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Form 6-K
February 14, 2018
Commission File Number 001-15244
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This report includes the media release and the slides for the presentation to investors in connection with the 4Q17 and full year 2017 results.

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February 14, 2018
Media Release
Reported FY17 pre-tax income of CHF 1.8 billion, up CHF 4 billion year on year
Adjusted* FY17 pre-tax income of CHF 2.8 billion, up 349% year on year
Following US tax reform, Credit Suisse reports FY17 net loss attributable to shareholders of CHF 983 million. Estimated additional benefit of at least 100 basis points on RoTE in 2019 from lower Group tax rate1. Positive business uplift expected from US tax reform
Continued to drive positive operating leverage in FY17 with adjusted* net revenues up 5% and adjusted* total operating expenses down 6% year on year
Achieved FY17 cost target with adjusted* operating cost base of CHF 17.7 billion at actual FX rates2, or CHF 18 billion at 2015 constant FX rates*. Total net cost savings of CHF 3.2 billion at constant FX rates* (CHF 3.6 billion at actual FX rates2) over two years
Wealth Management FY17 NNA3 of CHF 37.2 billion, up 27% year on year, with record AuM3 of CHF 772 billion, up 13% year on year. 4Q17 NNA3 of CHF 4.0 billion, compared to outflows of CHF 0.7 billion in 4Q16, representing a positive swing of CHF 4.7 billion
IBCM4 FY17 adjusted* pre-tax income up 41% year on year. Share of wallet gains across all key businesses
GM4 FY17 adjusted net revenues up 5%5 and adjusted* total operating expenses down 5%, resulting in 118% growth in adjusted* pre-tax income year on year
SRU wind-down on track for completion at end-2018. FY17 adjusted* total operating expenses down 43%, RWA6 down 43% and leverage exposure down 41% year on year
Look-through tier 1 leverage ratio of 5.2%; look-through CET1 ratio of 12.8% at end-2017 after deduction of approximately 45 basis points from increased operational risk RWA7 in 2H17
Strong start to 2018 in market-dependent activities, with year-on-year increase in estimated net revenues of more than 10%8 in Global Markets and more than 15%8 in APAC Markets during the first six weeks of the year

Group highlights
• FY17 Group adjusted* net revenues of CHF 20.9 billion, up 5% year on year (4Q17: CHF 5.2 billion)
• FY17 adjusted* operating cost base of CHF 17.7 billion at actual FX rates2, down 7% year on year (4Q17: CHF 4.5 billion)
• FY17 Group reported pre-tax income of CHF 1.8 billion, compared to pre-tax loss of CHF 2.3 billion in FY16 (4Q17: pre-tax income of CHF 141 million)
• FY17 Group adjusted* pre-tax income of CHF 2.8 billion, up 349% year on year (4Q17: CHF 569 million)
• FY17 net loss attributable to shareholders of CHF 983 million, including income tax expenses of CHF 2,741 million primarily related to the re-assessment of deferred taxes resulting from the US tax reform (4Q17: net loss attributable to shareholders of CHF 2,126 million)
• The US Department of the Treasury is expected to issue guidance to clarify the application of the base erosion and anti-abuse tax (BEAT). On the basis of the current analysis of the BEAT alternative tax regime, we regard it as more likely than not that the Group will not be subject to this regime in 2018
Tidjane Thiam, Chief Executive Officer of Credit Suisse, stated: “2017 was a crucial year of delivery in our three-year restructuring plan, after 2016, which was a year of deep and radical reorganization and restructuring. It was key for us to demonstrate that our new structure is effective and that the strategy formulated in 2015 is working.
We believe that the 2017 results we are presenting today contain tangible evidence of the positive impact our restructuring efforts are having on the Group’s performance. In the second full year of our restructuring plan, we remained focused on execution.
We generated profitable growth9 and continued to drive positive operating leverage through both revenue growth and cost reductions. We increased the return on capital10 in every division. In particular, we saw accelerated momentum in our Wealth Management businesses11, which delivered higher profits9, higher combined NNA3 and higher margins12, demonstrating the power of our business model and the effectiveness of our focus on UHNWI clients.
We can look back on a number of notable achievements in 2017:
• Positive operating leverage accelerated across the Group; net revenues13 were up 5% and costs14 down 6%.
• Strong progress towards our 2018 profitability targets in Wealth Management. With adjusted* pre-tax income of CHF 4.2 billion11, we are 85% of the way to our CHF 4.95 billion11 target level with one year to go.
• At CHF 37.2 billion, Wealth Management NNA3 grew 27% year on year.
• Record Wealth Management AuM3 of CHF 772 billion, up 13% year on year, at higher margins12.
• Adjusted* operating cost base of CHF 17.7 billion at actual FX rates2 or CHF 18 billion at constant FX rates*; this equates to total net cost savings of CHF 3.2 billion at constant FX rates* (CHF 3.6 billion at actual FX rates2) since the cost program began two years ago.
• Each of our five operating divisions increased their return on capital10 year on year.
• Our APAC Wealth Management & Connected business exceeded its previous FY18 adjusted* pre-tax income target15 one year ahead of schedule. We won around 120 industry awards16 and, for the first time, we were named Best Private Bank17 and Best Corporate & Institutional Bank18 in the APAC region in the same year.
• International Trading Solutions (ITS) – a partnership established across GM, IWM and SUB to better service the needs of our UHNWI clients – has had a strong start to 2018.
Our 2017 results show that our strategy is working. In 2018, we will remain focused on disciplined execution and on delivering value for our clients and shareholders for the final year of our restructuring plan.”

Current Trading and Outlook
We have focused relentlessly for two years now on reducing our fixed cost base to increase our resilience in unsupportive markets and increase our leverage in constructive markets. As a result of these efforts, we believe we are in a significantly improved position to benefit when market conditions improve. In the first six weeks of the year, we have seen evidence that this approach is paying off.
Our market-dependent activities19 had a strong start to the year. In the first six weeks of 2018, estimated net revenues were up by more than 10%8 in Global Markets and more than 15%8 in APAC Markets year on year, with significant outperformance in equity derivatives and securitized products as well as ITS. In addition, operating expenses across the two divisions have been reduced since we started our restructuring back in 2016, directly benefiting our bottom line, with a positive effect on profitability8.
That said, our market-dependent activities19 remain exposed to a number of uncertainties, from geopolitical developments to the path and speed of interest rate changes in major economies as quantitative easing is unwound and markets adjust. In the first six weeks of 2018, we have seen a significant pick-up in market volatility, which on the one hand had a positive impact on our secondary activities, and on the other hand, negatively impacted our primary calendar as clients wait for calmer markets in order to transact.
We are adopting a cautious short-term outlook in this period of heightened volatility. Overall, we have made significant progress in strengthening our capital position and de-risking our Markets businesses19 since 2015. Our outlook on the world economy remains positive and we believe that our strategy of being a leading wealth manager with strong investment banking capabilities as well as our efforts to cut fixed costs and lower our breakeven point leave us well positioned to create significant value for both our clients and our shareholders.
Changes to the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of Credit Suisse Group AG is proposing Michael Klein and Ana Paula Pessoa for election as new non-executive members of the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting on April 27, 2018. Richard E. Thornburgh, upon reaching the relevant tenure limit, will not stand for re-election. All other members of the Board of Directors will stand for re-election for a further term of office of one year.
Regarding the nominations of Michael Klein and Ana Paula Pessoa, Urs Rohner, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Credit Suisse Group, stated: "Michael Klein, former Chairman and Co-CEO Markets & Banking at Citigroup, is a recognized international banking professional and expert with over thirty years of experience in banking and financial services. Ana Paula Pessoa has wide-ranging experience in finance and strategy spanning more than two decades. She currently serves as an independent Board member of News Corporation, New York, and Vinci Group, Paris. Michael Klein and Ana Paula Pessoa both bring enormous expertise and long experience in their respective areas to complement the strengths of the Board of Directors."
Regarding the end of Richard Thornburgh’s tenure as a member of the Board of Directors, Urs Rohner commented: "Richard E. Thornburgh will not stand for re-election to the Board of Directors upon reaching the relevant tenure limit. Credit Suisse is very grateful to him for his exceptional leadership and longstanding contribution to the bank over four decades. This includes his time as a Credit Suisse executive and as a Board of Directors member for the last 12 years, serving as Chairman of the Risk Committee since 2009 and as Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors since 2014. He currently also holds the position of non-executive Chairman of our major US subsidiaries. It has been a privilege to work with him on the Board of Directors during a crucial period for Credit Suisse. I wish him the very best in his future endeavors.”

As previously announced, Credit Suisse has revised its dividend policy. For the financial year 2017, it is discontinuing the proposal of a scrip alternative at the option of shareholders and instead proposing to pay an all-cash dividend per share at a level similar to the cash component (as opposed to the stock component) per share of the total dividend that shareholders elected in recent years. This is subject to the approval of our shareholders. The Board of Directors will therefore propose to shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on April 27, 2018, that a distribution of CHF 0.25 per share be paid out of capital contribution reserves for the financial year 2017. The distribution will be free of Swiss withholding tax and will not be subject to income tax for Swiss resident individuals holding the shares as a private investment. The distribution will be payable in cash.
Divisional summaries
Swiss Universal Bank (SUB) performed strongly in 2017, producing its eighth consecutive quarter of year-on-year adjusted* pre-tax income growth in 4Q17. At CHF 1.9 billion, adjusted* pre-tax income for FY17 was up 8% from the prior year and up 17% (excluding Swisscard20) from when we started our new plan at the end of 2015. SUB ended 2017 with CHF 563 billion of assets under management, an increase of 6% year on year. Adjusted* return on regulatory capital was 15%. In Private Clients, a 10% increase in FY17 adjusted* pre-tax income to CHF 860 million was mainly driven by strong cost discipline. Net new assets totaled CHF 4.7 billion, representing a record annual performance, with strong contributions from our UHNWI clients and entrepreneurs. In Corporate & Institutional Clients, FY17 adjusted* pre-tax income rose 6% to CHF 1.0 billion, mainly driven by continued strong cost discipline. Our Swiss investment banking business maintained its leading position21 in the country in M&A, DCM and ECM and we expect positive momentum to continue in 2018. SUB will focus on continuing to produce positive operating leverage in 2018, with higher revenues and lower costs. The division had a positive and encouraging start to 2018.
International Wealth Management (IWM) had a strong FY17 with adjusted* pre-tax income up 35% to CHF 1.5 billion, a unique performance for a business of this scale. Strong adjusted* revenue growth across all major revenue categories and cost discipline were the main drivers of this increase. Adjusted* return on regulatory capital reached 29% for FY17. Asset gathering gained momentum, with net new assets rising 69% to CHF 35.9 billion for the year. In Private Banking, FY17 adjusted* pre-tax income was up 36% to CHF 1.1 billion year on year with higher net interest income and recurring commissions and fees as well as improved levels of client activity and stable adjusted* operating expenses. FY17 adjusted* net margin was strong at 32 basis points, up 5 basis points year on year. Underscoring our successful house view performance, net mandate sales reached CHF 15.3 billion and mandates penetration rose 3 percentage points to 31%. FY17 net new assets matched last year’s record level of CHF 15.6 billion, resulting in an annualized growth rate of 5%, with solid inflows from emerging markets and Europe. In Asset Management, FY17 adjusted* pre-tax income grew by 33% to CHF 381 million year on year, driven by a double-digit increase in management fees and performance and placement revenues at resilient margins, partly offset by an 11% increase in adjusted* operating expenses. Net new assets for the year almost quadrupled to CHF 20.3 billion at an annualized growth rate of 6%.
Asia Pacific (APAC) generated adjusted* pre-tax income of CHF 792 million in FY17 and delivered a solid adjusted* return on regulatory capital of 15% while carrying out the significant repositioning of Markets. In APAC Wealth Management & Connected (WM&C), the adjusted* return on regulatory capital was 30% for FY17. Strong overall cost discipline in APAC resulted in a further decrease in FY17 adjusted* operating expenses year on year, including a 14% reduction in Markets (measured in USD). APAC WM&C delivered its best quarterly results to date with adjusted* pre-tax income of CHF 239 million, driven by net revenues of CHF 626 million. It also ended the year with record assets under management of CHF 196.8 billion and net new assets of CHF 16.9 billion, corresponding to an annualized growth rate of 10%. For FY17, WM&C grew its adjusted* pre-tax income by 63% to CHF 820 million. FY17 advisory, underwriting and financing net revenues grew 35%, driven primarily by

an increase in debt and equity capital markets mandates, and stronger performance in financing. FY17 Private Banking net revenues rose 17%, reflecting record transaction-based revenues and recurring commissions and fees. In APAC Markets, we are on track to meet our end-2018 adjusted* operating expenses ambition of USD 1.2 billion. APAC Markets has had a good start in the first six weeks of 1Q18 with net revenues8 up more than 15% compared to the same period of last year, reflecting higher volumes in equities, and stronger performance in fixed income sales and trading supported by primary activity and performance in FX. Demonstrating the strength of our client-focused strategy, APAC received exceptional industry recognition in 2017, including Best Private Bank17 in Asia and Best Corporate & Institutional Bank18, as well as Loan House of the Year22. We also ranked #1 in the All-Asia Sales and Trading Team polls23 and our advisory and underwriting business ranked top 2 in FY17 in terms of share of wallet24.
Investment Banking & Capital Markets (IBCM) delivered year-on-year growth in net revenues and profitability9 and gained further market share in both Americas and EMEA25 in FY17. We achieved top five rankings26 in IPOs, follow-ons and leveraged finance in 4Q17. Adjusted* pre-tax income rose 41% year on year to USD 419 million in FY17, including 4Q17 adjusted* pre-tax income of USD 122 million. Our adjusted* return on regulatory capital for FY17 was 15%, meeting our end-2018 target adjusted* return on regulatory capital of 15-20%. Net revenues in FY17 rose 9% year on year, driven by improved performance in debt and equity underwriting. In 4Q17, equity underwriting revenues increased 14% year on year, with IPO revenues reaching their highest level in the last 12 quarters. Debt underwriting revenues were up 12% year on year, and our teams were involved in 7 of the top 10 leveraged finance deals in 4Q17. FY17 adjusted* operating expenses increased 3% year on year, as we made targeted investments in business growth and in compliance. We grew our global advisory and underwriting revenues by 10% in 2017, outperforming27 industry-wide Street fees.
Global Markets (GM) delivered significantly improved profitability and positive operating leverage in 2017. Adjusted* pre-tax income increased 118% to USD 620 million in FY17, reflecting the consistent execution of our strategy. Our adjusted* return on regulatory capital increased to 4% for FY17. During the year, we delivered a substantial reduction in adjusted* operating expenses, while maintaining leading market positions across our core franchises. Adjusted net revenues5 of USD 5.6 billion in FY17 increased 5% year on year, reflecting substantially higher securitized products and increased debt and equity underwriting revenues, partially offset by persistently low trading volumes and a low volatility environment, which negatively impacted ITS, particularly in our macro products and equity derivatives businesses. Adjusted* operating expenses decreased 5% in 2017, demonstrating our strong cost discipline. We believe we are on track to achieve our 2018 ambition of adjusted* operating expenses below USD 4.8 billion. We continue to take a disciplined approach to investing in our franchise and to increasing cross-divisional collaboration. As a result, we believe we are well positioned to achieve our 2018 net revenue ambition of over USD 6 billion. In 4Q17, we saw a resilient performance in a challenging quarter with adjusted net revenues5 of USD 1.2 billion, a decrease of 5% year on year, as higher debt and equity underwriting activity and continued momentum in securitized products were offset by challenging trading conditions in ITS due to persistently low volumes and volatility. We saw a strong start to 1Q18, with net revenues9 up more than 10% compared to the same period of last year, reflecting strength in equity derivatives due to higher volatility and increased collaboration through the ITS partnership, as well as continued momentum in securitized products.

Biographies of the proposed new non-executive Board members
Michael Klein is a recognized international banking professional with over thirty years of experience in banking and financial services. He began his banking career in 1985 at Salomon Brothers, a predecessor firm of Citigroup, where he held a variety of roles until mid-2008. His primary roles included Head Global Financial Entrepreneurs & Private Equity Coverage, Head of Investment Banking, EMEA, Co-Head of Global Investment Banking, CEO of Markets & Banking, EMEA, CEO of Global Banking, Co-President, Markets & Banking and Chairman and Co-CEO of Markets & Banking. Michael Klein also served as Vice Chairman of Citigroup and Chairman, Institutional Clients Group. Since leaving Citigroup, he advised the British government during the financial crisis, amongst other roles. Michael Klein is currently the owner and Managing Partner of M. Klein & Company, a private strategic and financial advisory firm primarily based out of New York. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics with distinction from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Michael Klein is a US citizen.
Ana Paula Pessoa has been an independent Board member and member of the Audit Committee of News Corporation, New York, since 2013, and an independent Board member and member of the Strategy and Investment Committee of Vinci Group, Paris, since 2015. Ana Paula Pessoa is a member of the Advisory Board of The Nature Conservancy and of the Audit Committee for Fundação Roberto Marinho, Brazil, and Instituto Atlantico de Gobierno, Spain. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and International Relations, as well as a Master’s degree in Development Economics, both from Stanford University, California. Ana Paula Pessoa worked for the United Nations Development Programme in New York and in Benin from 1988 to 1990. From 1992 to 1993, she was engaged as a teaching and research assistant for Stanford University in Italy. In 1993, she returned to Brazil to join Globo Organizations where she worked for 18 years, occupying various senior management positions in telecommunications, cable and satellite TV, print media, radio and newspapers. From 2001 to 2011, she was CFO and Innovation Director of Infoglobo, the largest newspaper group in South America. In 2011, Ana Paula Pessoa founded BlackKey Venture Creation SA and from 2011 to 2015, she was an investor and Chair of the Board of Neemu Internet, a leader in search and recommendation technology for e-commerce, which was later sold to Brazil’s largest retail software house, Linx SA. In 2012, she opened the Brazil office of Brunswick Group, a global strategic communications company, where she was managing partner for over three years. In 2015, Ana Paula Pessoa was appointed CFO of the Organizing Committee of the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games, a position she held until March 2017. She is presently a partner, investor and Board Chair of Kunumi AI, a leading artificial intelligence start-up in Brazil. Ana Paula Pessoa is a Brazilian citizen.

Information for investors and media
Adam Gishen, Investor Relations, Credit Suisse
Tel: +41 44 333 71 49
email: investor.relations@credit-suisse.com
Amy Rajendran, Media Relations, Credit Suisse
Tel: +41 844 33 88 44
email: media.relations@credit-suisse.com
The complete 4Q17 earnings release and results presentation slides are available for download from 07:00 CET today at: https://www.credit-suisse.com/results.
Presentation of 4Q17 results – Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Event  Analyst Call Media Conference
Time    08:15 Zurich
07:15 London
02:15 New York
10:00 Zurich
09:00 London
04:00 New York
Speakers  Tidjane Thiam, Chief Executive Officer
David Mathers, Chief Financial Officer
Tidjane Thiam, Chief Executive Officer
David Mathers, Chief Financial Officer
Language  The presentation will be held in English.
The presentation will be held in English.
Simultaneous interpreting in German will be available.
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Reference: Credit Suisse Analysts and
Investors call or meeting ID: 4496267

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of the presentation.
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Reference: Credit Suisse Group Media Call

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Q&A Session  Opportunity to ask questions via the
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Playback        Replay available approximately one hour
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Conference ID: 4496267#
Replay available approximately one hour
after the event:
+41 44 580 34 56 (Switzerland)
+44 1452 550 000 (Europe)
+1 866 247 4222 (US)
Conference ID English: 5669697#
Conference ID German: 7482058#

The results of Credit Suisse Group comprise the results of our six reporting segments, including the Strategic Resolution Unit, and the Corporate Center. Core results exclude revenues and expenses from our Strategic Resolution Unit.
As we move ahead with the implementation of our strategy, it is important to measure the progress achieved by our underlying business performance in a consistent manner. To achieve this, we will focus our analyses on adjusted results.
Adjusted results referred to in this Media Release are non-GAAP financial measures that exclude goodwill impairment and certain other revenues and expenses included in our reported results. Management believes that adjusted results provide a useful presentation of our operating results for the purposes of assessing our Group and divisional performance consistently over time, on a basis that excludes items that management does not consider representative of our underlying performance. We will report quarterly on the same adjusted* basis for the Group, Core and divisional results until end-2018 to allow investors to monitor our progress in implementing our strategy, given the material restructuring charges we are likely to incur and other items which are not reflective of our underlying performance but are to be borne in the interim period. Tables in the Appendix of this Media Release provide the detailed reconciliation between reported and adjusted results for the Group, Core businesses and the individual divisions.
* Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. For a reconciliation of the adjusted results to the most directly comparable US GAAP measures, see the Appendix of this Media Release.
1 Based on currently available information and beliefs, expectations and opinions of management as of the date hereof. Actual impact for the full year 2019 may differ.
2 Measured using adjusted* operating cost base without adjusting for FX (the impact of which was CHF 326 million for 2017 and CHF 49 million for 4Q17).
3 Referring to combined net new assets and assets under management for SUB PC, IWM PB and APAC PB within WM&C.
4 Measured in US dollars.
5 Excludes SMG net revenues of USD 12 million in 4Q16, USD 2 million in 3Q17, USD (6) million in 4Q17, USD 172 million in 2016 and USD (16) million in 2017, as applicable.
6 Excluding operational risk of CHF 20 billion in 2016 and CHF 20 billion in 2017.
7 Increases to operational risk RWA of CHF 5.2 billion and CHF 3.8 billion in 3Q17 and 4Q17, respectively, reflecting an updated loss history and a revised methodology for the measurement of our risk-weighted assets relating to operational risk primarily in respect of our RMBS settlements.
8 As of February 8, 2018, compared to February 8, 2017.
9 Referring to adjusted* pre-tax income.
10 Referring to adjusted* return on regulatory capital.
11 Referring to combined 2017 adjusted* pre-tax income or 2018 adjusted* pre-tax income targets for SUB, IWM and APAC WM&C as the context may require.
12 Referring to adjusted* net margins.
13 Referring to adjusted* net revenues.
14 Referring to adjusted* operating expenses.
15 Referring to our previous adjusted* pre-tax income target of CHF 700 million for the year 2018; this was subsequently revised to CHF 850 million at our recent Investor Day in November 2017.
16 Includes awards which reflect 2017 performance, including announced in 2018 YTD; excludes awards announced in 2017 which reflect 2016 performance. Excludes all survey and poll results.
17 Source: Best Private Bank Asia, Asian Private Banker, announced January 2018.
18 Source: Best Corporate and Institutional Bank, The Asset Triple A Regional Awards 2017 as of February 2018.
19 Referring to Global Markets and the Markets business in APAC.
20 Adjusted to exclude Swisscard net revenues of CHF 148 million and operating expenses of CHF 123 million for 2015 in SUB Private Clients.
21 Source: Thomson Securities for M&A, International Financing Review (IFR) for DCM, Dealogic for ECM; all for the period ending December 31, 2017.
22 Source: Asia Pacific Loan House of the Year, IFR Asia, announced December 2017.
23 Source: All-Asia Sales and Trading Teams, Institutional Investor, announced June 2017.
24 Source: Dealogic as of December 31, 2017, for Asia Pacific ex-Japan and ex-China onshore.
25 Source: Dealogic as of December 31, 2017; includes Americas and EMEA only.
26 Source: Dealogic as of December 31, 2017.
27 Source: Dealogic for the period ending December 31, 2017 (Global).
APAC – Asia Pacific; APAC PB within WM&C – Asia Pacific Private Banking within Wealth Management & Connected; AuM – Assets under Management; BEAT – Base Erosion Anti-Abuse Tax; CET1 – Common Equity Tier 1; DCM – Debt Capital Markets; ECM – Equity Capital Markets; EMEA – Europe, the Middle East and Africa; FINMA – Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA; FX – Foreign Exchange; GM – Global Markets; FY – full-year; IBCM – Investment Banking & Capital Markets; IFR – International Financing Review; IPO – Initial Public Offering; ITS – International Trading Solutions; IWM – International Wealth Management; IWM PB – International Wealth Management Private Banking; M&A – Mergers and Acquisitions; NNA – Net New Assets; RMBS – Residential Mortgage Backed Securities; ROTE – Return on Tangible Equity; RWA – Risk Weighted Assets; SRU – Strategic Resolution Unit; SUB – Swiss Universal Bank; SUB PC – Swiss Universal Bank Private Clients; UHNWI – Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individuals; WM&C – Wealth Management & Connected

Important information
This Media Release contains select information from the full 4Q17 Earnings Release and 4Q17 Results Presentation Slides that Credit Suisse believes is of particular interest to media professionals. The complete 4Q17 Earnings Release and 4Q17 Results Presentation Slides, which have been distributed simultaneously, contain more comprehensive information about our results and operations for the reporting quarter, as well as important information about our reporting methodology and some of the terms used in these documents. The complete 4Q17 Earnings Release and Results Presentation Slides are not incorporated by reference into this Media Release.
Credit Suisse has not finalized its 2017 Annual Report and the Credit Suisse’s independent registered public accounting firm has not completed its audit of the consolidated financial statements for the period. Accordingly, the financial information contained in this Media Release is subject to completion of year-end procedures, which may result in changes to that information.
Information referenced in this Media Release, whether via website links or otherwise, is not incorporated into this Media Release.
Our cost savings program is measured using adjusted operating cost base at constant FX rates. “Adjusted operating cost base at constant FX rates” includes adjustments as made in all our disclosures for restructuring expenses, major litigation expenses and a goodwill impairment taken in 4Q15 as well as adjustments for certain accounting changes (which had not been in place at the launch of the cost savings program), debit valuation adjustments (DVA) related volatility and for FX, applying the following main currency exchange rates for 1Q15: USD/CHF 0.9465, EUR/CHF 1.0482, GBP/CHF 1.4296, 2Q15: USD/CHF 0.9383, EUR/CHF 1.0418, GBP/CHF 1.4497, 3Q15: USD/CHF 0.9684, EUR/CHF 1.0787, GBP/CHF 1.4891, 4Q15: USD/CHF 1.0010, EUR/CHF 1.0851, GBP/CHF 1.5123, 1Q16: USD/CHF 0.9928, EUR/CHF 1.0941, GBP/CHF 1.4060, 2Q16: USD/CHF 0.9756, EUR/CHF 1.0956, GBP/CHF 1.3845, 3Q16: USD/CHF 0.9728, EUR/CHF 1.0882, GBP/CHF 1.2764, 4Q16: USD/CHF 1.0101, EUR/CHF 1.0798, GBP/CHF 1.2451, 1Q17: USD/CHF 0.9963, EUR/CHF 1.0670, GBP/CHF 1.2464, 2Q17: USD/CHF 0.9736, EUR/CHF 1.0881, GBP/CHF 1.2603, 3Q17: USD/CHF 0.9645, EUR/CHF 1.1413, GBP/CHF 1.2695, 4Q17: USD/CHF 0.9853, EUR/CHF 1.1667, GBP/CHF 1.3230. These currency exchange rates are unweighted, i.e. a straight line average of monthly rates. We apply this calculation consistently for the periods under review.
Regulatory capital is calculated as the worst of 10% of RWA and 3.5% of leverage exposure. Return on regulatory capital is calculated using (adjusted) income / (loss) after tax and assumes a tax rate of 30% and capital allocated based on the worst of 10% of average RWA and 3.5% of average leverage exposure. For the Markets business within the APAC division and for the Global Markets and Investment Banking & Capital Markets divisions, return on regulatory capital is based on US dollar denominated numbers. Adjusted return on regulatory capital is calculated using adjusted results, applying the same methodology to calculate return on regulatory capital.
Return on tangible equity attributable to shareholders, a non-GAAP financial measure, is based on tangible shareholders’ equity attributable to shareholders, which is calculated by deducting goodwill and other intangible assets from total shareholders’ equity attributable to shareholders as presented in our balance sheet. Management believes that the return on tangible shareholders’ equity attributable to shareholders is meaningful as it allows consistent measurement of the performance of businesses without regard to whether the businesses were acquired.
We may not achieve all of the expected benefits of our strategic initiatives. Factors beyond our control, including but not limited to the market and economic conditions, changes in laws, rules or regulations and other challenges discussed in our public filings, could limit our ability to achieve some or all of the expected benefits of these initiatives.
In particular, the terms “Estimate”, “Illustrative”, “Ambition”, “Objective”, “Outlook” and “Goal” are not intended to be viewed as targets or projections, nor are they considered to be Key Performance Indicators. All such estimates, illustrations, ambitions, objectives, outlooks and goals are subject to a large number of inherent risks, assumptions and uncertainties, many of which are completely outside of our control. These risks, assumptions and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, general market conditions, market volatility, interest rate volatility and levels, global and regional economic conditions, political uncertainty, changes in tax policies, regulatory changes, changes in levels of client activity as a result of any of the foregoing and other factors. Accordingly, this information should not be relied on for any purpose. We do not intend to update these estimates, illustrations, ambitions, objectives, outlooks or goals.
In preparing this media release, management has made estimates and assumptions that affect the numbers presented. Actual results may differ. Annualized numbers do not take account variations in operating results, seasonality and other factors and may not be indicative of actual, full-year results. Figures throughout this media release may also be subject to rounding adjustments. All opinions and views constitute judgments as of the date of writing without regard to the date on which the reader may receive or access the information. This information is subject to change at any time without notice and we do not intend to update this information.
This document contains certain unaudited interim financial information for 2018. This information has been derived from management accounts, is preliminary in nature, does not reflect the complete results of the first quarter of 2018 and is subject to change, including as a result of any normal quarterly adjustments in relation to the financial statements for the first quarter of 2018. This information has not been subject to any review by our independent registered public accounting firm. There can be no assurance that the final results for these periods will not differ from these preliminary results, and any such differences could be material. Quarterly financial results for the first quarter of 2018 will be included in our 1Q18 Financial Report. These interim results of operations are not necessarily indicative of the results to be achieved for the remainder of 1Q18 or the full first quarter of 2018.
As of January 1, 2013, Basel III was implemented in Switzerland along with the Swiss “Too Big to Fail” legislation and regulations thereunder (in each case, subject to certain phase-in periods). As of January 1, 2015, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) leverage ratio framework, as issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), was implemented in Switzerland by FINMA. Our related disclosures are in accordance with our interpretation of such requirements, including relevant assumptions. Changes in the interpretation of these requirements in Switzerland or in any of our assumptions or estimates could result in different numbers from those shown in this media release.
Unless otherwise noted, leverage exposure is based on the BIS leverage ratio framework and consists of period-end balance sheet assets and pre- scribed regulatory adjustments. The look-through tier 1 leverage ratio and CET1 leverage ratio are calculated as look-through BIS tier 1 capital and CET1 capital, respectively, divided by period end leverage exposure. Swiss leverage ratios are measured on the same period-end basis as the leverage exposure for the BIS leverage ratio.
Mandates penetration means advisory and discretionary mandates in private banking businesses as a percentage of the related AuM, excluding those from the external asset manager business.

Margin calculations for APAC are aligned with the performance metrics of the Private Banking business and its related assets under management within the Wealth Management & Connected business in APAC. Assets under management and net new assets for APAC relate to the Private Banking business within the Wealth Management & Connected business.
Net margin is calculated by dividing income before taxes by average assets under management. Adjusted net margins is calculated using adjusted results, applying the same methodology to calculate net margin.
When we refer to operating divisions throughout this Media Release, we mean SUB, IWM, APAC, IBCM and GM.
Investors and others should note that we announce material information (including quarterly earnings releases and financial reports) to the investing public using press releases, SEC and Swiss ad hoc filings, our website and public conference calls and webcasts. We intend to also use our Twitter account @creditsuisse (https://twitter.com/creditsuisse) to excerpt key messages from our public disclosures, including earnings releases. We may retweet such messages through certain of our regional Twitter accounts, including @csschweiz (https://twitter.com/csschweiz) and @csapac (https://twitter.com/csapac). Investors and others should take care to consider such abbreviated messages in the context of the disclosures from which they are excerpted. The information we post on these Twitter accounts is not a part of this Media Release.
In various tables, use of “–” indicates not meaningful or not applicable.

Key metrics
   in / end of % change in / end of % change
4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 QoQ YoY 2017 2016 YoY
Credit Suisse Group results (CHF million)   
Net revenues 5,189 4,972 5,181 4 0 20,900 20,323 3
Provision for credit losses 43 32 75 34 (43) 210 252 (17)
Total operating expenses 5,005 4,540 7,309 10 (32) 18,897 22,337 (15)
Income/(loss) before taxes  141 400 (2,203) (65) 1,793 (2,266)
Net income/(loss) attributable to shareholders  (2,126) 244 (2,619) (19) (983) (2,710) (64)
Assets under management and net new assets (CHF million)   
Assets under management 1,376.1 1,344.8 1,251.1 2.3 10.0 1,376.1 1,251.1 10.0
Net new assets 3.1 (1.8) (6.7) 37.8 26.8 41.0
Basel III regulatory capital and leverage statistics   
CET1 ratio (%) 13.5 14.0 13.5 13.5 13.5
Look-through CET1 ratio (%) 12.8 13.2 11.5 12.8 11.5
Look-through CET1 leverage ratio (%) 3.8 3.8 3.2 3.8 3.2
Look-through tier 1 leverage ratio (%) 5.2 5.2 4.4 5.2 4.4

Credit Suisse and Core Results 
   Core Results Strategic Resolution Unit Credit Suisse
in / end of 4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 4Q17 3Q17 4Q16
Statements of operations (CHF million)   
Net revenues  5,340 5,227 5,383 (151) (255) (202) 5,189 4,972 5,181
Provision for credit losses  40 40 47 3 (8) 28 43 32 75
Compensation and benefits 2,461 2,366 2,576 65 85 106 2,526 2,451 2,682
General and administrative expenses 1,768 1,414 1,630 209 216 2,554 1,977 1,630 4,184
Commission expenses 356 338 390 9 9 4 365 347 394
Restructuring expenses 119 91 48 18 21 1 137 112 49
Total other operating expenses 2,243 1,843 2,068 236 246 2,559 2,479 2,089 4,627
Total operating expenses  4,704 4,209 4,644 301 331 2,665 5,005 4,540 7,309
Income/(loss) before taxes  596 978 692 (455) (578) (2,895) 141 400 (2,203)
Statement of operations metrics (%)   
Return on regulatory capital 5.6 9.3 6.6 1.2 3.5 (18.6)
Balance sheet statistics (CHF million)   
Total assets 750,660 739,281 739,564 45,629 49,409 80,297 796,289 788,690 819,861
Risk-weighted assets 1 238,067 229,170 222,604 33,613 35,842 45,441 271,680 265,012 268,045
Leverage exposure 1 856,591 843,582 844,995 59,934 65,385 105,768 916,525 908,967 950,763
   Core Results Strategic Resolution Unit Credit Suisse
in / end of 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016
Statements of operations (CHF million)   
Net revenues  21,786 21,594 (886) (1,271) 20,900 20,323
Provision for credit losses  178 141 32 111 210 252
Compensation and benefits 9,845 9,960 332 612 10,177 10,572
General and administrative expenses 6,039 6,180 796 3,590 6,835 9,770
Commission expenses 1,398 1,401 32 54 1,430 1,455
Restructuring expenses 398 419 57 121 455 540
Total other operating expenses 7,835 8,000 885 3,765 8,720 11,765
Total operating expenses  17,680 17,960 1,217 4,377 18,897 22,337
Income/(loss) before taxes  3,928 3,493 (2,135) (5,759) 1,793 (2,266)
Statement of operations metrics (%)   
Return on regulatory capital 9.3 8.5 . 3.9 (4.7)
Disclosed on a look-through basis.

Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures that exclude goodwill impairment and certain other revenues and expenses included in our reported results. Management believes that adjusted results provide a useful presentation of our operating results for purposes of assessing our Group and divisional performance over time, on a basis that excludes items that management does not consider representative of our underlying performance. Refer to ”Reconciliation of adjusted results” for a reconciliation to the most directly comparable US GAAP measures.
Reconciliation of adjusted results 
   Core Results Strategic Resolution Unit Credit Suisse
in 4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 4Q17 3Q17 4Q16
Reconciliation of adjusted results (CHF million)   
Net revenues  5,340 5,227 5,383 (151) (255) (202) 5,189 4,972 5,181
   Real estate gains  0 0 (74) 0 0 (4) 0 0 (78)
   (Gains)/losses on business sales  28 0 0 0 0 2 28 0 2
Adjusted net revenues  5,368 5,227 5,309 (151) (255) (204) 5,217 4,972 5,105
Provision for credit losses  40 40 47 3 (8) 28 43 32 75
Total operating expenses  4,704 4,209 4,644 301 331 2,665 5,005 4,540 7,309
   Restructuring expenses  (119) (91) (48) (18) (21) (1) (137) (112) (49)
   Major litigation provisions  (165) (20) (26) (90) (88) (2,375) (255) (108) (2,401)
   Expenses related to business sales  (8) 0 0 0 0 0 (8) 0 0
Adjusted total operating expenses  4,412 4,098 4,570 193 222 289 4,605 4,320 4,859
Income/(loss) before taxes  596 978 692 (455) (578) (2,895) 141 400 (2,203)
   Total adjustments  320 111 0 108 109 2,374 428 220 2,374
Adjusted income/(loss) before taxes  916 1,089 692 (347) (469) (521) 569 620 171
Adjusted return on regulatory capital (%) 8.6 10.4 6.6 5.0 5.5 1.4
   Core Results Strategic Resolution Unit Credit Suisse
in 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016
Reconciliation of adjusted results (CHF million)   
Net revenues  21,786 21,594 (886) (1,271) 20,900 20,323
   Real estate gains  0 (420) 0 (4) 0 (424)
   (Gains)/losses on business sales  51 52 (38) 6 13 58
Adjusted net revenues  21,837 21,226 (924) (1,269) 20,913 19,957
Provision for credit losses  178 141 32 111 210 252
Total operating expenses  17,680 17,960 1,217 4,377 18,897 22,337
   Restructuring expenses  (398) (419) (57) (121) (455) (540)
   Major litigation provisions  (224) (14) (269) (2,693) (493) (2,707)
   Expenses related to business sales  (8) 0 0 0 (8) 0
Adjusted total operating expenses  17,050 17,527 891 1,563 17,941 19,090
Income/(loss) before taxes  3,928 3,493 (2,135) (5,759) 1,793 (2,266)
   Total adjustments  681 65 288 2,816 969 2,881
Adjusted income/(loss) before taxes  4,609 3,558 (1,847) (2,943) 2,762 615
Adjusted return on regulatory capital (%) 10.9 8.6 6.0 1.3
Adjusted return on regulatory capital is calculated using adjusted results, applying the same methodology used to calculate return on regulatory capital.

Reconciliation of adjustment items
in 4Q17 4Q16 2017 2016 2015
Adjusted results (CHF million)   
Total operating expenses  5,005 7,309 18,897 22,337 25,895
   Goodwill impairment  0 0 0 0 (3,797)
   Restructuring expenses  (137) (49) (455) (540) (355)
   Major litigation provisions  (255) (2,401) (493) (2,707) (820)
   Expenses related to business sales  (8) 0 (8) 0 0
   Debit valuation adjustments (DVA)  (20) 0 (83) 0 0
   Certain accounting changes  (45) 0 (170) 0 0
Adjusted operating cost base  4,540 4,859 17,688 19,090 20,923
   FX adjustment  49 70 326 293 319
Adjusted FX-neutral operating cost base  4,589 4,929 18,014 19,383 21,242
Reconciliation of adjusted results
   SUB, IWM, and APAC WM&C
in 4Q17 4Q16 2017 2016 2015 1
Adjusted results (CHF million)   
Net revenues  3,308 3,258 12,829 12,361 11,631
   Real estate gains  0 (74) 0 (420) (95)
   (Gains)/losses on business sales  28 0 28 0 (34)
Adjusted net revenues  3,336 3,184 12,857 11,941 11,502
Provision for credit losses  36 51 117 128 174
Total operating expenses  2,270 2,332 8,797 8,598 9,252
   Goodwill impairment  0 0 0 0 (446)
   Restructuring expenses  (19) (18) (150) (128) (79)
   Major litigation provisions  (38) (26) (97) (7) (299)
Adjusted total operating expenses  2,213 2,288 8,550 8,463 8,428
Income before taxes  1,002 875 3,915 3,635 2,205
   Total adjustments  85 (30) 275 (285) 695
Adjusted income before taxes  1,087 845 4,190 3,350 2,900
Excludes net revenues and total operating expenses for Swisscard of CHF 148 million and CHF 123 million, respectively.

Swiss Universal Bank
   in / end of % change in / end of % change
4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 QoQ YoY 2017 2016 YoY
Results (CHF million)   
Net revenues  1,318 1,319 1,399 0 (6) 5,396 5,759 (6)
   of which Private Clients  726 727 749 0 (3) 2,897 3,258 (11)
   of which Corporate & Institutional Clients  592 592 650 0 (9) 2,499 2,501 0
Provision for credit losses  15 14 34 7 (56) 75 79 (5)
Total operating expenses  870 879 983 (1) (11) 3,556 3,655 (3)
Income before taxes  433 426 382 2 13 1,765 2,025 (13)
   of which Private Clients  212 206 173 3 23 801 1,095 (27)
   of which Corporate & Institutional Clients  221 220 209 0 6 964 930 4
Metrics (%)   
Return on regulatory capital 13.5 13.2 12.2 13.7 16.5
Cost/income ratio 66.0 66.6 70.3 65.9 63.5
Private Clients   
Assets under management (CHF billion) 208.3 206.1 192.2 1.1 8.4 208.3 192.2 8.4
Net new assets (CHF billion) 0.0 1.0 (1.8) 4.7 0.1
Gross margin (annualized) (bp) 140 142 156 143 171
Net margin (annualized) (bp) 41 40 36 40 58
Corporate & Institutional Clients   
Assets under management (CHF billion) 354.7 346.7 339.3 2.3 4.5 354.7 339.3 4.5
Net new assets (CHF billion) (0.2) (13.7) 0.8 (13.9) 2.5

Reconciliation of adjusted results
   Private Clients Corporate & Institutional Clients Swiss Universal Bank
in 4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 4Q17 3Q17 4Q16
Adjusted results (CHF million)   
Net revenues  726 727 749 592 592 650 1,318 1,319 1,399
   Real estate gains  0 0 (20) 0 0 0 0 0 (20)
Adjusted net revenues  726 727 729 592 592 650 1,318 1,319 1,379
Provision for credit losses  10 9 10 5 5 24 15 14 34
Total operating expenses  504 512 566 366 367 417 870 879 983
   Restructuring expenses  1 (9) 3 1 (4) 0 2 (13) 3
   Major litigation provisions  (2) (2) 0 (5) (7) (19) (7) (9) (19)
Adjusted total operating expenses  503 501 569 362 356 398 865 857 967
Income before taxes  212 206 173 221 220 209 433 426 382
   Total adjustments  1 11 (23) 4 11 19 5 22 (4)
Adjusted income before taxes  213 217 150 225 231 228 438 448 378
Adjusted return on regulatory capital (%) 13.7 13.9 12.1
Private Clients
Corporate &
Institutional Clients
Universal Bank
in 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016
Adjusted results (CHF million)   
Net revenues  2,897 3,258 2,499 2,501 5,396 5,759
   Real estate gains  0 (366) 0 0 0 (366)
Adjusted net revenues  2,897 2,892 2,499 2,501 5,396 5,393
Provision for credit losses  42 39 33 40 75 79
Total operating expenses  2,054 2,124 1,502 1,531 3,556 3,655
   Restructuring expenses  (53) (51) (6) (9) (59) (60)
   Major litigation provisions  (6) 0 (43) (19) (49) (19)
Adjusted total operating expenses  1,995 2,073 1,453 1,503 3,448 3,576
Income before taxes  801 1,095 964 930 1,765 2,025
   Total adjustments  59 (315) 49 28 108 (287)
Adjusted income before taxes  860 780 1,013 958 1,873 1,738
Adjusted return on regulatory capital (%) 14.6 14.2

International Wealth Management
   in / end of % change in / end of % change
4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 QoQ YoY 2017 2016 YoY
Results (CHF million)   
Net revenues  1,364 1,262 1,299 8 5 5,111 4,698 9
   of which Private Banking  923 870 918 6 1 3,603 3,371 7
   of which Asset Management  441 392 381 13 16 1,508 1,327 14
Provision for credit losses  14 3 6 367 133 27 20 35
Total operating expenses  1,010 904 962 12 5 3,733 3,557 5
Income before taxes  340 355 331 (4) 3 1,351 1,121 21
   of which Private Banking  236 252 228 (6) 4 1,024 841 22
   of which Asset Management  104 103 103 1 1 327 280 17
Metrics (%)   
Return on regulatory capital 25.2 26.9 27.0 25.8 23.3
Cost/income ratio 74.0 71.6 74.1 73.0 75.7
Private Banking   
Assets under management (CHF billion) 366.9 355.3 323.2 3.3 13.5 366.9 323.2 13.5
Net new assets (CHF billion) 2.7 3.6 0.4 15.6 15.6
Gross margin (annualized) (bp) 101 101 116 105 112
Net margin (annualized) (bp) 26 29 29 30 28
Asset Management   
Assets under management (CHF billion) 385.6 376.3 321.6 2.5 19.9 385.6 321.6 19.9
Net new assets (CHF billion) 1.4 1.1 (4.4) 20.3 5.6

Reconciliation of adjusted results
   Private Banking Asset Management International Wealth Management
in 4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 4Q17 3Q17 4Q16
Adjusted results (CHF million)   
Net revenues  923 870 918 441 392 381 1,364 1,262 1,299
   Real estate gains  0 0 (54) 0 0 0 0 0 (54)
   (Gains)/losses on business sales  0 0 0 28 0 0 28 0 0
Adjusted net revenues  923 870 864 469 392 381 1,392 1,262 1,245
Provision for credit losses  14 3 6 0 0 0 14 3 6
Total operating expenses  673 615 684 337 289 278 1,010 904 962
   Restructuring expenses  (8) (9) (11) (3) (7) (5) (11) (16) (16)
   Major litigation provisions  (31) (11) (7) 0 0 0 (31) (11) (7)
Adjusted total operating expenses  634 595 666 334 282 273 968 877 939
Income before taxes  236 252 228 104 103 103 340 355 331
   Total adjustments  39 20 (36) 31 7 5 70 27 (31)
Adjusted income before taxes  275 272 192 135 110 108 410 382 300
Adjusted return on regulatory capital (%) 30.5 28.9 24.4
Wealth Management
in 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016
Adjusted results (CHF million)   
Net revenues  3,603 3,371 1,508 1,327 5,111 4,698
   Real estate gains  0 (54) 0 0 0 (54)
   (Gains)/losses on business sales  0 0 28 0 28 0
Adjusted net revenues  3,603 3,317 1,536 1,327 5,139 4,644
Provision for credit losses  27 20 0 0 27 20
Total operating expenses  2,552 2,510 1,181 1,047 3,733 3,557
   Restructuring expenses  (44) (47) (26) (7) (70) (54)
   Major litigation provisions  (48) 12 0 0 (48) 12
Adjusted total operating expenses  2,460 2,475 1,155 1,040 3,615 3,515
Income before taxes  1,024 841 327 280 1,351 1,121
   Total adjustments  92 (19) 54 7 146 (12)
Adjusted income before taxes  1,116 822 381 287 1,497 1,109
Adjusted return on regulatory capital (%) 28.6 23.1

Asia Pacific
   in / end of % change in / end of % change
4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 QoQ YoY 2017 2016 YoY
Results (CHF million)   
Net revenues  885 890 862 (1) 3 3,504 3,597 (3)
   of which Wealth Management & Connected  626 548 560 14 12 2,322 1,904 22
   of which Markets  259 342 302 (24) (14) 1,182 1,693 (30)
Provision for credit losses  7 5 11 40 (36) 15 26 (42)
Total operating expenses  702 667 748 5 (6) 2,760 2,846 (3)
Income before taxes  176 218 103 (19) 71 729 725 1
   of which Wealth Management & Connected  229 173 162 32 41 799 489 63
   of which Markets  (53) 45 (59) (10) (70) 236
Metrics (%)   
Return on regulatory capital 13.3 16.8 7.6 13.8 13.7
Cost/income ratio 79.3 74.9 86.8 78.8 79.1
Wealth Management & Connected – Private Banking   
Assets under management (CHF billion) 196.8 190.0 166.9 3.6 17.9 196.8 166.9 17.9
Net new assets (CHF billion) 1.3 5.8 0.7 16.9 13.6
Gross margin (annualized) (bp) 80 87 87 88 86
Net margin (annualized) (bp) 23 30 22 30 23

Reconciliation of adjusted results
   Wealth Management & Connected Markets Asia Pacific
in 4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 4Q17 3Q17 4Q16
Adjusted results (CHF million)   
Net revenues  626 548 560 259 342 302 885 890 862
Provision for credit losses  7 5 11 0 0 0 7 5 11
Total operating expenses  390 370 387 312 297 361 702 667 748
   Restructuring expenses  (10) (5) (5) (13) (5) (14) (23) (10) (19)
Adjusted total operating expenses  380 365 382 299 292 347 679 657 729
Income/(loss) before taxes  229 173 162 (53) 45 (59) 176 218 103
   Total adjustments  10 5 5 13 5 14 23 10 19
Adjusted income/(loss) before taxes  239 178 167 (40) 50 (45) 199 228 122
Adjusted return on regulatory capital (%) 15.0 17.6 9.0
    Wealth Management
& Connected


Asia Pacific
in 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016
Adjusted results (CHF million)   
Net revenues  2,322 1,904 1,182 1,693 3,504 3,597
Provision for credit losses  15 29 0 (3) 15 26
Total operating expenses  1,508 1,386 1,252 1,460 2,760 2,846
   Restructuring expenses  (21) (14) (42) (39) (63) (53)
Adjusted total operating expenses  1,487 1,372 1,210 1,421 2,697 2,793
Income/(loss) before taxes  799 489 (70) 236 729 725
   Total adjustments  21 14 42 39 63 53
Adjusted income/(loss) before taxes  820 503 (28) 275 792 778
Adjusted return on regulatory capital (%) 15.0 14.8
   APAC Markets
in 4Q17 3Q17
Adjusted results (USD million)   
Net revenues  264 354
Total operating expenses  317 308
   Restructuring expenses  (13) (6)
Adjusted total operating expenses  304 302
Income before taxes  (53) 46
   Total adjustments  13 6
Adjusted income before taxes  (40) 52

Global Markets
   in / end of % change in / end of % change
4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 QoQ YoY 2017 2016 YoY
Results (CHF million)   
Net revenues  1,163 1,262 1,265 (8) (8) 5,551 5,497 1
Provision for credit losses  8 6 (4) 33 31 (3)
Total operating expenses  1,350 1,185 1,264 14 7 5,070 5,452 (7)
Income/(loss) before taxes  (195) 71 5 450 48
Metrics (%)   
Return on regulatory capital (5.5) 2.0 0.3 3.2 0.4
Cost/income ratio 116.1 93.9 99.9 91.3 99.2
Reconciliation of adjusted results
   Global Markets
in 4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 2017 2016
Adjusted results (CHF million)   
Net revenues  1,163 1,262 1,265 5,551 5,497
Provision for credit losses  8 6 (4) 31 (3)
Total operating expenses  1,350 1,185 1,264 5,070 5,452
   Restructuring expenses  (71) (27) (15) (150) (217)
   Major litigation provisions  0 0 0 0 (7)
   Expenses related to business sales  (8) 0 0 (8) 0
Adjusted total operating expenses  1,271 1,158 1,249 4,912 5,228
Income before taxes  (195) 71 5 450 48
   Total adjustments  79 27 15 158 224
Adjusted income/(loss) before taxes  (116) 98 20 608 272
Adjusted return on regulatory capital (%) (3.3) 2.8 0.7 4.3 2.0
   Global Markets
in 4Q17 4Q16 2017 2016
Adjusted results (USD million)   
Net revenues  1,179 1,256 5,662 5,575
Provision for credit losses  8 (3) 32 (4)
Total operating expenses  1,371 1,250 5,172 5,522
   Restructuring expenses  (73) (14) (154) (220)
   Major litigation provisions  0 0 0 (7)
   Expenses related to business sales  (8) 0 (8) 0
Adjusted total operating expenses  1,290 1,236 5,010 5,295
Income before taxes  (200) 9 458 57
   Total adjustments  81 14 162 227
Adjusted income before taxes  (119) 23 620 284

Investment Banking & Capital Markets
   in / end of % change in / end of % change
4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 QoQ YoY 2017 2016 YoY
Results (CHF million)   
Net revenues 565 457 574 24 (2) 2,139 1,972 8
Provision for credit losses (1) 12 0 30 20 50
Total operating expenses 459 410 425 12 8 1,740 1,691 3
Income before taxes  107 35 149 206 (28) 369 261 41
Metrics (%)   
Return on regulatory capital 15.0 5.2 22.9 13.7 10.7
Cost/income ratio 81.2 89.7 74.0 81.3 85.8
Reconciliation of adjusted results
   Investment Banking & Capital Markets
in 4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 2017 2016
Adjusted results (CHF million)   
Net revenues  565 457 574 2,139 1,972
Provision for credit losses  (1) 12 0 30 20
Total operating expenses  459 410 425 1,740 1,691
   Restructuring expenses  (14) (16) 6 (42) (28)
Adjusted total operating expenses  445 394 431 1,698 1,663
Income before taxes  107 35 149 369 261
   Total adjustments  14 16 (6) 42 28
Adjusted income before taxes  121 51 143 411 289
Adjusted return on regulatory capital (%) 16.9 7.6 22.0 15.2 11.9
   Investment Banking & Capital Markets
in 4Q17 4Q16 2017 2016
Adjusted results (USD million)   
Net revenues  573 569 2,182 2,001
Provision for credit losses  (1) (1) 31 20
Total operating expenses  466 422 1,775 1,713
   Restructuring expenses  (14) 6 (43) (29)
Adjusted total operating expenses  452 428 1,732 1,684
Income before taxes  108 148 376 268
   Total adjustments  14 (6) 43 29
Adjusted income before taxes  122 142 419 297
Global advisory and underwriting revenues
   in % change in % change
4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 QoQ YoY 2017 2016 YoY
Global advisory and underwriting revenues (USD million)   
Global advisory and underwriting revenues 1,034 950 1,042 9 (1) 4,133 3,771 10
   of which advisory and other fees  228 237 310 (4) (26) 935 1,046 (11)
   of which debt underwriting  519 544 498 (5) 4 2,292 1,967 17
   of which equity underwriting  287 169 234 70 23 906 758 20

Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking information
This document contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements. In addition, in the future we, and others on our behalf, may make statements that constitute forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements may include, without limitation, statements relating to the following:
our plans, objectives, ambitions, targets or goals;
our future economic performance or prospects;
the potential effect on our future performance of certain contingencies; and
assumptions underlying any such statements.
Words such as “believes,” “anticipates,” “expects,” “intends” and “plans” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements but are not the exclusive means of identifying such statements. We do not intend to update these forward-looking statements.
By their very nature, forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, and risks exist that predictions, forecasts, projections and other outcomes described or implied in forward-looking statements will not be achieved. We caution you that a number of important factors could cause results to differ materially from the plans, objectives, ambitions, targets, expectations, estimates and intentions expressed in such forward-looking statements. These factors include:
the ability to maintain sufficient liquidity and access capital markets;
market volatility and interest rate fluctuations and developments affecting interest rate levels;
the strength of the global economy in general and the strength of the economies of the countries in which we conduct our operations, in particular the risk of continued slow economic recovery or downturn in the US or other developed countries or in emerging markets in 2018 and beyond;
the direct and indirect impacts of deterioration or slow recovery in residential and commercial real estate markets;
adverse rating actions by credit rating agencies in respect of us, sovereign issuers, structured credit products or other credit-related exposures;
the ability to achieve our strategic goals, including those related to cost efficiency, income/(loss) before taxes, capital ratios and return on regulatory capital, leverage exposure threshold, risk-weighted assets threshold, return on tangible equity, and other targets, objectives and ambitions;
the ability of counterparties to meet their obligations to us;
the effects of, and changes in, fiscal, monetary, exchange rate, trade and tax policies, as well as currency fluctuations;
political and social developments, including war, civil unrest or terrorist activity;
the possibility of foreign exchange controls, expropriation, nationalization or confiscation of assets in countries in which we conduct our operations;
operational factors such as systems failure, human error, or the failure to implement procedures properly;
the risk of cyberattacks on our business or operations;
actions taken by regulators with respect to our business and practices and possible resulting changes to our business organization, practices and policies in countries in which we conduct our operations;
the effects of changes in laws, regulations or accounting or tax standards, policies or practices in countries in which we conduct our operations ;
the potential effects of proposed changes in our legal entity structure;
competition or changes in our competitive position in geographic and business areas in which we conduct our operations;
the ability to retain and recruit qualified personnel;
the ability to maintain our reputation and promote our brand;
the ability to increase market share and control expenses;
technological changes;
the timely development and acceptance of our new products and services and the perceived overall value of these products and services by users;
acquisitions, including the ability to integrate acquired businesses successfully, and divestitures, including the ability to sell non-core assets;
the adverse resolution of litigation, regulatory proceedings and other contingencies; and
other unforeseen or unexpected events and our success at managing these and the risks involved in the foregoing.
We caution you that the foregoing list of important factors is not exclusive. When evaluating forward-looking statements, you should carefully consider the foregoing factors and other uncertainties and events, including the information set forth in “Risk factors” in I – Information on the company in our Annual Report 2016.

 Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results  Presentation to Investors and Analysts  February 14, 2018 

 Disclaimer  This material does not purport to contain all of the information that you may wish to consider. This material is not to be relied upon as such or used in substitution for the exercise of independent judgment.Credit Suisse has not finalized its 2017 Annual Report and Credit Suisse’s independent registered public accounting firm has not completed its audit of the consolidated financial statements for the period. Accordingly, the financial information contained in this presentation is subject to completion of year-end procedures, which may result in changes to that information.Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements This presentation contains forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties, and we might not be able to achieve the predictions, forecasts, projections and other outcomes we describe or imply in forward-looking statements. A number of important factors could cause results to differ materially from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates and intentions we express in these forward-looking statements, including those we identify in "Risk factors” in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2016 and in the “Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking information" in our 4Q17 Earnings Release, published on February 14, 2018 and filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and in other public filings and press releases. We do not intend to update these forward-looking statements. In particular, the terms “Estimate”, “Illustrative”, “Ambition”, “Objective”, “Outlook” and “Goal” are not intended to be viewed as targets or projections, nor are they considered to be Key Performance Indicators. All such estimates, illustrations, ambitions, objectives, outlooks and goals are subject to a large number of inherent risks, assumptions and uncertainties, many of which are completely outside of our control. These risks, assumptions and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, general market conditions, market volatility, interest rate volatility and levels, global and regional economic conditions, political uncertainty, changes in tax policies, regulatory changes, changes in levels of client activity as a result of any of the foregoing and other factors. Accordingly, this information should not be relied on for any purpose. We do not intend to update these estimates, illustrations, ambitions, objectives, outlooks or goals. We may not achieve the benefits of our strategic initiativesWe may not achieve all of the expected benefits of our strategic initiatives. Factors beyond our control, including but not limited to the market and economic conditions, changes in laws, rules or regulations and other challenges discussed in our public filings, could limit our ability to achieve some or all of the expected benefits of these initiatives. Estimates and assumptionsIn preparing this presentation, management has made estimates and assumptions that affect the numbers presented. Actual results may differ. Annualized numbers do not take account of variations in operating results, seasonality and other factors and may not be indicative of actual, full-year results. Figures throughout this presentation may also be subject to rounding adjustments. All opinions and views constitute judgments as of the date of writing without regard to the date on which the reader may receive or access the information. This information is subject to change at any time without notice and we do not intend to update this information. Cautionary Statements Relating to Interim Financial Information This presentation contains certain unaudited interim financial information for 2018. This information has been derived from management accounts, is preliminary in nature, does not reflect the complete results of the first quarter of 2018 and is subject to change, including as a result of any normal quarterly adjustments in relation to the financial statements for the first quarter of 2018. This information has not been subject to any review by our independent registered public accounting firm. There can be no assurance that the final results for these periods will not differ from these preliminary results, and any such differences could be material. Quarterly financial results for the first quarter of 2018 will be included in our 1Q18 Financial Report. These interim results of operations are not necessarily indicative of the results to be achieved for the remainder of 1Q18 or the full first quarter of 2018.Statement regarding non-GAAP financial measuresThis presentation also contains non-GAAP financial measures, including adjusted results. Information needed to reconcile such non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable measures under US GAAP can be found in this presentation in the Appendix, which is available on our website at www.credit-suisse.com.Statement regarding capital, liquidity and leverageAs of January 1, 2013, Basel III was implemented in Switzerland along with the Swiss “Too Big to Fail” legislation and regulations thereunder (in each case, subject to certain phase-in periods). As of January 1, 2015, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) leverage ratio framework, as issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), was implemented in Switzerland by FINMA. Our related disclosures are in accordance with our interpretation of such requirements, including relevant assumptions. Changes in the interpretation of these requirements in Switzerland or in any of our assumptions or estimates could result in different numbers from those shown in this presentation. Unless otherwise noted, leverage exposure is based on the BIS leverage ratio framework and consists of period-end balance sheet assets and prescribed regulatory adjustments. The look-through tier 1 leverage ratio and CET1 leverage ratio are calculated as look-through BIS tier 1 capital and CET1 capital, respectively, divided by period-end leverage exposure. Swiss leverage ratios are measured on the same period-end basis as the leverage exposure for the BIS leverage ratio.SourcesCertain material in this presentation has been prepared by Credit Suisse on the basis of publicly available information, internally developed data and other third-party sources believed to be reliable. Credit Suisse has not sought to independently verify information obtained from public and third-party sources and makes no representations or warranties as to accuracy, completeness or reliability of such information. 

 4Q17 and Full Year 2017 Earnings ReviewTidjane Thiam, Chief Executive OfficerDavid Mathers, Chief Financial Officer 

 Delivering profitable growthSignificant progress towards our 2018 Group targets: Wealth Management-related businesses1 achieved 85% of combined 2018 adj. PTI target level within 2 years; IBCM already operated within 2018 target RoRC† range in 2017Wealth Management2 NNA highest since 2013 with CHF 37.2 bn in 2017, up 27% YoY; Record AuM of CHF 772 bn, up 13% YoY at increased net marginsGlobal Markets3 with positive operating leverage in 2017: adjusted net revenues up 5%4, adjusted operating expenses down 5%, adjusted PTI increased 118% YoYExecuting with disciplineAchieved 2017 cost savings target, delivered total net cost savings of CHF 3.2 bn since 2015 at constant FX rates*(CHF 3.6 bn at actual FX rates5); Adjusted operating cost base of CHF 17.7 bn at actual FX rates5 (CHF 18.0 bnat constant FX rates*)Continued progress in SRU wind-down: reduced RWA excl. Op Risk by 43%6, leverage exposure by 41% andadjusted operating expenses in 2017 by 43% YoYIncreasing return on capitalMaintaining strong capital position; Stable Tier-1 leverage ratio of 5.2%; CET1 ratio of 12.8% after deduction of~45 bps for RMBS-related operational risk RWA increase7 in 2H17 and after investments ahead of 2018All operating divisions profitable in 2017 with increased adjusted return on regulatory capital†Strong start to the year in 1Q18 across our Wealth Management and Market-dependent activities    Key messagesStrong Group performance – 2017 first positive reported PTI since 2014 at CHF 1.8 bn, up CHF 4 bn YoY;Adj. net revenues up 5%; adj. operating expenses down 6%; adj. PTI of CHF 2.8 bn, up CHF 2.1 bn YoY  1  2  3  4  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix *, † See Appendix1 Relating to SUB, IWM and APAC WM&C and their respective targets 2 Relating to SUB PC, IWM PB and APAC PB within WM&C 3 Measured in USD terms 4 Excludes SMG net revenues of USD 172 mn andUSD (16) mn in 2016 and 2017, respectively 5 Measured using Group adjusted operating cost base at actual FX rates, with FX impact of CHF 326 mn, see Appendix 6 Excludes operational risk RWA of CHF 20 bn in 2016 and 2017 7 Increases to operational risk RWA of CHF 5.2 bn and CHF 3.8 bn in 3Q17 and 4Q17, respectively, reflecting an updated loss history and a revised methodology for the measurement of our risk-weighted assets relating to operational risk, primarily in respect of our RMBS settlements 

 2.8  Adj. net revenuesin CHF bn  2017  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix1 Reflects credit provisions of CHF 252 mn in 2016 and CHF 210 mn in 2017 2 Adjusted net revenues increase of CHF 956 mn based on adjusted net revenues of CHF 19,957 mn in 2016 vs. CHF 20,913 mn in 2017  0.6  Adj. pre-taxincome1in CHF bn  Driving revenues up, costs down in 2017; Delivering positive operating leverage  20.0  19.1  17.9  20.9  14.2  9.6  4.7  4.6  9.0  13.3  14.9  15.7  9.8  10.7  4.7  5.5  FY  1Q  1H  9M  Adj. operating expensesin CHF bn  2016  2017  2016  2017  2017 vs.2016  +1.02  -1.1  +5%  -6%  +349% 

         Our strategic approach to cost reduction has delivered a sustainably lower break-even point  Group adjustedoperating cost baseat constant FX rates*in CHF bn  2015  2016  2017  2018Target      Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix * See Appendix1 Reduction of CHF 1,859 mn in 2016 and CHF 3,228 mn in 2017 based on adjusted operating cost base at constant FX rates of CHF 21,242 mn in 2015, CHF 19,383 mn in 2016 and CHF 18,014 mn in 20172 Measured using Group adjusted operating cost base at actual FX rates, with FX impact of CHF 326 mn, see Appendix   17.7 actual FX2  1.91  3.21  >4.2  Break-evenpoint  2018  2015      3.6 actual FX2  Total netcost savings(cumulative) 

 SRU RWA excl. Op Risk1in USD bn  Continued progress in accelerated SRU wind-down  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix1 Excludes operational risk RWA of CHF 19 bn in 2015, CHF 20 bn in 2016 and CHF 20 bn in 2017  -73%  SRU leverage exposurein USD bn  170  103  61  SRU adjusted operating expenses in USD mn  2,677  1,584  909 

 We have strengthened our capital position and significantly lowered risk  Group Value-at-Risk Trading book avg. one-day, 98% risk mgmt. VaR in CHF mn  CET1 ratio  -47%    +270 bps    Guidance>12.5%         

 Maintained strong capital position after absorbing ~45 bps of RMBS-related Op Risk RWA increase in 2H17 and investing in 2018 pipeline  1 Including CET1 accretion, RWA reduction in SRU and Corporate Center, FX RWA impact, methodology and policy changes 2 Increases to operational risk RWA of CHF 5.2 bn and CHF 3.8 bn in 3Q17 and 4Q17, respectively, reflecting an updated loss history and a revised methodology for the measurement of our risk-weighted assets relating to operational risk, primarily in respect of our RMBS settlements  CET1 ratio  Tier-1 leverage ratio  5.2%        1  2  2  5.2%    Guidance>12.5% 

 Making significant progress towards our 2018 Group targets  Group net cost savings* since 2015cumulative, in CHF bn  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix * At constant FX rates, see Appendix † See Appendix1 Relating to SUB, IWM and APAC WM&C   Wealth Management-related businesses1 adj. pre-tax income in CHF bn  Investment Banking 2017 adj. RoRC†  APACMarkets  (1)%  GlobalMarkets  4%  ~  IBCM  15%      4.2  4.95  APAC WM&C  IWM  SUB  3.4  2017  9%  2%  12%  2016  Achieved over 75% of cost savings target level within 2 years  Achieved 85% of combined 2018adj. PTI target level within 2 years  IBCM already operated within2018 adj. RoRC† target range 

   Our Wealth Management businesses have continued to perform strongly  2015  2017  Assets under Management1  CHF 630 bn  CHF 772 bn    Net New Assets1  CHF 18.1 bn  CHF 37.2 bn    NNA1 growth rate  3%  5%    UHNW share of NNA1  ~50%  >75%    Adjusted net margin1  28 bps  35 bps    CHF 2.9 bn  Adjusted PTI2  CHF 4.2 bn    Wealth Managementkey metrics  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix1 Relating to SUB PC, IWM PB and APAC PB within WM&C 2 Relating to SUB, IWM and APAC WM&C  

   SUB – growth in profits and returns  SUB adjustedpre-tax incomein CHF mn   Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix † See Appendix1 Excludes Swisscard pre-tax income of CHF 12 mn and CHF 13 mn in 1Q15 and 2Q15, respectively  1  +17%  1,873  1,738  1,599  1Q  2Q  3Q  4Q  Adjusted return on regulatory capital†  13%  15%  14% 

   IWM – growth in profits and returns…  IWM adjustedpre-tax incomein CHF mn   Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix† See Appendix  +47%  1,497  1,109  1,016  1Q  2Q  3Q  4Q  Adjusted return on regulatory capital†  22%  29%  23% 

   …supported by strong growth in Asset Management PTI…  Asset Management adjusted pre-tax incomein CHF mn  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix  +105% 

 …driven by higher recurring management fees  Asset Managementmanagement feesin CHF mn  Fee-based gross marginin basis points  32  34  32  +22%       

   APAC WM&C – growth in profits and returns…  APAC WM&C adjustedpre-tax incomein CHF mn   Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix† See Appendix  +188%  820  503  285  1Q  2Q  3Q  4Q  Adjusted return on regulatory capital†  14%  30%  22% 

 …our integrated approach in APAC is recognized as best-in-class  Best Private Bank –Asia Pacific13rd consecutive year and4th time in the past five years   Outperforming industry peers in the competitive UHNW space  ”  Asian Private Banker  “   Best-in-class solutions to Asia’s entrepreneurs  Asian Private Banker  “  ”   Once again the standout player in the world’s most competitive private banking market, emphatically demonstrating just how powerful its integrated APAC model is  “  ”  Asian Private Banker    Received ~120 industry awardsfor 20175selected accolades  Asia PacificLoan Houseof the Year6  Asia’s Best Bank for Financing2Best Investment Bank in Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea, Vietnam2  Quant Houseof the Year forAsia ex-Japan8    1 Asian Private Banker as of January, 2018 2 Euromoney as of July, 2017 3 The Asset Triple A Regional Awards 2017 as of February, 2018 4 Institutional Investor as of June, 2017 5 Includes awards which reflect 2017 performance, including announced in 2018 YTD; excludes awards announced in 2017 which reflect 2016 performance. Excludes all survey and poll results 6 IFR Asia as of December, 2017 7 GlobalCapital Asia as of December, 2017 8 AsiaRisk as of September, 2017 9 Dealogic as of December 31, 2017 for APAC ex-Japan and ex-China onshore  Asia’s Best Bank for Wealth Management2  #1 All-Asia Sales & Trading Team Surveys4  Best Corporate and Institutional Bank3  Top 2 IBCM Share of Wallet in APAC9  Best InvestmentBank in Asia7  Best Private Bank – UHNW Services1   Best understandingof client needs and (…)high-quality relationships with investors   ”  Institutional Investor  “   Deploys capital in the places it is good at, specifically serving Asia-Pacific entrepreneurs  Euromoney  ”  “   One of the most active participants in the Hong Kong tech IPO revival  The Asset  ”  “ 

   IBCM – growth in profits and returns…  IBCM adjustedpre-tax incomein USD mn   Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix† See Appendix  +351%  Adjusted return on regulatory capital†  5%  15%  12% 

   …with share of wallet gains across all key products in 2017 and continued strong performance in 4Q17…  IBCM share of wallet1  1 Source: Dealogic as of December 31, 2017. Relating to Americas and EMEA          2017 vs. 2016  20174.1%5.7%7.4%  M&AECMLeveraged Finance  Share of wallet gains and market position in 4Q171  M&A SoW +78 bps YoYTop 4 in ECM, up 1 rank YoYLeveraged Finance SoW +27 bps YoYRevenue growth outperformed industry-wide Street fee pool 

   …and marquee M&A transactions announced in 4Q17, with continued momentum in 1Q18  4Q17  1Q18  Selected announced global M&A transactions Deal value and Credit Suisse role  USD 7.0 bn  Sale of selected Crop Science businesses to BASF  Joint Lead Financial Advisor to Bayer  USD 8.2 bn  Acquisition of Unilever’s global Spreads business  Exclusive Financial Advisor to KKR  USD 5.0 bn  Sale to GlobalInfrastructure Partners  Lead Financial Advisor to Equis Energy  USD 6.1 bn  Acquisition ofSnyder’s-Lance Inc.  Lead Financial Advisor to Campbell’s  USD 6.3 bn  Recommended offerby Informa PLC  Financial Advisor and Corporate Broker to UBM plc  USD 2.8 bn  Acquisition of Nestlé’s U.S. Confectionary business  Financial Advisor to Ferrero  USD 5.4 bn  Acquisition ofDST Systems  Financial Advisor to SS&C and Lead Arranger on committed financing  USD 23.0 bn  Merger withKeurig Green Mountain  Financial Advisor to Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc.  USD 8.0 bn1  Acquisition of NRG Energy’s controlling stake in NRG Yield and certain other renewable businesses  Financial Advisor to GIP and Joint Lead Arranger and Joint Bookrunner on USD 1.5 bn of committed financing  1 Relating to enterprise value 

   Global Markets with resilient revenue performance in a challenging trading environment…  Global Markets1 adjusted net revenues in 4Q17 decreased 5% YoYFixed Income2 revenues in 4Q17 increased 5% YoY, with strong contribution from Securitized Products, particularly #1 ranked Asset Finance franchise3Equities1,2 adjusted revenues in 4Q17 declined 15% YoY vs. a strong 4Q16 comparable; up 10% QoQ primarily due to strong underwriting performanceContinued progress towards full-year 2018 adjusted operating expenses ambition of <USD 4.8 bn with 2017 adjusted operating expenses down 5% YoYStrong start to 1Q18 with Global Markets estimated net revenues up more than 10% YoY4 in the first 6 weeks of 2018  Note: Measured in USD terms, adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix1 Excludes SMG net revenues of USD 12 mn, USD 2 mn and USD (6) mn in 4Q16, 3Q17 and 4Q17 2 Includes sales and trading and underwriting 3 Thomson Reuters, as of December 31, 2017 4 Relating to February 8, 2018 versus February 8, 2017 

   …and positive operating leverage in 2017…  Global Markets adjusted operating expenses in USD bn  Global Markets adjusted net revenues1 in USD bn    +5%      -5%    Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix1 Excludes SMG net revenues of USD 172 mn and USD (16) mn in 2016 and 2017, respectively 

   …leading to growth in profits and returns  Global Markets adjustedpre-tax incomein USD mn   Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix.† See Appendix  +118%  Adjusted return on regulatory capital†  4%  2% 

   ITS has enjoyed a strong start to 2018, with a number of flagship transactions demonstrating our franchise strength  Successful ITS business model  Selected recent ITS transactions  Latin America: First launch of a Protected Note in Brazil linked to an asset manager’s bond fund BRL 600 mnUS: Accelerated repurchase for a corporate client USD 750 mnEurope: Unique Constant Maturity Swap spread transaction executed across SUB, ITS and GM USD 300 mn notionalMiddle East and Africa: First TLAC eligible structured note issuance by HoldCo from a European bank USD 1 bn notional  CIO-led House View  Sophisticated client demand  Bespoke structured solutions  Global distribution channel  Syndicated risk offset in wholesale market          Win-win solutions for clients and the franchise, generating high-quality fee income 

 Profitability is improving at pace as we generate positive operating leverage and reduce the SRU drag  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. Growth percentages are calculated based on the non-rounded results found in the 4Q17 Earnings Release. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix  Adjusted pre-tax incomein CHF bn   Core  SRU drag  Group  +30%  -37%  4.6  3.6      +349% 

 We are improving returns across our business lines and driving Group returns higher  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix † See Appendix1 Thereof WM&C 29.9%, APAC Markets (0.9)%    6.0%(2016: 1.3%)  =  +  2017 Adj. RoRC†  Group  SRU    -33.5%(2016: -35.1%)  SUB  IWM  APAC  IBCM  Global Markets  14.6%  14.2%    28.6%  23.1%      15.2%  11.9%    4.3%  2.0%    14.8%  15.0%1    10.9%  8.6%  Core    Divisional adjusted RoRC†  2017  2016  Size of bar represents 2017 RWA allocation  2016 Adj. RoRC† 

   Current trading and outlook  Strong start to the year across Wealth Management and Market-dependent activities in the first 6 weeks of 2018Positive net asset inflows across each of our Wealth Management businesses1Significant rebound in client activity levels in Global Markets, with strength in Equity Derivatives and Securitized Products Estimated net revenues in Global Markets up more than 10% YoY2 and in APAC Markets up more than 15% YoY2 In addition, operating expenses across the two divisions have been reduced since we started our restructuring back in 2016, benefiting directly our bottom-line, with a positive effect on profitability3Recent pick-up in market volatility impacting primary calendarWell positioned to capture profitable growth opportunities and benefit from improved market conditions   1 Relating to SUB PC, IWM PB and APAC PB within WM&C 2 Relating to February 8, 2018 versus February 8, 2017 3 Relating to February 8, 2018 versus February 8, 2016 

   Summary  Delivering profitable growthExecuting with disciplineIncreasing return on capital 

 Detailed Financials 

       Credit Suisse Group results 4Q17 3Q17 4Q16 2017 2016 Net revenues 5,189 4,972 5,181 20,900 20,323 Provision for credit losses 43 32 75 210 252 Total operating expenses 5,005 4,540 7,309 18,897 22,337Pre-tax income/(loss) 141 400 (2,203) 1,793 (2,266) Real estate gains - - (78) - (424) (Gains)/losses on business sales 28 - 2 13 58 Restructuring expenses (137) (112) (49) (455) (540) Major litigation provisions (255) (108) (2,401) (493) (2,707) Expenses related to business sales (8) - - (8) - Net revenues 5,217 4,972 5,105 20,913 19,957 Provision for credit losses 43 32 75 210 252 Total operating expenses 4,605 4,320 4,859 17,941 19,090 Pre-tax income 569 620 171 2,762 615Net income/(loss) attributable to shareholders (2,126) 244 (2,619) (983) (2,710)Diluted earnings/(loss) per share in CHF (0.83) 0.09 (1.20) (0.41) (1.27)Return on tangible equity1 (22.0)% 2.5% (26.9)% (2.6)% (6.9)%  Results overview  Adjusted  Note: All values shown are in CHF mn unless otherwise specified. Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix1 Return on tangible equity is based on tangible shareholders’ equity attributable to shareholders, a non-GAAP financial measure, which is calculated by deducting goodwill and other intangible assets from total shareholders’ equity attributable to shareholders as presented in our balance sheet. Management believes that the return on tangible shareholders’ equity attributable to shareholders is meaningful as it allows consistent measurement of the performance of businesses without regard to whether the businesses were acquired. For end-4Q17, tangible equity excluded goodwill of CHF 4,742 million and other intangible assets of CHF 223 million from total shareholders’ equity attributable to shareholders of CHF 41,902 million as presented in our balance sheet. 

 CET1 ratio at 12.8% and Tier-1 leverage ratio at 5.2%      1 Includes model and parameter updates 2 Includes methodology and policy changes  Basel III RWA in CHF bn  Comments  Leverage exposure in CHF bn  12.8%  CET1 ratio  3.8%  3.8%  CET1 leverage ratio  5.2%  5.2%  Tier-1 leverage ratio          CET1 ratio of 12.8% above 2018 target level of >12.5%Further reduction of RWA in the SRU by CHF 3 bn, leaving RWA excl. operational risk at USD 14 bn, well on track to achieve end-2018 target of USD 11 bnCHF 3.8 bn reflecting an updated loss history and a revised methodology for the measurement of our RWA relating to operational risk, primarily in respect of our RMBS settlements, recorded in Corporate Center in 4Q17; equates to a 19 bps adverse impact on CET1 ratioReduction in CET1 ratio during 2H17 including related operational risk RWA recorded in 3Q17 equates to ~45 bpsTier-1 leverage ratio of 5.2%, of which CET1 leverage ratio at 3.8%, unchanged from previous quarter  3Q17  4Q17  1  13.2%  2  1 

 Net savings of CHF 1.4 bn or 7% in the full year 2017; achieved target with an operating cost base of CHF 18.0 bn for the year  Adjusted operating cost base at constant FX rates* in CHF bn  Key messages  Continuous YoY cost reduction over the past 2 years            2015    2016    2017  21.2  19.4  (1.4)  <17.0  18.0        (7)%  7% cost reduction in 2017 vs. prior year with incremental net savings of CHF 0.3 bn in 4Q17; majority of savings from the execution of the workforce strategy and the continued wind-down of the SRUCommitted to delivering on our end-2018 target with adjusted operating cost base of < CHF 17.0 bn    Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix* Adjusted operating cost base at constant FX rates; see Appendix 

 Swiss Universal Bank Strong full year performance with PTI of CHF 1.9 bn, our 8th consecutive quarter of YoY PTI growth   Note: All financial numbers presented and discussed are adjusted, unless otherwise stated. Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix. All percentage changes and comparative descriptions refer to year on year measurements unless otherwise indicated † See Appendix 1 Sources: Thomson Securities for M&A, International Financing Review (IFR) for DCM, Dealogic for ECM; all for the period ending December 31, 2017  Key messages  PC  Key metrics in CHF bn  Adjusted key financials in CHF mn  4Q17 pre-tax income up 16%; full year 2017 result up 8%,strong RoRC† of 15% Stable revenues compared to 3Q17; YoY reduction mostly driven by noticeably lower ITS revenues4Q17 operating expenses decreased 11% driven by continued personnel cost reduction and non-compensation savings; full year operating expenses reduced by 4%, improved cost/income ratio by 2 percentage points while continuously investing in digitalization and regulatory initiatives Record AuM of CHF 563 bn, up 6% since end-2016Private ClientsFull year 2017 PTI up 10%; driven by strong cost disciplineFlat 4Q17 NNA with inflows offsetting the usual seasonal outflows;full year 2017 NNA of CHF 4.7 bn, representing record annual performanceCorporate & Institutional ClientsFull year 2017 PTI up 6%Transaction-based revenues decreased 18%, primarily due to ITS and compared to a strong performance in 4Q16 IB Switzerland continued with #1 position in Swiss Investment Banking1 in M&A, DCM and ECM, with solid 1H18 pipeline     4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Adj. net margin in bps  41  43  31  43  41  Net new assets  0.0  1.0  (1.8)  4.7  0.1  Mandates penetration  32%  32%  30%  32%  30%  Net loans  165  165  166  165  166  Net new assets C&IC  (0.2)  (13.7)  0.8  (13.9)  2.5  Risk-weighted assets  66  65  66  66  66  Leverage exposure  257  256  253  257  253    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Net revenues  1,318  1,319  1,379  5,396  5,393  o/w Private Clients  726  727  729  2,897  2,892  o/w Corp. & Inst. Clients  592  592  650  2,499  2,501  Provision for credit losses  15  14  34  75  79  Total operating expenses  865  857  967  3,448  3,576  Pre-tax income  438  448  378  1,873  1,738  o/w Private Clients  213  217  150  860  780  o/w Corp. & Inst. Clients  225  231  228  1,013  958  Cost/income ratio  66%  65%  70%  64%  66%  Return on regulatory capital†  14%  14%  12%  15%  14% 

 International Wealth ManagementStrong finish to a successful year – Full year PTI up 35% with a return on capital of 29%  PB    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Adj. net margin in bps  30  31  24  32  27  Net new assets  2.7  3.6  0.4  15.6  15.6  Number of RM  1,130  1,130  1,140  1,130  1,140  Net loans  50  48  45  50  45  Net new assets AM  1.4  1.1   (4.4)  20.3  5.6  Risk-weighted assets  38  37  35  38  35  Leverage exposure  99  93  94  99  94  Key metrics in CHF bn  Key messages  Adjusted key financials in CHF mn    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Net revenues   1,392  1,262  1,245  5,139  4,644  o/w Private Banking  923  870  864  3,603  3,317  o/w Asset Management  469  392  381  1,536  1,327  Provision for credit losses  14  3  6  27  20  Total operating expenses  968  877  939  3,615  3,515  Pre-tax income  410  382  300  1,497  1,109  o/w Private Banking  275  272  192  1,116  822  o/w Asset Management  135  110  108  381  287  Cost/income ratio  70%  69%  75%  70%  76%  Return on regulatory capital†  31%  29%  24%  29%  23%  2017 PTI of CHF 1.5 bn vs. CHF 1.1 bn in 2016Sustained strong PB NNA of CHF 15.6 bn, a growth rate of 5%; AM NNA increased to CHF 20.3 bn at a 6% growth ratePB net margin improved to 32 bps in 2017Private Banking 2017 PTI up 36% and 4Q17 PTI up 43% vs. 4Q16Delivered operating leverage in 2017 on 9% higher revenues and stable expenses; cost increase vs. 3Q17 due to IT investments and higher regulatory and marketing costs4Q17 and 2017 with increase across all major revenue lines, including significantly higher client activitySuccessful house view performance reflected by CHF 15.3 bn net mandate sales in 2017; penetration up 3 percentagepoints to 31%Asset ManagementPTI up 33% vs. 2016 and up 25% vs. 4Q16Continued double digit growth in management fees at resilient recurring marginsStrong investment performance during the year resulted in 105% higher performance fees vs. 4Q16 (up 66% vs. 2016); also resulted in higher performance-related compensation expenses  Note: All financial numbers presented and discussed are adjusted, unless otherwise stated. Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix. All percentage changes and comparative descriptions refer to year on year measurements unless otherwise indicated † See Appendix 

 Asia PacificRecord performance in WM&C offset by lower results in Markets   PB1  Key metrics in CHF bn  Key messages  Adjusted key financials in CHF mn  Note: All financial numbers presented and discussed are adjusted, unless otherwise stated. Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix. All percentage changes and comparative descriptions refer to year on year measurements unless otherwise indicated † See Appendix 1 APAC PB within WM&C 2 Source: Dealogic, as of December 31, 2017; refers to APAC ex-Japan and ex-China Onshore 3 All numbers quoted under key messages for Markets are based on USD   Strongest fourth-quarter performance with PTI up 63% and full year RoRC† of 15%Wealth Management & Connected (WM&C)Record performance with 4Q17 PTI up 43% and RoRC† of 35%. 2017 PTI up 63%Significantly higher PB net margin of 30 bps for 2017 vs. 2016 on record AuM of CHF 197 bn, including 2017 NNA of CHF 16.9 bnRecord WM&C revenues from higher financing activities, equity underwriting, transaction-based revenues and recurring commissions and fees. Financing revenues in 4Q17 included gains from a pre-IPO financing and net fair value impact from an impaired loan portfolioTop 2 Rank2 in APAC in advisory and underwriting for 2017 Markets3Equity sales and trading performance decreased from lower prime services and weaker trading performance in equity derivatives despite consistent client flows, partly offset by strong results in cash. Revenues in 4Q17 included a gain from the call of a structured note liabilityFixed income sales and trading revenues decreased reflecting lower levels of activity in FX and structured products, partly offset by improved performance in rates and credit products. QoQ revenues were lower across product groups, mainly reflecting weaker trading performance2017 operating expense reduction of 14% from efficiency initiativesRWA and leverage exposure lower by 23% and 6%, respectively    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Adj. net margin in bps  24  31  22  30  23  Net new assets  1.3  5.8  0.7  16.9  13.6  Number of RM  590  590  640  590  640  Assets under management   197  190  167  197  167  Net loans  43  43  40  43  40  Risk-weighted assets  31  31  35  31  35  Leverage exposure  106  106  109  106  109    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Net revenues  885  890  862  3,504  3,597  o/w WM&C  626  548  560  2,322  1,904  o/w Markets  259  342  302  1,182  1,693  Provision for credit losses  7  5  11  15  26  Total operating expenses  679  657  729  2,697  2,793  Pre-tax income  199  228  122  792  778  o/w WM&C  239  178  167  820  503  o/w Markets  (40)  50  (45)  (28)  275  Cost/income ratio  77%  74%  85%  77%  78%  Return on regulatory capital†  15%  18%  9%  15%  15% 

 Key messages  Investment Banking & Capital MarketsRevenue growth driving over 40% YoY increase in PTI   Adjusted key financials in USD mn  Key metrics in USD bn  Global advisory and underwriting revenues1 in USD mn  Full Year 2017Delivered strong financial performance for the full year Revenues up 9% vs. 2016PTI up 41%, driven by both revenue growth and cost disciplineRoRC† of 15%, one year ahead of 2018 target Top 5 rankings in IPOs and Leveraged Finance with market share gains in both regions2Global advisory and underwriting revenues are up 10% vs. 2016, outperforming industry-wide Street fees which were up 7%34Q17Revenues of USD 573 mn with strong YoY growth across debt and equity underwriting, partly offset by lower advisory revenues reflecting fewer completed deals across the Street Operating expenses up 6% reflecting targeted investments in business growth, compliance and ITRoRC† of 17%, with Americas returns of 21% and improved contribution from EMEARWA up 16% driven by the impact of methodology changes, growth in the Corporate Bank loan portfolio and increased underwriting commitments    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Risk-weighted assets  21  20  18  21  18  Leverage exposure  45  44  45  45  45    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Net revenues  573  474  569  2,182  2,001  Provision for credit losses  (1)  12  (1)  31  20  Total operating expenses  452  408  428  1,732  1,684  Pre-tax income  122  54  142  419  297  Cost/income ratio  79%  86%  75%  79%  84%  Return on regulatory capital†  17%  8%  22%  15%  12%    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Global advisory and underwriting revenues1  1,034  950  1,042  4,133  3,771  Note: All financial numbers presented and discussed are adjusted, unless otherwise stated. Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix. All share of walletand rank data is based on IBCM addressable market; includes Americas and EMEA only; excludes self-advised deals and non-core DCM products (investment grade loans, asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities, andgovernment debt). All percentage changes and comparative descriptions refer to year on year measurements unless otherwise indicated † See Appendix 1 Gross global revenues from advisory, debt and equity underwriting generated across all divisions before cross-divisional revenue sharing agreements 2 Source: Dealogic for the period ending December 31, 2017; includes Americas and EMEA only 3 Source: Dealogic for the period ending December 31, 2017 (Global) 

 Global Markets2017 results reflect improved operating leverage and strength of client franchise  Note: All financial numbers presented and discussed are adjusted, unless otherwise stated. Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix. All percentage changes and comparative descriptions refer to year on year measurements unless otherwise indicated † See Appendix 1 Includes sales and trading and underwriting 2 Excludes SMG 3 Completed the transition of the SMG business to IWM in 1Q17  Key messages    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Risk-weighted assets  60  58  51  60  51  Leverage exposure  290  291  278  290  278  Key metrics in USD bn  Adjusted key financials in USD mn    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Equities1,2  459  419  538  1,998  2,175  Fixed Income1  802  947  765  3,920  3,446  SMG3  (6)  2   12  (16)  172  Other  (76)  (60)  (59)  (240)  (218)  Net revenues  1,179  1,308  1,256  5,662  5,575  Provision for credit losses  8   7   (3)  32   (4)  Total operating expenses  1,290  1,200  1,236  5,010  5,295  Pre-tax income  (119)  101  23  620  284  Cost/income ratio  109%  92%  98%  88%  95%  Return on regulatory capital†  n/m  3%  1%  4%  2%  Full Year 2017Higher PTI of USD 620 mn on successful execution of restructuring strategy amid challenging market conditionsFixed income revenues increased 14% driven by strength in securitized products and leveraged finance underwriting Equities2,3 revenues declined 8% reflecting a low volume and volatility environment, particularly impacting equity derivativesStrong cost discipline with expenses reduced by 5%, orUSD 285 mn, vs. 2016 with continued progress towards< USD 4.8 bn in costs by 20184Q17Revenues2,3 declined 5% as a significant increase in underwriting, up 33%, and stable fixed income trading results were offset by a 22% decline in equity trading2,3 Expenses increased 4% driven by higher professional services fees and compensation and benefits RWA increased vs. 4Q16 due to methodology changes and higher underwriting commitments 

 Strategic Resolution Unit2017 adjusted operating expenses lower by 43% YoYRWA ex Op Risk and leverage exposure down 43% and 41%, respectively  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix. All percentage changes and comparative descriptions refer to year on year measurements unless otherwise indicated. 1 Numbers represent RWA movements excluding operational risk RWA  Key messages  Adjusted  Key financials in USD mn    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Net revenues  (153)  (265)  (201)  (944)  (1,283)  Provision for credit losses  3  (9)  28  31  115  Total operating expenses  196  228  287  909  1,584  Pre-tax loss  (352)  (484)  (516)  (1,884)  (2,982)              Real estate gains  -  -  (4)  -  (4)  (Gain) / loss on business sales  -  -  1  (39)  6  Restructuring expenses  19  21  1  59  123  Major litigation expenses  91  94  2,322  275  2,646  Pre-tax loss reported  (462)  (599)  (2,836)  (2,179)  (5,753)    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Risk-weighted assets in CHF bn  34  36  45  34  45  RWA excl. operational risk in USD bn  14  17  25  14  25  Leverage exposure in USD bn  61  68  103  61  103  Key metrics  Full Year 2017Full year 2017 adjusted operating expenses lower byUSD 675 mn, or 43%, reflecting progress of our cost and infrastructure rationalization program, and the exit from US onshore and Western European private banking businesses4Q17Adjusted pre-tax loss improved USD 132 mn vs. 3Q17, on the back of exit-related gains of USD 53 mn, and lower adjusted operating expensesOn a year-on-year basis, RWA1 and leverage exposure reduced by USD 11 bn (43%) and USD 42 bn (41%), respectively. Bilateral derivatives trade count of 92k, down 50k vs. 4Q16, or 35%RWA1 and leverage exposure lower by USD 2 bn(15%) and USD 6 bn (9%), respectively, compared to 3Q17Broad range of transactions executed in the quarter, including the restructuring of life finance and emerging market exposures, real estate exits, and full exit of legacy leverage finance capital markets portfolio 

   Summary  Delivering profitable growthExecuting with disciplineIncreasing return on capital 


 Overview of Credit Suisse 4Q17 and 2017 results  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in this presentation  Pre-tax incomein CHF mn unless otherwise specified    Reported            Adjusted              4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  SUB    433  426  382  1,765  2,025    438  448  378  1,873  1,738  IWM    340  355  331  1,351  1,121    410  382  300  1,497  1,109  APAC    176  218  103  729  725    199  228  122  792  778  o/w Wealth Mgmt. & Connected    229  173  162  799  489    239  178  167  820  503  o/w Markets in USD mn    (53)  46  (58)  (68)  245    (40)  52  (44)  (26)  284  IBCM in USD mn    108  37  148  376  268    122  54  142  419  297  Global Markets in USD mn    (200)  73  9  458  57    (119)  101  23  620  284  Total Core    596  978  692  3,928  3,493    916  1,089  692  4,609  3,558  SRU in USD mn    (462)  (599)  (2,836)  (2,179)  (5,753)    (352)  (484)  (516)  (1,884)  (2,982)  Group    141  400  (2,203)  1,793  (2,266)    569  620  171  2,762  615  RWA in CHF bn    272  265  268                  CET1 ratio    12.8%  13.2%  11.5%                  Leverage exposure in CHF bn    917  909  951                  Tier 1 leverage ratio    5.2%  5.2%  4.4%                 

 Wealth Management businessesNNA generation  1 APAC PB within WM&C  NNA growth (annualized)  IWM PB NNA in CHF bn  Regularization outflows included in NNA in CHF bn  SUB PC NNA in CHF bn  4Q16  2017  2%  10%  13%  3%  9%  3Q17  4Q17  2016  APAC PB1 NNA in CHF bn  (1.4)  (0.7)  -  (0.1)  (2.5)  1%  5%  4%  3%  5%  (2.2)  (1.6)  (0.4)  (0.5)  (5.7)  (4)%  2%  2%  -%  -  (0.2)  (0.2)  -  (0.1)  (0.6)  13.6  4Q16  2017  3Q17  4Q17  2016  15.6  4Q16  2017  3Q17  4Q17  2016  0.1  16.9  15.6  4.7 

 Wealth Management businessesNet and gross margins  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in this presentation. For details on calculations see at the end of this presentation under ‘Notes’1 APAC PB within WM&C  SUB PC Adj. net margin in bps  Adj. gross margin in bps  IWM PB Adj. net margin in bps  Adj. gross margin in bps  APAC PB1 Adj. net margin in bps  171  182  160  4Q16  2017  4Q17  Adj. gross margin in bps  Average AuM in CHF bn  95  548  365  Adj. pre-tax income in CHF mn  372  1,607  1,374  Adj. net revenues in CHF mn  3Q17  2016  184  141  400  196  116  391  316  344  300  192  1,116  822  864  3,603  3,317  346  272  870  365  275  923  192  202  190  150  860  780  729  2,897  2,892  204  217  727  208  213  726  4Q16  2017  4Q17  3Q17  2016  4Q16  2017  4Q17  3Q17  2016  4Q16  2017  4Q17  3Q17  2016  4Q16  2017  4Q17  3Q17  2016  4Q16  2017  4Q17  3Q17  2016 

 Swiss Universal BankPrivate Clients and Corporate & Institutional Clients  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in this presentation  Private Clients Adjusted key financials in CHF mn  Corporate & Institutional Clients Adjusted key financials in CHF mn  Key metrics in CHF bn  Key metrics in CHF bn    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Net interest income  301  303  324  1,226  1,223  Recurring commissions & fees  159  149  162  634  626  Transaction-based  146  161  177  694  702  Other revenues  (14)  (21)  (13)  (55)  (50)  Net revenues  592  592  650  2,499  2,501  Provision for credit losses  5  5  24  33  40  Total operating expenses  362  356  398  1,453  1,503  Pre-tax income  225  231  228  1,013  958  Cost/income ratio  61%  60%  61%  58%  60%    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Adj. net margin in bps  41  43  31  43  41  Net new assets  0.0  1.0  (1.8)  4.7  0.1  Mandates penetration  32%  32%  30%  32%  30%  Assets under management   208  206  192  208  192  Number of RM  1,300  1,300  1,430  1,300  1,430    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Net new assets  (0.2)  (13.7)  0.8  (13.9)  2.5  Assets under management   355  347  339  355  339  Number of RM  540  550  540  540  540    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Net interest income  428  421  421  1,670  1,661  Recurring commissions & fees  208  205  216  812  820  Transaction-based  89  101  93  413  410  Other revenues  1  0  (1)  2  1  Net revenues  726  727  729  2,897  2,892  Provision for credit losses  10  9  10  42  39  Total operating expenses  503  501  569  1,995  2,073  Pre-tax income  213  217  150  860  780  Cost/income ratio  69%  69%  78%  69%  72% 

 International Wealth ManagementPrivate Banking and Asset Management  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in this presentation  Private Banking Adjusted key financials in CHF mn  Asset Management Adjusted key financials in CHF mn  Key metrics in CHF bn  Key metrics in CHF bn    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Net interest income  380  367  353  1,449  1,308  Recurring commissions & fees  308  300  277  1,200  1,093  Transaction- and perf.-based  235  203  235  953  922  Other revenues  0  0  (1)  1  (6)  Net revenues  923  870  864  3,603  3,317  Provision for credit losses  14  3  6  27  20  Total operating expenses  634  595  666  2,460  2,475  Pre-tax income  275  272  192  1,116  822  Cost/income ratio  69%  68%  77%  68%  75%    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Adj. net margin in bps  30  31  24  32  27  Net new assets  2.7  3.6  0.4  15.6  15.6  Assets under management   367  355  323  367  323  Mandates penetration  31%  30%  28%  31%  28%  Net loans  50  48  45  50  45  Number of RM  1,130  1,130  1,140  1,130  1,140    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Management fees  283  278  228  1,084  891  Performance & placement rev.  173  63  108  310  208  Investment & partnership inc.  13  51  45  142  228  Net revenues  469  392  381  1,536  1,327  Total operating expenses  334  282  273  1,155  1,040  Pre-tax income  135  110  108  381  287  Cost/income ratio  71%  72%  72%  75%  78%    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Net new assets  1.4  1.1   (4.4)  20.3  5.6  Assets under management  386  376  322  386  322 

 Asia PacificWealth Management & Connected and Markets  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in this presentation † See under “Notes” at the end of this Appendix 1 APAC PB within WM&C  Wealth Management & ConnectedAdjusted key financials in CHF mn  Markets Adjusted key financials in USD mn  Private Banking1 revenue details in CHF mn    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Private Banking  391  400  372  1,607  1,374  Adv., Underwr. and Financing  235  148  188  715  530  Net revenues  626  548  560  2,322  1,904  Provision for credit losses  7  5  11  15  29  Total operating expenses  380  365  382  1,487  1,372  Pre-tax income  239  178  167  820  503  Cost/income ratio  61%  67%  68%  64%  72%  Return on regulatory capital†  35%  25%  27%  30%  22%  Risk-weighted assets in CHF bn  19  19  18  19  18  Leverage exposure in CHF bn  48  49  46  48  46    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Equity sales & trading  240  271  267  940  1,181   Eq. sales & trading ex SMG  240  271  258  940  1,115  Fixed income sales & trading  24  83  33  269  541  Net revenues  264  354  300  1,209  1,722  Provision for credit losses  0  0  0  0  (3)  Total operating expenses  304  302  344  1,235  1,441  Pre-tax income  (40)  52  (44)  (26)  284  Cost/income ratio  115%  85%  115%  102%  84%  Return on regulatory capital†  (5)%  7%  (5)%  (1)%  9%  Risk-weighted assets in USD bn  12  13  16  12  16  Leverage exposure in USD bn  58  59  62  58  62    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Net interest income  147  144  166  620  602  Recurring commissions & fees  100  97  84  381  319  Transaction-based revenues  144  159  122  606  469  Other revenues  0  0  0  0  (16)  Net revenues  391  400  372  1,607  1,374 

 Corporate Center  Note: All financial numbers presented and discussed are adjusted, unless otherwise stated. Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in this presentation‘Other revenues’ include required elimination adjustments associated with trading in own shares    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Total assets  68  66  62  68  62  Risk-weighted assets  24  21  17  24  17  Leverage exposure  67  63  59  67  59  Adjusted key financials in CHF mn    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Treasury results  72  45  (75)  56  (160)  Other  (27)  (8)  59  52  283  Net revenues  45  37  (16)  108  123  Provision for credit losses  (3)  0  0  0  (1)  Compensation and benefits  84  103  122  394  277  G&A expenses  92  44  101  241  399  Commission expenses  8  8  32  45  76  Total other operating expenses  100  52  133  286  475  Total operating expenses  184  155  255  680  752  Pre-tax loss  (136)  (118)  (271)  (572)  (628)  Key metrics in CHF bn 

 Currency mix & Group capital metrics    Currency mix capital metric4 ”look-through”  A 10% strengthening / weakening of the USD (vs. CHF) would have a +2.1 bps / (2.4) bps impact on the“look-through” BIS CET1 ratio        Basel III Risk-weighted assets  Swiss leverage exposure        CHF  EUR  Other                USD      USD  CET1 capital 5    CHF  1 As reported 2 Total expenses include provisions for credit losses 3 Sensitivity analysis based on weighted average exchange rates of USD/CHF of 0.99 and EUR/CHF of 1.07 for the 2017 results 4 Data based on December 2017 month-end currency mix and on a ”look-through” basis 5 Reflects actual capital positions in consolidated Group legal entities (net assets) including net asset hedges less applicable Basel III regulatory adjustments (e.g. goodwill)  Contribution  Swiss Universal Bank      International Wealth Management    Asia Pacific      Global Markets      Investment Bank & Capital Markets      Credit Suisse Core results1  Core results      2017in CHF mn    CHF  USD  EUR  GBP  Other  Applying a +/- 10% movement on the average FX rates for 2017, the sensitivities are:USD/CHF impact on 2017 pre-tax income by CHF +468 / (468) mnEUR/CHF impact on 2017 pre-tax income by CHF +167 / (167) mn  Sensitivity analysis on Core results3  Net revenues 21,786 25% 49% 11% 2% 13%Total expenses2 17,858 32% 34% 4% 11% 19%  Net revenues 5,396 76% 13% 8% 1% 2%Total expenses2 3,631 82% 7% 2% 4% 5%  Net revenues 5,111 21% 50% 17% 3% 9%Total expenses2 3,760 41% 26% 11% 9% 13%  Net revenues 3,504 4% 46% 2% 1% 47%Total expenses2 2,775 10% 17% -% 3% 70%  Net revenues 5,551 -% 70% 18% 2% 10%Total expenses2 5,101 4% 59% 3% 22% 12%  Net revenues 2,139 -1% 87% 7% 3% 4%Total expenses2 1,770 3% 71% 5% 15% 6% 

 Reconciliation of adjustment items (1/8)  Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures that exclude goodwill impairment and certain other revenues and expenses included in our reported results. Management believes that adjusted results provide a useful presentation of our operating results for purposes of assessing our Group and divisional performance consistently over time, on a basis that excludes items that management does not consider representative of our underlying performance. Provided below is a reconciliation of our adjusted results to the most directly comparable US GAAP measures.    Group in CHF mn                    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  1H17  1H16  9M17  9M16  2017  2016  Net revenues reported  5,189  4,972  5,181  10,739  9,746  15,711  15,142  20,900  20,323  Fair value on own debt  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  Real estate gains  -  -  (78)  -  -  -  (346)  -  (424)  (Gains)/losses on business sales  28  -  2  (15)  56  (15)  56  13  58  Net revenues adjusted  5,217  4,972  5,105  10,724  9,802  15,696  14,852  20,913  19,957  Provision for credit losses  43  32  75  135  122  167  177  210  252  Total operating expenses reported  5,005  4,540  7,309  9,352  9,909  13,892  15,028  18,897  22,337  Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  Restructuring expenses  (137)  (112)  (49)  (206)  (346)  (318)  (491)  (455)  (540)  Major litigation provisions  (255)  (108)  (2,401)  (130)  -  (238)  (306)  (493)  (2,707)  Expenses related to business sales  (8)  -  -  -  -  -  -  (8)  -  Total operating expenses adjusted  4,605  4,320  4,859  9,016  9,563  13,336  14,231  17,941  19,090  Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  141  400  (2,203)  1,252  (285)  1,652  (63)  1,793  (2,266)  Total adjustments  428  220  2,374  321  402  541  507  969  2,881  Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  569  620  171  1,573  117  2,193  444  2,762  615    CS Group in CHF mn                                4Q17  3Q17  2Q17  1Q17  4Q16  3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15  2017  2016  2015  Total operating expenses reported  5,005  4,540  4,541  4,811  7,309  5,119  4,937  4,972  10,518  5,023  5,248  5,106  18,897  22,337  25,895  Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  (3,797)  -  -  -  -  -  (3,797)  Restructuring expenses  (137)  (112)  (69)  (137)  (49)  (145)  (91)  (255)  (355)  -  -  -  (455)  (540)  (355)  Major litigation provisions  (255)  (108)  (33)  (97)  (2,401)  (306)  -  -  (563)  (204)  (63)  10  (493)  (2,707)  (820)  Expenses related to business sales  (8)  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  (8)  -  -  Debit valuation adjustments (DVA)  (20)  (20)  (17)  (26)  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  (83)  -  -  Certain accounting changes  (45)  (48)  (52)  (25)  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  (170)  -  -  Total operating cost base adjusted  4,540  4,252  4,370  4,526  4,859  4,668  4,846  4,717  5,803  4,819  5,185  5,116  17,688  19,090  20,923  FX adjustment  49  106  102  69  70  120  70  33  -  62  137  120  326  293  319  Total operating cost base adjustedat constant FX  4,589  4,358  4,472  4,595  4,929  4,788  4,916  4,750  5,803  4,881  5,322  5,236  18,014  19,383  21,242 

 Reconciliation of adjustment items (2/8)  Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures that exclude goodwill impairment and certain other revenues and expenses included in our reported results. Management believes that adjusted results provide a useful presentation of our operating results for purposes of assessing our Group and divisional performance consistently over time, on a basis that excludes items that management does not consider representative of our underlying performance. Provided below is a reconciliation of our adjusted results to the most directly comparable US GAAP measures.  1 Relating to SUB PC, IWM PB and APAC PB within WM&C 2 Excludes net revenues and total operating expenses for Swisscard of CHF 148 mn and CHF 123 mn, respectively    Wealth Management1in CHF mn        SUB, IWM and APAC WM&C in CHF mn              2017  2016  20152    4Q17  4Q16  4Q15  2017  2016  20152  Net revenues reported  8,107  8,003  7,459    3,308  3,258  3,035  12,829  12,361  11,631  Fair value on own debt  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  Real estate gains  -  (420)  (95)    -  (74)  (72)  -  (420)  (95)  (Gains)/losses on business sales  -  -  (21)    28  -  (34)  28  -  (34)  Net revenues adjusted  8,107  7,583  7,343    3,336  3,184  2,929  12,857  11,941  11,502  Provision for credit losses  73  91  72    36  51  35  117  128  174  Total operating expenses reported  5,668  5,615  5,828    2,270  2,332  3,059  8,797  8,598  9,252  Goodwill impairment  -  -  -    -  -  (446)  -  -  (446)  Restructuring expenses  (104)  (102)  (66)    (19)  (18)  (79)  (150)  (128)  (79)  Major litigation provisions  (54)  12  (299)    (38)  (26)  (259)  (97)  (7)  (299)  Expenses related to business sales  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  Total operating expenses adjusted  5,510  5,525  5,463    2,213  2,288  2,275  8,550  8,463  8,428  Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  2,366  2,297  1,559    1,002  875  (59)  3,915  3,635  2,205  Total adjustments  158  (330)  249    85  (30)  678  275  (285)  695  Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  2,524  1,967  1,808    1,087  845  619  4,190  3,350  2,900    Group in CHF mn        2017  2016    Total non-compensation expenses reported  8,720  11,765    Goodwill impairment  -  -    Restructuring expenses  (455)  (540)    Major litigation provisions  (493)  (2,707)    Certain accounting changes  (170)  -    Expenses related to business sales  (8)  -    FX adjustment  145  153    Total non-compensation operating cost baseadjusted at constant FX  7,739  8,671   

 Reconciliation of adjustment items (3/8)  Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures that exclude goodwill impairment and certain other revenues and expenses included in our reported results. Management believes that adjusted results provide a useful presentation of our operating results for purposes of assessing our Group and divisional performance consistently over time, on a basis that excludes items that management does not consider representative of our underlying performance. Provided below is a reconciliation of our adjusted results to the most directly comparable US GAAP measures.    Group in CHF mn                                  4Q17  3Q17  2Q17  1Q17  4Q16  3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15  4Q14  3Q14  2Q14  1Q14  Net revenues reported  5,189  4,972  5,205  5,534  5,181  5,396  5,108  4,638  4,210  5,985  6,955  6,647  6,372  6,578  6,463  6,829  Fair value on own debt  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  697  (623)  (228)  (144)  (297)  (318)  (17)  89  Real estate gains  -  -  -  -  (78)  (346)  -  -  (72)  -  (23)  -  (375)  -  (5)  (34)  (Gains)/losses on business sales  28  -  -  (15)  2  -  -  56  (34)  -  -  -  (101)  -  -  -  Net revenues adjusted  5,217  4,972  5,205  5,519  5,105  5,050  5,108  4,694  4,801  5,362  6,704  6,503  5,599  6,260  6,441  6,884  Provision for credit losses  43  32  82  53  75  55  (28)  150  133  110  51  30  75  59  18  34  Total operating expenses reported  5,005  4,540  4,541  4,811  7,309  5,119  4,937  4,972  10,518  5,023  5,248  5,106  5,405  5,181  6,791  5,052  Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  (3,797)  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  Restructuring expenses  (137)  (112)  (69)  (137)  (49)  (145)  (91)  (255)  (355)  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  Major litigation provisions  (255)  (108)  (33)  (97)  (2,401)  (306)  -  -  (563)  (204)  (63)  10  (393)  (290)  (1,711)  (42)  Expenses related to business sales  (8)  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  Total operating expenses adjusted  4,605  4,320  4,439  4,577  4,859  4,668  4,846  4,717  5,803  4,819  5,185  5,116  5,012  4,891  5,080  5,010  Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  141  400  582  670  (2,203)  222  199  (484)  (6,441)  852  1,656  1,511  892  1,338  (346)  1,743  Total adjustments  428  220  102  219  2,374  105  91  311  5,306  (419)  (188)  (154)  (380)  (28)  1,689  97  Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  569  620  684  889  171  327  290  (173)  (1,135)  433  1,468  1,357  512  1,310  1,343  1,840    Core in CHF mn            4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  Net revenues reported  5,340  5,227  5,383  21,786  21,594  Fair value on own debt  -  -  -  -  -  Real estate gains  -  -  (74)  -  (420)  (Gains)/losses on business sales  28  -  -  51  52  Net revenues adjusted  5,368  5,227  5,309  21,837  21,226  Provision for credit losses  40  40  47  178  141  Total operating expenses reported  4,704  4,209  4,644  17,680  17,960  Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  -  -  Restructuring expenses  (119)  (91)  (48)  (398)  (419)  Major litigation provisions  (165)  (20)  (26)  (224)  (14)  Expenses related to business sales  (8)  -  -  (8)  -  Total operating expenses adjusted  4,412  4,098  4,570  17,050  17,527  Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  596  978  692  3,928  3,493  Total adjustments  320  111  -  681  65  Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  916  1,089  692  4,609  3,558 

 Reconciliation of adjustment items (4/8)  Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures that exclude goodwill impairment and certain other revenues and expenses included in our reported results. Management believes that adjusted results provide a useful presentation of our operating results for purposes of assessing our Group and divisional performance consistently over time, on a basis that excludes items that management does not consider representative of our underlying performance. Provided below is a reconciliation of our adjusted results to the most directly comparable US GAAP measures.    SUB PC in CHF mn              SUB C&IC in CHF mn              4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  20153    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  2015  Net revenues reported  726  727  749  2,897  3,258  3,057    592  592  650  2,499  2,501  2,516  Real estate gains  -  -  (20)  -  (366)  (95)    -  -  -  -  -  -  (Gains)/losses on business sales  -  -  -  -  -  (10)    -  -  -  -  -  (13)  Net revenues adjusted  726  727  729  2,897  2,892  2,952    592  592  650  2,499  2,501  2,503  Provision for credit losses  10  9  10  42  39  49    5  5  24  33  40  89  Total operating expenses reported  504  512  566  2,054  2,124  2,325    366  367  417  1,502  1,531  1,460  Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  Restructuring expenses  1  (9)  3  (53)  (51)  (33)    1  (4)  -  (6)  (9)  (9)  Major litigation provisions  (2)  (2)  -  (6)  -  (25)    (5)  (7)  (19)  (43)  (19)  -  Total operating expenses adjusted  503  501  569  1,995  2,073  2,267    362  356  398  1,453  1,503  1,451  Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  212  206  173  801  1,095  683    221  220  209  964  930  967  Total adjustments  1  11  (23)  59  (315)  (47)    4  11  19  49  28  (4)  Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  213  217  150  860  780  636    225  231  228  1,013  958  963    SUB in CHF mn                                4Q17  3Q17  2Q17  1Q17  4Q16  3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q151  1Q152  2017  2016  20153  Net revenues reported  1,318  1,319  1,405  1,354  1,399  1,667  1,337  1,356  1,495  1,364  1,387  1,327  5,396  5,759  5,573  Real estate gains  -  -  -  -  (20)  (346)  -  -  (72)  -  (23)  -  -  (366)  (95)  (Gains)/losses on business sales  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  (23)  -  -  -  -  -  (23)  Net revenues adjusted  1,318  1,319  1,405  1,354  1,379  1,321  1,337  1,356  1,400  1,364  1,364  1,327  5,396  5,393  5,455  Provision for credit losses  15  14  36  10  34  30  9  6  43  39  33  23  75  79  138  Total operating expenses reported  870  879  867  940  983  879  875  918  1,088  925  899  873  3,556  3,655  3,785  Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  Restructuring expenses  2  (13)  4  (52)  3  (19)  (4)  (40)  (42)  -  -  -  (59)  (60)  (42)  Major litigation provisions  (7)  (9)  (6)  (27)  (19)  -  -  -  (25)  -  -  -  (49)  (19)  (25)  Total operating expenses adjusted  865  857  865  861  967  860  871  878  1,021  925  899  873  3,448  3,576  3,718  Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  433  426  502  404  382  758  453  432  364  400  455  431  1,765  2,025  1,650  Total adjustments  5  22  2  79  (4)  (327)  4  40  (28)  -  (23)  -  108  (287)  (51)  Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  438  448  504  483  378  431  457  472  336  400  432  431  1,873  1,738  1,599  1 Excludes net revenues and total operating expenses for Swisscard of CHF 75 mn and CHF 62 mn, respectively 2 Excludes net revenues and total operating expenses for Swisscard of CHF 73 mn and CHF 61 mn, respectively 3 Excludes net revenues and total operating expenses for Swisscard of CHF 148 mn and CHF 123 mn, respectively 

 Reconciliation of adjustment items (5/8)  Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures that exclude goodwill impairment and certain other revenues and expenses included in our reported results. Management believes that adjusted results provide a useful presentation of our operating results for purposes of assessing our Group and divisional performance consistently over time, on a basis that excludes items that management does not consider representative of our underlying performance. Provided below is a reconciliation of our adjusted results to the most directly comparable US GAAP measures.    IWM in CHF mn                                4Q17  3Q17  2Q17  1Q17  4Q16  3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15  2017  2016  2015  Net revenues reported  1,364  1,262  1,264  1,221  1,299  1,081  1,145  1,173  1,173  1,093  1,165  1,121  5,111  4,698  4,552  Real estate gains  -  -  -  -  (54)  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  (54)  -  (Gains)/losses on business sales  28  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  (11)  -  -  -  28  -  (11)  Net revenues adjusted  1,392  1,262  1,264  1,221  1,245  1,081  1,145  1,173  1,162  1,093  1,165  1,121  5,139  4,644  4,541  Provision for credit losses  14  3  8  2  6  0  16  (2)  (7)  11  (1)  2  27  20  5  Total operating expenses reported  1,010  904  891  928  962  836  884  875  1,204  885  894  841  3,733  3,557  3,824  Goodwill impairment   -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -   -  -  Restructuring expenses  (11)  (16)  (7)  (36)  (16)  (15)  (15)  (8)  (36)  -  -  -  (70)  (54)  (36)  Major litigation provisions  (31)  (11)  (6)  -  (7)  19  -  -  (228)  (50)  -  10  (48)  12  (268)  Total operating expenses adjusted  968  877  878  892  939  840  869  867  940  835  894  851  3,615  3,515  3,520  Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  340  355  365  291  331  245  245  300  (24)  197  272  278  1,351  1,121  723  Total adjustments  70  27  13  36  (31)  (4)  15  8  253  50  -  (10)  146  (12)  293  Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  410  382  378  327  300  241  260  308  229  247  272  268  1,497  1,109  1,016    IWM PB in CHF mn              IWM AM in CHF mn              4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  2015    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  2015  Net revenues reported  923  870  918  3,603  3,371  3,224    441  392  381  1,508  1,327  1,328  Real estate gains  -  -  (54)  -  (54)  -    -   -   -  -    -   -  (Gains)/losses on business sales  -  -  -  -  -  (11)    28  -  -  28  -  -  Net revenues adjusted  923  870  864  3,603  3,317  3,213    469  392  381  1,536  1,327  1,328  Provision for credit losses  14  3  6  27  20  5    -  -  -  -  -  -  Total operating expenses reported  673  615  684  2,552  2,510  2,678    337  289  278  1,181  1,047  1,146  Goodwill impairment  -   -  -  -  -  -     -   -   -   -   -   -  Restructuring expenses  (8)  (9)  (11)  (44)  (47)  (32)    (3)  (7)  (5)  (26)  (7)  (4)  Major litigation provisions  (31)  (11)  (7)  (48)  12  (268)     -  -  -   -  -  -  Total operating expenses adjusted  634  595  666  2,460  2,475  2,378    334  282  273  1,155  1,040  1,142  Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  236  252  228  1,024  841  541    104  103  103  327  280  182  Total adjustments  39  20  (36)  92  (19)  289    31  7  5  54  7  4  Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  275  272  192  1,116  822  830    135  110  108  381  287  186 

 Reconciliation of adjustment items (6/8)  Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures that exclude goodwill impairment and certain other revenues and expenses included in our reported results. Management believes that adjusted results provide a useful presentation of our operating results for purposes of assessing our Group and divisional performance consistently over time, on a basis that excludes items that management does not consider representative of our underlying performance. Provided below is a reconciliation of our adjusted results to the most directly comparable US GAAP measures.    APAC Mkts in CHF mn              APAC in CHF mn              4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  2015    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  2015  Net revenues reported  259  342  302  1,182  1,693  2,333    885  890  862  3,504  3,597  3,839  Fair value on own debt  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  Real estate gains  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  (Gains)/losses on business sales  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  Net revenues adjusted  259  342  302  1,182  1,693  2,333    885  890  862  3,504  3,597  3,839  Provision for credit losses  -  -  -  -  (3)  4    7  5  11  15  26  35  Total operating expenses reported  312  297  361  1,252  1,460  1,784    702  667  748  2,760  2,846  3,427  Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  -  -  (310)    -  -  -  -  -  (756)  Restructuring expenses  (13)  (5)  (14)  (42)  (39)  (2)    (23)  (10)  (19)  (63)  (53)  (3)  Major litigation provisions  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  (6)  Total operating expenses adjusted  299  292  347  1,210  1,421  1,472    679  657  729  2,697  2,793  2,662  Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  (53)  45  (59)  (70)  236  545    176  218  103  729  725  377  Total adjustments  13  5  14  42  39  312    23  10  19  63  53  765  Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  (40)  50  (45)  (28)  275  857    199  228  122  792  778  1,142    APAC WM&C in CHF mn                                4Q17  3Q17  2Q17  1Q17  4Q16  3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15  2017  2016  2015  Net revenues reported  626  548  559  589  560  481  455  408  367  350  403  386  2,322  1,904  1,506  Fair value on own debt  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  Real estate gains  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  (Gains)/losses on business sales  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  Net revenues adjusted  626  548  559  589  560  481  455  408  367  350  403  386  2,322  1,904  1,506  Provision for credit losses  7  5  (1)  4  11  34  3  (19)  (1)  24  11  (3)  15  29  31  Total operating expenses reported  390  370  364  384  387  352  342  305  767  300  286  290  1,508  1,386  1,643  Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  (446)  -  -  -  -  -  (446)  Restructuring expenses  (10)  (5)  (2)  (4)  (5)  (7)  (1)  (1)  (1)  -  -  -  (21)  (14)  (1)  Major litigation provisions  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  (6)  -  -  -  -  -  (6)  Total operating expenses adjusted  380  365  362  380  382  345  341  304  314  300  286  290  1,487  1,372  1,190  Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  229  173  196  201  162  95  110  122  (399)  26  106  99  799  489  (168)  Total adjustments  10  5  2  4  5  7  1  1  453  -  -  -  21  14  453  Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  239  178  198  205  167  102  111  123  54  26  106  99  820  503  285 

 Reconciliation of adjustment items (7/8)  Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures that exclude goodwill impairment and certain other revenues and expenses included in our reported results. Management believes that adjusted results provide a useful presentation of our operating results for purposes of assessing our Group and divisional performance consistently over time, on a basis that excludes items that management does not consider representative of our underlying performance. Provided below is a reconciliation of our adjusted results to the most directly comparable US GAAP measures.    APAC PB in CHF mn              APAC Mkts in USD mn              4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  2015    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  2015  Net revenues reported  391  400  372  1,607  1,374  1,178    264  354  300  1,209  1,722  2,432  Fair value on own debt  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  Real estate gains  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  (Gains)/losses on business sales  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  Net revenues adjusted  391  400  372  1,607  1,374  1,178    264  354  300  1,209  1,722  2,432  Provision for credit losses  7  (1)  9  4  32  18    -  -  -  -  (3)  4  Total operating expenses reported  271  261  269  1,062  981  825    317  308  358  1,277  1,480  1,844  Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  (313)  Restructuring expenses  (3)  (1)  (1)  (7)  (4)  (1)    (13)  (6)  (14)  (42)  (39)  (2)  Major litigation provisions  -  -  -  -  -  (6)    -  -  -  -  -  -  Total operating expenses adjusted  268  260  268  1,055  977  818    304  302  344  1,235  1,441  1,529  Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  113  140  94  541  361  335    (53)  46  (58)  (68)  245  584  Total adjustments  3  1  1  7  4  7    13  6  14  42  39  315  Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  116  141  95   548   365  342    (40)  52  (44)  (26)  284  899 

 Reconciliation of adjustment items (8/8)  Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures that exclude goodwill impairment and certain other revenues and expenses included in our reported results. Management believes that adjusted results provide a useful presentation of our operating results for purposes of assessing our Group and divisional performance consistently over time, on a basis that excludes items that management does not consider representative of our underlying performance. Provided below is a reconciliation of our adjusted results to the most directly comparable US GAAP measures.    IBCM in USD mn              GM in USD mn              4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  2015    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  2015  Net revenues reported  573  474  569  2,182  2,001  1,857    1,179  1,308  1,256  5,662  5,575  7,124  Fair value on own debt  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  Real estate gains  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  (Gains)/losses on business sales  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  Net revenues adjusted  573  474  569  2,182  2,001  1,857    1,179  1,308  1,256  5,662  5,575  7,124  Provision for credit losses  (1)  12  (1)  31  20  -    8  7  (3)  32  (4)  11  Total operating expenses reported  466  425  422  1,775  1,713  2,170    1,371  1,228  1,250  5,172  5,522  9,004  Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  -  -  (384)    -  -  -  -  -  (2,690)  Restructuring expenses  (14)  (17)  6  (43)  (29)  (22)    (73)  (28)  (14)  (154)  (220)  (97)  Major litigation provisions  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  (7)  (240)  Expenses related to business sales  -  -  -  -  -  -    (8)  -  -  (8)  -  -  Total operating expenses adjusted  452  408  428  1,732  1,684  1,764    1,290  1,200  1,236  5,010  5,295  5,977  Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  108  37  148  376  268  (313)    (200)  73  9  458  57  (1,891)  Total adjustments  14  17  (6)  43  29  406    81  28  14  162  227  3,027  Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  122  54  142  419  297  93    (119)  101  23  620  284  1,136    Corp. Ctr. in CHF mn              SRU in USD mn              SRU in CHF mn      4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  2015    4Q17  3Q17  4Q16  2017  2016  2015    2017  2016  Net revenues reported  45  37  (16)  85  71  561    (153)  (265)  (198)  (905)  (1,285)  557    (886)  (1,271)  Fair value on own debt  -  -  -  -  -  (298)    -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  Real estate gains  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  (4)  -  (4)  -    -  (4)  (Gains)/losses on business sales  -  -  -  23  52  -    -  -  1  (39)  6  -    (38)  6  Net revenues adjusted  45  37  (16)  108  123  263    (153)  (265)  (201)  (944)  (1,283)  557    (924)  (1,269)  Provision for credit losses  (3)  -  -  -  (1)  (1)    3  (9)  28  31  115  138    32  111  Total operating expenses reported  313  164  262  821  759  862    306  343  2,610  1,243  4,353  3,130    1,217  4,377  Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  -  -  -    -   -  -  -   -  -     -  -  Restructuring expenses  (2)  (9)  (7)  (14)  (7)  -    (19)  (21)  (1)  (59)  (123)  (158)    (57)  (121)  Major litigation provisions  (127)  -  -  (127)  -  -    (91)  (94)  (2,322)  (275)  (2,646)  (295)    (269)  (2,693)  Total operating expenses adjusted  184  155  255  680  752  862    196  228  287  909  1,584  2,677    891  1,563  Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  (265)  (127)  (278)  (736)  (687)  (300)    (462)  (599)  (2,836)  (2,179)  (5,753)  (2,711)    (2,135)  (5,759)  Total adjustments  129  9  7  164  59  (298)    110  115  2,320  295  2,771  453    288  2,816  Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  (136)  (118)  (271)  (572)  (628)  (598)    (352)  (484)  (516)  (1,884)  (2,982)  (2,258)    (1,847)  (2,943) 

 Notes  Throughout the presentation rounding differences may occurUnless otherwise noted, all CET1 ratio, Tier-1 leverage ratio, risk-weighted assets and leverage exposure figures shown in this presentation are as of the end of the respective period and on a “look-through” basisGross and net margins are shown in basis pointsGross margin = adj. net revenues annualized / average AuM; net margin = adj. pre-tax income annualized / average AuMMandates penetration reflects advisory and discretionary mandates as percentage of total AuM  General notes  Adj. = Adjusted; Adv. = Advisory; AM = Asset Management; APAC = Asia Pacific; AuM = Assets under Management; avg. = average; BIS = Bank for International Settlements; bps = basis points; CET1 = Common Equity Tier 1; C&IC = Corporate & Institutional Clients; CIO = Chief Investment Officer; Corp. Ctr. = Corporate Center; DCM = Debt Capital Markets; ECM = Equity Capital Markets; EMEA = Europe, Middle East & Africa; FINMA = Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority; FX = Foreign Exchange; GM = Global Markets; HoldCo = Holding Company; IBCM = Investment Banking & Capital Markets; IPO = Initial Public Offering; ITS = International Trading Solutions; IWM = International Wealth Management; M&A = Mergers & Acquisitions;mgmt. = management; Mkts = Markets; NNA = Net new assets; Op Risk = Operational Risk; PB = Private Banking; PC = Private Clients;perf. = performance; PTI = Pre-tax income; QoQ = Quarter-on-quarter; RM = Relationship Manager(s); RMBS = Residential Mortgage Backed Securities; RoRC = Return on Regulatory Capital; RWA = Risk-weighted assets; SMG = Systematic Market-Making Group; SoW = Share of wallet; SRU = Strategic Resolution Unit; SUB = Swiss Universal Bank; TLAC = Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity; UHNW(I) = Ultra High Net Worth Individuals; VaR = Value-at-Risk; WM&C = Wealth Management & Connected; YoY = Year on year; YTD = Year to Date  Abbreviations  Specific notes  * Our cost savings program is measured using an adjusted operating cost base at constant FX rates. “Adjusted operating cost base at constant FX rates” and “adjusted non-compensation operating cost base at constant FX rates” include adjustments as made in all our disclosures for restructuring expenses, major litigation provisions, expenses related to business sales and a goodwill impairment taken in 4Q15 as well as adjustments for certain accounting changes (which had not been in place at the launch of the cost savings program), debit valuation adjustments (DVA) related volatility and for FX, applying the following main currency exchange rates for1Q15: USD/CHF 0.9465, EUR/CHF 1.0482, GBP/CHF 1.4296, 2Q15: USD/CHF 0.9383, EUR/CHF 1.0418, GBP/CHF 1.4497,3Q15: USD/CHF 0.9684, EUR/CHF 1.0787, GBP/CHF 1.4891, 4Q15: USD/CHF 1.0010, EUR/CHF 1.0851, GBP/CHF 1.5123,1Q16: USD/CHF 0.9928, EUR/CHF 1.0941, GBP/CHF 1.4060, 2Q16: USD/CHF 0.9756, EUR/CHF 1.0956, GBP/CHF 1.3845,3Q16: USD/CHF 0.9728, EUR/CHF 1.0882, GBP/CHF 1.2764, 4Q16: USD/CHF 1.0101, EUR/CHF 1.0798, GBP/CHF 1.2451,1Q17: USD/CHF 0.9963, EUR/CHF 1.0670, GBP/CHF 1.2464, 2Q17: USD/CHF 0.9736, EUR/CHF 1.0881, GBP/CHF 1.2603,3Q17: USD/CHF 0.9645, EUR/CHF 1.1413, GBP/CHF 1.2695, 4Q17: USD/CHF 0.9853, EUR/CHF 1.1667, GBP/CHF 1.3230.These currency exchange rates are unweighted, i.e. a straight line average of monthly rates. We apply this calculation consistently for the periods under review. Adjusted non-compensation operating cost base is the adjusted operating cost base excluding compensation and benefits. To calculate the adjusted non-compensation cost base at constant FX rates, we subtract compensation and benefits (adjusted at constant FX rates in the manner described above) from the adjusted operating cost base at constant FX rates.† Regulatory capital is calculated as the worst of 10% of RWA and 3.5% of leverage exposure. Return on regulatory capital is calculated using (adjusted) income / (loss) after tax and assumes a tax rate of 30% and capital allocated based on the worst of 10% of average RWA and 3.5% of average leverage exposure. For the Markets business within the APAC division and for the Global Markets and Investment Banking & Capital Markets divisions, return on regulatory capital is based on US dollar denominated numbers. Adjusted return on regulatory capital is calculated using adjusted results, applying the same methodology to calculate return on regulatory capital. 


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: February 14, 2018
/s/ Tidjane Thiam
Tidjane Thiam
Chief Executive Officer
/s/ David R. Mathers
David R. Mathers
Chief Financial Officer