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Form 6-K
December 7, 2016
Commission File Number 001-15244
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Paradeplatz 8, CH 8001 Zurich, Switzerland
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Commission File Number 001-33434
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Paradeplatz 8, CH 8001 Zurich, Switzerland
(Address of principal executive office)

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This report includes the slides for the presentation to investors in connection with Investor Day 2016 on December 7, 2016.

 Credit Suisse Investor Day 2016Tidjane Thiam, CEO Credit Suisse  December 7, 2016 

 Disclaimer (1/2)  The data presented in this presentation relating to the Swiss Universal Bank refers to the division of Credit Suisse Group as the same is currently managed within Credit Suisse Group. The scope, revenues and expenses of the Swiss Universal Bank vary from the planned scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG and its subsidiaries, planned to be subject to a partial IPO, market conditions permitting. Any such IPO would involve the sale of a minority stake and would be subject to, among other things, all necessary approvals.It is therefore not possible to make a like-for-like comparison of the Swiss Universal Bank as a division of Credit Suisse Group on the one hand and Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG as a potential IPO vehicle on the other hand.Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements This presentation contains forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties, and we might not be able to achieve the predictions, forecasts, projections and other outcomes we describe or imply in forward-looking statements. A number of important factors could cause results to differ materially from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates and intentions we express in these forward-looking statements, including those we identify in "Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015 and in “Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking information" in our media release relating to Investor Day, published on December 7, 2016 and filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and in other public filings and press releases. We do not intend to update these forward-looking statements except as may be required by applicable law. In particular, the terms “Illustrative”, “Ambition”, “Outlook” and “Goal” are not intended to be viewed as targets or projections, nor are they considered to be Key Performance Indicators. All such illustrations, ambitions and goals are subject to a large number of inherent risks, assumptions and uncertainties, many of which are completely outside of our control. Accordingly, this information should not be relied on for any purpose. We do not intend to update these illustrations, ambitions or goals.We may not achieve the benefits of our strategic initiativesWe may not achieve all of the expected benefits of our strategic initiatives. Factors beyond our control, including but not limited to the market and economic conditions, changes in laws, rules or regulations and other challenges discussed in our public filings, could limit our ability to achieve some or all of the expected benefits of these initiatives. Estimates and assumptionsIn preparing this presentation, management has made estimates and assumptions that affect the numbers presented. Actual results may differ. Figures throughout presentation may also be subject to rounding adjustments. Cautionary Statements Relating to Interim Financial InformationThis presentation contains certain unaudited interim financial information as of or for periods after September 30, 2016, the date of our last published quarterly financial statements. This information has been derived from management accounts, is preliminary in nature, does not reflect the complete results of the fourth quarter of 2016 and is subject to change, including as a result of any normal quarterly adjustments in relation to the financial statements for the fourth quarter of 2016. This information has not been subject to any review by our independent registered public accounting firm. There can be no assurance that the final results for these periods will not differ from these preliminary results, and any such differences could be material. Quarterly financial results for the fourth quarter of 2016 will be included in our 4Q16 Earnings Release, and audited consolidated financial statements for full-year 2016 will be included in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2016, when they are published. These interim results of operations are not necessarily indicative of the results to be achieved for the remainder of the fourth quarter or the full year 2016. 

 Disclaimer (2/2)  Statement regarding non-GAAP financial measures This presentation also contains non-GAAP financial measures, including adjusted results. Information needed to reconcile such non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable measures under US GAAP or a reference thereto can be found in this presentation in the Appendix, which is available on our website at credit-suisse.com.Statement regarding capital, liquidity and leverage As of January 1, 2013, Basel 3 was implemented in Switzerland along with the Swiss “Too Big to Fail” legislation and regulations thereunder (in each case, subject to certain phase-in periods). As of January 1, 2015, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) leverage ratio framework, as issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), was implemented in Switzerland by FINMA. Our related disclosures are in accordance with our interpretation of such requirements, including relevant assumptions. Changes in the interpretation of these requirements in Switzerland or in any of our assumptions or estimates could result in different numbers from those shown in this presentation. Capital and ratio numbers for periods prior to 2013 are based on estimates, which are calculated as if the Basel 3 framework had been in place in Switzerland during such periods. Unless otherwise noted, leverage exposure is based on the BIS leverage ratio framework and consists of period-end balance sheet assets and prescribed regulatory adjustments. Leverage amounts for 4Q14, which are presented in order to show meaningful comparative information, are based on estimates which are calculated as if the BIS leverage ratio framework had been implemented in Switzerland at such time. Beginning in 2015, the Swiss leverage ratio is calculated as Swiss total capital, divided by period-end leverage exposure. The look-through BIS tier 1 leverage ratio and CET1 leverage ratio are calculated as look-through BIS tier 1 capital and CET1 capital, respectively, divided by end-period leverage exposure. Selling restrictions This document, and the information contained herein, is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of offers to purchase or subscribe for securities of Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG in Switzerland, the United States or any other jurisdiction. This document is not a prospectus within the meaning of article 652a of the Swiss Code of Obligations, nor is it a listing prospectus as defined in the listing rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange AG or any other exchange or regulated trading facility in Switzerland or a prospectus or offering document under any other applicable laws. Copies of this document may not be sent to jurisdictions, or distributed in or sent from jurisdictions, in which such documents are barred or prohibited by law. A decision to invest in securities of Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG should be based exclusively on a written agreement with Credit Suisse Group AG or an offering and listing prospectus to be published by Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG for such purpose. Any offer and sale of securities of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered in the United States of America absent such registration or an exemption from registration. There will be no public offering of such securities in the United States of America.  

   Credit Suisse – 160 years of client focus  Founded in 1856  Top 5 franchise in M&A and ECM3  15 active booking centers worldwide  CHF 1.3 tr Assets under Management4  Present in over 50 countries  Serving the global UHNWI population with ~50% of our AuM1  A leading bank in Switzerland  Top 3 franchise in select Fixed Income products2  1 Relating to Wealth Management in SUB, IWM, and APAC as of 3Q16 2 #1 Asset Finance franchise since 2013 according to Thomson Reuters. Top 3 Global Leveraged Finance franchise according to Dealogic. #1 US Institutional Loan underwriter according to Dealogic. 3 Dealogic as of September 30, 2016, refer to IBCM Investor Day 2016 presentation for details 4 As of end 3Q16 

 Delivering against our key objectives    Costs  CHF 19.6 bn  2016E adjusted operating expensesat constant FX rates*  2016E net savings  CHF 1.6 bn    CHF 2.9 bn  9M16 Core pre-tax income adjusted  Profitability  CHF 2.4 bn  9M16 SRU pre-tax loss adjusted  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix * See Appendix1 Relating to Wealth Management in SUB, IWM and APAC    3Q16 CET1 look-through ratio  12.0%+180 bps vs. 3Q15  Capital  3.4%  3Q16 CET1 look-through leverage ratio    Assets  9M16 net new assets1  CHF 30.9 bn10% emerging market growth rate3% mature market growth rate 

   By end 2016, we will have achieved CHF 1.6 bn of net cost savings and are further raising our ambition to increase operating leverage  2015-18cost reduction program*in CHF bn, year-end  Target total net cost savings have increased from CHF 2.0 bn to CHF >4.2 bn by 2018  Note: Cost reduction program measured in constant FX rates and based on expense run rate excluding major litigation expenses, restructuring costs and a goodwill impairment taken in 4Q15, but including other costs to achieve savings. Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix.* See Appendix  1.6  >4.2  2015  2016E  Prior 2018 Target (ID 2015)  2018 Target (new)         

   Exceeding our 2016 net headcount reduction target  Net reduction to global headcount in 2016  Note: Headcount includes permanent full-time equivalent employees, contractors, consultants and other contingent workers 1 Includes departed and notified headcount  2016 Target  Global Markets Accelerated Restructuring(March 2016)  Prior 2016 Target(Investor Day 2015)  6,000  2,000  4,000  6,050  December 4,20161 

   While reducing costs, we have continued to invest in our client franchise and absorbed regulatory needs  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix. Annualized numbers do not take account of variations in operating results, seasonality and other factors and may not be indicative of actual, full-year results.* See Appendix  Adjusted operatingexpenses at constantFX rates*in CHF bn      Strengthening of controls  Net cost savings 2016E  1.6  Investment in growth  Gross cost savings 2016E  2.1 

 Restructuring costs progressionin CHF bn  Restructuring costs expected to decrease in 2018  0.6  0.6  0.3  0.4  Severance  Real Estate  Other    Estimated restructuring costs: CHF 1.9 bn 

 Our strategy…  Be a leading Private Bankand Wealth Manager…   …with strong Investment Banking capabilities 

 …a balanced approach to Wealth Management    Significant growth in APAC and Other EM    Most attractive long term opportunity for Wealth Management      Large pool of wealth in Mature Markets  Switzerland – our home market – providing stability to earningsFocused approach in Western Europe given highly competitive environment  Balanced approach 

   GM maintains strong client franchises across equities and fixed income  #1 Asset Finance franchise since 20134  #3 Issuerof US Structured Notes3  #2 Client rankingin Global Cashsince 20071  Top 3 Global Prime Brokerage since 20122  Bank of the year: Structured Products  Most InnovativeBank for Securitisation  GM  SUB  IWM  APAC  SRU  IBCM  1 Third Party Competitive Analysis2 Hedge Fund Intelligence / Absolute Return / EuroHedge3 Bloomberg Brief Ranking, November 23, 20164 Thomson Reuters, 2013 to 3Q16 

 We have right-sized the GM business…  -37%  1 Global Markets Accelerated Restructuring as announced on March 23, 2016  1  GM RWAin USD bn        GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

 GM Credit products net revenues in USD mn  …while maintaining strong positions in our core franchises…  GM Cash Equities net revenues1 in USD mn  1 Relating to Americas and EMEA  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

 …and increasing positive operating leverage  9M16 Annualized2  2018Ambition  6.0  5.4  < 4.8  2015  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix1 Expenses post Global Markets Accelerated Restructuring 2 Annualized numbers do not take account of variations in operating results, seasonality and other factors and may not be indicative of actual, full-year results  Total adjusted operating expenses1in USD bn        GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

 GM – Key takeaways  Strong client franchiseRight-sizing and derisking nearing completionOperating leverage materially increasedUpside from working more closely across divisionsProspects are positive, targeting Return on Regulatory Capital† between 10-15% by end-2018  † See Appendix  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

   Market-leading positions in Switzerland  #1 External Asset Managers  #2 Mid / large SMEs  #1 Institutionals  #2 UHNWI  #1 Investment Banking  #2 Retail, Affluent & HNWI   #2 Large Corporates  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM  1 Source: Private Clients, Mid / Large SME, Large Corporates, Institutional Clients: The Boston Consulting Group; based on revenues 2 Source: Equity Capital Markets (ECM): Dealogic; Debt Capital Markets (DCM): IFR; M&A: Thomson Securities, SDC Platinum, Credit Suisse; based on deal volumes January 1 – December 23, 2015 3 Incl. Affiliates (BANK-now, Swisscard, Neue Aargauer Bank) 4 Small and Medium Enterprises 5 Excl. CS Asset Management Switzerland 6 Swiss-based External Asset Managers only  1  1  2  1,6  1,5  1,3  1,3 

   Switzerland has the highest average wealth per adult making it an attractive wealth management market  China  World  Europe  Germany  Sweden  France  United Kingdom  United States  Switzerland  Wealth per adult among major economies in mid-2016in USD thousands  Source: Credit Suisse Global Wealth Databook, 2016  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

   Entrepreneurial SMEs driving strong export performance in Switzerland  22%  United Kingdom  27%  30%  Sweden  Europe  43%  World  29%  China  United States  13%  Switzerland  64%  Germany  45%  France  47%  Exports of goods and services% of GDP  Source: World Bank national accounts data and OECD National Accounts data files, 2015  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

   SUB is focused on capturing the wealth opportunity in Switzerland…  3Q15  500  237  263  +6%  3Q16  Private Banking  Corporate &Institutional Banking  529  Assets under Managementin CHF bn  + 8%  + 3%          GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM  Note: Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division 

   …and is executing with discipline…  Adjusted operatingexpenses1in CHF mn      9M16  2,609  Savings  Regulatory, compliance & digitalization  9M15  2,697  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results and a reconciliation of adjustments applied for Swisscard are included in the Appendix. Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division1 Excludes Swisscard impact  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM  -3% 

   …leading to increased profitability        +8%  +6%  +10%  3Q  431  400  2Q  457  432  1Q  472  431      2016  2015  SUB adjusted pre-tax income1in CHF mn  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results and a reconciliation of adjustments applied for Swisscard are included in the Appendix. Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division1 Excludes Swisscard impact  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

   2018Target  2015  SUB adjusted pre-tax income1in CHF bn  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results and a reconciliation of adjustments applied for Swisscard are included in the Appendix. Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division1 Excludes Swisscard impact  Confirming our 2018 PTI target  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

     Roadmap to planned IPO  June 30, 2017  December 31, 2017  Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AGgo live      First published statutory financial statements of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG  IPO of 20-30%1Market conditions permitting  Final calibration of RWA requirements by FINMA          Nov 20, 2016  March 24, 2017  March 31, 2017  Further guidance on Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG financials, key metrics and parameter    Intercompany model finalized / Service Company set-up    1 Any such IPO would involve the sale of a minority stake and would be subject to, among other things, all necessary approvals and would be intended to generate / raise additional capital for Credit Suisse AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG  estimated timeline  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

 SUB – Key takeaways  Selective revenue growth and effective cost discipline15% adjusted Return on Regulatory Capital† in 9M16On track for planned partial IPO of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG in 2H171Increasing profitability and confirmed 2018 PTI target of CHF 2.3 bn2  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results and a reconciliation of adjustments applied for Swisscard are included in the Appendix. Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. The scope of revenues and expenses of the Swiss Universal Bank division varies from the planned scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG and its subsidiaries which is planned to be subject to the IPO. It is therefore not possible to make a like-for-like comparison of the Swiss Universal Bank division and Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG as a potential IPO vehicle† See Appendix1 Market conditions permitting. Any IPO would be subject to, among other things, all necessary approvals and would be intended to generate / raise additional capital for Credit Suisse AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG2 On an adjusted basis  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

   Strong and diversified franchise in APAC  1 Awards for distinction from Asian Private Banker for 2015 2 AsiaRisk magazine October 2016 edition 3 According to cash equities trading information from respective exchanges for period ending September 30, 20164 Source: Dealogic (APAC ex Japan) as of September 30, 2016. Ranking amongst international banks for the first 9 months of 2016 5 As of 3Q16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM    Wealth Management  Investment Banking  2016 House of the Year for Asia ex-Japan2  #1 ranked international Equities broker3 in key markets  #1 rank in APAC (ex Japan) in Underwriting & Advisory4  13 locations  7 countries  650 RMs5  Named Best Private Bank in Asia1 

   Growing billionaire and UHNWI population, with a broad set of financial services needs  2005  x 2.7  2015  APAC1 billionaires (USD 1 bn+)  1 Includes Asia and AustralasiaSource: Knight Frank World Wealth Report, 2016  APAC1 UHNWIs (USD 30 mn+)  x 2.4  19,000   45,000   2005  2015  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

   Our clients value our integrated approach    Net new assets in CHF bn  AuM in CHF bn  Net revenues in CHF mn        Underwriting &Advisory  WM  APAC Underwriting & Advisory rank1  #7  #1  1 Source: Dealogic (APAC ex Japan) as of September 30, 2016. Ranking amongst international banks for the first 9 months of 2015 and 2016  +14%  +98%      361    461    Total    +  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

 2018 PTI target as communicated at the 2015 Investor Day  Adjustedpre-tax income in CHF bn  Wealth Management  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix1 Including contributions from wealth management connected activities  Of which: CHF 0.7 bn Wealth Management1  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

     APAC target supported by wealth management growth despite adverse impact from market conditions  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix1 Including contributions from wealth management connected activities  Adjustedpre-tax incomein CHF bn  Prior 2018 Target excl. business transfers  Market impact  Revised 2018Target  Cost initiatives  2.0  1.6  0.3  0.7  0.7  0.7  Wealth Management1  Business transfers  Prior 2018 Target(ID 2015)  2.1  Adjusted  Confirmed  0.7  0.1  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

 APAC – Key takeaways  Continued growth in Wealth Management with CHF 17 bn of NNA over past four quarters and record AuM of CHF 169 bn as of end 3Q16Cost savings ambition of CHF 300 mn from efficiencies to operating model expected to be delivered by 20182018 PTI target of CHF 1.6 bn1 reduced for market dependent activities  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix.1 On an adjusted basis  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               International Wealth Management, a vast opportunity  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM  Private Banking  Asset Management  CHF 324 bn AM AuM6  Top 2traditional managerin Switzerland4  Top 10 alternative investment manager globally5  1 Credit Suisse Research Institute Global Wealth Report 2016 2 Credit Suisse & McKinsey Wealth Pools 2016 3 Euromoney ‘Best Private Banking Services Overall 4 McKinsey analysis 5 Towers Watson Survey 2016 6 As of end 3Q16  CHF 311 bnPB AuM6  covering globally…  ...43% of wealth2  ...39% of population1  ...42% of GDP1  Local presence in 30+ countries  Top 3position across our regions3 

 Turnaround in IWM…  Net New Assets1in CHF bn  1 Relating to Wealth Management in IWM  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

 …driven by focus on strategic clients, which has led to significant inflows of net new assets…  1 Relating to Wealth Management in IWM2 Strategic clients = targeted strategic UHNWI/entrepreneur clients of IWM  Other clients  Strategic clients2 NNA  Total  Net New Assets1 in 9M16 in CHF bn    GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

 …a strong increase in revenues from strategic clients…  +40%  Revenues from strategic clients1,2  1 Does not include revenues booked in divisions other than IWM2 Strategic clients = targeted strategic UHNWI/entrepreneur clients of IWM  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

 …with higher gross margin   1 Does not include revenues booked in divisions other than IWM2 Strategic clients = targeted strategic UHNWI/entrepreneur clients of IWM  +6 bps  Gross margin of strategic clients1,2in bps  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

 IWM is lending with discipline  1 Before deducting valuation allowances and deferred fees and costs 2 Includes ship, aviation and export finance 3 9M16, client rate net of reference rate over avg. loan volume  Credit volume1 in CHF bn  44  40  Lombard lending  Specialty finance2  Mortgages  Gross loanrevenue margin3   ~110 bps  ~210 bps  ~170 bps  +11%  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

 IWM is executing with discipline  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix  2.6  2.6  9M15  Costsavings  Growth investments  9M16  Stable expenses      IWM adjustedoperating expensesin CHF bn  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

   IWM outlook impacted by adverse market environment in near term  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix1 Including additional market related activities  Adjustedpre-tax incomein CHF bn  Prior 2018 Target(ID 2015)  Revised 2018Target  0.4  2.1  1.8  2015  1.0  Asset Management1  0.1  Business transfers  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

 IWM – Key takeaways  Integrated approach for strategic clients Strong turnaround in net new assetsDisciplined approach to lending 2018 PTI target of CHF 1.8 bn1, recalibrated for lower performance fees and transaction volumes  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. 1 On an adjusted basis  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

   Global advisory and underwriting delivering increased revenues in new setup  1 Gross global revenues from Advisory, Debt and Equity underwriting generated across all divisions before cross-divisional revenue sharing agreements  Global advisory and underwriting net revenues1in USD mn  Advisory  Equity underwriting  Debt underwriting   3Q16 vs 3Q15   +4%  +44%  +23%  448  128  201  +22%  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

   In IBCM, we are leveraging our global connectivity and platform…  1 Dealogic as of September 30, 2016. Based on announced M&A volumes2 International banks only  Americas  EMEA  APAC  USD 107 bn  USD 162 bn  #5  #4  USD 12 bn  USD 165 bn  #1  #3  USD 30 bn  USD 82 bn  #3  #72  #4 in Cross Border M&A  Cross border M&A market volumes and CS rank1  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

 CS global M&A announced volume rank  Source: Dealogic as of September 30, 2016  Selected recent global transactions  Deal value  Monsanto  USD 66 bn  Role: joint lead financial advisor to Bayer, financing  Syngenta  USD 48 bn  Role: financial advisor to ChemChina  Spectra Energy  USD 47 bn  Role: lead financial advisor to Enbridge  First Gulf Bank  USD 15 bn  Role: exclusive financial advisor to National Bank of Abu Dhabi  Deals > USD 10 bn   EnergyFuture  USD 18 bn  Role: financial advisor to NextEra  …with strong momentum in M&A  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

 IBCM – Key takeaways  Key hires across industry and product groups and successes in announced M&A in 2016Global connectivity for our clients15-20% Return on Regulatory Capital† target by end-2018  † See Appendix  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

   Continuing to reduce capital consumption in the SRU  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix1 RWA shown excluded projected inflation from future regulatory uplifts (e.g. fundamental review of trading book)2 Regulatory (FINMA) approval required for any operational risk reduction  -35%  RWA1 in USD bn  Leverage exposure in USD bn  -30%  -80%  -76%  Illustrative adjustedpre-tax loss progression in USD mn  9M16  2,465  ~1,400  ~800  excl. ops risk  Operational risk2  Credit & market risk  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

 SRU – Key takeaways  Significant reduction of RWA and leverage exposure to dateTargeting reduction of capital consumption by approximately 80% by end 2019Ambition to reduce PTI drag to USD 800 mn1 by end-2019  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix1 On an adjusted basis  GM  SUB  APAC  IWM  SRU  IBCM 

 Overview of revised financial targets for Group and divisions  APAC  Pre-tax income o/w Wealth Management2  IWM  Pre-tax income  SUB  Pre-tax income  Global Markets  RWA threshold1Leverage exposure threshold1Return on regulatory capital†  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures † See Appendix1 As announced on March 23, 2016 (Credit Suisse Strategy Update) 2 Including contributions from wealth management connected activities  2016  USD 60 bnUSD 290 bn  > CHF 1.4 bn1< CHF 19.8 bn111-12%1  Group  Net cost savingsOperating cost baseCET1 ratio (pre significant litigation expenses)CET1 leverage ratio  SRU  Pre-tax lossRWALeverage exposure  2019  ~ USD 0.8 bnUSD 30 bnUSD 40 bn  2018  CHF 1.6 bnCHF 0.7 bn  CHF 1.8 bn  CHF 2.3 bn  10-15%  > CHF 4.2 bn< CHF 17.0 bn12-13%> 3.5%  15- 20%  Adjusted figures  IBCM  Return on regulatory capital†  ~ USD 1.4 bn  > 13% pre-Basel III reform uplift> 11% post-Basel III reform uplift 

 We have significantly strengthened our capital ratios  Basel III “look-through”CET1 capital ratio                  +180bps 

 Delivering against our key objectives    Costs  CHF 19.6 bn  2016E adjusted operating expensesat constant FX rates*  2016E net savings  CHF 1.6 bn    CHF 2.9 bn  9M16 Core pre-tax income adjusted  Profitability  CHF 2.4 bn  9M16 SRU pre-tax loss adjusted  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix* See Appendix1 Relating to Wealth Management in SUB, IWM and APAC    3Q16 CET1 look-through ratio  12.0%+180 bps vs. 3Q15  Capital  3.4%  3Q16 CET1 look-through leverage ratio    Assets  9M16 net new assets1  CHF 30.9 bn10% emerging market growth rate3% mature market growth rate 

 Focused on execution  Delivered cost savings in excess of our 2016 target, creating additional operating leverageAchieved strong growth in AuM, with NNA of CHF 30.9 bn at 9M16Strengthened our capital position with look-through CET1 ratio of 12.0% as of end 3Q16Given unsupportive market conditions, focusing priorities on cost reduction measures and adjusting our 2018 targets to the more challenging revenue environmentProtecting returns during volatile markets and providing significant upside when conditions improve 

   Agenda of the day – December 7, 2016  Time (GMT)  Topic  Speaker  8:00  Registration  All  8:30  Welcome & Progress Update  Tidjane Thiam  9:15  Global Markets  Brian Chin  9:45  Coffee break    10:15  Swiss Universal Bank  Thomas Gottstein  10:45  Asia Pacific  Helman Sitohang  11:15  International Wealth Management  Iqbal Khan  11:45  Investment Banking & Capital Markets  Jim Amine  12:15  Lunch    13:15  Financials and capital / Strategic Resolution Unit  David Mathers  14:00  Wrap-up of the day  Tidjane Thiam  14:05  Q&A session  All 


 Notes  Throughout the presentation rounding differences may occur.All risk-weighted assets (RWA) and leverage exposure figures shown in this presentation are as of the end of the respective period and on a “look-through” basis.Gross and net margins are shown in basis points (bps). Gross margin = adj. net revenues annualized / average AuM; net margin = adj. pre-tax income annualized / average AuM.Mandates penetration reflects advisory and discretionary mandates as percentage of total AuM, excluding AuM from the external asset manager (EAM) business.  General notes  * “Adjusted operating expenses at constant FX rates” include adjustments as made in all our disclosures for restructuring expenses, major litigation expenses and a goodwill impairment taken in 4Q15 as well as adjustments for FX, applying the following main currency exchange rates for 1Q15: USD/CHF 0.9465, EUR/CHF 1.0482, GBP/CHF 1.4296, 2Q15: USD/CHF 0.9383, EUR/CHF 1.0418, GBP/CHF 1.4497, 3Q15: USD/CHF 0.9684, EUR/CHF 1.0787, GBP/CHF 1.4891, 4Q15: USD/CHF 1.0000, EUR/CHF 1.0851, GBP/CHF 1.5123, 1Q16: USD/CHF 0.9928, EUR/CHF 1.0941, GBP/CHF 1.4060, 2Q16: USD/CHF 0.9756, EUR/CHF 1.0956, GBP/CHF 1.3845, 3Q16: USD/CHF 0.9728, EUR/CHF 1.0882, GBP/CHF 1.2764. These currency exchange rates are unweighted, i.e. a straight line average of monthly rates. We apply this calculation consistently for the periods under review.† Regulatory capital reflects the worst of 10% of RWA and 3.5% of leverage exposure. Return on regulatory capital is based on (adjusted) returns after tax assuming a tax rate of 30% for all periods and capital allocated based on the worst of 10% of average RWA and 3.5% of average leverage exposure. For Global Markets and Investment Banking & Capital Markets, return on regulatory capital is based on US dollar denominated numbers.  Specific notes  Abbreviations  Adj. = Adjusted; AT1 = Additional Tier 1; AM = Asset Management; ann. = annualized; APAC = Asia Pacific; AuM = Assets under Management; BCBS = Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; BIS = Bank for International Settlements; bps = basis points; BRRD = Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive; CAO = Capital Adequacy Ordinance; CET1 = Common Equity Tier 1; Corp. Ctr. = Corporate Center; C&IB = Corporate & Institutional Banking; CRO = Chief Risk Officer; CCRO = Compliance and Regulatory Affairs; CVA = Credit Valuation Adjustment; ECM = Equity Capital Markets; EM = Emerging Markets; EMEA=Europe, Middle East & Africa; FINMA = Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority; FRTB = Fundamental review of the trading book; FSB = Financial Stability Board; FTE = Full time equivalents; FVoD = Fair Value of Own Debt; FX = Foreign Exchange; GM = Global Markets; GMAR = Global Markets Accelerated Restructuring; HoldCo = Holding Company; HQ = Headquarters; HQLA = High Quality Liquid Assets; IB = Investment Banking; IBCM = Investment Banking & Capital Markets; ID = Investor Day; IHC = Intermediate Holding Company; IOSCO = The International Organization of Securities Commissions; IPO = Initial Public Offer; IRB = Internal Ratings-Based; IWM = International Wealth Management; KPI = Key Performance Indicator; LATAM =Latin America; LCR = Liquidity Coverage ratio; M&A = Mergers & Acquisitions; NCWOL = No Creditor Worse Off than in Liquidation; NNA = Net new assets; NSFR = Net Stable Funding Ratio; OpCo = Operating Company; OpRisk = Operational Risk PB = Private Banking; PB&WM = (Former) Private Banking & Wealth Management (division) pp. = percentage points; PTI = Pre-tax income; PONV = Point of Non-Viability; QoQ = Quarter-on-quarter; RM(s) = Relationship Manager(s); RoRC = Return on regulatory capital; RWA = Risk Weighted Assets; SA-CCR = Standardized Approach - Counterparty Credit Risk; SME = Small and Medium Enterprises; SMG = Systematic Market-Making Group; SoW = Share of Wallet; SRU = Strategic Resolution Unit; STS = Sales and Trading Services; SUB = Swiss Universal Bank; T1= Tier 1 capital; TBTF = Too Big to Fail; TLAC = Total loss absorbing capacity; (U)HNW(I) = (Ultra) High Net Worth (Individuals); WM = Wealth Management; YoY = Year-on-Year; YTD = Year To Date 

 Reconciliation of adjustment items (1/2)    CS Group in CHF mn                SRU in USD mn                Corp. Ctr. in CHF mn                  3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    Net revenues reported  5,396  5,108  4,638  4,210  5,985  6,955  6,647    (170)  (371)  (545)  (126)  (90)  437  335    72  (95)  110  (748)  752  384  173    Fair value on own debt  -  -  -  697  (623)  (228)  (144)    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  697  (623)  (228)  (144)    Real estate gains  -  -  -  (72)  -  (23)  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    (Gains)/losses on business sales  (346)  -  56  (34)  -  -  -    -  -  4  -  -  -  -    -  -  52  -  -  -  -    Net revenues adjusted  5,050  5,108  4,694  4,801  5,362  6,704  6,503    (170)  (371)  (541)  (126)  (90)  437  335    72  (95)  162  (51)  129  156  29    Provision for credit losses  55  (28)  150  133  110  51  30    6  (38)  119  99  21  13  5    -  (2)  1  (2)  1  -  -    Total operating expenses reported  5,119  4,937  4,972  10,518  5,023  5,248  5,106    698  445  601  1,103  688  690  651    279  142  76  307  211  121  223    Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  (3,797)  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Restructuring expenses  (145)  (91)  (255)  (355)  -  -  -    (23)  (21)  (80)  (158)  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Major litigation provisions  (306)  -  -  (564)  (203)  (63)  10    (324)  -  -  (257)  (27)  (9)  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Total operating expenses adjusted  4,668  4,846  4,717  5,802  4,820  5,185  5,116    351  424  521  688  661  680  651    279  142  76  307  211  121  223    Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  222  199  (484)  (6,441)  852  1,656  1,511    (874)  (778)  (1,266)  (1,328)  (799)  (266)  (320)    (207)  (235)  33  (1,053)  540  263  (50)    Total adjustments  105  91  311  5,307  (420)  (188)  (154)    347  21  84  415  27  9  -    -  -  52  697  (623)  (228)  (144)    Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  327  290  (173)  (1,134)  432  1,468  1,357    (527)  (757)  (1,181)  (913)  (772)  (256)  (320)    (207)  (235)  85  (356)  (83)  35  (194)      IWM AM in CHF mn                GM in USD mn                IBCM in USD mn                  3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    Net revenues reported  292  334  320  365  308  335  320    1,396  1,671  1,252  1,168  1,632  2,052  2,272    479  558  395  418  414  605  420    Fair value on own debt  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Real estate gains  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    (Gains)/losses on business sales  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Net revenues adjusted  292  334  320  365  308  335  320    1,396  1,671  1,252  1,168  1,632  2,052  2,272    479  558  395  418  414  605  420    Provision for credit losses  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    (6)  (17)  22  (5)  15  (4)  4    (9)  -  30  -  -  -  -    Total operating expenses reported  243  273  253  330  267  275  274    1,310  1,532  1,430  4,517  1,346  1,641  1,498    450  417  425  902  346  451  471    Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  (2,690)  -  -  -    -  -  -  (384)  -  -  -    Restructuring expenses  (2)  (2)  2  (4)  -  -  -    (52)  (52)  (102)  (97)  -  -  -    (16)  9  (28)  (22)  -  -  -    Major litigation provisions  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    (7)  -  -  (51)  (132)  (57)  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Total operating expenses adjusted  241  271  255  326  267  275  274    1,251  1,480  1,328  1,679  1,214  1,584  1,498    434  426  397  496  346  451  471    Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  49  61  67  35  41  60  46    92  156  (200)  (3,345)  271  415  770    39  141  (60)  (484)  68  154  (51)    Total adjustments  2  2  (2)  4  -  -  -    59  52  102  2,838  132  57  -    16  (9)  28  406  -  -  -    Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  51  63  65  39  41  60  46    150  208  (98)  (507)  403  473  770    55  132  (32)  (78)  68  154  (51)    Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures that exclude goodwill impairment and certain other revenues and expenses included in our reported results. Management believes that adjusted results provide a useful presentation of our operating results for purposes of assessing our Group and divisional performance consistently over time, on a basis that excludes items that management does not consider representative of our underlying performance. Provided below is a reconciliation of our adjusted results to the most directly comparable US GAAP measures. 

   SUB PB in CHF mn                IWM PB in CHF mn                APAC PB in CHF mn                  3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    Net revenues reported  1,160  840  846  963  857  956  920    789  811  853  808  785  830  801    346  337  319  271  303  307  297    Fair value on own debt  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Real estate gains  (346)  -  -  (72)  -  (23)  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    (Gains)/losses on business sales  -  -  -  (10)  -  -  -    -  -  -  (11)  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Net revenues adjusted  814  840  846  881  857  933  920    789  811  853  797  785  830  801    346  337  319  271  303  307  297    Provision for credit losses  13  7  9  14  14  9  12    -  16  (2)  (7)  11  (1)  2    38  2  (17)  (5)  24  -  (1)    Total operating expenses reported  603  582  632  784  639  690  659    593  611  622  874  618  619  567    242  245  216  228  210  188  190    Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Restructuring expenses  (16)  (3)  (35)  (33)  -  -  -    (13)  (13)  (10)  (32)  -  -  -    (3)  -  -  (1)  -  -  -    Major litigation provisions  -  -  -  (25)  -  -  -    19  -  -  (228)  (50)  -  10    -  -  -  (6)  -  -  -    Total operating expenses adjusted  587  579  597  726  639  690  659    599  598  612  614  568  619  577    239  245  216  221  210  188  190    Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  544  251  205  165  204  257  249    196  184  233  (59)  156  212  232    66  90  120  48  69  119  108    Total adjustments  (330)  3  35  (24)  -  (23)  -    (6)  13  10  249  50  -  (10)    3  -  -  7  -  -  -    Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  214  254  240  141  204  234  249    190  197  243  190  206  212  222    69  90  120  55  69  119  108      SUB C&IB in CHF mn                APAC IB in CHF mn                APAC IB in USD mn                  3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    Net revenues reported  507  497  510  532  507  506  480    571  574  588  555  582  733  791    587  590  595  554  603  783  835    Fair value on own debt  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Real estate gains  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    (Gains)/losses on business sales  -  -  -  (13)  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Net revenues adjusted  507  497  510  519  507  506  480    571  574  588  555  582  733  791    587  590  595  554  603  783  835    Provision for credit losses  17  2  (3)  29  25  24  11    (4)  1  (5)  8  -  11  (2)    (4)  1  (5)  8  -  12  (3)    Total operating expenses reported  276  293  286  304  286  271  275    489  457  449  1,212  489  474  436    503  468  452  1,221  505  505  460    Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  (756)  -  -  -    -  -  -  (765)  -  -  -    Restructuring expenses  (3)  (1)  (5)  (9)  -  -  -    (20)  (10)  (1)  (2)  -  -  -    (21)  (10)  (1)  (2)  -  -  -    Major litigation provisions  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Total operating expenses adjusted  273  292  281  295  286  271  275    469  447  448  454  489  474  436    482  458  451  454  505  505  460    Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  214  202  227  199  196  211  194    86  116  144  (665)  93  248  357    88  121  148  (675)  98  266  378    Total adjustments  3  1  5  (4)  -  -  -    20  10  1  758  -  -  -    21  10  1  767  -  -  -    Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  217  203  232  195  196  211  194    106  126  145  93  93  248  357    109  131  149  92  98  266  378    Reconciliation of adjustment items (2/2) 

 Swisscard deconsolidation impactImpact of the deconsolidation on the Swiss Universal Bank  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results for other adjustments not relating to Swisscard is included in the Notes of this presentation † See AppendixThis is an illustrative pro-forma presentation of the impact of the deconsolidation of the card issuing business on the historical results of SUB as if it had occurred on December 31, 2014. Given that as of July 1, 2015 the business has been deconsolidated and transferred to the equity method investment, Swisscard AECS GmbH and the transaction does not qualify for discontinued operations, the historical results are not restated in this respect. The reduction in pre-tax income in the Private Banking business of Swiss Universal Bank is offset by the reduction in minority interest from the deconsolidation at the Group level, therefore there is no material impact on the Group’s net income attributable to shareholders. These illustrative figures cannot be seen as being indicative of future trends or results 1 Pro-forma impact of the card issuing business deconsolidation    in CHF mn  1Q15  2Q15  3Q15  9M15    1Q15  2Q15  3Q15  9M15    1Q15  2Q15  3Q15  9M15  Net interest income  611  685  708  2,004    9  9  -  18    602  676  708  1,986  Recurring commissions & fees  412  412  372  1,196    56  59  -  115    356  353  372  1,081  Transaction-based revenues  382  349  295  1,026    8  7  -  15    374  342  295  1,011  Other revenues  (5)  (7)  (11)  (23)    -  -  -  -    (5)  (7)  (11)  (23)  Net revenues  1,400  1,439  1,364  4,203    73  75  -  148    1,327  1,364  1,364  4,055  Provision for credit losses  23  33  39  95    -  -  -  -    23  33  39  95  Total operating expenses  934  961  925  2,820    61  62  -  123    873  899  925  2,697  Pre-tax income  443  445  400  1,288    12  13  -  25    431  432  400  1,263  Return on regulatory capital†  14%  14%  13%  14%    -  -  -  -    14%  14%  13%  14%  SUB adjusted  Swisscard Impact1  SUB adjusted ex Swisscard 


 Credit Suisse Investor Day 2016Overview of Financials and CapitalDavid Mathers  December 7, 2016 

 Disclaimer (1/2)  The data presented in this presentation relating to the Swiss Universal Bank refers to the division of Credit Suisse Group as the same is currently managed within Credit Suisse Group. The scope, revenues and expenses of the Swiss Universal Bank vary from the planned scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG and its subsidiaries, planned to be subject to a partial IPO, market conditions permitting. Any such IPO would involve the sale of a minority stake and would be subject to, among other things, all necessary approvals.It is therefore not possible to make a like-for-like comparison of the Swiss Universal Bank as a division of Credit Suisse Group on the one hand and Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG as a potential IPO vehicle on the other hand.Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements This presentation contains forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties, and we might not be able to achieve the predictions, forecasts, projections and other outcomes we describe or imply in forward-looking statements. A number of important factors could cause results to differ materially from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates and intentions we express in these forward-looking statements, including those we identify in "Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015 and in “Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking information" in our media release relating to Investor Day, published on December 7, 2016 and filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and in other public filings and press releases. We do not intend to update these forward-looking statements except as may be required by applicable law. In particular, the terms “Illustrative”, “Ambition”, “Outlook” and “Goal” are not intended to be viewed as targets or projections, nor are they considered to be Key Performance Indicators. All such illustrations, ambitions and goals are subject to a large number of inherent risks, assumptions and uncertainties, many of which are completely outside of our control. Accordingly, this information should not be relied on for any purpose. We do not intend to update these illustrations, ambitions or goals.We may not achieve the benefits of our strategic initiativesWe may not achieve all of the expected benefits of our strategic initiatives. Factors beyond our control, including but not limited to the market and economic conditions, changes in laws, rules or regulations and other challenges discussed in our public filings, could limit our ability to achieve some or all of the expected benefits of these initiatives. Estimates and assumptionsIn preparing this presentation, management has made estimates and assumptions that affect the numbers presented. Actual results may differ. Figures throughout presentation may also be subject to rounding adjustments. Cautionary Statements Relating to Interim Financial InformationThis presentation contains certain unaudited interim financial information as of or for periods after September 30, 2016, the date of our last published quarterly financial statements. This information has been derived from management accounts, is preliminary in nature, does not reflect the complete results of the fourth quarter of 2016 and is subject to change, including as a result of any normal quarterly adjustments in relation to the financial statements for the fourth quarter of 2016. This information has not been subject to any review by our independent registered public accounting firm. There can be no assurance that the final results for these periods will not differ from these preliminary results, and any such differences could be material. Quarterly financial results for the fourth quarter of 2016 will be included in our 4Q16 Earnings Release, and audited consolidated financial statements for full-year 2016 will be included in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2016, when they are published. These interim results of operations are not necessarily indicative of the results to be achieved for the remainder of the fourth quarter or the full year 2016. 

 Disclaimer (2/2)  Statement regarding non-GAAP financial measures This presentation also contains non-GAAP financial measures, including adjusted results. Information needed to reconcile such non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable measures under US GAAP or a reference thereto can be found in this presentation in the Appendix, which is available on our website at credit-suisse.com.Statement regarding capital, liquidity and leverage As of January 1, 2013, Basel 3 was implemented in Switzerland along with the Swiss “Too Big to Fail” legislation and regulations thereunder (in each case, subject to certain phase-in periods). As of January 1, 2015, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) leverage ratio framework, as issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), was implemented in Switzerland by FINMA. Our related disclosures are in accordance with our interpretation of such requirements, including relevant assumptions. Changes in the interpretation of these requirements in Switzerland or in any of our assumptions or estimates could result in different numbers from those shown in this presentation. Capital and ratio numbers for periods prior to 2013 are based on estimates, which are calculated as if the Basel 3 framework had been in place in Switzerland during such periods. Unless otherwise noted, leverage exposure is based on the BIS leverage ratio framework and consists of period-end balance sheet assets and prescribed regulatory adjustments. Leverage amounts for 4Q14, which are presented in order to show meaningful comparative information, are based on estimates which are calculated as if the BIS leverage ratio framework had been implemented in Switzerland at such time. Beginning in 2015, the Swiss leverage ratio is calculated as Swiss total capital, divided by period-end leverage exposure. The look-through BIS tier 1 leverage ratio and CET1 leverage ratio are calculated as look-through BIS tier 1 capital and CET1 capital, respectively, divided by end-period leverage exposure. Selling restrictions This document, and the information contained herein, is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of offers to purchase or subscribe for securities of Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG in Switzerland, the United States or any other jurisdiction. This document is not a prospectus within the meaning of article 652a of the Swiss Code of Obligations, nor is it a listing prospectus as defined in the listing rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange AG or any other exchange or regulated trading facility in Switzerland or a prospectus or offering document under any other applicable laws. Copies of this document may not be sent to jurisdictions, or distributed in or sent from jurisdictions, in which such documents are barred or prohibited by law. A decision to invest in securities of Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG should be based exclusively on a written agreement with Credit Suisse Group AG or an offering and listing prospectus to be published by Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG for such purpose. Any offer and sale of securities of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered in the United States of America absent such registration or an exemption from registration. There will be no public offering of such securities in the United States of America.  

 Overview of Financials and Capital  Resource re-allocation: Progress in 2016  1  Update on cost reduction plans  2  Funding plan for Credit Suisse  3  Update on proposed reforms to Basel III  4  Financial and capital targets  5 

 On track to reduce expenses to below CHF 19.8 bn target, with CHF 1.6 bn net savings expected by end-2016  Summary of progress  Cost reduction  Funding  Basel III reforms  Targets    2015  21.2  19.8  Adjusted operating expenses at constant FX rates* in CHF bn  Net savings in CHF bn    2016Target  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix1 Headcount includes permanent full-time equivalent employees, contractors, consultants and other contingent workers; Achieved as of December 4, 2016 includes departed and notified headcount * See Appendix    1.6  2016estimated      (1.6)    2016 estimated  19.6  1.6 net savings  Net headcount1 reductions of 6,050 as of December 4, exceeding target net reduction for full year 2016 

 Adjusted operatingexpenses at constantFX rates* in CHF bn  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix * See Appendix  Summary of progress  Cost reduction  Funding  Targets  2015  Gross savings  Investments in growth  2016 estimated  21.2  (2.1)  19.6  Strengthening of controls  0.3  0.2      2016 target of CHF 19.8 bn    Basel III reforms  Expect to achieve CHF 2.1 bn of gross savings in 2016, while reinvesting in growth businesses that aims at achieving attractive returns 

 CET1 ratio increased to 12.0%; RWA reallocated to growth businesses  285  270      10.2%  12.0%      1 Business impact includes business moves and internally driven methodology and policy impact and is expressed as net of FX and major external methodology changes  SRU  GM  IBCM  IWM  SUB  APAC  (8)  (20)  +3  +3  +4  +6  (28)  +16  3Q15  3Q16  3Q15  3Q16  3Q16 vs. 3Q15 Basel III RWA business impact1 in CHF bn  Basel III RWA in CHF bn  CET1 ratio in %  Summary of progress  Cost reduction  Funding  Targets  Sources  Increases  Basel III reforms 

 Continued reduction of leverage exposure while re-allocating to growth businesses; Tier 1 leverage ratio up 70 bps YoY  3Q15  3Q16  1,045  949      3.9%  4.6%  1 Business impact excludes impact from FX  Sources  SRU  Corp. Ctr. / HQLA  IBCM  APAC  SUB  (24)  (76)  +9  +14  GM  (11)  +10  +33  (116)  Increases  IWM  (5)  1.1%  2.8%  1.2%  3.4%  3Q15  3Q16  3Q16 vs. 3Q15 Leverage exposure business impact1 in CHF bn  Leverage exposure in CHF bn  Leverage ratio in %  Summary of progress  Cost reduction  Funding  Targets  Tier 1  CET1  Basel III reforms 

 Overview of Financials and Capital  Resource re-allocation: Progress in 2016  1  Update on cost reduction plans  2  Funding plan for Credit Suisse  3  Update on proposed reforms to Basel III  4  Financial and capital targets  5  Summary of progress  Cost reduction  Funding  Targets  Basel III reforms 

 Summary of progress  Cost reduction  Funding  Targets  Basel III reforms    Target total of >CHF 4.2 bn of net savings by end-2018  2015    2016estimated  Estimated 2016 cost reductions  2015 – 2018 cost reduction program* in CHF bn, year-end targets  2017 & 2018planned savings   Prior 2018 Target(Investor Day 2015)    On track to beat target cost base of CHF 19.8 bn for 2016;expect to reduce cost base to <CHF 17.0 bn by end-2018  Revised 2018Target    Note: Cost reduction program measured in constant FX rates and based on expense run rate excluding major litigation expenses, restructuring costs and goodwill impairment, but including other costs to achieve savings. Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix* See Appendix  21.2  18.5 – 19.0  <17.0  (2.6)    2016 cost target CHF 19.8 bn 

 Restructuring costs progression in CHF bn  Update on restructuring charges  Summary of progress  Cost reduction  Funding  Targets  0.6  0.6  0.3  2016E  2017E  2018E  2015  0.4  Severance  Real Estate  Other Restructuring Costs    Estimated costs through 2018: CHF 1.9 bn  Basel III reforms 

 Overview of Financials and Capital  Resource re-allocation: Progress in 2016  1  Update on cost reduction plans  2  Funding plan for Credit Suisse  3  Update on proposed reforms to Basel III  4  Financial and capital targets  5 

 Summary of progress  Cost reduction  Funding  Targets  Basel III reforms  Reduced capital instrument costs expected to offset increased HoldCo funding costs  Estimated funding costs1 – capital instruments in USD bn    2.8  2.8  2.7  2.2  Estimated funding costs1 – other sources of funding in USD bn  Total funding cost1 in USD bn  1.4  1.5  1.5  1.6  1 Cost represents a spread to the 3-month reference rate 

 Illustrative funding cost sensitivity and spread mediation  Summary of progress  Cost reduction  Funding  Targets  Basel III reforms  Funding costs sensitivity in CHF bn   2019E  2.71  2.67      HoldCo  All other1  2018E  2.24  2.13          Spread tightening assumes HoldCo spread  50bps, AT1 spread  100bps in 2018  (40) mn  (110) mn  AT1 High Trigger  1 Includes grandfathered T1 and T2 capital instruments, legacy capital and OpCo debt 

 Overview of Financials and Capital  Resource re-allocation: Progress in 2016  1  Update on cost reduction plans  2  Funding plan for Credit Suisse  3  Update on proposed reforms to Basel III  4  Financial and capital targets  5 

   Recalibrated leverage ratio likely to be primary capital constraint until beginning 2020, however…   1 The binding constraint is calculated as the worse of 10% of RWA and 3.5% of leverage exposure due to the TBTF requirement of 10% CET 1 ratio and 3.5% CET 1 leverage ratio requirement2 Does not include the effects of the countercyclical buffers and any rebates for resolvability and for certain tier 2 low-trigger instruments recognized in gone concern capital    …RWA uplift resulting from Basel III reforms will drive the binding constraint1 from the start of 2020  …  2018  Standardized Approach to Counterparty Credit Risk, Banking Book Securitizations and Equity Investment in Funds rules effective from January 1, 2018  Impact of revised Market Risk rules expected to be effective by December 31, 2019. Will affect primarily market risk assets in divisions with trading activity  2019  2020  Revised Swiss TBTF rules will be phased-in and become fully effective January 1, 2020  2016  Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision (GHOS) of BCBS is due to meet in January 2017 where final rules for revisions to standard rules for floors, credit risk and operational risk are expected. Significant recalibration to draft rules expected  Revised Swiss TBTF rules require going concern leverage ratio of 5% (of which 3.5% CET1), 5%2 gone concern leverage ratio, going concern RWA ratio of 14.3% (of which 10% CET1) and 14.3%2 gone concern RWA ratio to become fully effective by January 1, 2020 (phase-in)  Major regulatory capital changes anticipated over 2016-2020  Summary of progress  Cost reduction  Funding  Basel III reforms  Targets  Recent BCBS conference comments on November 30, 2016 indicate a longer implementation and phase-in period than previously expected. Use of internal models was confirmed 

   Summary of progress  Cost reduction  Funding  Basel III reforms  Targets  RWA estimated regulatory impact - 2018 to 2020 and beyond    Estimated net regulatory impact in CHF bn  2018E  2019E  2020E and beyond  Advanced rules estimated impact  Equity investments in fundsSACCRBanking book securitization  2018+: >13% pre Basel III reform ; >11% post Basel III reform  Final rules impact  Draft rules impact  FRTB  Pending BCBS finalization of remaining rules; significant recalibration expected January 2017.FRTB CVAReduced IRBOperational Risk  12-13% in 2018  Estimated CET1 ratio (%)Pre significant litigation 

 3Q16  Operating Free Capital Generated  Cash component of dividends  2018  CET1 ratio1,2in %  Capital released from SRU RWA reduction4    CET1 Leverage ratio   >3.5%  Illustrative CET1 capital generation and impact on capital ratios   Tier1 Leverage ratio   ~5.0%  3.4%  4.6%  CET1 benefit from Credit Suisse (Schweiz) IPO3  11-12% until end 2016  1 Pre significant litigation 2 Pre reforms to Basel III 3 Any such IPO would involve the sale of a minority stake and would be subject to, among other things, all necessary approvals and would be intended to generate / raise additional capital for Credit Suisse AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG 4 Includes business growth and methodology impacts (excluding Basel III reform)  12-13% over 2017 and 2018  >13% in 2018+ buffer for Basel III reform  CET1 ratio targets1,2  CET1 equivalent of increase in RWA for other divisions4      Summary of progress  Cost reduction  Funding  Basel III reforms  Targets 

 Overview of Financials and Capital  Resource re-allocation: Progress in 2016  1  Update on cost reduction plans  2  Funding plan for Credit Suisse  3  Update on proposed reforms to Basel III  4  Financial and capital targets  5 

 Overview of revised financial targets for Group and divisions  APAC  Pre-tax income o/w Wealth Management 2  IWM  Pre-tax income  SUB  Pre-tax income  Global Markets  RWA threshold1Leverage exposure threshold1Return on regulatory capital†  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures1 As announced on March 23, 2016 (Credit Suisse Strategy Update) 2 Including contributions from wealth management connected activities † See Appendix  2016  USD 60 bnUSD 290 bn  > CHF 1.4 bn1< CHF 19.8 bn111-12%1  Group  Net cost savingsOperating cost baseCET1 ratio (pre significant litigation)CET1 leverage ratio  SRU  Pre-tax lossRWALeverage exposure  2019  > 13% pre-Basel III reform uplift; > 11% post-Basel III reform uplift  ~ USD 0.8 bnUSD 30 bnUSD 40 bn  2018  CHF 1.6 bnCHF 0.7 bn  CHF 1.8 bn  CHF 2.3 bn  10-15%  > CHF 4.2 bn< CHF 17.0 bn12-13%> 3.5%  15- 20%  Summary of progress  Cost reduction  Funding  Targets  Adjusted figures  Basel III reforms  IBCM  Return on regulatory capital†  ~ USD 1.4 bn 

 Summary of progress  Cost reduction  Funding  Targets  Basel III reforms  Continued focus on cost discipline at SUB with maintained 2018 pre-tax income target  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results and a reconciliation of adjustments applied for Swisscard are included in the Appendix. Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division1 Excludes Swisscard impact  Adjustedpre-tax income1in CHF bn  2015  Prior 2018 Target(ID 2015)  2018Target  2.3  1.6  2.3 

   IWM outlook impacted by adverse market environment in near term  Summary of progress  Cost reduction  Funding  Targets  Basel III reforms  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix1 Including additional market related activities  Adjustedpre-tax incomein CHF bn  Prior 2018 Target(ID 2015)  Revised 2018Target  (0.4)  2.1  1.8  2015  1.0  Asset Management1  Business transfers  0.1 

   APAC wealth management target unchanged; reduced overall target reflects adverse impact from market conditions  Summary of progress  Cost reduction  Funding  Targets  Basel III reforms  Adjustedpre-tax incomein CHF bn  Prior 2018 Target(ID 2015)  Revised 2018Target  Marketimpact  2.1  1.6  0.3  0.7  0.7  2015  1.1  Wealth Mgmt.1  Businesstransfers  Prior 2018 Targetexcl. business transfers   Costinitiatives  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix1 Including contributions from wealth management connected activities  0.7  (0.7)  (0.1)  2.0 

   Summary of progress  Cost reduction  Funding  Targets  Basel III reforms  Global Markets targeted to meet its cost of capital by 2018  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures † See Appendix  Adjusted net revenues  Adjusted total operating expenses  2018 Ambition in USD bn  6.0+   Less than 4.8        Target return on regulatory capital†: 10 – 15% 

   Revenue growth and operating efficiencies to drive IBCM toward return target  Summary of progress  Cost reduction  Funding  Targets  Basel III reforms  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures † See Appendix  2018Target  15-20%  Adjusted return on regulatory capital†    ~60% revenue growth~40% operating efficiencies  2016 to 2018 PTI Growth 


 Notes  Throughout the presentation rounding differences may occurAll risk-weighted assets (RWA) and leverage exposure figures shown in this presentation are as of the end of the respective period and on a “look-through” basisGross and net margins are shown in basis points (bps) Gross margin = adj. net revenues annualized / average AuM; net margin = adj. pre-tax income annualized / average AuMMandates penetration reflects advisory and discretionary mandates as percentage of total AuM, excluding AuM from the external asset manager (EAM) business  General notes  * “Adjusted operating expenses at constant FX rates” include adjustments as made in all our disclosures for restructuring expenses, major litigation expenses and a goodwill impairment taken in 4Q15 as well as adjustments for FX, applying the following main currency exchange rates for 1Q15: USD/CHF 0.9465, EUR/CHF 1.0482, GBP/CHF 1.4296, 2Q15: USD/CHF 0.9383, EUR/CHF 1.0418, GBP/CHF 1.4497, 3Q15: USD/CHF 0.9684, EUR/CHF 1.0787, GBP/CHF 1.4891, 4Q15: USD/CHF 1.0000, EUR/CHF 1.0851, GBP/CHF 1.5123, 1Q16: USD/CHF 0.9928, EUR/CHF 1.0941, GBP/CHF 1.4060, 2Q16: USD/CHF 0.9756, EUR/CHF 1.0956, GBP/CHF 1.3845, 3Q16: USD/CHF 0.9728, EUR/CHF 1.0882, GBP/CHF 1.2764. These currency exchange rates are unweighted, i.e. a straight line average of monthly rates. We apply this calculation consistently for the periods under review† Regulatory capital reflects the worst of 10% of RWA and 3.5% of leverage exposure. Return on regulatory capital is based on (adjusted) returns after tax assuming a tax rate of 30% for all periods and capital allocated based on the worst of 10% of average RWA and 3.5% of average leverage exposure. For Global Markets and Investment Banking & Capital Markets, return on regulatory capital is based on US dollar denominated numbers  Specific notes  Abbreviations  Adj. = Adjusted; AT1 = Additional Tier 1; AM = Asset Management; ann. = annualized; APAC = Asia Pacific; AuM = Assets under Management; BCBS = Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; BIS = Bank for International Settlements; bps = basis points; BRRD = Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive; CAO = Capital Adequacy Ordinance; CET1 = Common Equity Tier 1; Corp. Ctr. = Corporate Center; C&IB = Corporate & Institutional Banking; CRO = Chief Risk Officer; CCRO = Compliance and Regulatory Affairs; CVA = Credit Valuation Adjustment; ECM = Equity Capital Markets; EM = Emerging Markets; EMEA=Europe, Middle East & Africa; FINMA = Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority; FRTB = Fundamental review of the trading book; FSB = Financial Stability Board; FTE = Full time equivalents; FVoD = Fair Value of Own Debt; FX = Foreign Exchange; GM = Global Markets; GMAR = Global Markets Accelerated Restructuring; HoldCo = Holding Company; HQ = Headquarters; HQLA = High Quality Liquid Assets; IB = Investment Banking; IBCM = Investment Banking & Capital Markets; ID = Investor Day; IHC = Intermediate Holding Company; IOSCO = The International Organization of Securities Commissions; IPO = Initial Public Offer; IRB = Internal Ratings-Based; IWM = International Wealth Management; KPI = Key Performance Indicator; LATAM =Latin America; LCR = Liquidity Coverage ratio; M&A = Mergers & Acquisitions; NCWOL = No Creditor Worse Off than in Liquidation; NNA = Net new assets; NSFR = Net Stable Funding Ratio; OpCo = Operating Company; OpRisk = Operational Risk PB = Private Banking; PB&WM = (Former) Private Banking & Wealth Management (division) pp. = percentage points; PTI = Pre-tax income; PONV = Point of Non-Viability; QoQ = Quarter-on-quarter; RM(s) = Relationship Manager(s); RoRC = Return on regulatory capital; RWA = Risk Weighted Assets; SA-CCR = Standardized Approach - Counterparty Credit Risk; SME = Small and Medium Enterprises; SMG = Systematic Market-Making Group; SoW = Share of Wallet; SRU = Strategic Resolution Unit; STS = Sales and Trading Services; SUB = Swiss Universal Bank; T1= Tier 1 capital; TBTF = Too Big to Fail; TLAC = Total loss absorbing capacity; (U)HNW(I) = (Ultra) High Net Worth (Individuals); WM = Wealth Management; YoY = Year-on-Year; YTD = Year To Date 

 Reconciliation of adjustment items (1/2)    CS Group in CHF mn                SRU in USD mn                Corp. Ctr. in CHF mn                  3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    Net revenues reported  5,396  5,108  4,638  4,210  5,985  6,955  6,647    (170)  (371)  (545)  (126)  (90)  437  335    72  (95)  110  (748)  752  384  173    Fair value on own debt  -  -  -  697  (623)  (228)  (144)    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  697  (623)  (228)  (144)    Real estate gains  -  -  -  (72)  -  (23)  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    (Gains)/losses on business sales  (346)  -  56  (34)  -  -  -    -  -  4  -  -  -  -    -  -  52  -  -  -  -    Net revenues adjusted  5,050  5,108  4,694  4,801  5,362  6,704  6,503    (170)  (371)  (541)  (126)  (90)  437  335    72  (95)  162  (51)  129  156  29    Provision for credit losses  55  (28)  150  133  110  51  30    6  (38)  119  99  21  13  5    -  (2)  1  (2)  1  -  -    Total operating expenses reported  5,119  4,937  4,972  10,518  5,023  5,248  5,106    698  445  601  1,103  688  690  651    279  142  76  307  211  121  223    Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  (3,797)  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Restructuring expenses  (145)  (91)  (255)  (355)  -  -  -    (23)  (21)  (80)  (158)  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Major litigation provisions  (306)  -  -  (564)  (203)  (63)  10    (324)  -  -  (257)  (27)  (9)  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Total operating expenses adjusted  4,668  4,846  4,717  5,802  4,820  5,185  5,116    351  424  521  688  661  680  651    279  142  76  307  211  121  223    Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  222  199  (484)  (6,441)  852  1,656  1,511    (874)  (778)  (1,266)  (1,328)  (799)  (266)  (320)    (207)  (235)  33  (1,053)  540  263  (50)    Total adjustments  105  91  311  5,307  (420)  (188)  (154)    347  21  84  415  27  9  -    -  -  52  697  (623)  (228)  (144)    Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  327  290  (173)  (1,134)  432  1,468  1,357    (527)  (757)  (1,181)  (913)  (772)  (256)  (320)    (207)  (235)  85  (356)  (83)  35  (194)      IWM AM in CHF mn                GM in USD mn                IBCM in USD mn                  3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    Net revenues reported  292  334  320  365  308  335  320    1,396  1,671  1,252  1,168  1,632  2,052  2,272    479  558  395  418  414  605  420    Fair value on own debt  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Real estate gains  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    (Gains)/losses on business sales  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Net revenues adjusted  292  334  320  365  308  335  320    1,396  1,671  1,252  1,168  1,632  2,052  2,272    479  558  395  418  414  605  420    Provision for credit losses  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    (6)  (17)  22  (5)  15  (4)  4    (9)  -  30  -  -  -  -    Total operating expenses reported  243  273  253  330  267  275  274    1,310  1,532  1,430  4,517  1,346  1,641  1,498    450  417  425  902  346  451  471    Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  (2,690)  -  -  -    -  -  -  (384)  -  -  -    Restructuring expenses  (2)  (2)  2  (4)  -  -  -    (52)  (52)  (102)  (97)  -  -  -    (16)  9  (28)  (22)  -  -  -    Major litigation provisions  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    (7)  -  -  (51)  (132)  (57)  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Total operating expenses adjusted  241  271  255  326  267  275  274    1,251  1,480  1,328  1,679  1,214  1,584  1,498    434  426  397  496  346  451  471    Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  49  61  67  35  41  60  46    92  156  (200)  (3,345)  271  415  770    39  141  (60)  (484)  68  154  (51)    Total adjustments  2  2  (2)  4  -  -  -    59  52  102  2,838  132  57  -    16  (9)  28  406  -  -  -    Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  51  63  65  39  41  60  46    150  208  (98)  (507)  403  473  770    55  132  (32)  (78)  68  154  (51)    Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures that exclude goodwill impairment and certain other revenues and expenses included in our reported results. Management believes that adjusted results provide a useful presentation of our operating results for purposes of assessing our Group and divisional performance consistently over time, on a basis that excludes items that management does not consider representative of our underlying performance. Provided below is a reconciliation of our adjusted results to the most directly comparable US GAAP measures. 

   SUB PB in CHF mn                IWM PB in CHF mn                APAC PB in CHF mn                  3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    Net revenues reported  1,160  840  846  963  857  956  920    789  811  853  808  785  830  801    346  337  319  271  303  307  297    Fair value on own debt  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Real estate gains  (346)  -  -  (72)  -  (23)  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    (Gains)/losses on business sales  -  -  -  (10)  -  -  -    -  -  -  (11)  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Net revenues adjusted  814  840  846  881  857  933  920    789  811  853  797  785  830  801    346  337  319  271  303  307  297    Provision for credit losses  13  7  9  14  14  9  12    -  16  (2)  (7)  11  (1)  2    38  2  (17)  (5)  24  -  (1)    Total operating expenses reported  603  582  632  784  639  690  659    593  611  622  874  618  619  567    242  245  216  228  210  188  190    Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Restructuring expenses  (16)  (3)  (35)  (33)  -  -  -    (13)  (13)  (10)  (32)  -  -  -    (3)  -  -  (1)  -  -  -    Major litigation provisions  -  -  -  (25)  -  -  -    19  -  -  (228)  (50)  -  10    -  -  -  (6)  -  -  -    Total operating expenses adjusted  587  579  597  726  639  690  659    599  598  612  614  568  619  577    239  245  216  221  210  188  190    Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  544  251  205  165  204  257  249    196  184  233  (59)  156  212  232    66  90  120  48  69  119  108    Total adjustments  (330)  3  35  (24)  -  (23)  -    (6)  13  10  249  50  -  (10)    3  -  -  7  -  -  -    Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  214  254  240  141  204  234  249    190  197  243  190  206  212  222    69  90  120  55  69  119  108      SUB C&IB in CHF mn                APAC IB in CHF mn                APAC IB in USD mn                  3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    3Q16  2Q16  1Q16  4Q15  3Q15  2Q15  1Q15    Net revenues reported  507  497  510  532  507  506  480    571  574  588  555  582  733  791    587  590  595  554  603  783  835    Fair value on own debt  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Real estate gains  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    (Gains)/losses on business sales  -  -  -  (13)  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Net revenues adjusted  507  497  510  519  507  506  480    571  574  588  555  582  733  791    587  590  595  554  603  783  835    Provision for credit losses  17  2  (3)  29  25  24  11    (4)  1  (5)  8  -  11  (2)    (4)  1  (5)  8  -  12  (3)    Total operating expenses reported  276  293  286  304  286  271  275    489  457  449  1,212  489  474  436    503  468  452  1,221  505  505  460    Goodwill impairment  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  (756)  -  -  -    -  -  -  (765)  -  -  -    Restructuring expenses  (3)  (1)  (5)  (9)  -  -  -    (20)  (10)  (1)  (2)  -  -  -    (21)  (10)  (1)  (2)  -  -  -    Major litigation provisions  -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    -  -  -  -  -  -  -    Total operating expenses adjusted  273  292  281  295  286  271  275    469  447  448  454  489  474  436    482  458  451  454  505  505  460    Pre-tax income/(loss) reported  214  202  227  199  196  211  194    86  116  144  (665)  93  248  357    88  121  148  (675)  98  266  378    Total adjustments  3  1  5  (4)  -  -  -    20  10  1  758  -  -  -    21  10  1  767  -  -  -    Pre-tax income/(loss) adjusted  217  203  232  195  196  211  194    106  126  145  93  93  248  357    109  131  149  92  98  266  378    Reconciliation of adjustment items (2/2) 

 Swisscard deconsolidation impactImpact of the deconsolidation on the Swiss Universal Bank  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results for other adjustments not relating to Swisscard is included in the Notes of this presentation † See AppendixThis is an illustrative pro-forma presentation of the impact of the deconsolidation of the card issuing business on the historical results of SUB as if it had occurred on December 31, 2014. Given that as of July 1, 2015 the business has been deconsolidated and transferred to the equity method investment, Swisscard AECS GmbH and the transaction does not qualify for discontinued operations, the historical results are not restated in this respect. The reduction in pre-tax income in the Private Banking business of Swiss Universal Bank is offset by the reduction in minority interest from the deconsolidation at the Group level, therefore there is no material impact on the Group’s net income attributable to shareholders. These illustrative figures cannot be seen as being indicative of future trends or results 1 Pro-forma impact of the card issuing business deconsolidation    in CHF mn  1Q15  2Q15  3Q15  9M15    1Q15  2Q15  3Q15  9M15    1Q15  2Q15  3Q15  9M15  Net interest income  611  685  708  2,004    9  9  -  18    602  676  708  1,986  Recurring commissions & fees  412  412  372  1,196    56  59  -  115    356  353  372  1,081  Transaction-based revenues  382  349  295  1,026    8  7  -  15    374  342  295  1,011  Other revenues  (5)  (7)  (11)  (23)    -  -  -  -    (5)  (7)  (11)  (23)  Net revenues  1,400  1,439  1,364  4,203    73  75  -  148    1,327  1,364  1,364  4,055  Provision for credit losses  23  33  39  95    -  -  -  -    23  33  39  95  Total operating expenses  934  961  925  2,820    61  62  -  123    873  899  925  2,697  Pre-tax income  443  445  400  1,288    12  13  -  25    431  432  400  1,263  Return on regulatory capital†  14%  14%  13%  14%    -  -  -  -    14%  14%  13%  14%  SUB adjusted  Swisscard Impact1  SUB adjusted ex Swisscard 


 Credit Suisse Investor Day 2016Global MarketsBrian Chin  December 7, 2016 

 Disclaimer (1/2)  The data presented in this presentation relating to the Swiss Universal Bank refers to the division of Credit Suisse Group as the same is currently managed within Credit Suisse Group. The scope, revenues and expenses of the Swiss Universal Bank vary from the planned scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG and its subsidiaries, planned to be subject to a partial IPO, market conditions permitting. Any such IPO would involve the sale of a minority stake and would be subject to, among other things, all necessary approvals.It is therefore not possible to make a like-for-like comparison of the Swiss Universal Bank as a division of Credit Suisse Group on the one hand and Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG as a potential IPO vehicle on the other hand.Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements This presentation contains forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties, and we might not be able to achieve the predictions, forecasts, projections and other outcomes we describe or imply in forward-looking statements. A number of important factors could cause results to differ materially from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates and intentions we express in these forward-looking statements, including those we identify in "Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015 and in “Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking information" in our media release relating to Investor Day, published on December 7, 2016 and filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and in other public filings and press releases. We do not intend to update these forward-looking statements except as may be required by applicable law. In particular, the terms “Illustrative”, “Ambition”, “Outlook” and “Goal” are not intended to be viewed as targets or projections, nor are they considered to be Key Performance Indicators. All such illustrations, ambitions and goals are subject to a large number of inherent risks, assumptions and uncertainties, many of which are completely outside of our control. Accordingly, this information should not be relied on for any purpose. We do not intend to update these illustrations, ambitions or goals.We may not achieve the benefits of our strategic initiativesWe may not achieve all of the expected benefits of our strategic initiatives. Factors beyond our control, including but not limited to the market and economic conditions, changes in laws, rules or regulations and other challenges discussed in our public filings, could limit our ability to achieve some or all of the expected benefits of these initiatives. Estimates and assumptionsIn preparing this presentation, management has made estimates and assumptions that affect the numbers presented. Actual results may differ. Figures throughout presentation may also be subject to rounding adjustments. Cautionary Statements Relating to Interim Financial InformationThis presentation contains certain unaudited interim financial information as of or for periods after September 30, 2016, the date of our last published quarterly financial statements. This information has been derived from management accounts, is preliminary in nature, does not reflect the complete results of the fourth quarter of 2016 and is subject to change, including as a result of any normal quarterly adjustments in relation to the financial statements for the fourth quarter of 2016. This information has not been subject to any review by our independent registered public accounting firm. There can be no assurance that the final results for these periods will not differ from these preliminary results, and any such differences could be material. Quarterly financial results for the fourth quarter of 2016 will be included in our 4Q16 Earnings Release, and audited consolidated financial statements for full-year 2016 will be included in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2016, when they are published. These interim results of operations are not necessarily indicative of the results to be achieved for the remainder of the fourth quarter or the full year 2016. 

 Disclaimer (2/2)  Statement regarding non-GAAP financial measures This presentation also contains non-GAAP financial measures, including adjusted results. Information needed to reconcile such non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable measures under US GAAP or a reference thereto can be found in this presentation in the Appendix, which is available on our website at credit-suisse.com.Statement regarding capital, liquidity and leverage As of January 1, 2013, Basel 3 was implemented in Switzerland along with the Swiss “Too Big to Fail” legislation and regulations thereunder (in each case, subject to certain phase-in periods). As of January 1, 2015, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) leverage ratio framework, as issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), was implemented in Switzerland by FINMA. Our related disclosures are in accordance with our interpretation of such requirements, including relevant assumptions. Changes in the interpretation of these requirements in Switzerland or in any of our assumptions or estimates could result in different numbers from those shown in this presentation. Capital and ratio numbers for periods prior to 2013 are based on estimates, which are calculated as if the Basel 3 framework had been in place in Switzerland during such periods. Unless otherwise noted, leverage exposure is based on the BIS leverage ratio framework and consists of period-end balance sheet assets and prescribed regulatory adjustments. Leverage amounts for 4Q14, which are presented in order to show meaningful comparative information, are based on estimates which are calculated as if the BIS leverage ratio framework had been implemented in Switzerland at such time. Beginning in 2015, the Swiss leverage ratio is calculated as Swiss total capital, divided by period-end leverage exposure. The look-through BIS tier 1 leverage ratio and CET1 leverage ratio are calculated as look-through BIS tier 1 capital and CET1 capital, respectively, divided by end-period leverage exposure. Selling restrictions This document, and the information contained herein, is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of offers to purchase or subscribe for securities of Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG in Switzerland, the United States or any other jurisdiction. This document is not a prospectus within the meaning of article 652a of the Swiss Code of Obligations, nor is it a listing prospectus as defined in the listing rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange AG or any other exchange or regulated trading facility in Switzerland or a prospectus or offering document under any other applicable laws. Copies of this document may not be sent to jurisdictions, or distributed in or sent from jurisdictions, in which such documents are barred or prohibited by law. A decision to invest in securities of Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG should be based exclusively on a written agreement with Credit Suisse Group AG or an offering and listing prospectus to be published by Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG for such purpose. Any offer and sale of securities of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered in the United States of America absent such registration or an exemption from registration. There will be no public offering of such securities in the United States of America.  

   Key messages    Strong client franchise across fixed income and equities productsEssential partner and product engine for IWM, SUB, APAC and IBCM divisionsRight-sized capital footprint with pre-tax income upside  Global Markets    Maintain client franchise strength and capitalize on collaboration across Credit SuisseContinue to drive increased operating leverage2018 Ambition: Revenues: USD 6 bn+Expenses: Less than USD 4.8 bn Return on regulatory capital†: 10 - 15%   Way forward    Reduced risk-weighed assets and leverage exposureAccelerated expense reduction programReturned division to profitability  Progress since last Investor Day      † See Appendix 

   GM maintains a strong client franchise across asset classes…  “[CS] has been at the vanguard of US securitization…the business has not lost any steam”  Most Innovative Bank for Securitisation    2016: Most Innovative Bank Leveraged Finance  “…The bank has navigated markets over the past 12 months like no other, and had a leading role in the year’s benchmark and unprecedented transactions”  Recent awards  Equities products   Client ranking in Global Cash since 20073  Global Prime Brokerage since 20124  Issuer of US Structured Notes5  #2  Top 3  #3  Fixed Income products  Asset Finance franchise since 20131  Global Institutional Loans and High Yield franchise since 20122  US Institutional Loan underwriter2   #1  Top 3  #1    Bank of the Year: Structured Products  “[CS] was named as the winner following an in-depth assessment … which brought together the Emerging Markets, Credit Solutions, Equity Derivatives and Global Macro business lines”  2016 Derivative Awards    EMEA: CLO Arranger of the Year   Large Cap Leveraged Loan of the YearBest Transatlantic Leveraged Loan High Yield Deal of the Year by a corporate issuer  1 Thomson Reuters 2 Dealogic as of September 30, 2016; includes AMER and EMEA 3 Third Party Competitive Analysis 4 Hedge Fund Intelligence / Absolute Return / EuroHedge; based on level of Hedge Fund AuM (Assets under Management) with Prime Broker 5 Bloomberg Brief Ranking, November 23, 2016  Franchise strength  Progress to date  Revenue potential  Collaboration  Products  Efficiency 

 …with continued market share strength  Institutional Loans and High Yield Share of Wallet/Rank2  #2  #1  2013-2015 Average  9M16  1 Thomson Reuters league tables 2 Dealogic league tables as of September 30, 2016; Note: All share of wallet and rank data is based on addressable market; includes Americas and EMEA only; excluding pro rata deals 3 ECM excludes converts     Franchise strength  Progress to date  Revenue potential  Collaboration  Products  Efficiency  Brand is strong  ECM Share of Wallet/Rank2,3  #7  #5  2013-2015 Average  9M16  US Securitizations Wallet/Rank1  2013-2015 Average  9M16  #1  #1 

   Execution of Global Markets restructuring nearing completion…  Reduced RWA and leverage exposureImproved risk profile in line with risk appetite Restructured expense baseMaintained and defended key franchise Returned division to profitability  Progress since Investor Day 2015    Risk- weighted assets  Leverage exposure  Total operating expenses   in USD bn  Progress to Date                 Target1  60  290      5.4  2  On track  On track  On track  1 As announced on March 23, 2016 (Credit Suisse Strategy Update) 2 2018 Ambition  Franchise strength  Progress to date  Revenue potential  Collaboration  Products  Efficiency   

 Revenues expected to normalize post-restructuring….   2015  1 2014, 2015 and last 12 months RWA reflect 5 quarter average RWA 2 Reflects restructuring year; last 12 months ended September 30, 2016 3 Average of Oct 1, 2015 – Sept 30, 2016  Trailing 12 months2 (as of Sept 30, 2016)    Restructuring year  Net revenues / RWA (%)  11.3%  9.4%  +10.0%  Average RWA progression1in USD bn   Net Revenuesin USD bn         Ambition  Average High Yield Credit Spreads  591  6923  Market Conditions   Franchise strength  Progress to date  Revenue potential  Collaboration  Products  Efficiency  Go forward revenues balanced across reduced risk profile and lower earnings volatility    2014  12.5%  2013 – 2015 Average = 12.1%  450 

 … and reflect historic seasonality  Global Market Net Revenues in USD bn  1 Reflects restructuring year; last 12 months ended September 30, 2016; 1H includes 1Q16 and 2Q16, 2H includes 4Q15 and 3Q16  Franchise strength  Progress to date  Revenue potential  Collaboration  Products  Efficiency  8.1  7.1  5.5  1H   2H   2014  2015  Trailing 12 months1 (as of Sept 30, 2016)  (54%)  (46%)  (61%)  (39%)  (53%)  (47%)  Restructuring year  3 year Average  57%  43%  6.0+  57 - 61%  39 - 43%    Ambition  (39%) 

 2017 Market Outlook  Equities Market Performance1  US Fed rate hike expectation2  # of Fed Hikes2  US High Yield and Inv. Grade spreads  Source: Credit Suisse Research1 Based on daily S&P 500 and Euro Stoxx 50 Index. Percentages refer to % change as of Dec 02, 2016 close vs. 2017 Projection per CS Research 2 Assessed on # of 25 bps Fed hikes  bps  Franchise strength  Progress to date  Revenue potential  Collaboration  Products  Efficiency    17CS Projection      +5%  +9% 

  Fixed Income business rationalization complete…  Product  Credit Products  Emerging Markets  Securitized Products  Macro  Competitive ambition  Top 3  Top 3  Top 3  Focused offering for top institutional and IWM clients  Progress against plan          Franchise strength  Progress to date  Revenue potential  Collaboration  Products  Efficiency 

 …resulting in resilient, productive client business   Top-tier provider for Loan, HY&IG2 Acquisition Financings  Leading provider of asset and portfolio advisory services  Differentiated global offering with deep understanding of local markets  Punching above our weight with less capital  Deep multi-asset capabilities in EM  Top tier provider in US interest rate options  Strength of the franchise  Credit business RWA productivity (per Coalition)1  #4  #2  2015  1H16    1 Source: Coalition. Analysis is based on Credit Suisse’s Coalition Product Taxonomy. All Results are based on Coalition’s Analysis and are based on 9 Banks out of the Coalition Index (Top 12 Global Investment Banks). RWA is calculated under Basel 3; RWA productivity is calculated as Revenues / RWA 2 HY = High Yield, IG = Investment Grade   Franchise strength  Progress to date  Revenue potential  Collaboration  Products  Efficiency 

     Systematic Market-Making Group ("SMG")  Offer professional investors access to SMG’s alternative investment strategiesRound out CS Asset Management client offering with high turnover, high Sharpe Ratio strategiesProvide CS with additional capital efficient revenue streams  Evolving operating model      SMG core expertise    High turnover strategies (restricted capacity)  Low turnover strategies (high capacity)  SMG QubeFund  SMG QT Fund  CTA  Risk Premia  Alt. Beta  Sharpe  Position Holding Period  Sharpe Ratio  SMG is a global quantitative and systematic trading group within Global Markets and APACFocuses on market making and high-turnover strategies  SMG Products   GM  APAC  From  To  SMG Funds  3rd party investors  APAC  GM        Capital providers  via IWM  Franchise strength  Progress to date  Revenue potential  Collaboration  Products  Efficiency 

 Equities performance reflects market conditions  AMER  EMEA  GM Equities products net revenue excluding SMG1 in USD bn  1 Includes Global Markets Equities and Equities Derivatives (part of Solutions); excludes SMG; numbers may not add due to rounding 2 Reflects restructuring year; last 12 months ended September 30, 2016   Trailing 12 months2 (as of Sept 30, 2016)  2015  2014  Franchise strength  Progress to date  Revenue potential  Collaboration  Products  Efficiency 

 Equities is critical to CS strategy   … with interconnected offering  Best in class distribution of new issue and blocks  Access product across developed and emerging markets for our clients  Provider of differentiated content (e.g., HOLT)   Equities  Global, cross divisional footprint1 in USD mn…   IBCM7%  APAC33%  Global Markets57%  Includes complete divisional view of Equites product revenue  1 9M16 net revenues include Equity Underwriting and Equity Trading revenues across GM Equities and Solutions, APAC , IBCM divisions and Sales and Trading Services (“STS”); includes SMG  IWM/ SUB: 3%  Franchise strength  Progress to date  Revenue potential  Collaboration  Products  Efficiency 

 Significant collaboration opportunities  Equities  Fixed Income  Wealth Management  Core Institutional  Corporate & Sponsors  Cash Equities  Equity Derivatives  Prime Services  Securitized Products  Credit Products  Emerging Markets   Macro                                Continuing to support client needs across APAC, IWM, IBCM and SUB        Franchise strength  Progress to date  Revenue potential  Collaboration  Products  Efficiency               

     GM is the product engine delivering into developed Europe and EM  Partner with IWM in EMEA…        Targeted client advisory  Pricing Strategy      Equity distribution  … and on EM Financing and Investor Products  Execution  GM EM Financing   GM Institutional Clients  IWM & SUB Clients  GM & IWM Syndication  Sovereign Wealth Funds, Insurance, Pensions, Asset Managers, Institutional Investors  Repackages for UHNWI Investor Products   Origination  Trading  Structuring  Risk Mgmt/ Controls   Tech Platform  Syndication  GM products & services  IWM Client USD 1.5bn sell-down of ABB  Franchise strength  Progress to date  Revenue potential  Collaboration  Products  Efficiency 

 Achieved strategic cost reduction in 2016, focused on revised2018 ambition   Cost reduction levers  2016 cost reduction actions  ~3,500 net headcount reduction328% reduction in professional services fees4  +82%  2012  2013  2014  2015  9M16 Annualized2  Regulatory / Control Investment (incl. Corp. Center)1,5 in USD bn  9M16 Annualized2  2018Ambition  Total operating expenses1 in USD mn  6.0  4Q16E Annualized2  5.4  (3)%    <4.8  5.2  2015  (11)%  Corporate Functions  GM Direct Expenses  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix 1 Expenses post Global Markets Accelerated Restructuring 2 Annualized numbers do not take account of variations in operating results, seasonality and other factors and may not be indicative of actual, full-year results 3 Based on net headcount reduction; includes permanent full-time equivalent employees, contractors, consultants and other contingent workers 4 Professional services fees includes consulting, contractor services, audit services and outsourced services; based YoY comparison as of ended September 30, 2016 5 Includes Risk and Controls related Corporate functions (e.g., CCRO, CRO and Product Control), IHC / CCAR, Controls, EMEA FinReg, Change/Chief Data Officer, Bank Levy, Risk and Control Tech spend and associated Corporate Center change  In-flight efficiency programs  Platform rationalizationDuplication reduction, front-to-backWorkforce deployment strategy  Franchise strength  Progress to date  Revenue potential  Collaboration  Products  Efficiency 

 Funding trajectory indicates upside  1 Reflects restructuring year – last 12 months ended September 30, 2016; numbers may not add due to rounding 2 Reflects spot leverage exposure 3 2015 and last twelve months leverage exposure reflects 5 quarter average     Gross and net revenuesin USD bn  Net revenues  Gross Revenues  Funding  Avg. leverage exposure  3772  3393  2943  290  Restructuring year  Trailing 12 months1 (as of Sept 30, 2016)  2018EAmbition  2015  2014  (22%)  +21%  Franchise strength  Progress to date  Revenue potential  Collaboration  Products  Efficiency 

 Global Markets Ambition  Adjusted net revenues  Adjusted total operating expenses  2018 Ambition in USD bn  6.0+   Less than 4.8        Target Return on regulatory capital†: 10 – 15%  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures † See Appendix 

 Summary  The bulk of the restructuring is done and we have executed wellOur Franchise and Brand are strong and are poised to capture upsideExpect normalization of revenues now that restructuring is done and markets are beginning to stabilizeExpect additional efficiencies on cost base and funding mostly from efforts initiated in 2016   Drive the CS strategy: A global wealth manager with strong Investment Banking capabilities 

 Appendix  December 7, 2016 

 Notes  For reconciliation of adjusted to reported results, refer to the appendix of either the CEO or CFO Investor Day 2016 presentation. All reconciliations are available in the respective appendixThroughout the presentation rounding differences may occurAll risk-weighted assets (RWA) and leverage exposure figures shown in this presentation are as of the end of the respective period and on a “look-through” basisGross and net margins are shown in basis points (bps) Gross margin = adj. net revenues annualized / average AuM; net margin = adj. pre-tax income annualized / average AuMMandates penetration reflects advisory and discretionary mandates as percentage of total AuM, excluding AuM from the external asset manager (EAM) business  General notes  * “Adjusted operating expenses at constant FX rates” include adjustments as made in all our disclosures for restructuring expenses, major litigation expenses and a goodwill impairment taken in 4Q15 as well as adjustments for FX, applying the following main currency exchange rates for 1Q15: USD/CHF 0.9465, EUR/CHF 1.0482, GBP/CHF 1.4296, 2Q15: USD/CHF 0.9383, EUR/CHF 1.0418, GBP/CHF 1.4497, 3Q15: USD/CHF 0.9684, EUR/CHF 1.0787, GBP/CHF 1.4891, 4Q15: USD/CHF 1.0000, EUR/CHF 1.0851, GBP/CHF 1.5123, 1Q16: USD/CHF 0.9928, EUR/CHF 1.0941, GBP/CHF 1.4060, 2Q16: USD/CHF 0.9756, EUR/CHF 1.0956, GBP/CHF 1.3845, 3Q16: USD/CHF 0.9728, EUR/CHF 1.0882, GBP/CHF 1.2764. These currency exchange rates are unweighted, i.e. a straight line average of monthly rates. We apply this calculation consistently for the periods under review† Regulatory capital reflects the worst of 10% of RWA and 3.5% of leverage exposure. Return on regulatory capital is based on (adjusted) returns after tax assuming a tax rate of 30% for all periods and capital allocated based on the worst of 10% of average RWA and 3.5% of average leverage exposure. For Global Markets and Investment Banking & Capital Markets, return on regulatory capital is based on US dollar denominated numbers  Specific notes  Abbreviations  Adj. = Adjusted; AT1 = Additional Tier 1; AM = Asset Management; ann. = annualized; APAC = Asia Pacific; AuM = Assets under Management; BCBS = Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; BIS = Bank for International Settlements; bps = basis points; BRRD = Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive; CAO = Capital Adequacy Ordinance; CET1 = Common Equity Tier 1; Corp. Ctr. = Corporate Center; C&IB = Corporate & Institutional Banking; CRO = Chief Risk Officer; CCRO = Compliance and Regulatory Affairs; CVA = Credit Valuation Adjustment; ECM = Equity Capital Markets; EM = Emerging Markets; EMEA=Europe, Middle East & Africa; FINMA = Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority; FRTB = Fundamental review of the trading book; FSB = Financial Stability Board; FTE = Full time equivalents; FVoD = Fair Value of Own Debt; FX = Foreign Exchange; GM = Global Markets; GMAR = Global Markets Accelerated Restructuring; HoldCo = Holding Company; HQ = Headquarters; HQLA = High Quality Liquid Assets; IB = Investment Banking; IBCM = Investment Banking & Capital Markets; ID = Investor Day; IHC = Intermediate Holding Company; IOSCO = The International Organization of Securities Commissions; IPO = Initial Public Offer; IRB = Internal Ratings-Based; IWM = International Wealth Management; KPI = Key Performance Indicator; LATAM =Latin America; LCR = Liquidity Coverage ratio; M&A = Mergers & Acquisitions; NCWOL = No Creditor Worse Off than in Liquidation; NNA = Net new assets; NSFR = Net Stable Funding Ratio; OpCo = Operating Company; OpRisk = Operational Risk PB = Private Banking; PB&WM = (Former) Private Banking & Wealth Management (division) pp. = percentage points; PTI = Pre-tax income; PONV = Point of Non-Viability; QoQ = Quarter-on-quarter; RM(s) = Relationship Manager(s); RoRC = Return on regulatory capital; RWA = Risk Weighted Assets; SA-CCR = Standardized Approach - Counterparty Credit Risk; SME = Small and Medium Enterprises; SMG = Systematic Market-Making Group; SoW = Share of Wallet; SRU = Strategic Resolution Unit; STS = Sales and Trading Services; SUB = Swiss Universal Bank; T1= Tier 1 capital; TBTF = Too Big to Fail; TLAC = Total loss absorbing capacity; (U)HNW(I) = (Ultra) High Net Worth (Individuals); WM = Wealth Management; YoY = Year-on-Year; YTD = Year To Date 


 Credit Suisse Investor Day 2016Swiss Universal Bank divisionThomas Gottstein  December 7, 2016 

 Disclaimer (1/2)  The data presented in this presentation relating to the Swiss Universal Bank refers to the division of Credit Suisse Group as the same is currently managed within Credit Suisse Group. The scope, revenues and expenses of the Swiss Universal Bank vary from the planned scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG and its subsidiaries, planned to be subject to a partial IPO, market conditions permitting. Any such IPO would involve the sale of a minority stake and would be subject to, among other things, all necessary approvals.It is therefore not possible to make a like-for-like comparison of the Swiss Universal Bank as a division of Credit Suisse Group on the one hand and Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG as a potential IPO vehicle on the other hand.Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements This presentation contains forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties, and we might not be able to achieve the predictions, forecasts, projections and other outcomes we describe or imply in forward-looking statements. A number of important factors could cause results to differ materially from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates and intentions we express in these forward-looking statements, including those we identify in "Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015 and in “Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking information" in our media release relating to Investor Day, published on December 7, 2016 and filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and in other public filings and press releases. We do not intend to update these forward-looking statements except as may be required by applicable law. In particular, the terms “Illustrative”, “Ambition”, “Outlook” and “Goal” are not intended to be viewed as targets or projections, nor are they considered to be Key Performance Indicators. All such illustrations, ambitions and goals are subject to a large number of inherent risks, assumptions and uncertainties, many of which are completely outside of our control. Accordingly, this information should not be relied on for any purpose. We do not intend to update these illustrations, ambitions or goals.We may not achieve the benefits of our strategic initiativesWe may not achieve all of the expected benefits of our strategic initiatives. Factors beyond our control, including but not limited to the market and economic conditions, changes in laws, rules or regulations and other challenges discussed in our public filings, could limit our ability to achieve some or all of the expected benefits of these initiatives. Estimates and assumptionsIn preparing this presentation, management has made estimates and assumptions that affect the numbers presented. Actual results may differ. Figures throughout presentation may also be subject to rounding adjustments. Cautionary Statements Relating to Interim Financial InformationThis presentation contains certain unaudited interim financial information as of or for periods after September 30, 2016, the date of our last published quarterly financial statements. This information has been derived from management accounts, is preliminary in nature, does not reflect the complete results of the fourth quarter of 2016 and is subject to change, including as a result of any normal quarterly adjustments in relation to the financial statements for the fourth quarter of 2016. This information has not been subject to any review by our independent registered public accounting firm. There can be no assurance that the final results for these periods will not differ from these preliminary results, and any such differences could be material. Quarterly financial results for the fourth quarter of 2016 will be included in our 4Q16 Earnings Release, and audited consolidated financial statements for full-year 2016 will be included in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2016, when they are published. These interim results of operations are not necessarily indicative of the results to be achieved for the remainder of the fourth quarter or the full year 2016. 

 Disclaimer (2/2)  Statement regarding non-GAAP financial measures This presentation also contains non-GAAP financial measures, including adjusted results. Information needed to reconcile such non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable measures under US GAAP or a reference thereto can be found in this presentation in the Appendix, which is available on our website at credit-suisse.com.Statement regarding capital, liquidity and leverage As of January 1, 2013, Basel 3 was implemented in Switzerland along with the Swiss “Too Big to Fail” legislation and regulations thereunder (in each case, subject to certain phase-in periods). As of January 1, 2015, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) leverage ratio framework, as issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), was implemented in Switzerland by FINMA. Our related disclosures are in accordance with our interpretation of such requirements, including relevant assumptions. Changes in the interpretation of these requirements in Switzerland or in any of our assumptions or estimates could result in different numbers from those shown in this presentation. Capital and ratio numbers for periods prior to 2013 are based on estimates, which are calculated as if the Basel 3 framework had been in place in Switzerland during such periods. Unless otherwise noted, leverage exposure is based on the BIS leverage ratio framework and consists of period-end balance sheet assets and prescribed regulatory adjustments. Leverage amounts for 4Q14, which are presented in order to show meaningful comparative information, are based on estimates which are calculated as if the BIS leverage ratio framework had been implemented in Switzerland at such time. Beginning in 2015, the Swiss leverage ratio is calculated as Swiss total capital, divided by period-end leverage exposure. The look-through BIS tier 1 leverage ratio and CET1 leverage ratio are calculated as look-through BIS tier 1 capital and CET1 capital, respectively, divided by end-period leverage exposure. Selling restrictions This document, and the information contained herein, is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of offers to purchase or subscribe for securities of Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG in Switzerland, the United States or any other jurisdiction. This document is not a prospectus within the meaning of article 652a of the Swiss Code of Obligations, nor is it a listing prospectus as defined in the listing rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange AG or any other exchange or regulated trading facility in Switzerland or a prospectus or offering document under any other applicable laws. Copies of this document may not be sent to jurisdictions, or distributed in or sent from jurisdictions, in which such documents are barred or prohibited by law. A decision to invest in securities of Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG should be based exclusively on a written agreement with Credit Suisse Group AG or an offering and listing prospectus to be published by Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG for such purpose. Any offer and sale of securities of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered in the United States of America absent such registration or an exemption from registration. There will be no public offering of such securities in the United States of America.  

   Key messages    A leading and well-positioned universal banking franchise with top-2 positions1 in all client segments of focusSwitzerland: #1 country in global wealth report2, traditionally resilient economy, low unemployment, political stabilityStrong financial profile, capital generation capacity and historically low volatility  Swiss Universal Bank    Significant further progress expected towards achievement of ambitious targetsClearly identified revenue and cost initiatives as well as digitalization roadmapIPO preparations for Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG on track for a partial IPO by the end of 2017, market conditions permitting3  Way forward    Improved profitability driven by cost discipline and solid volume growth Successful go-live of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG on November 20, 2016Announced new organization, aligned to client segments and needs, effective as per January 1, 2017  Progress since last Investor Day      Note: Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division1 Private Clients, Mid / Large SME, Large Corporates, Institutional Clients: The Boston Consulting Group; based on revenues 2 Credit Suisse Research Institute 3 Any such IPO would involve the sale of a minority stake and would be subject to, among other things, all necessary approvals and would be intended to generate / raise additional capital for Credit Suisse AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG  

 Agenda  Swiss Universal Bank  1  Progress since last Investor Day  2  Way forward  3 

   Track record of rising adjusted PTI generation underpinned by resilient risk profile  Historical adjusted PTI showing low volatility and significant YoY growth since beginning of 2016Switzerland offers an attractive and comparatively low-risk market environment where Swiss Universal Bank manages a high quality credit portfolio  Adjusted pre-tax income1 in CHF mn  1Q  2Q  3Q  431  472  432  457  431  400  +10%  +6%  +8%  1Q  2Q  3Q  Risk profile metrics  23  6  33  9  30  39        6  1  8  2  10  7  Ann. credit losses / net loans2in bps  Provisions for credit lossesin CHF mn    2015    2016    2015    2016  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results and a reconciliation of adjustments applied for Swisscard are included in the Appendix. Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division 1 Excludes Swisscard impact 2 Annualized numbers do not take account of variations in operating results, seasonality and other factors and may not be indicative of actual, full-year results  Swiss Universal Bank  Progress  Way forward 

     ~12%1  ~14%1  ~30%2  ~17%2  ~44%2  Strong franchise with #1 or #2 market positions in Switzerlandacross client segments  Note: Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division 1 Private Clients, Mid / Large SME, Large Corporates, Institutional Clients: The Boston Consulting Group; based on revenues in 2015 2 Equity Capital Markets (ECM): Dealogic; Debt Capital Markets (DCM): IFR; M&A: Thomson Securities, SDC Platinum, CS; based on deal volumes Jan – Dec 23 2015 3 Incl. Affiliates (BANK-now, Swisscard, Neue Aargauer Bank) 4 Small and Medium Enterprises 5 Excl. CS Asset Management Switzerland 6 Swiss-based External Asset Managers only  Private Clients  Corporate Clients  Mid / large SMEs4  ECM  DCM  M&A  IB CH  CS market share1  Position1  CS market share  Position  Large Corporates  #2 1  #2 1  #1 2  ~12%  Institutional Clients  Institutionals5   External Asset Managers6  CS market share1  Position1  #1  #1  ~19%  Retail, Affluent & HNWI3   ~11%  #2  UHNWI  #2  ~29%        Best Discretionary & Advisory Service Offering | 2016  Succession Planning Advice and Trusts SRI / Social Impact Investing | 2016  Best Family Office Offering | 2016, 2014  89% satisfaction rate of our Private and Wealth Management Clients Switzerland | 2016      Best Trade Finance Bank in Switzerland2016  Best Investment Bank in Switzerland2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000  Swiss Franc Bond House of the Year2015, 2014, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2004, 2002, 2001, 2000      Best Foreign Exchange Provider in Switzerland | 2016, 2015, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009  Best Swiss Global Custodian | 2015    Swiss Universal Bank  Progress  Way forward 

 Agenda  Swiss Universal Bank  1  Progress since last Investor Day  2  Way forward  3 

   Significant progress since last Investor Day  9M16 adjusted PTI of CHF 1.36 bn – up 8%1 year-on-year, despite challenging marketBoth sub-divisions – PB and C&IB – contributed equally to this improvementImproved adjusted cost income ratio and return on regulatory capital  9M16 adjusted operating expenses reduced by 3%1 year-on-yearRigorous management of FTE and consultants / contractors; reduced discretionary and corporate function spendCombination of solid loan growth, low credit losses and enhanced capital velocity  Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG went live on November 20, 2016~1.4 mn clients, ~6,500 employees, ~CHF 220 bn total balance sheet2, ~CHF 525 bn AuM2 transferred successfullyLarge project with ~1,500 employees working for 3 years and ~560 IT system changes  Improved Profitability  Cost and Capital Discipline  Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG  Improving Share of Wallet        Increased business volumes across AuM, other client assets and loans in all segmentsImproved mandates penetration at 29% in PB as of end of 3Q16, driven by “Credit Suisse Invest”Gaining further market share in corporate and investment banking and with entrepreneurs  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results and a reconciliation of adjustments applied for Swisscard are included in the Appendix. Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division 1 Excludes Swisscard impact 2 As of August 1, 2016  Swiss Universal Bank  Progress  Way forward 

   +8%  Despite challenging markets…  Improved profitability despite challenging markets    Negative interest rates, negatively impacting deposit businessMarket disruptions and increased volatility (i.e., Brexit, political uncertainties)Slow economic growth across Europe, including in SwitzerlandSubdued client activity across private, corporate and institutional bankingIncreased lending competition by non-banksNeed to continuously invest in regulatory and digitalization projects  Adjusted pre-tax income1in CHF mn  9M16  9M15  Adj. return on regulatory capital†,1  …consistent profitability improvements  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results and a reconciliation of adjustments applied for Swisscard are included in the Appendix. Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division 1 Excludes Swisscard impact † See Appendix  14%  15%  Swiss Universal Bank  Progress  Way forward  +7%  +8%  +1 pp.  Corporate & Institutional Banking  Private Banking  1,263  1,360  9M16  9M15 

 Rigorous management of FTEs / contractors / consultantsReduced non-personnel expenses:8% reduction of number of branchesLower IT / Ops and other corporate functions spend    Continue to focus on cost and capital discipline    Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results and a reconciliation of adjustments applied for Swisscard are included in the Appendix. Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division 1 TBTF = Too-big-to-fail, FIDLEG = Finanzdienstleistungsgesetz (Financial Services Act), MiFID = Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, MRP = Margin Rule Program, AEI - Automatic Exchange of Information 2 Excludes Swisscard impact  Adjusted operating expenses2in CHF mn  Capital Discipline       9M15  2,609  Regulatory, compliance & digitalization  2,697  (122)  Savings  34  9M16  Adjusted cost/incomeratio  Swiss Universal Bank  Progress  Way forward  65%  Cost Discipline     Delivered 3% reduction of adjusted operating expensesInvested in compliance, risk and tax / regulatory programs in relation to e.g. TBTF, FIDLEG / MiFID, MRP, AEI1 Continued further development of platform management and digitalization  67%  (3)%  Continuing to implement measures to further manage balance sheet and RWA:Successfully placed two synthetic securitizations of loan portfolios resulting in CHF 3 bn RWA reduction in 1H16Mortgage Fund Project under way planned to be launched in 4Q16 with further up-scaling in 2017 

   Focus on selectively growing revenues across PB and C&IB client franchise…  Net loans in CHF bn  Assets under Management in CHF bn  PB Mandates penetration in %  Tailor-made wealth management offering through “Credit Suisse Invest”, launched in 2Q15Positive reception by clients with >70,000 “Credit Suisse Invest” contracts signed as of 3Q16Attractive price model designed to promote potential for recurring revenues  Solid AuM growth in PB & Institutional clientsNet New Assets 9M16 of CHF 1.8 bn in Private Banking and CHF 1.8 bn in Corporate & Institutional BankingContinued selective External Asset Managers exits  Lending is a key revenue driver supported by a high quality credit portfolioInterest income driven by loan volume growth, higher margins from repricing measures on maturing loans and selective IPRE1 optimization            4Q15  26  2Q16  3Q15  24  28  1Q16  3Q16  29  27    500  9M15  9M16  529  PB  Note: Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division 1 Income Producing Real Estate  C&IB  Swiss Universal Bank  Progress  Way forward  +2%  +6%  +5 pp.  9M15  9M16 

   3Q16  2015  …and making progress on delivering the full franchise to our core clients  “Bank for Entrepreneurs”  Ramping up to facilitate ambitious growth targetsSuccessful increase of 30 E&E (Entrepreneurs & Executives) Relationship Managers (combination of hires and upgrades)Swiss market covered by 21 desks including 18 joint locations with SME1 businessAligned incentive models to foster collaborationProduct review completed and several offering projects launched  E&E RMs  3Q16  2015  Desks  Large Swiss corporate partnership with IBCM   Successfully demonstrating our global full range capabilities:Cross-border transactions involving M&A advisory and integrated financing solutionsStrong cross-divisional collaboration between geographies and product groups across Credit Suisse   Credit Suisse is acting as Financial Advisor & Offer Manager  Pending  USD42.7bnPublic tender offer for  Credit Suisse is acting as Exclusive Financial Advisor to gategroup  Pending  CHF1.4bn Public tender offer from  Credit Suisse acted as Lead Left Bookrunner  September 2016  Initial Public Offering on NasdaqUSD609m market capitalisation  Credit Suisse acted as Exclusive Financial Advisor to Galenica  July 2016  USD1.53bn acquisition of  Credit Suisse acted as Joint Global Coordinator and Joint Bookrunner  April 2016  CHF621m Initial Public Offering on SIX Swiss Exchange  Note: Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division 1 Small- and medium-sized enterprises  Swiss Universal Bank  Progress  Way forward      +64%  +91% 

   Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG, our fully licensed Swiss legal entity, has successfully gone live  Go-live successfully completed on time after three years of hard workA Leading universal bank in Switzerland with a strong business profile      Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG set up as strong, purely domestic entity  Nov 20, 2016Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG go live completedEntity fully operational, with ~1.4mn clients, ~6,500 employees, ~CHF 220 bn balance sheet volume1 and ~CHF 525 bn AuM1 transferred successfully  1H17Finalization of intragroup relationships  4Q18STS4  1Q17Setup of AM JV3  Nov 2013Announcement of Swiss legal entity program  1Q17Subsidiaries transfer2    Close cooperation with Credit Suisse AG in regard to Asset Management and STS    Fully licensed pure-play Swiss bank with differentiated product franchise that benefits from synergies and global reach of CS Group    Experienced management team to promote clear accountability for Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG      Strong balance sheet intended to be well capitalized  Swiss Universal Bank  Progress  Way forward    targeted timeline  Note: Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division 1 As of August 1, 2016 2 Neue Aargauer Bank, BANK-now and Swisscard (50% equity interest) 3 Timing subject to FINMA approval / license 4 Retransfer to CS AG intended to be finalized at the latest by 4Q18 

   Executive Board of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG   Chief Executive Officer Thomas Gottstein   Institutional ClientsAndré Helfenstein  Premium ClientsFelix Baumgartner  Private & Wealth Management ClientsSerge Fehr  STS SwitzerlandUrs Beeler  Corporate & Investment BankingDidier Denat   Products & Investment ServicesFlorence Schnydrig   New organization of January 1, 2017 (as announced in November)Structural set-up aligned with our client segments and needs  Swiss Universal Bank  Progress  Way forward  Human ResourcesClaude Täschler  Chief Compliance OfficerErwin Grob  Chief Risk OfficerPhilippe Clémençon  General CounselThomas Grotzer  Chief Financial OfficerAntoine Boublil  Chief Operating OfficerDagmar M. Kamber Borens 

 Agenda  Swiss Universal Bank  1  Progress since last Investor Day  2  Way forward  3 

 Our Ambitions  Consistently delivering the best value proposition for our three client segments: Private Clients, Corporate Clients, Institutional ClientsCombining simple, low-risk business model (focusing on Swiss-domiciled clients) with access to international, best-in-class IB and AM services to help enable strong business growthDriving efficiency agenda: Further optimizing our organization and processes along client needs and segments, eliminate duplication, centralize products and support functions, strive for flatter hierarchy and further automationStrengthening our brand: Be recognized as THE Bank for Entrepreneurs in SwitzerlandProducing strong and consistent Return on Equity, in excess of our cost of capital  Swiss Universal Bank  Progress  Way forward  Note: Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division  

   Reorganized business segments aligned to our client needs (planned to go live on January 1, 2017)  Private Clients1  Corporate Clients  Institutional Clients   Businessin scope  HNWI / “Bank for Entrepreneurs”AffluentRetail   UHNWISingle Family Offices  Pension Funds Financial InstitutionsExternal Asset Managers  Client needs  Retail / digital clients, lower mortgage segment: Efficient digitalized multi-channel offerings (complemented by call centers and cash service in branches)Affluent / HNWI clients: “CS Invest”, discretionary mandates, sophisticated wealth planning offering and financing solutions for high advice clients  Holistic client relationship and unique value proposition:Global access to products and servicesFull range access to private, corporate and investment banking capabilitiesBest-in-class Single Family office service  Synergistic coverage of clients with common advice, trading, asset management and asset / fund servicing needsFull service offering taking advantage of scale, advanced IT platform and global access to products and custody servicesSmaller banks / EAMs: increasingly similar needs  P&WMC  Premium  Business rationale  Centralizing digitalized / multi-channel offering for retail, freeing up RM capacity for Affluent / HNWI clients  Strict focus on core UHNWI clients with sharpened value proposition, differentiated coverage and product offering  Capturing further commercial synergies through enhanced operating model with distinct offerings per client segment  ~ CHF 2.9 bn  Adj. net revenues2  Large Swiss Corporates / CTF3SME / “Bank for Entrepreneurs”IB Switzerland  Small / digital SMEs: Efficient high-tech product delivery (e.g. FX, finance, payment service)Large SMEs / Multinational Corporates: Comprehensive advice including financing, leasing, factoring, (commodity) trade finance, payments, FX, derivatives, ESOS4, M&A, succession planning, capital markets, global IB access  Centralizing digitalized / multi-channel product delivery for small SMEs. Full service offering for int’l. medium / large corporates   ~ CHF 2.5 bn  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results and a reconciliation of adjustments applied for Swisscard are included in the Appendix. Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division 1 Includes Neue Aargauer Bank, BANK-now & Swisscard 2 Reflecting new organizational structure on a pro-forma basis; last 12 months 4Q15 to 3Q16 3 Commodity Trade Finance 4 Employee Share Ownership Service  Corporate & Institutional Clients  Swiss Universal Bank  Progress  Way forward 

   Revenue initiatives targeted to deliver >CHF 200 mn by 2018  Privateclients  Corporate clients  Institutional clients  Offer best-in-class banking services for digital/retail clients, leveraging digital capabilities and upgrade call centersFurther define client focus in our Affluent and HNWI segments by reducing RM load (number of clients) by over 30% to increase advice intensity and quality as well as to further strengthen sales cultureContinue to invest in hiring E&E Relationship Managers for “Bank for Entrepreneurs” initiative and U/HNWI RMsIncrease UHNWI market shares with a unique offering leveraging our private, corporate & IB capabilities   Intensify asset management coverage and further expand product offering, institutional advice, trading, asset servicing and platform services, thereby leveraging our leading Pension Funds and Asset Manager offering in a consolidating market looking for full service providersTake advantage of our Financial Institutions scale offering, end-to-end service and global bank network, be a key service partner for Swiss EAMs / Multi Family Offices building on leading platform and exploit revenue synergies between the two segments  Strictly segment SME universe in small SMEs with standardized client needs, served centrally and in high-advice SMEs where we continue to expand our coverage in our branches, including our “Bank for Entrepreneurs” initiative Build on our leading franchise for large Swiss corporates with our strong and established Investment Banking capabilitiesProvide extended range of innovative financing capabilities (e.g. mid market lending, synthetic securitization, mortgage funds)  Swiss Universal Bank  Progress  Way forward  Note: Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division 

   Cost measures initiated with incremental >CHF 200 mn net savings target by 2018 in addition to the ~CHF 100 mn net savings expected in 20161  Regional structure  Reduce management layers to run business at local market levels resulting in significantly increased spans of control, driving faster decisionsEnhance our location footprint by ramping up our Swiss Service Center in Gümlingen, Berne  Centralize product delivery according to best-owner principle and eliminate duplicationsSimplify, standardize and centralize support functionsContinue to realize reduction of corporate functions spend  Digitalization  Organization  Follow through and deliver front-to-back digitalization of operations & new payment platformRamp up digital on-boarding, RM client coverage tool and corporate client portal  Client coverage  Increase proportion of retail and affluent clients served digitally or through high-quality call centers, organized in one sub-segment to reduce number of RMs serving Affluent segmentsRedesign SME operating model for flow business to benefit from centralization and automation  Swiss Universal Bank  Progress  Way forward  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results and a reconciliation of adjustments applied for Swisscard are included in the Appendix. Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division 1 Indicatively based on 2016 vs. 2015 annualized 9M numbers 2 Savings targets, adjusted costs which are non-GAAP financial measures excluding restructuring costs 

 Digitalization Roadmap  Self Onboarding  At home or on the go, features digital product selection, contract / signature, independent from branch location and opening hoursGoal to reduce manual and paper based efforts in our branches  RMproductivitytools  Combining over 30 previously separate functions into one seamless workplaceGoal to reduce manual efforts, free up time for client facing activities and focus on individual client needs  Digital Corporate Portal  Delivering differentiating digital offerings to our corporate and institutional clientsFocus on digital credit processes, liquidity management and self service tools, offering clients more transparency and efficiency  Achieved  In Launch  eamXchange 2.0  Corporate Cash Manager    Mobile & Tablet Banking App            Savings Plus  Online Mortgage Renewal  Portfolio Review App    Mortgage Calculator      CS Invest Explorer App    Relationship Manager  Corporate and Institutional Clients  Private Clients  ProWealth One  Swiss Universal Bank  Progress  Way forward 

   Financial target for Swiss Universal Bank division  Confirming clear ambition to execute on cost agenda Targeted revenue growth driven by new organization but also market dependent  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results and a reconciliation of adjustments applied for Swisscard are included in the Appendix. Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division 1 Refers to Swiss Universal Bank division. The scope of revenues and expenses of the Swiss Universal Bank divisions varies from the planned scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG and its subsidiaries which is planned to be subject to the IPO. It is therefore not possible to make a like-for-like comparison of the Swiss Universal Bank division and Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG as an IPO vehicle 2 Excludes Swisscard impact  Swiss Universal Bank  Progress  Way forward  Adjusted pre-tax income development in CHF bn    2.31  20152  1.6  1.3(9M15)  2018 Target  2016 Outlook  1.4(9M16)  4Q16  20142  (1)% revenues 9M16Driven by lower client activity(3)% cost 9M16Driven by strict cost management  +1-3% revenues p.a.Driven by clearly identified revenue initiatives, but market dependent(3)% cost p.a. Driven by clearly identified cost measures  +8% 

 Swiss Universal Bank vs. Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG Scope & financials  Completion of the Swiss Asset Management JV incorporation and grant of FINMA licenseFinalization of RWA methodology calibration (standard model with floor versus advanced model approach) with FINMAFinalization of going concern / gone concern capital calibration as well as intra-group funding plansFinal agreement with FINMA relating to scope of Global Services Company, incl. Swiss IT, operations and other corporate functionsFinalization of all other intra-group revenues sharing agreements and service level agreements  The business perimeter and client universe of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG and its future subsidiaries1 will be largely identical to the Swiss Universal Bank divisionCredit Suisse (Schweiz) AG’s financials will differ from Swiss Universal Bank division driven by, but not limited to, the following items and will be available post 1Q17:   Note: Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank1 Neue Aargauer Bank, BANK-now and Swisscard (50% equity interest)  More details on Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG financials, key metrics and parameter will be provided in 2Q17  Swiss Universal Bank  Progress  Way forward 

     Roadmap to planned IPO  June 30, 2017  December 31, 2017  Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AGgo live      First published statutory financial statements of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG  IPO of 20-30%1Market conditions permitting  Final calibration of RWA requirements by FINMA          Nov 20, 2016  March 24, 2017  March 31, 2017  Further guidance on Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG financials, key metrics and parameter    Intercompany model finalized / Service Company set-up    Swiss Universal Bank  Progress  Way forward  1 Any such IPO would involve the sale of a minority stake and would be subject to, among other things, all necessary approvals and would be intended to generate / raise additional capital for Credit Suisse AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG  estimated timeline 

           Key take-aways  We made significant progress towards achievement of our strategic ambitions, with 9M16 adjusted PTI up by 8%1 year-on-year in a challenging market environment  New business organization, effective on January 1, 2017, will generate additional momentum  Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG has successfully gone live on November 20, 2016  Progress since last Investor Day  Way forward  IPO scope  Legal entity program        Consolidation scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG is expected to be finalized in the course of 1Q17    IPO timeline    IPO preparations for Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG are on track for a partial initial public offering in 2H17, market conditions permitting2  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results and a reconciliation of adjustments applied for Swisscard are included in the Appendix. Financial and other information is for Swiss Universal Bank division. Scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG differs from Swiss Universal Bank division 1 Excludes Swisscard impact 2 Any such IPO would involve the sale of a minority stake and would be subject to, among other things, all necessary approvals and would be intended to generate / raise additional capital for Credit Suisse AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG  Swiss Universal Bank  Progress  Way forward 


 Swisscard deconsolidation impactImpact of the deconsolidation on the Swiss Universal Bank  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results for other adjustments not relating to Swisscard is included in the Notes of this presentation † See AppendixThis is an illustrative pro-forma presentation of the impact of the deconsolidation of the card issuing business on the historical results of SUB as if it had occurred on December 31, 2014. Given that as of July 1, 2015 the business has been deconsolidated and transferred to the equity method investment, Swisscard AECS GmbH and the transaction does not qualify for discontinued operations, the historical results are not restated in this respect. The reduction in pre-tax income in the Private Banking business of Swiss Universal Bank is offset by the reduction in minority interest from the deconsolidation at the Group level, therefore there is no material impact on the Group’s net income attributable to shareholders. These illustrative figures cannot be seen as being indicative of future trends or results 1 Pro-forma impact of the card issuing business deconsolidation    in CHF mn  1Q15  2Q15  3Q15  9M15    1Q15  2Q15  3Q15  9M15    1Q15  2Q15  3Q15  9M15  Net interest income  611  685  708  2,004    9  9  -  18    602  676  708  1,986  Recurring commissions & fees  412  412  372  1,196    56  59  -  115    356  353  372  1,081  Transaction-based revenues  382  349  295  1,026    8  7  -  15    374  342  295  1,011  Other revenues  (5)  (7)  (11)  (23)    -  -  -  -    (5)  (7)  (11)  (23)  Net revenues  1,400  1,439  1,364  4,203    73  75  -  148    1,327  1,364  1,364  4,055  Provision for credit losses  23  33  39  95    -  -  -  -    23  33  39  95  Total operating expenses  934  961  925  2,820    61  62  -  123    873  899  925  2,697  Pre-tax income  443  445  400  1,288    12  13  -  25    431  432  400  1,263  Return on regulatory capital†  14%  14%  13%  14%    -  -  -  -    14%  14%  13%  14%  SUB adjusted  Swisscard Impact1  SUB adjusted ex Swisscard  Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures that exclude goodwill impairment and certain other revenues and expenses included in our reported results. Management believes that adjusted results provide a useful presentation of our operating results for purposes of assessing our Group and divisional performance consistently over time, on a basis that excludes items that management does not consider representative of our underlying performance. Provided below is a reconciliation of our adjusted results to the most directly comparable US GAAP measures. 

 Notes  For reconciliation of adjusted to reported results, refer to the appendix of either the CEO or CFO Investor Day 2016 presentation. All reconciliations are available in the respective appendix.Throughout the presentation rounding differences may occur.All risk-weighted assets (RWA) and leverage exposure figures shown in this presentation are as of the end of the respective period and on a “look-through” basis.Gross and net margins are shown in basis points (bps). Gross margin = adj. net revenues annualized / average AuM; net margin = adj. pre-tax income annualized / average AuM.Mandates penetration reflects advisory and discretionary mandates as percentage of total AuM, excluding AuM from the external asset manager (EAM) business.  General notes  * “Adjusted operating expenses at constant FX rates” include adjustments as made in all our disclosures for restructuring expenses, major litigation expenses and a goodwill impairment taken in 4Q15 as well as adjustments for FX, applying the following main currency exchange rates for 1Q15: USD/CHF 0.9465, EUR/CHF 1.0482, GBP/CHF 1.4296, 2Q15: USD/CHF 0.9383, EUR/CHF 1.0418, GBP/CHF 1.4497, 3Q15: USD/CHF 0.9684, EUR/CHF 1.0787, GBP/CHF 1.4891, 4Q15: USD/CHF 1.0000, EUR/CHF 1.0851, GBP/CHF 1.5123, 1Q16: USD/CHF 0.9928, EUR/CHF 1.0941, GBP/CHF 1.4060, 2Q16: USD/CHF 0.9756, EUR/CHF 1.0956, GBP/CHF 1.3845, 3Q16: USD/CHF 0.9728, EUR/CHF 1.0882, GBP/CHF 1.2764. These currency exchange rates are unweighted, i.e. a straight line average of monthly rates. We apply this calculation consistently for the periods under review.† Regulatory capital reflects the worst of 10% of RWA and 3.5% of leverage exposure. Return on regulatory capital is based on (adjusted) returns after tax assuming a tax rate of 30% for all periods and capital allocated based on the worst of 10% of average RWA and 3.5% of average leverage exposure. For Global Markets and Investment Banking & Capital Markets, return on regulatory capital is based on US dollar denominated numbers.  Specific notes  Abbreviations  Adj. = Adjusted; AT1 = Additional Tier 1; AM = Asset Management; ann. = annualized; APAC = Asia Pacific; AuM = Assets under Management; BCBS = Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; BIS = Bank for International Settlements; bps = basis points; BRRD = Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive; CAO = Capital Adequacy Ordinance; CET1 = Common Equity Tier 1; Corp. Ctr. = Corporate Center; C&IB = Corporate & Institutional Banking; CRO = Chief Risk Officer; CCRO = Compliance and Regulatory Affairs; CVA = Credit Valuation Adjustment; ECM = Equity Capital Markets; EM = Emerging Markets; EMEA=Europe, Middle East & Africa; FINMA = Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority; FRTB = Fundamental review of the trading book; FSB = Financial Stability Board; FTE = Full time equivalents; FVoD = Fair Value of Own Debt; FX = Foreign Exchange; GM = Global Markets; GMAR = Global Markets Accelerated Restructuring; HoldCo = Holding Company; HQ = Headquarters; HQLA = High Quality Liquid Assets; IB = Investment Banking; IBCM = Investment Banking & Capital Markets; ID = Investor Day; IHC = Intermediate Holding Company; IOSCO = The International Organization of Securities Commissions; IPO = Initial Public Offer; IRB = Internal Ratings-Based; IWM = International Wealth Management; KPI = Key Performance Indicator; LATAM =Latin America; LCR = Liquidity Coverage ratio; M&A = Mergers & Acquisitions; NCWOL = No Creditor Worse Off than in Liquidation; NNA = Net new assets; NSFR = Net Stable Funding Ratio; OpCo = Operating Company; OpRisk = Operational Risk PB = Private Banking; PB&WM = (Former) Private Banking & Wealth Management (division) pp. = percentage points; PTI = Pre-tax income; PONV = Point of Non-Viability; QoQ = Quarter-on-quarter; RM(s) = Relationship Manager(s); RoRC = Return on regulatory capital; RWA = Risk Weighted Assets; SA-CCR = Standardized Approach - Counterparty Credit Risk; SME = Small and Medium Enterprises; SMG = Systematic Market-Making Group; SoW = Share of Wallet; SRU = Strategic Resolution Unit; STS = Sales and Trading Services; SUB = Swiss Universal Bank; T1= Tier 1 capital; TBTF = Too Big to Fail; TLAC = Total loss absorbing capacity; (U)HNW(I) = (Ultra) High Net Worth (Individuals); WM = Wealth Management; YoY = Year-on-Year; YTD = Year To Date 


 Credit Suisse Investor Day 2016Asia PacificHelman Sitohang  December 7, 2016 

 Disclaimer (1/2)  The data presented in this presentation relating to the Swiss Universal Bank refers to the division of Credit Suisse Group as the same is currently managed within Credit Suisse Group. The scope, revenues and expenses of the Swiss Universal Bank vary from the planned scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG and its subsidiaries, planned to be subject to a partial IPO, market conditions permitting. Any such IPO would involve the sale of a minority stake and would be subject to, among other things, all necessary approvals.It is therefore not possible to make a like-for-like comparison of the Swiss Universal Bank as a division of Credit Suisse Group on the one hand and Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG as a potential IPO vehicle on the other hand.Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements This presentation contains forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties, and we might not be able to achieve the predictions, forecasts, projections and other outcomes we describe or imply in forward-looking statements. A number of important factors could cause results to differ materially from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates and intentions we express in these forward-looking statements, including those we identify in "Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015 and in “Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking information" in our media release relating to Investor Day, published on December 7, 2016 and filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and in other public filings and press releases. We do not intend to update these forward-looking statements except as may be required by applicable law. In particular, the terms “Illustrative”, “Ambition”, “Outlook” and “Goal” are not intended to be viewed as targets or projections, nor are they considered to be Key Performance Indicators. All such illustrations, ambitions and goals are subject to a large number of inherent risks, assumptions and uncertainties, many of which are completely outside of our control. Accordingly, this information should not be relied on for any purpose. We do not intend to update these illustrations, ambitions or goals.We may not achieve the benefits of our strategic initiativesWe may not achieve all of the expected benefits of our strategic initiatives. Factors beyond our control, including but not limited to the market and economic conditions, changes in laws, rules or regulations and other challenges discussed in our public filings, could limit our ability to achieve some or all of the expected benefits of these initiatives. Estimates and assumptionsIn preparing this presentation, management has made estimates and assumptions that affect the numbers presented. Actual results may differ. Figures throughout presentation may also be subject to rounding adjustments. Cautionary Statements Relating to Interim Financial InformationThis presentation contains certain unaudited interim financial information as of or for periods after September 30, 2016, the date of our last published quarterly financial statements. This information has been derived from management accounts, is preliminary in nature, does not reflect the complete results of the fourth quarter of 2016 and is subject to change, including as a result of any normal quarterly adjustments in relation to the financial statements for the fourth quarter of 2016. This information has not been subject to any review by our independent registered public accounting firm. There can be no assurance that the final results for these periods will not differ from these preliminary results, and any such differences could be material. Quarterly financial results for the fourth quarter of 2016 will be included in our 4Q16 Earnings Release, and audited consolidated financial statements for full-year 2016 will be included in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2016, when they are published. These interim results of operations are not necessarily indicative of the results to be achieved for the remainder of the fourth quarter or the full year 2016. 

 Disclaimer (2/2)  Statement regarding non-GAAP financial measures This presentation also contains non-GAAP financial measures, including adjusted results. Information needed to reconcile such non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable measures under US GAAP or a reference thereto can be found in this presentation in the Appendix, which is available on our website at credit-suisse.com.Statement regarding capital, liquidity and leverage As of January 1, 2013, Basel 3 was implemented in Switzerland along with the Swiss “Too Big to Fail” legislation and regulations thereunder (in each case, subject to certain phase-in periods). As of January 1, 2015, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) leverage ratio framework, as issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), was implemented in Switzerland by FINMA. Our related disclosures are in accordance with our interpretation of such requirements, including relevant assumptions. Changes in the interpretation of these requirements in Switzerland or in any of our assumptions or estimates could result in different numbers from those shown in this presentation. Capital and ratio numbers for periods prior to 2013 are based on estimates, which are calculated as if the Basel 3 framework had been in place in Switzerland during such periods. Unless otherwise noted, leverage exposure is based on the BIS leverage ratio framework and consists of period-end balance sheet assets and prescribed regulatory adjustments. Leverage amounts for 4Q14, which are presented in order to show meaningful comparative information, are based on estimates which are calculated as if the BIS leverage ratio framework had been implemented in Switzerland at such time. Beginning in 2015, the Swiss leverage ratio is calculated as Swiss total capital, divided by period-end leverage exposure. The look-through BIS tier 1 leverage ratio and CET1 leverage ratio are calculated as look-through BIS tier 1 capital and CET1 capital, respectively, divided by end-period leverage exposure. Selling restrictions This document, and the information contained herein, is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of offers to purchase or subscribe for securities of Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG in Switzerland, the United States or any other jurisdiction. This document is not a prospectus within the meaning of article 652a of the Swiss Code of Obligations, nor is it a listing prospectus as defined in the listing rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange AG or any other exchange or regulated trading facility in Switzerland or a prospectus or offering document under any other applicable laws. Copies of this document may not be sent to jurisdictions, or distributed in or sent from jurisdictions, in which such documents are barred or prohibited by law. A decision to invest in securities of Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG should be based exclusively on a written agreement with Credit Suisse Group AG or an offering and listing prospectus to be published by Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG for such purpose. Any offer and sale of securities of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered in the United States of America absent such registration or an exemption from registration. There will be no public offering of such securities in the United States of America.  

   Key messages    Executing on our Entrepreneurs’ Bank strategyGrowth in U/HNWI & Entrepreneur clients, and multiple leading client franchisesSlower markets driving revision of PTI target and pace of growth  APAC    Capitalize on APAC wealth management opportunity with integrated, advisory-led solutionsExtend leading franchises & product strength across APAC marketsDeliver efficient, scalable and risk-controlled platformSeek to grow profitably from higher productivity and operational efficiency  Way forward    Record AuM CHF 169 bn at the end of 3Q16Record Wealth Management revenues in 3Q16Strong return on regulatory capital and profitability through-the-cycle  Progress since last Investor Day     

   Recap: APAC Target    Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix 1 Including contributions from wealth management connected activities  Adjustedpre-tax incomein CHF bn  Prior 2018 Target excl. business transfers  Market impact  Revised 2018Target  Cost initiatives  2.0  1.6  0.3  0.7  0.7  0.7  Wealth Management1  Business transfers  Prior 2018 Target(ID 2015)  2.1  Adjusted  Confirmed  0.7  0.1 

   Target supported by Wealth Management growth    1.6  Adj. pre-tax income in CHF bn  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures 

 Attractive APAC wealth market  Estimated 16% compound annual growth in UHNWIs to 20201  Highest # of billionaires globally in 20162  ~50% of new global billionaires from APAC2  1 Based on number of millionaire households with > USD 100 mn private financial wealth. Source: BCG Wealth Report 2016 2 Source: 2016 Forbes Billionaire List 3 Source: Capgemini 2016 Wealth Report; over USD 5 mn investable Wealth 4 Source: Asian Private Banker  16% of market U/HNWI AuM3 captured by Top-20 PBs4  Entrepreneur-Driven Growth 

 CS growth momentum in wealth management  1 Includes Wealth Management, Underwriting & Advisory and Financing 2 India AuM growth includes India onshore and NRIs booked in Singapore and Hong Kong   CS APAC U/HNWI & Entrepreneur-related performance1  IND2  JPN  SEA  KOR  AUS  GC  Rev  AuM  n/a  Positive  Negative                                                        9M15 – 9M16 Growth  Net revenues  12%  +17%    CAGR 

 Growth in U/HNW client base  10%+ NNA growth in 9 of 12 last quarters  CHF 61 bn of NNA since 20131  AuM / RM in CHF mn  253  260  RMs  Gross Margin  81 bps  85 bps  Net RMs  +100  Solid asset growth & margins  Higher RM Productivity  AuM in CHF bn    +22%  Reported NNA  1 1Q13 through 9M16  Drivers of upside 

 Broader client activity from advisory-led model  1 Source: Dealogic as at December 2, 2016 YTD 2 Includes APAC excl. Japan   SoW rank amongst international banks1    #1  #2  #1  #3  #8  M&A  #2  ECM  #5  DCM  #5  Lev Loans  #2  IND  SEA  KOR  AUS  GC  By country/region  By product  CS APAC U/HNWI & Entrepreneur / Corporates total fees2  Drive multi-product and global solutions  Extend and maintain strong market positions  Deepen client relationships  #1 APAC excl. Japan  9M16  Drivers of upside 

 Capital solutions for clients’ wealth/business needs  Measured increase in credit portfolio  Effective risk management  Creating balance sheet capacity  CHF 4 bn / 12% increase in net loans  72% of originated structured credit volume distributed (9M16)  U/HNW & Entrepreneur client focus  0.09% avg. provision for credit losses / net loans  3Q15 to 3Q16      ~80% of notional credit exposure with U/HNW & Entrepreneur clients (3Q16)  0.10%  Drivers of upside 

     Connectivity between markets and WM franchise  1 Average daily cash volumes as of YTD December 2, 2016 vs. 2015 2 HKEx average monthly trading velocity as of end-Oct’16 3 Source: Dealogic, 2016 YTD vs. 2015 YTD as of December 2, 2016. Excludes China A-shares  2016 market headwinds    CS APAC Equities and Fixed Income performance excluding SMG – Net revenues, CHF bn  Going forward  Build U/HNWI solutionse.g. Prime Services for Private Banking and structured funds  Enhance product suite e.g. investor strategies, structured credit  Broader client accesse.g. family offices, External Asset Managers, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Institutional Investors  Greater China  Equity Derivatives House of the Year 2016  (21)%  Other APAC regions  APAC equity trading volumes1 (47)%  HKEx Trading Velocity at 20-year low2  Equity Capital Markets fee pools3 (26)%  Drivers of upside 

   Further operational leverage  Synergies from integrating APAC divisionStreamline operating model and processesConsolidate product capabilities and coverageWorkflow automation  Support focused growth opportunitiesExpand WM footprint and onshore platformsRegulatory and controls infrastructureDigital innovation  Adj. total operating expensesIn CHF bn  Higher efficiency and reinvestment into key initiatives  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures  Drivers of upside 

   Seeing results of strategic focus despite challenging market conditions  CS APAC U/HNWI & Entrepreneur-related performance – Net revenues, CHF bn  2016 vs. 2015 change  Continued growth  2016 vs. 2015 change  CS APAC Equities and Fixed Income performance excluding SMG – Net revenues, CHF bn  Stronger performance in similar market conditions 

   Summary of initiatives  The Entrepreneurs’ Bank of Asia Pacific      Continue growth in U/HNWI & Entrepreneur client businessesDrive firm-wide interconnectivity to differentiate client experienceDeliver our multiple leading business franchises via an integrated model  Build on our momentum    Capture synergies across APAC divisionAccelerate productivity of new hires and resourcesDeliver balanced franchise with strong returns  Stay focused   

   With Chairman Urs Rohner and CEO Tidjane Thiam of Credit Suisse. Thiam’s strategy is to make CS a global private bank with strong investment banking capabilities. I agree with the strategy, keep @CreditSuisse simple! Laser focus on these 2 activities rather than boiling ocean in all different banking areas!Francis Yeoh, Executive Chairman, YTL Corporation on Instagram    “  ” 


 Notes  For reconciliation of adjusted to reported results, refer to the appendix of either the CEO or CFO Investor Day 2016 presentation. All reconciliations are available in the respective appendix.Throughout the presentation rounding differences may occur.All risk-weighted assets (RWA) and leverage exposure figures shown in this presentation are as of the end of the respective period and on a “look-through” basis.Gross and net margins are shown in basis points (bps). Gross margin = adj. net revenues annualized / average AuM; net margin = adj. pre-tax income annualized / average AuM.Mandates penetration reflects advisory and discretionary mandates as percentage of total AuM, excluding AuM from the external asset manager (EAM) business.  General notes  * “Adjusted operating expenses at constant FX rates” include adjustments as made in all our disclosures for restructuring expenses, major litigation expenses and a goodwill impairment taken in 4Q15 as well as adjustments for FX, applying the following main currency exchange rates for 1Q15: USD/CHF 0.9465, EUR/CHF 1.0482, GBP/CHF 1.4296, 2Q15: USD/CHF 0.9383, EUR/CHF 1.0418, GBP/CHF 1.4497, 3Q15: USD/CHF 0.9684, EUR/CHF 1.0787, GBP/CHF 1.4891, 4Q15: USD/CHF 1.0000, EUR/CHF 1.0851, GBP/CHF 1.5123, 1Q16: USD/CHF 0.9928, EUR/CHF 1.0941, GBP/CHF 1.4060, 2Q16: USD/CHF 0.9756, EUR/CHF 1.0956, GBP/CHF 1.3845, 3Q16: USD/CHF 0.9728, EUR/CHF 1.0882, GBP/CHF 1.2764. These currency exchange rates are unweighted, i.e. a straight line average of monthly rates. We apply this calculation consistently for the periods under review.† Regulatory capital reflects the worst of 10% of RWA and 3.5% of leverage exposure. Return on regulatory capital is based on (adjusted) returns after tax assuming a tax rate of 30% for all periods and capital allocated based on the worst of 10% of average RWA and 3.5% of average leverage exposure. For Global Markets and Investment Banking & Capital Markets, return on regulatory capital is based on US dollar denominated numbers.  Specific notes  Abbreviations  Adj. = Adjusted; AT1 = Additional Tier 1; AM = Asset Management; ann. = annualized; APAC = Asia Pacific; AuM = Assets under Management; BCBS = Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; BIS = Bank for International Settlements; bps = basis points; BRRD = Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive; CAO = Capital Adequacy Ordinance; CET1 = Common Equity Tier 1; Corp. Ctr. = Corporate Center; C&IB = Corporate & Institutional Banking; CRO = Chief Risk Officer; CCRO = Compliance and Regulatory Affairs; CVA = Credit Valuation Adjustment; ECM = Equity Capital Markets; EM = Emerging Markets; EMEA=Europe, Middle East & Africa; FINMA = Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority; FRTB = Fundamental review of the trading book; FSB = Financial Stability Board; FTE = Full time equivalents; FVoD = Fair Value of Own Debt; FX = Foreign Exchange; GM = Global Markets; GMAR = Global Markets Accelerated Restructuring; HoldCo = Holding Company; HQ = Headquarters; HQLA = High Quality Liquid Assets; IB = Investment Banking; IBCM = Investment Banking & Capital Markets; ID = Investor Day; IHC = Intermediate Holding Company; IOSCO = The International Organization of Securities Commissions; IPO = Initial Public Offer; IRB = Internal Ratings-Based; IWM = International Wealth Management; KPI = Key Performance Indicator; LATAM =Latin America; LCR = Liquidity Coverage ratio; M&A = Mergers & Acquisitions; NCWOL = No Creditor Worse Off than in Liquidation; NNA = Net new assets; NSFR = Net Stable Funding Ratio; OpCo = Operating Company; OpRisk = Operational Risk PB = Private Banking; PB&WM = (Former) Private Banking & Wealth Management (division) pp. = percentage points; PTI = Pre-tax income; PONV = Point of Non-Viability; QoQ = Quarter-on-quarter; RM(s) = Relationship Manager(s); RoRC = Return on regulatory capital; RWA = Risk Weighted Assets; SA-CCR = Standardized Approach - Counterparty Credit Risk; SME = Small and Medium Enterprises; SMG = Systematic Market-Making Group; SoW = Share of Wallet; SRU = Strategic Resolution Unit; STS = Sales and Trading Services; SUB = Swiss Universal Bank; T1= Tier 1 capital; TBTF = Too Big to Fail; TLAC = Total loss absorbing capacity; (U)HNW(I) = (Ultra) High Net Worth (Individuals); WM = Wealth Management; YoY = Year-on-Year; YTD = Year To Date 


 Credit Suisse Investor Day 2016International Wealth ManagementIqbal Khan  December 7, 2016 

 The data presented in this presentation relating to the Swiss Universal Bank refers to the division of Credit Suisse Group as the same is currently managed within Credit Suisse Group. The scope, revenues and expenses of the Swiss Universal Bank vary from the planned scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG and its subsidiaries, planned to be subject to a partial IPO, market conditions permitting. Any such IPO would involve the sale of a minority stake and would be subject to, among other things, all necessary approvals.It is therefore not possible to make a like-for-like comparison of the Swiss Universal Bank as a division of Credit Suisse Group on the one hand and Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG as a potential IPO vehicle on the other hand.Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements This presentation contains forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties, and we might not be able to achieve the predictions, forecasts, projections and other outcomes we describe or imply in forward-looking statements. A number of important factors could cause results to differ materially from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates and intentions we express in these forward-looking statements, including those we identify in "Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015 and in “Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking information" in our media release relating to Investor Day, published on December 7, 2016 and filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and in other public filings and press releases. We do not intend to update these forward-looking statements except as may be required by applicable law. In particular, the terms “Illustrative”, “Ambition”, “Outlook” and “Goal” are not intended to be viewed as targets or projections, nor are they considered to be Key Performance Indicators. All such illustrations, ambitions and goals are subject to a large number of inherent risks, assumptions and uncertainties, many of which are completely outside of our control. Accordingly, this information should not be relied on for any purpose. We do not intend to update these illustrations, ambitions or goals.We may not achieve the benefits of our strategic initiativesWe may not achieve all of the expected benefits of our strategic initiatives. Factors beyond our control, including but not limited to the market and economic conditions, changes in laws, rules or regulations and other challenges discussed in our public filings, could limit our ability to achieve some or all of the expected benefits of these initiatives. Estimates and assumptionsIn preparing this presentation, management has made estimates and assumptions that affect the numbers presented. Actual results may differ. Figures throughout presentation may also be subject to rounding adjustments. Cautionary Statements Relating to Interim Financial InformationThis presentation contains certain unaudited interim financial information as of or for periods after September 30, 2016, the date of our last published quarterly financial statements. This information has been derived from management accounts, is preliminary in nature, does not reflect the complete results of the fourth quarter of 2016 and is subject to change, including as a result of any normal quarterly adjustments in relation to the financial statements for the fourth quarter of 2016. This information has not been subject to any review by our independent registered public accounting firm. There can be no assurance that the final results for these periods will not differ from these preliminary results, and any such differences could be material. Quarterly financial results for the fourth quarter of 2016 will be included in our 4Q16 Earnings Release, and audited consolidated financial statements for full-year 2016 will be included in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2016, when they are published. These interim results of operations are not necessarily indicative of the results to be achieved for the remainder of the fourth quarter or the full year 2016.  Disclaimer (1/2) 

 Statement regarding non-GAAP financial measures This presentation also contains non-GAAP financial measures, including adjusted results. Information needed to reconcile such non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable measures under US GAAP or a reference thereto can be found in this presentation in the Appendix, which is available on our website at credit-suisse.com.Statement regarding capital, liquidity and leverage As of January 1, 2013, Basel 3 was implemented in Switzerland along with the Swiss “Too Big to Fail” legislation and regulations thereunder (in each case, subject to certain phase-in periods). As of January 1, 2015, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) leverage ratio framework, as issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), was implemented in Switzerland by FINMA. Our related disclosures are in accordance with our interpretation of such requirements, including relevant assumptions. Changes in the interpretation of these requirements in Switzerland or in any of our assumptions or estimates could result in different numbers from those shown in this presentation. Capital and ratio numbers for periods prior to 2013 are based on estimates, which are calculated as if the Basel 3 framework had been in place in Switzerland during such periods. Unless otherwise noted, leverage exposure is based on the BIS leverage ratio framework and consists of period-end balance sheet assets and prescribed regulatory adjustments. Leverage amounts for 4Q14, which are presented in order to show meaningful comparative information, are based on estimates which are calculated as if the BIS leverage ratio framework had been implemented in Switzerland at such time. Beginning in 2015, the Swiss leverage ratio is calculated as Swiss total capital, divided by period-end leverage exposure. The look-through BIS tier 1 leverage ratio and CET1 leverage ratio are calculated as look-through BIS tier 1 capital and CET1 capital, respectively, divided by end-period leverage exposure. Selling restrictions This document, and the information contained herein, is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of offers to purchase or subscribe for securities of Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG in Switzerland, the United States or any other jurisdiction. This document is not a prospectus within the meaning of article 652a of the Swiss Code of Obligations, nor is it a listing prospectus as defined in the listing rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange AG or any other exchange or regulated trading facility in Switzerland or a prospectus or offering document under any other applicable laws. Copies of this document may not be sent to jurisdictions, or distributed in or sent from jurisdictions, in which such documents are barred or prohibited by law. A decision to invest in securities of Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG should be based exclusively on a written agreement with Credit Suisse Group AG or an offering and listing prospectus to be published by Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG for such purpose. Any offer and sale of securities of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered in the United States of America absent such registration or an exemption from registration. There will be no public offering of such securities in the United States of America.   Disclaimer (2/2) 

   Key messages    A leading Private Banking position across emerging markets and EuropeStrong Asset Management capabilities across our traditional & alternative product lines globallyFocus on superior and profitable growth while actively managing risk  International Wealth Management    Deliver successful AM products and a better investment advice experienceContinue to successfully grow our leading emerging markets franchises & build on scale leverage in EuropeRemain agile by balancing growth investments with efficiency gains  Way forward    Robust revenue trajectory and strong NNA generation in challenging marketsAM with improved profit contribution driven by asset growth and cost disciplineSelf-funded growth investments through accelerated cost savings  Progress since last Investor Day     

 Agenda  What we achieved in 2016  1  Our ambition 2018  2  Conclusion  3 

 IWM with strong franchises across targeted growth regions    Key financials 9M16 in CHF bn  Private Banking in emerging markets and Europe    Asset Management capabilities with global distribution    Net revenues  312  324  Pre-tax income  Assets under management  3.4      Private Banking  Asset Management  0.8  22%  78%  72%  28%  1 Not adjusted for assets managed by Asset Management for Private Banking within International Wealth Management 2 ‘Best Private Banking Services Overall’ 3 'Net-worth-specific services' for Central & Eastern Europe4 Highly commended award by PWM/The Banker 2016 5 Highly commended award by Private Banker International 2015 6 McKinsey analysis 7 Towers Watson Survey 2016  A leading positionacross our regions2Europe Emerging EuropeMiddle East & AfricaLatin America  Strong capabilities across our product linesTop 2 traditional manager in Switzerland6PB mandates, index solutions, fixed income, equities…Top 10 alternative investment manager globally7Real Estate, credit, hedge funds, commodities…  6361  #1 in Middle East2#1 in CEE for UHNW & HNW clients3#1 in Russia, UAE, Bahrain and Qatar2  Best Private Bank in Middle East4  Outstanding Bank in Middle East5 

 Strong PB NNA of CHF 15.2 bn at annualized growth rate of 7%  Net new lending of CHF 3.1 bn1 at attractive revenue margin  Strategic clients revenues up ~40% at higher gross margin  Hired 170 RMs2 (up 30%) with focus on quality  AM adjusted PTI up 22% with CHF 10.0 bn NNA  Invested in Risk & Compliance and aligned regionally  Growth investments funded by expense savings  Executing our strategy in 2016  Note: If not noted otherwise, all data for 9M16 and compared to 9M15. Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix.1 4Q15 through end 3Q16 2 120 RM of 170 RM joined in 9M16 Strategic clients = targeted strategic UHNW/Entrepreneur clients of IWM  Serving clients' financing needs  Growing strategic client base  Targeted RM hiring  Improved contribution from AM  Building operating leverage  Strengthened IWM oversight  Turnaround in PB asset inflows 

 Strong PB NNA with higher margins despite regularization  1 Including International Private Clients business area, which services lower wealth band clients, predominantly from Europe  PB gross margin in basis points  PB net new assets in CHF bn  9M16  2015  NNA growth rate (annualized)  7.0%  (0.9)%  Net new assets (NNA)  15.2  (3.0)  Regularization outflows  (3.5)  (3.4)  Gross inflows  18.7  Emerging markets  Europe1 

 Net new lending of CHF 3.1 bn, addressing sophisticated client needs  1 Before deducting valuation allowances and deferred fees & costs 2 From 2003 through 2014 for mortgages, from 2006 through 2015 for aviation finance, from 2001 through 2015 for export finance and from 2002 through 2015 for ship finance and lombard lending 3 Transaction rating as per the internal rating system 4 Includes ship, aviation and export finance 5 9M16, client rate net of reference rate over avg. loan volume  Credit volume1 in CHF bn  44  40  Lombard lending  Specialty finance4  Mortgages  Quality loan portfolio  ~10 bps avg. annual loss rate through the cycle294% investment gradecredit exposure3  Avg. annualloss rate2  ~3 bps  ~17 bps  Gross loanrevenue margin5   ~110 bps  ~210 bps  ~2 bps  ~170 bps  +11%   

 Built out strategic clients business with revenue increase of ~40%  Strong increase in revenues for strategic clients  ~40%  Strategic clients = targeted strategic UHNW/Entrepreneur clients of IWM 1 Excluding regularization outflows of CHF 3.5 bn 2 Does not include revenues booked in divisions other than IWM  Strong gross margin2 for strategic clients in basis points  Strong net new assets for strategic clients 9M16 net new assets in CHF bn  Total  Other clients  Strategic clients  ~2/3rd of inflows from strategic clients  before regularization1  +6 

   Increased quality hiring in targeted markets with improved productivity  Increased hiring gross number of RM1  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix.1 120 RM of 170 RM joined in 9M16 2 Including International Private Clients business area, which services lower wealth band clients, predominantly from Europe3 Including RMs not allocated to regional business area 4 Annualized  Rebalancing resources number of RM  Europe2  Emerging markets3          550  500  630  660  2015  9M16  2015  9M16  Enhanced RM productivity in CHF mn  AuM / RM  Adjusted net revenues / RM          245  268  2.72  2.82  2015  9M16  2015  9M164  ~30%  +9%  +4%  (50)  +30 

 AM adj. PTI up 22%, driven by steady asset growth and cost discipline  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix 1 Performance & placement revenues and Investment & partnership income  Profitability momentumadjusted pre-tax income in CHF mn  +22%  Solid net new assetsin CHF bn  >80% long-only asset styles, generating predominantly recurring revenuesAuM by asset style 3Q16 in CHF  324bn  82%  5%  13%  Management fees in CHF mn  648  663  +2%  10.0  Long-only traditional & alternative asset classes  Private Equity & Hedge Fund structures  Investments & partnerships  Other revenues1  315  283  (10)% 

   Self-funded growth investments with accelerated expense savings  IWM adjusted operating expenses in CHF bn  2.6  2.6  9M15  Costsavings  Growth investments  9M16  Invested in key platforms Developed onshore proximityEnhanced risk & compliance capabilitiesDelivered on regulatory initiatives  Stable expenses  Costsavings    Growthinvestments    Self-funded growth  Delayering, process simplificationImproved service model for lower wealth band clientsExited non-strategic client segments & regions  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix      0.1  (0.1)  (1)% 

 Agenda  What we achieved in 2016  1  Our ambition 2018  2  Conclusion  3 

 Continue to execute our strategy to achieve the financial ambition  Path to adjusted pre-tax income ambition in CHF bn  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix1 Assumes low single-digit AuM growth p.a. due to market performance (excl. NNA) and a gradual recovery in client activity  0.8  2016Outlook  9M16  4Q16  Credit provisions, regularization, etc.  Management actions, incl. growth investmentsCapitalize on successful AM products & advisory capabilitiesOperational scale and targeted growth in EuropeContinue to grow our leading emerging markets franchises  Grosscost savings  Market impacts1  1.8  Revised 2018Target  Management actions      Balancing efficiency gains with growth investments   

 Expected to grow Asset Management PTI by over CHF 200 mn in 2018Strategy execution under new leadership  2016Outlook  Illustrative path to adjusted pre-tax income ambition  Scale-up existing businesses  Enhance distribution  Develop new offerings  Empower regions  Up by overCHF 0.2 bn  2018Ambition  2015  173  Efficiencies  KPIs 9M161    CHF 324 bnAuM  >80%of AuM in long-only asset styles  2%Management fees growth  CHF 10 bnNNA  22%PTI growth  Asset Management    Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix 1 Revenues: 9M16 vs. 9M15, NNA annualized growth in 9M16  9M16  4Q16       

 Expected to grow PTI in Europe by around CHF 150 mn in 2018Operational scale and targeted growth following 2016 transition  AEI = Automated Exchange of Information (as per OECD) 1 Revenues: 9M16 vs. 9M15, NNA annualized growth in 9M16 2 Total operating expenses 9M16 annualized vs. 4Q15 annualized  KPIs 9M161    CHF 107 bnAuM  (7)%Net revenues growth  +5%NNA growth rate, annualized  45%Mandates penetration  ~45%UHNWI share of AuM  Focused client segments HNWI (5m+) & UHNWI  Improve cost/income ratio & grow PTI  Increase mandate penetration to >60%  Build digital capabilities  Fully regularized & on track for AEI  Implemented'Hub & Spoke'  Activate client base through reinforced advisory proposition  Improved risk profile & reduced complexity  Realizedcosts reduction of 10%2                Add scale to key hubs & target onshore markets  Private Banking Europe 

 Latin AmericaBalancing transition with growth ambition  KPIs 9M161    CHF 68 bnAuM  +1%Net revenues growth  (3)%NNA growth rate, annualized  35%Mandates penetration  ~60%UHNWI share of AuM  …to reinforcing our strong position  From transitioning & regularization…  Simplified platform & service delivery, e.g. Panama and Uruguay exitsOngoing regularization and stringent risk review of legacy businessesMaintained revenues with solid contribution from recurring income2Increased mandates penetration, incl. launch of advisory services3 in 14 client domiciles    Leverage continued entrepreneurial wealth generationFurther build client proximity instrong onshore franchises#2 market position in Brazil4New advisory office and teamexpansion in MexicoInvest in key capabilities(e.g. local lombard lending, trading capabilities, yacht & aviation finance)          1 Revenues: 9M16 vs. 9M15, NNA annualized growth in 9M16 2 81% of net revenues from recurring commissions & fees (48%) and net interest income (33%) in 9M16 3 Credit Suisse Invest 4 McKinsey market study  Private Banking Latin America 

   Middle East & Africa and Emerging EuropeContinue to grow our leading franchises  1 Revenues: 9M16 vs. 9M15, NNA annualized growth in 9M16  KPIs 9M161    CHF 120 bnAuM  +15%Net revenues growth  +14%NNA growth rate, annualized  12%Mandates penetration  ~75%UHNWI share of AuM  Leading franchises with strong performance… Double-digit growth in NNA and revenuesSignificant transactions with UHNWI clients demonstrate our integrated capabilitiesReduced coverage complexity and executed cost control  …and substantial upsideFurther build-out local solutions and speed up time-to-marketServe international needs of entrepreneursIncrease transaction activity through targeted UHNWI investment specialistsIncreasing local proximity, e.g. openingSaudi Arabia onshore, expanding DubaiBetter client onboarding experience (time to onboard)  Private Banking MEA & EE 

 Agenda  What we achieved in 2016  1  Our ambition 2018  2  Conclusion  3 

 Summary  Achievements    Robust revenue trajectory and strong NNA generation in challenging marketsAM with improved profit contribution driven by asset growth and cost disciplineSelf-funded growth investments through accelerated cost savings  Focus    Deliver successful AM products and a better investment advice experienceContinue to successfully grow our leading emerging markets franchises & build on scale leverage in EuropeRemain agile by balancing growth investments with efficiency gains    Deliver superior and profitable growth while actively managing risk 


 Investment EngineImproving client experience and service delivery        Changes in client behavior  Regulatory impact  Digitalization  2015  2016  2017  2018  Advisory services launchedSeamlessly delivery of 'House view'Portfolio monitoringMobile device supported client meetings  Enhance client experienceSmart content:right client, channel & time Intuitive reporting, e.g. Portfolio Quality ScoreSimplified formalities  Additional digital featuresAutomated customized trade recommendations Robo Advisor  Credit Suisse Investment Engine enhancements     Ambition:Increase mandates penetration in applicable markets, e.g. in Europefrom current ~45% to >60% 

 Enhancing our onboarding and support processes to improve the client experience and increase client time  PEP = Politically Exposed Person  Client onboarding & service process  Efficient operations, aligned with the firm's risk appetiteAllows RM to focus on coverage & client service by providing transparent & aligned client type and activity type clustering      Risk Appetite calibration      Pooled RM support  Transfer of administrative & operational tasks to a central client management poolImplemented service catalog to increase segregation of dutiesImproved oversight & fraud detection procedures      Examples for risk mitigation through process enhancements  Streamline the PEP assessment process, freeing up client time for RMsProvides a swift preliminary risk assessment      PEP riskscoring model 

 International Private Clients  KPIs 9M161    CHF 15 bnAuM  3%Net revenues growth  (4)%NNA growth rate, annualized  47%Mandates penetration  Implemented dedicated operating model focused on Entry HNWI international clients serviced out of Switzerland (<5mn)   Implement a digitally-enabled servicing model, leveraging and enhancing the Group’s vast IT and platform capabilities  Developed regional coverage starting with Europe & Emerging Europe, further extension to MEA and Latam in early 2017  Enhanced dedicated value proposition centered arounds mandates solutions   Significantly increasedRM focus and client time(AuM load per RM up 20% andaccount load per RM down 65%)2   Private Banking IPC    Digitally enabled model focused on lower wealth band clients  1 Revenues: 9M16 vs. 9M15, NNA annualized growth in 9M16 2 Achieved through transfers from coverage regions, review of the client base and stringent segmentation    

 Notes  For reconciliation of adjusted to reported results, refer to the appendix of either the CEO or CFO Investor Day 2016 presentation. All reconciliations are available in the respective appendix.Throughout the presentation rounding differences may occur.All risk-weighted assets (RWA) and leverage exposure figures shown in this presentation are as of the end of the respective period and on a “look-through” basis.Gross and net margins are shown in basis points (bps). Gross margin = adj. net revenues annualized / average AuM; net margin = adj. pre-tax income annualized / average AuM.Mandates penetration reflects advisory and discretionary mandates as percentage of total AuM, excluding AuM from the external asset manager (EAM) business.  General notes  * “Adjusted operating expenses at constant FX rates” include adjustments as made in all our disclosures for restructuring expenses, major litigation expenses and a goodwill impairment taken in 4Q15 as well as adjustments for FX, applying the following main currency exchange rates for 1Q15: USD/CHF 0.9465, EUR/CHF 1.0482, GBP/CHF 1.4296, 2Q15: USD/CHF 0.9383, EUR/CHF 1.0418, GBP/CHF 1.4497, 3Q15: USD/CHF 0.9684, EUR/CHF 1.0787, GBP/CHF 1.4891, 4Q15: USD/CHF 1.0000, EUR/CHF 1.0851, GBP/CHF 1.5123, 1Q16: USD/CHF 0.9928, EUR/CHF 1.0941, GBP/CHF 1.4060, 2Q16: USD/CHF 0.9756, EUR/CHF 1.0956, GBP/CHF 1.3845, 3Q16: USD/CHF 0.9728, EUR/CHF 1.0882, GBP/CHF 1.2764. These currency exchange rates are unweighted, i.e. a straight line average of monthly rates. We apply this calculation consistently for the periods under review.† Regulatory capital reflects the worst of 10% of RWA and 3.5% of leverage exposure. Return on regulatory capital is based on (adjusted) returns after tax assuming a tax rate of 30% for all periods and capital allocated based on the worst of 10% of average RWA and 3.5% of average leverage exposure. For Global Markets and Investment Banking & Capital Markets, return on regulatory capital is based on US dollar denominated numbers.  Specific notes  Abbreviations  Adj. = Adjusted; AT1 = Additional Tier 1; AM = Asset Management; ann. = annualized; APAC = Asia Pacific; AuM = Assets under Management; BCBS = Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; BIS = Bank for International Settlements; bps = basis points; BRRD = Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive; CAO = Capital Adequacy Ordinance; CET1 = Common Equity Tier 1; Corp. Ctr. = Corporate Center; C&IB = Corporate & Institutional Banking; CRO = Chief Risk Officer; CCRO = Compliance and Regulatory Affairs; CVA = Credit Valuation Adjustment; ECM = Equity Capital Markets; EM = Emerging Markets; EMEA=Europe, Middle East & Africa; FINMA = Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority; FRTB = Fundamental review of the trading book; FSB = Financial Stability Board; FTE = Full time equivalents; FVoD = Fair Value of Own Debt; FX = Foreign Exchange; GM = Global Markets; GMAR = Global Markets Accelerated Restructuring; HoldCo = Holding Company; HQ = Headquarters; HQLA = High Quality Liquid Assets; IB = Investment Banking; IBCM = Investment Banking & Capital Markets; ID = Investor Day; IHC = Intermediate Holding Company; IOSCO = The International Organization of Securities Commissions; IPO = Initial Public Offer; IRB = Internal Ratings-Based; IWM = International Wealth Management; KPI = Key Performance Indicator; LATAM =Latin America; LCR = Liquidity Coverage ratio; M&A = Mergers & Acquisitions; NCWOL = No Creditor Worse Off than in Liquidation; NNA = Net new assets; NSFR = Net Stable Funding Ratio; OpCo = Operating Company; OpRisk = Operational Risk PB = Private Banking; PB&WM = (Former) Private Banking & Wealth Management (division) pp. = percentage points; PTI = Pre-tax income; PONV = Point of Non-Viability; QoQ = Quarter-on-quarter; RM(s) = Relationship Manager(s); RoRC = Return on regulatory capital; RWA = Risk Weighted Assets; SA-CCR = Standardized Approach - Counterparty Credit Risk; SME = Small and Medium Enterprises; SMG = Systematic Market-Making Group; SoW = Share of Wallet; SRU = Strategic Resolution Unit; STS = Sales and Trading Services; SUB = Swiss Universal Bank; T1= Tier 1 capital; TBTF = Too Big to Fail; TLAC = Total loss absorbing capacity; (U)HNW(I) = (Ultra) High Net Worth (Individuals); WM = Wealth Management; YoY = Year-on-Year; YTD = Year To Date 


 Credit Suisse Investor Day 2016Investment Banking and Capital Markets James L. Amine  December 7, 2016 

 Disclaimer (1/2)  The data presented in this presentation relating to the Swiss Universal Bank refers to the division of Credit Suisse Group as the same is currently managed within Credit Suisse Group. The scope, revenues and expenses of the Swiss Universal Bank vary from the planned scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG and its subsidiaries, planned to be subject to a partial IPO, market conditions permitting. Any such IPO would involve the sale of a minority stake and would be subject to, among other things, all necessary approvals.It is therefore not possible to make a like-for-like comparison of the Swiss Universal Bank as a division of Credit Suisse Group on the one hand and Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG as a potential IPO vehicle on the other hand.Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements This presentation contains forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties, and we might not be able to achieve the predictions, forecasts, projections and other outcomes we describe or imply in forward-looking statements. A number of important factors could cause results to differ materially from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates and intentions we express in these forward-looking statements, including those we identify in "Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015 and in “Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking information" in our media release relating to Investor Day, published on December 7, 2016 and filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and in other public filings and press releases. We do not intend to update these forward-looking statements except as may be required by applicable law. In particular, the terms “Illustrative”, “Ambition”, “Outlook” and “Goal” are not intended to be viewed as targets or projections, nor are they considered to be Key Performance Indicators. All such illustrations, ambitions and goals are subject to a large number of inherent risks, assumptions and uncertainties, many of which are completely outside of our control. Accordingly, this information should not be relied on for any purpose. We do not intend to update these illustrations, ambitions or goals.We may not achieve the benefits of our strategic initiativesWe may not achieve all of the expected benefits of our strategic initiatives. Factors beyond our control, including but not limited to the market and economic conditions, changes in laws, rules or regulations and other challenges discussed in our public filings, could limit our ability to achieve some or all of the expected benefits of these initiatives. Estimates and assumptionsIn preparing this presentation, management has made estimates and assumptions that affect the numbers presented. Actual results may differ. Figures throughout presentation may also be subject to rounding adjustments. Cautionary Statements Relating to Interim Financial InformationThis presentation contains certain unaudited interim financial information as of or for periods after September 30, 2016, the date of our last published quarterly financial statements. This information has been derived from management accounts, is preliminary in nature, does not reflect the complete results of the fourth quarter of 2016 and is subject to change, including as a result of any normal quarterly adjustments in relation to the financial statements for the fourth quarter of 2016. This information has not been subject to any review by our independent registered public accounting firm. There can be no assurance that the final results for these periods will not differ from these preliminary results, and any such differences could be material. Quarterly financial results for the fourth quarter of 2016 will be included in our 4Q16 Earnings Release, and audited consolidated financial statements for full-year 2016 will be included in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2016, when they are published. These interim results of operations are not necessarily indicative of the results to be achieved for the remainder of the fourth quarter or the full year 2016. 

 Disclaimer (2/2)  Statement regarding non-GAAP financial measures This presentation also contains non-GAAP financial measures, including adjusted results. Information needed to reconcile such non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable measures under US GAAP or a reference thereto can be found in this presentation in the Appendix, which is available on our website at credit-suisse.com.Statement regarding capital, liquidity and leverage As of January 1, 2013, Basel 3 was implemented in Switzerland along with the Swiss “Too Big to Fail” legislation and regulations thereunder (in each case, subject to certain phase-in periods). As of January 1, 2015, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) leverage ratio framework, as issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), was implemented in Switzerland by FINMA. Our related disclosures are in accordance with our interpretation of such requirements, including relevant assumptions. Changes in the interpretation of these requirements in Switzerland or in any of our assumptions or estimates could result in different numbers from those shown in this presentation. Capital and ratio numbers for periods prior to 2013 are based on estimates, which are calculated as if the Basel 3 framework had been in place in Switzerland during such periods. Unless otherwise noted, leverage exposure is based on the BIS leverage ratio framework and consists of period-end balance sheet assets and prescribed regulatory adjustments. Leverage amounts for 4Q14, which are presented in order to show meaningful comparative information, are based on estimates which are calculated as if the BIS leverage ratio framework had been implemented in Switzerland at such time. Beginning in 2015, the Swiss leverage ratio is calculated as Swiss total capital, divided by period-end leverage exposure. The look-through BIS tier 1 leverage ratio and CET1 leverage ratio are calculated as look-through BIS tier 1 capital and CET1 capital, respectively, divided by end-period leverage exposure. Selling restrictions This document, and the information contained herein, is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of offers to purchase or subscribe for securities of Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG in Switzerland, the United States or any other jurisdiction. This document is not a prospectus within the meaning of article 652a of the Swiss Code of Obligations, nor is it a listing prospectus as defined in the listing rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange AG or any other exchange or regulated trading facility in Switzerland or a prospectus or offering document under any other applicable laws. Copies of this document may not be sent to jurisdictions, or distributed in or sent from jurisdictions, in which such documents are barred or prohibited by law. A decision to invest in securities of Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG should be based exclusively on a written agreement with Credit Suisse Group AG or an offering and listing prospectus to be published by Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG for such purpose. Any offer and sale of securities of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered in the United States of America absent such registration or an exemption from registration. There will be no public offering of such securities in the United States of America.  

   Key messages    Well-positioned advisory and underwriting franchises with Top 5 market positions1 across key productsDisciplined capital approachSignificant connectivity with APAC, IWM and SUB to drive opportunities for the entire Bank  IBCM    Grow revenue through strategies tailored to each client segment that leverage the global platformImprove profitability by driving operating efficienciesDeliver returns in excess of cost of capital: target 15-20% adj. return on regulatory capital† by 2018  Way forward    Improved operating results while continuing to invest in growth opportunitiesRebalanced the product mix towards M&A and ECM and client mix towards large cap investment grade corporatesContinued to optimize the coverage model to adapt to an evolving market environment  Progress since last Investor Day      1 Top 5 market positions in Announced M&A, ECM and Leveraged Finance based on Dealogic for the YTD period ended September 30, 2016 † See Appendix 

   Rebalanced product mix towards M&A and ECM  1 Based on revenues before JV transfers to other divisions, Corporate Bank and funding costs. Excludes structured products, UHNWI and other IBCM revenues  Revenue mix1  43%  49%  DCM   Lev Fin  ECM  M&A 

   Strengthened market positions as a result of strategic pivot towards M&A and ECM  Made senior hires to fill key coverage and M&A gaps Launched Sell Side and Sponsors M&A initiativesImproved targeting of largest transactionsAdvised on three of the five largest announced M&A transactions in 2016 to date  Key achievements  #5  #5  #3  #9  #7  #4  Announced M&A market share/rank  ECM share of wallet/rank1  Lev Fin share of wallet/rank  Made senior hires to fill key coverage and ECM gapsEarlier targeting of IPO candidatesInitiated new product initiatives (Pre-IPOs, SPACs)Ranked #4 in the Americas with a 6.5% share of wallet  Deployed capital to increase footprint against BB-rated issuersIncreased coverage of Non-IG corporates  Top 5 market positions  Source: Dealogic as of September 30, 2016 Note: All share of wallet and rank data is based on IBCM addressable market; includes Americas and EMEA only; excludes self-advised deals and non-core DCM products (investment grade loans, asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities, and government debt). SPAC = Special Purpose Acquisition Company; Non-IG = Non-Investment Grade1 ECM excludes converts 

 Invested in talent across coverage and product areas    Financial Institutions  Industrials  Healthcare  Retail & Consumer  Real Estate  Oil & Gas  Tech  UHNWI  Sponsors  Country Coverage  Product Specialist  AMERICAS    ü  ü  ü    ü  ü  ü  ü  ü  ü  EMEA  ü        ü  ü        ü  ü  Completed 25 senior Managing Director hires across Americas and EMEA                     

 Investment in coverage and capital is driving results with corporate clients  Covered1 share of wallet with IG Corporates  Covered1 share of wallet with Non-IG Corporates  +140 bps  +120 bps  Increased share of wallet with covered, priority clients (representing 40% of fee pool)Selectively deployed capital to targeted clientsLaunched acquisition financing initiative to strategically deliver our balance sheet to clients when they need it mostIdentified opportunities to expand covered footprint in 2017 and 2018  Key achievements  Source: Dealogic as of September 30, 2016 Note: All share of wallet and rank data is based on IBCM addressable market; includes Americas and EMEA only; excludes self-advised deals and non-core DCM products (investment grade loans, asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities, and government debt). IG = Investment Grade; Non-IG = Non-Investment Grade1 Covered clients are defined as priority clients actively covered by IBCM 

 Increased focus on M&A has helped further improve leading share of wallet with Sponsors  Covered1 share of wallet with sponsors  Covered1 M&A share of wallet with sponsors  +90 bps  +250 bps  Hired Head of Sponsors M&A and appointed Heads of Sponsor ECM in both the Americas and EMEATargeted M&A and IPO efforts have led to a Top 2 Sponsors rank in 9M16Ranked Top 5 for Sponsor sell-sides globally in 9M16  Key achievements  Source: Dealogic as of September 30, 2016 Note: All share of wallet data is based on IBCM addressable market; includes Americas and EMEA only; excludes self-advised deals and non-core DCM products (investment grade loans, asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities, and government debt)1 Covered clients are defined as priority clients actively covered by IBCM 

   Global client coverage, with diverse regional strategies  Americas outbound M&A growth  EMEA outbound M&A growth  APAC outbound M&A growth  9M16 vs. 9M15  9M16 vs. 9M15  9M16 vs. 9M15                                                                                              AMERICAS  EMEA  APAC              #4  #5  #3  #1  #71  #3  #4 in Cross Border M&A    Source: Dealogic as of September 30, 2016 Note: Outbound M&A growth based on announced M&A volumes1 International banks only 

   Credit Suisse is well-positioned in emerging markets  Launched globally-coordinated EM coverage effortDeveloped new proprietary database for investment opportunitiesEstablished dedicated initiatives around sovereign wealth funds, privatizations and family officesLeading positions across EM franchise for 9M16:#1 Lev Fin, #4 M&A, #5 DCM   Key Achievements  Cross-Border emerging market announced M&A volume growth  Emerging market M&A fee growth  9M16 vs. 9M15  9M16 vs. 9M15    Source: Dealogic as of September 30, 2016 Note: Emerging markets includes emerging market regions covered by IBCM and APAC 

 Outlook for 2017  Fee pool by region in USD bn  Extended M&A cycle, driven by strong corporate balance sheets, limited revenue growth opportunities and potential US fiscal reformStrong backlog in ECM, particularly in the USStable Leveraged Finance markets, notwithstanding recent increase in Treasury yields  EMEA  Americas  (7)%  (10)%  Source: Dealogic as of September 30, 2016 Note: Fee pool data is based on IBCM addressable market; includes Americas and EMEA only; excludes self-advised deals and non-core DCM products (investment grade loans, asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities, and government debt) 

   Growth investment is being self-funded  Adjusted operating expenses in USD bn  Headcount reductionStreamlined support functionsWorkflow re-engineering  Expanded client footprintSenior hiresAdditional capitalInvestment in technology  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix1 Since January 1, 2016  1  1 

 Revenue growth and operating efficiencies to drive returns  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures † See Appendix  2018Target  15-20%  Adjusted return on regulatory capital†    ~60% revenue growth~40% operating efficiencies  2016 to 2018 PTI Growth 

   Key priorities and areas of focus  Improve profitability with a mix of revenue growth, increased operating efficiencies and disciplined capital managementMaintain balanced product mix, particularly in M&A and ECMContinue to increase alignment with other divisionsDeliver returns in excess of cost of capital 


 Notes  For reconciliation of adjusted to reported results, refer to the appendix of either the CEO or CFO Investor Day 2016 presentation. All reconciliations are available in the respective appendixThroughout the presentation rounding differences may occurAll risk-weighted assets (RWA) and leverage exposure figures shown in this presentation are as of the end of the respective period and on a “look-through” basisGross and net margins are shown in basis points (bps) Gross margin = adj. net revenues annualized / average AuM; net margin = adj. pre-tax income annualized / average AuMMandates penetration reflects advisory and discretionary mandates as percentage of total AuM, excluding AuM from the external asset manager (EAM) business  General notes  * “Adjusted operating expenses at constant FX rates” include adjustments as made in all our disclosures for restructuring expenses, major litigation expenses and a goodwill impairment taken in 4Q15 as well as adjustments for FX, applying the following main currency exchange rates for 1Q15: USD/CHF 0.9465, EUR/CHF 1.0482, GBP/CHF 1.4296, 2Q15: USD/CHF 0.9383, EUR/CHF 1.0418, GBP/CHF 1.4497, 3Q15: USD/CHF 0.9684, EUR/CHF 1.0787, GBP/CHF 1.4891, 4Q15: USD/CHF 1.0000, EUR/CHF 1.0851, GBP/CHF 1.5123, 1Q16: USD/CHF 0.9928, EUR/CHF 1.0941, GBP/CHF 1.4060, 2Q16: USD/CHF 0.9756, EUR/CHF 1.0956, GBP/CHF 1.3845, 3Q16: USD/CHF 0.9728, EUR/CHF 1.0882, GBP/CHF 1.2764. These currency exchange rates are unweighted, i.e. a straight line average of monthly rates. We apply this calculation consistently for the periods under review† Regulatory capital reflects the worst of 10% of RWA and 3.5% of leverage exposure. Return on regulatory capital is based on (adjusted) returns after tax assuming a tax rate of 30% for all periods and capital allocated based on the worst of 10% of average RWA and 3.5% of average leverage exposure. For Global Markets and Investment Banking & Capital Markets, return on regulatory capital is based on US dollar denominated numbers  Specific notes  Abbreviations  Adj. = Adjusted; AT1 = Additional Tier 1; AM = Asset Management; ann. = annualized; APAC = Asia Pacific; AuM = Assets under Management; BCBS = Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; BIS = Bank for International Settlements; bps = basis points; BRRD = Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive; CAO = Capital Adequacy Ordinance; CET1 = Common Equity Tier 1; Corp. Ctr. = Corporate Center; C&IB = Corporate & Institutional Banking; CRO = Chief Risk Officer; CCRO = Compliance and Regulatory Affairs; CVA = Credit Valuation Adjustment; ECM = Equity Capital Markets; EM = Emerging Markets; EMEA=Europe, Middle East & Africa; FINMA = Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority; FRTB = Fundamental review of the trading book; FSB = Financial Stability Board; FTE = Full time equivalents; FVoD = Fair Value of Own Debt; FX = Foreign Exchange; GM = Global Markets; GMAR = Global Markets Accelerated Restructuring; HoldCo = Holding Company; HQ = Headquarters; HQLA = High Quality Liquid Assets; IB = Investment Banking; IBCM = Investment Banking & Capital Markets; ID = Investor Day; IHC = Intermediate Holding Company; IOSCO = The International Organization of Securities Commissions; IPO = Initial Public Offer; IRB = Internal Ratings-Based; IWM = International Wealth Management; KPI = Key Performance Indicator; LATAM =Latin America; LCR = Liquidity Coverage ratio; M&A = Mergers & Acquisitions; NCWOL = No Creditor Worse Off than in Liquidation; NNA = Net new assets; NSFR = Net Stable Funding Ratio; OpCo = Operating Company; OpRisk = Operational Risk PB = Private Banking; PB&WM = (Former) Private Banking & Wealth Management (division) pp. = percentage points; PTI = Pre-tax income; PONV = Point of Non-Viability; QoQ = Quarter-on-quarter; RM(s) = Relationship Manager(s); RoRC = Return on regulatory capital; RWA = Risk Weighted Assets; SA-CCR = Standardized Approach - Counterparty Credit Risk; SME = Small and Medium Enterprises; SMG = Systematic Market-Making Group; SoW = Share of Wallet; SRU = Strategic Resolution Unit; STS = Sales and Trading Services; SUB = Swiss Universal Bank; T1= Tier 1 capital; TBTF = Too Big to Fail; TLAC = Total loss absorbing capacity; (U)HNW(I) = (Ultra) High Net Worth (Individuals); WM = Wealth Management; YoY = Year-on-Year; YTD = Year To Date 


 Credit Suisse Investor Day 2016Strategic Resolution UnitDavid Mathers  December 7, 2016 

 Disclaimer (1/2)  The data presented in this presentation relating to the Swiss Universal Bank refers to the division of Credit Suisse Group as the same is currently managed within Credit Suisse Group. The scope, revenues and expenses of the Swiss Universal Bank vary from the planned scope of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG and its subsidiaries, planned to be subject to a partial IPO, market conditions permitting. Any such IPO would involve the sale of a minority stake and would be subject to, among other things, all necessary approvals.It is therefore not possible to make a like-for-like comparison of the Swiss Universal Bank as a division of Credit Suisse Group on the one hand and Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG as a potential IPO vehicle on the other hand.Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements This presentation contains forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties, and we might not be able to achieve the predictions, forecasts, projections and other outcomes we describe or imply in forward-looking statements. A number of important factors could cause results to differ materially from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates and intentions we express in these forward-looking statements, including those we identify in "Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015 and in “Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking information" in our media release relating to Investor Day, published on December 7, 2016 and filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and in other public filings and press releases. We do not intend to update these forward-looking statements except as may be required by applicable law. In particular, the terms “Illustrative”, “Ambition”, “Outlook” and “Goal” are not intended to be viewed as targets or projections, nor are they considered to be Key Performance Indicators. All such illustrations, ambitions and goals are subject to a large number of inherent risks, assumptions and uncertainties, many of which are completely outside of our control. Accordingly, this information should not be relied on for any purpose. We do not intend to update these illustrations, ambitions or goals.We may not achieve the benefits of our strategic initiativesWe may not achieve all of the expected benefits of our strategic initiatives. Factors beyond our control, including but not limited to the market and economic conditions, changes in laws, rules or regulations and other challenges discussed in our public filings, could limit our ability to achieve some or all of the expected benefits of these initiatives. Estimates and assumptionsIn preparing this presentation, management has made estimates and assumptions that affect the numbers presented. Actual results may differ. Figures throughout presentation may also be subject to rounding adjustments. Cautionary Statements Relating to Interim Financial InformationThis presentation contains certain unaudited interim financial information as of or for periods after September 30, 2016, the date of our last published quarterly financial statements. This information has been derived from management accounts, is preliminary in nature, does not reflect the complete results of the fourth quarter of 2016 and is subject to change, including as a result of any normal quarterly adjustments in relation to the financial statements for the fourth quarter of 2016. This information has not been subject to any review by our independent registered public accounting firm. There can be no assurance that the final results for these periods will not differ from these preliminary results, and any such differences could be material. Quarterly financial results for the fourth quarter of 2016 will be included in our 4Q16 Earnings Release, and audited consolidated financial statements for full-year 2016 will be included in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2016, when they are published. These interim results of operations are not necessarily indicative of the results to be achieved for the remainder of the fourth quarter or the full year 2016. 

 Disclaimer (2/2)  Statement regarding non-GAAP financial measures This presentation also contains non-GAAP financial measures, including adjusted results. Information needed to reconcile such non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable measures under US GAAP or a reference thereto can be found in this presentation in the Appendix, which is available on our website at credit-suisse.com.Statement regarding capital, liquidity and leverage As of January 1, 2013, Basel 3 was implemented in Switzerland along with the Swiss “Too Big to Fail” legislation and regulations thereunder (in each case, subject to certain phase-in periods). As of January 1, 2015, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) leverage ratio framework, as issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), was implemented in Switzerland by FINMA. Our related disclosures are in accordance with our interpretation of such requirements, including relevant assumptions. Changes in the interpretation of these requirements in Switzerland or in any of our assumptions or estimates could result in different numbers from those shown in this presentation. Capital and ratio numbers for periods prior to 2013 are based on estimates, which are calculated as if the Basel 3 framework had been in place in Switzerland during such periods. Unless otherwise noted, leverage exposure is based on the BIS leverage ratio framework and consists of period-end balance sheet assets and prescribed regulatory adjustments. Leverage amounts for 4Q14, which are presented in order to show meaningful comparative information, are based on estimates which are calculated as if the BIS leverage ratio framework had been implemented in Switzerland at such time. Beginning in 2015, the Swiss leverage ratio is calculated as Swiss total capital, divided by period-end leverage exposure. The look-through BIS tier 1 leverage ratio and CET1 leverage ratio are calculated as look-through BIS tier 1 capital and CET1 capital, respectively, divided by end-period leverage exposure. Selling restrictions This document, and the information contained herein, is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of offers to purchase or subscribe for securities of Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG in Switzerland, the United States or any other jurisdiction. This document is not a prospectus within the meaning of article 652a of the Swiss Code of Obligations, nor is it a listing prospectus as defined in the listing rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange AG or any other exchange or regulated trading facility in Switzerland or a prospectus or offering document under any other applicable laws. Copies of this document may not be sent to jurisdictions, or distributed in or sent from jurisdictions, in which such documents are barred or prohibited by law. A decision to invest in securities of Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG should be based exclusively on a written agreement with Credit Suisse Group AG or an offering and listing prospectus to be published by Credit Suisse Group AG or Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG for such purpose. Any offer and sale of securities of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered in the United States of America absent such registration or an exemption from registration. There will be no public offering of such securities in the United States of America.  

   SRU RWA and leverage exposure progressRWA and leverage exposure reduced by USD 19 bn and USD 51 bn vs. end-2015, respectively  RWA and leverage exposure reduced by USD 19 bn excl. operational risk andUSD 51 bn, respectively vs. end-4Q15; achieved across a wide range of transactions:Executed purchase and sale agreement of the entire credit derivatives portfolioSold or restructured ~40% of loans and financing facilitiesExternal derivative trade count reduced by 160,000, or 50% vs. end-4Q15Sale of Credit Suisse (Gibraltar) to J. Safra Sarasin completedSale of CS Park View BDC, Inc. completed  RWA in USD bn  Leverage exposure in USD bn  (35)%  Operational risk  Credit & market risk  excl. op. risk  (30)% 

   Continued reduction of operating expenses and portfolio valuation riskAdjusted pre-tax loss improved by USD 385 mn vs. 4Q15, primarily due to reduction in expense  Reduced revenue losses in 3Q16 compared to prior quarters, driven by a recovery from adverse credit markets, partially offset by losses on life insurance and a credit provision on ship finance portfolios. Fee based revenues continue to decline following the exit of legacy private banking businesses3Q16 adjusted operating expenses improved by USD 336 mn compared to 4Q15, or 49%:US private banking business exit substantially completed by end-2Q16Additional reductions from the reduced legacy Investment Banking portfolio footprint4Q15 and 1Q16 restructuring expenses predominantly related to US platform  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix.  (1,328)  (1,266)  (778)  (874)  -  4  -  -  (158)  (80)  (21)  (23)  Reported PTI  Losses on bus. sales  Restructuring exp.  Major litigation prov.  (257)  -  -  (324)  Adjusted revenues & provisions for credit losses  Adjusted operating expenses  Pre-tax income progression in USD mn  Adjusted pre-tax loss  (225)  (660)  (333)  (176)  687  521  424  351  (527)  (757)  (1,181)  (912) 

   SRU portfolio overviewProgress has been made reducing RWA and leverage exposure across the SRU portfolio   Note: Numbers represent market risk RWA allocation for total SRU portfolio; capital breakout based on internal categorization; for illustrative purposes only   RWA in USD bn  Leverage exposure in USD bn  Derivatives  Loans & financing facilities  Other assets  Former PB&WM  Market risk  Life finance  Operational risk  Loans & financing facilities  Other assets  Former PB&WM  Life finance  (35)%  excl. op. risk  (30)%  Derivatives  25  11  6  2  2  7  19  73  20  55  4  2  3  5  7  15  3  5  9  15  34  107  8  24  77  6  170  119 

     Overview of revenues and operating expensesPre-tax income drag from operating expenses, funding costs and valuation adjustments  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix.1 Gross revenue breakout based on internal categorization  Fee based revenue from US platform, credit financing and other PB&WM businesses 9M16 exit costs of have averaged ~1% of RWA; lower than the long term guidance of 2-5% of RWALegacy funding costs relating to non-Basel III compliant debt instruments‘All other funding’ relate to the balance of the SRU position funding requirements across our legal entities  9M16 Revenues in USD mn  9M16 Operating expenses in USD mn  Gross revenues1  Net revenues 

   SRU RWA and leverage exposure outlookOn track to reduce RWA and leverage exposure by ~80% by end-2019  1 RWA shown excludes projected inflation from future regulatory uplifts (e.g., fundamental review of trading book). Regulatory (FINMA) approval required for any operational risk reduction   (35)%  RWA1 in USD bn  Leverage exposure in USD bn  (30)%  (80)%  (76)%  excl. op. risk  Operational risk  Credit & market risk 

 Revenue progressionContinued de-risking and legacy funding expected to drive improved revenue loss in 2019  Illustrative adjusted revenue progression in USD mn  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix.1 Includes provision for credit losses  Trading, hedging & valuation adj.1  Fee based revenues  Legacy funding  All other funding  Exit cost  (170) 

   Continued reduction of operating expensesOn track to reduce quarterly expenses to ~USD 110 mn by 4Q19  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix.  Illustrative adjusted operating expenses progression in USD mn 

     Comparison to previously announced Ambition  SRU pre-tax loss outlookPre-tax loss projected to reduce to ~USD 800 mn by year-end 2019  Note: Adjusted results are non-GAAP financial measures. A reference to the reconciliation to reported results is included in the Appendix.1 As announced with 4Q15 earnings release to be CHF 850 mn ~ USD 850 mn2 Includes impact from the recalibration of funding cost allocations effective January 1, 20163 2018 target no longer projects the early redemption of legacy funding instruments  2  3  Illustrativeadjustedpre-tax income progression in USD mn  ~(1,400)  ~(800)  1 

   Key SRU takeawaysOn track towards 2019 target, medium term pressure on PTI from exits and portfolio risk  Good progress to date, on track to reach end-2019 target  Diverse legacy portfolio with idiosyncratic risks  Exit costs long term guidance of 2-5% of RWA   Progress ahead of plan, with 3Q16 RWA and leverage exposure down USD 19 bn or 35% excl. operational risk and USD 51 bn or 30% vs. end-4Q15; direct expenses down 49% YoYKey targets for 2019:RWA end-2019 target of USD 30 bn (incl. operational risk)Leverage exposure end-2019 target of USD 40 bnAdj. pre-tax loss target of ~USD 800 mn by 2019  YTD exits achieved at approximately 1% of RWA; this compares to our long term guidance of 2-5% of RWA  Significant focus on de-risking the portfolio has enabled SRU to navigate through challenging market conditionsHowever, adverse market or credit specific conditions have potential to cause significant revenue volatilityPotential headwinds to capital mitigation from future regulatory changes  1  2  3 

 Notes  For reconciliation of adjusted to reported results, refer to the appendix of either the CEO or CFO Investor Day 2016 presentation. All reconciliations are available in the respective appendixThroughout the presentation rounding differences may occurAll risk-weighted assets (RWA) and leverage exposure figures shown in this presentation are as of the end of the respective period and on a “look-through” basisGross and net margins are shown in basis points (bps) Gross margin = adj. net revenues annualized / average AuM; net margin = adj. pre-tax income annualized / average AuMMandates penetration reflects advisory and discretionary mandates as percentage of total AuM, excluding AuM from the external asset manager (EAM) business  General notes  * “Adjusted operating expenses at constant FX rates” include adjustments as made in all our disclosures for restructuring expenses, major litigation expenses and a goodwill impairment taken in 4Q15 as well as adjustments for FX, applying the following main currency exchange rates for 1Q15: USD/CHF 0.9465, EUR/CHF 1.0482, GBP/CHF 1.4296, 2Q15: USD/CHF 0.9383, EUR/CHF 1.0418, GBP/CHF 1.4497, 3Q15: USD/CHF 0.9684, EUR/CHF 1.0787, GBP/CHF 1.4891, 4Q15: USD/CHF 1.0000, EUR/CHF 1.0851, GBP/CHF 1.5123, 1Q16: USD/CHF 0.9928, EUR/CHF 1.0941, GBP/CHF 1.4060, 2Q16: USD/CHF 0.9756, EUR/CHF 1.0956, GBP/CHF 1.3845, 3Q16: USD/CHF 0.9728, EUR/CHF 1.0882, GBP/CHF 1.2764. These currency exchange rates are unweighted, i.e. a straight line average of monthly rates. We apply this calculation consistently for the periods under review† Regulatory capital reflects the worst of 10% of RWA and 3.5% of leverage exposure. Return on regulatory capital is based on (adjusted) returns after tax assuming a tax rate of 30% for all periods and capital allocated based on the worst of 10% of average RWA and 3.5% of average leverage exposure. For Global Markets and Investment Banking & Capital Markets, return on regulatory capital is based on US dollar denominated numbers  Specific notes  Abbreviations  Adj. = Adjusted; AT1 = Additional Tier 1; AM = Asset Management; ann. = annualized; APAC = Asia Pacific; AuM = Assets under Management; BCBS = Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; BIS = Bank for International Settlements; bps = basis points; BRRD = Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive; CAO = Capital Adequacy Ordinance; CET1 = Common Equity Tier 1; Corp. Ctr. = Corporate Center; C&IB = Corporate & Institutional Banking; CRO = Chief Risk Officer; CCRO = Compliance and Regulatory Affairs; CVA = Credit Valuation Adjustment; ECM = Equity Capital Markets; EM = Emerging Markets; EMEA=Europe, Middle East & Africa; FINMA = Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority; FRTB = Fundamental review of the trading book; FSB = Financial Stability Board; FTE = Full time equivalents; FVoD = Fair Value of Own Debt; FX = Foreign Exchange; GM = Global Markets; GMAR = Global Markets Accelerated Restructuring; HoldCo = Holding Company; HQ = Headquarters; HQLA = High Quality Liquid Assets; IB = Investment Banking; IBCM = Investment Banking & Capital Markets; ID = Investor Day; IHC = Intermediate Holding Company; IOSCO = The International Organization of Securities Commissions; IPO = Initial Public Offer; IRB = Internal Ratings-Based; IWM = International Wealth Management; KPI = Key Performance Indicator; LATAM =Latin America; LCR = Liquidity Coverage ratio; M&A = Mergers & Acquisitions; NCWOL = No Creditor Worse Off than in Liquidation; NNA = Net new assets; NSFR = Net Stable Funding Ratio; OpCo = Operating Company; OpRisk = Operational Risk PB = Private Banking; PB&WM = (Former) Private Banking & Wealth Management (division) pp. = percentage points; PTI = Pre-tax income; PONV = Point of Non-Viability; QoQ = Quarter-on-quarter; RM(s) = Relationship Manager(s); RoRC = Return on regulatory capital; RWA = Risk Weighted Assets; SA-CCR = Standardized Approach - Counterparty Credit Risk; SME = Small and Medium Enterprises; SMG = Systematic Market-Making Group; SoW = Share of Wallet; SRU = Strategic Resolution Unit; STS = Sales and Trading Services; SUB = Swiss Universal Bank; T1= Tier 1 capital; TBTF = Too Big to Fail; TLAC = Total loss absorbing capacity; (U)HNW(I) = (Ultra) High Net Worth (Individuals); WM = Wealth Management; YoY = Year-on-Year; YTD = Year To Date 


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: December 7, 2016
/s/ Christian Schmid
Christian Schmid
Managing Director
/s/ Stephan Flückiger
Stephan Flückiger