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Exhibit 10.16


Letter of Commitment on Plan for Stabilizing the Company’s Stock Price within Three Years upon the Listing and the Restraint Measures


In order to maintain the stable stock price after the stocks of Beijing Tongmei Xtal Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) are listed and fully protect the rights and interests of the Company’s shareholders and especially the small and medium shareholders, the Company hereby formulates the Plan of Beijing Tongmei Xtal Technology Co., Ltd. for Stabilizing the Company’s Share Price within Three Years upon the Listing (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan for Stabilizing the Stock Price”). According to the requirements of the Opinions on Further Promoting the Reform of New Stock Issue System of China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as “CSRC”), the Company and its controlling shareholder, directors (except independent directors, the same below) and senior executives receiving the remunerations and/or allowances from the Company shall undertake to strictly observe the following plan for stabilizing the Company’s stock price:


I. Conditions for starting and stopping the measures for stabilizing the stock price


(I) Conditions for starting the measures: if the closing stock price is lower than the audited net assets per share (net assets per share = the total number of rights and interests attributable to the common shareholders of the parent company in the consolidated financial statements/the total number of the Company’s shares at the year end, in case of any change in the net assets or total shares of the Company due to ex-right and ex-dividend matters such as

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dividend payout, stock dividend, conversion of capital reserve into share capital and additional issuance of new stocks in the Company’s stocks or for other reasons, then the relevant calculation and comparison methods shall be adjusted according to the relevant stipulations of the stock exchange or other applicable stipulations, the same below) of the Company in the previous accounting year for 20 consecutive trading days within three years after the Company makes the IPO and is listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board, the Company will take one or multiple measures as follows in sequence to stabilize the Company’s stock price: (1) the Company repurchases the shares; (2) the controlling shareholder increases the shares; (3) directors and senior executives increase the shares.


(II) Conditions for stopping the measures: within the implementation period of the following specific measures for stabilizing the stock price, if the Company’s closing stock price is higher than the audited net assets per share of the Company in the previous accounting year for 20 consecutive trading days, or if the continued repurchase and/or increase of the Company’s shares will cause the Company’s equity distribution to fail to meet the listing conditions, the Company will stop implementing the measures for stabilizing the stock price.


II. Measures for stabilizing the stock price


(I) The Company’s measures for stabilizing the stock price


When the conditions for starting the above measures for stabilizing the stock price are triggered, in the premise of ensuring the compliance of the Company’s equity distribution with the listing conditions and not influencing the Company’s normal production or operation, the Company shall repurchase the shares from the social public shareholders after it timely performs the relevant legal procedures according to the laws such as the Company Law

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of the People’s Republic of China, Measures for Management of the Repurchase of Social Public Shares by the Listed Companies (Trial) and Supplementary Provisions on Share Purchase by the Listed Companies in the Way of Centralized Competitive Price Transaction, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents, relevant stipulations of stock exchange, the Articles of Association and the stipulations of the corporate internal governance system.


The Company shall hold a board meeting within 10 trading days from the date when the conditions for measures for stabilizing the stock price are triggered, to deliberate the Company’s proposal on the share repurchase, and the proposal shall be approved by voting of more than half of all directors of the Board of Directors of the Company, and the resolution and related proposal of the board meeting and the notice on holding the shareholders’ meeting shall be announced within 2 trading days after the board meeting makes the resolution. The proposal on the share repurchase shall include the price or price range of shares planning to be repurchased, the share quantity, the repurchase term as well as other information to be contained by the effective laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents and relevant stipulations of the stock exchange at that time. The proposal on share repurchase shall be resolved at the shareholders’ meeting of the Company, which shall be approved by more than two thirds of the voting power held by the shareholders attending the shareholders’ meeting. The Company’s controlling shareholder undertakes to vote in favor of such repurchase matters at the shareholders’ meeting. The Company shall start implementing the specific scheme for stabilizing the stock price within 5 trading days after such scheme is deliberated and approved at the shareholder’s meeting. The shares repurchased will be cancelled according to law, and the Company’s capital reduction procedure will be timely handled.


If the Company approves the share repurchase proposal for the purpose of stabilizing the stock price, the quantity and amount of the Company’s shares repurchased shall meet the following conditions:

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1. The amount of funds used for a single share repurchase shall be no less than 10% of the audited net profit attributable to the Company’s shareholders in the previous accounting year but shall be no more than 20% of the audited net profit attributable to the Company’s shareholders in the previous accounting year;


2. The total repurchase funds used to stabilize the stock price within a same accounting year shall not exceed 50% of the audited net profit attributable to the Company’s shareholders in the previous accounting year.


If the above standards are exceeded, the relevant measures for stabilizing the stock price shall not be continued any longer in the current year. However, in case of the circumstances for which the measures for stabilizing the stock price need to be started again in the next year, the Company will continue to implement the plan for stabilizing the stock price according to the above principles.


(II) Controlling shareholder’s measures for stabilizing the stock price


When the Company’s closing stock price is lower than the audited net assets per share of the Company in the previous year for 20 consecutive trading days upon the expiration date of the implementation term of the Company’s share repurchase scheme, or when the Company’s stock price stabilization measure by repurchasing the shares is unable to be implemented, the Company’s controlling shareholder shall start the scheme for increasing the Company’s shares in the way of competitive price transaction through the secondary market:


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1. The Company’s controlling shareholder shall increase the Company’s shares in the premise of meeting the conditions and requirements of the laws such as the Measures for Management of the Acquisition of Listed Companies and the Rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange for Stock Listing on the Science and Technology Innovation Board, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents and relevant stipulations of the stock exchange, and shall undertake to vote in favor of the Company’s scheme for stabilizing the stock price with all its votes at the shareholders’ meeting.


2. The controlling shareholder shall notify the Company of its specific plan for increasing the Company’s shares in writing and have the Company announce it within 10 trading days from the date when the conditions for measures for stabilizing the stock price are triggered. The controlling shareholder shall start implementing the specific scheme for stabilizing the stock price within 5 trading days after the scheme for stabilizing the stock price is announced.


3. If the Company’s controlling shareholder increases the Company’s shares for the purpose of stabilizing the stock price, the quantity and amount of the Company’s shares increased shall meet the following conditions;


(1) The accumulated amount of funds used by the controlling shareholder to increase the Company’s shares in 12 consecutive months shall be no less than 30% of the after-tax cash dividend amount obtained by it from the Company in the previous year and shall not exceed the total amount of after-tax cash dividend obtained by the controlling shareholder in the previous year;


(2) The accumulated quantity of shares increased in 12 consecutive months shall not exceed 2% of the total quantity of the Company’s shares. If this requirement conflicts with (1), this requirement shall prevail.


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If the above standards are exceeded, the relevant measures for stabilizing the stock price shall not be continued any longer in the current year. However, in case of the circumstances for which the measures for stabilizing the stock price need to be started again in the next year, the controlling shareholder will continue to implement the plan for stabilizing the stock price according to the above principles.


(III) Measures of directors and senior executives for stabilizing the stock price


When the Company’s closing stock price is lower than the audited net assets per share of the Company in the previous accounting year for 20 consecutive trading days upon the expiration date of the implementation term for the controlling shareholder’s scheme for share increase when the Company starts the measures for stabilizing the stock price, or when the controlling shareholder’s stock price stabilization measure by increasing the shares is unable to be implemented, the directors and senior executive shall start the scheme for increasing the Company’s shares in the way of competitive price transaction through the secondary market:


1. Directors and senior executives shall increase the Company’s shares in the premise of meeting the conditions and requirements of the laws such as the Measures for Management of the Acquisition of Listed Companies and the Rules for Management of the Companies’ Shares Held by the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives of Listed Companies and Their Changes, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents and relevant stipulations of the stock exchange, and shall undertake to vote in favor of the Company’s scheme for stabilizing the stock price at the board meeting with their identity of director (if any).


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2. The above directors and senior executives bearing the share increase obligation shall notify the Company of their specific plans for increasing the Company’s shares in writing and have the Company announce the plans within 10 trading days from the date when the conditions for measures for stabilizing the stock price are triggered. Such directors and senior executives shall start implementing the specific schemes for stabilizing the stock price within 5 trading days after the schemes for stabilizing the stock price are announced.


3. Except for the force majeure, if the directors and senior executives bearing the above share increase the Company’s shares for the purpose of stabilizing the stock price, the quantity and amount of the Company’s shares increased shall meet the following conditions:


Within one accounting year from the conditions for starting the above stock price stabilization measures are met, the amount of funds used by directors and senior executives to increase the Company’s shares shall be no less than 10% of total amount of after-tax cash dividends (if any), remunerations and allowances received by them from the Company in the previous year but shall not exceed 30%.


If the above standards are exceeded, the relevant measures for stabilizing the stock price shall not be continued any longer in the current year. However, in case of the circumstances for which the measures for stabilizing the stock price need to be started again in the next year, the directors and senior executives will continue to implement the plan for stabilizing the stock price according to the above principles.


4. Within the valid term of the Plan for Stabilizing the Stock Price, the newly-employed directors and senior executives in line with the above conditions shall observe the stipulations on the obligations and responsibilities of the Company’s directors and senior executives in the Plan for Stabilizing the Stock Price. The Company and the

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Company’s controlling shareholder, existing directors and senior executives shall facilitate such newly-employed directors and senior executives to observe the Plan for Stabilizing the Stock Price and sign the relevant commitments before they are nominated in writing.


(IV) Other measures for stabilizing the stock price


1. In the premise of complying with the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents and relevant provisions of the stock exchange and guaranteeing the Company’s operation fund demand, upon the deliberation and consent of the Board of Directors and General Meeting of Shareholders, the Company may stabilize the Company’s stock price through profit allocation or conversion of capital reserve into share capital;


2. In the premise of complying with the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents and relevant provisions of the stock exchange, the Company may promote the Company’s performance and stabilize the Company’s stock price by means of reducing the expenditures, limiting the senior executives remuneration and suspending the equity incentive plan;


3. Other measures for stabilizing the stock price stipulated by laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules and normative documents and recognized by CSRC and the Stock Exchange.


III. Restraint measures


(I) Restrain measures for the Company’s failure to perform the commitment of stabilizing the stock price


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If the Company fails to perform or does not perform the commitment of stabilizing the stock price on schedule, it shall explain the specific reasons publicly at the shareholders’ meeting and in the disclosure media designated by CSRC. If for the reasons other than the force majeure, the Company will be liable for compensating the investors for the losses caused to the investors, and shall bear the corresponding responsibilities according to the laws, administrative regulations and the requirements of relevant regulators; in case of force majeure, the Company shall study the disposal scheme for minimizing the losses to the investors’ benefits as soon as possible and submit it to the shareholders’ meeting for deliberation, so as to protect the benefits of the Company’s investors as far as possible.


(II) Restraint measures for the controlling shareholder’s failure to perform the commitment of stabilizing the stock price


If the controlling shareholder fails to perform or does not perform the commitment of stabilizing the stock price on schedule, it shall explain the specific reasons publicly at the shareholders’ meeting and in the disclosure media designated by CSRC. If for the reasons other than the force majeure, it shall agree not to receive the part attributable to the controlling shareholder in the profit allocated by the Company for the time being before completing the performance of relevant commitments, and shall compensate the investors for the losses caused to the investors according to law; in case of force majeure, the controlling shareholder shall study the disposal scheme for minimizing the losses to the investors’ benefits as soon as possible, so as to protect the benefits of the investors as far as possible.


(III) Restraint measures for failure of directors and senior executives to perform the commitment of stabilizing the stock price


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If the above directors and senior executives bearing the share increase obligation fail to perform or do not perform the commitment of stabilizing the stock price on schedule, they shall explain the specific reasons publicly at the shareholders’ meeting and in the disclosure media designated by CSRC. If for the reasons other than the force majeure, the remunerations and/or allowances of the directors and senior executives shall be reduced or suspended, and the directors and senior executives shall compensate the investors for the losses caused to the investors according to law; in case of force majeure, such directors and senior executives shall study the disposal scheme for minimizing the losses to the investors’ benefits as soon as possible, so as to protect the benefits of the investors as far as possible.


This letter of commitment shall take effect from the date when the Company makes the IPO and is listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board.


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(Without text, this page is a signing page of Letter of Commitment on Plan for Stabilizing the Company’s Stock Price within Three Years upon the Listing and the Restraint Measures)


Beijing Tongmei Xtal Technology Co., Ltd.




Date: MM/DD/YY

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(Without text, this page is a signing page of Letter of Commitment on Plan for Stabilizing the Company’s Stock Price within Three Years upon the Listing and the Restraint Measures)


Controlling shareholder:

AXT, Inc.




Signed by:




Title: authorized representative


Date: MM/DD/YY

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(Without text, this page is a signing page of Letter of Commitment on Plan for Stabilizing the Company’s Stock Price within Three Years upon the Listing and the Restraint Measures)






Date: MM/DD/YY

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(Without text, this page is a signing page of Letter of Commitment on Plan for Stabilizing the Company’s Stock Price within Three Years upon the Listing and the Restraint Measures)


Director and General Manager:




Date: MM/DD/YY

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(Without text, this page is a signing page of Letter of Commitment on Plan for Stabilizing the Company’s Stock Price within Three Years upon the Listing and the Restraint Measures)


Director and Financial Administrator



(Hao Ze)


Date: MM/DD/YY

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(Without text, this page is a signing page of Letter of Commitment on Plan for Stabilizing the Company’s Stock Price within Three Years upon the Listing and the Restraint Measures)


Director and Deputy General Manager:



Wang Yuxin


Date: MM/DD/YY

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(Without text, this page is a signing page of Letter of Commitment on Plan for Stabilizing the Company’s Stock Price within Three Years upon the Listing and the Restraint Measures)


Director and Deputy General Manager:



Guo Tao


Date: MM/DD/YY

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(Without text, this page is a signing page of Letter of Commitment on Plan for Stabilizing the Company’s Stock Price within Three Years upon the Listing and the Restraint Measures)


Board Secretary:



Song Jing


Date: MM/DD/YY

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