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12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2017
The following terms, abbreviations and acronyms are used to identify frequently used terms in this report:
Acquisition-Related AmortizationAmortization of acquired definite-lived intangible assets acquired by the Company from all business combination transactions
Acquisition-Related ExpensesConsists of expenses incurred to complete and integrate the acquisition of Bureau van Dijk for which the integration will be a multi-year effort
Adjusted Diluted EPSDiluted EPS excluding the impact of certain items as detailed in Item 7 in the section entitled “Non-GAAP Financial Measures”
Adjusted Net IncomeNet Income excluding the impact of certain items as detailed in Item 7 in the section entitled “Non-GAAP Financial Measures”
Adjusted Operating Income Operating income excluding certain items as detailed in Item 7 in the section entitled “Non-GAAP Financial Measures”
Adjusted Operating Margin Adjusted Operating Income divided by revenue
AmericasRepresents countries within North and South America, excluding the U.S.
AOCIAccumulated other comprehensive income (loss); a separate component of shareholders’ (deficit) equity
ASCThe FASB Accounting Standards Codification; the sole source of authoritative GAAP as of July 1, 2009 except for rules and interpretive releases of the SEC, which are also sources of authoritative GAAP for SEC registrants
Asia-PacificRepresents countries in Asia including but not limited to: Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand
ASUThe FASB Accounting Standards Update to the ASC. It also provides background information for accounting guidance and the bases for conclusions on the changes in the ASC. ASUs are not considered authoritative until codified into the ASC
Basel IICapital adequacy framework published in June 2004 by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
Basel IIIA new global regulatory standard on bank capital adequacy and liquidity agreed by the members of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Basel III was developed in a response to the deficiencies in financial regulation revealed by the global financial crisis. Basel III strengthens bank capital requirements and introduces new regulatory requirements on bank liquidity and bank leverage
BlackBoxBlackBox Logic; a leading provider of Residential Mortgage-Backed securities loan level data. The Company acquired the customer base and products of BlackBox Logic in December 2015
BoardThe board of directors of the Company
BPSBasis points
Bureau van DijkBureau van Dijk Electronic Publishing, B.V., a global provider of business intelligence and company information; acquired by the company on August 10, 2017 via acquisition of yellow Maple I B.V., an indirect parent of Bureau van Dijk
CCARComprehensive Capital Analysis and Review; annual review by the Federal Reserve in the U.S. to ensure that financial institutions have sufficient Capital in times of economic and financial stress and that they have robust, forward-looking capital-planning processes that account for their unique risks
CCXIChina Chen Xin International Credit Rating Co. Ltd.; China’s first and largest domestic credit rating agency approved by the People’s Bank of China; the Company acquired a 49% interest in 2006; currently Moody’s owns 30% of CCXI
CCXI GainIn the first quarter of 2017 CCXI, as a part of a strategic business realignment, issued additional capital to its majority shareholder in exchange for a ratings business wholly-owned by the majority shareholder and which has the right to rate a different class of debt instruments in the Chinese market. The capital issuance by CCXI in exchange for the ratings business diluted Moody’s ownership interest in CCXI to 30% of a larger business and resulted in a $59.7 million non-cash, non-taxable gain
CFGCorporate finance group; an LOB of MIS
CLOCollateralized loan obligation
CMBSCommercial mortgage-backed securities; part of the CREF asset class within SFG
CommissionEuropean Commission
Common StockThe Company’s common stock
CompanyMoody’s Corporation and its subsidiaries; MCO; Moody’s
CopalCopal Partners; an acquisition completed in November 2011; part of the MA segment; leading provider of offshore research and analytical services to institutional investors
CouncilCouncil of the European Union
CP Commercial paper
CP NotesUnsecured commercial paper issued under the CP Program
CP ProgramA program entered into on August 3, 2016 allowing the Company to privately place CP up to a maximum of $1 billion for which the maturity may not exceed 397 days from the date of issue.
CRAsCredit rating agencies
CREFCommercial real estate finance which includes REITs, commercial real estate CDOs and mortgage-backed securities; part of SFG
CSICSI Global Education, Inc.; an acquisition completed in November 2010; part of the PS LOB and FSTC reporting unit within the MA segment; a provider of financial learning, credentials, and certification services primarily in Canada
CSPPCorporate Sector Purchase Programme;  quantitative easing program implemented by the ECB. This program allows the central bank to purchase bonds issued by European companies, as well as provide access to the secondary bond market in which existing corporate bonds trade
D&ADepreciation and amortization
DBPPsDefined benefit pension plans
DBRSDominion Bond Rating Service
DCFDiscounted cash flow; a fair value calculation methodology whereby future projected cash flows are discounted back to their present value
Debt/EBITDARatio of Total Debt to EBITDA
Directors’ PlanThe 1998 Moody’s Corporation Non-Employee Directors’ Stock Incentive Plan
Distribution DateSeptember30, 2000; the date which Old D&B separated into two publicly traded companies – Moody’s Corporation and New D&B
DOJU.S. Department of Justice
EBITDAEarnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization
ECBEuropean Central Bank
ECCAEconomics and Consumer Credit Analytics; a business within the RD&A LOB which provides economic and consumer credit trend analytics
EMEARepresents countries within Europe, the Middle East and Africa
EPSEarnings per share
EquilibriumA leading provider of credit rating and research services in Peru and Panama; acquired by Moody’s in May 2015
ERSThe enterprise risk solutions LOB within MA, which offers risk management software products as well as software implementation services and related risk management advisory engagements
ESAEconomics and Structured Analytics; part of the RD&A line of business within MA
ESGEnviromental, Social and Governance
ESMAEuropean Securities and Markets Authority
ESPEstimated Selling Price; estimate of selling price, as defined in the ASC, at which the vendor would transact if the deliverable were sold by the vendor regularly on a stand-alone basis
ESPPThe 1999 Moody’s Corporation Employee Stock Purchase Plan
ETREffective tax rate
EUEuropean Union
European Ratings PlatformCentral credit ratings website administered by ESMA
Excess Tax BenefitsThe difference between the tax benefit realized at exercise of an option or delivery of a restricted share and the tax benefit recorded at the time the option or restricted share is expensed under GAAP
Exchange ActThe Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
FASBFinancial Accounting Standards Board
FIGFinancial institutions group; an LOB of MIS
FitchFitch Ratings, a part of the Fitch Group
Financial Reform ActDodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
Free Cash FlowNet cash provided by operating activities less cash paid for capital additions
FSTCFinancial Services Training and Certifications; part of the PS LOB and a reporting unit within the MA reportable segment; consists of on-line and classroom-based training services and CSI
FXForeign exchange
GAAPU.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
GBPBritish pounds
GDPGross domestic product
GGYGilliland Gold Young; a leading provider of advanced actuarial software for the global insurance industry. The Company acquired GGY on March 1, 2016; Part of the ERS LOB and reporting unit within the MA reportable segment
ICRAICRA Limited; a leading provider of credit ratings and research in India. The Company previously held 28.5% equity ownership and in June 2014, increased that ownership stake to just over 50% through the acquisition of additional shares
ICRA AcquisitionThe June 2014 purchase of an additional interest in ICRA resulting in a majority ownership of ICRA; ICRAs results are consolidated into Moody’s financial statements on a three-month lag and accordingly the Company began including the results of operations for ICRA in its consolidated financial statements beginning in the fourth quarter of 2014
ICRA GainGain relating to the ICRA Acquisition; U.S. GAAP requires the remeasurement to fair value of the previously held non-controlling shares upon obtaining a controlling interest in a step-acquisition. This remeasurement of the Company’s equity investment in ICRA to fair value resulted in a pre-tax gain of $102.8 million ($78.5 million after tax) in the second quarter of 2014
ICTEASICRA Techno Analytics; formerly a wholly-owned subsidiary of ICRA; divested by ICRA in the fourth quarter of 2016
Intellectual PropertyThe Company’s intellectual property, including but not limited to proprietary information, trademarks, research, software tools and applications, models and methodologies, databases, domain names, and other proprietary materials
IRSInternal Revenue Service
ITInformation technology
KISKorea Investors Service, Inc; a leading Korean rating agency and consolidated subsidiary of the Company
KIS PricingKorea Investors Service Pricing, Inc; a leading Korean provider of fixed income securities pricing and consolidated subsidiary of the Company
KIS ResearchKorea Investors Service Research; a Korean provider of financial research and consolidated subsidiary of the Company
KoreaRepublic of South Korea
Legacy Tax Matter(s)Exposures to certain potential tax liabilities assumed in connection with the Company's spin-off from Dun & Bradstreet in 2000
LIBORLondon Interbank Offered Rate
LOBLine of business
M&AMergers and acquisitions
MAMoody’s Analytics – a reportable segment of MCO formed in January 2008 which provides a wide range of products and services that support financial analysis and risk management activities of institutional participants in global financial markets; consists of three LOBs – RD&A, ERS and PS
Make Whole AmountThe prepayment penalty relating to the Series 2007-1 Notes, 2010 Senior Notes, 2012 Senior Notes, 2013 Senior Notes, 2014 Senior Notes (5-year), 2014 Senior Notes (30-year) and the 2015 Senior Notes, 2017 Senior Notes, 2017 Private Placement Notes Due 2023 and 2028 a premium based on the excess, if any, of the discounted value of the remaining scheduled payments over the prepaid principal
MAKSMoody's Analytics Knowledge Services; formerly known as Copal Amba; provides offshore research and analytic services to the global financial and corporate sectors; part of the PS LOB and a reporting unit within the MA reportable segment
MCOMoody’s Corporation and its subsidiaries; the Company; Moody’s
MD&AManagement’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
MISMoody’s Investors Service – a reportable segment of MCO; consists of five LOBs – SFG, CFG, FIG, PPIF and MIS Other
MIS OtherConsists of non-ratings revenue from ICRA, KIS Pricing and KIS Research. These businesses are components of MIS; MIS Other is an LOB of MIS
Moody’sMoody’s Corporation and its subsidiaries; MCO; the Company
Net IncomeNet income attributable to Moody’s Corporation, which excludes net income from consolidated noncontrolling interests belonging to the minority interest holder
New D&BThe New D&B Corporation – which comprises the D&B business after September 30, 2000
NMPercentage change is not meaningful
Non-GAAPA financial measure not in accordance with GAAP; these measures, when read in conjunction with the Company’s reported results, can provide useful supplemental information for investors analyzing period-to-period comparisons of the Company’s performance, facilitate comparisons to competitors’ operating results and to provide greater transparency to investors of supplemental information used by management in its financial and operational decision making
NRSRONationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization
OCIOther comprehensive income (loss); includes gains and losses on cash flow and net investment hedges, unrealized gains and losses on available for sale securities, certain gains and losses relating to pension and other retirement benefit obligations and foreign currency translation adjustments
Old D&BThe former Dun and Bradstreet Company which distributed New D&B shares on September 30, 2000, and was renamed Moody’s Corporation
Other Retirement PlanThe U.S. retirement healthcare and U.S. retirement life insurance plans
PPIFPublic, project and infrastructure finance; an LOB of MIS
Profit Participation PlanDefined contribution profit participation plan that covers substantially all U.S. employees of the Company
PSProfessional Services, an LOB within MA consisting of MAKS and FSTC that provides offshore research and analytical services as well as financial training and certification programs
Purchase Price HedgeForeign currency collar and forward contracts entered by the Company to economically hedge the Bureau van Dijk euro dominated purchase price
Purchase Price Hedge GainGain on foreign currency collars to economically hedge the Bureau van Dijk euro denominated purchase price
RD&AResearch, Data and Analytics; an LOB within MA that produces, sells and distributes research, data and related content as well as business intelligence products. Includes products generated by MIS, such as analyses on major debt issuers, industry studies, and commentary on topical credit events, as well as economic research, data, quantitative risk scores, other analytical tools that are produced within MA and business intelligence and company information products
Reform ActCredit Rating Agency Reform Act of 2006
REITReal Estate Investment Trust
Relationship RevenueFor MIS represents monitoring of a rated debt obligation and/or entities that issue such obligations, as well as revenue from programs such as commercial paper, medium-term notes and shelf registrations. For MIS Other represents subscription-based revenue. For MA, represents subscription-based license and maintenance revenue
Retirement PlansMoody’s funded and unfunded pension plans, the healthcare plans and life insurance plans
S&PS&P Global Ratings, a division of S&P Global Inc.
SAVStructured Analytics and Valuation; a business within the RD&A LOB which provides data and analytics for securitized assets
SCDMSCDM Financial, a leading provider of analytical tools for participants in securitization markets. Moody’s acquired SCDM’s structured finance data and analytics business in February 2017
SECU.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Securities ActSecurities Act of 1933, as amended
Series 2007-1 NotesPrincipal amount of $300 million, 6.06% senior unsecured notes due in September 2017 pursuant to the 2007 Agreement; prepaid in March 2017
Settlement ChargeCharge of $863.8 million recorded in the fourth quarter of 2016 related to an agreement entered into on January 13, 2017 with the U.S. Department of Justice and the attorneys general of 21 U.S. states and the District of Columbia to resolve pending and potential civil claims related to credit ratings that MIS assigned to certain structured finance instruments in the financial crisis era
SFGStructured finance group; an LOB of MIS
SG&ASelling, general and administrative expenses
Solvency IIEU directive 2009/138/EC that codifies the amount of capital that EU insurance companies must hold to reduce insolvency
Stock PlansThe Old D&B’s 1998 Key Employees’ Stock Incentive Plan and the Restated 2001 Moody’s Corporation Key Employees’ Stock Incentive Plan
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Legislation enacted into law in the lade December 2017 which significantly amends the tax code in the U.S.
Total DebtAll indebtedness of the Company as reflected on the consolidated balance sheets
TPEThird party evidence, as defined in the ASC, used to determine selling price based on a vendor’s or any competitor’s largely interchangeable products or services in standalone sales transactions to similarly situated customers
Transaction RevenueFor MIS, represents the initial rating of a new debt issuance as well as other one-time fees. For MIS Other, represents revenue from professional services as well as data services, research and analytical engagements. For MA, represents software license fees and revenue from risk management advisory projects, training and certification services, and research and analytical engagements
U.K.United Kingdom
U.S.United States
USDU.S. dollar
UTBsUnrecognized tax benefits
UTPsUncertain tax positions
VSOEVendor specific objective evidence; as defined in the ASC, evidence of selling price limited to either of the following: the price charged for a deliverable when it is sold separately, or for a deliverable not yet being sold separately, the price established by management having the relevant authority
WACCWeighted average cost of capital
1998 PlanOld D&B’s 1998 Key Employees’ Stock Incentive Plan
2001 PlanThe Amended and Restated 2001 Moody’s Corporation Key Employees’ Stock Incentive Plan
2007 AgreementNote purchase agreement dated September 7, 2007, relating to the Series 2007-1 Notes
2010 IndentureSupplemental indenture and related agreements dated August 19, 2010, relating to the 2010 Senior Notes
2010 Senior NotesPrincipal amount of $500 million, 5.50% senior unsecured notes due in September 2020 pursuant to the 2010 Indenture
2012 FacilityRevolving credit facility of $1 billion entered into on April 18,2012; was replaced with the 2015 Facility
2012 IndentureSupplemental indenture and related agreements dated August 18, 2012, relating to the 2012 Senior Notes
2012 Senior NotesPrincipal amount of $500 million, 4.50% senior unsecured notes due in September 2022 pursuant to the 2012 Indenture
2013 IndentureSupplemental indenture and related agreements dated August 12, 2013, relating to the 2013 Senior Notes
2013 Senior NotesPrincipal amount of the $500 million, 4.875% senior unsecured notes due in February 2024 pursuant to the 2013 Indenture
2014 IndentureSupplemental indenture and related agreements dated July 16, 2014, relating to the 2014 Senior Notes
2014 Senior Notes (5-Year)Principal amount of $450 million, 2.75% senior unsecured notes due in July 2019
2014 Senior Notes (30-Year)Principal amount of $600 million, 5.25% senior unsecured notes due in July 2044
2015 FacilityFive-year unsecured revolving credit facility, with capacity to borrow up to $1 billion; replaces the 2012 Facility
2015 IndentureSupplemental indenture and related agreements dated March 9, 2015, relating to the 2015 Senior Notes
2015 Senior NotesPrincipal amount €500 million, 1.75% senior unsecured notes issued March 9, 2015 and due in March 2027
2017 Bridge Credit FacilityBridge Credit Agreement entered into in May 2017 pursuant to the definitive agreement to acquire Bureau van Dijk; this facility was terminated in June 2017 upon issuance of the 2017 Private Placement Notes Due 2023 and 2028
2017 Floating Rate Senior NotesPrincipal amount of $300 million, floating rate senior unsecured notes due in September 2018
2017 IndentureCollectively the Supplemental indenture and related agreements dated March 2, 2017, relating to the 2017 Floating Rate Senior Notes and 2017 Senior Notes and the Supplemental indenture and related agreements dated June 12, 2017, relating to the 2017 Private Placement Notes Due 2023 and 2017 Due 2028
2017 Private Placement Notes due 2023Principal amount of $500 million, 2.625% senior unsecured notes due January 15, 2023
2017 Private Placement Notes Due 2028 Principal amount $500 million, 3.250% senior unsecured notes due January 15, 2028
2017 Senior NotesPrincipal amount of $500 million, 2.75% unsecured notes due December 2021
2017 Term Loan$500 million, three-year term loan facility entered into on June 6, 2017 for which the Company drew down $500 million on August 8, 2017 to fund the acquisition of Bureau van Dijk
7WTC The Company’s corporate headquarters located at 7 World Trade Center in New York, NY