EX-99 6 munich-treaty.txt EXHIBIT 4 A USAA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY [LOGO OF USAA] =========================================================== USAA(R) July 25, 2000 Sig C. Brekke, FLMI, AALU Vice President Munich American Reassurance Co 56 Perimeter Center East Atlanta, GA 30346-2290 RE: All existing treaties Dear Sig: Enclosed is the proposed standard claim form presented at the USAA Financial Conference, Reinsurance Breakout Session on May 8,2000. Please take the time to carefully review the form, as changes have been made to the form discussed at the conference. Effective immediately, we intend that this form will be used for USAA Life to provide notice to MARC of the contest, compromise, or litigation of a claim, as required by the terms of the existing agreements. Unless USAA Life receives written notice from MARC in response that MARC does not consent to the contest, compromise, or litigation, USAA Life will assume that MARC consents to the contest, compromise, or litigation, and will reimburse USAA Life for MARC's portion of the associated liability and expenses in accordance with the terms of the existing agreements, including MARC's proportionate share of any compromise or settlement. If you agree with the above, please sign and date in the spaces indicated below and return the duplicated copy to us. USAA Life Insurance Company Munich American Reassurance Co /s/ /s/ --------------------------- ------------------------------ Signature Signature Allen R. Pierce, VP Actuary Sig C. BREKKE, Vice President --------------------------- ------------------------------ Name & Title Name & Title 7/27/2000 8/29/00 --------------------------- ------------------------------ Date Date 9800 Fredericksburg Road San Antonio, Texas 78288 1-800-531-8000 in San Antonio 498-8000 31710-0198 ---------- [LOGO OF USAA] USAA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY USAA(R) USAA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK REINSURANCE DEATH CLAIM FORM ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. CLAIM DATA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REINSURANCE COMPANY: Munich American Reinsurance Co STATUS ------------------------------ INSURED: ___________________________________________ [ ] INCONTESTABLE DATE OF BIRTH: _____________________________________ [ ] CONTESTABLE DATE OF DEATH: _____________________________________ [ ] UNDER INVESTIGATION CAUSE OF DEATH: ____________________________________ [ ] SETTLED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. NOTIFICATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] PRELIMINARY NOTICE [ ] NOTIFICATION OF CONTEST [ ] REQUEST FOR PAYMENT /COMPROMISE/S LITIGATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLICIES ISSUED AS A RESULT OF CONVERSION, EXCHANGE OR REPLACEMENT OF OTHER USAA LIFE INSURANCE COVERAGE: [ ] YES IF YES, PLEASE PROVIDE ORIGINAL POLICY DATE:___ ORIGINAL $:___ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: [ ] NO POLICY #s: POLICY #s: POLICY #s: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *THIS CLAIM FORM IS NOTIFICATION OF USAA'S INTENTION TO CONTEST, COMPROMISE, OR LITIGATE A CLAIM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TREATY TERMS. UNLESS REINSURER NOTIFIES USAA LIFE, IN WRITING, THAT IT DECLINES TO BE A PARTY TO SUCH ACTION, REINSURER WILL PAY ITS SHARE OF ANY SETTLEMENT UP TO THE MAXIMUM THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN PAYABLE UNDER THE SPECIFIC POLICY PLUS ITS SHARE OF SPECIFIC EXPENSES AND DAMAGES, IF ANY, IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONTEST, COMPROMISE, OR LITIGATION. FOR INCONTESTABLE CLAIMS, WE WILL PROCESS ALL REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEED WITH CLAIM PAYMENT UNLESS NOTIFIED OTHERWISE. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE OF DATE OF REINSTATEMENT AMOUNT OF POLICY NUMBER ISSUE FACE AMOUNT TERMINATION DATE REINSURANCE -------------- ------- ----------- ----------- ------------- -------------- ______________ _______ ___________ ___________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _______ ___________ ___________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _______ ___________ ___________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _______ ___________ ___________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _______ ___________ ___________ _____________ ______________ TOTAL ISSUED: _________ AMOUNT REINSURED W/REINSURER: ____________ LESS TERMINATED: _________ AMOUNT W/OTHER REINSURERS: ____________ USAA RETENTION: ____________ AMOUNT IN FORCE: _________ TOTAL: ____________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. FINAL DISPOSITION/REQUEST FOR PAYMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] CLAIM HAS BEEN [ ] SETTLEMENT HAS BEEN SENT [ ] CLAIM [ ] POLICY APPROVED TO THE BENEFICIARY DENIED RESCINDED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLICY NUMBER REINSURED AMOUNT INTEREST TOTAL ------------------ ------------------------- ----------------- -------------- __________________ _________________________ _________________ ______________ __________________ _________________________ _________________ ______________ __________________ _________________________ _________________ ______________ __________________ _________________________ _________________ ______________ __________________ _________________________ _________________ ______________ SUB TOTAL: ______________ INVESTIGATION EXPENSE: ______________ INTEREST PAID AT _____% FOR_____DAYS. LEGAL EXPENSE: ______________ TOTAL REQUESTED: ______________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENTS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCONTESTABLE CLAIMS REQUIREMENTS: CONTESTABLE CLAIMS REQUIREMENTS: ---------------------------------- -------------------------------- - Complete this form & attach proof IF CEDED FACULTATIVELY: of death -Attach proof of death, complete this form & investigation reports IF CEDED AUTOMATICALLY: -Attach proof of death, complete this form, investigation reports & underwriting papers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: _______ Completed By: Cheryl Moczygemba Title: Reinsurance Specialist ----------------- ---------------------- Ceding Company Name: USAA Phone#: 210-498-9248 Fax#: 210-498-0338 ---- ------------ ------------ Address: ATTN: REINSURANCE Wire Information: NATIONS BANK, DALLAS ----------------- -------------------- DEPT., F-2-E ABA #111000025 ------------ -------------- 9800 FREDERICKSBURG RD. ACCOUNT #7110373357 ----------------------- ------------------- SAN ANTONIO, ACCOUNT NAME- USAA LIFE ------------ ----------------------- TX 78288-0338 ------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36557-0800 ---------- LUF749ST [LOGO OF MUNICH AMERICAN MUNICH AMERICAN REASSURANCE COMPANY REASSURANCE COMPANY] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maureen L. Fuller, FLMI, ALHC Treaty Associate 56 Perimeter Center East, N.E. August 31, 2000 Atlanta, GA 30346-2290 Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 3210 Atlanta, GA 30302-3210 Telephone: (770) 350-3239 Mr. Allen R. Pierce Telefax:(770)350-3339 Vice President, Actuary E-mail: mfuller@marclife.com USAA Life Insurance Company 9800 Fredericksburg Road San Antonio, TX 78288 Dear Allen: Enclosed is a signed copy of the letter adding your new claim form to our reinsurance agreements. I will file a copy with all of the agreements that we have with USAA. The claim form has been reviewed and approved of by our claims and administration departments. Thanks for your help. Sincerely, MLF/ c: S. C. Brekke MARC-Life Munich Re Group T [LOGO OF MUNICH AMERICAN MUNICH AMERICAN REASSURANCE COMPANY REASSURANCE COMPANY] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTOMATIC REINSURANCE AGREEMENT effective June 1, 1998 between USAA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS (hereinafter called the Ceding Company) and MUNICH AMERICAN REASSURANCE COMPANY ATLANTA, GEORGIA (hereinafter called MARC-Life) Treaty ID: 1544 TABLE OF CONTENTS Article I Basis of Reinsurance 1 Article II Mode of Notification and Cession 2 Article III Liability of MARC-Life 2 Article IV Plan of Reinsurance 3 Article V Reinsurance Premiums 4 Article VI Tax Procedures 4 Article VII Claims 5 Article VIII Policy Changes 6 Article IX Accounting 7 Article X Expenses of Original Policy 7 Article XI Errors and Omissions 8 Article XII Retention Limit Changes (Recapture) 8 Article XIII Inspection of Records 9 Article XIV Insolvency 10 Article XV Arbitration 10 Article XVI Parties to Agreement; Entire Agreement 12 Article XVII Duration of Agreement; Termination 12 Article XVIII Effective Date; Execution 13 Exhibit I Reinsurance Submission Form Exhibit II Limits and Special Conditions Exhibit III Retention Limits of the Ceding Company Exhibit IV Life Reinsurance Premiums Exhibit V Accidental Death Reinsurance Premiums Exhibit VI List of Risks Reinsured Exhibit VII List of Amendments Exhibit VIII In-Force Summary Form
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARTICLE I BASIS OF REINSURANCE 1. On and after the effective date of this agreement, the Ceding Company will automatically cede to MARC-Life its proportional share of the pool as defined in Exhibit II. MARC-Life will automatically accept its share within the limits shown in Exhibit II, provided the Ceding Company keeps its regular retention and applies its normal underwriting standards. The Ceding Company's regular retention limits are shown in Exhibit III. Normal underwriting standards are explained in paragraph 7 of this article. 2. If the Ceding Company is already on the risk for its regular retention under previously issued policies, MARC-Life will automatically accept reinsurance up to the limits shown in Exhibit II, provided the Ceding Company has applied the same underwriting rules it would have applied if the new policy had fallen completely within its regular retention. 3. If the Ceding Company retains less than its regular retention on a risk, MARC-Life will automatically accept an amount not exceeding the amount retained by the Ceding Company on the current application. Facultative Submissions 4. The Ceding Company may submit any risk that is eligible for automatic reinsurance to MARC-Life for its underwriting opinion. If such risk is acceptable, it will be reinsured automatically under this agreement. 5. In addition, the Ceding Company may apply to MARC-Life for facultative reinsurance of any individual life risk that is issued on a policy plan covered under this agreement. An application may include waiver of premium disability or accidental death benefits with life. 6. The Ceding Company will make such facultative submissions by sending MARC-Life copies of all papers relating to the insurability of the risk, together with a Reinsurance Submission Form (Exhibit I). MARC-Life will examine the papers and notify the Ceding Company of its 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- underwriting action promptly. Any offer made by MARC-Life will expire as indicated in the offer unless the Ceding Company withdraws its application earlier. If no expiration date is shown in the offer, the offer will expire after 120 days from the date of the offer. The Ceding Company must notify MARC-Life of its acceptance of an offer before the expiration of the offer and during the lifetime of the insured. Underwriting Standards 7. The Ceding Company will use MARC-Life's Life Underwriting Manual to determine underwriting risk classifications, unless the Ceding Company and MARC-Life agree to use an alternative method. The Ceding Company should discuss any proposed changes in underwriting standards, requirements, or other criteria with MARC-Life before implementation. ARTICLE II MODE OF NOTIFICATION AND CESSION 1. There will be no individual cessions for risks reinsured hereunder. Instead, each month the Ceding Company will supply MARC-LIFE with three lists containing the information shown in Exhibit VI, "List of Risks Reinsured," Exhibit VII, "List of Amendments," and Exhibit VIII, "In-Force Summary." The Ceding Company will submit all monthly lists to MARC-Life no later than the tenth day of the following month. 2. If the Ceding Company chooses to report its reinsurance transactions via electronic media, it will consult with MARC-Life to determine the appropriate format. The Ceding Company will notify MARC-Life before making any changes in the data format or code structure of any such reports. ARTICLE III LIABILITY OF MARC-LIFE For automatic reinsurances, MARC-Life's liability will begin at the same time as the Ceding Company's liability. For facultative submissions, MARC-Life's liability will begin at the same time as the Ceding Company's liability if all the requirements of Articles I and II have been met. 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARTICLE IV PLAN OF REINSURANCE 1. Life reinsurance will be ceded on a yearly renewable term basis for the Reinsurance Death Benefit. Reinsurance Death Benefit 2. The Reinsurance Death Benefit will be rounded to the nearest dollar and will equal the Proportion of the Policy Reinsured multiplied by the difference between the death benefit and the cash value included in the death benefit. Proportion of the Policy Reinsured 3. The Proportion of the Policy Reinsured will be as stated in Exhibit II attached hereto. Increases and Decreases 4. Any increase or decrease in the death benefit will be shared proportionately by the Ceding Company and MARC-Life until the Ceding Company has reached its retention limit. Additional increases will be assumed by MARC-Life subject to the provisions for increased amounts specified in Article VIII and Exhibit II. Additional Benefits 5. Reinsurance of waiver of premium disability and accidental death benefits will agree with the Ceding Company's original policy forms. The Ceding Company must furnish MARC-Life with copies of its waiver of premium disability and accidental death riders and keep MARC-Life informed of any changes. 6. MARC-Life will not participate in gross annual premiums and policy fees paid by the policyholder, expense charges, cash values, accumulation fund amounts, dividends, nor any benefits not expressly referred to herein. 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARTICLE V REINSURANCE PREMIUMS 1. The reinsurance premium rates for life insurance are in Exhibit IV. The reinsurance premium rates for accidental death benefits are in Exhibit V. 2. The reinsurance premiums for waiver of premium disability benefits will be the following percentages of the premium that the Ceding Company charges the insured on the Reinsurance Death Benefit: First Year Renewal Years ---------- ------------- 0% 90% 3. The Ceding Company will pay the reinsurance premiums annually in advance. These premiums will be payable as long as the reinsurance remains in force. If any reinsurance is reduced or terminated, MARC-Life will refund any unearned portion of reinsurance premium. 4. MARC-Life cannot guarantee the life reinsurance premium rates for more than one year; however, MARC-Life expects to continue accepting premiums on these rates indefinitely. ARTICLE VI TAX PROCEDURES 1. MARC-Life will not reimburse the Ceding Company for any state premium taxes the Ceding Company has to pay. 2. Both companies hereby enter into an election under Treasury Regulations Section 1.848-2(g)(8) whereby: a. For each taxable year under this agreement, the party with net positive consideration, as defined in Treasury Code Section 848, will capitalize specified policy acquisition expenses with respect to this reinsurance agreement without regard to the general deductions limitation of Section 848(c)(1). 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b. Both companies agree to exchange information about the amount of net consideration for all reinsurance agreements in force between them to ensure consistency for purposes of computing specified policy acquisition expenses. c. This election will be effective as of the beginning of the taxable year that includes the effective date of this agreement. This election will remain in effect for all future taxable years for which this agreement remains in effect. ARTICLE VII CLAIMS 1. If the Ceding Company pays a claim in full, MARC-Life will pay the Ceding Company the full Reinsurance Death Benefit. If the Ceding Company pays less than the full amount of a claim, MARC-Life and the Ceding Company will share proportionately in the reduction. 2. If any special expenses are involved in the settlement of a claim, MARC-Life and the Ceding Company will share the expenses proportionately. Such special expenses include, but are not limited to, court and arbitration costs, special investigations, etc. The following will not be considered special expenses: a. Salaries of the Ceding Company's and MARC-Life's employees b. Expenses incurred in connection with a dispute or contest arising out of conflicting claims of entitlement to policy proceeds or benefits that the Ceding Company admits are payable c. Expenses, fees, settlements, or judgements arising out of or in connection with claims made against the Ceding Company for extra-contractual damages, such as punitive damages, bad faith damages, or compensatory damages that may arise from acts or omissions of the Ceding Company in its conduct with its own insured, policy owner, beneficiary or assignee of the policy, or others; provided, however, that MARC-Life will pay its proportionate part of any such 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- expenses, fees, settlements, and judgements solely to the extent that such expenses, fees, settlements, and judgements result directly from acts or omissions of MARC-Life, or acts or omissions of the Ceding Company to which MARC-Life affirmatively consented in writing or that were directed, ratified, or agreed to by MARC-Life in writing 3. Both companies will share proportionately in any increase or reduction resulting from an insured's misstatement of age or sex. 4. In every case of loss, any proofs acceptable to the Ceding Company will be sufficient for MARC-Life. However, the Ceding Company must furnish MARC-Life with copies of the proofs. Contestable Claims 5. The Ceding Company must give MARC-Life advance notice of any contestable claim if fifty percent or more of the life or waiver of premium disability risk is reinsured by MARC-Life. The Ceding Company must also give MARC-Life advance notice of any contestable accidental death claim if the accidental death benefit is reinsured hereunder. On request, the Ceding Company will submit all papers relating to any such claim to MARC-Life for its opinion before making any commitment or payment to the claimant. ARTICLE VIII POLICY CHANGES 1. The Ceding Company will include any changes in the List of Amendments described in Exhibit VII. 2. If the face amount or death benefit is increased according to procedures in the policy, the Reinsurance Death Benefit and the Proportion of the Policy Reinsured will be recalculated. Such increases are subject to the submission of satisfactory evidence of insurability and will therefore be treated as new issues, subject to the provisions of Article I and the limitations shown in Exhibit II. Reinsurance premiums for such increased amounts will be calculated as for other new issues. 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. If any portion of the total insurance retained by the Ceding Company on any life is reduced or terminated, the amount of reinsurance carried by the Ceding Company on that life will be reduced by a like amount. The reinsurance on the policy or policies reduced or terminated will be the first to be reduced. If further reduction in reinsurance is required, the cessions to be reduced or terminated will be determined by the order in which they were reinsured. The first to be reinsured would be the first to be reduced or terminated, and so on. If the reinsurance is shared by two or morereinsurers, the reduction will be prorated among all the reinsurers. 4. If a policy is reinstated in accordance with its terms and the Ceding Company's reinstatement rules, reinsurance of the death benefit and other benefits will be restored as if no change had occurred. The reinsurance premium will be appropriately adjusted. ARTICLE IX ACCOUNTING 1. Within the first ten days of each calendar month, the Ceding Company will send MARC-Life the List of Risks Reinsured, the List of Amendments, and the In-Force Summary, including all the information required by Exhibits VI, VII, and VIII. 2. If the Ceding Company owes MARC-Life, it will remit the amount owed with the statement. MARC-Life will remit any amount it owes the Ceding Company within twenty working days after receiving the statement. 3. Claim payments will be settled individually when they are due. 4. Any debts or credits in favor of or against the Ceding Company or MARC-Life under this agreement, or any other agreement heretofore or hereafter entered into between the Ceding Company and MARC-Life, may be set off with only the balance being paid. 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARTICLE X EXPENSES OF ORIGINAL POLICY The Ceding Company will pay for all medical examinations, inspection fees, and other charges incurred in issuing policies. ARTICLE XI ERRORS AND OMISSIONS 1. Errors and omissions on any statement or reinsurance record will not affect MARC-Life's liability for any reinsurance under this agreement. Any error affecting reinsurance premiums will be rectified as soon as possible after discovery. 2. If the failure of either party to comply with any provision of this agreement is unintentional or the result of a misunderstanding or oversight, both parties will be restored as closely as possible to the positions they would have occupied if no error or oversight had occurred. 3. This article will not apply to any facultative submission until the Ceding Company has notified MARC-Life of its acceptance of MARC-Life's offer in accordance with Article I. ARTICLE XII RETENTION LIMIT CHANGES (RECAPTURE) 1. The reinsurance under this agreement will remain in force without reduction as long as the original policy remains in force without reduction, except as provided below. 2. If the Ceding Company increases its regular retention limits, it may choose to recapture. Such recapture will increase the total amount the Ceding Company carries on each case up to its then maximum retention. If the Ceding Company chooses to recapture, it must send MARC-Life a written request. 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Recaptures will take effect on the later of the following dates: a. The first policy anniversary date after the Ceding Company notifies MARC-Life of its retention limit increase b. When the policy has been in force for the number of years stated in Exhibit IV If any reinsurance on any policy reinsured hereunder is recaptured, all other eligible policies must be similarly recaptured, subject to the restrictions herein. 4. If the reinsurance to be reduced is shared by two or more reinsurers, the reduction will be prorated among all the reinsurers. 5. Reductions or cancellations that were overlooked will be made when discovered. MARC-Life's acceptance of reinsurance premiums after the effective dates of any overlooked reductions or cancellations will not constitute or determine a liability of MARC-Life. MARC-Life will be liable only for a refund of the premium so received. 6. No recapture will be made if the Ceding Company retained less than its regular retention limit at issue or if the Ceding Company retained no part of the risk. 7. If a waiver of premium disability claim is in effect when recapture takes place, the Ceding Company will recapture the life risk and all other eligible benefits as if there were no waiver of premium disability claim. MARC-Life's liability for these benefits will then cease. The waiver of premium disability reinsurance will remain in effect until the policy is returned to a premium paying status. When that happens, the Ceding Company will recapture the waiver of premium disability benefits. 8. If a recaptured waiver of premium claim is resumed because of an extension of the initial disability under the 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- terms of the Ceding Company's policy, MARC-Life will pay its share of the waiver of premium benefit if the Ceding Company pays MARC-Life the reinsurance premium for the period following recapture. ARTICLE XIII INSPECTION OF RECORDS Both MARC-Life and the Ceding Company will have the right to inspect all books, records, and documents relating to the reinsurance under this agreement. Both parties will have the right to make such inspections at any reasonable time at the office of the other party. ARTICLE XIV INSOLVENCY 1. If the Ceding Company becomes insolvent, MARC-Life will pay all reinsurance directly to the liquidator, receiver or statutory successor without reduction because of the insolvency. The liquidator, receiver, or statutory successor will give MARC-Life written notice of any pending claims on policies reinsured hereunder. Such notice will be given within a reasonable time after a claim is filed in the insolvency proceeding. 2. While any such claim is pending, MARC-Life may investigate the claim and interpose in the name of the Ceding Company (its liquidator, receiver, or statutory successor) at its own expense in the proceeding where such claim is to be adjudicated. Any expense thus incurred by MARC-Life will be chargeable, subject to court approval, against the Ceding Company as part of the expense of liquidation. Where two or more reinsurers are participating in the same claim and a majority in interest elects to interpose a defense or defenses to any such claim, the expense will be apportioned in accordance with the terms of the reinsurance agreements as though the Ceding Company had incurred such expense. ARTICLE XV ARBITRATION 1. The Ceding Company and MARC-Life specifically agree that, even if this reinsurance agreement has been 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- terminated for new business, any dispute or difference of opinion arising out of or concerning the validity of this agreement will be submitted to and settled by a Panel of Arbitration. 2. Either party may initiate arbitration by notifying the other party. 3. The Panel of Arbitration will consist of three members unless the parties agree in writing to appoint and abide by the decision of a single arbitrator. a. The two parties will name the single arbitrator within thirty days of their mutual agreement to use a single arbitrator. b. Under a three-member Panel of Arbitration, each of the two parties will appoint an arbitrator. The arbitrators must be appointed within thirty days after receipt of the written notice initiating arbitration. c. An arbitrator must be an active or retired executive from the life insurance industry who is not affiliated with either company. Each arbitrator must be knowledgeable about life insurance and life reinsurance and the aspect thereof that is the basis of the dispute or difference of opinion. d. Within thirty days after the second of the appointments is made, the two arbitrators will appoint a third arbitrator. If the two arbitrators cannot agree on a third arbitrator within such time, the two arbitrators will obtain a list of at least five qualified and available arbitrators from the American Arbitration Association (AAA) or its successor organization. Within fifteen days, the two appointed arbitrators will select the third arbitrator from the list. If mutual agreement is again not reached within the prescribed time, the AAA will appoint the third arbitrator as soon as possible. 4. The Panel of Arbitration will not be bound by formal rules of legal procedure and will regard this agreement in accordance with equity and the customary practices of 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the life insurance and life reinsurance industries rather than from a strict interpretation of the law. 5. The Panel of Arbitration will decide the issue by majority vote and render a written decision within sixty days after completion of the Panel of Arbitration unless MARC-Life and the Ceding Company both agree to extend the period of deliberation. The arbitration proceedings will be held in Atlanta, Georgia. The decision of the Panel of Arbitration will be accepted by MARC-Life and the Ceding Company without right of appeal. 6. Expenses of the individually selected arbitrators will be the responsibility of the appointing party. The expenses of the single or third arbitrator and all other costs of arbitration, including any fees due the American Arbitration Association, will be shared equally by MARC-Life and the Ceding Company. ARTICLE XVI PARTIES TO AGREEMENT; ENTIRE AGREEMENT 1. This is an agreement solely between the Ceding Company and MARC-Life. MARC-Life's acceptance of reinsurance hereunder will not create any right or legal relationship whatsoever between MARC-Life and the insured or beneficiary under any policy that may be reinsured hereunder. 2. This agreement represents the entire agreement between MARC-Life and the Ceding Company concerning the business reinsured hereunder. There are no understandings between MARC-Life and the Ceding Company other than as expressed in this agreement. 3. Any change or modification of this agreement will be null and void unless made by an amendment to the agreement and signed by both MARC-Life and the Ceding Company. ARTICLE XVII DURATION OF AGREEMENT; TERMINATION 1. The duration of this agreement will be unlimited. However, either party to this agreement may terminate it at any time, for new business only, by giving thirty days' 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- notice in writing to the other party. MARC-Life will continue to accept reinsurance during the thirty day period and will remain liable on all reinsurance already placed in force under the terms of this agreement until such contracts are terminated between the original insured and the Ceding Company. 2. If either party to this agreement fails to pay any amount due hereunder, except as provided by Article XI, "Errors and Omissions," the other party will have the right to cancel all reinsurance in force under this agreement by giving thirty days' written notice to the other party. ARTICLE XIII EFFECTIVE DATE; EXECUTION The said USAA Life Insurance Company, San Antonio, Texas, and the said Munich American Reassurance Company, Atlanta, Georgia, declare that this agreement and all its terms will be effective as of June 1, 1998, and will apply to all eligible policies applied for on and after such date, even though such policies may have been backdated for up to six months to save age. In witness whereof they have by their officers executed and delivered this agreement in duplicate. USAA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY BY /s/ ----------------------------------- Title: AVP - ACTUARY Attest /s/ Date 12/17/1998 -------------------- --------------------------------- MUNICH AMERICAN REASSURANCE COMPANY BY /s/ ----------------------------------- Title: Vice President Attest /s/ Date September 14, 1988 -------------------- --------------------------------- 13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E EXHIBIT 1 --------- REINSURANCE SUBMISSION FORM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FACULTATIVE-AUTOMATIC SUBMISSION MUNICH AMERICAN REASSURANCE COMPANY ORIGINAL-ADDITIONAL-MIB-INQUIRY ONLY P.O. BOX 3210, ATLANTA, GA 30302-3210 Ceding Co. : _____________ TELEPHONE: (770) 394-5665 Address : _____________ DATE: ______ TELEFAX : (770) 394-7744 Underwriters Name:________ Underwriters Area:________ ================================================================================ Insured's Name (Lst, Fst, M)_______________ Policy Number :___________________ Date of Birth:______ Issue Age:_____Sex:___ Policy Date :___________________ Birth State :______ Birth Country:________ Reins Eff Date:___________________ Reside State :______ Reside Country:_______ Occupation:________________________________ Policy Certificate ID:____________ Second Insured's Name:_____________________ Date of Birth:_____ Issue Age:_____ Sex:___ Original Pol No. :________________ Original Pol Date:________________ Original Iss Age :________________ Continuation :___ Duration ___ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plan Name :_________ Smoker Code:__________ Rider Name:_________ Smoker Code:__________ Life Rates : ____________________________ Reserve Basis: __________________________ Benefit 1 :_________ Ben 1 Rating :______ Benefit 2 :_________ Ben 2 Rating :______ Benefit 3 :_________ Ben 3 Rating :______ Benefit 4 :_________ Ben 4 Rating :______ Benefit 5 :_________ Ben 5 Rating :______ Flat Extra 1:_________ Flat Ex 1 Dur:______ Flat Extra 2:_________ Flat Ex 2 Dur:______ ------------------------------------------------------------ LIFE WPD ADB ------------------------------------------------------------ PREVIOUS IN FORCE ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ PREVIOUS RETAINED ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ISSUED THIS POLICY ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ RETAINED THIS POLICY ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ REINSURED AMOUNT ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- POLICY AMOUNT INFORCE POLICIES: YEAR AGE AT RISK ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- POLICY NUMBER ISSUE AMOUNT RETAINED AMOUNT ______ ______ ______ ----------------------------------------------------- ______ ______ ______ ________________ _______________ __________________ ______ ______ ______ ________________ _______________ __________________ ______ ______ ______ ________________ _______________ __________________ ______ ______ ______ ________________ _______________ __________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ COMMENTS: _______________________________________ ______ ______ ______ _____________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ _____________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ _____________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Submission Type: Fac._______ Auto______ Original Submission Date:______________ Offer Accepted Date:___________________ Withdrawal Date:_______________________ ------------------------------------------------ Circle Withdrawal ***: 1. Underwriting Not Complete 2. Policy Not Delivered 3. All Within Our Retention 4. Placed With Automatic Reinsurer 5. Placed With Another Reinsurer: a) Planing b) Requirements c) Quicker Response ------------------------------------------------ ================================================================================ Submitted File Includes: ================================================================================ _______ Application ______ X-Ray _______ Medical Examination ______ Other Medical Underwriting Data _______ Blood Profile ______ Inspection Report _______ Heart Chart ______ Additional Inspection Report _______ Attending Physician's Report ______ Aviation Questionnaire _______ Microscopic Urinalysis ______ Other Non-medical Data _______ Electrocardiogram ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R - 148 (REV. 1/94) File Name: M.\RAD\CESSUND WK3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT II ---------- LIMITS AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS The proportional share of the Ceding Company's pool to be automatically covered under this agreement, including previous reinsurances ceded to MARC-Life by the Ceding Company on the same life, is the amount of death benefit provided by a policy minus the cash value that is included in the death benefit at issue and minus the Ceding Company's retention as shown in Exhibit III. The following limitations apply: 1. Policy Forms ------------ All amounts of new, direct agency issues of individual life insurance above the Ceding Company's retention limits on the following policy plans: Variable Universal Life, Policy Form No. 2. Jumbo Limits ------------ Automatic coverage of any risk will be granted only if, according to the Ceding Company's papers, the total amount in force and applied for on the same life with all insurance companies does not exceed the applicable amounts shown below: a. Life (with or without waiver of premium): $25,000,000 b. Accidental Death Benefits: $200,000 3. Binding Limits -------------- a. Life Insurance (i) Standard and substandard risks written by the Ceding Company in the United States or Canada, up to and including Table 16 (500% total mortality), or corresponding flat extras. (ii) The Non-Enlisted Life Binding Limits for Male and Female
================================================================================ Plan MARC-Life's Maximum Maximum in Pool Name Share Binding to MARC-Life Excluding Retention ---- ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable Universal 20% $1,320,000 $6,600,000 Life ================================================================================
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT II ---------- (CONTINUED) (iii) The Enlisted Life Binding Limits for Male and Female
================================================================================ Plan MARC-Life's Maximum Maximum in Pool Name Share Binding to MARC-Life Excluding Retention ---- ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable Universal 20% $40,000 $200,000 Life ================================================================================
Automatic reinsurance is provided for increases resulting from changes in existing insurance coverage as provided in the policy, as long as such coverage qualifies as life insurance according to U.S. federal income tax laws and regulations, subject however to the automatic coverage limits defined herein. Increases above the automatic coverage limits will be ceded facultatively. b. Waiver of Premium Disability Benefits Same as for life insurance, subject to age and substandard issue limits imposed by the Ceding Company on such risks. c. Accidental Death Benefits Accidental death benefits will not be reinsured hereunder unless the Ceding Company and MARC-Life agree to include such benefits hereunder. 4. Supplementary Benefit Forms --------------------------- Supplementary benefits to be covered automatically under this agreement will be those provided by the following policy forms: Waiver of Premium Disability Benefits, Form No. LBR30447ST 07-97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT III ----------- RETENTION LIMITS OF THE CEDING COMPANY Will be 10% of the Risk up to a Maximum of the Retentions Listed Below Life Insurance --------------
Issue Ages Standard Substandard ----- -------- ----------- Table 4 and Tables 5-8 Tables 9 and Above Flat Extras and Flat Extras and Flat Extras to $10.00 $10.01 to $20.00 $20.01 and Over ----------- ---------------- ------------------ All $600,000 $600,000 $600,000
Military Life -------------
Standard and Rank Substandard ---- ----------- WO through 0-3 $250,000 0-4 and above $350,000
Enlisted Military Personnel on Active Duty ------------------------------------------ All Ages $50,000 Tables and Flat Extras
Waiver of Premium Disability Benefits ------------------------------------- Same as for Life Insurance for Ages 15-55 Accidental Death Benefits ------------------------- Not Reinsured Hereunder -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT IV ---------- LIFE REINSURANCE PREMIUMS A. Premiums for reinsurance per life --------------------------------- 1. Life reinsurance premiums for business ceded hereunder will be subject to the following percentages of the attached '91 Bragg rate schedules:
Policy Years ------------ Year 1 2+ ------ ------ Preferred Ultra 0% 32% Preferred Plus 0% 40% Preferred 0% 46% Standard Plus 0% 45% Standard 0% 63%
2. Life reinsurance premiums will be calculated as follows: a. For standard risks, by multiplying the Reinsurance Death Benefit by the appropriate percentage of the cost of insurance as shown on the attached schedules. b. For substandard risks accepted subject to table ratings, by multiplying the corresponding standard premiums by the applicable rating factors from the table below:
Table Rating Rating Factor -------------- ------------- A (1) 1.25 AA (1 1/2) 1.375 B (2) 1.50 BB (2 1/2) 1.625 C (3) 1.75 D (4) 2.00 E (5) 2.25 F (6) 2.50 G (7) 2.75 H (8) 3.00 I (9) 3.25 J (10) 3.50 L (12) 4.00 P (16) 5.00
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT IV ---------- (CONTINUED) A. Premiums for of reinsurance per life (continued) ------------------------------------ c. Life reinsurance premiums for substandard risks subject to a flat extra premium will be the sum of: (i) The applicable standard or substandard reinsurance premiums, calculated from paragraphs 2.a. and 2.b. preceding, and (ii) The following percentages of the policy annual flat extra premiums applicable to the initial Reinsurance Death Benefit hereunder on such risks:
Term of Flat Extra Premium First Year Renewal Years ------------- ---------- ------------- More than five years 0% 80% Five years or less 80% 80%
B. Periodic listings to be sent to MARC-Life by the Ceding Company in accordance with Article II, "Mode of Notification and Cession," will identify Preferred Ultra, Preferred Plus, Preferred, Standard Plus and Standard risks. C. Reinsurances ceded on these rate schedules will be eligible for recapture in accordance with Article XII after they have been in force for at least ten years. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Male Non Smoker 91 Bragg, Male Non Smoker
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1.1200 0.7000 0.4700 0.4200 0.3700 0.3200 0.3100 0.2800 0.2700 0.2700 0.2800 1 0.9856 0.6002 0.3849 0.3369 0.2876 0.3116 0.3137 0.2183 0.2231 0.2571 0.2962 2 0.8054 0.5067 0.3324 0.2908 0.2452 0.3032 0.3174 0.2120 0.2406 0.3264 0.4091 3 0.6119 0.4238 0.3032 0.2714 0.2338 0.2948 0.3211 0.2464 0.3004 0.4411 0.5696 4 0.4378 0.3555 0.2882 0.2683 0.2444 0.2864 0.3248 0.3068 0.3804 0.5641 0.7288 5 0.3154 0.3061 0.2791 0.2744 0.2679 0.2782 0.3283 0.3784 0.4586 0.6585 0.8377 6 0.2486 0.3076 0.2739 0.2804 0.3138 0.3563 0.4419 0.4819 0.5504 0.7296 0.8937 7 0.2157 0.3091 0.2760 0.3031 0.3882 0.4745 0.6092 0.6271 0.6704 0.8020 0.9294 8 0.2223 0.3106 0.2821 0.3383 0.4768 0.6075 0.7918 0.7830 0.7956 0.8678 0.9487 9 0.2289 0.3120 0.3118 0.3852 0.5654 0.7302 0.9512 0.9186 0.9030 0.9191 0.9513 10 0.2638 0.3134 0.3635 0.4430 0.6395 0.8175 1.0490 1.0028 0.9693 0.9481 0.9538 11 0.3310 0.4130 0.4550 0.5246 0.7028 0.8651 1.0440 1.0006 0.9647 0.9454 0.9352 12 0.4344 0.5605 0.5832 0.6306 0.7648 0.8898 1.0390 0.9984 0.9600 0.9163 0.8972 13 0.5508 0.7218 0.7213 0.7415 0.8201 0.8929 0.9800 0.9502 0.9169 0.8747 0.8521 14 0.6570 0.8630 0.8425 0.8378 0.8636 0.8940 0.9160 0.8975 0.8712 0.8346 0.8123 15 0.7300 0.9500 0.9200 0.9000 0.8900 0.8900 0.8700 0.8600 0.8400 0.8100 0.7900 16 0.7340 0.9517 0.9296 0.9086 0.8847 0.8750 0.8403 0.8351 0.8216 0.8131 0.7956 17 0.7380 0.9534 0.9392 0.9171 0.8794 0.8466 0.8115 0.8096 0.8045 0.8162 0.8012 18 0.7420 0.9078 0.9100 0.8941 0.8537 0.8128 0.7863 0.7875 0.7946 0.8193 0.8208 19 0.7460 0.8515 0.8699 0.8620 0.8246 0.7813 0.7673 0.7782 0.7893 0.8225 0.8423 20 0.7500 0.8000 0.8300 0.8300 0.8000 0.7600 0.7636 0.7768 0.7937 0.8305 0.8600 21 0.7189 0.7470 0.7832 0.7911 0.7772 0.7588 0.7652 0.7809 0.8027 0.8385 0.8714 22 0.6719 0.6822 0.7220 0.7394 0.7510 0.7576 0.7731 0.8064 0.8295 0.8546 0.8810 23 0.6185 0.6149 0.6572 0.6850 0.7254 0.7564 0.7918 0.8379 0.8618 0.8738 0.8905 24 0.5680 0.5544 0.5996 0.6385 0.7044 0.7552 0.8107 0.8682 0.8938 0.8957 0.9058 25 0.5300 0.5100 0.5600 0.6100 0.7019 0.7572 0.8201 0.8900 0.9200 0.9200 0.9300 26 0.5049 0.5016 0.5600 0.6093 0.6994 0.7592 0.8294 0.8960 0.9293 0.9419 0.9597 27 0.4865 0.4932 0.5600 0.6086 0.7070 0.7644 0.8345 0.9020 0.9391 0.9615 0.9922 28 0.4766 0.4848 0.5600 0.6246 0.7146 0.7696 0.8396 0.9080 0.9446 0.9862 1.0330 29 0.4689 0.4764 0.5600 0.6465 0.7223 0.7748 0.8448 0.9140 0.9618 1.0233 1.0871 30 0.4671 0.4747 0.5600 0.6700 0.7300 0.7800 0.8500 0.9200 1.0000 1.0800 1.1600 31 0.4710 0.4746 0.5750 0.6922 0.7559 0.8151 0.8887 0.9685 1.0594 1.1570 1.2524 32 0.4782 0.4813 0.5939 0.7157 0.7863 0.8598 0.9382 1.0314 1.1333 1.2495 1.3608 33 0.4928 0.4955 0.6193 0.7451 0.8247 0.9149 0.9993 1.1082 1.2215 1.3565 1.4840 34 0.5078 0.5176 0.6538 0.7850 0.8748 0.9814 1.0730 1.1979 1.3238 1.4770 1.6208 35 0.5200 0.5500 0.7000 0.8400 0.9400 1.0600 1.1600 1.3000 1.4400 1.6100 1.7700 36 0.5280 0.5964 0.7628 0.9158 1.0254 1.1543 1.2634 1.4152 1.5687 1.7500 1.9222 37 0.5360 0.6553 0.8404 1.0093 1.1285 1.2638 1.3827 1.5440 1.7102 1.8976 2.0781 38 0.5440 0.7210 0.9256 1.1119 1.2419 1.3830 1.5133 1.6852 1.8662 2.0612 2.2519 39 0.5520 0.7878 1.0112 1.2150 1.3582 1.5069 1.6506 1.8376 2.0389 2.2492 2.4578 40 0.5600 0.8500 1.0900 1.3100 1.4700 1.6300 1.7900 2.0000 2.2300 2.4700 2.7100 41 0.5932 0.9010 1.1534 1.3862 1.5668 1.7407 1.9196 2.1622 2.4319 2.7199 3.0086 42 0.6348 0.9447 1.2061 1.4495 1.6536 1.8426 2.0424 2.3249 2.6434 2.9934 3.3441 43 0.6848 0.9909 1.2611 1.5157 1.7460 1.9530 2.1764 2.5035 2.8758 3.2958 3.7163 44 0.7432 1.0494 1.3314 1.6006 1.8596 2.0897 2.3396 2.7134 3.1409 3.6329 4.1250 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 0 0.3300 0.3800 0.4600 0.6600 0.8391 15 1 0.3808 0.4178 0.4844 0.6628 1.0713 16 2 0.5423 0.5554 0.5950 0.7240 1.0196 17 3 0.7525 0.7379 0.7456 0.8136 0.9817 18 4 0.9491 0.9107 0.8898 0.9012 0.9569 19 5 1.0702 1.0190 0.9814 0.9568 0.9600 20 6 1.0794 1.0529 0.9769 0.9563 0.9600 21 7 1.0885 1.0490 0.9724 0.9558 0.9600 22 8 1.0464 1.0220 0.9679 0.9553 0.9600 23 9 0.9958 0.9867 0.9635 0.9549 0.9600 24 10 0.9561 0.9578 0.9590 0.9474 0.9600 25 11 0.9222 0.9298 0.9392 0.9400 0.9600 26 12 0.8811 0.8927 0.9111 0.9301 0.9600 27 13 0.8406 0.8551 0.8819 0.9202 0.9600 28 14 0.8081 0.8253 0.8588 0.9125 0.9600 29 15 0.8014 0.8222 0.8570 0.9101 0.9600 30 16 0.7947 0.8191 0.8551 0.9125 0.9600 31 17 0.8136 0.8422 0.8727 0.9203 0.9600 32 18 0.8406 0.8734 0.8973 0.9356 0.9700 33 19 0.8685 0.9052 0.9246 0.9556 0.9800 34 20 0.8900 0.9300 0.9500 0.9800 1.0000 35 21 0.8974 0.9383 0.9694 1.0062 1.0300 36 22 0.9052 0.9471 0.9855 1.0343 1.0700 37 23 0.9137 0.9520 1.0050 1.0683 1.1300 38 24 0.9226 0.9669 1.0343 1.1122 1.2000 39 25 0.9500 1.0000 1.0800 1.1700 1.2800 40 26 0.9902 1.0502 1.1396 1.2368 1.3700 41 27 1.0387 1.1119 1.2088 1.3100 1.4600 42 28 1.0981 1.1865 1.2912 1.3968 1.5500 43 29 1.1710 1.2754 1.3904 1.5044 1.6500 44 30 1.2600 1.3800 1.5100 1.6400 1.7800 45 31 1.3644 1.4978 1.6476 1.8028 1.9400 46 32 1.4824 1.6279 1.8008 1.9880 2.1600 47 33 1.6152 1.7741 1.9732 2.1968 2.4200 48 34 1.7640 1.9402 2.1684 2.4304 2.7300 49 35 1.9300 2.1300 2.3900 2.6900 3.0600 50 36 2.1004 2.3302 2.6214 2.9524 3.4200 51 37 2.2744 2.5381 2.8601 3.2168 3.7800 52 38 2.4712 2.7739 3.1311 3.5180 4.1100 53 39 2.7100 3.0578 3.4594 3.8908 4.4500 54 40 3.0100 3.4100 3.8700 4.3700 4.8800 55 41 3.3806 3.8389 4.3737 4.9746 5.4400 56 42 3.8091 4.3310 4.9538 5.6815 6.2100 57 43 4.2813 4.8738 5.5942 6.4621 7.1800 58 44 4.7830 5.4543 6.2783 7.2878 8.3000 59
Male Non Smoker
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 45 0.8100 1.1300 1.4300 1.7200 2.0100 2.2700 2.5500 2.9700 3.4500 4.0100 4.5700 46 0.8878 1.2370 1.5544 1.8678 2.1919 2.4922 2.8073 3.2710 3.7971 4.4147 5.0325 47 0.9765 1.3637 1.6960 2.0333 2.3950 2.7447 3.0994 3.6061 4.1746 4.8434 5.5126 48 1.0723 1.5039 1.8584 2.2259 2.6270 3.0301 3.4270 3.9787 4.5914 5.3146 6.0386 49 1.1714 1.6514 2.0452 2.4550 2.8961 3.3510 3.7903 4.3922 5.0569 5.8473 6.6383 50 1.2700 1.8000 2.2600 2.7300 3.2100 3.7100 4.1900 4.8500 5.5800 6.4600 7.3400 51 1.3629 1.9438 2.5071 3.0609 3.5746 4.1067 4.6210 5.3456 6.1547 7.1518 8.1466 52 1.4526 2.0871 2.7842 3.4414 3.9845 4.5394 5.0831 5.8768 6.7750 7.9103 9.0395 53 1.5470 2.2385 3.0846 3.8566 4.4311 5.0086 5.5837 6.4532 7.4498 8.7369 10.0141 54 1.6535 2.4066 3.4021 4.2911 4.9058 5.5153 6.1302 7.0844 8.1885 9.6330 11.0658 55 1.7800 2.6000 3.7300 4.7300 5.4000 6.0600 6.7300 7.7800 9.0000 10.6000 12.1900 56 1.9211 2.8220 4.0836 5.1937 5.9266 6.6489 7.3818 8.5274 9.8586 11.5986 13.3284 57 2.0718 3.0668 4.4672 5.6922 6.4913 7.2814 8.0805 9.3201 10.7583 12.6279 14.4840 58 2.2398 3.3296 4.8580 6.1950 7.0747 7.9486 8.8283 10.1771 11.7377 13.7469 15.7444 59 2.4333 3.6056 5.2332 6.6711 7.6574 8.6411 9.6274 11.1174 12.8354 15.0146 17.1972 60 2.6600 3.8900 5.5700 7.0900 8.2200 9.3500 10.4800 12.1600 14.0900 16.4900 18.9300 61 2.9270 4.1676 5.8121 7.3663 8.6720 9.9798 11.2857 13.2126 15.4237 18.1081 20.9182 62 3.2291 4.4416 5.9746 7.5206 9.0264 10.5367 12.0430 14.2627 16.8106 19.8294 23.1033 63 3.5557 4.7348 6.1422 7.6806 9.4188 11.1637 12.9026 15.4485 18.3678 21.7518 25.5223 64 3.8962 5.0700 6.3991 7.9745 9.9848 12.0038 14.0147 16.9082 20.2119 23.9727 28.2122 65 4.2400 5.4700 6.8300 8.5300 10.8600 13.2000 15.5300 18.7800 22.4600 26.5900 31.2100 66 4.5784 5.9113 7.4194 9.3454 12.0727 14.8106 17.5354 21.1384 25.1542 29.5860 34.3969 67 4.9184 6.3786 8.1111 10.3355 13.5326 16.7403 19.9307 23.8912 28.2167 32.8956 37.7482 68 5.2732 6.9074 8.9281 11.5029 15.1970 18.9017 22.5853 26.9268 31.5841 36.5452 41.4422 69 5.6560 7.5327 9.8934 12.8502 17.0237 21.2074 25.3686 30.1336 35.1930 40.5612 45.6567 70 6.0800 8.2900 11.0300 14.3800 18.9700 23.5700 28.1500 33.4000 38.9800 44.9700 50.5700 71 6.5397 9.1635 12.3052 16.0451 20.9776 25.9165 30.8400 36.6249 42.8342 49.6475 56.0513 72 7.0262 10.1298 13.7037 17.8436 23.0747 28.3051 33.5257 39.8827 46.7977 54.5761 61.9818 73 7.5480 11.2123 15.2745 19.8466 25.3490 30.8455 36.3413 43.3251 51.0371 59.9419 68.5576 74 8.1131 12.4346 17.0669 22.1251 27.8882 33.6472 39.4213 47.1036 55.7190 65.9312 75.9750 75 8.7300 13.8200 19.1300 24.7500 30.7800 36.8200 42.9000 51.3700 61.0100 72.7300 84.4300 76 9.4910 15.6638 21.9397 28.3196 34.6125 40.9597 47.3957 56.8977 67.9061 81.7093 95.7363 77 10.2520 17.5076 24.7493 31.8893 38.4450 45.0994 51.8915 62.4253 74.8022 90.6885 107.0426 78 11.0130 19.3513 27.5590 35.4589 42.2775 49.2391 56.3872 67.9530 81.6983 99.6678 118.3489 79 11.7740 21.1951 30.3687 39.0286 46.1100 53.3788 60.8829 73.4806 88.5944 108.6470 129.6552 80 12.5350 23.0389 33.1783 42.5982 49.9425 57.5186 65.3787 79.0083 95.4905 117.6263 140.9615 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 45 5.3000 6.0600 6.9900 8.1300 9.4800 60 46 5.7999 6.6636 7.7070 8.9690 10.6300 61 47 6.2922 7.2736 8.4401 9.8237 11.7000 62 48 6.8254 7.9308 9.2227 10.7239 12.6800 63 49 7.4485 8.6760 10.0882 11.6994 13.6300 64 50 8.2100 9.5500 11.0700 12.7800 14.6400 65 51 9.1193 10.5469 12.1411 13.9138 15.8000 66 52 10.1438 11.6394 13.2794 15.0809 17.1000 67 53 11.2698 12.8366 14.5250 16.3591 18.4700 68 54 12.4831 14.1471 15.9185 17.8262 19.9500 69 55 13.7700 15.5800 17.5000 19.5600 21.6700 70 56 15.0491 17.0478 19.1810 21.4735 23.7500 71 57 16.3298 18.5447 20.9345 23.5150 26.2400 72 58 17.7338 20.2017 22.8935 25.8146 29.0300 73 59 19.3833 22.1498 25.1910 28.5029 32.1600 74 60 21.4000 24.5200 27.9600 31.7100 35.7300 75 61 23.8016 27.3169 31.1772 35.3722 39.8500 76 62 26.5068 30.4530 34.7540 39.4025 44.5600 77 63 29.4892 33.9218 38.7252 43.8967 49.7500 78 64 32.7224 37.7163 43.1256 48.9506 55.4700 79 65 36.1800 41.8300 47.9900 54.6600 61.8200 80 66 39.6714 46.0598 53.1208 60.8483 68.9400 81 67 43.2143 50.4101 58.4948 67.4518 76.9000 82 68 47.0945 55.1855 64.4084 74.7350 85.6600 83 69 51.5978 60.6906 71.1580 82.9629 95.1800 84 70 57.0100 67.2300 79.0400 92.4000 106.2900 85 71 63.1963 74.6285 87.8288 103.0635 119.5200 86 72 69.9660 82.6832 97.3269 114.7770 134.1000 87 73 77.5216 91.6567 107.8725 127.5147 149.5100 88 74 86.0655 101.8114 119.8041 141.2509 165.2000 89 75 95.8000 113.4100 133.4600 155.9600 180.9500 90 76 108.8366 128.9902 151.8378 173.6219 197.0000 91 77 121.8732 144.5703 170.2155 191.2838 213.4500 92 78 134.9098 160.1505 188.5933 208.9456 230.1200 93 79 147.9464 175.7307 206.9711 226.6075 246.8300 94 80 160.9830 191.3108 225.3488 244.2694 263.1900 95 279.2900 96 295.8000 97 312.7300 98 330.0600 99 364.0500 100 427.5800 101 517.9300 102 651.1400 103 817.2900 104 1,000.0000 105 1,000.0000 106 1,000.0000 107 1,000.0000 108 1,000.0000 109 1,000.0000 110
Male Non Smoker
Attained Ultimate Age 1,000.0000 111 1,000.0000 112 1,000.0000 113 1,000.0000 114 1,000.0000 115 1,000.0000 116 1,000.0000 117 1,000.0000 118 1,000.0000 119
Male Smoker 91 Bragg, Male Smoker
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1.5867 0.9917 0.6658 0.5950 0.5242 0.4533 0.4392 0.3967 0.3825 0.3825 0.3967 1 1.4315 0.8855 0.5803 0.5128 0.4427 0.3765 0.4444 0.3445 0.3514 0.3994 0.4549 2 1.1806 0.7575 0.5099 0.4524 0.3870 0.3318 0.4496 0.3400 0.3806 0.5021 0.6192 3 0.8933 0.6268 0.4549 0.4122 0.3577 0.3197 0.4548 0.3755 0.4520 0.6513 0.8334 4 0.6290 0.5125 0.4156 0.3906 0.3550 0.3403 0.4600 0.4435 0.5477 0.8079 1.0413 5 0.4468 0.4336 0.3924 0.3923 0.3795 0.3941 0.4651 0.5361 0.6497 0.9329 1.1867 6 0.3499 0.4357 0.3757 0.3939 0.4397 0.5006 0.6214 0.6782 0.7752 1.0291 1.2620 7 0.2986 0.4378 0.3756 0.4155 0.5352 0.6595 0.8492 0.8749 0.9363 1.1226 1.3045 8 0.3068 0.4399 0.3755 0.4574 0.6533 0.8415 1.1010 1.0890 1.1070 1.2090 1.3258 9 0.3150 0.4419 0.4206 0.5259 0.7811 1.0175 1.3291 1.2833 1.2613 1.2840 1.3376 10 0.3737 0.4440 0.5150 0.6276 0.9060 1.1581 1.4861 1.4206 1.3732 1.3431 1.3512 11 0.4937 0.6360 0.6950 0.7922 1.0446 1.2677 1.4914 1.4949 1.4393 1.3860 1.3577 12 0.6779 0.9200 0.9512 1.0155 1.2055 1.3657 1.4968 1.5310 1.4770 1.4154 1.3641 13 0.8827 1.2316 1.2289 1.2527 1.3636 1.4457 1.5036 1.5278 1.4822 1.4322 1.3682 14 1.0646 1.5064 1.4734 1.4591 1.4935 1.5013 1.5118 1.5245 1.4873 1.4311 1.3699 15 1.1800 1.6800 1.6300 1.5900 1.5700 1.5042 1.5200 1.5000 1.4700 1.4300 1.3651 16 1.1875 1.7321 1.6818 1.5990 1.5785 1.5071 1.4723 1.4525 1.4272 1.4032 1.3578 17 1.1949 1.7055 1.6651 1.6079 1.5358 1.4486 1.3999 1.3760 1.3557 1.3559 1.3352 18 1.1462 1.6308 1.6055 1.5484 1.4639 1.3699 1.3174 1.2883 1.2735 1.3010 1.3103 19 1.0903 1.5388 1.5286 1.4745 1.3846 1.2906 1.2393 1.2070 1.1989 1.2514 1.2898 20 1.0500 1.4600 1.4600 1.4100 1.3200 1.2300 1.1800 1.1500 1.1500 1.2200 1.2808 21 1.0253 1.3870 1.3908 1.3463 1.2639 1.1845 1.1359 1.1420 1.1540 1.2260 1.2702 22 1.0011 1.2995 1.3040 1.2678 1.2018 1.1413 1.0974 1.1340 1.1580 1.2320 1.2660 23 0.9772 1.2084 1.2128 1.1870 1.1426 1.1056 1.0698 1.1260 1.1620 1.2380 1.2602 24 0.9536 1.1249 1.1304 1.1169 1.0957 1.0827 1.0699 1.1180 1.1660 1.2440 1.2854 25 0.9300 1.0600 1.0700 1.0700 1.0700 1.0853 1.0700 1.1100 1.1700 1.2500 1.3500 26 0.9038 1.0150 1.0310 1.0760 1.0696 1.0878 1.1019 1.1630 1.2410 1.3429 1.4617 27 0.8750 0.9824 1.0045 1.0820 1.0692 1.1088 1.1510 1.2363 1.3349 1.4682 1.6110 28 0.8477 0.9604 0.9988 1.0880 1.0916 1.1461 1.2190 1.3301 1.4503 1.6182 1.7866 29 0.8259 0.9509 1.0008 1.0940 1.1340 1.2048 1.3081 1.4446 1.5858 1.7847 1.9767 30 0.8172 0.9427 1.0100 1.1000 1.2000 1.2900 1.4200 1.5800 1.7400 1.9600 2.1700 31 0.8106 0.9399 1.0392 1.1620 1.2906 1.4048 1.5578 1.7391 1.9131 2.1382 2.3563 32 0.8115 0.9436 1.0800 1.2416 1.4033 1.5457 1.7203 1.9218 2.1062 2.3247 2.5434 33 0.8145 0.9492 1.1372 1.3412 1.5367 1.7082 1.9029 2.1238 2.3186 2.5281 2.7462 34 0.8340 0.9775 1.2156 1.4632 1.6894 1.8878 2.1010 2.3413 2.5501 2.7570 2.9801 35 0.8700 1.0300 1.3200 1.6100 1.8600 2.0800 2.3100 2.5700 2.8000 3.0200 3.2600 36 0.9213 1.1094 1.4549 1.7858 2.0479 2.2806 2.5222 2.7982 3.0553 3.3047 3.5705 37 0.9851 1.2113 1.6170 1.9889 2.2542 2.4927 2.7405 3.0285 3.3162 3.6054 3.9014 38 1.0633 1.3314 1.7998 2.2131 2.4794 2.7225 2.9767 3.2787 3.6026 3.9406 4.2762 39 1.1576 1.4657 1.9963 2.4522 2.7245 2.9762 3.2426 3.5666 3.9339 4.3293 4.7179 40 1.2700 1.6100 2.2000 2.7000 2.9900 3.2600 3.5500 3.9100 4.3300 4.7900 5.2500 41 1.4071 1.7591 2.4023 2.9457 3.2667 3.5647 3.8921 4.3090 4.7988 5.3415 5.9105 42 1.5678 1.9158 2.6078 3.1934 3.5542 3.8862 4.2610 4.7517 5.3272 5.9714 6.6838 43 1.7418 2.0878 2.8290 3.4594 3.8662 4.2382 4.6670 5.2379 5.9032 6.6514 7.5130 44 1.9193 2.2833 3.0789 3.7595 4.2169 4.6349 5.1199 5.7674 6.5148 7.3537 8.3407 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 0 0.4675 0.5383 0.6517 0.9350 1.1887 15 1 0.5748 0.6271 0.7215 0.9741 1.5177 16 2 0.8080 0.8264 0.8827 1.0650 1.4444 17 3 1.0924 1.0718 1.0827 1.1785 1.3907 18 4 1.3534 1.2990 1.2694 1.2851 1.3556 19 5 1.5161 1.4436 1.3903 1.3555 1.3600 20 6 1.5237 1.4886 1.3838 1.3563 1.3600 21 7 1.5312 1.4768 1.3773 1.3571 1.3600 22 8 1.4661 1.4339 1.3708 1.3579 1.3600 23 g 1.3963 1.3854 1.3642 1.3587 1.3600 24 10 1.3545 1.3569 1.3572 1.3594 1.3600 25 11 1.3514 1.3520 1.3521 1.3593 1.3600 26 12 1.3484 1.3472 1.3465 1.3590 1.3600 27 13 1.3468 1.3444 1.3430 1.3580 1.3600 28 14 1.3468 1.3437 1.3416 1.3562 1.3600 29 15 1.3449 1.3450 1.3407 1.3576 1.3600 30 16 1.3445 1.3483 1.3412 1.3570 1.3600 31 17 1.3423 1.3537 1.3449 1.3631 1.3700 32 18 1.3401 1.3591 1.3479 1.3679 1.4000 33 19 1.3379 1.3646 1.3650 1.3917 1.4400 34 20 1.3402 1.3700 1.4000 1.4400 1.5000 35 21 1.3408 1.3959 1.4486 1.5126 1.5900 36 22 1.3514 1.4236 1.5067 1.6035 1.7000 37 23 1.3604 1.4644 1.5805 1.7132 1.8500 38 24 1.4003 1.5295 1.6762 1.8419 2.0300 39 25 1.4800 1.6300 1.8000 1.9900 2.2200 40 26 1.6073 1.7714 1.9531 2.1531 2.4200 41 27 1.7726 1.9463 2.1314 2.3310 2.6300 42 28 1.9643 2.1465 2.3330 2.5302 2.8200 43 29 2.1706 2.3638 2.5565 2.7577 3.0200 44 30 2.3800 2.5900 2.8000 3.0200 3.2600 45 31 2.5791 2.8098 3.0478 3.3022 3.5500 46 32 2.7758 3.0287 3.3009 3.5997 3.9100 47 33 2.9898 3.2697 3.5831 3.9351 4.3300 48 34 3.2413 3.5558 3.9182 4.3310 4.8100 49 35 3.5500 3.9100 4.3300 4.8100 5.3400 50 36 3.9018 4.3218 4.8131 5.3739 5.9600 51 37 4.2833 4.7759 5.3518 6.0078 6.6600 52 38 4.7159 5.2881 5.9538 6.7086 7.4600 53 39 5.2210 5.8742 6.6273 7.4737 8.3300 54 40 5.8200 6.5500 7.3800 8.3000 9.2700 55 41 6.5598 7.3530 8.2298 9.1746 10.2700 56 42 7.4263 8.2727 9.1713 10.0995 11.3000 57 43 8.3489 9.2529 10.1779 11.0941 12.3100 58 44 9.2570 10.2374 11.2230 12.1778 13.3700 59
Male Smoker
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 45 2.0900 2.5100 3.3700 4.1100 4.6200 5.0900 5.6300 6.3400 7.1500 8.0500 9.1100 46 2.2362 2.7568 3.6920 4.5038 5.0766 5.6143 6.2108 6.9638 7.8040 8.7122 9.7616 47 2.3647 3.0184 4.0364 4.9301 5.5773 6.1986 6.8556 7.6389 8.4848 9.3591 10.3336 48 2.5021 3.3116 4.4188 5.3995 6.1207 6.8266 7.5440 8.3531 9.1996 10.0329 10.9148 49 2.6750 3.6532 4.8548 5.9226 6.7054 7.4825 8.2556 9.0942 9.9556 10.7758 11.5940 50 2.9100 4.0600 5.3600 6.5100 7.3300 8.1500 8.9700 9.8500 10.7600 11.6300 12.4600 51 3.2064 4.5467 5.9557 7.1814 7.9952 8.8103 9.6608 10.5777 11.5594 12.5375 13.4350 52 3.5464 5.1022 6.6314 7.9299 8.7020 9.4742 10.3416 11.2854 12.3489 13.4702 14.4599 53 3.9312 5.7042 7.3554 8.7257 9.4492 10.1698 11.0520 12.0374 13.2087 14.5150 15.6513 54 4.3620 6.3309 8.0955 9.5390 10.2356 10.9257 11.8316 12.8975 14.2190 15.7593 17.1258 55 4.8400 6.9600 8.8200 10.3400 11.0600 11.7700 12.7200 13.9300 15.4600 17.2900 19.0000 56 5.3849 7.5847 9.5192 11.1210 11.9285 12.7230 13.7318 15.1689 16.9826 19.1597 21.3745 57 5.9958 8.2198 10.2144 11.9017 12.8418 13.7657 14.8405 16.5714 18.7335 21.3102 24.1714 58 6.6434 8.8754 10.9200 12.6939 13.7910 14.8679 16.0243 18.0866 20.6361 23.6630 27.2402 59 7.2979 9.5621 11.6504 13.5094 14.7667 15.9994 17.2614 19.6631 22.6138 26.1391 30.4299 60 7.9300 10.2900 12.4200 14.3600 15.7600 17.1300 18.5300 21.2500 24.5900 28.6600 33.5900 61 8.4908 11.0470 13.2189 15.2219 16.7103 18.1084 19.6473 22.6542 26.3891 31.1470 36.6951 62 9.0000 11.8263 14.0374 16.0874 17.6238 18.9548 20.6278 23.9099 28.0622 33.6527 39.8458 63 9.5308 12.6461 14.8906 16.9918 18.5910 19.8960 21.7458 25.3065 29.8726 36.2949 43.0798 64 10.1564 13.5246 15.7931 17.9709 19.7029 21.1588 23.2751 27.1334 32.0841 39.1914 46.4353 65 10.9500 14.4800 16.7600 19.0600 21.0500 22.9700 25.4900 29.6800 34.9600 42.4600 49.9500 66 11.9428 15.4791 17.6877 20.1315 22.5390 25.4058 28.5298 33.0830 38.5876 46.0317 53.4221 67 13.0860 16.5098 18.5662 21.1618 24.1093 28.3149 32.2117 37.1495 42.7912 49.8278 56.8262 68 14.3328 17.6218 19.5510 22.3422 25.9011 31.5831 36.3267 41.6745 47.4400 53.9522 60.4654 69 15.6364 18.8653 20.7971 23.8645 28.0546 35.0962 40.6658 46.4530 52.4032 58.5083 64.6423 70 16.9500 20.2900 22.4600 25.9200 30.7100 38.7400 45.0200 51.2800 57.5500 63.6000 69.6600 71 18.2434 21.8839 24.5345 28.4926 33.8249 42.4160 49.2565 56.0150 62.7491 69.1431 75.4815 72 19.5479 23.6136 26.9170 31.4547 37.3058 46.2005 53.5148 60.7946 68.0876 75.0685 81.9049 73 20.9086 25.4975 29.6153 34.8305 41.2163 50.2409 57.9938 65.8298 73.7626 81.5024 88.9856 74 22.3709 27.5535 32.6371 38.6442 45.6198 54.6849 62.8925 71.3312 79.9711 88.5708 96.7789 75 23.9800 29.8000 35.9900 42.9200 50.5800 59.6800 68.4100 77.5100 86.9100 96.4000 105.3400 76 25.9691 32.5935 40.3261 48.5499 57.1253 66.1317 75.5184 85.4394 95.7777 106.3431 116.1311 77 27.9583 35.3869 44.6622 54.1799 63.6705 72.5835 82.6269 93.3687 104.6454 116.2863 126.9221 78 29.9474 38.1804 48.9983 59.8098 70.2158 79.0352 89.7353 101.2981 113.5131 126.2294 137.7132 79 31.9365 40.9739 53.3344 65.4398 76.7610 85.4869 96.8438 109.2274 122.3808 136.1726 148.5043 80 33.9257 43.7674 57.6705 71.0697 83.3063 91.9386 103.9522 117.1568 131.2484 146.1157 159.2954 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 45 10.0800 11.1700 12.2800 13.3700 14.5600 60 46 10.7270 11.9618 13.2694 14.6124 15.9900 61 47 11.2449 12.6503 14.2091 15.8920 17.6900 62 48 11.7703 13.3689 15.2181 17.2964 19.6200 63 49 12.4398 14.2510 16.4154 18.9132 21.7500 64 50 13.3900 15.4300 17.9200 20.8300 24.1300 65 51 14.5525 16.8398 19.6850 23.0257 26.7700 66 52 15.8362 18.3913 21.6309 25.4418 29.7000 67 53 17.3438 20.1839 23.8283 28.1102 32.9200 68 54 19.1775 22.3170 26.3478 31.0623 36.4000 69 55 21.4400 24.8900 29.2600 34.3300 40.1100 70 56 24.2485 28.0174 32.6566 37.9710 44.0200 71 57 27.5346 31.6329 36.4907 41.9641 48.1100 72 58 31.1226 35.5647 40.6245 46.2227 52.3900 73 59 34.8363 39.6410 44.9202 50.6602 56.8700 74 60 38.5000 43.6900 49.2400 55.1900 61.5500 75 61 42.1442 47.7458 53.5987 59.7886 66.4400 76 62 45.8861 51.9231 58.0882 64.5139 71.5100 77 63 49.6799 56.1705 62.6862 69.4009 76.7300 78 64 53.4798 60.4366 67.3709 74.4846 82.1300 79 65 57.2400 64.6700 72.1200 79.8000 87.8200 80 66 60.6071 68.4839 76.5272 84.9418 93.9200 81 67 63.6118 71.9126 80.6072 89.8865 100.4100 82 68 66.7838 75.5362 84.9696 95.2423 107.1800 83 69 70.6533 79.9353 90.2240 101.6174 114.2900 84 70 75.7500 85.6900 96.9800 109.6200 123.5800 85 71 82.0795 92.8058 105.2254 119.4822 136.0000 86 72 89.2886 100.8957 114.5539 130.7987 150.0000 87 73 97.3689 109.9518 124.9837 143.2211 164.7400 88 74 106.3121 119.9659 136.5330 156.4010 179.3700 89 75 116.1100 130.9300 149.2200 169.9900 193.3400 90 76 128.4828 144.7549 165.2960 185.2710 206.7500 91 77 140.8556 158.5798 181.3720 200.5520 220.0800 92 78 153.2284 172.4047 197.4480 215.8330 233.7000 93 79 165.6012 186.2296 213.5240 231.1140 247.9500 94 80 177.9740 200.0544 229.6000 246.3950 263.1900 95 279.2900 96 295.8000 97 312.7300 98 330.0600 99 364.0500 100 427.5800 101 517.9300 102 651.1400 103 817.2900 104 1,000.0000 105 1,000.0000 106 1,000.0000 107 1,000.0000 108 1,000.0000 109 1,000.0000 110
Male Smoker
Attained Ultimate Age 1,000.0000 111 1,000.0000 112 1,000.0000 113 1,000.0000 114 1,000.0000 115 1,000.0000 116 1,000.0000 117 1,000.0000 118 1,000.0000 119
Female Non Smoker 91 Bragg, Female Non Smoker
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0.8400 0.3300 0.3000 0.2700 0.2400 0.2200 0.2000 0.1800 0.1900 0.1900 0.2100 1 0.7147 0.2467 0.2149 0.1886 0.1607 0.2178 0.2058 0.1172 0.1314 0.1398 0.1647 2 0.5718 0.2094 0.1771 0.1586 0.1360 0.2156 0.2116 0.1225 0.1421 0.1632 0.1939 3 0.4294 0.2010 0.1696 0.1611 0.1459 0.2134 0.2174 0.1670 0.1920 0.2267 0.2628 4 0.3054 0.2043 0.1757 0.1771 0.1702 0.2112 0.2232 0.2222 0.2511 0.2967 0.3364 5 0.2179 0.2052 0.1780 0.1864 0.1890 0.2091 0.2292 0.2593 0.2894 0.3395 0.3796 6 0.2159 0.2061 0.1855 0.1956 0.2072 0.2336 0.2513 0.2806 0.3079 0.3456 0.3786 7 0.2139 0.2102 0.1927 0.2140 0.2383 0.2708 0.2814 0.3052 0.3266 0.3517 0.3776 8 0.2119 0.2143 0.2117 0.2379 0.2747 0.3122 0.3137 0.3297 0.3440 0.3578 0.3766 9 0.2099 0.2184 0.2331 0.2625 0.3088 0.3493 0.3425 0.3508 0.3584 0.3639 0.3755 10 0.2131 0.2224 0.2526 0.2829 0.3330 0.3736 0.3513 0.3554 0.3642 0.3670 0.3728 11 0.2162 0.2431 0.2726 0.3000 0.3389 0.3705 0.3608 0.3621 0.3682 0.3700 0.3706 12 0.2290 0.2718 0.2957 0.3170 0.3448 0.3673 0.3595 0.3588 0.3681 0.3678 0.3668 13 0.2438 0.3029 0.3187 0.3326 0.3496 0.3646 0.3590 0.3576 0.3662 0.3656 0.3636 14 0.2583 0.3306 0.3382 0.3454 0.3534 0.3623 0.3593 0.3584 0.3626 0.3622 0.3611 15 0.2674 0.3393 0.3432 0.3490 0.3549 0.3598 0.3581 0.3571 0.3612 0.3607 0.3593 16 0.2765 0.3479 0.3482 0.3526 0.3553 0.3576 0.3576 0.3578 0.3581 0.3579 0.3582 17 0.2830 0.3467 0.3453 0.3510 0.3535 0.3552 0.3557 0.3564 0.3573 0.3570 0.3579 18 0.2895 0.3455 0.3424 0.3494 0.3517 0.3528 0.3538 0.3550 0.3565 0.3561 0.3576 19 0.2961 0.3443 0.3396 0.3477 0.3499 0.3504 0.3519 0.3535 0.3558 0.3552 0.3574 20 0.2946 0.3371 0.3337 0.3432 0.3466 0.3473 0.3510 0.3536 0.3589 0.3579 0.3630 21 0.2931 0.3298 0.3279 0.3386 0.3433 0.3441 0.3500 0.3536 0.3620 0.3612 0.3687 22 0.2835 0.3108 0.3160 0.3312 0.3386 0.3402 0.3500 0.3552 0.3690 0.3699 0.3837 23 0.2739 0.2899 0.3035 0.3238 0.3339 0.3363 0.3500 0.3568 0.3760 0.3792 0.4032 24 0.2644 0.2709 0.2943 0.3164 0.3293 0.3324 0.3500 0.3584 0.3830 0.3959 0.4283 25 0.2591 0.2635 0.2893 0.3158 0.3284 0.3355 0.3585 0.3600 0.3900 0.4200 0.4600 26 0.2539 0.2560 0.2861 0.3152 0.3282 0.3386 0.3669 0.3811 0.4150 0.4509 0.4972 27 0.2529 0.2545 0.2871 0.3214 0.3338 0.3532 0.3896 0.4087 0.4457 0.4873 0.5393 28 0.2519 0.2530 0.2881 0.3276 0.3400 0.3729 0.4179 0.4427 0.4829 0.5302 0.5878 29 0.2510 0.2515 0.2891 0.3338 0.3552 0.3982 0.4514 0.4832 0.5274 0.5807 0.6442 30 0.2535 0.2545 0.2900 0.3400 0.3800 0.4300 0.4900 0.5300 0.5800 0.6400 0.7100 31 0.2560 0.2588 0.3116 0.3716 0.4163 0.4673 0.5317 0.5819 0.6403 0.7080 0.7857 32 0.2620 0.2676 0.3414 0.4134 0.4621 0.5097 0.5766 0.6390 0.7078 0.7840 0.8702 33 0.2680 0.2811 0.3764 0.4615 0.5149 0.5585 0.6278 0.7030 0.7830 0.8680 0.9630 34 0.2740 0.2984 0.4136 0.5117 0.5718 0.6148 0.6879 0.7761 0.8669 0.9600 1.0631 35 0.2800 0.3200 0.4500 0.5600 0.6300 0.6800 0.7600 0.8600 0.9600 1.0600 1.1700 36 0.3089 0.3470 0.4864 0.6077 0.6920 0.7572 0.8466 0.9556 1.0605 1.1630 1.2756 37 0.3478 0.3789 0.5248 0.6574 0.7596 0.8456 0.9457 1.0616 1.1678 1.2691 1.3804 38 0.3914 0.4143 0.5640 0.7074 0.8292 0.9404 1.0535 1.1768 1.2850 1.3857 1.4964 39 0.4339 0.4518 0.6028 0.7555 0.8972 1.0368 1.1662 1.3000 1.4147 1.5202 1.6356 40 0.4700 0.4900 0.6400 0.8000 0.9600 1.1300 1.2800 1.4300 1.5600 1.6800 1.8100 41 0.4974 0.5237 0.6826 0.8427 1.0046 1.2085 1.3855 1.5598 1.7176 1.8671 2.0268 42 0.5197 0.5538 0.7026 0.8516 1.0335 1.2754 1.4854 1.6901 1.8856 2.0766 2.2780 43 0.5403 0.5882 0.7026 0.8605 1.0661 1.3482 1.5934 1.8315 2.0688 2.3054 2.5528 44 0.5626 0.6343 0.7405 0.9002 1.1218 1.4439 1.7237 1.9946 2.2720 2.5509 2.8404 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 0 0.2300 0.2600 0.2900 0.3400 0.3800 15 1 0.1828 0.2102 0.2376 0.3472 0.3800 16 2 0.2076 0.2286 0.2495 0.3544 0.3800 17 3 0.2710 0.2838 0.2965 0.3616 0.3800 18 4 0.3395 0.3447 0.3497 0.3688 0.3800 19 5 0.3797 0.3799 0.3799 0.3728 0.3800 20 6 0.3797 0.3799 0.3799 0.3768 0.3800 21 7 0.3797 0.3799 0.3799 0.3776 0.3800 22 8 0.3797 0.3799 0.3799 0.3784 0.3800 23 9 0.3797 0.3799 0.3799 0.3792 0.3800 24 10 0.3797 0.3800 0.3800 0.3796 0.3800 25 11 0.3784 0.3786 0.3800 0.3800 0.3800 26 12 0.3771 0.3773 0.3790 0.3800 0.3800 27 13 0.3742 0.3746 0.3780 0.3800 0.3800 28 14 0.3698 0.3704 0.3766 0.3800 0.3800 29 15 0.3694 0.3705 0.3786 0.3800 0.3800 30 16 0.3675 0.3690 0.3802 0.3880 0.3800 31 17 0.3697 0.3718 0.3852 0.3960 0.3800 32 18 0.3719 0.3746 0.3902 0.4040 0.4000 33 19 0.3740 0.3773 0.3951 0.4120 0.4200 34 20 0.3818 0.3800 0.4000 0.4200 0.4500 35 21 0.3895 0.3982 0.4245 0.4493 0.4900 36 22 0.4058 0.4211 0.4555 0.4854 0.5300 37 23 0.4268 0.4498 0.4931 0.5290 0.5800 38 24 0.4543 0.4857 0.5378 0.5803 0.6400 39 25 0.4900 0.5300 0.5900 0.6400 0.7000 40 26 0.5330 0.5823 0.6483 0.7066 0.7800 41 27 0.5823 0.6418 0.7126 0.7797 0.8600 42 28 0.6390 0.7090 0.7846 0.8615 0.9600 43 29 0.7045 0.7849 0.8665 0.9542 1.0600 44 30 0.7800 0.8700 0.9600 1.0600 1.1700 45 31 0.8667 0.9641 1.0646 1.1777 1.3000 46 32 0.9638 1.0666 1.1789 1.3058 1.4400 47 33 1.0694 1.1782 1.3039 1.4462 1.6000 48 34 1.1821 1.2991 1.4406 1.6003 1.7800 49 35 1.3000 1.4300 1.5900 1.7700 1.9600 50 36 1.4130 1.5625 1.7454 1.9509 2.1700 51 37 1.5221 1.6962 1.9063 2.1418 2.3900 52 38 1.6427 1.8438 2.0825 2.3494 2.6300 53 39 1.7902 2.0175 2.2838 2.5799 2.8800 54 40 1.9800 2.2300 2.5200 2.8400 3.1600 55 41 2.2230 2.4890 2.7950 3.1277 3.4700 56 42 2.5091 2.7863 3.1023 3.4386 3.8000 57 43 2.8217 3.1101 3.4361 3.7758 4.1600 58 44 3.1442 3.4486 3.7906 4.1419 4.5400 59
Female Non Smoker
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 45 0.5900 0.7000 0.8100 0.9800 1.2200 1.5800 1.8900 2.1900 2.5000 2.8100 3.1300 46 0.6189 0.7876 0.9120 1.1013 1.3656 1.7674 2.1058 2.4320 2.7645 3.0878 3.4200 47 0.6470 0.8920 1.0372 1.2518 1.5456 1.9947 2.3619 2.7136 3.0622 3.3861 3.7176 48 0.6798 1.0096 1.1844 1.4298 1.7528 2.2453 2.6381 3.0132 3.3758 3.6975 4.0252 49 0.7223 1.1368 1.3524 1.6331 1.9800 2.5026 2.9142 3.3092 3.6875 4.0146 4.3452 50 0.7800 1.2700 1.5400 1.8600 2.2200 2.7500 3.1700 3.5800 3.9800 4.3300 4.6800 51 0.8582 1.4188 1.7594 2.1214 2.4800 2.9844 3.3979 3.8102 4.2343 4.6244 5.0066 52 0.9535 1.5856 2.0113 2.4187 2.7648 3.2168 3.6114 4.0143 4.4622 4.9028 5.3233 53 1.0577 1.7560 2.2775 2.7353 3.0636 3.4520 3.8218 4.2153 4.6918 5.1940 5.6647 54 1.1626 1.9156 2.5398 3.0546 3.3656 3.6948 4.0409 4.4362 4.9517 5.5268 6.0654 55 1.2600 2.0500 2.7800 3.3600 3.6600 3.9500 4.2800 4.7000 5.2700 5.9300 6.5600 56 1.3487 2.1499 2.9991 3.6582 3.9439 4.2085 4.5203 4.9847 5.6182 6.3670 7.1079 57 1.4342 2.2250 3.2094 3.9601 4.2246 4.4670 4.7542 5.2750 5.9773 6.8185 7.6862 58 1.5182 2.2890 3.4090 4.2559 4.5062 4.7394 5.0098 5.6038 6.3903 7.3395 8.3554 59 1.6029 2.3561 3.5965 4.5358 4.7933 5.0391 5.3157 6.0045 6.9002 7.9850 9.1765 60 1.6900 2.4400 3.7700 4.7900 5.0900 5.3800 5.7000 6.5100 7.5500 8.8100 10.2100 61 1.7740 2.5315 3.8976 4.9704 5.3494 5.7143 6.1170 7.0673 8.2804 9.7496 11.3699 62 1.8536 2.6214 3.9804 5.0836 5.5685 6.0330 6.5479 7.6542 9.0628 10.7672 12.6158 63 1.9372 2.7234 4.0664 5.2016 5.8179 6.4074 7.0613 8.3506 9.9860 11.9600 14.0766 64 2.0332 2.8517 4.2036 5.3964 6.1682 6.9093 7.7258 9.2359 11.1388 13.4252 15.8817 65 2.1500 3.0200 4.4400 5.7400 6.6900 7.6100 8.6100 10.3900 12.6100 15.2600 18.1600 66 2.2678 3.2044 4.7823 6.2623 7.4229 8.5595 9.7500 11.8659 14.4846 17.5959 21.1404 67 2.3809 3.3956 5.1986 6.9154 8.3198 9.7102 11.1000 13.6106 16.7033 20.3682 24.7368 68 2.5191 3.6296 5.6786 7.6542 9.3214 10.9870 12.6060 15.5442 19.1387 23.3794 28.6060 69 2.7122 3.9424 6.2125 8.4341 10.3679 12.3153 14.2140 17.5873 21.6634 26.4325 32.4048 70 2.9900 4.3700 6.7900 9.2100 11.4000 13.6200 15.8700 19.6600 24.1500 29.3300 35.7900 71 3.3459 4.9007 7.4007 9.9629 12.3877 14.8595 17.5193 21.6909 26.5101 31.9634 38.6120 72 3.7602 5.5106 8.0512 10.7227 13.3706 16.0837 19.1978 23.7330 28.8287 34.4643 41.0996 73 4.2425 6.2171 8.7573 11.5181 14.3937 17.3551 20.9877 25.8937 31.2382 36.9954 43.4773 74 4.8025 7.0378 9.5350 12.3776 15.5018 18.7364 22.9711 28.2803 33.8712 39.7197 45.9692 75 5.4500 7.9900 10.4000 13.3300 16.7400 20.2900 25.2300 31.0000 36.8600 42.8000 48.8000 76 6.3468 9.3137 11.5059 14.5226 18.3083 22.2773 28.2061 34.5762 40.7398 46.7312 52.3479 77 7.2436 10.6375 12.6117 15.7152 19.8765 24.2646 31.1822 38.1524 44.6197 50.6625 55.8957 78 8.1404 11.9612 13.7176 16.9078 21.4448 26.2519 34.1583 41.7286 48.4995 54.5937 59.4436 79 9.0372 13.2850 14.8234 18.1004 23.0131 28.2392 37.1344 45.3048 52.3794 58.5250 62.9914 80 9.9339 14.6087 15.9293 19.2930 24.5814 30.2264 40.1105 48.8810 56.2592 62.4562 66.5393 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 45 3.4600 3.7900 4.1600 4.5400 4.9600 60 46 3.7575 4.1214 4.5305 4.9562 5.4400 61 47 4.0478 4.4507 4.9058 5.3887 5.9600 62 48 4.3482 4.7973 5.3070 5.8581 6.5100 63 49 4.6765 5.1806 5.7547 6.3850 7.1000 64 50 5.0500 5.6200 6.2700 6.9900 7.7700 65 51 5.4493 6.0919 6.8246 7.6398 8.5400 66 52 5.8626 6.5834 7.4047 8.3205 9.4100 67 53 6.3194 7.1298 8.0525 9.0823 10.3300 68 54 6.8487 7.7669 8.8102 9.9754 11.3400 69 55 7.4800 8.5300 9.7200 11.0500 12.5100 70 56 8.1625 9.3608 10.7148 12.2298 13.9100 71 57 8.8766 10.2356 11.7664 13.4815 15.5200 72 58 9.6986 11.2420 12.9756 14.9193 17.2800 73 59 10.7043 12.4676 14.4432 16.6574 19.2300 74 60 11.9700 14.0000 16.2700 18.8100 21.5200 75 61 13.4026 15.7402 18.3526 21.2710 24.3100 76 62 14.9515 17.6297 20.6239 23.9641 27.6300 77 63 16.7561 19.8171 23.2389 27.0487 31.3900 78 64 18.9558 22.4510 26.3526 30.6842 35.5900 79 65 21.6900 25.6800 30.1200 35.0300 40.3700 80 66 25.1727 29.6730 34.6350 40.0737 45.8700 81 67 29.3110 34.3309 39.7941 45.7090 52.1100 82 68 33.7838 39.4003 45.4567 51.9546 59.0100 83 69 38.2705 44.6278 51.4822 58.8287 66.5900 84 70 42.4500 49.7600 57.7300 66.3500 75.5900 85 71 46.1571 54.6102 63.9769 74.5069 86.3900 86 72 49.6057 59.3474 70.3168 83.2872 98.3500 87 73 53.0437 64.2516 77.0841 92.7080 111.0100 88 74 56.7192 69.6024 84.6137 102.7866 123.8700 89 75 60.8800 75.6800 93.2400 113.5400 136.6600 90 76 66.1663 83.5643 104.7105 126.2952 149.5100 91 77 71.4526 91.4487 116.1809 139.0505 162.6100 92 78 76.7389 99.3330 127.6514 151.8057 176.0500 93 79 82.0252 107.2174 139.1219 164.5609 189.9000 94 80 87.3115 115.1017 150.5924 177.3162 204.0400 95 218.5000 96 233.5000 97 249.0400 98 265.1200 99 296.3000 100 363.2100 101 468.3200 102 613.2600 103 796.7400 104 1,000.0000 105 1,000.0000 106 1,000.0000 107 1,000.0000 108 1,000.0000 109 1,000.0000 110
Female Non Smoker
Attained Ultimate Age 1,000.0000 111 1,000.0000 112 1,000.0000 113 1,000.0000 114 1,000.0000 115 1,000.0000 116 1,000.0000 117 1,000.0000 118 1,000.0000 119
Female Smoker 91 Bragg, Female Smoker
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1.5695 0.6166 0.5605 0.5045 0.4484 0.4111 0.3737 0.3363 0.3550 0.3550 0.3924 1 1.4090 0.5360 0.4766 0.4275 0.3737 0.4070 0.3172 0.2925 0.3189 0.3344 0.3812 2 1.1513 0.4779 0.4176 0.3833 0.3368 0.4029 0.3138 0.3114 0.3480 0.3870 0.4450 3 0.8576 0.4371 0.3787 0.3631 0.3276 0.3988 0.3440 0.3670 0.4137 0.4777 0.5461 4 0.5892 0.4084 0.3553 0.3583 0.3364 0.3947 0.3886 0.4333 0.4875 0.5718 0.6468 5 0.4071 0.4004 0.3508 0.3670 0.3531 0.3907 0.4282 0.4845 0.5407 0.6343 0.7093 6 0.4027 0.3924 0.3462 0.3757 0.3891 0.4391 0.4729 0.5275 0.5783 0.6655 0.7074 7 0.3983 0.3982 0.3690 0.4105 0.4509 0.5138 0.5356 0.5796 0.6191 0.6888 0.7055 8 0.3939 0.4040 0.4030 0.4545 0.5216 0.5950 0.6012 0.6302 0.6561 0.7035 0.7036 9 0.3894 0.4098 0.4400 0.4972 0.5844 0.6630 0.6545 0.6690 0.6820 0.7046 0.7017 10 0.3898 0.4155 0.4720 0.5286 0.6222 0.6980 0.6621 0.6698 0.6761 0.7057 0.6942 11 0.3924 0.4537 0.5032 0.5497 0.6208 0.6903 0.6697 0.6705 0.6701 0.6866 0.6867 12 0.3999 0.5087 0.5391 0.5674 0.6194 0.6528 0.6324 0.6315 0.6285 0.6523 0.6683 13 0.4098 0.5671 0.5732 0.5765 0.5975 0.6005 0.5825 0.5815 0.5777 0.6120 0.6482 14 0.4197 0.6153 0.5988 0.5813 0.5719 0.5480 0.5337 0.5333 0.5305 0.5748 0.6302 15 0.4243 0.6400 0.5994 0.5758 0.5500 0.5100 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5500 0.6244 16 0.4257 0.6364 0.6000 0.5659 0.5286 0.4854 0.4928 0.4940 0.5020 0.5500 0.6185 17 0.4169 0.6136 0.5752 0.5366 0.5027 0.4644 0.4856 0.4880 0.5040 0.5500 0.6189 18 0.4013 0.5785 0.5421 0.5025 0.4771 0.4487 0.4784 0.4820 0.5060 0.5500 0.6193 19 0.3847 0.5383 0.5080 0.4710 0.4566 0.4444 0.4713 0.4760 0.5080 0.5500 0.6197 20 0.3700 0.5000 0.4800 0.4500 0.4516 0.4400 0.4763 0.4700 0.5100 0.5500 0.6200 21 0.3560 0.4578 0.4558 0.4500 0.4506 0.4504 0.4813 0.4964 0.5458 0.5902 0.6609 22 0.3409 0.4071 0.4305 0.4500 0.4550 0.4700 0.5072 0.5352 0.5945 0.6459 0.7169 23 0.3263 0.3565 0.4078 0.4500 0.4695 0.4964 0.5403 0.5828 0.6523 0.7125 0.7845 24 0.3140 0.3146 0.3911 0.4500 0.4884 0.5272 0.5785 0.6356 0.7154 0.7854 0.8600 25 0.3102 0.2900 0.3880 0.4500 0.5100 0.5600 0.6200 0.6900 0.7800 0.8600 0.9400 26 0.3064 0.2901 0.3875 0.4592 0.5306 0.5911 0.6624 0.7428 0.8417 0.9306 1.0178 27 0.3073 0.2901 0.3908 0.4683 0.5512 0.6222 0.7068 0.7964 0.9030 1.0003 1.0959 28 0.3082 0.3075 0.4050 0.4841 0.5776 0.6586 0.7571 0.8556 0.9706 1.0777 1.1841 29 0.3091 0.3346 0.4304 0.5126 0.6153 0.7061 0.8169 0.9252 1.0507 1.1714 1.2922 30 0.3100 0.3700 0.4700 0.5600 0.6700 0.7700 0.8900 1.0100 1.1500 1.2900 1.4300 31 0.3413 0.4142 0.5268 0.6320 0.7466 0.8563 0.9794 1.1116 1.2682 1.4294 1.5888 32 0.3826 0.4683 0.5988 0.7244 0.8413 0.9614 1.0827 1.2268 1.4011 1.5839 1.7620 33 0.4343 0.5313 0.6815 0.8288 0.9467 1.0762 1.1953 1.3532 1.5489 1.7597 1.9628 34 0.4966 0.6022 0.7701 0.9368 1.0554 1.1921 1.3126 1.4884 1.7118 1.9630 2.2044 35 0.5700 0.6800 0.8600 1.0400 1.1600 1.3000 1.4300 1.6300 1.8900 2.2000 2.5000 36 0.6608 0.7693 0.9517 1.1333 1.2494 1.3802 1.5254 1.7551 2.0639 2.4631 2.8558 37 0.7688 0.8706 1.0482 1.2222 1.3285 1.4385 1.6017 1.8654 2.2334 2.7482 3.2631 38 0.8844 0.9774 1.1490 1.3146 1.4139 1.5047 1.6923 1.9950 2.4278 3.0666 3.7125 39 0.9980 1.0827 1.2531 1.4179 1.5222 1.6086 1.8306 2.1785 2.6769 3.4301 4.1946 40 1.1000 1.1800 1.3600 1.5400 1.6700 1.7800 2.0500 2.4500 3.0100 3.8500 4.7000 41 1.1874 1.2654 1.4637 1.6766 1.8598 2.0310 2.3709 2.8360 3.4562 4.3517 5.2467 42 1.2665 1.3433 1.5646 1.8227 2.0805 2.3417 2.7710 3.3136 3.9957 4.9274 5.8410 43 1.3419 1.4195 1.6718 1.9845 2.3283 2.6939 3.2198 3.8432 4.5851 5.5394 6.4558 44 1.4182 1.4998 1.7939 2.1682 2.5994 3.0694 3.6863 4.3852 5.1810 6.1495 7.0645 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 0 0.4297 0.4858 0.5418 0.6353 0.7100 15 1 0.4152 0.4663 0.5174 0.6026 0.7100 16 2 0.4709 0.5098 0.5488 0.6139 0.7100 17 3 0.5618 0.5854 0.6092 0.6489 0.7100 18 4 0.6530 0.6624 0.6718 0.6876 0.7100 19 5 0.7094 0.7098 0.7098 0.7100 0.7100 20 6 0.7084 0.7098 0.7098 0.7100 0.7100 21 7 0.7074 0.7097 0.7098 0.7100 0.7100 22 8 0.7064 0.7096 0.7098 0.7100 0.7100 23 9 0.7053 0.7096 0.7098 0.7100 0.7100 24 10 0.7027 0.7095 0.7099 0.7100 0.7100 25 11 0.6984 0.7088 0.7088 0.7100 0.7100 26 12 0.6925 0.7080 0.7079 0.7100 0.7100 27 13 0.6850 0.7060 0.7058 0.7100 0.7100 28 14 0.6758 0.7027 0.7025 0.7100 0.7100 29 15 0.6724 0.7057 0.7060 0.7100 0.7100 30 16 0.6673 0.7074 0.7085 0.7285 0.7100 31 17 0.6680 0.7155 0.7179 0.7502 0.7400 32 18 0.6687 0.7236 0.7352 0.7818 0.8200 33 19 0.6694 0.7318 0.7669 0.8295 0.9000 34 20 0.6700 0.7400 0.8200 0.9000 1.0000 35 21 0.7212 0.8020 0.8969 0.9951 1.1200 36 22 0.7919 0.8842 0.9929 1.1106 1.2600 37 23 0.8761 0.9815 1.1044 1.2434 1.4000 38 24 0.9675 1.0885 1.2280 1.3909 1.5600 39 25 1.0600 1.2000 1.3600 1.5500 1.7400 40 26 1.1440 1.3075 1.4930 1.7152 1.9400 41 27 1.2236 1.4146 1.6295 1.8884 2.1600 42 28 1.3132 1.5338 1.7805 2.0780 2.4000 43 29 1.4272 1.6781 1.9570 2.2924 2.6600 44 30 1.5800 1.8600 2.1700 2.5400 2.9500 45 31 1.7649 2.0730 2.4132 2.8136 3.2600 46 32 1.9722 2.3087 2.6792 3.1076 3.6000 47 33 2.2122 2.5769 2.9776 3.4328 3.9600 48 34 2.4947 2.8874 3.3180 3.8000 4.3400 49 35 2.8300 3.2500 3.7100 4.2200 4.7600 50 36 3.2239 3.6691 4.1566 4.6954 5.2300 51 37 3.6698 4.1382 4.6515 5.2189 5.7800 52 38 4.1586 4.6506 5.1901 5.7867 6.3800 53 39 4.6817 5.2001 5.7678 6.3950 7.0400 54 40 5.2300 5.7800 6.3800 7.0400 7.7500 55 41 5.8228 6.4088 7.0434 7.7354 8.4800 56 42 6.4660 7.0908 7.7611 8.4837 9.2300 57 43 7.1308 7.7984 8.5081 9.2643 10.0300 58 44 7.7884 8.5040 9.2594 10.0566 10.8600 59
Female Smoker
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 45 1.5000 1.5900 1.9400 2.3800 2.8900 3.4500 4.1400 4.9000 5.7400 6.7200 7.6400 46 1.5830 1.6858 2.1095 2.6243 3.2136 3.8585 4.6082 5.4142 6.2854 7.2642 8.1896 47 1.6643 1.7835 2.2966 2.8970 3.5728 4.3070 5.1113 5.9541 6.8461 7.8075 8.7312 48 1.7501 1.8893 2.5018 3.1914 3.9472 4.7614 5.6083 6.4799 7.3871 8.3297 9.2540 49 1.8466 2.0094 2.7261 3.5013 4.3164 5.1871 6.0582 6.9618 7.8734 8.8106 9.7472 50 1.9600 2.1500 2.9700 3.8200 4.6600 5.5500 6.4200 7.3300 8.2700 9.2300 10.2000 51 2.1029 2.3258 3.2413 4.1447 4.9580 5.8103 6.6376 7.5531 8.5154 9.5403 10.5772 52 2.2710 2.5325 3.5394 4.4798 5.2240 5.9910 6.7384 7.6478 8.6329 9.7550 10.8860 53 2.4458 2.7483 3.8530 4.8294 5.4880 6.1514 6.8064 7.7058 8.7147 9.9454 11.1792 54 2.6083 2.9514 4.1703 5.1981 5.7800 6.3513 6.9256 7.8193 8.8530 10.1833 11.5096 55 2.7400 3.1200 4.4800 5.5900 6.1300 6.6500 7.1800 8.0800 9.1400 10.5400 11.9300 56 2.8147 3.2234 4.7682 6.0041 6.5398 7.0538 7.5803 8.4867 9.5546 10.9626 12.3454 57 2.8450 3.2763 5.0427 6.4374 6.9893 7.5231 8.0706 8.9782 10.0355 11.4035 12.7205 58 2.8698 3.3245 5.3241 6.8918 7.4759 8.0485 8.6346 9.5562 10.6141 11.9421 13.1979 59 2.9285 3.4138 5.6330 7.3687 7.9970 8.6206 9.2565 10.2229 11.3218 12.6578 13.9202 60 3.0600 3.5900 5.9900 7.8700 8.5500 9.2300 9.9200 10.9800 12.1900 13.6300 15.0300 61 3.2796 3.8639 6.3984 8.3956 9.1399 9.8891 10.6378 11.8511 13.2569 14.9126 16.6053 62 3.5612 4.2050 6.8444 8.9444 9.7686 10.6042 11.4207 12.8350 14.5014 16.4525 18.5510 63 3.8820 4.5970 7.3232 9.5164 10.4282 11.3566 12.2497 13.8962 15.8666 18.1691 20.7502 64 4.2192 5.0241 7.8300 10.1116 11.1113 12.1281 13.1058 14.9997 17.2951 19.9818 23.0855 65 4.5500 5.4700 8.3600 10.7300 11.8100 12.9000 13.9700 16.1100 18.7300 21.8100 25.4400 66 4.8546 5.9038 8.8945 11.3492 12.4673 13.5745 14.7024 17.0704 20.0091 23.4914 27.6858 67 5.1481 6.3361 9.4366 11.9692 13.0882 14.1638 15.3156 17.9044 21.1706 25.0797 29.9009 68 5.4603 6.8135 10.0146 12.6236 13.7586 14.8150 16.0196 18.8472 22.4574 26.8183 32.2771 69 5.8210 7.3826 10.6563 13.3460 14.5639 15.6747 17.0244 20.1340 24.1129 28.9506 35.0062 70 6.2600 8.0900 11.3900 14.1700 15.5900 16.8900 18.5400 22.0000 26.3800 31.7200 38.2800 71 6.7749 8.9229 12.2117 15.0941 16.8387 18.4608 20.5494 24.4174 29.2222 35.0770 42.0390 72 7.3458 9.8504 13.1027 16.0959 18.2528 20.2892 22.9126 27.2293 32.4774 38.8595 46.1554 73 7.9763 10.8914 14.0689 17.1777 19.8296 22.3751 25.6552 30.4775 36.2006 43.1415 50.7182 74 8.6699 12.0649 15.1160 18.3416 21.5663 24.7187 28.8025 34.2038 40.4465 47.9970 55.8167 75 9.4300 13.3900 16.2500 19.5900 23.4600 27.3200 32.3800 38.4500 45.2700 53.5000 61.5400 76 10.3851 15.1444 17.6367 21.0886 25.8286 30.6942 37.2143 44.2000 51.7533 60.8470 69.0187 77 11.3401 16.8989 19.0235 22.5873 28.1971 34.0683 42.0486 49.9500 58.2366 68.1939 76.4974 78 12.2952 18.6533 20.4102 24.0859 30.5657 37.4425 46.8829 55.7001 64.7200 75.5409 83.9761 79 13.2502 20.4078 21.7970 25.5845 32.9343 40.8166 51.7172 61.4501 71.2033 82.8879 91.4547 80 14.2053 22.1622 23.1837 27.0831 35.3029 44.1908 56.5515 67.2001 77.6866 90.2349 98.9334 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 45 8.4100 9.1800 9.9900 10.8400 11.7000 60 46 8.9985 9.8330 10.7120 11.6330 12.5600 61 47 9.5730 10.4813 11.4420 12.4493 13.4500 62 48 10.1294 11.1151 12.1620 13.2611 14.3700 63 49 10.6631 11.7246 12.8540 14.0406 15.3200 64 50 11.1700 12.3000 13.5000 14.7600 16.2500 65 51 11.6210 12.7986 14.0342 15.3235 17.1000 66 52 12.0191 13.2271 14.4687 15.7498 17.7600 67 53 12.4077 13.6493 14.9021 16.1822 18.1300 68 54 12.8302 14.1290 15.4330 16.7645 18.3900 69 55 13.3300 14.7300 16.1600 17.6400 18.8400 70 56 13.7763 15.3190 16.9651 18.7184 19.7800 71 57 14.1402 15.8533 17.7826 19.9040 21.4100 72 58 14.6178 16.5331 18.7894 21.3324 23.6300 73 59 15.4057 17.5586 20.1629 23.1392 26.3000 74 60 16.7000 19.1300 22.0800 25.4600 29.3800 75 61 18.6034 21.3350 24.5971 28.3007 32.8100 76 62 20.9849 24.0403 27.5962 31.5710 36.5200 77 63 23.6907 27.1141 30.9926 35.2618 40.4800 78 64 26.5670 30.4246 34.7021 39.3645 44.7900 79 65 29.4600 33.8400 38.6400 43.8700 49.5500 80 66 32.2738 37.2582 42.6451 48.6008 54.9100 81 67 35.1109 40.7669 46.7738 53.5628 60.9100 82 68 38.1151 44.5195 51.2678 59.0224 67.4300 83 69 41.4302 48.6694 56.3693 65.2460 74.5100 84 70 45.2000 53.3700 62.3200 72.5000 83.4300 85 71 49.3518 58.5173 68.9661 80.8844 94.8400 86 72 53.7898 64.0090 76.1464 90.2217 107.6400 87 73 58.6228 70.0011 84.0916 100.3617 120.9800 88 74 63.9599 76.6495 93.0326 111.1545 133.9800 89 75 69.9100 84.1100 103.2000 122.4500 146.0000 90 76 77.5537 93.7991 116.7392 135.4536 157.1000 91 77 85.1974 103.4882 130.2784 148.4572 167.8500 92 78 92.8411 113.1774 143.8176 161.4608 178.8700 93 79 100.4848 122.8665 157.3568 174.4644 190.7500 94 80 108.1285 132.5556 170.8960 187.4680 204.0400 95 218.5000 96 233.5000 97 249.0400 98 265.1200 99 296.3000 100 363.2100 101 468.3200 102 613.2600 103 796.7400 104 1,000.0000 105 1,000.0000 106 1,000.0000 107 1,000.0000 108 1,000.0000 109 1,000.0000 110
Female Smoker
Attained Ultimate Age 1,000.0000 111 1,000.0000 112 1,000.0000 113 1,000.0000 114 1,000.0000 115 1,000.0000 116 1,000.0000 117 1,000.0000 118 1,000.0000 119
Blended Non Smoker 91 Bragg, Blended Non Smoker Assumes 80% Male, 20% Female
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1.0640 0.6260 0.4360 0.3900 0.3440 0.3000 0.2880 0.2600 0.2540 0.2540 0.2660 1 0.9314 0.5295 0.3509 0.3072 0.2622 0.2928 0.2921 0.1981 0.2048 0.2336 0.2699 2 0.7587 0.4472 0.3013 0.2644 0.2234 0.2857 0.2962 0.1941 0.2209 0.2938 0.3661 3 0.5754 0.3792 0.2765 0.2493 0.2162 0.2785 0.3004 0.2305 0.2787 0.3982 0.5082 4 0.4113 0.3253 0.2657 0.2501 0.2296 0.2714 0.3045 0.2899 0.3545 0.5106 0.6503 5 0.2959 0.2859 0.2589 0.2568 0.2521 0.2644 0.3085 0.3546 0.4248 0.5947 0.7461 6 0.2421 0.2873 0.2562 0.2634 0.2925 0.3318 0.4038 0.4416 0.5019 0.6528 0.7907 7 0.2153 0.2893 0.2593 0.2853 0.3582 0.4338 0.5436 0.5627 0.6016 0.7119 0.8190 8 0.2202 0.2913 0.2680 0.3182 0.4364 0.5484 0.6962 0.6923 0.7053 0.7658 0.8343 9 0.2251 0.2933 0.2961 0.3607 0.5141 0.6540 0.8295 0.8050 0.7941 0.8081 0.8361 10 0.2537 0.2952 0.3413 0.4110 0.5782 0.7287 0.9095 0.8733 0.8483 0.8319 0.8376 11 0.3080 0.3790 0.4185 0.4797 0.6300 0.7662 0.9074 0.8729 0.8454 0.8303 0.8223 12 0.3933 0.5028 0.5257 0.5679 0.6808 0.7853 0.9031 0.8705 0.8416 0.8066 0.7911 13 0.4894 0.6380 0.6408 0.6597 0.7260 0.7872 0.8558 0.8317 0.8068 0.7729 0.7544 14 0.5773 0.7565 0.7416 0.7393 0.7616 0.7877 0.8047 0.7897 0.7695 0.7401 0.7221 15 0.6375 0.8279 0.8046 0.7898 0.7830 0.7840 0.7676 0.7594 0.7442 0.7201 0.7039 16 0.6425 0.8309 0.8133 0.7974 0.7788 0.7715 0.7438 0.7396 0.7289 0.7221 0.7081 17 0.6470 0.8321 0.8204 0.8039 0.7742 0.7483 0.7203 0.7190 0.7151 0.7244 0.7125 18 0.6515 0.7953 0.7965 0.7852 0.7533 0.7208 0.6998 0.7010 0.7070 0.7267 0.7282 19 0.6560 0.7501 0.7638 0.7591 0.7297 0.6951 0.6842 0.6933 0.7026 0.7290 0.7453 20 0.6589 0.7074 0.7307 0.7326 0.7093 0.6775 0.6811 0.6922 0.7067 0.7360 0.7606 21 0.6337 0.6636 0.6921 0.7006 0.6904 0.6759 0.6822 0.6954 0.7146 0.7430 0.7709 22 0.5942 0.6079 0.6408 0.6578 0.6685 0.6741 0.6885 0.7162 0.7374 0.7577 0.7815 23 0.5496 0.5499 0.5865 0.6128 0.6471 0.6724 0.7034 0.7417 0.7646 0.7749 0.7930 24 0.5073 0.4977 0.5385 0.5741 0.6294 0.6706 0.7186 0.7662 0.7916 0.7957 0.8103 25 0.4758 0.4607 0.5059 0.5512 0.6272 0.6729 0.7278 0.7840 0.8140 0.8200 0.8360 26 0.4547 0.4525 0.5052 0.5505 0.6252 0.6751 0.7369 0.7930 0.8264 0.8437 0.8672 27 0.4398 0.4455 0.5054 0.5512 0.6324 0.6822 0.7455 0.8033 0.8404 0.8667 0.9016 28 0.4317 0.4384 0.5056 0.5652 0.6397 0.6903 0.7553 0.8149 0.8523 0.8950 0.9440 29 0.4253 0.4314 0.5058 0.5840 0.6489 0.6995 0.7661 0.8278 0.8749 0.9348 0.9985 30 0.4244 0.4307 0.5060 0.6040 0.6600 0.7100 0.7780 0.8420 0.9160 0.9920 1.0700 31 0.4280 0.4314 0.5223 0.6281 0.6880 0.7455 0.8173 0.8912 0.9756 1.0672 1.1591 32 0.4350 0.4386 0.5434 0.6552 0.7215 0.7898 0.8659 0.9529 1.0482 1.1564 1.2627 33 0.4478 0.4526 0.5707 0.6884 0.7627 0.8436 0.9250 1.0272 1.1338 1.2588 1.3798 34 0.4610 0.4738 0.6058 0.7303 0.8142 0.9081 0.9960 1.1135 1.2324 1.3736 1.5093 35 0.4720 0.5040 0.6500 0.7840 0.8780 0.9840 1.0800 1.2120 1.3440 1.5000 1.6500 36 0.4842 0.5465 0.7075 0.8542 0.9587 1.0749 1.1800 1.3233 1.4671 1.6326 1.7929 37 0.4984 0.6000 0.7773 0.9389 1.0547 1.1802 1.2953 1.4475 1.6017 1.7719 1.9386 38 0.5135 0.6597 0.8533 1.0310 1.1594 1.2945 1.4213 1.5835 1.7500 1.9261 2.1008 39 0.5284 0.7206 0.9295 1.1231 1.2660 1.4129 1.5537 1.7301 1.9141 2.1034 2.2934 40 0.5420 0.7780 1.0000 1.2080 1.3680 1.5300 1.6880 1.8860 2.0960 2.3120 2.5300 41 0.5740 0.8255 1.0592 1.2775 1.4544 1.6343 1.8128 2.0417 2.2890 2.5493 2.8122 42 0.6118 0.8665 1.1054 1.3299 1.5296 1.7292 1.9310 2.1979 2.4918 2.8100 3.1309 43 0.6559 0.9104 1.1494 1.3847 1.6100 1.8320 2.0598 2.3691 2.7144 3.0977 3.4836 44 0.7071 0.9664 1.2132 1.4605 1.7120 1.9605 2.2164 2.5696 2.9671 3.4165 3.8681 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 0 0.3100 0.3560 0.4260 0.5960 0.7473 15 1 0.3412 0.3763 0.4350 0.5997 0.9330 16 2 0.4754 0.4900 0.5259 0.6501 0.8917 17 3 0.6562 0.6471 0.6558 0.7232 0.8614 18 4 0.8272 0.7975 0.7818 0.7947 0.8415 19 5 0.9321 0.8912 0.8611 0.8400 0.8440 20 6 0.9395 0.9183 0.8575 0.8404 0.8440 21 7 0.9467 0.9152 0.8539 0.8402 0.8440 22 8 0.9131 0.8936 0.8503 0.8399 0.8440 23 9 0.8726 0.8653 0.8468 0.8398 0.8440 24 10 0.8408 0.8422 0.8432 0.8338 0.8440 25 11 0.8134 0.8196 0.8274 0.8280 0.8440 26 12 0.7803 0.7896 0.8047 0.8201 0.8440 27 13 0.7473 0.7590 0.7811 0.8122 0.8440 28 14 0.7204 0.7343 0.7624 0.8060 0.8440 29 15 0.7150 0.7319 0.7613 0.8041 0.8440 30 16 0.7093 0.7291 0.7601 0.8076 0.8440 31 17 0.7248 0.7481 0.7752 0.8154 0.8440 32 18 0.7469 0.7736 0.7959 0.8293 0.8560 33 19 0.7696 0.7996 0.8187 0.8469 0.8680 34 20 0.7884 0.8200 0.8400 0.8680 0.8900 35 21 0.7958 0.8303 0.8604 0.8948 0.9220 36 22 0.8053 0.8419 0.8795 0.9245 0.9620 37 23 0.8163 0.8516 0.9026 0.9604 1.0200 38 24 0.8289 0.8707 0.9350 1.0058 1.0880 39 25 0.8580 0.9060 0.9820 1.0640 1.1640 40 26 0.8988 0.9566 1.0413 1.1308 1.2520 41 27 0.9474 1.0179 1.1096 1.2039 1.3400 42 28 1.0063 1.0910 1.1899 1.2897 1.4320 43 29 1.0777 1.1773 1.2856 1.3944 1.5320 44 30 1.1640 1.2780 1.4000 1.5240 1.6580 45 31 1.2649 1.3911 1.5310 1.6778 1.8120 46 32 1.3787 1.5156 1.6764 1.8516 2.0160 47 33 1.5060 1.6549 1.8393 2.0467 2.2560 48 34 1.6476 1.8120 2.0228 2.2644 2.5400 49 35 1.8040 1.9900 2.2300 2.5060 2.8400 50 36 1.9629 2.1767 2.4462 2.7521 3.1700 51 37 2.1239 2.3697 2.6693 3.0018 3.5020 52 38 2.3055 2.5879 2.9214 3.2843 3.8140 53 39 2.5260 2.8497 3.2243 3.6286 4.1360 54 40 2.8040 3.1740 3.6000 4.0640 4.5360 55 41 3.1491 3.5689 4.0580 4.6052 5.0460 56 42 3.5491 4.0221 4.5835 5.2329 5.7280 57 43 3.9894 4.5211 5.1626 5.9248 6.5760 58 44 4.4552 5.0532 5.7808 6.6586 7.5480 59
Blended Non Smoker
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 45 0.7660 1.0440 1.3060 1.5720 1.8520 2.1320 2.4180 2.8140 3.2600 3.7700 4.2820 46 0.8340 1.1471 1.4259 1.7145 2.0266 2.3472 2.6670 3.1032 3.5906 4.1493 4.7100 47 0.9106 1.2694 1.5642 1.8770 2.2251 2.5947 2.9519 3.4276 3.9521 4.5519 5.1536 48 0.9938 1.4050 1.7236 2.0667 2.4522 2.8731 3.2692 3.7856 4.3483 4.9912 5.6359 49 1.0816 1.5485 1.9066 2.2906 2.7129 3.1813 3.6151 4.1756 4.7830 5.4808 6.1797 50 1.1720 1.6940 2.1160 2.5560 3.0120 3.5180 3.9860 4.5960 5.2600 6.0340 6.8080 51 1.2620 1.8388 2.3576 2.8730 3.3557 3.8822 4.3764 5.0385 5.7706 6.6463 7.5186 52 1.3528 1.9868 2.6296 3.2369 3.7406 4.2749 4.7888 5.5043 6.3124 7.3088 8.2963 53 1.4491 2.1420 2.9232 3.6323 4.1576 4.6973 5.2313 6.0056 6.8982 8.0283 9.1442 54 1.5553 2.3084 3.2296 4.0438 4.5978 5.1512 5.7123 6.5548 7.5411 8.8118 10.0657 55 1.6760 2.4900 3.5400 4.4560 5.0520 5.6380 6.2400 7.1640 8.2540 9.6660 11.0640 56 1.8066 2.6876 3.8667 4.8866 5.5301 6.1608 6.8095 7.8189 9.0105 10.5523 12.0843 57 1.9443 2.8984 4.2156 5.3458 6.0380 6.7185 7.4152 8.5111 9.8021 11.4660 13.1244 58 2.0955 3.1215 4.5682 5.8072 6.5610 7.3068 8.0646 9.2624 10.6682 12.4654 14.2666 59 2.2672 3.3557 4.9059 6.2440 7.0846 7.9207 8.7651 10.0948 11.6484 13.6087 15.5931 60 2.4660 3.6000 5.2100 6.6300 7.5940 8.5560 9.5240 11.0300 12.7820 14.9540 17.1860 61 2.6964 3.8404 5.4292 6.8871 8.0075 9.1267 10.2520 11.9835 13.9950 16.4364 19.0085 62 2.9540 4.0776 5.5758 7.0332 8.3348 9.6360 10.9440 12.9410 15.2610 18.0170 21.0058 63 3.2320 4.3325 5.7270 7.1848 8.6986 10.2124 11.7343 14.0289 16.6914 19.7934 23.2332 64 3.5236 4.6263 5.9600 7.4589 9.2215 10.9849 12.7569 15.3737 18.3973 21.8632 25.7461 65 3.8220 4.9800 6.3520 7.9720 10.0260 12.0820 14.1460 17.1020 20.4900 24.3240 28.6000 66 4.1163 5.3699 6.8920 8.7288 11.1427 13.5604 15.9783 19.2839 23.0203 27.1880 31.7456 67 4.4109 5.7820 7.5286 9.6515 12.4900 15.3343 18.1646 21.8351 25.9140 30.3901 35.1459 68 4.7224 6.2518 8.2782 10.7332 14.0219 17.3188 20.5894 24.6503 29.0950 33.9120 38.8750 69 5.0672 6.8146 9.1572 11.9670 15.6925 19.4290 23.1377 27.6243 32.4871 37.7355 43.0063 70 5.4620 7.5060 10.1820 13.3460 17.4560 21.5800 25.6940 30.6520 36.0140 41.8420 47.6140 71 5.9009 8.3109 11.3243 14.8287 19.2596 23.7051 28.1759 33.6381 39.5694 46.1107 52.5634 72 6.3730 9.2060 12.5732 16.4194 21.1339 25.8608 30.6601 36.6528 43.2039 50.5537 57.8054 73 6.8869 10.2133 13.9711 18.1809 23.1579 28.1474 33.2706 39.8388 47.0773 55.3526 63.5415 74 7.4510 11.3552 15.5605 20.1756 25.4109 30.6650 36.1313 43.3389 51.3494 60.6889 69.9738 75 8.0740 12.6540 17.3840 22.4660 27.9720 33.5140 39.3660 47.2960 56.1800 66.7440 77.3040 76 8.8622 14.3938 19.8529 25.5602 31.3516 37.2232 43.5578 52.4334 62.4728 74.7136 87.0586 77 9.6503 16.1335 22.3218 28.6545 34.7313 40.9325 47.7496 57.5707 68.7657 82.6833 96.8132 78 10.4385 17.8733 24.7907 31.7487 38.1109 44.6417 51.9414 62.7081 75.0585 90.6529 106.5678 79 11.2266 19.6131 27.2596 34.8430 41.4906 48.3509 56.1332 67.8455 81.3514 98.6226 116.3225 80 12.0148 21.3529 29.7285 37.9372 44.8702 52.0601 60.3250 72.9828 87.6442 106.5922 126.0771 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 45 4.9320 5.6060 6.4240 7.4120 8.5760 60 46 5.3914 6.1552 7.0717 8.1664 9.5920 61 47 5.8433 6.7090 7.7332 8.9367 10.5520 62 48 6.3300 7.3041 8.4396 9.7507 11.4460 63 49 6.8941 7.9769 9.2215 10.6365 12.3240 64 50 7.5780 8.7640 10.1100 11.6220 13.2660 65 51 8.3853 9.6559 11.0778 12.6590 14.3480 66 52 9.2876 10.6282 12.1045 13.7288 15.5620 67 53 10.2797 11.6952 13.2305 14.9037 16.8420 68 54 11.3562 12.8711 14.4968 16.2560 18.2280 69 55 12.5120 14.1700 15.9440 17.8580 19.8380 70 56 13.6718 15.5104 17.4878 19.6248 21.7820 71 57 14.8392 16.8829 19.1009 21.5083 24.0960 72 58 16.1268 18.4098 20.9099 23.6355 26.6800 73 59 17.6475 20.2134 23.0414 26.1338 29.5740 74 60 19.5140 22.4160 25.6220 29.1300 32.8880 75 61 21.7218 25.0016 28.6123 32.5520 36.7420 76 62 24.1957 27.8883 31.9280 36.3148 41.1740 77 63 26.9426 31.1009 35.6279 40.5271 46.0780 78 64 29.9691 34.6632 39.7710 45.2973 51.4940 79 65 33.2820 38.6000 44.4160 50.7340 57.5300 80 66 36.7717 42.7824 49.4236 56.6934 64.3260 81 67 40.4336 47.1943 54.7547 63.1032 71.9420 82 68 44.4324 52.0285 60.6181 70.1789 80.3300 83 69 48.9323 57.4780 67.2228 78.1361 89.4620 84 70 54.0980 63.7360 74.7780 87.1900 100.1500 85 71 59.7885 70.6248 83.0584 97.3522 112.8940 86 72 65.8939 78.0160 91.9249 108.4790 126.9500 87 73 72.6260 86.1757 101.7148 120.5534 141.8100 88 74 80.1962 95.3696 112.7660 133.5580 156.9340 89 75 88.8160 105.8640 125.4160 147.4760 172.0920 90 76 100.3025 119.9050 142.4123 164.1566 187.5020 91 77 111.7891 133.9460 159.4086 180.8371 203.2820 92 78 123.2756 147.9870 176.4049 197.5177 219.3060 93 79 134.7622 162.0280 193.4012 214.1982 235.4440 94 80 146.2487 176.0690 210.3975 230.8788 251.3600 95 267.1320 96 283.3400 97 299.9920 98 317.0720 99 350.5000 100 414.7060 101 508.0080 102 643.5640 103 813.1800 104 1,000.0000 105 1,000.0000 106 1,000.0000 107 1,000.0000 108 1,000.0000 109 1,000.0000 110
Blended Non Smoker
Attained Ultimate Age 1,000.0000 111 1,000.0000 112 1,000.0000 113 1,000.0000 114 1,000.0000 115 1,000.0000 116 1,000.0000 117 1,000.0000 118 1,000.0000 119
Blended Smoker 91 Bragg, Blended Smoker Assumes 80% Male, 20% Female
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1.5832 0.9166 0.6448 0.5769 0.5090 0.4449 0.4261 0.3846 0.3770 0.3770 0.3958 1 1.4270 0.8156 0.5596 0.4957 0.4289 0.3826 0.4190 0.3341 0.3449 0.3864 0.4402 2 1.1747 0.7016 0.4914 0.4386 0.3770 0.3460 0.4224 0.3343 0.3741 0.4791 0.5844 3 0.8862 0.5889 0.4397 0.4024 0.3517 0.3355 0.4326 0.3738 0.4443 0.6166 0.7759 4 0.6210 0.4917 0.4035 0.3841 0.3513 0.3512 0.4457 0.4415 0.5357 0.7607 0.9624 5 0.4389 0.4270 0.3841 0.3872 0.3742 0.3934 0.4577 0.5257 0.6279 0.8732 1.0912 6 0.3605 0.4270 0.3698 0.3903 0.4296 0.4883 0.5917 0.6481 0.7358 0.9564 1.1511 7 0.3185 0.4299 0.3743 0.4145 0.5183 0.6304 0.7865 0.8158 0.8729 1.0358 1.1847 8 0.3242 0.4327 0.3810 0.4568 0.6270 0.7922 1.0010 0.9972 1.0168 1.1079 1.2014 9 0.3299 0.4355 0.4245 0.5202 0.7418 0.9466 1.1942 1.1604 1.1454 1.1681 1.2104 10 0.3769 0.4383 0.5064 0.6078 0.8492 1.0661 1.3213 1.2705 1.2338 1.2157 1.2198 11 0.4734 0.5995 0.6566 0.7437 0.9598 1.1522 1.3271 1.3300 1.2855 1.2461 1.2235 12 0.6223 0.8377 0.8688 0.9259 1.0883 1.2231 1.3239 1.3511 1.3073 1.2628 1.2249 13 0.7881 1.0987 1.0978 1.1175 1.2104 1.2767 1.3194 1.3385 1.3013 1.2682 1.2242 14 0.9356 1.3282 1.2985 1.2835 1.3092 1.3106 1.3162 1.3263 1.2959 1.2598 1.2220 15 1.0289 1.4720 1.4239 1.3872 1.3660 1.3054 1.3160 1.3000 1.2760 1.2540 1.2170 16 1.0351 1.5130 1.4654 1.3924 1.3685 1.3028 1.2764 1.2608 1.2422 1.2326 1.2099 17 1.0393 1.4871 1.4471 1.3936 1.3292 1.2518 1.2170 1.1984 1.1854 1.1947 1.1919 18 0.9972 1.4203 1.3928 1.3392 1.2665 1.1857 1.1496 1.1270 1.1200 1.1508 1.1721 19 0.9492 1.3387 1.3245 1.2738 1.1990 1.1214 1.0857 1.0608 1.0607 1.1111 1.1558 20 0.9140 1.2680 1.2640 1.2180 1.1463 1.0720 1.0393 1.0140 1.0220 1.0860 1.1486 21 0.8914 1.2012 1.2038 1.1670 1.1012 1.0377 1.0050 1.0129 1.0324 1.0988 1.1483 22 0.8691 1.1210 1.1293 1.1042 1.0524 1.0070 0.9794 1.0142 1.0453 1.1148 1.1562 23 0.8470 1.0380 1.0518 1.0396 1.0080 0.9838 0.9639 1.0174 1.0601 1.1329 1.1651 24 0.8257 0.9628 0.9825 0.9835 0.9742 0.9716 0.9716 1.0215 1.0759 1.1523 1.2003 25 0.8060 0.9060 0.9336 0.9460 0.9580 0.9802 0.9800 1.0260 1.0920 1.1720 1.2680 26 0.7843 0.8700 0.9023 0.9526 0.9618 0.9885 1.0140 1.0790 1.1611 1.2604 1.3729 27 0.7615 0.8439 0.8818 0.9593 0.9656 1.0115 1.0622 1.1483 1.2485 1.3746 1.5080 28 0.7398 0.8298 0.8800 0.9672 0.9888 1.0486 1.1266 1.2352 1.3544 1.5101 1.6661 29 0.7225 0.8276 0.8867 0.9777 1.0303 1.1051 1.2099 1.3407 1.4788 1.6620 1.8398 30 0.7158 0.8282 0.9020 0.9920 1.0940 1.1860 1.3140 1.4660 1.6220 1.8260 2.0220 31 0.7167 0.8348 0.9367 1.0560 1.1818 1.2951 1.4421 1.6136 1.7841 1.9964 2.2028 32 0.7257 0.8485 0.9838 1.1382 1.2909 1.4288 1.5928 1.7828 1.9652 2.1765 2.3871 33 0.7385 0.8656 1.0461 1.2387 1.4187 1.5818 1.7614 1.9697 2.1647 2.3744 2.5895 34 0.7665 0.9024 1.1265 1.3579 1.5626 1.7487 1.9433 2.1707 2.3824 2.5982 2.8250 35 0.8100 0.9600 1.2280 1.4960 1.7200 1.9240 2.1340 2.3820 2.6180 2.8560 3.1080 36 0.8692 1.0414 1.3543 1.6553 1.8882 2.1005 2.3228 2.5896 2.8570 3.1364 3.4276 37 0.9418 1.1432 1.5032 1.8356 2.0691 2.2819 2.5127 2.7959 3.0996 3.4340 3.7737 38 1.0275 1.2606 1.6696 2.0334 2.2663 2.4789 2.7198 3.0220 3.3676 3.7658 4.1635 39 1.1257 1.3891 1.8477 2.2453 2.4840 2.7027 2.9602 3.2890 3.6825 4.1495 4.6132 40 1.2360 1.5240 2.0320 2.4680 2.7260 2.9640 3.2500 3.6180 4.0660 4.6020 5.1400 41 1.3632 1.6604 2.2146 2.6919 2.9853 3,2580 3.5879 4.0144 4.5303 5.1435 5.7777 42 1.5075 1.8013 2.3992 2.9193 3.2595 3.5773 3.9630 4.4641 5.0609 5.7626 6.5152 43 1.6618 1.9541 2.5976 3.1644 3.5586 3.9293 4.3776 4.9590 5.6396 6.4290 7.3016 44 1.8191 2.1266 2.8219 3.4412 3.8934 4,3218 4.8332 5.4910 6.2480 7.1129 8.0855 45 1.9720 2.3260 3.0840 3.7640 4.2740 4.7620 5.3320 6.0520 6.8680 7.7840 8.8160 46 2.1056 2.5426 3.3755 4.1279 4.7040 5.2631 5.8903 6.6539 7.5003 8.4226 9.4472 47 2.2246 2.7714 3.6884 4.5235 5.1764 5.8203 6.5067 7.3019 8.1571 9.0488 10.0131 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 0 0.4599 0.5278 0.6297 0.8751 1.0930 15 1 0.5429 0.5949 0.6807 0.8998 1.3561 16 2 0.7406 0.7631 0.8159 0.9748 1.2975 17 3 0.9863 0.9745 0.9880 1.0726 1.2546 18 4 1.2133 1.1717 1.1499 1.1656 1.2265 19 5 1.3548 1.2968 1.2542 1.2264 1.2300 20 6 1.3606 1.3328 1.2490 1.2270 1.2300 21 7 1.3664 1.3234 1.2438 1.2277 1.2300 22 8 1.3142 1.2890 1.2386 1.2283 1.2300 23 9 1.2581 1.2502 1.2333 1.2290 1.2300 24 10 1.2241 1.2274 1.2277 1.2295 1.2300 25 11 1.2208 1.2234 1.2234 1.2294 1.2300 26 12 1.2172 1.2194 1.2188 1.2292 1.2300 27 13 1.2144 1.2167 1.2156 1.2284 1.2300 28 14 1.2126 1.2155 1.2138 1.2270 1.2300 29 15 1.2104 1.2171 1.2138 1.2281 1.2300 30 16 1.2091 1.2201 1.2147 1.2313 1.2300 31 17 1.2074 1.2261 1.2195 1.2405 1.2440 32 18 1.2058 1.2320 1.2254 1.2507 1.2840 33 19 1.2042 1.2380 1.2454 1.2793 1.3320 34 20 1.2062 1.2440 1.2840 1.3320 1.4000 35 21 1.2169 1.2771 1.3383 1.4091 1.4960 36 22 1.2395 1.3157 1.4039 1.5049 1.6120 37 23 1.2635 1.3678 1.4853 1.6192 1.7600 38 24 1.3137 1.4413 1.5866 1.7517 1.9360 39 25 1.3960 1.5440 1.7120 1.9020 2.1240 40 26 1.5146 1.6786 1.8611 2.0655 2.3240 41 27 1.6628 1.8400 2.0310 2.2425 2.5360 42 28 1.8341 2.0240 2.2225 2.4398 2.7360 43 29 2.0219 2.2267 2.4366 2.6646 2.9480 44 30 2.2200 2.4440 2.6740 2.9240 3.1980 45 31 2.4163 2.6624 2.9209 3.2045 3.4920 46 32 2.6151 2.8847 3.1766 3.5013 3.8480 47 33 2.8343 3.1311 3.4620 3.8346 4.2560 48 34 3.0920 3.4221 3.7982 4.2248 4.7160 49 35 3.4060 3.7780 4.2060 4.6920 5.2240 50 36 3.7662 4.1913 4.6818 5.2382 5.8140 51 37 4.1606 4.6484 5.2117 5.8500 6.4840 52 38 4.6044 5.1606 5.8011 6.5242 7.2440 53 39 5.1131 5.7394 6.4554 7.2580 8.0720 54 40 5.7020 6.3960 7.1800 8.0480 8.9660 55 41 6.4124 7.1642 7.9925 8.8868 9.9120 56 42 7.2342 8.0363 8.8893 9.7763 10.8860 57 43 8.1053 8.9620 9.8439 10.7281 11.8540 58 44 8.9633 9.8907 10.8303 11.7536 12.8680 59 45 9.7460 10.7720 11.8220 12.8640 13.9880 60 46 10.3813 11.5360 12.7579 14.0165 15.3040 61 47 10.9105 12.2165 13.6557 15.2035 16.8420 62
Blended Smoker
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 48 2.3517 3.0271 4.0354 4.9579 5.6860 6.4136 7.1569 7.9785 8.8371 9.6923 10.5826 49 2.5093 3.3244 4.4291 5.4383 6.2276 7.0234 7.8161 8.6657 9.5392 10.3828 11.2246 50 2.7200 3.6780 4.8820 5.9720 6.7960 7.6300 8.4600 9.3460 10.2620 11.1500 12.0080 51 2.9857 4.1025 5.4128 6.5741 7.3878 8.2103 9.0562 9.9728 10.9506 11.9381 12.8634 52 3.2913 4.5883 6.0130 7.2399 8.0064 8.7776 9.6210 10.5579 11.6057 12.7272 13.7451 53 3.6341 5.1130 6.6549 7.9464 8.6570 9.3661 10.2029 11.1711 12.3099 13.6011 14.7569 54 4.0113 5.6550 7.3105 8.6708 9.3445 10.0108 10.8504 11.8819 13.1458 14.6441 16.0026 55 4.4200 6.1920 7.9520 9.3900 10.0740 10.7460 11.6120 12.7600 14.1960 15.9400 17.5860 56 4.8709 6.7124 8.5690 10.0976 10.8508 11.5892 12.5015 13.8325 15.4970 17.5203 19.5687 57 5.3656 7.2311 9.1801 10.8088 11.6713 12.5172 13.4865 15.0528 16.9939 19.3289 21.8812 58 5.8887 7.7652 9.8008 11.5335 12.5280 13.5040 14.5464 16.3805 18.6317 21.3188 24.4317 59 6.4240 8.3324 10.4469 12.2813 13.4128 14.5236 15.6604 17.7751 20.3554 23.4428 27.1280 60 6.9560 8.9500 11.1340 13.0620 14.3180 15.5500 16.8080 19.1960 22.1100 25.6540 29.8780 61 7.4486 9.6104 11.8548 13.8566 15.1962 16.4645 17.8454 20.4936 23.7627 27.9001 32.6771 62 7.9122 10.3020 12.5988 14.6588 16.0528 17.2847 18.7864 21.6949 25.3500 30.2127 35.5868 63 8.4010 11.0363 13.3771 15.4967 16.9584 18.1881 19.8466 23.0244 27.0714 32.6697 38.6139 64 8.9690 11.8245 14.2005 16.3990 17.9846 19.3527 21.2412 24.7067 29.1263 35.3495 41.7653 65 9.6700 12.6780 15.0800 17.3940 19.2020 20.9560 23.1860 26.9660 31.7140 38.3300 45.0480 66 10.5252 13.5640 15.9291 18.3750 20.5247 23.0395 25.7643 29.8805 34.8719 41.5236 48.2748 67 11.4984 14.4751 16.7403 19.3233 21.9051 25.4847 28.8325 33.3005 38.4671 44.8782 51.4411 68 12.5583 15.4601 17.6437 20.3985 23.4726 28.2295 32.2653 37.1090 42.4435 48.5254 54.8277 69 13.6733 16.5688 18.7689 21.7608 25.3565 31.2119 35.9375 41.1892 46.7451 52.5968 58.7151 70 14.8120 17.8500 20.2460 23.5700 27.6860 34.3700 39.7240 45.4240 51.3160 57.2240 63.3840 71 15.9497 19.2917 22.0699 25.8129 30.4277 37.6250 43.5151 49.6955 56.0437 62.3299 68.7930 72 17.1075 20.8610 24.1541 28.3829 33.4952 41.0182 47.3944 54.0815 60.9656 67.8267 74.7550 73 18.3221 22.5763 26.5060 31.2999 36.9390 44.6677 51.5261 58.7593 66.2502 73.8302 81.3321 74 19.6307 24.4558 29.1329 34.5837 40.8091 48.6917 56.0745 63.9057 72.0662 80.4560 88.5865 75 21.0700 26.5180 32.0420 38.2540 45.1560 53.2080 61.2040 69.6980 78.5820 87.8200 96.5800 76 22.8523 29.1037 35.7882 43.0577 50.8659 59.0442 67.8576 77.1915 86.9728 97.2439 106.7086 77 24.6346 31.6893 39.5345 47.8614 56.5758 64.8804 74.5112 84.6850 95.3636 106.6678 116.8372 78 26.4170 34.2750 43.2807 52.6650 62.2858 70.7166 81.1648 92.1785 103.7544 116.0917 126.9658 79 28.1993 36.8607 47.0269 57.4687 67.9957 76.5528 87.8184 99.6720 112.1453 125.5156 137.0944 80 29.9816 39.4463 50.7732 62.2724 73.7056 82.3891 94.4721 107.1655 120.5361 134.9396 147.2230 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 48 11.4421 12.9181 14.6069 16.4893 18.5700 63 49 12.0845 13.7457 15.7031 17.9387 20.4640 64 50 12.9460 14.8040 17.0360 19.6160 22.5540 65 51 13.9662 16.0316 18.5548 21.4853 24.8360 66 52 15.0728 17.3585 20.1985 23.5034 27.3120 67 53 16.3566 18.8770 22.0431 25.7246 29.9620 68 54 17.9080 20.6794 24.1648 28.2027 32.7980 69 55 19.8180 22.8580 26.6400 30.9920 35.8560 70 56 22.1541 25.4777 29.5183 34.1205 39.1720 71 57 24.8557 28.4770 32.7491 37.5521 42.7700 72 58 27.8216 31.7584 36.2575 41.2446 46.6380 73 59 30.9502 35.2245 39.9687 45.1560 50.7560 74 60 34.1400 38.7780 43.8080 49.2440 55.1160 75 61 37.4360 42.4636 47.7984 53.4910 59.7140 76 62 40.9059 46.3465 51.9898 57.9253 64.5120 77 63 44.4821 50.3592 56.3475 62.5731 69.4800 78 64 48.0972 54.4342 60.8371 67.4606 74.6620 79 65 51.6840 58.5040 65.4240 72.6140 80.1660 80 66 54.9404 62.2388 69.7508 77.6736 86.1180 81 67 57.9116 65.6835 73.8405 82.6218 92.5100 82 68 61.0501 69.3329 78.2292 87.9983 99.2300 83 69 64.8087 73.6821 83.4531 94.3431 106.3340 84 70 69.6400 79.2260 90.0480 102.1960 115.5500 85 71 75.5340 85.9481 97.9735 111.7626 127.7680 86 72 82.1888 93.5184 106.8724 122.6833 141.5280 87 73 89.6197 101.9617 116.8053 134.6492 155.9880 88 74 97.8417 111.3026 127.8329 147.3517 170.2920 89 75 106.8700 121.5660 140.0160 160.4820 183.8720 90 76 118.2970 134.5637 155.5846 175.3075 196.8200 91 77 129.7240 147.5615 171.1533 190.1330 209.6340 92 78 141.1509 160.5592 186.7219 204.9586 222.7340 93 79 152.5779 173.5569 202.2906 219.7841 236.5100 94 80 164.0049 186.5547 217.8592 234.6096 251.3600 95 267.1320 96 283.3400 97 299.9920 98 317.0720 99 350.5000 100 414.7060 101 508.0080 102 643.5640 103 813.1800 104 1,000.0000 105 1,000.0000 106 1,000.0000 107 1,000.0000 108 1,000.0000 109 1,000.0000 110 1,000.0000 111 1,000.0000 112 1,000.0000 113 1,000.0000 114 1,000.0000 115 1,000.0000 116
Blended Smoker
Attained Ultimate Age 1,000.0000 117 1,000.0000 118 1,000.0000 119
EXHIBIT V --------- ACCIDENTAL DEATH REINSURANCE PREMIUMS Not Applicable -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT VI ---------- LIST OF RISKS REINSURED Universal Life -------------- A "List of Risks Reinsured," showing all renewing policies, should be prepared and submitted monthly, quarterly, or annually according to the terms of the agreement. At least once a year at the end of each year, the Ceding Company must submit a list showing ALL risks reinsured under this agreement. Premiums due should be included only for the period being reported. The information required to be shown on such lists is set out below. A. Policy number B. Name of insured (minimum is surname and first initial; prefer to have first name and middle initial as well.) C. Sex D. Date of birth (month, day, year) E. Issue age * F. Attained age G. Policy date (month, day, year) or date of increase/decrease in specified amount H. Transaction code (in force) 1. First year, newly reported (i.e., new business) 2. First year, previously reported (i.e., renewal business in first policy year) 3. Renewal I. Substandard rating (table, mortality percentage, flat extra amount and duration. Show multiple of standard for ADB or WPD.) J. Plan or plan code (if more than one plan is covered by the agreement) K. Underwriting class (smoker, nonsmoker, preferred, etc.) L. Specified amount issued (life, ADB, WPD) M. Death benefit option (i.e., cash value is included in specified amount or additional to specified amount) * N. Current death benefit (under original policy) * O. Cost of insurance (under original policy) P. Proportion reinsured this policy Q. Reinsurance death benefit (or amount reinsured if ADB or WPD) R. Reinsurance premium (life, ADB, WPD) * S. Net cash amount due MARC-Life (life, ADB, WPD) * T. Automatic or facultative * Desirable but not required -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT VI ---------- (CONTINUED) There should be separate subtotals for all items listed below. Each subtotal should include Policy count (life-separately for new business, renewals, and combined) Reinsurance death benefit (separately for new business, renewals, and combined) Reinsurance premium (separately for first year, renewals and combined) Net amount due MARC-Life (separately for first year, renewals and combined) It is not necessary to adhere strictly to the set of transaction codes shown above as long as the appropriate subtotals and totals can be provided. The various policy details including Reinsurance Death Benefit and proportion reinsured for this policy shown on the "List of Risks Reinsured" should correspond to the in force after any changes reported concurrently on the "List of Amendments." We need a grand total each reporting period for policy count in force and Reinsurance Death Benefit in force (separately for new business, renewals, and combined). A separate total of ADB in force is needed. This need not be separated into new business and renewals. A grand total of reinsurance premium and net amount due MARC-Life, including all in force and amendments, should be shown (separately for first year, renewals, and combined categories). Separate totals should be provided for life, ADB, and WPD. This may be shown on the "List of Risks Reinsured" or may be included in a separate summary. Where premiums for more than one period are being reported on a single list, the basic identification (policy number, name of insured, sex, date of birth, age, and policy date) need be shown only one time on the first line for the policy. Subsequent lines should each relate to a different period and the period involved should be indicated. Although an increase or decrease in specified amount will not, as a rule, result in the issuance of a new policy, the amount of such increase or decrease should be reported separately from the base specified amount so that differences in premium rates can be reflected. For example, the amount of increase in specified amount might involve a substandard rating that differs from the rating for the base specified amount. In any such case, it might be a good idea to assign a separate policy number suffix. Any significant deviations from these reporting guidelines must be agreed to by MARC-Life. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT VII ----------- LIST OF AMENDMENTS Universal Life -------------- Each "List of Amendments" (monthly, quarterly, or annual) should show details for each policy for which any transaction (see codes 4-12 below) occurred which has an effect on either the Reinsurance Death Benefit or reinsurance premium. The basic policy details to be shown include the following: a. Policy number b. Name of insured * c. Date of birth d. Transaction code (changes to in force) 4. Termination without value 5. Policy not placed (NTO) 6. Surrender (full or partial) 7. Reinstatement 8. Increase in specified amount 9. Decrease in specified amount 10. Conversion or change of plan (e.g., Option A to Option B) 11. Death 12. Other (Please describe.) e. Effective date of transaction f. Net increase or decrease in Reinsurance Death Benefit from the Reinsurance Death Benefit last reported to MARC-Life before the change g. Reinsurance premium adjustment (separately for first year/renewal) h. Net adjustment due MARC-Life (separately for first year/renewal) Subtotals of policy count and Reinsurance Death Benefit should be provided for each transaction code where the transaction is such that the life policy count in force is altered by the transaction. For items g and h only grand totals are required (separately for first year/renewal/combined). The premium adjustments should include adjustments up to the current reporting period (e.g., month, quarter). Premiums for the current reporting period should appear on the "List of Risks Reinsured." It is not necessary to adhere strictly to the set of transaction codes shown above as long as the amendments are clearly identified and appropriate subtotals and totals can be provided. *Desirable but not required -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT VIII ------------ IN-FORCE SUMMARY FORM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELF-ADMINISTERED LIFE REINSURANCE Summary Report For the Period_________ through ________ To Munich American Reassurance Company Account Company Name ____________________________ Number ____________________________ Treaty ID: ____________________________ Plan ID: ____________________________ Prepared By ____________________________ Date Phone ________________________ I. Policy Exhibit Summary (Life Reinsurance Only) ================================================================================ Number of Amount of Policies Reinsurance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. In Force As Of Last Report __________ __________ B. New Paid Reinsurance Ceded __________ __________ C. NTO __________ __________ D. Reinstatements __________ __________ E. Administrative New Business (Conversions, Etc.) __________ __________ F. Lapses __________ __________ G. Recaptures __________ __________ H. Surrenders (Coinsurance Only) __________ __________ I. Death __________ __________ J. Expenses __________ __________ K. Administrative Lapses __________ __________ L. Increase/Decrease XXXXXX __________ M. In Force As Of Current Report __________ __________ N. ADB in Force As of Current Report XXXXXX __________ ================================================================================ II. Accounting Summary ================================================================================ Premiums Commissions -------------------------------------------------- Net Due Category First Year Renewal Year First Year Renewal Year Other* MARC-Life -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life ______________________________________________________________________ WP ______________________________________________________________________ ADB ______________________________________________________________________ Total ______________________________________________________________________ ================================================================================ * If more than one category is included (e.g., surrender benefits, dividends), please show details on the reverse side of this form. RADF61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO OF MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP] MARC-LIFE MUNICH RE GROUP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------