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Investment Company Act file number: 811-02368

Name of Registrant: Vanguard Fixed Income Securities Funds
Address of Registrant:
P.O. Box 2600
Valley Forge, PA 19482

Name and address of agent for service:
Heidi Stam, Esquire
P.O. Box 876
Valley Forge, PA 19482

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (610) 669-1000

Date of fiscal year end: January 31

Date of reporting period: February 1, 2015 – July 31, 2015

Item 1: Reports to Shareholders

Semiannual Report | July 31, 2015

Vanguard U.S. Government Bond Funds

Vanguard Short-Term Treasury Fund

Vanguard Short-Term Federal Fund

Vanguard Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund

Vanguard GNMA Fund

Vanguard Long-Term Treasury Fund


The mission continues

On May 1, 1975, Vanguard began operations, a fledgling company based on the simple but revolutionary idea that a mutual fund company should be managed solely in the interest of its investors.

Four decades later, that revolutionary spirit continues to animate the enterprise. Vanguard remains on a mission to give investors the best chance of investment success.

As we mark our 40th anniversary, we thank you for entrusting your assets to Vanguard and giving us the opportunity to help you reach your financial goals in the decades to come.

Your Fund’s Total Returns. 1
Chairman’s Letter. 4
Advisors’ Report. 10
Short-Term Treasury Fund. 15
Short-Term Federal Fund. 31
Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund. 47
GNMA Fund. 62
Long-Term Treasury Fund. 80
About Your Fund’s Expenses. 94
Trustees Approve Advisory Arrangements. 97
Glossary. 99


Please note: The opinions expressed in this report are just that—informed opinions. They should not be considered promises or advice. Also, please keep in mind that the information and opinions cover the period through the date on the front of this report. Of course, the risks of investing in your fund are spelled out in the prospectus.

See the Glossary for definitions of investment terms used in this report.

About the cover: Since our founding, Vanguard has drawn inspiration from the enterprise and valor demonstrated by British naval hero Horatio Nelson and his command at the Battle of the Nile in 1798. The photograph displays a replica of a merchant ship from the same era as Nelson’s flagship, the HMS Vanguard.


Your Fund’s Total Returns        
Six Months Ended July 31, 2015        
  30-Day SEC Income Capital Total
  Yield Returns Returns Returns
Vanguard Short-Term Treasury Fund        
Investor Shares 0.58% 0.33% -0.19% 0.14%
Admiral™ Shares 0.68 0.37 -0.19 0.18
Barclays U.S. 1–5 Year Treasury Bond Index       0.11
Short-Term U.S. Treasury Funds Average       0.16
Short-Term U.S. Treasury Funds Average: Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.    
Vanguard Short-Term Federal Fund        
Investor Shares 0.73% 0.41% -0.22% 0.19%
Admiral Shares 0.83 0.46 -0.22 0.24
Barclays U.S. 1–5 Year Government Bond Index       0.13
Short-Intermediate U.S. Government Funds Average       -0.17
Short-Intermediate U.S. Government Funds Average: Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.  
Vanguard Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund        
Investor Shares 1.53% 0.80% -1.87% -1.07%
Admiral Shares 1.63 0.85 -1.87 -1.02
Barclays U.S. 5–10 Year Treasury Bond Index       -1.66
General U.S. Treasury Funds Average       -4.32
General U.S. Treasury Funds Average: Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.    
Vanguard GNMA Fund        
Investor Shares 1.98% 1.12% -1.07% 0.05%
Admiral Shares 2.08 1.16 -1.07 0.09
Barclays U.S. GNMA Bond Index       0.23
GNMA Funds Average       0.25


GNMA Funds Average: Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.

Admiral Shares carry lower expenses and are available to investors who meet certain account-balance requirements.



Your Fund’s Total Returns        
Six Months Ended July 31, 2015        
  30-Day SEC Income Capital Total
  Yield Returns Returns Returns
Vanguard Long-Term Treasury Fund        
Investor Shares 2.72% 1.24% -10.47% -9.23%
Admiral Shares 2.82 1.29 -10.47 -9.18
Barclays U.S. Long Treasury Bond Index       -9.11
General U.S. Treasury Funds Average       -4.32


General U.S. Treasury Funds Average: Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.

Admiral Shares carry lower expenses and are available to investors who meet certain account-balance requirements.



Your Fund’s Performance at a Glance    
January 31, 2015, Through July 31, 2015        
      Distributions Per Share
  Starting Ending Income Capital
  Share Price Share Price Dividends Gains
Vanguard Short-Term Treasury Fund        
Investor Shares $10.75 $10.73 $0.034 $0.000
Admiral Shares 10.75 10.73 0.040 0.000
Vanguard Short-Term Federal Fund        
Investor Shares $10.82 $10.79 $0.045 $0.006
Admiral Shares 10.82 10.79 0.050 0.006
Vanguard Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund        
Investor Shares $11.66 $11.43 $0.094 $0.012
Admiral Shares 11.66 11.43 0.100 0.012
Vanguard GNMA Fund        
Investor Shares $10.88 $10.71 $0.121 $0.054
Admiral Shares 10.88 10.71 0.126 0.054
Vanguard Long-Term Treasury Fund        
Investor Shares $14.19 $12.61 $0.177 $0.100
Admiral Shares 14.19 12.61 0.183 0.100





Chairman’s Letter

Dear Shareholder,

After a strong run in the last fiscal year, bond prices declined and volatility increased over the half year ended July 31, 2015. Demand from risk-averse investors, which had surged in January amid concerns about deflation and the shaky pace of global growth, slackened over much of the period, as the economic picture brightened and the Federal Reserve appeared closer to raising short-term interest rates.

With weaker demand depressing the prices of longer-term bonds in particular, Vanguard Long-Term Treasury Fund returned –9.23%. (All returns and yields cited in this letter are for the funds’ Investor Shares.) More modest price declines for shorter-term bonds helped the four other funds perform better; their returns ranged from –1.07% for Vanguard Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund to 0.19% for Vanguard Short-Term Federal Fund.

In relative terms, the two Short-Term Funds came in a step ahead of their benchmarks, and the Intermediate-Term Fund did even better; the two other funds lagged theirs. Compared with their peers, the Short-Term Federal Fund and Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund outperformed the average return for their peer groups. The Short-Term Treasury Fund was roughly in line with the average for its peer group, while the two other funds lagged theirs.

The 30-day SEC yield for Vanguard GNMA Fund declined to 1.98% on July 31 from 2.22% six months earlier. For the four other funds, the yield rose by between 11 and



59 basis points over the same period. (A basis point is one-hundredth of a percentage point.)

On a separate note, the GNMA Fund marked its 35th anniversary in June. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the fund’s advisor, Wellington Management Company, for its stewardship of the fund throughout our long and productive working relationship.

Fixed income fared poorly both at home and abroad

Prices of U.S. taxable bonds declined in four of the six months, producing a return of –1.47%. U.S. municipal bonds held up a little better, but the slide in their prices more than offset the income they generated as well. Their return was –0.92%.

International bond markets (as measured by the Barclays Global Aggregate Index ex USD) returned –3.79%, curbed by the dollar’s strength against many foreign currencies. Without this currency effect, international bonds returned about –1%.

Returns were negligible for money market funds and savings accounts as the Fed’s target for short-term rates remained at 0%–0.25%.

U.S. stocks proved resilient in a challenging environment

The broad U.S. stock market returned more than 6% over the six months. Corporate earnings generally exceeded forecasts, and investors seemed encouraged by the monetary stimulus efforts of other nations’ central banks.

Market Barometer      
      Total Returns
    Periods Ended July 31, 2015
  Six One Five Years
  Months Year (Annualized)
Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (Broad taxable market) -1.47% 2.82% 3.27%
Barclays Municipal Bond Index (Broad tax-exempt market) -0.92 3.56 4.39
Citigroup Three-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index 0.00 0.02 0.05
Russell 1000 Index (Large-caps) 6.60% 11.24% 16.45%
Russell 2000 Index (Small-caps) 6.98 12.03 15.27
Russell 3000 Index (Broad U.S. market) 6.61 11.28 16.35
FTSE All-World ex US Index (International) 4.26 -3.74 6.23
Consumer Price Index 2.12% 0.17% 1.83%




But stocks also encountered hurdles. During the latter part of the period, Greece’s debt crisis and a swoon by Chinese stocks weighed on global markets. The strong U.S. dollar’s negative effect on the profits of U.S.-based multinational companies, valuations that some investors perceived as high, and muddled economic news also roiled stocks at times.

For U.S. investors, international stocks returned about 4%; results would have been more robust if not for the dollar’s strength against many foreign currencies. Returns for the developed markets of Europe and the Pacific region surpassed those of emerging markets, which declined.

The outlook improved for growth and inflation

Some of the uncertainties weighing on the global economy lifted a little as the half year progressed. At home, growth seemed to get back on track after a first quarter marked by severe winter weather in the Northeast and a port strike on the West Coast.

The labor market made gains despite job losses in the energy sector, consumer confidence held up, and the construction sector continued to heal. And abroad, data on the pace of expansion in the euro zone and Japan proved more robust than expected, thanks in part to central bank bond-buying programs aimed at keeping borrowing costs low to encourage household spending and business investment.

Expense Ratios      
Your Fund Compared With Its Peer Group      
  Investor Admiral Peer Group
  Shares Shares Average
Short-Term Treasury Fund 0.20% 0.10% 0.57%
Short-Term Federal Fund 0.20 0.10 0.97
Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund 0.20 0.10 0.51
GNMA Fund 0.21 0.11 0.95
Long-Term Treasury Fund 0.20 0.10 0.51


The fund expense ratios shown are from the prospectus dated May 27, 2015, and represent estimated costs for the current fiscal year. For the six months ended July 31, 2015, the funds’ annualized expense ratios were: for the Short-Term Treasury Fund, 0.19% for Investor Shares and 0.09% for Admiral Shares; for the Short-Term Federal Fund, 0.19% for Investor Shares and 0.09% for Admiral Shares; for the Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund, 0.19% for Investor Shares and 0.09% for Admiral Shares; for the GNMA Fund, 0.20% for Investor Shares and 0.10% for Admiral Shares; and for the Long-Term Treasury Fund, 0.19% for Investor Shares and 0.09% for Admiral Shares. Peer-group expense ratios are derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company, and capture information through year-end 2014.

Peer groups: For the Short-Term Treasury Fund, Short-Term U.S. Treasury Funds; for the Short-Term Federal Fund, Short-Intermediate U.S. Government Funds; for the Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund, General U.S. Treasury Funds; for the GNMA Fund, GNMA Funds; and for the Long-Term Treasury Fund, General U.S. Treasury Funds.



These improvements helped to allay deflationary fears, which stood center stage at the beginning of the period. They also helped to counter negative developments such as flare-ups in the Greek debt crisis, the shift to a slower pace of growth in China, and continued weakness in commodity prices.

Because of the brighter economic outlook and the greater likelihood of a Fed rate hike, Treasury bond yields rose and prices fell across the maturity spectrum. This was especially true among longer-dated securities. The drop in bond prices cut more than 10 percentage points from the return of the Long-Term Treasury Fund and almost 2 percentage points from the Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund. And in this low interest rate environment, there wasn’t a lot of earned income to cushion those price drops.

The other funds saw more modest declines in the value of their holdings, ranging from 0.19 to 1.07 percentage points; they earned enough interest income to push their returns into positive territory. (See the capital and income returns by fund in the Your Fund’s Total Returns table on page 1.)

Such sharp price drops can be disconcerting. Keep in mind, however, that prices surged higher in the previous six months and, for the 12 months ended July 31, returns for all five funds were positive. More important, while bond prices may fluctuate—sometimes significantly—income tends to be a bigger driver of bond performance over the long term.

The shorter-than-benchmark durations of the short and intermediate funds helped their performance relative to their benchmarks. So, too, did their allocations

  30-Day SEC Yields on
  January 31, July 31,
Bond Fund (Investor Shares) 2015 2015
Short-Term Treasury 0.47% 0.58%
Short-Term Federal 0.59 0.73
Intermediate-Term Treasury 1.26 1.53
GNMA 2.22 1.98
Long-Term Treasury 2.13 2.72



to government mortgage-backed securities, which generally offered some incremental income over Treasury and agency debt. The Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund performed best, outstripping its benchmark by 60 basis points.

Three of those four funds also came close to or bested the average return for their peer groups. The Long-Term Treasury Fund was the exception because its peers may hold short- and intermediate-term securities. The Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund

Do you have the right ‘asset location’ for your bond fund?

Investors who want to maximize returns and minimize taxes should consider their “asset location,” or how their investments are spread among different types of accounts.

Broadly speaking, accounts are either tax-advantaged (as in tax-free or tax-deferred) or they’re taxable. IRAs and 401(k) plans, of course, are tax-advantaged.

As part of a series called IRA Insights (available at vanguard.com/research), analysts from Vanguard’s Investment Strategy Group studied data from hundreds of thousands of Vanguard accounts to determine how well investors were locating their assets. From a tax standpoint, were people choosing the optimal account type for a particular investment?

The analysts noted that bonds are tax-inefficient, because their return is almost entirely income. So investors are generally best served by holding them (and balanced funds, which include bonds) in IRAs and other tax-advantaged accounts. Otherwise, income from the bonds will drive up an investor’s annual tax liability, even if the income is automatically reinvested in a bond or balanced fund. And unlike qualified stock dividends, which are taxed at a preferential rate, bond income gets taxed at a higher “ordinary” income rate.

As you can see in results shown below from the study, there appears to be an opportunity for some bond investors to improve their asset location. These investors may be paying more in taxes than they need to.

Over half of investors with a choice own bonds in taxable accounts

Notes: Based on an analysis of almost 700,000 Vanguard IRA@ account owners who also have taxable investments at Vanguard and who own at least some bond investments. Data are as of December 31, 2014.

Source: Vanguard.


again stood out, with a return more than 3 percentage points ahead of its peer-group average.

The GNMA Fund’s return was virtually flat, putting it a step behind its benchmark and peer group. Holding higher-coupon securities helped offset the drag from its duration and its yield curve positioning.

For a more detailed discussion of the management of the funds, please see the Advisors’ Report that follows this letter.

As your investment costs go down, your chance for success can go up

Being an investor can be frustrating at times: You’re planning for your financial future, but some factors—for example, the financial markets—are beyond your control. Although you can’t control the markets, you do have some choice in how much you pay to invest in them. And what you pay can greatly affect your chance for success.

At Vanguard, as you know, we take minimizing costs seriously. Indeed, that’s one of our four investment principles. (You can read more in

Vanguard’s Principles for Investing Success, available at vanguard.com/ research.) Paying less in expenses has an intuitive, immediate appeal.

Less obvious, perhaps, is the enormous advantage that low costs can offer over time.

Imagine two well-diversified portfolios, each with a starting balance of $100,000 and each earning a yearly return of 6%, which is reinvested over a 30-year period. In one scenario, the investor pays expenses totaling 0.25% of assets every year; in the other, the investor pays 0.90%. (Keep in mind that this is a hypothetical example and doesn’t represent any particular investment.)

After 30 years, the lower-cost portfolio has a balance of more than $530,000, while the higher-cost portfolio has a balance of almost $440,000. What might seem like a trifling cost difference at the start becomes a meaningful difference in the long term—in this example, nearly $100,000.

Increasingly, investors recognize the importance of minimizing costs. According to Morningstar, over the past 10 years, 95% of cash flows have gone into funds ranked in the lowest 20% in terms of their expenses. We’re pleased to see this trend, because it means investors are keeping more of their returns. By doing so, they’re giving themselves a better chance of reaching their financial goals.

As always, thank you for investing with Vanguard.


F. William McNabb III
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
August 12, 2015



Advisors’ Report

For the Short-, Intermediate-, and Long-Term Treasury Funds and the Short-Term Federal Fund

For the six months ended July 31, 2015, returns for the U.S. Government Bond Funds managed by Vanguard’s Fixed Income Group ranged from 0.24% for Admiral Shares of the Short-Term Federal Fund to –9.23% for Investor Shares of the Long-Term Treasury Fund. The returns of the funds exceeded those of their benchmarks, except for the Long-Term Treasury Fund. Compared with the average returns of their peers, the Short-Term Federal and Intermediate-Term Treasury Funds outperformed, and the Short- and Long-Term Treasury Funds lagged.

The investment environment

Volatility in the bond market picked up as expectations continued to shift about the strength of the economy at home and abroad as well as the timing of the Federal Reserve’s first interest rate increase in nearly ten years.

Solid growth in the last half of 2014 led the market to anticipate a Fed rate hike in March. But, as it did a year earlier, harsh winter weather put a chill on the U.S. economy. The rapid fall in oil prices, while saving consumers money at the gas pump, put the brakes on energy-related employment and capital spending. And while many economists expected that consumers would take advantage of the gas savings by spending more, they instead showed caution by paying down debt and saving

Yields of U.S. Treasury Securities    
  January 31, July 31,
Maturity 2015 2015
2 years 0.52% 0.73%
3 years 0.83 1.05
5 years 1.27 1.62
10 years 1.75 2.26
30 years 2.32 2.94
Source: Vanguard.    




more. Europe showed signs of weakness at the beginning of the year as well, prompting the European Central Bank to embark on its own quantitative easing program. All of these factors, combined with a stronger U.S. dollar that reduced import prices, squelched inflationary pressures and contributed to the Fed’s decision to delay raising rates.

The economy rebounded as the year progressed, though more modestly than expected. Retail spending picked up, the housing market showed signs of gaining traction, and the economy continued to add jobs at an annual rate of around 2 million. But the data weren’t strong enough and inflation still wasn’t close enough to its 2% target for the Fed to raise rates in June, especially with the Greek crisis playing out in the background and Chinese growth coming in weak.

Although bond yields fluctuated in response to these changes in outlook, they ended the fiscal half year higher. The 10-year Treasury yield, for example, started the period at 1.75%—a low not seen since 2013—and finished 51 basis points higher at 2.26%. (A basis point is one-hundredth of a percentage point.) Longer-dated bonds rose even more sharply.

Management of the funds

We maintained a structurally short duration stance in the Short- and Intermediate-Term Funds versus their benchmarks. (Duration is a measure of sensitivity of a fund’s holdings to changes in interest rates.) This conservative positioning can be a drag on performance when rates are falling, but it added to relative performance of the funds, especially the Intermediate-Term Fund, over the six months as rates moved higher.

The Treasury Funds and Short-Term Federal Fund held out-of-benchmark allocations to mortgage-backed securities, and the Federal Fund had an overweight to them. Although market volatility hurt the prices of these securities, the incremental yield they offered over Treasuries and agency debt proved to be a net positive for the funds. We will continue to look for opportunities to add to the funds’ exposure to these securities for the potential yield enhancement they offer. Those opportunities may arise should the outlook for volatility decline or the securities’ valuations reach more attractive levels.

With the volatility in the market, we had some success in managing the yield curve exposure of the funds. The shifts in expectations about when the Fed would raise interest rates gave us the chance to position the funds tactically to benefit from the compression and widening of yields.

In the early part of the year, we added some 30-year break-even exposure as energy prices collapsed and the outlook for inflation dimmed—a move that captured additional return for the funds when we sold the positions.



In the Short-Term Federal Fund, we also focused on finding relative value in the agency and mortgage-backed securities sectors.

The outlook

We expect U.S. gross domestic product to grow at an annual rate comfortably above 2% for the remainder of the year. We also anticipate that headline inflation will trend higher toward 2% in 2016.

Consequently, we think the initial “liftoff” of the Fed’s key short-term interest rate will take place before the end of 2015. We expect any subsequent increases to be gradual and done in small increments given the current disinflationary pressures of a strong U.S. dollar, the slowing of China’s economy, and soft commodity prices.

Of course, rising interest rates put bond investors at risk of short-term declines in principal. Nevertheless, we don’t expect significant declines such as those that occurred in the “taper tantrum” of 2013, when longer-term rates jumped in reaction to news that the Fed expected to start winding down its bond-buying program.

In fact, higher rates will enable the funds to reinvest the proceeds from maturing securities at higher yields. And a gradual move to higher rates would be good news for the economy. Unlike in past cycles, when the Fed tightened monetary policy to cool down an economy in danger of overheating, a measured rise in short-term rates would signal that the economy no longer needs emergency support.

Although the environment appears uncertain about when monetary policy will normalize, we remain cognizant of those risks and will continue to position the funds accordingly.

Gregory Davis, CFA, Principal and Head of Fixed Income Group Gemma Wright-Casparius, Principal and Portfolio Manager Brian Quigley, Portfolio Manager Vanguard Fixed Income Group August 14, 2015

For the GNMA Fund

For the six months ended July 31, 2015, Investor Shares of Vanguard GNMA Fund returned 0.05% and Admiral Shares returned 0.09%. The fund underperformed its benchmark index as well as the average return of peer-group funds.

Investment environment

Growth in the major developed markets stabilized during the period, while emerging-market growth continued to languish, held back by an economic slowdown in Asia. Economic data in the euro zone improved, and more countries participated in the upturn. Headline inflation rose, moving back into positive territory and triggering a rebound in inflation expectations. Though the Greek debt crisis muddied the outlook, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi indicated that the central bank’s stimulus measures were filtering through



to the economy and that he intended to continue the asset-purchase program to its end. China’s central bank entered an aggressive monetary-easing cycle to counter deflationary risks and slowing growth after first-quarter gross domestic product hit its weakest level since the global financial crisis.

U.S. data released toward the end of the period suggested that economic activity picked up after a weak first quarter. On the consumer side, income growth was solid, consumption rose, and confidence remained elevated. The housing market gained some momentum as new and existing home sales rose and home prices continued to post healthy gains. Payroll growth and unemployment trends also remained favorable. The manufacturing sector remained weak but showed early signs of a gradual improvement. Consumer prices rose but remained subdued on a year-over-year basis, a potential complication for the Fed as it edges toward raising interest rates.

Despite lowering its growth and inflation forecasts slightly at its June meeting, the Fed hinted that U.S. rates were still on track to rise later this year. The downward shift in Fed officials’ predictions of interest rates, however, signaled a slight delay in the timing of hikes. Fed Chair Janet Yellen maintained a cautious tone, noting that the Federal Open Market Committee would raise rates only gradually in the coming years; the precise timing of the first hike would depend heavily on data and events.

Agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) generated a total return of 0.09% over the six months, underperforming duration-equivalent Treasuries by 0.30 percentage point as measured by Wellington Management. Early in the period, mortgage rates moved in tandem with interest rates, while the latter part of the period was dominated by global macro events such as those in Greece and China that weighed on most spread sectors during the period. While MBS were not immune, mortgage underperformance was relatively subdued and spreads ended the period five basis points tighter at 28. Thirty-year Ginnie Maes (GNMAs) marginally outperformed conventional mortgage securities (those backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac), while 15-year conventionals underper-formed 30-year securities and lower-coupon MBS generally underperformed those with higher coupons.

Fund successes

The fund’s underweight to 30-year GNMA MBS contributed to relative performance during the period, as did our stake in collateralized mortgage obligations, which outperformed MBS passthroughs. Coupon positioning and security selection in the GNMA MBS market also helped, as our overweights were concentrated in high-coupon seasoned securities. The fund’s underweights, on the other hand, were focused on lower coupons that suffered more during the period.



Fund shortfalls

Duration and yield curve positioning drove the fund’s underperformance relative to its benchmark. The fund was positioned with a flattening bias, which hurt performance as front-end yields increased less than longer-term rates. Its out-of-benchmark allocation to Fannie Mae multi-family Delegated Underwriting and Servicing securities also weighed on relative results.

Fund positioning

We are maintaining a relatively neutral stance in MBS and will continue to trade the mortgage basis opportunistically. Though spreads widened again in the second quarter and are wider year-to-date, they are not yet at levels where we would consider adding risk. Further increases in volatility, brought on either by geopolitical events or uncertainty around the Fed’s next move, could continue to put pressure on spreads. However, we expect the widening to be constrained because over the longer term, increases in the relative supply of Treasuries should create support for MBS. In addition, the U.S. rate structure’s attractiveness compared with those of other developed markets should drive demand from international buyers.

Within agency pass-throughs, we have little exposure to the 15-year sector. We own conventionals (Fannie Mae- and Freddie Mac-issued securities) in lieu of GNMAs, although we have reduced both positions as the sectors cheapened to some extent. Our underweight in GNMAs is concentrated in 3%–4.5% coupons; we continue to view these assets as modestly rich at current price spreads. Outside of pass-throughs, we continue to prefer assets with more stable duration profiles, such as Fannie Mae Delegated Underwriting and Servicing bonds and collateralized mortgage obligations, which should perform better in an environment of rising volatility. We continue to be positioned with a bias toward a flatter yield curve.

Michael F. Garrett
Senior Managing Director and
Fixed Income Portfolio Manager

Wellington Management Company LLP

August 14, 2015



Short-Term Treasury Fund

Fund Profile
As of July 31, 2015

Share-Class Characteristics    
  Investor Admiral
  Shares Shares
Ticker Symbol VFISX VFIRX
Expense Ratio1 0.20% 0.10%
30-Day SEC Yield 0.58% 0.68%
Financial Attributes      
    Barclays Barclays
    1–5 Year Aggregate
    Treasury Bond
  Fund Index Index
Number of Bonds 118 154 9,496
Yield to Maturity      
(before expenses) 0.9% 0.9% 2.4%
Average Coupon 1.4% 1.6% 3.2%
Average Duration 2.3 years 2.7 years 5.6 years
Average Effective      
Maturity 2.5 years 2.7 years 7.8 years
Reserves -4.4%
The fund invested a portion of its cash reserves in equity and fixed
income markets through the use of index futures contracts. After
the effect of the futures investments, the fund's temporary cash
portion was negative.      
Sector Diversification (% of portfolio)  
Government Mortgage-Backed   4.8%
Treasury/Agency     95.2
The agency and mortgage-backed securities sectors may include
issues from government-sponsored enterprises; such issues are
generally not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S.


Volatility Measures    
  Barclays Barclays
  1–5 Year Aggregate
  Treasury Bond
  Index Index
R-Squared 0.94 0.67
Beta 0.68 0.22
These measures show the degree and timing of the fund’s fluctuations compared with the indexes over 36 months.
Distribution by Effective Maturity  
(% of portfolio)    
Under 1 Year   -4.8%
1 - 3 Years   82.8
3 - 5 Years   18.0
5 - 7 Years   4.0
Distribution by Credit Quality (% of portfolio)
U.S. Government   98.2%
Not Rated   1.8


Credit-quality ratings are obtained from Moody's and S&P, and the higher rating for each issue is shown. "Not Rated" is used to classify securities for which a rating is not available. Not rated securities include a fund's investment in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund or Vanguard Municipal Cash Management Fund, each of which invests in high-quality money market instruments and may serve as a cash management vehicle for the Vanguard funds, trusts, and accounts. For more information about these ratings, see the Glossary entry for Credit Quality.

Investment Focus

1 The expense ratios shown are from the prospectus dated May 27, 2015, and represent estimated costs for the current fiscal year. For the six months ended July 31, 2015, the annualized expense ratios were 0.19% for Investor Shares and 0.09% for Admiral Shares.



Short-Term Treasury Fund

Performance Summary

All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at vanguard.com/performance.) Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

Fiscal-Year Total Returns (%): January 31, 2005, Through July 31, 2015  
        1–5 Year
      Investor Shares Index
Fiscal Year Income Returns Capital Returns Total Returns Total Returns
2006 3.20% -1.34% 1.86% 1.46%
2007 4.30 -0.48 3.82 3.83
2008 4.58 5.26 9.84 10.35
2009 2.70 1.79 4.49 5.84
2010 1.60 0.90 2.50 1.95
2011 1.09 0.83 1.92 2.94
2012 0.68 1.56 2.24 3.38
2013 0.41 -0.02 0.39 0.45
2014 0.36 -0.08 0.28 0.38
2015 0.51 0.50 1.01 1.75
2016 0.33 -0.19 0.14 0.11
Note: For 2016, performance data reflect the six months ended July 31, 2015.    


Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended June 30, 2015

This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period.

Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

            Ten Years
  Inception Date One Year Five Years Income Capital Total
Investor Shares 10/28/1991 0.77% 0.91% 1.83% 0.87% 2.70%
Admiral Shares 2/13/2001 0.87 1.01 1.95 0.87 2.82


See Financial Highlights for dividend and capital gains information.



Short-Term Treasury Fund

Financial Statements (unaudited)

Statement of Net Assets
As of July 31, 2015

The fund reports a complete list of its holdings in regulatory filings four times in each fiscal year, at the quarter-ends. For the second and fourth fiscal quarters, the lists appear in the fund’s semiannual and annual reports to shareholders. For the first and third fiscal quarters, the fund files the lists with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form N-Q. Shareholders can look up the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room (see the back cover of this report for further information).

        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (104.6%)        
U.S. Government Securities (99.6%)        
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.500% 7/31/16 16,000 16,023
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 8/15/16 151,000 151,353
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.500% 8/31/16 48,000 48,060
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 8/31/16 81,000 81,531
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.000% 8/31/16 51,000 52,426
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 9/15/16 77,000 77,385
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.500% 9/30/16 82,000 82,089
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 9/30/16 76,000 76,499
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.000% 9/30/16 54,000 55,595
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 10/15/16 68,000 68,170
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.375% 10/31/16 105,000 104,918
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 10/31/16 47,000 47,323
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 10/31/16 76,000 78,517
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 11/15/16 99,000 99,217
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.625% 11/15/16 63,000 66,347
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 7.500% 11/15/16 20,000 21,788
1 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.500% 11/30/16 150,000 150,070
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 11/30/16 115,000 115,611
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 12/15/16 140,000 140,263
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 12/31/16 165,000 165,310
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 12/31/16 140,000 140,743
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.250% 12/31/16 51,000 52,960
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.750% 1/15/17 125,000 125,430
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.500% 1/31/17 90,000 89,986
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 1/31/17 110,000 110,584
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 2/15/17 176,100 176,320
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.625% 2/15/17 35,000 37,182
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.500% 2/28/17 70,000 69,957
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 2/28/17 86,000 86,444
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.000% 2/28/17 50,000 51,914
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.750% 3/15/17 100,000 100,312
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.500% 3/31/17 97,000 96,894
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 3/31/17 48,000 48,337
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.250% 3/31/17 9,000 9,397
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 4/15/17 80,000 80,375
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.500% 4/30/17 70,000 69,880
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 5/15/17 45,000 45,204




Short-Term Treasury Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.500% 5/15/17 28,000 29,921
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 5/31/17 159,800 159,750
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.750% 5/31/17 46,000 47,761
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 6/15/17 76,000 76,333
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 6/30/17 113,250 113,180
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.750% 6/30/17 76,000 76,154
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.500% 6/30/17 40,000 41,400
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 7/15/17 62,000 62,242
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.375% 7/31/17 61,000 63,040
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 8/15/17 51,000 51,175
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 8/31/17 16,000 15,972
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.875% 8/31/17 71,500 73,220
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 9/15/17 72,000 72,405
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 9/30/17 54,000 53,874
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.875% 9/30/17 60,000 61,453
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 10/15/17 67,000 67,167
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.750% 10/31/17 63,000 62,980
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.875% 10/31/17 25,000 25,613
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 11/15/17 40,000 40,088
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 11/30/17 96,000 95,640
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 12/15/17 91,000 91,440
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.750% 12/31/17 69,000 68,892
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.750% 12/31/17 75,000 78,469
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 1/15/18 55,000 55,060
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 1/31/18 51,000 51,048
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.625% 1/31/18 36,000 37,586
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 2/15/18 105,000 105,394
United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.500% 2/15/18 52,000 55,445
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.750% 2/28/18 80,000 79,750
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.750% 2/28/18 52,000 54,502
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.750% 3/31/18 54,000 53,789
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.875% 3/31/18 25,000 26,305
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.750% 4/15/18 88,500 88,127
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 4/30/18 72,000 71,426
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.625% 4/30/18 26,000 27,207
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 5/31/18 43,000 43,067
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.375% 5/31/18 10,000 10,402
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.125% 6/15/18 127,500 128,098
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 6/30/18 9,817 9,932
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.375% 6/30/18 32,000 33,290
United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 7/15/18 232,000 231,311
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 7/31/18 12,000 12,131
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.250% 7/31/18 7,000 7,259
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.500% 8/31/18 35,000 35,481
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.250% 10/31/18 56,000 56,263
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.750% 10/31/18 9,000 9,191
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.250% 11/30/18 28,000 28,109
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 11/30/18 11,000 11,094
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 12/31/18 13,000 13,093
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.500% 12/31/18 82,000 82,922
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.500% 1/31/19 23,000 23,248
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 2/28/19 18,000 18,107
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.500% 2/28/19 28,000 28,289
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 3/31/19 27,500 27,883
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 4/30/19 26,200 26,556




Short-Term Treasury Fund        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 5/15/19 30,000 32,058
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.125% 5/31/19 14,000 13,930
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.500% 5/31/19 23,600 23,799
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 6/30/19 37,000 37,463
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 7/31/19 13,000 12,773
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 7/31/19 26,000 26,301
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 8/31/19 27,000 26,629
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 8/31/19 19,000 19,217
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 9/30/19 36,000 35,466
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.750% 9/30/19 35,000 35,536
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.250% 10/31/19 14,000 13,930
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 11/30/19 27,000 26,528
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 12/31/19 30,000 30,248
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.250% 1/31/20 30,000 29,733
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 1/31/20 20,000 19,931
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.125% 3/31/20 13,000 12,785
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 3/31/20 77,000 76,639
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 4/30/20 154,000 153,085
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.500% 5/31/20 48,000 47,985
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 6/30/20 82,700 83,088
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 7/31/20 55,000 55,241
Conventional Mortgage-Backed Securities (5.0%)        
2,3,4 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% 9/1/45 219,750 227,441
2,3,4 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% 9/1/45 115,000 122,025
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 7.000% 11/1/15–3/1/16 19 19
2,3 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 6.000% 5/1/18–4/1/28 165 187
2,3 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 7.000% 12/1/15–1/1/16 5 5
Total U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (Cost $7,297,451)   7,321,990
Temporary Cash Investment (1.8%)        


Money Market Fund (1.8%)

5 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund      
(Cost $126,578) 0.152% 126,578,000 126,578


Total Investments (106.4%) (Cost $7,424,029)     7,448,568
  Date Contracts  
Liability for Options Written (0.0%)      
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note      
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.00 8/21/15 115 (102)
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note      
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.00 8/21/15 206 (84)
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note      
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.50 8/21/15 114 (70)
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note      
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.50 8/21/15 33 (8)
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note      
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $126.00 8/21/15 114 (20)




Short-Term Treasury Fund      
  Expiration   Value
  Date Contracts ($000)
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note      
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.50 8/21/15 159 (15)
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note      
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.00 8/21/15 115 (7)
Total Liability for Options Written (Premiums received $291)     (306)
Other Assets and Liabilities (-6.4%)      
Other Assets     429,926
Liabilities     (875,009)
Net Assets (100%)     7,003,179
Statement of Assets and Liabilities      
Investments in Securities, at Value      
Unaffiliated Issuers     7,321,990
Affiliated Vanguard Funds     126,578
Total Investments in Securities     7,448,568
Receivables for Investment Securities Sold     404,175
Receivables for Accrued Income     19,085
Receivables for Capital Shares Issued     3,842
Other Assets     2,824
Total Assets     7,878,494
Payables for Investment Securities Purchased     865,347
Option Contracts Written     306
Other Liabilities     9,662
Total Liabilities     875,315
Net Assets     7,003,179




Short-Term Treasury Fund  
At July 31, 2015, net assets consisted of:  
Paid-in Capital 6,975,245
Undistributed Net Investment Income 22
Accumulated Net Realized Gains 4,606
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)  
Investment Securities 24,539
Futures Contracts (1,218)
Options on Futures Contracts (15)
Net Assets 7,003,179
Investor Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 91,841,908 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 985,263
Net Asset Value Per Share—Investor Shares $10.73
Admiral Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 560,965,018 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 6,017,916
Net Asset Value Per Share—Admiral Shares $10.73


  • See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
  • Securities with a value of $2,601,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open futures contracts.
  • The issuer was placed under federal conservatorship in September 2008; since that time, its daily operations have been managed by the Federal Housing Finance Agency and it receives capital from the U.S. Treasury, as needed to maintain a positive net worth, in exchange for senior preferred stock.
  • The average or expected maturity is shorter than the final maturity shown because of the possibility of interim principal payments and prepayments or the possibility of the issue being called.
  • Includes securities purchased on a when-issued or delayed-delivery basis for which the fund has not taken delivery as of July 31, 2015.
  • Affiliated money market fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown is the 7-day yield.
    See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Short-Term Treasury Fund  
Statement of Operations  
  Six Months Ended
  July 31, 2015
Investment Income  
Interest1 28,812
Total Income 28,812
The Vanguard Group—Note B  
Investment Advisory Services 341
Management and Administrative—Investor Shares 693
Management and Administrative—Admiral Shares 1,783
Marketing and Distribution—Investor Shares 110
Marketing and Distribution—Admiral Shares 499
Custodian Fees 36
Shareholders’ Reports—Investor Shares 87
Shareholders’ Reports—Admiral Shares 40
Trustees’ Fees and Expenses 3
Total Expenses 3,592
Net Investment Income 25,220
Realized Net Gain (Loss)  
Investment Securities Sold 2,395
Futures Contracts 2,399
Options on Futures Contracts 555
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 5,349
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)  
Investment Securities (22,633)
Futures Contracts 1,208
Options on Futures Contracts 841
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (20,584)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 9,985
1 Interest income from an affiliated company of the fund was $30,000.  


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Short-Term Treasury Fund    
Statement of Changes in Net Assets    
  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  July 31, January 31,
  2015 2015
  ($000) ($000)
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    
Net Investment Income 25,220 40,290
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 5,349 6,339
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (20,584) 32,196
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 9,985 78,825
Net Investment Income    
Investor Shares (3,227) (5,632)
Admiral Shares (21,993) (34,658)
Realized Capital Gain1    
Investor Shares (1,321)
Admiral Shares (6,943)
Total Distributions (25,220) (48,554)
Capital Share Transactions    
Investor Shares (56,333) (111,518)
Admiral Shares 115,566 528,979
Net Increase (Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions 59,233 417,461
Total Increase (Decrease) 43,998 447,732
Net Assets    
Beginning of Period 6,959,181 6,511,449
End of Period 7,003,179 6,959,181


1 Includes fiscal 2015 short-term gain distributions totaling $1,283,000. Short-term gain distributions are treated as ordinary income dividends for tax purposes.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Short-Term Treasury Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Investor Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended January 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $10.75 $10.71 $10.73 $10.81 $10.70 $10.81
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .034 .055 .039 .044 .071 .116
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (. 020) . 053 (. 009) (. 002) .167 . 089
Total from Investment Operations .014 .108 .030 .042 . 238 . 205
Dividends from Net Investment Income (. 034) (. 055) (. 039) (. 044) (. 071) (.116)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (. 013) (. 011) (. 078) (. 057) (.199)
Total Distributions (. 034) (. 068) (. 050) (.122) (.128) (. 315)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $10.73 $10.75 $10.71 $10.73 $10.81 $10.70
Total Return1 0.14% 1.01% 0.28% 0.39% 2.24% 1.92%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $985 $1,044 $1,151 $1,448 $1,765 $1,874
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.19% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.22%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 0.65% 0.52% 0.37% 0.41% 0.66% 1.07%
Portfolio Turnover Rate2 201% 87% 80% 176% 302% 124%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

2 Includes 57%, 22%, 0%, 63%, 120%, and 0% attributable to mortgage-dollar-roll activity.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Short-Term Treasury Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Admiral Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended Janurary 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $10.75 $10.71 $10.73 $10.81 $10.70 $10.81
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .040 .066 .050 .055 .082 .129
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (. 020) . 053 (. 009) (. 002) .167 . 089
Total from Investment Operations .020 .119 .041 .053 . 249 . 218
Dividends from Net Investment Income (. 040) (. 066) (. 050) (. 055) (. 082) (.129)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (. 013) (. 011) (. 078) (. 057) (.199)
Total Distributions (. 040) (. 079) (. 061) (.133) (.139) (. 328)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $10.73 $10.75 $10.71 $10.73 $10.81 $10.70
Total Return1 0.18% 1.11% 0.38% 0.49% 2.34% 2.05%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $6,018 $5,915 $5,360 $4,879 $4,779 $4,690
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.09% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 0.75% 0.62% 0.47% 0.51% 0.76% 1.19%
Portfolio Turnover Rate2 201% 87% 80% 176% 302% 124%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

2 Includes 57%, 22%, 0%, 63%, 120%, and 0% attributable to mortgage-dollar-roll activity.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Short-Term Treasury Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Vanguard Short-Term Treasury Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. The fund offers two classes of shares: Investor Shares and Admiral Shares. Investor Shares are available to any investor who meets the fund’s minimum purchase requirements. Admiral Shares are designed for investors who meet certain administrative, service, and account-size criteria.

A. The following significant accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles for U.S. investment companies. The fund consistently follows such policies in preparing its financial statements.

1. Security Valuation: Securities are valued as of the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time) on the valuation date. Bonds, and temporary cash investments acquired over 60 days to maturity, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system (which considers such factors as security prices, yields, maturities, and ratings), both as furnished by independent pricing services. Structured debt securities, including mortgages and asset-backed securities, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system that considers such factors as issuer, tranche, nominal or option-adjusted spreads, weighted average coupon, weighted average maturity, credit enhancements, and collateral. Investments in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund are valued at that fund’s net asset value. Other temporary cash investments are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available, or whose values have been affected by events occurring before the fund’s pricing time but after the close of the securities’ primary markets, are valued by methods deemed by the board of trustees to represent fair value.

2. Futures and Options: The fund uses futures contracts and options on futures contracts to invest in fixed income asset classes with greater efficiency and lower cost than is possible through direct investment, to add value when these instruments are attractively priced, or to adjust sensitivity to changes in interest rates. The primary risks associated with the use of futures contracts are imperfect correlation between changes in market values of bonds held by the fund and the prices of futures contracts, and the possibility of an illiquid market. The primary risk associated with purchasing options is that interest rates move in such a way that the option is out-of-the-money, the position is worthless at expiration, and the fund loses the premium paid. The primary risk associated with writing options is that interest rates move in such a way that the option is in-the-money, the counterparty exercises the option, and the fund loses an amount equal to the market value of the option written less the premium received. Counterparty risk involving futures and exchange-traded options is mitigated because a regulated clearinghouse is the counterparty instead of the clearing broker. To further mitigate counter-party risk, the fund trades futures and options on an exchange, monitors the financial strength of its clearing brokers and clearinghouse, and has entered into clearing agreements with its clearing brokers. The clearinghouse imposes initial margin requirements to secure the fund’s performance and requires daily settlement of variation margin representing changes in the market value of each contract.

Futures contracts are valued at their quoted daily settlement prices. The aggregate settlement values of the contracts are not recorded in the Statement of Net Assets. Fluctuations in the value of the contracts are recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until the contracts are closed, when they are recorded as realized futures gains (losses).

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average investments in long and short futures contracts represented 2% and 3% of net assets, respectively, based on the average of aggregate settlement values at each quarter-end during the period.



Short-Term Treasury Fund

Options on futures contracts are also valued at their quoted daily settlement prices. The premium paid for a purchased option is recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset that is subsequently adjusted daily to the current market value of the option purchased. The premium received for a written option is recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset with an equal liability that is subsequently adjusted daily to the current market value of the option written. Fluctuations in the value of the options are recorded in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until expired, closed, or exercised, at which time realized gains (losses) are recognized.

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average value of options purchased and options written each represented less than 1% of net assets, based on the average market values at each quarter-end during the period.

3. To Be Announced (TBA) Transactions: A TBA transaction is an agreement to buy or sell mortgage-backed securities with agreed-upon characteristics (face amount, coupon, maturity) for settlement at a future date. The fund may be a seller of TBA transactions to reduce its exposure to the mortgage-backed securities market or in order to sell mortgage-backed securities it owns under delayed-delivery arrangements. When the fund is a buyer of TBA transactions, it maintains cash or short-term investments in an amount sufficient to meet the purchase price at the settlement date of the TBA transaction. The primary risk associated with TBA transactions is that a counterparty may default on its obligations. The fund mitigates its counterparty risk by, among other things, performing a credit analysis of counterparties, allocating transactions among numerous counterparties, and monitoring its exposure to each counterparty. The fund may also enter into a Master Securities Forward Transaction Agreement (MSFTA) with certain counterparties and require them to transfer collateral as security for their performance. Under an MSFTA, upon a counterparty default (including bankruptcy), the fund may terminate any TBA transactions with that counterparty, determine the net amount owed by either party in accordance with its master netting arrangements, and sell or retain any collateral held up to the net amount owed to the fund under the master netting arrangements.

At July 31, 2015, counterparties had deposited in segregated accounts securities and cash with a value of $1,954,000 in connection with TBA transactions.

4. Mortgage Dollar Rolls: The fund enters into mortgage-dollar-roll transactions, in which the fund sells mortgage-backed securities to a dealer and simultaneously agrees to purchase similar securities in the future at a predetermined price. The proceeds of the securities sold in mortgage-dollar-roll transactions are typically invested in high-quality short-term fixed income securities. The fund forgoes principal and interest paid on the securities sold, and is compensated by interest earned on the proceeds of the sale and by a lower price on the securities to be repurchased. The fund has also entered into mortgage-dollar-roll transactions in which the fund buys mortgage-backed securities from a dealer pursuant to a TBA transaction and simultaneously agrees to sell similar securities in the future at a predetermined price. The securities bought in mortgage-dollar-roll transactions are used to cover an open TBA sell position. The fund continues to earn interest on mortgage-backed security pools already held and receives a lower price on the securities to be sold in the future. The fund accounts for mortgage-dollar-roll transactions as purchases and sales; as such, these transactions may increase the fund’s portfolio turnover rate. Amounts to be received or paid in connection with open mortgage dollar rolls are included in Receivables for Investment Securities Sold or Payables for Investment Securities Purchased in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.



Short-Term Treasury Fund

5. Federal Income Taxes: The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years (January 31, 2012–2015), and for the period ended July 31, 2015, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the fund’s financial statements.

6. Distributions: Distributions from net investment income are declared daily and paid on the first business day of the following month. Annual distributions from realized capital gains, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

7. Credit Facility: The fund and certain other funds managed by The Vanguard Group participate in a $3 billion committed credit facility provided by a syndicate of lenders pursuant to a credit agreement that may be renewed annually; each fund is individually liable for its borrowings, if any, under the credit facility. Borrowings may be utilized for temporary and emergency purposes, and are subject to the fund’s regulatory and contractual borrowing restrictions. The participating funds are charged administrative fees and an annual commitment fee of 0.06% of the undrawn amount of the facility; these fees are allocated to the funds based on a method approved by the fund’s board of trustees and included in Management and Administrative expenses on the fund’s Statement of Operations. Any borrowings under this facility bear interest at a rate equal to the higher of the federal funds rate or LIBOR reference rate plus an agreed-upon spread.

The fund had no borrowings outstanding at July 31, 2015, or at any time during the period then ended.

8. Other: Interest income includes income distributions received from Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund and is accrued daily. Premiums and discounts on debt securities purchased are amortized and accreted, respectively, to interest income over the lives of the respective securities. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.

Each class of shares has equal rights as to assets and earnings, except that each class separately bears certain class-specific expenses related to maintenance of shareholder accounts (included in Management and Administrative expenses) and shareholder reporting. Marketing and distribution expenses are allocated to each class of shares based on a method approved by the board of trustees. Income, other non-class-specific expenses, and gains and losses on investments are allocated to each class of shares based on its relative net assets.

B. The Vanguard Group furnishes at cost investment advisory, corporate management, administrative, marketing, and distribution services. The costs of such services are allocated to the fund based on methods approved by the board of trustees. The fund has committed to invest up to 0.40% of its net assets in Vanguard. At July 31, 2015, the fund had contributed capital of $615,000 to Vanguard (included in Other Assets), representing 0.01% of the fund’s net assets and 0.25% of Vanguard’s capitalization. The fund’s trustees and officers are also directors and employees, respectively, of Vanguard.

C. Various inputs may be used to determine the value of the fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.



Short-Term Treasury Fund

Level 1—Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.

Level 2—Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).

Level 3—Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments).

The following table summarizes the market value of the fund’s investments as of July 31, 2015, based on the inputs used to value them:

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Investments ($000) ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations 7,321,990
Temporary Cash Investments 126,578
Liability for Options Written (306)
Futures Contracts—Assets1 539
Futures Contracts—Liabilities1 (459)
Total 126,352 7,321,990
1 Represents variation margin on the last day of the reporting period.      


D. At July 31, 2015, the aggregate settlement value of open futures contracts and the related unrealized appreciation (depreciation) were:

    Number of Settlement Unrealized
    Long (Short) Value Appreciation
Futures Contracts Expiration Contracts Long (Short) (Depreciation)
5-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 858 102,826 67
30-Year U.S. Treasury Bond September 2015 (375) (58,477) (808)
2-Year U. S. Treasury Note September 2015 262 57,394 (4)
Ultra Long U.S. Treasury Bond September 2015 (180) (28,716) (460)
10-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 (74) (9,430) (13)


Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on open futures contracts is required to be treated as realized gain (loss) for tax purposes.

E. Capital gain distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ from realized capital gains for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Permanent differences are reclassified among capital accounts in the financial statements to reflect their tax character. Temporary differences arise when gains or losses are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes. These differences will reverse at some time in the future.

The fund’s tax-basis capital gains and losses are determined only at the end of each fiscal year. For tax purposes, at January 31, 2015, the fund had available capital losses totaling $2,928,000 that may be carried forward indefinitely to offset future net capital gains. The fund will use these capital losses



Short-Term Treasury Fund

to offset net taxable capital gains, if any, realized during the year ending January 31, 2016; should the fund realize net capital losses for the year, the losses will be added to the loss carryforward balance above.

At July 31, 2015, the cost of investment securities for tax purposes was $7,424,567,000. Net unrealized appreciation of investment securities for tax purposes was $24,001,000, consisting of unrealized gains of $25,377,000 on securities that had risen in value since their purchase and $1,376,000 in unrealized losses on securities that had fallen in value since their purchase.

F. During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund purchased $7,357,919,000 of investment securities and sold $7,300,517,000 of investment securities, other than U.S. government securities and temporary cash investments.

The following table summarizes the fund’s options written during the six months ended July 31, 2015.

    Number of Received
Options Written     Contracts ($000)
Balance at January 31, 2015     1,860 697
Options Written     6,529 2,437
Options Expired     (2,991) (1,028)
Options Closed     (4,542) (1,815)
Options Exercised    
Balance at July 31, 2015     856 291
G. Capital share transactions for each class of shares were:      
  Six Months Ended   Year Ended
    July 31, 2015 January 31, 2015
  Amount Shares Amount Shares
  ($000) (000) ($000) (000)
Investor Shares        
Issued 108,353 10,113 246,674 23,046
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 2,952 275 6,416 599
Redeemed (167,638) (15,650) (364,608) (34,066)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Investor Shares (56,333) (5,262) (111,518) (10,421)
Admiral Shares        
Issued 815,698 76,139 1,900,156 177,556
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 18,270 1,704 34,796 3,251
Redeemed (718,402) (67,043) (1,405,973) (131,339)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Admiral Shares 115,566 10,800 528,979 49,468


H. Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to July 31, 2015, that would require recognition or disclosure in these financial statements.



Short-Term Federal Fund

Fund Profile
As of July 31, 2015

Share-Class Characteristics    
  Investor Admiral
  Shares Shares
Ticker Symbol VSGBX VSGDX
Expense Ratio1 0.20% 0.10%
30-Day SEC Yield 0.73% 0.83%
Financial Attributes      
    Barclays Barclays
    1–5 Year Aggregate
    Gov’t Bond
  Fund Index Index
Number of Bonds 98 648 9,496
Yield to Maturity      
(before expenses) 1.1% 0.9% 2.4%
Average Coupon 1.7% 1.6% 3.2%
Average Duration 2.3 years 2.6 years 5.6 years
Average Effective      
Maturity 2.7 years 2.7 years 7.8 years
Reserves -4.4%


The fund invested a portion of its cash reserves in equity and fixed income markets through the use of index futures contracts. After the effect of the futures investments, the fund's temporary cash portion was negative.

Sector Diversification (% of portfolio)  
Government Mortgage-Backed 15.0%
Treasury/Agency 85.0


The agency and mortgage-backed securities sectors may include issues from government-sponsored enterprises; such issues are generally not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

Volatility Measures    
  Barclays Barclays
  1–5 Year Aggregate
  Gov’t Bond
  Index Index
R-Squared 0.90 0.79
Beta 0.83 0.29
These measures show the degree and timing of the fund’s
fluctuations compared with the indexes over 36 months.
Distribution by Effective Maturity  
(% of portfolio)    
Under 1 Year   4.0%
1 - 3 Years   62.6
3 - 5 Years   26.7
5 - 7 Years   6.7
Distribution by Credit Quality (% of portfolio)
U.S. Government   95.7%
Not Rated   4.3


Credit-quality ratings are obtained from Moody's and S&P, and the higher rating for each issue is shown. "Not Rated" is used to classify securities for which a rating is not available. Not rated securities include a fund's investment in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund or Vanguard Municipal Cash Management Fund, each of which invests in high-quality money market instruments and may serve as a cash management vehicle for the Vanguard funds, trusts, and accounts. For more information about these ratings, see the Glossary entry for Credit Quality.

Investment Focus

1 The expense ratios shown are from the prospectus dated May 27, 2015, and represent estimated costs for the current fiscal year. For the six months ended July 31, 2015, the annualized expense ratios were 0.19% for Investor Shares and 0.09% for Admiral Shares.



Short-Term Federal Fund

Performance Summary

All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at vanguard.com/performance.) Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

Fiscal-Year Total Returns (%): January 31, 2005, Through July 31, 2015  
        1–5 Year
      Investor Shares Index
Fiscal Year Income Returns Capital Returns Total Returns Total Returns
2006 3.31% -1.35% 1.96% 1.63%
2007 4.19 0.10 4.29 4.04
2008 4.77 4.48 9.25 9.86
2009 3.94 0.84 4.78 5.66
2010 2.39 1.62 4.01 2.56
2011 1.53 0.97 2.50 2.84
2012 1.00 2.09 3.09 3.26
2013 0.56 0.20 0.76 0.51
2014 0.54 -0.32 0.22 0.40
2015 0.62 0.74 1.36 1.75
2016 0.41 -0.22 0.19 0.13
Note: For 2016, performance data reflect the six months ended July 31, 2015.    


Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended June 30, 2015

This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period.

Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

            Ten Years
  Inception Date One Year Five Years Income Capital Total
Investor Shares 12/31/1987 0.88% 1.20% 2.17% 0.91% 3.08%
Admiral Shares 2/12/2001 0.98 1.31 2.27 0.91 3.18


See Financial Highlights for dividend and capital gains information.



Short-Term Federal Fund

Financial Statements (unaudited)

Statement of Net Assets
As of July 31, 2015

The fund reports a complete list of its holdings in regulatory filings four times in each fiscal year, at the quarter-ends. For the second and fourth fiscal quarters, the lists appear in the fund’s semiannual and annual reports to shareholders. For the first and third fiscal quarters, the fund files the lists with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form N-Q. Shareholders can look up the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room (see the back cover of this report for further information).

        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (104.2%)        
U.S. Government Securities (8.0%)        
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 7/31/17 19,900 19,881
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.750% 3/31/18 76,850 76,549
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.750% 4/15/18 1,750 1,743
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 5/31/18 1,000 1,002
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.125% 6/15/18 10,250 10,298
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 7/15/18 43,350 43,221
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 7/31/18 16,000 16,175
1 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.250% 10/31/18 45,000 45,211
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 12/31/18 26,500 26,690
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.500% 3/31/19 2,500 2,525
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 9/30/19 10,500 10,344
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.250% 1/31/20 6,350 6,293
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 3/31/20 700 697
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.125% 4/30/20 41,000 40,270
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 4/30/20 60 60
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 6/30/20 1,400 1,407
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 7/31/20 98,400 98,831
Agency Bonds and Notes (80.6%)        
2 AID-Jordan 2.578% 6/30/22 33,500 33,904
2 AID-Tunisia 2.452% 7/24/21 15,000 15,300
2 AID-Ukraine 1.847% 5/29/20 33,000 33,096
3 Federal Farm Credit Banks 1.110% 2/20/18 14,000 14,057
3 Federal Home Loan Banks 2.000% 9/9/16 8,420 8,559
3 Federal Home Loan Banks 0.500% 9/28/16 149,000 149,003
3 Federal Home Loan Banks 0.625% 11/23/16 144,000 144,173
3 Federal Home Loan Banks 1.625% 12/9/16 15,500 15,723
3 Federal Home Loan Banks 4.750% 12/16/16 21,500 22,729
3 Federal Home Loan Banks 0.875% 3/10/17 8,500 8,530
3 Federal Home Loan Banks 0.625% 5/30/17 23,250 23,217
3 Federal Home Loan Banks 0.750% 8/28/17 110,100 110,004
3,4 Federal Home Loan Banks 1.100% 9/19/17 75,000 75,073
3 Federal Home Loan Banks 1.375% 3/9/18 75,700 76,510
3 Federal Home Loan Banks 1.125% 4/25/18 17,250 17,328
3,4 Federal Home Loan Banks 1.200% 5/24/18 50,000 49,977
3 Federal Home Loan Banks 1.750% 6/12/20 20,000 20,090
5 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 2.000% 8/25/16 21,500 21,848




Short-Term Federal Fund        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
5 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 0.875% 10/14/16 87,000 87,438
5 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 0.500% 1/27/17 135,800 135,634
5 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 0.875% 2/22/17 123,000 123,480
5 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 1.000% 3/8/17 339,500 341,534
4,5 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 0.800% 4/28/17 28,600 28,590
4,5 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 0.875% 6/16/17 40,000 40,047
5 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 0.750% 7/14/17 87,700 87,730
5 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 1.000% 9/29/17 145,250 145,799
5 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 5.125% 11/17/17 50,000 54,783
5 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 0.750% 1/12/18 207,650 206,687
4,5 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 1.250% 1/30/18 50,000 50,096
4,5 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 1.250% 4/20/18 50,000 50,098
4,5 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 1.250% 5/25/18 50,000 50,027
4,5 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 1.400% 5/25/18 75,000 75,047
5 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 1.750% 5/30/19 95,000 96,279
5 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 1.250% 10/2/19 50,000 49,550
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 0.625% 8/26/16 29,650 29,699
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 1.375% 11/15/16 30,000 30,327
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 1.250% 1/30/17 61,500 62,109
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 5.000% 2/13/17 23,500 25,066
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 1.125% 4/27/17 55,150 55,579
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 5.000% 5/11/17 94,500 101,639
4,5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 2.000% 5/16/17 80,000 81,034
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 5.375% 6/12/17 17,800 19,326
4,5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 1.000% 8/14/17 35,000 35,007
4,5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 2.000% 9/26/17 100,000 101,622
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 1.000% 9/27/17 35,750 35,885
4,5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 1.070% 9/27/17 27,000 27,030
4,5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 2.000% 10/17/17 100,000 101,776
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 0.875% 10/26/17 88,000 88,063
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 1.000% 11/28/17 20,500 20,547
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 0.875% 12/20/17 31,000 30,973
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 0.875% 2/8/18 25,100 25,074
4,5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 1.050% 4/13/18 50,000 49,996
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 1.125% 7/20/18 194,000 194,326
4,5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 1.350% 8/13/18 70,000 70,020
4,5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 1.250% 9/27/18 10,000 10,038
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 1.875% 2/19/19 63,000 64,257
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 1.750% 6/20/19 94,000 95,176
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 1.750% 9/12/19 30,750 31,112
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 0.000% 10/9/19 130,000 119,548
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 1.750% 11/26/19 35,500 35,864
5 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 1.625% 1/21/20 37,500 37,615
Conventional Mortgage-Backed Securities (15.6%)        
4,5 Fannie Mae Pool 2.000% 10/1/27–7/1/28 10,797 10,688
4,5,6 Fannie Mae Pool 2.500% 12/1/27–8/1/30 88,214 89,597
4,5,6 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% 12/1/20–8/1/30 91,697 95,302
4,5,6 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% 8/1/20–9/1/45 223,070 232,325
4,5,6 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% 6/1/18–9/1/45 116,650 123,749
4,5 Fannie Mae Pool 4.500% 1/1/18–10/1/25 14,428 15,067
4,5 Fannie Mae Pool 5.000% 8/1/15–6/1/25 11,470 12,008
4,5 Fannie Mae Pool 5.500% 3/1/16–1/1/25 6,098 6,366
4,5 Fannie Mae Pool 6.000% 4/1/17–5/1/24 527 550
4,5 Fannie Mae Pool 6.500% 8/1/16–9/1/16 509 521




Short-Term Federal Fund        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4,5 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.000% 9/1/28–6/1/30 10,374 10,247
4,5,6 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 2.500% 6/1/22–8/1/30 62,968 63,891
4,5,6 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 11/1/29–8/1/30 52,397 54,403
4,5 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 3/1/21–8/1/29 26,694 28,248
4,5 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.000% 6/1/18–1/1/29 20,081 21,187
4,5 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 4.500% 5/1/18–9/1/26 11,404 11,997
4,5 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 5.000% 6/1/17–6/1/25 5,797 6,089
4,5 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 5.500% 1/1/16–9/1/21 150 157
4,5 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 6.000% 10/1/18 56 57
Total U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (Cost $5,212,610)   5,224,294
Temporary Cash Investment (4.3%)        
Money Market Fund (4.3%)        
7 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund        
  (Cost $214,739) 0.152%   214,738,727 214,739
Total Investments (108.5%) (Cost $5,427,349)       5,439,033
      Date Contracts  
Liabilities for Options Written (0.0%)        
  Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
  Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.00   8/21/15 83 (74)
  Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
  Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.50   8/21/15 83 (51)
  Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
  Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.00   8/21/15 149 (60)
  Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
  Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.50   8/21/15 24 (6)
  Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
  Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.00   8/21/15 83 (5)
  Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
  Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.50   8/21/15 116 (11)
  Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
  Futures Contracts, Strike Price $126.00   8/21/15 83 (14)
Total Liability for Options Written (Premium received $211)     (221)
Other Assets and Liabilities (-8.5%)        
Other Assets       508,536
Liabilities       (934,082)
Net Assets (100%)       5,013,266




Short-Term Federal Fund  
Statement of Assets and Liabilities  
Investments in Securities, at Value  
Unaffiliated Issuers 5,224,294
Affiliated Vanguard Funds 214,739
Total Investments in Securities 5,439,033
Receivables for Investment Securities Sold 486,727
Other Assets 21,809
Total Assets 5,947,569
Payables for Investment Securities Purchased 921,368
Option Contacts Written 221
Other Liabilities 12,714
Total Liabilities 934,303
Net Assets 5,013,266
At July 31, 2015, net assets consisted of:  
Paid-in Capital 4,997,577
Overdistributed Net Investment Income (50)
Accumulated Net Realized Gains 5,118
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)  
Investment Securities 11,684
Futures Contracts (1,053)
Options on Futures Contracts (10)
Net Assets 5,013,266
Investor Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 78,566,948 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 847,356
Net Asset Value Per Share—Investor Shares $10.79




Short-Term Federal Fund  
Admiral Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 386,263,146 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 4,165,910
Net Asset Value Per Share—Admiral Shares $10.79


  • See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
  • Securities with a value of $2,210,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open futures contracts.
  • U.S. government-guaranteed.
  • The issuer operates under a congressional charter; its securities are generally neither guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury nor backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.
  • The average or expected maturity is shorter than the final maturity shown because of the possibility of interim principal payments and prepayments or the possibility of the issue being called.
  • The issuer was placed under federal conservatorship in September 2008; since that time, its daily operations have been managed by the Federal Housing Finance Agency and it receives capital from the U.S. Treasury, as needed to maintain a positive net worth, in exchange for senior preferred stock.
  • Includes securities purchased on a when-issued or delayed-delivery basis for which the fund has not taken delivery as of July 31, 2015.
  • Affiliated money market fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown is the 7-day yield.
    See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Short-Term Federal Fund  
Statement of Operations  
  Six Months Ended
  July 31, 2015
Investment Income  
Interest1 25,486
Total Income 25,486
The Vanguard Group—Note B  
Investment Advisory Services 247
Management and Administrative—Investor Shares 666
Management and Administrative—Admiral Shares 1,256
Marketing and Distribution—Investor Shares 103
Marketing and Distribution—Admiral Shares 351
Custodian Fees 35
Shareholders’ Reports—Investor Shares 16
Shareholders’ Reports—Admiral Shares 9
Trustees’ Fees and Expenses 2
Total Expenses 2,685
Net Investment Income 22,801
Realized Net Gain (Loss)  
Investment Securities Sold 3,457
Futures Contracts (746)
Options on Futures Contracts 136
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 2,847
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)  
Investment Securities (17,531)
Futures Contracts 997
Options on Futures Contracts 611
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (15,923)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 9,725
1 Interest income from an affiliated company of the fund was $173,000.  


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Short-Term Federal Fund    
Statement of Changes in Net Assets    
  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  July 31, January 31,
  2015 2015
  ($000) ($000)
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    
Net Investment Income 22,801 35,818
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 2,847 15,337
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (15,923) 24,561
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 9,725 75,716
Net Investment Income    
Investor Shares (3,661) (5,942)
Admiral Shares (19,162) (29,965)
Realized Capital Gain1    
Investor Shares (534)
Admiral Shares (2,437)
Total Distributions (25,794) (35,907)
Capital Share Transactions    
Investor Shares (73,173) (135,245)
Admiral Shares 56,960 (115,103)
Net Increase (Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions (16,213) (250,348)
Total Increase (Decrease) (32,282) (210,539)
Net Assets    
Beginning of Period 5,045,548 5,256,087
End of Period2 5,013,266 5,045,548


1 Includes fiscal 2016 short-term gain distributions totaling $2,972,000. Short-term gain distributions are treated as ordinary income dividends for tax purposes.

2 Net Assets—End of Period includes undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income of ($50,000) and ($89,000).

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Short-Term Federal Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Investor Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended January 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $10.82 $10.74 $10.78 $10.89 $10.77 $10.81
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .045 .066 .058 .061 .106 .163
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (.024) .080 (.034) .022 .225 .104
Total from Investment Operations .021 .146 .024 .083 . 331 . 267
Dividends from Net Investment Income (. 045) (. 066) (. 058) (. 061) (.106) (.163)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (. 006) (. 006) (.132) (.105) (.144)
Total Distributions (. 051) (. 066) (. 064) (.193) (. 211) (. 307)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $10.79 $10.82 $10.74 $10.78 $10.89 $10.77
Total Return1 0.19% 1.36% 0.22% 0.76% 3.09% 2.50%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $847 $924 $1,051 $1,884 $2,282 $2,465
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.19% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.22%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 0.83% 0.61% 0.54% 0.56% 0.97% 1.49%
Portfolio Turnover Rate2 357% 361% 418% 436% 411% 211%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

2 Includes 113%, 99%, 87%, 139%, 149%, and 16% attributable to mortgage-dollar-roll activity.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Short-Term Federal Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Admiral Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended Janurary 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $10.82 $10.74 $10.78 $10.89 $10.77 $10.81
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .050 .077 .069 .071 .117 .176
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (.024) .080 (.034) .022 .225 .104
Total from Investment Operations .026 .157 .035 .093 . 342 . 280
Dividends from Net Investment Income (. 050) (. 077) (. 069) (. 071) (.117) (.176)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (. 006) (. 006) (.132) (.105) (.144)
Total Distributions (. 056) (. 077) (. 075) (. 203) (. 222) (. 320)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $10.79 $10.82 $10.74 $10.78 $10.89 $10.77
Total Return1 0.24% 1.47% 0.33% 0.86% 3.20% 2.62%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $4,166 $4,122 $4,205 $3,792 $3,481 $3,419
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.09% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 0.93% 0.71% 0.64% 0.66% 1.07% 1.61%
Portfolio Turnover Rate2 357% 361% 418% 436% 411% 211%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

2 Includes 113%, 99%, 87%, 139%, 149%, and 16% attributable to mortgage-dollar-roll activity.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Short-Term Federal Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Vanguard Short-Term Federal Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. The fund offers two classes of shares: Investor Shares and Admiral Shares. Investor Shares are available to any investor who meets the fund’s minimum purchase requirements. Admiral Shares are designed for investors who meet certain administrative, service, and account-size criteria.

A. The following significant accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles for U.S. investment companies. The fund consistently follows such policies in preparing its financial statements.

1. Security Valuation: Securities are valued as of the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time) on the valuation date. Bonds, and temporary cash investments acquired over 60 days to maturity, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system (which considers such factors as security prices, yields, maturities, and ratings), both as furnished by independent pricing services. Structured debt securities, including mortgages and asset-backed securities, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system that considers such factors as issuer, tranche, nominal or option-adjusted spreads, weighted average coupon, weighted average maturity, credit enhancements, and collateral. Investments in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund are valued at that fund’s net asset value. Other temporary cash investments are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available, or whose values have been affected by events occurring before the fund’s pricing time but after the close of the securities’ primary markets, are valued by methods deemed by the board of trustees to represent fair value.

2. Futures and Options: The fund uses futures contracts and options on futures contracts to invest in fixed income asset classes with greater efficiency and lower cost than is possible through direct investment, to add value when these instruments are attractively priced, or to adjust sensitivity to changes in interest rates. The primary risks associated with the use of futures contracts are imperfect correlation between changes in market values of bonds held by the fund and the prices of futures contracts, and the possibility of an illiquid market. The primary risk associated with purchasing options is that interest rates move in such a way that the option is out-of-the-money, the position is worthless at expiration, and the fund loses the premium paid. The primary risk associated with writing options is that interest rates move in such a way that the option is in-the-money, the counterparty exercises the option, and the fund loses an amount equal to the market value of the option written less the premium received. Counterparty risk involving futures and exchange-traded options is mitigated because a regulated clearinghouse is the counterparty instead of the clearing broker. To further mitigate counter-party risk, the fund trades futures and options on an exchange, monitors the financial strength of its clearing brokers and clearinghouse, and has entered into clearing agreements with its clearing brokers. The clearinghouse imposes initial margin requirements to secure the fund’s performance and requires daily settlement of variation margin representing changes in the market value of each contract.

Futures contracts are valued at their quoted daily settlement prices. The aggregate settlement values of the contracts are not recorded in the Statement of Net Assets. Fluctuations in the value of the contracts are recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until the contracts are closed, when they are recorded as realized futures gains (losses).

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average investments in long and short futures contracts represented 2% and 4% of net assets, respectively, based on the average of aggregate settlement values at each quarter-end during the period.



Short-Term Federal Fund

Options on futures contracts are also valued at their quoted daily settlement prices. The premium paid for a purchased option is recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset that is subsequently adjusted daily to the current market value of the option purchased. The premium received for a written option is recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset with an equal liability that is subsequently adjusted daily to the current market value of the option written. Fluctuations in the value of the options are recorded in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until expired, closed, or exercised, at which time realized gains (losses) are recognized.

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average value of options purchased and options written each represented less than 1% of net assets, respectively, based on the average market values at each quarter-end during the period.

3. To Be Announced (TBA) Transactions: A TBA transaction is an agreement to buy or sell mortgage-backed securities with agreed-upon characteristics (face amount, coupon, maturity) for settlement at a future date. The fund may be a seller of TBA transactions to reduce its exposure to the mortgage-backed securities market or in order to sell mortgage-backed securities it owns under delayed-delivery arrangements. When the fund is a buyer of TBA transactions, it maintains cash or short-term investments in an amount sufficient to meet the purchase price at the settlement date of the TBA transaction. The primary risk associated with TBA transactions is that a counterparty may default on its obligations. The fund mitigates its counterparty risk by, among other things, performing a credit analysis of counterparties, allocating transactions among numerous counterparties, and monitoring its exposure to each counterparty. The fund may also enter into a Master Securities Forward Transaction Agreement (MSFTA) with certain counterparties and require them to transfer collateral as security for their performance. Under an MSFTA, upon a counterparty default (including bankruptcy), the fund may terminate any TBA transactions with that counterparty, determine the net amount owed by either party in accordance with its master netting arrangements, and sell or retain any collateral held up to the net amount owed to the fund under the master netting arrangements.

At July 31, 2015, counterparties had deposited in segregated accounts securities and cash with a value of $2,007,000 in connection with TBA transactions.

4. Mortgage Dollar Rolls: The fund enters into mortgage-dollar-roll transactions, in which the fund sells mortgage-backed securities to a dealer and simultaneously agrees to purchase similar securities in the future at a predetermined price. The proceeds of the securities sold in mortgage-dollar-roll transactions are typically invested in high-quality short-term fixed income securities. The fund forgoes principal and interest paid on the securities sold, and is compensated by interest earned on the proceeds of the sale and by a lower price on the securities to be repurchased. The fund has also entered into mortgage-dollar-roll transactions in which the fund buys mortgage-backed securities from a dealer pursuant to a TBA transaction and simultaneously agrees to sell similar securities in the future at a predetermined price. The securities bought in mortgage-dollar-roll transactions are used to cover an open TBA sell position. The fund continues to earn interest on mortgage-backed security pools already held and receives a lower price on the securities to be sold in the future. The fund accounts for mortgage-dollar-roll transactions as purchases and sales; as such, these transactions may increase the fund’s portfolio turnover rate. Amounts to be received or paid in connection with open mortgage dollar rolls are included in Receivables for Investment Securities Sold or Payables for Investment Securities Purchased in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

5. Federal Income Taxes: The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years (January 31, 2012–2015), and for the period ended July 31, 2015, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the fund’s financial statements.



Short-Term Federal Fund

6. Distributions: Distributions from net investment income are declared daily and paid on the first business day of the following month. Annual distributions from realized capital gains, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

7. Credit Facility: The fund and certain other funds managed by The Vanguard Group participate in a $3 billion committed credit facility provided by a syndicate of lenders pursuant to a credit agreement that may be renewed annually; each fund is individually liable for its borrowings, if any, under the credit facility. Borrowings may be utilized for temporary and emergency purposes, and are subject to the fund’s regulatory and contractual borrowing restrictions. The participating funds are charged administrative fees and an annual commitment fee of 0.06% of the undrawn amount of the facility; these fees are allocated to the funds based on a method approved by the fund’s board of trustees and included in Management and Administrative expenses on the fund’s Statement of Operations. Any borrowings under this facility bear interest at a rate equal to the higher of the federal funds rate or LIBOR reference rate plus an agreed-upon spread.

The fund had no borrowings outstanding at July 31, 2015, or at any time during the period then ended.

8. Other: Interest income includes income distributions received from Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund and is accrued daily. Premiums and discounts on debt securities purchased are amortized and accreted, respectively, to interest income over the lives of the respective securities. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.

Each class of shares has equal rights as to assets and earnings, except that each class separately bears certain class-specific expenses related to maintenance of shareholder accounts (included in Management and Administrative expenses) and shareholder reporting. Marketing and distribution expenses are allocated to each class of shares based on a method approved by the board of trustees. Income, other non-class-specific expenses, and gains and losses on investments are allocated to each class of shares based on its relative net assets.

B. The Vanguard Group furnishes at cost investment advisory, corporate management, administrative, marketing, and distribution services. The costs of such services are allocated to the fund based on methods approved by the board of trustees. The fund has committed to invest up to 0.40% of its net assets in Vanguard. At July 31, 2015, the fund had contributed capital of $448,000 to Vanguard (included in Other Assets), representing 0.01% of the fund’s net assets and 0.18% of Vanguard’s capitalization. The fund’s trustees and officers are also directors and employees, respectively, of Vanguard.

C. Various inputs may be used to determine the value of the fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

Level 1—Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.

Level 2—Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).

Level 3—Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments).



Short-Term Federal Fund

The following table summarizes the market value of the fund’s investments as of July 31, 2015, based on the inputs used to value them:

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Investments ($000) ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations 5,224,294
Temporary Cash Investments 214,739
Futures Contracts—Assets1 1,015
Futures Contracts—Liabilities1 (1,139)
Liability for Options Written (221)
Total 214,394 5,224,294
1 Represents variation margin on the last day of the reporting period.      


D. At July 31, 2015, the aggregate settlement value of open futures contracts and the related unrealized appreciation (depreciation) were:

    Number of Settlement Unrealized
    Long (Short) Value Appreciation
Futures Contracts Expiration Contracts Long (Short) (Depreciation)
2-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 (380) (83,244) (110)
5-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 607 72,745 32
10-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 (431) (54,926) (182)
30-Year U.S. Treasury Bond September 2015 (310) (48,341) (640)
Ultra Long Treasury Bond September 2015 (33) (5,265) (153)


Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on open futures contracts is required to be treated as realized gain (loss) for tax purposes.

E. Capital gain distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ from realized capital gains for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Permanent differences are reclassified among capital accounts in the financial statements to reflect their tax character. Temporary differences arise when gains or losses are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes. These differences will reverse at some time in the future. The fund’s tax-basis capital gains and losses are determined only at the end of each fiscal year.

At July 31, 2015, the cost of investment securities for tax purposes was $5,427,367,000. Net unrealized appreciation of investment securities for tax purposes was $11,666,000, consisting of unrealized gains of $14,736,000 on securities that had risen in value since their purchase and $3,070,000 in unrealized losses on securities that had fallen in value since their purchase.



Short-Term Federal Fund

F. During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund purchased $8,160,908,000 of investment securities and sold $8,312,084,000 of investment securities, other than temporary cash investments.

G. The following table summarizes the fund’s options written during the six months ended July 31, 2015.

    Number of Received
Options Written     Contracts ($000)
Balance at January 31, 2015     1,345 503
Options Written     4,470 1,539
Options Expired     (2,671) (902)
Options Closed     (2,523) (929)
Options Exercised    
Balance at July 31, 2015     621 211
H. Capital share transactions for each class of shares were:      
  Six Months Ended   Year Ended
    July 31, 2015 January 31, 2015
  Amount Shares Amount Shares
  ($000) (000) ($000) (000)
Investor Shares        
Issued 77,886 7,223 174,390 16,219
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 3,848 357 5,384 500
Redeemed (154,907) (14,371) (315,019) (29,298)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Investor Shares (73,173) (6,791) (135,245) (12,579)
Admiral Shares        
Issued 541,920 50,267 1,149,586 106,916
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 18,989 1,760 26,358 2,449
Redeemed (503,949) (46,752) (1,291,047) (120,040)
Net Increase (Decrease) —Admiral Shares 56,960 5,275 (115,103) (10,675)


I. Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to July 31, 2015, that would require recognition or disclosure in these financial statements.



Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund

Fund Profile    
As of July 31, 2015      
Share-Class Characteristics    
  Investor Admiral
  Shares Shares
Ticker Symbol VFITX VFIUX
Expense Ratio1 0.20% 0.10%
30-Day SEC Yield 1.53% 1.63%
Financial Attributes      
    Barclays Barclays
    5–10 Year Aggregate
    Treasury Bond
  Fund Index Index
Number of Bonds 91 55 9,496
Yield to Maturity      
(before expenses) 1.7% 1.9% 2.4%
Average Coupon 2.0% 2.4% 3.2%
Average Duration 5.3 years 6.5 years 5.6 years
Average Effective      
Maturity 5.9 years 7.0 years 7.8 years
Reserves -4.0%


The fund invested a portion of its cash reserves in equity and fixed income markets through the use of index futures contracts. After the effect of the futures investments, the fund's temporary cash portion was negative.

Sector Diversification (% of portfolio)  
Government Mortgage-Backed 4.6%
Treasury/Agency 95.4


The agency and mortgage-backed securities sectors may include issues from government-sponsored enterprises; such issues are generally not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

Volatility Measures    
  Barclays Barclays
  5–10 Year Aggregate
  Treasury Bond
  Index Index
R-Squared 0.98 0.89
Beta 0.77 1.12


These measures show the degree and timing of the fund’s  
fluctuations compared with the indexes over 36 months.  
Distribution by Effective Maturity  
(% of portfolio)  
Under 1 Year -4.4%
1 - 3 Years 0.3
3 - 5 Years 48.7
5 - 7 Years 33.7
7 - 10 Years 21.7


Distribution by Credit Quality (% of portfolio)

U.S. Government 98.7%
Not Rated 1.3


Credit-quality ratings are obtained from Moody's and S&P, and the higher rating for each issue is shown. "Not Rated" is used to classify securities for which a rating is not available. Not rated securities include a fund's investment in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund or Vanguard Municipal Cash Management Fund, each of which invests in high-quality money market instruments and may serve as a cash management vehicle for the Vanguard funds, trusts, and accounts. For more information about these ratings, see the Glossary entry for Credit Quality.

Investment Focus

1 The expense ratios shown are from the prospectus dated May 27, 2015, and represent estimated costs for the current fiscal year. For the six months ended July 31, 2015, the annualized expense ratios were 0.19% for Investor Shares and 0.09% for Admiral Shares.



Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund

Performance Summary

All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at vanguard.com/performance.) Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

Fiscal-Year Total Returns (%): January 31, 2005, Through July 31, 2015  
        5–10 Year
      Investor Shares Index
Fiscal Year Income Returns Capital Returns Total Returns Total Returns
2006 4.55% -3.14% 1.41% 1.05%
2007 4.69 -1.47 3.22 3.04
2008 4.98 8.70 13.68 14.13
2009 3.88 3.41 7.29 9.48
2010 3.10 -0.39 2.71 0.47
2011 2.70 2.89 5.59 6.69
2012 2.11 8.25 10.36 13.95
2013 1.34 -0.24 1.10 1.46
2014 1.47 -2.21 -0.74 -1.47
2015 1.74 3.64 5.38 7.66
2016 0.80 -1.87 -1.07 -1.66
Note: For 2016, performance data reflect the six months ended July 31, 2015.    


Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended June 30, 2015

This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period.

Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

            Ten Years
  Inception Date One Year Five Years Income Capital Total
Investor Shares 10/28/1991 2.36% 2.92% 2.91% 1.60% 4.51%
Admiral Shares 2/12/2001 2.46 3.02 3.04 1.60 4.64


See Financial Highlights for dividend and capital gains information.



Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund

Financial Statements (unaudited)

Statement of Net Assets
As of July 31, 2015

The fund reports a complete list of its holdings in regulatory filings four times in each fiscal year, at the quarter-ends. For the second and fourth fiscal quarters, the lists appear in the fund’s semiannual and annual reports to shareholders. For the first and third fiscal quarters, the fund files the lists with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form N-Q. Shareholders can look up the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room (see the back cover of this report for further information).

        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (104.1%)        
U.S. Government Securities (99.3%)        
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 7/31/17 20,000 19,981
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 9/30/18 8,000 8,075
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.250% 10/31/18 60,000 60,281
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 11/30/18 13,000 13,112
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 12/31/18 10,000 10,072
1 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.500% 12/31/18 133,000 134,496
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.250% 1/31/19 91,000 91,199
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.500% 1/31/19 77,000 77,830
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.750% 2/15/19 40,000 42,150
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 2/28/19 15,000 15,089
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.500% 2/28/19 91,000 91,938
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.500% 3/31/19 78,000 78,780
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 3/31/19 49,000 49,682
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 4/30/19 75,000 76,019
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.125% 5/31/19 78,000 77,610
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.500% 5/31/19 54,000 54,456
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 6/30/19 75,000 75,937
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 7/31/19 118,000 115,935
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 7/31/19 55,000 55,636
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.625% 8/15/19 18,000 19,620
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 8/31/19 72,000 71,010
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 8/31/19 7,000 7,080
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 9/30/19 157,000 154,670
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.750% 9/30/19 105,000 106,608
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.250% 10/31/19 17,000 16,915
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.500% 10/31/19 68,000 68,308
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.375% 11/15/19 56,000 60,585
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 11/30/19 40,000 39,300
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.500% 11/30/19 87,000 87,381
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.125% 12/31/19 111,000 109,544
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 12/31/19 53,000 53,439
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.250% 1/31/20 125,000 123,886
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 1/31/20 43,000 42,852
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.625% 2/15/20 56,000 61,311
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.250% 2/29/20 81,000 80,215
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 2/29/20 55,000 54,803




Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.125% 3/31/20 101,000 99,327
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 3/31/20 109,000 108,489
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.125% 4/30/20 43,000 42,234
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 4/30/20 12,000 11,929
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 5/31/20 8,000 7,942
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.500% 5/31/20 64,000 63,980
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 6/30/20 60,850 61,135
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.875% 6/30/20 6,000 6,096
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 7/31/20 52,000 52,228
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.000% 7/31/20 13,000 13,274
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.625% 8/15/20 70,500 74,058
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 8/31/20 48,000 49,275
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.000% 9/30/20 13,500 13,766
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.750% 10/31/20 80,000 80,500
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.625% 11/15/20 219,000 229,814
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.000% 11/30/20 12,500 12,727
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 1/31/21 32,000 32,730
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.000% 2/28/21 41,300 41,952
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.250% 3/31/21 16,000 16,455
United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 5/15/21 15,000 16,139
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.000% 5/31/21 48,000 48,675
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 6/30/21 39,000 39,786
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.250% 7/31/21 50,000 51,320
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 8/15/21 122,500 124,816
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.000% 8/31/21 4,000 4,046
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 9/30/21 39,500 40,228
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.000% 10/31/21 51,000 51,526
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.000% 11/15/21 97,000 97,954
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.875% 11/30/21 55,000 55,120
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 12/31/21 67,500 68,618
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.500% 1/31/22 65,000 63,537
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.000% 2/15/22 65,000 65,569
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.750% 2/28/22 14,000 13,891
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.750% 3/31/22 38,000 37,668
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.750% 4/30/22 90,000 89,156
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.750% 5/15/22 59,000 58,401
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.875% 5/31/22 63,000 62,892
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 6/30/22 138,000 139,875
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.000% 7/31/22 65,000 65,325
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 8/15/22 41,000 40,155
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 11/15/22 62,000 60,527
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.000% 2/15/23 101,000 100,969
United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.750% 5/15/23 100,100 97,973
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.500% 8/15/23 70,400 72,710
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.750% 11/15/23 52,500 55,224
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.750% 2/15/24 102,000 107,100
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.500% 5/15/24 117,000 120,437
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.375% 8/15/24 120,500 122,646
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.250% 11/15/24 112,500 113,238
United States Treasury Note/Bond 7.500% 11/15/24 5,000 7,281
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.000% 2/15/25 142,500 140,229
United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 5/15/25 135,100 134,361




Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Conventional Mortgage-Backed Securities (4.8%)        
2,3,4 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% 9/1/45 175,500 181,643
2,3,4 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% 9/1/45 90,000 95,498
2,3 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 7.000% 12/1/15–3/1/16 7 7
Total U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (Cost $5,899,213)   5,968,256
Temporary Cash Investment (1.2%)        
Money Market Fund (1.2%)        
5 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund        
(Cost $71,687) 0.152%   71,686,833 71,687
Total Investments (105.3%) (Cost $5,970,900)       6,039,943
    Date Contracts  
Liability for Options Written (0.0%)        
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.00   8/21/15 94 (84)
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.00   8/21/15 170 (69)
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.50   8/21/15 94 (57)
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.50   8/21/15 27 (7)
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $126.00   8/21/15 94 (16)
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.50   8/21/15 131 (12)
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.00   8/21/15 94 (6)
Total Liability for Options Written (Premiums received $239)     (251)
Other Assets and Liabilities (-5.3%)        
Other Assets       451,696
Other Liabilities       (757,854)
Net Assets (100%)       5,733,534




Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund  
Statement of Assets and Liabilities  
Investments in Securities, at Value  
Unaffiliated Issuers 5,968,256
Affiliated Vanguard Funds 71,687
Total Investments in Securities 6,039,943
Receivables for Investment Securities Sold 421,082
Receivables for Accrued Income 25,945
Other Assets 4,669
Total Assets 6,491,639
Payables for Investment Securities Purchased 746,310
Option Contracts Written 251
Other Liabilities 11,544
Total Liabilities 758,105
Net Assets 5,733,534
At July 31, 2015, net assets consisted of:  
Paid-in Capital 5,633,501
Undistributed Net Investment Income 12
Accumulated Net Realized Gains 32,117
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)  
Investment Securities 69,043
Futures Contracts (1,127)
Options on Futures Contracts (12)
Net Assets 5,733,534
Investor Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 113,082,743 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 1,292,911
Net Asset Value Per Share—Investor Shares $11.43
Admiral Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 388,392,094 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 4,440,623
Net Asset Value Per Share—Admiral Shares $11.43


  • See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
  • Securities with a value of $1,416,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open futures contracts.
  • The issuer was placed under federal conservatorship in September 2008; since that time, its daily operations have been managed by the Federal Housing Finance Agency and it receives capital from the U.S. Treasury, as needed to maintain a positive net worth, in exchange for senior preferred stock.
  • The average or expected maturity is shorter than the final maturity shown because of the possibility of interim principal payments and prepayments or the possibility of the issue being called.
  • Includes securities purchased on a when-issued or delayed-delivery basis for which the fund has not taken delivery as of July 31, 2015.
  • Affiliated money market fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown is the 7-day yield.
    See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund  
Statement of Operations  
  Six Months Ended
  July 31, 2015
Investment Income  
Interest1 51,785
Total Income 51,785
The Vanguard Group—Note B  
Investment Advisory Services 278
Management and Administrative—Investor Shares 1,022
Management and Administrative—Admiral Shares 1,341
Marketing and Distribution—Investor Shares 139
Marketing and Distribution—Admiral Shares 334
Custodian Fees 31
Shareholders’ Reports—Investor Shares 24
Shareholders’ Reports—Admiral Shares 17
Trustees’ Fees and Expenses 2
Total Expenses 3,188
Net Investment Income 48,597
Realized Net Gain (Loss)  
Investment Securities Sold 38,919
Futures Contracts 744
Options on Futures Contracts 460
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 40,123
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)  
Investment Securities (143,904)
Futures Contracts 734
Options on Futures Contracts 676
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (142,494)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations (53,774)
1 Interest income from an affiliated company of the fund was $22,000.  


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund    
Statement of Changes in Net Assets    
  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  July 31, January 31,
  2015 2015
  ($000) ($000)
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    
Net Investment Income 48,597 90,601
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 40,123 7,077
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (142,494) 187,116
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations (53,774) 284,794
Net Investment Income    
Investor Shares (10,988) (23,088)
Admiral Shares (37,609) (67,513)
Realized Capital Gain1    
Investor Shares (1,395) (5,008)
Admiral Shares (4,386) (13,410)
Total Distributions (54,378) (109,019)
Capital Share Transactions    
Investor Shares (70,877) (121,904)
Admiral Shares 234,468 535,647
Net Increase (Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions 163,591 413,743
Total Increase (Decrease) 55,439 589,518
Net Assets    
Beginning of Period 5,678,095 5,088,577
End of Period2 5,733,534 5,678,095


1 Includes fiscal 2016 and 2015 short-term gain distributions totaling $3,706,000 and $0, respectively. Short-term gain distributions are treated as ordinary income dividends for tax purposes.

2 Net Assets—End of Period includes undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income of $12,000 and $0.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Investor Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended January 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $11.66 $11.29 $11.60 $11.78 $11.34 $11.28
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .094 .188 .170 .156 .226 .299
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (.218) .410 (.256) (.028) .931 .323
Total from Investment Operations (.124) .598 (.086) .128 1.157 .622
Dividends from Net Investment Income (. 094) (.188) (.170) (.156) (. 226) (. 299)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (. 012) (. 040) (. 054) (.152) (. 491) (. 263)
Total Distributions (.106) (. 228) (. 224) (. 308) (.717) (. 562)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $11.43 $11.66 $11.29 $11.60 $11.78 $11.34
Total Return1 -1.07% 5.38% -0.74% 1.10% 10.36% 5.59%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $1,293 $1,391 $1,469 $1,902 $2,385 $2,259
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.19% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.22%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 1.66% 1.66% 1.48% 1.33% 1.92% 2.58%
Portfolio Turnover Rate2 156% 63% 42% 117% 273% 80%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

2 Includes 55%, 22%, 0%, 64%, 119%, and 0% attributable to mortgage-dollar-roll activity.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Admiral Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended Janurary 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $11.66 $11.29 $11.60 $11.78 $11.34 $11.28
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .100 .199 .181 .168 .237 .313
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (.218) .410 (.256) (.028) .931 .323
Total from Investment Operations (.118) .609 (.075) .140 1.168 .636
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.100) (.199) (.181) (.168) (. 237) (. 313)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (. 012) (. 040) (. 054) (.152) (. 491) (. 263)
Total Distributions (.112) (. 239) (. 235) (. 320) (.728) (. 576)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $11.43 $11.66 $11.29 $11.60 $11.78 $11.34
Total Return1 -1.02% 5.48% -0.64% 1.20% 10.47% 5.72%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $4,441 $4,287 $3,619 $4,112 $4,115 $4,101
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.09% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 1.76% 1.76% 1.58% 1.43% 2.02% 2.70%
Portfolio Turnover Rate2 156% 63% 42% 117% 273% 80%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

2 Includes 55%, 22%, 0%, 64%, 119%, and 0% attributable to mortgage-dollar-roll activity.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Vanguard Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. The fund offers two classes of shares: Investor Shares and Admiral Shares. Investor Shares are available to any investor who meets the fund’s minimum purchase requirements. Admiral Shares are designed for investors who meet certain administrative, service, and account-size criteria.

A. The following significant accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles for U.S. investment companies. The fund consistently follows such policies in preparing its financial statements.

1. Security Valuation: Securities are valued as of the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time) on the valuation date. Bonds, and temporary cash investments acquired over 60 days to maturity, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system (which considers such factors as security prices, yields, maturities, and ratings), both as furnished by independent pricing services. Structured debt securities, including mortgages and asset-backed securities, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system that considers such factors as issuer, tranche, nominal or option-adjusted spreads, weighted average coupon, weighted average maturity, credit enhancements, and collateral. Investments in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund are valued at that fund’s net asset value. Other temporary cash investments are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available, or whose values have been affected by events occurring before the fund’s pricing time but after the close of the securities’ primary markets, are valued by methods deemed by the board of trustees to represent fair value.

2. Futures and Options: The fund uses futures contracts and options on futures contracts to invest in fixed income asset classes with greater efficiency and lower cost than is possible through direct investment, to add value when these instruments are attractively priced, or to adjust sensitivity to changes in interest rates. The primary risks associated with the use of futures contracts are imperfect correlation between changes in market values of bonds held by the fund and the prices of futures contracts, and the possibility of an illiquid market. The primary risk associated with purchasing options is that interest rates move in such a way that the option is out-of-the-money, the position is worthless at expiration, and the fund loses the premium paid. The primary risk associated with writing options is that interest rates move in such a way that the option is in-the-money, the counterparty exercises the option, and the fund loses an amount equal to the market value of the option written less the premium received. Counterparty risk involving futures and exchange-traded options is mitigated because a regulated clearinghouse is the counterparty instead of the clearing broker. To further mitigate counter-party risk, the fund trades futures and options on an exchange, monitors the financial strength of its clearing brokers and clearinghouse, and has entered into clearing agreements with its clearing brokers. The clearinghouse imposes initial margin requirements to secure the fund’s performance and requires daily settlement of variation margin representing changes in the market value of each contract.

Futures contracts are valued at their quoted daily settlement prices. The aggregate settlement values of the contracts are not recorded in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Fluctuations in the value of the contracts are recorded in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until the contracts are closed, when they are recorded as realized futures gains (losses).



Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average investments in long and short futures contracts represented 1% and 4% of net assets, respectively, based on the average of aggregate settlement values at each quarter-end during the period.

Options on futures contracts are also valued at their quoted daily settlement prices. The premium paid for a purchased option is recorded in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as an asset that is subsequently adjusted daily to the current market value of the option purchased. The premium received for a written option is recorded in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as an asset with an equal liability that is subsequently adjusted daily to the current market value of the option written. Fluctuations in the value of the options are recorded in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until expired, closed, or exercised, at which time realized gains (losses) are recognized.

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average value of options purchased and options written each represented less than 1% of net assets, based on the average market values at each quarter-end during the period.

3. To Be Announced (TBA) Transactions: A TBA transaction is an agreement to buy or sell mortgage-backed securities with agreed-upon characteristics (face amount, coupon, maturity) for settlement at a future date. The fund may be a seller of TBA transactions to reduce its exposure to the mortgage-backed securities market or in order to sell mortgage-backed securities it owns under delayed-delivery arrangements. When the fund is a buyer of TBA transactions, it maintains cash or short-term investments in an amount sufficient to meet the purchase price at the settlement date of the TBA transaction. The primary risk associated with TBA transactions is that a counterparty may default on its obligations. The fund mitigates its counterparty risk by, among other things, performing a credit analysis of counterparties, allocating transactions among numerous counterparties, and monitoring its exposure to each counterparty. The fund may also enter into a Master Securities Forward Transaction Agreement (MSFTA) with certain counterparties and require them to transfer collateral as security for their performance. Under an MSFTA, upon a counterparty default (including bankruptcy), the fund may terminate any TBA transactions with that counterparty, determine the net amount owed by either party in accordance with its master netting arrangements, and sell or retain any collateral held up to the net amount owed to the fund under the master netting arrangements.

At July 31, 2015, counterparties had deposited in segregated accounts securities and cash with a value of $1,541,000 in connection with TBA transactions.

4. Mortgage Dollar Rolls: The fund enters into mortgage-dollar-roll transactions, in which the fund sells mortgage-backed securities to a dealer and simultaneously agrees to purchase similar securities in the future at a predetermined price. The proceeds of the securities sold in mortgage-dollar-roll transactions are typically invested in high-quality short-term fixed income securities. The fund forgoes principal and interest paid on the securities sold, and is compensated by interest earned on the proceeds of the sale and by a lower price on the securities to be repurchased. The fund has also entered into mortgage-dollar-roll transactions in which the fund buys mortgage-backed securities from a dealer pursuant to a TBA transaction and simultaneously agrees to sell similar securities in the future at a predetermined price. The securities bought in mortgage-dollar-roll transactions are used to cover an open TBA sell position. The fund continues to earn interest on mortgage-backed security pools already held and receives a lower price on the securities to be sold in the future. The fund accounts for mortgage-dollar-roll transactions as purchases and sales; as such, these transactions



Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund

may increase the fund’s portfolio turnover rate. Amounts to be received or paid in connection with open mortgage dollar rolls are included in Receivables for Investment Securities Sold or Payables for Investment Securities Purchased in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

5. Federal Income Taxes: The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years (January 31, 2012–2015), and for the period ended July 31, 2015, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the fund’s financial statements.

6. Distributions: Distributions from net investment income are declared daily and paid on the first business day of the following month. Annual distributions from realized capital gains, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

7. Credit Facility: The fund and certain other funds managed by The Vanguard Group participate in a $3 billion committed credit facility provided by a syndicate of lenders pursuant to a credit agreement that may be renewed annually; each fund is individually liable for its borrowings, if any, under the credit facility. Borrowings may be utilized for temporary and emergency purposes, and are subject to the fund’s regulatory and contractual borrowing restrictions. The participating funds are charged administrative fees and an annual commitment fee of 0.06% of the undrawn amount of the facility; these fees are allocated to the funds based on a method approved by the fund’s board of trustees and included in Management and Administrative expenses on the fund’s Statement of Operations. Any borrowings under this facility bear interest at a rate equal to the higher of the federal funds rate or LIBOR reference rate plus an agreed-upon spread.

The fund had no borrowings outstanding at July 31, 2015, or at any time during the period then ended.

8. Other: Interest income includes income distributions received from Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund and is accrued daily. Premiums and discounts on debt securities purchased are amortized and accreted, respectively, to interest income over the lives of the respective securities. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.

Each class of shares has equal rights as to assets and earnings, except that each class separately bears certain class-specific expenses related to maintenance of shareholder accounts (included in Management and Administrative expenses) and shareholder reporting. Marketing and distribution expenses are allocated to each class of shares based on a method approved by the board of trustees. Income, other non-class-specific expenses, and gains and losses on investments are allocated to each class of shares based on its relative net assets.

B. The Vanguard Group furnishes at cost investment advisory, corporate management, administrative, marketing, and distribution services. The costs of such services are allocated to the fund based on methods approved by the board of trustees. The fund has committed to invest up to 0.40% of its net assets in Vanguard. At July 31, 2015, the fund had contributed capital of $505,000 to Vanguard (included in Other Assets), representing 0.01% of the fund’s net assets and 0.20% of Vanguard’s capitalization. The fund’s trustees and officers are also directors and employees, respectively, of Vanguard.

C. Various inputs may be used to determine the value of the fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.



Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund

Level 1—Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.

Level 2—Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).

Level 3—Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments).

The following table summarizes the market value of the fund’s investments as of July 31, 2015, based on the inputs used to value them:

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Investments ($000) ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations 5,968,256
Temporary Cash Investments 71,687
Liability for Options Written (251)
Futures Contracts—Assets1 553
Futures Contracts—Liabilities1 (440)
Total 71,549 5,968,256
1 Represents variation margin on the last day of the reporting period.      


D. At July 31, 2015, the aggregate settlement value of open futures contracts and the related unrealized appreciation (depreciation) were:

    Number of Settlement Unrealized
    Long (Short) Value Appreciation
Futures Contracts Expiration Contracts Long (Short) (Depreciation)
2-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 (654) (143,267) (167)
5-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 723 86,647 64
30-Year U.S. Treasury Bond September 2015 (303) (47,249) (646)
Ultra Long U.S. Treasury Bond September 2015 (147) (23,451) (371)
10-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 (40) (5,098) (7)


Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on open futures contracts is required to be treated as realized gain (loss) for tax purposes.

E. Capital gain distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ from realized capital gains for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Permanent differences are reclassified among capital accounts in the financial statements to reflect their tax character. Temporary differences arise when gains or losses are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes. These differences will reverse at some time in the future. The fund’s tax-basis capital gains and losses are determined only at the end of each fiscal year.



Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund

At July 31, 2015, the cost of investment securities for tax purposes was $5,981,444,000. Net unrealized appreciation of investment securities for tax purposes was $58,499,000, consisting of unrealized gains of $66,417,000 on securities that had risen in value since their purchase and $7,918,000 in unrealized losses on securities that had fallen in value since their purchase.

F. During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund purchased $4,775,667,000 of investment securities and sold $4,615,607,000 of investment securities, other than temporary cash investments.

The following table summarizes the fund’s options written during the six months ended July 31, 2015.

    Number of Received
Options Written     Contracts ($000)
Balance at January 31, 2015     1,497 561
Options Written     5,352 1,997
Options Expired     (2,432) (836)
Options Closed     (3,713) (1,483)
Options Exercised    
Balance at July 31, 2015     704 239
G. Capital share transactions for each class of shares were:      
  Six Months Ended   Year Ended
    July 31, 2015 January 31, 2015
  Amount Shares Amount Shares
  ($000) (000) ($000) (000)
Investor Shares        
Issued 148,311 12,969 298,292 26,323
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 11,391 994 25,784 2,278
Redeemed (230,579) (20,201) (445,980) (39,401)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Investor Shares (70,877) (6,238) (121,904) (10,800)
Admiral Shares        
Issued 558,435 48,906 1,282,023 113,137
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 35,007 3,056 66,859 5,903
Redeemed (358,974) (31,423) (813,235) (71,707)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Admiral Shares 234,468 20,539 535,647 47,333


H. Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to July 31, 2015, that would require recognition or disclosure in these financial statements.



GNMA Fund    
Fund Profile    
As of July 31, 2015      
Share-Class Characteristics    
  Investor Admiral
  Shares Shares
Ticker Symbol VFIIX VFIJX
Expense Ratio1 0.21% 0.11%
30-Day SEC Yield 1.98% 2.08%
Financial Attributes      
    Barclays Aggregate
    GNMA Bond
  Fund Index Index
Number of Bonds 35 95 9,496
Yield to Maturity      
(before expenses) 2.6% 2.6% 2.4%
Average Coupon 3.5% 3.8% 3.2%
Average Duration 4.3 years 4.0 years 5.6 years
Average Effective      
Maturity 6.5 years 6.2 years 7.8 years
Reserves 1.0%
Number of Bonds: Issues are mortgage pools grouped by coupon.
Sector Diversification (% of portfolio)  
Commercial Mortgage-Backed   1.6%
Government Mortgage-Backed   96.1
Treasury/Agency     2.3
The agency and mortgage-backed securities sectors may include issues from government-sponsored enterprises; such issues are generally not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S.


Volatility Measures    
  Barclays Aggregate
  GNMA Bond
  Index Index
R-Squared 0.98 0.77
Beta 1.09 0.86
These measures show the degree and timing of the fund’s
fluctuations compared with the indexes over 36 months.
Distribution by Credit Quality (% of portfolio)
U.S. Government   99.0%
Aaa   1.8
Cash   -0.8


Credit-quality ratings are obtained from Barclays and are from Moody's, Fitch, and S&P. When ratings from all three agencies are used, the median rating is shown. When ratings from two of the agencies are used, the lower rating for each issue is shown. "Not Rated" is used to classify securities for which a rating is not available. Not rated securities include a fund's investment in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund or Vanguard Municipal Cash Management Fund, each of which invests in high-quality money market instruments and may serve as a cash management vehicle for the Vanguard funds, trusts, and accounts. For more information about these ratings, see the Glossary entry for Credit Quality.

Distribution by Coupon (% of portfolio)  
Less Than 1.0% 2.1%
1.0% to 4.0% 48.1
4.0% to 5.0% 32.1
5.0% to 6.0% 13.3
6.0% and Above 4.4


Investment Focus

1 The expense ratios shown are from the prospectus dated May 27, 2015, and represent estimated costs for the current fiscal year. For the six months ended July 31, 2015, the annualized expense ratios were 0.20% for Investor Shares and 0.10% for Admiral Shares.




Performance Summary

All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at vanguard.com/performance.) Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

Fiscal-Year Total Returns (%): January 31, 2005, Through July 31, 2015  
      Investor Shares Index
Fiscal Year Income Returns Capital Returns Total Returns Total Returns
2006 4.69% -1.81% 2.88% 2.96%
2007 5.20 -1.26 3.94 4.27
2008 5.51 3.05 8.56 8.80
2009 5.08 0.57 5.65 5.98
2010 3.94 2.87 6.81 6.78
2011 3.42 2.29 5.71 5.33
2012 3.41 4.55 7.96 8.21
2013 2.61 -1.26 1.35 1.54
2014 2.28 -1.94 0.34 0.25
2015 2.66 2.63 5.29 4.56
2016 1.12 -1.07 0.05 0.23
Note: For 2016, performance data reflect the six months ended July 31, 2015.    


Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended June 30, 2015

This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period.

Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

            Ten Years
  Inception Date One Year Five Years Income Capital Total
Investor Shares 6/27/1980 2.33% 3.17% 3.76% 0.85% 4.61%
Admiral Shares 2/12/2001 2.44 3.27 3.87 0.85 4.72


See Financial Highlights for dividend and capital gains information.




Financial Statements (unaudited)

Statement of Net Assets
As of July 31, 2015

The fund reports a complete list of its holdings in regulatory filings four times in each fiscal year, at the quarter-ends. For the second and fourth fiscal quarters, the lists appear in the fund’s semiannual and annual reports to shareholders. For the first and third fiscal quarters, the fund files the lists with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form N-Q. Shareholders can look up the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room (see the back cover of this report for further information).

        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (99.0%)        
U.S. Government Securities (1.1%)        
1 United States Treasury Floating Rate Note 0.120% 7/31/16 300,000 300,066
Conventional Mortgage-Backed Securities (95.2%)        
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.090% 11/1/22 1,657 1,629
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.190% 12/1/22 1,426 1,409
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.350% 12/1/22 954 952
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.370% 4/1/23–5/1/23 123,648 122,759
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.390% 4/1/22 483 476
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.410% 12/1/22 3,919 3,920
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.440% 11/1/22–1/1/23 5,819 5,817
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.450% 8/1/22–4/1/23 6,124 6,129
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.480% 8/1/22 688 693
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.520% 5/1/23 314 313
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.550% 2/1/23–5/1/23 8,656 8,700
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.640% 3/1/23 650 657
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.650% 8/1/22 1,150 1,159
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.660% 9/1/22 2,228 2,268
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.690% 4/1/25 12,660 12,623
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.700% 5/1/22–4/1/23 3,127 3,184
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.730% 2/1/23–11/1/24 3,973 4,031
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.740% 4/1/23 1,554 1,580
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.750% 3/1/22 490 495
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.780% 4/1/22 3,234 3,316
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.790% 6/1/23 1,935 1,973
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.820% 6/1/23 1,241 1,269
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.860% 4/1/23 1,023 1,048
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.900% 3/1/23 1,198 1,231
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.910% 8/1/23 1,628 1,674
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.940% 6/1/23 968 997
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.950% 6/1/22–5/1/28 19,399 19,527
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.960% 1/1/27 20,975 21,063
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.970% 7/1/23 7,948 8,203
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.980% 1/1/22 3,023 3,134
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.000% 8/1/20–5/1/22 3,987 4,172
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.024% 7/1/22 610 632
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.040% 7/1/23–2/1/27 16,020 16,258




GNMA Fund        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.080% 1/1/27 34,390 35,012
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.100% 6/1/22–5/1/33 39,741 40,942
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.120% 5/1/22 2,185 2,284
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.130% 7/1/27 5,253 5,344
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.150% 11/1/21 1,996 2,080
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.180% 12/1/24 9,000 9,291
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.200% 4/1/22–7/1/27 7,068 7,267
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.210% 5/1/23 24,480 25,660
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.220% 5/1/21–12/1/26 9,253 9,587
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.230% 2/1/27 2,160 2,222
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.240% 1/1/27 3,800 3,910
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.250% 11/1/23 9,704 10,196
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.270% 12/1/23 11,389 11,985
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.300% 12/1/23 6,024 6,349
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.320% 7/1/23 1,073 1,130
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.340% 4/1/24 12,030 12,686
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.350% 1/1/30 5,408 5,567
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.360% 11/1/23–12/1/23 19,139 20,244
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.370% 3/1/24–7/1/25 7,914 8,361
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.380% 1/1/27 5,361 5,584
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.410% 11/1/23–7/1/27 12,103 12,742
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.415% 11/1/23 6,580 6,983
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.440% 1/1/24 5,974 6,346
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.450% 1/1/24–1/1/24 23,194 24,661
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.460% 9/1/23–9/1/29 105,782 112,041
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.470% 11/1/23–1/1/24 6,373 6,783
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.480% 1/1/24 4,495 4,787
2,3,4 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% 5/1/34–9/1/45 632,359 657,005
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.510% 12/1/23–1/1/24 28,894 30,754
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.520% 1/1/24 4,902 5,232
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.530% 2/1/24 7,667 8,181
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.540% 8/1/23–2/1/24 32,092 34,254
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.550% 10/1/23–5/1/26 41,270 44,005
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.560% 12/1/23–1/1/24 6,893 7,373
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.570% 12/1/23–3/1/24 39,762 42,457
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.580% 2/1/24–7/1/29 42,135 44,771
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.590% 7/1/23 2,687 2,873
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.600% 12/1/23–4/1/28 8,564 9,162
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.610% 8/1/23–1/1/24 31,054 32,950
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.620% 2/1/24 8,208 8,800
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.640% 10/1/23–1/1/24 16,673 17,904
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.650% 8/1/23–11/1/23 23,485 25,232
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.660% 11/1/23 2,640 2,839
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.665% 1/1/24–1/1/24 37,745 40,591
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.670% 8/1/23–3/1/28 24,592 26,428
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.680% 10/1/23–3/1/24 20,525 22,084
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.690% 1/1/24 5,652 6,077
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.700% 10/1/23–1/1/24 20,171 21,725
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.710% 9/1/23 7,567 8,152
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.725% 10/1/23 3,469 3,741
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.730% 12/1/23 1,335 1,442
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.750% 9/1/23–7/1/25 13,374 14,455
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.755% 8/1/25 7,158 7,751
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.760% 3/1/24–1/1/26 8,152 8,762




GNMA Fund        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.765% 12/1/25 42,997 46,043
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.770% 1/1/24 1,678 1,814
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.780% 7/1/23–2/1/24 2,477 2,676
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.790% 8/1/25 2,569 2,790
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.800% 10/1/23 7,450 8,068
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.810% 11/1/23 391 424
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.820% 11/1/25–11/1/25 11,122 12,050
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.830% 2/1/24–6/1/34 19,862 21,421
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.840% 1/1/24 2,990 3,244
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.850% 1/1/24 883 959
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.855% 12/1/25 6,600 7,104
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.860% 11/1/23 3,435 3,725
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.870% 10/1/25 11,445 12,465
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.890% 9/1/23–5/1/30 16,103 17,268
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.910% 11/1/25 13,000 14,055
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.930% 10/1/23–3/1/26 22,682 24,672
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.940% 8/1/25 12,333 13,490
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.960% 12/1/25–5/1/34 7,680 8,208
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.970% 7/1/23–5/1/29 5,613 6,083
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 3.990% 9/1/25 9,629 10,402
2,3,4 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% 8/1/45 440,700 468,795
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 4.060% 9/1/25–3/1/29 15,985 17,483
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 4.070% 1/1/26 2,324 2,555
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 4.080% 2/1/29 3,035 3,313
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 4.150% 10/1/28–1/1/31 76,036 83,220
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 4.180% 11/1/30 30,400 33,195
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 4.190% 10/1/23 739 818
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 4.210% 1/1/26 1,005 1,115
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 4.250% 10/1/28–9/1/33 4,805 5,287
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 4.280% 11/1/28 5,482 6,083
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 4.380% 10/1/28 10,030 11,213
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 4.400% 8/1/28 2,265 2,536
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 5.180% 2/1/26 3,023 3,560
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 6.000% 7/1/22 11 12
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 6.500% 2/1/29–8/1/45 5,940 6,878
2,3 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.000% 8/1/29 34,616 36,020
2,3 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 3.500% 4/1/34–10/1/34 93,508 98,344
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 2.500% 11/15/42–9/15/43 146,528 143,297
3,4 Ginnie Mae I Pool 3.000% 1/15/42–8/1/45 1,540,948 1,571,884
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 3.500% 7/15/39–3/15/45 1,891,900 1,981,962
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 3.750% 7/15/42 5,750 6,077
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 3.875% 5/15/42–6/15/42 10,177 10,915
3,4 Ginnie Mae I Pool 4.000% 6/15/19–8/1/45 2,449,318 2,620,452
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 4.500% 5/15/19–8/1/45 1,293,157 1,413,096
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 5.000% 1/15/30–8/1/45 1,362,180 1,519,190
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 5.500% 9/15/23–8/1/45 735,108 826,302
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 6.000% 10/15/16–8/1/45 405,913 458,066
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 6.500% 4/15/23–7/15/40 308,151 345,877
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 7.000% 11/15/31–11/15/36 85,935 100,129
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 7.250% 1/15/27–2/15/27 66 69
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 7.500% 10/15/31 33,341 38,782
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 7.750% 2/15/27 27 28
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 8.000% 8/15/31 13,128 15,384




GNMA Fund        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 8.500% 5/15/16–6/15/28 2,428 2,550
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 9.000% 4/15/16–5/15/21 631 664
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 9.250% 7/15/17 3 3
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 9.500% 3/15/16–8/15/21 758 794
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 10.000% 4/15/16–7/15/19 16 16
3 Ginnie Mae I Pool 11.000% 2/15/18 2 2
3 Ginnie Mae II Pool 2.500% 11/20/42–8/1/45 199,462 195,811
3 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.000% 9/20/42–8/1/45 663,240 676,319
3,4 Ginnie Mae II Pool 3.500% 11/20/26–8/1/45 5,006,732 5,233,762
3,4 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.000% 4/20/39–8/1/45 2,392,407 2,546,289
3 Ginnie Mae II Pool 4.500% 12/20/32–8/1/45 1,077,730 1,167,521
3,4 Ginnie Mae II Pool 5.000% 10/20/32–8/1/45 877,193 964,521
3 Ginnie Mae II Pool 5.500% 1/20/34–7/20/40 67,698 75,861
3 Ginnie Mae II Pool 6.000% 4/20/28–8/20/40 88,505 100,716
3 Ginnie Mae II Pool 6.500% 4/20/37–3/20/41 2,190 2,495
3 Ginnie Mae II Pool 7.000% 10/20/25–5/20/38 350 384
3 Ginnie Mae II Pool 7.500% 6/20/25–8/20/25 182 210
3 Ginnie Mae II Pool 8.000% 12/20/15–4/20/16 5 5
3 Ginnie Mae II Pool 8.500% 4/20/16–1/20/17 59 62
3 Ginnie Mae II Pool 9.000% 6/20/16–9/20/16 7 7
3 Ginnie Mae II Pool 10.000% 4/20/16–8/20/18 6 9
Nonconventional Mortgage-Backed Securities (2.7%)      
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.329% 8/1/43 25,730 26,600
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 2.779% 9/1/44 24,815 25,516
2,3 Fannie Mae REMICS 3.000% 11/25/42–6/25/43 73,583 63,888
2,3 Fannie Mae REMICS 3.500% 7/25/43 19,196 18,665
2,3 Fannie Mae REMICS 6.000% 10/25/28–9/25/32 8,400 9,380
2,3 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool 2.267% 8/1/43 41,363 42,731
2,3 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool 2.333% 9/1/43 14,474 14,960
2,3 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool 2.739% 10/1/44 51,858 53,232
2,3 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool 2.827% 10/1/44 23,500 24,170
2,3 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool 2.830% 7/1/44 16,836 17,316
2,3 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool 2.916% 9/1/44 16,085 16,593
2,3 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool 2.932% 4/1/44 27,617 28,853
2,3 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool 3.109% 10/1/44 32,194 33,373
2,3 Freddie Mac REMICS 3.000% 8/15/42–3/15/43 96,199 88,135
2,3 Freddie Mac REMICS 6.000% 4/15/28–11/15/32 25,340 28,505
1,3 Ginnie Mae REMICS 0.388% 2/20/37 6,287 6,273
3 Ginnie Mae REMICS 2.500% 8/16/42–11/20/43 43,902 37,529
3 Ginnie Mae REMICS 3.000% 3/20/40–8/20/44 61,451 57,623
3 Ginnie Mae REMICS 3.250% 8/20/44 7,353 6,724
3 Ginnie Mae REMICS 3.500% 7/20/43 23,327 24,254
3 Ginnie Mae REMICs 3.500% 9/20/44 7,908 7,848
3 Ginnie Mae REMICS 4.500% 6/20/39 6,923 7,501
3 Ginnie Mae REMICS 5.000% 6/16/37 26,158 28,682
3 Ginnie Mae REMICS 5.500% 1/20/33–8/16/36 27,001 30,038
3 Ginnie Mae REMICS 6.500% 4/20/31 2,290 2,638
Total U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (Cost $25,302,229)   25,816,327




GNMA Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Temporary Cash Investments (11.5%)        
Repurchase Agreements (1.7%)        
Bank of America Securities, LLC        
(Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value $2,600,000,        
collateralized by Government National        
Mortgage Assn. 3.500%, 7/20/45, with a value        
of $2,652,000) 0.150% 8/3/15 2,600 2,600
Bank of Montreal        
(Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value $100,001,000,        
collateralized by Federal National Mortgage Assn.        
3.000%–5.000%, 11/1/20–11/1/44, Federal        
Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 2.500%–4.500%,        
5/1/28–6/1/45, Government National Mortgage        
Assn. 4.000%, 10/20/43, and U.S. Treasury        
Note/Bond 6.250%–8.750%, 5/15/17–8/15/23,        
with a value of $102,000,000) 0.150% 8/3/15 100,000 100,000
Bank of Montreal        
(Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value $34,500,000,        
collateralized by Federal Farm Credit Bank 2.620%,        
4/27/22, Federal National Mortgage Assn. 2.000%,        
3/27/28, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.        
0.850%–2.500%, 8/14/17–10/30/24, and        
U.S. Treasury Note/Bond 0.625%–4.625%,        
4/30/18–2/15/40, with a value of $35,190,000) 0.130% 8/3/15 34,500 34,500
Bank of Nova Scotia        
(Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value $35,000,000,        
collateralized by U.S. Treasury Note/Bond        
0.500%–6.500%, 6/15/16–11/15/26, with a        
value of $35,700,000) 0.150% 8/3/15 35,000 35,000
Barclays Capital Inc.        
(Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value $163,002,000,        
collateralized by U.S. Treasury Note/Bond        
0.375%–3.375%, 8/31/15–5/15/44, with a        
value of $166,260,000) 0.130% 8/3/15 163,000 163,000
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.        
(Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value $7,400,000,        
collateralized by U.S. Treasury Note/Bond        
2.250%, 3/31/21, with a value of $7,548,000) 0.140% 8/3/15 7,400 7,400
HSBC Bank USA        
(Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value $4,700,000,        
collateralized by Federal National Mortgage Assn.        
4.000%, 3/1/44, with a value of $4,796,000) 0.140% 8/3/15 4,700 4,700
RBC Capital Markets LLC        
(Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value $3,600,000,        
collateralized by Federal National Mortgage        
Assn. 2.690%–4.000%, 4/1/27–6/1/45, Federal        
Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 2.191%–2.229%,        
8/1/43–5/1/45, and Government National        
Mortgage Assn. 3.500%–4.500%,        
10/20/43–3/20/45, with a value of $3,672,000) 0.140% 8/3/15 3,600 3,600




GNMA Fund        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Societe Generale        
  (Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value $52,201,000,        
  collateralized by Federal National Mortgage        
  Assn. 0.000%, 7/1/45, Federal Home Loan        
  Mortgage Corp. 3.000%, 7/1/30, and U.S.        
  Treasury Note/Bond 0.625%–1.500%,        
  7/31/17–5/31/19, with a value of $53,244,000) 0.170% 8/3/15 52,200 52,200
  TD Securities (USA) LLC        
  (Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value $36,200,000,        
  collateralized by Federal National Mortgage        
  Assn. 3.000%, 10/1/29, and Federal Home        
  Loan Mortgage Corp. 4.000%, 12/1/40, with        
  a value of $36,924,000) 0.150% 8/3/15 36,200 36,200
Money Market Fund (5.0%)        
5 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund 0.152%   1,315,715,000 1,315,715
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (4.8%)        
6 Federal Home Loan Bank Discount Notes 0.050% 8/12/15 195,072 195,068
6 Federal Home Loan Bank Discount Notes 0.065% 8/19/15 81,660 81,657
6 Federal Home Loan Bank Discount Notes 0.045% 8/26/15 92,200 92,195
6 Federal Home Loan Bank Discount Notes 0.060% 8/28/15 43,000 42,998
6 Federal Home Loan Bank Discount Notes 0.060% 9/1/15 375,000 374,970
  United States Treasury Bill 0.023% 8/13/15 398,994 398,990
  United States Treasury Bill 0.010% 8/20/15 66,506 66,505
Total Temporary Cash Investments (Cost $3,007,314)     3,007,298
Total Investments (110.5%) (Cost $28,309,543)       28,823,625
Other Assets and Liabilities (-10.5%)        
Other Assets7       3,030,933
Liabilities       (5,775,780)
Net Assets (100%)       26,078,778




GNMA Fund  
Statement of Assets and Liabilities  
Investments in Securities, at Value  
Unaffiliated Issuers 27,507,910
Affiliated Vanguard Funds 1,315,715
Total Investments in Securities 28,823,625
Receivables for Investment Securities Sold 2,928,771
Other Assets 102,162
Total Assets 31,854,558
Payables for Investment Securities Purchased 5,684,561
Other Liabilities 91,219
Total Liabilities 5,775,780
Net Assets 26,078,778
At July 31, 2015, net assets consisted of:  
Paid-in Capital 25,651,154
Overdistributed Net Investment Income (5,384)
Accumulated Net Realized Losses (82,447)
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)  
Investment Securities 514,082
Futures Contracts 1,373
Net Assets 26,078,778
Investor Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 819,223,538 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 8,774,216
Net Asset Value Per Share—Investor Shares $10.71
Admiral Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 1,615,675,253 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 17,304,562
Net Asset Value Per Share—Admiral Shares $10.71


  • See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
  • Adjustable-rate security.
  • The issuer was placed under federal conservatorship in September 2008; since that time, its daily operations have been managed by the Federal Housing Finance Agency and it receives capital from the U.S. Treasury, as needed to maintain a positive net worth, in exchange for senior preferred stock.
  • The average or expected maturity is shorter than the final maturity shown because of the possibility of interim principal payments and prepayments.
  • Includes securities purchased on a when-issued or delayed-delivery basis for which the fund has not taken delivery as of July 31, 2015.
  • Affiliated money market fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown is the 7-day yield.
  • The issuer operates under a congressional charter; its securities are generally neither guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury nor backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.
  • Cash of $3,608,000 has been segregated as initial margin for open futures contracts. REMICS—Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits.
    See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



GNMA Fund  
Statement of Operations  
  Six Months Ended
  July 31, 2015
Investment Income  
Interest1 321,136
Total Income 321,136
Investment Advisory Fees—Note B 1,270
The Vanguard Group—Note C  
Management and Administrative—Investor Shares 7,481
Management and Administrative—Admiral Shares 6,349
Marketing and Distribution—Investor Shares 708
Marketing and Distribution—Admiral Shares 999
Custodian Fees 540
Shareholders’ Reports—Investor Shares 119
Shareholders’ Reports—Admiral Shares 71
Trustees’ Fees and Expenses 21
Total Expenses 17,558
Net Investment Income 303,578
Realized Net Gain (Loss)  
Investment Securities Sold (22,576)
Futures Contracts (29,711)
Realized Net Gain (Loss) (52,287)
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)  
Investment Securities (210,810)
Futures Contracts (10,717)
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (221,527)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 29,764
1 Interest income from an affiliated company of the fund was $879,000.  


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



GNMA Fund    
Statement of Changes in Net Assets    
  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  July 31, January 31,
  2015 2015
  ($000) ($000)
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    
Net Investment Income 303,578 689,037
Realized Net Gain (Loss) (52,287) 432,243
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (221,527) 234,363
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 29,764 1,355,643
Net Investment Income    
Investor Shares (101,421) (236,232)
Admiral Shares (204,777) (456,430)
Realized Capital Gain1    
Investor Shares (45,393) (7,592)
Admiral Shares (87,317) (14,465)
Total Distributions (438,908) (714,719)
Capital Share Transactions    
Investor Shares (247,606) (592,821)
Admiral Shares 28,879 (154,010)
Net Increase (Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions (218,727) (746,831)
Total Increase (Decrease) (627,871) (105,907)
Net Assets    
Beginning of Period 26,706,649 26,812,556
End of Period2 26,078,778 26,706,649


1 Includes fiscal 2016 and 2015 short-term gain distributions totaling $68,321,000 and $0, respectively. Short-term gain distributions are treated as ordinary income dividends for tax purposes.

2 Net Assets—End of Period includes undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income of ($5,384,000) and ($3,625,000).

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



GNMA Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Investor Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended January 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $10.88 $10.61 $10.83 $11.09 $10.73 $10.76
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .119 .275 .244 .288 .353 .359
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (.114) . 278 (. 210) (.139) . 488 . 245
Total from Investment Operations .005 . 553 .034 .149 . 841 .604
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.121) (. 274) (. 244) (. 288) (. 353) (. 359)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (. 054) (. 009) (. 010) (.121) (.128) (. 275)
Total Distributions (.175) (. 283) (. 254) (. 409) (. 481) (. 634)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $10.71 $10.88 $10.61 $10.83 $11.09 $10.73
Total Return1 0.05% 5.29% 0.34% 1.35% 7.96% 5.71%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $8,774 $9,163 $9,535 $13,745 $15,151 $14,384
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.20% 0.21% 0.21% 0.21% 0.21% 0.23%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 2.25% 2.56% 2.31% 2.59% 3.25% 3.26%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 2 789% 685% 167% 130% 189% 386%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

2 Includes 217%, 268%, 149%, 82%, 147%, and 207% attributable to mortgage-dollar-roll activity.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



GNMA Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Admiral Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended Janurary 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $10.88 $10.61 $10.83 $11.09 $10.73 $10.76
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .124 .286 .255 .299 .364 .372
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (.114) . 278 (. 210) (.139) . 488 . 245
Total from Investment Operations .010 . 564 .045 .160 . 852 .617
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.126) (. 285) (. 255) (. 299) (. 364) (. 372)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (. 054) (. 009) (. 010) (.121) (.128) (. 275)
Total Distributions (.180) (. 294) (. 265) (. 420) (. 492) (. 647)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $10.71 $10.88 $10.61 $10.83 $11.09 $10.73
Total Return1 0.09% 5.39% 0.44% 1.45% 8.07% 5.84%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $17,305 $17,544 $17,277 $25,127 $23,806 $21,612
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.10% 0.11% 0.11% 0.11% 0.11% 0.11%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 2.35% 2.66% 2.41% 2.69% 3.35% 3.38%
Portfolio Turnover Rate2 789% 685% 167% 130% 189% 386%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

2 Includes 217%, 268%, 149%, 82%, 147%, and 207% attributable to mortgage-dollar-roll activity.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.




Notes to Financial Statements

Vanguard GNMA Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. The fund offers two classes of shares: Investor Shares and Admiral Shares. Investor Shares are available to any investor who meets the fund’s minimum purchase requirements. Admiral Shares are designed for investors who meet certain administrative, service, and account-size criteria.

A. The following significant accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles for U.S. investment companies. The fund consistently follows such policies in preparing its financial statements.

1. Security Valuation: Securities are valued as of the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time) on the valuation date. Bonds, and temporary cash investments acquired over 60 days to maturity, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system (which considers such factors as security prices, yields, maturities, and ratings), both as furnished by independent pricing services. Structured debt securities, including mortgages and asset-backed securities, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system that considers such factors as issuer, tranche, nominal or option-adjusted spreads, weighted average coupon, weighted average maturity, credit enhancements, and collateral. Investments in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund are valued at that fund’s net asset value. Other temporary cash investments are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available, or whose values have been affected by events occurring before the fund’s pricing time but after the close of the securities’ primary markets, are valued by methods deemed by the board of trustees to represent fair value.

2. Futures Contracts: The fund uses futures contracts to invest in fixed income asset classes with greater efficiency and lower cost than is possible through direct investment, to add value when these instruments are attractively priced, or to adjust sensitivity to changes in interest rates. The primary risks associated with the use of futures contracts are imperfect correlation between changes in market values of bonds held by the fund and the prices of futures contracts, and the possibility of an illiquid market. Counterparty risk involving futures is mitigated because a regulated clearinghouse is the counterparty instead of the clearing broker. To further mitigate counterparty risk, the fund trades futures contracts on an exchange, monitors the financial strength of its clearing brokers and clearinghouse, and has entered into clearing agreements with its clearing brokers. The clearinghouse imposes initial margin requirements to secure the fund’s performance and requires daily settlement of variation margin representing changes in the market value of each contract.

Futures contracts are valued at their quoted daily settlement prices. The aggregate settlement values of the contracts are not recorded in the Statement of Net Assets. Fluctuations in the value of the contracts are recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until the contracts are closed, when they are recorded as realized futures gains (losses).

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average investments in long and short futures contracts represented 2% and 1% of net assets, respectively, based on the average of aggregate settlement values at each quarter-end during the period.

3. To Be Announced (TBA) Transactions: A TBA transaction is an agreement to buy or sell mortgage-backed securities with agreed-upon characteristics (face amount, coupon, maturity) for settlement at a future date. The fund may be a seller of TBA transactions to reduce its exposure to the mortgage-backed securities market or in order to sell mortgage-backed securities it owns under delayed-delivery arrangements. When the fund is a buyer of TBA transactions, it maintains cash or short-term




investments in an amount sufficient to meet the purchase price at the settlement date of the TBA transaction. The primary risk associated with TBA transactions is that a counterparty may default on its obligations. The fund mitigates its counterparty risk by, among other things, performing a credit analysis of counterparties, allocating transactions among numerous counterparties, and monitoring its exposure to each counterparty. The fund may also enter into a Master Securities Forward Transaction Agreement (MSFTA) with certain counterparties and require them to transfer collateral as security for their performance. Under an MSFTA, upon a counterparty default (including bankruptcy), the fund may terminate any TBA transactions with that counterparty, determine the net amount owed by either party in accordance with its master netting arrangements, and sell or retain any collateral held up to the net amount owed to the fund under the master netting arrangements.

At July 31, 2015, counterparties had deposited in segregated accounts securities and cash with a value of $5,488,000 in connection with TBA transactions.

4. Mortgage Dollar Rolls: The fund enters into mortgage-dollar-roll transactions, in which the fund sells mortgage-backed securities to a dealer and simultaneously agrees to purchase similar securities in the future at a predetermined price. The proceeds of the securities sold in mortgage-dollar-roll transactions are typically invested in high-quality short-term fixed income securities. The fund forgoes principal and interest paid on the securities sold, and is compensated by interest earned on the proceeds of the sale and by a lower price on the securities to be repurchased. The fund has also entered into mortgage-dollar-roll transactions in which the fund buys mortgage-backed securities from a dealer pursuant to a TBA transaction and simultaneously agrees to sell similar securities in the future at a predetermined price. The securities bought in mortgage-dollar-roll transactions are used to cover an open TBA sell position. The fund continues to earn interest on mortgage-backed security pools already held and receives a lower price on the securities to be sold in the future.

The fund accounts for mortgage-dollar-roll transactions as purchases and sales; as such, these transactions may increase the fund’s portfolio turnover rate. Amounts to be received or paid in connection with open mortgage dollar rolls are included in Receivables for Investment Securities Sold or Payables for Investment Securities Purchased in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

5. Repurchase Agreements: The fund enters into repurchase agreements with institutional counterparties. Securities pledged as collateral to the fund under repurchase agreements are held by a custodian bank until the agreements mature. Each agreement requires that the market value of the collateral be sufficient to cover payments of interest and principal. The fund further mitigates its counterparty risk by entering into repurchase agreements only with a diverse group of prequalified counterparties, monitoring their financial strength, and entering into master repurchase agreements with its counterparties. The master repurchase agreements provide that, in the event of a counterparty’s default (including bankruptcy), the fund may terminate any repurchase agreements with that counter-party, determine the net amount owed, and sell or retain the collateral up to the net amount owed to the fund. Such action may be subject to legal proceedings, which may delay or limit the disposition of collateral.

6. Federal Income Taxes: The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years (January 31, 2012–2015), and for the period ended July 31, 2015, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the fund’s financial statements.

7. Distributions: Distributions from net investment income are declared daily and paid on the first business day of the following month. Annual distributions from realized capital gains, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date.




8. Credit Facility: The fund and certain other funds managed by The Vanguard Group participate in a $3 billion committed credit facility provided by a syndicate of lenders pursuant to a credit agreement that may be renewed annually; each fund is individually liable for its borrowings, if any, under the credit facility. Borrowings may be utilized for temporary and emergency purposes, and are subject to the fund’s regulatory and contractual borrowing restrictions. The participating funds are charged administrative fees and an annual commitment fee of 0.06% of the undrawn amount of the facility; these fees are allocated to the funds based on a method approved by the fund’s board of trustees and included in Management and Administrative expenses on the fund’s Statement of Operations. Any borrowings under this facility bear interest at a rate equal to the higher of the federal funds rate or LIBOR reference rate plus an agreed-upon spread.

The fund had no borrowings outstanding at July 31, 2015, or at any time during the period then ended.

9. Other: Interest income includes income distributions received from Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund and is accrued daily. Premiums and discounts on debt securities purchased are amortized and accreted, respectively, to interest income over the lives of the respective securities. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.

Each class of shares has equal rights as to assets and earnings, except that each class separately bears certain class-specific expenses related to maintenance of shareholder accounts (included in Management and Administrative expenses) and shareholder reporting. Marketing and distribution expenses are allocated to each class of shares based on a method approved by the board of trustees. Income, other non-class-specific expenses, and gains and losses on investments are allocated to each class of shares based on its relative net assets.

B. Wellington Management Company LLP provides investment advisory services to the fund for a fee calculated at an annual percentage rate of average net assets. For the six months ended July 31, 2015, the investment advisory fee represented an effective annual rate of 0.01% of the fund’s average net assets.

C. The Vanguard Group furnishes at cost corporate management, administrative, marketing, and distribution services. The costs of such services are allocated to the fund based on methods approved by the board of trustees. The fund has committed to invest up to 0.40% of its net assets in Vanguard. At July 31, 2015, the fund had contributed capital of $2,318,000 to Vanguard (included in Other Assets), representing 0.01% of the fund’s net assets and 0.93% of Vanguard’s capitalization. The fund’s trustees and officers are also directors and employees, respectively, of Vanguard.

D. Various inputs may be used to determine the value of the fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

Level 1—Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.

Level 2—Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).

Level 3—Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments).




The following table summarizes the market value of the fund’s investments as of July 31, 2015, based on the inputs used to value them:

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Investments ($000) ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations 25,816,327
Temporary Cash Investments 1,315,715 1,691,583
Futures Contracts—Assets1 879
Futures Contracts—Liabilities1 (139)
Total 1,316,455 27,507,910
1 Represents variation margin on the last day of the reporting period.      


E. At July 31, 2015, the aggregate settlement value of open futures contracts and the related unrealized appreciation (depreciation) were:

    Number of Settlement Unrealized
    Long (Short) Value Appreciation
Futures Contracts Expiration Contracts Long (Short) (Depreciation)
30-Year U.S. Treasury Bond September 2015 1,125 175,429 1,396
10-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 1,087 138,525 (8)
5-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 (26) (3,116) (15)


Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on open futures contracts is required to be treated as realized gain (loss) for tax purposes.

F. Capital gain distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ from realized capital gains for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Permanent differences are reclassified among capital accounts in the financial statements to reflect their tax character. Temporary differences arise when gains or losses are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes. These differences will reverse at some time in the future. The fund’s tax-basis capital gains and losses are determined only at the end of each fiscal year.

Certain of the fund’s U.S. Treasury inflation-indexed securities experienced deflation and amortization adjustments that reduced interest income and the cost of investments for financial statement purposes by an amount greater than the reduction of taxable income; the additional income reduction will be deferred for tax purposes until it is used to offset future inflation adjustments that increase taxable income. The difference becomes permanent if the securities are sold. During the period ended July 31, 2015, the fund realized gains of $39,000 that were included in ordinary income for tax purposes as a result of deferred deflation and amortization adjustments; accordingly, such gains have been reclassified from accumulated net realized losses to undistributed net investment income.

At July 31, 2015, the cost of investment securities for tax purposes was $28,315,327,000. Net unrealized appreciation of investment securities for tax purposes was $508,298,000, consisting of unrealized gains of $595,470,000 on securities that had risen in value since their purchase and $87,172,000 in unrealized losses on securities that had fallen in value since their purchase.




G. During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund purchased $100,051,491,000 of investment securities and sold $98,634,385,000 of investment securities, other than temporary cash investments.

H. Capital share transactions for each class of shares were:      
  Six Months Ended   Year Ended
    July 31, 2015 January 31, 2015
  Amount Shares Amount Shares
  ($000) (000) ($000) (000)
Investor Shares        
Issued 494,103 45,820 1,068,942 99,281
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 135,898 12,604 223,302 20,829
Redeemed (877,607) (81,667) (1,885,065) (176,099)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Investor Shares (247,606) (23,243) (592,821) (55,989)
Admiral Shares        
Issued 1,237,401 114,958 2,412,757 224,926
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 231,176 21,442 359,968 33,572
Redeemed (1,439,698) (133,827) (2,926,735) (273,304)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Admiral Shares 28,879 2,573 (154,010) (14,806)


I. Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to July 31, 2015, that would require recognition or disclosure in these financial statements.



Long-Term Treasury Fund

Fund Profile
As of July 31, 2015

Share-Class Characteristics    
  Investor   Admiral
  Shares   Shares
Ticker Symbol VUSTX   VUSUX
Expense Ratio1 0.20%   0.10%
30-Day SEC Yield 2.72%   2.82%
Financial Attributes    
  Barclays Barclays
    Long Aggregate
  Treasury Bond
  Fund Index Index
Number of Bonds 38 44 9,496
Yield to Maturity      
(before expenses) 2.9% 2.8% 2.4%
Average Coupon 3.6% 3.8% 3.2%
Average Duration 16.3 years 17.3 years 5.6 years
Average Effective      
Maturity 25.1 years 25.1 years 7.8 years
Reserves -4.3%


The fund invested a portion of its cash reserves in equity and fixed income markets through the use of index futures contracts. After the effect of the futures investments, the fund's temporary cash portion was negative.

Sector Diversification (% of portfolio)  
Government Mortgage-Backed 4.9%
Treasury/Agency 95.1


The agency and mortgage-backed securities sectors may include issues from government-sponsored enterprises; such issues are generally not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

Volatility Measures    
  Barclays Barclays
  Long Aggregate
  Treasury Bond
  Index Index
R-Squared 0.99 0.83
Beta 1.04 3.52


These measures show the degree and timing of the fund’s fluctuations compared with the indexes over 36 months.  
Distribution by Effective Maturity  
(% of portfolio)  
Under 1 Year -4.3%
3 - 5 Years 2.0
5 - 7 Years 3.1
7 - 10 Years 4.4
10 - 20 Years 9.4
20 - 30 Years 85.4


Distribution by Credit Quality (% of portfolio)

U.S. Government 99.8%
Not Rated 0.2


Credit-quality ratings are obtained from Moody's and S&P, and the higher rating for each issue is shown. "Not Rated" is used to classify securities for which a rating is not available. Not rated securities include a fund's investment in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund or Vanguard Municipal Cash Management Fund, each of which invests in high-quality money market instruments and may serve as a cash management vehicle for the Vanguard funds, trusts, and accounts. For more information about these ratings, see the Glossary entry for Credit Quality.

Investment Focus

1 The expense ratios shown are from the prospectus dated May 27, 2015, and represent estimated costs for the current fiscal year. For the six months ended July 31, 2015, the annualized expense ratios were 0.19% for Investor Shares and 0.09% for Admiral Shares.



Long-Term Treasury Fund

Performance Summary

All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at vanguard.com/performance.) Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

Fiscal-Year Total Returns (%): January 31, 2005, Through July 31, 2015  
      Investor Shares Index
Fiscal Year Income Returns Capital Returns Total Returns Total Returns
2006 4.84% -1.86% 2.98% 2.93%
2007 4.92 -3.12 1.80 2.00
2008 5.27 7.82 13.09 13.58
2009 4.57 4.68 9.25 10.38
2010 3.98 -5.33 -1.35 -2.19
2011 4.03 -0.45 3.58 4.29
2012 4.13 28.40 32.53 32.74
2013 2.73 -2.73 0.00 -0.02
2014 2.97 -7.42 -4.45 -4.49
2015 3.80 24.67 28.47 28.66
2016 1.24 -10.47 -9.23 -9.11
Note: For 2016, performance data reflect the six months ended July 31, 2015.    


Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended June 30, 2015

This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period.

Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

            Ten Years
  Inception Date One Year Five Years Income Capital Total
Investor Shares 5/19/1986 5.85% 5.90% 3.97% 1.96% 5.93%
Admiral Shares 2/12/2001 5.96 6.01 4.10 1.96 6.06


See Financial Highlights for dividend and capital gains information.



Long-Term Treasury Fund

Financial Statements (unaudited)

Statement of Net Assets
As of July 31, 2015

The fund reports a complete list of its holdings in regulatory filings four times in each fiscal year, at the quarter-ends. For the second and fourth fiscal quarters, the lists appear in the fund’s semiannual and annual reports to shareholders. For the first and third fiscal quarters, the fund files the lists with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form N-Q. Shareholders can look up the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room (see the back cover of this report for further information).

        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (103.4%)        
U.S. Government Securities (98.3%)        
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 5/15/25 141,150 140,378
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 5.250% 11/15/28 43,250 57,570
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 5.250% 2/15/29 52,400 69,929
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 6.125% 8/15/29 21,700 31,387
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 6.250% 5/15/30 8,900 13,137
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 5.375% 2/15/31 88,000 121,274
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.500% 2/15/36 51,400 66,756
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.750% 2/15/37 28,400 38,043
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 5.000% 5/15/37 14,200 19,663
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.500% 5/15/38 4,500 5,827
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.500% 2/15/39 133,800 149,647
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.250% 5/15/39 60,366 75,439
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.500% 8/15/39 41,100 53,231
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.375% 11/15/39 44,500 56,668
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.625% 2/15/40 55,150 72,764
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.375% 5/15/40 34,449 43,900
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.875% 8/15/40 44,300 52,433
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.250% 11/15/40 50,500 63,283
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.750% 2/15/41 9,400 12,669
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.750% 8/15/41 60,700 70,678
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 11/15/41 49,450 51,737
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 2/15/42 84,000 87,767
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.000% 5/15/42 65,600 66,810
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.750% 8/15/42 124,050 120,173
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.750% 11/15/42 239,800 232,119
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 2/15/43 126,700 131,867
1 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.875% 5/15/43 181,897 180,305
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.625% 8/15/43 47,300 54,033
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.750% 11/15/43 79,600 92,982
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.625% 2/15/44 157,200 179,503
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.375% 5/15/44 174,750 190,642
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 8/15/44 149,900 156,037
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.000% 11/15/44 140,600 142,885
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.500% 2/15/45 150,800 138,075
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.000% 5/15/45 76,500 77,875




Long-Term Treasury Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Conventional Mortgage-Backed Securities (5.1%)        
2,3,4 Fannie Mae Pool 3.500% 9/1/45 94,000 97,290
2,3,4 Fannie Mae Pool 4.000% 9/1/45 59,000 62,604
2,3 Fannie Mae Pool 6.000% 2/1/26–11/1/28 26 30
Total U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (Cost $3,018,676)   3,277,410
Temporary Cash Investment (0.2%)        
Money Market Fund (0.2%)        
5 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund        
(Cost $7,384) 0.152%   7,383,813 7,384
Total Investments (103.6%) (Cost $3,026,060)       3,284,794
Liability for Options Written (0.0%)        
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.00   8/21/15 50 (44)
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.00   8/21/15 92 (37)
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.50   8/21/15 51 (31)
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.50   8/21/15 15 (4)
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $126.00   8/21/15 51 (9)
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.50   8/21/15 71 (7)
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.00   8/21/15 50 (3)
Total Liability for Options Written (Premium received $128)     (135)
Other Assets and Liabilities (-3.6%)        
Other Assets       255,164
Other Liabilities       (368,489)
Net Assets (100%)       3,171,334




Long-Term Treasury Fund  
Statement of Assets and Liabilities  
Investments in Securities, at Value  
Unaffiliated Issuers 3,277,410
Affiliated Vanguard Funds 7,384
Total Investments in Securities 3,284,794
Receivables for Investment Securities Sold 217,903
Receivables for Accrued Income 33,628
Other Assets 3,633
Total Assets 3,539,958
Payables for Investment Securities Purchased 360,045
Payables for Capital Shares Redeemed 2,685
Option Contracts Written 135
Other Liabilities 5,759
Total Liabilities 368,624
Net Assets 3,171,334
At July 31, 2015, net assets consisted of:  
Paid-in Capital 2,902,454
Undistributed Net Investment Income
Accumulated Net Realized Gains 10,758
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)  
Investment Securities 258,734
Futures Contracts (605)
Options on Futures Contracts (7)
Net Assets 3,171,334
Investor Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 88,166,727 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 1,111,482
Net Asset Value Per Share—Investor Shares $12.61
Admiral Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 163,395,190 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 2,059,852
Net Asset Value Per Share—Admiral Shares $12.61


  • See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
  • Securities with a value of $1,190,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open futures contracts.
  • The issuer was placed under federal conservatorship in September 2008; since that time, its daily operations have been managed by the Federal Housing Finance Agency and it receives capital from the U.S. Treasury, as needed to maintain a positive net worth, in exchange for senior preferred stock.
  • The average or expected maturity is shorter than the final maturity shown because of the possibility of interim principal payments and prepayments or the possibility of the issue being called.
  • Includes securities purchased on a when-issued or delayed-delivery basis for which the fund has not taken delivery as of July 31, 2015.
  • Affiliated money market fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown is the 7-day yield.
    See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Long-Term Treasury Fund  
Statement of Operations  
  Six Months Ended
  July 31, 2015
Investment Income  
Interest1 48,852
Total Income 48,852
The Vanguard Group—Note B  
Investment Advisory Services 171
Management and Administrative—Investor Shares 894
Management and Administrative—Admiral Shares 665
Marketing and Distribution—Investor Shares 118
Marketing and Distribution—Admiral Shares 157
Custodian Fees 19
Shareholders’ Reports—Investor Shares 22
Shareholders’ Reports—Admiral Shares 11
Trustees’ Fees and Expenses 1
Total Expenses 2,058
Net Investment Income 46,794
Realized Net Gain (Loss)  
Investment Securities Sold 16,185
Futures Contracts (866)
Options on Futures Contracts 268
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 15,587
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)  
Investment Securities (413,524)
Futures Contracts 349
Options on Futures Contracts 406
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (412,769)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations (350,388)
1 Interest income from an affiliated company of the fund was $19,000.  


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Long-Term Treasury Fund    
Statement of Changes in Net Assets    
  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  July 31, January 31,
  2015 2015
  ($000) ($000)
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    
Net Investment Income 46,794 90,125
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 15,587 84,006
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (412,769) 615,202
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations (350,388) 789,333
Net Investment Income    
Investor Shares (16,137) (33,098)
Admiral Shares (30,657) (57,027)
Realized Capital Gain1    
Investor Shares (9,238) (17,275)
Admiral Shares (16,853) (30,929)
Total Distributions (72,885) (138,329)
Capital Share Transactions    
Investor Shares (57,886) 69,412
Admiral Shares (113,577) 470,130
Net Increase (Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions (171,463) 539,542
Total Increase (Decrease) (594,736) 1,190,546
Net Assets    
Beginning of Period 3,766,070 2,575,524
End of Period 3,171,334 3,766,070


1 Includes fiscal 2016 and 2015 short-term gain distributions totaling $3,411,000 and $0, respectively. Short-term gain distributions are treated as ordinary income dividends for tax purposes.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Long-Term Treasury Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Investor Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended January 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $14.19 $11.55 $12.61 $13.32 $10.77 $11.15
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .177 .372 .374 .369 .382 .462
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (1.480) 2.833 (.937) (.361) 3.058 (.046)
Total from Investment Operations (1.303) 3.205 (.563) .008 3.440 .416
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.177) (. 372) (. 374) (. 369) (. 382) (. 462)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (.100) (.193) (.123) (. 349) (. 508) (. 334)
Total Distributions (. 277) (. 565) (. 497) (.718) (. 890) (.796)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $12.61 $14.19 $11.55 $12.61 $13.32 $10.77
Total Return1 -9.23% 28.47% -4.45% 0.00% 32.53% 3.58%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $1,111 $1,318 $1,013 $1,349 $1,621 $1,244
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.19% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.22%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 2.79% 3.02% 3.14% 2.78% 3.14% 3.98%
Portfolio Turnover Rate2 102% 59% 44% 105% 229% 52%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

2 Includes 58%, 22%, 0%, 61%, 119%, and 0% attributable to mortgage-dollar-roll activity.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Long-Term Treasury Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Admiral Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended Janurary 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $14.19 $11.55 $12.61 $13.32 $10.77 $11.15
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .183 .384 .386 .382 .395 .476
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (1.480) 2.833 (.937) (.361) 3.058 (.046)
Total from Investment Operations (1.297) 3.217 (.551) .021 3.453 .430
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.183) (. 384) (. 386) (. 382) (. 395) (. 476)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (.100) (.193) (.123) (. 349) (. 508) (. 334)
Total Distributions (. 283) (. 577) (. 509) (.731) (. 903) (. 810)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $12.61 $14.19 $11.55 $12.61 $13.32 $10.77
Total Return1 -9.18% 28.60% -4.36% 0.10% 32.66% 3.71%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $2,060 $2,448 $1,563 $2,063 $2,199 $1,567
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.09% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 2.89% 3.12% 3.24% 2.88% 3.24% 4.10%
Portfolio Turnover Rate2 102% 59% 44% 105% 229% 52%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

2 Includes 58%, 22%, 0%, 61%, 119%, and 0% attributable to mortgage-dollar-roll activity.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Long-Term Treasury Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Vanguard Long-Term Treasury Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. The fund offers two classes of shares: Investor Shares and Admiral Shares. Investor Shares are available to any investor who meets the fund’s minimum purchase requirements. Admiral Shares are designed for investors who meet certain administrative, service, and account-size criteria.

A. The following significant accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles for U.S. investment companies. The fund consistently follows such policies in preparing its financial statements.

1. Security Valuation: Securities are valued as of the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time) on the valuation date. Bonds, and temporary cash investments acquired over 60 days to maturity, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system (which considers such factors as security prices, yields, maturities, and ratings), both as furnished by independent pricing services. Structured debt securities, including mortgages and asset-backed securities, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system that considers such factors as issuer, tranche, nominal or option-adjusted spreads, weighted average coupon, weighted average maturity, credit enhancements, and collateral. Investments in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund are valued at that fund’s net asset value. Other temporary cash investments are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available, or whose values have been affected by events occurring before the fund’s pricing time but after the close of the securities’ primary markets, are valued by methods deemed by the board of trustees to represent fair value.

2. Futures and Options: The fund uses futures contracts and options on futures contracts to invest in fixed income asset classes with greater efficiency and lower cost than is possible through direct investment, to add value when these instruments are attractively priced, or to adjust sensitivity to changes in interest rates. The primary risks associated with the use of futures contracts are imperfect correlation between changes in market values of bonds held by the fund and the prices of futures contracts, and the possibility of an illiquid market. The primary risk associated with purchasing options is that interest rates move in such a way that the option is out-of-the-money, the position is worthless at expiration, and the fund loses the premium paid. The primary risk associated with writing options is that interest rates move in such a way that the option is in-the-money, the counterparty exercises the option, and the fund loses an amount equal to the market value of the option written less the premium received. Counterparty risk involving futures and exchange-traded options is mitigated because a regulated clearinghouse is the counterparty instead of the clearing broker. To further mitigate counterparty risk, the fund trades futures and options on an exchange, monitors the financial strength of its clearing brokers and clearinghouse, and has entered into clearing agreements with its clearing brokers. The clearinghouse imposes initial margin requirements to secure the fund’s performance and requires daily settlement of variation margin representing changes in the market value of each contract.

Futures contracts are valued at their quoted daily settlement prices. The aggregate settlement values of the contracts are not recorded in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Fluctuations in the value of the contracts are recorded in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until the contracts are closed, when they are recorded as realized futures gains (losses).

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average investments in long and short futures contracts represented 1% and 4% of net assets, respectively, based on the average of aggregate settlement values at each quarter-end during the period.



Long-Term Treasury Fund

Options on futures contracts are also valued at their quoted daily settlement prices. The premium paid for a purchased option is recorded in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as an asset that is subsequently adjusted daily to the current market value of the option purchased. The premium received for a written option is recorded in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as an asset with an equal liability that is subsequently adjusted daily to the current market value of the option written. Fluctuations in the value of the options are recorded in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until expired, closed, or exercised, at which time realized gains (losses) are recognized.

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average value of options purchased and options written each represented less than 1% of net assets, based on the average market values at each quarter-end during the period.

3. To Be Announced (TBA) Transactions: A TBA transaction is an agreement to buy or sell mortgage-backed securities with agreed-upon characteristics (face amount, coupon, maturity) for settlement at a future date. The fund may be a seller of TBA transactions to reduce its exposure to the mortgage-backed securities market or in order to sell mortgage-backed securities it owns under delayed-delivery arrangements. When the fund is a buyer of TBA transactions, it maintains cash or short-term investments in an amount sufficient to meet the purchase price at the settlement date of the TBA transaction. The primary risk associated with TBA transactions is that a counterparty may default on its obligations. The fund mitigates its counterparty risk by, among other things, performing a credit analysis of counterparties, allocating transactions among numerous counterparties, and monitoring its exposure to each counterparty. The fund may also enter into a Master Securities Forward Transaction Agreement (MSFTA) with certain counterparties and require them to transfer collateral as security for their performance. Under an MSFTA, upon a counterparty default (including bankruptcy), the fund may terminate any TBA transactions with that counterparty, determine the net amount owed by either party in accordance with its master netting arrangements, and sell or retain any collateral held up to the net amount owed to the fund under the master netting arrangements.

At July 31, 2015, counterparties had deposited in segregated accounts securities and cash with a value of $925,000 in connection with TBA transactions.

4. Mortgage Dollar Rolls: The fund enters into mortgage-dollar-roll transactions, in which the fund sells mortgage-backed securities to a dealer and simultaneously agrees to purchase similar securities in the future at a predetermined price. The proceeds of the securities sold in mortgage-dollar-roll transactions are typically invested in high-quality short-term fixed income securities. The fund forgoes principal and interest paid on the securities sold, and is compensated by interest earned on the proceeds of the sale and by a lower price on the securities to be repurchased. The fund has also entered into mortgage-dollar-roll transactions in which the fund buys mortgage-backed securities from a dealer pursuant to a TBA transaction and simultaneously agrees to sell similar securities in the future at a predetermined price. The securities bought in mortgage-dollar-roll transactions are used to cover an open TBA sell position. The fund continues to earn interest on mortgage-backed security pools already held and receives a lower price on the securities to be sold in the future. The fund accounts for mortgage-dollar-roll transactions as purchases and sales; as such, these transactions may increase the fund’s portfolio turnover rate. Amounts to be received or paid in connection with open mortgage dollar rolls are included in Receivables for Investment Securities Sold or Payables for Investment Securities Purchased in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

5. Federal Income Taxes: The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years (January 31, 2012–2015), and for the period ended July 31, 2015, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the fund’s financial statements.



Long-Term Treasury Fund

6. Distributions: Distributions from net investment income are declared daily and paid on the first business day of the following month. Annual distributions from realized capital gains, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

7. Credit Facility: The fund and certain other funds managed by The Vanguard Group participate in a $3 billion committed credit facility provided by a syndicate of lenders pursuant to a credit agreement that may be renewed annually; each fund is individually liable for its borrowings, if any, under the credit facility. Borrowings may be utilized for temporary and emergency purposes, and are subject to the fund’s regulatory and contractual borrowing restrictions. The participating funds are charged administrative fees and an annual commitment fee of 0.06% of the undrawn amount of the facility; these fees are allocated to the funds based on a method approved by the fund’s board of trustees and included in Management and Administrative expenses on the fund’s Statement of Operations. Any borrowings under this facility bear interest at a rate equal to the higher of the federal funds rate or LIBOR reference rate plus an agreed-upon spread.

The fund had no borrowings outstanding at July 31, 2015, or at any time during the period then ended.

8. Other: Interest income includes income distributions received from Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund and is accrued daily. Premiums and discounts on debt securities purchased are amortized and accreted, respectively, to interest income over the lives of the respective securities. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.

Each class of shares has equal rights as to assets and earnings, except that each class separately bears certain class-specific expenses related to maintenance of shareholder accounts (included in Management and Administrative expenses) and shareholder reporting. Marketing and distribution expenses are allocated to each class of shares based on a method approved by the board of trustees. Income, other non-class-specific expenses, and gains and losses on investments are allocated to each class of shares based on its relative net assets.

B. The Vanguard Group furnishes at cost investment advisory, corporate management, administrative, marketing, and distribution services. The costs of such services are allocated to the fund based on methods approved by the board of trustees. The fund has committed to invest up to 0.40% of its net assets in Vanguard. At July 31, 2015, the fund had contributed capital of $275,000 to Vanguard (included in Other Assets), representing 0.01% of the fund’s net assets and 0.11% of Vanguard’s capitalization. The fund’s trustees and officers are also directors and employees, respectively, of Vanguard.

C. Various inputs may be used to determine the value of the fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

Level 1—Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.

Level 2—Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).

Level 3—Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments).



Long-Term Treasury Fund

The following table summarizes the market value of the fund’s investments as of July 31, 2015, based on the inputs used to value them:

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Investments ($000) ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations 3,277,410
Temporary Cash Investments 7,384
Liability for Options Written (135)
Futures Contracts—Assets1 463
Futures Contracts—Liabilities1 (486)
Total 7,226 3,277,410
1 Represents variation margin on the last day of the reporting period.      


D. At July 31, 2015, the aggregate settlement value of open futures contracts and the related unrealized appreciation (depreciation) were:

    Number of Settlement Unrealized
    Long (Short) Value Appreciation
Futures Contracts Expiration Contracts Long (Short) (Depreciation)
2-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 (367) (80,396) (154)
5-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 389 46,619
30-Year U.S. Treasury Bond September 2015 (171) (26,665) (309)
Ultra Long U.S. Treasury Bond September 2015 (82) (13,082) (142)
10-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 2 255


Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on open futures contracts is required to be treated as realized gain (loss) for tax purposes.

E. Capital gain distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ from realized capital gains for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Permanent differences are reclassified among capital accounts in the financial statements to reflect their tax character. Temporary differences arise when gains or losses are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes. These differences will reverse at some time in the future. The fund’s tax-basis capital gains and losses are determined only at the end of each fiscal year.

At July 31, 2015, the cost of investment securities for tax purposes was $3,032,207,000. Net unrealized appreciation of investment securities for tax purposes was $252,587,000, consisting of unrealized gains of $265,628,000 on securities that had risen in value since their purchase and $13,041,000 in unrealized losses on securities that had fallen in value since their purchase.



Long-Term Treasury Fund

F. During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund purchased $1,794,765,000 of investment securities and sold $1,987,391,000 of investment securities, other than temporary cash investments.

The following table summarizes the fund’s options written during the six months ended July 31, 2015.

    Number of Received
Options Written     Contracts ($000)
Balance at January 31, 2015     916 345
Options Written     3,138 1,174
Options Expired     (1,468) (504)
Options Closed     (2,206) (887)
Options Exercised    
Balance at July 31, 2015     380 128
G. Capital share transactions for each class of shares were:      
  Six Months Ended   Year Ended
    July 31, 2015 January 31, 2015
  Amount Shares Amount Shares
  ($000) (000) ($000) (000)
Investor Shares        
Issued 145,351 11,171 346,687 27,907
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 24,132 1,853 47,791 3,789
Redeemed (227,369) (17,768) (325,066) (26,437)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Investor Shares (57,886) (4,744) 69,412 5,259
Admiral Shares        
Issued 300,586 23,321 797,720 63,962
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 40,530 3,112 75,138 5,941
Redeemed (454,693) (35,594) (402,728) (32,616)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Admiral Shares (113,577) (9,161) 470,130 37,287


H. Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to July 31, 2015, that would require recognition or disclosure in these financial statements.



About Your Fund’s Expenses

As a shareholder of the fund, you incur ongoing costs, which include costs for portfolio management, administrative services, and shareholder reports (like this one), among others. Operating expenses, which are deducted from a fund’s gross income, directly reduce the investment return of the fund.

A fund’s expenses are expressed as a percentage of its average net assets. This figure is known as the expense ratio. The following examples are intended to help you understand the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your fund and to compare these costs with those of other mutual funds. The examples are based on an investment of $1,000 made at the beginning of the period shown and held for the entire period.

The accompanying table illustrates your fund’s costs in two ways:

Based on actual fund return. This section helps you to estimate the actual expenses that you paid over the period. The ”Ending Account Value“ shown is derived from the fund‘s actual return, and the third column shows the dollar amount that would have been paid by an investor who started with $1,000 in the fund. You may use the information here, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period.

To do so, simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number given for your fund under the heading ”Expenses Paid During Period.“

Based on hypothetical 5% yearly return. This section is intended to help you compare your fund‘s costs with those of other mutual funds. It assumes that the fund had a yearly return of 5% before expenses, but that the expense ratio is unchanged. In this case—because the return used is not the fund’s actual return—the results do not apply to your investment. The example is useful in making comparisons because the Securities and Exchange Commission requires all mutual funds to calculate expenses based on a 5% return. You can assess your fund’s costs by comparing this hypothetical example with the hypothetical examples that appear in shareholder reports of other funds.

Note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight and help you compare ongoing costs only and do not reflect transaction costs incurred by the fund for buying and selling securities. Further, the expenses do not include any purchase, redemption, or account service fees described in the fund prospectus. If such fees were applied to your account, your costs would be higher. Your fund does not carry a “sales load.”

The calculations assume no shares were bought or sold during the period. Your actual costs may have been higher or lower, depending on the amount of your investment and the timing of any purchases or redemptions.

You can find more information about the fund’s expenses, including annual expense ratios, in the Financial Statements section of this report. For additional information on operating expenses and other shareholder costs, please refer to your fund’s current prospectus.



Six Months Ended July 31, 2015      
  Beginning Ending Expenses
  Account Value Account Value Paid During
  1/31/2015 7/31/2015 Period
Based on Actual Fund Return      
Short-Term Treasury Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $1,001.35 $0.94
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 1,001.85 0.45
Short-Term Federal Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $1,001.94 $0.94
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 1,002.44 0.45
Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $989.34 $0.94
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 989.83 0.44
GNMA Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $1,000.45 $0.99
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 1,000.95 0.50
Long-Term Treasury Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $907.73 $0.90
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 908.18 0.43




Six Months Ended July 31, 2015      
  Beginning Ending Expenses
  Account Value Account Value Paid During
  1/31/2015 7/31/2015 Period
Based on Hypothetical 5% Yearly Return      
Short-Term Treasury Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $1,023.85 $0.95
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 1,024.35 0.45
Short-Term Federal Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $1,023.85 $0.95
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 1,024.35 0.45
Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $1,023.85 $0.95
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 1,024.35 0.45
GNMA Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $1,023.80 $1.00
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 1,024.30 0.50
Long-Term Treasury Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $1,023.85 $0.95
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 1,024.35 0.45


The calculations are based on expenses incurred in the most recent six-month period. The funds’ annualized six-month expense ratios for that period are: for the Short-Term Treasury Fund, 0.19% for Investor Shares and 0.09% for Admiral Shares; for the Short-Term Federal Fund, 0.19% for Investor Shares and 0.09% for Admiral Shares; for the Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund, 0.19% for Investor Shares and 0.09% for Admiral Shares; for the GNMA Fund, 0.20% for Investor Shares and 0.10% for Admiral Shares; and for the Long-Term Treasury Fund, 0.19% for Investor Shares and 0.09% for Admiral Shares. The dollar amounts shown as “Expenses Paid” are equal to the annualized expense ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the most recent six-month period, then divided by the number of days in the most recent 12-month period (181/365).



Trustees Approve Advisory Arrangements

The board of trustees of Vanguard Short-Term, Intermediate-Term, and Long-Term Treasury Funds and Vanguard Short-Term Federal Fund has renewed each fund’s investment advisory arrangement with The Vanguard Group, Inc. (Vanguard). Vanguard—through its Fixed Income Group—serves as the investment advisor for the funds. The board also has renewed the investment advisory agreement between Vanguard GNMA Fund and Wellington Management Company LLP (Wellington Management). The board determined that renewing each fund’s advisory arrangement was in the best interests of the fund and its shareholders.

The board based its decisions upon an evaluation of each advisor’s investment staff, portfolio management process, and performance. The trustees considered the factors discussed below, among others. However, no single factor determined whether the board approved the arrangements. Rather, it was the totality of the circumstances that drove the board’s decision.

Nature, extent, and quality of services

The board reviewed the quality of each fund’s investment management services over both the short and long term, and took into account the organizational depth and stability of each advisor. The board considered the following:

Vanguard. Vanguard has been managing investments for more than three decades and has advised the Short-Term, Intermediate-Term, and Long-Term Treasury Funds and Short-Term Federal Fund since their inceptions. The Fixed Income Group adheres to a sound, disciplined investment management process; the team has considerable experience, stability, and depth.

Wellington Management. Founded in 1928, Wellington Management is among the nation’s oldest and most respected institutional investment managers. The firm has managed the GNMA Fund since the fund’s inception in 1980. The portfolio manager of the GNMA Fund is backed by a team of experienced analysts who help inform his strategic perspective and conduct statistical and cash-flow analysis. The team leverages its deep knowledge of the mortgage industry to analyze the relative value of various GNMA bonds and construct a portfolio with lower prepayment and extension risk than the benchmark, but with similar interest rate risk.

The board concluded that each advisor’s experience, stability, depth, and performance, among other factors, warranted continuation of the advisory arrangements.

Investment performance

The board considered the short- and long-term performance of each fund, including any periods of outperformance or underperformance relative to a benchmark index and peer group. The board concluded that the performance was such that the advisory arrangements should continue. Information about each fund’s most recent performance can be found in the Performance Summary sections of this report.


The board concluded that each fund’s expense ratio was well below the average expense ratio charged by funds in its respective peer group and that each fund’s advisory fee rate was also well below its peer-group average. Information about the funds’ expenses appears in the About Your Fund’s Expenses section of this report as well as in the Financial Statements sections, which also contain information about the advisory expenses.



The board did not consider profitability of Wellington Management in determining whether to approve the advisory fee for the GNMA Fund, because Wellington Management is independent of Vanguard, and the advisory fee is the result of arm’s-length negotiations. The board does not conduct a profitability analysis of Vanguard, because of Vanguard’s unique “at-cost” structure. Unlike most other mutual fund management companies, Vanguard is owned by the funds it oversees, and produces “profits” only in the form of reduced expenses for fund shareholders.

The benefit of economies of scale

The board concluded that the GNMA Fund shareholders benefit from economies of scale because of breakpoints in the fund’s advisory fee schedule with Wellington Management. The breakpoints reduce the effective rate of the fee as the fund’s assets increase.

The board concluded that with regard to the Short-Term, Intermediate-Term, and Long-Term Treasury Funds and the Short-Term Federal Fund, the funds’ at-cost arrangement with Vanguard ensures that the funds will realize economies of scale as they grow, with the cost to shareholders declining as fund assets increase.

The board will consider whether to renew the advisory arrangements again after a one-year period.




30-Day SEC Yield. A fund’s 30-day SEC yield is derived using a formula specified by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Under the formula, data related to the fund’s security holdings in the previous 30 days are used to calculate the fund’s hypothetical net income for that period, which is then annualized and divided by the fund’s estimated average net assets over the calculation period. For the purposes of this calculation, a security’s income is based on its current market yield to maturity (for bonds), its actual income (for asset-backed securities), or its projected dividend yield (for stocks). Because the SEC yield represents hypothetical annualized income, it will differ—at times significantly—from the fund’s actual experience. As a result, the fund’s income distributions may be higher or lower than implied by the SEC yield.

Average Coupon. The average interest rate paid on the fixed income securities held by a fund. It is expressed as a percentage of face value.

Average Duration. An estimate of how much the value of the bonds held by a fund will fluctuate in response to a change in interest rates. To see how the value could change, multiply the average duration by the change in rates. If interest rates rise by 1 percentage point, the value of the bonds in a fund with an average duration of five years would decline by about 5%. If rates decrease by a percentage point, the value would rise by 5%.

Average Effective Maturity. The average length of time until fixed income securities held by a fund reach maturity and are repaid, taking into consideration the possibility that the issuer may call the bond before its maturity date. The figure reflects the proportion of fund assets represented by each security; it also reflects any futures contracts held. In general, the longer the average effective maturity, the more a fund’s share price will fluctuate in response to changes in market interest rates.

Beta. A measure of the magnitude of a fund’s past share-price fluctuations in relation to the ups and downs of a given market index. The index is assigned a beta of 1.00. Compared with a given index, a fund with a beta of 1.20 typically would have seen its share price rise or fall by 12% when the index rose or fell by 10%. For this report, beta is based on returns over the past 36 months for both the fund and the index. Note that a fund’s beta should be reviewed in conjunction with its R-squared (see definition). The lower the R-squared, the less correlation there is between the fund and the index, and the less reliable beta is as an indicator of volatility.

Credit Quality. Credit-quality ratings are measured on a scale that generally ranges from AAA (highest) to D (lowest). U.S. Treasury, U.S. Agency, and U.S. Agency mortgage-backed securities appear under “U.S. Government.” For the federal and Treasury funds, credit-quality ratings are obtained from Moody’s and S&P, and the higher rating for each issue is shown. For the GNMA Fund, credit-quality ratings are obtained from Barclays and are from Moody’s, Fitch, and S&P. When ratings from all three agencies are used, the median rating is shown. When ratings from two of the agencies are used, the lower rating for each issue is shown. “Not Rated” is used to classify securities for which a rating is not available. Not rated securities include a fund’s investment in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund or Vanguard Municipal Cash Management Fund, each of which invests in high-quality money market instruments and may serve as a cash management vehicle for the Vanguard funds, trusts, and accounts.



Distribution by Coupon. A breakdown of the securities in a fund according to coupon rate—the interest rate that an issuer promises to pay, expressed as an annual percentage of face value. Securities with unusually high coupon rates may be subject to call risk, the possibility that they will be redeemed (or “called”) early by the issuer.

Expense Ratio. A fund’s total annual operating expenses expressed as a percentage of the fund’s average net assets. The expense ratio includes management and administrative expenses, but does not include the transaction costs of buying and selling portfolio securities.

Inception Date. The date on which the assets of a fund (or one of its share classes) are first invested in accordance with the fund’s investment objective. For funds with a subscription period, the inception date is the day after that period ends. Investment performance is measured from the inception date.

R-Squared. A measure of how much of a fund’s past returns can be explained by the returns from the market in general, as measured by a given index. If a fund’s total returns were precisely synchronized with an index’s returns, its R-squared would be 1.00. If the fund’s returns bore no relationship to the index’s returns, its R-squared would be 0. For this report, R-squared is based on returns over the past 36 months for both the fund and the index.

Short-Term Reserves. The percentage of a fund invested in highly liquid, short-term securities that can be readily converted to cash.

Yield to Maturity. The rate of return an investor would receive if the fixed income securities held by a fund were held to their maturity dates.



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The People Who Govern Your Fund

The trustees of your mutual fund are there to see that the fund is operated and managed in your best interests since, as a shareholder, you are a part owner of the fund. Your fund’s trustees also serve on the board of directors of The Vanguard Group, Inc., which is owned by the Vanguard funds and provides services to them on an at-cost basis.

A majority of Vanguard’s board members are independent, meaning that they have no affiliation with Vanguard or the funds they oversee, apart from the sizable personal investments they have made as private individuals. The independent board members have distinguished backgrounds in business, academia, and public service. Each of the trustees and executive officers oversees 193 Vanguard funds.

The following table provides information for each trustee and executive officer of the fund. More information about the trustees is in the Statement of Additional Information, which can be obtained, without charge, by contacting Vanguard at 800-662-7447, or online at vanguard.com.


F. William McNabb III

Born 1957. Trustee Since July 2009. Chairman of the Board. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Chairman of the Board of The Vanguard Group, Inc., and of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group, since January 2010; Director of The Vanguard Group since 2008; Chief Executive Officer and President of The Vanguard Group, and of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group, since 2008; Director of Vanguard Marketing Corporation; Managing Director of The Vanguard Group (1995–2008).


Emerson U. Fullwood

Born 1948. Trustee Since January 2008. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Executive Chief Staff and Marketing Officer for North America and Corporate Vice President (retired 2008) of Xerox Corporation (document management products and services); Executive in Residence and 2009–2010 Distinguished Minett Professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology; Director of SPX Corporation (multi-industry manufacturing), the United Way of Rochester, Amerigroup Corporation (managed health care), the University of Rochester Medical Center, Monroe Community College Foundation, and North Carolina A&T University.

Rajiv L. Gupta

Born 1945. Trustee Since December 2001.2 Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (retired 2009) and President (2006–2008) of Rohm and Haas Co. (chemicals); Director of Tyco International PLC (diversified manufacturing and services), Hewlett-Packard Co. (electronic computer manufacturing), and Delphi Automotive PLC (automotive components); Senior Advisor at New Mountain Capital.

Amy Gutmann

Born 1949. Trustee Since June 2006. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: President of the University of Pennsylvania; Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Political Science, School of Arts and Sciences, and Professor of Communication, Annenberg School for Communication, with secondary faculty appointments in the Department of Philosophy, School of Arts and Sciences, and at the Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania; Trustee of the National Constitution Center; Chair of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.

JoAnn Heffernan Heisen

Born 1950. Trustee Since July 1998. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Corporate Vice President and Chief Global Diversity Officer (retired 2008) and Member of the Executive Committee (1997–2008) of Johnson & Johnson (pharmaceuticals/medical devices/ consumer products); Director of Skytop Lodge Corporation (hotels), the University Medical Center at Princeton, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Center for Talent Innovation; Member of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Women’s Leadership at Rutgers University.


F. Joseph Loughrey

Born 1949. Trustee Since October 2009. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: President and Chief Operating Officer (retired 2009) of Cummins Inc. (industrial machinery); Chairman of the Board of Hillenbrand, Inc. (specialized consumer services), and of Oxfam America; Director of SKF AB (industrial machinery), Hyster-Yale Materials Handling, Inc. (forklift trucks), the Lumina Foundation for Education, and the V Foundation for Cancer Research; Member of the Advisory Council for the College of Arts and Letters and of the Advisory Board to the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, both at the University of Notre Dame.

Mark Loughridge

Born 1953. Trustee Since March 2012. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (retired 2013) at IBM (information technology services); Fiduciary Member of IBM’s Retirement Plan Committee (2004–2013); Director of the Dow Chemical Company; Member of the Council on Chicago Booth.

Scott C. Malpass

Born 1962. Trustee Since March 2012. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Chief Investment Officer and Vice President at the University of Notre Dame; Assistant Professor of Finance at the Mendoza College of Business at Notre Dame; Member of the Notre Dame 403(b) Investment Committee; Board Member of TIFF Advisory Services, Inc., and Catholic Investment Services, Inc. (investment advisors); Member of the Investment Advisory Committee of Major League Baseball.

André F. Perold

Born 1952. Trustee Since December 2004. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: George Gund Professor of Finance and Banking, Emeritus at the Harvard Business School (retired 2011); Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner of HighVista Strategies LLC (private investment firm); Director of Rand Merchant Bank; Overseer of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston.

Peter F. Volanakis

Born 1955. Trustee Since July 2009. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: President and Chief Operating Officer (retired 2010) of Corning Incorporated (communications equipment); Trustee of Colby-Sawyer College; Member of the Advisory Board of the Norris Cotton Cancer Center and of the Advisory Board of the Parthenon Group (strategy consulting).

Executive Officers

Glenn Booraem

Born 1967. Treasurer Since May 2015. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Principal of The Vanguard Group, Inc.; Treasurer of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group; Controller of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group (2010–2015); Assistant Controller of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group (2001–2010).

Thomas J. Higgins

Born 1957. Chief Financial Officer Since September 2008. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Principal of The Vanguard Group, Inc.; Chief Financial Officer of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group; Treasurer of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group (1998–2008).

Peter Mahoney

Born 1974. Controller Since May 2015. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Head of Global Fund Accounting at The Vanguard Group, Inc.; Controller of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group; Head of International Fund Services at The Vanguard Group (2008–2014).

Heidi Stam

Born 1956. Secretary Since July 2005. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Managing Director of The Vanguard Group, Inc.; General Counsel of The Vanguard Group; Secretary of The Vanguard Group and of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group; Director and Senior Vice President of Vanguard Marketing Corporation.

Vanguard Senior Management Team

Mortimer J. Buckley
Kathleen C. Gubanich
Paul A. Heller
Martha G. King
John T. Marcante

Chris D. McIsaac
James M. Norris
Thomas M. Rampulla
Glenn W. Reed
Karin A. Risi

Chairman Emeritus and Senior Advisor

John J. Brennan

Chairman, 1996–2009

Chief Executive Officer and President, 1996–2008

Founder John C. Bogle

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, 1974–1996

1 Mr. McNabb is considered an “interested person,” as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, because he is an officer of the Vanguard funds.

2 December 2002 for Vanguard Equity Income Fund, the Vanguard Municipal Bond Funds, and the Vanguard State Tax-Exempt Funds.



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  © 2015 The Vanguard Group, Inc.
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  Vanguard Marketing Corporation, Distributor.
  Q322 092015


Semiannual Report | July 31, 2015

Vanguard Corporate Bond Funds

Vanguard Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Vanguard Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Vanguard Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Vanguard High-Yield Corporate Fund


The mission continues

On May 1, 1975, Vanguard began operations, a fledgling company based on the simple but revolutionary idea that a mutual fund company should be managed solely in the interest of its investors.

Four decades later, that revolutionary spirit continues to animate the enterprise. Vanguard remains on a mission to give investors the best chance of investment success.

As we mark our 40th anniversary, we thank you for entrusting your assets to Vanguard and giving us the opportunity to help you reach your financial goals in the decades to come.

Your Fund’s Total Returns. 1
Chairman’s Letter. 2
Advisors’ Report. 9
Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund. 16
Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund. 48
Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund. 79
High-Yield Corporate Fund. 104
About Your Fund’s Expenses. 121
Trustees Approve Advisory Arrangements. 123
Glossary. 125


Please note: The opinions expressed in this report are just that—informed opinions. They should not be considered promises or advice. Also, please keep in mind that the information and opinions cover the period through the date on the front of this report. Of course, the risks of investing in your fund are spelled out in the prospectus.

See the Glossary for definitions of investment terms used in this report.

About the cover: Since our founding, Vanguard has drawn inspiration from the enterprise and valor demonstrated by British naval hero Horatio Nelson and his command at the Battle of the Nile in 1798. The photograph displays a replica of a merchant ship from the same era as Nelson’s flagship, the HMS Vanguard.


Your Fund’s Total Returns        
Six Months Ended July 31, 2015        
  30-Day SEC Income Capital Total
  Yield Returns Returns Returns
Vanguard Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Investor Shares 1.74% 0.92% -0.65% 0.27%
Admiral™ Shares 1.84 0.97 -0.65 0.32
Institutional Shares 1.87 0.99 -0.65 0.34
Barclays U.S. 1–5 Year Credit Bond Index       0.26
1–5 Year Investment-Grade Debt Funds Average       0.17
1–5 Year Investment-Grade Debt Funds Average: Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.  
Vanguard Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Investor Shares 2.73% 1.44% -2.79% -1.35%
Admiral Shares 2.83 1.49 -2.79 -1.30
Barclays U.S. 5–10 Year Credit Bond Index       -1.91
Core Bond Funds Average       -1.42
Core Bond Funds Average: Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.      
Vanguard Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Investor Shares 4.09% 1.93% -9.66% -7.73%
Admiral Shares 4.19 1.97 -9.66 -7.69
Barclays U.S. Long Credit A or Better Bond Index       -7.78
Corporate A-Rated Debt Funds Average       -2.62
Corporate A-Rated Debt Funds Average: Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.    
Vanguard High-Yield Corporate Fund        
Investor Shares 5.23% 2.70% -1.20% 1.50%
Admiral Shares 5.33 2.75 -1.20 1.55
High-Yield Corporate Composite Index       1.37
High Yield Funds Average       1.52
For a benchmark description, see the Glossary.        
High Yield Funds Average: Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.      


Admiral Shares carry lower expenses and are available to investors who meet certain account-balance requirements. Institutional Shares are available to certain institutional investors who meet specific administrative, service, and account-size criteria.



Chairman’s Letter

Dear Shareholder,

After a strong run last fiscal year, bond prices declined and volatility increased over the six months ended July 31, 2015. Demand from risk-averse investors surged in January amid concerns about deflation and the shaky pace of global growth. But it slackened later as the economic picture brightened and the Federal Reserve seemed close to raising short-term interest rates for the first time in almost a decade.

With weaker demand depressing the prices of longer-term bonds in particular, Vanguard Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund returned –7.73%. (All returns and yields cited in this letter are for the funds’ Investor Shares.) More modest price declines for shorter-term investment-grade and high-yield bonds helped the three other funds perform better. Including the income they earned, their returns were –1.35% for Vanguard Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund, 0.27% for Vanguard Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund, and 1.50% for Vanguard High-Yield Corporate Fund.

All four funds performed better than their benchmarks—the Intermediate-Term Fund by a wider margin than the others. Compared with their peers, results were mixed. The Short- and Intermediate-Term Funds outperformed the average return of their peer groups, the High-Yield Corporate Fund was about even, and the Long-Term Fund lagged.



As bond prices fell, the 30-day SEC yields for all four funds increased, to 18 to 55 basis points higher as of July 31 than they were six months earlier. (A basis point is one-hundredth of a percentage point.)

Fixed income fared poorly both at home and abroad

Prices of U.S. taxable bonds declined in four of the six months, returning –1.47%. U.S. municipal bonds held up a little better, but the slide in their prices still more than offset the income they generated. Their return was –0.92%.

International bond markets (as measured by the Barclays Global Aggregate Index ex USD) returned –3.79%, curbed by the dollar’s strength against many foreign currencies. For currency-hedged investors, international bonds returned about –1%.

Returns were negligible for money market funds and savings accounts as the Fed’s target for short-term rates remained at 0%–0.25%.

U.S. stocks proved resilient in a challenging environment

The broad U.S. stock market returned more than 6% over the six months. Corporate earnings generally exceeded forecasts, and investors seemed encouraged by the monetary stimulus efforts of other nations’ central banks.

Market Barometer      
      Total Returns
    Periods Ended July 31, 2015
  Six One Five Years
  Months Year (Annualized)
Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (Broad taxable market) -1.47% 2.82% 3.27%
Barclays Municipal Bond Index (Broad tax-exempt market) -0.92 3.56 4.39
Citigroup Three-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index 0.00 0.02 0.05
Russell 1000 Index (Large-caps) 6.60% 11.24% 16.45%
Russell 2000 Index (Small-caps) 6.98 12.03 15.27
Russell 3000 Index (Broad U.S. market) 6.61 11.28 16.35
FTSE All-World ex US Index (International) 4.26 -3.74 6.23
Consumer Price Index 2.12% 0.17% 1.83%




But stocks also encountered hurdles. During the latter part of the period, Greece’s debt crisis and a swoon by Chinese stocks weighed on global markets. The strong U.S. dollar’s negative effect on the profits of U.S.-based multinational companies, valuations that some investors perceived as high, and muddled economic news also roiled stocks at times.

For U.S. investors, international stocks returned about 4%; results would have been more robust if not for the dollar’s strength. Returns for the developed markets of Europe surpassed those of the Pacific region and emerging markets.

As the period went on, prospects for growth and inflation improved

Some of the uncertainties weighing on the global economy lifted a little as the half year progressed. At home, growth seemed to get back on track after a first quarter marked by severe winter weather in the Northeast and a port strike on the West Coast. Abroad, the pace of expansion in the euro zone and Japan proved more robust than expected.

These improvements helped allay deflationary fears that had stood center stage when the period began. They also helped counter some negative developments, including weakness in commodity prices, flare-ups in the Greek crisis, and further signs of a downshift in China’s growth.

Expense Ratios        
Your Fund Compared With Its Peer Group        
  Investor Admiral Institutional Peer Group
  Shares Shares Shares Average
Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund 0.20% 0.10% 0.07% 0.79%
Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade        
Fund 0.20 0.10 0.83
Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund 0.22 0.12 0.91
High-Yield Corporate Fund 0.23 0.13 1.11


The fund expense ratios shown are from the prospectus dated May 27, 2015, and represent estimated costs for the current fiscal year. For the six months ended July 31, 2015, the funds’ annualized expense ratios were: for the Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund, 0.19% for Investor Shares, 0.09% for Admiral Shares, and 0.06% for Institutional Shares; for the Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund, 0.19% for Investor Shares and 0.09% for Admiral Shares; for the Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund, 0.21% for Investor Shares and 0.11% for Admiral Shares; and for the High-Yield Corporate Fund, 0.22% for Investor Shares and 0.12% for Admiral Shares. Peer-group expense ratios are derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company, and capture information through year-end 2014.

Peer groups: For the Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund, 1–5 Year Investment-Grade Debt Funds; for the Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund, Core Bond Funds; for the Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund, Corporate A-Rated Debt Funds; and for the High-Yield Corporate Fund, High Yield Funds.



The brightening economic outlook and increasing likelihood of a Fed rate hike led bond yields to rise and prices to fall across the maturity spectrum, particularly among longer-dated securities. The price drop cut close to 10 percentage points from the return of the Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund and nearly 3 percentage points from that of the Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund.

The other two funds saw more modest price declines of well under 2 percentage points and earned enough interest income to keep their returns in positive territory. (You can see each fund’s income and capital returns in the table on page 1.)

Sharp price drops can be disconcerting. Keep in mind, however, that prices surged in the preceding six months and that 12-month returns for all of the funds were positive. More important, although bond prices may fluctuate—sometimes significantly—income tends to be a bigger driver of their performance over the long term.

In relative terms, the investment-grade funds’ tilt toward shorter-dated maturities worked to their advantage. That was especially true for the Intermediate-Term Fund. With roughly one-third of its assets in securities maturing in less than five years, it outstripped its benchmark by 56 basis points. Another positive was these funds’ outsized allocation to financials at the expense of industrials.

  30-Day SEC Yields on
  January 31, July 31,
Bond Fund 2015 2015
Short-Term Investment-Grade    
Investor Shares 1.56% 1.74%
Admiral Shares 1.66 1.84
Institutional Shares 1.69 1.87
Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade    
Investor Shares 2.32% 2.73%
Admiral Shares 2.42 2.83
Long-Term Investment-Grade    
Investor Shares 3.54% 4.09%
Admiral Shares 3.64 4.19
High-Yield Corporate    
Investor Shares 4.99% 5.23%
Admiral Shares 5.09 5.33



For diversification and liquidity reasons, the Short- and Intermediate-Term Funds hold asset-backed securities and Treasuries, which can drag on performance when riskier securities are in favor. But these holdings helped bolster relative returns over this period. So did security selection, especially among energy securities and foreign sovereign bonds.

Do you have the right ‘asset location’ for your bond fund?

Investors who want to maximize returns and minimize taxes should consider their “asset location,” or how their investments are spread among different types of accounts.

Broadly speaking, accounts are either tax-advantaged (as in tax-free or tax-deferred) or they’re taxable. IRAs and 401(k) plans, of course, are tax-advantaged.

As part of a series called IRA Insights (available at vanguard.com/research), analysts from Vanguard’s Investment Strategy Group studied data from hundreds of thousands of Vanguard accounts to determine how well investors were locating their assets. From a tax standpoint, were people choosing the optimal account type for a particular investment?

The analysts noted that bonds are tax-inefficient, because their return is almost entirely income. So investors are generally best served by holding them (and balanced funds, which include bonds) in IRAs and other tax-advantaged accounts. Otherwise, income from the bonds will drive up an investor’s annual tax liability, even if the income is automatically reinvested in a bond or balanced fund. And unlike qualified stock dividends, which are taxed at a preferential rate, bond income gets taxed at a higher “ordinary” income rate.

As you can see in results shown below from the study, there appears to be an opportunity for some bond investors to improve their asset location. These investors may be paying more in taxes than they need to.

Over half of investors with a choice own bonds in taxable accounts

Notes: Based on an analysis of almost 700,000 Vanguard IRA@ account owners who also have taxable investments at Vanguard and who own at least some bond investments. Data are as of December 31, 2014.

Source: Vanguard.


The Long-Term Fund’s out-of-benchmark allocation to taxable municipal bonds helped relative performance, but its holdings in BBB-rated bonds detracted modestly.

The High-Yield Corporate Fund’s investments in the energy segment, despite the further slide in the price of oil in July, added to relative performance. Underweighting metals and mining also worked out well for the fund because of the softness in commodity prices.

For a more detailed discussion of the management of the funds, please see the Advisors’ Report that follows this letter.

As your investment costs go down, your chance for success can go up

Being an investor can be frustrating at times: You’re planning for your financial future, but some factors—for example, the financial markets—are beyond your control. Although you can’t control the markets, you do have some choice in how much you pay to invest in them. And what you pay can greatly affect your chance for success.

At Vanguard, as you know, we take minimizing costs seriously. Indeed, that’s one of our four investment principles. (You can read more in

Vanguard’s Principles for Investing Success, available at vanguard.com/ research.) Paying less in expenses has an intuitive, immediate appeal.

Less obvious, perhaps, is the enormous advantage that low costs can offer over time.

Imagine two well-diversified portfolios, each with a starting balance of $100,000 and each earning a yearly return of 6%, which is reinvested over a 30-year period. In one scenario, the investor pays 0.25% of assets every year in portfolio expenses, while in the other, the investor pays 0.90%. (Keep in mind that this is a hypothetical example and doesn’t represent any particular investment.)

After 30 years, the lower-cost portfolio has a balance of more than $530,000, while the higher-cost portfolio has a balance of almost $440,000. What might seem like a trifling cost difference at the start becomes a meaningful difference in the long termin this example, nearly $100,000.

Increasingly, investors recognize the importance of minimizing costs. According to Morningstar, over the past ten years, 95% of cash flows have gone into funds ranked in the lowest 20% in expenses. We’re pleased to see this trend, because it means investors are keeping more of their returns and, by doing so, have given themselves a better chance of reaching their financial goals.

As always, thank you for investing with Vanguard.


F. William McNabb III
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
August 12, 2015



Your Fund’s Performance at a Glance      
January 31, 2015, Through July 31, 2015      
      Distributions Per Share
  Starting Ending Income Capital
  Share Price Share Price Dividends Gains
Vanguard Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund      
Investor Shares $10.73 $10.66 $0.099 $0.000
Admiral Shares 10.73 10.66 0.104 0.000
Institutional Shares 10.73 10.66 0.106 0.000
Vanguard Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade      
Investor Shares $10.06 $9.77 $0.146 $0.010
Admiral Shares 10.06 9.77 0.151 0.010
Vanguard Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund      
Investor Shares $11.34 $10.18 $0.222 $0.069
Admiral Shares 11.34 10.18 0.228 0.069
Vanguard High-Yield Corporate Fund      
Investor Shares $5.98 $5.90 $0.162 $0.008
Admiral Shares 5.98 5.90 0.165 0.008




Advisors’ Report

Vanguard Fixed Income Group For the Short-, Intermediate-, and Long-Term Investment-Grade Funds

For the six months ended July 31, 2015, Vanguard Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund did a little better than its benchmark, returning 0.27% for Investor Shares, 0.32% for Admiral Shares, and 0.34% for Institutional Shares. Vanguard Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund outpaced its benchmark by a wider margin, returning –1.35% for Investor Shares and –1.30% for Admiral Shares. Both funds exceeded the average returns of their peer groups.

We also manage about 10% of the assets of Vanguard Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund. It returned –7.73% for Investor Shares and –7.69% for Admiral Shares, ahead of its benchmark. The fund lagged its peer group, although that’s an imperfect yardstick because the typical peer fund has a much shorter duration.

The investment environment

As 2015 began, monetary policy and economic growth in the United States diverged from those in much of the rest of the world. Markets expected the Federal Reserve to begin raising interest rates modestly and gradually. Meanwhile, in March, the European Central Bank (ECB) began an aggressive monthly bond-buying program that led to negative rates on some sovereign bonds. Many other central banks also pursued accommodative policies that drove their rates lower.

Yields of U.S. Treasury Securities    
  January 31, July 31,
Maturity 2015 2015
2 years 0.52% 0.73%
3 years 0.83 1.05
5 years 1.27 1.62
10 years 1.75 2.26
30 years 2.32 2.94
Source: Vanguard.    




As the U.S. economy seemed to be on the upswing despite a slowdown in growth in the fourth quarter of 2014, major European economies faced concerns about deflation and little or no growth. China, the world’s second-largest economy, modestly lowered its growth target for 2015. Although we don’t anticipate a hard landing for China’s economy, significant stock market volatility appears likely to persist.

As the year progressed, however, Europe gained strength, helped by lower oil prices and the ECB’s actions. The U.S. economy almost ground to a halt in the first quarter, in part because of a harsh winter and a West Coast port strike. But it grew in the second quarter at an annual rate of 2.3%, based on the advance estimate.

Throughout the half year, questions about the timing of the Fed’s first rate increase in nearly a decade were top of mind for investors. The Fed’s decision depends on the health of the economy. It also wants to see continued improvement in the job market and an increase in inflation toward its 2% long-term target. (Inflation has been running well below that, in part reflecting lower commodity prices.)

In the spring, the Fed signaled that it most likely would not raise rates in June, as some had predicted. Although it removed the word “patient” from its statement, it still suggested that any increases would be gradual and that rates would probably remain low for a considerable time. It seemed increasingly likely that the ultimate federal funds rate during the current economic cycle would be lower than the market anticipated last year. Expectations centered on 2.5%, down from more than 3% last October.

In this environment, the yield of the benchmark 10-year Treasury note increased gradually after a significant January rally pushed it down to 1.75%. Safe-haven demand for Treasuries was strong at the height of the uncertainty about Greece’s possible default and exit from the euro zone. But the yield of the 10-year note closed out July at 2.26%.

Management of the funds

We maintained a structurally short duration stance in the Short- and Intermediate-Term Funds versus their benchmarks. (Duration measures the sensitivity of a bond fund’s holdings to changes in interest rates.) This conservative positioning can drag on performance when rates are falling, but it boosted the funds’ relative results over the six months as rates moved higher.

For the Short- and Intermediate-Term Funds, credit analysis was key as well. It enabled us to successfully navigate other volatile segments of the fixed income market, including European bank debt and emerging-market sovereign bonds.

Favoring financials over industrials also helped the two funds. They were underweighted in energy stocks, which performed a little better than corporate bonds as a whole. However, the funds were less exposed to the roller-coaster ride that energy-related industrial companies experienced as the price of oil began to



recover but then slumped further. Thanks in part to our credit analysts, the securities we did hold in the energy segment added to performance.

The funds’ out-of-benchmark holdings in asset-backed securities and commercial mortgage-backed securities also worked well as these securities outperformed their investment-grade counterparts.

A look ahead

Lower oil prices have tempered inflation and slowed corporate capital spending. Consumer spending and housing have been alternately stronger and weaker, and consumer confidence slid in July. Overall, though, we expect the U.S. economy to grow at an annual rate comfortably above 2% for the rest of 2015.

Interest rates, and hence bond prices, could remain volatile. The market views new information about the economy’s health through the lens of the data-dependent Fed, trying to guess when it will raise rates. It’s not unusual for volatility to increase as a rate increase approaches. Still, rates are likely to be range-bound. We expect the relative strength of the U.S. economy to set a floor, and global conditions—including the stronger dollar and ECB stimulus—should serve as a cap. We still believe that a rate increase is likely to come in the second half of 2015. The Fed may not raise rates as much as has been expected, however, especially in view of the tepid outlook for growth.

We maintain significant positions in very liquid assets. This “dry powder” should give us the flexibility to seize opportunities when they arise and help us meet potential shareholder redemptions without becoming forced sellers in the market.

Whatever the markets may bring, our experienced team of portfolio managers, traders, and credit analysts will continue to seek opportunities to produce competitive returns.

Gregory Davis, CFA, Principal Global Head of Fixed Income Group Gregory S. Nassour, CFA, Principal Portfolio Manager August 19, 2015

Wellington Management Company LLP

For the Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund

As mentioned earlier, Vanguard Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund returned –7.73% for Investor Shares and –7.69% for Admiral Shares for the six months ended July 31, 2015. It outpaced the –7.78% return of its benchmark, the Barclays U.S. Long Credit A or Better Bond Index, but lagged the –2.62% average return of its peers.

The portion of the fund that we manage (“the portfolio”) invests primarily in corporate bonds with maturities of 10 to 30 years. Its returns are influenced by the direction of interest rates and by economic conditions that affect the creditworthiness of corporate bond issuers.



Investment environment

Fixed income markets were volatile over the period. Investors grappled with a mixed global economic backdrop, accommodative monetary policies, the increased risk that Greece would exit the euro zone, and ups and downs in the price of oil.

Many central banks eased monetary policy; some resorted to radical measures to counter falling inflation and stimulate growth. The ECB launched an open-ended bond-buying program, prompting other central banks to act to stop their currencies from appreciating. China’s central bank entered into an aggressive monetary easing cycle to counter deflationary risks and slowing growth. Below-trend growth and low inflation kept the Bank of England on the sidelines, while the U.S. Federal Reserve charted a course for policy normalization.

Growth stabilized in the major developed markets but continued to languish in emerging markets, driven by a slowdown in Asia. Economic data in the euro zone improved, and more countries participated in the upturn, though the Greek debt crisis muddied the outlook. China’s first-quarter gross domestic product (GDP) slowed to its weakest level since the global financial crisis. U.S. economic activity picked up after a weak first quarter; consumer fundamentals improved, the housing market gained momentum, and labor market trends remained favorable. However, the manufacturing sector faced ongoing challenges from a strong dollar and lower oil prices.

After declining in the first quarter, government bond yields moved sharply higher in the second quarter. The economic outlook brightened in the United States and the euro zone, global deflation fears eased, and the Fed appeared on track to raise interest rates later this year. Greece took center stage toward the end of the period. After debt negotiations broke down, it defaulted on its payment to the International Monetary Fund, triggering a risk-averse tone throughout global markets.

Most global government bond yields gained over the six months and yield curves generally steepened, led by the long end of the curve. Absolute returns for the major fixed income sectors were mixed; some declined as interest rates rose.

Long-term corporate bonds posted negative total returns, primarily because of the increase in long-term Treasury yields. Corporate bonds underperformed duration-equivalent Treasuries toward the end of the period when Greek exit concerns intensified. Heavy new-issue supply also weighed on the sector.

The portfolio’s successes

Security selection in technology and banking bonds was strong. The portfolio also benefited from its underweighted allocation to basic industries and from positive selection among insurance issuers.



The portfolio’s shortfalls

An underweight allocation to energy and an overweighting of communications bonds detracted from relative performance. Security selection among electric issuers was also unfavorable, as was the portfolio’s duration posture.

The outlook

We are balancing a positive view of U.S. growth and corporate fundamentals with increasing concerns about central bank actions, uncertainty over Greece’s future, and the slowdown in China. This has led us to a near-neutral positioning in investment-grade corporate bonds.

The growth trajectory for the U.S. economy remains positive; GDP growth of 2.6% is forecast for 2015. The labor market continues to improve and wages have started to climb. Although inflation is below the Fed’s 2% target, we expect this gap to narrow. Economic data suggest that the Fed should raise rates in the second half of 2015; however, China’s slowdown could push the first increase to 2016. Even as China combats its downturn, the ECB and Bank of Japan are focused on disinflationary pressures and on keeping monetary policies accommodative. These factors, in our opinion, pose threats to the stability of the U.S. recovery.

As for fundamentals, corporate earnings could be pressured by the strength of the U.S. dollar, uncertainty in the euro zone, and China’s slowdown. Credit fundamentals are trending down for investment-grade companies. Mergers and acquisitions and other shareholder-friendly activities are expected to remain elevated. Default rates should stay low in the United States but may increase in the high-yield energy sector if low oil prices persist.

Market liquidity remains challenging, exacerbated because buy-side investors hold a larger share of corporate bonds than dealers do. Furthermore, new issuance is on pace to again exceed $1 trillion in 2015, which may hinder tighter spreads. During periods of heightened market volatility, liquidity conditions deteriorate, rendering it difficult to make tactical portfolio adjustments. Valuations are more attractive after the recent spread widening.

The timing, pace, and magnitude of an upturn in interest rates will determine the performance of fixed income markets in the future and may contribute to negative total returns. However, many of the forces that kept yields low in recent years—accommodative monetary policies, subdued inflation, and global recession fears—persist.

The portfolio‘s position in long-term investment-grade bonds should help provide income stability. The major risks are, of course, rising long-term interest rates, a widening in corporate bond risk premiums, or both.

Lucius T. Hill III, Senior Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager Scott I. St. John, CFA

Senior Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager August 19, 2015



Wellington Management Company llp For the High-Yield Corporate Fund

For the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund returned 1.50% for Investor Shares and 1.55% for Admiral Shares. It outpaced the 1.37% return of its benchmark index.

The investment environment

Fixed income markets had their ups and downs along with the global economy. Many central banks adopted accommodative monetary policies, and the risk that Greece would exit the euro zone increased. Oil prices declined sharply in July as an Iran nuclear deal with the West neared and broader commodities weakened.

The 10-year U.S. Treasury yield ended the period at 2.26%, up from 1.75% at the end of January. Because bond yields and prices move in opposite directions, bond prices declined. Longer-duration and interest-rate-sensitive fixed income assets suffered along with underlying Treasuries. The high-yield market outperformed government bonds as continued improvements in the U.S. economy offset the flare-up in Greece’s debt crisis.

Performance by credit quality varied little during the half year. B-rated bonds did best, returning 1.65% as measured by the Barclays U.S. Corporate High Yield Bond Index; Ba-rated bonds returned 1.21% and Caa-rated bonds 1.01%. The spread of the high-yield market (a comparison of the yields of high-yield bonds and Treasury bonds) widened from 509 basis points to 513. Its average price declined $2, to $97.

Corporate fundamentals remain healthy and debt levels at most companies are stable. We expect above-trend U.S. GDP growth to continue over the second half of 2015 and believe that most high-yield companies will sustain solid credit profiles. We have seen a pickup, however, in shareholder-friendly actions, including mergers and acquisitions, and a weakening of bondholder covenants, which may put pressure on balance sheets. At this point, defaults remain manageable. Moody’s Investors Service’s trailing 12-month global speculative-grade default rate was 2.3% at the end of June, still well below the long-term average of 3.9%.

The new-issue market has been active this year, with more than $200 billion priced so far. Volatility in the energy industry has sparked a widening of spreads across the high-yield market. Although the problems affecting high-yield energy credits are justifiable, they are relatively isolated to that industry. We are looking to take advantage of recent dislocations created by the sell-off in non-energy companies, where wider spreads are attractive and the credits are well-supported by strong fundamentals.

The fund’s successes

The fund benefited from positive security selection in the energy sector, an underweight allocation to metals and mining, and an overweighting of health care.



The fund’s shortfalls

Selection in metals and mining as well as underweight allocations to the energy sector and the food and beverage industry detracted from performance.

The fund’s positioning

The fund remains consistent in its investment objective and strategy and maintains a significant exposure to relatively higher-rated companies in the high-yield market. We believe that these issuers have more stable businesses and more predictable cash flows than lower-rated names and can help us minimize defaults and provide stable income. We continue to diversify the fund’s holdings by issuer and industry and to de-emphasize non-cash-paying securities, preferred stocks, and equity-linked securities (such as convertibles) because of their potential volatility.

Michael L. Hong, CFA, Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager August 19, 2015



Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Fund Profile    
As of July 31, 2015      
Share-Class Characteristics    
  Investor Admiral Institutional
  Shares Shares Shares
Expense Ratio1 0.20% 0.10% 0.07%
30-Day SEC Yield 1.74% 1.84% 1.87%
Financial Attributes    
    Barclays Barclays
    1–5 Year Aggregate
    Credit Bond
  Fund Index Index
Number of Bonds 2,112 2,327 9,496
Yield to Maturity      
(before expenses) 1.9% 1.9% 2.4%
Average Coupon 3.1% 3.5% 3.2%
Average Duration 2.6 years 2.8 years 5.6 years
Average Effective      
Maturity 3.1 years 2.9 years 7.8 years
Reserves 0.4%
Sector Diversification (% of portfolio)  
Asset-Backed     9.6%
Commercial Mortgage-Backed   9.4
Finance     29.3
Foreign     7.1
Government Mortgage-Backed   0.2
Industrial     28.9
Treasury/Agency     10.6
Utilities     4.1
Other     0.8


The agency and mortgage-backed securities sectors may include issues from government-sponsored enterprises; such issues are generally not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

Volatility Measures    
  Barclays Barclays
  1–5 Year Aggregate
  Credit Bond
  Index Index
R-Squared 0.97 0.69
Beta 0.84 0.35


These measures show the degree and timing of the fund’s fluctuations compared with the indexes over 36 months.  
Distribution by Effective Maturity  
(% of portfolio)  
Under 1 Year 15.3%
1 - 3 Years 46.7
3 - 5 Years 26.4
5 - 7 Years 5.1
7 - 10 Years 5.9
10 - 20 Years 0.2
20 - 30 Years 0.2
Over 30 Years 0.2


Distribution by Credit Quality (% of portfolio)

U.S. Government 10.4%
Aaa 16.2
Aa 15.1
A 34.3
Baa 21.9
Ba 1.0
Ca 0.1
Not Rated 1.0


Credit-quality ratings are obtained from Moody's and S&P, and the higher rating for each issue is shown. "Not Rated" is used to classify securities for which a rating is not available. Not rated securities include a fund's investment in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund or Vanguard Municipal Cash Management Fund, each of which invests in high-quality money market instruments and may serve as a cash management vehicle for the Vanguard funds, trusts, and accounts. For more information about these ratings, see the Glossary entry for Credit Quality.

1 The expense ratios shown are from the prospectus dated May 27, 2015, and represent estimated costs for the current fiscal year. For the six months ended July 31, 2015, the annualized expense ratios were 0.19% for Investor Shares, 0.09% for Admiral Shares, and 0.06% for Institutional Shares.



Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Investment Focus



Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Performance Summary

All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at vanguard.com/performance.) Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

Fiscal-Year Total Returns (%): January 31, 2005, Through July 31, 2015  
        1–5 Year
      Investor Shares Index
Fiscal Year Income Returns Capital Returns Total Returns Total Returns
2006 3.66% -1.22% 2.44% 1.52%
2007 4.58 0.38 4.96 4.74
2008 5.08 2.09 7.17 7.86
2009 4.48 -8.83 -4.35 -1.17
2010 4.37 9.07 13.44 12.92
2011 3.39 0.99 4.38 4.78
2012 2.75 -0.29 2.46 3.93
2013 2.21 1.27 3.48 3.98
2014 1.82 -0.36 1.46 1.78
2015 1.88 0.15 2.03 2.36
2016 0.92 -0.65 0.27 0.26
Note: For 2016, performance data reflect the six months ended July 31, 2015.    


Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended June 30, 2015

This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period.

Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

            Ten Years
  Inception Date One Year Five Years Income Capital Total
Investor Shares 10/29/1982 1.02% 2.43% 3.35% 0.20% 3.55%
Admiral Shares 2/12/2001 1.12 2.53 3.46 0.20 3.66
Institutional Shares 9/30/1997 1.15 2.56 3.49 0.20 3.69


See Financial Highlights for dividend and capital gains information.



Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Financial Statements (unaudited)

Statement of Net Assets—Investments Summary

As of July 31, 2015

This Statement summarizes the fund’s holdings by asset type. Details are reported for each of the fund’s 50 largest individual holdings and for investments that, in total for any issuer, represent more than 1% of the fund’s net assets. The total value of smaller holdings is reported as a single amount within each category.

The fund reports a complete list of its holdings in regulatory filings four times in each fiscal year, at the quarter-ends. For the second and fourth fiscal quarters, the complete listing of the fund’s holdings is available electronically on vanguard.com and on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website (sec.gov), or you can have it mailed to you without charge by calling 800-662-7447. For the first and third fiscal quarters, the fund files the lists with the SEC on Form N-Q. Shareholders can look up the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website. Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room (see the back cover of this report for further information).

          Face Market Percentage
        Maturity Amount Value of Net
      Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations        
U.S. Government Securities          
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 10/15/16 785,300 787,263 1.5%
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 7/15/18 714,000 711,879 1.3%
1 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.250% 12/15/15 579,400 579,672 1.1%
2 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 11/15/17 486,050 487,115 0.9%
1 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.250% 12/31/15 387,700 387,820 0.7%
3 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 1/15/18 360,150 360,543 0.7%
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 7/15/16 342,000 342,855 0.6%
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 8/31/16 338,900 341,123 0.6%
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.375% 3/15/16 317,600 317,848 0.6%
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 8/15/16 280,500 281,156 0.5%
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.125% 6/15/18 255,600 256,799 0.5%
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 10/31/16 206,900 208,324 0.4%
1 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 12/31/15 182,000 183,451 0.4%
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 12/15/17 176,750 177,606 0.3%
3 United States Treasury            
  Note/Bond 0.500%–1.250% 8/31/15–8/31/19 194,773 194,954 0.4%
            5,618,408 10.5%
Conventional Mortgage-Backed Securities †     2,179 0.0%
Nonconventional Mortgage-Backed Securities †     28,740 0.1%
Total U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (Cost $5,643,899)   5,649,327 10.6%
Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities      
4 Ally Master Owner            
  Trust Series 2012-5   1.540% 9/15/19 90,765 90,852 0.2%
4 Banc of America Commercial          
  Mortgage Trust 2006-5 5.415% 9/10/47 22,826 23,593 0.0%
4 Banc of America Commercial          
  Mortgage Trust 2006-6 5.347% 10/10/45 44,283 46,062 0.1%




Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund          
        Face Market Percentage
      Maturity Amount Value of Net
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
4 Banc of America Commercial          
  Mortgage Trust 2007-2 5.562% 4/10/49 33,667 35,480 0.1%
4 Banc of America Commercial          
  Mortgage Trust 2008-1 6.171%–6.215% 2/10/51 63,702 69,099 0.1%
4,5 Banc of America Funding          
  2006-H Trust 2.825% 9/20/46 21,684 17,832 0.0%
4 Banc of America Mortgage          
  2003-F Trust 2.748% 7/25/33 1,163 1,130 0.0%
4 Bank of America Mortgage          
  2002-J Trust 3.581% 9/25/32 20 19 0.0%
4 Bear Stearns Commercial          
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2005-PWR9 4.943% 9/11/42 3,216 3,214 0.0%
4 Bear Stearns Commercial          
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2006-PWR13 5.533% 9/11/41 22,331 23,103 0.0%
4 Bear Stearns Commercial          
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2007-PWR16 5.705% 6/11/40 21,504 22,746 0.0%
4 Bear Stearns Commercial          
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2007-PWR17 5.650% 6/11/50 83,564 89,478 0.2%
4 Bear Stearns Commercial          
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2007-TOP28 5.710% 9/11/42 41,287 44,243 0.1%
4,6 Chase Issuance Trust 2007-C1 0.647% 4/15/19 30,415 30,240 0.1%
4,6 Chase Issuance Trust 2012-A10 0.447% 12/16/19 93,133 92,972 0.2%
4,5 Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust          
  2007-AR8 2.803% 7/25/37 1,317 1,230 0.0%
4 COMM 15-CR22 Mortgage Trust 3.309% 3/10/48 30,240 30,479 0.1%
4 COMM 2006-C8          
  Mortgage Trust 5.292%–5.306% 12/10/46 58,555 60,971 0.1%
4 COMM 2007-C9          
  Mortgage Trust 5.796% 12/10/49 25,097 26,801 0.1%
4 COMM 2012-CCRE2          
  Mortgage Trust 3.147%–3.791% 8/15/45 7,025 7,327 0.0%
4 COMM 2012-CCRE3          
  Mortgage Trust 2.822% 10/15/45 23,195 23,308 0.0%
4 COMM 2012-CCRE4          
  Mortgage Trust 2.853% 10/15/45 10,825 10,889 0.0%
4 COMM 2012-CCRE5          
  Mortgage Trust 2.771% 12/10/45 2,640 2,640 0.0%
4 COMM 2013-CCRE11          
  Mortgage Trust 3.983%–4.258% 10/10/46 57,295 62,359 0.1%
4 COMM 2013-CCRE12          
  Mortgage Trust 3.623%–4.046% 10/10/46 49,831 53,402 0.1%
4 COMM 2013-CCRE13          
  Mortgage Trust 4.194%–4.754% 11/10/23–12/10/23 37,967 41,093 0.1%
4 COMM 2013-CCRE8          
  Mortgage Trust 3.612% 6/10/46 22,465 23,600 0.0%
4,7 COMM 2013-CCRE9          
  Mortgage Trust 2.972%–4.258% 7/10/45–8/10/46 66,302 70,902 0.1%
4,7 COMM 2013-CR9          
  Mortgage Trust 4.258% 7/10/45 8,250 8,403 0.0%




Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund          
        Face Market Percentage
      Maturity Amount Value of Net
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
4,7 COMM 2013-LC13          
  Mortgage Trust 3.009%–4.557% 8/10/46 75,158 80,304 0.2%
4 COMM 2013-LC6          
  Mortgage Trust 2.941% 1/10/46 4,100 4,137 0.0%
4,7 COMM 2013-SFS Mortgage Trust 2.987% 4/12/35 5,490 5,496 0.0%
4,7 COMM 2014-277P Mortgage Trust 3.611% 8/10/49 29,250 30,177 0.1%
4 COMM 2014-CCRE14          
  Mortgage Trust 3.147%–4.236% 2/10/47 23,155 24,744 0.1%
4 COMM 2014-CCRE15          
  Mortgage Trust 2.928%–4.716% 2/10/47 55,540 59,303 0.1%
4 COMM 2014-CR17          
  Mortgage Trust 3.977%–4.736% 5/10/47 66,570 70,827 0.1%
4 COMM 2014-CR18          
  Mortgage Trust 3.452%–3.828% 7/15/47 36,894 38,837 0.1%
4 COMM 2014-LC17          
  Mortgage Trust 3.917% 10/10/47 11,570 12,265 0.0%
4 COMM 2014-LC19          
  Mortgage Trust 3.040% 2/10/48 4,330 4,402 0.0%
4 COMM 2015-CR24          
  Mortgage Trust 3.445%–3.696% 8/10/55 34,060 35,080 0.1%
4 Discover Card Execution          
  Note Trust 2012-A6 1.670% 1/18/22 114,300 113,788 0.2%
4 Ford Credit Auto Lease          
  Trust 2013-A 1.010%–1.280% 5/15/16–6/15/16 31,638 31,641 0.1%
4 Ford Credit Auto Lease          
  Trust 2014-A 1.160% 8/15/17 22,593 22,611 0.0%
4 Ford Credit Auto Lease          
  Trust 2015-A 1.310% 8/15/18 8,390 8,376 0.0%
4 Ford Credit Auto Owner          
  Trust 2013-C 1.680% 11/15/18 4,870 4,888 0.0%
4 Ford Credit Auto Owner          
  Trust 2013-D 1.540%–1.720% 3/15/19–7/15/19 25,138 25,189 0.1%
4,7 Ford Credit Auto Owner          
  Trust 2014-1 2.260%–2.410% 11/15/25 27,358 27,543 0.1%
4,7 Ford Credit Auto Owner          
  Trust 2014-2 2.310%–2.510% 4/15/26 38,170 38,381 0.1%
4,7 Ford Credit Auto Owner          
  Trust 2015-1 2.120% 7/15/26 22,750 22,644 0.0%
4,7 Ford Credit Auto Owner          
  Trust 2015-2 2.440% 1/15/27 61,000 61,501 0.1%
4 Ford Credit Auto Owner          
  Trust 2015-B 2.040% 10/15/20 12,700 12,702 0.0%
4 Ford Credit Floorplan          
  Master Owner Trust          
  A Series 2012-2 1.920% 1/15/19 26,574 26,846 0.1%
4 Ford Credit Floorplan          
  Master Owner Trust          
  A Series 2012-5 1.490% 9/15/19 117,285 117,446 0.2%
4 Ford Credit Floorplan          
  Master Owner Trust          
  A Series 2012-5 1.690%–2.140% 9/15/19 15,650 15,736 0.0%
4 Ford Credit Floorplan          
  Master Owner Trust          
  A Series 2013-1 1.370%–1.820% 1/15/18 35,104 35,175 0.1%




Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
      Face Market Percentage
    Maturity Amount Value of Net
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
4 Ford Credit Floorplan          
Master Owner Trust          
A Series 2013-4 2.100%–2.790% 6/15/20 15,460 15,566 0.0%
4 Ford Credit Floorplan          
Master Owner Trust          
A Series 2014-1 1.400%–2.310% 2/15/19–2/15/21 14,711 14,731 0.0%


4,6 Ford Credit Floorplan Master          
Owner Trust A Series 2014-2 0.687% 2/15/21 9,200 9,209 0.0%


4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master          
  Owner Trust A Series 2014-4 1.400% 8/15/19 68,275 68,350 0.1%
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master          
  Owner Trust A Series 2015-2 1.980% 1/15/22 9,396 9,412 0.0%
4,6 GE Capital Credit Card Master          
  Note Trust Series 2011-2 1.187% 5/15/19 49,966 50,069 0.1%
4 GE Capital Credit Card Master          
  Note Trust Series 2012-2 2.220% 1/15/22 72,000 72,954 0.1%
4 GE Capital Credit Card Master          
  Note Trust Series 2012-6 1.360% 8/17/20 89,890 89,917 0.2%
4,6 GE Dealer Floorplan Master          
  Note Trust Series 2012-2 0.938% 4/22/19 47,694 47,830 0.1%
4,6 GE Dealer Floorplan Master          
  Note Trust Series 2012-4 0.628% 10/20/17 24,789 24,792 0.1%
4,6 GE Dealer Floorplan Master          
  Note Trust Series 2015-2 0.838% 1/20/22 10,860 10,795 0.0%
4,7 GS Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2010-C2 5.246% 12/10/43 3,530 3,874 0.0%
4,7 GS Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2011-GC3 5.552% 3/10/44 2,280 2,534 0.0%
4,7 GS Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2012-ALOHA 3.551% 4/10/34 28,666 29,933 0.1%
4,7 GS Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2012-BWTR 2.954% 11/5/34 36,047 36,201 0.1%
4,7 GS Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2012-GC6 4.948% 1/10/45 1,000 1,117 0.0%


4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust          
2013-GC13 4.037% 7/10/46 22,170 24,048 0.1%
4 GS Mortgage Securities          


Trust 2013-GCJ12 3.135%–3.777% 6/10/46 18,175 18,511 0.0%
4 GS Mortgage Securities          
Trust 2013-GCJ14 2.995%–4.243% 8/10/46 79,621 85,463 0.2%
4 GS Mortgage Securities          
Trust 2014-GC20 3.998% 4/10/47 28,499 30,464 0.1%
4 GS Mortgage Securities          
Trust 2014-GC24 3.931%–4.528% 9/10/47 63,966 67,372 0.1%
4 GS Mortgage Securities          
Trust 2014-GC26 3.629% 11/10/47 18,190 18,836 0.0%
4 GS Mortgage Securities          
Trust 2015-GC28 3.396% 2/10/48 9,730 9,878 0.0%
4 GS Mortgage Securities          
Trust 2015-GC30 3.382% 5/10/50 16,885 17,227 0.0%
4 GS Mortgage Securities          
Trust 2015-GC32 3.764%–4.559% 7/10/48 23,950 24,533 0.1%


4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial          
Mortgage Securities Trust          
2006-LDP6 5.471% 4/15/43 28,099 28,573 0.1%




Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
        Face Market Percentage
      Maturity Amount Value of Net
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2006-LDP7 5.905% 4/15/45 33,710 34,715 0.1%
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2007-C1 5.716% 2/15/51 4,812 5,108 0.0%
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2007-CIBC20 5.746% 2/12/51 43,541 46,483 0.1%
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2007-LDP10 5.439% 1/15/49 38,979 41,007 0.1%
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2007-LDP12 5.850% 2/15/51 29,024 30,960 0.1%
4,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2009-IWST 5.633% 12/5/27 6,185 7,058 0.0%
4,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2010-C1 4.608% 6/15/43 2,300 2,417 0.0%
4,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2010-C2 3.616%–5.502% 11/15/43 19,765 21,224 0.0%
4,7 JP Morgan Chase          
  Commercial Mortgage          
  Securities Trust 2011-C3 4.388%–5.360% 2/15/46 46,621 50,604 0.1%
4,7 JP Morgan Chase          
  Commercial Mortgage          
  Securities Trust 2011-C5 5.323% 8/15/46 4,100 4,729 0.0%


4 JP Morgan Chase          
Commercial Mortgage          
Securities Trust 2012-C6 3.507% 5/15/45 18,490 19,414 0.0%


4,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
Mortgage Securities Trust          
2012-C8 2.829%–3.424% 10/15/45 17,175 17,268 0.0%


4 JP Morgan Chase          
Commercial Mortgage          
Securities Trust 2012-CIBX 4.271% 6/15/45 27,000 28,902 0.1%


4,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial          
Mortgage Securities Trust          
2012-HSBC 3.093% 7/5/32 5,850 5,944 0.0%


4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
Mortgage Securities Trust          
2012-LC9 2.840% 12/15/47 40,130 40,233 0.1%
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
Mortgage Securities Trust          
2013-C13 3.994% 1/15/46 14,110 15,108 0.0%
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
Mortgage Securities Trust          
2013-C16 3.674%–5.009% 12/15/46 66,150 71,292 0.1%


4 JP Morgan Chase          
Commercial Mortgage          
Securities Trust          
2013-LC11 1.855%–2.960% 4/15/46 16,187 16,234 0.0%




Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
        Face Market Percentage
      Maturity Amount Value of Net
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
4,6 MBNA Credit Card Master          
  Note Trust 2004-A3 0.447% 8/16/21 89,145 88,749 0.2%
4 Merrill Lynch Mortgage          
  Investors Trust MLMI          
  Series 2003-A2 1.943% 2/25/33 2,621 2,542 0.0%
4 Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors        
  Trust MLMI Series 2003-A4 2.715% 7/25/33 804 796 0.0%
4 Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust          
  2006-C2 5.739% 8/12/43 10,899 11,212 0.0%
4 Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust          
  2008-C1 5.690% 2/12/51 8,372 8,993 0.0%
4 ML-CFC Commercial          
  Mortgage Trust 2006-2 5.868% 6/12/46 8,019 8,200 0.0%
4 ML-CFC Commercial          
  Mortgage Trust 2007-6 5.331% 3/12/51 6,741 6,734 0.0%
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust          
  2006-HQ9 5.728% 7/12/44 51,471 53,133 0.1%
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust          
  2006-IQ12 5.319% 12/15/43 10,844 11,270 0.0%
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust          
  2007-IQ15 5.908% 6/11/49 35,458 37,734 0.1%
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust          
  2007-IQ16 5.688% 12/12/49 46,878 49,981 0.1%
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I          
  Trust 2012-C4 3.244%–3.773% 3/15/45 18,552 19,205 0.0%
4,7 Morgan Stanley Capital I          
  Trust 2012-STAR 3.201% 8/5/34 17,045 17,283 0.0%
4,7 Morgan Stanley Capital I          
  Trust 2014-150E 3.912% 9/9/32 27,955 29,380 0.1%
4,7 Morgan Stanley Capital I          
  Trust 2014-CPT 3.350% 7/13/29 24,440 25,295 0.1%
4,7 Morgan Stanley Capital I          
  Trust 2015-420 3.727% 10/11/50 31,420 32,195 0.1%
4 Synchrony Credit Card          
  Master Note Trust 2015-1 2.370% 3/15/23 14,500 14,721 0.0%
7 Asset-Backed/Commercial          
  Securities—Other †       6,671,036 12.5%
Total Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (Cost $10,267,600) 10,302,854 19.4%
Corporate Bonds          
  Abbey National Treasury          
  Services plc 1.375% 3/13/17 93,971 94,049 0.2%
  Bank of America Corp. 2.600% 1/15/19 117,339 118,827 0.2%
  Bank of America Corp. 1.500%–6.875% 9/1/15–4/21/20 600,342 627,266 1.2%
  Bank of America NA 1.125%–6.100% 11/14/16–3/26/18 169,204 170,100 0.3%
  Bank of Nova Scotia 2.550% 1/12/17 90,083 91,975 0.2%
  Bear Stearns Cos. LLC 5.300%–7.250% 10/30/15–2/1/18 106,394 114,454 0.2%
  BNP Paribas SA 2.375% 9/14/17 88,726 90,196 0.2%
  Citigroup Inc. 1.250%–6.125% 1/15/16–7/29/19 618,425 629,130 1.2%
  Cooperatieve Centrale          
  Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 3.375% 1/19/17 89,189 92,094 0.2%
  Countrywide Financial Corp. 6.250% 5/15/16 37,914 39,289 0.1%
  Deutsche Bank AG 6.000% 9/1/17 97,907 106,207 0.2%




Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
        Face Market Percentage
      Maturity Amount Value of Net
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
  Deutsche Bank AG 1.400% 2/13/17 93,890 93,577 0.2%
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 5.950% 1/18/18 108,310 118,834 0.2%
8,9 Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 2.375%–6.250% 8/1/15–10/23/19 544,728 584,702 1.1%
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 3.450% 3/1/16 99,006 100,410 0.2%
4 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1.100%–6.300% 10/1/15–12/29/49 635,845 649,499 1.2%
9 JPMorgan Chase Bank NA 5.375%–6.000% 6/13/16–10/1/17 67,405 80,167 0.1%
  Morgan Stanley 1.875%–6.625% 10/15/15–6/16/20 513,711 530,842 1.0%
  National City Bank 5.250%–5.800% 12/15/16–6/7/17 29,375 31,182 0.1%
  National City Corp. 6.875% 5/15/19 8,085 9,328 0.0%
  PNC Bank NA 0.800%–6.875% 1/28/16–10/18/19 475,282 479,637 0.9%
  PNC Financial Services          
  Group Inc. 1.850%–2.600% 7/20/18–7/21/20 38,690 38,783 0.1%
  PNC Funding Corp. 2.700%–5.625% 9/21/15–2/8/20 75,138 77,009 0.1%
  Synchrony Financial 3.000% 8/15/19 85,990 86,558 0.2%
  Synchrony Financial 2.700%–4.500% 2/3/20–7/23/25 53,175 52,589 0.1%
  Wachovia Bank NA 5.000%–6.000% 8/15/15–11/15/17 90,053 96,068 0.2%
  Wachovia Corp. 5.625%–5.750% 10/15/16–2/1/18 124,991 135,234 0.2%
  Wells Fargo & Co. 2.125% 4/22/19 102,100 102,460 0.2%
  Wells Fargo & Co. 1.150%–5.625% 6/15/16–7/22/20 305,007 308,046 0.6%
7 Banking—Other †       6,749,380 12.6%
  Nomura Holdings Inc. 2.000% 9/13/16 93,195 93,752 0.2%
7 Brokerage—Other †       `238,515 0.4%
  Finance Companies          
  Air Lease Corp. 5.625% 4/1/17 81,514 86,099 0.2%
  General Electric Capital Corp. 5.625% 5/1/18 106,280 117,312 0.2%
4 General Electric          
  Capital Corp. 1.000%–6.375% 9/21/15–11/15/67 345,887 359,107 0.7%
  Finance Companies—Other †     114,184 0.2%
7 Insurance †       990,530 1.9%
  Real Estate Investment Trusts        
  ARC Properties Operating          
  Partnership LP/Clark          
  Acquisition LLC 2.000% 2/6/17 112,260 109,770 0.2%
7 Real Estate Investment          
  Trusts—Other †       869,181 1.6%
          15,476,342 29.1%
7 Basic Industry †       1,095,461 2.0%
  Capital Goods          
  General Electric Co. 5.250% 12/6/17 131,375 142,742 0.3%
  General Electric Co. 0.850% 10/9/15 18,403 18,418 0.0%
7 Capital Goods—Other †       1,415,058 2.7%
  Verizon Communications Inc. 3.650% 9/14/18 87,250 91,736 0.2%
7 Communication—Other †       2,229,389 4.2%
  Consumer Cyclical          
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 5.000% 5/15/18 82,715 88,741 0.2%
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 2.145%–8.000% 4/15/16–8/4/20 346,184 357,715 0.7%
7 Consumer Cyclical—Other †       1,897,856 3.5%
  Consumer Noncyclical          
  AbbVie Inc. 1.800% 5/14/18 126,410 126,112 0.2%
  Actavis Funding SCS 3.000% 3/12/20 103,408 103,700 0.2%
7 Consumer Noncyclical—Other †     3,177,692 6.0%




Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund          
        Face Market Percentage
      Maturity Amount Value of Net
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
  Occidental Petroleum Corp. 1.750% 2/15/17 93,490 94,212 0.2%
7 Energy—Other †       2,081,433 3.9%
7 Other Industrial †       84,633 0.1%
  Oracle Corp. 2.250% 10/8/19 94,586 95,280 0.2%
  Technology—Other †       1,481,729 2.8%
7 Transportation †       668,463 1.2%
          15,250,370 28.6%
7 Electric †       1,966,658 3.7%
  Natural Gas †       181,661 0.4%
  Other Utility †       10,267 0.0%
          2,158,586 4.1%
Total Corporate Bonds (Cost $32,885,500)     32,885,298 61.8%
Sovereign Bonds (U.S. Dollar-Denominated)        
  Export-Import Bank of Korea 4.000% 1/11/17 98,200 101,928 0.2%
4 Federative Republic of Brazil 11.000% 8/17/40 150,015 150,420 0.3%
  Petrobras International          
  Finance Co. SA 3.875% 1/27/16 109,305 109,168 0.2%
  Petroleos Mexicanos 5.750% 3/1/18 118,704 129,091 0.2%
  Petroleos Mexicanos 5.500% 1/21/21 90,850 98,431 0.2%
  Republic of Turkey 7.500% 7/14/17 149,034 164,049 0.3%
  Republic of Turkey 7.000% 9/26/16 100,305 106,549 0.2%
7 Sovereign Bonds          
  (U.S. Dollar-Denominated)—Other †     2,940,067 5.5%
Total Sovereign Bonds (Cost $3,785,602)     3,799,703 7.1%
Taxable Municipal Bonds (Cost $209,330) †     213,504 0.4%
Tax-Exempt Municipal Bonds (Cost $10,000) †     10,000 0.0%
Convertible Preferred Stocks (Cost $28,923) †   29,160 0.0%
Temporary Cash Investment          
Money Market Fund          
10 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund          
  (Cost $205,523) 0.152%   205,523,000 205,523 0.4%
Total Investments (Cost $53,036,377)       53,066,209 99.7%
      Date Contracts    
Liability for Options Written          
  Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
  Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.00 8/21/15 876 (780) 0.0%
  Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
  Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.00 8/21/15 1,579 (642) 0.0%
  Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
  Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.50 8/21/15 877 (534) 0.0%
  Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
  Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.50 8/21/15 267 (67) 0.0%




Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
      Market Percentage
  Expiration   Value of Net
  Date Contracts ($000) Assets
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $126.00 8/21/15 877 (151) 0.0%
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.50 8/21/15 1,230 (115) 0.0%
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.00 8/21/15 876 (55) 0.0%
Total Liability for Options Written (Premiums received $2,230)   (2,344) 0.0%
Other Assets and Liabilities        
Other Assets     610,648 1.1%
Liabilities     (426,686) (0.8%)
      183,962 0.3%
Net Assets     53,247,827 100.0%
At July 31, 2015, net assets consisted of:        
Paid-in Capital       53,228,753
Undistributed Net Investment Income       27,903
Accumulated Net Realized Losses       (55,455)
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)        
Investment Securities       29,832
Futures Contracts       (5,123)
Options on Futures Contracts       (114)
Swap Contracts       17,750
Forward Currency Contracts       4,483
Foreign Currencies       (202)
Net Assets       53,247,827
Investor Shares—Net Assets        
Applicable to 965,881,700 outstanding $.001 par value shares of      
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization)       10,301,018
Net Asset Value Per Share—Investor Shares       $10.66
Admiral Shares—Net Assets        
Applicable to 3,205,013,994 outstanding $.001 par value shares of      
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization)       34,181,107
Net Asset Value Per Share—Admiral Shares       $10.66




Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund  
Institutional Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 821,921,617 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 8,765,702
Net Asset Value Per Share—Institutional Shares $10.66


  • See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
  • Represents the aggregate value, by category, of securities that are not among the 50 largest holdings and, in total for any issuer, represent 1% or less of net assets.
  • Securities with a value of $11,346,000 have been segregated as collateral for open forward currency contracts and over-the-counter swap contracts.
  • Securities with a value of $8,273,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open cleared swap contracts.
  • Securities with a value of $18,505,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open futures contracts.
  • The average or expected maturity is shorter than the final maturity shown because of the possibility of interim principal payments and prepayments or the possibility of the issue being called.
  • Security made only partial principal and/or interest payments during the period ended July 31, 2015.
  • Adjustable-rate security.
  • Certain of the fund’s securities are exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may be sold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At July 31, 2015, the aggregate value of these securities was $6,718,589,000, representing 12.6% of net assets.
  • Face amount denominated in Australian dollars.
  • Face amount denominated in British pounds.
  • Affiliated money market fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown is the 7-day yield.
    See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund  
Statement of Operations  
  Six Months Ended
  July 31, 2015
Investment Income  
Interest1 541,046
Total Income 541,046
The Vanguard Group—Note B  
Investment Advisory Services 2,614
Management and Administrative—Investor Shares 8,258
Management and Administrative—Admiral Shares 10,434
Management and Administrative—Institutional Shares 1,466
Marketing and Distribution—Investor Shares 1,093
Marketing and Distribution—Admiral Shares 2,689
Marketing and Distribution—Institutional Shares 585
Custodian Fees 335
Shareholders’ Reports—Investor Shares 116
Shareholders’ Reports—Admiral Shares 137
Shareholders’ Reports—Institutional Shares 5
Trustees’ Fees and Expenses 19
Total Expenses 27,751
Net Investment Income 513,295
Realized Net Gain (Loss)  
Investment Securities Sold (5,921)
Futures Contracts (3,658)
Options on Futures Contracts 4,271
Swap Contracts 1,080
Foreign Currencies and Forward Currency Contracts 4,141
Realized Net Gain (Loss) (87)
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)  
Investment Securities (369,436)
Futures Contracts 34,730
Options on Futures Contracts 6,484
Swap Contracts (7,566)
Foreign Currencies and Forward Currency Contracts 4,577
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (331,211)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 181,997
1 Interest income from an affiliated company of the fund was $318,000.  
See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.  




Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund    
Statement of Changes in Net Assets    
  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  July 31, January 31,
  2015 2015
  ($000) ($000)
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    
Net Investment Income 513,295 980,683
Realized Net Gain (Loss) (87) 83,710
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (331,211) 3,821
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 181,997 1,068,214
Net Investment Income    
Investor Shares (98,956) (213,848)
Admiral Shares (331,148) (619,772)
Institutional Shares (84,326) (146,949)
Realized Capital Gain1    
Investor Shares (26,851)
Admiral Shares (80,491)
Institutional Shares (20,406)
Total Distributions (514,430) (1,108,317)
Capital Share Transactions    
Investor Shares (574,753) (798,552)
Admiral Shares 622,298 4,164,504
Institutional Shares 481,061 1,539,327
Net Increase (Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions 528,606 4,905,279
Total Increase (Decrease) 196,173 4,865,176
Net Assets    
Beginning of Period 53,051,654 48,186,478
End of Period2 53,247,827 53,051,654


1 Includes fiscal 2015 short-term gain distributions totaling $64,494,000. Short-term gain distributions are treated as ordinary income dividends for tax purposes.

2 Net Assets—End of Period includes undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income of $27,903,000 and $30,496,000.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Investor Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended January 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $10.73 $10.74 $10.82 $10.73 $10.80 $10.70
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .099 .200 .194 .231 .269 .330
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (. 070) . 016 (. 039) .139 (. 008) .132
Total from Investment Operations .029 .216 .155 .370 .261 .462
Dividends from Net Investment Income (. 099) (. 200) (.194) (. 234) (. 292) (. 356)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains — (. 026) (. 041) (. 046) (. 039) (. 006)
Total Distributions (. 099) (. 226) (. 235) (. 280) (. 331) (. 362)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $10.66 $10.73 $10.74 $10.82 $10.73 $10.80
Total Return1 0.27% 2.03% 1.46% 3.48% 2.46% 4.38%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $10,301 $10,943 $11,752 $12,166 $13,394 $15,249
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.19% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.22%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 1.86% 1.86% 1.81% 2.13% 2.52% 3.05%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 78% 79% 122% 80% 47%2 48%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

2 Excludes the value of portfolio securities received or delivered as a result of in-kind purchases or redemptions of the fund’s capital shares.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Admiral Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended January 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $10.73 $10.74 $10.82 $10.73 $10.80 $10.70
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .104 .211 .205 .242 .279 .342
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (. 070) . 016 (. 039) .139 (. 008) .132
Total from Investment Operations .034 .227 .166 .381 .271 .474
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.104) (. 211) (. 205) (. 245) (. 302) (. 368)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (. 026) (. 041) (. 046) (. 039) (. 006)
Total Distributions (.104) (. 237) (. 246) (. 291) (. 341) (. 374)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $10.66 $10.73 $10.74 $10.82 $10.73 $10.80
Total Return1 0.32% 2.13% 1.56% 3.59% 2.55% 4.49%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $34,181 $33,772 $29,632 $25,845 $22,313 $21,337
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.09% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.11% 0.11%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 1.96% 1.96% 1.91% 2.23% 2.61% 3.16%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 78% 79% 122% 80% 47%2 48%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

2 Excludes the value of portfolio securities received or delivered as a result of in-kind purchases or redemptions of the fund’s capital shares.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Institutional Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended January 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $10.73 $10.74 $10.82 $10.73 $10.80 $10.70
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .106 .214 .208 .245 .283 .346
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (. 070) . 016 (. 039) .139 (. 008) .132
Total from Investment Operations .036 .230 .169 .384 .275 .478
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.106) (. 214) (. 208) (. 248) (. 306) (. 372)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (. 026) (. 041) (. 046) (. 039) (. 006)
Total Distributions (.106) (. 240) (. 249) (. 294) (. 345) (. 378)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $10.66 $10.73 $10.74 $10.82 $10.73 $10.80
Total Return 0.34% 2.16% 1.59% 3.62% 2.60% 4.53%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $8,766 $8,337 $6,802 $4,672 $1,864 $1,387
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.06% 0.07% 0.07% 0.07% 0.07% 0.07%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 1.99% 1.99% 1.94% 2.26% 2.65% 3.20%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 78% 79% 122% 80% 47%1 48%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Excludes the value of portfolio securities received or delivered as a result of in-kind purchases or redemptions of the fund’s capital shares.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Vanguard Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. Certain of the fund’s investments are in corporate debt instruments; the issuers’ abilities to meet their obligations may be affected by economic developments in their respective industries. The fund invests in securities of foreign issuers, which may subject it to investment risks not normally associated with investing in securities of U.S. corporations. To minimize the currency risk associated with investment in bonds denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, the fund attempts to hedge its currency exposures. The fund offers three classes of shares: Investor Shares, Admiral Shares, and Institutional Shares. Investor Shares are available to any investor who meets the fund’s minimum purchase requirements. Admiral Shares and Institutional Shares are designed for investors who meet certain administrative, service, and account-size criteria.

A. The following significant accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles for U.S. investment companies. The fund consistently follows such policies in preparing its financial statements.

1. Security Valuation: Securities are valued as of the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time) on the valuation date. Equity securities are valued at the latest quoted sales prices or official closing prices taken from the primary market in which each security trades; such securities not traded on the valuation date are valued at the mean of the latest quoted bid and asked prices. Bonds, and temporary cash investments acquired over 60 days to maturity, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system (which considers such factors as security prices, yields, maturities, and ratings), both as furnished by independent pricing services. Structured debt securities, including mortgages and asset-backed securities, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system that considers such factors as issuer, tranche, nominal or option-adjusted spreads, weighted average coupon, weighted average maturity, credit enhancements, and collateral. Investments in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund are valued at that fund’s net asset value. Other temporary cash investments are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available, or whose values have been affected by events occurring before the fund’s pricing time but after the close of the securities’ primary markets, are valued at their fair values calculated according to procedures adopted by the board of trustees. These procedures include obtaining quotations from an independent pricing service, monitoring news to identify significant market- or security-specific events, and evaluating changes in the values of foreign market proxies (for example, ADRs, futures contracts, or exchange-traded funds), between the time the foreign markets close and the fund’s pricing time. When fair-value pricing is employed, the prices of securities used by a fund to calculate its net asset value may differ from quoted or published prices for the same securities.

2. Foreign Currency: Securities and other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars using exchange rates obtained from an independent third party as of the fund’s pricing time on the valuation date. Realized gains (losses) and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investment securities include the effects of changes in exchange rates since the securities were purchased, combined with the effects of changes in security prices. Fluctuations in the value of other assets and liabilities resulting from changes in exchange rates are recorded as unrealized foreign currency gains (losses) until the assets or liabilities are settled in cash, at which time they are recorded as realized foreign currency gains (losses).

3. Futures and Options: The fund uses futures contracts and options on futures contracts to invest in fixed income asset classes with greater efficiency and lower cost than is possible through direct investment, to add value when these instruments are attractively priced, or to adjust sensitivity to



Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund

changes in interest rates. The primary risks associated with the use of futures contracts are imperfect correlation between changes in market values of bonds held by the fund and the prices of futures contracts, and the possibility of an illiquid market. The primary risk associated with purchasing options is that interest rates move in such a way that the option is out-of-the-money, the position is worthless at expiration, and the fund loses the premium paid. The primary risk associated with writing options is that interest rates move in such a way that the option is in-the-money, the counterparty exercises the option, and the fund loses an amount equal to the market value of the option written less the premium received. Counterparty risk involving futures and exchange-traded options is mitigated because a regulated clearinghouse is the counterparty instead of the clearing broker. To further mitigate counterparty risk, the fund trades futures and options on an exchange, monitors the financial strength of its clearing brokers and clearinghouse, and has entered into clearing agreements with its clearing brokers. The clearinghouse imposes initial margin requirements to secure the fund’s performance and requires daily settlement of variation margin representing changes in the market value of each contract.

Futures contracts are valued at their quoted daily settlement prices. The aggregate settlement values of the contracts are not recorded in the Statement of Net Assets. Fluctuations in the value of the contracts are recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until the contracts are closed, when they are recorded as realized futures gains (losses).

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average investments in long and short futures contracts represented 5% and 2% of net assets, respectively, based on the average of aggregate settlement values at each quarter-end during the period.

Options on futures contracts are also valued at their quoted daily settlement prices. The premium paid for a purchased option is recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset that is subsequently adjusted daily to the current market value of the option purchased. The premium received for a written option is recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset with an equal liability that is subsequently adjusted daily to the current market value of the option written. Fluctuations in the value of the options are recorded in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until expired, closed, or exercised, at which time realized gains (losses) are recognized.

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average value of options purchased and options written each represented less than 1% of net assets, based on the average market values at each quarter-end during the period.

4. Forward Currency Contracts: The fund enters into forward currency contracts to protect the value of securities and related receivables and payables against changes in future foreign exchange rates. The fund’s risks in using these contracts include movement in the values of the foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar and the ability of the counterparties to fulfill their obligations under the contracts. The fund mitigates its counterparty risk by entering into forward currency contracts only with a diverse group of prequalified counterparties, monitoring their financial strength, entering into master netting arrangements with its counterparties, and requiring its counterparties to transfer collateral as security for their performance. The master netting arrangements provide that, in the event of a counterparty’s default (including bankruptcy), the fund may terminate the forward currency contracts, determine the net amount owed by either party in accordance with its master netting arrangements, and sell or retain any collateral held up to the net amount owed to the fund under the master netting arrangements. The forward currency contracts contain provisions whereby a counterparty may terminate open contracts if the fund’s net assets decline below a certain level,



Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund

triggering a payment by the fund if the fund is in a net liability position at the time of the termination. The payment amount would be reduced by any collateral the fund has pledged. Any assets pledged as collateral for open contracts are noted in the Statement of Net Assets. The value of collateral received or pledged is compared daily to the value of the forward currency contracts exposure with each counterparty, and any difference, if in excess of a specified minimum transfer amount, is adjusted and settled within two business days.

Forward currency contracts are valued at their quoted daily prices obtained from an independent third party, adjusted for currency risk based on the expiration date of each contract. The notional amounts of the contracts are not recorded in the Statement of Net Assets. Fluctuations in the value of the contracts are recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until the contracts are closed, when they are recorded as realized forward currency contract gains (losses).

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average investment in forward currency contracts represented 1% of net assets, based on the average of notional amounts at each quarter-end during the period.

5. Swap Contracts: The fund invests in credit default swaps to adjust the overall credit risk of the fund or to actively overweight or underweight credit risk to a specific issuer or group of issuers. The fund may sell credit protection through credit default swaps to simulate investments in long positions that are either unavailable or considered to be less attractively priced in the bond market. The fund may purchase credit protection through credit default swaps to reduce credit exposure to a given issuer or issuers. Under the terms of the swaps, an up-front payment may be exchanged between the seller and buyer. In addition, the seller of the credit protection receives a periodic payment of premium from the buyer that is a fixed percentage applied to a notional amount. If, for example, the reference entity is subject to a credit event (such as bankruptcy, failure to pay, or obligation acceleration) during the term of the swap, the seller agrees to either physically settle or cash settle the swap contract. If the swap is physically settled, the seller agrees to pay the buyer an amount equal to the notional amount and take delivery of a debt instrument of the reference issuer with a par amount equal to such notional amount. If the swap is cash settled, the seller agrees to pay the buyer the difference between the notional amount and the final price for the relevant debt instrument, as determined either in a market auction or pursuant to a pre-agreed-upon valuation procedure.

The fund enters into interest rate swap transactions to adjust the fund’s sensitivity to changes in interest rates and maintain the ability to generate income at prevailing market rates. Under the terms of the swaps, one party pays the other an amount that is a fixed percentage rate applied to a notional amount. In return, the counterparty agrees to pay a floating rate, which is reset periodically based on short-term interest rates, applied to the same notional amount.

The fund invests in cross-currency swaps to hedge the currency risk associated with investing in foreign securities. Under the terms of the swaps, the parties exchange a series of payments calculated on the basis of a fixed rate applied to a notional amount, on specified dates and in a specified currency. Additionally, currency amounts are exchanged by the counterparties at the initiation of the contract, with an agreement to reverse the exchange of the currency amounts upon termination of the contract.

The notional amounts of swap contracts are not recorded in the Statement of Net Assets. Swaps are valued daily based on market quotations received from independent pricing services or recognized dealers and the change in value is recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until the seller of credit



Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund

protection is required to take delivery (or, in a cash settled swap, pay the settlement amount determined) upon occurrence of a credit event, periodic payments are made, or the swap terminates, at which time realized gain (loss) is recorded. The net premium to be received or paid by the fund under swap contracts is accrued daily and recorded as realized gain (loss) over the life of the contract.

The primary risk associated with selling credit protection is that, upon the occurrence of a defined credit event, the market value of the debt instrument received by the fund (or, in a cash settled swap, the debt instruments used to determine the settlement payment by the fund) will be significantly less than the amount paid by the fund and, in a physically settled swap, the fund may receive an illiquid debt instrument. A risk associated with all types of swaps is the possibility that a counterparty may default on its obligation to pay net amounts due to the fund. The fund’s maximum amount subject to counterparty risk is the unrealized appreciation on the swap contract. The fund mitigates its counterparty risk by entering into swaps only with a diverse group of prequalified counterparties, monitoring their financial strength, entering into master netting arrangements with its counterparties, and requiring its counterparties to transfer collateral as security for their performance. In the event of a counterparty’s default (including bankruptcy), the fund may terminate any swap contracts with that counterparty, determine the net amount owed by either party in accordance with its master netting arrangements, and sell or retain any collateral held up to the net amount owed to the fund under the master netting arrangements. The swap contracts contain provisions whereby a counterparty may terminate open contracts if the fund’s net assets decline below a certain level, triggering a payment by the fund if the fund is in a net liability position at the time of the termination. The payment amount would be reduced by any collateral the fund has pledged. Any securities pledged as collateral for open contracts are noted in the Statement of Net Assets. The value of collateral received or pledged is compared daily to the value of the swap contracts exposure with each counterparty, and any difference, if in excess of a specified minimum transfer amount, is adjusted and settled within two business days.

The fund enters into centrally cleared interest rate swaps to achieve the same objectives specified with respect to the equivalent over-the-counter swaps but with less counterparty risk because a regulated clearinghouse is the counterparty instead of the clearing broker or executing broker. The clearinghouse imposes initial margin requirements to secure the fund’s performance, and requires daily settlement of variation margin representing changes in the market value of each contract. To further mitigate counterparty risk, the fund trades with a diverse group of prequalified executing brokers; monitors the financial strength of its clearing brokers, executing brokers, and clearinghouse; and has entered into agreements with its clearing brokers and executing brokers.

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average amounts of credit protection sold and credit protection purchased each represented 1% of net assets, based on the average of notional amounts at each quarter-end during the period. The average amount of interest rate swaps represented 3% of net assets, based on the average of notional amounts at each quarter-end during the period. The average amount of cross currency swaps represented less than 1% of net assets, based on the average of notional amounts at each quarter-end during the period.

6. Federal Income Taxes: The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years (January 31, 2012–2015), and for the period ended July 31, 2015, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the fund’s financial statements.



Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund

7. Distributions: Distributions from net investment income are declared daily and paid on the first business day of the following month. Annual distributions from realized capital gains, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

8. Credit Facility: The fund and certain other funds managed by The Vanguard Group participate in a $3 billion committed credit facility provided by a syndicate of lenders pursuant to a credit agreement that may be renewed annually; each fund is individually liable for its borrowings, if any, under the credit facility. Borrowings may be utilized for temporary and emergency purposes, and are subject to the fund’s regulatory and contractual borrowing restrictions. The participating funds are charged administrative fees and an annual commitment fee of 0.06% of the undrawn amount of the facility; these fees are allocated to the funds based on a method approved by the fund’s board of trustees and included in Management and Administrative expenses on the fund’s Statement of Operations. Any borrowings under this facility bear interest at a rate equal to the higher of the federal funds rate or LIBOR reference rate plus an agreed-upon spread.

The fund had no borrowings outstanding at July 31, 2015, or at any time during the period then ended.

9. Other: Interest income includes income distributions received from Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund and is accrued daily. Premiums and discounts on debt securities purchased are amortized and accreted, respectively, to interest income over the lives of the respective securities. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.

Each class of shares has equal rights as to assets and earnings, except that each class separately bears certain class-specific expenses related to maintenance of shareholder accounts (included in Management and Administrative expenses) and shareholder reporting. Marketing and distribution expenses are allocated to each class of shares based on a method approved by the board of trustees. Income, other non-class-specific expenses, and gains and losses on investments are allocated to each class of shares based on its relative net assets.

B. The Vanguard Group furnishes at cost investment advisory, corporate management, administrative, marketing, and distribution services. The costs of such services are allocated to the fund based on methods approved by the board of trustees. The fund has committed to invest up to 0.40% of its net assets in Vanguard. At July 31, 2015, the fund had contributed capital of $4,711,000 to Vanguard (included in Other Assets), representing 0.01% of the fund’s net assets and 1.88% of Vanguard’s capitalization. The fund’s trustees and officers are also directors and employees, respectively, of Vanguard.

C. Various inputs may be used to determine the value of the fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

Level 1—Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.

Level 2—Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).

Level 3—Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments).



Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund

The following table summarizes the market value of the fund’s investments as of July 31, 2015, based on the inputs used to value them:

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Investments ($000) ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations 5,649,327
Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 10,163,596 139,258
Corporate Bonds 32,885,296 2
Sovereign Bonds 3,799,703
Taxable Municipal Bonds 213,504
Tax-Exempt Municipal Bonds 10,000
Convertible Preferred Stocks
Temporary Cash Investments 205,523
Liability for Options Written (2,344)
Futures Contracts—Assets1 4,711
Futures Contracts—Liabilities1 (3,528)
Forward Currency Contracts—Assets 5,229
Forward Currency Contracts—Liabilities (746)
Swap Contracts—Assets 2881 25,213
Swap Contracts—Liabilities (1,525)1 (5,030)
Total 203,125 52,746,092 139,260
1 Represents variation margin on the last day of the reporting period.      


D. At July 31, 2015, the fair values of derivatives were reflected in the Statement of Net Assets as follows:

  Interest Rate Currency Credit  
  Contracts Contracts Contracts Total
Statement of Net Assets Caption ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000)
Other Assets 4,999 26,680 3,762 35,441
Liability for Options Written (2,344) (2,344)
Other Liabilities (5,053) (746) (5,030) (10,829)




Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Realized net gain (loss) and the change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on derivatives for the six months ended July 31, 2015, were:

  Interest Rate Currency Credit  
  Contracts Contracts Contracts Total
Realized Net Gain (Loss) on Derivatives ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000)
Futures Contracts (3,658) (3,658)
Options on Futures Contracts 4,271 4,271
Swap Contracts (802) 1,254 628 1,080
Forward Currency Contracts (1,667) (1,667)
Realized Net Gain (Loss) on Derivatives (189) (413) 628 26
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Derivatives      
Futures Contracts 34,730 34,730
Options on Futures Contracts 6,484 6,484
Swap Contracts (652) (8,408) 1,494 (7,566)
Forward Currency Contracts 4,360 4,360
Change in Unrealized Appreciation        
(Depreciation) on Derivatives 40,562 (4,048) 1,494 38,008


At July 31, 2015, the aggregate settlement value of open futures contracts and the related unrealized appreciation (depreciation) were:

    Number of Settlement Unrealized
    Long (Short) Value Appreciation
Futures Contracts Expiration Contracts Long (Short) (Depreciation)
5-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 21,115 2,530,501 4,929
30-Year U.S. Treasury Bond September 2015 (4,068) (634,354) (7,663)
10-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 (2,485) (316,682) (69)
2-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 961 210,519 227
Euro-Bobl September 2015 (1,187) (169,877) (1,234)
Euro-Bund September 2015 (389) (65,963) (1,204)
AUD 3-Year Bond September 2015 (758) (61,983) (417)
Ultra Long U.S. Treasury Bond September 2015 151 24,089 390
Long Gilt September 2015 (117) (21,433) (89)
Euro-Schatz September 2015 15 1,833 7


Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on open futures contracts is required to be treated as realized gain (loss) for tax purposes.



Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund

At July 31, 2015, the fund had open forward currency contracts to receive and deliver currencies as follows. Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on open forward currency contracts is treated as ordinary income for tax purposes.

  Contract       Appreciation
  Settlement   Contract Amount (000) (Depreciation)
Counterparty   Date   Receive   Deliver ($000)
Bank of America N.A.   8/4/15 GBP 67,351 USD 104,867 310
Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC 8/4/15 AUD 61,370 USD 45,267 (419)
Goldman Sachs Bank AG   8/4/15 EUR 7,077 USD 7,714 59
JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.   8/4/15 EUR 532 USD 596 (12)
Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC 9/2/15 USD 259,069 EUR 235,858 (73)
BNP Paribas   8/4/15 USD 106,592 GBP 67,351 1,414
Bank of America N.A.   9/2/15 USD 79,093 GBP 50,809 (235)
UBS AG   8/4/15 USD 47,589 AUD 61,370 2,741
Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC 9/2/15 USD 45,194 AUD 61,370 425
BNP Paribas   9/2/15 USD 19,996 EUR 18,000 219
JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.   9/2/15 USD 11,666 AUD 16,000 (6)
Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC 8/4/15 USD 4,485 EUR 4,084 (1)
Bank of America N.A.   8/4/15 USD 3,932 EUR 3,525 61
AUD—Australian dollar.              
GBP—British pound.              
USD—U.S. dollar.              
At July 31, 2015, the fund had the following open swap contracts:      
Over-the-Counter Credit Default Swaps            
          Up-Front Periodic  
          Premium Premium Unrealized
        Notional Received Received Appreciation
Termination     Amount (Paid) (Paid)  (Depreciation)
Reference Entity Date Counterparty1 ($000) ($000) (%) ($000)
Credit Protection Sold/Moody’s Rating            
Bank of America Corp./Baa1 12/20/17   MSCS 16,900 305 1.000 546
Boeing Co./A2 9/20/18   GSCM 4,885 (56) 1.000 73
Energy Transfer Partners LP/Baa3 6/20/17   BOANA 14,630 327 1.000 389
Federation of Malaysia/A3 9/20/20   BOANA 31,090 544 1.000 (223)
Federation of Malaysia/A3 9/20/20   GSCM 18,000 307 1.000 (137)
Federation of Malaysia/A3 9/20/20   JPMC 23,068 369 1.000 (201)
Federation of Malaysia/A3 9/20/20   JPMC 21,400 346 1.000 (183)
Federative Republic of Brazil/Baa2 9/20/20   BNPSW 11,795 933 1.000 (84)
Federative Republic of Brazil/Baa2 9/20/20   JPMC 22,605 1,691 1.000 (258)




Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund          
Over-the-Counter Credit Default Swaps (continued)        
        Up-Front Periodic  
        Premium Premium Unrealized
      Notional Received Received Appreciation
Termination   Amount (Paid) (Paid) (Depreciation)
Reference Entity Date Counterparty1 ($000) ($000) (%) ($000)
General Electric Capital Corp./A1 12/20/19 DBAG 29,290 (538) 1.000 161
Goldman Sachs Group Inc./A3 12/20/17 MSCS 9,760 205 1.000 322
Goldman Sachs Group Inc./A3 3/20/20 BOANA 21,610 (178) 1.000 (11)
Hartford Financial Services            
Group Inc./Baa2 3/20/18 GSCM 9,750 13 1.000 185
People’s Republic of China/Aa3 9/20/20 JPMC 24,405 (106) 1.000 (120)
Republic of Chile/Aa3 9/20/20 BNPSW 34,150 (306) 1.000 (380)
Republic of Chile/Aa3 9/20/20 BOANA 19,525 (143) 1.000 (185)
Republic of Chile/Aa3 9/20/20 GSCM 9,770 (52) 1.000 (73)
Republic of Chile/Aa3 9/20/20 GSCM 11,525 (62) 1.000 (87)
Republic of Indonesia/Baa3 9/20/20 JPMC 4,865 170 1.000 (26)
Republic of Peru/A3 9/20/20 BNPSW 32,300 619 1.000 (126)
Republic of Peru/A3 9/20/20 JPMC 22,725 439 1.000 (85)
Republic of Turkey/Baa3 12/20/16 BNPSW 10,740 24 1.000 (17)
Republic of Turkey/Baa3 9/20/20 BNPSW 15,550 767 1.000 (211)
Russian Federation/Ba1 6/20/17 GSCM 16,020 772 1.000 280
Russian Federation/Ba1 6/20/17 GSCM 9,600 462 1.000 167
Russian Federation/Ba1 6/20/17 GSCM 19,540 956 1.000 356
United Mexican States/A3 9/20/20 DBAG 23,780 343 1.000 (206)
United Mexican States/A3 9/20/20 JPMC 37,390 492 1.000 (162)
      526,668     (296)
Credit Protection Purchased            
Aetna Inc. 12/20/19 CSFBI 19,525 562 (1.000) (32)
Aetna Inc. 6/20/20 GSCM 19,530 746 (1.000) 148
American International Group Inc. 6/20/20 BOANA 11,720 211 (1.000) (60)
American International Group Inc. 6/20/20 BOANA 11,720 211 (1.000) (60)
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya            
Argentaria SA 12/20/19 BOANA 14,510 150 (1.000) 100
Banco Santander SA 3/20/20 BARC 18,110 87 (1.000) 37
Banco Santander SA 3/20/20 BOANA 17,975 16 (1.000) (33)
Bank of America Corp. 3/20/20 GSCM 21,610 316 (1.000) (55)
BBVA Senior Finance 3/20/20 BOANA 18,060 122 (1.000) 82
CMBX-NA-8-AAA 10/17/57 BARC 40,675 (1,814) (0.500) (60)




Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund          
Over-the-Counter Credit Default Swaps (continued)        
        Up-Front Periodic  
        Premium Premium Unrealized
      Notional Received Received Appreciation
  Termination   Amount (Paid) (Paid) (Depreciation)
Reference Entity Date Counterparty1 ($000) ($000) (%) ($000)
CMBX-NA-8-AAA 10/17/57 CSFBI 40,675 (1,555) (0.500) 198
CMBX-NA-8-AAA 10/17/57 MSCS 40,675 (1,528) (0.500) 226
Computer Sciences Corp. 9/20/15 BARC 7,315 38 (5.000) (14)
Computer Sciences Corp. 9/20/15 MSCS 7,315 38 (5.000) (14)
CVS Health Corp. 9/20/20 BOANA 14,310 464 (1.000) (37)
CVS Health Corp. 9/20/20 BOANA 14,320 463 (1.000) (38)
CVS Healthe Corp. 9/20/20 BOANA 7,160 228 (1.000) (23)
EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 9/20/18 BARC 5,200 79 (1.000) (50)
EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 9/20/18 BNPSW 5,200 79 (1.000) (50)
EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 9/20/18 CSFBI 6,865 126 (1.000) (45)
EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 9/20/18 DBAG 5,200 79 (1.000) (50)
EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 9/20/18 GSCM 5,200 81 (1.000) (49)
Federal Express Corp. 12/20/18 GSCM 21,640 227 (1.000) (344)
Federative Republic of Brazil 12/20/15 BOANA 3,500 (3) (1.000) (7)
Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 6/20/19 DBAG 19,530 1,379 (3.000) (279)
Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 12/20/19 BARC 14,510 132 (1.000) 51
Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 3/20/20 BOANA 18,060 82 (1.000) (5)
McKesson Corp. 3/20/19 JPMC 18,210 469 (1.000) (117)
McKesson Corp. 3/20/19 JPMC 18,210 458 (1.000) (128)
Morgan Stanley 9/20/15 BARC 11,000 (17) (1.000) (30)
Peoples Republic of China 9/20/20 MSCS 15,745 30 (1.000) 19
Peoples Republic of China 9/20/20 MSCS 22,190 48 (1.000) 32
PPG Industries Inc. 3/20/18 GSCM 9,760 95 (1.000) (143)
Republic of Austria 9/20/17 BNPSW 3,800 (94) (1.000) (168)
Republic of Korea 9/20/18 JPMC 7,800 45 (1.000) (135)
Republic of South Africa 9/20/20 JPMC 12,000 (621) (1.000) 19
Russian Federation 6/20/20 GSCM 21,480 (1,933) (1.000) 137
Russian Federation 9/20/20 BARC 12,500 (1,180) (1.000) 96
Russian Federation 9/20/20 BOANA 6,150 (588) (1.000) 39
Russian Federation 9/20/20 JPMC 6,750 (640) (1.000) 49
United Mexican States 12/20/15 BOANA 3,500 (4) (1.000) (12)




Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund          
Over-the-Counter Credit Default Swaps (continued)        
        Up-Front Periodic  
        Premium Premium Unrealized
      Notional Received Received Appreciation
  Termination   Amount (Paid) (Paid) (Depreciation)
Reference Entity Date Counterparty1 ($000) ($000) (%) ($000)
United Mexican States 12/20/18 DBAG 4,900 (21) (1.000) (29)
UnitedHealth Group Inc. 12/20/19 CSFBI 19,525 546 (1.000) (99)
UnitedHealth Group Inc. 6/20/20 CSFBI 19,530 717 (1.000) 50
Wells Fargo & Co. 9/20/20 BOANA 25,940 543 (1.000) (89)
      669,100     (972)


The notional amount represents the maximum potential amount the fund could be required to pay as a seller of credit protection if the reference entity was subject to a credit event.

1 BARC—Barclays Bank plc.          
BNPSW—BNP Paribas.          
BOANA—Bank of America, N.A.          
CSFBI—Credit Suisse First Boston International.        
DBAG—Deutsche Bank AG.          
GSCM—Goldman Sachs Bank USA.          
JPMC—JP Morgan Chase Bank.          
MSCS—Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC.        
Centrally Cleared Interest Rate Swaps        
      Fixed Floating  
      Interest Rate Interest Rate Unrealized
    Notional Received Received Appreciation
    Amount (Paid) (Paid) (Depreciation)
Termination Date Clearinghouse1 ($000) (%) (%) ($000)
8/7/15 CME 100,000 0.413 (0.188)3 (112)
11/7/15 LCH 120,000 0.375 (0.188)3 (146)
12/15/15 CME 100,000 0.327 (0.187)3 23
3/15/16 LCH 150,000 0.579 (0.187)3 236
6/1/16 CME 9,500 2.910 (0.283)2 (113)
6/1/16 CME 6,075 0.566 (0.283)2
6/15/16 CME 100,000 0.446 (0.187)3 39
11/15/16 LCH 150,000 0.681 (0.187)3 254
11/15/17 LCH 100,000 1.069 (0.187)3 415
7/10/18 CME 50,000 (1.380) 0.1893 (442)
1/15/19 LCH 200,000 (1.400) 0.1873 (1,288)




Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund          
Centrally Cleared Interest Rate Swaps (continued)        
        Fixed Floating  
        Interest Rate Interest Rate Unrealized
      Notional Received Received Appreciation
      Amount (Paid) (Paid) (Depreciation)
Termination Date Clearinghouse1 ($000) (%) (%) ($000)
2/7/19   CME 150,000 (1.220) 0.1883 191
8/15/19   LCH 175,000 (1.524) 0.1873 (1,228)
9/1/23   LCH 25,000 (2.139) 0.1873 (262)
1 CME—Chicago Mercantile Exchange.          
LCH—London Clearing House.          
2 Based on 3-month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) as of the most recent payment date.    
3 Based on 1-month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) as of the most recent payment date.    
Over-the-Counter Interest Rate Swaps          
        Fixed Floating  
        Interest Rate Interest Rate Unrealized
      Notional Received Received Appreciation
      Amount (Paid) (Paid) (Depreciation)
Termination Date Counterparty1 ($000) (%) (%) ($000)
6/1/16   GSCM 125 0.555 (0.283)2
1 GSCM—Goldman Sachs Bank USA.          
2 Based on 3-month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) as of the most recent payment date.    
Cross-Currency Swaps          
        Notional Notional  
        Amount of Amount of Unrealized
  Fixed     Currency Currency Appreciation
Fixed Interest Interest Termination   Received Delivered (Depreciation)
Rate Received Rate Paid Date Counterparty1 ($000) (000) ($000)
USD 5.453% GBP 5.875% 4/28/17 MSCS 24,528 GBP 14,650 1,626
USD 4.684% GBP 5.375% 9/28/16 MSCS 23,541 GBP 13,750 2,036
USD 5.272% EUR 3.750% 11/9/20 MSCS 19,868 EUR 14,645 4,225
USD 6.653% EUR 6.375% 4/4/16 MSCS 18,804 EUR 13,675 3,900
USD 5.693% GBP 6.125% 5/14/17 BARC 16,195 GBP 9,770 933
USD 4.020% EUR 2.625% 12/6/18 BARC 14,423 EUR 10,777 2,770
USD 3.221% EUR 2.125% 12/1/20 BARC 13,998 EUR 10,205 2,628
USD 5.686% GBP 6.125% 5/14/17 BARC 13,493 GBP 8,119 812
USD 5.013% EUR 3.750% 7/12/18 MSCS 13,086 EUR 9,800 2,521
1 BARC—Barclays Bank plc.          
MSCS—Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC.          
GBP—British pound.            
USD—U.S. dollar.            




Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund

At July 31, 2015, counterparties had deposited in segregated accounts securities and cash with a value of $36,814,000 in connection with open swap contracts and forward currency contracts.

E. Capital gain distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ from realized capital gains for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Permanent differences are reclassified among capital accounts in the financial statements to reflect their tax character. Temporary differences arise when gains or losses are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes. These differences will reverse at some time in the future.

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund realized net foreign currency losses of $3,054,000 (including gains and losses on forward currency contracts and the foreign currency component on sales of foreign currency denominated bonds), which decreased distributable net income for tax purposes; accordingly, such losses have been reclassified from accumulated net realized losses to undistributed net investment income.

Realized and unrealized gains (losses) on certain of the fund’s swap contracts are treated as ordinary income (loss) for tax purposes; the effect on the fund’s income dividends to shareholders is offset by a change in principal return. Realized gains of $1,596,000 on swap contracts have been reclassified from accumulated net realized losses to undistributed net investment income.

The funds tax-basis capital gains and losses are determined only at the end of each fiscal year. For tax purposes, at January 31, 2015, the fund had available capital losses totaling $80,098,000. The fund will use these capital losses to offset net taxable capital gains, if any, realized during the year ending January 31, 2016; should the fund realize net capital losses for the year, the losses will be added to the loss carryforward balance above.

At July 31, 2015, the cost of investment securities for tax purposes was $53,049,348,000. Net unrealized appreciation of investment securities for tax purposes was $16,861,000, consisting of unrealized gains of $322,254,000 on securities that had risen in value since their purchase and $305,393,000 in unrealized losses on securities that had fallen in value since their purchase.

F. During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund purchased $12,317,876,000 of investment securities and sold $9,232,890,000 of investment securities, other than U.S. government securities and temporary cash investments. Purchases and sales of U.S. government securities were $8,140,074,000 and $10,849,812,000, respectively.

The following table summarizes the fund’s options written during the six months ended July 31, 2015.

  Number of Received
Options Written Contracts ($000)
Balance at January 31, 2015 14,303 5,353
Options Written 41,903 15,099
Options Expired (23,019) (8,430)
Options Closed (26,605) (9,792)
Options Exercised
Balance at July 31, 2015 6,582 2,230




Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund

G. Capital share transactions for each class of shares were:      
  Six Months Ended   Year Ended
    July 31, 2015 January 31, 2015
  Amount Shares Amount Shares
  ($000) (000) ($000) (000)
Investor Shares        
Issued 1,156,598 108,134 3,036,143 282,812
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 89,086 8,329 213,668 19,915
Redeemed (1,820,437) (170,269) (4,048,363) (377,178)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Investor Shares (574,753) (53,806) (798,552) (74,451)
Admiral Shares        
Issued 5,491,750 513,579 12,566,118 1,170,943
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 256,580 23,989 548,781 51,156
Redeemed (5,126,032) (479,359) (8,950,395) (834,173)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Admiral Shares 622,298 58,209 4,164,504 387,926
Institutional Shares        
Issued 1,662,875 155,623 4,643,518 432,778
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 73,891 6,908 135,886 12,670
Redeemed (1,255,705) (117,407) (3,240,077) (301,975)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Institutional Shares 481,061 45,124 1,539,327 143,473


H. Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to July 31, 2015, that would require recognition or disclosure in these financial statements.



Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Fund Profile    
As of July 31, 2015      
Share-Class Characteristics  
  Investor Admiral
    Shares Shares
Ticker Symbol   VFICX VFIDX
Expense Ratio1   0.20% 0.10%
30-Day SEC Yield   2.73% 2.83%
Financial Attributes    
    Barclays Barclays
    5–10 Year Aggregate
    Credit Bond
  Fund Index Index
Number of Bonds 2,006 1,932 9,496
Yield to Maturity      
(before expenses) 2.9% 3.5% 2.4%
Average Coupon 3.5% 3.9% 3.2%
Average Duration 5.5 years 6.5 years 5.6 years
Average Effective      
Maturity 6.4 years 7.4 years 7.8 years
Reserves 0.1%
Sector Diversification (% of portfolio)  
Asset-Backed     8.2%
Commercial Mortgage-Backed 5.4
Finance     30.0
Foreign     3.1
Government Mortgage-Backed 0.1
Industrial     40.3
Treasury/Agency     6.9
Utilities     5.7
Other     0.3


The agency and mortgage-backed securities sectors may include issues from government-sponsored enterprises; such issues are generally not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

Volatility Measures    
  Barclays Barclays
  5–10 Year Aggregate
  Credit Bond
  Index Index
R-Squared 0.98 0.91
Beta 0.80 1.16


These measures show the degree and timing of the fund’s fluctuations compared with the indexes over 36 months.  
Distribution by Effective Maturity  
(% of portfolio)  
Under 1 Year 1.7%
1 - 3 Years 14.9
3 - 5 Years 15.3
5 - 7 Years 24.9
7 - 10 Years 41.3
10 - 20 Years 1.1
20 - 30 Years 0.5
Over 30 Years 0.3


Distribution by Credit Quality (% of portfolio)

U.S. Government 6.6%
Aaa 12.9
Aa 15.2
A 45.3
Baa 19.3
Ba 0.3
Not Rated 0.4


Credit-quality ratings are obtained from Moody's and S&P, and the higher rating for each issue is shown. "Not Rated" is used to classify securities for which a rating is not available. Not rated securities include a fund's investment in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund or Vanguard Municipal Cash Management Fund, each of which invests in high-quality money market instruments and may serve as a cash management vehicle for the Vanguard funds, trusts, and accounts. For more information about these ratings, see the Glossary entry for Credit Quality.

1 The expense ratios shown are from the prospectus dated May 27, 2015, and represent estimated costs for the current fiscal year. For the six months ended July 31, 2015, the annualized expense ratios were 0.19% for Investor Shares and 0.09% for Admiral Shares.



Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Investment Focus



Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Performance Summary

All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at vanguard.com/performance.) Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

Fiscal-Year Total Returns (%): January 31, 2005, Through July 31, 2015  
        5–10 Year
      Investor Shares Index
Fiscal Year Income Returns Capital Returns Total Returns Total Returns
2006 4.66% -3.30% 1.36% 0.63%
2007 5.17 -0.72 4.45 4.43
2008 5.41 2.80 8.21 6.87
2009 4.98 -12.54 -7.56 -5.91
2010 6.06 14.05 20.11 20.79
2011 4.98 3.66 8.64 9.09
2012 4.56 4.62 9.18 10.37
2013 3.64 2.56 6.20 7.63
2014 3.16 -2.31 0.85 0.53
2015 3.25 3.46 6.71 8.52
2016 1.44 -2.79 -1.35 -1.91
Note: For 2016, performance data reflect the six months ended July 31, 2015.    


Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended June 30, 2015

This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period.

Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

            Ten Years
  Inception Date One Year Five Years Income Capital Total
Investor Shares 11/1/1993 1.88% 4.92% 4.50% 0.70% 5.20%
Admiral Shares 2/12/2001 1.99 5.03 4.61 0.70 5.31


See Financial Highlights for dividend and capital gains information.



Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Financial Statements (unaudited)

Statement of Net Assets—Investments Summary

As of July 31, 2015

This Statement summarizes the fund’s holdings by asset type. Details are reported for each of the fund’s 50 largest individual holdings and for investments that, in total for any issuer, represent more than 1% of the fund’s net assets. The total value of smaller holdings is reported as a single amount within each category.

The fund reports a complete list of its holdings in regulatory filings four times in each fiscal year, at the quarter-ends. For the second and fourth fiscal quarters, the complete listing of the fund’s holdings is available electronically on vanguard.com and on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website (sec.gov), or you can have it mailed to you without charge by calling 800-662-7447. For the first and third fiscal quarters, the fund files the lists with the SEC on Form N-Q. Shareholders can look up the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website. Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room (see the back cover of this report for further information).

          Face Market Percentage
        Maturity Amount Value of Net
      Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations        
U.S. Government Securities          
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 7/15/18 445,750 444,426 2.2%
1 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 1/15/18 164,950 165,130 0.8%
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 5/15/25 158,400 157,534 0.8%
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.750% 4/15/18 144,250 143,641 0.7%
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.125% 6/15/18 100,450 100,921 0.5%
1,2 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.750% 1/15/17 90,500 90,811 0.5%
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 10/15/17 73,610 73,794 0.4%
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 12/15/17 71,000 71,344 0.4%
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 11/15/17 70,250 70,404 0.3%
2,3 United States Treasury            
  Note/Bond 0.375%–3.625% 9/30/16–8/15/19 54,490 55,745 0.3%
            1,373,750 6.9%
Nonconventional Mortgage-Backed Securities †     643 0.0%
Total U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (Cost $1,372,192)   1,374,393 6.9%
Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities      
4 Banc of America Commercial          
  Mortgage Trust 2006-5 5.415% 9/10/47 2,123 2,194 0.0%
4 Banc of America Commercial          
  Mortgage Trust 2006-6 5.347% 10/10/45 4,352 4,527 0.0%
4 Banc of America Commercial          
  Mortgage Trust 2007-2 5.562% 4/10/49 3,309 3,487 0.0%
4 Banc of America Commercial          
  Mortgage Trust 2008-1 6.171%–6.215% 2/10/51 25,498 27,651 0.2%


4 Bear Stearns Commercial          
Mortgage Securities Trust          
2005-PWR9 4.943% 9/11/42 318 317 0.0%




Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
        Face Market Percentage
      Maturity Amount Value of Net
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
4 Bear Stearns Commercial          
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2006-PWR13 5.533% 9/11/41 2,260 2,338 0.0%
4 Bear Stearns Commercial          
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2007-PWR16 5.705% 6/11/40 22,140 23,419 0.1%
4 Bear Stearns Commercial          
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2007-PWR17 5.650% 6/11/50 7,714 8,260 0.1%
4 Bear Stearns Commercial          
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2007-TOP28 5.710% 9/11/42 3,822 4,096 0.0%
4,5 Chase Issuance Trust 2007-C1 0.647% 4/15/19 6,100 6,065 0.0%
4,5 Chase Issuance Trust 2012-A10 0.447% 12/16/19 6,000 5,990 0.0%
4 Discover Card Execution          
  Note Trust 2012-A6 1.670% 1/18/22 40,000 39,821 0.2%
4 Ford Credit Auto Lease          
  Trust 2013-A 1.010%–1.280% 5/15/16–6/15/16 7,050 7,050 0.1%
4 Ford Credit Auto Lease          
  Trust 2014-A 1.160% 8/15/17 4,730 4,734 0.0%
4 Ford Credit Auto Lease          
  Trust 2015-A 1.310% 8/15/18 3,035 3,030 0.0%
4 Ford Credit Auto Owner          
  Trust 2013-C 1.680% 11/15/18 2,000 2,008 0.0%
4 Ford Credit Auto Owner          
  Trust 2013-D 1.540%–1.720% 3/15/19–7/15/19 5,690 5,702 0.0%
4,6 Ford Credit Auto Owner          
  Trust 2014-1 2.260%–2.410% 11/15/25 5,988 6,029 0.0%
4,6 Ford Credit Auto Owner          
  Trust 2014-2 2.310%–2.510% 4/15/26 12,530 12,600 0.1%


4 Ford Credit Auto Owner          
Trust 2014-C 1.560% 2/15/20 2,400 2,403 0.0%


4,6 Ford Credit Auto Owner          
  Trust 2015-1 2.120% 7/15/26 6,600 6,569 0.0%
4,6 Ford Credit Auto Owner          
  Trust 2015-2 2.440% 1/15/27 26,000 26,213 0.1%
4 Ford Credit Auto Owner          
  Trust 2015-B 2.040% 10/15/20 5,010 5,011 0.0%
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master          
  Owner Trust A Series 2012-2 1.920% 1/15/19 2,000 2,020 0.0%
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master          
  Owner Trust A Series          
  2012-5 1.490%–2.140% 9/15/19 27,703 27,755 0.2%
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master          
  Owner Trust A Series          
  2013-1 1.370%–1.820% 1/15/18 7,800 7,816 0.1%
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master          
  Owner Trust A Series          
  2013-4 2.100%–2.790% 6/15/20 1,680 1,691 0.0%
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master          
  Owner Trust A Series          
  2014-1 1.400%–2.310% 2/15/19–2/15/21 2,900 2,904 0.0%


4,5 Ford Credit Floorplan Master          
Owner Trust A Series          
2014-2 0.687% 2/15/21 6,100 6,106 0.0%




Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
        Face Market Percentage
      Maturity Amount Value of Net
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master          
  Owner Trust A Series          
  2014-4 1.400% 8/15/19 14,795 14,811 0.1%
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master          
  Owner Trust A Series          
  2015-2 1.980% 1/15/22 11,758 11,778 0.1%
4,5 GE Capital Credit Card Master        
  Note Trust Series 2011-2 1.187% 5/15/19 10,800 10,822 0.1%
4 GE Capital Credit Card Master        
  Note Trust Series 2012-2 2.220% 1/15/22 30,000 30,398 0.2%
4,5 GE Capital Credit Card Master        
  Note Trust Series 2012-3 0.637% 3/15/20 39,385 39,390 0.2%
4 GE Capital Credit Card Master        
  Note Trust Series 2012-6 1.360% 8/17/20 2,300 2,301 0.0%
4,5 GE Dealer Floorplan Master          
  Note Trust Series 2012-2 0.938% 4/22/19 13,000 13,037 0.1%
4,5 GE Dealer Floorplan Master          
  Note Trust Series 2012-4 0.628% 10/20/17 10,000 10,001 0.1%
4,5 GE Dealer Floorplan Master          
  Note Trust Series 2014-2 0.638% 10/20/19 4,400 4,386 0.0%
4,5 GE Dealer Floorplan Master          
  Note Trust Series 2015-2 0.838% 1/20/22 20,920 20,794 0.1%
4,6 GS Mortgage Securities          
  Trust 2010-C2 5.246% 12/10/43 1,370 1,503 0.0%
4,6 GS Mortgage Securities          
  Trust 2011-GC3 5.552% 3/10/44 2,650 2,945 0.0%
4,6 GS Mortgage Securities          
  Trust 2012-ALOHA 3.551% 4/10/34 4,550 4,751 0.0%
4,6 GS Mortgage Securities          
  Trust 2012-BWTR 2.954% 11/5/34 7,625 7,657 0.1%
4,6 GS Mortgage Securities          
  Trust 2012-GC6 4.948% 1/10/45 1,025 1,145 0.0%
4 GS Mortgage Securities          
  Trust 2013-GCJ12 3.135%–3.777% 6/10/46 3,790 3,858 0.0%
4 GS Mortgage Securities          
  Trust 2013-GCJ14 2.995%–3.817% 8/10/46 2,800 2,931 0.0%
4 GS Mortgage Securities          
  Trust 2014-GC20 3.998% 4/10/47 6,075 6,494 0.0%
4 GS Mortgage Securities          
  Trust 2014-GC24 3.931%–4.528% 9/10/47 12,615 13,287 0.1%
4 GS Mortgage Securities          
  Trust 2014-GC26 3.629% 11/10/47 1,050 1,087 0.0%
4 GS Mortgage Securities          
  Trust 2015-GC28 3.396% 2/10/48 1,100 1,117 0.0%
4 GS Mortgage Securities          
  Trust 2015-GC30 3.382% 5/10/50 2,715 2,770 0.0%
4 GS Mortgage Securities          
  Trust 2015-GC32 3.764%–4.559% 7/10/48 5,105 5,231 0.0%
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2006-LDP6 5.471% 4/15/43 2,854 2,902 0.0%
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2006-LDP7 5.905% 4/15/45 3,428 3,530 0.0%




Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
        Face Market Percentage
      Maturity Amount Value of Net
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2007-C1 5.716% 2/15/51 24,832 26,358 0.1%
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2007-CIBC20 5.746% 2/12/51 4,403 4,701 0.0%
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2007-LDP10 5.439% 1/15/49 3,256 3,425 0.0%
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2007-LDP12 5.850% 2/15/51 2,447 2,610 0.0%
4,6 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2010-C1 4.608% 6/15/43 10,030 10,542 0.1%
4,6 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2010-C2 3.616%–5.502% 11/15/43 7,468 8,018 0.1%
4,6 JP Morgan Chase          
  Commercial Mortgage          
  Securities Trust 2011-C3 4.388%–5.360% 2/15/46 14,710 15,902 0.1%
4,6 JP Morgan Chase          
  Commercial Mortgage          
  Securities Trust 2011-C5 5.323% 8/15/46 4,000 4,614 0.0%
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2012-C6 3.507% 5/15/45 4,499 4,724 0.0%
4,6 JP Morgan Chase Commercial        
  Mortgage Securities Trust          
  2012-C8 2.829%–3.424% 10/15/45 8,710 8,786 0.1%


4 JP Morgan Chase          
Commercial Mortgage          
Securities Trust 2012-CIBX 4.271% 6/15/45 1,350 1,445 0.0%


4,6 JP Morgan Chase Commercial          
Mortgage Securities Trust          
2012-HSBC 3.093% 7/5/32 5,900 5,995 0.0%


4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial          
Mortgage Securities Trust          
2012-LC9 2.840% 12/15/47 4,670 4,682 0.0%
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial          


Mortgage Securities Trust          
2013-C16 3.674%–5.009% 12/15/46 4,365 4,684 0.0%
4 JP Morgan Chase          
Commercial Mortgage          
Securities Trust 2013-LC11 2.960% 4/15/46 5,378 5,394 0.0%
4 Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust          
2006-C2 5.739% 8/12/43 745 766 0.0%
4 Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust          
2008-C1 5.690% 2/12/51 11,703 12,571 0.1%
4 ML-CFC Commercial          
Mortgage Trust 2006-2 5.868% 6/12/46 848 868 0.0%
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust        
2006-HQ9 5.728% 7/12/44 4,266 4,403 0.0%
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust        
2006-IQ12 5.319% 12/15/43 1,208 1,256 0.0%




Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
          Face Market Percentage
        Maturity Amount Value of Net
      Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust          
  2007-IQ15   5.908% 6/11/49 7,167 7,627 0.1%
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust          
  2007-IQ16   5.688% 12/12/49 4,167 4,443 0.0%
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I            
  2012-C4 3.244%–3.773% 3/15/45 4,700 4,886 0.0%
4,6 Morgan Stanley Capital I            
  Trust 2012-STAR   3.201% 8/5/34 6,000 6,084 0.0%
4,6 Morgan Stanley Capital I            
  Trust 2014-150E   3.912% 9/9/32 6,370 6,695 0.0%
4,6 Morgan Stanley Capital I            
  Trust 2014-CPT   3.350% 7/13/29 2,795 2,893 0.0%
4,6 Morgan Stanley Capital I            
  Trust 2015-420   3.727% 10/11/50 4,820 4,939 0.0%
4 Synchrony Credit Card            
  Master Note Trust 2015-1   2.370% 3/15/23 6,670 6,772 0.1%
4 Synchrony Credit Card            
  Master Note Trust 2015-2   1.600% 4/15/21 10,400 10,430 0.1%
6 Asset-Backed/Commercial            
  Mortgage-Backed Securities—Other †     2,059,796 10.3%
Total Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (Cost $2,698,512) 2,723,041 13.6%
Corporate Bonds            
  Abbey National Treasury            
  Services plc   4.000% 3/13/24 43,500 45,276 0.2%
  Associates Corp. of            
  North America   6.950% 11/1/18 8,855 10,157 0.1%
  Bank of America Corp.   3.300% 1/11/23 39,767 39,180 0.2%
  Bank of America Corp. 2.250%–7.625% 8/1/16–8/1/25 205,330 221,886 1.1%
  Bank of America NA 5.300%–6.100% 3/15/17–6/15/17 13,877 14,765 0.1%
  Barclays Bank plc   3.750% 5/15/24 57,613 58,311 0.3%
  Bear Stearns Cos. LLC   6.400% 10/2/17 5,500 6,033 0.0%
  BNP Paribas SA   5.000% 1/15/21 54,350 60,687 0.3%
  BPCE SA   4.000% 4/15/24 50,690 52,354 0.3%
  Citigroup Inc.   4.500% 1/14/22 46,600 50,277 0.3%
  Citigroup Inc. 3.300%–8.500% 8/15/17–9/13/25 166,730 178,891 0.9%
  Cooperatieve Centrale            
  Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 4.625% 12/1/23 68,532 70,959 0.4%
  Cooperatieve Centrale            
  Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 3.875% 2/8/22 53,100 55,869 0.3%
  Cooperatieve Centrale            
  Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 3.950% 11/9/22 49,880 50,011 0.2%
  Cooperatieve Centrale            
  BA 2.250%–5.250% 1/14/19–9/14/27 46,484 50,114 0.3%
  Credit Suisse   3.625% 9/9/24 69,650 69,582 0.3%
  Credit Suisse   3.000% 10/29/21 40,000 39,919 0.2%
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc.   5.750% 1/24/22 42,535 48,728 0.2%
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc.   4.000% 3/3/24 47,290 48,438 0.2%
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc.   3.750% 5/22/25 40,000 39,812 0.2%
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 2.375%–7.500% 9/1/17–1/23/25 97,872 106,193 0.5%
  HSBC Bank USA NA 4.875%–6.000% 8/9/17–8/24/20 29,533 32,556 0.2%
  HSBC Holdings plc   5.100% 4/5/21 53,948 60,096 0.3%




Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
      Face Market Percentage
    Maturity Amount Value of Net
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
HSBC Holdings plc 4.000%–4.250% 3/30/22–3/14/24 65,100 67,655 0.3%
HSBC USA Inc. 2.375% 11/13/19 17,185 17,184 0.1%
4 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1.625%–6.300% 6/27/17–12/29/49 278,686 291,478 1.5%
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA 6.000% 7/5/17–10/1/17 16,880 18,308 0.1%
Morgan Stanley 3.875% 4/29/24 43,400 44,035 0.2%
Morgan Stanley 2.650%–7.300% 12/28/17–2/25/23 146,935 161,649 0.8%
PNC Bank NA 2.700% 11/1/22 41,080 39,639 0.2%
PNC Bank NA 2.200%–6.875% 12/7/17–2/23/25 98,279 99,614 0.5%
PNC Financial Services          
Group Inc. 2.600%–2.854% 7/21/20–11/9/22 27,613 27,491 0.1%
PNC Funding Corp. 3.300%–6.700% 6/10/19–3/8/22 70,813 77,796 0.4%
Synchrony Financial 2.700%–4.500% 2/3/20–7/23/25 47,225 47,250 0.2%
Wachovia Bank NA 6.000% 11/15/17 8,000 8,777 0.0%
Wachovia Corp. 5.625%–5.750% 10/15/16–2/1/18 23,305 25,185 0.1%
Wells Fargo & Co. 3.300% 9/9/24 58,830 58,112 0.3%
Wells Fargo & Co. 2.150%–5.625% 12/11/17–2/19/25 186,581 191,611 1.0%
6 Banking—Other †       1,292,026 6.5%
6 Brokerage †       347,877 1.8%
Finance Companies          
General Electric Capital Corp. 4.650% 10/17/21 35,847 39,606 0.2%
4 General Electric          
Capital Corp. 2.200%–6.375% 5/1/18–11/15/67 159,599 172,500 0.8%
HSBC Finance Corp. 6.676% 1/15/21 63,939 74,457 0.4%
Finance Companies—Other †     38,112 0.2%
MetLife Inc. 4.368% 9/15/23 38,430 41,121 0.2%
UnitedHealth Group Inc. 3.750% 7/15/25 38,550 39,297 0.2%
6 Insurance—Other †       807,185 4.0%
6 Real Estate Investment Trusts †     504,702 2.5%
        5,942,761 29.7%
6 Basic Industry †       517,443 2.6%
Capital Goods          
General Electric Co. 2.700% 10/9/22 47,000 46,342 0.3%
General Electric Co. 3.375% 3/11/24 5,655 5,777 0.0%
6 Capital Goods—Other †       704,454 3.5%
6 Communication †       776,591 3.9%
Consumer Cyclical          
6 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 3.600% 11/28/24 39,665 38,149 0.2%
Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 3.000%–8.125% 6/12/17–1/9/22 89,049 97,372 0.5%
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 2.550% 4/11/23 68,021 66,449 0.3%
6 Consumer Cyclical—Other †       827,549 4.1%
Consumer Noncyclical          
Covidien International          
Finance SA 2.950%–4.200% 6/15/20–6/15/23 48,565 48,727 0.2%
Gilead Sciences Inc. 3.500% 2/1/25 57,084 57,602 0.3%
Gilead Sciences Inc. 3.700% 4/1/24 37,655 38,531 0.2%
6 Medtronic Inc. 3.500% 3/15/25 71,300 71,256 0.4%
6 Medtronic Inc. 2.500%–4.450% 3/15/20–3/15/24 101,553 102,459 0.5%
Merck & Co. Inc. 2.800% 5/18/23 42,254 41,678 0.2%
Merck & Co. Inc. 2.750% 2/10/25 41,960 40,032 0.2%
6 Consumer Noncyclical—Other †     1,476,663 7.4%
BP Capital Markets plc 1.375%–4.750% 5/10/18–3/17/25 226,330 230,115 1.2%
Chevron Corp. 2.355% 12/5/22 46,500 44,487 0.2%
6 Energy—Other †       1,206,816 6.0%




Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
      Face Market Percentage
    Maturity Amount Value of Net
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
6 Other Industrial †       57,693 0.3%
Apple Inc. 2.400% 5/3/23 104,325 99,696 0.5%
Apple Inc. 3.450% 5/6/24 54,000 55,282 0.3%
Apple Inc. 1.000%–3.200% 5/6/20–11/10/26 155,735 155,062 0.8%
Intel Corp. 3.700% 7/29/25 47,621 48,108 0.2%
Microsoft Corp. 2.375% 2/12/22 38,500 37,944 0.2%
Oracle Corp. 2.500% 10/15/22 57,616 55,664 0.3%
Oracle Corp. 3.400% 7/8/24 43,500 43,842 0.2%
Oracle Corp. 2.375%–3.875% 1/15/19–5/15/25 123,980 123,765 0.6%
6 Technology—Other †       605,632 3.0%
United Parcel Service Inc. 2.450% 10/1/22 61,450 60,230 0.3%
6 Transportation—Other †       239,428 1.2%
        8,020,838 40.1%
6 Electric †       1,079,172 5.4%
Natural Gas †       47,480 0.3%
Other Utility †       3,027 0.0%
        1,129,679 5.7%
Total Corporate Bonds (Cost $14,926,048)     15,093,278 75.5%
Sovereign Bonds (U.S. Dollar-Denominated)        
Republic of Turkey 7.500% 7/14/17 41,300 45,461 0.3%
6 Sovereign Bonds          
(U.S. Dollar-Denominated)—Other †     581,618 2.9%
Total Sovereign Bonds (Cost $623,073)     627,079 3.2%
Taxable Municipal Bonds (Cost $45,437) †     47,023 0.2%
Convertible Preferred Stocks (Cost $8,571) †     0.0%
Temporary Cash Investment          
Money Market Fund          
7 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund        
(Cost $25,858) 0.152%   25,857,586 25,858 0.1%
Total Investments (Cost $19,699,691)     19,890,672 99.5%
    Date Contracts    
Liability for Options Written (0.0%)        
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.00 8/21/15 327 (291) 0.0%
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.50 8/21/15 328 (200) 0.0%
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.00 8/21/15 590 (240) 0.0%
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.50 8/21/15 99 (25) 0.0%
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.00 8/21/15 327 (20) 0.0%




Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
      Market Percentage
  Expiration   Value of Net
  Date Contracts ($000) Assets
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.50 8/21/15 460 (43) 0.0%
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $126.00 8/21/15 328 (56) 0.0%
Total Liability for Options Written (Premiums received $833)   (875) 0.0%
Other Assets and Liabilities        
Other Assets     494,180 2.5%
Other Liabilities     (391,912) (2.0%)
      102,268 0.5%
Net Assets     19,992,065 100.0%
At July 31, 2015, net assets consisted of:        
Paid-in Capital       19,730,008
Undistributed Net Investment Income       5,248
Accumulated Net Realized Gains       45,721
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)        
Investment Securities       190,981
Futures Contracts       884
Options on Futures Contracts       (42)
Swap Contracts       12,227
Forward Currency Contracts       7,107
Foreign Currencies       (69)
Net Assets       19,992,065
Investor Shares—Net Assets        
Applicable to 276,628,792 outstanding $.001 par value shares of      
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization)       2,702,353
Net Asset Value Per Share—Investor Shares       $9.77




Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund  
Admiral Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 1,769,875,326 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 17,289,712
Net Asset Value Per Share—Admiral Shares $9.77


  • See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
  • Represents the aggregate value, by category, of securities that are not among the 50 largest holdings and, in total for any issuer, represent 1% or less of net assets.
  • Securities with a value of $1,002,000 have been segregated as collateral for forward currency contracts and open over-the-counter swap contracts.
  • Securities with a value of $10,595,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open futures contracts.
  • Securities with a value of $5,844,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open cleared swap contracts.
  • The average or expected maturity is shorter than the final maturity shown because of the possibility of interim principal payments and prepayments or the possibility of the issue being called.
  • Adjustable-rate security.
  • Certain of the fund’s securities are exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may be sold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At July 31, 2015, the aggregate value of these securities was $1,974,389,000, representing 9.9% of net assets.
  • Affiliated money market fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown is the 7-day yield.
    See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund  
Statement of Operations  
  Six Months Ended
  July 31, 2015
Investment Income  
Interest1 305,263
Total Income 305,263
The Vanguard Group—Note B  
Investment Advisory Services 962
Management and Administrative—Investor Shares 2,192
Management and Administrative—Admiral Shares 5,379
Marketing and Distribution—Investor Shares 302
Marketing and Distribution—Admiral Shares 1,159
Custodian Fees 127
Shareholders’ Reports—Investor Shares 40
Shareholders’ Reports—Admiral Shares 65
Trustees’ Fees and Expenses 7
Total Expenses 10,233
Net Investment Income 295,030
Realized Net Gain (Loss)  
Investment Securities Sold 55,036
Futures Contracts 11,628
Options on Futures Contracts 1,618
Swap Contracts 7,474
Foreign Currencies and Forward Currency Contracts 1,975
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 77,731
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)  
Investment Securities (612,087)
Futures Contracts (11,348)
Options on Futures Contracts 2,276
Swap Contracts (13,253)
Foreign Currencies and Forward Currency Contracts 6,702
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (627,710)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations (254,949)
1 Interest income from an affiliated company of the fund was $238,000.  


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund    
Statement of Changes in Net Assets    
  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  July 31, January 31,
  2015 2015
  ($000) ($000)
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    
Net Investment Income 295,030 559,548
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 77,731 182,433
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (627,710) 444,741
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations (254,949) 1,186,722
Net Investment Income    
Investor Shares (42,281) (91,766)
Admiral Shares (257,793) (475,801)
Realized Capital Gain1    
Investor Shares (2,826) (25,414)
Admiral Shares (16,203) (136,382)
Total Distributions (319,103) (729,363)
Capital Share Transactions    
Investor Shares (164,432) (220,390)
Admiral Shares 1,287,498 2,488,752
Net Increase (Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions 1,123,066 2,268,362
Total Increase (Decrease) 549,014 2,725,721
Net Assets    
Beginning of Period 19,443,051 16,717,330
End of Period2 19,992,065 19,443,051


1 Includes fiscal 2016 and 2015 short-term gain distributions totaling $0 and $22,488,000, respectively. Short-term gain distributions are treated as ordinary income dividends for tax purposes.

2 Net Assets—End of Period includes undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income of $5,248,000 and $8,185,000.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund          
Financial Highlights            
Investor Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended January 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $10.06 $9.81 $10.24 $10.18 $9.94 $9.81
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .144 .303 .311 .354 .418 .458
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (.278) .341 (.229) .266 .463 .372
Total from Investment Operations (.134) .644 .082 .620 . 881 . 830
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.146) (. 307) (. 317) (. 360) (. 428) (. 473)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (. 010) (. 087) (.195) (. 200) (. 213) (. 227)
Total Distributions (.156) (. 394) (. 512) (. 560) (. 641) (.700)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $9.77 $10.06 $9.81 $10.24 $10.18 $9.94
Total Return1 -1.35% 6.71% 0.85% 6.20% 9.18% 8.64%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $2,702 $2,952 $3,099 $4,884 $4,837 $4,645
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.19% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.22%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 2.93% 3.05% 3.12% 3.41% 4.17% 4.56%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 77% 88% 100% 62% 49% 39%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund          
Financial Highlights            
Admiral Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended January 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $10.06 $9.81 $10.24 $10.18 $9.94 $9.81
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .149 .313 .321 .364 .428 .470
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (.278) .341 (.229) .266 .463 .372
Total from Investment Operations (.129) .654 .092 .630 . 891 . 842
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.151) (. 317) (. 327) (. 370) (. 438) (. 485)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (. 010) (. 087) (.195) (. 200) (. 213) (. 227)
Total Distributions (.161) (. 404) (. 522) (. 570) (. 651) (.712)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $9.77 $10.06 $9.81 $10.24 $10.18 $9.94
Total Return1 -1.30% 6.81% 0.95% 6.30% 9.29% 8.77%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $17,290 $16,491 $13,618 $14,582 $11,411 $9,717
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.09% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 3.03% 3.15% 3.22% 3.51% 4.27% 4.68%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 77% 88% 100% 62% 49% 39%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Vanguard Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. Certain of the fund’s investments are in corporate debt instruments; the issuers’ abilities to meet their obligations may be affected by economic developments in their respective industries. The fund invests in securities of foreign issuers, which may subject it to investment risks not normally associated with investing in securities of U.S. corporations. To minimize the currency risk associated with investment in bonds denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, the fund attempts to hedge its currency exposures. The fund offers two classes of shares: Investor Shares and Admiral Shares. Investor Shares are available to any investor who meets the fund’s minimum purchase requirements. Admiral Shares are designed for investors who meet certain administrative, service, and account-size criteria.

A. The following significant accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles for U.S. investment companies. The fund consistently follows such policies in preparing its financial statements.

1. Security Valuation: Securities are valued as of the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time) on the valuation date. Equity securities are valued at the latest quoted sales prices or official closing prices taken from the primary market in which each security trades; such securities not traded on the valuation date are valued at the mean of the latest quoted bid and asked prices. Bonds, and temporary cash investments acquired over 60 days to maturity, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system (which considers such factors as security prices, yields, maturities, and ratings), both as furnished by independent pricing services. Structured debt securities, including mortgages and asset-backed securities, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system that considers such factors as issuer, tranche, nominal or option-adjusted spreads, weighted average coupon, weighted average maturity, credit enhancements, and collateral. Investments in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund are valued at that fund’s net asset value. Other temporary cash investments are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available, or whose values have been affected by events occurring before the fund’s pricing time but after the close of the securities’ primary markets, are valued at their fair values calculated according to procedures adopted by the board of trustees. These procedures include obtaining quotations from an independent pricing service, monitoring news to identify significant market- or security-specific events, and evaluating changes in the values of foreign market proxies (for example, ADRs, futures contracts, or exchange-traded funds), between the time the foreign markets close and the fund’s pricing time. When fair-value pricing is employed, the prices of securities used by a fund to calculate its net asset value may differ from quoted or published prices for the same securities.

2. Foreign Currency: Securities and other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars using exchange rates obtained from an independent third party as of the fund’s pricing time on the valuation date. Realized gains (losses) and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investment securities include the effects of changes in exchange rates since the securities were purchased, combined with the effects of changes in security prices. Fluctuations in the value of other assets and liabilities resulting from changes in exchange rates are recorded as unrealized foreign currency gains (losses) until the assets or liabilities are settled in cash, at which time they are recorded as realized foreign currency gains (losses).

3. Futures and Options: The fund uses futures contracts and options on futures contracts to invest in fixed income asset classes with greater efficiency and lower cost than is possible through direct investment, to add value when these instruments are attractively priced, or to adjust sensitivity to changes in interest rates. The primary risks associated with the use of futures contracts are imperfect



Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund

correlation between changes in market values of bonds held by the fund and the prices of futures contracts, and the possibility of an illiquid market. The primary risk associated with purchasing options is that interest rates move in such a way that the option is out-of-the-money, the position is worthless at expiration, and the fund loses the premium paid. The primary risk associated with writing options is that interest rates move in such a way that the option is in-the-money, the counterparty exercises the option, and the fund loses an amount equal to the market value of the option written less the premium received. Counterparty risk involving futures and exchange-traded options is mitigated because a regulated clearinghouse is the counterparty instead of the clearing broker. To further mitigate counterparty risk, the fund trades futures and options on an exchange, monitors the financial strength of its clearing brokers and clearinghouse, and has entered into clearing agreements with its clearing brokers. The clearinghouse imposes initial margin requirements to secure the fund’s performance and requires daily settlement of variation margin representing changes in the market value of each contract.

Futures contracts are valued at their quoted daily settlement prices. The aggregate settlement values of the contracts are not recorded in the Statement of Net Assets. Fluctuations in the value of the contracts are recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until the contracts are closed, when they are recorded as realized futures gains (losses).

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average investments in long and short futures contracts represented 7% and 3% of net assets, respectively, based on the average of aggregate settlement values at each quarter-end during the period.

Options on futures contracts are also valued at their quoted daily settlement prices. The premium paid for a purchased option is recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset that is subsequently adjusted daily to the current market value of the option purchased. The premium received for a written option is recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset with an equal liability that is subsequently adjusted daily to the current market value of the option written. Fluctuations in the value of the options are recorded in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until expired, closed, or exercised, at which time realized gains (losses) are recognized.

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average value of options purchased and options written each represented less than 1% of net assets, based on the average market values at each quarter-end during the period.

4. Forward Currency Contracts: The fund enters into forward currency contracts to protect the value of securities and related receivables and payables against changes in future foreign exchange rates. The fund’s risks in using these contracts include movement in the values of the foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar and the ability of the counterparties to fulfill their obligations under the contracts. The fund mitigates its counterparty risk by entering into forward currency contracts only with a diverse group of prequalified counterparties, monitoring their financial strength, entering into master netting arrangements with its counterparties, and requiring its counterparties to transfer collateral as security for their performance. The master netting arrangements provide that, in the event of a counterparty’s default (including bankruptcy), the fund may terminate the forward currency contracts, determine the net amount owed by either party in accordance with its master netting arrangements, and sell or retain any collateral held up to the net amount owed to the fund under the master netting arrangements. The forward currency contracts contain provisions whereby a counterparty may terminate open contracts if the fund’s net assets decline below a certain level, triggering a payment by the fund if the fund is in a net liability position at the time of the termination.



Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund

The payment amount would be reduced by any collateral the fund has pledged. Any assets pledged as collateral for open contracts are noted in the Statement of Net Assets. The value of collateral received or pledged is compared daily to the value of the forward currency contracts exposure with each counterparty, and any difference, if in excess of a specified minimum transfer amount, is adjusted and settled within two business days.

Forward currency contracts are valued at their quoted daily prices obtained from an independent third party, adjusted for currency risk based on the expiration date of each contract. The notional amounts of the contracts are not recorded in the Statement of Net Assets. Fluctuations in the value of the contracts are recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until the contracts are closed, when they are recorded as realized forward currency contract gains (losses).

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average investment in forward currency contracts represented 2% of net assets, based on the average of notional amounts at each quarter-end during the period.

5. Swap Contracts: The fund invests in credit default swaps to adjust the overall credit risk of the fund or to actively overweight or underweight credit risk to a specific issuer or group of issuers. The fund may sell credit protection through credit default swaps to simulate investments in long positions that are either unavailable or considered to be less attractively priced in the bond market. The fund may purchase credit protection through credit default swaps to reduce credit exposure to a given issuer or issuers. Under the terms of the swaps, an up-front payment may be exchanged between the seller and buyer. In addition, the seller of the credit protection receives a periodic payment of premium from the buyer that is a fixed percentage applied to a notional amount. If, for example, the reference entity is subject to a credit event (such as bankruptcy, failure to pay, or obligation acceleration) during the term of the swap, the seller agrees to either physically settle or cash settle the swap contract. If the swap is physically settled, the seller agrees to pay the buyer an amount equal to the notional amount and take delivery of a debt instrument of the reference issuer with a par amount equal to such notional amount. If the swap is cash settled, the seller agrees to pay the buyer the difference between the notional amount and the final price for the relevant debt instrument, as determined either in a market auction or pursuant to a pre-agreed-upon valuation procedure.

The fund enters into interest rate swap transactions to adjust the fund’s sensitivity to changes in interest rates and maintain the ability to generate income at prevailing market rates. Under the terms of the swaps, one party pays the other an amount that is a fixed percentage rate applied to a notional amount. In return, the counterparty agrees to pay a floating rate, which is reset periodically based on short-term interest rates, applied to the same notional amount.

The fund invests in cross-currency swaps to hedge the currency risk associated with investing in foreign securities. Under the terms of the swaps, the parties exchange a series of payments calculated on the basis of a fixed rate applied to a notional amount, on specified dates and in a specified currency. Additionally, currency amounts are exchanged by the counterparties at the initiation of the contract, with an agreement to reverse the exchange of the currency amounts upon termination of the contract.

The notional amounts of swap contracts are not recorded in the Statement of Net Assets. Swaps are valued daily based on market quotations received from independent pricing services or recognized dealers and the change in value is recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until the seller of credit protection is required to take delivery (or, in a cash settled swap, pay the settlement amount



Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund

determined) upon occurrence of a credit event, periodic payments are made, or the swap terminates, at which time realized gain (loss) is recorded. The net premium to be received or paid by the fund under swap contracts is accrued daily and recorded as realized gain (loss) over the life of the contract.

The primary risk associated with selling credit protection is that, upon the occurrence of a defined credit event, the market value of the debt instrument received by the fund (or, in a cash settled swap, the debt instruments used to determine the settlement payment by the fund) will be significantly less than the amount paid by the fund and, in a physically settled swap, the fund may receive an illiquid debt instrument. A risk associated with all types of swaps is the possibility that a counterparty may default on its obligation to pay net amounts due to the fund. The fund’s maximum amount subject to counterparty risk is the unrealized appreciation on the swap contract. The fund mitigates its counterparty risk by entering into swaps only with a diverse group of prequalified counterparties, monitoring their financial strength, entering into master netting arrangements with its counterparties, and requiring its counterparties to transfer collateral as security for their performance. In the event of a counterparty’s default (including bankruptcy), the fund may terminate any swap contracts with that counterparty, determine the net amount owed by either party in accordance with its master netting arrangements, and sell or retain any collateral held up to the net amount owed to the fund under the master netting arrangements. The swap contracts contain provisions whereby a counterparty may terminate open contracts if the fund’s net assets decline below a certain level, triggering a payment by the fund if the fund is in a net liability position at the time of the termination. The payment amount would be reduced by any collateral the fund has pledged. Any securities pledged as collateral for open contracts are noted in the Statement of Net Assets. The value of collateral received or pledged is compared daily to the value of the swap contracts exposure with each counterparty, and any difference, if in excess of a specified minimum transfer amount, is adjusted and settled within two business days.

The fund enters into centrally cleared interest rate swaps to achieve the same objectives specified with respect to the equivalent over-the-counter swaps but with less counterparty risk because a regulated clearinghouse is the counterparty instead of the clearing broker or executing broker. The clearinghouse imposes initial margin requirements to secure the fund’s performance, and requires daily settlement of variation margin representing changes in the market value of each contract. To further mitigate counterparty risk, the fund trades with a diverse group of prequalified executing brokers; monitors the financial strength of its clearing brokers, executing brokers, and clearinghouse; and has entered into agreements with its clearing brokers and executing brokers.

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average amounts of credit protection sold and credit protection purchased each represented less than 1% of net assets, based on the average of notional amounts at each quarter-end during the period. The average amount of interest rate swaps represented 3% of net assets, based on the average of notional amounts at each quarter-end during the period. The average amount of cross currency swaps represented less than 1% of net assets, based on the average of notional amounts at each quarter-end during the period.

6. Federal Income Taxes: The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years (January 31, 2012–2015), and for the period ended July 31, 2015, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the fund’s financial statements.

7. Distributions: Distributions from net investment income are declared daily and paid on the first business day of the following month. Annual distributions from realized capital gains, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date.



Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund

8. Credit Facility: The fund and certain other funds managed by The Vanguard Group participate in a $3 billion committed credit facility provided by a syndicate of lenders pursuant to a credit agreement that may be renewed annually; each fund is individually liable for its borrowings, if any, under the credit facility. Borrowings may be utilized for temporary and emergency purposes, and are subject to the fund’s regulatory and contractual borrowing restrictions. The participating funds are charged administrative fees and an annual commitment fee of 0.06% of the undrawn amount of the facility; these fees are allocated to the funds based on a method approved by the fund’s board of trustees and included in Management and Administrative expenses on the fund’s Statement of Operations. Any borrowings under this facility bear interest at a rate equal to the higher of the federal funds rate or LIBOR reference rate plus an agreed-upon spread.

The fund had no borrowings outstanding at July 31, 2015, or at any time during the period then ended.

9. Other: Interest income includes income distributions received from Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund and is accrued daily. Premiums and discounts on debt securities purchased are amortized and accreted, respectively, to interest income over the lives of the respective securities. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.

Each class of shares has equal rights as to assets and earnings, except that each class separately bears certain class-specific expenses related to maintenance of shareholder accounts (included in Management and Administrative expenses) and shareholder reporting. Marketing and distribution expenses are allocated to each class of shares based on a method approved by the board of trustees. Income, other non-class-specific expenses, and gains and losses on investments are allocated to each class of shares based on its relative net assets.

B. The Vanguard Group furnishes at cost investment advisory, corporate management, administrative, marketing, and distribution services. The costs of such services are allocated to the fund based on methods approved by the board of trustees. The fund has committed to invest up to 0.40% of its net assets in Vanguard. At July 31, 2015, the fund had contributed capital of $1,758,000 to Vanguard (included in Other Assets), representing 0.01% of the fund’s net assets and 0.70% of Vanguard’s capitalization. The fund’s trustees and officers are also directors and employees, respectively, of Vanguard.

C. Various inputs may be used to determine the value of the fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

Level 1—Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.

Level 2—Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).

Level 3—Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments).



Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund      
  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Investments ($000) ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations 1,374,393
Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 2,695,067 27,974
Corporate Bonds 15,093,276 2
Sovereign Bonds 627,079
Taxable Municipal Bonds 47,023
Convertible Preferred Stocks
Temporary Cash Investments 25,858
Liability for Options Written (875)
Futures Contracts—Assets1 4,338
Futures Contracts—Liabilities1 (2,533)
Forward Currency Contracts—Assets 7,214
Forward Currency Contracts—Liabilities (107)
Swap Contracts—Assets 8321 13,061
Swap Contracts—Liabilities (1,061)
Total 27,620 19,855,945 27,976
1 Represents variation margin on the last day of the reporting period.      


D. At July 31, 2015, the fair values of derivatives were reflected in the Statement of Net Assets as follows:

  Interest Rate Currency Credit  
  Contracts Contracts Contracts Total
Statement of Net Assets Caption ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000)
Other Assets 10,024 14,800 621 25,445
Liability for Options Written (875) (875)
Other Liabilities (2,610) (107) (984) (3,701)




Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Realized net gain (loss) and the change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on derivatives for the six months ended July 31, 2015, were:

  Interest Rate Currency Credit  
  Contracts Contracts Contracts Total
Realized Net Gain (Loss) on Derivatives ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000)
Futures Contracts 11,628 11,628
Options on Futures Contracts 1,618 1,618
Swap Contracts 6,469 323 682 7,474
Forward Currency Contracts (3,314) (3,314)
Realized Net Gain (Loss) on Derivatives 19,715 (2,991) 682 17,406
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Derivatives      
Futures Contracts (11,348) (11,348)
Options on Futures Contracts 2,276 2,276
Swap Contracts (6,121) (6,404) (728) (13,253)
Forward Currency Contracts 6,677 6,677
Change in Unrealized Appreciation        
(Depreciation) on Derivatives (15,193) 273 (728) (15,648)


At July 31, 2015, the aggregate settlement value of open futures contracts and the related unrealized appreciation (depreciation) were:

    Number of Settlement Unrealized
    Long (Short) Value Appreciation
Futures Contracts Expiration Contracts Long (Short) (Depreciation)
5-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 11,518 1,380,360 6,569
2-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 (2,040) (446,888) (637)
10-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 (1,626) (207,213) (221)
Euro-Bund September 2015 (811) (137,523) (2,345)
30-Year U.S. Treasury Bond September 2015 (469) (73,135) 162
Ultra Long U.S. Treasury Bond September 2015 (218) (34,778) (937)
Euro-Buxl September 2015 (132) (22,615) (1,257)
Euro-Bobl September 2015 (127) (18,176) (129)
Euro-Schatz September 2015 87 10,634 (18)
Australia 10-Year Treasury Bond September 2015 (56) (5,231) (158)
Long Gilt September 2015 (26) (4,763) (95)
Australia 3-Year Treasury Bond September 2015 (52) (4,252) (50)


Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on open futures contracts is required to be treated as realized gain (loss) for tax purposes.



Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund

At July 31, 2015, the fund had open forward currency contracts to receive and deliver currencies as follows. Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on open forward currency contracts is treated as realized gain (loss) for tax purposes.

  Contract         Appreciation
        Contract Amount (000)  
  Settlement         (Depreciation)
Counterparty Date   Receive   Deliver ($000)
Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC 8/4/15 EUR 167,775 USD 184,217 53
Bank of America N.A. 8/4/15 GBP 8,132 USD 12,662 37
Goldman Sachs Bank AG 8/4/15 EUR 10,125 USD 11,037 84
UBS AG 9/2/15 EUR 8,000 USD 8,780 10
Bank of America N.A. 8/4/15 EUR 683 USD 758 (8)
Barclays Capital 8/4/15 GBP 450 USD 700 2
BNP Paribas 8/4/15 USD 200,626 EUR 176,563 6,704
Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC 9/2/15 USD 191,385 EUR 174,238 (54)
Bank of America N.A. 9/2/15 USD 12,660 GBP 8,132 (38)
Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC 9/2/15 USD 12,342 AUD 16,760 116
J.P. Morgan Chase Bank N.A. 8/4/15 USD 8,113 GBP 5,149 72
BNP Paribas 9/2/15 USD 5,554 EUR 5,000 61
Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC 8/4/15 USD 5,431 GBP 3,433 70
UBS AG 8/4/15 USD 1,096 EUR 1,000 (2)
Deutsche Bank 8/4/15 USD 682 EUR 616 5
J.P. Morgan Chase Bank N.A. 8/4/15 USD 438 EUR 403 (5)
AUD—Australian dollar.            
GBP—British pound.            
USD—U.S. dollar.            




Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund          
At July 31, 2015, the fund had the following open swap contracts:      
Over-the-Counter Credit Default Swaps          
        Up-Front Periodic  
        Premium Premium Unrealized
      Notional Received Received Appreciation
  Termination   Amount (Paid) (Paid) (Depreciation)
Reference Entity Date Counterparty1 ($000) ($000) (%) ($000)
Credit Protection Sold/Moody’s Rating          
Bank of America Corp./Baa1 12/20/17 MSCS 7,680 139 1.000 248
Federation of Malaysia/A3 9/20/20 JPMC 860 14 1.000 (7)
Federation of Malaysia/A3 9/20/20 JPMC 340 5 1.000 (4)
Federation of Malaysia/A3 9/20/20 BOANA 3,100 54 1.000 (22)
Federation of Malaysia/A3 9/20/20 GSCM 1,500 26 1.000 (11)
Federation of Malaysia/A3 9/20/20 JPMC 2,900 47 1.000 (25)
Goldman Sachs Group Inc./A3 3/20/20 BOANA 7,870 (65) 1.000 (4)
Republic of Peru/A3 9/20/20 JPMC 8,000 155 1.000 (30)
Republic of Peru/A3 9/20/20 BNPSW 7,850 151 1.000 (31)
Republic of Chile/Aa3 9/20/20 BNPSW 5,550 (50) 1.000 (62)
Republic of Chile/Aa3 9/20/20 GSCM 10,100 (54) 1.000 (76)
Republic of Colombia/Baa2 9/20/20 GSCM 6,000 199 1.000 (37)
Republic of Colombia/Baa2 9/20/20 JPMC 6,000 191 1.000 (45)
Republic of Turkey/Baa3 12/20/16 BNPSW 7,000 16 1.000 (11)
Russian Federation/Ba1 6/20/17 GSCM 3,200 154 1.000 56
United Mexican States/A3 6/20/20 GSCM 3,500 48 1.000 (3)
      81,450     (64)
Credit Protection Purchased            
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya            
Argentaria SA 12/20/19 BOANA 5,135 53 (1.000) 36
Banco Santander SA 3/20/20 BARC 6,460 31 (1.000) 13
Banco Santander SA 3/20/20 BOANA 6,595 6 (1.000) (12)
Bank of America Corp. 3/20/20 GSCM 7,870 115 (1.000) (20)
BBVA Senior Finance 3/20/20 BOANA 6,510 44 (1.000) 29
CMBS-NA-8-AAA 10/17/57 CSFBI 8,350 (319) (0.500) 41
CMBS-NA-8-AAA 10/17/57 MSCS 8,350 (314) (0.500) 47
CMBS-NA-8-AAA 10/17/57 BARC 8,350 (372) (0.500) (12)
CVS Health Corp. 9/20/20 BOANA 5,350 174 (1.000) (14)
CVS Health Corp. 9/20/20 BOANA 5,340 173 (1.000) (14)
CVS Health Corp. 9/20/20 BOANA 2,670 85 (1.000) (9)
Devon Energy Corporation 9/20/18 BARC 7,000 19 (1.000) (96)
EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 9/20/18 CSFBI 2,970 54 (1.000) (19)




Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund          
Over-the-Counter Credit Default Swaps (continued)        
        Up-Front Periodic  
        Premium Premium Unrealized
      Notional Received Received Appreciation
  Termination   Amount (Paid) (Paid) (Depreciation)
Reference Entity Date Counterparty1 ($000) ($000) (%) ($000)
EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 9/20/18 GSCM 2,250 35 (1.000) (21)
EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 9/20/18 DBAG 2,250 34 (1.000) (22)
EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 9/20/18 BNPSW 2,250 34 (1.000) (22)
EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 9/20/18 BARC 2,250 34 (1.000) (22)
Federal Express Corp. 12/20/18 GSCM 7,840 82 (1.000) (125)
Federative Republic of Brazil 12/20/15 BOANA 1,500 (1) (1.000) (3)
Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 12/20/19 BARC 5,135 47 (1.000) 18
Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 3/20/20 BOANA 6,510 30 (1.000) (2)
McKesson Corp. 3/20/19 JPMC 6,360 164 (1.000) (41)
McKesson Corp. 3/20/19 JPMC 6,360 160 (1.000) (45)
Morgan Stanley 9/20/15 BARC 4,400 (7) (1.000) (12)
People’s Republic of China 9/20/20 MSCS 5,875 11 (1.000) 7
People’s Republic of China 9/20/20 MSCS 8,280 18 (1.000) 12
Republic of Austria 9/20/17 BNPSW 1,200 (12) (1.000) (36)
Republic of Korea 9/20/18 JPMC 2,000 11 (1.000) (34)
Republic of South Africa 9/20/20 JPMC 7,400 (383) (1.000) 12
United Mexican States 12/20/15 BOANA 1,500 (2) (1.000) (5)
United Mexican States 6/20/20 DBAG 3,500 (41) (1.000) 3
Wells Fargo & Co. 9/20/20 BOANA 9,700 206 (1.000) (30)
Russian Federation 6/20/20 GSCM 1,530 (138) (1.000) 10
Russian Federation 9/20/20 BARC 6,200 (585) (1.000) 47
Russian Federation 9/20/20 JPMC 3,100 (294) (1.000) 22
Russian Federation 9/20/20 BOANA 3,100 (297) (1.000) 20
      181,440     (299)


The notional amount represents the maximum potential amount the fund could be required to pay as a seller of credit protection if the reference entity was subject to a credit event.

1 BARC—Barclays Bank plc. BNPSW—BNP Paribas.

BOANA—Bank of America, N.A. CSFBI—Credit Suisse First Boston International. DBAG—Deutsche Bank AG.

GSCM—Goldman Sachs Bank USA. JPMC—JP Morgan Chase Bank. MSCS—Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC.



Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Centrally Cleared Interest Rate Swaps        
      Fixed Floating  
      Interest Rate Interest Rate Unrealized
    Notional Received Received Appreciation
    Amount (Paid) (Paid) (Depreciation)
Termination Date Clearinghouse1 ($000) (%) (%) ($000)
8/15/15 CME 44,145 1.587 (0.187)3 (306)
10/20/15 LCH 10,000 0.390 (0.188)3 (14)
2/15/16 LCH 4,000 0.450 (0.187)3 (5)
2/15/16 CME 4,733 0.448 (0.187)3 (3)
5/16/16 CME 10,800 0.434 (0.187)3 (1)
5/16/16 CME 1,400 0.451 (0.187)3
5/22/16 CME 3,800 0.546 (0.284)2 2
6/15/16 LCH 2,752 0.299 (0.187)3 (2)
6/17/16 CME 1,100 0.485 (0.186)3 1
6/17/16 CME 970 0.485 (0.186)3 1
6/17/16 CME 4,400 0.444 (0.186)3 1
9/17/16 CME 1,050 0.643 (0.186)3 2
9/17/16 CME 2,560 0.643 (0.186)3 4
10/25/16 CME 15,200 1.714 (0.295)2 (73)
12/10/16 LCH 8,355 0.656 (0.189)3 9
1/15/17 CME 3,050 0.770 (0.187)3 7
1/17/17 LCH 6,500 0.700 (0.186)3 9
2/15/17 CME 1,600 0.729 (0.187)3 2
2/15/17 LCH 6,585 1.875 (0.187)3 (57)
2/15/17 CME 625 3.373 (0.187)3 (8)
2/15/17 CME 950 2.407 (0.187)3 (8)
2/15/17 CME 5,700 2.407 (0.187)3 (47)
2/15/17 CME 400 0.714 (0.187)3
2/15/17 CME 1,490 3.180 (0.187)3 (19)
2/15/17 CME 1,145 2.287 (0.187)3 (9)
2/15/17 CME 365 3.432 (0.187)3 (5)
3/15/17 CME 39,385 0.937 (0.187)3 175
4/20/17 CME 13,000 0.960 (0.188)3 (16)
5/5/17 LCH 4,555 0.876 (0.187)3 (1)
5/17/17 CME 3,900 1.036 (0.186)3 22
6/17/17 LCH 2,925 0.736 (0.186)3 (1)
7/17/17 CME 3,900 0.781 (0.186)3
9/15/17 LCH 5,910 0.755 (0.187)3 15
9/15/17 CME 1,100 2.345 (0.187)3 (8)
9/15/17 CME 5,400 3.363 (0.187)3 (72)
9/15/17 CME 4,850 3.520 (0.187)3 (66)




Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Centrally Cleared Interest Rate Swaps (continued)        
      Fixed Floating  
      Interest Rate Interest Rate Unrealized
    Notional Received Received Appreciation
    Amount (Paid) (Paid)  (Depreciation)
Termination Date Clearinghouse1 ($000) (%) (%) ($000)
9/15/17 CME 7,295 2.532 (0.187)3 (64)
10/16/17 CME 7,000 0.749 (0.187)3 9
12/15/17 CME 6,000 0.788 (0.187)3 1
2/15/18 CME 10,170 1.348 (0.187)3 99
2/15/18 CME 18,000 0.923 (0.187)3 (18)
2/15/18 LCH 35,000 1.097 (0.187)3 118
4/16/18 LCH 3,500 1.013 (0.187)3
5/1/18 CME 3,400 1.214 (0.187)3 18
5/24/18 CME 10,000 0.984 (0.187)3 (15)
1/15/19 LCH 18,930 1.509 (0.187)3 192
3/15/19 CME 5,135 1.701 (0.187)3 82
3/15/19 CME 22,370 1.699 (0.187)3 356
3/15/19 CME 4,990 1.399 (0.187)3 (23)
6/12/19 CME 4,600 1.674 (0.288)2 41
1/20/20 CME 20,920 1.224 (0.188)3 (203)
4/15/20 LCH 14,650 1.344 (0.187)3 (96)
4/25/20 CME 28,610 3.024 (0.295)2 (395)
7/15/20 CME 8,920 1.571 (0.187)3 12
2/15/21 CME 6,100 2.200 (0.187)3 178
10/15/21 LCH 5,720 1.949 (0.187)3 65
2/15/22 LCH 8,755 1.583 (0.187)3 (123)
1/25/23 CME 4,500 2.560 (0.191)3 197
3/25/23 CME 1,150 2.773 (0.191)3 68
2/25/25 CME 2,490 2.077 (0.191)3 (16)
2/25/25 CME 3,100 2.077 (0.191)3 (20)
5/27/25 CME 5,785 2.170 (0.191)3 1
9/17/31 CME 2,396 3.065 (0.186)3 194
9/17/31 CME 498 3.065 (0.186)3 40
1 CME—Chicago Mercantile Exchange.        
LCH—London Clearing House.          
2 Based on 3-month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) as of the most recent payment date.    
3 Based on 1-month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) as of the most recent payment date.    




Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Over-the-Counter Interest Rate Swaps        
      Fixed Floating  
      Interest Rate Interest Rate Unrealized
    Notional Received Received Appreciation
    Amount (Paid) (Paid) (Depreciation)
Termination Date Counterparty1 ($000) (%) (%) ($000)
2/22/16 BNPSW 1,420 0.522 (0.284)2 1
5/19/16 WFC 1,246 1.454 (0.277)2 11
8/15/18 BNPSW 5,400 0.715 (0.187)3 (10)
4/25/19 WFC 8,822 2.053 (0.293)2 813
4/25/19 WFC 4,537 2.756 (0.295)2 166
4/25/20 GSCM 3,620 2.794 (0.295)2 148
4/1/21 WFC 4,958 0.965 (0.187)3 (41)
6/25/21 GSCM 5,720 3.143 (0.281)2 307
10/25/21 WFC 6,500 3.328 (0.295)2 415
11/25/22 UBSAG 2,518 2.491 (0.282)2 82
11/25/22 BARC 16,018 2.758 (0.282)2 652
1/25/23 WFC 3,000 3.144 (0.295)2 182
7/25/23 BARC 24,625 3.483 (0.295)2 1,967
12/25/26 WFC 16,000 1.920 (0.191)3 110
9/25/29 GSCM 11,860 1.794 (0.191)3 (26)
1 BARC—Barclays Bank plc.          
BNPSW—BNP Paribas.          
GSCM—Goldman Sachs Bank USA.          
UBSAG—UBS AG.          
WFC—Wells Fargo Bank N.A.          
2 Based on 3-month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) as of the most recent payment date.    
3 Based on 1-month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) as of the most recent payment date.    




Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Cross-Currency Swaps          
        Notional Notional  
        Amount of Amount of Unrealized
  Fixed     Currency Currency Appreciation
Fixed Interest Interest Termination   Received Delivered (Depreciation)
Rate Received Rate Paid Date Counterparty1 ($000) (000) ($000)
USD 5.555% GBP 5.500% 10/6/26 BARC 10,725 GBP 6,250 803
USD 3.180% EUR 1.900% 4/8/22 BARC 9,666 EUR 7,000 1,885
USD 3.331% GBP 3.250% 9/25/24 BNPSW 8,523 GBP 5,000 556
USD 5.502% GBP 5.250% 9/14/27 MSCS 8,061 GBP 4,800 435
USD 4.076% EUR 2.750% 8/2/22 MSCS 6,897 EUR 5,000 1,412
USD 4.112% EUR 2.625% 4/1/21 MSCS 6,783 EUR 5,000 1,364
USD 8.542% GBP 8.750% 4/8/21 MSCS 5,134 GBP 3,000 510
USD 6.043% GBP 6.500% 4/8/22 BARC 5,072 GBP 3,000 354
USD 5.780% GBP 5.500% 10/6/26 MSCS 4,146 GBP 2,500 190
USD 3.766% EUR 2.625% 4/1/21 BARC 384 EUR 277 77
1 BARC—Barclays Bank plc.          
BNPSW—BNP Paribas.          
MSCS—Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC.        
GBP—British pound.            
USD—U.S. dollar.            


At July 31, 2015, counterparties had deposited in segregated accounts securities and cash with a value of $19,333,000 in connection with open swap contracts and forward currency contracts.

E. Capital gain distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ from realized capital gains for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Permanent differences are reclassified among capital accounts in the financial statements to reflect their tax character. Temporary differences arise when gains or losses are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes. These differences will reverse at some time in the future. The fund’s tax-basis capital gains and losses are determined only at the end of each fiscal year.

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund realized net foreign currency losses of $2,738,000 (including gains and losses on forward currency contracts and the foreign currency component on sales of foreign currency denominated bonds), which decreased distributable net income for tax purposes; accordingly, such losses have been reclassified from accumulated net realized gains to undistributed net investment income.

Realized and unrealized gains (losses) on certain of the fund’s swap contracts are treated as ordinary income (loss) for tax purposes; the effect on the fund’s income dividends to shareholders is offset by a change in principal return. Realized gains of $4,845,000 on swap contracts have been reclassified from accumulated net realized gains to undistributed net investment income.



Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund

At July 31, 2015, the cost of investment securities for tax purposes was $19,719,640,000. Net unrealized appreciation of investment securities for tax purposes was $171,032,000, consisting of unrealized gains of $382,615,000 on securities that had risen in value since their purchase and $211,583,000 in unrealized losses on securities that had fallen in value since their purchase.

F. During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund purchased $5,395,305,000 of investment securities and sold $3,520,660,000 of investment securities, other than U.S. government securities and temporary cash investments. Purchases and sales of U.S. government securities were $3,756,065,000 and $3,863,649,000, respectively.

G. The following table summarizes the fund’s options written during the six months ended July 31, 2015.

    Number of Received
Options Written     Contracts ($000)
Balance at January 31, 2015     5,052 1,895
Options Written     15,597 5,616
Options Expired     (8,371) (3,069)
Options Closed     (9,819) (3,609)
Options Exercised    
Balance at July 31, 2015     2,459 833
H. Capital share transactions for each class of shares were:      
  Six Months Ended   Year Ended
    July 31, 2015 January 31, 2015
  Amount Shares Amount Shares
  ($000) (000) ($000) (000)
Investor Shares        
Issued 335,744 33,948 772,465 78,049
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 39,472 3,994 102,688 10,381
Redeemed (539,648) (54,870) (1,095,543) (110,813)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Investor Shares (164,432) (16,928) (220,390) (22,383)
Admiral Shares        
Issued 2,728,508 276,737 4,649,825 469,737
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 219,615 22,231 490,098 49,543
Redeemed (1,660,625) (168,736) (2,651,171) (267,911)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Admiral Shares 1,287,498 130,232 2,488,752 251,369


I. Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to July 31, 2015, that would require recognition or disclosure in these financial statements.



Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Fund Profile    
As of July 31, 2015    
Share-Class Characteristics  
  Investor Admiral
    Shares Shares
Ticker Symbol VWESX VWETX
Expense Ratio1   0.22% 0.12%
30-Day SEC Yield   4.09% 4.19%
Financial Attributes    
    Barclays Barclays
    Long Credit Aggregate
    A/Better Bond
  Fund Index Index
Number of Bonds 776 1,148 9,496
Yield to Maturity      
(before expenses) 4.3% 4.4% 2.4%
Average Coupon 4.9% 5.4% 3.2%
Average Duration 13.1 years 13.8 years 5.6 years
Average Effective      
Maturity 22.3 years 23.4 years 7.8 years
Reserves 5.1%
Sector Diversification (% of portfolio)  
Finance     26.0%
Foreign     1.7
Industrial     40.1
Treasury/Agency     3.4
Utilities     13.4
Other     15.4


The agency and mortgage-backed securities sectors may include issues from government-sponsored enterprises; such issues are generally not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

Volatility Measures    
  Barclays Barclays
  Long Credit Aggregate
  A/Better Bond
  Index Index
R-Squared 0.99 0.89
Beta 1.00 2.71


These measures show the degree and timing of the fund’s  
fluctuations compared with the indexes over 36 months.  
Distribution by Effective Maturity  
(% of portfolio)  
Under 1 Year 5.3%
3 - 5 Years 0.1
5 - 7 Years 0.2
7 - 10 Years 2.5
10 - 20 Years 18.8
20 - 30 Years 69.6
Over 30 Years 3.5


Distribution by Credit Quality (% of portfolio)

U.S. Government 7.3%
Aaa 3.3
Aa 31.3
A 49.2
Baa 7.9
Not Rated 1.0


Credit-quality ratings are obtained from Moody's and S&P, and the higher rating for each issue is shown. "Not Rated" is used to classify securities for which a rating is not available. Not rated securities include a fund's investment in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund or Vanguard Municipal Cash Management Fund, each of which invests in high-quality money market instruments and may serve as a cash management vehicle for the Vanguard funds, trusts, and accounts. For more information about these ratings, see the Glossary entry for Credit Quality.

1 The expense ratios shown are from the prospectus dated May 27, 2015, and represent estimated costs for the current fiscal year. For the six months ended July 31, 2015, the annualized expense ratios were 0.21% for Investor Shares and 0.11% for Admiral Shares.



Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Investment Focus



Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Performance Summary

All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at vanguard.com/performance.) Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

Fiscal-Year Total Returns (%): January 31, 2005, Through July 31, 2015  
        Long Credit
      Investor Shares Index
Fiscal Year Income Returns Capital Returns Total Returns Total Returns
2006 5.27% -4.00% 1.27% 1.32%
2007 5.74 -2.35 3.39 3.63
2008 5.85 -1.42 4.43 3.70
2009 5.75 -9.20 -3.45 -5.66
2010 6.91 10.38 17.29 17.13
2011 5.79 1.22 7.01 7.22
2012 6.29 15.68 21.97 22.56
2013 4.86 2.53 7.39 6.35
2014 4.64 -5.05 -0.41 -1.10
2015 5.17 14.81 19.98 19.54
2016 1.93 -9.66 -7.73 -7.78
Note: For 2016, performance data reflect the six months ended July 31, 2015.    


Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended June 30, 2015

This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period.

Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

            Ten Years
  Inception Date One Year Five Years Income Capital Total
Investor Shares 7/9/1973 1.12% 7.05% 5.49% 0.43% 5.92%
Admiral Shares 2/12/2001 1.22 7.16 5.61 0.43 6.04


See Financial Highlights for dividend and capital gains information.



Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Financial Statements (unaudited)

Statement of Net Assets—Investments Summary

As of July 31, 2015

This Statement summarizes the fund’s holdings by asset type. Details are reported for each of the fund’s 50 largest individual holdings and for investments that, in total for any issuer, represent more than 1% of the fund’s net assets. The total value of smaller holdings is reported as a single amount within each category.

The fund reports a complete list of its holdings in regulatory filings four times in each fiscal year, at the quarter-ends. For the second and fourth fiscal quarters, the complete listing of the fund’s holdings is available electronically on vanguard.com and on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website (sec.gov), or you can have it mailed to you without charge by calling 800-662-7447. For the first and third fiscal quarters, the fund files the lists with the SEC on Form N-Q. Shareholders can look up the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website. Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room (see the back cover of this report for further information).

        Face Market Percentage
      Maturity Amount Value of Net
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations        
U.S. Government Securities          
1,2 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.500% 2/15/36 162,475 211,015 1.5%
  United States Treasury          
  Note/Bond 0.875%–6.125% 7/15/17–5/15/45 223,807 251,330 1.7%
          462,345 3.2%
Agency Notes †       23,321 0.1%
Total U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (Cost $465,677)   485,666 3.3%
Corporate Bonds          
  Bank of America Corp. 3.950%–7.750% 1/22/25–4/1/44 120,739 137,206 0.9%
  Bank of America NA 6.000% 10/15/36 21,760 26,292 0.2%
  Bank One Corp. 7.625%–8.000% 7/15/25–4/29/27 75,544 98,153 0.7%
  Citigroup Inc. 4.400%–8.125% 6/1/25–7/30/45 155,607 176,432 1.2%
  Cooperatieve Centrale          
  Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 5.750% 12/1/43 52,730 58,346 0.4%
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 6.450% 5/1/36 49,400 56,908 0.4%
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 6.750% 10/1/37 46,315 55,698 0.4%
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 4.800%–6.250% 2/15/33–7/8/44 80,387 93,386 0.6%
  HSBC Bank USA NA 5.875% 11/1/34 44,700 53,073 0.4%
  HSBC Bank USA NA 5.625% 8/15/35 23,725 27,193 0.2%
  HSBC Holdings plc 6.800% 6/1/38 86,849 110,497 0.8%
  HSBC Holdings plc 5.250%–7.625% 5/17/32–3/14/44 91,340 109,708 0.7%
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 6.400% 5/15/38 90,000 113,770 0.8%
3 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 3.375%–5.625% 5/1/23–12/29/49 118,449 129,034 0.9%
  Morgan Stanley 7.250% 4/1/32 44,360 58,306 0.4%
  Morgan Stanley 3.950%–6.375% 7/23/25–1/27/45 124,346 131,184 0.9%
  Synchrony Financial 4.500% 7/23/25 110 111 0.0%
  Wachovia Corp. 5.500%–6.605% 10/1/25–8/1/35 24,905 28,292 0.2%




Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
      Face Market Percentage
    Maturity Amount Value of Net
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
Wells Fargo & Co. 5.606% 1/15/44 152,733 170,730 1.2%
Wells Fargo & Co. 3.900%–5.375% 6/3/26–5/1/45 156,766 160,811 1.1%
Wells Fargo Bank NA 6.600% 1/15/38 500 662 0.0%
4 Banking—Other †       92,803 0.6%
4 Brokerage †       27,045 0.2%
Finance Companies          
General Electric Capital Corp. 6.750% 3/15/32 126,620 168,048 1.1%
General Electric Capital Corp. 5.875% 1/14/38 125,585 153,693 1.1%
General Electric Capital Corp. 6.875% 1/10/39 62,215 85,505 0.6%
3 General Electric          
Capital Corp. 6.150%–7.500% 8/21/35–12/29/49 16,025 18,596 0.1%
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. 4.500% 2/11/43 44,557 45,201 0.3%
4 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. 9.375% 8/15/39 39,206 59,835 0.4%
4 New York Life Insurance Co. 5.875% 5/15/33 47,575 56,301 0.4%
UnitedHealth Group Inc. 5.800% 3/15/36 49,846 58,870 0.4%
UnitedHealth Group Inc. 3.750%–6.875% 7/15/25–7/15/45 88,612 98,756 0.7%
4 Insurance—Other †       426,796 3.0%
4 Real Estate Investment Trusts †     30,711 0.2%
        3,117,952 21.5%
Basic Industry †       140,377 1.0%
Capital Goods          
General Electric Co. 4.125%–4.500% 10/9/42–3/11/44 35,725 36,406 0.3%
United Technologies Corp. 6.125% 7/15/38 55,575 68,699 0.5%
United Technologies Corp. 4.500%–7.500% 9/15/29–6/1/42 75,585 86,321 0.6%
4 Capital Goods—Other †       367,507 2.5%
Comcast Corp. 6.950% 8/15/37 66,717 88,409 0.6%
Comcast Corp. 4.750% 3/1/44 66,270 69,149 0.5%
Comcast Corp. 4.200%–7.050% 1/15/33–8/15/45 182,124 209,150 1.4%
NBCUniversal Media LLC 4.450%–6.400% 4/30/40–1/15/43 55,810 59,888 0.4%
4 Communication—Other †       287,743 2.0%
Consumer Cyclical          
Home Depot Inc. 4.875% 2/15/44 68,200 75,463 0.5%
Home Depot Inc. 4.200%–5.950% 12/16/36–4/1/46 106,300 120,949 0.8%
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 6.200% 4/15/38 83,350 107,454 0.8%
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 5.625% 4/15/41 74,432 90,750 0.6%
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 7.550% 2/15/30 51,000 72,646 0.5%
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 6.500% 8/15/37 42,625 56,263 0.4%
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 4.000%–5.625% 9/1/35–4/22/44 92,289 100,661 0.7%
4 Consumer Cyclical—Other †       326,332 2.3%
Consumer Noncyclical          
Anheuser-Busch InBev          
Worldwide Inc. 8.200% 1/15/39 41,590 62,940 0.4%
AstraZeneca plc 6.450% 9/15/37 47,330 61,199 0.4%
GlaxoSmithKline Capital Inc. 6.375% 5/15/38 54,345 69,325 0.5%
4 Medtronic Inc. 4.625% 3/15/45 93,690 96,076 0.7%
4 Medtronic Inc. 4.375%–6.500% 3/15/35–3/15/44 79,892 86,605 0.6%
Pfizer Inc. 7.200% 3/15/39 44,462 62,062 0.4%
Pfizer Inc. 4.300% 6/15/43 15,300 15,352 0.1%
Pharmacia Corp. 6.750% 12/15/27 2,800 3,629 0.0%
Wyeth LLC 5.950% 4/1/37 68,185 82,854 0.6%
Wyeth LLC 6.000% 2/15/36 1,600 1,969 0.0%
4 Consumer Noncyclical—Other †     1,129,802 7.8%




Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
      Face Market Percentage
    Maturity Amount Value of Net
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
Burlington Resources Finance Co. 7.400% 12/1/31 23,500 31,615 0.2%
ConocoPhillips 6.500% 2/1/39 81,416 101,603 0.7%
ConocoPhillips 5.900%–7.000% 3/30/29–10/15/32 30,450 36,690 0.2%
ConocoPhillips Canada          
Funding Co. I 5.950% 10/15/36 1,500 1,755 0.0%
ConocoPhillips Co. 4.300% 11/15/44 25,655 25,032 0.2%
Shell International Finance BV 6.375% 12/15/38 43,260 55,581 0.4%
Shell International          
Finance BV 4.125%–5.500% 5/11/35–5/11/45 123,320 127,118 0.9%
Tosco Corp. 7.800%–8.125% 1/1/27–2/15/30 21,500 29,972 0.2%
TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. 7.625% 1/15/39 49,100 65,619 0.4%
Energy—Other †       214,303 1.5%
4 Other Industrial †       82,053 0.6%
Microsoft Corp. 3.750% 2/12/45 71,860 65,524 0.4%
Oracle Corp. 6.500% 4/15/38 40,833 51,966 0.4%
Oracle Corp. 3.900%–6.125% 7/8/34–5/15/55 145,719 151,043 1.0%
4 Technology—Other †       434,203 3.0%
Burlington Northern          
Santa Fe LLC 5.750%–6.875% 12/1/27–5/1/40 20,388 24,122 0.2%
4 Transportation—Other †       105,235 0.7%
        5,639,414 38.9%
Alabama Power Co. 3.750%–6.000% 3/1/39–3/1/45 69,143 75,357 0.5%
Berkshire Hathaway          
Energy Co. 4.500%–6.125% 4/1/36–2/1/45 48,127 52,656 0.4%
Duke Energy Carolinas LLC 6.100% 6/1/37 52,400 65,846 0.5%
Duke Energy Carolinas LLC 4.000%–6.450% 10/15/32–9/30/42 73,982 77,455 0.5%
Duke Energy Florida Inc. 3.850%–6.750% 2/1/28–11/15/42 17,160 20,555 0.2%
Duke Energy Indiana Inc. 4.200%–6.450% 10/15/35–7/15/43 51,333 57,684 0.4%
Duke Energy Progress Inc. 4.100%–5.700% 4/1/35–3/30/44 19,050 19,056 0.1%
Georgia Power Co. 4.300%–5.950% 2/1/39–3/15/42 68,589 75,491 0.5%
MidAmerican Energy Co. 4.800%–5.800% 10/15/36–9/15/43 29,800 32,957 0.2%
Mississippi Power Co. 4.250% 3/15/42 2,000 1,814 0.0%
Nevada Power Co. 5.375%–6.650% 4/1/36–5/15/41 47,680 55,820 0.4%
Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 6.050% 3/1/34 46,041 56,216 0.4%
Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 4.500%–6.350% 3/1/37–2/15/44 90,952 107,105 0.7%
PacifiCorp 4.100%–6.350% 6/15/35–2/1/42 101,082 121,432 0.8%
Virginia Electric & Power Co. 6.000% 5/15/37 57,330 71,685 0.5%
4 Electric—Other †       1,024,107 7.1%
Natural Gas †       7,939 0.1%
        1,923,175 13.3%
Total Corporate Bonds (Cost $9,834,000)     10,680,541 73.7%
4Sovereign Bonds (U.S. Dollar-Denominated) (Cost $231,265) †   240,825 1.7%
Taxable Municipal Bonds          
American Municipal Power          
Ohio Inc. Revenue (Prairie State        
Energy Campus Project) 6.270% 2/15/50 53,500 64,361 0.4%




Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
      Face Market Percentage
    Maturity Amount Value of Net
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
Bay Area Toll Authority          
California Toll Bridge Revenue          
(San Francisco Bay Area) 6.918% 4/1/40 44,640 59,266 0.4%
California GO 7.300% 10/1/39 109,045 154,230 1.0%
California GO 7.600% 11/1/40 74,320 111,715 0.8%
California GO 7.550% 4/1/39 55,350 81,679 0.5%
California GO 7.350%–7.625% 4/1/34–3/1/40 60,335 87,391 0.6%
Illinois GO 5.100% 6/1/33 193,305 183,574 1.3%
Los Angeles CA Unified          
School District GO 6.758% 7/1/34 64,235 85,084 0.6%
5 New Jersey Economic          
Development Authority Revenue        
(State Pension Funding) 7.425% 2/15/29 50,002 57,139 0.4%
New Jersey Turnpike Authority          
Revenue 7.102% 1/1/41 62,755 84,909 0.6%
New Jersey Turnpike Authority          
Revenue 7.414% 1/1/40 52,934 73,941 0.5%
New York Metropolitan          
Transportation Authority Revenue        
(Dedicated Tax Fund) 7.336% 11/15/39 66,105 96,327 0.7%
Port Authority of New York          
& New Jersey Revenue 4.458%–6.040% 12/1/29–10/1/62 132,285 146,568 1.0%
1 President & Fellows of          
Harvard College          
Massachusetts GO 6.300% 10/1/37 52,593 54,565 0.4%
Taxable Municipal Bonds—Other †     880,867 6.1%
Total Taxable Municipal Bonds (Cost $1,949,597)     2,221,616 15.3%
Temporary Cash Investments          
Money Market Fund          
6 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund 0.152%   142,204,326 142,204 1.0%
Repurchase Agreements          
Bank of America Securities, LLC          
(Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase          
Value $51,401,000, collateralized        
by Government National          
Mortgage Assn. 3.500%,          
7/20/45, with a value of          
$52,548,000) 0.150% 8/3/15 51,400 51,400 0.4%
Bank of Montreal (Dated 7/31/15,        
Repurchase Value $55,501,000,        
collateralized by U.S. Treasury          
Note/Bond 0.875%–3.000%,          
9/30/16–12/31/20, with a value          
of $56,610,000) 0.130% 8/3/15 55,500 55,500 0.4%




Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund          
      Face Market Percentage
    Maturity Amount Value of Net
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
Bank of Montreal          
(Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase          
Value $50,001,000, collateralized          
by Federal National Mortgage          
Assn. 4.000%, 8/1/44, Federal          
Home Loan Mortgage Corp.          
3.500%–5.500%, 4/1/34–5/1/45,          
and Government National          
Mortgage Assn. 5.500%, 9/15/29,          
with a value of $51,000,000) 0.150% 8/3/15 50,000 50,000 0.3%
Barclays Capital Inc.          
(Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase          
Value $173,602,000, collateralized          
by U.S. Treasury Note/Bond          
2.750%, 2/15/24, with a value          
of $177,072,000) 0.130% 8/3/15 173,600 173,600 1.2%
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.          
(Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase          
Value $137,402,000, collateralized          
by U.S. Treasury Note/Bond          
0.875%–2.250%, 7/15/18–4/30/21,          
with a value of $140,148,000) 0.140% 8/3/15 137,400 137,400 0.9%
RBC Capital Markets LLC          
(Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase          
Value $116,201,000, collateralized          
by Federal National Mortgage          
Assn. 1.354%–6.000%,          
5/1/26–6/1/45, Federal Home          
Loan Mortgage Corp.          
2.191%–4.500%, 6/1/25–5/1/45,          
and Government National          
Mortgage Assn. 1.625%–4.571%,          
8/20/40–3/20/65, with a value of          
$118,524,000) 0.140% 8/3/15 116,200 116,200 0.8%
        584,100 4.0%
Total Temporary Cash Investments (Cost $726,304)     726,304 5.0%
Total Investments (Cost $13,206,843)       14,354,952 99.0%
    Date Contracts    
Liability for Options Written (0.0%)          
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.00 8/21/15 24 (21) 0.0%
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.50 8/21/15 24 (15) 0.0%
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.00 8/21/15 43 (17) 0.0%
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.50 8/21/15 6 (2) 0.0%
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.00 8/21/15 24 (2) 0.0%




Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
      Market Percentage
  Expiration   Value of Net
  Date Contracts ($000) Assets
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.50 8/21/15 33 (3) 0.0%
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $126.00 8/21/15 24 (4) 0.0%
Total Liability for Options Written (Premiums received $61)   (64) 0.0%
Other Assets and Liabilities        
Other Assets7     224,411 1.5%
Other Liabilities     (80,249) (0.5%)
      144,162 1.0%
Net Assets     14,499,050 100.0%
At July 31, 2015, net assets consisted of:        
Paid-in Capital       13,216,901
Undistributed Net Investment Income       8
Accumulated Net Realized Gains       110,620
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)        
Investment Securities       1,148,109
Futures Contracts       15,275
Options on Futures Contracts       (3)
Swap Contracts       8,008
Forward Currency Contracts       127
Foreign Currencies       5
Net Assets       14,499,050
Investor Shares—Net Assets        
Applicable to 416,714,508 outstanding $.001 par value shares of      
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization)       4,242,864
Net Asset Value Per Share—Investor Shares       $10.18




Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund  
Admiral Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 1,007,317,465 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 10,256,186
Net Asset Value Per Share—Admiral Shares $10.18


  • See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
  • Represents the aggregate value, by category, of securities that are not among the 50 largest holdings and, in total for any issuer, represent 1% or less of net assets.
  • Securities with a value of $5,179,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open futures contracts.
  • Securities with a value of $26,632,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open cleared swap contracts.
  • The average or expected maturity is shorter than the final maturity shown because of the possibility of interim principal payments and prepayments or the possibility of the issue being called.
  • Certain of the fund’s securities are exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may be sold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At July 31, 2015, the aggregate value of these securities was $950,205,000, representing 6.6% of net assets.
  • Scheduled principal and interest payments are guaranteed by National Public Finance Guarantee Corp.
  • Affiliated money market fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown is the 7-day yield.
  • Cash of $11,849,000 has been segregated as initial margin for open futures contracts. GO—General Obligation Bond.
    See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund  
Statement of Operations  
  Six Months Ended
  July 31, 2015
Investment Income  
Interest1 337,203
Total Income 337,203
Investment Advisory Fees—Note B 2,066
The Vanguard Group—Note C  
Management and Administrative—Investor Shares 3,547
Management and Administrative—Admiral Shares 3,529
Marketing and Distribution—Investor Shares 345
Marketing and Distribution—Admiral Shares 867
Custodian Fees 68
Shareholders’ Reports—Investor Shares 26
Shareholders’ Reports—Admiral Shares 12
Trustees’ Fees and Expenses 12
Total Expenses 10,472
Net Investment Income 326,731
Realized Net Gain (Loss)  
Investment Securities Sold 185,243
Futures Contracts (18,941)
Options on Futures Contracts 122
Swap Contracts 9,858
Foreign Currencies and Forward Currency Contracts 87
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 176,369
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)  
Investment Securities (1,787,261)
Futures Contracts (28,927)
Options on Futures Contracts 191
Swap Contracts (1,961)
Foreign Currencies and Forward Currency Contracts 114
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (1,817,844)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations (1,314,744)
1 Interest income from an affiliated company of the fund was $125,000.  


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund    
Statement of Changes in Net Assets    
  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  July 31, January 31,
  2015 2015
  ($000) ($000)
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    
Net Investment Income 326,731 669,729
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 176,369 309,736
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (1,817,844) 1,880,477
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations (1,314,744) 2,859,942
Net Investment Income    
Investor Shares (93,511) (191,346)
Admiral Shares (243,979) (498,282)
Realized Capital Gain1    
Investor Shares (28,717) (63,485)
Admiral Shares (73,631) (162,325)
Total Distributions (439,838) (915,438)
Capital Share Transactions    
Investor Shares 17,262 56,137
Admiral Shares (820,032) 917,905
Net Increase (Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions (802,770) 974,042
Total Increase (Decrease) (2,557,352) 2,918,546
Net Assets    
Beginning of Period 17,056,402 14,137,856
End of Period2 14,499,050 17,056,402


1 Includes fiscal 2016 and 2015 short-term gain distributions totaling $21,484,000 and $69,071,000, respectively. Short-term gain distributions are treated as ordinary income dividends for tax purposes.

2 Net Assets—End of Period includes undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income of $8,000 and ($41,000).

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Investor Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended January 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $11.34 $10.02 $10.65 $10.50 $9.15 $9.04
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income . 214 .453 .469 .491 .515 .516
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (1.083) 1.487 (.525) .274 1.439 .117
Total from Investment Operations (.869) 1.940 (.056) .765 1.954 .633
Dividends from Net Investment Income (. 222) (. 466) (. 481) (. 499) (. 521) (. 523)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (. 069) (.154) (. 093) (.116) (. 083)
Total Distributions (. 291) (. 620) (. 574) (. 615) (. 604) (. 523)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $10.18 $11.34 $10.02 $10.65 $10.50 $9.15
Total Return1 -7.73% 19.98% -0.41% 7.39% 21.97% 7.01%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $4,243 $4,714 $4,112 $4,429 $4,340 $3,770
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.21% 0.22% 0.22% 0.22% 0.22% 0.24%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 4.13% 4.30% 4.64% 4.57% 5.25% 5.53%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 32% 21% 26% 21% 29% 19%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Admiral Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended January 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $11.34 $10.02 $10.65 $10.50 $9.15 $9.04
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income . 220 .463 .480 .502 .525 .528
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (1.083) 1.487 (.525) .274 1.439 .117
Total from Investment Operations (.863) 1.950 (.045) .776 1.964 .645
Dividends from Net Investment Income (. 228) (. 476) (. 492) (. 510) (. 531) (. 535)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains   (. 069) (.154) (. 093) (.116) (. 083)
Total Distributions (. 297) (. 630) (. 585) (. 626) (. 614) (. 535)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $10.18 $11.34 $10.02 $10.65 $10.50 $9.15
Total Return1 -7.69% 20.10% -0.31% 7.49% 22.09% 7.14%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $10,256 $12,342 $10,026 $9,112 $7,113 $5,340
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.11% 0.12% 0.12% 0.12% 0.12% 0.12%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 4.23% 4.40% 4.74% 4.67% 5.35% 5.65%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 32% 21% 26% 21% 29% 19%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Vanguard Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. Certain of the fund’s investments are in corporate debt instruments; the issuers’ abilities to meet their obligations may be affected by economic developments in their respective industries. The fund invests in securities of foreign issuers, which may subject it to investment risks not normally associated with investing in securities of U.S. corporations. To minimize the currency risk associated with investment in bonds denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, the fund attempts to hedge its currency exposures. The fund offers two classes of shares: Investor Shares and Admiral Shares. Investor Shares are available to any investor who meets the fund’s minimum purchase requirements. Admiral Shares are designed for investors who meet certain administrative, service, and account-size criteria.

A. The following significant accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles for U.S. investment companies. The fund consistently follows such policies in preparing its financial statements.

1. Security Valuation: Securities are valued as of the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time) on the valuation date. Bonds, and temporary cash investments acquired over 60 days to maturity, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system (which considers such factors as security prices, yields, maturities, and ratings), both as furnished by independent pricing services. Structured debt securities, including mortgages and asset-backed securities, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system that considers such factors as issuer, tranche, nominal or option-adjusted spreads, weighted average coupon, weighted average maturity, credit enhancements, and collateral. Investments in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund are valued at that fund’s net asset value. Other temporary cash investments are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available, or whose values have been affected by events occurring before the fund’s pricing time but after the close of the securities’ primary markets, are valued at their fair values calculated according to procedures adopted by the board of trustees. These procedures include obtaining quotations from an independent pricing service, monitoring news to identify significant market- or security-specific events, and evaluating changes in the values of foreign market proxies (for example, ADRs, futures contracts, or exchange-traded funds), between the time the foreign markets close and the fund’s pricing time. When fair-value pricing is employed, the prices of securities used by a fund to calculate its net asset value may differ from quoted or published prices for the same securities.

2. Foreign Currency: Securities and other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars using exchange rates obtained from an independent third party as of the fund’s pricing time on the valuation date. Realized gains (losses) and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investment securities include the effects of changes in exchange rates since the securities were purchased, combined with the effects of changes in security prices. Fluctuations in the value of other assets and liabilities resulting from changes in exchange rates are recorded as unrealized foreign currency gains (losses) until the assets or liabilities are settled in cash, at which time they are recorded as realized foreign currency gains (losses).

3. Futures and Options: The fund uses futures contracts and options on futures contracts to invest in fixed income asset classes with greater efficiency and lower cost than is possible through direct investment, to add value when these instruments are attractively priced, or to adjust sensitivity to changes in interest rates. The primary risks associated with the use of futures contracts are imperfect correlation between changes in market values of bonds held by the fund and the prices of futures contracts, and the possibility of an illiquid market. The primary risk associated with purchasing



Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund

options is that interest rates move in such a way that the option is out-of-the-money, the position is worthless at expiration, and the fund loses the premium paid. The primary risk associated with writing options is that interest rates move in such a way that the option is in-the-money, the counterparty exercises the option, and the fund loses an amount equal to the market value of the option written less the premium received. Counterparty risk involving futures and exchange-traded options is mitigated because a regulated clearinghouse is the counterparty instead of the clearing broker. To further mitigate counterparty risk, the fund trades futures and options on an exchange, monitors the financial strength of its clearing brokers and clearinghouse, and has entered into clearing agreements with its clearing brokers. The clearinghouse imposes initial margin requirements to secure the fund’s performance and requires daily settlement of variation margin representing changes in the market value of each contract.

Futures contracts are valued at their quoted daily settlement prices. The aggregate settlement values of the contracts are not recorded in the Statement of Net Assets. Fluctuations in the value of the contracts are recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until the contracts are closed, when they are recorded as realized futures gains (losses).

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average investments in long and short futures contracts represented 5% and less than 1% of net assets, respectively, based on the average of aggregate settlement values at each quarter-end during the period.

Options on futures contracts are also valued at their quoted daily settlement prices. The premium paid for a purchased option is recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset that is subsequently adjusted daily to the current market value of the option purchased. The premium received for a written option is recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset with an equal liability that is subsequently adjusted daily to the current market value of the option written. Fluctuations in the value of the options are recorded in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until expired, closed, or exercised, at which time realized gains (losses) are recognized.

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average value of options purchased and options written each represented less than 1% of net assets based on the average market values at each quarter-end during the period.

4. Forward Currency Contracts: The fund enters into forward currency contracts to protect the value of securities and related receivables and payables against changes in future foreign exchange rates. The fund’s risks in using these contracts include movement in the values of the foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar and the ability of the counterparties to fulfill their obligations under the contracts. The fund mitigates its counterparty risk by entering into forward currency contracts only with a diverse group of prequalified counterparties, monitoring their financial strength, entering into master netting arrangements with its counterparties, and requiring its counterparties to transfer collateral as security for their performance. The master netting arrangements provide that, in the event of a counterparty’s default (including bankruptcy), the fund may terminate the forward currency contracts, determine the net amount owed by either party in accordance with its master netting arrangements, and sell or retain any collateral held up to the net amount owed to the fund under the master netting arrangements. The forward currency contracts contain provisions whereby a counterparty may terminate open contracts if the fund’s net assets decline below a certain level, triggering a payment by the fund if the fund is in a net liability position at the time of the termination. The payment amount would be reduced by any collateral the fund has pledged. Any assets pledged as collateral for open contracts are noted in the Statement of Net Assets. The value of collateral



Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund

received or pledged is compared daily to the value of the forward currency contracts exposure with each counterparty, and any difference, if in excess of a specified minimum transfer amount, is adjusted and settled within two business days.

Forward currency contracts are valued at their quoted daily prices obtained from an independent third party, adjusted for currency risk based on the expiration date of each contract. The notional amounts of the contracts are not recorded in the Statement of Net Assets. Fluctuations in the value of the contracts are recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until the contracts are closed, when they are recorded as realized forward currency contract gains (losses).

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average investment in forward currency contracts represented less than 1% of net assets, based on the average of notional amounts at each quarter-end during the period.

5. Swap Contracts: The fund invests in credit default swaps to adjust the overall credit risk of the fund or to actively overweight or underweight credit risk to a specific issuer or group of issuers. The fund may sell credit protection through credit default swaps to simulate investments in long positions that are either unavailable or considered to be less attractively priced in the bond market. The fund may purchase credit protection through credit default swaps to reduce credit exposure to a given issuer or issuers. Under the terms of the swaps, an up-front payment may be exchanged between the seller and buyer. In addition, the seller of the credit protection receives a periodic payment of premium from the buyer that is a fixed percentage applied to a notional amount. If, for example, the reference entity is subject to a credit event (such as bankruptcy, failure to pay, or obligation acceleration) during the term of the swap, the seller agrees to either physically settle or cash settle the swap contract. If the swap is physically settled, the seller agrees to pay the buyer an amount equal to the notional amount and take delivery of a debt instrument of the reference issuer with a par amount equal to such notional amount. If the swap is cash settled, the seller agrees to pay the buyer the difference between the notional amount and the final price for the relevant debt instrument, as determined either in a market auction or pursuant to a pre-agreed-upon valuation procedure.

The fund enters into interest rate swap transactions to adjust the fund’s sensitivity to changes in interest rates and maintain the ability to generate income at prevailing market rates. Under the terms of the swaps, one party pays the other an amount that is a fixed percentage rate applied to a notional amount. In return, the counterparty agrees to pay a floating rate, which is reset periodically based on short-term interest rates, applied to the same notional amount.

The notional amounts of swap contracts are not recorded in the Statement of Net Assets. Swaps are valued daily based on market quotations received from independent pricing services or recognized dealers and the change in value is recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until the seller of credit protection is required to take delivery (or, in a cash settled swap, pay the settlement amount determined) upon occurrence of a credit event, periodic payments are made, or the swap terminates, at which time realized gain (loss) is recorded. The net premium to be received or paid by the fund under swap contracts is accrued daily and recorded as realized gain (loss) over the life of the contract.

The primary risk associated with selling credit protection is that, upon the occurrence of a defined credit event, the market value of the debt instrument received by the fund (or, in a cash settled swap, the debt instruments used to determine the settlement payment by the fund) will be significantly less than the amount paid by the fund and, in a physically settled swap, the fund may receive an illiquid debt instrument. A risk associated with all types of swaps is the possibility that a counterparty may



Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund

default on its obligation to pay net amounts due to the fund. The fund’s maximum amount subject to counterparty risk is the unrealized appreciation on the swap contract. The fund mitigates its counterparty risk by entering into swaps only with a diverse group of prequalified counterparties, monitoring their financial strength, entering into master netting arrangements with its counterparties, and requiring its counterparties to transfer collateral as security for their performance. In the event of a counterparty’s default (including bankruptcy), the fund may terminate any swap contracts with that counterparty, determine the net amount owed by either party in accordance with its master netting arrangements, and sell or retain any collateral held up to the net amount owed to the fund under the master netting arrangements. The swap contracts contain provisions whereby a counterparty may terminate open contracts if the fund’s net assets decline below a certain level, triggering a payment by the fund if the fund is in a net liability position at the time of the termination. The payment amount would be reduced by any collateral the fund has pledged. Any securities pledged as collateral for open contracts are noted in the Statement of Net Assets. The value of collateral received or pledged is compared daily to the value of the swap contracts exposure with each counterparty, and any difference, if in excess of a specified minimum transfer amount, is adjusted and settled within two business days.

The fund enters into centrally cleared interest rate and credit default swaps to achieve the same objectives specified with respect to the equivalent over-the-counter swaps but with less counterparty risk because a regulated clearinghouse is the counterparty instead of the clearing broker or executing broker. The clearinghouse imposes initial margin requirements to secure the fund’s performance, and requires daily settlement of variation margin representing changes in the market value of each contract. To further mitigate counterparty risk, the fund trades with a diverse group of prequalified executing brokers; monitors the financial strength of its clearing brokers, executing brokers, and clearinghouse; and has entered into agreements with its clearing brokers and executing brokers.

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average amounts of credit protection sold and credit protection purchased represented 13% and less than 1% of net assets, respectively, based on the average of notional amounts at each quarter-end during the period. The average amount of interest rate swaps represented less than 1% of net assets, based on the average of notional amounts at each quarter-end during the period.

6. Repurchase Agreements: The fund enters into repurchase agreements with institutional counterparties. Securities pledged as collateral to the fund under repurchase agreements are held by a custodian bank until the agreements mature. Each agreement requires that the market value of the collateral be sufficient to cover payments of interest and principal. The fund further mitigates its counterparty risk by entering into repurchase agreements only with a diverse group of prequalified counterparties, monitoring their financial strength, and entering into master repurchase agreements with its counterparties. The master repurchase agreements provide that, in the event of a counterparty’s default (including bankruptcy), the fund may terminate any repurchase agreements with that counterparty, determine the net amount owed, and sell or retain the collateral up to the net amount owed to the fund. Such action may be subject to legal proceedings, which may delay or limit the disposition of collateral.

7. Federal Income Taxes: The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years (January 31, 2012–2015), and for the period ended July 31, 2015, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the fund’s financial statements.



Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund

8. Distributions: Distributions from net investment income are declared daily and paid on the first business day of the following month. Annual distributions from realized capital gains, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

9. Credit Facility: The fund and certain other funds managed by The Vanguard Group participate in a $3 billion committed credit facility provided by a syndicate of lenders pursuant to a credit agreement that may be renewed annually; each fund is individually liable for its borrowings, if any, under the credit facility. Borrowings may be utilized for temporary and emergency purposes, and are subject to the fund’s regulatory and contractual borrowing restrictions. The participating funds are charged administrative fees and an annual commitment fee of 0.06% of the undrawn amount of the facility; these fees are allocated to the funds based on a method approved by the fund’s board of trustees and included in Management and Administrative expenses on the fund’s Statement of Operations. Any borrowings under this facility bear interest at a rate equal to the higher of the federal funds rate or LIBOR reference rate plus an agreed-upon spread.

The fund had no borrowings outstanding at July 31, 2015, or at any time during the period then ended.

10. Other: Interest income includes income distributions received from Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund and is accrued daily. Premiums and discounts on debt securities purchased are amortized and accreted, respectively, to interest income over the lives of the respective securities. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.

Each class of shares has equal rights as to assets and earnings, except that each class separately bears certain class-specific expenses related to maintenance of shareholder accounts (included in Management and Administrative expenses) and shareholder reporting. Marketing and distribution expenses are allocated to each class of shares based on a method approved by the board of trustees. Income, other non-class-specific expenses, and gains and losses on investments are allocated to each class of shares based on its relative net assets.

B. Wellington Management Company LLP provides investment advisory services to a portion of the fund for a fee calculated at an annual percentage rate of average net assets managed by the advisor.

The Vanguard Group provides investment advisory services to a portion of the fund on an at-cost basis; the fund paid Vanguard advisory fees of $801,000 for the six months ended July 31, 2015.

For the six months ended July 31, 2015, the aggregate investment advisory fee represented an effective annual basic rate of 0.03% of the fund’s average net assets.

C. The Vanguard Group furnishes at cost corporate management, administrative, marketing, and distribution services. The costs of such services are allocated to the fund based on methods approved by the board of trustees. The fund has committed to invest up to 0.40% of its net assets in Vanguard. At July 31, 2015, the fund had contributed capital of $1,331,000 to Vanguard (included in Other Assets), representing 0.01% of the fund’s net assets and 0.53% of Vanguard’s capitalization. The fund’s trustees and officers are also directors and employees, respectively, of Vanguard.



Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund

D. Various inputs may be used to determine the value of the fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

Level 1—Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.

Level 2—Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).

Level 3—Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments).

The following table summarizes the market value of the fund’s investments as of July 31, 2015, based on the inputs used to value them:

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Investments ($000) ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations 485,666
Corporate Bonds 10,680,541
Sovereign Bonds 240,825
Taxable Municipal Bonds 2,221,616
Temporary Cash Investments 142,204 584,100
Futures Contracts—Assets1 3,693
Futures Contracts—Liabilities1 (165)
Forward Currency Contracts—Assets 130
Forward Currency Contracts—Liabilities (3)
Swap Contracts—Assets 2,6841 14,887
Swap Contracts—Liabilities (2,143)1 (332)
Liability for Options Written (64)
Total 146,209 14,227,430
1 Represents variation margin on the last day of the reporting period.      


E. At July 31, 2015, the fair values of derivatives were reflected in the Statement of Net Assets as follows:

  Interest Rate Currency Credit  
  Contracts Contracts Contracts Total
Statement of Net Assets Caption ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000)
Other Assets 3,770 130 17,494 21,394
Liability for Options Written (64) (64)
Other Liabilities (260) (3) (2,380) (2,643)




Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund

Realized net gain (loss) and the change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on derivatives for the six months ended July 31, 2015, were:

  Interest Rate Currency Credit  
  Contracts Contracts Contracts Total
Realized Net Gain (Loss) on Derivatives ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000)
Futures Contracts (18,941) (18,941)
Options on Futures Contracts 122 122
Swap Contracts (92) 9,950 9,858
Forward Currency Contracts 79 79
Realized Net Gain (Loss) on Derivatives (18,911) 79 9,950 (8,882)
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Derivatives      
Futures Contracts (28,927) (28,927)
Options on Futures Contracts 191 191
Swap Contracts 751 (2,712) (1,961)
Forward Currency Contracts 85 85
Change in Unrealized Appreciation        
(Depreciation) on Derivatives (27,985) 85 (2,712) (30,612)


At July 31, 2015, the aggregate settlement value of open futures contracts and the related unrealized appreciation (depreciation) were:

    Number of Settlement Unrealized
    Long (Short) Value Appreciation
Futures Contracts Expiration Contracts Long (Short) (Depreciation)
30-Year U.S. Treasury Bond September 2015 2,071 322,947 9,117
Ultra Long U.S. Treasury Bond September 2015 1,844 294,176 4,581
10-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 1,502 191,411 1,673
5-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 259 31,040 87
2-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 (23) (5,038) (3)
Euro-Buxl September 2015 (18) (3,084) (146)
Euro-Bund September 2015 (12) (2,035) (34)


Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on open futures contracts is required to be treated as realized gain (loss) for tax purposes.



Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund

At July 31, 2015, the fund had open forward currency contracts to receive and deliver currencies as follows. Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on open forward currency contracts is treated as realized gain (loss) for tax purposes.

       Contract Contract Amount (000)  Appreciation
  Settlement       (Depreciation)
Counterparty   Date   Receive   Deliver ($000)
Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC 8/4/15 EUR 3,430 USD 3,766 1
Bank of America N.A.   8/4/15 GBP 115 USD 179
Deutsche Bank AG   8/4/15 EUR 36 USD 39
Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC 9/2/15 USD 5,295 EUR 4,821 (1)
BNP Paribas   8/4/15 USD 3,820 EUR 3,363 127
Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC 8/4/15 USD 182 GBP 115 2
Bank of America N.A.   9/2/15 USD 179 GBP 115 (1)
Goldman Sachs Bank USA   8/4/15 USD 112 EUR 103 (1)
GBP—British pound.              
USD—U.S. dollar.              
At July 31, 2015, the fund had the following open swap contracts:      
Centrally Cleared Credit Default Swaps            
          Up-Front Periodic  
          Premium Premium Unrealized
        Notional Received Received Appreciation
  Termination     Amount (Paid) (Paid)  (Depreciation)
Reference Entity Date Counterparty1 ($000) ($000) (%) ($000)
Credit Protection Sold/Moody’s Rating            
CDX-IG-24-V1/Aa32 6/20/20   CME 969,300 (15,766) 1.000 (4,580)
CDX-IG-24-V1/A22 6/20/20   ICE 401,700 (7,421) 1.000 (1,866)
        1,371,000     (6,446)


1 CME—Chicago Mercantile Exchange. ICE—Intercontinental Exchange.

2 Investment Grade Corporate Credit Default Swap Index—Version 24.



Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund          
Over-the-Counter Credit Default Swaps          
        Up-Front Periodic  
        Premium Premium Unrealized
      Notional Received Received Appreciation
  Termination   Amount (Paid) (Paid) (Depreciation)
Reference Entity Date Counterparty1 ($000) ($000) (%) ($000)
Credit Protection Sold/Moody’s Rating          
CDX-IGS-14-V1-10Y/Baa32 6/20/20 BOANA 100,000 90 1.000 1,452
CDX-IGS-16-V1-10Y/Baa33 6/20/21 GSI 200,000 2,635 1.000 4,475
CDX-IGS-19-V1-10Y/Baa34 12/20/22 BOANA 25,000 638 1.000 699
CDX-IGS-19-V1-10Y/Baa34 12/20/22 BOANA 300,000 7,480 1.000 8,221
Federation of Malaysia/A3 9/20/20 GSCM 8,000 103 1.000 (95)
Peoples Republic of China/Aa3 9/20/20 GSCM 8,000 (35) 1.000 (39)
Republic of Chile/Aa3 9/20/20 BNPSW 13,000 (116) 1.000 (144)
Republic of Peru/A3 9/20/20 BNPSW 4,000 77 1.000 (16)
Republic of Turkey/Baa3 3/20/20 BOANA 500 23 1.000 (3)
Republic of Turkey/Baa3 6/20/20 BNPSW 1,584 74 1.000 (17)
Republic of Turkey/Baa3 12/20/16 BNPSW 2,000 4 1.000 (3)
Russian Federation/Ba1 6/20/17 GSCM 400 19 1.000 7
Russian Federation/Ba1 6/20/17 GSCM 200 10 1.000 4
United Mexican States/A3 9/20/20 DBAG 1,750 25 1.000 (15)
      664,434     14,526
Credit Protection Purchased            
People’s Republic of China 9/20/20 MSCS 3,000 6 (1.000) 3
People’s Republic of China 9/20/20 MSCS 4,000 9 (1.000) 6
Republic of Colombia 9/20/20 GSCM 2,000 (68) (1.000) 6
Russian Federation 6/20/20 GSCM 290 (26) (1.000) 2
Russian Federation 9/20/20 BARC 1,000 (94) (1.000) 8
Russian Federation 9/20/20 BOANA 600 (57) (1.000) 4
      10,890     29


The notional amount represents the maximum potential amount the fund could be required to pay as a seller of credit protection if the reference entity was subject to a credit event.

1 BARC—Barclays Bank plc. BOANA—Bank of America, N.A.

DBAG—Deutsche Bank AG. GSCM—Goldman Sachs Bank USA. GSI—Goldman Sachs International. MSCS—Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC.

2 Investment Grade Corporate Credit Default Swap Index—Version 14. 3 Investment Grade Corporate Credit Default Swap Index—Version 16. 4 Investment Grade Corporate Credit Default Swap Index—Version 19.



Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Centrally Cleared Interest Rate Swaps        
      Fixed Floating  
      Interest Rate Interest Rate Unrealized
    Notional Received Received Appreciation
    Amount (Paid) (Paid) (Depreciation)
Termination Date Clearinghouse1 ($000) (%) (%) ($000)
9/16/35 CME 11,051 3.000 (0.000)2 266
9/16/45 CME 13,410 (3.000) 0.0002 (367)
1 CME—Chicago Mercantile Exchange.        
2 Based on 3-month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) as of the most recent payment date.    


At July 31, 2015, counterparties had deposited in segregated accounts securities with a value of $5,526,000 in connection with open swap contracts and forward currency contracts.

F. Capital gain distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ from realized capital gains for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Permanent differences are reclassified among capital accounts in the financial statements to reflect their tax character. Temporary differences arise when gains or losses are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes. These differences will reverse at some time in the future. The fund’s tax-basis capital gains and losses are determined only at the end of each fiscal year.

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund realized net foreign currency gains of $93,000 (including gains and losses on forward currency contracts and the foreign currency component on sales of foreign currency denominated bonds), which increased distributable net income for tax purposes; accordingly, such gains have been reclassified from accumulated net realized gains to undistributed net investment income.

Realized and unrealized gains (losses) on certain of the fund’s swap contracts are treated as ordinary income (loss) for tax purposes; the effect on the fund’s income dividends to shareholders is offset by a change in principal return. Realized gains of $10,716,000 on swap contracts have been reclassified from accumulated net realized gains to overdistributed net investment income.

At July 31, 2015, the cost of investment securities for tax purposes was $13,217,124,000. Net unrealized appreciation of investment securities for tax purposes was $1,137,828,000, consisting of unrealized gains of $1,284,725,000 on securities that had risen in value since their purchase and $146,897,000 in unrealized losses on securities that had fallen in value since their purchase.

G. During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund purchased $2,112,977,000 of investment securities and sold $3,102,309,000 of investment securities, other than U.S. government securities and temporary cash investments. Purchases and sales of U.S. government securities were $302,037,000 and $264,971,000, respectively. Total purchases and sales include $0 and $816,408,000, respectively, in connection with in-kind purchases and redemptions of the fund’s capital shares.



Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund

The following table summarizes the fund’s options written during the six months ended July 31, 2015.

    Number of Received
Options Written     Contracts ($000)
Balance at January 31, 2015     422 158
Options written     1,208 436
Options expired     (680) (249)
Options closed     (772) (284)
Options exercised    
Balance at July 31, 2015     178 61
H. Capital share transactions for each class of shares were:      
  Six Months Ended   Year Ended
    July 31, 2015 January 31, 2015
  Amount Shares Amount Shares
  ($000) (000) ($000) (000)
Investor Shares        
Issued 262,721 24,954 579,785 55,104
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 117,651 11,127 245,252 23,188
Redeemed (363,110) (35,075) (768,900) (72,847)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Investor Shares 17,262 1,006 56,137 5,445
Admiral Shares        
Issued 703,446 66,860 2,361,853 225,018
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 248,094 23,451 524,052 49,529
Redeemed (1,771,572) (171,407) (1,968,000) (186,569)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Admiral Shares (820,032) (81,096) 917,905 87,978


I. Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to July 31, 2015, that would require recognition or disclosure in these financial statements.



High-Yield Corporate Fund

Fund Profile
As of July 31, 2015

Share-Class Characteristics  
  Investor Admiral
    Shares Shares
Ticker Symbol VWEHX VWEAX
Expense Ratio1   0.23% 0.13%
30-Day SEC Yield   5.23% 5.33%
Financial Attributes    
    High-Yield Barclays
    Corporate Corporate
    Composite High Yield
  Fund Index Index
Number of Bonds 398 1,898 2,220
Yield to Maturity      
(before expenses) 5.6% 5.9% 7.2%
Average Coupon 5.9% 6.2% 6.8%
Average Duration 4.3 years 4.3 years 4.3 years
Average Effective      
Maturity 5.3 years 5.3 years 5.3 years
Reserves 2.7%
Sector Diversification (% of portfolio)  
Basic Industry     6.2%
Capital Goods     6.4
Communication     25.7
Consumer Cyclical     6.8
Consumer Non-Cyclical   13.8
Energy     10.0
Finance     13.5
Technology     9.5
Transportation     1.3
Treasury / Agency     2.3
Utilities     4.5


The agency and mortgage-backed securities sectors may include issues from government-sponsored enterprises; such issues are generally not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

Volatility Measures    
  High-Yield Barclays
  Corporate Corporate
  Composite High Yield
  Index Index
R-Squared 0.96 0.92
Beta 1.00 0.91


These measures show the degree and timing of the fund’s fluctuations compared with the indexes over 36 months.  
Distribution by Effective Maturity  
(% of portfolio)  
Under 1 Year 4.5%
1 - 5 Years 25.8
5 - 10 Years 64.1
10 - 20 Years 3.9
20 - 30 Years 1.1
Over 30 Years 0.6


Distribution by Credit Quality (% of portfolio)

U.S. Government 1.9%
Aaa 0.8
Baa 4.1
Ba 45.6
B 40.7
Caa 6.4
C 0.4
Not Rated 0.1


Credit-quality ratings are obtained from Barclays and are from Moody's, Fitch, and S&P. When ratings from all three agencies are used, the median rating is shown. When ratings from two of the agencies are used, the lower rating for each issue is shown. "Not Rated" is used to classify securities for which a rating is not available. Not rated securities include a fund's investment in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund or Vanguard Municipal Cash Management Fund, each of which invests in high-quality money market instruments and may serve as a cash management vehicle for the Vanguard funds, trusts, and accounts. For more information about these ratings, see the Glossary entry for Credit Quality.

1 The expense ratios shown are from the prospectus dated May 27, 2015, and represent estimated costs for the current fiscal year. For the six months ended July 31, 2015, the annualized expense ratios were 0.22% for Investor Shares and 0.12% for Admiral Shares.



High-Yield Corporate Fund

Investment Focus



High-Yield Corporate Fund

Performance Summary

All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at vanguard.com/performance.) Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

Fiscal-Year Total Returns (%): January 31, 2005, Through July 31, 2015  
      Investor Shares Index1
Fiscal Year Income Returns Capital Returns Total Returns Total Returns
2006 7.02% -3.13% 3.89%
2007 7.41 0.48 7.89 8.64%
2008 7.13 -6.43 0.70 1.95
2009 6.83 -23.02 -16.19 -14.77
2010 10.36 22.32 32.68 34.94
2011 8.23 5.47 13.70 14.22
2012 7.35 0.69 8.04 6.68
2013 6.76 5.15 11.91 12.38
2014 5.84 -1.31 4.53 5.60
2015 5.55 -0.99 4.56 3.57
2016 2.70 -1.20 1.50 1.37
Note: For 2016, performance data reflect the six months ended July 31, 2015.    


Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended June 30, 2015
This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period.
Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

            Ten Years
  Inception Date One Year Five Years Income Capital Total
Investor Shares 12/27/1978 1.45% 8.16% 7.15% -0.58% 6.57%
Admiral Shares 11/12/2001 1.55 8.27 7.27 -0.58 6.69


1 Benchmark history is unavailable prior to May 31, 2005.
See Financial Highlights for dividend and capital gains information.



High-Yield Corporate Fund

Financial Statements (unaudited)

Statement of Net Assets—Investments Summary

As of July 31, 2015

This Statement summarizes the fund’s holdings by asset type. Details are reported for each of the fund’s 50 largest individual holdings and for investments that, in total for any issuer, represent more than 1% of the fund’s net assets. The total value of smaller holdings is reported as a single amount within each category.

The fund reports a complete list of its holdings in regulatory filings four times in each fiscal year, at the quarter-ends. For the second and fourth fiscal quarters, the complete listing of the fund’s holdings is available electronically on vanguard.com and on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website (sec.gov), or you can have it mailed to you without charge by calling 800-662-7447. For the first and third fiscal quarters, the fund files the lists with the SEC on Form N-Q. Shareholders can look up the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website. Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room (see the back cover of this report for further information).

        Face Market Percentage
      Maturity Amount Value of Net
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations        
U.S. Government Securities          
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.375% 5/31/16 170,920 171,053 1.0%
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 11/30/16 169,570 170,471 0.9%
Total U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (Cost $341,289)   341,524 1.9%
Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (Cost $55,572) †   55,914 0.3%
Corporate Bonds          
1,2 Credit Suisse Group AG 6.250% 12/29/49 96,200 94,036 0.5%
  Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc 6.125% 12/15/22 113,600 122,562 0.7%
2 Banking—Other †       270,053 1.5%
  Finance Companies          
2 AerCap Ireland Capital Ltd. /          
  AerCap Global          
  Aviation Trust 3.750%–5.000% 5/15/19–7/1/22 147,390 149,917 0.8%
2 CIT Group Inc. 6.625% 4/1/18 120,655 130,006 0.7%
  CIT Group Inc. 5.250% 3/15/18 102,005 106,085 0.6%
  CIT Group Inc. 5.375% 5/15/20 98,370 104,149 0.6%
  CIT Group Inc. 5.000% 8/15/22 96,680 98,251 0.5%
2 CIT Group Inc. 3.875%–5.500% 2/15/19–2/19/19 112,210 116,910 0.6%
  Homer City Generation LP 8.734% 10/1/26 121,041 122,856 0.7%
  International Lease          
  Finance Corp. 3.875%–8.750% 3/15/17–8/15/22 288,307 317,487 1.8%
  Navient Corp. 5.500%–8.450% 6/15/18–1/25/23 225,825 226,643 1.3%
  Finance Companies—Other †       55,586 0.3%
1 Voya Financial Inc. 5.650% 5/15/53 87,753 89,618 0.5%
2 Insurance—Other †       139,793 0.8%




High-Yield Corporate Fund          
        Face Market Percentage
      Maturity Amount Value of Net
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
  Other Finance          
2 Argos Merger Sub Inc. 7.125% 3/15/23 87,535 92,459 0.5%
  Other Finance—Other †       27,277 0.1%
2 Real Estate Investment Trusts †     56,049 0.3%
          2,319,737 12.8%
  Basic Industry          
2 FMG Resources August          
  2006 Pty Ltd. 6.875% 4/1/22 161,760 93,416 0.5%
  Hexion US Finance Corp. 6.625% 4/15/20 123,010 112,708 0.6%
2,3 VWR Funding Inc. 4.625% 4/15/22 112,916 119,874 0.7%
2,5 Basic Industry—Other †       742,933 4.1%
  Capital Goods          
  Case New Holland Inc. 7.875% 12/1/17 91,500 100,536 0.5%
2 Cemex SAB de CV 6.125% 5/5/25 108,600 108,166 0.6%
2 CNH Industrial Capital LLC 3.375%–6.250% 11/1/16–7/15/19 103,273 105,502 0.6%
2 Capital Goods—Other †       777,762 4.3%
2 CCO Holdings LLC / CCO          
  Holdings Capital Corp. 5.125% 5/1/23 97,010 96,603 0.5%
2 CCO Holdings LLC / CCO          
  Holdings Capital Corp. 5.125%–7.000% 1/15/19–5/1/27 207,492 208,193 1.1%
2 CCO Safari II LLC 4.908%–6.484% 7/23/25–10/23/45 106,165 107,735 0.6%
  CSC Holdings LLC 7.625% 7/15/18 79,045 86,949 0.5%
  DISH DBS Corp. 6.750% 6/1/21 153,840 162,301 0.9%
  DISH DBS Corp. 5.875% 7/15/22 94,575 94,102 0.5%
  DISH DBS Corp. 5.000%–7.875% 9/1/19–11/15/24 34,865 35,013 0.2%
  Hughes Satellite          
  Systems Corp. 6.500% 6/15/19 81,968 89,755 0.5%
  Intelsat Jackson Holdings          
  SA 7.250% 10/15/20 164,947 164,122 0.9%
  Intelsat Jackson Holdings          
  SA 5.500%–7.500% 4/1/19–8/1/23 200,580 194,036 1.1%
  Level 3 Escrow II Inc. 5.375% 8/15/22 75,480 76,235 0.4%
2 Level 3 Financing Inc. 5.125%–6.125% 1/15/21–5/1/25 103,775 102,551 0.6%
4,5 Level 3 Financing, Inc.          
  Bank Loan 4.000% 1/15/20 40,855 40,944 0.2%
  Liberty Interactive LLC 8.250% 2/1/30 115,253 121,592 0.7%
  MetroPCS Wireless Inc. 6.625% 11/15/20 75,800 78,832 0.4%
2 Nielsen Finance LLC /          
  Nielsen Finance Co. 5.000% 4/15/22 128,155 126,873 0.7%
2 Softbank Corp. 4.500% 4/15/20 159,095 159,493 0.9%
  Sprint Corp. 7.250% 9/15/21 95,745 91,676 0.5%
  Sprint Corp. 7.125%–7.875% 9/15/23–6/15/24 93,375 88,372 0.5%
2 Sprint Nextel Corp. 7.000% 3/1/20 135,830 144,659 0.8%
2 Sprint Nextel Corp. 9.000% 11/15/18 92,545 103,650 0.6%
  T-Mobile USA Inc. 5.250%–6.836% 9/1/18–1/15/24 196,463 206,376 1.1%
2 Univision          
  Communications Inc. 5.125% 2/15/25 126,080 126,395 0.7%
  Videotron Ltd. 5.000% 7/15/22 85,064 86,340 0.5%
2 Zayo Group LLC / Zayo Capital Inc. 6.000% 4/1/23 104,300 104,039 0.6%
2,5 Communication—Other †       1,519,163 8.4%
2,5 Consumer Cyclical †       1,164,881 6.4%
  Consumer Noncyclical          
2 Capsugel SA 7.000% 5/15/19 46,650 47,350 0.3%




High-Yield Corporate Fund            
          Face Market Percentage
        Maturity Amount Value of Net
      Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
  CHS/Community Health            
  Systems Inc.   6.875% 2/1/22 149,325 159,778 0.9%
  CHS/Community Health            
  Systems Inc. 5.125%–7.125% 7/15/20–8/1/21 48,900 51,701 0.3%
2 Envision Healthcare Corp.   5.125% 7/1/22 86,215 87,724 0.5%
  HCA Holdings Inc.   6.250% 2/15/21 27,980 30,638 0.2%
  HCA Inc.   6.500% 2/15/20 127,050 142,137 0.8%
  HCA Inc. 4.750%–7.690% 3/15/22–6/15/25 211,790 222,591 1.2%
2 IMS Health Inc.   6.000% 11/1/20 93,781 96,829 0.5%
  Party City Holdings Inc.   8.875% 8/1/20 105,297 113,194 0.6%
  Tenet Healthcare Corp.   4.375% 10/1/21 106,480 106,879 0.6%
2 Tenet Healthcare Corp. 4.500%–8.125% 11/1/18–4/1/22 212,502 223,833 1.2%
2 THC Escrow Corp. II   6.750% 6/15/23 11,570 12,091 0.1%
2 VRX Escrow Corp.   6.125% 4/15/25 197,580 206,965 1.1%
2,5 Consumer Noncyclical—Other †       867,044 4.8%
2,5 Energy †         1,720,989 9.5%
2 Audatex North America Inc.   6.125% 11/1/23 97,715 95,883 0.5%
  CDW LLC / CDW Finance Corp. 6.000% 8/15/22 118,945 124,297 0.7%
2 First Data Corp.   8.250% 1/15/21 113,800 120,486 0.7%
2 First Data Corp. 6.750%–12.625% 6/15/19–8/15/21 157,550 173,622 1.0%
4,5 First Data Corp. Bank Loan 3.687%–3.937% 3/23/18-7/8/22 95,763 95,483 0.5%
4,5 Freescale Semiconductor Inc.          
  Bank Loan   4.250% 3/1/20 99,470 99,688 0.5%
2 Infor US Inc.   6.500% 5/15/22 106,715 108,849 0.6%
  SunGard Data Systems Inc.   6.625% 11/1/19 108,115 111,899 0.6%
2 Technology—Other †         694,673 3.9%
  Hertz Corp. 4.250%–7.375% 4/1/18–1/15/21 175,695 182,319 1.0%
2 Transportation—Other †         45,411 0.2%
            13,684,130 75.5%
  AES Corp.   5.500% 3/15/24 119,951 117,552 0.7%
  AES Corp. 4.875%–8.000% 6/1/20–5/15/23 44,980 46,933 0.3%
  Calpine Corp.   5.750% 1/15/25 119,130 116,450 0.6%
  DPL Inc.   7.250% 10/15/21 55,170 59,170 0.3%
  GenOn Energy Inc. 7.875%–9.875% 6/15/17–10/15/20 98,455 99,144 0.6%
  NRG Energy Inc. 6.250%–7.875% 5/15/21–5/1/24 115,000 114,770 0.6%
2 Electric—Other †         221,898 1.2%
            775,917 4.3%
Total Corporate Bonds (Cost $16,786,164)     16,779,784 92.6%
Preferred Stocks            
  GMAC Capital Trust I Pfd.   8.125%   4,743,200 124,509 0.7%
  Hartford Financial Services            
  Group Inc. Pfd.   7.875%   2,944,300 91,921 0.5%
  Preferred Stocks—Other †         7,014 0.0%
Total Preferred Stocks (Cost $204,781)     223,444 1.2%
Other † (Cost $27,348)         327 0.0%




High-Yield Corporate Fund          
      Face Market Percentage
    Maturity Amount Value of Net
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000) Assets
Temporary Cash Investments          
Repurchase Agreements          
Bank of America Securities, LLC          
(Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value          
$189,802,000, collateralized by          
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.          
4.000%, 4/1/45, and Federal          
National Mortgage Assn.          
3.500%–4.500%, 7/1/41–1/1/45,          
with a value of $193,596,000) 0.150% 8/3/15 189,800 189,800 1.0%
Bank of Montreal          
(Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value          
$4,100,000, collateralized by          
U.S. Treasury Note/Bond          
1.500%–5.000%, 9/30/16–5/15/45,          
with a value of $4,182,000) 0.130% 8/3/15 4,100 4,100 0.0%
Bank of Montreal          
(Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value          
$34,500,000, collateralized by          
Federal Home Loan          
Mortgage Corp. 4.000%–5.319%,          
8/1/38–8/1/44, Federal National          
Mortgage Assn. 2.000%–6.000%,          
11/1/19–2/1/45, Government          
National Mortgage Assn. 4.000%,          
10/20/43, and U.S. Treasury          
Note/Bond 0.375%, 11/15/15,          
with a value of $35,190,000) 0.150% 8/3/15 34,500 34,500 0.2%
RBC Capital Markets LLC          
(Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value          
$29,900,000, collateralized by          
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.          
2.229%–4.500%, 10/1/29–6/1/45,          
Federal National Mortgage Assn.          
2.277%–4.000%, 4/1/27–6/1/45,          
and Government National          
Mortgage Assn. 2.573%–4.500%,          
10/20/43–6/20/65, with a value of          
$30,498,000) 0.140% 8/3/15 29,900 29,900 0.2%
TD Securities (USA) LLC          
(Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value          
$30,700,000, collateralized by          
Federal National Mortgage Assn.          
3.000%, 10/1/29, with a value of          
$31,314,000) 0.150% 8/3/15 30,700 30,700 0.2%
        289,000 1.6%
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations        
United States Treasury Bill 0.015% 9/10/15 150,000 149,994 0.8%
U.S. Government and          
Agency Obligations—Other †       44,989 0.3%
        194,983 1.1%
Total Temporary Cash Investments (Cost $483,990)     483,983 2.7%
Total Investments (Cost $17,899,144)       17,884,976 98.7%




High-Yield Corporate Fund    
  Market Percentage
  Value of Net
  ($000) Assets
Other Assets and Liabilities    
Other Assets 313,301 1.7%
Liabilities (84,108) (0.4%)
  229,193 1.3%
Net Assets 18,114,169 100.0%
At July 31, 2015, net assets consisted of:    
Paid-in Capital   18,043,258
Overdistributed Net Investment Income   (21,661)
Accumulated Net Realized Gains   104,315
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)    
Investment Securities   (14,168)
Forward Currency Contracts   2,572
Foreign Currencies   (147)
Net Assets   18,114,169
Investor Shares—Net Assets    
Applicable to 691,263,170 outstanding $.001 par value shares of    
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization)   4,080,455
Net Asset Value Per Share—Investor Shares   $5.90
Admiral Shares—Net Assets    
Applicable to 2,377,426,487 outstanding $.001 par value shares of    
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization)   14,033,714
Net Asset Value Per Share—Admiral Shares   $5.90


  • See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
  • Represents the aggregate value, by category, of securities that are not among the 50 largest holdings and, in total for any issuer, represent 1% or less of net assets.
  • The average or expected maturity is shorter than the final maturity shown because of the possibility of interim principal payments and prepayments or the possibility of the issue being called.
  • Certain of the fund’s securities are exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may be sold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At July 31, 2015, the aggregate value of these securities was $6,097,132,000, representing 33.7% of net assets.
  • Face amount denominated in euro.
  • Adjustable-rate security.
  • Certain of the fund’s securities are senior, secured, high-yield floating-rate loans. These loans are debt obligations issued by public and private companies and are comparable to high-yield bonds from a ratings and leverage perspective. At July 31, 2015, the aggregate value of these securities was $685,902,000, representing 3.8% of net assets.
    See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



High-Yield Corporate Fund  
Statement of Operations  
  Six Months Ended
  July 31, 2015
Investment Income  
Dividends 7,999
Interest 492,761
Total Income 500,760
Investment Advisory Fees—Note B 2,773
The Vanguard Group—Note C  
Management and Administrative—Investor Shares 3,535
Management and Administrative—Admiral Shares 5,120
Marketing and Distribution—Investor Shares 366
Marketing and Distribution—Admiral Shares 826
Custodian Fees 67
Shareholders’ Reports—Investor Shares 68
Shareholders’ Reports—Admiral Shares 41
Trustees’ Fees and Expenses 14
Total Expenses 12,810
Net Investment Income 487,950
Realized Net Gain (Loss)  
Investment Securities Sold 109,071
Foreign Currencies and Forward Currency Contracts (7,528)
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 101,543
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)  
Investment Securities (319,824)
Foreign Currencies and Forward Currency Contracts 1,525
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (318,299)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 271,194


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



High-Yield Corporate Fund    
Statement of Changes in Net Assets    
  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  July 31, January 31,
  2015 2015
  ($000) ($000)
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    
Net Investment Income 487,950 942,040
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 101,543 301,837
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (318,299) (490,044)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 271,194 753,833
Net Investment Income    
Investor Shares (114,450) (236,054)
Admiral Shares (373,027) (704,924)
Realized Capital Gain    
Investor Shares (5,965)
Admiral Shares (18,652)
Total Distributions (512,094) (940,978)
Capital Share Transactions    
Investor Shares (40,670) (177,568)
Admiral Shares 1,340,685 1,063,671
Net Increase (Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions 1,300,015 886,103
Total Increase (Decrease) 1,059,115 698,958
Net Assets    
Beginning of Period 17,055,054 16,356,096
End of Period1 18,114,169 17,055,054


1 Net Assets—End of Period includes undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income of ($21,661,000) and ($14,606,000).

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



High-Yield Corporate Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Investor Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended January 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $5.98 $6.04 $6.12 $5.82 $5.78 $5.48
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .162 .331 .348 .372 .405 .422
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (. 072) (. 059) (. 080) . 300 . 040 . 300
Total from Investment Operations .090 .272 .268 .672 .445 .722
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.162) (. 332) (. 348) (. 372) (. 405) (. 422)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (.008)
Total Distributions (.170) (. 332) (. 348) (. 372) (. 405) (. 422)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $5.90 $5.98 $6.04 $6.12 $5.82 $5.78
Total Return1 1.50% 4.56% 4.53% 11.91% 8.04% 13.70%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $4,080 $4,176 $4,394 $5,607 $5,476 $4,909
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.22% 0.23% 0.23% 0.23% 0.23% 0.25%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 5.46% 5.46% 5.76% 6.25% 7.04% 7.59%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 36% 35% 28% 30% 26% 38%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Total returns do not include transaction or account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable transaction and account service fees.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



High-Yield Corporate Fund            
Financial Highlights            
Admiral Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding July 31,     Year Ended January 31,
Throughout Each Period 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $5.98 $6.04 $6.12 $5.82 $5.78 $5.48
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .165 .337 .354 .378 .411 .429
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments (. 072) (. 059) (. 080) . 300 . 040 . 300
Total from Investment Operations .093 .278 .274 .678 .451 .729
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.165) (. 338) (. 354) (. 378) (. 411) (. 429)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (.008)
Total Distributions (.173) (. 338) (. 354) (. 378) (. 411) (. 429)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $5.90 $5.98 $6.04 $6.12 $5.82 $5.78
Total Return1 1.55% 4.66% 4.64% 12.02% 8.15% 13.84%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $14,034 $12,879 $11,962 $12,713 $10,075 $8,320
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.12% 0.13% 0.13% 0.13% 0.13% 0.13%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 5.56% 5.56% 5.86% 6.35% 7.14% 7.71%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 36% 35% 28% 30% 26% 38%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



High-Yield Corporate Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Vanguard High-Yield Corporate Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. Certain of the fund’s investments are in corporate debt instruments; the issuers’ abilities to meet their obligations may be affected by economic developments in their respective industries. The fund invests in securities of foreign issuers, which may subject it to investment risks not normally associated with investing in securities of U.S. corporations. To minimize the currency risk associated with investment in bonds denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, the fund attempts to hedge its currency exposures. The fund offers two classes of shares: Investor Shares and Admiral Shares. Investor Shares are available to any investor who meets the fund’s minimum purchase requirements. Admiral Shares are designed for investors who meet certain administrative, service, and account-size criteria.

A. The following significant accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles for U.S. investment companies. The fund consistently follows such policies in preparing its financial statements.

1. Security Valuation: Securities are valued as of the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time) on the valuation date. Bonds, and temporary cash investments acquired over 60 days to maturity, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system (which considers such factors as security prices, yields, maturities, and ratings), both as furnished by independent pricing services. Structured debt securities, including mortgages and asset-backed securities, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system that considers such factors as issuer, tranche, nominal or option-adjusted spreads, weighted average coupon, weighted average maturity, credit enhancements, and collateral. Equity securities are valued at the latest quoted sales prices or official closing prices taken from the primary market in which each security trades; such securities not traded on the valuation date are valued at the mean of the latest quoted bid and asked prices. Other temporary cash investments are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available, or whose values have been affected by events occurring before the fund’s pricing time but after the close of the securities’ primary markets, are valued by methods deemed by the board of trustees to represent fair value.

2. Foreign Currency: Securities and other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars using exchange rates obtained from an independent third party as of the fund’s pricing time on the valuation date. Realized gains (losses) and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investment securities include the effects of changes in exchange rates since the securities were purchased, combined with the effects of changes in security prices. Fluctuations in the value of other assets and liabilities resulting from changes in exchange rates are recorded as unrealized foreign currency gains (losses) until the assets or liabilities are settled in cash, at which time they are recorded as realized foreign currency gains (losses).

3. Forward Currency Contracts: The fund enters into forward currency contracts to protect the value of securities and related receivables and payables against changes in future foreign exchange rates. The fund’s risks in using these contracts include movement in the values of the foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar and the ability of the counterparties to fulfill their obligations under the contracts. The fund mitigates its counterparty risk by entering into forward currency contracts only with a diverse group of prequalified counterparties, monitoring their financial strength, entering into master netting arrangements with its counterparties, and requiring its counterparties to transfer collateral as security for their performance. The master netting arrangements provide that, in the



High-Yield Corporate Fund

event of a counterparty’s default (including bankruptcy), the fund may terminate the forward currency contracts, determine the net amount owed by either party in accordance with its master netting arrangements, and sell or retain any collateral held up to the net amount owed to the fund under the master netting arrangements. The forward currency contracts contain provisions whereby a counterparty may terminate open contracts if the fund’s net assets decline below a certain level, triggering a payment by the fund if the fund is in a net liability position at the time of the termination. The payment amount would be reduced by any collateral the fund has pledged. Any assets pledged as collateral for open contracts are noted in the Statement of Net Assets. The value of collateral received or pledged is compared daily to the value of the forward currency contracts exposure with each counterparty, and any difference, if in excess of a specified minimum transfer amount, is adjusted and settled within two business days.

Forward currency contracts are valued at their quoted daily prices obtained from an independent third party, adjusted for currency risk based on the expiration date of each contract. The notional amounts of the contracts are not recorded in the Statement of Net Assets. Fluctuations in the value of the contracts are recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until the contracts are closed, when they are recorded as realized forward currency contract gains (losses).

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average investment in forward currency contracts represented 1% of net assets, based on the average of notional amounts at each quarter-end during the period.

4. Repurchase Agreements: The fund enters into repurchase agreements with institutional counter-parties. Securities pledged as collateral to the fund under repurchase agreements are held by a custodian bank until the agreements mature. Each agreement requires that the market value of the collateral be sufficient to cover payments of interest and principal. The fund further mitigates its counterparty risk by entering into repurchase agreements only with a diverse group of prequalified counterparties, monitoring their financial strength, and entering into master repurchase agreements with its counterparties. The master repurchase agreements provide that, in the event of a counter-party’s default (including bankruptcy), the fund may terminate any repurchase agreements with that counterparty, determine the net amount owed, and sell or retain the collateral up to the net amount owed to the fund. Such action may be subject to legal proceedings, which may delay or limit the disposition of collateral.

5. Federal Income Taxes: The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years (January 31, 2012–2015), and for the period ended July 31, 2015, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the fund’s financial statements.

6. Distributions: Distributions from net investment income are declared daily and paid on the first business day of the following month. Annual distributions from realized capital gains, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

7. Credit Facility: The fund and certain other funds managed by The Vanguard Group participate in a $3 billion committed credit facility provided by a syndicate of lenders pursuant to a credit agreement that may be renewed annually; each fund is individually liable for its borrowings, if any, under the credit facility. Borrowings may be utilized for temporary and emergency purposes, and are subject



High-Yield Corporate Fund

to the fund’s regulatory and contractual borrowing restrictions. The participating funds are charged administrative fees and an annual commitment fee of 0.06% of the undrawn amount of the facility; these fees are allocated to the funds based on a method approved by the fund’s board of trustees and included in Management and Administrative expenses on the fund’s Statement of Operations. Any borrowings under this facility bear interest at a rate equal to the higher of the federal funds rate or LIBOR reference rate plus an agreed-upon spread.

The fund had no borrowings outstanding at July 31, 2015, or at any time during the period then ended.

8. Other: Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Interest income is accrued daily. Premiums and discounts on debt securities purchased are amortized and accreted, respectively, to interest income over the lives of the respective securities. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.

Each class of shares has equal rights as to assets and earnings, except that each class separately bears certain class-specific expenses related to maintenance of shareholder accounts (included in Management and Administrative expenses) and shareholder reporting. Marketing and distribution expenses are allocated to each class of shares based on a method approved by the board of trustees. Income, other non-class-specific expenses, and gains and losses on investments are allocated to each class of shares based on its relative net assets.

B. Wellington Management Company LLP provides investment advisory services to the fund for a fee calculated at an annual percentage rate of average net assets. For the six months ended July 31, 2015, the investment advisory fee represented an effective annual rate of 0.03% of the fund’s average net assets.

C. The Vanguard Group furnishes at cost corporate management, administrative, marketing, and distribution services. The costs of such services are allocated to the fund based on methods approved by the board of trustees. The fund has committed to invest up to 0.40% of its net assets in Vanguard. At July 31, 2015, the fund had contributed capital of $1,602,000 to Vanguard (included in Other Assets), representing 0.01% of the fund’s net assets and 0.64% of Vanguard’s capitalization.

The fund’s trustees and officers are also directors and employees, respectively, of Vanguard.

D. Various inputs may be used to determine the value of the fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

Level 1—Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.

Level 2—Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).

Level 3—Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments).



High-Yield Corporate Fund

The following table summarizes the market value of the fund’s investments as of July 31, 2015, based on the inputs used to value them:

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Investments ($000) ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations 341,524
Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 55,914
Corporate Bonds 16,779,784
Preferred Stocks 223,444
Other 327
Temporary Cash Investments 483,983
Forward Currency Contracts—Assets 2,827
Forward Currency Contracts—Liabilities (255)
Total 17,887,221 327


E. At July 31, 2015, the fund had open forward currency contracts to receive and deliver currencies as follows. Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on open forward currency contracts is treated as ordinary income for tax purposes.

  Contract         Appreciation
  Settlement     Contract Amount (000) (Depreciation)
Counterparty Date   Receive   Deliver ($000)
Deutsche Bank AG 8/31/15 USD 158,793 EUR 143,361 1,284
UBS AG 9/16/15 USD 65,936 EUR 58,595 1,543
Goldman Sachs Bank USA 8/28/15 USD 38,801 GBP 25,014 (255)
GBP—British pound.            
USD—U.S. dollar.            


At July 31, 2015, counterparties had deposited in segregated accounts cash and securities with a value of $4,146,000 in connection with forward currency contracts.

F. Capital gain distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ from realized capital gains for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Permanent differences are reclassified among capital accounts in the financial statements to reflect their tax character. Temporary differences arise when gains or losses are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes. These differences will reverse at some time in the future. The fund’s tax-basis capital gains and losses are determined only at the end of each fiscal year.

During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund realized net foreign currency losses of $7,528,000 (including gains and losses on forward currency contracts), which decreased distributable net income for tax purposes; accordingly, such lossess have been reclassified from accumulated net realized gains to overdistributed net investment income.



High-Yield Corporate Fund

At July 31, 2015, the cost of investment securities for tax purposes was $17,899,144,000. Net unrealized depreciation of investment securities for tax purposes was $14,168,000, consisting of unrealized gains of $442,174,000 on securities that had risen in value since their purchase and $456,342,000 in unrealized losses on securities that had fallen in value since their purchase.

G. During the six months ended July 31, 2015, the fund purchased $3,814,284,000 of investment securities and sold $2,801,293,000 of investment securities, other than U.S. government securities and temporary cash investments. Purchases and sales of U.S. government securities were $0 and $169,634,000, respectively.

H. Capital share transactions for each class of shares were:      
  Six Months Ended   Year Ended
    July 31, 2015 January 31, 2015
  Amount Shares Amount Shares
  ($000) (000) ($000) (000)
Investor Shares        
Issued 544,759 90,732 936,989 154,971
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 102,148 17,059 199,234 32,795
Redeemed (687,577) (114,934) (1,313,791) (216,627)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Investor Shares (40,670) (7,143) (177,568) (28,861)
Admiral Shares        
Issued 2,172,014 362,779 3,223,729 531,298
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 261,401 43,670 476,405 78,432
Redeemed (1,092,730) (182,701) (2,636,463) (435,861)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Admiral Shares 1,340,685 223,748 1,063,671 173,869


I. Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to July 31, 2015, that would require recognition or disclosure in these financial statements.



About Your Fund’s Expenses

As a shareholder of the fund, you incur ongoing costs, which include costs for portfolio management, administrative services, and shareholder reports (like this one), among others. Operating expenses, which are deducted from a fund’s gross income, directly reduce the investment return of the fund.

A fund’s expenses are expressed as a percentage of its average net assets. This figure is known as the expense ratio. The following examples are intended to help you understand the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your fund and to compare these costs with those of other mutual funds. The examples are based on an investment of $1,000 made at the beginning of the period shown and held for the entire period.

The accompanying table illustrates your fund’s costs in two ways:

Based on actual fund return. This section helps you to estimate the actual expenses that you paid over the period. The ”Ending Account Value“ shown is derived from the fund‘s actual return, and the third column shows the dollar amount that would have been paid by an investor who started with $1,000 in the fund. You may use the information here, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period.

To do so, simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number given for your fund under the heading ”Expenses Paid During Period.“

Based on hypothetical 5% yearly return. This section is intended to help you compare your fund‘s costs with those of other mutual funds. It assumes that the fund had a yearly return of 5% before expenses, but that the expense ratio is unchanged. In this case—because the return used is not the fund’s actual return—the results do not apply to your investment. The example is useful in making comparisons because the Securities and Exchange Commission requires all mutual funds to calculate expenses based on a 5% return. You can assess your fund’s costs by comparing this hypothetical example with the hypothetical examples that appear in shareholder reports of other funds.

Note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight and help you compare ongoing costs only and do not reflect transaction costs incurred by the fund for buying and selling securities. Further, the expenses do not include any purchase, redemption, or account service fees described in the fund prospectus. If such fees were applied to your account, your costs would be higher. Your fund does not carry a “sales load.”

The calculations assume no shares were bought or sold during the period. Your actual costs may have been higher or lower, depending on the amount of your investment and the timing of any purchases or redemptions.

You can find more information about the fund’s expenses, including annual expense ratios, in the Financial Statements section of this report. For additional information on operating expenses and other shareholder costs, please refer to your fund’s current prospectus.



Six Months Ended July 31, 2015      
  Beginning Ending Expenses
  Account Value Account Value Paid During
  1/31/2015 7/31/2015 Period
Based on Actual Fund Return      
Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $1,002.71 $0.94
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 1,003.21 0.45
Institutional Shares 1,000.00 1,003.36 0.30
Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $986.55 $0.94
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 987.04 0.44
Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $922.68 $1.00
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 923.14 0.52
High-Yield Corporate Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $1,015.03 $1.10
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 1,015.53 0.60
Based on Hypothetical 5% Yearly Return      
Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $1,023.85 $0.95
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 1,024.35 0.45
Institutional Shares 1,000.00 1,024.50 0.30
Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $1,023.85 $0.95
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 1,024.35 0.45
Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $1,023.75 $1.05
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 1,024.25 0.55
High-Yield Corporate Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $1,023.70 $1.10
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 1,024.20 0.60


The calculations are based on expenses incurred in the most recent six-month period. The funds’ annualized six-month expense ratios for that period are: for the Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund, 0.19% for Investor Shares, 0.09% for Admiral Shares, and 0.06% for Institutional Shares; for the Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund, 0.19% for Investor Shares and 0.09% for Admiral Shares; for the Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund, 0.21% for Investor Shares and 0.11% for Admiral Shares; for the High-Yield Corporate Fund, 0.22% for Investor Shares and 0.12% for Admiral Shares. The dollar amounts shown as “Expenses Paid” are equal to the annualized expense ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the most recent six-month period, then divided by the number of days in the most recent 12-month period (181/365).



Trustees Approve Advisory Arrangements

The board of trustees of Vanguard Short-Term, Intermediate-Term, and Long-Term Investment-Grade Funds has renewed each fund’s investment advisory arrangement with The Vanguard Group, Inc. (Vanguard). Vanguard—through its Fixed Income Group—serves as the investment advisor for the funds. The board also has renewed the investment advisory arrangements between Vanguard Long-Term Investment-Grade and High-Yield Corporate Funds and the funds’ advisor, Wellington Management Company LLP (Wellington Management). The board determined that renewing the funds’ advisory arrangements was in the best interests of the fund and its shareholders.

The board based its decisions upon an evaluation of each advisor’s investment staff, portfolio management process, and performance. The trustees considered the factors discussed below, among others. However, no single factor determined whether the board approved the arrangements. Rather, it was the totality of the circumstances that drove the board’s decisions.

Nature, extent, and quality of services

The board reviewed the quality of each fund’s investment management services over both the short and long term, and took into account the organizational depth and stability of each advisor. The board considered the following:

Vanguard. Vanguard has been managing investments for more than three decades and has advised the Short-Term and Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Funds since their inceptions, and a portion of the Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund since 2013. The Fixed Income Group adheres to a sound, disciplined investment management process; the team has considerable experience, stability, and depth.

Wellington Management. Founded in 1928, Wellington Management is among the nation’s oldest and most respected institutional investment managers. The firm has managed the Long-Term Investment-Grade and High-Yield Corporate Funds since their inceptions. The portfolio managers of the funds are backed by well-tenured teams of research analysts who conduct detailed fundamental analysis. For the Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund, the team conducts intensive fundamental research on each prospective issuer to support the investment process. The portfolio managers draw upon the sector experience of these analysts and the broader fixed-income team at Wellington Management to manage the fund’s duration, sector, quality, and curve positioning. For the High-Yield Corporate Fund, the team focuses on high-yield bonds, as it expects these higher-quality issues to offer a more favorable risk/reward trade-off over the long term. The team’s credit analysis seeks to identify companies whose fundamentals are stable or improving and whose securities offer an attractive yield.

The board concluded that each advisor’s experience, stability, depth, and performance, among other factors, warranted continuation of the advisory arrangements.

Investment performance

The board considered the short- and long-term performance of each fund, including any periods of outperformance or underperformance relative to a benchmark index and peer group. The board concluded that the performance was such that the advisory arrangements should continue. Information about each fund’s most recent performance can be found in the Performance Summary sections of this report.




The board concluded that each fund’s expense ratio was well below the average expense ratio charged by funds in its peer group and that each fund’s advisory fee rate was also well below its peer-group average. Information about the funds’ expenses appears in the About Your Fund’s Expenses section of this report as well as in the Financial Statements sections, which also include information about the advisory expenses.

The board did not consider profitability of Wellington Management in determining whether to approve the advisory fees for the Long-Term Investment-Grade and High-Yield Corporate Funds, because Wellington Management is independent of Vanguard, and the advisory fees are the result of arm’s length negotiations. The board does not conduct a profitability analysis of Vanguard because of Vanguard’s unique “at-cost” structure. Unlike most other mutual fund management companies, Vanguard is owned by the funds it oversees, and produces “profits” only in the form of reduced expenses for fund shareholders.

The benefit of economies of scale

The board concluded that the Long-Term Investment-Grade and High-Yield Corporate Funds’ shareholders benefit from economies of scale because of the breakpoints in each fund’s advisory fee schedule with Wellington Management. The breakpoints reduce the effective rate of the fee as the fund’s assets increase.

The board concluded that with regard to the Short-Term, Intermediate-Term, and Long-Term Investment-Grade Funds, the funds’ at-cost arrangement with Vanguard ensures that the funds will realize economies of scale as they grow, with the cost to shareholders declining as fund assets increase.

The board will consider whether to renew the advisory arrangements again after a one-year period.




30-Day SEC Yield. A fund’s 30-day SEC yield is derived using a formula specified by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Under the formula, data related to the fund’s security holdings in the previous 30 days are used to calculate the fund’s hypothetical net income for that period, which is then annualized and divided by the fund’s estimated average net assets over the calculation period. For the purposes of this calculation, a security’s income is based on its current market yield to maturity (for bonds), its actual income (for asset-backed securities), or its projected dividend yield (for stocks). Because the SEC yield represents hypothetical annualized income, it will differ—at times significantly—from the fund’s actual experience. As a result, the fund’s income distributions may be higher or lower than implied by the SEC yield.

Average Coupon. The average interest rate paid on the fixed income securities held by a fund. It is expressed as a percentage of face value.

Average Duration. An estimate of how much the value of the bonds held by a fund will fluctuate in response to a change in interest rates. To see how the value could change, multiply the average duration by the change in rates. If interest rates rise by 1 percentage point, the value of the bonds in a fund with an average duration of five years would decline by about 5%. If rates decrease by a percentage point, the value would rise by 5%.

Average Effective Maturity. The average length of time until fixed income securities held by a fund reach maturity and are repaid, taking into consideration the possibility that the issuer may call the bond before its maturity date. The figure reflects the proportion of fund assets represented by each security; it also reflects any futures contracts held. In general, the longer the average effective maturity, the more a fund’s share price will fluctuate in response to changes in market interest rates.

Beta. A measure of the magnitude of a fund’s past share-price fluctuations in relation to the ups and downs of a given market index. The index is assigned a beta of 1.00. Compared with a given index, a fund with a beta of 1.20 typically would have seen its share price rise or fall by 12% when the index rose or fell by 10%. For this report, beta is based on returns over the past 36 months for both the fund and the index. Note that a fund’s beta should be reviewed in conjunction with its R-squared (see definition). The lower the R-squared, the less correlation there is between the fund and the index, and the less reliable beta is as an indicator of volatility.

Credit Quality. Credit-quality ratings are measured on a scale that generally ranges from AAA (highest) to D (lowest). U.S. Treasury, U.S. Agency, and U.S. Agency mortgage-backed securities appear under “U.S. Government.” For the three investment-grade funds, credit-quality ratings are obtained from Moody’s and S&P, and the higher rating for each issue is shown. For the High-Yield Corporate Fund, credit-quality ratings are obtained from Barclays and are from Moody’s, Fitch, and S&P. When ratings from all three agencies are used, the median rating is shown. When ratings from two of the agencies are used, the lower rating for each issue is shown. “Not Rated” is used to classify securities for which a rating is not available. Not rated securities include a fund’s investment in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund or Vanguard Municipal Cash Management Fund, each of which invests in high-quality money market instruments and may serve as a cash management vehicle for the Vanguard funds, trusts, and accounts.



Expense Ratio. A fund’s total annual operating expenses expressed as a percentage of the fund’s average net assets. The expense ratio includes management and administrative expenses, but does not include the transaction costs of buying and selling portfolio securities.

Inception Date. The date on which the assets of a fund (or one of its share classes) are first invested in accordance with the fund’s investment objective. For funds with a subscription period, the inception date is the day after that period ends. Investment performance is measured from the inception date.

R-Squared. A measure of how much of a fund’s past returns can be explained by the returns from the market in general, as measured by a given index. If a fund’s total returns were precisely synchronized with an index’s returns, its R-squared would be 1.00. If the fund’s returns bore no relationship to the index’s returns, its R-squared would be 0. For this report, R-squared is based on returns over the past 36 months for both the fund and the index.

Short-Term Reserves. The percentage of a fund invested in highly liquid, short-term securities that can be readily converted to cash.

Yield to Maturity. The rate of return an investor would receive if the fixed income securities held by a fund were held to their maturity dates.

Benchmark Information

High-Yield Corporate Composite Index: Consists of 95% Barclays U.S. High-Yield Ba/B 2% Issuer Capped Index and 5% Barclays U.S. 1–5 Year Treasury Bond Index.



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The People Who Govern Your Fund

The trustees of your mutual fund are there to see that the fund is operated and managed in your best interests since, as a shareholder, you are a part owner of the fund. Your fund’s trustees also serve on the board of directors of The Vanguard Group, Inc., which is owned by the Vanguard funds and provides services to them on an at-cost basis.

A majority of Vanguard’s board members are independent, meaning that they have no affiliation with Vanguard or the funds they oversee, apart from the sizable personal investments they have made as private individuals. The independent board members have distinguished backgrounds in business, academia, and public service. Each of the trustees and executive officers oversees 193 Vanguard funds.

The following table provides information for each trustee and executive officer of the fund. More information about the trustees is in the Statement of Additional Information, which can be obtained, without charge, by contacting Vanguard at 800-662-7447, or online at vanguard.com.


F. William McNabb III

Born 1957. Trustee Since July 2009. Chairman of the Board. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Chairman of the Board of The Vanguard Group, Inc., and of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group, since January 2010; Director of The Vanguard Group since 2008; Chief Executive Officer and President of The Vanguard Group, and of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group, since 2008; Director of Vanguard Marketing Corporation; Managing Director of The Vanguard Group (1995–2008).


Emerson U. Fullwood

Born 1948. Trustee Since January 2008. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Executive Chief Staff and Marketing Officer for North America and Corporate Vice President (retired 2008) of Xerox Corporation (document management products and services); Executive in Residence and 2009–2010 Distinguished Minett Professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology; Director of SPX Corporation (multi-industry manufacturing), the United Way of Rochester, Amerigroup Corporation (managed health care), the University of Rochester Medical Center, Monroe Community College Foundation, and North Carolina A&T University.

Rajiv L. Gupta

Born 1945. Trustee Since December 2001.2 Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (retired 2009) and President (2006–2008) of Rohm and Haas Co. (chemicals); Director of Tyco International PLC (diversified manufacturing and services), Hewlett-Packard Co. (electronic computer manufacturing), and Delphi Automotive PLC (automotive components); Senior Advisor at New Mountain Capital.

Amy Gutmann

Born 1949. Trustee Since June 2006. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: President of the University of Pennsylvania; Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Political Science, School of Arts and Sciences, and Professor of Communication, Annenberg School for Communication, with secondary faculty appointments in the Department of Philosophy, School of Arts and Sciences, and at the Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania; Trustee of the National Constitution Center; Chair of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.

JoAnn Heffernan Heisen

Born 1950. Trustee Since July 1998. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Corporate Vice President and Chief Global Diversity Officer (retired 2008) and Member of the Executive Committee (1997–2008) of Johnson & Johnson (pharmaceuticals/medical devices/ consumer products); Director of Skytop Lodge Corporation (hotels), the University Medical Center at Princeton, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Center for Talent Innovation; Member of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Women’s Leadership at Rutgers University.


F. Joseph Loughrey

Born 1949. Trustee Since October 2009. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: President and Chief Operating Officer (retired 2009) of Cummins Inc. (industrial machinery); Chairman of the Board of Hillenbrand, Inc. (specialized consumer services), and of Oxfam America; Director of SKF AB (industrial machinery), Hyster-Yale Materials Handling, Inc. (forklift trucks), the Lumina Foundation for Education, and the V Foundation for Cancer Research; Member of the Advisory Council for the College of Arts and Letters and of the Advisory Board to the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, both at the University of Notre Dame.

Mark Loughridge

Born 1953. Trustee Since March 2012. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (retired 2013) at IBM (information technology services); Fiduciary Member of IBM’s Retirement Plan Committee (2004–2013); Director of the Dow Chemical Company; Member of the Council on Chicago Booth.

Scott C. Malpass

Born 1962. Trustee Since March 2012. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Chief Investment Officer and Vice President at the University of Notre Dame; Assistant Professor of Finance at the Mendoza College of Business at Notre Dame; Member of the Notre Dame 403(b) Investment Committee; Board Member of TIFF Advisory Services, Inc., and Catholic Investment Services, Inc. (investment advisors); Member of the Investment Advisory Committee of Major League Baseball.

André F. Perold

Born 1952. Trustee Since December 2004. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: George Gund Professor of Finance and Banking, Emeritus at the Harvard Business School (retired 2011); Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner of HighVista Strategies LLC (private investment firm); Director of Rand Merchant Bank; Overseer of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston.

Peter F. Volanakis

Born 1955. Trustee Since July 2009. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: President and Chief Operating Officer (retired 2010) of Corning Incorporated (communications equipment); Trustee of Colby-Sawyer College; Member of the Advisory Board of the Norris Cotton Cancer Center and of the Advisory Board of the Parthenon Group (strategy consulting).

Executive Officers

Glenn Booraem

Born 1967. Treasurer Since May 2015. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Principal of The Vanguard Group, Inc.; Treasurer of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group; Controller of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group (2010–2015); Assistant Controller of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group (2001–2010).

Thomas J. Higgins

Born 1957. Chief Financial Officer Since September 2008. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Principal of The Vanguard Group, Inc.; Chief Financial Officer of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group; Treasurer of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group (1998–2008).

Peter Mahoney

Born 1974. Controller Since May 2015. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Head of Global Fund Accounting at The Vanguard Group, Inc.; Controller of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group; Head of International Fund Services at The Vanguard Group (2008–2014).

Heidi Stam

Born 1956. Secretary Since July 2005. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Managing Director of The Vanguard Group, Inc.; General Counsel of The Vanguard Group; Secretary of The Vanguard Group and of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group; Director and Senior Vice President of Vanguard Marketing Corporation.

Vanguard Senior Management Team

Mortimer J. Buckley
Kathleen C. Gubanich
Paul A. Heller
Martha G. King
John T. Marcante

Chris D. McIsaac
James M. Norris
Thomas M. Rampulla
Glenn W. Reed
Karin A. Risi

Chairman Emeritus and Senior Advisor

John J. Brennan

Chairman, 1996–2009

Chief Executive Officer and President, 1996–2008

Founder John C. Bogle

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, 1974–1996

1 Mr. McNabb is considered an “interested person,” as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, because he is an officer of the Vanguard funds.

2 December 2002 for Vanguard Equity Income Fund, the Vanguard Municipal Bond Funds, and the Vanguard State Tax-Exempt Funds.



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  © 2015 The Vanguard Group, Inc.
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  Vanguard Marketing Corporation, Distributor.
  Q392 092015


Semiannual Report | July 31, 2015

Vanguard Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund


The mission continues

On May 1, 1975, Vanguard began operations, a fledgling company based on the simple but revolutionary idea that a mutual fund company should be managed solely in the interest of its investors.

Four decades later, that revolutionary spirit continues to animate the enterprise. Vanguard remains on a mission to give investors the best chance of investment success.

As we mark our 40th anniversary, we thank you for entrusting your assets to Vanguard and giving us the opportunity to help you reach your financial goals in the decades to come.

Your Fund’s Total Returns. 1
Chairman’s Letter. 2
Advisor’s Report. 7
Fund Profile. 10
Performance Summary. 11
Financial Statements. 12
Trustees Approve Advisory Arrangement. 35
Glossary. 36


Please note: The opinions expressed in this report are just that—informed opinions. They should not be considered promises or advice. Also, please keep in mind that the information and opinions cover the period through the date on the front of this report. Of course, the risks of investing in your fund are spelled out in the prospectus.

See the Glossary for definitions of investment terms used in this report.

About the cover: Since our founding, Vanguard has drawn inspiration from the enterprise and valor demonstrated by British naval hero Horatio Nelson and his command at the Battle of the Nile in 1798. The photograph displays a replica of a merchant ship from the same era as Nelson’s flagship, the HMS Vanguard.


Your Fund’s Total Returns        
Period Ended July 31, 2015        
  30-Day SEC Income Capital Since
  Yield Returns Returns Inception
Vanguard Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund        
Investor Shares (Inception: 2/24/2015) 0.59% 0.20% -0.10% 0.10%
Admiral™ Shares (Inception: 2/24/2015) 0.67 0.23 -0.05 0.18
Barclays U.S. Treasury Bellwethers: 1 Year Index       0.18
Ultra-Short Obligations Funds Average       0.16
Admiral Shares carry lower expenses and are available to investors who meet certain account-balance requirements.  
Benchmark returns are calculated from the start of the reporting period or from the earliest share-class inception date.  
Your Fund’s Performance at a Glance        
Inception Through July 31, 2015        
      Distributions Per Share
  Starting Ending Income Capital
  Share Price Share Price Dividends Gains
Vanguard Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund        
Investor Shares (Inception: 2/24/2015) $10.00 $9.99 $0.020 $0.000
Admiral Shares (Inception: 2/24/2015) 20.00 19.99 0.046 0.000





Chairman’s Letter

Dear Shareholder,

I am pleased to provide you with the first shareholder report for Vanguard Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund, which we launched to further enhance Vanguard’s lineup of actively managed taxable bond funds. For investors who can accept more risk than comes with a money market fund, this fund offers the opportunity for a modest yield pickup—without as much additional interest rate risk as with short- and longer-term bond funds.

From its inception on February 24, 2015, through July 31, the fund returned 0.10% for Investor Shares and 0.18% for Admiral Shares. That performance was in line with its benchmark index, which, like all indexes, incurs no expenses. The average return of peer funds was 0.16%.

The fund’s benchmark, the Barclays U.S. Treasury Bellwethers: 1 Year Index, consists of a single bond—the most recently issued 1-year Treasury. As such, the index provides a frame of reference to evaluate the performance of bonds with a one-year duration. (Duration measures the sensitivity of bond—and bond mutual fund—prices to interest rate movements.) Your fund, however, holds a broadly diversified portfolio of nearly 600 securities, including asset-backed and corporate bonds, that is actively managed to have a duration of about one year.



Your fund’s 30-day SEC yield at the end of the period was 0.59% for Investor Shares and 0.67% for Admiral Shares.

This report includes a brief look at the financial markets over the full six months of the fund’s fiscal half year, followed by a review of the fund’s performance since February 24, when it began operations.

Returns of taxable bonds slid as a rate hike grew likelier

The broad U.S. taxable bond market returned –1.47% for the half year, as bond prices declined in four of the six months. The yield of the 10-year Treasury note ended July at 2.26%, up from a relatively low 1.75% following January’s significant rally. (Bond prices and yields move in opposite directions.)

Treasury bond yields mostly rose over the period as it appeared more likely that the Federal Reserve would raise short-term interest rates before year’s end.

International bond markets (as measured by the Barclays Global Aggregate Index ex USD) returned –3.79%, curbed by the dollar’s strength against many foreign currencies. Without this currency effect, international bonds returned about –1%.

Returns were negligible for money market funds and savings accounts as the Fed’s target for short-term rates remained at 0%–0.25%.

Market Barometer      
      Total Returns
    Periods Ended July 31, 2015
  Six One Five Years
  Months Year (Annualized)
Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (Broad taxable market) -1.47% 2.82% 3.27%
Barclays Municipal Bond Index (Broad tax-exempt market) -0.92 3.56 4.39
Citigroup Three-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index 0.00 0.02 0.05
Russell 1000 Index (Large-caps) 6.60% 11.24% 16.45%
Russell 2000 Index (Small-caps) 6.98 12.03 15.27
Russell 3000 Index (Broad U.S. market) 6.61 11.28 16.35
FTSE All-World ex US Index (International) 4.26 -3.74 6.23
Consumer Price Index 2.12% 0.17% 1.83%




U.S. stocks proved resilient in a challenging environment

The broad U.S. stock market returned more than 6%. Corporate earnings generally exceeded forecasts, and investors seemed encouraged by the monetary stimulus efforts of other nations’ central banks.

But stocks also encountered hurdles. During the latter part of the period, Greece’s debt crisis and a swoon by Chinese stocks weighed on global markets. The strong U.S. dollar’s negative effect on the profits of U.S.-based multinational companies, valuations that some investors perceived as high, and muddled economic news also riled stocks at times.

For U.S. investors, international stocks returned about 4%; results would have been more robust if not for the dollar’s strength against many foreign currencies. Returns for the developed markets of Europe and the Pacific region surpassed those of emerging markets, which declined.

The fund is off to a good start in meeting its investment goal

The investment objective of the Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund is to provide current income while maintaining limited price volatility. Your fund’s advisor, Vanguard Fixed Income Group, seeks to achieve this by investing in money market instruments and short-term high-quality bonds from various sectors of the fixed income market.

Expense Ratios      
Your Fund Compared With Its Peer Group      
  Investor Admiral Peer Group
  Shares Shares Average
Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund 0.20% 0.12% 0.58%


The fund expense ratios shown are from the prospectus dated February 9, 2015, and represent estimated costs for the current fiscal year. For the period from inception through July 31, 2015, the fund’s annualized expense ratios were 0.20% for Investor Shares and 0.12% for Admiral Shares. The peer-group expense ratio is derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company, and captures information through year-end 2014.

Peer group: Ultra-Short Obligations Funds.



As with Vanguard’s other active bond funds, the expertise of our experienced team of credit analysts is an integral part of the process of managing this fund.

In the period since inception, the advisor’s selections among asset-backed securities boosted performance. Bonds backed by automobile loans, which made up about half of the fund’s allocation to asset-backed securities, were strong contributors.

Although your fund has less than six months of history, it’s off to a good start in meeting its objective. As always, however, we encourage you to evaluate results over a long-term horizon.

For more discussion of the management and performance of the fund, please see the Advisor’s Report that follows this letter.

As your investment costs go down, your chance for success can go up

Being an investor can be frustrating at times: You’re planning for your financial future, but some factors—for example, the financial markets—are beyond your control. Although you can’t control the markets, you do have some choice in how much you pay to invest in them. And what you pay can greatly affect your chance for investing success.

The Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund can play a complementary role

With interest rates on money market funds and savings accounts near zero for several years, higher-yielding short-term fixed income funds have found favor with investors.

But this quest for yield means taking on more risk. Savings accounts are federally insured up to certain limits, and money market funds seek to maintain a stable net asset value of $1 per share. (Most investors will still have stable NAV money market options after Securities and Exchange Commission regulatory changes are implemented by late 2016.)

In contrast, short-term bond funds—including ultra-short funds—have floating NAVs and longer durations. (Duration measures the sensitivity of bond, and bond mutual fund, prices to interest rate movements.) So when interest rates rise, these funds can lose value.

The duration of Vanguard Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund is about one year, while the average maturity of Vanguard Prime Money Market Fund is about 1½ months. That’s why it’s important to keep in mind that the Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund is not intended as an alternative or substitute for a money market fund. Depending on your time horizon and risk appetite, this fund can complement other fixed income and money market investments in your portfolio.



At Vanguard, as you know, we take minimizing costs seriously. Indeed, that’s one of our four investment principles. (You can read more in

Vanguard’s Principles for Investing Success, available at vanguard.com/ research.) Paying less in expenses has an intuitive, immediate appeal.

Less obvious, perhaps, is the enormous advantage that low costs can offer over time.

Imagine two well-diversified portfolios, each with a starting balance of $100,000 and each earning a yearly return of 6%, which is reinvested over a 30-year period. In one scenario, the investor pays 0.25% of assets every year in portfolio expenses, while in the other the investor pays 0.90%. (Keep in mind that this is a hypothetical example and doesn’t represent any particular investment.)

After 30 years, the lower-cost portfolio has a balance of more than $530,000, while the higher-cost portfolio has a balance of almost $440,000. What might seem like a trifling cost difference at the start becomes a meaningful difference in the long termin this example, nearly $100,000.

Increasingly, investors recognize the importance of minimizing costs. According to Morningstar, over the past ten years, 95% of cash flows have gone into funds ranked in the lowest 20% in expenses. We’re pleased to see this trend, because it means investors are keeping more of their returns and, by doing so, have given themselves a better chance of reaching their financial goals.

As always, thank you for investing with Vanguard.


F. William McNabb III
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
August 14, 2015



Advisor’s Report

We are pleased to present this first Advisor’s Report for Vanguard Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund, which began operations on February 24, 2015.

As we’ll discuss further, this fund is designed to give investors low-cost exposure to money market instruments and short-term high-quality bonds.

From its inception through July 31, 2015, the fund returned 0.10% for Investor Shares and 0.18% for Admiral Shares. The Barclays U.S. Treasury Bellwethers: 1 Year Index, which consists of a single 1-year Treasury note, returned 0.18%. The average return of peer funds was 0.16%.

The investment environment

As 2015 began, monetary policy and economic growth in the United States diverged from those of much of the rest of the world. Markets expected the Federal Reserve to begin raising interest rates modestly and gradually, while the European Central Bank (ECB) began an aggressive monthly bond-buying program in March that led to negative rates on some sovereign bonds. Many other central banks also pursued stimulative policies.

And even as the U.S. economy seemed to be on the upswing despite a slowdown in growth in the fourth quarter of 2014, major European economies faced concerns about deflation and little or no growth. China, the world’s second-largest economy, modestly lowered its growth target for 2015. Although we don’t anticipate a hard

landing for China’s economy, significant stock market volatility appears likely to persist.

As the year progressed, however, Europe gained strength, helped by lower oil prices and the ECB’s actions. The U.S. economy grew only slightly in the first quarter, in part because of a harsh winter and a West Coast port strike, but second-quarter growth came in at an annual rate of 2.3% based on the advance estimate.

Throughout the half year, questions about the timing of the Fed’s first rate increase in nearly a decade were top of mind for investors. The Fed’s decision depends on the health of the economy; it also wants to see continued improvement in the job market and unemployment rate and an increase in inflation toward its 2% long-term target. (Inflation has been running well below that, in part reflecting lower commodity prices.)

In the spring, the Fed signaled that it most likely would not raise rates in June, as some had predicted. Although it removed the word “patient” from its positioning statement, the Fed still suggested that any increases would be gradual and that rates would probably remain low for a considerable time. It seemed increasingly likely that the ultimate level of the federal funds rate during the current economic cycle would be lower than the market anticipated last year. Expectations centered on 2.5%, down from more than 3% last October.



In this environment, the yield of the benchmark 10-year Treasury note increased gradually, after a significant January rally pushed it down to 1.75%. Safe-haven demand for Treasuries was strong at the height of the uncertainty about Greece’s possible default and exit from the euro zone, but the yield of the 10-year note closed out July at 2.26%. The 1-year Treasury yield rose from 0.14% at the end of January to 0.31% at the end of July, as the timing of the Fed’s “liftoff” appeared closer.

Management of the fund

We launched this fund to further enhance Vanguard’s offering of actively managed taxable bond funds, and we manage it using the same investment philosophy and processes as the other funds in that lineup. For example, in addition to being guided by Vanguard’s global macroeconomic outlook and expectations about Fed policy, we consider relative values in the bond marketplace and the credit outlook for various bond market sectors and specific issuers. However, for the Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund, our overall portfolio tilt is a bit more conservative.

The majority of the securities we own in the fund have an expected maturity of not longer than three years, and we generally plan to hold them until they mature. Consistent with the fund’s investment objective of seeking to provide current income while maintaining limited price volatility, we maintained its duration at its policy-neutral level of one year. (Duration is a measure of the sensitivity of bond—and bond mutual fund—prices to changes in interest rates.)

For the Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund, as with Vanguard’s other investment-grade active bond funds, we invest in a diversified mix of Treasury, agency, corporate, asset-backed, and other bonds. Our portfolio management decisions regarding the appropriate allocations among these sectors can result in over- or underperformance compared with the fund’s Treasury benchmark.

For the reporting period, we added value with our selection of asset-backed securities (ABS), particularly those backed by automobile loans. ABS constituted the largest sector in the fund, about 27% of total assets at the end of July, and bonds backed by auto loans averaged about half of our ABS holdings.

A look ahead

Lower oil prices have tempered inflation and slowed corporate capital spending. Consumer spending and housing have been alternately stronger and weaker, and consumer confidence slid in July. Overall, though, we expect the U.S. economy to grow at an annual rate of roughly 2.5% for the rest of 2015.

Interest rates, and hence bond prices, could remain volatile. The market views new information about the economy’s health through the lens of the data-dependent Fed, trying to guess when the Fed will raise rates. It’s not unusual for volatility to increase as a rate hike approaches. Still, rates are likely to be range-bound. We expect the relative strength of the U.S. economy to set a floor, and global conditions—including the stronger dollar and



ECB stimulus—should serve as a cap. We still believe that a rate increase is likely to come in the second half of 2015. The Fed may not raise rates over time as much as has been expected, especially in view of tepid growth.

We expect to continue to maintain a high level of liquidity in the fund, through our holdings of Treasury and agency securities and a variety of money market instruments.

Gregory S. Nassour, CFA, Principal
Portfolio Manager

David Van Ommeren, Principal
Portfolio Manager

Vanguard Fixed Income Group

August 20, 2015



Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund

Fund Profile
As of July 31, 2015

Share-Class Characteristics  
  Investor Admiral
    Shares Shares
Ticker Symbol   VUBFX VUSFX
Expense Ratio1   0.20% 0.12%
30-Day SEC Yield   0.59% 0.67%
Financial Attributes    
    U.S. Barclays 
    Treasury Aggregate 
    Bellwethers: Bond
  Fund 1 Year Index Index
Number of Bonds 599 1 9,496
Yield to Maturity      
(before expenses) 0.7% 0.3% 2.4%
Average Coupon 1.8% 0.0% 3.2%
Average Duration 1.0 years 1.0 years 5.6 years
Average Effective      
Maturity 1.0 years 1.0 years 7.8 years
Reserves 24.0%
Sector Diversification (% of portfolio)  
Asset-Backed     26.6%
Commercial Mortgage-Backed 2.1
Finance     10.4
Foreign     1.2
Government Mortgage-Backed 0.2
Industrial     11.1
Treasury/Agency     22.0
Utilities     2.4
Short-Term Reserves   24.0


The agency and mortgage-backed securities sectors may include issues from government-sponsored enterprises; such issues are generally not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

Distribution by Effective Maturity  
(% of portfolio)  
Under 1 Year 52.6%
1 - 3 Years 45.8
3 - 5 Years 1.6


Distribution by Credit Quality (% of portfolio)

U.S. Government 21.5%
Aaa 27.2
Aa 8.6
A 13.9
Baa 4.7
Not Rated 24.1


Credit-quality ratings are obtained from Moody's and S&P, and the higher rating for each issue is shown. "Not Rated" is used to classify securities for which a rating is not available. Not rated securities include a fund's investment in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund or Vanguard Municipal Cash Management Fund, each of which invests in high-quality money market instruments and may serve as a cash management vehicle for the Vanguard funds, trusts, and accounts. For more information about these ratings, see the Glossary entry for Credit Quality.

Investment Focus

1 The expense ratios shown are from the prospectus dated February 9, 2015, and represent estimated costs for the current fiscal year. For the period from inception through July 31, 2015, the annualized expense ratios were 0.20% for Investor Shares and 0.12% for Admiral Shares.



Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund

Performance Summary

All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at vanguard.com/performance.) Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

Fiscal-Year Total Returns (%): February 24, 2015, Through July 31, 2015  
        U.S. Treasury
      Investor Shares 1 Year Index
Fiscal Year Income Returns Capital Returns Total Returns Total Returns
2016 0.20% -0.10% 0.10% 0.18%
Note: For 2016, performance data reflect the period ended July 31, 2015.      


Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended June 30, 2015

This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period.

Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

        Since Inception
  Inception Date Income Capital Total
Investor Shares 2/24/2015 0.15% 0.00% 0.15%
Admiral Shares 2/24/2015 0.18 -0.05 0.13


See Financial Highlights for dividend and capital gains information.



Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund

Financial Statements (unaudited)

Statement of Net Assets
As of July 31, 2015

The fund reports a complete list of its holdings in regulatory filings four times in each fiscal year, at the quarter-ends. For the second and fourth fiscal quarters, the lists appear in the fund’s semiannual and annual reports to shareholders. For the first and third fiscal quarters, the fund files the lists with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form N-Q. Shareholders can look up the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room (see the back cover of this report for further information).

        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (21.9%)        
U.S. Government Securities (12.2%)        
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.250% 10/31/15 1,770 1,771
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.250% 12/15/15 1,680 1,681
1 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.250% 12/31/15 530 530
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.750% 5/31/16 1,600 1,619
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.500% 6/30/16 4,000 4,042
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 8/15/16 6,150 6,164
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 8/31/16 4,400 4,429
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 9/15/16 1,700 1,709
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 10/15/16 6,000 6,015
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.375% 10/31/16 6,400 6,395
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 10/31/16 6,300 6,343
Agency Bonds and Notes (9.7%)        
2 Federal Home Loan Banks 0.375% 8/28/15 1,250 1,250
2 Federal Home Loan Banks 0.190% 11/19/15 500 500
2 Federal Home Loan Banks 0.500% 11/20/15 2,255 2,257
2 Federal Home Loan Banks 1.375% 12/11/15 400 402
2 Federal Home Loan Banks 5.000% 12/11/15 250 254
2 Federal Home Loan Banks 0.375% 12/30/15 1,000 1,001
2 Federal Home Loan Banks 0.340% 1/25/16 350 350
2 Federal Home Loan Banks 0.375% 2/19/16 1,335 1,336
2 Federal Home Loan Banks 0.250% 3/11/16 200 200
2 Federal Home Loan Banks 1.000% 3/11/16 1,200 1,205
2 Federal Home Loan Banks 3.125% 3/11/16 1,670 1,699
2 Federal Home Loan Banks 0.250% 4/29/16 1,000 999
2 Federal Home Loan Banks 0.250% 5/18/16 650 650
2 Federal Home Loan Banks 5.375% 5/18/16 1,350 1,404
2 Federal Home Loan Banks 2.125% 6/10/16 1,700 1,726
2 Federal Home Loan Banks 0.500% 9/28/16 1,000 1,000
3 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 4.750% 11/17/15 356 361
3 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 5.250% 4/18/16 1,300 1,346
3 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 0.500% 5/13/16 1,350 1,352
3 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 0.400% 5/27/16 300 300
3 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 2.500% 5/27/16 900 916
3 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 2.000% 8/25/16 1,000 1,016
3 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 0.875% 10/14/16 2,700 2,714
3 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 2.000% 9/21/15 250 251




Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
3 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 1.625% 10/26/15 450 451
3 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 0.375% 12/21/15 1,050 1,051
3 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 5.000% 3/15/16 2,050 2,110
3 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 0.500% 3/30/16 1,485 1,487
3 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 1.250% 9/28/16 2,000 2,017
3 Federal National Mortgage Assn. 5.000% 2/13/17 500 533
Total U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (Cost $72,824)     72,836
Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (29.1%)      
4 Ally Auto Receivables Trust 2015-1 1.390% 9/16/19 800 799
4 Ally Auto Receivables Trust 2015-1 1.750% 5/15/20 800 800
4 Ally Auto Receivables Trust 2015-1 2.260% 10/15/20 40 40
4 Ally Auto Receivables Trust 2015-SN1 0.930% 6/20/17 800 800
4,5 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2010-4 1.257% 8/15/17 286 286
4,5,6 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2010-4 1.737% 8/15/17 237 237
4,5,6 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2010-4 2.137% 8/15/17 180 180
4,5 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2014-1 0.657% 1/15/19 151 151
4 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2014-1 1.290% 1/15/19 155 155
4 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2015-3 1.630% 5/15/20 1,200 1,202
4,5 American Express Credit Account Secured        
  Note Trust 2008-2 1.447% 9/15/20 1,300 1,331
4,5 American Express Credit Account Secured        
  Note Trust 2012-4 0.737% 5/15/20 168 168
4,5 American Express Credit Account Secured        
  Note Trust 2014-5 0.477% 5/15/20 410 410
4,5,6 American Homes 4 Rent 2014-SFR1 1.600% 6/17/31 100 99
4 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-1 1.570% 1/8/19 19 19
4 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-2 1.790% 3/8/19 88 88
4 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-3 2.380% 6/10/19 97 98
4 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-4 2.720% 9/9/19 21 21
4 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-5 2.290% 11/8/19 39 39
4,5 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2014-2 0.466% 10/10/17 329 329
4 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2015-2 0.830% 9/10/18 650 650
4,6 ARI Fleet Lease Trust 2014-A 0.810% 11/15/22 717 717
4,6 ARI Fleet Lease Trust 2015-A 1.110% 11/15/18 1,100 1,101
4,5,6 Arran Residential Mortgages Funding 2011-1 plc 1.726% 11/19/47 92 92
4,6 Avis Budget Rental Car Funding AESOP        
  LLC 2012-2A 2.802% 5/20/18 1,300 1,328
4,5 BA Credit Card Trust 2007-A4 0.227% 11/15/19 1,101 1,095
4 BA Credit Card Trust 2015-A2 1.360% 9/15/20 850 849
4 Banc of America Commercial Mortgage        
  Trust 2006-5 5.415% 9/10/47 103 106
4 Banc of America Commercial Mortgage        
  Trust 2006-6 5.347% 10/10/45 199 207
4 Banc of America Commercial Mortgage        
  Trust 2007-2 5.562% 4/10/49 151 159
4 Banc of America Commercial Mortgage        
  Trust 2008-1 6.171% 2/10/51 130 141
4 Banc of America Commercial Mortgage        
  Trust 2008-1 6.215% 2/10/51 21 22
4,6 Bank of The West Auto Trust 2015-1 0.870% 4/16/18 1,700 1,700
4 Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage        
  Securities Trust 2006-PWR13 5.533% 9/11/41 105 108




Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4 Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage        
  Securities Trust 2007-PWR16 5.705% 6/11/40 107 113
4 Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage        
  Securities Trust 2007-PWR17 5.650% 6/11/50 214 229
4 Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage        
  Securities Trust 2007-TOP28 5.710% 9/11/42 147 158
4,5,6 BMW Floorplan Master Owner Trust 2015-1A 0.686% 7/15/20 1,250 1,250
4,5 Brazos Higher Education Authority Inc.        
  Series 2010-1 1.182% 5/25/29 231 231
4,5 Brazos Higher Education Authority Inc.        
  Series 2011-1 1.082% 2/25/30 304 306
4 California Republic Auto Receivables Trust 2015-2 0.880% 2/15/18 1,500 1,500
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-1 1.290% 4/20/18 34 34
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-1 1.740% 10/22/18 33 33
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-3 3.690% 2/20/19 81 83
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-4 1.470% 7/20/18 190 191
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-4 2.060% 10/22/18 92 93
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-4 2.670% 2/20/19 82 83
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2014-1 1.690% 10/22/18 103 103
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2014-1 2.220% 1/22/19 37 37
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2015-2 1.730% 9/20/19 800 799
4,5 Capital One Multi-asset Execution Trust 2007-A1 0.237% 11/15/19 100 100
4,5 Capital One Multi-asset Execution Trust 2007-A5 0.227% 7/15/20 1,168 1,160
4 Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2013-3 1.910% 3/15/19 36 36
4 Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2013-3 2.850% 2/18/20 22 22
4 Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2015-2 0.820% 6/15/18 1,000 999
4,5 Chase Issuance Trust 2007-C1 0.647% 4/15/19 185 184
4,5 Chase Issuance Trust 2012-A10 0.447% 12/16/19 250 250
4,5 Chase Issuance Trust 2013-A7 0.617% 9/15/20 1,000 1,002
4,5 Chase Issuance Trust 2014-A3 0.387% 5/15/18 350 350
4,5 Chase Issuance Trust 2015-A3 0.437% 4/15/19 1,200 1,199
4 Chase Issuance Trust 2015-A5 1.360% 4/15/20 400 400
4,6 Chrysler Capital Auto Receivables Trust 2013-A 0.910% 4/16/18 448 449
4,6 Chrysler Capital Auto Receivables Trust 2013-AA 1.830% 3/15/19 24 24
4,6 Chrysler Capital Auto Receivables Trust 2013-BA 1.270% 3/15/19 1,415 1,419
4,6 Cit Equipment Collateral 2013-VT1 1.130% 7/20/20 138 138
4,5 Citibank Credit Card Issuance Trust 2013-A2 0.619% 9/10/20 130 130
4 Citibank Credit Card Issuance Trust 2014-A4 1.230% 4/24/19 600 602
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-GC11 1.987% 4/10/46 19 19
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-GC15 3.161% 9/10/46 100 104
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC19 1.199% 3/10/47 103 103
4 CNH Equipment Trust 2015-A 0.840% 6/15/18 250 250
4 CNH Equipment Trust 2015-B 0.840% 8/15/18 1,400 1,400
4 COBALT CMBS Commercial Mortgage Trust        
  2007-C2 5.484% 4/15/47 109 115
4,5,6 Colony American Homes 2014-1 1.400% 5/17/31 140 140
4,5,6 Colony American Homes 2014-1 1.600% 5/17/31 100 98
4,5,6 Colony American Homes 2015-1 1.386% 7/17/32 210 208
4,5,6 Colony American Homes Single-Family Rental        
  Pass-Through Certificates 2014-2 1.537% 7/17/31 100 99
4 COMM 2006-C8 Mortgage Trust 5.292% 12/10/46 127 133
4 COMM 2006-C8 Mortgage Trust 5.306% 12/10/46 158 165
4 COMM 2007-C9 Mortgage Trust 5.796% 12/10/49 113 121
4 COMM 2013-CCRE10 Mortgage Trust 1.278% 8/10/46 266 267
4 COMM 2013-CCRE13 Mortgage Trust 1.259% 11/10/18 122 122




Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4 COMM 2013-CCRE6 Mortgage Trust 0.719% 3/10/46 37 36
4 COMM 2013-CCRE9 Mortgage Trust 2.972% 8/10/46 93 96
4 COMM 2013-LC13 Mortgage Trust 3.009% 8/10/46 100 104
4 COMM 2014-CCRE17 Mortgage Trust 1.275% 5/10/47 117 116
4 COMM 2014-CR14 Mortgage Trust 1.330% 2/10/47 41 41
4 COMM 2014-CR16 Mortgage Trust 1.445% 4/10/47 81 81
4 Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-GG7 5.819% 7/10/38 149 152
4 Credit Suisse Commercial Mortgage Trust        
  Series 2006-C3 5.806% 6/15/38 80 82
4 Credit Suisse Commercial Mortgage Trust        
  Series 2007-C1 5.361% 2/15/40 12 13
4 Credit Suisse Commercial Mortgage Trust        
  Series 2008-C1 5.973% 2/15/41 124 135
4,6 Dell Equipment Finance Trust 2015-1 1.010% 7/24/17 1,100 1,101
4,5 Discover Card Execution Note Trust 2012-A4 0.557% 11/15/19 297 297
4,5 Discover Card Execution Note Trust 2013-A1 0.487% 8/17/20 400 400
4 Discover Card Execution Note Trust 2013-A2 0.690% 8/15/18 525 525
4,5 Discover Card Execution Note Trust 2015-A1 0.537% 8/17/20 1,000 1,000
4,6 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-A 1.010% 11/15/17 1,048 1,048
4,6 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-B 1.300% 6/15/18 140 140
4,6 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-BA 2.120% 6/17/19 130 130
4,6 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-BA 2.760% 7/15/21 330 329
4,6 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-C 2.230% 9/16/19 135 135
4,6 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-C 3.010% 5/17/21 200 200
4,6 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-C 4.200% 9/15/21 145 145
4,6 Enterprise Fleet Financing LLC Series 2012-2 0.930% 4/20/18 491 491
4,6 Enterprise Fleet Financing LLC Series 2015-1 1.300% 9/20/20 250 250
4,6 Enterprise Fleet Financing LLC Series 2015-2 1.590% 2/22/21 1,500 1,501
4,6 Enterprise Fleet Financing LLC Series 2015-2 2.090% 2/22/21 980 981
4,5 Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities        
  2015-C01 1.690% 2/25/25 28 28
4,5 Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities        
  2015-C01 1.690% 2/25/25 28 28
4,5 Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities        
  2015-C02 1.340% 5/25/25 109 109
4,5 Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities        
  2015-C02 1.391% 5/25/25 198 198
4,5 Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities        
  2015-C03 1.688% 7/25/25 135 135
4,5 Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities        
  2015-C03 1.689% 7/25/25 105 105
4 Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust 2013-A 1.010% 5/15/16 109 109
4 Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust 2013-A 1.280% 6/15/16 83 83
4 Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust 2014-A 1.160% 8/15/17 137 137
4 Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust 2015-A 0.790% 12/15/17 1,000 1,000
4 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2013-C 1.680% 11/15/18 30 30
4 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2013-D 1.540% 3/15/19 62 62
4 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2015-A 0.810% 1/15/18 500 501
4 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2015-B 0.720% 3/15/18 1,400 1,400
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A        
  Series 2012-2 1.920% 1/15/19 226 228
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A        
  Series 2012-5 1.690% 9/15/19 100 100
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A        
  Series 2012-5 2.140% 9/15/19 100 101




Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A        
  Series 2013-1 1.370% 1/15/18 155 155
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A        
  Series 2013-1 1.820% 1/15/18 100 100
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A        
  Series 2014-1 1.400% 2/15/19 62 62
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A        
  Series 2014-1 2.310% 2/15/21 27 27
4,5 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A        
  Series 2014-4 0.537% 8/15/19 495 494
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A        
  Series 2014-4 1.400% 8/15/19 250 250
4,6 FRS I LLC 2013-1A 1.800% 4/15/43 62 62
4,5 GE Capital Credit Card Master Note Trust        
  Series 2011-2 1.187% 5/15/19 304 305
4 GE Capital Credit Card Master Note Trust        
  Series 2012-6 1.360% 8/17/20 250 250
4,5 GE Dealer Floorplan Master Note Trust        
  Series 2012-2 0.938% 4/22/19 406 407
4,5 GE Dealer Floorplan Master Note Trust        
  Series 2012-4 0.628% 10/20/17 211 211
4,5 GE Dealer Floorplan Master Note Trust        
  Series 2014-2 0.638% 10/20/19 875 872
4 GE Equipment Transportation LLC Series 2015-1 0.890% 11/24/17 250 250
4,6 GM Financial Leasing Trust 2014-1A 1.760% 5/21/18 100 100
4 GM Financial Leasing Trust 2015-1 1.100% 12/20/17 600 601
4 GM Financial Leasing Trust 2015-2 1.680% 12/20/18 1,100 1,102
4 GM Financial Leasing Trust 2015-2 2.420% 7/22/19 140 140
4 GM Financial Leasing Trust 2015-2 2.990% 7/22/19 120 120
4,6 GMF Floorplan Owner Revolving Trust 2015-1 1.650% 5/15/20 450 451
4,6 GMF Floorplan Owner Revolving Trust 2015-1 1.970% 5/15/20 100 100
4,6 Golden Credit Card Trust 2012-2A 1.770% 1/15/19 536 541
4,5,6 Golden Credit Card Trust 2015-3A 0.607% 7/15/19 2,000 2,000
4,5 Granite Master Issuer plc Series 2007-2 0.266% 12/17/54 12 12
4,6 Great America Leasing Receivables 2015-1 1.120% 6/20/17 500 501
4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-GCJ14 2.995% 8/10/46 101 105
4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-GC22 1.290% 6/10/47 55 55
4 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Trust 2013-1 0.870% 7/15/19 1,163 1,161
4 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Trust 2015-2 1.300% 3/16/20 1,100 1,097
4,6 Hertz Vehicle Financing LLC 2010-1A 3.740% 2/25/17 441 445
4,6 Hertz Vehicle Financing LLC 2011-1A 3.290% 3/25/18 1,351 1,387
4 Honda Auto Receivables 2015-2 Owner Trust 1.470% 8/23/21 800 797
4 Huntington Auto Trust 2015-1 0.760% 10/16/17 1,500 1,500
4,6 Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2014-A 1.300% 7/16/18 100 100
4,6 Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2014-B 1.540% 12/17/18 100 100
4,6 Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2015-A 1.000% 10/16/17 300 301
4,6 Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2015-B 1.660% 7/15/19 1,000 1,002
4,6 Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2015-B 2.210% 5/15/20 250 251
4 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2012-B 1.950% 10/15/18 49 49
4 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2013-B 1.450% 2/15/19 35 35
4 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2013-B 2.480% 9/16/19 60 61
4 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2015-B 0.690% 4/16/18 1,100 1,099
5 Illinois Student Assistance Commission        
  Series 2010-1 1.345% 4/25/22 94 94
4,5,6 Invitation Homes 2014-SFR1 Trust 1.686% 6/17/31 149 148
4,5,6 Invitation Homes 2014-SFR2 Trust 1.788% 9/17/31 100 99




Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4,5,6 Invitation Homes 2015-SFR2 Trust 1.536% 6/17/32 98 98
4 John Deere Owner Trust 2015-A 0.870% 2/15/18 300 300
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage        
  Securities Trust 2006-LDP6 5.471% 4/15/43 126 128
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage        
  Securities Trust 2006-LDP7 5.905% 4/15/45 151 156
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage        
  Securities Trust 2007-C1 5.716% 2/15/51 19 20
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage        
  Securities Trust 2007-CIBC20 5.746% 2/12/51 162 173
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage        
  Securities Trust 2007-LDP10 5.439% 1/15/49 175 184
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage        
  Securities Trust 2007-LDP12 5.850% 2/15/51 130 139
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage        
  Securities Trust 2013-LC11 1.855% 4/15/46 19 19
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2013-C14 3.019% 8/15/46 62 64
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2013-C17 1.247% 1/15/47 80 80
4,5,6 Kildare Securities Ltd. 2007-1A 0.402% 12/10/43 7 7
4,6 Kubota Credit Owner Trust 2014-1 1.160% 5/15/18 400 401
4,5,6 Lanark Master Issuer plc 2012-2A 1.684% 12/22/54 249 250
4 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-C3 5.641% 3/15/39 203 206
4 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-C6 5.342% 9/15/39 94 97
4 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-C7 5.347% 11/15/38 47 49
4 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007-C2 5.387% 2/15/40 131 138
4 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007-C7 5.866% 9/15/45 121 131
4,6 Macquarie Equipment Funding Trust 2012-A 0.850% 10/22/18 51 51
4,6 Master Credit Card Trust 2012-2A 1.970% 4/21/17 100 100
4,6 Master Credit Card Trust 2013-3A 2.280% 1/22/18 100 100
4 Mercedes-Benz Auto Receivables Trust 2015-1 1.340% 12/16/19 1,100 1,098
4,6 Mercedes-Benz Master Owner Trust 2012-A 0.790% 11/15/17 436 436
4,5,6 Mercedes-Benz Master Owner Trust 2015-A 0.507% 4/15/19 1,200 1,200
4 Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust 2006-C2 5.739% 8/12/43 53 54
4 Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust 2008-C1 5.690% 2/12/51 32 34
4 ML-CFC Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-2 5.868% 6/12/46 31 31
4 ML-CFC Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007-6 5.331% 3/12/51 34 34
4,6 MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2009-A 3.510% 1/15/30 26 26
4,6 MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2011-A 2.100% 7/15/17 123 123
4,6 MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2011-A 3.040% 8/15/28 234 240
4,6 MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2012-A 1.980% 6/10/32 100 101
4,6 MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2013-A 1.030% 12/11/17 595 596
4,6 MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2015-A 0.960% 9/18/17 1,000 1,001
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America        
  Merrill Lynch Trust 2012-C5 0.916% 8/15/45 45 45
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America        
  Merrill Lynch Trust 2013-C11 1.308% 8/15/46 243 241
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America        
  Merrill Lynch Trust 2013-C11 3.085% 8/15/46 84 87
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2006-HQ9 5.728% 7/12/44 203 210
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2006-IQ12 5.319% 12/15/43 58 60
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2007-IQ15 5.908% 6/11/49 159 169
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2007-IQ16 5.688% 12/12/49 137 147
4,5 Navient Student Loan Trust 2015-2 0.470% 11/25/24 925 924




Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4,5 Navient Student Loan Trust 2015-3 0.539% 7/25/30 1,700 1,700
4,5 New Mexico Educational Assistance        
  Foundation 2013-1 0.887% 1/2/25 124 124
4 Nissan Auto Lease Trust 2014-B 1.290% 3/16/20 681 681
4 Nissan Auto Lease Trust 2015-A 1.580% 5/17/21 445 446
4 Nissan Auto Receivables 2015-B Owner Trust 0.670% 9/15/17 900 900


4,5 Nissan Master Owner Trust Receivables        
Series 2013-A 0.487% 2/15/18 331 331


4 Nissan Master Owner Trust Receivables        
  Series 2015-A 1.440% 1/15/20 61 61
5 North Carolina State Education Assistance        
  Authority 2011-1 1.181% 1/26/26 138 137
4,5 North Carolina State Education Assistance        
  Authority 2011-2 1.076% 7/25/25 98 98
4,5,6 PFS Financing Corp. 2015-AA 0.807% 4/15/20 100 99
4,6 Porsche Innovative Lease Owner Trust 2015-1 1.430% 5/21/21 400 400
4 Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2013-2 1.950% 3/15/19 146 147
4 Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2013-5 1.550% 10/15/18 48 48
4 Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-2 0.880% 9/17/18 1,000 1,000
4 Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-3 1.490% 6/17/19 705 706
4,5,6 Silver Bay Realty 2014-1 Trust 1.636% 9/17/31 100 99
4,5 SLM Student Loan Trust 2005-5 0.395% 4/25/25 332 331
4,5 SLM Student Loan Trust 2005-9 0.415% 1/27/25 117 117
4,5 SLM Student Loan Trust 2006-6 0.405% 10/27/25 182 181
4,5,6 SLM Student Loan Trust 2011-A 1.187% 10/15/24 45 45
4,6 SLM Student Loan Trust 2011-A 4.370% 4/17/28 100 106
4,5,6 SLM Student Loan Trust 2011-C 1.587% 12/15/23 31 32
4,5,6 SLM Student Loan Trust 2012-B 1.287% 12/15/21 13 13
4,6 SLM Student Loan Trust 2012-B 3.480% 10/15/30 152 156
4,5,6 SLM Student Loan Trust 2012-E 0.937% 10/16/23 82 82
4,6 SLM Student Loan Trust 2013-B 1.850% 6/17/30 100 99
4 SMART ABS Series 2012-4US Trust 0.970% 3/14/17 113 113
4 SMART ABS Series 2012-4US Trust 1.250% 8/14/18 892 892
4 SMART ABS Series 2013-1US Trust 1.050% 10/14/18 411 410
4 SMART ABS Series 2013-2US Trust 1.180% 2/14/19 520 522
4 SMART ABS Series 2014-1US Trust 0.950% 2/14/18 1,000 1,002
4,5,6 SMB Private Education Loan Trust 2015-A 0.787% 7/17/23 842 842
4,6 Sonic Capital LLC 2011-1A 5.438% 5/20/41 79 83
4,5 South Carolina Student Loan Corp.        
  Revenue 2010-1 1.295% 7/25/25 194 196
4,5,6 SWAY Residential 2014-1 Trust 1.486% 1/17/32 193 192
4 Synchrony Credit Card Master Note Trust 2015-2 1.600% 4/15/21 250 251
4 Toyota Auto Receivables 2015-A Owner Trust 0.710% 7/17/17 250 250
4 UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2011-C1 1.524% 1/10/45 96 96
4 USAA Auto Owner Trust 2015-1 1.540% 11/16/20 1,400 1,400
4 Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2015-A 0.870% 6/20/17 250 250
4,6 Volkswagen Credit Auto Master Owner        
  Trust 2014-1A 1.400% 7/22/19 336 336
4,6 Volvo Financial Equipment LLC Series 2012-1 2.380% 9/16/19 50 50
4,6 Volvo Financial Equipment LLC Series 2015-1A 0.950% 11/15/17 500 500
4 Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage        
  Trust Series 2006-C27 5.765% 7/15/45 37 38
4 Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage        
  Trust Series 2006-C28 5.559% 10/15/48 99 103
4 Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage        
  Trust Series 2006-C28 5.572% 10/15/48 181 188




Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4 Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage        
  Trust Series 2006-C29 5.297% 11/15/48 155 162
4 Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage        
  Trust Series 2007-C33 5.951% 2/15/51 17 19
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C15 2.900% 8/15/46 40 41
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C16 1.406% 9/15/46 144 145
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-UBS1 1.122% 3/15/46 38 38
4,6 Wheels SPV 2 LLC 2014-1A 0.840% 3/20/23 511 510
4,6 Wheels SPV 2 LLC 2015-1 A3 1.810% 4/22/24 200 200
4 World Financial Network Credit Card Master        
  Note Trust Series 2013-B 0.910% 3/16/20 1,100 1,099
4,5 World Financial Network Credit Card Master        
  Note Trust Series 2014-A 0.567% 12/15/19 1,000 1,000
4,5 World Financial Network Credit Card Master        
  Note Trust Series 2015-A 0.667% 2/15/22 115 115
4 World Omni Auto Receivables Trust 2013-A 0.640% 4/16/18 100 100
4 World Omni Auto Receivables Trust 2015-A 0.790% 7/16/18 250 250
4 World Omni Automobile Lease Securitization        
  Trust 2013-A 1.100% 12/15/16 336 336
4 World Omni Automobile Lease Securitization        
  Trust 2015-A 1.730% 12/15/20 380 380
4,5,6 World Omni Master Owner Trust 2013-1 0.537% 2/15/18 1,352 1,352
Total Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (Cost $96,863)   96,808
Corporate Bonds (23.6%)        
Finance (10.3%)        
  Banking (9.0%)        
  Abbey National Treasury Services plc 4.000% 4/27/16 108 110
  Abbey National Treasury Services plc 1.375% 3/13/17 701 702
6 ABN AMRO Bank NV 4.250% 2/2/17 600 625
  Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. 1.875% 10/6/17 500 506
  Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. 1.500% 1/16/18 842 842
  Bank of America Corp. 3.700% 9/1/15 20 20
  Bank of America Corp. 1.500% 10/9/15 29 29
  Bank of America Corp. 3.625% 3/17/16 29 30
  Bank of America Corp. 3.750% 7/12/16 29 30
  Bank of America Corp. 6.500% 8/1/16 29 30
  Bank of America Corp. 1.350% 11/21/16 410 409
  Bank of America Corp. 6.400% 8/28/17 229 250
  Bank of America Corp. 6.000% 9/1/17 29 31
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 2.300% 7/28/16 770 782
  Bank of Nova Scotia 2.050% 10/7/15 62 62
  Bank of Nova Scotia 0.750% 10/9/15 62 62
  Bank of Nova Scotia 2.900% 3/29/16 1,162 1,180
  Bank of Nova Scotia 1.375% 7/15/16 938 943
  Bank of Nova Scotia 2.550% 1/12/17 252 257
  Bank of Nova Scotia 1.300% 7/21/17 62 62
  Bear Stearns Cos. LLC 5.300% 10/30/15 14 14
  Bear Stearns Cos. LLC 5.550% 1/22/17 14 15
  Bear Stearns Cos. LLC 6.400% 10/2/17 14 15
  BNP Paribas SA 1.375% 3/17/17 680 680
  BPCE SA 1.700% 4/25/16 285 287
  BPCE SA 1.613% 7/25/17 214 215
  Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 2.350% 12/11/15 350 352
  Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 1.550% 1/23/18 842 843
  Capital One Financial Corp. 3.150% 7/15/16 280 285




Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Capital One NA 1.500% 3/22/18 342 338
Citigroup Inc. 1.250% 1/15/16 26 26
Citigroup Inc. 1.300% 4/1/16 26 26
Citigroup Inc. 3.953% 6/15/16 223 228
Citigroup Inc. 1.700% 7/25/16 440 442
Citigroup Inc. 4.450% 1/10/17 26 27
Citigroup Inc. 1.350% 3/10/17 26 26
Citigroup Inc. 1.550% 8/14/17 44 44
Commonwealth Bank of Australia 1.400% 9/8/17 850 852
Commonwealth Bank of Australia 1.900% 9/18/17 250 253
Cooperatieve Centrale        
Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 2.125% 10/13/15 135 135
Cooperatieve Centrale        
Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 3.375% 1/19/17 671 693
Deutsche Bank AG 3.250% 1/11/16 208 210
Fifth Third Bancorp 4.500% 6/1/18 529 560
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 3.700% 8/1/15 32 32
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 5.350% 1/15/16 50 51
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 3.625% 2/7/16 235 238
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 6.250% 9/1/17 650 710
Huntington National Bank 1.375% 4/24/17 250 249
JPMorgan Chase & Co. 5.150% 10/1/15 14 14
JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1.100% 10/15/15 14 14
JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2.600% 1/15/16 162 163
JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1.125% 2/26/16 154 154
JPMorgan Chase & Co. 3.450% 3/1/16 14 14
JPMorgan Chase & Co. 3.150% 7/5/16 319 325
JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1.350% 2/15/17 14 14
JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2.000% 8/15/17 41 41
Lloyds Bank plc 4.875% 1/21/16 650 663
6 Macquarie Bank Ltd. 2.000% 8/15/16 416 420
Morgan Stanley 1.750% 2/25/16 461 463
Morgan Stanley 1.875% 1/5/18 800 802
National Australia Bank Ltd. 2.750% 3/9/17 500 513
National Australia Bank Ltd. 1.875% 7/23/18 760 762
National City Bank 5.250% 12/15/16 500 526
PNC Bank NA 1.500% 10/18/17 310 311
PNC Funding Corp. 2.700% 9/19/16 485 493
Royal Bank of Canada 1.250% 6/16/17 1,496 1,497
Royal Bank of Scotland plc 3.950% 9/21/15 60 60
Royal Bank of Scotland plc 4.375% 3/16/16 240 244
State Street Corp. 2.875% 3/7/16 770 780
State Street Corp. 1.350% 5/15/18 350 348
Toronto-Dominion Bank 2.500% 7/14/16 1,233 1,254
Toronto-Dominion Bank 1.750% 7/23/18 1,580 1,578
UBS AG 1.375% 6/1/17 570 568
UBS AG 1.375% 8/14/17 600 597
US Bank NA 1.375% 9/11/17 635 637
US Bank NA 1.350% 1/26/18 400 400
Wells Fargo & Co. 1.250% 7/20/16 735 738
Westpac Banking Corp. 1.125% 9/25/15 53 53
Westpac Banking Corp. 3.000% 12/9/15 362 365
Westpac Banking Corp. 0.950% 1/12/16 64 64
Westpac Banking Corp. 1.050% 11/25/16 64 64
Westpac Banking Corp. 1.200% 5/19/17 64 64
Westpac Banking Corp. 2.000% 8/14/17 64 65




Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Brokerage (0.3%)        
Ameriprise Financial Inc. 5.650% 11/15/15 214 217
Franklin Resources Inc. 1.375% 9/15/17 214 214
Nomura Holdings Inc. 4.125% 1/19/16 200 203
Nomura Holdings Inc. 2.000% 9/13/16 200 201
NYSE Euronext 2.000% 10/5/17 367 371
Finance Companies (0.3%)        
Air Lease Corp. 5.625% 4/1/17 116 123
General Electric Capital Corp. 4.375% 9/21/15 12 12
General Electric Capital Corp. 2.250% 11/9/15 17 17
General Electric Capital Corp. 1.000% 12/11/15 17 17
General Electric Capital Corp. 5.000% 1/8/16 17 17
General Electric Capital Corp. 2.950% 5/9/16 17 17
General Electric Capital Corp. 1.500% 7/12/16 17 17
General Electric Capital Corp. 3.350% 10/17/16 17 17
General Electric Capital Corp. 5.375% 10/20/16 300 316
General Electric Capital Corp. 2.900% 1/9/17 17 17
General Electric Capital Corp. 5.400% 2/15/17 17 18
General Electric Capital Corp. 2.450% 3/15/17 132 135
General Electric Capital Corp. 5.625% 9/15/17 17 19
5 HSBC Finance Corp. 0.713% 6/1/16 216 216
Insurance (0.4%)        
American International Group Inc. 5.050% 10/1/15 150 151
Manulife Financial Corp. 3.400% 9/17/15 159 159
6 MassMutual Global Funding II 3.125% 4/14/16 160 163
6 MassMutual Global Funding II 2.000% 4/5/17 159 161
MetLife Inc. 6.750% 6/1/16 372 390
UnitedHealth Group Inc. 1.450% 7/17/17 320 321
Real Estate Investment Trusts (0.3%)        
Brandywine Operating Partnership LP 5.700% 5/1/17 116 123
DDR Corp. 7.500% 4/1/17 136 148
Health Care REIT Inc. 3.625% 3/15/16 260 264
Health Care REIT Inc. 2.250% 3/15/18 400 402
Industrial (11.0%)        
Basic Industry (1.6%)        
Air Products & Chemicals Inc. 2.000% 8/2/16 1,164 1,178
Airgas Inc. 3.250% 10/1/15 170 170
Airgas Inc. 2.950% 6/15/16 225 229
Airgas Inc. 1.650% 2/15/18 100 100
BHP Billiton Finance USA Ltd. 5.250% 12/15/15 70 71
BHP Billiton Finance USA Ltd. 1.875% 11/21/16 571 576
BHP Billiton Finance USA Ltd. 1.625% 2/24/17 271 273
BHP Billiton Finance USA Ltd. 5.400% 3/29/17 71 76
Eastman Chemical Co. 3.000% 12/15/15 270 272
Eastman Chemical Co. 2.400% 6/1/17 250 254
Ecolab Inc. 3.000% 12/8/16 500 511
Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc. 3.250% 12/1/17 30 31
PPG Industries Inc. 1.900% 1/15/16 326 328
Praxair Inc. 0.750% 2/21/16 200 200
Praxair Inc. 5.200% 3/15/17 1,100 1,172




Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Capital Goods (1.3%)        
Boeing Capital Corp. 2.125% 8/15/16 214 217
Danaher Corp. 2.300% 6/23/16 214 217
General Dynamics Corp. 2.250% 7/15/16 214 217
General Dynamics Corp. 1.000% 11/15/17 200 199
General Electric Co. 0.850% 10/9/15 17 17
General Electric Co. 5.250% 12/6/17 300 326
John Deere Capital Corp. 0.750% 1/22/16 76 76
John Deere Capital Corp. 2.250% 6/7/16 25 25
John Deere Capital Corp. 1.850% 9/15/16 25 25
John Deere Capital Corp. 1.050% 10/11/16 16 16
John Deere Capital Corp. 1.050% 12/15/16 16 16
John Deere Capital Corp. 2.000% 1/13/17 25 25
John Deere Capital Corp. 1.400% 3/15/17 25 25
John Deere Capital Corp. 1.125% 6/12/17 135 135
John Deere Capital Corp. 2.800% 9/18/17 25 26
John Deere Capital Corp. 1.200% 10/10/17 870 869
Lockheed Martin Corp. 2.125% 9/15/16 275 279
Mohawk Industries Inc. 6.125% 1/15/16 275 281
Precision Castparts Corp. 1.250% 1/15/18 950 945
6 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV 1.450% 5/25/18 400 400
Communication (1.4%)        
America Movil SAB de CV 2.375% 9/8/16 1,250 1,265
AT&T Inc. 0.800% 12/1/15 100 100
AT&T Inc. 2.950% 5/15/16 425 431
Comcast Cable Communications LLC 8.875% 5/1/17 46 52
Comcast Corp. 6.500% 1/15/17 46 50
Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV 5.750% 3/23/16 425 438
NBCUniversal Media LLC 2.875% 4/1/16 841 853
Omnicom Group Inc. 5.900% 4/15/16 550 568
TCI Communications Inc. 8.750% 8/1/15 32 32
Thomson Reuters Corp. 0.875% 5/23/16 500 499
Verizon Communications Inc. 2.500% 9/15/16 458 465
Verizon Communications Inc. 1.350% 6/9/17 58 58
Consumer Cyclical (1.6%)        
American Honda Finance Corp. 1.125% 10/7/16 214 215
American Honda Finance Corp. 0.950% 5/5/17 400 399
American Honda Finance Corp. 1.550% 12/11/17 200 200
AutoZone Inc. 5.500% 11/15/15 232 235
6 Daimler Finance North America LLC 1.600% 8/3/17 400 401
6 Daimler Finance North America LLC 1.650% 5/18/18 400 398
Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 4.207% 4/15/16 290 296
Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 3.984% 6/15/16 100 102
Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 6.625% 8/15/17 100 109
6 Harley-Davidson Financial Services Inc. 1.150% 9/15/15 53 53
6 Harley-Davidson Financial Services Inc. 3.875% 3/15/16 353 359
6 Harley-Davidson Financial Services Inc. 2.700% 3/15/17 53 54
Lowe’s Cos. Inc. 2.125% 4/15/16 200 202
Lowe’s Cos. Inc. 1.625% 4/15/17 108 109
Lowe’s Cos. Inc. 6.100% 9/15/17 108 119
PACCAR Financial Corp. 0.750% 8/14/15 80 80
PACCAR Financial Corp. 1.600% 3/15/17 135 136
Starbucks Corp. 0.875% 12/5/16 425 425




Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 0.800% 5/17/16 100 100
Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 2.000% 9/15/16 100 101
Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 1.750% 5/22/17 400 405
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 0.600% 4/11/16 124 124
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 2.800% 4/15/16 124 126
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 5.375% 4/5/17 124 134
6 Wesfarmers Ltd. 2.983% 5/18/16 259 263
Consumer Noncyclical (2.7%)        
AbbVie Inc. 1.800% 5/14/18 450 449
Actavis Funding SCS 1.850% 3/1/17 99 99
Actavis Funding SCS 1.300% 6/15/17 100 99
Actavis Funding SCS 2.350% 3/12/18 39 39
Actavis Inc. 1.875% 10/1/17 39 39
Agilent Technologies Inc. 6.500% 11/1/17 116 128
Amgen Inc. 2.500% 11/15/16 55 56
Amgen Inc. 2.125% 5/15/17 58 59
Amgen Inc. 5.850% 6/1/17 58 63
AstraZeneca plc 5.900% 9/15/17 480 525
6 Baxalta Inc. 2.000% 6/22/18 250 250
6 Cargill Inc. 1.900% 3/1/17 459 464
Celgene Corp. 1.900% 8/15/17 370 372
Clorox Co. 5.950% 10/15/17 400 437
Gilead Sciences Inc. 3.050% 12/1/16 1,239 1,270
GlaxoSmithKline Capital plc 1.500% 5/8/17 265 267
6 JM Smucker Co. 1.750% 3/15/18 500 500
Medtronic Inc. 2.625% 3/15/16 350 354
Mondelez International Inc. 4.125% 2/9/16 58 59
Mylan Inc. 1.800% 6/24/16 180 181
PepsiCo Inc. 2.500% 5/10/16 625 634
PepsiCo Inc. 1.125% 7/17/17 700 701
Reynolds American Inc. 2.300% 6/12/18 600 606
St. Jude Medical Inc. 2.500% 1/15/16 319 321
Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Co. BV 2.400% 11/10/16 360 364
Tyson Foods Inc. 6.600% 4/1/16 216 224
Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc. 2.000% 4/1/18 350 350
Energy (1.1%)        
El Paso Natural Gas Co. LLC 5.950% 4/15/17 17 18
Energy Transfer Partners LP 6.125% 2/15/17 116 123
Energy Transfer Partners LP 2.500% 6/15/18 500 501
Enterprise Products Operating LLC 6.300% 9/15/17 170 186
Enterprise Products Operating LLC 1.650% 5/7/18 100 100
Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 3.500% 3/1/16 117 118
Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 6.000% 2/1/17 17 18
Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 5.950% 2/15/18 17 18
Kinder Morgan Inc. 7.000% 6/15/17 17 19
Kinder Morgan Inc. 2.000% 12/1/17 17 17
Occidental Petroleum Corp. 4.125% 6/1/16 600 617
Occidental Petroleum Corp. 1.500% 2/15/18 850 847
Shell International Finance BV 0.625% 12/4/15 300 300
6 Southern Natural Gas Co. LLC 5.900% 4/1/17 17 18
Total Capital International SA 1.500% 2/17/17 687 692
Total Capital International SA 1.550% 6/28/17 187 188




Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Technology (0.9%)        
Apple Inc. 0.900% 5/12/17 300 300
Applied Materials Inc. 2.650% 6/15/16 800 812
Corning Inc. 1.500% 5/8/18 300 299
Intel Corp. 1.950% 10/1/16 214 217
Intel Corp. 1.350% 12/15/17 200 200
Oracle Corp. 5.250% 1/15/16 367 375
Oracle Corp. 1.200% 10/15/17 350 350
QUALCOMM Inc. 1.400% 5/18/18 400 396
Transportation (0.4%)        
Canadian National Railway Co. 5.850% 11/15/17 345 376
6 ERAC USA Finance LLC 1.400% 4/15/16 308 308
6 ERAC USA Finance LLC 6.375% 10/15/17 58 64
Ryder System Inc. 2.500% 3/1/17 275 279
United Parcel Service Inc. 1.125% 10/1/17 214 214
Utilities (2.3%)        
Electric (2.3%)        
Arizona Public Service Co. 6.250% 8/1/16 420 442
Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. 5.900% 10/1/16 54 57
Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. 5.750% 4/1/18 116 128
CMS Energy Corp. 6.550% 7/17/17 139 152
CMS Energy Corp. 5.050% 2/15/18 39 42
Commonwealth Edison Co. 5.950% 8/15/16 54 57
Commonwealth Edison Co. 1.950% 9/1/16 54 54
Commonwealth Edison Co. 6.150% 9/15/17 454 498
Consumers Energy Co. 5.500% 8/15/16 119 124
Consumers Energy Co. 5.150% 2/15/17 135 143
Consumers Energy Co. 6.125% 3/15/19 125 144
Duke Energy Carolinas LLC 5.300% 10/1/15 288 290
Duke Energy Florida Inc. 0.650% 11/15/15 38 38
Duke Energy Florida Inc. 5.100% 12/1/15 38 39
Duke Energy Florida Inc. 5.800% 9/15/17 246 268
Duke Energy Florida Inc. 5.650% 6/15/18 50 56
Duke Energy Progress Inc. 5.250% 12/15/15 38 39
Exelon Corp. 1.550% 6/9/17 600 600
Louisville Gas & Electric Co. 1.625% 11/15/15 414 415
National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 1.900% 11/1/15 171 172
National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 3.050% 3/1/16 671 681
National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 5.450% 4/10/17 221 237
National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 0.950% 4/24/17 225 225
Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 5.625% 11/30/17 1,155 1,257
Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 8.250% 10/15/18 300 359
TECO Finance Inc. 4.000% 3/15/16 143 146
TECO Finance Inc. 6.572% 11/1/17 58 64
5 TECO Finance Inc. 0.883% 4/10/18 100 100
Union Electric Co. 6.400% 6/15/17 464 506
Xcel Energy Inc. 0.750% 5/9/16 250 250
Xcel Energy Inc. 1.200% 6/1/17 300 300
Total Corporate Bonds (Cost $78,930)       78,818




Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Sovereign Bonds (U.S. Dollar-Denominated) (1.2%)        
CNOOC Nexen Finance 2014 ULC 1.625% 4/30/17 800 800
Corp. Andina de Fomento 3.750% 1/15/16 150 152
Corp. Andina de Fomento 7.790% 3/1/17 200 220
Export-Import Bank of Korea 3.750% 10/20/16 200 206
Export-Import Bank of Korea 4.000% 1/11/17 200 208
Export-Import Bank of Korea 1.750% 2/27/18 50 50
Korea Development Bank 3.250% 3/9/16 100 101
Korea Development Bank 4.000% 9/9/16 1,000 1,032
Korea Development Bank 2.250% 8/7/17 200 203
North American Development Bank 2.300% 10/10/18 300 305
Statoil ASA 3.125% 8/17/17 200 207
Statoil ASA 1.200% 1/17/18 300 298
Svensk Exportkredit AB 0.625% 5/31/16 300 300
Total Sovereign Bonds (Cost $4,081)       4,082
Taxable Municipal Bonds (0.1%)        
Louisiana Local Government Environmental        
Facilities & Community Development        
Authority Revenue 2010-EGSL (Cost $256) 3.220% 2/1/21 247 255
Temporary Cash Investment (24.1%)        
Money Market Fund (24.1%)        
7 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund (Cost $80,019) 0.152%   80,019,440 80,019
Total Investments (100.0%) (Cost $332,973)       332,818
Other Assets and Liabilities (0.0%)        
Other Assets       2,485
Liabilities       (2,394)
Net Assets (100%)       332,909




Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund  
At July 31, 2015, net assets consisted of:  
Paid-in Capital 333,105
Overdistributed Net Investment Income (20)
Accumulated Net Realized Losses (21)
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)  
Investment Securities (155)
Futures Contracts
Net Assets 332,909
Investor Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 3,594,621 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 35,924
Net Asset Value Per Share—Investor Shares $9.99
Admiral Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 14,857,969 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 296,985
Net Asset Value Per Share—Admiral Shares $19.99


  • See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
  • Securities with a value of $100,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open futures contracts.
  • The issuer operates under a congressional charter; its securities are generally neither guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury nor backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.
  • The issuer was placed under federal conservatorship in September 2008; since that time, its daily operations have been managed by the Federal Housing Finance Agency and it receives capital from the U.S. Treasury, as needed to maintain a positive net worth, in exchange for senior preferred stock.
  • The average or expected maturity is shorter than the final maturity shown because of the possibility of interim principal payments and prepayments or the possibility of the issue being called.
  • Adjustable-rate security.
  • Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may be sold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At July 31, 2015, the aggregate value of these securities was $38,145,000, representing 11.5% of net assets.
  • Affiliated money market fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown is the 7-day yield.
    REIT—Real Estate Investment Trust.
    See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund  
Statement of Operations  
  February 10, 20151 to
  July 31, 2015
Investment Income  
Interest2 607
Total Income 607
The Vanguard Group—Note B  
Investment Advisory Services 4
Management and Administrative—Investor Shares 18
Management and Administrative—Admiral Shares 78
Marketing and Distribution—Investor Shares
Marketing and Distribution—Admiral Shares 1
Custodian Fees 4
Shareholders’ Reports—Investor Shares 2
Shareholders’ Reports—Admiral Shares 1
Total Expenses 108
Net Investment Income 499
Realized Net Gain (Loss)  
Investment Securities Sold 6
Futures Contracts (27)
Realized Net Gain (Loss) (21)
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of Investment Securities (155)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 323
1 Commencement of subscription period for the fund.  
2 Interest income from an affiliated company of the fund was $31,000.  


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund  
Statement of Changes in Net Assets  
  February 10, 20151 to
  July 31, 2015
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets  
Net Investment Income 499
Realized Net Gain (Loss) (21)
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) (155)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 323
Net Investment Income  
Investor Shares (53)
Admiral Shares (466)
Realized Capital Gain  
Investor Shares
Admiral Shares
Total Distributions (519)
Capital Share Transactions  
Investor Shares 35,944
Admiral Shares 297,161
Net Increase (Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions 333,105
Total Increase (Decrease) 332,909
Net Assets  
Beginning of Period
End of Period2 332,909
1 Commencement of subscription period for the fund.  
2 Net Assets—End of Period includes undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income of ($20,000).  


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund  
Financial Highlights  
Investor Shares  
  February 10, 20151 to
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Period July 31, 2015
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $10.00
Investment Operations  
Net Investment Income . 019
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments (.009)
Total from Investment Operations .010
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.020)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains
Total Distributions (. 020)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $9.99
Total Return2 0.10%
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $36
Ratio of Total Expenses to Average Net Assets 0.20%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to Average Net Assets 0.53%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 10%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Subscription period for the fund was February 10, 2015, to February 23, 2015, during which time all assets were held in money market instruments. Performance measurement began February 24, 2015, at a net asset value of $10.00.

2 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the period shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund  
Financial Highlights  
Admiral Shares  
  February 10, 20151 to
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Period July 31, 2015
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $20.00
Investment Operations  
Net Investment Income . 045
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments (.009)
Total from Investment Operations .036
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.046)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains
Total Distributions (. 046)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $19.99
Total Return2 0.18%
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $297
Ratio of Total Expenses to Average Net Assets 0.12%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to Average Net Assets 0.61%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 10%


The expense ratio, net income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.

1 Subscription period for the fund was February 10, 2015, to February 23, 2015, during which time all assets were held in money market instruments. Performance measurement began February 24, 2015, at a net asset value of $20.00.

2 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the period shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about any applicable account service fees.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Vanguard Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. Certain of the fund’s investments are in corporate debt instruments; the issuers’ abilities to meet their obligations may be affected by economic developments in their respective industries. The fund offers two classes of shares: Investor Shares and Admiral Shares. Investor Shares are available to any investor who meets the fund’s minimum purchase requirements. Admiral Shares are designed for investors who meet certain administrative, service, and account-size criteria.

A. The following significant accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles for U.S. investment companies. The fund consistently follows such policies in preparing its financial statements.

1. Security Valuation: Securities are valued as of the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time) on the valuation date. Bonds, and temporary cash investments acquired over 60 days to maturity, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system (which considers such factors as security prices, yields, maturities, and ratings), both as furnished by independent pricing services. Structured debt securities, including mortgages and asset-backed securities, are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system that considers such factors as issuer, tranche, nominal or option-adjusted spreads, weighted average coupon, weighted average maturity, credit enhancements, and collateral. Investments in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund are valued at that fund’s net asset value. Other temporary cash investments are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available, or whose values have been affected by events occurring before the fund’s pricing time but after the close of the securities’ primary markets, are valued by methods deemed by the board of trustees to represent fair value.

2. Futures Contracts: The fund uses futures contracts to invest in fixed income asset classes with greater efficiency and lower cost than is possible through direct investment, to add value when these instruments are attractively priced, or to adjust sensitivity to changes in interest rates. The primary risks associated with the use of futures contracts are imperfect correlation between changes in market values of bonds held by the fund and the prices of futures contracts, and the possibility of an illiquid market. Counterparty risk involving futures is mitigated because a regulated clearinghouse is the counterparty instead of the clearing broker. To further mitigate counterparty risk, the fund trades futures contracts on an exchange, monitors the financial strength of its clearing brokers and clearing-house, and has entered into clearing agreements with its clearing brokers. The clearinghouse imposes initial margin requirements to secure the fund’s performance and requires daily settlement of variation margin representing changes in the market value of each contract.

Futures contracts are valued at their quoted daily settlement prices. The aggregate settlement values of the contracts are not recorded in the Statement of Net Assets. Fluctuations in the value of the contracts are recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until the contracts are closed, when they are recorded as realized futures gains (losses).

During the period ended July 31, 2015, the fund’s average investments in long and short futures contracts represented 8% and less than 1% of net assets, respectively, based on the average of aggregate settlement values at each quarter-end during the period.



Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund

3. Federal Income Taxes: The fund intends to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken for its open federal income tax period ended July 31, 2015, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the fund’s financial statements.

4. Distributions: Distributions from net investment income are declared daily and paid on the first business day of the following month. Annual distributions from realized capital gains, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

5. Credit Facility: The fund and certain other funds managed by The Vanguard Group participate in a $3 billion committed credit facility provided by a syndicate of lenders pursuant to a credit agreement that may be renewed annually; each fund is individually liable for its borrowings, if any, under the credit facility. Borrowings may be utilized for temporary and emergency purposes, and are subject to the fund’s regulatory and contractual borrowing restrictions. The participating funds are charged administrative fees and an annual commitment fee of 0.06% of the undrawn amount of the facility; these fees are allocated to the funds based on a method approved by the fund’s board of trustees and included in Management and Administrative expenses on the fund’s Statement of Operations. Any borrowings under this facility bear interest at a rate equal to the higher of the federal funds rate or LIBOR reference rate plus an agreed-upon spread.

The fund had no borrowings outstanding at July 31, 2015, or at any time during the period then ended.

6. Other: Interest income includes income distributions received from Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund and is accrued daily. Premiums and discounts on debt securities purchased are amortized and accreted, respectively, to interest income over the lives of the respective securities. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.

Each class of shares has equal rights as to assets and earnings, except that each class separately bears certain class-specific expenses related to maintenance of shareholder accounts (included in Management and Administrative expenses) and shareholder reporting. Marketing and distribution expenses are allocated to each class of shares based on a method approved by the board of trustees. Income, other non-class-specific expenses, and gains and losses on investments are allocated to each class of shares based on its relative net assets.

B. The Vanguard Group furnishes at cost investment advisory, corporate management, administrative, marketing, and distribution services. The costs of such services are allocated to the fund based on methods approved by the board of trustees. The fund has committed to invest up to 0.40% of its net assets in Vanguard. At July 31, 2015, the fund had contributed capital of $25,000 to Vanguard (included in Other Assets), representing 0.01% of the fund’s net assets and 0.01% of Vanguard’s capitalization. The fund’s trustees and officers are also directors and employees, respectively, of Vanguard.

C. Various inputs may be used to determine the value of the fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

Level 1—Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.

Level 2—Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).

Level 3—Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments).



Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund

The following table summarizes the market value of the fund’s investments as of July 31, 2015, based on the inputs used to value them:

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Investments ($000) ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations 72,836
Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 96,808
Corporate Bonds 78,818
Sovereign Bonds 4,082
Taxable Municipal Bonds 255
Temporary Cash Investments 80,019
Futures Contracts—Assets1 3
Futures Contracts—Liabilities1 (9)
Total 80,013 252,799
1 Represents variation margin on the last day of the reporting period.      


D. At July 31, 2015, the aggregate settlement value of open futures contracts and the related unrealized appreciation (depreciation) were:

    Number of Settlement Unrealized
    Long (Short) Value Appreciation
Futures Contracts Expiration Contracts Long (Short) (Depreciation)
90-Day Euro September 2015 49 12,205 7
2-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 54 11,829 (2)
5-Year U.S. Treasury Note September 2015 (10) (1,198) (5)


Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on open futures contracts is required to be treated as realized gain (loss) for tax purposes.

E. Capital gain distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ from realized capital gains for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Permanent differences are reclassified among capital accounts in the financial statements to reflect their tax character. Temporary differences arise when gains or losses are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes. These differences will reverse at some time in the future. The fund’s tax-basis capital gains and losses are determined only at the end of each fiscal year.

At July 31, 2015, the cost of investment securities for tax purposes was $332,973,000. Net unrealized depreciation of investment securities for tax purposes was $155,000, consisting of unrealized gains of $96,000 on securities that had risen in value since their purchase and $251,000 in unrealized losses on securities that had fallen in value since their purchase.

F. During the period ended July 31, 2015, the fund purchased $136,515,000 of investment securities and sold $3,188,000 of investment securities, other than U.S. government securities and temporary cash investments. Purchases and sales of U.S. government securities were $51,087,000 and $1,002,000, respectively.



Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund    
G. Capital share transactions for each class of shares were:    
  February 10, 20151 to
    July 31, 2015
  Amount Shares
  ($000) (000)
Investor Shares    
Issued 53,970 5,398
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 50 5
Redeemed (18,076) (1,808)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Investor Shares 35,944 3,595
Admiral Shares    
Issued 328,586 16,429
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 410 21
Redeemed (31,835) (1,592)
Net Increase (Decrease) —Admiral Shares 297,161 14,858
1 Commencement of subscription period for the fund.    


H. Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to July 31, 2015, that would require recognition or disclosure in these financial statements.



Trustees Approve Advisory Arrangement

The board of trustees approved the launch of Vanguard Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund with an internalized management structure whereby the Vanguard Group, Inc. (Vanguard)—through its Fixed Income Group—would provide investment advisory services to the fund at cost. The board determined that the investment advisory arrangement with Vanguard was in the best interests of the fund and its prospective shareholders.

The board based its decision upon an evaluation of the advisor’s investment staff, portfolio management process, and performance. The trustees considered the factors discussed below, among others. However, no single factor determined whether the board approved the arrangement. Rather, it was the totality of the circumstances that drove the board’s decision.

Nature, extent, and quality of services

The board reviewed the quality of the investment management services to be provided to the fund and took into account the organizational depth and stability of the advisor. The board considered that Vanguard has been managing investments for more than three decades. The Fixed Income Group adheres to a sound, disciplined investment management process; the team has considerable experience, stability, and depth.

The board concluded that Vanguard’s experience, stability, depth, and performance, among other factors, warranted approval of the advisory arrangement.

Investment performance

The board could not consider the performance of the fund because it was newly launched. However, the board determined that, in its management of other Vanguard active funds, the Fixed Income Group has a track record of consistent performance and disciplined investment processes. Information about the fund’s performance since inception can be found in the Performance Summary section of this report.


The board considered the cost of services to be provided and concluded that the fund’s expense ratio would be below the average expense ratio charged by funds in its peer group.

The board did not conduct a profitability analysis of Vanguard, because of Vanguard’s unique “at-cost” structure. Unlike most other mutual fund management companies, Vanguard is owned by the funds it oversees, and produces “profits” only in the form of reduced expenses for fund shareholders.

The benefit of economies of scale

The board concluded that the fund’s at-cost arrangement with Vanguard ensures that the fund will realize economies of scale as it grows, with the cost to shareholders declining as fund assets increase.

The board will consider whether to renew the advisory arrangement again after a one-year period.




30-Day SEC Yield. A fund’s 30-day SEC yield is derived using a formula specified by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Under the formula, data related to the fund’s security holdings in the previous 30 days are used to calculate the fund’s hypothetical net income for that period, which is then annualized and divided by the fund’s estimated average net assets over the calculation period. For the purposes of this calculation, a security’s income is based on its current market yield to maturity (for bonds), its actual income (for asset-backed securities), or its projected dividend yield (for stocks). Because the SEC yield represents hypothetical annualized income, it will differ—at times significantly—from the fund’s actual experience. As a result, the fund’s income distributions may be higher or lower than implied by the SEC yield.

Average Coupon. The average interest rate paid on the fixed income securities held by a fund. It is expressed as a percentage of face value.

Average Duration. An estimate of how much the value of the bonds held by a fund will fluctuate in response to a change in interest rates. To see how the value could change, multiply the average duration by the change in rates. If interest rates rise by 1 percentage point, the value of the bonds in a fund with an average duration of five years would decline by about 5%. If rates decrease by a percentage point, the value would rise by 5%.

Average Effective Maturity. The average length of time until fixed income securities held by a fund reach maturity and are repaid, taking into consideration the possibility that the issuer may call the bond before its maturity date. The figure reflects the proportion of fund assets represented by each security; it also reflects any futures contracts held. In general, the longer the average effective maturity, the more a fund’s share price will fluctuate in response to changes in market interest rates.

Credit Quality. Credit-quality ratings are measured on a scale that generally ranges from AAA (highest) to D (lowest). U.S. Treasury, U.S. Agency, and U.S. Agency mortgage-backed securities appear under “U.S. Government.” Credit-quality ratings are obtained from Moody’s and S&P, and the higher rating for each issue is shown. ”Not Rated” is used to classify securities for which a rating is not available. Not rated securities include a fund’s investment in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund or Vanguard Municipal Cash Management Fund, each of which invests in high-quality money market instruments and may serve as a cash management vehicle for the Vanguard funds, trusts, and accounts.

Expense Ratio. A fund’s total annual operating expenses expressed as a percentage of the fund’s average net assets. The expense ratio includes management and administrative expenses, but does not include the transaction costs of buying and selling portfolio securities.

Inception Date. The date on which the assets of a fund (or one of its share classes) are first invested in accordance with the fund’s investment objective. For funds with a subscription period, the inception date is the day after that period ends. Investment performance is measured from the inception date.

Short-Term Reserves. The percentage of a fund invested in highly liquid, short-term securities that can be readily converted to cash.

Yield to Maturity. The rate of return an investor would receive if the fixed income securities held by a fund were held to their maturity dates.



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The People Who Govern Your Fund

The trustees of your mutual fund are there to see that the fund is operated and managed in your best interests since, as a shareholder, you are a part owner of the fund. Your fund’s trustees also serve on the board of directors of The Vanguard Group, Inc., which is owned by the Vanguard funds and provides services to them on an at-cost basis.

A majority of Vanguard’s board members are independent, meaning that they have no affiliation with Vanguard or the funds they oversee, apart from the sizable personal investments they have made as private individuals. The independent board members have distinguished backgrounds in business, academia, and public service. Each of the trustees and executive officers oversees 193 Vanguard funds.

The following table provides information for each trustee and executive officer of the fund. More information about the trustees is in the Statement of Additional Information, which can be obtained, without charge, by contacting Vanguard at 800-662-7447, or online at vanguard.com.


F. William McNabb III

Born 1957. Trustee Since July 2009. Chairman of the Board. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Chairman of the Board of The Vanguard Group, Inc., and of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group, since January 2010; Director of The Vanguard Group since 2008; Chief Executive Officer and President of The Vanguard Group, and of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group, since 2008; Director of Vanguard Marketing Corporation; Managing Director of The Vanguard Group (1995–2008).


Emerson U. Fullwood

Born 1948. Trustee Since January 2008. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Executive Chief Staff and Marketing Officer for North America and Corporate Vice President (retired 2008) of Xerox Corporation (document management products and services); Executive in Residence and 2009–2010 Distinguished Minett Professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology; Director of SPX Corporation (multi-industry manufacturing), the United Way of Rochester, Amerigroup Corporation (managed health care), the University of Rochester Medical Center, Monroe Community College Foundation, and North Carolina A&T University.

Rajiv L. Gupta

Born 1945. Trustee Since December 2001.2 Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (retired 2009) and President (2006–2008) of Rohm and Haas Co. (chemicals); Director of Tyco International PLC (diversified manufacturing and services), Hewlett-Packard Co. (electronic computer manufacturing), and Delphi Automotive PLC (automotive components); Senior Advisor at New Mountain Capital.

Amy Gutmann

Born 1949. Trustee Since June 2006. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: President of the University of Pennsylvania; Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Political Science, School of Arts and Sciences, and Professor of Communication, Annenberg School for Communication, with secondary faculty appointments in the Department of Philosophy, School of Arts and Sciences, and at the Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania; Trustee of the National Constitution Center; Chair of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.

JoAnn Heffernan Heisen

Born 1950. Trustee Since July 1998. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Corporate Vice President and Chief Global Diversity Officer (retired 2008) and Member of the Executive Committee (1997–2008) of Johnson & Johnson (pharmaceuticals/medical devices/ consumer products); Director of Skytop Lodge Corporation (hotels), the University Medical Center at Princeton, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Center for Talent Innovation; Member of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Women’s Leadership at Rutgers University.


F. Joseph Loughrey

Born 1949. Trustee Since October 2009. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: President and Chief Operating Officer (retired 2009) of Cummins Inc. (industrial machinery); Chairman of the Board of Hillenbrand, Inc. (specialized consumer services), and of Oxfam America; Director of SKF AB (industrial machinery), Hyster-Yale Materials Handling, Inc. (forklift trucks), the Lumina Foundation for Education, and the V Foundation for Cancer Research; Member of the Advisory Council for the College of Arts and Letters and of the Advisory Board to the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, both at the University of Notre Dame.

Mark Loughridge

Born 1953. Trustee Since March 2012. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (retired 2013) at IBM (information technology services); Fiduciary Member of IBM’s Retirement Plan Committee (2004–2013); Director of the Dow Chemical Company; Member of the Council on Chicago Booth.

Scott C. Malpass

Born 1962. Trustee Since March 2012. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Chief Investment Officer and Vice President at the University of Notre Dame; Assistant Professor of Finance at the Mendoza College of Business at Notre Dame; Member of the Notre Dame 403(b) Investment Committee; Board Member of TIFF Advisory Services, Inc., and Catholic Investment Services, Inc. (investment advisors); Member of the Investment Advisory Committee of Major League Baseball.

André F. Perold

Born 1952. Trustee Since December 2004. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: George Gund Professor of Finance and Banking, Emeritus at the Harvard Business School (retired 2011); Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner of HighVista Strategies LLC (private investment firm); Director of Rand Merchant Bank; Overseer of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston.

Peter F. Volanakis

Born 1955. Trustee Since July 2009. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: President and Chief Operating Officer (retired 2010) of Corning Incorporated (communications equipment); Trustee of Colby-Sawyer College; Member of the Advisory Board of the Norris Cotton Cancer Center and of the Advisory Board of the Parthenon Group (strategy consulting).

Executive Officers

Glenn Booraem

Born 1967. Treasurer Since May 2015. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Principal of The Vanguard Group, Inc.; Treasurer of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group; Controller of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group (2010–2015); Assistant Controller of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group (2001–2010).

Thomas J. Higgins

Born 1957. Chief Financial Officer Since September 2008. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Principal of The Vanguard Group, Inc.; Chief Financial Officer of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group; Treasurer of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group (1998–2008).

Peter Mahoney

Born 1974. Controller Since May 2015. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Head of Global Fund Accounting at The Vanguard Group, Inc.; Controller of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group; Head of International Fund Services at The Vanguard Group (2008–2014).

Heidi Stam

Born 1956. Secretary Since July 2005. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Experience: Managing Director of The Vanguard Group, Inc.; General Counsel of The Vanguard Group; Secretary of The Vanguard Group and of each of the investment companies served by The Vanguard Group; Director and Senior Vice President of Vanguard Marketing Corporation.

Vanguard Senior Management Team

Mortimer J. Buckley
Kathleen C. Gubanich
Paul A. Heller
Martha G. King
John T. Marcante

Chris D. McIsaac
James M. Norris
Thomas M. Rampulla
Glenn W. Reed
Karin A. Risi

Chairman Emeritus and Senior Advisor

John J. Brennan

Chairman, 1996–2009

Chief Executive Officer and President, 1996–2008

Founder John C. Bogle

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, 1974–1996

1 Mr. McNabb is considered an “interested person,” as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, because he is an officer of the Vanguard funds.

2 December 2002 for Vanguard Equity Income Fund, the Vanguard Municipal Bond Funds, and the Vanguard State Tax-Exempt Funds.



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voted the proxies for securities it owned during the 12  
months ended June 30. To get the report, visit either  
vanguard.com/proxyreporting or sec.gov.  
You can review and copy information about your fund at  
the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. To  
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  © 2015 The Vanguard Group, Inc.
  All rights reserved.
  Vanguard Marketing Corporation, Distributor.
  Q14922 092015


Item 2: Code of Ethics.

Not Applicable.

Item 3: Audit Committee Financial Expert.

Not Applicable.

Item 4: Principal Accountant Fees and Services.

(a) Audit Fees.

Not Applicable.

Item 5: Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.

Not Applicable.

Item 6: Investments.

Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (10.6%)        
U.S. Government Securities (10.5%)        
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.250% 8/31/15 363 363
1 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.250% 12/15/15 579,400 579,672
1 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.250% 12/31/15 387,700 387,820
1 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 12/31/15 182,000 183,451
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.375% 3/15/16 317,600 317,848
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 7/15/16 342,000 342,855
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 8/15/16 280,500 281,156
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 8/31/16 338,900 341,123
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 9/15/16 77,100 77,486
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.500% 9/30/16 6,440 6,447
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 10/15/16 785,300 787,263
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 10/31/16 206,900 208,324
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 11/30/16 1,000 1,005
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 9/30/17 28,500 28,433
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 10/15/17 32,120 32,200
2 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 11/15/17 486,050 487,115
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 12/15/17 176,750 177,606
3 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 1/15/18 360,150 360,543
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.750% 3/31/18 45,500 45,322
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.125% 6/15/18 255,600 256,799
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 7/15/18 714,000 711,879
3 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 8/31/19 3,750 3,698
Conventional Mortgage-Backed Securities (0.0%)        
4,5 Fannie Mae Pool 6.000% 12/1/16–5/1/17 996 1,034
4,5 Fannie Mae Pool 6.500% 9/1/16 555 570
4,5 Freddie Mac Gold Pool 6.000% 3/1/17–4/1/17 560 575
Nonconventional Mortgage-Backed Securities (0.1%)        
4,5,6 Fannie Mae Pool 2.125% 12/1/32 445 457
4,5,6 Fannie Mae Pool 2.250% 9/1/32 334 353
4,5,6 Fannie Mae Pool 2.285% 8/1/33 4,769 4,974
4,5,6 Fannie Mae Pool 2.310% 7/1/32 381 407
4,5,6 Fannie Mae Pool 2.340% 9/1/32 27 29
4,5,6 Fannie Mae Pool 2.356% 2/1/37 1,663 1,776
4,5,6 Fannie Mae Pool 2.375% 6/1/33 3,700 3,870
4,5,6 Fannie Mae Pool 2.439% 8/1/37 660 699
4,5,6 Fannie Mae Pool 2.459% 7/1/33 3,759 3,880
4,5,6 Fannie Mae Pool 2.460% 5/1/33 2,888 3,078
4,5,6 Fannie Mae Pool 2.586% 5/1/33 645 690
4,5,6 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool 2.272% 8/1/37 2,530 2,729
4,5,6 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool 2.375% 8/1/32 1,122 1,164
4,5,6 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool 2.379% 9/1/32 257 281
4,5,6 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool 2.393% 8/1/32–9/1/32 1,735 1,820
4,5,6 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool 2.461% 10/1/32–8/1/33 1,484 1,585
4,5,6 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool 2.551% 1/1/33 519 565
4,5,6 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool 2.586% 2/1/33 370 383
Total U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (Cost $5,643,899)       5,649,327
Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (19.4%)        
4 Ally Auto Receivables Trust 2015-1 1.390% 9/16/19 10,300 10,289
4 Ally Auto Receivables Trust 2015-1 1.750% 5/15/20 11,675 11,671
4 Ally Auto Receivables Trust 2015-1 2.260% 10/15/20 4,315 4,316
4,6 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2010-4 1.257% 8/15/17 25,459 25,466
4,6,7 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2010-4 1.737% 8/15/17 38,935 38,949
4,6,7 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2010-4 2.137% 8/15/17 29,590 29,603
4 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2012-5 1.540% 9/15/19 90,765 90,852
4,6 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2014-1 0.657% 1/15/19 14,849 14,855
4 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2014-1 1.290% 1/15/19 15,845 15,878




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2014-3 1.330% 3/15/19 11,330 11,359
4,6 American Express Credit Account Secured Note Trust        
  2008-2 1.447% 9/15/20 8,418 8,619
4,6 American Express Credit Account Secured Note Trust        
  2012-4 0.737% 5/15/20 27,587 27,563
4,6,7 American Homes 4 Rent 2014-SFR1 1.250% 6/17/31 5,092 5,078
4,6,7 American Homes 4 Rent 2014-SFR1 1.600% 6/17/31 4,320 4,266
4,7 American Homes 4 Rent 2014-SFR2 3.786% 10/17/36 13,305 13,670
4,7 American Homes 4 Rent 2014-SFR2 4.290% 10/17/36 3,360 3,452
4,7 American Homes 4 Rent 2014-SFR3 3.678% 12/17/36 18,039 18,397
4,7 American Homes 4 Rent 2015-SFR1 3.467% 4/17/52 16,058 16,145
4,7 Americold 2010 LLC Trust Series 2010-ART 4.954% 1/14/29 16,990 18,863
4,7 Americold 2010 LLC Trust Series 2010-ART 6.811% 1/14/29 11,185 13,010
4 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-1 1.570% 1/8/19 3,181 3,185
4 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-2 1.790% 3/8/19 14,512 14,558
4 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-3 2.380% 6/10/19 16,003 16,176
4 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-3 3.000% 7/8/19 20,500 20,823
4 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-4 2.720% 9/9/19 3,439 3,493
4 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-4 3.310% 10/8/19 4,660 4,756
4 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-5 2.290% 11/8/19 6,336 6,386
4 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-5 2.860% 12/9/19 7,170 7,240
4 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2014-1 2.150% 3/9/20 4,900 4,905
4 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2014-2 2.180% 6/8/20 9,220 9,233
4,7 AOA 2015-1177 Mortgage Trust 2.957% 12/13/29 13,390 13,528
4,7 Applebee's Funding LLC/IHOP Funding LLC 2014-1 4.277% 9/5/44 10,140 10,271
4,7 ARI Fleet Lease Trust 2015-A 1.670% 9/15/23 13,740 13,713
4,7 ARL Second LLC 2014-1A 2.920% 6/15/44 10,077 10,076
4,6,7 Arran Residential Mortgages Funding 2011-1 plc 1.726% 11/19/47 10,807 10,834
4,7 Aventura Mall Trust 2013-AVM 3.743% 12/5/32 15,105 16,027
4,7 Avis Budget Rental Car Funding AESOP LLC 2013-2A 2.970% 2/20/20 29,200 29,911
4,7 Avis Budget Rental Car Funding AESOP LLC 2015-1A 2.500% 7/20/21 34,860 34,880
4,7 Avis Budget Rental Car Funding AESOP LLC 2015-2A 2.630% 12/20/21 25,728 25,794
4,7 BAMLL Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2012-        
  PARK 2.959% 12/10/30 4,900 4,904
4 Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-5 5.415% 9/10/47 22,826 23,593
4 Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-6 5.347% 10/10/45 44,283 46,062
4 Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007-2 5.562% 4/10/49 33,667 35,480
4 Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust 2008-1 6.171% 2/10/51 58,280 63,219
4 Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust 2008-1 6.215% 2/10/51 5,422 5,880
4,8 Banc of America Funding 2006-H Trust 2.825% 9/20/46 21,684 17,832
4 Banc of America Mortgage 2003-F Trust 2.748% 7/25/33 1,163 1,130
4 Bank of America Mortgage 2002-J Trust 3.581% 9/25/32 20 19
4,6,7 Bank of America Student Loan Trust 2010-1A 1.095% 2/25/43 24,106 24,113
  Bank of Nova Scotia 1.850% 4/14/20 18,965 18,835
4,7 Beacon Container Finance LLC 2012-1A 3.720% 9/20/27 12,779 13,020
4,8 Bear Stearns ARM Trust 2006-4 2.781% 10/25/36 33,095 28,605
4,8 Bear Stearns ARM Trust 2007-3 2.779% 5/25/47 23,950 20,298
4 Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust        
  2005-PWR9 4.943% 9/11/42 3,216 3,214
4 Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust        
  2006-PWR13 5.533% 9/11/41 22,331 23,103
4 Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust        
  2007-PWR16 5.705% 6/11/40 21,504 22,746
4 Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust        
  2007-PWR17 5.650% 6/11/50 83,564 89,478
4 Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust        
  2007-TOP28 5.710% 9/11/42 41,287 44,243
4,6,7 BMW Floorplan Master Owner Trust 2015-1A 0.686% 7/15/20 47,800 47,813
4,6 Brazos Higher Education Authority Inc. Series 2005-3 0.481% 6/25/26 15,150 14,836
4,6 Brazos Higher Education Authority Inc. Series 2010-1 1.182% 5/25/29 24,883 24,903
4,6 Brazos Higher Education Authority Inc. Series 2011-1 1.082% 2/25/30 34,551 34,735
4 Cabela's Credit Card Master Note Trust 2015-1A 2.260% 3/15/23 9,170 9,277
4,6 Cabela's Credit Card Master Note Trust 2015-2A 0.857% 7/17/23 25,050 25,066
4,7 CAL Funding II Ltd. Series 2012-1A 3.470% 10/25/27 6,743 6,778




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4,7 CAL Funding II Ltd. Series 2013-1A 3.350% 3/27/28 12,343 12,401
7 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 2.250% 7/21/20 22,560 22,694
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-1 1.290% 4/20/18 5,566 5,570
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-1 1.740% 10/22/18 5,387 5,403
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-3 3.690% 2/20/19 13,319 13,657
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-4 1.470% 7/20/18 22,285 22,371
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-4 2.060% 10/22/18 15,138 15,239
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-4 2.670% 2/20/19 13,543 13,727
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-4 3.220% 5/20/19 11,935 12,105
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2014-1 1.690% 10/22/18 12,097 12,149
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2014-1 2.220% 1/22/19 6,163 6,223
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2014-1 2.840% 4/22/19 4,900 4,982
4 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2014-1 3.390% 7/22/19 4,100 4,183
4,6 Capital One Multi-asset Execution Trust 2007-A5 0.227% 7/15/20 11,605 11,528
4,6 Capital One Multi-Asset Execution Trust 2014-A3 0.567% 1/18/22 35,000 35,009
4 Capital One Multi-asset Execution Trust 2015-A4 2.750% 5/15/25 60,710 61,394
4 Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2013-3 1.910% 3/15/19 5,904 5,956
4 Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2013-3 2.850% 2/18/20 3,608 3,645
4 Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2014-1 1.690% 8/15/19 2,530 2,528
4 Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2014-1 1.930% 11/15/19 4,730 4,720
4 Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2015-1 1.830% 7/15/20 4,400 4,416
4 Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2015-2 3.040% 11/15/21 5,850 5,858
4 CenterPoint Energy Transition Bond Co. IV LLC 2012-1 2.161% 10/15/21 21,400 21,806
4,7 CFCRE Commercial Mortgage Trust 2011-C1 5.537% 4/15/44 3,100 3,515
4,7 CFCRE Commercial Mortgage Trust 2011-C2 5.574% 12/15/47 14,930 17,341
4,6 Chase Issuance Trust 2007-C1 0.647% 4/15/19 30,415 30,240
4,6 Chase Issuance Trust 2012-A10 0.447% 12/16/19 93,133 92,972
4 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2003-HYB3 2.540% 11/19/33 1,352 1,276
4,8 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2006-HYB1 2.431% 3/20/36 14,454 12,502
4,8 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2007-HYB2 2.592% 2/25/47 16,185 13,982
4,7 Chrysler Capital Auto Receivables Trust 2013-AA 1.830% 3/15/19 3,961 3,970
4,7 Chrysler Capital Auto Receivables Trust 2013-AA 2.280% 7/15/19 4,785 4,775
4,7 Chrysler Capital Auto Receivables Trust 2013-AA 2.930% 8/17/20 5,185 5,229
4,7 Chrysler Capital Auto Receivables Trust 2014-AA 2.280% 11/15/19 10,230 10,223
4,7 Cit Equipment Collateral 2013-VT1 1.130% 7/20/20 12,735 12,741
4,6 Citibank Credit Card Issuance Trust 2008-A7 1.563% 5/20/20 61,200 62,941
4 Citibank Credit Card Issuance Trust 2014-A1 2.880% 1/23/23 16,000 16,597
4 Citibank Credit Card Issuance Trust 2014-A6 2.150% 7/15/21 80,045 81,155
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-GC8 3.024% 9/10/45 5,980 6,075
4,7 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-GC8 3.683% 9/10/45 2,100 2,185
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-GC11 1.987% 4/10/46 4,866 4,899
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-GC11 3.093% 4/10/46 6,100 6,167
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-GC15 3.161% 9/10/46 33,778 35,163
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-GC15 3.942% 9/10/46 7,270 7,760
4,6,7 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-388G 0.937% 6/15/33 18,500 18,502
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC19 4.023% 3/10/47 1,565 1,679
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC21 3.477% 5/10/47 6,190 6,455
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC21 3.855% 5/10/47 18,240 19,300
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC23 3.622% 7/10/47 6,830 7,085
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC23 3.863% 7/10/47 10,396 10,823
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC23 4.175% 7/10/47 3,754 3,870
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC23 4.454% 7/10/47 6,380 6,404
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC25 3.635% 10/10/47 27,540 28,561
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-GC27 2.944% 2/10/48 8,880 8,940
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-GC27 3.137% 2/10/48 23,985 23,862
4 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-GC31 3.762% 6/10/48 38,475 40,139
4,8 Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust 2007-AR8 2.803% 7/25/37 1,317 1,230
4,7 CKE Restaurant Holdings Inc. 2013-1A 4.474% 3/20/43 22,900 23,507
4,7 CLI Funding V LLC 2013-1A 2.830% 3/18/28 20,269 20,227
4 COBALT CMBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007-C2 5.484% 4/15/47 22,662 23,807
4,6,7 Colony American Homes 2014-1 1.400% 5/17/31 12,537 12,473
4,6,7 Colony American Homes 2014-1 1.600% 5/17/31 15,545 15,271
4,6,7 Colony American Homes 2015-1 1.386% 7/17/32 11,368 11,273




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4,6,7 Colony American Homes Single-Family Rental Pass-        
  Through Certificates 2014-2 1.537% 7/17/31 12,850 12,658
4 COMM 15-CR22 Mortgage Trust 3.309% 3/10/48 30,240 30,479
4 COMM 2006-C8 Mortgage Trust 5.292% 12/10/46 23,350 24,340
4 COMM 2006-C8 Mortgage Trust 5.306% 12/10/46 35,205 36,631
4 COMM 2007-C9 Mortgage Trust 5.796% 12/10/49 25,097 26,801
4 COMM 2012-CCRE2 Mortgage Trust 3.147% 8/15/45 2,925 3,008
4 COMM 2012-CCRE2 Mortgage Trust 3.791% 8/15/45 4,100 4,319
4 COMM 2012-CCRE3 Mortgage Trust 2.822% 10/15/45 23,195 23,308
4 COMM 2012-CCRE4 Mortgage Trust 2.853% 10/15/45 10,825 10,889
4 COMM 2012-CCRE5 Mortgage Trust 2.771% 12/10/45 2,640 2,640
4 COMM 2013-CCRE11 Mortgage Trust 3.983% 10/10/46 13,320 14,288
4 COMM 2013-CCRE11 Mortgage Trust 4.258% 10/10/46 43,975 48,071
4 COMM 2013-CCRE12 Mortgage Trust 3.623% 10/10/46 14,650 15,418
4 COMM 2013-CCRE12 Mortgage Trust 4.046% 10/10/46 35,181 37,984
4 COMM 2013-CCRE13 Mortgage Trust 4.194% 11/10/23 25,210 27,458
4 COMM 2013-CCRE13 Mortgage Trust 4.754% 12/10/23 4,517 4,952
4 COMM 2013-CCRE13 Mortgage Trust 4.754% 12/10/23 8,240 8,683
4 COMM 2013-CCRE8 Mortgage Trust 3.612% 6/10/46 22,465 23,600
4 COMM 2013-CCRE9 Mortgage Trust 4.234% 7/10/45 24,875 27,298
4,7 COMM 2013-CCRE9 Mortgage Trust 4.258% 7/10/45 11,250 12,099
4 COMM 2013-CCRE9 Mortgage Trust 2.972% 8/10/46 20,657 21,347
4 COMM 2013-CCRE9 Mortgage Trust 3.795% 8/10/46 9,520 10,158
4,7 COMM 2013-CR9 Mortgage Trust 4.258% 7/10/45 8,250 8,403
4 COMM 2013-LC13 Mortgage Trust 3.009% 8/10/46 32,300 33,610
4,7 COMM 2013-LC13 Mortgage Trust 3.774% 8/10/46 10,688 11,442
4 COMM 2013-LC13 Mortgage Trust 4.205% 8/10/46 13,605 14,849
4,7 COMM 2013-LC13 Mortgage Trust 4.557% 8/10/46 18,565 20,403
4 COMM 2013-LC6 Mortgage Trust 2.941% 1/10/46 4,100 4,137
4,7 COMM 2013-SFS Mortgage Trust 2.987% 4/12/35 5,490 5,496
4,7 COMM 2014-277P Mortgage Trust 3.611% 8/10/49 29,250 30,177
4 COMM 2014-CCRE14 Mortgage Trust 3.147% 2/10/47 7,670 8,005
4 COMM 2014-CCRE14 Mortgage Trust 3.743% 2/10/47 5,375 5,719
4 COMM 2014-CCRE14 Mortgage Trust 4.236% 2/10/47 10,110 11,020
4 COMM 2014-CCRE15 Mortgage Trust 2.928% 2/10/47 16,800 17,339
4 COMM 2014-CCRE15 Mortgage Trust 4.074% 2/10/47 17,040 18,349
4 COMM 2014-CCRE15 Mortgage Trust 4.426% 2/10/47 13,450 14,566
4 COMM 2014-CCRE15 Mortgage Trust 4.716% 2/10/47 8,250 9,049
4 COMM 2014-CR17 Mortgage Trust 3.977% 5/10/47 34,940 37,320
4 COMM 2014-CR17 Mortgage Trust 4.174% 5/10/47 27,380 29,078
4 COMM 2014-CR17 Mortgage Trust 4.736% 5/10/47 4,250 4,429
4 COMM 2014-CR18 Mortgage Trust 3.452% 7/15/47 10,600 11,069
4 COMM 2014-CR18 Mortgage Trust 3.828% 7/15/47 26,294 27,768
4 COMM 2014-LC17 Mortgage Trust 3.917% 10/10/47 11,570 12,265
4 COMM 2014-LC19 Mortgage Trust 3.040% 2/10/48 4,330 4,402
4 COMM 2015-CR24 Mortgage Trust 3.445% 8/10/55 10,030 10,331
4 COMM 2015-CR24 Mortgage Trust 3.696% 8/10/55 24,030 24,749
4 Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-GG7 5.819% 7/10/38 32,755 33,343
7 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2.000% 6/18/19 19,400 19,571
7 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2.125% 7/22/20 38,330 38,368
4,7 Core Industrial Trust 2015-TEXW 3.077% 2/10/34 42,700 43,482
4 Credit Suisse Commercial Mortgage Trust Series 2006-        
  C3 5.806% 6/15/38 17,950 18,230
4 Credit Suisse Commercial Mortgage Trust Series 2008-        
  C1 5.973% 2/15/41 35,230 38,306
4 CSAIL Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C2 3.504% 6/15/57 42,350 43,345
4,7 DB Master Finance LL 2015-1 3.262% 2/20/45 10,451 10,543
4 Discover Card Execution Note Trust 2012-A6 1.670% 1/18/22 114,300 113,788
4,6 Discover Card Execution Note Trust 2013-A1 0.487% 8/17/20 51,286 51,244
4 Discover Card Execution Note Trust 2014-A4 2.120% 12/15/21 50,450 51,114
4,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-A 2.280% 6/17/19 12,310 12,332
4,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-A 3.060% 5/17/21 8,060 8,081
4,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-A 4.120% 6/15/22 5,860 5,882
4,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-B 1.300% 6/15/18 7,030 7,027




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-BA 2.120% 6/17/19 7,210 7,205
4,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-BA 2.760% 7/15/21 17,610 17,549
4,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-BA 3.840% 7/15/21 10,490 10,407
4,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-C 2.230% 9/16/19 14,405 14,397
4,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-C 3.010% 5/17/21 21,610 21,581
4,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-C 4.200% 9/15/21 15,845 15,831
4,6,7 Edsouth Indenture No 5 LLC 2015-1 0.991% 10/25/56 36,863 36,786
4,7 Enterprise Fleet Financing LLC Series 2012-2 0.930% 4/20/18 9,636 9,637
4,7 Enterprise Fleet Financing LLC Series 2015-1 1.740% 9/20/20 11,850 11,859
4,7 Enterprise Fleet Financing LLC Series 2015-2 2.090% 2/22/21 24,390 24,413
4,6 Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities 2015-C01 1.690% 2/25/25 4,591 4,601
4,6 Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities 2015-C01 1.690% 2/25/25 4,637 4,640
4,6 Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities 2015-C02 1.340% 5/25/25 5,679 5,668
4,6 Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities 2015-C02 1.391% 5/25/25 10,674 10,644
4,6 Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities 2015-C03 1.688% 7/25/25 18,060 18,107
4,6 Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities 2015-C03 1.689% 7/25/25 14,450 14,479
4,8 First Horizon Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2006-AR3 2.063% 11/25/36 12,563 10,828
8 First Horizon Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2006-AR4 2.593% 1/25/37 24,862 21,933
4 Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust 2013-A 1.010% 5/15/16 17,941 17,942
4 Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust 2013-A 1.280% 6/15/16 13,697 13,699
4 Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust 2014-A 1.160% 8/15/17 22,593 22,611
4 Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust 2015-A 1.310% 8/15/18 8,390 8,376
4 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2013-C 1.680% 11/15/18 4,870 4,888
4 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2013-D 1.540% 3/15/19 12,338 12,359
4 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2013-D 1.720% 7/15/19 12,800 12,830
4,7 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2014-1 2.260% 11/15/25 20,918 21,068
4,7 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2014-1 2.410% 11/15/25 6,440 6,475
4,7 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2014-2 2.310% 4/15/26 32,410 32,593
4,7 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2014-2 2.510% 4/15/26 5,760 5,788
4,7 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2015-1 2.120% 7/15/26 22,750 22,644
4,7 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2015-2 2.440% 1/15/27 61,000 61,501
4 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2015-B 2.040% 10/15/20 12,700 12,702
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2012-2 1.920% 1/15/19 26,574 26,846
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2012-5 1.490% 9/15/19 117,285 117,446
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2012-5 1.690% 9/15/19 7,100 7,123
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2012-5 2.140% 9/15/19 8,550 8,613
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2013-1 1.370% 1/15/18 25,544 25,593
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2013-1 1.820% 1/15/18 9,560 9,582
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2013-4 2.100% 6/15/20 6,180 6,228
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2013-4 2.290% 6/15/20 6,630 6,653
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2013-4 2.790% 6/15/20 2,650 2,685
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2014-1 1.400% 2/15/19 10,238 10,226
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2014-1 2.310% 2/15/21 4,473 4,505
4,6 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2014-2 0.687% 2/15/21 9,200 9,209
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2014-4 1.400% 8/15/19 68,275 68,350
4 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2015-2 1.980% 1/15/22 9,396 9,412
4,7 FRS I LLC 2013-1A 1.800% 4/15/43 4,533 4,505
4,7 FRS I LLC 2013-1A 3.080% 4/15/43 28,448 28,575
4,6 GE Capital Credit Card Master Note Trust Series 2011-2 1.187% 5/15/19 49,966 50,069
4 GE Capital Credit Card Master Note Trust Series 2012-2 2.220% 1/15/22 72,000 72,954




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4 GE Capital Credit Card Master Note Trust Series 2012-6 1.360% 8/17/20 89,890 89,917
4,6 GE Dealer Floorplan Master Note Trust Series 2012-2 0.938% 4/22/19 47,694 47,830
4,6 GE Dealer Floorplan Master Note Trust Series 2012-4 0.628% 10/20/17 24,789 24,792
4,6 GE Dealer Floorplan Master Note Trust Series 2015-2 0.838% 1/20/22 10,860 10,795
4,7 GM Financial Leasing Trust 2014-1A 1.760% 5/21/18 7,900 7,933
4 GM Financial Leasing Trust 2015-1 1.730% 6/20/19 6,350 6,367
4 GM Financial Leasing Trust 2015-2 2.420% 7/22/19 6,120 6,137
4 GM Financial Leasing Trust 2015-2 2.990% 7/22/19 5,440 5,455
4 GMACM Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-AR6 2.829% 11/19/35 4,417 4,211
4,7 GMF Floorplan Owner Revolving Trust 2015-1 1.650% 5/15/20 58,850 58,922
4,7 GMF Floorplan Owner Revolving Trust 2015-1 1.970% 5/15/20 6,570 6,582
4,7 Golden Credit Card Trust 2012-2A 1.770% 1/15/19 82,764 83,511
4,6,7 Golden Credit Card Trust 2015-1A 0.627% 2/15/20 59,900 59,843
4,7 Golden Credit Card Trust 2015-2A 2.020% 4/15/22 53,490 53,419
4,7 GRACE 2014-GRCE Mortgage Trust 3.369% 6/10/28 20,500 21,262
4,6 Granite Master Issuer plc Series 2007-1 0.328% 12/20/54 3,226 3,200
4,6 Granite Master Issuer plc Series 2007-2 0.266% 12/17/54 1,071 1,062
4,7 Great America Leasing Receivables 2013-1 1.160% 5/15/18 11,500 11,510
4,7 Great America Leasing Receivables 2015-1 2.020% 6/21/21 4,920 4,957
4,7 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2010-C2 5.246% 12/10/43 3,530 3,874
4,7 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2011-GC3 5.552% 3/10/44 2,280 2,534
4,7 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2012-ALOHA 3.551% 4/10/34 28,666 29,933
4,7 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2012-BWTR 2.954% 11/5/34 36,047 36,201
4,7 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2012-GC6 4.948% 1/10/45 1,000 1,117
4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-GC13 4.037% 7/10/46 22,170 24,048
4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-GCJ12 3.135% 6/10/46 9,925 10,054
4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-GCJ12 3.777% 6/10/46 8,250 8,457
4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-GCJ14 2.995% 8/10/46 22,429 23,352
4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-GCJ14 3.817% 8/10/46 8,192 8,690
4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-GCJ14 4.243% 8/10/46 49,000 53,421
4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-GC20 3.998% 4/10/47 28,499 30,464
4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-GC24 3.931% 9/10/47 40,940 43,412
4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-GC24 4.507% 9/10/47 9,410 9,945
4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-GC24 4.528% 9/10/47 13,616 14,015
4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-GC26 3.629% 11/10/47 18,190 18,836
4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-GC28 3.396% 2/10/48 9,730 9,878
4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-GC30 3.382% 5/10/50 16,885 17,227
4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-GC32 3.764% 7/10/48 14,580 15,016
4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-GC32 4.549% 7/10/48 6,520 6,715
4 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-GC32 4.559% 7/10/48 2,850 2,802
7 GTP Acquisition Partners I LLC 3.482% 6/16/25 26,340 26,209
4,7 Hertz Vehicle Financing LLC 2010-1A 3.740% 2/25/17 51,709 52,186
4,7 Hertz Vehicle Financing LLC 2011-1A 3.290% 3/25/18 55,039 56,511
4,7 Hertz Vehicle Financing LLC 2013-1A 1.830% 8/25/19 60,150 59,844
4,7 Hilton USA Trust 2013-HLT 2.662% 11/5/30 15,740 15,714
4,7 Hilton USA Trust 2013-HLT 3.367% 11/5/30 16,365 16,469
4,7 Hilton USA Trust 2013-HLT 3.714% 11/5/30 7,365 7,367
4,7 Houston Galleria Mall Trust 2015-HGLR 3.087% 3/5/37 30,910 30,486
4,7 Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2014-A 1.300% 7/16/18 8,800 8,795
4,7 Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2014-B 1.540% 12/17/18 10,100 10,090
4,7 Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2015-A 1.650% 8/15/19 21,000 21,096
4,7 Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2015-A 2.070% 11/15/19 21,250 21,293
4,7 Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2015-B 2.210% 5/15/20 16,395 16,437
4 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2012-B 1.950% 10/15/18 8,051 8,097
4 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2013-B 1.450% 2/15/19 5,805 5,817
4 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2013-B 2.480% 9/16/19 9,790 9,924
4 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2013-C 2.480% 3/15/19 6,500 6,589
4 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2013-C 3.090% 1/15/20 5,470 5,605
4 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2014-A 2.020% 8/15/19 8,350 8,341
4 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2014-A 2.530% 7/15/20 5,710 5,762
4 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2014-B 2.100% 11/15/19 10,050 10,034
4,6,7 Hyundai Floorplan Master Owner Trust Series 2013-1 0.837% 5/15/18 8,950 8,953
4,7 Icon Brands Holdings LLC 2012-1 4.229% 1/25/43 16,054 16,111
6 Illinois Student Assistance Commission Series 2010-1 1.345% 4/25/22 15,426 15,429




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4,6,7 Invitation Homes 2014-SFR1 Trust 1.686% 6/17/31 24,491 24,317
4,6,7 Invitation Homes 2014-SFR2 Trust 1.288% 9/17/31 11,731 11,622
4,6,7 Invitation Homes 2014-SFR2 Trust 1.788% 9/17/31 8,980 8,905
4,6,7 Invitation Homes 2015-SFR2 Trust 1.538% 6/17/32 7,376 7,387
4,7 Irvine Core Office Trust 2013-IRV 3.173% 5/15/48 14,450 14,551
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2006-LDP6 5.471% 4/15/43 28,099 28,573
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2006-LDP7 5.905% 4/15/45 33,710 34,715
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2007-C1 5.716% 2/15/51 4,812 5,108
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2007-CIBC20 5.746% 2/12/51 43,541 46,483
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2007-LDP10 5.439% 1/15/49 38,979 41,007
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2007-LDP12 5.850% 2/15/51 29,024 30,960
4,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2009-IWST 5.633% 12/5/27 6,185 7,058
4,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2010-C1 4.608% 6/15/43 2,300 2,417
4,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2010-C2 3.616% 11/15/43 3,300 3,431
4,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2010-C2 4.070% 11/15/43 3,140 3,347
4,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2010-C2 5.502% 11/15/43 7,100 7,617
4,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2010-C2 5.502% 11/15/43 6,225 6,829
4,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2011-C3 4.388% 2/15/46 17,600 18,695
4,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2011-C3 4.717% 2/15/46 26,091 28,717
4,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2011-C3 5.360% 2/15/46 2,930 3,192
4,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2011-C5 5.323% 8/15/46 4,100 4,729
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2012-C6 3.507% 5/15/45 18,490 19,414
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2012-C8 2.829% 10/15/45 13,145 13,172
4,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2012-C8 3.424% 10/15/45 4,030 4,096
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2012-CIBX 4.271% 6/15/45 27,000 28,902
4,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2012-HSBC 3.093% 7/5/32 5,850 5,944
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2012-LC9 2.840% 12/15/47 40,130 40,233
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2013-C13 3.994% 1/15/46 14,110 15,108
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2013-C16 3.674% 12/15/46 9,630 10,146
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2013-C16 3.881% 12/15/46 1,300 1,380
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2013-C16 4.166% 12/15/46 9,700 10,516
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2013-C16 4.517% 12/15/46 14,600 15,860
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2013-C16 4.944% 12/15/46 21,150 23,041
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2013-C16 5.009% 12/15/46 9,770 10,349




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2013-LC11 1.855% 4/15/46 4,866 4,880
4 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2013-LC11 2.960% 4/15/46 11,321 11,354
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C12 3.664% 7/15/45 17,080 17,947
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C12 4.025% 7/15/45 7,520 7,963
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C14 3.019% 8/15/46 16,345 16,899
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C14 3.761% 8/15/46 17,400 18,436
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C14 4.133% 8/15/46 11,000 11,909
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C15 2.977% 11/15/45 24,290 25,070
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C15 3.659% 11/15/45 4,050 4,266
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C15 4.131% 11/15/45 27,200 29,434
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C15 4.927% 11/15/45 17,820 19,258
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C15 5.081% 11/15/45 13,360 14,273
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C17 4.199% 1/15/47 22,300 24,201
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-        
  C18 4.079% 2/15/47 18,600 19,956
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-        
  C18 4.439% 2/15/47 12,950 13,941
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-        
  C18 4.810% 2/15/47 13,200 14,217
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-        
  C18 4.810% 2/15/47 5,850 6,070
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-        
  C21 3.428% 8/15/47 8,370 8,670
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-        
  C24 3.639% 11/15/47 10,310 10,672
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-        
  C26 3.494% 1/15/48 44,910 45,845
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-        
  C30 3.559% 7/15/48 8,089 8,399
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-        
  C30 3.822% 7/15/48 40,150 41,884
4 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-        
  C30 4.226% 7/15/48 15,901 16,585
6 Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corp. 2013-2 0.787% 9/1/28 11,297 11,246
4,6,7 Kildare Securities Ltd. 2007-1A 0.402% 12/10/43 1,393 1,387
4,7 Ladder Capital Commercial Mortgage 2013-GCP        
  Mortgage Trust 3.388% 5/15/31 18,640 19,358
4,6,7 Lanark Master Issuer plc 2012-2A 1.684% 12/22/54 21,885 21,964
4,6,7 Lanark Master Issuer plc 2013-1A 0.784% 12/22/54 14,833 14,818
4 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-C3 5.641% 3/15/39 55,257 56,098
4 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-C6 5.342% 9/15/39 20,879 21,589
4 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-C7 5.347% 11/15/38 9,718 10,102
4 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007-C2 5.387% 2/15/40 29,007 30,637
4 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007-C7 5.866% 9/15/45 26,932 29,123
4,7 Macquarie Equipment Funding Trust 2012-A 0.850% 10/22/18 4,640 4,643
4,7 Madison Avenue Trust 2013-650M 3.843% 10/12/32 12,460 13,327
4,7 Master Credit Card Trust 2012-2A 1.970% 4/21/17 3,900 3,907
4,7 Master Credit Card Trust 2013-3A 2.280% 1/22/18 4,219 4,221
4 MASTR Adjustable Rate Mortgages Trust 2004-3 2.188% 4/25/34 1,650 1,525
4,6 MBNA Credit Card Master Note Trust 2004-A3 0.447% 8/16/21 89,145 88,749
4 Mercedes-Benz Auto Receivables Trust 2015-1 1.750% 12/15/21 21,700 21,675




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4,7 Mercedes-Benz Master Owner Trust 2012-A 0.790% 11/15/17 34,300 34,311
4,6,7 Mercedes-Benz Master Owner Trust 2015-B 0.567% 4/15/20 9,160 9,162
4 Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Trust MLMI Series        
  2003-A2 1.943% 2/25/33 2,621 2,542
4 Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Trust MLMI Series        
  2003-A4 2.715% 7/25/33 804 796
4 Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust 2006-C2 5.739% 8/12/43 10,899 11,212
4 Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust 2008-C1 5.690% 2/12/51 8,372 8,993
4,7 Miramax LLC 2014-1A 3.340% 7/20/26 3,993 4,016
4 ML-CFC Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-2 5.868% 6/12/46 8,019 8,200
4 ML-CFC Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007-6 5.331% 3/12/51 6,741 6,734
4,7 MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2009-A 3.510% 1/15/30 3,057 3,066
4,7 MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2011-A 2.100% 7/15/17 14,389 14,463
4,7 MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2011-A 3.040% 8/15/28 27,566 28,240
4,7 MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2012-A 1.980% 6/10/32 13,700 13,822
4,7 MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2015-A 2.490% 2/19/36 33,860 33,935
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2012-C5 3.176% 8/15/45 21,300 21,891
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2012-C5 3.792% 8/15/45 2,000 2,088
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2012-C6 2.858% 11/15/45 5,700 5,733
4,7 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2012-CKSV 3.277% 10/15/30 21,775 21,734
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2013-C10 4.082% 7/15/46 27,100 29,307
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2013-C11 3.085% 8/15/46 22,116 22,881
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2013-C11 4.215% 8/15/46 45,116 49,165
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2013-C12 3.824% 10/15/46 8,080 8,600
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2013-C13 4.039% 11/15/46 8,300 8,916
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2013-C7 2.918% 2/15/46 6,400 6,403
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2013-C7 3.214% 2/15/46 2,940 2,995
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2013-C9 3.102% 5/15/46 27,425 27,711
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C14 4.064% 2/15/47 16,600 17,790
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C14 4.384% 2/15/47 17,500 18,795
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C15 4.051% 4/15/47 6,870 7,351
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C16 3.892% 6/15/47 27,350 28,917
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C16 4.094% 6/15/47 9,540 10,024
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C16 4.325% 6/15/47 12,300 12,967
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C16 4.758% 6/15/47 12,300 12,832
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C17 3.741% 8/15/47 19,580 20,455
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C17 4.011% 8/15/47 5,340 5,575
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C18 3.923% 10/15/47 11,150 11,792
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C19 3.326% 12/15/47 14,610 15,089
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C19 3.526% 12/15/47 6,390 6,556




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2015-C20 3.069% 2/15/48 8,060 8,193
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2015-C20 3.249% 2/15/48 4,475 4,487
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2015-C22 3.306% 4/15/48 23,040 23,170
4 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2015-C23 3.719% 7/15/50 24,660 25,625
4,± Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2015-C24 3.479% 8/15/47 20,280 20,595
4,± Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2015-C24 3.732% 8/15/47 20,280 21,004
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2006-HQ9 5.728% 7/12/44 51,471 53,133
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2006-IQ12 5.319% 12/15/43 10,844 11,270
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2007-IQ15 5.908% 6/11/49 35,458 37,734
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2007-IQ16 5.688% 12/12/49 46,878 49,981
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2012-C4 3.244% 3/15/45 16,052 16,593
4 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2012-C4 3.773% 3/15/45 2,500 2,612
4,7 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2012-STAR 3.201% 8/5/34 17,045 17,283
4,7 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2014-150E 3.912% 9/9/32 27,955 29,380
4,7 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2014-CPT 3.350% 7/13/29 24,440 25,295
4,7 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2015-420 3.727% 10/11/50 31,420 32,195
4 Morgan Stanley Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-8AR 2.128% 6/25/36 11,281 9,755
4,6 Navient Student Loan Trust 2014-1 0.941% 2/25/39 5,940 5,842
4,6 Navient Student Loan Trust 2015-1 0.790% 4/25/40 8,650 8,353
4,6 Navient Student Loan Trust 2015-3 0.839% 6/26/56 23,540 23,498
4,6 New Mexico Educational Assistance Foundation 2013-1 0.887% 1/2/25 24,569 24,573
4 Nissan Auto Lease Trust 2015-A 1.580% 5/17/21 5,380 5,389
4 Nissan Auto Receivables 2015-B Owner Trust 1.790% 1/17/22 7,870 7,864
4,6 Nissan Master Owner Trust Receivables Series 2013-A 0.487% 2/15/18 20,441 20,436
4 Nissan Master Owner Trust Receivables Series 2015-A 1.440% 1/15/20 12,139 12,121
6 North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority        
  2011-1 1.181% 1/26/26 22,661 22,609
4,6 North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority        
  2011-2 1.076% 7/25/25 5,211 5,197
4,7 OBP Depositor LLC Trust 2010-OBP 4.646% 7/15/45 10,065 11,206
4,6,7 PFS Financing Corp. 2014-AA 0.787% 2/15/19 8,300 8,294
4,6,7 PFS Financing Corp. 2015-AA 0.807% 4/15/20 10,150 10,066
4,7 Porsche Innovative Lease Owner Trust 2015-1 1.430% 5/21/21 14,440 14,429
4,7 Progress Residential 2015-SFR2 Trust 2.740% 6/12/32 7,320 7,248
4,6,7 Resimac MBS Trust 2014-1A 0.988% 12/12/45 16,774 16,774
4,8 RFMSI Series 2006-SA2 Trust 3.585% 8/25/36 23,610 21,213
4,8 RFMSI Series 2006-SA3 Trust 3.615% 9/25/36 8,416 7,044
  Royal Bank of Canada 1.875% 2/5/20 24,700 24,585
4 Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2013-2 1.950% 3/15/19 24,054 24,175
4 Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2013-5 1.550% 10/15/18 7,946 7,966
4 Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-3 1.490% 6/17/19 15,520 15,547
4 Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-3 3.490% 5/17/21 14,985 15,053
4,6,7 Silver Bay Realty 2014-1 Trust 1.186% 9/17/31 10,995 10,835
4,6,7 Silver Bay Realty 2014-1 Trust 1.636% 9/17/31 6,500 6,415
4,6 SLM Student Loan Trust 2005-5 0.395% 4/25/25 39,070 38,906
4,6 SLM Student Loan Trust 2005-9 0.415% 1/27/25 13,793 13,761
4,6 SLM Student Loan Trust 2006-5 0.405% 1/25/27 24,500 24,297
4,6 SLM Student Loan Trust 2006-6 0.405% 10/27/25 36,118 35,876
4,6 SLM Student Loan Trust 2007-1 0.385% 1/26/26 66,950 65,668
4,6,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2011-A 1.187% 10/15/24 5,238 5,249
4,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2011-A 4.370% 4/17/28 12,100 12,826
4,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2011-B 3.740% 2/15/29 60,000 63,043
4,6,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2011-C 1.587% 12/15/23 3,703 3,711
4,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2011-C 4.540% 10/17/44 22,200 23,826
4,6,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2012-B 1.287% 12/15/21 1,158 1,159
4,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2012-B 3.480% 10/15/30 15,048 15,445
4,6,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2012-E 0.937% 10/16/23 9,670 9,688
4,6,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2013-1 1.237% 5/17/27 24,000 23,992




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2013-1 2.500% 3/15/47 8,000 7,722
4,6 SLM Student Loan Trust 2013-6 0.840% 6/26/28 19,400 19,217
4,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2013-B 1.850% 6/17/30 14,650 14,495
4,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2013-B 3.000% 5/16/44 14,700 14,465
4,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2013-C 3.500% 6/15/44 5,860 5,874
4,6 SLM Student Loan Trust 2014-1 0.790% 2/26/29 10,900 10,883
4,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2014-A 2.590% 1/15/26 4,500 4,576
4,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2014-A 3.500% 11/15/44 4,100 4,047
4 SMART ABS Series 2012-4US Trust 0.970% 3/14/17 9,008 9,000
4 SMART ABS Series 2012-4US Trust 1.250% 8/14/18 9,023 9,026
4 SMART ABS Series 2013-1US Trust 1.050% 10/14/18 18,344 18,309
4,7 Sonic Capital LLC 2011-1A 5.438% 5/20/41 13,012 13,601
4,6 South Carolina Student Loan Corp. Revenue 2010-1 1.295% 7/25/25 22,828 22,979
4,7 SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt AS 1.750% 11/15/20 24,490 24,266
7 Stadshypotek AB 1.750% 4/9/20 35,833 35,318
4,6,7 SWAY Residential 2014-1 Trust 1.486% 1/17/32 22,706 22,541
4 Synchrony Credit Card Master Note Trust 2015-1 2.370% 3/15/23 14,500 14,721
4,7 Tidewater Auto Receivables Trust 2014-AA 1.400% 7/15/18 4,000 4,002
4,7 TMSQ 2014-1500 Mortgage Trust 3.680% 10/10/36 22,300 22,970
7 Toronto-Dominion Bank 1.950% 4/2/20 35,735 35,571
4,6,7 Trade MAPS 1 Ltd. 2013-1A 0.889% 12/10/18 29,820 29,853
4,6,7 Trade MAPS 1 Ltd. 2013-1A 1.438% 12/10/18 5,640 5,645
4,6,7 Trade MAPS 1 Ltd. 2013-1A 2.438% 12/10/18 3,095 3,086
4,6,7 Trafigura Securitisation Finance plc 2014-1A 1.137% 10/15/21 20,770 20,742
4 UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-C1 4.171% 5/10/45 1,250 1,343
4,7 UBS-BAMLL Trust 2012-WRM 3.663% 6/10/30 24,595 25,349
4 UBS-Barclays Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-C4 2.850% 12/10/45 8,915 8,907
4,7 VNO 2012-6AVE Mortgage Trust 2.996% 11/15/30 13,250 13,303
4,7 VNO 2013-PENN Mortgage Trust 3.808% 12/13/29 11,130 11,766
4,7 VNO 2013-PENN Mortgage Trust 3.947% 12/13/29 3,270 3,459
4,7 VNO 2013-PENN Mortgage Trust 3.947% 12/13/29 2,450 2,561
4,7 Volkswagen Credit Auto Master Owner Trust 2014-1A 1.400% 7/22/19 39,464 39,500
4,7 Volvo Financial Equipment LLC Series 2012-1 2.380% 9/16/19 5,350 5,352
4,7 Volvo Financial Equipment LLC Series 2015-1A 1.910% 1/15/20 9,160 9,210
4 Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust Series        
  2006-C27 5.765% 7/15/45 7,656 7,859
4 Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust Series        
  2006-C28 5.559% 10/15/48 20,130 20,924
4 Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust Series        
  2006-C28 5.572% 10/15/48 40,404 41,765
4 Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust Series        
  2006-C29 5.297% 11/15/48 34,739 36,167
4 WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Series        
  2002-AR18 2.515% 1/25/33 215 216
4 WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Series        
  2003-AR7 2.414% 8/25/33 1,331 1,324
4 WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Series        
  2003-AR9 2.411% 9/25/33 1,878 1,897
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-LC5 2.918% 10/15/45 29,967 30,190
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-LC5 3.539% 10/15/45 1,650 1,703
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-LC12 3.928% 7/15/46 8,075 8,633
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-LC12 4.218% 7/15/46 34,646 37,610
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-LC12 4.300% 7/15/46 4,906 5,294
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-LC16 3.477% 8/15/50 17,100 17,808
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-LC16 3.817% 8/15/50 43,100 45,384
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-LC16 4.020% 8/15/50 7,100 7,454
  Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-LC16 4.322% 8/15/50 12,250 12,736
  Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-LC16 4.458% 8/15/50 6,830 6,836
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-LC18 3.244% 12/15/47 31,900 32,674
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C26 2.991% 2/15/48 13,450 13,543
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C26 3.166% 2/15/48 16,400 16,348
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C27 3.278% 2/15/48 8,570 8,782
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C27 3.451% 2/15/48 16,620 16,933
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C29 3.400% 6/15/48 4,194 4,320




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C29 3.637% 6/15/48 31,575 32,568
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C29 4.225% 6/15/48 12,420 11,959
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C30 3.411% 9/15/48 34,310 34,653
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C30 3.664% 9/15/48 20,610 21,227
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C30 4.067% 9/15/48 17,222 17,737
4 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C30 4.646% 9/15/48 6,130 6,028
4,8 Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities 2006-AR14 2.633% 10/25/36 20,611 19,299
4,7 Wendys Funding LLC 2015-1 4.080% 6/15/45 16,330 16,318
7 Westpac Banking Corp. 2.000% 3/3/20 24,850 24,813
4,7 WFLD 2014-MONT Mortgage Trust 3.755% 8/10/31 38,950 40,381
4,7 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2011-C3 4.375% 3/15/44 11,545 12,606
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-C10 2.875% 12/15/45 10,955 10,971
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-C7 3.431% 6/15/45 11,630 12,100
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-C7 4.090% 6/15/45 5,056 5,394
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-C8 3.001% 8/15/45 4,400 4,459
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-C9 2.870% 11/15/45 23,790 23,876
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-C9 3.388% 11/15/45 2,860 2,923
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C13 3.345% 5/15/45 2,230 2,264
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C15 2.900% 8/15/46 7,946 8,189
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C15 3.720% 8/15/46 22,490 23,807
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C15 4.153% 8/15/46 2,800 3,029
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C16 4.415% 9/15/46 14,650 16,128
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C17 3.558% 12/15/46 3,500 3,672
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C17 4.023% 12/15/46 9,770 10,469
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C18 3.027% 12/15/46 8,940 9,253
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C18 3.676% 12/15/46 6,710 7,080
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C18 4.162% 12/15/46 25,260 27,329
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C18 4.671% 12/15/46 5,775 6,250
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C19 4.101% 3/15/47 20,984 22,596
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C20 3.638% 5/15/47 21,637 22,745
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C20 3.995% 5/15/47 22,270 23,875
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C20 4.513% 5/15/47 4,500 4,543
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C21 3.678% 8/15/47 32,990 34,399
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C21 3.891% 8/15/47 7,130 7,417
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C21 4.234% 8/15/47 12,290 12,144
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C23 3.917% 10/15/57 4,980 5,272
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-LC14 3.522% 3/15/47 2,100 2,196
4 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-LC14 4.045% 3/15/47 22,500 24,202
4 World Financial Network Credit Card Master Note Trust        
  Series 2013-A 1.610% 12/15/21 19,000 19,085
4,6 World Financial Network Credit Card Master Note Trust        
  Series 2015-A 0.667% 2/15/22 20,670 20,636
4 World Omni Automobile Lease Securitization Trust        
  2015-A 1.730% 12/15/20 6,555 6,559
Total Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (Cost $10,267,600)     10,302,854
Corporate Bonds (61.8%)        
Finance (29.1%)        
  Banking (23.5%)        
  Abbey National Treasury Services plc 4.000% 4/27/16 35,212 36,009
  Abbey National Treasury Services plc 1.375% 3/13/17 93,971 94,049
  Abbey National Treasury Services plc 1.650% 9/29/17 5,280 5,294
  Abbey National Treasury Services plc 3.050% 8/23/18 45,920 47,633
  Abbey National Treasury Services plc 2.350% 9/10/19 8,485 8,543
  Abbey National Treasury Services plc 2.375% 3/16/20 78,145 78,285
7 ABN AMRO Bank NV 4.250% 2/2/17 28,452 29,626
7 ABN AMRO Bank NV 1.800% 6/4/18 28,325 28,327
7 ABN AMRO Bank NV 2.500% 10/30/18 22,475 22,827
  American Express Centurion Bank 6.000% 9/13/17 64,650 70,462
  American Express Co. 6.150% 8/28/17 19,963 21,807
  American Express Co. 7.000% 3/19/18 22,315 25,257
  American Express Credit Corp. 2.750% 9/15/15 55,697 55,829
  American Express Credit Corp. 2.800% 9/19/16 56,170 57,303




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  American Express Credit Corp. 2.375% 3/24/17 31,210 31,732
  American Express Credit Corp. 1.550% 9/22/17 11,440 11,445
  American Express Credit Corp. 2.125% 3/18/19 17,349 17,439
  American Express Credit Corp. 2.250% 8/15/19 24,247 24,326
  American Express Credit Corp. 2.375% 5/26/20 34,000 33,861
7 ANZ New Zealand International Ltd. 1.750% 3/29/18 29,305 29,284
  Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. 0.900% 2/12/16 19,500 19,538
7 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. 3.250% 3/1/16 28,325 28,735
  Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. 1.875% 10/6/17 53,942 54,589
  Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. 1.450% 5/15/18 16,600 16,538
7 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. 4.500% 3/19/24 36,815 37,347
7 Banco Votorantim SA 5.250% 2/11/16 11,720 11,877
  Bank of America Corp. 3.700% 9/1/15 5,940 5,952
  Bank of America Corp. 1.500% 10/9/15 24,336 24,364
  Bank of America Corp. 3.625% 3/17/16 32,076 32,610
  Bank of America Corp. 6.050% 5/16/16 33,472 34,652
  Bank of America Corp. 3.750% 7/12/16 52,549 53,789
  Bank of America Corp. 6.500% 8/1/16 81,244 85,301
  Bank of America Corp. 5.420% 3/15/17 21,197 22,383
  Bank of America Corp. 5.700% 5/2/17 6,525 6,922
  Bank of America Corp. 6.400% 8/28/17 14,568 15,900
  Bank of America Corp. 6.000% 9/1/17 43,443 47,037
  Bank of America Corp. 5.750% 12/1/17 63,938 69,444
  Bank of America Corp. 2.000% 1/11/18 56,895 57,100
  Bank of America Corp. 6.875% 4/25/18 51,349 57,878
  Bank of America Corp. 5.650% 5/1/18 15,500 16,962
  Bank of America Corp. 1.950% 5/12/18 29,300 29,325
  Bank of America Corp. 1.750% 6/5/18 53,480 53,351
  Bank of America Corp. 2.600% 1/15/19 117,339 118,827
  Bank of America Corp. 2.250% 4/21/20 14,530 14,296
  Bank of America NA 1.125% 11/14/16 63,100 63,121
  Bank of America NA 1.250% 2/14/17 19,100 19,086
  Bank of America NA 5.300% 3/15/17 9,760 10,318
  Bank of America NA 6.100% 6/15/17 6,429 6,919
  Bank of America NA 1.650% 3/26/18 70,815 70,656
  Bank of Montreal 2.500% 1/11/17 18,545 18,936
  Bank of Montreal 1.300% 7/14/17 19,000 19,014
  Bank of Montreal 1.400% 9/11/17 25,675 25,671
  Bank of Montreal 1.450% 4/9/18 10,670 10,623
  Bank of Montreal 1.400% 4/10/18 31,155 31,002
  Bank of Montreal 1.800% 7/31/18 36,610 36,632
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 2.300% 7/28/16 8,594 8,723
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 2.400% 1/17/17 28,950 29,491
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 1.969% 6/20/17 8,100 8,217
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 2.100% 1/15/19 3,460 3,467
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 2.200% 5/15/19 43,940 44,249
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 2.300% 9/11/19 29,290 29,352
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 2.150% 2/24/20 21,000 20,833
  Bank of Nova Scotia 2.050% 10/7/15 14,618 14,662
  Bank of Nova Scotia 0.750% 10/9/15 29,298 29,326
  Bank of Nova Scotia 1.375% 7/15/16 38,978 39,204
  Bank of Nova Scotia 2.550% 1/12/17 90,083 91,975
  Bank of Nova Scotia 1.250% 4/11/17 9,765 9,787
  Bank of Nova Scotia 1.300% 7/21/17 21,154 21,177
  Bank of Nova Scotia 1.375% 12/18/17 31,425 31,394
  Bank of Nova Scotia 1.450% 4/25/18 46,055 45,899
  Bank of Nova Scotia 1.700% 6/11/18 37,000 37,023
  Bank of Nova Scotia 2.050% 10/30/18 68,761 69,304
  Bank of Nova Scotia 2.050% 6/5/19 10,850 10,940
7 Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd. 2.300% 3/10/19 11,750 11,797
7 Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd. 2.300% 3/5/20 39,075 38,934
  Barclays Bank plc 5.000% 9/22/16 15,695 16,404
  Barclays Bank plc 2.500% 2/20/19 51,925 52,482
  Barclays Bank plc 6.750% 5/22/19 27,855 32,465




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Barclays plc 2.750% 11/8/19 54,965 55,000
  Barclays plc 2.875% 6/8/20 24,420 24,344
  BB&T Corp. 5.200% 12/23/15 21,527 21,859
  BB&T Corp. 3.200% 3/15/16 14,240 14,427
  BB&T Corp. 2.150% 3/22/17 69,521 70,519
  BB&T Corp. 4.900% 6/30/17 9,750 10,287
  BB&T Corp. 1.600% 8/15/17 6,820 6,837
  BB&T Corp. 2.050% 6/19/18 18,058 18,256
  BB&T Corp. 2.450% 1/15/20 24,415 24,563
  Bear Stearns Cos. LLC 5.300% 10/30/15 22,331 22,567
  Bear Stearns Cos. LLC 5.550% 1/22/17 24,436 25,788
  Bear Stearns Cos. LLC 6.400% 10/2/17 38,076 41,768
  Bear Stearns Cos. LLC 7.250% 2/1/18 21,551 24,331
  BNP Paribas SA 3.600% 2/23/16 84,830 86,097
  BNP Paribas SA 1.375% 3/17/17 46,900 46,916
  BNP Paribas SA 2.375% 9/14/17 88,726 90,196
  BNP Paribas SA 2.700% 8/20/18 70,011 71,664
  BNP Paribas SA 2.400% 12/12/18 2,850 2,881
  BPCE SA 1.625% 2/10/17 27,780 27,943
  BPCE SA 1.613% 7/25/17 17,366 17,413
  BPCE SA 1.625% 1/26/18 9,770 9,762
  BPCE SA 2.500% 12/10/18 77,265 78,440
  BPCE SA 2.250% 1/27/20 14,785 14,708
9,± BPCE SA 3.500% 4/24/20 16,150 11,650
  Branch Banking & Trust Co. 5.625% 9/15/16 9,510 9,967
  Branch Banking & Trust Co. 1.000% 4/3/17 25,400 25,284
  Branch Banking & Trust Co. 1.350% 10/1/17 29,280 29,232
7 Caisse Centrale Desjardins 1.750% 1/29/18 68,370 68,341
  Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 1.550% 1/23/18 27,065 27,099
  Capital One Bank USA NA 1.150% 11/21/16 11,720 11,663
  Capital One Bank USA NA 1.200% 2/13/17 8,750 8,708
  Capital One Bank USA NA 2.150% 11/21/18 11,650 11,581
  Capital One Bank USA NA 2.250% 2/13/19 24,420 24,252
  Capital One Bank USA NA 2.300% 6/5/19 32,965 32,718
  Capital One Financial Corp. 6.150% 9/1/16 4,335 4,545
  Capital One Financial Corp. 2.450% 4/24/19 25,525 25,529
  Capital One Financial Corp. 3.200% 2/5/25 7,200 6,794
  Capital One NA 1.500% 9/5/17 17,570 17,445
  Capital One NA 1.650% 2/5/18 27,200 27,017
  Capital One NA 1.500% 3/22/18 60,395 59,705
  Capital One NA 2.400% 9/5/19 16,790 16,663
  Citigroup Inc. 1.250% 1/15/16 3,941 3,948
  Citigroup Inc. 1.300% 4/1/16 13,644 13,672
  Citigroup Inc. 3.953% 6/15/16 54,042 55,327
  Citigroup Inc. 5.850% 8/2/16 8,595 8,988
  Citigroup Inc. 4.450% 1/10/17 51,479 53,644
  Citigroup Inc. 1.350% 3/10/17 7,914 7,907
  Citigroup Inc. 1.550% 8/14/17 13,826 13,788
  Citigroup Inc. 6.125% 11/21/17 53,745 58,858
  Citigroup Inc. 1.850% 11/24/17 60,550 60,688
  Citigroup Inc. 1.800% 2/5/18 36,140 36,081
  Citigroup Inc. 1.700% 4/27/18 83,010 82,510
  Citigroup Inc. 1.750% 5/1/18 68,076 67,719
  Citigroup Inc. 6.125% 5/15/18 9,760 10,835
  Citigroup Inc. 2.150% 7/30/18 12,353 12,397
  Citigroup Inc. 2.500% 9/26/18 61,030 61,791
  Citigroup Inc. 2.550% 4/8/19 59,260 59,850
  Citigroup Inc. 2.500% 7/29/19 21,060 21,127
4,7,10 Colonial BancGroup Inc. 7.114% 5/29/49 25,100 ca
  Comerica Bank 5.750% 11/21/16 17,000 17,957
  Comerica Bank 5.200% 8/22/17 6,825 7,267
  Commonwealth Bank of Australia 1.250% 9/18/15 33,150 33,183
  Commonwealth Bank of Australia 1.125% 3/13/17 9,750 9,758
  Commonwealth Bank of Australia 1.400% 9/8/17 53,400 53,507




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Commonwealth Bank of Australia 1.900% 9/18/17 19,030 19,267
  Commonwealth Bank of Australia 1.625% 3/12/18 23,445 23,545
  Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2.500% 9/20/18 64,205 65,668
  Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2.250% 3/13/19 57,815 58,328
  Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2.300% 9/6/19 34,200 34,315
  Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2.300% 3/12/20 21,490 21,524
  Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 3.375% 1/19/17 89,189 92,094
  Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 1.700% 3/19/18 46,263 46,325
  Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 2.250% 1/14/19 76,230 76,851
  Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 2.250% 1/14/20 25,125 25,089
11 Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 3.750% 11/9/20 19,526 23,600
  Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 4.375% 8/4/25 8,370 8,416
  Countrywide Financial Corp. 6.250% 5/15/16 37,914 39,289
  Credit Suisse 1.375% 5/26/17 46,525 46,489
  Credit Suisse 1.750% 1/29/18 40,800 40,773
  Credit Suisse 1.700% 4/27/18 58,595 58,273
  Credit Suisse 2.300% 5/28/19 69,795 70,136
  Credit Suisse 4.375% 8/5/20 2,030 2,216
7 Credit Suisse Group Funding Guernsey Ltd. 2.750% 3/26/20 14,655 14,570
  Credit Suisse USA Inc. 5.125% 8/15/15 45,875 45,930
7 Danske Bank A/S 3.875% 4/14/16 34,300 34,987
  Deutsche Bank AG 3.250% 1/11/16 38,861 39,276
  Deutsche Bank AG 1.400% 2/13/17 93,890 93,577
  Deutsche Bank AG 6.000% 9/1/17 97,907 106,207
  Deutsche Bank AG 1.875% 2/13/18 56,405 56,263
  Deutsche Bank AG 2.500% 2/13/19 21,485 21,649
  Discover Bank 3.100% 6/4/20 24,430 24,522
  Fifth Third Bank 0.900% 2/26/16 24,395 24,413
  Fifth Third Bank 2.375% 4/25/19 25,627 25,772
  First Horizon National Corp. 5.375% 12/15/15 31,966 32,404
  First Republic Bank 2.375% 6/17/19 47,605 47,604
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 3.700% 8/1/15 50,099 50,103
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 5.350% 1/15/16 43,487 44,359
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 3.625% 2/7/16 4,999 5,068
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 5.625% 1/15/17 37,115 39,186
12 Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 6.125% 5/14/17 37,400 62,532
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 6.250% 9/1/17 73,865 80,666
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 5.950% 1/18/18 108,310 118,834
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 2.375% 1/22/18 80,630 81,806
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 6.150% 4/1/18 31,713 35,128
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 2.900% 7/19/18 76,640 78,682
9 Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 5.000% 8/8/18 12,310 9,397
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 2.625% 1/31/19 68,810 69,978
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 2.550% 10/23/19 27,660 27,797
7 HSBC Bank plc 1.500% 5/15/18 17,965 17,913
  HSBC Bank USA NA 6.000% 8/9/17 10,110 10,952
  HSBC USA Inc. 1.500% 11/13/17 7,190 7,173
  HSBC USA Inc. 1.625% 1/16/18 56,555 56,484
  HSBC USA Inc. 2.625% 9/24/18 36,735 37,488
  HSBC USA Inc. 2.250% 6/23/19 29,545 29,495
  HSBC USA Inc. 2.375% 11/13/19 48,435 48,434
  HSBC USA Inc. 2.350% 3/5/20 19,540 19,426
  Huntington Bancshares Inc. 2.600% 8/2/18 43,955 44,516
  Huntington National Bank 1.375% 4/24/17 25,150 25,038
  Huntington National Bank 2.000% 6/30/18 53,720 53,769
7 ING Bank NV 3.750% 3/7/17 66,683 69,112
7 ING Bank NV 2.450% 3/16/20 39,075 39,255
  Intesa Sanpaolo SPA 3.125% 1/15/16 59,065 59,532
  Intesa Sanpaolo SPA 2.375% 1/13/17 71,950 72,226
  Intesa Sanpaolo SPA 3.875% 1/16/18 55,390 57,217
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 5.150% 10/1/15 9,836 9,898
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1.100% 10/15/15 35,284 35,318
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2.600% 1/15/16 38,773 39,073
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1.125% 2/26/16 4,476 4,481




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 3.450% 3/1/16 99,006 100,410
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 3.150% 7/5/16 49,792 50,712
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1.350% 2/15/17 12,476 12,480
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2.000% 8/15/17 25,984 26,202
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 6.000% 1/15/18 71,913 78,981
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1.800% 1/25/18 19,720 19,750
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1.700% 3/1/18 49,200 49,092
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1.625% 5/15/18 18,926 18,822
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2.350% 1/28/19 85,037 85,646
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 6.300% 4/23/19 35,973 41,131
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2.200% 10/22/19 43,950 43,922
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2.250% 1/23/20 55,770 55,148
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2.750% 6/23/20 64,725 64,973
4 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 5.300% 12/29/49 14,010 13,870
  JPMorgan Chase Bank NA 5.875% 6/13/16 9,750 10,119
12 JPMorgan Chase Bank NA 5.375% 9/28/16 13,750 22,379
  JPMorgan Chase Bank NA 6.000% 7/5/17 8,592 9,288
  JPMorgan Chase Bank NA 6.000% 10/1/17 35,313 38,381
  KeyBank NA 1.650% 2/1/18 5,305 5,300
  KeyBank NA 1.700% 6/1/18 9,750 9,727
4,7 LBG Capital No.1 plc 8.000% 12/29/49 10,997 12,564
  Lloyds Bank plc 4.875% 1/21/16 12,562 12,803
  Lloyds Bank plc 1.750% 5/14/18 21,290 21,274
  Lloyds Bank plc 2.300% 11/27/18 13,185 13,346
  Lloyds Bank plc 2.350% 9/5/19 15,160 15,222
  Lloyds Bank plc 2.400% 3/17/20 34,190 34,214
7 Macquarie Bank Ltd. 1.600% 10/27/17 57,550 57,221
7 Macquarie Bank Ltd. 2.400% 1/21/20 36,370 36,166
7 Macquarie Bank Ltd. 4.875% 6/10/25 21,000 20,930
  Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co. 1.250% 1/30/17 9,750 9,735
  Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co. 6.625% 12/4/17 39,089 43,366
  Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co. 1.450% 3/7/18 34,010 33,763
  Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co. 2.300% 1/30/19 38,480 38,640
  Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co. 2.250% 7/25/19 40,550 40,649
  Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co. 2.100% 2/6/20 19,530 19,343
4 Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co. 5.629% 12/1/21 9,755 9,892
7 Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp. 1.600% 10/16/17 29,290 29,181
7 Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp. 2.450% 10/16/19 29,290 29,378
  Morgan Stanley 5.375% 10/15/15 26,120 26,353
  Morgan Stanley 3.450% 11/2/15 9,750 9,810
  Morgan Stanley 3.800% 4/29/16 39,075 39,884
  Morgan Stanley 5.750% 10/18/16 69,245 72,894
  Morgan Stanley 5.450% 1/9/17 27,352 28,869
  Morgan Stanley 5.550% 4/27/17 19,495 20,792
  Morgan Stanley 6.250% 8/28/17 8,665 9,450
  Morgan Stanley 5.950% 12/28/17 54,821 59,786
  Morgan Stanley 1.875% 1/5/18 62,508 62,666
  Morgan Stanley 6.625% 4/1/18 22,850 25,603
  Morgan Stanley 2.125% 4/25/18 30,740 30,965
  Morgan Stanley 2.500% 1/24/19 33,000 33,378
  Morgan Stanley 2.375% 7/23/19 44,790 44,823
  Morgan Stanley 2.650% 1/27/20 32,700 32,830
  Morgan Stanley 2.800% 6/16/20 32,600 32,739
  MUFG Americas Holdings Corp. 1.625% 2/9/18 14,400 14,371
  MUFG Americas Holdings Corp. 2.250% 2/10/20 29,300 29,119
  MUFG Union Bank NA 5.950% 5/11/16 53,730 55,693
  MUFG Union Bank NA 3.000% 6/6/16 56,590 57,574
  MUFG Union Bank NA 1.500% 9/26/16 39,855 39,982
  MUFG Union Bank NA 2.125% 6/16/17 29,740 30,114
  MUFG Union Bank NA 2.625% 9/26/18 39,640 40,272
  MUFG Union Bank NA 2.250% 5/6/19 24,420 24,564
  National Australia Bank Ltd. 1.600% 8/7/15 9,750 9,751
  National Australia Bank Ltd. 2.300% 7/25/18 21,800 22,173
  National City Bank 5.250% 12/15/16 14,750 15,503




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  National City Bank 5.800% 6/7/17 14,625 15,679
  National City Corp. 6.875% 5/15/19 8,085 9,328
7 Nationwide Building Society 2.350% 1/21/20 39,835 39,745
  PNC Bank NA 0.800% 1/28/16 26,345 26,371
  PNC Bank NA 5.250% 1/15/17 27,935 29,443
  PNC Bank NA 1.125% 1/27/17 46,690 46,640
  PNC Bank NA 4.875% 9/21/17 22,535 23,976
  PNC Bank NA 1.500% 10/18/17 48,800 48,886
  PNC Bank NA 6.000% 12/7/17 4,885 5,333
  PNC Bank NA 1.500% 2/23/18 55,800 55,568
  PNC Bank NA 6.875% 4/1/18 4,197 4,698
  PNC Bank NA 1.600% 6/1/18 81,400 81,115
  PNC Bank NA 2.200% 1/28/19 48,707 49,122
  PNC Bank NA 2.250% 7/2/19 44,590 44,647
  PNC Bank NA 2.400% 10/18/19 63,398 63,838
  PNC Financial Services Group Inc. 1.850% 7/20/18 24,260 24,290
  PNC Financial Services Group Inc. 2.600% 7/21/20 14,430 14,493
  PNC Funding Corp. 4.250% 9/21/15 23,385 23,496
  PNC Funding Corp. 2.700% 9/19/16 40,143 40,781
  PNC Funding Corp. 5.625% 2/1/17 4,380 4,640
  PNC Funding Corp. 5.125% 2/8/20 7,230 8,092
  Regions Bank 7.500% 5/15/18 7,579 8,640
  Regions Financial Corp. 2.000% 5/15/18 27,350 27,264
  Royal Bank of Canada 2.875% 4/19/16 73,300 74,464
  Royal Bank of Canada 2.300% 7/20/16 41,185 41,783
  Royal Bank of Canada 1.250% 6/16/17 19,520 19,533
  Royal Bank of Canada 1.400% 10/13/17 26,360 26,350
  Royal Bank of Canada 1.500% 1/16/18 3,900 3,900
  Royal Bank of Canada 2.200% 7/27/18 25,890 26,266
  Royal Bank of Canada 1.800% 7/30/18 18,752 18,813
  Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc 6.400% 10/21/19 8,295 9,307
  Royal Bank of Scotland plc 3.950% 9/21/15 43,808 43,974
  Royal Bank of Scotland plc 4.375% 3/16/16 3,945 4,014
  Royal Bank of Scotland plc 5.625% 8/24/20 12,650 14,346
  Santander Bank NA 8.750% 5/30/18 33,955 39,236
7 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 2.450% 5/27/20 22,860 23,001
  Societe Generale SA 2.750% 10/12/17 24,310 24,928
  State Street Bank & Trust Co. 5.300% 1/15/16 7,261 7,402
4 State Street Corp. 5.250% 12/29/49 14,020 14,090
  Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. 1.350% 7/11/17 14,620 14,578
  SunTrust Banks Inc. 3.500% 1/20/17 12,711 13,086
  SunTrust Banks Inc. 6.000% 9/11/17 8,795 9,559
  Svenska Handelsbanken AB 2.500% 1/25/19 39,685 40,490
  Svenska Handelsbanken AB 2.250% 6/17/19 12,975 13,088
  Synchrony Financial 3.000% 8/15/19 85,990 86,558
  Synchrony Financial 2.700% 2/3/20 39,200 38,554
  Synchrony Financial 3.750% 8/15/21 9,760 9,799
  Synchrony Financial 4.500% 7/23/25 4,215 4,236
  Toronto-Dominion Bank 2.500% 7/14/16 23,423 23,812
  Toronto-Dominion Bank 1.625% 3/13/18 63,495 63,782
  Toronto-Dominion Bank 1.400% 4/30/18 28,510 28,413
  Toronto-Dominion Bank 1.750% 7/23/18 51,810 51,745
  Toronto-Dominion Bank 2.125% 7/2/19 63,831 64,240
  Toronto-Dominion Bank 2.250% 11/5/19 57,880 58,269
  UBS AG 5.875% 12/20/17 52,925 58,061
  UBS AG 1.800% 3/26/18 54,700 54,774
  UBS AG 5.750% 4/25/18 72,185 79,527
  UBS AG 2.375% 8/14/19 44,990 45,075
  US Bank NA 1.100% 1/30/17 5,729 5,737
  US Bank NA 1.375% 9/11/17 42,077 42,178
  US Bank NA 1.350% 1/26/18 22,067 22,042
  US Bank NA 2.125% 10/28/19 37,470 37,544
  Wachovia Bank NA 5.000% 8/15/15 9,750 9,762
  Wachovia Bank NA 5.600% 3/15/16 26,540 27,322




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Wachovia Bank NA 6.000% 11/15/17 53,763 58,984
  Wachovia Corp. 5.625% 10/15/16 34,080 35,901
  Wachovia Corp. 5.750% 6/15/17 37,230 40,289
  Wachovia Corp. 5.750% 2/1/18 53,681 59,044
10 Washington Mutual Bank/Debt not acq. by JPMorgan 6.875% 6/15/11 21,983 55
  Wells Fargo & Co. 3.676% 6/15/16 53,334 54,653
  Wells Fargo & Co. 1.150% 6/2/17 7,300 7,292
  Wells Fargo & Co. 1.400% 9/8/17 36,020 36,036
  Wells Fargo & Co. 5.625% 12/11/17 19,840 21,723
  Wells Fargo & Co. 1.500% 1/16/18 40,770 40,812
  Wells Fargo & Co. 2.150% 1/15/19 25,673 25,890
  Wells Fargo & Co. 2.125% 4/22/19 102,100 102,460
  Wells Fargo & Co. 2.150% 1/30/20 70,570 69,986
  Wells Fargo & Co. 2.600% 7/22/20 51,500 51,654
  Westpac Banking Corp. 1.125% 9/25/15 26,447 26,473
  Westpac Banking Corp. 3.000% 12/9/15 33,086 33,373
  Westpac Banking Corp. 0.950% 1/12/16 19,436 19,466
  Westpac Banking Corp. 1.050% 11/25/16 24,571 24,628
  Westpac Banking Corp. 1.200% 5/19/17 19,436 19,462
  Westpac Banking Corp. 2.000% 8/14/17 54,486 55,276
  Westpac Banking Corp. 1.500% 12/1/17 48,825 48,855
  Westpac Banking Corp. 1.600% 1/12/18 44,378 44,561
  Westpac Banking Corp. 1.550% 5/25/18 30,270 30,165
  Westpac Banking Corp. 2.250% 7/30/18 20,830 21,146
  Westpac Banking Corp. 2.250% 1/17/19 23,400 23,669
  Westpac Banking Corp. 4.875% 11/19/19 35,464 39,350
  Westpac Banking Corp. 2.300% 5/26/20 23,770 23,755
  Zions Bancorporation 5.500% 11/16/15 819 824
  Brokerage (0.6%)        
  Ameriprise Financial Inc. 5.650% 11/15/15 3,160 3,202
4 Ameriprise Financial Inc. 7.518% 6/1/66 6,634 6,534
  Charles Schwab Corp. 6.375% 9/1/17 5,860 6,462
  Charles Schwab Corp. 1.500% 3/10/18 19,535 19,536
  Franklin Resources Inc. 1.375% 9/15/17 15,056 15,086
  Jefferies Group LLC 5.125% 4/13/18 12,335 13,100
  Legg Mason Inc. 2.700% 7/15/19 5,860 5,868
10 Lehman Brothers Holdings E-Capital Trust I 3.589% 8/19/65 9,410 1
  Nomura Holdings Inc. 4.125% 1/19/16 23,440 23,746
  Nomura Holdings Inc. 2.000% 9/13/16 93,195 93,752
  Nomura Holdings Inc. 2.750% 3/19/19 26,430 26,764
  NYSE Euronext 2.000% 10/5/17 39,586 39,974
  TD Ameritrade Holding Corp. 2.950% 4/1/22 17,515 17,486
7 TIAA Asset Management Finance Co. LLC 2.950% 11/1/19 60,100 60,756
  Finance Companies (1.3%)        
  Air Lease Corp. 5.625% 4/1/17 81,514 86,099
  Air Lease Corp. 3.375% 1/15/19 31,655 32,169
  General Electric Capital Corp. 4.375% 9/21/15 9,252 9,300
  General Electric Capital Corp. 2.250% 11/9/15 18,773 18,855
  General Electric Capital Corp. 1.000% 12/11/15 6,813 6,825
  General Electric Capital Corp. 5.000% 1/8/16 22,888 23,329
  General Electric Capital Corp. 2.950% 5/9/16 17,620 17,922
  General Electric Capital Corp. 1.500% 7/12/16 38,903 39,204
  General Electric Capital Corp. 3.350% 10/17/16 56,233 57,881
  General Electric Capital Corp. 2.900% 1/9/17 14,748 15,132
  General Electric Capital Corp. 5.400% 2/15/17 34,848 37,130
  General Electric Capital Corp. 2.450% 3/15/17 3,868 3,945
  General Electric Capital Corp. 5.625% 9/15/17 55,809 60,760
  General Electric Capital Corp. 5.625% 5/1/18 106,280 117,312
  General Electric Capital Corp. 6.000% 8/7/19 14,432 16,580
  General Electric Capital Corp. 2.200% 1/9/20 44,590 44,636
4 General Electric Capital Corp. 6.375% 11/15/67 7,110 7,608
  HSBC Finance Corp. 5.500% 1/19/16 63,490 64,812
6 HSBC Finance Corp. 0.713% 6/1/16 17,234 17,203




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Insurance (1.9%)        
  Aflac Inc. 2.400% 3/16/20 11,720 11,835
  Alleghany Corp. 5.625% 9/15/20 8,890 9,941
  Allied World Assurance Co. Ltd. 7.500% 8/1/16 55,754 59,004
  Allied World Assurance Co. Ltd. 5.500% 11/15/20 2,075 2,303
  Alterra Finance LLC 6.250% 9/30/20 9,765 11,241
  American Financial Group Inc. 9.875% 6/15/19 31,750 39,696
  American International Group Inc. 2.375% 8/24/15 9,750 9,760
  American International Group Inc. 5.050% 10/1/15 9,835 9,899
  American International Group Inc. 2.300% 7/16/19 9,916 9,933
  American International Group Inc. 3.875% 1/15/35 3,760 3,408
  Anthem Inc. 1.875% 1/15/18 19,336 19,266
  Aspen Insurance Holdings Ltd. 6.000% 12/15/20 25,904 28,520
  Assurant Inc. 2.500% 3/15/18 29,300 29,346
  Axis Specialty Finance LLC 5.875% 6/1/20 11,618 13,159
  AXIS Specialty Finance plc 2.650% 4/1/19 14,650 14,688
  Berkshire Hathaway Finance Corp. 5.400% 5/15/18 24,144 26,732
  Berkshire Hathaway Inc. 2.200% 8/15/16 4,850 4,929
  Berkshire Hathaway Inc. 2.100% 8/14/19 4,875 4,925
  CNA Financial Corp. 6.500% 8/15/16 20,495 21,589
  CNA Financial Corp. 7.350% 11/15/19 3,900 4,606
  Manulife Financial Corp. 3.400% 9/17/15 14,461 14,507
  Marsh & McLennan Cos. Inc. 2.550% 10/15/18 9,875 10,058
  Marsh & McLennan Cos. Inc. 2.350% 3/6/20 14,385 14,400
7 MassMutual Global Funding II 3.125% 4/14/16 11,760 11,945
7 MassMutual Global Funding II 2.000% 4/5/17 8,141 8,235
7 MassMutual Global Funding II 2.100% 8/2/18 12,735 12,876
7 MassMutual Global Funding II 2.500% 10/17/22 14,335 13,813
  MetLife Inc. 6.750% 6/1/16 40,736 42,722
  MetLife Inc. 1.756% 12/15/17 14,600 14,704
  MetLife Inc. 6.817% 8/15/18 13,300 15,254
  MetLife Inc. 7.717% 2/15/19 9,219 11,000
4 MetLife Inc. 5.250% 12/29/49 7,005 6,987
7 Metropolitan Life Global Funding I 1.500% 1/10/18 29,350 29,352
7 Metropolitan Life Global Funding I 2.300% 4/10/19 11,225 11,334
7 Metropolitan Life Global Funding I 2.000% 4/14/20 19,530 19,369
7 New York Life Global Funding 1.950% 2/11/20 17,975 17,794
  PartnerRe Finance A LLC 6.875% 6/1/18 20,530 23,083
  Principal Financial Group Inc. 1.850% 11/15/17 15,600 15,708
7 Principal Life Global Funding II 2.250% 10/15/18 11,725 11,893
7 Principal Life Global Funding II 2.200% 4/8/20 28,665 28,468
4 Progressive Corp. 6.700% 6/15/67 9,760 10,163
  Prudential Financial Inc. 3.000% 5/12/16 11,725 11,911
  Prudential Financial Inc. 7.375% 6/15/19 10,442 12,382
  Prudential Financial Inc. 2.350% 8/15/19 9,790 9,825
4 Prudential Financial Inc. 5.375% 5/15/45 12,290 12,106
  Reinsurance Group of America Inc. 5.625% 3/15/17 12,900 13,725
  Reinsurance Group of America Inc. 6.450% 11/15/19 21,183 24,347
7 Reliance Standard Life Global Funding II 2.500% 1/15/20 52,630 52,618
7 Reliance Standard Life Global Funding II 2.375% 5/4/20 17,860 17,661
  Torchmark Corp. 9.250% 6/15/19 7,053 8,758
  Transatlantic Holdings Inc. 5.750% 12/14/15 18,420 18,739
  Travelers Cos. Inc. 5.800% 5/15/18 2,273 2,528
  Travelers Cos. Inc. 5.900% 6/2/19 2,930 3,352
  Travelers Cos. Inc. 3.900% 11/1/20 4,300 4,639
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 1.450% 7/17/17 27,900 27,960
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 1.400% 12/15/17 12,210 12,157
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 1.900% 7/16/18 30,270 30,376
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 2.300% 12/15/19 9,765 9,783
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 2.700% 7/15/20 14,640 14,799
  Unum Group 7.125% 9/30/16 13,498 14,372
7 UnumProvident Finance Co. plc 6.850% 11/15/15 9,895 10,047




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Real Estate Investment Trusts (1.8%)        
  Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc. 2.750% 1/15/20 29,896 29,617
  ARC Properties Operating Partnership LP/Clark        
  Acquisition LLC 2.000% 2/6/17 112,260 109,770
  ARC Properties Operating Partnership LP/Clark        
  Acquisition LLC 3.000% 2/6/19 22,495 21,528
  AvalonBay Communities Inc. 3.625% 10/1/20 8,980 9,375
  AvalonBay Communities Inc. 3.450% 6/1/25 11,985 11,898
  BioMed Realty LP 3.850% 4/15/16 16,095 16,358
  Boston Properties LP 3.700% 11/15/18 4,900 5,141
  Boston Properties LP 5.875% 10/15/19 32,163 36,644
  Brandywine Operating Partnership LP 5.700% 5/1/17 15,370 16,321
  Brandywine Operating Partnership LP 4.950% 4/15/18 21,275 22,574
  DDR Corp. 9.625% 3/15/16 8,701 9,136
  DDR Corp. 7.500% 4/1/17 289 315
  DDR Corp. 4.750% 4/15/18 29,245 31,103
  DDR Corp. 7.500% 7/15/18 2,500 2,863
  DDR Corp. 7.875% 9/1/20 7,085 8,633
  Digital Realty Trust LP 5.875% 2/1/20 29,982 33,677
  Digital Realty Trust LP 3.950% 7/1/22 25,043 25,160
  Duke Realty LP 5.950% 2/15/17 882 940
  Duke Realty LP 6.500% 1/15/18 3,235 3,601
  ERP Operating LP 2.375% 7/1/19 4,875 4,898
  ERP Operating LP 4.750% 7/15/20 4,304 4,709
  Essex Portfolio LP 3.500% 4/1/25 14,862 14,344
7 Goodman Funding Pty Ltd. 6.375% 11/12/20 21,270 24,460
  HCP Inc. 3.750% 2/1/16 32,511 32,950
  HCP Inc. 6.700% 1/30/18 9,705 10,800
  HCP Inc. 2.625% 2/1/20 12,357 12,253
  HCP Inc. 5.375% 2/1/21 18,503 20,411
  Health Care REIT Inc. 3.625% 3/15/16 46,635 47,284
  Health Care REIT Inc. 4.700% 9/15/17 14,620 15,507
  Health Care REIT Inc. 2.250% 3/15/18 15,769 15,862
  Health Care REIT Inc. 4.125% 4/1/19 46,860 49,612
  Health Care REIT Inc. 6.125% 4/15/20 14,650 16,747
  Health Care REIT Inc. 4.000% 6/1/25 10,725 10,675
  Highwoods Realty LP 5.850% 3/15/17 4,425 4,714
  Kilroy Realty LP 4.800% 7/15/18 20,030 21,328
  Liberty Property LP 5.500% 12/15/16 27,672 29,109
  Liberty Property LP 4.750% 10/1/20 10,940 11,761
  Liberty Property LP 3.750% 4/1/25 3,575 3,491
  ProLogis LP 4.500% 8/15/17 7,300 7,704
  ProLogis LP 2.750% 2/15/19 4,255 4,326
11 ProLogis LP 1.375% 5/13/21 15,142 16,402
  Realty Income Corp. 2.000% 1/31/18 4,870 4,891
  Realty Income Corp. 6.750% 8/15/19 5,985 6,935
  Regency Centers LP 5.875% 6/15/17 13,675 14,728
  Senior Housing Properties Trust 4.300% 1/15/16 11,460 11,560
  Senior Housing Properties Trust 3.250% 5/1/19 36,150 36,352
  Simon Property Group LP 2.800% 1/30/17 22,815 23,311
  Simon Property Group LP 2.150% 9/15/17 1,572 1,598
  Simon Property Group LP 10.350% 4/1/19 10,565 13,381
  Simon Property Group LP 5.650% 2/1/20 16,085 18,315
  Simon Property Group LP 4.375% 3/1/21 7,375 8,000
  Ventas Realty LP / Ventas Capital Corp. 2.000% 2/15/18 14,362 14,441
7 WEA Finance LLC / Westfield UK & Europe Finance plc 1.750% 9/15/17 29,290 29,315
7 WEA Finance LLC / Westfield UK & Europe Finance plc 2.700% 9/17/19 6,825 6,829
  Weingarten Realty Investors 3.375% 10/15/22 9,088 8,910
  Weingarten Realty Investors 3.850% 6/1/25 6,445 6,384
Industrial (28.6%)        
  Basic Industry (2.0%)        
  Agrium Inc. 6.750% 1/15/19 11,665 13,294




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Air Products & Chemicals Inc. 2.000% 8/2/16 10,706 10,834
  Air Products & Chemicals Inc. 1.200% 10/15/17 11,225 11,209
  Air Products & Chemicals Inc. 4.375% 8/21/19 7,155 7,809
  Airgas Inc. 2.950% 6/15/16 8,867 9,006
  Airgas Inc. 1.650% 2/15/18 23,552 23,521
  Airgas Inc. 2.375% 2/15/20 9,890 9,829
  Albemarle Corp. 3.000% 12/1/19 4,880 4,918
  Barrick North America Finance LLC 6.800% 9/15/18 16,290 18,178
11 BHP Billiton Finance Ltd. 6.375% 4/4/16 13,675 15,624
  BHP Billiton Finance USA Ltd. 1.875% 11/21/16 3,874 3,911
  BHP Billiton Finance USA Ltd. 1.625% 2/24/17 68,574 69,145
  BHP Billiton Finance USA Ltd. 5.400% 3/29/17 35,646 37,986
  BHP Billiton Finance USA Ltd. 2.050% 9/30/18 13,920 14,010
  BHP Billiton Finance USA Ltd. 6.500% 4/1/19 36,339 41,834
  CF Industries Inc. 6.875% 5/1/18 38,450 43,112
  Eastman Chemical Co. 3.000% 12/15/15 7,704 7,758
  Eastman Chemical Co. 2.400% 6/1/17 19,169 19,440
  Eastman Chemical Co. 2.700% 1/15/20 8,775 8,784
  Ecolab Inc. 3.000% 12/8/16 3,339 3,412
  EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 6.000% 7/15/18 27,383 30,568
  EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 4.625% 1/15/20 11,348 12,489
  Freeport-McMoRan Inc. 2.375% 3/15/18 19,020 17,742
7 Glencore Finance Canada Ltd. 3.600% 1/15/17 19,830 20,175
7 Glencore Funding LLC 2.500% 1/15/19 9,770 9,597
  Goldcorp Inc. 2.125% 3/15/18 14,640 14,602
  LyondellBasell Industries NV 5.000% 4/15/19 42,005 45,489
  Monsanto Co. 1.150% 6/30/17 9,770 9,733
  Monsanto Co. 5.125% 4/15/18 22,515 24,445
  Monsanto Co. 1.850% 11/15/18 3,000 3,015
  Monsanto Co. 2.125% 7/15/19 39,050 38,786
  Monsanto Co. 2.750% 7/15/21 15,740 15,422
  Nucor Corp. 5.850% 6/1/18 23,033 25,606
  Plains Exploration & Production Co. 6.500% 11/15/20 18,650 18,091
  Plains Exploration & Production Co. 6.750% 2/1/22 6,446 6,382
  Plains Exploration & Production Co. 6.875% 2/15/23 11,008 10,898
  Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc. 3.250% 12/1/17 28,554 29,506
  Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc. 6.500% 5/15/19 5,052 5,819
  PPG Industries Inc. 1.900% 1/15/16 9,911 9,965
  PPG Industries Inc. 2.300% 11/15/19 29,285 29,195
11 PPG Industries Inc. 0.875% 3/13/22 20,714 22,141
  Praxair Inc. 4.500% 8/15/19 21,490 23,484
  Rio Tinto Finance USA Ltd. 6.500% 7/15/18 27,361 30,761
  Rio Tinto Finance USA Ltd. 9.000% 5/1/19 15,620 19,396
  Rio Tinto Finance USA Ltd. 3.750% 6/15/25 4,460 4,344
  Rio Tinto Finance USA plc 1.375% 6/17/16 38,045 38,090
  Rio Tinto Finance USA plc 2.000% 3/22/17 40,230 40,600
  Rio Tinto Finance USA plc 1.625% 8/21/17 56,904 56,753
  Teck Resources Ltd. 3.150% 1/15/17 12,405 11,980
  Teck Resources Ltd. 3.850% 8/15/17 8,395 8,103
  Teck Resources Ltd. 2.500% 2/1/18 11,230 10,219
  Teck Resources Ltd. 3.000% 3/1/19 2,380 2,142
  Vale Overseas Ltd. 6.250% 1/11/16 22,625 23,062
  Vale Overseas Ltd. 6.250% 1/23/17 34,195 35,885
  Vale Overseas Ltd. 5.625% 9/15/19 16,145 17,362
  Capital Goods (3.0%)        
7 ABB Treasury Center USA Inc. 2.500% 6/15/16 14,650 14,833
  Boeing Capital Corp. 2.125% 8/15/16 17,596 17,820
  Boeing Capital Corp. 2.900% 8/15/18 22,681 23,674
  Boeing Capital Corp. 4.700% 10/27/19 38,917 43,147
  Boeing Co. 0.950% 5/15/18 16,015 15,822
  Boeing Co. 6.000% 3/15/19 13,172 15,080
  Caterpillar Financial Services Corp. 5.450% 4/15/18 45,680 50,391
  Caterpillar Financial Services Corp. 7.050% 10/1/18 6,360 7,374




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Caterpillar Financial Services Corp. 7.150% 2/15/19 42,395 49,914
  Caterpillar Inc. 7.900% 12/15/18 40,399 48,360
  Crane Co. 2.750% 12/15/18 12,615 12,864
  Danaher Corp. 2.300% 6/23/16 32,674 33,122
  Danaher Corp. 5.400% 3/1/19 21,460 23,888
  Danaher Corp. 3.900% 6/23/21 21,861 23,556
11 DH Europe Finance SA 1.000% 7/8/19 17,300 19,151
11 Dover Corp. 2.125% 12/1/20 10,205 11,765
7 Embraer Overseas Ltd. 5.696% 9/16/23 10,379 10,829
  General Dynamics Corp. 2.250% 7/15/16 5,423 5,505
  General Electric Co. 0.850% 10/9/15 18,403 18,418
  General Electric Co. 5.250% 12/6/17 131,375 142,742
  Harris Corp. 1.999% 4/27/18 14,650 14,627
  Harris Corp. 2.700% 4/27/20 7,150 7,042
  Harsco Corp. 2.700% 10/15/15 10,192 10,192
  Honeywell International Inc. 5.300% 3/1/18 38,124 41,890
  Honeywell International Inc. 5.000% 2/15/19 55,684 61,798
  Ingersoll-Rand Global Holding Co. Ltd. 6.875% 8/15/18 9,765 11,093
  Ingersoll-Rand Global Holding Co. Ltd. 2.875% 1/15/19 33,363 33,966
  Ingersoll-Rand Luxembourg Finance SA 2.625% 5/1/20 9,760 9,723
  John Deere Capital Corp. 2.250% 6/7/16 28,350 28,744
  John Deere Capital Corp. 1.850% 9/15/16 37,790 38,254
  John Deere Capital Corp. 2.000% 1/13/17 12,655 12,836
  John Deere Capital Corp. 1.400% 3/15/17 19,465 19,624
  John Deere Capital Corp. 2.800% 9/18/17 6,545 6,765
  John Deere Capital Corp. 1.200% 10/10/17 35,080 35,051
  John Deere Capital Corp. 1.550% 12/15/17 19,525 19,603
  John Deere Capital Corp. 5.350% 4/3/18 19,520 21,528
  John Deere Capital Corp. 5.750% 9/10/18 19,420 21,734
  John Deere Capital Corp. 1.950% 12/13/18 47,286 47,627
  John Deere Capital Corp. 1.950% 3/4/19 8,311 8,350
  John Deere Capital Corp. 2.300% 9/16/19 12,500 12,610
  John Deere Capital Corp. 2.050% 3/10/20 19,535 19,462
  John Deere Capital Corp. 2.375% 7/14/20 20,335 20,391
9 John Deere Financial Ltd. 3.500% 12/18/19 19,040 14,100
  L-3 Communications Corp. 3.950% 11/15/16 11,560 11,886
  L-3 Communications Corp. 1.500% 5/28/17 9,765 9,677
  L-3 Communications Corp. 5.200% 10/15/19 15,207 16,506
  Lockheed Martin Corp. 4.250% 11/15/19 51,280 55,711
  Lockheed Martin Corp. 3.350% 9/15/21 19,010 19,555
  Mohawk Industries Inc. 6.125% 1/15/16 38,574 39,431
11 Mohawk Industries Inc. 2.000% 1/14/22 15,752 17,638
  Precision Castparts Corp. 0.700% 12/20/15 18,045 18,032
  Raytheon Co. 6.750% 3/15/18 14,663 16,660
  Raytheon Co. 6.400% 12/15/18 30,010 34,590
  Rockwell Automation Inc. 5.650% 12/1/17 4,885 5,341
  Roper Technologies Inc. 1.850% 11/15/17 21,480 21,559
  Roper Technologies Inc. 2.050% 10/1/18 9,590 9,576
11 Schneider Electric SE 3.750% 7/12/18 9,800 11,812
7 Schneider Electric SE 2.950% 9/27/22 21,466 21,292
7 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV 1.450% 5/25/18 28,405 28,399
7 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV 2.150% 5/27/20 28,790 28,576
  United Rentals North America Inc. 4.625% 7/15/23 14,375 14,213
  United Technologies Corp. 5.375% 12/15/17 28,015 30,623
  United Technologies Corp. 6.125% 2/1/19 33,666 38,476
  Waste Management Inc. 2.600% 9/1/16 8,200 8,330
  Waste Management Inc. 6.100% 3/15/18 11,725 13,070
  Communication (4.4%)        
  21st Century Fox America Inc. 7.250% 5/18/18 7,205 8,297
  21st Century Fox America Inc. 6.900% 3/1/19 6,840 7,945
  America Movil SAB de CV 2.375% 9/8/16 30,209 30,575
  America Movil SAB de CV 5.625% 11/15/17 29,869 32,544
11 America Movil SAB de CV 1.000% 6/4/18 29,300 32,488




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  America Movil SAB de CV 5.000% 10/16/19 8,810 9,696
  America Movil SAB de CV 5.000% 3/30/20 42,094 46,564
  American Tower Corp. 4.500% 1/15/18 29,290 30,886
  American Tower Corp. 3.400% 2/15/19 16,615 17,006
  American Tower Corp. 2.800% 6/1/20 34,200 33,855
  AT&T Inc. 2.400% 8/15/16 16,141 16,350
  AT&T Inc. 1.600% 2/15/17 14,738 14,781
12 AT&T Inc. 5.875% 4/28/17 28,800 48,031
  AT&T Inc. 1.700% 6/1/17 15,250 15,305
  AT&T Inc. 1.400% 12/1/17 24,400 24,240
  AT&T Inc. 5.500% 2/1/18 50,249 54,694
  AT&T Inc. 5.600% 5/15/18 6,038 6,640
  AT&T Inc. 5.800% 2/15/19 44,620 49,954
  AT&T Inc. 2.300% 3/11/19 9,500 9,541
  AT&T Inc. 2.450% 6/30/20 57,750 56,709
  British Telecommunications plc 1.250% 2/14/17 14,655 14,618
  British Telecommunications plc 2.350% 2/14/19 19,535 19,552
  CBS Corp. 1.950% 7/1/17 22,671 22,816
  CBS Corp. 4.625% 5/15/18 2,690 2,883
  CBS Corp. 2.300% 8/15/19 17,480 17,343
  Comcast Cable Communications LLC 8.875% 5/1/17 24,479 27,675
  Comcast Corp. 6.500% 1/15/17 26,164 28,180
  Comcast Corp. 6.300% 11/15/17 12,729 14,114
  Comcast Corp. 5.875% 2/15/18 17,672 19,612
  Comcast Corp. 5.700% 5/15/18 50,722 56,382
  Comcast Corp. 5.700% 7/1/19 36,293 41,276
  Comcast Corp. 5.150% 3/1/20 2,407 2,704
7 Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV 3.125% 4/11/16 21,376 21,684
7 Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV 2.250% 3/6/17 18,870 19,095
  Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV 6.750% 8/20/18 10,804 12,329
  Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV 6.000% 7/8/19 11,530 13,097
  DIRECTV Holdings LLC / DIRECTV Financing Co. Inc. 3.500% 3/1/16 32,190 32,646
  DIRECTV Holdings LLC / DIRECTV Financing Co. Inc. 2.400% 3/15/17 62,931 63,700
  DIRECTV Holdings LLC / DIRECTV Financing Co. Inc. 1.750% 1/15/18 47,725 47,377
  DIRECTV Holdings LLC / DIRECTV Financing Co. Inc. 5.875% 10/1/19 37,260 42,074
  DIRECTV Holdings LLC / DIRECTV Financing Co. Inc. 5.200% 3/15/20 24,582 27,066
  DIRECTV Holdings LLC / DIRECTV Financing Co. Inc. 4.600% 2/15/21 4,762 5,056
  Embarq Corp. 7.082% 6/1/16 18,952 19,727
  Interpublic Group of Cos. Inc. 2.250% 11/15/17 2,000 2,017
7 KT Corp. 1.750% 4/22/17 34,185 34,132
7 McGraw Hill Financial Inc. 4.000% 6/15/25 14,295 14,425
  Moody's Corp. 2.750% 7/15/19 56,407 57,275
  Moody's Corp. 5.500% 9/1/20 8,645 9,709
  NBCUniversal Media LLC 2.875% 4/1/16 23,134 23,467
  NBCUniversal Media LLC 5.150% 4/30/20 50,640 56,945
  Omnicom Group Inc. 5.900% 4/15/16 34,830 35,949
  Omnicom Group Inc. 6.250% 7/15/19 5,860 6,686
  Omnicom Group Inc. 4.450% 8/15/20 31,102 33,621
  Orange SA 2.750% 9/14/16 18,127 18,423
  Orange SA 2.750% 2/6/19 29,240 29,776
  Qwest Corp. 6.500% 6/1/17 9,653 10,310
  Rogers Communications Inc. 6.800% 8/15/18 21,753 24,752
7 SES Global Americas Holdings GP 2.500% 3/25/19 53,705 53,272
7 Sky plc 2.625% 9/16/19 12,200 12,157
  TCI Communications Inc. 8.750% 8/1/15 9,828 9,828
  Telecom Italia Capital SA 5.250% 10/1/15 4,900 4,924
  Telefonica Emisiones SAU 3.992% 2/16/16 47,895 48,594
  Telefonica Emisiones SAU 6.421% 6/20/16 8,695 9,065
  Telefonica Emisiones SAU 6.221% 7/3/17 11,382 12,326
  Telefonica Emisiones SAU 3.192% 4/27/18 23,952 24,601
  Telefonica Emisiones SAU 5.877% 7/15/19 5,000 5,612
  Telefonica Emisiones SAU 5.134% 4/27/20 10,250 11,319
  Thomson Reuters Corp. 0.875% 5/23/16 13,012 12,995
  Thomson Reuters Corp. 1.300% 2/23/17 21,480 21,445




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Thomson Reuters Corp. 6.500% 7/15/18 27,270 30,714
  Thomson Reuters Corp. 4.700% 10/15/19 19,869 21,749
  Time Warner Cable Inc. 5.850% 5/1/17 29,200 31,107
  Time Warner Cable Inc. 6.750% 7/1/18 76,845 85,489
  Time Warner Cable Inc. 8.750% 2/14/19 18,305 21,736
  Time Warner Cable Inc. 8.250% 4/1/19 23,445 27,599
  Verizon Communications Inc. 2.500% 9/15/16 24,700 25,078
  Verizon Communications Inc. 1.350% 6/9/17 69,868 69,794
  Verizon Communications Inc. 6.100% 4/15/18 16,606 18,416
  Verizon Communications Inc. 3.650% 9/14/18 87,250 91,736
  Verizon Communications Inc. 6.350% 4/1/19 24,747 28,236
  Verizon Communications Inc. 2.625% 2/21/20 62,087 62,032
  Verizon Communications Inc. 4.500% 9/15/20 25,450 27,402
  Viacom Inc. 6.250% 4/30/16 13,025 13,509
  Viacom Inc. 2.500% 12/15/16 9,880 10,012
  Viacom Inc. 6.125% 10/5/17 10,695 11,645
  Viacom Inc. 2.500% 9/1/18 13,895 14,011
  Viacom Inc. 5.625% 9/15/19 3,195 3,566
  Vodafone Group plc 1.250% 9/26/17 21,359 21,136
  Vodafone Group plc 5.450% 6/10/19 4,900 5,426
  Consumer Cyclical (4.4%)        
7 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 1.625% 11/28/17 37,630 37,475
7 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 2.500% 11/28/19 67,825 67,210
  Amazon.com Inc. 2.600% 12/5/19 19,535 19,739
  American Honda Finance Corp. 1.125% 10/7/16 19,816 19,878
  American Honda Finance Corp. 0.950% 5/5/17 15,960 15,919
  American Honda Finance Corp. 1.600% 7/13/18 10,770 10,761
  American Honda Finance Corp. 2.125% 10/10/18 18,825 19,038
  American Honda Finance Corp. 2.250% 8/15/19 41,660 42,004
  AutoZone Inc. 7.125% 8/1/18 33,707 38,719
  AutoZone Inc. 4.000% 11/15/20 16,040 16,973
  Brinker International Inc. 2.600% 5/15/18 26,410 26,454
  Costco Wholesale Corp. 5.500% 3/15/17 5,860 6,287
  Costco Wholesale Corp. 1.750% 2/15/20 14,650 14,508
  CVS Health Corp. 1.900% 7/20/18 24,415 24,522
  CVS Health Corp. 2.250% 12/5/18 24,400 24,653
  CVS Health Corp. 2.800% 7/20/20 76,575 77,299
7 Daimler Finance North America LLC 2.950% 1/11/17 16,915 17,296
7 Daimler Finance North America LLC 1.125% 3/10/17 27,650 27,510
7 Daimler Finance North America LLC 2.400% 4/10/17 9,740 9,884
7 Daimler Finance North America LLC 1.375% 8/1/17 19,525 19,444
7 Daimler Finance North America LLC 1.875% 1/11/18 5,520 5,539
7 Daimler Finance North America LLC 1.650% 3/2/18 14,035 13,980
7 Daimler Finance North America LLC 1.650% 5/18/18 18,505 18,421
7 Daimler Finance North America LLC 2.375% 8/1/18 38,500 38,875
7 Daimler Finance North America LLC 2.250% 9/3/19 14,645 14,563
7 Daimler Finance North America LLC 2.250% 3/2/20 14,035 13,863
7 Daimler Finance North America LLC 2.450% 5/18/20 14,125 14,014
  Dollar General Corp. 4.125% 7/15/17 12,850 13,366
  Dollar General Corp. 1.875% 4/15/18 9,965 9,907
  eBay Inc. 2.200% 8/1/19 19,800 19,461
7 Experian Finance plc 2.375% 6/15/17 35,430 35,631
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 4.207% 4/15/16 52,658 53,731
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 3.984% 6/15/16 30,550 31,205
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 8.000% 12/15/16 55,625 60,320
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 4.250% 2/3/17 9,755 10,105
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 3.000% 6/12/17 24,125 24,580
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 6.625% 8/15/17 57,191 62,292
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 2.145% 1/9/18 29,300 29,298
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 5.000% 5/15/18 82,715 88,741
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 2.240% 6/15/18 14,650 14,619
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 2.375% 3/12/19 19,535 19,381
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 2.597% 11/4/19 18,950 18,747




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 2.459% 3/27/20 19,535 19,100
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 3.157% 8/4/20 14,310 14,337
  General Motors Co. 3.500% 10/2/18 24,415 24,995
  General Motors Financial Co. Inc. 2.625% 7/10/17 19,525 19,818
  General Motors Financial Co. Inc. 4.750% 8/15/17 975 1,021
  General Motors Financial Co. Inc. 3.250% 5/15/18 64,135 64,856
  General Motors Financial Co. Inc. 6.750% 6/1/18 48,840 54,090
  General Motors Financial Co. Inc. 3.500% 7/10/19 30,330 30,785
  General Motors Financial Co. Inc. 3.200% 7/13/20 39,065 38,723
7 Harley-Davidson Financial Services Inc. 1.150% 9/15/15 38,887 38,906
7 Harley-Davidson Financial Services Inc. 3.875% 3/15/16 14,640 14,904
7 Harley-Davidson Financial Services Inc. 2.700% 3/15/17 16,094 16,442
7 Harley-Davidson Financial Services Inc. 2.400% 9/15/19 9,765 9,881
7 Harley-Davidson Financial Services Inc. 2.150% 2/26/20 10,800 10,732
7 Harley-Davidson Funding Corp. 6.800% 6/15/18 3,665 4,170
  Home Depot Inc. 2.000% 6/15/19 19,525 19,673
7 Hyundai Capital America 4.000% 6/8/17 10,785 11,223
7 Hyundai Capital Services Inc. 4.375% 7/27/16 8,300 8,544
7 Kia Motors Corp. 3.625% 6/14/16 26,624 27,072
  Lowe's Cos. Inc. 1.625% 4/15/17 39,826 40,238
  Lowe's Cos. Inc. 6.100% 9/15/17 12,582 13,819
  Lowe's Cos. Inc. 4.625% 4/15/20 15,127 16,644
  Macy's Retail Holdings Inc. 5.900% 12/1/16 12,254 12,999
  Macy's Retail Holdings Inc. 7.450% 7/15/17 6,179 6,861
  Marriott International Inc. 6.375% 6/15/17 6,872 7,458
  Marriott International Inc. 3.000% 3/1/19 9,760 10,022
  MasterCard Inc. 2.000% 4/1/19 12,700 12,796
  Nordstrom Inc. 6.250% 1/15/18 24,970 27,699
  PACCAR Financial Corp. 1.600% 3/15/17 17,431 17,607
  PACCAR Financial Corp. 2.200% 9/15/19 19,025 19,185
  QVC Inc. 3.125% 4/1/19 9,770 9,749
  Smithsonian Institute Washington DC GO 3.434% 9/1/23 5,250 5,379
  Staples Inc. 2.750% 1/12/18 2,770 2,801
  Starbucks Corp. 0.875% 12/5/16 4,090 4,088
  Target Corp. 2.300% 6/26/19 27,835 28,308
  TJX Cos. Inc. 6.950% 4/15/19 13,700 16,047
  TJX Cos. Inc. 2.750% 6/15/21 25,415 25,795
  Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 2.000% 9/15/16 6,069 6,149
  Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 2.050% 1/12/17 27,380 27,817
  Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 1.450% 1/12/18 27,350 27,338
  Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 1.550% 7/13/18 14,740 14,724
  Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 2.000% 10/24/18 20,510 20,665
  Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 2.100% 1/17/19 19,530 19,708
  Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 2.125% 7/18/19 39,540 39,734
  VF Corp. 5.950% 11/1/17 5,860 6,453
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 0.600% 4/11/16 28,886 28,908
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 2.800% 4/15/16 22,139 22,493
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 5.375% 4/5/17 20,191 21,718
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 5.800% 2/15/18 23,798 26,467
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 1.125% 4/11/18 22,940 22,884
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 1.950% 12/15/18 8,280 8,408
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 3.625% 7/8/20 23,005 24,654
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 3.250% 10/25/20 19,080 20,106
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 4.250% 4/15/21 1,685 1,846
  Walgreen Co. 1.800% 9/15/17 23,321 23,700
  Walgreen Co. 5.250% 1/15/19 14,070 15,468
12 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc. 2.875% 11/20/20 11,561 18,042
7 Wesfarmers Ltd. 2.983% 5/18/16 48,251 49,020
7 Wesfarmers Ltd. 1.874% 3/20/18 17,250 17,232
  Wyndham Worldwide Corp. 2.950% 3/1/17 7,800 7,922
  Wyndham Worldwide Corp. 2.500% 3/1/18 6,835 6,845
  Yum! Brands Inc. 6.250% 4/15/16 9,285 9,616
  Yum! Brands Inc. 6.250% 3/15/18 3,096 3,416




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Consumer Noncyclical (6.4%)        
  AbbVie Inc. 1.750% 11/6/17 36,285 36,334
  AbbVie Inc. 1.800% 5/14/18 126,410 126,112
  AbbVie Inc. 2.500% 5/14/20 73,150 72,772
  Actavis Funding SCS 1.850% 3/1/17 29,461 29,505
  Actavis Funding SCS 2.350% 3/12/18 48,961 49,210
  Actavis Funding SCS 2.450% 6/15/19 9,765 9,714
  Actavis Funding SCS 3.000% 3/12/20 103,408 103,700
  Actavis Inc. 1.875% 10/1/17 26,481 26,368
  Actavis Inc. 6.125% 8/15/19 9,765 11,007
  Agilent Technologies Inc. 6.500% 11/1/17 2,257 2,492
  Agilent Technologies Inc. 5.000% 7/15/20 10,435 11,460
  Allergan Inc. 5.750% 4/1/16 27,255 28,081
  Allergan Inc. 1.350% 3/15/18 7,800 7,672
  Altria Group Inc. 4.125% 9/11/15 48,357 48,529
  Altria Group Inc. 9.250% 8/6/19 57,579 71,958
  Altria Group Inc. 4.750% 5/5/21 29,917 32,488
  Amgen Inc. 2.125% 5/15/17 76,632 77,701
  Amgen Inc. 5.850% 6/1/17 39,277 42,396
  Amgen Inc. 6.150% 6/1/18 4,525 5,075
  Amgen Inc. 5.700% 2/1/19 7,895 8,865
  Amgen Inc. 2.200% 5/22/19 40,475 40,525
  Amgen Inc. 2.125% 5/1/20 20,485 20,166
  Anheuser-Busch Cos. LLC 5.050% 10/15/16 4,875 5,117
  Anheuser-Busch Cos. LLC 5.600% 3/1/17 5,275 5,649
  Anheuser-Busch Cos. LLC 5.500% 1/15/18 8,650 9,487
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc. 1.250% 1/17/18 2,345 2,338
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc. 2.150% 2/1/19 28,710 28,907
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. 2.875% 2/15/16 17,115 17,324
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. 1.375% 7/15/17 64,832 65,114
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. 7.750% 1/15/19 22,450 26,589
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. 5.375% 1/15/20 9,850 11,147
7 Baxalta Inc. 2.000% 6/22/18 9,525 9,526
7 Baxalta Inc. 2.875% 6/23/20 35,775 35,839
  Baxter International Inc. 5.375% 6/1/18 9,745 10,717
7 Bayer US Finance LLC 1.500% 10/6/17 19,525 19,571
7 Bayer US Finance LLC 2.375% 10/8/19 58,575 59,062
  Becton Dickinson & Co. 1.800% 12/15/17 14,600 14,584
  Becton Dickinson & Co. 2.675% 12/15/19 9,815 9,891
  Biogen Inc. 6.875% 3/1/18 4,880 5,497
  Boston Scientific Corp. 2.650% 10/1/18 20,960 21,370
  Boston Scientific Corp. 2.850% 5/15/20 14,600 14,551
  Bottling Group LLC 5.500% 4/1/16 12,544 12,952
  Cardinal Health Inc. 1.900% 6/15/17 6,830 6,884
  Cardinal Health Inc. 1.700% 3/15/18 20,540 20,473
  Cardinal Health Inc. 1.950% 6/15/18 32,300 32,347
7 Cargill Inc. 1.900% 3/1/17 26,836 27,112
7 Cargill Inc. 6.000% 11/27/17 12,295 13,536
11 Cargill Inc. 1.875% 9/4/19 9,766 11,295
  Catholic Health Initiatives Colorado GO 2.600% 8/1/18 2,900 2,948
  Clorox Co. 5.950% 10/15/17 4,880 5,328
  Coca-Cola Co. 1.650% 3/14/18 6,774 6,835
  Coca-Cola Co. 1.150% 4/1/18 14,755 14,679
  Coca-Cola Femsa SAB de CV 2.375% 11/26/18 18,500 18,838
  ConAgra Foods Inc. 1.300% 1/25/16 29,250 29,267
  ConAgra Foods Inc. 5.819% 6/15/17 2,977 3,196
  ConAgra Foods Inc. 1.900% 1/25/18 46,240 46,010
  ConAgra Foods Inc. 2.100% 3/15/18 2,811 2,797
  ConAgra Foods Inc. 7.000% 4/15/19 3,909 4,446
  Constellation Brands Inc. 3.875% 11/15/19 9,750 9,982
  Constellation Brands Inc. 3.750% 5/1/21 5,130 5,162
  Covidien International Finance SA 6.000% 10/15/17 48,315 52,938
  CR Bard Inc. 1.375% 1/15/18 15,595 15,427




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Diageo Capital plc 1.125% 4/29/18 7,115 6,978
  Dignity Health California GO 2.637% 11/1/19 2,000 2,032
  Edwards Lifesciences Corp. 2.875% 10/15/18 24,400 24,861
  Express Scripts Holding Co. 2.650% 2/15/17 52,581 53,452
  General Mills Inc. 5.700% 2/15/17 9,110 9,702
  General Mills Inc. 5.650% 2/15/19 14,700 16,484
  Gilead Sciences Inc. 3.050% 12/1/16 24,786 25,409
  Gilead Sciences Inc. 4.500% 4/1/21 13,675 14,946
  Gilead Sciences Inc. 4.400% 12/1/21 34,340 37,263
  GlaxoSmithKline Capital Inc. 5.650% 5/15/18 16,600 18,459
  Ingredion Inc. 1.800% 9/25/17 5,855 5,838
7 JM Smucker Co. 1.750% 3/15/18 26,400 26,415
7 JM Smucker Co. 2.500% 3/15/20 38,595 38,552
  Kraft Foods Group Inc. 2.250% 6/5/17 6,275 6,354
  Kraft Foods Group Inc. 6.125% 8/23/18 14,240 15,917
7 Kraft Heinz Foods Co. 2.800% 7/2/20 34,200 34,426
  Kroger Co. 1.200% 10/17/16 6,840 6,835
  Kroger Co. 2.200% 1/15/17 6,895 6,976
  Kroger Co. 6.800% 12/15/18 5,950 6,832
  Kroger Co. 2.300% 1/15/19 31,250 31,513
  Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings 2.625% 2/1/20 9,765 9,724
11 Luxottica Group SPA 3.625% 3/19/19 21,450 26,182
  McKesson Corp. 0.950% 12/4/15 23,400 23,406
  McKesson Corp. 3.250% 3/1/16 16,079 16,278
  McKesson Corp. 5.700% 3/1/17 5,675 6,052
  McKesson Corp. 2.284% 3/15/19 34,250 34,236
  Medco Health Solutions Inc. 7.125% 3/15/18 32,695 37,103
7 Medtronic Inc. 1.500% 3/15/18 28,725 28,712
7 Medtronic Inc. 2.500% 3/15/20 75,710 76,218
  Medtronic Inc. 4.450% 3/15/20 12,806 14,001
7 Medtronic Inc. 3.150% 3/15/22 9,750 9,780
  Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 5.000% 6/30/19 14,231 15,817
  Mondelez International Inc. 4.125% 2/9/16 34,462 35,046
  Mondelez International Inc. 2.250% 2/1/19 38,795 39,009
11 Mondelez International Inc. 2.375% 1/26/21 7,984 9,320
11 Mondelez International Inc. 1.000% 3/7/22 29,731 31,941
  Mylan Inc. 1.800% 6/24/16 31,375 31,513
  Mylan Inc. 2.550% 3/28/19 14,340 14,256
  Newell Rubbermaid Inc. 2.050% 12/1/17 12,540 12,628
  Newell Rubbermaid Inc. 2.875% 12/1/19 9,675 9,801
  PepsiCo Inc. 5.000% 6/1/18 13,670 14,972
  PepsiCo Inc. 7.900% 11/1/18 13,680 16,304
  PepsiCo Inc. 2.250% 1/7/19 7,900 8,032
  PepsiCo Inc. 4.500% 1/15/20 20,055 21,975
  PepsiCo Inc. 1.850% 4/30/20 43,850 43,036
7 Pernod Ricard SA 2.950% 1/15/17 58,895 59,985
7 Pernod Ricard SA 4.450% 1/15/22 9,775 10,314
  Perrigo Co. plc 2.300% 11/8/18 14,645 14,607
  Pfizer Inc. 6.200% 3/15/19 53,797 61,619
  Pharmacia Corp. 6.500% 12/1/18 8,300 9,580
  Philip Morris International Inc. 2.500% 5/16/16 20,635 20,934
  Philip Morris International Inc. 1.125% 8/21/17 4,975 4,970
  Philip Morris International Inc. 5.650% 5/16/18 19,490 21,601
  Procter & Gamble Co. 4.850% 12/15/15 2,925 2,971
  Procter & Gamble Co. 4.700% 2/15/19 10,940 12,081
  Quest Diagnostics Inc. 2.700% 4/1/19 19,535 19,797
7 Reynolds American Inc. 3.500% 8/4/16 30,285 30,938
  Reynolds American Inc. 6.750% 6/15/17 10,880 11,853
  Reynolds American Inc. 2.300% 6/12/18 28,700 28,971
7 Reynolds American Inc. 8.125% 6/23/19 20,285 24,074
  Reynolds American Inc. 3.250% 6/12/20 45,202 45,983
7 Roche Holdings Inc. 6.000% 3/1/19 22,318 25,351
7 Roche Holdings Inc. 2.250% 9/30/19 29,295 29,614
  Sanofi 1.250% 4/10/18 48,805 48,591




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  St. Jude Medical Inc. 2.500% 1/15/16 19,291 19,428
  Stryker Corp. 1.300% 4/1/18 11,850 11,780
  Sutter Health California GO 1.090% 8/15/53 10,000 9,725
7 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 1.625% 3/17/17 57,004 57,292
  Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Co. BV 2.400% 11/10/16 38,645 39,109
  Teva Pharmaceutical Finance IV BV 3.650% 11/10/21 11,800 12,014
  Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 3.200% 3/1/16 19,490 19,711
  Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 2.250% 8/15/16 13,695 13,835
  Tyson Foods Inc. 6.600% 4/1/16 38,414 39,811
  Tyson Foods Inc. 2.650% 8/15/19 65,403 66,039
  Tyson Foods Inc. 4.500% 6/15/22 9,035 9,594
  Whirlpool Corp. 6.500% 6/15/16 2,950 3,083
  Wyeth LLC 5.500% 2/15/16 9,745 10,003
  Wyeth LLC 5.450% 4/1/17 3,270 3,507
  Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc. 2.000% 4/1/18 19,535 19,546
  Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc. 2.700% 4/1/20 34,220 34,122
  Zoetis Inc. 1.875% 2/1/18 3,640 3,623
  Energy (4.1%)        
  Anadarko Petroleum Corp. 5.950% 9/15/16 35,870 37,639
  Anadarko Petroleum Corp. 6.375% 9/15/17 12,242 13,376
  BP Capital Markets plc 3.200% 3/11/16 77,518 78,649
  BP Capital Markets plc 2.248% 11/1/16 37,575 38,147
  BP Capital Markets plc 1.846% 5/5/17 41,475 41,896
  BP Capital Markets plc 1.375% 11/6/17 19,450 19,406
  BP Capital Markets plc 1.375% 5/10/18 53,854 53,502
  BP Capital Markets plc 2.241% 9/26/18 24,638 24,973
9 BP Capital Markets plc 4.750% 11/15/18 10,550 8,076
  BP Capital Markets plc 4.750% 3/10/19 30,289 33,215
  BP Capital Markets plc 2.237% 5/10/19 24,500 24,704
  BP Capital Markets plc 2.315% 2/13/20 53,650 53,741
  Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 1.750% 1/15/18 9,750 9,686
  Cenovus Energy Inc. 5.700% 10/15/19 24,325 27,165
  Chevron Corp. 1.345% 11/15/17 24,565 24,607
  Chevron Corp. 1.104% 12/5/17 13,700 13,639
  Chevron Corp. 1.365% 3/2/18 28,485 28,433
  Chevron Corp. 1.718% 6/24/18 29,300 29,482
  Chevron Corp. 1.961% 3/3/20 25,185 25,016
  Chevron Corp. 2.427% 6/24/20 25,000 25,278
  ConocoPhillips Canada Funding Co. I 5.625% 10/15/16 34,080 35,960
  ConocoPhillips Co. 2.200% 5/15/20 12,580 12,543
  Dominion Gas Holdings LLC 2.500% 12/15/19 21,500 21,681
  Dominion Gas Holdings LLC 3.550% 11/1/23 12,700 12,666
  El Paso Natural Gas Co. LLC 5.950% 4/15/17 10,283 10,946
7 Enable Midstream Partners LP 2.400% 5/15/19 19,530 18,645
4 Enbridge Energy Partners LP 8.050% 10/1/77 1,860 1,897
  Energy Transfer Partners LP 6.125% 2/15/17 19,467 20,636
  Energy Transfer Partners LP 2.500% 6/15/18 19,050 19,072
  Energy Transfer Partners LP 6.700% 7/1/18 40,929 45,501
  Energy Transfer Partners LP 4.150% 10/1/20 22,450 23,041
  Ensco plc 4.700% 3/15/21 13,180 12,928
  Enterprise Products Operating LLC 1.650% 5/7/18 24,325 24,287
  EOG Resources Inc. 5.875% 9/15/17 2,950 3,223
  EOG Resources Inc. 5.625% 6/1/19 6,611 7,445
  EOG Resources Inc. 4.400% 6/1/20 28,540 31,253
  EOG Resources Inc. 2.625% 3/15/23 8,571 8,276
  Exxon Mobil Corp. 1.912% 3/6/20 29,700 29,527
7 GS Caltex Corp. 5.500% 10/15/15 14,165 14,283
  Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 3.500% 3/1/16 16,018 16,217
  Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 6.000% 2/1/17 15,818 16,778
  Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 5.950% 2/15/18 19,173 20,799
  Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 2.650% 2/1/19 18,525 18,266
  Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 6.500% 4/1/20 17,870 20,216
  Kinder Morgan Inc. 7.000% 6/15/17 23,460 25,507




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Kinder Morgan Inc. 7.250% 6/1/18 14,650 16,418
  Kinder Morgan Inc. 3.050% 12/1/19 30,610 30,345
  Marathon Oil Corp. 0.900% 11/1/15 12,630 12,622
  Marathon Oil Corp. 5.900% 3/15/18 13,565 14,822
  Marathon Oil Corp. 2.700% 6/1/20 32,070 31,818
  Nabors Industries Inc. 2.350% 9/15/16 16,600 16,553
  Nabors Industries Inc. 6.150% 2/15/18 19,540 20,793
  Noble Holding International Ltd. 3.450% 8/1/15 7,581 7,581
  Noble Holding International Ltd. 3.050% 3/1/16 16,130 16,250
  Occidental Petroleum Corp. 1.750% 2/15/17 93,490 94,212
  Occidental Petroleum Corp. 1.500% 2/15/18 50,620 50,461
  ONEOK Partners LP 3.200% 9/15/18 11,720 11,880
  ONEOK Partners LP 8.625% 3/1/19 7,940 9,408
  Petro-Canada 6.050% 5/15/18 4,885 5,421
  Phillips 66 2.950% 5/1/17 42,140 43,215
  Pioneer Natural Resources Co. 6.650% 3/15/17 4,880 5,245
  Pioneer Natural Resources Co. 6.875% 5/1/18 12,710 14,127
  Plains All American Pipeline LP / PAA Finance Corp. 5.000% 2/1/21 9,640 10,409
  Pride International Inc. 8.500% 6/15/19 7,750 9,002
  Pride International Inc. 6.875% 8/15/20 11,625 13,029
  Shell International Finance BV 5.200% 3/22/17 14,225 15,156
  Shell International Finance BV 1.125% 8/21/17 6,900 6,890
  Shell International Finance BV 1.900% 8/10/18 9,775 9,860
  Shell International Finance BV 2.000% 11/15/18 15,675 15,837
  Shell International Finance BV 4.300% 9/22/19 9,750 10,597
  Shell International Finance BV 2.125% 5/11/20 63,500 63,475
7 Southern Natural Gas Co. LLC 5.900% 4/1/17 11,453 12,131
  Southern Natural Gas Co. LLC / Southern Natural        
  Issuing Corp. 4.400% 6/15/21 6,395 6,637
  Southwestern Energy Co. 3.300% 1/23/18 10,600 10,741
  Southwestern Energy Co. 7.500% 2/1/18 23,180 25,556
  Southwestern Energy Co. 4.050% 1/23/20 52,635 53,418
  Spectra Energy Partners LP 2.950% 9/25/18 9,770 9,989
  Suncor Energy Inc. 6.100% 6/1/18 12,721 14,183
  Total Capital Canada Ltd. 1.450% 1/15/18 43,977 44,022
  Total Capital International SA 1.500% 2/17/17 28,278 28,466
  Total Capital International SA 1.550% 6/28/17 17,925 18,045
  Total Capital International SA 2.125% 1/10/19 39,500 39,881
  Total Capital International SA 2.100% 6/19/19 14,600 14,739
  Total Capital SA 2.125% 8/10/18 11,627 11,774
4 TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. 6.350% 5/15/67 5,060 4,700
  Transocean Inc. 5.550% 12/15/16 60,726 61,409
  Transocean Inc. 3.000% 10/15/17 65,947 61,990
  Transocean Inc. 6.000% 3/15/18 19,535 18,925
  Valero Energy Corp. 6.125% 6/15/17 9,010 9,744
  Weatherford International LLC 6.350% 6/15/17 13,005 13,713
  Weatherford International Ltd. 5.500% 2/15/16 9,760 9,941
  Weatherford International Ltd. 6.000% 3/15/18 10,655 11,176
  Weatherford International Ltd. 5.125% 9/15/20 11,700 11,267
  Western Gas Partners LP 2.600% 8/15/18 6,840 6,840
  Williams Partners LP 3.600% 3/15/22 20,500 19,814
7 Woodside Finance Ltd. 8.750% 3/1/19 15,850 18,895
  Other Industrial (0.1%)        
11 G4S International Finance plc 2.625% 12/6/18 10,777 12,510
7 Hutchison Whampoa International 09 Ltd. 7.625% 4/9/19 30,700 36,309
7 Hutchison Whampoa International 14 Ltd. 1.625% 10/31/17 35,955 35,814
  Technology (3.0%)        
  Adobe Systems Inc. 4.750% 2/1/20 20,025 22,020
  Altera Corp. 1.750% 5/15/17 7,375 7,415
  Altera Corp. 2.500% 11/15/18 50,990 51,863
  Amphenol Corp. 2.550% 1/30/19 9,127 9,238
  Apple Inc. 0.900% 5/12/17 17,765 17,756
  Apple Inc. 1.000% 5/3/18 29,410 29,112




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Apple Inc. 2.100% 5/6/19 61,365 62,084
Apple Inc. 1.550% 2/7/20 19,535 19,187
Apple Inc. 2.000% 5/6/20 25,650 25,551
Apple Inc. 2.850% 5/6/21 37,000 37,500
Applied Materials Inc. 2.650% 6/15/16 9,800 9,945
Autodesk Inc. 3.125% 6/15/20 24,415 24,556
Baidu Inc. 2.250% 11/28/17 16,615 16,664
Baidu Inc. 3.250% 8/6/18 31,200 31,906
Baidu Inc. 2.750% 6/9/19 17,575 17,547
CA Inc. 3.600% 8/1/20 10,730 10,779
Cisco Systems Inc. 1.650% 6/15/18 19,345 19,427
Cisco Systems Inc. 4.950% 2/15/19 40,890 45,206
Cisco Systems Inc. 2.125% 3/1/19 34,564 34,932
Cisco Systems Inc. 4.450% 1/15/20 27,210 29,758
Cisco Systems Inc. 2.450% 6/15/20 24,420 24,671
Computer Sciences Corp. 2.500% 9/15/15 14,630 14,657
Computer Sciences Corp. 6.500% 3/15/18 21,220 23,478
Corning Inc. 1.450% 11/15/17 19,705 19,662
Corning Inc. 1.500% 5/8/18 27,985 27,934
Corning Inc. 6.625% 5/15/19 5,575 6,463
EMC Corp. 1.875% 6/1/18 16,210 16,276
EMC Corp. 2.650% 6/1/20 12,165 12,283
Fidelity National Information Services Inc. 1.450% 6/5/17 11,230 11,192
Fidelity National Information Services Inc. 2.000% 4/15/18 3,015 3,007
Fiserv Inc. 2.700% 6/1/20 12,151 12,153
Hewlett-Packard Co. 2.125% 9/13/15 14,010 14,032
Hewlett-Packard Co. 2.200% 12/1/15 10,232 10,276
Hewlett-Packard Co. 2.650% 6/1/16 25,208 25,511
Hewlett-Packard Co. 3.000% 9/15/16 73,977 75,295
Hewlett-Packard Co. 3.300% 12/9/16 24,852 25,442
Hewlett-Packard Co. 5.400% 3/1/17 12,791 13,551
Hewlett-Packard Co. 2.600% 9/15/17 36,000 36,588
Hewlett-Packard Co. 5.500% 3/1/18 7,330 8,016
Hewlett-Packard Co. 2.750% 1/14/19 16,760 16,966
Intel Corp. 1.950% 10/1/16 7,566 7,670
Intel Corp. 1.350% 12/15/17 78,638 78,569
Intel Corp. 2.450% 7/29/20 13,600 13,679
Intel Corp. 3.300% 10/1/21 7,815 8,068
International Business Machines Corp. 1.250% 2/6/17 19,600 19,694
International Business Machines Corp. 5.700% 9/14/17 25,910 28,303
International Business Machines Corp. 1.250% 2/8/18 9,700 9,684
International Business Machines Corp. 7.625% 10/15/18 6,040 7,144
International Business Machines Corp. 1.950% 2/12/19 26,865 27,033
KLA-Tencor Corp. 2.375% 11/1/17 13,845 13,965
KLA-Tencor Corp. 3.375% 11/1/19 3,625 3,701
Lam Research Corp. 2.750% 3/15/20 24,420 24,330
Oracle Corp. 1.200% 10/15/17 27,305 27,283
Oracle Corp. 5.750% 4/15/18 16,818 18,681
Oracle Corp. 2.375% 1/15/19 53,488 54,501
Oracle Corp. 5.000% 7/8/19 13,670 15,229
Oracle Corp. 2.250% 10/8/19 94,586 95,280
Oracle Corp. 2.800% 7/8/21 31,730 31,997
Pitney Bowes Inc. 5.750% 9/15/17 687 740
Pitney Bowes Inc. 5.600% 3/15/18 4,880 5,290
QUALCOMM Inc. 1.400% 5/18/18 17,690 17,514
QUALCOMM Inc. 2.250% 5/20/20 16,035 15,815
Seagate HDD Cayman 3.750% 11/15/18 29,275 30,300
Tyco Electronics Group SA 6.550% 10/1/17 5,355 5,912
Tyco Electronics Group SA 2.375% 12/17/18 14,650 14,796
Tyco Electronics Group SA 2.350% 8/1/19 18,380 18,432
Xerox Corp. 5.625% 12/15/19 15,675 17,470
Xerox Corp. 2.750% 9/1/20 14,655 14,507
Xilinx Inc. 2.125% 3/15/19 31,415 31,523




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Transportation (1.2%)        
4,7 AA Aircraft Financing 2013-1 LLC 6.500% 11/1/17 18,276 18,642
4,7 American Airlines 2013-2 Class A Pass Through Trust 3.596% 11/1/19 29,516 30,106
  Canadian National Railway Co. 5.850% 11/15/17 15,930 17,358
  Canadian National Railway Co. 5.550% 3/1/19 3,810 4,279
  Canadian National Railway Co. 2.850% 12/15/21 8,250 8,383
  Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 6.500% 5/15/18 14,710 16,571
  Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 7.250% 5/15/19 8,325 9,816
4 Continental Airlines 1997-4 Class A Pass Through Trust 6.900% 7/2/19 3,931 4,103
4 Continental Airlines 1998-1 Class A Pass Through Trust 6.648% 3/15/19 1,582 1,638
4 Continental Airlines 1998-1 Class B Pass Through Trust 6.748% 9/15/18 3,585 3,773
4 Continental Airlines 1999-1 Class B Pass Through Trust 6.795% 2/2/20 842 872
4 Continental Airlines 2000-1 Class A-1 Pass Through        
  Trust 8.048% 11/1/20 3,992 4,521
4 Continental Airlines 2005-ERJ1 Pass Through Trust 9.798% 10/1/22 14,329 15,797
4 Continental Airlines 2012-2 Class B Pass Through Trust 5.500% 4/29/22 2,905 3,014
  CSX Corp. 6.250% 3/15/18 30,078 33,618
4,13 Delta Air Lines 2002-1 Class G-1 Pass Through Trust 6.718% 7/2/24 16,106 18,280
4 Delta Air Lines 2009-1 Class A Pass Through Trust 7.750% 6/17/21 24,704 28,193
4 Delta Air Lines 2010-1 Class A Pass Through Trust 6.200% 1/2/20 10,188 11,066
4 Delta Air Lines 2012-1 Class A Pass Through Trust 4.750% 11/7/21 2,545 2,685
7 ERAC USA Finance LLC 1.400% 4/15/16 8,717 8,727
7 ERAC USA Finance LLC 6.375% 10/15/17 11,112 12,204
7 ERAC USA Finance LLC 2.800% 11/1/18 16,645 16,998
7 ERAC USA Finance LLC 2.350% 10/15/19 11,715 11,680
4 Hawaiian Airlines 2013-1 Class A Pass Through        
  Certificates 3.900% 1/15/26 7,510 7,397
7 HPHT Finance 15 Ltd. 2.250% 3/17/18 29,305 29,174
  JB Hunt Transport Services Inc. 3.375% 9/15/15 16,590 16,638
  JB Hunt Transport Services Inc. 2.400% 3/15/19 5,100 5,139
4,6,13 JetBlue Airways 2004-2 G-2 Pass Through Trust 0.724% 5/15/18 9,655 9,510
4 Northwest Airlines 2007-1 Class B Pass Through Trust 8.028% 11/1/17 23,420 25,879
  Ryder System Inc. 7.200% 9/1/15 10,820 10,871
  Ryder System Inc. 5.850% 11/1/16 8,440 8,897
  Ryder System Inc. 2.500% 3/1/17 12,635 12,831
  Ryder System Inc. 2.450% 11/15/18 5,850 5,936
  Ryder System Inc. 2.350% 2/26/19 7,499 7,526
  Ryder System Inc. 2.550% 6/1/19 6,840 6,866
  Ryder System Inc. 2.650% 3/2/20 14,650 14,657
4 Southwest Airlines Co. 2007-1 Pass Through Trust 6.150% 2/1/24 5,044 5,674
4 Spirit Airlines 2015-1 Pass Through Trust B 4.450% 10/1/25 14,650 14,613
4,7 UAL 2009-2B Pass Through Trust 12.000% 7/15/17 2,544 2,637
  Union Pacific Corp. 5.750% 11/15/17 9,624 10,578
  Union Pacific Corp. 5.700% 8/15/18 28,989 32,573
  Union Pacific Corp. 2.250% 2/15/19 15,645 15,871
  Union Pacific Corp. 1.800% 2/1/20 8,400 8,269
  Union Pacific Corp. 2.250% 6/19/20 29,305 29,473
  United Continental Holdings Inc. 6.375% 6/1/18 6,335 6,652
  United Parcel Service Inc. 5.125% 4/1/19 50,822 56,744
  United Parcel Service of America Inc. 8.375% 4/1/20 32,757 41,734
Utilities (4.1%)        
  Electric (3.7%)        
  Ameren Illinois Co. 6.125% 11/15/17 6,810 7,534
  Ameren Illinois Co. 6.250% 4/1/18 4,690 5,221
  American Electric Power Co. Inc. 1.650% 12/15/17 35,350 35,311
  Appalachian Power Co. 5.000% 6/1/17 5,605 5,950
  Arizona Public Service Co. 6.250% 8/1/16 3,892 4,095
  Arizona Public Service Co. 8.750% 3/1/19 14,605 17,888
  Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. 5.900% 10/1/16 6,756 7,123
  Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. 5.750% 4/1/18 44,840 49,538
  Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. 2.000% 11/15/18 39,110 39,324
  Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. 2.400% 2/1/20 17,600 17,611




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  CenterPoint Energy Inc. 5.950% 2/1/17 21,490 22,955
  CenterPoint Energy Inc. 6.500% 5/1/18 7,270 8,132
  CMS Energy Corp. 6.550% 7/17/17 2,646 2,894
  CMS Energy Corp. 5.050% 2/15/18 45,536 49,091
  Commonwealth Edison Co. 5.950% 8/15/16 38,233 40,176
  Commonwealth Edison Co. 1.950% 9/1/16 34,091 34,403
  Commonwealth Edison Co. 6.150% 9/15/17 27,867 30,581
  Commonwealth Edison Co. 5.800% 3/15/18 36,085 40,046
  Commonwealth Edison Co. 2.150% 1/15/19 6,840 6,886
  Commonwealth Edison Co. 4.000% 8/1/20 18,626 20,042
  Commonwealth Edison Co. 3.400% 9/1/21 4,550 4,752
  Consumers Energy Co. 5.500% 8/15/16 2,130 2,228
  Consumers Energy Co. 5.150% 2/15/17 13,960 14,773
  Consumers Energy Co. 5.650% 9/15/18 12,700 14,206
  Consumers Energy Co. 6.125% 3/15/19 25,262 29,050
  Consumers Energy Co. 6.700% 9/15/19 27,675 32,645
  DTE Electric Co. 5.600% 6/15/18 16,931 18,788
  Duke Energy Carolinas LLC 5.100% 4/15/18 25,322 27,666
  Duke Energy Carolinas LLC 7.000% 11/15/18 27,502 32,112
  Duke Energy Carolinas LLC 4.300% 6/15/20 12,615 13,845
  Duke Energy Carolinas LLC 3.900% 6/15/21 4,851 5,198
  Duke Energy Corp. 2.100% 6/15/18 10,490 10,607
  Duke Energy Corp. 6.250% 6/15/18 21,562 24,214
  Duke Energy Corp. 5.050% 9/15/19 12,700 14,096
  Duke Energy Florida Inc. 5.800% 9/15/17 11,424 12,464
  Duke Energy Florida Inc. 5.650% 6/15/18 39,575 43,995
  Duke Energy Florida Inc. 4.550% 4/1/20 18,900 20,832
  Duke Energy Progress Inc. 5.250% 12/15/15 14,832 15,086
7 EDP Finance BV 6.000% 2/2/18 4,880 5,232
7 EDP Finance BV 4.900% 10/1/19 17,314 18,125
7 EDP Finance BV 4.125% 1/15/20 37,745 38,344
7 EDP Finance BV 5.250% 1/14/21 5,405 5,718
  Entergy Corp. 4.700% 1/15/17 11,695 12,143
  Entergy Gulf States Louisiana LLC 6.000% 5/1/18 1,230 1,367
  Entergy Louisiana LLC 6.500% 9/1/18 14,300 16,283
  Eversource Energy 1.450% 5/1/18 21,490 21,268
  Eversource Energy 4.500% 11/15/19 3,980 4,290
  Exelon Corp. 1.550% 6/9/17 23,800 23,795
  Exelon Corp. 2.850% 6/15/20 21,460 21,553
  Exelon Corp. 3.950% 6/15/25 14,650 14,820
  Exelon Generation Co. LLC 6.200% 10/1/17 16,105 17,557
  Exelon Generation Co. LLC 2.950% 1/15/20 18,560 18,664
  FirstEnergy Corp. 2.750% 3/15/18 23,426 23,735
  FirstEnergy Corp. 4.250% 3/15/23 26,204 26,634
7 FirstEnergy Transmission LLC 4.350% 1/15/25 28,370 29,061
  Florida Power & Light Co. 2.750% 6/1/23 13,790 13,610
  Florida Power & Light Co. 3.250% 6/1/24 10,125 10,306
4,7 FPL Energy Marcus Hook LP 7.590% 7/10/18 16,398 17,546
  Georgia Power Co. 5.400% 6/1/18 7,815 8,625
  LG&E & KU Energy LLC 3.750% 11/15/20 13,482 14,156
  Louisville Gas & Electric Co. 1.625% 11/15/15 4,826 4,840
  MidAmerican Energy Co. 5.950% 7/15/17 14,170 15,377
  MidAmerican Energy Co. 5.300% 3/15/18 37,367 40,861
  National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 1.900% 11/1/15 12,199 12,241
  National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 3.050% 3/1/16 7,729 7,843
  National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 5.450% 4/10/17 11,340 12,167
  National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 5.450% 2/1/18 32,768 35,845
  National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 10.375% 11/1/18 20,513 25,913
  National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 2.150% 2/1/19 27,680 27,796
  National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 2.300% 11/15/19 13,665 13,807
  National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 2.000% 1/27/20 29,405 29,136
  National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 2.350% 6/15/20 31,755 31,790
  Nevada Power Co. 6.500% 5/15/18 32,715 37,122
  Nevada Power Co. 6.500% 8/1/18 9,683 11,017




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  NextEra Energy Capital Holdings Inc. 6.000% 3/1/19 8,766 9,841
  NextEra Energy Capital Holdings Inc. 2.400% 9/15/19 19,530 19,435
  NextEra Energy Capital Holdings Inc. 2.700% 9/15/19 29,770 30,088
  NSTAR Electric Co. 5.625% 11/15/17 4,930 5,393
  NV Energy Inc. 6.250% 11/15/20 12,195 14,055
  Ohio Power Co. 6.000% 6/1/16 9,838 10,243
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 5.625% 11/30/17 52,634 57,289
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 8.250% 10/15/18 25,020 29,957
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 3.500% 10/1/20 33,200 34,853
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 4.250% 5/15/21 8,790 9,443
  PacifiCorp 5.650% 7/15/18 20,566 22,841
  PacifiCorp 5.500% 1/15/19 4,630 5,186
  PacifiCorp 3.850% 6/15/21 3,900 4,173
  Pennsylvania Electric Co. 6.050% 9/1/17 5,445 5,923
  PPL Capital Funding Inc. 1.900% 6/1/18 13,915 13,893
  Public Service Electric & Gas Co. 5.300% 5/1/18 2,930 3,215
  Public Service Electric & Gas Co. 2.300% 9/15/18 28,815 29,356
  Puget Sound Energy Inc. 4.300% 5/20/45 14,020 14,356
  SCANA Corp. 4.750% 5/15/21 7,705 8,144
  Sierra Pacific Power Co. 6.000% 5/15/16 18,500 19,262
  South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. 5.250% 11/1/18 1,125 1,256
  South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. 6.500% 11/1/18 12,181 14,037
  Southern California Edison Co. 1.125% 5/1/17 6,840 6,834
  Southern California Edison Co. 5.500% 8/15/18 5,295 5,883
  Southern Co. 2.750% 6/15/20 36,610 36,670
  Southwestern Electric Power Co. 5.550% 1/15/17 2,010 2,126
  Southwestern Electric Power Co. 5.875% 3/1/18 10,080 11,103
  Tampa Electric Co. 6.100% 5/15/18 21,670 24,310
  TECO Finance Inc. 6.572% 11/1/17 9,950 11,020
  Union Electric Co. 6.400% 6/15/17 14,987 16,356
  Union Electric Co. 6.700% 2/1/19 16,542 19,213
  Virginia Electric & Power Co. 5.400% 4/30/18 5,992 6,606
  Xcel Energy Inc. 1.200% 6/1/17 14,355 14,353
  Natural Gas (0.4%)        
11 2i Rete Gas SPA 1.750% 7/16/19 23,545 26,700
  Atmos Energy Corp. 8.500% 3/15/19 9,760 11,854
  Sempra Energy 6.500% 6/1/16 77,159 80,573
  Sempra Energy 2.300% 4/1/17 36,630 37,108
  Sempra Energy 6.150% 6/15/18 13,585 15,226
  Sempra Energy 2.400% 3/15/20 10,265 10,200
  Other Utility (0.0%)        
  American Water Capital Corp. 6.085% 10/15/17 9,357 10,267
Total Corporate Bonds (Cost $32,885,500)       32,885,298
Sovereign Bonds (U.S. Dollar-Denominated) (7.1%)        
  Abu Dhabi National Energy Co. PJSC 4.125% 3/13/17 4,077 4,225
7 Banco de Costa Rica 5.250% 8/12/18 4,800 4,915
7 Banco del Estado de Chile 2.000% 11/9/17 6,200 6,217
7 Banco del Estado de Chile 3.875% 2/8/22 2,000 2,068
7 Banco do Nordeste do Brasil SA 3.625% 11/9/15 2,000 2,007
7 Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior SA 3.750% 4/4/17 8,750 8,990
  Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior SA 3.750% 4/4/17 28,235 29,040
7 Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e        
  Social 3.375% 9/26/16 6,400 6,432
7 Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten 0.875% 2/21/17 23,500 23,506
7 Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten 2.500% 1/23/23 2,450 2,486
7 Bermuda 4.138% 1/3/23 6,000 6,034
7 Bermuda 4.854% 2/6/24 5,800 6,095
7 Caisse d'Amortissement de la Dette Sociale 1.125% 1/30/17 3,000 3,018
7 Caisse d'Amortissement de la Dette Sociale 1.375% 1/29/18 4,875 4,912
7 Caixa Economica Federal 2.375% 11/6/17 12,375 11,911




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
7 CDP Financial Inc. 3.150% 7/24/24 24,580 25,067
7 Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA 7.750% 11/30/15 2,250 2,284
  Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA 5.750% 10/27/21 10,800 9,517
7 CNOOC Finance 2012 Ltd. 3.875% 5/2/22 1,800 1,823
  CNOOC Finance 2013 Ltd. 1.750% 5/9/18 4,000 3,970
  CNOOC Nexen Finance 2014 ULC 1.625% 4/30/17 38,025 38,013
7 CNPC General Capital Ltd. 1.450% 4/16/16 2,000 2,002
7 CNPC General Capital Ltd. 2.750% 4/19/17 4,875 4,939
7 CNPC General Capital Ltd. 2.750% 5/14/19 9,765 9,781
7 CNPC HK Overseas Capital Ltd. 3.125% 4/28/16 5,000 5,064
  Corp . Andina de Fomento 1.500% 8/8/17 8,790 8,822
  Corp. Andina de Fomento 3.750% 1/15/16 74,569 75,593
  Corp. Andina de Fomento 5.750% 1/12/17 8,900 9,474
  Corp. Andina de Fomento 7.790% 3/1/17 9,570 10,503
  Corp. Andina de Fomento 4.375% 6/15/22 32,912 35,789
  Corp. Financiera de Desarrollo SA 3.250% 7/15/19 2,000 2,000
7 Corp. Financiera de Desarrollo SA 4.750% 2/8/22 4,825 5,024
7 Corp. Nacional del Cobre de Chile 3.875% 11/3/21 15,796 16,086
  Corp. Nacional del Cobre de Chile 3.875% 11/3/21 2,800 2,834
7 Corp. Nacional del Cobre de Chile 3.000% 7/17/22 19,525 18,582
  Corp. Nacional del Cobre de Chile 3.000% 7/17/22 1,200 1,132
7 Corp. Nacional del Cobre de Chile 4.500% 8/13/23 10,800 11,215
7 Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 5.125% 4/11/19 3,300 3,296
14 Development Bank of Japan Inc. 2.750% 3/15/16 6,900 6,996
14 Development Bank of Japan Inc. 5.125% 2/1/17 4,800 5,100
7 Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC 5.500% 12/20/15 2,762 2,797
  Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC 5.500% 12/20/15 310 314
7,15 Dexia Credit Local SA 1.250% 10/18/16 12,700 12,756
  Ecopetrol SA 7.375% 9/18/43 3,900 4,042
  Ecopetrol SA 5.875% 5/28/45 23,770 20,662
7 Electricite de France SA 1.150% 1/20/17 58,610 58,748
7 Electricite de France SA 2.150% 1/22/19 34,190 34,448
7 Electricite de France SA 6.000% 1/22/14 1,610 1,822
9 Emirates NBD PJSC 5.750% 5/8/19 10,770 8,321
4,7 ENA Norte Trust 4.950% 4/25/28 1,761 1,805
  Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd. 5.750% 1/26/21 32,800 31,816
  European Investment Bank 2.500% 5/16/16 5,000 5,083
  Export-Import Bank of Korea 4.125% 9/9/15 33,625 33,733
  Export-Import Bank of Korea 3.750% 10/20/16 18,695 19,254
  Export-Import Bank of Korea 4.000% 1/11/17 98,200 101,928
  Export-Import Bank of Korea 2.875% 9/17/18 11,700 12,053
  Export-Import Bank of Korea 4.000% 1/29/21 2,000 2,138
7 Federation of Malaysia 2.991% 7/6/16 4,875 4,951
4 Federative Republic of Brazil 8.000% 1/15/18 16,889 18,367
4 Federative Republic of Brazil 11.000% 8/17/40 150,015 150,420
  Federative Republic of Brazil 5.000% 1/27/45 26,985 22,567
  Fondo MIVIVIENDA SA 3.375% 4/2/19 4,850 4,911
7 Fondo MIVIVIENDA SA 3.375% 4/2/19 19,500 19,825
  Hydro-Quebec 2.000% 6/30/16 21,750 22,064
  Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd. 2.351% 11/13/17 14,720 14,833
  Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd. 3.231% 11/13/19 15,950 16,287
  International Bank for Reconstruction & Development 0.625% 10/14/16 10,000 9,999
  IPIC GMTN Ltd. 3.125% 11/15/15 9,750 9,820
7 IPIC GMTN Ltd. 3.750% 3/1/17 2,850 2,957
14 Japan Bank for International Cooperation 1.875% 9/24/15 60,350 60,445
14 Japan Bank for International Cooperation 2.500% 1/21/16 19,500 19,675
14 Japan Bank for International Cooperation 2.500% 5/18/16 22,000 22,344
14 Japan Bank for International Cooperation 2.250% 7/13/16 34,090 34,621
14 Japan Bank for International Cooperation 1.750% 7/31/18 26,800 27,140
14 Japan Finance Organization for Municipalities 4.000% 1/13/21 9,750 10,720
  KazMunayGas National Co. JSC 9.125% 7/2/18 31,776 35,867
7 Kommunalbanken AS 2.375% 1/19/16 5,875 5,930
7 Kommunalbanken AS 0.875% 10/3/16 9,775 9,813
7 Kommunalbanken AS 1.125% 5/23/18 31,300 31,263




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Korea Development Bank 4.375% 8/10/15 15,460 15,467
  Korea Development Bank 1.000% 1/22/16 4,800 4,804
  Korea Development Bank 3.250% 3/9/16 29,606 30,010
  Korea Development Bank 4.000% 9/9/16 5,200 5,364
  Korea Development Bank 3.250% 9/20/16 9,800 10,028
  Korea Development Bank 3.875% 5/4/17 24,125 25,078
  Korea Development Bank 2.250% 8/7/17 19,445 19,691
  Korea Development Bank 3.500% 8/22/17 22,675 23,552
  Korea Development Bank 1.500% 1/22/18 5,850 5,825
7 Korea Electric Power Corp. 3.000% 10/5/15 10,800 10,838
  Korea Electric Power Corp. 3.000% 10/5/15 29,300 29,404
7 Korea Expressway Corp. 1.625% 4/28/17 9,800 9,771
  Korea Expressway Corp. 1.625% 4/28/17 9,800 9,771
7 Korea Expressway Corp. 1.875% 10/22/17 1,000 1,003
  Korea Expressway Corp. 1.875% 10/22/17 22,630 22,680
  Korea Gas Corp. 2.875% 7/29/18 4,800 4,925
7 Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd. 3.125% 9/16/15 4,900 4,913
7 Korea Land & Housing Corp. 1.875% 8/2/17 7,000 7,019
7 Korea National Oil Corp. 2.875% 11/9/15 2,900 2,916
7 Korea National Oil Corp. 4.000% 10/27/16 19,201 19,839
  Korea National Oil Corp. 2.750% 1/23/19 14,650 14,906
7 Korea Resources Corp. 2.125% 5/2/18 4,675 4,688
7 Korea Western Power Co. Ltd. 2.875% 10/10/18 7,800 7,965
  Majapahit Holding BV 8.000% 8/7/19 16,600 19,189
7 MDC-GMTN B.V. 3.750% 4/20/16 6,000 6,118
  North American Development Bank 2.300% 10/10/18 3,675 3,737
  North American Development Bank 2.400% 10/26/22 2,700 2,655
7 OCP SA 5.625% 4/25/24 8,325 8,720
16 Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG 1.750% 10/5/15 59,400 59,556
16 Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG 2.000% 6/3/16 24,350 24,663
7 Ooredoo International Finance Ltd. 3.375% 10/14/16 9,025 9,236
7 Ooredoo International Finance Ltd. 3.250% 2/21/23 4,925 4,810
7 Ooredoo International Finance Ltd. 3.875% 1/31/28 1,800 1,737
7 Perusahaan Penerbit SBSN Indonesia II 4.000% 11/21/18 4,800 5,028
  Petrobras Global Finance BV 5.625% 5/20/43 4,005 2,969
  Petrobras International Finance Co. SA 3.875% 1/27/16 109,305 109,168
  Petrobras International Finance Co. SA 5.875% 3/1/18 73,323 73,457
  Petrobras International Finance Co. SA 7.875% 3/15/19 51,055 53,127
  Petrobras International Finance Co. SA 6.875% 1/20/40 2,950 2,507
  Petroleos Mexicanos 5.750% 3/1/18 118,704 129,091
  Petroleos Mexicanos 3.500% 7/18/18 5,000 5,173
  Petroleos Mexicanos 8.000% 5/3/19 31,155 36,554
  Petroleos Mexicanos 5.500% 1/21/21 90,850 98,431
  Petroleos Mexicanos 4.875% 1/24/22 19,600 20,413
  Province of Manitoba 1.300% 4/3/17 32,225 32,452
  Province of New Brunswick 2.750% 6/15/18 485 504
  Province of Ontario 1.875% 9/15/15 62,047 62,166
  Province of Ontario 5.450% 4/27/16 5,000 5,183
  Province of Ontario 2.300% 5/10/16 67,725 68,691
  Province of Ontario 1.200% 2/14/18 5,200 5,191
  Province of Ontario 3.000% 7/16/18 15,905 16,629
  Province of Ontario 1.875% 5/21/20 9,770 9,775
  Quebec 5.000% 3/1/16 9,750 10,011
  Quebec 5.125% 11/14/16 11,000 11,580
  Quebec 3.500% 7/29/20 4,750 5,102
  Quebec 2.750% 8/25/21 16,785 17,302
  Quebec 2.625% 2/13/23 5,150 5,220
  Quebec 2.875% 10/16/24 6,750 6,880
4,7 Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Co. Ltd. II 5.298% 9/30/20 5,549 5,980
4 Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Co. Ltd. II 5.298% 9/30/20 8,596 9,284
4 Republic of Colombia 5.000% 6/15/45 10,300 9,566
  Republic of Croatia 6.250% 4/27/17 42,520 44,837
  Republic of Hungary 4.000% 3/25/19 30,950 32,234
  Republic of Indonesia 6.875% 3/9/17 4,885 5,282




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Republic of Indonesia 6.875% 1/17/18 11,463 12,781
  Republic of Indonesia 5.875% 3/13/20 51,308 57,147
11 Republic of Indonesia 3.375% 7/30/25 18,070 19,641
  Republic of Indonesia 6.625% 2/17/37 11,540 12,954
  Republic of Italy 4.750% 1/25/16 45,945 46,768
11 Republic of Italy 1.050% 12/1/19 31,000 34,605
  Republic of Kazakhstan 5.125% 7/21/25 25,825 25,541
  Republic of Kazakhstan 6.500% 7/21/45 5,600 5,551
  Republic of Korea 5.125% 12/7/16 9,750 10,297
7 Republic of Latvia 5.250% 2/22/17 2,000 2,124
7 Republic of Latvia 2.750% 1/12/20 4,000 4,023
  Republic of Namibia 5.500% 11/3/21 8,850 9,514
  Republic of Poland 6.375% 7/15/19 38,990 45,082
  Republic of Poland 5.125% 4/21/21 15,530 17,452
  Republic of Poland 5.000% 3/23/22 39,165 43,767
  Republic of Poland 4.000% 1/22/24 6,800 7,194
  Republic of Romania 4.375% 8/22/23 9,800 10,167
7 Republic of Serbia 5.250% 11/21/17 1,000 1,038
  Republic of Serbia 5.250% 11/21/17 4,800 4,974
  Republic of Slovakia 4.375% 5/21/22 3,000 3,309
7 Republic of Slovakia 4.375% 5/21/22 5,500 6,010
7 Republic of Slovenia 5.250% 2/18/24 10,700 11,775
  Republic of Turkey 7.000% 9/26/16 100,305 106,549
  Republic of Turkey 7.500% 7/14/17 149,034 164,049
  Republic of Turkey 6.750% 4/3/18 59,060 65,084
  Republic of Turkey 7.000% 3/11/19 9,600 10,783
  Republic of Turkey 3.250% 3/23/23 7,900 7,307
  Republic of Turkey 4.250% 4/14/26 12,735 12,076
  Republic of Turkey 4.875% 4/16/43 9,765 8,803
4,7 Rio Oil Finance Trust Series 2014-3 6.750% 1/6/27 12,310 11,479
  SABIC Capital II BV 2.625% 10/3/18 9,600 9,708
7 Saudi Electricity Global Sukuk Co. 3 4.000% 4/8/24 16,820 17,666
7 Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2012 Ltd. 2.750% 5/17/17 5,775 5,872
7 Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2013 Ltd. 4.375% 10/17/23 20,200 21,044
  Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2014 Ltd. 1.750% 4/10/17 2,000 1,999
  State Bank of India 4.125% 8/1/17 33,613 34,912
  State of Israel 5.500% 11/9/16 4,875 5,167
  State of Israel 4.000% 6/30/22 1,900 2,052
  State of Israel 3.150% 6/30/23 6,000 6,162
7 State of Qatar 3.125% 1/20/17 8,000 8,260
  Statoil ASA 1.800% 11/23/16 5,900 5,957
  Statoil ASA 3.125% 8/17/17 8,956 9,282
  Statoil ASA 1.200% 1/17/18 21,105 20,990
  Statoil ASA 2.250% 11/8/19 19,500 19,631
  Statoil ASA 2.900% 11/8/20 10,000 10,284
  Statoil ASA 3.150% 1/23/22 2,000 2,028
  Svensk Exportkredit AB 1.750% 10/20/15 56,450 56,626
  Svensk Exportkredit AB 2.125% 7/13/16 24,400 24,773
  Svensk Exportkredit AB 1.750% 5/30/17 4,900 4,979
  Svensk Exportkredit AB 1.125% 4/5/18 9,750 9,748
7 Temasek Financial I Ltd. 4.300% 10/25/19 7,250 7,958
7 Temasek Financial I Ltd. 2.375% 1/23/23 5,000 4,932
7 Turkiye Halk Bankasi AS 4.875% 7/19/17 1,800 1,850
  United Mexican States 5.625% 1/15/17 23,323 24,762
  United Mexican States 3.500% 1/21/21 12,200 12,484
  United Mexican States 4.000% 10/2/23 11,025 11,363
  United Mexican States 5.750% 10/12/10 7,365 7,404
Total Sovereign Bonds (Cost $3,785,602)       3,799,703
Taxable Municipal Bonds (0.4%)        
  California Department of Water Resources Water        
  System Revenue (Central Valley Project) 1.871% 12/1/19 9,800 9,872
  California GO 5.950% 3/1/18 26,110 29,044




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
California GO 6.200% 10/1/19 13,650 15,930
Colorado Housing & Finance Authority Employment        
Compensation Special Assessment Revenue 1.600% 5/15/16 14,600 14,732
Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund Finance Corp.        
Revenue 1.298% 7/1/16 7,800 7,831
Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund Finance Corp.        
Revenue 2.107% 7/1/18 5,350 5,395
George Washington University District of Columbia GO 3.485% 9/15/22 4,800 4,952
Harris County TX Toll Road Revenue 1.361% 8/15/17 9,750 9,777
Illinois GO 4.961% 3/1/16 25,550 26,074
Illinois GO 5.365% 3/1/17 16,540 17,331
JobsOhio Beverage System Statewide Liquor Profits        
Revenue 1.570% 1/1/17 2,000 2,014
JobsOhio Beverage System Statewide Liquor Profits        
Revenue 2.217% 1/1/19 1,850 1,875
Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities &        
Community Development Authority Revenue 2010-        
EGSL 3.220% 2/1/21 29,003 29,900
Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities &        
Community Development Authority Revenue 2010-        
ELL 3.450% 2/1/22 13,800 14,322
6 Mississippi GO (Nissan North America, Inc. Project) 0.887% 11/1/17 12,180 12,214
New York City NY Industrial Development Agency        
Special Facility Revenue (American Airlines Inc. John        
F. Kennedy International Airport Project) 7.500% 8/1/16 2,385 2,458
University of California Revenue 2.054% 5/15/18 3,400 3,496
University of California Revenue 1.745% 5/15/19 6,250 6,287
Total Taxable Municipal Bonds (Cost $209,330)       213,504
Tax-Exempt Municipal Bonds (0.0%)        
Calhoun County TX Navigation Industrial Development        
Authority Port Revenue (BP plc) VRDO (Cost        
$10,000) 0.050% 8/7/15 10,000 10,000
Convertible Preferred Stocks (0.0%)        
10 Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Pfd. (Cost $28,923)     29,160
Temporary Cash Investment (0.4%)        
Money Market Fund (0.4%)        
17 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund (Cost        
$205,523) 0.152%   205,523,000 205,523
Total Investments (99.7%) (Cost $53,036,377)       53,066,209
    Expiration Date Contracts  
Liability for Options Written (0.0%)        
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.00 8/21/15 876 (780)
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.00 8/21/15 1,579 (642)
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.50 8/21/15 877 (534)
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.50 8/21/15 267 (67)
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note Futures Contracts, Strike Price $126.00 8/21/15 877 (151)
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.50 8/21/15 1,230 (115)
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.00 8/21/15 876 (55)
Total Liability for Options Written (Premiums received $2,230)       (2,344)
Other Assets and Liabilities—Net (0.3%)       183,962
Net Assets (100%)       53,247,827




Vanguard® Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund
Schedule of Investments
July 31, 2015

1 Securities with a value of $11,346,000 have been segregated as collateral for open forward currency contracts and over-the-counter swap
2 Securities with a value of $8,273,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open cleared swap contracts.
3 Securities with a value of $18,505,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open futures contracts.
4 The average or expected maturity is shorter than the final maturity shown because of the possibility of interim principal payments and
prepayments or the possibility of the issue being called.
5 The issuer was placed under federal conservatorship in September 2008; since that time, its daily operations have been managed by the Federal
Housing Finance Agency and it receives capital from the U.S. Treasury, as needed to maintain a positive net worth, in exchange for senior
preferred stock.
6 Adjustable-rate security.
7 Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may be sold in transactions exempt from
registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At July 31, 2015, the aggregate value of these securities was $6,718,589,000,
representing 12.6% of net assets.
8 Security made only partial principal and/or interest payments during the period ended July 31, 2015.
9 Face amount denominated in Australian dollars.
10 Non-income-producing security--security in default.
11 Face amount denominated in Euro.
12 Face amount denominated in British pounds.
13 Scheduled principal and interest payments are guaranteed by Municipal Bond Insurance Association.
14 Guaranteed by the Government of Japan.
15 Guaranteed by multiple countries.
16 Guaranteed by the Republic of Austria.
17 Affiliated money market fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown is the 7-day
± Security purchased on a when-issued or delayed-delivery basis for which the fund has not taken delivery as of July 31, 2015.
GO—General Obligation Bond.
REIT—Real Estate Investment Trust.

VRDO—Variable Rate Demand Obligation.



Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (6.9%)        
U.S. Government Securities (6.9%)        
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.500% 9/30/16 315 315
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.375% 10/31/16 500 500
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.500% 11/30/16 5,250 5,252
1,2 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.750% 1/15/17 90,500 90,811
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 9/30/17 22,500 22,447
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 10/15/17 73,610 73,794
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 11/15/17 70,250 70,404
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 12/15/17 71,000 71,344
2 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 1/15/18 164,950 165,130
3 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.875% 3/31/18 15,000 15,783
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.750% 4/15/18 144,250 143,641
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.125% 6/15/18 100,450 100,921
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 7/15/18 445,750 444,426
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.750% 2/15/19 6,395 6,739
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 4/30/19 3,000 3,041
1 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.625% 8/15/19 1,530 1,668
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 5/15/25 158,400 157,534
Nonconventional Mortgage-Backed Securities (0.0%)        
4,5,6 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool 2.375% 8/1/32 446 462
4,5,6 Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool 2.393% 9/1/32 176 181
Total U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (Cost $1,372,192)       1,374,393
Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (13.6%)        
5 Ally Auto Receivables Trust 2014-SN2 1.210% 2/20/19 3,000 3,001
5 Ally Auto Receivables Trust 2015-1 1.390% 9/16/19 3,755 3,751
5 Ally Auto Receivables Trust 2015-1 1.750% 5/15/20 4,300 4,299
5 Ally Auto Receivables Trust 2015-1 2.260% 10/15/20 1,545 1,545
4,5 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2010-4 1.257% 8/15/17 29,885 29,893
4,5,7 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2010-4 1.737% 8/15/17 8,100 8,103
4,5,7 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2010-4 2.137% 8/15/17 6,160 6,163
5 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2012-5 1.540% 9/15/19 2,620 2,623
4,5 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2014-1 0.657% 1/15/19 3,050 3,051
5 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2014-1 1.290% 1/15/19 3,500 3,507
5 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2014-3 1.330% 3/15/19 2,400 2,406
5 Ally Master Owner Trust Series 2014-5 1.600% 10/15/19 10,380 10,405
4,5 American Express Credit Account Secured Note Trust        
  2008-2 1.447% 9/15/20 10,170 10,413
4,5 American Express Credit Account Secured Note Trust        
  2012-4 0.737% 5/15/20 7,000 6,994
4,5,7 American Homes 4 Rent 2014-SFR1 1.250% 6/17/31 1,079 1,076
4,5,7 American Homes 4 Rent 2014-SFR1 1.600% 6/17/31 970 958
5,7 American Homes 4 Rent 2014-SFR2 3.786% 10/17/36 4,149 4,262
5,7 American Homes 4 Rent 2014-SFR2 4.290% 10/17/36 1,060 1,089
5,7 American Homes 4 Rent 2014-SFR3 3.678% 12/17/36 5,147 5,249
5,7 American Homes 4 Rent 2015-SFR1 3.467% 4/17/52 5,465 5,495
5,7 Americold 2010 LLC Trust Series 2010-ART 4.954% 1/14/29 6,000 6,661
5,7 Americold 2010 LLC Trust Series 2010-ART 6.811% 1/14/29 3,540 4,118
5 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-1 1.570% 1/8/19 720 721
5 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-2 1.790% 3/8/19 3,100 3,110
5 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-3 2.380% 6/10/19 1,500 1,516
5 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-3 3.000% 7/8/19 2,500 2,539
5 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-4 2.720% 9/9/19 1,660 1,686
5 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-4 3.310% 10/8/19 2,230 2,276
5 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-5 2.290% 11/8/19 1,470 1,482
5 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2013-5 2.860% 12/9/19 1,655 1,671
5 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2014-1 2.150% 3/9/20 1,000 1,001
5 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2014-2 2.180% 6/8/20 500 501
5,7 AOA 2015-1177 Mortgage Trust 2.957% 12/13/29 1,330 1,344
5,7 Applebee's Funding LLC/IHOP Funding LLC 2014-1 4.277% 9/5/44 2,090 2,117




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
5,7 ARI Fleet Lease Trust 2015-A 1.670% 9/15/23 830 828
5,7 ARL Second LLC 2014-1A 2.920% 6/15/44 1,665 1,665
4,5,7 Arran Residential Mortgages Funding 2010-1 PLC 1.676% 5/16/47 3,071 3,076
4,5,7 Arran Residential Mortgages Funding 2011-1 plc 1.726% 11/19/47 1,998 2,003
5,7 Aventura Mall Trust 2013-AVM 3.743% 12/5/32 1,370 1,454
5,7 Avis Budget Rental Car Funding AESOP LLC 2013-2A 2.970% 2/20/20 10,300 10,551
5,7 Avis Budget Rental Car Funding AESOP LLC 2015-1A 2.500% 7/20/21 14,310 14,318
5,7 Avis Budget Rental Car Funding AESOP LLC 2015-2A 2.630% 12/20/21 8,115 8,136
4,5 BA Credit Card Trust 2014-A1 0.567% 6/15/21 18,930 18,955
5,7 BAMLL Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2012-        
  PARK 2.959% 12/10/30 4,975 4,979
5 Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-5 5.415% 9/10/47 2,123 2,194
5 Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-6 5.347% 10/10/45 4,352 4,527
5 Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007-2 5.562% 4/10/49 3,309 3,487
5 Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust 2008-1 6.171% 2/10/51 5,739 6,225
5 Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust 2008-1 6.215% 2/10/51 19,759 21,426
4,5,7 Bank of America Student Loan Trust 2010-1A 1.095% 2/25/43 9,779 9,782
  Bank of Nova Scotia 1.850% 4/14/20 4,450 4,419
5,7 Bank of The West Auto Trust 2014-1 1.650% 3/16/20 9,400 9,449
5 Barclays Dryrock Issuance Trust 2014-3 2.410% 7/15/22 15,800 16,123
5,7 Beacon Container Finance LLC 2012-1A 3.720% 9/20/27 2,692 2,743
5 Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust        
  2005-PWR9 4.943% 9/11/42 318 317
5 Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust        
  2006-PWR13 5.533% 9/11/41 2,260 2,338
5 Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust        
  2007-PWR16 5.705% 6/11/40 22,140 23,419
5 Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust        
  2007-PWR17 5.650% 6/11/50 7,714 8,260
5 Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust        
  2007-TOP28 5.710% 9/11/42 3,822 4,096
4,5,7 BMW Floorplan Master Owner Trust 0.686% 7/15/20 17,100 17,105
4,5 Brazos Higher Education Authority Inc. Series 2005-3 0.481% 6/25/26 5,720 5,601
4,5 Brazos Higher Education Authority Inc. Series 2010-1 1.182% 5/25/29 2,109 2,111
4,5 Brazos Higher Education Authority Inc. Series 2011-1 1.082% 2/25/30 12,890 12,959
5 Cabela's Credit Card Master Note Trust 2015-1A 2.260% 3/15/23 3,160 3,197
4,5 Cabela's Credit Card Master Note Trust 2015-2A 0.857% 7/17/23 8,920 8,926
5,7 CAL Funding II Ltd. Series 2012-1A 3.470% 10/25/27 1,813 1,822
5,7 CAL Funding II Ltd. Series 2013-1A 3.350% 3/27/28 2,722 2,734
5 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-1 1.290% 4/20/18 1,550 1,551
5 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-1 1.740% 10/22/18 1,700 1,705
5 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-3 3.690% 2/20/19 6,485 6,650
5 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-4 1.470% 7/20/18 5,020 5,039
5 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-4 2.060% 10/22/18 3,400 3,423
5 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-4 2.670% 2/20/19 3,045 3,086
5 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2013-4 3.220% 5/20/19 1,775 1,800
5 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2014-1 1.690% 10/22/18 2,500 2,511
5 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2014-1 2.220% 1/22/19 650 656
5 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2014-1 2.840% 4/22/19 1,000 1,017
5 Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2014-1 3.390% 7/22/19 800 816
4,5 Capital One Multi-asset Execution Trust 2007-A5 0.227% 7/15/20 18,644 18,520
4,5 Capital One Multi-Asset Execution Trust 2014-A3 0.567% 1/18/22 5,135 5,136
5 Capital One Multi-Asset Execution Trust 2015-A2 2.080% 3/15/23 8,780 8,833
5 Capital One Multi-asset Execution Trust 2015-A4 2.750% 5/15/25 21,700 21,944
5 Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2013-3 1.910% 3/15/19 2,920 2,946
5 Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2013-3 2.850% 2/18/20 1,785 1,803
5 Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2014-1 1.690% 8/15/19 520 520
5 Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2014-1 1.930% 11/15/19 970 968
5 Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2014-4 1.810% 7/15/20 3,850 3,864
5 Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2015-1 1.830% 7/15/20 11,290 11,330
5 CarMax Auto Owner Trust 2015-2 1.800% 3/15/21 3,070 3,073
5 Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2015-2 3.040% 11/15/21 2,010 2,013
5 CenterPoint Energy Transition Bond Co. IV LLC 2012-1 2.161% 10/15/21 9,100 9,273
5,7 CFCRE Commercial Mortgage Trust 2011-C1 5.537% 4/15/44 2,900 3,288




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
5,7 CFCRE Commercial Mortgage Trust 2011-C2 5.574% 12/15/47 5,260 6,109
4,5 Chase Issuance Trust 2007-C1 0.647% 4/15/19 6,100 6,065
4,5 Chase Issuance Trust 2012-A10 0.447% 12/16/19 6,000 5,990
5,7 Chrysler Capital Auto Receivables Trust 2013-AA 1.830% 3/15/19 915 917
5,7 Chrysler Capital Auto Receivables Trust 2013-AA 2.280% 7/15/19 1,100 1,098
5,7 Chrysler Capital Auto Receivables Trust 2013-AA 2.930% 8/17/20 1,190 1,200
5,7 Chrysler Capital Auto Receivables Trust 2014-AA 2.280% 11/15/19 2,150 2,149
5,7 Cit Equipment Collateral 2013-VT1 1.130% 7/20/20 2,955 2,957
4,5 Citibank Credit Card Issuance Trust 2008-A7 1.563% 5/20/20 11,800 12,136
4,5 Citibank Credit Card Issuance Trust 2013-A2 0.467% 5/26/20 10,000 9,977
5 Citibank Credit Card Issuance Trust 2014-A6 2.150% 7/15/21 23,045 23,365
5 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-C5 5.431% 10/15/49 6,650 6,884
5 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-GC8 3.024% 9/10/45 5,770 5,861
5,7 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-GC8 3.683% 9/10/45 2,017 2,098
5 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-GC11 3.093% 4/10/46 5,650 5,712
5 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-GC15 3.161% 9/10/46 3,300 3,435
5 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-GC15 3.942% 9/10/46 700 747
4,5,7 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-388G 0.937% 6/15/33 1,000 1,000
5 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC19 4.023% 3/10/47 230 247
5 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC21 3.477% 5/10/47 920 959
5 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC21 3.855% 5/10/47 2,480 2,624
5 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC23 3.622% 7/10/47 2,460 2,552
5 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC23 3.863% 7/10/47 1,020 1,062
5 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC23 4.175% 7/10/47 740 763
5 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC23 4.454% 7/10/47 1,250 1,255
5 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC25 3.635% 10/10/47 5,300 5,496
5 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-GC27 2.944% 2/10/48 940 946
5 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-GC27 3.137% 2/10/48 2,535 2,522
5 Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-GC31 3.762% 6/10/48 7,710 8,043
5,7 CKE Restaurant Holdings Inc. 2013-1A 4.474% 3/20/43 5,290 5,430
5,7 CLI Funding V LLC 2013-1A 2.830% 3/18/28 4,525 4,515
4,5,7 Colony American Homes 2014-1 1.400% 5/17/31 2,633 2,620
4,5,7 Colony American Homes 2014-1 1.600% 5/17/31 1,960 1,925
4,5,7 Colony American Homes 2015-1 1.386% 7/17/32 3,900 3,867
4,5,7 Colony American Homes Single-Family Rental Pass-        
  Through Certificates 2014-2 1.537% 7/17/31 700 690
5 COMM 15-CR22 Mortgage Trust 3.309% 3/10/48 4,730 4,767
5 COMM 2006-C8 Mortgage Trust 5.292% 12/10/46 1,928 2,009
5 COMM 2006-C8 Mortgage Trust 5.306% 12/10/46 15,334 15,955
5 COMM 2007-C9 Mortgage Trust 5.796% 12/10/49 3,620 3,866
5 COMM 2012-CCRE2 Mortgage Trust 3.147% 8/15/45 2,700 2,776
5 COMM 2012-CCRE2 Mortgage Trust 3.791% 8/15/45 3,900 4,108
5 COMM 2012-CCRE3 Mortgage Trust 2.822% 10/15/45 6,005 6,034
5 COMM 2012-CCRE4 Mortgage Trust 2.853% 10/15/45 6,215 6,252
5 COMM 2012-CCRE5 Mortgage Trust 2.771% 12/10/45 2,700 2,700
5 COMM 2013-CCRE11 Mortgage Trust 3.983% 10/10/46 4,800 5,149
5 COMM 2013-CCRE11 Mortgage Trust 4.258% 10/10/46 4,690 5,127
5 COMM 2013-CCRE12 Mortgage Trust 3.623% 10/10/46 1,400 1,473
5 COMM 2013-CCRE12 Mortgage Trust 4.046% 10/10/46 7,740 8,357
5 COMM 2013-CCRE13 Mortgage Trust 4.194% 11/10/23 6,375 6,943
5 COMM 2013-CCRE13 Mortgage Trust 4.754% 12/10/23 855 937
5 COMM 2013-CCRE13 Mortgage Trust 4.754% 12/10/23 1,560 1,644
5 COMM 2013-CCRE8 Mortgage Trust 3.612% 6/10/46 5,000 5,253
5 COMM 2013-CCRE9 Mortgage Trust 4.234% 7/10/45 4,980 5,465
5 COMM 2013-CCRE9 Mortgage Trust 2.972% 8/10/46 1,700 1,757
5 COMM 2013-CCRE9 Mortgage Trust 3.795% 8/10/46 800 854
5,7 COMM 2013-CR9 Mortgage Trust 4.258% 7/10/45 1,600 1,630
5 COMM 2013-LC13 Mortgage Trust 3.009% 8/10/46 3,180 3,309
5,7 COMM 2013-LC13 Mortgage Trust 3.774% 8/10/46 1,050 1,124
5 COMM 2013-LC13 Mortgage Trust 4.205% 8/10/46 585 639
5 COMM 2013-LC6 Mortgage Trust 2.941% 1/10/46 3,800 3,834
5,7 COMM 2013-SFS Mortgage Trust 2.987% 4/12/35 6,500 6,507
5,7 COMM 2014-277P Mortgage Trust 3.611% 8/10/49 6,150 6,345
5 COMM 2014-CCRE14 Mortgage Trust 3.147% 2/10/47 2,890 3,016




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
5 COMM 2014-CCRE14 Mortgage Trust 3.743% 2/10/47 1,520 1,617
5 COMM 2014-CCRE14 Mortgage Trust 4.236% 2/10/47 2,540 2,769
5 COMM 2014-CCRE15 Mortgage Trust 2.928% 2/10/47 1,650 1,703
5 COMM 2014-CCRE15 Mortgage Trust 4.074% 2/10/47 2,510 2,703
5 COMM 2014-CCRE15 Mortgage Trust 4.426% 2/10/47 1,300 1,408
5 COMM 2014-CCRE15 Mortgage Trust 4.716% 2/10/47 1,600 1,755
5 COMM 2014-CR17 Mortgage Trust 3.977% 5/10/47 3,335 3,562
5 COMM 2014-CR17 Mortgage Trust 4.174% 5/10/47 1,290 1,370
5 COMM 2014-CR17 Mortgage Trust 4.736% 5/10/47 1,340 1,396
5 COMM 2014-CR18 Mortgage Trust 3.452% 7/15/47 1,600 1,671
5 COMM 2014-CR18 Mortgage Trust 3.828% 7/15/47 3,865 4,082
5 COMM 2014-LC17 Mortgage Trust 3.917% 10/10/47 2,270 2,406
5 COMM 2014-LC19 Mortgage Trust 3.040% 2/10/48 470 478
5 COMM 2015-CR24 Mortgage Trust 3.445% 8/10/55 2,000 2,060
5 COMM 2015-CR24 Mortgage Trust 3.696% 8/10/55 5,100 5,253
5 Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-GG7 5.819% 7/10/38 23,754 24,181
7 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2.000% 6/18/19 4,300 4,338
7 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2.125% 7/22/20 16,700 16,717
5,7 Core Industrial Trust 2015-TEXW 3.077% 2/10/34 5,580 5,682
5 Credit Suisse Commercial Mortgage Trust Series 2006-        
  C3 5.806% 6/15/38 687 698
5 Credit Suisse Commercial Mortgage Trust Series 2008-        
  C1 5.973% 2/15/41 3,168 3,444
5 CSAIL Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C2 3.504% 6/15/57 6,650 6,806
5,7 DB Master Finance LL 2015-1 3.262% 2/20/45 4,294 4,332
5 Discover Card Execution Note Trust 2012-A6 1.670% 1/18/22 40,000 39,821
4,5 Discover Card Execution Note Trust 2013-A1 0.487% 8/17/20 18,000 17,985
5 Discover Card Execution Note Trust 2014-A4 2.120% 12/15/21 10,900 11,044
7 DNB Boligkreditt AS 1.450% 3/21/18 3,300 3,306
5,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-A 2.280% 6/17/19 4,200 4,208
5,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-A 3.060% 5/17/21 2,750 2,757
5,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-A 4.120% 6/15/22 2,000 2,007
5,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-B 1.300% 6/15/18 2,570 2,569
5,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-BA 2.120% 6/17/19 2,480 2,478
5,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-BA 2.760% 7/15/21 6,040 6,019
5,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-BA 3.840% 7/15/21 3,600 3,571
5,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-C 2.230% 9/16/19 5,115 5,112
5,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-C 3.010% 5/17/21 7,675 7,665
5,7 Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-C 4.200% 9/15/21 5,630 5,625
4,5,7 Edsouth Indenture No 5 LLC 2015-1 0.991% 10/25/56 12,571 12,544
5,7 Enterprise Fleet Financing LLC Series 2012-2 0.930% 4/20/18 2,058 2,058
5,7 Enterprise Fleet Financing LLC Series 2015-1 1.740% 9/20/20 17,660 17,673
5,7 Enterprise Fleet Financing LLC Series 2015-2 2.090% 2/22/21 7,190 7,197
4,5 Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities 2015-C01 1.690% 2/25/25 1,568 1,571
4,5 Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities 2015-C01 1.690% 2/25/25 1,575 1,576
4,5 Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities 2015-C02 1.340% 5/25/25 1,989 1,985
4,5 Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities 2015-C02 1.391% 5/25/25 3,743 3,732
4,5 Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities 2015-C03 1.688% 7/25/25 6,370 6,387
4,5 Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities 2015-C03 1.689% 7/25/25 5,100 5,110
5 Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust 2013-A 1.010% 5/15/16 4,000 4,000
5 Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust 2013-A 1.280% 6/15/16 3,050 3,050
5 Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust 2014-A 1.160% 8/15/17 4,730 4,734
5 Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust 2015-A 1.310% 8/15/18 3,035 3,030
5 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2013-C 1.680% 11/15/18 2,000 2,008
5 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2013-D 1.540% 3/15/19 2,800 2,805
5 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2013-D 1.720% 7/15/19 2,890 2,897
5,7 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2014-1 2.260% 11/15/25 4,588 4,621
5,7 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2014-1 2.410% 11/15/25 1,400 1,408
5,7 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2014-2 2.310% 4/15/26 10,930 10,992
5,7 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2014-2 2.510% 4/15/26 1,600 1,608
5 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2014-C 1.560% 2/15/20 2,400 2,403
5,7 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2015-1 2.120% 7/15/26 6,600 6,569
5,7 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2015-2 2.440% 1/15/27 26,000 26,213
5 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2015-B 2.040% 10/15/20 5,010 5,011




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
5 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2012-2 1.920% 1/15/19 2,000 2,020
5 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2012-5 1.490% 9/15/19 24,203 24,236
5 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2012-5 1.690% 9/15/19 1,600 1,605
5 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2012-5 2.140% 9/15/19 1,900 1,914
5 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2013-1 1.370% 1/15/18 5,700 5,711
5 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2013-1 1.820% 1/15/18 2,100 2,105
5 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2013-4 2.100% 6/15/20 670 675
5 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2013-4 2.290% 6/15/20 720 722
5 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2013-4 2.790% 6/15/20 290 294
5 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2014-1 1.400% 2/15/19 2,000 1,998
5 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2014-1 2.310% 2/15/21 900 906
4,5 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2014-2 0.687% 2/15/21 6,100 6,106
5 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2014-4 1.400% 8/15/19 14,795 14,811
5 Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A Series        
  2015-2 1.980% 1/15/22 11,758 11,778
5,7 FRS I LLC 2013-1A 1.800% 4/15/43 1,006 1,000
5,7 FRS I LLC 2013-1A 3.080% 4/15/43 6,074 6,101
4,5 GE Capital Credit Card Master Note Trust Series 2011-2 1.187% 5/15/19 10,800 10,822
5 GE Capital Credit Card Master Note Trust Series 2012-2 2.220% 1/15/22 30,000 30,398
4,5 GE Capital Credit Card Master Note Trust Series 2012-3 0.637% 3/15/20 39,385 39,390
5 GE Capital Credit Card Master Note Trust Series 2012-6 1.360% 8/17/20 2,300 2,301
4,5 GE Dealer Floorplan Master Note Trust Series 2012-2 0.938% 4/22/19 13,000 13,037
4,5 GE Dealer Floorplan Master Note Trust Series 2012-4 0.628% 10/20/17 10,000 10,001
4,5 GE Dealer Floorplan Master Note Trust Series 2014-2 0.638% 10/20/19 4,400 4,386
4,5 GE Dealer Floorplan Master Note Trust Series 2015-2 0.838% 1/20/22 20,920 20,794
5,7 GM Financial Leasing Trust 2014-1A 1.760% 5/21/18 1,700 1,707
5,7 GM Financial Leasing Trust 2014-2A 1.620% 2/20/18 8,000 8,033
5 GM Financial Leasing Trust 2015-1 1.730% 6/20/19 1,650 1,654
5 GM Financial Leasing Trust 2015-2 2.420% 7/22/19 2,600 2,607
5 GM Financial Leasing Trust 2015-2 2.990% 7/22/19 2,320 2,327
5,7 GMF Floorplan Owner Revolving Trust 2015-1 1.650% 5/15/20 12,000 12,015
5,7 GMF Floorplan Owner Revolving Trust 2015-1 1.970% 5/15/20 2,180 2,184
5,7 Golden Credit Card Trust 2012-2A 1.770% 1/15/19 18,000 18,163
4,5,7 Golden Credit Card Trust 2015-1A 0.627% 2/15/20 35,000 34,967
5,7 Golden Credit Card Trust 2015-2A 2.020% 4/15/22 13,530 13,512
5,7 GRACE 2014-GRCE Mortgage Trust 3.369% 6/10/28 1,000 1,037
5,7 Great America Leasing Receivables 2013-1 1.160% 5/15/18 2,500 2,502
5,7 Great America Leasing Receivables 2015-1 2.020% 6/21/21 1,680 1,693
5,7 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2010-C2 5.246% 12/10/43 1,370 1,503
5,7 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2011-GC3 5.552% 3/10/44 2,650 2,945
5,7 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2012-ALOHA 3.551% 4/10/34 4,550 4,751
5,7 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2012-BWTR 2.954% 11/5/34 7,625 7,657
5,7 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2012-GC6 4.948% 1/10/45 1,025 1,145
5 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-GCJ12 3.135% 6/10/46 2,240 2,269
5 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-GCJ12 3.777% 6/10/46 1,550 1,589
5 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-GCJ14 2.995% 8/10/46 2,000 2,082
5 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-GCJ14 3.817% 8/10/46 800 849
5 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-GC20 3.998% 4/10/47 6,075 6,494
5 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-GC24 3.931% 9/10/47 8,070 8,557
5 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-GC24 4.507% 9/10/47 1,860 1,966
5 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-GC24 4.528% 9/10/47 2,685 2,764




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
5 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-GC26 3.629% 11/10/47 1,050 1,087
5 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-GC28 3.396% 2/10/48 1,100 1,117
5 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-GC30 3.382% 5/10/50 2,715 2,770
5 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-GC32 3.764% 7/10/48 3,200 3,296
5 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-GC32 4.549% 7/10/48 1,325 1,365
5 GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-GC32 4.559% 7/10/48 580 570
7 GTP Acquisition Partners I LLC 3.482% 6/16/25 9,030 8,985
5 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Trust 2013-1 0.870% 7/15/19 3,500 3,493
5,7 Hertz Vehicle Financing LLC 2010-1A 3.740% 2/25/17 7,930 8,003
5,7 Hertz Vehicle Financing LLC 2011-1A 3.290% 3/25/18 12,280 12,608
5,7 Hertz Vehicle Financing LLC 2013-1A 1.830% 8/25/19 13,350 13,282
5,7 Hilton USA Trust 2013-HLT 2.662% 11/5/30 3,120 3,115
5,7 Hilton USA Trust 2013-HLT 3.367% 11/5/30 3,240 3,261
5,7 Hilton USA Trust 2013-HLT 3.714% 11/5/30 1,455 1,455
5 Honda Auto Receivables 2014-4 Owner Trust 1.460% 10/15/20 1,660 1,661
5,7 Houston Galleria Mall Trust 2015-HGLR 3.087% 3/5/37 4,000 3,945
5,7 Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2014-A 1.300% 7/16/18 1,900 1,899
5,7 Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2014-B 1.540% 12/17/18 550 549
5,7 Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2015-A 1.650% 8/15/19 10,880 10,930
5,7 Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2015-A 2.070% 11/15/19 7,250 7,265
5,7 Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2015-B 2.210% 5/15/20 7,130 7,148
5 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2012-B 1.950% 10/15/18 1,700 1,710
5 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2013-B 1.450% 2/15/19 1,000 1,002
5 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2013-B 2.480% 9/16/19 1,200 1,216
5 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2013-C 2.480% 3/15/19 2,350 2,382
5 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2013-C 3.090% 1/15/20 1,900 1,947
5 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2014-A 2.020% 8/15/19 1,700 1,698
5 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2014-A 2.530% 7/15/20 1,150 1,161
5 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2014-B 2.100% 11/15/19 2,200 2,196
4,5,7 Hyundai Floorplan Master Owner Trust Series 2013-1 0.837% 5/15/18 1,400 1,401
5,7 Icon Brands Holdings LLC 2012-1 4.229% 1/25/43 4,116 4,131
4 Illinois Student Assistance Commission Series 2010-1 1.345% 4/25/22 6,274 6,275
4,5,7 Invitation Homes 2014-SFR1 Trust 1.686% 6/17/31 4,750 4,716
4,5,7 Invitation Homes 2014-SFR2 Trust 1.288% 9/17/31 2,560 2,536
4,5,7 Invitation Homes 2014-SFR2 Trust 1.788% 9/17/31 700 694
4,5,7 Invitation Homes 2015-SFR2 Trust 1.536% 6/17/32 2,867 2,871
5,7 Irvine Core Office Trust 2013-IRV 3.173% 5/15/48 6,000 6,042
5 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2006-LDP6 5.471% 4/15/43 2,854 2,902
5 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2006-LDP7 5.905% 4/15/45 3,428 3,530
5 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2007-C1 5.716% 2/15/51 24,832 26,358
5 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2007-CIBC20 5.746% 2/12/51 4,403 4,701
5 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2007-LDP10 5.439% 1/15/49 3,256 3,425
5 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2007-LDP12 5.850% 2/15/51 2,447 2,610
5,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2010-C1 4.608% 6/15/43 10,030 10,542
5,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2010-C2 3.616% 11/15/43 1,250 1,299
5,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2010-C2 4.070% 11/15/43 1,175 1,253
5,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2010-C2 5.502% 11/15/43 2,313 2,537
5,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2010-C2 5.502% 11/15/43 2,730 2,929
5,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2011-C3 4.388% 2/15/46 6,550 6,957
5,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2011-C3 4.717% 2/15/46 4,990 5,492




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
5,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2011-C3 5.360% 2/15/46 3,170 3,453
5,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2011-C5 5.323% 8/15/46 4,000 4,614
5 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2012-C6 3.507% 5/15/45 4,499 4,724
5 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2012-C8 2.829% 10/15/45 4,640 4,649
5,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2012-C8 3.424% 10/15/45 4,070 4,137
5 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2012-CIBX 4.271% 6/15/45 1,350 1,445
5,7 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2012-HSBC 3.093% 7/5/32 5,900 5,995
5 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2012-LC9 2.840% 12/15/47 4,670 4,682
5 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2013-C16 3.674% 12/15/46 980 1,033
5 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2013-C16 3.881% 12/15/46 290 308
5 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2013-C16 4.944% 12/15/46 2,135 2,326
5 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2013-C16 5.009% 12/15/46 960 1,017
5 JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities        
  Trust 2013-LC11 2.960% 4/15/46 5,378 5,394
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C12 3.664% 7/15/45 5,000 5,254
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C12 4.025% 7/15/45 5,000 5,294
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C14 3.019% 8/15/46 1,300 1,344
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C14 3.761% 8/15/46 1,400 1,483
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C14 4.133% 8/15/46 1,630 1,765
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C15 2.977% 11/15/45 2,300 2,374
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C15 3.659% 11/15/45 400 421
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C15 4.927% 11/15/45 1,750 1,891
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C15 5.081% 11/15/45 1,300 1,389
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-        
  C17 4.199% 1/15/47 4,070 4,417
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-        
  C18 4.079% 2/15/47 7,000 7,510
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-        
  C18 4.439% 2/15/47 600 646
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-        
  C18 4.810% 2/15/47 2,500 2,693
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-        
  C18 4.810% 2/15/47 1,000 1,038
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-        
  C21 3.428% 8/15/47 680 704
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-        
  C24 3.639% 11/15/47 2,000 2,070
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-        
  C26 3.494% 1/15/48 4,130 4,216
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-        
  C30 3.559% 7/15/48 7,120 7,393
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-        
  C30 3.822% 7/15/48 8,840 9,222




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
5 JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-        
  C30 4.226% 7/15/48 2,245 2,342
4 Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corp. 2013-2 0.787% 9/1/28 2,604 2,592
5,7 Ladder Capital Commercial Mortgage 2013-GCP        
  Mortgage Trust 3.388% 5/15/31 910 945
4,5,7 Lanark Master Issuer plc 2012-2A 1.684% 12/22/54 1,462 1,467
4,5,7 Lanark Master Issuer plc 2013-1A 0.784% 12/22/54 3,330 3,327
5 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-C3 5.641% 3/15/39 5,768 5,856
5 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-C6 5.342% 9/15/39 2,205 2,280
5 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-C7 5.347% 11/15/38 25,211 26,206
5 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007-C2 5.387% 2/15/40 18,446 19,482
5 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007-C7 5.866% 9/15/45 15,692 16,968
5,7 Macquarie Equipment Funding Trust 2012-A 0.850% 10/22/18 2,946 2,948
5,7 Madison Avenue Trust 2013-650M 3.843% 10/12/32 1,245 1,332
5,7 Master Credit Card Trust 2012-2A 1.970% 4/21/17 1,400 1,403
5,7 Master Credit Card Trust 2013-3A 2.280% 1/22/18 2,100 2,101
4,5 MBNA Credit Card Master Note Trust 2004-A3 0.447% 8/16/21 27,360 27,239
5 Mercedes-Benz Auto Receivables Trust 2015-1 1.750% 12/15/21 7,780 7,771
5,7 Mercedes-Benz Master Owner Trust 2012-A 0.790% 11/15/17 10,036 10,039
4,5,7 Mercedes-Benz Master Owner Trust 2015-B 0.567% 4/15/20 14,650 14,653
5 Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust 2006-C2 5.739% 8/12/43 745 766
5 Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust 2008-C1 5.690% 2/12/51 11,703 12,571
5,7 Miramax LLC 2014-1A 3.340% 7/20/26 868 873
5 ML-CFC Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-2 5.868% 6/12/46 848 868
5,7 MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2012-A 1.980% 6/10/32 2,880 2,906
5,7 MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2015-A 2.490% 2/19/36 13,600 13,630
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2012-C5 3.176% 8/15/45 7,445 7,652
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2012-C5 3.792% 8/15/45 2,050 2,140
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2012-C6 2.858% 11/15/45 5,740 5,774
5,7 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2012-CKSV 3.277% 10/15/30 6,000 5,989
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2013-C10 4.082% 7/15/46 780 844
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2013-C11 3.085% 8/15/46 1,800 1,862
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2013-C11 4.215% 8/15/46 7,317 7,974
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2013-C12 3.824% 10/15/46 810 862
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2013-C13 4.039% 11/15/46 400 430
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2013-C7 2.918% 2/15/46 2,470 2,471
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2013-C7 3.214% 2/15/46 2,000 2,037
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2013-C9 3.102% 5/15/46 12,980 13,116
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C14 4.064% 2/15/47 2,300 2,465
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C14 4.384% 2/15/47 1,600 1,718
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C15 4.051% 4/15/47 3,250 3,478
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C16 3.892% 6/15/47 4,610 4,874
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C16 4.094% 6/15/47 935 982
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C16 4.325% 6/15/47 2,400 2,530
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C16 4.758% 6/15/47 2,400 2,504




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C17 3.741% 8/15/47 10,050 10,499
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C17 4.011% 8/15/47 530 553
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C18 3.923% 10/15/47 2,150 2,274
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C19 3.326% 12/15/47 1,080 1,115
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2014-C19 3.526% 12/15/47 470 482
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2015-C20 3.069% 2/15/48 765 778
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2015-C20 3.249% 2/15/48 425 426
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2015-C22 3.306% 4/15/48 4,030 4,053
5 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2015-C23 3.719% 7/15/50 17,750 18,445
5,8 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2015-C24 3.479% 8/15/47 4,300 4,367
5,8 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust        
  2015-C24 3.732% 8/15/47 4,300 4,453
5 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2006-HQ9 5.728% 7/12/44 4,266 4,403
5 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2006-IQ12 5.319% 12/15/43 1,208 1,256
5 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2007-IQ15 5.908% 6/11/49 7,167 7,627
5 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2007-IQ16 5.688% 12/12/49 4,167 4,443
5 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2012-C4 3.244% 3/15/45 2,260 2,336
5 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2012-C4 3.773% 3/15/45 2,440 2,550
5,7 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2012-STAR 3.201% 8/5/34 6,000 6,084
5,7 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2014-150E 3.912% 9/9/32 6,370 6,695
5,7 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2014-CPT 3.350% 7/13/29 2,795 2,893
5,7 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2015-420 3.727% 10/11/50 4,820 4,939
4,5 Navient Student Loan Trust 2014-1 0.941% 2/25/39 650 639
4,5 Navient Student Loan Trust 2015-1 0.790% 4/25/40 16,000 15,451
4,5 New Mexico Educational Assistance Foundation 2013-1 0.887% 1/2/25 4,442 4,443
5 Nissan Auto Lease Trust 2015-A 1.580% 5/17/21 1,790 1,793
5 Nissan Auto Receivables 2015-B Owner Trust 1.790% 1/17/22 2,870 2,868
4,5 Nissan Master Owner Trust Receivables Series 2013-A 0.487% 2/15/18 4,733 4,732
5 Nissan Master Owner Trust Receivables Series 2015-A 1.440% 1/15/20 21,640 21,608
7 Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale 2.000% 2/5/19 5,500 5,559
4 North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority        
  2011-1 1.181% 1/26/26 3,380 3,372
4,5,7 PFS Financing Corp. 2014-AA 0.787% 2/15/19 1,600 1,599
4,5,7 PFS Financing Corp. 2015-AA 0.807% 4/15/20 3,500 3,471
5,7 Porsche Innovative Lease Owner Trust 2015-1 1.430% 5/21/21 4,900 4,896
5,7 Progress Residential 2015-SFR2 Trust 2.740% 6/12/32 2,500 2,475
4,5,7 Resimac MBS Trust 2014-1A 0.988% 12/12/45 3,640 3,640
5 Royal Bank of Canada 1.200% 9/19/18 5,750 5,748
  Royal Bank of Canada 1.875% 2/5/20 13,500 13,437
5 Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2013-2 1.950% 3/15/19 5,500 5,528
5 Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2013-5 1.550% 10/15/18 1,758 1,762
5 Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-3 1.490% 6/17/19 5,735 5,745
5 Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2015-3 3.490% 5/17/21 5,160 5,183
4,5,7 Silver Bay Realty 2014-1 Trust 1.186% 9/17/31 2,378 2,343
4,5,7 Silver Bay Realty 2014-1 Trust 1.636% 9/17/31 498 491
4,5 SLM Student Loan Trust 2005-5 0.395% 4/25/25 2,829 2,817
4,5 SLM Student Loan Trust 2006-5 0.405% 1/25/27 3,000 2,975
4,5 SLM Student Loan Trust 2006-6 0.405% 10/27/25 6,500 6,456
4,5 SLM Student Loan Trust 2007-1 0.385% 1/26/26 24,625 24,153
5,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2011-A 4.370% 4/17/28 1,700 1,802
5,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2011-B 3.740% 2/15/29 10,500 11,033
4,5,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2011-C 1.587% 12/15/23 597 598
5,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2011-C 4.540% 10/17/44 5,450 5,849
4,5,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2012-B 1.287% 12/15/21 344 344




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
5,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2012-B 3.480% 10/15/30 4,550 4,670
4,5,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2012-E 0.937% 10/16/23 4,430 4,438
4,5,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2013-1 1.237% 5/17/27 5,400 5,398
5,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2013-1 2.500% 3/15/47 1,800 1,738
4,5 SLM Student Loan Trust 2013-6 0.840% 6/26/28 4,500 4,458
5,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2013-B 1.850% 6/17/30 3,000 2,968
5,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2013-B 3.000% 5/16/44 3,000 2,952
5,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2013-C 3.500% 6/15/44 2,000 2,005
4,5 SLM Student Loan Trust 2014-1 0.790% 2/26/29 1,150 1,148
5,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2014-A 2.590% 1/15/26 900 915
5,7 SLM Student Loan Trust 2014-A 3.500% 11/15/44 800 790
5 SMART ABS Series 2012-4US Trust 0.970% 3/14/17 1,976 1,975
5 SMART ABS Series 2012-4US Trust 1.250% 8/14/18 2,000 2,001
5 SMART ABS Series 2013-1US Trust 1.050% 10/14/18 4,200 4,192
5,7 Sonic Capital LLC 2011-1A 5.438% 5/20/41 2,995 3,131
4,5 South Carolina Student Loan Corp. Revenue 2010-1 1.295% 7/25/25 8,834 8,892
7 SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt AS 1.250% 5/2/18 2,000 1,991
5,7 SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt AS 1.750% 11/15/20 10,400 10,305
7 Stadshypotek AB 1.250% 5/23/18 1,930 1,918
7 Stadshypotek AB 1.750% 4/9/20 8,294 8,175
4,5,7 SWAY Residential 2014-1 Trust 1.486% 1/17/32 6,443 6,397
5 Synchrony Credit Card Master Note Trust 2015-1 2.370% 3/15/23 6,670 6,772
5 Synchrony Credit Card Master Note Trust 2015-2 1.600% 4/15/21 10,400 10,430
5,7 Tidewater Auto Receivables Trust 2014-AA 1.400% 7/15/18 900 900
5,7 TMSQ_14-1500 3.680% 10/10/36 2,160 2,225
7 Toronto-Dominion Bank 1.950% 4/2/20 8,400 8,361
4,5,7 Trade MAPS 1 Ltd. 2013-1A 0.889% 12/10/18 6,460 6,467
4,5,7 Trade MAPS 1 Ltd. 2013-1A 1.438% 12/10/18 1,225 1,226
4,5,7 Trade MAPS 1 Ltd. 2013-1A 2.438% 12/10/18 670 668
4,5,7 Trafigura Securitisation Finance plc TRFIG_14-1A 1.137% 10/15/21 5,720 5,712
5 UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-C1 4.171% 5/10/45 1,200 1,289
5,7 UBS-BAMLL Trust 2012-WRM 3.663% 6/10/30 6,000 6,184
5 UBS-Barclays Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-C4 2.850% 12/10/45 5,055 5,051
5,7 VNO 2012-6AVE Mortgage Trust 2.996% 11/15/30 8,350 8,383
5,7 VNO 2013-PENN Mortgage Trust 3.808% 12/13/29 1,100 1,163
5,7 VNO 2013-PENN Mortgage Trust 3.947% 12/13/29 650 688
5,7 VNO 2013-PENN Mortgage Trust 3.947% 12/13/29 490 512
5,7 Volkswagen Credit Auto Master Owner Trust 2014-1A 1.400% 7/22/19 8,600 8,608
5,7 Volvo Financial Equipment LLC Series 2012-1 2.380% 9/16/19 1,200 1,200
5,7 Volvo Financial Equipment LLC Series 2015-1A 1.910% 1/15/20 3,105 3,122
5 Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust Series        
  2006-C27 5.765% 7/15/45 10,196 10,467
5 Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust Series        
  2006-C28 5.559% 10/15/48 2,089 2,172
5 Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust Series        
  2006-C28 5.572% 10/15/48 22,068 22,811
5 Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust Series        
  2006-C29 5.297% 11/15/48 3,518 3,663
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-LC5 2.918% 10/15/45 5,990 6,035
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-LC5 3.539% 10/15/45 1,610 1,662
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-LC12 3.928% 7/15/46 750 802
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-LC12 4.218% 7/15/46 7,570 8,218
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-LC16 3.477% 8/15/50 2,400 2,499
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-LC16 3.817% 8/15/50 5,800 6,107
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-LC16 4.020% 8/15/50 700 735
  Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-LC16 4.322% 8/15/50 2,400 2,495
  Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-LC16 4.458% 8/15/50 1,450 1,451
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-LC18 3.244% 12/15/47 2,410 2,468
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C26 2.991% 2/15/48 1,840 1,853
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C26 3.166% 2/15/48 2,480 2,472
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C27 3.278% 2/15/48 1,260 1,291
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C27 3.451% 2/15/48 3,010 3,067
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C29 3.400% 6/15/48 3,700 3,811
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C29 3.637% 6/15/48 7,735 7,978




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C29 4.225% 6/15/48 2,310 2,224
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C30 3.411% 9/15/48 7,300 7,373
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C30 3.664% 9/15/48 4,380 4,511
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C30 4.067% 9/15/48 2,250 2,317
5 Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C30 4.646% 9/15/48 1,250 1,229
5,7 Wendys Funding LLC 2015-1 4.080% 6/15/45 7,270 7,264
7 Westpac Banking Corp. 1.850% 11/26/18 6,285 6,322
7 Westpac Banking Corp. 2.000% 3/3/20 13,000 12,981
5,7 WFLD 2014-MONT Mortgage Trust 3.755% 8/10/31 5,090 5,277
5,7 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2011-C3 4.375% 3/15/44 5,450 5,951
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-C10 2.875% 12/15/45 5,280 5,288
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-C7 3.431% 6/15/45 5,400 5,618
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-C7 4.090% 6/15/45 4,170 4,449
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-C8 3.001% 8/15/45 3,300 3,344
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-C9 2.870% 11/15/45 9,300 9,334
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-C9 3.388% 11/15/45 2,870 2,933
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C13 3.345% 5/15/45 2,220 2,254
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C15 2.900% 8/15/46 600 618
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C15 3.720% 8/15/46 1,900 2,011
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C15 4.153% 8/15/46 630 682
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C17 3.558% 12/15/46 357 375
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C18 3.027% 12/15/46 3,365 3,483
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C18 3.676% 12/15/46 1,895 2,000
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C18 4.162% 12/15/46 6,340 6,859
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-C18 4.671% 12/15/46 1,085 1,174
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C19 4.101% 3/15/47 6,635 7,145
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C20 3.638% 5/15/47 3,020 3,175
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C20 3.995% 5/15/47 2,430 2,605
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C20 4.513% 5/15/47 1,410 1,423
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C21 3.678% 8/15/47 8,275 8,628
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C21 3.891% 8/15/47 700 728
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C21 4.234% 8/15/47 2,410 2,381
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C23 3.917% 10/15/57 980 1,038
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-LC14 3.522% 3/15/47 170 178
5 WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-LC14 4.045% 3/15/47 3,200 3,442
5 World Financial Network Credit Card Master Note Trust        
  Series 2013-A 1.610% 12/15/21 4,000 4,018
4,5 World Financial Network Credit Card Master Note Trust        
  Series 2015-A 0.667% 2/15/22 8,755 8,741
5 World Omni Automobile Lease Securitization Trust        
  2015-A 1.730% 12/15/20 2,300 2,302
4,5,7 World Omni Master Owner Trust 2013-1 0.537% 2/15/18 4,000 4,000
Total Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (Cost $2,698,512)     2,723,041
Corporate Bonds (75.5%)        
Finance (29.7%)        
  Banking (19.4%)        
  Abbey National Treasury Services plc 3.050% 8/23/18 3,950 4,097
  Abbey National Treasury Services plc 2.350% 9/10/19 3,415 3,438
  Abbey National Treasury Services plc 4.000% 3/13/24 43,500 45,276
7 ABN AMRO Bank NV 2.450% 6/4/20 8,000 8,002
7 ABN AMRO Bank NV 4.750% 7/28/25 12,000 12,059
  AgriBank FCB 9.125% 7/15/19 5,000 6,219
  American Express Bank FSB 6.000% 9/13/17 4,250 4,621
  American Express Centurion Bank 5.950% 6/12/17 10,000 10,812
  American Express Centurion Bank 6.000% 9/13/17 5,060 5,515
  American Express Co. 6.150% 8/28/17 10,900 11,907
  American Express Co. 7.000% 3/19/18 12,000 13,582
  American Express Co. 2.650% 12/2/22 16,082 15,501
  American Express Credit Corp. 2.375% 5/26/20 4,700 4,681
  Associates Corp. of North America 6.950% 11/1/18 8,855 10,157
  Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. 1.875% 10/6/17 8,000 8,096
7 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. 4.875% 1/12/21 16,817 18,914




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
7 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. 4.500% 3/19/24 16,000 16,231
7 Banco de Credito del Peru 4.250% 4/1/23 5,000 5,116
  Bank of America Corp. 6.500% 8/1/16 6,375 6,693
  Bank of America Corp. 6.400% 8/28/17 7,850 8,568
  Bank of America Corp. 6.000% 9/1/17 1,750 1,895
  Bank of America Corp. 5.750% 12/1/17 4,000 4,344
  Bank of America Corp. 6.875% 4/25/18 8,123 9,156
  Bank of America Corp. 5.650% 5/1/18 4,500 4,924
  Bank of America Corp. 6.875% 11/15/18 2,797 3,197
  Bank of America Corp. 2.600% 1/15/19 13,000 13,165
  Bank of America Corp. 7.625% 6/1/19 13,000 15,421
  Bank of America Corp. 2.250% 4/21/20 3,400 3,345
  Bank of America Corp. 5.625% 7/1/20 19,340 21,785
  Bank of America Corp. 5.875% 1/5/21 16,010 18,282
  Bank of America Corp. 5.000% 5/13/21 5,285 5,819
  Bank of America Corp. 5.700% 1/24/22 25,800 29,353
  Bank of America Corp. 3.300% 1/11/23 39,767 39,180
  Bank of America Corp. 4.100% 7/24/23 11,500 11,897
  Bank of America Corp. 4.125% 1/22/24 34,600 35,743
  Bank of America Corp. 4.000% 4/1/24 6,000 6,151
  Bank of America Corp. 4.200% 8/26/24 12,000 12,065
  Bank of America Corp. 3.875% 8/1/25 10,000 10,083
  Bank of America NA 5.300% 3/15/17 8,877 9,384
  Bank of America NA 6.100% 6/15/17 5,000 5,381
  Bank of Montreal 2.375% 1/25/19 5,000 5,086
  Bank of Montreal 2.550% 11/6/22 16,000 15,612
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 5.500% 12/1/17 5,465 5,945
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 5.450% 5/15/19 6,580 7,385
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 4.600% 1/15/20 14,300 15,678
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 2.150% 2/24/20 2,840 2,817
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 4.150% 2/1/21 21,944 23,761
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 3.550% 9/23/21 16,040 16,764
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 3.650% 2/4/24 17,000 17,467
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 3.400% 5/15/24 20,200 20,387
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 3.250% 9/11/24 11,142 11,109
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 3.000% 2/24/25 15,800 15,254
  Bank of Nova Scotia 1.450% 4/25/18 5,085 5,068
  Bank of Nova Scotia 2.050% 10/30/18 26,275 26,483
  Bank of Nova Scotia 2.050% 6/5/19 7,930 7,996
  Bank of Nova Scotia 4.375% 1/13/21 8,500 9,295
  Bank of Nova Scotia 2.800% 7/21/21 17,352 17,492
  Barclays Bank plc 3.750% 5/15/24 57,613 58,311
  Barclays plc 2.750% 11/8/19 12,000 12,008
  Barclays plc 3.650% 3/16/25 10,000 9,586
  BB&T Corp. 4.900% 6/30/17 5,300 5,592
  BB&T Corp. 6.850% 4/30/19 5,714 6,661
  BB&T Corp. 5.250% 11/1/19 12,000 13,291
  BB&T Corp. 3.950% 3/22/22 4,400 4,583
  Bear Stearns Cos. LLC 6.400% 10/2/17 5,500 6,033
  BNP Paribas SA 2.400% 12/12/18 3,150 3,185
  BNP Paribas SA 5.000% 1/15/21 54,350 60,687
  BNP Paribas SA 3.250% 3/3/23 21,235 21,409
  BPCE SA 2.500% 12/10/18 3,375 3,426
  BPCE SA 2.250% 1/27/20 2,000 1,990
  BPCE SA 4.000% 4/15/24 50,690 52,354
  Branch Banking & Trust Co. 2.850% 4/1/21 5,000 5,066
7 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 2.250% 7/21/20 7,310 7,353
  Capital One Financial Corp. 2.450% 4/24/19 2,450 2,450
  Capital One Financial Corp. 3.750% 4/24/24 3,000 2,957
  Capital One Financial Corp. 3.200% 2/5/25 2,650 2,500
  Capital One NA 1.500% 3/22/18 7,000 6,920
  Capital One NA 2.950% 7/23/21 12,000 11,713
  Citigroup Inc. 6.000% 8/15/17 3,000 3,249
  Citigroup Inc. 6.125% 11/21/17 12,491 13,679




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Citigroup Inc. 6.125% 5/15/18 15,000 16,651
  Citigroup Inc. 8.500% 5/22/19 19,317 23,525
  Citigroup Inc. 5.375% 8/9/20 31,422 35,203
  Citigroup Inc. 4.500% 1/14/22 46,600 50,277
  Citigroup Inc. 3.375% 3/1/23 21,000 20,983
  Citigroup Inc. 3.875% 10/25/23 28,500 29,242
  Citigroup Inc. 3.750% 6/16/24 12,000 12,038
  Citigroup Inc. 3.300% 4/27/25 15,000 14,457
  Citigroup Inc. 5.500% 9/13/25 9,000 9,864
5,7,9 Colonial BancGroup Inc. 7.114% 5/29/49 17,340 2
  Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2.500% 9/20/18 8,165 8,351
7 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 5.000% 10/15/19 2,702 3,016
  Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2.300% 3/12/20 3,000 3,005
7 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 5.000% 3/19/20 11,560 12,919
  Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 2.250% 1/14/19 4,000 4,033
  Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 2.250% 1/14/20 3,500 3,495
  Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 4.500% 1/11/21 5,744 6,283
  Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 3.875% 2/8/22 53,100 55,869
  Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 3.950% 11/9/22 49,880 50,011
  Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 4.625% 12/1/23 68,532 70,959
  Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 3.375% 5/21/25 25,310 24,869
  Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 4.375% 8/4/25 3,130 3,147
10 Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 5.250% 9/14/27 4,800 8,287
7 Credit Agricole SA 4.375% 3/17/25 5,000 4,884
  Credit Suisse 2.300% 5/28/19 9,820 9,868
  Credit Suisse 4.375% 8/5/20 11,370 12,413
  Credit Suisse 3.000% 10/29/21 40,000 39,919
  Credit Suisse 3.625% 9/9/24 69,650 69,582
7 Credit Suisse Group Funding Guernsey Ltd. 3.750% 3/26/25 10,000 9,764
  Deutsche Bank AG 2.500% 2/13/19 4,000 4,030
  Deutsche Bank AG 3.700% 5/30/24 34,250 34,256
  Discover Bank 7.000% 4/15/20 3,665 4,263
  Discover Bank 3.100% 6/4/20 14,990 15,046
  Fifth Third Bank 2.875% 10/1/21 10,000 9,910
  FirstMerit Corp. 4.350% 2/4/23 9,000 9,269
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 6.250% 9/1/17 3,000 3,276
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 2.375% 1/22/18 3,000 3,044
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 6.150% 4/1/18 2,315 2,564
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 2.900% 7/19/18 55 56
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 2.625% 1/31/19 2,240 2,278
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 7.500% 2/15/19 15,000 17,659
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 2.550% 10/23/19 2,200 2,211
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 5.375% 3/15/20 12,555 14,022
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 6.000% 6/15/20 14,720 16,871
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 5.250% 7/27/21 12,087 13,463
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 5.750% 1/24/22 42,535 48,728
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 3.625% 1/22/23 13,300 13,419
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 4.000% 3/3/24 47,290 48,438
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 3.850% 7/8/24 9,400 9,530
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 3.500% 1/23/25 8,000 7,800
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 3.750% 5/22/25 40,000 39,812
  HSBC Bank USA NA 6.000% 8/9/17 5,055 5,476
  HSBC Bank USA NA 4.875% 8/24/20 24,478 27,080
  HSBC Holdings plc 5.100% 4/5/21 53,948 60,096
  HSBC Holdings plc 4.000% 3/30/22 30,100 31,889
  HSBC Holdings plc 4.250% 3/14/24 35,000 35,766
  HSBC USA Inc. 2.375% 11/13/19 17,185 17,184
  Intesa Sanpaolo SPA 3.875% 1/15/19 10,000 10,356
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 6.125% 6/27/17 3,000 3,237
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 6.000% 1/15/18 6,000 6,590
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1.800% 1/25/18 8,100 8,112
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1.625% 5/15/18 3,395 3,376
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 6.300% 4/23/19 10,650 12,177
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2.200% 10/22/19 6,000 5,996




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2.250% 1/23/20 7,500 7,416
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 4.950% 3/25/20 21,496 23,724
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2.750% 6/23/20 6,075 6,098
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 4.400% 7/22/20 18,510 19,993
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 4.250% 10/15/20 20,480 21,972
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 4.625% 5/10/21 22,450 24,447
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 4.350% 8/15/21 14,235 15,267
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 4.500% 1/24/22 25,000 26,859
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 3.250% 9/23/22 23,500 23,548
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 3.200% 1/25/23 15,225 15,128
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 3.875% 2/1/24 22,900 23,463
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 3.625% 5/13/24 14,750 14,802
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 3.125% 1/23/25 9,200 8,854
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 3.900% 7/15/25 15,000 15,251
5 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 5.300% 12/29/49 5,220 5,168
  JPMorgan Chase Bank NA 6.000% 7/5/17 6,500 7,026
  JPMorgan Chase Bank NA 6.000% 10/1/17 10,380 11,282
  KeyBank NA 1.650% 2/1/18 4,000 3,996
  KeyBank NA 3.300% 6/1/25 10,000 9,788
5,7 LBG Capital No.1 plc 8.000% 12/29/49 3,763 4,299
11 Leeds Building Society 2.625% 4/1/21 5,277 6,113
  Lloyds Bank plc 6.375% 1/21/21 16,892 20,077
  Lloyds Bank plc 3.500% 5/14/25 18,630 18,421
7 Macquarie Bank Ltd. 2.400% 1/21/20 7,765 7,721
7 Macquarie Bank Ltd. 4.875% 6/10/25 7,910 7,884
  Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co. 6.625% 12/4/17 8,555 9,491
  Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co. 2.300% 1/30/19 5,758 5,782
  Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co. 2.900% 2/6/25 22,400 21,344
7 Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp. 2.450% 10/16/19 20,000 20,060
  Morgan Stanley 5.950% 12/28/17 2,000 2,181
  Morgan Stanley 6.625% 4/1/18 5,700 6,387
  Morgan Stanley 7.300% 5/13/19 5,000 5,883
  Morgan Stanley 5.625% 9/23/19 20,500 22,953
  Morgan Stanley 5.500% 1/26/20 16,035 17,947
  Morgan Stanley 2.650% 1/27/20 4,300 4,317
  Morgan Stanley 2.800% 6/16/20 4,600 4,620
  Morgan Stanley 5.500% 7/24/20 12,000 13,514
  Morgan Stanley 5.750% 1/25/21 24,000 27,249
  Morgan Stanley 5.500% 7/28/21 26,800 30,200
  Morgan Stanley 3.750% 2/25/23 26,000 26,398
  Morgan Stanley 3.875% 4/29/24 43,400 44,035
  MUFG Americas Holdings Corp. 3.500% 6/18/22 21,891 22,215
  MUFG Americas Holdings Corp. 3.000% 2/10/25 10,000 9,522
  MUFG Union Bank NA 5.950% 5/11/16 1,131 1,172
  MUFG Union Bank NA 2.125% 6/16/17 3,695 3,741
  National Australia Bank Ltd. 3.000% 1/20/23 14,320 14,370
7 Nationwide Building Society 2.350% 1/21/20 14,215 14,183
7 Nationwide Building Society 3.900% 7/21/25 8,000 8,101
  Northern Trust Co. 5.850% 11/9/17 7,280 8,012
  Northern Trust Co. 6.500% 8/15/18 4,000 4,556
  Northern Trust Corp. 3.450% 11/4/20 500 528
  Northern Trust Corp. 3.375% 8/23/21 13,036 13,639
  People's United Financial Inc. 3.650% 12/6/22 11,405 11,414
  PNC Bank NA 6.000% 12/7/17 4,500 4,913
  PNC Bank NA 6.875% 4/1/18 12,085 13,528
  PNC Bank NA 2.200% 1/28/19 4,630 4,669
  PNC Bank NA 2.400% 10/18/19 10,000 10,070
  PNC Bank NA 2.700% 11/1/22 41,080 39,639
  PNC Bank NA 2.950% 1/30/23 15,000 14,628
  PNC Bank NA 3.800% 7/25/23 15,750 16,123
  PNC Bank NA 3.300% 10/30/24 19,634 19,607
  PNC Bank NA 2.950% 2/23/25 16,680 16,076
  PNC Financial Services Group Inc. 2.600% 7/21/20 15,120 15,186
  PNC Financial Services Group Inc. 2.854% 11/9/22 12,493 12,305




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  PNC Funding Corp. 6.700% 6/10/19 12,000 13,998
  PNC Funding Corp. 5.125% 2/8/20 21,243 23,775
  PNC Funding Corp. 4.375% 8/11/20 23,000 25,095
  PNC Funding Corp. 3.300% 3/8/22 14,570 14,928
  Regions Bank 7.500% 5/15/18 1,732 1,975
  Regions Financial Corp. 2.000% 5/15/18 2,000 1,994
  Royal Bank of Scotland plc 5.625% 8/24/20 5,626 6,380
  Royal Bank of Scotland plc 6.125% 1/11/21 4,500 5,253
  Santander Bank NA 8.750% 5/30/18 5,000 5,778
7 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 2.450% 5/27/20 8,590 8,643
  State Street Corp. 1.350% 5/15/18 3,000 2,986
  State Street Corp. 4.375% 3/7/21 10,740 11,846
  State Street Corp. 3.100% 5/15/23 15,025 14,792
  State Street Corp. 3.700% 11/20/23 32,620 34,071
  State Street Corp. 3.300% 12/16/24 27,435 27,309
5 State Street Corp. 5.250% 12/29/49 5,240 5,266
  Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. 3.200% 7/18/22 3,000 3,015
  Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. 3.950% 1/10/24 8,160 8,555
  Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. 3.400% 7/11/24 5,000 5,043
  Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. 3.650% 7/23/25 5,000 5,068
  SunTrust Bank 2.750% 5/1/23 16,661 16,076
  Svenska Handelsbanken AB 2.500% 1/25/19 2,895 2,954
  Synchrony Financial 2.700% 2/3/20 8,550 8,409
  Synchrony Financial 3.750% 8/15/21 27,100 27,208
  Synchrony Financial 4.500% 7/23/25 11,575 11,633
  Toronto-Dominion Bank 2.250% 11/5/19 25,705 25,878
  UBS AG 2.375% 8/14/19 4,340 4,348
  UBS AG 2.350% 3/26/20 8,000 7,970
  UBS AG 4.875% 8/4/20 22,600 25,146
  US Bancorp 4.125% 5/24/21 28,055 30,431
  US Bancorp 3.000% 3/15/22 23,724 23,941
  US Bancorp 2.950% 7/15/22 35,200 34,813
  US Bancorp 3.700% 1/30/24 18,500 19,242
  US Bancorp 3.600% 9/11/24 14,800 14,952
  US Bank NA 2.125% 10/28/19 4,441 4,450
  US Bank NA 2.800% 1/27/25 14,400 13,947
  Wachovia Bank NA 6.000% 11/15/17 8,000 8,777
  Wachovia Corp. 5.625% 10/15/16 8,000 8,427
  Wachovia Corp. 5.750% 6/15/17 4,280 4,632
  Wachovia Corp. 5.750% 2/1/18 11,025 12,126
9 Washington Mutual Bank / Debt not acquired by        
  JPMorgan 5.500% 1/15/13 6,147 15
9 Washington Mutual Bank / Debt not acquired by        
  JPMorgan 5.650% 8/15/14 7,500 19
9 Washington Mutual Bank / Debt not acquired by        
  JPMorgan 5.125% 1/15/15 9,000 23
  Wells Fargo & Co. 5.625% 12/11/17 11,400 12,482
  Wells Fargo & Co. 2.150% 1/15/19 18,636 18,793
  Wells Fargo & Co. 2.150% 1/30/20 15,460 15,332
  Wells Fargo & Co. 2.600% 7/22/20 19,260 19,318
  Wells Fargo & Co. 4.600% 4/1/21 31,673 34,695
  Wells Fargo & Co. 3.500% 3/8/22 30,172 31,036
  Wells Fargo & Co. 3.450% 2/13/23 36,700 36,586
  Wells Fargo & Co. 4.125% 8/15/23 13,100 13,597
  Wells Fargo & Co. 3.300% 9/9/24 58,830 58,112
  Wells Fargo & Co. 3.000% 2/19/25 10,180 9,772
  Westpac Banking Corp. 1.600% 1/12/18 3,390 3,404
  Westpac Banking Corp. 2.250% 7/30/18 9,010 9,147
  Westpac Banking Corp. 4.875% 11/19/19 10,795 11,978
  Westpac Banking Corp. 2.300% 5/26/20 4,460 4,457
  Brokerage (1.8%)        
  Affiliated Managers Group Inc. 4.250% 2/15/24 10,000 10,203
  Ameriprise Financial Inc. 7.300% 6/28/19 6,200 7,355




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Ameriprise Financial Inc. 5.300% 3/15/20 9,570 10,817
  Ameriprise Financial Inc. 4.000% 10/15/23 10,819 11,392
  Ameriprise Financial Inc. 3.700% 10/15/24 26,500 27,255
  BlackRock Inc. 4.250% 5/24/21 4,250 4,672
  BlackRock Inc. 3.375% 6/1/22 12,000 12,375
  BlackRock Inc. 3.500% 3/18/24 20,000 20,392
  Charles Schwab Corp. 4.450% 7/22/20 6,500 7,173
  Charles Schwab Corp. 3.225% 9/1/22 11,150 11,361
  CME Group Inc. 3.000% 3/15/25 13,500 13,171
  Franklin Resources Inc. 4.625% 5/20/20 7,550 8,354
  Franklin Resources Inc. 2.800% 9/15/22 11,000 10,938
  Franklin Resources Inc. 2.850% 3/30/25 8,000 7,771
  Intercontinental Exchange Inc. 4.000% 10/15/23 34,330 35,848
  Invesco Finance plc 3.125% 11/30/22 30,485 30,519
  Invesco Finance plc 4.000% 1/30/24 21,300 21,985
  Jefferies Group LLC 6.875% 4/15/21 8,000 9,154
  Jefferies Group LLC 5.125% 1/20/23 5,000 5,102
  Legg Mason Inc. 3.950% 7/15/24 5,000 5,084
9 Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. 6.500% 7/19/17 20,000 2
  Nomura Holdings Inc. 2.750% 3/19/19 9,950 10,076
  NYSE Euronext 2.000% 10/5/17 8,000 8,078
  TD Ameritrade Holding Corp. 2.950% 4/1/22 16,715 16,687
  TD Ameritrade Holding Corp. 3.625% 4/1/25 11,400 11,565
7 TIAA Asset Management Finance Co. LLC 4.125% 11/1/24 30,000 30,548
  Finance Companies (1.6%)        
  Air Lease Corp. 3.375% 1/15/19 8,000 8,130
  Air Lease Corp. 3.875% 4/1/21 6,000 6,060
  Air Lease Corp. 4.250% 9/15/24 9,000 8,888
  General Electric Capital Corp. 5.625% 5/1/18 12,975 14,322
  General Electric Capital Corp. 6.000% 8/7/19 12,900 14,820
  General Electric Capital Corp. 5.500% 1/8/20 20,772 23,585
  General Electric Capital Corp. 2.200% 1/9/20 6,175 6,181
  General Electric Capital Corp. 5.550% 5/4/20 2,144 2,457
  General Electric Capital Corp. 4.375% 9/16/20 24,866 27,171
  General Electric Capital Corp. 4.625% 1/7/21 13,492 14,905
  General Electric Capital Corp. 5.300% 2/11/21 13,500 15,254
  General Electric Capital Corp. 4.650% 10/17/21 35,847 39,606
  General Electric Capital Corp. 3.150% 9/7/22 20,095 20,431
  General Electric Capital Corp. 3.100% 1/9/23 22,700 22,824
  General Electric Capital Corp. 3.450% 5/15/24 2,980 3,060
5 General Electric Capital Corp. 6.375% 11/15/67 7,000 7,490
  HSBC Finance Corp. 6.676% 1/15/21 63,939 74,457
7 Peachtree Corners Funding Trust 3.976% 2/15/25 15,000 15,034
  Insurance (4.4%)        
  ACE INA Holdings Inc. 2.700% 3/13/23 7,695 7,454
  ACE INA Holdings Inc. 3.350% 5/15/24 20,000 19,868
  ACE INA Holdings Inc. 3.150% 3/15/25 14,000 13,617
  Aetna Inc. 2.750% 11/15/22 24,000 22,722
  Aetna Inc. 3.500% 11/15/24 15,000 14,665
  Aflac Inc. 4.000% 2/15/22 2,000 2,119
  Aflac Inc. 3.625% 6/15/23 16,000 16,315
  Aflac Inc. 3.625% 11/15/24 15,000 15,162
7 AIA Group Ltd. 3.200% 3/11/25 12,000 11,673
  Alleghany Corp. 4.950% 6/27/22 2,586 2,799
  Allied World Assurance Co. Ltd. 5.500% 11/15/20 2,000 2,219
  Allstate Corp. 3.150% 6/15/23 1,000 1,006
5 Allstate Corp. 5.750% 8/15/53 5,000 5,237
  Alterra Finance LLC 6.250% 9/30/20 8,000 9,210
  American Financial Group Inc. 9.875% 6/15/19 10,000 12,503
  American International Group Inc. 4.875% 6/1/22 1,650 1,819
  American International Group Inc. 3.875% 1/15/35 1,315 1,192
  Anthem Inc. 4.350% 8/15/20 2,000 2,137
  Anthem Inc. 3.700% 8/15/21 3,090 3,177




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Aspen Insurance Holdings Ltd. 4.650% 11/15/23 5,500 5,649
  Axis Specialty Finance LLC 5.875% 6/1/20 25,240 28,589
  Berkshire Hathaway Finance Corp. 5.400% 5/15/18 20,202 22,368
  Berkshire Hathaway Finance Corp. 4.250% 1/15/21 2,000 2,190
  Berkshire Hathaway Finance Corp. 3.000% 5/15/22 4,360 4,444
  Berkshire Hathaway Inc. 3.750% 8/15/21 11,500 12,369
  Berkshire Hathaway Inc. 3.400% 1/31/22 12,706 13,256
11 Berkshire Hathaway Inc. 0.750% 3/16/23 8,000 8,402
11 Berkshire Hathaway Inc. 1.125% 3/16/27 8,300 8,357
  Brown & Brown Inc. 4.200% 9/15/24 15,000 14,935
5 Chubb Corp. 6.375% 3/29/67 4,900 5,065
  CNA Financial Corp. 5.875% 8/15/20 5,000 5,690
  CNA Financial Corp. 3.950% 5/15/24 2,000 2,014
  Coventry Health Care Inc. 5.450% 6/15/21 8,500 9,464
  First American Financial Corp. 4.600% 11/15/24 12,000 12,192
  Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. 5.125% 4/15/22 2,880 3,207
  Infinity Property & Casualty Corp. 5.000% 9/19/22 10,547 11,103
7 Jackson National Life Global Funding 4.700% 6/1/18 2,500 2,693
  Kemper Corp. 4.350% 2/15/25 15,000 15,061
  Loews Corp. 2.625% 5/15/23 8,000 7,681
  Manulife Financial Corp. 4.900% 9/17/20 24,150 26,765
  Marsh & McLennan Cos. Inc. 2.350% 3/6/20 5,275 5,281
  Marsh & McLennan Cos. Inc. 4.800% 7/15/21 4,850 5,385
  Marsh & McLennan Cos. Inc. 4.050% 10/15/23 8,000 8,382
  Marsh & McLennan Cos. Inc. 3.500% 6/3/24 22,915 22,885
  Marsh & McLennan Cos. Inc. 3.500% 3/10/25 12,000 11,964
7 MassMutual Global Funding II 2.500% 10/17/22 10,500 10,118
  MetLife Inc. 4.750% 2/8/21 17,000 18,795
  MetLife Inc. 3.048% 12/15/22 17,000 16,878
  MetLife Inc. 4.368% 9/15/23 38,430 41,121
  MetLife Inc. 3.600% 4/10/24 28,005 28,260
  MetLife Inc. 3.000% 3/1/25 18,500 17,845
5 MetLife Inc. 5.250% 12/29/49 2,635 2,628
7 New York Life Global Funding 1.950% 2/11/20 6,595 6,529
  OneBeacon US Holdings Inc. 4.600% 11/9/22 7,269 7,496
  PartnerRe Finance A LLC 6.875% 6/1/18 3,857 4,337
  PartnerRe Finance B LLC 5.500% 6/1/20 16,550 18,492
  Principal Financial Group Inc. 8.875% 5/15/19 11,195 13,763
5 Principal Financial Group Inc. 4.700% 5/15/55 1,500 1,482
7 Principal Life Global Funding II 2.200% 4/8/20 10,650 10,577
5 Progressive Corp. 6.700% 6/15/67 6,500 6,768
  Prudential Financial Inc. 2.350% 8/15/19 1,950 1,957
5 Prudential Financial Inc. 5.875% 9/15/42 6,000 6,330
5 Prudential Financial Inc. 5.625% 6/15/43 7,875 8,151
5 Prudential Financial Inc. 5.200% 3/15/44 2,500 2,437
5 Prudential Financial Inc. 5.375% 5/15/45 7,150 7,043
  Reinsurance Group of America Inc. 5.000% 6/1/21 5,000 5,504
  Reinsurance Group of America Inc. 4.700% 9/15/23 3,000 3,209
7 Reliance Standard Life Global Funding II 2.500% 1/15/20 19,115 19,111
7 Reliance Standard Life Global Funding II 2.375% 5/4/20 6,710 6,635
  Swiss Re Solutions Holding Corp. 6.450% 3/1/19 11,250 12,687
7 Swiss Re Treasury US Corp. 2.875% 12/6/22 2,000 1,947
  Torchmark Corp. 9.250% 6/15/19 3,000 3,725
  Trinity Acquisition plc 4.625% 8/15/23 3,000 3,089
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 2.300% 12/15/19 10,000 10,018
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 2.700% 7/15/20 3,870 3,912
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 3.875% 10/15/20 14,000 14,914
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 4.700% 2/15/21 13,000 14,274
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 2.875% 12/15/21 10,000 10,000
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 2.875% 3/15/22 26,816 26,525
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 3.350% 7/15/22 17,660 17,996
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 2.750% 2/15/23 12,000 11,550
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 2.875% 3/15/23 9,000 8,752
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 3.750% 7/15/25 38,550 39,297




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  WR Berkley Corp. 4.625% 3/15/22 2,977 3,166
  Real Estate Investment Trusts (2.5%)        
  Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc. 4.500% 7/30/29 6,465 6,447
  American Campus Communities Operating Partnership        
  LP 3.750% 4/15/23 2,000 1,969
  AvalonBay Communities Inc. 3.450% 6/1/25 12,725 12,633
  BioMed Realty LP 4.250% 7/15/22 3,082 3,165
  Boston Properties LP 3.125% 9/1/23 2,654 2,592
  Boston Properties LP 3.800% 2/1/24 3,375 3,435
  Brandywine Operating Partnership LP 4.100% 10/1/24 17,000 16,913
8 Brixmor Operating Partnership LP 3.875% 8/15/22 5,000 4,999
  Brixmor Operating Partnership LP 3.850% 2/1/25 7,000 6,795
  Columbia Property Trust Operating Partnership LP 4.150% 4/1/25 15,000 15,074
  CubeSmart LP 4.375% 12/15/23 725 754
  DDR Corp. 7.500% 4/1/17 1,750 1,910
  DDR Corp. 3.375% 5/15/23 7,000 6,725
  DDR Corp. 3.625% 2/1/25 10,000 9,578
  Digital Realty Trust LP 5.250% 3/15/21 12,225 13,322
  Digital Realty Trust LP 3.950% 7/1/22 9,362 9,406
  Duke Realty LP 6.500% 1/15/18 5 6
  Duke Realty LP 3.875% 2/15/21 11,530 11,930
  ERP Operating LP 3.375% 6/1/25 27,000 26,682
  Essex Portfolio LP 3.500% 4/1/25 12,182 11,757
  Federal Realty Investment Trust 3.000% 8/1/22 22,448 22,382
  Federal Realty Investment Trust 2.750% 6/1/23 3,000 2,890
  Federal Realty Investment Trust 3.950% 1/15/24 13,269 13,833
7 Goodman Funding Pty Ltd. 6.375% 4/15/21 3,650 4,188
7 Goodman Funding Pty Ltd. 6.000% 3/22/22 8,155 9,158
  HCP Inc. 2.625% 2/1/20 7,000 6,941
  HCP Inc. 5.375% 2/1/21 11,600 12,796
  Health Care REIT Inc. 6.125% 4/15/20 5,000 5,716
  Health Care REIT Inc. 4.950% 1/15/21 8,000 8,734
  Health Care REIT Inc. 3.750% 3/15/23 5,000 4,961
  Health Care REIT Inc. 4.500% 1/15/24 7,000 7,270
  Health Care REIT Inc. 4.000% 6/1/25 4,020 4,001
  Healthcare Realty Trust Inc. 5.750% 1/15/21 5,000 5,566
  Healthcare Realty Trust Inc. 3.750% 4/15/23 13,000 12,629
  Healthcare Realty Trust Inc. 3.875% 5/1/25 7,000 6,826
  Healthcare Trust of America Holdings LP 3.375% 7/15/21 2,000 2,001
  Healthcare Trust of America Holdings LP 3.700% 4/15/23 13,030 12,699
  Highwoods Realty LP 3.200% 6/15/21 6,000 5,973
  Liberty Property LP 4.400% 2/15/24 4,000 4,118
  Liberty Property LP 3.750% 4/1/25 1,340 1,308
  Mid-America Apartments LP 4.300% 10/15/23 2,000 2,076
  National Retail Properties Inc. 3.900% 6/15/24 6,000 6,001
  Omega Healthcare Investors Inc. 4.950% 4/1/24 19,000 19,475
7 Omega Healthcare Investors Inc. 4.500% 4/1/27 10,000 9,600
11 ProLogis LP 1.375% 5/13/21 5,397 5,846
  ProLogis LP 4.250% 8/15/23 5,000 5,183
  Realty Income Corp. 4.650% 8/1/23 6,000 6,341
  Senior Housing Properties Trust 6.750% 12/15/21 4,000 4,553
  Simon Property Group LP 4.375% 3/1/21 28,394 30,800
  Simon Property Group LP 4.125% 12/1/21 20,822 22,328
  Simon Property Group LP 3.375% 3/15/22 7,000 7,187
  Simon Property Group LP 2.750% 2/1/23 7,500 7,288
  Simon Property Group LP 3.750% 2/1/24 30,500 31,424
  Simon Property Group LP 3.375% 10/1/24 4,000 3,996
  UDR Inc. 4.625% 1/10/22 3,455 3,706
  Ventas Realty LP 3.750% 5/1/24 10,000 9,862
  Weingarten Realty Investors 3.375% 10/15/22 5,694 5,582
  Weingarten Realty Investors 3.850% 6/1/25 3,404 3,372




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Industrial (40.1%)        
  Basic Industry (2.6%)        
  Agrium Inc. 3.150% 10/1/22 3,908 3,855
  Agrium Inc. 3.500% 6/1/23 15,000 14,750
  Agrium Inc. 3.375% 3/15/25 5,000 4,800
  Air Products & Chemicals Inc. 3.000% 11/3/21 5,390 5,453
  Air Products & Chemicals Inc. 3.350% 7/31/24 7,000 7,066
  Airgas Inc. 2.375% 2/15/20 3,725 3,702
  Airgas Inc. 3.650% 7/15/24 3,500 3,514
  Barrick Gold Corp. 3.850% 4/1/22 5,500 4,950
  Barrick North America Finance LLC 4.400% 5/30/21 5,430 5,234
10 BHP Billiton Finance Ltd. 3.250% 9/25/24 7,000 10,940
  BHP Billiton Finance USA Ltd. 3.250% 11/21/21 18,030 18,155
  BHP Billiton Finance USA Ltd. 2.875% 2/24/22 17,750 17,230
  BHP Billiton Finance USA Ltd. 3.850% 9/30/23 26,800 27,312
  Celulosa Arauco y Constitucion SA 5.000% 1/21/21 3,500 3,714
  Celulosa Arauco y Constitucion SA 4.750% 1/11/22 4,000 4,166
  CF Industries Inc. 7.125% 5/1/20 3,480 4,076
  CF Industries Inc. 3.450% 6/1/23 5,685 5,371
  Dow Chemical Co. 3.500% 10/1/24 2,000 1,954
  Eastman Chemical Co. 4.500% 1/15/21 8,139 8,842
  EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 3.625% 1/15/21 13,635 14,301
  EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 4.250% 4/1/21 967 1,052
  EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 2.800% 2/15/23 18,225 17,625
  Freeport-McMoRan Inc. 3.875% 3/15/23 5,000 4,158
7 Glencore Funding LLC 4.125% 5/30/23 5,000 4,739
  Goldcorp Inc. 3.700% 3/15/23 4,000 3,740
  LyondellBasell Industries NV 5.000% 4/15/19 8,000 8,664
  LyondellBasell Industries NV 6.000% 11/15/21 5,000 5,688
  LyondellBasell Industries NV 5.750% 4/15/24 7,340 8,243
  Monsanto Co. 2.125% 7/15/19 7,397 7,347
  Monsanto Co. 2.750% 7/15/21 15,885 15,564
  Monsanto Co. 2.200% 7/15/22 14,160 13,161
  Monsanto Co. 3.375% 7/15/24 15,000 14,490
  Monsanto Co. 2.850% 4/15/25 6,000 5,538
  Newmont Mining Corp. 3.500% 3/15/22 4,000 3,647
  Packaging Corp. of America 3.650% 9/15/24 7,000 6,921
  Plains Exploration & Production Co. 6.500% 11/15/20 5,863 5,687
  Plains Exploration & Production Co. 6.750% 2/1/22 4,870 4,821
  Plains Exploration & Production Co. 6.875% 2/15/23 9,148 9,057
  Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc. 6.500% 5/15/19 6,559 7,554
  Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc. 4.875% 3/30/20 4,764 5,235
  Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc. 3.000% 4/1/25 10,955 10,305
  PPG Industries Inc. 3.600% 11/15/20 10,840 11,335
11 PPG Industries Inc. 0.875% 3/13/22 6,563 7,015
11 PPG Industries Inc. 1.400% 3/13/27 3,800 3,874
  Praxair Inc. 4.050% 3/15/21 8,000 8,643
  Praxair Inc. 3.000% 9/1/21 16,915 17,602
  Praxair Inc. 2.450% 2/15/22 8,215 8,089
  Praxair Inc. 2.650% 2/5/25 2,865 2,772
11 Praxair Inc. 1.625% 12/1/25 8,000 8,769
  Rio Tinto Finance USA Ltd. 9.000% 5/1/19 3,000 3,725
  Rio Tinto Finance USA Ltd. 3.500% 11/2/20 11,500 11,905
  Rio Tinto Finance USA Ltd. 4.125% 5/20/21 12,935 13,651
  Rio Tinto Finance USA Ltd. 3.750% 9/20/21 18,820 19,362
  Rio Tinto Finance USA Ltd. 3.750% 6/15/25 11,670 11,368
  Rio Tinto Finance USA plc 3.500% 3/22/22 11,000 11,040
  Rio Tinto Finance USA plc 2.875% 8/21/22 5,000 4,789
  Southern Copper Corp. 3.875% 4/23/25 7,000 6,729
  Syngenta Finance NV 3.125% 3/28/22 8,895 8,799
  Teck Resources Ltd. 3.000% 3/1/19 2,000 1,800
  Teck Resources Ltd. 4.500% 1/15/21 2,000 1,705
  Vale Overseas Ltd. 5.625% 9/15/19 6,000 6,452
  Vale Overseas Ltd. 4.625% 9/15/20 5,000 5,243




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Vale Overseas Ltd. 4.375% 1/11/22 10,500 10,155
  Capital Goods (3.8%)        
  ABB Finance USA Inc. 2.875% 5/8/22 5,000 4,966
7 ABB Treasury Center USA Inc. 4.000% 6/15/21 7,000 7,492
  Acuity Brands Lighting Inc. 6.000% 12/15/19 10,000 11,009
7 Airbus Group Finance BV 2.700% 4/17/23 18,000 17,357
7 BAE Systems Holdings Inc. 3.800% 10/7/24 15,000 15,026
  Boeing Co. 4.875% 2/15/20 10,580 11,949
  Boeing Co. 7.950% 8/15/24 17,489 24,095
  Boeing Co. 2.850% 10/30/24 5,000 4,965
10 Bouygues SA 5.500% 10/6/26 8,750 16,197
  Caterpillar Financial Services Corp. 3.750% 11/24/23 14,000 14,675
  Caterpillar Financial Services Corp. 3.250% 12/1/24 10,000 10,018
  Caterpillar Inc. 3.400% 5/15/24 18,000 18,332
  Crane Co. 4.450% 12/15/23 2,000 2,106
7 CRH America Inc. 3.875% 5/18/25 10,000 9,973
  Danaher Corp. 5.400% 3/1/19 2,535 2,822
  Danaher Corp. 3.900% 6/23/21 22,957 24,737
  Deere & Co. 4.375% 10/16/19 11,850 12,940
  Deere & Co. 2.600% 6/8/22 29,800 29,290
  Dover Corp. 4.300% 3/1/21 7,000 7,721
7 Embraer Overseas Ltd. 5.696% 9/16/23 7,025 7,330
  Embraer SA 5.150% 6/15/22 8,000 8,205
  Emerson Electric Co. 2.625% 2/15/23 29,150 28,753
  Flowserve Corp. 3.500% 9/15/22 5,000 5,004
  General Dynamics Corp. 3.875% 7/15/21 17,155 18,579
  General Dynamics Corp. 2.250% 11/15/22 21,925 20,722
  General Electric Co. 2.700% 10/9/22 47,000 46,342
  General Electric Co. 3.375% 3/11/24 5,655 5,777
  Harris Corp. 2.700% 4/27/20 2,680 2,639
  Harris Corp. 3.832% 4/27/25 10,000 9,828
  Honeywell International Inc. 3.350% 12/1/23 27,295 28,305
  Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc. 7.125% 3/15/21 7,320 7,713
  Ingersoll-Rand Luxembourg Finance SA 3.550% 11/1/24 5,000 4,908
  John Deere Capital Corp. 2.000% 1/13/17 9,500 9,636
  John Deere Capital Corp. 1.200% 10/10/17 1,250 1,249
  John Deere Capital Corp. 5.350% 4/3/18 3,000 3,309
  John Deere Capital Corp. 5.750% 9/10/18 8,000 8,953
  John Deere Capital Corp. 1.700% 1/15/20 7,000 6,863
  John Deere Capital Corp. 2.800% 3/4/21 7,005 7,134
  John Deere Capital Corp. 3.150% 10/15/21 8,050 8,257
  John Deere Capital Corp. 2.750% 3/15/22 26,550 26,490
  John Deere Capital Corp. 2.800% 1/27/23 4,000 3,977
  L-3 Communications Corp. 5.200% 10/15/19 8,500 9,226
  L-3 Communications Corp. 4.750% 7/15/20 4,000 4,248
  L-3 Communications Corp. 3.950% 5/28/24 2,000 1,941
  Lockheed Martin Corp. 3.350% 9/15/21 28,523 29,341
  Lockheed Martin Corp. 2.900% 3/1/25 10,000 9,596
11 Mohawk Industries Inc. 2.000% 1/14/22 3,871 4,334
  Mohawk Industries Inc. 3.850% 2/1/23 4,250 4,267
  Owens Corning 6.500% 12/1/16 121 128
  Owens Corning 9.000% 6/15/19 195 232
  Parker Hannifin Corp. 3.500% 9/15/22 4,885 5,047
  Parker-Hannifin Corp. 3.300% 11/21/24 20,015 20,259
  Precision Castparts Corp. 2.500% 1/15/23 34,382 33,226
  Raytheon Co. 2.500% 12/15/22 30,000 29,508
  Rockwell Collins Inc. 3.100% 11/15/21 9,000 9,319
  Rockwell Collins Inc. 3.700% 12/15/23 2,300 2,400
  Roper Industries Inc. 3.125% 11/15/22 3,000 2,944
  Roper Technologies Inc. 2.050% 10/1/18 3,175 3,170
  Roper Technologies Inc. 6.250% 9/1/19 2,700 3,080
7 Schneider Electric SE 2.950% 9/27/22 20,425 20,259
7 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV 2.900% 5/27/22 6,690 6,695




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
7 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV 3.250% 5/27/25 6,690 6,641
  Textron Inc. 3.875% 3/1/25 7,000 6,982
  United Rentals North America Inc. 4.625% 7/15/23 5,285 5,226
  United Technologies Corp. 3.100% 6/1/22 14,000 14,114
11 United Technologies Corp. 1.250% 5/22/23 8,100 8,747
  Communication (3.9%)        
  21st Century Fox America Inc. 6.900% 3/1/19 7,000 8,131
  America Movil SAB de CV 5.000% 10/16/19 12,000 13,206
  America Movil SAB de CV 5.000% 3/30/20 18,500 20,465
  America Movil SAB de CV 3.125% 7/16/22 32,300 31,878
  American Tower Corp. 4.500% 1/15/18 10,000 10,545
  American Tower Corp. 3.450% 9/15/21 15,565 15,561
  American Tower Corp. 3.500% 1/31/23 5,000 4,824
  American Tower Corp. 4.000% 6/1/25 12,000 11,772
  AT&T Inc. 5.500% 2/1/18 6,085 6,623
  AT&T Inc. 2.450% 6/30/20 6,000 5,892
  AT&T Inc. 4.450% 5/15/21 21,500 22,842
  AT&T Inc. 3.875% 8/15/21 7,329 7,592
  AT&T Inc. 3.000% 2/15/22 7,396 7,238
  AT&T Inc. 3.000% 6/30/22 16,000 15,486
  AT&T Inc. 3.900% 3/11/24 6,000 6,093
  AT&T Inc. 3.400% 5/15/25 12,000 11,443
  British Telecommunications plc 2.350% 2/14/19 6,000 6,005
  CBS Corp. 4.300% 2/15/21 3,000 3,178
  CBS Corp. 3.700% 8/15/24 6,000 5,879
  CC Holdings GS V LLC / Crown Castle GS III Corp. 3.849% 4/15/23 5,685 5,670
7 CCO Safari II LLC 4.908% 7/23/25 15,000 15,024
  Comcast Cable Communications Holdings Inc. 9.455% 11/15/22 9,966 13,806
  Comcast Corp. 3.125% 7/15/22 25,126 25,247
  Comcast Corp. 3.600% 3/1/24 32,000 32,790
  Comcast Corp. 3.375% 8/15/25 20,000 19,929
10 Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV 6.500% 4/8/22 7,200 13,732
  DIRECTV Holdings LLC / DIRECTV Financing Co. Inc. 5.200% 3/15/20 7,500 8,258
  DIRECTV Holdings LLC / DIRECTV Financing Co. Inc. 4.600% 2/15/21 9,375 9,954
  DIRECTV Holdings LLC / DIRECTV Financing Co. Inc. 5.000% 3/1/21 10,637 11,497
  DIRECTV Holdings LLC / DIRECTV Financing Co. Inc. 3.800% 3/15/22 13,800 13,866
  DIRECTV Holdings LLC / DIRECTV Financing Co. Inc. 4.450% 4/1/24 18,568 19,081
  Interpublic Group of Cos. Inc. 3.750% 2/15/23 6,000 5,951
7 McGraw Hill Financial Inc. 4.000% 6/15/25 5,365 5,414
  Moody's Corp. 4.500% 9/1/22 16,700 17,903
  NBCUniversal Media LLC 5.150% 4/30/20 20,560 23,120
  NBCUniversal Media LLC 4.375% 4/1/21 28,710 31,129
  NBCUniversal Media LLC 2.875% 1/15/23 15,000 14,721
  Omnicom Group Inc. 4.450% 8/15/20 10,427 11,272
  Omnicom Group Inc. 3.625% 5/1/22 14,163 14,304
  Omnicom Group Inc. 3.650% 11/1/24 6,000 5,931
  Orange SA 2.750% 2/6/19 6,200 6,314
  Orange SA 4.125% 9/14/21 6,400 6,778
  Qwest Corp. 6.750% 12/1/21 12,628 13,780
  Rogers Communications Inc. 4.100% 10/1/23 3,000 3,069
  Telefonica Emisiones SAU 5.877% 7/15/19 9,000 10,101
  Telefonica Emisiones SAU 4.570% 4/27/23 3,500 3,694
  Thomson Reuters Corp. 4.300% 11/23/23 12,000 12,547
  Time Warner Cable Inc. 6.750% 7/1/18 6,000 6,675
  Time Warner Cable Inc. 8.250% 4/1/19 4,500 5,297
  Time Warner Cable Inc. 5.000% 2/1/20 4,363 4,682
  Time Warner Entertainment Co. LP 8.375% 3/15/23 4,000 4,990
  Time Warner Inc. 4.750% 3/29/21 4,500 4,866
  Time Warner Inc. 4.000% 1/15/22 5,000 5,164
  Verizon Communications Inc. 6.350% 4/1/19 8,806 10,047
  Verizon Communications Inc. 4.500% 9/15/20 17,000 18,304
  Verizon Communications Inc. 3.450% 3/15/21 13,000 13,235
  Verizon Communications Inc. 4.600% 4/1/21 18,000 19,365




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Verizon Communications Inc. 3.000% 11/1/21 7,000 6,931
  Verizon Communications Inc. 3.500% 11/1/21 15,971 16,198
  Verizon Communications Inc. 2.450% 11/1/22 3,200 3,055
  Verizon Communications Inc. 5.150% 9/15/23 28,000 30,848
  Verizon Communications Inc. 3.500% 11/1/24 8,000 7,883
  Viacom Inc. 3.125% 6/15/22 4,365 4,133
  Vodafone Group plc 1.500% 2/19/18 3,750 3,700
  Vodafone Group plc 4.375% 3/16/21 4,500 4,764
  Vodafone Group plc 2.950% 2/19/23 1,904 1,796
  Walt Disney Co. 2.350% 12/1/22 10,000 9,699
  WPP Finance 2010 4.750% 11/21/21 5,000 5,424
  Consumer Cyclical (5.1%)        
7 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 2.500% 11/28/19 5,130 5,084
7 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 3.125% 11/28/21 27,760 27,271
7 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 3.600% 11/28/24 39,665 38,149
  Amazon.com Inc. 3.300% 12/5/21 1,000 1,019
  American Honda Finance Corp. 2.125% 10/10/18 7,235 7,317
  AutoZone Inc. 3.700% 4/15/22 15,915 16,374
  AutoZone Inc. 2.875% 1/15/23 8,500 8,199
  Brinker International Inc. 3.875% 5/15/23 7,000 6,788
  Costco Wholesale Corp. 2.250% 2/15/22 6,880 6,697
  Cummins Inc. 3.650% 10/1/23 7,500 7,841
  CVS Health Corp. 2.800% 7/20/20 35,605 35,941
  CVS Health Corp. 2.750% 12/1/22 6,156 5,950
  CVS Health Corp. 3.875% 7/20/25 12,000 12,216
7 Daimler Finance North America LLC 1.650% 3/2/18 5,130 5,110
7 Daimler Finance North America LLC 2.250% 3/2/20 5,130 5,067
7 Daimler Finance North America LLC 2.450% 5/18/20 5,290 5,248
7 Daimler Finance North America LLC 2.875% 3/10/21 11,605 11,694
7 Daimler Finance North America LLC 3.875% 9/15/21 3,506 3,705
7 Daimler Finance North America LLC 3.250% 8/1/24 6,500 6,486
  Dollar General Corp. 3.250% 4/15/23 4,500 4,314
  eBay Inc. 2.875% 8/1/21 8,385 8,071
  eBay Inc. 2.600% 7/15/22 10,000 9,223
  eBay Inc. 3.450% 8/1/24 2,200 2,094
  Expedia Inc. 4.500% 8/15/24 7,000 7,074
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 3.000% 6/12/17 5,250 5,349
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 6.625% 8/15/17 13,056 14,221
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 5.000% 5/15/18 17,348 18,612
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 8.125% 1/15/20 5,500 6,653
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 3.157% 8/4/20 5,350 5,360
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 5.750% 2/1/21 19,545 21,978
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 5.875% 8/2/21 18,000 20,297
  Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 3.219% 1/9/22 5,000 4,902
  Gap Inc. 5.950% 4/12/21 5,000 5,606
  General Motors Co. 4.875% 10/2/23 6,000 6,172
  General Motors Financial Co. Inc. 3.500% 7/10/19 11,340 11,510
  General Motors Financial Co. Inc. 4.375% 9/25/21 20,000 20,475
  General Motors Financial Co. Inc. 3.450% 4/10/22 5,000 4,825
  General Motors Financial Co. Inc. 4.250% 5/15/23 10,000 9,875
  General Motors Financial Co. Inc. 4.000% 1/15/25 4,000 3,850
  General Motors Financial Co. Inc. 4.300% 7/13/25 3,000 2,963
7 Harley-Davidson Financial Services Inc. 2.700% 3/15/17 3,618 3,696
7 Harley-Davidson Financial Services Inc. 2.150% 2/26/20 3,945 3,920
7 Harley-Davidson Funding Corp. 6.800% 6/15/18 12,380 14,084
  Harley-Davidson Inc. 3.500% 7/28/25 12,000 12,003
  Harman International Industries Inc. 4.150% 5/15/25 10,000 9,930
  Home Depot Inc. 2.625% 6/1/22 6,960 6,892
  Home Depot Inc. 2.700% 4/1/23 14,625 14,418
  Home Depot Inc. 3.750% 2/15/24 15,000 15,740
  Host Hotels & Resorts LP 3.750% 10/15/23 10,000 9,869
7 Kia Motors Corp. 3.625% 6/14/16 3,200 3,254
  Kohl's Corp. 3.250% 2/1/23 5,970 5,854




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Kohl's Corp. 4.250% 7/17/25 3,000 3,003
  L Brands Inc. 6.625% 4/1/21 3,628 4,095
  L Brands Inc. 5.625% 10/15/23 5,000 5,294
  Lowe's Cos. Inc. 3.750% 4/15/21 11,350 12,139
  Lowe's Cos. Inc. 3.800% 11/15/21 6,650 7,075
  Lowe's Cos. Inc. 3.120% 4/15/22 15,000 15,220
  Lowe's Cos. Inc. 3.875% 9/15/23 22,795 24,175
  Lowe's Cos. Inc. 3.125% 9/15/24 7,925 7,923
  Macy's Retail Holdings Inc. 2.875% 2/15/23 7,500 7,165
  Marriott International Inc. 6.375% 6/15/17 3,040 3,299
  Marriott International Inc. 3.000% 3/1/19 2,500 2,567
  Marriott International Inc. 3.250% 9/15/22 3,500 3,492
  MasterCard Inc. 2.000% 4/1/19 1,250 1,259
  MasterCard Inc. 3.375% 4/1/24 16,000 16,408
  McDonald's Corp. 3.625% 5/20/21 4,500 4,740
  McDonald's Corp. 2.625% 1/15/22 9,000 8,795
  Nordstrom Inc. 4.000% 10/15/21 7,500 8,032
  NVR Inc. 3.950% 9/15/22 10,000 10,188
  O'Reilly Automotive Inc. 4.875% 1/14/21 5,320 5,849
  O'Reilly Automotive Inc. 4.625% 9/15/21 7,000 7,576
  O'Reilly Automotive Inc. 3.800% 9/1/22 4,000 4,100
  PACCAR Financial Corp. 1.600% 3/15/17 2,500 2,525
11 Priceline Group Inc. 1.800% 3/3/27 8,000 8,039
  QVC Inc. 3.125% 4/1/19 2,000 1,996
  QVC Inc. 4.850% 4/1/24 5,000 5,018
  Smithsonian Institute Washington DC GO 3.434% 9/1/23 1,600 1,639
  Staples Inc. 2.750% 1/12/18 5,150 5,209
  Starbucks Corp. 2.700% 6/15/22 9,745 9,777
  Starbucks Corp. 3.850% 10/1/23 12,000 12,717
  Target Corp. 2.900% 1/15/22 4,500 4,572
  Target Corp. 3.500% 7/1/24 15,985 16,520
  TJX Cos. Inc. 6.950% 4/15/19 15,663 18,346
  TJX Cos. Inc. 2.750% 6/15/21 6,000 6,090
  TJX Cos. Inc. 2.500% 5/15/23 16,900 16,332
  Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 4.500% 6/17/20 9,000 9,930
  Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 4.250% 1/11/21 5,155 5,631
  Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 3.400% 9/15/21 24,460 25,439
  Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 3.300% 1/12/22 16,000 16,528
  VF Corp. 3.500% 9/1/21 5,505 5,837
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 3.625% 7/8/20 6,720 7,202
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 3.250% 10/25/20 21,195 22,335
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 4.250% 4/15/21 13,619 14,918
11 Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 1.900% 4/8/22 7,000 8,119
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 2.550% 4/11/23 68,021 66,449
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 3.300% 4/22/24 25,930 26,467
  Walgreen Co. 5.250% 1/15/19 4,125 4,535
  Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc. 3.300% 11/18/21 15,000 14,936
7 Wesfarmers Ltd. 1.874% 3/20/18 6,000 5,994
11 Wesfarmers Ltd. 2.750% 8/2/22 5,000 6,027
  Wyndham Worldwide Corp. 5.625% 3/1/21 2,500 2,750
  Wyndham Worldwide Corp. 4.250% 3/1/22 4,000 4,030
  Wyndham Worldwide Corp. 3.900% 3/1/23 2,000 1,978
  Consumer Noncyclical (9.4%)        
  Abbott Laboratories 2.550% 3/15/22 9,000 8,818
  Abbott Laboratories 2.950% 3/15/25 5,000 4,818
  AbbVie Inc. 3.600% 5/14/25 20,000 19,728
  Actavis Funding SCS 3.450% 3/15/22 21,500 21,203
  Actavis Funding SCS 3.850% 6/15/24 25,000 24,635
  Actavis Inc. 3.250% 10/1/22 30,191 29,366
  Agilent Technologies Inc. 5.000% 7/15/20 2,000 2,196
  Agilent Technologies Inc. 3.200% 10/1/22 10,000 9,757
  Agilent Technologies Inc. 3.875% 7/15/23 7,500 7,586
  Allergan Inc. 3.375% 9/15/20 5,333 5,421




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Allergan Inc. 2.800% 3/15/23 5,000 4,676
  Altria Group Inc. 9.250% 8/6/19 8,014 10,015
  Altria Group Inc. 2.850% 8/9/22 29,650 28,790
  AmerisourceBergen Corp. 4.875% 11/15/19 6,270 6,904
  AmerisourceBergen Corp. 3.400% 5/15/24 8,000 7,953
  AmerisourceBergen Corp. 3.250% 3/1/25 10,000 9,705
  Amgen Inc. 6.150% 6/1/18 5,000 5,608
  Amgen Inc. 3.625% 5/15/22 12,000 12,215
  Amgen Inc. 3.625% 5/22/24 14,000 14,008
  Anheuser-Busch Cos. LLC 5.500% 1/15/18 80 88
  Anheuser-Busch Cos. LLC 5.000% 3/1/19 3,145 3,461
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc. 2.625% 1/17/23 12,382 11,852
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc. 3.700% 2/1/24 15,000 15,422
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. 7.750% 1/15/19 5,570 6,597
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. 6.875% 11/15/19 8,514 10,105
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. 5.375% 1/15/20 7,210 8,159
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. 5.000% 4/15/20 12,286 13,739
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. 2.500% 7/15/22 30,792 29,725
7 BAT International Finance plc 9.500% 11/15/18 4,000 4,928
7 Baxalta Inc. 3.600% 6/23/22 7,000 7,024
7 Baxalta Inc. 4.000% 6/23/25 10,000 9,929
  Baxter International Inc. 5.375% 6/1/18 2,000 2,199
  Baxter International Inc. 4.500% 8/15/19 2,000 2,174
  Baxter International Inc. 4.250% 3/15/20 3,000 3,227
7 Bayer US Finance LLC 3.000% 10/8/21 7,000 7,042
7 Bayer US Finance LLC 3.375% 10/8/24 13,000 12,987
  Becton Dickinson & Co. 5.000% 5/15/19 4,700 5,147
  Becton Dickinson & Co. 3.250% 11/12/20 7,000 7,217
  Boston Scientific Corp. 6.000% 1/15/20 6,500 7,344
  Boston Scientific Corp. 4.125% 10/1/23 2,000 2,047
  Boston Scientific Corp. 3.850% 5/15/25 6,500 6,275
  Bottling Group LLC 5.125% 1/15/19 2,275 2,520
  Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. 2.000% 8/1/22 15,200 14,464
  Cardinal Health Inc. 3.500% 11/15/24 7,000 6,887
7 Cargill Inc. 4.307% 5/14/21 8,565 9,337
7 Cargill Inc. 3.250% 11/15/21 7,515 7,785
11 Cargill Inc. 2.500% 2/15/23 5,000 5,930
  Catholic Health Initiatives Colorado GO 2.950% 11/1/22 1,500 1,475
  Catholic Health Initiatives Colorado GO 4.200% 8/1/23 2,000 2,132
  Celgene Corp. 3.250% 8/15/22 12,000 11,839
  Clorox Co. 3.800% 11/15/21 5,000 5,296
  Clorox Co. 3.050% 9/15/22 1,400 1,375
  Coca-Cola Co. 3.150% 11/15/20 7,950 8,302
  Coca-Cola Co. 3.300% 9/1/21 10,245 10,724
  Coca-Cola Co. 3.200% 11/1/23 28,420 28,941
11 Coca-Cola Co. 1.125% 3/9/27 10,000 10,326
  Coca-Cola Femsa SAB de CV 2.375% 11/26/18 3,095 3,151
  Coca-Cola Femsa SAB de CV 4.625% 2/15/20 5,000 5,438
  Coca-Cola Femsa SAB de CV 3.875% 11/26/23 12,500 13,104
  Colgate-Palmolive Co. 2.300% 5/3/22 8,000 7,858
  Colgate-Palmolive Co. 1.950% 2/1/23 2,079 1,988
  Colgate-Palmolive Co. 2.100% 5/1/23 17,000 16,329
  Colgate-Palmolive Co. 3.250% 3/15/24 20,375 21,045
  ConAgra Foods Inc. 7.000% 4/15/19 2,502 2,846
  ConAgra Foods Inc. 3.250% 9/15/22 8,450 8,067
  ConAgra Foods Inc. 3.200% 1/25/23 10,000 9,403
  Constellation Brands Inc. 3.750% 5/1/21 4,250 4,277
  Constellation Brands Inc. 4.750% 11/15/24 5,000 5,075
  Covidien International Finance SA 4.200% 6/15/20 7,735 8,321
  Covidien International Finance SA 3.200% 6/15/22 13,500 13,618
  Covidien International Finance SA 2.950% 6/15/23 27,330 26,788
  DENTSPLY International Inc. 4.125% 8/15/21 1,900 2,012
  Diageo Capital plc 4.828% 7/15/20 5,689 6,281
  Diageo Capital plc 2.625% 4/29/23 10,300 9,817




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Diageo Investment Corp. 2.875% 5/11/22 11,000 10,832
  Dignity Health 3.812% 11/1/24 1,000 1,044
11 Eli Lilly & Co. 1.000% 6/2/22 4,900 5,376
11 Eli Lilly & Co. 1.625% 6/2/26 3,600 3,929
  Estee Lauder Cos. Inc. 2.350% 8/15/22 5,000 4,896
  Express Scripts Holding Co. 7.250% 6/15/19 3,000 3,516
  Express Scripts Holding Co. 4.750% 11/15/21 7,625 8,236
  Flowers Foods Inc. 4.375% 4/1/22 2,000 2,112
  Genzyme Corp. 5.000% 6/15/20 15,349 17,467
  Gilead Sciences Inc. 4.400% 12/1/21 9,050 9,820
  Gilead Sciences Inc. 3.700% 4/1/24 37,655 38,531
  Gilead Sciences Inc. 3.500% 2/1/25 57,084 57,602
  GlaxoSmithKline Capital Inc. 2.800% 3/18/23 16,570 16,326
  GlaxoSmithKline Capital plc 2.850% 5/8/22 10,000 10,001
7 Grupo Bimbo SAB de CV 3.875% 6/27/24 12,000 12,010
  Hershey Co. 4.125% 12/1/20 4,125 4,520
  Hershey Co. 2.625% 5/1/23 20,450 20,290
  Hormel Foods Corp. 4.125% 4/15/21 625 687
7 JM Smucker Co. 2.500% 3/15/20 1,575 1,573
7 JM Smucker Co. 3.000% 3/15/22 10,000 9,848
7 JM Smucker Co. 3.500% 3/15/25 8,000 7,880
  Kaiser Foundation Hospitals 3.500% 4/1/22 5,765 5,893
  Kimberly-Clark Corp. 7.500% 11/1/18 10,000 11,831
  Kimberly-Clark Corp. 3.625% 8/1/20 3,300 3,507
  Koninklijke Philips NV 3.750% 3/15/22 5,000 5,077
  Kraft Heinz Foods Co. 6.125% 8/23/18 6,000 6,706
  Kraft Heinz Foods Co. 3.500% 6/6/22 6,000 6,070
  Kroger Co. 2.200% 1/15/17 2,920 2,954
  Kroger Co. 3.300% 1/15/21 5,500 5,617
  Kroger Co. 2.950% 11/1/21 3,000 2,982
  Kroger Co. 3.400% 4/15/22 3,000 3,038
  Kroger Co. 3.850% 8/1/23 5,000 5,140
  Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings 3.600% 2/1/25 2,000 1,930
11 Luxottica Group SPA 2.625% 2/10/24 11,000 13,254
  McKesson Corp. 7.500% 2/15/19 6,100 7,203
  McKesson Corp. 2.850% 3/15/23 5,000 4,808
7 Medtronic Inc. 2.500% 3/15/20 17,700 17,819
  Medtronic Inc. 4.450% 3/15/20 10,000 10,933
  Medtronic Inc. 3.125% 3/15/22 7,000 7,078
7 Medtronic Inc. 3.150% 3/15/22 36,853 36,968
  Medtronic Inc. 2.750% 4/1/23 20,000 19,410
  Medtronic Inc. 3.625% 3/15/24 10,000 10,251
7 Medtronic Inc. 3.500% 3/15/25 71,300 71,256
  Merck & Co. Inc. 2.350% 2/10/22 3,804 3,719
  Merck & Co. Inc. 2.400% 9/15/22 2,380 2,312
  Merck & Co. Inc. 2.800% 5/18/23 42,254 41,678
  Merck & Co. Inc. 2.750% 2/10/25 41,960 40,032
  Mondelez International Inc. 2.250% 2/1/19 5,000 5,028
11 Mondelez International Inc. 1.000% 3/7/22 4,275 4,593
  Mondelez International Inc. 4.000% 2/1/24 3,000 3,112
11 Mondelez International Inc. 1.625% 3/8/27 13,000 13,353
7 Mylan Inc. 3.125% 1/15/23 16,325 15,598
  Newell Rubbermaid Inc. 4.000% 12/1/24 4,500 4,543
  Novartis Capital Corp. 4.400% 4/24/20 5,000 5,532
  Novartis Capital Corp. 2.400% 9/21/22 29,555 28,745
  Novartis Capital Corp. 3.400% 5/6/24 10,000 10,215
  PepsiCo Inc. 4.500% 1/15/20 13,800 15,121
  PepsiCo Inc. 3.000% 8/25/21 17,990 18,436
  PepsiCo Inc. 2.750% 3/5/22 13,860 13,755
  PepsiCo Inc. 3.100% 7/17/22 21,550 21,932
  PepsiCo Inc. 2.750% 3/1/23 9,000 8,862
  PepsiCo Inc. 3.600% 3/1/24 32,563 33,613
  PepsiCo Inc. 2.750% 4/30/25 20,000 19,240
  PepsiCo Inc. 3.500% 7/17/25 23,900 24,227




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  PerkinElmer Inc. 5.000% 11/15/21 8,000 8,696
7 Pernod Ricard SA 5.750% 4/7/21 2,250 2,533
7 Pernod Ricard SA 4.450% 1/15/22 10,000 10,551
7 Pernod Ricard SA 4.250% 7/15/22 5,000 5,205
  Perrigo Finance plc 3.900% 12/15/24 10,000 9,840
  Pfizer Inc. 3.000% 6/15/23 10,000 9,974
  Pfizer Inc. 3.400% 5/15/24 16,737 16,905
  Pharmacia Corp. 6.500% 12/1/18 6,045 6,977
  Philip Morris International Inc. 2.900% 11/15/21 6,000 6,084
  Philip Morris International Inc. 2.500% 8/22/22 8,425 8,176
  Philip Morris International Inc. 2.625% 3/6/23 2,000 1,930
  Philip Morris International Inc. 3.600% 11/15/23 5,000 5,149
  Philip Morris International Inc. 3.250% 11/10/24 16,000 15,902
  Procter & Gamble Co. 3.100% 8/15/23 5,000 5,086
  Quest Diagnostics Inc. 4.750% 1/30/20 1,000 1,098
  Quest Diagnostics Inc. 4.700% 4/1/21 4,000 4,343
  Quest Diagnostics Inc. 4.250% 4/1/24 2,000 2,048
7 Reynolds American Inc. 6.875% 5/1/20 7,065 8,193
  Reynolds American Inc. 4.000% 6/12/22 5,000 5,144
  Reynolds American Inc. 3.250% 11/1/22 5,011 4,873
  Reynolds American Inc. 4.450% 6/12/25 20,000 20,566
7 Roche Holdings Inc. 6.000% 3/1/19 13,574 15,419
7 Roche Holdings Inc. 3.350% 9/30/24 12,000 12,173
  Sanofi 4.000% 3/29/21 12,500 13,478
  St. Jude Medical Inc. 3.250% 4/15/23 9,138 9,059
  Stryker Corp. 4.375% 1/15/20 4,000 4,373
  Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Co. BV 3.650% 11/10/21 9,248 9,416
  Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Co. BV 2.950% 12/18/22 16,158 15,506
  Teva Pharmaceutical Finance IV BV 3.650% 11/10/21 8,791 8,951
  Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 2.250% 8/15/16 2,840 2,869
  Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 4.700% 5/1/20 4,400 4,849
  Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 4.500% 3/1/21 4,100 4,393
11 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 2.000% 4/15/25 6,000 6,455
  Tyson Foods Inc. 4.500% 6/15/22 5,750 6,106
  Tyson Foods Inc. 3.950% 8/15/24 23,150 23,418
  Unilever Capital Corp. 4.800% 2/15/19 1,920 2,112
  Unilever Capital Corp. 3.100% 7/30/25 12,000 11,962
  Wyeth LLC 5.500% 2/15/16 5,000 5,132
  Zimmer Holdings Inc. 3.550% 4/1/25 15,000 14,501
  Zoetis Inc. 3.250% 2/1/23 5,000 4,795
  Energy (7.4%)        
  Anadarko Petroleum Corp. 3.450% 7/15/24 3,000 2,939
  Baker Hughes Inc. 7.500% 11/15/18 4,845 5,656
  BP Capital Markets plc 1.375% 5/10/18 2,000 1,987
  BP Capital Markets plc 4.750% 3/10/19 8,350 9,157
  BP Capital Markets plc 2.521% 1/15/20 5,000 5,062
  BP Capital Markets plc 4.500% 10/1/20 20,500 22,538
  BP Capital Markets plc 4.742% 3/11/21 8,748 9,643
  BP Capital Markets plc 3.561% 11/1/21 31,470 32,693
  BP Capital Markets plc 3.062% 3/17/22 8,970 8,985
  BP Capital Markets plc 3.245% 5/6/22 35,000 35,227
  BP Capital Markets plc 2.500% 11/6/22 16,352 15,680
  BP Capital Markets plc 2.750% 5/10/23 34,560 33,067
  BP Capital Markets plc 3.994% 9/26/23 5,000 5,192
  BP Capital Markets plc 3.814% 2/10/24 35,410 36,073
  BP Capital Markets plc 3.506% 3/17/25 14,970 14,811
  Cameron International Corp. 3.600% 4/30/22 1,335 1,309
  Cameron International Corp. 4.000% 12/15/23 5,000 4,952
  Cameron International Corp. 3.700% 6/15/24 5,000 4,821
  Cenovus Energy Inc. 3.800% 9/15/23 10,225 10,024
  CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp. 4.500% 1/15/21 3,000 3,249
  Chevron Corp. 4.950% 3/3/19 3,347 3,695
  Chevron Corp. 2.193% 11/15/19 2,000 2,018




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Chevron Corp. 1.961% 3/3/20 9,220 9,158
  Chevron Corp. 2.411% 3/3/22 8,315 8,133
  Chevron Corp. 2.355% 12/5/22 46,500 44,487
  Chevron Corp. 3.191% 6/24/23 29,083 29,333
  ConocoPhillips 6.000% 1/15/20 5,000 5,781
  ConocoPhillips Co. 2.875% 11/15/21 12,000 12,007
  ConocoPhillips Co. 2.400% 12/15/22 10,000 9,411
  ConocoPhillips Co. 3.350% 11/15/24 23,184 22,933
  Continental Resources Inc. 5.000% 9/15/22 14,000 13,300
  Continental Resources Inc. 3.800% 6/1/24 5,000 4,413
  Devon Energy Corp. 6.300% 1/15/19 5,000 5,645
  Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc. 5.875% 5/1/19 5,000 5,571
  Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc. 3.450% 11/1/23 6,000 5,730
  Dominion Gas Holdings LLC 3.600% 12/15/24 25,000 24,926
  Enbridge Energy Partners LP 6.500% 4/15/18 1,750 1,926
  Enbridge Energy Partners LP 5.200% 3/15/20 2,500 2,704
  Enbridge Energy Partners LP 4.200% 9/15/21 6,150 6,305
5 Enbridge Energy Partners LP 8.050% 10/1/77 1,110 1,132
  Enbridge Inc. 3.500% 6/10/24 3,000 2,804
  Energy Transfer Partners LP 9.700% 3/15/19 4,432 5,377
  Energy Transfer Partners LP 9.000% 4/15/19 2,334 2,782
  Energy Transfer Partners LP 4.650% 6/1/21 7,850 8,044
  Energy Transfer Partners LP 5.200% 2/1/22 11,530 11,910
  Energy Transfer Partners LP 3.600% 2/1/23 5,909 5,507
  Energy Transfer Partners LP 4.900% 2/1/24 3,042 3,066
  Energy Transfer Partners LP 4.050% 3/15/25 15,000 13,980
  Energy Transfer Partners LP 4.750% 1/15/26 5,000 4,876
  Ensco plc 4.700% 3/15/21 14,300 14,026
  Ensco plc 5.200% 3/15/25 6,000 5,704
  Enterprise Products Operating LLC 3.350% 3/15/23 5,500 5,378
5 Enterprise Products Operating LLC 8.375% 8/1/66 1,500 1,530
  EOG Resources Inc. 5.625% 6/1/19 10,250 11,544
  EOG Resources Inc. 2.450% 4/1/20 5,950 5,996
  EOG Resources Inc. 4.400% 6/1/20 12,000 13,141
  EOG Resources Inc. 4.100% 2/1/21 11,000 11,737
  EOG Resources Inc. 2.625% 3/15/23 23,885 23,062
  EOG Resources Inc. 3.150% 4/1/25 14,630 14,322
  EQT Corp. 8.125% 6/1/19 5,500 6,516
  EQT Corp. 4.875% 11/15/21 4,000 4,187
  Exxon Mobil Corp. 2.397% 3/6/22 8,825 8,699
  Exxon Mobil Corp. 2.709% 3/6/25 21,100 20,476
  Halliburton Co. 6.150% 9/15/19 4,631 5,323
  Halliburton Co. 3.250% 11/15/21 10,800 11,006
  Halliburton Co. 3.500% 8/1/23 5,000 5,022
  Hess Corp. 8.125% 2/15/19 5,075 5,991
  Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 2.650% 2/1/19 2,100 2,071
  Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 9.000% 2/1/19 5,410 6,451
  Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 6.850% 2/15/20 8,227 9,410
  Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 5.800% 3/1/21 5,000 5,434
  Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 4.150% 3/1/22 1,240 1,218
  Kinder Morgan Inc. 3.050% 12/1/19 7,060 6,999
  Kinder Morgan Inc. 4.300% 6/1/25 13,600 12,911
11 Kinder Morgan Inc. 2.250% 3/16/27 8,000 8,156
  Marathon Oil Corp. 3.850% 6/1/25 15,000 14,490
  Nabors Industries Inc. 5.000% 9/15/20 3,319 3,451
  National Oilwell Varco Inc. 2.600% 12/1/22 24,000 22,798
  Noble Energy Inc. 8.250% 3/1/19 6,000 7,137
  Noble Energy Inc. 3.900% 11/15/24 1,000 978
  Noble Holding International Ltd. 4.900% 8/1/20 5,000 4,807
  Occidental Petroleum Corp. 4.100% 2/1/21 20,922 22,291
  Occidental Petroleum Corp. 3.125% 2/15/22 19,080 19,077
  Occidental Petroleum Corp. 2.700% 2/15/23 32,604 31,252
  Occidental Petroleum Corp. 3.500% 6/15/25 6,000 6,006
  ONEOK Partners LP 8.625% 3/1/19 2,000 2,370




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  ONEOK Partners LP 3.375% 10/1/22 12,083 11,163
  Petro-Canada 6.050% 5/15/18 4,000 4,439
  Phillips 66 2.950% 5/1/17 4,000 4,102
  Phillips 66 4.300% 4/1/22 9,000 9,485
  Pioneer Natural Resources Co. 3.950% 7/15/22 3,000 3,002
  Plains All American Pipeline LP / PAA Finance Corp. 3.650% 6/1/22 14,970 15,053
  Plains All American Pipeline LP / PAA Finance Corp. 2.850% 1/31/23 1,902 1,804
  Plains All American Pipeline LP / PAA Finance Corp. 3.600% 11/1/24 9,542 9,222
  Pride International Inc. 6.875% 8/15/20 12,178 13,649
  Regency Energy Partners LP / Regency Energy Finance        
  Corp. 5.000% 10/1/22 7,410 7,401
  Rowan Cos. Inc. 4.875% 6/1/22 8,000 7,702
7 Schlumberger Investment SA 3.300% 9/14/21 20,900 21,373
  Schlumberger Investment SA 3.650% 12/1/23 28,000 29,085
  Shell International Finance BV 5.200% 3/22/17 2,680 2,855
  Shell International Finance BV 4.300% 9/22/19 16,000 17,390
  Shell International Finance BV 4.375% 3/25/20 14,035 15,346
  Shell International Finance BV 2.375% 8/21/22 29,609 28,611
  Shell International Finance BV 2.250% 1/6/23 10,500 9,941
  Shell International Finance BV 3.400% 8/12/23 5,000 5,135
  Shell International Finance BV 3.250% 5/11/25 38,000 37,430
  Southwestern Energy Co. 7.500% 2/1/18 5,000 5,513
  Southwestern Energy Co. 4.050% 1/23/20 5,000 5,074
  Southwestern Energy Co. 4.100% 3/15/22 7,000 6,772
  Southwestern Energy Co. 4.950% 1/23/25 10,000 9,758
  Suncor Energy Inc. 3.600% 12/1/24 6,745 6,709
  Talisman Energy Inc. 7.750% 6/1/19 3,000 3,477
  Talisman Energy Inc. 3.750% 2/1/21 3,300 3,248
  Total Capital Canada Ltd. 1.450% 1/15/18 7,700 7,708
  Total Capital Canada Ltd. 2.750% 7/15/23 19,420 18,748
  Total Capital International SA 2.750% 6/19/21 7,000 7,059
12 Total Capital International SA 4.250% 11/26/21 9,816 7,389
  Total Capital International SA 2.875% 2/17/22 31,378 31,263
  Total Capital International SA 2.700% 1/25/23 23,160 22,460
  Total Capital International SA 3.700% 1/15/24 10,000 10,302
  Total Capital International SA 3.750% 4/10/24 25,000 25,828
  Total Capital SA 4.450% 6/24/20 20,212 22,245
  Total Capital SA 4.125% 1/28/21 12,525 13,477
  TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. 3.800% 10/1/20 4,292 4,574
  TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. 2.500% 8/1/22 530 507
  TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. 3.750% 10/16/23 18,315 18,603
5 TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. 6.350% 5/15/67 2,000 1,858
  Transocean Inc. 6.875% 12/15/21 5,000 4,225
  Valero Energy Corp. 9.375% 3/15/19 4,200 5,169
  Weatherford International Ltd. 9.625% 3/1/19 3,750 4,271
  Weatherford International Ltd. 5.125% 9/15/20 9,647 9,290
  Weatherford International Ltd. 4.500% 4/15/22 2,000 1,817
  Williams Cos. Inc. 4.550% 6/24/24 17,000 15,982
  Williams Partners LP 4.500% 11/15/23 11,000 10,896
  Williams Partners LP 4.000% 9/15/25 15,000 13,947
  Williams Partners LP / ACMP Finance Corp. 4.875% 5/15/23 5,000 4,875
  Williams Partners LP / ACMP Finance Corp. 4.875% 3/15/24 9,000 8,843
7 Woodside Finance Ltd. 3.650% 3/5/25 15,000 14,357
  Other Industrial (0.3%)        
  Fluor Corp. 3.500% 12/15/24 31,375 31,984
7 Hutchison Whampoa Finance CI Ltd. 3.625% 10/31/24 5,000 4,929
7 Hutchison Whampoa International 11 Ltd. 4.625% 1/13/22 19,240 20,780
  Technology (6.1%)        
  Adobe Systems Inc. 3.250% 2/1/25 4,000 3,849
  Altera Corp. 1.750% 5/15/17 3,205 3,222
  Altera Corp. 2.500% 11/15/18 10,000 10,171
  Altera Corp. 4.100% 11/15/23 4,623 4,921
  Apple Inc. 2.000% 5/6/20 9,585 9,548




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Apple Inc. 2.850% 5/6/21 37,125 37,626
  Apple Inc. 2.150% 2/9/22 19,000 18,372
  Apple Inc. 2.700% 5/13/22 19,350 19,234
11 Apple Inc. 1.000% 11/10/22 7,500 8,214
  Apple Inc. 2.400% 5/3/23 104,325 99,696
  Apple Inc. 3.450% 5/6/24 54,000 55,282
  Apple Inc. 2.500% 2/9/25 23,500 22,055
  Apple Inc. 3.200% 5/13/25 34,675 34,509
11 Apple Inc. 1.625% 11/10/26 5,000 5,504
  Applied Materials Inc. 4.300% 6/15/21 10,615 11,413
  Autodesk Inc. 3.125% 6/15/20 5,000 5,029
  Autodesk Inc. 4.375% 6/15/25 10,000 10,126
  Baidu Inc. 3.250% 8/6/18 10,100 10,329
  Baidu Inc. 3.500% 11/28/22 13,000 12,878
  Broadcom Corp. 2.500% 8/15/22 9,000 8,921
  Broadcom Corp. 3.500% 8/1/24 6,485 6,481
  CA Inc. 3.600% 8/1/20 4,015 4,033
  Corning Inc. 4.250% 8/15/20 9,000 9,804
  Corning Inc. 2.900% 5/15/22 6,980 6,989
  Corning Inc. 3.700% 11/15/23 15,000 15,555
  EMC Corp. 3.375% 6/1/23 15,500 15,529
  Equifax Inc. 6.300% 7/1/17 5,000 5,419
  Fidelity National Information Services Inc. 3.500% 4/15/23 9,165 8,656
  Fiserv Inc. 2.700% 6/1/20 5,350 5,351
  Fiserv Inc. 3.500% 10/1/22 8,000 8,067
  Fiserv Inc. 3.850% 6/1/25 3,000 2,981
  Hewlett-Packard Co. 2.750% 1/14/19 6,250 6,327
  Hewlett-Packard Co. 3.750% 12/1/20 5,024 5,194
  Hewlett-Packard Co. 4.300% 6/1/21 5,000 5,232
  Hewlett-Packard Co. 4.375% 9/15/21 4,022 4,215
  Intel Corp. 2.450% 7/29/20 5,075 5,105
  Intel Corp. 3.300% 10/1/21 34,900 36,029
  Intel Corp. 3.100% 7/29/22 11,500 11,540
  Intel Corp. 2.700% 12/15/22 28,000 27,200
  Intel Corp. 3.700% 7/29/25 47,621 48,108
  International Business Machines Corp. 1.875% 8/1/22 17,000 15,815
  International Business Machines Corp. 3.375% 8/1/23 31,000 31,211
  International Business Machines Corp. 3.625% 2/12/24 23,000 23,333
  KLA-Tencor Corp. 3.375% 11/1/19 1,285 1,312
  KLA-Tencor Corp. 4.125% 11/1/21 3,000 3,055
  KLA-Tencor Corp. 4.650% 11/1/24 5,000 4,942
  Lam Research Corp. 3.800% 3/15/25 4,000 3,900
  Microsoft Corp. 2.375% 2/12/22 38,500 37,944
  Microsoft Corp. 2.125% 11/15/22 9,000 8,650
  Microsoft Corp. 3.625% 12/15/23 19,000 19,890
  Microsoft Corp. 2.700% 2/12/25 39,250 37,847
11 Microsoft Corp. 3.125% 12/6/28 5,593 7,094
  Motorola Solutions Inc. 3.750% 5/15/22 7,000 6,881
  Oracle Corp. 2.375% 1/15/19 3,250 3,312
  Oracle Corp. 3.875% 7/15/20 13,000 13,955
  Oracle Corp. 2.800% 7/8/21 18,000 18,151
  Oracle Corp. 2.500% 5/15/22 30,730 29,853
  Oracle Corp. 2.500% 10/15/22 57,616 55,664
  Oracle Corp. 3.625% 7/15/23 24,000 24,732
  Oracle Corp. 3.400% 7/8/24 43,500 43,842
  Oracle Corp. 2.950% 5/15/25 35,000 33,762
  Pitney Bowes Inc. 4.625% 3/15/24 5,000 5,099
  QUALCOMM Inc. 2.250% 5/20/20 5,985 5,903
  QUALCOMM Inc. 3.000% 5/20/22 14,510 14,128
  QUALCOMM Inc. 3.450% 5/20/25 27,540 26,070
  Seagate HDD Cayman 3.750% 11/15/18 5,670 5,868
  Seagate HDD Cayman 4.750% 6/1/23 5,000 5,025
  Seagate HDD Cayman 4.750% 1/1/25 13,500 13,264
7 Seagate HDD Cayman 4.875% 6/1/27 3,000 2,895




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Texas Instruments Inc. 2.250% 5/1/23 5,000 4,777
  Tyco Electronics Group SA 6.550% 10/1/17 2,990 3,301
  Tyco Electronics Group SA 3.500% 2/3/22 16,710 17,113
11 Tyco Electronics Group SA 1.100% 3/1/23 7,453 7,935
  Tyco Electronics Group SA 3.450% 8/1/24 7,000 7,104
  Verisk Analytics Inc. 4.125% 9/12/22 16,264 16,501
  Verisk Analytics Inc. 4.000% 6/15/25 8,000 7,898
  Xerox Corp. 5.625% 12/15/19 8,000 8,916
  Xilinx Inc. 3.000% 3/15/21 19,000 19,339
  Transportation (1.5%)        
5 American Airlines 2015-1 Class B Pass Through Trust 3.700% 11/1/24 5,000 4,925
  Canadian National Railway Co. 2.850% 12/15/21 6,580 6,686
  Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 7.250% 5/15/19 3,375 3,980
  Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 4.450% 3/15/23 5,085 5,494
5 Continental Airlines 1997-4 Class A Pass Through Trust 6.900% 7/2/19 1,229 1,283
5 Continental Airlines 1998-1 Class A Pass Through Trust 6.648% 3/15/19 204 211
5 Continental Airlines 2000-1 Class A-1 Pass Through        
  Trust 8.048% 11/1/20 979 1,109
5 Continental Airlines 2005-ERJ1 Pass Through Trust 9.798% 10/1/22 1,263 1,393
5 Continental Airlines 2009-2 Class A Pass Through Trust 7.250% 5/10/21 3,739 4,253
5 Continental Airlines 2010-1 Class A Pass Through Trust 4.750% 7/12/22 6,183 6,538
5 Continental Airlines 2012-1 Class A Pass Through Trust 4.150% 10/11/25 7,952 8,131
5 Continental Airlines 2012-2 Class A Pass Through Trust 4.000% 4/29/26 20,479 20,735
5 Continental Airlines 2012-2 Class B Pass Through Trust 5.500% 4/29/22 1,334 1,384
  CSX Corp. 7.900% 5/1/17 5,000 5,558
  CSX Corp. 7.375% 2/1/19 3,375 3,959
  CSX Corp. 3.400% 8/1/24 5,000 5,028
5 CSX Transportation Inc. 6.251% 1/15/23 3,086 3,637
5 Delta Air Lines 2002-1 Class G-1 Pass Through Trust 6.718% 7/2/24 6,011 6,823
5 Delta Air Lines 2007-1 Class A Pass Through Trust 6.821% 2/10/24 1,991 2,285
5 Delta Air Lines 2009-1 Class A Pass Through Trust 7.750% 6/17/21 3,623 4,135
5 Delta Air Lines 2010-1 Class A Pass Through Trust 6.200% 1/2/20 6,305 6,848
5 Delta Air Lines 2012-1 Class A Pass Through Trust 4.750% 11/7/21 3,127 3,299
7 ERAC USA Finance LLC 6.375% 10/15/17 6,370 6,996
7 ERAC USA Finance LLC 5.250% 10/1/20 3,750 4,170
7 ERAC USA Finance LLC 4.500% 8/16/21 5,000 5,424
7 ERAC USA Finance LLC 3.850% 11/15/24 3,000 3,038
10 Firstgroup plc 8.750% 4/8/21 6,000 11,749
5 Hawaiian Airlines 2013-1 Class A Pass Through        
  Certificates 3.900% 1/15/26 5,394 5,313
4,5,13 JetBlue Airways 2004-2 G-2 Pass Through Trust 0.724% 5/15/18 2,465 2,428
5 Southwest Airlines Co. 2007-1 Pass Through Trust 6.150% 2/1/24 4,410 4,961
5 Spirit Airlines 2015-1 Pass Through Trust A 4.100% 10/1/29 20,000 20,100
  Union Pacific Corp. 4.163% 7/15/22 5,255 5,633
  Union Pacific Corp. 2.950% 1/15/23 5,939 5,893
  Union Pacific Corp. 2.750% 4/15/23 17,503 17,089
  Union Pacific Corp. 3.646% 2/15/24 5,000 5,193
  Union Pacific Corp. 3.750% 3/15/24 24,925 26,088
5 United Airlines 2013-1 Class A Pass Through Trust 4.300% 2/15/27 2,149 2,214
5 United Airlines 2014-1 Class A Pass Through Trust 4.000% 10/11/27 2,500 2,531
  United Continental Holdings Inc. 6.375% 6/1/18 2,775 2,914
  United Parcel Service Inc. 2.450% 10/1/22 61,450 60,230
Utilities (5.7%)        
  Electric (5.4%)        
  Alabama Power Co. 3.375% 10/1/20 7,000 7,304
  Alabama Power Co. 3.550% 12/1/23 5,750 5,944
  Alabama Power Co. 2.800% 4/1/25 7,000 6,748
  Ameren Illinois Co. 2.700% 9/1/22 22,449 22,182
  Ameren Illinois Co. 3.250% 3/1/25 16,680 16,724
  Arizona Public Service Co. 8.750% 3/1/19 10,850 13,289
  Arizona Public Service Co. 3.350% 6/15/24 8,200 8,308
  Arizona Public Service Co. 3.150% 5/15/25 10,000 9,927




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. 3.500% 11/15/21 11,190 11,693
  Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. 2.800% 8/15/22 13,600 13,423
  Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. 3.350% 7/1/23 15,197 15,443
  Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. 3.750% 11/15/23 4,100 4,206
  CMS Energy Corp. 8.750% 6/15/19 11,180 13,637
  CMS Energy Corp. 6.250% 2/1/20 3,255 3,731
  Commonwealth Edison Co. 3.400% 9/1/21 5,400 5,639
  Commonwealth Edison Co. 3.100% 11/1/24 3,990 3,997
  Connecticut Light & Power Co. 5.500% 2/1/19 11,695 13,120
  Connecticut Light & Power Co. 2.500% 1/15/23 24,900 24,079
  Consumers Energy Co. 5.650% 9/15/18 1,000 1,119
  Consumers Energy Co. 6.125% 3/15/19 5,600 6,440
  Consumers Energy Co. 6.700% 9/15/19 6,319 7,454
  Consumers Energy Co. 5.650% 4/15/20 10,683 12,305
  Consumers Energy Co. 2.850% 5/15/22 15,640 15,816
  Consumers Energy Co. 3.375% 8/15/23 6,144 6,313
  Consumers Energy Co. 3.125% 8/31/24 16,000 16,185
  DTE Electric Co. 3.450% 10/1/20 7,680 8,089
  DTE Electric Co. 3.900% 6/1/21 14,650 15,668
  DTE Electric Co. 2.650% 6/15/22 1,000 988
  DTE Electric Co. 3.375% 3/1/25 14,575 14,884
  Duke Energy Indiana Inc. 3.750% 7/15/20 14,270 15,235
  Duke Energy Progress Inc. 5.300% 1/15/19 12,448 13,877
  Duke Energy Progress Inc. 3.000% 9/15/21 17,523 17,913
7 EDP Finance BV 4.900% 10/1/19 5,425 5,679
7 EDP Finance BV 4.125% 1/15/20 13,460 13,674
7 EDP Finance BV 5.250% 1/14/21 3,020 3,195
11 Enel Finance International NV 1.966% 1/27/25 6,000 6,722
  Entergy Arkansas Inc. 3.750% 2/15/21 8,770 9,260
  Entergy Arkansas Inc. 3.050% 6/1/23 7,410 7,315
  Entergy Arkansas Inc. 3.700% 6/1/24 3,318 3,471
  Entergy Gulf States Louisiana LLC 5.590% 10/1/24 5,699 6,685
  Entergy Louisiana LLC 4.800% 5/1/21 12,780 14,030
  Entergy Louisiana LLC 3.300% 12/1/22 6,915 6,947
  Entergy Louisiana LLC 4.050% 9/1/23 5,400 5,721
  Entergy Louisiana LLC 5.400% 11/1/24 3,562 4,148
  Entergy Louisiana LLC 4.950% 1/15/45 9,250 9,352
  Eversource Energy 4.500% 11/15/19 925 997
  Eversource Energy 2.800% 5/1/23 2,000 1,926
  Exelon Corp. 2.850% 6/15/20 8,030 8,065
  Exelon Corp. 3.950% 6/15/25 10,000 10,116
  Exelon Generation Co. LLC 4.000% 10/1/20 4,000 4,181
  Exelon Generation Co. LLC 4.250% 6/15/22 5,000 5,145
  FirstEnergy Corp. 4.250% 3/15/23 8,864 9,009
7 FirstEnergy Transmission LLC 4.350% 1/15/25 10,090 10,336
  Florida Power & Light Co. 2.750% 6/1/23 21,755 21,472
  Florida Power & Light Co. 3.250% 6/1/24 13,960 14,210
5,7 FPL Energy Marcus Hook LP 7.590% 7/10/18 4,930 5,275
  ITC Holdings Corp. 3.650% 6/15/24 7,000 7,007
7 Kansas Gas & Electric Co. 6.700% 6/15/19 4,824 5,605
  LG&E & KU Energy LLC 3.750% 11/15/20 13,086 13,741
  LG&E & KU Energy LLC 4.375% 10/1/21 9,785 10,590
  MidAmerican Energy Co. 3.700% 9/15/23 5,500 5,772
  MidAmerican Energy Co. 3.500% 10/15/24 30,240 31,134
  National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 2.350% 6/15/20 5,450 5,456
  National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 3.050% 2/15/22 13,340 13,508
  National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 3.400% 11/15/23 13,737 14,048
  National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 2.850% 1/27/25 15,870 15,448
  Nevada Power Co. 7.125% 3/15/19 7,350 8,609
7 Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. 2.721% 11/28/22 2,000 1,936
  NSTAR Electric Co. 2.375% 10/15/22 7,700 7,402
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 4.250% 5/15/21 6,200 6,661
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 3.250% 9/15/21 4,050 4,150
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 2.450% 8/15/22 6,500 6,228




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 3.250% 6/15/23 21,500 21,518
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 3.850% 11/15/23 3,710 3,860
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 3.750% 2/15/24 20,000 20,563
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 3.400% 8/15/24 20,475 20,511
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 3.500% 6/15/25 9,650 9,716
  PacifiCorp 3.850% 6/15/21 16,844 18,024
  PacifiCorp 3.600% 4/1/24 6,000 6,237
  Potomac Electric Power Co. 3.050% 4/1/22 2,270 2,245
  Potomac Electric Power Co. 3.600% 3/15/24 12,690 13,033
  PPL Electric Utilities Corp. 3.000% 9/15/21 15,868 16,165
  Public Service Co. of Colorado 2.250% 9/15/22 5,000 4,815
  Public Service Electric & Gas Co. 3.500% 8/15/20 8,000 8,447
  Public Service Electric & Gas Co. 2.375% 5/15/23 18,825 18,093
  Public Service Electric & Gas Co. 3.150% 8/15/24 1,000 1,010
  Public Service Electric & Gas Co. 3.000% 5/15/25 10,470 10,349
  Puget Energy Inc. 6.500% 12/15/20 15,565 18,332
  Puget Energy Inc. 6.000% 9/1/21 4,235 4,883
  Puget Energy Inc. 5.625% 7/15/22 19,769 22,303
7 Puget Energy Inc. 3.650% 5/15/25 13,000 12,730
  Puget Sound Energy Inc. 4.300% 5/20/45 5,240 5,365
  SCANA Corp. 6.250% 4/1/20 8,500 9,556
  SCANA Corp. 4.750% 5/15/21 10,787 11,402
  SCANA Corp. 4.125% 2/1/22 2,000 2,017
  Southern California Edison Co. 3.875% 6/1/21 11,156 12,016
  Southern California Edison Co. 3.500% 10/1/23 17,500 18,081
  Tampa Electric Co. 5.400% 5/15/21 13,000 14,974
  Tampa Electric Co. 2.600% 9/15/22 6,220 6,055
  TECO Finance Inc. 5.150% 3/15/20 14,332 16,032
7 Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line Co. 3.850% 6/1/25 11,000 11,011
  Union Electric Co. 6.700% 2/1/19 2,427 2,819
  Union Electric Co. 3.500% 4/15/24 5,410 5,558
  Virginia Electric & Power Co. 5.000% 6/30/19 3,930 4,365
  Virginia Electric & Power Co. 3.450% 9/1/22 9,000 9,269
  Virginia Electric & Power Co. 3.450% 2/15/24 7,000 7,194
  Virginia Electric & Power Co. 3.100% 5/15/25 4,300 4,279
  Western Massachusetts Electric Co. 3.500% 9/15/21 10,000 10,439
  Natural Gas (0.3%)        
  Nisource Finance Corp. 3.850% 2/15/23 8,518 8,841
  Sempra Energy 6.150% 6/15/18 5,938 6,656
  Sempra Energy 9.800% 2/15/19 4,340 5,434
  Sempra Energy 2.875% 10/1/22 2,000 1,963
  Sempra Energy 3.550% 6/15/24 2,000 1,991
  Southern California Gas Co. 3.150% 9/15/24 22,290 22,595
  Other Utility (0.0%)        
  American Water Capital Corp. 3.400% 3/1/25 3,000 3,027
Total Corporate Bonds (Cost $14,926,048)       15,093,278
Sovereign Bonds (U.S. Dollar-Denominated) (3.2%)        
7 Abu Dhabi National Energy Co. 6.165% 10/25/17 1,000 1,090
7 Abu Dhabi National Energy Co. PJSC 3.625% 1/12/23 1,000 1,001
  Asian Development Bank 1.125% 3/15/17 4,000 4,029
  Asian Development Bank 1.875% 10/23/18 3,000 3,065
7 Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior SA 3.250% 5/7/20 4,000 4,027
7 Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten 2.500% 1/23/23 1,000 1,015
7 Bank of China Hong Kong Ltd. 3.750% 11/8/16 920 947
7 Bermuda 5.603% 7/20/20 2,300 2,556
7 Bermuda 4.138% 1/3/23 2,000 2,011
7 Bermuda 4.854% 2/6/24 1,000 1,051
  Cayman Islands 5.950% 11/24/19 500 565
7 CDP Financial Inc. 3.150% 7/24/24 8,000 8,159
  Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA 5.750% 10/27/21 1,800 1,586




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
7 CEZ AS 4.250% 4/3/22 1,000 1,041
  China Development Bank Corp. 5.000% 10/15/15 1,500 1,512
7 CNOOC Finance 2012 Ltd. 3.875% 5/2/22 1,000 1,013
7 CNPC General Capital Ltd. 3.400% 4/16/23 1,000 981
  Corp. Andina de Fomento 3.750% 1/15/16 11,500 11,658
  Corp. Financiera de Desarrollo SA 3.250% 7/15/19 5,000 5,000
7 Corp. Financiera de Desarrollo SA 4.750% 2/8/22 1,400 1,458
  Corp. Nacional del Cobre de Chile 3.875% 11/3/21 1,500 1,518
7 Corp. Nacional del Cobre de Chile 3.875% 11/3/21 3,000 3,055
7 Corp. Nacional del Cobre de Chile 4.500% 8/13/23 1,500 1,558
  Ecopetrol SA 7.375% 9/18/43 1,000 1,036
  Ecopetrol SA 5.875% 5/28/45 4,200 3,651
7 Electricite de France SA 6.000% 1/22/14 50 57
12 Emirates NBD PJSC 5.750% 5/8/19 4,060 3,137
5,7 ENA Norte Trust 4.950% 4/25/28 1,761 1,805
  Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd. 5.750% 1/26/21 12,200 11,834
  European Investment Bank 2.250% 3/15/16 8,000 8,095
  European Investment Bank 2.125% 7/15/16 10,000 10,161
  European Investment Bank 2.500% 4/15/21 7,000 7,223
  European Investment Bank 3.250% 1/29/24 2,000 2,152
  Export-Import Bank of Korea 4.125% 9/9/15 2,000 2,006
  Export-Import Bank of Korea 4.000% 1/11/17 10,000 10,380
  Export-Import Bank of Korea 2.875% 9/17/18 3,000 3,091
  Export-Import Bank of Korea 5.125% 6/29/20 2,000 2,247
  Export-Import Bank of Korea 4.000% 1/29/21 1,000 1,069
  Export-Import Bank of Korea 4.000% 1/14/24 2,000 2,133
  Federative Republic of Brazil 5.000% 1/27/45 22,620 18,917
  FMS Wertmanagement AoeR 1.625% 11/20/18 5,000 5,060
  Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd. 3.231% 11/13/19 2,400 2,451
  Inter-American Development Bank 3.000% 2/21/24 6,425 6,804
  International Finance Corp. 1.000% 4/24/17 6,700 6,706
  International Finance Corp. 1.750% 9/4/18 3,000 3,048
7 IPIC GMTN Ltd. 5.500% 3/1/22 800 915
14 KFW 1.250% 2/15/17 4,000 4,035
14 KFW 1.000% 6/11/18 11,750 11,716
14 KFW 2.750% 10/1/20 3,000 3,148
14 KFW 2.625% 1/25/22 9,000 9,330
14 KFW 2.000% 10/4/22 2,000 1,984
7 Kommunalbanken AS 1.000% 9/26/17 1,500 1,502
  Korea Development Bank 3.250% 9/20/16 1,000 1,023
  Korea Development Bank 3.875% 5/4/17 5,000 5,198
  Korea Development Bank 1.500% 1/22/18 2,000 1,991
  Korea Development Bank 4.625% 11/16/21 2,000 2,214
7 Korea Land & Housing Corp. 1.875% 8/2/17 5,000 5,013
7 Korea Western Power Co. Ltd. 3.125% 5/10/17 1,300 1,329
7 Korea Western Power Co. Ltd. 2.875% 10/10/18 2,000 2,042
7 Kowloon-Canton Railway Corp. 5.125% 5/20/19 2,500 2,767
14 Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank 2.125% 7/15/16 5,000 5,078
14 Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank 1.375% 10/23/19 2,000 1,986
  Nexen Energy ULC 6.200% 7/30/19 2,000 2,242
  North American Development Bank 2.300% 10/10/18 1,500 1,525
  North American Development Bank 2.400% 10/26/22 1,300 1,278
7 OCP SA 5.625% 4/25/24 1,200 1,257
7 Ooredoo International Finance Ltd. 4.750% 2/16/21 1,500 1,641
7 Ooredoo International Finance Ltd. 3.250% 2/21/23 700 684
7 Pertamina Persero PT 6.000% 5/3/42 1,000 925
  Petrobras Global Finance BV 5.625% 5/20/43 9,510 7,050
  Petrobras International Finance Co. SA 3.875% 1/27/16 4,025 4,020
  Petrobras International Finance Co. SA 5.875% 3/1/18 15,631 15,660
  Petrobras International Finance Co. SA 7.875% 3/15/19 11,700 12,175
  Petrobras International Finance Co. SA 6.875% 1/20/40 800 680
  Petroleos Mexicanos 5.750% 3/1/18 15,500 16,856
  Petroleos Mexicanos 8.000% 5/3/19 7,100 8,331
  Petroleos Mexicanos 5.500% 1/21/21 26,000 28,169




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Petroleos Mexicanos 4.875% 1/24/22 28,500 29,682
  Petroleos Mexicanos 3.500% 1/30/23 2,000 1,901
  Province of New Brunswick 2.750% 6/15/18 1,250 1,299
  Province of Ontario 3.000% 7/16/18 3,000 3,137
  Province of Ontario 4.000% 10/7/19 4,500 4,907
  Quebec 2.625% 2/13/23 5,700 5,777
  Quebec 2.875% 10/16/24 8,250 8,409
11 Republic of Chile 1.875% 5/27/30 4,500 4,642
  Republic of Colombia 6.125% 1/18/41 5,450 5,875
5 Republic of Colombia 5.000% 6/15/45 3,140 2,916
  Republic of Hungary 4.000% 3/25/19 5,250 5,468
  Republic of Indonesia 3.750% 4/25/22 3,000 2,974
11 Republic of Indonesia 3.375% 7/30/25 4,000 4,348
  Republic of Indonesia 6.625% 2/17/37 2,000 2,245
11 Republic of Italy 1.050% 12/1/19 6,000 6,698
  Republic of Kazakhstan 6.500% 7/21/45 5,900 5,848
  Republic of Korea 7.125% 4/16/19 1,500 1,779
7 Republic of Latvia 2.750% 1/12/20 1,000 1,006
  Republic of Lithuania 7.375% 2/11/20 5,000 5,981
  Republic of Namibia 5.500% 11/3/21 4,400 4,730
  Republic of Poland 5.125% 4/21/21 15,100 16,969
  Republic of Poland 4.000% 1/22/24 6,000 6,348
  Republic of Romania 4.375% 8/22/23 2,000 2,075
  Republic of Turkey 7.500% 7/14/17 41,300 45,461
  Republic of Turkey 6.750% 4/3/18 23,090 25,445
  Republic of Turkey 7.000% 3/11/19 21,000 23,588
  Republic of Turkey 7.000% 6/5/20 6,000 6,814
  Republic of Turkey 6.250% 9/26/22 4,700 5,206
  Republic of Turkey 7.375% 2/5/25 4,165 4,965
  Republic of Turkey 4.250% 4/14/26 2,500 2,371
  Republic of Turkey 4.875% 4/16/43 3,900 3,516
7 Saudi Electricity Global Sukuk Co. 3 4.000% 4/8/24 1,000 1,050
7 Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2013 Ltd. 4.375% 10/17/23 1,800 1,875
  State of Israel 5.125% 3/26/19 2,550 2,873
  State of Israel 3.150% 6/30/23 2,000 2,054
7 State of Qatar 5.250% 1/20/20 1,000 1,130
  Statoil ASA 3.150% 1/23/22 3,000 3,043
  Statoil ASA 2.450% 1/17/23 3,000 2,877
  Statoil ASA 3.950% 5/15/43 1,000 944
  Statoil ASA 4.800% 11/8/43 2,000 2,153
  Svensk Exportkredit AB 1.750% 10/20/15 3,000 3,009
7 Temasek Financial I Ltd. 2.375% 1/23/23 1,000 986
  United Mexican States 3.500% 1/21/21 4,620 4,728
  United Mexican States 4.000% 10/2/23 5,100 5,256
  United Mexican States 6.050% 1/11/40 1,676 1,942
  United Mexican States 5.550% 1/21/45 1,700 1,844
  United Mexican States 5.750% 10/12/10 2,200 2,212
Total Sovereign Bonds (Cost $623,073)       627,079
Taxable Municipal Bonds (0.2%)        
  Allentown PA Neighborhood Improvement Zone        
  Development Authority Revenue 5.420% 5/1/21 4,000 4,142
  California GO 5.750% 3/1/17 2,000 2,154
  Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund Finance Corp.        
  Revenue 2.995% 7/1/20 1,250 1,287
  Illinois GO 5.365% 3/1/17 1,000 1,048
  Illinois GO 5.000% 1/1/23 1,835 1,893
  JobsOhio Beverage System Statewide Liquor Profits        
  Revenue 2.885% 1/1/21 1,000 1,043
  Johns Hopkins University Maryland GO 5.250% 7/1/19 199 225
  Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities &        
  Community Development Authority Revenue 2010-        
  EGSL 3.220% 2/1/21 12,000 12,371




Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities &        
Community Development Authority Revenue 2010-        
ELL 3.450% 2/1/22 5,475 5,682
4 Mississippi GO (Nissan North America, Inc. Project) 0.887% 11/1/17 5,520 5,535
New York City NY Industrial Development Agency        
Special Facility Revenue (American Airlines Inc. John        
F. Kennedy International Airport Project) 7.500% 8/1/16 865 891
New York City NY Transitional Finance Authority Future        
Tax Revenue 5.125% 2/1/24 1,500 1,717
New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue        
(Employer Assessment) 3.892% 12/1/24 2,000 2,123
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Revenue 5.859% 12/1/24 2,000 2,428
San Diego County CA Regional Airport Authority        
Revenue 3.730% 7/1/21 800 837
Texas GO 3.682% 8/1/24 2,000 2,126
University of California Revenue 2.054% 5/15/18 500 514
University of California Revenue 2.300% 5/15/21 1,000 1,007
Total Taxable Municipal Bonds (Cost $45,437)       47,023
Convertible Preferred Stocks (0.0%)        
*,9 Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Pfd. (Cost $8,571) 7.250%   8,740
Temporary Cash Investment (0.1%)        
Money Market Fund (0.1%)        
15 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund (Cost $25,858) 0.152%   25,857,586 25,858
Total Investments (99.5%) (Cost $19,699,691)       19,890,672
    Expiration Date Contracts  
Liability for Options Written (0.0%)        
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.00   8/21/15 327 (291)
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.50   8/21/15 328 (200)
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.00   8/21/15 590 (240)
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.50   8/21/15 99 (25)
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.00   8/21/15 327 (20)
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.50   8/21/15 460 (43)
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $126.00   8/21/15 328 (56)
Total Liability for Options Written (Premiums received $833)       (875)
Other Assets and Liabilities—Net (0.5%)       102,268
Net Assets (100%)       19,992,065


* Non-income-producing security.
1 Securities with a value of $10,595,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open futures contracts.
2 Securities with a value of $1,002,000 have been segregated as collateral for forward currency contracts and open over-the-counter swap
3 Securities with a value of $5,844,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open cleared swap contracts.
4 Adjustable-rate security.
5 The average or expected maturity is shorter than the final maturity shown because of the possibility of interim principal payments and
prepayments or the possibility of the issue being called.



Vanguard® Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund
Schedule of Investments
July 31, 2015

6 The issuer was placed under federal conservatorship in September 2008; since that time, its daily operations have been managed by the Federal
Housing Finance Agency and it receives capital from the U.S. Treasury, as needed to maintain a positive net worth, in exchange for senior
preferred stock.
7 Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may be sold in transactions exempt from
registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At July 31, 2015, the aggregate value of these securities was $1,974,388,000,
representing 9.9% of net assets.
8 Security purchased on a when-issued or delayed-delivery basis for which the fund has not taken delivery as of July 31, 2015.
9 Non-income-producing security--security in default.
10 Face amount denominated in British pounds.
11 Face amount denominated in euro.
12 Face amount denominated in Australian dollars.
13 Scheduled principal and interest payments are guaranteed by Municipal Bond Insurance Association.
14 Guaranteed by the Federal Republic of Germany.
15 Affiliated money market fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown is the 7-day
GO—General Obligation Bond.
REIT—Real Estate Investment Trust.



Vanguard® Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (3.3%)        
U.S. Government Securities (3.2%)        
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 7/15/17 50 50
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 8/15/17 350 351
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 12/15/17 100 101
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.000% 2/15/18 100 100
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.125% 6/15/18 500 502
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 7/15/18 1,500 1,496
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.000% 8/31/21 2,750 2,781
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.250% 11/15/24 14,500 14,595
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.000% 2/15/25 16,500 16,237
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 5/15/25 3,700 3,680
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 5.250% 2/15/29 25,900 34,564
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 6.125% 8/15/29 22,100 31,966
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 5.375% 2/15/31 23,750 32,730
1,2 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.500% 2/15/36 162,475 211,015
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.750% 11/15/43 3,697 4,319
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 8/15/44 45,100 46,946
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.000% 11/15/44 3,310 3,364
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.500% 2/15/45 33,500 30,673
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.000% 5/15/45 26,400 26,875
Agency Notes (0.1%)        
3 Tennessee Valley Authority 5.250% 9/15/39 18,800 23,321
Total U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (Cost $465,677)       485,666
Corporate Bonds (73.7%)        
Finance (21.5%)        
  Banking (13.0%)        
  American Express Co. 4.050% 12/3/42 13,881 13,157
  Bank of America Corp. 4.000% 1/22/25 13,285 13,072
  Bank of America Corp. 3.950% 4/21/25 10,885 10,528
  Bank of America Corp. 6.110% 1/29/37 14,850 17,051
  Bank of America Corp. 7.750% 5/14/38 21,355 29,072
  Bank of America Corp. 5.875% 2/7/42 30,710 36,257
  Bank of America Corp. 5.000% 1/21/44 28,005 29,502
  Bank of America Corp. 4.875% 4/1/44 1,649 1,724
  Bank of America NA 6.000% 10/15/36 21,760 26,292
  Bank One Corp. 7.750% 7/15/25 22,900 29,030
  Bank One Corp. 7.625% 10/15/26 21,775 28,114
  Bank One Corp. 8.000% 4/29/27 30,869 41,009
  Branch Banking & Trust Co. 3.800% 10/30/26 900 917
  Citigroup Inc. 6.875% 6/1/25 1,000 1,228
  Citigroup Inc. 4.400% 6/10/25 7,700 7,732
  Citigroup Inc. 6.625% 1/15/28 2,500 3,086
  Citigroup Inc. 6.625% 6/15/32 31,545 37,824
  Citigroup Inc. 6.000% 10/31/33 40,155 45,967
  Citigroup Inc. 6.125% 8/25/36 26,968 31,556
  Citigroup Inc. 8.125% 7/15/39 2,650 3,857
  Citigroup Inc. 5.875% 1/30/42 10,364 12,218
  Citigroup Inc. 4.950% 11/7/43 475 500
  Citigroup Inc. 4.650% 7/30/45 32,250 32,464
  Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 3.950% 11/9/22 2,000 2,005
  Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 4.375% 8/4/25 230 231
  Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 5.250% 5/24/41 5,000 5,602
  Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank BA 5.750% 12/1/43 52,730 58,346
  Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank        
  BA/Netherlands 5.250% 8/4/45 17,225 17,568
4 Credit Suisse Group Funding Guernsey Ltd. 3.750% 3/26/25 28,920 28,238
  Deutsche Bank AG 4.500% 4/1/25 23,875 23,080
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 6.125% 2/15/33 38,270 46,020
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 6.450% 5/1/36 49,400 56,908




Vanguard® Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 6.750% 10/1/37 46,315 55,698
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 6.250% 2/1/41 24,525 29,522
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 4.800% 7/8/44 17,592 17,844
  HSBC Bank USA NA 5.875% 11/1/34 44,700 53,073
  HSBC Bank USA NA 5.625% 8/15/35 23,725 27,193
  HSBC Holdings plc 7.625% 5/17/32 21,200 27,076
  HSBC Holdings plc 6.500% 5/2/36 10,000 12,218
  HSBC Holdings plc 6.500% 9/15/37 42,415 51,453
  HSBC Holdings plc 6.800% 6/1/38 86,849 110,497
  HSBC Holdings plc 6.100% 1/14/42 1,000 1,259
  HSBC Holdings plc 5.250% 3/14/44 16,725 17,702
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 3.375% 5/1/23 1,060 1,035
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 6.400% 5/15/38 90,000 113,770
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 5.500% 10/15/40 25,675 29,355
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 5.600% 7/15/41 17,652 20,491
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 5.625% 8/16/43 43,832 48,016
  JPMorgan Chase & Co. 4.950% 6/1/45 29,800 29,711
5 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 5.300% 12/29/49 430 426
4 Macquarie Bank Ltd. 4.875% 6/10/25 590 588
  Morgan Stanley 4.000% 7/23/25 25,255 25,697
  Morgan Stanley 6.250% 8/9/26 525 635
  Morgan Stanley 4.350% 9/8/26 9,000 8,986
  Morgan Stanley 3.950% 4/23/27 13,120 12,517
  Morgan Stanley 7.250% 4/1/32 44,360 58,306
  Morgan Stanley 6.375% 7/24/42 35,331 44,143
  Morgan Stanley 4.300% 1/27/45 41,115 39,206
  PNC Bank NA 4.200% 11/1/25 965 1,015
5 State Street Corp. 5.250% 12/29/49 400 402
  Synchrony Financial 4.500% 7/23/25 110 111
  Wachovia Corp. 6.605% 10/1/25 3,000 3,609
  Wachovia Corp. 5.500% 8/1/35 21,905 24,683
  Wells Fargo & Co. 4.100% 6/3/26 50,287 50,472
  Wells Fargo & Co. 4.300% 7/22/27 23,295 23,716
  Wells Fargo & Co. 5.375% 2/7/35 8,240 9,403
  Wells Fargo & Co. 5.375% 11/2/43 43,122 46,799
  Wells Fargo & Co. 5.606% 1/15/44 152,733 170,730
  Wells Fargo & Co. 4.650% 11/4/44 21,222 20,694
  Wells Fargo & Co. 3.900% 5/1/45 10,600 9,727
  Wells Fargo Bank NA 6.600% 1/15/38 500 662
  Brokerage (0.2%)        
4 FMR LLC 6.450% 11/15/39 18,200 22,693
  Invesco Finance plc 5.375% 11/30/43 2,000 2,220
  Legg Mason Inc. 5.625% 1/15/44 2,000 2,132
  Finance Companies (2.9%)        
  General Electric Capital Corp. 6.750% 3/15/32 126,620 168,048
  General Electric Capital Corp. 7.500% 8/21/35 700 990
  General Electric Capital Corp. 6.150% 8/7/37 5,325 6,719
  General Electric Capital Corp. 5.875% 1/14/38 125,585 153,693
  General Electric Capital Corp. 6.875% 1/10/39 62,215 85,505
5 General Electric Capital Corp. 6.250% 12/29/49 10,000 10,887
  Insurance (5.2%)        
  ACE Capital Trust II 9.700% 4/1/30 7,050 10,328
  Aetna Inc. 4.125% 11/15/42 24,995 22,873
  Allstate Corp. 4.500% 6/15/43 1,465 1,501
  American International Group Inc. 4.700% 7/10/35 8,310 8,386
  American International Group Inc. 4.500% 7/16/44 35,210 34,000
  Anthem Inc. 6.375% 6/15/37 11,791 14,003
  Anthem Inc. 4.625% 5/15/42 17,100 16,258
  AXA Financial Inc. 7.000% 4/1/28 24,910 31,039
  AXIS Specialty Finance plc 5.150% 4/1/45 3,000 3,127
  Berkshire Hathaway Inc. 4.500% 2/11/43 44,557 45,201
4 Guardian Life Insurance Co. of America 7.375% 9/30/39 12,160 16,546
4 Guardian Life Insurance Co. of America 4.875% 6/19/64 10,700 10,420




Vanguard® Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4 Jackson National Life Insurance Co. 8.150% 3/15/27 200 261
4 John Hancock Life Insurance Co. 7.375% 2/15/24 16,350 20,254
  Loews Corp. 4.125% 5/15/43 1,800 1,667
4,5 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. 7.625% 11/15/23 600 749
4 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. 8.875% 6/1/39 16,751 25,479
4 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. 5.375% 12/1/41 6,160 6,895
4 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. 4.500% 4/15/65 1,000 912
  MetLife Inc. 6.500% 12/15/32 900 1,130
  MetLife Inc. 4.125% 8/13/42 20,385 19,322
  MetLife Inc. 4.875% 11/13/43 769 821
  MetLife Inc. 4.050% 3/1/45 3,000 2,818
5 MetLife Inc. 5.250% 12/29/49 195 195
4 Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. 7.800% 11/1/25 32,250 42,278
4 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. 8.250% 12/1/31 6,285 8,546
4 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. 9.375% 8/15/39 39,206 59,835
4 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. 4.950% 4/22/44 13,215 13,057
4 New York Life Insurance Co. 5.875% 5/15/33 47,575 56,301
4 Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. 6.063% 3/30/40 14,890 18,135
4 Pacific Life Insurance Co. 9.250% 6/15/39 26,945 41,116
5 Progressive Corp. 6.700% 6/15/67 1,051 1,094
5 Prudential Financial Inc. 5.375% 5/15/45 270 266
4 Swiss Re Treasury US Corp. 4.250% 12/6/42 12,470 12,118
4 Teachers Insurance & Annuity Association of America 6.850% 12/16/39 20,452 25,548
4 Teachers Insurance & Annuity Association of America 4.900% 9/15/44 10,720 11,182
  Travelers Cos. Inc. 6.750% 6/20/36 500 661
  Travelers Cos. Inc. 6.250% 6/15/37 1,355 1,720
  Travelers Cos. Inc. 4.600% 8/1/43 2,000 2,091
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 3.750% 7/15/25 8,645 8,813
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 4.625% 7/15/35 12,240 12,721
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 5.800% 3/15/36 49,846 58,870
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 6.500% 6/15/37 1,100 1,406
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 6.625% 11/15/37 800 1,027
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 6.875% 2/15/38 26,847 35,638
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 4.625% 11/15/41 3,045 3,113
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 4.375% 3/15/42 25,000 24,598
  UnitedHealth Group Inc. 4.750% 7/15/45 10,935 11,440
  Real Estate Investment Trusts (0.2%)        
  Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc. 4.500% 7/30/29 535 533
  ERP Operating LP 4.500% 6/1/45 680 679
  Federal Realty Investment Trust 4.500% 12/1/44 1,000 1,012
4 Omega Healthcare Investors Inc. 4.500% 4/1/27 4,000 3,840
  Simon Property Group LP 6.750% 2/1/40 10,700 14,176
  Simon Property Group LP 4.250% 10/1/44 10,750 10,471
Industrial (38.9%)        
  Basic Industry (1.0%)        
  BHP Billiton Finance USA Ltd. 4.125% 2/24/42 16,000 14,614
  BHP Billiton Finance USA Ltd. 5.000% 9/30/43 36,165 37,448
  CF Industries Inc. 5.375% 3/15/44 12,495 12,219
  International Paper Co. 4.800% 6/15/44 13,440 12,700
  Monsanto Co. 4.200% 7/15/34 1,000 938
  Monsanto Co. 5.875% 4/15/38 3,000 3,350
  Monsanto Co. 3.600% 7/15/42 600 478
  Monsanto Co. 4.650% 11/15/43 600 553
  Monsanto Co. 4.400% 7/15/44 24,630 22,143
  Monsanto Co. 3.950% 4/15/45 1,000 843
  Monsanto Co. 4.700% 7/15/64 1,500 1,313
  Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc. 5.875% 12/1/36 500 566
  PPG Industries Inc. 5.500% 11/15/40 1,225 1,438
  Rio Tinto Finance USA Ltd. 3.750% 6/15/25 120 117
  Rio Tinto Finance USA Ltd. 5.200% 11/2/40 8,894 8,928
  Rio Tinto Finance USA plc 4.750% 3/22/42 1,400 1,343
  Rio Tinto Finance USA plc 4.125% 8/21/42 24,175 21,386




Vanguard® Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Capital Goods (3.9%)        
  3M Co. 6.375% 2/15/28 18,965 24,485
  3M Co. 5.700% 3/15/37 13,500 16,668
  Boeing Co. 6.125% 2/15/33 22,065 28,000
  Boeing Co. 7.875% 4/15/43 6,700 10,261
  Caterpillar Inc. 6.050% 8/15/36 3,082 3,771
  Caterpillar Inc. 3.803% 8/15/42 44,022 40,885
  Caterpillar Inc. 4.300% 5/15/44 19,745 19,911
  Deere & Co. 7.125% 3/3/31 15,000 20,271
  Dover Corp. 6.600% 3/15/38 3,175 4,186
  Emerson Electric Co. 6.000% 8/15/32 1,071 1,306
  Emerson Electric Co. 5.250% 11/15/39 775 901
  General Electric Co. 4.125% 10/9/42 13,425 13,222
  General Electric Co. 4.500% 3/11/44 22,300 23,184
  Honeywell International Inc. 5.700% 3/15/36 2,960 3,606
  Honeywell International Inc. 5.700% 3/15/37 3,065 3,749
  Lockheed Martin Corp. 3.600% 3/1/35 17,210 16,419
  Lockheed Martin Corp. 6.150% 9/1/36 8,102 10,206
  Lockheed Martin Corp. 5.500% 11/15/39 6,000 6,989
  Lockheed Martin Corp. 4.850% 9/15/41 27,319 29,088
  Lockheed Martin Corp. 4.070% 12/15/42 10,120 9,547
  Lockheed Martin Corp. 3.800% 3/1/45 13,625 12,241
  Raytheon Co. 4.700% 12/15/41 37,524 40,629
  Raytheon Co. 4.200% 12/15/44 3,185 3,196
  Rockwell Collins Inc. 4.800% 12/15/43 20,129 21,842
4 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV 4.400% 5/27/45 2,000 2,000
  United Technologies Corp. 7.500% 9/15/29 14,755 20,981
  United Technologies Corp. 6.125% 7/15/38 55,575 68,699
  United Technologies Corp. 5.700% 4/15/40 22,500 26,767
  United Technologies Corp. 4.500% 6/1/42 38,330 38,573
  Waste Management Inc. 4.100% 3/1/45 20,700 19,102
  WW Grainger Inc. 4.600% 6/15/45 17,690 18,248
  Communication (4.9%)        
  21st Century Fox America Inc. 6.400% 12/15/35 6,575 7,847
  21st Century Fox America Inc. 7.900% 12/1/95 3,975 4,916
  Alltel Corp. 7.875% 7/1/32 2,400 3,208
  America Movil SAB de CV 6.375% 3/1/35 3,600 4,194
  America Movil SAB de CV 6.125% 3/30/40 24,520 28,367
  America Movil SAB de CV 4.375% 7/16/42 2,750 2,555
  AT&T Inc. 6.300% 1/15/38 1,000 1,119
  AT&T Inc. 6.550% 2/15/39 575 666
  CC Holdings GS V LLC / Crown Castle GS III Corp. 3.849% 4/15/23 1,500 1,496
  Comcast Corp. 4.250% 1/15/33 11,435 11,408
  Comcast Corp. 7.050% 3/15/33 10,535 13,825
  Comcast Corp. 4.200% 8/15/34 2,300 2,271
  Comcast Corp. 5.650% 6/15/35 42,764 49,613
  Comcast Corp. 6.450% 3/15/37 18,000 22,676
  Comcast Corp. 6.950% 8/15/37 66,717 88,409
  Comcast Corp. 6.400% 5/15/38 10,485 13,202
  Comcast Corp. 6.550% 7/1/39 11,765 15,052
  Comcast Corp. 6.400% 3/1/40 19,865 25,099
  Comcast Corp. 4.650% 7/15/42 7,865 8,099
  Comcast Corp. 4.500% 1/15/43 14,610 14,704
  Comcast Corp. 4.750% 3/1/44 66,270 69,149
  Comcast Corp. 4.600% 8/15/45 32,500 33,201
4 COX Communications Inc. 6.450% 12/1/36 9,000 9,677
4 COX Communications Inc. 8.375% 3/1/39 19,110 24,712
  Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV 8.750% 6/15/30 17,730 25,158
  DIRECTV Holdings LLC / DIRECTV Financing Co. Inc. 6.350% 3/15/40 2,500 2,724
  DIRECTV Holdings LLC / DIRECTV Financing Co. Inc. 6.000% 8/15/40 1,000 1,048
  DIRECTV Holdings LLC / DIRECTV Financing Co. Inc. 5.150% 3/15/42 1,300 1,244
  Grupo Televisa SAB 5.000% 5/13/45 1,500 1,431
  Historic TW Inc. 6.625% 5/15/29 22,275 26,999




Vanguard® Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Moody's Corp. 5.250% 7/15/44 2,750 2,890
  NBCUniversal Media LLC 6.400% 4/30/40 2,850 3,594
  NBCUniversal Media LLC 5.950% 4/1/41 18,000 21,548
  NBCUniversal Media LLC 4.450% 1/15/43 34,960 34,746
  Orange SA 9.000% 3/1/31 12,000 17,217
  Qwest Corp. 6.875% 9/15/33 2,000 1,985
4 SES Global Americas Holdings GP 5.300% 3/25/44 1,000 1,001
  Time Warner Cable Inc. 6.550% 5/1/37 20,475 21,003
  Time Warner Inc. 7.625% 4/15/31 9,000 11,900
  Verizon Communications Inc. 7.750% 12/1/30 2,000 2,638
  Verizon Communications Inc. 5.850% 9/15/35 1,500 1,641
  Verizon Communications Inc. 6.550% 9/15/43 1,098 1,296
  Verizon Communications Inc. 4.862% 8/21/46 276 261
4 Verizon Communications Inc. 4.522% 9/15/48 54,356 48,570
  Verizon Communications Inc. 5.012% 8/21/54 600 556
4 Verizon Communications Inc. 4.672% 3/15/55 945 829
  Walt Disney Co. 3.700% 12/1/42 9,300 8,796
  Walt Disney Co. 7.550% 7/15/93 15,750 19,799
  Consumer Cyclical (6.6%)        
4 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 4.500% 11/28/34 2,500 2,416
  Brinker International Inc. 3.875% 5/15/23 2,000 1,939
  Cummins Inc. 4.875% 10/1/43 1,400 1,529
  CVS Health Corp. 3.875% 7/20/25 15,555 15,835
  CVS Health Corp. 4.875% 7/20/35 13,390 13,869
  CVS Health Corp. 5.750% 5/15/41 7,110 8,150
  CVS Health Corp. 5.125% 7/20/45 13,385 14,230
  Daimler Finance North America LLC 8.500% 1/18/31 21,570 32,102
  Ford Motor Co. 7.450% 7/16/31 18,700 23,864
  Ford Motor Co. 4.750% 1/15/43 1,000 984
  Home Depot Inc. 5.875% 12/16/36 39,775 48,796
  Home Depot Inc. 5.950% 4/1/41 20,470 25,469
  Home Depot Inc. 4.200% 4/1/43 6,035 6,036
  Home Depot Inc. 4.875% 2/15/44 68,200 75,463
  Home Depot Inc. 4.400% 3/15/45 12,900 13,337
  Home Depot Inc. 4.250% 4/1/46 27,120 27,311
  Lowe's Cos. Inc. 6.500% 3/15/29 20,160 25,686
  Lowe's Cos. Inc. 5.500% 10/15/35 600 697
  Lowe's Cos. Inc. 5.800% 10/15/36 2,060 2,474
  Lowe's Cos. Inc. 6.650% 9/15/37 12,497 16,469
  Lowe's Cos. Inc. 5.800% 4/15/40 11,390 13,798
  Lowe's Cos. Inc. 5.125% 11/15/41 7,460 8,386
  Lowe's Cos. Inc. 4.650% 4/15/42 1,250 1,321
  Lowe's Cos. Inc. 5.000% 9/15/43 28,090 31,433
  Lowe's Cos. Inc. 4.250% 9/15/44 800 803
  McDonald's Corp. 6.300% 10/15/37 15,765 19,195
  McDonald's Corp. 6.300% 3/1/38 26,940 32,561
  McDonald's Corp. 5.700% 2/1/39 550 630
  NIKE Inc. 3.625% 5/1/43 30,604 28,405
  Starbucks Corp. 4.300% 6/15/45 1,000 1,021
  Target Corp. 6.500% 10/15/37 18,673 24,449
  Target Corp. 7.000% 1/15/38 1,100 1,515
  Target Corp. 4.000% 7/1/42 1,000 976
  VF Corp. 6.450% 11/1/37 1,226 1,595
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 7.550% 2/15/30 51,000 72,646
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 5.250% 9/1/35 4,789 5,603
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 6.500% 8/15/37 42,625 56,263
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 6.200% 4/15/38 83,350 107,454
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 5.625% 4/1/40 10,000 12,212
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 4.875% 7/8/40 20,000 22,209
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 5.000% 10/25/40 16,855 18,942
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 5.625% 4/15/41 74,432 90,750
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 4.000% 4/11/43 24,345 24,027
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 4.750% 10/2/43 15,300 16,631




Vanguard® Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 4.300% 4/22/44 1,000 1,037
  Consumer Noncyclical (11.5%)        
  Abbott Laboratories 6.000% 4/1/39 11,105 13,759
  AbbVie Inc. 4.500% 5/14/35 10,345 10,094
  Actavis Funding SCS 4.550% 3/15/35 27,125 25,795
  Actavis Funding SCS 4.750% 3/15/45 13,630 12,946
  Altria Group Inc. 9.950% 11/10/38 1,608 2,638
  Altria Group Inc. 5.375% 1/31/44 1,250 1,337
  Amgen Inc. 6.375% 6/1/37 5,500 6,605
  Anheuser-Busch Cos. LLC 6.750% 12/15/27 400 512
  Anheuser-Busch Cos. LLC 6.800% 8/20/32 500 642
  Anheuser-Busch Cos. LLC 5.750% 4/1/36 11,460 13,721
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc. 4.000% 1/17/43 9,000 8,404
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc. 4.625% 2/1/44 850 877
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. 8.200% 1/15/39 41,590 62,940
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. 8.000% 11/15/39 10,000 14,884
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. 6.375% 1/15/40 14,844 18,974
  Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. 3.750% 7/15/42 23,940 21,502
  Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. 4.535% 3/26/42 500 527
  Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. 4.016% 4/16/43 7,009 6,856
5 Ascension Health 4.847% 11/15/53 10,040 10,830
  AstraZeneca plc 6.450% 9/15/37 47,330 61,199
4 Baxalta Inc. 5.250% 6/23/45 4,000 4,031
  Becton Dickinson & Co. 7.000% 8/1/27 800 1,017
  Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. 3.250% 8/1/42 5,800 5,052
  Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. 4.500% 3/1/44 22,500 24,169
  Cardinal Health Inc. 4.500% 11/15/44 18,770 18,179
  Cardinal Health Inc. 4.900% 9/15/45 5,010 5,058
4 Cargill Inc. 6.125% 4/19/34 200 247
4 Cargill Inc. 6.125% 9/15/36 27,045 33,983
4 Cargill Inc. 6.625% 9/15/37 5,590 7,376
4 Cargill Inc. 4.100% 11/1/42 15,500 15,080
5 Catholic Health Initiatives Colorado GO 4.350% 11/1/42 19,400 18,135
  Catholic Health Initiatives Colorado GO 4.268% 5/15/44 500 484
  City of Hope 5.623% 11/15/43 12,480 14,188
  Cleveland Clinic Foundation Ohio Revenue 4.858% 1/1/14 4,000 3,827
  Coca-Cola Femsa SAB de CV 5.250% 11/26/43 1,200 1,325
  ConAgra Foods Inc. 4.650% 1/25/43 2,246 1,989
  Diageo Capital plc 3.875% 4/29/43 5,245 4,775
  Diageo Investment Corp. 4.250% 5/11/42 500 487
  Dignity Health 5.267% 11/1/64 800 827
  Dignity Health California GO 4.500% 11/1/42 19,865 18,909
  Eli Lilly & Co. 3.700% 3/1/45 27,670 25,698
  Estee Lauder Cos. Inc. 4.375% 6/15/45 1,500 1,519
  General Mills Inc. 5.400% 6/15/40 800 893
  Gilead Sciences Inc. 5.650% 12/1/41 19,915 23,327
  Gilead Sciences Inc. 4.800% 4/1/44 26,555 27,443
  Gilead Sciences Inc. 4.500% 2/1/45 25,580 25,543
  GlaxoSmithKline Capital Inc. 5.375% 4/15/34 18,497 21,558
  GlaxoSmithKline Capital Inc. 6.375% 5/15/38 54,345 69,325
4 Grupo Bimbo SAB de CV 4.875% 6/27/44 3,000 2,872
4 JM Smucker Co. 4.250% 3/15/35 7,805 7,417
4 JM Smucker Co. 4.375% 3/15/45 1,250 1,172
  Johnson & Johnson 5.950% 8/15/37 1,462 1,897
  Johnson & Johnson 4.500% 9/1/40 12,015 13,083
  Johnson & Johnson 4.500% 12/5/43 5,725 6,250
  Kaiser Foundation Hospitals 4.875% 4/1/42 28,625 31,082
  Kimberly-Clark Corp. 6.625% 8/1/37 5,300 7,088
  Kimberly-Clark Corp. 5.300% 3/1/41 600 694
  Kraft Heinz Foods Co. 6.875% 1/26/39 1,300 1,616
4 Kraft Heinz Foods Co. 5.200% 7/15/45 19,830 20,923
5 Mayo Clinic 3.774% 11/15/43 13,095 12,532
  McKesson Corp. 4.883% 3/15/44 18,395 18,519




Vanguard® Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
4 Medtronic Inc. 4.375% 3/15/35 45,792 45,948
  Medtronic Inc. 6.500% 3/15/39 21,200 27,221
  Medtronic Inc. 5.550% 3/15/40 1,900 2,208
  Medtronic Inc. 4.500% 3/15/42 9,000 9,142
  Medtronic Inc. 4.625% 3/15/44 2,000 2,086
4 Medtronic Inc. 4.625% 3/15/45 93,690 96,076
  Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 4.200% 7/1/55 4,675 4,409
  Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center New York GO 5.000% 7/1/42 24,775 27,151
  Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center New York GO 4.125% 7/1/52 11,285 10,320
  Merck & Co. Inc. 3.600% 9/15/42 11,567 10,487
  Merck & Co. Inc. 4.150% 5/18/43 9,400 9,417
  Merck & Co. Inc. 3.700% 2/10/45 44,720 41,108
6 Mondelez International Inc. 2.375% 3/6/35 1,000 1,004
  New York & Presbyterian Hospital 4.024% 8/1/45 19,585 18,619
  North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health Care Inc.        
  Revenue 4.800% 11/1/42 8,265 7,926
  North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health Care Inc.        
  Revenue 6.150% 11/1/43 20,550 24,566
  Novant Health Inc. 4.371% 11/1/43 552 536
  Novartis Capital Corp. 4.400% 5/6/44 29,840 31,609
  NYU Hospitals Center 4.784% 7/1/44 2,000 2,024
  PepsiCo Inc. 5.500% 1/15/40 27,645 32,084
  PepsiCo Inc. 4.875% 11/1/40 10,375 11,239
  PepsiCo Inc. 4.000% 3/5/42 16,872 16,181
  PepsiCo Inc. 3.600% 8/13/42 1,000 898
  PepsiCo Inc. 4.600% 7/17/45 2,000 2,097
  Pfizer Inc. 7.200% 3/15/39 44,462 62,062
  Pfizer Inc. 4.300% 6/15/43 15,300 15,352
  Pharmacia Corp. 6.750% 12/15/27 2,800 3,629
  Philip Morris International Inc. 6.375% 5/16/38 32,015 40,305
  Philip Morris International Inc. 4.125% 3/4/43 10,500 9,899
  Philip Morris International Inc. 4.875% 11/15/43 24,655 26,048
  Philip Morris International Inc. 4.250% 11/10/44 27,775 26,655
  Procter & Gamble Co. 5.500% 2/1/34 13,500 16,450
  Procter & Gamble Co. 5.550% 3/5/37 12,650 15,637
4 Reynolds American Inc. 7.000% 8/4/41 2,000 2,324
  Reynolds American Inc. 5.850% 8/15/45 14,565 15,696
4 Roche Holdings Inc. 7.000% 3/1/39 4,900 7,073
4 Roche Holdings Inc. 4.000% 11/28/44 29,605 29,508
4 SABMiller Holdings Inc. 4.950% 1/15/42 4,825 5,060
4 SC Johnson & Son Inc. 4.000% 5/15/43 21,645 20,805
  Southern Baptist Hospital of Florida Inc. 4.857% 7/15/45 3,000 3,095
  St. Jude Medical Inc. 4.750% 4/15/43 33,890 34,525
  Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Co. LLC 6.150% 2/1/36 2,466 2,834
5 Texas Health Resources 4.330% 11/15/55 1,000 983
  The Pepsi Bottling Group Inc. 7.000% 3/1/29 12,000 16,464
  Tyson Foods Inc. 4.875% 8/15/34 2,000 2,034
  Tyson Foods Inc. 5.150% 8/15/44 1,500 1,565
  Wyeth LLC 6.000% 2/15/36 1,600 1,969
  Wyeth LLC 5.950% 4/1/37 68,185 82,854
  Energy (4.7%)        
  Apache Corp. 4.750% 4/15/43 24,175 22,159
  Baker Hughes Inc. 5.125% 9/15/40 2,375 2,530
  Burlington Resources Finance Co. 7.400% 12/1/31 23,500 31,615
  Cameron International Corp. 5.950% 6/1/41 1,250 1,296
  ConocoPhillips 7.000% 3/30/29 10,850 13,776
  ConocoPhillips 5.900% 10/15/32 19,600 22,914
  ConocoPhillips 6.500% 2/1/39 81,416 101,603
  ConocoPhillips Canada Funding Co. I 5.950% 10/15/36 1,500 1,755
  ConocoPhillips Co. 4.300% 11/15/44 25,655 25,032
  Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc. 5.700% 10/15/39 500 416
  Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc. 4.875% 11/1/43 2,750 2,123
  Dominion Gas Holdings LLC 4.800% 11/1/43 1,575 1,547




Vanguard® Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Encana Corp. 6.500% 8/15/34 13,863 14,388
  Encana Corp. 5.150% 11/15/41 7,645 6,875
  Energy Transfer Partners LP 4.750% 1/15/26 20,000 19,504
  Energy Transfer Partners LP 6.050% 6/1/41 1,500 1,447
  Energy Transfer Partners LP 5.150% 2/1/43 12,825 11,321
5 Enterprise Products Operating LLC 8.375% 8/1/66 1,835 1,872
  EOG Resources Inc. 3.900% 4/1/35 1,000 951
  Exxon Mobil Corp. 3.567% 3/6/45 32,755 30,475
  Halliburton Co. 6.700% 9/15/38 500 631
  Halliburton Co. 7.450% 9/15/39 500 685
  Halliburton Co. 4.500% 11/15/41 1,200 1,177
  Halliburton Co. 4.750% 8/1/43 3,050 3,074
  Kinder Morgan Inc. 5.550% 6/1/45 24,210 22,023
  National Oilwell Varco Inc. 3.950% 12/1/42 1,000 884
  Occidental Petroleum Corp. 4.625% 6/15/45 2,000 2,031
  Petro-Canada 6.800% 5/15/38 22,828 28,632
  Phillips 66 Partners LP 3.605% 2/15/25 80 74
  Shell International Finance BV 4.125% 5/11/35 40,000 39,460
  Shell International Finance BV 6.375% 12/15/38 43,260 55,581
  Shell International Finance BV 5.500% 3/25/40 20,955 24,669
  Shell International Finance BV 4.550% 8/12/43 16,340 16,734
  Shell International Finance BV 4.375% 5/11/45 46,025 46,255
  Suncor Energy Inc. 3.600% 12/1/24 4,855 4,829
  Suncor Energy Inc. 6.500% 6/15/38 11,910 14,683
  Suncor Energy Inc. 6.850% 6/1/39 7,035 8,940
  Tosco Corp. 7.800% 1/1/27 1,500 2,004
  Tosco Corp. 8.125% 2/15/30 20,000 27,968
  TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. 4.625% 3/1/34 5,000 5,041
  TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. 6.200% 10/15/37 1,500 1,722
  TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. 7.625% 1/15/39 49,100 65,619
  TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. 6.100% 6/1/40 2,300 2,604
  Transocean Inc. 7.500% 4/15/31 500 369
  Other Industrial (0.6%)        
5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology GO 3.959% 7/1/38 25,200 26,063
  Massachusetts Institute of Technology GO 5.600% 7/1/11 1,100 1,383
5 Northwestern University 3.868% 12/1/48 21,605 21,327
5 Northwestern University Illinois GO 4.643% 12/1/44 25,315 27,887
4 President & Fellows of Harvard College Massachusetts        
  GO 6.500% 1/15/39 3,865 5,393
  Technology (4.8%)        
  Apple Inc. 3.850% 5/4/43 41,755 38,669
  Apple Inc. 4.450% 5/6/44 13,305 13,437
  Apple Inc. 3.450% 2/9/45 47,950 41,109
  Apple Inc. 4.375% 5/13/45 41,430 41,401
  Applied Materials Inc. 5.850% 6/15/41 1,150 1,330
  Broadcom Corp. 4.500% 8/1/34 500 501
  Cisco Systems Inc. 5.900% 2/15/39 37,500 45,264
  Cisco Systems Inc. 5.500% 1/15/40 35,725 41,521
  Intel Corp. 4.800% 10/1/41 23,180 23,741
  Intel Corp. 4.250% 12/15/42 1,000 948
  Intel Corp. 4.900% 7/29/45 7,000 7,202
  International Business Machines Corp. 7.000% 10/30/25 23,725 30,822
  International Business Machines Corp. 4.000% 6/20/42 23,900 22,016
6 Microsoft Corp. 3.125% 12/6/28 407 516
  Microsoft Corp. 3.500% 2/12/35 31,235 29,017
  Microsoft Corp. 4.500% 10/1/40 1,900 1,979
  Microsoft Corp. 5.300% 2/8/41 15,000 17,313
  Microsoft Corp. 3.500% 11/15/42 1,750 1,545
  Microsoft Corp. 3.750% 5/1/43 10,000 9,253
  Microsoft Corp. 4.875% 12/15/43 500 544
  Microsoft Corp. 3.750% 2/12/45 71,860 65,524
  Microsoft Corp. 4.000% 2/12/55 11,075 10,135
  Oracle Corp. 4.300% 7/8/34 3,500 3,510




Vanguard® Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Oracle Corp. 3.900% 5/15/35 8,000 7,618
  Oracle Corp. 6.500% 4/15/38 40,833 51,966
  Oracle Corp. 6.125% 7/8/39 19,559 23,894
  Oracle Corp. 5.375% 7/15/40 43,160 48,376
  Oracle Corp. 4.500% 7/8/44 2,000 2,013
  Oracle Corp. 4.125% 5/15/45 32,500 30,719
  Oracle Corp. 4.375% 5/15/55 37,000 34,913
  QUALCOMM Inc. 3.450% 5/20/25 19,550 18,507
  QUALCOMM Inc. 4.650% 5/20/35 29,950 28,072
  QUALCOMM Inc. 4.800% 5/20/45 2,000 1,812
  Seagate HDD Cayman 4.750% 1/1/25 1,500 1,474
4 Seagate HDD Cayman 4.875% 6/1/27 2,000 1,930
4 Seagate HDD Cayman 5.750% 12/1/34 1,500 1,463
  Tyco Electronics Group SA 7.125% 10/1/37 525 688
  Verisk Analytics Inc. 5.500% 6/15/45 2,000 1,994
  Transportation (0.9%)        
  Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 6.875% 12/1/27 1,500 1,918
  Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 5.750% 5/1/40 18,888 22,204
  Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 7.125% 10/15/31 2,013 2,632
  Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 5.750% 3/15/33 900 1,043
  CSX Corp. 4.400% 3/1/43 13,830 13,487
4 ERAC USA Finance LLC 7.000% 10/15/37 10,821 13,518
  FedEx Corp. 3.900% 2/1/35 9,070 8,527
  FedEx Corp. 5.100% 1/15/44 3,605 3,767
  Union Pacific Corp. 3.375% 2/1/35 1,500 1,367
  Union Pacific Corp. 4.750% 9/15/41 2,000 2,164
  Union Pacific Corp. 4.750% 12/15/43 20,510 22,159
  Union Pacific Corp. 4.821% 2/1/44 12,000 13,128
  Union Pacific Corp. 4.150% 1/15/45 1,500 1,478
  United Parcel Service Inc. 6.200% 1/15/38 9,850 12,613
  United Parcel Service Inc. 4.875% 11/15/40 2,700 2,991
  United Parcel Service Inc. 3.625% 10/1/42 6,790 6,361
Utilities (13.3%)        
  Electric (13.2%)        
  Alabama Power Co. 6.000% 3/1/39 4,875 6,155
  Alabama Power Co. 5.500% 3/15/41 26,943 31,704
  Alabama Power Co. 5.200% 6/1/41 15,000 16,968
  Alabama Power Co. 3.750% 3/1/45 22,325 20,530
  Ameren Illinois Co. 4.300% 7/1/44 12,540 12,900
  Appalachian Power Co. 6.700% 8/15/37 38,600 48,754
  Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. 6.350% 10/1/36 1,230 1,554
  Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. 6.125% 4/1/36 17,452 20,978
  Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. 5.150% 11/15/43 10,000 10,933
  Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. 4.500% 2/1/45 20,675 20,745
  CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric LLC 3.550% 8/1/42 15,775 14,298
  Commonwealth Edison Co. 5.900% 3/15/36 2,120 2,607
  Commonwealth Edison Co. 3.800% 10/1/42 20,805 19,467
  Commonwealth Edison Co. 4.600% 8/15/43 12,560 13,321
  Commonwealth Edison Co. 4.700% 1/15/44 15,955 17,137
  Commonwealth Edison Co. 3.700% 3/1/45 15,990 14,697
  Connecticut Light & Power Co. 6.350% 6/1/36 14,500 18,611
  Connecticut Light & Power Co. 4.300% 4/15/44 940 961
  Connecticut Light & Power Co. 4.150% 6/1/45 8,445 8,403
  Consolidated Edison Co. of New York Inc. 5.100% 6/15/33 730 794
  Consolidated Edison Co. of New York Inc. 5.850% 3/15/36 10,000 12,075
  Consolidated Edison Co. of New York Inc. 6.200% 6/15/36 12,127 15,204
  Consolidated Edison Co. of New York Inc. 6.750% 4/1/38 12,990 17,229
  Consolidated Edison Co. of New York Inc. 5.500% 12/1/39 6,250 7,230
  Consolidated Edison Co. of New York Inc. 5.700% 6/15/40 7,995 9,544
  Consolidated Edison Co. of New York Inc. 4.200% 3/15/42 10,250 10,042
  Consolidated Edison Co. of New York Inc. 3.950% 3/1/43 10,935 10,271
  Consolidated Edison Co. of New York Inc. 4.450% 3/15/44 48,300 49,333




Vanguard® Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Consolidated Edison Co. of New York Inc. 4.625% 12/1/54 8,060 8,040
  Delmarva Power & Light Co. 4.000% 6/1/42 1,000 968
  Dominion Resources Inc. 4.700% 12/1/44 18,505 18,478
  DTE Electric Co. 6.625% 6/1/36 1,910 2,530
  DTE Electric Co. 4.000% 4/1/43 1,000 976
  Duke Energy Carolinas LLC 6.450% 10/15/32 8,200 10,645
  Duke Energy Carolinas LLC 6.100% 6/1/37 52,400 65,846
  Duke Energy Carolinas LLC 6.050% 4/15/38 2,440 3,072
  Duke Energy Carolinas LLC 5.300% 2/15/40 4,900 5,721
  Duke Energy Carolinas LLC 4.250% 12/15/41 16,200 16,592
  Duke Energy Carolinas LLC 4.000% 9/30/42 42,242 41,425
  Duke Energy Florida Inc. 6.750% 2/1/28 2,300 2,843
  Duke Energy Florida Inc. 6.400% 6/15/38 1,000 1,306
  Duke Energy Florida Inc. 5.650% 4/1/40 11,860 14,487
  Duke Energy Florida Inc. 3.850% 11/15/42 2,000 1,919
  Duke Energy Indiana Inc. 6.120% 10/15/35 2,723 3,346
  Duke Energy Indiana Inc. 6.450% 4/1/39 9,100 11,972
  Duke Energy Indiana Inc. 4.200% 3/15/42 12,700 12,763
  Duke Energy Indiana Inc. 4.900% 7/15/43 26,810 29,603
  Duke Energy Progress Inc. 5.700% 4/1/35 800 938
  Duke Energy Progress Inc. 4.100% 5/15/42 1,250 1,236
  Duke Energy Progress Inc. 4.100% 3/15/43 15,000 14,807
  Duke Energy Progress Inc. 4.375% 3/30/44 2,000 2,075
4 Enel Finance International NV 6.000% 10/7/39 1,000 1,151
  Entergy Louisiana LLC 4.950% 1/15/45 1,105 1,117
4 FirstEnergy Transmission LLC 4.350% 1/15/25 850 871
4 FirstEnergy Transmission LLC 5.450% 7/15/44 2,000 2,090
  Florida Power & Light Co. 5.625% 4/1/34 16,275 19,729
  Florida Power & Light Co. 5.400% 9/1/35 13,380 15,909
  Florida Power & Light Co. 6.200% 6/1/36 400 515
  Florida Power & Light Co. 5.960% 4/1/39 15,100 19,303
  Florida Power & Light Co. 5.690% 3/1/40 700 870
  Florida Power & Light Co. 5.250% 2/1/41 21,662 25,317
  Florida Power & Light Co. 5.125% 6/1/41 437 506
  Florida Power & Light Co. 4.125% 2/1/42 11,265 11,331
  Florida Power & Light Co. 3.800% 12/15/42 26,975 25,870
  Florida Power & Light Co. 4.050% 10/1/44 10,825 10,808
  Georgia Power Co. 5.950% 2/1/39 29,827 35,675
  Georgia Power Co. 5.400% 6/1/40 10,100 11,322
  Georgia Power Co. 4.750% 9/1/40 18,680 19,041
  Georgia Power Co. 4.300% 3/15/42 9,982 9,453
5 John Sevier Combined Cycle Generation LLC 4.626% 1/15/42 22,609 24,869
  Kentucky Utilities Co. 5.125% 11/1/40 1,000 1,147
  Kentucky Utilities Co. 4.650% 11/15/43 1,000 1,074
  MidAmerican Energy Co. 5.800% 10/15/36 500 613
  MidAmerican Energy Co. 4.800% 9/15/43 29,300 32,344
  Mississippi Power Co. 4.250% 3/15/42 2,000 1,814
  National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 4.023% 11/1/32 44,509 44,751
  Nevada Power Co. 6.650% 4/1/36 5,830 7,618
  Nevada Power Co. 5.375% 9/15/40 18,230 20,858
  Nevada Power Co. 5.450% 5/15/41 23,620 27,344
  Northern States Power Co. 6.200% 7/1/37 27,900 36,082
  Oglethorpe Power Corp. 5.375% 11/1/40 2,000 2,256
  Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co. 6.500% 4/15/28 1,300 1,599
  Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co. 4.550% 3/15/44 500 533
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 6.050% 3/1/34 46,041 56,216
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 5.800% 3/1/37 900 1,061
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 6.350% 2/15/38 8,192 10,339
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 6.250% 3/1/39 35,905 44,922
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 5.400% 1/15/40 22,200 25,399
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 4.500% 12/15/41 700 719
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 5.125% 11/15/43 1,700 1,881
  Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 4.750% 2/15/44 21,355 22,784
  PacifiCorp 5.250% 6/15/35 1,301 1,497




Vanguard® Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  PacifiCorp 6.100% 8/1/36 15,000 18,928
  PacifiCorp 6.250% 10/15/37 7,815 10,087
  PacifiCorp 6.350% 7/15/38 20,000 25,842
  PacifiCorp 6.000% 1/15/39 32,446 40,827
  PacifiCorp 4.100% 2/1/42 24,520 24,251
  PECO Energy Co. 4.800% 10/15/43 15,530 17,091
  PECO Energy Co. 4.150% 10/1/44 1,100 1,111
  Potomac Electric Power Co. 6.500% 11/15/37 1,225 1,615
  Potomac Electric Power Co. 7.900% 12/15/38 150 230
  Potomac Electric Power Co. 4.150% 3/15/43 2,000 1,994
  PPL Electric Utilities Corp. 6.250% 5/15/39 10,975 14,320
  PPL Electric Utilities Corp. 5.200% 7/15/41 1,250 1,438
  PSEG Power LLC 8.625% 4/15/31 10,112 14,162
  Public Service Co. of Colorado 3.600% 9/15/42 15,055 13,902
  Public Service Electric & Gas Co. 3.650% 9/1/42 22,483 21,122
  Public Service Electric & Gas Co. 4.000% 6/1/44 700 691
  Puget Sound Energy Inc. 6.724% 6/15/36 10,000 13,402
  Puget Sound Energy Inc. 6.274% 3/15/37 500 641
  Puget Sound Energy Inc. 5.757% 10/1/39 1,100 1,343
  Puget Sound Energy Inc. 5.795% 3/15/40 18,130 22,478
  Puget Sound Energy Inc. 5.764% 7/15/40 500 607
  Puget Sound Energy Inc. 4.300% 5/20/45 400 410
  South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. 6.625% 2/1/32 35,000 44,885
  South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. 6.050% 1/15/38 10,600 12,840
  South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. 5.450% 2/1/41 300 344
  South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. 4.350% 2/1/42 32,687 32,288
  South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. 4.600% 6/15/43 300 306
  South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. 4.500% 6/1/64 19,430 18,373
  Southern California Edison Co. 6.000% 1/15/34 19,095 23,676
  Southern California Edison Co. 5.950% 2/1/38 16,100 20,150
  Southern California Edison Co. 6.050% 3/15/39 845 1,075
  Southern California Edison Co. 4.500% 9/1/40 12,000 12,614
  Southern California Edison Co. 3.900% 12/1/41 500 483
  Southern California Edison Co. 4.050% 3/15/42 800 791
  Southern California Edison Co. 3.900% 3/15/43 18,480 17,787
  Southern California Edison Co. 4.650% 10/1/43 29,150 31,511
  Southwestern Public Service Co. 4.500% 8/15/41 22,555 23,698
  Tampa Electric Co. 6.150% 5/15/37 36,000 46,079
  Tampa Electric Co. 4.100% 6/15/42 1,010 994
  Tampa Electric Co. 4.200% 5/15/45 600 600
  Virginia Electric & Power Co. 6.000% 5/15/37 57,330 71,685
  Virginia Electric & Power Co. 6.350% 11/30/37 2,000 2,630
  Virginia Electric & Power Co. 4.650% 8/15/43 1,140 1,216
  Westar Energy Inc. 4.125% 3/1/42 1,175 1,184
  Westar Energy Inc. 4.625% 9/1/43 1,300 1,404
  Wisconsin Public Service Corp. 4.752% 11/1/44 17,500 19,500
  Natural Gas (0.1%)        
  Atmos Energy Corp. 4.150% 1/15/43 1,500 1,474
  Atmos Energy Corp. 4.125% 10/15/44 1,000 978
  ONE Gas Inc. 4.658% 2/1/44 700 745
  Southern California Gas Co. 5.125% 11/15/40 3,922 4,551
  Southern California Gas Co. 3.750% 9/15/42 200 191
Total Corporate Bonds (Cost $9,834,000)       10,680,541
Sovereign Bonds (U.S. Dollar-Denominated) (1.7%)        
4 CDP Financial Inc. 5.600% 11/25/39 15,000 18,683
4 CNOOC Finance 2011 Ltd. 5.750% 1/26/41 8,620 10,201
4 CNPC HK Overseas Capital Ltd. 5.950% 4/28/41 700 838
  Ecopetrol SA 5.875% 5/28/45 1,050 913
4 Electricite de France SA 6.950% 1/26/39 23,040 30,287
4 Electricite de France SA 4.875% 1/22/44 18,730 20,200
4 Electricite de France SA 6.000% 1/22/14 2,280 2,580




Vanguard® Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Export-Import Bank of Korea 3.250% 8/12/26 5,000 5,015
  Federative Republic of Brazil 5.000% 1/27/45 3,125 2,613
4 OCP SA 5.625% 4/25/24 275 288
5 Oriental Republic of Uruguay 5.100% 6/18/50 325 312
  Pertamina Persero PT 6.000% 5/3/42 650 604
4 Pertamina Persero PT 6.450% 5/30/44 300 293
  Petrobras Global Finance BV 5.625% 5/20/43 1,060 786
  Petroleos Mexicanos 5.500% 1/21/21 7,000 7,584
  Petroleos Mexicanos 4.875% 1/24/22 500 521
4 Petroleos Mexicanos 5.625% 1/23/46 1,200 1,126
  Quebec 7.500% 9/15/29 9,000 13,279
6 Republic of Chile 1.875% 5/27/30 3,500 3,610
  Republic of Colombia 6.125% 1/18/41 825 889
5 Republic of Colombia 5.625% 2/26/44 138 140
5 Republic of Colombia 5.000% 6/15/45 1,010 938
  Republic of Indonesia 4.125% 1/15/25 765 754
4 Republic of Indonesia 6.625% 2/17/37 200 227
  Republic of Indonesia 6.625% 2/17/37 1,400 1,571
4 Republic of Indonesia 6.750% 1/15/44 950 1,107
  Republic of Kazakhstan 4.875% 10/14/44 780 638
  Republic of Kazakhstan 6.500% 7/21/45 800 793
  Republic of Peru 5.625% 11/18/50 650 731
  Republic of Poland 5.125% 4/21/21 3,200 3,596
  Republic of Poland 4.000% 1/22/24 7,000 7,406
  Republic of Romania 4.375% 8/22/23 500 519
  Republic of Turkey 6.750% 4/3/18 300 331
  Republic of Turkey 7.375% 2/5/25 665 793
  Republic of Turkey 4.875% 4/16/43 3,550 3,200
4 Saudi Electricity Global Sukuk Co. 3 4.000% 4/8/24 2,000 2,101
  Statoil ASA 5.100% 8/17/40 15,050 16,495
  Statoil ASA 4.250% 11/23/41 6,400 6,261
  Statoil ASA 3.950% 5/15/43 29,310 27,658
  Statoil ASA 4.800% 11/8/43 18,740 20,169
4 Temasek Financial I Ltd. 3.375% 7/23/42 23,355 21,767
  United Mexican States 4.000% 10/2/23 500 515
  United Mexican States 4.750% 3/8/44 1,275 1,236
  United Mexican States 5.750% 10/12/10 1,250 1,257
Total Sovereign Bonds (Cost $231,265)       240,825
Taxable Municipal Bonds (15.3%)        
  Allentown PA Neighborhood Improvement Zone        
  Development Authority Revenue 5.420% 5/1/21 1,000 1,035
  Allentown PA Neighborhood Improvement Zone        
  Development Authority Revenue 5.620% 5/1/22 1,930 2,018
  American Municipal Power Ohio Inc. Revenue (Prairie        
  State Energy Campus Project) 6.270% 2/15/50 53,500 64,361
  Bay Area Toll Authority California Toll Bridge Revenue        
  (San Francisco Bay Area) 6.793% 4/1/30 17,420 21,774
  Bay Area Toll Authority California Toll Bridge Revenue        
  (San Francisco Bay Area) 6.918% 4/1/40 44,640 59,266
  Bay Area Toll Authority California Toll Bridge Revenue        
  (San Francisco Bay Area) 6.263% 4/1/49 25,730 34,182
  Bay Area Toll Authority California Toll Bridge Revenue        
  (San Francisco Bay Area) 7.043% 4/1/50 13,775 18,958
  California GO 7.500% 4/1/34 26,555 37,727
  California GO 7.550% 4/1/39 55,350 81,679
  California GO 7.300% 10/1/39 109,045 154,230
  California GO 7.350% 11/1/39 3,645 5,180
  California GO 7.625% 3/1/40 30,135 44,484
  California GO 7.600% 11/1/40 74,320 111,715
  California Public Works Board Lease Revenue (Various        
  Capital Projects) 8.361% 10/1/34 11,665 16,691
  Chicago IL O'Hare International Airport Revenue 6.395% 1/1/40 15,710 19,551




Vanguard® Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Chicago IL Transit Authority Transfer Tax Receipts        
  Revenue 6.899% 12/1/40 4,200 4,947
  Chicago Transit Authority 6.899% 12/1/40 530 624
7 Commonwealth Financing Authority Pennsylvania        
  Revenue 5.197% 6/1/26 19,975 21,819
  Dallas TX Area Rapid Transit Revenue 5.999% 12/1/44 200 260
  Dallas TX Area Rapid Transit Revenue 5.022% 12/1/48 200 233
  District of Columbia Water & Sewer Authority Public        
  Utility Revenue 4.814% 10/1/14 2,000 2,035
  Duke University North Carolina Revenue 5.850% 4/1/37 30,450 38,024
  George Washington University District of Columbia GO 4.300% 9/15/44 3,000 2,923
  Georgia Municipal Electric Power Authority Revenue 6.637% 4/1/57 39,585 48,201
  Grand Parkway Transportation Corp. Texas System Toll        
  Revenue 5.184% 10/1/42 1,500 1,771
  Houston TX GO 6.290% 3/1/32 24,190 29,452
  Illinois GO 5.100% 6/1/33 193,305 183,574
  Illinois Toll Highway Authority Revenue 6.184% 1/1/34 19,300 24,085
  Los Angeles CA Department of Water & Power        
  Revenue 5.716% 7/1/39 4,175 5,059
  Los Angeles CA Department of Water & Power        
  Revenue 6.008% 7/1/39 11,900 14,768
  Los Angeles CA Department of Water & Power        
  Revenue 6.574% 7/1/45 31,480 42,750
  Los Angeles CA Department of Water & Power        
  Revenue 6.603% 7/1/50 5,655 7,799
  Los Angeles CA Unified School District GO 5.755% 7/1/29 19,500 23,422
  Los Angeles CA Unified School District GO 5.750% 7/1/34 10,815 13,045
  Los Angeles CA Unified School District GO 6.758% 7/1/34 64,235 85,084
  Los Angeles County CA Metropolitan Transportation        
  Authority Sales Tax Revenue 5.735% 6/1/39 15,100 18,473
  Mississippi GO 5.539% 10/1/29 1,500 1,735
8 New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
  Revenue (State Pension Funding) 7.425% 2/15/29 50,002 57,139
  New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue 7.414% 1/1/40 52,934 73,941
  New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue 7.102% 1/1/41 62,755 84,909
  New York City NY Municipal Water Finance Authority        
  Water & Sewer System Revenue 5.724% 6/15/42 12,780 16,089
  New York City NY Municipal Water Finance Authority        
  Water & Sewer System Revenue 5.952% 6/15/42 18,210 23,458
  New York City NY Municipal Water Finance Authority        
  Water & Sewer System Revenue 6.011% 6/15/42 6,980 9,050
  New York City NY Municipal Water Finance Authority        
  Water & Sewer System Revenue 6.282% 6/15/42 7,225 8,251
  New York City NY Municipal Water Finance Authority        
  Water & Sewer System Revenue 5.882% 6/15/44 32,580 41,960
  New York City NY Transitional Finance Authority Future        
  Tax Revenue 5.508% 8/1/37 2,875 3,465
  New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority        
  Revenue (Dedicated Tax Fund) 7.336% 11/15/39 66,105 96,327
  New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority        
  Revenue (Dedicated Tax Fund) 6.089% 11/15/40 5,950 7,511
  New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue (Personal        
  Income Tax) 5.289% 3/15/33 7,325 8,456
  New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue (Personal        
  Income Tax) 5.628% 3/15/39 19,595 23,638
  New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue (Personal        
  Income Tax) 5.600% 3/15/40 2,000 2,455
  New York State GO 5.590% 3/1/35 1,000 1,179
  North Texas Tollway Authority System Revenue 6.718% 1/1/49 26,971 37,090
  Ohio State University General Receipts Revenue 4.910% 6/1/40 12,300 13,975
  Ohio State University General Receipts Revenue 4.800% 6/1/11 20,231 19,583
  Oregon GO 5.892% 6/1/27 14,590 17,526
9 Oregon School Boards Association GO 4.759% 6/30/28 10,000 10,960
  Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Revenue 6.040% 12/1/29 20,335 25,002




Vanguard® Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Revenue 5.647% 11/1/40 15,250 18,001
  Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Revenue 5.647% 11/1/40 21,245 25,078
  Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Revenue 4.960% 8/1/46 2,000 2,179
  Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Revenue 5.310% 8/1/46 9,260 9,901
  Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Revenue 4.926% 10/1/51 29,305 31,796
  Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Revenue 4.458% 10/1/62 34,890 34,611
1 President & Fellows of Harvard College Massachusetts        
  GO 6.300% 10/1/37 52,593 54,565
  San Antonio TX Electric & Gas Systems Revenue 5.985% 2/1/39 10,450 13,424
  San Antonio TX Electric & Gas Systems Revenue 4.427% 2/1/42 13,370 14,228
  San Francisco CA City & County Public Utilities        
  Commission Water Revenue 6.950% 11/1/50 1,400 1,927
  Texas Transportation Commission Revenue 5.178% 4/1/30 3,690 4,286
  University of California 3.931% 5/15/45 8,400 8,145
  University of California Regents General Revenue 4.601% 5/15/31 11,165 12,047
  University of California Regents Medical Center        
  Revenue 6.548% 5/15/48 25,770 33,178
  University of California Regents Medical Center        
  Revenue 6.583% 5/15/49 8,695 11,186
  University of California Revenue 5.770% 5/15/43 5,155 6,277
  University of California Revenue 4.765% 5/15/44 9,290 9,763
  University of California Revenue 4.858% 5/15/12 31,025 29,052
  University of California Revenue 4.767% 5/15/15 14,875 13,882
  University of Texas System Revenue Financing System        
  Revenue 5.262% 7/1/39 11,500 13,835
  University of Texas System Revenue Financing System        
  Revenue 4.794% 8/15/46 8,915 10,068
  Washington GO 5.481% 8/1/39 8,890 10,871
  Washington University Revenue 4.072% 10/15/44 1,000 1,052
7 Wisconsin GO 5.700% 5/1/26 23,025 27,366
Total Taxable Municipal Bonds (Cost $1,949,597)       2,221,616
Temporary Cash Investments (5.0%)        
Money Market Fund (1.0%)        
10 Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund 0.152%   142,204,326 142,204
Repurchase Agreements (4.0%)        
  Bank of America Securities, LLC (Dated 7/31/15,        
  Repurchase Value $51,401,000, collateralized by        
  Government National Mortgage Assn. 3.500%,        
  7/20/45, with a value of $52,548,000) 0.150% 8/3/15 51,400 51,400
  Bank of Montreal (Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value        
  $55,501,000, collateralized by U.S. Treasury        
  Note/Bond 0.875%-3.000%, 9/30/16-12/31/20, with a        
  value of $56,610,000) 0.130% 8/3/15 55,500 55,500
  Bank of Montreal (Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value        
  $50,001,000, collateralized by Federal National        
  Mortgage Assn. 4.000%, 8/1/44, Federal Home Loan        
  Mortgage Corp. 3.500%-5.500%, 4/1/34-5/1/45, and        
  Government National Mortgage Assn. 5.500%,        
  9/15/29, with a value of $51,000,000) 0.150% 8/3/15 50,000 50,000
  Barclays Capital Inc. (Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value        
  $173,602,000, collateralized by U.S. Treasury        
  Note/Bond 2.750%, 2/15/24, with a value of        
  $177,072,000) 0.130% 8/3/15 173,600 173,600




Vanguard® Long-Term Investment-Grade Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Citigroup Global Markets Inc. (Dated 7/31/15,        
Repurchase Value $137,402,000, collateralized by        
U.S. Treasury Note/Bond 0.875%-2.250%, 7/15/18-        
4/30/21, with a value of $140,148,000) 0.140% 8/3/15 137,400 137,400
RBC Capital Markets LLC (Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase        
Value $116,201,000, collateralized by Federal        
National Mortgage Assn. 1.354%-6.000%, 5/1/26-        
6/1/45, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 2.191%-        
4.500%, 6/1/25-5/1/45, and Government National        
Mortgage Assn. 1.625%-4.571%, 8/20/40-3/20/65,        
with a value of $118,524,000) 0.140% 8/3/15 116,200 116,200
Total Temporary Cash Investments (Cost $726,304)       726,304
Total Investments (99.0%) (Cost $13,206,843)       14,354,952
    Date Contracts  
Liability for Options Written (0.0%)        
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.00   8/21/15 24 (21)
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $127.50   8/21/15 24 (15)
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.00   8/21/15 43 (17)
Call Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $128.50   8/21/15 6 (2)
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.00   8/21/15 24 (2)
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $125.50   8/21/15 33 (3)
Put Options on 10-year U.S. Treasury Note        
Futures Contracts, Strike Price $126.00   8/21/15 24 (4)
Total Liability for Options Written (Premiums received $61)       (64)
Other Assets and Liabilities—Net (1.0%)11       144,162
Net Assets (100%)       14,499,050


1      Securities with a value of $5,179,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open futures contracts.
2      Securities with a value of $26,632,000 have been segregated as initial margin for open cleared swap contracts.
3      The issuer operates under a congressional charter; its securities are generally neither guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury nor backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.
4      Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may be sold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At July 31, 2015, the aggregate value of these securities was $950,205,000, representing 6.6% of net assets.
5      The average or expected maturity is shorter than the final maturity shown because of the possibility of interim principal payments and prepayments or the possibility of the issue being called.
6      Face amount denominated in euro.
7      Scheduled principal and interest payments are guaranteed by AGM (Assured Guaranty Municipal Corporation).
8      Scheduled principal and interest payments are guaranteed by National Public Finance Guarantee Corp.
9      Scheduled principal and interest payments are guaranteed by AMBAC (Ambac Assurance Corporation).
10      Affiliated money market fund available only to Vanguard funds and certain trusts and accounts managed by Vanguard. Rate shown is the 7-day yield.
11      Cash of $11,849,000 has been segregated as initial margin for open futures contracts. GO—General Obligation Bond.



Vanguard® High-Yield Corporate Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (1.9%)        
U.S. Government Securities (1.9%)        
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.375% 5/31/16 170,920 171,053
  United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 11/30/16 169,570 170,471
Total U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (Cost $341,289)       341,524
Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Security (0.3%)        
  Avis Budget Car Rental LLC / Avis Budget Finance Inc.        
  (Cost $55,572) 5.500% 4/1/23 55,636 55,914
Corporate Bonds (92.6%)        
Finance (12.8%)        
  Banking (2.7%)        
1,2 Credit Suisse Group AG 6.250% 12/29/49 96,200 94,036
1 HSBC Holdings plc 5.625% 12/29/49 35,775 35,790
1 HSBC Holdings plc 6.375% 12/29/49 71,525 71,883
  Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc 6.125% 12/15/22 113,600 122,562
  Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc 6.000% 12/19/23 21,835 23,409
  Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc 5.125% 5/28/24 15,710 15,895
1,2 Societe Generale SA 6.000% 10/27/49 61,835 58,279
  UBS AG 7.625% 8/17/22 55,150 64,797
  Finance Companies (7.9%)        
2 AerCap Ireland Capital Ltd. / AerCap Global Aviation        
  Trust 3.750% 5/15/19 47,800 47,979
2 AerCap Ireland Capital Ltd. / AerCap Global Aviation        
  Trust 4.500% 5/15/21 57,835 58,919
2 AerCap Ireland Capital Ltd. / AerCap Global Aviation        
  Trust 5.000% 10/1/21 22,830 23,715
  AerCap Ireland Capital Ltd. / AerCap Global Aviation        
  Trust 4.625% 7/1/22 18,925 19,304
  Aircastle Ltd. 6.250% 12/1/19 11,530 12,769
  Aircastle Ltd. 5.125% 3/15/21 1,020 1,051
  Aircastle Ltd. 5.500% 2/15/22 25,900 26,871
  CIT Group Inc. 5.250% 3/15/18 102,005 106,085
2 CIT Group Inc. 6.625% 4/1/18 120,655 130,006
2 CIT Group Inc. 5.500% 2/15/19 78,830 83,363
  CIT Group Inc. 3.875% 2/19/19 33,380 33,547
  CIT Group Inc. 5.375% 5/15/20 98,370 104,149
  CIT Group Inc. 5.000% 8/15/22 96,680 98,251
  Homer City Generation LP 8.734% 10/1/26 121,041 122,856
  International Lease Finance Corp. 8.750% 3/15/17 20,970 22,805
  International Lease Finance Corp. 3.875% 4/15/18 38,110 38,682
  International Lease Finance Corp. 5.875% 4/1/19 46,220 49,340
  International Lease Finance Corp. 6.250% 5/15/19 70,781 77,151
  International Lease Finance Corp. 8.250% 12/15/20 51,121 60,962
  International Lease Finance Corp. 4.625% 4/15/21 29,400 29,988
  International Lease Finance Corp. 8.625% 1/15/22 29,100 35,720
  International Lease Finance Corp. 5.875% 8/15/22 2,605 2,839
  iStar Financial Inc. 4.875% 7/1/18 8,955 8,821
  iStar Financial Inc. 5.000% 7/1/19 6,190 6,074
  Navient Corp. 8.450% 6/15/18 44,100 47,573
  Navient Corp. 5.500% 1/15/19 79,080 77,498
  Navient Corp. 8.000% 3/25/20 58,325 60,512
  Navient Corp. 7.250% 1/25/22 19,145 18,906
  Navient Corp. 5.500% 1/25/23 25,175 22,154
  Insurance (1.3%)        
2 Liberty Mutual Group Inc. 7.800% 3/15/37 58,440 69,251
  Unum Group 7.375% 6/15/32 6,295 7,520
1 Voya Financial Inc. 5.650% 5/15/53 87,753 89,618
  WellCare Health Plans Inc. 5.750% 11/15/20 59,950 63,022
  Other Finance (0.6%)        
2 Argos Merger Sub Inc. 7.125% 3/15/23 87,535 92,459




Vanguard® High-Yield Corporate Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  CNO Financial Group Inc. 4.500% 5/30/20 4,865 5,023
  CNO Financial Group Inc. 5.250% 5/30/25 21,475 22,254
  Real Estate Investment Trusts (0.3%)        
  Felcor Lodging LP 5.625% 3/1/23 42,805 44,089
2 Felcor Lodging LP 6.000% 6/1/25 11,640 11,960
Industrial (75.5%)        
  Basic Industry (5.9%)        
  AK Steel Corp. 7.625% 10/1/21 77,440 55,950
  ArcelorMittal 5.125% 6/1/20 9,600 9,648
  ArcelorMittal 6.000% 8/5/20 16,015 16,175
  ArcelorMittal 6.250% 3/1/21 7,280 7,353
  ArcelorMittal 7.000% 2/25/22 18,740 19,396
  ArcelorMittal 6.125% 6/1/25 21,830 20,793
3,4 Arch Coal Inc. Bank Loan 6.250% 5/16/18 108,970 61,677
  Axiall Corp. 4.875% 5/15/23 7,245 7,010
2 Cascades Inc. 5.500% 7/15/22 9,990 9,715
  Cloud Peak Energy Resources LLC / Cloud Peak Energy        
  Finance Corp. 8.500% 12/15/19 6,820 4,876
2,5 Constellium NV 4.625% 5/15/21 3,745 3,743
2 Constellium NV 8.000% 1/15/23 51,375 49,449
2 Constellium NV 5.750% 5/15/24 15,447 12,821
  Eagle Spinco Inc. 4.625% 2/15/21 23,555 22,907
2 FMG Resources August 2006 Pty Ltd. 9.750% 3/1/22 6,275 5,773
2 FMG Resources August 2006 Pty Ltd. 6.875% 4/1/22 161,760 93,416
  Hexion US Finance Corp. 6.625% 4/15/20 123,010 112,708
2 Huntsman International LLC 5.125% 11/15/22 36,635 35,353
2,5 INEOS Group Holdings SA 5.750% 2/15/19 25,775 29,089
2 INEOS Group Holdings SA 5.875% 2/15/19 41,500 41,811
  Novelis Inc. 8.375% 12/15/17 40,790 42,218
  Novelis Inc. 8.750% 12/15/20 77,187 81,529
  Peabody Energy Corp. 6.000% 11/15/18 12,770 4,533
  Peabody Energy Corp. 6.500% 9/15/20 3,880 1,145
  Peabody Energy Corp. 6.250% 11/15/21 8,060 2,287
2 Peabody Energy Corp. 10.000% 3/15/22 48,400 24,684
  Peabody Energy Corp. 7.875% 11/1/26 48,672 13,142
  Steel Dynamics Inc. 5.125% 10/1/21 41,770 41,666
  Steel Dynamics Inc. 5.500% 10/1/24 37,825 37,730
  United States Steel Corp. 7.375% 4/1/20 37,839 37,082
  United States Steel Corp. 6.875% 4/1/21 33,676 31,992
  United States Steel Corp. 6.650% 6/1/37 13,760 11,386
2,5 VWR Funding Inc. 4.625% 4/15/22 112,916 119,874
  Capital Goods (6.0%)        
2 Ardagh Packaging Finance plc 9.125% 10/15/20 24,775 26,107
2 Ashtead Capital Inc. 6.500% 7/15/22 28,180 29,730
2 BlueLine Rental Finance Corp. 7.000% 2/1/19 14,767 14,730
2 Building Materials Corp. of America 6.750% 5/1/21 67,904 71,299
2 Building Materials Corp. of America 5.375% 11/15/24 36,177 36,403
  Case New Holland Inc. 7.875% 12/1/17 91,500 100,536
2 Cemex Finance LLC 6.000% 4/1/24 17,210 17,279
2 Cemex SAB de CV 6.125% 5/5/25 108,600 108,166
  Clean Harbors Inc. 5.250% 8/1/20 62,913 64,329
  Clean Harbors Inc. 5.125% 6/1/21 40,024 40,624
  CNH Industrial Capital LLC 6.250% 11/1/16 38,000 39,520
  CNH Industrial Capital LLC 3.625% 4/15/18 34,260 34,645
2 CNH Industrial Capital LLC 3.875% 7/16/18 22,025 22,383
  CNH Industrial Capital LLC 3.375% 7/15/19 8,988 8,954
  Crown Americas LLC / Crown Americas Capital Corp. III 6.250% 2/1/21 38,900 40,796
2 HD Supply Inc. 5.250% 12/15/21 38,735 39,994
  Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc. 7.125% 3/15/21 43,475 45,812
  Masco Corp. 7.125% 3/15/20 59,416 69,368
  Masco Corp. 7.750% 8/1/29 16,486 18,876
  Masco Corp. 6.500% 8/15/32 5,880 6,086




Vanguard® High-Yield Corporate Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Owens Corning 9.000% 6/15/19 4,142 4,935
  Owens Corning 7.000% 12/1/36 5,380 6,311
2 Rexel SA 5.250% 6/15/20 5,130 5,268
  Reynolds Group Issuer Inc. / Reynolds Group Issuer        
  LLC / Reynolds Group Issuer Lu 5.750% 10/15/20 31,580 32,725
  Reynolds Group Issuer Inc. / Reynolds Group Issuer        
  LLC / Reynolds Group Issuer Lu 6.875% 2/15/21 38,716 40,458
  United Rentals North America Inc. 7.375% 5/15/20 63,402 67,761
  United Rentals North America Inc. 7.625% 4/15/22 40,245 43,867
  United Rentals North America Inc. 6.125% 6/15/23 11,580 11,942
  United Rentals North America Inc. 4.625% 7/15/23 12,015 11,880
  United Rentals North America Inc. 5.500% 7/15/25 15,370 14,774
2 USG Corp. 5.500% 3/1/25 8,590 8,547
  Vulcan Materials Co. 7.150% 11/30/37 7,270 7,861
  Communication (24.4%)        
2 Altice Financing SA 6.625% 2/15/23 37,121 38,235
  Belo Corp. 7.250% 9/15/27 9,640 10,267
  CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp. 7.000% 1/15/19 13,281 13,796
  CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp. 5.250% 3/15/21 8,380 8,527
  CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp. 6.500% 4/30/21 18,025 18,791
  CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp. 5.250% 9/30/22 12,635 12,761
  CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp. 5.125% 2/15/23 13,406 13,272
2 CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp. 5.125% 5/1/23 97,010 96,603
  CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp. 5.750% 9/1/23 33,450 34,077
  CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp. 5.750% 1/15/24 4,855 4,940
2 CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp. 5.375% 5/1/25 79,205 78,017
2 CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp. 5.875% 5/1/27 24,255 24,012
2 CCO Safari II LLC 4.908% 7/23/25 61,950 62,049
2 CCO Safari II LLC 6.484% 10/23/45 44,215 45,686
2 Cequel Communications Holdings I LLC / Cequel        
  Capital Corp. 5.125% 12/15/21 59,340 55,038
  Crown Castle International Corp. 4.875% 4/15/22 3,450 3,541
  CSC Holdings LLC 7.875% 2/15/18 27,180 29,830
  CSC Holdings LLC 7.625% 7/15/18 79,045 86,949
  CSC Holdings LLC 8.625% 2/15/19 10,520 11,914
  CSC Holdings LLC 6.750% 11/15/21 20,914 21,698
  DISH DBS Corp. 7.875% 9/1/19 11,685 13,116
  DISH DBS Corp. 6.750% 6/1/21 153,840 162,301
  DISH DBS Corp. 5.875% 7/15/22 94,575 94,102
  DISH DBS Corp. 5.000% 3/15/23 15,135 14,113
  DISH DBS Corp. 5.875% 11/15/24 8,045 7,784
  Embarq Corp. 7.995% 6/1/36 23,035 25,366
  Gannett Co. Inc. 5.125% 10/15/19 16,530 17,067
  Gannett Co. Inc. 5.125% 7/15/20 64,680 67,267
2 Gannett Co. Inc. 4.875% 9/15/21 4,115 4,115
  Gannett Co. Inc. 6.375% 10/15/23 66,721 70,391
2 Gannett Co. Inc. 5.500% 9/15/24 2,315 2,321
  Hughes Satellite Systems Corp. 6.500% 6/15/19 81,968 89,755
  IAC/InterActiveCorp 4.875% 11/30/18 19,725 20,415
  IAC/InterActiveCorp 4.750% 12/15/22 17,085 16,572
2 Inmarsat Finance plc 4.875% 5/15/22 34,230 33,631
  Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA 7.250% 4/1/19 85,330 84,903
  Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA 7.250% 10/15/20 164,947 164,122
  Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA 7.500% 4/1/21 53,900 53,765
  Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA 5.500% 8/1/23 61,350 55,368
  Lamar Media Corp. 5.875% 2/1/22 17,195 17,861
  Lamar Media Corp. 5.000% 5/1/23 33,940 33,855
  Level 3 Escrow II Inc. 5.375% 8/15/22 75,480 76,235
  Level 3 Financing Inc. 6.125% 1/15/21 4,395 4,615
2 Level 3 Financing Inc. 5.625% 2/1/23 26,620 27,086
2 Level 3 Financing Inc. 5.125% 5/1/23 36,380 35,561
2 Level 3 Financing Inc. 5.375% 5/1/25 36,380 35,289
3,4 Level 3 Financing, Inc. Bank Loan 4.000% 1/15/20 40,855 40,944




Vanguard® High-Yield Corporate Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Liberty Interactive LLC 8.500% 7/15/29 42,553 46,064
  Liberty Interactive LLC 8.250% 2/1/30 115,253 121,592
2,5 Matterhorn Telecom SA 3.875% 5/1/22 42,691 43,973
2,5 Matterhorn Telecom SA 4.875% 5/1/22 21,426 22,059
  MetroPCS Wireless Inc. 6.625% 11/15/20 75,800 78,832
  National CineMedia LLC 6.000% 4/15/22 32,455 33,348
2 NBCUniversal Enterprise Inc. 5.250% 3/29/49 62,790 66,557
2 Netflix Inc. 5.875% 2/15/25 54,935 57,682
2 Nielsen Finance LLC / Nielsen Finance Co. 5.000% 4/15/22 128,155 126,873
2 Numericable Group SA 4.875% 5/15/19 35,785 36,411
2 Numericable Group SA 6.000% 5/15/22 37,955 38,619
  Quebecor Media Inc. 5.750% 1/15/23 81,310 82,546
  Qwest Corp. 6.875% 9/15/33 29,607 29,385
  SBA Communications Corp. 5.625% 10/1/19 37,650 39,438
  SBA Communications Corp. 4.875% 7/15/22 50,220 49,718
  SBA Telecommunications Inc. 5.750% 7/15/20 33,911 35,395
2 Sirius XM Radio Inc. 4.250% 5/15/20 8,595 8,563
2 Sirius XM Radio Inc. 4.625% 5/15/23 11,110 10,721
2 Softbank Corp. 4.500% 4/15/20 159,095 159,493
  Sprint Corp. 7.250% 9/15/21 95,745 91,676
  Sprint Corp. 7.875% 9/15/23 69,035 66,101
  Sprint Corp. 7.125% 6/15/24 24,340 22,271
2 Sprint Nextel Corp. 9.000% 11/15/18 92,545 103,650
2 Sprint Nextel Corp. 7.000% 3/1/20 135,830 144,659
  T-Mobile USA Inc. 5.250% 9/1/18 12,700 13,018
  T-Mobile USA Inc. 6.464% 4/28/19 41,835 43,090
  T-Mobile USA Inc. 6.633% 4/28/21 71,475 75,764
  T-Mobile USA Inc. 6.125% 1/15/22 10,000 10,450
  T-Mobile USA Inc. 6.731% 4/28/22 51,165 54,235
  T-Mobile USA Inc. 6.836% 4/28/23 4,943 5,240
  T-Mobile USA Inc. 6.500% 1/15/24 4,345 4,579
  Time Warner Cable Inc. 5.500% 9/1/41 50,000 45,931
3,4 Tribune Company Bank Loan 3.750% 12/27/20 58,352 58,370
2 Tribune Media Co. 5.875% 7/15/22 65,750 67,147
2 Unitymedia Hessen GmbH & Co. KG / Unitymedia        
  NRW GmbH 5.500% 1/15/23 31,060 31,604
2 Univision Communications Inc. 5.125% 2/15/25 126,080 126,395
2 UPCB Finance V Ltd. 7.250% 11/15/21 36,896 39,847
2 UPCB Finance VI Ltd. 6.875% 1/15/22 28,832 30,854
  Videotron Ltd. 5.000% 7/15/22 85,064 86,340
2 Videotron Ltd. 5.375% 6/15/24 7,178 7,251
2 Virgin Media Secured Finance plc 5.375% 4/15/21 42,489 43,657
2 Wind Acquisition Finance SA 4.750% 7/15/20 67,250 68,931
2 Zayo Group LLC / Zayo Capital Inc. 6.000% 4/1/23 104,300 104,039
2 Zayo Group LLC / Zayo Capital Inc. 6.375% 5/15/25 46,170 45,708
  Consumer Cyclical (6.4%)        
2 Activision Blizzard Inc. 5.625% 9/15/21 48,038 50,440
2 Activision Blizzard Inc. 6.125% 9/15/23 48,570 52,456
  ADT Corp. 5.250% 3/15/20 10,000 10,325
  ADT Corp. 6.250% 10/15/21 68,835 72,621
2 Carlson Travel Holdings Inc. 7.500% 8/15/19 25,375 25,692
2 Carlson Wagonlit BV 6.875% 6/15/19 76,610 80,632
  Cedar Fair LP / Canada's Wonderland Co. / Magnum        
  Management Corp. 5.375% 6/1/24 25,675 26,253
  Chrysler Group LLC / CG Co-Issuer Inc. 8.250% 6/15/21 64,265 69,567
  Dana Holding Corp. 5.375% 9/15/21 16,781 17,096
3,4 Delta Alpha Topco Bank Loan 7.750% 7/29/22 51,730 51,601
2 Family Tree Escrow LLC 5.250% 3/1/20 7,405 7,803
2 Family Tree Escrow LLC 5.750% 3/1/23 47,970 50,548
  Group 1 Automotive Inc. 5.000% 6/1/22 19,380 19,428
3,4 Ion Media Networks Bank Loan 4.750% 12/18/20 45,161 45,123
  KB Home 4.750% 5/15/19 25,825 25,857
  KB Home 8.000% 3/15/20 3,920 4,341




Vanguard® High-Yield Corporate Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  KB Home 7.000% 12/15/21 5,000 5,187
  KB Home 7.500% 9/15/22 6,935 7,186
  KB Home 7.625% 5/15/23 41,775 43,812
  L Brands Inc. 7.000% 5/1/20 22,210 25,430
  L Brands Inc. 6.625% 4/1/21 42,435 47,899
3,4 La Quinta Intermediate Holdings LLC Bank Loan 4.000% 4/14/21 55,916 55,986
  Neiman Marcus Group Inc. 7.125% 6/1/28 64,195 63,874
2 Netflix Inc. 5.500% 2/15/22 28,635 29,637
  Penske Automotive Group Inc. 5.750% 10/1/22 8,075 8,459
  Penske Automotive Group Inc. 5.375% 12/1/24 11,925 11,955
  Sally Holdings LLC / Sally Capital Inc. 5.750% 6/1/22 22,170 23,195
  Service Corp. International 7.625% 10/1/18 35,040 39,902
  Service Corp. International 5.375% 1/15/22 27,630 29,115
2 Shea Homes LP / Shea Homes Funding Corp. 5.875% 4/1/23 14,550 14,768
2 Shea Homes LP / Shea Homes Funding Corp. 6.125% 4/1/25 14,550 14,695
  Sonic Automotive Inc. 7.000% 7/15/22 970 1,048
  Sonic Automotive Inc. 5.000% 5/15/23 8,780 8,604
  Wynn Las Vegas LLC / Wynn Las Vegas Capital Corp. 5.375% 3/15/22 49,010 49,378
2 ZF North America Capital Inc. 4.500% 4/29/22 15,355 15,125
2 ZF North America Capital Inc. 4.750% 4/29/25 61,220 59,843
  Consumer Noncyclical (13.1%)        
2 Alere Inc. 6.375% 7/1/23 32,490 33,790
  Amsurg Corp. 5.625% 7/15/22 81,010 83,035
  ARAMARK Corp. 5.750% 3/15/20 47,640 49,724
2 Capsugel SA 7.000% 5/15/19 46,650 47,350
  CHS/Community Health Systems Inc. 7.125% 7/15/20 33,665 35,895
  CHS/Community Health Systems Inc. 5.125% 8/1/21 15,235 15,806
  CHS/Community Health Systems Inc. 6.875% 2/1/22 149,325 159,778
2 Endo Finance LLC / Endo Finco Inc. 6.000% 2/1/25 60,855 62,681
2 Endo Finance LLC / Endo Ltd. / Endo Finco Inc. 6.000% 7/15/23 72,500 75,400
2 Envision Healthcare Corp. 5.125% 7/1/22 86,215 87,724
  ExamWorks Group Inc. 5.625% 4/15/23 14,550 14,877
2 Fresenius Medical Care US Finance Inc. 5.750% 2/15/21 44,830 48,192
  Grifols Worldwide Operations Ltd. 5.250% 4/1/22 34,184 34,398
  HCA Holdings Inc. 6.250% 2/15/21 27,980 30,638
  HCA Inc. 6.500% 2/15/20 127,050 142,137
  HCA Inc. 5.875% 3/15/22 60,405 66,143
  HCA Inc. 4.750% 5/1/23 72,500 74,675
  HCA Inc. 5.875% 5/1/23 10,000 10,750
  HCA Inc. 5.375% 2/1/25 64,375 65,904
  HCA Inc. 7.690% 6/15/25 4,510 5,119
2 Hologic Inc. 5.250% 7/15/22 25,645 26,543
2 Hypermarcas SA 6.500% 4/20/21 66,837 69,924
2 IMS Health Inc. 6.000% 11/1/20 93,781 96,829
  Kinetic Concepts Inc / KCI USA Inc 10.500% 11/1/18 70,000 74,463
3,4 Lands' End, Inc. Bank Loan 4.250% 3/12/21 86,744 83,004
  LifePoint Hospitals Inc. 5.500% 12/1/21 17,661 18,367
2 MPH Acquisition Holdings LLC 6.625% 4/1/22 42,100 43,468
3,4 MPH Acquisition Holdings LLC Bank Loan 3.750% 3/31/21 33,880 33,626
  Party City Holdings Inc. 8.875% 8/1/20 105,297 113,194
2 Quintiles Transnational Holdings Inc. 4.875% 5/15/23 24,350 24,594
2 Sterigenics-Nordion Holdings LLC 6.500% 5/15/23 44,222 45,106
  Tenet Healthcare Corp. 6.250% 11/1/18 40,210 43,929
2 Tenet Healthcare Corp. 5.000% 3/1/19 43,950 44,390
2 Tenet Healthcare Corp. 5.500% 3/1/19 24,215 24,639
  Tenet Healthcare Corp. 4.750% 6/1/20 16,875 17,466
  Tenet Healthcare Corp. 4.500% 4/1/21 42,147 42,779
  Tenet Healthcare Corp. 4.375% 10/1/21 106,480 106,879
  Tenet Healthcare Corp. 8.125% 4/1/22 45,105 50,630
2 THC Escrow Corp. II 6.750% 6/15/23 11,570 12,091
3,4 US Foods Inc. Bank Loan 4.500% 3/31/17 45,738 45,852
2 VRX Escrow Corp. 6.125% 4/15/25 197,580 206,965




Vanguard® High-Yield Corporate Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
  Energy (9.5%)        
  AmeriGas Finance LLC / AmeriGas Finance Corp. 6.750% 5/20/20 25,965 27,133
  AmeriGas Finance LLC / AmeriGas Finance Corp. 7.000% 5/20/22 47,695 50,557
  Antero Resources Corp. 5.375% 11/1/21 22,785 22,101
  Antero Resources Corp. 5.125% 12/1/22 53,185 50,260
2 Antero Resources Corp. 5.625% 6/1/23 14,830 14,274
  Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6.625% 8/15/20 34,575 30,945
  Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6.125% 2/15/21 1,455 1,251
  Chesapeake Energy Corp. 4.875% 4/15/22 11,561 9,307
  Concho Resources Inc. 7.000% 1/15/21 15,256 15,904
  Concho Resources Inc. 6.500% 1/15/22 19,940 20,588
  Concho Resources Inc. 5.500% 10/1/22 85,170 85,170
2 Crestwood Midstream Partners LP / Crestwood        
  Midstream Finance Corp. 6.250% 4/1/23 37,610 37,234
2 DCP Midstream LLC 9.750% 3/15/19 15,000 17,179
2 DCP Midstream LLC 5.350% 3/15/20 11,125 11,194
  DCP Midstream Operating LP 4.950% 4/1/22 36,074 34,231
  DCP Midstream Operating LP 5.600% 4/1/44 26,895 23,058
3,4 Energy Future Intermediate Holding Company LLC        
  Bank Loan 4.250% 6/6/16 14,500 14,548
  Energy Transfer Equity LP 7.500% 10/15/20 76,385 85,551
  Energy Transfer Equity LP 5.500% 6/1/27 78,795 77,219
  EP Energy LLC / Everest Acquisition Finance Inc. 9.375% 5/1/20 75,787 78,440
  Ferrellgas LP / Ferrellgas Finance Corp. 6.500% 5/1/21 73,031 73,031
  Harvest Operations Corp. 6.875% 10/1/17 75,600 69,552
  Kinder Morgan Inc. 7.750% 1/15/32 26,290 29,724
  Laredo Petroleum Inc. 5.625% 1/15/22 49,750 47,760
  Laredo Petroleum Inc. 7.375% 5/1/22 16,490 16,737
  Laredo Petroleum Inc. 6.250% 3/15/23 55,075 54,524
  MarkWest Energy Partners LP / MarkWest Energy        
  Finance Corp. 4.875% 12/1/24 43,935 42,727
  MarkWest Energy Partners LP / MarkWest Energy        
  Finance Corp. 4.875% 6/1/25 87,120 84,289
2 Matador Resources Co. 6.875% 4/15/23 22,670 23,010
2 MEG Energy Corp. 6.500% 3/15/21 16,537 15,379
2 MEG Energy Corp. 6.375% 1/30/23 30,650 27,585
2 MEG Energy Corp. 7.000% 3/31/24 47,348 43,442
  Newfield Exploration Co. 5.750% 1/30/22 10,890 10,781
  Newfield Exploration Co. 5.625% 7/1/24 13,045 12,784
2 Paragon Offshore plc 6.750% 7/15/22 31,630 9,963
2 Paragon Offshore plc 7.250% 8/15/24 22,570 6,997
  QEP Resources Inc. 6.800% 3/1/20 7,370 7,536
  QEP Resources Inc. 6.875% 3/1/21 15,540 15,695
  QEP Resources Inc. 5.375% 10/1/22 7,620 7,144
  QEP Resources Inc. 5.250% 5/1/23 4,855 4,491
  Range Resources Corp. 5.750% 6/1/21 44,365 45,030
  Range Resources Corp. 5.000% 8/15/22 16,325 15,998
2 Rice Energy Inc. 7.250% 5/1/23 21,365 20,938
  Rosetta Resources Inc. 5.625% 5/1/21 9,665 10,221
  Rosetta Resources Inc. 5.875% 6/1/22 51,885 55,387
  Rosetta Resources Inc. 5.875% 6/1/24 10,195 11,011
2 Seadrill Ltd. 6.125% 9/15/17 71,195 60,516
  SM Energy Co. 6.125% 11/15/22 22,705 22,308
2 Southern Star Central Corp. 5.125% 7/15/22 14,790 15,049
  Tesoro Corp. 5.125% 4/1/24 31,790 31,711
2 Tesoro Logistics LP / Tesoro Logistics Finance Corp. 5.500% 10/15/19 5,220 5,429
2 Tesoro Logistics LP / Tesoro Logistics Finance Corp. 6.250% 10/15/22 35,901 37,517
  WPX Energy Inc. 6.000% 1/15/22 29,315 27,629
  WPX Energy Inc. 5.250% 9/15/24 61,930 52,950
  Technology (9.0%)        
2 Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. 4.625% 7/1/17 10,000 10,300
2 Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. 6.750% 11/15/20 25,210 27,101
  Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. 6.450% 3/15/29 61,250 64,619




Vanguard® High-Yield Corporate Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
2 Audatex North America Inc. 6.000% 6/15/21 78,106 79,278
2 Audatex North America Inc. 6.125% 11/1/23 97,715 95,883
  CDW LLC / CDW Finance Corp. 6.000% 8/15/22 118,945 124,297
  CDW LLC / CDW Finance Corp. 5.000% 9/1/23 23,480 23,304
  CDW LLC / CDW Finance Corp. 5.500% 12/1/24 15,155 15,174
  Equinix Inc. 4.875% 4/1/20 9,545 9,760
  Equinix Inc. 5.375% 4/1/23 20,864 21,073
2 First Data Corp. 7.375% 6/15/19 21,449 22,387
2 First Data Corp. 8.875% 8/15/20 16,299 17,114
2 First Data Corp. 6.750% 11/1/20 35,065 37,081
2 First Data Corp. 8.250% 1/15/21 113,800 120,486
  First Data Corp. 11.250% 1/15/21 9,927 11,019
  First Data Corp. 12.625% 1/15/21 49,375 57,152
  First Data Corp. 11.750% 8/15/21 25,435 28,869
3,4 First Data Corp. Bank Loan 3.687% 3/23/18 54,018 53,860
3,4 First Data Corp. Bank Loan 3.937% 7/8/22 41,745 41,623
  Flextronics International Ltd. 4.625% 2/15/20 22,975 23,664
  Flextronics International Ltd. 5.000% 2/15/23 29,175 29,576
2 Freescale Semiconductor Inc. 5.000% 5/15/21 36,815 37,459
2 Freescale Semiconductor Inc. 6.000% 1/15/22 22,130 23,292
3,4 Freescale Semiconductor Inc. Bank Loan 4.250% 3/1/20 99,470 99,688
2 Infor Software Parent LLC 7.125% 5/1/21 17,470 17,164
2 Infor US Inc. 6.500% 5/15/22 106,715 108,849
2,6 Iron Mountain Europe plc 6.125% 9/15/22 24,430 39,602
  Iron Mountain Inc. 5.750% 8/15/24 22,675 22,618
  NCR Corp. 4.625% 2/15/21 62,314 62,314
2 NXP BV / NXP Funding LLC 3.750% 6/1/18 37,440 37,999
2 NXP BV / NXP Funding LLC 4.125% 6/15/20 17,445 17,554
2 NXP BV / NXP Funding LLC 4.625% 6/15/22 20,800 20,592
2 NXP BV / NXP Funding LLC 5.750% 3/15/23 10,213 10,596
2 Open Text Corp. 5.625% 1/15/23 30,770 30,598
2 Sensata Technologies BV 5.625% 11/1/24 2,395 2,455
2 Sensata Technologies BV 5.000% 10/1/25 48,515 47,545
2 SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc. 5.875% 7/15/23 20,325 21,036
  SunGard Data Systems Inc. 6.625% 11/1/19 108,115 111,899
  Transportation (1.2%)        
2 Avis Budget Car Rental LLC / Avis Budget Finance Inc. 5.125% 6/1/22 26,270 25,942
1 Continental Airlines 2007-1 Class B Pass Through Trust 6.903% 4/19/22 18,631 19,469
  Hertz Corp. 4.250% 4/1/18 12,745 12,984
  Hertz Corp. 6.750% 4/15/19 82,360 85,242
  Hertz Corp. 5.875% 10/15/20 20,100 20,427
  Hertz Corp. 7.375% 1/15/21 60,490 63,666
Utilities (4.3%)        
  Electric (4.3%)        
  AES Corp. 8.000% 6/1/20 19,980 23,277
  AES Corp. 4.875% 5/15/23 25,000 23,656
  AES Corp. 5.500% 3/15/24 119,951 117,552
2 Calpine Corp. 6.000% 1/15/22 16,165 17,175
  Calpine Corp. 5.375% 1/15/23 34,775 33,992
2 Calpine Corp. 5.875% 1/15/24 9,230 9,715
  Calpine Corp. 5.750% 1/15/25 119,130 116,450
  DPL Inc. 7.250% 10/15/21 55,170 59,170
2 Dynegy Inc. 7.375% 11/1/22 65,355 67,724
  Dynegy Inc. 5.875% 6/1/23 37,655 36,055
2 Dynegy Inc. 7.625% 11/1/24 55,435 57,237
  GenOn Energy Inc. 7.875% 6/15/17 19,175 19,319
  GenOn Energy Inc. 9.500% 10/15/18 54,525 55,070
  GenOn Energy Inc. 9.875% 10/15/20 24,755 24,755
  NRG Energy Inc. 7.875% 5/15/21 5,810 6,129
  NRG Energy Inc. 6.250% 7/15/22 51,835 51,965
  NRG Energy Inc. 6.625% 3/15/23 10,000 10,150




Vanguard® High-Yield Corporate Fund        
Schedule of Investments        
July 31, 2015        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
NRG Energy Inc. 6.250% 5/1/24 47,355 46,526
Total Corporate Bonds (Cost $16,786,164)       16,779,784
Preferred Stocks (1.2%)        
GMAC Capital Trust I Pfd. 8.125%   4,743,200 124,509
Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. Pfd. 7.875%   2,944,300 91,921
Citigroup Capital XIII Pfd. 7.875%   275,250 7,014
Total Preferred Stocks (Cost $204,781)       223,444
Other (0.0%)        
MediaNews Group Inc. Warrants Exp. 03/19/2017 (Cost $27,348)     73,622 327
Temporary Cash Investments (2.7%)        
Repurchase Agreements (1.6%)        
Bank of America Securities, LLC (Dated 7/31/15,        
Repurchase Value $189,802,000, collateralized by        
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 4.000%, 4/1/45,        
and Federal National Mortgage Assn. 3.500%-        
4.500%, 7/1/41-1/1/45, with a value of $193,596,000) 0.150% 8/3/15 189,800 189,800
Bank of Montreal (Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value        
$4,100,000, collateralized by U.S. Treasury        
Note/Bond 1.500%-5.000%, 9/30/16-5/15/45, with a        
value of $4,182,000) 0.130% 8/3/15 4,100 4,100
Bank of Montreal (Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase Value        
$34,500,000, collateralized by Federal Home Loan        
Mortgage Corp. 4.000%-5.319%, 8/1/38-8/1/44,        
Federal National Mortgage Assn. 2.000%-6.000%,        
11/1/19-2/1/45, Government National Mortgage Assn.        
4.000%, 10/20/43, and U.S. Treasury Note/Bond        
0.375%, 11/15/15, with a value of $35,190,000) 0.150% 8/3/15 34,500 34,500
RBC Capital Markets LLC (Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase        
Value $29,900,000, collateralized by Federal Home        
Loan Mortgage Corp. 2.229%-4.500%, 10/1/29-        
6/1/45, Federal National Mortgage Assn. 2.277%-        
4.000%, 4/1/27-6/1/45, and Government National        
Mortgage Assn. 2.573%-4.500%, 10/20/43-6/20/65,        
with a value of $30,498,000) 0.140% 8/3/15 29,900 29,900
TD Securities (USA) LLC (Dated 7/31/15, Repurchase        
Value $30,700,000, collateralized by Federal National        
Mortgage Assn. 3.000%, 10/1/29, with a value of        
$31,314,000) 0.150% 8/3/15 30,700 30,700
U.S. Government and Agency Obligations (1.1%)        
7 Federal Home Loan Bank Discount Notes 0.085% 10/16/15 45,000 44,989
United States Treasury Bill 0.015% 9/10/15 150,000 149,994
Total Temporary Cash Investments (Cost $483,990)       483,983
Total Investments (98.7%) (Cost $17,899,144)       17,884,976
Other Assets and Liabilities—Net (1.3%)       229,193
Net Assets (100%)       18,114,169




Vanguard® High-Yield Corporate Fund
Schedule of Investments
July 31, 2015

1      The average or expected maturity is shorter than the final maturity shown because of the possibility of interim principal payments and prepayments or the possibility of the issue being called.
2      Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may be sold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At July 31, 2015, the aggregate value of these securities was $6,097,132,000, representing 33.7% of net assets.
3      Adjustable-rate security.
4      Security is a senior, secured, high-yield floating-rate loan. These loans are debt obligations issued by public and private companies and are comparable to high-yield bonds from a ratings and leverage perspective. At July 31, 2015, the aggregate value of these securities was $685,902,000, representing 3.8% of net assets.
5      Face amount denominated in euro.
6      Face amount denominated in British pounds.
7      The issuer operates under a congressional charter; its securities are generally neither guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury nor backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.



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© 2015 The Vanguard Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

Vanguard Marketing Corporation, Distributor.

SNA392 092015

Item 7: Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

Not Applicable.

Item 8: Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

Not Applicable.

Item 9: Purchase of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers.

Not Applicable.

Item 10: Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

Not Applicable.

Item 11: Controls and Procedures.

     (a) Disclosure Controls and Procedures. The Principal Executive and Financial Officers concluded that the Registrant’s Disclosure Controls and Procedures are effective based on their evaluation of the Disclosure Controls and Procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report.

     (b) Internal Control Over Financial Reporting. There were no significant changes in Registrant’s Internal Control Over Financial Reporting or in other factors that could significantly affect this control subsequent to the date of the evaluation, including any corrective actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.


Item 12: Exhibits.

(a) Certifications.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: September 17, 2015


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

Date: September 17, 2015


Date: September 17, 2015


* By: /s/ Heidi Stam

Heidi Stam, pursuant to a Power of Attorney filed on April 22, 2014 see file Number 2-17620, Incorporated by Reference.