you don't understand? Many shareholders have run into the same problem. We'd like to help. So we'll use this space from time to time to explain some of the words you might have read, but not understood. And if you have a favorite word that no one can explain to your satisfaction, please write to us. Basis Point: 1/100th of 1%. For example, one-half of one percent is 50 basis points. Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMOs): Mortgage-backed bonds that separate mortgage pools into different maturity classes called tranches. These instruments are sensitive to changes in interest rates and homeowner refinancing activity. They are subject to prepayment and maturity extension risk. Derivatives: Securities that derive their value from other securities. The rate of return of these financial instruments rises and falls--sometimes very suddenly--in response to changes in some specific interest rate, currency, stock, or other variable. Discount Rate: The interest rate charged by the Federal Reserve on loans to member banks. Federal Funds Rate: The interest rate charged by one bank to another on overnight loans. Futures Contract: An agreement to purchase or sell a specific amount of a commodity or financial instrument at a set price at a specified date in the future. www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 Leverage: The use of borrowed assets to enhance return. The expectation is that the interest rate charged on borrowed funds will be lower than the return on the investment. While leverage can increase profits, it can also magnify losses. Liquidity: The ease with which a financial instrument (or product) can be bought or sold (converted into cash) in the financial markets. Price/Earnings Ratio: The price of a share of stock divided by the earnings per share for a 12-month period. Option: An agreement to purchase or sell something, such as shares of stock, by a certain time for a specified price. An option need not be exercised. Spread: The difference between two values; often used to describe the difference between "bid" and "asked" prices of a security, or between the yields of two similar maturity bonds. Yankee Bond: A bond sold by a foreign company or government on the U.S. market and denominated in U.S. dollars. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Class A Growth of a $10,000 Investment Average Annual Total Returns as of 7/31/01 One Year Five Years Ten Years Since Inception With Sales Charge -9.65% N/A N/A 4.53% Without Sales Charge -4.89% N/A N/A 6.53% Past performance is not indicative of future results. Principal and investment return will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund (Class A shares) with a similar investment in the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index (S&P 500 Index) by portraying the initial account values at the commencement of operations of Class A shares (November 18, 1998) and the account values at the end of the current fiscal year (July 31, 2001), as measured on a quarterly basis. For purposes of the graph, and unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that (a) the maximum applicable front-end sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in Class A shares; (b) all recurring fees (including management fees) were deducted; and (c) all dividends and distributions were reinvested. The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of 500 stocks of large U.S. companies. It gives a broad look at how stock prices have performed. The S&P 500 Index total returns include the reinvestment of all dividends, but do not include the effect of sales charges or operating expenses of a mutual fund. The securities that comprise the S&P 500 Index may differ substantially from the securities in the Fund. The S&P 500 Index is not the only index that may be used to characterize performance of balanced stock funds. Other indexes may portray different comparative performance. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. This graph is furnished to you in accordance with SEC regulations. www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 Class B Growth of a $10,000 Investment Average Annual Total Returns as of 7/31/01 One Year Five Years Ten Years Since Inception With Sales Charge -10.72% N/A N/A 4.62% Without Sales Charge -5.72% N/A N/A 5.64% Past performance is not indicative of future results. Principal and investment return will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund (Class B shares) with a similar investment in the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index (S&P 500 Index) by portraying the initial account values at the commencement of operations of Class B shares (November 18, 1998) and the account values at the end of the current fiscal year (July 31, 2001), as measured on a quarterly basis. For purposes of the graph, and unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that (a) the maximum applicable contingent deferred sales charge was deducted from the value of the investment in Class B shares, assuming full redemption on July 31, 2001; (b) all recurring fees (including management fees) were deducted; and (c) all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Approximately seven years after purchase, Class B shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis. This conversion feature is not reflected in the graph. The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of 500 stocks of large U.S. companies. It gives a broad look at how stock prices have performed. The S&P 500 Index total returns include the reinvestment of all dividends, but do not include the effect of sales charges or operating expenses of a mutual fund. The securities that comprise the S&P 500 Index may differ substantially from the securities in the Fund.The S&P 500 Index is not the only index that may be used to characterize performance of balanced stock funds. Other indexes may portray different comparative performance. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. This graph is furnished to you in accordance with SEC regulations. Strategic Partners Asset Allocation Funds Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund Class C Growth of a $10,000 Investment Average Annual Total Returns as of 7/31/01 One Year Five Years Ten Years Since Inception With Sales Charge -7.72% N/A N/A 5.25% Without Sales Charge -5.72% N/A N/A 5.64% Past performance is not indicative of future results. Principal and investment return will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund (Class C shares) with a similar investment in the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index (S&P 500 Index) by portraying the initial account values at the commencement of operations of Class C shares (November 18, 1998) and the account values at the end of the current fiscal year (July 31, 2001), as measured on a quarterly basis. For purposes of the graph, and unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that (a) the maximum appli-cable front-end sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in Class C shares; (b) the maximum applicable contingent deferred sales charge was deducted from the value of the investment in Class C shares, assuming full redemption on July 31, 2001; (c) all recurring fees (including management fees) were deducted; and (d) all dividends and distributions were reinvested. The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of 500 stocks of large U.S. companies. It gives a broad look at how stock prices have performed. The S&P 500 Index total returns include the reinvestment of all dividends, but do not include the effect of sales charges or operating expenses of a mutual fund. The securities that comprise the S&P 500 Index may differ substantially from the securities in the Fund. The S&P 500 Index is not the only index that may be used to characterize performance of balanced stock funds. Other indexes may portray different comparative performance. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. This graph is furnished to you in accordance with SEC regulations. www.strategicpartners.com (800) 225-1852 Class Z Growth of a $10,000 Investment Average Annual Total Returns as of 7/31/01 One Year Five Years Ten Years Since Inception -4.75% N/A N/A 6.78% Past performance is not indicative of future results. Principal and investment return will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the Strategic Partners Moderate Growth Fund (Class Z shares) with a similar investment in the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index (S&P 500 Index) by portraying the initial account values at the commencement of operations of Class Z shares (November 18, 1998) and the account values at the end of the current fiscal year (July 31, 2001), as measured on a quarterly basis. For purposes of the graph, and unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that (a) all recurring fees (including management fees) were deducted, and (b) all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Class Z shares are not subject to a sales charge or distribution and service (12b-1) fees. The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of 500 stocks of large U.S. companies. It gives a broad look at how stock prices have performed. The S&P 500 Index total returns include the reinvestment of all dividends, but do not include the effect of sales charges or operating expenses of a mutual fund. The securities that comprise the S&P 500 Index may differ substantially from the securities in the Fund. The S&P 500 Index is not the only one that may be used to characterize performance of balanced stock funds. Other indexes may portray different comparative performance. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. This graph is furnished to you in accordance with SEC regulations. FOR MORE INFORMATION Prudential Mutual Funds Gateway Center Three 100 Mulberry Street Newark, NJ 07102-4077 (800) 225-1852 Visit our website at: www.strategicpartners.com Trustees Eugene C. Dorsey Saul K. Fenster Robert F. Gunia Maurice F. Holmes Robert E. LaBlanc Douglas H. McCorkindale W. Scott McDonald, Jr. Thomas T. Mooney David R. Odenath, Jr. Stephen Stoneburn Joseph Weber Clay T. Whitehead Officers David R. Odenath, Jr., President Robert F. Gunia, Vice President Judy A. Rice, Vice President Grace C. Torres, Treasurer George P. Attisano, Secretary William V. Healey, Assistant Secretary Manager Prudential Investments Fund Management LLC Gateway Center Three 100 Mulberry Street Newark, NJ 07102-4077 Investment Advisers Prudential Investment Management, Inc. Prudential Plaza Newark, NJ 07102-3777 Jennison Associates LLC 466 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10017 Franklin Advisers, Inc. 920 Park Place San Mateo, CA 94403 The Dreyfus Corporation 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166 Lazard Asset Management 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10112 Pacific Investment Management Company LLC 840 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Distributor Prudential Investment Management Services LLC Gateway Center Three, 14th Floor 100 Mulberry Street Newark, NJ 07102-4077 Custodian State Street Bank and Trust Company One Heritage Drive North Quincy, MA 02171 Transfer Agent Prudential Mutual Fund Services LLC P.O. Box 8098 Philadelphia, PA 19101 Independent Accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 1177 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 Legal Counsel Kirkpatrick & Lockhart LLP 1800 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Fund Symbols NASDAQ CUSIP Class A PAMGX 86276X889 Class B DMGBX 86276X871 Class C PIMGX 86276X863 Class Z PDMZX 86276X855 MFSP504E3 (LOGO) Printed on Recycled Paper