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                                    FORM 6-K
                              Washington, DC 20549

                        Report of Foreign Private Issuer

                        Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                           For the month of April 2003

                         Commission File Number: 1-14836

                 (Translation of registrant's name into English)

                     25, Avenue Kléber, 75116 Paris, France
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

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Press  Release  dated April 9, 2003  "ALSTOM  Wins a 315 Million  Euro
Order from Trenitalia".........................................................3

Press  Release  dated April 17,  2003  "ALSTOM  Confirms  Over €1BN of
Credit Facilities Secured".....................................................5

Press  Release  dated April 25, 2003 "ALSTOM  Informs  European  Works
Forum Select Committee on Power Turbo-Systems Restructuring Project" ..........6

                                                                   April 9, 2003


Trenitalia,  the Italian national  railways'  passenger-transport  company,  has
ordered a further  100  CORADIA  "Minuetto"  trains (49  electric  trains and 51
diesel trains) from ALSTOM for a total amount of about €315 million.

The order  falls  within the  framework  of a  multiyear  investment  program by
Trenitalia  that foresees the  acquisition  of 200 trains from ALSTOM's  CORADIA
family.  In 2001 34 trains were ordered within this framework,  followed in 2002
by a further 3 trains.

Including  the current  contract,  the total number of CORADIA  Minuetto  trains
ordered is 137 (70 electric and 67 diesel),  with a total value of approximately
€430 million.

Named Minuetto by the customer in May 2002, these state-of-the-art, articulated,
three-car  trainsets  will have  partial  low floors,  allowing  easy access for
mobility-impaired passengers. The trains can carry up to 345 passengers.

The electric  trains will operate at a maximum  speed of 160 kmh, and the diesel
trains at 130 kmh.

The car interiors will be air-conditioned and feature a multifunctional  storage
area for the transport of bicycles,  skis and luggage. Each car will be equipped
with a video control system,  a passenger  information  system and  power-supply
sockets for passengers' portable computers, entertainment devices, mobile phones
or other personal appliances.

The  trains  will  reinforce  regional  service  in Italy,  offering  passengers
high-quality,  fast, comfortable and safe rail travel. A full-scale model of the
train is  currently  being  demonstrated  in the  Italian  regions  and has been
already visited by more than 100,000 future passengers.

ALSTOM's  Italian units in Savigliano,  Sesto San Giovanni and  Colleferro  will
carry out both contracts.

Delivery of the first 37 trains will start in February  2004, and all 137 trains
currently on order should be delivered by the end of 2005.

Emilio Gallocchio, ALSTOM's Country President for Italy, said: "This contract is
a testament to our  customer's  confidence  in the know-how and  expertise  that
ALSTOM will exercise in providing these state-of-the-art trains."

ALSTOM is the global  specialist  in energy and  transport  infrastructure.  The
Company  serves the energy market  through its activities in the fields of power
generation and power  transmission  and  distribution,  and the transport market
through its  activities in rail and marine.  In fiscal year 2001/02,  ALSTOM had
annual  sales in excess of €23 billion and  employed  112,000  people in over 70
countries.  ALSTOM is listed on the Paris,  London and New York stock exchanges.

ALSTOM's   Transport  Sector,   with  annual  sales  of  €4.4  billion,   is  an
internationally leading supplier of rolling stock, information systems, services
and complete turnkey systems to the rail industry.

Press enquiries:     M. Dowd / G. Tourvieille
                     Tel. +33 1 47 55 25 60

Investor relations:  E. Rocolle-Teyssier
                     Tel. +33 1 47 55 25 78

                                                                   17 April 2003

                       ALSTOM CONFIRMS OVER €1BN OF CREDIT
                               FACILITIES SECURED

As anticipated on 12th March, ALSTOM confirms it has obtained the final approval
of 100% of its lending  banks for  appropriate  amendments  to  covenants on its
existing credit facilities.  All documentation  relating to its new €600 million
bridging  loan and the extended  facilities of €475 million has also been signed
by all parties.

Press Relations:     G. Tourvieille/ M. Dowd
                     (Tél. +33 1 47 55 25 60)
Investor Relations:  E. Rocolle-Teyssier
                     (Tél. +33 1 47 55 25 78)
internet:  www.alstom.com

                                                                   25 April 2003


In line with the strategic plan  announced on 12 March 2003,  ALSTOM today began
the  process  to inform  trade  union  representatives  regarding  its  overhead
reduction and industrial restructuring plans.

The  first  of  these   restructuring   plans,   concerning   mainly  the  Power
Turbo-Systems Sector, was presented today to the Select Committee of the Group's
European Works Forum.  The project aims to improve  operational  performance and
adapt  the  Sector's  industrial  base  to the  severe  downturn  in  the  power
generation market.

The Power Turbo-Systems  Sector, which currently employs around 11,000 people in
turnkey  plant  activity and in component  activities  (heavy duty gas turbines,
large  steam  turbines  and  generators)  is facing a sharp  downturn of the gas
turbine  market,  a decrease in orders for steam power plants and a  significant
market overcapacity.

The main countries which would be affected are France,  Germany,  Italy, Poland,
Switzerland and the UK, with a proposed  reduction in employee  numbers close to
3,000 people.

Following today's meeting,  all necessary  consultation with our social partners
will take place in the concerned countries, as part of the Group's commitment to
find appropriate solutions for those employees affected.

ALSTOM is the global  specialist  in energy and  transport  infrastructure.  The
Company  serves the energy market  through its activities in the fields of power
generation and power  transmission  and  distribution,  and the transport market
through its  activities in rail and marine.  In fiscal year 2001/02,  ALSTOM had
annual  sales in excess of €23 billion and  employed  112,000  people in over 70
countries. ALSTOM is listed on the Paris, London and New York stock exchanges.

Press enquiries:     G. Tourvieille / M. Dowd
                     Tel. +33 1 47 55 25 60

Investor relations:  E. Rocolle-Teyssier
                     Tel.+33 1 47 55 25 78


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date: April 30, 2003                         By:   /S/ Philippe Jaffré
                                                Name:   Philippe Jaffré
                                                Title:  Chief Financial Officer