EX-99.1 2 v467023_ex99-1.htm EXHIBIT 99.1


Exhibit 99.1


Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.






This announcement is made regarding the operating data for April 2017 of the Group to be published on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.


The relevant key operating data was calculated based on the internal statistics of the Group, which may differ from the data disclosed in the relative periodic reports. Investors are hereby reminded of the risks which may result from inappropriate reliance upon or utilization of the relevant information.


This announcement is made regarding the operating data for April 2017 of China Southern Airlines Company Limited (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Group”) to be published on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.


In April 2017, passenger capacity (measured by available seat kilometres (“ASK”)) of the Group increased by 7.45% as compared to the same period last year (a year-on-year (“YoY”) basis). Of which, passenger capacity for domestic routes increased by 7.25%, passenger capacity on regional routes decreased by 15.01% and passenger capacity for international routes increased by 9.32%, respectively as compared to the same period last year. Compared to the same period last year, passenger traffic (measured by revenue passenger kilometres (“RPK”)) increased by 8.74%. Of which, passenger traffic for domestic routes increased by 9.44%, passenger traffic on regional routes decreased by 17.16% and passenger traffic on international routes increased by 8.51%, respectively as compared to the same period last year. The passenger load factor was 82.68%, representing an increase of 0.98 percentage point as compared to the same period last year. Of which, the passenger load factor for domestic route increased 1.66 percentage points, passenger load factor for regional and international routes decreased 1.96 percentage points and 0.62 percentage point as compared to the same period last year, respectively. The Group has launched Yinchuan - Zhengzhou - Phuket route (three flights per week) and Guangzhou- Vancouver - Mexico City route (three flights per week) since 10 April 2017, Sanya - Tianjin route (three flights per week) since 11 April 2017, and Fuzhou - Cebu City route (two flights per week) since 18 April 2017.





In terms of cargo operations, in April 2017, cargo capacity (measured by available tonne kilometers (“ATK”) - Cargo and Mail) increased by 9.69% as compared to the same period last year, and cargo and mail traffic (measured by revenue tonne kilometres (“RTK”) - Cargo and Mail) increased by 16.79% as compared to the same period last year. The cargo load factor was 54.30%, representing an increase of 3.30 percentage points as compared to the same period last year.


In April 2017, the Group had introduced three B737-800 aircraft and one B787-9 aircraft, and had disposed one B737-300 aircraft. As of the end of April 2017, the Group operated a fleet of 710 aircraft with 255 aircraft self-owned, 203 aircraft under finance lease and 252 under operating lease.




   April 2017   Cumulative 2017 
Capacity  Amount   Month-on-
Change (%)
Change (%)
   Amount   YoY Change
RPK (in million)                         
Domestic   12,829.91    -0.79    9.44    51,621.59    11.70 
Regional   227.20    3.78    -17.16    918.63    -21.23 
International   5,158.43    -1.38    8.51    21,518.95    13.47 
Total   18,215.54    -0.90    8.74    74,059.16    11.63 
RTK (in million)                         
Domestic   1,280.19    -1.07    8.04    5,086.92    10.32 
Regional   22.24    3.11    -14.23    87.87    -18.91 
International   920.50    -1.79    15.36    3,494.38    16.46 
Total   2,222.93    -1.33    10.66    8,669.17    12.30 
RTK - Cargo and Mail (in million)                         
Domestic   140.50    -0.94    -0.65    546.29    1.39 
Regional   2.11    -0.49    31.81    7.45    16.50 
International   465.02    -1.93    23.27    1,608.50    20.42 
Total   607.63    -1.70    16.79    2,162.24    14.95 
Passengers carried (in thousand)                         
Domestic   8,742.23    0.07    8.37    34,641.22    11.12 
Regional   184.72    4.67    -9.82    742.95    -14.92 
International   1,181.79    -1.42    1.11    5,009.72    7.25 
Total   10,108.74    -0.03    7.07    40,393.89    10.01 
Cargo and mail carried (in thousand tonnes)                         
Domestic   86.91    -1.52    -0.01    338.91    1.65 
Regional   1.91    1.05    30.44    6.65    14.32 
International   52.59    -2.31    21.92    181.99    18.40 
Total   141.41    -1.78    7.52    527.55    7.02 





   April 2017   Cumulative 2017 
Capacity  Amount   MoM
Change (%)
Change (%)
   Amount   YoY Change
ASK (in million)                         
Domestic   15,467.65    -1.41    7.25    62,377.46    7.65 
Regional   301.10    -1.37    -15.01    1,245.97    -20.58 
International   6,262.25    -4.13    9.32    26,026.84    11.95 
Total   22,031.00    -2.20    7.45    89,650.27    8.32 
ATK (in million)                         
Domestic   1,783.41    -1.15    6.44    7,203.90    6.28 
Regional   35.17    -1.54    -14.99    146.48    -22.00 
International   1,283.29    -1.84    11.72    5,021.75    12.38 
Total   3,101.87    -1.44    8.24    12,372.14    8.20 
ATK - Cargo and Mail (in million)                         
Domestic   391.32    -0.22    3.64    1,589.93    1.68 
Regional   8.07    -2.09    -14.91    34.35    -26.29 
International   719.69    0.03    13.66    2,679.34    12.76 
Total   1,119.08    -0.07    9.69    4,303.61    7.96 


   April 2017   Cumulative 2017 
Load Factor  Figure
   YoY Change
Passenger Load Factor (RPK/ASK)                         
Domestic   82.95    0.52    1.66    82.76    3.00 
Regional   75.46    3.75    -1.96    73.73    -0.61 
International   82.37    2.30    -0.62    82.68    1.11 
Total   82.68    1.08    0.98    82.61    2.45 
Cargo and Mail Load Factor                         
Domestic   35.90    -0.26    -1.55    34.36    -0.10 
Regional   26.18    0.42    9.28    21.68    7.96 
International   64.61    -1.29    5.04    60.03    3.82 
Total   54.30    -0.89    3.30    50.24    3.06 
Overall Load Factor (RTK/ATK)                         
Domestic   71.78    0.06    1.07    70.61    2.59 
Regional   63.23    2.85    0.56    59.98    2.28 
International   71.73    0.04    2.26    69.58    2.44 
Total   71.66    0.08    1.56    70.07    2.56 






1.“RPK(s)” refers to the number of revenue passengers carried multiplied by the kilometers flown;
2.“RTK(s)” refers to the revenue load (passenger and cargo) in tonnes multiplied by the kilometers flown;
3.“RTK(s) - Cargo and Mail” refers to the revenue cargo and mail load in tonnes multiplied by the kilometers flown;
4.“ASK(s)” refers to the number of seats available for sale multiplied by the kilometers flown;
5.“ATK(s)” refers to the number of tonnes of capacity available for transportation multiplied by the kilometers flown;
6.“ATK(s) - Cargo and Mail” refers to the number of tonnes of capacity available for the carriage of cargo and mail multiplied by the kilometers flown;
7.“Passenger Load Factor” refers to RPK expressed as a percentage of ASK;
8.“Cargo and Mail Load Factor” refers to RTK- Cargo and Mail expressed as a percentage of ATK - Cargo and Mail;
9.“Overall Load Factor” refers to RTK expressed as a percentage of ATK.


The key operating data above was calculated based on the internal statistics of the Group, which may differ from the data disclosed in the relative periodic reports. Investors are hereby reminded of the risks which may result from inappropriate reliance upon or utilization of the information given above.


  By order of the Board
  China Southern Airlines Company Limited
  Xie Bing
  Company Secretary


Guangzhou, the People’s Republic of China

15 May 2017


As at the date of this announcement, the Directors include Wang Chang Shun, Yuan Xin An and Yang Li Hua as non-executive Directors, Tan Wan Geng, Zhang Zi Fang and Li Shao Bin as executive Directors; and Ning Xiang Dong, Liu Chang Le, Tan Jin Song, Guo Wei and Jiao Shu Ge as independent non-executive Directors.

