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Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
12 Months Ended
Jul. 31, 2020
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies [Abstract]  
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

GAAP – The accompanying Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the U.S. (“GAAP”).


Fiscal year – The Company’s fiscal year ends on the Friday nearest July 31st and each quarter consists of thirteen weeks unless noted otherwise.  The Company’s fiscal year ended August 3, 2018 consisted of 53 weeks and the fourth quarter of 2018 consisted of fourteen weeks.  References in these Notes to a year or quarter are to the Company’s fiscal year or quarter unless noted otherwise.


Principles of consolidation – The Consolidated Financial Statements include the accounts of the Company and its subsidiaries, all of which are wholly owned.  All significant intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated.


Investment in unconsolidated subsidiary –  Effective July 18, 2019, the Company purchased approximately 58.6% of the economic ownership interest, and approximately 49.7% of the voting interest, in PBS HoldCo, LLC (“PBS HC”).  PBS HC and its subsidiaries develop, own, and operate food, beverage and entertainment establishments under the name of Punch Bowl Social (“PBS”). Since the Company has the ability to exercise significant influence, but not control, over PBS HC, the Company accounts for its investment in PBS HC under the equity method.   Accordingly, beginning in the first quarter of 2020, the Company recognized its proportionate share of the reported losses of PBS HC adjusted for basis differences on its consolidated statement of income and as an adjustment to the Company’s investment in unconsolidated subsidiary on the consolidated balance sheet.  The Company assesses the impairment of its equity investment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that a decrease in value of the investment has occurred that is other than temporary.  See Note 3 for additional information regarding PBS HC and the related impairment the Company recorded in 2020.


Cash and cash equivalents – The Company’s policy is to consider all highly liquid investments purchased with an original maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

Accounts receivable – Accounts receivable represent their estimated net realizable value.  Accounts receivable are written off when they are deemed uncollectible.


Inventories – Cost of restaurant inventory is determined by the first-in, first-out (“FIFO”) method.  Retail inventories are valued using the retail inventory method (“RIM”) except at the retail distribution center which are valued using moving average cost.  Approximately 70% of retail inventories are valued using RIM.  Retail inventories valued using RIM are stated at the lower of cost or market.  Cost of restaurant inventory and retail inventory valued using moving average cost are stated at the lower of cost and net realizable value.  See Note 6 for additional information regarding the components of inventory.


Valuation provisions are included for retail inventory obsolescence, retail inventory shrinkage, returns and amortization of certain items.  The estimate of retail inventory shrinkage is adjusted upon physical inventory counts.  Annual physical inventory counts are conducted based upon a cyclical inventory schedule.  An estimate of shrinkage is recorded for the time period between physical inventory counts by using a two-year average of the physical inventories’ results on a store-by-store basis.


Property and equipment – Property and equipment are stated at cost.  For financial reporting purposes, depreciation and amortization on these assets are computed by use of the straight-line and double-declining balance methods over the estimated useful lives of the respective assets, as follows:
Buildings and improvements
Restaurant and other equipment
Leasehold improvements

Accelerated depreciation methods are generally used for income tax purposes.


Total depreciation expense and depreciation expense related to store operations for each of the three years are as follows:

Total depreciation expense
Depreciation expense related to store operations*
*Depreciation expense related to store operations is included in other store operating expenses in the Consolidated Statements of Income.

Gain or loss is recognized upon disposal of property and equipment.  The asset and related accumulated depreciation and amortization amounts are removed from the accounts.


Maintenance and repairs, including the replacement of minor items, are charged to expense and major additions to property and equipment are capitalized.


Impairment of long-lived assets – The Company assesses the impairment of long-lived assets whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value of an asset may not be recoverable.  Recoverability of assets is measured by comparing the carrying value of the asset to the undiscounted future cash flows expected to be generated by the asset.  If the total expected future cash flows are less than the carrying value of the asset, the carrying value is written down, for an asset to be held and used, to the estimated fair value or, for an asset to be disposed of, to the fair value, net of estimated costs of disposal.  Any loss resulting from impairment is recognized by a charge to income.  See Note 5 for information related to the impairment charges recorded in 2020 for certain Cracker Barrel and MSBC locations.


Goodwill and other intangible assets – The Company accounts for all transactions that represent business combinations using the acquisition method of accounting, where the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed are recognized and measured at their fair values on the date the Company obtains control in the acquiree. Such fair values that are not finalized for reporting periods following the acquisition date are estimated and recorded as estimated amounts.  Adjustments to these estimated amounts during the measurement period (defined as the date through which all information required to identify and measure the consideration transferred, the assets acquired and the liabilities assumed has been obtained, limited to one year from the acquisition date) are recorded when identified. Goodwill is determined as the excess of the fair value of the consideration conveyed in the acquisition over the fair value of the net assets acquired.  Goodwill and other intangibles will be evaluated for impairment annually on June 1 and when an event occurs or circumstances change that, more likely than not, reduce the fair value of the reporting unit below its carrying value.  At July 31, 2020, the Company does not have any reporting units that are at risk of failing step one of the impairment test.

Derivative instruments and hedging activities – The Company is exposed to market risk, such as changes in interest rates and commodity prices.  The Company has interest rate risk relative to its outstanding borrowings, which bear interest at the Company’s election either at the prime rate or LIBOR plus a percentage point spread based on certain specified financial ratios under its revolving credit facility (see Note 7).  The Company’s policy has been to manage interest cost using a mix of fixed and variable rate debt.  To manage this risk in a cost efficient manner, the Company uses derivative instruments, specifically interest rate swaps.

For each of the Company’s interest rate swaps, the Company has agreed to exchange with a counterparty the difference between fixed and variable interest amounts calculated by reference to an agreed-upon notional principal amount.  The interest rates on the portion of the Company’s outstanding debt covered by its interest rate swaps are fixed at the rates plus the Company’s credit spread. 

All of the Company’s interest rate swaps are accounted for as cash flow hedges.  For derivative instruments that are designated and qualify as a cash flow hedge, the gain or loss on the derivative instrument is reported as a component of other comprehensive income and reclassified into earnings in the same period during which the hedged transaction affects earnings and is presented in the same statement of income (loss) line item as the earnings effect of the hedged item. Gains and losses on the derivative instrument representing hedge components excluded from the assessment of effectiveness, if any, will be recognized currently in earnings in the same statement of income (loss) line item as the earnings effect of the hedged item.  The Company did not elect to reclassify income tax effects resulting from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to retained earnings; income tax effects are released on an individual basis to income tax expense (benefit).

Companies may elect whether or not to offset related assets and liabilities and report the net amount on their financial statements if the right of setoff exists.  Under a master netting agreement, the Company has the legal right to offset the amounts owed to the Company against amounts owed by the Company under a derivative instrument that exists between the Company and a counterparty.  When the Company is engaged in more than one outstanding derivative transaction with the same counterparty and also has a legally enforceable master netting agreement with that counterparty, its credit risk exposure is based on the net exposure under the master netting agreement.  If, on a net basis, the Company owes the counterparty, the Company regards its credit exposure to the counterparty as being zero.

The Company does not hold or use derivative instruments for trading purposes.  The Company also does not have any derivatives not designated as hedging instruments and has not designated any non-derivatives as hedging instruments.  See Note 8 for additional information on the Company’s derivative and hedging activities.

Segment reporting – Operating segments are components of an enterprise about which separate financial information is available that is evaluated regularly by the chief operating decision maker in deciding how to allocate resources and in assessing performance.  Using these criteria, the Company manages its business on the basis of one reportable operating segment (see Note 10 for additional information regarding segment reporting).

Unredeemed gift cards and certificates – Unredeemed gift cards and certificates represent a liability of the Company related to unearned income and are recorded at their expected redemption value. No revenue is recognized in connection with the point-of-sale transaction when gift cards or gift certificates are sold.  For those states that exempt gift cards and certificates from their escheat laws, the Company makes estimates of the ultimate unredeemed (“breakage”) gift cards and certificates in the period of the original sale and amortizes this breakage over the redemption period that other gift cards and certificates historically have been redeemed by reducing its liability and recording revenue accordingly.  For those states that do not exempt gift cards and certificates from their escheat laws, the Company records breakage in the period that gift cards and certificates are remitted to the state and reduces its liability accordingly.  Any amounts remitted to states under escheat or similar laws reduce the Company’s deferred revenue liability and have no effect on revenue or expense while any amounts that the Company is permitted to retain are recorded as revenue.  See “Revenue recognition” section in this Note for further information regarding breakage.

Revenue recognition – Revenue consists primarily of sales from restaurant and retail operations.  The Company recognizes revenue when it satisfies a performance obligation by transferring control over a product or service to a restaurant guest, retail customer or other customer.  The Company recognizes revenues from restaurant sales when payment is tendered at the point of sale, as the Company’s performance obligation to provide food and beverages is satisfied.  The Company recognizes revenues from retail sales when payment is tendered at the point of sale, as the Company’s performance obligation to provide merchandise is satisfied.  Ecommerce sales, including shipping revenue, are recorded upon delivery to the customer.  Additionally, the Company provides for estimated returns based on return history and sales levels.  The Company’s policy is to present sales in the Consolidated Statements of Income on a net presentation basis after deducting sales tax.

Included in restaurant and retail revenue is gift card breakage.  Customer purchases of gift cards, to be utilized at the Company's stores, are not recognized as sales until the card is redeemed and the customer purchases food and/or merchandise.  Gift cards do not carry an expiration date; therefore, customers can redeem their gift cards indefinitely. A certain number of gift cards will not be fully redeemed. Management estimates unredeemed balances and recognizes gift card breakage revenue for these amounts in the Company's Consolidated Statements of Income over the expected redemption period.  Gift card breakage is recognized when the likelihood of a gift card being redeemed by the customer is remote and the Company determines that there is not a legal obligation to remit the unredeemed gift card balance to the relevant jurisdiction.  The determination of the gift card breakage rate is based upon the Company’s specific historical redemption patterns. The Company recognizes gift card breakage by applying its estimate of the rate of gift card breakage over the period of estimated redemption.  For 2020, 2019 and 2018, gift card breakage was $6,288, $6,814, and $6,535, respectively.  Revenue recognized in the Consolidated Statements of Income for 2020, 2019 and 2018, respectively, for the redemption of gift cards which were included in the deferred revenue balance at the beginning of the fiscal year was $36,756, $42,292, and $40,221, respectively.  Deferred revenue related to the Company’s gift cards was $94,754 and $80,073, respectively, at July 31, 2020 and August 2, 2019.

Insurance – The Company self-insures a significant portion of its workers’ compensation and general liability programs.  The Company purchases insurance for individual workers’ compensation claims that exceed $250, $750 or $1,000 depending on the state in which the claim originates.  The Company purchases insurance for individual general liability claims that exceed $500.


The Company records a reserve for workers’ compensation and general liability for all unresolved claims and for an estimate of incurred but not reported claims (“IBNR”).  These reserves and estimates of IBNR claims are based upon a full scope actuarial study which is performed annually at the end of the Company’s third quarter and is adjusted by the actuarially determined losses and actual claims payments for the fourth quarter.  Additionally, the Company performs limited scope actuarial studies on a quarterly basis to verify and/or modify the Company’s reserves. The reserves and losses in the actuarial study represent a range of possible outcomes within which no given estimate is more likely than any other estimate.  As such, the Company records the losses at the lower half of that range and discounts them to present value using a risk-free interest rate based on projected timing of payments. The Company also monitors actual claims development, including incurrence or settlement of individual large claims during the interim periods between actuarial studies as another means of estimating the adequacy of its reserves.

The Company’s group health plans combine the use of self-insured and fully-insured programs.  Benefits for any individual (employee or dependents) in the self-insured program are limited.  The Company records a liability for the self-insured portion of its group health program for all unpaid claims based upon a loss development analysis derived from actual group health claims payment experience.  The Company also records a liability for unpaid prescription drug claims based on historical experience.


Store pre-opening costs – Start-up costs of a new store are expensed when incurred.


Leases – In 2020, the Company adopted new accounting guidance for leases which requires the recognition of lease assets and lease liabilities on the balance sheet and certain disclosures (see Note 11).  Under this accounting guidance, leases are classified as either finance or operating leases.  Upon adoption of this accounting guidance, the Company elected to apply the short-term lease exemption to all asset classes which exempts the Company from recognizing lease assets and liabilities for these short-term leases.  Additionally, the Company elected to not separate lease and non-lease components for all classes of leased assets.  See “Leases” section under “Recent Accounting Pronouncements Adopted” in this Note for further information regarding the Company’s adoption of this lease accounting guidance.

The Company has ground leases for its leased stores and office space leases that are recorded as operating leases under various non-cancellable operating leases.  The Company also leases its advertising billboards, vehicle fleets and certain equipment under various non-cancellable operating leases.  To determine whether a contract is or contains a lease, the Company determines at contract inception whether it contains the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration. If the contract has the right to obtain substantially all of the economic benefit from use of the identified asset and the right to direct the use of the identified asset, the Company recognizes a right-of-use asset and lease liability.

The Company’s leases all have varying terms and expire at various dates through 2055. Restaurant leases typically have base terms of ten years with four to five optional renewal periods of five years each.  The Company uses a lease life that generally begins on the commencement date, including the rent holiday periods, and generally extends through certain renewal periods that can be exercised at the Company’s option.  During rent holiday periods, which include the pre-opening period during construction, the Company has possession of and access to the property, but is not obligated to, and normally does not, make rent payments.   The Company has included lease renewal options in the lease term for calculations of the right-of-use asset and liability for which at the commencement of the lease it is reasonably certain that the Company will exercise those renewal options.  Additionally, some of the leases have contingent rent provisions and others require adjustments for inflation or index.   Contingent rent is determined as a percentage of gross sales in excess of specified levels. The Company records a contingent rent liability and corresponding rent expense when it is probable sales have been achieved in amounts in excess of the specified levels.  The Company’s lease agreements do not contain any material residual value guarantees or material restrictive covenants.

Advertising – The Company expenses the costs of producing advertising the first time the advertising takes place.  Other advertising costs are expensed as incurred.

Advertising expense for each of the three years was as follows:

Advertising expense

Share-based compensation – The Company’s share-based compensation consists of nonvested stock awards and units.  Share-based compensation is recorded in general and administrative expenses in the Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss).  Share-based compensation expense is recognized based on the grant date fair value and the achievement of performance conditions for certain awards.  The Company recognizes share-based compensation expense on a straight-line basis over the requisite service period, which is generally the award’s vesting period, or to the date on which retirement eligibility is achieved, if shorter.

Certain nonvested stock awards and units contain performance conditions.  Compensation expense for performance-based awards is recognized when it is probable that the performance criteria will be met.  If any performance goals are not met, no compensation expense is ultimately recognized and, to the extent previously recognized, compensation expense is reversed.


If a share-based compensation award is modified after the grant date, incremental compensation expense is recognized in an amount equal to the excess of the fair value of the modified award over the fair value of the original award immediately before the modification.  Incremental compensation expense for vested awards is recognized immediately.  For unvested awards, the sum of the incremental compensation expense and the remaining unrecognized compensation expense for the original award on the modification date is recognized over the modified service period.

Additionally, the Company’s policy is to issue shares of common stock to satisfy exercises of share-based compensation awards.

Income taxes – The Company’s provision for income taxes includes employer tax credits for FICA taxes paid on employee tip income and other employer tax credits are accounted for by the flow-through method.  Deferred income taxes reflect the net tax effects of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for income tax purposes.  The Company recognizes (or derecognizes) a tax position taken or expected to be taken in a tax return in the financial statements when it is more likely than not (i.e., a likelihood of more than fifty percent) that the position would be sustained (or not sustained) upon examination by tax authorities.  A recognized tax position is then measured at the largest amount of benefit that is greater than fifty percent likely of being realized upon ultimate settlement.  The Company recognizes, net of tax, interest and estimated penalties related to uncertain tax positions in its provision for income taxes.  See Note 15 for additional information regarding income taxes.


Comprehensive income (loss) – Comprehensive income (loss) includes net income (loss) and the effective unrealized portion of the changes in the fair value of the Company’s interest rate swaps.

Net income (loss) per share – Basic consolidated net income per share is computed by dividing consolidated net income (loss) to common shareholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the reporting period.  Diluted consolidated net income per share reflects the potential dilution that could occur if securities, options or other contracts to issue common stock were exercised or converted into common stock and is based upon the weighted average number of common and common equivalent shares outstanding during the year. Common equivalent shares related to nonvested stock awards and units issued by the Company are calculated using the treasury stock method.  The outstanding nonvested stock awards and units issued by the Company represent the only dilutive effects on diluted consolidated net income per share.  See Note 16 for additional information regarding net income (loss) per share.

Use of estimates – Management of the Company has made certain estimates and assumptions relating to the reporting of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of the Consolidated Financial Statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting periods to prepare these Consolidated Financial Statements in conformity with GAAP.  Management believes that such estimates have been based on reasonable and supportable assumptions and that the resulting estimates are reasonable for use in the preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements.  Actual results, however, could differ from those estimates.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements Adopted


In February 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued accounting guidance which requires the recognition of lease assets and lease liabilities on the balance sheet and disclosure of key information about leasing arrangements.  The Company adopted this accounting guidance as of August 3, 2019, using the modified retrospective approach.  Under this approach, existing leases were recorded at the adoption date rather than the beginning of the earliest comparative period presented.  This approach allows for a cumulative-effect adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings in the period of adoption, and prior periods are not restated.   The Company elected the transition package of practical expedients permitted under this guidance, which among other things, allows the carryforward of historical lease classifications.  The Company elected to not separate lease and non-lease components for all classes of leased assets.  Additionally, the Company elected to apply the short-term lease exemption to all asset classes.  The Company chose not to elect the hindsight practical expedient. 

Adoption of the accounting guidance for leases resulted in the recognition of right-of-use operating lease assets of $464,394 and total operating lease liabilities of $506,406 as of August 3, 2019.  At adoption, the lease liabilities were measured based upon the present value of remaining rental payments for existing operating leases primarily related to real estate leases.  The right-of-use assets were offset primarily by straight-line lease liabilities that existed at the adoption date. The cumulative-effect of applying the accounting guidance for leases resulted in an adjustment to retained earnings of $4,125 at August 3, 2019, related to the elimination of the deferred gains on the Company’s sale-leaseback transactions from 2000 and 2009.  See Note 11 for additional information regarding leases.

Accounting for Hedging Activities

In August 2017, the FASB issued accounting guidance which amends the recognition, presentation and disclosure requirements of hedge accounting in order to better portray the economics of entities’ risk management activities, increase transparency and understandability of hedging relationships and simplify the application of hedge accounting.  The adoption of this accounting guidance in the first quarter of 2020 did not have a significant impact on the Company’s consolidated financial position or results of operations, and the Company did not record a cumulative-effect adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings.  The amended presentation and disclosure requirements were applied on a prospective basis.

Reclassification of Certain Tax Effects from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income

On December 22, 2017, the U.S. government enacted P.L. 115-97, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the “Tax Act”).  In February 2018, the FASB issued accounting guidance which allows a reclassification from accumulated other comprehensive income to retained earnings for stranded tax effects resulting from the Tax Act.  This accounting guidance was effective for the Company in the first quarter of 2020.  The Company did not elect this reclassification option.  As a result, this accounting guidance had no impact on the Company’s consolidated financial position or results of operations.

Share-Based Payment Arrangements with Nonemployees

In June 2018, the FASB issued accounting guidance in order to simplify the accounting for share-based payments granted to nonemployees for goods and services.  This new guidance aligns most of the accounting requirements for share-based payments granted to nonemployees with the existing guidance for share-based payments granted to employees.  The adoption of this accounting guidance in the first quarter of 2020 had no impact on the Company’s consolidated financial position or results of operations.

Rate Reform

In March 2020, the FASB issued optional accounting guidance in order to ease the potential burden in accounting for contracts, hedging relationships and other transactions that reference London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”) or another reference rate expected to be discontinued because of reference rate reform.  The expedients and exceptions provided by this accounting guidance do not apply to contract modifications made and hedging relationships entered into or evaluated after December 31, 2022, except for hedging relationships existing as of December 31, 2022 if certain criteria are met.  The Company has certain contracts and hedging relationships which reference LIBOR for which the Company has elected to use the optional accounting guidance.  The Company elected to apply this accounting guidance for contract modifications prospectively as of February 1, 2020.  Additionally, the Company elected to apply this accounting guidance to eligible hedging relationships existing as of February 1, 2020 and to any new hedging relationships entered into during the effective period of the accounting guidance.  The adoption of this accounting guidance in the third quarter of 2020 had no impact on the Company’s consolidated financial position or results of operations.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements Not Yet Adopted

Goodwill Impairment

In January 2017, the FASB issued accounting guidance related to the subsequent measurement of goodwill. Under this new guidance, an entity will perform its annual, or interim, goodwill impairment test by comparing the fair value of a reporting unit with its carrying amount and recognize an impairment charge for the amount by which the carrying amount exceeds the reporting unit's fair value. This guidance is effective for public business entities for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years.  Early adoption is permitted.  This guidance should be applied on a prospective basis.  The Company currently does not expect that the adoption of this accounting guidance in the first quarter of 2021 will have a significant impact on the Company’s consolidated financial position or results of operations.

Accounting for Income Taxes

In December 2019, the FASB issued accounting guidance in order to simplify the accounting for income taxes.  This new guidance eliminates certain exceptions related to the approach for intraperiod tax allocation, the methodology for calculating income taxes in an interim period and the recognition of deferred tax liabilities for outside basis differences.  This guidance also simplifies aspects of the accounting for franchise taxes and enacted changes in tax laws or rates and clarifies the accounting for transactions that result in a step-up in the tax basis of goodwill.  This accounting guidance is effective for public business entities for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2020, and interim periods within those fiscal years.  Early adoption is permitted.  In general, entities will apply the new guidance on a prospective basis, except for certain items such as the guidance on franchise taxes that are partially based on income.  The guidance on franchise taxes that are partially based on income will be applied either retrospectively for all periods presented or using a modified retrospective approach through a cumulative-effect adjustment to retained earnings as of the beginning of the fiscal year of adoption.  The Company is currently evaluating the impact of adopting this accounting guidance in the first quarter of 2022.