EX-99 7 am_phoenix-treaty.txt EXHIBIT 5 USAA CCN: 115008 AUTOMATIC REINSURANCE AGREEMENT NO. 2673 EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 1998 between USAA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of San Antonio, Texas as Ceding Company: referred to as You and Your and AMERICAN PHOENIX LIFE AND REASSURANCE COMPANY of Hartford, Connecticut as Reinsurer: referred to as We, Us and Our [LOGO OF PHOENIX] PHOENIX TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLES -------- Article I Scope of the Agreement Page 1 Parties to the Agreement Effective Date of the Agreement Scope of the Agreement Duration of the Agreement Article II Reinsurance Coverage Page 2 Automatic Reinsurance Facultative Reinsurance Basis of Reinsurance Article III Procedures Page 3 Article IV Liability Page 4 Article V Reinsurance Rates and Payments Page 4 Tax Reimbursement Experience Refund Article VI Changes to the Reinsurance Page 7 Errors and Oversights Misstatement of Age or Sex Changes to the Underlying Policy Reductions, Terminations and Reinstatements Article VII Recapture Page 9 Article VIII Claims Page 10 Article IX Arbitration Page 13 Article X Insolvency Page 15 Article XI Inspection of Records Page 15 Article XII Letter of Credit Page 15 Article XIII Execution of the Agreement Page 17
Continued... TABLE OF CONTENTS EXHIBITS -------- Exhibit A Reinsurance Coverage Retention Limits Automatic Acceptance Limits Exclusions to Automatic Reinsurance Coverage, including Jumbo Limits Exhibit B Reinsurance Reporting Forms and Reinsurance Administration Exhibit C Reinsurance Rates and Allowances Net Amount at Risk Calculation Exhibit D Reinsurance Claim Form Exhibit E Conditional Receipt Liability
ARTICLE I - SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT ---------------------------------- 1. PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT ------------------------ We mutually agree to transact reinsurance according to the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement is for indemnity reinsurance and we are the only two parties to the Agreement. There will be no right or legal relationship whatsoever between us as reinsurer and any other person having an interest of any kind in policies reinsured under this Agreement. 2. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE AGREEMENT ------------------------------- This Agreement will go into effect at 12:01 A.M., June 1, 1998, and will cover policies effective on and after that date. 3. SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT ---------------------- The text of this Agreement and all Exhibits, Schedules and Amendments are considered to be the entire agreement between us. There are no other understandings or agreements between us regarding the policies reinsured other than as expressed in this Agreement. We may make changes or additions to this Agreement, but they will not be considered to be in effect unless they are made by means of a written amendment which has been signed by both of us. 4. DURATION OF THE AGREEMENT ------------------------- The duration of this Agreement will be unlimited. However, either one of us may terminate the Agreement at any time by giving the other ninety days prior written notice. We will continue to accept new reinsurance during the ninety-day period. Existing reinsurance will not be affected by the termination of this Agreement for new reinsurance. Existing reinsurance will remain in force until the termination or expiry of the underlying policy on which reinsurance is based, as long as you continue to pay reinsurance premiums as shown in Article V (Reinsurance Rates and Payment). However, we will not be liable for any claims or premium refunds which are not reported to us within one hundred eighty days following the termination or expiry of the last cession reinsured under this Agreement. -1- ARTICLE II - REINSURANCE COVERAGE --------------------------------- 1. AUTOMATIC REINSURANCE --------------------- We will accept automatically reinsurance of life benefits for your individually underwritten ordinary life policies on any permanent resident of the United States or Canada, in agreement with the provisions and limitations shown in Exhibit A (Reinsurance Coverage). We will also accept automatically reinsurance of riders and supplementary benefits written with the covered life benefits, but only to the extent that the riders and supplementary benefits are specifically shown in Exhibit A (Reinsurance Coverage), Part I. You have the right to modify your retention limits shown in Exhibit A (Reinsurance Coverage), Part II at any time. If your retention limits are reduced as a result of the modification, you will need to notify us in writing before you can cede reinsurance on the basis of the reduced retention limits. We will prepare a treaty amendment which will serve as our written approval of the reduction. We reserve the right to amend the Automatic Acceptance Limits shown in Exhibit A (Reinsurance Coverage), Part III if you modify your retention limits. We also reserve the right to modify the Automatic Acceptance Limits if you elect to participate in another arrangement or arrangements to secure additional automatic binding capacity. Changes in your issue limits or underwriting guidelines will be subject to our review. Significant changes to your underwriting guidelines which will affect future reinsurance will be subject to our written approval. 2. FACULTATIVE REINSURANCE ----------------------- If you wish to submit a risk not covered automatically under this Agreement, or if you wish our advice on any application, you may submit and we will consider the risk on a facultative basis. 3. BASIS OF REINSURANCE -------------------- Life reinsurance under this Agreement will be on the Yearly Renewable Term plan for the net amount at risk on the portion of the original policy that is reinsured with us. The net amount at risk for any policy period will be calculated according to Exhibit C (Reinsurance Rates and Allowances), Part I. Riders or supplementary benefits ceded with life benefits will be reinsured as shown in Exhibit C. Any differences in the net amount at risk calculation for these benefits will be shown in Exhibit C. -2- ARTICLE III - PROCEDURES ------------------------ 1. AUTOMATIC REINSURANCE --------------------- No individual notification will be necessary for placing automatic reinsurance. Subject to Article V (Reinsurance Rates and Payment) and Exhibit B (Reinsurance Reporting Forms and Reinsurance Administration), new business or changes to existing reinsurance will be shown on your periodic billing report. 2. FACULTATIVE REINSURANCE ----------------------- When you wish to submit a risk for facultative consideration, you will send us a reinsurance application form together with copies of all the information you have regarding the insurability of the risk. You may use either the Application for Reinsurance shown in Exhibit B-1 (Reinsurance Reporting Forms and Reinsurance Administration) or you may use your own form, as long as it is in general compliance with the Application for Reinsurance. We will review the information and promptly notify you of our decision. After we have made an unconditional offer to reinsure a risk, no individual notification of your acceptance will be necessary. You will confirm your acceptance of our offer and the placement of the reinsurance on your periodic billing report. Your confirmation must be made no later than the termination date we specify in our acceptance of the risk. Our offer may remain open beyond the termination date shown in our acceptance if you give us a written request for an extension and we give you our written approval of the request. If an extension is granted, the offer will terminate automatically on the expiry date shown in our written approval of the extension. 3. POLICY EXPENSES --------------- You will bear the expenses of all medical examinations, inspection fees and other charges incurred in connection with policy issues, reinstatements or reentries. 4. REFERENCE MATERIALS ------------------- Upon request you will provide us with any reference materials which we may require for proper administration of reinsurance ceded under this Agreement. -3- ARTICLE IV - LIABILITY ---------------------- 1. AUTOMATIC REINSURANCE --------------------- Our liability for reinsurance placed automatically under this Agreement will begin and end simultaneously with your liability for the underlying policy on which reinsurance is based. 2. FACULTATIVE REINSURANCE ----------------------- Our liability for facultative reinsurance will begin and end simultaneously with your liability for the underlying policy on which reinsurance is based when we have given you an unconditional offer to reinsure the risk and you have indicated your acceptance of our offer on the periodic billing report, provided that the acceptance date is before the expiry date shown on our offer. If our offer depends on your approval of further information about the insurability of the risk, we will have no liability unless you have requested and approved the information and documented your policy file accordingly. 3. CONDITIONAL RECEIPT LIABILITY ----------------------------- Our liability for losses under the terms of a Conditional Receipt or Temporary Insurance Receipt is shown in Exhibit E (Conditional Receipt Liability). 4. CONTINUATION OF LIABILITY ------------------------- Continuation of our liability is conditioned on your payment of reinsurance premiums as shown in Article V (Reinsurance Rates and Payment) and is subject to Article VI (Changes to the Reinsurance) and Article VII (Recapture). ARTICLE V - REINSURANCE RATES AND PAYMENTS ------------------------------------------ 1. REINSURANCE RATES ----------------- Reinsurance rates that you will pay us for business covered under this Agreement are shown in Exhibit C. The reinsurance rate payable for any cession for any accounting period will be calculated on the basis of the net amount risk reinsured as of that period. For reasons relating to deficiency reserve requirements by the various state insurance departments, the rates shown in Exhibit C cannot be guaranteed for more than one year. While we anticipate that reinsurance rates shown in Exhibit C will continue to be charged, it may become necessary for us to charge a guaranteed -4- ARTICLE V - REINSURANCE RATES AND PAYMENTS ------------------------------------------ 1. REINSURANCE RATES ----------------- (CONTINUED) rate that is the greater of the rate from Exhibit C or the corresponding statutory net premium rate based on the 1980 CSO Table at 4.5% interest for the applicable mortality rating. If the original policy is issued with interim insurance, you will pay us a reinsurance rate for the interim period that is the same percentage of the first year premium that the interim period bears to twelve months. The rate that you pay us for the first policy year after the interim period will be calculated on the basis of the full annual reinsurance rate. Procedures and details of reinsurance rate calculation for any benefits or riders ceded under this Agreement are shown in Exhibit C. All financial transactions under this Agreement will be in United States dollars, unless we mutually agree to use other currencies. Specifications of the currencies and details of currency conversion procedures will be shown in Exhibit C if necessary. 2. PAYMENTS -------- You will self-administer the periodic reporting of your statements of account and payment of balances due to us as shown in Exhibit B. Within thirty days after the close of each reporting period, you will send us a statement of account for that period along with payment of the full balance due. If the statement of account shows a balance due you, we will remit that amount to you within thirty days of our receipt of the statement of account. Your timely payment of reinsurance premiums is a condition precedent to our continued liability. If you have not paid the balance due us by the thirty-first day following the close of the reporting period, we have the right to give you thirty days' written notice of our intention to terminate the reinsurance on which the balance is due and unpaid. At the end of this thirty-day period, our liability will automatically terminate for all reinsurance on which balances remain due and unpaid, including reinsurance on which balances became due and unpaid during and after the thirty-day notice period. Even though we have terminated the reinsurance, you will continue to be liable for the payment of unpaid balances along with interest charges calculated from the due date shown above to the date of payment. The interest rate payable will be the same that we charge for delinquent premiums on our individual life insurance policies. -5- ARTICLE V - REINSURANCE RATES AND PAYMENTS ------------------------------------------ 2. PAYMENTS - (CONTINUED) ---------------------- You may reinstate reinsurance terminated for non-payment of balances due at any time within sixty days of the date of termination, by paying us all balances due and interest charged in full. However, we will have no liability for claims incurred between the termination date and the reinstatement date. 3. TAX REIMBURSEMENTS ------------------ Details of any reimbursement of premium taxes that you pay on behalf of reinsurance payments to us are shown in Exhibit C, Section VIII. (Premium Taxes). We mutually agree to the following pursuant to Section 1.848-2 (g) (8) of the Income Tax Regulation issued December 29, 1992 under Section 848 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. This election will be effective for all taxable years for which this Agreement remains in effect. The terms used in this Section are defined in Regulation Section 1.848-2 in effect as of December 29, 1992. The term "net consideration" will refer to either net consideration as defined in Section 1.848-2 (f) or "gross premium and other consideration" as defined in Section 1.848-3 (b), as appropriate. a) The party with the net positive consideration for this Agreement for each taxable year will capitalize specified policy acquisition expenses with respect to this Agreement without regard to the General Deductions Limitation of IRC Section 848 (c)(l). b) We mutually agree to exchange information pertaining to the amount of net consideration under this Agreement each year to ensure consistency. We also mutually agree to exchange information otherwise required by the Internal Revenue Service. 4. EXPERIENCE REFUND ----------------- Details of any Experience Refund payable to you will be shown in Exhibit C. Section XI. (Experience Refund). -6- ARTICLE VI - CHANGES TO THE REINSURANCE --------------------------------------- 1. ERRORS AND OVERSIGHTS --------------------- If either of us fail to comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement because of an unintentional oversight or misunderstanding, the underlying status of this Agreement will not be changed. Both of us will be restored to the position we would have occupied had no such oversight nor misunderstanding occurred. 2. MISSTATEMENT OF AGE OR SEX -------------------------- If the misstatement of the age or sex of a reinsured life causes an increase or reduction in the amount of insurance in your underlying policy, we will both share in the change in proportion to our original liabilities at the time the policy was issued. 3. CHANGES TO THE UNDERLYING POLICY -------------------------------- a) All changes. If any change is made to the underlying policy, the reinsurance will change accordingly. You will give us prompt written notification of the change, including details and the effective date of the change. b) Increases. If the amount at risk increases because of a change in the underlying policy, you will promptly send us copies of all papers relating to the change in plan. Our approval will be necessary if the increase causes the amount reinsured to exceed the Automatic Acceptance Limits shown in Exhibit A, Part III., if the policy was reinsured on a facultative basis, or if the underwriting classification of a substandard risk reinsured on a facultative basis was changed. c) Extended Term and Reduced Paid-Up Insurance. If any policy reinsured under this Agreement converts to Extended Term Insurance or Reduced Paid-Up Insurance, the net amount at risk reinsured will be adjusted as appropriate and reinsurance will be continued in accordance with the provisions of the underlying policy. Reinsurance payments for the adjusted policy will be calculated on the basis of the original issue age of the insured and the duration of the original policy at the time the adjustment became effective, i.e. point-in-scale basis. -7- ARTICLE VI - CHANGES TO THE REINSURANCE --------------------------------------- 4. REDUCTIONS, TERMINATIONS AND REINSTATEMENTS ------------------------------------------- If any part of the underlying coverage on a life reinsured under this Agreement is reduced or terminated, the amount of reinsurance will also be reduced or terminated to the extent that you will continue to maintain your appropriate retention limit as shown in Exhibit A. You will not be required to assume amounts in excess of the retention limit that was in force when the affected policy or policies were issued. If a policy reinsured under this Agreement is lapsed or terminated, the reinsurance will also terminate. If a policy reinsured automatically lapses and is reinstated in accordance with your standard rules and procedures, reinsurance for the amount at risk effective at the time of the lapse will be reinstated automatically at the date of reinstatement of the policy. You will notify us of the reinstatement on your periodic statement of account. You will send us copies of your reinstatement papers only upon request. We will not need to approve reinstatement of a policy reinsured under this Agreement on a facultative basis when: a) you have kept your full retention on the policy; and b) the reinsured amount falls within the Automatic Acceptance Limits shown in Exhibit A. Otherwise, you will need our prior review and approval for reinstatement of any facultative reinsurance. You will send us prompt written notice of your intention to reinstate the policy along with copies of the reinstatement papers required by your standard rules and procedures. The reinsurance will be reinstated at the same time as the policy, subject to our written approval of the reinstatement. You will notify us of all reinstatements on your periodic statement of account, and you will pay all reinsurance payments due from the date of reinstatement to the date of the current statement of account, including a proportionate share of interest collected. Thereafter, reinsurance payments will be in accordance with Article V. (Reinsurance Rates and Payments). -8- ARTICLE VII - RECAPTURE ----------------------- 1. Basis of Recapture ------------------ If you increase the retention limits or your quota share percentage shown in Exhibit A, you may make a corresponding reduction in eligible reinsurance cessions. Policies are eligible for recapture if: a) you have maintained the stated quota share percentage retention limit shown in Exhibit A. Policies on which you retained less than your quota share percentage will not be eligible for recapture unless you are partially or fully retained on the insured life in a prior policy. b) the policy has been in force under this Agreement for the Recapture Period shown in Exhibit C, Section IX. The recapture period will always be measured from the original policy issue date. For converted policies the recapture period will be the greater of the recapture period in the original reinsurance agreement, or the recapture period in the agreement to which the policy has converted. 2. METHOD OF RECAPTURE ------------------- You will give us written notice of your intention to recapture within ninety days of the effective date of your retention or quota share percentage increase. If you elect to recapture at a later date, you will give us additional written notice before you begin the recapture. When you have given us written notice of your intent to recapture, and the date that the recapture will begin: a) All eligible policies will be recaptured; b) Reinsurance will be reduced on the next anniversary date of each eligible policy; c) Reinsurance on each eligible policy will be reduced by an amount that will increase your retention or quota share percentage to the current limit set forth in Exhibit A. If you increase your retention or the stated quota share percentage shown in Exhibit A, the percentage of the risk reinsured will reduce proportionately. If reinsurance was placed with more than one reinsurer, each reinsurer's percentage will be reduced in the same proportion that each reinsurer's original percentage bore to the total percentage reinsured. -9- ARTICLE VII - RECAPTURE ----------------------- 2. METHOD OF RECAPTURE - (CONTINUED) --------------------------------- d) If there is reinsurance in force in other companies on any one insured life, the reduction of the reinsurance in force under this Agreement will be in the same proportion that the amount reinsured with us bears to the total reinsurance on the life; e) If at the time of recapture the insured is disabled and premiums are being waived under any type of Disability Benefit Rider, only the life benefit will be recaptured. The reinsured portion of the Disability Benefit Rider will remain in force until the policy is returned to premium-paying status, at which time it will be eligible for recapture. If you omit or overlook the recapture of any eligible policy or policies, our acceptance of reinsurance payments after the date the recapture would have taken place will not cause us to be liable for the amount of the risk that would have been recaptured. We will be liable only for a refund of reinsurance payments received, without interest. If your retention increase is due to your purchase by or purchase of another company, or your merger, assumption or any other affiliation with another company, no immediate recapture will be allowed. However, you may recapture eligible policies once the Recapture Period set out in Exhibit C, Section IX. has expired. ARTICLE VIII - CLAIMS --------------------- 1. NOTICE OF CLAIM --------------- When you receive notice that a claim has been incurred on a policy reinsured under this Agreement, you will immediately complete and send us a form in compliance with the "Request for Reinsurance Benefits" Form shown in Exhibit D. You will also forward copies of the death certificate and the claimant's statement as each document becomes available. Copies of the application and underwriting papers will be sent only for a claim incurred during the contestable period of the policy; otherwise you will send us only the claim documents we specifically request. 2. SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS -------------------- We will accept your good faith decision in settling any claim except as specified in this Article. Once we have received the proofs cited in Section 1 and upon evidence of your settlement with the claimant, we will discharge our net -10- ARTICLE VIII - CLAIMS --------------------- 2. SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS -------------------- (CONTINUED) reinsurance liability by paying you one lump sum, regardless of the method of settlement you use. For the settlement of Waiver of Premium Disability or other Disability Rider benefits, we will pay you our proportional share of the gross premium waived annually. You will consult with us before conceding any liability or making any settlement with the claimant for claims incurred during the contestable period of the policy. Your claim settlements will be administered in good faith, according to the standard procedures you apply to all claims, whether reinsured or not. 3. CONTESTABLE CLAIMS ------------------ You will immediately notify us if you intend to contest, compromise or litigate a claim involving reinsurance. If we prefer not to participate in the contest, we will notify you of our decision within fifteen days of our receipt of all documents requested, and we will immediately pay you the full amount of reinsurance due. Once we have paid our reinsurance liability, we will not be liable for legal and/or investigative expenses and we will have no further liability for expenses associated with the contest, compromise or litigation. When we agree to participate in a contest, compromise or litigation involving reinsurance, you will give us prompt notice of the beginning of any legal proceedings involving the contested policy. You will promptly furnish us with copies of all documents pertaining to a lawsuit or notice of intent to file a lawsuit by any of the claimants or parties to the policy. We will share in the payment of legal or investigative expenses relating to a contested claim in the same proportion as our liability bears to your liability. We will not reimburse expenses associated with non-reinsured policies. If your contest, compromise or litigation results in a reduction in the liability of the contested policy, we will share in the reduction in the same proportion that the amount of reinsurance bore to the amount payable under the terms of the policy on the date of death of the insured. -11- ARTICLE VIII - CLAIMS --------------------- 4. CLAIM EXPENSES -------------- We will pay our proportionate share of the following expenses arising out of the settlement or litigation of a claim, providing that the expenses are reasonable: a) investigative expenses; b) attorneys' fees; c) penalties and interest imposed automatically against you by statute and rising solely out of a judgment rendered against you in a suit for policy benefits; d) interest paid to the claimant on death benefit proceeds according to your practices. Reimbursement of interest in excess of 9%, unless otherwise dictated by local legislation, will require our approval. Our share of claim expenses will be in the same proportion that our liability bears to your liability. You will be responsible for payment of the following claim expenses, which are not considered items of "net reinsurance liability" as referenced in Section 2. of this Article: a) routine administrative expenses for the home office or elsewhere, including your employees' salaries; b) expenses incurred in connection with any dispute or contest arising out of a conflict in claims of entitlement to policy proceeds or benefits which you admit are payable. 5. EXTRA CONTRACTUAL DAMAGES ------------------------- We will not be liable for nor will we pay any extra contractual damages, including but not limited to consequential, compensatory, exemplary or punitive damages which are awarded against you, or which you pay voluntarily, in settlement of a dispute or claim where damages were awarded as the result of any direct or indirect act, omission or course of conduct undertaken by you, your agents or representatives, in connection with any aspect of the policies reinsured under this Agreement. We recognize that special circumstances may arise in which we should participate to the extent permitted by law in certain assessed damages. These circumstances are difficult to describe or define in advance but could include those situations in -12- ARTICLE VIII - CLAIMS --------------------- 5. EXTRA CONTRACTUAL DAMAGES ------------------------- (CONTINUED) which we were an active party in the act, omission or course of conduct which ultimately resulted in the assessment of the damages. The extent of our participation is dependent upon a good-faith assessment of the relative culpability in each case; but all factors being equal, the division of any such assessment would generally be in the same proportion of the net liability accepted by each party. ARTICLE IX - ARBITRATION ------------------------ 1. BASIS FOR ARBITRATION --------------------- We mutually understand and agree that the wording and interpretation of this Agreement is based on the usual customs and practices of the insurance and reinsurance industry. While we agree to act in good faith in our dealings with each other, it is understood and recognized that situations arise in which we cannot reach an agreement. In the event that any dispute cannot be resolved to our mutual satisfaction, the dispute will first be subject to good-faith negotiation as described below in an attempt to resolve the dispute without the need to institute formal arbitration proceedings. 2. NEGOTIATION ----------- Within ten days after one of us has given the other the first written notification of the specific dispute, each of us will appoint a designated officer to attempt to resolve the dispute. The officers will meet at a mutually agreeable location as early as possible and as often as necessary, in order to gather and furnish the other with all appropriate and relevant information concerning the dispute. The officers will discuss the problem and will negotiate in good faith without the necessity of any formal arbitration proceedings. During the negotiation process, all reasonable requests made by one officer to the other for information will be honored. The specific format for such discussions will be decided by the designated officers. If the officers cannot resolve the dispute within thirty days of their first meeting, we agree that we will submit the dispute to formal arbitration. However, we may agree in writing to extend the negotiation period for an additional thirty days. -13- ARTICLE IX - ARBITRATION ------------------------ 3. ARBITRATION PROCEEDINGS ----------------------- No later than fifteen days after the final negotiation meeting, the officers taking part in the negotiation will give both of us written confirmation that they are unable to resolve the dispute and that they recommend establishment of formal arbitration. An arbitration panel consisting of three past or present officers of life insurance companies not affiliated with either of us in any way will settle the dispute. Each of us will appoint one arbitrator and the two will select a third. If the two arbitrators cannot agree on the choice of a third, the choice will be made by the Chairman of the American Arbitration Association. The arbitration proceedings will be conducted according to the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association which are in effect at the time the arbitration begins. The arbitration will take place in Hartford, Connecticut unless we mutually agree otherwise. Within sixty days after the beginning of the arbitration proceedings the arbitrators will issue a written decision on the dispute and a statement of any award to be paid as a result. The decision will be based on the terms and conditions of this Agreement as well as the usual customs and practices of the insurance and reinsurance industry, rather than on strict interpretation of the law. The decision will be final and binding on both of us and there will be no further appeal, except that either of us may petition any court having jurisdiction regarding the award rendered by the arbitrators. We may agree to extend any of the negotiation or arbitration periods shown in this Article. Unless otherwise decided by the arbitrators, we will share equally in all expenses resulting from the arbitration, including the fees and expenses of the arbitrators, except that each of us will be responsible for our own attorneys' fees. -14- ARTICLE X - INSOLVENCY ---------------------- 1. If you are judged insolvent, we will pay all reinsurance under this Agreement directly to you, your liquidator, receiver or statutory successor on the basis of your liability under the policy or policies reinsured without decrease because of your insolvency. It is understood, however, that in the event of your insolvency the liquidator, receiver or statutory successor will give us written notice of a pending claim on a policy reinsured within a reasonable time after the claim is filed in the insolvency proceedings. While the claim is pending, we may investigate and interpose at our own expense in the proceedings where the claim is to be adjudicated, any defense which we may deem available to you, your liquidator, receiver or statutory successor. It is further understood that the expense we incur will be chargeable, subject to court approval, against you as part of the expense of liquidation to the extent of a proportionate share of the benefit which may accrue to you solely as a result of the defense we have undertaken. Where two or more reinsurers are involved in the same claim and a majority in interest elect to interpose defense to the claim, the expenses will be apportioned in accordance with the terms of the reinsurance agreement as though you had incurred the expense. 2. If we are judged insolvent, we will be considered in default under this Agreement. Amounts due us will be paid directly to our liquidator, receiver or statutory successor without diminution because of our insolvency. ARTICLE XI - INSPECTION OF RECORDS ---------------------------------- 1. Either one of us will have the right at any reasonable time to inspect the original papers, records, books, files or other documents relating directly or indirectly to the reinsurance coverage under this Agreement. ARTICLE XII - LETTER OF CREDIT ------------------------------ 1. For those states in which you are not permitted to take credit on your Annual Statement for all or a part of the reinsurance you cede to us, we will furnish you with a clean, irrevocable Letter of Credit. The Letter of Credit will be issued by the designated bank in an amount equal to the reserves ceded to us and will be in a form you find acceptable. We will bear the cost of the Letter of Credit. It is understood that you may draw on the Letter of Credit at any time, notwithstanding any other provisions in this Agreement. -15- ARTICLE XII - LETTER OF CREDIT ------------------------------ 1. (CONTINUED) You undertake to use and apply any amount which you may draw upon the Letter of Credit pursuant to the terms of this Agreement under which the Letter of Credit is held, and only for the following purposes: a) To pay our share or to reimburse you for our share of unearned premium or any liability for loss reinsured by this Agreement. b) To make refund of any sum which is in excess of the actual amount required to pay our share of any unearned premium or liability reinsured under this Agreement; c) To pay other amounts due to you under this Agreement. You agree to return to us any amounts drawn on Letters of Credit which are in excess of the actual amounts required for a) or b) above, or in the case of c) above, any amounts that are subsequently determined not to be due. The amounts drawn under any Letter of Credit will be applied without diminution because of the insolvency of either of us. The designated bank shall have no responsibility whatsoever in connection with the propriety of withdrawals you make or the disposition of funds withdrawn, except to see that withdrawals are made only upon the order of your properly authorized representatives. -16- ARTICLE XIII - EXECUTION OF THE AGREEMENT ----------------------------------------- In witness whereof, we have caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate at the dates and places shown below, by our respective officers duly authorized to do so. USAA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS /s/ Allen R. Pierce --------------------------------------- Signature AVP - Actuary --------------------------------------- Title 12/30/98 --------------------------------------- Date of Signature AMERICAN PHOENIX LIFE AND REASSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT /s/ --------------------------------------- Signature Director, Treaties and Compliance --------------------------------------- Title June 2, 1998 --------------------------------------- Date of Signature -17- EXHIBIT A --------- (EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 1998) REINSURANCE COVERAGE -------------------- I. REINSURANCE COVERAGE You will retain 10% and cede 90% of each risk on a first dollar quota share basis, for each risk not submitted on a facultative basis, up to the Retention Limit shown in Section II. below. Above this point 100% of the risk will be ceded up to the Automatic Acceptance Limit shown in Section III below. This Agreement will cover Life Benefits on the VUL Plan. Reinsurance coverage will provide neither loan nor cash surrender values. II. RETENTION LIMITS A. LIFE You will retain 10% of each risk to a maximum as shown below: NON MILITARY LIFE (MALE AND FEMALE)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard - Table 4 Tables 5 - 8 Tables 9 and Over and Flat Extras to and Flat Extras and Flat Extra Ages $10.00 $10.01 to $20.00 $20.01 and Over =============================================================================== All $600,000 $600,000 $600,000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOTE: You will retain an additional $100,000 if by so doing you can eliminate the need for a reinsurance cessions. ENLISTED MILITARY PERSONNEL ON ACTIVE DUTY ------------------------------------------ All $50,000 ------------------------------------------ The maximum issue limit for this program is $200,000. Continued... EXHIBIT A - CONTINUED --------------------- (EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 1998) II. RETENTION LIMITS A. LIFE - (Continued)
MILITARY LIFE ISSUE LIMITS (MALE AND FEMALE) ------------------------------------ Standard and Rank Substandard ==================================== WO through 0-3 $250,000 0-4 and above $350,000 ------------------------------------
(MALE AND FEMALE) (STANDARD AND SUBSTANDARD) --------------------------- Ages Face Amount =========================== 15-55 $600,000 ---------------------------
C. ACCIDENTAL DEATH BENEFITS Not reinsured under this Agreement. III. AUTOMATIC ACCEPTANCE LIMITS A. LIFE We will accept automatically 5% of each risk to a maximum $330,000 for Non-Enlisted insureds and $10,000 for Enlisted insureds. However, the maximum amount of reinsurance per life that we will accept under all automatic reinsurance agreements written between our two companies will not exceed the largest individual acceptance limit shown in the agreements. For the purposes of this Agreement, the maximum binding in all companies is $6,600,000. The binding limits include your retention. Continued... EXHIBIT A - CONTINUED --------------------- (EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 1998) B. WAIVER OF PREMIUM OR WAIVER OF MONTHLY DEDUCTION We will participate in Waiver of Monthly Deduction benefits to a maximum $2,000,000 of Benefit face amount per insured life. C. ACCIDENTAL DEATH BENEFIT Accidental Death Benefits are not reinsured under this Agreement. IV. EXCLUSIONS TO AUTOMATIC REINSURANCE COVERAGE Automatic reinsurance coverage will not be available in the following situations: 1. The policy has been submitted on a facultative, facultative obligatory or initial inquiry basis to us or to any other reinsurer; 2. The risk is categorized as a "Jumbo Risk", where your underwriting papers indicate that the total life insurance in force and applied for on the insured's life exceeds $25,000,000. 3. The policy is part of any special program that you offer, including: a) experimental or limited retention programs, including but not limited to cancer, diabetes, aviation or coronary risks; b) external replacement and/or conversion programs other than contractual conversions or exchanges of the original policy. 4. You have retained an amount less than your stated quota share percentage limit. 5. The policy is a result of a conversion from group insurance, unless we agree otherwise. Continued... EXHIBIT A (CONTINUED) --------------------- (EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 1998) V. CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT We understand that during the term of this Agreement, we may be dealing with confidential and proprietary information which is your property, used in the course of your business (confidential information). Our officers, directors, employees, and agents shall protect the information as your proprietary and confidential information. We shall not disclose your information and materials to any other person, firm, organization, or employee who is not necessarily authorized by us to review the information and materials as part of our service under this Agreement. All materials which you prepare or which may be given to us in the course of this Agreement shall be deemed confidential and proprietary information and are your exclusive properties which shall be used only in the course of the performance of services permitted by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. We agree that all tapes will be hand-delivered to and from your location by your designated representative or, at your option by the appropriate postal authority or mail expediting service. The tapes shall remain in a secured area when not being processed. Reprinting of any data contained on any tapes you provided to us must be approved by you in writing prior to such reprinting. If any data is reprinted, we agree to keep such data in a secured area. Any data which has been reprinted must either be delivered to you upon completion for its use, or, with your prior written approval be shredded. Your confidential information shall not be copied, re-printed, duplicated, or recreated in whole or in part without your express written consent. We shall take reasonable action by instruction, agreement or otherwise with respect to our employees or other persons permitted access to the confidential information to comply fully our obligation hereto with respect to the use, copying, protection, and security of your Confidential Information. You retain the right of reasonable inspection to insure that the above security measures are in place during the term of this Agreement. Continued... EXHIBIT A - CONTINUED --------------------- (EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 1998) V. CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT - (CONTINUED) We agree during our relationship and thereafter, to hold in confidence, and not to directly or indirectly reveal, report, publish, disclose or transfer any of the Confidential Information to any person or entity, or utilize any of the Confidential Information for any purpose, except in the course of the service provided to you. Because of the unique nature of the Confidential Information, we understand and agree that you may suffer irreparable harm in the event that we fail to comply with any of our obligations, and that monetary damages may be inadequate to compensate you for such breach. Accordingly, we agree that you will, in addition to any other remedies available at law or equity, be entitled to seek injunctive relief to enforce the terms of this Agreement. EXHIBIT B --------- (EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 1998) REINSURANCE ADMINISTRATION -------------------------- Reinsurance administration and premium accounting will be on a self-administered basis. Premiums will be paid and reported monthly. For each reporting period you will submit to us a statement containing information in general compliance with the following: I. MONTHLY DETAIL REPORT Policy Number Name of Insured Date of Birth Sex Smoker/Non Smoker Code Automatic/Facultative/Facultative Obligatory Code YRT/Coinsurance Code Original Issue Date Issue Date Flat Extra Rate Flat Extra Duration Flat Extra Premium Flat Extra Allowances Age Nearest/Last Indicator Treaty Code Substandard Percentage Plan Name (Your Product Name) Plan Type (Whole Life, Term, UL, Variable UL, etc.) Joint Policy Indicator* Original Amount of Insurance (amount you issued) Amount Reinsured (original amount reinsured with us) Net Amount at Risk Reinsured (current amount at risk) * Joint Policies ---------------- For All Insureds Covered Under the Policy: Names of Insureds Dates of Birth Sex of Insureds Smoker/Non Smoker Codes Substandard Percentages Continued... EXHIBIT B - CONTINUED --------------------- (EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 1998) II. MONTHLY BILLING INFORMATION Policy Number Billing Date Transaction Code (New Business, Lapse, Amendment, etc.) Transaction Date Current Net Amount at Risk Billed Premium (Life, WP, ADB, Flat Extra, etc.) Billed Allowances (Life, WP, ADB, Flat Extra, etc.) III. PREMIUM SUMMARY REPORT (Information should be summarized) FY RY TOTAL Life Premium WP Premium ADB Premium Flat Extra Premium Total Premium Policy Fees Life Allowances WP Allowances ADB Allowances Flat Extra Allowances Total Allowances Premium Taxes (if applicable) Total Amount Due = (Total Premium + Policy Fees) - (Total Allowances + Premium Taxes) The premium summary should balance to the Monthly Detail Report. Continued... EXHIBIT B - CONTINUED --------------------- (EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 1998) IV. QUARTERLY VALUATION REPORT
------------------------------------------------------------ Statutory Tax Reserves Reserves (annual only) ============================================================ Basic Waiver Disabled Lives ADB Deficiency Total ------------------------------------------------------------
V. POLICY EXHIBIT From ______________________ Reporting Period:___________________ Activity For Period _______________________
Case Count Volume ----- ------ Beginning In Force New Business Reinstatements Other Increases Conversions On Conversions Off Not Takens Deaths Lapses Cancellations Surrenders Recaptures Other Decreases Ending In Force
Continued... EXHIBIT B - CONTINUED --------------------- (EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 1998) NOTE: 1. Any activity resulting from the insured having exercised a conversion privilege or any similar option granted under policy provisions should be reflected in the "Conversion Off" or "Conversion On" categories, rather than being reflected in the "New Business or "Lapse" categories. "Conversion Off" denotes policies terminated as a result of a conversion for which reinsurance with us will be continued under a new policy; "Conversion On" denotes new policies resulting from such conversions. For the purposes of this Agreement, any such change will be considered a continuation of the original policy. The combination of "Conversion Off" and "Conversion On" will normally net to zero for both policy count and volume in the Policy Exhibit totals. 2. A separate Policy Exhibit should be prepared for each Premium Summary Report. [LOGO OF PHOENIX HOME LIFE] PHOENIX HOME LIFE APPLICATION FOR REINSURANCE INSTRUCTIONS TO CEDING COMPANY 1. Retain copies 1 and 2 - Return copy 3 to Phoenix Home Life 2. When case is put in force - Return copy 2 to Phoenix Home Life 3. To cancel case, complete bottom of 1 and return to Phoenix Home Life -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE TYPE SEND TO PHOENIX HOME LIFE APP. PREPARED BY , 19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CEDING COMPANY NUMBER OF ORIGINAL CESSION NUMBER [] AUTOMATIC POLICY [] FACULTATIVE ________________________________________________________________________________ PRIMARY INSURED SEX STATE OF STATE OF DATE OF AGE OCCUPATION SMOKER (LAST, FIRST, RESIDENCE BIRTH BIRTH []YES []NO MIDDLE INITIAL) ________________________________________________________________________________ SECOND INSURED []YES []NO ________________________________________________________________________________ PAYOR BENEFIT NAME OF PAYOR POLICY PLAN OF RESERVE SHORT TERM DATE INSURANCE BASIS FROM: [] PD & D [] Payor Death Only ================================================================================ 1ST INSURED 2ND INSURED RATING ----------------------------------------------- LIFE DISABILITY ADB LIFE DISABILITY ADB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIS. RATE FOR Previous $1,000 OF BASIC insurance in INSURANCE force ____ __________ ___ ____ __________ ___ ___________________ PREVIOUS CESSION Of which we NUMBERS, IF ANY retained ____ __________ ___ ____ __________ ___ ___________________ MIB CODES BEING Insurance now REPORTED applied for ____ __________ ___ ____ __________ ___ ___________________ IS THIS AN AMENDMENT? []YES []NO IF YES, GIVE Of which we CESSION NUMBER: will retain ____ __________ ___ ____ __________ ___ ___________________ HAS CASE BEEN OFFERED TO OTHER Reinsurance COMPANIES? this []YES []NO application ____ __________ ___ ____ __________ ___ ___________________ REMARKS: FOR CANCELLATION [] FILED AS INCOMPLETE [] POLICY NOT PLACED [] REINSURANCE PLACED ELSEWHERE [] WITHIN OUR RETENTION [] Pre-notice given to the proposed insured(s) and we have MIB authorization(s). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT B-1 COPY 1 [LOGO OF PHOENIX HOME LIFE] PHOENIX HOME LIFE APPLICATION FOR REINSURANCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE TYPE SEND TO PHOENIX HOME LIFE APP. PREPARED BY , 19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CEDING COMPANY NUMBER OF ORIGINAL CESSION NUMBER [] AUTOMATIC POLICY [] FACULTATIVE ________________________________________________________________________________ PRIMARY INSURED SEX STATE OF STATE OF DATE OF AGE OCCUPATION SMOKER (LAST, FIRST, RESIDENCE BIRTH BIRTH []YES []NO MIDDLE INITIAL) ________________________________________________________________________________ SECOND INSURED []YES []NO ________________________________________________________________________________ PAYOR BENEFIT NAME OF PAYOR POLICY PLAN OF RESERVE SHORT TERM DATE INSURANCE BASIS FROM: [] PD & D [] Payor Death Only ================================================================================ 1ST INSURED 2ND INSURED RATING ----------------------------------------------- LIFE DISABILITY ADB LIFE DISABILITY ADB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIS. RATE FOR Previous $1,000 OF BASIC insurance in INSURANCE force ____ __________ ___ ____ __________ ___ ___________________ PREVIOUS CESSION Of which we NUMBERS, IF ANY retained ____ __________ ___ ____ __________ ___ ___________________ MIB CODES BEING Insurance now REPORTED applied for ____ __________ ___ ____ __________ ___ ___________________ IS THIS AN AMENDMENT? []YES []NO IF YES, GIVE Of which we CESSION NUMBER: will retain ____ __________ ___ ____ __________ ___ ___________________ HAS CASE BEEN OFFERED TO OTHER Reinsurance COMPANIES? this []YES []NO application ____ __________ ___ ____ __________ ___ ___________________ REMARKS: FOR CANCELLATION [] FILED AS INCOMPLETE [] POLICY NOT PLACED [] REINSURANCE PLACED ELSEWHERE [] WITHIN OUR RETENTION [] Pre-notice given to the proposed insured(s) and we have MIB authorization(s). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBST TERM OF PAYOR OR CO REEX- RECAP REMARKS TABLE REINS. DIS CODE NUMBER TENSION CODE PLAN CODE -------------------------------------------------- ------------------ RATING ________________________________________________________________________________ AMOUNT AT POL AMOU- POL AMOU- POL AMOU- POL AMOU- POL AMOU- AGE RISK YR NT YR NT YR NT YR NT YR NT CODE -------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________________________________________________________ PAYOR DIS OR RATE/M DIS FLAT DIS ------ TERM FLAT FLAT FLAT FLAT FLAT EXTRA GROSS 1ST AGE EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA YRS PERM PREM YR RENL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________________________________________________________ PREMIUM ADB WAIVED RATE/M ADB LO HI ----------- TERM POS POS 1ST YR RENL AGE --------------------------------- ________________________________________________________________________________ COPY 2 [LOGO OF PHOENIX HOME LIFE] PHOENIX HOME LIFE APPLICATION FOR REINSURANCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE TYPE SEND TO PHOENIX HOME LIFE APP. PREPARED BY , 19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CEDING COMPANY NUMBER OF ORIGINAL CESSION NUMBER [] AUTOMATIC POLICY [] FACULTATIVE ________________________________________________________________________________ PRIMARY INSURED SEX STATE OF STATE OF DATE OF AGE OCCUPATION SMOKER (LAST, FIRST, RESIDENCE BIRTH BIRTH []YES []NO MIDDLE INITIAL) ________________________________________________________________________________ SECOND INSURED []YES []NO ________________________________________________________________________________ PAYOR BENEFIT NAME OF PAYOR POLICY PLAN OF RESERVE SHORT TERM DATE INSURANCE BASIS FROM: [] PD & D [] Payor Death Only ================================================================================ 1ST INSURED 2ND INSURED RATING ----------------------------------------------- LIFE DISABILITY ADB LIFE DISABILITY ADB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIS. RATE FOR Previous $1,000 OF BASIC insurance in INSURANCE force ____ __________ ___ ____ __________ ___ ___________________ PREVIOUS CESSION Of which we NUMBERS, IF ANY retained ____ __________ ___ ____ __________ ___ ___________________ MIB CODES BEING Insurance now REPORTED applied for ____ __________ ___ ____ __________ ___ ___________________ IS THIS AN AMENDMENT? []YES []NO IF YES, GIVE Of which we CESSION NUMBER: will retain ____ __________ ___ ____ __________ ___ ___________________ HAS CASE BEEN OFFERED TO OTHER Reinsurance COMPANIES? this []YES []NO application ____ __________ ___ ____ __________ ___ ___________________ REMARKS: FOR CANCELLATION [] FILED AS INCOMPLETE [] POLICY NOT PLACED [] REINSURANCE PLACED ELSEWHERE [] WITHIN OUR RETENTION [] Pre-notice given to the proposed insured(s) and we have MIB authorization(s). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPY 3 EXHIBIT C --------- (EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 1998) REINSURANCE RATES AND ALLOWANCES -------------------------------- I. NET AMOUNT AT RISK CALCULATION The Net Amount at Risk in any policy year will be the difference between the face amount of life benefit reinsured and the total cash value, taken to the nearest dollar, as of the policy anniversary occurring in that year. When the original policy is issued on a decreasing term plan or on a level term plan with a duration of twenty years or less, the cash values will be disregarded. You will maintain a level retention in all years. II. RATES FOR LIFE REINSURANCE The 1991 Bragg Tables shown in this Exhibit are annual rates for standard risks and are per $1,000 of the life benefit reinsured. You will pay us these rates multiplied by the following renewal percentages. First year percentage will be 0% for all classes.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Preferred Preferred Standard Ultra Plus Preferred Plus Standard ======================================================================= 34% 43% 60% 47% 64% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
These rates are guaranteed to a maximum reinsured amount of $20,000,000 per life under this Agreement. III. POLICY FEE No policy fee will be charged. IV. RATES FOR SUBSTANDARD TABLE RATINGS For substandard risks issued at table ratings, the standard rate will be multiplied by the appropriate mortality factor:
------------------------------ ------------------------ Table Mortality Table Mortality Rating Factor Rating Factor ============================== ======================== 1 or A 125% 5 or E 225% 1 1/2 or AA 137.5% 6 or F 250% 2 or B 150% 8 or H 300% 2 1/2 or BB 162.5% 1O or J 350% 3 or C 175% 12 or L 400% 4 or D 200% 16 or P 500% ------------------------------ ------------------------
Continued... EXHIBIT C - CONTINUED --------------------- (EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 1998) V. RATES FOR FLAT EXTRA RATINGS Substandard risks issued at flat extra ratings will be coinsured. You will pay us the appropriate portion of the flat extra premium charged the insured less the following allowances:
------------------------------------------------------------ Duration First Year Renewal Years ============================================================ Over Five Years 75% 10% Five Years or Less 10% 10% ------------------------------------------------------------
VI. RATES FOR WAIVER OF PREMIUM DISABILITY BENEFIT OR WAIVER OF MONTHLY DEDUCTION Waiver Benefits will be coinsured. You will pay us the appropriate portion of the annual Waiver Benefit premium charged the insured less the following allowances:
------------------------------- First Year Renewal Years =============================== 75% 10% -------------------------------
VII. RATES FOR ACCIDENTAL DEATH BENEFIT Accidental Death Benefits will not be reinsured under this Agreement. VIII. PREMIUM TAXES We will not reimburse premium taxes for reinsurance ceded under this Agreement. IK. RECAPTURE PERIOD Recapture will be allowed after 10 years. Continued... EXHIBIT C - CONTINUED --------------------- (EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 1998) X. CONVERSIONS For the purposes of this Agreement, and unless otherwise specifically covered elsewhere, "conversions" will mean continuations, rollovers, exchanges and/or internal replacements. a) The rates charged for conversions to plans reinsured under this Agreement will be based on the original issue age of the insured and the current duration of the original policy at the time of the conversion, i.e. point-in-scale basis. b) Conversions from plans reinsured under this Agreement to plans reinsured under other Reinsurance Agreements in force between us will be subject to the provisions of the other Agreements, including provisions covering rates, allowances and/or discounts. The rates charged will be based on the original issue age of the insured and the current duration of the original policy, i.e. point-in-scale basis. Conversions from plans reinsured under this Agreement to plans that we do not reinsure will remain under this Agreement. Rates charged will be the YRT Rates shown in this Exhibit, based on the original issue age of the insured and the current duration of the policy at the time of the conversion, i.e. point-in-scale basis. XI. EXPERIENCE REFUND Reinsurance under this Agreement is not eligible for an Experience Refund. XII. REENTRIES Policies reinsured under this Agreement are not eligible for re-entry. [LOGO OF PHOENIX] PHOENIX REQUEST FOR REINSURANCE BENEFITS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEND COMPLETED REQUEST TO: COMPANY: Phoenix Home Life Mutual TOLL FREE: 1-800-243-3342 [] Phoenix Home Life Insurance Company 1-860-403-1000 Mutual Insurance Company **Insurance Claims 3E302 FAX: 1-860-403-2881 [] American Phoenix Life **Bright Meadow Bfvd., and Reassurance Enfield, CT 06083-1900 [] Phoenix Life and Reassurance of New York -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **NAME OF INSURED __________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH ____________ DATE OF DEATH CAUSE OF DEATH DATE OF DISABILITY CAUSE OF DISABILITY ________________________________________________________________________________ LINE OF BUSINESS [] Individual [] Bulk/Self [] Group [] ADB [] Waiver (Check Appropriate): Life/Cession Administration Life/ADD Premium -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RATING INFO: (Check Appropriate): REINSURANCE DATA [] Smoker [] Standard []Auto Pool Number______ [] Non-Smoker [] Substandard Rating __ []Fac. Pool %_____ [] Flat Extra Date Premium Last Reported___ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List all policies issued on this insured, with date of termination if not in force at the date of death. Also indicate whether any policies have been reinstated within two years prior to date of death. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FACE AMOUNT LAPSED WITHIN FACE AMOUNT CEDING COMPANY INSURED DATE OF PAST TWO REINSURED POLICY NUMBER ISSUE ------------- TERMINATION YEARS (NOT NET RISK) DATE LIFE ADB ----------------------------- (CHECK ONE) DATE LIFE ADB REINSTATED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- []Yes []No ________________________________________________________________________________ []Yes []No ________________________________________________________________________________ []Yes []No ________________________________________________________________________________ []Yes []No ________________________________________________________________________________ []Yes []No ________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL ISSUED AMOUNT REINSURED WITH PHOENIX ____________ _____________ REINSURED WITH OTHERS ____________________ LESS TOTAL TERMINATED AMOUNT RETAINED AT OWN RISK ______________ _____________ ** INSURANCE NOW IN TOTAL ____________________________________ FORCE ________________________________________________________________________________ FRAUD STATEMENT AMOUNT OF REINSURANCE REQUIRED BY SOME REINSURANCE WITH PHOENIX STATES CESSION NUMBER PLAN NAME (CURRENT NAR) ANY PERSON WHO --------------------------------------------------------- KNOWINGLY AND WITH _________________________________________________________ INTENT TO DEFRAUD ANY INSURANCE COMPANY _________________________________________________________ OR OTHER PERSON FILES A STATEMENT OF CLAIM _________________________________________________________ CONTAINING ANY MATERIALLY FALSE _________________________________________________________ INFORMATION, OR CONCEALS FOR THE TOTAL REQUESTED> ___________________ PURPOSE OF MISLEADING, INFORMATION CONCERNING ANY FACT MATERIAL THERETO, COMMITS A FRAUDULENT INSURANCE ACT, WHICH IS A CRIME. [] Contestable [] Yes [] No [] Conversion, Exchange or Replacement [] Routine Investigation [] Yes [] No [] Reentry [] Initial Notification List: [] Additional Information Enclosed Policy No.__________ Plan Name___ [] Copies of all claim papers Orig. Issue date____ Reins. with enclosed includes: Phoenix Contestable Claims - Application [] Yes [] No and all underwriting papers, Conversion or Reentry Underwritten investigation, claimant statement, [] Yes [] No death certificate and proof of [] We have paid our claim in full payment. on________and request payment Non-Contestable - reinsured for of $________ $250,000 plus also include [] Interest expense at ___% per application and underwriting. annum for ____ days $________ Waivers - application and [] Investigation expense $_____ underwriting, claimant statement, [] Legal Expense $_____ attending physician statement, waiver premium provison and any investigation. [] Copies of investigation are enclosed [] We are awaiting your consultation REMARKS: before completing settlement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** ING COMPANY NAME PHONE NUMBER ( ) ________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________________ DATE COMPLETED BY TITLE ________________________________________________________________________________ White copy-Return to Yellow copy-Client Pink copy-Request for HO 2722 11-96 Phoenix Company payment EXHIBIT E --------- (EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 1998) CONDITIONAL RECEIPT LIABILITY ----------------------------- I. AUTOMATIC REINSURANCE We will be liable for losses under the terms of a Conditional Receipt or Temporary Insurance Receipt only when the following qualifications are met: a) we have reviewed your Conditional Receipt or Temporary Insurance Receipt Form and have given you our written acceptance of the terms and procedures contained in the Form. b) the risk would have qualified for automatic coverage under this Agreement; c) you have kept your full retention for the age and table rating of the insured; d) the amount ceded to us does not exceed the Automatic Acceptance Limits set forth in Exhibit A (Reinsurance Coverage), Part III. If you change your application or receipt forms or your procedures and practices for issuing life insurance covered under this Agreement, we have the right of review, acceptance or rejection of the changes. We will have no liability for claims incurred on policies issued on the basis of the changes unless we have given you written acknowledgment of our acceptance of the changes. Copies of your Conditional or Temporary Receipt Forms and our letter(s) of acceptance are on file in our Home Office. II. FACULTATIVE REINSURANCE We will not be liable for a claim incurred under the terms of a Conditional Receipt or Temporary Insurance Receipt for a risk which has been submitted to us on a facultative basis. 91 Bragg, Female Non Smoker
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0.8400 0.3300 0.3000 0.2700 0.2400 0.2200 0.2000 0.1800 0.1900 0.1900 0.2100 1 0.7147 0.2467 0.2149 0.1886 0.1607 0.2178 0.2058 0.1172 0.1314 0.1398 0.1647 2 0.5718 0.2094 0.1771 0.1586 0.1360 0.2156 0.2116 0.1225 0.1421 0.1632 0.1939 3 0.4294 0.2010 0.1696 0.1611 0.1459 0.2134 0.2174 0.1670 0.1920 0.2267 0.2628 4 0.3054 0.2043 0.1757 0.1771 0.1702 0.2112 0.2232 0.2222 0.2511 0.2967 0.3364 5 0.2179 0.2052 0.1780 0.1864 0.1890 0.2091 0.2292 0.2593 0.2894 0.3395 0.3796 6 0.2159 0.2061 0.1855 0.1956 0.2072 0.2336 0.2513 0.2806 0.3079 0.3456 0.3786 7 0.2139 0.2102 0.1927 0.2140 0.2383 0.2708 0.2814 0.3052 0.3266 0.3517 0.3776 8 0.2119 0.2143 0.2117 0.2379 0.2747 0.3122 0.3137 0.3297 0.3440 0.3578 0.3766 9 0.2099 0.2184 0.2331 0.2625 0.3088 0.3493 0.3425 0.3508 0.3584 0.3639 0.3755 10 0.2131 0.2224 0.2526 0.2829 0.3330 0.3736 0.3513 0.3554 0.3642 0.3670 0.3728 11 0.2162 0.2431 0.2726 0.3000 0.3389 0.3705 0.3608 0.3621 0.3682 0.3700 0.3706 12 0.2290 0.2718 0.2957 0.3170 0.3448 0.3673 0.3595 0.3588 0.3681 0.3678 0.3668 13 0.2438 0.3029 0.3187 0.3326 0.3496 0.3646 0.3590 0.3576 0.3662 0.3656 0.3636 14 0.2583 0.3306 0.3382 0.3454 0.3534 0.3623 0.3593 0.3584 0.3626 0.3622 0.3611 15 0.2674 0.3393 0.3432 0.3490 0.3549 0.3598 0.3581 0.3571 0.3612 0.3607 0.3593 16 0.2765 0.3479 0.3482 0.3526 0.3553 0.3576 0.3576 0.3578 0.3581 0.3579 0.3582 17 0.2830 0.3467 0.3453 0.3510 0.3535 0.3552 0.3557 0.3564 0.3573 0.3570 0.3579 18 0.2895 0.3455 0.3424 0.3494 0.3517 0.3528 0.3538 0.3550 0.3565 0.3561 0.3576 19 0.2961 0.3443 0.3396 0.3477 0.3499 0.3504 0.3519 0.3535 0.3558 0.3552 0.3574 20 0.2946 0.3371 0.3337 0.3432 0.3466 0.3473 0.3510 0.3536 0.3569 0.3579 0.3630 21 0.2931 0.3298 0.3279 0.3386 0.3433 0.3441 0.3500 0.3536 0.3620 0.3612 0.3687 22 0.2835 0.3108 0.3160 0.3312 0.3386 0.3402 0.3500 0.3552 0.3690 0.3699 0.3837 23 0.2739 0.2899 0.3035 0.3238 0.3339 0.3363 0.3500 0.3568 0.3760 0.3792 0.4032 24 0.2644 0.2709 0.2943 0.3164 0.3293 0.3324 0.3500 0.3584 0.3830 0.3959 0.4283 25 0.2591 0.2635 0.2893 0.3158 0.3284 0.3355 0.3585 0.3600 0.3900 0.4200 0.4600 26 0.2539 0.2560 0.2861 0.3152 0.3262 0.3386 0.3669 0.3811 0.4150 0.4509 0.4972 27 0.2529 0.2545 0.2871 0.3214 0.3338 0.3532 0.3896 0.4087 0.4457 0.4873 0.5393 28 0.2519 0.2530 0.2881 0.3276 0.3400 0.3729 0.4179 0.4427 0.4829 0.5302 0.5878 29 0.2510 0.2515 0.2891 0.3338 0.3552 0.3982 0.4514 0.4832 0.5274 0.5807 0.6442 30 0.2535 0.2545 0.2900 0.3400 0.3800 0.4300 0.4900 0.5300 0.5800 0.6400 0.7100 31 0.2560 0.2588 0.3116 0.3716 0.4163 0.4673 0.5317 0.5819 0.6403 0.7080 0.7857 32 0.2620 0.2676 0.3414 0.4134 0.4621 0.5097 0.5766 0.6390 0.7078 0.7840 0.8702 33 0.2680 0.2811 0.3764 0.4615 0.5149 0.5585 0.6278 0.7030 0.7830 0.8680 0.9630 34 0.2740 0.2984 0.4136 0.5117 0.5718 0.6148 0.6879 0.7761 0.8669 0.9600 1.0631 35 0.2800 0.3200 0.4500 0.5600 0.6300 0.6800 0.7600 0.8600 0.9600 1.0600 1.1700 36 0.3089 0.3470 0.4864 0.6077 0.6920 0.7572 0.8466 0.9556 1.0605 1.1630 1.2756 37 0.3478 0.3789 0.5248 0.6574 0.7596 0.8456 0.9457 1.0616 1.1678 1.2691 1.3804 38 0.3914 0.4143 0.5640 0.7074 0.8292 0.9404 1.0535 1.1768 1.2850 1.3857 1.4964 39 0.4339 0.4518 0.6028 0.7555 0.8972 1.0368 1.1662 1.3000 1.4147 1.5202 1.6356 40 0.4700 0.4900 0.6400 0.8000 0.9600 1.1300 1.2800 1.4300 1.5600 1.6800 1.8100 41 0.4974 0.5237 0.6826 0.8427 1.0046 1.2085 1.3855 1.5598 1.7176 1.8671 2.0268 42 0.5197 0.5538 0.7026 0.8516 1.0335 1.2754 1.4854 1.6901 1.8856 2.0766 2.2780 43 0.5403 0.5882 0.7026 0.8605 1.0661 1.3482 1.5934 1.8315 2.0688 2.3054 2.5528 44 0.5626 0.6343 0.7405 0.9002 1.1218 1.4439 1.7237 1.9946 2.2720 2.5509 2.8404 45 0.5900 0.7000 0.8100 0.9800 1.2200 1.5800 1.8900 2.1900 2.5000 2.8100 3.1300 46 0.6189 0.7876 0.9120 1.1013 1.3656 1.7674 2.1058 2.4320 2.7645 3.0878 3.4200 47 0.6470 0.8920 1.0372 1.2518 1.5456 1.9947 2.3619 2.7136 3.0622 3.3861 3.7176 48 0.6798 1.0096 1.1844 1.4298 1.7528 2.2453 2.6381 3.0132 3.3758 3.6975 4.0252 49 0.7223 1.1368 1.3524 1.6331 1.9800 2.5026 2.9142 3.3092 3.6875 4.0146 4.3452 50 0.7800 1.2700 1.5400 1.8600 2.2200 2.7500 3.1700 3.5800 3.9800 4.3300 4.6800 51 0.8582 1.4188 1.7594 2.1214 2.4800 2.9844 3.3979 3.8102 4.2343 4.6244 5.0066 52 0.9535 1.5856 2.0113 2.4187 2.7648 3.2168 3.6114 4.0143 4.4622 4.9028 5.3233 53 1.0577 1.7560 2.2775 2.7353 3.0636 3.4520 3.8218 4.2153 4.6918 5.1940 5.6647 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 0 0.2300 0.2600 0.2900 0.3400 0.3800 15 1 0.1828 0.2102 0.2376 0.3472 0.3800 16 2 0.2076 0.2286 0.2495 0.3544 0.3800 17 3 0.2710 0.2838 0.2965 0.3616 0.3800 18 4 0.3395 0.3447 0.3497 0.3688 0.3800 19 5 0.3797 0.3799 0.3799 0.3728 0.3800 20 6 0.3797 0.3799 0.3799 0.3768 0.3800 21 7 0.3797 0.3799 0.3799 0.3776 0.3800 22 8 0.3797 0.3799 0.3799 0.3784 0.3800 23 9 0.3797 0.3799 0.3799 0.3792 0.3800 24 10 0.3797 0.3800 0.3800 0.3796 0.3800 25 11 0.3784 0.3786 0.3800 0.3800 0.3800 26 12 0.3771 0.3773 0.3790 0.3800 0.3800 27 13 0.3742 0.3746 0.3780 0.3800 0.3800 28 14 0.3698 0.3704 0.3766 0.3800 0.3800 29 15 0.3694 0.3705 0.3786 0.3800 0.3800 30 16 0.3675 0.3690 0.3802 0.3880 0.3800 31 17 0.3697 0.3718 0.3852 0.3960 0.3800 32 18 0.3719 0.3746 0.3902 0.4040 0.4000 33 19 0.3740 0.3773 0.3951 0.4120 0.4200 34 20 0.3818 0.3800 0.4000 0.4200 0.4500 35 21 0.3895 0.3982 0.4245 0.4493 0.4900 36 22 0.4058 0.4211 0.4555 0.4854 0.5300 37 23 0.4268 0.4498 0.4931 0.5290 0.5800 38 24 0.4543 0.4857 0.5378 0.5803 0.6400 39 25 0.4900 0.5300 0.5900 0.6400 0.7000 40 26 0.5330 0.5823 0.6483 0.7066 0.7800 41 27 0.5823 0.6418 0.7126 0.7797 0.8600 42 28 0.6390 0.7090 0.7846 0.8615 0.9600 43 29 0.7045 0.7849 0.8665 0.9542 1.0600 44 30 0.7800 0.8700 0.9600 1.0600 1.1700 45 31 0.8667 0.9641 1.0646 1.1777 1.3000 46 32 0.9638 1.0666 1.1789 1.3058 1.4400 47 33 1.0694 1.1782 1.3039 1.4462 1.6000 48 34 1.1821 1.2991 1.4406 1.6003 1.7800 49 35 1.3000 1.4300 1.5900 1.7700 1.9600 50 36 1.4130 1.5625 1.7454 1.9509 2.1700 51 37 1.5221 1.6962 1.9063 2.1418 2.3900 52 38 1.6427 1.8438 2.0825 2.3494 2.6300 53 39 1.7902 2.0175 2.2838 2.5799 2.8800 54 40 1.9800 2.2300 2.5200 2.8400 3.1600 55 41 2.2230 2.4890 2.7950 3.1277 3.4700 56 42 2.5091 2.7863 3.1023 3.4386 3.8000 57 43 2.8217 3.1101 3.4361 3.7758 4.1600 58 44 3.1442 3.4486 3.7906 4.1419 4.5400 59 45 3.4600 3.7900 4.1600 4.5400 4.9600 60 46 3.7575 4.1214 4.5305 4.9562 5.4400 61 47 4.0478 4.4507 4.9058 5.3887 5.9600 62 48 4.3482 4.7973 5.3070 5.8581 6.5100 63 49 4.6765 5.1806 5.7547 6.3850 7.1000 64 50 5.0500 5.6200 6.2700 6.9900 7.7700 65 51 5.4493 6.0919 6.8246 7.6398 8.5400 66 52 5.8626 6.5834 7.4047 8.3205 9.4100 67 53 6.3194 7.1298 8.0525 9.0823 10.3300 68
91 Bragg, Female Non Smoker
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 54 1.1626 1.9156 2.5398 3.0546 3.3656 3.6948 4.0409 4.4362 4.9517 5.5268 6.0654 55 1.2600 2.0500 2.7800 3.3600 3.6600 3.9500 4.2800 4.7000 5.2700 5.9300 6.5600 56 1.3487 2.1499 2.9991 3.6582 3.9439 4.2085 4.5203 4.9847 5.6182 6.3670 7.1079 57 1.4342 2.2250 3.2094 3.9601 4.2246 4.4670 4.7542 5.2750 5.9773 6.8185 7.6862 58 1.5182 2.2890 3.4090 4.2559 4.5062 4.7394 5.0098 5.6038 6.3903 7.3395 8.3554 59 1.6029 2.3561 3.5965 4.5358 4.7933 5.0391 5.3157 6.0045 6.9002 7.9850 9.1765 60 1.6900 2.4400 3.7700 4.7900 5.0900 5.3800 5.7000 6.5100 7.5500 8.8100 10.2100 61 1.7740 2.5315 3.8976 4.9704 5.3494 5.7143 6.1170 7.0673 6.2804 9.7496 11.3699 62 1.8536 2.6214 3.9804 5.0836 5.5685 6.0330 6.5479 7.6542 9.0628 10.7672 12.6158 63 1.9372 2.7234 4.0664 5.2016 5.8179 6.4074 7.0613 8.3506 9.9860 11.9600 14.0766 64 2.0332 2.8517 4.2036 5.3964 6.1682 6.9093 7.7258 9.2359 11.1388 13.4252 15.8817 65 2.1500 3.0200 4.4400 5.7400 6.6900 7.6100 8.6100 10.3900 12.6100 15.2600 18.1600 66 2.2676 3.2044 4.7823 6.2623 7.4229 8.5595 9.7500 11.8659 14.4846 17.5959 21.1404 67 2.3809 3.3956 5.1986 6.9154 8.3198 9.7102 11.1000 13.6106 16.7033 20.3682 24.7368 68 2.5191 3.6296 5.6786 7.6542 9.3214 10.9870 12.6060 15.5442 19.1387 23.3794 28.6060 69 2.7122 3.9424 6.2125 8.4341 10.3679 12.3153 14.2140 17.5873 21.6634 26.4325 32.4048 70 2.9900 4.3700 6.7900 9.2100 11.4000 13.6200 15.8700 19.6600 24.1500 29.3300 35.7900 71 3.3459 4.9007 7.4007 9.9629 12.3877 14.8595 17.5193 21.6909 26.5101 31.9634 38.6120 72 3.7602 5.5106 8.0512 10.7227 13.37O6 16.0837 19.1978 23.7330 28.8287 34.4643 41.0996 73 4.2425 6.2171 8.7573 11.5181 14.3937 17.3551 20.9877 25.8937 31.2382 36.9954 43.4773 74 4.8025 7.0378 9.5350 12.3776 15.5018 18.7364 22.9711 28.2803 33.8712 39.7197 45.9692 75 5.4500 7.9900 10.4000 13.3300 16.7400 20.2900 25.2300 31.0000 36.8600 42.8000 48.8000 76 6.3468 9.3137 11.5059 14.5226 18.3083 22.2773 28.2061 34.5762 40.7398 46.7312 52.3479 77 7.2436 10.6375 12.6117 15.7152 19.8765 24.2646 31.1822 38.1524 44.6197 50.6625 55.8957 78 8.1404 11.9612 13.7176 16.9078 21.4448 26.2519 34.1583 41.7286 48.4995 54.5937 59.4436 79 9.0372 13.2850 14.8234 18.1004 23.0131 28.2392 37.1344 45.3048 52.3794 58.5250 62.9914 80 9.9339 14.6087 15.9293 19.2930 24.5814 30.2264 40.1105 46.8810 56.2592 62.4562 66.5393 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 54 6.8487 7.7669 8.8102 9.9754 11.3400 69 55 7.4800 8.5300 9.7200 11.0500 12.5100 70 56 8.1625 9.3608 10.7148 12.2298 13.9100 71 57 8.8766 10.2356 11.7664 13.4815 15.5200 72 58 9.6986 11.2420 12.9756 14.9193 17.2800 73 59 10.7043 12.4676 14.4432 16.6574 19.2300 74 60 11.9700 14.0000 16.2700 18.8100 21.5200 75 61 13.4026 15.7402 18.3526 21.2710 24.3100 76 62 14.9515 17.6297 20.6239 23.9641 27.6300 77 63 16.7561 19.8171 23.2389 27.0487 31.3900 78 64 18.9558 22.4510 26.3526 30.6842 35.5900 79 65 21.6900 25.6800 30.1200 35.0300 40.3700 80 66 25.1727 29.6730 34.6350 40.0737 45.8700 81 67 29.3110 34.3309 39.7941 45.7090 52.1100 82 68 33.7838 39.4003 45.4567 51.9546 59.0100 83 69 38.2705 44.6278 51.4822 58.8287 66.5900 84 70 42.4500 49.7600 57.7300 66.3500 75.5900 85 71 46.1571 54.6102 63.9769 74.5069 86.3900 86 72 49.6057 59.3474 70.3168 83.2872 98.3500 87 73 53.0437 64.2516 77.0841 92.7080 111.0100 88 74 56.7192 69.6024 84.6137 102.7866 123.8700 89 75 60.8800 75.6800 93.2400 113.5400 136.6600 90 76 66.1663 83.5643 104.7105 126.2952 149.5100 91 77 71.4526 91.4487 116.1809 139.0505 162.6100 92 78 76.7389 99.3330 127.6514 151.8057 176.0500 93 79 82.0252 107.2174 139.1219 164.5609 189.9000 94 80 87.3115 115.1017 150.5924 177.3162 204.0400 95 218.5000 96 233.5000 97 249.0400 98 265.1200 99 296.3000 100 363.2100 101 468.3200 102 613.2600 103 796.7400 104 1,000.0000 105 1,000.0000 106 1,000.0000 107 1,000.0000 108 1,000.0000 109 1,000.0000 110 1,000.0000 111 1,000.0000 112 1,000.0000 113 1,000.0000 114 1,000.0000 115 1,000.0000 116 1,000.0000 117 1,000.0000 118 1,000.0000 119
91 Bragg, Female Smoker
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1.5695 0.6166 0.5605 0.5045 0.4484 0.4111 0.3737 0.3363 0.3550 0.3550 0.3924 1 1.4090 0.5360 0.4766 0.4275 0.3737 0.4070 0.3172 0.2925 0.3189 0.3344 0.3812 2 1.1513 0.4779 0.4176 0.3833 0.3368 0.4029 0.3138 0.3114 0.3480 0.3870 0.4450 3 0.8576 0.4371 0.3787 0.3631 0.3276 0.3988 0.3440 0.3670 0.4137 0.4777 0.5461 4 0.5892 0.4084 0.3553 0.3583 0.3364 0.3947 0.3886 0.4333 0.4875 0.5718 0.6468 5 0.4071 0.4004 0.3508 0.3670 0.3531 0.3907 0.4282 0.4845 0.5407 0.6343 0.7093 6 0.4027 0.3924 0.3462 0.3757 0.3891 0.4391 0.4729 0.5275 0.5783 0.6655 0.7074 7 0.3983 0.3982 0.3690 0.4105 0.4509 0.5138 0.5356 0.5796 0.6191 0.6888 0.7055 8 0.3939 0.4040 0.4030 0.4545 0.5216 0.5950 0.6012 0.6302 0.6561 0.7035 0.7036 9 0.3894 0.4098 0.4400 0.4972 0.5844 0.6630 0.6545 0.6690 0.6820 0.7046 0.7017 10 0.3898 0.4155 0.4720 0.5286 0.6222 0.6980 0.6621 0.6698 0.6761 0.7057 0.6942 11 0.3924 0.4537 0.5032 0.5497 0.6208 0.6903 0.6697 0.6705 0.6701 0.6866 0.6867 12 0.3999 0.5087 0.5391 0.5674 0.6194 0.6528 0.6324 0.6315 0.6285 0.6523 0.6683 13 0.4098 0.5671 0.5732 0.5765 0.5975 0.6005 0.5825 0.5815 0.5777 0.6120 0.6482 14 0.4197 0.6153 0.5988 0.5813 0.5719 0.5480 0.5337 0.5333 0.5305 0.5748 0.6302 15 0.4243 0.6400 0.5994 0.5758 0.5500 0.5100 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5500 0.6244 16 0.4257 0.6364 0.6000 0.5659 0.5286 0.4854 0.4928 0.4940 0.5020 0.5500 0.6185 17 0.4169 0.6136 0.5752 0.5366 0.5027 0.4644 0.4856 0.4880 0.5040 0.5500 0.6189 18 0.4013 0.5785 0.5421 0.5025 0.4771 0.4487 0.4784 0.4820 0.5060 0.5500 0.6193 19 0.3847 0.5383 0.5080 0.4710 0.4566 0.4444 0.4713 0.4760 0.5080 0.5500 0.6197 20 0.3700 0.5000 0.4800 0.4500 0.4516 0.4400 0.4763 0.4700 0.5100 0.5500 0.6200 21 0.3560 0.4578 0.4558 0.4500 0.4506 0.4504 0.4813 0.4964 0.5458 0.5902 0.6609 22 0.34O9 0.4071 0.4305 0.4500 0.4550 0.4700 0.5072 0.5352 0.5945 0.6459 0.7169 23 0.3263 0.3565 0.4078 0.4500 0.4695 0.4964 0.5403 0.5828 0.6523 0.7125 0.7845 24 0.3140 0.3146 0.3911 0.4500 0.4884 0.5272 0.5785 0.6356 0.7154 0.7854 0.8600 25 0.3102 0.2900 0.3880 0.4500 0.5100 0.5600 0.6200 0.6900 0.7800 0.8600 0.9400 26 0.3064 0.2901 0.3875 0.4592 0.5306 0.5911 0.6624 0.7428 0.8417 0.9306 1.0178 27 0.3073 0.2901 0.3908 0.4683 0.5512 0.6222 0.7068 0.7964 0.9030 1.0003 1.0959 28 0.3082 0.3075 0.4050 0.4841 0.5776 0.6586 0.7571 0.8556 0.9706 1.0777 1.1841 29 0.3091 0.3346 0.4304 0.5126 0.6153 0.7061 0.8169 0.9252 1.0507 1.1714 1.2922 30 0.3100 0.3700 0.4700 0.5600 0.6700 0.7700 0.8900 1.0100 1.1500 1.2900 1.4300 31 0.3413 0.4142 0.5268 0.6320 0.7466 0.8563 0.9794 1.1116 1.2682 1.4294 1.5888 32 0.3826 0.4683 0.5988 0.7244 0.8413 0.9614 1.0827 1.2268 1.4011 1.5839 1.7620 33 0.4343 0.5313 0.6815 0.8288 0.9467 1.0762 1.1953 1.3532 1.5489 1.7597 1.9628 34 0.4966 0.6022 0.7701 0.9368 1.0554 1.1921 1.3126 1.4884 1.7118 1.9630 2.2044 35 0.5700 0.6800 0.8600 1.0400 1.1600 1.3000 1.4300 1.6300 1.8900 2.2000 2.5000 36 0.6608 0.7693 0.9517 1.1333 1.2494 1.3802 1.5254 1.7551 2.0639 2.4631 2.8558 37 0.7688 0.8706 1.0482 1.2222 1.3285 1.4385 1.6017 1.8654 2.2334 2.7482 3.2631 38 0.8844 0.9774 1.1490 1.3146 1.4139 1.5047 1.6923 1.9950 2.4278 3.0666 3.7125 39 0.9980 1.0827 1.2531 1.4179 1.5222 1.6088 1.8306 2.1785 2.6769 3.4301 4.1946 40 1.1000 1.1800 1.3600 1.5400 1.6700 1.7800 2.0500 2.4500 3.0100 3.8500 4.7000 41 1.1874 1.2654 1.4637 1.6766 1.8598 2.0310 2.3709 2.8360 3.4562 4.3517 5.2467 42 1.2665 1.3433 1.5646 1.8227 2.0805 2.3417 2.7710 3.3136 3.9957 4.9274 5.8410 43 1.3419 1.4195 1.6718 1.9845 2.3283 2.6939 3.2198 3.8432 4.5851 5.5394 6.4558 44 1.4182 1.4998 1.7939 2.1682 2.5994 3.0694 3.6863 4.3852 5.1810 6.1495 7.0645 45 1.5000 1.5900 1.9400 2.3800 2.8900 3.4500 4.1400 4.9000 5.7400 6.7200 7.6400 46 1.5830 1.6858 2.1095 2.6243 3.2136 3.8585 4.6082 5.4142 6.2854 7.2642 8.1896 47 1.6643 1.7835 2.2966 2.8970 3.5728 4.3070 5.1113 5.9541 6.8461 7.8075 8.7312 48 1.7501 1.8893 2.5018 3.1914 3.9472 4.7614 5.6083 6.4799 7.3871 8.3297 9.2540 49 1.8466 2.0094 2.7261 3.5013 4.3164 5.1871 6.0582 6.9518 7.8734 8.8106 9.7472 50 1.9600 2.1500 2.9700 3.8200 4.6600 5.5500 6.4200 7.3300 8.2700 9.2300 10.2000 51 2.1029 2.3258 3.2413 4.1447 4.9580 5.8103 6.6376 7.5531 8.5154 9.5403 10.5772 52 2.2710 2.5325 3.5394 4.4798 5.2240 5.9910 6.7384 7.6478 8.6329 9.7550 10.8860 53 2.4458 2.7483 3.8530 4.8294 5.4880 6.1514 6.8064 7.7058 8.7147 9.9454 11.1792 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 0 0.4297 0.4858 0.5418 0.6353 0.7100 15 1 0.4152 0.4663 0.5174 0.6026 0.7100 16 2 0.4709 0.5098 0.5488 0.6139 0.7100 17 3 0.5618 0.5854 0.6092 0.6489 0.7100 18 4 0.6530 0.6624 0.6718 0.6876 0.7100 19 5 0.7094 0.7098 0.7098 0.7100 0.7100 20 6 0.7084 0.7098 0.7098 0.7100 0.7100 21 7 0.7074 0.7097 0.7098 0.7100 0.7100 22 8 0.7064 0.7096 0.7098 0.7100 0.7100 23 9 0.7053 0.7096 0.7098 0.7100 0.7100 24 10 0.7027 0.7095 0.7099 0.7100 0.7100 25 11 0.6984 0.7088 0.7088 0.7100 0.7100 26 12 0.6925 0.7080 0.7079 0.7100 0.7100 27 13 0.6850 0.7060 0.7058 0.7100 0.7100 28 14 0.6758 0.7027 0.7025 0.7100 0.7100 29 15 0.6724 0.7057 0.7060 0.7100 0.7100 30 16 0.6673 0.7074 0.7085 0.7285 0.7100 31 17 0.6680 0.7155 0.7179 0.7502 0.7400 32 18 0.6687 0.7236 0.7352 0.7818 0.8200 33 19 0.6694 0.7318 0.7669 0.8295 0.9000 34 20 0.6700 0.7400 0.8200 0.9000 1.0000 35 21 0.7212 0.8020 0.8969 0.9951 1.1200 36 22 0.7919 0.8842 0.9929 1.1106 1.2600 37 23 0.8761 0.9815 1.1044 1.2434 1.4000 38 24 0.9675 1.0885 1.2280 1.3909 1.5600 39 25 1.0600 1.2000 1.3600 1.5500 1.7400 40 26 1.1440 1.3075 1.4930 1.7152 1.9400 41 27 1.2236 1.4146 1.6295 1.8884 2.1600 42 28 1.3132 1.5338 1.7805 2.0780 2.4000 43 29 1.4272 1.6781 1.9570 2.2924 2.6600 44 30 1.5800 1.8600 2.1700 2.5400 2.9500 45 31 1.7649 2.0730 2.4132 2.8136 3.2600 46 32 1.9722 2.3087 2.6792 3.1076 3.6000 47 33 2.2122 2.5769 2.9776 3.4328 3.9600 48 34 2.4947 2.8874 3.3180 3.8000 4.3400 49 35 2.8300 3.2500 3.7100 4.2200 4.7600 50 36 3.2239 3.6691 4.1566 4.6954 5.2300 51 37 3.6698 4.1382 4.6515 5.2189 5.7800 52 38 4.1586 4.6506 5.1901 5.7867 6.3800 53 39 4.6817 5.2001 5.7678 6.3950 7.0400 54 40 5.2300 5.7800 6.3800 7.0400 7.7500 55 41 5.8228 6.4088 7.0434 7.7354 8.4800 56 42 6.4660 7.0908 7.7611 8.4837 9.2300 57 43 7.1308 7.7984 8.5081 9.2643 10.0300 58 44 7.7884 8.5040 9.2594 10.0566 10.8600 59 45 8.4100 9.1600 9.9900 10.8400 11.7000 60 46 8.9985 9.8330 10.7120 11.6330 12.5600 61 47 9.5730 10.4813 11.4420 12.4493 13.4500 62 48 10.1294 11.1151 12.1620 13.2611 14.3700 63 49 10.6631 11.7246 12.8540 14.0406 15.3200 64 50 11.1700 12.3000 13.5000 14.7600 16.2500 65 51 11.6210 12.7966 14.0342 15.3235 17.1000 66 52 12.0191 13.2271 14.4687 15.7498 17.7600 67 53 12.4077 13.6493 14.9021 16.1822 18.1300 68
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 54 2.6083 2.9514 4.1703 5.1981 5.7800 6.3513 6.9256 7.8193 8.8530 10.1833 11.5096 55 2.7400 3.1200 4.4800 5.5900 6.1300 6.6500 7.1800 8.0800 9.1400 10.5400 11.9300 56 2.8147 3.2234 4.7682 6.0041 6.5398 7.0538 7.5803 8.4867 9.5546 10.9626 12.3454 57 2.8450 3.2763 5.0427 6.4374 6.9893 7.5231 8.0706 8.9782 10.0355 11.4035 12.7205 58 2.8698 3.3245 5.3241 6.8918 7.4759 8.0485 8.6346 9.5562 10.6141 11.9421 13.1979 59 2.9285 3.4138 5.6330 7.3687 7.9970 8.6206 9.2565 10.2229 11.3218 12.6578 13.9202 60 3.0600 3.5900 5.9900 7.8700 8.5500 9.2300 9.9200 10.9800 12.1900 13.6300 15.0300 61 3.2796 3.8639 6.3984 8.3956 9.1399 9.8891 10.6378 11.8511 13.2569 14.9126 16.6053 62 3.5612 4.2050 6.8444 8.9444 9.7686 10.6042 11.4207 12.8350 14.5014 16.4525 18.5510 63 3.8820 4.5970 7.3232 9.5164 10.4282 11.3566 12.2497 13.8962 15.8666 18.1691 20.7502 64 4.2192 5.0241 7.8300 10.1116 11.1113 12.1281 13.1058 14.9997 17.2951 19.9818 23.0855 65 4.5500 5.4700 8.3600 10.7300 11.8100 12.9000 13.9700 16.1100 18.7300 21.8100 25.4400 66 4.8546 5.9038 8.8945 11.3492 12.4673 13.5745 14.7024 17.0704 20.0091 23.4914 27.6858 67 5.1481 6.3361 9.4366 11.9692 13.0882 14.1638 15.3156 17.9044 21.1706 25.0797 29.9009 68 5.4603 6.8135 10.0146 12.6236 13.7586 14.8150 16.0198 18.8472 22.4574 26.8183 32.2771 69 5.8210 7.3826 10.6563 13.3460 14.5639 15.6747 17.0244 20.1340 24.1129 28.9506 35.0062 70 6.2600 8.0900 11.3900 14.1700 15.5900 16.8900 18.5400 22.0000 26.3800 31.7200 38.2800 71 6.7749 8.9229 12.2117 15.0941 16.8387 18.4608 20.5494 24.4174 29.2222 35.0770 42.0390 72 7.3458 9.8504 13.1027 16.0959 18.2528 20.2892 22.9126 27.2293 32.4774 38.8595 46.1554 73 7.9763 10.8914 14.0689 17.1777 19.8296 22.3751 25.6552 30.4775 36.2006 43.1415 50.7182 74 8.6699 12.0649 15.1160 18.3416 21.5663 24.7187 28.8025 34.2038 40.4465 47.9970 55.8167 75 9.4300 13.3900 16.2500 19.5900 23.4600 27.3200 32.3800 38.4500 45.2700 53.5000 61.5400 76 10.3851 15.1444 17.6367 21.0886 25.8286 30.6942 37.2143 44.2000 51.7533 60.8470 69.0187 77 11.3401 16.8989 19.0235 22.5873 28.1971 34.0683 42.0486 49.9500 58.2366 68.1939 76.4974 78 12.2952 18.6533 20.4102 24.0859 30.5657 37.4425 46.8829 55.7001 64.7200 75.5409 83.9761 79 13.2502 20.4078 21.7970 25.5845 32.9343 40.8166 51.7172 61.4501 71.2033 82.8879 91.4547 80 14.2053 22.1622 23.1837 27.0831 35.3029 44.1908 58.5515 67.2001 77.6866 90.2349 98.9334 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 54 12.8302 14.1290 15.4330 16.7645 18.3900 69 55 13.3300 14.7300 16.1600 17.6400 18.8400 70 56 13.7763 15.3190 16.9651 18.7184 19.7800 71 57 14.1402 15.8533 17.7826 19.9040 21.4100 72 58 14.6178 16.5331 18.7894 21.3324 23.6300 73 59 15.4057 17.5586 20.1629 23.1392 26.3000 74 60 16.7000 19.1300 22.0800 25.4600 29.3800 75 61 18.6034 21.3350 24.5971 28.3007 32.8100 76 62 20.9849 24.0403 27.5962 31.5710 36.5200 77 63 23.6907 27.1141 30.9926 35.2618 40.4800 78 64 26.5670 30.4246 34.7021 39.3645 44.7900 79 65 29.4600 33.8400 38.6400 43.6700 49.5500 80 66 32.2738 37.2582 42.6451 48.6008 54.9100 81 67 35.1109 40.7669 46.7738 53.5628 60.9100 82 68 38.1151 44.5195 51.2678 59.0224 67.4300 83 69 41.4302 48.6694 56.3693 65.2460 74.5100 84 70 45.2000 53.3700 62.3200 72.5000 83.4300 85 71 49.3518 58.5173 68.9661 80.8844 94.8400 86 72 53.7898 64.0090 76.1464 90.2217 107.6400 87 73 58.6228 70.0011 84.0916 100.3617 120.9800 88 74 63.9599 76.6495 93.0326 111.1545 133.9800 89 75 69.9100 84.1100 103.2000 122.4500 146.0000 90 76 77.5537 93.7991 116.7392 135.4536 157.1000 91 77 85.1974 103.4882 130.2784 148.4572 167.8500 92 78 92.8411 113.1774 143.8176 161.4608 178.8700 93 79 100.4848 122.8665 157.3568 174.4644 190.7500 94 80 108.1285 132.5556 170.8960 187.4680 204.0400 95 218.5000 96 233.5000 97 249.0400 98 265.1200 99 296.3000 100 363.2100 101 468.3200 102 613.2600 103 796.7400 104 1,000.0000 105 1,000.0000 106 1,000.0000 107 1,000.0000 108 1,000.0000 109 1,000.0000 110 1,000.0000 111 1,000.0000 112 1,000.0000 113 1,000.0000 114 1,000.0000 115 1,000.0000 116 1,000.0000 117 1,000.0000 118 1,000.0000 119
91 Bragg, Male Non Smoker
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1.1200 0.7000 0.4700 0.4200 0.3700 0.3200 0.3100 0.2800 0.2700 0.2700 0.2800 1 0.9856 0.6002 0.3849 0.3369 0.2876 0.3116 0.3137 0.2183 0.2231 0.2571 0.2962 2 0.8054 0.5067 0.3324 0.2908 0.2452 0.3032 0.3174 0.2120 0.2406 0.3264 0.4091 3 0.6119 0.4238 0.3032 0.2714 0.2338 0.2948 0.3211 0.2464 0.3004 0.4411 0.5696 4 0.4378 0.3555 0.2882 0.2683 0.2444 0.2864 0.3248 0.3068 0.3804 0.5641 0.7288 5 0.3154 0.3061 0.2791 0.2744 0.2679 0.2782 0.3283 0.3784 0.4586 0.6585 0.8377 6 0.2486 0.3076 0.2739 0.2804 0.3138 0.3563 0.4419 0.4819 0.5504 0.7296 0.8937 7 0.2157 0.3091 0.2760 0.3031 0.3882 0.4745 0.6092 0.6271 0.6704 0.8020 0.9294 8 0.2223 0.3106 0.2821 0.3383 0.4768 0.6075 0.7918 0.7830 0.7956 0.8678 0.9487 9 0.2289 0.3120 0.3118 0.3852 0.5654 0.7302 0.9512 0.9186 0.9030 0.9191 0.9513 10 0.2638 0.3134 0.3635 0.4430 0.6395 0.8175 1.0490 1.0028 0.9693 0.9481 0.9538 11 0.3310 0.4130 0.4550 0.5246 0.7028 0.8651 1.0440 1.0006 0.9647 0.9454 0.9352 12 0.4344 0.5605 0.5832 0.6306 0.7648 0.8898 1.0390 0.9984 0.9600 0.9163 0.8972 13 0.5508 0.7218 0.7213 0.7415 0.8201 0.8929 0.9800 0.9502 0.9169 0.8747 0.8521 14 0.6570 0.8630 0.8425 0.8378 0.8636 0.8940 0.9160 0.8975 0.8712 0.8346 0.8123 15 0.7300 0.9500 0.9200 0.9000 0.8900 0.8900 0.8700 0.8600 0.8400 0.8100 0.7900 16 0.7340 0.9517 0.9296 0.9086 0.8847 0.8750 0.8403 0.8351 0.8216 0.8131 0.7956 17 0.7380 0.9534 0.9392 0.9171 0.8794 0.8466 0.8115 0.8096 0.8045 0.8162 0.8012 18 0.7420 0.9078 0.9100 0.8941 0.8537 0.8128 0.7863 0.7875 0.7946 0.8193 0.8208 19 0.7460 0.8515 0.8699 0.8620 0.8246 0.7813 0.7673 0.7782 0.7893 0.8225 0.8423 20 0.7500 0.8000 0.8300 0.8300 0.8000 0.7600 0.7636 0.7768 0.7937 0.8305 0.8600 21 0.7189 0.7470 0.7832 0.7911 0.7772 0.7588 0.7652 0.7809 0.8027 0.8385 0.8714 22 0.6719 0.6822 0.7220 0.7394 0.7510 0.7576 0.7731 0.8064 0.8295 0.8546 0.8810 23 0.6185 0.6149 0.6572 0.6850 0.7254 0.7564 0.7918 0.8379 0.8618 0.8738 0.8905 24 0.5680 0.5544 0.5996 0.6385 0.7044 0.7552 0.8107 0.8682 0.8938 0.8957 0.9058 25 0.5300 0.5100 0.5600 0.6100 0.7019 0.7572 0.8201 0.8900 0.9200 0.9200 0.9300 26 0.5049 0.5016 0.5600 0.6093 0.6994 0.7592 0.8294 0.8960 0.9293 0.9419 0.9597 27 0.4865 0.4932 0.5600 0.6086 0.7070 0.7644 0.8345 0.9020 0.9391 0.9615 0.9922 28 0.4766 0.4848 0.5600 0.6246 0.7146 0.7696 0.8396 0.9080 0.9446 0.9862 1.0330 29 0.4689 0.4764 0.5600 0.6465 0.7223 0.7748 0.8448 0.9140 0.9618 1.0233 1.0871 30 0.4671 0.4747 0.5600 0.6700 0.7300 0.7800 0.8500 0.9200 1.0000 1.0800 1.1600 31 0.4710 0.4746 0.5750 0.8922 0.7559 0.8151 0.8887 0.8685 1.0594 1.1570 1.2524 32 0.4782 0.4813 0.5939 0.7157 0.7863 0.8598 0.9382 1.0314 1.1333 1.2495 1.3608 33 0.4928 0.4955 0.6193 0.7451 0.8247 0.9149 0.9993 1.1082 1.2215 1.3565 1.4840 34 0.5078 0.5176 0.6538 0.7850 0.8748 0.9814 1.0730 1.1979 1.3238 1.4770 1.6208 35 0.5200 0.5500 0.7000 0.8400 0.9400 1.0600 1.1600 1.3000 1.4400 1.6100 1.7700 36 0.5280 0.5964 0.7628 0.9158 1.0254 1.1543 1.2634 1.4152 1.5687 1.7500 1.9222 37 0.5360 0.6553 0.8404 1.0093 1.1285 1.2638 1.3827 1.5440 1.7102 1.8976 2.0781 38 0.5440 0.7210 0.9256 1.1119 1.2419 1.3830 1.5133 1.6852 1.8662 2.0612 2.2519 39 0.5520 0.7878 1.0112 1.2150 1.3582 1.5069 1.6506 1.8376 2.0389 2.2492 2.4578 40 0.5600 0.8500 1.0900 1.3100 1.4700 1.6300 1.7900 2.0000 2.2300 2.4700 2.7100 41 0.5932 0.9010 1.1534 1.3862 1.5668 1.7407 1.9196 2.1622 2.4319 2.7199 3.0086 42 0.6348 0.9447 1.2061 1.4495 1.6536 1.8426 2.0424 2.3249 2.6434 2.9934 3.3441 43 0.6848 0.9909 1.2611 1.5157 1.7460 1.9530 2.1764 2.5035 2.8758 3.2958 3.7163 44 0.7432 1.0494 1.3314 1.6006 1.8596 2.0897 2.3396 2.7134 3.1409 3.6329 4.1250 45 0.8100 1.1300 1.4300 1.7200 2.0100 2.2700 2.5500 2.9700 3.4500 4.0100 4.5700 46 0.8878 1.2370 1.5544 1.8678 2.1919 2.4922 2.8073 3.2710 3.7971 4.4147 5.0325 47 0.9765 1.3637 1.6960 2.0333 2.3950 2.7447 3.0994 3.6061 4.1746 4.8434 5.5126 48 1.0723 1.5039 1.8584 2.2259 2.6270 3.0301 3.4270 3.9787 4.5914 5.3146 6.0386 49 1.1714 1.6514 2.0452 2.4550 2.8961 3.3510 3.7903 4.3922 5.0569 5.8473 6.6383 50 1.2700 1.8000 2.2600 2.7300 3.2100 3.7100 4.1900 4.8500 5.5800 6.4600 7.3400 51 1.3629 1.9438 2.5071 3.0609 3.5746 4.1067 4.6210 5.3456 6.1547 7.1518 8.1466 52 1.4526 2.0871 2.7842 3.4414 3.9845 4.5394 5.0831 5.8768 6.7750 7.9103 9.0395 53 1.5470 2.2385 3.0846 3.8566 4.4311 5.0086 5.5837 6.4532 7.4498 8.7369 10.0141 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 0 0.3300 0.3800 0.4600 0.6600 0.8391 15 1 0.3808 0.4178 0.4844 0.6628 1.0713 16 2 0.5423 0.5554 0.5950 0.7240 1.0196 17 3 0.7525 0.7379 0.7456 0.8136 0.9817 18 4 0.9491 0.9107 0.8896 0.9012 0.9569 19 5 1.0702 1.0190 0.9814 0.9568 0.9600 20 6 1.0794 1.0529 0.9769 0.9563 0.9600 21 7 1.0885 1.0490 0.9724 0.9558 0.9600 22 8 1.0464 1.0220 0.9679 0.9553 0.9600 23 9 0.9958 0.9867 0.9635 0.9549 0.9600 24 10 0.9561 0.9578 0.9590 0.9474 0.9600 25 11 0.9222 0.9298 0.9392 0.9400 0.9600 26 12 0.8811 0.8927 0.9111 0.9301 0.9600 27 13 0.6406 0.8551 0.8819 0.9202 0.9600 28 14 0.8081 0.8253 0.8588 0.9125 0.9600 29 15 0.8014 0.8222 0.8570 0.9101 0.9600 30 16 0.7947 0.8191 0.8551 0.9125 0.9600 31 17 0.8136 0.8422 0.8727 0.9203 0.9600 32 18 0.8406 0.8734 0.8973 0.9356 0.9700 33 19 0.8685 0.9052 0.9246 0.9556 0.9800 34 20 0.8900 0.9300 0.9500 0.9800 1.0000 35 21 0.8974 0.9383 0.9694 1.0062 1.0300 36 22 0.9052 0.9471 0.9855 1.0343 1.0700 37 23 0.9137 0.9520 1.0050 1.0683 1.1300 38 24 0.9226 0.9669 1.0343 1.1122 1.2000 39 25 0.9500 1.0000 1.0800 1.1700 1.2800 40 26 0.9902 1.0502 1.1396 1.2368 1.3700 41 27 1.0387 1.1119 1.2068 1.3100 1.4600 42 28 1.0981 1.1865 1.2912 1.3968 1.5500 43 29 1.1710 1.2754 1.3904 1.5044 1.6500 44 30 1.2600 1.3800 1.5100 1.6400 1.7800 45 31 1.3644 1.4976 1.6476 1.8028 1.9400 46 32 1.4824 1.6279 1.6008 1.9880 2.1600 47 33 1.6152 1.7741 1.9732 2.1968 2.4200 48 34 1.7640 1.9402 2.1684 2.4304 2.7300 49 35 1.9300 2.1300 2.3900 2.6900 3.0600 50 36 2.1004 2.3302 2.6214 2.9524 3.4200 51 37 2.2744 2.5381 2.8601 3.2168 3.7800 52 38 2.4712 2.7739 3.1311 3.5180 4.1100 53 39 2.7100 3.0578 3.4594 3.8908 4.4500 54 40 3.0100 3.4100 3.8700 4.3700 4.8800 55 41 3.3806 3.8389 4.3737 4.9746 5.4400 56 42 3.8091 4.3310 4.9538 5.6815 6.2100 57 43 4.2813 4.8738 5.5942 6.4621 7.1800 58 44 4.7830 5.4543 6.2783 7.2878 8.3000 59 45 5.3000 6.0600 6.9900 8.1300 9.4800 60 46 5.7999 6.6636 7.7070 8.9690 10.6300 61 47 6.2922 7.2736 8.4401 9.8237 11.7000 62 48 6.6854 7.9308 9.2227 10.7239 12.6800 63 49 7.4485 8.6760 10.0882 11.6994 13.6300 64 50 8.2100 9.5500 11.0700 12.7800 14.6400 65 51 9.1193 10.5469 12.1411 13.9138 15.8000 66 52 10.1438 11.6394 13.2794 15.0809 17.1000 67 53 11.2698 12.8366 14.5250 16.3591 18.4700 68
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 54 1.6535 2.4066 3.4021 4.2911 4.9058 5.5153 6.1302 7.0844 8.1885 9.6330 11.0658 55 1.7800 2.6000 3.7300 4.7300 5.4000 6.0600 6.7300 7.7800 9.0000 10.6000 12.1900 56 1.9211 2.8220 4.0836 5.1937 5.9266 6.6489 7.3818 8.5274 9.8586 11.5986 13.3284 57 2.0718 3.0668 4.4672 5.6922 6.4913 7.2814 8.0805 9.3201 10.7583 12.6279 14.4840 58 2.2398 3.3296 4.8580 6.1950 7.0747 7.9486 8.8283 10.1771 11.7377 13.7469 15.7444 59 2.4333 3.6056 5.2332 6.6711 7.6574 8.6411 9.6274 11.1174 12.8354 15.0146 17.1972 60 2.6600 3.8900 5.5700 7.0900 8.2200 9.3500 10.4800 12.1600 14.0900 16.4900 18.9300 61 2.9270 4.1676 5.8121 7.3663 8.6720 9.9798 11.2857 13.2126 15.4237 18.1081 20.9182 62 3.2291 4.4418 5.9746 7.5206 9.0264 10.5367 12.0430 14.2627 16.8106 19.8294 23.1033 63 3.5557 4.7348 6.1422 7.6806 9.4188 11.1637 12.9026 15.4485 18.3678 21.7518 25.5223 64 3.8962 5.0700 6.3991 7.9745 9.9848 12.0038 14.0147 16.9082 20.2119 23.9727 28.2122 65 4.2400 5.4700 6.8300 8.5300 10.8600 13.2000 15.5300 18.7800 22.4600 26.5900 31.2100 66 4.5784 5.9113 7.4194 9.3454 12.0727 14.8106 17.5354 21.1384 25.1542 29.5860 34.3969 67 4.9184 6.3786 8.1111 10.3355 13.5326 16.7403 19.9307 23.8912 28.2167 32.8956 37.7482 68 5.2732 6.9074 8.9281 11.5029 15.1970 18.9017 22.5853 26.9268 31.5841 36.5452 41.4422 69 5.6560 7.5327 9.8934 12.8502 17.0237 21.2074 25.3686 30.1336 35.1930 40.5612 45.6567 70 6.0800 8.2900 11.0300 14.3800 18.9700 23.5700 28.1500 33.4000 38.9800 44.9700 50.5700 71 6.5397 9.1635 12.3052 16.0451 20.9776 25.9165 30.8400 36.6249 42.8342 49.6475 56.0513 72 7.0262 10.1298 13.7037 17.8436 23.0747 28.3051 33.5257 39.6827 46.7977 54.5761 61.9818 73 7.5480 11.2123 15.2745 19.8466 25.3490 30.8455 36.3413 43.3251 51.0371 59.9419 68.5576 74 8.1131 12.4346 17.0669 22.1251 27.8882 33.6472 39.4213 47.1036 55.7190 65.9312 75.9750 75 8.7300 13.8200 19.1300 24.7500 30.7600 36.8200 42.9000 51.3700 61.0100 72.7300 84.4300 76 9.4910 15.6638 21.9397 28.3196 34.6125 40.9597 47.3957 56.8977 67.9061 81.7093 95.7363 77 10.2520 17.5076 24.7493 31.8893 38.4450 45.0994 51.8915 62.4253 74.8022 90.6885 107.0426 78 11.0130 19.3513 27.5590 35.4589 42.2775 49.2391 56.3872 67.9530 81.6983 99.6678 118.3489 79 11.7740 21.1951 30.3687 39.0286 46.1100 53.3788 60.8829 73.4806 88.5944 108.6470 129.6552 80 12.5350 23.0389 33.1783 42.5962 49.9425 57.5186 65.3787 79.0083 95.4905 117.6263 140.9615 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 54 2.4831 14.1471 15.9185 17.8262 19.9500 69 55 13.7700 15.5800 17.5000 19.5600 21.6700 70 56 15.0491 17.0478 19.1810 21.4735 23.7500 71 57 16.3298 18.5447 20.9345 23.5150 26.2400 72 58 17.7338 20.2017 22.8935 25.8146 29.0300 73 59 19.3833 22.1498 25.1910 28.5029 32.1600 74 60 21.4000 24.5200 27.9600 31.7100 35.7300 75 61 23.8016 27.3169 31.1772 35.3722 39.8500 76 62 26.5068 30.4530 34.7540 39.4025 44.5600 77 63 29.4892 33.9218 38.7252 43.8967 49.7500 78 64 32.7224 37.7163 43.1256 48.9506 55.4700 79 65 36.1800 41.8300 47.9900 54.6600 61.8200 80 66 39.6714 46.0598 53.1208 60.8483 68.9400 81 67 43.2143 50.4101 58.4948 67.4518 76.9000 82 68 47.0945 55.1855 64.4084 74.7350 85.6600 83 69 51.5978 60.6906 71.1580 82.9629 95.1800 84 70 57.0100 67.2300 79.0400 92.4000 106.2900 85 71 63.1963 74.6285 87.8288 103.0635 119.5200 86 72 69.9660 82.6832 97.3269 114.7770 134.1000 87 73 77.5216 91.6567 107.8725 127.5147 149.5100 88 74 86.0655 101.8114 119.8041 141.2509 165.2000 89 75 95.8000 113.4100 133.4600 155.9600 180.9500 90 76 108.8366 128.9902 151.8378 173.6219 197.0000 91 77 121.8732 144.5703 170.2155 191.2838 213.4500 92 78 134.9098 160.1505 188.5933 208.9456 230.1200 93 79 147.9464 175.7307 206.9711 226.6075 246.8300 94 80 160.9830 191.3108 225.3488 244.2694 263.1900 95 279.2900 96 295.8000 97 312.7300 98 330.0600 99 364.0500 100 427.5800 101 517.9300 102 651.1400 103 817.2900 104 1,000.0000 105 1,000.0000 106 1,000.0000 107 1,000.0000 108 1,000.0000 109 1,000.0000 110 1,000.0000 111 1,000.0000 112 1,000.0000 113 1,000.0000 114 1,000.0000 115 1,000.0000 116 1,000.0000 117 1,000.0000 118 1,000.0000 119
91 Bragg, Male Smoker
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1.5867 0.9917 0.6658 0.5950 0.5242 0.4533 0.4392 0.3967 0.3825 0.3825 0.3967 1 1.4315 0.8855 0.5803 0.5128 0.4427 0.3765 0.4444 0.3445 0.3514 0.3994 0.4549 2 1.1806 0.7575 0.5099 0.4524 0.3870 0.3318 0.4496 0.3400 0.3806 0.5021 0.0192 3 0.8933 0.6268 0.4549 0.4122 0.3577 0.3197 0.4548 0.3755 0.4520 0.6513 0.8334 4 0.6290 0.5125 0.4156 0.3906 0.3550 0.3403 0.4600 0.4435 0.5477 0.8079 1.0413 5 0.4468 0.4336 0.3924 0.3923 0.3795 0.3941 0.4651 0.5361 0.6497 0.9329 1.1867 6 0.3499 0.4357 0.3757 0.3939 0.4397 0.5006 0.6214 0.6782 0.7752 1.0291 1.2620 7 0.2986 0.4378 0.3756 0.4155 0.5352 0.6595 0.8492 0.8749 0.9363 1.1226 1.3045 8 0.3068 0.4399 0.3755 0.4574 0.6533 0.8415 1.1010 1.0890 1.1070 1.2090 1.3258 9 0.3150 0.4419 0.4206 0.5259 0.7811 1.0175 1.3291 1.2833 1.2613 1.2840 1.3376 10 0.3737 0.4440 0.5150 0.6276 0.9060 1.1581 1.4861 1.4206 1.3732 1.3431 1.3512 11 0.4937 0.6360 0.6950 0.7922 1.0446 1.2677 1.4914 1.4949 1.4393 1.3860 1.3577 12 0.6779 0.9200 0.9512 1.0155 1.2055 1.3657 1.4968 1.5310 1.4770 1.4154 1.3641 13 0.8827 1.2316 1.2289 1.2527 1.3636 1.4457 1.5036 1.5278 1.4822 1.4322 1.3682 14 1.0646 1.5064 1.4734 1.4591 1.4935 1.5013 1.5118 1.5245 1.4873 1.4311 1.3699 15 1.1800 1.6800 1.6300 1.5900 1.5700 1.5042 1.5200 1.5000 1.4700 1.4300 1.3651 16 1.1875 1.7321 1.6818 1.5990 1.5785 1.5071 1.4723 1.4525 1.4272 1.4032 1.3578 17 1.1949 1.7055 1.6651 1.6079 1.5358 1.4486 1.3999 1.3760 1.3557 1.3559 1.3352 18 1.1462 1.6308 1.6055 1.5484 1.4639 1.3699 1.3174 1.2883 1.2735 1.3010 1.3103 19 1.0903 1.5388 1.5286 1.4745 1.3846 1.2906 1.2393 1.2070 1.1989 1.2514 1.2898 20 1.0500 1.4600 1.4600 1.4100 1.3200 1.2300 1.1800 1.1500 1.1500 1.2200 1.2808 21 1.0253 1.3870 1.3908 1.3463 1.2639 1.1845 1.1359 1.1420 1.1540 1.2260 1.2702 22 1.0011 1.2995 1.3040 1.2878 1.2018 1.1413 1.0974 1.1340 1.1580 1.2320 1.2660 23 0.9772 1 2084 1.2128 1.1870 1.1426 1.1056 1.0698 1.1260 1.1620 1.2380 1.2602 24 0.9536 1.1249 1.1304 1.1169 1.0957 1.0827 1.0699 1.1180 1.1660 1.2440 1.2854 25 0.9300 1.0600 1.0700 1.0700 1.0700 1.0853 1.0700 1.1100 1.1700 1.2500 1.3500 26 0.9038 1.0150 1.0310 1.0760 1.0696 1.0878 1.1019 1.1630 1.2410 1.3429 1.4617 27 0.8750 0.9824 1.0045 1.O820 1.0692 1.1088 1.1510 1.2363 1.3349 1.4682 1.6110 28 0.8477 0.9604 0.9988 1.0880 1.0916 1.1461 1.2190 1.3301 1.4503 1.6182 1.7866 29 0.8259 0.9509 1.0008 1.0940 1.1340 1.2048 1.3081 1.4446 1.5858 1.7847 1.9767 30 0.8172 0.9427 1.0100 1.1000 1.2000 1.2900 1.4200 1.5800 1.7400 1.9600 2.1700 31 0.8106 0.9399 1.0392 1.1620 1.2906 1.4048 1.5578 1.7391 1.9131 2.1382 2.3563 32 0.8115 0.9436 1.0800 1.2416 1.4033 1.5457 1.7203 1.9218 2.1062 2.3247 2.5434 33 0.8145 0.9492 1.1372 1.3412 1.5367 1.7082 1.9029 2.1238 2.3186 2.5281 2.7462 34 0.8340 0.9775 1.2156 1.4632 1.6894 1.8878 2.1010 2.3413 2.5501 2.7570 2.9801 35 0.8700 1.0300 1.3200 1.6100 1.8600 2.0800 2.3100 2.5700 2.8000 3.0200 3.2600 36 0.9213 1 1094 1.4549 1.7858 2.0479 2.2806 2.5222 2.7982 3.0553 3.3047 3.5705 37 0.9851 1.2113 1.6170 1.9889 2.2542 2.4927 2.7405 3.0285 3.3162 3.6054 3.9014 38 1.0633 1.3314 1.7998 2.2131 2.4794 2.7225 2.9767 3.2787 3.6026 3.9406 4.2762 39 1.1576 1.4657 1.9963 2.4522 2.7245 2.9762 3.2426 3.5666 3.9339 4.3293 4.7179 40 1.2700 1.6100 2.2000 2.7000 2.9900 3.2600 3.5500 3.9100 4.3300 4.7900 5.2500 41 1.4071 1.7591 2.4023 2.9457 3.2667 3.5647 3.8921 4.3090 4.7988 5.3415 5.9105 42 1.5678 1.9158 2.6078 3.1934 3.5542 3.8862 4.2610 4.7517 5.3272 5.9714 6.6838 43 1.7418 2.0878 2.8290 3.4594 3.8662 4.2382 4.6670 5.2379 5.9032 6.6514 7.5130 44 1.9193 2.2833 3.0789 3.7595 4.2169 4.6349 5.1199 5.7674 6.5148 7.3537 8.3407 45 2.0900 2.5100 3.3700 4.1100 4.6200 5.0900 5.6300 6.3400 7.1500 8.0500 9.1100 46 2.2362 2.7568 3.6920 4.5038 5.0766 5.6143 6.2108 6.9638 7.8040 8.7122 9.7616 47 2.3647 3.0184 4.0364 4.9301 5.5773 6.1986 6.8556 7.6389 8.4848 9.3591 10.3336 48 2.5021 3.3116 4.4188 5.3995 6.1207 6.8266 7.5440 8.3531 9.1996 10.0329 10.9148 49 2.6750 3.6532 4.8548 5.9226 6.7054 7.4825 8.2556 9.0942 9.9556 10.7758 11.5940 50 2.9100 4.0600 5.3600 6.5100 7.3300 8.1500 8.9700 9.8500 10.7600 11.6300 12.4600 51 3.2064 4.5467 5.9557 7.1814 7.9952 8.8103 9.6608 10.5777 11.5594 12.5375 13.4350 52 3.5464 5.1022 6.6314 7.9299 8.7020 9.4742 10.3416 11.2854 12.3489 13.4702 14.4599 53 3.9312 5.7042 7.3554 8.7257 9.4492 10.1698 11.0520 12.0374 13.2087 14.5150 15.6513 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 0 0.4675 0.5383 0.6517 0.9350 1.1887 15 1 0.5748 0.6271 0.7215 0.9741 1.5177 16 2 0.8080 0.8264 0.8827 1.0650 1.4444 17 3 1.0924 1.0718 1.0827 1.1785 1.3907 18 4 1.3534 1.2990 1.2694 1.2851 1.3556 19 5 1.5161 1.4436 1.3903 1.3555 1.3600 20 6 1.5237 1.4886 1.3838 1.3563 1.3600 21 7 1.5312 1.4768 1.3773 1.3571 1.3600 22 8 1.4661 1.4339 1.3708 1.3579 1.3600 23 9 1.3963 1.3854 1.3642 1.3587 1.3600 24 10 1.3545 1.3569 1.3572 1.3594 1.3600 25 11 1 3514 1.3520 1.3521 1.3593 1.3600 26 12 1.3484 1.3472 1.3465 1.3590 1.3600 27 13 1.3468 1.3444 1.3430 1.3580 1.3600 28 14 1.3468 1.3437 1.3416 1.3562 1.3600 29 15 1.3449 1.3450 1.3407 1.3576 1.3600 30 16 1.3445 1.3483 1.3412 1.3570 1.3600 31 17 1.3423 1.3537 1.3449 1.3631 1.3700 32 18 1.3401 1.3591 1.3479 1.3679 1.4000 33 19 1.3379 1.3646 1.3650 1.3917 1.4400 34 20 1.3402 1.3700 1.4000 1.4400 1.5000 35 21 1.3408 1.3959 1.4486 1.5126 1.5900 36 22 1.3514 1.4236 1.5067 1.6035 1.7000 37 23 1.3604 1.4644 1.5805 1.7132 1.8500 38 24 1.4003 1.5295 1.6762 1.8419 2.0300 39 25 1.4800 1.6300 1.8000 1.9900 2.2200 40 26 1.6073 1.7714 1.9531 2.1531 2.4200 41 27 1.7726 1.9463 2.1314 2.3310 2.6300 42 28 1.9643 2.1465 2.3330 2.5302 2.8200 43 29 2.1706 2.3838 2.5565 2.7577 3.0200 44 30 2.3800 2.5900 2.8000 3.0200 3.2600 45 31 2.5791 2.8098 3.0478 3.3022 3.5500 46 32 2.7758 3.0287 3.3009 3.5997 3.9100 47 33 2.9898 3.2697 3.5831 3.9351 4.3300 48 34 3.2413 3.5558 3.9182 4.3310 4.8100 49 35 3.5500 3.9100 4.3300 4.8100 5.3400 50 36 3.9018 4.3218 4.8131 5.3739 5.9600 51 37 4.2833 4.7759 5.3518 6.0078 6.6600 52 38 4.7159 5.2881 5.9538 6.7086 7.4600 53 39 5.2210 5.8742 6.6273 7.4737 8.3300 54 40 5.8200 6.5500 7.3800 8.3000 9.2700 55 41 6.5598 7.3530 8.2298 9.1746 10.2700 56 42 7.4263 8.2727 9.1713 10.0995 11.3000 57 43 8.3489 9.2529 10.1779 11.0941 12.3100 58 44 9.2570 10.2374 11.2230 12.1778 13.3700 59 45 10.0800 11.1700 12.2800 13.3700 14.5600 60 46 10.7270 11.9618 13.2694 14.6124 15.9900 61 47 11.2449 12.6503 14.2091 15.8920 17.6900 62 48 11.7703 13.3689 15.2181 17.2964 19.6200 63 49 12.4398 14.2510 16.4154 18.9132 21.7500 64 50 13.3900 15.4300 17.9200 20.8300 24.1300 65 51 14.5525 16.8398 19.6850 23.0257 26.7700 66 52 15.8362 18.3913 21.6309 25.4418 29.7000 67 53 17.3438 20.1839 23.8283 28.1102 32.9200 68
Duration/ Issue Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 54 4.3620 6.3309 8.0955 9.5390 10.2356 10.9257 11.8316 12.8975 14.2190 15.7593 17.1258 55 4.8400 6.9600 8.8200 10.3400 11.0600 11.7700 12.7200 13.9300 15.4600 17.2900 19.0000 56 5.3849 7.5847 9.5192 11.1210 11.9285 12.7230 13.7318 15.1689 16.9826 19.1597 21.3745 57 5.9958 8.2198 10.2144 11.9017 12.8418 13.7657 14.8405 16.5714 18.7335 21.3102 24.1714 58 6.6434 8.8754 10.9200 12.6939 13.7910 14.8679 16.0243 18.0866 20.6361 23.6630 27.2402 59 7.2979 9.5621 11.6504 13.5094 14.7667 15.9994 17.2614 19.6631 22.6138 26.1391 30.4299 60 7.9300 10.2900 12.4200 14.3600 15.7600 17.1300 18.5300 21.2500 24.5900 28.6600 33.5900 61 8.4908 11.0470 13.2189 15.2219 16.7103 18.1084 19.6473 22.6542 26.3891 31.1470 36.6951 62 9.0000 11.8263 14.0374 16.0874 17.6238 18.9548 20.6278 23.9099 28.0622 33.6527 39.8458 63 9.5308 12.6461 14.8906 16.9918 18.5910 19.8960 21.7458 25.3065 29.8726 36.2949 43.0798 64 10.1564 13.5246 15.7931 17.9709 19.7029 21.1588 23.2751 27.1334 32.0841 39.1914 46.4353 65 10.9500 14.4800 16.7600 19.0600 21.0500 22.9700 25.4900 29.6800 34.9600 42.4600 49.9500 66 11.9428 15.4791 17.6877 20.1315 22.5390 25.4058 28.5298 33.0830 38.5876 46.0317 53.4221 67 13.0860 16.5098 18.5662 21.1618 24.1093 28.3149 32.2117 37.1495 42.7912 49.8278 56.8262 68 14.3328 17.6218 19.5510 22.3422 25.9011 31.5831 36.3267 41.6745 47.4400 53.9522 60.4654 69 15.6364 18.8653 20.7971 23.8645 28.0546 35.0962 40.6658 46.4530 52.4032 58.5083 64.6423 70 16.9500 20.2900 22.4600 25.9200 30.7100 38.7400 45.0200 51.2800 57.5500 63.6000 69.6600 71 18.2434 21.8839 24.5345 28.4926 33.8249 42.4160 49.2565 56.0150 62.7491 69.1431 75.4815 72 19.5479 23.6136 26.9170 31.4547 37.3058 46.2005 53.5148 60.7946 68.0876 75.0685 81.9049 73 20.9086 25.4975 29.6153 34.8305 41.2163 50.2409 57.9938 65.8298 73.7626 81.5024 88.9856 74 22.3709 27.5535 32.6371 38.6442 45.6198 54.6849 62.8925 71.3312 79.9711 88.5708 96.7789 75 23.9800 29.8000 35.9900 42.9200 50.5800 59.6800 68.4100 77.5100 86.9100 96.4000 105.3400 76 25.9691 32.5935 40.3261 46.5499 57.1253 66.1317 75.5184 85.4394 95.7777 106.3431 116.1311 77 27.9583 35.3869 44.6622 54.1799 63.6705 72.5835 82.6269 93.3687 104.6454 116.2863 126.9221 78 29.9474 38.1804 48.9983 59.8098 70.2158 79.0352 89.7353 101.2981 113.5131 126.2294 137.7132 79 31.9365 40.9739 53.3344 65.4398 76.7610 85.4869 96.8438 109.2274 122.3808 136.1726 148.5043 80 33.9257 43.7674 57.6705 71.0697 83.3063 91.9386 103.9522 117.1568 131.2484 146.1157 159.2954 Duration/ Issue Attained Age 11 12 13 14 Ultimate Age 54 19.1775 22.3170 26.3478 31.0623 36.4000 69 55 21.4400 24.8900 29.2600 34.3300 40.1100 70 56 24.2485 28.0174 32.6566 37.9710 44.0200 71 57 27.5346 31.6329 36.4907 41.9641 48.1100 72 58 31.1226 35.5647 40.6245 46.2227 52.3900 73 59 34.8363 39.6410 44.9202 50.6602 56.8700 74 60 38.5000 43.6900 49.2400 55.1900 61.5500 75 61 42.1442 47.7458 53.5987 59.7886 66.4400 76 62 45.8861 51.9231 58.0882 64.5139 71.5100 77 63 49.6799 56.1705 62.6862 69.4009 76.7300 78 64 53.4798 60.4366 67.3709 74.4846 82.1300 79 65 57.2400 64.6700 72.1200 79.8000 87.8200 80 66 60.6071 68.4839 76.5272 84.9418 93.9200 81 67 63.6118 71.9128 80.6072 89.8865 100.4100 82 68 66.7838 75.5362 84.9696 95.2423 107.1800 83 69 70.6533 79.9353 90.2240 101.6174 114.2900 84 70 75.7500 85.6900 96.9800 109.6200 123.5800 85 71 82.0795 92.8058 105.2254 119.4822 136.0000 86 72 89.2886 100.8957 114.5539 130.7987 150.0000 87 73 97.3689 109.9518 124.9837 143.2211 164.7400 88 74 106.3121 119.9659 136.5330 156.4010 179.3700 89 75 116.1100 130.9300 149.2200 169.9900 193.3400 90 76 128.4828 144.7549 165.2960 185.2710 206.7500 91 77 140.8556 158.5798 181.3720 200.5520 220.0800 92 78 153.2284 172.4047 197.4480 215.8330 233.7000 93 79 165.6012 186.2296 213.5240 231.1140 247.9500 94 80 177.9740 200.0544 229.6000 246.3950 263.1900 95 279.2900 96 295.8000 97 312.7300 98 330.0600 99 364.0500 100 427.5800 101 517.9300 102 651.1400 103 817.2900 104 1,000.0000 105 1,000.0000 106 1,000.0000 107 1,000.0000 108 1,000.0000 109 1,000.0000 110 1,000.0000 111 1,000.0000 112 1,000.0000 113 1,000.0000 114 1,000.0000 115 1,000.0000 116 1,000.0000 117 1,000.0000 118 1,000.0000 119
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGE COST PER $1.00 MONTHLY DEDUCTION AGE COST PER $1.00 MONTHLY DEDUCTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 0.050 40 0.082 16 0.050 41 0.087 17 0.050 42 0.092 18 0.050 43 0.097 19 0.050 44 0.103 20 0.050 45 0.109 21 0.050 46 0.118 22 0.050 47 0.128 23 0.050 48 0.138 24 0.050 49 0.149 25 0.050 50 0.161 26 0.050 51 0.173 27 0.050 52 0.186 28 0.050 53 0.199 29 0.050 54 0.213 30 0.050 55 0.227 31 0.053 56 0.240 32 0.056 57 0.253 33 0.059 58 0.265 34 0.062 59 0.277 35 0.066 36 0.069 37 0.072 38 0.075 39 0.078 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Waiver of Monthly Deduction USAA CCN: 114531 NOVATION AMENDMENT TO REINSURANCE AGREEMENT(S) SHOWN IN THE ATTACHED LISTS between USAA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of San Antonio, Texas and AMERICAN PHOENIX LIFE AND REASSURANCE COMPANY of Hartford, Connecticut (Administrative Offices in Enfield, Connecticut) The reinsurance agreements shown in the attached lists are amended as follows: This amendment causes the liability of American Phoenix Life and Reassurance Company to be assumed by ERC Life Reinsurance Corporation, of Overland Park, Kansas. As respects interests and liabilities outstanding as of January 1, 2000 and incurred thereafter, American Phoenix Life and Reassurance Company is deleted and ERC Life Reinsurance Corporation is substituted therefor. This Agreement is now between USAA Life Insurance Company and ERC Life Reinsurance Corporation without otherwise affecting its provisions. In witness whereof, this Amendment is signed in duplicate on the dates indicated by an officer of the companies. USAA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AMERICAN PHOENIX LIFE AND REASSURANCE COMPANY Approved by: _____________________ Approved by: ______________________________ Title: VP - ACTUARY Title: VICE PRESIDENT & REINSURANCE ACTUARY Date: *** 29, 1999 Date: NOV 10 1999 ERC LIFE REINSURANCE CORPORATION Approved by: _____________________ Title: Assistant Secretary, Treaties Date: November 9, 1999
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPANY EFFECTIVE NO. COMPANY NAME TREATY NO. TREATY TYPE DATE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5251 USAA Life 2673 Auto Net Rate YRT 6/1/98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[LOGO OF USAA] USAA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY USAA(R) ============================================================ December 30, 1998 Mr. Kevin M. Hawk Reinsurance Contract Administrator Phoenix Home Life Insurance Co. 100 Bright Meadow Boulevard Enfield, CT 06083-1900 RE: VUL Yearly Renewable Term (effective 6-1-98) Dear Kevin: Enclosed is your signed copy of the above agreement. I appreciate your prompt and accurate response to treaty term issues discussed between you and Charles. I have retained our copy for our files. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (210) 498-6790. Sincerely, /s/ Allen R. Pierce Allen R. Pierce AVP Actuary 9800 Fredericksburg Road San Antonio, Texas 78288 1-800-531-8000 In San Antonio 498-8000 31710-0198 ---------- PHOENIX HOME LIFE MUTUAL 100 Bright Meadow Boulevard Phone 860 403-1000 INSURANCE COMPANY PO Box 1900 Toll Free 800 243-3342 AMERICAN PHOENIX LIFE AND Enfield CT 06083-1900 Internet www.phl.com REASSURANCE COMPANY PHOENIX LIFE AND REASSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK [LOGO OF PHOENIX] PHOENIX December 18, 1998 Mr. Charles D. Dou USAA Life Insurance Company 9800 Fredericksburg Road San Antonio, TX 78288-0001 Re: Treaty No(s). 2673 Dear Charles: We have added Waiver of Monthly Deduction benefits to the above treaty as requested during our phone conversation of December 3, 1998. Enclosed please find two copies of Exhibit A and Exhibit C that will replace the current Exhibit A and C now in your possession. If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to call me at 1-(860)-403-2391. Sincerely, /s/ Kevin M. Hawk Kevin M. Hawk Reinsurance Contract Administrator Reinsurance Sales cc: Hiram Gonzalez Enclosure [LOGO OF SPECIAL OLYMPICS] SPECIAL OLYMPICS INTERNATIONAL/PROUD WORLDWIDE PARTNER PHOENIX HOME LIFE MUTUAL 100 Bright Meadow Boulevard Phone 860403-1000 INSURANCE COMPANY PO Box 1900 Toll Free 800 243-3342 AMERICAN PHOENIX LIFE AND Enfield CT 06083-1900 Internet www.phl.com REASSURANCE COMPANY PHOENIX LIFE AND REASSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK [LOGO OF PHOENIX] PHOENIX June 4, 1998 Mr. Allen R. Pierce, FSA Assistant Vice President Annuities/Life Products Actuary USAA Life Insurance Company USAA Building F-2-E San Antonio, TX 78288-0339 Re: Agreement covering USAA's VUL plan Dear Allen, Enclosed you will find two copies of PHL Treaty No. 2673 covering your VUL plan on a first dollar basis. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (860)403-2391. Otherwise, please countersign both copies of the treaty and return one to my attention. Sincerely, /s/ Linda Gavello Linda Gavello Reinsurance Contract Administrator [LOGO OF SPECIAL OLYMPICS] SPECIAL OLYMPICS INTERNATIONAL/PROUD WORLDWIDE PARTNER [LOGO OF USAA] USAA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY USAA(R) ============================================================ 05/11/98 Mitch Mitchell Phoenix Home Life Mutual Insurance Company 5400 LBJ Freeway Suite 1540 Dallas, TX 75240 Dear Mitch: Thanks for your prompt action in providing a reinsurance proposal for our new VUL product. I would also like to thank you for the prompt manner in which you revised quotes based on our conversations. Based on your final proposal and the percentages (shown below) as applied to the YRT table I supplied to you, I'd like to offer you the following quota shares of our new products, contingent upon agreeable treaty terms. QUOTA SHARES PRODUCT = VUL Your share of the Pool is 5.0% First year factors in your offer were 0% with the following renewal factors to be applied to the YRT table I provided to you: RENEWAL FACTORS PRODUCT = VUL Preferred Ultra 34.0% Preferred Plus 43.0% Preferred 60.0% Standard Plus 47.0% Standard 64.0% These factors are applied to the appropriate class and premium band of the contract being reinsured. The treaty should be prepared on a 1st dollar quota share coinsurance basis. USAA will retain 10% of the risk and the remainder will be ceded to a Pool. The maximum amount of life reinsurance added to the pool on an automatic basis should be $6,600,000. Your portion of the pool will be proportional to your quota share for each product. The 10% retained risk should not exceed our maximum retention limits for Military and Non-Military lives. In addition I would like you to consider a Jumbo Risk Limit of $25,000,000. However is that exceeds your capacity then I will accept $10,000,000. As we discussed, I believe it would be advantageous and certainly desirable on USAA's part to draft a contract with an effective date of June 1, 1998. If that effective date is mutually 9800 Fredericksburg Road San Antonio, Texas 78288 1-800-531-8000 In San Antonio 498-8000 31710-0198 ---------- [LOGO OF USAA] USAA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY USAA(R) ============================================================ acceptable, please draft the appropriate contract forms using that information. The final contracts will of course be subject to review and approval by both parties. Sincerely, /s/ Allen R. Pierce Allen R. Pierce AVP - Actuarial Support & Management Accounting 9800 Fredericksburg Road San Antonio, Texas 78288 1-800-531-8000 In San Antonio 498-8000 31710-0198 ----------