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(Investment Company Act file number)


The James Advantage Funds 

(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)


1349 Fairground Road 

Xenia, Ohio 45385 

(Address of principal executive offices)   (Zip code)


Barry R. James 

P.O. Box 8 

Alpha, Ohio 45301 

(Name and address of agent for service)


Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (937) 426-7640


Date of fiscal year end: June 30


Date of reporting period: July 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018




Item 1. Reports to Stockholders.







Shareholder Letter 1
Growth of $10,000 or $50,000 Charts 4
Representation of Schedules of Investments 8
Disclosure of Fund Expenses 9
Schedule of Investments  
James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund 10
James Small Cap Fund 21
James Mid Cap Fund 24
James Micro Cap Fund 27
James Aggressive Allocation Fund 29
James Long-Short Fund 33
Statements of Assets and Liabilities 36
Statements of Operations 38
Statements of Changes in Net Assets 40
Financial Highlights  
James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund - Retail Class 47
James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund - Institutional Class 48
James Small Cap Fund 49
James Mid Cap Fund 50
James Micro Cap Fund 51
James Aggressive Allocation Fund 52
James Long-Short Fund 53
Notes to Financial Statements 54
Additional Information 63
Privacy Policy 64


Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Funds’ annual and semi-annual shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports. Instead, the reports will be made available on the Funds’ website at www.jamesfunds.com and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.


Beginning on January 1, 2019, you may, notwithstanding the availability of shareholder reports online, elect to receive all future shareholder reports in paper free of charge. If you invest through a financial intermediary, you can contact your financial intermediary to request that you continue to receive paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Funds, you can call 1-800-995-2637 to let the Funds know you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports.


If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Funds electronically anytime by contacting your financial intermediary (such as a broker-dealer or bank) or, if you are a direct investor, by enrolling at www.jamesfunds.com.




James Advantage Funds Shareholder Letter

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)




What started out as a very promising year for the markets suddenly changed in the later stages of 2018. Investors were riding a wave of euphoria and many even began to face the Fear of Missing Out. At year end, however, stocks and bonds both had negative returns for the calendar year while the only asset class with a positive return for calendar 2018 was cash.


The Markets Over the Past Six Months


The second half of 2018, in retrospect, looks like two separate time periods for the markets. During July, August and September, the major market indices continued to advance and set new highs. Corporate earnings were growing at a healthy rate and the U.S. economy followed suit, all while unemployment was moving to new lows. Almost as suddenly, we flipped the page of the calendar from September to October and the markets flipped as well. October, November and December were difficult times for stock holders as those old highs were a thing of the past. In the second half of calendar 2018, the Russell 1000® Index declined 7.43% and the NASDAQ fell by 11.14%. These both pale in comparison to the decline of 17.35% experienced by the Russell 2000® Index, which is comprised of small capitalization stocks.


While stocks were falling, fixed income investments (bonds) fared a little better in the second half of calendar 2018. Case in point, the Bloomberg Barclays Capital U.S. Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index posted a positive return of 1.87% over the same timeframe.


Investment Goals and Objectives


The Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund seeks to provide total return through a combination of growth and income and preservation of capital in declining markets. The Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund will generally hold positions in common stocks that in aggregate constitute between 35 percent and 55 percent of the net assets. Bonds held in the fund must be rated Baa2 by Moody’s/BBB by Standard & Poor’s (S&P) or higher at the time of purchase. The Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund may hold municipal bonds, but generally buys them when they are attractively priced compared with taxable bonds.


The Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund’s benchmark is a blend of 25% Russell 1000® Index, 25% Russell 2000® Index and 50% Bloomberg Barclays Capital U.S. Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index. The benchmark is the same for all share classes of the Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund. We believe this index to be an appropriate benchmark for the Fund as it provides a true representation from both large, mid and small capitalization stocks as well as a fixed income component. The Aggressive Allocation Fund seeks to provide total return through a combination of growth and income, but preservation of capital in declining markets is a secondary objective. Shareholders should be aware this Fund will likely have a higher level of volatility than the Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund. The Aggressive Allocation Fund’s benchmark is a blend of 65% Russell 3000® Index and 35% Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Government/Credit Bond Index.


The Small Cap Fund, Mid Cap Fund, Long-Short Fund and Micro Cap Fund each seek to provide long-term capital appreciation. These Funds hold only equity securities and cash/cash equivalents, under most circumstances. The funds have the following benchmarks: the Russell 2000® Index for the Small Cap Fund, the Russell Midcap® Index for the Mid Cap Fund, the Russell Microcap® Index for the Micro Cap Fund and the Russell 3000® Index for the Long-Short Fund.


Investment Philosophy


James Investment Research, Inc., the James Advantage Funds’ adviser (the “Adviser”), commenced operations in 1972 and became known as a value manager, identifying stocks with good relative valuations, profitability and price momentum. The Adviser’s research, along with much academic research, supports the view value investing tends to outperform growth investing over the longer-run. While some growth stocks may have astronomical returns, many eventually succumb to too much optimism and speculative investing and produce sharply inferior long-term results. The dot-com stocks in 2000 and real estate stocks in 2008 bear this out. James Investment Research, Inc. ranks stocks based on their value characteristics and chooses those ranked highly for inclusion in the James Advantage Funds’ portfolios. The short selection works in the reverse manner, seeking to short securities that are ranked as expensive and show relatively poor earnings.


The Adviser has no soft-dollar arrangements, and does not purchase research from any broker/dealers.


The James Advantage Funds offer several different styles, but they all use the Adviser’s “bargain” or value approach to stock selection. The Aggressive Allocation Fund generally takes on greater risk than the Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund in terms of allocation to stocks, but still can seek to reduce that risk in anticipation of a major decline in stock prices. Due to potentially higher equity levels, Aggressive Allocation Fund shareholders should generally have higher risk appetites for their mutual fund investments than those in the Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund.


Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 1




Shareholder Letter James Advantage Funds


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


The Long-Short Fund may vary its portfolio holdings significantly, including by being 100% long in stocks with no short positions nor bond positions. It may use bonds to diversify the portfolio, but it primarily uses short positions in stocks the Adviser believes to be over-valued. To that extent, the Fund may hold short positions even when the Adviser is positive on the broader stock market.


The Micro Cap Fund and the Small Cap Fund invest in smaller capitalization companies. The Mid Cap, Small Cap and Micro Cap Funds are niche products designed to meet the objectives of investors who want to establish diversified positions in these areas. As these Funds are all-equity products, they are intrinsically riskier than other products holding bonds and we believe shareholder should expect relatively greater volatility in Net Asset Value (NAV) prices and a higher standard deviation of returns. Still, these portfolios hold stocks that are ranked highly by the Adviser’s models and pass a thorough review by the Adviser’s researchers and portfolio managers.


Strategy for Meeting Fund Objectives


The stock market can be a risky place. The Adviser has always held to the belief preservation of capital in down markets is the key to long-term investment success. Hence, the Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund seeks to preserve capital by constructing a portfolio of both bonds and stocks. Bonds, in general, are uncorrelated with stocks, thus providing asset class diversification as well an income stream. In times when the stock market is strong, some investors may forget these positive characteristics of bonds, but the Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund has always held a significant position in bonds.


The Small Cap Fund, Mid Cap Fund, Long-Short Fund, and Micro Cap Fund look for stocks the Adviser believes to be undervalued, using its proprietary research to screen a database of over 8,500 stocks. Deterioration in a stock’s fundamental value characteristics can lead the Adviser to trim or sell the position.


Fund Performance


Rising bond yields mean falling bond prices, so a balanced portfolio could see returns hurt when the Federal Reserve is raising interest rates. The Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund and the Aggressive Allocation Fund both hold significant bond positions. While it is unusual for portfolios of high quality bonds to lose money, they should be expected to post low returns in a rising rate environment. Over the six-month period ended December 31, 2018, the retail shares of the Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund declined 8.11% and the institutional share class declined 8.03%. The Fund’s benchmark declined 5.27%. The Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund paid out a regular dividend every quarter. The retail class shares paid 7.33 cents/share in September and 6.95 cents/share in December. The institutional class shares paid 8.98 cents/share in September and 8.38 cents/share in December. In addition, in December the Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund paid all shareholders a long-term capital gains distribution of $1.819 per share as well as a short-term capital gain of $0.129 per share.


Over the six months ended December 31, 2018, the Small Cap Fund declined 24.17% while its benchmark, the Russell 2000® Index, fell 17.35%. The Small Cap Fund’s had an annual long-term capital gain payout in December of $1.717 per share and a short-term capital gain payout of $0.419 per share. The Small Cap Fund did not pay an ordinary dividend for the year.


In December, the Mid Cap Fund paid a short-term capital gain of 79.26 cents per share and a long-term capital gain of 34.46 cents per share. Shareholders who held the Mid Cap Fund for the full six months ending December 31, 2018, saw a decline of 22.16%. The Fund’s benchmark, the Russell Midcap® Index, fell 11.14%.


The Micro Cap Fund declined 19.59% for the six months ended December 31, 2018. Its benchmark, the Russell Microcap® Index fell 21.49%. The Fund paid a long-term capital gain dividend in December of 90.68 cents per share.


The Long-Short Fund may employ a short-selling strategy, but it may also run other short position-based approaches including a “130/30” position. This means it can maintain 100% net long exposure by investing 130% of its net assets in long positions and 30% of its net assets in short positions. The Long-Short Fund will only use this strategy when its risk indicators favor doing so. At any one time, the Long-Short Fund can have up to 100% of its total assets (including any borrowings) invested in long positions or short positions. The Long-Short Fund declined 12.19% over the six months ended December 31, 2018 compared to a decline of 8.20% in the Russell 3000® Index. Included in the Fund’s total six-month return is an ordinary dividend of 5.58 cents per share. The Long-Short Fund did not pay a capital gain distribution in 2018.


The Aggressive Allocation Fund is like the Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund in the sense its strategy requires it to hold both stocks and bonds. However, it is a much more aggressive fund and generally will hold a higher allocation to stocks than the Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund. Its benchmark is a blend of 65% Russell 3000® Index and 35% Bloomberg Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Government/Credit Bond Index. The Aggressive Allocation Fund paid an ordinary dividend of 8.86 cents per share in December. No capital gain distribution was paid. For the six months ended December 31, 2018, the Aggressive Allocation Fund declined 11.36% while its benchmark blend lost 4.69%.


2 www.jamesfunds.com




James Advantage Funds Shareholder Letter

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Expectations for the Future


Much of calendar 2018 was very humbling for the James Advantage Funds as value-based investments lagged their growth based brethren. However, we are as committed as ever to the value-based approach which has been shown to be profitable over long periods of time. The inflated large cap growth sector may continue to be under some pressure as the recent pullback in stocks may just be the beginning. We continue to see the “darlings” of the stock market trading at high price multiples, which is an area of concern. The recent correction in the market however might be viewed as somewhat of a blessing to value investors as the pullback in the market may also have created a change in leadership. Investors may have the opportunity to get back to the origins of investing, looking for those stocks with reasonable valuations as well as consistent earnings.


Issues encountered already in 2019 abound; the Government Shut Down, Trade Tariffs with China and Rising Interest Rates are all areas of concern as we start the New Year. Should we see strides in any of those areas, we could see the market react in a favorable manner. It is possible those issues have created a good buying opportunity which could propel the market ahead.


As one of the most famous investors states time and time again “Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful.” Thank you for your continued support and confidence in the James Advantage Funds.


Brian P. Shepardson Secretary


Brian Shepardson is a registered representative of ALPS Distributors, Inc.


The statements and opinions expressed are those of the author, are as of the date of this report, are subject to change, and may not reflect the writer’s current views. All information is historical and not indicative of future results and subject to change. It should not be assumed that an investment in the securities mentioned will be profitable in the future. This information is not a recommendation to buy or sell.


You should carefully consider the investment objectives, potential risks, management fees, and charges and expenses of the Fund before investing. The Fund’s prospectus contains this and other information about the Fund and should be read carefully before investing. You may obtain a current copy of the Fund’s prospectus by calling 1-800-995-2637.


Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The investment return and principal value of an investment in the Fund will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Investors may obtain performance information current to the last month-end at www.jamesfunds.com.


NASDAQ is a global electronic marketplace for buying and selling securities, as well as the benchmark index for U.S. technology stocks.


Standard deviation is a measure of the dispersion of a set of data from its mean and is one of the key fundamental risk measures used in the financial services industry.


Credit ratings apply the underlying holdings of the Fund, and not to the Fund itself. Moody’s studies the financial condition of an entity to ascertain its creditworthiness. The credit ratings reflect the rating agency's opinion of the holdings financial condition and histories. The ratings shown are all considered investment grade and are listed by highest to lowest in percentage of what the Fund holds.


Standard & Poor’s provides credit ratings on bonds, countries, and other investments. The S&P rating describes the general creditworthiness of a company, city, or country that issues debt and how likely the debt will be repaid. The rating is a letter grade with AAA being the best and D being the worst.


Diversification does not eliminate the risk of experiencing investment loss.


ALPS Distributors, Inc. 1290 Broadway, Ste. 1100, Denver, CO 80203 (Member FINRA). ALPS is not affiliated with James Investment Research, Inc.


Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 3




Growth of $10,000 or $50,000 Charts James Advantage Funds

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Comparison of the Change in Value of a $10,000 Investment in the James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund – Retail Class




James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund – Retail Class Average Annual Total Returns


  1 Year 5 Years 10 Years



James Balanced: Golden Rainbow – Retail Class -10.52% 1.01% 5.10% 7.05%
Blended Index(2) -3.22% 4.33% 8.05% 7.70%
S&P 500® Index(2) -4.38% 8.49% 13.12% 9.34%
Russell 1000® Index -4.78% 8.21% 13.28% 9.51%
Russell 2000® Index -11.01% 4.41% 11.97% 9.36%
Bloomberg Barclays Capital U.S. Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index 0.88% 1.86% 2.90% 5.15%


(1)Inception was July 1, 1991.
(2)Effective as of November 1, 2018, the Fund changed its benchmark from the S&P 500® Index to the Blended Index (25% Russell 1000® Index; 25% Russell 2000® Index; 50% Bloomberg Barclays Capital U.S. Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index). The Fund changed its benchmark because James Investment Research, Inc. believes the new benchmark represents a better comparison against which to measure the Fund’s performance.


The total annual operating expense ratio as stated in the fee table of the most recent prospectus, dated November 1, 2018, was 1.00%.

Comparison of the Change in Value of a $50,000 Investment in the James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund – Institutional Class




James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund – Institutional Class Average Annual Total Returns


  1 Year 5 Years



James Balanced: Golden Rainbow – Institutional Class -10.32% 1.26% 6.99%
Blended Index(2) -3.22% 4.33% 9.73%
S&P 500® Index(2) -4.38% 8.49% 16.26%
Russell 1000® Index -4.78% 8.21% 16.37%
Russell 2000® Index -11.01% 4.41% 15.71%
Bloomberg Barclays Capital U.S. Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index 0.88% 1.86% 3.01%


(1)Inception was March 2, 2009.
(2)Effective as of November 1, 2018, the Fund changed its benchmark from the S&P 500® Index to the Blended Index (25% Russell 1000® Index; 25% Russell 2000® Index; 50% Bloomberg Barclays Capital U.S. Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index). The Fund changed its benchmark because James Investment Research, Inc. believes the new benchmark represents a better comparison against which to measure the Fund’s performance.


The total annual operating expense ratio as stated in the fee table of the most recent prospectus, dated November 1, 2018, was 0.75%.

Past performance does not guarantee future results. The performance data quoted represents past performance and current returns may be lower or higher. The investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. These performance figures do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Please call 1-800-995-2637 for most recent month-end performance information.


The S&P 500® Index is an unmanaged index of 500 common stocks chosen for market size, liquidity and industry group representation.


The Russell 1000® Index is an index of approximately 1,000 of the largest companies in the U.S. equity market. The Russell 1000® Index is a subset of the Russell 3000® Index. It represents the top companies by market capitalization.


The Russell 2000® Index is a widely recognized, unmanaged index comprised of the 2,000 smallest U.S. domiciled publicly-traded common stocks of the Russell 3000® Index, which represents approximately 8% of the total market capitalization of the Russell 3000® Index, an unmanaged index of the 3,000 largest U.S. domiciled publicly-traded common stocks by market capitalization.


The Bloomberg Barclays Capital U.S. Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index measures the performance of U.S. Dollar denominated U.S. Treasuries, government-related and investment grade U.S. corporate securities that have a remaining maturity of greater than one year and less than ten years.


The S&P 500® Index, Russell 1000® Index, Russell 2000® Index, Bloomberg Barclays Capital U.S. Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index and Blended Index are widely recognized unmanaged indices of security prices and are representative of a broader market and range of securities than is found in the Fund’s portfolio. The Index returns do not reflect the deduction of expenses, which have been deducted from a Fund’s returns. The Index returns assume reinvestment of all distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes and fees. Individuals cannot invest directly in any Index; however, an individual can invest in exchange traded funds or other investment vehicles that attempt to track the performance of a benchmark index.


4 www.jamesfunds.com




James Advantage Funds Growth of $10,000 or $50,000 Charts


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Comparison of the Change in Value of a $10,000 Investment in the James Small Cap Fund




James Small Cap Fund

Average Annual Total Returns


  1 Year 5 Years 10 Years



James Small Cap Fund -24.42% -1.98% 8.53% 6.40%
Russell 2000® Index -11.01% 4.41% 11.97% 8.32%


(1)Fund inception was October 2, 1998.


The total annual operating expense ratio as stated in the fee table of the most recent prospectus, dated November 1, 2018, was 1.50%.

Comparison of the Change in Value of a $10,000 Investment in the James Mid Cap Fund




James Mid Cap Fund

Average Annual Total Returns


  1 Year 5 Years 10 Years



James Mid Cap Fund -24.49% -0.55% 8.30% 3.59%
Russell Midcap® Index(2) -9.06% 6.26% 14.03% 7.69%
S&P MidCap 400® Value Index(2) -11.88% 5.56% 12.82% 7.24%


(1)Fund inception was June 30, 2006.
(2)Effective as of November 1, 2018, the Fund changed its benchmark from the S&P MidCap 400® Value Index to Russell Midcap® Index. The Fund changed its benchmark because James Investment Research, Inc. believes the new benchmark represents a better comparison against which to measure the Fund’s performance.


The total annual operating expense ratio as stated in the fee table of the most recent prospectus, dated November 1, 2018, was 1.51%.

Past performance does not guarantee future results. The performance data quoted represents past performance and current returns may be lower or higher. The investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. These performance figures do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Please call 1-800-995-2637 for most recent month-end performance information.


Mid, Small and Micro Cap investing involve greater risk not associated with investing in more established companies, such as greater price volatility, business risk, less liquidity and increased competitive threat.


The Mid Cap Fund invests in stocks of mid-cap companies which tend to be more volatile and can be less liquid than stocks of large-cap companies. Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against loss. Current and future portfolio holdings are subject to risk.


The Russell 2000® Index is a widely recognized, unmanaged index comprised of the 2,000 smallest U.S. domiciled publicly-traded common stocks of the Russell 3000® Index, which represents approximately 8% of the total market capitalization of the Russell 3000® Index, an unmanaged index of the 3,000 largest U.S. domiciled publicly-traded common stocks by market capitalization.


The S&P MidCap 400® Value Index is a recognized, unmanaged index of mid cap stocks considered to be value stocks using Standard and Poor’s methodology.


The Russell Midcap® Index is a market capitalization weighted index comprised of 800 publicly traded U.S. companies with market caps of between $2 and $10 billion. The 800 companies in the Russell Midcap® Index are the same 800 of the 1,000 companies that comprise Russell 1000® Index.


The Russell 2000® Index, S&P MidCap Value 400® Index and Russell Midcap® Index are widely recognized unmanaged indices of security prices and are representative of a broader market and range of securities than is found in the Fund’s portfolio. The Index returns do not reflect the deduction of expenses, which have been deducted from a Fund’s returns. The Index returns assume reinvestment of all distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes and fees. Individuals cannot invest directly in any Index; however, an individual can invest in exchange traded funds or other investment vehicles that attempt to track the performance of a benchmark index.


Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 5




Growth of $10,000 or $50,000 Charts James Advantage Funds

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Comparison of the Change in Value of a $10,000 Investment in the James Micro Cap Fund




James Micro Cap Fund

Average Annual Total Returns


  1 Year 5 Years



James Micro Cap Fund -16.56% 2.32% 8.26%
Russell Microcap® Index -13.08% 3.08% 10.80%


(1)Fund inception was July 1, 2010.


The total annual operating expense ratio as stated in the fee table of the most recent prospectus, dated November 1, 2018, was 1.51%.

Comparison of the Change in Value of a $10,000 Investment in the James Aggressive Allocation Fund




James Aggressive Allocation Fund

Average Annual Total Returns


  1 Year



James Aggressive Allocation Fund -13.31% -1.06%
Blended Index(2) -3.29% 5.46%
Russell 3000® Index(2) -5.24% 7.00%
Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Government/Credit Bond Index -0.42% 2.12%


(1)Fund inception was July 1, 2015.
(2)Effective as of November 1, 2018, the Fund changed its benchmark from the Russell 3000® Index to the Blended Index (35% Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Government/Credit Bond Index, 65% Russell 3000® Index). The Fund changed its benchmark because James Investment Research, Inc. believes the new benchmark represents a better comparison against which to measure the Fund’s performance.


The total annual operating expense ratio as stated in the fee table of the most recent prospectus, dated November 1, 2018, was 1.01%.

Past performance does not guarantee future results. The performance data quoted represents past performance and current returns may be lower or higher. The investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. These performance figures do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Please call 1-800-995-2637 for most recent month-end performance information.


Mid, Small and Micro Cap investing involve greater risk not associated with investing in more established companies, such as greater price volatility, business risk, less liquidity and increased competitive threat.


The Russell Microcap® Index measures the performance of the microcap segment of the U.S. equity market. It makes up less than 3% of the U.S. equity market. It includes 1,000 of the smallest securities in the small cap Russell 2000® Index, plus the next smallest eligible securities by market cap.


The Russell 3000® Index is a stock market index of U.S. stocks. The index measures the performance of 3,000 publicly held U.S. companies based on total market capitalization, which represents approximately 98% of the investable U.S. equity market.


The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Government/Credit Bond Index (an unmanaged index generally representative of dollar denominated U.S. Treasuries, government related and investment grade U.S. corporate securities that have a remaining maturity greater than one year).


The Russell Microcap® Index, Russell 3000® Index, Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Government/Credit Bond Fund and the Blended Index are widely recognized unmanaged indices of security prices and are representative of a broader market and range of securities than is found in the Fund’s portfolio. The Index returns do not reflect the deduction of expenses, which have been deducted from a Fund’s returns. The Index returns assume reinvestment of all distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes and fees. Individuals cannot invest directly in any Index; however, an individual can invest in exchange traded funds or other investment vehicles that attempt to track the performance of a benchmark index.


6 www.jamesfunds.com




James Advantage Funds Growth of $10,000 or $50,000 Charts


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Comparison of the Change in Value of a $10,000 Investment in the James Long-Short Fund




James Long-Short Fund

Average Annual Total Returns


  1 Year 5 Years



James Long-Short Fund -17.06% -0.23% 3.31%
Russell 3000® Index(2) -5.24% 7.91% 10.75%
S&P 500® Index(2) -4.38% 8.49% 11.14%


(1)Fund inception was May 23, 2011.
(2)Effective as of November 1, 2018, the Fund changed its benchmark from the S&P 500® Index to the Russell 3000® Index. The Fund changed its benchmark because James Investment Research, Inc. believes the new benchmark represents a better comparison against which to measure the Fund’s performance.


The total annual operating expense ratio as stated in the fee table of the most recent prospectus, dated November 1, 2018, was 1.61%.

Past performance does not guarantee future results. The performance data quoted represents past performance and current returns may be lower or higher. The investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. These performance figures do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Please call 1-800-995-2637 for most recent month-end performance information.


Short selling incurs significant additional risk; theoretically, stocks sold short have unlimited upside risk potential. In addition, this strategy depends on the Adviser’s ability to correctly identify undervalued and overvalued stocks, and that the stock markets are reasonable and efficient. Periods of extreme volatility may harm the performance of this product. The Long-Short Fund may have a high portfolio turnover rate. A high portfolio turnover rate can result in increased brokerage commission costs and may expose taxable shareholders to potentially larger current tax liability.


The S&P 500® Index is an unmanaged index of 500 common stocks chosen for market size, liquidity and industry group representation.


The Russell 3000® Index is a stock market index of U.S. Stocks. The index measures the performance of 3,000 publicly held U.S companies based on total market capitalization, which represents approximately 98% of the investable U.S. equity market.


The S&P 500® Index and Russell 3000® Index are widely recognized unmanaged indices of security prices and are representative of a broader market and range of securities than is found in the Fund’s portfolio. The Index returns do not reflect the deduction of expenses, which have been deducted from a Fund’s returns. The Index returns assume reinvestment of all distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes and fees. Individuals cannot invest directly in any Index; however, an individual can invest in exchange traded funds or other investment vehicles that attempt to track the performance of a benchmark index.


Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 7




Representation of Schedules of Investments James Advantage Funds

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


The illustrations below provide the industry sectors for the James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund, James Small Cap Fund, James Mid Cap Fund, James Micro Cap Fund, James Aggressive Allocation Fund and James Long-Short Fund.


James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund - Industry Sector Allocation (% of Net Assets)*




James Mid Cap Fund - Industry Sector Allocation (% of Net Assets)*




James Aggressive Allocation Fund - Industry Sector Allocation (% of Net Assets)*



James Small Cap Fund - Industry Sector Allocation (% of Net Assets)*




James Micro Cap Fund - Industry Sector Allocation (% of Net Assets)*




James Long-Short Fund - Industry Sector Allocation (% of Net Assets)*

(Cash and Cash Equivalents and Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities not included)



*Holdings are subject to change, and may not reflect the current or future position of the portfolio.


8 www.jamesfunds.com




James Advantage Funds Disclosure of Fund Expenses


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Example. As a shareholder of a Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including reinvested dividends or other distributions, and redemption fees; and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees, distribution (12b-1) fees and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Funds and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.


The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period July 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018.


Actual Expenses. The first line of the table below provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first line under the heading “Expense Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.


Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes. The second line of the table below provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on a Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual returns. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in a Fund and other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.


Please note that expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight and help you compare ongoing costs only. The calculations assume no shares were bought or sold during the period. Your actual costs may have been higher or lower, depending on the amount of your investment and the timing of any purchases or redemptions.



Net Expense



December 31, 2018(a)


Account Value

July 1, 2018


Account Value

December 31, 2018


Paid During


James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund        
Retail Class Actual 1.04% $1,000.00 $918.90 $5.03
Retail Class Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) 1.04% $1,000.00 $1,019.96 $5.30
Institutional Class Actual 0.79% $1,000.00 $919.70 $3.82
Institutional Class Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) 0.79% $1,000.00 $1,021.22 $4.02
James Small Cap Fund        
Actual 1.50% $1,000.00 $758.30 $6.65
Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) 1.50% $1,000.00 $1,017.64 $7.63
James Mid Cap Fund        
Actual 1.50% $1,000.00 $778.40 $6.72
Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) 1.50% $1,000.00 $1,017.64 $7.63
James Micro Cap Fund        
Actual 1.50% $1,000.00 $804.10 $6.82
Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) 1.50% $1,000.00 $1,017.64 $7.63
James Aggressive Allocation Fund        
Actual 0.98% $1,000.00 $886.40 $4.66
Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) 0.98% $1,000.00 $1,020.27 $4.99
James Long-Short Fund        
Actual 1.56%(c) $1,000.00 $877.40 $7.38
Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) 1.56%(c) $1,000.00 $1,017.34 $7.93


(a)Annualized, based on the Fund's most recent fiscal half year expenses.
(b)Expenses are equal to the Fund's annualized expense ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the most recent fiscal half year (184), divided by 365.
(c)Dividend and interest expense on securities sold short and interest expense totaled 0.06% (annualized) of average net assets for the six months ended December 31, 2018. Total annual operating expense of 1.56% includes the 0.06% of dividend and interest expense.


Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 9




Schedule of Investments James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
COMMON STOCKS-39.13%    
    Basic Materials-3.21%    
 39,220   Alcoa Corp.*  $1,042,468 
 12,695   Arch Coal, Inc., Class A   1,053,558 
 53,670   Avery Dennison Corp.   4,821,176 
 25,500   Brady Corp., Class A   1,108,230 
 132,280   Celanese Corp.   11,901,232 
 41,140   Chemours Co.   1,160,971 
 138,210   Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc.*   1,062,835 
 88,270   CNX Resources Corp.*   1,008,043 
 60,900   Commercial Metals Co.   975,618 
 33,400   Cooper Tire & Rubber Co.   1,079,822 
 28,690   Domtar Corp.   1,007,880 
 326,865   Freeport-McMoRan, Inc.   3,369,978 
 49,600   Harsco Corp.*   985,056 
 58,060   Huntsman Corp.   1,119,977 
 25,610   International Paper Co.   1,033,620 
 30,655   Kennametal, Inc.   1,020,198 
 50,000   Louisiana-Pacific Corp.   1,111,000 
 12,750   LyondellBasell Industries NV, Class A   1,060,290 
 34,655   Mosaic Co.   1,012,273 
 44,670   National General Holdings Corp.   1,081,461 
 44,334   Newmont Mining Corp.   1,536,173 
 19,160   Nucor Corp.   992,680 
 35,350   Steel Dynamics, Inc.   1,061,914 
 55,960   United States Steel Corp.   1,020,710 
 23,000   CBS Corp., Class B   1,005,560 
 48,800   Interpublic Group of Cos., Inc.   1,006,744 
 25,500   Liberty Expedia Holdings, Inc., Class A*   997,305 
     Consumer, Cyclical-7.56%     
 57,225   Abercrombie & Fitch Co., Class A   1,147,361 
 17,000   Alaska Air Group, Inc.   1,034,450 
 19,680   AMC Networks, Inc., Class A*   1,080,038 
 57,370   American Eagle Outfitters, Inc.   1,108,962 
 16,160   Asbury Automotive Group, Inc.*   1,077,226 
 26,305   Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, Inc.*   1,109,808 
 1,300   AutoZone, Inc.*   1,089,842 
 156,460   Best Buy Co., Inc.   8,286,122 
 19,900   BJ's Restaurants, Inc.   1,006,343 
 58,625   Bloomin' Brands, Inc.   1,048,801 
 67,540   BMC Stock Holdings, Inc.*   1,045,519 
 22,205   Brinker International, Inc.   976,576 
 73,210   Callaway Golf Co.   1,120,113 
 28,100   Cinemark Holdings, Inc.   1,005,980 
 15,250   CVS Health Corp.   999,180 
 8,535   Deckers Outdoor Corp.*   1,092,053 
 25,000   Delta Air Lines, Inc.   1,247,500 
 31,905   Dick's Sporting Goods, Inc.   995,436 
 17,400   Dillard's, Inc., Class A   1,049,394 
 36,520   DISH Network Corp., Class A*   911,904 


See Notes to Financial Statements.


10 www.jamesfunds.com




James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund Schedule of Investments


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
     Consumer, Cyclical (continued)     
 43,945   DSW, Inc., Class A  $1,085,441 
 51,725   Federal Signal Corp.   1,029,327 
 21,770   Foot Locker, Inc.   1,158,164 
 42,115   Gap, Inc.   1,084,882 
 29,900   General Motors Co.   1,000,155 
 35,515   G-III Apparel Group, Ltd.*   990,513 
 65,190   Gray Television, Inc.*   960,901 
 20,930   Group 1 Automotive, Inc.   1,103,430 
 31,400   Harley-Davidson, Inc.   1,071,368 
 143,224   Hawaiian Holdings, Inc.   3,782,546 
 18,260   Herbalife Nutrition, Ltd.*   1,076,427 
 16,995   Kohl's Corp.   1,127,448 
 37,500   L Brands, Inc.   962,625 
 72,075   Laureate Education, Inc., Class A*   1,098,423 
 14,700   Lithia Motors, Inc., Class A   1,122,051 
 34,125   Macy's, Inc.   1,016,243 
 30,700   Malibu Boats, Inc., Class A*   1,068,360 
 26,500   McDonald's Corp.   4,705,605 
 38,133   MDC Holdings, Inc.   1,071,919 
 75,535   Michaels Cos., Inc.*   1,022,744 
 44,155   MSG Networks, Inc., Class A*   1,040,292 
 40,370   Navistar International Corp.*   1,047,602 
 12,710   Nexstar Media Group, Inc., Class A   999,514 
 22,265   Nordstrom, Inc.   1,037,772 
 26,875   Penske Automotive Group, Inc.   1,083,600 
 40,005   PulteGroup, Inc.   1,039,730 
 53,495   Qurate Retail, Inc.*   1,044,222 
 10,320   Ralph Lauren Corp.   1,067,707 
 32,905   Rush Enterprises, Inc., Class A   1,134,564 
 59,005   Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc.*   1,006,035 
 33,245   Signet Jewelers, Ltd.   1,056,194 
 39,000   Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc., Class A   1,027,260 
 23,705   SkyWest, Inc.   1,054,161 
 18,200   Spirit Airlines, Inc.*   1,054,144 
 71,300   Steelcase, Inc., Class A   1,057,379 
 77,685   Tailored Brands, Inc.   1,059,623 
 24,170   Target Corp.   1,597,395 
 62,900   Taylor Morrison Home Corp., Class A*   1,000,110 
 89,200   TEGNA, Inc.   969,604 
 89,535   TRI Pointe Group, Inc.*   978,618 
 12,215   United Continental Holdings, Inc.*   1,022,762 
 31,790   Urban Outfitters, Inc.*   1,055,428 
 38,925   Viacom, Inc., Class B   1,000,373 
 14,100   Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.   963,453 
 147,535   Walmart, Inc.   13,742,885 
 35,000   Walt Disney Co.   3,837,750 
 9,300   Whirlpool Corp.   993,891 
 33,105   Wolverine World Wide, Inc.   1,055,718 
     Consumer, Non-cyclical-6.27%     
 12,500   AbbVie, Inc.   1,152,375 
 81,935   Anthem, Inc.   21,518,589 
 24,670   Archer-Daniels-Midland Co.   1,010,730 


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 11




Schedule of Investments James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
     Consumer, Non-cyclical (continued)     
 24,310   Cal-Maine Foods, Inc.  $1,028,313 
 22,600   Cardinal Health, Inc.   1,007,960 
 38,420   Cardtronics PLC, Class A*   998,920 
 17,335   FTI Consulting, Inc.*   1,155,204 
 110,375   Gannett Co., Inc.   941,499 
 1,600   Graham Holdings Co., Class B   1,024,928 
 41,340   H&R Block, Inc.   1,048,796 
 8,545   HCA Healthcare, Inc.   1,063,425 
 7,845   Helen of Troy, Ltd.*   1,029,107 
 37,600   Herc Holdings, Inc.*   977,224 
 69,000   Hertz Global Holdings, Inc.*   941,850 
 54,900   Horizon Pharma PLC*   1,072,746 
 198,045   Kroger Co.   5,446,238 
 56,400   Mallinckrodt PLC*   891,120 
 9,105   Molina Healthcare, Inc.*   1,058,183 
 17,800   Molson Coors Brewing Co., Class B   999,648 
 46,770   Navigant Consulting, Inc.   1,124,819 
 49,500   Newell Brands, Inc.   920,205 
 500,000   Pfizer, Inc.   21,825,000 
 22,100   REGENXBIO, Inc.*   927,095 
 64,600   Select Medical Holdings Corp.*   991,610 
 31,600   STAAR Surgical Co.*   1,008,356 
 54,115   Tenet Healthcare Corp.*   927,531 
 46,025   TrueBlue, Inc.*   1,024,056 
 30,200   Tupperware Brands Corp.   953,414 
 39,900   Tyson Foods, Inc., Class A   2,130,660 
 12,000   UnitedHealth Group, Inc.   2,989,440 
 18,400   Universal Corp.   996,360 
 9,000   Universal Health Services, Inc., Class B   1,049,040 
 33,600   US Foods Holding Corp.*   1,063,104 
 23,200   Weis Markets, Inc.   1,108,496 
 35,670   Apache Corp.   936,337 
 126,900   Archrock Inc   950,481 
 58,700   California Resources Corp.*   1,000,248 
 85,950   Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc.*   970,375 
 487,940   Chesapeake Energy Corp.*   1,024,674 
 31,100   Chevron Corp.   3,383,369 
 16,300   Cimarex Energy Co.   1,004,895 
 43,780   ConocoPhillips   2,729,683 
 31,695   CVR Energy, Inc.   1,092,844 
 571,455   Denbury Resources, Inc.*   977,188 
 11,100   EOG Resources, Inc.   968,031 
 15,000   Exxon Mobil Corp.   1,022,850 
 146,565   Gulfport Energy Corp.*   960,001 
 174,210   Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc.*   942,476 
 19,910   HollyFrontier Corp.   1,017,799 
 119,500   Keane Group, Inc.*   977,510 
 289,615   Laredo Petroleum, Inc.*   1,048,406 
 58,920   Mammoth Energy Services, Inc.   1,059,382 
 73,360   Newfield Exploration Co*   1,075,458 
 51,300   Noble Energy, Inc.   962,388 


See Notes to Financial Statements.


12 www.jamesfunds.com




James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund Schedule of Investments


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
     Energy (continued)     
 100,440   NOW, Inc.*  $1,169,122 
 16,700   Occidental Petroleum Corp.   1,025,046 
 65,265   Phillips 66   5,622,580 
 168,310   QEP Resources, Inc.*   947,585 
 96,935   Range Resources Corp.   927,668 
 42,330   Renewable Energy Group, Inc.*   1,087,881 
 231,305   SRC Energy, Inc.*   1,087,134 
 61,810   Unit Corp*   882,647 
 44,400   Warrior Met Coal, Inc.   1,070,484 
 44,000   Whiting Petroleum Corp.*   998,360 
 48,250   World Fuel Services Corp.   1,033,033 
 24,425   Aaron's, Inc.   1,027,071 
 60,000   Aflac, Inc.   2,733,600 
 32,200   Air Lease Corp.   972,762 
 60,915   Aircastle, Ltd.   1,050,175 
 46,050   Ally Financial, Inc.   1,043,493 
 37,390   American Equity Investment Life Holding Co.   1,044,677 
 28,400   Assured Guaranty, Ltd.   1,087,152 
 13,955   Capital One Financial Corp.   1,054,858 
 9,875   Cigna Corp.   1,875,396 
 25,820   Employers Holdings, Inc.   1,083,665 
 31,715   Essent Group, Ltd.*   1,084,019 
 4,800   Everest Re Group, Ltd.   1,045,248 
 42,900   Federated Investors, Inc., Class B   1,138,995 
 6,180   Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.   1,032,369 
 30,900   Hamilton Lane, Inc., Class A   1,143,300 
 8,100   Jones Lang LaSalle, Inc.   1,025,460 
 149,470   JPMorgan Chase & Co.   14,591,261 
 56,365   Kennedy-Wilson Holdings, Inc.   1,024,152 
 20,300   Lincoln National Corp.   1,041,593 
 31,500   Marcus & Millichap, Inc.*   1,081,395 
 26,270   MetLife, Inc.   1,078,646 
 104,245   MGIC Investment Corp.*   1,090,403 
 26,200   Morgan Stanley   1,038,830 
 3,600   National Western Life Group, Inc.   1,082,520 
 74,030   Nelnet, Inc., Class A   3,874,730 
 0.2125   Newmark Group, Inc., Class A   2 
 61,950   NMI Holdings, Inc., Class A*   1,105,808 
 50,800   Old Republic International Corp.   1,044,956 
 43,480   OneMain Holdings, Inc.*   1,056,129 
 17,290   Progressive Corp.   1,043,106 
 65,745   Radian Group, Inc.   1,075,588 
 7,900   RenaissanceRe Holdings, Ltd.   1,056,230 
 61,795   Santander Consumer U.S.A. Holdings, Inc.   1,086,974 
 31,600   State Auto Financial Corp.   1,075,664 
 44,800   Synchrony Financial   1,051,008 
 54,000   TCF Financial Corp.   1,052,460 
 34,560   Triton International, Ltd.   1,073,779 
 27,220   Universal Insurance Holdings, Inc.   1,032,182 
 236,100   Unum Group   6,936,618 
 26,210   Voya Financial, Inc.   1,052,069 


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 13




Schedule of Investments James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
     Financial (continued)     
 59,270   Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc., Class A  $1,071,602 
 60,465   Western Union Co.   1,031,533 
 10,700   World Acceptance Corp.*   1,094,182 
 26,000   Zions Bancorp NA   1,059,240 
 29,900   Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc.*   1,053,377 
 24,445   Allison Transmission Holdings, Inc.   1,073,380 
 106,640   American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings, Inc.*   1,183,704 
 29,315   ArcBest Corp.   1,004,332 
 18,217   Caterpillar, Inc.   2,314,834 
 20,095   Clean Harbors, Inc.*   991,688 
 24,030   Comfort Systems USA, Inc.   1,049,630 
 8,055   Cummins, Inc.   1,076,470 
 75,800   Dana, Inc.   1,033,154 
 1   Delphi Technologies PLC   14 
 35,700   Electro Scientific Industries, Inc.*   1,069,572 
 22,300   Encore Wire Corp.   1,119,014 
 17,400   EnPro Industries, Inc.   1,045,740 
 15,600   Expeditors International of Washington, Inc.   1,062,204 
 20,520   Generac Holdings, Inc.*   1,019,844 
 29,620   Hub Group, Inc., Class A*   1,098,013 
 5,345   Huntington Ingalls Industries   1,017,207 
 17,400   Keysight Technologies, Inc.*   1,080,192 
 75,500   Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc.*   1,063,795 
 11,100   Lear Corp.   1,363,746 
 175,890   Magna International, Inc.   7,994,201 
 32,020   Matson, Inc.   1,025,280 
 64,075   Meritor, Inc.*   1,083,508 
 16,325   Oshkosh Corp.   1,000,886 
 7,100   Parker-Hannifin Corp.   1,058,894 
 65,000   PGT Innovations, Inc.*   1,030,250 
 14,375   Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co.   1,023,069 
 88,940   United Rentals, Inc.*   9,119,018 
 35,300   Werner Enterprises, Inc.   1,042,762 
 26,315   Westrock Co.   993,654 
 6,495   Zebra Technologies Corp., Class A*   1,034,199 
 10,000   Amgen, Inc.   1,946,700 
 5,200   Apple, Inc.   820,248 
 35,165   ARRIS International PLC*   1,074,994 
 121,835   Arrow Electronics, Inc.*   8,400,523 
 28,735   Avnet, Inc.   1,037,333 
 68,060   AVX Corp.   1,037,915 
 51,200   Cabot Microelectronics Corp.   4,881,920 
 7,000   CACI International, Inc., Class A*   1,008,210 
 75,300   Cisco Systems, Inc.   3,262,749 
 217,810   Corning, Inc.   6,580,040 
 82,680   Cypress Semiconductor Corp.   1,051,690 
 32,830   Diodes, Inc.*   1,059,096 
 17,910   DXC Technology Co.   952,275 


See Notes to Financial Statements.


14 www.jamesfunds.com




James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund Schedule of Investments


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
     Technology (continued)     
 35,750   Engility Holdings, Inc.*  $1,017,445 
 38,500   EVERTEC, Inc.   1,104,950 
 52,100   Exelixis, Inc.*   1,024,807 
 15,945   Genomic Health, Inc.*   1,027,017 
 78,135   Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co.   1,032,163 
 35,800   HMS Holdings Corp.*   1,007,054 
 50,095   HP, Inc.   1,024,944 
 63,900   Innoviva, Inc.*   1,115,055 
 13,130   Integer Holdings Corp.*   1,001,294 
 354,375   Intel Corp.   16,630,819 
 15,000   InterDigital, Inc.   996,450 
 45,700   Jabil, Inc.   1,132,903 
 60,000   KEMET Corp.   1,052,400 
 11,680   KLA-Tencor Corp.   1,045,243 
 54,140   Kulicke & Soffa Industries, Inc.   1,097,418 
 60,150   Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings, Inc., Class A*   955,784 
 104,528   Micron Technology, Inc.*   3,316,673 
 39,750   Microsoft Corp.   4,037,408 
 8,810   Motorola Solutions, Inc.   1,013,502 
 116,900   Navient Corp.   1,029,889 
 43,900   NCR Corp.*   1,013,212 
 60,900   ON Semiconductor Corp.*   1,005,459 
 45,740   Sabre Corp.   989,814 
 28,285   Seagate Technology PLC   1,091,518 
 42,630   Sykes Enterprises, Inc.*   1,054,240 
 50,460   Symantec Corp.   953,442 
 12,800   Tech Data Corp.*   1,047,168 
 16,200   T-Mobile US, Inc.*   1,030,482 
 112,580   TTM Technologies, Inc.*   1,095,403 
 19,955   United States Cellular Corp.*   1,037,061 
 41,400   Vanda Pharmaceuticals, Inc.*   1,081,782 
 57,480   Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.   1,035,215 
 22,235   Wesco International, Inc.*   1,067,280 
 49,600   Xerox Corp.   980,096 
 71,860   AES Corp.   1,039,096 
 22,883   American Electric Power Co., Inc.   1,710,275 
 35,738   AT&T, Inc.   1,019,963 
 176,850   CenterPoint Energy, Inc.   4,992,475 
 65,595   CenturyLink, Inc.   993,764 
 62,300   Entergy Corp.   5,362,161 
 118,725   Exelon Corp.   5,354,497 
 60,378   FirstEnergy Corp.   2,267,194 
 47,646   New Jersey Resources Corp.   2,175,993 
 110,473   NRG Energy, Inc.   4,374,731 
 26,700   OGE Energy Corp.   1,046,373 
 23,450   Shenandoah Telecommunications Co.   1,037,663 
 23,400   The Southern Co.   1,027,728 
 13,290   Southwest Gas Holdings, Inc.   1,016,685 
 302,970   Southwestern Energy Co.*   1,033,128 
 31,920   Telephone & Data Systems, Inc.   1,038,677 
 19,200   UGI Corp.   1,024,320 


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 15




Schedule of Investments James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
        Utilities (continued)     
  102,280     Verizon Communications, Inc.  $5,750,182 
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (Cost $480,333,524)   519,992,233 


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
  220,426     iShares® Gold Trust ETF*   2,709,036 
(Cost $2,669,651)   2,709,036 


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
     Consumer, Cyclical-0.97%     
$5,000,000   eBay, Inc., 2.600%, 7/15/22   4,833,383 
 5,000,000   Home Depot, Inc., 2.700%, 4/1/23   4,947,977 
 785,000   McDonald's Corp., 5.700%, 2/1/39   880,214 
 2,000,000   Walmart, Inc., 5.250%, 9/1/35   2,306,264 
     Consumer, Non-cyclical-0.37%     
 3,000,000   Hershey Co., 4.125%, 12/1/20   3,062,730 
 1,950,000   Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc., 2.530%, 11/15/21   1,886,588 
 3,930,000   Apache Corp., 3.250%, 4/15/22   3,847,093 
 10,000,000   Equinor ASA, 2.250%, 11/8/19   9,923,363 
 5,050,000   Shell International Finance BV, 2.375%, 8/21/22   4,923,044 
 8,100,000   Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., 3.750%, 8/15/21   8,275,696 
 5,000,000   National Australia Bank, Ltd., 2.500%, 5/22/22   4,852,627 
 5,305,000   US Bank NA Cincinnati, 3M US L + 0.32%, 1/24/20(a)   5,300,772 
 5,000,000   Wells Fargo & Co., 2.500%, 3/4/21   4,919,554 
 1,000,000   Caterpillar, Inc., 8.250%, 12/15/38   1,493,566 
 10,000,000   General Electric Co., 3M US L + 0.80%, 4/15/20(a)   9,814,012 
 1,000,000   General Electric Co., 2.700%, 10/9/22   927,877 
 2,000,000   General Electric Co., 6.875%, 1/10/39   2,094,047 
 3,419,000   Apple, Inc., 1.550%, 2/7/20   3,377,207 
 10,000,000   Apple, Inc., 3M US L + 0.20%, 2/7/20(a)   9,994,860 
 5,000,000   Intel Corp., 3.300%, 10/1/21   5,052,172 
 5,000,000   Intel Corp., 2.875%, 5/11/24   4,877,542 
 3,700,000   Microsoft Corp., 5.200%, 6/1/39   4,353,109 
TOTAL CORPORATE BONDS (Cost $101,638,602)   101,943,697 


See Notes to Financial Statements.


16 www.jamesfunds.com




James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund Schedule of Investments


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
$3,000,000   State of Georgia General Obligation Unlimited Bonds, Series B, Partially Prefunded, 4.500%, 1/1/29(b)  $3,005,760 
 5,000,000   State of Georgia General Obligation Unlimited Bonds, Series D, 5.000%, 2/1/25   5,582,450 
 9,000,000   City and County of Honolulu General Obligation Unlimited Bonds, Series B, 5.000%, 11/1/25   9,958,410 
 5,000,000   County of Montgomery General Obligation Unlimited Bonds, Series A, 3.000%, 11/1/29   5,012,250 
 7,450,000   Beavercreek City School District General Obligation Unlimited Bonds, 3.250%, 12/1/36   7,242,294 
 5,000,000   County of Cuyahoga General Obligation Limited (Capital Improvement), Series A, 4.000%, 12/1/37   5,096,750 
     Greenville City School District General Obligation Unlimited Bonds (School Improvement):     
 5,000,000   5.000%, 1/1/46   5,367,450 
 11,000,000   5.500%, 1/1/51   11,814,660 
 1,000,000   Ohio State University General Recipients Revenue Bonds, Series C, 4.910%, 6/1/40   1,157,140 
 500,000   Springboro Community City School District General Obligation Unlimited Bonds, 5.250%, 12/1/23   564,990 
 3,475,000   State of Ohio General Obligation Unlimited Bonds, Series C, 5.000%, 9/1/19   3,548,357 
 7,050,000   Commonwealth of Pennsylvania General Obligation Unlimited Bonds, First Series, 5.000%, 9/15/26   8,288,051 
 235,000   Tyler Independent School District General Obligation Unlimited Bonds, Unrefunded 2016, 5.000%, 2/15/34   235,606 
 5,845,000   State of Washington General Obligation Various Purpose Unlimited Bonds, Series D, 5.000%, 2/1/20   6,046,886 
 5,000,000   State of Wisconsin General Obligation Unlimited Bonds, Series C, Prefunded 5/1/21 @ 100, 5.000%, 5/1/25(b)   5,354,750 
TOTAL MUNICIPAL BONDS (Cost $77,928,743)   78,275,804 


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
     Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corp.-1.22%     
$10,000,000   3M US L + 0.08%, 1/3/22(a)   9,983,697 
 6,177,000   3.150%, 11/9/27   6,164,158 
     Federal Farm Credit Banks-1.53%     
 10,000,000   2.350%, 5/2/24   9,682,480 
 5,725,000   2.750%, 11/6/26   5,638,020 
 5,000,000   3.420%, 5/27/31   4,985,405 
     Federal Home Loan Banks-4.40%     
 11,250,000   1.200%, 5/23/19   11,187,237 
 5,000,000   1.600%, 10/22/20   4,910,290 
 10,000,000   2.875%, 6/13/25   9,976,720 


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 17




Schedule of Investments James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
     Federal Home Loan Banks (continued)     
$10,000,000   2.620%, 4/28/26  $9,650,020 
 14,000,000   2.000%, 6/30/31(c)   13,482,672 
 5,000,000   4.080%, 5/25/33   5,065,550 
 4,200,000   4.200%, 7/11/33   4,200,046 
     Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.-1.12%     
 5,000,000   2.000%, 8/26/19(c)   4,987,515 
 10,000,000   1.800%, 4/13/20   9,901,370 
     Tennessee Valley Authority-0.95%     
 10,000,000   5.250%, 9/15/39   12,569,560 
     United States Department of Housing and Urban Development-0.37%     
 5,000,000   2.050%, 8/1/19   4,978,530 
TOTAL U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES (Cost $129,726,637)   127,363,270 


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
     Fannie Mae Pool-1.98%     
 8,813,781   3.500%, 9/1/33   8,980,452 
 18,515,012   2.500%, 1/1/57   17,343,314 
     Fannie Mae REMICS-0.36%     
 4,710,819   3.500%, 5/25/47   4,790,693 
TOTAL MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (Cost $31,567,581)   31,114,459 


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
     U.S. Treasury Bonds-4.90%     
$10,000,000   2.625%, 11/15/20   10,016,600 
 35,000,000   2.750%, 2/15/28   35,206,636 
 20,000,000   3.000%, 8/15/48   19,939,876 
     U.S. Treasury Notes-12.37%     
 50,000,000   2.750%, 2/15/19   50,021,175 
 25,000,000   1.125%, 2/28/19   24,949,636 
 30,000,000   1.000%, 11/30/19   29,558,203 
 60,000,000   2.375%, 4/15/21   59,839,263 
     United States Treasury Inflation Indexed Bonds-5.12%     
 39,103,400   0.125%, 1/15/22   37,957,778 
 30,540,900   0.625%, 4/15/23   30,035,082 
TOTAL U.S. TREASURY BONDS & NOTES (Cost $297,125,247)   297,524,249 


See Notes to Financial Statements.


18 www.jamesfunds.com




James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund Schedule of Investments


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
        Australia Government Bond-0.53%     
AUD 10,000,000     5.250%, 3/15/19  $7,089,340 
        New Zealand Government Bond-0.76%     
NZD 15,000,000     5.000%, 3/15/19   10,134,008 
        Singapore Government Bond-0.56%     
SGD 10,000,000     2.250%, 6/1/21   7,408,482 
TOTAL FOREIGN BONDS (Cost $27,224,326)   24,631,830 


Shares or Principal Amount Value 
       Mutual Fund-5.30%     
  70,426,938    First American Treasury Obligations Fund, Class Z, 7-Day Yield 2.277%   70,426,938 
       U.S. Treasury Bill-6.72%     
  90,000,000    United States Treasury Bill, 2.175%, 4/25/2019(d)   89,305,548 
TOTAL SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS (Cost $159,807,063)   159,732,486 
TOTAL INVESTMENT SECURITIES-101.08% (Cost $1,308,021,374)   1,343,287,064 
NET ASSETS-100.00%  $1,328,903,434 


For Fund compliance purposes, the Fund's industry classifications refer to any one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or ratings group indexes, and/or as defined by Fund management. Those definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine industry sub-classifications for reporting ease. Industries are shown as a percentage of net assets.


*Non-income producing security.
(a)Floating or variable rate security. The reference rate is described below. The rate in effect as of December 31, 2018 is based on the reference rate plus the displayed spread as of the security’s last reset date.
(b)Prefunded Issues are bonds which are prerefunded and collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities held in escrow and used to pay principal and interest on tax exempt issues and to retire the bonds in full at the earliest refunding date.
(c)Step coupon. Coupon increases periodically based upon a predetermined schedule. Interest rate disclosed is that which is in effect as of December 31, 2018.
(d)Rate shown represents the bond equivalent yield to maturity at date of purchase.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 19




Schedule of Investments James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Investment Abbreviations:

LIBOR - London Interbank Offered Rate


Libor Rates:

3M US L - 3 Month LIBOR as of December 31, 2018 was 2.80%


AUD - Australian Dollar

NZD - New Zealand Dollar

SGD - Singapore Dollar


See Notes to Financial Statements.


20 www.jamesfunds.com




James Small Cap Fund Schedule of Investments


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited) 


Shares      Value 
COMMON STOCKS-95.20%    
    Basic Materials-10.74%    
 24,065   Boise Cascade Co.  $573,950 
 142,325   Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc.*   1,094,479 
 20,400   Louisiana-Pacific Corp.   453,288 
 61,510   Mercer International, Inc.   642,164 
 13,500   Norbord, Inc.   358,965 
 15,900   Orion Engineered Carbons SA   401,952 
 31,190   Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc., Class A   672,145 
     Consumer, Cyclical-21.19%     
 14,300   AMC Networks, Inc., Class A*   784,784 
 7,790   Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, Inc.*   328,660 
 29,600   Bloomin' Brands, Inc.   529,544 
 13,400   Brinker International, Inc.   589,332 
 1,450   Children's Place, Inc.   130,631 
 9,120   Deckers Outdoor Corp.*   1,166,904 
 22,100   DSW, Inc., Class A   545,870 
 22,000   Gray Television, Inc.*   324,280 
 6,610   Group 1 Automotive, Inc.   348,479 
 6,790   Hawaiian Holdings, Inc.   179,324 
 14,600   Insight Enterprises, Inc.*   594,950 
 29,327   MDC Holdings, Inc.   824,382 
 18,290   Patrick Industries, Inc.*   541,567 
 12,815   SkyWest, Inc.   569,883 
 59,795   Tailored Brands, Inc.   815,604 
     Consumer, Non-cyclical-8.17%     
 34,100   Darling Ingredients Inc*   656,084 
 10,000   FTI Consulting, Inc.*   666,400 
 12,205   Magellan Health, Inc.*   694,342 
 27,200   Mallinckrodt PLC*   429,760 
 7,235   Tivity Health, Inc.*   179,500 
 7,100   TriNet Group, Inc.*   297,845 
 24,900   United Natural Foods, Inc.*   263,691 
 201,925   Chesapeake Energy Corp.*   424,042 
 127,700   Denbury Resources, Inc.*   218,367 
 68,905   Gulfport Energy Corp.*   451,328 
 93,260   Laredo Petroleum, Inc.*   337,601 
 17,900   Pattern Energy Group, Inc., Class A   333,298 
 18,600   Aaron's, Inc.   782,130 
 29,830   American Equity Investment Life Holding Co.   833,450 
 93,370   First BanCorp   802,982 
 226,420   Genworth Financial, Inc., Class A*   1,055,117 
 34,100   Ladder Capital Corp., REIT   527,527 
 4,515   LGI Homes, Inc.*   204,168 


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 21



Schedule of Investments James Small Cap Fund


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares      Value 
     Financial (continued)     
 12,595   Piper Jaffray Cos.  $829,255 
 12,200   Stifel Financial Corp.   505,324 
 11,000   TPG Specialty Lending, Inc.   198,990 
 41,430   Xenia Hotels & Resorts, Inc., REIT   712,596 
 37,910   American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings, Inc.*   420,801 
 19,855   Encore Wire Corp.   996,324 
 11,200   Generac Holdings, Inc.*   556,640 
 9,990   Greenbrier Cos., Inc.   395,005 
 9,600   H&E Equipment Services, Inc.   196,032 
 33,455   Meritor, Inc.*   565,724 
 50,175   Milacron Holdings Corp.*   596,581 
 38,750   Modine Manufacturing Co.*   418,888 
 28,700   Owens-Illinois, Inc.*   494,788 
 29,950   Quad/Graphics, Inc.   368,984 
 19,900   Acorda Therapeutics, Inc.*   310,042 
 42,595   Blucora, Inc.*   1,134,731 
 11,143   Deluxe Corp.   428,337 
 7,700   Genomic Health, Inc.*   495,957 
 61,420   Innoviva, Inc.*   1,071,779 
 27,500   KEMET Corp.   482,350 
 29,800   Kulicke & Soffa Industries, Inc.   604,046 
 20,715   Nova Measuring Instruments, Ltd.*   471,888 
 16,700   Sykes Enterprises, Inc.*   412,991 
 32,100   Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.   578,121 
 5,100   IDACORP, Inc.   474,606 
 14,600   New Jersey Resources Corp.   666,782 
 16,360   PNM Resources, Inc.   672,232 
 10,500   Portland General Electric Co.   481,425 
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (Cost $40,916,839)   37,169,988 


See Notes to Financial Statements.


22 www.jamesfunds.com



James Small Cap Fund Schedule of Investments


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares        Value 
        Mutual Fund-7.97%     
  3,112,411     First American Treasury Obligations Fund, Class Z, 7-Day Yield 2.277%  $3,112,411 
TOTAL SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS (Cost $3,112,411)  3,112,411 
TOTAL INVESTMENT SECURITIES-103.17% (Cost $44,029,250)   40,282,399 
NET ASSETS-100.00%  $39,044,072 


For Fund compliance purposes, the Fund's industry classifications refer to any one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or ratings group indexes, and/or as defined by Fund management. Those definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine industry sub-classifications for reporting ease. Industries are shown as a percentage of net assets. 


*Non-income producing security.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 23



Schedule of Investments James Mid Cap Fund

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares     Value
   Basic Materials-12.03%   
 4,610   Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.  $111,792 
 1,645   Arch Coal, Inc., Class A   136,519 
 5,365   Boise Cascade Co.   127,955 
 3,190   Cambrex Corp.*   120,454 
 15,225   Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc.*   117,080 
 10,265   CNX Resources Corp.*   117,226 
 3,425   Kennametal, Inc.   113,984 
 6,055   Louisiana-Pacific Corp.   134,542 
 5,060   Norbord, Inc.   134,545 
 4,600   Orion Engineered Carbons SA   116,288 
 2,715   Trinseo SA   124,293 
 6,350   United States Steel Corp.   115,824 
     Consumer, Cyclical-33.03%     
 7,770   Abercrombie & Fitch Co., Class A   155,788 
 6,370   American Eagle Outfitters, Inc.   123,132 
 2,110   Asbury Automotive Group, Inc.*   140,653 
 3,025   Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, Inc.*   127,625 
 7,505   Bloomin' Brands, Inc.   134,264 
 8,145   BMC Stock Holdings, Inc.*   126,085 
 2,980   Brinker International, Inc.   131,060 
 8,015   Callaway Golf Co.   122,630 
 4,020   Dick's Sporting Goods, Inc.   125,424 
 1,905   Dillard's, Inc., Class A   114,891 
 4,790   DSW, Inc., Class A   118,313 
 3,185   Foot Locker, Inc.   169,442 
 8,865   Gray Television, Inc.*   130,670 
 2,495   Group 1 Automotive, Inc.   131,536 
 2,770   Insight Enterprises, Inc.*   112,878 
 5,785   KB Home   110,494 
 9,500   Laureate Education, Inc.*   144,780 
 4,630   MDC Holdings, Inc.   130,149 
 3,335   Meritage Homes Corp.*   122,461 
 8,960   Michaels Cos., Inc.*   121,318 
 6,135   MSG Networks, Inc., Class A*   144,541 
 4,620   Navistar International Corp.*   119,889 
 1,860   Nexstar Media Group, Inc., Class A   146,270 
 2,885   Penske Automotive Group, Inc.   116,323 
 3,640   Rush Enterprises, Inc., Class A   125,507 
 2,835   SkyWest, Inc.   126,072 
 4,090   Toll Brothers, Inc.   134,684 
 10,790   TRI Pointe Group, Inc.*   117,935 
 3,945   Tribune Media Co., Class A   179,024 
 3,590   Urban Outfitters, Inc.*   119,188 
 3,845   Wolverine World Wide, Inc.   122,617 
     Consumer, Non-cyclical-9.94%     
 2,965   Cal-Maine Foods, Inc.   125,420 
 4,635   Cardtronics PLC, Class A*   120,510 
 3,165   Edgewell Personal Care Co.*   118,213 
 9,370   Endo International PLC*   68,401 


See Notes to Financial Statements.

24 www.jamesfunds.com




James Mid Cap Fund Schedule of Investments


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares     Value
     Consumer, Non-cyclical (continued)     
 2,005   FTI Consulting, Inc.*  $133,613 
 5,905   H&R Block, Inc.   149,810 
 1,190   Helen of Troy, Ltd.*   156,104 
 6,820   Mallinckrodt PLC*   107,756 
 6,375   Tenet Healthcare Corp.*   109,268 
 1,180   United Therapeutics Corp.*   128,502 
 10,605   Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc.*   119,730 
 60,080   Chesapeake Energy Corp.*   126,168 
 68,110   Denbury Resources, Inc.*   116,468 
 16,435   Gulfport Energy Corp.*   107,649 
 33,875   Laredo Petroleum, Inc.*   122,628 
 9,060   Newfield Exploration Co*   132,820 
 3,115   Nextera Energy Partners LP   134,101 
 20,345   QEP Resources, Inc.*   114,542 
 7,525   Unit Corp*   107,457 
 2,840   Aaron's, Inc.   119,422 
 7,115   Aircastle, Ltd.   122,663 
 4,125   American Equity Investment Life Holding Co.   115,253 
 3,235   Employers Holdings, Inc.   135,773 
 3,755   Essent Group, Ltd.*   128,346 
 7,060   Kennedy-Wilson Holdings, Inc.   128,280 
 8,755   Ladder Capital Corp., REIT   135,440 
 11,570   MGIC Investment Corp.*   121,022 
 6,665   NMI Holdings, Inc., Class A*   118,970 
 5,200   OneMain Holdings, Inc.*   126,308 
 7,415   Radian Group, Inc.   121,309 
 3,970   Triton International, Ltd.   123,348 
 3,250   Universal Insurance Holdings, Inc.   123,240 
 7,235   Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc., Class A   130,809 
 10,935   American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings, Inc.*   121,379 
 2,405   Clean Harbors, Inc.*   118,687 
 4,845   Continental Building Products, Inc.*   123,305 
 2,555   Generac Holdings, Inc.*   126,984 
 7,395   KBR, Inc.   112,256 
 3,955   Matson, Inc.   126,639 
 7,520   Meritor, Inc.*   127,163 
 8,390   Acorda Therapeutics, Inc.*   130,716 
 3,155   Avnet, Inc.   113,896 
 7,835   AVX Corp.   119,484 
 4,565   Diodes, Inc.*   147,267 
 7,215   KEMET Corp.   126,551 


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 25




Schedule of Investments James Mid Cap Fund

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares     Value
     Technology (continued)     
 5,960   Kulicke & Soffa Industries, Inc.  $120,809 
 3,015   Lumentum Holdings, Inc.*   126,660 
 3,390   United States Cellular Corp.*   176,178 
 7,045   Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.   126,880 
 7,475   Clearway Energy, Inc., Class A   126,477 
 34,800   Southwestern Energy Co.*   118,668 
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (Cost $14,763,781)   11,855,487 


Shares       Value 
     Mutual Fund-3.26%     
 398,476   First American Treasury Obligations Fund, Class Z, 7-Day Yield 2.277%   398,476 
TOTAL SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS (Cost $398,476)   398,476 
TOTAL INVESTMENT SECURITIES-100.14% (Cost $15,162,257)   12,253,963 
NET ASSETS-100.00%  $12,237,059 


For Fund compliance purposes, the Fund's industry classifications refer to any one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or ratings group indexes, and/or as defined by Fund management. Those definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine industry sub-classifications for reporting ease. Industries are shown as a percentage of net assets.


*Non-income producing security.


See Notes to Financial Statements.

26 www.jamesfunds.com




James Micro Cap Fund   Schedule of Investments 


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares     Value
   Basic Materials-5.02%   
 96,415   Fortuna Silver Mines, Inc.*  $350,951 
 85,130   Golden Star Resources, Ltd.*   268,159 
 27,175   Mercer International, Inc.   283,707 
 11,125   Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc., Class A   239,744 
     Consumer, Cyclical-14.45%     
 22,480   Century Communities, Inc.*   388,005 
 21,640   China Yuchai International, Ltd.   269,202 
 15,736   Flexsteel Industries, Inc.   347,451 
 16,185   Haverty Furniture Cos., Inc.   303,954 
 5,140   Johnson Outdoors, Inc., Class A   301,924 
 22,950   Kimball International, Inc., Class B   325,660 
 19,155   M/I Homes, Inc.*   402,638 
 16,296   Patrick Industries, Inc.*   482,525 
 42,730   Tilly's, Inc., Class A   464,048 
     Consumer, Non-cyclical-8.07%     
 15,485   Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc.   482,977 
 6,562   John B Sanfilippo & Son, Inc.   365,241 
 16,710   Kelly Services, Inc., Class A   342,221 
 23,795   Lantheus Holdings, Inc.*   372,392 
 25,790   United Natural Foods, Inc.*   273,116 
 143,895   Denbury Resources, Inc.*   246,060 
 119,115   W&T Offshore, Inc.*   490,754 
 34,645   Ares Commercial Real Estate Corp., REIT   451,771 
 29,405   Enova International, Inc.*   572,221 
 44,430   EZCORP, Inc., Class A*   343,444 
 5,630   Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corp., Class C   340,277 
 39,460   iStar, Inc., REIT   361,848 
 9,375   LGI Homes, Inc.*   423,938 
 33,295   MoneyGram International, Inc.*   66,590 
 49,515   OFG Bancorp   815,017 
 6,540   Piper Jaffray Cos.   430,594 
 11,710   SP Plus Corp.*   345,913 
 17,590   Universal Insurance Holdings, Inc.   667,013 
 9,875   ArcBest Corp.   338,317 
 6,655   Argan, Inc.   251,825 
 19,605   CAI International, Inc.*   455,424 
 25,980   Casella Waste Systems, Inc., Class A*   740,170 
 7,800   Encore Wire Corp.   391,404 
 27,280   Global Brass & Copper Holdings, Inc.   686,092 


See Notes to Financial Statements.

Semi-Annual Report  |  December 31, 2018 27




Schedule of Investments James Micro Cap Fund

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares     Value  
     Industrial (continued)     
 5,410   NACCO Industries, Inc., Class A  $183,399 
 19,750   Quad/Graphics, Inc.   243,320 
 23,780   Stoneridge, Inc.*   586,177 
 21,090   Tower International, Inc.   501,942 
 20,370   Vectrus, Inc.*   439,585 
 38,415   ACCO Brands Corp.   260,454 
 16,760   Blucora, Inc.*   446,486 
 1,381   Cabot Microelectronics Corp.   131,678 
 8,815   Engility Holdings, Inc.*   250,875 
 14,025   Nova Measuring Instruments, Ltd.*   319,490 
 19,641   Orbotech, Ltd.*   1,110,502 
 42,423   PC Connection, Inc.   1,261,236 
 17,090   Ultra Clean Holdings, Inc.*   144,752 
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (Cost $19,647,094)   20,562,483 


Shares      Value  
     U.S. Treasury Notes-8.78%     
$2,000,000   1.125%, 2/28/19    1,995,971  
TOTAL U.S. TREASURY BONDS & NOTES (Cost $1,996,388)    1,995,971  


Shares     Value 
     Mutual Fund-0.76%     
 173,868   First American Treasury Obligations Fund, Class Z, 7-Day Yield 2.277%   173,868 
TOTAL SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS (Cost $173,868)   173,868 
TOTAL INVESTMENT SECURITIES-99.96% (Cost $21,817,350)   22,732,322 
NET ASSETS-100.00%  $22,741,571 


For Fund compliance purposes, the Fund's industry classifications refer to any one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or ratings group indexes, and/or as defined by Fund management. Those definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine industry sub-classifications for reporting ease. Industries are shown as a percentage of net assets.


*Non-income producing security.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


28 www.jamesfunds.com




James Aggressive Allocation Fund Schedule of Investments


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
COMMON STOCKS-72.84%    
    Basic Materials-9.55%    
 1,000   Celanese Corp.  $89,970 
 11,000   Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc.*   84,590 
 10,000   Freeport-McMoRan, Inc.   103,100 
 6,000   Harsco Corp.*   119,160 
 2,375   International Paper Co.   95,855 
 3,500   Louisiana-Pacific Corp.   77,770 
 1,525   Newmont Mining Corp.   52,841 
 2,250   Nucor Corp.   116,573 
 4,000   Orion Engineered Carbons SA   101,120 
 3,775   Randgold Resources, Ltd., ADR, ADR   51,113 
 2,750   Steel Dynamics, Inc.   82,610 
     Consumer, Cyclical-11.43%     
 1,750   Asbury Automotive Group, Inc.*   116,655 
 1,500   Best Buy Co., Inc.   79,440 
 5,000   Bloomin' Brands, Inc.   89,450 
 1,000   Deckers Outdoor Corp.*   127,950 
 3,000   General Motors Co.   100,350 
 1,700   Kohl's Corp.   112,778 
 3,000   Lennar Corp., Class A   117,450 
 3,025   Macy's, Inc.   90,085 
 2,250   SkyWest, Inc.   100,058 
 4,000   Viacom, Inc., Class B   102,800 
 1,400   Walmart, Inc.   130,410 
     Consumer, Non-cyclical-7.26%     
 375   Anthem, Inc.   98,486 
 1,400   Helen of Troy, Ltd.*   183,652 
 300   Humana, Inc.   85,944 
 6,000   Kroger Co.   165,000 
 1,350   Merck & Co., Inc.   103,154 
 425   UnitedHealth Group, Inc.   105,876 
 2,000   BP PLC, Sponsored ADR   75,840 
 2,700   ConocoPhillips   168,345 
 2,000   HollyFrontier Corp.   102,240 
 1,200   Phillips 66   103,380 
 1,000   Valero Energy Corp.   74,970 
 2,200   Aflac, Inc.   100,232 
 1,400   Allstate Corp.   115,682 
 1,500   American Financial Group, Inc.   135,795 
 2,000   JPMorgan Chase & Co.   195,240 
 10,000   KeyCorp   147,800 
 6,150   Ladder Capital Corp., REIT   95,140 
 8,500   Regions Financial Corp.   113,730 


See Notes to Financial Statements.

Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 29




Schedule of Investments James Aggressive Allocation Fund


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
     Financial (continued)     
 1,700   Torchmark Corp.  $126,701 
 1,167   Arcosa, Inc.*   32,305 
 8,000   Dana, Inc.   109,040 
 1,200   Deere & Co.   179,004 
 500   FedEx Corp.   80,665 
 1,750   Greenbrier Cos., Inc.   69,195 
 4,950   H&E Equipment Services, Inc.   101,079 
 4,500   TriMas Corp.*   122,805 
 1,000   United Rentals, Inc.*   102,530 
 675   Amgen, Inc.   131,402 
 700   Apple, Inc.   110,418 
 3,000   Avnet, Inc.   108,300 
 500   Broadcom, Inc.   127,140 
 1,500   Cabot Microelectronics Corp.   143,025 
 3,200   Cisco Systems, Inc.   138,656 
 7,125   Innoviva, Inc.*   124,331 
 3,100   Intel Corp.   145,483 
 5,000   KEMET Corp.   87,700 
 400   Lockheed Martin Corp.   104,736 
 4,000   Micron Technology, Inc.*   126,920 
 1,100   Motorola Solutions, Inc.   126,544 
 200   Northrop Grumman Corp.   48,980 
 6,000   Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.   108,060 
 8,475   AES Corp.   122,548 
 3,000   AT&T, Inc.   85,620 
 2,750   Exelon Corp.   124,025 
 3,650   NRG Energy, Inc.   144,540 
 1,750   Verizon Communications, Inc.   98,385 
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (Cost $7,489,566)   7,442,771 


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
  5,000    Global X MSCI Colombia ETF   38,950 
  1,400    iShares® MSCI Peru ETF   49,700 
TOTAL EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS (Cost $107,336)   88,650 


See Notes to Financial Statements.

30 www.jamesfunds.com




James Aggressive Allocation Fund Schedule of Investments

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
    Consumer, Cyclical-0.65%    
$67,000   Walt Disney Co., 0.875%, 7/12/19  $66,269 
 50,000   PNC Bank NA, 1.950%, 3/4/19   49,913 
 50,000   General Electric Co., 2.700%, 10/9/22   46,394 
 50,000   Microsoft Corp., 1.850%, 2/6/20   49,631 
TOTAL CORPORATE BONDS (Cost $217,040)   212,207 


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
     U.S. Treasury Bonds-5.10%     
$550,000   2.750%, 11/15/47   521,347 
     U.S. Treasury Notes-15.07%     
 850,000   1.125%, 2/28/19   848,287 
 300,000   1.625%, 6/30/19   298,641 
 400,000   1.375%, 9/15/20   392,386 
     United States Treasury Inflation Indexed Bonds-2.44%     
 252,441   0.625%, 7/15/21   249,691 
TOTAL U.S. TREASURY BONDS & NOTES (Cost $2,305,712)   2,310,352 


Shares or Principal Amount  Value 
       Mutual Fund-1.57%     
  160,896    First American Government Obligations Fund , Class Z, 7-Day Yield 2.249%   160,896 
       U.S. Treasury Bill-0.49%     
  25,000    United States Treasury Bill, 2.347%, 4/25/2019(a)   24,807 
  25,000    United States Treasury Bill, 2.207%, 1/10/2019(a)   24,988 
TOTAL SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS (Cost $210,694)   210,691 
TOTAL INVESTMENT SECURITIES-100.46% (Cost $10,330,348)   10,264,671 
NET ASSETS-100.00%  $10,218,100 


For Fund compliance purposes, the Fund's industry classifications refer to any one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or ratings group indexes, and/or as defined by Fund management. Those definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine industry sub-classifications for reporting ease. Industries are shown as a percentage of net assets.


See Notes to Financial Statements.

Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 31




Schedule of Investments James Aggressive Allocation Fund


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


*Non-income producing security.
(a)Rate shown represents the bond equivalent yield to maturity at date of purchase.


See Notes to Financial Statements.

32 www.jamesfunds.com




James Long-Short Fund Schedule of Investments

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited) 


Shares     Value
   Basic Materials-7.35%   
 6,330   Avery Dennison Corp.  $568,624 
 7,800   Celanese Corp.(a)   701,766 
     Consumer, Cyclical-11.36%     
 2,870   Best Buy Co., Inc.   151,995 
 9,610   Bloomin' Brands, Inc.   171,923 
 4,285   CVS Health Corp.(a)   280,721 
 3,400   Delta Air Lines, Inc.   169,660 
 4,970   General Motors Co.   166,246 
 6,930   Southwest Airlines Co.(a)   322,106 
 3,510   Target Corp.   231,976 
 5,900   Viacom, Inc., Class B   151,630 
 3,380   Walmart, Inc.   314,847 
     Consumer, Non-cyclical-13.89%     
 700   Anthem, Inc.   183,841 
 3,890   Grand Canyon Education, Inc.*   373,985 
 16,930   Kroger Co.   465,575 
 2,430   ManpowerGroup, Inc.   157,464 
 2,600   Merck & Co., Inc.   198,666 
 13,545   Pfizer, Inc.(a)   591,239 
 1,720   UnitedHealth Group, Inc.(a)   428,486 
 60,825   Chesapeake Energy Corp.*   127,732 
 4,970   HollyFrontier Corp.   254,066 
 3,050   Phillips 66   262,758 
 8,240   Aaron's, Inc.   346,492 
 6,900   Aflac, Inc.   314,364 
 2,200   Allstate Corp.   181,786 
 2,200   Capital One Financial Corp.   166,298 
 14,790   Chimera Investment Corp., REIT   263,558 
 9,750   Fifth Third Bancorp   229,417 
 8,140   JPMorgan Chase & Co.(a)   794,627 
 15,690   Regions Financial Corp.   209,932 
 5,750   Travelers Cos., Inc.(a)   688,563 
 5,120   Unum Group   150,426 
 4,130   BorgWarner, Inc.   143,476 
 7,030   Dana, Inc.   95,819 
 4,500   Deere & Co.   671,265 
 1,300   FedEx Corp.   209,729 
 9,560   Owens-Illinois, Inc.*   164,814 


See Notes to Financial Statements.

Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 33





Schedule of Investments James Long-Short Fund

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares        Value  
     Industrial (continued)        
 4,260   United Rentals, Inc.*   $ 436,778  
 1,000   Amgen, Inc.     194,670  
 1,785   Apple, Inc.     281,566  
 9,870   Cisco Systems, Inc.     427,667  
 6,625   Deluxe Corp.(a)     254,665  
 5,650   Intel Corp.     265,155  
 700   Lockheed Martin Corp.     183,288  
 11,490   Micron Technology, Inc.*     364,578  
 1,800   Microsoft Corp.     182,826  
 3,560   Motorola Solutions, Inc.     409,542  
 1,380   Northrop Grumman Corp.(a)     337,962  
 2,590   American Electric Power Co., Inc.(a)     193,577  
 3,500   Edison International(a)     198,695  
 4,400   Exelon Corp.     198,440  
 5,985   NRG Energy, Inc.     237,006  
 7,785   PNM Resources, Inc.(a)     319,886  
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (Cost $13,366,786)     15,392,173  


Shares      Value 
        Mutual Fund-11.41%      
  1,971,533     First American Treasury Obligations Fund, Class Z, 7-Day Yield 2.277%  1,971,533 
TOTAL SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS (Cost $1,971,533)     1,971,533 
TOTAL INVESTMENT SECURITIES-100.54% (Cost $15,338,319)    17,363,706 
SECURITIES SOLD SHORT-(8.94)% (Proceeds $1,701,683)    (1,543,494)
NET ASSETS-100.00%  $ 17,270,149 


Shares     Value
COMMON STOCKS-(8.94)%   
   Basic Materials-(0.73)%   
 (4,100)  Southern Copper Corp.  $(126,157)
 (4,200)  Zillow Group, Inc., Class A   (132,006)


See Notes to Financial Statements.

34 www.jamesfunds.com




James Long-Short Fund Schedule of Investments

 December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Shares        Value  
      Consumer, Cyclical-(2.98)%        
  (6,000)   Liberty Global PLC, Class A  $ (128,040)  
  (12,900)   Mattel, Inc.    (128,871)  
  (7,300)   Melco Resorts & Entertainment, Ltd.    (128,626)  
  (1,300)   Wynn Resorts, Ltd.    (128,583)  
  (15,300)   Deutsche Bank AG    (124,695)  
  (200)   Mettler-Toledo International, Inc.    (113,116)  
  (1,300)   Vulcan Materials Co.    (128,440)  
  (2,200)   Incyte Corp.    (139,898)  
  (1,400)   Sage Therapeutics, Inc.    (134,106)  
  (1,200)   Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc.    (130,956)  
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS SOLD SHORT (Proceeds $1,701,683)    (1,543,494)  
TOTAL SECURITIES SOLD SHORT-(8.94)% (Proceeds $1,701,683)  $ (1,543,494)  


For Fund compliance purposes, the Fund's industry classifications refer to any one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or ratings group indexes, and/or as defined by Fund management. Those definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine industry sub-classifications for reporting ease. Industries are shown as a percentage of net assets.


*Non-income producing security.

(a)Security position is either entirely or partially held in a segregated account as collateral for securities sold short, aggregating a total security position market value of $3,729,191.
(b)Includes cash which is being held as collateral for securities sold short in the amount of $673,754.


See Notes to Financial Statements.

Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 35




Statements of Assets and Liabilities James Advantage Funds

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited) 


   James Balanced:
Golden Rainbow


Small Cap



Mid Cap



Micro Cap

Aggressive Allocation Fund



Investment securities:                              
At cost  $1,308,021,374   $44,029,250   $15,162,257   $21,817,350   $10,330,348   $15,338,319 
At value  $1,343,287,064   $40,282,399   $12,253,963   $22,732,322   $10,264,671   $17,363,706 
Deposits with brokers for securities sold short                       673,754 
Dividends and interest receivable   4,898,552    57,554    11,360    37,558    20,165    27,076 
Receivable for securities sold   134,269    279,763    1,280    8,281        776,728 
Receivable for capital shares sold   341,658    35,274    100        7,480    100 
Other assets   57,304                     
Total Assets   1,348,718,847    40,654,990    12,266,703    22,778,161    10,292,316    18,841,364 
Payable for securities sold short (proceeds $–, $–, $–, $–, $– and $1,701,683, respectively)                       1,543,494 
Payable for capital shares redeemed   14,583,832    49,232    13,487    7,156    65,631    5,317 
Payable for securities purchased   3,867,882    1,509,165                 
Accrued expenses:                              
Management fees   860,064    43,681    13,437    29,427    8,581    18,637 
12b-1 distribution and service fees   207,944    8,829    2,714            3,762 
Trustee fees   650    11    6    6    4    5 
Other payables   295,041                     
Total Liabilities   19,815,413    1,610,918    29,644    36,589    74,216    1,571,215 
Net Assets  $1,328,903,434   $39,044,072   $12,237,059   $22,741,572   $10,218,100   $17,270,149 
NET ASSETS CONSIST OF:                              
Paid-in capital  $1,275,621,768   $41,239,200   $15,590,249   $21,675,230   $10,659,429   $14,981,554 
Total Distributable Earnings   53,281,666    (2,195,128)   (3,353,190)   1,066,341    (441,329)   2,288,595 
Net Assets  $1,328,903,434   $39,044,072   $12,237,059   $22,741,571   $10,218,100   $17,270,149 


See Notes to Financial Statements.  

36 www.jamesfunds.com




James Advantage Funds Statements of Assets and Liabilities


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


   James Balanced:
Golden Rainbow


Small Cap



Mid Cap



Micro Cap

Allocation Fund



Net assets  $926,363,198    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A 
Shares of beneficial interest outstanding (unlimited number of shares authorized, no par)   47,784,230    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A 
Net assets value, offering price and redemption price per share  $19.39    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A 
PRICING OF INSTITUTIONAL CLASS SHARES:                              
Net assets  $402,540,236    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A 
Shares of beneficial interest outstanding (unlimited number of shares authorized, no par)   21,027,177    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A 
Net assets value, offering price and redemption price per share  $19.14    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A 
PRICING OF SHARES                              
Net assets   N/A   $39,044,072   $12,237,059   $22,741,571   $10,218,100   $17,270,149 
Shares of beneficial interest outstanding (unlimited number of shares authorized, no par)   N/A    1,870,744    1,623,249    1,683,757    1,092,196    1,365,929 
Net assets value, offering price and redemption price per share   N/A   $20.87   $7.54   $13.51   $9.36   $12.64 



See Notes to Financial Statements.  

Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 37




Statements of Operations James Advantage Funds

For the Six Months Ended December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


   James Balanced:
Golden Rainbow


Small Cap



Mid Cap



Micro Cap

  James Aggressive
Allocation Fund



INVESTMENT INCOME:                              
Dividends (Net of withholding taxes of $47,327, $1,468, $2,371, $2,462, $300 and $705, respectively)  $8,580,453   $397,288   $115,676   $192,652   $83,314   $207,539 
Interest   12,477,148            1,492    30,388     
Total Investment Income   21,057,601    397,288    115,676    194,144    113,702    207,539 
Management fees   6,668,293    324,535    92,655    204,838    53,941    121,863 
12b-1 distribution and service fees - Retail Class   1,571,360                     
12b-1 distribution and service fees       65,411    18,667            24,551 
Broker fees and charges on securities sold short                       5,277 
Administration fee   415,465                     
Transfer agent fee   131,222                     
Custodian fees   96,843                     
Professional fees   96,521                     
Trustee fees   101,832    2,598    713    1,316    507    919 
Registration fees   32,353                     
Shareholder report printing and mailing   82,434                     
Other expenses   53,469                     
Total Expenses   9,249,792    392,544    112,035    206,154    54,448    152,610 
Net Investment Income/(Loss)   11,807,809    4,744    3,641    (12,010)   59,254    54,929 
Net realized gain/(loss) from:                              
Investments   38,794,035    214,158    (24,085)   486,994    (302,136)   465,903 
Securities sold short                       (4,718)
Foreign currency transactions   (20,913)   (118)   15        (6)    
Total realized gain/(loss)   38,773,122    214,040    (24,070)   486,994    (302,142)   461,185 
Net change in unrealized depreciation on investments   (188,021,687)   (13,310,937)   (3,506,822)   (6,147,817)   (1,065,574)   (2,984,655)
Net change in unrealized appreciation on securities sold short                       67,088 
Net change in unrealized appreciation on foreign currency translation   7,938                     
Total change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation)   (188,013,749)   (13,310,937)   (3,506,822)   (6,147,817)   (1,065,574)   (2,917,567)
Net Realized and Unrealized Loss on Investments   (149,240,627)   (13,096,897)   (3,530,892)   (5,660,823)   (1,367,716)   (2,456,382)
Net Decrease in Net Assets Resulting from Operations  $(137,432,818)  $(13,092,153)  $(3,527,251)  $(5,672,833)  $(1,308,462)  $(2,401,453)


See Notes to Financial Statements.  

38 www.jamesfunds.com




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Statements of Changes in Net Assets James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund


   For the Six
Months Ended
December 31, 2018
  For the
Year Ended
June 30, 2018
Net investment income  $11,807,809   $32,974,101 
Net realized gain   38,773,122    218,615,569 
Net change in unrealized depreciation   (188,013,749)   (178,863,620)
Net increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from operations   (137,432,818)   72,726,050 
Retail Class Shares:          
From distributable earnings(1)   (98,349,481)   (139,197,486)
Institutional Class Shares:          
From distributable earnings(2)   (49,793,588)   (84,473,998)
Decrease in net assets from distributions to shareholders   (148,143,069)   (223,671,484)
Retail Class Shares:          
Proceeds from shares sold   20,737,258    130,840,615 
Net asset value of shares issued in reinvestment of distributions to shareholders   95,493,984    135,381,667 
Payments for shares redeemed, net of redemption fees   (516,193,517)   (820,705,338)
Net Decrease in net assets from Retail Class capital share transactions   (399,962,275)   (554,483,056)
Institutional Class Shares:          
Proceeds from shares sold   37,239,871    149,242,321 
Net asset value of shares issued in reinvestment of distributions to shareholders   40,854,039    66,623,349 
Payments for shares redeemed   (414,337,665)   (543,632,020)
Net Decrease in net assets from Institutional Class capital share transactions   (336,243,755)   (327,766,350)
Total Decrease in Net Assets   (1,021,781,917)   (1,033,194,840)
NET ASSETS:          
Beginning of period   2,350,685,351    3,383,880,191 
End of period  $1,328,903,434   $2,350,685,351(3)


See Notes to Financial Statements.

40 www.jamesfunds.com




James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund Statements of Changes in Net Assets


   For the Six
Months Ended
December 31, 2018
  For the
Year Ended
June 30, 2018
Retail Class Shares:          
Shares sold   907,341    5,371,862 
Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions to shareholders   4,767,954    5,645,079 
Shares redeemed   (22,836,119)   (33,682,073)
Net Decrease in shares outstanding   (17,160,824)   (22,665,132)
Shares outstanding, beginning of period   64,945,054    87,610,186 
Shares outstanding, end of period   47,784,230    64,945,054 
Institutional Class Shares:          
Shares sold   1,674,130    6,192,447 
Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions to shareholders   2,059,793    2,808,316 
Shares redeemed   (18,974,489)   (22,647,178)
Net Decrease in shares outstanding   (15,240,566)   (13,646,415)
Shares outstanding, beginning of period   36,267,743    49,914,158 
Shares outstanding, end of period   21,027,177    36,267,743 


(1)For the year ended June 30, 2018, total distributions from distributable earnings consisted of distributions from net investment income of $19,616,842 and net realized gains of $119,580,644.
(2)For the year ended June 30, 2018, total distributions from distributable earnings consisted of distributions from net investment income of $13,990,021 and net realized gains of $70,483,977.
(3)For the year ended June 30, 2018, net assets included accumulated net investment income of $472,531.


See Notes to Financial Statements.

Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 41




Statements of Changes in Net Assets James Small Cap Fund


   For the Six
Months Ended
December 31,
   For the
Year Ended
June 30,
Net investment income/(loss)  $4,744   $(202,634)
Net realized gain   214,040    10,754,578 
Net change in unrealized depreciation   (13,310,937)   (3,552,340)
Net increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from operations   (13,092,153)   6,999,604 
From distributable earnings(1)   (3,818,168)   (13,592,161)
Decrease in net assets from distributions to shareholders   (3,818,168)   (13,592,161)
Proceeds from shares sold   1,359,533    3,339,992 
Net asset value of shares issued in reinvestment of distributions to shareholders   3,744,085    12,971,014 
Payments for shares redeemed   (7,416,306)   (19,054,254)
Net Decrease in net assets from capital share transactions   (2,312,688)   (2,743,248)
Total Decrease in Net Assets   (19,223,009)   (9,335,805)
NET ASSETS:          
Beginning of period   58,267,081    67,602,886 
End of period  $39,044,072   $58,267,081(2)
Shares sold   49,599    102,092 
Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions to shareholders   166,182    436,403 
Shares redeemed   (278,699)   (595,417)
Net Decrease in shares outstanding   (62,918)   (56,922)
Shares outstanding, beginning of period   1,933,662    1,990,584 
Shares outstanding, end of period   1,870,744    1,933,662 



For the year ended June 30, 2018, total distributions from distributable earnings consisted of distributions from net investment income of $407,489 and net realized gains of $13,184,672.
(2)For the year ended June 30, 2018, net assets included accumulated net investment income of $–.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


42 www.jamesfunds.com




James Mid Cap Fund Statements of Changes in Net Assets


   For the Six
Months Ended
December 31,
   For the
Year Ended
June 30,
Net investment income/(loss)  $3,641   $(26,249)
Net realized gain/(loss)   (24,070)   1,384,201 
Net change in unrealized depreciation   (3,506,822)   (327,869)
Net increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from operations   (3,527,251)   1,030,083 
From distributable earnings(1)   (1,653,088)   (3,578,926)
Decrease in net assets from distributions to shareholders   (1,653,088)   (3,578,926)
Proceeds from shares sold   1,018,452    2,066,829 
Net asset value of shares issued in reinvestment of distributions to shareholders   1,650,774    3,550,103 
Payments for shares redeemed   (720,097)   (2,459,168)
Net Increase in net assets from capital share transactions   1,949,129    3,157,764 
Total Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets   (3,231,210)   608,921 
NET ASSETS:          
Beginning of period   15,468,269    14,859,348 
End of period  $12,237,059   $15,468,269(2)
Shares sold   99,171    163,932 
Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions to shareholders   202,798    315,748 
Shares redeemed   (79,617)   (204,577)
Net Increase in shares outstanding   222,352    275,103 
Shares outstanding, beginning of period   1,400,897    1,125,794 
Shares outstanding, end of period   1,623,249    1,400,897 


(1)For the year ended June 30, 2018, total distributions from distributable earnings consisted of distributions from net investment income of $55,290 and net realized gains of $3,523,636.

(2)For the year ended June 30, 2018, net assets included accumulated net investment income of $–.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 43




Statements of Changes in Net Assets James Micro Cap Fund


   For the Six
Months Ended
December 31,
   For the
Year Ended
June 30,
Net investment loss  $(12,010)  $(62,762)
Net realized gain   486,994    1,040,424 
Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation)   (6,147,817)   1,984,895 
Net increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from operations   (5,672,833)   2,962,557 
From distributable earnings(1)   (1,453,635)   (2,200,350)
Decrease in net assets from distributions to shareholders   (1,453,635)   (2,200,350)
Proceeds from shares sold   960,486    2,389,041 
Net asset value of shares issued in reinvestment of distributions to shareholders   1,446,514    2,177,624 
Payments for shares redeemed, net of redemption fees   (1,343,658)   (8,332,906)
Net Increase/(Decrease) in net assets from capital share transactions   1,063,342    (3,766,241)
Total Decrease in Net Assets   (6,063,126)   (3,004,034)
NET ASSETS:          
Beginning of period   28,804,697    31,808,731 
End of period  $22,741,571   $28,804,697(2)
Shares sold   56,099    136,672 
Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions to shareholders   102,372    126,190 
Shares redeemed   (86,088)   (493,438)
Net Increase/(Decrease) in shares outstanding   72,383    (230,576)
Shares outstanding, beginning of period   1,611,373    1,841,949 
Shares outstanding, end of period   1,683,756    1,611,373 


(1)For the year ended June 30, 2018, total distributions from distributable earnings consisted of distributions from net investment income of $97,620 and net realized gains of $2,102,730.

(2)For the year ended June 30, 2018, net assets included accumulated net investment loss of $(35,512).


See Notes to Financial Statements.


44 www.jamesfunds.com




James Aggressive Allocation Fund Statements of Changes in Net Assets



For the Six

Months Ended

December 31, 2018



For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2018

Net investment income  $59,254   $93,703 
Net realized gain/(loss)   (302,142)   394,823 
Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation)   (1,065,574)   217,184 
Net increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from operations   (1,308,462)   705,710 
From distributable earnings(1)   (96,369)   (75,908)
Decrease in net assets from distributions to shareholders   (96,369)   (75,908)
Proceeds from shares sold   857,674    1,739,939 
Net asset value of shares issued in reinvestment of distributions to shareholders   96,255    75,908 
Payments for shares redeemed   (320,270)   (1,410,496)
Net Increase in net assets from capital share transactions   633,659    405,351 
Total Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets   (771,172)   1,035,153 
NET ASSETS:          
Beginning of period   10,989,272    9,954,119 
End of period  $10,218,100   $10,989,272(2)
Shares sold   81,766    160,956 
Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions to shareholders   10,350    6,932 
Shares redeemed   (30,570)   (133,033)
Net Increase in shares outstanding   61,546    34,855 
Shares outstanding, beginning of period   1,030,650    995,795 
Shares outstanding, end of period   1,092,196    1,030,650 


(1)For the year ended June 30, 2018, total distributions from distributable earnings consisted of distributions from net investment income of $75,908 and net realized gains of $-.
(2)For the year ended June 30, 2018, net assets included accumulated net investment income of $40,605.


See Notes to Financial Statements.

Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 45




Statements of Changes in Net Assets James Long-Short Fund



For the Six

Months Ended

December 31, 2018



For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2018

Net investment income  $54,929   $49,616 
Net realized gain   461,185    562,679 
Net change in unrealized depreciation   (2,917,567)   (327,633)
Net increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from operations   (2,401,453)   284,662 
From distributable earnings(1)   (75,854)   (64,997)
Decrease in net assets from distributions to shareholders   (75,854)   (64,997)
Proceeds from shares sold   366,826    1,566,816 
Net asset value of shares issued in reinvestment of distributions to shareholders   75,790    64,533 
Payments for shares redeemed   (680,746)   (3,324,551)
Net Decrease in net assets from capital share transactions   (238,130)   (1,693,202)
Total Decrease in Net Assets   (2,715,437)   (1,473,537)
NET ASSETS:          
Beginning of period   19,985,586    21,459,123 
End of period  $17,270,149   $19,985,586(2)
Shares sold   26,168    105,469 
Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions to shareholders   6,034    4,190 
Shares redeemed   (47,374)   (226,680)
Net Decrease in shares outstanding   (15,172)   (117,021)
Shares outstanding, beginning of period   1,381,101    1,498,122 
Shares outstanding, end of period   1,365,929    1,381,101 


(1)For the year ended June 30, 2018, total distributions from distributable earnings consisted of distributions from net investment income of $64,997 and net realized gains of $-.
(2)For the year ended June 30, 2018, net assets included accumulated net investment income of $-.


See Notes to Financial Statements.

46 www.jamesfunds.com




James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund – Retail Class Financial Highlights


For a share outstanding throughout the years or period indicated.



For the

Six Months


December 31, 2018



For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2018


For the

 Year Ended

June 30, 2017


For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2016


For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2015


For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2014

Net asset value - beginning of year  $23.32   $24.70   $24.14   $24.96   $25.28   $22.55 
Income/(Loss) from investment operations:                              
Net investment income(a)   0.13    0.26    0.25    0.25    0.22    0.24 
Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)   (1.97)   0.24    0.68    (0.41)   0.49    2.96 
Total from investment operations   (1.84)   0.50    0.93    (0.16)   0.71    3.20 
Less distributions:                              
From net investment income   (0.14)   (0.27)   (0.28)   (0.23)   (0.18)   (0.24)
From net realized gain on investments   (1.95)   (1.61)   (0.09)   (0.43)   (0.85)   (0.23)
Total distributions   (2.09)   (1.88)   (0.37)   (0.66)   (1.03)   (0.47)
Paid-in capital from redemption fees           0.00(b)            
Net asset value at end of year  $19.39   $23.32   $24.70   $24.14   $24.96   $25.28 
Total return   (8.11)%(c)   1.87%   3.92%   (0.64)%   2.90%   14.32%
Net assets, end of year (in thousands)  $926,363   $1,514,451   $2,163,786   $2,892,809   $2,973,350   $2,493,030 
Ratios/Supplemental Data:                              
Ratio of net expenses to average net assets   1.04%(d)   0.99%   0.96%   0.96%   0.97%   1.00%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets   1.13%(d)   1.05%   1.02%   1.03%   0.87%   0.99%
Portfolio turnover rate   32%(c)   75%   46%   46%   43%   32%


(a)Calculated using the average shares method.
(b)Amount rounds to less than $0.005 per share.
(c)Not Annualized.


See Notes to Financial Statements.

Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 47




Financial Highlights James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund – Institutional Class


For a share outstanding throughout the years or period indicated.



For the

Six Months


December 31, 2018



For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2018


For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2017


For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2016


For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2015


For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2014

Net asset value - beginning of year  $23.06   $24.44   $23.89   $24.72   $25.05   $22.35 
Income/(Loss) from investment operations:                              
Net investment income(a)   0.16    0.31    0.31    0.31    0.28    0.29 
Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)   (1.96)   0.25    0.68    (0.42)   0.50    2.94 
Total from investment operations   (1.80)   0.56    0.99    (0.11)   0.78    3.23 
Less distributions:                              
From net investment income   (0.17)   (0.33)   (0.35)   (0.29)   (0.26)   (0.30)
From net realized gain on investments   (1.95)   (1.61)   (0.09)   (0.43)   (0.85)   (0.23)
Total distributions   (2.12)   (1.94)   (0.44)   (0.72)   (1.11)   (0.53)
Paid-in capital from redemption fees           0.00(b)            
Net asset value at end of year  $19.14   $23.06   $24.44   $23.89   $24.72   $25.05 
Total return   (8.03)%(c)   2.16%   4.19%   (0.43)%   3.20%   14.59%
Net assets, end of year (in thousands)  $402,540   $836,234   $1,220,095   $1,512,751   $1,277,641   $805,973 
Ratios/Supplemental Data:                              
Ratio of net expenses to average net assets   0.79%(d)   0.74%   0.71%   0.71%   0.73%   0.75%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets   1.37%(d)   1.30%   1.27%   1.28%   1.11%   1.24%
Portfolio turnover rate   32%(c)   75%   46%   46%   43%   32%


(a)Calculated using the average shares method.
(b)Amount rounds to less than $0.005 per share.
(c)Not Annualized.


See Notes to Financial Statements.

48 www.jamesfunds.com




James Small Cap Fund Financial Highlights

For a share outstanding throughout the years or period indicated.



For the

Six Months


December 31, 2018



For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2018


For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2017


For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2016


For the

Year Ended

 June 30, 2015


For the

Year Ended

 June 30, 2014

Net asset value - beginning of year  $30.13   $33.96   $30.64   $33.47   $33.88   $28.66 
Income/(Loss) from investment operations:                              
Net investment income/(loss)(a)   0.00(b)   (0.10)   0.21    0.17    0.01    (0.00)(c)
Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)   (7.12)   3.82    3.28    (1.64)   (0.42)   6.12 
Total from investment operations   (7.12)   3.72    3.49    (1.47)   (0.41)   6.12 
Less distributions:                              
From net investment income       (0.19)   (0.17)   (0.12)       (0.90)
From net realized gain on investments   (2.14)   (7.36)       (1.24)        
Total distributions   (2.14)   (7.55)   (0.17)   (1.36)       (0.90)
Net asset value at end of year  $20.87   $30.13   $33.96   $30.64   $33.47   $33.88 
Total return   (24.17)%(d)   11.41%   11.36%   (4.62)%   (1.21)%   21.46%
Net assets, end of year (in thousands)  $39,044   $58,267   $67,603   $84,226   $125,145   $163,537 
Ratios/Supplemental Data:                              
Ratio of net expenses to average net assets   1.50%(e)   1.50%   1.50%   1.50%   1.50%   1.50%
Ratio of net investment income/(loss) to average net assets   0.02%(e)   (0.32)%   0.62%   0.55%   0.04%   (0.00)%(f)
Portfolio turnover rate   36%(d)   124%   129%   57%   76%   62%


(a)Calculated using the average shares method.
(b)Amount rounds to less than $0.005 per share.
(c)Amount rounds to less than ($0.005) per share.
(d)Not Annualized.
(f)Amount rounds to less than (0.005%).


See Notes to Financial Statements.

Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 49




Financial Highlights James Mid Cap Fund

For a share outstanding throughout the years or period indicated.



For the

Six Months


December 31, 2018



For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2018


For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2017


For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2016


For the

Year Ended

 June 30, 2015


For the

 Year Ended

June 30, 2014

Net asset value - beginning of year  $11.04   $13.20   $13.56   $14.86   $16.42   $12.97 
Income/(Loss) from investment operations:                              
Net investment income/(loss)(a)   0.00(b)   (0.02)   0.05    0.08    (0.02)   0.01 
Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)   (2.36)   1.03    1.29    (0.42)   (0.15)   3.87 
Total from investment operations   (2.36)   1.01    1.34    (0.34)   (0.17)   3.88 
Less distributions:                              
From net investment income       (0.04)   (0.02)   (0.05)   (0.01)   (0.04)
From net realized gain on investments   (1.14)   (3.13)   (1.68)   (0.91)   (1.38)   (0.39)
Total distributions   (1.14)   (3.17)   (1.70)   (0.96)   (1.39)   (0.43)
Net asset value at end of year  $7.54   $11.04   $13.20   $13.56   $14.86   $16.42 
Total return   (22.16)%(c)   7.27%   10.50%   (2.46)%   (0.86)%   30.34%
Net assets, end of year (in thousands)  $12,237   $15,468   $14,859   $14,326   $21,190   $18,631 
Ratios/Supplemental Data:                              
Ratio of net expenses to average net assets   1.50%(d)   1.50%   1.50%   1.50%   1.50%   1.50%
Ratio of net investment income/(loss) to average net assets   0.05%(d)   (0.17)%   0.35%   0.54%   (0.13)%   0.05%
Portfolio turnover rate   82%(c)   191%   150%   47%   50%   31%


(a)Calculated using the average shares method.
(b)Amount rounds to less than $0.005 per share.
(c)Not Annualized.


See Notes to Financial Statements.

50 www.jamesfunds.com




James Micro Cap Fund Financial Highlights

For a share outstanding throughout the years or period indicated.



For the

Six Months


December 31, 2018



For the

Year Ended

 June 30, 2018


For the

Year Ended

 June 30, 2017


For the

Year Ended

 June 30, 2016


For the

Year Ended

 June 30, 2015


For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2014

Net asset value - beginning of year  $17.88   $17.27   $15.03   $15.11   $17.40   $13.96 
Income/(Loss) from investment operations:                              
Net investment income/(loss)(a)   (0.01)   (0.04)   0.04    (0.04)   0.06    (0.05)
Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)   (3.45)   1.99    2.20    (0.06)   1.12    3.50 
Total from investment operations   (3.46)   1.95    2.24    (0.10)   1.18    3.45 
Less distributions:                              
From net investment income       (0.06)       (0.01)   (0.02)   (0.01)
From net realized gain on investments   (0.91)   (1.29)           (3.45)    
Total distributions   (0.91)   (1.35)       (0.01)   (3.47)   (0.01)
Paid-in capital from redemption fees   0.00(b)   0.01    0.00(b)   0.03    0.00(b)   0.00(b)
Net asset value at end of year  $13.51   $17.88   $17.27   $15.03   $15.11   $17.40 
Total return   (19.59)%(c)   11.62%   14.90%   (0.44)%   7.95%   24.75%
Net assets, end of year (in thousands)  $22,742   $28,805   $31,809   $26,515   $24,026   $16,256 
Ratios/Supplemental Data:                              
Ratio of net expenses to average net assets   1.50%(d)   1.50%   1.50%   1.50%   1.50%   1.50%
Ratio of net investment income/(loss) to average net assets   (0.09)%(d)   (0.22)%   0.23%   (0.24)%   0.38%   (0.31)%
Portfolio turnover rate   24%(c)   37%   97%   44%   52%   96%


(a)Calculated using the average shares method.
(b)Amount rounds to less than $0.005 per share.
(c)Not Annualized.


See Notes to Financial Statements.

Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 51




Financial Highlights James Aggressive Allocation Fund

For a share outstanding throughout the years or period indicated.



For the

Six Months


December 31, 2018



For the

 Year Ended

June 30, 2018


For the

 Year Ended

June 30, 2017


For the

Year Ended

 June 30, 2016(a)

Net asset value - beginning of year  $10.66   $10.00   $9.47   $10.00 
Income/(Loss) from investment operations:                    
Net investment income(b)   0.06    0.10    0.09    0.07 
Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)   (1.27)   0.64    0.53    (0.57)
Total from investment operations   (1.21)   0.74    0.62    (0.50)
Less distributions:                    
From net investment income   (0.09)   (0.08)   (0.09)   (0.03)
Total distributions   (0.09)   (0.08)   (0.09)   (0.03)
Net asset value at end of year  $9.36   $10.66   $10.00   $9.47 
Total return   (11.36)%(c)   7.36%   6.54%   (4.98)%
Net assets, end of year (in thousands)  $10,218   $10,989   $9,954   $7,172 
Ratios/Supplemental Data:                    
Ratio of net expenses to average net assets   0.98%(d)   0.98%   0.98%   0.98%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets   1.07%(d)   0.90%   0.95%   0.81%
Portfolio turnover rate   42%(c)   219%   198%   218%


(a)Fund commenced operations on July 1, 2015.

(b)Calculated using the average shares method.

(c)Not Annualized.



See Notes to Financial Statements.

52 www.jamesfunds.com




James Long-Short Fund Financial Highlights

For a share outstanding throughout the years or period indicated.



For the

Six Months


December 31, 2018



For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2018


For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2017


For the

Year Ended

 June 30, 2016


For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2015


For the

Year Ended

June 30, 2014

Net asset value - beginning of year  $14.47   $14.32   $12.98   $13.24   $13.80   $11.70 
Income/(Loss) from investment operations:                              
Net investment income/(loss)(a)   0.04    0.03    0.05    (0.09)   (0.13)   (0.06)
Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)   (1.81)   0.17    1.29    (0.17)   (0.43)   2.16 
Total from investment operations   (1.77)   0.20    1.34    (0.26)   (0.56)   2.10 
Less distributions:                              
From net investment income   (0.06)   (0.05)                
Total distributions   (0.06)   (0.05)                
Net asset value at end of year  $12.64   $14.47   $14.32   $12.98   $13.24   $13.80 
Total return   (12.26)%(b)   1.35%   10.32%   (1.96)%   (4.06)%   17.95%
Net assets, end of year (in thousands)  $17,270   $19,986   $21,459   $24,705   $33,890   $23,446 
Ratios/Supplemental Data:                              
Ratio of net expenses to average net assets(c)   1.56%(d)   1.59%   1.56%   2.50%   2.70%   2.57%
Ratio of net investment income/(loss) to average net assets   0.56%(d)   0.23%   0.40%   (0.70)%   (0.92)%   (0.44)%
Portfolio turnover rate   25%(b)   21%   38%   49%   117%   171%


(a)Calculated using the average shares method.
(b)Not Annualized.
(c)Dividend and interest expense on securities sold short totaled 0.06%, 0.09%, 0.06%, 1.00%, 1.20% and 1.07% of average net assets for the six months ended December 31, 2018 and the years ended June 30, 2018, June 30, 2017, June 30, 2016, June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2014, respectively.


See Notes to Financial Statements.

Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 53




Notes to Financial Statements James Advantage Funds

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)





James Advantage Funds (the “Trust”) is an open-end management investment company that was organized as an Ohio business trust on August 29, 1997. The Trust is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”). James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund, James Small Cap Fund, James Mid Cap Fund, James Micro Cap Fund, James Aggressive Allocation Fund, and James Long-Short Fund are each a diversified series of the Trust (individually a “Fund,” collectively the “Funds”). Each class of James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments and has the same rights, but differs primarily in distribution fees and shareholder features. The Retail Class shares are subject to distribution (12b-1) fees but have a lower minimum investment requirement and offer certain shareholder services not available to Institutional Class shareholders. The Institutional Class shares are not subject to distribution (12b-1) fees and are available only through investment advisers and bank trust departments that have made arrangements for shares of all of their clients investing in the Fund to be held in an omnibus account (as well as other investors that are approved by management of the Trust).


James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund seeks to provide total return through a combination of growth and income and preservation of capital in declining markets. The James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund seeks to achieve its objective by investing primarily in common stocks and/or debt securities that the Fund’s adviser, James Investment Research, Inc. (“James” or the “Adviser”), believes are undervalued.


James Small Cap Fund seeks to provide long-term capital appreciation. The James Small Cap Fund seeks to achieve its objective by investing primarily in common stocks of small capitalization companies. The Adviser defines small capitalization as those companies with market capitalizations at the time of purchase no larger than the stocks in the James Small Cap Fund’s benchmark, the Russell 2000® Index. As of December 31, 2018, the stock with the maximum capitalization in the Russell 2000® Index had a capitalization of $6.25 billion.


James Mid Cap Fund seeks to provide long-term capital appreciation. The James Mid Cap Fund seeks to achieve its objective by investing primarily in common stocks of mid capitalization companies. The Adviser defines mid capitalization companies as those with market capitalizations at the time of purchase that fall within the range of the Russell Midcap® Index. As of December 31, 2018, the stock with the maximum capitalization in the Russell Midcap® Index had a capitalization of $35.62 billion.


James Micro Cap Fund seeks to provide long-term capital appreciation. The James Micro Cap Fund seeks to achieve its objective by investing primarily in common stocks of micro capitalization companies. Micro capitalization companies are defined as those companies with market capitalizations at the time of purchase no larger than the stocks in the Russell Microcap® Index, including exchange traded funds (“ETFs”) that invest primarily in such securities. As of December 31, 2018, the stock with the maximum capitalization in the Russell Microcap® Index had a capitalization of $2.18 billion.


James Aggressive Allocation Fund seeks to provide total return through a combination of growth and income. Preservation of capital in declining markets is a secondary objective. The James Aggressive Allocation Fund will generally run equity allocations of 60% or higher and, therefore, could be more volatile than a more conservative fund that holds a smaller percentage of its assets in stocks. Due to its aggressive nature, the James Aggressive Allocation Fund will generally have a turnover ratio much higher than the James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund.


James Long-Short Fund seeks to provide long-term capital appreciation. The James Long-Short Fund seeks to achieve its objective by investing primarily in foreign and domestic equity securities that the Adviser believes are undervalued and more likely to appreciate, and by selling short equity securities that the Adviser believes are overvalued and more likely to depreciate. The James Long-Short Fund also may take long positions in domestic and foreign fixed income securities that the Adviser believes are more likely to appreciate in the interest rate and spread environment anticipated by the Adviser, and short positions in fixed income securities that the Adviser believes are more likely to depreciate in the interest rate and spread environment anticipated by the Adviser. The James Long-Short Fund seeks to achieve positive returns on both the long positions and short positions that it takes in various securities.





The following is a summary of significant accounting policies followed by the Funds in preparation of their financial statements, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”). The Funds are considered an investment company for financial reporting purposes under GAAP.


Share Valuation

The net asset value per share of each Fund, other than the James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund, is calculated daily by dividing the total value of the Fund’s assets, less liabilities, by the number of shares outstanding. The net asset value per share of each class of shares of the James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund is calculated daily by dividing the total value of the Fund’s assets attributable to that class, less liabilities attributable to that class, by the number of outstanding shares of that class. The offering price and redemption price per share is equal to the net asset value per share, except that shares of the James Micro Cap Fund are subject to a redemption fee of 2% if redeemed within 180 days of purchase. Redemption fees received by the James Micro Cap Fund were $1,255 and $19,044 for the six months ended December 31, 2018 and the year ended June 30, 2018, respectively. The redemption fee is reflected in the “Payment for shares redeemed, net of redemption fees” in the Statements of Changes in Net Assets.



54 www.jamesfunds.com



James Advantage Funds Notes to Financial Statements


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Securities Valuation

Securities are valued at fair value. The Funds’ portfolio securities, including short positions, are valued as of the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) (generally, 4:00 p.m., Eastern time) on each day that the NYSE is open for business. Equity securities that are traded on any exchange, including closed-end funds and exchange-traded funds, are valued at the last quoted sale price on the exchange or market in which such securities are principally traded. Lacking a last sale price, a security is valued at its last bid price except when, in James’ opinion, the last bid price does not accurately reflect the current value of the security. Securities that are traded on the NASDAQ® over-the-counter market are valued at their NASDAQ® Official Closing Price (“NOCP”) for all NASDAQ® National Market (“NNM”) and NASDAQ® Capital Market® securities. When market quotations are not readily available, if an event occurs after the close of the trading market (but before the time as of which a Fund calculates its net asset value) that materially affects a security’s value, when James determines that the market quotation does not accurately reflect the current value or when a non-144A restricted security is being valued, that security will be valued at its fair value as determined in good faith in conformity with guidelines adopted by and subject to review of the Board of Trustees (the “Board”). Corporate bonds, U.S. government agencies, U.S. Treasury bonds & notes, foreign, and municipal bonds are generally valued at the mean between the closing bid and asked prices provided by an independent pricing service. The pricing services generally use market models that consider trade data, yields, spreads, quotations from dealers and active market makers, credit worthiness, market information of comparable securities, and other relevant security specific information. Asset backed/commercial mortgage backed securities are generally valued at the mean between the closing bid and asked prices provided by an independent pricing service. The pricing service generally uses models that consider trade data, prepayment, and default projections, benchmark yield and spread data and estimated cash flows of each tranche of the issuer. If the Adviser decides that a price provided by the pricing service does not accurately reflect the fair market value of the securities or when prices are not readily available from a pricing service, those securities will be priced at fair value as determined in good faith by the Adviser. Shares of open-end investment companies are valued at net asset value.


For valuation purposes, quotations of foreign securities in a foreign currency are converted to U.S. dollar equivalents at the time of pricing the Funds. The values of foreign portfolio securities are generally based upon market quotations which, depending upon the exchange or market, may be last sale price, last bid price or the average of the last bid and asked prices as of, in each case, the close of the appropriate exchange or another designated time.


In accordance with the Trust’s good faith pricing guidelines, James is required to consider all appropriate factors relevant to the value of securities for which it has determined other pricing sources are not available or reliable as described above. There is no single standard for determining fair value, since fair value depends upon the circumstances of each individual case. As a general principle, the current fair value of an issue of securities being valued by the Adviser would appear to be the amount that the owner might reasonably expect to receive for them upon their current sale. Methods which are in accordance with this principle may, for example, be based on (i) a multiple of earnings, (ii) a discount from market of a similar freely traded security (including a derivative security or a basket of securities traded on other markets, exchanges or among dealers), or (iii) yield to maturity with respect to debt issues, or a combination of these and other methods.


Various inputs are used in determining the value of the Funds’ investments. These inputs are summarized in the three broad levels listed below:


Level 1 -Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical, unrestricted assets or liabilities that a Fund has the ability to access at the measurement date;
Level 2 - Quoted prices which are not active, quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets or inputs other than quoted prices that are observable (either directly or indirectly) for substantially the full term of the asset or liability; or
Level 3 -Significant unobservable prices or inputs (including a Fund’s own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments) where there is little or no market activity for the asset or liability at the measurement date.


The inputs or methodologies used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.



Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 55




Notes to Financial Statements James Advantage Funds


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


The following is a summary of the inputs used to value the Funds’ investments as of December 31, 2018:


James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund                
   Valuation Inputs     
Investments in Securities at Value*  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
Common Stocks  $519,992,233   $   $   $519,992,233 
Exchange Traded Funds   2,709,036            2,709,036 
Corporate Bonds       101,943,697        101,943,697 
Municipal Bonds       78,275,804        78,275,804 
U.S. Government Agencies       127,363,270        127,363,270 
Mortgage Backed Securities       31,114,459        31,114,459 
U.S. Treasury Bonds & Notes   297,524,249            297,524,249 
Foreign Bonds       24,631,830        24,631,830 
Short Term Investments   159,732,486            159,732,486 
Total  $979,958,004   $363,329,060   $   $1,343,287,064 


James Small Cap Fund                
   Valuation Inputs     
Investments in Securities at Value*  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
Common Stocks  $37,169,988   $   $   $37,169,988 
Short Term Investments   3,112,411            3,112,411 
Total  $40,282,399   $   $   $40,282,399 


James Mid Cap Fund                
   Valuation Inputs     
Investments in Securities at Value*  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
Common Stocks  $11,855,487   $   $   $11,855,487 
Short Term Investments   398,476            398,476 
Total  $12,253,963   $   $   $12,253,963 


James Micro Cap Fund                
   Valuation Inputs     
Investments in Securities at Value*  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
Common Stocks  $20,562,483   $   $   $20,562,483 
U.S. Treasury Bonds & Notes   1,995,971            1,995,971 
Short Term Investments   173,868            173,868 
Total  $22,732,322   $   $   $22,732,322 


James Aggressive Allocation Fund                
   Valuation Inputs     
Investments in Securities at Value*  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
Common Stocks  $7,442,771   $   $   $7,442,771 
Exchange Traded Funds   88,650            88,650 
Corporate Bonds       212,207        212,207 
U.S. Treasury Bonds & Notes   2,310,352            2,310,352 
Short Term Investments   210,691            210,691 
Total  $10,052,464   $212,207   $   $10,264,671 


56 www.jamesfunds.com




James Advantage Funds Notes to Financial Statements


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


James Long-Short Fund                
   Valuation Inputs      
Investments in Securities at Value*   Level 1    Level 2    Level 3    Total 
Common Stocks  $15,392,173   $   $   $15,392,173 
Short Term Investments   1,971,533            1,971,533 
Total  $17,363,706   $   $   $17,363,706 


   Valuation Inputs     
Other Financial Instruments*  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
Securities Sold Short                    
Common Stocks  $(1,543,494)  $   $   $(1,543,494)
TOTAL  $(1,543,494)  $   $   $(1,543,494)


*For detailed descriptions of sector and industry, see the accompanying Schedule of Investments.


Investment Transactions

Investment transactions are recorded on a trade date basis. Gains and losses are determined using the specific identification method, which liquidates all losses first, before any gains. Securities purchased or sold on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis may have extended settlement periods. Any securities so purchased are subject to market fluctuation during this period. The Funds will instruct its custodian to segregate assets in a separate account with a current value at least equal to the amount of its when-issued and delayed delivery purchase commitments. As of December 31, 2018, the Funds did not hold when-issued securities or delayed delivery purchase commitments.


Withholding taxes on foreign dividends have been provided for in accordance with the Trust’s understanding of the applicable country’s tax rules and rates.


Foreign Currency Translation

The market value of investment securities and other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars at the current exchange rate, provided by WM Reuters, at the close of each business day. Purchases and sales of securities, income receipts and expense payments are translated into U.S. dollars based at the exchange rate on the date of the transaction.


Reported net realized foreign exchange gains or losses arise from sales and maturities of short-term securities, sales of foreign currencies, currency gains or losses realized and between the trade and settlement dates on securities transactions, and the difference between the amounts of dividends, interest, and foreign withholding taxes recorded on the Funds’ books and the U.S. dollar equivalent of the amounts actually received or paid. Net unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses arise from the changes in the value of assets and liabilities including investments in securities at the reporting period, resulting from changes in the exchange rate. The portion of realized and unrealized gains or losses on investments due fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates is not separately disclosed and is included in realized and unrealized gains or losses on investments, when applicable.


Short Sales and Segregated Cash

The James Long-Short Fund may actively sell short equity and fixed income securities. Short sales are transactions in which the Fund sells a security it does not own in anticipation of a decline in the market value of that security. To complete such a transaction, the Fund must borrow the security to deliver to the buyer upon the short sale; the Fund is then obligated to replace the security borrowed by purchasing it in the open market at some later date.


The Fund will incur a loss if the market price of the security increases between the date of the short sale and the date on which the Fund replaces the borrowed security. The Fund will realize a gain if the security declines in value between those dates. The Fund is required to pay any dividend or interest due on securities sold short. Such dividends and interest are recorded as an expense. The Fund may pay fees or charges on the assets borrowed for securities sold short.


All short sales are collateralized, as required by the Fund’s prime broker. The Fund maintains the collateral in segregated accounts consisting of cash and/or equity securities sufficient to collateralize the market value of the Fund’s short positions.


Investment Income

Dividend income and dividend expense on long securities and securities sold short are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Interest income is determined on the basis of interest accrued, adjusted for amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts on all debt securities. Amortization and accretion is calculated using the effective yield method.


Dividend income includes dividends earned on Real Estate Investment Trusts (“REITs”), which may include a return of capital. As such, important taxation issues may arise, which the Funds account for when information is provided by the issuing REIT.


Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 57




Notes to Financial Statements James Advantage Funds

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Due to the actual character of dividends paid by REITs not being available until the end of the calendar year, the net investment income and long-term capital gains of the Funds can be different on the tax return compared to this annual report. Substantial unanticipated levels of return of capital may affect the Funds’ earnings and profits from which distributions are made.


Distributions received from Limited Partnership investments of a Fund are usually recorded as a return of capital and are excluded from available income in the calculation of distributions paid by the Funds. Return of capital is recorded as a reduction to the cost of investments in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities and in the Schedule of Investments.


Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders

Net investment income, if any, is generally declared and distributed to shareholders of each Fund on at least an annual basis. Net realized capital gains from security transactions, if any, are distributed to shareholders not less frequently than annually. Furthermore, capital gains are distributed only to the extent they exceed available capital loss carryforwards. Distributions to shareholders of net investment income and net realized capital gains are recorded on the ex-dividend date. The amount and timing of distributions are determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations, which may differ from GAAP.


Allocation of Income and Expense

Investment income earned, realized capital gains and losses, and unrealized appreciation and depreciation for the James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund is allocated daily to each class of shares based upon its proportionate share of total net assets of the Fund. Class-specific expenses are charged directly to the class incurring the expense. Common expenses, which are not attributable to a specific class, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon its proportionate share of total net assets of the Fund. The Advisor pays the expenses of each Fund, except for the James Balanced: Golden Rainbow fund. These expenses exclude the management fees, detailed in Note 4, brokerage fees and commissions, taxes, interest (including dividend expense on securities sold short), fees and expenses of the non-interested person trustees, 12b-1 fees and extraordinary expenses. Expenses not directly billed to a particular Fund are allocated proportionally among all Funds daily in relation to net assets of each Fund or another reasonable measure.


Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


Federal Income Taxes

The Funds generally intend to distribute all taxable income and capital gains to shareholders, if any, and to otherwise continue to comply with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, applicable to regulated investment companies. Therefore, no federal tax provision is required.


As of and during the six months ended December 31, 2018, the Funds did not have a liability for any unrecognized tax benefits. The Funds file U.S. federal, state, and local tax returns as required. The Funds’ tax returns are subject to examination by the relevant tax authorities until expiration of the applicable statute of limitations, which is generally three years after the filing of the tax return for federal purposes and four years for most state returns. Tax returns for open years have incorporated no uncertain tax positions that require a provision for income taxes.


58 www.jamesfunds.com




James Advantage Funds Notes to Financial Statements


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


As of December 31, 2018, the components of distributable earnings on a tax basis were as follows:





Golden Rainbow



James Small Cap



James Mid Cap



James Micro Cap





Allocation Fund





Tax cost of portfolio investments  $1,309,069,710   $44,029,250   $15,170,357   $21,817,350   $10,333,713   $ 15,369,408  
Gross unrealized appreciation  $86,595,839   $2,449,826   $177,398   $3,168,878   $633,977   $ 3,733,415  
Gross unrealized depreciation   (52,378,485)   (6,196,677)   (3,093,792)   (2,253,906)   (703,019)    (1,580,928)  
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)   34,217,354    (3,746,851)   (2,916,394)   914,972    (69,042)    2,152,487  
Total  $34,217,354   $(3,746,851)  $(2,916,394)  $914,972   $(69,042)  $ 2,152,487  


The difference between the cost of portfolio investments on a tax basis and financial statement cost for the Funds is due primarily to the deferral of wash sale losses and to the differing treatment of certain investments under income tax regulations and GAAP.


The tax character of distributions paid for the year ended June 30, 2018 was as follows:





Golden Rainbow



James Small Cap



James Mid Cap



James Micro Cap





Allocation Fund





Ordinary Income  $33,606,863   $1,959,939   $523,039   $97,622   $75,908   $ 64,997  
Long-Term Capital Gains   190,064,621    11,632,222    3,055,887    2,102,728          
Total  $223,671,484   $13,592,161   $3,578,926   $2,200,350   $75,908   $ 64,997  


The tax character of distributions paid for the year ended June 30, 2017 was as follows:





Golden Rainbow



James Small Cap



James Mid Cap



James Micro Cap





Allocation Fund





Ordinary Income  $49,812,849   $400,002   $131,210   $   $84,996   $  
Long-Term Capital Gains   15,722,370        1,563,232              
Total  $65,535,219   $400,002   $1,694,442   $   $84,996   $  


Capital Losses

Under the tax code, Capital Losses are carried over to future tax years and will retain their character as either short-term or long-term capital losses. These losses do not include any late year capital losses (losses arising in the period from November 1st through June 30th) that the funds have elected to defer for the current fiscal year. The Funds’ ability to utilize capital loss carryforwards in the future may be limited under the Internal Revenue Code and related regulations based on the results of future transactions.


Capital losses carried forward to the next tax year were as follows:


    Short Term   Long Term 
James Long-Short Fund   $303,845   $ 


The Funds elect to defer to the year ending June 30, 2019 capital losses recognized during the period November 1, 2017 through December 30, 2018 in the amount of:


James Aggressive Allocation Fund  $67,259 


Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 59




Notes to Financial Statements James Advantage Funds

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)





Purchases and sales (including maturities) of investments in other long-term U.S. Government obligations for the six months ended December 31, 2018 were as follows:


   Purchases   Sales 
James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund  $73,313,178   $372,030,896 
James Micro Cap Fund   1,995,642     
James Aggressive Allocation Fund   731,944    866,775 


Purchases and sales (including maturities) of investments in other long-term securities for the six months ended December 31, 2018 were as follows:


   Purchases   Sales 
James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund  $488,011,343   $1,042,384,180 
James Small Cap Fund   18,454,528    25,461,845 
James Mid Cap Fund   11,992,553    11,869,741 
James Micro Cap Fund   5,591,353    5,803,180 
James Aggressive Allocation Fund   4,665,506    3,670,478 
James Long-Short Fund   4,342,947    4,466,101 


For the six months ended December 31, 2018, the cost of securities purchased to cover short sales and the proceeds from securities sold short were $1,735,645 and $590,638, respectively, for the James Long-Short Fund. As of December 31, 2018, the James Long-Short Fund held securities sold short with a value of $1,543,494. Unrealized appreciation from short sales as of December 31, 2018 were $158,189.





Investment Management Agreement

The Funds retain James to manage the Funds’ investments. The investment decisions for the Funds are made by a committee of James’ personnel, which is primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of each Fund’s portfolio. The Funds pay James on a monthly basis at the annual rate set forth below of the Funds’ average daily net assets.


James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund


Average Total Net Assets Contractual Fee
Up to and including $500 million 0.74%
Over $500 million and including $1 billion 0.70%
Over $1 billion and including $2 billion 0.65%
Over $2 billion 0.60%


James Small Cap Fund


Average Total Net Assets Contractual Fee
Up to and including $500 million 1.25%
Over $500 million and including $1 billion 1.20%
Over $1 billion and including $2 billion 1.15%
Over $2 billion 1.10%


James Mid Cap Fund


Average Total Net Assets Contractual Fee
Up to and including $500 million 1.25%
Over $500 million and including $1 billion 1.20%
Over $1 billion and including $2 billion 1.15%
Over $2 billion 1.10%


James Micro Cap Fund


Average Total Net Assets Contractual Fee
Up to and including $500 million 1.50%
Over $500 million 1.45%


James Aggressive Allocation Fund


Average Total Net Assets Contractual Fee
Up to and including $500 million 0.98%
Over $500 million and including $1 billion 0.95%
Over $1 billion and including $2 billion 0.90%
Over $2 billion 0.85%


James Long-Short Fund


Average Total Net Assets Contractual Fee
Up to and including $500 million 1.25%
Over $500 million and including $1 billion 1.20%
Over $1 billion and including $2 billion 1.15%
Over $2 billion 1.10%


Advisory fees for the James Small Cap Fund, James Mid Cap Fund, James Micro Cap Fund, James Aggressive Allocation Fund and James Long-Short Fund are reduced by the fees and expenses of the non-interested trustees incurred by the applicable Fund. Under the investment management agreement, James is responsible for the payment of all operating expenses of the James Small Cap Fund, James Mid Cap Fund, James Micro Cap Fund, James Aggressive Allocation Fund and James Long-Short Fund, except for brokerage fees and commissions, taxes, interest (including dividend expense on securities sold short), fees and expenses of non-interested person trustees, 12b-1 expenses and extraordinary expenses.


60 www.jamesfunds.com




James Advantage Funds Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)


Administrative Services Agreement

ALPS Fund Services, Inc. (“ALPS” or the “Administrator”) serves as administrator to the Funds. ALPS receives a monthly fee paid by James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund, for itself, and paid by James for the remaining Funds, subject to a minimum monthly fee. Pursuant to an administrative agreement, ALPS will provide operational services to the Funds including, but not limited to fund accounting and fund administration and generally assist in each Fund’s operations. Administration fees paid by the Funds for the six months ended December 31, 2018 are disclosed in the Statements of Operations.


Transfer Agency and Services Agreement

ALPS, pursuant to a Transfer Agency and Services Agreement with the Trust, serves as transfer agent for the Funds. Under the Transfer Agency and Services Agreement, ALPS receives an annual minimum fee, a fee based upon the number of shareholder accounts and is also reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses. These fees and reimbursements for out-of-pocket expenses are paid by James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund, for itself, and by James for the remaining Funds. Transfer agent fees paid by the Funds for the six months ended December 31, 2018 are disclosed in the Statements of Operations.


Plans of Distribution

The James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund (Retail Class), James Small Cap Fund, James Mid Cap Fund and James Long-Short Fund have adopted a plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act (collectively, the “Plans”) under which each Fund may incur expenses related to distribution of its shares and for services provided to shareholders. These expenses are reflected as 12b-1 distribution and service fees on the Statements of Operations. Payments under a Plan are made to James, which uses them to pay distribution and shareholder service expenses on behalf of and as agent of the Fund. The amount payable by each Fund (the Retail Class of the James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund), with a Plan, under its Plan is 0.25% of its average daily net assets for the year. The Plans are compensation plans, which means that payments are made to James regardless of 12b-1 expenses actually incurred. Therefore, payments under a Plan may exceed distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred pursuant to the Plan, and James is permitted to retain the excess. It is also possible that 12b-1 expenses paid by James for a period will exceed the payments received by James, in which case James may pay such excess expenses out of its own resources. Payments received by James under the Plans are in addition to the fees paid to James pursuant to the Management Agreements. The Plans require that James act in the Funds’ best interests in expending the payments it receives from the Funds and use payments solely for the purpose of paying distribution and shareholder services expenses on behalf of the Funds. The Funds’ distributor, ALPS Distributors, Inc., validates all payment amounts to be made to brokers that have properly executed dealer agreements with the Funds before James will make such payments.


Trustee Fees

Each Trustee who is not an officer or employee of the Adviser, or any of their affiliates (“Independent Trustees”) receives (1) a quarterly retainer of $7,900, (2) a per meeting fee regularly scheduled meetings of $2,100, (3) an audit committee fee of $1,000 paid to the audit committee chair and $500 to the other Independent Trustees, (4) $210 for any special meeting held outside of a regularly scheduled board meeting, and (5) reimbursement for all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses relating to attendance at meetings. Such fees are presented on the Statements of Operations as Trustee Fees.





The Funds indemnify the Trust’s officers and trustees for certain liabilities that might arise from their performance of their duties to the Funds. Additionally, in the normal course of business, the Funds enter into contracts that contain a variety of representations and warranties and that provide general indemnifications. The Funds’ maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Funds that have not yet occurred. However, based on experience, the Funds expect the risk of loss to be remote.





Each Fund has a revolving line of credit agreement with U.S. Bank, N.A. (the “Bank”). Borrowings under these arrangements are secured by investments held in the Funds’ portfolios as notated on the Schedules of Investments and bear interest at the Bank’s prime rate. During the six months ended December 31, 2018, the Funds did not utilize their line of credit. Each Fund’s line of credit agreement expired on July 10, 2018 and was renewed for one year.


The terms of the agreements can be characterized as follows:


Fund  Maximum
  Interest Rate  Expiration Date
James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund  $ 50,000,000  Prime Rate*  July 9, 2019
James Small Cap Fund  $ 3,500,000  Prime Rate*  July 9, 2019
James Mid Cap Fund  $ 750,000  Prime Rate*  July 9, 2019
James Micro Cap Fund  $ 1,500,000  Prime Rate*  July 9, 2019
James Aggressive Allocation Fund  $ 500,000  Prime Rate*  July 9, 2019
James Long-Short Fund  $ 3,000,000  Prime Rate*  July 9, 2019


*The rate at which the Bank announces as its prime lending rate.


Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 61




Notes to Financial Statements James Advantage Funds

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)





In March 2017, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued Accounting Standards Update “Premium Amortization on Purchased Callable Debt Securities” which amends the amortization period for a callable debt security held at a premium from the maturity date to the earliest call date. The guidance is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2018, and interim periods within those annual periods.


On October 4, 2018, the SEC amended Regulation S-X to require certain financial statement disclosure requirements to conform them to U.S. GAAP for investment companies. Effective November 4, 2018, the Funds adopted disclosure requirement changes for Regulation S-X and these changes are reflected throughout this report. The Funds’ adoption of those amendments, effective with the financial statements prepared as of December 31, 2018, had no effect on the Funds’ net assets or results of operations.


In August 2018, FASB issued Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2018-13, which changes the fair value measurement disclosure requirements of FASB Accounting Standards Codification Topic 820, Fair Value Measurement. The update to Topic 820 includes new, eliminated, and modified disclosure requirements. ASU 2018-13 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, including interim periods. Early adoption is permitted for any eliminated or modified disclosures. Management has chosen to early adopt the eliminated or modified disclosures for the period ended December 31, 2018.


62 www.jamesfunds.com




James Advantage Funds Additional Information

December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)





James is responsible for exercising the voting rights associated with the securities purchased and held by the Funds. A description of the policies and procedures that James uses in fulfilling this responsibility and information regarding how those proxies were voted during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 are available without charge upon request by calling toll free 1-800-995-2637. These items are also available on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (the “Commission”) website at http://www.sec.gov.





James files a complete listing of portfolio holdings for each Fund as of the end of the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The complete listing (i) is available on the Commission’s website; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the Commission’s Public Reference Room in Washington, DC; and (iii) will be made available to shareholders upon request by calling 1-800-995-2637. Information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330.


Semi-Annual Report | December 31, 2018 63




Privacy Policy James Advantage Funds


December 31, 2018 (Unaudited)



What does James Advantage Funds do with your personal information?



Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some, but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do.



The types of personal information we collect and share depends on the product or service that you have with us. This information can include:

Social Security number and wire transfer instructions
account transactions and transaction history
investment experience and purchase history


When you are no longer our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this notice.



All financial companies need to share customers’ personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customers’ personal information; the reasons James Advantage Funds chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing.


Reasons we can share your personal information: Does James Advantage Funds
share information?
Can you limit this sharing?
For our everyday business purposes - such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus. YES NO
For our marketing purposes - to offer our products and services to you. YES NO
For joint marketing with other financial companies. NO We don’t share
For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes - information about your transactions and records. NO We don’t share
For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes - information about your credit worthiness. NO We don’t share
For our affiliates to market to you NO We don’t share
For non-affiliates to market to you NO We don’t share


Questions? Call 1-800-99 James 


What we do:  

How does James Advantage Funds

protect my personal information?

To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings.


Our service providers are held accountable for adhering to strict policies and procedures to prevent any misuse of your nonpublic personal information.

How does James Advantage Funds

collect my personal information?

We collect your personal information, for example, when you

●     open an account or deposit money

●     direct us to buy securities or direct us to sell your securities

●     seek advice about your investments

We also collect your personal information from others, such as credit bureaus, affiliates, or other companies.

Why can’t I limit all sharing?

Federal law gives you the right to limit only:

●     sharing for affiliates’ everyday business purposes - information about your creditworthiness.

●     affiliates from using your information to market to you.

●     sharing for nonaffiliates to market to you.

State laws and individual companies may give you additional rights to limit sharing.



Companies related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and non-financial companies.

●     Our affiliates include financial companies, such as James Investment Research, Inc. and James Capital Alliance.


Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and non-financial companies.

●     James Advantage Funds does not share with nonaffiliates so they can market to you.

Joint marketing

A formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you.

●     James Advantage Funds does not jointly market.


64 www.jamesfunds.com







Item 2. Code of Ethics.


Not applicable to this Report.


Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert.


Not applicable to this Report.


Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services.


Not applicable to this Report.


Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.


Not applicable to the registrant.


Item 6. Investments.


(a)The Schedule of Investments is included as part of the report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this Form.


(b)Not applicable to the registrant.


Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.


Not applicable to the registrant.


Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.


Not applicable to the registrant.


Item 9. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers.


Not applicable to the registrant.


Item 10. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.


The registrant has not adopted procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the registrant’s board of trustees.




Item 11. Controls and Procedures.


(a)Based on an evaluation of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended), the registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer have concluded that the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures are effective as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report.


(b)There were no significant changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended) that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this Report that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


Item 12. Disclosure of Securities Lending Activities for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.


Not applicable.


Item 13. Exhibits.


(a)(1) Not applicable to this Report.
(a)(2) Certifications required by Item 13(a)(2) of Form N-CSR are filed herewith as Exhibit 99.CERT.
(a)(3) Not applicable.
(a)(4)Not applicable.


(b) Certifications required by Item 13(b) of Form N-CSR are filed herewith as Exhibit 99.906CERT.  






Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Registrant has duly caused this Report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


(Registrant)   The James Advantage Funds


By (Signature and Title)


/s/ Barry R. James  

Barry R. James 



Date:  March 7, 2019


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


By (Signature and Title)


/s/ Barry R. James  

Barry R. James 



Date:  March 7, 2019


By (Signature and Title)


/s/ Amy K. Broerman  

Amy K. Broerman 

Chief Financial Officer


Date:  March 7, 2019