EX-99 3 graphs-172.txt GRAPHS Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Core Bond Portfolio Initial shares and Service shares and the Merrill Lynch Domestic Master Index EXHIBIT A:
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Core Bond Portfolio Core Bond Portfolio Merrill Lynch PERIOD (Initial shares) (Service shares) Domestic Master Index * 5/1/00 10,000 10,000 10,000 12/31/00 10,861 10,861 10,956 12/31/01 11,355 11,346 11,868 12/31/02 12,116 12,116 13,103 * Source: Lipper Inc.
Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Core Value Portfolio Initial shares and Service shares and the Standard & Poor's 500/BARRA Value Index EXHIBIT A:
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, PERIOD Core Value Portfolio Core Value Portfolio Standard & Poor's 500/ (Initial shares) (Service shares) BARRA Value Index * 5/1/98 10,000 10,000 10,000 12/31/98 9,441 9,441 10,160 12/31/99 11,304 11,304 11,452 12/31/00 12,667 12,667 12,149 12/31/01 12,404 12,404 10,726 12/31/02 9,516 9,513 8,489 * Source: Lipper Inc.
Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, MidCap Stock Portfolio Initial shares and Service shares and the Standard & Poor's MidCap 400 Index EXHIBIT A:
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Standard & Poor's PERIOD MidCap Stock Portfolio MidCap Stock Portfolio MidCap 400 Index * (Initial shares) (Service shares) 5/1/98 10,000 10,000 10,000 12/31/98 9,747 9,747 10,537 12/31/99 10,801 10,801 12,088 12/31/00 11,695 11,695 14,205 12/31/01 11,314 11,302 14,119 12/31/02 9,901 9,873 12,070 * Source: Lipper Inc.
Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Technology Growth Portfolio Initial shares and Service shares with the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index and the Morgan Stanley High Technology 35 Index EXHIBIT A:
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Standard & Poor's 500 Morgan Stanley Technology Growth Portfolio Technology Growth Portfolio Composite Stock High Technology PERIOD (Initial shares) (Service shares) Price Index * 35 Index ** 8/31/99 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 12/31/99 15,560 15,560 11,172 15,431 12/31/00 11,362 11,362 10,155 11,215 12/31/01 7,599 7,567 8,949 8,533 12/31/02 4,604 4,572 6,972 4,854 * Source: Lipper Inc. ** Source: Bloomberg L.P.
Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Founders Growth Portfolio Initial shares and Service shares and the Standard & Poor's 500/BARRA Growth Index EXHIBIT A:
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Founders Growth Portfolio Founders Growth Portfolio Standard & Poor's 500 PERIOD (Initial shares) (Service shares) / BARRA Growth Index * 9/30/98 10,000 10,000 10,000 12/31/98 12,720 12,720 12,453 12/31/99 17,682 17,682 15,971 12/31/00 13,191 13,191 12,445 12/31/01 10,549 10,531 10,860 12/31/02 7,569 7,561 8,298 * Source: Lipper Inc.
Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Founders International Equity Portfolio Initial shares and Service shares and the Morgan Stanley Capital International World ex U.S. Index EXHIBIT A:
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Morgan Stanley Founders International Founders International Capital International Equity Portfolio Equity Portfolio World ex U.S. Index * PERIOD (Initial shares) (Service shares) 9/30/98 10,000 10,000 10,000 12/31/98 11,488 11,488 12,046 12/31/99 18,460 18,460 15,410 12/31/00 15,246 15,246 13,350 12/31/01 10,739 10,748 10,493 12/31/02 7,823 7,823 8,835 * Source: Lipper Inc.
Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Founders Passport Portfolio Initial shares and Service shares and the Morgan Stanley Capital International World ex U.S. Index EXHIBIT A:
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Morgan Stanley Founders Passport Portfolio Founders Passport Portfolio Capital International PERIOD (Initial shares) (Service shares) World ex U.S. Index * 9/30/98 10,000 10,000 10,000 12/31/98 11,579 11,579 12,046 12/31/99 20,385 20,385 15,410 12/31/00 15,134 15,134 13,350 12/31/01 10,493 10,493 10,493 12/31/02 8,875 8,875 8,835 * Source: Lipper Inc.
Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Japan Portfolio Initial shares and Service shares and the Morgan Stanley Capital International Japan Index EXHIBIT A:
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Morgan Stanley Japan Portfolio Japan Portfolio Capital International PERIOD (Initial shares) (Service shares) Japan Index * 12/15/99 10,000 10,000 10,000 12/31/99 10,264 10,264 10,621 12/31/00 9,348 9,348 7,630 12/31/01 6,741 6,741 5,387 12/31/02 6,036 6,036 4,833 * Source: Lipper Inc.
Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Emerging Markets Portfolio Initial shares and Service shares and the Morgan Stanley Capital International Emerging Markets Free Index EXHIBIT A:
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Portfolio Emerging Markets Portfolio Capital International PERIOD (Initial shares) (Service shares) Emerging Markets Free Index * 12/15/99 10,000 10,000 10,000 12/31/99 10,904 10,904 11,272 12/31/00 7,436 7,436 7,822 12/31/01 7,683 7,691 7,636 12/31/02 7,646 7,646 7,178 * Source: Lipper Inc.
Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Emerging Leaders Portfolio Initial shares and Service shares and the Russell 2000 Index EXHIBIT A:
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Emerging Leaders Portfolio Emerging Leaders Portfolio PERIOD (Initial shares) (Service shares) Russell 2000 Index * 12/15/99 10,000 10,000 10,000 12/31/99 10,752 10,752 11,132 12/31/00 14,161 14,161 10,796 12/31/01 15,398 15,382 11,065 12/31/02 12,340 12,299 8,798 * Source: Lipper Inc.
Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Founders Discovery Portfolio Initial shares and Service shares and the Russell 2000 Index EXHIBIT A:
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, PERIOD Founders Discovery Portfolio Founders Discovery Portfolio Russell 2000 Index * (Initial shares) (Service shares) 12/15/99 10,000 10,000 10,000 12/31/99 11,112 11,112 11,132 12/31/00 9,665 9,665 10,796 12/31/01 7,875 7,851 11,065 12/31/02 5,258 5,242 8,798 * Source: Lipper Inc.
Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Small Cap Stock Index Portfolio and the Standard & Poor's SmallCap 600 Index EXHIBIT A: Dreyfus Investment Portfolios, Standard & Poor's PERIOD Small Cap Stock SmallCap 600 Index Portfolio Index * 5/1/02 10,000 10,000 6/30/02 9,080 9,090 9/30/02 7,352 7,398 12/31/02 7,675 7,762 * Source: Lipper Inc.