EX-10 4 ex1011.txt EXHIBIT 10.11 Date:MM/DD/YYYY Contract No: Contract Buyer: Supplier: Product Name: Specification: Unit Price: Quantity: Inspection Standard: Payment Method: Date of Delivery: Packing: Condition of Delivery: Place of Delivery: Total Amount(pound)(0) Liability in case of violation (pound)(0) Notes(pound)(0) Shanghai Likang High Tech Co., Ltd Supplier Buyer Date Date Notes: The content of Value-added Invoice is as follows(pound)(0) Name of Buyer: Shanghai Likang High Tech Co., Ltd. Address: No 476 Hu Tai Sub Rd, Shanghai, 200436 Tel: (021)56681126 Tax ID #:____________________ Fax: (021)66501425 Bank Account No:__________________________ Bank Name: Credit Agency of Baoshan Dachang