The information in this product summary supplement is not complete and may be changed. This product summary supplement is not an offer to sell the securities and is not soliciting an offer to buy the securities in any jurisdiction where the offer or sale is not permitted.


Registration Statement No. 333–218604–02
Dated March 27, 2018
Securities Act of 1933; Rule 424(b)(2)

Market Linked Securities


Auto-Callable with Contingent Coupon and Contingent Downside Linked to the Lowest Performing Underlying




Please see the relevant offering materials for complete product descriptions, including related risk and tax disclosure. Filed by Credit Suisse AG (“Credit Suisse”) pursuant to Rule 424b(2).


The securities will not be listed on any exchange. Investing in the securities involves a number of risks. See “General risks and investment considerations” herein, “Selected Risk Considerations” in the applicable pricing supplement and “Risks Factors” beginning on PS-3 of the applicable accompanying product supplement.


Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission nor any state securities commission has approved or disapproved of the securities or determined if this product summary supplement is truthful or complete. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.


Additional Terms Specific to the Securities


You should read this product summary supplement together with the applicable pricing supplement, the underlying supplement dated June 30, 2017, if applicable, the applicable product supplement dated June 30, 2017, the prospectus supplement dated June 30, 2017 and the prospectus dated June 30, 2017, relating to our Medium-Term Notes of which these securities are a part. The applicable pricing supplement for the securities will contain certain specific information and terms of that offering and may also add, update or change the information contained in the other offering documents. If any information in the applicable pricing supplement is inconsistent with the other offering documents, you should rely on the information in that pricing supplement. It is important for you to consider the information contained in all the offering documents in making your investment decision. You may access these documents on the SEC website at www.sec.gov as follows (or if such address has changed, by reviewing our filings for the relevant date on the SEC website):

Underlying supplement dated June 30, 2017:




Product supplement No. I-A dated June 30, 2017:




Product supplement No. I-B dated June 30, 2017:




Product supplement No. I-C dated June 30, 2017:




Prospectus supplement and Prospectus dated June 30, 2017:









Credit Suisse


The date of this product summary supplement is March 27, 2018.





Market Linked Securities – Auto-Callable with Contingent Coupon and Contingent Downside Linked to the Lowest Performing Underlying have complex features and are not suitable for all investors. Before deciding to make an investment, you should read and understand the applicable pricing supplement and other related offering documents. Please see “Terms of the Securities” in the applicable pricing supplement for the specific terms of your securities.


Market Linked Securities – Auto-Callable with Contingent Coupon and Contingent Downside Linked to the Lowest Performing Underlying


Market Linked Securities – Auto-Callable with Contingent Coupon and Contingent Downside Linked to the Lowest Performing Underlying (“these Market Linked Securities”) offer the potential to receive contingent coupon payments at a higher rate than the issuer would pay on ordinary debt securities of comparable maturity. In exchange, these Market Linked Securities are subject to greater risks than ordinary debt securities, including the risk that one or more, or all, contingent coupon payments may not be paid and the risk that you may lose a significant portion, or possibly all, of your investment at maturity. The contingent coupon payments and the risk of loss at maturity will depend on the performance of the lowest performing of two or more specified market measures, which may be indices or exchange-traded funds (the “underlyings”). If the closing level of the lowest performing underlying has not declined below a specified threshold level on a designated calculation day, you will receive a contingent coupon payment on the related payment date; however, if the lowest performing underlying has declined below its threshold level, you will not receive a contingent coupon payment for that payment date. If the lowest performing underlying has declined below a specified threshold level on the final calculation day, you will incur a loss at maturity equal to the full decline of the lowest performing underlying. If the lowest performing underlying is flat or has appreciated as of a designated call date, these Market Linked Securities will be automatically called prior to maturity, ending the potential to receive any future contingent coupon payments.


These Market Linked Securities are designed for investors who seek the potential for contingent coupon payments at a higher rate than the rate the issuer would pay on ordinary debt securities of comparable maturity and, in exchange, are willing to assume the downside risk of the lowest performing underlying. Although investors will be exposed to the downside risk of the lowest performing underlying, investors will not participate in any appreciation of any underlying. The return on these Market Linked Securities will depend solely on the performance of the underlying that is the lowest performing underlying on each calculation day. Therefore, investors will be adversely affected if any underlying declines below its threshold level, even if the other underlying(s) perform favorably. If the issuer defaults on its payment obligations, you could lose your entire investment.


These Market Linked Securities are unsecured debt obligations of the issuer. You will have no ability to pursue the underlying


Market Linked Securities — Auto-Callable with Contingent Coupon and Contingent Downside Linked to the Lowest Performing Underlying | 1


market measure or the assets included in the underlying market measure for payment.


Market Linked Securities – Auto-Callable with Contingent Coupon and Contingent Downside Linked to the Lowest Performing Underlying


Unlike ordinary debt securities, these Market Linked Securities do not provide for fixed payments of interest, do not repay a fixed amount of principal at maturity, and are subject to potential automatic call prior to maturity upon the terms described below. Whether these Market Linked Securities pay a contingent coupon, whether they are automatically called prior to maturity, and, if they are not automatically called, whether you are repaid your principal at maturity will depend, in each case, on the performance of the lowest performing underlying. The lowest performing underlying on each calculation day is the underlying that has the lowest closing level on that calculation day as a percentage of its starting level (i.e., its closing level divided by its starting level).


The key features of these Market Linked Securities are described below.


·Contingent coupon payments: These Market Linked Securities provide for contingent coupon payments on periodic contingent coupon payment dates (typically occurring quarterly, semi-annually or annually throughout the term of these Market Linked Securities). On each contingent coupon payment date, you will receive a contingent coupon payment if, and only if, the closing level of the lowest performing underlying on the related calculation day (typically three to five business days prior to the contingent coupon payment date) has not declined below a specified threshold level. If the closing level of the lowest performing underlying is less than its threshold level on a given calculation day, you will not receive a contingent coupon payment on the related contingent coupon payment date. If the closing level of the lowest performing underlying is less than its threshold level on every calculation day, you will not receive any contingent coupon payments throughout the entire term of these Market Linked Securities.


·Automatic call: These Market Linked Securities will be subject to automatic call prior to maturity on specified call dates (which are generally a subset of the calculation days, typically beginning after a specified “non-call period”). If the closing level of the lowest performing underlying on any call date is greater than or equal to its closing level on the pricing date (its starting level), these Market Linked Securities will be automatically called, and on the related call settlement date (typically three to five business days after the relevant call date), you will receive a cash payment equal to the original offering price, plus a final contingent coupon payment, and no further payments will be made. The automatic call feature limits your potential to receive contingent coupon payments over the full term of the securities if the lowest performing underlying has appreciated as of a designated call date. If these Market Linked Securities have a non-call period, you have the ability to receive contingent coupon payments during such non-call period, if the closing level of the lowest performing underlying on a calculation day during such non-call period has not declined below its threshold level.


·Potential loss of principal: If these Market Linked Securities are not automatically called prior to maturity, you will be repaid your principal at maturity if, and only if, the closing level of the lowest performing underlying on the final calculation day (its ending level) has not declined below a specified threshold level. If these Market Linked Securities are not automatically called prior to maturity and the ending level of the lowest performing underlying is less than its threshold level, you will have full downside exposure to the decline in the level of the lowest performing underlying from its starting level, and you will incur a significant loss at maturity.


The threshold level for each underlying will be less than its starting level. A particular issuance of these Market Linked Securities may specify a single threshold level (for each underlying) that is applicable to both the contingent coupon payments and the contingent repayment of principal at maturity, or it may specify two different threshold levels (i.e., a coupon threshold level applicable to the contingent coupon payments and a separate downside threshold level applicable to the contingent repayment of principal at maturity).


Any return on these Market Linked Securities will be limited to the sum of the contingent coupon payments, if any. Investors will not participate in any appreciation of any underlying, but will be fully exposed to any decline of the lowest performing underlying, if its ending level is less than its threshold level.


The return on these Market Linked Securities will depend solely on the performance of the underlying that is the lowest performing underlying on each calculation day and/or call date. Investors will not benefit in any way from the performance of the better performing underlying(s). Therefore, investors will be adversely affected if any underlying declines below its threshold level(s), even if the other underlying(s) perform favorably. These Market Linked Securities are riskier than they would otherwise be if they were linked to only one of the underlyings or linked to a basket composed of each underlying. These Market Linked Securities will be subject to the full risks of each underlying, with no offsetting benefit from the better performing underlying(s).


Market Linked Securities — Auto-Callable with Contingent Coupon and Contingent Downside Linked to the Lowest Performing Underlying | 2


Determining payment on a contingent coupon payment date, call date, or at maturity


Unless these Market Linked Securities are previously called, on each contingent coupon payment date, you will either receive a contingent coupon payment or you will not receive a contingent coupon payment, depending on the closing level of the lowest performing underlying on the related calculation day. This diagram is presented to illustrate how one of these Market Linked Securities might work. The actual cash payment on the stated maturity date will vary depending on the relevant terms of the specific securities.




On each call date, these Market Linked Securities may be automatically called depending on the closing level of the lowest performing underlying on that call date. The diagram below illustrates how to determine whether these Market Linked Securities will be automatically called and the payment upon automatic call (in additional to a final contingent coupon payment) assuming an offering price of $1,000 per  security.




If these Market Linked Securities have not been called prior to maturity, the payment at maturity will be based on the ending level, threshold level, and starting level of the lowest performing underlying on the final calculation day. The diagram below illustrates how to determine the payment at maturity (in addition to a final contingent coupon payment, if any) assuming an offering price of $1,000 per security.




Market Linked Securities — Auto-Callable with Contingent Coupon and Contingent Downside Linked to the Lowest Performing Underlying | 3


Hypothetical examples


The examples below are hypothetical and are provided for informational purposes only. These sample terms are presented to illustrate how one of these Market Linked Securities might work. These sample terms are hypothetical terms and the actual terms will vary depending on the relevant terms of the specific securities. The issuer has no obligation to issue the securities on the terms below. They are not intended to represent any specific return, yield, or investment. They do not illustrate all possible outcomes and they are not indicative of future results. The examples illustrate the contingent coupon payments, the automatic call feature and, if an automatic call does not occur, the payment at maturity of these Market Linked Securities, assuming the following terms:


Term: Three years, unless earlier automatically called
Original Offering Price: $1,000 per Market Linked Security
Calculation Days/Contingent Coupon Payment Dates: Semi-annually
Call Dates: Semi-annually (on each calculation day starting approximately one year after issuance)
Contingent Coupon Rate: 7% per annum (or 3.5% per semi-annual period)
Threshold Level: With respect to each underlying, 70% of its starting level


The examples below assume that these Market Linked Securities are linked to the lowest performing of two underlyings. However, a particular issuance of these Market Linked Securities may be linked to the lowest performing of three or more underlyings. With more underlyings, you will be exposed to a greater risk of not receiving contingent coupon payments, and of incurring a significant loss on your investment at maturity.


The first two hypothetical examples below illustrate scenarios in which these Market Linked Securities are automatically called on a call date prior to maturity. The third and fourth hypothetical examples below illustrate scenarios in which these Market Linked Securities are not automatically called and the payment at maturity is based on the performance of the lowest performing underlying from its starting level to its ending level.


In the examples below, the color blue indicates that the closing level of the lowest performing underlying is greater than or equal to its starting level; the color green indicates that the closing level of the lowest performing underlying is less than its starting level, but greater than or equal to its threshold level; and the color red indicates that the closing level of the lowest performing underlying is less than its threshold level. The lowest performing underlying on a given calculation day is the underlying that had the lowest closing level on that calculation day as a percentage of its starting level (i.e., its closing level divided by its starting level).


Example 1: These Market Linked Securities are automatically called on the first call date.


Calculation Day/ Call Date

Closing level of Underlying 1

(% of its starting level)

Closing level of Underlying 2

(% of its starting level)


(% of original offering price) 

6 months from the pricing date






Contingent coupon payment date: 3.5%

1 year from the pricing date (first call date)





Call settlement date: 103.5%



Because of the one-year non-call period, even though the closing level of the lowest performing underlying was greater than its starting level on the first calculation day (six months from the pricing date), these Market Linked Securities would not be automatically called, and you would receive a contingent coupon payment on the related contingent coupon payment date. Because the closing level of the lowest performing underlying on the first call date (one year from the pricing date) is greater than its starting level, these Market Linked Securities would be automatically called on the first call date. On the related call settlement date, you would receive $1,035.00 per Market Linked Security, which is equal to the original offering price plus the contingent coupon payment due on the call settlement date (which is also a contingent coupon payment date). No further amounts will be owed to you under these Market Linked Securities.


Market Linked Securities — Auto-Callable with Contingent Coupon and Contingent Downside Linked to the Lowest Performing Underlying | 4


Example 2: These Market Linked Securities are automatically called on the third call date.


Calculation Day/ Call Date

Closing level of Underlying 1 

(% of its starting level)

Closing level of Underlying 2

(% of its starting level) 


(% of original offering price) 

6 months from the pricing date 105% 60% Contingent coupon payment date: 0.0%
1 year from the pricing date (first call date)





Contingent coupon payment date: 0.0%
18 months from the pricing date 110% 69% Contingent coupon payment date: 0.0%
2 years from the pricing date 115% 105% Call settlement date: 103.5%


Because the closing level of the lowest performing underlying is less than its threshold level on the first three calculation days (and first two call dates), these Market Linked Securities would not be automatically called and you would not receive a contingent coupon payment on those dates, even though the closing level of the better performing underlying on those dates was greater than its threshold level. Because the closing level of the lowest performing underlying on the third call date is greater than its starting level, these Market Linked Securities would be automatically called on that call date. On the related call settlement date, you would receive $1,035.00 per Market Linked Security, which is equal to the original offering price plus the contingent coupon payment due on the call settlement date (which is also a contingent coupon payment date). No further amounts will be owed to you under these Market Linked Securities.


As this example illustrates, whether you receive a contingent coupon payment, and whether these Market Linked Securities are automatically called on a contingent coupon payment date will depend solely on the closing level of the lowest performing underlying on the relevant calculation day and/or call date. The performance of the better performing underlying is not relevant to your return on these Market Linked Securities.


Example 3: These Market Linked Securities are NOT automatically called prior to maturity and the ending level of the lowest performing underlying is greater than its threshold level.


Calculation Day/ Call Date

Closing level of Underlying 1

(% of its starting level) 

Closing level of Underlying 2

(% of its starting level) 


(% of original offering price) 

6 months from the pricing date 90% 120% Contingent coupon payment date: 3.5%
1 year from the pricing date (first call date)





Contingent coupon payment date: 3.5%


18 months from the pricing date 80% 65% Contingent coupon payment date: 0.0%
2 years from the pricing date 60% 90% Contingent coupon payment date: 0.0%
30 months from the pricing date 65% 95% Contingent coupon payment date: 0.0%
3 years from the pricing date 75% (ending level) 110% (ending level) Maturity date: 103.5%


Because the closing level of the lowest performing underlying is less than its starting level on each call date, these Market Linked Securities would not be automatically called prior to maturity. The closing level of the lowest performing underlying is greater than its threshold level on three of the six calculation days, resulting in a contingent coupon payment on three of the contingent coupon payment dates (including the maturity date), but no contingent coupon payment on the other three contingent coupon payment dates. On the final calculation day, because the ending level of the lowest performing underlying is greater than its threshold level, on the maturity date you would receive $1,035.00 per Market Linked Security, which is equal to the original offering price plus the contingent coupon payment due on the maturity date (which is also a contingent coupon payment date).


Market Linked Securities — Auto-Callable with Contingent Coupon and Contingent Downside Linked to the Lowest Performing Underlying | 5


Example 4: These Market Linked Securities are NOT automatically called prior to maturity and the ending level of the lowest performing underlying is less than its threshold level.


Calculation Day/ Call Date

Closing level of Underlying 1

(% of its starting level) 

Closing level of Underlying 2 

(% of its starting level)


(% of original offering price) 

6 months from the pricing date 80% 68% Contingent coupon payment date: 0.0%
1 year from the pricing date (first call date)





Contingent coupon payment date: 0.0%
18 months from the pricing date 90% 62% Contingent coupon payment date: 0.0%
2 years from the pricing date 110% 55% Contingent coupon payment date: 0.0%
30 months from the pricing date 120% 45% Contingent coupon payment date: 0.0%
3 years from the pricing date 130% (ending level) 50% (ending level) Maturity date: 50.0%


Because the closing level of the lowest performing underlying is less than its threshold level on each calculation day and call date, these Market Linked Securities would not be automatically called prior to maturity, and would not pay a contingent coupon payment on any contingent coupon payment date. On the final calculation day, because the ending level of the lowest performing underlying is less than its threshold level, you would incur a loss on your investment equal to the full decline of the lowest performing underlying from its starting level to its ending level. Your payment at maturity in this example would be calculated as follows (assuming Underlying 2, which was the lowest performing underlying on the final calculation day, had a hypothetical starting level of 1,000 and a hypothetical ending level of 500):



On the stated maturity date, you would receive $500.00 per Market Linked Security, resulting in a loss of 50%.


This example illustrates that you will not participate in any appreciation of either underlying, but will be fully exposed to the depreciation of the lowest performing underlying, if its ending level on the final calculation day is less than its threshold level, even if the ending level of the other underlying has appreciated or has not declined below its respective threshold level.


All payments on these Market Linked Securities are subject to the ability of the issuer to make such payments to you when they are due, and you will have no ability to pursue any underlying or any asset included in any underlying for payment. If the issuer defaults on its payment obligations, you could lose your entire investment.


Market Linked Securities — Auto-Callable with Contingent Coupon and Contingent Downside Linked to the Lowest Performing Underlying | 6


This information, including the graph to the right, is hypothetical and is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to represent any specific return, yield or investment, nor is it indicative of future results. The issuer has no obligation to issue the securities with such terms. The graph illustrates the potential payment at maturity on these Market Linked Securities (excluding the final contingent coupon payment, if any), assuming these Market Linked Securities have not been automatically called prior to maturity. This graph does not take into account contingent coupon payments, if any, received during the term of these Market Linked Securities. As evidenced in this graph, in no event will you have a positive rate of return based solely on the payment at maturity; any positive return will be based solely on the contingent coupon payments, if any.



Estimated value of Market Linked Securities – Auto-Callable with Contingent Coupon and Contingent Downside Linked to the Lowest Performing Underlying


The original offering price of these Market Linked Securities will include certain costs that are borne by you. Because of these costs, the estimated value of these Market Linked Securities on the pricing date will be less than the original offering price. If specified in the applicable pricing supplement, these costs may include the underwriting discount or commission, the hedging profits of the issuer’s hedging counterparty (which may be an affiliate of the issuer), and hedging and other costs associated with the offering and costs relating to the issuer’s funding considerations for debt of this type. See “General risks and investment considerations” herein and the applicable pricing supplement for more information.


The issuer will disclose the estimated value of these Market Linked Securities in the applicable pricing supplement. The estimated value of these Market Linked Securities will be determined by estimating the value of the combination of hypothetical financial instruments that would replicate the payout on these Market Linked Securities, which combination consists of a non-interest bearing, fixed-income bond and one or more derivative instruments underlying the economic terms of these Market Linked Securities. You should read the applicable pricing supplement for more information about the estimated value of these Market Linked Securities and how it is determined.


Market Linked Securities — Auto-Callable with Contingent Coupon and Contingent Downside Linked to the Lowest Performing Underlying | 7

Which investments are right for you?


It is important to read and understand the applicable preliminary pricing supplement and other related offering documents, and consider several factors before making an investment decision.


An investment in these Market Linked Securities may help you modify your portfolio’s risk-return profile to more closely reflect your market views. However, at maturity you may incur a loss on your investment, and you will forgo guaranteed interest payments and any return in excess of the contingent coupon payments, if any.


These Market Linked Securities are not suitable for all investors, but may be suitable for investors who:


·Seek the potential for contingent coupon payments at a higher rate than the issuer would pay on ordinary debt securities of comparable maturity and, in exchange, are willing to assume the risk of not receiving some or any contingent coupon payments and the downside risk of the lowest performing underlying if the lowest performing underlying declines below its threshold level


·Seek to supplement their existing investments with the return profile provided by these Market Linked Securities


You can find a discussion of risks and investment considerations on the next page and in the preliminary pricing supplement and other related offering documents for these Market Linked Securities. The following questions, which you should review with your financial advisor, are intended to initiate a conversation about whether these Market Linked Securities are right for you.


·Are you dependent on your investments for current income? Can you accept the risk that these Market Linked Securities may not pay one or more, or any, contingent coupon payments?


·Are you comfortable with the potential loss of a significant portion, and possibly all, of your initial investment as a result of a decline of the lowest performing underlying below its threshold level?


·Are you comfortable accepting the full downside risks of each underlying?


·What is your time horizon? Do you foresee liquidity needs? Will you be able to hold these investments until maturity or earlier automatic call?


·Are you willing to forgo participation in any appreciation of any underlying?


·What is your sensitivity to the tax treatment for your investments?


·Are you willing to accept the credit risk of the issuer?


Before making an investment decision, please work with your financial advisor to determine which investment products may be appropriate given your financial situation, investment goals, and risk profile.


Market Linked Securities — Auto-Callable with Contingent Coupon and Contingent Downside Linked to the Lowest Performing Underlying | 8

General risks and investment considerations

These Market Linked Securities have complex features and are not suitable for all investors. They involve a variety of risks and may be linked to a variety of different underlyings. Each of these Market Linked Securities and each underlying will have its own unique set of risks and investment considerations. Before you invest in these Market Linked Securities, you should thoroughly review the relevant preliminary pricing supplement and other related offering documents for a comprehensive discussion of the risks associated with the investment. The following are general risks and investment considerations applicable to these Market Linked Securities:


·Principal risk. These Market Linked Securities are not structured to repay your full original offering price on the stated maturity date. If these Market Linked Securities are not automatically called and the ending level of the lowest performing underlying is less than its threshold level, you will be fully exposed to the decline of the lowest performing underlying from its starting level to its ending level and the payment you receive at maturity will be less than the original offering price of these Market Linked Securities. Under these circumstances, you will lose a substantial portion, and possibly all, of your investment.


·Contingent coupon risk. These Market Linked Securities do not provide for fixed payments of interest. If the closing level of the lowest performing underlying is less than its threshold level on a given calculation day, you will not receive a contingent coupon payment on the related contingent coupon payment date. If the closing level of the lowest performing underlying is less than its threshold level on every calculation day, you will not receive any contingent coupon payments throughout the entire term of these Market Linked Securities.


·Limited return potential. Even though you will be fully exposed to any decline in the level of the lowest performing underlying, if its ending level is below its threshold level, you will not participate in any increase in the level of any underlying over the term of these Market Linked Securities. Your maximum possible return on these Market Linked Securities will be limited to the sum of the contingent coupon payments you receive, if any.


·Automatic call risk. If these Market Linked Securities are automatically called, the term of these Market Linked Securities will be less than the full term to maturity. The automatic call feature will limit your potential to receive contingent coupon payments over the full term of these Market Linked Securities if the closing level of the lowest performing underlying is greater than or equal to its starting level as of a designated call date. If these Market Linked Securities are automatically called, there is no guarantee that you would be able to reinvest the proceeds at a comparable return for a similar level of risk.


·Lowest performing underlying risk. These Market Linked Securities are subject to the full risks of each underlying and will be negatively affected if any underlying declines below its threshold level, even if the other underlying(s) perform favorably. You will not benefit in any way from the performance of the better performing underlying(s). These Market Linked Securities are not linked to a basket composed of the underlyings, where the better performance of one underlying could offset the poor performance of the other underlying(s). Instead, you are subject to the full risks of whichever underlying is the lowest performing underlying on each calculation day and/or call date. As a result, these Market Linked Securities are riskier than they would otherwise be if they were linked to only one of the underlyings or linked to a basket composed of each underlying.


·Correlation risk. It is generally preferable from your perspective for the underlyings to be correlated with each other during the term of these Market Linked Securities, so that their levels will tend to increase or decrease at similar times and by similar magnitudes. By investing in these Market Linked Securities, you assume the risk that the underlyings will not exhibit this relationship. If the underlyings have low historical correlation, these Market Linked Securities will typically offer a higher contingent coupon rate, but it will be more likely that one of the underlyings will be performing poorly at any time over the term of these Market Linked Securities. All that is necessary for these Market Linked Securities to perform poorly is for one of the underlyings to decline below its threshold level; the performance of the better performing underlying(s) is not relevant to your return.


·Liquidity risk. These Market Linked Securities are not appropriate for investors who may have liquidity needs prior to maturity. These Market Linked Securities are not listed on any securities exchange and are generally illiquid instruments. Neither Wells Fargo Securities nor any other person is required to maintain a secondary market for these Market Linked Securities. Accordingly, you may be unable to sell your Market Linked Securities prior to their maturity date. If you choose to sell these Market Linked Securities prior to maturity, assuming a buyer is available, you may receive less in sale proceeds than the original offering price.


·Market value uncertain. These Market Linked Securities are not appropriate for investors who need their investments to maintain a stable value during their term. The value of your Market Linked Securities prior to maturity or automatic call will be affected by numerous factors, such as performance, volatility, dividend rate of the underlyings (if applicable), interest rates, the time remaining to maturity, the correlation between the underlyings, and the issuer’s creditworthiness. The value of these Market Linked Securities will also be limited by the automatic call feature.


·Costs to investors. The original offering price of these Market Linked Securities will include certain costs that are borne by you. These costs will adversely affect the economic terms of these Market Linked Securities and will cause their estimated value on the pricing date to be less than the original offering price. If specified in the applicable pricing supplement, these costs may include the underwriting discount or commission, the hedging profits of the issuer’s hedging counterparty (which may be an affiliate of the issuer), hedging and other costs associated with the offering, and costs relating to the issuer’s funding considerations for debt of this type. These costs will adversely affect any secondary market price for these Market Linked Securities, which may be further reduced by a bid-offer spread. As a result, unless market conditions and other relevant factors change significantly in your favor following the pricing date, any secondary market price for these Market Linked Securities is likely to be less than the original offering price.


·Credit risk. Any investment in these Market Linked Securities is subject to the ability of the issuer to make payments to you when they are due, and you will have no ability to pursue any underlying or any assets included in any underlying for payment. If the issuer defaults on its payment obligations, you could lose your entire investment. In addition, the actual or perceived creditworthiness of the issuer may affect the value of these Market Linked Securities prior to maturity.


Market Linked Securities — Auto-Callable with Contingent Coupon and Contingent Downside Linked to the Lowest Performing Underlying | 9

·Estimated value considerations. The estimated value of these Market Linked Securities that is disclosed in the applicable pricing supplement will be determined by the issuer or an underwriter of the offering, which underwriter may be an affiliate of the issuer and may be Wells Fargo Securities. The estimated value will be based on the issuer’s or the underwriter’s proprietary pricing models and assumptions, and certain inputs that may be determined by the issuer or underwriter in its discretion. Because other dealers may have different views on these inputs, the estimated value that is disclosed in the applicable pricing supplement may be higher, and perhaps materially higher, than the estimated value that would be determined by other dealers in the market. Moreover, you should understand that the estimated value that is disclosed in the applicable pricing supplement will not be an indication of the price, if any, at which Wells Fargo Securities or any other person may be willing to buy these Market Linked Securities from you at any time after issuance.


·Conflicts of interest. Potential conflicts of interest may exist between you and the issuer and/or Wells Fargo Securities. For example, the issuer, Wells Fargo Securities and/or one of their respective affiliates may engage in business with companies whose securities are included in an underlying, or may publish research on such companies or an underlying. In addition, the issuer, Wells Fargo Securities and/or one of their respective affiliates may be the calculation agent for the purposes of making important determinations that affect the payments on these Market Linked Securities. Finally, the estimated value of these Market Linked Securities may be determined by the issuer or an underwriter of the offering, which underwriter may be an affiliate of the issuer and may be Wells Fargo Securities.


·Effects of trading and other transactions. Trading and other transactions by the issuer, Wells Fargo Securities and/or one of their respective affiliates could affect the underlyings or the value of these Market Linked Securities.


·ETF risk. If an underlying is an exchange-traded fund (ETF), it may underperform the index it is designed to track as a result of costs and fees of the ETF and differences between the constituents of the index and the actual assets held by the ETF. In addition, an investment in these Market Linked Securities linked to an ETF involves risks related to the index underlying the ETF, as discussed in the next risk consideration.


·Index risk. If an underlying is an index, or an ETF that tracks an index, your return on these Market Linked Securities may be adversely affected by changes that the index publisher may make to the manner in which the index is constituted or calculated. Furthermore, if the index represents foreign securities markets, you should understand that foreign securities markets tend to be less liquid and more volatile than U.S. markets, and that there is generally less information available about foreign companies than about companies that file reports with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Moreover, if the index represents emerging foreign securities markets, these Market Linked Securities will be subject to the heightened political and economic risks associated with emerging markets. If the index includes foreign securities and the level of the index is based on the U.S. dollar value of those foreign securities, these Market Linked Securities will be subject to currency exchange rate risk in addition to the other risks described above, as the level of the index will be adversely affected if the currencies in which the foreign securities trade depreciate against the U.S. dollar.


·Commodity risk. These Market Linked Securities linked to commodities will be subject to a number of significant risks associated with commodities. Commodity prices tend to be volatile and may fluctuate in ways that are unpredictable and adverse to you. Commodity markets are frequently subject to disruptions, distortions, and changes due to various factors, including the lack of liquidity in the markets, the participation of speculators, and government regulation and intervention. Moreover, commodity indices may be adversely affected by a phenomenon known as “negative roll yield,” which occurs when future prices of the commodity futures contracts underlying the index are higher than current prices. Negative roll yield can have a significant negative effect on the performance of a commodity index. Furthermore, for commodities that are traded in U.S. dollars, but for which market prices are driven by global demand, any strengthening of the U.S. dollar against relevant other currencies may adversely affect the demand for, and therefore the price of, those commodities.


·Currency risk. These Market Linked Securities linked to currencies will be subject to a number of significant risks associated with currencies. Currency exchange rates are frequently subject to intervention by governments, which can be difficult to predict and can have a significant impact on exchange rates. Moreover, currency exchange rates are driven by complex factors relating to the economies of the relevant countries that can be difficult to understand and predict. Currencies issued by emerging market governments may be particularly volatile and will be subject to heightened risks.


·Bond risk. These Market Linked Securities linked to bond indices or exchange-traded funds that are comprised of specific types of bonds with different maturities and qualities will be subject to a number of significant risks associated with bonds. In general, if market interest rates rise, the value of bonds will decline. In addition, if the market perception of the creditworthiness of the relevant bond issuers falls, the value of bonds will generally decline.


·Tax considerations. You should review carefully the relevant preliminary pricing supplement and other related offering documents and consult your tax advisors regarding the application of the U.S. federal tax laws to your particular circumstances, as well as any tax consequences arising under the laws of any state, local, or non-U.S. jurisdiction.


Market Linked Securities — Auto-Callable with Contingent Coupon and Contingent Downside Linked to the Lowest Performing Underlying | 10


Always read the preliminary pricing supplement and other related offering documents.


These Market Linked Securities are offered with a preliminary pricing supplement and other related offering documents. Investors should read and consider these documents carefully before investing. Prior to investing, always consult your financial advisor to understand the investment structure in detail.


For more information about these Market Linked Securities and the structures currently available for investment, contact your financial advisor, who can advise you whether or not a particular offering may meet your individual needs and investment requirements.









This material was prepared by Wells Fargo Securities, LLC, a registered broker-dealer and separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. This material is not a product of Wells Fargo & Company research departments.


Wells Fargo Securities is the trade name for the capital markets and investment banking services of Wells Fargo & Company and its subsidiaries, including Wells Fargo Securities, LLC, a member of FINRA, NYSE, and SIPC, Wells Fargo Institutional Securities, LLC, a member of FINRA, NFA, and SIPC, and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.


Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC and Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC, members SIPC, separate registered broker-dealers and non-bank affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company.


© 2018 Wells Fargo Securities. All rights reserved. MC-6159 (11/16)


Market Linked Securities — Auto-Callable with Contingent Coupon and Contingent Downside Linked to the Lowest Performing Underlying | 11

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