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                              Washington, DC 20549

                                    FORM 6-K

                        REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER
                      PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 OF
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                         For the month of September 2002

             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

                  25, avenue Kléber, 75116 Paris, France
              (Address of Registrant's Principal Executive Office)

      (Indicate by check mark whether the  Registrant  files or will file annual
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Press release dated September 4, 2002 "ALSTOM Wins 10 Year Power Plant
Operation Support and Maintenance Contract in Brazil"..........................3

Market Statement dated September 18, 2002......................................5

Press release dated September 26, 2002 "ALSTOM  Completes the Disposal
of its South African Operations"...............................................6

Press release  dated  September 30, 2002 "ALSTOM Wins Contract for the
Extension of Caracas Metro Line 3".............................................8

                                                                4 September 2002


ALSTOM has been awarded a 10 year operation support and maintenance contract for
the Nova Piratininga power plant, located on the outskirts of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The total  contract,  worth  approximately  130  million  euros,  was  placed by
Petrobras SA. Part of the order had already been signed in January,  in order to
provide  operation  and  maintenance  services  when the first gas turbine began
commercial operation in July of this year.

The contract  covers  operation  support and daily  maintenance,  as well as all
scheduled and unscheduled maintenance,  of four GT11N2 gas turbines,  generators
and related auxiliaries.

Piratininga  has until  recently  been a steam  power  plant  equipped  with two
non-ALSTOM  steam  turbines.  It is soon to be converted  into a  combined-cycle
plant and ALSTOM has been  awarded the  contracts to supply the gas turbines for
this purpose.  Currently one GT11N2 gas turbine is in commercial operation,  the
second  unit is expected  to be  commercially  operating  by  mid-September  and
mechanical  erection of the other two turbines began in June this year. When all
4 gas turbines are in  commercial  operation,  the total power plant output will
amount to 580 MW.

Petrobras will then be in an excellent position to help meet Brazil's increasing
energy needs by producing  considerably  more  electricity  for the State of Sao

ALSTOM is the global  specialist  in energy and  transport  infrastructure.  The
company  serves the energy market  through its activities in the fields of power
generation and power  transmission  and  distribution,  and the transport market
through its  activities in rail and marine.  In fiscal year 2001/02,  ALSTOM had
annual sales in excess of(euro)23  billion and employed more than 118,000 people
in over 70 countries.
ALSTOM is listed on the Paris, London and New York stock exchanges.

                     Press enquiries:       G. Tourvieille/S.Gagneraud
                                            (Tel. +33 1 47 55 23 15)
                                            Lynne Anderson
                                            (Tel. +46 122 81 700)
                     Investor relations:    E. Rocolle-Teyssier
                                            (Tel. +33 1 47 55 25 78)
                                            Internet: http://www.alstom.com

                                                               18 September 2002

                                MARKET STATEMENT

ALSTOM's share price has fallen by over 12 % so far today,  following a newswire
report  suggesting  delays  in  our  disposal  programme.   The  Company  hereby
reconfirms its previously stated target to achieve cash proceeds  above(euro)2.1
billion by end of March  2003  through a rights  issue,  real  estate  sales and
business disposals. The rights issue was successfully completed in July, and the
Company  confirms  that the  disposal  programme  is on track,  in line with the
Restore Value plan.

Press enquiries:     G. Tourvieille/S. Gagneraud
                     Tel +33 1 47 55 23 15

Investor relations:  E. Rocolle-Teyssier
                     Tel +33 1 47 55 25 78

                                                               26 September 2002

                          ALSTOM COMPLETES THE DISPOSAL
                         OF ITS SOUTH AFRICAN OPERATIONS

As  part of its  Restore  Value  plan,  ALSTOM  has  announced  the  sale of its
operations in South Africa to local  empowerment  participants  and  financiers.
ALSTOM will retain 10 % of the new company, which will continue to operate under
the ALSTOM name.

Total  proceeds  for ALSTOM from the sale amount to  over(euro)50  million.  The
transaction will have no significant impact on ALSTOM's profit and loss accounts
or free cash flow.

ALSTOM in South Africa employs 4 000 people and has an annual turnover in excess
of(euro)170  million.  Through  this  continuing  partnership,   ALSTOM  greatly
reinforces  its  access  to the  South  African  market  and  remains  an active
participant in South Africa's policy of black empowerment.

Pierre  Bilger,  Chairman and CEO of ALSTOM said : "This  transaction  marks the
first step in our disposal programme,  which is proceeding according to schedule
and in line with our objective of realising approximately(euro) 900 million from
the divestiture of non core businesses in the current fiscal year. This disposal
programme is a key element of our Restore Value plan,  which remains on track to
deliver(euro)2.1  billion in cash receipts before the fiscal year end, including
the  proceeds of the rights  issue  completed  in July and the  disposal of real
estate, which is also progressing well".

ALSTOM is the global  specialist  in energy and  transport  infrastructure.  The
Company  serves the energy market  through its activities in the fields of power
generation and power  transmission  and  distribution,  and the transport market
through its activities in rail and marine. In fiscal year 2001/2002,  ALSTOM had
annual sales in excess of(euro)23 billion and employed 118 000 people in over 70
ALSTOM is listed on the Paris, London and New York stock exchanges.

Press enquiries:     G. Tourvieille/S. Gagneraud
                     (Tel. +33 1 47 55 23 15)

Investor relations:  E. Rocolle-Teyssier
                     (Tel. +33 1 47 55 25 78)

Internet:            http://www.alstom.com

                                                               30 September 2002

                              CARACAS METRO LINE 3

The  Caracas  metro  Authority,  CAMC,  has awarded  ALSTOM,  within the Frameca
consortium,  a new contract worth 110 million euros  (approximately  108 million
USD) for the supply of the rolling stock and a large part of the turnkey  system
which will operate on the extension of Caracas metro line 3 (Venezuela).

In addition to the supply of seven 6-car metro trains,  ALSTOM will be co-leader
of the consortium and be responsible for  electrification  of the line, and part
of the signaling equipment.

Other  members of the  consortium  include SGTE  (consortium  leader),  Siemens,
Thales (train control), Spie (tracks), Bombardier, Cogifer and CSEE Transport.

Michel Moreau,  President of ALSTOM's  Transport Sector,  said: "ALSTOM has been
involved in the  development of the Caracas metro since the opening of line 1 in
1983.  The  company  has to date sold more  than 500  metro  cars to this  metro
system,  and refurbished 258. This latest success is a further  demonstration of
CAMC's  confidence  in our  products,  which  incorporate  the latest  technical
developments in order to continually improve service on the network".

More than 40 cities world-wide are equipped with metros supplied by ALSTOM. This
latest order will  strengthen  the company's  position in the railway  equipment
market in the  Americas.  Earlier  this year ALSTOM  announced  that it had been
chosen for the supply of rolling  stock for the New York and  Washington  metros
and Santiago metro Line 4. The company has already equipped the metro systems of
Mexico City, Caracas,  Medellin, Sao Paulo, Fortaleza, Rio de Janeiro and Buenos

ALSTOM is the global  specialist  in energy and  transport  infrastructure.  The
Company  serves the energy market  through its activities in the fields of power
generation and power  transmission  and  distribution,  and the transport market
through its  activities in rail and marine.  In fiscal year 2001/02,  ALSTOM had
annual sales in excess of(euro)23 billion and employed 118,000 people in over 70
ALSTOM is listed on the Paris, London and New York stock exchanges.
ALSTOM's  Transport  Sector,  with  annual  sales  of(euro)4.4  billion,  is  an
internationally leading supplier of rolling stock, information systems, services
and complete turnkey systems to the rail industry.

Press enquiries:     S. Gagneraud / G. Tourvieille
                     (Tel. +33 1 47 55 25 87) - internet.press@chq.alstom.com
Investor relations:  E. Rocolle-Teyssier
                     (Tel.+33 1 47 55 21 70) - investor.relations@chq.alstom.com
                     internet: www.alstom.com


      Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date: October 2, 2002                        By: /s/ Philippe Jaffré
                                                 Name:   Philippe Jaffré
                                                 Title:  Chief Financial Officer