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For the month of March, 2016
Commission File Number 1-14668

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
Energy Company of Paraná
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)
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80420-170 Curitiba, Paraná
Federative Republic of Brazil
(5541) 3222-2027
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4Q15 Results

Copel records net income of R$ 402.1 million in the 4Q15






  4Q15  3Q15  4Q14  Var.%  2015  2014  Var. % 
  (1)  (2)  (3)  (1/3)  (4)  (5)  (4/5) 
Net Operating Revenues (R$ million)  3,337.0  3,245.2  4,462.4  (25.2)  14,728.1  13,918.5  5.8 
Operating Income (R$ million)  519.6  113.7  366.4  41.8  1,797.8  1,857.6  (3.2) 
Net Income (R$ million)  402.1  91.4  275.2  46.1  1,265.6  1,335.6  (5.2) 
Earnings per share (R$)  1.45  0.32  0.87  66.8  4.36  4.41  (1.1) 
EBITDA (R$ million)  957.9  299.2  540.2  77.3  2,585.2  2,357.0  9.7 
Return on Shareholders' Equity (annualized)¹  12.3%  2.7%  8.8%  39.7  19.4%  21.7%  (10.9) 
Energy Supply (GWh)  6,954  6,807  7,273  (4.4)  27,949  28,224  (1.0) 
Capex² (R$ million)  794.0  586.8  388.8  104.2  2,364.7  2,239.2  5.6 
EBITDA Margin  28.7%  9.2%  12.1%  137.1  17.6%  16.9%  3.7 
Operating Margin  15.6%  3.5%  8.2%  89.6  12.2%  13.3%  (8.5) 
Net Margin  12.1%  2.8%  6.2%  95.4  8.6%  9.6%  (10.5) 
¹ Calculated according to the initial shareholders' equity for the year.
² Includes contributions and advances for future investments and capital increases.
Values subject to rounding adjustments.



Average Rates (R$/MWh)  Dec-15  Sep-15  Jun-15  Mar-15  Dec-14 
Power Purchase Average Rate - Copel Dis  187,06  204,25  213,44  202,95  192,42 
Retail Average Rate - Copel Dis¹  433,91  433,92  376,65  367,54  281,28 
Sales to Distributors Average Rate - Copel GeT  154,59  152,10  151,78  147,23  151,38 
Indicators  Dec-15  Sep-15  Jun-15  Mar-15  Dec-14 
Equity  14.584.478  14.262.309  14.156.143  14.131.518  13.682.780 
Net debt  5.782.870  5.773.279  5.575.269  5.081.599  4.722.942 
Book Value per Share  53,30  52,12  51,73  51,64  50,00 
Net debt/ Shareholders' Net Equity  53,2%  49,7%  49,4%  46,4%  44,2% 
Current Liquidity  1,4  1,7  1,6  1,3  1,3 
¹ does not consider tariff flags






CPLE3 | R$16.00

CPLE6 | R$24.30

ELP | US$ 5.87

XCOP | € 5.46

Market value | R$5.5 bi

* Quotes 12.31.2015







 1. Main Events in the Period 3
 2. Financial Performance 7
2.1 Operating Revenues  7
2.2 Operating Costs and Expenses  8
2.3 Equity in the Earnings of Subsidiaries 10
2.4 EBITDA  10
2.5 Financial Result 11
2.6 Consolidated Net Income  11
2.7 Consolidated Income Statement  12
 3. Main Account and Changes Balance Sheet 13
3.1 Main Accounts  13
3.2 Debt  14
 4. Performance of the Main Companies 18
4.1 Copel Geração e Transmissão 18
4.2 Copel Distribuição 19
4.3 Copel Telecomunicações  21
4.4 UEG Araucária 21
4.5 Accounting Information  22
 5. Investment Program 23
 6. Power Market and Tariffs  24
6.1 Captive Market – Copel Distribuição  24
6.2 Grid Market (TUSD)  24
6.3 Electricity Sales  24
6.4 Total Energy Sold  25
6.5 Energy Flow  26
6.6 Tariffs  28
 7. Capital Market 29
7.1 Capital Stock  29
7.2 Stock Performance  31
7.3 Dividends and Interest on Own Capital  32
8.1 Generation  33
8.2 Transmission  38
8.3 Distribution  40
8.4 Telecommunications  42
8.5 Equity Interests 43
8.6 New Projects 44
 9. Other Information 46
9.1 Human Resources  46
9.2 Main Operational Indicators 47
9.3 Conference Call 4Q15 Results  48
 Exhibit I – Consolidated Cash Flow Statement  49
 Exhibit II – Financial Statements – Wholly Owned Subsidiaries 50
 Exhibit III – Financial Statements by Company 53



* Amounts subject to rounding.






1. Main Events in the Period

Copel’s net income totaled R$402.1 million in 4Q15, 46.1% more than the R$275.2 million recorded in 4Q14, while EBITDA moved up 77.3%, to R$957.9 million. The main events in the period are presented below.

Reversal of the provision for legal claims - Ivaí Engenharia

In October 2015, the second panel of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) ordered the return of the lawsuit to the Paraná State Court of Justice (TJ-PR) so that it can review the sentence against Copel, which established that Copel Geração e Transmissão had to pay a compensation to Ivaí Engenharia, related to the execution of the works of the Derivação do Rio Jordão SHP (PR) in the 1990s. The STJ believes that there was a mistake in the definition of the amount of the Company’s sentence. As a result, there was a partial reversal of R$209.9 million in 4Q15, with the remaining balance of R$139.1 million being recorded as a probable loss.

Reversal of impairment

In 4Q15, the Company reviewed the recoverable value of its generation assets as a result of the recent regulatory (renegotiation of the hydrologic risk), market and macroeconomic changes, which resulted in the reversal of R$66.0 million in impairment recognized in 2014 (R$807.3 million).

Renegotiation of the Hydrologic Risk in the ACR

The Company decided to renegotiate the hydrologic risk of eligible energy sales agreements in the Regulated Market (ACR) of Copel GeT (324.1 average-MW) and Elejor (134.3 average-MW). Adherence to product SP100 was approved by Aneel via Orders 84/16 and 43/16, respectively. As a result, the Company recognized R$134.7 million in 4Q15 as recovery of the cost with energy purchases. In addition, the renegotiation allowed the extension of the period of grant of some plants, as below:



 Amount Renegotiated

(average MW)




 Refund 2015


 Postponement of

the Premium payment

 Extension grant

in days¹

HPP Mauá²  97,4  SP100  9,50 33,55 4 years and 6 months  - 
HPP Foz do Areia³  226,7  SP100  1 year  117 


    HPP Santa Clara

     HPP Fundão

 134,3  SP100  3 years and 4 months  216
The energy of recontracting in ACR and the full amount of the phys ical guarantee in the center of gravity. In the grant of the extension period will be taken in the risk premium of R$ 9.50 / MWh, duly adjus ted.
²Proportional to the participation of Copel GeT in the project. The as signment of rights and obligations ass ociated with the hydrological risk to CCRBT occur between Jan.2016 a nd Dec.2040 (end of CCEAR). 
³The assignment of rights and obligations as sociated with the hydrological risk to CCRBT occur in the year 2016 and the postponement period of 
4 The assignment of rights and obligations associated with the hydrological risk to CCRBT occur between Jan.2016 and Apr.2019, and the postponement period of the grant.




* Amounts subject to rounding.





Itaipu’s Exchange Variation – Accounting Reclassification

In 4Q15, the Company reclassified the exchange variation on the purchase of Itaipu’s energy under revenue and/or financial expense, previously booked under operating costs, resulting in a net negative effect in the financial result in 2015 of R$71.0 million and a negative effect of R$17.1 million in 2014. This procedure has the purpose of presenting the information in a more appropriate manner and in line with the Electric Utility Accounting Manual.

Renewal of Copel Distribuição’s Concession – Accounting Reclassification

In December 2015, the Company signed the fifth amendment to the Public Electricity Distribution Concession Agreement no. 46/1999 of Copel Distribuição S.A., extending the concession term to July 7, 2045. As a result, R$4.1 billion was reclassified from Accounts Receivable Related to the Concession to Intangible Assets, given that it refers to the portion of the investment that will be recovered with tariffs during the concession term.


At the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting (ASM), scheduled for April 27, 2016, the Company will propose the distribution of R$326.8 million as dividends (R$128.8 million) and interest on capital (R$198.0 million).

Colíder HPP – Injunction against the plant

In November 2015, the Second Civil Court of the Colíder District accepted the request for anticipation of protection by the Public Ministry of Mato Grosso State established that the State Environment Department must abstain from renewing or granting operating licenses in favor of the Colíder HPP project, due to environmental issues. The Company has appealed against the sentence and awaits a court decision. As a result, the startup of unit 1, scheduled for the second semester of 2016, has been postponed to early 2017. For further details, please refer to item 8.1.

Baixo Iguaçu HPP – Exclusion of liability

In January 2016, Aneel recognized an exclusion of liability of 626 days, as of September 1, 2016, related to the delay in the startup of the Baixo Iguaçu HPP, pursuant to Technical Note 766/2015-SCG/ANEEL, and dismissed the application of penalties and any liabilities arising from said delay. The Agency ordered the CCEE to change the beginning of supply in commercial operation agreements and recommended that the Ministry of Mines and Energy extend the plant’s concession term for the same period recognized in the exclusion of liability. For further details, please refer to item 8.1.




* Amounts subject to rounding.





Governador Parigot de Souza HPP (GPS) – Concession until 2046

In November 2015, Copel GeT acquired the right to operate and maintain the Gov. Pedro Viriato Parigot de Souza Hydroelectric Power Plant – GPS HPP (260.0 MW of installed capacity and assured energy of 109.0 average-MW), a project whose concession was part of Copel GeT’s generation facilities and which expired on July 7, 2015. The plant was acquired through the payment of a concession bonus totaling R$574.8 million and will generate annual service revenue of R$130.9 million. The concession agreement was signed on January 5, 2016 and has a 30-year term. For further details, please refer to item 8.1.

005/2015 Transmission Auction - APR of R$97.9 million

In November 2015, Copel GeT acquired the right to build and operate three substations and 230 kilometers of transmission lines in Paraná and Santa Catarina. The project, which was acquired without negative goodwill, has annual permitted revenue (APR) of R$97.9 million. The investment planned by Aneel is R$580.6 million and startup is scheduled for September 2019 and March 2021. For further details, please refer to item 8.2.

Strategic Plan

In December 2015, the Company’s Board of Directors approved the review of Copel’s Integrated Strategic Plan for the 2016-2026 period. The new strategic reference defines Copel’s mission as “to supply electricity and solutions for sustainable development” and establishes the Company’s guidelines to achieve its new vision of "being a benchmark in our business segments by generating sustainable value".

Copel Distribuição - New Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Antonio Sergio de Souza Guetter is Copel Distribuição’s new Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Guetter has built his career at Copel. He graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Paraná, has an Executive MBA in Finance (from ISPG) and Business Administration (from PUC/ISAD) and has completed graduate programs in various areas, including Marketing and Strategic Management (Texas University - 1998), Quality (JUSE – Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers - 1999), Management and Planning (Drexel University of Philadelphia - 2000) and Finance (New York University - 2001 and Wharton School - 2012).

During his career at the Company, Mr. Guetter has held the positions of Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer, Chief Executive Officer of Copel Renováveis and Assistant Officer of Copel Participações, in addition to having held the positions of Chief Executive Officer and Administration and Security Officer at Fundação Copel de Previdência e Assistência Social. He recently held the position of Assistant Manager to Copel Distribuição’s Chief Executive Officer.



* Amounts subject to rounding.





BM&FBovespa maintains Copel in the Corporate Sustainability Index - ISE in 2016

In 2016, Copel remained in the select group of the 35 most sustainable companies in the São Paulo Securities, Commodities and Futures Exchange (BM&FBovespa). Copel has been present in ten of the eleven editions of the index, which lists the shares of the companies that have demonstrated their commitment to sustainability (economic efficiency, environmental balance, social justice and corporate governance). Representing 16 sectors, the new portfolio comprises 40 stocks totaling R$960.5 billion in market cap.

Copel Comercialização

On January 28, 2016, the Company’s Board of Directors approved amendments to the bylaws of Copel Participações S.A. in order to change the Company’s name and purpose. As a result, the Company is now called Copel Comercialização S.A. and its main purpose is to sell electricity and provide related services. The trading company was created to reinforce Copel’s market positioning and improve efficiency, allowing for more speed and flexibility in electricity sales.

BNDES approves new financing

The BNDES approved financial aid for the Brisa Potiguar Wind Farm Complex (183.6 MW), built by Copel in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, which has been operating commercially since October 2015. The aid will be provided through the private issue of debentures, which will be subscribed by the BNDES and BNDESPar and divided into two series, one of which linked to the TJLP long-term interest rate and the other to the IPCA consumer price index. The operation is in line with FINEM characteristics and has a 16-year term, with a six-month grace period and monthly amortizations.


* Amounts subject to rounding.






2. Financial Performance

The analyses presented below refer to the fourth quarter (4Q15) and full year of 2015 compared with the same periods in 2014.

2.1 Operating Revenues

Operating revenues came to R$3,337.0 million in 4Q15, 25.2% down from 4Q14, chiefly due to the lower result of sectorial financial assets and liabilities, which was a loss of R$121.2 million in 4Q15, compared with a gain of R$1,033.9 million in 4Q14. It is worth noting that the loss in 4Q15 resulted from the R$401.8 million period amortization, chiefly due to the recovery via tariffs of the deferrals in 2013 and 2014, which had been recorded when the recognition of the result of sectorial financial assets or liabilities became mandatory. It is also worth noting the following variations:

(i) the 45.1% reduction in “electricity sales to distributors”, due to the decline in revenue from the spot market (CCEE) as a result of lower dispatch from the Araucária TPP and the decline in the Spot Price (PLD) in the period (R$166.85/MWh in 4Q15 compared with R$712.43/MWh in 4Q14);

(ii) the 22.3% increase in revenue from “electricity sales to final customers", due to the Extraordinary Tariff Revision – RTE, which increased Copel Distribuição’s tariffs by 36.8% as of March 2, 2015 and 15.3% as of June 24, 2015, partially offset by the upturn in consumer charges, which accounted for 26.9% of the increases, and the decline of 4.2% in Copel Distribuição's captive market and 5.3% in Copel GeT’s free market;

(iii) 14.0% growth in “use of the main distribution and transmission grid” (TUSD and TUST revenue), due to Copel Distribuição’s tariff increase as of June 2015 and the startup of new transmission assets, partially offset by the 5.3% decline in the grid market;

(iv) the 30.0% upturn in “telecommunications revenue”, thanks to new customers – the customer base increased from 27,614 in December 2014 to 47,987 in December 2015;

(v) R$23.5 million recorded under “other operating revenues”, arising mainly from revenue from rent and leases. In 4Q14, this line recorded a negative balance due to the reclassification of the amounts related to the refund of electricity generation unavailability, pursuant to Aneel Order 4,786/2014.



* Amounts subject to rounding.




R$ '000 
 Income Statement 4Q15  3Q15  4Q14  Var.%  2015  2014  Var.% 
(1)  (2)  (3)  (1/3)  (4)  (5)  (4/5) 
Electricity sales to final customers  1.588.176  1.409.586  1.298.782  22,3  5.746.920  4.371.153  31,5 
Electricity sales to distributors  621.625  751.190  1.131.857  (45,1)  3.707.441  4.370.792  (15,2) 
Use of the main distribution and transmission grid  671.154  641.614  588.746  14,0  2.388.505  2.237.470  6,8 
Construction revenue  372.646  282.484  307.014  21,4  1.196.324  1.279.010  (6,5) 
Revenues from telecommunications  56.244  54.778  43.278  30,0  209.927  165.461  26,9 
Distribution of piped gas  124.879  140.843  118.898  5,0  526.399  391.285  34,5 
Result of sectorial financial assets and liabilities  (121.173)  -59.678  1.033.866  -  858.170  1.033.866  (17,0) 
Other operating revenues  23.452  24.371  (60.054)  -  94.445  69.480  35,9 
Operating revenue  3.337.003  3.245.188  4.462.387  (25,2)  14.728.131  13.918.517  5,8 

In 2015, Copel’s operating revenues totaled R$14,728.1 million, 5.8% higher than in 2014, chiefly due to Copel Distribuição’s tariff increases (Extraordinary Tariff Revision in March 2015 and Annual Tariff Revision in June 2015) and the expansion of the telecommunications and natural gas distribution markets as a result of customer base growth, partially offset by the 25.5% decline in the energy volume dispatched by the Araucária TPP (2,465 GWh in 2015 against 3,308 GWh in 2014) and the reduction of PLD.

2.2 Operating Costs and Expenses

In 4Q15, operating costs and expenses totaled R$2,493.8 million, 39.6% down from 4Q14, chiefly due to reversals of R$286.3 million in 4Q15, of which R$209.9 million refers to the revision of estimated losses in the Ivaí Engenharia lawsuit, against the recording of provisions totaling R$927.8 million in 4Q14, mostly related to the impairment of generation assets. It is also worth noting the following variations:

(i) 36.2% reduction in “electricity purchased for resale”, due to (a) the recognition of R$134.7 million as recovery of the cost of energy purchases, due to the renegotiation of the hydrologic risk (GSF), (b) the lower Spot Price (PLD) in the period (R$166.85/MWh in 4Q15 compared with R$712.43/MWh in 4Q14), and (c) lower costs with energy acquisitions in auctions (CCEAR), due to the higher quota agreement volume, partially offset by higher costs with the acquisition of electricity from Itaipu, as a result of the tariff increase. In 4Q15, the effect of exchange rate fluctuations arising from agreement Itaipu power purchase was reclassified to financial results from operating costs.

 Electricity Purchased for Resale 4Q15  3Q15  4Q14  Var.%  2015  2014  Var. % 
(1)  (2)  (3)  (1/3)  (4)  (5)  (4/5) 
CCEAR (Auction)  822.038  821.588  954.978  (13,9)  3.812.509  3.394.222  12,3 
Itaipu Binacional  349.007  491.764  192.411  81,4  1.567.844  739.002  112,2 
CCEE  (77.746)  213.530  604.331  -  982.388  2.281.328  (56,9) 
(-) Transfer CDE and ACR funds - CCEE  -  -  (95.819)  -  -  (1.253.436)  - 
Proinfa  44.286  44.410  45.832  (3,4)  177.946  183.617  (3,1) 
Bilateral  3.869  3.786  16.993  (77,2)  30.557  177.149  (82,8) 
(-) PIS/Pasep and Cofins  (123.797)  (127.189)  (123.622)  0,1  (538.328)  (441.288)  22,0 
TOTAL  1.017.657  1.447.889  1.595.104  (36,2)  6.032.916  5.080.594  18,7 



* Amounts subject to rounding.





(ii) 70.2% reduction in “natural gas and supplies for the gas business", mainly as a result of a lower dispatch from the Araucária TPP, partially offset by the increase in gas prices;

(iii) R$296.3 million in “charges of the main distribution and transmission grid ”, basically due to the higher cost with System Service Charges (ESS) as a result of the increased thermal dispatch outside the merit order, and the increase in Itaipu’s energy transmission tariff. The reversal of this line in 4Q14 was due to the accounting reclassification of the Reserve Energy Account – CONER, pursuant to Aneel Order 4,786/14 and Aneel Resolution 613/14;


 Charges of the main distribution and transmission grid 4Q15  3Q15  4Q14  Var.%  2015  2014  Var.% 
(1)  (2)  (3)  (1/3)  (4)  (5)  (4/5) 
System usage charges  145.763  147.349  151.537  (3,8)  605.341  516.284  17,2 
Itaipu transportation charges  22.893  21.499  18.416  24,3  84.344  67.263  25,4 
Charge reserve energy - EER  -  31.561  -  -  31.561  4.554  593,0 
System Service Charges - ESS  147.595  31.961  (213.836)  -  268.810  (160.841)  - 
(-) PIS / Pasep and Cofins taxes on charges for use of power grid  (19.930)  (15.612)  2.868  -  (70.268)  (42.414)  65,7 
TOTAL  296.321  216.759  (41.015)  -  919.788  384.846  139,0 

(iv) 40.7% increase in “third-party services”, as a result of higher costs with the maintenance of the electrical system, due to the high number of storms in the period, in addition to increased costs with communications and data processing and transmission;

(v) 10.5% growth in “personnel and management”, in line with period inflation; and

(vi) 15.0% increase in “pension and healthcare plans”, chiefly due to the upturn in the expenses with the healthcare plan in the period.

R$ '000 
 Operating Costs and Expenses 4Q15  3Q15  4Q14  Var.%  2015  2014  Var.% 
(1)  (2)  (3)  (1/3)  (4)  (5)  (4/5) 
Electricity purchased for resale  1.017.657  1.447.889  1.595.104  (36,2)  6.032.916  5.080.594  18,7 
Charge of the main distribution and transmission grid  296.321  216.759  (41.015)  -  919.788  384.846  139,0 
Personnel and management  421.190  253.890  381.187  10,5  1.168.850  1.052.811  11,0 
Pension and healthcare plans  65.718  62.711  57.169  15,0  254.327  201.542  26,2 
Materials and supplies  18.903  19.573  18.462  2,4  76.702  74.435  3,0 
Materials and supplies for power eletricity  11.303  54.966  58.422  (80,7)  199.323  150.848  32,1 
Natural gas and supplies for the gas business  122.013  298.099  409.256  (70,2)  1.176.090  1.469.842  (20,0) 
Third-party services  161.539  124.373  114.829  40,7  519.503  424.464  22,4 
Depreciation and amortization  173.117  178.245  167.478  3,4  676.472  629.943  7,4 
Provisions and reversals  (286.310)  93.447  927.769  -  210.829  1.203.682  (82,5) 
Construction cost  386.664  302.261  314.169  23,1  1.251.004  1.285.902  (2,7) 
Other cost and expenses  105.716  131.150  126.746  (16,6)  426.134  392.524  8,6 
TOTAL  2.493.831  3.183.363  4.129.576  (39,6)  12.911.938  12.351.433  4,5 

In 2015, operating costs and expenses totaled R$12,911.9 million, 4.5% more than in 2014, mainly reflecting (a) higher energy acquisition costs, due to the end of the transfer of CDE and ACR account funds, which totaled R$1,253.4 million in 2014, and (b) increased charges for the use of the distribution and transmission grid, due to the higher dispatch of thermal plants for energy security reasons, partially offset by lower provision thanks

* Amounts subject to rounding.





to the partial reversal related to Ivaí Engenharia (R$209.9 million) and the partial reversal of impairment of generation assets (R$66.0 million).

2.3 Equity in the Earnings of Subsidiaries

Equity in the earnings of investees reflects gains and losses from investments in Copel’s investees. In 4Q15, the result was negative by R$58.4 million mainly due to the loss recorded in the SPCs Matrinchã and Guaraciaba, which was due to low on financial assets (reclassification of debt charges), partially offset by gains at Sanepar, Dominó Holdings, and Foz do Chopim Energética. In 2015, equity in the results of investees totaled R$92.5 million, 42.1% less than the R$160.0 million recorded in 2014.


Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization amounted to R$957.9 million in 4Q15, 77.3% higher than in the same period the year before (R$540.2 million), chiefly due to the partial reversal of provisions for legal claims (R$259.3 million), adherence to the renegotiation of the hydrologic risk/GSF (R$134.7 million), impairment tests (reversal of R$66.0 million, against a recognition of R$807.3 million in 4Q14) and the reclassification of exchange variation on purchase energy from Itaipu to financial expenses (before recorded as operating costs), partially offset by the result of the Araucária TPP (a R$58.5 million loss in 4Q15 versus a R$218.6 million gain in 4Q14) due to the lower dispatch in the period.

In 2015, EBITDA totaled R$2,585.2 million, 9.7% up on the R$2,357.0 million recorded in 2014.



Excluding non-recurring effects, adjusted EBITDA came to R$547.3 million in 4Q15, 17.2% higher than in 4Q14, while in 2015 adjusted EBITDA totaled R$2,174.6 million 21.0% down from 2014. The table below shows the items used in the calculation of adjusted EBITDA.

* Amounts subject to rounding.





R$ million 
Adjusted EBITDA 4Q15  4Q14  Var.%  2015  2014  Var.% 
(1)  (2)  (1/2)  (3)  (4)  (3/4) 
EBITDA  957.933  540.193  77,3  2.585.210  2.356.982  9,7 
(-) Renegotiation GSF  (134.620)  -  -  (134.620)  -  - 
(-) Reversal Provis ion - Ivaí Engenharia  (209.948)  -  -  (209.948)  -  - 
(-)/+ Tes t Impairment  (66.029)  807.281  -  (66.029)  807.281  - 
(-) CVA Initial recognition  -  (1.033.866)  -  -  (1.033.866)  - 
(+) Period CVA  -  153.522  -  -  623.094  - 
Adjusted EBITDA  547.336  467.130  17,2  2.174.613  2.753.491  (21,0) 

2.5 Financial Result

In 4Q15, financial income totaled R$238.6 million, 17.6% higher than in the same period of 2014, due to (a) the higher monetary restatement of accounts receivable related to the concession and the CRC transfer, reflecting the period increase in inflation (IGP-M and IGP-DI, respectively) in the period, (b) the 135.4% upturn in late payment charges on electricity bills, following Copel Distribuição’s tariff increases, and (c) the recognition of R$31.6 million in income from sectorial assets and liabilities.

Financial expenses totaled R$503.8 million in 4Q15, 140.8% up on 4Q14, chiefly due to the increase in debt charges arising from the higher balance of financing and debentures, the increase in interest rates, and the exchange variation on the Itaipu energy purchase.

As a result, the 4Q15 financial result was a negative R$116.2 million versus a positive R$10.8 million in 4Q14.

  4Q15  3Q15  4Q14  Var.%  2015  2014  Var.% 
  (1)  (2)  (2)  (1/2)  (3)  (4)  (3/4) 
Financial Revenues  238.614  220.215  202.926  17,6  987.340  701.978  40,7 
Income and monetary variation on CRC transfer  66.294  52.462  49.185  34,8  217.722  157.422  38,3 
Income from investments held for trading  37.153  44.878  45.556  (18,4)  139.056  184.468  (24,6) 
Monetary restatement on indemnifiable assets - concession  81.757  42.868  40.028  104,2  217.713  76.989  182,8 
Late fees on electricity bills  51.160  44.318  21.734  135,4  168.796  138.578  21,8 

Monetary restatement on interest on indemnified assets - compensationof the concession 

(76.537)  6.988  7.578  -  20.363  50.271  (59,5) 
Income from financial investments available for sale  3.503  3.938  7.810  (55,1)  16.160  26.658  (39,4) 
Income from sectorial assets and liabilities  31.592  11.667  7.278  334,1  121.401  7.278  - 
Exchange variation About Purchase Itaipu Electric Power  25.198  -  7.455  238,0  25.198  7.455  - 
Other financial revenues  18.494  13.096  16.302  13,4  60.931  52.859  15,3 
Financial Expenses  (503.825)  (227.476)  (209.225)  140,8  (1.098.298)  (571.386)  92,2 
Debt charges  (303.880)  (185.334)  (110.523)  174,9  (751.524)  (366.686)  105,0 
Monetary variation - ANEEL Concession - Use of public asset  (32.324)  (21.806)  (20.138)  60,5  (101.072)  (63.000)  60,4 
Exchange variation About Purchase Itaipu Electric Power  (96.162)  -  (24.580)  291,2  (96.162)  (24.580)  291,2 
Pis/ Pasep and Cofins taxes over interest on equity  (42.627)  -  (27.662)  54,1  (42.627)  (28.404)  50,1 
Monetary and exchange variation  (301)  (7.860)  (2.483)  (87,9)  (16.560)  (29.092)  (43,1) 
Interest on R&D and PEE  (9.413)  (9.477)  (6.773)  39,0  (34.060)  (23.399)  45,6 
Other financial expenses  (19.118)  (2.999)  (17.066)  12,0  (56.293)  (36.225)  55,4 
Financial income (expenses)  (265.211)  (7.261)  (6.299)  -  (110.958)  130.592  - 

2.6 Consolidated Net Income

Net income stood at R$402.1 million in 4Q15, 46.1% higher than in the same period of 2014 (R$275.2 million), while in 2015 net income totaled R$1,265.6 million, 5.2% down from 2014 (R$1,335.6 million).

* Amounts subject to rounding.




Earnings Release 4Q15


2.7 Consolidated Income Statement



Income Statement

4Q15  3Q15  4Q14  Var.%  2015  2014  Var.% 
(1)  (2)  (3)  (1/3)  (4)  (5)  (4/5) 
OPERATING REVENUES  3.337.003  3.245.188  4.462.387  (25,2)  14.728.131  13.918.517  5,8 
Electricity sales to fina l customers  1.588.176  1.409.586  1.298.782  22,3  5.746.920  4.371.153  31,5 
Electricity sales to distri butors  621.625  751.190  1.131.857  (45,1)  3.707.441  4.370.792  (15,2) 
Us e of the ma in distribution and transmissi on gri d  671.154  641.614  588.746  14,0  2.388.505  2.237.470  6,8 
Construction revenue  372.646  282.484  307.014  21,4  1.196.324  1.279.010  (6,5) 
Revenues from telecommunications  56.244  54.778  43.278  30,0  209.927  165.461  26,9 
Di stri bution of pi ped gas  124.879  140.843  118.898  5,0  526.399  391.285  34,5 
Result of Sectorial financial assets a nd l iabili ties  (121.173)  (59.678)  1.033.866  -  858.170  1.033.866  (17,0) 
Other operating revenues  23.452  24.371  (60.054)  -  94.445  69.480  35,9 
OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES  (2.493.831)  (3.183.363)  (4.129.576)  (39,6)  (12.911.938)  (12.351.433)  4,5 
Electricity purchased for resal e  (1.017.657)  (1.447.889)  (1.595.104)  (36,2)  (6.032.916)  (5.080.594)  18,7 
Charge of the main distribution and tra nsmi ssion grid  (296.321)  (216.759)  41.015  -  (919.788)  (384.846)  139,0 
Personnel and management  (421.190)  (253.890)  (381.187)  10,5  (1.168.850)  (1.052.811)  11,0 
Pensi on a nd healthcare plans  (65.718)  (62.711)  (57.169)  15,0  (254.327)  (201.542)  26,2 
Materi als and suppli es  (18.903)  (19.573)  (18.462)  2,4  (76.702)  (74.435)  3,0 
Materi als and suppli es for power eletri city  (11.303)  (54.966)  (58.422)  (80,7)  (199.323)  (150.848)  32,1 
Na tural ga s a nd suppl ies for the gas business  (122.013)  (298.099)  (409.256)  (70,2)  (1.176.090)  (1.469.842)  (20,0) 
Third-party servi ces  (161.539)  (124.373)  (114.829)  40,7  (519.503)  (424.464)  22,4 
Depreciation and amortiza tion  (173.117)  (178.245)  (167.478)  3,4  (676.472)  (629.943)  7,4 
Provisi ons and reversals  286.310  (93.447)  (927.769)  -  (210.829)  (1.203.682)  (82,5) 
Construction cost  (386.664)  (302.261)  (314.169)  23,1  (1.251.004)  (1.285.902)  (2,7) 
Other cost a nd expenses  (105.716)  (131.150)  (126.746)  (16,6)  (426.134)  (392.524)  8,6 
EQUITY IN EARNINGS OF SUBSIDIARIES  (58.356)  59.092  39.904  -  92.545  159.955  (42,1) 
PROFIT BEFORE FINANCIAL RESULTS AND TAXES  784.816  120.917  372.715  110,6  1.908.738  1.727.039  10,5 
FINANCIAL RESULTS  (265.211)  (7.261)  (6.299)  -  (110.958)  130.592  - 
Fina ncial income  238.614  220.215  202.926  17,6  987.340  701.978  40,7 
Fina ncial expenses  (503.825)  (227.476)  (209.225)  140,8  (1.098.298)  (571.386)  92,2 
OPERATIONAL EXPENSES/ INCOME  519.605  113.656  366.416  41,8  1.797.780  1.857.631  (3,2) 
INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION ON PROFIT  (117.493)  (22.223)  (91.178)  28,9  (532.229)  (522.016)  2,0 
Income tax and socia l contribution on profit  (126.168)  (101.481)  (72.943)  73,0  (698.023)  (747.869)  (6,7) 
Deferred income tax a nd social contri bution on profi t  8.675  79.258  (18.235)  -  165.794  225.853  (26,6) 
NET INCOME (LOSS)  402.112  91.433  275.238  46,1  1.265.551  1.335.615  (5,2) 
Attributed to controlli ng shareholders  395.822  87.609  237.142  66,9  1.192.738  1.205.950  (1,1) 
Attributed to non-controlli ng interest  6.290  3.824  33.605  (81,3)  72.813  129.665  (43,8) 
EBITDA  957.933  299.162  540.193  77,3  2.585.210  2.356.982  9,7 


* Amounts subject to rounding.





3. Main Account and Changes Balance Sheet

The main accounts and changes in the Balance Sheet in relation to December 2014 are described below. Please refer to the Explanatory Notes to our Standardized Financial Statements for further information.

3.1 Main Accounts

Cash, Cash Equivalents and Bonds and Securities

On December 31, 2015, the cash and cash equivalents, bonds and securities of Copel’s wholly owned subsidiaries and controlled companies totaled R$1,978.1 million, 48.6% higher than the R$1,331.5 million recorded in 2014, reflecting the inflow of new loans and financing and the recovery of deferred tariff Copel Distribution from June 2015. These funds were invested, mostly in Bank Deposit Certificates (CDBs) and repo transactions. The investments earned an average yield of the period variation in the Interbank Deposit Certificate (CDI) rate.


In 2015, “customers” increased by 39.2% compared with 2014, totaling R$3,107.9 million, chiefly due to Copel Distribuição’s tariff increases in 2015, partially offset by the recognition of the provision for doubtful accounts of R$339.7 million, R$119.7 million of which related to differences between the Colíder HPP’s energy selling prices traded in the CCEARs and the PLD in the period.  

CRC Transferred to the State of Paraná

Through the fourth addendum signed on January 21, 2005, the Company renegotiated the CRC balance on December 31, 2004 with the State of Paraná at R$1,197.4 million, in 244 monthly installments recalculated by the price amortization system, restated by the IGP-DI inflation index plus annual interest of 6.65%. The first installment was due on January 30, 2005, with subsequent and consecutive maturities until April 2025. The current CRC balance is R$1,383.2 million.

The State of Paraná has been paying the renegotiated installments pursuant to the fourth addendum, whose amortizations are guaranteed by dividends.

Sectorial Financial Assets

As of December 31, 2014, Copel Distribuição has recognized sectorial financial assets and/or liabilities in its financial statements as a result of an amendment to the concession agreement that guarantees that the residual amounts of items of Portion A and other financial components not recovered or returned via tariffs will be included in, or discounted from, the calculation of the indemnification for non-amortized assets at the expiration of the concession. On December 31, 2015, net sectorial financial assets totaled R$1,045.7 million, chiefly due to higher costs with the purchase of energy from Itaipu, the difference between the CDE quota paid monthly and the one envisaged in the electricity tariff, and tariff deferrals. For further details, please refer to our Standardized Financial Statements - DFP (note 9).



* Amounts subject to rounding.





Accounts Receivable Related to the Concession

On December 31, 2015, balance totaled came to R$1,367,6 million, 69.1% less than the same period of 2014, reflecting the transfer of R$4,056.4 million for intangible assets related to the renewal of the concession of Copel Distribution. These refer to accounts receivable related to the contracts for the concession of electric power transmission and distribution activities. The amounts refer to investments in infrastructure and financial remuneration which were not recovered through tariff and/or APR up to the end of duration of the concession.

Accounts Receivable related to the Concession Indemnification

On December 31, 2015, the amount recorded in this line was R$219.5 million, comprising (a) R$160.2 million related to the accounting value of transmission assets on May 31, 2000 (RBSE), and (b) R$59.3 million arising from the residual amount of generation assets whose concessions expired in 2015 (Rio dos Patos HPP, GPS HPP and Mourão I HPP).

Investments, Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets

"Investments" moved up by 34.0% until December 31, 2015, due to contributions recorded and equity in the earnings. “Property, plant and equipment” increased by 4.7%, due to new assets, in accordance with the Company's investment program, net of period depreciation. “Intangible assets” were impacted by the reclassification of R$4,056.4 million from “accounts receivable related to the concession” as a result of the extension of Copel Distribuição’s concession agreement to July 7, 2045.

3.2 Debt

Gross Debt

Copel’s consolidated debt totaled R$7,761.0 million on December 31, 2015, 28.2% higher than the R$6,054.4 million recorded in 2014, due to (a) Copel GeT’s R$1,000.0 million debenture issue in May and Copel Telecom’s R$160.0 million in October, (b) Copel GeT's R$500.0 million promissory note issue (to pay for the GPS HPP’s concession fee) in December, and (c) R$158.9 million in BNDES financing to implement the Assis – Paraguaçu Paulista II and Londrina – Figueira/Salto Osório – Foz do Chopim transmission lines and for build the Santa Maria and Santa Helena wind farms.

In 2015, Copel’s gross debt represented 53.2% of consolidated shareholders’ equity, which closed December 31, 2015 at R$14,584.5 million, equivalent to R$53.30 per share (book value per share). The breakdown of the balance of loans, financing and debentures is shown in the table below:

* Amounts subject to rounding.








Foreign Currency National Treasury  104.434  1,3 
Total  104.434  1,3 
Domestic Currency Eletrobras - COPEL  81.632  1,1 
FINEP  27.538  0,4 
BNDES  1.701.758  21,9 
Banco do Brasil S/A and other  1.665.004  21,5 
Debentures and Promissory Notes  4.180.622  53,9 
Total  7.656.554  98,7 
TOTAL   7.760.988  100,0 

Loans, financing and debentures maturities are presented below:

  Short Term  Long Term  Total
  Jan-16 - Dec-16  Jan-17 - Dec-17  2018  2019  2020  2021  From 2022   
Domestic Currency  1.231.680  1.686.953  1.503.075  930.197  487.124  146.555  1.670.970  7.656.554 
Foreign Currency  887  -  -  -  -  -  103.547  104.434 
TOTAL  1.232.567  1.686.953  1.503.075  930.197  487.124  146.555  1.774.517  7.760.988 

Gross Debt by Subsidiary

The following chart shows the gross debt subsidiaries:



Endorsements and Guarantees

At the end of December 2015, the Company had R$1,177.7 million in guarantees and endorsements, as shown below.

* Amounts subject to rounding.




Guarantees and Endorsements¹  Dec-15 
SPCs  1.135.570 
Transmissora Sul Brasileira  67.559 
Caiuá Transmissora  41.246 
Integração Maranhense  68.514 
Matrinchã Transmissora  322.784 
Guaraciaba Transmissora  196.846 
Costa Oeste  16.859 
Mata de Santa Genebra  245.356 
Paranaíba  134.263 
Marumbi  42.143 
Voltalia São Miguel do Gostoso I Participações S.A.  146.719 
Eol Carnaúbas  42.456 
Eol Reduto  43.602 
Eol Santo Cristo  30.331 
Eol São João  30.331 
TOTAL  1.177.713 
¹ Adjusted for Copel’s stake.   

Copel’s consolidated net debt (loans, financing and debentures less cash and cash equivalents) and the net

debt/EBITDA ratio are shown in the following chart:



Net Debt by Subsidiary

The following table shows the net debt of the subsidiaries:


R$ '000 
  GeT  DIS  Telecom  Holding  Other  Total 
Total debt  2.935  1.895  190  2.047  694  7.761 
Endorsements and Guarantees  224  -  -  954  -  1.178 
Availability  750  418  123  26  662  1.978 
Net debt  2.409  1.478  67  2.975  31  6.961 




* Amounts subject to rounding.







Accounts Payables related to the Concession – Use of Public Property

It refers to the concession charges for the use of public property incurred since the execution of the project’s concession agreement until the end of the concession.

Mauá  Colíder  Baixo Iguaçu  SHP¹  Elejor  Total 
15.437  21.493  5.557  2.645  490.533  535.665 
¹Relative to SPP Cavernoso, Apucaraninha, Chopim I , Chaminé and Derivação Rio Jordão.

Provisions for Legal Claims

The Company is involved in a series of lawsuits in different courts and instances. Copel’s management, based on its legal advisors’ opinion, maintains a provision for legal claims for those cases assessed as probable losses. The balances of provisions for legal claims are as follows:

R$ '000 
 Probable Losses - Consolidated Dec-15  Sep-15  Dec-14  Var %  Var % 
(1)  (2)  (3)  (1/2)  (1/3) 
Tax  327.048  327.294  291.844  (0,1)  12,1 
Labor suits  408.133  393.595  326.246  3,7  25,1 
Employees and Benefits  104.480  104.671  114.543  (0,2)  (8,8) 
Civil  598.637  841.048  755.077  (28,8)  (20,7) 
Suppliers  -  34.950  60.680  -  - 
Civil and administrative claims  325.217  301.554  256.169  7,8  27,0 
Easements  62.869  43.791  25.407  43,6  147,4 
Condemnations and property  196.895  444.904  402.219  (55,7)  (51,0) 
Customers  13.656  15.849  10.602  (13,8)  28,8 
Environmental claims  868  563  479  54,2  81,2 
Regulatory  55.770  51.295  58.443  8,7  (4,6) 
TOTAL  1.494.936  1.718.466  1.546.632  (13,0)  (3,3) 

The lawsuits classified as possible losses, as estimated by the Company and its controlled companies at the end of 4Q15, totaled R$3,971.6 million, 45.0% higher on December 2014 (R$2,738.8 million), distributed in lawsuits of the following natures: tax - R$1,476.8 million; civil - R$1,170.0 million; labor - R$605.1 million; regulatory - R$646.4 million, and employee benefits - R$73.3 million.

The main increase refers to the suit for a writ of mandamus filed by Abradee seeking to annul the lawsuit filed by Energia Sustentável do Brasil S.A. – ESBR, which exempts it from being liable for the losses arising from falling behind HPP Jirau’s schedule and exposes the distributors to the Short-term Market. The injunction issued in the writ of mandamus has released Copel DIS from disbursing R$607.5 million related to the settlement of August 2015, and (b) the revision of the estimated losses in the Ivaí Engenharia lawsuit, considering as a probable loss the plaintiff’s credit rights restated by the official TJ-PR index (average of IGP-DI/INPC) plus late payment interest of 1% per month and as a possible loss the debt amount restated by the Selic rate plus other interest indices in the period before the expert report.

* Amounts subject to rounding.





4. Performance of the Main Companies

4.1 Copel Geração e Transmissão

In 4Q15, Copel GeT’s operating revenue came to R$726.3 million, higher 11.0% than the R$654.2 million recorded in the same period of the previous year, due (a) 36.7% growth in revenue from the use of the main distribution and transmission grid, as a result of the operational start-up of the new transmission assets and the adjustment of the APR in July 2015, (b) a 142.8% increase in construction revenue, resulting from investments in construction services and in transmission infrastructure improvements, and (c) 5.4% growth in supply revenue, resulting from the adjustment of agreements, partially offset by the 2.3% decrease in power supply revenue, as a result of the lower PLD in the period.

Operating costs and expenses totaled R$35.4 million, 97.6% down from 4Q14, when we recorded provisions related to the impairment of generation assets (R$807.3 million). However, operating costs and expenses in 4Q15 were also positively influenced by (a) the recognition of R$134.7 million as a cost recovery with energy acquisitions, (b) the reversal of R$209.9 million in provisions for disputes concerning Ivaí Engenharia, and (c) the reversal of R$66.0 million from impairment in the previous year.

Equity in the earnings of investees was negative by R$80.7 million, when compared to the positive R$110.5 million registered in the same period of 2014, mainly driven by the negative result of the Araucária TPP (loss of R$35.5 million in 4Q15) and by the reclassification of debt charges in the transmission SPEs.

In 4Q15, Copel GeT registered net income of R$323.0 million and EBITDA of R$680.9 million.

 Main Indicators 4Q15  3Q15  4Q14  Var.%  2015  2014  Var.% 
(1)  (2)  (3)  (1/3)  (4)  (5)  (4/5) 
Net Operating Revenue (R$ million)  726.3  596.0  654.2  11.0  2,890.7  2,948.7  (2.0) 
Operating Income (R$ million)  370.1  230.2  (665.3)  -  1,296.4  700.4  85.1 
Net Income (R$ million)  323.0  172.1  (304.4)  -  1,027.4  682.4  50.6 
EBITDA (R$ million)  680.9  312.2  (608.5)  -  1,754.7  866.5  102.5 
Operating Margin  51.0%  38.6%  -  -  44.8%  23.8%  88.8 
Net Margin  44.5%  28.9%  -  -  35.5%  23.1%  53.6 
EBITDA Margin  93.7%  52.4%  -  -  60.7%  29.4%  106.6 
Investment Program (R$ million)  512.2  353.6  145.8  251.3  1,335.6  758.4  76.1 

Analyzing the result of 2015, Copel GeT’s operating revenue was R$2,890.7 million, down 2.0% over the same period of the previous year, while operating costs and expenses decreased 41.2%, totaling R$1,603.6 million. Net income came to R$1,027.4 million and EBITDA totaled R$1,754.7 million, a increase of 50.6% and 102.5%, respectively, when compared in 2014.


* Amounts subject to rounding.







Copel GeT – EBITDA adjusted for non-recurring events

Excluding non-recurring effects, Copel GeT’s adjusted EBITDA came to R$309.6 million in 4Q15, 55.8% higher than in 4Q14, as a result of the lower expenses with energy acquisitions resulting from the PLD decrease (R$166.85/MWh in 4Q15 from R$712.43/MWh in 4Q14) and from the smaller Generation Scaling Factor in the period (GSF of 94.7% in 4Q15 and 87.8% in 4Q14). In 2015, adjusted EBITDA was R$1,383.4 million, 17.3% lower than in 2014, as a result of the higher Generation Scaling Factor (GSF of 85.3% in 2015, against 90.6% in 2014). The following chart shows the adjusted EBITDA for the period.


R$ million 
Adjusted EBITDA 4Q15  4Q14  Var.%  2015  2014  Var.% 
(1)  (2)  (1/2)  (3)  (4)  (3/4) 
EBITDA  692.952  (608.524)  -  1.766.764  866.508  103,9 
(-) Renegotiation GSF  (95.251)  -  -  (95.251)  -  - 
(-) Reversal Provision - Ivaí Engenharia  (209.948)  -  -  (209.948)  -  - 
(-)/+ Test Impairment  (66.029)  807.281  -  (66.029)  807.281  - 
Adjusted EBITDA  309.624  198.757  55,8  1.383.436  1.673.789  (17,3) 

4.2 Copel Distribuição

In 4Q15, Copel Distribuição’s net operating revenue totaled R$2,363.5 million, 21.7% lower than the R$3,019.6 million recorded in the same period of the previous year, mainly due to the lower result of the sectorial financial assets and liabilities, which was a loss of R$121.2 million in 4Q15 compared with a gain of R$1,033.9 million in 4Q14. It is worth noting that the loss in 4Q15 resulted from the period amortization of R$401.8 million, chiefly due to the recovery via tariffs of the deferrals in 2013 and 2014, which had been registered when the recognition of the result of sectorial financial assets or liabilities became mandatory. The revenue decrease was also impacted by the period downturn in the energy market (down 4.2% and 5.3% in the captive market and grid market, respectively).

Operating costs and expenses increased by 8.8% to R$2,275.2 million in the period and mainly reflected (a) the higher cost with charges from the use of the distribution and transmission grid as a result of the start-up of the new operating assets in the system, and the main higher charges with system services (ESS), due to the higher dispatch of thermal plants out of merit order, (b) R$58.4 million in provisions and reversals, of which R$38.2 million refers to the allowance for doubtful accounts and R$15.4 million to labor disputes, (c) growth of 13.7% in construction costs (R$270.2 million in 4Q15), reflecting the investments made in the period, (d) the 15.2% increase in pension and healthcare plan costs, reflecting the higher expenses with the assistance plan, while the costs with personnel and management showed a 9.6% increase in line with period inflation. It is noteworthy that the increase on costs was offset (a) by the lower cost with energy acquisition in the CCEARs, due to the higher volume of quotas contracted, and (b) by the 86.8% reduction in other operating costs and expenses, reflecting cost recoveries related to the “Morar Bem Program”.

* Amounts subject to rounding.






The financial result was R$51.7 million, impacted greatly by the restatement of the financial asset, the interest on overdue invoices, and the remuneration of regulatory assets and liabilities, partially offset by the recognition of R$96.2 million in financial expense related to the exchange variation on the Itaipu power purchase, before recorded as an operating cost. Thus, Copel DIS recorded net income of R$107.9 million and EBITDA of R$149.0 million in 4Q15.


 Main Indicators 4Q15  3Q15  4Q14  Var.%  2015  2014  Var.% 
(1)  (2)  (3)  (1/3)  (4)  (5)  (4/5) 
Net Operating Revenue (R$ million)  2,363.5  2,136.5  3,019.6  (21.7)  9,580.8  8,347.0  14.8 
Operating Income (R$ million)  140.1  (109.3)  935.3  (85.0)  295.6  671.0  (55.9) 
Net Income (R$ million)  107.9  (73.1)  615.4  (82.5)  206.1  437.9  (52.9) 
EBITDA (R$ million)  149.0  (85.5)  985.8  (84.9)  308.1  827.8  (62.8) 
Operating Margin  5.9%  -  31.0%  (80.9)  3.1%  8.0%  (61.6) 
Net Margin  4.6%  -  20.4%  (77.6)  2.2%  5.2%  (59.0) 
EBITDA Margin  6.3%  -  32.6%  (80.7)  3.2%  9.9%  (67.6) 
Investment Program (R$ million)  170.1  169.1  83.7  103.2  656.4  857.7  (23.5) 

In 2015, Copel Distribuição recorded net revenue of R$9,580.8 million, 14.8% up on 2014, while operating costs and expenses increased by 22.9% to R$9,516.4 million. Net income came to R$206.1 million, down 52.9% from the R$437.9 million recorded in 2014, while EBITDA came to R$308.1 million, 62.8% lower than the R$827.8 million presented in the previous year.

Copel Distribuição – EBITDA adjusted by CVA

Considering only the movement of the regulatory assets and liabilities in 2014, Copel Distribuição's EBITDA would be 41.4% higher than in 4Q14, and 26.1% below than in 2014. The following chart presents the results of 2015 compared to the results of 2014 adjusted for net sectorial assets and liabilities.


R$ million 
Adjusted EBITDA 4Q15  4Q14  Var.%  2015  2014  Var.% 
(1)  (2)  (1/3)  (4)  (5)  (4/5) 
EBITDA  149.028  985.775  (84,9)  308.078  827.786  (62,8) 
(-) Renegotiation GSF  -  (1.033.866)  -  -  (1.033.866)  - 
(-) Reversal Provision - Ivaí Engenharia  -  153.522  -  -  623.094  - 
Adjusted EBITDA  149.028  105.431  41,4  308.078  417.014  (26,1) 



* Amounts subject to rounding.





4.3 Copel Telecomunicações

Copel Telecomunicações’ operating revenue came to R$68.1 million in 4Q15, 10.8% more than the R$61.5 million recorded in the same period of the previous year, mainly due to the expansion of the area of operation and service to new customers. Operating costs and expenses increased by 33.6% to R$64.1 million in 4Q15, influenced by the 85.8% growth in expenses with third party services, which are necessary for the expansion of the operation area, and the 17.2% growth in costs with personnel, including expenses with pension and healthcare plans, due to the Company's restructuring in the second half of 2014 and the wage increase implemented in October 2015. Net income for the period was R$11.2 million, a decrease of 28.0% when compared to 4Q14, while EBITDA fell 40.2% to R$12.4 million, versus the R$20.7 million of the same period last year.


 Main Indicators 4Q15  3Q15  4Q14  Var.%  2015  2014  Var.% 
(1)  (2)  (3)  (1/3)  (4)  (5)  (4/5) 
Net Operating Revenue (R$ million)  68.1  71.5  61.5  10.8  272.2  213.2  27.7 
Operating Income (R$ million)  2.4  21.4  13.7  (82.1)  67.8  78.7  (13.8) 
Net Income (R$ million)  11.2  14.3  15.6  (28.0)  54.6  58.6  (6.7) 
EBITDA (R$ million)  12.4  29.0  20.7  (40.2)  99.9  104.0  (4.0) 
Operating Margin  3.6%  29.9%  22.3%  (83.9)  24.9%  36.9%  (32.5) 
Net Margin  16.5%  19.9%  25.4%  (35.0)  20.1%  27.5%  (27.0) 
EBITDA Margin  18.2%  40.6%  33.7%  (46.0)  36.7%  48.8%  (24.8) 
Investment Program (R$ million)  25.9  28.8  35.5  (27.0)  105.4  107.5  (1.9) 

Considering the result in 2015, Copel Telecom registered growth of 27.7% in operating income compared to the same period in 2014, totaling R$272.2 million. Operating costs and expenses totaled R$203.9 million, growth of 48.4% in the period. Net income reached R$54.6 million, a decrease of 6.7% over the R$58.6 million reported in 2014, while Ebitda fell 4.0% in the period, totaling R$99.9 million.

4.4 UEG Araucária

In 4Q15, UEG Araucária posted net revenue of R$27.4 million, a 95.6% reduction when compared to 4Q14, caused by the lower volume of power generated in the period (45 GWh in 4Q15 vs. 983 GWh in 4Q14). Operating costs and expenses fell 78.1% mainly due to the lower cost with raw material and inputs for production of power as a consequence of lower dispatch. Thus, Araucária UEG recorded a loss of R$35.5 million, versus net income of R$154.7 million in 4Q14. EBITDA was negative by R$58.5 million, versus a positive R$218.6 million in 2014.

The accumulated results over the 2015, Araucária TPP recorded operating revenue of R$1,434.2 million, 32.8% less than the R$2,134.8 million reported in 2014. Operating costs and expenses totaled R$1,120.5 million, a 26.0% decrease when compared to the same period of 2014. Net income was R$242.9 million and EBITDA came to R$343.9 million, down by 48.5% and 47.5%, respectively.

* Amounts subject to rounding.







 Main Indicators 4Q15  3Q15  4Q14  Var.%  2015  2014  Var.% 
(1)  (2)  (3)  (1/3)  (4)  (5)  (4/5) 
Net Operating Revenue (R$ million)  1,434.2  (1,120.3)  625.9  129.1  1,434.2  2,134.8  (32.8) 
Operating Income (R$ million)  440.3  (463.3)  225.0  -  363.6  649.3  (44.0) 
Net Income (R$ million)  243.8  (256.2)  154.7  -  242.9  471.7  (48.5) 
EBITDA (R$ million)  342.1  (384.3)  218.6  -  343.9  655.1  (47.5) 
Operating Margin  -  41.4%  35.9%  -  25.3%  30.4%  (16.7) 
Net Margin  -  22.9%  24.7%  -  16.9%  22.1%  (23.4) 
EBITDA Margin  -  34.3%  34.9%  -  24.0%  30.7%  (21.9) 

The Araucária TPP does not have an availability agreement and operates under the merchant model and the energy produced is sold on the spot market. <0} Copel consolidates the whole of UEGA’s net income/loss so that Petrobras portion is booked under “net income/(loss) attributable to non-controlling shareholders”. More details in the Exhibit III.

4.5 Accounting Information

Accounting information concerning Copel’s interests in other companies in 2015 is shown in the following table:


 Partnerships -Dec-15  Total Assets Shareholders'  Net Oper.   Net Income
Equity  Revenues 
Parent Company (Consolidated)         
Compagas S.A.  481.303  295.721  1.390.786  23.068 
Elejor S.A.  743.254  74.000  237.719  43.121 
UEG Araucária Ltda  1.048.507  858.240  1.434.180  242.860 
Jointly-controlled entities (Equity in earning)         
Costa Oeste Transmissora de Energia S.A.  106.485  63.984  20.634  14.720 
Caiuá Transmissora de Energia S.A.  237.263  104.637  33.802  17.511 
Cantareira Transmissora S.A  143.693  122.664  90.201  3.164 
Dominó Holdings S.A.  516.611  495.210  -  50.547 
Guaraciaba Transmissora de Energia (TP Sul) S.A.  1.080.290  609.791  219.858  (15.349) 
Integração Maranhense Transmissora de Energia S.A.  473.129  208.030  107.415  29.281 
Marumbi Transmissora de Energia S.A.  164.324  94.894  47.663  16.321 
Mata de Santa Genebra S.A  612.267  53.698  320.948  (4.001) 
Matrinchã Transmissora de Energia (TP Norte) S.A.  2.240.755  1.329.554  678.806  44.195 
Paranaíba Transmissora de Energia S.A.  1.043.392  411.126  611.495  14.491 
Cantareira Transmissora S.A  706.250  337.815  73.863  (31.964) 
Voltalia São Miguel do Gostoso I Participações S.A.  147.700  147.446  -  (204) 
Associates (Equity in erarning)         
Sanepar  8.151.851  4.087.483  2.971.185  444.369 
Dona Francisca Energética S.A.  156.042  139.964  67.080  (4.677) 
Foz do Chopim Energética Ltda  50.361  43.538  47.556  33.537 
1 This data was adjusted to Copel's practices.



* Amounts subject to rounding.





5. Investment Program

The Company carried out 91.8% of the investments planned for 2015. The following chart shows the investment program carried out in 2015:


R$ million 
Subsidiary / SPC Carried out  Carried out  Scheduled 
4Q15  2015  2015 
Copel Geração e Transmissão  527,8  1.373,3  1.300,1 
HPP Colíder  98,3  373,0  345,1 
HPP Baixo Iguaçu  22,9  53,7  158,5 
TL Araraquara / Taubaté  51,5  122,8  144,0 
SE Paraguaçu Paulista  13,3  57,5  40,2 
TL Bateias - Curitiba Norte  33,9  49,8  42,0 
TL Foz do Chopim - Realeza  4,0  6,0  17,5 
SPC Matrinchã Transmissora de Energia ¹  122,1  254,3  104,9 
SPC Guaraciaba Transmissora de Energia ¹  93,1  170,0  96,9 
SPC Mata de Santa Genebra Transmissão ¹  -  2,8  10,8 
SPC Cantareira Transmissora de Energia ¹  20,3  43,7  45,3 
Other  68,3  239,8  264,6 
Copel Distribuição  170,1  656,4  784,7 
Copel Telecomunicações  25,9  105,4  107,7 
Holding  -  -  5,5 
Cutia Wind Farm Complex  9,3  25,8  90,0 
Bento Miguel Wind Farm Complex  -  -  50,0 
Voltalia São Miguel do Gostoso Wind Farm Complex ¹  12,3  20,1  22,6 
Other Invesment ²  48,8  183,7  116,3 
TOTAL  794,0  2.364,7  2.476,9 
¹ Referring to COPEL's stake.
² Including the gas blocks a nd other wind farms i n final s tages of construction.


For the year 2016, Copel’s investment program provides for the amount of R$3,149.8 million, as detailed below:


R$ million 
Subsidiary / SPC  Scheduled 2016 
Copel Geração e Transmissão  1.695,1 
HPP Colíder  120,0 
HPP Baixo Iguaçu  85,6 
HPP Gov. Parigot de Souza (GPS) - Leilão nº 12/2015  574,8 
TL Araraquara / Taubaté  161,6 
SE Paraguaçu Paulista  6,7 
TL Bateias - Curitiba Norte  11,3 
TL Foz do Chopim - Realeza  34,7 
TL Assis - Londrina  82,8 
TL Curitiba Leste / Blumenau  11,1 
SPC Matrinchã Transmissora de Energia  21,6 
SPCGuaraciaba Transmissora deEnergia  74,7 
SPCMata deSanta Genebra Transmissão  190,7 
SPCCantareira Transmissora deEnergia  94,3 
SPCParanaíba  7,3 
Others  218,0 
Copel Distribuição  570,0 
Copel Telecomunicações  146,0 
Copel Participações  0,1 
Copel Renováveis  1,4 
Holding  4,1 
Copel Brisa Portiguar  110,2 
São Bento Energia  3,2 
Cutia Wind Farm Complex  601,3 
Other Invesment  18,3 
TOTAL  3.149,8 
 Regarding the participation of Copel in Enterprises.   
Includes Paraná Gas SPC, Voltalia São Miguel do Gostoso I Participações among others. 

* Amounts subject to rounding.





6. Power Market and Tariffs

6.1 Captive Market – Copel Distribuição

Copel Distribuição’s electricity sales to the captive market totaled 24,043 GWh in 2015, 0.7% less than in 2014, chiefly due to the economic stagnation and the tariff increase. The following table shows captive market trends by consumption segment:

  Number of Customers   Energy sold (GWh)
  Dec-15  Dec-14  Var. %  4Q15  4Q14  Var. %  2015  2014  Var. % 
Residential  3.527.126  3.437.030  2,6  1.718  1.842  (6,7)  6.957  7.267  (4,3) 
Industrial  88.276  91.068  (3,1)  1.757  1.801  (2,5)  6.929  6.838  1,3 
Commercial  376.959  369.205  2,1  1.371  1.440  (4,8)  5.530  5.470  1,1 
Rural  368.297  372.464  (1,1)  548  571  (3,9)  2.256  2.252  0,2 
Other  57.404  57.203  0,4  617  622  (0,9)  2.371  2.381  (0,4) 
Captive Market  4.418.062  4.326.970  2,1  6.011  6.276  (4,2)  24.043  24.208  (0,7) 


The residential class had the most significant decrease (4.3% YTD), while the industrial and commercial segment mitigated the impact of reduction residential consumption, an increase of 1.3% and 1.1% in the year, respectively. For more details visit the Notice to the Market - IR 06/16 (link).

6.2 Grid Market (TUSD)

Copel Distribuição’s grid market, comprising the captive market, concessionaires and licensees in the State of Paraná, and all free consumers within the Company’s concession area, fell 2.0% in 2015, as shown in the following table:

  Number of Customers / Agreements 

    Energy Sold (GWh)
  Dec-15  Sep-15  Var. %  4Q15  4T14  Var. %  2015  2014  Var. % 
Captive Market  4.418.062  4.391.770  2,1  6.011  6.276  (4,2)  24.043  24.208  (0,7) 
Concessionaries and Licensees  4  6  -  186  190  (2,1)  755  738  2,3 
Free Customers ¹  131  127  (2,2)  987  1.121  (12,0)  4.045  4.483  (9,8) 
Grid Market  4.418.197  4.391.903  2,1  7.184  7.587  (5,3)  28.843  29.429  (2,0) 
¹ All free customers served by Copel GeT and other suppliers at the Copel DIS concession area.             

6.3 Electricity Sales

Copel’s electricity sales to final customers, comprising COPEL Distribuição’s sales in the captive market and Copel Geração e Transmissão’s sales in the free market, fell 1.0% in 2015. The table below breaks down energy sales by consumption segment:

* Amounts subject to rounding.




    Energy Sold (GWh)
Segment  Market             
    4Q15  4Q14  Var. %  2015  2014  Var. % 
Residential    1.718  1.842  (6,7)  6.957  7.267  (4,3) 


Total  2.697  2.794  (3,5)  10.823  10.841  (0,2) 
Captive  1.757  1.801  (2,5)  6.929  6.837  1,3 
Free  940  993  (5,3)  3.894  4.004  (2,7) 


Total  1.374  1.443  (4,8)  5.542  5.482  1,1 
Captive  1.371  1.440  (4,8)  5.530  5.470  1,1 
Total  3  3  5,0  12  12  1,2 
Rural    548  571  (3,9)  2.256  2.252  0,2 
Other    617  623  (1,0)  2.371  2.382  (0,5) 
Energy Supply    6.954  7.273  (4,4)  27.949  28.224  (1,0) 

6.4 Total Energy Sold

Total energy sold by Copel, comprising Copel Distribuição’s and Copel Geração e Transmissão’s sales in all the markets, came to 44,196 GWh in 2015, 1.5% higher than in 2014. Copel Geração e Transmissão’s sales totaled 17,391 GWh between January and December, 4.9% down from 2014. The following table shows Copel’s total electricity sales broken down between Copel Distribuição and Copel Geração e Transmissão:

  Number of Customers / Agreements      Energy Sold (GWh)     
Dec-15 Dec-14 Var. % 4Q15 4Q14 Var. % 2015 2014 Var. %
Copel DIS                   
Captive Market  4.418.062  4.326.970  2,1  6.011  6.276  (4,2)  24.043  24.208  (0,7) 
Concessionaries and Licensees  4  4  -  172  177  (2,8)  699  699  - 
CCEE (MCP)  -  -  -  574  93  518,5  940  368  155,4 
Total Copel DIS  4.418.066  4.326.974  2,1  6.757  6.546  3,2  25.682  25.275  1,6 
Copel GeT                   
CCEAR (Copel DIS)  1  1  -  45  112  (59,9)  215  411  (47,7) 
CCEAR (other concessionaries)  39  39  -  1.124  1.199  (6,2)  4.457  4.695  (5,1) 
Free Customers  28  29  (3,4)  943  996  (5,3)  3.906  4.016  (2,7) 
Bilateral Agreements ¹  25  30  (16,7)  1.590  1.858  (14,4)  6.675  7.392  (9,7) 
CCEE (MCP) ²  -  -  -  330  275  19,9  2.137  1.773  20,5 
Total Copel GeT  93  99  (6,1)  4.033  4.440  (9,2)  17.391  18.287  (4,9) 
Copel Renováveis                   
CCEAR (other concessionaries)  112  -  -  212  -  -  766  -  - 
CER  3  -  -  90  -  -  357  -  - 
Total Copel Ren    -  -  302  -  -  1.123  -  - 
Total Copel Consolidated  4.418.274  4.327.073  2,1  11.092  10.986  1,0  44.196  43.562  1,5 
Note: Not considering the energy from MRE (Energy Relocation Mechanism).
¹ Includes Short Term Sales Agreements.
² Assured Power allocated in the period, does not consider the impact of the GSF.
CCEE: Electric Power Trade Chamber / CCEAR: Energy Purchase Agreements in the Regulated Market / MCP: Short Term Market / CER: Agreements Reserve Energy.

In addition, the energy dispatched by the Araucária Thermal Power Plant totaled 2,465 GWh in 2015. All the energy generated by the plant is sold in the short-term market.

TPP Araucária - UEGA  4Q15  4Q14  Var. %  2015  2014  Var. % 
Own Generation¹  45  983  (95,4)  2.465  3.308  (25,5) 
Font: ONS             
¹ Value of gross generation verified by ONS, without considering losses of the Basic Network associated with the plant.

* Amounts subject to rounding.





6.5 Energy Flow

Energy Flow – Copel Dis


Energy Flow - Copel Dis  2015  2014  Var. % 
Itaipu  5.941  5.870  1,2 
CCEAR – Copel Geração e Transmissão  215  411  (47,7) 
CCEAR – Other  14.435  16.281  (11,3) 
CCEAR – Adjustment auction  1.303  -  - 
CCEE (MCP)  399  1.573  (74,6) 
Angra  1.051  1.046  0,5 
CCGF  3.873  1.315  194,5 
Itiquira  -  452  - 
Proinfa  609  599  1,7 
Elejor S.A  1.186  1.186  - 
Available Power  29.012  28.733  1,0 
Captive market  24.043  24.208  (0,7) 
Wholesale  699  699  - 
CCEE (MCP)  940  368  155,4 
Losses and differences  3.330  3.458  (3,7) 
Basic network losses  566  541  4,6 
Distribution losses  2.422  2.598  (6,8) 
CG contract allocation  342  319  7,2 


Energy Flow – Copel GeT


Energy Flow - Copel GeT  2015  2014  Var. % 
Own Generation  24.960  24.605  1,4 
CCEE (MCP)  -  -  - 
MRE  144  -  - 
Dona Francisca  257  612  (58,0) 
Total Available Power  25.361  25.217  0,6 
Bilateral Agreements  6.675  7.392  (9,7) 
CCEAR – COPEL Distribuição  215  411  (47,7) 
CCEAR – Other  4.458  4.695  (5,0) 
Free Customers  3.906  4.016  (2,7) 
CCEE (MCP)  2.137  1.773  20,5 
MRE  7.360  6.197  18,8 
Losses and differences  610  733  (16,8) 





* Amounts subject to rounding.







Energy Flow – Wind Farms



Energy Flow - São Bento Energia  2015 
Own Generation  364 
CCEE (MCP)  61 
Total Available Power  425 
CCEAR – COPEL Distribuição  - 
CCEAR – Other  382 
CCEE (MCP)  - 
Losses and differences  43 
Energy Flow - Brisa Potiguar  2015 
Own Generation  335 
CCEE (MCP)  230 
Total Available Power  565 
CCEAR – COPEL Distribuição  - 
CCEAR – Other  383 
CER  236 
CCEE (MCP)  - 
Losses and differences  (54) 



Consolidated Energy Flow (Jan/ Dec 2015)


* Amounts subject to rounding.






6.6 Tariffs

Sales to Distributors Average Tariff – Copel Geração e Transmissão


R$ / MWh 
 Tariff Amount  Dec-15  Sep-15  Dec-14  Var. %  Var. % 
Average MW  (1)  (2)  (3)  (1/2)  (1/3) 
Copel Geração e Transmissão  525  154,59  152,10  151,38  1,6  2,1 
Auction CCEAR 2007 - 2014  -  -  -  119,91  -  - 
Auction CCEAR 2008 - 2015  76  137,11  135,33  127,63  1,3  7,4 
Auction CCEAR 2009 - 2016  227  156,69  154,38  145,73  1,5  7,5 
Auction CCEAR 2011 - 2040 ( HPP Mauá)  98  178,63  176,16  166,30  1,4  7,4 
Auction CCEAR 2013 - 2042 (Cavernoso II)¹  -  205,35  195,28  177,91  5,2  15,4 
Auction CCEAR 2014 (12 months)  -  -  -  191,80  -  - 
Auction - CCEAR 2015 - 2045 (UHE Colíder)  124  142,47  139,96  -  1,8  - 
Copel Distribuição
Concession holders in the State of Paraná  81  280,38  272,32  196,30  3,0  42,8 
Total / Tariff Weighted Average Supply¹  606  171,46  168,38  160,38  1,8  6,9 
¹ The commercial operation of HPP Cavernoso II has been suspended since 09.24.2014.


Power Purchase Average Tariff – Copel Distribuição

* Amounts subject to rounding.







            R$ / MWh 
Tariff Amount
Average MW
Var. %
Var. %
Itaipu 1  639  327,65  396,08  143,91  (17,3)  127,7 
Auction – CCEAR 2007 – 2014  -  -  -  157,87  -  - 
Auction – CCEAR 2008 – 2015  51  143,97  143,93  132,79  -  8,4 
Auction – CCEAR 2010 – H30  70  194,04  194,04  178,89  -  8,5 
Auction – CCEAR 2010 – T15 2  65  205,46  205,46  189,41  -  8,5 
Auction – CCEAR 2011 – H30  58  199,22  199,22  183,66  -  8,5 
Auction – CCEAR 2011 – T15 2  54  226,55  226,55  208,85  -  8,5 
Auction – CCEAR 2012 – T15 2  115  203,23  203,23  187,36  -  8,5 
Auction – CCEAR 2014 - 2019 ³  109  240,10  331,11  395,11  (27,5)  (39,2) 
Auction – CCEAR 2014 - 2019 4  272  292,93  292,93  270,81  -  8,2 
Auction 2014 - 12M  -  -  -  191,41  -  - 
Auction 2014 - 18M  10  -  -  165,20  -  - 
Auction 2014 - 36M  159  159,60  159,60  149,99  -  6,4 
Angra  120  164,88  170,38  146,48  (3,2)  12,6 
CCGF 5  442  28,78  30,31  31,78  (5,1)  (9,5) 
Santo Antônio  126  123,48  123,48  113,83  -  8,5 
Jirau  203  108,61  108,61  100,12  -  8,5 
Others Auctions 6  527  132,07  129,80  314,61  1,7  (58,0) 
Bilaterals  135  210,32  210,32  203,12  -  3,5 
Total / Tariff Average Supply  3.156  187,06  204,25  192,42  (8,4)  (2,8) 
1 Furnas transport charge not included.             
2 Average auction price restated according to the IPCA inflation index. The price comprises in fact three components: a fixed component, a variable component, and expenses at the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE). The cost of the latter two components is dependent upon
the dispatch of facilities according to the schedule set by the National System Operator (ONS).
³ Energy Agreements.
4 Capacity Agreements.
5 Contract of quotas of assured power of those HPPs which concessions were extended pursuant the new rules of Law 12783/13.
6 Products average price.


Sales to Final Customers Average Tariff Copel Distribuição – without ICMS


R$ / MWh 
 Tariff¹ Dec-15
Var. %
Var. %
Industrial ²  418,49  418,28  263,69  0,1  58,7 
Residential  492,25  492,11  326,31  -  50,9 
Commercial  463,32  462,49  300,88  0,2  54,0 
Rural  315,70  316,44  199,78  (0,2)  58,0 
Other  357,84  357,86  231,68  -  54,5 
Retail distribution average rate  433,91  433,92  281,28  -  54,3 


7. Capital Market

7.1 Capital Stock

Copel’s capital amounts to R$6,910.0 million, represented by shares with no par value. The Company's current number of shareholders is 24,879. In December 2015 the Company’s capital was as follows:



* Amounts subject to rounding.






Thousand shares 
Shareholders  Common  %  Preferred "A"  % Preferred "B"  %  TOTAL  % 
State of Paraná  85.029  58,6  -  -  -  -  85.029  31,0 
BNDESPAR  38.299  26,4  -  -  27.282  21,3  65.581  24,0 
Eletrobras  1.531  1,1  -  -  -  -  1.531  0,6 
Free Floating  19.876  13,7  128  33,8  100.915  78,7  120.919  44,2 
BM&FBovespa  18.721  12,9  128  33,8  64.877  50,6  83.726  30,6 


1.155  0,8  -  -  35.962  28,0  37.117  13,6 
LATIBEX  -  -  -  -  76  0,1  76  0,0 
Other  296  0,2  252  66,2  47  0,0  595  0,2 
TOTAL  145.031  100,0  380  100,0  128.244  100,0  273.655  100,0 




* Amounts subject to rounding.





7.2 Stock Performance

Stock Performance (Jan - Dec/ 15) Common Preferred "B"
    Total Daily average Total Daily average
BM&FBovespa Number of Trades 51.687 210 884.788 3.597
Volume Traded 17.640.200 71.708 156.192.500 634.929
Trading Value (R$ thousand) 385.738 1.568 5.048.187 20.521
Presence in Trading Sessions 246 100% 246 100%
NYSE Volume Traded 739.993 3.682 152.385.157 609.541
Trading Value (US$ thousand) 4.667 23 1.528.024 6.112
Presence in Trading Sessions 201 80% 250 100%
LATIBEX Volume Traded - - 388.687 1.606
Trading Value (Euro thousand) - - 3.388 14
Presence in Trading Sessions - - 242 95%


In 2015, the free float accounted for 44.2% of the Company’s capital. Copel’s market capitalization, based on the stock prices on all markets at the end of December 2015, was R$5,450.2 million. Out of the 66 stocks that make up the Ibovespa index, Copel’s class B preferred shares accounted for 0.4% of the portfolio, with a Beta index of 0.9. Copel also accounted for 5.6% of the BM&FBovespa’s Electric Power Index (IEE). In the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE), Copel class B preferred shares accounted for 0.7% and Copel commonn shares 0.1%.

Copel’s common shares (ON - CPLE3) and class B preferred shares (PNB - CPLE6) were traded in 100% of the trading sessions of the São Paulo Stock Exchange (BM&FBovespa). Copel’s common and class B preferred shares closed the period at R$16.00 and R$24.30, with a negative variation of 35.7% and 32.3% respectively. In the same period the Ibovespa had negative change of 13.3%. On the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), class B preferred shares, represented by American Depositary Shares (ADSs), were traded at Level 3, under the ticker ELP, in 100% of the trading sessions and closed the period at US$5.87, with a negative variation of 55.4%. Over this period, the Dow Jones Index negative by 2.2%.

On the Latibex (the Euro market for Latin American securities on the Madrid Stock Exchange), Copel’s class B preferred shares were traded under the ticker XCOP in 95% of the trading sessions and closed the period at €5.46, with a negative variation of 50.9%. In the same period the Latibex All Shares index had negative growth of 39.2%.

The table below summarizes Copel’s share prices in 2015.


Quotes 12.31.2015 Ticker / Index Price / Points  Var. (%)
12.31.2015  12.31.2014 
BM&FBovespa CPLE3  R$ 16,00  R$ 24,90  (35,7) 
CPLE6  R$ 24,30  R$ 35,90  (32,3) 
Ibovespa  43.350  50.007  (13,3) 
NYSE ELP  US$ 5,87  US$ 13,17  (55,4) 
Dow Jones  17.425  17.823  (2,2) 
LATIBEX XCOP  € 5,46  € 11,13  (50,9) 
Latibex  1.059  1.742  (39,2) 


* Amounts subject to rounding.





7.3 Dividends and Interest on Own Capital

The table below presents the payments of dividends and interest on own capital as of 2010:


Type of Earning Fiscal Year Approved on Paid on Thousands of R$
R$ per Share
Common Preferred "A" Preferred "B"
Total 2010     281.460  0,98027  2,52507  1,07854
IOC¹  2010  08/17/10  09/20/10  85.000  0,29662  0,32638  0,32638 
Dividends  2010  04/28/11  05/23/11  81.460  0,28328  1,04782  0,31167 
IOC  2010  04/28/11  05/23/11  115.000  0,40037  1,15087  0,44049 
Total  2011      421.091  1,46833  2,52507  1,61546 
IOC¹  2011  08/11/11  09/15/11  225.814  0,78803  0,86706  0,86706 
IOC  2011  04/26/12  05/29/12  195.277  0,68030  1,65801  0,74840 
Total  2012      268.554  0,93527  2,52507  1,02889 
IOC¹  2012  12/19/12  01/15/13  138.072  0,47920  2,52507  0,52720 
Dividends  2012  04/25/13  05/23/13  130.482  0,45607  -  0,50169 
Total  2013      560.537  1,95572  2,52507  2,15165 
IOC¹  2013  11/13/13  12/16/13  180.000  0,62819  0,69111  0,69111 
Dividends¹  2013  11/13/13  12/16/13  145.039  0,50617  0,55688  0,55688 
Dividends  2013  04/24/14  05/28/14  235.498  0,82136  1,27708  0,90366 
Total  2014      622.523  2,17236  2,52507  2,39000 
IOC¹  2014  10/24/14  11/21/14  30.000  0,10469  0,11519  0,11519 
Dividends¹  2014  10/24/14  11/21/14  350.770  1,22416  1,34678  1,34678 
Dividends  2014  04/23/15  06/22/15  241.753  0,84351  1,06310  0,92803 
¹ In advance               




* Amounts subject to rounding.





8. Operating Performance

8.1 Generation

In Operation

Copel Geração e Transmissão

Below is the main information of Copel GeT’s power station and the power produced between in 2015.


Power Plants Installed
Capacity (MW)
Assured Power
(Average MW)
Hydroelectric Power Plants  4.732,1  2.057,7  24.884,3   
Gov. Bento Munhoz da Rocha Netto (Foz do Areia)  1.676,0  576,0  7.231,2  23.05.2023 
Gov. Ney Aminthas de B. Braga (Segredo)  1.260,0  603,0  7.263,7  15.11.2029 
Gov. José Richa (Salto Caxias)  1.240,0  605,0  7.753,9  04.05.2030 
Gov. Pedro V. Parigot de Souza (Capivari-Cachoeira) (1)(2)  260,0  109,0  710,2  07.07.2015 
Mauá (3)  185,2  100,8  1.439,1  03.07.2042 
Guaricana  36,0  16,1  176,1  16.08.2026 
Cavernoso II (4)  19,0  10,6  -  27.02.2046 
Chaminé  18,0  11,6  104,6  16.06.2026 
Apucaraninha  10,0  6,7  65,4  12.10.2025 
Mourão (1)(2)  8,2  5,3  23,1  07.07.2015 
Derivação do Rio Jordão  6,5  5,9  51,6  15.11.2029 
Marumbi  4,8  2,4  22,9  (5) 
São Jorge  2,3  1,5  16,6  03.12.2024 
Chopim I (6)  2,0  1,5  8,2  07.07.2015 
Cavernoso  1,3  1,0  6,1  07.01.2031 
Melissa  1,0  0,6  6,7  (7) 
Salto do Vau  0,9  0,6  3,0  (7) 
Pitangui  0,9  0,1  1,9  (7) 
Thermal Power Plant  20,0  10,3  71,9   
Figueira  20,0  10,3  71,9  26.03.2019 
Wind Energy Plants  2,5  0,5  3,6   
Eólica de Palmas (8)  2,5  0,5  3,6  28.09.2029 
TOTAL  4.754,6  2.068,5  24.959,8   
(1) Hydroelectric Power Plant Cotista, according to ANEEL’s Ordinance No. 189/2015. Considering generation up to July 7, 2015.
(2) Considering plant’s physical guarantee up to concession’s expiration date, which is July 7, 2015.
(3) Refered to COPEL's participation (51% of power plant capacity of 363 MW).
(4) Plant under maintenance since June 2014 due to flood.
(5) Submitted to ANEEL for ratification.
(6) Expiration of concession as of July 7, 2015, for recording in accordance with ANEEL’s Authorizing Resolution (REA) nº. 5.373/2015.
(7) Power plants with no concession agreement, only required to be registered at ANEEL.
(8) Average wind plant generation.


On July 7, 2015 was the expiration of the concession agreements of the Governador Parigot de Souza HPP (260 MW) and the Mourão I SHP (8.2 MW), which were under the ownership of Copel GeT.



* Amounts subject to rounding.





These plants remained under Copel GeT's responsibility for the provision of electric power generation service and, from then on, Copel GeT began receiving Annual Generation Revenue (AGR) totaling R$34.2 million, of which (i) R$31.5 million corresponded to the Governador Parigot de Souza HPP, (ii) R$2.1 million to the Mourão I SHP, and (iii) R$631,9 thousand to the Rio dos Patos SHP (whose concession agreement expired on February 14, 2014). The respective AGRs are valid for the period from July 8, 2015 to June 30, 2016, or until these plants are transferred to the auction winners in these concessions were auctioned, whichever occurs first. The energy generated by the project is divided into quotas and, consequently, is not included into Copel GeT’s assured energy.

In November 2015, Copel GeT won the right to operate and maintain the Governador Parigot de Souza HPP, upon payment of the grant bonuses in the amount of R$574.8 million. The concession agreement was signed on January 5, 2016, has a 30-year term and provides annual revenue of R$130.9 million for services rendered.

Law 13,097/15, published in January 2015, changed the power generation limit for HPPs and SHPs. With the change, the limit for HPPs went from 1 MW to 3 MW. As a result, the Chopim I plant, which used to be classified as a SHP, is now a HGC, and no longer needs a concession, just registration with Aneel.

Copel Renováveis

Copel has 11 wind farms in commercial operation, which generated 662 GWh in 2015, as shown in the following chart:

Wind Farm Auction ¹ Installed
Capacity (MW)
Assured Power
(Average MW)
Price ² Expiration of
São Bento     94,0  46,3  360,8  194,20   
Boa Vista  2nd LFA
14,0  6,3  46,5  199,21  Apr-46 
Olho d'Água  30,0  15,3  108,3  193,41  May-46 
São Bento do Norte  30,0  14,6  116,6  193,41  May-46 
Farol  20,0  10,1  89,4  193,41  Apr-46 
Copel Brisa Potiguar    183,6  92,6  301,2  170,00   
Asa Branca I  2nd LFA
27,0  13,2  66,9  195,48  Apr-46 
Asa Branca II  27,0  12,8  66,9  195,48  May-46 
Asa Branca III  27,0  12,5  38,0  195,48  May-46 
Eurus IV  27,0  13,7  39,6  195,48  Apr-46 
Santa Maria  4th LER
29,7  15,7  21,4  137,31  May-47 
Santa Helena  29,7  15,7  36,0  137,31  Apr-47 
Ventos de Santo Uriel  16,2  9,0  32,4  136,24  Apr-47 
Total    277,6  138,9  662,0  178,06   
¹ LFA - Auction of Alternative Sources/ LER - Auction Reserve Energy.
² Price updated to December 2015.

Interest in Generation Projects

Copel holds interests in six power generation projects at the operational stage, with a total installed capacity of 1,786.6 MW, 606 MW referred to Copel´s stake, as shown below:



* Amounts subject to rounding.






Company Installed
Assured Power
(Average MW)
Partners PPA signed with Concession
TPP Araucária
(UEG Araucária)
484,1 365,2 COPEL - 20%
COPEL GeT - 60%
Petrobras - 20%
¹ Dec-29
HPP Santa Clara
123,4 72,4 COPEL - 70%
Paineira Participações - 30%
Free customers
HPP Fundão
122,5 67,9 COPEL - 70%
Paineira Participações - 30%
Free customers
HPP Dona Francisca
125,0 78,0 COPEL - 23,03%
Gerdau - 51,82%
Celesc - 23,03%
Desenvix - 2,12%
SHP Júlio de Mesquita
Filho (Foz do Chopim)
29,1 20,4 COPEL - 35,77%
Silea Participações - 64,23%
Free customers Apr-30
HPP Lajeado
(Investco S.A.)
902,5 526,6 COPEL - 0,82%
CEB Lajeado - 16,98%
Paulista Lajeado Energia S.A. - 5,94%
EDP Energias do Brasil S.A. - 4,57%
Lajeado Energia S.A. - 62,39%
Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A. - 0,21%
Other - 9,09%
² Dec-32
¹ Since February 1, 2014, the plant’s operation has been under the responsibility of UEGA. The Araucária TPP does not have availability agreements and operates under the merchant model.
² The assets of the Lajeado HPP are leased to its other concession holders in proportional shares of the existing assets.


Interest in Wind Farms

Copel has 49% interest in the Voltalia São Miguel do Gostoso I Participações S.A. wind farm complex, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The wind farm complex, comprises four wind farms, with 108 MW of installed capacity, whose energy was sold in the Fourth Reserve Energy Auction by average price R$98,92 MWh, under twenty-year contracts, with supply beginning in July, 2015.

Wind Farm Installed Capacity¹
Assured Power
(Average MW)
Price² Start up CAPEX³
(R$ million)
Stake (%) Wind farm
Expiration of
Voltalia - São Miguel do Gostoso I Participações S.A.4
Carnaúbas  27.0  13.1  133.19 Jun-15 127.1  49% COPEL
Voltalia 51%
São Miguel do
Gostoso (RN)
Reduto4  27.0  14.4  128.9  Apr-47 
Santo Cristo  27.0  15.3  128.9  Apr-47 
São João  27.0  14.3  128.9  Mar-47 
Total  108.0  57.1  133.19    513.9       
¹ The capacity envisaged in the Auction was altered based on the characteristics of Acciona Windpower’s equipment, respecting the volume of energy sold.
² Price updated to December 2015.
³ CAPEX estimated by Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (Aneel) on the date of the auction.
4 Wind farm able to start up, waiting for transmission line conclusion.

In April 2015, we concluded the works of these wind farms. Aneel, through Order 2,233, of July 9, 2015, and 2,538, of August 5, 2015, considered suitable for commercial operation of the generating units Wind Farms Reduto, Carnaúbas, Santo Cristo and São João, with total installed capacity 108 MW. However, the commercial operation will begin after completion of the works of transmission facilities (ICG Touros) transmission agent's responsibility, scheduled for the first half of 2016.

* Amounts subject to rounding.






Under Construction

Copel Geração e Transmissão

Copel GeT is building two hydroelectric power plants that will add 405 MW to its total installed capacity, as described below.


Power Plants Installed Capacity
Assured Power
(Average MW)

HPP Colíder 



100% Copel GeT 

HPP Baixo Iguaçu 



70% Geração Céu Azul S.A 

Total ¹  405  231.4   
¹ Adjusted for Copel’s stake


Colíder Hydroelectric Power Plant

In Aneel New Energy Auction 03/2010, held on July 30, 2010, Copel GeT won the concession for the implementation and operation of the Colíder HPP for 35 years. On January 17, 2011, the federal government and Copel GeT entered into 01/2011-MME-UHE Colíder Concession Agreement involving the use of public assets for electricity generation.

The plant will have an installed capacity of 300 MW and assured energy of 179.6 average-MW and is being implemented on the Teles Pires River, in Mato Grosso State. Investments are estimated at R$2.0 billion. On the base date of August 1, 2010, 125 average-MW were traded at R$103.40/MWh, restated by the IPCA consumer price index. The sold energy will be supplied for 30 years as of January 2015 and the remaining energy will be available for sale.

Around 90% of the works are complete, and the launching of the lining of the well of generation unit three, inside the powerhouse, and the removal of vegetation in the reservoir area, in accordance with the Basic Environmental Project, were concluded. At the construction site, we are still assembling electromechanical equipment, with tests on the water intake dams and the generator rotor in Unit 1. In February 2016, we began building the transmission line, with a 63-km extension, which will connect the plant to the Cláudia substation.

As a result of force majeure and government acts during the implementation of the Colíder Hydroelectric Power Plant, Copel Geração e Transmissão is requesting with Aneel a waiver of responsibility, totaling 644 days, related to the delay in the plant’s startup, initially scheduled for December 30, 2014. Copel GeT has been honoring Colíder HPP’s CCEAR commitments, totaling 125 average-MW, using energy from other plants in its portfolio. In order to so, the Company has refrained from selling energy in the spot market, at the PLD, in order to sell at the CCEAR prices.

On October 9, 2015, the 5th Panel of the Regional Federal Appellate Court of the 1st Region granted the request for interlocutory appellate relief made by Copel GeT. The Court determined that Aneel refrains from imposing to the Company, until the Administrative Case No. 48500.000623/2015 is examined, any record keeping, deposit, encumbrance, payment, settlement or guarantee, fine, debit or nonpayment, reduction in duration of contracts, reversal of recording of contracts, dismissals, penalties and/or restrictions on rights as a result of falling behind the original schedule of Concession Agreement for Power Generation No. 01/2011-MME-UHE Colíder, also suspending any burden related thereto.



* Amounts subject to rounding.





In November 2015, the Second Civil Court of the Colíder District accepted the request for anticipation of protection by the Public Ministry of Mato Grosso State and established that the State Environment Department must abstain from renewing or granting operating licenses in favor of the Colíder HPP project, due to environmental issues. The Company has appealed against the sentence and awaits a court decision. As a result, the startup of unit 1, scheduled for the second semester of 2016, has been postponed to early 2017. <0}

Baixo Iguaçu Hydroelectric Power Plant

Copel GeT has a 30% interest in the Baixo Iguaçu Consortium, which is responsible for Baixo Iguaçu HPP construction and operation. The power plant will have an installed capacity of 350 MW and assured energy of 172.8 average-MW and it is being built on the Iguaçu River, between the municipalities of Capanema and Capitão Leônidas Marques, in southwest Paraná. Part of the energy that will be produced (121 average-MW) was sold in the 7th New Energy Auction, held on September 30, 2008, at R$98.98/MWh.

The commercial start-up is scheduled for 2018, due to the recognition by Aneel of an exclusion of liability of 626 days, as of September 1, 2016.

Copel Renováveis

Wind Farm Complex

Copel Renováveis is expanding its energy generation matrix with renewable sources by building wind farm complexes in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, consisting of 13 projects with a total installed capacity estimated at 332.0 MW, as follows:



* Amounts subject to rounding.




Wind Farm Auction ¹ Installed Capacity
(MW) ²
Assured Power
(Average MW)
Price ³ Start up CAPEX
(R$ million)
Premium Value
(R$ million)
Wind farm location Expiration of
Dreen Cutia  6th LER
25.2  9.6  161.43  Oct-17 97.6  9.4 Pedra Grande  Jan-42 
Dreen Guajiru  21.6  8.3  161.43  83.8  Pedra Grande  Jan-42 
Esperança do Nordeste  30.0  9.1  161.43  116.1  São Bento do Norte  May-50 
GE Jangada  30.0  10.3  161.43  114.9  São Bento do Norte  Jan-42 
GE Maria Helena  30.0  12.0  161.43  114.9  São Bento do Norte  Jan-42 
Paraíso dos Ventos do Nordeste  30.0  10.6  161.43  115.7  São Bento do Norte  May-50 
Potiguar  28.8  11.5  161.43  112.1  São Bento do Norte  May-50 
São Bento do Norte I  20th LEN
24.2  9.7  152.77  Jan-19 532.2 14.2 São Bento do Norte  Aug-50 
São Bento do Norte II  24.2  10.0  152.77  São Bento do Norte  Aug-50 
São Bento do Norte III  22.0  9.6  152.77  São Bento do Norte  Aug-50 
São Miguel I  22.0  8.7  152.77  São Bento do Norte  Aug-50 
São Miguel II  22.0  8.4  152.77  São Bento do Norte  Aug-50 
São Miguel III  22.0  8.4  152.77  São Bento do Norte  Aug-50 
Total      332.0  126.2  157.67    1,287.2 23.6       
¹ Types of auctions: LER - Auction Reserve Energy / LEN - New Energy Auction.
² The installed capacity of the new projects can be optimized in relation to the registered at auctions.
3 Price updated to December 2015.
4 The value the CAPEX corresponds to the recorded in EPE.

8.2 Transmission

In Operation

In January 2016, we began commercial operations of the new power substation and 41.5 km of Copel GeT's transmission lines in Paraguaçu Paulista, in the southwestern region of São Paulo. With an investment of R$57.8 million, the project adds R$7.0 million to the Copel GeT's APR. The chart below shows the transmission concession agreements and the design of the substations park and the transmission lines in operation:



* Amounts subject to rounding.





      TL  Substation  APR ¹  Concession 
Subsidiary / SPC Contract Enterprise Extension (km) Amount MVA (R$ million) Expiration
Copel GeT  060/2001²  Several  1,919  32  12,202  174.9  Dec-42 
Copel GeT  075/2001  TL Bateias - Jaguariaiva  137  -  -  17.2  Jul-31 
Copel GeT  006/2008  TL Bateias - Pilarzinho  32  -  -  0.9  Mar-38 
Copel GeT  027/2009 ³  TL Foz - Cascavel Oeste  116  -  -  10.2  Nov-39 
Copel GeT  015/2010  Cerquilho III Substation  -  1  300  4.6  Oct-40 
Copel GeT  022/2012 

 LT Foz do Chopim - Salto Osório

 LT Londrina - Figueira

98  -  -  5.1  Aug-42 
    TL Assis — Paraguaçu Paulista II  37  -  -     
Copel GeT  002/2013          7.0  Feb-43 
    Paraguaçu Paulista II Substation  -  1  150     
Subtotal Copel GeT 4      2,344  34  12,652  220.0  - 

Costa Oeste

Copel GeT - 51% 


 TL Cascavel Oeste - Umuarama Su

l Umuarama Sul Substation

143  1  300  5.8  Jan-42 
Eletrosul - 49%               
Transm. Sul Brasileira               
Copel GeT - 20%  004/2012  Nova Sta Rita - Camaquã  798  1  166  12.4  May-42 
Eletrosul - 80%               
Caiuá Transmissora    TL Guaíra - Umuarama Sul           
Copel GeT - 49%  007/2012  TL Cascavel Norte - Cascavel Oeste  136  2  700  10.8  May-42 
Elecnor - 51%    Santa Quitéria Substation / Cascavel Norte Substation           
Integração Maranhense               
Copel GeT - 49%  011/2012  TL Açailandia - Miranda II  365  -  -  16.5  May-42 
Elecnor - 51%               
Copel GeT - 80%  008/2012  LT Curitiba - Curitiba Leste  28  1  672  14.7  May-42 
Eletrosul - 20%               
Subtotal SPCs 5      1,470  5  1,838  60.2   
Total      3,814  39  14,490  280.2   
¹ Refered to Copel's stake
² Renewed contract pursuant to Law 12,783/13
³ APR updated as tariff review process - Aneel Resolution 1,901/15

Under Construction

Copel GeT is substantially increasing its share of the transmission segment through own investments and partnerships in SPCs. The projects have a joint total of 4,539 km of transmission lines and 12 substations and will generate APR of R$827.8 million, R$458.5 million of which refers to Copel Get stake. Copel’s interest in the transmission projects is available in the table below.


* Amounts subject to rounding.




Subsidiary / SPC  Auction 

 Signing of







(R$ million)


 (R$ million)

Start up 



Copel GeT  001/10  Oct-10  TL Araraquara II — Taubaté  SP  356  -  28.4  250.0  Mar-17  Oct-40 
Copel GeT  007/13  Jan-14  TL Bateias - Curitiba Norte  PR  33  1  7.7  69.0  Apr-16  Jan-44 
Copel GeT  001/14  Sep-14  TL Foz do Chopim - Realeza  PR  53  1  6.4  49.0  Mar-17  Sep-44 
Copel GeT  001/14  Sep-14  TL Assis – Londrina  SP / PR  120  -  16.7  135.0  Sep-17  Sep-44 
      TL Curitiba Leste - Blumenau            Mar-21   
Copel GeT  005/15  Stand By    PR / SC  230  3  97.9  580.6    3 
      TL Baixo Iguaçu - Realeza            Sep-19   
Subtotal Copel GeT          792  5  157.1  1,083.6    - 
Copel GeT - 49%  002/12  May-12  TL Paranaíta - Ribeirãozinho  MT  1,005  3  84.9  882.0  Apr-16  May-42 
State Grid - 51%                     


Copel GeT - 49% 

002/12  May-12  TL Ribeirãozinho - Marimbondo   

MT / GO /


600  1  44.5  441.0  May-16  May-42 
State Grid - 51%                     


 Copel GeT - 24,5%

007/12  May-13  TL Barreiras II - Pirapora II 

 BA / MG /


967  -  29.4  235.2  May-16  May-43 
Furnas - 24,5%                     
State Grid - 51%                     
Mata de Santa Genebra                     
Copel GeT - 50,1%  007/13  May-14  TL Araraquara II - Bateias  SP / PR  847  3  100.6  784.6  Nov-17  May-44 
Furnas - 49,9%                     
Copel GeT - 49%  001/14  Sep-14  TL Estreito - Fernão Dias  SP / MG  328  -  42.0  305.8  Mar-18  Sep-44 
Elecnor - 51%                     
Subtotal SPC          3,747  7  301.4  2,648.5     
Total          4,539  12  458.5  3,732.1     
¹ Update according to Aneel Ratification Resolution 1918/2015 (R$ milion) / Adjusted for Copel’s stake.
² Aneel reference value (R$ million) / Adjusted for Copel’s stake.
³ The concession will expire 30 years after the contract signing date.


8.3 Distribution

Concession agreement

In December 2015, the Company signed the fifth amendment to the Public Electricity Distribution Concession Agreement no. 46/1999 of Copel Distribuição S.A., extending the concession term to July 7, 2045.

The concession agreement imposes economic and financial efficiency and quality conditions. Failure to comply with the conditions for two consecutive years or any of the limits at the end of the first five years will result in the termination of the concession. From the sixth year following execution of the agreement, any breach of quality criteria for three consecutive years or economic and financial management criteria for two consecutive years will result in the opening of a forfeiture process. In addition, noncompliance with the overall goals of collective continuity indicators for two consecutive years or three times in five years may limit the payment of dividends or interest on equity, while failure to meet the economic and financial sustainability indicators will reflect the need for a capital contribution from the controlling shareholders. The following chart shows the goals set for Copel Distribuição in the first 5 years of renovation:



* Amounts subject to rounding.




Year Economic and Financial Management Quality (Limit Established)1 
DECi²  FECi ² 
2016    13.61  9.24 


12.54  8.74 

EBITDA (-) QRR³ ³ 0

1.23  8.24 

{Net Debt / [EBITDA (-) QRR³]}   £  1 / (0.8 * SELIC4 ) 

10.12  7.74 

{Net Debt / [EBITDA (-) QRR³]}  £  1 / (1.11 * SELIC4 ) 

9.83  7.24 
1 According to Aneel’s Technical Note No. 0335/2015
² DECi – Equivalent Time of Interruption Caused by Internal Source per Consumer Unit; and FECi – Equivalent Frequency of Interruption Caused by Internal Source per Consumer Unit.
³ QRR: Regulatory Reintegration Quota or Regulatory Depreciation Expense. This is the value defined in the most recent Periodical Tariff Review (RTP), plus the General Market Price Index (IGP-M) between the month preceding the RTP and the month preceding the twelve-month period of the economic and financial sustainability measurement.
4 Selic: limited to 12.87% p.y.

Operating Data

In the distribution business, Copel serves more than 4.4 million energy consumers in 1,113 locations, belonging to 394 municipalities in State of Paraná and one in the State of Santa Catarina. Copel Distribuição operates and maintains the installations in the 13.8 kV, 34.5 kV, 69 kV, 138 kV and some of 230 kV voltage levels.


Voltage  Km  Substations  MVA 
13.8 kV  103,488  -  - 
34.5 kV  83,347  224  1,517 
69 kV  695  37  2,441 
88 kV1  -  -  5 
138 kV  5,867  102  6,779 
230 kV  130  -  - 
Total  193,527  363  10,742 
1 Not automated.

Compact-Design Distribution Lines

Copel Distribuição has continued to implement compact-design distribution lines in urban areas with a high concentration of trees surrounding the distribution grids. This technology reduces the number of trees cut down or trimmed, and improves the quality of power supply by reducing the number of unplanned outages. The total length of compact-design distribution lines in operation in 2015 was 7,929 km.

Secondary Isolated Lines

Copel Distribuição has also invested in low-voltage (127/220V) secondary isolated lines, which offer substantial advantages over regular overhead lines, including: improvement in DEC and FEC distribution performance indicators, defense against illegal connections, improved environmental conditions, reduced areas subject to tree trimming, improved safety, reduced voltage drops throughout the grid, and increased transformer useful life, due to the reduction of short-circuits, among other advantages. The total length of installed secondary isolated lines closed 2015 at 14,817 km.



* Amounts subject to rounding.





Quality of Supply

The two main indicators of power supply quality are DEC (outage duration) and FEC (outage frequency). The more severe weather events compared to previous years contributed to increasing outage duration and frequency indicators (DEC and FEC, respectively) in 2014 and beginning of 2015. The trends for these indicators, as well as for total time service, are shown below:







 Total time service (hours)
2011  10.64  8.26  1:40 
2012  10.25  7.84  1:51 
2013  11.62  8.06  2:08 
2014  14.01  9.08  1:49 
2015  13.67  8.33  2:03 
¹ DEC measured in hours and hundredths of an hour
² FEC expressed in number of interruptions and hundredths of a number of interruptions year to date   


8.4 Telecommunications

Copel Telecomunicações has an optical backbone, a high capacity intermunicipal transmission network, and the access, a customer service network. The access network can be multi-point (GPON) or point-to-point (conventional), thus connecting the customer to the network's transmission Copel Telecom and providing the contracted services.

In 2015, the backbone cable network extended for 9,868 km and the access network extended for 18,242 km. Currently, we serve the 399 municipalities in the State of Paraná and another 2 in State of Santa Catarina. Copel Telecom has substantially expanded its customer base in recent years, as shown below.





* Amounts subject to rounding.





Copel Telecomunicações Fiber Optic Network

Map of the State of Paraná



8.5 Equity Interests

Other Sectors

Copel holds interests in companies in the gas, telecommunications, sanitation and service sectors, as shown






Dominó Holdings S.A.  Sanitation  COPEL - 49.0% 
    Andrade Gutierrez - 51.0% 
    COPEL - 7.6% 
    State of Paraná - 58.7% 
    Dominó Holdings S.A. - 12.2% 
Sanepar  Sanitation  Daleth Participações - 8.3% 
    Andrade Gutierrez - 2.1% 
    Other - 11.1% 
    COPEL - 51.0% 
Compagas  Gas  Mitsui Gás - 24.5% 
    Gaspetro - 24.5% 
    COPEL - 30.0% 

Paraná Gás Exploração

Oil and natural gas Petra Energia 1 - 30.0% 
e Produção S.A Bayar Participações -30.0%
    Tucumann Engenharia - 10.0%
Sercomtel S.A. Telecom  Telecommunications COPEL - 45.0% 
  Município de Londrina - 55.0% 
Carbocampel S.A.  Coal mining COPEL - 49.0% 
  Carbonífera Cambuí - 51.0% 
Escoelectric Ltda  Services COPEL - 40.0% 
  Lactec - 60.0% 
    COPEL - 48.0% 
Copel-Amec Ltda 2  Services  Amec - 47.5% 
    Lactec - 4.5% 
1 Operating Company.
2 Being liquidated.



* Amounts subject to rounding.





8.6 New Projects

Project Portfolio

Copel holds interests in different power generation projects. When these projects go into commercial operation, they will add 340.6 MW of installed capacity to the Company's portfolio.


  Estimated Installed Capacity  Estimated Assured Power  COPEL' Stake 
Project  (MW)  (Average MW)  (%) 
SHP  206.2  114.6   
SHP Bela Vista  29.0  18.0  36.0 
SHP Dois Saltos  25.0  13.6  30.0 
SHP Foz do Curucaca  29.5  16.2  15.0 
SHP Salto Alemã  29.0  15.9  15.0 
SHP São Luiz  26.0  14.3  15.0 
SHP Pinhalzinho  10.9  5.9  30.0 
SHP Alto Chopim  20.3  11.2  15.0 
SHP Burro Branco  10.0  5.1  30.0 
SHP Rancho Grande  17.7  9.7  15.0 
SHP Foz do Turvo  8.8  4.7  30.0 
HPP  331.0  165.5   
HPP São Jerônimo  331.0  165.5  41.2 
WPP  159.0  70.2   
WPP Complexo Alto Oriente  60.0  27.4  100.0 
WPP Complexo Jandaia  99.0  42.8  100.0 
Total  696.2  350.3   
¹ The installed capacity of the new projects can be optimized i n relation to the registered at auctions.

São Jerônimo Hydroelectric Power Plant

The project comprises the future São Jerônimo Hydroelectric Power Plant, with an estimated installed capacity

of 331 MW, located on the Tibagi River, in the State of Paraná. This project’s implementation will be based on the concession for the use of public assets in Aneel Auction Notice 02/2001 and has been awarded to Consórcio São Jerônimo, in which Copel holds a 41.2% interest. The beginning of the works depends on authorization by the National Congress, pursuant to article 231, paragraph 3 of the Federal Constitution, as the plant’s reservoir is in indigenous areas.

Thermal Power Generation

Copel is conducting feasibility studies about four thermoelectric power plants to be constructed in the state of Paraná that may add up to 1,800 MW of installed capacity to the Company’s portfolio, as shown in the chart below:



* Amounts subject to rounding.





Project  Estimated Installed Capacity (MW)  Fuel  Location 
Araucária II TPP ¹  400.0  Natural Gas  Araucária - PR 
Litoral TPP  400.0  Natural Gas  Paranaguá - PR 
Litoral II TPP  800.0  Natural Gas  Paranaguá - PR 
Norte Pioneiro TPP  200.0  Coal  Sapopema - PR 
Total  1,800.0     
¹ Owns Preliminary and Installation License by Instituito Ambiental do Paraná.

The feasibility of natural gas thermoelectric power projects Litoral I and II is subject to the construction of a regasification facility in the coast of the state of Paraná, which would also supply natural gas to UEGA and TPP Araucária II project, and possibly to Compagas.

Interest in Feasibility Study

Hydroelectric Potential Surveyed Along the Piquiri River

The feasibility studies for the four hydroelectric power plants making up the hydroelectric potential of the Piquiri River, in Paraná, were submitted by Copel GeT and accepted by Aneel in 2012. The following table features these plants, which have a joint installed capacity 459.3 MW:

  Project  Estimated Installed Capacity (MW) 
HPP Apertados    139.0 
HPP Comissário    140.0 
HPP Foz do Piquiri    93.2 
HPP Ercilândia    87.1 
Total    459.3 

The public hearings for the Apertados and Ercilândia hydroelectric power plants were held in November 2014, thus fulfilling one of the legal requirements for the respective environmental licenses to be issued. The environmental license applications are currently being reviewed by the Environmental Institute of Paraná State. The preliminary environmental license is a condition for the technical qualification of the projects in the new energy auctions promoted by Aneel.

Tapajós Hydroelectric Complex

Copel entered into a Technical Cooperation Agreement with eight other companies to conduct studies on the Tapajós and Jamanxim Rivers in Brazil’s North Region, including the environmental assessment of the Tapajós River Basin and the feasibility of the Tapajós River Complex, comprising five plants with a joint installed capacity of over 12 thousand MW. The plants currently under study are: Jatobá, with 2,338 MW, and São Luiz do Tapajós, the biggest, with 8,040 MW, both on the Tapajós River. On the Jamanxim River, the Company will be studying the Cachoeira do Caí, Cachoeira dos Patos and Jamanxim Hydroelectric Power Plants. The Technical and Economic Feasibility Study of the São Luiz do Tapajós Hydroelectric Power Plant (EVTE) was submitted to Aneel for examination in April 2014. The document contains a study of the technical and economic conditions that comprise one of the feasibility aspects of building the plant and will be an integral part of the documentation included in the invitation to bid for the plant’s concession. The Environmental Impact Assessments and Environmental Impact Reports (EIA/RIMA) were concluded and delivered to IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) in May 2014. The Company is awaiting for the public hearings to be scheduled. At the moment, the situation of indigenous peoples is under study. Technicians from FUNAI (National Indian Foundation) are studying the possible impacts on indigenous communities.



* Amounts subject to rounding.





Oil and Gas Exploration and Production

On November 28, 2013, in the 12th round of Bids of the National Petroleum Agency (ANP), the consortium formed by Copel (30%), Bayar Participações (30%), Tucumann Engenharia (10%) and Petra Energia (30%) (the latter acting as operator) won the right to explore, develop and produce oil and natural gas in four blocks in an 11,327-km² area in the midwestern region of the State of Paraná. The consortium’s total investment will come to R$78.1 million in the first phase of exploration, for the term of four years granted by the ANP. Copel and its partners Bayar, Tucumann and Petra signed concession contracts for 2 blocks in May 2014. The activities of the first phase of exploitation by the consortium are suspended in the other blocks due to a public-interest civil action, as a result the respective concession contracts have yet to be signed.


9. Other Information

9.1 Human Resources

Copel’s workforce closed 2015 at 8,628 employees distributed. The table below shows employee number trends in the Company and its subsidiaries in the last four years:


Headcount  2012  2013  2014  2015 
Geração e Transmissão  1,841  1,702  1,554  1,568 
Distribuição  7,169  6,375  6,071  6,032 
Telecomunicações  458  434  601  621 
Holding  -  136  329  347 
Participações  -  -  11  10 
Renováveis  -  -  26  50 
TOTAL  9,468  8,647  8,592  8,628 


At the end of 2015, Copel Distribuição had 4,418,062 customers, representing a consumer-to-employee ratio of 732. Compagas, Elejor and UEG Araucária, companies in which Copel holds a majority interest, had 162, 7 and 16 employees, respectively.



* Amounts subject to rounding.





9.2 Main Operational Indicators


Generation    capacity  Transmission   
Copel GeT      Copel GeT   
In operation    4,754.6  In operation   
Hydroeletric 1  18  4,732.1  Transmission Lines (km)  2,344 
Thermal  1  20.0  Substation (amount)  34 
Wind power  1  2.5  Under construction   
Under construction    405.0  Transmission Lines (km)  792 
Hydroeletric  2  405.0  Substation (amount)  5 
Copel Holding      Partnership   
In operation    277.6  In operation   
Wind farms  11  277.6  Transmission Lines (km)  1,470 
Under construction    332.0  Substation (amount)  5 
Wind farms  13  332.0  Under construction   
Partnership      Transmission Lines (km)  3,747 
In operation    606.0  Substation (amount)  7 
Hydroeletric  5  218.7     
Thermal  1  387.3     
      Copel Distribuition   
Under construction    52.9     
Wind farms2  4  52.9  Distribution lines (km)  193,527 
      Substations  363 
      Installed power substations (MVA)  10,742 
Copel Telecommunication         
      Municipalities served  395 
Optical cables backbone network (km)    9,868  Locations served  1,113 
Optical cables access network (km)    18,242  Captive customers  4,418,062 
Cities served in Parana State    399  Customers by distribution employee  732 
Cities served in Santa Catarina State    2  DEC (in hundredths of an hour and minute)  13.67 
Customers    47,987  FEC (number of outages)  8.33 
Total employees    8,628     
Copel Geração e Transmissão    1,568  Copel Participações  10 
Copel Distribuição    6,032  Copel Renováveis  50 
Copel Telecomunicações    621  Copel Holding  347 
1 The plant UHE Capivari-cachoeiraand UHE Mourão had their concession contracts expired on 07/07/2015;
2 The Wind Farm Voltalia São Miguel do Gostoso I Participações S.A., is able to operate commercially, though the operation will only begin after completion of the transmission of works, transmission agent's responsibility.



* Amounts subject to rounding.





9.3 Conference Call 4Q15 Results

Information about 4Q15 Results Conference Call:

>     Friday, Mar 18, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. (Brasília time)

>     Telephone: (+1 516) 300 1066

>     Code: Copel

A live webcast of the conference call will be available at: www.copel.com/ir

Please connect 15 minutes before the call.



Investor Relations – Copel


Telephone: (+ 55 41) 3222-2027


The information contained in this press release may contain forward-looking statements that reflect management’s current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance, and financial results. Any statements, expectations, capabilities, plans and assumptions contained in this press release that do not describe historical facts such as statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the direction of future operations, the implementation of relevant operating and financial strategies, the investment program, factors or trends affecting the Company’s financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that these results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.




* Amounts subject to rounding.





Exhibit I – Consolidated Cash Flow Statement


Consolidated Cash Flow  2015  2014 
Cash flows from operating activities     
Net income for the period  1,265,551  1,335,615 
Adjustments to reconcile net income with the cash provided by operating activities  1,140,727  1,794,726 
Depreciation and Amortization  676,472  629,943 
Unrealized monetary and exchange variations, net  399,484  322,768 
Remuneration of a ccounts receivable related to the concession  (110,893)  (58,782) 
Sectoral assets and liabilities result  (858,170)  (1,033,866) 
Result of the renegotiation of the hydrological risk  (134,620)  - 
Equity in earnings of subsidiaries  (92,545)  (159,955) 
Income Tax and Social Contribution  698,023  747,869 
Deferred Income Tax and Social Contribution  (165,794)  (225,853) 
Reversal of provision for losses from devaluation of investments  -  (6,981) 
Net operational provisions and reversals  210,829  1,203,682 
Appropriation of a ctuarial calculation of post-employment benefits  143,202  102,108 
Appropriation of pension and healthcare contribution  133,428  118,392 
Provision for research and development a nd energy efficiency  128,898  115,368 
Write off of intangible assets related to concession - goodwill  40,757  23,884 
Write off of property, plant, a nd equipment  41,715  5,670 
Write off of intangible assets  29,941  10,479 
Decrese (increase) in assets  472,123  (486,404) 
Increase (reduction) of liabilities  (1,557,758)  (1,552,565) 
Net cash generated by operating activities  1,320,643  1,091,372 
Cash flows from investing activities     
Bonds and securities  76,883  (103,603) 
Loans to related parties  (29,400)  - 
Receipt of loans to related parties  7,805  - 
Additions - net effect of a cquired ca sh  -  149,760 
Additions in investments  (528,629)  (628,621) 
Additions to property, plant, and equipment  (752,529)  (894,575) 
Additions to intangible  (968,802)  (1,254,570) 
Customer contributions  243,054  168,933 
Disposal of i ntangible  85  - 
Net cash generated (used) by investing activities  (1,951,533)  (2,562,676) 
Cash flows from financing activities  0  0 
Loans and financing obtained  1,836,190  221,556 
Debentures Issued  1,168,633  1,383,378 
Amortization of principal amounts of loans and financing  (1,170,987)  (425,554) 
Amortization of principal amounts of debentures  (154,822)  (40,608) 
Dividends a nd interest on own capital paid  (307,528)  (668,969) 
Net cash used by financing activities  1,371,486  469,803 
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents  740,596  (1,001,501) 
Cash a nd cash equivalents at the beginning of the year  740,131  1,741,632 
Cash a nd cash equivalents at the end of the year  1,480,727  740,131 
Variation in cash and cash equivalents  740,596  (1,001,501) 



* Amounts subject to rounding.





Exhibit II – Financial Statements – Wholly Owned Subsidiaries


Income Statement – Copel Geração e Transmissão



Income Statement 4Q15  3Q15  4Q14  Var.%  2015  2014  Var.% 
(1)  (2)  (3)  (1/3)  (4)  (5)  (4/5) 
OPERATING REVENUES  726,293  595,961  654,245  11.0  2,890,747  2,948,677  (2.0) 
Electricity sales to final customers  141,045  138,288  133,881  5.4  565,378  513,239  10.2 
Electricity sales to distributors  405,061  349,285  414,527  (2.3)  1,795,910  1,986,217  (9.6) 
Use of the main transmission grid  72,710  54,844  53,181  36.7  252,315  197,563  27.7 
Construction revenue  95,785  42,698  39,446  142.8  232,567  206,150  12.8 
Other operating revenues  11,693  10,846  13,210  (11.5)  44,578  45,508  (2.0) 
OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES  (35,356)  (409,184)  (1,451,450)  (97.6)  (1,603,627)  (2,728,708)  (41.2) 
Electricity purchased for resale  97,267  (51,210)  (192,048)  0.0  (195,003)  (417,334)  (53.3) 
Charges of main distribution and transmission grid  (66,994)  (65,690)  (58,734)  14.1  (253,225)  (223,274)  13.4 
Personnel a nd management  (87,039)  (53,736)  (80,789)  7.7  (249,262)  (227,530)  9.6 
Pension and healthcare plans  (14,540)  (14,222)  (14,825)  (1.9)  (57,231)  (52,304)  9.4 
Materials and supplies  (3,648)  (3,691)  (4,000)  (8.8)  (15,171)  (16,321)  (7.0) 
Materials and supplies for power eletricity  (5,433)  (7,433)  (7,199)  (24.5)  (26,522)  (23,090)  14.9 
Third-party services  (28,467)  (22,557)  (29,054)  (2.0)  (104,003)  (110,090)  (5.5) 
Depreciation and amortization  (70,645)  (67,574)  (78,132)  (9.6)  (279,918)  (296,127)  (5.5) 
Provisions and reversals  318,923  (11,508)  (892,328)  -  67,715  (978,890)  - 
Construction cost  (109,803)  (62,475)  (46,601)  135.6  (287,247)  (213,042)  34.8 
Other cost a nd expenses  (64,977)  (49,088)  (47,740)  36.1  (203,760)  (170,706)  19.4 
EQUITY IN EARNINGS OF SUBSIDIARIES  (80,730)  57,802  110,549  -  187,626  350,412  (46.5) 
PROFIT BEFORE FINANCIAL RESULTS AND TAXES  610,207  244,579  (686,656)  -  1,474,746  570,381  158.6 
FINANCIAL RESULTS  (240,061)  (14,363)  21,320  -  (178,378)  129,999  - 
Financial income  (64,567)  19,589  29,569  -  75,868  165,268  (54.1) 
Financial expenses  (175,494)  (33,952)  (8,249)  -  (254,246)  (35,269)  620.9 
OPERATIONAL EXPENSES/ INCOME  370,146  230,216  (665,336)  -  1,296,368  700,380  85.1 
INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION ON PROFIT  (47,196)  (58,105)  360,918  -  (268,955)  (17,994)  - 
Income tax and s ocial contribution on profi t  5,943  (86,069)  30,902  (80.8)  (380,794)  (456,686)  (16.6) 
Deferred income tax and social contribution on profi t  (53,139)  27,964  330,016  -  111,839  438,692  (74.5) 
NET INCOME (LOSS)  322,950  172,111  (304,418)  -  1,027,413  682,386  50.6 
EBITDA  680,852  312,153  (608,524)  -  1,754,664  866,508  102.5 


* Amounts subject to rounding.





Income Statement – Copel Distribuição



Income Statement 4Q15  3Q15  4Q14  Var.%  2015  2014  Var.% 
(1)  (2)  (3)  (1/3)  (4)  (5)  (4/5) 
OPERATING REVENUES  2,363,512  2,136,489  3,019,618  (21.7)  9,580,830  8,347,036  14.8 
Electricity s ales to final customers  1,448,367  1,272,494  1,165,629  24.3  5,185,981  3,860,461  34.3 
Electricity s ales to distributors  116,721  64,491  92,332  26.4  321,346  297,652  8.0 
Use of the main distribution grid  621,635  609,793  554,408  12.1  2,220,448  2,113,863  5.0 
Construction revenue  270,166  224,453  237,644  13.7  896,924  991,356  (9.5) 
Sectorial as sets and liabilities result  (121,173)  (59,678)  1,033,866  -  858,170  1,033,866   
Other operating revenues  27,796  24,936  (64,261)  -  97,961  49,838  96.6 
OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES  (2,275,161)  (2,289,454)  (2,090,504)  8.8  (9,516,397)  (7,740,651)  22.9 
Electricity purchased for resale  (1,229,627)  (1,428,080)  (1,441,626)  (14.7)  (6,007,222)  (4,886,909)  22.9 
Charges of main transmiss ion grid  (241,733)  (160,636)  88,646  -  (706,680)  (209,066)  238.0 
Personnel and management  (260,760)  (150,365)  (237,971)  9.6  (699,891)  (633,236)  10.5 
Pension and healthcare plans  (42,129)  (40,966)  (36,569)  15.2  (165,635)  (126,961)  30.5 
Materials and supplies  (13,146)  (14,285)  (13,173)  (0.2)  (55,531)  (53,918)  3.0 
Third-party services  (91,311)  (90,274)  (84,448)  8.1  (353,773)  (289,717)  22.1 
Depreciation and amortiza tion  (60,677)  (67,508)  (56,661)  7.1  (243,645)  (221,401)  10.0 
Provisions and reversals  (58,398)  (63,559)  (16,267)  259.0  (268,736)  (185,207)  45.1 
Construction cos t  (270,166)  (224,453)  (237,644)  13.7  (896,924)  (991,356)  (9.5) 
Other cost and expenses  (7,214)  (49,328)  (54,791)  (86.8)  (118,360)  (142,880)  (17.2) 
PROFIT BEFORE FINANCIAL RESULTS AND TAXES  88,351  (152,965)  929,114  (90.5)  64,433  606,385  - 
FINANCIAL RESULTS  51,712  43,658  6,158  739.8  231,212  64,568  258.1 
Financial income  201,406  109,894  78,100  157.9  571,651  261,150  118.9 
Financial expenses  (149,694)  (66,236)  (71,942)  108.1  (340,439)  (196,582)  73.2 
OPERATIONAL EXPENSES/ INCOME  140,063  (109,307)  935,272  (85.0)  295,645  670,953  (55.9) 
INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION ON PROFIT  (32,208)  36,174  (319,846)  (89.9)  (89,591)  (233,089)  (61.6) 
Income tax and s ocial contribution on profit  (131,618)  -  2,337  -  (131,618)  -  - 
Deferred income tax a nd social contribution on profi t  99,411  36,174  (322,183)  -  42,028  (233,089)  - 
NET INCOME (LOSS)  107,855  (73,133)  615,426  (82.5)  206,054  437,864  (52.9) 
EBITDA  149,028  (85,457)  985,775  (84.9)  308,078  827,786  (62.8) 


* Amounts subject to rounding.





Income Statement– Copel Telecomunicações



Income Statement 4Q15  3Q15  4Q14  Var.%  2015  2014  Var.% 
(1)  (2)  (3)  (1/3)  (4)  (5)  (4/5) 
NET OPERATING REVENUES  68,106  71,504  61,482  10.8  272,247  213,163  27.7 
Revenues from telecommunications  63,520  61,873  48,147  31.9  238,309  195,224  22.1 
Other operating revenues  4,586  9,631  13,335  (65.6)  33,938  17,939  89.2 
OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES  (64,145)  (50,586)  (48,007)  33.6  (203,878)  (137,404)  48.4 
Personnel and management  (31,007)  (18,872)  (27,797)  11.5  (87,393)  (62,069)  40.8 
Pension and healthcare plans  (4,548)  (4,302)  (2,537)  79.3  (17,516)  (8,507)  - 
Materials and supplies  (1,136)  (692)  (557)  103.9  (2,745)  (1,551)  77.0 
Third-party services  (11,453)  (9,105)  (6,164)  85.8  (35,900)  (21,530)  66.7 
Depreciation and amortiza tion  (8,422)  (8,087)  (7,220)  16.6  (31,510)  (28,277)  11.4 
Provisions and reversals  (886)  (1,441)  (496)  78.6  (4,729)  (3,036)  55.8 
Other cost and expenses  (6,693)  (8,087)  (3,236)  106.8  (24,085)  (12,434)  93.7 
PROFIT BEFORE FINANCIAL RESULTS AND TAXES  3,961  20,918  13,475  (70.6)  68,369  75,759  (9.8) 
FINANCIAL RESULTS  (1,515)  453  211  -  (520)  2,922  - 
Income tax and social contribution on profit  3,695  949  1,230  200.4  5,939  4,508  31.7 
Deferred income tax and social contribution on profit  (5,210)  (496)  (1,019)  411.3  (6,459)  (1,586)  307.3 
OPERATIONAL EXPENSES / INCOME  2,446  21,371  13,686  (82.1)  67,849  78,681  (13.8) 
INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION ON PROFIT  8,770  (7,112)  1,902  361.1  (13,205)  (20,097)  (34.3) 
Income tax and social contribution on profit  8,763  (8,616)  570  -  (15,556)  (22,350)  (30.4) 
Deferred income tax and social contribution on profit  7  1,504  1,332  (99.4)  2,351  2,253  - 
NET INCOME (LOSS)  11,216  14,259  15,588  (28.0)  54,644  58,584  (6.7) 
EBITDA  12,383  29,005  20,695  (40.2)  99,879  104,036  (4.0) 


* Amounts subject to rounding.






Exhibit III – Financial Statements by Company

Balance Sheet by Company


 Assets - Dec-15

Geração e 












CURRENT  1,334,755  4,155,554  179,898  103,579  75,004  674,778  233,072  793,344  (616,587)  6,933,397 
Cas h a nd ca s h e quivalents  654,438  416,086  122,667  29,321  41,655  132,854  58,053  25,653  -  1,480,727 
Bonds a nd s ecurities  11,826  165  -  -  -  329,747  64,368  168  -  406,274 
Collaterals and es crow accounts  -  1,717  -  151  -  -  -  132  -  2,000 
Cus tomers  397,151  2,353,136  25,486  62,125  21,187  186,707  32,530  -  (45,495)  3,032,827 
Dividends receivable  93,645  -  -  -  -  -  12,079  488,187  (553,566)  40,345 
CRC trans ferred to the State Government of Pa raná  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  111,663  -  111,663 
Sectorial financia l a s sets  -  910,759  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  910,759 
Account receiva ble related to concess ion  9,162  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  9,162 
Accounts receivable related to the conces sion compens ation  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
Other current receivables  109,590  272,652  4,278  714  2,951  24,422  49,950  13,018  (2,686)  474,889 
Inventories  26,773  89,343  12,784  2,118  -  -  -  -  -  131,018 
Income tax a nd s ocial contribution  -  20,592  10,864  7,088  -  -  1,624  154,076  -  194,244 
Other current recoverable taxes  14,214  49,988  3,768  1,632  -  1,048  75  -  -  70,725 
Prepa id expens es  17,956  21,634  51  430  9,211  -  -  -  -  49,282 
Related parties  -  19,482  -  -  -  -  14,393  447  (14,840)  19,482 
NON-CURRENT  10,701,929  6,559,712  589,419  377,724  668,250  373,729  1,700,975  16,160,380  (15,117,858)  22,014,260 
Long Term Assets  1,436,140  1,426,826  59,031  71,016  46,070  680  85,597  2,016,306  (189,874)  4,951,792 
Bonds a nd s ecurities  83,361  1,289  -  6,467  -  -  -  -  -  91,117 
Colla terals a nd es crow a ccounts  -  86,137  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  86,137 
Cus tomers  2,055  40,676  32,331  -  -  -  -  -  -  75,062 
CRC transferred to the Sta te Government of Paraná  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  1,271,579  -  1,271,579 
Judicial deposits  59,885  352,712  7,775  31,254  52  680  157  267,412  -  719,927 
Sectoral financia l a s sets  -  134,903  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  134,903 
Account receivable related to concess ion  920,673  424,140  -  13,638  -  -  -  -  -  1,358,451 
Accounts receivable rela ted to the conces sion extension  219,556  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  219,556 
Other receivables  12,531  19,083  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  31,614 
Income tax a nd s ocial contribution  573  14,969  -  -  -  -  -  79,144  -  94,686 
Other recoverable taxes  69,351  307,152  13,262  19,504  27,373  -  -  100,920  -  537,562 
Deferred income ta x a nd s ocial contribution  61,460  45,765  5,663  -  -  -  -  14  -  112,902 
Receivables from s ubs idia ries  6,695  -  -  153  18,645  -  -  -  -  25,493 
Prepa id Expens es  -  -  -  -  -  -  85,440  297,237  (189,874)  192,803 
Investments  2,979,400  1,374  -  -  -  -  447,619  14,140,573  (15,344,256)  2,224,710 
Property, Plant and Equipment, net  6,208,220  -  512,068  -  431,693  372,728  1,167,518  455  -  8,692,682 
Intangible Assets  78,169  5,131,512  18,320  306,708  190,487  321  241  3,046  416,272  6,145,076 
TOTAL  12,036,684  10,715,266  769,317  481,303  743,254  1,048,507  1,934,047  16,953,724  (15,734,445)  28,947,657 
¹ Wind Fa rms , Copel Renováveis a nd Copel Participa ções



* Amounts subject to rounding.




Assets - Dec-14   Geração e Transmissão Distribuição  Telecom  Compagas  Elejor  UEG Araucária Outras¹  Holding   Elimin. e Reclassif. Consolidado 
CURRENT  1,026,296  2,638,378  64,482  323,872  51,471  815,529  278,806  607,025  (587,683)  5,218,176 
Ca sh a nd cas h equiva lents  155,865  160,417  5,820  99,424  28,732  2,962  252,049  34,862  -  740,131 
Bonds a nd s ecurities  117,593  3  -  -  -  341,367  -  152  -  459,115 
Collaterals and escrow a ccounts  2,200  38  -  1,695  -  -  9,564  -  -  13,497 
Customers  262,164  1,387,792  33,295  182,491  20,885  470,268  7,989  -  (186,068)  2,178,816 
Dividends receivable  34,850  -  -  -  -  -  5,873  383,866  (398,257)  26,332 
CRC trans ferred to the State Government of Pa raná  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  94,579  -  94,579 
Sectoria l fi nancial as s ets  -  609,298  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  609,298 
Account receivabl e rela ted to conces sion  7,430  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  7,430 
Accounts receiva ble related to the conces sion compens ati on  301,046  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  301,046 
Other current receiva bles  94,545  302,782  3,494  359  1,740  932  193  12,695  (922)  415,818 
Inventories  29,389  101,399  17,684  2,150  -  -  -  -  -  150,622 
Income ta x and social contribution  239  18,814  667  3,950  -  -  2,492  78,912  -  105,074 
Other current recoverable taxes  17,629  41,642  3,464  33,541  -  -  9  -  -  96,285 
Prepa id expens es  3,346  16,193  58  262  114  -  126  34  -  20,133 
Receivables from s ubsi dia ries  -  -  -  -  -  -  511  1,925  (2,436)  - 
NON-CURRENT  8,740,125  6,385,321  525,065  310,349  668,150  421,309  1,337,236  15,027,703  (13,015,292)  20,399,966 
Long Term Assets  1,083,981  5,169,397  65,448  40,343  28,705  229  13,966  1,944,523  (85,120)  8,261,472 
Bonds and s ecurities  130,137  2,073  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  132,210 
Colla terals a nd es crow accounts  -  56,956  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  56,956 
Cus tomers  3,795  41,859  30,042  -  -  -  -  -  -  75,696 
CRC trans ferred to the State Government of Paraná  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  1,249,529  -  1,249,529 
Judicia l deposi ts  52,859  398,877  5,499  4,779  31  229  43  273,936  -  736,253 
Sectoria l fi nancial as s ets  -  431,846  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  431,846 
Account receivable rela ted to conces s ion  623,590  3,792,476  -  1,920  -  -  -  -  -  4,417,986 
Accounts receivabl e rela ted to the conces s ion extens ion  160,218  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  160,218 
Other receiva bles  62,427  18,899  -  3,695  -  -  -  303  -  85,324 
Income ta x and social contribution  545  13,875  -  -  -  -  -  114,195  -  128,615 
Other recoverable taxes  -  360,050  23,885  15,211  28,674  -  -  98,226  -  526,046 
Deferred i ncome tax and s ocia l contri buti on  50,410  52,486  6,022  14,563  -  -  -  -  -  123,481 
Adva nces to suppliers  -  -  -  175  -  -  -  -  -  175 
Receivables from s ubsi dia ries  -  -  -  -  -  -  13,923  208,334  (85,120)  137,137 
Investments  1,569,251  1,374  -  -  -  -  363,624  13,079,795  (13,353,894)  1,660,150 
Property, Plant and Equipment, net  6,030,574  -  443,690  -  449,936  420,948  958,717  323  -  8,304,188 
Intangible Assets  56,319  1,214,550  15,927  270,006  189,509  132  929  3,062  423,722  2,174,156 
TOTAL  9,766,421  9,023,699  589,547  634,221  719,621  1,236,838  1,616,042  15,634,728  (13,602,975)  25,618,142 
¹ Wind Farms , Copel Renováveis a nd Copel Pa rticipações



* Amounts subject to rounding.







Liabilities -Dec-15   Geração e Transmissão Distribuição  Telecom  Compagas  Elejor  UEG Araucária  Other¹  Holding  Eliminations  Consolidated 
CURRENT  1,350,330  2,653,747  45,203  137,886  165,641  173,421  438,142  442,214  (617,466)  4,789,118 
Social charges and a ccruals  54,234  158,281  20,105  7,063  240  195  2,846  15,437  -  258,401 
Associated companies a nd parent company  -  -  -  -  -  -  14,839  -  (14,839)  - 
Suppliers  395,038  988,683  11,062  98,100  4,551  9,712  151,553  2,601  (48,174)  1,613,126 
Income Tax and Social Contribution payable  177,269  65,632  -  -  19,798  47,138  2,079  -  -  311,916 
Other taxes  108,289  182,658  3,833  7,858  1,793  751  3,150  32,616  -  340,948 
Loans and financing  111,910  101,141  5,914  -  -  -  28,692  61,788  (887)  308,558 
Debentures  95,580  523,967  1,778  18,878  40,490  -  223,815  19,497  -  924,005 
Dividends payable  292,813  133,950  -  5,479  34,093  115,359  7,857  310,022  (553,566)  346,007 
Post employme nt benefits  11,041  30,722  1,521  -  -  -  18  21  -  43,323 
Customer charges due  16,036  261,422  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  277,458 
Research a nd development and energy efficiency  49,321  113,524  -  -  4,900  136  -  -  -  167,881 
Payables related to concession - Use of Public Property  3,839  -  -  -  57,947  -  -  -  -  61,786 
Other accounts payable  34,960  93,767  990  508  1,829  130  3,293  232  -  135,709 
NON-CURRENT  3,780,935  2,457,846  227,140  47,696  503,612  16,847  480,024  2,265,783  (205,822)  9,574,061 
Associated companies a nd parent company  -  -  11,900  -  -  -  90,368  -  (102,268)  - 
Suppliers  5,923  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  5,923 
Deferred i ncome tax and social contribution  -  -  -  -  -  -  214  -  -  214 
Tax liabilities  170,690  79,343  4,765  -  -  841  168  1,466  -  257,273 
Loans and financing  1,732,304  770,722  21,624  -  -  -  377,987  969,412  (103,547)  3,768,502 
Debentures  995,175  499,411  160,380  37,341  71,026  -  -  996,590  -  2,759,923 
Post-employment benefits  152,831  365,049  19,849  4,221  -  -  1,592  7,795  -  551,337 
Research a nd development and energy efficiency  50,665  164,441  -  -  -  16,006  -  -  -  231,112 
Payables related to the concession - Use of Pub.Property  41,293  -  -  -  432,586  -  -  -  -  473,879 
Other payables  15,865  -  -  5,409  -  -  9,695  -  (7)  30,962 
Tax, social security, labor and civil provisions  616,189  578,880  8,622  725  -  -  -  290,520  -  1,494,936 
EQUITY  6,905,419  5,603,673  496,974  295,721  74,001  858,239  1,015,881  14,245,727  (14,911,157)  14,584,478 
Attributable to controlling shareholders  6,905,419  5,603,673  496,974  295,721  74,001  858,239  1,015,881  14,245,727  (15,249,907)  14,245,728 
Capital  4,334,865  3,342,841  304,198  220,966  35,503  707,439  644,032  6,910,000  (9,589,844)  6,910,000 
Advance for Future Capital Increase  95,033  834,000  -  -  -  -  408,734  -  (1,337,767)  - 
Equity valuation adjustments  1,072,427  75,990  8,308  (538)  256  -  7,939  1,177,372  (1,164,382)  1,177,372 
Legal Reserves  382,668  167,490  14,754  22,391  7,101  35,441  1,847  744,783  (631,691)  744,784 
Retained earnigs  867,876  1,052,826  145,513  52,902  31,141  -  26,477  5,413,572  (2,176,735)  5,413,572 
Additional proposed dividends  152,550  130,526  24,201  -  -  115,359  96  -  (422,732)  - 
Accrued earnings (losses)  -  -  -  -  -  -  (73,244)  -  73,244  - 
Attributable to noncontrolling interests  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  338,750  338,750 
TOTAL  12,036,684  10,715,266  769,317  481,303  743,254  1,048,507  1,934,047  16,953,724  (15,734,445)  28,947,657 
¹ Wind Farms , Copel Renováveis a nd Copel Participações                     




* Amounts subject to rounding.




Liabilities -Dec-14   Geração e Transmissão Distribuição  Telecom  Compagas  Elejor  UEG Araucária  Other¹  Holding  Eliminations  Consolidated 
CURRENT  991,913  1,908,606  85,705  286,277  124,950  275,907  587,559  394,003  (599,527)  4,055,393 
Social charges and accruals  50,688  160,423  20,189  6,044  223  157  2,101  12,793  -  252,618 
As sociated companies and parent company  -  -  -  -  -  -  13,684  -  (13,684)  - 
Suppliers  312,340  843,512  19,733  252,541  21,429  147,332  175,221  2,087  (186,990)  1,587,205 
Income Tax and Social Contribution payable  221,609  -  -  -  117  85,254  459  2,442  -  309,881 
Other taxes  31,688  77,572  6,682  3,915  1,632  9,198  1,045  5,597  -  137,329 
Loans and financing  86,750  405,235  5,737  -  -  -  20,747  349,753  (596)  867,626 
Debentures  -  20,088  -  5,134  40,490  -  350,332  15,447  -  431,491 
Dividends payable  202,617  124,791  31,300  15,545  4,556  31,335  3,980  3,824  (398,257)  19,691 
Post employment benefits  9,538  26,548  1,313  -  -  -  5  -  -  37,404 
Customer charges due  6,791  16,442  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  23,233 
Research and development and energy efficiency  40,210  129,293  -  -  3,992  2,477  -  -  -  175,972 
Payables related to conces sion - Use of Public Property  3,508  -  -  -  51,447  -  -  -  -  54,955 
Other payables  26,174  104,702  751  3,098  1,064  154  19,985  2,060  -  157,988 
NON-CURRENT  2,289,930  2,785,518  86,685  69,918  509,855  8,857  429,346  1,910,036  (210,176)  7,879,969 
As sociated companies and parent company  -  -  -  -  -  -  139,575  -  (139,575)  - 
Suppliers  14,249  3,376  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  17,625 
Ta x liabilities  12,331  -  -  -  -  -  2,887  -  -  15,218 
Deferred income tax and social contribution  18,635  63,952  3,673  -  -  -  49  820  -  87,129 
Loans and financing  1,233,946  517,804  27,431  -  -  -  284,081  608,663  (70,601)  2,601,324 
Debentures  -  998,949  -  48,420  111,550  -  -  995,038  -  2,153,957 
Post-employment benefits  218,812  576,575  50,277  4,844  -  -  2,510  8,196  -  861,214 
Research and development and energy efficiency  49,152  101,783  -  -  -  8,857  -  -  -  159,792 
Payables related to the concession - Use of Public Property  38,868  -  -  -  397,904  -  -  -  -  436,772 
Other payables  62  -  -  -  -  -  244  -  -  306 
Ta x, social security, labor and civil provisions  703,875  523,079  5,304  16,654  401  -  -  297,319  -  1,546,632 
EQUITY  6,484,578  4,329,575  417,157  278,026  84,816  952,074  599,138  13,330,689  (12,793,273)  13,682,780 
Attributable to controlling shareholders  6,484,578  4,329,575  417,157  278,026  84,816  952,074  599,138  13,330,689  (13,145,364)  13,330,689 
Capital  3,505,994  2,624,841  240,398  135,943  35,503  707,440  599,431  6,910,000  (7,849,550)  6,910,000 
Advance for Future Capital Increase  -  603,000  36,100  -  -  -  8,000  -  (647,100)  - 
Capital Reserves  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
Equity valuation adjustments  1,104,327  (108,279)  (16,876)  (1,548)  256  -  (2,016)  976,964  (975,864)  976,964 
Legal Reserves  331,298  157,187  12,022  21,238  5,500  23,299  1,331  685,147  (551,875)  685,147 
Retained earnigs  1,324,415  1,052,826  145,513  122,393  43,557  177,670  18,270  4,516,825  (2,884,644)  4,516,825 
Additional proposed dividends  218,544  -  -  -  -  43,665  -  241,753  (262,209)  241,753 
Accrued earnings (losses)  -  -  -  -  -  -  (25,878)  -  25,878  - 
Attributable to noncontrolling interests  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  352,091  352,091 
TOTAL  9,766,421  9,023,699  589,547  634,221  719,621  1,236,838  1,616,043  15,634,728  (13,602,976)  25,618,142 
¹ Wind Farms, Copel Renováveis and Copel Participações

* Amounts subject to rounding.




Income Statement by Company


Income Statement 2015  Geração e Transmissão                   










 Elimin. e Reclassif.


NET OPERATING INCOME  2,389,361  501,387  9,580,830  272,247  1,390,786  237,719  1,434,181  202,936  -  (1,281,316)  14,728,131 
Electricity s ales to final customers  565,378  -  5,185,981  -  -  -  -  -  -  (4,439)  5,746,920 
Electricity s ales to dis tributors  1,795,910  -  321,346  -  -  237,719  1,434,177  202,938  -  (284,649)  3,707,441 
Use of the main distribution and transmission grid (TUSD/ TUST)  -  252,315  2,220,448  -  -  -  -  -  -  (84,258)  2,388,505 
Construction revenue  -  232,567  896,924  -  66,833  -  -  -  -  -  1,196,324 
Telecommunications  -  -  -  238,309  -  -  -  -  -  (28,382)  209,927 
Distribution of piped gas  -  -  -  -  1,323,953  -  -  -  -  (797,554)  526,399 
Sectoral assets and liabilities result  -  -  858,170  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  858,170 
Other operating revenues  28,073  16,505  97,961  33,938  -  -  4  (2)  -  (82,034)  94,445 
OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES  (1,209,612)  (394,015)  (9,516,397)  (203,878)  (1,360,357)  (61,638)  (1,120,472)  (199,692)  (127,303)  1,281,426  (12,911,938) 
Energy purchased for resale  (195,003)  -  (6,007,222)  -  -  -  -  (114,679)  -  283,988  (6,032,916) 
Charges of the main distribution and trans miss ion grid  (253,225)  -  (706,680)  -  -  (9,863)  (20,192)  (11,380)  -  81,552  (919,788) 
Personnel and management  (169,389)  (79,873)  (699,891)  (87,393)  (30,715)  (2,956)  (2,427)  (19,541)  (76,665)  -  (1,168,850) 
Private pension and health plans  (38,754)  (18,477)  (165,635)  (17,516)  (3,264)  -  (280)  (1,920)  (8,481)  -  (254,327) 
Materials  (11,772)  (3,399)  (55,531)  (2,745)  (1,937)  (286)  (301)  (189)  (542)  -  (76,702) 
Raw material and supplies - energy production  (26,522)  -  -  -  -  -  (970,157)  -  -  797,356  (199,323) 
Natural gas and supplies for gas business  -  -  -  -  (1,176,090)  -  -  -  -  -  (1,176,090) 
Third-party services  (83,527)  (20,476)  (353,773)  (35,900)  (20,282)  (11,027)  (83,075)  (8,237)  (13,834)  110,628  (519,503) 
Depreciation and amortiza tion  (276,519)  (3,399)  (243,645)  (31,510)  (21,532)  (26,839)  (30,223)  (36,196)  (6,609)  -  (676,472) 
Provis ions and revers als  32,654  35,061  (268,736)  (4,729)  (8,293)  401  -  (8)  2,814  7  (210,829) 
Construction cost  -  (287,247)  (896,924)  -  (66,833)  -  -  -  -  -  (1,251,004) 
Other operating costs and expenses  (187,555)  (16,205)  (118,360)  (24,085)  (31,411)  (11,068)  (13,817)  (7,542)  (23,986)  7,895  (426,134) 
EQUITY IN EARNINGS OF SUBSIDIARIES  164,773  22,853  -  -  -  -  -  9,674  1,385,624  (1,490,379)  92,545 
OPERATIONAL EXPENSES / INCOME  1,344,522  130,225  64,433  68,369  30,429  176,081  313,709  12,918  1,258,321  (1,490,269)  1,908,738 
FINANCIAL RESULTS  (201,993)  23,615  231,212  (520)  1,758  (108,490)  49,845  (37,534)  (68,754)  (97)  (110,958) 
Income tax and social contribution on profit  42,670  33,198  571,651  5,939  15,656  2,928  54,107  18,066  245,347  (2,222)  987,340 
Deferred income tax a nd social contribution on profit  (244,663)  (9,583)  (340,439)  (6,459)  (13,898)  (111,418)  (4,262)  (55,600)  (314,101)  2,125  (1,098,298) 
EARNINGS BEFORE INCOME TAXES  1,142,529  153,840  295,645  67,849  32,187  67,591  363,554  (24,616)  1,189,567  (1,490,366)  1,797,780 
INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION ON PROFIT  (237,989)  (30,966)  (89,591)  (13,205)  (9,119)  (24,469)  (120,692)  (9,369)  3,171  -  (532,229) 
NET INCOME  904,540  122,874  206,054  54,644  23,068  43,122  242,862  (33,985)  1,192,738  (1,490,366)  1,265,551 
Attributed to controlling shareholders  904,540  122,874  206,054  54,644  11,765  30,185  194,289  (33,985)  1,192,738  -  1,192,738 
Attributed to non-controlling interest  -  -  -  -  11,303  12,937  48,573  -  -  -  72,813 
EBITDA  1,621,041  133,624  308,078  99,879  51,961  202,920  343,932  49,114  1,264,930  (1,490,269)  2,585,210 
¹ Wind Farms, Copel Renováveis and Copel Participações




* Amounts subject to rounding.






Income Statement 2014  Geração e Transmissão                   











 Elimin. e Reclassif.


NET OPERATING INCOME  2,535,329  413,348  8,347,036  213,163  1,748,045  241,205  2,134,822  19,301  -  (1,733,732)  13,918,517 
Electricity sales to fi nal cus tomers  513,239  -  3,860,461  -  -  -  -  -  -  (2,547)  4,371,153 
Electricity sales to distributors  1,986,217  -  297,652  -  -  241,204  2,129,536  19,298  -  (303,115)  4,370,792 
Use of the main dis tribution and trans mi ssion grid (TUSD/ TUST)  -  197,563  2,113,863  -  -  -  -  -  -  (73,956)  2,237,470 
Construction revenue  -  206,150  991,356  -  81,504  -  -  -  -  -  1,279,010 
Telecommunications  -  -  -  195,224  -  -  -  -  -  (29,763)  165,461 
Distribution of piped gas  -  -  -  -  1,664,586  -  -  -  -  (1,273,301)  391,285 
Sectoral assets and liabilities result  -  -                   
Other operating revenues  35,873  9,635  49,838  17,939  1,955  1  5,286  3  -  (51,050)  69,480 
OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES  (2,336,521)  (392,187)  (7,740,651)  (137,404)  (1,664,860)  (134,835)  (1,514,198)  (24,424)  (140,208)  1,733,855  (12,351,433) 
Energy purchas ed for resale  (417,334)  -  (4,886,909)  -  -  (79,553)  -  -  -  303,202  (5,080,594) 
Charges of the main distribution and transmiss ion grid  (223,274)  -  (209,066)  -  -  (7,390)  (16,409)  (53)  -  71,346  (384,846) 
Personnel and management  (150,392)  (77,138)  (633,236)  (62,069)  (25,892)  (2,648)  (1,763)  (11,320)  (88,353)  -  (1,052,811) 
Private pension and health plans  (38,168)  (14,136)  (126,961)  (8,507)  (2,093)  -  (123)  (975)  (10,579)  -  (201,542) 
Materials  (12,457)  (3,864)  (53,918)  (1,551)  (1,410)  (161)  (160)  (444)  (470)  -  (74,435) 
Raw material and supplies - energy production  (23,090)  -  -  -  -  -  (1,401,057)  -  -  1,273,299  (150,848) 
Na tural gas and supplies for gas business  -  -  -  -  (1,469,842)  -  -  -  -  -  (1,469,842) 
Third-party services  (89,720)  (20,370)  (289,717)  (21,530)  (19,374)  (8,243)  (50,098)  (3,116)  (6,591)  84,295  (424,464) 
Depreciation and amortization  (288,137)  (7,990)  (221,401)  (28,277)  (16,921)  (26,828)  (34,467)  (5,167)  (755)  -  (629,943) 
Provisions and reversals  (941,248)  (37,642)  (185,207)  (3,036)  (15,864)  (101)  -  -  (20,584)  -  (1,203,682) 
Construction cost  -  (213,042)  (991,356)  -  (81,504)  -  -  -  -  -  (1,285,902) 
Other operating cos ts and expenses  (152,701)  (18,005)  (142,880)  (12,434)  (31,960)  (9,911)  (10,121)  (3,349)  (12,876)  1,713  (392,524) 
EQUITY IN EARNINGS OF SUBSIDIARIES  282,993  67,419  -  -  -  -  -  5,613  1,410,276  (1,606,346)  159,955 
PROFIT BEFORE FINANCIAL RESULTS AND TAXES  481,801  88,580  606,385  75,759  83,185  106,370  620,624  490  1,270,068  (1,606,223)  1,727,039 
FINANCIAL RESULTS  48,768  81,231  64,568  2,922  1,832  (77,506)  28,648  11,808  (31,554)  (125)  130,592 
Income tax and s ocial contribution on profi t  83,388  81,880  261,150  4,508  7,008  3,608  34,062  17,873  202,208  (1,790)  693,895 
Deferred income tax and social contribution on profi t  (34,620)  (649)  (196,582)  (1,586)  (5,176)  (81,114)  (5,414)  (6,065)  (233,762)  1,665  (563,303) 
EARNINGS BEFORE INCOME TAXES  530,569  169,811  670,953  78,681  85,017  28,864  649,272  12,298  1,238,514  (1,606,348)  1,857,631 
INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION ON PROFIT  7,883  (25,877)  (233,089)  (20,097)  (24,651)  (9,679)  (177,617)  (6,325)  (32,564)  -  (522,016) 
NET INCOME  538,452  143,934  437,864  58,584  60,366  19,185  471,655  5,973  1,205,950  (1,606,348)  1,335,615 
Attributed to controlling s hareholders  538,452  143,934  437,864  58,584  30,787  13,429  377,325  5,973  1,205,950  -  1,205,950 
Attributed to non-controlling interes t  -  -  -  -  29,579  5,756  94,330  -  -  -  129,665 
EBITDA  769,938  96,570  827,786  104,036  100,106  133,198  655,091  5,657  1,270,823  (1,606,223)  2,356,982 
¹ Wind Farms, Copel Renováveis and Copel Participações          -    -         





* Amounts subject to rounding.





Income Statement 4Q15   Geração e Transmissão Distribuição  Telecom  Compagas  Elejor  UEG Araucária  Other¹  Holding  Eliminations  Consolidated 
NET OPERATING INCOME  726,294  2,363,512  68,106  162,575  62,376  27,355  82,435  -  (155,650)  3,337,003 
Electricity sales to final customers  141,045  1,448,367  -  -  -  -  -  -  (1,236)  1,588,176 
Electricity sales to distributors  405,061  116,721  -  -  62,376  27,355  82,437  -  (72,325)  621,625 
Use of the main distribution and transmission grid (TUSD/TUST)  72,710  621,635  -  -  -  -  -  -  (23,191)  671,154 
Construction revenue  95,785  270,166  -  6,695  -  -  -  -  -  372,646 
Telecommunications  -  -  63,520  -  -  -  -  -  (7,276)  56,244 
Distribution of piped gas  -  -  -  155,880  -  -  -  -  (31,001)  124,879 
Sectorial assets and l iabilities result  -  (121,173)  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  (121,173) 
Other operating revenues  11,693  27,796  4,586  -  -  -  (2)  -  (20,621)  23,452 
OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES  (35,356)  (2,275,161)  (64,145)  (160,182)  28,836  (91,245)  (30,198)  (18,008)  151,628  (2,493,831) 
Energy purchased for resale  97,267  (1,229,627)  -  -  44,801  -  (2,390)  -  72,292  (1,017,657) 
Charges of the main distribution and transmission grid  (66,994)  (241,733)  -  -  (2,381)  (5,415)  (3,473)  -  23,675  (296,321) 
Personnel and management  (87,039)  (260,760)  (31,007)  (7,627)  (737)  (623)  (6,081)  (27,316)  -  (421,190) 
Private pension and health plans  (14,540)  (42,129)  (4,548)  (1,580)  -  (84)  (455)  (2,382)  -  (65,718) 
Materials  (3,648)  (13,146)  (1,136)  (609)  (64)  (128)  (46)  (126)  -  (18,903) 
Raw material and supplies - energy production  (5,433)  -  -  -  -  (35,679)  -  -  29,809  (11,303) 
Natural gas and supplies for gas business  -  -  -  (122,013)  -  -  -  -  -  (122,013) 
Third-party services  (28,467)  (91,311)  (11,453)  (7,532)  (2,734)  (39,380)  (3,529)  (4,799)  27,666  (161,539) 
Depreciation and amortization  (70,645)  (60,677)  (8,422)  (6,019)  (6,711)  (5,391)  (13,007)  (2,245)  -  (173,117) 
Provisions and reversals  318,923  (58,398)  (886)  7,534  -  -  (8)  23,097  (3,952)  286,310 
Construction cost  (109,803)  (270,166)  -  (6,695)  -  -  -  -  -  (386,664) 
Other operating costs and expenses  (64,977)  (7,214)  (6,693)  (15,641)  (3,338)  (4,545)  (1,209)  (4,237)  2,138  (105,716) 
EQUITY IN EARNINGS OF SUBSIDIARIES  (80,730)  -  -  -  -  -  22,640  493,145  (493,411)  (58,356) 
PROFIT BEFORE FINANCIAL RESULTS AND TAXES  610,208  88,351  3,961  2,393  91,212  (63,890)  74,877  475,137  (497,433)  784,816 
FINANCIAL RESULTS  (240,061)  51,712  (1,515)  732  (33,522)  8,108  (13,181)  (37,559)  75  (265,211) 
Financial income  (64,567)  201,406  3,695  8,266  1,100  8,547  7,886  73,519  (1,238)  238,614 
Financial expenses  (175,494)  (149,694)  (5,210)  (7,534)  (34,622)  (439)  (21,067)  (111,078)  1,313  (503,825) 
OPERATIONAL EXPENSES / INCOME  370,147  140,063  2,446  3,125  57,690  (55,782)  61,696  437,578  (497,358)  519,605 
INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION ON PROFIT  (47,196)  (32,208)  8,770  1,504  (20,614)  20,278  (6,271)  (41,756)  -  (117,493) 
Income tax and social contribution on profit  5,943  (131,618)  8,763  (3,185)  (20,290)  20,278  5,985  -  -  266,670 
Deferred income tax and social contribution on profit  (53,139)  99,410  7  4,689  (324)  -  (2,887)  (41,756)  -  (105,839) 
NET INCOME  322,951  107,855  11,216  4,629  37,076  (35,504)  55,425  395,822  (497,358)  402,112 
Attributed to controlling shareholders  (704,463)  107,855  11,216  2,361  25,953  (28,403)  55,425  395,822  -  395,822 
Attributed to non-controlling interest  -  -  -  2,268  11,123  (7,101)  -  -  -  6,290 
EBITDA  680,853  149,028  12,383  8,412  97,923  (58,499)  87,884  477,382  (497,433)  957,933 
¹ Wind Farms, Copel Renováveis and Copel Participações

* Amounts subject to rounding.






Income Statement 4Q14   Geração e Transmissão Distribuição  Telecom  Compagas  Elejor  UEG Araucária  Other¹  Holding  Eliminations  Consolidated 
NET OPERATING INCOME  654,245  3,019,618  61,482  477,651  59,033  625,920  19,301  -  (454,863)  4,462,387 
Electricity sales to final customers  133,881  1,165,629  -  -  -  -  -  -  (728)  1,298,782 
Electricity sales to distributors  414,527  92,332  -  -  59,032  625,920  19,298  -  (79,252)  1,131,857 
Us e of the main distribution and transmission grid (TUSD/TUST)  53,181  554,408  -  -  -  -  -  -  (18,843)  588,746 
Construction revenue  39,446  237,644  -  29,924  -  -  -  -  -  307,014 
Telecommunications  -  -  48,147  -  -  -  -  -  (4,869)  43,278 
Distribution of piped gas  -  -  -  447,727  -  -  -  -  (328,829)  118,898 
Sectoral assets and liabilities result                     
Other operating revenues  13,210  (64,261)  13,335  -  1  -  3  -  (22,342)  (60,054) 
OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES  (1,451,450)  (2,090,504)  (48,007)  (466,086)  (53,983)  (415,944)  (16,754)  (46,095)  454,872  (4,133,951) 
Energy purchased for resale  (192,048)  (1,441,626)  -  -  (40,772)  -  -  -  79,342  (1,595,104) 
Charges of the main distribution and transmission grid  (58,734)  88,646  -  -  (1,447)  (4,495)  (53)  -  17,098  41,015 
Personnel and management  (80,789)  (237,971)  (27,797)  (6,629)  (652)  (673)  (5,373)  (21,303)  -  (381,187) 
Private pension and health plans  (14,825)  (36,569)  (2,537)  (618)  -  (59)  (427)  (2,134)  -  (57,169) 
Materials  (4,000)  (13,173)  (557)  (79)  (37)  (61)  (438)  (117)  -  (18,462) 
Raw material and supplies - energy production  (7,199)  -  -  -  -  (379,626)  -  -  328,403  (58,422) 
Natural gas and supplies for gas business  -  -  -  (409,256)  -  -  -  -  -  (409,256) 
Third-party services  (29,054)  (84,448)  (6,164)  (5,017)  (1,741)  (15,645)  (2,882)  (2,462)  28,209  (119,204) 
Depreciation and amortization  (78,132)  (56,661)  (7,220)  (4,758)  (6,709)  (8,642)  (5,166)  (190)  -  (167,478) 
Provisions and reversals  (892,328)  (16,267)  (496)  (26)  -  -  72  (18,724)  -  (927,769) 
Construction cost  (46,601)  (237,644)  -  (29,924)  -  -  -  -  -  (314,169) 
Other operating costs and expenses  (47,740)  (54,791)  (3,236)  (9,779)  (2,625)  (6,743)  (2,487)  (1,165)  1,820  (126,746) 
EQUITY IN EARNINGS OF SUBSIDIARIES  110,549  -  -  -  -  -  5,613  377,776  (454,034)  39,904 
PROFIT BEFORE FINANCIAL RESULTS AND TAXES  (686,656)  929,114  13,475  11,565  5,050  209,976  8,160  331,681  (454,025)  368,340 
FINANCIAL RESULTS  21,320  6,158  211  421  (23,845)  15,014  2,511  (28,079)  (10)  (6,299) 
Financial income  29,569  78,100  1,230  2,292  722  15,322  8,392  59,233  (17)  194,843 
Financial expenses  (8,249)  (71,942)  (1,019)  (1,871)  (24,567)  (308)  (5,881)  (87,312)  7  (201,142) 
OPERATIONAL EXPENSES / INCOME  (665,336)  935,272  13,686  11,986  (18,795)  224,990  10,671  303,602  (454,035)  362,041 
INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION ON PROFIT  360,918  (319,846)  1,902  963  6,519  (70,267)  (5,023)  (66,344)  -  (91,178) 
NET INCOME  (304,418)  615,426  15,588  12,949  (12,276)  154,723  5,648  237,258  (454,035)  270,863 
Attributed to controlling shareholders  (304,418)  615,426  15,588  6,604  (8,594)  123,780  5,648  237,258  -  237,258 
Attributed to non-controlling interest  -  -  -  6,345  (3,682)  30,943  -  -  -  33,605 
EBITDA  (608,524)  985,775  20,695  16,323  11,759  218,618  13,326  331,871  (454,025)  535,818 
¹ Wind Farms , Copel Renováveis and Copel Participações
* Amounts subject to rounding.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: March 21, 2016
/S/  Luiz Fernando Leone Vianna
Luiz Fernando Leone Vianna
Chief Executive Officer

This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.