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Invesco-Sup-1 072012
Statutory Prospectus Supplement dated July 20, 2012
The purpose of this supplement is to provide you with changes to the current Statutory Prospectuses for Class A, A2, A5, B, B5, C, C5, P, R, R5, S, Y, Invesco Cash Reserve Shares and Investor Class shares (the “Retail Classes), as applicable, of the Funds listed below:
Invesco Asia Pacific Growth Fund
Invesco Global Quantitative Core Fund
Invesco Technology Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Allocation Fund
Invesco Global Real Estate Fund
Invesco Technology Sector Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Commodity Strategy Fund
Invesco Global Real Estate Income Fund
Invesco U.S. Government Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement 2020 Fund
Invesco Global Small & Mid Cap Growth Fund
Invesco U.S. Quantitative Core Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement 2030 Fund
Invesco Gold & Precious Metals Fund
  Invesco Utilities Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement 2040 Fund
Invesco Growth Allocation Fund
Invesco Van Kampen American Franchise Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement 2050 Fund
  Invesco High Yield Fund  
Invesco Van Kampen American Value Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement Now Fund
Invesco High Yield Securities Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Comstock Fund
Invesco California Tax-Free Income Fund
Invesco Income Allocation Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Corporate Bond Fund
Invesco Charter Fund
Invesco International Allocation Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Equity and Income Fund
Invesco China Fund
Invesco International Core Equity Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Growth and Income Fund
Invesco Conservative Allocation Fund
  Invesco International Growth Fund  
Invesco Van Kampen High Yield Municipal Fund
Invesco Constellation Fund
Invesco International Small Company Fund
  Invesco Van Kampen Leaders Fund
Invesco Convertible Securities Fund
Invesco International Total Return Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Mid Cap Growth Fund
Invesco Core Plus Bond Fund
  Invesco Leisure Fund  
Invesco Van Kampen Municipal Income Fund
Invesco Developing Markets Fund
Invesco Limited Maturity Treasury Fund
Invesco Van Kampen New York Tax Free Income Fund
Invesco Disciplined Equity Fund
  Invesco Mid Cap Core Equity Fund  
Invesco Van Kampen Pennsylvania Tax Free Income Fund
Invesco Diversified Dividend Fund
  Invesco Moderate Allocation Fund  
Invesco Van Kampen Small Cap Growth Fund
Invesco Dynamics Fund
  Invesco Money Market Fund  
Invesco Van Kampen Small Cap Value Fund
Invesco Emerging Market Local Currency Debt Fund
  Invesco Municipal Bond Fund  
Invesco Van Kampen U.S. Mortgage Fund
Invesco Emerging Markets Equity Fund
  Invesco Pacific Growth Fund  
Invesco Van Kampen Value Opportunities Fund
Invesco Endeavor Fund
  Invesco Premium Income Fund   Premier Portfolio
Invesco Energy Fund
  Invesco Real Estate Fund   Premier Tax-Exempt Portfolio
Invesco Equally-Weighted S&P 500 Fund
  Invesco S&P 500 Index Fund  
Premier U.S. Government Money Portfolio
Invesco European Growth Fund
  Invesco Short Term Bond Fund    
Invesco European Small Company Fund
  Invesco Small Cap Equity Fund    
Invesco Floating Rate Fund
  Invesco Small Cap Growth Fund    
Invesco Global Core Equity Fund
  Invesco Small Companies Fund    
Invesco Global Growth Fund
  Invesco Summit Fund    
Invesco Global Health Care Fund
  Invesco Tax-Exempt Cash Fund
Invesco Tax-Free Intermediate Fund
The following changes are effective September 24, 2012:
  §   Class A5, B5, C5 and R5 shares are renamed Class AX, BX, CX and RX shares, respectively, and all references in the Prospectuses to Class A5, B5, C5, and R5 shares are hereby deleted and replaced with Class AX, BX, CX and RX shares, respectively.
  §   For Category II Initial Sales Charge, the first breakpoint at which investors may qualify for sales charge discounts will be changed from $50,000 to $100,000 and the maximum sales charge imposed on Class A shares will change from 4.75% to 4.25%.
  §   Category IV Initial Sales Charge on purchases greater than $500,000 is eliminated.
Effective September 24, 2012, the following information replaces in its entirety the information appearing under the heading “Shareholder Account Information - Initial Sales Charges (Class A Shares Only) — Class A Shares Sold Without an Initial Sales Charge”:
     “Class A Shares Sold Without an Initial Sales Charge
     The following types of investors may purchase Class A shares without paying an initial sales charge:
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  §   Investors who purchase shares through a fee-based advisory account with an approved financial intermediary. In a fee based advisory program, a financial intermediary typically charges each investor a fee based on the value of the investor’s account in exchange for servicing that account.
  §   Those employer-sponsored retirement plans:
  -   with assets of at least $1 million;
  -   with at least 100 employees eligible to participate in the Plan; or
  -   that execute plan level or multiple-plan level transactions through a single omnibus account per Fund.
  §   Any investor who purchases his or her shares with the proceeds of a rollover, transfer or distribution from a retirement plan or individual retirement account where the account being funded by such rollover is to be maintained by the same trustee, custodian or administrator that maintained the plan from which the rollover distribution funding such rollover originated, or an affiliate thereof.
  §   Investors who maintain an account in Investor Class shares of a Fund (this includes anyone listed in the registration of an account, such as a joint owner, trustee or custodian, and immediate family members of such persons).
  §   Qualified Tuition Programs created and maintained in accordance with Section 529 of the Code.
  §   Funds of funds or other pooled investment vehicles.
  §   Insurance company separate accounts.
  §   Any registered representative or employee of any intermediary who has an agreement with Invesco Distributors to sell shares of the Invesco Funds (this includes any members of his or her Immediate Family).
     In addition, investors may acquire Class A shares without paying an initial sales charge in connection with:
  §   reinvesting dividends and distributions;
  §   exchanging shares of one Fund that were previously assessed a sales charge for shares of another Fund;
  §   purchasing shares in connection with the repayment of a retirement plan loan administered by Invesco Investment Services; and
  §   purchasing Class A shares with proceeds from the redemption of Class B, Class C or Class Y shares where the redemption and purchase are effectuated on the same business day.
          Invesco Distributors also permits certain other investors to invest in Class A Shares without paying an initial charge, generally as a result of the investor’s current or former relationship with the Invesco Funds. For additional information about such eligibility, please reference the Funds’ Statement of Additional Information.
          In all instances, it is the purchaser’s responsibility to notify Invesco Distributors or its financial intermediary of any relationship or other facts qualifying the purchaser as eligible to purchase Class A Shares without paying an initial sales charge and to provide all necessary documentation of such facts.
          Purchasers investing through a financial intermediary that has not agreed, either pursuant to an agreement with Invesco Distributors or otherwise, to qualify a shareholder as eligible under the terms of the disclosure above or is otherwise unable to systematically support such qualification, are not eligible to purchase Class A Shares without paying an initial sales charge.”
Effective September 24, 2012, the following information replaces in its entirety the information appearing under the heading “Shareholder Account Information Exchanging Shares”:
     “Exchanging Shares
          You may, under certain circumstances, exchange shares in one Fund for those of another Fund. An exchange is the purchase of shares in one Fund which is paid for with the proceeds from a redemption of shares of another Fund effectuated on the same day. Any gain on the transaction may be subject to federal income tax. Accordingly, the procedures and processes applicable to redemptions of Fund shares, as discussed under the heading “Redeeming Shares” above, will apply. Before requesting an exchange, review the prospectus of the Fund you wish to acquire.
          All exchanges are subject to the limitations set forth in the prospectuses of the Funds. If you wish to exchange shares of one Fund for those of another Fund, you must consult the prospectus of the Fund whose shares you wish to acquire to determine whether the Fund is offering shares to new investors and whether you are eligible to acquire shares of that Fund.
     Permitted Exchanges
               Except as otherwise provided herein or in the SAI, you generally may exchange your shares for shares of the same class of another Fund. The following below shows permitted exchanges from one Fund to another Fund:
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Exchange from
  Exchange To
Invesco Cash Reserve Shares
  Class A, C, R, Y*, Investor Class
Class A
  Class A, Investor Class, Invesco Cash Reserve Shares
Class A2
  Class A, Investor Class, Invesco Cash Reserve Shares
Class AX
  Class A, AX, Investor Class, Invesco Cash Reserve Shares
Investor Class
  Class A, Investor Class
Class P
  Class A, Invesco Cash Reserve Shares
Class S
  Class A, S, Invesco Cash Reserve Shares
Class B
  Class B
Class BX
  Class B
Class C
  Class C
Class CX
  Class C, CX
Class R
  Class R
Class RX
  Class R, RX
Class Y
  Class Y
*   You may exchange into Class Y shares of a Fund if you otherwise qualify to buy that Fund’s Class Y shares. See the “Share Class Eligibility” section of this prospectus.
    Exchanges into Invesco Senior Loan Fund
Invesco Senior Loan Fund is a closed-end fund that continuously offers its shares pursuant to the terms and conditions of its prospectus. The Adviser is the investment adviser for the Invesco Senior Loan Fund. As with the Invesco Funds, you generally may exchange your shares of Class A (Invesco Cash Reserve Shares of Invesco Money Market Fund), Class B or Class C of any Invesco Fund for shares of Class A, Class B or Class C, respectively, of Invesco Senior Loan Fund. Please refer to the prospectus for the Invesco Senior Loan Fund for more information, including limitations on exchanges out of Invesco Senior Loan Fund.
    Exchanges Not Permitted
The following exchanges are not permitted:
  §   Investor Class shares cannot be exchanged for Class A shares of any Fund which offers Investor Class shares.
  §   Exchanges into Class A2 shares of Invesco Limited Maturity Treasury Fund and Invesco Tax-Free Intermediate Fund (also known as the Category III Funds) are not permitted.
  §   Class A2 shares of Invesco Limited Maturity Treasury Fund and Invesco Tax-Free Intermediate Fund cannot be exchanged for Class A shares of those Funds.
  §   Invesco Cash Reserve Shares cannot be exchanged for Class C or R shares if the shares being exchanged were acquired by exchange from Class A shares of any Fund.
  §   Invesco Cash Reserve Shares, Class A shares, Class C shares or Investor Class shares of one Fund cannot be exchanged for Class Y shares of a different Fund.
  §   All existing systematic exchanges and reallocations will cease and these options will no longer be available on all 403(b) prototype plans.
Exchange Conditions
The following conditions apply to all exchanges:
  §   Shares must have been held for at least one day prior to the exchange with the exception of dividends and distributions that are reinvested; and
  §   If you have physical share certificates, you must return them to the transfer agent in order to effect the exchange.
          Under unusual market conditions, a Fund may delay the exchange of shares for up to five business days if it determines that it would be materially disadvantaged by the immediate transfer of exchange proceeds. The exchange privilege is not an option or right to purchase shares. Any of the participating Funds or the distributor may modify or terminate this privilege at any time.
Initial Sales Charges, CDSCs and 12b-1 Fees Applicable to Exchanges
You may be required to pay an initial sales charge when exchanging from a Fund with a lower initial sales charge than the one into which you are exchanging. If you exchange into shares that are subject to a CDSC, we will begin the holding period for purposes of calculating the CDSC on the date you made your initial purchase.
                    In addition, as a result of differences in the forms of distribution plans and distribution plans and service plans among the Funds, certain exchanges of Class A shares, Class B shares, Class C shares, and Class R shares of a Fund for the same class of shares of
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another Fund may result in investors paying a higher or a lower 12b-1 fee on the Fund being exchanged into. Please refer to the prospectus fee table and financial highlights table and the statement of additional information for more information on the fees and expenses, including applicable 12b-1 fees, of the Fund you wish to acquire.
Share Class Conversions
Shares of one class of a Fund may be converted into shares of another class of the same Fund, provided that you are eligible to buy that share class. Investors who hold Fund shares through a financial intermediary that does not have an agreement to make certain share classes of the Funds available or that cannot systematically support the conversion may not be eligible to convert their shares. Furthermore, your financial intermediary may have discretion to effect a conversion on your behalf. Consult with your financial intermediary for details. Any CDSC associated with the converting shares will be assessed immediately prior to the conversion to the new share class. Share class conversions will be non-reportable for tax purposes and any gain on the converted shares should not be subject to federal income tax. See the applicable prospectus for share class information.
          Fees and expenses differ between share classes. You should read the prospectus for the share class into which you are seeking to convert your shares prior to the conversion.
Share Class Conversions Not Permitted
The following share class conversions are not permitted:
  §   Conversions into or out of Class B or Class BX of the same Fund (except for automatic conversions to Class A or Class AX, respectively, of the same Fund, as described under “Choosing a Share Class” in this Prospectus).
  §   Conversions into Class A from Class A2 of the same Fund.
  §   Conversions into Class A2, Class AX, Class CX, Class P, Class RX or Class S of the same Fund.
  §   Conversions involving share classes of Invesco Senior Loan Fund.”
Effective September 24, 2012, the following funds will change their names:
Current Name   New Name
Invesco Van Kampen American Franchise Fund
  Invesco American Franchise Fund
Invesco Van Kampen American Value Fund
  Invesco American Value Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Comstock Fund
  Invesco Comstock Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Corporate Bond Fund
  Invesco Corporate Bond Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Equity and Income Fund
  Invesco Equity and Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Growth and Income Fund
  Invesco Growth and Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen High Yield Municipal Fund
  Invesco High Yield Municipal Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Intermediate Term Municipal Income Fund
  Invesco Intermediate Term Municipal Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Leaders Fund
  Invesco Leaders Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Mid Cap Growth Fund
  Invesco Mid Cap Growth Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Municipal Income Fund
  Invesco Municipal Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen New York Tax Free Income Fund
  Invesco New York Tax Free Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Pennsylvania Tax Free Income Fund
  Invesco Pennsylvania Tax Free Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Small Cap Growth Fund
  Invesco Small Cap Discovery Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Small Cap Value Fund
  Invesco Small Cap Value Fund
Invesco Van Kampen U.S. Mortgage Fund
  Invesco U.S. Mortgage Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Value Opportunities Fund
  Invesco Value Opportunities Fund
Invesco-Sup-1 072012



Invesco-Sup-2 072012
Statutory Prospectus Supplement dated July 20, 2012
The purpose of this supplement is to provide you with changes to the current Statutory Prospectuses for Institutional Class shares of the Funds listed below:
Invesco Balanced-Risk Allocation Fund
  Invesco Global Core Equity Fund   Invesco Small Cap Growth Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Commodity Strategy Fund
  Invesco Global Growth Fund   Invesco Small Companies Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement 2020 Fund
  Invesco Global Quantitative Core Fund   Invesco Summit Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement 2030 Fund
  Invesco Global Real Estate Fund   Invesco Tax-Free Intermediate Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement 2040 Fund
  Invesco Global Real Estate Income Fund   Invesco Technology Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement 2050 Fund
Invesco Global Small & Mid Cap Growth Fund
  Invesco U.S. Government Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement Now Fund
  Invesco Growth Allocation Fund  
Invesco U.S. Quantitative Core Fund
Invesco Charter Fund
  Invesco High Yield Fund   Invesco Utilities Fund
Invesco China Fund
  Invesco Income Allocation Fund  
Invesco Van Kampen American Franchise Fund
Invesco Conservative Allocation Fund
  Invesco International Allocation Fund  
Invesco Van Kampen American Value Fund
Invesco Constellation Fund
Invesco International Core Equity Fund
  Invesco Van Kampen Comstock Fund
Invesco Convertible Securities Fund
  Invesco International Growth Fund  
Invesco Van Kampen Corporate Bond Fund
Invesco Core Plus Bond Fund
Invesco International Small Company Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Equity and Income Fund
Invesco Developing Markets Fund
  Invesco International Total Return Fund  
Invesco Van Kampen Growth and Income Fund
Invesco Diversified Dividend Fund
Invesco Limited Maturity Treasury Fund
Invesco Van Kampen High Yield Municipal Fund
Invesco Dynamics Fund
  Invesco Mid Cap Core Equity Fund  
Invesco Van Kampen Mid Cap Growth Fund
Invesco Emerging Market Local Currency Debt Fund
  Invesco Moderate Allocation Fund  
Invesco Van Kampen U.S. Mortgage Fund
Invesco Emerging Markets Equity Fund
  Invesco Money Market Fund  
Invesco Van Kampen Value Opportunities Fund
Invesco Endeavor Fund
  Invesco Pacific Growth Fund    
Invesco Energy Fund
  Invesco Premium Income Fund    
Invesco Floating Rate Fund
  Invesco Real Estate Fund
Invesco Short Term Bond Fund
Invesco Small Cap Equity Fund
Effective September 24, 2012, Institutional Class shares are renamed Class R5 shares and all references in the Prospectuses to Institutional Class shares are hereby deleted and replaced with Class R5 shares.
Effective September 24, 2012, the following Funds will change their names:
Current Name   New Name
Invesco Van Kampen American Franchise Fund
  Invesco American Franchise Fund
Invesco Van Kampen American Value Fund
  Invesco American Value Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Comstock Fund
  Invesco Comstock Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Corporate Bond Fund
  Invesco Corporate Bond Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Equity and Income Fund
  Invesco Equity and Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Growth and Income Fund
  Invesco Growth and Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen High Yield Municipal Fund
  Invesco High Yield Municipal Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Mid Cap Growth Fund
  Invesco Mid Cap Growth Fund
Invesco Van Kampen U.S. Mortgage Fund
  Invesco U.S. Mortgage Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Value Opportunities Fund
  Invesco Value Opportunities Fund
Invesco-Sup-2 072012


Invesco-Sup-3 072012
Statement of Additional Information Supplement dated July 20, 2012
The purpose of this supplement is to provide you with changes to the current Statements of Additional Information for Class A, A2, A5, B, B5, C, C5, P, R, R5, S, Y, Invesco Cash Reserve, Investor and Institutional Class shares, as applicable, of the Funds listed below:

Invesco Asia Pacific Growth Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Allocation Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Commodity Strategy Fund
Invesco California Tax-Free Income Fund
Invesco Charter Fund
Invesco China Fund
Invesco Conservative Allocation Fund
Invesco Constellation Fund
Invesco Convertible Securities Fund
Invesco Core Plus Bond Fund
Invesco Developing Markets Fund
Invesco Disciplined Equity Fund
Invesco Diversified Dividend Fund
Invesco Dynamics Fund
Invesco Emerging Market Local Currency
Debt Fund
Invesco Emerging Markets Equity Fund
Invesco Endeavor Fund
Invesco Energy Fund
Invesco Equally-Weighted S&P 500 Fund
Invesco European Growth Fund
Invesco European Small Company Fund
Invesco Floating Rate Fund
Invesco Global Core Equity Fund
Invesco Global Growth Fund
Invesco Global Health Care Fund
Invesco Global Quantitative Core Fund
Invesco Global Real Estate Fund
Invesco Global Real Estate Income Fund
Invesco Global Small & Mid Cap Growth Fund
Invesco Gold & Precious Metals Fund
Invesco Growth Allocation Fund
Invesco High Yield Fund
Invesco High Yield Securities Fund
Invesco Income Allocation Fund
Invesco International Allocation Fund
Invesco International Core Equity Fund
Invesco International Growth Fund
Invesco International Small Company Fund
Invesco International Total Return Fund
Invesco Leisure Fund
Invesco Limited Maturity Treasury Fund
Invesco Mid Cap Core Equity Fund
Invesco Moderate Allocation Fund
Invesco Money Market Fund
Invesco Municipal Bond Fund
Invesco Pacific Growth Fund
Invesco Premium Income Fund
Invesco Real Estate Fund
Invesco S&P 500 Index Fund
Invesco Short Term Bond Fund
Invesco Small Cap Equity Fund
Invesco Small Cap Growth Fund
Invesco Small Companies Fund
Invesco Summit Fund
Invesco Tax-Exempt Cash Fund
Invesco Tax-Free Intermediate Fund
Invesco Technology Fund
Invesco Technology Sector Fund
Invesco U.S. Government Fund
Invesco U.S. Quantitative Core Fund
Invesco Utilities Fund
Invesco Van Kampen American Franchise Fund
Invesco Van Kampen American Value Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Comstock Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Corporate Bond Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Equity and Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Growth and Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen High Yield Municipal Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Intermediate Term Municipal Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Leaders Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Mid Cap Growth Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Municipal Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen New York Tax Free Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Pennsylvania Tax Free Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Small Cap Growth Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Small Cap Value Fund
Invesco Van Kampen U.S. Mortgage Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Value Opportunities Fund

Effective September 24, 2012, Class A5, B5, C5, R5 and Institutional Class shares are renamed Class AX, BX, CX, RX and R5 shares, respectively, and all references in the Statements of Additional Information to Class A5, B5, C5, R5 and Institutional Class shares are hereby deleted and replaced with Class AX, BX, CX, RX and R5 shares, respectively.
Effective September 24, 2012, the following Funds will change their names:
Current Name   New Name
Invesco Van Kampen American Franchise Fund
  Invesco American Franchise Fund
Invesco Van Kampen American Value Fund
  Invesco American Value Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Comstock Fund
  Invesco Comstock Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Corporate Bond Fund
  Invesco Corporate Bond Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Equity and Income Fund
  Invesco Equity and Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Growth and Income Fund
  Invesco Growth and Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen High Yield Municipal Fund
  Invesco High Yield Municipal Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Intermediate Term Municipal Income Fund
  Invesco Intermediate Term Municipal Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Leaders Fund
  Invesco Leaders Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Mid Cap Growth Fund
  Invesco Mid Cap Growth Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Municipal Income Fund
  Invesco Municipal Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen New York Tax Free Income Fund
  Invesco New York Tax Free Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Pennsylvania Tax Free Income Fund
  Invesco Pennsylvania Tax Free Income Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Small Cap Growth Fund
  Invesco Small Cap Discovery Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Small Cap Value Fund
  Invesco Small Cap Value Fund
Invesco Van Kampen U.S. Mortgage Fund
  Invesco U.S. Mortgage Fund
Invesco Van Kampen Value Opportunities Fund
  Invesco Value Opportunities Fund
Invesco-Sup-3 072012



Effective September 24, 2012, the following information replaces in its entirety the information appearing under the heading “APPENDIX L — PURCHASE, REDEMPTION AND PRICING OF SHARES” in the Statement of Additional Information:
Class A2, AX, B, BX, CX and RX shares are closed to new investors. Only investors who have continuously maintained an account in Class A2, AX, BX, CX or RX of a specific Fund may make additional purchases into Class A2, AX, BX, CX and RX, respectively, of such specific Fund so long as such Fund is open to new investors. All references in the following “Purchase, Redemption and Pricing of Shares” section of this SAI to Class A, B, C and R shares, shall include Class A2 and AX (except Invesco Money Market Fund), Class BX, Class CX, and Class RX shares, respectively, unless otherwise noted. All references in the following “Purchase, Redemption and Pricing of Shares” section of this SAI to Invesco Cash Reserve Shares of Invesco Money Market Fund, shall include Class AX shares of Invesco Money Market Fund, unless otherwise noted.
Transactions through Financial Intermediaries
     If you are investing indirectly in an Invesco Fund through a financial intermediary such as a broker-dealer, a bank (including a bank trust department), an insurance company separate account, an investment adviser, an administrator or trustee of a retirement plan or a qualified tuition plan or a sponsor of a fee-based program that maintains a master account (an omnibus account) with the Invesco Fund for trading on behalf of its customers, different guidelines, conditions and restrictions may apply than if you held your shares of the Invesco Fund directly. These differences may include, but are not limited to: (i) different eligibility standards to purchase and sell shares, different eligibility standards to invest in Funds with limited offering status and different eligibility standards to exchange shares by telephone; (ii) different minimum and maximum initial and subsequent purchase amounts; (iii) system inability to provide Letter of Intent privileges; and (iv) different annual amounts (less than 12%) subject to withdrawal under a Systematic Redemption Plan without being subject to a contingent deferred sales charge. The financial intermediary through whom you are investing may also choose to adopt different exchange and/or transfer limit guidelines and restrictions, including different trading restrictions designed to discourage excessive or short-term trading.
     If the financial intermediary is managing your account, you may also be charged a transaction or other fee by such financial intermediary, including service fees for handling redemption transactions. Consult with your financial intermediary (or, in the case of a retirement plan, your plan sponsor) to determine what fees, guidelines, conditions and restrictions, including any of the above, may be applicable to you.
Purchase and Redemption of Shares
Purchases of Class A shares, Class A2 shares of Invesco Limited Maturity Treasury Fund and Invesco Tax-Free Intermediate Fund, Class AX shares of Invesco Money Market Fund and Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement Funds and Invesco Cash Reserve Shares of Invesco Money Market Fund
     Initial Sales Charges. Each Invesco Fund (other than Invesco Tax-Exempt Cash Fund) is grouped into one of four categories to determine the applicable initial sales charge for its Class A shares. The sales charge is used to compensate Invesco Distributors and participating dealers for their expenses incurred in connection with the distribution of the Invesco Funds’ shares. You may also be charged a transaction or other fee by the financial intermediary managing your account.
     Class A shares of Invesco Tax-Exempt Cash Fund and Invesco Cash Reserve Shares of Invesco Money Market Fund are sold without an initial sales charge.
Category I Funds

Invesco American Franchise Fund
Invesco American Value Fund
Invesco Asia Pacific Growth Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Allocation Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Commodity Strategy Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement 2020 Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement 2030 Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement 2040 Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement 2050 Fund
Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement Now Fund
Invesco Charter Fund
Invesco China Fund
Invesco Comstock Fund
Invesco Conservative Allocation Fund
Invesco Constellation Fund
Invesco Convertible Securities Fund
Invesco Developing Markets Fund
Invesco Diversified Dividend Fund
Invesco Dynamics Fund
Invesco Emerging Markets Equity Fund
Invesco Endeavor Fund
Invesco Energy Fund
Invesco Equally-Weighted S&P 500 Fund
Invesco Equity and Income Fund
Invesco European Growth Fund
Invesco European Small Company Fund
Invesco Global Core Equity Fund
Invesco Global Quantitative Core Fund
Invesco Global Growth Fund
Invesco Global Health Care Fund

Invesco-Sup-3 072012



Invesco Global Real Estate Fund
Invesco Global Real Estate Income Fund
Invesco Global Small & Mid Cap Growth Fund
Invesco Gold & Precious Metals Fund
Invesco Growth Allocation Fund
Invesco Growth and Income Fund
Invesco Income Allocation Fund
Invesco International Allocation Fund
Invesco International Core Equity Fund
Invesco International Growth Fund
Invesco International Small Company Fund
Invesco Leaders Fund
Invesco Leisure Fund
Invesco Mid Cap Core Equity Fund
Invesco Mid Cap Growth Fund
Invesco Moderate Allocation Fund
Invesco Pacific Growth Fund
Invesco Premium Income Fund
Invesco Real Estate Fund
Invesco S&P 500 Index Fund
Invesco Select Companies Fund
Invesco Small Cap Discovery Fund
Invesco Small Cap Equity Fund
Invesco Small Cap Growth Fund
Invesco Small Cap Value Fund
Invesco Summit Fund
Invesco Technology Fund
Invesco Technology Sector Fund
Invesco U.S. Quantitative Core Fund
Invesco Utilities Fund
Invesco Value Opportunities Fund

    Investor’s Sales Charge   Concession
                    As a
            As a Percentage   Percentage of
    As a Percentage   of the Net   the Net
Amount of Investment in   of the Public   Amount   Amount
    Single Transaction   Offering Price   Invested   Invested
Less than $     50,000
    5.50 %     5.82 %     5.00 %
$  50,000 but less than $   100,000
    4.50       4.71       4.00  
$100,000 but less than $   250,000
    3.50       3.63       3.00  
$250,000 but less than $   500,000
    2.75       2.83       2.25  
$500,000 but less than $1,000,000
    2.00       2.04       1.75  
Category II Funds
Invesco California Tax-Free Income Fund
Invesco Core Plus Bond Fund
Invesco Corporate Bond Fund
Invesco Emerging Market Local Currency Debt Fund
Invesco High Yield Fund
Invesco High Yield Municipal Fund
Invesco High Yield Securities Fund
Invesco International Total Return Fund
Invesco Municipal Bond Fund
Invesco Municipal Income Fund
Invesco New York Tax Free Income Fund
Invesco Pennsylvania Tax Free Income Fund
Invesco U.S. Government Fund
Invesco U.S. Mortgage Fund

    Investor’s Sales Charge   Concession
                    As a
            As a Percentage   Percentage of
    As a Percentage   of the Net   the Net
Amount of Investment in   of the Public   Amount   Amount
     Single Transaction   Offering Price   Invested   Invested
Less than $   100,000
    4.25 %     4.44 %     4.00 %
$100,000 but less than $   250,000
    3.50       3.63       3.25  
$250,000 but less than $   500,000
    2.50       2.56       2.25  
$500,000 but less than $1,000,000
    2.00       2.04       1.75  
Category III Funds
Invesco Limited Maturity Treasury Fund (Class A2 shares)
Invesco Tax-Free Intermediate Fund (Class A2 shares)
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      Investor’s Sales Charge   Concession
                      As a
              As a Percentage   Percentage of
      As a Percentage   of the Net   the Net
Amount of Investment in   of the Public   Amount   Amount
   Single Transaction   Offering Price   Invested   Invested
Less than
 $   100,000     1.00 %     1.01 %     0.75 %
$100,000 but less than
 $   250,000     0.75       0.76       0.50  
$250,000 but less than
 $1,000,000     0.50       0.50       0.40  
     As of the close of business on October 30, 2002, Class A2 shares of Invesco Limited Maturity Treasury Fund and Invesco Tax-Free Intermediate Fund were closed to new investors. Current investors must maintain a share balance in order to continue to make incremental purchases. Effective February 1, 2010, Class A shares of Invesco Limited Maturity Treasury Fund and Invesco Tax-Free Intermediate Fund are renamed Class A2 shares.
Category IV Funds
Invesco Floating Rate Fund
Invesco Intermediate Term Municipal Income Fund
Invesco Limited Maturity Treasury Fund (Class A shares)
Invesco Short Term Bond Fund
Invesco Tax-Free Intermediate Fund (Class A shares)
    Investor’s Sales Charge   Concession
                    As a
            As a Percentage   Percentage of
    As a Percentage   of the Net   the Net
Amount of Investment in   of the Public   Amount   Amount
   Single Transaction   Offering Price   Invested   Invested
Less than $100,000
    2.50 %     2.56 %     2.00 %
$100,000 but less than $250,000
    1.75       1.78       1.50  
$250,000 but less than $500,000
    1.25       1.27       1.00  
     Large Purchases of Class A Shares. Investors who purchase $1,000,000 or more of Class A shares of Category I or II Funds do not pay an initial sales charge. Investors who purchase $500,000 or more of Class A shares of Category IV Funds do not pay an initial sales charge. In addition, investors who currently own Class A shares of Category I or II Funds and make additional purchases that result in account balances of $1,000,000 or more ($500,000 or more for Category IV) do not pay an initial sales charge on the additional purchases. The additional purchases, as well as initial purchases of $1,000,000 or more (for Category I and II or $500,000 for Category IV), are referred to as Large Purchases. If an investor makes a Large Purchase of Class A shares of a Category I, II or IV Funds, each share will generally be subject to a 1.00% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) if the investor redeems those shares within 18 months after purchase.
     Invesco Distributors may pay a dealer concession and/or advance a service fee on Large Purchases, as set forth below. Exchanges between the Invesco Funds may affect total compensation paid.
     Purchases of Class A Shares by Non-Retirement Plans. Invesco Distributors may make the following payments to dealers of record for Large Purchases of Class A shares of Category I, II or IV Funds by investors other than: (i) retirement plans that are maintained pursuant to Sections 401 and 457 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code), and (ii) retirement plans that are maintained pursuant to Section 403 of the Code if the employer or plan sponsor is a tax-exempt organization operated pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Code:
Percent of Purchases — Categories I and II
1% of the first $4 million
plus 0.50% of the next $46 million
plus 0.25% of amounts in excess of $50 million
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Percent of Purchases — Categories IV
1% of the first $4.5 million
plus 0.50% of the next $46 million
plus 0.25% of amounts in excess of $50 million
     If (i) the amount of any single purchase order plus (ii) the public offering price of all other shares owned by the same customer submitting the purchase order on the day on which the purchase order is received equals or exceeds $1,000,000, with respect to Categories I or II Funds, or $500,00 with respect to Category IV Funds, the purchase will be considered a “jumbo accumulation purchase.” With regard to any individual jumbo accumulation purchase, Invesco Distributors may make payment to the dealer of record based on the cumulative total of jumbo accumulation purchases made by the same customer over the life of his or her account(s).
     If an investor made a Large Purchase of Class A shares of Invesco Limited Maturity Treasury Fund or Invesco Tax-Free Intermediate Fund on and after October 31, 2002, and prior to February 1, 2010, and exchanges those shares for Class A shares of a Category I, II or IV Fund, Invesco Distributors will pay 1.00% of such purchase as dealer compensation upon the exchange. The Class A shares of the Category I, II or IV Fund received in exchange generally will be subject to a 1.00% CDSC if the investor redeems such shares within 18 months from the date of exchange.
     Purchases of Class A Shares by Certain Retirement Plans at NAV. For purchases of Class A shares of Category I, II and IV Funds, Invesco Distributors may make the following payments to investment dealers or other financial service firms for sales of such shares at net asset value (NAV) to certain retirement plans provided that the applicable dealer of record is able to establish that the retirement plan’s purchase of such Class A shares is a new investment (as defined below):
Percent of Purchases
0.50% of the first $20 million
plus 0.25% of amounts in excess of $20 million
     This payment schedule will be applicable to purchases of Class A shares at NAV by the following types of retirement plans: (i) all plans maintained pursuant to Sections 401 and 457 of the Code, and (ii) plans maintained pursuant to Section 403 of the Code if the employer or plan sponsor is a tax-exempt organization operated pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Code.
     A “new investment” means a purchase paid for with money that does not represent (i) the proceeds of one or more redemptions of Invesco Fund shares, (ii) an exchange of Invesco Fund shares, (iii) the repayment of one or more retirement plan loans that were funded through the redemption of Invesco Fund shares, or (iv) money returned from another fund family. If Invesco Distributors pays a dealer concession in connection with a plan’s purchase of Class A shares at NAV, such shares may be subject to a CDSC of 1.00% of net assets for 12 months, commencing on the date the plan first invests in Class A shares of an Invesco Fund. If the applicable dealer of record is unable to establish that a plan’s purchase of Class A shares at NAV is a new investment, Invesco Distributors will not pay a dealer concession in connection with such purchase and such shares will not be subject to a CDSC.
     With regard to any individual jumbo accumulation purchase, Invesco Distributors may make payment to the dealer of record based on the cumulative total of jumbo accumulation purchases made by the same plan over the life of the plan’s account(s).
     Purchasers Qualifying For Reductions in Initial Sales Charges. As shown in the tables above, purchases of certain amounts of Invesco Fund shares may reduce the initial sales charges. These reductions are available to purchasers that meet the qualifications listed below. We will refer to purchasers that meet these qualifications as “Qualified Purchasers.”
     As used herein, the terms below shall be defined as follows:
    “Individual” refers to a person, as well as his or her Spouse or Domestic Partner and his or her Children;
    “Spouse” is the person to whom one is legally married under state law;
    “Domestic Partner” is an adult with whom one shares a primary residence for at least six-months, is in a relationship as a couple where one or each of them provides personal or financial welfare of the other without a fee, is not related by blood and is not married;
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    “Child” or “Children” include a biological, adopted or foster son or daughter, a Step-child, a legal ward or a Child of a person standing in loco parentis;
    “Grandchild” or “Grandchildren” include biological, adopted or foster son or daughter, a Step-child, a legal ward or a Child of a Child of a person standing in loco parentis;
    “Parent” is a person’s biological or adoptive mother or father;
    “Grandparent” is a Parent of a person’s biological or adoptive mother or father;
    “Step-child” is the child of one’s Spouse by a previous marriage or relationship;
    “Step-parent” is the Spouse of a Child’s Parent; and
    “Immediate Family” includes an Individual (including, as defined above, a person, his or her Spouse or Domestic Partner and his or her Children or Grandchildren) as well as his or her Parents, Step-parents and the Parents of Spouse or Domestic Partner.
    an Individual (including his or her spouse or domestic partner, and children);
    a retirement plan established exclusively for the benefit of an Individual, specifically including, but not limited to, a Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA, Solo 401(k), money purchase plan, profit sharing plan, or a tax-sheltered 403(b)(7) custodial account; and
    a Coverdell Education Savings Account, maintained pursuant to Section 530 of the Code (in either case, the account must be established by an Individual or have an Individual named as the beneficiary thereof).
Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans
    a retirement plan maintained pursuant to Sections 401, 403 (only if the employer or plan sponsor is a tax-exempt organization operated pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Code), 408 (includes SEP, SARSEP and SIMPLE IRA plans) or 457 of the Code, if:
  a.   the employer or plan sponsor submits all contributions for all participating employees in a single contribution transmittal (the Invesco Funds will not accept separate contributions submitted with respect to individual participants);
  b.   each transmittal is accompanied by checks or wire transfers; and
  c.   if the Invesco Funds are expected to carry separate accounts in the names of each of the plan participants, (i) the employer or plan sponsor notifies Invesco Distributors in writing that the separate accounts of all plan participants should be linked, and (ii) all new participant accounts are established by submitting an appropriate Account Application on behalf of each new participant with the contribution transmittal.
     How to Qualify For Reductions in Initial Sales Charges. The following sections discuss different ways that a Qualified Purchaser can qualify for a reduction in the initial sales charges for purchases of Class A shares of the Invesco Funds.
Letters of Intent
     A Qualified Purchaser may pay reduced initial sales charges by (i) indicating on the Account Application that he, she or it intends to provide a Letter of Intent (LOI); and (ii) subsequently fulfilling the conditions of that LOI. Employer-sponsored retirement plans, with the exception of Solo 401(k) plans and SEP plans, are not eligible for a LOI.
     The LOI confirms the total investment in shares of the Invesco Funds that the Qualified Purchaser intends to make within the next 13 months. By marking the LOI section on the account application and by signing the account application, the Qualified Purchaser indicates that he, she or it understands and agrees to the terms of the LOI and is bound by the provisions described below:
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Calculating the Initial Sales Charge
    Each purchase of Fund shares normally subject to an initial sales charge made during the 13-month period will be made at the public offering price applicable to a single transaction of the total dollar amount indicated by the LOI (to determine what the applicable public offering price is, look at the sales charge table in the section on “Initial Sales Charges” above).
    It is the purchaser’s responsibility at the time of purchase to specify the account numbers that should be considered in determining the appropriate sales charge.
    The offering price may be further reduced as described below under “Rights of Accumulation” if Invesco Investment Services, Inc., the Invesco Funds’ transfer agent (Transfer Agent) is advised of all other accounts at the time of the investment.
    Reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions acquired during the 13-month LOI period will not be applied to the LOI.
Calculating the Number of Shares to be Purchased
    Purchases made and shares acquired through reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions prior to the LOI effective date will be applied toward the completion of the LOI based on the value of the shares calculated at the public offering price on the effective date of the LOI.
    If a purchaser wishes to revise the LOI investment amount upward, he, she or it may submit a written and signed request at any time prior to the completion of the original LOI. This revision will not change the original expiration date.
    The Transfer Agent will process necessary adjustments upon the expiration or completion date of the LOI.
Fulfilling the Intended Investment
    By signing an LOI, a purchaser is not making a binding commitment to purchase additional shares, but if purchases made within the 13-month period do not total the amount specified, the purchaser generally will have to pay the increased amount of sales charge.
    To assure compliance with the provisions of the 1940 Act, the Transfer Agent will reserve, in escrow or similar arrangement, in the form of shares, an appropriate dollar amount computed to the nearest full share) out of the initial purchase (or subsequent purchases if necessary). All dividends and any capital gain distributions on the escrowed shares will be credited to the purchaser. All shares purchased, including those reserved, will be registered in the purchaser’s name. If the total investment specified under this LOI is completed within the 13-month period, the reserved shares will be promptly released, and additional purchases will be subject to the appropriate breakpoint sales charge based on the accounts current Right of Accumulation value.
    If the intended investment is not completed, the purchaser generally will pay the Transfer Agent the difference between the sales charge on the specified amount and the sales charge on the total amount actually purchased. If the purchaser does not pay such difference within 20 days of the expiration date, the Transfer Agent will surrender for redemption any or all shares, to make up such difference within 60 days of the expiration date.
Canceling the LOI
    If at any time before completing the LOI Program, the purchaser wishes to cancel the agreement, he or she must give written notice to Invesco Distributors or its designee.
    If at any time before completing the LOI Program the purchaser requests the Transfer Agent to liquidate or transfer beneficial ownership of his total shares, the LOI will be automatically canceled. If the total amount purchased is less than the amount specified in the LOI, the Transfer Agent will redeem an appropriate number of reserved shares equal to the difference between the sales charge actually paid and the sales charge that would have been paid if the total purchases had been made at a single time.
Other Persons Eligible for the LOI Privilege
     The LOI privilege is also available to holders of the Connecticut General Guaranteed Account, established for tax qualified group annuities, for contracts purchased on or before June 30, 1992.
LOIs and Contingent Deferred Sales Charges
     All LOIs to purchase $1,000,000 or more of Class A shares of Category I, II and IV Funds are subject to an 18-month, 1% CDSC.
Rights of Accumulation
     A Qualified Purchaser may also qualify for reduced initial sales charges based upon his, her or its existing investment in shares of any of the Invesco Funds at the time of the proposed purchase. To determine whether or not a reduced initial sales charge applies to a proposed purchase,
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Invesco Distributors takes into account not only the money which is invested upon such proposed purchase, but also the value of all shares of the Invesco Funds owned by such purchaser, calculated at their then current public offering price.
     If a purchaser qualifies for a reduced sales charge, the reduced sales charge applies to the total amount of money being invested, even if only a portion of that amount exceeds the breakpoint for the reduced sales charge. For example, if a purchaser already owns qualifying shares of any Invesco Fund with a value of $30,000 and wishes to invest an additional $30,000 in a Fund with a maximum initial sales charge of 5.50%, the reduced initial sales charge of 4.50% will apply to the full $30,000 purchase and not just to the $10,000 in excess of the $50,000 breakpoint.
     To qualify for obtaining the discount applicable to a particular purchase, the purchaser or his dealer must furnish the Transfer Agent with a list of the account numbers and the names in which such accounts of the purchaser are registered at the time the purchase is made.
     Rights of Accumulation are also available to holders of the Connecticut General Guaranteed Account, established for tax-qualified group annuities, for contracts purchased on or before June 30, 1992.
     If an investor’s new purchase of Class A shares of a Category I, II or IV Fund is at net asset value, the newly purchased shares may be subject to a 1% CDSC if the investor redeems them prior to the end of the 18 month holding period.
     Other Requirements For Reductions in Initial Sales Charges. As discussed above, investors or dealers seeking to qualify orders for a reduced initial sales charge must identify such orders and, if necessary, support their qualification for the reduced charge. Invesco Distributors reserves the right to determine whether any purchaser is entitled to the reduced sales charge based on the definition of a Qualified Purchaser listed above. No person or entity may distribute shares of the Invesco Funds without payment of the applicable sales charge other than to Qualified Purchasers.
     Purchases of Class A shares of Invesco Tax-Exempt Cash Fund and Class A5 shares or Invesco Cash Reserve Shares of Invesco Money Market Fund and Investor Class shares of any Invesco Fund will not be taken into account in determining whether a purchase qualifies for a reduction in initial sales charges.
     Class A Shares Sold Without an Initial Sales Charge. Invesco Distributors permits certain other investors to invest in Class A Shares without paying an initial charge, generally as a result of the investor’s current or former relationship with the Invesco Funds. Purchasers investing through a financial intermediary that has not agreed, either pursuant to an agreement with Invesco Distributors or otherwise, to qualify a shareholder as eligible under the terms of the disclosure below or is otherwise unable to systematically support such qualification, are not eligible to purchase Class A Shares without paying an initial sales charge.
    Any current, former or retired trustee, director, officer or employee (or immediate family member of a current, former or retired trustee, director, officer or employee) of any Invesco Fund or of Invesco Ltd. or any of its subsidiaries. This includes any foundation, trust or employee benefit plan maintained by any such persons;
    Any current or retired officer, director, or employee (and members of his or her Immediate Family) of DST Systems, Inc. or Fiserv Output Solutions, a division of Fiserv Solutions, Inc.;
    Shareholders of record of Class H, Class L, Class P and/or Class W of applicable predecessor funds on May 28, 2010 who have continuously owned shares of the corresponding Invesco Funds;
    Shareholders of record or discretionary advised clients of any investment adviser holding shares of AIM Weingarten Fund or AIM Constellation Fund on September 8, 1986, or of AIM Charter Fund on November 17, 1986, who have continuously owned shares and who purchase additional shares of Invesco Constellation Fund or Invesco Charter Fund, respectively;
    Unitholders of G/SET series unit investment trusts investing proceeds from such trusts in shares of Invesco Constellation Fund; provided, however, prior to the termination date of the trusts, a unitholder may invest proceeds from the redemption or repurchase of his units only when the investment in shares of Invesco Constellation Fund is effected within 30 days of the redemption or repurchase;
    Shareholders of the former GT Global funds as of April 30, 1987 who since that date continually have owned shares of one or more of these funds;
    Certain former AMA Investment Advisers’ shareholders who became shareholders of the AIM Global Health Care Fund in October 1989, and who have continuously held shares in the GT Global funds since that time;
    Shareholders of record of Advisor Class shares of an Invesco Fund on February 11, 2000 who have continuously owned shares of that Invesco Fund, and who purchase additional shares of that Invesco Fund;
    Additional purchases of Class A shares by shareholders of record of Class K shares on October 21, 2005 whose Class K shares were converted to Class A shares;
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    Shareholders of record of Class B shares of Invesco Global Dividend Growth Securities Fund on May 20, 2011, who have continuously owned shares and who purchase additional Class A shares of Invesco Global Core Equity Fund, respectively;
    Shareholders of record of Class B shares of Invesco Van Kampen Global Equity Allocation Fund on May 20, 2011, who have continuously owned shares and who purchase additional Class A shares of Invesco Global Core Equity Fund, respectively; and
    Unitholders of Invesco unit investment trusts that enrolled in the reinvestment program prior to December 3, 2007 to reinvest distributions from such trusts in Class A shares of the Invesco Funds. The Invesco Funds reserve the right to modify or terminate this program at any time.
        In all instances, it is the purchaser’s responsibility to notify Invesco Distributors or your financial intermediary of any relationship or other facts qualifying the purchaser as eligible to purchase Class A Shares without paying an initial sales charge and to provide all necessary documentation of such facts.
     Payments to Dealers. Invesco Distributors may elect to re-allow the entire initial sales charge to dealers for all sales with respect to which orders are placed with Invesco Distributors during a particular period. Dealers to whom substantially the entire sales charge is re-allowed may be deemed to be “underwriters” as that term is defined under the 1933 Act.
     The financial adviser through which you purchase your shares may receive all or a portion of the sales charges and Rule 12b-1 distribution fees discussed above. In this context, “financial advisers” include any broker, dealer, bank (including bank trust departments), insurance company separate account, transfer agent, registered investment adviser, financial planner, retirement plan administrator and any other financial intermediary having a selling, administration or similar agreement with Invesco Distributors or one or more of its corporate affiliates (collectively, the Invesco Distributors Affiliates). In addition to those payments, Invesco Distributors Affiliates may make additional cash payments to financial advisers in connection with the promotion and sale of shares of the Invesco Funds. Invesco Distributors Affiliates make these payments from their own resources, from Invesco Distributors’ retention of underwriting concessions and from payments to Invesco Distributors under Rule 12b-1 plans. In the case of sub-accounting payments, discussed below, Invesco Distributors Affiliates will be reimbursed directly by the Invesco Funds for such payments. These additional cash payments are described below. The categories described below are not mutually exclusive. The same financial adviser, or one or more of its affiliates, may receive payments under more than one or all categories. Most financial advisers that sell shares of the Invesco Funds receive one or more types of these cash payments. Financial advisers negotiate the cash payments to be paid on an individual basis. Where services are provided, the costs of providing the services and the overall package of services provided may vary from one financial adviser to another. Invesco Distributors Affiliates do not make an independent assessment of the cost of providing such services.
     Certain financial advisers listed below received one or more types of the following payments during the prior calendar year. This list is not necessarily current and will change over time. Certain arrangements are still being negotiated, and there is a possibility that payments will be made retroactively to financial advisers not listed below. Accordingly, please contact your financial adviser to determine whether they currently may be receiving such payments and to obtain further information regarding any such payments.
     Financial Support Payments. Invesco Distributors Affiliates make financial support payments as incentives to certain financial advisers to promote and sell shares of Invesco Funds. The benefits Invesco Distributors Affiliates receive when they make these payments include, among other things, placing Invesco Funds on the financial adviser’s funds sales system, and access (in some cases on a preferential basis over other competitors) to individual members of the financial adviser’s sales force or to the financial adviser’s management. Financial support payments are sometimes referred to as “shelf space” payments because the payments compensate the financial adviser for including Invesco Funds in its Fund sales system (on its sales shelf). Invesco Distributors Affiliates compensate financial advisers differently depending typically on the level and/or type of considerations provided by the financial adviser. In addition, payments typically apply only to retail sales, and may not apply to other types of sales or assets (such as sales to retirement plans, qualified tuition programs, or fee based adviser programs — some of which may generate certain other payments described below).
     The financial support payments Invesco Distributors Affiliates make may be calculated on sales of shares of Invesco Funds (Sales-Based Payments), in which case the total amount of such payments shall not exceed 0.25% of the public offering price of all such shares sold by the financial adviser during the particular period. Such payments also may be calculated on the average daily net assets of the applicable Invesco Funds attributable to that particular financial adviser (Asset-Based Payments), in which case the total amount of such cash payments shall not exceed 0.25% per annum of those assets during a defined period. Sales-Based Payments primarily create incentives to make new sales of shares of Invesco Funds and Asset-Based Payments primarily create incentives to retain previously sold shares of Invesco Funds in investor accounts. Invesco Distributors Affiliates may pay a financial adviser either or both Sales-Based Payments and Asset-Based Payments.
     Sub-Accounting and Networking Support Payments. Invesco Investment Services, an Invesco Distributors Affiliate, acts as the transfer agent for the Invesco Funds, registering the transfer, issuance and redemption of Invesco Fund shares, and disbursing dividends and other distributions to Invesco Funds shareholders. However, many Invesco Fund shares are owned or held by financial advisers, as that term is defined above, for the benefit of their customers. In those cases, the Invesco Funds often do not maintain an account for the shareholder. Thus, some or all of the transfer agency functions for these accounts are performed by the financial adviser. In these situations, Invesco Distributors Affiliates may make payments to financial advisers that sell Invesco Fund shares for certain transfer agency services, including record keeping and sub-accounting shareholder accounts. Payments for these services typically do not exceed 0.25% (for non-Class R5 shares) or 0.10% (for Class R5 shares) of
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average annual assets of such share classes or $19 per annum per shareholder account (for non-Class R5 shares only). No Sub-Accounting or Networking Support payments will be made with respect to Invesco Funds’ Class R6 shares. Invesco Distributors Affiliates also may make payments to certain financial advisers that sell Invesco Fund shares in connection with client account maintenance support, statement preparation and transaction processing. The types of payments that Invesco Distributors Affiliates may make under this category include, among others, payment of networking fees of up to $12 per shareholder account maintained on certain mutual fund trading systems.
     All fees payable by Invesco Distributors Affiliates pursuant to a sub-transfer agency, omnibus account service or sub-accounting agreement are charged back to the Invesco Funds, subject to certain limitations approved by the Board of the Trust.
     Other Cash Payments. From time to time, Invesco Distributors Affiliates, at their expense and out of their own resources, may provide additional compensation to financial advisers which sell or arrange for the sale of shares of a Fund. Such compensation provided by Invesco Distributors Affiliates may include payment of ticket charges per purchase or exchange order placed by a financial adviser, one-time payments for ancillary services such as setting up funds on a financial adviser’s mutual fund trading systems, financial assistance to financial advisers that enable Invesco Distributors Affiliates to participate in and/or present at conferences or seminars, sales or training programs for invited registered representatives and other employees, client entertainment, client and investor events, and other financial adviser-sponsored events, and travel expenses, including lodging incurred by registered representatives and other employees in connection with client prospecting, retention and due diligence trips. Other compensation may be offered to the extent not prohibited by state laws or any self-regulatory agency, such as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) (formerly, NASD, Inc.). Invesco Distributors Affiliates make payments for entertainment events it deems appropriate, subject to Invesco Distributors Affiliates guidelines and applicable law. These payments may vary depending upon the nature of the event or the relationship.
     Invesco Distributors Affiliates are motivated to make the payments described above because they promote the sale of Invesco Fund shares and the retention of those investments by clients of financial advisers. To the extent financial advisers sell more shares of Invesco Funds or retain shares of Invesco Funds in their clients’ accounts, Invesco Distributors Affiliates benefit from the incremental management and other fees paid to Invesco Distributors Affiliates by the Invesco Funds with respect to those assets.
     In certain cases these payments could be significant to the financial adviser. Your financial adviser may charge you additional fees or commissions other than those disclosed in the prospectus. You can ask your financial adviser about any payments it receives from Invesco Distributors Affiliates or the Invesco Funds, as well as about fees and/or commissions it charges. You should consult disclosures made by your financial adviser at the time of purchase.
Certain Financial Advisers that Receive One or More Types of Payments

1st Global Capital Corporation
ACS HR Solutions
1st Partners, Inc.
401k Exchange, Inc.
401k Producer Services
A G Edwards & Sons, Inc.
ADP Broker Dealer, Inc.
AIG Retirement
Advantage Capital Corporation
Advest Inc.
Allianz Life
Alliance Benefit Group
American Enterprise Investment
American Portfolios Financial Services Inc.
American Skandia Life Assurance Corporation
American United Life Insurance Company
Ameriprise Financial Services Inc.
Associated Securities Corporation
AXA Advisors, LLC
AXA Equitable
Baden Retirement Plan Services
The Bank of New York
Bank of America
Bank of Oklahoma
Barclays Capital Inc.
BCG Securities
Bear Stearns Securities Corp.
Bear Stearns and Co. Inc.
Benefit Plans Administrators
Benefit Trust Company
BMO Harris Bank NA
BNP Paribas
BOSC, Inc.
Branch Banking & Trust Company
Brinker Capital
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.
Buck Kwasha Securities LLC
Cadaret Grant & Company, Inc.
Cambridge Investment Research, Inc.
Cantella & Co., Inc.
Capital One Investment Services LLC
Center for Due Diligence
Cantor Fitzgerald & Co.
Centennial Bank
Charles Schwab & Company, Inc.
Chase Insurance Life Annuity
Chase Citibank, N.A.
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
Citi Smith Barney
Citibank NA
City National
Comerica Bank
Commerce Bank
Commonwealth Financial Network LPL
Community National Bank
Compass Bank
Compass Brokerage, Inc.
Contemporary Financial Solutions, Inc.
CPI Qualified Plan Consultants, Inc.

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Credit Suisse Securities
Crowell Weedon & Co.
CUNA Brokerage Services, Inc.
CUSO Financial Services, Inc.
D.A. Davidson & Company
Daily Access Corporation
Davenport & Company LLC
David Lerner & Associates
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc.
Digital Retirement Solutions
Diversified Investment Advisors
Dorsey & Company Inc.
Dyatech LLC
E*Trade Securities Inc.
Edward Jones & Co.
Equitable Life
Equity Services, Inc.
ERISA Administrative Services Inc
Fifth Third Bank
Fifth Third Securities, Inc.
Financial Data Services Inc.
Financial Network Investment Corporation
Financial Planning Association
Financial Services Corporation
First Clearing Corp.
First Command Financial Planning, Inc.
First Financial Equity Corp.
First National Bank
First Southwest Company
Fringe Benefits Administrators Limited
Fringe Benefits Design
Frost Brokerage Services, Inc.
Frost National Bank
FSC Securities Corporation
Fund Services Advisors, Inc.
Gardner Michael Capital, Inc.
GE Capital Life Insurance Company of New York
GE Life & Annuity Company
Genworth Financial Securities Corp.
Glenbrook Life and Annuity
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Great West Life
Guaranty Bank & Trust
GunnAllen Financial
GWFS Equities, Inc.
Hare and Company
H.D. Vest
Hewitt Associates Inc
Hewitt Financial Services
Hightower Securities, LLC
Hilliard Lyons Inc
Hornor, Townsend & Kent, Inc.
Huntington Capital
Huntington National Bank
Huntington Investment Co
ICMA Retirement Corporation
Ingham Group
Insured Retirement Institute
Intersecurities, Inc.
INVEST Financial Corporation, Inc.
Investacorp, Inc.
Investment Centers of America, Inc.
Jackson National Life
Janney Montgomery Scott Inc
Jefferson National Life Insurance Company
Jefferson Pilot Securities Corporation
J.M. Lummis Securities
John Hancock
JP Morgan
Kanaly Trust Company
Kaufmann and Goble Associates
LaSalle Bank, N.A.
Legend Equities Corp
Legend Clearing Corp
Lincoln Financial
Lincoln Investment Planning
Lincoln National Life Insurance
Liquid Assets
Loop Capital Markets, LLC
LPL Financial Corp.
M & T Securities, Inc.
M M L Investors Services, Inc.
Marshall & Ilsley Trust Co., N.A.
Mass Mutual
Mellon Bank N.A.
Mellon Financial
Mellon Financial Markets
Mercer Trust Company
Merrill Lynch
Metropolitan Life
Meyer Financial Group, Inc.
Mid Atlantic Capital Corporation
Milliman Inc
Minnesota Lfe Insurance Co.
MMC Securities Corp
Money Concepts
Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc.
Morgan Stanley
MSCS Financial Services, LLC
Multi-Financial Securities Corporation
Municipal Capital Markets Group, Inc.
Mutual Service Corporation
Mutual Services, Inc.
N F P Securities, Inc.
NatCity Investments, Inc.
National Financial Services Corporation
National Integrity Life Insurance Co
National Planning Corporation
National Planning Holdings
National Retirement Partners Inc.
New York Life
Newport Retirement Services Inc
Next Financial Group, Inc.
NFP Securities Inc.
NRP Financial
Northeast Securities, Inc.
Northwest Plan Services Inc
Northwestern Mutual Investment Services
OFI Private Investments Inc
Ohio National
OneAmerica Financial Partners Inc.
Oppenheimer & Company, Inc.
Oppenheimer Securities
Oppenheimer Trust Company
Pacific Life
Penn Mutual Life
Penson Financial Services
People’s Securities Inc
Pershing LLC
PFS Investments, Inc.
Phoenix Life Insurance Company
Piper Jaffray
PJ Robb
Plains Capital Bank

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Plan Administrators
Plan Member
PNC Bank, N.A.
PNC Capital Markets LLC
PNC Investments, LLC
Primevest Financial Services, Inc.
Princeton Retirement Group, Inc.
Principal Financial
Principal Life Insurance Company
Proequities, Inc.
Qualified Benefit Consultants Inc
R B C Dain Rauscher, Inc.
RBC Wealth Management
Randall & Hurley Inc
Raymond James
Reassure America Life Insurance Co
Reliance Trust Company
Retirement Plan Company LLC
Ridge Clearing
Robert W. Baird & Co.
Ross Sinclair & Associates LLC
Royal Alliance Associates
Riversource (Ameriprise)
RSM McGladrey Inc
S I I Investments, Inc.
Safekeeping/Money Center Clearing
SagePoint Financial, Inc.
Salomon Smith Barney
Sanders Morris Harris
SCF Securities, Inc.
Scott & Stringfellow, Inc.
Securities America, Inc.
Security Benefit Life
Security Distributors Inc
Security Financial Resources
Securian Financial Services, Inc.
Security Distributors, Inc.
Sentra Securities
Signator Investors, Inc.
Silverton Capital, Corp.
Simmons First Investment Group, Inc.
Smith Barney Inc.
Smith Hayes Financial Services
Southwest Securities
Sovereign Bank
Spelman & Company
State Farm
State Street Bank & Trust Company
Sterne Agee & Leach
Stifel Nicolaus & Company
Summit Brokerage Servcies, Inc.
Summit Equities, Inc.
SunAmerica Retirement Markets, Inc
SunAmerica Securities, Inc.
Sun Life
SunTrust Robinson Humphrey, Inc.
SWS Financial Services, Inc.
Symetra Investment Services Inc.
TD Ameritrade
The (Wilson) William Financial Group
TFS Securities, Inc.
Tradetec Skyline
Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc.
Transamerica Life
Transamerica Capital Inc.
Transamerica Treasury Curve, LLC
Trautmann Maher and Associates
Treasury Curve
Treasury Strategies
T Rowe Price
Trust Management Network, LLC
U.S. Bancorp
UBS Financial Services Inc.
UMB Financial Services, Inc.
Unified Fund Services Inc
Union Bank
Union Bank of California, N.A.
Union Central
United Planners Financial
USAA Investment Mgmt Co
USB Financial Services, Inc.
US Bank
U.S. Bank, N.A.
USI Consulting Group
USI Securities, Inc.
The Vanguard Group
Vanguard Marketing Corp.
V S R Financial Services, Inc.
VALIC Financial Advisors, Inc.
VALIC Retirement Services Company
VLP Corporate Services
Vining Sparks IBG, LP
Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC
Waddell & Reed, Inc.
Wadsworth Investment Co., Inc.
Wall Street Financial Group, Inc.
Waterstone Financial Group, Inc.
Wedbush Morgan Securities Inc
Wells Fargo
Wilmington Trust Company
Woodbury Financial Services, Inc.
Woodstock Financial Group Inc
Zions First National Bank

Purchases of Class B Shares
     New or additional investments in Class B shares are no longer permitted; but investors may pay a CDSC if they redeem their shares within a specified number of years after purchase. See the Prospectus for additional information regarding contingent deferred sales charges. Invesco Distributors may pay sales commissions to dealers and institutions who sell Class B shares of the Invesco Funds at the time of such sales. Payments are equal to 4.00% of the purchase price, which generally consist of a sales commission equal to 3.75% plus an advance of the first year service fee of 0.25%.
Purchases of Class C Shares
     Class C shares are sold at net asset value, and are not subject to an initial sales charge. Investors in Class C shares may pay a CDSC if they redeem their shares within the first year after purchase (no CDSC applies to Class C shares of Invesco Short Term Bond Fund unless you exchange shares of another Invesco Fund that are subject to a CDSC into Invesco Short Term Bond Fund). See the Prospectus for additional
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information regarding this CDSC. Invesco Distributors may pay sales commissions to dealers and institutions who sell Class C shares of the Invesco Funds (except for Class C shares of Invesco Short Term Bond Fund) at the time of such sales. Payments with respect to Invesco Funds other than Invesco Floating Rate Fund will equal 1.00% of the purchase price and will consist of a sales commission of 0.75% plus an advance of the first year service fee of 0.25%. Payments with respect to Invesco Floating Rate Fund will equal 0.75% of the purchase price and will consist of a sales commission of 0.50% plus an advance of the first year service fee of 0.25%. These commissions are not paid on sales to investors exempt from the CDSC, including shareholders of record of AIM Advisor Funds, Inc. on April 30, 1995, who purchase additional shares in any of the Invesco Funds on or after May 1, 1995, and in circumstances where Invesco Distributors grants an exemption on particular transactions.
Payments with Regard to Converted Class K Shares
     For Class A shares acquired by a former Class K shareholder (i) as a result of a fund merger; or (ii) as a result of the conversion of Class K shares into Class A shares on October 21, 2005, Invesco Distributors will pay financial intermediaries 0.45% on such Class A shares as follows: (i) 0.25% from the Class A shares’ Rule 12b-1 plan fees; and (ii) 0.20% from Invesco Distributors’ own resources provided that, on an annualized basis for 2005 as of October 21, 2005, the 0.20% exceeds $2,000 per year.
Purchase and Redemption of Class P Shares
     Certain former investors in the AIM Summit Plans I and II may acquire Class P shares at net asset value. Please see Invesco Summit Fund’s Prospectus for details.
Purchases of Class R Shares
     Class R shares are sold at net asset value, and are not subject to an initial sales charge. For purchases of Class R shares of Category I, II or IV Funds, Invesco Distributors may make the following payments to dealers of record provided that the applicable dealer of record is able to establish that the purchase of Class R shares is a new investment or a rollover from a retirement plan in which an Invesco Fund was offered as an investment option:
Percent of Cumulative Purchases
0.75% of the first $5 million
plus 0.50% of amounts in excess of $5 million
     With regard to any individual purchase of Class R shares, Invesco Distributors may make payment to the dealer of record based on the cumulative total of purchases made by the same plan over the life of the plan’s account(s).
Purchases of Class S Shares
     Class S shares are limited to investors who purchase shares with the proceeds received from a systematic contractual investment plan redemption within the 12-months prior to purchasing Class S shares, and who purchase through an approved financial intermediary that has an agreement with the distributor to sell Class S shares. Class S Shares are not otherwise sold to members of the general public. An investor purchasing Class S shares will not pay an initial sales charge. The investor will no longer be eligible to purchase additional Class S shares at that point where the value of the contributions to the prior systematic contractual investment plan combined with the subsequent Class S share contributions equals the face amount of what would have been the investor’s systematic contractual investment plan under the 30-year investment option. The face amount of a systematic contractual investment plan is the combined total of all scheduled monthly investments under that plan. For a plan with a scheduled monthly investment of $100.00, the face amount would have been $36,000.00 under the 30-year extended investment option. Class S shares have a 12b-1 fee of 0.15%.
Purchases of Class Y Shares
     Class Y shares are sold at net asset value, and are not subject to an initial sales charge or to a CDSC. Please refer to the Prospectus for more information.
Purchases of Investor Class Shares
     Investor Class shares are sold at net asset value, and are not subject to an initial sales charge or to a CDSC. Invesco Distributors may pay dealers and institutions an annual service fee of 0.25% of average daily net assets and such payments will commence immediately. The Investor Class is closed to new investors.
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Purchases of Class R5 and R6 Shares
     Class R5 and R6 shares are sold at net asset value, and are not subject to an initial sales charge or to a CDSC. Please refer to the Class R5 and R6 Prospectus for more information.
     Terms and Conditions of Exchanges. Normally, shares of an Invesco Fund to be acquired by exchange are purchased at their net asset value or applicable offering price, as the case may be, determined on the date that such request is received, but under unusual market conditions such purchases may be delayed for up to five business days if it is determined that a fund would be materially disadvantaged by an immediate transfer of the proceeds of the exchange. If a shareholder is exchanging into a Fund paying daily dividends, and the release of the exchange proceeds is delayed for the foregoing five-day period, such shareholder will not begin to accrue dividends until the sixth business day after the exchange.
     General. Shares of the Invesco Funds may be redeemed directly through Invesco Distributors or through any dealer who has entered into an agreement with Invesco Distributors. In addition to the Funds’ obligation to redeem shares, Invesco Distributors may also repurchase shares as an accommodation to shareholders. To effect a repurchase, those dealers who have executed Selected Dealer Agreements with Invesco Distributors must phone orders to the order desk of the Funds at (800) 959-4246 and guarantee delivery of all required documents in good order. A repurchase is effected at the net asset value per share of the applicable Fund next determined after the repurchase order is received in good order. Such an arrangement is subject to timely receipt by Invesco Investment Services, the Funds’ transfer agent, of all required documents in good order. If such documents are not received within a reasonable time after the order is placed, the order is subject to cancellation. While there is no charge imposed by a Fund or by Invesco Distributors (other than any applicable contingent deferred sales charge) when shares are redeemed or repurchased, dealers may charge a fair service fee for handling the transaction.
     Suspension of Redemptions. The right of redemption may be suspended or the date of payment postponed when (a) trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is restricted, as determined by applicable rules and regulations of the SEC, (b) the NYSE is closed for other than customary weekend and holiday closings, (c) the SEC has by order permitted such suspension, or (d) an emergency as determined by the SEC exists making disposition of portfolio securities or the valuation of the net assets of Fund not reasonably practicable. With respect to Invesco Money Market Fund, Invesco Tax-Exempt Cash Fund, Premier Portfolio, Premier Tax-Exempt Portfolio and Premier U.S. Government Money Portfolio, in the event that the Board of Trustees, including a majority of Trustees who are not interested persons of the Trust as defined in the 1940 Act, determines that the extent of the deviation between the Fund’s amortized cost per share and its current net asset value per share calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions) may result in material dilution or other unfair results to the Fund’s investors or existing shareholders, and irrevocably has approved the liquidation of the Fund, the Board of Trustees has the authority to suspend redemptions of the Fund shares.
     Systematic Redemption Plan. A Systematic Redemption Plan permits a shareholder of an Invesco Fund to withdraw on a regular basis at least $50 per withdrawal. At the time the withdrawal plan is established, the total account value must be $5,000 or more. Under a Systematic Redemption Plan, all shares are to be held by Invesco Investment Services. To provide funds for payments made under the Systematic Redemption Plan, Invesco Investment Services redeems sufficient full and fractional shares at their net asset value in effect at the time of each such redemption.
     Payments under a Systematic Redemption Plan constitute taxable events. Because such payments are funded by the redemption of shares, they may result in a return of capital and in capital gains or losses, rather than in ordinary income. Also because sales charges are imposed on additional purchases of Class A shares, it is disadvantageous to effect such purchases while a Systematic Redemption Plan is in effect.
     Each Invesco Fund bears its share of the cost of operating the Systematic Redemption Plan.
Contingent Deferred Sales Charges Imposed upon Redemption of Shares
     A CDSC may be imposed upon the redemption of Large Purchases of Class A shares of Category I, II and IV Funds, upon the redemption of Class B shares or Class C shares (no CDSC applies to Class C shares of Invesco Short Term Bond Fund unless you exchange shares of another Invesco Fund that are subject to a CDSC into or Invesco Short Term Bond Fund). (In addition, no CDSC applies to Class A2 shares.) See the Prospectus for additional information regarding CDSCs.
     Contingent Deferred Sales Charge Exceptions for Large Purchases of Class A Shares. An investor who has made a Large Purchase of Class A shares of a Category I, II or IV Fund, will not be subject to a CDSC upon the redemption of those shares in the following situations:
    Redemptions of shares of Category I, II or IV Funds held more than 18 months;
    Redemptions of shares held by retirement plans, maintained pursuant to Sections 403 (only if the employer or plan sponsor is a tax-exempt organization operated pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Code), 401 or 457 of the Code, in cases where (i) the plan has remained invested in Class A shares of a Fund for at least 12 months, or (ii) the redemption is not a complete redemption of shares held by the plan;
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    Redemptions of shares by the investor where the investor’s dealer waives the amounts otherwise payable to it by the distributor and notifies the distributor prior to the time of investment;
    Minimum required distributions made in connection with an IRA, money purchase plan, profit sharing plan, Solo 401(k) or custodial account under Section 403(b) of the Code or other retirement plan following attainment of age 701/2, or older, and only with respect to that portion of such distribution that does not exceed 12% annually of the participant’s beneficiary account value in a particular Fund;
    Redemptions following the death or post-purchase disability of (i) any registered shareholders on an account or (ii) a settlor of a living trust, of shares held in the account at the time of death or initial determination of post-purchase disability, provided that shares have not been commingled with shares that are subject to CDSC; and
    Amounts from a monthly, quarterly or annual Systematic Redemption Plan of up to an annual amount of 12% of the account value on a per fund basis provided the investor reinvests his dividends. At the time the withdrawal plan is established, the total account value must be $5,000 or more.
     Contingent Deferred Sales Charge Exceptions for Class B and C Shares. CDSCs will not apply to the following redemptions of Class B or Class C shares, as applicable:
    Additional purchases of Class C shares of Invesco International Core Equity Fund and Invesco Real Estate Fund by shareholders of record on April 30, 1995, of AIM International Value Fund, predecessor to Invesco International Core Equity Fund, and Invesco Real Estate Fund, except that shareholders whose broker-dealers maintain a single omnibus account with Invesco Investment Services on behalf of those shareholders, perform sub-accounting functions with respect to those shareholders, and are unable to segregate shareholders of record prior to April 30, 1995, from shareholders whose accounts were opened after that date will be subject to a CDSC on all purchases made after March 1, 1996;
    Redemptions following the death or post-purchase disability of (1) any registered shareholders on an account or (2) a settlor of a living trust, of shares held in the account at the time of death or initial determination of post-purchase disability, provided that shares have not been commingled with shares that are subject to CDSC;
    Certain distributions from individual retirement accounts, Section 403(b) retirement plans, Section 457 deferred compensation plans and Section 401 qualified plans, where redemptions result from (i) required minimum distributions to plan participants or beneficiaries who are age 701/2 or older, and only with respect to that portion of such distributions that does not exceed 12% annually of the participant’s or beneficiary’s account value in a particular Fund; (ii) in kind transfers of assets where the participant or beneficiary notifies the distributor of the transfer no later than the time the transfer occurs; (iii) tax-free rollovers or transfers of assets to another plan of the type described above invested in Class B or Class C shares of one or more of the Funds; (iv) tax-free returns of excess contributions or returns of excess deferral amounts; and (v) distributions on the death or disability (as defined in the Code) of the participant or beneficiary;
    Amounts from a monthly or quarterly Systematic Redemption Plan of up to an annual amount of 12% of the account value on a per fund basis provided the investor reinvests his dividends. At the time the withdrawal plan is established, the total account value must be $5,000 or more;
    Liquidation initiated by the Fund when the account value falls below the minimum required account size of $500; and
    Investment account(s) of Invesco and its affiliates.
CDSCs will not apply to the following redemptions of Class C shares:
    A total or partial redemption of shares where the investor’s dealer of record notifies the distributor prior to the time of investment that the dealer would waive the upfront payment otherwise payable to him;
    Redemption of shares held by retirement plans, maintained pursuant to Sections 403 (only if the employer or plan sponsor is a tax-exempt organization operated pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Code), 401 or 457 of the Code, in cases where (i) the plan has remained invested in Class C shares of a Fund for at least 12 months, or (ii) the redemption is not a complete redemption of all Class C shares held by the plan; and
    Redemptions of Class C shares of a Fund other than Invesco Short Term Bond Fund if you received such Class C shares by exchanging Class C shares of Invesco Short Term Bond Fund.
General Information Regarding Purchases, Exchanges and Redemptions
     Good Order. Purchase, exchange and redemption orders must be received in good order in accordance with Invesco Investment Services policy and procedures and U.S. regulations. Invesco Investment Services reserves the right to refuse transactions. Transactions not in good order will not be processed and once brought into good order, will receive the current price. To be in good order, an investor or financial intermediary must supply Invesco Investment Services with all required information and documentation, including signature guarantees when required. In addition, if a purchase of shares is made by check, the check must be received in good order. This means that the check must be properly completed and signed, and legible to Invesco Investment Services in its sole discretion. If a check used to purchase shares does not clear, or if any investment order must be canceled due to nonpayment, the investor will be responsible for any resulting loss.
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     Authorized Agents. Invesco Investment Services and Invesco Distributors may authorize agents to accept purchase and redemption orders that are in good order on behalf of the Invesco Funds. In certain cases, these authorized agents are authorized to designate other intermediaries to accept purchase and redemption orders on a Fund’s behalf. The Fund will be deemed to have received the purchase or redemption order when the Fund’s authorized agent or its designee accepts the order. The order will be priced at the net asset value next determined after the order is accepted by the Fund’s authorized agent or its designee.
     Signature Guarantees. In addition to those circumstances listed in the “Shareholder Information” section of each Fund’s prospectus, signature guarantees are required in the following situations: (1) requests to transfer the registration of shares to another owner; (2) telephone exchange and telephone redemption authorization forms; (3) changes in previously designated wiring or electronic funds transfer instructions; (4) written redemptions or exchanges of shares held in certificate form previously reported to Invesco as lost, whether or not the redemption amount is under $250,000 or the proceeds are to be sent to the address of record; and (5) requests to redeem accounts where the proceeds are over $250,000 or the proceeds are to be sent to an address or a bank other than the address or bank of record. Invesco Funds may waive or modify any signature guarantee requirements at any time.
     Acceptable guarantors include banks, broker-dealers, credit unions, national securities exchanges, savings associations and any other organization, provided that such institution or organization qualifies as an “eligible guarantor institution” as that term is defined in rules adopted by the SEC, and further provided that such guarantor institution is listed in one of the reference guides contained in Invesco Investment Services’ current Signature Guarantee Standards and Procedures, such as certain domestic banks, credit unions, securities dealers, or securities exchanges. Notary public signatures are not an acceptable replacement for a signature guarantee. Invesco Investment Services will also accept signatures with either: (1) a signature guaranteed with a medallion stamp of the STAMP Program, or (2) a signature guaranteed with a medallion stamp of the NYSE Medallion Signature Program, provided that in either event, the amount of the total transaction involved does not exceed the surety coverage amount indicated on the medallion. For information regarding whether a particular institution or organization qualifies as an “eligible guarantor institution” and to determine how to fulfill a signature guarantee requirement, an investor should contact the Client Services Department of Invesco Investment Services.
     Transactions by Telephone. By signing an account application form, an investor agrees that Invesco Investment Services may surrender for redemption any and all shares held by Invesco Investment Services in the designated account(s), or in any other account with any of the Invesco Funds, present or future, which has the identical registration as the designated account(s). Invesco Investment Services and Invesco Distributors are thereby authorized and directed to accept and act upon any telephone redemptions of shares held in any of the account(s) listed, from any person who requests the redemption proceeds to be applied to purchase shares in any one or more of the Invesco Funds, provided that such Fund is available for sale and provided that the registration and mailing address of the shares to be purchased are identical to the registration of the shares being redeemed. An investor acknowledges by signing the form that he understands and agrees that Invesco Investment Services and Invesco Distributors may not be liable for any loss, expense or cost arising out of any telephone exchange requests effected in accordance with the authorization set forth in these instructions if they reasonably believe such request to be genuine. Procedures for verification of telephone transactions may include recordings of telephone transactions (maintained for six months), requests for confirmation of the shareholder’s Social Security Number and current address, and mailings of confirmations promptly after the transactions. Invesco Investment Services reserves the right to modify or terminate the telephone exchange privilege at any time without notice. An investor may elect not to have this privilege by marking the appropriate box on the application. Then any exchanges must be effected in writing by the investor.
     Internet Transactions. An investor may effect transactions in his account through the internet by establishing a Personal Identification Number (PIN). By establishing a PIN the investor acknowledges and agrees that neither Invesco Investment Services nor Invesco Distributors will be liable for any loss, expense or cost arising out of any internet transaction effected by them in accordance with any instructions submitted by a user who transmits the PIN as authentication of his or her identity. Procedures for verification of internet transactions include requests for confirmation of the shareholder’s personal identification number and mailing of confirmations promptly after the transactions. The investor also acknowledges that the ability to effect internet transactions may be terminated at any time by the Invesco Funds. Policies for processing transactions via the Internet may differ from policies for transactions via telephone due to system settings.
     Abandoned Property. It is the responsibility of the investor to ensure that Invesco Investment Services maintains a correct address for his account(s). An incorrect address may cause an investor’s account statements and other mailings to be returned to Invesco Investment Services. Upon receiving returned mail, Invesco Investment Services will attempt to locate the investor or rightful owner of the account. If Invesco Investment Services is unable to locate the investor, then it will determine whether the investor’s account has legally been abandoned. Invesco Investment Services is legally obligated to escheat (or transfer) abandoned property to the appropriate state’s unclaimed property administrator in accordance with statutory requirements. The investor’s last known address of record determines which state has jurisdiction.
     Retirement Plans Sponsored by Invesco Distributors. Invesco Distributors acts as the prototype sponsor for certain types of retirement plan documents. These plan documents are generally available to anyone wishing to invest plan assets in the Funds. These documents are provided subject to terms, conditions and fees that vary by plan type. Contact your financial adviser or other intermediary for details.
     Miscellaneous Fees. In certain circumstances, the intermediary maintaining the shareholder account through which your Fund shares are held may assess various fees related to the maintenance of that account, such as:
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    an annual custodial fee on accounts where Invesco Distributors acts as the prototype sponsor;
    expedited mailing fees in response to overnight redemption requests; and
    copying and mailing charges in response to requests for duplicate statements.
Please consult with your intermediary for further details concerning any applicable fees.
Class R5 and R6 Shares
     Before the initial purchase of shares, an investor must submit a completed account application to his financial intermediary, who should forward the application to Invesco Investment Services, Inc. at P.O. Box 219078, Kansas City, Missouri 64121-9078. An investor may change information in his account application by submitting written changes or a new account application to his intermediary or to Invesco Investment Services.
     Purchase and redemption orders must be received in good order. To be in good order, the financial intermediary must give Invesco Investment Services all required information and documentation with respect to the investor. If the intermediary fails to deliver the investor’s payment on the required settlement date, the intermediary must reimburse the Fund for any overdraft charges incurred.
     A financial intermediary may submit a written request to Invesco Investment Services for correction of transactions involving Fund shares. If Invesco Investment Services agrees to correct a transaction, and the correction requires a dividend adjustment, the intermediary must agree in writing to reimburse the Fund for any resulting loss.
     An investor may terminate his relationship with an intermediary and become the shareholder of record on his account. However, until the investor establishes a relationship with an intermediary, the investor will not be able to purchase additional shares of the Fund, except through the reinvestment of distributions.
     Generally payment for redeemed shares is made by Federal Reserve wire to the account designated in the investor’s account application. By providing written notice to his financial intermediary or to Invesco Investments Services, an investor may change the account designated to receive redemption proceeds. Invesco Investment Services may request additional documentation.
     Invesco Investment Services may request that an intermediary maintain separate master accounts in the Fund for shares held by the intermediary (a) for its own account, for the account of other institutions and for accounts for which the intermediary acts as a fiduciary; and (b) for accounts for which the intermediary acts in some other capacity.
Offering Price
     The following formula may be used to determine the public offering price per Class A share of an investor’s investment:
     Net Asset Value / (1 – Sales Charge as % of Offering Price) = Offering Price. For example, at the close of business on [Registrant FYE], [Fund Name] – Class A shares had a net asset value per share of [xx]. The offering price, assuming an initial sales charge of [5.50%], therefore was [xx].
     Class R5 and R6 shares of the Invesco Funds are offered at net asset value.
Calculation of Net Asset Value
     Each Invesco Fund determines its net asset value per share once daily as of the close of the customary trading session of the NYSE on each business day of the Invesco Fund. In the event the NYSE closes early on a particular day, each Invesco Fund determines its net asset value per share as of the close of the NYSE on such day. Futures contracts may be valued at the final settlement price set by an exchange on which they are principally traded. Listed options are valued at the mean between the last bid and ask prices from the exchange on which they are principally traded. Options not listed on an exchange are valued by an independent source at the mean between the last bid and ask prices. The Invesco Funds determine net asset value per share by dividing the value of an Invesco Fund’s securities, cash and other assets (including interest accrued but not collected) attributable to a particular class, less all its liabilities (including accrued expenses and dividends payable) attributable to that class, by the total number of shares outstanding of that class. Determination of an Invesco Fund’s net asset value per share is made in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Generally, the portfolio securities for non-money market funds are recorded in the NAV no later than trade date plus one, except on fiscal quarter ends, such securities are recorded on trade date. For money market funds, portfolio securities are recorded in the NAV on trade date. The net asset value for shareholder transactions may be different than the net asset value reported in the Invesco Fund’s financial statement due to adjustments required by generally accepted accounting principles made to the net asset value of the Invesco Fund at period end.
     A security listed or traded on an exchange (excluding convertible bonds) held by an Invesco Fund is valued at its last sales price or official closing price on the exchange where the security is principally traded or, lacking any sales or official closing price on a particular day, the security
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may be valued at the closing bid price on that day. Each equity security traded in the over-the-counter market is valued on the basis of prices furnished by independent pricing services vendors or market makers. Debt securities (including convertible bonds) and unlisted equities are fair valued using an evaluated quote provided by an independent pricing vendor. Evaluated quotes provided by the pricing vendor may be determined without exclusive reliance on quoted prices, and may reflect appropriate factors such as institution-size trading in similar groups of securities, developments related to special securities, dividend rate, yield, quality, coupon rate, maturity, type of issue, individual trading characteristics and other market data. Securities for which market prices are not provided by any of the above methods may be valued based upon quotes furnished by independent sources and are valued at the last bid price in the case of equity securities and Corporate Loans and in the case of debt obligations (excluding Corporate Loans), the mean between the last bid and ask prices. Senior secured floating rate loans and senior secured floating rate debt securities are fair valued using an evaluated quote provided by an independent pricing service. Evaluated quotes provided by the pricing service may reflect appropriate factors such as ratings, tranche type, industry, company performance, spread, individual trading characteristics, institution-size trading in similar groups of securities and other market data. Investments in open-end and closed-end registered investment companies that do not trade on an exchange are valued at the end of day net asset value per share.
     Generally, trading in corporate bonds, U.S. Government securities and money market instruments is substantially completed each day prior to the close of the customary trading session of the NYSE. The values of such securities used in computing the net asset value of an Invesco Fund’s shares are determined at such times. Occasionally, events affecting the values of such securities may occur between the times at which such values are determined and the close of the customary trading session of the NYSE. If Invesco believes a development/event has actually caused a closing price to no longer reflect current market value, the closing price may be adjusted to reflect the fair value of the affected security as of the close of the NYSE as determined in good faith using procedures approved by the Board.
     Foreign securities are converted into U.S. dollar amounts using exchange rates as of the close of the NYSE. If market quotations are available and reliable for foreign exchange traded equity securities, the securities will be valued at the market quotations. Because trading hours for certain foreign securities end before the close of the NYSE, closing market quotations may become unreliable. If between the time trading ends on a particular security and the close of the customary trading session on the NYSE, events occur that are significant and may make the closing price unreliable, the Invesco Fund may fair value the security. If an issuer specific event has occurred that Invesco determines, in its judgment, is likely to have affected the closing price of a foreign security, it will price the security at fair value in good faith using procedures approved by the Board. Adjustments to closing prices to reflect fair value may also be based on a screening process from a pricing vendor to indicate the degree of certainty, based on historical data, that the closing price in the principal market where a foreign security trades is not the current market value as of the close of the NYSE. For foreign securities where Invesco believes, at the approved degree of certainty, that the price is not reflective of current market value, Invesco will use the indication of fair value from the pricing vendor to determine the fair value of the security. The pricing vendor, pricing methodology or degree of certainty may change from time to time. Multiple factors may be considered by the pricing vendor in determining adjustments to reflect fair value and may include information relating to sector indices, ADRs, domestic and foreign index futures, and exchange-traded funds.
     Invesco Fund securities primarily traded in foreign markets may be traded in such markets on days that are not business days of the Invesco Fund. Because the net asset value per share of each Invesco Fund is determined only on business days of the Invesco Fund, the value of the portfolio securities of an Invesco Fund that invests in foreign securities may change on days when an investor cannot exchange or redeem shares of the Invesco Fund.
     Securities for which market quotations are not available or are unreliable are valued at fair value as determined in good faith by or under the supervision of the Trust’s officers in accordance with procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. Issuer specific events, market trends, bid/ask quotes of brokers and information providers and other market data may be reviewed in the course of making a good faith determination of a security’s fair value.
Redemptions in Kind
     Although the Invesco Funds generally intend to pay redemption proceeds solely in cash, the Invesco Funds reserve the right to determine, in their sole discretion, whether to satisfy redemption requests by making payment in securities or other property (known as a redemption in kind). For instance, an Invesco Fund may make a redemption in kind if a cash redemption would disrupt its operations or performance. Securities that will be delivered as payment in redemptions in kind will be valued using the same methodologies that the Invesco Fund typically utilizes in valuing such securities. Shareholders receiving such securities are likely to incur transaction and brokerage costs on their subsequent sales of such securities, and the securities may increase or decrease in value until the shareholder sells them. The Trust, on behalf of the Invesco Funds made an election under Rule 18f-1 under the 1940 Act (a Rule 18f-1 Election) and therefore, the Trust, on behalf of an Invesco Fund, is obligated to redeem for cash all shares presented to such Invesco Fund for redemption by any one shareholder in an amount up to the lesser of $250,000 or 1% of that Invesco Fund’s net assets in any 90-day period. The Rule 18f-1 Election is irrevocable while Rule 18f-1 under the 1940 Act is in effect unless the SEC by order permits withdrawal of such Rule 18f-1 Election.
Backup Withholding
     Accounts submitted without a correct, certified taxpayer identification number (TIN) or, alternatively, a correctly completed and currently effective IRS Form W-8 (for non-resident aliens) or Form W-9 (for U.S. persons including resident aliens) accompanying the registration information generally will be subject to backup withholding.
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     Each Invesco Fund, and other payers, generally must withhold 28% of reportable dividends (whether paid in cash or reinvested in additional Invesco Fund shares), including exempt-interest dividends, in the case of any shareholder who fails to provide the Invesco Fund with a TIN and a certification that he is not subject to backup withholding. This rate will expire and the backup withholding tax rate will be 31% for amounts paid after December 31, 2012, unless Congress enacts tax legislation providing otherwise.
     An investor is subject to backup withholding if:
  1.   the investor fails to furnish a correct TIN to the Invesco Fund;
  2.   the IRS notifies the Invesco Fund that the investor furnished an incorrect TIN;
  3.   the investor or the Invesco Fund is notified by the IRS that the investor is subject to backup withholding because the investor failed to report all of the interest and dividends on such investor’s tax return (for reportable interest and dividends only);
  4.   the investor fails to certify to the Invesco Fund that the investor is not subject to backup withholding under (3) above (for reportable interest and dividend accounts opened after 1983 only); or
  5.   the investor does not certify his TIN. This applies only to non-exempt mutual fund accounts opened after 1983.
     Interest and dividend payments are subject to backup withholding in all five situations discussed above. Redemption proceeds are subject to backup withholding only if (1), (2) or (5) above applies.
     Certain payees and payments are exempt from backup withholding and information reporting. Invesco or Invesco Investment Services will not provide Form 1099 to those payees.
     Investors should contact the IRS if they have any questions concerning withholding.
     IRS Penalties — Investors who do not supply the Invesco Funds with a correct TIN will be subject to a $50 penalty imposed by the IRS unless such failure is due to reasonable cause and not willful neglect. If an investor falsifies information on this form or makes any other false statement resulting in no backup withholding on an account which should be subject to backup withholding, such investor may be subject to a $500 penalty imposed by the IRS and to certain criminal penalties including fines and/or imprisonment.
     Nonresident Aliens — Nonresident alien individuals and foreign entities with a valid Form W-8 are not subject to the backup withholding previously discussed. The Form W-8 generally remains in effect for a period starting on the date the Form is signed and ending on the last day of the third succeeding calendar year. Such shareholders may, however, be subject to federal income tax withholding at a 30% rate on ordinary income dividends and other distributions. Under applicable treaty law, residents of treaty countries may qualify for a reduced rate of withholding or a withholding exemption. Nonresident alien individuals and some foreign entities failing to provide a valid Form W-8 may be subject to backup withholding and Form 1099 reporting.”
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