1 Summary of significant accounting policies
2 Recently issued accounting standards
3 Business developments and subsequent events
4 Segment information
5 Net interest income
6 Commissions and fees
7 Trading revenues
8 Other revenues
9 Provision for credit losses
10 Compensation and benefits
11 General and administrative expenses
12 Restructuring expenses
13 Revenue from contracts with customers
14 Trading assets and liabilities
15 Investment securities
16 Other investments
17 Loans
18 Financial instruments measured at amortized cost and credit losses
19 Goodwill
20 Other assets and other liabilities
21 Long-term debt
22 Accumulated other comprehensive income
23 Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities
24 Tax
25 Employee deferred compensation
26 Pension and other post-retirement benefits
27 Derivatives and hedging activities
28 Guarantees and commitments
29 Transfers of financial assets and variable interest entities
30 Financial instruments
31 Assets pledged and collateral
32 Litigation
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
audit bank
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm To the Board of Directors and shareholders of Credit Suisse AG Results of Review of Interim Financial Statements We have reviewed the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of Credit Suisse AG and its subsidiaries (the “Bank”) as of June 30, 2022, and the related consolidated statements of operations, comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the six-month period ended June 30, 2022 and 2021, including the related notes (collectively referred to as the “interim financial statements”). Based on our reviews, we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the accompanying interim financial statements for them to be in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. We have previously audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB), the consolidated balance sheet of the Bank as of December 31, 2021, and the related consolidated statements of operations, comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the year then ended (not presented herein), and in our report dated March 10, 2022, which included a paragraph describing a change in the manner of accounting for credit losses on certain financial instruments in the 2020 financial statements and a paragraph regarding adjustments made to the 2021 and 2020 financial statements to reflect the change in the composition of reportable segments, we expressed an unqualified opinion on those consolidated financial statements. In our opinion, the information set forth in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet information as of December 31, 2021, is fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the consolidated balance sheet from which it has been derived. Basis for Review Results These interim financial statements are the responsibility of the Bank’s management. We are a public accounting firm registered with the PCAOB and are required to be independent with respect to the Bank in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB. We conducted our review in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. A review of interim financial information consists principally of applying analytical procedures and making inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters. It is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial statements taken as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. /s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers AG Zurich, Switzerland July 29, 2022
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Credit Suisse (Bank) Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited
Consolidated statements of operations (unaudited)
in 6M22 6M21
Consolidated statements of operations (CHF million)   
Interest and dividend income 4,685 4,987
Interest expense (2,000) (1,874)
Net interest income 2,685 3,113
Commissions and fees 4,806 6,926
Trading revenues (46) 1,924
Other revenues 685 919
Net revenues  8,130 12,882
Provision for credit losses  (47) 4,373
Compensation and benefits 4,241 4,096
General and administrative expenses 4,995 3,664
Commission expenses 552 654
Goodwill impairment 23 0
Restructuring expenses 120 80
Total other operating expenses 5,690 4,398
Total operating expenses  9,931 8,494
Income/(loss) before taxes  (1,754) 15
Income tax expense 221 6
Net income/(loss)  (1,975) 9
Loss attributable to noncontrolling interests (1) (103)
Net income/(loss) attributable to shareholders  (1,974) 112
Consolidated statements of comprehensive income (unaudited)
in 6M22 6M21
Comprehensive income/(loss) (CHF million)   
Net income/(loss) (1,975) 9
   Gains/(losses) on cash flow hedges  (848) (143)
   Foreign currency translation  953 1,510
   Unrealized gains/(losses) on securities  (6) 0
   Actuarial gains/(losses)  4 (87)
   Gains/(losses) on liabilities related to credit risk  3,533 72
Other comprehensive income, net of tax 3,636 1,352
Comprehensive income  1,661 1,361
Comprehensive income/(loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests 18 (68)
Comprehensive income attributable to shareholders  1,643 1,429
The accompanying notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these statements.
Consolidated balance sheets (unaudited)
end of 6M22 2021
Assets (CHF million)   
Cash and due from banks 158,700 164,026
   of which reported at fair value  165 308
   of which reported from consolidated VIEs  110 108
Interest-bearing deposits with banks 780 1,256
Central bank funds sold, securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions 104,156 103,906
   of which reported at fair value  82,392 68,623
Securities received as collateral, at fair value 7,386 15,017
   of which encumbered  5,063 8,455
Trading assets, at fair value 101,232 111,299
   of which encumbered  28,669 30,092
   of which reported from consolidated VIEs  1,801 1,822
Investment securities 737 1,003
   of which reported at fair value  737 1,003
   of which encumbered  646 516
Other investments 5,733 5,788
   of which reported at fair value  3,985 4,093
   of which reported from consolidated VIEs  895 1,015
Net loans 294,005 300,358
   of which reported at fair value  9,099 10,243
   of which encumbered  46 42
   of which reported from consolidated VIEs  1,323 1,400
   allowance for credit losses  (1,359) (1,296)
Goodwill 2,939 2,881
Other intangible assets 340 276
   of which reported at fair value  290 224
Brokerage receivables 15,062 16,689
   allowance for credit losses  (4,215) (4,186)
Other assets 39,225 36,715
   of which reported at fair value  8,616 9,184
   of which reported from consolidated VIEs  1,997 1,482
   of which loans held-for-sale (amortized cost base)  401 588
   allowance for credit losses - other assets held at amortized cost  (29) (28)
Total assets  730,295 759,214
The accompanying notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these statements.
Consolidated balance sheets (unaudited) (continued)
end of 6M22 2021
Liabilities and equity (CHF million)   
Due to banks 23,614 18,960
   of which reported at fair value  355 477
Customer deposits 390,762 393,841
   of which reported at fair value  3,307 3,700
Central bank funds purchased, securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions 21,662 35,368
   of which reported at fair value  14,239 13,307
Obligation to return securities received as collateral, at fair value 7,386 15,017
Trading liabilities, at fair value 29,967 27,539
   of which reported from consolidated VIEs  13 8
Short-term borrowings 25,567 25,336
   of which reported at fair value  10,049 10,690
   of which reported from consolidated VIEs  4,635 4,352
Long-term debt 152,348 160,695
   of which reported at fair value  65,276 67,788
   of which reported from consolidated VIEs  1,825 1,391
Brokerage payables 8,063 13,062
Other liabilities 21,817 21,309
   of which reported at fair value  2,604 2,568
   of which reported from consolidated VIEs  223 233
Total liabilities  681,186 711,127
Common shares 4,400 4,400
Additional paid-in capital 46,829 47,417
Retained earnings 12,958 14,932
Accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss) (15,742) (19,359)
Total shareholders' equity  48,445 47,390
Noncontrolling interests 664 697
Total equity  49,109 48,087
Total liabilities and equity  730,295 759,214
> Refer to “Note 28 – Guarantees and commitments” and “Note 32 – Litigation” for information on commitments and contingencies.
end of 6M22 2021
Additional share information   
Par value (CHF) 1.00 1.00
Issued shares 4,399,680,200 4,399,680,200
Shares outstanding 4,399,680,200 4,399,680,200
The Bank's total share capital is fully paid and consists of 4,399,680,200 registered shares as of June 30, 2022. Each share is entitled to one vote. The Bank has no warrants on its own shares outstanding.
The accompanying notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these statements.
Consolidated statements of changes in equity (unaudited)
   Attributable to shareholders




at cost



6M22 (CHF million)   
Balance at beginning of period  4,400 47,417 14,932 0 (19,359) 47,390 697 48,087
Purchase of subsidiary shares from non- controlling interests, not changing ownership 2, 3 (15) (15)
Sale of subsidiary shares to noncontrolling interests, not changing ownership 3 8 8
Net income/(loss) (1,974) (1,974) (1) (1,975)
Total other comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax 3,617 3,617 19 3,636
Share-based compensation, net of tax (3) (3) (3)
Dividends on share-based compensation, net of tax (15) (15) (15)
Dividends paid (570) (570) (1) (571)
Changes in scope of consolidation, net (43) (43)
Balance at end of period  4,400 46,829 12,958 0 (15,742) 48,445 664 49,109
6M21 (CHF million)   
Balance at beginning of period  4,400 46,232 15,871 0 (20,239) 46,264 795 47,059
Purchase of subsidiary shares from non- controlling interests, not changing ownership (24) (24)
Sale of subsidiary shares to noncontrolling interests, not changing ownership 10 10
Net income/(loss) 112 112 (103) 9
Total other comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax 1,317 1,317 35 1,352
Share-based compensation, net of tax (175) (175) (175)
Dividends on share-based compensation, net of tax (15) (15) (15)
Dividends paid (10) (10) (1) (11)
Changes in scope of consolidation, net 20 20
Other 1,069 1,069 (2) 1,067
Balance at end of period  4,400 47,111 15,973 0 (18,922) 48,562 730 49,292
Reflects Credit Suisse Group shares which are reported as treasury shares. Those shares are held to economically hedge share award obligations.
Distributions to owners in funds include the return of original capital invested and any related dividends.
Transactions with and without ownership changes related to fund activity are all displayed under "not changing ownership".
The accompanying notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these statements.
Consolidated statements of cash flows (unaudited)
in 6M22 6M21
Operating activities (CHF million)   
Net income/(loss)  (1,975) 9
Adjustments to reconcile net income/(loss) to net cash provided by/(used in) operating activities (CHF million)    
Impairment, depreciation and amortization 685 623
Provision for credit losses (47) 4,373
Deferred tax provision/(benefit) (48) (322)
Share-based compensation 494 551
Valuation adjustments relating to long-term debt (8,971) 2,050
Share of net income/(loss) from equity method investments (47) (72)
Trading assets and liabilities, net 13,988 21,569
(Increase)/decrease in other assets (95) (517)
Increase/(decrease) in other liabilities (5,939) (5,441)
Other, net (766) (234)
Total adjustments (746) 22,580
Net cash provided by/(used in) operating activities  (2,721) 22,589
Investing activities (CHF million)   
(Increase)/decrease in interest-bearing deposits with banks 465 9
(Increase)/decrease in central bank funds sold, securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions (4,344) (11,851)
Purchase of investment securities (81) (213)
Proceeds from sale of investment securities 45 0
Maturities of investment securities 213 25
Investments in subsidiaries and other investments (219) (288)
Proceeds from sale of other investments 320 949
(Increase)/decrease in loans 6,591 (4,919)
Proceeds from sales of loans 1,384 2,216
Capital expenditures for premises and equipment and other intangible assets (634) (550)
Proceeds from sale of premises and equipment and other intangible assets 0 2
Other, net 246 51
Net cash provided by/(used in) investing activities  3,986 (14,569)
The accompanying notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these statements.
Consolidated statements of cash flows (unaudited) (continued)
in 6M22 6M21
Financing activities (CHF million)   
Increase/(decrease) in due to banks and customer deposits (1,726) 677
Increase/(decrease) in short-term borrowings 388 3,583
Increase/(decrease) in central bank funds purchased, securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions (6,931) (3,932)
Issuances of long-term debt 31,947 24,155
Repayments of long-term debt (29,245) (27,321)
Dividends paid (571) (11)
Other, net (488) 168
Net cash provided by/(used in) financing activities  (6,626) (2,681)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and due from banks (CHF million)   
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and due from banks  35 1,821
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and due from banks (CHF million)   
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and due from banks  (5,326) 7,160
Cash and due from banks at beginning of period 1 164,026 138,207
Cash and due from banks at end of period 1 158,700 145,367
Includes restricted cash.
Supplemental cash flow information (unaudited)
in 6M22 6M21
Cash paid for income taxes and interest (CHF million)   
Cash paid for income taxes 479 417
Cash paid for interest 2,916 3,150
> Refer to “Note 18 – Financial instruments measured at amortized cost and credit losses” for information on non-cash transactions.
The accompanying notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these statements.
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited
1 Summary of significant accounting policies
Basis of presentation
The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements of Credit Suisse AG (the Bank), the direct bank subsidiary of Credit Suisse Group AG (the Group), are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the US (US GAAP) and are stated in Swiss francs (CHF). These condensed consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and notes thereto for the year ended December 31, 2021, included in the Credit Suisse Group AG & Credit Suisse AG Annual Report 2021 (Credit Suisse Annual Report 2021).
In addition, these condensed consolidated financial statements make references to the Group’s condensed consolidated financial statements in its 2Q22 and 1Q22 Financial Reports and the Group’s consolidated financial statements in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2021.
> Refer to “Note 1 – Summary of significant accounting policies” in VIII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2021 for a description of the Bank’s significant accounting policies.
Certain financial information, which is normally included in annual consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with US GAAP, but not required for interim reporting purposes, has been condensed or omitted. Certain reclassifications have been made to the prior period’s consolidated financial statements to conform to the current period’s presentation. These condensed consolidated financial statements reflect, in the opinion of management, all adjustments that are necessary for a fair presentation of the condensed consolidated financial statements for the periods presented. The results of operations for interim periods are not indicative of results for the entire year.
In preparing these condensed consolidated financial statements, management is required to make estimates and assumptions which affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities as of the date of the condensed consolidated balance sheets and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Certain accounting changes
As noted in the 2021 Annual Report, the Bank identified an accounting issue that was not material to the prior period financial statements. The Bank identified this accounting issue with respect to the net balance sheet treatment relating to the presentation of a limited population of certain securities lending and borrowing activities. As a result, balance sheet and cash flow positions for both assets and liabilities relating to these activities were presented on a gross basis and prior periods were revised in the consolidated financial statements and the related notes.
For the half-year ended June 30, 2022, the Bank has presented these securities lending and borrowing transactions as a single unit of account and as a result these transactions will no longer be presented on a gross basis. The Bank did not adjust prior period financial information which continue to reflect a presentation on a gross basis.
2 Recently issued accounting standards
> Refer to “Note 2 – Recently issued accounting standards” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 for the most recently adopted accounting standards and standards to be adopted in future periods.
The impact on the Bank’s and Group’s financial condition, results of operations or cash flows was or is expected to be identical.
3 Business developments and subsequent events
> Refer to “Note 3 – Business developments and subsequent events” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 for further information.
4 Segment information
> Refer to “Note 4 – Segment information” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 for further information.
For the purpose of presentation of reportable segments, the Bank has included accounts of affiliate entities wholly owned by the same parent which are managed together with the operating segments of the Bank.
Net revenues and income/(loss) before taxes
in 6M22 6M21
Net revenues (CHF million)   
Wealth Management 2,443 3,998
Investment Bank 3,047 5,728
Swiss Bank 2,159 2,054
Asset Management 672 817
Adjustments 1 (191) 285
Net revenues  8,130 12,882
Income/(loss) before taxes (CHF million)   
Wealth Management (453) 1,748
Investment Bank (992) (2,326)
Swiss Bank 873 857
Asset Management 83 251
Adjustments 1 (1,265) (515)
Income/(loss) before taxes  (1,754) 15
Adjustments represent certain consolidating entries and balances, including those relating to items that are managed but are not legally owned by the Bank and vice versa, and certain revenues and expenses that were not allocated to the segments, including such items relating to the Asset Resolution Unit.
Total assets
end of 6M22 2021
Total assets (CHF million)   
Wealth Management 205,387 201,326
Investment Bank 254,561 274,112
Swiss Bank 219,151 221,478
Asset Management 3,785 3,603
Adjustments 1 47,411 58,695
Total assets  730,295 759,214
Adjustments represent certain consolidating entries and balances, including those relating to items that are managed but are not legally owned by the Bank and vice versa, and certain revenues and expenses that were not allocated to the segments, including such items relating to the Asset Resolution Unit.
5 Net interest income
in 6M22 6M21
Net interest income (CHF million)   
Loans 2,479 2,514
Investment securities (12) 0
Trading assets, net of trading liabilities 1 1,264 1,503
Central bank funds sold, securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions 619 652
Other 335 318
Interest and dividend income 4,685 4,987
Deposits (330) (84)
Short-term borrowings (28) 1
Central bank funds purchased, securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions (240) (485)
Long-term debt (1,205) (1,182)
Other (197) (124)
Interest expense (2,000) (1,874)
Net interest income  2,685 3,113
Interest and dividend income is presented on a net basis to align with the presentation of trading revenues for trading assets and liabilities.
6 Commissions and fees
in 6M22 6M21
Commissions and fees (CHF million)   
Lending business 791 997
Investment and portfolio management 1,578 1,699
Other securities business 29 29
Fiduciary business 1,607 1,728
Underwriting 370 1,664
Brokerage 1,277 1,624
Underwriting and brokerage 1,647 3,288
Other services 761 913
Commissions and fees  4,806 6,926
7 Trading revenues
in 6M22 6M21
Trading revenues (CHF million)   
Interest rate products (1,445) 893
Foreign exchange products 568 497
Equity/index-related products 456 868
Credit products 830 (304)
Commodity and energy products 42 2
Other products (497) (32)
Trading revenues  (46) 1,924
Represents revenues on a product basis which are not representative of business results within segments, as segment results utilize financial instruments across various product types.
8 Other revenues
in 6M22 6M21
Other revenues (CHF million)   
Loans held-for-sale (16) (99)
Long-lived assets held-for-sale 181 1
Equity method investments 96 84
Other investments (48) 332
Other 472 601
Other revenues  685 919
9 Provision for credit losses
in 6M22 6M21
Provision for credit losses (CHF million)   
Loans held at amortized cost 114 (52)
Other financial assets held at amortized cost 1 (147) 4,494
Off-balance sheet credit exposures (14) (69)
Provision for credit losses  (47) 4,373
Primarily reflects a provision/(release of provision) for credit losses of CHF (155) million and CHF 4,500 million in 6M22 and 6M21, respectively, related to Archegos.
10 Compensation and benefits
in 6M22 6M21
Compensation and benefits (CHF million)   
Salaries and variable compensation 3,518 3,449
Social security 323 278
Other 1 400 369
Compensation and benefits  4,241 4,096
Includes pension-related expenses of CHF 230 million and CHF 250 million in 6M22 and 6M21, respectively, relating to service costs for defined benefit pension plans and employer contributions for defined contribution pension plans.
11 General and administrative expenses
in 6M22 6M21
General and administrative expenses (CHF million)   
Occupancy expenses 441 449
IT, machinery and equipment 697 597
Provisions and losses 1,205 330
Travel and entertainment 92 52
Professional services 1,980 1,609
Communication and market data services 236 226
Amortization and impairment of other intangible assets 2 4
Other 1 342 397
General and administrative expenses  4,995 3,664
Includes pension-related expenses/(credits) of CHF 3 million and CHF (10) million in 6M22 and 6M21, respectively, relating to certain components of net periodic benefit costs for defined benefit plans.
12 Restructuring expenses
On November 4, 2021, Credit Suisse announced its new long-term strategic vision. This led to restructuring expenses of CHF 120 million 6M22 compared to CHF 80 million in 6M21. The Bank expects to complete the new plan by the end of December 2022. Restructuring expenses may include severance expenses, other personnel-related charges, pension expenses and contract termination costs.
Restructuring expenses by type
in 6M22 6M21
Restructuring expenses by type (CHF million)   
Compensation and benefits-related expenses 105 14
   of which severance expenses  27 7
   of which accelerated deferred compensation  70 7
General and administrative-related expenses 15 66
   of which pension expenses  1 4
Total restructuring expenses  120 80
Restructuring liabilities
   6M22 6M21

sation and
General and

sation and
General and

Restructuring liabilities (CHF million)   
Balance at beginning of period  19 0 19 47 2 49
Net additional charges 1 27 13 40 7 30 37
Utilization (17) (13) (30) (32) (29) (61)
Balance at end of period  29 0 29 22 3 25
The following items for which expense accretion was accelerated in 6M22 and 6M21 due to the restructuring of the Bank are not included in the restructuring provision: unsettled share-based compensation of CHF 30 million and CHF 2 million, respectively, which remain classified as a compenent of total shareholders's equity; other personnel-related charges of CHF 48 million and CHF 5 million, respectively, which remain classified as compensation liabilities; unsettled pension obligations of CHF 1 million and CHF 4 million, which remain classified as pension liabilities; and accelerated accumulated depreciation and impairment of CHF 1 million and CHF 32 million, respectively, which remain classified as premises and equipment. The settlement date for the unsettled share-based compensation remains unchanged at three years.
13 Revenue from contracts with customers
> Refer to “Note 14 – Revenue from contracts with customers” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 for further information.
Contracts with customers and disaggregation of revenues
in 6M22 6M21
Contracts with customers (CHF million)
Investment and portfolio management 1,578 1,699
Other securities business 29 29
Underwriting 370 1,664
Brokerage 1,277 1,623
Other services 786 937
Total revenues from contracts with customers  4,040 5,952
The table above differs from “Note 6 – Commissions and fees” as it includes only those contracts with customers that are in scope of ASC Topic 606 – Revenue from Contracts with Customers.
Contract balances
end of 2Q22 1Q22 4Q21
Contract balances (CHF million)
Contract receivables 802 792 865
Contract liabilities 59 58 55
Revenue recognized in the reporting period included in the contract liabilities balance at the beginning of period 10 14 9
There were no material net impairment losses on contract receivables in 6M22 and 6M21. The Bank’s contract terms are generally such that they do not result in any contract assets.
The Bank did not recognize any revenues in the reporting period from performance obligations satisfied in previous periods.
Remaining performance obligations
ASC Topic 606’s practical expedient allows the Bank to exclude from its remaining performance obligations disclosure any performance obligations which are part of a contract with an original expected duration of one year or less. Additionally any variable consideration, for which it is probable that a significant reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue recognized will occur when the uncertainty associated with the variable consideration is subsequently resolved, is not subject to the remaining performance obligations disclosure because such variable consideration is not included in the transaction price (e.g., investment management fees). The Bank determined that no material remaining performance obligations are in scope of the remaining performance obligations disclosure.
> Refer to “Note 13 – Revenue from contracts with customers” in VIII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2021 for further information.
14 Trading assets and liabilities
end of 6M22 2021
Trading assets (CHF million)   
Debt securities 57,130 54,297
Equity securities 24,748 36,606
Derivative instruments 1 16,069 17,559
Other 3,285 2,837
Trading assets  101,232 111,299
Trading liabilities (CHF million)   
Short positions 14,015 16,693
Derivative instruments 1 15,952 10,846
Trading liabilities  29,967 27,539
Amounts shown after counterparty and cash collateral netting.
Cash collateral on derivative instruments
end of 6M22 2021
Cash collateral on derivative instruments – netted (CHF million)   1
Cash collateral paid 13,707 17,869
Cash collateral received 11,102 12,056
Cash collateral on derivative instruments – not netted (CHF million)   2
Cash collateral paid 9,674 7,659
Cash collateral received 5,102 5,533
Recorded as cash collateral netting on derivative instruments in Note 23 – Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities.
Recorded as cash collateral on derivative instruments in Note 20 – Other assets and other liabilities.
15 Investment securities
end of 6M22 2021
Investment securities (CHF million)   
Debt securities available-for-sale 737 1,003
Total investment securities  737 1,003
Investment securities by type
   6M22 2021

end of




Investment securities by type (CHF million)   
Corporate debt securities 849 0 112 737 1,011 0 8 1,003
Debt securities available-for-sale  849 0 112 737 1,011 0 8 1,003
Gross unrealized losses on debt securities and related fair value
   Less than 12 months 12 months or more Total

end of



6M22 (CHF million)   
Corporate debt securities 625 100 89 12 714 112
Debt securities available-for-sale  625 100 89 12 714 112
2021 (CHF million)   
Corporate debt securities 683 8 0 0 683 8
Debt securities available-for-sale  683 8 0 0 683 8
Proceeds from sales, realized gains and realized losses from debt securities available-for-sale
in 6M22 6M21
Sales of debt securities available-for-sale (CHF million)   
Proceeds from sales 45 0
Realized losses (6) 0
Amortized cost, fair value and average yield of debt securities

end of 6M22


(in %)
Due within 1 year 23 23 0.43
Due from 1 to 5 years 90 83 (0.02)
Due from 5 to 10 years 736 631 0.05
Debt securities available-for-sale  849 737 0.05
Allowance for credit losses on debt securities available-for-sale
> Refer to “Note 16 – Investment securities” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 for further information on allowance for credit losses on debt securities available for sale.
As of the end of 6M22 and 6M21, the Bank had no allowance for credit losses on debt securities available-for-sale.
16 Other investments
> Refer to “Note 17 – Other investments” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 for further information.
end of 6M22 2021
Other investments (CHF million)   
Equity method investments 1,652 1,636
Equity securities (without a readily determinable fair value) 1 3,349 3,315
   of which at net asset value  70 53
   of which at measurement alternative  340 345
   of which at fair value  2,891 2,869
   of which at cost less impairment  48 48
Real estate held-for-investment 2 47 48
Life finance instruments 3 685 789
Total other investments  5,733 5,788
Includes private equity, hedge funds and restricted stock investments as well as certain investments in non-marketable mutual funds for which the Bank has neither significant influence nor control over the investee.
As of the end of 6M22 and 2021, real estate held for investment included foreclosed or repossessed real estate of CHF 21 million and CHF 9 million, respectively, of which CHF 21 million and CHF 6 million, respectively, were related to residential real estate.
Includes single premium immediate annuity contracts.
Equity securities at measurement alternative – impairments and adjustments
in / end of 6M22 Cumulative 6M21
Impairments and adjustments (CHF million)   
Impairments and downward adjustments (4) (47) (5)
Upward adjustments 0 138 0
> Refer to “Note 30 – Financial instruments” for further information on equity securities without a readily determinable fair value.
Accumulated depreciation related to real estate held-for-investment amounted to CHF 24 million and CHF 28 million for 6M22 and 2021, respectively.
No impairments were recorded on real estate held-for-investments in 6M22 and 2021.
17 Loans
> Refer to “Note 18 – Loans” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 for further information.
end of 6M22 2021
Loans (CHF million)   
Mortgages 109,483 110,533
Loans collateralized by securities 45,658 51,253
Consumer finance 5,419 5,075
Consumer 160,560 166,861
Real estate 27,253 28,529
Commercial and industrial loans 69,424 69,756
Financial institutions 34,669 33,266
Governments and public institutions 3,531 3,323
Corporate & institutional 134,877 134,874
Gross loans  295,437 301,735
   of which held at amortized cost  286,338 291,492
   of which held at fair value  9,099 10,243
Net (unearned income)/deferred expenses (73) (81)
Allowance for credit losses (1,359) (1,296)
Net loans  294,005 300,358
Gross loans by location   
Switzerland 176,055 175,903
Foreign 119,382 125,832
Gross loans  295,437 301,735
Impaired loans   
Non-performing loans 1,649 1,666
Non-interest-earning loans 334 286
Non-accrual loans 1,983 1,952
Restructured loans 571 367
Potential problem loans 516 436
Other impaired loans 1,087 803
Gross impaired loans 1 3,070 2,755
As of the end of 6M22 and 2021, CHF 152 million and CHF 130 million, respectively, were related to consumer mortgages secured by residential real estate for which formal foreclosure proceedings according to local requirements of the applicable jurisdiction were in process.
> Refer to “Loans” in Note 1 – Summary of significant accounting policies in VI – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2021 for further information on categories of impaired loans.
> Refer to “Note 18 – Financial instruments measured at amortized cost and credit losses” for further information on loans held at amortized cost.
18 Financial instruments measured at amortized cost and credit losses
> Refer to “Note 19 – Financial instruments measured at amortized cost and credit losses” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 for further information.
Overview of financial instruments measured at amortized cost – by balance sheet position
   6M22 2021

end of

cost basis
1 Allowance
for credit

cost basis
1 Allowance
for credit
CHF million   
Cash and due from banks 158,535 0 158,535 163,718 0 163,718
Interest-bearing deposits with banks 785 (5) 780 1,256 4 0 1,256
Securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions 21,764 2 0 21,764 35,283 0 35,283
Loans 286,265 2,3 (1,359) 284,906 291,411 4,5 (1,296) 290,115
Brokerage receivables 19,277 2 (4,215) 15,062 20,875 4 (4,186) 16,689
Other assets 16,462 (29) 16,433 14,226 (28) 14,198
Total  503,088 (5,608) 497,480 526,769 (5,510) 521,259
Net of unearned income/deferred expenses, as applicable.
Excludes accrued interest in the total amount of CHF 358 million, with no related allowance for credit losses. Of the accrued interest balance, CHF 2 million relates to securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions, CHF 355 million to loans and CHF 1 million to brokerage receivables. These accrued interest balances are reported in other assets.
Includes endangered interest of CHF 63 million on non-accrual loans which are reported as part of the loans' amortized cost balance.
Excludes accrued interest in the total amount of CHF 301 million, with no related allowance for credit losses. Of the accrued interest balance, CHF 1 million relates to interest-bearing deposits with banks, CHF 1 million to securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions, CHF 295 million to loans and CHF 4 million to brokerage receivables. These accrued interest balances are reported in other assets.
Includes endangered interest of CHF 85 million on non-accrual loans which are reported as part of the loans' amortized cost balance.
Allowance for credit losses
> Refer to “Note 19 – Financial instruments measured at amortized cost and credit losses” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 and 1Q22 for further information on estimating expected credit losses in 6M22.
Loans held at amortized cost
Allowance for credit losses – loans held at amortized cost
   6M22 6M21

Corporate &


Corporate &

CHF million   
Balance at beginning of period  357 939 1,296 318 1,217 1,535
Current-period provision for expected credit losses 43 92 135 43 (79) (36)
   of which provisions for interest 1 10 11 21 8 8 16
Gross write-offs (26) (69) (95) (27) (101) (128)
Recoveries 4 3 7 4 0 4
Net write-offs (22) (66) (88) (23) (101) (124)
Foreign currency translation impact and other adjustments, net 5 11 16 7 29 36
Balance at end of period  383 976 1,359 345 1,066 1,411
   of which individually evaluated  281 544 825 255 613 868
   of which collectively evaluated  102 432 534 90 453 543
Represents the current-period net provision for accrued interest on non-accrual loans and lease financing transactions which is recognized as a reversal of interest income.
> Refer to “Note 19 – Financial instruments measured at amortized cost and credit losses” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 and 1Q22 for further information on the Bank’s gross write-offs in 6M22.
Purchases, reclassifications and sales – loans held at amortized cost
   6M22 6M21


Corporate &


Corporate &

CHF million   
Purchases 1 16 2,312 2,328 17 1,969 1,986
Reclassifications from loans held-for-sale 2 0 95 95 0 13 13
Reclassifications to loans held-for-sale 3 0 1,480 1,480 0 2,120 2,120
Sales 3 0 1,283 1,283 0 2,007 2,007
Reclassifications from loans held-for-sale and reclassifications to loans held-for-sale represent non-cash transactions.
Includes drawdowns under purchased loan commitments.
Includes loans previously reclassified to held-for-sale that were not sold and were reclassified back to loans held-to-maturity.
All loans held at amortized cost which are sold are reclassified to loans held-for-sale on or prior to the date of the sale.
Other financial assets
The current-period provision for expected credit losses on other financial assets held at amortized cost includes a release of CHF 155 million in 6M22 and a provision of CHF 4,500 million in 6M21 related to Archegos. As of the end of 6M22 and 2021, the allowance for credit losses on brokerage receivables of CHF 4,215 million and CHF 4,186 million, respectively, were primarily related to Archegos.
In 6M22 and 6M21, the Group purchased other financial assets held at amortized cost amounting to CHF 381 million and CHF 32 million, respectively, primarily related to mortgage servicing advances.
Allowance for credit losses – other financial assets held at amortized cost
6M22 6M21
CHF million   
Balance at beginning of period  4,214 48
Current-period provision for expected credit losses (147) 4,494
Gross write-offs (4) (4)
Recoveries 0 0
Net write-offs (4) (4)
Foreign currency translation impact and other adjustments, net 186 (70)
Balance at end of period  4,249 4,468
   of which individually evaluated  4,230 4,448
   of which collectively evaluated  19 20
Credit quality information
Credit quality of loans held at amortized cost
The following table presents the Bank’s carrying value of loans held at amortized cost by aggregated internal counterparty credit ratings “investment grade” and “non-investment grade” that are used as credit quality indicators for the purpose of this disclosure, by year of origination. Within the line items relating to the origination year, the first year represents the origination year of the current reporting period and the second year represents the origination year of the comparative reporting period.
Consumer loans held at amortized cost by internal counterparty rating
   6M22 2021
end of AAA to BBB BB to C D Total AAA to BBB BB to C D Total
CHF million   
2022 / 2021 6,131 1,154 1 7,286 24,257 2,134 40 26,431
2021 / 2020 22,988 1,711 35 24,734 14,743 1,402 13 16,158
2020 / 2019 13,880 1,235 32 15,147 11,308 1,639 48 12,995
2019 / 2018 10,677 1,427 74 12,178 7,287 812 88 8,187
2018 / 2017 6,929 721 58 7,708 5,318 698 74 6,090
Prior years 38,422 2,491 327 41,240 36,790 2,359 317 39,466
Total term loans 99,027 8,739 527 108,293 99,703 9,044 580 109,327
Revolving loans 317 873 0 1,190 276 930 0 1,206
Total  99,344 9,612 527 109,483 99,979 9,974 580 110,533
Loans collateralized by securities 
2022 / 2021 1,057 708 0 1,765 2,627 685 0 3,312
2021 / 2020 1,800 391 0 2,191 649 848 0 1,497
2020 / 2019 467 789 0 1,256 61 167 0 228
2019 / 2018 70 148 0 218 32 26 106 164
2018 / 2017 18 25 0 43 55 19 0 74
Prior years 1,007 258 0 1,265 804 681 0 1,485
Total term loans 4,419 2,319 0 6,738 4,228 2,426 106 6,760
Revolving loans 1 35,899 2,783 238 38,920 41,275 3,063 155 44,493
Total  40,318 5,102 238 45,658 45,503 5,489 261 51,253
Consumer finance 
2022 / 2021 1,313 671 1 1,985 1,688 823 5 2,516
2021 / 2020 870 517 11 1,398 538 288 15 841
2020 / 2019 397 246 15 658 285 234 19 538
2019 / 2018 179 216 18 413 98 169 18 285
2018 / 2017 51 126 16 193 21 75 13 109
Prior years 20 116 49 185 13 76 43 132
Total term loans 2,830 1,892 110 4,832 2,643 1,665 113 4,421
Revolving loans 331 56 88 475 348 21 90 459
Total  3,161 1,948 198 5,307 2,991 1,686 203 4,880
Consumer – total 
2022 / 2021 8,501 2,533 2 11,036 28,572 3,642 45 32,259
2021 / 2020 25,658 2,619 46 28,323 15,930 2,538 28 18,496
2020 / 2019 14,744 2,270 47 17,061 11,654 2,040 67 13,761
2019 / 2018 10,926 1,791 92 12,809 7,417 1,007 212 8,636
2018 / 2017 6,998 872 74 7,944 5,394 792 87 6,273
Prior years 39,449 2,865 376 42,690 37,607 3,116 360 41,083
Total term loans 106,276 12,950 637 119,863 106,574 13,135 799 120,508
Revolving loans 36,547 3,712 326 40,585 41,899 4,014 245 46,158
Total  142,823 16,662 963 160,448 148,473 17,149 1,044 166,666
Lombard loans are generally classified as revolving loans.
Corporate & institutional loans held at amortized cost by internal counterparty rating
   6M22 2021
end of AAA to BBB BB to C D Total AAA to BBB BB to C D Total
CHF million   
Real estate 
2022 / 2021 2,328 1,602 0 3,930 9,568 4,682 2 14,252
2021 / 2020 8,356 3,128 1 11,485 3,709 1,355 5 5,069
2020 / 2019 3,476 931 4 4,411 1,849 706 2 2,557
2019 / 2018 1,227 583 29 1,839 925 340 1 1,266
2018 / 2017 878 284 1 1,163 475 101 0 576
Prior years 2,506 361 23 2,890 2,469 376 30 2,875
Total term loans 18,771 6,889 58 25,718 18,995 7,560 40 26,595
Revolving loans 635 223 129 987 778 297 135 1,210
Total  19,406 7,112 187 26,705 19,773 7,857 175 27,805
Commercial and industrial loans 
2022 / 2021 5,697 8,373 221 14,291 8,284 11,985 136 20,405
2021 / 2020 4,437 6,334 100 10,871 3,242 4,468 62 7,772
2020 / 2019 2,024 3,456 42 5,522 2,110 3,903 105 6,118
2019 / 2018 1,865 3,073 166 5,104 1,003 2,256 177 3,436
2018 / 2017 808 1,855 87 2,750 697 937 60 1,694
Prior years 2,228 3,595 194 6,017 2,013 2,848 78 4,939
Total term loans 17,059 26,686 810 44,555 17,349 26,397 618 44,364
Revolving loans 12,877 7,342 348 20,567 13,941 7,458 372 21,771
Total  29,936 34,028 1,158 65,122 31,290 33,855 990 66,135
Financial institutions 
2022 / 2021 4,507 789 92 5,388 6,360 2,012 51 8,423
2021 / 2020 4,131 1,353 0 5,484 2,081 201 30 2,312
2020 / 2019 1,294 176 0 1,470 660 127 1 788
2019 / 2018 482 52 1 535 522 151 1 674
2018 / 2017 532 102 1 635 87 19 0 106
Prior years 1,001 71 0 1,072 499 85 1 585
Total term loans 11,947 2,543 94 14,584 10,209 2,595 84 12,888
Revolving loans 8,405 657 137 9,199 7,542 485 1 8,028
Total  20,352 3,200 231 23,783 17,751 3,080 85 20,916
Governments and public institutions 
2022 / 2021 55 17 0 72 521 26 0 547
2021 / 2020 978 31 0 1,009 157 114 0 271
2020 / 2019 160 128 0 288 94 19 19 132
2019 / 2018 102 1 11 114 46 11 0 57
2018 / 2017 55 0 0 55 28 0 0 28
Prior years 207 20 0 227 199 21 0 220
Total term loans 1,557 197 11 1,765 1,045 191 19 1,255
Revolving loans 73 0 0 73 32 0 0 32
Total  1,630 197 11 1,838 1,077 191 19 1,287
Corporate & institutional – total 
2022 / 2021 12,587 10,781 313 23,681 24,733 18,705 189 43,627
2021 / 2020 17,902 10,846 101 28,849 9,189 6,138 97 15,424
2020 / 2019 6,954 4,691 46 11,691 4,713 4,755 127 9,595
2019 / 2018 3,676 3,709 207 7,592 2,496 2,758 179 5,433
2018 / 2017 2,273 2,241 89 4,603 1,287 1,057 60 2,404
Prior years 5,942 4,047 217 10,206 5,180 3,330 109 8,619
Total term loans 49,334 36,315 973 86,622 47,598 36,743 761 85,102
Revolving loans 21,990 8,222 614 30,826 22,293 8,240 508 31,041
Total  71,324 44,537 1,587 117,448 69,891 44,983 1,269 116,143
Total loans held at amortized cost by internal counterparty rating
   6M22 2021
end of AAA to BBB BB to C D Total AAA to BBB BB to C D Total
CHF million   
Loans held at amortized cost – total 
2022 / 2021 21,088 13,314 315 34,717 53,305 22,347 234 75,886
2021 / 2020 43,560 13,465 147 57,172 25,119 8,676 125 33,920
2020 / 2019 21,698 6,961 93 28,752 16,367 6,795 194 23,356
2019 / 2018 14,602 5,500 299 20,401 9,913 3,765 391 14,069
2018 / 2017 9,271 3,113 163 12,547 6,681 1,849 147 8,677
Prior years 45,391 6,912 593 52,896 42,787 6,446 469 49,702
Total term loans 155,610 49,265 1,610 206,485 154,172 49,878 1,560 205,610
Revolving loans 58,537 11,934 940 71,411 64,192 12,254 753 77,199
Total loans to third parties  214,147 61,199 2,550 277,896 218,364 62,132 2,313 282,809
Total loans to entities under common control 8,425 17 0 8,442 8,683 0 0 8,683
Total  222,572 61,216 2,550 286,338 1 227,047 62,132 2,313 291,492 1
Excludes accrued interest on loans held at amortized cost of CHF 355 million and CHF 295 million as of the end of 6M22 and 2021, respectively.
Credit quality of other financial assets held at amortized cost
The following table presents the Bank’s carrying value of other financial assets held at amortized cost by aggregated internal counterparty credit ratings “investment grade” and “non-investment grade”, by year of origination. Within the line items relating to the origination year, the first year represents the origination year of the current reporting period and the second year represents the origination year of the comparative reporting period.
Other financial assets held at amortized cost by internal counterparty rating
   6M22 2021
end of AAA to BBB BB to C D Total AAA to BBB BB to C D Total
CHF million   
Other financial assets held at amortized cost 
2022 / 2021 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5
2021 / 2020 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0
2020 / 2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2019 / 2018 0 0 0 0 0 63 0 63
2018 / 2017 0 59 0 59 0 2 0 2
Prior years 0 3 0 3 0 2 0 2
Total term positions 0 65 0 65 0 72 0 72
Revolving positions 0 1,236 0 1,236 0 970 0 970
Total  0 1,301 0 1,301 0 1,042 0 1,042
Includes primarily mortgage servicing advances and failed purchases.
Past due financial assets
Loans held at amortized cost – past due
   Current Past due

end of

Up to
30 days
More than
90 days


6M22 (CHF million)   
Mortgages 108,879 150 15 17 422 604 109,483
Loans collateralized by securities 45,488 5 0 24 141 170 45,658
Consumer finance 4,770 320 14 53 150 537 5,307
Consumer 159,137 475 29 94 713 1,311 160,448
Real estate 26,414 64 11 0 216 291 26,705
Commercial and industrial loans 63,783 584 56 99 600 1,339 65,122
Financial institutions 23,237 448 33 10 55 546 23,783
Governments and public institutions 1,757 70 0 0 11 81 1,838
Corporate & institutional 115,191 1,166 100 109 882 2,257 117,448
Total loans to third parties  274,328 1,641 129 203 1,595 3,568 277,896
Total loans to entities under common control 8,442 0 0 0 0 0 8,442
Total loans held at amortized cost  282,770 1,641 129 203 1,595 3,568 286,338 1
2021 (CHF million)   
Mortgages 109,877 123 73 61 399 656 110,533
Loans collateralized by securities 51,069 42 0 0 142 184 51,253
Consumer finance 4,449 144 70 60 157 431 4,880
Consumer 165,395 309 143 121 698 1,271 166,666
Real estate 27,628 6 4 0 167 177 27,805
Commercial and industrial loans 65,327 166 13 12 617 808 66,135
Financial institutions 20,807 60 7 1 41 109 20,916
Governments and public institutions 1,252 16 0 0 19 35 1,287
Corporate & institutional 115,014 248 24 13 844 1,129 116,143
Total loans to third parties  280,409 557 167 134 1,542 2,400 282,809
Total loans to entities under common control 8,683 0 0 0 0 0 8,683
Total loans held at amortized cost  289,092 557 167 134 1,542 2,400 291,492 1
Excludes accrued interest on loans held at amortized cost of CHF 355 million and CHF 295 million as of the end of 6M22 and 2021, respectively.
As of the end of 6M22 and 2021, the Bank did not have any loans that were past due more than 90 days and still accruing interest. Also, the Bank did not have any other financial assets held at amortized cost that were past due.
Non-accrual financial assets
Non-accrual loans held at amortized cost
   6M22 6M21

cost of
assets at
of period

cost of
assets at
of period

cost of
with no
at end of

cost of
assets at
of period

cost of
assets at
of period

cost of
with no
at end of
CHF million   
Mortgages 572 503 1 74 418 615 2 167
Loans collateralized by securities 262 238 2 2 105 298 3 0
Consumer finance 205 200 1 1 201 200 1 1
Consumer 1,039 941 4 77 724 1,113 6 168
Real estate 167 143 0 0 324 293 6 46
Commercial and industrial loans 686 696 6 57 913 778 8 30
Financial institutions 41 192 0 3 68 63 0 0
Governments and public institutions 19 11 0 2 0 20 0 0
Corporate & institutional 913 1,042 6 62 1,305 1,154 14 76
Total loans held at amortized cost  1,952 1,983 10 139 2,029 2,267 20 244
Collateral-dependent financial assets
> Refer to “Note 19 – Financial instruments measured at amortized cost and credit losses” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 and 1Q22 for further information on the Bank’s collateral-dependent financial assets.
Troubled debt restructurings and modifications
Restructured financing receivables held at amortized cost
   6M22 6M21


Number of
investment –
investment –

Number of
investment –
investment –
CHF million, except where indicated   
Real estate 1 102 82 1 2 2
Commercial and industrial loans 11 197 175 14 390 382
Financial institutions 0 0 0 1 44 44
Total loans  12 299 257 16 436 428
Restructured financing receivables held at amortized cost that defaulted within 12 months from restructuring
   6M22 6M21

Number of
Number of
CHF million, except where indicated   
Loans collateralized by securities 0 0 3 156
Total loans  0 0 3 156
In 6M22, the loan modifications of the Bank mainly included extended loan repayment terms, including postponed loan amortizations and extended maturity dates, interest rate concessions, a waiver of interest, a reduction of a loan commitment and changes in collateral coverage terms.
19 Goodwill


Gross amount of goodwill (CHF million)
Balance at beginning of period  1,300 4,855 480 1,101 7,748
Foreign currency translation impact 31 0 9 41 81
Other (23) 23 0 0 0
Balance at end of period  1,308 4,878 489 1,142 7,829
Accumulated impairment (CHF million)
Balance at beginning of period  0 4,855 0 0 4,867
Impairment losses 0 23 0 0 23
Balance at end of period  0 4,878 0 0 4,890
Net book value (CHF million)
Net book value  1,308 0 489 1,142 2,939
Gross amount of goodwill and accumulated impairment include CHF 12 million related to legacy business transferred to the former Strategic Resolution Unit in 4Q15 and fully written off at the time of transfer, in addition to the divisions disclosed.
> Refer to “Note 20 – Goodwill” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 for further information.
20 Other assets and other liabilities
end of 6M22 2021
Other assets (CHF million)   
Cash collateral on derivative instruments 9,674 7,659
Cash collateral on non-derivative transactions 522 395
Derivative instruments used for hedging 73 212
Assets held-for-sale 7,559 8,020
   of which loans 1 7,515 7,924
      allowance for loans held-for-sale  (3) (44)
   of which real estate 2 44 94
   of which long-lived assets  0 2
Premises, equipment and right-of-use assets 6,302 6,140
Assets held for separate accounts 96 98
Interest and fees receivable 2,985 2,934
Deferred tax assets 3,825 3,666
Prepaid expenses 1,113 394
   of which cloud computing arrangement implementation costs  58 46
Failed purchases 1,041 1,307
Defined benefit pension and post-retirement plan assets 924 974
Other 5,111 4,916
   of which digital asset safeguarding assets  31
Other assets  39,225 36,715
Other liabilities (CHF million)   
Cash collateral on derivative instruments 5,102 5,533
Cash collateral on non-derivative transactions 892 528
Derivative instruments used for hedging 4 10
Operating leases liabilities 1,833 1,861
Provisions 2,598 1,912
   of which expected credit losses on off-balance sheet credit exposures  248 257
Restructuring liabilities 29 19
Liabilities held for separate accounts 96 98
Interest and fees payable 3,887 3,930
Current tax liabilities 628 671
Deferred tax liabilities 358 122
Failed sales 1,731 1,736
Defined benefit pension and post-retirement plan liabilities 339 343
Other 4,320 4,546
   of which digital asset safeguarding liabilities  31
Other liabilities  21,817 21,309
Included as of the end of 6M22 and 2021 were CHF 246 million and CHF 391 million, respectively, in restricted loans, which represented collateral on secured borrowings.
As of the end of 6M22 and 2021, real estate held-for-sale included foreclosed or repossessed real estate of CHF 27 million and CHF 8 million, respectively, of which CHF 27 million and CHF 8 million, respectively, were related to residential real estate.
21 Long-term debt
Long-term debt
end of 6M22 2021
Long-term debt (CHF million)   
Senior 91,458 95,468
Subordinated 59,065 63,836
Non-recourse liabilities from consolidated VIEs 1,825 1,391
Long-term debt  152,348 160,695
   of which reported at fair value  65,276 67,788
   of which structured notes  41,893 43,126
Structured notes by product
end of 6M22 2021
Structured notes by product (CHF million)   
Equity 25,595 28,681
Fixed income 13,524 11,678
Credit 2,342 2,363
Other 432 404
Total structured notes  41,893 43,126
22 Accumulated other comprehensive income
Accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss)

on cash
flow hedges



Net prior
(losses) on
relating to
credit risk

6M22 (CHF million)   
Balance at beginning of period  (95) (16,760) 13 (429) (6) (2,082) (19,359)
Increase/(decrease) (727) 934 (6) 0 (1) 3,516 3,716
Reclassification adjustments, included in net income/(loss) (121) 0 0 4 1 17 (99)
Total increase/(decrease) (848) 934 (6) 4 0 3,533 3,617
Balance at end of period  (943) (15,826) 7 (425) (6) 1,451 (15,742)
6M21 (CHF million)   
Balance at beginning of period  205 (17,517) 13 (460) (11) (2,469) (20,239)
Increase/(decrease) (109) 1,473 0 (85) (1) (5) 1,273
Reclassification adjustments, included in net income/(loss) (34) 0 0 0 1 77 44
Total increase/(decrease) (143) 1,473 0 (85) 0 72 1,317
Balance at end of period  62 (16,044) 13 (545) (11) (2,397) (18,922)
No impairments on available-for-sale debt securities were recognized in net income/(loss) in 6M22 and 6M21.
Details on significant reclassification adjustments
in 6M22 6M21
Reclassification adjustments, included in net income/(loss) (CHF million)   
Actuarial gains/(losses) 
   Amortization of recognized actuarial losses 1 5 (2)
   Tax expense/(benefit)  (1) 2
   Net of tax  4 0
These components are included in the computation of total benefit costs. Refer to "Note 26 – Pension and other post-retirement benefits" for further information.
23 Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities
> Refer to “Note 24 – Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 for further information.
Offsetting of derivatives
   6M22 2021

end of
Gross derivatives subject to enforceable master netting agreements (CHF billion)   
OTC-cleared 12.9 14.8 4.4 4.0
OTC 29.7 26.9 44.5 40.3
Exchange-traded (0.1) 0.0 0.1 0.0
Interest rate products  42.5 41.7 49.0 44.3
OTC-cleared 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.2
OTC 29.8 29.8 20.0 22.0
Exchange-traded 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Foreign exchange products  30.2 30.3 20.2 22.2
OTC 6.5 9.4 8.2 13.0
Exchange-traded 21.8 25.1 22.7 21.4
Equity/index-related products  28.3 34.5 30.9 34.4
OTC-cleared 0.4 0.4 1.3 1.4
OTC 2.9 3.5 3.3 4.3
Credit derivatives  3.3 3.9 4.6 5.7
OTC 1.3 0.6 1.4 0.5
Exchange-traded 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Other products 1 1.4 0.7 1.5 0.6
OTC-cleared 13.6 15.7 5.9 5.6
OTC 70.2 70.2 77.4 80.1
Exchange-traded 21.9 25.2 22.9 21.5
Total gross derivatives subject to enforceable master netting agreements  105.7 111.1 106.2 107.2
Offsetting (CHF billion)   
OTC-cleared (13.6) (15.3) (5.6) (5.3)
OTC (60.0) (62.3) (68.5) (74.6)
Exchange-traded (21.9) (22.2) (21.0) (21.0)
Offsetting  (95.5) (99.8) (95.1) (100.9)
   of which counterparty netting  (84.4) (84.4) (83.0) (83.0)
   of which cash collateral netting  (11.1) (15.4) (12.1) (17.9)
Net derivatives presented in the consolidated balance sheets (CHF billion)   
OTC-cleared 0.0 0.4 0.3 0.3
OTC 10.2 7.9 8.9 5.5
Exchange-traded 0.0 3.0 1.9 0.5
Total net derivatives subject to enforceable master netting agreements  10.2 11.3 11.1 6.3
Total derivatives not subject to enforceable master netting agreements 2 6.0 4.4 6.7 4.3
Total net derivatives presented in the consolidated balance sheets  16.2 15.7 17.8 10.6
   of which recorded in trading assets and trading liabilities  16.1 15.7 17.6 10.6
   of which recorded in other assets and other liabilities  0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0
Primarily precious metals, commodity and energy products.
Represents derivatives where a legal opinion supporting the enforceability of netting in the event of default or termination under the agreement is not in place.
Offsetting of securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions
   6M22 2021

end of


book value


book value
Securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions (CHF billion)    
Securities purchased under resale agreements 88.7 (14.3) 74.4 74.1 (16.6) 57.5
Securities borrowing transactions 7.5 0.0 7.5 22.2 0.0 22.2
Total subject to enforceable master netting agreements  96.2 (14.3) 81.9 96.3 (16.6) 79.7
Total not subject to enforceable master netting agreements 1 22.3 22.3 24.2 24.2
Total  118.5 (14.3) 104.2 2 120.5 (16.6) 103.9 2
Represents securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions where a legal opinion supporting the enforceability of netting in the event of default or termination under the agreement is not in place.
CHF 82,392 million and CHF 68,623 million of the total net amount as of the end of 6M22 and 2021, respectively, are reported at fair value.
Offsetting of securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions
   6M22 2021

end of


book value


book value
Securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions (CHF billion)    
Securities sold under repurchase agreements 31.1 (14.3) 16.8 32.3 (16.6) 15.7
Securities lending transactions 0.6 0.0 0.6 15.4 0.0 15.4
Obligation to return securities received as collateral, at fair value 7.3 0.0 7.3 14.7 0.0 14.7
Total subject to enforceable master netting agreements  39.0 (14.3) 24.7 62.4 (16.6) 45.8
Total not subject to enforceable master netting agreements 1 4.4 4.4 4.6 4.6
Total  43.4 (14.3) 29.1 67.0 (16.6) 50.4
   of which securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities    lending transactions  36.0 (14.3) 21.7 2 52.0 (16.6) 35.4 2
   of which obligation to return securities received as collateral, at fair value  7.4 0.0 7.4 15.0 0.0 15.0
Represents securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions where a legal opinion supporting the enforceability of netting in the event of default or termination under the agreement is not in place.
CHF 14,239 million and CHF 13,307 million of the total net amount as of the end of 6M22 and 2021, respectively, are reported at fair value.
Amounts not offset in the consolidated balance sheets
   6M22 2021

end of


1 Cash



1 Cash

Financial assets subject to enforceable master netting agreements (CHF billion)    
Derivatives 10.2 4.6 0.3 5.3 11.1 4.5 0.0 6.6
Securities purchased under resale agreements 74.4 74.2 0.2 0.0 57.5 57.5 0.0 0.0
Securities borrowing transactions 7.5 7.4 0.0 0.1 22.2 21.9 0.0 0.3
Total financial assets subject to enforceable master netting agreements  92.1 86.2 0.5 5.4 90.8 83.9 0.0 6.9
Financial liabilities subject to enforceable master netting agreements (CHF billion)    
Derivatives 11.3 1.9 0.0 9.4 6.3 1.3 0.0 5.0
Securities sold under repurchase agreements 16.8 16.6 0.2 0.0 15.7 15.6 0.1 0.0
Securities lending transactions 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.0 15.4 15.3 0.0 0.1
Obligation to return securities received as collateral, at fair value 7.3 6.7 0.0 0.6 14.7 13.0 0.0 1.7
Total financial liabilities subject to enforceable master netting agreements  36.0 25.8 0.2 10.0 52.1 45.2 0.1 6.8
The total amount reported in financial instruments (recognized financial assets and financial liabilities and non-cash financial collateral) and cash collateral is limited to the amount of the related instruments presented in the consolidated balance sheets and therefore any over-collateralization of these positions is not included.
24 Tax
The Bank previously calculated the provision for income tax expense or benefit during interim reporting periods by applying the estimated annual effective tax rate to the income/loss of the year to date reporting period. However, the historical method could sometimes create distortions in the effective tax rate for the period. Since small changes in the estimated income/loss for 2022 would result in significant changes in the estimated annual effective tax rate, it was concluded the actual year to date effective tax rate to be the best estimate of the annual effective tax rate as permitted by ASC Topic 740 – Income Taxes – Interim Reporting. The Bank therefore used a year to date effective tax rate (discrete method) to calculate the 6M22 income tax expense.
The 6M22 income tax expense of CHF 221 million resulted in an effective tax rate of (12.6)% for 6M22. The main drivers of the effective tax rate were the impact of the valuation allowances relating to current period earnings, the non-deductible funding costs, non-deductible litigation provisions and shortfall tax charges on share-based compensation delivered in this period. This was partially offset by the impact of the geographical mix of results. The details of the 6M22 tax rate reconciliation resulting from applying the year to date effective tax rate are outlined below.
Net deferred tax assets related to net operating losses (NOL), net deferred tax assets on temporary differences and net deferred tax liabilities are presented in the following manner. Nettable gross deferred tax liabilities are allocated on a pro-rata basis to gross deferred tax assets on NOL and gross deferred tax assets on temporary differences. This approach is aligned with the underlying treatment of netting gross deferred tax assets and liabilities under the Basel III framework. Valuation allowances have been allocated against such deferred tax assets on NOL first, with any remainder allocated to such deferred tax assets on temporary differences. This presentation is considered the most appropriate disclosure given the underlying nature of the gross deferred tax balances.
As of June 30, 2022, the Bank had accumulated undistributed earnings from foreign subsidiaries of CHF 19.6 billion, which are considered indefinitely reinvested. The Bank would need to accrue and pay taxes on these undistributed earnings if such earnings were repatriated. No deferred tax liability was recorded in respect of those amounts, as these earnings are considered indefinitely reinvested. It is not practicable to estimate the amount of unrecognized deferred tax liabilities for these undistributed foreign earnings.
The Bank is currently subject to ongoing tax audits, inquiries and litigation with the tax authorities in a number of jurisdictions, including Brazil, Switzerland, the US and the UK. Although the timing of completion is uncertain, it is reasonably possible that some of these will be resolved within 12 months of the reporting date. It is reasonably possible that there will be a decrease between zero and CHF 164 million in unrecognized tax benefits within 12 months of the reporting date.
The Bank remains open to examination from federal, state, provincial or similar local jurisdictions from the following years onward in these major countries: Switzerland – 2019 (federal and Zurich cantonal level); Brazil – 2017; the UK – 2012, and the US – 2010.
Effective tax rate
in 6M22 6M21
Effective tax rate (%)  (12.6) 40.0
Tax expense reconciliation
in 6M22
Income tax expense computed at the Swiss statutory tax rate of 18.5% (CHF million)  (324)
Increase/(decrease) in income taxes resulting from
   Foreign tax rate differential  18
   Changes in tax law and rates  17
   Other non-deductible expenses  253
   Changes in deferred tax valuation allowance  250
   Lower taxed income  (67)
   (Windfall tax benefits)/shortfall tax charges on    share-based compensation  61
   Other  13
Income tax expense  221
Foreign tax rate differential
6M22 included a foreign tax impact of CHF 18 million, mainly driven by the current period earnings mix.
Changes in tax law and rates
6M22 included the impact of CHF 17 million related to the tax rate change in the UK.
Other non-deductible expenses
6M22 included the impact of CHF 157 million of non-deductible litigation provisions and CHF 96 million relating to non-deductible interest expenses, the UK bank levy and other non-deductible costs.
Changes in deferred tax valuation allowance
6M22 included the impact of the current period earnings, resulting in an increase in the valuation allowance of CHF 250 million, mainly in respect of one of the Bank’s operating entities in Switzerland, one of the Bank’s operating entities in the UK and one of the Bank’s operating entities in Hong Kong and in Japan.
Lower taxed income
6M22 primarily included the impact of CHF 41 million related to non-taxable dividend income and CHF 23 million related
to non-taxable life insurance income. The remaining balance included various smaller items.
6M22 included a tax expense of CHF 13 million, which mainly reflected the tax impact of CHF 31 million relating to the current year base erosion and anti-abuse tax (BEAT) provision, CHF 22 million relating to an accounting standard implementation transition adjustment for own credit movements, CHF 12 million relating to dividend equivalents of share-based compensation and CHF 5 million relating to withholding taxes. This was partially offset by CHF 20 million relating to prior years’ adjustments and CHF 30 million relating to a reversal of previously unrecognized tax benefits. The remaining balance included various smaller items.
Net deferred tax assets
end of 6M22 2021
Net deferred tax assets (CHF million)   
Deferred tax assets 3,825 3,666
   of which net operating losses  1,121 877
   of which deductible temporary differences  2,704 2,789
Deferred tax liabilities (358) (122)
Net deferred tax assets  3,467 3,544
25 Employee deferred compensation
> Refer to “Note 26 – Employee deferred compensation” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 and “Note 29 – Employee deferred compensation” in VIII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2021 for further information.
Deferred compensation expense
in 6M22 6M21
Deferred compensation expense (CHF million)   
Share awards 171 266
Performance share awards 95 213
Contingent Capital Awards 24 140
Cash awards 291 169
Retention awards 61 39
Strategic Delivery Plan 116
Total deferred compensation expense  758 827
Estimated unrecognized deferred compensation
end of 6M22
Estimated unrecognized compensation expense (CHF million)   
Share awards 369
Performance share awards 165
Contingent Capital Awards 124
Cash awards 953
Retention awards 203
Strategic Delivery Plan 413
Total  2,227
Aggregate remaining weighted-average requisite service period (years)   
Aggregate remaining weighted-average requisite service period 1.3
6M22 activity
In 6M22, the Bank granted share awards, performance share awards, Contingent Capital Awards (CCA) and upfront cash awards as part of the 2021 deferred variable compensation. Expense recognition for these awards began in 6M22 and will continue over the remaining service or vesting period of each respective award.
Share awards
In 6M22, the Bank granted 36.3 million share awards at a weighted-average share price of CHF 8.19. Each share award granted entitles the holder of the award to receive one Group share, subject to service conditions. Share awards vest over three years with one third of the share awards vesting on each of the three anniversaries of the grant date (ratable vesting), with the exception of awards granted to individuals classified as material risk takers (MRTs), risk managers MRTs or senior managers or equivalent under the EU or UK Capital Requirements Directive V related provisions. As of February 2022, share awards granted to MRTs vest over four years with one quarter of the award vesting on each of the four anniversaries of the grant date. Share awards granted to risk manager MRTs vest over five years with one fifth of the award vesting on each of the five anniversaries of the grant date. Share awards granted to senior managers vest over seven years, with one fifth of the award vesting on each of the third to seventh anniversaries of the grant date. Share awards are expensed over the service period of the awards.
Performance share awards
In 6M22, the Bank granted 18.3 million performance share awards at a weighted-average share price of CHF 8.36. Performance share awards are similar to share awards, except that the full balance of outstanding performance share awards, including those awarded in prior years, are subject to performance-based malus provisions.
Contingent Capital Awards
In 6M22, the Bank awarded CHF 71 million of CCA. CCA are scheduled to vest on the third anniversary of the grant date, other than those granted to individuals classified as MRTs, risk manager MRTs or senior managers or equivalents under the EU or UK Capital Requirements Directive V related provisions. As of February 2022, CCA granted to MRTs, risk manager MRTs and senior managers vest on the fourth, fifth and seventh anniversaries of the grant date, respectively, and will be expensed over the vesting period.
Cash awards
Deferred fixed cash awards
In 6M22, the Bank granted deferred fixed cash compensation of CHF 213 million to certain employees in the Americas and Asia Pacific. This compensation will be expensed in the Investment Bank division over a three-year vesting period from the grant date. Amortization of deferred fixed cash awards in 6M22 totaled CHF 102 million, of which CHF 56 million was related to awards granted in 6M22.
3Q22 to date, the Bank granted deferred fixed cash compensation of up to CHF 40 million to certain employees in the Wealth Management division. This compensation will be expensed in the Wealth Management division over a three-year vesting period from the grant date.
Upfront cash awards
In 6M22, the Bank granted upfront cash awards of CHF 797 million to certain managing directors and directors as part of their 2021 variable compensation. Amortization of upfront cash awards in 6M22 totaled CHF 178 million, of which CHF 160 million was related to awards granted in 6M22.
Retention awards
In 6M22, the Bank granted deferred cash and share retention awards of CHF 53 million, mainly in the Investment Bank division. These awards will be expensed over the applicable vesting period from the grant date. Amortization of retention awards in 6M22 totaled CHF 61 million, of which CHF 5 million was related to awards granted in 6M22.
3Q22 to date, the Bank granted deferred cash and share retention awards of CHF 289 million to certain employees in the Investment Bank division. This compensation will be expensed in the Investment Bank division over a three-year vesting period from the grant date.
Strategic Delivery Plan
In 6M22, the Bank granted 59.4 million SDP deferred share-based awards at a weighted-average share price of CHF 8.50 to most managing directors and directors to incentivize the longer-term delivery of the Group’s strategic plan. Each SDP share award granted entitles the holder of the award to receive one Group share, subject to service conditions and performance-based metrics over the course of 2022-2024. SDP awards are scheduled to vest on the third anniversary of the grant date, with the exception of awards granted to individuals classified as MRTs, risk manager MRTs or senior managers or equivalents under the EU or UK Capital Requirements Directive V related provisions. SDP awards granted to MRTs vest in equal annual installments over two years, commencing on the third anniversary from the grant date. SDP awards granted to risk manager MRTs vest in equal annual installments over three years, while SDP awards granted to senior managers vest in equal annual installments over five years, both commencing on the third anniversary from the grant date.
In addition, the Compensation Committee will review and assess the overall success of the delivery of the strategic plan at a Group level over the three-year period (2022-2024) and may increase the SDP awards up to a maximum of 50% of the initial award amount.
Share-based award activity

Number of awards (in millions)

Share-based award activities   
Balance at beginning of period  135.3 73.8 0.0
Granted 36.3 18.3 59.4
Settled (47.0) (29.0) 0.0
Forfeited (5.3) (1.8) (0.6)
Balance at end of period  119.3 61.3 58.8
   of which vested  15.6 9.9 1.0
   of which unvested  103.7 51.4 57.8
26 Pension and other post-retirement benefits
> Refer to “Note 27 – Pension and other post-retirement benefits” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 and “Note 31 – Pension and other post-retirement benefits” in VIII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2021 for further information.
The Bank contributed and recognized expenses of CHF 222 million and CHF 243 million related to its defined contribution pension plans in 6M22 and 6M21, respectively.
The Bank expects to contribute CHF 14 million to the international single-employer defined benefit pension plans and CHF 11 million to other post-retirement defined benefit plans in 2022. As of the end of 6M22, CHF 7 million and CHF 5 million of contributions had been made to the international single-employer and other post-retirement defined benefit pension plans, respectively.
Components of net periodic benefit costs
in 6M22 6M21
Net periodic benefit costs/(credits) (CHF million)   
Service costs on benefit obligation 8 7
Interest costs on benefit obligation 30 25
Expected return on plan assets (33) (34)
Amortization of recognized prior service cost/(credit) 1 1
Amortization of recognized actuarial losses 5 8
Settlement losses/(gains) 0 (10)
Net periodic benefit costs  11 (3)
Service costs on benefit obligation are reflected in compensation and benefits. Other components of net periodic benefit costs are reflected in general and administrative expenses.
27 Derivatives and hedging activities
> Refer to “Note 32 – Derivatives and hedging activities” in VIII – Consolidated financial statements– Credit Suisse (Bank) in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2021 for further information.
Fair value of derivative instruments
The tables below present gross derivative replacement values by type of contract and balance sheet location and whether the derivative is used for trading purposes or in a qualifying hedging relationship. Notional amounts have also been provided as an indication of the volume of derivative activity within the Bank.
Information on bifurcated embedded derivatives has not been included in these tables. Under US GAAP, the Bank elected to account for substantially all financial instruments with an embedded derivative that is not considered clearly and closely related to the host contract at fair value.
> Refer to “Note 30 – Financial instruments” for further information.
Fair value of derivative instruments
   Trading Hedging 1

end of 6M22

value (PRV)
value (NRV)

value (PRV)
value (NRV)
Derivative instruments (CHF billion)   
Forwards and forward rate agreements 2,133.5 4.4 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
Swaps 8,959.2 31.5 28.9 118.7 0.1 1.8
Options bought and sold (OTC) 737.8 8.3 8.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
Futures 172.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Options bought and sold (exchange-traded) 24.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Interest rate products  12,027.0 44.2 41.5 118.7 0.1 1.8
Forwards 1,027.6 13.5 14.0 19.6 0.4 0.2
Swaps 343.8 14.3 14.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Options bought and sold (OTC) 181.8 3.1 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Futures 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Options bought and sold (exchange-traded) 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Foreign exchange products  1,565.5 30.9 31.0 19.6 0.4 0.2
Forwards 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Swaps 57.9 2.4 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
Options bought and sold (OTC) 223.2 7.0 8.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
Futures 46.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Options bought and sold (exchange-traded) 488.7 21.8 25.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
Equity/index-related products  817.5 31.2 35.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
Credit derivatives 2 434.4 3.4 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
Forwards 10.7 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Swaps 12.5 1.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
Options bought and sold (OTC) 12.0 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Futures 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Options bought and sold (exchange-traded) 8.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Other products 3 54.4 1.5 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total derivative instruments  14,898.8 111.2 113.5 138.3 0.5 2.0
The notional amount, PRV and NRV (trading and hedging) was CHF 15,037.1 billion, CHF 111.7 billion and CHF 115.5 billion, respectively, as of June 30, 2022.
Relates to derivative contracts that qualify for hedge accounting under US GAAP.
Primarily credit default swaps.
Primarily precious metals, commodity and energy products.
Fair value of derivative instruments (continued)
   Trading Hedging 1

end of 2021

value (PRV)
value (NRV)

value (PRV)
value (NRV)
Derivative instruments (CHF billion)   
Forwards and forward rate agreements 1,736.0 0.9 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
Swaps 8,818.8 36.9 33.0 127.5 0.4 0.2
Options bought and sold (OTC) 779.0 11.5 10.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
Futures 144.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Options bought and sold (exchange-traded) 71.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Interest rate products  11,549.9 49.4 44.8 127.5 0.4 0.2
Forwards 1,052.9 7.6 8.2 21.1 0.1 0.1
Swaps 345.3 11.3 12.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
Options bought and sold (OTC) 174.9 2.0 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
Futures 10.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Options bought and sold (exchange-traded) 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Foreign exchange products  1,585.0 20.9 22.8 21.1 0.1 0.1
Forwards 0.9 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Swaps 94.7 1.4 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
Options bought and sold (OTC) 243.9 11.1 12.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
Futures 46.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Options bought and sold (exchange-traded) 535.8 22.9 21.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
Equity/index-related products  921.6 35.5 36.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
Credit derivatives 3 506.8 5.0 6.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
Forwards 9.9 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Swaps 12.0 1.1 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
Options bought and sold (OTC) 11.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Futures 11.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Options bought and sold (exchange-traded) 9.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Other products 4 53.3 1.6 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total derivative instruments  14,616.6 112.4 111.2 148.6 0.5 0.3
The notional amount, PRV and NRV (trading and hedging) was CHF 14,765.2 billion, CHF 112.9 billion and CHF 111.5 billion, respectively, as of December 31, 2021.
Relates to derivative contracts that qualify for hedge accounting under US GAAP.
Prior period has been revised.
Primarily credit default swaps.
Primarily precious metals, commodity and energy products.
Netting of derivative instruments
> Refer to “Note 23 – Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities” for further information on the offsetting of derivative instruments.
Gains or losses on fair value hedges
in 6M22 6M21
Interest rate products (CHF million)   
Hedged items 1 2,508 776
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments 1 (2,370) (740)
The accrued interest on fair value hedges is recorded in net interest income and is excluded from this table.
Included in net interest income.
Hedged items in fair value hedges
   6M22 2021
   Hedged items Hedged items

end of
1 Discontinued
2 Carrying
1 Discontinued
Assets (CHF billion)   
Investment securities 0.7 (0.1) 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0
Net loans 16.5 (1.5) (0.1) 16.6 (0.2) 0.2
Liabilities (CHF billion)   
Long-term debt 63.4 (2.0) (1.4) 65.6 (0.1) 0.8
Relates to the cumulative amount of fair value hedging adjustments included in the carrying amount.
Relates to the cumulative amount of fair value hedging adjustments remaining for any hedged items for which hedge accounting has been discontinued.
Cash flow hedges
in 6M22 6M21
Interest rate products (CHF million)   
Gains/(losses) recognized in AOCI on derivatives (821) (119)
Gains/(losses) reclassified from AOCI into interest and dividend income 177 10
Foreign exchange products (CHF million)
Gains/(losses) recognized in AOCI on derivatives (50) 4
Total other operating expenses (22) 25
Gains/(losses) reclassified from AOCI into income (22) 25
Related to the forward points of a foreign currency forward.
As of the end of 6M22, the maximum length of time over which the Bank hedged its exposure to the variability in future cash flows for forecasted transactions, excluding those forecasted transactions related to the payment of variable interest on existing financial instruments, was 12 months.
The net loss associated with cash flow hedges expected to be reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI) within the next 12 months was CHF 437 million.
Net investment hedges
in 6M22 6M21
Foreign exchange products (CHF million)   
Gains/(losses) recognized in the cumulative translation adjustments section of AOCI (57) (248)
The Bank includes all derivative instruments not included in hedge accounting relationships in its trading activities.
> Refer to “Note 7 – Trading revenues” for gains and losses on trading activities by product type.
Disclosures relating to contingent credit risk
The following table provides the Bank’s current net exposure from contingent credit risk relating to derivative contracts with bilateral counterparties and special purpose entities (SPEs) that include credit support agreements, the related collateral posted and the additional collateral that could be called by counterparties in the event of a one-, two-, or three-notch downgrade in the contractually specified credit ratings. The table also includes derivative contracts with contingent credit risk features without credit support agreements that have accelerated termination event conditions. The current net exposure for derivative contracts with bilateral counterparties and contracts with accelerated termination event conditions is the aggregate fair value of derivative instruments that were in a net liability position. For SPEs, the current net exposure is the contractual amount that is used to determine the collateral payable in the event of a downgrade. The contractual amount could include both the NRV and a percentage of the notional value of the derivative.
Contingent credit risk
   6M22 2021

end of






Contingent credit risk (CHF billion)   
Current net exposure 1.6 0.0 0.2 1.8 2.3 0.0 0.3 2.6
Collateral posted 1.3 0.0 1.3 1.9 0.0 1.9
Impact of a one-notch downgrade event 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1
Impact of a two-notch downgrade event 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.6 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2
Impact of a three-notch downgrade event 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.7 0.0 0.1 0.8
The impact of a downgrade event reflects the amount of additional collateral required for bilateral counterparties and special purpose entities and the amount of additional termination expenses for accelerated terminations, respectively.
Credit derivatives
> Refer to “Note 32 – Derivatives and hedging activities” in VIII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2021 for further information on credit derivatives.
Credit protection sold/purchased
The following tables do not include all credit derivatives and differ from the credit derivatives in the “Fair value of derivative instruments” tables. This is due to the exclusion of certain credit derivative instruments under US GAAP, which defines a credit derivative as a derivative instrument (a) in which one or more of its underlyings are related to the credit risk of a specified entity (or a group of entities) or an index based on the credit risk of a group of entities and (b) that exposes the seller to potential loss from credit risk-related events specified in the contract.
Total return swaps (TRS) of CHF 12.0 billion and CHF 12.0 billion as of the end of 6M22 and 2021, respectively, were also excluded because a TRS does not expose the seller to potential loss from credit risk-related events specified in the contract. A TRS only provides protection against a loss in asset value and not against additional amounts as a result of specific credit events.
Credit protection sold/purchased
   6M22 2021

end of


1 Net credit

Fair value
of credit


1 Net credit

Fair value
of credit
Single-name instruments (CHF billion)   
Investment grade 2 (55.7) 50.7 (5.0) 9.7 0.1 (60.2) 55.6 (4.6) 10.1 0.6
Non-investment grade (25.2) 22.3 (2.9) 7.1 (0.4) (31.5) 28.9 (2.6) 7.9 0.4
Total single-name instruments  (80.9) 73.0 (7.9) 16.8 (0.3) (91.7) 84.5 (7.2) 18.0 1.0
   of which sovereign  (14.0) 12.4 (1.6) 3.9 (0.1) (13.5) 12.2 (1.3) 4.0 (0.1)
   of which non-sovereign  (66.9) 60.6 (6.3) 12.9 (0.2) (78.2) 72.3 (5.9) 14.0 1.1
Multi-name instruments (CHF billion)   
Investment grade 2 (77.4) 73.0 (4.4) 19.9 (0.2) (102.9) 96.0 (6.9) 20.2 0.7
Non-investment grade (33.7) 29.0 (4.7) 10.4 3 (1.1) (35.7) 33.2 (2.5) 12.6 3 (0.5)
Total multi-name instruments  (111.1) 102.0 (9.1) 30.3 (1.3) (138.6) 129.2 (9.4) 32.8 0.2
   of which non-sovereign  (111.1) 102.0 (9.1) 30.3 (1.3) (138.6) 129.2 (9.4) 32.8 0.2
Total instruments (CHF billion)   
Investment grade 2 (133.1) 123.7 (9.4) 29.6 (0.1) (163.1) 151.6 (11.5) 30.3 1.3
Non-investment grade (58.9) 51.3 (7.6) 17.5 (1.5) (67.2) 62.1 (5.1) 20.5 (0.1)
Total instruments  (192.0) 175.0 (17.0) 47.1 (1.6) (230.3) 213.7 (16.6) 50.8 1.2
   of which sovereign  (14.0) 12.4 (1.6) 3.9 (0.1) (13.5) 12.2 (1.3) 4.0 (0.1)
   of which non-sovereign  (178.0) 162.6 (15.4) 43.2 (1.5) (216.8) 201.5 (15.3) 46.8 1.3
Represents credit protection purchased with identical underlyings and recoveries.
Based on internal ratings of BBB and above.
Includes synthetic securitized loan portfolios.
The following table reconciles the notional amount of credit derivatives included in the table “Fair value of derivative instruments” to the table “Credit protection sold/purchased”.
Credit derivatives
end of 6M22 2021
Credit derivatives (CHF billion)   
Credit protection sold 192.0 230.3
Credit protection purchased 175.0 213.7
Other protection purchased 47.1 50.8
Other instruments 1 20.3 12.0
Total credit derivatives  434.4 506.8
Consists of total return swaps and other derivative instruments.
Maturity of credit protection sold

end of
1 year
1 to 5
5 years

6M22 (CHF billion)   
Single-name instruments 11.8 65.7 3.4 80.9
Multi-name instruments 18.2 83.4 9.5 111.1
Total instruments  30.0 149.1 12.9 192.0
2021 (CHF billion)   
Single-name instruments 14.4 73.6 3.7 91.7
Multi-name instruments 39.9 88.3 10.4 138.6
Total instruments  54.3 161.9 14.1 230.3
28 Guarantees and commitments
> Refer to “Note 29 – Guarantees and commitments” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 and to “Note 33 – Guarantees and commitments” in VIII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2021 for further information.

end of
1 year
1 year




6M22 (CHF million)   
Credit guarantees and similar instruments 2,310 1,491 3,801 3,723 25 2,070
Performance guarantees and similar instruments 4,826 3,061 7,887 6,613 44 3,943
Derivatives 2 5,884 2,634 8,518 8,518 145 3
Other guarantees 4,283 2,249 6,532 6,522 71 3,650
Total guarantees  17,303 9,435 26,738 25,376 285 9,663
2021 (CHF million)   
Credit guarantees and similar instruments 2,124 1,807 3,931 3,874 25 2,014
Performance guarantees and similar instruments 3,982 3,336 7,318 6,299 40 3,605
Derivatives 2 5,374 3,547 8,921 8,921 289 3
Other guarantees 4,012 2,498 6,510 6,469 71 3,789
Total guarantees  15,492 11,188 26,680 25,563 425 9,408
Total net amount is computed as the gross amount less any participations.
Excludes derivative contracts with certain active commercial and investment banks and certain other counterparties, as such contracts can be cash settled and the Bank had no basis to conclude it was probable that the counterparties held, at inception, the underlying instruments.
Collateral for derivatives accounted for as guarantees is not considered significant.
Deposit-taking banks and securities dealers in Switzerland and certain other European countries are required to ensure the payout of privileged deposits in case of specified restrictions or compulsory liquidation of a deposit-taking bank. In Switzerland, deposit-taking banks and securities dealers jointly guarantee an amount of up to CHF 6.0 billion. Upon occurrence of a payout event triggered by a specified restriction of business imposed by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA (FINMA) or by the compulsory liquidation of another deposit taking bank, the Bank’s contribution will be calculated based on its share of privileged deposits in proportion to total privileged deposits. Based on FINMA’s estimate for the Bank’s banking subsidiaries in Switzerland, the Bank’s share in the deposit insurance guarantee program for the period July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 was CHF 0.5 billion. These deposit insurance guarantees were reflected in other guarantees. For the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023, the Bank’s share in the deposit insurance guarantee program based on FINMA’s estimate will be CHF 0.5 billion.
Representations and warranties on residential mortgage loans sold
In connection with the Global Markets division’s sale of US residential mortgage loans, the Bank has provided certain representations and warranties relating to the loans sold.
> Refer to “Note 29 – Guarantees and commitments” in III – Consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 and to “Note 33 – Guarantees and commitments” in VIII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2021 for further information.
Other commitments
   6M22 2021

end of
1 year
1 year



1 year
1 year



Other commitments (CHF million)   
Irrevocable commitments under documentary credits 5,069 41 5,110 4,781 3,153 4,796 116 4,912 4,602 2,801
Irrevocable loan commitments 24,326 97,182 121,508 2 117,542 54,120 22,959 99,600 122,559 2 118,281 55,766
Forward reverse repurchase agreements 239 0 239 239 239 466 0 466 466 466
Other commitments 133 287 420 420 4 121 275 396 396 8
Total other commitments  29,767 97,510 127,277 122,982 57,516 28,342 99,991 128,333 123,745 59,041
Total net amount is computed as the gross amount less any participations.
Irrevocable loan commitments do not include a total gross amount of CHF 139,485 million and CHF 144,079 million of unused credit limits as of the end of 6M22 and 2021, respectively, which were revocable at the Bank's sole discretion upon notice to the client.
29 Transfers of financial assets and variable interest entities
> Refer to “Note 30 – Transfers of financial assets and variable interest entities” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 and “Note 34 – Transfers of financial assets and variable interest entities“ in VIII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2021 for further information.
Transfers of financial assets
The following table provides the gains or losses and proceeds from the transfer of assets relating to 6M22 and 6M21 securitizations of financial assets that qualify for sale accounting and subsequent derecognition, along with cash flows between the Bank and the SPEs used in any securitizations in which the Bank still has continuing involvement, regardless of when the securitization occurred.
in 6M22 6M21
Gains/(losses) and cash flows (CHF million)   
Net gain 1 5 0
Proceeds from transfer of assets 2,819 999
Cash received on interests that continue to be held 22 26
Net gain/(loss) 1 (1) 62
Proceeds from transfer of assets 6,799 20,876
Purchases of previously transferred financial assets or its underlying collateral 0 (1,072)
Servicing fees 0 1
Cash received on interests that continue to be held 531 430
Other asset-backed financings 
Net gain 1 23 47
Proceeds from transfer of assets 3,808 6,802
Purchases of previously transferred financial assets or its underlying collateral (997) (699)
Fees 2 97 81
Cash received on interests that continue to be held 36 7
Includes underwriting revenues, deferred origination fees, gains or losses on the sale of collateral to the SPE and gains or losses on the sale of newly issued securities to third parties, but excludes net interest income on assets prior to the securitization. The gains or losses on the sale of the collateral is the difference between the fair value on the day prior to the securitization pricing date and the sale price of the loans.
Represents management fees and performance fees earned for investment management services provided to managed CLOs.
Continuing involvement in transferred financial assets
The following table provides the outstanding principal balance of assets to which the Bank continued to be exposed after the transfer of the financial assets to any SPE and the total assets of the SPE as of the end of 6M22 and 2021, regardless of when the transfer of assets occurred.
Principal amounts outstanding and total assets of SPEs resulting from continuing involvement
end of 6M22 2021
CHF million   
Principal amount outstanding 20,202 15,428
Total assets of SPE 38,723 23,205
Principal amount outstanding 49,342 56,990
Total assets of SPE 49,342 56,990
Other asset-backed financings 
Principal amount outstanding 23,514 24,856
Total assets of SPE 56,511 57,797
Principal amount outstanding relates to assets transferred from the Bank and does not include principal amounts for assets transferred from third parties.
Fair value of beneficial interests
The fair value measurement of the beneficial interests held at the time of transfer and as of the reporting date that result from any continuing involvement is determined using fair value estimation techniques, such as the present value of estimated future cash flows that incorporate assumptions that market participants customarily use in these valuation techniques. The fair value of the assets or liabilities that result from any continuing involvement does not include any benefits from financial instruments that the Bank may utilize to hedge the inherent risks.
Key economic assumptions at the time of transfer
> Refer to “Note 30 – Financial instruments” for information on fair value hierarchy levels.
Key economic assumptions used in measuring fair value of beneficial interests at time of transfer
   6M22 6M21
at time of transfer, in CMBS RMBS CMBS RMBS
CHF million, except where indicated
Fair value of beneficial interests 252 548 92 1,337
   of which level 2  191 480 82 1,019
   of which level 3  61 68 10 318
Weighted-average life, in years 5.4 10.9 7.4 5.0
Prepayment speed assumption (rate per annum), in % 1 2 5.0 22.2 2 3.0 32.8
Cash flow discount rate (rate per annum), in % 3 3.5 10.3 2.8 43.6 1.8 4.5 1.0 15.4
Expected credit losses (rate per annum), in % 4 2.7 5.6 1.3 41.1 0.9 3.9 0.1 13.7
Transfers of assets in which the Bank does not have beneficial interests are not included in this table.
Prepayment speed assumption (PSA) is an industry standard prepayment speed metric used for projecting prepayments over the life of a residential mortgage loan. PSA utilizes the constant prepayment rate (CPR) assumptions. A 100% prepayment assumption assumes a prepayment rate of 0.2% per annum of the outstanding principal balance of mortgage loans in the first month. This increases by 0.2 percentage points thereafter during the term of the mortgage loan, leveling off to a CPR of 6% per annum beginning in the 30th month and each month thereafter during the term of the mortgage loan. 100 PSA equals 6 CPR.
To deter prepayment, commercial mortgage loans typically have prepayment protection in the form of prepayment lockouts and yield maintenances.
The rate was based on the weighted-average yield on the beneficial interests.
The range of expected credit losses only reflects instruments with an expected credit loss greater than zero unless all of the instruments have an expected credit loss of zero.
Key economic assumptions as of the reporting date
The following table provides the sensitivity analysis of key economic assumptions used in measuring the fair value of beneficial interests held in SPEs as of the end of 6M22 and 2021.
Key economic assumptions used in measuring fair value of beneficial interests held in SPEs
   6M22 2021

end of


Other asset-


Other asset-
CHF million, except where indicated
Fair value of beneficial interests 478 1,563 549 281 2,310 402
   of which non-investment grade  96 270 75 55 370 27
Weighted-average life, in years 3.5 8.7 5.2 3.9 4.7 5.5
Prepayment speed assumption (rate per annum), in % 3 4.0 22.9 5.1 41.9
Impact on fair value from 10% adverse change (30.4) (31.1)
Impact on fair value from 20% adverse change (59.6) (59.8)
Cash flow discount rate (rate per annum), in % 4 4.2 41.9 2.1 38.4 1.2 52.0 1.7 50.7 0.7 35.5 0.3 14.7
Impact on fair value from 10% adverse change (7.0) (53.8) (8.6) (3.5) (38.1) (4.9)
Impact on fair value from 20% adverse change (13.8) (103.5) (16.9) (6.8) (73.3) (9.7)
Expected credit losses (rate per annum), in % 5 1.2 13.2 0.3 35.3 0.6 49.9 0.6 8.4 0.4 34.2 0.7 13.3
Impact on fair value from 10% adverse change (3.7) (27.6) (5.5) (2.5) (28.5) (4.3)
Impact on fair value from 20% adverse change (7.4) (53.7) (10.8) (4.9) (54.8) (8.4)
To deter prepayment, commercial mortgage loans typically have prepayment protection in the form of prepayment lockouts and yield maintenances.
CDOs within this category are generally structured to be protected from prepayment risk.
PSA is an industry standard prepayment speed metric used for projecting prepayments over the life of a residential mortgage loan. PSA utilizes the CPR assumptions. A 100% prepayment assumption assumes a prepayment rate of 0.2% per annum of the outstanding principal balance of mortgage loans in the first month. This increases by 0.2 percentage points thereafter during the term of the mortgage loan, leveling off to a CPR of 6% per annum beginning in the 30th month and each month thereafter during the term of the mortgage loan. 100 PSA equals 6 CPR.
The rate was based on the weighted-average yield on the beneficial interests.
The range of expected credit losses only reflects instruments with an expected credit loss greater than zero unless all of the instruments have an expected credit loss of zero.
Transfers of financial assets where sale treatment was not achieved
The following table provides the carrying amounts of transferred financial assets and the related liabilities where sale treatment was not achieved as of the end of 6M22 and 2021.
> Refer to “Note 31 – Assets pledged and collateral” for information on assets pledged or assigned.
Carrying amounts of transferred financial assets and liabilities where sale treatment was not achieved
end of 6M22 2021
CHF million   
Other assets 0 257
Liability to SPE, included in other liabilities 0 (257)
Other asset-backed financings 
Trading assets 500 557
Other assets 178 200
Liability to SPE, included in other liabilities (678) (757)
Securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions accounted for as secured borrowings
The following tables provide the gross obligation relating to securities sold under repurchase agreements, securities lending transactions and obligation to return securities received as collateral by the class of collateral pledged and by remaining contractual maturity as of the end of 6M22 and 2021.
Securities sold under repurchase agreements, securities lending transactions and obligation to return securities received as collateral – by class of collateral pledged
end of 6M22 2021
CHF billion   
Government debt securities 19.3 16.0
Corporate debt securities 9.7 9.6
Asset-backed securities 2.3 4.6
Equity securities 0.3 0.5
Other 3.6 5.6
Securities sold under repurchase agreements  35.2 36.3
Government debt securities 0.2 13.9
Corporate debt securities 0.2 0.3
Asset-backed securities 0.0 0.3
Equity securities 0.2 1.0
Other 0.2 0.2
Securities lending transactions  0.8 15.7
Government debt securities 3.7 3.6
Corporate debt securities 0.8 0.6
Asset-backed securities 0.1 0.0
Equity securities 2.8 10.8
Other 0.0 0.0
Obligation to return securities received as collateral, at fair value  7.4 15.0
Total  43.4 67.0
Securities sold under repurchase agreements, securities lending transactions and obligation to return securities received as collateral – by remaining contractual maturity
   Remaining contractual maturities

end of
No stated
1 Up to
30 days
2 31-90
More than
90 days

6M22 (CHF billion)   
Securities sold under repurchase agreements 6.0 19.0 3.3 6.9 35.2
Securities lending transactions 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.8
Obligation to return securities received as collateral, at fair value 7.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.4
Total  14.1 19.0 3.3 7.0 43.4
2021 (CHF billion)   
Securities sold under repurchase agreements 5.3 15.8 6.0 9.2 36.3
Securities lending transactions 2.3 1.7 1.6 10.1 15.7
Obligation to return securities received as collateral, at fair value 15.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.0
Total  22.6 17.5 7.6 19.3 67.0
Includes contracts with no contractual maturity that may contain termination arrangements subject to a notice period.
Includes overnight transactions.
> Refer to “Note 23 – Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities” for further information on the gross amount of securities sold under repurchase agreements, securities lending transactions and obligation to return securities received as collateral and the net amounts disclosed in the consolidated balance sheets.
Variable interest entities
Commercial paper conduit
The Bank acts as the administrator and provider of liquidity and credit enhancement facilities for Alpine Securitization Ltd (Alpine), a multi-seller asset-backed CP conduit used for client and Bank financing purposes. Alpine discloses to CP investors certain portfolio and asset data and submits its portfolio to rating agencies for public ratings on its CP. This CP conduit purchases assets such as loans and receivables or enters into reverse repurchase agreements and finances such activities through the issuance of CP backed by these assets. In addition to CP, Alpine may also issue term notes with maturities up to 30 months. The Bank (including Alpine) can enter into liquidity facilities with third-party entities pursuant to which it may be required to purchase assets from these entities to provide them with liquidity and credit support. The financing transactions are structured to provide credit support in the form of over-collateralization and other asset-specific enhancements. Alpine is a separate legal entity that is wholly owned by the Bank. However, its assets are available to satisfy only the claims of its creditors. In addition, the Bank, as administrator and liquidity facility provider, has significant exposure to and power over the activities of Alpine. Alpine is considered a VIE for accounting purposes and the Bank is deemed the primary beneficiary and consolidates this entity.
The overall average maturity of Alpine’s outstanding CP was approximately 174 days as of the end of 6M22. Alpine’s CP is rated A-1(sf) by Standard & Poor’s and P-1(sf) by Moody’s. Alpine had exposures mainly in reverse repurchase agreements with a Group entity, solar loans and leases, consumer loans and aircraft loans and leases.
The Bank’s financial commitment to this CP conduit consists of obligations under liquidity agreements. The liquidity agreements are asset-specific arrangements, which require the Bank to provide short-term financing to the CP conduit or to purchase assets from the CP conduit in certain circumstances, including but not limited to, a lack of liquidity in the CP market such that the CP conduit cannot refinance its obligations or a default of an underlying asset. The asset-specific credit enhancements provided by the client seller of the assets remain unchanged as a result of such a purchase. In entering into such agreements, the Bank reviews the credit risk associated with these transactions on the same basis that would apply to other extensions of credit.
The Bank enters into liquidity facilities with CP conduits administrated and sponsored by third parties. These third-party CP conduits are considered to be VIEs for accounting purposes. The Bank is not the primary beneficiary and does not consolidate these third-party CP conduits. The Bank’s financial commitment to these third-party CP conduits consists of obligations under liquidity agreements. The liquidity agreements are asset-specific arrangements, which require the Bank to provide short-term financing to the third-party CP conduits or to purchase assets from these CP conduits in certain circumstances, including but not limited to, a lack of liquidity in the CP market such that the CP conduits cannot refinance their obligations or a default of an underlying asset. The asset-specific credit enhancements, if any, provided by the client seller of the assets remain unchanged as a result of such a purchase. In entering into such agreements, the Bank reviews the credit risk associated with these transactions on the same basis that would apply to other extensions of credit. In some situations, the Bank can enter into liquidity facilities with these third-party CP conduits through Alpine.
The Bank’s economic risks associated with the Alpine CP conduit and the third-party CP conduits are included in the Bank’s risk management framework including counterparty, economic risk capital and scenario analysis.
Consolidated VIEs
The consolidated variable interest entities (VIEs) tables provide the carrying amounts and classifications of the assets and liabilities of consolidated VIEs as of the end of 6M22 and 2021.
Consolidated VIEs in which the Bank was the primary beneficiary
   Financial intermediation

end of




6M22 (CHF million)   
Cash and due from banks 15 0 46 11 23 15 110
Trading assets 1 0 1,281 42 477 0 1,801
Other investments 0 0 0 69 685 141 895
Net loans 0 1,274 0 0 16 33 1,323
Other assets 250 29 886 49 101 682 1,997
   of which loans held-for-sale  249 0 72 25 0 0 346
   of which premises and equipment  0 0 0 0 13 0 13
Total assets of consolidated VIEs  266 1,303 2,213 171 1,302 871 6,126
Trading liabilities 3 0 0 0 10 0 13
Short-term borrowings 0 4,620 0 15 0 0 4,635
Long-term debt 34 0 1,750 0 0 41 1,825
Other liabilities 0 88 2 21 58 54 223
Total liabilities of consolidated VIEs  37 4,708 1,752 36 68 95 6,696
2021 (CHF million)   
Cash and due from banks 0 1 42 25 27 13 108
Trading assets 0 0 1,158 54 610 0 1,822
Other investments 0 0 0 65 789 161 1,015
Net loans 0 1,022 317 0 28 33 1,400
Other assets 0 31 604 78 95 674 1,482
   of which loans held-for-sale  0 0 50 23 0 1 74
   of which premises and equipment  0 0 0 0 12 0 12
Total assets of consolidated VIEs  0 1,054 2,121 222 1,549 881 5,827
Trading liabilities 0 0 0 0 8 0 8
Short-term borrowings 0 4,337 0 15 0 0 4,352
Long-term debt 0 0 1,342 0 3 46 1,391
Other liabilities 0 67 1 20 61 84 233
Total liabilities of consolidated VIEs  0 4,404 1,343 35 72 130 5,984
Non-consolidated VIEs
The non-consolidated VIEs table provides the carrying amounts and classification of the assets of variable interests recorded in the Bank’s consolidated balance sheets, maximum exposure to loss and total assets of the non-consolidated VIEs.
Non-consolidated VIEs
   Financial intermediation

end of
1 Securi-




6M22 (CHF million)   
Trading assets 228 0 4,399 776 7 2,095 7,505
Net loans 579 1,312 1,230 2,726 7,669 2,080 15,596
Other assets 6 0 104 146 5 797 1,058
Total variable interest assets  813 1,312 5,733 3,648 7,681 4,972 24,159
Maximum exposure to loss  1,087 8,012 7,632 3,648 11,290 5,484 37,153
Total assets of non-consolidated VIEs  10,819 16,536 153,117 129,154 38,092 17,260 364,978
2021 (CHF million)   
Trading assets 257 0 4,526 932 13 5,494 11,222
Net loans 268 1,005 940 2,403 8,774 1,986 15,376
Other assets 6 0 22 109 0 628 765
Total variable interest assets  531 1,005 5,488 3,444 8,787 8,108 27,363
Maximum exposure to loss  774 7,625 8,036 3,444 13,068 8,637 41,584
Total assets of non-consolidated VIEs  10,266 14,948 108,942 102,820 36,428 19,804 293,208
Includes liquidity facilities provided to third-party CP conduits through Alpine.
30 Financial instruments
> Refer to “Note 31 – Financial instruments” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 and to “Note 35 – Financial instruments” in VIII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2021 for further information.
Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis

end of 6M22

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

1 Assets
at net
asset value
per share

Assets (CHF million)   
Cash and due from banks 0 165 0 165
Central bank funds sold, securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions 35 82,357 0 82,392
Securities received as collateral 6,132 1,254 0 7,386
Trading assets 50,235 141,085 4,400 (95,071) 583 101,232
   of which debt securities  13,814 42,284 1,005 27 57,130
      of which foreign government  13,504 10,598 91 24,193
      of which corporates  34 10,312 299 27 10,672
      of which RMBS  6 18,127 410 18,543
   of which equity securities  23,037 880 275 556 24,748
   of which derivatives  11,584 97,158 2,398 (95,071) 16,069
      of which interest rate products  3,979 39,170 925
      of which foreign exchange products  103 30,751 88
      of which equity/index-related products  7,469 23,247 464
      of which other derivatives  1 506 706
   of which other trading assets  1,800 763 722 3,285
Investment securities 0 737 0 737
Other investments 0 20 3,574 391 3,985
   of which other equity investments  0 20 2,875 321 3,216
   of which life finance instruments  0 0 685 685
Loans 0 7,910 1,189 9,099
   of which commercial and industrial loans  0 3,266 368 3,634
   of which financial institutions  0 2,747 364 3,111
Other intangible assets (mortgage servicing rights) 0 35 255 290
Other assets 115 8,205 722 (426) 8,616
   of which failed purchases  97 874 11 982
   of which loans held-for-sale  0 6,551 566 7,117
Total assets at fair value  56,517 241,768 10,140 (95,497) 974 213,902
Derivative contracts are reported on a gross basis by level. The impact of netting represents legally enforceable master netting agreements.
In accordance with US GAAP, certain investments that are measured at fair value using the net asset value per share practical expedient have not been classified in the fair value
hierarchy. The fair value amounts presented in this table are intended to permit reconciliation of the fair value hierarchy to the amounts presented in the consolidated balance sheet.
Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis (continued)

end of 6M22

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

1 Liabilities
at net
asset value
per share

Liabilities (CHF million)   
Due to banks 0 355 0 355
Customer deposits 0 3,008 299 3,307
Central bank funds purchased, securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions 0 14,239 0 14,239
Obligation to return securities received as collateral 6,132 1,254 0 7,386
Trading liabilities 22,375 102,907 2,456 (97,772) 1 29,967
   of which short positions  9,430 4,530 54 1 14,015
      of which debt securities  3,565 4,341 7 7,913
         of which foreign government  2,914 787 0 3,701
         of which corporates  603 3,551 7 4,161
      of which equity securities  5,865 189 47 1 6,102
   of which derivatives  12,945 98,377 2,402 (97,772) 15,952
      of which interest rate products  4,031 37,410 55
      of which foreign exchange products  107 30,864 14
      of which equity/index-related products  8,765 25,670 1,447
      of which other derivatives  11 213 560 296
Short-term borrowings 0 9,333 716 10,049
Long-term debt 0 58,620 6,656 65,276
   of which structured notes over one year and up to two years  0 12,668 320 12,988
   of which structured notes over two years  0 24,431 4,383 28,814
   of which other debt instruments over two years  0 3,141 1,826 4,967
   of which high-trigger instruments  0 10,621 0 10,621
Other liabilities 207 3,890 495 (1,988) 2,604
Total liabilities at fair value  28,714 193,606 10,622 (99,760) 1 133,183
Derivative contracts are reported on a gross basis by level. The impact of netting represents legally enforceable master netting agreements.
In accordance with US GAAP, certain investments that are measured at fair value using the net asset value per share practical expedient have not been classified in the fair value
hierarchy. The fair value amounts presented in this table are intended to permit reconciliation of the fair value hierarchy to the amounts presented in the consolidated balance sheet.
Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis (continued)

end of 2021

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

1 Assets
at net
asset value
per share

Assets (CHF million)   
Cash and due from banks 0 308 0 308
Central bank funds sold, securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions 0 68,623 0 68,623
Securities received as collateral 13,848 1,155 14 15,017
Trading assets 54,145 146,768 4,503 (94,782) 665 111,299
   of which debt securities  12,191 40,799 1,225 82 54,297
      of which foreign government  11,996 11,377 35 23,408
      of which corporates  72 9,057 478 82 9,689
      of which RMBS  0 17,033 424 17,457
   of which equity securities  34,342 1,486 195 583 36,606
   of which derivatives  6,224 103,930 2,187 (94,782) 17,559
      of which interest rate products  721 48,083 624
      of which foreign exchange products  123 20,686 53
      of which equity/index-related products  5,348 29,808 212
      of which other derivatives  0 196 1,034
   of which other trading assets  1,388 553 896 2,837
Investment securities 0 1,003 0 1,003
Other investments 0 23 3,666 404 4,093
   of which other equity investments  0 23 2,863 351 3,237
   of which life finance instruments  0 0 789 789
Loans 0 8,709 1,534 10,243
   of which commercial and industrial loans  0 2,267 717 2,984
   of which financial institutions  0 3,840 465 4,305
Other intangible assets (mortgage servicing rights) 0 57 167 224
Other assets 121 8,750 694 (381) 9,184
   of which failed purchases  98 1,135 11 1,244
   of which loans held-for-sale  0 6,818 562 7,380
Total assets at fair value  68,114 235,396 10,578 (95,163) 1,069 219,994
Derivative contracts are reported on a gross basis by level. The impact of netting represents legally enforceable master netting agreements.
In accordance with US GAAP, certain investments that are measured at fair value using the net asset value per share practical expedient have not been classified in the fair value
hierarchy. The fair value amounts presented in this table are intended to permit reconciliation of the fair value hierarchy to the amounts presented in the consolidated balance sheet.
Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis (continued)

end of 2021

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

1 Liabilities
at net
asset value
per share

Liabilities (CHF million)   
Due to banks 0 477 0 477
Customer deposits 0 3,306 394 3,700
Central bank funds purchased, securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions 0 13,307 0 13,307
Obligation to return securities received as collateral 13,848 1,155 14 15,017
Trading liabilities 19,423 105,865 2,809 (100,559) 1 27,539
   of which short positions  11,693 4,974 25 1 16,693
      of which debt securities  2,809 4,865 3 7,677
         of which foreign government  2,667 968 0 3,635
         of which corporates  113 3,839 3 3,955
      of which equity securities  8,884 109 22 1 9,016
   of which derivatives  7,730 100,891 2,784 (100,559) 10,846
      of which interest rate products  776 44,039 26
      of which foreign exchange products  133 22,646 57
      of which equity/index-related products  6,812 27,919 1,787
Short-term borrowings 0 9,658 1,032 10,690
Long-term debt 0 58,112 9,676 67,788
   of which structured notes over one year and up to two years  0 11,036 1,464 12,500
   of which structured notes over two years  0 24,168 6,318 30,486
   of which other debt instruments over two years  0 3,223 1,854 5,077
   of which high-trigger instruments  0 10,708 0 10,708
   of which other subordinated bonds  0 7,133 0 7,133
Other liabilities 348 2,008 517 (305) 2,568
Total liabilities at fair value  33,619 193,888 14,442 (100,864) 1 141,086
Derivative contracts are reported on a gross basis by level. The impact of netting represents legally enforceable master netting agreements.
In accordance with US GAAP, certain investments that are measured at fair value using the net asset value per share practical expedient have not been classified in the fair value
hierarchy. The fair value amounts presented in this table are intended to permit reconciliation of the fair value hierarchy to the amounts presented in the consolidated balance sheet.
Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis for level 3
Trading revenues

Other revenues
Accumulated other
comprehensive income


Balance at
of period








On all


On all


On all

at end
of period

Changes in
Assets (CHF million)   
Central bank funds sold, securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions 0 0 0 0 0 3 (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Securities received as collateral 14 0 0 0 (14) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Trading assets 4,503 907 (1,174) 3,539 (3,324) 580 (548) 36 (338) 0 (8) 0 0 227 4,400 477
   of which debt securities  1,225 515 (733) 2,899 (2,571) 0 0 (106) (313) 0 (8) 0 0 97 1,005 562
      of which corporates  478 161 (385) 2,412 (2,048) 0 0 (106) (276) 0 0 0 0 63 299 662
      of which RMBS  424 77 (131) 243 (326) 0 0 4 100 0 0 0 0 19 410 28
   of which derivatives  2,187 216 (326) 0 0 580 (409) 98 (31) 0 0 0 0 83 2,398 17
      of which interest rate products  624 4 (6) 0 0 60 (28) (1) 252 0 0 0 0 20 925 141
      of which other derivatives  1,034 10 (5) 0 0 158 (154) 3 (381) 0 0 0 0 41 706 (373)
   of which other trading assets  896 57 (45) 555 (727) 0 (139) 6 82 0 0 0 0 37 722 (112)
Other investments 3,666 71 0 51 (118) 0 0 0 (162) 0 (52) 0 0 118 3,574 (99)
   of which other equity investments  2,863 71 0 37 (5) 0 0 0 (115) 0 (60) 0 0 84 2,875 (77)
   of which life finance instruments  789 0 0 14 (105) 0 0 0 (47) 0 0 0 0 34 685 (22)
Loans 1,534 313 (317) 0 (20) 3 (369) 21 (64) 0 0 0 0 88 1,189 (97)
   of which commercial and industrial loans  717 74 (300) 0 (8) 3 (123) 12 (46) 0 0 0 0 39 368 (54)
   of which financial institutions  465 75 0 0 0 0 (219) 0 10 0 0 0 0 33 364 (17)
Other intangible assets (mortgage servicing rights) 167 102 0 0 0 0 0 0 (21) 0 0 0 0 7 255 (21)
Other assets 694 170 (114) 510 (512) 114 (199) 6 3 0 4 0 0 46 722 0
   of which loans held-for-sale  562 153 (109) 493 (509) 113 (199) 14 9 0 0 0 0 39 566 2
Total assets at fair value  10,578 1,563 (1,605) 4,100 (3,988) 700 (1,119) 63 (582) 0 (56) 0 0 486 10,140 260
Liabilities (CHF million)   
Customer deposits 394 0 0 0 0 0 (15) 0 (26) 0 0 0 (41) (13) 299 (70)
Obligation to return securities received as collateral 14 0 0 0 (14) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Trading liabilities 2,809 856 (882) 18 (83) 502 (629) 37 (290) 0 0 0 0 118 2,456 (188)
   of which derivatives  2,784 746 (870) 0 (61) 502 (629) 38 (228) 0 0 0 0 120 2,402 (180)
      of which equity/index-related derivatives  1,787 611 (596) 0 0 279 (232) (9) (468) 0 0 0 0 75 1,447 (348)
      of which other derivatives  540 7 (4) 0 (61) 89 (113) 3 73 0 0 0 0 26 560 (15)
Short-term borrowings 1,032 124 (522) 0 0 639 (500) (43) (58) 0 0 0 0 44 716 18
Long-term debt 9,676 1,259 (4,863) 0 0 4,531 (2,960) (499) (746) 0 0 (35) (202) 495 6,656 (756)
   of which structured notes over two years  6,318 1,106 (3,441) 0 0 3,888 (2,595) (416) (586) 0 0 (34) (201) 344 4,383 (740)
   of which other debt instruments over two years  1,854 0 0 0 0 0 (26) 0 (84) 0 0 0 0 82 1,826 0
Other liabilities 517 41 (2) 8 (21) 58 (71) (2) (22) 1 (35) 0 0 23 495 16
Total liabilities at fair value  14,442 2,280 (6,269) 26 (118) 5,730 (4,175) (507) (1,142) 1 (35) (35) (243) 667 10,622 (980)
Net assets/(liabilities) at fair value  (3,864) (717) 4,664 4,074 (3,870) (5,030) 3,056 570 560 (1) (21) 35 243 (181) (482) 1,240
Changes in unrealized gains/(losses) on total assets at fair value and changes in unrealized (gains)/losses on total liabilities at fair value relating to assets and liabilities held at period end are included in net revenues or accumulated other comprehensive income. As of 6M22, changes in net unrealized gains/(losses) of CHF 1,044 million and CHF (77) million were recorded in trading revenues and other revenues, respectively, and changes in unrealized (gains)/losses of CHF 273 million were recorded in gains/(losses) on liabilities relating to credit risk in accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss).
50 / 51
Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis for level 3 (continued)
Trading revenues

Other revenues
Accumulated other
comprehensive income


Balance at
of period








On all


On all


On all

at end
of period

Changes in
Assets (CHF million)   
Securities received as collateral 101 0 0 64 (86) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 84 0
Trading assets 7,535 594 (1,635) 2,472 (2,976) 508 (1,119) 39 140 0 0 0 0 380 5,938 128
   of which debt securities  2,253 296 (736) 1,859 (2,285) 0 0 (7) 138 0 0 0 0 137 1,655 103
      of which corporates  1,270 137 (176) 1,403 (1,913) 0 0 (5) 95 0 0 0 0 78 889 99
   of which derivatives  3,911 179 (856) 0 0 508 (1,033) 29 (30) 0 0 0 0 175 2,883 72
      of which interest rate products  733 59 (81) 0 0 114 (59) 0 18 0 0 0 0 21 805 54
      of which other derivatives  1,079 0 0 0 0 153 (157) 0 (55) 0 0 0 0 53 1,073 (60)
   of which other trading assets  1,247 22 (32) 493 (617) 0 (86) 10 21 0 0 0 0 60 1,118 (47)
Other investments 3,054 3 (753) 20 (473) 0 0 0 (17) 0 318 0 0 79 2,231 46
   of which other equity investments  2,132 0 (753) 3 (375) 0 0 0 (6) 0 318 0 0 34 1,353 55
   of which life finance instruments  920 0 0 17 (94) 0 0 0 (11) 0 0 0 0 45 877 18
Loans 3,669 22 (533) 357 (73) 162 (946) 8 85 0 1 0 0 176 2,928 25
   of which commercial and industrial loans  1,347 22 (12) 10 (31) 119 (184) 14 57 0 1 0 0 68 1,411 36
   of which financial institutions  1,082 0 (222) 0 (42) 32 (296) 3 40 0 0 0 0 46 643 4
Other intangible assets (mortgage servicing rights) 180 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 (22) 0 0 9 189 (22)
Other assets 1,825 164 (451) 2,500 (2,176) 77 (573) 13 (42) 0 0 0 0 99 1,436 (76)
   of which loans held-for-sale  1,576 164 (409) 2,469 (2,137) 77 (571) 11 19 0 0 0 0 88 1,287 (41)
Total assets at fair value  16,364 783 (3,372) 5,435 (5,784) 747 (2,638) 60 166 0 297 0 0 748 12,806 101
Liabilities (CHF million)   
Customer deposits 448 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (8) 0 0 0 (13) 5 432 10
Obligation to return securities received as collateral 101 0 0 64 (86) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 84 0
Trading liabilities 4,246 584 (1,961) 80 (24) 710 (1,138) 152 169 0 0 0 0 217 3,035 779
   of which derivatives  4,191 566 (1,961) 69 (4) 710 (1,138) 152 193 0 0 0 0 216 2,994 781
      of which equity/index-related derivatives  2,010 427 (1,049) 0 0 350 (527) 151 265 0 0 0 0 111 1,738 529
Short-term borrowings 701 155 (207) 0 0 930 (608) (1) 95 0 0 0 0 41 1,106 67
Long-term debt 7,286 2,697 (2,046) 0 0 4,401 (3,119) 62 (8) 0 0 (3) (30) 433 9,673 203
   of which structured notes over one year and up to two years  1,133 1,165 (732) 0 0 1,127 (771) 39 97 0 0 0 (1) 67 2,124 39
   of which structured notes over two years  5,526 1,532 (1,287) 0 0 3,020 (2,227) 24 (109) 0 0 (2) (29) 329 6,777 (59)
Other liabilities 1,250 7 (533) 24 (46) 59 (416) 8 (8) 102 38 0 0 50 535 2
Total liabilities at fair value  14,032 3,443 (4,747) 168 (156) 6,100 (5,281) 221 240 102 38 (3) (43) 751 14,865 1,061
Net assets/(liabilities) at fair value  2,332 (2,660) 1,375 5,267 (5,628) (5,353) 2,643 (161) (74) (102) 259 3 43 (3) (2,059) (960)
Changes in unrealized gains/(losses) on total assets at fair value and changes in unrealized (gains)/losses on total liabilities at fair value relating to assets and liabilities held at period end are included in net revenues or accumulated other comprehensive income. As of 6M21, changes in net unrealized gains/(losses) of CHF (1,003) million and CHF 28 million were recorded in trading revenues and other revenues, respectively, and changes in unrealized (gains)/losses of CHF 15 million were recorded in gains/(losses) on liabilities relating to credit risk in accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss).
52 / 53
Difference between the fair value and the unpaid principal balances of fair value option-elected financial instruments
   6M22 2021

end of


Financial instruments (CHF million)   
Central bank funds sold, securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions 82,392 82,250 142 68,623 68,565 58
Loans 9,099 10,065 (966) 10,243 11,035 (792)
Other assets 1 8,099 10,456 (2,357) 8,624 10,777 (2,153)
Due to banks and customer deposits (344) (424) 80 (493) (442) (51)
Central bank funds purchased, securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions (14,239) (14,247) 8 (13,307) (13,306) (1)
Short-term borrowings (10,049) (10,199) 150 (10,690) (10,996) 306
Long-term debt 2 (65,276) (77,037) 11,761 (67,788) (70,946) 3,158
Other liabilities (1,253) (1,498) 245 (1,170) (1,403) 233
Non-performing and non-interest-earning loans 3 749 2,885 (2,136) 843 2,657 (1,814)
Primarily loans held-for-sale.
Long-term debt includes both principal-protected and non-principal protected instruments. For non-principal-protected instruments, the original notional amount has been reported in the aggregate unpaid principal.
Included in loans or other assets.
Gains and losses on financial instruments
   6M22 6M21

Financial instruments (CHF million)   
Interest-bearing deposits with banks 5 1 18 1
   of which related to credit risk  (6) 8
Central bank funds sold, securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions 412 1 306 1
Other investments (11) 2 293 3
Loans (24) 1 277 1
   of which related to credit risk  (224) 59
Other assets 183 1 405 1
   of which related to credit risk  (85) 173
Due to banks and customer deposits (43) 2 (37) 2
Central bank funds purchased, securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions (32) 1 (29) 1
Short-term borrowings 1,069 2 (406) 2
   of which related to credit risk  1 (1)
Long-term debt 6,098 2 (3,347) 2
Other liabilities (66) 2 120 3
   of which related to credit risk  (158) 67
Primarily recognized in net interest income.
Primarily recognized in trading revenues.
Primarily recognized in other revenues.
Gains/(losses) attributable to changes in investment-specific credit risk

Gains/(losses) recorded into AOCI
1 Gains/(losses) recorded
in AOCI transferred
to net income
in 6M22 Cumulative 6M21 6M22 6M21
Financial instruments (CHF million)   
Customer deposits 41 (18) 13 0 0
Short-term borrowings 0 (46) 13 0 0
Long-term debt 3,944 1,865 (21) 17 77
   of which treasury debt over two years  2,041 1,177 (321) 0 0
   of which structured notes over two years  1,476 351 269 17 77
Total  3,985 1,801 5 17 77
Amounts are reflected gross of tax.
Carrying value and fair value of financial instruments not carried at fair value

Fair value
end of Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
6M22 (CHF million)
Financial assets 
Central bank funds sold, securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions 21,764 0 21,764 0 21,764
Loans 281,111 0 267,506 13,490 280,996
Other financial assets 1 175,796 158,147 17,310 351 175,808
Financial liabilities 
Due to banks and customer deposits 410,715 233,049 177,571 0 410,620
Central bank funds purchased, securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions 7,423 0 7,423 0 7,423
Short-term borrowings 15,518 0 15,512 0 15,512
Long-term debt 87,072 0 82,734 1,684 84,418
Other financial liabilities 2 12,302 0 11,920 384 12,304
2021 (CHF million)
Financial assets 
Central bank funds sold, securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowing transactions 35,283 0 35,283 0 35,283
Loans 286,438 0 281,195 13,722 294,917
Other financial assets 1 179,217 163,307 15,457 494 179,258
Financial liabilities 
Due to banks and customer deposits 408,624 244,155 164,475 0 408,630
Central bank funds purchased, securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions 22,061 0 22,061 0 22,061
Short-term borrowings 14,646 0 14,646 0 14,646
Long-term debt 92,908 0 93,597 1,702 95,299
Other financial liabilities 2 12,542 0 12,105 441 12,546
Primarily includes cash and due from banks, interest-bearing deposits with banks, loans held-for-sale, cash collateral on derivative instruments, interest and fee receivables and non-marketable equity securities.
Primarily includes cash collateral on derivative instruments and interest and fee payables.
31 Assets pledged and collateral
> Refer to “Note 32 – Assets pledged and collateral” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 and to ”Note 36 – Assets pledged and collateral” in VIII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) in the Credit Suisse Annual Report 2021 for further information.
Assets pledged
end of 6M22 2021
CHF million   
Total assets pledged or assigned as collateral 75,638 88,721
   of which encumbered  34,424 39,105
end of 6M22 2021
CHF million   
Fair value of collateral received with the right to sell or repledge 245,276 289,898
   of which sold or repledged  101,330 144,747
32 Litigation
> Refer to “Note 33 – Litigation” in III – Condensed consolidated financial statements – unaudited in the Credit Suisse Financial Report 2Q22 for further information.
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