EX-10.8 8 a07-25913_1ex10d8.htm EX-10.8

Exhibit 10.8






Restricted Share Unit Award Agreement



Award No.               


You are hereby awarded Restricted Share Units (the “RSUs”) subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Restricted Share Unit Award Agreement (“Award Agreement”), and in the Capital Trust, Inc. 2007 Long-Term Incentive Plan (the “Plan”), which is attached as Exhibit A. A summary of the Plan appears in its Prospectus, which is attached as Exhibit B. You should carefully review these documents, and consult with your personal financial advisor, before exercising this Award. This Award is conditioned on your execution of this Award Agreement.


By executing this Award Agreement, you agree to be bound by all of the Plan’s terms and conditions as if they had been set out verbatim below. In addition, you recognize and agree that all determinations, interpretations, or other actions respecting the Plan and this Award Agreement will be made by the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Capital Trust, Inc. (the “Company”), or any committee appointed by the Board to administer the Plan, and shall (in the absence of manifest bad faith or fraud) be final, conclusive and binding upon all parties, including you, your heirs and representatives. Capitalized terms are defined in the Plan or in this Award Agreement.


1.             Specific Terms. Your RSUs have the following terms:


Name of Participant








Number  of RSUs Subject
to Award








Purchase Price per Share
(if applicable)



Not applicable.





Award Date











At the rate of         % on each of the next [        annual] anniversaries of the Award Date; subject to acceleration as provided in the Plan and in Section 2 below, and to your Continuous Service not ending before vesting.





Deferral Election



o Allowed in accordance with Section 8(g) and 9 of the Plan, according to the terms and conditions set forth in any deferral election and distribution election forms that the Committee may provide at your request.


o Not allowed.



2.             Accelerated Vesting; Change in Corporate Control. To the extent you have not previously vested in your rights with respect to this Award, your Award will become –


o                100% vested if your Continuous Service ends due to your death or “disability” within the meaning of Section 409A of the Code;


o                100% vested if your Continuous Service with the Company ends due to an involuntary termination that occurs within the twelve months following a Change in Control.


3.             Termination of Continuous Service. This Award shall be canceled and become automatically null and void immediately after termination of your Continuous Service for any reason, but only to the extent you have not become vested, pursuant to the foregoing terms, on or at the time your Continuous Service ends.


4.             Satisfaction of Vesting Restrictions; Tax Withholding. No Shares will be issued before you complete the requirements that are necessary for you to vest in the Shares underlying your RSUs. As soon as practicable after the later of (i) the date on which your RSUs vest in whole or in part or (ii) the date or dates set forth in your deferral and distribution election forms (if allowed under Section 1 and made by you), the Company will issue to you or your duly-authorized transferee, free from vesting restrictions (but subject to such legends as the Company determines to be appropriate), one Share for each vested RSU with such number of Shares issued to you being reduced by a number of Shares having a fair market value equal to the minimum statutory tax withholding required in connection with the vesting of your RSUs, with cash being withheld from your pay for any additional withholding and employment taxes that applicable tax laws may require. Certificates shall not be delivered to you unless all applicable employment and tax-withholding obligations have been satisfied. Fractional shares will not be issued, and cash will be paid in lieu thereof.


5.             Dividends. Whenever Shares are delivered to you or your duly-authorized transferee pursuant to the vesting of the Shares underlying your RSUs, you or your duly-authorized transferee shall also be entitled to receive, with respect to each Share issued, (i) a number of Shares equal to the stock dividends which were declared and paid to the holders of Shares between the Grant Date and the date such Share is issued, and (ii) a number of Shares having a Fair Market Value (on the date of each cash dividend payment date) equal to any cash dividends that were paid to the holders of Shares based on a record date between the Grant Date and the date such Share is issued. To the extent that your Continuous Service ends before vesting of the shares, you will forfeit all dividends (whether paid in cash or in stock) attributable to all such shares.


6.             Designation of Death Beneficiary. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein or in the Plan, following the execution of this Award Agreement, you may expressly designate a death beneficiary (the “Beneficiary”) to your interest, if any, in this Award and any underlying Shares. You shall designate the Beneficiary by completing and executing a designation of death beneficiary agreement substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit C (the “Designation of Death Beneficiary”) and delivering an executed copy of the Designation of Death Beneficiary to the Company. In the absence of a valid death beneficiary designation, your estate will be treated as  your beneficiary of this Award in the event of your death while it is outstanding.





7.             Restrictions on Transfer of Award. Your rights under this Award Agreement may not be sold, pledged, or otherwise transferred without the prior written consent of the Committee.


8.             Income Taxes and Deferred Compensation. You are solely responsible and liable for the satisfaction of all taxes and penalties that may arise in connection with this Award (including any taxes arising under Section 409A of the Code), and the Company shall not have any obligation to indemnify or otherwise hold you harmless from any or all of such taxes. The Committee has the discretion to unilaterally interpret this Award and the Plan in a manner that (i) conforms with the requirements of Section 409A of the Code, (ii) that voids any election of yours to the extent it would violate Section 409A of the Code with respect to compensation that is deferred and that vests after December 31, 2004, and (iii) for any distribution election that would violate Section 409A of the Code, to make distributions pursuant to the Award at the earliest to occur of a distribution event that is allowable under Section 409A of the Code or any distribution event that is both allowable under Section 409A of the Code and is elected by you, subject to any valid second election to defer, provided that the Committee permits second elections to defer in accordance with Section 409A(a)(4)(C). The Committee shall have the sole discretion to interpret the requirements of the Code, including Section 409A, for purposes of the Plan and this Award Agreement.


9.             Notices. Any notice or communication required or permitted by any provision of this Award Agreement to be given to you shall be in writing and shall be delivered electronically,  personally, or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to you at the last address that the Company had for you on its records. Each party may, from time to time, by notice to the other party hereto, specify a new address for delivery of notices relating to this Award Agreement. Any such notice shall be deemed to be given as of the date such notice is personally delivered or properly mailed.


10.           Binding Effect. Except as otherwise provided in this Award Agreement or in the Plan, every covenant, term, and provision of this Award Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective legatees, legal representatives, successors, transferees, and assigns.


11.           Modifications. This Award Agreement may be modified or amended at any time, in accordance with Section 15 of the Plan and provided that you must consent in writing to any modification that adversely and materially affects your rights or obligations under this Award Agreement (with such an affect being presumed to arise from a modification that would trigger a violation of Section 409A of the Code).


12.           Headings. Section and other headings contained in this Award Agreement are for reference purposes only and are not intended to describe, interpret, define or limit the scope or intent of this Award Agreement or any provision hereof.


13.           Severability. Every provision of this Award Agreement and of the Plan is intended to be severable. If any term hereof is illegal or invalid for any reason, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect the validity or legality of the remaining terms of this Award Agreement.




14.           Counterparts. This Award Agreement may be executed by the parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be an original, but all such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument.


15.           Plan Governs. By signing this Award Agreement, you acknowledge that you have received a copy of the Plan and that your Award Agreement is subject to all the provisions contained in the Plan, the provisions of which are made a part of this Award Agreement and your Award is subject to all interpretations, amendments, rules and regulations which from time to time may be promulgated and adopted pursuant to the Plan. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Award Agreement and those of the Plan, the provisions of the Plan shall control.


16.           Investment Purposes. By executing this Award, you represent and warrant to the Company that any Shares issued to you pursuant to your RSUs will be held for investment purposes only for your own account and not with a view to, for resale in connection with, or with an intent of participating directly or indirectly in, any distribution of such Shares within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.


17.           Not a Contract of Employment. By executing this Award Agreement you acknowledge and agree that (i) any person who is terminated before full vesting of an award, such as the one granted to you by this Award, could claim that he or she was terminated to preclude vesting; (ii) you promise never to make such a claim; (iii) nothing in this Award Agreement or the Plan confers on you any right to continue an employment, service or consulting relationship with the Company, nor shall it affect in any way your right or the rights of the Company, to terminate your employment, service, or consulting relationship at any time, with or without Cause; and (iv) the Company would not have granted this Award to you but for these acknowledgements and agreements.


18.           Employment Agreement Provision  [OPTION IF EMPLOYEE HAS AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT]  By executing this Award, you acknowledge and agree that your rights upon a termination of employment before full vesting of this Award will be determined under Section            of your employment agreement with the Company and                                                 , dated as of                                        , 20    .


19.           Securities Law Restrictions. Regardless of whether the offering and sale of RSUs or Shares under the Plan have been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or have been registered or qualified under the securities laws of any state, the Company at its discretion may impose restrictions upon the sale, pledge or other transfer of such Shares (including the placement of appropriate legends on stock certificates or the imposition of stop-transfer instructions) if, in the judgment of the Company, such restrictions are necessary or desirable in order to achieve compliance with the Securities Act or the securities laws of any state or any other law or to enforce the intent of this Award.


20.           Long-term Consideration for Award. [OPTIONAL] The terms and conditions set forth in Exhibit D are hereby incorporated by reference and made an integral part of this Award Agreement. An invalidation of all or part of Exhibit D, or your commencement of litigation to invalidate, modify, or alter the terms and conditions set forth in Exhibit D, shall cause this Award to become null, void, and unenforceable.




21.           Governing Law. The laws of the State of New York shall govern the validity of this Award Agreement, the construction of its terms, and the interpretation of the rights and duties of the parties hereto.


BY YOUR SIGNATURE BELOW, along with the signature of the Company’s representative, you and the Company agree that the RSUs are hereby awarded under and governed by the terms and conditions of this Award Agreement and the Plan.

























The undersigned Participant hereby accepts the terms of this Award Agreement and the Plan.







Name of Participant:











Plan Document










Plan Prospectus










Designation of Death Beneficiary



In connection with Awards granted pursuant to the Plan, I hereby designate the person specified below as the beneficiary of my interest in Awards as defined in the Company’s 2007 Long-Term Incentive Plan (the “Plan”). This designation shall remain in effect until revoked in writing by me.


Name of Death Beneficiary:                                               






Social Security No.:                                                                   


This death beneficiary designation relates to any and all of my rights under the following Award or Awards:


o            any Award that I have received or will ever receive under the Plan.


o                                    the                                    Award that I received pursuant to an award agreement dated                        ,          between myself and the Company.


I understand that this designation operates to entitle the above named death beneficiary, in the event of my death, to any and all of my rights under the Award(s) designated above from the date this form is delivered to the Company until such date as this designation is revoked in writing by me, including by delivery to the Company of a written designation of death beneficiary executed by me on a later date. In the absence of a valid death beneficiary designation, my estate will be treated as the beneficiary of this Award in the event of my death while it is outstanding.















Name of Participant





Sworn to before me this


        day of                         , 200  





Notary Public


County of                           


State of                          










Long-Term Consideration and

Company Recovery for Breach



By signing and accepting your Award Agreement, you recognize and agree that the Company’s key consideration in granting this Award is securing your long-term commitment to serve as its                   [include job title or description] who will advance and promote the Company’s business interests and objectives. Accordingly, you agree that this Award shall be subject to the terms and conditions set forth in Section 25 of the Plan (relating to the termination, rescission, and recapture if you violate certain commitments made therein to the Company), as well as to the following terms and conditions as material and indivisible consideration for this Award:


(a)           Fiduciary Duty. During your employment with the Company you shall devote your full energies, abilities, attention and business time to the performance of your job responsibilities and shall not engage in any activity which conflicts or interferes with, or in any way compromises, your performance of such responsibilities.


(b)           Confidential Information. You recognize that by virtue of your employment with the Company, you will be granted otherwise prohibited access to confidential information and proprietary data which are not known, and not readily accessible to the Company’s competitors. This information (the “Confidential Information”) includes, but is not limited to, current and prospective customers; the identity of key contacts at such customers; customers’ particularized preferences and needs; marketing strategies and plans; financial data; personnel data; compensation data; proprietary procedures and processes; and other unique and specialized practices, programs and plans of the Company and its customers and prospective customers. You recognize that this Confidential Information constitutes a valuable property of the Company, developed over a significant period of time and at substantial expense. Accordingly, you agree that you shall not, at any time during or after your employment with the Company, divulge such Confidential Information or make use of it for your own purposes or the purposes of any person or entity other than the Company.


(c)           Non-Solicitation of Customers. You recognize that by virtue of your employment with the Company you will be introduced to and involved in the solicitation and servicing of existing customers of the Company and new customers obtained by the Company during your employment. You understand and agree that all efforts expended in soliciting and servicing such customers shall be for the permanent benefit of the Company. You further agree that during your employment with the Company you will not engage in any conduct which could in any way jeopardize or disturb any of the Company’s customer relationships. You also recognize the Company’s legitimate interest in protecting, for a reasonable period of time after your employment with the Company, the Company’s customers. Accordingly, you agree that, for a period beginning on the date hereof and ending one (1) year after termination of your employment with the Company, regardless of the reason for such termination, you shall not, directly or indirectly, without



the prior written consent of the Chairman of the Company, market, offer, sell or otherwise furnish any products or services similar to, or otherwise competitive with, those offered by the Company to any customer of the Company.


(d)           Non-Solicitation of Employees. You recognize the substantial expenditure of time and effort which the Company devotes to the recruitment, hiring, orientation, training and retention of its employees. Accordingly, you agree that, for a period beginning on the date hereof and ending two (2) years after termination of your employment with the Company, regardless of the reason for such termination, you shall not, directly or indirectly, for yourself or on behalf of any other person or entity, solicit, offer employment to, hire or otherwise retain the services of any employee of the Company.




(f)            Survival of Commitments; Potential Recapture of Award and Proceeds. You acknowledge and agree that the terms and conditions of this Section regarding confidentiality and non-solicitation [and non-competition] shall survive both (i) the termination of your employment with the Company for any reason, and (ii) the termination of the Plan, for any reason. You acknowledge and agree that the grant of Restricted Share Units in this Award Agreement is just and adequate consideration for the survival of the restrictions set forth herein, and that the Company may pursue any or all of the following remedies if you either violate the terms of this Section or succeed for any reason in invalidating any part of it (it being understood that the invalidity of any term hereof would result in a failure of consideration for the Award):


(i)                                   declaration that the Award is null and void and of no further force or effect;


(ii)                                recapture of any cash paid or Shares issued to you, or any designee or beneficiary of you, pursuant to the Award;


(iii)                             recapture of the proceeds, plus reasonable interest, with respect to any Shares that are both issued pursuant to this Award and sold or otherwise disposed of by you, or any designee or beneficiary of you.


The remedies provided above are not intended to be exclusive, and the Company may seek such other remedies as are provided by law, including equitable relief.


(g)           Acknowledgement. You acknowledge and agree that your adherence to the foregoing requirements will not prevent you from engaging in your chosen occupation and earning a satisfactory livelihood following the termination of your employment with the Company.