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Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2020
Accounting Policies [Abstract]  
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies [Text Block] Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
(a)Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

(b)Principles of Consolidation

The accounts of the Registrants and their wholly-owned and majority-owned and controlled subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements. All intercompany transactions and balances are eliminated in consolidation, except as described below.

Businesses within the Infrastructure Services Disposal Group provided underground pipeline construction and repair services for customers that included Natural Gas utilities. In accordance with consolidation guidance in ASC 980—Regulated Operations, costs incurred by Natural Gas utilities for these pipeline construction and repair services were not eliminated in consolidation when capitalized and included in rate base by the Natural Gas utility. On February 3, 2020, CenterPoint Energy, through its subsidiary VUSI, entered into the Securities Purchase Agreement to sell the Infrastructure Services Disposal Group. The transaction closed on April 9, 2020. For further information, see Note 4.

As of December 31, 2020, CenterPoint Energy and Houston Electric had VIEs consisting of the Bond Companies, which are consolidated. The consolidated VIEs are wholly-owned, bankruptcy remote special purpose entities that were formed solely for the purpose of securitizing transition and system restoration related property. Creditors of CenterPoint Energy and Houston Electric have no recourse to any assets or revenues of the Bond Companies. The bonds issued by these VIEs are payable only from and secured by transition and system restoration property and the bondholders have no recourse to the general credit of CenterPoint Energy or Houston Electric.

(c)Equity Method and Investments without a Readily Determinable Fair Value (CenterPoint Energy)
CenterPoint Energy uses the equity method for investments in entities when it exercises significant influence, does not have control and is not considered the primary beneficiary, if applicable. Generally, equity investments in limited partnerships with interest greater than approximately 3-5% is accounted for under the equity method.

Under the equity method, CenterPoint Energy adjusts its investments each period for contributions made, distributions received, respective shares of comprehensive income and amortization of basis differences, as appropriate. CenterPoint Energy evaluates its equity method investments for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate there is a loss in value of the investment that is other than a temporary decline.

CenterPoint Energy considers distributions received from equity method investments which do not exceed cumulative equity in earnings subsequent to the date of investment to be a return on investment and classifies these distributions as operating activities in its Statements of Consolidated Cash Flows. CenterPoint Energy considers distributions received from equity method investments in excess of cumulative equity in earnings subsequent to the date of investment to be a return of investment and classifies these distributions as investing activities in its Statements of Consolidated Cash Flows.

Investments without a readily determinable fair value will be measured at cost, less impairment, plus or minus observable prices changes of an identical or similar investment of the same issuer.

The Registrants record revenue for electricity delivery and natural gas sales and services under the accrual method and these revenues are recognized upon delivery to customers. Electricity deliveries not billed by month-end are accrued based on actual AMS data, daily supply volumes and applicable rates. Natural gas sales not billed by month-end are accrued based upon estimated purchased gas volumes, estimated lost and unaccounted for gas and currently effective tariff rates. For further discussion, see Note 5.

(e) MISO Transactions

Indiana Electric is a member of the MISO. MISO-related purchase and sale transactions are recorded using settlement information provided by the MISO. These purchase and sale transactions are accounted for on at least a net hourly position, meaning net purchases within that interval are recorded on CenterPoint Energy’s Statements of Consolidated Income in Utility natural gas, fuel and purchased power, and net sales within that interval are recorded on CenterPoint Energy’s Statements of Consolidated Income in Utility revenues. On occasion, prior period transactions are resettled outside the routine process due to a change in the MISO’s tariff or a material interpretation thereof. Expenses associated with resettlements are recorded once the resettlement is probable and the resettlement amount can be estimated. Revenues associated with resettlements are recognized when the amount is determinable and collectability is reasonably assured.

(f) Guarantees

CenterPoint Energy recognizes guarantee obligations at fair value. CenterPoint Energy discloses parent company guarantees of a subsidiary’s obligation when that guarantee results in the exposure of a material obligation of the parent company even if the probability of fulfilling such obligation is considered remote. See Note 16(c) and (d).  

(g) Long-lived Assets, Goodwill and Intangibles

The Registrants record property, plant and equipment at historical cost and expense repair and maintenance costs as incurred.

The Registrants periodically evaluate long-lived assets, including property, plant and equipment, and specifically identifiable intangibles subject to amortization, when events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value of these assets may not be recoverable. For rate regulated businesses, recoverability of long-lived assets is assessed by determining if a capital disallowance from a regulator is probable through monitoring the outcome of rate cases and other proceedings. For non-rate regulated businesses, recoverability is assessed based on an estimate of undiscounted cash flows attributable to the assets compared to the carrying value of the assets. No long-lived asset or intangible asset impairments were recorded in 2020, 2019 or 2018.

CenterPoint Energy and CERC perform goodwill impairment tests at least annually and evaluate goodwill when events or changes in circumstances indicate that its carrying value may not be recoverable. CenterPoint Energy and CERC recognize a goodwill impairment by the amount a reporting unit’s carrying value exceeds its fair value, not to exceed the carrying amount of goodwill within that reporting unit. CenterPoint Energy includes deferred tax assets and liabilities within its reporting unit’s carrying value for the purposes of annual and interim impairment tests, regardless of whether the estimated fair value reflects the disposition of such assets and liabilities. For further information about the goodwill impairment tests during 2020, see Note 6.

(h) Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations

Generally, a long-lived asset to be sold is classified as held for sale in the period in which management, with approval from the Board of Directors, as applicable, commits to a plan to sell and a sale is expected to be completed within one year. The Registrants record assets and liabilities held for sale at the lower of their carrying value or their estimated fair value less cost to sell. If the disposal group reflects a component of a reporting unit and meets the definition of a business, the goodwill within that reporting unit is allocated to the disposal group based on the relative fair value of the components representing a business that will be retained and disposed. Goodwill is not allocated to a portion of a reporting unit that does not meet the definition of a business. A disposal group that meets the held for sale criteria and also represents a strategic shift to the Registrant, is also reflected as discontinued operations on the Statements of Consolidated Income, and prior periods are recast to reflect the earnings or losses from such businesses as income from discontinued operations, net of tax.
(i) Regulatory Assets and Liabilities

The Registrants apply the guidance for accounting for regulated operations within the Electric reportable segment and the Natural Gas reportable segment. The Registrants’ rate-regulated subsidiaries may collect revenues subject to refund pending final determination in rate proceedings. In connection with such revenues, estimated rate refund liabilities are recorded which reflect management’s current judgment of the ultimate outcomes of the proceedings.

The Registrants’ rate-regulated businesses recognize removal costs as a component of depreciation expense in accordance with regulatory treatment. In addition, a portion of the amount of removal costs collected from customers that relate to AROs has been reflected as an asset retirement liability in accordance with accounting guidance for AROs.

For further detail on the Registrants’ regulatory assets and liabilities, see Note 7.

(j) Depreciation and Amortization Expense

The Registrants compute depreciation and amortization using the straight-line method based on economic lives or regulatory-mandated recovery periods. Amortization expense includes amortization of certain regulatory assets and other intangibles.

(k) Capitalization of Interest and AFUDC

The Registrants capitalize interest and AFUDC as a component of projects under construction and amortize it over the assets’ estimated useful lives once the assets are placed in service. AFUDC represents the composite interest cost of borrowed funds and a reasonable return on the equity funds used for construction for subsidiaries that apply the guidance for accounting for regulated operations. Although AFUDC increases both utility plant and earnings, it is realized in cash when the assets are included in rates.
 Year Ended December 31,
 CenterPoint EnergyHouston ElectricCERCCenterPoint EnergyHouston ElectricCERCCenterPoint EnergyHouston ElectricCERC
 (in millions)
Interest and AFUDC debt (1)
$27 $$$36 $$$$$
AFUDC equity (2)
25 14 22 15 12 10 

(1)Included in Interest and other finance charges on the Registrants’ respective Statements of Consolidated Income.

(2)Included in Other Income (Expense) on the Registrants’ respective Statements of Consolidated Income.

(l) Income Taxes

Houston Electric and CERC are included in CenterPoint Energy’s U.S. federal consolidated income tax return. Houston Electric and CERC report their income tax provision on a separate entity basis pursuant to a tax sharing agreement with CenterPoint Energy. Current federal and certain state income taxes are payable to or receivable from CenterPoint Energy.

The Registrants use the asset and liability method of accounting for deferred income taxes. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax basis. A valuation allowance is established against deferred tax assets for which management believes realization is not considered to be more likely than not. The Registrants recognize interest and penalties as a component of income tax expense (benefit), as applicable, in their respective Statements of Consolidated Income. CenterPoint Energy reports the income tax provision associated with its interest in Enable in income tax expense (benefit) in its Statements of Consolidated Income.

To the extent certain EDIT of the Registrants’ rate-regulated subsidiaries may be recoverable or payable through future rates, regulatory assets and liabilities have been recorded, respectively. See Note 15 for further discussion of the impacts of tax reform implementation.

The Registrants use the portfolio approach to recognize income tax effects on other comprehensive income from accumulated other comprehensive income.
Investment tax credits are deferred and amortized to income over the approximate lives of the related property.

(m) Accounts Receivable and Allowance for Credit Losses

Accounts receivable are recorded at the invoiced amount and do not bear interest. Management reviews historical write-offs, current available information, and reasonable and supportable forecasts to estimate and establish allowance for credit losses. Account balances are charged off against the allowance when management determines it is probable the receivable will not be recovered. See Note 7 for further information about regulatory deferrals of bad debt expense related to COVID-19.

(n) Inventory

The Registrants’ inventory consists principally of materials and supplies, and for CERC, natural gas, and for CenterPoint Energy, coal inventory. Materials and supplies are valued at the lower of average cost or market. Materials and supplies are recorded to inventory when purchased and subsequently charged to expense or capitalized to plant when installed. Certain natural gas in storage at CenterPoint Energy’s and CERC’s utilities are recorded using the LIFO method. CenterPoint Energy’s and CERC’s balances in inventory that were valued using LIFO method were as follows:

Year Ended December 31,
2020 (1)
2020 (1)
CenterPoint EnergyCERC
(in millions)
LIFO inventory$92 $97 $55 $58 

(1)Based on the average cost of gas purchased during December 2020, CenterPoint Energy’s and CERC’s cost of replacing inventories carried at LIFO cost was less than the carrying value at December 31, 2020 by $62 million and $54 million, respectively.

During 2020, 2019 and 2018, CenterPoint Energy and CERC recorded write-downs of natural gas inventory to the lower of average cost or market which are disclosed on the respective Statements of Consolidated Cash Flows.

(o) Derivative Instruments

The Registrants are exposed to various market risks. These risks arise from transactions entered into in the normal course of business. The Registrants, from time to time, utilize derivative instruments such as physical forward contracts, swaps and options to mitigate the impact of changes in commodity prices, weather and interest rates on operating results and cash flows. Such derivatives are recognized in the Registrants’ Consolidated Balance Sheets at their fair value unless the Registrant elects the normal purchase and sales exemption for qualified physical transactions. A derivative may be designated as a normal purchase or normal sale if the intent is to physically receive or deliver the product for use or sale in the normal course of business. CenterPoint Energy elected to record changes in the fair value of amounts excluded from the assessment of effectiveness immediately in its Statements of Consolidated Income.

(p) Investments in Equity Securities (CenterPoint Energy and CERC)

CenterPoint Energy and CERC report equity securities at estimated fair value in their respective Consolidated Balance Sheets, and any unrealized holding gains and losses are recorded as Other Income (Expense) in their respective Statements of Consolidated Income.

(q) Environmental Costs

The Registrants expense or capitalize environmental expenditures, as appropriate, depending on their future economic benefit. The Registrants expense amounts that relate to an existing condition caused by past operations that do not have future economic benefit. The Registrants record undiscounted liabilities related to these future costs when environmental assessments and/or remediation activities are probable and the costs can be reasonably estimated.

(r) Cash and Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash

For purposes of reporting cash flows, the Registrants consider cash equivalents to be short-term, highly-liquid investments with maturities of three months or less from the date of purchase. Cash and cash equivalents held by the Bond Companies
(VIEs) solely to support servicing the Securitization Bonds as of December 31, 2020 and 2019 are reflected on CenterPoint Energy’s and Houston Electric’s Consolidated Balance Sheets.

In connection with the issuance of Securitization Bonds, CenterPoint Energy and Houston Electric were required to establish restricted cash accounts to collateralize the bonds that were issued in these financing transactions. These restricted cash accounts are not available for withdrawal until the maturity of the bonds and are not included in cash and cash equivalents. For more information on restricted cash see Note 19.

(s) Preferred Stock and Dividends

Preferred stock is evaluated to determine balance sheet classification, and all conversion and redemption features are evaluated for bifurcation treatment. Proceeds received net of issuance costs are recognized on the settlement date. Cash dividends become a liability once declared. Income available to common stockholders is computed by deducting from net income the dividends accumulated and earned during the period on cumulative preferred stock.

(t) Purchase Accounting

The Registrants evaluate acquisitions to determine when a set of acquired activities and assets represent a business. When control of a business is obtained, the Registrants apply the acquisition method of accounting and record the assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any non-controlling interest obtained based on fair value at the acquisition date. The excess of the fair value of purchase consideration over the fair value of the net assets acquired is recorded as goodwill. The results of operations of the acquired business are included in the Registrants’ respective Statements of Consolidated Income beginning on the date of the acquisition.

(u) New Accounting Pronouncements

The following table provides an overview of certain recently adopted or issued accounting pronouncements applicable to all the Registrants, unless otherwise noted.
Recently Adopted Accounting Standards
ASU Number and NameDescriptionDate of AdoptionFinancial Statement Impact
upon Adoption
ASU 2016-13- Financial Instruments-Credit Losses (Topic 326): Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments
This standard, including standards amending this standard, requires a new model called CECL to estimate credit losses for (1) financial assets subject to credit losses and measured at amortized cost and (2) certain off-balance sheet credit exposures. Upon initial recognition of the exposure, the CECL model requires an entity to estimate the credit losses expected over the life of an exposure based on historical information, current information and reasonable and supportable forecasts, including estimates of prepayments.
Transition method: modified retrospective
January 1, 2020The Registrants adopted the standard and recognized a cumulative-effect adjustment of the transition to opening retained earnings and allowance for credit losses with no impact on results of operations and cash flows. See Note 5 for more information.
ASU 2019-12: Income Taxes (Topic 740): Simplifying the Accounting for Income Taxes
This standard simplifies accounting for income taxes by eliminating certain exceptions to the guidance for intraperiod tax allocation, the methodology for calculating income taxes in an interim period and the recognition of deferred tax liabilities for outside basis differences. It also simplifies aspects of the accounting for franchise taxes that are partially based on income and enacted changes in tax laws or rates and clarifies the accounting for transactions that result in a step-up in the tax basis of goodwill.
Transition method: prospective for all amendments that apply to the Registrants

January 1, 2020Upon adoption, the Registrants are not required to apply the intraperiod tax allocation exception when there is a current-period loss from continuing operations.  Accordingly, CenterPoint Energy determined the tax effect of income from continuing operations without considering the tax effects of items that are not included in continuing operations (i.e., discontinued operations).  Additionally, CenterPoint Energy is no longer required to limit the year-to-date tax benefit recognized when the year-to-date benefit exceeds the anticipated full year benefit.
Management believes that other recently adopted and recently issued accounting standards that are not yet effective will not have a material impact on the Registrants’ financial position, results of operations or cash flows upon adoption.