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Exhibit 99.1
Exhibit 99.1
500  DALLAS,  SUITE  2920

February 15, 2011

Mr. Stephen C. Larkin, CFO
Bayou City Exploration, Inc.
632 Adams Street, Suite 700
Bowling Green, Ky.  42101

Bayou City Exploration, Inc.
Evaluation of Proved Oil and Gas Assets
As of December 31, 2010

Dear Mr. Larkin:

Pursuant to your request,  Pressler  Petroleum  Consultants,  Inc.  (Pressler)  has estimated  proved reserves and prepared a projection of future production and cash flow attributable to certain oil and gas interests owned by Bayou City Exploration, Inc. (Bayou City).  This evaluation was authorized by Mr. Stephen C. Larkin of Bayou City. Projections of the reserves and cash flow to the evaluated interests were based on applicable economic parameters and operating conditions pursuant to the financial  reporting  requirements  of  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (SEC).  It  is  the understanding of Pressler that the purpose of this evaluation is for year end financial reporting.

The properties evaluated are located in the Gulf Coast Area of South Texas.  As of December 31, 2010 the properties consist of interests in a total of 5 active oil and gas wells, 4 producing and 1 shut in.  All  properties  were  evaluated  by  Pressler  along  with  their  associated  total  proved  net reserves  and  values  effective  December  31,  2010.  It is  the  understanding  of  Pressler  that  the reserves contained herein represent 100% of Bayou City’s reserves as of the effective date of this report.

Oil  and  gas  reserves  were  evaluated  for  the  proved  developed  producing  (PDP)  and  proved developed nonproducing (PDNP). The summary classification of total proved reserves combines all of the above categories.

All  data  utilized  in  the  preparation  of  this  report  with  respect  to  interests,  oil  and  gas  prices, operating expenses, investments and current operating conditions were provided by Bayou City.

Bayou City Exploration, Inc.
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February 15, 2011

Data obtained after the effective date of the report, but prior to the completion of the report, were used and the data was applied consistently. The reserves category assignments reflect the status of the wells as of the effective date. All production data were provided by Bayou City. It should be emphasized that revisions to the projection of reserves and economics included in this report may be required if the provided data are revised for any reason. No inspection of the properties was made as this was not considered to be within the scope of this evaluation.

Oil reserves are expressed in United States (U.S.) barrels of 42 U.S. gallons. Gas volumes are expressed in thousands of standard cubic feet (Mcf) at the official temperature and pressure base of the areas in which the gas reserves are located.

The  ownership  interests  and  property  identification  were  accepted  as  provided  by  Bayou  City and incorporated into our analysis.  We were provided with updated Lease Operating Statements and Check Stubs with which we calculated price differentials and operating costs. Additionally, we  obtained  performance  information  from  Bayou  City  and  Coastal  Plains  Exploration,  the operator of the subject properties. We projected the future production performance for each well using  the  provided  production  data,  as  well  as  the  provided  accounting  data  and  ownership interests  to  generate  future  net  reserves  and  cashflows.  The results  of  these  calculations  are summarized below:

Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves and Future Net Revenue
As of December 31, 2010
Net to Bayou City Exploration, Inc.:

                      Future Net revenue, $   
Present Worth
at 10% 
   Producing (PDP)
    760       2,470       32,458       31,507  
Non Producing (PDNP-BP)
    0       4,319       11,536       10,104  
Total Proved
    760       6,789       43,994       41,611  

Included in this report is a one-line summary, and individual well estimated production and cash flow projections.

As specified by the SEC regulations, when calculating economic producibility, the base product price must be the 12-month average price, calculated as the un-weighted arithmetic average of the first-day-of-the-month price for each month within the prior 12-month period. The benchmark base prices used for this evaluation were $79.43 per barrel of oil for West Texas Intermediate oil at Cushing, OK., and $4.38 per Million British thermal units (MMBtu) for natural gas at Henry Hub, La. The oil and gas prices were adjusted on each well based on deductions such as quality, energy content, and basis differential, as appropriate. Prices for oil and natural gas were held constant throughout the remaining life of the properties.

Bayou City Exploration, Inc.
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February 15, 2011

No attempt has been made to account for oil and gas price fluctuations that have occurred in the market subsequent to the effective date of this report. It should be emphasized that with current economic   uncertainties,   fluctuations   in   market   conditions   could   significantly   change   the economics in this report.

Operating expenses were provided by Bayou City. The evaluation utilized up to twelve months of  operating  expense  records  depending  upon  when  the  wells  were  completed.  Detailed  joint interest  billing  statements  were  provided  and  reviewed.  For  new  and  developing  properties where data were unavailable, operating expenses were estimated based on analogy with similar properties.  Operating  costs  were  held  constant  for  the  life  of  the  properties.  Standard  state severance taxes have been deducted as appropriate.

This report includes only cost and revenues which were provided by Bayou City that are directly attributable  to  the  individual  leases  and  areas.  All  capital  costs,  workover  costs,  or  operating costs  have  been  deducted  as  applicable.  These  costs  were  supplied  by  Bayou  City.  No adjustments were made to account for the potential effect of inflation on these costs.

The  wells  evaluated  herein,  in  which  Bayou  City  owns  an  interest,  may  be  subject  to  various levels  of  governmental  controls and regulations.  These controls and  regulations may include matters relating to land tenure,   drilling,   production   practices,   environmental   protection, marketing and pricing policies, and various taxes and are subject to change from time to time. Such changes in governmental regulations and policies may cause volumes of reserves actually recovered  and  amounts  of  income  actually  received  to  differ  significantly  from  the  estimated quantities in this report.

No  consideration  was  given  in  this  report  to  potential  environmental  liabilities  that  may  exist concerning the properties evaluated. There are no costs included in this evaluation for potential liability  for  restoration  and  to  clean  up  damages,  if  any,  caused  by  past  or  future  operating practices.

The estimates of reserves obtained in this report were determined by accepted industry methods and in accordance with the attached Definitions of Oil and Gas Reserves. Methods utilized in this report  include  extrapolation  of  historical  production  trends  and  analogy  to  similar  producing properties. Pressler  believes  the  assumptions,  data,  methods  and  procedures  utilized  in  this report are appropriate for the purpose served by this report, and that it utilized all methods and procedures it considered necessary to prepare this report.

There  are  significant  uncertainties  in  estimating  reserves,  future  rates  of  production,  and  the timing  and  amount  of  future  costs.  Oil  and  gas  reserves  estimates  must  be  recognized  as  a subjective process that cannot be measured in an exact way and estimates of others may differ materially from those of Pressler. Production data subsequent to the date of these estimates may warrant revisions of such estimates. Accordingly, reserves estimates are often different from the quantities of oil and gas that are ultimately recovered.

Pressler  is  an  independent  petroleum  consulting  firm  founded  in  1985  and  does  not  own  any interests  in  the  oil  and  gas  properties  covered  by  this  report  or  this  evaluation.  No  employee, officer,  or  director  of  Pressler  is  an  employee,  officer,  or  director  of  Bayou  City.  Neither  the employment of nor the compensation received by Pressler is contingent upon the values assigned to the properties covered by the report or this evaluation.

Bayou City Exploration, Inc.
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February 15, 2011
This report should be considered in its entirety and should not be used for any purpose other than that outlined herein without the express written consent of an officer of Pressler.
The professional qualifications of the petroleum consultants responsible for the evalation of the reserves and economics information contained in this report meet the standards of Resedrves Estimator as defined in the  "Standards Pertaining to the Estimating and Auditing of Oil and Gas Reserves Information" as promulgated by the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Thank you for the opportunity to prepare this evaluation.  Should you have any questions concerning the report, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours truly,
Firm #7507
By:  /s/ Daniel L. Wilson, P.E.
Daniel L. Wilson, P.E.
TBPE #63809

Professional Qualifications
Daniel L. Wilson, P.E.

I,  Daniel  L.  Wilson,  am  the  primary  technical person  responsible  for  the  resulting  estimate  of reserves  and  associated  cash  flow  and  economics  presented  herein  on  behalf  of  Pressler Petroleum  Consultants,  Inc.  (Pressler)  to  Bayou  City  Exploration,  Inc.  I  have  a  Bachelor  of Science degree in Petroleum Engineering from The University of Texas, Austin.

I am a qualified Reserves Estimator as set forth in the “Standards Pertaining to the Estimating and Auditing of Oil and Gas Reserves Information” promulgated by the Society of Petroleum Engineers.  This  qualification  is  based  on  more  than  34  years  of  practical  experience  in  the estimation and evaluation of petroleum reserves, as well as continuing education concerning the estimating and auditing of oil and gas reserves.

I am a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Texas (TBPE # 63809), and am a member of  The  Society  of  Petroleum  Engineers  (SPE)  and  The  Society  of  Petroleum  Evaluation Engineers (SPEE).

January 1, 2011



Pressler Petroleum Consultants, Inc.

R es Cat /Lease
Operating Expense
Disc 10%
Net Oil
RSV-CATI = 1PDP                                                                        
CHA PMAN 75- 1
    0.0 00       37.9 24       0.000       2 .215       9.167       1 .91 6       0.00 0       6.30 9       6.153  
    8.7 10       0.000       0.606       0 .000       4 6.28 1       27.730       0.00 0       15.097       14 .346  
    0.0 00       0.000       0.000       0 .000       0.000       0 .00 0       0.00 0       0.00 0       0.000  
    1.9 84       1.841       0.138       0 .128       1 1.00 8       0 .47 2       0.00 0       9.69 8       9.660  
    0.2 32       1.836       0.016       0 .127       1.809       0 .30 4       0.00 0       1.35 4       1.348  
Subtotal PDP:
    10.926       41.6 01       0.760       2 .470       6 8.26 5       30.422       0.00 0       32.458       31 .507  
R SV _CA T1 = 2PD NP
CHA PMAN 75- 1 ( 3100 ' SAND -BP)
    0.0 00       73.9 53       0.000       4 .319       1 7.87 6       4 .02 4       0.48 0       11.536       10 .104  
Subtotal P DNP :
    0.0 00       73.9 53       0.000       4 .319       1 7.87 6       4 .02 4       0.48 0       11.536       10 .104  
Grand Total All Reserves:
    10.926       115.554       0.760       6 .789       8 6.14 1       34.446       0.48 0       43.994       41 .611