'33 Act File No. 333-137202
'40 Act File No. 811-8301

Washington, D.C. 20549


Pre-effective Amendment No. 3
Post-effective Amendment No.
Amendment No. 122
(Check appropriate box or boxes.)

(Exact Name of Registrant)

Columbus, Ohio 43215
(Address of Depositor’s Principal Executive Offices)  (Zip Code)
Depositor’s Telephone Number, including Area Code:  (614) 249-7111
Thomas E. Barnes
VP and Secretary
One Nationwide Plaza
Columbus, Ohio 43215-2220
(Name and Address of Agent for Service)

Approximate Date of Proposed Public Offering:  September 27, 2007.

The Registrant hereby amends this registration statement on such date or dates as may be necessary to delay its effective date until the registrant shall file a further amendment which specifically states that this registration statement shall thereafter become effective in accordance with Section 8(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 or until the registration statement shall become effective on such date as the Commission, acting pursuant to said Section 8(a), may determine.


Next Generation
Corporate Owned Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policies
issued by
Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4
The date of this prospectus is September 27, 2007.
Variable life insurance is complex, and this prospectus is designed to help you become as fully informed as possible in making your decision to purchase or not to purchase this variable life insurance policy.  We encourage you to take the time to understand the policy, its potential benefits and risks, and how it might or might not benefit you.  In consultation with your financial adviser, you should use this prospectus in conjunction with the policy and composite illustration to compare the benefits and risks of this policy against those of other life insurance policies and alternative investment instruments.
Please read this entire prospectus and consult with a trusted financial adviser.  If you have policy-specific questions or need additional information, contact us.  Also, contact us for free copies of the prospectuses for the mutual funds available in the policy.
U.S. Mail:
Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Corporate Insurance Markets
One Nationwide Plaza (1-11-08)
Columbus, OH  43215-2220
You should carefully read your policy along with this prospectus. This prospectus is not an offering in any jurisdiction where such offering may not lawfully be made.
These securities have not been approved or disapproved by the SEC nor has the SEC passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of the prospectus.  Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.
This policy is NOT: FDIC or NCUSIF insured; a bank deposit; available in every state; or insured or endorsed by a bank or any federal government agency.
This policy MAY decrease in value to the point of being valueless.
The purpose of this policy is to provide corporate entities a vehicle to informally finance certain employee benefit plans..If your primary need is not life insurance protection, then purchasing this policy may not be in your best interest.  We make no claim that the policy is in any way similar or comparable to a systematic investment plan of a mutual fund.
This policy includes an Enhancement Benefit which is a partial return of charges upon certain surrenders.  Policies without such a benefit may have lower overall charges when compared to the policies described in this prospectus.  There are no additional charges associated with the Enhancement Benefit, but the Enhancement Benefit does result in overall charges of the policy being slightly higher when compared to not having an Enhancement Benefit as part of the policy.  The value of this benefit may be more than off-set by the additional charges associated with offering such a benefit.
In thinking about buying this policy to replace existing life insurance, please carefully consider its advantages versus those of the policy you intend to replace, as well as any replacement costs.  As always, consult your financial adviser.
Not all terms, conditions, benefits, programs, features and investment options are available or approved for use in every state.

We offer a variety of variable universal life policies.  Despite offering substantially similar features and investment options, certain policies may have lower overall charges than others, including this policy.  These differences in charges may be attributable to differences in sales and related expenses incurred in one distribution channel versus another.

Table of Contents
In Summary: Policy Benefits
In Summary: Policy Risks
In Summary: Fee Tables
Policy Investment Options
Fixed Account
Variable Investment Options
Valuation of Accumulation Units
How Sub-Account Investment Experience is Determined
Transfers Among and Between the Policy Investment Options
Sub-Account Transfers
Fixed Account Transfers
Submitting a Transfer Request
The Policy
Policy Owner and Beneficiaries
Purchasing a Policy
Right to Cancel (Examination Right)
Premium Payments
Cash Value
Enhancement Benefit
Changing the Amount of Base Policy Insurance Coverage
The Minimum Required Death Benefit
Exchanging the Policy
Terminating the Policy
Assigning the Policy
Reports, and Illustrations
Policy Charges
Premium Load
Deferred Premium Load
Base Policy Cost of Insurance
Sub-Account Asset Charge
Base Specified Amount Charge
Administrative Charge
Illustration Charge
Policy Rider Charges
Mutual Fund Operating Expenses
A Note on Charges
Information on Underlying Mutual Fund Payments
Policy Riders and Rider Charges
Change of Insured Rider
Supplemental Insurance Rider
Policy Owner Services
Dollar Cost Averaging
Policy Loans
Loan Amount and Interest Charged
Collateral and Interest Earned
Net Effect on Policy Loans
Grace Period
Full Surrender
Partial Surrender


Table of Contents (continued)
The Death Benefit                                                                                                                                               
Calculation of the Death Benefit
Death Benefit Options
Maximum Death Benefit
Changes in the Death Benefit Option
Policy Maturity                                                                                                                                               
Extending the Maturity Date
Payment of Policy Proceeds                                                                                                                                               
Taxes                                                                                                                                         0;      
Types of Taxes
Buying the Policy
Investment Gain in the Policy
Periodic Withdrawals, Non-Periodic Withdrawals, and Loans
Surrendering the Policy
Exchanging the Policy for Another Life Insurance Policy
Taxation of Death Benefits
Terminal Illness
Special Considerations for Corporations
Taxes and the Value of Your Policy
Business Uses of the Policy
Non-Resident Aliens and Other Persons Who are not Citizens of the United States
Tax Changes
Nationwide Life Insurance Company                                                                                                                                               
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4                                                                                                                                               
Organization, Registration, and Operation
Addition, Deletion, or Substitution of Mutual Funds
Voting Rights
Legal Proceedings                                                                                                                                               
Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Investment Services Corporation
Financial Statements                                                                                                                                               
Appendix A: Sub-Account Information                                                                                                                                               
Appendix B: Definitions                                                                                                                                               
Appendix C: Blending Examples of Policy Charges                                                                                                                                               


Appendix B defines certain words and phrases used in this prospectus.

In Summary: Policy Benefits

Death Benefit
The primary benefit of your policy is life insurance coverage.  While the policy is In Force, we will pay the Death Benefit to your Beneficiary when the Insured dies.
Your Choice of Death Benefit Options
You choose one of three (3) available Death Benefit options.
You or your Beneficiary may choose to receive the Policy Proceeds: (1) in a lump sum, or (2) or may leave the proceeds on deposit with us in an interest-bearing account.
You may elect any of the available Riders.  Rider availability varies by state and there may be an additional charge.  Riders available:
Change of Insured Rider (available at no charge); and
Supplemental Insurance Rider.
Choice of Charge Structure
We offer charge structures, or "policy components," that permit policy purchasers to determine how to apportion policy expenses (including distribution expenses) over the life of the policy.  Each of the policy components applicable to the Base Specified Amount and Rider Specified Amount apportions charges in a different manner between monthly charges, premiumloads and deferred premium loads.  At the time of application, you select a policy component configuration to apply to your Total Specified Amount.  Some of the charges associated with the policy are lower under the policy components applied to Rider Specified Amount when compared to the corresponding policy component applied to Base Specified Amount.  Compensation paid to broker-dealer firms will depend upon the configuration of policy components chosen.  We have summarized below the policy components that currently are available under the policy.
Policy Component A has a Premium Load that declines each year over the first 5 policy years, and a Deferred Premium Load that is based on Premium paid in the first policy year and is charged in policy years 2-5.  The aggregate current monthly charges (i.e., the cost of insurance charge, the specified amount charge, the administrative charge, and the sub-account asset charge) under this policy component will be lower than those under Policy Components B and C during the first four years, and lower than Policy Component D in all years.
Policy Component B has a Premium Load that declines over the first five policy years.  No Deferred Premium Load applies under this policy component.  The aggregate current monthly charges are lower than those for:  Policy Component A after the first four policy years; Policy Component C after the first ten policy years; and Policy Component D in all policy years.
Policy Component C has a current Premium Load that is lower than the Premium Load on Policy Components A and B, and declines over a shorter, 4 year, period.  No Deferred Premium Load applies.  The aggregate current monthly charges are higher than those for Policy Component B during the first ten policy years, and similar thereafter.  The aggregate current monthly charges are higher than those for Policy Component A during the first four policy years, and similar thereafter.  The current monthly charges are lower than those for Policy Component D in all policy years.

Policy Component D has no Premium Load or Deferred Premium Load, and higher aggregate current monthly charges when compared to Policy Components A, B and C.
Your representative can provide you illustrations demonstrating the differences among various policy component configurations and combinations of coverage under the base policy and the Supplemental Insurance Rider.  You should consider your policy component configurations carefully, as they impact the charges assessed and total compensation paid on your policy.  Once the policy has been issued, changes to the policy component configurations are permitted only with our approval.
Coverage Flexibility
Subject to conditions, you may choose to:
change the Death Benefit option;
increase or decrease the Base Specified Amount and Rider Specified Amount;
change your beneficiaries; and
change who owns the policy.
Access to Cash Value
Subject to conditions, you may:
Take a policy loan of no more than 90% of the Cash Value.  The minimum loan amount is $500.
Take a partial surrender of at least $500.
Surrender the policy for its Cash Surrender Value at any time while the Insured is alive.  The Cash Surrender Value will be the Cash Value, less any Indebtedness, plus any Enhancement Benefit.
Premium Flexibility
You will not be required to make Premium payments according to a schedule.  Within limits, you may vary the frequency and amount of Premium payments, and you might even be able to skip making a Premium payment.
Investment Options
You may choose to allocate your Net Premiums to the fixed account or to one or more Sub-Accounts.
The fixed account will earn interest daily at an annual effective rate of no less than the stated interest crediting rate shown on the Policy Data Page.
The variable investment options offered under the policy are mutual funds designed to be the underlying investment options of variable insurance products.  Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4 contains one Sub-Account for each of the mutual funds offered in the policy.  The value of that portion of your Cash Value invested in the Sub-Accounts will depend on the Investment Experience of the Sub-Accounts you choose.
Transfers Between and Among Investment Options
You may transfer Cash Value between the fixed account and the variable investment options, subject to certain conditions.  You may transfer among the Sub-Accounts within limits.  We have implemented procedures intended to reduce the potentially detrimental impact that disruptive trading has on Sub-Account Investment Experience.  We also offer dollar cost averaging, an automated investment strategy that spreads out transfers over time to try to reduce the investment risks of market fluctuations.
Unless you make a withdrawal, generally, you will not be taxed on any earnings of the policy.  This is known as tax deferral.  Also, the Beneficiary generally will not have to include the Death Benefit as taxable income.  Estate taxes will apply if the policy is transferred to an individual.

You may assign the policy as collateral for a loan or another obligation while the Insured is alive.
Examination Right
For a limited time, you may cancel the policy and receive a refund.  When you cancel the policy during your examination right the amount we refund will be Cash Value or, in certain states, the greater of the initial Premium payment or the policy's Cash Value.  If the policy is canceled, we will treat the policy as if it was never issued.

In Summary: Policy Risks

Improper Use
Variable universal life insurance is not suitable as an investment vehicle for short-term savings.  It is designed for long-term financial planning.  You will incur fees at the time of purchase that may more than offset any favorable Investment Experience.  You should not purchase the policy if you expect that you will need to access its Cash Value in the near future.
Unfavorable Investment Experience
The Sub-Accounts to which you choose to allocate Net Premium may not generate a sufficient return to keep the policy from Lapsing.  Poor Investment Experience could cause the Cash Value of your policy to decrease, which could result in a Lapse of insurance coverage.
Policy Component Allocations
There is an increased risk of Lapse in instances where there is too great an allocation to policy components A, B, or C, in conjunction with little or no renewal Premiums paid.
Effect of Partial Surrenders and Policy Loans on Investment Experience
Partial surrenders or policy loans may accelerate a Lapse.  A partial surrender will reduce the amount of Cash Value allocated among the Sub-Accounts you choose and the fixed account, too, if there is insufficient cash value in the Sub-Accounts.  Thus, the remainder of your policy's Cash Value would have to generate enough positive Investment Experience to cover policy and Sub-Account charges to keep the policy In Force (at least until you repay the policy loan or make another Premium payment).   Partial surrenders will also decrease the Death Benefit and Total Specified Amount.  Policy loans do not participate in positive Investment Experience; therefore loans may increase the risk of Lapse or the need to make additional Premium payments to keep the policy In Force.  The policy does have a Grace Period and the opportunity to reinstate insurance coverage.  Under certain circumstances, however, the policy could terminate without value and insurance coverage would cease.
Reduction of the Death Benefit
A partial surrender may decrease the policy’s Death Benefit, depending on how the Death Benefit relates to the policy’s Cash Value and whether the partial surrender qualifies as “Preferred.”
Adverse Tax Consequences
Existing federal tax laws that benefit this policy may change at any time.  These changes could alter the favorable federal income tax treatment the policy enjoys, such as the deferral of taxation on the gains in the policy's Cash Value and the exclusion from taxable income of the Proceeds we pay to the policy's Beneficiary.  Withdrawals from the policy may be subject to taxes.  The income tax treatment of withdrawals of Cash Value is different in the event the policy is treated as a modified endowment contract under the Code.  Generally, tax treatment on modified endowment contracts will be less favorable when compared to having the policy treated as a life insurance contract.  Consult a qualified tax adviser on all tax matters involving your policy.
Fixed Account Transfer Restrictions and Limitations
In addition to allocating your Net Premium to one or more of the Sub-Accounts described above, you may direct part of your Net Premium into the fixed account.
Transfers to the fixed account.  You may transfer amounts between the fixed account and the Sub-Accounts, subject to limits, without penalty or adjustment.  Except as outlined in the “Exchanging the Policy Provisions,” we reserve the right to limit the allocations to the fixed account to no more than 25% of the Cash Value.
Transfers from the fixed account.  We reserve the right to limit you to one transfer from the fixed account to the Sub-Accounts during any ninety (90) day period.  We reserve the right to limit the amount that you may transfer during a policy

year to the greater of:  (a) 15% of that portion of the Cash Value attributable to the fixed account at the end of the prior policy year, and (b) 120% of the amount transferred from the fixed account during the preceding policy year.
Sub-Account Limitations
Frequent trading among the Sub-Accounts may dilute the value of Accumulation Units, cause the Sub-Account to incur higher transaction costs, and interfere with the Sub-Accounts' ability to pursue their stated investment objectives.  This could result in lower Investment Experience and Cash Value.  We have instituted procedures to minimize disruptive transfers.  While we expect these procedures to reduce the adverse effect of disruptive transfers, we cannot ensure that we have eliminated these risks.
Sub-Account Investment Risk
A comprehensive discussion of the risks of the mutual funds held by each Sub-Account may be found in each mutual fund's prospectus.  Read each mutual fund's prospectus before investing.


In Summary: Fee Tables

The following tables describe the fees and expenses that you will pay when buying, owning, and surrendering from the policy.  Fees in this table may be rounded to the hundredth decimal.  The first table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay at the time that you apply Premium to the policy.
Transaction Fees
When Charge is Deducted
Amount Deducted By Policy Component (A, B, C and D)
Premium Load(1)
Target Premium
Excess Premium
Upon making a Premium payment
Illustration Charge(4)
Upon requesting an illustration
$25 (flat fee applies regardless of policy component configurations)
$0 (flat fee applies regardless of policy component configurations)


The next table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay periodically during the time that you own the policy, not including mutual fund operating expenses.  Unless otherwise specified, all charges are deducted proportionally from the Sub-Accounts and the fixed account.
Periodic Charges Other Than Mutual Fund Operating Expenses
When Charge is Deducted
Amount Deducted From Cash Value (deductions are separated by Policy Component A, B, C and D where applicable)
Deferred Premium Load(5)
Target Premium
Excess Premium
On the anniversary of the Policy Date in policy years 2 through 5
Base Policy Cost of Insurance(7)
Representative: an individual issue age 40, non-tobacco, in the tenth policy year, Death Benefit option 1, issued on a short-form, non-medical basis.
Representative Cost by Policy Component Net Amount At Risk (9)
$83.33 per $1,000 of Net Amount At Risk.
$0.03 per $1,000 of Net Amount At Risk.
$83.33 per $1,000 of Net Amount At Risk.
$0.03 per $1,000 of Net Amount At Risk.
$83.33 per $1,000 of Net Amount At Risk.
$0.03 per $1,000 of Net Amount At Risk.
$83.33 per $1,000 of Net Amount At Risk.
$0.03 per $1,000 of Net Amount At Risk.


Periodic Charges Other Than Mutual Fund Operating Expenses (Continued)
Supplemental Insurance Rider Cost of Insurance(10)
Maximum (8)
Representative: an individual issue age 40, non-tobacco, in the tenth policy year, issued on a short-form, non-medical basis.
Representative Cost by Policy Component Net Amount at Risk(9)
$83.33 per $1,000 of Rider Net Amount at Risk.
$0.02 per $1,000 of Rider Net Amount at Risk.
$83.33 per $1,000 of Rider Net Amount at Risk.
$0.02 per $1,000 of Rider Net Amount at Risk.
$83.33 per $1,000 of Rider Net Amount at Risk.
$0.02 per $1,000 of Rider Net Amount at Risk.
$83.33 per $1,000 of Rider Net Amount at Risk.
$0.02 per $1,000 of Rider Net Amount at Risk.
Base Sub-Account Asset Factor Charge(11)
(taken proportionally from the
Monthly, based on an annual rate(12)
Supplemental Insurance Rider Sub-Account Asset Factor Charge(11)
Monthly, based on an annual rate(12)
Base Policy Specified
Amount Charge
$0.40 per $1,000 of Base Specified Amount.
$0.30 per $1,000 of Base Specified Amount.
Supplemental Insurance Rider Specified Amount Charge
Current (15)
$0.40 per $1,000 of Rider Specified Amount.
$0.05 per $1,000 of Rider Specified Amount.
Administrative Charge
$10 per policy.
$5 per policy.
Policy Loan Interest Charge (16)
Annually, or on an increase or repayment of the loan
3.50% of Indebtedness.
2.80% of Indebtedness.(17)

Representative costs may vary from the cost you would incur.  Ask for an illustration for information on the costs applicable to your policy.
The next item shows the minimum and maximum total operating expenses, as of December 31, 2006, charged by the underlying mutual funds that you may pay periodically during the time that you own the policy.  More detail concerning each mutual fund's fees and expenses is contained in the mutual fund's prospectus.  Please contact us, at the telephone numbers or address on the first page of this prospectus, for free copies of the prospectuses for the mutual funds available under the policy.
Total Annual Mutual Fund Operating Expenses
Total Annual Mutual Fund Operating Expenses
(expenses that are deducted from the mutual fund assets, including management fees, distribution (12b-1) fees, and other expenses)

(1) The Premium Load will vary according to the amount of annual Target Premium and Excess Premium, and the blending of the policy component configuration you select.

(2) The maximum guaranteed premium load applied to all policy components as a percentage of each Premium (whether Target Premium or Excess Premium) declines on the following schedule:

Policy Year
2 through 5
6 and thereafter
Premium Load

(3) Each policy component has a different declining premium load assessed on each Premium payment in accordance with the table listed below.  The ultimate Premium Load you pay depends on your policy component configuration and whether Premium paid is Target Premium or Excess Premium.


Premium Loads on Target Premium
Policy Year
Policy Component A
Policy Component B
Policy Component C
Policy Component D
6 and thereafter

Premium in excess of target is assessed a different Premium Load in accordance with the table below.

Premium Loads on Excess Premium
Policy Year
Policy Component A
Policy Component B
Policy Component C
Policy Component D
2 – 5
6 and thereafter

Target Premium is 100% of the maximum annual Premium allowed under the Internal Revenue Code assuming that: (i) the policy is not a modified endowment contract; (ii) the policy's death benefit is equal to the Base Specified Amount; (iii) you are paying seven level, annual Premiums; (iv) there are no premiums resulting from a Section 1035 exchange; and (v) there are no adjustments due to a state imposed requirement or substandard underwriting ratings.

(4) If we begin to charge for illustrations, you will be expected to pay the Illustration Charge by check at the time of the request.  This charge will not be deducted from the policy’s Cash Value.

(5) The Deferred Premium Load (maximum guaranteed and current) will vary according to the amount of aggregate Premium payments made in policy year 1, the amount of term insurance coverage purchased via the Supplemental Insurance Rider, and the policy component configurations you select.

(6) Each policy component has a different deferred premium load assessed on each Premium payment in accordance with the tables listed below.  The ultimate deferred premium load you pay depends on your policy component configuration and whether Premium paid is Target Premium or Excess Premium.

Deferred Premium Loads on Target Premium
Policy Year
Policy Component A
Policy Component B
Policy Component C
Policy Component D
6 and thereafter

Deferred Premium Loads on Excess Premium
Policy Year
Policy Component A
Policy Component B
Policy Component C
Policy Component D
6 and thereafter

(7) The Cost of Insurance Charge varies according to the Insured’s age, gender (if not unisex classified), tobacco use, substandard ratings, underwriting class, the number of years from the Policy Date, the Base Specified Amount, and the elected policy component configurations.  The Cost of Insurance Charge for coverage under the Supplemental Insurance Rider is different.

(8) The maximum Cost of Insurance does not include substandard rated policies.  For substandard rated policies, the maximum Cost of Insurance is $125.00 per $1,000 of Net Amount at Risk, taken proportionally from the Sub-Accounts and fixed account.

(9) This amount may not be representative of your cost.  Ask for a policy illustration for information on your cost.

(10) This charge will only be assessed if you purchase this optional rider.

(11) This charge is a charge assessed by us based on assets allocated to the Sub-Accounts and is in addition to any charges assessed by the mutual funds underlying the Sub-Accounts.

(12) The maximum guaranteed annual rate for this charge is 1.25%, but ultimate charges assessed may be higher or lower because the charge is taken monthly rather than annually.  Values in the table are listed at the annual rate. Maximum guaranteed annual and monthly rates are also shown on the Policy Data Pages.   A detailed table of annual rate charges is listed in the “Sub-Account Asset Charge” sub-section of the “Policy Charges” section of this prospectus.


(13) The Sub-Account Asset Charges vary according to the ratio of the Cash Value to the maximum annual Premium allowed under the Internal Revenue Code assuming that: (i) the policy is not a modified endowment contract; (ii) the policy's death benefit is equal to the Total Specified Amount; and (iii) seven level, annual Premiums are paid; (iv) there are no premiums resulting from a Section 1035 exchange; and (v) there are no adjustments due to a state imposed requirement or substandard underwriting ratings.  The current charges shown here are the highest amounts we currently apply.  For details, see the Base Sub-Account Asset Charge sub-section of the “Policy Charge” section of this prospectus and the Rider Sub-Account Asset Charge sub-section of the “Policy Riders and Rider Charges” section of this prospectus.

(14) This charge is only assessed on the Base Specified Amount.  A different charge will be applied for any Rider Specified Amount under the Supplemental Insurance Rider.  For policy years 21 and later, the charge applied per $1,000 is reduced to $0.01 per $1,000 of Base Specified Amount.  For Total Specified Amount in excess of $50,000, the current charge applied to amounts attributable to Base Specified Amount per $1,000 for such excess amounts is $0.09 for policy years 1 through 20 and $0.01 for policy years 21 and later.

(15) This charge is only assessed on the Rider Specified Amount.  A different charge will be applied for any Base Specified Amount under the policy.   For policy years 21 and later, the charge applied per $1,000 is reduced to $0.01 per $1,000 of Rider Specified Amount.  For Total Specified Amount in excess of $50,000, the current charge applied per $1,000 for such excess amounts is $0.01 for all policy years.

(16) The current and maximum guaranteed charges shown do not reflect the interest that is credited to amounts in the Policy Loan Account.  When the interest charged is netted against the interest credited, the net cost of a policy loan is lower than that which is stated above.

(17) The current charge is reduced in policy years 16 through 30 to 2.55% and to 2.10% policy years 31 and later.

Policy Investment Options
You designate how your Net Premium payments are allocated among the Sub-Accounts and/or the fixed account.  Allocation instructions must be in whole percentages and must be at least one percent (1%) and the sum of the allocations must equal 100%.
Fixed Account
Net Premium that you allocate to the fixed investment option is held in the fixed account, which is part of our general account.  Except as provided in the “Exchanging the Policy” section later in this prospectus, we reserve the right to limit allocations to the fixed account to no more than 25% of the policy’s Cash Value.
The general account is not subject to the same laws as the separate account and the SEC has not reviewed the disclosures in this prospectus relating to the fixed account.
The general account contains all of our assets other than those in the separate accounts, and funds the fixed account.  These assets are subject to our general liabilities from business operations and are used to support our insurance and annuity obligations.  We bear the full investment risk for all amounts allocated to the fixed account.  The amounts you allocate to the fixed account will not share in the investment performance of our general account.  Rather, the investment income you earn on your allocations will be based on varying interest crediting rates that we set.
We guarantee that the amounts you allocate to the fixed account will be credited interest daily at a net effective annual interest rate of no less than the interest crediting rate shown on the Policy Data Page.  Interest crediting rates are set at the beginning of each calendar month, but are subject to change at any time, in our sole discretion.  We will credit any interest in excess of the guaranteed interest crediting rate at our sole discretion.  You assume the risk that the actual interest crediting rate may not exceed the guaranteed interest crediting rate.  Interest that we credit to the fixed account may be insufficient to pay the policy’s charges.
Variable Investment Options
The variable investment options available under the policy are Sub-Accounts that correspond to mutual funds that are registered with the SEC.  The mutual funds' registration with the SEC does not involve the SEC's supervision of the management or investment practices or policies of the mutual funds.  The mutual funds listed are designed primarily as investments for variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies issued by insurance companies.
Each Sub-Account’s assets are held separately from the assets of the other Sub-Accounts, and each Sub-Account portfolio has investment objectives and policies that are different from those of the other Sub-Accounts.  The result is that each Sub-Account operates independently of the other Sub-Accounts so the income or losses of one Sub-Account will not affect the Investment Experience of any other Sub-Account.  For purposes of federal securities laws, the separate account is, and will remain, fully funded at all times.
The Sub-Accounts available through this policy are listed below.  Appendix A contains additional information about each of the available Sub-Accounts, including its respective investment type, adviser, and expense information.  For more information on the mutual funds, please refer to “Appendix A: Sub-Account Information” and/or the prospectuses for the mutual funds.


AIM Variable Insurance Funds
AIM V.I. Basic Value Fund: Series I Shares
AIM V.I. Capital Development Fund: Series I Shares
AIM V.I. International Growth Fund: Series I Shares
AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc.
AllianceBernstein Growth and Income Portfolio: Class A
AllianceBernstein International Value Portfolio: Class A
AllianceBernstein Small/Mid Cap Value Portfolio: Class A
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc.
American Century VP Mid Cap Value Fund: Class I
American Century VP Value Fund: Class I*
American Century VP Vista Fund: Class I
American Funds Insurance Series
Asset Allocation Fund: Class 2
Bond Fund: Class 2
BlackRock Large Cap Core V.I. Fund: Class II
Davis Variable Account Fund, Inc.
Davis Value Portfolio
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios - Small Cap Stock Index Portfolio: Service Shares
Dreyfus Stock Index Fund, Inc.: Initial Shares
Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund – Appreciation Portfolio: Initial Shares
Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund – International Value Portfolio: Initial Shares
DWS Variable Series II
Dreman High Return Equity VIP: Class B
Small Mid Cap Value VIP Portfolio: Class B
Federated Insurance Series
Federated Quality Bond Fund II: Primary Shares
Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund
VIP Contrafund® Portfolio: Service Class
VIP Equity-Income Portfolio: Service Class*
VIP Growth Portfolio: Service Class
VIP Investment Grade Bond Portfolio: Service Class*
VIP Mid Cap Portfolio: Service Class
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust
Franklin Small Cap Value Securities Fund: Class 2
Templeton Global Income Securities Fund: Class 2

Janus Aspen Series
Balanced Portfolio: Service Shares
Forty Portfolio: Service Shares
Global Technology Portfolio: Service Shares
International Growth Portfolio: Service Class
Legg Mason Partners Variable Portfolios I, Inc.
Legg Mason Small Cap Growth Portfolio: Class I
Lincoln Variable Insurance Products Trust
Baron Growth Opportunities Fund: Service Class
Lord Abbett Series Fund, Inc.
Mid-Cap Value Portfolio: Class VC
MFS® Variable Insurance Trust
Research International Series: Service Class
Value Series: Service Class
Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust (“NVIT”)
Federated NVIT High Income Bond Fund: Class I*
Gartmore NVIT Emerging Markets Fund: Class I
Gartmore NVIT International Growth Fund: Class I
Gartmore NVIT Worldwide Leaders Fund: Class I
Nationwide Multi-Manager NVIT Small Cap Growth Fund: Class I
Nationwide Multi-Manager NVIT Small Cap Value Fund: Class I
Nationwide Multi-Manager NVIT Small Company Fund: Class I
Nationwide NVIT Government Bond Fund: Class I
Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Funds: Class II
Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Conservative Fund: Class II
Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Moderately Conservative Fund: Class II
Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Moderate Fund: Class II
Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Moderately Aggressive Fund: Class II
Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Aggressive Fund: Class II
Nationwide NVIT Money Market Fund: Class V
●   NVIT International Index Fund: Class II 
NVIT Mid Cap Index Fund: Class I
NVIT Nationwideâ Fund: Class I
NVIT International Index Fund: Class II
Van Kampen NVIT Multi Sector Bond Fund: Class I*
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust
AMT Partners Portfolio: I Class
AMT Regency Portfolio: I Class
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds
Oppenheimer Capital Appreciation Fund/VA: Non-Service Shares
Oppenheimer Global Securities Fund/VA: Non-Service Shares
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust
All Asset Portfolio: Administrative Class
Low Duration Portfolio: Administrative Class
Real Return Portfolio: Administrative Class
Total Return Portfolio: Administrative Class
Pioneer Variable Contracts Trust
Pioneer Emerging Markets VCT Portfolio:
Class I Shares
Pioneer High Yield VCT Portfolio: Class I Shares*
Putnam Variable Trust
Putnam VT Small Cap Value Fund: Class IB
Royce Capital Fund
Royce Micro-Cap Portfolio
T. Rowe Price Equity Series, Inc.
T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio: Class II
T. Rowe Price New America Growth Portfolio
T. Rowe Price Personal Strategy Balanced Portfolio
Van Kampen
   The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc.
Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio: Class I
Equity Growth Portfolio: Class I
Global Real Estate Portfolio: Class II
Mid Cap Growth Portfolio: Class I
Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust
Worldwide Hard Assets Fund: Initial Class
W&R Target Funds, Inc.
Asset Strategy Portfolio
Growth Portfolio
Real Estate Securities Portfolio
Science and Technology Portfolio
Wells Fargo Variable Trust Funds
Wells Fargo Advantage VT Discovery Fund
Wells Fargo Advantage VT Small Cap Growth Fund
*These underlying mutual funds may invest in lower quality debt securities commonly referred to as junk bonds.
†These underlying mutual funds assess a short-term trading fee.


Valuation of Accumulation Units
We account for the value of your interest in the Sub-Accounts by using Accumulation Units.  The number of Accumulation Units associated with a given Premium allocation is determined by dividing the dollar amount of Net Premium you allocated to the Sub-Account by the Accumulation Unit value for the Sub-Account, which is determined at the end of the Valuation Period that the allocation was received.  The value of each Accumulation Unit varies daily based on the Investment Experience of the mutual fund in which the Sub-Account invests.
On each day that the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) is open, each of the mutual funds in which the Sub-Accounts invest will determine its Net Asset Value (“NAV”) per share.  We use each mutual fund's NAV to calculate the daily Accumulation Unit value for the corresponding Sub-Account.  Note, however, that the Accumulation Unit value will not equal the mutual fund's NAV.  This daily Accumulation Unit valuation process is referred to as “pricing” the Accumulation Units.
We will price Accumulation Units on any day that the NYSE is open for business.  Any transaction that you submit on a day when the NYSE is closed will not be effective until the next day that the NYSE is open for business.  Accordingly, we will not price Accumulation Units on these recognized holidays:
●New Year's Day
●Independence Day
●Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
●Labor Day
●Presidents’ Day
●Good Friday
●Memorial Day

In addition, we will not price Accumulation Units if:
trading on the NYSE is restricted;
an emergency exists making disposal or valuation of securities held in the separate account impracticable; or
the SEC, by order, permits a suspension or postponement for the protection of security holders.
SEC rules and regulations govern when the conditions described items (2) and (3) exist.
Any transactions that we receive after the close of the NYSE will be effective as of the next Valuation Period that the NYSE is open.
How Sub-Account Investment Experience is Determined
The value of the Accumulation Units in your policy will vary daily depending on the Investment Experience of the mutual fund in which the Sub-Account invests.  We account for these performance fluctuations by using a “net investment factor,” as described below, in our daily Sub-Account valuation calculations.  Changes in the net investment factor may not be directly proportional to changes in the NAV of the mutual fund shares.
We determine the net investment factor for each Sub-Account on each Valuation Period by dividing (a) by (b), where:
(a) is the sum of:
the NAV per share of the mutual fund held in the Sub-Account as of the end of the current Valuation Period; and
the per share amount of any dividend or income distributions made by the mutual fund (if the date of the dividend or income distribution occurs during the current Valuation Period); plus or minus
a per share charge or credit for any taxes reserved for as a result of the Sub-Account's investment operations if changes to the law result in a modification to the tax treatment of the separate account; and
is the NAV per share of the mutual fund determined as of the end of the immediately preceding Valuation Period.
At the end of each Valuation Period, we determine the Sub-Account's Accumulation Unit value.  The Accumulation Unit value for any Valuation Period is determined by multiplying the Accumulation Unit value as of the prior Valuation Period by the net investment factor for the Sub-Account for the current Valuation Period.

Transfers Among and Between the Policy Investment Options
Sub-Account Transfers
Policy owners may request transfers to or from the Sub-Accounts once per valuation day, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy and the mutual funds.
Neither the policies nor the mutual funds are designed to support active trading strategies that require frequent movement between or among Sub-Accounts (sometimes referred to as “market-timing” or “short-term trading”).  If you intend to use an active trading strategy, you should consult your registered representative and request information on other Nationwide policies that offer mutual funds that are designed specifically to support active trading strategies.
We discourage (and will take action to deter) short-term trading in this policy because the frequent movement between or among Sub-Accounts may negatively impact other investors in the policy.  Short-term trading can result in:
the dilution of the value of the investors' interests in the mutual fund;
mutual fund managers taking actions that negatively impact performance (i.e., keeping a larger portion of the mutual fund assets in cash or liquidating investments prematurely in order to support redemption requests); and/or
increased administrative costs due to frequent purchases and redemptions.
To protect investors in this policy from the negative impact of these practices, we have implemented, or reserve the right to implement, several processes and/or restrictions aimed at eliminating the negative impact of active trading strategies.  We cannot guarantee that our attempts to deter active trading strategies will be successful.  If active trading strategies are not successfully deterred by our actions, the performance of Sub-Accounts that are actively traded will be adversely impacted.
Policies Owned by Non-Natural Persons.  For policies owned by a corporation or another legal entity, we monitor transfer activity for potentially harmful investment practices, but we do not systematically monitor the transfer instructions of individual persons.  Our procedures include the review of aggregate entity-level transfers, not individual transfer instructions.  It is our intention to protect the interests of all policy owners.  It is possible, however, for some harmful trading to go on undetected by us.  For example, in some instances, an entity may make transfers based on the instructions of multiple parties such as employees, partners, or other affiliated persons based on those persons participation in entity sponsored programs.  We do not systematically monitor the transfer instructions of these individual persons.  We monitor aggregate trades among the Sub-Accounts for frequency, pattern, and size.  If two or more transfer events are submitted within a 30-day period, we

may impose conditions on your ability to submit trades.  These restrictions include revoking your privilege to make trades by any means other than written communication submitted via U.S. mail for a 12-month period.
Other Restrictions.  We reserve the right to refuse, restrict or limit transfer requests, or take any other action we deem necessary, in order to protect policy owners and beneficiaries from the negative investment results that may result from short-term trading or other harmful investment practices employed by some policy owners (or third parties acting on their behalf).  In particular, trading strategies designed to avoid or take advantage of Nationwide's monitoring procedures (and other measures aimed at curbing harmful trading practices) that are nevertheless determined by us to constitute harmful trading practices, may be restricted.
In addition, we may add new underlying mutual funds, or new share classes of currently available underlying mutual funds, that assess short-term trading fees.  In the case of new share class additions, your subsequent allocations may be limited to that new share class.  Short-term trading fees are a charge assessed by an underlying mutual fund when you transfer out of a Sub-Account before the end of a stated period.  These fees will only apply to Sub-Accounts corresponding to underlying mutual funds that impose such a charge.  The underlying mutual fund intends short-term trading fees to compensate the fund and its shareholders for the negative impact on fund performance that may result from disruptive trading practices, including frequent trading and short-term trading (market timing) strategies.  The fees are not intended to adversely impact policy owners not engaged in such strategies.  The separate account will collect the short-term trading fees at the time of the transfer by reducing the policy owner’s Sub-Account value.  We will remit all such fees to the underlying mutual fund.
Any restrictions that we implement will be applied consistently and uniformly.  In the event a restriction we impose results in a transfer request being rejected, we will notify you that your transfer request has been rejected.  If a short-term trading fee is assessed on your transfer, we will provide you a confirmation of the amount of the fee assessed.
Underlying Mutual Fund Restrictions and Prohibitions.  Pursuant to regulations adopted by the SEC, we are required to enter into written agreements with the underlying mutual funds which allow the underlying mutual funds to:
(1)       request the taxpayer identification number, international taxpayer identification number, or other government issued identifier of any of our policy owners;
    (2)       request the amounts and dates of any purchase, redemption, transfer or exchange request (“transaction information”); and
    (3)       instruct us to restrict or prohibit further purchases or exchanges by policy owners that violate policies established by the underlying mutual fund (whose   policies may be more restrictive than our policies).
We are required to provide such transaction information to the underlying mutual funds upon their request.  In addition, we are required to restrict or prohibit further purchases or exchange requests upon instruction from the underlying mutual fund.  We and any affected policy owner may not have advance notice of such instructions from an underlying mutual fund to restrict or prohibit further purchases or exchange requests.  If an underlying mutual fund refuses to accept a purchase or exchange request submitted by us, we will keep any affected policy owner in their current underlying mutual fund allocation.
Fixed Account Transfers
Prior to the policy’s Maturity Date, you may make transfers involving the fixed account subject to the limits below, without penalty or adjustment.  These transfers will be in dollars.  We reserve the right to limit the frequency of transfers involving the fixed account.
Transfers to the Fixed Account.  Except as provided in the “Exchanging the Policy” section later in this prospectus for transfers to the fixed account, we reserve the right to refuse any transfer to the fixed account if after such transfer, the fixed account would comprise more than 25% of the policy’s Cash Value.
Transfers from the Fixed Account.  On transfers from the fixed account, we reserve the right to limit: (1) the amount you can transfer from the fixed account to the Sub-Account(s) to the greater of: (a) 15% of that portion of the Cash Value attributable to the fixed account as of the end of the previous policy year; or (b) 120% of the amount transferred from the fixed account during the previous policy year; and (2) the number of transfers to one during any ninety day period.
Submitting a Transfer Request
You can submit transfer requests in writing to our Home Office via first class U.S. mail. Our contact information is on the first page of this prospectus.  When we have received your transfer request we will process it at the end of the current Valuation Period.  This is when the Accumulation Unit value will be next determined.  We may also allow you to use other methods of communication, subject to limitations.
In instances of disruptive trading that we may determine, or may have already determined to be harmful to policy owners, we will, through the use of appropriate means available to us, attempt to curtail or limit the disruptive trading.  If your trading activities, or those of a third party acting on your behalf, constitute disruptive trading, we will not limit your ability to initiate the trades as provided in your policy; however, we may limit your means for making a transfer or take other action we deem necessary to protect the interests of those investing in the affected Sub-Accounts.  Please see “Sub-Account Transfers” earlier in this prospectus.

We will use reasonable procedures to confirm that transfer instructions are genuine and will not be liable for following instructions that we reasonably determine to be genuine.
Any computer system or telephone can experience slowdowns or outages that could delay or prevent our ability to process your request.  Although we have taken precautions to help our systems handle heavy usage, we cannot promise complete reliability under all circumstances.  If you are experiencing problems, please make your transfer request in writing.

The Policy
The policy is a legal contract.  It will comprise and be evidenced by: a written contract; any Riders; any endorsements; the Policy Data Page(s); and the application, including any supplemental application.  We will consider the statements you make in the application as representations, and we will rely on them as being true and complete.  However, we will not void the policy or deny a claim unless a statement is a material misrepresentation.  If you make an error or misstatement on the application, we will adjust the Death Benefit (including the Supplemental Insurance Rider Death Benefit, if applicable) and Cash Value accordingly.
Any modification (or waiver) of our rights or requirements under the policy must be in writing and signed by our president and corporate secretary.  No agent may bind us by making any promise not contained in the policy.
We may modify the policy, our operations, or the separate account’s operations to meet the requirements of any law (or regulation issued by a government agency) to which the policy, our company, or the separate account is subject.  We may modify the policy to assure that it continues to qualify as a life insurance contract under the federal tax laws.  We will notify you of all modifications and we will make appropriate endorsements to the policy.
The policy is nonparticipating, meaning that we will not be contributing any operating profits or surplus earnings toward the policy Proceeds.
To the extent permitted by law, policy benefits are not subject to any legal process on the part of a third-party for the payment of any claim, and no right or benefit will be subject to the claims of creditors (except as may be provided by assignment).
In order to comply with the USA Patriot Act and rules promulgated thereunder, Nationwide will implement procedures designed to prevent policies described in this prospectus from being used to facilitate money laundering or the financing of terrorist activities.
Policy Owner and Beneficiaries
Policy Owner.  The policy belongs to the Owner named in the application or as a result of a valid assignment.  The purchaser and initial Owner must be: (i) a corporation; or (ii) a legal entity established by a corporation.  The Insured is the person named in the application.  The Owner must have an insurable interest in the Insured up to the full amount of coverage.  Otherwise, this policy will not qualify as life insurance under applicable state and federal tax law.  You should consult with a qualified adviser when determining the amount of coverage and before taking any action to increase the amount of coverage to ensure that you maintain a sufficient insurable interest.
The Owner may exercise all policy rights and options while the Insured is alive and may change the policy to the extent permitted by its terms.
You may name a different policy owner (while the Insured is alive) by submitting a written request satisfactory to us to our Home Office.  Any such change request will become effective as of the date signed.  However, it will not affect any payment made or action taken by us before the change was recorded by us.  There may be adverse tax consequences to changing parties of the policy.  We reserve the right to modify the Enhancement Benefit if a new Owner is named.
Beneficiaries.  The principal right of a Beneficiary is to receive the Death Benefit upon the Insured's death.  You designate the Beneficiary(ies) in the application for the policy.  As long as the Insured is alive, you may: name more than one Beneficiary, designate primary and contingent Beneficiaries, and change or add Beneficiaries.
If a primary Beneficiary dies before the Insured, we will pay the Death Benefit to any surviving primary Beneficiaries.  Unless you specify otherwise, we will pay multiple primary Beneficiaries in equal shares.  A contingent Beneficiary will become the primary Beneficiary if all primary Beneficiaries die before the Insured and before any Proceeds become payable.  You may name more than one contingent Beneficiary.  Unless you specify otherwise, we will also pay multiple contingent Beneficiaries in equal shares.  If no Beneficiary or contingent Beneficiary is alive upon the Insured’s death, we will pay the Death Benefit to you.
To change or add Beneficiaries, you must submit a written request to us at our Home Office.  A change request is effective as of the date we record it. We may also require that you send us your policy for endorsement before we record the change.
Purchasing a Policy
The policy is available for Insureds between the ages of 18 and 79 (ages may vary in your state).  To purchase the policy, you

must submit to us a completed application and the minimum initial Premium payment as stated on the Policy Data Page.
We must receive evidence of insurability that satisfies our underwriting standards (this may require a medical examination) before we will issue a policy.  Because this is Corporate Owned Variable Universal Life Insurance, we may also underwrite at a corporate level to determine whether or not the risks and expenses associated with the insurance applied for (including policy component configurations) is appropriate for us to assume in placing the policy.  We can provide you with the details of our underwriting standards.  We reserve the right to reject an application for any reason permitted by law.  Specifically, if we have previously issued you policies that have aggregate scheduled annual premiums in excess of $15 million, we reserve the right to refuse to issue an additional policy to you.  Additionally, we reserve the right to modify our underwriting standards on a prospective basis to newly issued policies at any time.
The minimum initial Total Specified Amount in most states is $50,000.  We reserve the right to modify the minimum Total Specified Amount on a prospective basis to newly issued policies at any time.
Initial Premium Payment:  The initial Premium payment is due on the Policy Date.  Any due and unpaid policy charges will be subtracted from the initial Premium payment.  Insurance coverage will not be effective until the initial Premium is paid, even if the Policy Date precedes the date the initial Premium is paid.  You may pay the initial Premium to our Home Office or to our authorized representative.  The minimum initial Premium payment is shown on the Policy Data Page.  The initial Premium payment will not be applied to the policy until the underwriting process is complete.
The amount of your required minimum initial Premium payment will depend on the following factors: the initial Total Specified Amount, Death Benefit option elected, any Riders elected, the policy component allocation you select, the Insured's age, health, and activities.
Depending on the right to examine law of the state in which you live, initial Net Premium designated to be allocated to the Sub-Accounts may not be so allocated immediately upon our receipt.  (Any initial Net Premium designated to be allocated to the fixed account will be so allocated immediately upon receipt.)  If you live in a state that requires us to refund the initial Premium upon exercise of the free-look provision, we will hold all of the initial Net Premium designated to be allocated to the Sub-Accounts in the available money market Sub-Account or in the fixed account until the free-look period expires.  At the expiration of the free-look period, we will transfer the amount designated to be allocated to the Sub-Accounts to the Sub-Accounts based on the allocation instructions in effect at the time of the transfer.  If you live in a state that requires us to refund the Cash Value upon exercise of the free-look provision, we will allocate all of the initial Net Premium to the available money market Sub-Account.  On the next Valuation Period, we will allocate all of the Cash Value to the designated Sub-Accounts based on the allocation instructions in effect at that time.
Insurance Coverage Effective Date:  Unless your policy is issued pursuant to an exchange under Section 1035 of the Code, issuance of full insurance coverage occurs on the latest of:
the date we certify that the complete application materials have been submitted by the Owner and the underwriting conditions have been satisfied; or
the Policy Date; or
the date the initial Premium is received at our Home Office.
If your policy is issued as a result of an exchange under Section 1035 of the Code, issuance of full insurance coverage occurs on the later of:
the date the insurance carrier of the exchanged policy authorizes payment of such policy’s proceeds to us; or
the date we certify that the complete application materials have been submitted and the underwriting conditions have been satisfied, provided there is sufficient Premium to pay policy charges for at least 3 months.
We have the right to reject any application for insurance; in which case we will return your Premium within 2 business days of the date we make the decision to reject your application.
With respect to policy reinstatement, the effective date of coverage will be the monthly anniversary of the Policy Date on or next following the date we approve the reinstatement.  With respect to Base Specified Amount or Rider Specified Amount increases, an approved increase will have an effective date of the monthly anniversary of the Policy Date on or next following the date we approve the supplemental application unless you request, and we approve a different date. With respect to any decrease in coverage, the effective date of coverage will be the monthly anniversary of the Policy Date that falls on or next following the date we receive your request.
Insurance coverage will end upon the occurrence of any of the following: you request in writing to terminate coverage,

the Insured dies, we pay the Maturity Proceeds, the Grace Period ends, or you surrender the policy in full.
Right to Cancel (Examination Right)
You may cancel your policy during the free-look period.  The free-look period expires on the latest of: (i) 10 days after you receive the policy (or longer if required by state law); (ii) 45 days after you sign the application for this policy; or (iii) 10 days after we deliver to you a “Notice of Withdrawal Right.”  If you decide to cancel the policy during the free-look period, return the policy to the sales representative who sold it to you or return it to us at our Home Office along with your written cancellation request.  If we do not receive your policy at our Home Office on the close of business on the date the free-look period expires, you will not be allowed to cancel your policy free of charge.  Within 7 days, we will refund the amount prescribed by the law of the state in which we issued the policy.  This amount will be Cash Value or, in certain states, the greater of the initial Premium payment or the policy's Cash Value.  If the policy is canceled, we will treat the policy as if it was never issued.
Premium Payments
This policy does not require a payment of a scheduled Premium amount to keep it In Force.  It will remain In Force as long as the conditions that cause a policy to Lapse do not exist.  If you decide to make a subsequent Premium payment, you must send it to our Home Office.  Each Premium payment must be at least $25.  We will furnish Premium payment receipts.
You may make additional Premium payments at any time while the policy is In Force, subject to the following:
We may require satisfactory evidence of insurability before accepting any additional Premium payment that results in an increase in the policy’s Net Amount At Risk.
We will refund Premium payments that exceed the applicable premium limit established by the IRS to qualify the policy as a contract for life insurance. We will monitor Premiums paid and will notify you when the policy is in jeopardy of becoming a modified endowment contract.
Premium payments will be allocated according to the allocation instructions in effect at the time the Premium is received.
Cash Value
The Cash Value of the policy is not guaranteed.  The Cash Value will vary depending on how you allocate your Net Premium.  Amounts allocated to the fixed account and Policy Loan Account vary based on the daily crediting of interest to those accounts.  Amounts allocated to the Sub-Accounts vary daily based on the Investment Experience.  The Cash Value will also vary because we deduct the policy's periodic charges from it, as described below.  So, if the policy's Cash Value is part of the Death Benefit option you have chosen, then your Death Benefit will fluctuate.
We compute the Cash Value of your policy by adding the following values:
Accumulation Unit values resulting from the Net Premium you have allocated to the fixed investment option:
amounts held in the Policy Loan Account; and
Accumulation Unit values resulting from Net Premium you have allocated to the Sub-Accounts.
In the event of surrender of your policy, the value of the Policy Loan Account on the date of surrender will be subtracted from proceeds.
We will determine the value of the assets in the Sub-Accounts at the end of each Valuation Period.  We will determine your Cash Value at least monthly. To determine the number of Accumulation Units credited to each Sub-Account, we divide the net amount you allocate to the Sub-Account by the Accumulation Unit value for the Sub-Account (using the next Valuation Period following when we receive the Premium).
If you surrender part or all of the policy, we will deduct a number of Accumulation Units from the Sub-Accounts and, if necessary, an amount from the fixed account that corresponds to the surrendered amount.  Thus, your policy’s Cash Value will be reduced by the surrendered amount.
Similarly, when we assess certain charges or deductions, a number of Accumulation Units from the Sub-Accounts and an amount from the fixed account that corresponds with the charge or deduction will be deducted from the Cash Value.  Unless you direct otherwise, we make these deductions in the same proportion that your interests in the Sub-Accounts and the fixed account bear to the policy’s Cash Value.
The Cash Value in the fixed account and the Policy Loan Account are credited with interest daily at the guaranteed minimum annual effective rate stated on the Policy Data Page.  We may decide to credit interest in excess of the guaranteed minimum annual effective rate.  Upon request, we will inform you of the current applicable rates for each account.

On any date during the policy year, the Cash Value equals the Cash Value on the preceding Valuation Period, plus any Net Premium applied since the previous Valuation Period, minus any monthly deductions for policy charges, plus or minus any Investment Experience, and minus any partial surrenders.
The Cash Value will be impacted by the monthly deductions.  For each month, beginning on the Policy Date, the monthly deductions shall be calculated as:

1.           Sub-Account Asset Charge; plus
2.           Administrative Charge; plus
3.           Base Specified Amount Charge, plus
4.           Deferred Premium Load (only applied during years 2 through 5 to the monthly deduction associated with the Policy Anniversary in those years); plus
5.           the monthly cost of any additional benefits provided by any Riders; plus
         6.           Base Policy Cost of Insurance.

Enhancement Benefit
An Enhancement Benefit is included in the policy and is added to the Cash Value when there is a complete surrender of the policy but is not applied to 1035 exchanges, policy loans and partial surrenders.  The Enhancement Benefit is essentially a partial return of policy charges assessed.  In most instances, the Enhancement Benefit will not exceed the sum of all charges assessed on the policy.
The purpose of the Enhancement Benefit is to allow the policy during earlier years to more closely track the corporate liability it is intended to off-set.  This is accomplished by lowering the cost associated with a surrender in early policy years.
The minimum Enhancement Benefit available in policy year 1 equals 0.10% of Premium in policy year 1.  The Enhancement Benefit will vary based on the following:
gender (if not unisex classified) of the Insured;
the elapsed time since the Policy Date;
Investment Experience;
the charges assessed to the policy;
the policy component configurations you select;
the pattern of renewal Premium payments you make.
The Enhancement Benefit may increase or decrease by policy year, but it is designed to decline to zero at the end of its scheduled duration, which is ten (10) years.  If the Supplemental Insurance Rider is in effect, the Enhancement Benefit is reduced.  The Supplemental Insurance Rider reduces the Enhancement Benefit because the lower charges associated with the Rider result in less of an enhancement required to off-set early policy year costs associated with surrender.
The Enhancement Benefit is paid from our General Account at the time the policy is completely surrendered.  We reserve the right to postpone payment of the Enhancement Benefit for up to six (6) months from the date of your surrender request.
Changing the Amount of Base Policy Insurance Coverage
You may request to change the Base Specified Amount.  Changes to the Base Specified Amount will typically alter the Death Benefit.  For more information, see “Changes in the Death Benefit Option,” beginning on page [INSERT PAGE NUMBER]. Changes may result in additional charges.  We reserve the right to limit the number of changes to the Base Specified Amount to one (1) each policy year.
Increases.  To increase the Base Specified Amount, you must submit a written request to our Home Office and you must provide us with evidence of insurability that satisfies our underwriting standards.  In most instances we do not medically underwrite, but we will medically underwrite under certain circumstances, such as a request for a large increase in Base Specified Amount.  Any request to increase the Base Specified Amount must be for at least $10,000 and the Base Specified Amount after the increase may not exceed the Maximum Death Benefit.  We always apply requests to increase Base Specified Amount in proportion it bears to Total Specified Amount.  This means if you have the Supplemental Insurance Rider, all increases will be done proportionally between your Base Specified Amount and Rider Specified Amount.   You may not elect how to allocate increases in Total Specified Amount after the Policy Date.  The Insured must be between 18 and 79 years old at the time of the request and after the increase, the Cash Surrender Value must be sufficient to keep the policy In Force for at least 3 months.  An increase in the Base Specified Amount may cause an increase in the Net Amount At Risk.  Because the Cost of Insurance Charge is based on the Net Amount At Risk, and because there will be a separate cost of insurance rate for the increase, this will usually cause the policy's Cost of Insurance Charge to increase.  An increase in Base Specified Amount may require you to make larger or additional Premium payments in order to avoid Lapsing the

policy.  Increases will be allocated among the policy components in the same manner as the most recent increase (in the absence thereof, in accordance with the original policy), unless an alternative allocation is specifically requested and approved by us.  Approved increases to the Base Specified Amount will become effective on the next monthly anniversary of the Policy Date after we approve the supplemental application unless you request, and we approve, a different date.
Decreases.  You may request to decrease the Base Specified Amount at any time after the first policy year.  We apply Base Specified Amount decreases to the most recent Base Specified Amount increase, and continue applying the decrease backwards, ending with the original Base Specified Amount.  The decreases will be applied in the same allocation of policy components that exists in the insurance being decreased, unless an alternative allocation is specifically requested and approved by us.  Decreases to the Base Specified Amount may decrease the Base Policy Cost of Insurance Charges and the Base Specified Amount Charges, depending on the Death Benefit option elected and the amount of the Cash Value.
We will deny any request to reduce the Base Specified Amount below the minimum Total Specified Amount shown on the Policy Data Page.  We will also deny any request that would disqualify the policy as a contract for life insurance.  To decrease the Base Specified Amount, you must submit a request to our Home Office.
The Minimum Required Death Benefit
The policy has a Minimum Required Death Benefit.  The Minimum Required Death Benefit is the lowest Death Benefit that will qualify the policy as life insurance under Section 7702 of the Code.
The tax tests for life insurance generally require that the policy have a significant element of life insurance and not be primarily an investment vehicle.  At the time we issue the policy, you irrevocably elect one of the following tests to qualify the policy as life insurance under Section 7702 of the Code:
the cash value accumulation test; or
the guideline premium/cash value corridor test.
The cash value accumulation test will always result in a Death Benefit that is lower in the early years and higher in the later years when compared to the guideline premium/cash value corridor test.  The guideline premium/cash value corridor test tends to produce a more favorable return if you are paying three or fewer premiums.  If you pay Premium in excess of the 7 pay Premium in a given year, then it could cause the policy to become a modified endowment contract.  If you do not elect a test, we will assume that you intended to elect the cash value accumulation test.
The cash value accumulation test determines the Minimum Required Death Benefit by multiplying the Cash Value by a percentage described in the federal tax regulations.  The percentages depend upon the Insured's age, gender (if not unisex classified) and underwriting classification.  Under the cash value accumulation test, there is no limit to the amount that may be paid in Premiums as long as there is sufficient Death Benefit in relation to the Cash Value at all times.
The guideline premium/cash value corridor test determines the Minimum Required Death Benefit by comparing the Death Benefit to an applicable percentage of the Cash Value.  These percentages are set out in the Code, but the percentage varies only by the Attained Age of the Insured.
Regardless of which test you elect, we will monitor compliance to ensure that the policy meets the statutory definition of life insurance for federal tax purposes.  As a result, the Death Benefit payable under the policy should be excludable from gross income of the Beneficiary for federal income tax purposes.  We may refuse additional Premium payments or return Premium payments to you so that the policy continues to meet the Code's definition of life insurance.
Exchanging the Policy
At any time within the first 24 months of coverage from the Policy Date, you have a right to irrevocably elect to transfer 100% of the policy's Cash Value to the fixed account, irrespective of our right to limit transfers to the fixed account.  After this election, your policy will no longer participate in the Investment Experience of the Sub-Accounts.  Rather, the policy's Cash Value will be credited with the fixed account's interest rate.  To invoke this right, you must submit your request to our Home Office on our specified forms.
In addition to your right to transfer the policy’s Cash Value to the fixed account, you also have the right to exchange the policy for another policy issued by us that is not a variable insurance policy.   To make an exchange with us you will surrender this policy and use its Cash Surrender Value to purchase the new policy we underwrite on the Insured’s life, subject to: (i) our approval; (ii) our right to not permit an exchange for 24 months after the policy is issued; (iii) the Insured (a) satisfies our underwriting standards of insurability and (b) you pay all costs associated with the exchange.  You may transfer Indebtedness to the new policy.
To invoke this right, you must submit your exchange request to our Home Office on our specified forms.  The policy must be In Force and not in a Grace Period.  The exchange may have tax consequences.  The new policy will take effect on the exchange date only if the Insured is alive.  This policy will terminate when the new policy takes effect.
Terminating the Policy

There are several ways that the policy can terminate.  All coverage under your policy will terminate when any one of the following events occurs:
we receive your written request to our Home Office to terminate coverage;
the Insured dies;
the Insured is alive on the Maturity Date (and you elect not to extend the Maturity Date);
the policy Lapses; or
you surrender the policy for its Cash Surrender Value (which may result in adverse tax consequences).
Assigning the Policy
You may assign any or all rights under the policy while the Insured is alive.  If you do, your Beneficiary’s interest will be subject to the person(s)/entity(ies) to whom you have assigned such rights.  Your assignment must be in a form satisfactory to us and must be recorded at our Home Office before it will become effective.  Your assignment will be subject to any outstanding Indebtedness.  If the assignment qualifies as an exchange under Section 1035 of the Code, there shall be no Enhancement Benefit applied.  An assignment is effective as of the date we record it.  We shall not be responsible for the sufficiency or validity of any assignment.
Reports and Illustrations
We will send you transaction confirmations.  We will also send you an annual report that shows:
the Total Specified Amount;
Premiums paid;
all charges since the last report;
the current Cash Value;
the Cash Surrender Value; and
The report will also include any other information required by laws and regulations, both federal and state.  We will send these reports to the address you provide on the application unless directed otherwise.  At any time, you may ask for an illustration of future benefits and values under the policy.  We reserve the right to assess a charge for illustrations.
You may receive information faster from us and reduce the amount of mail you receive by signing up for our eDelivery program.  We will notify you by e-mail when important documents, like statements and prospectuses, are ready for you to view, print, or download from our secure server.  If you would like to choose this option, go to nationwide.com/login.
Policy Charges
We will take deductions from Premium payments and/or the Cash Value, as applicable, to compensate us for the services and benefits we provide, the costs and expenses we incur, and the risks we assume.  We may generate a profit from any of the charges assessed under the policy.  We begin to deduct monthly charges from your policy's Cash Value on the Policy Date.  If you have a policy loan, a complete description of how interest credited and charged results in costs to you is described in the Policy Loans section of this prospectus.
The charges reflect the costs and risks associated with your policy. Each Insured is assigned to an underwriting class based upon his/her age, gender (if not unisex classified), smoker status, type of evidence of insurability, and insurability status.  In evaluating and underwriting the corporate or legal entity purchasing the Policy, and setting cost of insurance charges, we may take into account several factors, including the purpose for which the Policy is being purchased, the anticipated amount and timing of Premium payments, and the expected asset persistency.
We offer several charge structures, or "policy components," which can be selected and blended—i.e., you may elect to apply 100% of your Total Specified Amount to a single policy component, or apply portions (totaling 100%) of your Total Specified Amount to one or more policy components.  The policy components permit policy purchasers to determine how to allocate policy charges (including charges for distribution expenses) over the life of the policy.  (For information about the compensation arrangements with broker-dealer firms that sell the Policy, please refer to the Distribution, Promotional, and Sales Expenses section of this prospectus.)  Certain policy components rely on premium loads to cover expenses, while others prefer to rely on periodic charges that spread expenses over the years.  Different policy components consist of different patterns of current policy charges.

Policy Component A calls for the greatest apportionment of charges on the front-end.  This policy component includes a Premium Load that declines over the first 5 policy years, as well as a Deferred Premium Load that is assessed in policy years 2-5 and is based on Premium paid in the first policy year.  The aggregate current monthly charges (i.e., the cost of insurance charge, the specified amount charge, and the sub-account asset charge) under this policy component are lower than those for Policy Components B and C during the first four policy years, and lower than those for Policy Component D in all policy years.
Policy Component B includes a Premium Load that declines over the first 5 policy years, but does not include a Deferred Premium Load.  The aggregate current monthly charges are lower than those for Policy Component A after the first four policy years, lower than those for Policy Component C after the first ten policy years, and lower than those for Policy Component D in all policy years.
Policy Component C apportions charges on the front-end to a lesser extent than under either Policy Component A or B:  the Premium Load is at a lower, declining rate and for a shorter duration (i.e., for four rather than five years).  The aggregate current monthly charges are higher than those for Policy Component B during the first ten policy years, and similar thereafter.  The aggregate current monthly charges are higher than those for Policy Component A during the first four policy years, and similar thereafter.  The aggregate current monthly charges are lower than those for Policy Component D in all years.
Policy Component D has no Premium Load—either front-end or deferred.  The aggregate current monthly charges under this policy component are always higher than those under Policy Components A, B, and C.
The charges assessed under your policy will depend upon the policy component configurations you select for your Total Specified Amount, and whether you elect coverage under the Supplemental Insurance Rider.  Generally, if you choose to purchase coverage under the Supplemental Insurance Rider, and concurrently reduce the Base Specified Amount by an off-setting amount, some of the charges associated with your policy will be lower because the charges under the rider are generally lower than those available under a base policy (i.e., a policy without any riders). (For more information about the benefits and operation of the Supplemental Insurance Rider, see the Policy Riders and Rider Charges section of this prospectus.)  Depending on the actual amount and timing of Premium payments and Investment Experience, at any point in time, the Cash Value and death benefit associated with one policy component may turn out to be less favorable than they would have been if another component had been selected.  While we reserve the right to change the pattern of charges under a policy component at any time, the levels of charges associated with each policy component will never exceed the maximum charges in the Periodic Charges Other Than Mutual Fund Operating Expenses table in the Summary: Fee Tables section of this prospectus.
When you submit your application to purchase the policy, you select a policy component configuration to apply to your Base Specified Amount—for example, you might elect to apply 25% of your Base Specified Amount to each policy component, or 50% to Policy Component B and 50% to Policy Component D.  This selection of policy component configurations determines how we weight the current policy charges to calculate the amount of each charge that you pay.  In other words, the charge that you pay is a proportional blending of the charges associated with each of the policy components that apply to your Total Specified Amount.  For example, if you elect to apply 25% of your Base Specified Amount to each policy component, then we would add 25% of the Premium Load for each policy component to determine the amount of Premium Load you would pay; we would follow the same procedure to determine the Deferred Premium Load or the monthly policy charges that you would pay under that policy component configuration.  Similarly, if you elect to apply 50% of your Base Specified Amount to Policy Component B and 50% to Policy Component D, then we would add 50% of the Premium Load for Policy Component B to 50% of the Premium Load for Policy Component D to determine the amount of Premium Load you would pay, and we would follow the same procedure to determine the Deferred Premium Load or the monthly policy charges that you would pay under that policy component configuration.  See Appendix C to this prospectus for examples showing how the amount and timing of charges under the Policy vary under the different policy components, and how those charges are "blended" when you elect the Supplemental Insurance Rider and/or apply portions of your Total Specified Amount (i.e., Base Specified Amount plus Rider Specified Amount) to one or more policy components.
We underwrite the corporate purchaser and we may reject applications with certain policy component configurations based on:  (1) the amount of overall expenses under the policy and the timing of the allocation of those expenses over the life of the policy; (2) the anticipated amount and timing of Premium payments; and (3) the expected asset persistency based on the purpose for which the corporation/entity is purchasing the policy.  Any rejection of an application with certain policy component configurations is based on whether we can assume expenses and risks based on our assessment of the corporate purchaser and the preceding factors.  Our underwriting policies are available upon request.  Once the policy has been issued, changes to the policy component configurations are permitted only with our approval.  Your chosen policy component configuration is documented on the Policy Data Page.
This policy is complex.  The amount of charges assessed under your policy will depend upon policy component configuration(s) applied to your policy, and whether you elect the Supplemental Insurance Rider.  Your registered representative can provide you with illustrations showing the results of various policy component allocation configurations and the benefits/detriments of electing available riders.  By comparing and discussing the various scenarios with your registered representative, he or she can answer any questions you have and help you to identify the policy component configuration(s) that is/are consistent with your objectives.
Premium Load

We deduct a Premium Load from each Premium payment to partially reimburse us for our sales expenses and premium taxes, and certain actual expenses--including acquisition costs.  The Premium Load also provides revenue to compensate us for assuming risks associated with the policy, and revenue that may be a profit to us.  In your policy, this charge is referred to as the “Percentage of Premium Charge.”  The Premium Load applicable to your policy depends on the policy component configurations you select, the number of years since the Policy Date, the amount of annual Premium, and the amount of term insurance coverage you purchased via the Supplemental Insurance Rider.
We divide each Premium payment into contributions towards Target Premium and Excess Premium.  Target Premium is an annual premium based on the specified amount under the base policy (i.e., the policy without any riders) and the Insured's age and underwriting class.  A portion of each Premium payment is considered a contribution towards Target Premium until the total of such contributions in a policy year equals the Target Premium.   The portion considered a contribution towards Target Premium is equal to the Premium payment multiplied by the ratio of the Base Specified Amount to the Total Specified Amount. The portion of each premium payment that exceeds the Target Premium is Excess Premium. The chart below shows the current Premium Loads on Target Premium and Excess Premium that are assessed under each policy component. See Appendix C to this prospectus for examples showing how Premium Loads are assessed.

Premium Loads on Target and Excess Premium

Policy Year
5 and thereafter
Policy Component A
Policy Component B
Policy Component C
Policy Component D

The Premium Load that you pay is determined by multiplying the Premium payment by the weighted average (i.e., a proportional blending) of the Premium Loads for each policy component based on the policy component configuration(s) that you have selected.
We treat each increase in the Base Specified Amount as new coverage, with the Premium Load attributable to the increase determined as if it is part of a newly issued policy.
Deferred Premium Load
We deduct a Deferred Premium Load from the Cash Value to partially compensate us for our sales expenses and premium taxes.  This charge also may provide revenue to compensate us for assuming risks associated with the policy, and revenue that may be a profit to us.  In your policy, this charge is referred to as the “Deferred Percentage of Premium Charge.”  The Deferred Premium Load applicable to your policy depends on the aggregate Premium payments made to the policy in the first policy year, the policy component configuration(s) you select, and the amount of term insurance coverage you purchased via the Supplemental Insurance Rider.  Currently, we deduct the Deferred Premium Load only under Policy Component A, on the anniversary of the Policy Date in policy years 2 through 5, and the charge is taken proportionally from your Sub-Account allocations and the fixed account.  This charge is in addition to the Premium Load assessed in those years, and is assessed regardless of whether any Premium is paid in those years.
The amount of Deferred Premium Load that you pay depends on the classification of your Premium payment(s) as contributing towards Target Premium or Excess Premium, and the policy component configuration(s) you select.  The chart below shows the current Deferred Premium Loads on Target Premium and Excess Premium that are assessed under each policy component.

Deferred Premium Loads on Target and Excess Premium
Policy Year
6 and thereafter
Deferred Premium Load: Policy Component A
Deferred Premium Load: Policy Component B
Deferred Premium Load: Policy Component C
Deferred Premium Load: Policy Component D

The Deferred Premium Load is determined by multiplying the Premium payment by the weighted average (i.e., a proportional blending) of the Deferred Premium Loads for each policy component, based on the policy component configuration(s) that you have selected.  The Deferred Premium Load currently is (and is guaranteed never to exceed) 2% of aggregate Premium payments made in policy year 1.
Base Policy Cost of Insurance
We deduct a Cost of Insurance Charge from the policy's Cash Value on the Policy Date and on each monthly anniversary of the Policy Date to compensate us for providing expected mortality benefits, and to reimburse us for certain actual expenses, including acquisition costs and state and federal taxes.  This charge also provides revenue to compensate us for assuming certain risks associated with the policy, and revenue that may be profit to us.  The Cost of Insurance Charge is the product of the Net Amount At Risk and the cost of insurance rate.  The cost of insurance rate will vary by the Insured’s age, gender (if not unisex classified), tobacco use, substandard ratings, and underwriting class, the number of years from the Policy Date, and the policy component configuration(s) you select.  The cost of insurance rates are based on our expectations as to future mortality, investment earnings, persistency, expenses, and taxes.  The Base Policy Cost of Insurance Charge that you pay is determined by multiplying the Base Policy Net Amount At Risk by the weighted average (i.e., a proportional blending) of the cost of insurance rates for each policy component based on the policy component configuration(s) that you have selected.  There may be a separate cost of insurance rate for the initial Base Specified Amount and any Base Specified Amount increase.  The cost of insurance rates will never be greater than those shown on the Policy Data Page.
We will uniformly apply any change in cost of insurance rates for Insureds of the same age, underwriting class and any substandard ratings, selected policy component configurations, and In Force policy duration.  If a change in the cost of insurance rates causes the amount of your Cost of Insurance Charge to increase, your policy’s Cash Value could decrease.  If a change in the cost of insurance rates causes your Cost of Insurance Charge to decrease, your policy's Cash Value could increase.
We may underwrite your policy on a non-medical basis that may result in a higher Cost of Insurance Charge.    Non-medical underwriting means that a physical examination to obtain medical information on the proposed Insured is not required to issue the policy.  The higher Cost of Insurance Charge would compensate us for assuming additional mortality risk as a result of issuing without the information that results from medical underwriting.  The result is that healthy individuals will subsidize less healthy individuals because there is no medical underwriting, which typically results in lower cost of insurance rates being applied to fully underwritten policies.   If you were to purchase one of our policies that is medically underwritten and you are healthy, your cost of insurance rates would be lower.
The Cost of Insurance Charge will be deducted proportionally from your Sub-Account allocations and the fixed account.
Sub-Account Asset Charge
We deduct a  Sub-Account Asset Charge from the policy's Cash Value allocated to the Sub-Accounts on each monthly anniversary of the Policy Date to compensate us for certain actual expenses, including acquisitions costs and premium taxes.  This charge also provides revenues to compensate us for assuming certain risks associated with the policy, and revenues that may be profit to us.  In your policy, this charge is referred to as the “Monthly Variable Sub-Account Asset Charge.”
The Sub-Account Asset Charge will be deducted proportionally from your Sub-Account allocations on each monthly anniversary of the Policy Date.  The Sub-Account Asset Charge applicable to your policy depends on the policy component configuration(s) you select, the amount of your Cash Value, and whether there is any specified amount attributable to the Supplemental Insurance Rider. We determine this charge for the base policy by multiplying your Cash Value allocated to the Sub-Accounts by the weighted average (i.e., a proportional blending) of the Sub-Account Asset factors for each policy component, based on the policy component configuration(s) that you have selected.  (Different Sub-Account Asset factors apply to the Rider.  Information on Sub-Account Asset Charges associated with the Supplemental Insurance Rider is provided under Policy Riders and Rider Charges section below.)  We assess this charge in addition to any charges assessed by the mutual funds underlying the Sub-Accounts.
The Sub-Account Asset Charge applicable to your policy depends on the policy component configuration(s) you select.  The table below shows the current Sub-Account Asset Factors (presented as an annual rate) for policy components for the Base Specified Amount.  (See the Policy Riders and Rider Charges section of this prospectus for the Sub-Account Asset Factor associated with the Supplemental Insurance Rider.)  

Current Base Policy Sub-Account Asset Factor Charges (shown as an annual rate)1

Ratio of Cash Value to 7-Pay Premium2 (on a monthly anniversary)
Policy Component A
Policy Component B
Policy Component C
Policy Component D
Under 125%
  125% -   249%
  250% -   374%
  375% -   499%
  500% -   649%
  650% -   799%
  800% -   999%
1000% - 1299%
1300% - 1599%
1600% - 1999%
2000% - 2499%
2500% & over
1  To calculate the monthly deduction based on the annual rates listed above, use the following formula:
        Monthly Rate = (1+ Annual Rate) (Number of days in the Month / Number of days in the year) 1
2  The 7-Pay Premium is established as of the Policy Date and will not change.
The maximum Base Policy Sub-Account Asset Factor Charge for each of the policy components is 1.25% (annual rate), the greatest current charge we assess by component is listed below.
Policy Component A
Policy Component B
Policy Component C
Policy Component D
The Sub-Account Asset Charge is determined by proportionally blending the sub-account asset factors for the policy components you have selected to a single factor that is then applied to the Policy’s Cash Value.  The guaranteed maximum annual and monthly charges are shown on the Policy Data Pages.
Base Specified Amount Charge
We deduct a monthly Base Specified Amount Charge from the policy's Cash Value to compensate us for sales, underwriting, distribution and issuance of the policy.  The charge applicable to your policy depends on the Total Specified Amount and is the same for all base policy component configurations.  The charge associated with the first $50,000 of Total Specified Amount is determined separately from the charge associated with the Total Specified Amount in excess of $50,000. The maximum guaranteed Base Specified Amount Charge is $0.40 per $1,000 of Specified Amount.
The table below shows the current Base Specified Amount Charges.  The Base Specified Amount Charge will be deducted proportionally from your Sub-Account allocations and the fixed account.
                                           Base Specified Amount Charges

Policy Year
Amount of Total Specified Amount
Up to $50,000
Over $50,000
1 through 20
                $0.30 per $1,000
          $0.09 per $1,000
21 and thereafter
                $0.01 per $1,000
          $0.01 per $1,000

The total charges applied to Base Specified Amount are determined by adding the amount of the charges of the first $50,000 of Total Specified Amount attributable to Base Specified Amount to the amount of charges attributable to Base Specified Amount on Total Specified Amount in excess of $50,000.   Base Specified Amount will equal Total Specified Amount, unless you have elected any Rider Specified Amount.

A distinct Rider Specified Amount charge applies to the Supplemental Insurance Rider.  If you elect that rider, the total specified amount charges you pay will depend upon the allocation of Total Specified Amount between the base policy and the Supplemental Insurance Rider.   To determine total specified amount charges, you must add the amount of the Base Specified Amount charge to the Rider Specified Amount charge.  Total charges are a weighted average of the amount of Base Specified Amount and Rider Specified Amount.  The end result is a charge blending.   For further explanation of this blending, including an example, see the “Supplemental Insurance Rider” sub-section of the “Policy Riders and Rider Charges” section of this prospectus beginning on page 22.
Administrative Charge
We deduct a monthly Administrative Charge from the policy's Cash Value to reimburse us for the costs of maintaining the policy, including accounting and recordkeeping.  Currently, the Administrative Charge is $5 per month per policy.  The maximum guaranteed Administrative Charge is $10 per month per policy.
The Administrative Charge will be deducted proportionally from your Sub-Account allocations and the fixed account.
Illustration Charge
Currently, we do not assess an Illustration Charge, which would compensate us for the administrative costs of generating the illustration.  However, we may, in the future, assess an Illustration Charge, which will not exceed $25 per illustration requested.  Any Illustration Charge must be paid by check at the time of the illustration request.  The Illustration Charge will not be deducted from the policy's Cash Value.
Policy Rider Charges
Change of Insured Rider--There currently is no charge associated with this rider.
Supplemental Insured RiderIf you purchase this rider and increase the Total Specified Amount (i.e., by the Rider Specified Amount attributable to the Supplemental Insurance Rider), then you will increase the overall monthly charges associated with this policy, even if the Base Specified Amount is not changed.  If, however, you purchase the rider and do not increase the Total Specified Amount and instead reduce the Base Specified Amount by an off-setting amount of Rider Specified Amount, then electing the Supplemental Insurance Rider will potentially reduce the overall monthly charges associated with the policy.  Please see the Policy Riders and Rider Charges section of this prospectus for further information about the charges associated with the Supplemental Insurance Rider.
Mutual Fund Operating Expenses
In addition to the charges listed above, there are also charges associated with the mutual funds in which the Sub-Accounts invest.  While you will not pay these charges directly, they will affect the value of the assets you have allocated to the Sub-Accounts because these charges are reflected in the underlying mutual fund prices that we subsequently use to value your Sub-Account units.  Please see the underlying mutual funds’ prospectuses for additional information about these charges.  You may request FREE OF CHARGE copies of any of the underlying mutual funds’ prospectuses available under the policy.  Information on how to contact us is located on the front page of this prospectus.
A Note on Charges
During a policy's early years, the expenses we incur in distributing and establishing the policy exceed the deductions we take.  Nevertheless, we expect to make a profit over time because variable life insurance is intended to be a long-term financial investment.  Accordingly, we have designed the policy with features and investment options that we believe support and encourage long-term ownership.
We make many assumptions and account for many economic and financial factors when we establish the policy's fees and charges.  The following is a discussion of some of the factors that are relevant to the policy's pricing structure.
Distribution, Promotional, and Sales Expenses.  Distribution, promotional and sales expenses include amounts we pay to broker-dealer firms as commissions, expense allowances and marketing allowances.  We refer to these expenses collectively as "total compensation." The maximum total compensation we pay to any broker-dealer firm in conjunction with policy sales is 44.1099% of first year premiums and 11.253% of renewal premium after the first year.
We have the ability to customize the total compensation package of our broker-dealer firms.  We may vary the form of compensation paid or the amounts paid as commission, expense allowance or marketing allowance; however, the total compensation will not exceed the maximum (44.10% of first year premiums and 11.253% of renewal premium after the first year).  Commission may also be paid as an asset-based amount instead of a premium based amount.  If an asset-based commission is paid, it will not exceed 0.83% of the non-loaned cash value per year.

The actual amount and/or forms of total compensation we pay depend on factors such as the level of premiums we receive from respective broker-dealer firms and the scope of services they provide.  Some broker-dealer firms may not receive maximum total compensation.
Individual registered representatives typically receive a portion of the commissions/total compensation we pay, depending on their arrangement with their broker-dealer firm.  If you would like to know the exact compensation arrangement associated with this product, you should consult your registered representative.
Information on Underlying Mutual Fund Payments
Our Relationship with the Underlying Mutual Funds.  The underlying mutual funds incur expenses each time they sell, administer, or redeem their shares.  The separate account aggregates policy owner purchase, redemption, and transfer requests and submits net or aggregated purchase/redemption requests to each underlying mutual fund daily.  The separate account (not the policy owners) is the underlying mutual fund shareholder.  When the separate account aggregates transactions, the underlying mutual fund does not incur the expense of processing individual transactions it would normally incur if it sold its shares directly to the public.  We incur these expenses instead.
We also incur the distribution costs of selling the policy (as discussed above), which benefit the underlying mutual funds by providing policy owners with Sub-Account options that correspond to the underlying mutual funds.  
An investment adviser or subadviser of an underlying mutual fund or its affiliates may provide us or our affiliates with wholesaling services that assist in the distribution of the policy and may pay us or our affiliates to participate in educational and/or marketing activities.  These activities may provide the adviser or subadviser (or their affiliates) with increased exposure to persons involved in the distribution of the policy.
Types of Payments We Receive.  In light of the above, the underlying mutual funds or their affiliates make certain payments to us or our affiliates (the “payments”).  The amount of these payments is typically based on a percentage of assets invested in the underlying mutual funds attributable to the policies and other variable policies we and our affiliates issue, but in some cases may involve a flat fee.  These payments may be used by us for any corporate purpose, which include reducing the prices of the policies, paying expenses that we or our affiliates incur in promoting, marketing, and administering the policies and the underlying mutual funds, and achieving a profit.
We or our affiliates receive the following types of payments:
Underlying mutual fund 12b-1 fees, which are deducted from underlying mutual fund assets;
Sub-transfer agent fees or fees pursuant to administrative service plans adopted by the underlying mutual fund, which may be deducted from underlying mutual fund assets; and
Payments by an underlying mutual fund’s adviser or subadviser (or its affiliates).  Such payments may be derived, in whole or in part, from the advisory fee, which is deducted from underlying mutual fund assets and is reflected in mutual fund charges.
Furthermore, we benefit from assets invested in our affiliated underlying mutual funds (i.e., Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust) because our affiliates also receive compensation from the underlying mutual funds for investment advisory, administrative, transfer agency, distribution, and/or other services.  Thus, we may receive more revenue with respect to affiliated underlying mutual funds than unaffiliated underlying mutual funds.
We took into consideration the anticipated payments from the underlying mutual funds when we determined the charges imposed under the policies (apart from fees and expenses imposed by the underlying mutual funds).  Without these payments, we would have imposed higher charges under the policy.
Amount of Payments We Receive.  For the year ended December 31, 2006, the underlying mutual fund payments we and our affiliates received from the underlying mutual funds did not exceed 0.50% (as a percentage of the average daily net assets invested in the underlying mutual funds) offered through this policy or other variable policies that we and our affiliates issue.  Payments from investment advisers or subadvisers to participate in educational and/or marketing activities have not been taken into account in this percentage.
Most underlying mutual funds or their affiliates have agreed to make payments to us or our affiliates, although the applicable percentages may vary from underlying mutual fund to underlying mutual fund and some may not make any payments at all.  Because the amount of the actual payments we or our affiliates receive depends on the assets of the underlying mutual funds attributable to the policy, we and our affiliates may receive higher payments from underlying mutual funds with lower percentages (but greater assets) than from underlying mutual funds that have higher percentages (but fewer assets).
For additional information related to the amount of payments Nationwide receives, go towww.nationwide.com.
Identification of Underlying Mutual Funds.   We may consider several criteria when identifying the underlying mutual funds, including some or all of the following:  investment objectives, investment process, investment performance, risk characteristics, investment capabilities, experience and resources, investment consistency, and fund expenses.  Another factor we consider during the identification process is whether the underlying mutual fund’s adviser or subadviser is one of our

affiliates or whether the underlying mutual fund, its adviser, its subadviser(s), or an affiliate will make payments to us or our affiliates.
There may be underlying mutual funds with lower fees, as well as other variable policies that offer underlying mutual funds with lower fees.  You should consider all of the fees and charges of the policy in relation to its features and benefits when making your decision to invest.  Please note that higher policy and underlying mutual fund fees and charges have a direct effect on your investment performance.

Policy Riders and Rider Charges
You may elect/purchase one or more riders available under the policy to meet your specific needs.  Rider availability varies by state.  Riders may not be elected/purchased independently of the policy.  Upon termination of this policy, all riders will also terminate.
We will assess any rider charge by taking deductions from the Cash Value to compensate us for the services and benefits we provide, the costs and expenses we incur, and the risks we assume.  We may generate a profit from any of the rider charges.  We begin to deduct monthly rider charges from your policy's Cash Value on the Policy Date or on the first monthly anniversary of the Policy Date after the rider is effective.
Change of Insured Rider
The benefit associated with the Change of Insured Rider is that you may designate a new Insured, subject to insurability and the conditions below.  The costs and benefits under the policy after the change will be based on the underwriting classification and characteristics of the new Insured.  The amount of insurance coverage after the Change Date shall be the Total Specified Amount shown on the application to change the Insured provided that (1) the policy continues to qualify as life insurance under the Code and (2) such specified amount equals or exceeds the minimum Total Specified Amount shown on the Policy Data Page.  You may elect this rider at the time of application or at any time while the policy is In Force.  Coverage on the new Insured will become effective on the Change Date.  Coverage on the previous Insured will terminate on the day before the Change Date.  The Change Date is the first monthly anniversary on or next following the date the change of insured conditions are met.  The Policy Date will not change.
Change of Insured Conditions:
At the time of the change, the new Insured must have the same business relationship to the Owner as did the previous Insured.
The new Insured may be required to submit evidence of insurability to us.
The new Insured must satisfy our underwriting requirements.
The policy must be In Force and not be in a grace period at the time of the change.
The new Insured must have been at least age eighteen on the Policy Date.
The Owner must make written application to change the Insured.
Change of Insured Rider Charge.  There is no charge associated with the Change of Insured Rider.
Supplemental Insurance Rider
General Information on the Benefits and Operation of the Supplemental Insurance Rider
This rider will modify the amount of insurance coverage (Death Benefit) under the policy.  The benefit associated with the Supplemental Insurance Rider is term life insurance on the Insured that is:  (1) in addition to the Base Specified Amount; (2) payable to the Beneficiary upon the Insured’s death; and (3) annually renewable until the Insured reaches Attained Age 100.  The charges for the Rider are calculated in the same manner as those applicable to the base policy, although different rates may apply under the various policy components available with the Supplemental Insurance Rider.  Currently, if you choose to purchase coverage under this Rider and concurrently reduce the Base Specified Amount by an off-setting amount, some of the charges associated with your policy will be reduced because charges under the policy components available with the Rider may be lower than the corresponding charges under the policy components available for a base policy.  Rider policy component charges are lower in most cases because the rider is term insurance.   The greater the allocation is to rider policy components, the lower the overall charges will be under the policy.  See Appendix C to this prospectus for examples showing how charges are "blended" when you elect the Supplemental Insurance Rider and/or apply portions of your Total Specified Amount to one or more policy components.
Note that:
Certain benefits that are normally available under the policy may be reduced or eliminated when this rider is in effect.
Adding this rider results in a lower Enhancement Benefit;
In some years and/or at some ages, the cost of insurance charge for the rider is more expensive than the

                  cost of insurance for the base policy; and
You may not extend the Maturity Date with respect to the Rider Specified Amount.
The rider’s death benefit terminates if the Insured is living on the Maturity Date.
The compensation rates payable to the selling broker-dealer are lower on this Rider than those on the base policy.
You may purchase this rider at the time of application or, subject to our approval, at a later time provided that the policy is In Force and the rider is purchased before the Insured reaches Attained Age 100.  If purchased at the time of application, the effective date of the rider is the same as the effective date of insurance coverage.  (See the “Insurance Coverage Effective Date” provision earlier in this prospectus.)  If purchased subsequently, the effective date will be the monthly anniversary of the Policy Date on or next following the date we approve your written request, unless you specify and we approve, a different date.  The Rider Specified Amount may be combined with the Base Specified Amount to satisfy the minimum Total Specified Amount shown on the Policy Data Page.  However, while the rider is in effect, the Base Specified Amount must be at least 10% of the minimum Total Specified Amount.  You may request to either increase or decrease the Total Specified Amount, subject to certain restrictions.
Rider Specified Amount Increases and Reductions Due to Partial Surrender
All increases and decreases of Rider Specified Amount, including decreases due to partial surrender or forced surrender partial, are done proportionally between the amounts you have allocated to Base Specified Amount and Rider Specified Amount.
Charges Associated with the Supplemental Insurance Rider
The Supplemental Insurance Rider charges listed below are different from the charges under the base policy.  These charges will be applied to coverage under the Supplemental Insurance Rider and are in addition to the charges you pay on coverage under the base policy.
Sub-Account Asset Charge;
Specified Amount Charge; and
Cost of Insurance Charge
Rider Sub-Account Asset Charge
The table below shows the current factors used to determine the Sub-Account Asset Charges applicable to the Rider Specified Amount.
 Current Supplemental Insurance Rider Sub-Account Asset Factor Charges (shown as an annual rate)1
Ratio of Cash Value to
7-Pay Premium2 (on a monthly anniversary)
Policy Component A
Policy Component B
Policy Component C
Policy Component D
Under 125%
  125% -   249%
  250% -   374%
  375% -   499%
  500% -   649%
  650% -   799%
  800% -   999%
1000% - 1299%
1300% - 1599%
1600% - 1999%
2000% - 2499%
2500% & over
1  To calculate the monthly deduction based on the annual rates listed above, use the following formula.
              Monthly Rate = (1+ Annual Rate) (Number of days in the Month / Number of days in the year) - 1
2  The 7-Pay Premium is established as of the Policy Date and will not change.

The maximum Rider Sub-Account Asset Factor Charge for each of the policy components is 1.25% (annual rate), the greatest current charge we assess by component is listed below.

Policy Component A
Policy Component B
Policy Component C
Policy Component D
We determine the Sub-Account Asset Charge by multiplying your Cash Value  by the weighted average (i.e., a blend that uses the relative proportions of the Base and Rider Specified Amounts) of the Sub-Account Asset Factors for the Base Policy and the Supplemental Insurance Rider, where each Factor is based on the policy component configuration(s) that you have selected.  Currently, the Sub-Account Asset Charge is no more than (and is guaranteed never to exceed) 0.10357% on a monthly basis (and ranges between 0.05% and 1.25% on an annual basis), of the net assets you have allocated to the Sub-Accounts.  The guaranteed maximum annual and monthly charges applicable to your policy are shown on the Policy Data Pages.
Rider Specified Amount Charge
If you purchase the Supplemental Insurance Rider, we deduct a monthly Rider Specified Amount Charge from the policy's Cash Value to compensate us for sales, underwriting, distribution, and issuance of the rider.  The charge applicable to your policy depends on the Total Specified Amount and the allocation of theTotal Specified Amount between Base Specified Amount and Rider Specified Amount. The Rider Specified Amount Charge is the same for all policy component configurations.
The charge associated with the first $50,000 of Total Specified Amount is determined separately from the charge associated with the Total Specified Amount in excess of $50,000.   Each of these charges is determined using a weighted average (i.e., a blend that uses the relative proportions of the Base and Rider Specified Amounts) of the base and rider charges.
The Rider Specified Amount Charge will be deducted proportionally from your Sub-Account allocations and the fixed account. The table below shows the current Rider Specified Amount Charges.
                                  Rider Specified Amount Charges

Policy Year
Amount of Total Specified Amount
Up to $50,000
Over $50,000
1 through 20
$0.05 per $1,000
$0.01 per $1,000
21 and thereafter
$0.01 per $1,000
$0.01 per $1,000
The maximum guaranteed Supplemental Insurance Rider Specified Amount Charge is $0.40 per $1,000 of Specified Amount.

To determine total specified amount charges, you must add the amount of the Base Specified Amount charge to the Rider Specified Amount charge.  Total charges are a weighted average of the amount of Base Specified Amount and Rider Specified Amount you elected.  The end result is a charge blending.
Here is an example of how charges are blended if you elect Base Specified Amount and Rider Specified Amount.
For this example, assume the following.
Total Specified Amount = $150,000.
Base Specified Amount = 50% or $75,000.
Rider Specified Amount = 50% or $75,000.
The policy is less than 20 years old.
The charges are calculated in three parts.
The first part involves calculating the charge on the first $50,000 of Total Specified Amount.  This is accomplished using the following formula.
Blended Total Specified Amount Charges (first $50,000) = [(BA x BSAC) + (RA x RSAC)] x [$50,000/$1,000]
BA = Base Specified Amount Allocation (as a percentage)
BSAC = Base Specified Amount Charge
RA = Rider Specified Amount Allocation (as a percentage)

RSAC = Rider Specified Amount Charge
Using this formula and the assumptions described above, here is how the calculation would work on the first $50,000 of Total Specified Amount.
= [(0.50 x $0.30) + (0.50 x $0.05)] x [$50,000/$1,000]
= [($0.15) + ($0.025)] x [50]
= [$0.175] x [50]
= $8.75
The second part involves calculating amounts in excess of the first $50,000, under which different charges apply.  This is accomplished using the following formula.

Blended Total Specified Amount Charges (excess of $50,000) = [(BA x BSAC) + (RA x RSAC)] x [(TSA - $50,000)/$1,000]
BA = Base Specified Amount Allocation (as a percentage)
BSAC = Base Specified Amount Charge
RA = Rider Specified Amount Allocation (as a percentage)
RSAC = Rider Specified Amount Charge
TSA = Total Specified Amount
Using this formula, and the assumptions described above, here is this second calculation would work on specified amount in excess of $50,000.
=[(0.50 x $0.09) + (0.50 x $0.01)] x [($150,000 - $50,000/$1,000)]
= [($0.045) + ($0.005)] x [100]
= [$0.05] x [100]
= $5.00
The third part is to add the results of the first calculation to the second calculation.  In this example, merely add $5.00 to $8.75 for Total Specified Amount charges of $13.75 per month.
Rider Cost of Insurance Charge
If you elect the Supplemental Insurance Rider, we deduct a monthly Supplemental Insurance Rider Cost of Insurance charge to compensate us for providing term life insurance on the Insured.  This charge is determined by multiplying the rider’s cost of insurance rate by the rider’s death benefit (described below).  We base the supplemental insurance cost of insurance rate on our expectations as to future experience for factors such as mortality, persistency, expenses, and taxes.  The supplemental insurance cost of insurance rate will vary by the Insured’s Issue Age, gender (if not unisex classified), tobacco use, substandard ratings, underwriting class, the number of years from the Policy Date, and the policy component configurations you select.  The same policy component configuration(s) you select for the base policy will apply for the rider unless you request, and we approve, a different configuration.
The Supplemental Insurance Rider Cost of Insurance Charge will be deducted proportionally from your Sub-Account allocations and the fixed account.  Because we deduct the Rider charge from the Cash Value, purchase of this Rider could reduce the amount of the Death Benefit when the Death Benefit depends on Cash Value.
Death Benefit Calculations with the Supplemental Insurance Rider
The death benefit option chosen for the base policy will also be the death benefit option for the rider and calculation of the Death Benefit.  The current death benefit option in effect is shown on the Policy Data Page.  The Death Benefit is calculated as the greater of: (1) the Total Specified Amount; or (2) the Minimum Required Death Benefit (which will differ depending on whether the guideline premium/cash value corridor test or the cash value accumulation test is used).
After the Death Benefit is calculated, it is allocated between your elected amounts of base policy and this rider.
Base Policy Death Benefit– The amount of the Death Benefit we allocate to the base policy is calculated using the formula below.

Base Policy Death Benefit =                                                      CV  +   (Total NAAR)   x    (Base Specified Amount)

                                                                                                  (Total Specified Acost of insurance for the base policy; andmount)
CV = the Cash Value of the policy
Total NAAR = the total Net Amount At Risk which is the Death Benefit minus the Cash Value
The formula above determines the portion of the Death Benefit applied to base by determining the ratio Base Specified Amount bears to Total Specified Amount.
Supplemental Insurance Rider Death Benefit– The amount of the Death Benefit we allocate to the Supplemental Insurance Rider is calculated by taking the Death Benefit and subtracting the Base Policy Death Benefit (as calculated in item 1 above).
In most instances, your charges end up being lower if you apply as much coverage as possible to the rider.
Total Specified Amount remains the same unless you specifically request an increase or decrease.  All increases or decreases are done proportionally based on your established allocation between Rider Specified Amount and Base Specified Amount.
If the Cash Value increases, the portion of the Death Benefit attributable to this rider may, at times, be less than the Rider Specified Amount.   If the Cash Value decreases, the portion of the Death Benefit attributable to the base policy may, at times, be less than the Base Specified Amount.
Terminating the Rider
You may terminate this rider by submitting a written request to us at our Home Office.  We may require that you submit the policy for endorsement.  Terminating this rider will likely result in increased policy charges because of the difference in the pattern of policy charges under the corresponding policy components for the base policy and this rider.  If the rider is terminated, the calculation of the Death Benefit will apply exclusively to the base policy.  Termination may require that the amount of Death Benefit coverage provided by the base policy be increased to maintain the qualification of the policy as a contract of life insurance under the Code.
We reserve the right to deny any request to terminate this rider that would disqualify the policy as a contract of life insurance under the Code.  If the policy is not issued as a modified endowment contract, terminating this rider may result in the policy becoming a modified endowment contract.  We will notify the Owner if the policy's status is in jeopardy.
This rider also terminates upon the earliest of the following dates:
The date policy is surrendered or terminated;
The date the policy Lapses;
The Insured’s death; or
The date the Insured reaches Attained Age 100.
There is no Cash Value attributable to this rider.  Therefore, there is no Cash Surrender Value attributable to this rider available to you upon termination of this rider.
In most instances, terminating the rider will not be to your advantage.  If you decide to terminate the rider, you should carefully discuss this decision with your registered representative or a qualified financial advisor.

Policy Owner Services
Dollar Cost Averaging
You may elect to participate in a dollar cost averaging program.  Dollar cost averaging is an investment strategy designed to reduce the investment risks associated with market fluctuations and promote a more stable Cash Value and Death Benefit over time.  Policy owners may direct us to automatically transfer specific dollar amounts from the fixed account and the NVIT – Nationwide NVIT Money Market Fund: Class V to any other Sub-Account.  Transfers from the fixed account must be no more than 1/30th of the fixed account value at the time you elect to participate in the program.
You may elect to participate in the dollar cost averaging program at the time of application or at a later date by submitting an election form.  An election to participate in the program that is submitted after application will be effective at the beginning of the next policy month.  There is no charge for dollar cost averaging and dollar cost averaging transfers do not count as transfer events.  We will continue to process dollar cost averaging transfers until there is no more value left in originating investment option(s) or until you instruct us to terminate your participation in the service.
Dollar cost averaging programs may not be available in all states.  We do not assure the success of these strategies and we cannot guarantee that dollar cost averaging will result in a profit or protect against a loss.  You should carefully consider your financial ability to continue these programs over a long enough period of time to purchase Accumulation Units when their value is low, as well as when their value is high.  We may modify, suspend or discontinue these programs at any time.  We will notify you in writing 30 days before we do so.


Policy Loans
After the expiration of the free-look period and while the policy is In Force, you may take a loan against the policy's Cash Value.  Loan requests must be submitted in writing to our Home Office.  You may increase your risk of Lapse if you take a policy loan.  There also may be adverse tax consequences.  You should obtain competent tax advice before you decide to take a policy loan.
Loan Amount and Interest Charged
While the policy is In Force, you may request a policy loan provided that, at the time of the loan request, the loan amount plus the Policy Loan Account does not exceed 90% of the Cash Value.  Any applicable Enhancement Benefit is not available to be taken as a policy loan.  The minimum loan amount is $500.
We charge interest on the amount of outstanding Indebtedness at the current rate of between 2.00% and 3.50% per annum.  The maximum guaranteed rate is 3.50% per annum.  The interest rate applicable to your policy depends on the policy components you select.  Policy loan interest charge may provide revenue for risk charges and profit.  We expect to charge an effective annual interest rate of 2.80% on the outstanding balance of your loan for the first fifteen policy years, 2.55% for years 16 through 30, and 2.10% thereafter.
The interest will accrue daily and is payable at the end of each policy year, at the time you take an additional loan, and at the time you make a loan repayment.  If the interest is not paid when due, we will add it to the outstanding loan amount by transferring a corresponding amount of Cash Value from each Sub-Account to the Policy Loan Account in the same proportion as your Sub-Account allocations.
Collateral and Interest Earned
As collateral for the policy loan, we will transfer Cash Value equal to the policy loan amount to the Policy Loan Account.  Amounts transferred from the Sub-Accounts will be in the same proportion as your Sub-Account allocations, unless you instruct otherwise.  We will only transfer amounts from the fixed account if the loan amount exceeds 90% of the Cash Value allocated to the Sub-Accounts.
Amounts in the Policy Loan Account will accrue and be credited daily interest at a rate not less than the stated interest crediting rate shown on your Policy Data Page.
Net Effect of Policy Loans
We will charge interest on the outstanding policy loan amount and credit interest to the Policy Loan Account at the same time.  In effect, the policy loan interest rate is netted against the interest crediting rate, and this is the amount that you are “charged” for taking the policy loan.  The Policy Loan Interest Charged is reflected in the Periodic Charges Other Than Mutual fund Operating Expenses table in the “In Summary: Fee Tables” section of this prospectus.
The amount transferred to the Policy Loan Account will neither be affected by the Investment Experience of the Sub-Accounts, nor will it be credited with the same interest rates credited to fixed account allocations.  Even if it is repaid, a policy loan will affect the policy, the Policy Loan Account, the Cash Surrender Value and the Death Benefit.  If your total Indebtedness ever exceeds the policy's Cash Value, your policy may Lapse.
You may repay all or part of a policy loan at any time while the policy is In Force during the Insured’s lifetime.  The minimum repayment amount is $25.  We will apply all loan repayments to the Sub-Accounts in the same proportion as your current Sub-Account allocations, unless you indicate otherwise.  While your policy loan is outstanding, we will treat any payments that you make as Premium payments, unless you request that they be applied as policy loan repayments.  Repaying a policy loan will cause the Cash Surrender Value to increase accordingly.

The policy is at risk of Lapsing when the Cash Surrender Value is insufficient to cover the monthly policy charges.  Before any policy Lapses, there is a Grace Period during which you can take action to prevent the Lapse.  Subject to certain conditions, you may reinstate a policy that has Lapsed.
Grace Period
At the beginning of a Grace Period, we will send you a notice that will indicate the amount of Premium you must pay to avoid Lapsing the policy.  This amount is equal to at least 4 times the current month’s policy charges.  If you do not pay the indicated amount within 61 days, the policy and all Riders will Lapse.
The Grace Period will not alter the operation of the policy or the payment of the Proceeds.
You may reinstate a Lapsed policy by:

submitting, at any time within three year after the end of the Grace Period and before the Maturity Date, a written request to reinstate the policy;
providing any evidence of insurability that we may require;
paying sufficient Premium to keep the policy In Force for 3 months from the date of reinstatement;
paying sufficient Premium to cover all policy charges that were due and unpaid during the Grace Period; and
repaying or reinstating any Indebtedness that existed at the end of the Grace Period.
Subject to satisfactory evidence of insurability at the same rates, you may also reinstate the Supplemental Insurance rider.
The effective date of a reinstated policy (including any Riders) will be the monthly anniversary of the Policy Date on or next following the date we approve the application for reinstatement.  If the policy is reinstated, the Cash Value on the date of reinstatement will be set equal to the Cash Value at the end of the Grace Period.  We will then add to the Cash Value any Premiums or loan repayments that you made to reinstate the policy.
The Sub-Account allocations that were in effect at the start of the Grace Period will be reinstated, unless you indicate otherwise.

Full Surrender
You may entirely surrender the policy for the Cash Surrender Value at any time while the Insured is alive and the policy is In Force.  A surrender will be effective as of the date we receive your written surrender request on a form acceptable to us at our Home Office.  We may also require you to return the policy.  We reserve the right to postpone payment of that portion of the Cash Surrender Value attributable to the fixed account for up to 6 months.  The Cash Surrender Value will be paid to you in a lump sum, unless you elect to leave the Proceeds on deposit with us (or an affiliate).
No Enhancement Benefit will be applied to a policy that is surrendered pursuant to Section 1035 of the Code.
Partial Surrender
You may request, in writing to our Home Office, a partial surrender of the policy’s Cash Surrender Value at any time after the policy has been In Force for one year.  We may require that you send the policy to us for endorsement.
We reserve the right to limit the number of partial surrenders to one per policy year.  The minimum amount of any partial surrender request is $500; the maximum amount of a partial surrender is the Cash Value less the greater of $500 or the amount equal to 3 months of policy charges.  Any applicable Enhancement Benefit is not available to be taken as a partial surrender.  A partial surrender cannot cause the Total Specified Amount to be reduced below the minimum Total Specified Amount indicated on the Policy Data Page, and after any partial surrender, the policy must continue to qualify as life insurance under Section 7702 of the Code.  Partial surrenders may be subject to income tax penalties.  They could also cause your policy to become a “modified endowment contract” under the Code, which could change the income tax treatment of any distribution from the policy.  We reserve the right to postpone payment of that portion of the partial surrender attributable to the fixed account for up to 6 months.
If you take a partial surrender, we will surrender Accumulation Units from the Sub-Accounts proportionally based on the current assets allocated to each Sub-Account to equal the amount of the partial surrender.  If there are insufficient Accumulation Units available, we will surrender amounts from the fixed account.
Reduction of the Total Specified Amount due to a Partial Surrender.  When you take a partial surrender, we reduce the Total Specified Amount to prevent an increase in the Net Amount At Risk, unless your partial surrender is a preferred partial surrender.  Preferred partial surrenders and how they are applied to a reduction in Total Specified Amount are described in more detail below.  Reduction of Total Specified Amount is proportional between elected Base Specified Amount and Rider Specified Amount.
The policy’s charges going forward will be based on the new Total Specified Amount.  Any reduction of the Total Specified Amount will be made in the following order: against the most recent increase in the Total Specified Amount, then against the next most recent increases in the Total Specified Amount in succession, and finally, against the initial Total Specified Amount.
We do not reduce the Total Specified Amount on any portion of the total partial surrender that is a preferred partial surrender.  For preferred partial surrenders, we reduce the Total Specified Amount by an amount that is no more than the difference between the total partial surrender and any portion that is a preferred partial surrender.  A preferred partial surrender is a partial surrender that:
occurs before the 15th anniversary of the Policy Date; and

when added to any prior preferred policy surrenders taken in same policy year, does not exceed 10% of the Cash Surrender Value as of the beginning of that policy year.
Normally, we will pay the surrender amount within thirty days after we receive your written request in good order at our Home Office.  We reserve the right to delay payment of the Cash Surrender Value arising from the fixed account for six months.  Generally, if the policy has a Cash Surrender Value in excess of the Premiums you have paid, the excess upon surrender will be included in your income for federal income tax purposes.
The Death Benefit
Calculation of the Death Benefit
We will calculate the Death Benefit and pay it to the Beneficiary when we receive (at our Home Office) all information required to process the Death Benefit, including, but not limited to, proof that the Insured has died.  The Death Benefit may be subject to an adjustment if you make an error or misstatement upon application, or if the Insured dies by suicide.  The Death Benefit will be paid to the Beneficiary in a lump sum, unless the Beneficiary elects to leave the Death Benefit on deposit with us (or an affiliate).
While the policy is In Force, the Death Benefit attributable to the base policy will never be less than the Base Specified Amount associated with the base policy.  The Death Benefit will depend on which Death Benefit option you have chosen, any coverage elected under the Supplemental Insurance Rider, and the tax test you have elected, as discussed in greater detail below.  Also, the Death Benefit may vary with the Cash Value of the policy, which is affected by Investment Experience, outstanding Indebtedness, and any due and unpaid policy charges that accrued during a Grace Period.
Death Benefit Options
There are 3 Death Benefit options under the policy.  You may choose one.  If you do not choose one of the following Death Benefit options, we will assume that you intended to choose Death Benefit Option 1.  Not all Death Benefit options are available in all states.
Death Benefit Option 1.  The Death Benefit will be the greater of:
the Total Specified Amount as of the date of the Insured’s death, or
the applicable percentage defined in Section 7702 of the Code of the Enhanced Cash Value as of the date of the Insured’s death.
Death Benefit Option 2.  The Death Benefit will be the greater of:
the Total Specified Amount plus the Enhanced Cash Value as of the date of the Insured’s death, or
the applicable percentage defined in Section 7702 of the Code of the Enhanced Cash Value as of the date of the Insured’s death.
Death Benefit Option 3.  The Death Benefit will be the greater of:
(a) plus (b), where:
(a) = the Total Specified Amount as of the date of the Insured’s death; and
(b) = the greater of zero or the lesser of (i) and (ii), where
(i) = the Death Benefit Option 3 maximum increase shown on the Policy Data Page; and
(ii) = the accumulated premium amount.  The accumulated premium amount equals all Premium payments as of the date of the Insured’s death accumulated at the Death Benefit Option 3 interest rate shown on the Policy Data Page, less the total of all partial surrenders taken from the policy as of the date of the Insured’s death accumulated at the Death Benefit Option 3 interest rate shown on the Policy Data Page; or
The applicable percentage defined in Section 7702 of the Code of the Enhanced Cash Value as of the date of the Insured’s death.
Maximum Death Benefit
We reserve the right to limit the Death Benefit to the Maximum Death Benefit shown on the Policy Data Page.  Currently, for Option1 and Option 2, the Maximum Death Benefit is equal to the sum of the Cash Value and the lesser of (i) 200% of the Specified Amount on the policy issue date and (ii) $8,000,000.  For Option 3, the maximum Death Benefit is equal to the lesser of (i) 200% of the Specified Amount plus the lesser of (a) the Option 3 maximum increase and (b) the accumulated premium amount; and (ii)  the sum of the Cash Value and $8,000,000.  We may increase the Maximum Death Benefit in our

sole discretion.
For each Valuation Period and upon the death of the Insured, we will determine whether the policy’s Cash Value would cause the Death Benefit to be greater than the Maximum Death Benefit.  If the Death Benefit would exceed the Maximum Death Benefit, and we choose to exercise our limitation right, we will surrender an amount from the policy to lower the Cash Value.  The partial surrender will be for the amount necessary to lower the Cash Value to a level that would result in the Death Benefit not exceeding the sum of the Cash Value and the lesser of (i) 180% of the Total Specified Amount on the policy issue date and (ii) $7,200,000.  The forced partial surrender will reduce the Cash Value and Total Specified Amount below the Maximum Death Benefit.  We do this to avoid constant and small forced partial surrenders.   If you have elected the Supplemental Insurance Rider, the Rider Specified Amount and the Base Specified Amount will be proportionally reduced.  A forced partial surrender of this nature will ultimately reduce total policy charges because of the decreased Total Specified Amount (decreased coverage results in lower charges).
There is no action you can take to prevent a forced partial surrender.  In addition, there may be adverse tax consequences on a forced partial surrender.  We will provide you notice of any forced partial surrender.  A forced partial surrender has the same impact as a requested partial surrender which means your Total Specified Amount will be reduced proportionally between any elected Base Specified Amount and Rider Specified Amount and will result in a corresponding decrease in charges.
If Death Benefit Option 3 is applicable and the accumulated premium amount is greater than the Cash Value, we reserve the right to reduce the amount previously credited to the accumulated premium amount to an amount equal to 90% of the Cash Value immediately before the distribution.  For example, if at the time of the pre-death distribution, your Cash Value is $100 and your accumulated premium amount is $102, we would reduce your accumulated premium amount by $12 to $90 (i.e., 90% of the Cash Value). The accumulated premium amount will not become less than zero because of a pre-death distribution.  The partial surrender will be deducted proportionally from your Sub-Account allocations and the fixed account.  The partial surrender amount will be paid to the Owner via check and will be accompanied by a confirmation statement.  Partial surrenders may result in adverse tax consequences that are the sole responsibility of the Owner.
The Maximum Death Benefit may, under certain circumstances, curtail the flexibility that the policy affords you.  For example, the policy's Cash Value may increase at a rate that outpaces the ratio of Cash Value to life insurance permitted under the Internal Revenue Code.  In some instances, you and we may address this situation by increasing the Total Specified Amount of insurance so that the policy's ratio of Cash Value to life insurance is readjusted to comply with the Code definition.  If, however, an increase in the Specified Amount would cause the Death Benefit to exceed the Maximum Death Benefit, then this method of achieving compliance with the Code definition of life insurance may not be available.
We will notify you that a pre-death distribution and/or a reduction in the accumulated premium amount has been generated.  We will send this notice no later than thirty days after we become aware that the maximum Death Benefit has been exceeded.  Taxes arising from the pre-death distribution, if any, are your responsibility.  We urge you to confer with your tax adviser regarding tax implications of receiving a pre-death distribution prior to the purchase of this policy.
If the Death Benefit would exceed the Maximum Death Benefit, and we choose not to exercise our limitation right, we will increase the Maximum Death Benefit amount by endorsing the policy or reissuing the Policy Data Page.
Changes in the Death Benefit Option
After the first policy year, you may elect to change the Death Benefit option from either Death Benefit Option 1 to Death Benefit Option 2, or from Death Benefit Option 2 to Death Benefit Option 1.  You may not change to Death Benefit Option 3.  However, you may change from Death Benefit Option 3 to Death Benefit Option 1 or Death Benefit Option 2.  We will permit only one change of Death Benefit option per policy year.  The effective date of a change will be the monthly anniversary of the Policy Date following the date we approve the change.
For any change in the Death Benefit option to become effective, the Cash Surrender Value after the change must be sufficient to keep the policy In Force for at least three months.
Upon effecting a Death Benefit option change, we will adjust the Total Specified Amount so that the Net Amount At Risk remains the same.  The policy’s charges going forward will be based on the adjusted Total Specified Amount causing the charges to be higher or lower than they were prior to the change.  We will refuse a Death Benefit option change that would reduce the Total Specified Amount to a level where the Premium you have already paid would exceed any premium limit under the tax tests for life insurance.
Where the policy owner has selected the guideline premium/cash value corridor test, a change in Death Benefit option will not be permitted if it results in the total Premiums paid exceeding the maximum premium limitations under Section 7702 of the Code.
Except for material misrepresentations, we will not contest payment of the Death Benefit based on the initial Total Specified Amount, if applicable, after the policy has been In Force during the Insured's lifetime for 2 years from the Policy Date.
For any change in Total Specified Amount requiring evidence of insurability, we will not contest payment of the Death

Benefit based on such increase after it has been In Force during the Insured's lifetime for 2 years from its effective date.
We will not contest the reinstatement of the policy after the reinstated policy has been In Force during the Insured’s lifetime for 2 years from the effective date of the reinstatement.  We will not contest the policy after a change in the Insured (pursuant to election of the Change of Insured Rider) after it has been In Force during the new Insured’s lifetime for 2 years from the Change Date.
If the Insured dies by suicide, while sane or insane, within 2 years from the Policy Date or the reinstatement date, we will pay no more than the sum of the Premiums paid, less any Indebtedness, and less any partial surrenders.  If such Insured’s policy had a Supplemental Insurance Rider, we will return the charges deducted for such rider, but not pay the death benefit.
If the Insured dies by suicide, while sane or insane, within 2 years from the date we accept an application for an increase in the Total Specified Amount, we will pay no more than the Death Benefit associated with insurance that has been In Force for at least 2 years from the Policy Date, plus the Cost of Insurance Charges associated with any increase in Total Specified Amount that has been In Force for a shorter period.
If the Insured dies by suicide, while sane or insane, within 2 years from the effective date of a change of Insured (pursuant to the terms of the Change of Insured Rider, if elected), we will pay no more than the Cash Value as of the Change Date, plus any Premium paid since such date, less any Indebtedness, and less any partial surrenders.
If the policy was issued pursuant to an exchange under Section 1035 of the Code, and the Insured dies by suicide within 2 years of the Policy Date, we will pay a Death Benefit equal to the lesser of: (a) the amount of insurance under the exchanged policy as of the Policy Date; or (b) the Total Specified Amount of this policy.  This provision only applies if the Owner is also the Beneficiary, and if the exchanged policy was originally issued more than 2 years prior to the Policy Date of this policy.  If the Owner and Beneficiary are not the same, the amount of insurance received will be the amount of insurance under the exchanged (predecessor) policy as of the Policy Date.
Policy Maturity
If the policy is In Force on the Maturity Date, we will pay the Maturity Proceeds to you, generally, within 7 days of the Maturity Date.  The payment will be postponed, however, when: the New York Stock Exchange is closed; the SEC restricts trading or declares an emergency; the SEC permits us to defer it for the protection of our policy owners; or the Proceeds are to be paid from the fixed account.  The Proceeds will equal the policy's Cash Value minus any Indebtedness and will be paid directly to you in a lump sum, unless you elect to leave the Proceeds on deposit with us (or an affiliate) in an interest-bearing account.  After we pay the Proceeds, the policy is terminated.
Extending the Maturity Date
Prior to the Maturity Date, we will send you a notice and election form informing you of your option to extend the Maturity Date of this policy.  To invoke the option, you must return the properly executed election form to our Home Office by the Maturity Date.  If you do not invoke the option or we do not receive the form by the Maturity Date, the Maturity Proceeds will be paid to you according to your policy’s settlement provisions.  Note:  if the Supplemental Insurance rider is in effect, you may not extend the Maturity Date with respect to Rider Specified Amount.
If you elect to extend the Maturity Date, the extended Maturity Date will be the date of the Insured's death, at which time we will pay the Proceeds to the Beneficiary.  During this Maturity Date extension, the policy will operate the same as it did prior to the extension, except as follows:
no changes to the Total Specified Amount will be allowed;
the Proceeds will equal the Cash Value;
Death Benefit Options 2 and 3 will be changed to a revised Death Benefit 1 where the death benefit equals the Cash Value only;
no additional Premium payments will be allowed;
no additional periodic charges will be deducted; and
100% of the policy's Cash Value will be transferred to the fixed account.
If you extend the Maturity Date, we will endorse the policy to reflect the changes above.  The Maturity Date will not be extended if such extension would cause the policy to fail the definition of life insurance under the Code.

Payment of Policy Proceeds
We will pay Proceeds within 30 days after we receive your written request in good order at our Home Office, unless you elect to leave the Proceeds on deposit with us (or an affiliate) in an interest-bearing account.

We may make two lump sum payments of the Proceeds.  The first lump sum will be the portion of the Cash Surrender Value in the separate account attributable to Proceeds and will be paid within seven days of the date we receive your written request in good order at our Home Office.  We may delay payment of the first lump sum in cases where the SEC permits us by emergency order to do so.  Any remaining Proceeds will be paid by us in a second lump sum within thirty days after we receive your written request in good order at our Home Office.  We reserve the right to delay payment of any portion of the Cash Surrender Value attributable to the fixed account for up to six months, or as permitted under state law.
The tax treatment of life insurance policies under the Code is complex and the tax treatment of your policy will depend on your particular circumstances.   Seek competent tax advice regarding the tax treatment of the policy given your situation.  The following discussion provides an overview of the Code’s provisions relating to certain common life insurance policy transactions.  It is not and cannot be comprehensive, and it cannot replace personalized advice provided by a competent tax professional.
Types of Taxes
Federal Income Tax.  Generally, the United States assesses a tax on income, which is broadly defined to include all items of income from whatever source, unless specifically excluded.  Certain expenditures can reduce income for tax purposes and correspondingly the amount of tax payable.  These expenditures are called deductions.  While there are many more income tax concepts under the Code, the concepts of "income" and "deduction" are the most fundamental to the federal income tax treatment that pertains to this policy.
Federal Transfer Tax.  In addition to the income tax, the United States also assesses a tax on some or all of the value of certain transfers of wealth made by gift while a person is living (the federal gift tax), and by bequest or otherwise at the time of a person’s death (the federal estate tax).
The federal gift tax is imposed on the value of the property (including cash) transferred by gift.  Each donor is allowed to exclude an amount (in 2007, up to $12,000 per recipient) from the value of present interest gifts.  In addition, each donor is allowed a credit against the tax on the first million dollars in lifetime gifts (calculated after taking into account the $12,000 exclusion amount).  An unlimited marital deduction may be available for certain lifetime gifts made by the donor to the donor's spouse.  Unlike the estate tax, the gift tax is not scheduled to be repealed.
In general, in 2007, an estate of less than $2,000,000 (inclusive of certain pre-death gifts) will not incur a federal estate tax liability.  The $2 million amount increases to $3.5 million in 2009.  The federal estate tax (but not the federal gift tax) is scheduled to be repealed effective after 2009; however, unless Congress acts to make that repeal permanent, the estate tax is scheduled to be reinstated with respect to decedents who die after December 31, 2010.  If the estate tax is reinstated and Congress has not acted further, the size of estates that will not incur an estate tax will revert to $1 million.
An unlimited marital deduction may be available for federal estate tax purposes for certain amounts that pass to the surviving spouse.
If the transfer is made to someone two or more generations younger than the transferor, the transfer may be subject to the federal generation-skipping transfer tax ("GSTT").  The GSTT provisions generally apply to the same transfers that are subject to estate or gift taxes.  The tax is imposed at a flat rate equal to the maximum estate tax rate (for 2007, 45%), and there is a provision for an aggregate $1 million exemption.  The GSTT tax is scheduled to be repealed effective after 2009; however, unless Congress acts to make that repeal permanent, the GSTT tax is scheduled to be reinstated on January 1, 2011 at a rate of 55%.
State and Local Taxes.  State and local estate, inheritance, income and other tax consequences of ownership or receipt of Policy Proceeds depend on the circumstances of each policy owner or beneficiary.  While these taxes may or may not be substantial in your case, state by state differences of these taxes preclude a useful description of them in this prospectus.
Buying the Policy
Federal Income Tax.  Generally, the Code treats life insurance Premiums as a personal expense.  This means that under the general rule you cannot deduct from your taxable income the Premiums paid to purchase the policy.
Federal Transfer Tax.  Generally, the Code treats the payment of Premiums on a life insurance policy as a gift when the Premium payment benefits someone else (such as when premium payments are paid by someone other than  the policy owner).  Gifts are not generally included in the recipient’s taxable income.  If you (whether or not you are the Insured) transfer ownership of the policy to another person, the transfer may be subject to a federal gift tax.
Investment Gain in the Policy
The income tax treatment of changes in the policy’s Cash Value depends on whether the policy is "life insurance" under the Code.  If the policy meets the definition of life insurance, then the increase in the policy’s Cash Value is not included in your taxable income for federal income tax purposes unless it is distributed to you before the death of the Insured.

To qualify as life insurance, the policy must meet certain tests set out in Section 7702 of the Code.  We will monitor the Policy’s compliance with Code Section 7702, and take whatever steps are necessary to stay in compliance.
Diversification.  In addition to meeting the tests required under Section 7702, Section 817(h) of the Code requires that the investments of the separate account be adequately diversified.  Regulations under Code Section 817(h) provide that a variable life policy that fails to satisfy the diversification standards will not be treated as life insurance unless such failure was inadvertent, is corrected, and the policy owner or the issuer pays an amount to the IRS.  If the failure to diversify is not corrected, the income and gain in the contract would be treated as taxable ordinary income for federal income tax purposes.
We will also monitor compliance with Code Section 817(h) and the regulations applicable to Section 817(h) and, to the extent necessary, will change the objectives or assets of the Sub-Account investments to remain in compliance.  Thus, the policy should receive federal income tax treatment as life insurance.
Representatives of the IRS have informally suggested, from time to time, that the number of underlying mutual funds available or the number of transfer opportunities available under a variable product may be relevant in determining whether the product qualifies for the desired tax treatment.  In 2003, the IRS issued formal guidance, in Revenue Ruling 2003-91, that indicates that if the number of underlying mutual funds available in a variable insurance product does not exceed 20, the number of funds alone would not cause the policy to not qualify for the desired tax treatment.  The IRS has also indicated that exceeding 20 investment options may be considered a factor, along with other factors including the number of transfer opportunities available under the policy, when determining whether the policy qualifies for the desired tax treatment.  The revenue ruling did not indicate the number of fund options, if any, that would cause the policy to not provide the desired tax treatment.  Should the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury issue additional rules or regulations limiting: the number of underlying mutual funds, transfers between underlying mutual funds, exchanges of underlying mutual funds or changes in the investment objectives of underlying mutual funds such that the policy would no longer qualify as life insurance under Section 7702 of the Code, we will take whatever steps are available to remain in compliance.
Periodic Withdrawals, Non-Periodic Withdrawals and Loans
The tax treatment described in this section applies to withdrawals and loans you choose to take from the policy.  It also applies to Premiums we accept but then return to meet the Code's definition of life insurance.
The income tax treatment of distributions of cash from the policy depends on whether the policy is also a "modified endowment contract" under the Code. Generally, the income tax consequences of owning a life insurance contract that is not a modified endowment contract are more advantageous than the tax consequences of owning a life insurance contract that is a modified endowment contract.
The policies offered by this prospectus may or may not be issued as modified endowment contracts.  If a contract is issued as a modified endowment contract, it will always be a modified endowment contract; a contract that is not issued as a modified endowment contract can become a modified endowment contract due to subsequent transactions with respect to the contract, such as payment of additional Premiums.  If the contract is not issued as a modified endowment contract, we will monitor it and advise you if  the payment of a Premium, or other transaction, may cause the contract to become a modified endowment contract.
When the Policy is Life Insurance that is a Modified Endowment Contract.  Section 7702A of the Code defines modified endowment contracts as those life insurance policies issued or materially changed on or after June 21, 1988 on which the total Premiums paid during the first seven years exceed the amount that would have been paid if the policy provided for paid up benefits after seven level annual Premiums.  Under certain conditions, a policy may become a modified endowment contract, or may become subject to a new 7 year testing period as a result of a "material change" or a "reduction in benefits" as defined by Section 7702A(c) of the Code.
All modified endowment contracts issued to the same owner by the same company during a single calendar year are required to be aggregated and treated as a single contract for purposes of determining the amount that is includible in income when a distribution occurs.
The Code provides special rules for the taxation of surrenders, partial surrenders, loans, collateral assignments and other pre-death distributions from modified endowment contracts.  Under these special rules, such transactions are taxable to the extent that at the time of the transaction the Cash Value of the policy exceeds the investment in the contract (generally, the Premiums paid for the policy).  In addition, a 10% tax penalty generally applies to the taxable portion of such distributions unless the policy owner is over age 59½ or disabled, or the distribution is part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments as defined in the Code.
When the Policy is Life Insurance that is NOT a Modified Endowment Contract.  If the policy is not issued as a modified endowment contract, we will monitor Premiums paid and will notify the policy owner when the policy is in jeopardy of becoming a modified endowment contract.  If a policy is not a modified endowment contract, a cash distribution during the first 15 years after a policy is issued which causes a reduction in Death Benefits may still become fully or partially taxable to the policy owner pursuant to Section 7702(f)(7) of the Code.  You should carefully consider this potential tax ramification and seek further information before requesting any changes in the terms of the policy.

Distributions from life insurance contracts that are not modified endowment contracts generally are treated as being from the investment in the contract (generally, the Premiums paid for the contract), and then from the income in the contract.  Because Premium payments are generally nondeductible, distributions not in excess of investment in the contract are generally not includible in income; instead, they reduce the owner’s investment in the contract.
However, if a policy is not a modified endowment contract, a cash distribution during the first 15 years after a policy is issued that causes a reduction in Death Benefits may still become fully or partially taxable to the policy owner pursuant to Section 7702(f)(7) of the Code.  You should carefully consider this potential tax ramification and seek further information before requesting any changes in the terms of the policy.
In addition, a loan from a life insurance contract that is not a modified endowment contract is not taxable when made, although it can be treated as a distribution if it is forgiven during the owner’s lifetime.  Distributions from contracts that are not modified endowment contracts are not subject to the 10% early distribution penalty tax.
Surrendering the Policy
A full surrender, cancellation of the policy by Lapse, or the maturity of the policy on its Maturity Date may have adverse tax consequences.  If the amount you receive plus total policy Indebtedness exceeds the investment in the contract (generally, the Premiums paid into the policy), then the excess generally will be treated as taxable ordinary income, regardless of whether or not the policy is a modified endowment contract.  In certain circumstances, for example when the policy Indebtedness is very large, the amount of tax could exceed the amount distributed to you at surrender.
Distributions of income from a life insurance policy, including a life insurance policy that is a modified endowment contract, are subject to federal income tax withholding.  Generally, the recipient may elect not to have the withholding taken from the distribution.  We will withhold income tax unless you advise us, in writing, of your request not to withhold.  If you request that taxes not be withheld, or if the taxes withheld are insufficient, you may be liable for payment of an estimated tax.
A distribution of income from a life insurance policy may be subject to mandatory back-up withholding.  Mandatory backup withholding means that we are required to withhold taxes on a distribution, at the rate established by Section 3406 of the Code, and the recipient cannot elect to receive the entire distribution at once.  Mandatory backup withholding may arise if we have not been provided a taxpayer identification number, or if the IRS notifies us that back-up withholding is required.
In certain employer-sponsored life insurance arrangements, participants may be required to report for income tax purposes, one or more of the following:
the value each year of the life insurance protection provided;
an amount equal to any employer-paid Premiums; or
some or all of the amount by which the current value exceeds the employer’s interest in the policy; or
interest that is deemed to have been forgiven on a loan that we deemed to have been made by the employer.
Participants in an employer-sponsored plan relating to this policy should consult with the sponsor or the administrator of the plan, and/or with their personal tax or legal adviser, to determine the tax consequences, if any, of their employer-sponsored life insurance arrangements.
Exchanging the Policy for Another Life Insurance Policy
Generally, you will pay taxes on amounts that you receive in excess of your Premium payments when you completely surrender the policy.  If, however, you exchange the policy for another life insurance policy, modified endowment contract, or annuity contract, you will not be taxed on the excess amount if the exchange meets the requirements of Code Section 1035.  To meet Section 1035 requirements, the Insured named in the policy must be the Insured for the new policy or contract and the new policy or contract cannot extend the Maturity Date or otherwise delay a distribution that would extend the time that tax would be payable.  Generally, the new policy or contract will be treated as having the same issue date and tax basis as the old policy or contract.
If the policy or contract is subject to a policy Indebtedness that is discharged as part of the exchange transaction, the discharge of the Indebtedness may be taxable.  Owners should consult with their personal tax or legal advisors in structuring any policy exchange transaction.
Taxation of Death Benefits
Federal Income Tax.  The Death Benefit is generally excludable from the beneficiary's gross income under Section 101 of the Code.  However, if the policy is transferred to a new policy owner for valuable consideration, a portion of the Death Benefit may be includable in the beneficiary’s gross income when it is paid.
The payout option selected by your beneficiary may affect how the payments received by the beneficiary are taxed.  Under the various payout options, the amount payable to the beneficiary may include earnings on the Death Benefit, which will be taxable as ordinary income.  For example, if the beneficiary elects to receive interest only, then the entire amount of the interest payment will be taxable to the beneficiary; if a periodic payment (whether for a fixed period or for life) is selected,

then a portion of each payment will be taxable interest income, and a portion will be treated as the nontaxable payment of the Death Benefit.  Your beneficiaries should consult with their tax advisors to determine the tax consequences of electing a payout option, based on their individual circumstances.
Special federal income tax considerations for life insurance policies owned by employers.   In 2006, President Bush signed the Pension Protection Act of 2006, which contains new Code Sections 101(j) and 6039I, which affect the tax treatment of life insurance contracts owned by the employer of the Insured.  These provisions are generally effective for life insurance contracts issued after August 17, 2006.  If a life insurance policy was issued on or before August 17, 2006, but materially modified after that date, it will be treated as having been issued after  that date for purposes of section 101(j).  Contracts issued after August 17, 2006 pursuant to a Section 1035 exchange generally are excluded from the operation of these new provisions, provided that the contract received in the exchange does not have a material increase in death benefit or other material change with respect to the old contract.
New Section 101(j) provides the general rule that, with respect to an employer-owned life insurance contract, the amount of death benefit payable directly or indirectly to the employer that may be excluded from income cannot exceed the sum of Premiums and other payments paid by the policyholder for the contract.  Consequently, under this general rule, the entire death benefit, less the cost to the policyholder, will be taxable.  Although Section 101(j) is not clear, if lifetime distributions from the contract are made as a nontaxable return of premium, it appears that the reduction would apply for Section 101(j) purposes and reduce the amount of Premiums for this purpose.
There are 2 exceptions to this general rule of taxability, provided that statutory notice, consent, and information requirements are satisfied.  These requirements are as follows:  Prior to the issuance of the company, (a) the employee is notified in writing that the employer intends to insure the employee's life, and the maximum face amount for which the employee could be Insured at the time that the contract is issued; (b) the employee provides written consent to being insured under the contract and that such coverage may continue after the Insured terminates employment; and (c) the employee is informed in writing that the employer will be a beneficiary of any proceeds payable upon the death of the employee.  If the employer fails to meet all of those requirements, then neither exception can apply.
The 2 exceptions are as follows.  First, if proper notice and consent are given and received, and if the Insured was an employee at any time during the 12-month period before the Insured’s death, then new Section 101(j) would not apply.
Second, if proper notice and consent are given and received and, at the time that the contract is issued, and the Insured is either a director, a “highly compensated employee” (within the meaning of Section 414(q) of the Code without regard to paragraph (a)(B)(ii) thereof), or a “highly compensated individual” (within the meaning of Section 105(h)(5), except “35%” is substituted for “25%” in paragraph (C) thereof), then the new Section 101(j) would not apply.
Code Section 6039I requires any policyholder of an employer-owned contract to file an annual return showing (a) the number of employees of the policyholder, (b) the number of such employees insured under employee-owned contracts at the end of the year, (c) the total amount of insurance in force with respect to those contracts at the end of the year, (d) the name, address, taxpayer identification number and type of business of the policyholder, and (e) that the policyholder has a valid consent for each Insured (or, if all consents are not obtained, the number of insured employees for whom such consent was not obtained).  Proper recordkeeping is also required by this section.
It is your responsibility to (a) provide the proper notice to each Insured, (b) obtain the proper consent from each Insured, (c) inform each Insured in writing that you will be the beneficiary of any proceeds payable upon the death of the Insured, and (d) file the annual return required by Section 6039I.  If you fail to provide the necessary notice and information, or fail to obtain the necessary consent, the death benefit will be taxable to you when received.  If you fail to file a properly completed return under Section 6039I, you could be required to pay a penalty.
Federal Transfer Taxes.  When the Insured dies, the Death Benefit will generally be included in the Insured's federal gross estate if: (1) the Proceeds were payable to or for the benefit of the Insured's estate; or (2) the Insured held any "incident of ownership" in the policy at death or at any time within 3 years of death.  An incident of ownership, in general, is any right that may be exercised by the policy owner, such as the right to borrow on the policy or the right to name a new beneficiary.
If the beneficiary is two or more generations younger than the Insured, the Death Benefit may be subject to the GSTT.  Pursuant to regulations issued by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, we may be required to withhold a portion of the Proceeds and pay them directly to the IRS as the GSTT tax payment.
If the policy owner is not the Insured or a beneficiary, payment of the Death Benefit to the beneficiary will be treated as a gift to the beneficiary from the policy owner.
Terminal Illness
Certain distributions made under a policy on the life of a “terminally ill individual” or a “chronically ill individual,” as those terms are defined in the Code, are treated as death proceeds.  See, “Taxation of Death Benefits,” above.
Special Considerations for Corporations
Section 264 of the Code imposes a number of limitations on the interest and other business deductions that may otherwise be

available to businesses that own life insurance policies.  In addition, the Premium paid by a business for a life insurance policy is not deductible as a business expense or otherwise if the business is directly or indirectly a beneficiary of the policy.
For purposes of the alternative minimum tax ("AMT") that may be imposed on corporations, the death benefit from a life insurance policy, even though excluded from gross income for normal tax purposes, is included in "adjusted current earnings" for AMT purposes.  In addition, although increases to the Cash Surrender Value of a life insurance policy are generally excluded from gross income for normal income tax purposes, such increases are included in adjusted current earnings for income tax purposes.
Due to the complexity of these rules, and because they are affected by your facts and circumstances, you should consult with legal and tax counsel and other competent advisers regarding these matters.
Federal appellate and trial courts have examined the economic substance of transactions involving life insurance policies owned by corporations.  These cases involved relatively large loans against the policy’s Cash Value as well as tax deductions for the interest paid on the policy loans by the corporate policy owner to the insurance company.  Under the particular factual circumstances in these cases, the courts determined that the corporate policy owners should not have taken tax deductions for the interest paid.  Accordingly, the court determined that the corporations should have paid taxes on the amounts deducted.  Corporations should consider, in consultation with tax professionals familiar with these matters, the impact of these decisions on the corporation’s intended use of the policy.
See, also, Business Uses of the Policy, below.
Taxes and the Value of Your Policy
For federal income tax purposes, a separate account is not a separate entity from the company.  Thus, the tax status of the separate account is not distinct from our status as a life insurance company.  Investment income and realized capital gains on the assets of the separate account are reinvested and taken into account in determining the value of Accumulation Units.  As a result, such investment income and realized capital gains are automatically applied to increase reserves under the policies.
At present, we do not expect to incur any federal income tax liability that would be chargeable to the Accumulation Units.  Based upon these expectations, no charge is being made against your Accumulation Units for federal income taxes.  If, however, we determine that taxes may be incurred, we reserve the right to assess a charge for these taxes.
We may also incur state and local taxes (in addition to those described in the discussion of the Premium Taxes) in several states.  At present, these taxes are not significant.  If they increase, however, charges for such taxes may be made that would decrease the value of your Accumulation Units.
Business Uses of the Policy
The life insurance policy may be used in various arrangements, including nonqualified deferred compensation or salary continuance plans, split dollar insurance plans, executive bonus plans, retiree medical benefit plans, and others.  The tax consequences of these plans may vary depending on the particular facts and circumstances of each individual arrangement.  The IRS has also recently issued new guidance on split dollar insurance plans.  In addition, Internal Revenue Code Section 409A, which sets forth new rules for taxation of nonqualified deferred compensation, was added to the Code for deferrals after December 31, 2004.  Therefore, if you are contemplating using the Policy in any arrangement the value of which depends in part on its tax consequences, you should be sure to consult a tax adviser as to tax attributes of the arrangement.
Non-Resident Aliens and Other Persons Who are not Citizens of the United States
Special income tax laws and rules apply to non-resident aliens of the United States including certain withholding requirements with respect to pre-death distributions from the policy.  In addition, foreign law may impose additional taxes on the policy, the Death Benefit, or other distributions and/or ownership of the policy.
In addition, special gift, estate and GSTT laws and rules may apply to non-resident aliens, and to transfers to persons who are not citizens of the United States, including limitations on the marital deduction if the surviving or donee spouse is not a citizen of the United States.
If you are a non-resident alien, or a resident alien, or if any of your beneficiaries (including your spouse) are not citizens of the United States, you should confer with a competent tax professional with respect to the tax treatment if this policy.
If you, the Insured, the beneficiary, or other person receiving any benefit or interest in or from the policy, are not both a resident and citizen of the United States, there may be a tax imposed by a foreign country that is in addition to any tax imposed by the United States.  The foreign law (including regulations, rulings, treatiers with the United States, and case law) may change and impose additional or increased taxes on the policy, payment of the Death Benefit, or other distributions and/or ownership of the policy.
Tax Changes
The foregoing discussion, which is based on our understanding of federal tax laws as currently interpreted by the IRS, is general and is not intended as tax advice.

The Code has been subjected to numerous amendments and changes, and it is reasonable to believe that it will continue to be revised.  The United States Congress has, in the past, considered numerous legislative proposals that, if enacted, could change the tax treatment of life insurance policies.  It is reasonable to believe that such proposals, and future proposals, may be enacted into law.  The U.S. Treasury Department may amend existing regulations, issue new regulations, or adopt new interpretations of existing law that may be differ from its current positions on these matters.  In addition, current state law (which is not discussed herein) and future amendments to state law may affect the tax consequences of the policy.
In 2001, the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA) was enacted into law.  EGTRRA contained numerous changes to the federal income, gift, estate and generation skipping transfer taxes, many of which are not scheduled to become effective until a future date.  Among other matters, EGTRRA provides for the repeal of the federal estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes after 2009; however, unless Congress and the President enact additional legislation, EGTRRA also provides that all of those changes will "sunset" after 2010, and the estate and generation skipping transfer taxes will be reinstated as if EGTRRA had never been enacted.
The foregoing is a general explanation as to certain tax matters pertaining to insurance policies.  It is not intended to be legal or tax advice.  You should consult your independent legal, tax and/or financial adviser.
Any or all of the foregoing may change from time to time without any notice, and the tax consequences arising out of a policy may be changed retroactively.  There is no way of predicting if, when, or to what extent any such change may take place.  We make no representation as to the likelihood of the continuation of these current laws, interpretations, and policies.

Nationwide Life Insurance Company
We are a stock life insurance company organized under Ohio law.  We were founded in March, 1929 and our Home Office is One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, Ohio 43215.  We provide long-term savings products by issuing life insurance, annuities and other retirement products.
Nationwide VLI Separate Account–4
Organization, Registration and Operation
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4 is a separate account established under Ohio law.  We own the assets in this account and we are obligated to pay all benefits under the policies.  We may use the separate account to support other variable life insurance policies that we issue.  The separate account is registered with the SEC as a unit investment trust under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“1940 Act”) and qualifies as a “separate account” within the meaning of the federal securities laws.  This registration does not involve the SEC’s supervision of the separate account’s management or investment practices or policies.
The separate account is divided into Sub-Accounts that invest in shares of the underlying mutual funds.  We buy and sell the mutual shares at their respective NAV.  Any dividends and distributions from a mutual fund are reinvested at NAV in shares of that mutual fund.
Income, gains, and losses, whether or not realized, from the assets in the separate account will be credited to, or charged against, the separate account without regard to Nationwide's other income, gains, or losses.  Income, gains, and losses credited to, or charged against, a Sub-Account reflect the Sub-Account’s own Investment Experience and not the investment experience of our other assets.  The separate account's assets are held separately from our other assets and are not part of our general account.  We may not use the separate account’s assets to pay any of our liabilities other than those arising from the policies.  We will hold assets in the separate account equal to its liabilities, including required reserves.  For purposes of federal securities laws, the separate account is, and will remain, fully funded at all times.  The separate account may include other Sub-Accounts that are not available under the policies, and are not discussed in this prospectus.
If investment in a mutual fund is no longer possible, in our judgment becomes inappropriate for the purposes of the policy, or for any other reason in our sole discretion, we may substitute another mutual fund, subject to federal rules and regulations.  The substitute mutual fund may have different fees and expenses.  Substitution may be made with respect to existing investments or the investment of future Premium, or both.  We may close Sub-Accounts to allocations of Premiums or policy value, or both, at any time in our sole discretion.  The mutual funds, which sell their shares to the Sub-Accounts pursuant to participation agreements, also may terminate these agreements and discontinue offering their shares to the Sub-Accounts.
We reserve the right to make other structural and operational changes affecting this separate account.
We do not guarantee any money you place in this separate account.  The value of each Sub-Account will increase or decrease, depending on the Investment Experience of the corresponding mutual fund.  You could lose some or all of your money.
Addition, Deletion or Substitution of Mutual Funds
Where permitted by applicable law, we reserve the right to:

remove, combine, or add Sub-Accounts and make new Sub-Accounts available;
substitute shares of another mutual fund, which may have different fees and expenses, for shares of an existing mutual fund;
close Sub-Accounts to allocations;
transfer assets supporting the policies from one Sub-Account to another, or from one separate account to another;
combine the separate account with other separate accounts, and/or create new separate accounts;
deregister the separate account under the 1940 Act, or operate the separate account as a management investment company under the 1940 Act or as any other form permitted by law; and
modify the policy provisions to reflect changes in the Sub-Accounts and the separate account to comply with applicable law.

We will notify you if we make any of the changes above.  Also, to the extent required by law, we will obtain the required orders, approvals and/or regulatory clearance from the appropriate government agencies (such as the various insurance regulators or the SEC).

Voting Rights
Although the separate account owns the mutual fund shares, you are the beneficial owner of those shares.  When a matter involving a mutual fund is subject to shareholder vote, unless there is a change in existing law, we will vote the separate account's shares only as you instruct.
When a shareholder vote occurs, you will have the right to instruct us how to vote.  The weight of your vote is based on the number of mutual fund shares that corresponds to the amount of Cash Value you have allocated to that mutual fund's Sub-Account (as of a date set by the portfolio).  We will vote shares for which no instructions are received in the same proportion as those that are received.  What this means to you is that when only a small number of policy owners vote, each vote has a greater impact on, and may control the outcome of the vote.
Legal Proceedings
Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide is a party to litigation and arbitration proceedings in the ordinary course of its business.  It is often not possible to determine the ultimate outcome of the pending investigations and legal proceedings or to provide reasonable ranges of potential losses with any degree of certainty.  Some matters, including certain of those referred to below, are in very preliminary stages, and Nationwide does not have sufficient information to make an assessment of the plaintiffs’ claims for liability or damages.  In some of the cases seeking to be certified as class actions, the court has not yet decided whether a class will be certified or (in the event of certification) the size of the class and class period.  In many of the cases, the plaintiffs are seeking undefined amounts of damages or other relief, including punitive damages and equitable remedies, which are difficult to quantify and cannot be defined based on the information currently available.  Nationwide does not believe, based on information currently known by management, that the outcomes of such pending investigations and legal proceedings are likely to have a material adverse effect on Nationwide’s consolidated financial position.  However, given the large and/or indeterminate amounts sought in certain of these matters and inherent unpredictability of litigation, it is possible that an adverse outcome in certain matters could have a material adverse effect on Nationwide’s consolidated financial results in a particular quarterly or annual period.
In recent years, life insurance companies have been named as defendants in lawsuits, including class action lawsuits relating to life insurance and annuity pricing and sales practices.  A number of these lawsuits have resulted in substantial jury awards or settlements against life insurers other than Nationwide.
The financial services industry, including mutual fund, variable annuity, retirement plan, life insurance and distribution companies, has also been the subject of increasing scrutiny by regulators, legislators and the media over the past few years.  Numerous regulatory agencies, including the SEC, the National Association of Securities Dealers and the New York State Attorney General, have commenced industry-wide investigations regarding late trading and market timing in connection with mutual funds and variable insurance contracts, and have commenced enforcement actions against some mutual fund and life insurance companies on those issues.  Nationwide has been contacted by or received subpoenas from the SEC and the New York State Attorney General, who are investigating market timing in certain mutual funds offered in insurance products sponsored by Nationwide.  Nationwide has cooperated with these investigations.  Information requests from the New York State Attorney General and the SEC with respect to investigations into late trading and market timing were last responded to by Nationwide and its affiliates in December 2003 and June 2005, respectively, and no further information requests have been received with respect to these matters.
In addition, state and federal regulators and other governmental bodies have commenced investigations, proceedings or inquiries relating to compensation and bidding arrangements and possible anti-competitive activities between insurance

producers and brokers and issuers of insurance products, and unsuitable sales and replacements by producers on behalf of the issuer.  Also under investigation are compensation and revenue sharing arrangements between the issuers of variable insurance contracts and mutual funds or their affiliates, fee arrangements in retirement plans, the use of side agreements and finite reinsurance agreements, funding agreements issued to back medium-term note (MTN) programs, recordkeeping and retention compliance by broker/dealers, and supervision of former registered representatives.  Related investigations, proceedings or inquiries may be commenced in the future.  Nationwide and/or its affiliates have been contacted by or received subpoenas from state and federal regulatory agencies and other governmental bodies, state securities law regulators and state attorneys general for information relating to certain of these investigations, including those relating to compensation, revenue sharing and bidding arrangements, anti-competitive activities, unsuitable sales or replacement practices, fee arrangements in retirement plans, the use of side agreements and finite reinsurance agreements, and funding agreements backing Nationwide’s MTN program.  Nationwide is cooperating with regulators in connection with these inquiries and will cooperate with Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company (NMIC) in responding to these inquiries to the extent that any inquiries encompass NMIC’s operations.
These proceedings are expected to continue in the future and could result in legal precedents and new industry-wide legislation, rules and regulations that could significantly affect the financial services industry, including mutual fund, retirement plan, life insurance and annuity companies.  These proceedings also could affect the outcome of one or more of Nationwide’s litigation matters.  There can be no assurance that any such litigation or regulatory actions will not have a material adverse effect on Nationwide in the future.
On July 11, 2007, Nationwide was named in a lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington at Tacoma entitled Jerre Daniels-Hall and David Hamblen, Individually and on behalf of All Others Similarly Situated v. National Education Association, NEA Member Benefits Corporation, Nationwide Life Insurance Company, Security Benefit Life Insurance Company, Security Benefit Group, Inc., Security Distributors, Inc., et. al.  The plaintiff seeks to represent a class of all current or former National Education Association (NEA) members who participated in the NEA Valuebuilder 403(b) program at any time between January 1, 1991 and the present (and their heirs and/or beneficiaries).  The plaintiffs allege that the defendants violated the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA) by failing to prudently and loyally manage plan assets, by failing to provide complete and accurate information, by engaging in prohibited transactions, and by breaching their fiduciary duties when they failed to prevent other fiduciaries from breaching their fiduciary duties.  The complaint seeks to have the defendants restore all losses to the plan, restoration of plan assets and profits to participants, disgorgement of endorsement fees, disgorgement of service fee payments, disgorgement of excessive fees charged to plan participants, other unspecified relief for restitution, declaratory and injunctive relief, and attorneys’ fees.  Nationwide is currently evaluating this recently filed case but intends to defend this matter vigorously.
On November 15, 2006, Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. (NFS), Nationwide and Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. (NRS) were named in a lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio entitled Kevin Beary, Sheriff of Orange County, Florida, In His Official Capacity, Individually and On Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated v. Nationwide Life Insurance Co., Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. and Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.  The plaintiff seeks to represent a class of all sponsors of 457(b) deferred compensation plans in the United States that had variable annuity contracts with the defendants at any time during the class period, or in the alternative, all sponsors of 457(b) deferred compensation plans in Florida that had variable annuity contracts with the defendants during the class period.  The class period is from January 1, 1996 until the class notice is provided.  The plaintiff alleges that the defendants breached their fiduciary duties by arranging for and retaining service payments from certain mutual funds.  The complaint seeks an accounting, a declaratory judgment, a permanent injunction and disgorgement or restitution of the service fee payments allegedly received by the defendants, including interest.  On January 25, 2007, NFS, Nationwide and NRS filed a motion to dismiss.  On March 3, 2007, the plaintiffs filed their memorandum in opposition to the motion to dismiss that was filed by NFS, Nationwide and NRS.  On March 23, 2007, NFS, Nationwide and NRS filed their response.  NFS, Nationwide and NRS intend to defend this lawsuit vigorously.
On February 11, 2005, Nationwide was named in a class action lawsuit filed in Common Pleas Court, Franklin County, Ohio entitled Michael Carr v. Nationwide Life Insurance Company.  The complaint seeks recovery for breach of contract, fraud by omission, violation of the Ohio Deceptive Trade Practices Act and unjust enrichment.  The complaint also seeks unspecified compensatory damages, disgorgement of all amounts in excess of the guaranteed maximum premium and attorneys’ fees.  On February 2, 2006, the court granted the plaintiff’s motion for class certification on the breach of contract and unjust enrichment claims.  The court certified a class consisting of all residents of the United States and the Virgin Islands who, during the class period, paid premiums on a modal basis to Nationwide for term life insurance policies issued by Nationwide during the class period that provide for guaranteed maximum premiums, excluding certain specified products.  Excluded from the class are Nationwide; any parent, subsidiary or affiliate of Nationwide; all employees, officers and directors of Nationwide; and any justice, judge or magistrate judge of the State of Ohio who may hear the case.  The class period is from February 10, 1990 through February 2, 2006, the date the class was certified.  On January 26, 2007, the plaintiff filed a motion for summary judgment.  On April 30, 2007, Nationwide filed a motion for summary judgment.  Oral argument on the motions for summary judgment is scheduled for August 31, 2007.  Nationwide continues to defend this lawsuit vigorously.
On April 13, 2004, Nationwide was named in a class action lawsuit filed in Circuit Court, Third Judicial Circuit, Madison County, Illinois, entitled Woodbury v. Nationwide Life Insurance Company.  Nationwide removed this case to the United

States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois on June 1, 2004.  On December 27, 2004, the case was transferred to the United States District Court for the District of Maryland and included in the multi-district proceeding entitled In Re Mutual Funds Investment Litigation.  In response, on May 13, 2005, the plaintiff filed a first amended complaint purporting to represent, with certain exceptions, a class of all persons who held (through their ownership of a Nationwide annuity or insurance product) units of any Nationwide sub-account invested in mutual funds that included foreign securities in their portfolios and that experienced market timing or stale price trading activity.  The first amended complaint purports to disclaim, with respect to market timing or stale price trading in Nationwide’s annuities sub-accounts, any allegation based on Nationwide’s untrue statement, failure to disclose any material fact, or usage of any manipulative or deceptive device or contrivance in connection with any class member’s purchases or sales of Nationwide annuities or units in annuities sub-accounts.  The plaintiff claims, in the alternative, that if Nationwide is found with respect to market timing or stale price trading in its annuities sub-accounts, to have made any untrue statement, to have failed to disclose any material fact or to have used or employed any manipulative or deceptive device or contrivance, then the plaintiff purports to represent a class, with certain exceptions, of all persons who, prior to Nationwide’s untrue statement, omission of material fact, use or employment of any manipulative or deceptive device or contrivance, held (through their ownership of an Nationwide annuity or insurance product) units of any Nationwide sub-account invested in mutual funds that included foreign securities in their portfolios and that experienced market timing activity.  The first amended complaint alleges common law negligence and seeks to recover damages not to exceed $75,000 per plaintiff or class member, including all compensatory damages and costs.  On June 1, 2006, the District Court granted Nationwide’s motion to dismiss the plaintiff’s complaint.  The plaintiff appealed the District Court’s decision, and the issues have been fully briefed.  Nationwide continues to defend this lawsuit vigorously.
On January 21, 2004, Nationwide, Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America, Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company, NFS and Nationwide Financial Corporation (collectively referred to as the Companies) were named in a lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi entitled United Investors Life Insurance Company v. Nationwide Life Insurance Company and/or Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America and/or Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company and/or Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America and/or Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. and/or Nationwide Financial Corporation, and John Does A-Z.  In its complaint, the plaintiff alleges that the Companies and/or their affiliated life insurance companies caused the replacement of variable insurance policies and other financial products issued by United Investors with policies issued by the Companies.  The plaintiff raises claims for (1) violations of the Federal Lanham Act, and common law unfair competition and defamation; (2) tortious interference with the plaintiff’s contractual relationship with Waddell & Reed, Inc. and/or its affiliates, Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc., Waddell & Reed Financial Services, Inc. and W&R Insurance Agency, Inc., or with the plaintiff’s contractual relationships with its variable policyholders; (3) civil conspiracy; and (4) breach of fiduciary duty.  The complaint seeks compensatory damages, punitive damages, pre- and post-judgment interest, a full accounting, a constructive trust and costs and disbursements, including attorneys’ fees.  On June 15, 2006, the District Court dismissed the plaintiff’s entire case with prejudice.  On May 30, 2007, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the District Court’s dismissal of the entire case.  The plaintiff may appeal this decision to the United States Supreme Court.  In the event the plaintiff elects this course of action, the Companies will continue to defend this lawsuit vigorously.
On August 15, 2001, NFS and Nationwide were named in a lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut entitled Lou Haddock, as trustee of the Flyte Tool & Die, Incorporated Deferred Compensation Plan, et al v. Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. and Nationwide Life Insurance Company.  Currently, the plaintiffs’ fifth amended complaint, filed March 21, 2006, purports to represent a class of qualified retirement plans under ERISA that purchased variable annuities from Nationwide.  The plaintiffs allege that they invested ERISA plan assets in their variable annuity contracts and that Nationwide and NFS breached ERISA fiduciary duties by allegedly accepting service payments from certain mutual funds.  The complaint seeks disgorgement of some or all of the payments allegedly received by Nationwide and NFS, other unspecified relief for restitution, declaratory and injunctive relief, and attorneys’ fees.  To date, the District Court has rejected the plaintiffs’ request for certification of the alleged class.  NFS’ and Nationwide’s motion to dismiss the plaintiffs’ fifth amended complaint is currently pending before the court.  NFS and Nationwide continue to defend this lawsuit vigorously.
Nationwide Investment Services Corporation
The general distributor, Nationwide Investment Services Corporation, is not engaged in litigation of a material nature.
Financial Statements
The Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”) contains the financial statements of Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4 and the consolidated financial statements of Nationwide Life Insurance Company and subsidiaries.  You may obtain a copy of the SAI FREE OF CHARGE by contacting us at the address or telephone number on the first page of this prospectus.  Please consider the consolidated financial statements of the company and subsidiaries only as bearing on our ability to meet the obligations under the policy.  You should not consider the consolidated financial statements of the company as affecting the investment performance of the

assets of the separate account.

Appendix A: Sub-Account Information
The Sub-Accounts listed below invest in corresponding mutual funds that are designed primarily as investments for variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies issued by insurance companies.  There is no guarantee that the investment objectives will be met.
Please refer to the prospectus for each underlying mutual fund for more detailed information.

AIM Variable Insurance Funds - AIM V.I. Basic Value Fund: Series I Shares
Investment Adviser:
AIM Advisors, Inc.
Investment Objective:
Long-term growth of capital.

AIM Variable Insurance Funds - AIM V.I. Capital Development Fund: Series I Shares
Investment Adviser:
AIM Advisors, Inc.
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital growth.

AIM Variable Insurance Funds - AIM V.I. International Growth Fund: Series I Shares
Investment Adviser:
AIM Advisors, Inc.
Investment Objective:
Long-term growth of capital.

AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. - AllianceBernstein Growth and Income Portfolio: Class A
Investment Adviser:
AllianceBernstein L.P.
Investment Objective:
Long-term growth of capital.

AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. - AllianceBernstein International Value Portfolio: Class A
Investment Adviser:
AllianceBernstein L.P.
Investment Objective:
Long-term growth of capital.

AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. - AllianceBernstein Small/Mid Cap Value Portfolio: Class A
Investment Adviser:
AllianceBernstein L.P.
Investment Objective:
Long-term growth of capital.

American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. - American Century VP Mid Cap Value Fund: Class I
Investment Adviser:
American Century Investment Management, Inc.
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital growth.

American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. - American Century VP Value Fund: Class I
Investment Adviser:
American Century Investment Management, Inc.
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital growth with income as a secondary objective.

American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. - American Century VP Vista Fund: Class I
Investment Adviser:
American Century Investment Management, Inc.
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital growth.

American Funds Insurance Series - Asset Allocation Fund: Class 2
Investment Adviser:
Capital Research and Management Company
Investment Objective:
Seeks to provide high total return consistent with the preservation of capital.

American Funds Insurance Series - Bond Fund: Class 2
Investment Adviser:
Capital Research and Management Company
Investment Objective:
Seeks to maximize your level of current income and preserve your capital.

BlackRock Large Cap Core V.I. Fund: Class II
Investment Adviser:
Mercury Advisors
Investment Objective:
High total investment return.


Davis Variable Account Fund, Inc. - Davis Value Portfolio
Investment Adviser:
Davis Selected Advisors, L.P.
Davis Selected Advisors - NY, Inc.
Investment Objective:
Long-term growth of capital.

Dreyfus Investment Portfolios - Small Cap Stock Index Portfolio: Service Shares
Investment Adviser:
The Dreyfus Corporation
Investment Objective:
To match performance of the S&P SmallCap 600 Index®.

Dreyfus Stock Index Fund, Inc.: Initial Shares
Investment Adviser:
The Dreyfus Corporation
Investment Objective:
To match performance of the S&P 500.

Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund - Appreciation Portfolio: Initial Shares
Investment Adviser:
The Dreyfus Corporation
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital growth consistent with the preservation of capital.

Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund - International Value Portfolio: Initial Shares
Investment Adviser:
The Dreyfus Corporation
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital growth.

DWS Variable Series II - Dreman High Return Equity VIP: Class B
Investment Adviser:
Deutsche Investment Management Americas Inc.
Dreman Value Management L.L.C.
Investment Objective:
High rate of total return.

DWS Variable Series II - Dreman Small Mid Cap Value VIP: Class B
Investment Adviser:
Deutsche Investment Management Americas Inc.
Dreman Value Management L.L.C.
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital appreciation.

Federated Insurance Series - Federated Quality Bond Fund II: Primary Shares
Investment Adviser:
Federated Investment Management Company
Investment Objective:
Current income.

Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund - VIP Contrafund® Portfolio: Service Class
Investment Adviser:
Fidelity Research & Analysis Company
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital appreciation.

Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund - VIP Equity-Income Portfolio: Service Class
Investment Adviser:
Fidelity Research & Analysis Company
Investment Objective:
Reasonable income.

Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund - VIP Growth Portfolio: Service Class
Investment Adviser:
Fidelity Management & Research Company
FMR Co., Inc.
Investment Objective:
Capital appreciation.

Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund - VIP Investment Grade Bond Portfolio: Service Class
Investment Adviser:
Fidelity Investments Money Management, Inc.
Investment Objective:
High level of current income.


Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund - VIP Mid Cap Portfolio: Service Class
Investment Adviser:
Fidelity Research & Analysis Company
Investment Objective:
Long-term growth of capital.

Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Franklin Small Cap Value Securities Fund: Class 2
Investment Adviser:
Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital growth.

Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust - Templeton Foreign Securities Fund: Class 2
Investment Adviser:
Franklin Advisory Services, LLC
Investment Objective:
Long-term total return.

Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust - Templeton Global Income Securities Fund: Class 2
Investment Adviser:
Franklin Advisors, Inc.
Investment Objective:
High current income, consistent with preservation of capital.

Janus Aspen Series - Balanced Portfolio: Service Shares
Investment Adviser:
Janus Capital Management LLC
Investment Objective:
Long-term growth of capital, consistent with preservation of capital and balanced by current income.

Janus Aspen Series - Forty Portfolio: Service Shares
Investment Adviser:
Janus Capital Management LLC
Investment Objective:
Long-term growth of capital.

Janus Aspen Series - Global Technology Portfolio: Service Shares
Investment Adviser:
Janus Capital Management LLC
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital growth.

Janus Aspen Series – International Growth Portfolio: Service Shares
Investment Adviser:
Janus Capital Management LLC
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital growth.

Legg Mason Partners Variable Portfolios I, Inc. - Legg Mason Partners Variable Small Cap Growth Portfolio: Class I
Investment Adviser:
Legg Mason Partners Fund Advisor, LLC
Investment Objective:
The fund seeks long-term growth of capital.

Lincoln Variable Insurance Products Trust – Baron Growth Opportunities Fund: Service Class
Investment Adviser:
Lincoln Investment Advisors Corporation
Investment Objective:
Capital appreciation.

Lord Abbett Series Fund, Inc. - Mid-Cap Value Portfolio: Class VC
Investment Adviser:
Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC
Investment Objective:
Capital appreciation through investments, primarily in equity securities, which are believed to be undervalued in the market place.

MFS® Variable Insurance Trust - MFS Value Series: Service Class
Investment Adviser:
Massachusetts Financial Services Company
Investment Objective:
Capital appreciation and reasonable income.

MFS® Variable Insurance Trust – Research International Series: Service Class
Investment Adviser:
Massachusetts Financial Services Company
Investment Objective:
Capital appreciation.


Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust - Federated NVIT High Income Bond Fund: Class I
Investment Adviser:
Nationwide Fund Advisors
Federated Investment Management Company
Investment Objective:
High current income.

Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust - Gartmore NVIT Emerging Markets Fund: Class I
Investment Adviser:
Nationwide Fund Advisors
Gartmore Global Partners
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital growth by investing primarily in equity securities of companies located in emerging market countries.

Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust - Gartmore NVIT International Growth Fund: Class I
Investment Adviser:
Nationwide Fund Advisors
Gartmore Global Partners
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital growth by investing primarily in equity securities of companies in Europe, Australasia, the Far East and other regions, including developing countries.

Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust - Gartmore NVIT Worldwide Leaders Fund: Class I
Investment Adviser:
Nationwide Fund Advisors
Gartmore Global Partners
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital growth.

Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust - Nationwide Multi-Manager NVIT Small Cap Growth Fund: Class I
Investment Adviser:
Nationwide Fund Advisors
Oberweis Asset Management, Inc.; Waddell & Reed Investment ManagementCompany
Investment Objective:
Capital growth.

Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust - Nationwide Multi-Manager NVIT Small Cap Value Fund: Class I
Investment Adviser:
Nationwide Fund Advisors
Epoch Investment Partners, Inc.; J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc.
Investment Objective:
Capital appreciation.

Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust - Nationwide Multi-Manager NVIT Small Company Fund: Class I
Investment Adviser:
Nationwide Fund Advisors
American Century Investment Management Inc.; Franklin Portfolio Associates LLC; Gartmore Global Partners; Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc.; Neuberger Berman, LLC; Waddell & Reed Investment Management Company
Investment Objective:
Long-term growth of capital.

Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust - Nationwide NVIT Government Bond Fund: Class I
Investment Adviser:
Nationwide Fund Advisors
Investment Objective:
To provide a high level of income as is consistent with the preservation of capital.

Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust - Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Aggressive Fund: Class II
Investment Adviser:
Nationwide Fund Advisors
Investment Objective:
To maximize growth of capital consistent with a more aggressive level of risk as compared to the other Investor Destinations Funds.
The Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Funds are designed to provide diversification and asset allocation across
several types of investments and asset classes, primarily by investing in underlying funds.  Therefore, a proportionate share
of the fees and expenses of the underlying funds are indirectly borne by investors.  Please refer to the prospectus for
Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Funds for more information.


Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust - Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Conservative Fund: Class II
Investment Adviser:
Nationwide Fund Advisors
Investment Objective:
High level of return consistent with a conservative level of risk compared tothe other Investor Destinations Funds.
The Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Funds are designed to provide diversification and asset allocation across
several types of investments and asset classes, primarily by investing in underlying funds.  Therefore, a proportionate share
of the fees and expenses of the underlying funds are indirectly borne by investors.  Please refer to the prospectus for
Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Funds for more information.

Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust - Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Moderate Fund: Class II
Investment Adviser:
Nationwide Fund Advisors
Investment Objective:
High level of total return consistent with a moderate level of risk as compared to other Investor Destinations Funds.
The Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Funds are designed to provide diversification and asset allocation across
several types of investments and asset classes, primarily by investing in underlying funds.  Therefore, a proportionate share
of the fees and expenses of the underlying funds are indirectly borne by investors.  Please refer to the prospectus for
Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Funds for more information.

Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust - Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Moderately Aggressive Fund: Class II
Investment Adviser:
Nationwide Fund Advisors
Investment Objective:
Growth of capital, but also seeks income consistent with a moderately aggressive level of risk as compared to the other Investor Destinations Funds.
The Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Funds are designed to provide diversification and asset allocation across
several types of investments and asset classes, primarily by investing in underlying funds.  Therefore, a proportionate share
of the fees and expenses of the underlying funds are indirectly borne by investors.  Please refer to the prospectus for
Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Funds for more information.

Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust - Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Moderately Conservative Fund: Class II
Investment Adviser:
Nationwide Fund Advisors
Investment Objective:
High level of total return consistent with a moderately conservative level of risk.
The Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Funds are designed to provide diversification and asset allocation across
several types of investments and asset classes, primarily by investing in underlying funds.  Therefore, a proportionate share
of the fees and expenses of the underlying funds are indirectly borne by investors.  Please refer to the prospectus for
Nationwide NVIT Investor Destinations Funds for more information.

Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust - Nationwide NVIT Money Market Fund: Class V
Investment Adviser:
Nationwide Fund Advisors
Investment Objective:
High level of current income as is consistent with the preservation of capital and maintenance of liquidity.

Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust - NVIT International Index Fund: Class II
Investment Adviser:
Nationwide Fund Advisors
Fund Asset Management, LP
Investment Objective:
To match the performance of the Morgan Stanley Capital International Europe, Australasia and Far East Index ("MSCI EAFE® Index") as closely as possible before the deduction of Fund expenses.

Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust - NVIT Mid Cap Index Fund: Class I
Investment Adviser:
Nationwide Fund Advisors
Fund Asset Management, LP
Investment Objective:
Capital appreciation.

Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust - NVIT Nationwide® Fund: Class I
Investment Adviser:
Nationwide Fund Advisors
Investment Objective:
Total return through a flexible combination of capital appreciation and current income.


Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust - Van Kampen NVIT Multi Sector Bond Fund: Class I
Investment Adviser:
Nationwide Fund Advisors
Van Kampen Asset Management
Investment Objective:
Above average total return over a market cycle of three to five years.

Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust - AMT Partners Portfolio: I Class
Investment Adviser:
Neuberger Berman Management Inc.
Neuberger Berman, LLC
Investment Objective:
Capital growth.

Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust - AMT Regency Portfolio: I Class
Investment Adviser:
Neuberger Berman Management Inc.
Neuberger Berman, LLC
Investment Objective:
Growth of capital.

Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds - Oppenheimer Capital Appreciation Fund/VA: Non-Service Shares
Investment Adviser:
OppenheimerFunds, Inc.
Investment Objective:
Capital appreciation by investing in securities of well-known, established companies.

Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds - Oppenheimer Global Securities Fund/VA: Non-Service Shares
Investment Adviser:
OppenheimerFunds, Inc.
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital appreciation by investing a substantial portion of its assets in securities of foreign issuers, "growth-type" companies, cyclical industries and special situations that are considered to have appreciation

PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust - All Asset Portfolio: Administrative Class
Investment Adviser:
Pacific Investment Management Company LLC
Investment Objective:
Maximum real return consistent with preservation of real capital and prudent investment management.

PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust - Low Duration Portfolio: Administrative Class
Investment Adviser:
Pacific Investment Management Company LLC
Investment Objective:
Maximum total return consistent with preservation of capital and prudent investment management.

PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust - Real Return Portfolio: Administrative Class
Investment Adviser:
Pacific Investment Management Company LLC
Investment Objective:
Maximum real return consistent with preservation of real capital and prudent investment management.

PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust - Total Return Portfolio: Administrative Class
Investment Adviser:
Pacific Investment Management Company LLC
Investment Objective:
Maximum total return consistent with preservation of capital and prudent investment management.

Pioneer Variable Contracts Trust – Pioneer Emerging Markets VCT Portfolio: Class I Shares
Investment Adviser:
Pioneer Investment Management, Inc.
Investment Objective:
Long-term growth of capital.
Pioneer Variable Contracts Trust - Pioneer High Yield VCT Portfolio: Class I Shares
Investment Adviser:
Pioneer Investment Management, Inc.
Investment Objective:
Maximize total return through a combination of income and capital appreciation.
Putnam Variable Trust - Putnam VT Small Cap Value Fund: Class IB
Investment Adviser:
Putnam Investment Management, LLC
Investment Objective:
Capital appreciation.


Royce Capital Fund - Royce Micro-Cap Portfolio
Investment Adviser:
Royce & Associates, LLC
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital growth.

T. Rowe Price Equity Series, Inc. - T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio: Class II
Investment Adviser:
T. Rowe Price Investment Services
Investment Objective:
Substantial dividend income as well as long-term growth of capital through investments in the common stocks of established companies.

T. Rowe Price Equity Series, Inc. - T. Rowe Price New America Growth Portfolio
Investment Adviser:
T. Rowe Price Investment Services
Investment Objective:
Long-term growth of capital primarily in the common stocks of companies operating in sectors T. Rowe Price believes will be the fastest growing in the United States.

T. Rowe Price Equity Series, Inc. - T. Rowe Price Personal Strategy Balanced Portfolio
Investment Adviser:
T. Rowe Price Investment Services
Investment Objective:
Seeks capital appreciation and income from stocks and bonds.

The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. - Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio: Class I
Investment Adviser:
Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc.
Investment Objective:
High total return by investing primarily in fixed income securities of government and government-related issuers and, to a lesser extent, of corporate issuers in emerging market countries.

The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. - Equity Growth Portfolio: Class I
Investment Adviser:
Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc.
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in growth-oriented equity securities of large capitalization companies.

The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. - Global Real Estate Portfolio: Class II
Investment Adviser:
Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc.
Investment Objective:
The Portfolio seeks to provide current income and capital appreciation.

The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. - Mid Cap Growth Portfolio: Class I
Investment Adviser:
Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc.
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital growth by investing primarily in common stocks and other equity securities.

Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust - Worldwide Hard Assets Fund: Initial Class
Investment Adviser:
Van Eck Associates Corporation
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in hard asset securities.  Income is a secondary consideration.

W&R Target Funds, Inc. - Asset Strategy Portfolio
Investment Adviser:
Waddell & Reed Investment Management Company
Investment Objective:
High total return over the long run.

W&R Target Funds, Inc. - Growth Portfolio
Investment Adviser:
Waddell & Reed Investment Management Company
Investment Objective:
Capital growth with a secondary objective of current income.

W&R Target Funds, Inc. - Real Estate Securities Portfolio
Investment Adviser:
Waddell & Reed Investment Management Company
Advantus Capital Management, Inc.
Investment Objective:
Total return through a combination of capital appreciation and current income.


W&R Target Funds, Inc. - Science and Technology Portfolio
Investment Adviser:
Waddell & Reed Investment Management Company
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital growth.

Wells Fargo Advantage Variable Trust - Wells Fargo Advantage VT Discovery Fund
Investment Adviser:
Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC
Wells Capital Management Incorporated
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital appreciation.

Wells Fargo Advantage Variable Trust - Wells Fargo Advantage VT Small Cap Growth Fund
Investment Adviser:
Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC
Investment Objective:
Long-term capital appreciation.



Appendix B: Definitions
Accumulation Unit– The measure of your investment in, or share of, a Sub-Account after we deduct for transaction fees and periodic charges.  Initially, we set the Accumulation Unit value at $10 for each Sub-Account.
Attained Age– The Insured’s age on the Policy Date plus the number of full years since the Policy Date.
Base Specified Amount– The amount of Death Benefit coverage under the policy on the Policy Date, excluding any Rider Specified Amount.  Subsequent to the Policy Date, the Death Benefit coverage will equal or exceed this amount unless you request a decrease in the Base Specified Amount or take a partial surrender.
Beneficiary – The person or legal entity to whom/which the Death Benefit is paid upon the Insured’s death.
Cash Surrender Value – The amount payable to you upon a full surrender of the policy.  This amount is equal to the Enhanced Cash Value, minus Indebtedness and outstanding policy charges.
Cash Value – The sum of the value your allocations to the Sub-Accounts, the fixed account, and the Policy Loan Account.
Code – The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
Death Benefit – The amount of insurance coverage provided by the base policy, and the Supplemental Insurance Rider, if purchased, upon the Insured’s death while the policy is In Force and before the Maturity Date.  The actual amount we pay to the Beneficiary is the amount of insurance coverage provided by the base policy, and the Supplemental Insurance Rider, if purchased, less any Indebtedness and any due and unpaid policy charges.
Enhanced Cash Value – The sum of the policy’s Cash Value plus the Enhancement Benefit, if applicable.
Enhancement Benefit – An additional amount added to the policy’s Cash Surrender Value upon a full surrender of the policy, provided the qualifying conditions have been satisfied.
Excess Premium– The sum of (i) each Premium multiplied by the ratio of the Rider Specified Amount to the Total Specified Amount and (ii) the amount of paid Premiums in a policy year in excess of the Target Premium multiplied by the ratio of the Base Specified Amount to the Total Specified Amount.
FDIC – Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Grace Period– A 61-day period after which the policy will Lapse if you do not remit sufficient Premium to keep the policy In Force.
Home Office– Our Home Office is located at One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, Ohio 43215.
In Force – The insurance coverage is in effect.
Indebtedness – The total amount of all outstanding policy loans, including principal and interest due.
Insured – The person whose life we insure under the policy and whose death results in the payment the Death Benefit.
Investment Experience– The market performance of a mutual fund (in which a) Sub-Account invests.
Lapse – The policy terminates without value.
Maturity Date – The anniversary of the Policy Date on or next following the Insured's 100th birthday (unless extended).
Maturity Proceeds– The amount of money payable to you on the Maturity Date if your policy is In Force.  The Maturity Proceeds are equal to the Cash Value minus any Indebtedness.
Minimum Required Death Benefit– The least amount of Death Benefit that will qualify the policy as life insurance under the Code.
NCUSIF – National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund.
Net Amount At Risk – The policy’s Death Benefit minus the policy’s Cash Value.
Net Asset Value (NAV) – The price of a share of a mutual fund in which a Sub-Account invests.  It is calculated by subtracting the mutual fund’s liabilities from its total assets, and dividing that figure by the number of shares outstanding.  We use the NAV to calculate the value of Accumulation Units.  The NAV does not reflect deductions we make for charges we take from Sub-Accounts.  Accumulation Unit values do reflect these deductions.
Net Premium – The amount of Premium applied to your policy after the deduction of the Premium Load.
Policy Data Page(s)– The Policy Data Page contains more detailed information about the policy, some of which is unique and particular to the Owner, the Beneficiary and the Insured.  The charges shown on the Policy Data Page reflect the guaranteed maximum policy charges, which may not be the amount you will actually be charged.  Please request an illustration for specific information about your particular charges.
Policy Date – The date we begin assessing charges under the policy, as shown on the Policy Data Page.  Policy years and months are measured from this date.  This date will be the date the initial Premium is paid, unless you request and we approve another date.
Policy Loan Account– An account used as collateral for policy loans.  Upon approval of a policy loan, we transfer an amount from the Cash Value that equals the policy loan amount to this account.  Amounts transferred from the Sub-Accounts will be in the same proportion as your Sub-Account allocations, unless you instruct otherwise.  We will only transfer amounts from the fixed account if the loan amount exceeds 90% of the Cash Value allocated to the Sub-Accounts.  Amounts in this account will accrue and be credited daily interest at a rate not less than the stated interest crediting rate shown on your Policy Data Page.
Policy Proceeds or Proceeds – Policy Proceeds are the amount payable upon termination of the policy.  Policy Proceeds could be comprised of the Death Benefit, the Maturity Proceeds, or the Cash Surrender Value upon a full surrender of the policy.
Premium – The amount of money you pay into the policy.
Rider – An optional benefit you may purchase/elect under the policy.
Rider Specified Amount– The amount of Death Benefit coverage under the Supplemental Insurance rider on the Policy Date.
SEC – The Securities and Exchange Commission.
Section 1035 – The Code section describing an exchange between a life insurance policy and/or annuity contract.
Seven-Pay Premium (7-Pay Premium) - 100% of the unadjusted maximum annual premium allowed under the Code assuming that: (i) the policy is not a modified endowment contract; (ii) the policy’s death benefit is equal to the Total Specified Amount, and (iii) seven level, annual premiums are paid; (iv) there are no premiums resulting from a Section 1035 exchange; and (v) there are no adjustments due to a state imposed requirement or substandard underwriting ratings.
Target Premium– If the policy is not a modified endowment contract, the Target Premium is the Seven-Pay Premium for a policy whose Total Specified Amount equals the Base Specified Amount.  If the policy is a modified endowment contract, the Target Premium equals the amount that would have been the Seven-Pay Premium if the policy were not a modified endowment contract and the Total Specified Amount equaled the Base Specified Amount.
Total Specified Amount – The sum of the Base Specified Amount and the Rider Specified Amount.
Sub-Accounts – The mechanisms we use to account for your allocations of Net Premium and Cash Value among the policy’s variable investment options.
Us, we, our or the company – Nationwide Life Insurance Company.
Valuation Period – The period during which we determine the change in the value of the Sub-Accounts.  One Valuation Period ends and another begins with the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange.
You, your or the policy owner or Owner The corporation or legal entity named as the owner (i) in the application, or (ii) to which ownership rights in the policy have been validly assigned.


Appendix C: Blending Examples of Policy Charges

Blending Examples of Policy Charges
Guaranteed Issue Policy With Specified Amount of $150,000
(Assuming No Premiums From Section 1035 Exchange)

Blended 5.00% = [50% x (Component B @ 10.00%)] plus [50% x (Component D @ 0%)]
Blended 0.43% = [50% x (Component B @ 0.25%)] plus [50% x (Component D @ 0.60%)]
$16.00 Specified Amount Charge = [(the first $50,000 of Total Specified Amount) x (.0003) plus (the Total Specified Amount in excess of $50,000 of $100,000) x (.00001)]
Blending Examples of Policy Charges

Guaranteed Issue Policy With Specified Amount of $150,000
(Assuming No Premiums From Section 1035 Exchange)

5.00% Blended Premium Load on Target Premium = [50% x (Component B @ 10.00%)] plus [50% x (Component D @ 0%)]
0.23% Variable Sub-account Asset Charge for Component B = [80% x (Base Policy @ 0.25%)] plus [20% x (Supplemental Insurance Rider @ 0.16%)]
0.39% Blended Variable Sub-account Asset Charge = [50% x (Component B @ 0.23%)] plus [50% x (Component D @ 0.54%)]


Outside back cover page

To learn more about this policy, you should read the Statement of Additional Information (the “SAI”) dated the same date as this prospectus.  For a free copy of the SAI, to receive personalized illustrations of Death Benefits, net cash surrender values, and cash values, and to request other information about this policy please call our Service Center at 1-877-351-8808 (TDD: 1-800-238-3035) or write to us at Nationwide Life Insurance Company, Corporate Insurance Markets, One Nationwide Plaza, 1-11-08, Columbus, OH 43215-2220.

The SAI has been filed with the SEC and is incorporated by reference into this prospectus. The SEC maintains an Internet website (http://www.sec.gov) that contains the SAI and other information about us and the policy.  Information about us and the policy (including the SAI) may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC's Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C., or may be obtained, upon payment of a duplicating fee, by writing the Public Reference Section of the SEC, 100 F Street NE, Washington, D.C. 20549-4644.  Additional information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling the SEC at (202) 551-8090.

Investment Company Act of 1940 Registration File No. 811-8301
Securities Act of 1933 Registration File No. 333-137202

Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4

Nationwide Life Insurance Company

Corporate Insurance Markets
One Nationwide Plaza, 1-11-08
Columbus, OH 43215-2220
TDD: 1-800-238-3035

Corporate Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policies

This Statement of Additional Information (“SAI'') contains additional information regarding the corporate flexible premium variable universal life insurance policy offered by Nationwide Life Insurance Company (“Nationwide”).  This SAI is not a prospectus and should be read together with the policy prospectus dated September 27, 2007 and the prospectuses for the mutual funds.  The prospectus is incorporated by reference in this SAI.  You may obtain a copy of these prospectuses FREE OF CHARGE by writing or calling us at our address or phone number shown above.
The date of this Statement of Additional Information is September 27, 2007.

Table of Contents
Nationwide Life Insurance Company                                                                                                                                                   
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4                                                                                                                                                   
Nationwide Investment Services Corporation (NISC)                                                                                                                                                   
Services                                                                                                                                         60;          
Underwriting Procedure                                                                                                                                                   
Net Amount at Risk                                                                                                                                                   
Illustrations                                                                                                                                        0;           
Tax Definition of Life Insurance                                                                                                                                                   
Financial Statements                                                                                                                                                   
We are a stock life insurance company organized under the laws of the State of Ohio in March 1929 with our Home Office at One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, Ohio 43215.  We provide life insurance, annuities and retirement products.  We are admitted to do business in all states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.  Nationwide is a member of the Nationwide group of companies and all of our common stock is owned by Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. (“NFS”), a holding company.  NFS has two classes of common stock outstanding with different voting rights enabling Nationwide Corporation (the holder of all of the outstanding Class B Common Stock) to control NFS.  Nationwide Corporation is a holding company, as well.  All of the common stock is held by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company (95.2%) and Nationwide Mutual Fire Insurance Company (4.8%), the ultimate controlling persons of the Nationwide group of companies.  The Nationwide group of companies is one of America’s largest insurance and financial services family of companies, with combined assets of over $160 billion as of December 31, 2006.
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4 is a separate account that invests in mutual funds offered and sold to insurance companies and certain retirement plans.  We established the separate account on December 3, 1987 pursuant to Ohio law.  Although the separate account is registered with the SEC as a unit investment trust pursuant to the Investment Company Act of 1940 the SEC does not supervise our management or the management of the variable account. We serve as the custodian of the assets of the variable account.
The policies are distributed by NISC, located at One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, Ohio 43215, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nationwide.  For contracts issued in Michigan, all references to NISC will mean Nationwide Investment Svcs. Corporation.
The policies will be sold on a continuous basis by licensed insurance agents in those states where the policies may lawfully be sold.  Agents are registered representatives of broker dealers registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 who are member firms of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”).

Gross first year commissions plus any expense allowance payments paid by Nationwide on the sale of these policies provided by NISC will not exceed 41% of the Premium.  After the first policy year, we pay gross renewal commissions on the sale of the policies provided by NISC that will not exceed 11% of actual premium payment.
We paid no underwriting commissions to NISC for this separate account in 2006.
We have responsibility for administration of the policies and the variable account.  We also maintain the records of the name, address, taxpayer identification number, and other pertinent information for each policy owner and the number and type of policy issued to each policy owner and records with respect to the policy value of each policy.
We are the custodian of the assets of the variable account.  We will maintain a record of all purchases and redemption of shares of the mutual funds.  We or our affiliates may have entered into agreements with either the investment adviser or distributor for the mutual funds.  The agreements relate to administrative services we or our affiliate furnish.  Some of the services provided include distribution of underlying fund prospectuses, semi-annual and annual fund reports, proxy materials and fund communications, as well as maintaining the websites and voice response systems necessary for contract owners to execute trades in the funds.  We also act as a limited agent for the fund for purposes of accepting the trades.  For these services the funds agree to pay us an annual fee based on the average aggregate net assets of the variable account (and other separate accounts of Nationwide or life insurance company subsidiaries of Nationwide) invested in the particular fund.
We take these anticipated fee payments into consideration when determining the expenses necessary to support the policies.  Without these payments, policy charges would be higher.  Only those funds that agree to pay us a fee will be offered in the policy.  Generally, we expect to receive somewhere between 0.10% to 0.45% (an annualized rate of the daily net assets of the variable account) from the funds offered in the policies.  What is actually received depends upon many factors, including but not limited to the type of fund (i.e., money market funds generally pay less revenue than other fund types) and the actual services rendered to the fund company.
The financial statements of Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4 and the consolidated financial statements and schedules of Nationwide Life Insurance Company and subsidiaries for the periods indicated have been included herein in reliance upon the reports of KPMG LLP, independent registered public accounting firm, appearing elsewhere herein, and upon the authority of said firm as experts in accounting and auditing.  The audit report of KPMG LLP covering the December 31, 2006 consolidated financial statements and schedules of Nationwide Life Insurance Company and subsidiaries contains an explanatory paragraph that states that Nationwide Life Insurance Company and subsidiaries adopted the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' Statement of Position 03-1, Accounting and Reporting by Insurance Enterprises for Certain Nontraditional Long-Duration Contracts and for Separate Accounts, in 2004.  KPMG LLP is located at 191 West Nationwide Blvd., Columbus, Ohio 43215.
We underwrite the policies issued through Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4.  The policy's cost of insurance depends upon the Insured's issue age, underwriting class, length of time the policy has been In Force, and policy components selected.  The rates will vary depending upon tobacco use and other risk factors.  Monthly cost of insurance rates will not exceed those guaranteed in the policy.
Guaranteed cost of insurance rates for base coverage and coverage pursuant to the Supplemental Insurance Rider under policies issued on a non-medical basis are based on (i) the 1980 Commissioners’ Standard Ordinary 80% Male Mortality Table, (ii) Age Last Birthday, and (iii) tobacco distinct status.  Guaranteed cost of insurance rates for base coverage and coverage pursuant to the Supplemental Insurance Rider under policies issued on a medical basis are based on (i) either (a) the 1980 Commissioners’ Standard Ordinary 100% Male Mortality Table or (b) the 1980 Commissioners’ Standard Ordinary 100% Female Mortality Table, (ii) Age Last Birthday, and (iii) tobacco distinct status. Guaranteed cost of insurance rates for base coverage and coverage pursuant to the Supplemental Insurance Rider on substandard risks will equal the guaranteed cost of insurance rates for standard risks times a percentage greater than 100%.
The underwriting class of an Insured may affect the cost of insurance rate.  There are three underwriting classes into which Insureds are placed, depending on the Insureds’ mortality characteristics: Guaranteed Issue, Simplified Issue, and Regular Issue.  Within each of these mortality risk classes, there are three sub-classifications based on other risk factors of the case and the associated employee benefit plan.  The most favorable is Class A, followed by Class B, and then Class C.
In an otherwise identical policy, an Insured in the Regular Issue underwriting class will have a lower cost of insurance than an Insured in a rate class with higher mortality risks.
The rating class is determined using questionnaires, medical records, and physical exams, depending on the amount of insurance and the attributes of the Insured.  On groups, we may underwrite using short-form questionnaires or abbreviated medical evaluations.
Net Amount at Risk
The policy’s cost of insurance is also dependent on the policy’s Net Amount at Risk.  The Net Amount at Risk is allocated between the base coverage and the Supplemental Insurance Rider.  The Net Amount at Risk for the base policy is the base policy Death Benefit

minus the policy’s Cash Value.  The Net Amount at Risk for the Supplemental Insurance Rider is the rider Death Benefit (as described in the “Supplemental Insurance Rider” section of the “Policy Riders and Rider Charges” provision of the prospectus).
Before you purchase the policy and upon request thereafter, we will provide illustrations of future benefits under the policy based upon the proposed Insured's age and premium class, the Death Benefit option elected, Specified Amount, planned periodic Premiums, policy components you select, and Riders requested.  An illustration will also demonstrate how the current charges associated with your policy may be reduced if you elect the Supplemental Insurance Rider.
Rating Agencies.  Independent financial rating services, including Moody's, Standard & Poor's and A.M. Best Company rank and rate us.  The purpose of these ratings is to reflect the financial strength or claims-paying ability of Nationwide.  The ratings are not intended to reflect the Investment Experience or financial strength of the variable account.  We may advertise these ratings from time to time.  In addition, we may include in certain advertisements, endorsements in the form of a list of organizations, individuals or other parties which recommend us or the policies.  Furthermore, we may occasionally include in advertisements comparisons of currently taxable and tax deferred investment programs, based on selected tax brackets, or discussions of alternative investment vehicles and general economic conditions.
Money Market Yields. We may advertise the “yield” and “effective yield” for the money market Sub-Account.  Yield and effective yield are annualized, which means that it is assumed that the underlying mutual fund generates the same level of net income throughout a year.
Yield is a measure of the net dividend and interest income earned over a specific seven-day period (which period will be stated in the advertisement) expressed as a percentage of the offering price of the underlying mutual fund’s units.  The effective yield is calculated similarly, but reflects assumed compounding, calculated under rules prescribed by the SEC.  Thus, effective yield will be slightly higher than yield, due to the compounding.
Historical Performance of the Sub-Accounts.  We will advertise historical performance of the Sub-Accounts in accordance with SEC prescribed calculations.  Please note that performance information is annualized.  However, if a Sub-Account has been available in the variable account for less than one year, the performance information for that Sub-Account is not annualized.  Performance information is based on historical earnings and is not intended to predict or project future results.
Additional Materials.  We may provide information on various topics to you and prospective policy owners in advertising, sales literature or other materials.
Section 7702(b)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code provides that if one of two alternate tests is met, a policy will be treated as life insurance for federal tax purposes.  The two tests are referred to as the Cash Value Accumulation Test and the Guideline Premium/Cash Value Corridor Test.  Both tests are available to flexible premium policies such as this one.
The tables that follow show, numerically, the requirements for each test.

Guideline Premium/Cash Value Corridor Test
Table of Applicable Percentages of Cash Value
Attained Age of Insured
Percentage of Cash Value
Attained Age of Insured
Percentage of Cash Value
Attained Age of Insured
Percentage of Cash Value

Cash Value Accumulation Test
The Cash Value Accumulation Test requires the Death Benefit to exceed an applicable percentage of the cash value.  These applicable percentages are calculated by determining net single premiums, as defined in Code Section 7702(b), for each policy year given a set of actuarial assumptions.  The relevant material assumptions include an interest rate of 4% and 1980 CSO guaranteed mortality as prescribed in Revenue Code Section 7702 for the Cash Value Accumulation Test.  The resulting net single premiums are then inverted (i.e., multiplied by 1/net single premium) to give the applicable cash value percentages.  These premiums vary with the ages, sexes, and risk classifications of the Insureds.
The table below provides an example of applicable percentages for the Cash Value Accumulation Test.  This example is for a male non-tobacco age 40.
Percentage of Cash Value
Percentage of Cash Value
Percentage of Cash Value



Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
The Board of Directors of Nationwide Life Insurance Company and
    Contract Owners of Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4:
We have audited the accompanying statement of assets, liabilities and contract owners’ equity of Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4 (comprised of the sub-accounts listed in note 1(b) (collectively, “the Accounts”)) as of December 31, 2006, and the related statements of operations and changes in contract owners’ equity, and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated herein. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Accounts’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.
We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of December 31, 2006, by correspondence with the transfer agents of the underlying mutual funds. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Accounts as of December 31, 2006, and the results of their operations, changes in contract owners’ equity, and financial highlights for each of the periods indicated herein, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.
Columbus, Ohio
March 9, 2007



December 31, 2006
Investments at fair value:
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Basic Value Fund – Series I (AIMBValue)
641,761 shares (cost $7,746,543)
   $ 8,573,932
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Capital Appreciation Fund – Series I (AIMCapAp)
59,531 shares (cost $1,365,024)
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Capital Development Fund – Series I Shares (AIMCapDev)
685,921 shares (cost $11,216,226)
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. International Growth Fund – Series I (AIMIntGr)
668,117 shares (cost $16,204,413)
AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. – Growth and Income Portfolio – Class A (AlVPGrIncA)
734,058 shares (cost $17,570,653)
AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. – International Value Portfolio – Class A (AlVPIntlValA)
492,079 shares (cost $10,827,944)
AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. – Small-Mid Cap Value Portfolio – Class A (AlVPSmMdCpA)
187,235 shares (cost $3,072,162)
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Income & Growth Fund – Class I (ACVPIncGr)
3,403,175 shares (cost $21,788,199)
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Inflation Protection Fund – Class II (ACVPInfPro2)
620,755 shares (cost $6,397,394)
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – International Fund – Class I (ACVPInt)
4,871,695 shares (cost $33,082,381)
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – International Fund – Class III (ACVPInt3)
791,444 shares (cost $6,337,268)
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Mid Cap Value Fund – Class I (ACVPMdCpV)
89,844 shares (cost $1,150,515)
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Ultra®Fund – Class I (ACVPUltra)
400,702 shares (cost $4,017,182)
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Value Fund – Class I (ACVPVal)
8,613,430 shares (cost $66,622,286)
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – VistaSM Fund – Class I (ACVPVista)
22,131 shares (cost $348,342)
Baron Capital Funds Trust – Baron Capital Asset Fund – Insurance Shares (BCFTCpAsset)
400,378 shares (cost $11,463,419)
BlackRock International Index Portfolio – Class II (BRIntIndex)
139,917 shares (cost $1,644,964)
BlackRock Large Cap Core V.I. Fund – Class II (BRLrgCp)
61,284 shares (cost $1,979,482)
Calvert Variable Series, Inc. – Social Equity Portfolio (CalVSSoEq)
6,726 shares (cost $118,588)
Credit Suisse Trust – Global Small Cap Portfolio (CSTGlSmCp)
55,300 shares (cost $608,828)
Credit Suisse Trust – International Focus Portfolio (CSTIntFoc)
147,699 shares (cost $1,237,053)

Credit Suisse Trust – Large Cap Value Portfolio (CSTLCapV)
107,862 shares (cost $1,397,319)
   $ 1,833,659
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios – Mid Cap Stock Index Portfolio – Initial Shares (DryIPMidCap)
63,167 shares (cost $1,116,854)
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios – Small Cap Stock Index Portfolio – Service Shares (DryIPSmCap)
1,314,107 shares (cost $21,495,262)
Dreyfus Socially Responsible Growth Fund, Inc. – Initial Shares, The (DrySRGro)
542,239 shares (cost $12,804,628)
Dreyfus Stock Index Fund, Inc. – Initial Shares (DryStkIx)
10,679,822 shares (cost $295,158,994)
Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund – Appreciation Portfolio – Initial Shares (DryVIApp)
819,171 shares (cost $27,813,949)
Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund – Developing Leaders Portfolio – Initial Shares (DryVIDevLd)
19,757 shares (cost $807,824)
Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund – International Value Portfolio – Initial Shares (DryVIIntVal)
2,085,158 shares (cost $35,066,552)
DWS Variable Series II – DWS Dreman High Return Equity VIP – Class B (DWSVHghRtrn)
11,376 shares (cost $167,847)
Federated Insurance Series – Federated American Leaders Fund II – Primary Shares (FedAmLead)
16,810 shares (cost $329,299)
Federated Insurance Series – Federated Capital Appreciation Fund II – Primary Shares (FedCapAp)
63,070 shares (cost $362,551)
Federated Insurance Series – Federated Market Opportunity Fund II – Service Shares (FedMrkOp)
3,915 shares (cost $40,089)
Federated Insurance Series – Federated Quality Bond Fund II – Primary Shares (FedQualBd)
4,532,541 shares (cost $51,303,856)
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Equity-Income Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPEIS)
4,394,193 shares (cost $99,138,348)
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Growth Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPGrS)
2,825,006 shares (cost $82,313,010)
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – High Income Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPHIS)
3,797,291 shares (cost $24,979,415)
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Overseas Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPOvS)
1,983,800 shares (cost $34,191,454)
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Overseas Portfolio – Service Class R (FidVIPOvSR)
610,029 shares (cost $12,114,735)
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund II – Contrafund®Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPConS)
6,267,438 shares (cost $160,780,598)
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund II – Investment Grade Bond Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPIGBdS)
867,477 shares (cost $10,942,088)
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Growth Opportunities Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPGrOpS)
722,147 shares (cost $10,169,915)
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Mid Cap Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPMCapS)
843,942 shares (cost $27,026,227)
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Value Strategies Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPVaIS)
600,775 shares (cost $7,806,058)
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund IV – Energy Portfolio – Service Class 2 (FidVIPEnergyS2)
405,978 shares (cost $8,448,366)

Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund IV – Freedom Fund 2010 Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPFree10S)
58,190 shares (cost $649,448)
   $ 673,841
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund IV – Freedom Fund 2020 Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPFree20S)
112,088 shares (cost $1,265,128)
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund IV – Freedom Fund 2030 Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPFree30S)
56,400 shares (cost $661,146)
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Franklin Income Securities Fund – Class 2 (FrVIPIncSec2)
75,971 shares (cost $1,274,033)
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Franklin Rising Dividends Securities Fund – Class 1 (FrVIPRisDiv)
753,083 shares (cost $13,368,144)
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Franklin Small Cap Value Securities Fund – Class 1 (FrVIPSmCapV1)
537,877 shares (cost $9,018,262)
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Franklin Small Cap Value Securities Fund – Class 2 (FrVIPSmCapV2)
190,767 shares (cost $3,354,636)
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Templeton Developing Markets Securities Fund – Class 3(FrVIPDevMrk3)
369,433 shares (cost $4,256,333)
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Templeton Foreign Securities Fund – Class 1 (FrVIPForSec)
194,917 shares (cost $2,729,853)
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Templeton Foreign Securities Fund – Class 2 (FrVIPForSec2)
1,018,673 shares (cost $16,315,933)
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Templeton Foreign Securities Fund – Class 3 (FrVIPForSec3)
311,683 shares (cost $4,989,179)
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Templeton Global Income Securities Fund – Class 3 (FrVIPGlInc3)
99,793 shares (cost $1,468,512)
Gartmore GVIT – American Funds GVIT Asset Allocation Fund – Class II (GVITAstAll2)
94,329 shares (cost $1,701,829)
Gartmore GVIT – American Funds GVIT Bond Fund – Class II (GVITBnd2)
63,492 shares (cost $735,161)
Gartmore GVIT – American Funds GVIT Global Growth Fund – Class II (GVITGlobGr2)
70,030 shares (cost $1,534,922)
Gartmore GVIT – American Funds GVIT Growth Fund – Class II (GVITGrowth2)
26,945 shares (cost $1,676,683)
Gartmore GVIT – Dreyfus GGVIT International Value Fund – Class I (GVITIntValI)
167,400 shares (cost $2,596,126)
Gartmore GVIT – Dreyfus GGVIT International Value Fund – Class III (GVITIntVal3)
436,930 shares (cost $7,270,397)
Gartmore GVIT – Emerging Markets Fund – Class I (GVITEmMrkts)
1,705,805 shares (cost $22,349,758)

Gartmore GVIT – Emerging Markets Fund – Class III (GVITEmMrkts3)
743,222 shares (cost $10,439,607)
   $ 13,013,811
Gartmore GVIT – Federated GGVIT High Income Bond Fund – Class I (GVITFHiInc)
3,172,543 shares (cost $25,502,785)
Gartmore GVIT – Federated GGVIT High Income Bond Fund – Class III (GVITFHiInc3)
1,026,381 shares (cost $8,105,617)
Gartmore GVIT – Global Financial Services Fund – Class I (GVITGlFin)
368,859 shares (cost $4,829,535)
Gartmore GVIT – Global Health Sciences Fund – Class I (GVITGlHlth)
332,459 shares (cost $3,551,558)
Gartmore GVIT – Global Health Sciences Fund – Class III (GVITGlHlth3)
220,491 shares (cost $2,337,156)
Gartmore GVIT – Global Technology and Communications Fund – Class I (GVITGlTech)
1,317,579 shares (cost $4,838,072)
Gartmore GVIT – Global Technology and Communications Fund – Class III (GVITGlTech3)
431,760 shares (cost $1,728,502)
Gartmore GVIT – Global Utilities Fund – Class I (GVITGlUtl)
339,355 shares (cost $3,928,329)
Gartmore GVIT – Government Bond Fund – Class I (GVITGvtBd)
8,664,406 shares (cost $101,938,328)
Gartmore GVIT – Growth Fund: Class I (GVITGrowth)
1,380,194 shares (cost $12,737,491)
Gartmore GVIT – International Growth Fund – Class I (GVITIntGro)
800,207 shares (cost $7,530,865)
Gartmore GVIT – International Index Fund – Class VI (GVITIntIdx6)
20,638 shares (cost $206,790)
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Aggressive Fund – Class II (GVITIDAgg2)
1,851,870 shares (cost $21,541,580)
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Conservative Fund – Class II (GVITIDCon2)
1,250,759 shares (cost $12,986,761)
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderate Fund – Class II (GVITIDMod2)
5,052,656 shares (cost $55,769,695)
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderately Aggressive Fund – Class II (GVITIDModAg2)
5,165,455 shares (cost $58,984,026)
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderately Conservative Fund – Class II (GVITIDModCon2)
2,297,679 shares (cost $25,001,270)
Gartmore GVIT – J.P. Morgan GVIT Balanced Fund: Class I (GVITJPBal)
1,582,261 shares (cost $14,812,430)
Gartmore GVIT – Mid Cap Growth Fund – Class I (GVITMdCpGr)
583,834 shares (cost $14,497,239)
Gartmore GVIT – Mid Cap Index Fund – Class I (GVITMdCpIdx)
4,369,987 shares (cost $70,866,815)
Gartmore GVIT – Money Market Fund – Class I (GVITMyMkt)
115,461,952 shares (cost $115,461,952)
Gartmore GVIT – Money Market Fund – Class V (GVITMyMkt5)
331,551,882 shares (cost $331,551,882)
Gartmore GVIT – Nationwide® Fund – Class I (GVITNWFund)
39,694,136 shares (cost $407,064,317)
Gartmore GVIT – Nationwide® Leaders Fund – Class I (GVITNWLead)
112,479 shares (cost $1,516,696)

Gartmore GVIT – Small Cap Growth Fund – Class I (GVITSmCapGr)
1,397,403 shares (cost $20,776,850)
   $ 22,931,384
Gartmore GVIT – Small Cap Value Fund – Class I (GVITSmCapVal)
6,450,836 shares (cost $75,850,088)
Gartmore GVIT – Small Company Fund – Class I (GVITSmComp)
4,055,439 shares (cost $93,935,239)
Gartmore GVIT – U.S. Growth Leaders Fund – Class I (GVITUSGro)
620,618 shares (cost $6,916,554)
Gartmore GVIT – Van Kampen GGVIT Comstock Value Fund: Class I (GVITVKVal)
1,086,122 shares (cost $12,107,828)
Gartmore GVIT – Van Kampen GVIT Multi-Sector Bond Fund – Class I (GVITMltSec)
1,889,444 shares (cost $18,700,219)
Gartmore GVIT – Worldwide Leaders Fund – Class I (GVITWLead)
361,149 shares (cost $4,169,092)
Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust – Goldman Sachs VIT Mid Cap Value Fund (GSVMdCpV)
4,334,754 shares (cost $68,919,597)
Janus Aspen Series – Balanced Portfolio – Service Shares (JanBal)
220,678 shares (cost $5,973,951)
Janus Aspen Series – Forty Portfolio – Service Shares (JanForty)
1,498,305 shares (cost $34,247,492)
Janus Aspen Series – Global Technology Portfolio – Service Shares (JanGlTech)
3,874,051 shares (cost $12,780,250)
Janus Aspen Series – INTECH Risk-Managed Core Portfolio – Service Shares (JanRMgCore)
42,218 shares (cost $558,977)
Janus Aspen Series – International Growth Portfolio – Service II Shares (JanIntGroS2)
172,800 shares (cost $7,535,221)
Janus Aspen Series – International Growth Portfolio – Service Shares (JanIntGroS)
1,202,260 shares (cost $34,389,454)
JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Diversified Mid Cap Growth Portfolio 1 (JPMMidCapGr)
186,972 shares (cost $3,678,340)
JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Diversified Mid Cap Value
Portfolio 1 (JPMMidCapV)
18,509 shares (cost $293,453)
Lord Abbett Series Mid Cap Value Fund – Class VC (LAMidCapV)
30,695 shares (cost $671,467)
MFS® Variable Insurance Trust – Investors Growth Stock Series – Initial Class (MFSInvGrStl)
420,753 shares (cost $3,915,870)
MFS® Variable Insurance Trust – Value Series – Initial Class (MFSValueI)
253,212 shares (cost $3,257,729)
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Fasciano Portfolio – Class S (NBAMTFasc)
106,530 shares (cost $1,501,732)
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Guardian Portfolio – I Class Shares (NBAMTGuard)
707,237 shares (cost $10,512,073)
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – International Portfolio – Class S (NBAMTInt)
142,966 shares (cost $1,809,583)
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio – Class I (NBAMTLMat)
761,477 shares (cost $9,761,133)
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Mid Cap Growth Portfolio – I Class Shares (NBAMTMCGr)
1,806,470 shares (cost $27,018,604)

Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Partners Portfolio®– Class I (NBAMTPart)
978,518 shares (cost $19,050,352)
   $ 20,705,440
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Regency Portfolio – Class I (NBAMTRegI)
26,040 shares (cost $409,838)
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Regency Portfolio – Class S (NBAMTRegS)
46,494 shares (cost $790,840)
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Socially Responsive Portfolio®– Class I (NBAMTSocRes)
163,205 shares (cost $2,420,411)
Oppenheimer Global Securities Fund/VA – Class 3 (OppGlSec3)
458,259 shares (cost $14,922,739)
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Capital Appreciation Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares (OppCapAp)
2,971,299 shares (cost $99,367,749)
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Global Securities Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares (OppGlSec)
1,948,941 shares (cost $56,623,557)
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer High Income Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares (OppHighInc)
517,182 shares (cost $4,234,120)
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Main Street Fund®/VA – Non-Service Shares (OppMSt)
1,786,786 shares (cost $33,583,588)
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap Fund®/VA – Non-Service Shares (OppMStSCap)
235,721 shares (cost $3,927,088)
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Mid Cap Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares (OppMidCap)
937,676 shares (cost $37,096,758)
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT All Asset Portfolio – Administrative Shares (PVITAllAst)
131,681 shares (cost $1,542,958)
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT Low Duration Portfolio – Administrative Shares (PVITLowDur)
4,025,170 shares (cost $40,862,629)
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT Real Return Portfolio – Administrative Shares (PVITRealRet)
3,611,424 shares (cost $45,959,037)
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT Total Return Portfolio – Administrative Shares (PVITTotRet)
12,271,879 shares (cost $126,339,431)
Pioneer Variable Contracts Trust – Pioneer High Yield VCT Portfolio – Class I (PioHiYield)
1,242,048 shares (cost $13,771,348)
Putnam Variable Trust – Putnam VT Growth and Income Fund – IB Shares (PVTGroIncIB)
45,422 shares (cost $1,117,108)
Putnam Variable Trust – Putnam VT International Equity Fund – IB Shares (PVTIntEqIB)
235,183 shares (cost $4,035,222)
Putnam Variable Trust – Putnam VT Voyager Fund – IB Shares (PVTVoyIB)
13,279 shares (cost $356,622)
Royce Capital Fund – Micro Cap (RCFMicroCap)
3,401,475 shares (cost $44,327,178)
T. Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth Portfolio – II (TRoeBlChip2)
139,079 shares (cost $1,362,968)
T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio – II (TRowEqInc2)
3,661,397 shares (cost $82,754,741)

T. Rowe Price Limited Term Bond Portfolio – Class II (TRowLtdTBd2)
110,939 shares (cost $539,063)
   $ 543,601
T. Rowe Price Mid Cap Growth Fund – II (TRowMidCap2)
960,746 shares (cost $23,741,289)
T. Rowe Price New America Growth Portfolio (TRowNewAmGr)
525,438 shares (cost $10,575,171)
Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust – Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund – Initial Class (VEWrldEMkt)
802,182 shares (cost $13,715,199)
Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust – Worldwide Hard Assets Fund – Initial Class (VEWrldHAs)
646,373 shares (cost $18,093,371)
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – Core Plus Fixed Income Portfolio – Class I (VKCorPlus)
193,244 shares (cost $2,203,897)
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio – Class I (VKEmMkt)
1,239,586 shares (cost $10,806,879)
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – Mid Cap Growth Portfolio – Class I (VKMidCapG)
477,081 shares (cost $5,945,767)
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – U.S. Real Estate Portfolio – Class I (VKUSRealEst)
3,427,634 shares (cost $67,012,332)
W&R Target Funds, Inc. – Growth Portfolio (WRGrowth)
2,355 shares (cost $22,205)
W&R Target Funds, Inc. – Real Estate Securities Portfolio (WRRealEstS)
5,316 shares (cost $42,450)
Wells Fargo Advantage Variable Trust FundsSM – Wells Fargo Advantage VT Opportunity FundSM (WFAVTOpp)
1,187,655 shares (cost $24,586,942)
Total Investments
Accounts Receivable
Total Assets
Accounts Payable
Contract Owners Equity (note 7)
   $ 4,464,442,368
See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Year Ended December 31, 2006
Investment activity:   Total     AIMBValue     AIMCapAp     AIMCapDev     AIMIntGr     AlVPGrIncA     AlVPIntlValA     AlVPSmMdCpA  
Reinvested dividends
  $ 76,672,957     32,041     861         181,003     242,130     40,289     15,779  
Mortality and expense risk charges (note 3)
    (5,541,637 )   (6,338 )       (23,827 )   (54,749 )   (41,644 )   (13,250 )    
Net investment income (loss)
    71,131,320     25,703     861     (23,827 )   126,254     200,486     27,039     15,779  
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
    1,140,316,057     1,312,530     149,409     5,068,843     10,649,205     4,235,798     907,194     1,348,047  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
    (973,419,401 )   (1,187,147 )   (126,912 )   (4,136,768 )   (8,352,632 )   (3,616,448 )   (1,003,049 )   (1,175,240 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    166,896,656     125,383     22,497     932,075     2,296,573     619,350     (95,855 )   172,807  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    167,698,301     446,439     64,228     577,441     1,887,880     1,156,397     1,454,350     2,419  
Net gain (loss) on investments
    334,594,957     571,822     86,725     1,509,516     4,184,453     1,775,747     1,358,495     175,226  
Reinvested capital gains
    96,963,068     354,271         214,763         880,352     52,921     260,883  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
  $ 502,689,345     951,796     87,586     1,700,452     4,310,707     2,856,585     1,438,455     451,888  
Investment activity:   ACVPIncGr     ACVPInfPro2     ACVPInt     ACVPInt3     ACVPMdCpV     ACVPUltra     ACVPVal     ACVPVista  
Reinvested dividends
  $ 519,756     222,068     739,624     85,854     7,230         994,811      
Mortality and expense risk charges (note 3)
    (12,859 )       (56,549 )           (4,670 )   (50,875 )   (376 )
Net investment income (loss)
    506,897     222,068     683,075     85,854     7,230     (4,670 )   943,936     (376 )
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
    4,648,196     2,252,459     9,940,290     494,584     887,042     4,235,748     20,855,281     80,964  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
    (3,088,338 )   (2,337,933 )   (6,294,596 )   (387,875 )   (847,196 )   (3,886,034 )   (16,727,267 )   (75,406 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    1,559,858     (85,474 )   3,645,694     106,709     39,846     349,714     4,128,014     5,558  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    2,321,259     (15,319 )   6,143,566     1,216,942     69,490     (515,226 )   598,190     (3,442 )
Net gain (loss) on investments
    3,881,117     (100,793 )   9,789,260     1,323,651     109,336     (165,512 )   4,726,204     2,116  
Reinvested capital gains
                    36,808         6,275,420     410  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
  $ 4,388,014     121,275     10,472,335     1,409,505     153,374     (170,182 )   11,945,560     2,150  

Year Ended December 31, 2006
Investment activity:   BCFTCpAsset     BRIntIndex     BRLrgCp     CalVSSoEq     CSTGlSmCp     CSTIntFoc     CSTLCapV     DryIPMidCap  
Reinvested dividends
  $     52,652     14,810             19,749     15,350     3,849  
Mortality and expense risk charges
(note 3)
    (37,388 )   (2,405 )   (5,231 )   (194 )   (325 )   (222 )   (122 )   (2,586 )
Net investment income (loss)
    (37,388 )   50,247     9,579     (194 )   (325 )   19,527     15,228     1,263  
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
    7,498,261     63,114     1,037,974     5,399     249,680     266,153     477,831     1,649,229  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
    (6,787,398 )   (55,033 )   (969,795 )   (4,952 )   (131,828 )   (176,919 )   (390,984 )   (1,669,226 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    710,863     8,081     68,179     447     117,852     89,234     86,847     (19,997 )
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    1,013,385     (180,415 )   (10,146 )   10,994     (23,716 )   224,640     203,991     (77,469 )
Net gain (loss) on investments
    1,724,248     (172,334 )   58,033     11,441     94,136     313,874     290,838     (97,466 )
Reinvested capital gains
        331,284     213,679                     164,113  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
  $ 1,686,860     209,197     281,291     11,247     93,811     333,401     306,066     67,910  
Investment activity:   DryIPSmCap     DrySRGro     DryStkIx     DryVIApp     DryVIDevLd     DryVIIntVal     DWSVHghRtrn     FedAmLead  
Reinvested dividends
  $ 87,107     15,965     6,273,092     505,780     3,628     453,326         4,783  
Mortality and expense risk charges
(note 3)
    (38,112 )   (2,670 )   (573,852 )   (38,526 )       (90,105 )   (84 )    
Net investment income (loss)
    48,995     13,295     5,699,240     467,254     3,628     363,221     (84 )   4,783  
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
    4,827,780     1,764,978     88,226,557     6,938,954     312,992     11,269,703     276     32,187  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
    (4,215,687 )   (1,820,385 )   (76,329,079 )   (5,358,553 )   (293,787 )   (8,828,263 )   (260 )   (28,531 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    612,093     (55,407 )   11,897,478     1,580,401     19,205     2,441,440     16     3,656  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    1,659,449     1,370,321     35,413,947     3,002,962     (67,857 )   1,821,727     3,015     3,909  
Net gain (loss) on investments
    2,271,542     1,314,914     47,311,425     4,583,363     (48,652 )   4,263,167     3,031     7,565  
Reinvested capital gains
    494,024                 75,020     2,561,432     6,415     39,581  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
  $ 2,814,561     1,328,209     53,010,665     5,050,617     29,996     7,187,820     9,362     51,929  

Year Ended December 31, 2006
Investment activity:   FedCapAp     FedMrkOp     FedQualBd     FidVIPEIS     FidVIPGrS     FidVIPHIS     FidVIPOvS     FidVIPOvSR  
Reinvested dividends
  $ 2,870         3,773,553     3,262,586     272,851     1,783,894     394,047     70,073  
Mortality and expense risk charges (note 3)
            (100,419 )   (104,689 )   (80,921 )   (14,496 )   (74,633 )    
Net investment income (loss)
    2,870         3,673,134     3,157,897     191,930     1,769,398     319,414     70,073  
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
    42,635     206     53,280,307     13,139,607     14,310,827     5,105,015     15,201,025     1,212,670  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
    (38,472 )   (202 )   (56,249,561 )   (9,185,768 )   (13,896,757 )   (5,335,038 )   (11,129,986 )   (929,691 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    4,163     4     (2,969,254 )   3,953,839     414,070     (230,023 )   4,071,039     282,979  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    51,818     1,096     1,422,971     (784,378 )   5,487,027     928,822     2,726,908     1,463,144  
Net gain (loss) on investments
    55,981     1,100     (1,546,283 )   3,169,461     5,901,097     698,799     6,797,947     1,746,123  
Reinvested capital gains
                12,637,235             306,743     52,656  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
  $ 58,851     1,100     2,126,851     18,964,593     6,093,027     2,468,197     7,424,104     1,868,852  
Investment activity:   FidVIPConS     FidVIPIGBdS     FidVIPGrOpS     FidVIPMCapS     FidVIPVaIS     FidVIPEnergyS2     FidVIPFree10S     FidVIPFree20S  
Reinvested dividends
  $ 2,047,582     297,433     92,847     61,912     36,774     45,935     11,056     19,492  
Mortality and expense risk charges (note 3)
    (211,275 )   (1,085 )   (4,206 )   (12,308 )   (135 )            
Net investment income (loss)
    1,836,307     296,348     88,641     49,604     36,639     45,935     11,056     19,492  
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
    29,978,822     515,297     4,134,859     6,009,399     1,090,045     2,595,083     122,743     76,109  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
    (18,278,897 )   (535,244 )   (3,493,942 )   (4,571,315 )   (1,056,473 )   (2,352,583 )   (115,515 )   (69,962 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    11,699,925     (19,947 )   640,917     1,438,084     33,572     242,500     7,228     6,147  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    (9,318,194 )   100,550     (47,920 )   (1,316,944 )   (146,173 )   (797,228 )   19,784     71,282  
Net gain (loss) on investments
    2,381,731     80,603     592,997     121,140     (112,601 )   (554,728 )   27,012     77,429  
Reinvested capital gains
    15,541,966     18,136         2,795,083     1,229,164     1,001,993     2,850     12,045  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
  $ 19,760,004     395,087     681,638     2,965,827     1,153,202     493,200     40,918     108,966  

Year Ended December 31, 2006
Investment activity:   FidVIPFree30S     FrVIPIncSec2     FrVIPRisDiv     FrVIPSmCapV1     FrVIPSmCapV2     FrVIPDevMrk3     FrVIPForSec     FrVIPForSec2  
Reinvested dividends
  $ 8,990     329     169,336     70,843     23,455     51,034     52,262     199,321  
Mortality and expense risk charges
(note 3)
                    (9,728 )           (50,795 )
Net investment income (loss)
    8,990     329     169,336     70,843     13,727     51,034     52,262     148,526  
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
    65,452     129,161     2,043,331     1,699,219     2,019,376     1,120,842     1,025,895     6,710,883  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
    (58,793 )   (124,095 )   (1,727,549 )   (1,267,977 )   (1,779,049 )   (909,770 )   (765,817 )   (5,319,858 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    6,659     5,066     315,782     431,242     240,327     211,072     260,078     1,391,025  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    31,837     44,817     1,648,834     535,635     154,996     648,770     419,827     1,461,209  
Net gain (loss) on investments
    38,496     49,883     1,964,616     966,877     395,323     859,842     679,905     2,852,234  
Reinvested capital gains
    6,386     44     68,181     298,012     131,249              
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
  $ 53,872     50,256     2,202,133     1,335,732     540,299     910,876     732,167     3,000,760  
Investment activity:   FrVIPForSec3     FrVIPGlInc3     GVITAstAll2     GVITBnd2     GVITGlobGr2     GVITGrowth2     GVITIntValI     GVITIntVal3  
Reinvested dividends
  $ 58,304     29,118     28,982     2,413     1,684     10,186     65,708     123,878  
Mortality and expense risk charges
(note 3)
Net investment income (loss)
    58,304     29,118     28,982     2,413     1,684     10,186     65,708     123,878  
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
    770,445     367,698     35,153     9,429     72,853     88,718     850,592     1,569,833  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
    (639,925 )   (350,001 )   (35,500 )   (9,429 )   (73,063 )   (90,919 )   (728,806 )   (1,347,260 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    130,520     17,697     (347 )       (210 )   (2,201 )   121,786     222,573  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    667,348     73,043     50,812     8,969     100,276     69,921     262,686     496,243  
Net gain (loss) on investments
    797,868     90,740     50,465     8,969     100,066     67,720     384,472     718,816  
Reinvested capital gains
                            202,934     403,845  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
  $ 856,172     119,858     79,447     11,382     101,750     77,906     653,114     1,246,539  

Year Ended December 31, 2006
Investment activity:   GVITEmMrkts     GVITEmMrkts3     GVITFHiInc     GVITFHiInc3     GVITGlFin     GVITGlHlth     GVITGlHlth3     GVITGlTech  
Reinvested dividends
  $ 173,849     71,767     1,789,146     475,086     82,129              
Mortality and expense risk charges (note 3)
    (48,942 )       (27,257 )       (3,414 )   (3,910 )       (7,319 )
Net investment income (loss)
    124,907     71,767     1,761,889     475,086     78,715     (3,910 )       (7,319 )
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
    6,470,923     2,724,119     5,306,340     1,596,636     831,679     1,641,657     1,235,737     1,764,226  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
    (4,271,953 )   (2,293,879 )   (5,369,110 )   (1,611,819 )   (744,558 )   (1,600,845 )   (1,329,111 )   (1,695,917 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    2,198,970     430,240     (62,770 )   (15,183 )   87,121     40,812     (93,374 )   68,309  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    4,849,580     2,317,091     711,651     168,615     41,527     68,815     104,691     460,052  
Net gain (loss) on investments
    7,048,550     2,747,331     648,881     153,432     128,648     109,627     11,317     528,361  
Reinvested capital gains
    275,455     116,408             557,756              
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
  $ 7,448,912     2,935,506     2,410,770     628,518     765,119     105,717     11,317     521,042  
Investment activity:   GVITGlTech3     GVITGlUtl     GVITGvtBd     GVITGrowth     GVITIntGro     GVITIntIdx6     GVITIDAgg2     GVITIDCon2  
Reinvested dividends
  $     81,320     4,446,214     8,651     54,417     2,038     437,711     391,302  
Mortality and expense risk charges (note 3)
        (1,074 )   (171,857 )   (2,159 )   (2,750 )       (15,916 )   (11,395 )
Net investment income (loss)
        80,246     4,274,357     6,492     51,667     2,038     421,795     379,907  
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
    1,410,326     835,865     52,330,913     1,430,837     1,306,433     16,301     3,167,832     2,565,439  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
    (1,333,461 )   (835,853 )   (56,485,655 )   (1,324,800 )   (908,396 )   (16,454 )   (2,525,304 )   (2,580,152 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    76,865     12     (4,154,742 )   106,037     398,037     (153 )   642,528     (14,713 )
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    104,554     680,567     2,016,604     848,404     1,594,606     16,309     1,918,101     238,962  
Net gain (loss) on investments
    181,419     680,579     (2,138,138 )   954,441     1,992,643     16,156     2,560,629     224,249  
Reinvested capital gains
        232,606     841,510         11,773         295,325     123,826  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
  $ 181,419     993,431     2,977,729     960,933     2,056,083     18,194     3,277,749     727,982  

Year Ended December 31, 2006
Investment activity:   GVITIDMod2     GVITIDModAg2     GVITIDModCon2     GVITJPBal     GVITMdCpGr     GVITMdCpIdx     GVITMyMkt     GVITMyMkt5  
Reinvested dividends
  $ 1,360,211     1,331,756     669,778     426,226         891,863     5,084,140     11,460,488  
Mortality and expense risk charges (note 3)
    (32,713 )   (15,383 )   (40,367 )   (9,847 )   (4,698 )   (110,551 )   (26,225 )   (603,177 )
Net investment income (loss)
    1,327,498     1,316,373     629,411     416,379     (4,698 )   781,312     5,057,915     10,857,311  
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
    4,262,118     7,165,706     3,903,298     5,633,377     2,420,730     21,192,088     46,839,425     161,956,036  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
    (3,300,097 )   (5,279,014 )   (3,435,331 )   (4,282,829 )   (1,917,648 )   (13,141,753 )   (46,839,425 )   (161,956,036 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    962,021     1,886,692     467,967     1,350,548     503,082     8,050,335          
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    3,146,924     4,291,540     474,133     439,493     1,011,753     (3,099,405 )        
Net gain (loss) on investments
    4,108,945     6,178,232     942,100     1,790,041     1,514,835     4,950,930          
Reinvested capital gains
    502,972     725,912     317,513             1,086,719          
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
  $ 5,939,415     8,220,517     1,889,024     2,206,420     1,510,137     6,818,961     5,057,915     10,857,311  
Investment activity:   GVITNWFund     GVITNWLead     GVITSmCapGr     GVITSmCapVal     GVITSmComp     GVITUSGro     GVITVKVal     GVITMltSec  
Reinvested dividends
  $ 5,353,612     7,659         365,644     109,739     18,585     216,872     722,676  
Mortality and expense risk charges (note 3)
    (451,840 )   (228 )   (23,290 )   (83,613 )   (171,261 )   (4,486 )   (1,141 )   (19,720 )
Net investment income (loss)
    4,901,772     7,431     (23,290 )   282,031     (61,522 )   14,099     215,731     702,956  
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
    7,831,584     406,874     13,304,567     32,381,732     41,341,579     2,067,982     2,446,309     5,309,683  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
    (6,429,339 )   (406,136 )   (11,168,294 )   (20,312,718 )   (28,211,862 )   (2,136,302 )   (1,834,717 )   (5,294,952 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    1,402,245     738     2,136,273     12,069,014     13,129,717     (68,320 )   611,592     14,731  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    56,960,310     83,224     (1,500,638 )   (5,079,969 )   (3,983,920 )   (200,490 )   499,983     51,097  
Net gain (loss) on investments
    58,362,555     83,962     635,635     6,989,045     9,145,797     (268,810 )   1,111,575     65,828  
Reinvested capital gains
        113,501         6,169,351     2,239,910     130,686     577,219     38,017  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
  $ 63,264,327     204,894     612,345     13,440,427     11,324,185     (124,025 )   1,904,525     806,801  

Year Ended December 31, 2006
Investment activity:   GVITWLead     GSVMdCpV     JanBal     JanForty     JanGlTech     JanRMgCore     JanIntGroS2     JanIntGroS  
Reinvested dividends
  $ 46,359     621,541     159,786     61,155         677     75,317     1,035,189  
Mortality and expense risk charges (note 3)
    (1,399 )   (174,173 )   (18,830 )   (41,598 )   (4,761 )           (47,359 )
Net investment income (loss)
    44,960     447,368     140,956     19,557     (4,761 )   677     75,317     987,830  
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
    1,316,353     14,591,447     7,262,058     11,584,344     3,242,307     229,916     32,369     14,879,293  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
    (918,807 )   (13,064,165 )   (6,543,076 )   (7,532,018 )   (2,514,799 )   (236,085 )   (32,201 )   (6,333,432 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    397,546     1,527,282     718,982     4,052,326     727,508     (6,169 )   168     8,545,861  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    800,472     565,343     (247,691 )   (196,228 )   489,592     21,541     1,243,011     10,808,316  
Net gain (loss) on investments
    1,198,018     2,092,625     471,291     3,856,098     1,217,100     15,372     1,243,179     19,354,177  
Reinvested capital gains
        6,847,239                 42,380          
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
  $ 1,242,978     9,387,232     612,247     3,875,655     1,212,339     58,429     1,318,496     20,342,007  
Investment activity:   JPMMidCapGr     JPMMidCapV     LAMidCapV     MFSInvGrStl     MFSValueI     NBAMTFasc     NBAMTGuard     NBAMTInt  
Reinvested dividends
  $     7,753     3,175         24,098         107,565     3,750  
Mortality and expense risk charges (note 3)
    (10,359 )   (1,589 )   (923 )           (1,815 )   (11,914 )    
Net investment income (loss)
    (10,359 )   6,164     2,252         24,098     (1,815 )   95,651     3,750  
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
    1,702,801     819,944     131,349     498,780     520,990     878,956     5,255,264     468,773  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
    (1,471,657 )   (815,609 )   (127,781 )   (438,872 )   (416,201 )   (800,314 )   (3,009,402 )   (404,385 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    231,144     4,335     3,568     59,908     104,789     78,642     2,245,862     64,388  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    (10,397 )   (30,208 )   1,310     247,242     286,163     (36,527 )   (418,853 )   183,156  
Net gain (loss) on investments
    220,747     (25,873 )   4,878     307,150     390,952     42,115     1,827,009     247,544  
Reinvested capital gains
    109,584     98,910     49,476         68,117     45,103         13,829  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
  $ 319,972     79,201     56,606     307,150     483,167     85,403     1,922,660     265,123  

Year Ended December 31, 2006
Investment activity:   NBAMTLMat     NBAMTMCGr     NBAMTPart     NBAMTRegI     NBAMTRegS     NBAMTSocRes     OppGlSec3     OppCapAp  
Reinvested dividends
  $ 272,797         145,279     1,603     3,419     3,512     109,643     492,032  
Mortality and expense risk charges (note 3)
        (22,024 )   (8,489 )   (873 )               (202,004 )
Net investment income (loss)
    272,797     (22,024 )   136,790     730     3,419     3,512     109,643     290,028  
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
    1,679,761     4,158,296     9,014,252     185,941     422,457     427,871     1,586,318     31,207,155  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
    (1,696,908 )   (2,254,637 )   (6,078,285 )   (200,746 )   (414,879 )   (343,792 )   (1,369,633 )   (24,649,134 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    (17,147 )   1,903,659     2,935,967     (14,805 )   7,578     84,079     216,685     6,558,021  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    113,979     3,585,864     (2,822,988 )   12,278     8,407     177,186     1,264,016     2,466,146  
Net gain (loss) on investments
    96,832     5,489,523     112,979     (2,527 )   15,985     261,265     1,480,701     9,024,167  
Reinvested capital gains
            2,237,618     22,223     47,400     24,933     573,997      
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
  $ 369,629     5,467,499     2,487,387     20,426     66,804     289,710     2,164,341     9,314,195  
Investment activity:   OppGlSec     OppHighInc     OppMSt     OppMStSCap     OppMidCap     PVITAllAst     PVITLowDur     PVITRealRet  
Reinvested dividends
  $ 783,099     258,840     454,051     4,810         137,089     1,681,826     1,704,599  
Mortality and expense risk charges (note 3)
    (129,203 )       (15,084 )       (45,719 )   (8,507 )   (105,255 )   (117,653 )
Net investment income (loss)
    653,896     258,840     438,967     4,810     (45,719 )   128,582     1,576,571     1,586,946  
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
    22,784,327     3,629,272     5,548,846     713,142     11,086,192     3,064,536     13,164,309     9,633,598  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
    (13,970,780 )   (3,647,900 )   (3,585,596 )   (556,974 )   (7,115,910 )   (3,001,558 )   (13,483,942 )   (9,963,661 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    8,813,547     (18,628 )   1,963,250     156,168     3,970,282     62,978     (319,633 )   (330,063 )
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    (1,859,919 )   119,146     3,463,093     210,349     (2,446,101 )   (54,520 )   210,497     (2,320,724 )
Net gain (loss) on investments
    6,953,628     100,518     5,426,343     366,517     1,524,181     8,458     (109,136 )   (2,650,787 )
Reinvested capital gains
    4,090,534             94,934         3,877         1,140,949  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
  $ 11,698,058     359,358     5,865,310     466,261     1,478,462     140,917     1,467,435     77,108  

Year Ended December 31, 2006
Investment activity:   PVITTotRet     PioHiYield     PVTGroIncIB     PVTIntEqIB     PVTVoyIB     RCFMicroCap     TRoeBlChip2     TRowEqInc2  
Reinvested dividends
  $ 4,529,999     678,616     18,028     12,530     389     84,130     2,764     1,073,160  
Mortality and expense risk charges (note 3)
    (280,433 )   (32,699 )               (139,651 )       (208,820 )
Net investment income (loss)
    4,249,566     645,917     18,028     12,530     389     (55,521 )   2,764     864,340  
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
    26,174,855     2,477,738     197,400     1,536,330     59,294     23,927,519     386,177     30,121,040  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
    (26,924,213 )   (2,618,082 )   (161,769 )   (1,160,522 )   (52,368 )   (19,647,182 )   (366,047 )   (26,662,690 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    (749,358 )   (140,344 )   35,631     375,808     6,926     4,280,337     20,130     3,458,350  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    (291,320 )   323,000     102,959     520,130     12,151     1,284,180     75,614     7,085,486  
Net gain (loss) on investments
    (1,040,678 )   182,656     138,590     895,938     19,077     5,564,517     95,744     10,543,836  
Reinvested capital gains
    654,903     171,999     28,081             2,562,710         2,346,470  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
  $ 3,863,791     1,000,572     184,699     908,468     19,466     8,071,706     98,508     13,754,646  
Investment activity:   TRowLtdTBd2     TRowMidCap2     TRowNewAmGr     VEWrldEMkt     VEWrldHAs     VKCorPlus     VKEmMkt     VKMidCapG  
Reinvested dividends
  $ 13,800         5,033     92,327     12,151     77,741     1,349,346      
Mortality and expense risk charges (note 3)
        (70,941 )   (41,086 )   (7,389 )   (16,284 )       (18,687 )   (9,401 )
Net investment income (loss)
    13,800     (70,941 )   (36,053 )   84,938     (4,133 )   77,741     1,330,659     (9,401 )
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
    141,187     15,288,789     10,060,186     3,430,052     10,778,845     442,354     10,392,600     3,313,020  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
    (142,752 )   (12,870,125 )   (9,891,776 )   (2,146,049 )   (6,215,920 )   (450,957 )   (10,439,043 )   (2,533,317 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    (1,565 )   2,418,664     168,410     1,284,003     4,562,925     (8,603 )   (46,443 )   779,703  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    5,730     (4,201,040 )   86,063     2,758,263     (1,696,211 )   542     (428,311 )   (658,265 )
Net gain (loss) on investments
    4,165     (1,782,376 )   254,473     4,042,266     2,866,714     (8,061 )   (474,754 )   121,438  
Reinvested capital gains
        2,767,140     140,937     1,453,634     1,034,045     10,330     293,124     414,443  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
  $ 17,965     913,823     359,357     5,580,838     3,896,626     80,010     1,149,029     526,480  

Year Ended December 31, 2006
Investment activity:    VKUSRealEst     WRGrowth     WRRealEstS     WFAVTOpp  
Reinvested dividends
   $ 890,502         313      
Mortality and expense risk charges (note 3)
     (102,412 )   (1,761 )   (67 )   (26,293 )
Net investment income (loss)
     788,090     (1,761 )   246     (26,293 )
Proceeds from mutual fund shares sold
     11,297,939     1,000,430     5,588     7,384,959  
Cost of mutual fund shares sold
     (5,052,860 )   (1,074,726 )   (5,108 )   (4,366,298 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
     6,245,079     (74,296 )   480     3,018,661  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
     14,169,666     829     4,210     (2,833,629 )
Net gain (loss) on investments
     20,414,745     (73,467 )   4,690     185,032  
Reinvested capital gains
     5,346,275         1,120     3,200,397  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
   $ 26,549,110     (75,228 )   6,056     3,359,136  
See accompanying notes to financial statements.

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    Total     AIMBValue     AIMCapAp     AIMCapDev  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 71,131,320     53,182,934     25,703     (2,946 )   861     242     (23,827 )   (16,945 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    166,896,656     116,451,853     125,383     537,711     22,497     31,267     932,075     528,321  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    167,698,301     34,976,679     446,439     (107,374 )   64,228     67,254     577,441     442,622  
Reinvested capital gains
    96,963,068     61,380,612     354,271     76,238             214,763      
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    502,689,345     265,992,078     951,796     503,629     87,586     98,763     1,700,452     953,998  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    573,057,603     715,520,140     1,176,451     1,360,376     237,149     212,666     1,353,692     1,247,716  
Transfers between funds
            296,702     3,869,968     201,737     295,260     1,319,907     8,121,858  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (387,471,327 )   (534,517,966 )   (218,710 )   (4,766,502 )   (63,473 )   (29,876 )   (524,411 )   (4,134,776 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (9,884,896 )   (5,693,704 )   (23,642 )   (9,522 )   (152 )       (6,487 )   (5,288 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (17,332,223 )   (20,641,828 )   (49,371 )   (79,638 )   (32,507 )   (11,600 )   (22,732 )   (7,148 )
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
    (7,673,977 )   (8,904,284 )   (25,638 )   (27,640 )   (11,034 )   (4,456 )   (7,078 )   (5,342 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (129,174,617 )   (135,001,808 )   (375,194 )   (398,236 )   (88,470 )   (81,872 )   (457,957 )   (268,490 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (6,179,710 )   (5,334,262 )   (20,591 )   (14,696 )   (4,559 )   (3,125 )   (12,480 )   (8,692 )
MSP contracts
    (268,091 )   (228,393 )   (331 )   (195 )   (52 )   (17 )   (272 )   (132 )
SL contracts
    (1,272,062 )   (1,248,349 )   (2,357 )   (1,327 )   (1,757 )   (334 )   (744 )   (539 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    53,319     61,021     462     112     10     17     8,280     92  
Net equity transactions
    13,854,019     4,010,567     757,781     (67,300 )   236,892     376,663     1,649,718     4,939,259  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    516,543,364     270,002,645     1,709,577     436,329     324,478     475,426     3,350,170     5,893,257  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    3,947,899,004     3,677,896,359     6,865,070     6,428,741     1,236,552     761,126     9,299,865     3,406,608  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 4,464,442,368     3,947,899,004     8,574,647     6,865,070     1,561,030     1,236,552     12,650,035     9,299,865  
Beginning units
    302,538,590     304,571,400     445,372     441,082     85,976     57,596     556,838     222,592  
Units purchased
    72,274,994     162,253,438     109,212     503,212     29,998     38,251     220,422     693,638  
Units redeemed
    (67,050,776 )   (164,286,248 )   (62,908 )   (498,922 )   (13,870 )   (9,871 )   (127,092 )   (359,392 )
Ending units
    307,762,808     302,538,590     491,676     445,372     102,104     85,976     650,168     556,838  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    AIMIntGr     AlVPGrIncA     AlVPIntlValA   AlVPSmMdCpA  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006         2005       2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 126,254     67,480     200,486     189,608     27,039       15,779     21,803  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    2,296,573     119,622     619,350     1,171,785     (95,855 )     172,807     67,366  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    1,887,880     1,425,222     1,156,397     (642,982 )   1,454,350       2,419     (1,411 )
Reinvested capital gains
            880,352         52,921       260,883     141,546  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    4,310,707     1,612,324     2,856,585     718,411     1,438,455       451,888     229,304  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    2,185,394     1,596,162     1,332,130     1,709,656     526,879       475,185     488,538  
Transfers between funds
    2,244,556     8,876,650     (847,376 )   2,819,960     11,770,029       (661,700 )   35,444  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (4,336,178 )   (5,190 )   (267,171 )   (2,418,228 )   (1,408,723 )     (159,244 )   (61,736 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (15,626 )       (8,311 )   (79,996 )         (2,134 )    
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (196 )   (1,274 )   (46,911 )   (31,234 )         (50,912 )   (41,662 )
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
            (13,479 )   (7,968 )         (6,312 )   (5,048 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (306,400 )   (132,822 )   (361,822 )   (419,302 )   (44,346 )     (131,298 )   (129,630 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
            (13,967 )   (12,386 )         (10,153 )   (7,401 )
MSP contracts
            (171 )   (165 )         (292 )   (288 )
SL contracts
            (1,569 )   (1,265 )         (4,482 )   (4,426 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    6,023     33     967     45     78       49     13  
Net equity transactions
    (222,427 )   10,333,559     (227,680 )   1,559,117     10,843,917       (551,293 )   273,804  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    4,088,280     11,945,883     2,628,905     2,277,528     12,282,372       (99,405 )   503,108  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    15,580,476     3,634,593     17,331,334     15,053,806           3,484,800     2,981,692  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 19,668,756     15,580,476     19,960,239     17,331,334     12,282,372       3,385,395     3,484,800  
Beginning units
    1,111,978     305,044     1,125,026     1,022,336           198,030     181,154  
Units purchased
    398,004     935,817     155,838     590,374     1,233,682       27,715     34,807  
Units redeemed
    (411,730 )   (128,883 )   (172,970 )   (487,684 )   (148,582 )     (57,609 )   (17,931 )
Ending units
    1,098,252     1,111,978     1,107,894     1,125,026     1,085,100       168,136     198,030  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    ACVPIncGr     ACVPInfPro2     ACVPInt     ACVPInt3  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 506,897     517,495     222,068     279,396     683,075     528,468     85,854     (585 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    1,559,858     2,059,029     (85,474 )   (4,576 )   3,645,694     5,155,451     106,709     6,347  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    2,321,259     (1,421,747 )   (15,319 )   (187,807 )   6,143,566     (425,258 )   1,216,942     455,203  
Reinvested capital gains
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    4,388,014     1,154,777     121,275     90,223     10,472,335     5,258,661     1,409,505     460,965  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    2,980,810     3,346,398     928,163     839,206     2,241,271     5,271,738     2,336,741     1,927,016  
Transfers between funds
    (2,604,445 )   (2,526,656 )   324,789     1,691,412     (3,443,452 )   (11,462,744 )   705,137     2,041,846  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (952,973 )   (2,944,928 )   (348,613 )   (201,380 )   (2,510,699 )   (6,422,696 )   (331,029 )   (63,830 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (318,302 )   (40,254 )   (22,996 )   (15,492 )   (37,490 )   (119,826 )   (49,540 )   (188 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (226,058 )   (214,658 )   (327,756 )   (1,112,108 )   (339,142 )   (357,330 )   132,448     58,528  
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
    (112,887 )   (108,542 )   (19,201 )   (22,322 )   (94,716 )   (95,250 )   (36,083 )   (3,346 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (1,246,462 )   (1,457,492 )   (319,214 )   (306,238 )   (1,524,282 )   (1,868,954 )   (404,972 )   (139,062 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (79,777 )   (76,840 )   (21,467 )   (17,180 )   (70,652 )   (76,063 )   (23,569 )   (6,536 )
MSP contracts
    (5,628 )   (5,473 )   (814 )   (334 )   (2,348 )   (2,615 )   (307 )   (134 )
SL contracts
    (14,084 )   (13,750 )   (2,931 )   (2,370 )   (12,441 )   (11,828 )   (3,162 )   (1,093 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    (11 )   40     767     151     1,869     (278 )   44     180  
Net equity transactions
    (2,579,817 )   (4,042,155 )   190,727     853,345     (5,792,082 )   (15,145,846 )   2,325,708     3,813,381  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    1,808,197     (2,887,378 )   312,002     943,568     4,680,253     (9,887,185 )   3,735,213     4,274,346  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    27,561,408     30,448,786     5,946,060     5,002,492     44,623,339     54,510,524     4,274,346      
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 29,369,605     27,561,408     6,258,062     5,946,060     49,303,592     44,623,339     8,009,559     4,274,346  
Beginning units
    1,931,714     2,272,060     535,932     457,932     3,726,960     5,026,876     366,150      
Units purchased
    217,280     461,365     119,512     224,700     281,367     1,632,214     251,977     384,151  
Units redeemed
    (370,848 )   (801,711 )   (100,204 )   (146,700 )   (654,241 )   (2,932,130 )   (69,345 )   (18,001 )
Ending units
    1,778,146     1,931,714     555,240     535,932     3,354,086     3,726,960     548,782     366,150  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    ACVPMdCpV     ACVPUltra     ACVPVal     ACVPVista  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 7,230     5,225     (4,670 )   (11,798 )   943,936     517,787     (376 )   (33 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    39,846     5     349,714     195,293     4,128,014     2,697,392     5,558     2,478  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    69,490     (8,011 )   (515,226 )   (34,075 )   598,190     (6,420,369 )   (3,442 )   3,449  
Reinvested capital gains
    36,808     14,612             6,275,420     6,692,806     410      
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    153,374     11,831     (170,182 )   149,420     11,945,560     3,487,616     2,150     5,894  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    171,210     31,964     709,134     681,334     7,141,601     9,914,772     37,713     4,440  
Transfers between funds
    293,492     625,256     (386,691 )   722,844     (3,927,338 )   2,547,944     236,263     86,262  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (1,899 )       (2,621,454 )   (517,410 )   (10,120,839 )   (5,497,446 )   (10,557 )    
Death benefits (note 4)
            (47 )   (27,894 )   (279,435 )   (38,326 )        
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (5,739 )   (8,410 )   (101,504 )   (31,416 )   (950,746 )   (377,446 )   (786 )    
Deductions for surrender charges (note 2d)
    (370 )   (2 )   (7,518 )   (8,196 )   (188,437 )   (213,186 )   (462 )    
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (42,240 )   (12,338 )   (252,783 )   (313,308 )   (2,646,918 )   (2,929,280 )   (10,111 )   (1,678 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (2,707 )   (959 )   (10,529 )   (8,003 )   (173,079 )   (159,138 )   (648 )   (103 )
MSP contracts
    (68 )       (93 )   (56 )   (4,929 )   (4,268 )        
SL contracts
    (392 )   (12 )   (1,283 )   (1,095 )   (38,866 )   (42,173 )   (31 )    
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    73     49     (45,021 )   94     (54 )   (1,211 )   62     57  
Net equity transactions
    411,360     635,548     (2,717,789 )   496,894     (11,189,040 )   3,200,242     251,443     88,978  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    564,734     647,379     (2,887,971 )   646,314     756,520     6,687,858     253,593     94,872  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    647,379         6,866,248     6,219,934     74,525,122     67,837,264     94,872      
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 1,212,113     647,379     3,978,277     6,866,248     75,281,642     74,525,122     348,465     94,872  
Beginning units
    57,178         607,908     562,336     4,162,374     3,973,728     8,278      
Units purchased
    36,199     59,177     79,816     373,913     433,039     1,249,834     21,632     10,582  
Units redeemed
    (4,385 )   (1,999 )   (324,362 )   (328,341 )   (1,057,677 )   (1,061,188 )   (1,942 )   (2,304 )
Ending units
    88,992     57,178     363,362     607,908     3,537,736     4,162,374     27,968     8,278  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    BCFTCpAsset     BRIntIndex 2005     BRLrgCp     CalVSSoEq  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ (37,388 )   (34,154 )   50,247     138     9,579     8,726     (194 )   (32 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    710,863     1,664,897     8,081     29     68,179     3,475     447     5,207  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    1,013,385     (1,287,251 )   (180,415 )   385     (10,146 )   2,790     10,994     (6,255 )
Reinvested capital gains
            331,284     26     213,679     82,926          
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    1,686,860     343,492     209,197     578     281,291     97,917     11,247     (1,080 )
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    2,174,399     2,101,360     90,420         190,017     179,756     19,620     14,494  
Transfers between funds
    (3,550,948 )   4,985,406     1,182,552     10,510     (455,857 )   1,769,830     64,665     (82,468 )
Surrenders (note 6)
    (370,871 )   (6,355,608 )   (9,132 )       (50,505 )   (15,532 )        
Death benefits (note 4)
    (1,669 )   (2,882 )                       (122 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (7,288 )   (15,062 )                        
Deductions for surrender charges (note 2d)
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (204,306 )   (242,616 )   (19,146 )   (48 )   (16,166 )   (8,628 )   (934 )   (220 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
MSP contracts
SL contracts
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    (588 )   54     257     32     (119 )   26         18  
Net equity transactions
    (1,961,271 )   470,652     1,244,951     10,494     (332,630 )   1,925,452     83,351     (68,298 )
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    (274,411 )   814,144     1,454,148     11,072     (51,339 )   2,023,369     94,598     (69,378 )
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    13,206,106     12,391,962     11,072         2,023,369         36,456     105,834  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 12,931,695     13,206,106     1,465,220     11,072     1,972,030     2,023,369     131,054     36,456  
Beginning units
    812,598     785,776     952         174,834         2,606     7,916  
Units purchased
    133,650     729,676     101,770     957     35,154     175,601     6,249     5,197  
Units redeemed
    (255,480 )   (702,854 )   (2,206 )   (5 )   (60,964 )   (767 )   (315 )   (10,507 )
Ending units
    690,768     812,598     100,516     952     149,024     174,834     8,540     2,606  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    CSTGlSmCp     CSTIntFoc     CSTLCapV     DryEuroEq  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005         2006           2005      
Net investment income (loss)
  $ (325 )   (346 )   19,527     14,784     15,228     13,123        
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    117,852     120,331     89,234     80,800     86,847     79,118        
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    (23,716 )   (5,473 )   224,640     179,361     203,991     52,097        
Reinvested capital gains
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    93,811     114,512     333,401     274,945     306,066     144,338        
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    74,146     69,444     112,031     132,944     143,156     191,256       (4 )
Transfers between funds
    (58,140 )   (20,400 )   (13,728 )   (42,562 )   2,425     14,246       (40 )
Surrenders (note 6)
    (42,970 )   (196,296 )   (163,836 )   (268,566 )   (332,188 )   (632,242 )      
Death benefits (note 4)
    (18,844 )           (4,126 )   (14,371 )   (3,994 )      
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (11,747 )   (22,918 )   (2,352 )   1,996     (1,495 )   (10,964 )     42  
Deductions for surrender charges (note 2d)
    (869 )   (4,434 )   (3,086 )   (6,958 )   (6,014 )   (8,048 )      
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (32,002 )   (35,482 )   (74,131 )   (75,276 )   (66,132 )   (81,400 )      
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (2,756 )   (2,737 )   (6,351 )   (5,753 )   (5,227 )   (5,663 )      
MSP contracts
    (16 )   (13 )   (556 )   (467 )   (585 )   (539 )      
SL contracts
    (281 )   (218 )   (1,730 )   (1,336 )   (1,820 )   (1,195 )      
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    (9 )   16     (16 )   3     54     (49 )     2  
Net equity transactions
    (93,488 )   (213,038 )   (153,755 )   (270,101 )   (282,197 )   (538,592 )      
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    323     (98,526 )   179,646     4,844     23,869     (394,254 )      
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    810,417     908,943     1,849,769     1,844,925     1,809,887     2,204,141        
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 810,740     810,417     2,029,415     1,849,769     1,833,756     1,809,887        
Beginning units
    64,818     87,902     139,456     165,614     119,654     166,610        
Units purchased
    4,646     7,102     8,937     12,021     13,626     22,281       5  
Units redeemed
    (13,402 )   (30,186 )   (19,379 )   (38,179 )   (31,060 )   (69,237 )     (5 )
Ending units
    56,062     64,818     129,014     139,456     102,220     119,654        

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    DryIPMidCap     DryIPSmCap     DrySRGro     DryStkIx  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 1,263     (2,170 )   48,995     (25,790 )   13,295     (2,904 )   5,699,240     5,480,723  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    (19,997 )   77,325     612,093     1,458,278     (55,407 )   (445,744 )   11,897,478     2,229,250  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    (77,469 )   (46,328 )   1,659,449     (665,187 )   1,370,321     966,426     35,413,947     9,063,983  
Reinvested capital gains
    164,113     2,846     494,024     37,946                  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    67,910     31,673     2,814,561     805,247     1,328,209     517,778     53,010,665     16,773,956  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    204,487     263,970     2,929,214     2,669,734     1,957,145     2,444,830     30,357,131     51,850,362  
Transfers between funds
    85,266     (442,534 )   806,840     (2,940,962 )   (882,076 )   (1,127,874 )   3,805,115     (4,788,950 )
Surrenders (note 6)
    (1,816 )   (412,780 )   (1,228,153 )   (1,560,060 )   (906,318 )   (1,663,566 )   (67,888,901 )   (30,480,010 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (247 )   (402 )   (25,726 )   (42,562 )   (79,789 )   (80,700 )   (962,593 )   (385,986 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
            172,200     (148,542 )   (66,827 )   (260,846 )   (1,978,995 )   (1,897,464 )
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
            (38,750 )   (27,048 )   (78,414 )   (94,148 )   (694,033 )   (875,598 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (15,087 )   (19,546 )   (671,685 )   (596,578 )   (1,052,968 )   (1,198,256 )   (11,797,426 )   (13,073,310 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
            (31,087 )   (23,013 )   (59,616 )   (61,643 )   (524,708 )   (505,553 )
MSP contracts
            (252 )   (135 )   (2,467 )   (2,320 )   (18,172 )   (19,098 )
SL contracts
            (11,644 )   (4,694 )   (5,025 )   (5,597 )   (234,237 )   (278,004 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    (27 )   (22 )   (416 )   73     1,725     95     2,962     (880 )
Net equity transactions
    272,576     (611,314 )   1,900,541     (2,673,787 )   (1,174,630 )   (2,050,025 )   (49,933,857 )   (454,491 )
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    340,486     (579,641 )   4,715,102     (1,868,540 )   153,579     (1,532,247 )   3,076,808     16,319,465  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    758,043     1,337,684     19,713,952     21,582,492     15,274,960     16,807,207     383,002,885     366,683,420  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 1,098,529     758,043     24,429,054     19,713,952     15,428,539     15,274,960     386,079,693     383,002,885  
Beginning units
    46,536     89,464     1,435,892     1,681,072     1,397,018     1,614,668     31,982,494     31,386,290  
Units purchased
    24,949     135,958     323,159     810,428     182,190     261,126     4,117,062     9,299,094  
Units redeemed
    (8,757 )   (178,886 )   (202,013 )   (1,055,608 )   (287,582 )   (478,776 )   (8,051,494 )   (8,702,890 )
Ending units
    62,728     46,536     1,557,038     1,435,892     1,291,626     1,397,018     28,048,062     31,982,494  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    DryVIApp     DryVIDevLd     DryVIIntVal     DWSVHghRtrn
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006         2005    
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 467,254     (31,481 )   3,628     (344 )   363,221     (72,554 )   (84 )  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    1,580,401     619,610     19,205     16,986     2,441,440     2,757,657     16    
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    3,002,962     723,885     (67,857 )   28,507     1,821,727     (437,900 )   3,015    
Reinvested capital gains
            75,020         2,561,432     474,426     6,415    
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    5,050,617     1,312,014     29,996     45,149     7,187,820     2,721,629     9,362    
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    4,078,265     4,752,850     171,060     170,934     2,541,484     4,143,686        
Transfers between funds
    (2,345,604 )   1,650,370     (137,147 )   (158,998 )   3,545,051     7,340,800     161,696    
Surrenders (note 6)
    (1,732,303 )   (6,431,926 )   (49,066 )   (9,112 )   (2,320,877 )   (15,432,158 )      
Death benefits (note 4)
    (93,179 )   (78,188 )           (15,539 )   (30,600 )      
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (182,056 )   (133,510 )   (13,508 )   (5,332 )   (119 )   (4 )      
Deductions for surrender charges (note 2d)
    (81,826 )   (125,688 )   (7,669 )   (4,386 )              
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (1,296,162 )   (1,377,854 )   (47,214 )   (55,464 )   (459,041 )   (390,206 )   (196 )  
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (72,977 )   (67,353 )   (3,269 )   (2,882 )              
MSP contracts
    (1,654 )   (1,517 )   (2 )                  
SL contracts
    (12,673 )   (14,153 )   (453 )   (342 )              
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    133     (53 )   2     10     1,429     23     23    
Net equity transactions
    (1,740,036 )   (1,827,022 )   (87,266 )   (65,572 )   3,292,388     (4,368,459 )   161,523    
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    3,310,581     (515,008 )   (57,270 )   (20,423 )   10,480,208     (1,646,830 )   170,885    
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    31,545,441     32,060,449     887,752     908,175     30,181,919     31,828,749        
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 34,856,022     31,545,441     830,482     887,752     40,662,127     30,181,919     170,885    
Beginning units
    2,474,314     2,677,138     58,416     63,226     1,760,980     2,072,622        
Units purchased
    365,532     848,585     9,815     11,297     420,700     1,288,366     15,198    
Units redeemed
    (430,488 )   (1,051,409 )   (15,569 )   (16,107 )   (242,022 )   (1,600,008 )   (18 )  
Ending units
    2,409,358     2,474,314     52,662     58,416     1,939,658     1,760,980     15,180    

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    FedAmLead     FedCapAp     FedMrkOp   FedQualBd  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006         2005       2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 4,783     4,577     2,870     3,696           3,673,134     3,185,853  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    3,656     15,968     4,163     9,843     4       (2,969,254 )   1,258,569  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    3,909     (6,278 )   51,818     (6,170 )   1,096       1,422,971     (3,953,905 )
Reinvested capital gains
    39,581                           573,294  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    51,929     14,267     58,851     7,369     1,100       2,126,851     1,063,811  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    30,290     58,906     75,660     87,266     1,073       7,570,046     13,737,160  
Transfers between funds
    (8,439 )   (35,976 )   (11,524 )   (75,044 )   39,280       (25,553,825 )   2,793,926  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (4,011 )   (1,036 )   (4,403 )   (5,448 )         (24,601,230 )   (15,016,478 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (256 )   (964 )                 (620,801 )   (169,066 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (2,610 )   (10,902 )   (8,462 )   (1,812 )         (113,944 )   (194,668 )
Deductions for surrender charges (note 2d)
    (1,591 )   (414 )   (1,112 )   (858 )         (146,590 )   (110,776 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (16,466 )   (18,050 )   (25,262 )   (28,736 )   (236 )     (2,059,972 )   (2,608,400 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (1,273 )   (1,076 )   (1,215 )   (1,062 )   (31 )     (77,916 )   (73,832 )
MSP contracts
                          (3,452 )   (3,399 )
SL contracts
    (214 )   (207 )   (380 )   (340 )         (54,285 )   (79,302 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    (18 )   2     22     (9 )   21       380     (1,850 )
Net equity transactions
    (4,588 )   (9,717 )   23,324     (26,043 )   40,107       (45,661,589 )   (1,726,685 )
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    47,341     4,550     82,175     (18,674 )   41,207       (43,534,738 )   (662,874 )
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    314,973     310,423     345,527     364,201           94,707,696     95,370,570  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 362,314     314,973     427,702     345,527     41,207       51,172,958     94,707,696  
Beginning units
    21,684     22,444     26,192     28,136           6,767,940     6,900,038  
Units purchased
    1,993     4,332     5,706     7,244     3,990       558,517     2,511,786  
Units redeemed
    (2,323 )   (5,092 )   (4,000 )   (9,188 )   (26 )     (3,820,603 )   (2,643,884 )
Ending units
    21,354     21,684     27,898     26,192     3,964       3,505,854     6,767,940  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    FidVIPEIS     FidVIPGrS     FidVIPHIS     FidVIPOvS  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 3,157,897     1,369,839     191,930     315,755     1,769,398     3,622,550     319,414     180,586  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    3,953,839     2,118,437     414,070     (2,666,458 )   (230,023 )   1,862,736     4,071,039     2,861,790  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    (784,378 )   (1,838,486 )   5,487,027     7,486,842     928,822     (4,923,157 )   2,726,908     4,281,500  
Reinvested capital gains
    12,637,235     3,438,952                     306,743     220,424  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    18,964,593     5,088,742     6,093,027     5,136,139     2,468,197     562,129     7,424,104     7,544,300  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    11,154,923     15,756,584     10,773,886     15,865,266     1,731,392     2,969,550     3,018,320     5,876,826  
Transfers between funds
    (1,222,766 )   (7,412,500 )   (4,832,624 )   (13,195,054 )   (1,845,924 )   (9,516,732 )   748,578     (1,608,848 )
Surrenders (note 6)
    (4,730,061 )   (11,971,226 )   (4,190,231 )   (15,708,500 )   (745,502 )   (4,072,626 )   (9,482,188 )   (5,320,332 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (297,737 )   (255,046 )   (300,161 )   (271,136 )   (156,750 )   (66,840 )   (109,513 )   (29,950 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (715,261 )   (744,550 )   (973,193 )   (658,242 )   (68,547 )   (134,236 )   (259,760 )   (288,352 )
Deductions for surrender charges (note 2d)
    (218,615 )   (361,920 )   (318,657 )   (491,654 )   (37,870 )   (41,476 )   (92,201 )   (95,482 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (3,938,665 )   (4,347,476 )   (4,709,990 )   (5,448,834 )   (936,225 )   (1,018,984 )   (1,240,859 )   (1,535,702 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (227,733 )   (206,659 )   (243,847 )   (237,148 )   (45,759 )   (45,982 )   (58,040 )   (61,931 )
MSP contracts
    (9,452 )   (8,604 )   (8,061 )   (8,323 )   (2,117 )   (1,974 )   (1,764 )   (1,786 )
SL contracts
    (39,619 )   (33,932 )   (33,457 )   (34,472 )   (7,564 )   (7,344 )   (26,278 )   (33,543 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    517     (12 )   (357 )   (4,612 )   36     (7 )   4,520     (102 )
Net equity transactions
    (244,469 )   (9,585,341 )   (4,836,692 )   (20,192,709 )   (2,114,830 )   (11,936,651 )   (7,499,185 )   (3,099,202 )
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    18,720,124     (4,496,599 )   1,256,335     (15,056,570 )   353,367     (11,374,522 )   (75,081 )   4,445,098  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    96,013,017     100,509,616     99,652,762     114,709,332     23,645,712     35,020,234     47,413,264     42,968,166  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 114,733,141     96,013,017     100,909,097     99,652,762     23,999,079     23,645,712     47,338,183     47,413,264  
Beginning units
    6,711,838     7,385,638     8,629,460     10,540,460     2,215,374     3,219,284     3,443,834     3,624,196  
Units purchased
    860,926     2,743,364     1,461,572     3,205,097     151,651     544,012     467,094     1,273,529  
Units redeemed
    (840,252 )   (3,417,164 )   (1,701,690 )   (5,116,097 )   (337,317 )   (1,547,922 )   (917,870 )   (1,453,891 )
Ending units
    6,732,512     6,711,838     8,389,342     8,629,460     2,029,708     2,215,374     2,993,058     3,443,834  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    FidVIPOvSR     FidVIPConS     FidVIPIGBdS     FidVIPGrOpS  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 70,073     (711 )   1,836,307     92,541     296,348     150,542     88,641     119,420  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    282,979     27,717     11,699,925     4,136,516     (19,947 )   (23,034 )   640,917     86,856  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    1,463,144     959,109     (9,318,194 )   18,430,598     100,550     (108,323 )   (47,920 )   1,056,050  
Reinvested capital gains
    52,656         15,541,966     23,808     18,136     94,116          
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    1,868,852     986,115     19,760,004     22,683,463     395,087     113,301     681,638     1,262,326  
Equity transactions:                
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    3,546,542     2,056,868     17,548,803     16,394,398     1,251,199     1,026,212     1,310,585     1,754,880  
Transfers between funds
    3,202,427     4,639,972     17,996,364     30,213,612     2,768,214     3,150,406     (2,918,008 )   (1,134,170 )
Surrenders (note 6)
    (395,114 )   (74,592 )   (16,106,681 )   (13,859,172 )   (266,480 )   (245,338 )   (708,659 )   (1,844,984 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (55,623 )   (9,904 )   (461,959 )   (234,250 )   (48,217 )   (6,042 )   (67,362 )   (16,488 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (132,023 )   (133,300 )   (958,341 )   (1,233,364 )   (69,270 )   (12,548 )   (81,816 )   (147,918 )
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
    (29,900 )   (6,544 )   (333,435 )   (357,934 )   (24,824 )   (9,022 )   (49,983 )   (81,292 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (660,377 )   (207,510 )   (6,277,815 )   (6,103,102 )   (401,450 )   (319,270 )   (717,100 )   (844,658 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (40,373 )   (9,862 )   (366,059 )   (299,334 )   (24,573 )   (14,938 )   (44,252 )   (46,453 )
MSP contracts
    (458 )   (66 )   (10,744 )   (8,483 )   (1,910 )   (1,062 )   (1,936 )   (1,949 )
SL contracts
    (6,533 )   (1,707 )   (58,385 )   (42,938 )   (7,214 )   (5,038 )   (8,107 )   (8,096 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    35     203     9,345     (3,799 )   22     49     (354 )   20  
Net equity transactions
    5,428,603     6,253,558     10,981,093     24,465,634     3,175,497     3,563,409     (3,286,992 )   (2,371,108 )
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    7,297,455     7,239,673     30,741,097     47,149,097     3,570,584     3,676,710     (2,605,354 )   (1,108,782 )
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    7,239,673         165,940,781     118,791,684     7,429,173     3,752,463     15,704,853     16,813,635  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 14,537,128     7,239,673     196,681,878     165,940,781     10,999,757     7,429,173     13,099,499     15,704,853  
CHANGES IN UNITS:                
Beginning units
    579,174         9,413,026     7,531,262     683,006     352,046     1,475,652     1,727,558  
Units purchased
    513,057     620,775     2,097,457     4,559,276     361,673     369,222     129,102     206,267  
Units redeemed
    (106,241 )   (41,601 )   (1,390,619 )   (2,677,512 )   (74,483 )   (38,262 )   (444,614 )   (458,173 )
Ending units
    985,990     579,174     10,119,864     9,413,026     970,196     683,006     1,160,140     1,475,652  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    FidVIPMCapS     FidVIPVaIS     FidVIPEnergyS2     FidVIPFree10S  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 49,604     (8,369 )   36,639     (3,084 )   45,935     11,036     11,056     715  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    1,438,084     249,701     33,572     115,688     242,500     107,447     7,228     1,380  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    (1,316,944 )   2,420,458     (146,173 )   (133,755 )   (797,228 )   54,320     19,784     4,610  
Reinvested capital gains
    2,795,083     151,660     1,229,164     181,130     1,001,993     145,810     2,850      
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    2,965,827     2,813,450     1,153,202     159,979     493,200     318,613     40,918     6,705  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    3,825,936     2,951,232     644,976     1,385,438     1,203,767     340,846     18,583     9,194  
Transfers between funds
    6,536,971     9,715,822     (349,532 )   947,812     3,319,981     3,045,578     473,105     151,812  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (3,816,678 )   (674,746 )   (184,507 )   (875,876 )   (165,467 )   (57,482 )   3      
Death benefits (note 4)
    (40,786 )   (1,216 )       (5,316 )   (808 )            
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (330,065 )   10,872     (39,625 )   (59,056 )   (112,544 )   (299,276 )   (1,201 )    
Deductions for surrender charges (note 2d)
    (67,158 )   (36,688 )   (25,372 )   (27,204 )   (7,584 )   (7,448 )   (280 )    
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (1,213,577 )   (881,710 )   (323,644 )   (338,404 )   (291,800 )   (46,042 )   (20,727 )   (2,716 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (76,557 )   (43,826 )   (21,447 )   (17,472 )   (20,518 )   (3,121 )   (1,085 )   (296 )
MSP contracts
    (2,316 )   (1,247 )   (329 )   (260 )   (312 )   (65 )   (107 )   (7 )
SL contracts
    (12,247 )   (6,080 )   (972 )   (1,356 )   (3,452 )   (610 )   (43 )   (18 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    (99 )   102     78     33     67     96     3     32  
Net equity transactions
    4,803,424     11,032,515     (300,374 )   1,008,339     3,921,330     2,972,476     468,251     158,001  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    7,769,251     13,845,965     852,828     1,168,318     4,414,530     3,291,089     509,169     164,706  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    21,422,831     7,576,866     7,209,802     6,041,484     3,291,089         164,706      
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 29,192,082     21,422,831     8,062,630     7,209,802     7,705,619     3,291,089     673,875     164,706  
Beginning units
    1,032,350     431,128     520,574     448,246     243,526         15,242      
Units purchased
    453,110     681,060     46,790     261,816     287,424     274,541     44,856     15,528  
Units redeemed
    (235,270 )   (79,838 )   (66,376 )   (189,488 )   (42,010 )   (31,015 )   (3,294 )   (286 )
Ending units
    1,250,190     1,032,350     500,988     520,574     488,940     243,526     56,804     15,242  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    FidVIPFree20S     2005 FidVIPFree30S     FrVIPIncSec2   FrVIPRisDiv  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006           2005         2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 19,492     3,112     8,990     1,394     329       169,336     106,370  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    6,147     206     6,659     1,749     5,066       315,782     262,438  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    71,282     18,735     31,837     8,629     44,817       1,648,834     56,160  
Reinvested capital gains
    12,045         6,386         44       68,181     66,316  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    108,966     22,053     53,872     11,772     50,256       2,202,133     491,284  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    364,597     103,284     212,287     13,316     28,203       2,325,102     2,098,686  
Transfers between funds
    349,965     467,838     224,497     247,296     1,254,211       625,796     1,800,778  
Surrenders (note 6)
    9         (426 )       (1 )     (423,784 )   (315,366 )
Death benefits (note 4)
                          (21,819 )   (95,850 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (6,616 )       (8,603 )   1,516     (6 )     (81,403 )   32,678  
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
    (568 )       (361 )       (109 )     (38,911 )   (22,302 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (42,888 )   (6,724 )   (42,662 )   (8,108 )   (12,723 )     (734,377 )   (722,572 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (2,148 )   (319 )   (1,547 )   (238 )   (517 )     (50,546 )   (37,083 )
MSP contracts
    (1,174 )   (29 )   (821 )   (126 )   (45 )     (1,633 )   (1,504 )
SL contracts
    (922 )   (182 )   (54 )       (419 )     (6,758 )   (5,009 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    29     33     22     52     75       51     126  
Net equity transactions
    660,284     563,901     382,332     253,708     1,268,669       1,591,718     2,732,582  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    769,250     585,954     436,204     265,480     1,318,925       3,793,851     3,223,866  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    585,954         265,480               11,930,685     8,706,819  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 1,355,204     585,954     701,684     265,480     1,318,925       15,724,536     11,930,685  
Beginning units
    52,700         23,432               840,480     635,954  
Units purchased
    60,994     53,370     35,898     24,209     118,860       201,976     293,265  
Units redeemed
    (4,682 )   (670 )   (4,596 )   (777 )   (1,270 )     (99,116 )   (88,739 )
Ending units
    109,012     52,700     54,734     23,432     117,590       943,340     840,480  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    FrVIPSmCapV1     FrVIPSmCapV2     FrVIPDevMrk3     FrVIPForSec  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 70,843     50,625     13,727     (3,748 )   51,034     457     52,262     65,505  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    431,242     312,333     240,327     40,902     211,072     7,969     260,078     331,176  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    535,635     164,953     154,996     74,889     648,770     185,687     419,827     5,302  
Reinvested capital gains
    298,012     36,068     131,249                      
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    1,335,732     563,979     540,299     112,043     910,876     194,113     732,167     401,983  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    1,306,229     1,077,760     235,901     196,696     452,732     209,176     (315 )   326,330  
Transfers between funds
    1,453,376     2,336,672     482,348     2,137,536     2,114,894     1,691,242     (573,189 )   (482,022 )
Surrenders (note 6)
    (469,855 )   (172,148 )   (20,907 )   (41,170 )   (163,461 )   (24,274 )   (206,312 )   (116,026 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (23,451 )   (4,942 )                   (16,748 )   (6,452 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (35,601 )   (95,420 )           (82,360 )   (2,038 )   (73,172 )   (43,528 )
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
    (27,685 )   (27,576 )           (1,910 )   (892 )   (9,844 )   (6,634 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges
(notes 2b and 2c)
    (445,862 )   (391,454 )   (43,957 )   (14,272 )   (164,247 )   (26,054 )   (121,456 )   (199,476 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (30,065 )   (19,615 )           (11,541 )   (1,466 )   (11,567 )   (12,250 )
MSP contracts
    (936 )   (590 )           (662 )   (37 )   (490 )   (389 )
SL contracts
    (3,931 )   (1,864 )           (3,092 )   (212 )   (2,351 )   (2,432 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    52     60     (11 )   27     152     60     15     9  
Net equity transactions
    1,722,271     2,700,883     653,374     2,278,817     2,140,505     1,845,505     (1,015,429 )   (542,870 )
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    3,058,003     3,264,862     1,193,673     2,390,860     3,051,381     2,039,618     (283,262 )   (140,887 )
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    7,199,539     3,934,677     2,390,860         2,039,618         3,984,911     4,125,798  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 10,257,542     7,199,539     3,584,533     2,390,860     5,090,999     2,039,618     3,701,649     3,984,911  
Beginning units
    398,540     237,384     210,812         159,292         228,680     261,568  
Units purchased
    132,665     201,690     108,814     213,805     179,373     163,904     2     38,499  
Units redeemed
    (47,143 )   (40,534 )   (48,868 )   (2,993 )   (28,443 )   (4,612 )   (54,130 )   (71,387 )
Ending units
    484,062     398,540     270,758     210,812     310,222     159,292     174,552     228,680  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    FrVIPForSec2     FrVIPForSec3     FrVIPGlInc3     GVITAstAll2
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006           2005      
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 148,526     87,022     58,304     6,397     29,118     5,901     28,982    
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    1,391,025     1,534,763     130,520     55,569     17,697     (6,244 )   (347 )  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    1,461,209     (600,489 )   667,348     165,707     73,043     4,235     50,812    
Reinvested capital gains
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    3,000,760     1,021,296     856,172     227,673     119,858     3,892     79,447    
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    1,607,395     2,131,210     1,016,358     601,634     149,898     16,304     129,152    
Transfers between funds
    2,089,207     2,125,994     1,824,194     2,105,088     1,036,967     529,856     1,596,575    
Surrenders (note 6)
    (594,945 )   (3,701,404 )   (165,303 )   (21,206 )   (222,510 )   (11,680 )   (17,173 )  
Death benefits (note 4)
    (10,158 )   (18,098 )   (4,801 )   (78 )              
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (13,754 )   (32,960 )   (180,431 )   (152,176 )   (9,774 )   (582 )   (568 )  
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
            (10,743 )   (2,554 )   (5,959 )   (774 )   (308 )  
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (318,638 )   (248,898 )   (183,405 )   (67,610 )   (46,237 )   (9,576 )   (31,978 )  
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
            (12,978 )   (3,636 )   (2,905 )   (565 )   (2,072 )  
MSP contracts
            (109 )   (6 )   (61 )   (3 )   (187 )  
SL contracts
            (3,195 )   (681 )   (364 )   (37 )   (247 )  
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    3,496     71     43     135     41     69     74    
Net equity transactions
    2,762,603     255,915     2,279,630     2,458,910     899,096     523,012     1,673,268    
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    5,763,363     1,277,211     3,135,802     2,686,583     1,018,954     526,904     1,752,715    
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    13,309,809     12,032,598     2,686,583         526,904            
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 19,073,172     13,309,809     5,822,385     2,686,583     1,545,858     526,904     1,752,715    
Beginning units
    821,632     814,750     237,992         53,324            
Units purchased
    232,395     577,671     230,149     261,576     109,281     55,698     172,330    
Units redeemed
    (81,773 )   (570,789 )   (43,495 )   (23,584 )   (23,965 )   (2,374 )   (6,306 )  
Ending units
    972,254     821,632     424,646     237,992     138,640     53,324     166,024    

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    GVITBnd2   GVITGlobGr2   GVITGrowth2   GVITIntValI  
Investment activity:   2006           2005         2006           2005         2006           2005         2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 2,413       1,684       10,186       65,708     55,001  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
          (210 )     (2,201 )     121,786     382,048  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    8,969       100,276       69,921       262,686     (201,407 )
Reinvested capital gains
                      202,934     164,802  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    11,382       101,750       77,906       653,114     400,444  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    24,483       78,774       76,929       3,238     427,864  
Transfers between funds
    715,789       1,478,713       1,631,125       (551,440 )   (1,727,918 )
Surrenders (note 6)
          (70 )     (414 )     (116,109 )   (166,130 )
Death benefits (note 4)
                          (1,214 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    82       (122 )     (9,701 )     (27,720 )   (64,012 )
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
    (212 )     (112 )     (109 )     (5,448 )   (14,418 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (6,887 )     (21,893 )     (26,707 )     (132,330 )   (249,934 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (429 )     (1,462 )     (1,844 )     (10,702 )   (14,294 )
MSP contracts
    (30 )     (128 )     (75 )     (455 )   (419 )
SL contracts
    (49 )     (252 )     (502 )     (1,562 )   (1,722 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    41       72       67       (192 )   (6,014 )
Net equity transactions
    732,788       1,533,520       1,668,769       (842,720 )   (1,818,211 )
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    744,170       1,635,270       1,746,675       (189,606 )   (1,417,767 )
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
                      3,299,855     4,717,622  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 744,170       1,635,270       1,746,675       3,110,249     3,299,855  
Beginning units
                      175,520     281,276  
Units purchased
    71,349       153,273       172,788       76     30,182  
Units redeemed
    (737 )     (2,447 )     (4,262 )     (40,734 )   (135,938 )
Ending units
    70,612       150,826       168,526       134,862     175,520  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    GVITIntVal3     GVITEmMrkts     GVITEmMrkts3     GVITFHiInc  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 123,878     27,628     124,907     62,640     71,767     5,044     1,761,889     2,109,153  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    222,573     12,994     2,198,970     262,189     430,240     82,878     (62,770 )   322,559  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    496,243     329,682     4,849,580     2,255,101     2,317,091     257,113     711,651     (2,006,710 )
Reinvested capital gains
    403,845     44,172     275,455     1,416,338     116,408     436,362          
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    1,246,539     414,476     7,448,912     3,996,268     2,935,506     781,397     2,410,770     425,002  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    1,490,965     804,678     2,047,791     1,063,272     1,520,378     918,556     2,723,130     6,373,758  
Transfers between funds
    1,415,870     3,739,026     4,726,439     2,726,062     3,261,982     4,881,610     (1,664,758 )   (6,839,472 )
Surrenders (note 6)
    (199,484 )   (30,996 )   (900,293 )   (927,718 )   (263,722 )   (74,868 )   (244,854 )   (14,345,400 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (19,679 )   (4,740 )   (146,656 )   (8,862 )   (26,594 )       (19,579 )   (65,406 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (88,948 )   (175,306 )   6,408     (200,718 )   (124,005 )   (242,554 )   (435,512 )   (785,914 )
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
    (10,673 )   (5,070 )   (28,669 )   (23,722 )   (15,025 )   (3,340 )   (19,998 )   (57,228 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (320,567 )   (127,042 )   (508,763 )   (517,360 )   (409,734 )   (87,142 )   (579,721 )   (1,041,276 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (22,271 )   (6,801 )   (23,414 )   (22,865 )   (28,192 )   (4,316 )   (28,257 )   (37,212 )
MSP contracts
    (303 )   (37 )   (835 )   (673 )   (598 )   (36 )   (1,365 )   (1,470 )
SL contracts
    (2,726 )   (598 )   (2,994 )   (2,600 )   (4,669 )   (798 )   (22,279 )   (25,315 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    48     87     1,285     (79 )   110     78     65     (3 )
Net equity transactions
    2,242,232     4,193,201     5,170,299     2,084,737     3,909,931     5,387,190     (293,128 )   (16,824,938 )
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    3,488,771     4,607,677     12,619,211     6,081,005     6,845,437     6,168,587     2,117,642     (16,399,936 )
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    4,607,677         17,268,062     11,187,057     6,168,587         23,199,517     39,599,453  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 8,096,448     4,607,677     29,887,273     17,268,062     13,014,024     6,168,587     25,317,159     23,199,517  
Beginning units
    402,348         939,440     804,812     462,520         1,577,566     2,744,224  
Units purchased
    224,783     434,685     391,752     529,950     308,894     493,064     258,754     789,445  
Units redeemed
    (51,151 )   (32,337 )   (135,754 )   (395,322 )   (57,306 )   (30,544 )   (281,078 )   (1,956,103 )
Ending units
    575,980     402,348     1,195,438     939,440     714,108     462,520     1,555,242     1,577,566  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    GVITFHiInc3     GVITGlFin     GVITGlHlth     GVITGlHlth3  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 475,086     183,162     78,715     45,006     (3,910 )   (4,508 )       (107 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    (15,183 )   1,336     87,121     88,039     40,812     204,903     (93,374 )   2,277  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    168,615     (93,976 )   41,527     (184,975 )   68,815     (259,358 )   104,691     (95,828 )
Reinvested capital gains
            557,756     289,878         503,492         125,938  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    628,518     90,522     765,119     237,948     105,717     444,529     11,317     32,280  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    2,365,950     1,495,072     252,871     281,046     244,547     481,804     514,644     366,960  
Transfers between funds
    1,328,322     2,962,702     1,118,235     225,740     (629,374 )   (403,358 )   615,233     1,012,502  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (347,150 )   (50,746 )   (355,946 )   (256,480 )   (235,027 )   (924,374 )   (73,648 )   (15,840 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (120,074 )   (14 )   (4,905 )   (2,932 )   (49,442 )   (5,272 )   (18,809 )    
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    118,992     134,332     (45,529 )   (32,252 )   (27,307 )   (59,736 )   31,729     16,666  
Deductions for surrender charges (note 2d)
    (15,799 )   (4,498 )   (9,913 )   (3,222 )   (11,144 )   (17,834 )   (9,427 )   (1,140 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (280,933 )   (94,782 )   (151,301 )   (115,474 )   (105,361 )   (222,078 )   (94,826 )   (31,544 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (15,308 )   (4,684 )   (6,565 )   (5,550 )   (6,834 )   (9,417 )   (6,493 )   (1,584 )
MSP contracts
    (190 )   (17 )   (16 )   (54 )   (214 )   (228 )   (12 )    
SL contracts
    (8,008 )   (2,149 )   (1,782 )   (1,022 )   (1,413 )   (1,895 )   (1,618 )   (395 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    (6 )   303     118     (9 )   (38 )   53     22     108  
Net equity transactions
    3,025,796     4,435,519     795,267     89,791     (821,607 )   (1,162,335 )   956,795     1,345,733  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    3,654,314     4,526,041     1,560,386     327,739     (715,890 )   (717,806 )   968,112     1,378,013  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    4,526,041         3,327,285     2,999,546     4,246,789     4,964,595     1,378,013      
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 8,180,355     4,526,041     4,887,671     3,327,285     3,530,899     4,246,789     2,346,125     1,378,013  
Beginning units
    429,384         202,412     203,038     319,476     404,734     128,282      
Units purchased
    366,115     462,157     81,896     165,679     25,905     147,634     108,396     134,867  
Units redeemed
    (93,799 )   (32,773 )   (36,934 )   (166,305 )   (86,139 )   (232,892 )   (24,020 )   (6,585 )
Ending units
    701,700     429,384     247,374     202,412     259,242     319,476     212,658     128,282  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    GVITGlTech     GVITGlTech3     GVITGlUtl     GVITGvtBd  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ (7,319 )   (6,698 )       (86 )   80,246     60,298     4,274,357     4,759,437  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    68,309     (525,154 )   76,865     21,549     12     253,457     (4,154,742 )   (2,242,014 )
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    460,052     56,940     104,554     27,832     680,567     (476,164 )   2,016,604     1,197,817  
Reinvested capital gains
                    232,606     343,590     841,510     236,680  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    521,042     (474,912 )   181,419     49,295     993,431     181,181     2,977,729     3,951,920  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    287,298     714,700     440,135     385,176     296,736     356,450     12,600,167     21,911,980  
Transfers between funds
    94,884     (4,730,636 )   356,995     723,270     1,100,262     (175,202 )   (12,812,837 )   (5,115,464 )
Surrenders (note 6)
    (180,565 )   (507,860 )   (60,392 )   (42,726 )   (163,364 )   (722,856 )   (35,315,367 )   (21,786,506 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (4,826 )   (4,632 )   (584 )       (141 )   (760 )   (473,758 )   (133,674 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (60,942 )   (53,680 )   (50,683 )   15,336     (32,111 )   (43,628 )   1,302,396     (502,924 )
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
    (9,272 )   (13,206 )   (10,362 )   (2,848 )   (11,689 )   (3,230 )   (204,806 )   (187,848 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (157,767 )   (249,672 )   (87,361 )   (28,138 )   (99,654 )   (116,492 )   (3,202,073 )   (4,017,174 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (7,600 )   (9,991 )   (5,542 )   (1,371 )   (7,464 )   (6,287 )   (118,452 )   (114,859 )
MSP contracts
    (332 )   (361 )   (70 )   (6 )   (487 )   (462 )   (14,367 )   (15,592 )
SL contracts
    (789 )   (824 )   (577 )   (151 )   (995 )   (1,553 )   (61,790 )   (87,766 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    (448 )   (1 )   35     166     33     42     506     85  
Net equity transactions
    (40,359 )   (4,856,163 )   581,594     1,048,708     1,081,126     (713,978 )   (38,300,381 )   (10,049,742 )
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    480,683     (5,331,075 )   763,013     1,098,003     2,074,557     (532,797 )   (35,322,652 )   (6,097,822 )
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    5,158,177     10,489,252     1,098,003         2,279,588     2,812,385     133,664,356     139,762,178  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 5,638,860     5,158,177     1,861,016     1,098,003     4,354,145     2,279,588     98,341,704     133,664,356  
Beginning units
    1,635,356     3,306,446     89,142         153,292     201,304     9,534,524     10,130,786  
Units purchased
    281,687     673,755     69,527     95,265     85,389     68,084     969,433     3,838,241  
Units redeemed
    (303,167 )   (2,344,845 )   (22,655 )   (6,123 )   (25,833 )   (116,096 )   (3,716,401 )   (4,434,503 )
Ending units
    1,613,876     1,635,356     136,014     89,142     212,848     153,292     6,787,556     9,534,524  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    GVITGrowth     GVITIntGro     GVITIntIdx6   GVITIDAgg2  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005   2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 6,492     10,461     51,667     25,055     2,038       421,795     289,190  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    106,037     (40,719 )   398,037     268,998     (153 )     642,528     615,352  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    848,404     1,040,630     1,594,606     343,491     16,309       1,918,101     12,811  
Reinvested capital gains
            11,773     7,948           295,325     327,252  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    960,933     1,010,372     2,056,083     645,492     18,194       3,277,749     1,244,605  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    2,372,877     2,709,490     395,774     267,878     25,584       4,170,763     3,447,214  
Transfers between funds
    (862,076 )   (440,902 )   4,150,649     1,185,928     183,642       1,559,482     2,915,728  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (642,622 )   (868,508 )   (276,718 )   (313,778 )   (17 )     (759,549 )   (787,234 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (126,564 )   (43,706 )   (847 )   (2 )         (32,296 )   (3,628 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (183,520 )   (177,162 )   (34,525 )   (2,814 )   (300 )     (141,702 )   (96,544 )
Deductions for surrender charges (note 2d)
    (74,252 )   (77,088 )   (3,557 )   (5,918 )   (158 )     (140,694 )   (131,596 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (1,233,859 )   (1,345,570 )   (177,826 )   (90,300 )   (3,539 )     (1,304,561 )   (1,180,948 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (70,082 )   (68,772 )   (12,673 )   (4,638 )   (246 )     (64,191 )   (43,587 )
MSP contracts
    (2,065 )   (2,172 )   (372 )   (245 )         (1,766 )   (477 )
SL contracts
    (7,477 )   (7,459 )   (1,302 )   (190 )   (61 )     (3,840 )   (4,658 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    804     19     77     39     72       (82 )   146  
Net equity transactions
    (828,836 )   (321,830 )   4,038,680     1,035,960     204,977       3,281,564     4,114,416  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    132,097     688,542     6,094,763     1,681,452     223,171       6,559,313     5,359,021  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    16,638,165     15,949,623     3,563,893     1,882,441           18,459,692     13,100,671  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 16,770,262     16,638,165     9,658,656     3,563,893     223,171       25,019,005     18,459,692  
Beginning units
    2,151,666     2,195,790     354,044     243,720           1,368,528     1,046,694  
Units purchased
    314,518     485,451     408,362     189,792     21,043       521,691     573,546  
Units redeemed
    (424,474 )   (529,575 )   (41,694 )   (79,468 )   (709 )     (300,459 )   (251,712 )
Ending units
    2,041,710     2,151,666     720,712     354,044     20,334       1,589,760     1,368,528  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    GVITIDCon2     GVITIDMod2     GVITIDModAg2     GVITIDModCon2  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 379,907     234,921     1,327,498     897,528     1,316,373     938,989     629,411     416,545  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    (14,713 )   219,555     962,021     744,897     1,886,692     1,254,258     467,967     353,988  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    238,962     (329,049 )   3,146,924     (103,063 )   4,291,540     122,125     474,133     (382,105 )
Reinvested capital gains
    123,826     199,790     502,972     708,206     725,912     999,754     317,513     319,252  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    727,982     325,217     5,939,415     2,247,568     8,220,517     3,315,126     1,889,024     707,680  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    1,151,953     2,136,868     9,853,038     9,144,332     11,456,107     11,048,024     5,966,130     2,403,516  
Transfers between funds
    2,758,814     6,892,036     5,612,064     8,129,376     5,087,005     9,653,958     (1,087,071 )   5,932,492  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (435,324 )   (7,199,914 )   (1,896,681 )   (1,604,592 )   (4,308,782 )   (3,544,782 )   (331,084 )   (961,250 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (73,137 )   (16,968 )   (134,336 )   (33,088 )   (7,042 )   (6,712 )   (475 )   (275,142 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (24,239 )   (24,024 )   (223,847 )   (582,182 )   (775,310 )   (262,200 )   (47,914 )   (28,104 )
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
    (33,334 )   (19,818 )   (266,778 )   (197,606 )   (389,030 )   (354,622 )   (36,396 )   (73,072 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (580,940 )   (585,678 )   (3,236,018 )   (3,021,900 )   (3,731,750 )   (3,441,332 )   (926,995 )   (860,714 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (22,125 )   (15,957 )   (169,493 )   (116,128 )   (220,543 )   (144,086 )   (42,604 )   (29,899 )
MSP contracts
    (6,270 )   (4,901 )   (19,056 )   (10,823 )   (10,524 )   (7,326 )   (8,059 )   (5,848 )
SL contracts
    (4,480 )   (5,037 )   (22,344 )   (14,565 )   (25,375 )   (14,989 )   (6,535 )   (7,150 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    (4 )   (1 )   (879 )   185     216     77     (347 )   178  
Net equity transactions
    2,730,914     1,156,606     9,495,670     11,693,009     7,074,972     12,926,010     3,478,650     6,095,007  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    3,458,896     1,481,823     15,435,085     13,940,577     15,295,489     16,241,136     5,367,674     6,802,687  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    9,636,698     8,154,875     46,610,859     32,670,282     52,372,408     36,131,272     20,710,809     13,908,122  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 13,095,594     9,636,698     62,045,944     46,610,859     67,667,897     52,372,408     26,078,483     20,710,809  
Beginning units
    823,092     719,758     3,688,566     2,721,654     3,969,980     2,932,166     1,697,008     1,186,558  
Units purchased
    415,079     939,743     1,222,494     1,591,266     1,222,174     1,784,437     509,644     879,817  
Units redeemed
    (180,433 )   (836,409 )   (496,766 )   (624,354 )   (711,508 )   (746,623 )   (229,654 )   (369,367 )
Ending units
    1,057,738     823,092     4,414,294     3,688,566     4,480,646     3,969,980     1,976,998     1,697,008  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    GVITJPBal     GVITMdCpGr     GVITMdCpIdx     GVITMyMkt  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 416,379     381,003     (4,698 )   (7,156 )   781,312     623,730     5,057,915     3,194,754  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    1,350,548     984,632     503,082     3,895,659     8,050,335     2,511,390          
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    439,493     (887,239 )   1,011,753     (3,047,260 )   (3,099,405 )   545,209          
Reinvested capital gains
                    1,086,719     4,400,544          
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    2,206,420     478,396     1,510,137     841,243     6,818,961     8,080,873     5,057,915     3,194,754  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    1,369,428     2,349,346     1,834,830     2,403,218     8,244,490     9,342,156     36,245,767     59,551,946  
Transfers between funds
    (1,657,342 )   (1,165,522 )   (417,382 )   (11,690,018 )   2,100,457     3,263,140     (20,282,149 )   (42,927,020 )
Surrenders (note 6)
    (2,865,306 )   (1,832,352 )   (632,057 )   (3,225,070 )   (9,627,323 )   (6,689,850 )   (14,591,642 )   (15,681,862 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (62,754 )   (218,846 )   (20,321 )   (17,596 )   (172,854 )   (139,284 )   (430,692 )   (412,398 )
Net policy repayments (loans)
(note 5)
    (69,838 )   (125,112 )   (142,757 )   (195,112 )   (485,363 )   (429,490 )   (682,250 )   (6,812 )
Deductions for surrender charges (note 2d)
    (119,984 )   (50,382 )   (56,726 )   (68,996 )   (148,453 )   (128,538 )   (850,181 )   (1,280,192 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (757,970 )   (930,210 )   (903,004 )   (977,532 )   (2,197,872 )   (2,271,002 )   (7,954,613 )   (9,684,038 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (42,576 )   (42,879 )   (53,009 )   (48,945 )   (113,884 )   (98,800 )   (370,746 )   (384,378 )
MSP contracts
    (2,310 )   (2,511 )   (1,510 )   (1,022 )   (1,996 )   (1,704 )   (31,321 )   (25,514 )
SL contracts
    (11,159 )   (9,929 )   (7,634 )   (6,129 )   (37,493 )   (40,622 )   (84,568 )   (80,260 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    317     (697 )   43     (2 )   (231 )   72     (5,168 )   149,406  
Net equity transactions
    (4,219,494 )   (2,029,094 )   (399,527 )   (13,827,204 )   (2,440,522 )   2,806,078     (9,037,563 )   (10,781,122 )
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    (2,013,074 )   (1,550,698 )   1,110,610     (12,985,961 )   4,378,439     10,886,951     (3,979,648 )   (7,586,368 )
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    19,418,437     20,969,135     16,311,235     29,297,196     76,859,666     65,972,715     119,443,228     127,029,596  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 17,405,363     19,418,437     17,421,845     16,311,235     81,238,105     76,859,666     115,463,580     119,443,228  
Beginning units
    1,645,674     1,828,006     1,253,052     2,993,638     3,939,766     3,680,328     9,499,298     10,347,602  
Units purchased
    120,149     503,846     140,282     432,791     779,224     1,562,959     2,837,447     5,033,223  
Units redeemed
    (450,159 )   (686,178 )   (175,494 )   (2,173,377 )   (818,706 )   (1,303,521 )   (3,553,307 )   (5,881,527 )
Ending units
    1,315,664     1,645,674     1,217,840     1,253,052     3,900,284     3,939,766     8,783,438     9,499,298  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    GVITMyMkt5     GVITNWFund     GVITNWLead     GVITSmCapGr  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 10,857,311     8,508,706     4,901,772     2,693,622     7,431     10,016     (23,290 )   (26,072 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
            1,402,245     651,321     738     78,658     2,136,273     1,655,433  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
            56,960,310     22,877,449     83,224     (134,132 )   (1,500,638 )   (103,778 )
Reinvested capital gains
                    113,501     131,530          
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    10,857,311     8,508,706     63,264,327     26,222,392     204,894     86,072     612,345     1,525,583  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    174,454,959     206,045,210     5,631,009     6,624,320     95,367     81,950     3,156,568     4,919,556  
Transfers between funds
    (26,589,546 )   (318,477,526 )   (1,739,199 )   204,038,642     422,280     280,028     500,782     (4,744,034 )
Surrenders (note 6)
    (19,445,282 )   (90,778,732 )   (2,132,968 )   (3,009,076 )   (2,965 )   (283,570 )   (6,177,383 )   (3,131,300 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (68,864 )   (118,810 )   (332,227 )   (251,798 )       (2 )   (55,315 )   (22,744 )
Net policy repayments (loans)
(note 5)
    217,926     (677,190 )   (752,529 )   (648,492 )   (1,611 )   39,324     (131,546 )   (230,390 )
Deductions for surrender charges (note 2d)
            (193,180 )   (263,592 )   (480 )   (4,038 )   (46,363 )   (69,526 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (4,077,600 )   (5,512,548 )   (5,735,389 )   (5,077,432 )   (32,855 )   (33,634 )   (863,076 )   (964,198 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
            (193,484 )   (184,722 )   (2,578 )   (1,679 )   (51,213 )   (45,750 )
MSP contracts
            (14,263 )   (13,351 )           (1,246 )   (793 )
SL contracts
            (15,690 )   (15,435 )   (714 )   (49 )   (11,542 )   (14,601 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    10,439     (1,022 )   4,424     2,184     27     4     (6,453 )   (2,405 )
Net equity transactions
    124,502,032     (209,520,618 )   (5,473,496 )   201,201,248     476,471     78,334     (3,686,787 )   (4,306,185 )
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    135,359,343     (201,011,912 )   57,790,831     227,423,640     681,365     164,406     (3,074,442 )   (2,780,602 )
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    196,203,033     397,214,945     470,939,668     243,516,028     864,230     699,824     26,005,927     28,786,529  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 331,562,376     196,203,033     528,730,499     470,939,668     1,545,595     864,230     22,931,485     26,005,927  
Beginning units
    18,911,688     39,192,402     41,489,502     22,700,198     62,358     55,742     1,555,282     1,863,398  
Units purchased
    20,441,450     27,053,095     444,215     19,832,722     48,609     32,344     349,644     618,362  
Units redeemed
    (8,778,248 )   (47,333,809 )   (863,645 )   (1,043,418 )   (14,997 )   (25,728 )   (574,870 )   (926,478 )
Ending units
    30,574,890     18,911,688     41,070,072     41,489,502     95,970     62,358     1,330,056     1,555,282  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    GVITSmCapVal     GVITSmComp     GVITTGroFoc     GVITUSGro  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005           2006                 2005           2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 282,031     (51,701 )   (61,522 )   (170,116 )           14,099     (3,737 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    12,069,014     3,010,666     13,129,717     3,737,587             (68,320 )   97,675  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    (5,079,969 )   (10,694,552 )   (3,983,920 )   (4,647,318 )           (200,490 )   (551,367 )
Reinvested capital gains
    6,169,351     9,974,530     2,239,910     12,618,912             130,686     967,114  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    13,440,427     2,238,943     11,324,185     11,539,065             (124,025 )   509,685  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    7,852,968     11,548,638     11,006,301     13,189,146     (314 )   582     700,449     618,688  
Transfers between funds
    (11,917,583 )   (6,831,554 )   (18,838,133 )   6,068,378     (158 )   (3,206 )   123,032     2,635,942  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (11,019,125 )   (9,258,820 )   (6,025,856 )   (8,628,358 )           (590,255 )   (800,512 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (625,733 )   (134,276 )   (260,687 )   (173,698 )           (26,342 )   (4,592 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (465,834 )   (447,176 )   (364,919 )   (121,272 )   45         (46,269 )   (31,166 )
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
    (175,861 )   (227,778 )   (139,993 )   (151,950 )           (14,853 )   (8,178 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (2,819,571 )   (3,327,252 )   (3,096,872 )   (3,277,318 )   427     2,568     (244,363 )   (212,052 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (167,018 )   (164,326 )   (158,429 )   (138,233 )       54     (13,600 )   (9,349 )
MSP contracts
    (5,158 )   (5,167 )   (5,020 )   (4,247 )           (442 )   (327 )
SL contracts
    (28,628 )   (31,488 )   (24,669 )   (23,268 )           (2,313 )   (1,229 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    95     (4,800 )   (62,516 )   189         2     55     (12 )
Net equity transactions
    (19,371,448 )   (8,883,999 )   (17,970,793 )   6,739,369             (114,901 )   2,187,213  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    (5,931,021 )   (6,645,056 )   (6,646,608 )   18,278,434             (238,926 )   2,696,898  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    86,244,409     92,889,465     107,929,871     89,651,437             6,780,459     4,083,561  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 80,313,388     86,244,409     101,283,263     107,929,871             6,541,533     6,780,459  
Beginning units
    3,867,500     4,231,442     5,767,374     4,948,194             431,480     290,806  
Units purchased
    361,356     1,603,362     715,029     3,368,175     49     1,416     84,716     228,574  
Units redeemed
    (1,193,008 )   (1,967,304 )   (1,674,711 )   (2,548,995 )   (49 )   (1,416 )   (98,258 )   (87,900 )
Ending units
    3,035,848     3,867,500     4,807,692     5,767,374             417,938     431,480  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    GVITVKVal     GVITMltSec     GVITWLead     GSVMdCpV  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 215,731     156,510     702,956     704,651     44,960     49,630     447,368     154,348  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    611,592     1,305,284     14,731     55,235     397,546     1,186,830     1,527,282     3,824,811  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    499,983     (1,324,762 )   51,097     (490,913 )   800,472     (451,565 )   565,343     (2,832,569 )
Reinvested capital gains
    577,219     280,896     38,017     105,992             6,847,239     4,779,360  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    1,904,525     417,928     806,801     374,965     1,242,978     784,895     9,387,232     5,925,950  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    1,717,353     1,658,134     1,807,496     2,328,590     415,550     470,616     9,151,404     8,697,054  
Transfers between funds
    347,555     (1,053,884 )   (1,130,497 )   6,286,074     (215,873 )   (353,660 )   1,717,030     19,116,412  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (563,976 )   (971,204 )   (1,536,865 )   (2,489,696 )   (292,759 )   (658,382 )   (4,345,371 )   (16,028,218 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (130,765 )   (20,678 )   (285,442 )   (86,920 )   (5,633 )   (5,270 )   (44,468 )   (36,842 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (128,466 )   (51,712 )   (5,560 )   (127,030 )   (34,245 )   (23,198 )   (253 )   (1,252 )
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
    (34,111 )   (34,204 )   (25,056 )   (51,082 )   (8,990 )   (29,412 )        
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (611,392 )   (575,530 )   (605,722 )   (737,666 )   (258,860 )   (266,276 )   (860,787 )   (824,296 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (43,708 )   (29,150 )   (32,124 )   (28,630 )   (17,581 )   (14,568 )        
MSP contracts
    (1,297 )   (1,230 )   (3,307 )   (3,643 )   (379 )   (313 )        
SL contracts
    (5,807 )   (3,818 )   (5,862 )   (4,972 )   (1,912 )   (1,523 )        
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    99     (65 )   (8 )   61     26     (15 )   1,371     150  
Net equity transactions
    545,485     (1,083,341 )   (1,822,947 )   5,085,086     (420,656 )   (882,001 )   5,618,926     10,923,008  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    2,450,010     (665,413 )   (1,016,146 )   5,460,051     822,322     (97,106 )   15,006,158     16,848,958  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    11,170,215     11,835,628     19,551,800     14,091,749     4,920,120     5,017,226     54,741,504     37,892,546  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 13,620,225     11,170,215     18,535,654     19,551,800     5,742,442     4,920,120     69,747,662     54,741,504  
Beginning units
    873,378     1,010,062     1,351,476     980,208     354,722     440,648     3,064,044     2,386,580  
Units purchased
    175,325     292,506     158,491     824,057     25,803     189,720     659,984     2,517,363  
Units redeemed
    (131,115 )   (429,190 )   (291,507 )   (452,789 )   (52,953 )   (275,646 )   (354,142 )   (1,839,899 )
Ending units
    917,588     873,378     1,218,460     1,351,476     327,572     354,722     3,369,886     3,064,044  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    JanBal     JanForty     JanGlTech     JanRMgCore  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 140,956     152,654     19,557     (34,927 )   (4,761 )   (3,541 )   677     5,763  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    718,982     459,986     4,052,326     3,013,007     727,508     (476,937 )   (6,169 )   6,996  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    (247,691 )   26,626     (196,228 )   1,708,676     489,592     1,867,653     21,541     (49,154 )
Reinvested capital gains
                            42,380     83,508  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    612,247     639,266     3,875,655     4,686,756     1,212,339     1,387,175     58,429     47,113  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    814,693     1,225,974     4,436,262     5,269,780     1,726,100     2,281,730     45,743     49,474  
Transfers between funds
    (2,998,740 )   (771,402 )   1,640,984     (2,287,536 )   1,204,456     (1,413,638 )   (41,864 )   147,744  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (139,904 )   (807,376 )   (5,569,498 )   (4,583,720 )   (746,802 )   (1,334,454 )   (4,910 )   (44,184 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (9,517 )   (6,256 )   (155,868 )   (17,062 )   (15,700 )   (4,292 )        
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (60,524 )   (27,354 )   (327,900 )   (330,624 )   (148,833 )   (99,806 )   (5,751 )   (3,394 )
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
    (3,986 )   (3,852 )   (150,791 )   (169,738 )   (68,718 )   (71,836 )   (640 )   (3,450 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (157,298 )   (184,630 )   (1,723,893 )   (1,994,710 )   (692,384 )   (795,868 )   (22,573 )   (21,760 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (4,752 )   (3,367 )   (99,861 )   (100,236 )   (43,998 )   (42,571 )   (1,774 )   (1,339 )
MSP contracts
            (2,411 )   (2,390 )   (834 )   (783 )   (362 )   (275 )
SL contracts
    (915 )   (549 )   (13,846 )   (13,231 )   (8,830 )   (8,667 )   (127 )   (93 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    12,505     44     165     (1,624 )   234     1,037     (37 )   58  
Net equity transactions
    (2,548,438 )   (578,768 )   (1,966,657 )   (4,231,091 )   1,204,691     (1,489,148 )   (32,295 )   122,781  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    (1,936,191 )   60,498     1,908,998     455,665     2,417,030     (101,973 )   26,134     169,894  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    8,310,980     8,250,482     42,905,579     42,449,914     14,125,473     14,227,446     510,093     340,199  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 6,374,789     8,310,980     44,814,577     42,905,579     16,542,503     14,125,473     536,227     510,093  
Beginning units
    628,864     670,846     4,991,020     5,560,894     3,531,632     3,971,414     31,826     23,542  
Units purchased
    115,952     241,647     1,115,457     1,685,267     972,673     871,305     2,850     13,493  
Units redeemed
    (307,090 )   (283,629 )   (1,321,079 )   (2,255,141 )   (659,063 )   (1,311,087 )   (4,472 )   (5,209 )
Ending units
    437,726     628,864     4,785,398     4,991,020     3,845,242     3,531,632     30,204     31,826  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    JanIntGroS2   JanIntGroS     JPMMidCapGr     JPMMidCapV  
Investment activity:   2006           2005         2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 75,317       987,830     371,496     (10,359 )   (8,296 )   6,164     3,396  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    168       8,545,861     5,363,604     231,144     343,944     4,335     89,704  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    1,243,011       10,808,316     5,238,898     (10,397 )   (31,068 )   (30,208 )   (70,259 )
Reinvested capital gains
                  109,584         98,910     66,486  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    1,318,496       20,342,007     10,973,998     319,972     304,580     79,201     89,327  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    1,819,270       3,361,029     4,705,514     503,494     494,648     30,062     120,354  
Transfers between funds
    5,793,495       444,747     (5,758,140 )   (90,427 )   782,682     (587,553 )   (297,044 )
Surrenders (note 6)
    (77,073 )     (3,818,358 )   (5,494,906 )   (84,882 )   (870,990 )   (82,845 )   (201,206 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (464 )     (264,675 )   (17,372 )   (151 )   (2,886 )   (805 )   (528 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    71,621       (454,585 )   (217,512 )                
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
    (3,100 )     (131,288 )   (188,528 )                
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (134,013 )     (1,849,857 )   (1,685,664 )   (76,330 )   (66,548 )   (8,083 )   (14,646 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (8,505 )     (119,340 )   (87,703 )                
MSP contracts
    (78 )     (2,820 )   (1,797 )                
SL contracts
    (1,428 )     (17,542 )   (12,028 )                
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    41       735     (6 )   8     10     8     35  
Net equity transactions
    7,459,766       (2,851,954 )   (8,758,142 )   251,712     336,916     (649,216 )   (393,035 )
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    8,778,262       17,490,053     2,215,856     571,684     641,496     (570,015 )   (303,708 )
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
          43,357,179     41,141,323     3,403,405     2,761,909     877,908     1,181,616  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 8,778,262       60,847,232     43,357,179     3,975,089     3,403,405     307,893     877,908  
Beginning units
          4,397,578     5,514,336     214,242     192,734     53,000     78,176  
Units purchased
    777,292       487,995     1,598,196     63,298     261,089     1,741     48,870  
Units redeemed
    (22,442 )     (671,007 )   (2,714,954 )   (52,416 )   (239,581 )   (38,811 )   (74,046 )
Ending units
    754,850       4,214,566     4,397,578     225,124     214,242     15,930     53,000  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    LAMidCapV     MFSInvGrStl     MFSValueI     GVITNStrVal
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005         2006             2005    
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 2,252     724         9,985     24,098     9,978        
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    3,568     731     59,908     48,694     104,789     39,281        
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    1,310     (4,233 )   247,242     121,870     286,163     21,116        
Reinvested capital gains
    49,476     13,692             68,117     32,118        
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    56,606     10,914     307,150     180,549     483,167     102,493        
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    2,994     (2 )   865,208     722,216     410,693     363,110     3    
Transfers between funds
    387,073     225,126     (58,134 )   649,508     1,224,719     460,144     (30 )  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (7,874 )       (118,612 )   (65,716 )   (62,697 )   (25,282 )      
Death benefits (note 4)
            (17,006 )   (43,208 )       (828 )      
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
            (39,305 )   (10,682 )   (12,805 )   (13,326 )      
Deductions for surrender charges (note 2d)
            (14,157 )   (7,572 )   (11,532 )   (1,996 )      
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (4,758 )   (1,542 )   (280,830 )   (269,260 )   (139,305 )   (111,492 )   3    
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
            (17,699 )   (13,029 )   (9,363 )   (5,202 )   (1 )  
MSP contracts
            (237 )   (173 )   (380 )   (201 )      
SL contracts
            (824 )   (623 )   (1,208 )   (727 )      
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    (838 )   45     5     11     50     32     25    
Net equity transactions
    376,597     223,627     318,409     961,472     1,398,172     664,232        
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    433,203     234,541     625,559     1,142,021     1,881,339     766,725        
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    234,541         3,855,599     2,713,578     1,795,478     1,028,753        
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 667,744     234,541     4,481,158     3,855,599     3,676,817     1,795,478        
Beginning units
    20,812         291,396     214,290     118,172     72,218        
Units purchased
    33,292     22,477     62,263     112,910     96,110     56,230     3    
Units redeemed
    (1,164 )   (1,665 )   (38,835 )   (35,804 )   (14,022 )   (10,276 )   (3 )  
Ending units
    52,940     20,812     314,824     291,396     200,260     118,172        

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    NBAMTFasc     NBAMTGuard     NBAMTInt     NBAMTLMat  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ (1,815 )   (3,239 )   95,651     8,896     3,750     664     272,797     214,521  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    78,642     135,918     2,245,862     1,071,673     64,388     2,547     (17,147 )   (63,991 )
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    (36,527 )   (93,155 )   (418,853 )   29,510     183,156     32,993     113,979     (61,052 )
Reinvested capital gains
    45,103     7,692             13,829     3,050          
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    85,403     47,216     1,922,660     1,110,079     265,123     39,254     369,629     89,478  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    181,213     471,948     887,138     1,738,684     216,888     21,870     785,674     1,286,146  
Transfers between funds
    (282,594 )   (958,828 )   (964,203 )   (1,115,540 )   1,146,282     591,616     1,348,992     3,474,880  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (47,239 )   (309,050 )   (1,705,503 )   (1,002,208 )   (108,990 )   (1,650 )   (138,889 )   (187,828 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (1,821 )   (1,130 )   (29,599 )   (52,436 )               (68,168 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (22,508 )   (14,204 )   (189,086 )   (88,276 )   (46,365 )   (4,560 )   (5,571 )   (6,508 )
Deductions for surrender charges (note 2d)
    (974 )   (1,752 )   (22,589 )   (30,876 )   (2,291 )   (476 )   (14,623 )   (8,856 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (42,693 )   (64,846 )   (530,149 )   (581,516 )   (56,459 )   (11,664 )   (334,442 )   (246,608 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (2,505 )   (1,788 )   (32,924 )   (32,955 )   (4,456 )   (534 )   (24,807 )   (12,987 )
MSP contracts
    (85 )       (939 )   (962 )   (233 )   (1 )   (753 )   (472 )
SL contracts
    (498 )   (329 )   (4,041 )   (4,015 )   (498 )   (1 )   (2,448 )   (2,044 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    74     (28 )   36     100     748     73     (10 )   200  
Net equity transactions
    (219,630 )   (880,007 )   (2,591,859 )   (1,170,000 )   1,144,626     594,673     1,613,123     4,227,755  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    (134,227 )   (832,791 )   (669,199 )   (59,921 )   1,409,749     633,927     1,982,752     4,317,233  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    1,682,268     2,515,059     14,609,107     14,669,028     633,927         7,733,779     3,416,546  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 1,548,041     1,682,268     13,939,908     14,609,107     2,043,676     633,927     9,716,531     7,733,779  
Beginning units
    116,494     179,164     934,782     1,000,824     53,950         748,972     335,648  
Units purchased
    27,221     57,082     154,898     389,304     99,337     55,621     204,964     467,743  
Units redeemed
    (41,803 )   (119,752 )   (328,992 )   (455,346 )   (12,403 )   (1,671 )   (50,888 )   (54,419 )
Ending units
    101,912     116,494     760,688     934,782     140,884     53,950     903,048     748,972  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006         2005       2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ (22,024 )   (24,851 )   136,790     181,744     730       3,419     (162 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    1,903,659     3,965,024     2,935,967     3,223,639     (14,805 )     7,578     2,701  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    3,585,864     549,775     (2,822,988 )   (223,832 )   12,278       8,407     7,430  
Reinvested capital gains
            2,237,618     4,592     22,223       47,400      
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    5,467,499     4,489,948     2,487,387     3,186,143     20,426       66,804     9,969  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    4,023,169     5,156,916     1,561,021     2,016,266     12,694       77,630     7,400  
Transfers between funds
    (1,734,701 )   (5,894,314 )   815,963     1,247,214     399,771       477,234     274,800  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (1,585,818 )   (6,484,224 )   (5,958,775 )   (3,881,124 )   (1,466 )     (51,066 )   (19,240 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (88,663 )   (104,540 )   (34,546 )   (8,784 )              
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (157,366 )   (277,610 )   (680,813 )   (279,760 )         (4,356 )    
Deductions for surrender charges (note 2d)
    (122,940 )   (147,180 )   (63,405 )   (88,342 )         (726 )   (1,328 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (1,799,054 )   (1,924,068 )   (815,350 )   (840,918 )   (9,310 )     (25,199 )   (2,124 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (102,689 )   (92,477 )   (54,760 )   (47,738 )         (2,680 )   (142 )
MSP contracts
    (2,090 )   (1,966 )   (1,489 )   (1,654 )         (57 )   (7 )
SL contracts
    (15,066 )   (13,348 )   (12,080 )   (10,122 )         (234 )   (3 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    107     (4,370 )   2,087     830     (938 )     25     67  
Net equity transactions
    (1,585,111 )   (9,787,181 )   (5,242,147 )   (1,894,132 )   400,751       470,571     259,423  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    3,882,388     (5,297,233 )   (2,754,760 )   1,292,011     421,177       537,375     269,392  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    38,136,423     43,433,656     23,462,474     22,170,463           269,392      
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 42,018,811     38,136,423     20,707,714     23,462,474     421,177       806,767     269,392  
Beginning units
    2,443,662     3,470,750     1,534,846     1,731,354           23,100      
Units purchased
    261,641     679,255     193,885     513,241     42,315       42,368     25,079  
Units redeemed
    (334,425 )   (1,706,343 )   (542,365 )   (709,749 )   (1,221 )     (3,108 )   (1,979 )
Ending units
    2,370,878     2,443,662     1,186,366     1,534,846     41,094       62,360     23,100  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    NBAMTSocRes     OppGlSec3     OppCapAp     OppGlSec  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 3,512     (271 )   109,643     (1,266 )   290,028     958,062     653,896     510,971  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    84,079     34,585     216,685     65,081     6,558,021     578,276     8,813,547     5,322,204  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    177,186     59,578     1,264,016     764,233     2,466,146     4,398,023     (1,859,919 )   2,527,482  
Reinvested capital gains
    24,933     3,326     573,997                 4,090,534      
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    289,710     97,218     2,164,341     828,048     9,314,195     5,934,361     11,698,058     8,360,657  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    469,710     313,774     3,887,872     2,779,566     13,571,860     21,711,790     2,915,675     7,081,714  
Transfers between funds
    707,196     727,176     3,708,909     5,535,992     (20,777,203 )   (16,457,702 )   1,041,332     907,058  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (152,125 )   (85,330 )   (657,688 )   (244,838 )   (4,677,523 )   (19,271,526 )   (8,605,245 )   (7,039,230 )
Death benefits (note 4)
            (28,039 )   (25,442 )   (120,277 )   (158,872 )   (122,420 )   (44,770 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (9,253 )   242     (78,170 )   99,806     (321,628 )   (624,116 )   (218,423 )   (394,164 )
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
    (11,943 )   (1,526 )   (41,812 )   (20,618 )   (216,478 )   (319,496 )   (86,123 )   (101,854 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (118,796 )   (77,622 )   (672,243 )   (218,144 )   (4,147,291 )   (4,695,310 )   (1,744,211 )   (2,108,658 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (7,089 )   (3,337 )   (42,792 )   (10,565 )   (199,499 )   (190,375 )   (81,862 )   (87,539 )
MSP contracts
    (307 )   (91 )   (923 )   (257 )   (6,029 )   (5,610 )   (2,061 )   (1,846 )
SL contracts
    (2,022 )   (893 )   (9,127 )   (3,052 )   (26,270 )   (24,477 )   (14,148 )   (14,320 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    62     2     30     286     4,713     1     1,897     (735 )
Net equity transactions
    875,433     872,395     6,066,017     7,892,734     (16,915,625 )   (20,035,693 )   (6,915,589 )   (1,804,344 )
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    1,165,143     969,613     8,230,358     8,720,782     (7,601,430 )   (14,101,332 )   4,782,469     6,556,313  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    1,562,211     592,598     8,720,782         130,707,277     144,808,609     66,921,188     60,364,875  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 2,727,354     1,562,211     16,951,140     8,720,782     123,105,847     130,707,277     71,703,657     66,921,188  
Beginning units
    104,292     42,274     723,136         10,683,274     11,425,008     5,273,314     5,430,766  
Units purchased
    71,098     69,573     594,916     766,045     1,281,089     7,056,358     991,724     2,878,688  
Units redeemed
    (15,256 )   (7,555 )   (123,704 )   (42,909 )   (2,717,063 )   (7,798,092 )   (1,448,994 )   (3,036,140 )
Ending units
    160,134     104,292     1,194,348     723,136     9,247,300     10,683,274     4,816,044     5,273,314  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    OppHighInc     OppMSt     OppMStSCap     OppMidCap  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 258,840     188,043     438,967     529,350     4,810     (1,163 )   (45,719 )   (58,472 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    (18,628 )   (50,931 )   1,963,250     1,705,806     156,168     71,417     3,970,282     8,348,656  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    119,146     (47,298 )   3,463,093     9,374     210,349     117,558     (2,446,101 )   (2,182,218 )
Reinvested capital gains
                    94,934     53,070          
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    359,358     89,814     5,865,310     2,244,530     466,261     240,882     1,478,462     6,107,966  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    532,106     538,178     4,120,791     5,707,864     680,348     394,638     4,625,076     8,090,218  
Transfers between funds
    227,330     431,688     (244,548 )   (2,801,076 )   1,271,772     495,442     (7,824,283 )   (10,107,086 )
Surrenders (note 6)
    (106,681 )   (136,760 )   (2,633,893 )   (3,983,586 )   (284,848 )   (71,788 )   (3,278,861 )   (9,951,726 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (802 )   (2,084 )   (306,762 )   (211,410 )   (35,812 )   (2,630 )   (114,492 )   (106,858 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (47,547 )   (30,886 )   (432,302 )   (402,058 )   (2,810 )   (59,140 )   (129,426 )   (661,682 )
Deductions for surrender charges (note 2d)
    (12,825 )   (12,660 )   (127,429 )   (185,490 )   (23,293 )   (8,466 )   (162,360 )   (243,372 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (308,843 )   (249,062 )   (2,107,721 )   (2,344,784 )   (205,569 )   (169,816 )   (2,339,153 )   (2,747,066 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (14,128 )   (9,638 )   (132,654 )   (123,336 )   (14,409 )   (8,403 )   (128,675 )   (129,137 )
MSP contracts
    (302 )   (102 )   (5,596 )   (5,206 )   (207 )   (96 )   (2,733 )   (2,946 )
SL contracts
    (1,596 )   (1,089 )   (16,675 )   (17,120 )   (1,701 )   (672 )   (13,529 )   (13,009 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    14     48     40     (22,898 )   145     (6 )   (255 )   (3,681 )
Net equity transactions
    266,726     527,633     (1,886,749 )   (4,389,100 )   1,383,616     569,063     (9,368,691 )   (15,876,345 )
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    626,084     617,447     3,978,561     (2,144,570 )   1,849,877     809,945     (7,890,229 )   (9,768,379 )
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    3,795,949     3,178,502     40,298,200     42,442,770     2,664,457     1,854,512     55,571,063     65,339,442  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 4,422,033     3,795,949     44,276,761     40,298,200     4,514,334     2,664,457     47,680,834     55,571,063  
Beginning units
    304,496     260,866     3,313,744     3,750,564     146,346     111,964     4,702,756     5,915,758  
Units purchased
    57,743     74,854     419,706     1,087,846     99,399     56,039     376,202     2,290,601  
Units redeemed
    (38,067 )   (31,224 )   (567,140 )   (1,524,666 )   (30,131 )   (21,657 )   (1,305,274 )   (3,503,603 )
Ending units
    324,172     304,496     3,166,310     3,313,744     215,614     146,346     3,773,684     4,702,756  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    PVITAllAst     PVITLowDur     PVITRealRet     PVITTotRet  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 128,582     149,414     1,576,571     990,266     1,586,946     682,032     4,249,566     2,469,162  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    62,978     4,077     (319,633 )   (186,935 )   (330,063 )   150,024     (749,358 )   (2,913 )
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    (54,520 )   50,480     210,497     (595,391 )   (2,320,724 )   (739,307 )   (291,320 )   (2,205,252 )
Reinvested capital gains
    3,877     12,230         104,450     1,140,949     345,124     654,903     1,411,494  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    140,917     216,201     1,467,435     312,390     77,108     437,873     3,863,791     1,672,491  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    417,108     240,212     3,274,924     4,651,648     3,855,829     5,417,370     11,445,348     12,384,494  
Transfers between funds
    (2,728,357 )   3,418,706     (130,978 )   15,350,362     10,103,605     10,901,204     33,883,799     13,111,258  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (371,662 )       (2,584,179 )   (28,029,434 )   (2,190,978 )   (3,182,524 )   (13,016,934 )   (4,948,132 )
Death benefits (note 4)
            (12,566 )   (43,444 )   (10,531 )   (41,306 )   (33,557 )   (82,760 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
            840     (20 )   107     10     (26,634 )   (59,414 )
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (34,790 )   (37,340 )   (879,519 )   (827,922 )   (535,709 )   (521,088 )   (1,589,933 )   (1,316,828 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
MSP contracts
SL contracts
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    110     5     (1,166 )   (2,218 )   11,835     (6,521 )   30,288     (21,486 )
Net equity transactions
    (2,717,591 )   3,621,583     (332,644 )   (8,901,028 )   11,234,158     12,567,145     30,692,377     19,067,132  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    (2,576,674 )   3,837,784     1,134,791     (8,588,638 )   11,311,266     13,005,018     34,556,168     20,739,623  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    4,113,521     275,737     39,357,299     47,945,937     31,784,917     18,779,899     89,665,599     68,925,976  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 1,536,847     4,113,521     40,492,090     39,357,299     43,096,183     31,784,917     124,221,767     89,665,599  
Beginning units
    346,486     24,614     3,699,808     4,539,622     2,555,674     1,538,994     7,755,960     6,094,914  
Units purchased
    45,134     365,450     434,776     3,460,367     1,220,721     2,077,818     3,928,794     4,650,228  
Units redeemed
    (267,666 )   (43,578 )   (463,988 )   (4,300,181 )   (322,943 )   (1,061,138 )   (1,309,720 )   (2,989,182 )
Ending units
    123,954     346,486     3,670,596     3,699,808     3,453,452     2,555,674     10,375,034     7,755,960  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    PioHiYield     PVTGroIncIB     PVTIntEqIB     PVTVoyIB  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 645,917     499,686     18,028     15,494     12,530     23,274     389     1,751  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    (140,344 )   (66,334 )   35,631     21,915     375,808     106,954     6,926     7,602  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    323,000     (555,063 )   102,959     20,998     520,130     97,263     12,151     10,546  
Reinvested capital gains
    171,999     327,788     28,081                      
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    1,000,572     206,077     184,699     58,407     908,468     227,491     19,466     19,899  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    1,272,832     1,262,376     192,407     229,886     220,234     190,056     108,648     105,898  
Transfers between funds
    711,631     2,312,216     (44,426 )   68,440     2,167,875     453,196     (28,660 )   9,278  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (263,529 )   (1,118,194 )   (30,875 )   (61,800 )   (409,962 )   (75,660 )   (6,539 )   (32,990 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (2,578 )   (16,674 )           (863 )       (9,679 )   (29,824 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    175     10     (21,032 )   (7,834 )   (212,480 )   (2,638 )   (1,653 )   (1,908 )
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
            (8,618 )   (6,558 )   (10,394 )   (5,496 )   (2,997 )   (2,940 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (161,357 )   (155,358 )   (83,572 )   (90,674 )   (105,882 )   (72,620 )   (36,622 )   (41,046 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
            (4,578 )   (3,647 )   (7,388 )   (3,903 )   (1,773 )   (1,390 )
MSP contracts
            (36 )   (34 )   (220 )   (177 )   (7 )   (6 )
SL contracts
            (307 )   (185 )   (2,321 )   (2,388 )   (154 )   (113 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    137     (73 )   20     26     38     25     (18 )   24  
Net equity transactions
    1,557,311     2,284,303     (1,017 )   127,620     1,638,637     480,395     20,546     4,983  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    2,557,883     2,490,380     183,682     186,027     2,547,105     707,886     40,012     24,882  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    11,117,277     8,626,897     1,150,032     964,005     2,307,196     1,599,310     359,350     334,468  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 13,675,160     11,117,277     1,333,714     1,150,032     4,854,301     2,307,196     399,362     359,350  
Beginning units
    739,418     584,660     79,162     69,826     138,276     107,542     27,308     26,864  
Units purchased
    133,955     689,878     11,200     22,192     154,928     42,649     8,335     9,766  
Units redeemed
    (32,807 )   (535,120 )   (11,158 )   (12,856 )   (65,414 )   (11,915 )   (6,859 )   (9,322 )
Ending units
    840,566     739,418     79,204     79,162     227,790     138,276     28,784     27,308  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    RCFMicroCap     TRoeBlChip2     TRowEqInc2     TRowLtdTBd2  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ (55,521 )   96,192     2,764     318     864,340     665,219     13,800     2,024  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    4,280,337     667,307     20,130     3,925     3,458,350     2,694,532     (1,565 )   (13 )
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    1,284,180     2,639,776     75,614     9,234     7,085,486     (4,229,484 )   5,730     (1,192 )
Reinvested capital gains
    2,562,710     593,782             2,346,470     3,101,640          
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    8,071,706     3,997,057     98,508     13,477     13,754,646     2,231,907     17,965     819  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    5,413,595     4,740,150     211,549     41,398     8,015,837     8,267,440     49,427     3,104  
Transfers between funds
    2,521,755     6,725,044     814,033     333,894     12,414,642     21,558,452     307,240     199,838  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (5,177,630 )   (2,695,940 )   (5,819 )       (11,104,790 )   (11,550,652 )   (19,071 )    
Death benefits (note 4)
    (19,609 )   (17,684 )           (78,939 )   (68,344 )        
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (14,185 )   (15,066 )   (3,902 )   (8,488 )   (20,030 )   (25,616 )   374      
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
            (992 )       (1,671 )       (1,701 )    
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (712,198 )   (575,576 )   (36,353 )   (5,912 )   (1,270,895 )   (978,192 )   (11,120 )   (2,056 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
            (2,476 )   (465 )   (5,571 )   (892 )   (872 )   (180 )
MSP contracts
            (251 )   (8 )   (189 )   (14 )   (25 )    
SL contracts
            (357 )   (25 )   (1,426 )   (129 )   (101 )   (40 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    15,515     233     (7 )   88     23,259     (723 )   (9 )   17  
Net equity transactions
    2,027,243     8,161,161     975,425     360,482     7,970,227     17,201,330     324,142     200,683  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    10,098,949     12,158,218     1,073,933     373,959     21,724,873     19,433,237     342,107     201,502  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    38,897,901     26,739,683     373,959         69,101,226     49,667,989     201,502      
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 48,996,850     38,897,901     1,447,892     373,959     90,826,099     69,101,226     543,609     201,502  
Beginning units
    2,048,560     1,568,630     33,050         4,627,720     3,441,590     19,896      
Units purchased
    515,021     1,454,511     88,498     34,381     1,306,509     3,455,577     34,852     20,121  
Units redeemed
    (427,033 )   (974,581 )   (4,504 )   (1,331 )   (797,303 )   (2,269,447 )   (3,150 )   (225 )
Ending units
    2,136,548     2,048,560     117,044     33,050     5,136,926     4,627,720     51,598     19,896  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    TRowMidCap2     TRowNewAmGr     VEWrldEMkt     VEWrldHAs  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ (70,941 )   (69,266 )   (36,053 )   (22,046 )   84,938     77,634     (4,133 )   26,413  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    2,418,664     3,166,572     168,410     11,876     1,284,003     3,049,750     4,562,925     2,105,837  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    (4,201,040 )   (1,508,118 )   86,063     642,042     2,758,263     (29,014 )   (1,696,211 )   3,024,831  
Reinvested capital gains
    2,767,140     1,546,394     140,937         1,453,634         1,034,045      
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    913,823     3,135,582     359,357     631,872     5,580,838     3,098,370     3,896,626     5,157,081  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    2,301,920     3,502,378     1,663,612     1,125,026     1,351,579     1,145,516     1,455,729     1,342,472  
Transfers between funds
    (2,433,681 )   2,669,954     (1,364,094 )   10,104,458     1,591,024     (2,645,068 )   1,215,205     4,481,862  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (5,825,971 )   (13,090,592 )   (3,522,388 )   (1,324 )   (1,042,203 )   (1,705,926 )   (1,683,571 )   (3,026,088 )
Death benefits (note 4)
    (38,052 )   (9,362 )   (21,928 )       (8,419 )   (11,994 )   (36,968 )   (17,978 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
                    (487,331 )   (385,634 )   55,554     (469,262 )
Deductions for surrender charges (note 2d)
                    (43,711 )   (56,880 )   (51,830 )   (7,698 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (309,455 )   (369,676 )   (188,860 )   (104,032 )   (611,984 )   (530,786 )   (531,025 )   (385,080 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
                    (44,978 )   (34,020 )   (36,114 )   (23,737 )
MSP contracts
                    (647 )   (480 )   (947 )   (564 )
SL contracts
                    (6,099 )   (4,100 )   (5,760 )   (4,586 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    3,236     (2,989 )   1,091     (6 )   (345 )   (2,490 )   (2,992 )   (1,623 )
Net equity transactions
    (6,302,003 )   (7,300,287 )   (3,432,567 )   11,124,122     696,886     (4,231,862 )   377,281     1,887,718  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    (5,388,180 )   (4,164,705 )   (3,073,210 )   11,755,994     6,277,724     (1,133,492 )   4,273,907     7,044,799  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    28,103,572     32,268,277     14,381,775     2,625,781     13,760,654     14,894,146     16,866,208     9,821,409  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 22,715,392     28,103,572     11,308,565     14,381,775     20,038,378     13,760,654     21,140,115     16,866,208  
Beginning units
    1,481,904     1,942,056     1,278,060     242,954     698,520     954,538     718,664     656,558  
Units purchased
    153,093     813,669     235,785     1,169,650     136,935     280,840     88,502     553,270  
Units redeemed
    (506,127 )   (1,273,821 )   (574,051 )   (134,544 )   (113,063 )   (536,858 )   (86,176 )   (491,164 )
Ending units
    1,128,870     1,481,904     939,794     1,278,060     722,392     698,520     720,990     718,664  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    VKCorPlus     VKEmMkt     VKMidCapG     VKUSRealEst  
Investment activity:   2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005     2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
  $ 77,741     34,365     1,330,659     768,924     (9,401 )   (2,536 )   788,090     665,982  
Realized gain (loss) on investments
    (8,603 )   760     (46,443 )   103,612     779,703     612,444     6,245,079     6,251,798  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    542     (4,172 )   (428,311 )   211,347     (658,265 )   (107,928 )   14,169,666     1,277,163  
Reinvested capital gains
    10,330     7,318     293,124     166,324     414,443         5,346,275     1,656,042  
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
    80,010     38,271     1,149,029     1,250,207     526,480     501,980     26,549,110     9,850,985  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
    282,476     163,676     1,126,294     1,500,046     625,729     798,064     9,310,060     9,546,940  
Transfers between funds
    676,418     733,546     (3,393,738 )   1,973,702     689,264     488,932     1,549,147     3,311,152  
Surrenders (note 6)
    (100,849 )   (5,126 )   (564,400 )   (738,728 )   (225,258 )   (1,480,310 )   (3,486,873 )   (8,585,088 )
Death benefits (note 4)
        (1,048 )   (21,145 )   (7,230 )   (5,059 )   (6 )   (111,497 )   (38,984 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
    (17,816 )   3,826     (103,345 )   (237,600 )   (26,087 )   (4,384 )   (516,555 )   (770,598 )
Deductions for surrender charges
(note 2d)
    (4,133 )   (1,576 )   (29,118 )   (25,750 )   (14,362 )   (29,920 )   (151,721 )   (162,314 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
    (107,363 )   (69,530 )   (371,946 )   (411,882 )   (173,251 )   (165,004 )   (2,753,121 )   (2,612,016 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
    (7,082 )   (3,010 )   (22,200 )   (19,780 )   (10,068 )   (9,426 )   (151,490 )   (118,020 )
MSP contracts
    (316 )   (9 )   (831 )   (892 )   (130 )   (156 )   (8,360 )   (9,138 )
SL contracts
    (911 )   (266 )   (3,626 )   (3,096 )   (1,151 )   (934 )   (19,001 )   (14,556 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
    15     20     101     65     (135 )   28     9,186     1,172  
Net equity transactions
    720,439     820,503     (3,383,954 )   2,028,855     859,492     (403,116 )   3,669,775     548,550  
Net change in contract owners’ equity
    800,449     858,774     (2,234,925 )   3,279,062     1,385,972     98,864     30,218,885     10,399,535  
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
    1,402,615     543,841     13,292,409     10,013,347     4,567,963     4,469,099     70,425,922     60,026,387  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
  $ 2,203,064     1,402,615     11,057,484     13,292,409     5,953,935     4,567,963     100,644,807     70,425,922  
Beginning units
    126,012     50,918     682,272     582,104     536,530     616,296     2,709,484     2,693,498  
Units purchased
    84,880     82,630     88,656     302,206     178,601     359,927     412,839     1,231,087  
Units redeemed
    (20,086 )   (7,536 )   (256,806 )   (202,038 )   (73,255 )   (439,693 )   (303,033 )   (1,215,101 )
Ending units
    190,806     126,012     514,122     682,272     641,876     536,530     2,819,290     2,709,484  

Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
     WRGrowth    WRRealEstS    WFAVTOpp  
Investment activity:    2006           2005              2006               2005          2006     2005  
Net investment income (loss)
   $ (1,761 )      246        (26,293 )   (39,171 )
Realized gain (loss) on investments
     (74,296 )      480        3,018,661     5,230,150  
Change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
     829        4,210        (2,833,629 )   (3,039,693 )
Reinvested capital gains
            1,120        3,200,397      
Net increase (decrease) in contract owners’ equity resulting from operations
     (75,228 )      6,056        3,359,136     2,151,286  
Equity transactions:
Purchase payments received from contract owners (note 6)
            629        3,443,916     5,081,812  
Transfers between funds
     104,397        40,773        (5,466,911 )   (8,191,432 )
Surrenders (note 6)
            (319 )      (1,514,361 )   (4,838,992 )
Death benefits (note 4)
                   (131,177 )   (19,018 )
Net policy repayments (loans) (note 5)
                   (173,669 )   (60,236 )
Deductions for surrender charges (note 2d)
                   (52,172 )   (83,646 )
Redemptions to pay cost of insurance charges and administrative charges (notes 2b and 2c)
     (6,134 )      (479 )      (928,700 )   (1,149,974 )
Asset charges (note 3):
FPVUL & VEL contracts
                   (54,429 )   (53,858 )
MSP contracts
                   (1,283 )   (1,436 )
SL contracts
                   (12,740 )   (12,209 )
Adjustments to maintain reserves
     8        54        62     (123 )
Net equity transactions
     98,271        40,658        (4,891,464 )   (9,329,112 )
Net change in contract owners’ equity
     23,043        46,714        (1,532,328 )   (7,177,826 )
Contract owners’ equity beginning of period
                   30,059,998     37,237,824  
Contract owners’ equity end of period
   $ 23,043        46,714        28,527,670     30,059,998  
Beginning units
                   2,485,342     3,328,492  
Units purchased
     90,417        3,198        319,153     1,435,568  
Units redeemed
     (88,535 )      (58 )      (703,231 )   (2,278,718 )
Ending units
     1,882        3,140        2,101,264     2,485,342  
See accompanying notes to financial statements.



December 31, 2006 and 2005
(1) Background and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
  (a) Organization and Nature of Operations
The Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4 (the Account) was established pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors of Nationwide Life Insurance Company (the Company) on December 3, 1997. The Account is registered as a unit investment trust under the Investment Company Act of 1940.
The Company offers Flexible Premium, Modified Single Premium, Variable Executive Life and Survivorship Life Variable Life Insurance Policies through the Account. The primary distribution for contracts is through wholesalers and brokers.
  (b) The Contracts
Only contracts with a front-end sales charge, a contingent deferred sales charge and certain other fees are offered for purchase. See note 2 for a discussion of policy charges and note 3 for asset charges.
Contract owners may invest in the following:
Portfolios of the AIM Variable Insurance Funds;
    AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Basic Value Fund – Series I (AIMBValue)
    AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Capital Appreciation Fund – Series I (AIMCapAp)
    AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Capital Development Fund – Series I (AIMCapDev)
    AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. International Growth Fund – Series I (AIMIntGr)
AllianceBernstein Growth and Income Fund – Class A (AlGrIncA)*
Portfolios of the AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund Inc.;
    AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund Inc. – Growth and Income Portfolio – Class A
    AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund Inc. – International Value Portfolio – Class A
    AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund Inc. – Small-Mid Cap Value Portfolio – Class A
Portfolios of the American Century Variable Portfolios Inc.;
    American Century Variable Portfolios Inc. – Income & Growth Fund – Class I (ACVPIncGr)
    American Century Variable Portfolios Inc. – Inflation Protection Fund – Class II (ACVPInflPro2)
    American Century Variable Portfolios Inc. – International Fund – Class I (ACVPInt)
    American Century Variable Portfolios Inc. – International Fund – Class III (ACVPInt3)
    American Century Variable Portfolios Inc. – Mid Cap Value Fund – Class I (ACVPMdCpV)
    American Century Variable Portfolios Inc. – Ultra®Fund – Class I (ACVPUltra)
    American Century Variable Portfolios Inc. – Value Fund – Class I (ACVPVal)
    American Century Variable Portfolios Inc. – VistaSM Fund – Class I (ACVPVista)
Portfolio of the Baron Capital Funds Trust;
    Baron Capital Funds Trust – Baron Capital Asset Fund – Insurance Shares (BCFTCpAsset)
BlackRock International Index Portfolio – Class II (BRIntIndex)
    (formerly FAM Variable Series Funds Inc. – Mercury International Index Portfolio – Class II)
BlackRock Large Cap Core V.I. Fund – Class II (BRLrgCp)
    (formerly Mercury Large Cap Core Variable Insurance Fund – Class II)
Portfolio of the Calvert Variable Series Inc.;
    Calvert Variable Series Inc. – Social Equity Portfolio (CalVSSocEq)
Portfolios of the Credit Suisse Trust;
    Credit Suisse Trust – Global Small Cap Portfolio (CSTGlSmCp)
    Credit Suisse Trust – International Focus Portfolio (CSTIntFoc)
    Credit Suisse Trust – Large Cap Value Portfolio (CSTLCapV)

Portfolios of the Dreyfus Investment Portfolios;
    Dreyfus Investment Portfolios – Mid Cap Stock Index Portfolio – Initial Shares (DryIPMidCap)
    Dreyfus Investment Portfolios – Small Cap Stock Index Portfolio – Service Shares (DryIPSmCap)
Dreyfus Mid Cap Index Fund Inc. (DryMidCap)*
Dreyfus Socially Responsible Growth Fund Inc. – Initial Shares The (DrySRGro)
Dreyfus Stock Index Fund Inc. – Initial Shares (DryStkIx)
Portfolios of the Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund;
    Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund – Appreciation Portfolio – Initial Shares (DryVIApp)
    Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund – Developing Leaders Portfolio – Initial Shares (DryVIDevLd)
    Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund – International Value Portfolio – Initial Shares (DryVIIntVal)
Portfolio of the DWS Variable Series II;
    DWS Variable Series II – DWS Dreman High Return Equity VIP – Class B (DWSVHghRtrn)
        (formerly Scudder Variable Series II – Dreman High Return Equity Portfolio – Class B)
Portfolios of the Federated Insurance Series;
    Federated Insurance Series – Federated American Leaders Fund II – Primary Shares (FedAmLead)
    Federated Insurance Series – Federated Capital Appreciation Fund II – Primary Shares (FedCapAp)
    Federated Insurance Series – Federated Market Opportunity Fund II – Service Shares (FedMrkOp)
    Federated Insurance Series – Federated Quality Bond Fund II – Primary Shares (FedQualBd)
Portfolios of the Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund;
    Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Equity-Income Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPEIS)
    Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Growth Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPGrS)
    Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – High Income Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPHIS)
    Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Overseas Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPOvS)
    Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Overseas Portfolio – Service Class R (FidVIPOvSR)
Portfolios of the Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund II;
    Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund II – Contrafund® Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPConS)
    Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund II – Investment Grade Bond Portfolio –
        Service Class (FidVIPIGBdS)
Portfolios of the Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III;
    Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Growth Opportunities Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPGrOpS)
    Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Mid Cap Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPMCapS)
    Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Value Strategies Portfolio – Service Class (FidVIPVaIS)
Portfolios of the Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund IV;
    Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund IV – Energy Portfolio – Service Class 2 (FidVIPEnergyS2)
        (formerly Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund IV – Natural Resources Portfolio – Service
        Class 2)
    Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund IV – Freedom Fund 2010 Portfolio –
        Service Class (FidVIPFree10S)
    Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund IV – Freedom Fund 2020 Portfolio –
        Service Class (FidVIPFree20S)
    Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund IV – Freedom Fund 2030 Portfolio –
        Service Class (FidVIPFree30S)
Portfolios of the Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust;
    Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Franklin Income Securities Fund –
        Class 2 (FrVIPIncSec2)
    Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Franklin Rising Dividends Securities Fund –
        Class 1 (FrVIPRisDiv)
    Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Franklin Small Cap Value Securities Fund –
        Class 1 (FrVIPSmCapV1)
    Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Franklin Small Cap Value Securities Fund –
        Class 2 (FrVIPSmCapV2)

    Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Templeton Developing Markets Securities Fund –
        Class 3 (FrVIPDevMrk3)
    Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Templeton Foreign Securities Fund –
        Class 1 (FrVIPForSec)
    Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Templeton Foreign Securities Fund –
        Class 2 (FrVIPForSec2)
    Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Templeton Foreign Securities Fund –
        Class 3 (FrVIPForSec3)
    Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Templeton Global Income Securities Fund –
        Class 3 (FrVIPGlInc3)
Portfolios of the Gartmore Variable Insurance Trust (GVIT);
    Gartmore GVIT – American Funds GGVIT Asset Allocation Fund – Class II (GVITAstAll2)
    Gartmore GVIT – American Funds GGVIT Bond Fund – Class II (GVITBnd2)
    Gartmore GVIT – American Funds GGVIT Global Growth Fund – Class II (GVITGlobGr2)
    Gartmore GVIT – American Funds GGVIT Growth Fund – Class II (GVITGrowth2)
    Gartmore GVIT – Dreyfus GGVIT International Value Fund – Class I (GVITIntValI)
    Gartmore GVIT – Dreyfus GGVIT International Value Fund – Class III (GVITIntVal3)
    Gartmore GVIT – Emerging Markets Fund – Class I (GVITEmMrkts)
    Gartmore GVIT – Emerging Markets Fund – Class III (GVITEmMrkts3)
    Gartmore GVIT – Federated GGVIT High Income Bond Fund – Class I (GVITFHiInc)
    Gartmore GVIT – Federated GGVIT High Income Bond Fund – Class III (GVITFHiInc3)
    Gartmore GVIT – Global Financial Services Fund – Class I (GVITGlFin)
    Gartmore GVIT – Global Health Sciences Fund – Class I (GVITGlHlth)
    Gartmore GVIT – Global Health Sciences Fund – Class III (GVITGlHlth3)
    Gartmore GVIT – Global Technology and Communications Fund – Class I (GVITGlTech)
    Gartmore GVIT – Global Technology and Communications Fund – Class III (GVITGlTech3)
    Gartmore GVIT – Global Utilities Fund – Class I (GVITGlUtl)
    Gartmore GVIT – Government Bond Fund – Class I (GVITGvtBd)
    Gartmore GVIT – Growth Fund – Class I (GVITGrowth)
    Gartmore GVIT – International Growth Fund – Class I (GVITIntGro)
    Gartmore GVIT – International Index Fund – Class VI (GVITIntIdx6)
    Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Aggressive Fund – Class II (GVITIDAgg2)
    Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Conservative Fund – Class II (GVITIDCon2)
    Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderate Fund – Class II (GVITIDMod2)
    Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderately Aggressive Fund – Class II (GVITIDModAg2)
    Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderately Conservative Fund – Class II (GVITIDModCon2)
    Gartmore GVIT – J.P. Morgan GVIT Balanced Fund – Class I (GVITJPBal)
    Gartmore GVIT – Mid Cap Growth Fund – Class I (GVITMdCpGr)
    Gartmore GVIT – Mid Cap Index Fund – Class I (GVITMdCpIdx)
    Gartmore GVIT – Money Market Fund – Class I (GVITMyMkt)
    Gartmore GVIT – Money Market Fund – Class V (GVITMyMkt5)
    Gartmore GVIT – Nationwide Fund – Class I (GVITNWFund)
    Gartmore GVIT – Nationwide Leaders Fund – Class I (GVITNWLead)
    Gartmore GVIT – Small Cap Growth Fund – Class I (GVITSmCapGr)
    Gartmore GVIT – Small Cap Value Fund – Class I (GVITSmCapVal)
    Gartmore GVIT – Small Company Fund – Class I (GVITSmComp)
    Gartmore GVIT – U.S. Growth Leaders Fund – Class I (GVITUSGro)
    Gartmore GVIT – Van Kampen GGVIT Comstock Value Fund – Class I (GVITVKVal)
    Gartmore GVIT – Van Kampen GVIT Multi Sector Bond Fund – Class I (GVITMltSec)
    Gartmore GVIT – Worldwide Leaders Fund – Class I (GVITWLead)
Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value Fund – Class A (GSMidCpV)*
Portfolio of the Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust (VIT);
    Goldman Sachs VIT Mid Cap Value Fund (GSVMdCpV)

Portfolios of the Janus Aspen Series;
    Janus Aspen Series – Balanced Portfolio – Service Shares (JanBal)
    Janus Aspen Series – Forty Portfolio – Service Shares (JanForty)
    Janus Aspen Series – Global Technology Portfolio – Service Shares (JanGlTech)
    Janus Aspen Series – INTECH Risk-Managed Core Portfolio – Service Shares (JanRMgCore)
        (formerly Janus Aspen Series – Risk-Managed Core Portfolio – Service Shares)
    Janus Aspen Series – International Growth Portfolio – Service II Shares (JanIntGroS2)
    Janus Aspen Series – International Growth Portfolio – Service Shares (JanIntGroS)
Portfolios of the JPMorgan Insurance Trust;
    JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Balanced Portfolio 1 (JPMBal)*
    JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Core Bond Portfolio 1 (JPMCBond)*
        (formerly JPMorgan Investment Trust – JPMorgan Investment Trust Bond Portfolio 1)
    JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Diversified Equity Portfolio 1 (JPMDivEq)*
    JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Diversified Mid Cap Growth Portfolio 1
        (formerly JPMorgan Investment Trust – JPMorgan Investment Trust Mid Cap Growth Portfolio 1)
    JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Diversified Mid Cap Value Portfolio 1
        (formerly JPMorgan Investment Trust – JPMorgan Investment Trust Mid Cap Value Portfolio 1)
    JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Equity Index Portfolio 1 (JPMEqIndx)*
    JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Government Bond Portfolio 1 (JPMGvtBd)*
    JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Intrepid Mid Cap Portfolio 1 (JPMMidCap)*
        (formerly JPMorgan Investment Trust – JPMorgan Investment Trust Diversified Mid Cap Portfolio 1)
    JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Large Cap Growth Portfolio 1 (JPMLgCapGr)*
Lord Abbett Series Mid Cap Value Fund – Class VC (LAMidCapV)
Portfolios of the MFS Variable Insurance Trust;
    MFS Variable Insurance Trust – Investors Growth Stock Series – Initial Class (MFSInvGrStI)
    MFS Variable Insurance Trust – Value Series – Initial Class (MFSValueI)
Portfolios of the Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust;
    Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Fasciano Portfolio – Class S (NBAMTFasc)
    Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Guardian Portfolio – I Class Shares (NBAMTGuard)
    Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – International Portfolio – Class S (NBAMTInt)
    Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio – Class I (NBAMTLMat)
    Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Mid Cap Growth Portfolio – I Class Shares
    Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Partners Portfolio – Class I (NBAMTPart)
    Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Regency Portfolio – Class I (NBAMTRegI)
    Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Regency Portfolio – Class S (NBAMTRegS)
    Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Socially Responsive Portfolio Class I (NBAMSocRes)
Oppenheimer Global Securities Fund/VA – Class 3 (OppGlSec3)
Portfolios of the Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds;
    Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Capital Appreciation Fund/VA –
        Non-Service Shares (OppCapAp) (formerly Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds –
            Oppenheimer Capital Appreciation Fund/VA – Initial Class)
    Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Global Securities Fund/VA –
        Non-Service Shares (OppGlSec) (formerly Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds –
            Oppenheimer Global Securities Fund/VA – Initial Class)
    Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer High Income Fund/VA –
        Non-Service Shares (OppHighInc) (formerly Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds –
            Oppenheimer High Income Fund/VA – Initial Class)

Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Main Street®Fund/VA –
    Non-Service Shares (OppMSt) (formerly Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds –
        Oppenheimer Main Street Fund®/VA – Initial Class)
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Main Street®Small Cap Fund/VA –
    Non-Service Shares (OppMStSCap) (formerly Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds –
        Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap Fund®/VA – Initial Class)
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Mid Cap Fund/VA –
    Non-Service Shares (OppMidCap) (formerly Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds –
        Oppenheimer Aggressive Growth Fund/VA – Initial Class)
Portfolios of the PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust;
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT All Asset Portfolio – Administrative Shares (PVITAllAst)
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT Low Duration Portfolio – Administrative Shares
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT Real Return Portfolio – Administrative Shares
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT Total Return Portfolio – Administrative Shares
Pioneer High Yield VCT Portfolio – Class I Shares (PioHiYield)
Portfolios of the Putnam Variable Trust;
Putnam Variable Trust – Putnam VT Growth & Income Fund – IB Shares (PVTGroIncIB)
Putnam Variable Trust – Putnam VT International Equity Fund – IB Shares (PVTIntEqIB)
Putnam Variable Trust – Putnam VT Voyager Fund – IB Shares (PVTVoyIB)
Royce Capital Fund – Micro Cap (RCFMicroCap)
T. Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth Portfolio – II (TRoeBlChip2)
T. Rowe Price Equity Income Fund (TRowEqInc)*
T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio – II (TRowEqInc2)
T. Rowe Price Limited Term Bond Portfolio – Class II (TRowLtdTBd2)
T. Rowe Price Mid Cap Growth Fund Inc. (TRowMidCap)*
T. Rowe Price Mid Cap Growth Portfolio – II (TRowMidCap2)
T. Rowe Price New America Growth Portfolio (TRowNewAmGr)
T. Rowe Price Personal Strategy Balanced Portfolio (TRowPerStrBal)*
Portfolios of the Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust;
Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust – Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund – Initial Class (VEWrldEMkt)
Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust – Worldwide Hard Assets Fund – Initial Class (VEWrldHAs)
Portfolios of the Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds Inc.;
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds Inc. – Core Plus Fixed Income Portfolio – Class I
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds Inc. – Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio – Class I
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds Inc. – Mid Cap Growth Portfolio – Class I (VKMidCapG)
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds Inc. – U.S. Real Estate Portfolio – Class I
Portfolios of the W&R Target Funds Inc.;
W&R Target Funds Inc. – Global Natural Resources Portfolio (WRGlNatRes)*
W&R Target Funds Inc. – Growth Portfolio (WRGrowth)
W&R Target Funds Inc. – Mid Cap Growth Portfolio (WRMidCpGr)*
W&R Target Funds Inc. – Real Estate Securities Portfolio (WRRealEstS)
Portfolios of the Wells Fargo Advantage FundsSM;
Wells Fargo Advantage FundsSM – Opportunity Fund – Investor Class (WFAFOpp)*
Wells Fargo Advantage Variable Trust FundsSM
Wells Fargo Advantage VT Opportunity FundSM (WFAVTOpp)

At December 31, 2006, contract owners were invested in all of the above funds, except those noted with an asterisk (*). The contract owners’ equity is affected by the investment results of each fund, equity transactions by contract owners and certain contract expenses (see notes 2 and 3). The accompanying financial statements include only contract owners’ purchase payments pertaining to the variable portions of their contracts and exclude any purchase payments for fixed dollar benefits, the latter being included in the accounts of the Company.
A contract owner may choose from among a number of different underlying mutual fund options. The underlying mutual fund options are not available to the general public directly. The underlying mutual funds are available as investment options in variable life insurance policies or variable annuity contracts issued by life insurance companies or, in some cases, through participation in certain qualified pension or retirement plans.
A purchase payment could be presented as a negative equity transaction in the Statements of Changes in Contract Owners’ Equity if a prior period purchase payment is refunded to a contract owner due to a contract cancellation during the free look period, and/or if a gain is realized by the contract owner during the free look period.
Some of the underlying mutual funds have been established by investment advisers which manage publicly traded mutual funds having similar names and investment objectives. While some of the underlying mutual funds may be similar to, and may in fact be modeled after, publicly traded mutual funds, the underlying mutual funds are not otherwise directly related to any publicly traded mutual fund. Consequently, the investment performance of publicly traded mutual funds and any corresponding underlying mutual funds may differ substantially.
  (c) Security Valuation, Transactions and Related Investment Income
Investments in underlying mutual funds are valued on the closing net asset value per share at December 31, 2006 of such funds, which value their investment securities at fair value. Fund purchases and sales are accounted for on the trade date (date the order to buy or sell is executed). The cost of investments sold is determined on a First in – First out basis, and dividends (which include capital gain distributions) are accrued as of the ex-dividend date and are reinvested in the underlying mutual funds.
  (d) Federal Income Taxes
Operations of the Account form a part of, and are taxed with, operations of the Company, which is taxed as a life insurance company under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.
The Company does not provide for income taxes within the Account. Taxes are the responsibility of the contract owner upon termination or withdrawal.
  (e) Use of Estimates in the Preparation of Financial Statements
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S generally accepted accounting principles may require management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities, if any, at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
  (f) New Accounting Pronouncement
In September 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standard (SFAS) 157. SFAS 157 also provides guidance regarding the extent to which companies measure assets and liabilities at fair value, the information used to measure fair value, and the effect of fair value measurements on earnings. SFAS 157 applies whenever other standards require (or permit) assets or liabilities to be measured at fair value but does not expand the use of fair value in any new circumstances. SFAS 157 is effective for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007, with early adoption permitted. SFAS 157 is not expected to have a material impact on the Accounts’ financial position or results of their operations upon adoption.

(2) Policy Charges
  (a) Deductions from Premium
For individual flexible premium and survivorship contracts, the Company deducts a minimum of 0.5% to a maximum of 7.5% of all premiums received to cover premium tax and sales expense. The Company may, at its sole discretion, reduce the sales loading portion of the premium load.
There are no deductions from premium on modified single premium contracts.
For the Corporate Series, the Company deducts a front-end sales load of 9.0% (5.5% starting in the seventh policy year) from each premium payment received. The Company may reduce this charge where the size or nature of the group results in savings in sales, underwriting, or administrative costs. Variations due to differences in costs are determined in a manner not unfairly discriminatory to policy owners.
For the periods ended December 31, 2006 and 2005, total front-end sales charge deductions were $30,403,541 and $38,078,931, respectively.
  (b) Cost of Insurance
A cost of insurance charge is assessed monthly against each contract. The amount of the charge varies widely and is based upon age, sex, rate class and net amount at risk (death benefit less total contract value). This charge is assessed against each contract by liquidating units.
  (c) Administrative Charges
For individual flexible premium survivorship and modified single premium contracts, the Company currently deducts a minimum monthly administration charge of $5 per policy month to a maximum of $10 per policy month to recover policy maintenance, accounting, record keeping and other administrative expenses. These charges are assessed monthly against each contract by liquidating units.
For ProtectionSM flexible premium contracts, the Company deducts a policy expense per $1,000 of specified amount charge for the first two policy years. This charge varies with the age of the insured and will not exceed $0.30 per $1,000 of specified amount. For last survivor contracts, the Company deducts a per $1,000 of specified amount charge for the first 3 policy years. This charge varies with the age of the insured and will not exceed $0.40 per $1,000 of specified amount. These charges are assessed monthly against each contract by liquidating units.
For the Corporate Series, the Company deducts a monthly administrative expense charge to recover policy maintenance, accounting, record keeping and other administrative expenses. These charges are assessed against each contract by liquidating units. Currently, this charge is $5 per month in all policy years (guaranteed not to exceed $10 per month).
  (d) Surrender Charges
Policy surrenders result in a redemption of the contract value from the Account and payment of the surrender proceeds to the contract owner or designee. The surrender proceeds consist of the contract value, less any outstanding policy loans, and less a surrender charge, if applicable. The amount of the charge is based upon a specified percentage of the initial surrender charge which varies by issue age, sex and rate class. For flexible premium survivorship, modified single premium and corporate contracts, the charge is 100% of the initial surrender charge in the first year, and declines a specified amount each year to 0% of the initial surrender charge in the ninth year or later.
The Company may waive the surrender charge for certain contracts in which the sales expenses normally associated with the distribution of a contract are not incurred. No charges were deducted from the initial funding by the Depositor, or from earnings thereon.

(3) Asset Charges
  (a) Modified Single Premium Contracts (MSP)
For modified single premium contracts, the Company deducts a mortality and expense risk charge equal to an annualized rate of 0.70% of the cash value of the sub-accounts. This charge is assessed monthly against each contract by liquidating units.
  (b) Flexible Premium and Variable Executive Life Contracts (SPVUL and VEL)
For Choice LifeSM contracts, the Company deducts a mortality and expense risk charge of $0.50 per $1,000 on the first $25,000 of cash value attributable to the variable account, $0.25 per $1,000 on $25,001 up to $250,000 of cash value attributable to the variable account and $0.08 per $1,000 over $250,000 of cash value attributable to the variable account. This charge is assessed monthly against each contract by liquidating units.
For Choice Life ProtectionSM contracts and Best of America® ProtectionSM contracts, the Company deducts $0.66 per $1,000 of cash value attributable to the variable account during the first through fifteenth years from the Policy Date. Thereafter, this charge is $0.25 per $1,000 of cash value attributable to the variable account. This charge is assessed monthly against each contract by liquidating units.
  (c) Survivorship Life Contracts (SL)
For Choice Survivorship and Last Survivor contracts, during the first ten policy years, the Company deducts a mortality and expense risk charge of $0.55 per $1,000 on the first $25,000 of cash value attributable to the variable account; $0.55 per $1,000 on $25,001 up to $99,999 of cash value attributable to the variable account; and $0.55 per $1,000 on $100,000 or more of cash value attributable to the variable account. After ten years from the Policy Date, the Company deducts $0.55 per $1,000 on the first $25,000 of cash value attributable to the variable account; $0.35 per $1,000 on $25,001 up to $99,999 of cash value attributable to the variable account; and $0.20 per $1,000 on $100,000 or more of cash value attributable to the variable account. This charge is assessed monthly against each contract by liquidating units.
For ChoiceLifeSM Survivorship II and Next GenerationSM Survivorship Life contracts, during the first fifteen policy years, the Company deducts a mortality and expense risk charge of $0.60 per $1,000 on the first $25,000 of cash value attributable to the variable account; $0.30 per $1,000 on $25,001 up to $250,000 of cash value attributable to the variable account; and $0.10 per $1,000 over $250,000 of cash value attributable to the variable account. After fifteen years from the Policy Date, the Company deducts $0.60 per $1,000 on the first $25,000 of cash value attributable to the variable account and $0.10 per $1,000 over $25,000 of cash value attributable to the variable account. This charge is assessed monthly against each contract by liquidating units.
For ProtectionSM Survivorship and ChoiceLife ProtectionSM Survivorship Life contracts, during the first fifteen policy years, the Company deducts a mortality and expense risk charge of $0.80 per $1,000 of cash value attributable to the variable account. After fifteen years from the Policy Date, the Company deducts $0.30 per $1,000 of cash value attributable to the variable account. This charge is assessed monthly against each contract by liquidating units.
  (d) Corporate Contracts
For the Corporate Series, the Company deducts from the assets of the Account, a charge to provide for mortality and expense risks. This charge is guaranteed not to exceed an annualized rate of 0.75% of the daily net assets of the Account. Currently, this rate is 0.40% during the first through fourth policy years, 0.25% during the fifth through twentieth policy years, and 0.10% thereafter. A reduced fee tier for Corporate Series contracts applies as 0.20% for all policy years. This charge is assessed through the daily unit value calculation.
The Company may reduce or eliminate certain charges where the size or nature of the group results in savings in sales, underwriting, administrative or other costs to the Company. These charges may be reduced in certain group sponsored arrangements or special exchange programs made available by the Company.

(4) Death Benefits
Death benefit proceeds result in a redemption of the contract value from the Account and payment of those proceeds, less any outstanding policy loans (and policy charges), to the legal beneficiary. For last survivor flexible premium contracts, the proceeds are payable on the death of the last surviving insured. In the event that the guaranteed death benefit exceeds the contract value on the date of death, the excess is paid by the Company’s general account.
(5) Policy Loans (Net of Repayments)
Contract provisions allow contract owners to borrow 90% of a policy’s variable cash surrender value plus 100% of a policy’s fixed cash surrender value less applicable value of surrender charge. Interest is charged on the outstanding loan and is due and payable in advance on the policy anniversary.
At the time the loan is granted, the amount of the loan is transferred from the Account to the Company’s general account as collateral for the outstanding loan. Collateral amounts in the general account are credited with the stated rate of interest in effect at the time the loan is made, subject to a guaranteed minimum rate. Interest credited is paid by the Company’s general account to the Account. Loan repayments result in a transfer of collateral including interest back to the Account.
(6) Related Party Transactions
The Company performs various services on behalf of the Mutual Fund Companies in which the Account invests and may receive fees for the services performed. These services include, among other things, shareholder communications, preparation, postage, fund transfer agency and various other record keeping and customer service functions. These fees are paid to an affiliate of the Company.
Contract owners may, with certain restrictions, transfer their assets between the Account and a fixed dollar contract (fixed account) maintained in the accounts of the Company. These transfers are the result of the contract owner executing fund exchanges. Fund exchanges from the Account to the fixed account are included in surrenders, and fund exchanges from the fixed account to the Account are included in purchase payments received from contact owners, as applicable, on the accompanying Statements of Change in Contract Owners’ Equity.
Policy loan transactions (note 5), executed at the direction of the contract owner, also result in transfers between the Account and the fixed account of the Company. The fixed account assets are not reflected in the accompanying financial statements.
For the periods ended December 31, 2006 and 2005, total transfers into the Account from the fixed account were $33,285,412 and $33,113,861, respectively, and total transfers from the Account to the fixed account were $48,694,028 and $55,474,580, respectively.

(7) Financial Highlights
The following is a summary of units, unit fair values and contract owners’ equity outstanding for variable universal life contracts as of the end of the periods indicated, and the contract expense rates, investment income ratio and total return for each period in the five year period ended December 31, 2006.
Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
The BEST of AMERICA® America’s FUTURE Life SeriesSM
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Basic Value Fund – Series I
   0.00%    334,122    $   17.502242    $ 5,847,884    0.42%    13.20%    
   0.00%    300,432      15.460790      4,644,916    0.09%    5.74%    
   0.00%    218,854      14.622048      3,200,094    0.00%    11.07%    
   0.00%    62,247      13.164786      819,468    0.06%    33.63%    
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Capital Appreciation Fund – Series I
   0.00%    102,104      15.288632      1,561,030    0.06%    6.30%    
   0.00%    85,976      14.382523      1,236,552    0.08%    8.84%    
   0.00%    57,596      13.214909      761,126    0.00%    6.63%    
   0.00%    26,916      12.393708      333,589    0.00%    23.94%     05/01/03
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Capital Development Fund – Series I Shares
   0.00%    180,668      19.610981      3,543,077    0.00%    16.52%    
   0.00%    164,886      16.830569      2,775,125    0.00%    9.60%    
   0.00%    122,266      15.355666      1,877,476    0.00%    15.50%    
   0.00%    33,912      13.294993      450,860    0.00%    35.36%    
AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. – Growth and Income Portfolio – Class A
   0.00%    241,896      18.208779      4,404,631    1.37%    17.29%    
   0.00%    247,326      15.525074      3,839,754    1.48%    4.87%    
   0.00%    243,956      14.804614      3,611,674    0.92%    11.46%    
   0.00%    145,925      13.282209      1,938,206    0.51%    32.50%    
AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. – Small-Mid Cap Value Portfolio – Class A
   0.00%    168,136      20.134859      3,385,395    0.45%    14.42%    
   0.00%    198,030      17.597332      3,484,800    0.74%    6.91%    
   0.00%    181,154      16.459431      2,981,692    0.13%    19.30%    
   0.00%    28,635      13.796395      395,060    0.13%    37.96%     05/01/03
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Income & Growth Fund – Class I
   0.00%    1,305,236      17.707797      23,112,854    1.85%    17.09%    
   0.00%    1,496,010      15.123633      22,625,106    1.94%    4.63%    
   0.00%    1,546,166      14.454301      22,348,749    1.37%    12.99%    
   0.00%    1,520,999      12.792293      19,457,065    1.28%    29.35%    
   0.00%    1,357,662      9.889493      13,426,589    1.00%    -19.37%    
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Inflation Protection Fund – Class II
   0.00%    555,240      11.270913      6,258,062    3.48%    1.59%    
   0.00%    535,932      11.094803      5,946,060    4.48%    1.56%    
   0.00%    457,932      10.924094      5,002,492    3.35%    5.81%    
   0.00%    108,990      10.324182      1,125,233    1.85%    3.24%     04/30/03
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – International Fund – Class I
   0.00%    1,069,366      18.515660      19,800,017    1.58%    25.03%    
   0.00%    1,314,688      14.809535      19,469,918    1.25%    13.25%    
   0.00%    1,713,168      13.076396      22,402,063    0.56%    14.92%    
   0.00%    1,660,633      11.378318      18,895,210    0.73%    24.51%    
   0.00%    1,633,924      9.138486      14,931,592    0.78%    -20.37%    
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – International Fund – Class III
   0.00%    548,782      14.595156      8,009,559    1.38%    25.03%    
   0.00%    366,150      11.673757      4,274,346    0.00%    16.74%     05/02/05
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Mid Cap Value Fund – Class I
   0.00%    88,992      13.620466      1,212,113    0.96%    20.30%    
   0.00%    57,178      11.322176      647,379    1.24%    13.22%     05/02/05

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Ultra® Fund – Class I
   0.00%    257,010    $   10.980437    $ 2,822,082    0.00%    -3.28%    
   0.00%    263,874      11.352287      2,995,573    0.00%    2.17%    
   0.00%    229,742      11.111676      2,552,819    0.00%    10.68%    
   0.00%    208,689      10.039885      2,095,214    0.00%    24.90%    
   0.00%    75,002      8.038471      602,901    0.66%    -19.62%     05/01/02
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Value Fund – Class I
   0.00%    2,442,604      22.240206      54,324,016    1.41%    18.65%    
   0.00%    2,800,196      18.743947      52,486,725    0.83%    5.03%    
   0.00%    2,668,438      17.845717      47,620,189    0.97%    14.33%    
   0.00%    2,467,117      15.608555      38,508,131    1.04%    28.96%    
   0.00%    2,232,546      12.103586      27,021,813    0.75%    -12.62%    
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – VistaSM Fund – Class I
   0.00%    13,662      12.496264      170,724    0.00%    9.01%    
   0.00%    7,434      11.463606      85,220    0.00%    14.64%     05/02/05
Credit Suisse Trust – Global Small Cap Portfolio
   0.00%    46,476      15.193949      706,154    0.00%    13.20%    
   0.00%    48,980      13.421675      657,394    0.00%    16.14%    
   0.00%    54,638      11.556117      631,403    0.00%    17.99%    
   0.00%    58,125      9.794203      569,288    0.00%    47.66%    
   0.00%    56,373      6.633112      373,928    0.00%    -34.16%    
Credit Suisse Trust – International Focus Portfolio
   0.00%    121,824      15.867715      1,933,069    1.01%    18.65%    
   0.00%    132,046      13.373190      1,765,876    0.88%    17.44%    
   0.00%    141,708      11.387391      1,613,684    0.99%    14.74%    
   0.00%    152,971      9.924331      1,518,135    0.49%    33.09%    
   0.00%    158,237      7.456827      1,179,946    0.00%    -19.90%    
Credit Suisse Trust – Large Cap Value Portfolio
   0.00%    96,894      18.117019      1,755,430    0.89%    19.35%    
   0.00%    117,378      15.179777      1,781,772    0.73%    8.14%    
   0.00%    114,260      14.036771      1,603,841    0.58%    11.34%    
   0.00%    114,258      12.606777      1,440,425    0.76%    25.16%    
   0.00%    109,088      10.072243      1,098,761    0.76%    -23.09%    
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios – European Equity Portfolio
   0.00%    282      7.045961      1,987    0.00%    -22.64%    
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios – Small Cap Stock Index Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.00%    707,480      15.813075      11,187,434    0.38%    14.41%    
   0.00%    581,680      13.821296      8,039,571    0.00%    7.23%    
   0.00%    589,810      12.889095      7,602,117    0.57%    21.88%    
   0.00%    440,723      10.574853      4,660,581    0.27%    37.78%    
   0.00%    142,420      7.675242      1,093,108    0.29%    -23.25%     05/01/02
Dreyfus Socially Responsible Growth Fund, Inc. – Initial Shares, The
   0.00%    1,115,238      12.473391      13,910,800    0.11%    9.20%    
   0.00%    1,203,742      11.422458      13,749,692    0.00%    3.62%    
   0.00%    1,320,272      11.023895      14,554,540    0.40%    6.21%    
   0.00%    1,330,170      10.379305      13,806,240    0.11%    26.00%    
   0.00%    1,313,324      8.237365      10,818,329    0.22%    -28.94%    
Dreyfus Stock Index Fund, Inc. – Initial Shares
   0.00%    10,489,244      16.424348      172,278,994    1.64%    15.50%    
   0.00%    12,914,370      14.220511      183,648,941    1.63%    4.69%    
   0.00%    13,432,296      13.583304      182,454,960    1.82%    10.64%    
   0.00%    12,939,837      12.277012      158,862,534    1.54%    28.36%    
   0.00%    11,929,984      9.564281      114,101,719    1.45%    -22.36%    
Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund – Appreciation Portfolio – Initial Shares
   0.00%    1,210,752      16.853206      20,405,053    1.53%    16.48%    
   0.00%    1,326,026      14.469157      19,186,478    0.02%    4.38%    
   0.00%    1,281,098      13.862320      17,758,990    1.67%    5.05%    
   0.00%    1,185,642      13.196450      15,646,265    1.18%    21.17%    
   0.00%    1,148,080      10.890932      12,503,661    1.22%    -16.71%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund – Developing Leaders Portfolio – Initial Shares
   0.00%    52,662    $   15.770049    $ 830,482    0.40%    3.77%    
   0.00%    58,416      15.197076      887,752    0.00%    5.80%    
   0.00%    63,226      14.363942      908,175    0.28%    11.34%    
   0.00%    15,972      12.900917      206,053    0.11%    29.01%     05/01/03
Federated Insurance Series – Federated American Leaders Fund II – Primary Shares
   0.00%    21,354      16.967010      362,314    1.46%    16.81%    
   0.00%    21,684      14.525597      314,973    1.48%    5.02%    
   0.00%    22,444      13.830995      310,423    1.17%    9.78%    
   0.00%    12,199      12.598945      153,695    0.00%    25.99%     05/01/03
Federated Insurance Series – Federated Capital Appreciation Fund II – Primary Shares
   0.00%    27,898      15.330912      427,702    0.75%    16.21%    
   0.00%    26,192      13.192087      345,527    1.04%    1.91%    
   0.00%    28,136      12.944293      364,201    0.42%    7.39%    
   0.00%    8,379      12.052976      100,992    0.00%    20.53%     05/01/03
Federated Insurance Series – Federated Market Opportunity Fund II – Service Shares
   0.00%    3,964      10.395256      41,207    0.00%    3.95%     05/01/06
Federated Insurance Series – Federated Quality Bond Fund II – Primary Shares
   0.00%    1,685,612      14.723396      24,817,933    5.17%    4.15%    
   0.00%    2,483,218      14.136175      35,103,204    3.55%    1.30%    
   0.00%    2,361,192      13.955112      32,950,699    3.92%    3.62%    
   0.00%    2,262,363      13.467590      30,468,577    3.30%    4.65%    
   0.00%    2,274,059      12.869670      29,266,389    3.20%    9.31%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Equity-Income Portfolio – Service Class
   0.00%    3,666,100      18.625658      68,283,525    3.15%    20.08%    
   0.00%    3,799,536      15.511120      58,935,059    1.56%    5.76%    
   0.00%    3,986,154      14.666699      58,463,721    1.39%    11.38%    
   0.00%    3,691,492      13.167905      48,609,216    1.66%    30.22%    
   0.00%    3,282,138      10.112108      33,189,334    1.50%    -17.00%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Growth Portfolio – Service Class
   0.00%    3,992,818      15.113032      60,343,586    0.28%    6.73%    
   0.00%    4,330,880      14.159785      61,324,330    0.41%    5.67%    
   0.00%    4,602,660      13.399667      61,674,111    0.16%    3.26%    
   0.00%    4,622,588      12.976175      59,983,511    0.18%    32.78%    
   0.00%    4,393,697      9.772625      42,937,953    0.14%    -30.20%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – High Income Portfolio – Service Class
   0.00%    1,194,886      11.561165      13,814,274    7.58%    11.18%    
   0.00%    1,308,856      10.398866      13,610,618    14.70%    2.52%    
   0.00%    1,366,190      10.142968      13,857,221    8.03%    9.47%    
   0.00%    1,549,745      9.265750      14,359,550    6.36%    26.97%    
   0.00%    1,244,727      7.297581      9,083,496    9.18%    3.62%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Overseas Portfolio – Service Class
   0.00%    963,186      18.554369      17,871,308    0.84%    17.95%    
   0.00%    1,411,140      15.731142      22,198,844    0.56%    18.97%    
   0.00%    1,749,970      13.222678      23,139,290    0.98%    13.49%    
   0.00%    1,414,346      11.651219      16,478,855    0.63%    43.20%    
   0.00%    1,180,783      8.136116      9,606,987    0.64%    -20.34%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Overseas Portfolio – Service Class R
   0.00%    985,990      14.743687      14,537,128    0.62%    17.95%    
   0.00%    579,174      12.499996      7,239,673    0.00%    25.00%     05/02/05
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund II – Contrafund® Portfolio – Service Class
   0.00%    4,668,602      23.057410      107,645,870    1.12%    11.59%    
   0.00%    4,501,900      20.662750      93,021,634    0.19%    16.85%    
   0.00%    4,151,040      17.683622      73,405,422    0.24%    15.34%    
   0.00%    3,745,714      15.331836      57,428,673    0.30%    28.35%    
   0.00%    3,355,920      11.945132      40,086,907    0.69%    -9.42%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund II – Investment Grade Bond Portfolio – Service Class
   0.00%   855,338    $   11.348586    $ 9,706,877    3.34%   4.30%    
   0.00%   649,570      10.880732      7,067,797    2.69%   2.08%    
   0.00%   352,046      10.659014      3,752,463    1.68%   4.32%    
   0.00%   67,767      10.217718      692,424    0.00%   2.18%     05/01/03
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Growth Opportunities Portfolio – Service Class
   0.00%   1,014,378      11.421365      11,585,581    0.69%   5.30%    
   0.00%   1,129,706      10.846338      12,253,173    0.84%   8.86%    
   0.00%   1,211,402      9.963454      12,069,748    0.48%   7.06%    
   0.00%   1,245,460      9.306474      11,590,841    0.59%   29.66%    
   0.00%   1,183,841      7.177547      8,497,074    0.93%   -21.92%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Mid Cap Portfolio – Service Class
   0.00%   1,042,192      23.389128      24,375,962    0.23%   12.59%    
   0.00%   868,756      20.773676      18,047,256    0.00%   18.20%    
   0.00%   431,128      17.574515      7,576,866    0.00%   24.77%    
   0.00%   99,682      14.085331      1,404,054    0.00%   40.85%     05/01/03
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Value Strategies Portfolio – Service Class
   0.00%   494,372      16.095011      7,956,923    0.49%   16.20%    
   0.00%   510,536      13.851491      7,071,685    0.00%   2.55%    
   0.00%   337,180      13.506506      4,554,124    0.00%   13.99%    
   0.00%   284,603      11.849148      3,372,303    0.00%   57.79%    
   0.00%   19,541      7.509507      146,743    0.00%   -24.90%     05/01/02
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund IV – Energy Portfolio – Service Class 2
   0.00%   488,940      15.759845      7,705,619    0.75%   16.62%    
   0.00%   243,526      13.514321      3,291,089    0.64%   35.14%     05/02/05
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund IV – Freedom Fund 2010 Portfolio – Service Class
   0.00%   56,804      11.863160      673,875    2.70%   9.78%    
   0.00%   15,242      10.806063      164,706    0.47%   8.06%     05/02/05
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund IV – Freedom Fund 2020 Portfolio – Service Class
   0.00%   109,012      12.431698      1,355,204    2.11%   11.81%    
   0.00%   52,700      11.118664      585,954    1.32%   11.19%     05/02/05
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund IV – Freedom Fund 2030 Portfolio – Service Class
   0.00%   54,734      12.819894      701,684    2.16%   13.15%    
   0.00%   23,432      11.329788      265,480    1.38%   13.30%     05/02/05
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Franklin Income Securities Fund – Class 2
   0.00%   117,590      11.216304      1,318,925    0.07%   12.16%     05/01/06
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Franklin Rising Dividends Securities Fund – Class 1
   0.00%   943,340      16.669002      15,724,536    1.23%   17.43%    
   0.00%   840,480      14.195085      11,930,685    1.01%   3.68%    
   0.00%   635,954      13.690957      8,706,819    0.70%   11.25%    
   0.00%   220,019      12.306508      2,707,666    0.48%   23.07%     05/01/03
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Franklin Small Cap Value Securities Fund – Class 1
   0.00%   484,062      21.190555      10,257,542    0.82%   17.30%    
   0.00%   398,540      18.064784      7,199,539    0.92%   8.99%    
   0.00%   237,384      16.575156      3,934,677    0.23%   24.09%    
   0.00%   47,449      13.357313      633,791    0.00%   33.57%     05/01/03
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Templeton Developing Markets Securities Fund – Class 3
   0.00%   310,222      16.410826      5,090,999    1.29%   28.17%    
   0.00%   159,292      12.804274      2,039,618    0.06%   28.04%     05/02/05
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Templeton Foreign Securities Fund – Class 1
   0.00%   174,552      21.206570      3,701,649    1.39%   21.70%    
   0.00%   228,680      17.425708      3,984,911    1.53%   10.48%    
   0.00%   261,568      15.773327      4,125,798    1.08%   18.87%    
   0.00%   92,411      13.269107      1,226,211    0.42%   32.69%    
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Templeton Foreign Securities Fund – Class 3
   0.00%   424,646      13.711150      5,822,385    1.34%   21.46%    
   0.00%   237,992      11.288544      2,686,583    0.34%   12.89%     05/02/05

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Templeton Global Income Securities Fund – Class 3
   0.00%   138,640    $ 11.150160    $ 1,545,858      2.84%   12.84%    
   0.00%   53,324      9.881172      526,904      1.81%   -1.19%     05/02/05
Gartmore GVIT – American Funds GVIT Asset Allocation Fund – Class II
   0.00%   166,024      10.556998      1,752,715      3.37%   5.57%     05/01/06
Gartmore GVIT – American Funds GVIT Bond Fund – Class II
   0.00%   70,612      10.538858      744,170      0.90%   5.39%     05/01/06
Gartmore GVIT – American Funds GVIT Global Growth Fund – Class II
   0.00%   150,826      10.842096      1,635,270      0.23%   8.42%     05/01/06
Gartmore GVIT – American Funds GVIT Growth Fund – Class II
   0.00%   168,526      10.364424      1,746,675      1.12%   3.64%     05/01/06
Gartmore GVIT – Dreyfus GGVIT International Value Fund – Class I
   0.00%   134,862      23.062454      3,110,249      2.07%   22.67%    
   0.00%   175,520      18.800450      3,299,855      1.31%   12.09%    
   0.00%   281,276      16.772215      4,717,622      1.91%   20.29%    
   0.00%   23,901      13.838062      330,744      0.00%   38.38%     05/01/03
Gartmore GVIT – Dreyfus GGVIT International Value Fund – Class III
   0.00%   575,980      14.056822      8,096,448      2.01%   22.75%    
   0.00%   402,348      11.451970      4,607,677      0.95%   14.52%     05/02/05
Gartmore GVIT – Emerging Markets Fund – Class I
   0.00%   270,924      25.339713      6,865,136      0.71%   36.72%    
   0.00%   369,062      18.534273      6,840,296      0.60%   32.64%    
   0.00%   466,980      13.973799      6,525,485      1.04%   20.74%    
   0.00%   343,512      11.573140      3,975,512      0.61%   65.26%    
   0.00%   146,740      7.002885      1,027,603      0.23%   -15.23%    
Gartmore GVIT – Emerging Markets Fund – Class III
   0.00%   714,108      18.224168      13,014,024      0.72%   36.64%    
   0.00%   462,520      13.336908      6,168,587      0.20%   33.37%     05/02/05
Gartmore GVIT – Federated GGVIT High Income Bond Fund – Class I
   0.00%   882,542      16.420739      14,491,992      7.41%   10.60%    
   0.00%   1,047,212      14.846585      15,547,522      6.92%   2.38%    
   0.00%   1,351,330      14.501407      19,596,186      7.58%   10.10%    
   0.00%   1,164,352      13.171585      15,336,361      7.99%   22.27%    
   0.00%   660,476      10.772444      7,114,941    10.09%   3.23%    
Gartmore GVIT – Federated GGVIT High Income Bond Fund – Class III
   0.00%   701,700      11.657910      8,180,355      7.85%   10.60%    
   0.00%   429,384      10.540776      4,526,041      6.02%   5.41%     05/02/05
Gartmore GVIT – Global Financial Services Fund – Class I
   0.00%   113,986      19.830405      2,260,389      1.89%   20.32%    
   0.00%   105,354      16.481268      1,736,368      2.00%   11.15%    
   0.00%   121,742      14.827817      1,805,168      1.37%   20.99%    
   0.00%   137,222      12.255125      1,681,673      1.08%   41.45%    
   0.00%   14,069      8.663891      121,892      0.02%   -13.36%     05/01/02
Gartmore GVIT – Global Health Sciences Fund – Class I
   0.00%   124,614      13.695316      1,706,628      0.00%   2.71%    
   0.00%   194,488      13.334230      2,593,348      0.00%   8.44%    
   0.00%   256,666      12.296466      3,156,085      0.00%   7.86%    
   0.00%   170,154      11.400451      1,939,832      0.00%   36.69%    
   0.00%   24,643      8.340128      205,526      0.00%   -16.60%     05/01/02
Gartmore GVIT – Global Health Sciences Fund – Class III
   0.00%   212,658      11.032385      2,346,125      0.00%   2.70%    
   0.00%   128,282      10.742057      1,378,013      0.00%   7.42%     05/02/05
Gartmore GVIT – Global Technology and Communications Fund – Class I
   0.00%   515,480      3.531877      1,820,612      0.00%   11.17%    
   0.00%   740,614      3.177040      2,352,960      0.00%   -0.52%    
   0.00%   1,025,772      3.193545      3,275,849      0.00%   4.31%    
   0.00%   1,041,511      3.061527      3,188,614      0.00%   55.23%    
   0.00%   469,967      1.972253      926,894      0.67%   -42.78%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Gartmore GVIT – Global Technology and Communications Fund – Class III
   0.00%    136,014    $   13.682536    $ 1,861,016    0.00%    11.08%    
   0.00%    89,142      12.317458      1,098,003    0.00%    23.17%     05/02/05
Gartmore GVIT – Global Utilities Fund – Class I
   0.00%    178,132      20.489395      3,649,817    2.84%    37.56%    
   0.00%    118,088      14.894755      1,758,892    2.09%    6.39%    
   0.00%    134,138      14.000446      1,877,992    1.64%    29.97%    
   0.00%    50,633      10.772327      545,435    1.02%    24.05%    
   0.00%    8,397      8.683837      72,918    0.61%    -13.16%     05/01/02
Gartmore GVIT – Government Bond Fund – Class I
   0.00%    2,428,156      16.013288      38,882,761    3.95%    3.34%    
   0.00%    3,195,842      15.495567      49,521,384    3.71%    3.26%    
   0.00%    3,187,198      15.005858      47,826,641    5.38%    3.26%    
   0.00%    3,340,824      14.531815      48,548,236    3.25%    2.00%    
   0.00%    3,339,535      14.246814      47,577,734    4.66%    10.98%    
Gartmore GVIT – Growth Fund: Class I
   0.00%    1,876,832      8.279324      15,538,900    0.05%    6.17%    
   0.00%    1,986,938      7.798327      15,494,792    0.08%    6.50%    
   0.00%    2,009,968      7.322345      14,717,679    0.34%    8.16%    
   0.00%    2,002,653      6.770126      13,558,213    0.02%    32.74%    
   0.00%    1,934,729      5.100354      9,867,803    0.00%    -28.72%    
Gartmore GVIT – International Growth Fund – Class I
   0.00%    554,752      13.430598      7,450,651    0.84%    32.96%    
   0.00%    203,318      10.100861      2,053,687    1.10%    30.21%    
   0.00%    125,904      7.757434      976,692    0.85%    14.19%    
   0.00%    195,693      6.793220      1,329,386    0.00%    35.62%    
   0.00%    72,938      5.008923      365,341    0.00%    -24.10%    
Gartmore GVIT – International Index Fund – Class VI
   0.00%    20,334      10.975279      223,171    1.50%    9.75%     05/01/06
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Aggressive Fund – Class II
   0.00%    1,105,550      15.802084      17,469,994    2.11%    16.87%    
   0.00%    1,044,556      13.521320      14,123,776    2.02%    7.93%    
   0.00%    937,068      12.527746      11,739,350    1.85%    14.03%    
   0.00%    539,178      10.986753      5,923,816    1.57%    31.87%    
   0.00%    154,196      8.331709      1,284,716    0.86%    -16.68%     01/25/02
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Conservative Fund – Class II
   0.00%    628,508      12.447546      7,823,382    3.23%    6.16%    
   0.00%    706,430      11.724859      8,282,792    2.49%    3.31%    
   0.00%    593,680      11.349571      6,738,013    2.49%    4.65%    
   0.00%    430,237      10.845040      4,665,937    2.59%    7.91%    
   0.00%    202,573      10.050418      2,035,943    2.18%    0.50%     01/25/02
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderate Fund – Class II
   0.00%    3,554,252      14.099052      50,111,584    2.47%    11.35%    
   0.00%    3,150,642      12.661618      39,892,225    2.39%    5.34%    
   0.00%    2,369,740      12.019313      28,482,647    2.21%    9.54%    
   0.00%    1,419,724      10.972970      15,578,589    2.05%    20.05%    
   0.00%    398,104      9.140249      3,638,770    1.66%    -8.60%     01/25/02
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderately Aggressive Fund – Class II
   0.00%    4,071,170      15.125018      61,576,520    2.25%    14.54%    
   0.00%    3,665,284      13.204972      48,399,973    2.19%    7.07%    
   0.00%    2,664,904      12.332826      32,865,797    2.01%    12.09%    
   0.00%    1,386,608      11.002361      15,255,962    1.61%    26.64%    
   0.00%    375,973      8.687687      3,266,336    1.05%    -13.12%     01/25/02
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderately Conservative Fund – Class II
   0.00%    1,022,586      13.308971      13,609,567    2.84%    8.42%    
   0.00%    996,854      12.275099      12,236,482    2.78%    4.49%    
   0.00%    934,806      11.748118      10,982,211    2.38%    7.16%    
   0.00%    794,151      10.963279      8,706,499    2.33%    13.70%    
   0.00%    418,980      9.642427      4,039,984    1.99%    -3.58%     01/25/02

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Gartmore GVIT – J.P. Morgan GVIT Balanced Fund: Class I
   0.00%    919,452    $   13.567085    $ 12,474,283    2.25%    12.25%    
   0.00%    1,170,652      12.086643      14,149,253    1.98%    2.54%    
   0.00%    1,256,734      11.786975      14,813,092    1.94%    8.49%    
   0.00%    1,222,571      10.864458      13,282,571    1.76%    18.41%    
   0.00%    1,025,461      9.174983      9,408,587    2.28%    -12.31%    
Gartmore GVIT – Mid Cap Growth Fund – Class I
   0.00%    961,292      15.331247      14,737,805    0.00%    9.91%    
   0.00%    989,192      13.949172      13,798,409    0.00%    9.74%    
   0.00%    1,022,504      12.710961      12,997,008    0.00%    15.34%    
   0.00%    1,048,110      11.020618      11,550,820    0.00%    40.13%    
   0.00%    863,328      7.864311      6,789,480    0.00%    -37.01%    
Gartmore GVIT – Mid Cap Index Fund – Class I
   0.00%    1,451,458      24.770554      35,953,419    1.14%    9.89%    
   0.00%    1,705,870      22.541352      38,452,616    1.04%    12.10%    
   0.00%    1,662,184      20.108596      33,424,187    0.56%    15.73%    
   0.00%    1,562,296      17.375180      27,145,174    0.50%    34.65%    
   0.00%    1,255,638      12.903917      16,202,649    0.45%    -15.30%    
Gartmore GVIT – Money Market Fund – Class I
   0.00%    7,870,664      13.359424      105,147,538    4.43%    4.53%    
   0.00%    8,487,334      12.780436      108,471,829    2.61%    2.67%    
   0.00%    9,274,680      12.448310      115,454,092    0.80%    0.81%    
   0.00%    10,900,245      12.348118      134,597,511    0.63%    0.63%    
   0.00%    13,460,393      12.271344      165,177,113    1.51%    1.21%    
Gartmore GVIT – Nationwide® Fund – Class I
   0.00%    2,948,242      15.389126      45,370,868    1.09%    13.63%    
   0.00%    3,161,412      13.543467      42,816,479    1.00%    7.44%    
   0.00%    3,312,776      12.605461      41,759,069    1.30%    9.75%    
   0.00%    3,352,137      11.485510      38,501,003    0.59%    27.51%    
   0.00%    3,234,937      9.007395      29,138,355    0.95%    -17.35%    
Gartmore GVIT – Nationwide® Leaders Fund – Class I
   0.00%    85,138      16.116355      1,372,114    0.70%    16.05%    
   0.00%    40,072      13.887943      556,518    1.29%    10.31%    
   0.00%    24,720      12.589767      311,219    0.48%    18.79%    
   0.00%    21,594      10.598061      228,855    0.15%    25.38%    
   0.00%    15,191      8.452459      128,401    1.19%    -15.48%     05/01/02
Gartmore GVIT – Small Cap Growth Fund – Class I
   0.00%    807,056      17.366191      14,015,489    0.00%    3.21%    
   0.00%    925,228      16.826475      15,568,326    0.00%    8.09%    
   0.00%    936,378      15.567128      14,576,716    0.00%    13.42%    
   0.00%    890,100      13.725736      12,217,278    0.00%    34.26%    
   0.00%    741,006      10.222874      7,575,211    0.00%    -33.29%    
Gartmore GVIT – Small Cap Value Fund – Class I
   0.00%    1,678,046      28.638579      48,056,853    0.43%    17.29%    
   0.00%    1,914,388      24.416176      46,742,034    0.07%    3.07%    
   0.00%    2,111,792      23.688343      50,024,853    0.00%    17.30%    
   0.00%    2,161,994      20.194975      43,661,415    0.00%    56.85%    
   0.00%    1,878,685      12.875081      24,188,222    0.01%    -27.16%    
Gartmore GVIT – Small Company Fund – Class I
   0.00%    1,691,018      25.805828      43,638,120    0.10%    12.04%    
   0.00%    1,752,846      23.033016      40,373,330    0.00%    12.32%    
   0.00%    1,765,320      20.507271      36,201,896    0.00%    19.02%    
   0.00%    1,696,669      17.229813      29,233,290    0.00%    41.01%    
   0.00%    1,515,751      12.218656      18,520,440    0.00%    -17.33%    
Gartmore GVIT – Turner GVIT Growth Focus Fund – Class I
   0.00%    215,089      3.336873      717,725    0.00%    50.96%    
   0.00%    156,451      2.210411      345,821    0.00%    -42.86%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Gartmore GVIT – U.S. Growth Leaders Fund – Class I
   0.00%    250,268    $   15.705651    $ 3,930,622    0.27%    -0.29%    
   0.00%    279,900      15.751023      4,408,711    0.00%    11.96%    
   0.00%    184,294      14.068165      2,592,678    0.00%    12.41%    
   0.00%    242,970      12.515174      3,040,812    0.00%    52.14%    
   0.00%    48,858      8.226323      401,922    0.00%    -17.74%     05/01/02
Gartmore GVIT – Van Kampen GGVIT Comstock Value Fund: Class I
   0.00%    875,334      14.961750      13,096,528    1.73%    15.91%    
   0.00%    825,902      12.908610      10,661,247    1.61%    4.25%    
   0.00%    665,190      12.382749      8,236,881    1.39%    17.50%    
   0.00%    432,461      10.538646      4,557,553    1.34%    31.43%    
   0.00%    277,592      8.018258      2,225,804    1.34%    -25.14%    
Gartmore GVIT – Van Kampen GVIT Multi-Sector Bond Fund – Class I
   0.00%    657,636      15.733416      10,346,861    4.07%    4.84%    
   0.00%    636,228      15.007380      9,548,115    3.99%    2.18%    
   0.00%    588,866      14.687199      8,648,792    4.55%    6.53%    
   0.00%    589,360      13.786437      8,125,175    5.42%    12.12%    
   0.00%    574,913      12.296568      7,069,457    4.49%    7.21%    
Gartmore GVIT – Worldwide Leaders Fund – Class I
   0.00%    249,376      18.389109      4,585,802    0.85%    25.88%    
   0.00%    262,448      14.608344      3,833,931    1.11%    19.34%    
   0.00%    281,954      12.241206      3,451,457    0.00%    15.67%    
   0.00%    280,311      10.583316      2,966,620    0.00%    36.06%    
   0.00%    279,292      7.778516      2,172,477    2.00%    -25.39%    
Janus Aspen Series – Balanced Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.00%    116,884      14.708447      1,719,182    1.99%    10.41%    
   0.00%    93,760      13.321108      1,248,987    2.04%    7.66%    
   0.00%    90,538      12.373264      1,120,251    2.45%    8.29%    
   0.00%    60,397      11.425728      690,080    2.34%    13.72%    
Janus Aspen Series – Forty Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.00%    2,885,418      9.429195      27,207,169    0.14%    9.12%    
   0.00%    3,170,060      8.641403      27,393,766    0.01%    12.56%    
   0.00%    3,379,686      7.677436      25,947,323    0.02%    17.97%    
   0.00%    3,484,342      6.508092      22,676,418    0.25%    20.23%    
   0.00%    3,279,169      5.412895      17,749,797    0.32%    -15.93%    
Janus Aspen Series – Global Technology Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.00%    2,894,560      4.318333      12,499,674    0.00%    7.83%    
   0.00%    3,135,014      4.004823      12,555,176    0.00%    11.55%    
   0.00%    3,258,384      3.590186      11,698,205    0.00%    0.57%    
   0.00%    3,237,773      3.569969      11,558,749    0.00%    46.47%    
   0.00%    3,153,932      2.437287      7,687,037    0.00%    -40.93%    
Janus Aspen Series – INTECH Risk-Managed Core Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.00%    30,204      17.753498      536,227    0.11%    10.77%    
   0.00%    31,826      16.027544      510,093    1.33%    10.91%    
   0.00%    23,542      14.450740      340,199    2.52%    17.46%    
   0.00%    3,278      12.302260      40,327    0.30%    23.02%     05/01/03
Janus Aspen Series – International Growth Portfolio – Service II Shares
   0.00%    754,850      11.629148      8,778,262    1.78%    16.29%     05/01/06
Janus Aspen Series – International Growth Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.00%    2,503,690      14.528655      36,375,248    1.89%    46.63%    
   0.00%    2,831,486      9.908475      28,055,708    1.05%    31.94%    
   0.00%    3,009,298      7.509901      22,599,530    0.85%    18.69%    
   0.00%    3,013,609      6.327527      19,068,692    1.02%    34.53%    
   0.00%    2,935,440      4.703343      13,806,381    0.70%    -25.76%    
MFS® Variable Insurance Trust – Investors Growth Stock Series – Initial Class
   0.00%    314,824      14.233850      4,481,158    0.00%    7.58%    
   0.00%    291,396      13.231476      3,855,599    0.34%    4.49%    
   0.00%    214,290      12.663111      2,713,578    0.00%    9.18%    
   0.00%    38,925      11.597867      451,447    0.00%    15.98%     05/01/03

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
MFS® Variable Insurance Trust – Value Series – Initial Class
   0.00%   200,260    $   18.360218    $ 3,676,817      0.97%   20.84%    
   0.00%   118,172      15.193770      1,795,478      0.73%   6.66%    
   0.00%   72,218      14.245099      1,028,753      0.45%   15.18%    
   0.00%   21,683      12.367820      268,171      0.00%   23.68%     05/01/03
Nationwide® GVIT Strategic Value Fund – Class I
   0.00%   99,848      10.495857      1,047,990      0.04%   38.81%    
   0.00%   103,027      7.561458      779,034      0.03%   -25.36%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Fasciano Portfolio – Class S
   0.00%   54,558      15.260818      832,600      0.00%   5.25%    
   0.00%   69,514      14.499238      1,007,900      0.00%   2.90%    
   0.00%   57,292      14.091031      807,303      0.00%   11.88%    
   0.00%   26,989      12.595173      339,931      0.00%   25.06%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Guardian Portfolio – I Class Shares
   0.00%   477,638      20.790721      9,930,438      0.70%   13.38%    
   0.00%   509,104      18.337744      9,335,819      0.15%   8.39%    
   0.00%   572,382      16.918157      9,683,649      0.12%   15.81%    
   0.00%   601,395      14.608014      8,785,187      0.89%   31.76%    
   0.00%   568,694      11.086748      6,304,967      0.75%   -26.45%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – International Portfolio – Class S
   0.00%   140,884      14.506093      2,043,676      0.29%   23.45%    
   0.00%   53,950      11.750261      633,927      0.26%   17.50%     05/02/05
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio – Class I
   0.00%   903,048      10.759706      9,716,531      3.07%   4.20%    
   0.00%   748,972      10.325859      7,733,779      3.97%   1.44%    
   0.00%   335,648      10.178954      3,416,546      4.28%   0.78%    
   0.00%   116,918      10.100257      1,180,902    12.48%   1.00%     05/01/03
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Mid Cap Growth Portfolio – I Class Shares
   0.00%   1,474,382      20.523539      30,259,536      0.00%   14.69%    
   0.00%   1,544,990      17.894121      27,646,238      0.00%   13.74%    
   0.00%   1,604,468      15.732356      25,242,062      0.00%   16.31%    
   0.00%   1,575,959      13.526477      21,317,173      0.00%   28.07%    
   0.00%   1,415,445      10.561769      14,949,603      0.00%   -29.34%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Partners Portfolio®– Class I
   0.00%   967,144      17.686426      17,105,321      0.68%   12.24%    
   0.00%   1,054,060      15.757590      16,609,445      0.98%   18.04%    
   0.00%   902,952      13.348803      12,053,328      0.01%   18.98%    
   0.00%   883,657      11.219837      9,914,488      0.00%   35.09%    
   0.00%   887,402      8.305600      7,370,406      0.54%   -24.14%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Regency Portfolio – Class S
   0.00%   62,360      12.937253      806,767      0.48%   10.94%    
   0.00%   23,100      11.661977      269,392      0.00%   16.62%     05/02/05
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Socially Responsive Portfolio®– Class I
   0.00%   160,134      17.031699      2,727,354      0.16%   13.70%    
   0.00%   104,292      14.979202      1,562,211      0.00%   6.86%    
   0.00%   42,274      14.018027      592,598      0.00%   13.28%    
   0.00%   10,340      12.374746      127,955      0.00%   23.75%     05/01/03
Oppenheimer Global Securities Fund/VA – Class 3
   0.00%   1,194,348      14.192798      16,951,140      0.84%   17.69%    
   0.00%   723,136      12.059670      8,720,782      0.00%   20.60%     05/02/05
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Capital Appreciation Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.00%   2,846,436      17.801944      50,672,094      0.38%   7.95%    
   0.00%   2,994,184      16.491164      49,377,579      0.91%   5.10%    
   0.00%   3,086,788      15.691176      48,435,334      0.31%   6.94%    
   0.00%   2,916,468      14.673413      42,794,539      0.38%   30.94%    
   0.00%   2,688,225      11.205948      30,124,110      0.57%   -26.86%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Global Securities Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.00%    1,579,632    $   15.072696    $   23,809,313    1.07%    17.69%    
   0.00%    2,017,894      12.806945      25,843,057    1.00%    14.31%    
   0.00%    2,460,964      11.203969      27,572,564    1.15%    19.16%    
   0.00%    1,978,401      9.402230      18,601,381    0.73%    43.02%    
   0.00%    1,533,749      6.574074      10,082,979    0.55%    -22.13%    
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer High Income Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.00%    324,172      13.641009      4,422,033    6.62%    9.42%    
   0.00%    304,496      12.466334      3,795,949    6.30%    2.31%    
   0.00%    260,866      12.184423      3,178,502    4.03%    8.97%    
   0.00%    137,738      11.181817      1,540,161    0.00%    11.82%     05/01/03
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Main Street Fund®/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.00%    2,564,464      14.338943      36,771,703    1.10%    15.02%    
   0.00%    2,675,742      12.465965      33,355,706    1.37%    5.98%    
   0.00%    2,802,124      11.763032      32,961,474    0.83%    9.46%    
   0.00%    2,733,213      10.746526      29,372,545    0.90%    26.72%    
   0.00%    2,347,711      8.480652      19,910,120    0.75%    -18.80%    
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap Fund®/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.00%    215,614      20.937110      4,514,334    0.13%    15.00%    
   0.00%    146,346      18.206560      2,664,457    0.00%    9.92%    
   0.00%    111,964      16.563464      1,854,512    0.00%    19.42%    
   0.00%    81,527      13.869971      1,130,777    0.00%    38.70%     05/01/03
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Mid Cap Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.00%    1,834,314      15.810416      29,001,267    0.00%    2.96%    
   0.00%    2,021,976      15.356470      31,050,414    0.00%    12.33%    
   0.00%    2,473,214      13.671269      33,811,974    0.00%    19.78%    
   0.00%    2,289,693      11.413972      26,134,492    0.00%    25.59%    
   0.00%    2,165,861      9.088271      19,683,932    0.63%    -27.79%    
Putnam Variable Trust – Putnam VT Growth and Income Fund – IB Shares
   0.00%    79,204      16.838971      1,333,714    1.47%    15.91%    
   0.00%    79,162      14.527575      1,150,032    1.49%    5.23%    
   0.00%    69,826      13.805820      964,005    1.11%    11.11%    
   0.00%    21,892      12.425216      272,013    0.00%    24.25%     05/01/03
Putnam Variable Trust – Putnam VT International Equity Fund – IB Shares
   0.00%    227,790      21.310423      4,854,301    0.36%    27.72%    
   0.00%    138,276      16.685441      2,307,196    1.32%    12.20%    
   0.00%    107,542      14.871493      1,599,310    1.30%    16.19%    
   0.00%    58,343      12.798803      746,721    0.00%    27.99%     05/01/03
Putnam Variable Trust – Putnam VT Voyager Fund – IB Shares
   0.00%    28,784      13.874456      399,362    0.11%    5.44%    
   0.00%    27,308      13.159164      359,350    0.59%    5.69%    
   0.00%    26,864      12.450430      334,468    0.20%    5.03%    
   0.00%    11,366      11.853879      134,731    0.00%    18.54%     05/01/03
T. Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth Portfolio – II
   0.00%    117,044      12.370493      1,447,892    0.34%    9.33%    
   0.00%    33,050      11.314946      373,959    0.16%    13.15%     05/02/05
T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio – II
   0.00%    232,318      17.880327      4,153,922    1.35%    18.65%    
   0.00%    69,938      15.070153      1,053,976    1.39%    3.69%    
T. Rowe Price Limited Term Bond Portfolio – Class II
   0.00%    51,598      10.535464      543,609    3.73%    4.03%    
   0.00%    19,896      10.127763      201,502    2.09%    1.28%     05/02/05
Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust – Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund – Initial Class
   0.00%    565,466      26.133423      14,777,562    0.56%    39.49%    
   0.00%    573,050      18.734825      10,735,991    0.71%    32.00%    
   0.00%    535,204      14.193509      7,596,423    0.53%    25.89%    
   0.00%    596,383      11.274461      6,723,897    0.11%    54.19%    
   0.00%    596,497      7.312205      4,361,708    0.21%    -2.90%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust – Worldwide Hard Assets Fund – Initial Class
   0.00%    487,264    $   27.499610    $ 13,399,570      0.06%    24.49%    
   0.00%    509,766      22.089482      11,260,467      0.31%    51.67%    
   0.00%    392,894      14.564221      5,722,195      0.31%    24.23%    
   0.00%    345,678      11.747435      4,060,830      0.41%    45.08%    
   0.00%    244,054      8.097327      1,976,185      0.75%    -2.83%    
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – Core Plus Fixed Income Portfolio – Class I
   0.00%    190,806      11.546094      2,203,064      4.06%    3.73%    
   0.00%    126,012      11.130805      1,402,615      3.73%    4.21%    
   0.00%    50,918      10.680729      543,841      3.92%    4.37%    
   0.00%    12,470      10.233765      127,615      0.05%    2.34%     05/01/03
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio – Class I
   0.00%    296,826      21.725302      6,448,634    10.28%    10.81%    
   0.00%    306,254      19.606425      6,004,546      7.14%    12.25%    
   0.00%    310,368      17.466655      5,421,091      7.52%    10.06%    
   0.00%    310,596      15.869838      4,929,108      0.00%    27.86%    
   0.00%    229,797      12.411489      2,852,123      8.74%    9.22%    
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – Mid Cap Growth Portfolio – Class I
   0.00%    282,660      9.364438      2,646,952      0.00%    9.27%    
   0.00%    300,668      8.569610      2,576,607      0.00%    17.57%    
   0.00%    328,124      7.289089      2,391,725      0.00%    21.60%    
   0.00%    308,361      5.994500      1,848,470      0.00%    41.76%    
   0.00%    282,160      4.228519      1,193,119      0.00%    -31.16%    
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – U.S. Real Estate Portfolio – Class I
   0.00%    1,384,756      36.117848      50,014,407      1.07%    38.04%    
   0.00%    1,409,392      26.163932      36,875,236      1.19%    17.05%    
   0.00%    1,415,482      22.352530      31,639,604      1.61%    36.39%    
   0.00%    1,225,582      16.388129      20,084,996      0.00%    37.51%    
   0.00%    1,098,781      11.917684      13,094,925      4.01%    -0.79%    
Wells Fargo Advantage Variable Trust FundsSM– Wells Fargo Advantage VT Opportunity FundSM
   0.00%    1,303,766      13.648563      17,794,532      0.00%    12.22%    
   0.00%    1,428,994      12.162469      17,380,095      0.00%    7.88%    
   0.00%    1,509,654      11.273634      17,019,287      0.00%    18.22%    
   0.00%    1,535,336      9.536128      14,641,161      0.08%    37.01%    
   0.00%    1,334,891      6.960374      9,291,341      0.50%    -26.82%    
The BEST of AMERICA® America’s FUTURE Life SeriesSM
Reduced Fee Tier (0.10%)
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Basic Value Fund – Series I
   0.10%    1,258      17.426798      21,923      0.42%    13.09%    
   0.10%    174      15.409499      2,681      0.09%    5.63%    
   0.10%    27,138      14.588087      395,892      0.00%    10.96%    
   0.10%    173      13.147350      2,274      0.06%    33.49%    
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Capital Appreciation Fund – Series I
   0.10%    1,045      13.277382      13,875      0.00%    35.22%    
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Capital Development Fund – Series I Shares
   0.10%    100,288      19.526450      1,958,269      0.00%    16.40%    
   0.10%    29,388      16.774744      492,976      0.00%    9.50%    
   0.10%    12,220      15.320003      187,210      0.00%    15.38%    
AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. – Growth and Income Portfolio – Class A
   0.10%    3,554      18.130310      64,435      1.37%    17.17%    
   0.10%    84,426      15.473584      1,306,373      1.48%    4.76%    
   0.10%    13,180      14.770235      194,672      0.92%    11.35%    
   0.10%    8,268      13.264628      109,672      0.51%    32.37%    
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Income & Growth Fund – Class I
   0.10%    23,772      13.528072      321,589      1.85%    16.97%    
   0.10%    27,068      11.565387      313,052      1.94%    4.53%    
   0.10%    39,010      11.064552      431,628      1.37%    12.88%    
   0.10%    44,282      9.802103      434,057      1.28%    29.22%    
   0.10%    483,390      7.585400      3,666,707      1.00%    -19.45%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – International Fund – Class I
   0.10%    620,316    $ 15.094317    $ 9,363,246    1.58%    24.90%    
   0.10%    645,460      12.085047      7,800,414    1.25%    13.14%    
   0.10%    881,348      10.681395      9,414,026    0.56%    14.81%    
   0.10%    860,133      9.303615      8,002,346    0.73%    24.39%    
   0.10%    1,065,487      7.479659      7,969,479    0.78%    -20.45%    
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Ultra® Fund – Class I
   0.10%    28,308      10.929351      309,388    0.00%    -3.37%    
   0.10%    28,300      11.310747      320,094    0.00%    2.06%    
   0.10%    9,976      11.082064      110,555    0.00%    10.56%    
   0.10%    865      10.023142      8,670    0.00%    24.77%    
   0.10%    3,004      8.033091      24,131    0.66%    -19.67%     05/01/02
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Value Fund – Class I
   0.10%    62,962      21.860590      1,376,386    1.41%    18.53%    
   0.10%    71,456      18.442377      1,317,818    0.83%    4.93%    
   0.10%    59,642      17.576102      1,048,274    0.97%    14.22%    
   0.10%    68,891      15.388111      1,060,102    1.04%    28.83%    
   0.10%    455,713      11.944573      5,443,297    0.75%    -12.71%    
Baron Capital Funds Trust – Baron Capital Asset Fund – Insurance Shares
   0.10%    80,920      18.851618      1,525,473    0.00%    15.41%    
   0.10%    97,836      16.334885      1,598,140    0.00%    3.26%    
   0.10%    128,444      15.819001      2,031,856    0.00%    25.51%    
   0.10%    13,790      12.603456      173,802    0.00%    29.88%    
Calvert Variable Series, Inc. – Social Equity Portfolio
   0.10%    1,026      15.439612      15,841    0.00%    9.95%    
   0.10%    1,026      14.042800      14,408    0.06%    4.44%    
   0.10%    1,026      13.445930      13,796    0.08%    7.05%    
   0.10%    1,026      12.560357      12,887    0.01%    22.05%    
Credit Suisse Trust – Large Cap Value Portfolio
   0.10%    9,715      11.248621      109,280    0.76%    25.04%    
   0.10%    15,615      8.996113      140,474    0.76%    -23.17%    
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios – Mid Cap Stock Index Portfolio – Initial Shares
   0.10%    2,040      17.625316      35,956    0.37%    7.64%    
   0.10%    2,806      16.374088      45,946    0.02%    9.06%    
   0.10%    2,784      15.013547      41,798    0.43%    14.36%    
   0.10%    98,265      13.128294      1,290,052    1.02%    31.59%    
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios – Small Cap Stock Index Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.10%    28,070      15.739536      441,809    0.38%    14.30%    
   0.10%    37,378      13.770744      514,723    0.00%    7.13%    
   0.10%    219,642      12.854754      2,823,444    0.57%    21.76%    
   0.10%    220,855      10.557229      2,331,617    0.27%    37.64%    
   0.10%    173,580      7.670098      1,331,376    0.29%    -23.30%     05/01/02
Dreyfus Socially Responsible Growth Fund, Inc. – Initial Shares, The
   0.10%    84,702      9.023502      764,309    0.11%    9.09%    
   0.10%    90,610      8.271484      749,479    0.00%    3.51%    
   0.10%    88,956      7.990838      710,833    0.40%    6.10%    
   0.10%    85,500      7.531118      643,911    0.11%    25.88%    
   0.10%    103,586      5.982920      619,747    0.22%    -29.02%    
Dreyfus Stock Index Fund, Inc. – Initial Shares
   0.10%    363,900      12.054530      4,386,643    1.64%    15.38%    
   0.10%    426,152      10.447448      4,452,201    1.63%    4.59%    
   0.10%    1,151,618      9.989249      11,503,799    1.82%    10.53%    
   0.10%    1,165,447      9.037627      10,532,875    1.54%    28.23%    
   0.10%    3,024,447      7.047709      21,315,422    1.45%    -22.44%    
Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund – Appreciation Portfolio – Initial Shares
   0.10%    41,554      12.369250      513,992    1.53%    16.36%    
   0.10%    49,014      10.630084      521,023    0.02%    4.27%    
   0.10%    44,950      10.194416      458,239    1.67%    4.94%    
   0.10%    55,181      9.714448      536,053    1.18%    21.05%    
   0.10%    471,098      8.025278      3,780,692    1.22%    -16.80%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund – International Value Portfolio – Initial Shares
   0.10%    70,076    $   21.100318    $ 1,478,626      1.25%    22.47%    
   0.10%    71,656      17.228282      1,234,510      0.00%    11.78%    
   0.10%    69,786      15.412931      1,075,607      1.23%    19.90%    
   0.10%    64,009      12.854570      822,808      2.67%    36.22%    
   0.10%    23,131      9.436677      218,280      0.37%    -5.63%     09/03/02
Federated Insurance Series – Federated Quality Bond Fund II – Primary Shares
   0.10%    380,302      14.611096      5,556,629      5.17%    4.05%    
   0.10%    394,406      14.042347      5,538,386      3.55%    1.20%    
   0.10%    720,724      13.876320      10,000,997      3.92%    3.52%    
   0.10%    711,865      13.404948      9,542,513      3.30%    4.54%    
   0.10%    1,174,189      12.822629      15,056,190      3.20%    9.20%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Equity-Income Portfolio – Service Class
   0.10%    114,862      16.213431      1,862,307      3.15%    19.96%    
   0.10%    129,586      13.515730      1,751,449      1.56%    5.65%    
   0.10%    300,426      12.792683      3,843,255      1.39%    11.27%    
   0.10%    318,394      11.496883      3,660,539      1.66%    30.09%    
   0.10%    1,076,277      8.837687      9,511,799      1.50%    -17.08%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Growth Portfolio – Service Class
   0.10%    963,760      9.843867      9,487,125      0.28%    6.63%    
   0.10%    1,048,788      9.232178      9,682,598      0.41%    5.57%    
   0.10%    1,103,628      8.745297      9,651,555      0.16%    3.16%    
   0.10%    1,108,591      8.477377      9,397,944      0.18%    32.65%    
   0.10%    1,133,702      6.390869      7,245,341      0.14%    -30.27%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – High Income Portfolio – Service Class
   0.10%    628,630      11.430519      7,185,567      7.58%    11.07%    
   0.10%    653,958      10.291612      6,730,282    14.70%    2.42%    
   0.10%    668,456      10.048366      6,716,891      8.03%    9.36%    
   0.10%    674,902      9.188481      6,201,324      6.36%    26.84%    
   0.10%    844,975      7.243970      6,120,974      9.18%    3.51%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Overseas Portfolio – Service Class
   0.10%    106,768      15.818147      1,688,872      0.84%    17.83%    
   0.10%    116,010      13.424644      1,557,393      0.56%    18.85%    
   0.10%    127,656      11.295209      1,441,901      0.98%    13.37%    
   0.10%    100,484      9.962776      1,001,100      0.63%    43.06%    
   0.10%    191,072      6.964010      1,330,627      0.64%    -20.42%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund II – Contrafund® Portfolio – Service Class
   0.10%    155,940      16.622464      2,592,107      1.12%    11.48%    
   0.10%    216,460      14.910969      3,227,628      0.19%    16.73%    
   0.10%    194,978      12.773836      2,490,617      0.24%    15.22%    
   0.10%    200,777      11.086093      2,225,832      0.30%    28.22%    
   0.10%    166,146      8.645878      1,436,478      0.69%    -9.51%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Growth Opportunities Portfolio – Service Class
   0.10%    18,424      9.223917      169,941      0.69%    5.20%    
   0.10%    18,822      8.768269      165,036      0.84%    8.75%    
   0.10%    19,294      8.062568      155,559      0.48%    6.95%    
   0.10%    17,795      7.538466      134,147      0.59%    29.53%    
   0.10%    37,306      5.819798      217,113      0.93%    -21.99%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Value Strategies Portfolio – Service Class
   0.10%    4,096      16.020178      65,619      0.49%    16.08%    
   0.10%    6,844      13.800839      94,453      0.00%    2.45%    
   0.10%    9,532      13.470536      128,401      0.00%    13.87%    
   0.10%    9,280      11.829409      109,777      0.00%    57.63%    
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Templeton Foreign Securities Fund – Class 2
   0.10%    8,186      19.804108      162,116      1.24%    21.32%    
   0.10%    25,200      16.323349      411,348      1.12%    10.06%    
   0.10%    202,324      14.831493      3,000,767      1.11%    18.41%    
   0.10%    172,783      12.525565      2,164,205      1.96%    32.08%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Gartmore GVIT – Emerging Markets Fund – Class I
   0.10%    48,516    $   25.182064    $ 1,221,733      0.71%    36.58%    
   0.10%    51,076      18.437333      941,705      0.60%    32.50%    
   0.10%    70,226      13.914559      977,164      1.04%    20.62%    
   0.10%    47,949      11.535602      553,121      0.61%    65.10%    
   0.10%    32,769      6.987132      228,961      0.23%    -15.31%    
Gartmore GVIT – Federated GGVIT High Income Bond Fund – Class I
   0.10%    9,510      14.865456      141,370      7.41%    10.49%    
   0.10%    25,760      13.453811      346,570      6.92%    2.28%    
   0.10%    95,632      13.154128      1,257,956      7.58%    9.99%    
   0.10%    22,729      11.959792      271,834      7.99%    22.15%    
   0.10%    383,942      9.791148      3,759,233    10.09%    3.12%    
Gartmore GVIT – Global Financial Services Fund – Class I
   0.10%    98,040      19.738206      1,935,134      1.89%    20.20%    
   0.10%    69,072      16.420998      1,134,231      2.00%    11.04%    
   0.10%    5,676      14.788326      83,939      1.37%    20.87%    
   0.10%    4,317      12.234704      52,817      1.08%    41.31%    
   0.10%    1,597      8.658094      13,827      0.02%    -13.42%     05/01/02
Gartmore GVIT – Global Health Sciences Fund – Class I
   0.10%    13,596      13.631572      185,335      0.00%    2.61%    
   0.10%    20,710      13.285419      275,141      0.00%    8.33%    
   0.10%    49,544      12.263680      607,592      0.00%    7.75%    
   0.10%    8,967      11.381435      102,057      0.00%    36.56%    
Gartmore GVIT – Global Technology and Communications Fund – Class I
   0.10%    101,564      3.509892      356,479      0.00%    11.06%    
   0.10%    125,958      3.160408      398,079      0.00%    -0.62%    
   0.10%    675,570      3.180008      2,148,318      0.00%    4.21%    
   0.10%    111,866      3.051579      341,368      0.00%    55.08%    
   0.10%    109,706      1.967806      215,880      0.67%    -42.84%    
Gartmore GVIT – Global Utilities Fund – Class I
   0.10%    11,378      20.394132      232,044      2.84%    37.42%    
   0.10%    16,528      14.840284      245,280      2.09%    6.28%    
   0.10%    13,192      13.963148      184,202      1.64%    29.84%    
   0.10%    1,184      10.754365      12,733      1.02%    23.93%    
   0.10%    200      8.678027      1,736      0.61%    -13.22%     05/01/02
Gartmore GVIT – Government Bond Fund – Class I
   0.10%    78,218      14.788907      1,156,759      3.95%    3.24%    
   0.10%    100,704      14.325057      1,442,591      3.71%    3.16%    
   0.10%    68,418      13.886189      950,065      5.38%    3.16%    
   0.10%    112,900      13.460973      1,519,744      3.25%    1.90%    
   0.10%    1,835,772      13.210181      24,250,880      4.66%    10.87%    
Gartmore GVIT – Growth Fund: Class I
   0.10%    51,726      6.260681      323,840      0.05%    6.06%    
   0.10%    59,854      5.902844      353,309      0.08%    6.39%    
   0.10%    47,844      5.548096      265,443      0.34%    8.05%    
   0.10%    27,011      5.134813      138,696      0.02%    32.61%    
   0.10%    278,378      3.872224      1,077,942      0.00%    -28.79%    
Gartmore GVIT – International Growth Fund – Class I
   0.10%    109,564      13.347009      1,462,352      0.84%    32.83%    
   0.10%    96,242      10.048006      967,040      1.10%    30.08%    
   0.10%    50,722      7.724537      391,804      0.85%    14.08%    
   0.10%    40,966      6.771174      277,388      0.00%    35.49%    
   0.10%    15,806      4.997657      78,993      0.00%    -24.18%    
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Aggressive Fund – Class II
   0.10%    23,050      15.724474      362,449      2.11%    16.75%    
   0.10%    24,154      13.468331      325,314      2.02%    7.82%    
   0.10%    24,186      12.491088      302,109      1.85%    13.91%    
   0.10%    23,514      10.965564      257,844      1.57%    31.74%    
   0.10%    4,815      8.323942      40,080      0.86%    -16.76%     01/25/02

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Conservative Fund – Class II
   0.10%    26,518    $   12.386397    $ 328,462    3.23%    6.06%    
   0.10%    29,088      11.678890      339,716    2.49%    3.20%    
   0.10%    21,194      11.316349      239,839    2.49%    4.55%    
   0.10%    13,104      10.824110      141,839    2.59%    7.80%    
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderate Fund – Class II
   0.10%    1,864      14.029768      26,151    2.47%    11.24%    
   0.10%    1,874      12.611956      23,635    2.39%    5.24%    
   0.10%    39,950      11.984122      478,766    2.21%    9.43%    
   0.10%    1,913      10.951794      20,951    2.05%    19.93%    
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderately Aggressive Fund – Class II
   0.10%    18,108      15.050687      272,538    2.25%    14.43%    
   0.10%    20,444      13.153196      268,904    2.19%    6.97%    
   0.10%    14,182      12.296725      174,392    2.01%    11.98%    
   0.10%    6,422      10.981133      70,521    1.61%    26.52%    
   0.10%    6,436      8.679579      55,862    1.05%    -13.20%     01/25/02
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderately Conservative Fund – Class II
   0.10%    8,862      13.243591      117,365    2.84%    8.31%    
   0.10%    8,950      12.226987      109,432    2.78%    4.38%    
   0.10%    9,038      11.713743      105,869    2.38%    7.05%    
   0.10%    2,011      10.942135      22,005    2.33%    13.58%    
Gartmore GVIT – J.P. Morgan GVIT Balanced Fund: Class I
   0.10%    64,592      12.335682      796,786    2.25%    12.14%    
   0.10%    81,682      11.000579      898,549    1.98%    2.44%    
   0.10%    59,166      10.738528      635,356    1.94%    8.38%    
   0.10%    19,620      9.907971      194,394    1.76%    18.30%    
   0.10%    192,540      8.375591      1,612,636    2.28%    -12.40%    
Gartmore GVIT – Mid Cap Growth Fund – Class I
   0.10%    101,742      11.829636      1,203,571    0.00%    9.80%    
   0.10%    102,290      10.773967      1,102,069    0.00%    9.63%    
   0.10%    102,944      9.827397      1,011,672    0.00%    15.22%    
   0.10%    121,377      8.529042      1,035,230    0.00%    39.99%    
   0.10%    509,655      6.092407      3,105,026    0.00%    -37.08%    
Gartmore GVIT – Mid Cap Index Fund – Class I
   0.10%    154,944      22.525451      3,490,183    1.14%    9.78%    
   0.10%    169,140      20.518746      3,470,541    1.04%    11.99%    
   0.10%    193,708      18.322527      3,549,220    0.56%    15.62%    
   0.10%    216,768      15.847726      3,435,280    0.50%    34.52%    
   0.10%    185,632      11.781293      2,186,985    0.45%    -15.39%    
Gartmore GVIT – Money Market Fund – Class I
   0.10%    1,193,207      11.481201      13,699,449    1.51%    1.11%    
Gartmore GVIT – Money Market Fund – Class V
   0.10%    6,733,802      10.900267      73,400,240    4.63%    4.51%    
   0.10%    537,434      10.429961      5,605,416    2.74%    2.65%    
   0.10%    13,954,380      10.160839      141,788,209    0.91%    0.79%    
   0.10%    8,030,895      10.081195      80,961,019    0.70%    0.61%    
   0.10%    11,193,504      10.020530      112,164,843    0.28%    0.21%    
Gartmore GVIT – Nationwide® Fund – Class I
   0.10%    37,804,244      12.681766      479,424,576    1.09%    13.51%    
   0.10%    38,013,326      11.171952      424,683,053    1.00%    7.33%    
   0.10%    19,034,918      10.408568      198,126,238    1.30%    9.64%    
   0.10%    19,180,432      9.493288      182,085,365    0.59%    27.38%    
   0.10%    16,109,248      7.452447      120,053,317    0.95%    -17.44%    
Gartmore GVIT – Nationwide® Leaders Fund – Class I
   0.10%    8,386      16.041401      134,523    0.70%    15.93%    
   0.10%    13,776      13.837136      190,620    1.29%    10.20%    
   0.10%    12,564      12.556222      157,756    0.48%    18.67%    
   0.10%    8,556      10.580391      90,526    0.15%    25.26%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Gartmore GVIT – Small Cap Growth Fund – Class I
   0.10%    82,090    $   17.233732    $ 1,414,717    0.00%    3.10%    
   0.10%    123,464      16.714800      2,063,676    0.00%    7.98%    
   0.10%    70,962      15.479228      1,098,437    0.00%    13.30%    
   0.10%    81,334      13.661888      1,111,176    0.00%    34.13%    
   0.10%    65,945      10.185475      671,681    0.00%    -33.35%    
Gartmore GVIT – Small Cap Value Fund – Class I
   0.10%    237,134      30.784276      7,299,999    0.43%    17.18%    
   0.10%    250,094      26.271693      6,570,393    0.07%    2.97%    
   0.10%    250,742      25.513967      6,397,423    0.00%    17.18%    
   0.10%    270,768      21.773115      5,895,463    0.00%    56.70%    
   0.10%    280,707      13.895068      3,900,443    0.01%    -27.24%    
Gartmore GVIT – Small Company Fund – Class I
   0.10%    109,004      26.100738      2,845,085    0.10%    11.93%    
   0.10%    123,158      23.319481      2,871,981    0.00%    12.20%    
   0.10%    254,060      20.783025      5,280,135    0.00%    18.90%    
   0.10%    334,150      17.478961      5,840,595    0.00%    40.87%    
   0.10%    388,032      12.407717      4,814,591    0.00%    -17.41%    
Gartmore GVIT – Turner GVIT Growth Focus Fund – Class I
   0.10%    32,705      3.326027      108,778    0.00%    50.81%    
   0.10%    45,497      2.205430      100,340    0.00%    -42.91%    
Gartmore GVIT – U.S. Growth Leaders Fund – Class I
   0.10%    74,050      15.632647      1,157,598    0.27%    -0.39%    
   0.10%    70,284      15.693455      1,102,999    0.00%    11.85%    
   0.10%    44,170      14.030717      619,737    0.00%    12.30%    
   0.10%    36,540      12.494332      456,543    0.00%    51.98%    
Gartmore GVIT – Van Kampen GGVIT Comstock Value Fund: Class I
   0.10%    5,264      12.540372      66,013    1.73%    15.79%    
   0.10%    5,204      10.830304      56,361    1.61%    4.14%    
   0.10%    230,518      10.399470      2,397,265    1.39%    17.38%    
   0.10%    233,799      8.859580      2,071,361    1.34%    31.30%    
   0.10%    211,612      6.747487      1,427,849    1.34%    -25.22%    
Gartmore GVIT – Van Kampen GVIT Multi-Sector Bond Fund – Class I
   0.10%    18,772      15.247568      286,227    4.07%    4.73%    
   0.10%    28,056      14.558458      408,452    3.99%    2.08%    
   0.10%    6,318      14.262059      90,108    4.55%    6.43%    
   0.10%    3,251      13.400762      43,566    5.42%    12.00%    
   0.10%    479,688      11.964522      5,739,238    4.49%    7.10%    
Gartmore GVIT – Worldwide Leaders Fund – Class I
   0.10%    64,922      14.839096      963,384    0.85%    25.76%    
   0.10%    79,212      11.799959      934,698    1.11%    19.22%    
   0.10%    120,048      9.897753      1,188,205    0.00%    15.55%    
   0.10%    11,041      8.565807      94,575    0.00%    35.92%    
   0.10%    44,257      6.301972      278,906    2.00%    -25.46%    
Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust – Goldman Sachs VIT Mid Cap Value Fund
   0.10%    29,454      20.859259      614,389    0.98%    16.05%    
   0.10%    75,394      17.974716      1,355,186    0.60%    12.71%    
   0.10%    117,114      15.947340      1,867,657    0.74%    25.76%    
   0.10%    855      12.680880      10,842    1.72%    28.26%    
Janus Aspen Series – Balanced Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.10%    8,030      14.645065      117,600    1.99%    10.30%    
   0.10%    10,914      13.276935      144,904    2.04%    7.55%    
   0.10%    11,560      12.344530      142,703    2.45%    8.18%    
   0.10%    8,186      11.410593      93,407    2.34%    13.61%    
Janus Aspen Series – Forty Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.10%    124,964      9.364110      1,170,177    0.14%    9.01%    
   0.10%    217,972      8.590325      1,872,450    0.01%    12.44%    
   0.10%    112,522      7.639669      859,631    0.02%    17.85%    
   0.10%    178,232      6.482555      1,155,399    0.25%    20.11%    
   0.10%    182,330      5.397045      984,043    0.32%    -16.01%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Janus Aspen Series – Global Technology Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.10%    179,882    $ 4.288525    $ 771,428    0.00%    7.72%    
   0.10%    158,528      3.981148      631,123    0.00%    11.44%    
   0.10%    151,606      3.572518      541,615    0.00%    0.47%    
   0.10%    272,134      3.555943      967,693    0.00%    46.33%    
   0.10%    293,034      2.430136      712,112    0.00%    -40.99%    
Janus Aspen Series – International Growth Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.10%    206,152      14.428484      2,974,461    1.89%    46.48%    
   0.10%    177,088      9.849961      1,744,310    1.05%    31.81%    
   0.10%    150,980      7.472984      1,128,271    0.85%    18.57%    
   0.10%    176,234      6.302712      1,110,752    1.02%    34.40%    
   0.10%    520,482      4.689573      2,440,838    0.70%    -25.83%    
JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Diversified Mid Cap Growth Portfolio 1
   0.10%    35,396      17.787877      629,620    0.00%    11.28%    
   0.10%    24,994      15.985073      399,531    0.00%    10.98%    
   0.10%    2,456      14.403351      35,375    0.00%    12.51%    
JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Diversified Mid Cap Value Portfolio 1
   0.10%    5,886      19.411280      114,255    1.18%    16.60%    
   0.10%    5,916      16.647145      98,485    0.60%    9.64%    
   0.10%    5,950      15.182812      90,338    0.58%    15.28%    
   0.10%    5,997      13.170159      78,981    0.57%    32.62%    
Nationwide® GVIT Strategic Value Fund – Class I
   0.10%    6,148      10.638965      65,408    0.04%    38.67%    
   0.10%    68,838      7.672215      528,140    0.03%    -25.43%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Fasciano Portfolio – Class S
   0.10%    9,420      15.195016      143,137    0.00%    5.15%    
   0.10%    1,074      14.451137      15,521    0.00%    2.79%    
   0.10%    51,200      14.058294      719,785    0.00%    11.76%    
   0.10%    1,074      12.578474      13,509    0.00%    24.94%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Guardian Portfolio – I Class Shares
   0.10%    88,754      14.953594      1,327,191    0.70%    13.26%    
   0.10%    34,424      13.202464      454,482    0.15%    8.28%    
   0.10%    26,978      12.192566      328,931    0.12%    15.70%    
   0.10%    21,062      10.538218      221,956    0.89%    31.63%    
   0.10%    67,810      8.005967      542,885    0.75%    -26.52%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Mid Cap Growth Portfolio – I Class Shares
   0.10%    366,596      14.953339      5,481,834    0.00%    14.58%    
   0.10%    383,494      13.050574      5,004,817    0.00%    13.63%    
   0.10%    394,394      11.485392      4,529,770    0.00%    16.19%    
   0.10%    392,036      9.884865      3,875,223    0.00%    27.94%    
   0.10%    687,560      7.726029      5,312,108    0.00%    -29.41%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Partners Portfolio®– Class I
   0.10%    148,132      16.464820      2,438,967    0.68%    12.13%    
   0.10%    185,490      14.683836      2,723,705    0.98%    17.93%    
   0.10%    162,162      12.451586      2,019,174    0.01%    18.86%    
   0.10%    6,882      10.476169      72,097    0.00%    34.95%    
   0.10%    29,344      7.762839      227,793    0.54%    -24.22%    
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Capital Appreciation Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.10%    530,754      13.316078      7,067,562    0.38%    7.84%    
   0.10%    558,612      12.347907      6,897,689    0.91%    4.99%    
   0.10%    876,150      11.760631      10,304,077    0.31%    6.83%    
   0.10%    882,196      11.008811      9,711,929    0.38%    30.81%    
   0.10%    969,758      8.415727      8,161,219    0.57%    -26.93%    
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Global Securities Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.10%    150,202      14.972632      2,248,919    1.07%    17.57%    
   0.10%    183,864      12.734604      2,341,435    1.00%    14.19%    
   0.10%    419,770      11.151785      4,681,185    1.15%    19.04%    
   0.10%    441,202      9.367798      4,133,091    0.73%    42.88%    
   0.10%    769,291      6.556537      5,043,885    0.55%    -22.21%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Main Street Fund®/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.10%    43,364    $   13.108136    $ 568,421    1.10%    14.91%    
   0.10%    65,504      11.407291      747,223    1.37%    5.87%    
   0.10%    62,892      10.774785      677,648    0.83%    9.35%    
   0.10%    236,533      9.853529      2,330,685    0.90%    26.59%    
   0.10%    322,290      7.783700      2,508,609    0.75%    -18.88%    
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Mid Cap Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.10%    445,344      12.637642      5,628,098    0.00%    2.85%    
   0.10%    448,332      12.287042      5,508,674    0.00%    12.21%    
   0.10%    538,726      10.949589      5,898,828    0.00%    19.66%    
   0.10%    588,192      9.150815      5,382,436    0.00%    25.46%    
   0.10%    1,125,894      7.293537      8,211,750    0.63%    -27.86%    
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT Low Duration Portfolio – Administrative Shares
   0.10%    24,296      11.110721      269,946    4.19%    3.86%    
   0.10%    435,394      10.602263      4,616,162    1.29%    1.74%    
   0.10%    456,933      10.421178      4,761,780    1.22%    2.24%    
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT Real Return Portfolio – Administrative Shares
   0.10%    50,474      12.588282      635,381    4.26%    0.64%    
   0.10%    80,408      12.508033      1,005,746    2.85%    1.97%    
   0.10%    96,300      12.266232      1,181,238    1.03%    8.78%    
   0.10%    24,527      11.276054      276,568    2.35%    8.75%    
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT Total Return Portfolio – Administrative Shares
   0.10%    8,770      12.065231      105,812    4.42%    3.74%    
   0.10%    30,398      11.629906      353,526    3.47%    2.32%    
   0.10%    50,172      11.365760      570,243    1.92%    4.78%    
   0.10%    4,202      10.847595      45,582    2.71%    4.94%    
Pioneer Variable Contracts Trust – Pioneer High Yield VCT Portfolio – Class I
   0.10%    10,514      16.389248      172,317    5.53%    8.39%    
   0.10%    11,722      15.120107      177,238    5.49%    1.84%    
   0.10%    16,298      14.846381      241,966    5.59%    7.95%    
   0.10%    82,218      13.752414      1,130,696    5.84%    32.65%    
Royce Capital Fund – Micro Cap Portfolio
   0.10%    102,390      23.116715      2,366,920    0.17%    20.95%    
   0.10%    11,746      19.112697      224,498    0.60%    11.50%    
   0.10%    11,820      17.141696      202,615    0.00%    13.73%    
   0.10%    76,384      15.072020      1,151,261    0.00%    49.01%    
T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio – II
   0.10%    17,014      17.803262      302,905    1.35%    18.53%    
   0.10%    22,826      15.020167      342,850    1.39%    3.59%    
   0.10%    11,962      14.499419      173,442    1.46%    14.50%    
   0.10%    19,960      12.663048      252,754    1.80%    25.05%    
   0.10%    512      10.126777      5,185    0.77%    1.27%     09/03/02
T. Rowe Price Mid Cap Growth Fund – II
   0.10%    23,520      20.268825      476,723    0.00%    6.28%    
   0.10%    44,810      19.071958      854,614    0.00%    14.32%    
   0.10%    172,276      16.682608      2,874,013    0.00%    17.94%    
   0.10%    168,799      14.145535      2,387,752    0.00%    37.95%    
   0.10%    844      10.253796      8,654    0.00%    2.54%     09/03/02
Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust – Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund – Initial Class
   0.10%    43,526      35.481161      1,544,353    0.56%    39.35%    
   0.10%    38,212      25.461491      972,934    0.71%    31.86%    
   0.10%    32,436      19.308855      626,302    0.53%    25.76%    
   0.10%    26,838      15.353127      412,047    0.11%    54.03%    
   0.10%    63,522      9.967428      633,151    0.21%    -3.00%    
Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust – Worldwide Hard Assets Fund – Initial Class
   0.10%    20,452      38.333948      784,006    0.06%    24.37%    
   0.10%    26,250      30.823042      809,105    0.31%    51.52%    
   0.10%    7,980      20.342743      162,335    0.31%    24.10%    
   0.10%    7,570      16.424776      124,336    0.41%    44.93%    
   0.10%    10,722      11.332655      121,509    0.75%    -2.93%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio – Class I
   0.10%    11,152    $ 28.160613    $ 314,047    10.28%    10.70%    
   0.10%    17,164      25.439451      436,643      7.14%    12.14%    
   0.10%    6,174      22.685707      140,062      7.52%    9.95%    
   0.10%    11,686      20.632384      241,110      0.00%    27.74%    
   0.10%    2,680      16.152298      43,288      8.74%    9.11%    
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – Mid Cap Growth Portfolio – Class I
   0.10%    21,636      9.302196      201,262      0.00%    9.17%    
   0.10%    21,748      8.521148      185,318      0.00%    17.45%    
   0.10%    21,882      7.255105      158,756      0.00%    21.47%    
   0.10%    22,063      5.972526      131,772      0.00%    41.62%    
   0.10%    63,481      4.217224      267,714      0.00%    -31.23%    
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – U.S. Real Estate Portfolio – Class I
   0.10%    109,384      42.551820      4,654,488      1.07%    37.91%    
   0.10%    125,524      30.855447      3,873,099      1.19%    16.93%    
   0.10%    110,058      26.386900      2,904,089      1.61%    36.26%    
   0.10%    189,968      19.365338      3,678,795      0.00%    37.37%    
   0.10%    346,576      14.096819      4,885,619      4.01%    -0.89%    
Wells Fargo Advantage Variable Trust FundsSM– Wells Fargo Advantage VT Opportunity FundSM
   0.10%    143,310      13.557898      1,942,982      0.00%    12.11%    
   0.10%    114,460      12.093732      1,384,249      0.00%    7.78%    
   0.10%    184,596      11.221097      2,071,370      0.00%    18.10%    
   0.10%    223,707      9.501191      2,125,483      0.08%    36.87%    
   0.10%    226,501      6.941814      1,572,328      0.50%    -26.89%    
The BEST of AMERICA® America’s FUTURE Life SeriesSM
Reduced Fee Tier (0.20%)
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Basic Value Fund – Series I
   0.20%    55,730      17.351728      967,012      0.42%    12.98%    
   0.20%    46,214      15.358428      709,774      0.09%    5.53%    
   0.20%    23,358      14.554224      339,958      0.00%    10.85%    
   0.20%    4,973      13.129953      65,295      0.06%    33.36%    
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Capital Appreciation Fund – Series I
   0.20%    288      13.259800      3,819      0.00%    35.09%    
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Capital Development Fund – Series I Shares
   0.20%    73,000      19.442307      1,419,288      0.00%    16.29%    
   0.20%    21,682      16.719125      362,504      0.00%    9.39%    
   0.20%    996      15.284432      15,223      0.00%    15.27%    
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. International Growth Fund – Series I
   0.20%    189,366      17.958795      3,400,785      0.97%    27.98%    
   0.20%    451,992      14.032735      6,342,684      1.14%    17.69%    
   0.20%    126,346      11.923183      1,506,446      1.36%    19.23%     05/03/04
AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. – Growth and Income Portfolio – Class A
   0.20%    44,760      18.052215      808,017      1.37%    17.05%    
   0.20%    37,842      15.422290      583,610      1.48%    4.66%    
   0.20%    28,554      14.735953      420,770      0.92%    11.24%    
   0.20%    5,515      13.247066      73,058      0.51%    32.24%    
AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. – International Value Portfolio – Class A
   0.20%    287,868      11.326575      3,260,558      0.57%    13.27%     05/01/06
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Income & Growth Fund – Class I
   0.20%    163,996      13.239121      2,171,163      1.85%    16.85%    
   0.20%    123,222      11.329648      1,396,062      1.94%    4.42%    
   0.20%    141,218      10.849845      1,532,193      1.37%    12.77%    
   0.20%    166,512      9.621502      1,602,096      1.28%    29.09%    
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – International Fund – Class I
   0.20%    530,226      11.868885      6,293,191      1.58%    24.78%    
   0.20%    640,818      9.512128      6,095,543      1.25%    13.03%    
   0.20%    434,052      8.415693      3,652,848      0.56%    14.69%    
   0.20%    384,244      7.337502      2,819,391      0.73%    24.26%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Ultra® Fund – Class I
   0.20%    38,106    $   10.878509    $ 414,536    0.00%    -3.47%    
   0.20%    34,792      11.269368      392,084    0.00%    1.96%    
   0.20%    7,212      11.052535      79,711    0.00%    10.45%    
   0.20%    1,924      10.006426      19,252    0.00%    24.65%    
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Value Fund – Class I
   0.20%    228,952      18.916906      4,331,063    1.41%    18.42%    
   0.20%    421,892      15.974895      6,739,680    0.83%    4.82%    
   0.20%    321,958      15.239704      4,906,545    0.97%    14.10%    
   0.20%    190,981      13.355894      2,550,722    1.04%    28.70%    
Baron Capital Funds Trust – Baron Capital Asset Fund – Insurance Shares
   0.20%    216,684      18.770366      4,067,238    0.00%    15.29%    
   0.20%    219,114      16.280709      3,567,331    0.00%    3.16%    
   0.20%    401,660      15.782247      6,339,097    0.00%    25.39%    
   0.20%    276,028      12.586755      3,474,297    0.00%    29.75%    
Credit Suisse Trust – Global Small Cap Portfolio
   0.20%    7,744      8.356633      64,714    0.00%    17.75%    
   0.20%    7,043      7.096703      49,982    0.00%    47.36%    
Credit Suisse Trust – International Focus Portfolio
   0.20%    10,148      9.684322      98,276    0.99%    14.51%    
   0.20%    9,647      8.456964      81,584    0.49%    32.82%    
Credit Suisse Trust – Large Cap Value Portfolio
   0.20%    35,398      11.474634      406,179    0.58%    11.12%    
   0.20%    20,469      10.326271      211,368    0.76%    24.91%    
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios – Mid Cap Stock Index Portfolio – Initial Shares
   0.20%    15,656      17.549344      274,753    0.37%    7.53%    
   0.20%    13,484      16.319776      220,056    0.02%    8.95%    
   0.20%    20,268      14.978665      303,588    0.43%    14.25%    
   0.20%    8,456      13.110902      110,866    1.02%    31.46%    
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios – Small Cap Stock Index Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.20%    155,436      15.666332      2,435,112    0.38%    14.18%    
   0.20%    219,726      13.720362      3,014,720    0.00%    7.02%    
   0.20%    330,608      12.820499      4,238,560    0.57%    21.64%    
   0.20%    13,371      10.539624      140,925    0.27%    37.50%    
Dreyfus Socially Responsible Growth Fund, Inc. – Initial Shares, The
   0.20%    29,340      7.311886      214,531    0.40%    6.00%    
   0.20%    15,093      6.898125      104,113    0.11%    25.75%    
Dreyfus Stock Index Fund, Inc. – Initial Shares
   0.20%    3,580,384      11.623891      41,617,993    1.64%    15.27%    
   0.20%    6,634,008      10.084272      66,899,141    1.63%    4.48%    
   0.20%    4,920,402      9.651621      47,489,855    1.82%    10.42%    
   0.20%    3,957,858      8.740894      34,595,217    1.54%    28.11%    
Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund – Appreciation Portfolio – Initial Shares
   0.20%    139,136      11.546593      1,606,547    1.53%    16.24%    
   0.20%    66,566      9.932997      661,200    0.02%    4.17%    
   0.20%    290,942      9.535398      2,774,248    1.67%    4.84%    
   0.20%    265,908      9.095533      2,418,575    1.18%    20.93%    
Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund – International Value Portfolio – Initial Shares
   0.20%    644,284      21.009394      13,536,016    1.25%    22.35%    
   0.20%    679,392      17.171154      11,665,945    0.00%    11.67%    
   0.20%    1,014,594      15.377151      15,601,565    1.23%    19.78%    
   0.20%    611,687      12.837546      7,852,560    2.67%    36.08%    
Federated Insurance Series – Federated Quality Bond Fund II – Primary Shares
   0.20%    197,756      14.499637      2,867,390    5.17%    3.95%    
   0.20%    1,334,518      13.949122      18,615,354    3.55%    1.10%    
   0.20%    1,045,524      13.797947      14,426,085    3.92%    3.41%    
   0.20%    705,554      13.342573      9,413,906    3.30%    4.44%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Equity-Income Portfolio – Service Class
   0.20%    524,062    $ 14.945916    $ 7,832,587      3.15%    19.84%    
   0.20%    600,930      12.471541      7,494,523      1.56%    5.55%    
   0.20%    253,254      11.816128      2,992,482      1.39%    11.16%    
   0.20%    141,957      10.629864      1,508,984      1.66%    29.96%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Growth Portfolio – Service Class
   0.20%    1,027,390      8.794051      9,034,920      0.28%    6.52%    
   0.20%    525,004      8.255819      4,334,338      0.41%    5.46%    
   0.20%    1,398,590      7.828218      10,948,467      0.16%    3.06%    
   0.20%    595,465      7.595988      4,523,145      0.18%    32.52%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – High Income Portfolio – Service Class
   0.20%    10,750      14.592608      156,871      7.58%    10.96%    
   0.20%    53,750      13.151735      706,906    14.70%    2.32%    
   0.20%    373,660      12.853699      4,802,913      8.03%    9.25%    
   0.20%    87,435      11.765514      1,028,718      6.36%    26.72%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Overseas Portfolio – Service Class
   0.20%    271,410      14.164421      3,844,366      0.84%    17.71%    
   0.20%    473,692      12.033136      5,700,000      0.56%    18.73%    
   0.20%    373,770      10.134523      3,787,981      0.98%    13.26%    
   0.20%    315,760      8.947944      2,825,403      0.63%    42.92%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund II – Contrafund® Portfolio – Service Class
   0.20%    1,713,066      15.646354      26,803,237      1.12%    11.37%    
   0.20%    1,838,026      14.049369      25,823,106      0.19%    16.61%    
   0.20%    708,896      12.047726      8,540,585      0.24%    15.11%    
   0.20%    143,092      10.466376      1,497,655      0.30%    28.10%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund II – Investment Grade Bond Portfolio – Service Class
   0.20%    64,972      11.265752      731,958      3.34%    4.09%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Growth Opportunities Portfolio – Service Class
   0.20%    24,564      9.272138      227,761      0.48%    6.85%    
   0.20%    13,277      8.678086      115,219      0.59%    29.40%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Value Strategies Portfolio – Service Class
   0.20%    7,530      13.434633      101,163      0.00%    13.76%    
   0.20%    973      11.809676      11,491      0.00%    57.47%    
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Templeton Foreign Securities Fund – Class 2
   0.20%    109,726      19.718779      2,163,663      1.24%    21.20%    
   0.20%    69,050      16.269222      1,123,390      1.12%    9.95%    
   0.20%    41,174      14.797053      609,254      1.11%    18.29%    
   0.20%    155,351      12.508977      1,943,282      1.96%    31.95%    
Gartmore GVIT – Emerging Markets Fund – Class I
   0.20%    258,760      25.025345      6,475,558      0.71%    36.45%    
   0.20%    169,786      18.340864      3,114,022      0.60%    32.37%    
   0.20%    16,822      13.855548      233,078      1.04%    20.50%    
   0.20%    21,189      11.498175      243,635      0.61%    64.93%    
Gartmore GVIT – Federated GGVIT High Income Bond Fund – Class I
   0.20%    61,806      16.687538      1,031,390      7.41%    10.38%    
   0.20%    75,410      15.117925      1,140,043      6.92%    2.18%    
   0.20%    810,264      14.795923      11,988,604      7.58%    9.88%    
   0.20%    777,021      13.465993      10,463,359      7.99%    22.03%    
Gartmore GVIT – Global Financial Services Fund – Class I
   0.20%    7,074      14.748909      104,334      1.37%    20.75%    
   0.20%    8,215      12.214302      100,340      1.08%    41.17%    
Gartmore GVIT – Global Health Sciences Fund – Class I
   0.20%    72,832      13.568156      988,196      0.00%    2.50%    
   0.20%    62,816      13.236814      831,484      0.00%    8.22%    
   0.20%    16,466      12.231005      201,396      0.00%    7.64%    
   0.20%    4,437      11.362461      50,415      0.00%    36.42%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Gartmore GVIT – Global Technology and Communications Fund – Class I
   0.20%    311,356    $ 3.488016    $ 1,086,015    0.00%    10.95%    
   0.20%    273,712      3.143852      860,510    0.00%    -0.71%    
   0.20%    448,724      3.166487      1,420,879    0.00%    4.10%    
   0.20%    78,739      3.041648      239,496    0.00%    54.92%    
Gartmore GVIT – Global Utilities Fund – Class I
   0.20%    21,186      13.925951      295,035    1.64%    29.71%    
   0.20%    12,612      10.736432      135,408    1.02%    23.80%    
Gartmore GVIT – Government Bond Fund – Class I
   0.20%    826,566      13.468059      11,132,240    3.95%    3.14%    
   0.20%    1,941,614      13.058642      25,354,842    3.71%    3.06%    
   0.20%    1,951,516      12.671201      24,728,051    5.38%    3.06%    
   0.20%    1,095,538      12.295487      13,470,173    3.25%    1.80%    
Gartmore GVIT – Growth Fund: Class I
   0.20%    67,782      8.030198      544,303    0.05%    5.96%    
   0.20%    60,144      7.578777      455,818    0.08%    6.29%    
   0.20%    47,838      7.130400      341,104    0.34%    7.94%    
   0.20%    40,423      6.605859      267,029    0.02%    32.47%    
Gartmore GVIT – International Growth Fund – Class I
   0.20%    12,706      7.691798      97,732    0.85%    13.97%    
   0.20%    8,703      6.749218      58,738    0.00%    35.35%    
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Aggressive Fund – Class II
   0.20%    211,872      15.647232      3,315,210    2.11%    16.64%    
   0.20%    170,910      13.415540      2,292,850    2.02%    7.72%    
   0.20%    7,054      12.454537      87,854    1.85%    13.80%    
   0.20%    2,814      10.944415      30,798    1.57%    31.60%    
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Conservative Fund – Class II
   0.20%    22,320      12.325531      275,106    3.23%    5.95%    
   0.20%    34,084      11.633095      396,502    2.49%    3.10%    
   0.20%    2,950      11.283226      33,286    2.49%    4.44%    
   0.20%    1,756      10.803228      18,970    2.59%    7.69%    
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderate Fund – Class II
   0.20%    206,458      13.960840      2,882,327    2.47%    11.13%    
   0.20%    114,016      12.562517      1,432,328    2.39%    5.13%    
   0.20%    28,510      11.949051      340,667    2.21%    9.32%    
   0.20%    4,545      10.930659      49,680    2.05%    19.81%    
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderately Aggressive Fund – Class II
   0.20%    38,278      14.976735      573,279    2.25%    14.31%    
   0.20%    22,860      13.101623      299,503    2.19%    6.86%    
   0.20%    19,906      12.260724      244,062    2.01%    11.87%    
   0.20%    5,607      10.959933      61,452    1.61%    26.39%    
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderately Conservative Fund – Class II
   0.20%    19,512      13.178536      257,140    2.84%    8.21%    
   0.20%    18,166      12.179054      221,245    2.78%    4.28%    
   0.20%    11,104      11.679461      129,689    2.38%    6.94%    
   0.20%    3,486      10.921034      38,071    2.33%    13.47%    
Gartmore GVIT – J.P. Morgan GVIT Balanced Fund: Class I
   0.20%    73,958      12.496956      924,250    2.25%    12.02%    
   0.20%    119,512      11.155509      1,333,217    1.98%    2.34%    
   0.20%    132,248      10.900634      1,441,587    1.94%    8.27%    
   0.20%    104,019      10.067605      1,047,222    1.76%    18.18%    
Gartmore GVIT – Mid Cap Growth Fund – Class I
   0.20%    763,680      7.982767      6,096,280    0.00%    15.11%    
   0.20%    155,794      6.935054      1,080,440    0.00%    39.85%    
Gartmore GVIT – Mid Cap Index Fund – Class I
   0.20%    639,140      17.019619      10,877,919    1.14%    9.67%    
   0.20%    704,782      15.518876      10,937,424    1.04%    11.87%    
   0.20%    458,242      13.871631      6,356,564    0.56%    15.50%    
   0.20%    280,100      12.010005      3,364,002    0.50%    34.38%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Gartmore GVIT – Money Market Fund – Class I
   0.20%    5,784    $   11.336122    $ 65,568    4.43%    4.32%    
   0.20%    12,740      10.866496      138,439    2.61%    2.46%    
   0.20%    30,788      10.605257      326,515    0.80%    0.61%    
   0.20%    221,572      10.540982      2,335,586    0.63%    0.42%    
Gartmore GVIT – Money Market Fund – Class V
   0.20%    8,530,114      10.854633      92,591,257    4.63%    4.40%    
   0.20%    7,660,560      10.396676      79,644,360    2.74%    2.55%    
   0.20%    8,296,360      10.138533      84,112,920    0.91%    0.69%    
   0.20%    6,564,517      10.069143      66,099,060    0.70%    0.50%    
Gartmore GVIT – Nationwide® Fund – Class I
   0.20%    49,380      12.375964      611,125    1.09%    13.40%    
   0.20%    56,248      10.913424      613,858    1.00%    7.23%    
   0.20%    32,724      10.177848      333,060    1.30%    9.53%    
   0.20%    20,659      9.291410      191,951    0.59%    27.26%    
Gartmore GVIT – Nationwide® Leaders Fund – Class I
   0.20%    3,700      12.522767      46,334    0.48%    18.56%    
   0.20%    1,086      10.562758      11,471    0.15%    25.13%    
Gartmore GVIT – Small Cap Growth Fund – Class I
   0.20%    159,120      17.102157      2,721,295    0.00%    3.00%    
   0.20%    196,494      16.603744      3,262,536    0.00%    7.87%    
   0.20%    269,788      15.391720      4,152,501    0.00%    13.19%    
   0.20%    108,065      13.598245      1,469,494    0.00%    34.00%    
Gartmore GVIT – Small Cap Value Fund – Class I
   0.20%    348,296      22.077762      7,689,596    0.43%    17.06%    
   0.20%    458,988      18.860242      8,656,625    0.07%    2.87%    
   0.20%    271,422      18.334546      4,976,399    0.00%    17.06%    
   0.20%    234,794      15.661984      3,677,340    0.00%    56.54%    
Gartmore GVIT – Small Company Fund – Class I
   0.20%    730,292      17.561515      12,825,034    0.10%    11.82%    
   0.20%    1,146,078      15.705843      18,000,121    0.00%    12.09%    
   0.20%    346,438      14.011465      4,854,104    0.00%    18.78%    
   0.20%    126,604      11.795728      1,493,386    0.00%    40.73%    
Gartmore GVIT – Turner GVIT Growth Focus Fund – Class I
   0.20%    17,434      3.315211      57,797    0.00%    50.66%    
Gartmore GVIT – U.S. Growth Leaders Fund – Class I
   0.20%    8,230      13.993330      115,165    0.00%    12.18%    
   0.20%    5,224      12.473517      65,162    0.00%    51.83%    
Gartmore GVIT – Van Kampen GGVIT Comstock Value Fund: Class I
   0.20%    49,480      10.312567      510,266    1.39%    17.26%    
   0.20%    7,421      8.794319      65,263    1.34%    31.17%    
Gartmore GVIT – Van Kampen GVIT Multi-Sector Bond Fund – Class I
   0.20%    57,084      14.600569      833,459    4.07%    4.63%    
   0.20%    114,922      13.954609      1,603,692    3.99%    1.98%    
   0.20%    13,584      13.684149      185,885    4.55%    6.32%    
   0.20%    9,884      12.870615      127,213    5.42%    11.89%    
Gartmore GVIT – Worldwide Leaders Fund – Class I
   0.20%    2,874      9.758795      28,047    0.00%    15.43%    
   0.20%    3,219      8.453981      27,213    0.00%    35.79%    
Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust – Goldman Sachs VIT Mid Cap Value Fund
   0.20%    1,042,500      20.769434      21,652,135    0.98%    15.93%    
   0.20%    1,081,334      17.915150      19,372,261    0.60%    12.60%    
   0.20%    907,474      15.910334      14,438,214    0.74%    25.63%    
   0.20%    528,186      12.664093      6,688,997    1.72%    28.13%    
Janus Aspen Series – Balanced Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.20%    63,792      14.581974      930,213    1.99%    10.19%    
   0.20%    261,918      13.232912      3,465,938    2.04%    7.45%    
   0.20%    229,366      12.315866      2,824,841    2.45%    8.08%    
   0.20%    5,017      11.395477      57,171    2.34%    13.49%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Janus Aspen Series – Forty Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.20%    291,224    $   9.299521    $ 2,708,244    0.14%    8.90%    
   0.20%    294,576      8.539588      2,515,558    0.01%    12.33%    
   0.20%    233,906      7.602120      1,778,181    0.02%    17.73%    
   0.20%    262,941      6.457142      1,697,847    0.25%    19.99%    
Janus Aspen Series – Global Technology Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.20%    173,558      3.554928      616,986    0.00%    0.37%    
   0.20%    102,131      3.541982      361,746    0.00%    46.18%    
Janus Aspen Series – International Growth Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.20%    351,364      14.328921      5,034,667    1.89%    46.34%    
   0.20%    349,754      9.791747      3,424,703    1.05%    31.68%    
   0.20%    586,420      7.436235      4,360,757    0.85%    18.45%    
   0.20%    245,144      6.277993      1,539,012    1.02%    34.26%    
JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Diversified Mid Cap Growth Portfolio 1
   0.20%    43,296      17.711914      766,855    0.00%    11.17%    
   0.20%    23,694      15.932691      377,509    0.00%    10.87%    
   0.20%    8,286      14.370472      119,074    0.00%    12.39%    
   0.20%    4,483      12.785745      57,318    0.00%    26.89%    
JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Diversified Mid Cap Value Portfolio 1
   0.20%    6,476      19.328434      125,171    1.18%    16.49%    
   0.20%    22,284      16.592629      369,750    0.60%    9.54%    
   0.20%    14,900      15.148180      225,708    0.58%    15.17%    
   0.20%    7,236      13.153260      95,177    0.57%    32.49%    
Nationwide® GVIT Strategic Value Fund – Class I
   0.20%    9,101      10.583982      96,325    0.04%    38.53%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Fasciano Portfolio – Class S
   0.20%    11,666      15.129543      176,501    0.00%    5.04%    
   0.20%    9,828      14.403227      141,555    0.00%    2.69%    
   0.20%    4,062      14.025658      56,972    0.00%    11.65%    
   0.20%    1,829      12.561832      22,976    0.00%    24.81%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Guardian Portfolio – I Class Shares
   0.20%    234,680      12.237616      2,871,924    0.15%    8.18%    
   0.20%    19,660      11.312789      222,409    0.12%    15.58%    
   0.20%    30,298      9.787595      296,545    0.89%    31.50%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Mid Cap Growth Portfolio – I Class Shares
   0.20%    41,698      10.916267      455,187    0.00%    14.47%    
   0.20%    23,118      9.536717      220,470    0.00%    13.51%    
   0.20%    470,456      8.401327      3,952,455    0.00%    16.08%    
   0.20%    274,225      7.237810      1,984,788    0.00%    27.81%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Partners Portfolio®– Class I
   0.20%    229,766      12.443485      2,859,090    0.01%    18.74%    
   0.20%    14,991      10.479833      157,103    0.00%    34.82%    
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Capital Appreciation Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.20%    1,641,104      10.362024      17,005,159    0.38%    7.73%    
   0.20%    1,970,560      9.618219      18,953,278    0.91%    4.89%    
   0.20%    1,451,308      9.169906      13,308,358    0.31%    6.72%    
   0.20%    710,846      8.592296      6,107,799    0.38%    30.68%    
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Global Securities Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.20%    578,604      14.873215      8,605,702    1.07%    17.46%    
   0.20%    1,091,788      12.662678      13,824,960    1.00%    14.08%    
   0.20%    342,972      11.099865      3,806,943    1.15%    18.92%    
   0.20%    78,177      9.333505      729,665    0.73%    42.73%    
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Main Street Fund®/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.20%    184,798      12.449315      2,300,609    1.10%    14.80%    
   0.20%    185,032      10.844763      2,006,628    1.37%    5.76%    
   0.20%    86,940      10.253671      891,454    0.83%    9.24%    
   0.20%    50,314      9.386344      472,265    0.90%    26.47%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Mid Cap Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.20%    106,664    $ 8.757520    $ 934,112      0.00%    2.75%    
   0.20%    454,650      8.523068      3,875,013      0.00%    12.10%    
   0.20%    260,230      7.602891      1,978,500      0.00%    19.54%    
   0.20%    163,694      6.360255      1,041,136      0.00%    25.34%    
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT Low Duration Portfolio – Administrative Shares
   0.20%    1,775,448      11.062747      19,641,332      4.19%    3.75%    
   0.20%    1,845,738      10.662435      19,680,061      2.71%    0.80%    
   0.20%    2,001,144      10.577591      21,167,283      1.29%    1.64%    
   0.20%    1,032,781      10.407346      10,748,509      1.22%    2.14%    
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT Real Return Portfolio – Administrative Shares
   0.20%    672,656      12.533792      8,430,930      4.26%    0.54%    
   0.20%    628,146      12.466336      7,830,679      2.85%    1.87%    
   0.20%    225,144      12.237557      2,755,213      1.03%    8.67%    
   0.20%    41,728      11.260965      469,898      2.35%    8.64%    
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT Total Return Portfolio – Administrative Shares
   0.20%    3,889,630      12.013005      46,726,145      4.42%    3.64%    
   0.20%    3,110,384      11.591132      36,052,872      3.47%    2.22%    
   0.20%    1,390,690      11.339186      15,769,293      1.92%    4.67%    
   0.20%    805,938      10.833078      8,730,789      2.71%    4.83%    
Pioneer Variable Contracts Trust – Pioneer High Yield VCT Portfolio – Class I
   0.20%    467,554      16.318486      7,629,773      5.53%    8.29%    
   0.20%    438,236      15.069867      6,604,158      5.49%    1.74%    
   0.20%    41,538      14.811836      615,254      5.59%    7.85%    
   0.20%    38,729      13.734162      531,910      5.84%    32.52%    
Royce Capital Fund – Micro Cap
   0.20%    487,556      23.017122      11,222,136      0.17%    20.83%    
   0.20%    516,002      19.049333      9,829,494      0.60%    11.39%    
   0.20%    251,888      17.101898      4,307,763      0.00%    13.62%    
   0.20%    58,726      15.052067      883,948      0.00%    48.87%    
T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio – II
   0.20%    1,955,804      17.726578      34,669,712      1.35%    18.41%    
   0.20%    1,993,558      14.970390      29,844,341      1.39%    3.49%    
   0.20%    1,400,944      14.465784      20,265,753      1.46%    14.39%    
   0.20%    546,267      12.646299      6,908,256      1.80%    24.92%    
T. Rowe Price Mid Cap Growth Fund – II
   0.20%    288,630      20.181467      5,824,977      0.00%    6.17%    
   0.20%    626,894      19.008705      11,916,443      0.00%    14.21%    
   0.20%    835,584      16.643864      13,907,346      0.00%    17.82%    
   0.20%    473,916      14.126799      6,694,916      0.00%    37.82%    
T. Rowe Price New America Growth Portfolio
   0.20%    301,726      12.072027      3,642,444      0.04%    7.12%    
   0.20%    690,950      11.269904      7,786,940      0.00%    4.26%    
   0.20%    222,430      10.808909      2,404,226      0.00%    8.09%     05/03/04
Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust – Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund – Initial Class
   0.20%    46,954      32.831467      1,541,569      0.56%    39.21%    
   0.20%    45,066      23.583541      1,062,816      0.71%    31.73%    
   0.20%    120,164      17.902527      2,151,239      0.53%    25.64%    
   0.20%    6,811      14.249147      97,051      0.11%    53.88%    
Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust – Worldwide Hard Assets Fund – Initial Class
   0.20%    59,788      32.689202      1,954,422      0.06%    24.24%    
   0.20%    52,740      26.310503      1,387,616      0.31%    51.37%    
   0.20%    70,582      17.381825      1,226,844      0.31%    23.98%    
   0.20%    17,418      14.048159      244,691      0.41%    44.79%    
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio – Class I
   0.20%    74,878      21.483999      1,608,679    10.28%    10.59%    
   0.20%    227,212      19.427363      4,414,130      7.14%    12.03%    
   0.20%    105,242      17.341685      1,825,074      7.52%    9.84%    
   0.20%    3,595      15.787831      56,757      0.00%    27.61%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – Mid Cap Growth Portfolio – Class I
   0.20%    26,838    $ 9.240416    $ 247,994    0.00%    9.06%    
   0.20%    20,382      8.473005      172,697    0.00%    17.33%    
   0.20%    98,272      7.221303      709,652    0.00%    21.35%    
   0.20%    70,714      5.950642      420,794    0.00%    41.48%    
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – U.S. Real Estate Portfolio – Class I
   0.20%    324,820      34.585436      11,234,041    1.07%    37.77%    
   0.20%    250,510      25.103798      6,288,752    1.19%    16.82%    
   0.20%    98,428      21.489618      2,115,180    1.61%    36.12%    
   0.20%    40,136      15.786980      633,626    0.00%    37.24%    
Wells Fargo Advantage Variable Trust FundsSM– Wells Fargo Advantage VT Opportunity FundSM
   0.20%    199,708      13.467901      2,689,648    0.00%    12.00%    
   0.20%    360,812      12.025433      4,338,921    0.00%    7.67%    
   0.20%    266,180      11.168856      2,972,926    0.00%    17.98%    
   0.20%    202,631      9.466409      1,918,188    0.08%    36.73%    
The BEST of AMERICA® America’s FUTURE Life SeriesSM
Reduced Fee Tier (0.25%)
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Basic Value Fund – Series I
   0.25%    70,154      17.314284      1,214,666    0.42%    12.92%    
   0.25%    54,050      15.332927      828,745    0.09%    5.47%    
   0.25%    98,126      14.537319      1,426,489    0.00%    10.79%    
   0.25%    1,947      13.121262      25,547    0.06%    33.29%    
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Capital Appreciation Fund – Series I
   0.25%    2,553      13.251011      33,830    0.00%    35.02%    
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Capital Development Fund – Series I Shares
   0.25%    158,748      19.400361      3,079,769    0.00%    16.23%    
   0.25%    93,372      16.691371      1,558,507    0.00%    9.33%    
   0.25%    27,246      15.266666      415,956    0.00%    15.21%    
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. International Growth Fund – Series I
   0.25%    447,740      17.934952      8,030,195    0.97%    27.91%    
   0.25%    202,258      14.021093      2,835,878    1.14%    17.63%    
   0.25%    26,402      11.919243      314,692    1.36%    19.19%     05/03/04
AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. – Growth and Income Portfolio – Class A
   0.25%    422,112      18.013258      7,603,612    1.37%    16.99%    
   0.25%    369,126      15.396687      5,683,317    1.48%    4.61%    
   0.25%    426,728      14.718823      6,280,934    0.92%    11.18%    
   0.25%    278,219      13.238290      3,683,144    0.51%    32.17%    
AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. – International Value Portfolio – Class A
   0.25%    343,264      11.322832      3,886,721    0.57%    13.23%     05/01/06
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Income & Growth Fund – Class I
   0.25%    284,862      13.198939      3,759,876    1.85%    16.80%    
   0.25%    284,088      11.300886      3,210,446    1.94%    4.37%    
   0.25%    368,640      10.827688      3,991,519    1.37%    12.71%    
   0.25%    225,657      9.606659      2,167,810    1.28%    29.03%    
   0.25%    1,435      7.445299      10,684    1.00%    -19.57%    
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – International Fund – Class I
   0.25%    987,980      11.832909      11,690,677    1.58%    24.71%    
   0.25%    882,458      9.488028      8,372,786    1.25%    12.97%    
   0.25%    923,768      8.398563      7,758,324    0.56%    14.64%    
   0.25%    674,427      7.326221      4,941,001    0.73%    24.20%    
   0.25%    49,356      5.898746      291,139    0.78%    -20.57%    
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Ultra® Fund – Class I
   0.25%    24,306      10.853176      263,797    0.00%    -3.52%    
   0.25%    252,658      11.248731      2,842,082    0.00%    1.91%    
   0.25%    212,496      11.037791      2,345,486    0.00%    10.40%    
   0.25%    138,103      9.998079      1,380,765    0.00%    24.59%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Value Fund – Class I
   0.25%    552,364    $   18.859509    $ 10,417,314    1.41%    18.36%    
   0.25%    496,994      15.934364      7,919,283    0.83%    4.77%    
   0.25%    351,012      15.208626      5,338,410    0.97%    14.05%    
   0.25%    248,298      13.335325      3,311,135    1.04%    28.64%    
   0.25%    90,011      10.366670      933,114    0.75%    -12.84%    
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – VistaSM Fund – Class I
   0.25%    4,932      12.444525      61,376    0.00%    8.74%    
   0.25%    248      11.444645      2,838    0.00%    14.45%     05/02/05
Baron Capital Funds Trust – Baron Capital Asset Fund – Insurance Shares
   0.25%    186,980      18.729880      3,502,113    0.00%    15.23%    
   0.25%    304,012      16.253697      4,941,319    0.00%    3.11%    
   0.25%    84,614      15.763932      1,333,849    0.00%    25.33%    
   0.25%    17,272      12.578424      217,255    0.00%    29.69%    
BlackRock International Index Portfolio – Class II
   0.25%    82,570      14.583459      1,204,156    5.83%    25.37%    
   0.25%    732      11.632654      8,515    1.76%    16.33%     05/02/05
BlackRock Large Cap Core V.I. Fund – Class II
   0.25%    131,296      13.236885      1,737,950    0.79%    14.33%    
   0.25%    101,208      11.577932      1,171,779    0.74%    15.78%     05/02/05
Calvert Variable Series, Inc. – Social Equity Portfolio
   0.25%    7,002      15.339931      107,410    0.00%    9.78%    
   0.25%    1,152      13.973029      16,097    0.06%    4.28%    
   0.25%    826      13.399142      11,068    0.08%    6.89%    
Credit Suisse Trust – Global Small Cap Portfolio
   0.25%    9,586      10.910325      104,586    0.00%    12.92%    
   0.25%    15,838      9.661761      153,023    0.00%    15.85%    
   0.25%    25,520      8.339563      212,826    0.00%    17.69%    
   0.25%    30,888      7.085747      218,865    0.00%    47.29%    
   0.25%    1,104      4.810802      5,311    0.00%    -34.32%    
Credit Suisse Trust – International Focus Portfolio
   0.25%    7,190      13.400060      96,346    1.01%    18.36%    
   0.25%    7,410      11.321642      83,893    0.88%    17.15%    
   0.25%    13,758      9.664537      132,965    0.99%    14.46%    
   0.25%    17,161      8.443905      144,906    0.49%    32.76%    
Credit Suisse Trust – Large Cap Value Portfolio
   0.25%    5,326      14.706419      78,326    0.89%    19.05%    
   0.25%    2,276      12.352874      28,115    0.73%    7.87%    
   0.25%    16,952      11.451229      194,121    0.58%    11.07%    
   0.25%    15,477      10.310367      159,574    0.76%    24.85%    
   0.25%    5,253      8.258105      43,380    0.76%    -23.29%    
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios – Mid Cap Stock Index Portfolio – Initial Shares
   0.25%    38,318      17.511529      671,007    0.37%    7.48%    
   0.25%    20,998      16.292721      342,115    0.02%    8.90%    
   0.25%    41,246      14.961281      617,093    0.43%    14.19%    
   0.25%    647      13.102225      8,477    1.02%    31.39%    
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios – Small Cap Stock Index Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.25%    247,338      15.629868      3,865,860    0.38%    14.13%    
   0.25%    162,720      13.695264      2,228,493    0.00%    6.97%    
   0.25%    376,014      12.803427      4,814,268    0.57%    21.58%    
   0.25%    145,429      10.530847      1,531,491    0.27%    37.44%    
Dreyfus Socially Responsible Growth Fund, Inc. – Initial Shares, The
   0.25%    91,596      8.215346      752,493    0.11%    8.93%    
   0.25%    101,932      7.541951      768,766    0.00%    3.36%    
   0.25%    154,666      7.296964      1,128,592    0.40%    5.95%    
   0.25%    71,544      6.887482      492,758    0.11%    25.69%    
   0.25%    425      5.479795      2,329    0.22%    -29.12%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Dreyfus Stock Index Fund, Inc. – Initial Shares
   0.25%    8,834,012    $   11.588607    $   102,373,893      1.64%    15.21%    
   0.25%    8,079,650      10.058674      81,270,565      1.63%    4.43%    
   0.25%    5,809,448      9.631920      55,956,138      1.82%    10.36%    
   0.25%    4,843,218      8.727408      42,268,740      1.54%    28.04%    
   0.25%    529,695      6.815999      3,610,401      1.45%    -22.56%    
Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund – Appreciation Portfolio – Initial Shares
   0.25%    752,594      11.511538      8,663,514      1.53%    16.19%    
   0.25%    561,480      9.907772      5,563,016      0.02%    4.12%    
   0.25%    555,430      9.515935      5,285,436      1.67%    4.78%    
   0.25%    487,461      9.081512      4,426,883      1.18%    20.87%    
   0.25%    48,950      7.513649      367,793      1.22%    -16.92%    
Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund – International Value Portfolio – Initial Shares
   0.25%    931,538      20.964071      19,528,829      1.25%    22.29%    
   0.25%    640,638      17.142660      10,982,239      0.00%    11.61%    
   0.25%    481,030      15.359280      7,388,274      1.23%    19.72%    
   0.25%    561,722      12.829044      7,206,356      2.67%    36.02%    
DWS Variable Series II – DWS Dreman High Return Equity VIP – Class B
   0.25%    15,180      11.257266      170,885      0.00%    12.57%     05/01/06
Federated Insurance Series – Federated Quality Bond Fund II – Primary Shares
   0.25%    1,173,262      14.444216      16,946,850      5.17%    3.89%    
   0.25%    1,963,430      13.902748      27,297,073      3.55%    1.05%    
   0.25%    1,438,890      13.758938      19,797,598      3.92%    3.36%    
   0.25%    204,710      13.311504      2,724,998      3.30%    4.38%    
   0.25%    55,859      12.752372      712,335      3.20%    9.03%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Equity-Income Portfolio – Service Class
   0.25%    1,907,206      14.900594      28,418,502      3.15%    19.78%    
   0.25%    1,459,748      12.439919      18,159,147      1.56%    5.49%    
   0.25%    1,061,120      11.792032      12,512,761      1.39%    11.10%    
   0.25%    374,570      10.613484      3,975,493      1.66%    29.89%    
   0.25%    244,789      8.170844      2,000,133      1.50%    -17.20%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Growth Portfolio – Service Class
   0.25%    2,159,692      8.767341      18,934,756      0.28%    6.47%    
   0.25%    2,214,058      8.234853      18,232,442      0.41%    5.41%    
   0.25%    1,835,224      7.812236      14,337,203      0.16%    3.01%    
   0.25%    585,819      7.584268      4,443,008      0.18%    32.45%    
   0.25%    78,608      5.726150      450,121      0.14%    -30.37%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – High Income Portfolio – Service Class
   0.25%    195,198      14.548271      2,839,793      7.58%    10.90%    
   0.25%    195,986      13.118317      2,571,006    14.70%    2.27%    
   0.25%    593,920      12.827432      7,618,468      8.03%    9.19%    
   0.25%    93,070      11.747355      1,093,326      6.36%    26.65%    
   0.25%    606      9.275222      5,621      9.18%    3.36%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Overseas Portfolio – Service Class
   0.25%    1,070,198      14.121395      15,112,689      0.84%    17.65%    
   0.25%    742,572      12.002567      8,912,770      0.56%    18.67%    
   0.25%    460,116      10.113816      4,653,529      0.98%    13.20%    
   0.25%    301,169      8.934131      2,690,683      0.63%    42.85%    
   0.25%    1,213      6.254343      7,587      0.64%    -20.54%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund II – Contrafund® Portfolio – Service Class
   0.25%    2,614,782      15.598891      40,787,699      1.12%    11.31%    
   0.25%    1,766,496      14.013727      24,755,193      0.19%    16.56%    
   0.25%    970,084      12.023156      11,663,471      0.24%    15.05%    
   0.25%    964,994      10.450250      10,084,429      0.30%    28.03%    
   0.25%    7,198      8.162207      58,752      0.69%    -9.65%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund II – Investment Grade Bond Portfolio – Service Class
   0.25%    49,006      11.245144      551,080      3.34%    4.04%    
   0.25%    33,064      10.808463      357,371      2.69%    1.83%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Growth Opportunities Portfolio – Service Class
   0.25%    127,338    $   10.554406    $ 1,343,977      0.69%    5.04%    
   0.25%    326,516      10.048055      3,280,851      0.84%    8.59%    
   0.25%    451,498      9.253175      4,177,790      0.48%    6.79%    
   0.25%    197,613      8.664666      1,712,251      0.59%    29.34%    
   0.25%    794      6.699267      5,319      0.93%    -22.11%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Mid Cap Portfolio – Service Class
   0.25%    172,826      23.176101      4,005,433      0.23%    12.31%    
   0.25%    159,618      20.635857      3,293,854      0.00%    17.91%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Value Strategies Portfolio – Service Class
   0.25%    2,506      15.908520      39,867      0.49%    15.91%    
   0.25%    884      13.725157      12,133      0.00%    2.30%    
   0.25%    29,960      13.416717      401,965      0.00%    13.70%    
   0.25%    15,729      11.799819      185,599      0.00%    57.40%    
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Franklin Small Cap Value Securities Fund – Class 2
   0.25%    208,584      13.246445      2,762,996      0.76%    16.69%    
   0.25%    11,480      11.351855      130,319      0.00%    13.52%     05/02/05
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Templeton Foreign Securities Fund – Class 2
   0.25%    359,658      19.676237      7,076,716      1.24%    21.14%    
   0.25%    241,412      16.242222      3,921,067      1.12%    9.89%    
   0.25%    173,760      14.779865      2,568,149      1.11%    18.23%    
   0.25%    9,405      12.500683      117,569      1.96%    31.88%    
Gartmore GVIT – Emerging Markets Fund – Class I
   0.25%    300,448      24.947405      7,495,398      0.71%    36.38%    
   0.25%    198,760      18.292860      3,635,889      0.60%    32.31%    
   0.25%    68,036      13.826171      940,677      1.04%    20.44%    
   0.25%    14,303      11.479519      164,192      0.61%    64.85%    
Gartmore GVIT – Federated GGVIT High Income Bond Fund – Class I
   0.25%    370,802      16.636894      6,168,994      7.41%    10.33%    
   0.25%    204,814      15.079557      3,088,504      6.92%    2.13%    
   0.25%    157,482      14.765731      2,325,337      7.58%    9.82%    
   0.25%    33,606      13.445225      451,840      7.99%    21.97%    
   0.25%    47,160      11.023733      519,879    10.09%    2.97%    
Gartmore GVIT – Global Financial Services Fund – Class I
   0.25%    30,252      19.600661      592,959      1.89%    20.02%    
   0.25%    24,048      16.330978      392,727      2.00%    10.87%    
   0.25%    8,572      14.729262      126,259      1.37%    20.69%    
   0.25%    958      12.207124      11,694      1.08%    41.10%    
Gartmore GVIT – Global Health Sciences Fund – Class I
   0.25%    29,942      13.536569      405,312      0.00%    2.45%    
   0.25%    27,596      13.212593      364,615      0.00%    8.17%    
   0.25%    24,814      12.214711      303,096      0.00%    7.59%    
   0.25%    9,013      11.352997      102,325      0.00%    36.35%    
Gartmore GVIT – Global Technology and Communications Fund – Class I
   0.25%    446,826      3.477132      1,553,673      0.00%    10.89%    
   0.25%    262,362      3.135604      822,663      0.00%    -0.76%    
   0.25%    674,980      3.159750      2,132,768      0.00%    4.05%    
   0.25%    118,132      3.036698      358,731      0.00%    54.84%    
Gartmore GVIT – Global Utilities Fund – Class I
   0.25%    20,796      20.252066      421,162      2.84%    37.22%    
   0.25%    15,934      14.758947      235,169      2.09%    6.12%    
   0.25%    17,668      13.907406      245,716      1.64%    29.64%    
   0.25%    1,187      10.727488      12,734      1.02%    23.74%    
Gartmore GVIT – Government Bond Fund – Class I
   0.25%    3,008,954      13.427221      40,401,890      3.95%    3.08%    
   0.25%    3,496,292      13.025536      45,541,077      3.71%    3.01%    
   0.25%    2,572,680      12.645377      32,532,509      5.38%    3.00%    
   0.25%    1,556,780      12.276554      19,111,894      3.25%    1.75%    
   0.25%    1,141,119      12.065916      13,768,646      4.66%    10.71%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Gartmore GVIT – Growth Fund: Class I
   0.25%    45,366    $ 8.005797    $ 363,191    0.05%    5.90%    
   0.25%    40,952      7.559516      309,577    0.08%    6.24%    
   0.25%    73,454      7.115834      522,686    0.34%    7.89%    
   0.25%    76,188      6.595662      502,510    0.02%    32.41%    
   0.25%    49,665      4.981328      247,398    0.00%    -28.90%    
Gartmore GVIT – International Growth Fund – Class I
   0.25%    55,980      13.222655      740,204    0.84%    32.63%    
   0.25%    54,480      9.969281      543,126    1.10%    29.89%    
   0.25%    28,960      7.675467      222,282    0.85%    13.91%    
   0.25%    4,806      6.738255      32,384    0.00%    35.28%    
   0.25%    65      4.980814      324    0.00%    -24.29%    
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Aggressive Fund – Class II
   0.25%    77,654      15.608708      1,212,079    2.11%    16.58%    
   0.25%    24,354      13.389188      326,080    2.02%    7.66%    
   0.25%    14,712      12.436282      182,963    1.85%    13.74%    
   0.25%    4,309      10.933839      47,114    1.57%    31.54%    
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Conservative Fund – Class II
   0.25%    287,996      12.295233      3,540,978    3.23%    5.90%    
   0.25%    4,440      11.610294      51,550    2.49%    3.05%    
   0.25%    6,398      11.266714      72,084    2.49%    4.39%    
   0.25%    929      10.792806      10,027    2.59%    7.64%    
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderate Fund – Class II
   0.25%    161,088      13.926464      2,243,386    2.47%    11.08%    
   0.25%    31,934      12.537840      400,383    2.39%    5.08%    
   0.25%    18,974      11.931529      226,389    2.21%    9.26%    
   0.25%    7,829      10.920096      85,493    2.05%    19.75%    
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderately Aggressive Fund – Class II
   0.25%    84,106      14.939913      1,256,536    2.25%    14.26%    
   0.25%    80,236      13.075926      1,049,160    2.19%    6.81%    
   0.25%    90,230      12.242773      1,104,665    2.01%    11.81%    
   0.25%    3,797      10.949354      41,575    1.61%    26.33%    
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderately Conservative Fund – Class II
   0.25%    105,542      13.146115      1,387,467    2.84%    8.15%    
   0.25%    151,626      12.155154      1,843,037    2.78%    4.23%    
   0.25%    21,136      11.662359      246,496    2.38%    6.89%    
   0.25%    2,613      10.910488      28,509    2.33%    13.41%    
Gartmore GVIT – J.P. Morgan GVIT Balanced Fund: Class I
   0.25%    257,054      12.459031      3,202,644    2.25%    11.97%    
   0.25%    234,374      11.127198      2,607,926    1.98%    2.29%    
   0.25%    138,252      10.878396      1,503,960    1.94%    8.22%    
   0.25%    86,171      10.052086      866,198    1.76%    18.12%    
   0.25%    1,233      8.510165      10,493    2.28%    -12.53%    
Gartmore GVIT – Mid Cap Growth Fund – Class I
   0.25%    154,712      9.560904      1,479,187    0.00%    9.63%    
   0.25%    161,102      8.720733      1,404,928    0.00%    9.47%    
   0.25%    989,792      7.966452      7,885,130    0.00%    15.05%    
   0.25%    74,105      6.924341      513,128    0.00%    39.79%    
   0.25%    5,143      4.953560      25,476    0.00%    -37.17%    
Gartmore GVIT – Mid Cap Index Fund – Class I
   0.25%    993,900      16.967969      16,864,464    1.14%    9.62%    
   0.25%    613,462      15.479497      9,496,083    1.04%    11.82%    
   0.25%    317,498      13.843332      4,395,230    0.56%    15.44%    
   0.25%    70,843      11.991494      849,513    0.50%    34.31%    
   0.25%    1,993      8.927901      17,793    0.45%    -15.51%    
Gartmore GVIT – Money Market Fund – Class I
   0.25%    906,990      11.301640      10,250,474    4.43%    4.27%    
   0.25%    997,352      10.838856      10,810,155    2.61%    2.41%    
   0.25%    877,048      10.583572      9,282,301    0.80%    0.56%    
   0.25%    2,168,315      10.524702      22,820,869    0.63%    0.37%    
   0.25%    1,395,229      10.485477      14,629,642    1.51%    0.96%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Gartmore GVIT – Money Market Fund – Class V
   0.25%    11,262,860    $   10.831867    $   121,997,802    4.63%    4.35%    
   0.25%    5,577,142      10.380057      57,891,052    2.74%    2.49%    
   0.25%    9,126,608      10.127388      92,428,700    0.91%    0.64%    
   0.25%    1,814,317      10.063117      18,257,684    0.70%    0.45%    
   0.25%    656      10.017601      6,572    0.28%    0.18%     10/21/02
Gartmore GVIT – Nationwide® Fund – Class I
   0.25%    236,736      12.338411      2,920,946    1.09%    13.34%    
   0.25%    230,206      10.885739      2,505,962    1.00%    7.17%    
   0.25%    200,466      10.157086      2,036,150    1.30%    9.48%    
   0.25%    49,376      9.277816      458,101    0.59%    27.19%    
   0.25%    588      7.294217      4,289    0.95%    -17.56%    
Gartmore GVIT – Nationwide® Leaders Fund – Class I
   0.25%    2,392      15.929628      38,104    0.70%    15.76%    
   0.25%    8,298      13.761286      114,191    1.29%    10.04%    
   0.25%    13,762      12.506076      172,109    0.48%    18.50%    
   0.25%    1,148      10.553942      12,116    0.15%    25.07%    
Gartmore GVIT – Small Cap Growth Fund – Class I
   0.25%    174,802      17.036832      2,978,072    0.00%    2.95%    
   0.25%    186,986      16.548582      3,094,353    0.00%    7.82%    
   0.25%    283,520      15.348222      4,351,528    0.00%    13.13%    
   0.25%    59,176      13.566592      802,817    0.00%    33.93%    
   0.25%    209      10.129586      2,117    0.00%    -33.45%    
Gartmore GVIT – Small Cap Value Fund – Class I
   0.25%    667,586      22.010798      14,694,101    0.43%    17.00%    
   0.25%    848,398      18.812416      15,960,416    0.07%    2.82%    
   0.25%    557,634      18.297168      10,203,123    0.00%    17.01%    
   0.25%    258,610      15.637860      4,044,107    0.00%    56.46%    
   0.25%    89,722      9.994656      896,741    0.01%    -27.34%    
Gartmore GVIT – Small Company Fund – Class I
   0.25%    1,848,548      17.508253      32,364,846    0.10%    11.76%    
   0.25%    1,912,752      15.666008      29,965,188    0.00%    12.04%    
   0.25%    766,554      13.982897      10,718,646    0.00%    18.72%    
   0.25%    492,798      11.777552      5,803,954    0.00%    40.66%    
   0.25%    98,835      8.373012      827,547    0.00%    -17.54%    
Gartmore GVIT – Turner GVIT Growth Focus Fund – Class I
   0.25%    23,948      3.309832      79,264    0.00%    50.59%    
Gartmore GVIT – U.S. Growth Leaders Fund – Class I
   0.25%    93,502      15.523663      1,451,494    0.27%    -0.54%    
   0.25%    80,480      15.607398      1,256,083    0.00%    11.68%    
   0.25%    50,246      13.974657      702,171    0.00%    12.13%    
   0.25%    33,465      12.463103      417,078    0.00%    51.76%    
Gartmore GVIT – Van Kampen GGVIT Comstock Value Fund: Class I
   0.25%    36,988      12.373114      457,657    1.73%    15.62%    
   0.25%    42,010      10.701838      449,584    1.61%    3.99%    
   0.25%    36,102      10.291496      371,544    1.39%    17.21%    
   0.25%    3,887      8.780739      34,131    1.34%    31.11%    
Gartmore GVIT – Van Kampen GVIT Multi-Sector Bond Fund – Class I
   0.25%    450,402      14.556279      6,556,177    4.07%    4.58%    
   0.25%    483,160      13.919206      6,725,204    3.99%    1.93%    
   0.25%    63,742      13.656231      870,475    4.55%    6.27%    
   0.25%    515,327      12.850783      6,622,355    5.42%    11.84%    
   0.25%    42,803      11.490701      491,836    4.49%    6.94%    
Gartmore GVIT – Worldwide Leaders Fund – Class I
   0.25%    13,250      14.557271      192,884    0.85%    25.57%    
   0.25%    12,984      11.593174      150,526    1.11%    19.04%    
   0.25%    34,068      9.738860      331,783    0.00%    15.38%    
   0.25%    34,022      8.440937      287,178    0.00%    35.72%    
   0.25%    85      6.219415      529    2.00%    -25.58%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust – Goldman Sachs VIT Mid Cap Value Fund
   0.25%    1,231,810    $   20.724643    $   25,528,822    0.98%    15.87%    
   0.25%    792,502      17.885426      14,174,236    0.60%    12.54%    
   0.25%    315,450      15.891856      5,013,086    0.74%    25.57%    
   0.25%    259,089      12.655709      3,278,955    1.72%    28.07%    
Janus Aspen Series – Balanced Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.25%    83,320      14.550491      1,212,347    1.99%    10.14%    
   0.25%    53,532      13.210934      707,208    2.04%    7.39%    
   0.25%    53,754      12.301545      661,257    2.45%    8.02%    
   0.25%    14,950      11.387925      170,249    2.34%    13.44%    
Janus Aspen Series – Forty Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.25%    1,255,440      9.267372      11,634,630    0.14%    8.84%    
   0.25%    1,090,640      8.514303      9,286,039    0.01%    12.28%    
   0.25%    956,584      7.583386      7,254,146    0.02%    17.67%    
   0.25%    677,613      6.444456      4,366,847    0.25%    19.93%    
   0.25%    318      5.373376      1,709    0.32%    -16.14%    
Janus Aspen Series – Global Technology Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.25%    770,748      4.244167      3,271,183    0.00%    7.56%    
   0.25%    229,560      3.945872      905,814    0.00%    11.27%    
   0.25%    204,340      3.546168      724,624    0.00%    0.32%    
   0.25%    97,833      3.535026      345,842    0.00%    46.11%    
   0.25%    708      2.419456      1,713    0.00%    -41.08%    
Janus Aspen Series – International Growth Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.25%    1,109,576      14.279422      15,844,104    1.89%    46.26%    
   0.25%    882,786      9.762789      8,618,453    1.05%    31.61%    
   0.25%    680,002      7.417926      5,044,205    0.85%    18.39%    
   0.25%    92,562      6.265664      579,962    1.02%    34.20%    
   0.25%    905      4.668998      4,225    0.70%    -25.94%    
JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Diversified Mid Cap Growth Portfolio 1
   0.25%    62,906      17.674125      1,111,809    0.00%    11.11%    
   0.25%    75,420      15.906622      1,199,677    0.00%    10.82%    
   0.25%    82,778      14.354104      1,188,204    0.00%    12.34%    
   0.25%    6,068      12.777560      77,534    0.00%    26.83%    
JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Diversified Mid Cap Value Portfolio 1
   0.25%    730      19.287150      14,080    1.18%    16.43%    
   0.25%    10,644      16.565444      176,323    0.60%    9.48%    
   0.25%    22,074      15.130897      333,999    0.58%    15.11%    
   0.25%    1,068      13.144807      14,039    0.57%    32.42%    
Lord Abbett Series Mid Cap Value Fund – Class VC
   0.25%    45,876      12.617407      578,836    0.89%    11.95%    
   0.25%    19,122      11.270434      215,513    0.52%    12.70%     05/02/05
Nationwide® GVIT Strategic Value Fund – Class I
   0.25%    22,022      10.567653      232,721    0.04%    38.46%    
   0.25%    42      7.632212      321    0.03%    -25.55%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Fasciano Portfolio – Class S
   0.25%    18,450      15.096902      278,538    0.00%    4.99%    
   0.25%    15,290      14.379334      219,860    0.00%    2.64%    
   0.25%    22,204      14.009370      311,064    0.00%    11.60%    
   0.25%    3,926      12.553503      49,285    0.00%    24.75%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Guardian Portfolio – I Class Shares
   0.25%    194,222      13.804932      2,681,222    0.70%    13.09%    
   0.25%    75,766      12.206553      924,842    0.15%    8.12%    
   0.25%    91,408      11.289714      1,031,970    0.12%    15.53%    
   0.25%    52,239      9.772505      510,506    0.89%    31.43%    
   0.25%    535      7.435383      3,978    0.75%    -26.63%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Mid Cap Growth Portfolio – I Class Shares
   0.25%    391,016    $   10.883119    $ 4,255,474    0.00%    14.41%    
   0.25%    365,056      9.512489      3,472,591    0.00%    13.46%    
   0.25%    678,994      8.384158      5,692,793    0.00%    16.02%    
   0.25%    284,185      7.226636      2,053,702    0.00%    27.75%    
   0.25%    217,507      5.656826      1,230,399    0.00%    -29.52%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Partners Portfolio®– Class I
   0.25%    70,676      16.371496      1,157,072    0.68%    11.96%    
   0.25%    84,180      14.622460      1,230,919    0.98%    17.75%    
   0.25%    191,928      12.418080      2,383,377    0.01%    18.68%    
   0.25%    44,110      10.463664      461,552    0.00%    34.75%    
   0.25%    53,464      7.765195      415,158    0.54%    -24.33%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Regency Portfolio – Class I
   0.25%    6,524      10.257708      66,921    0.44%    2.58%     05/01/06
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Capital Appreciation Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.25%    3,188,414      10.330569      32,938,131    0.38%    7.68%    
   0.25%    3,734,142      9.593805      35,824,630    0.91%    4.84%    
   0.25%    1,591,142      9.151191      14,560,844    0.31%    6.67%    
   0.25%    503,219      8.579039      4,317,135    0.38%    30.62%    
   0.25%    345,299      6.568116      2,267,964    0.57%    -27.04%    
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Global Securities Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.25%    1,608,848      14.823774      23,849,199    1.07%    17.40%    
   0.25%    1,169,740      12.626867      14,770,151    1.00%    14.02%    
   0.25%    436,776      11.073978      4,836,848    1.15%    18.87%    
   0.25%    162,279      9.316393      1,511,855    0.73%    42.66%    
   0.25%    228,358      6.530337      1,491,255    0.55%    -22.33%    
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Main Street Fund®/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.25%    370,160      12.411511      4,594,245    1.10%    14.74%    
   0.25%    381,782      10.817217      4,129,819    1.37%    5.71%    
   0.25%    192,090      10.232719      1,965,603    0.83%    9.19%    
   0.25%    264,755      9.371848      2,481,244    0.90%    26.40%    
   0.25%    1,058      7.414306      7,844    0.75%    -19.00%    
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Mid Cap Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.25%    1,386,376      8.730923      12,104,342    0.00%    2.70%    
   0.25%    1,772,498      8.501413      15,068,738    0.00%    12.05%    
   0.25%    1,726,784      7.587355      13,101,723    0.00%    19.48%    
   0.25%    809,116      6.350438      5,138,241    0.00%    25.28%    
   0.25%    11,391      5.069121      57,742    0.63%    -27.97%    
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT All Asset Portfolio – Administrative Shares
   0.25%    121,412      12.399544      1,505,453    4.03%    4.40%    
   0.25%    287,514      11.877133      3,414,842    4.94%    5.96%    
   0.25%    10,938      11.208609      122,600    6.86%    12.09%     05/03/04
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT Low Duration Portfolio – Administrative Shares
   0.25%    875,682      11.038824      9,666,499    4.19%    3.70%    
   0.25%    747,294      10.644694      7,954,716    2.71%    0.75%    
   0.25%    554,690      10.565271      5,860,450    1.29%    1.58%    
   0.25%    1,496,037      10.400435      15,559,436    1.22%    2.09%    
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT Real Return Portfolio – Administrative Shares
   0.25%    1,287,852      12.506613      16,106,667    4.26%    0.49%    
   0.25%    1,206,896      12.445521      15,020,450    2.85%    1.82%    
   0.25%    309,916      12.223233      3,788,175    1.03%    8.62%    
   0.25%    73,396      11.253423      825,956    2.35%    8.58%    
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT Total Return Portfolio – Administrative Shares
   0.25%    3,326,500      11.986960      39,874,622    4.42%    3.59%    
   0.25%    2,083,246      11.571785      24,106,875    3.47%    2.17%    
   0.25%    1,511,060      11.325918      17,114,142    1.92%    4.62%    
   0.25%    1,182,357      10.825824      12,799,989    2.71%    4.78%    
   0.25%    165      10.331952      1,705    0.98%    3.32%     08/30/02

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Pioneer Variable Contracts Trust – Pioneer High Yield VCT Portfolio – Class I
   0.25%    82,444    $   16.283186    $ 1,342,451    5.53%    8.23%    
   0.25%    36,528      15.044787      549,556    5.49%    1.69%    
   0.25%    53,634      14.794578      793,492    5.59%    7.79%    
   0.25%    379,007      13.725038      5,201,885    5.84%    32.45%    
   0.25%    162      10.362072      1,679    1.76%    3.62%     09/30/02
Royce Capital Fund – Micro Cap
   0.25%    779,248      22.967474      17,897,358    0.17%    20.77%    
   0.25%    690,136      19.017724      13,124,816    0.60%    11.33%    
   0.25%    271,392      17.082044      4,635,930    0.00%    13.56%    
   0.25%    85,061      15.042113      1,279,497    0.00%    48.79%    
T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio – II
   0.25%    1,540,034      17.688346      27,240,654    1.35%    18.35%    
   0.25%    892,058      14.945544      13,332,292    1.39%    3.44%    
   0.25%    366,698      14.448971      5,298,409    1.46%    14.33%    
   0.25%    167,637      12.637920      2,118,583    1.80%    24.86%    
T. Rowe Price Mid Cap Growth Fund – II
   0.25%    560,134      20.137940      11,279,945    0.00%    6.12%    
   0.25%    356,418      18.977178      6,763,808    0.00%    14.15%    
   0.25%    179,746      16.624542      2,988,195    0.00%    17.76%    
   0.25%    279,141      14.117448      3,940,759    0.00%    37.75%    
T. Rowe Price New America Growth Portfolio
   0.25%    86,392      12.056017      1,041,543    0.04%    7.06%    
   0.25%    2,404      11.260565      27,070    0.00%    4.21%    
   0.25%    560      10.805340      6,051    0.00%    8.05%     05/03/04
Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust – Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund – Initial Class
   0.25%    66,446      32.731758      2,174,894    0.56%    39.14%    
   0.25%    41,596      23.523647      978,490    0.71%    31.67%    
   0.25%    212,994      17.865954      3,805,341    0.53%    25.58%    
   0.25%    38,302      14.227140      544,928    0.11%    53.80%    
   0.25%    399      9.250254      3,691    0.21%    -3.14%    
Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust – Worldwide Hard Assets Fund – Initial Class
   0.25%    153,486      32.590053      5,002,117    0.06%    24.18%    
   0.25%    129,856      26.243783      3,407,913    0.31%    51.29%    
   0.25%    31,156      17.346378      540,444    0.31%    23.92%    
   0.25%    12,374      14.026509      173,564    0.41%    44.72%    
   0.25%    497      9.692423      4,817    0.75%    -3.08%    
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio – Class I
   0.25%    49,984      21.418803      1,070,597    10.28%    10.53%    
   0.25%    48,476      19.378063      939,371    7.14%    11.97%    
   0.25%    37,344      17.306300      646,286    7.52%    9.79%    
   0.25%    68,138      15.763497      1,074,093    0.00%    27.55%    
   0.25%    83      12.359143      1,026    8.74%    8.95%    
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – Mid Cap Growth Portfolio – Class I
   0.25%    265,862      9.209696      2,448,508    0.00%    9.00%    
   0.25%    144,664      8.449046      1,222,273    0.00%    17.28%    
   0.25%    137,920      7.204463      993,640    0.00%    21.29%    
   0.25%    74,914      5.939719      444,968    0.00%    41.41%    
   0.25%    354      4.200344      1,487    0.00%    -31.33%    
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – U.S. Real Estate Portfolio – Class I
   0.25%    709,670      34.480507      24,469,781    1.07%    37.70%    
   0.25%    546,448      25.040093      13,683,109    1.19%    16.76%    
   0.25%    352,704      21.445777      7,564,011    1.61%    36.05%    
   0.25%    151,526      15.762653      2,388,452    0.00%    37.17%    
   0.25%    770      11.491482      8,848    4.01%    -1.03%    
W&R Target Funds, Inc. – Real Estate Securities Portfolio
   0.25%    594      14.907103      8,855    1.58%    29.76%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Wells Fargo Advantage Variable Trust FundsSM– Wells Fargo Advantage VT Opportunity FundSM
   0.25%    454,354    $   13.423088    $ 6,098,834    0.00%    11.94%    
   0.25%    470,806      11.991404      5,645,625    0.00%    7.62%    
   0.25%    469,872      11.142802      5,235,691    0.00%    17.93%    
   0.25%    169,629      9.449055      1,602,834    0.08%    36.66%    
   0.25%    182,111      6.914071      1,259,128    0.50%    -27.00%    
The BEST of AMERICA® America’s FUTURE Life SeriesSM
Reduced Fee Tier (0.40%)
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Basic Value Fund – Series I
   0.40%    30,412      17.202471      523,162    0.42%    12.75%    
   0.40%    44,502      15.256716      678,954    0.09%    5.32%    
   0.40%    73,606      14.486704      1,066,308    0.00%    10.63%    
   0.40%    82,900      13.095200      1,085,592    0.06%    33.09%    
   0.40%    39,881      9.839124      392,394    0.00%    -1.61%     09/03/02
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Capital Appreciation Fund – Series I
   0.40%    13,547      13.224712      179,155    0.00%    34.82%    
   0.40%    24      9.809368      235    0.00%    -1.91%     09/03/02
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. Capital Development Fund – Series I Shares
   0.40%    137,464      19.275099      2,649,632    0.00%    16.06%    
   0.40%    247,510      16.608430      4,110,753    0.00%    9.17%    
   0.40%    59,864      15.213529      910,743    0.00%    15.04%    
AIM Variable Insurance Funds – AIM V.I. International Growth Fund – Series I
   0.40%    461,146      17.863705      8,237,776    0.97%    27.72%    
   0.40%    457,728      13.986284      6,401,914    1.14%    17.46%    
   0.40%    152,296      11.907437      1,813,455    1.36%    19.07%     05/03/04
AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. – Growth and Income Portfolio – Class A
   0.40%    395,572      17.896979      7,079,544    1.37%    16.82%    
   0.40%    386,306      15.320186      5,918,280    1.48%    4.45%    
   0.40%    309,918      14.667608      4,545,756    0.92%    11.02%    
   0.40%    246,983      13.212012      3,263,142    0.51%    31.97%    
   0.40%    5,432      10.011053      54,380    0.00%    0.11%     09/03/02
AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. – International Value Portfolio – Class A
   0.40%    453,968      11.311574      5,135,093    0.57%    13.12%     05/01/06
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Income & Growth Fund – Class I
   0.40%    280      14.724248      4,123    1.85%    16.62%    
   0.40%    1,326      12.625722      16,742    1.94%    4.21%    
   0.40%    177,026      12.115153      2,144,697    1.37%    12.54%    
   0.40%    350,297      10.765053      3,770,966    1.28%    28.84%    
   0.40%    2,529,796      8.355578      21,137,908    1.00%    -19.69%    
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – International Fund – Class I
   0.40%    146,198      14.750278      2,156,461    1.58%    24.53%    
   0.40%    243,536      11.844974      2,884,678    1.25%    12.80%    
   0.40%    1,074,540      10.500552      11,283,263    0.56%    14.47%    
   0.40%    2,984,336      9.173579      27,377,042    0.73%    24.01%    
   0.40%    2,893,353      7.397247      21,402,847    0.78%    -20.69%    
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Ultra® Fund – Class I
   0.40%    15,632      10.777532      168,474    0.00%    -3.66%    
   0.40%    28,284      11.187064      316,415    0.00%    1.76%    
   0.40%    102,910      10.993709      1,131,363    0.00%    10.23%    
   0.40%    79,186      9.973091      789,729    0.00%    24.40%    
   0.40%    4,655      8.016962      37,319    0.66%    -19.83%     05/01/02
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – Value Fund – Class I
   0.40%    250,854      19.265641      4,832,863    1.41%    18.18%    
   0.40%    371,836      16.301854      6,061,616    0.83%    4.62%    
   0.40%    572,678      15.582659      8,923,846    0.97%    13.88%    
   0.40%    835,035      13.683795      11,426,448    1.04%    28.44%    
   0.40%    872,044      10.653510      9,290,329    0.75%    -12.97%    
American Century Variable Portfolios, Inc. – VistaSM Fund – Class I
   0.40%    9,374      12.413582      116,365    0.00%    8.57%    
   0.40%    596      11.433293      6,814    0.00%    14.33%     05/02/05

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Baron Capital Funds Trust – Baron Capital Asset Fund – Insurance Shares
   0.40%    206,184    $   18.608964    $ 3,836,871    0.00%    15.06%    
   0.40%    191,636      16.172933      3,099,316    0.00%    2.95%    
   0.40%    171,058      15.709055      2,687,160    0.00%    25.14%    
   0.40%    107,132      12.553439      1,344,875    0.00%    29.49%    
   0.40%    7,134      9.694252      69,159    0.00%    -3.06%     09/03/02
BlackRock International Index Portfolio – Class II
   0.40%    17,946      14.547195      261,064    5.83%    25.18%    
   0.40%    220      11.621096      2,557    1.76%    16.21%     05/02/05
BlackRock Large Cap Core V.I. Fund – Class II
   0.40%    17,728      13.203975      234,080    0.79%    14.16%    
   0.40%    73,626      11.566434      851,590    0.74%    15.66%     05/02/05
Calvert Variable Series, Inc. – Social Equity Portfolio
   0.40%    512      15.240875      7,803    0.00%    9.62%    
   0.40%    428      13.903575      5,951    0.06%    4.13%    
   0.40%    6,064      13.352495      80,970    0.08%    6.73%    
   0.40%    1,076      12.510533      13,461    0.01%    21.69%    
Credit Suisse Trust – Global Small Cap Portfolio
   0.40%    27,170      5.555805      150,951    0.00%    -34.42%    
Credit Suisse Trust – International Focus Portfolio
   0.40%    32,357      6.196425      200,498    0.00%    -20.22%    
Credit Suisse Trust – Large Cap Value Portfolio
   0.40%    17,547      10.955988      192,245    0.76%    24.66%    
   0.40%    45,124      8.788383      396,567    0.76%    -23.40%    
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios – Mid Cap Stock Index Portfolio – Initial Shares
   0.40%    6,714      17.398454      116,813    0.37%    7.32%    
   0.40%    9,248      16.211755      149,926    0.02%    8.74%    
   0.40%    25,166      14.909204      375,205    0.43%    14.02%    
   0.40%    58,097      13.076217      759,689    1.02%    31.20%    
   0.40%    2,842      9.966854      28,326    0.60%    -0.33%     09/03/02
Dreyfus Investment Portfolios – Small Cap Stock Index Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.40%    418,714      15.520951      6,498,839    0.38%    13.96%    
   0.40%    434,388      13.620186      5,916,445    0.00%    6.81%    
   0.40%    164,998      12.752292      2,104,103    0.57%    21.40%    
   0.40%    61,690      10.504526      648,024    0.27%    37.23%    
   0.40%    5,221      7.654697      39,965    0.29%    -23.45%     05/01/02
Dreyfus Socially Responsible Growth Fund, Inc. – Initial Shares, The
   0.40%    90      10.406467      937    0.11%    8.77%    
   0.40%    734      9.567773      7,023    0.00%    3.20%    
   0.40%    21,434      9.270823      198,711    0.40%    5.79%    
   0.40%    114,903      8.763701      1,006,976    0.11%    25.50%    
   0.40%    368,609      6.983004      2,573,998    0.22%    -29.23%    
Dreyfus Stock Index Fund, Inc. – Initial Shares
   0.40%    4,780,522      13.685152      65,422,170    1.64%    15.04%    
   0.40%    3,928,314      11.896207      46,732,037    1.63%    4.27%    
   0.40%    6,072,526      11.408542      69,278,668    1.82%    10.20%    
   0.40%    9,284,780      10.352696      96,122,505    1.54%    27.85%    
   0.40%    14,027,919      8.097446      113,590,317    1.45%    -22.67%    
Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund – Appreciation Portfolio – Initial Shares
   0.40%    265,322      13.820624      3,666,916    1.53%    16.01%    
   0.40%    471,228      11.912967      5,613,724    0.02%    3.96%    
   0.40%    504,718      11.458946      5,783,536    1.67%    4.63%    
   0.40%    830,526      10.952239      9,096,119    1.18%    20.69%    
   0.40%    1,866,807      9.074997      16,941,268    1.22%    -17.05%    
Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund – International Value Portfolio – Initial Shares
   0.40%    293,760      20.828757      6,118,656    1.25%    22.11%    
   0.40%    369,294      17.057481      6,299,225    0.00%    11.44%    
   0.40%    507,212      15.305834      7,763,303    1.23%    19.54%    
   0.40%    146,661      12.803571      1,877,785    2.67%    35.81%    
   0.40%    7,620      9.427437      71,837    0.37%    -5.73%     09/03/02

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Federated Insurance Series – Federated Quality Bond Fund II – Primary Shares
   0.40%    68,922    $   14.279265    $ 984,156      5.17%    3.74%    
   0.40%    592,368      13.764550      8,153,679      3.55%    0.89%    
   0.40%    1,333,708      13.642560      18,195,191      3.92%    3.21%    
   0.40%    2,418,929      13.218733      31,975,177      3.30%    4.23%    
   0.40%    2,571,167      12.682507      32,608,843      3.20%    8.87%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Equity-Income Portfolio – Service Class
   0.40%    520,282      16.022504      8,336,220      3.15%    19.60%    
   0.40%    722,038      13.396579      9,672,839      1.56%    5.34%    
   0.40%    1,784,684      12.717880      22,697,397      1.39%    10.94%    
   0.40%    2,509,045      11.463982      28,763,647      1.66%    29.70%    
   0.40%    2,559,502      8.838834      22,623,013      1.50%    -17.33%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Growth Portfolio – Service Class
   0.40%    245,682      12.653389      3,108,710      0.28%    6.31%    
   0.40%    510,730      11.902677      6,079,054      0.41%    5.25%    
   0.40%    1,600,358      11.308717      18,097,996      0.16%    2.85%    
   0.40%    2,979,457      10.995198      32,759,720      0.18%    32.25%    
   0.40%    3,005,019      8.313850      24,983,277      0.14%    -30.48%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – High Income Portfolio – Service Class
   0.40%    244      10.547905      2,574      7.58%    10.73%    
   0.40%    2,824      9.525383      26,900    14.70%    2.11%    
   0.40%    217,058      9.328110      2,024,741      8.03%    9.03%    
   0.40%    504,057      8.555502      4,312,461      6.36%    26.46%    
   0.40%    774,551      6.765203      5,239,995      9.18%    3.20%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund – Overseas Portfolio – Service Class
   0.40%    581,496      15.169405      8,820,948      0.84%    17.48%    
   0.40%    700,420      12.912620      9,044,257      0.56%    18.50%    
   0.40%    912,684      10.896942      9,945,465      0.98%    13.03%    
   0.40%    746,827      9.640353      7,199,676      0.63%    42.63%    
   0.40%    1,627,578      6.758846      11,000,549      0.64%    -20.66%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund II – Contrafund® Portfolio – Service Class
   0.40%    967,474      19.486792      18,852,965      1.12%    11.15%    
   0.40%    1,090,144      17.532748      19,113,220      0.19%    16.38%    
   0.40%    1,506,264      15.064815      22,691,589      0.24%    14.88%    
   0.40%    1,901,875      13.113640      24,940,504      0.30%    27.84%    
   0.40%    1,492,216      10.257824      15,306,889      0.69%    -9.79%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund II – Investment Grade Bond Portfolio – Service Class
   0.40%    880      11.183530      9,842      3.34%    3.88%    
   0.40%    372      10.765329      4,005      2.69%    1.67%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Growth Opportunities Portfolio – Service Class
   0.40%    608      9.527944      5,793      0.84%    8.43%    
   0.40%    20,800      8.787333      182,777      0.48%    6.63%    
   0.40%    259,028      8.240791      2,134,596      0.59%    29.14%    
   0.40%    402,649      6.381088      2,569,339      0.93%    -22.23%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Mid Cap Portfolio – Service Class
   0.40%    35,172      23.049221      810,687      0.23%    12.14%    
   0.40%    3,976      20.553596      81,721      0.00%    17.73%    
Fidelity® Variable Insurance Products Fund III – Value Strategies Portfolio – Service Class
   0.40%    14      15.797724      221      0.49%    15.73%    
   0.40%    2,310      13.649958      31,531      0.00%    2.15%    
   0.40%    64,044      13.363171      855,831      0.00%    13.53%    
   0.40%    59,064      11.770364      695,205      0.00%    57.16%    
   0.40%    953      7.489405      7,137      0.00%    -25.11%     05/01/02
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Franklin Small Cap Value Securities Fund – Class 2
   0.40%    62,174      13.213518      821,537      0.76%    16.52%    
   0.40%    199,332      11.340582      2,260,541      0.00%    13.41%     05/02/05

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust – Templeton Foreign Securities Fund – Class 2
   0.40%    494,684    $   19.549201    $ 9,670,677      1.24%    20.96%    
   0.40%    485,970      16.161499      7,854,004      1.12%    9.73%    
   0.40%    397,492      14.728417      5,854,428      1.11%    18.06%    
   0.40%    300,494      12.475864      3,748,922      1.96%    31.68%    
   0.40%    14,717      9.474024      139,429      0.00%    -5.26%     09/03/02
Gartmore GVIT – Emerging Markets Fund – Class I
   0.40%    316,790      24.714946      7,829,448      0.71%    36.17%    
   0.40%    150,756      18.149525      2,736,150      0.60%    32.11%    
   0.40%    182,748      13.738334      2,510,653      1.04%    20.26%    
   0.40%    183,203      11.423706      2,092,857      0.61%    64.60%    
   0.40%    10,388      6.940105      72,094      0.23%    -15.57%    
Gartmore GVIT – Federated GGVIT High Income Bond Fund – Class I
   0.40%    230,582      15.107048      3,483,413      7.41%    10.16%    
   0.40%    224,370      13.713412      3,076,878      6.92%    1.97%    
   0.40%    329,516      13.448117      4,431,370      7.58%    9.66%    
   0.40%    767,382      12.263819      9,411,034      7.99%    21.78%    
   0.40%    555,227      10.070195      5,591,244    10.09%    2.81%    
Gartmore GVIT – Global Financial Services Fund – Class I
   0.40%    5,096      19.464132      99,189      1.89%    19.84%    
   0.40%    3,938      16.241486      63,959      2.00%    10.71%    
   0.40%    59,974      14.670465      879,846      1.37%    20.51%    
   0.40%    44,687      12.173639      544,003      1.08%    40.89%    
Gartmore GVIT – Global Health Sciences Fund – Class I
   0.40%    18,258      13.442227      245,428      0.00%    2.30%    
   0.40%    13,866      13.140144      182,201      0.00%    8.01%    
   0.40%    57,244      12.165918      696,426      0.00%    7.43%    
   0.40%    52,928      11.324625      599,390      0.00%    36.15%    
   0.40%    292      8.317804      2,429      0.00%    -16.82%     05/01/02
Gartmore GVIT – Global Technology and Communications Fund – Class I
   0.40%    238,650      3.444715      822,081      0.00%    10.73%    
   0.40%    232,710      3.111019      723,965      0.00%    -0.91%    
   0.40%    481,400      3.139672      1,511,438      0.00%    3.90%    
   0.40%    573,189      3.021924      1,732,134      0.00%    54.61%    
   0.40%    46,574      1.954523      91,030      0.67%    -43.01%    
Gartmore GVIT – Global Utilities Fund – Class I
   0.40%    2,542      20.110980      51,122      2.84%    37.01%    
   0.40%    2,742      14.678049      40,247      2.09%    5.96%    
   0.40%    15,120      13.851870      209,440      1.64%    29.45%    
   0.40%    13,251      10.700667      141,795      1.02%    23.56%    
   0.40%    2,326      8.660608      20,145      0.61%    -13.39%     05/01/02
Gartmore GVIT – Government Bond Fund – Class I
   0.40%    445,662      15.186518      6,768,054      3.95%    2.93%    
   0.40%    800,072      14.754249      11,804,462      3.71%    2.85%    
   0.40%    2,350,974      14.345081      33,724,912      5.38%    2.85%    
   0.40%    5,633,215      13.947593      78,569,790      3.25%    1.59%    
   0.40%    9,515,935      13.728864      130,642,977      4.66%    10.54%    
Gartmore GVIT – Growth Fund: Class I
   0.40%    4      6.904680      28      0.05%    5.75%    
   0.40%    3,778      6.529541      24,669      0.08%    6.08%    
   0.40%    16,686      6.155504      102,711      0.34%    7.72%    
   0.40%    76,097      5.714099      434,826      0.02%    32.21%    
   0.40%    174,753      4.322008      755,284      0.00%    -29.01%    
Gartmore GVIT – International Growth Fund – Class I
   0.40%    416      13.099372      5,449      0.84%    32.44%    
   0.40%    4      9.891115      40      1.10%    29.69%    
   0.40%    25,428      7.626680      193,931      0.85%    13.74%    
   0.40%    52,743      6.705480      353,667      0.00%    35.08%    
   0.40%    40,096      4.964024      199,038      0.00%    -24.41%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Aggressive Fund – Class II
   0.40%    171,634    $   15.493861    $ 2,659,273    2.11%    16.40%    
   0.40%    104,554      13.310555      1,391,672    2.02%    7.50%    
   0.40%    63,674      12.381734      788,395    1.85%    13.57%    
   0.40%    19,629      10.902206      213,999    1.57%    31.34%    
   0.40%    4,346      8.300685      36,075    0.86%    -16.99%     01/25/02
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Conservative Fund – Class II
   0.40%    92,396      12.204705      1,127,666    3.23%    5.74%    
   0.40%    49,050      11.542054      566,138    2.49%    2.90%    
   0.40%    95,536      11.217265      1,071,653    2.49%    4.23%    
   0.40%    12,703      10.761565      136,704    2.59%    7.48%    
   0.40%    6,694      10.013037      67,027    2.18%    0.13%     01/25/02
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderate Fund – Class II
   0.40%    490,632      13.823999      6,782,496    2.47%    10.91%    
   0.40%    390,100      12.464210      4,862,288    2.39%    4.92%    
   0.40%    264,480      11.879208      3,141,813    2.21%    9.10%    
   0.40%    37,624      10.888513      409,669    2.05%    19.57%    
   0.40%    9,222      9.106228      83,978    1.66%    -8.94%     01/25/02
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderately Aggressive Fund – Class II
   0.40%    268,984      14.829966      3,989,024    2.25%    14.08%    
   0.40%    181,156      12.999118      2,354,868    2.19%    6.65%    
   0.40%    142,944      12.189084      1,742,356    2.01%    11.65%    
   0.40%    56,878      10.917690      620,976    1.61%    26.14%    
   0.40%    14,555      8.655338      125,978    1.05%    -13.45%     01/25/02
Gartmore GVIT – Investor Destinations Moderately Conservative Fund – Class II
   0.40%    820,496      13.049356      10,706,944    2.84%    7.99%    
   0.40%    521,412      12.083751      6,300,613    2.78%    4.07%    
   0.40%    210,474      11.611205      2,443,857    2.38%    6.73%    
   0.40%    13,568      10.878938      147,605    2.33%    13.24%    
   0.40%    4,849      9.606563      46,582    1.99%    -3.93%     01/25/02
Gartmore GVIT – J.P. Morgan GVIT Balanced Fund: Class I
   0.40%    608      12.170646      7,400    2.25%    11.80%    
   0.40%    39,454      10.885904      429,492    1.98%    2.13%    
   0.40%    241,606      10.658428      2,575,140    1.94%    8.06%    
   0.40%    533,567      9.863609      5,262,896    1.76%    17.94%    
   0.40%    943,228      8.363123      7,888,332    2.28%    -12.66%    
Gartmore GVIT – Mid Cap Growth Fund – Class I
   0.40%    94      13.633719      1,282    0.00%    9.47%    
   0.40%    468      12.454266      5,829    0.00%    9.30%    
   0.40%    114,718      11.394076      1,307,106    0.00%    14.88%    
   0.40%    335,334      9.918443      3,325,991    0.00%    39.58%    
   0.40%    1,062,592      7.106122      7,550,908    0.00%    -37.27%    
Gartmore GVIT – Mid Cap Index Fund – Class I
   0.40%    660,842      21.263963      14,052,120    1.14%    9.45%    
   0.40%    746,512      19.427688      14,503,002    1.04%    11.65%    
   0.40%    1,048,696      17.400194      18,247,514    0.56%    15.27%    
   0.40%    1,017,996      15.095175      15,366,828    0.50%    34.11%    
   0.40%    922,042      11.255500      10,378,044    0.45%    -15.64%    
Gartmore GVIT – Money Market Fund – Class I
   0.40%    1,872      12.182168      22,805    2.61%    2.26%    
   0.40%    165,086      11.913109      1,966,688    0.80%    0.41%    
   0.40%    541,898      11.864684      6,429,449    0.63%    0.22%    
   0.40%    4,829,326      11.838269      57,170,860    1.51%    0.81%    
Gartmore GVIT – Money Market Fund – Class V
   0.40%    4,048,114      10.763797      43,573,077    4.63%    4.20%    
   0.40%    5,136,552      10.330316      53,062,205    2.74%    2.34%    
   0.40%    7,815,054      10.093995      78,885,116    0.91%    0.49%    
   0.40%    11,999,723      10.045042      120,537,722    0.70%    0.30%    
   0.40%    15,116,078      10.014669      151,382,518    0.28%    0.15%     10/21/02

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Gartmore GVIT – Nationwide® Fund – Class I
   0.40%    31,470    $   12.805324    $ 402,984    1.09%    13.18%    
   0.40%    28,310      11.314587      320,316    1.00%    7.01%    
   0.40%    119,314      10.573030      1,261,511    1.30%    9.31%    
   0.40%    331,958      9.672247      3,210,780    0.59%    27.00%    
   0.40%    368,763      7.615719      2,808,395    0.95%    -17.68%    
Gartmore GVIT – Nationwide® Leaders Fund – Class I
   0.40%    54      15.818643      854    0.70%    15.58%    
   0.40%    212      13.685866      2,901    1.29%    9.87%    
   0.40%    996      12.456136      12,406    0.48%    18.32%    
   0.40%    2,091      10.527571      22,013    0.15%    24.88%    
Gartmore GVIT – Small Cap Growth Fund – Class I
   0.40%    106,988      16.842189      1,801,912    0.00%    2.80%    
   0.40%    123,110      16.384018      2,017,036    0.00%    7.66%    
   0.40%    302,750      15.218321      4,607,347    0.00%    12.96%    
   0.40%    315,046      13.471955      4,244,286    0.00%    33.73%    
   0.40%    312,346      10.074004      3,146,575    0.00%    -33.55%    
Gartmore GVIT – Small Cap Value Fund – Class I
   0.40%    104,786      24.553275      2,572,839    0.43%    16.83%    
   0.40%    395,632      21.016857      8,314,941    0.07%    2.66%    
   0.40%    1,039,852      20.471824      21,287,667    0.00%    16.83%    
   0.40%    1,315,269      17.522719      23,047,089    0.00%    56.23%    
   0.40%    1,401,972      11.216089      15,724,643    0.01%    -27.45%    
Gartmore GVIT – Small Company Fund – Class I
   0.40%    428,830      22.410227      9,610,178    0.10%    11.59%    
   0.40%    832,540      20.082219      16,719,251    0.00%    11.87%    
   0.40%    1,815,822      17.951460      32,596,656    0.00%    18.55%    
   0.40%    2,515,752      15.142892      38,095,761    0.00%    40.45%    
   0.40%    2,331,936      10.781666      25,142,155    0.00%    -17.66%    
Gartmore GVIT – Turner GVIT Growth Focus Fund – Class I
   0.40%    48,390      3.293722      159,383    0.00%    50.36%    
   0.40%    6,098      2.190553      13,358    0.00%    -43.09%    
Gartmore GVIT – U.S. Growth Leaders Fund – Class I
   0.40%    118      15.415524      1,819    0.27%    -0.69%    
   0.40%    816      15.521877      12,666    0.00%    11.52%    
   0.40%    3,866      13.918876      53,810    0.00%    11.96%    
   0.40%    28,684      12.431976      356,599    0.00%    51.53%    
Gartmore GVIT – Van Kampen GGVIT Comstock Value Fund: Class I
   0.40%    2      13.317925      27    1.73%    15.44%    
   0.40%    262      11.536276      3,023    1.61%    3.83%    
   0.40%    28,772      11.110531      319,672    1.39%    17.03%    
   0.40%    50,453      9.493770      478,989    1.34%    30.91%    
   0.40%    254,670      7.252185      1,846,914    1.34%    -25.44%    
Gartmore GVIT – Van Kampen GVIT Multi-Sector Bond Fund – Class I
   0.40%    34,566      14.839152      512,930    4.07%    4.42%    
   0.40%    89,110      14.210938      1,266,337    3.99%    1.77%    
   0.40%    307,698      13.963330      4,296,489    4.55%    6.11%    
   0.40%    469,752      13.159481      6,181,693    5.42%    11.67%    
   0.40%    775,887      11.784392      9,143,357    4.49%    6.78%    
Gartmore GVIT – Worldwide Leaders Fund – Class I
   0.40%    24      15.509710      372    0.85%    25.38%    
   0.40%    78      12.370181      965    1.11%    18.86%    
   0.40%    1,704      10.407118      17,734    0.00%    15.20%    
   0.40%    30,673      9.033664      277,090    0.00%    35.52%    
   0.40%    82,915      6.666122      552,722    2.00%    -25.69%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust – Goldman Sachs VIT Mid Cap Value Fund
   0.40%    1,066,122    $ 20.590810    $ 21,952,316    0.98%    15.70%    
   0.40%    1,114,814      17.796530      19,839,821    0.60%    12.38%    
   0.40%    1,046,542      15.836525      16,573,589    0.74%    25.38%    
   0.40%    599,528      12.630569      7,572,380    1.72%    27.88%    
   0.40%    7,368      9.877029      72,774    0.27%    -1.23%     09/03/02
Janus Aspen Series – Balanced Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.40%    165,700      14.456527      2,395,447    1.99%    9.98%    
   0.40%    208,740      13.145265      2,743,943    2.04%    7.23%    
   0.40%    285,628      12.258707      3,501,430    2.45%    7.86%    
   0.40%    360,530      11.365300      4,097,532    2.34%    13.27%    
   0.40%    977      10.033996      9,803    2.14%    0.34%     09/03/02
Janus Aspen Series – Forty Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.40%    228,352      9.171618      2,094,357    0.14%    8.68%    
   0.40%    217,772      8.438947      1,837,766    0.01%    12.11%    
   0.40%    878,196      7.527514      6,610,633    0.02%    17.50%    
   0.40%    1,755,706      6.406568      11,248,050    0.25%    19.75%    
   0.40%    1,902,427      5.349794      10,177,593    0.32%    -16.26%    
Janus Aspen Series – Global Technology Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.40%    52      4.200294      218    0.00%    7.40%    
   0.40%    8,530      3.910937      33,360    0.00%    11.11%    
   0.40%    183,526      3.520024      646,016    0.00%    0.16%    
   0.40%    524,317      3.514240      1,842,576    0.00%    45.89%    
   0.40%    783,206      2.408830      1,886,610    0.00%    -41.17%    
Janus Aspen Series – International Growth Portfolio – Service Shares
   0.40%    43,784      14.131910      618,752    1.89%    46.05%    
   0.40%    156,464      9.676381      1,514,005    1.05%    31.41%    
   0.40%    1,087,636      7.363272      8,008,560    0.85%    18.21%    
   0.40%    2,277,464      6.228826      14,185,927    1.02%    34.00%    
   0.40%    3,375,569      4.648509      15,691,363    0.70%    -26.05%    
JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Diversified Mid Cap Growth Portfolio 1
   0.40%    83,526      17.561058      1,466,805    0.00%    10.95%    
   0.40%    90,134      15.828526      1,426,688    0.00%    10.65%    
   0.40%    99,214      14.304998      1,419,256    0.00%    12.17%    
   0.40%    208,667      12.752960      2,661,122    0.00%    26.64%    
   0.40%    19,940      10.070202      200,800    0.00%    0.70%     09/18/02
JPMorgan Insurance Trust – JPMorgan Insurance Trust Diversified Mid Cap Value Portfolio 1
   0.40%    2,838      19.163821      54,387    1.18%    16.26%    
   0.40%    14,156      16.484146      233,350    0.60%    9.32%    
   0.40%    35,252      15.079159      531,571    0.58%    14.94%    
   0.40%    30,988      13.119525      406,548    0.57%    32.22%    
   0.40%    39,000      9.922131      386,963    0.00%    -0.78%     09/18/02
Lord Abbett Series Mid Cap Value Fund – Class VC
   0.40%    7,064      12.586028      88,908    0.89%    11.78%    
   0.40%    1,690      11.259238      19,028    0.52%    12.59%     05/02/05
Nationwide® GVIT Strategic Value Fund – Class I
   0.40%    19,292      9.311693      179,641    0.04%    38.25%    
   0.40%    30,787      6.735208      207,357    0.03%    -25.66%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Fasciano Portfolio – Class S
   0.40%    7,818      14.999423      117,265    0.00%    4.83%    
   0.40%    20,788      14.307871      297,432    0.00%    2.49%    
   0.40%    44,406      13.960609      619,935    0.00%    11.43%    
   0.40%    35,320      12.528578      442,509    0.00%    24.56%    
   0.40%    3,552      10.057930      35,726    0.00%    0.58%     09/03/02
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Guardian Portfolio – I Class Shares
   0.40%    74      14.282531      1,057    0.70%    12.93%    
   0.40%    80,808      12.647762      1,022,040    0.15%    7.96%    
   0.40%    290,396      11.715274      3,402,069    0.12%    15.35%    
   0.40%    406,038      10.156098      4,123,762    0.89%    31.24%    
   0.40%    1,042,854      7.738827      8,070,467    0.75%    -26.74%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Mid Cap Growth Portfolio – I Class Shares
   0.40%    97,186    $ 16.121456    $ 1,566,780    0.00%    14.24%    
   0.40%    127,004      14.112212      1,792,307    0.00%    13.29%    
   0.40%    322,438      12.456893      4,016,576    0.00%    15.84%    
   0.40%    895,379      10.753194      9,628,184    0.00%    27.56%    
   0.40%    1,801,971      8.429938      15,190,504    0.00%    -29.62%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Partners Portfolio®– Class I
   0.40%    414      15.348160      6,354    0.68%    11.79%    
   0.40%    211,116      13.728969      2,898,405    0.98%    17.58%    
   0.40%    244,546      11.676716      2,855,494    0.01%    18.50%    
   0.40%    271,980      9.853739      2,680,020    0.00%    34.55%    
   0.40%    341,601      7.323519      2,501,721    0.54%    -24.45%    
Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust – Regency Portfolio – Class I
   0.40%    34,570      10.247505      354,256    0.44%    2.48%     05/01/06
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Capital Appreciation Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.40%    1,040,592      14.821276      15,422,901    0.38%    7.52%    
   0.40%    1,425,776      13.784845      19,654,101    0.91%    4.68%    
   0.40%    4,419,620      13.168552      58,199,996    0.31%    6.51%    
   0.40%    4,490,131      12.363752      55,514,866    0.38%    30.42%    
   0.40%    3,582,220      9.479881      33,959,019    0.57%    -27.15%    
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Global Securities Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.40%    898,758      14.676391      13,190,524    1.07%    17.22%    
   0.40%    810,028      12.520042      10,141,585    1.00%    13.85%    
   0.40%    1,770,284      10.996730      19,467,335    1.15%    18.69%    
   0.40%    1,588,406      9.265284      14,717,033    0.73%    42.45%    
   0.40%    1,442,545      6.504237      9,382,655    0.55%    -22.45%    
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Main Street Fund®/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.40%    3,524      11.856561      41,783    1.10%    14.57%    
   0.40%    5,684      10.349023      58,824    1.37%    5.55%    
   0.40%    606,518      9.804476      5,946,591    0.83%    9.02%    
   0.40%    805,623      8.993106      7,245,053    0.90%    26.21%    
   0.40%    704,851      7.125335      5,022,300    0.75%    -19.12%    
Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds – Oppenheimer Mid Cap Fund/VA – Non-Service Shares
   0.40%    986      13.200215      13,015    0.00%    2.55%    
   0.40%    5,300      12.872483      68,224    0.00%    11.88%    
   0.40%    916,804      11.505640      10,548,417    0.00%    19.30%    
   0.40%    1,747,033      9.644393      16,849,073    0.00%    25.09%    
   0.40%    2,442,509      7.709999      18,831,742    0.63%    -28.08%    
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT All Asset Portfolio – Administrative Shares
   0.40%    2,542      12.350260      31,394    4.03%    4.24%    
   0.40%    58,972      11.847635      698,679    4.94%    5.81%    
   0.40%    13,676      11.197507      153,137    6.86%    11.98%     05/03/04
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT Low Duration Portfolio – Administrative Shares
   0.40%    995,170      10.967285      10,914,313    4.19%    3.55%    
   0.40%    1,106,776      10.591594      11,722,522    2.71%    0.60%    
   0.40%    1,548,394      10.528355      16,302,042    1.29%    1.43%    
   0.40%    427,929      10.379703      4,441,776    1.22%    1.94%    
   0.40%    45,027      10.182621      458,493    0.26%    1.83%     09/03/02
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT Real Return Portfolio – Administrative Shares
   0.40%    1,442,470      12.425357      17,923,205    4.26%    0.34%    
   0.40%    640,224      12.383232      7,928,042    2.85%    1.67%    
   0.40%    907,634      12.180321      11,055,273    1.03%    8.45%    
   0.40%    604,652      11.230805      6,790,729    2.35%    8.42%    
   0.40%    48,671      10.358691      504,168    0.39%    3.59%     08/30/02
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust – PIMCO VIT Total Return Portfolio – Administrative Shares
   0.40%    3,150,134      11.909077      37,515,188    4.42%    3.43%    
   0.40%    2,531,932      11.513866      29,152,326    3.47%    2.02%    
   0.40%    3,142,992      11.286156      35,472,298    1.92%    4.46%    
   0.40%    2,117,582      10.804064      22,878,491    2.71%    4.62%    
   0.40%    185,190      10.326715      1,912,404    0.98%    3.27%     08/30/02

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Pioneer Variable Contracts Trust – Pioneer High Yield VCT Portfolio – Class I
   0.40%    280,054    $ 16.177661    $ 4,530,619      5.53%    8.07%    
   0.40%    252,932      14.969736      3,786,325      5.49%    1.54%    
   0.40%    473,190      14.742883      6,976,185      5.59%    7.63%    
   0.40%    105,483      13.697677      1,444,872      5.84%    32.26%    
   0.40%    211      10.356990      2,185      1.76%    3.57%     09/03/02
Royce Capital Fund – Micro Cap
   0.40%    767,354      22.819241      17,510,436      0.17%    20.59%    
   0.40%    830,676      18.923254      15,719,093      0.60%    11.17%    
   0.40%    1,033,530      17.022607      17,593,375      0.00%    13.39%    
   0.40%    548,859      15.012271      8,239,620      0.00%    48.57%    
   0.40%    43,606      10.104573      440,620      0.00%    1.05%     09/03/02
T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio – II
   0.40%    1,391,756      17.574134      24,458,906      1.35%    18.18%    
   0.40%    1,649,340      14.871262      24,527,767      1.39%    3.28%    
   0.40%    1,661,986      14.398668      23,930,385      1.46%    14.16%    
   0.40%    1,166,336      12.612824      14,710,791      1.80%    24.67%    
   0.40%    16,487      10.116880      166,797      0.77%    1.17%     09/03/02
T. Rowe Price Mid Cap Growth Fund – II
   0.40%    256,586      20.007898      5,133,747      0.00%    5.96%    
   0.40%    453,782      18.882872      8,568,707      0.00%    13.98%    
   0.40%    754,450      16.566668      12,498,723      0.00%    17.58%    
   0.40%    513,748      14.089414      7,238,408      0.00%    37.54%    
   0.40%    11,398      10.243767      116,758      0.00%    2.44%     09/03/02
T. Rowe Price New America Growth Portfolio
   0.40%    551,676      12.008095      6,624,578      0.04%    6.90%    
   0.40%    584,706      11.232593      6,567,765      0.00%    4.06%    
   0.40%    19,964      10.794628      215,504      0.00%    7.95%     05/03/04
Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust – Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund – Initial Class
   0.40%    596      17.488050      10,423      0.71%    31.47%    
   0.40%    53,740      13.301843      714,841      0.53%    25.39%    
   0.40%    69,877      10.608507      741,291      0.11%    53.57%    
   0.40%    170,526      6.907806      1,177,961      0.21%    -3.29%    
Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust – Worldwide Hard Assets Fund – Initial Class
   0.40%    52      21.290146      1,107      0.31%    51.07%    
   0.40%    153,946      14.093195      2,169,591      0.31%    23.73%    
   0.40%    111,979      11.413041      1,278,021    0.41%    44.50%    
   0.40%    38,434      7.898317      303,564      0.75%    -3.22%    
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio – Class I
   0.40%    81,282      19.875581      1,615,527    10.28%    10.37%    
   0.40%    83,166      18.008789      1,497,719      7.14%    11.80%    
   0.40%    122,976      16.107486      1,980,834      7.52%    9.62%    
   0.40%    200,179      14.693571      2,941,344      0.00%    27.35%    
   0.40%    159,659      11.537562      1,842,076      8.74%    8.79%    
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – Mid Cap Growth Portfolio – Class I
   0.40%    44,880      9.118070      409,219      0.00%    8.84%    
   0.40%    49,068      8.377513      411,068      0.00%    17.10%    
   0.40%    30,098      7.154160      215,326      0.00%    21.11%    
   0.40%    142,586      5.907110      842,271      0.00%    41.20%    
   0.40%    265,456      4.183540      1,110,546      0.00%    -31.43%    
Van Kampen – The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc. – U.S. Real Estate Portfolio – Class I
   0.40%    290,660      35.340571      10,272,090      1.07%    37.50%    
   0.40%    377,610      25.703042      9,705,726      1.19%    16.59%    
   0.40%    716,826      22.046498      15,803,503      1.61%    35.85%    
   0.40%    698,195      16.228488      11,330,649      0.00%    36.96%    
   0.40%    636,267      11.848822      7,539,014      4.01%    -1.18%    
W&R Target Funds, Inc. – Growth Portfolio
   0.40%    1,882      12.243877      23,043      0.00%    4.62%    
W&R Target Funds, Inc. – Real Estate Securities Portfolio
   0.40%    2,546      14.870055      37,859      1.58%    29.57%    

Fair Value
Owners’ Equity
Wells Fargo Advantage Variable Trust FundsSM– Wells Fargo Advantage VT Opportunity FundSM
   0.40%    126    $ 13.289662    $ 1,674    0.00%    11.77%    
   0.40%    110,270      11.889981      1,311,108    0.00%    7.45%    
   0.40%    898,190      11.065086      9,938,550    0.00%    17.75%    
   0.40%    1,423,338      9.397220      13,375,420    0.08%    36.46%    
   0.40%    1,740,569      6.886442      11,986,327    0.50%    -27.11%    
Contract Owners’ Equity Total By Year
            $   4,464,442,368        
            $ 3,947,899,004        
            $ 3,677,896,359        
            $ 3,032,894,218        
            $ 2,276,440,710        
*   This represents the annual contract expense rate of the variable account for the period indicated and includes only those expenses that are charged through a reduction in the unit values. Excluded are expenses of the underlying mutual funds and charges made directly to contract owner accounts through the redemption of units.
**   This represents the dividends for the period indicated, excluding distributions of capital gains, received by the subaccount from the underlying mutual fund, net of management fees assessed by the fund manager, divided by average net assets. The ratios exclude those expenses, such as mortality and expense charges, that result in direct reductions to the contractholder accounts either through reductions in unit values or redemption of units. The recognition of investment income by the subaccount is affected by the timing of the declaration of dividends by the underlying fund in which the subaccounts invest.
***   This represents the total return for the period indicated, including changes in the value of the underlying mutual fund, which reflects the reduction of unit value for expenses assessed. The total return does not include any expenses assessed through the redemption of units; inclusion of these expenses in the calculation would result in a reduction in the total return presented. Investment options with a date notation indicate the effective date of that investment option in the Account. The total return is calculated for the period indicated or from the effective date through the end of the period.


The Board of Directors and Shareholder
Nationwide Life Insurance Company:
We have audited the consolidated financial statements of Nationwide Life Insurance Company and subsidiaries (the Company) as listed in the accompanying index. In connection with our audits of the consolidated financial statements, we also have audited the financial statement schedules as listed in the accompanying index. These consolidated financial statements and financial statement schedules are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements and financial statement schedules based on our audits.
We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Nationwide Life Insurance Company and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2006 and 2005, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2006, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Also in our opinion, the related financial statement schedules, when considered in relation to the basic consolidated financial statements taken as a whole, present fairly, in all material respects, the information set forth therein.
As discussed in Note 3 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company adopted the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ Statement of Position 03-1, Accounting and Reporting by Insurance Enterprises for Certain Nontraditional Long-Duration Contracts and for Separate Accounts, in 2004.
Columbus, Ohio
March 1, 2007

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Consolidated Statements of Income
(in millions)
     Years ended December 31,  
     2006    2005    2004  
Policy charges
   $ 1,132.6    $ 1,055.1    $ 1,025.2  
Traditional life insurance and immediate annuity premiums
     308.3      260.0      270.4  
Net investment income
     2,058.5      2,105.2      2,000.5  
Net realized gains (losses) on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items
     7.1      10.6      (36.4 )
Other income
     0.2      2.2      9.8  
Total revenues
     3,506.7      3,433.1      3,269.5  
Benefits and expenses:
Interest credited to policyholder account values
     1,330.1      1,331.0      1,277.2  
Life insurance and annuity benefits
     450.3      377.5      369.2  
Policyholder dividends on participating policies
     25.6      33.1      36.2  
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs
     450.3      466.3      410.1  
Interest expense on debt, primarily with Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. (NFS)
     65.5      66.3      59.8  
Other operating expenses
     531.8      538.8      582.0  
Total benefits and expenses
     2,853.6      2,813.0      2,734.5  
Income from continuing operations before federal income tax expense
     653.1      620.1      535.0  
Federal income tax expense
     30.6      95.6      120.0  
Income from continuing operations
     622.5      524.5      415.0  
Cumulative effect of adoption of accounting principle, net of taxes
     —        —        (3.3 )
Net income
   $ 622.5    $ 524.5    $ 411.7  
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Consolidated Balance Sheets
(in millions, except per share amounts)
     December 31,
     2006    2005
Securities available-for-sale, at fair value:
Fixed maturity securities (cost $25,197.2 in 2006; $26,658.9 in 2005)
   $ 25,275.4    $ 27,198.1
Equity securities (cost $28.5 in 2006; $35.1 in 2005)
     34.4      42.1
Mortgage loans on real estate, net
     8,202.2      8,458.9
Real estate, net
     54.8      84.9
Policy loans
     639.2      604.7
Other long-term investments
     598.9      641.5
Short-term investments, including amounts managed by a related party
     1,722.0      1,596.6
Total investments
     36,526.9      38,626.8
     0.5      0.9
Accrued investment income
     323.6      344.0
Deferred policy acquisition costs
     3,758.0      3,597.9
Other assets
     2,001.5      1,699.1
Assets held in separate accounts
     67,351.9      62,689.8
Total assets
   $ 109,962.4    $ 106,958.5
Liabilities and Shareholder’s Equity
Future policy benefits and claims
   $ 34,409.4    $ 35,941.1
Short-term debt
     75.2      242.3
Long-term debt, payable to NFS
     700.0      700.0
Other liabilities
     2,988.1      3,130.1
Liabilities related to separate accounts
     67,351.9      62,689.8
Total liabilities
     105,524.6      102,703.3
Shareholder’s equity:
Common stock, $1 par value; authorized - 5.0 shares; issued and outstanding - 3.8 shares
     3.8      3.8
Additional paid-in capital
     274.4      274.4
Retained earnings
     4,130.9      3,883.4
Accumulated other comprehensive income
     28.7      93.6
Total shareholder’s equity
     4,437.8      4,255.2
Total liabilities and shareholder’s equity
   $ 109,962.4    $ 106,958.5
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Consolidated Statements of Shareholder’s Equity
(in millions)
Balance as of December 31, 2003
   $ 3.8    $ 271.3    $ 3,257.2     $ 467.3     $ 3,999.6  
Comprehensive income:
Net income
     —        —        411.7       —         411.7  
Other comprehensive loss, net of taxes
     —        —        —         (73.5 )     (73.5 )
Total comprehensive income
Capital contributed by NFS
     —        3.1      —         —         3.1  
Dividends to NFS
     —        —        (125.0 )     —         (125.0 )
Balance as of December 31, 2004
     3.8      274.4      3,543.9       393.8       4,215.9  
Comprehensive income:
Net income
     —        —        524.5       —         524.5  
Other comprehensive loss, net of taxes
     —        —        —         (300.2 )     (300.2 )
Total comprehensive income
Dividends to NFS
     —        —        (185.0 )     —         (185.0 )
Balance as of December 31, 2005
     3.8      274.4      3,883.4       93.6       4,255.2  
Comprehensive income:
Net income
     —        —        622.5       —         622.5  
Other comprehensive loss, net of taxes
     —        —        —         (64.9 )     (64.9 )
Total comprehensive income
Dividends to NFS
     —        —        (375.0 )     —         (375.0 )
Balance as of December 31, 2006
   $ 3.8    $ 274.4    $ 4,130.9     $ 28.7     $ 4,437.8  
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
(in millions)
     Years ended December 31,  
     2006     2005     2004  
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income
   $ 622.5     $ 524.5     $ 411.7  
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:
Net realized (gains) losses on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items
     (7.1 )     (10.6 )     36.4  
Interest credited to policyholder account values
     1,330.1       1,331.0       1,277.2  
Capitalization of deferred policy acquisition costs
     (569.6 )     (460.5 )     (496.4 )
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs
     450.3       466.3       410.1  
Amortization and depreciation
     46.6       65.6       73.0  
(Increase) decrease in other assets
     (298.0 )     591.0       (303.5 )
Increase (decrease) in policy and other liabilities
     225.7       (511.1 )     324.4  
Other, net
     0.1       (114.9 )     1.5  
Net cash provided by operating activities
     1,800.6       1,881.3       1,734.4  
Cash flows from investing activities:
Proceeds from maturity of securities available-for-sale
     5,128.6       4,198.5       3,099.4  
Proceeds from sale of securities available-for-sale
     2,267.3       2,619.7       2,485.5  
Proceeds from repayments or sales of mortgage loans on real estate
     2,430.8       2,854.6       1,920.9  
Cost of securities available-for-sale acquired
     (5,658.9 )     (6,924.1 )     (6,291.4 )
Cost of mortgage loans on real estate originated or acquired
     (2,180.4 )     (2,524.9 )     (2,169.9 )
Net (increase) decrease in short-term investments
     (125.4 )     56.9       205.9  
Collateral (paid) received - securities lending, net
     (332.6 )     36.6       89.4  
Other, net
     52.1       121.6       (357.2 )
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities
     1,581.5       438.9       (1,017.4 )
Cash flows from financing activities:
Net (decrease) increase in short-term debt
     (167.1 )     27.3       15.2  
Capital contributed by NFS
     —         —         3.1  
Cash dividends paid to NFS
     (375.0 )     (185.0 )     (125.0 )
Investment and universal life insurance product deposits
     3,400.8       2,845.4       3,561.6  
Investment and universal life insurance product withdrawals
     (6,241.2 )     (5,022.5 )     (4,156.5 )
Net cash used in financing activities
     (3,382.5 )     (2,334.8 )     (701.6 )
Net (decrease) increase in cash
     (0.4 )     (14.6 )     15.4  
Cash, beginning of period
     0.9       15.5       0.1  
Cash, end of period
   $ 0.5     $ 0.9     $ 15.5  
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
Nature of Operations
Nationwide Life Insurance Company (NLIC, or collectively with its subsidiaries, the Company) was incorporated in 1929 and is an Ohio stock legal reserve life insurance company. The Company is a member of the Nationwide group of companies (Nationwide), which is comprised of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company (NMIC) and all of its subsidiaries and affiliates.
All of the outstanding shares of NLIC’s common stock are owned by Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. (NFS), a holding company formed by Nationwide Corporation (Nationwide Corp.), a majority-owned subsidiary of NMIC.
Wholly-owned subsidiaries of NLIC as of December 31, 2006 include Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company (NLAIC) and Nationwide Investment Services Corporation (NISC). NLAIC offers universal life insurance, variable universal life insurance, corporate-owned life insurance (COLI) and individual annuity contracts on a non-participating basis. NISC is a registered broker/dealer.
The Company is a leading provider of long-term savings and retirement products in the United States of America (U.S.). The Company develops and sells a diverse range of products including individual annuities, private and public sector group retirement plans, other investment products sold to institutions, life insurance and advisory services. The Company sells its products through a diverse distribution network. Unaffiliated entities that sell the Company’s products to their own customer bases include independent broker/dealers, financial institutions, wirehouse and regional firms, pension plan administrators, and life insurance specialists. Representatives of affiliates who market products directly to a customer base include Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. (NRS), Nationwide Financial Network (NFN) producers and TBG Insurance Services Corporation d/b/a TBG Financial (TBG Financial) through its joint venture with MC Insurance Agency Services, LLC d/b/a Mullin Consulting. The Company also distributes products through the NMIC agency distribution force.
As of December 31, 2006 and 2005, the Company did not have a significant concentration of financial instruments in a single investee, industry or geographic region of the U.S. Also, the Company did not have a concentration of business transactions with a particular customer, lender, distribution source, market or geographic region of the U.S. in which business is conducted that makes it overly vulnerable to a single event which could cause a severe impact to the Company’s financial position.
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
The significant accounting policies followed by the Company that materially affect financial reporting are summarized below. The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with United States generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
The preparation of financial statements in accordance with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements. Actual results could differ significantly from those estimates.
The Company’s most significant estimates include those used to determine the following: the balance, recoverability and amortization of deferred policy acquisition (DAC) for investment and universal life insurance products; impairment losses on investments; valuation allowances for mortgage loans on real estate; the liability for future policy benefits and claims; and federal income tax provision. Although some variability is inherent in these estimates, the recorded amounts reflect management’s best estimates based on facts and circumstances as of the balance sheet date. Management believes the amounts provided are appropriate.
(a) Consolidation Policy
The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of NLIC and companies in which NLIC directly or indirectly has a controlling financial interest. Minority interest expense is included in other operating expenses in the consolidated statements of income, and minority interest is included in other liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets. All significant intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
(b) Valuation of Investments, Investment Income and Related Gains and Losses
The Company is required to classify its fixed maturity securities and marketable equity securities as held-to-maturity, available-for-sale or trading. All fixed maturity and marketable equity securities are classified as available-for-sale. Available-for-sale securities are stated at fair value, with the unrealized gains and losses, net of adjustments to DAC, future policy benefits and claims, and deferred federal income taxes reported as a separate component of accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI) in shareholder’s equity. The adjustment to DAC represents the changes in amortization of DAC that would have been required as a charge or credit to operations had such unrealized amounts been realized and allocated to the product lines. The adjustment to future policy benefits and claims represents the increase in policy reserves from using a discount rate that would have been required had such unrealized amounts been realized and the proceeds reinvested at then current market interest rates, which were lower than the then current effective portfolio rate.
The fair value of fixed maturity and marketable equity securities is generally obtained from independent pricing services based on market quotations. For fixed maturity securities not priced by independent services (generally private placement securities and securities that do not trade regularly), an internally developed pricing model or “corporate pricing matrix” is most often used. The corporate pricing matrix is developed by obtaining spreads versus the U.S. Treasury yield for corporate securities with varying weighted average lives and bond ratings. The weighted average life and bond rating of a particular fixed maturity security to be priced using the corporate matrix are important inputs into the model and are used to determine a corresponding spread that is added to the U.S. Treasury yield to create an estimated market yield for that bond. The estimated market yield and other relevant factors are then used to estimate the fair value of the particular fixed maturity security. Additionally, for valuing certain fixed maturity securities with complex cash flows such as certain mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities, a “structured product model” is used. The structured product model uses third party pricing tools. For securities for which quoted market prices are not available and for which the Company’s structured product model is not suitable for estimating fair values, fair values are determined using other modeling techniques, primarily a commercial software application utilized in valuing complex securitized investments with variable cash flows. As of December 31, 2006, 71% of the fair values of fixed maturity securities were obtained from independent pricing services, 20% from the Company’s pricing matrices and 9% from other sources compared to 72%, 20% and 8%, respectively, in 2005.
Management regularly reviews each investment in its fixed maturity and equity securities portfolios to evaluate the necessity of recording impairment losses for other-than-temporary declines in the fair value of investments.
Under the Company’s accounting policy for equity securities and debt securities that can be contractually prepaid or otherwise settled in a way that may limit the Company’s ability to fully recover cost, an impairment is deemed to be other-than-temporary unless the Company has both the ability and intent to hold the investment until the security’s forecasted recovery and evidence exists indicating that recovery will occur in a reasonable period of time. Also, for such debt securities management estimates cash flows over the life of purchased beneficial interests in securitized financial assets. If management estimates that the fair value of its beneficial interest is not greater than or equal to its carrying value based on current information and events, and if there has been an adverse change in estimated cash flows since the last revised estimate (considering both timing and amount), then the Company recognizes an other-than-temporary impairment and writes down the purchased beneficial interest to fair value.
For other debt securities, an other-than-temporary impairment charge is taken when the Company does not have the ability and intent to hold the security until the forecasted recovery or if it is no longer probable that the Company will recover all amounts due under the contractual terms of the security. Many criteria are considered during this process including, but not limited to, the current fair value as compared to cost or amortized cost, as appropriate, of the security; the amount and length of time a security’s fair value has been below cost or amortized cost; specific credit issues and financial prospects related to the issuer; management’s intent to hold or dispose of the security; and current economic conditions.
Other-than-temporary impairment losses result in a permanent reduction to the cost basis of the underlying investment.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
For mortgage-backed securities, the Company recognizes income using a constant effective yield method based on prepayment assumptions and the estimated economic life of the securities. When estimated prepayments differ significantly from anticipated prepayments, the effective yield is recalculated to reflect actual payments to date and anticipated future payments. Any resulting adjustment is included in net investment income. All other investment income is recorded using the interest-method without anticipating the impact of prepayments.
The Company provides valuation allowances for impairments of mortgage loans on real estate based on a review by portfolio managers. Mortgage loans on real estate are considered impaired when, based on current information and events, it is probable that the Company will be unable to collect all amounts due according to the contractual terms of the loan agreement. When management determines that a loan is impaired, a provision for loss is established equal to the difference between the carrying value and the present value of expected future cash flows discounted at the loan’s effective interest rate, or the fair value of the collateral, if the loan is collateral dependent. In addition to the valuation allowance on specific loans, the Company maintains an unallocated allowance for probable losses inherent in the loan portfolio as of the balance sheet date, but not yet specifically identified by loan. Changes in the valuation allowance are recorded in net realized gains and losses on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items. Loans in foreclosure are placed on non-accrual status. Interest received on non-accrual status mortgage loans on real estate is included in net investment income in the period received.
The valuation allowance account for mortgage loans on real estate is maintained at a level believed adequate by management and reflects management’s best estimate of probable credit losses, including losses incurred at the balance sheet date but not yet identified by specific loan. Management’s periodic evaluation of the adequacy of the allowance for losses is based on past loan loss experience, known and inherent risks in the portfolio, adverse situations that may affect the borrower’s ability to repay, the estimated value of the underlying collateral, composition of the loan portfolio, current economic conditions and other relevant factors.
The Company grants mainly commercial mortgage loans on real estate to customers throughout the U.S. As of December 31, 2006, the Company had a diversified portfolio with no more than 25.5% of the mortgage loan portfolio in any geographic region of the U.S. and no more than 2.6% with any one borrower, compared to 23.8% and 1.6%, respectively, as of December 31, 2005. As of December 31, 2006 and 2005, 33.4% and 32.0% of the carrying value of the Company’s commercial mortgage loan portfolio financed retail properties, respectively.
Real estate to be held and used is carried at cost less accumulated depreciation. Real estate designated as held for disposal is not depreciated and is carried at the lower of the carrying value at the time of such designation or fair value less cost to sell. Other long-term investments are carried on the equity method of accounting.
Impairment losses are recorded on investments in long-lived assets used in operations when indicators of impairment are present and the undiscounted cash flows estimated to be generated by those assets are less than the assets’ carrying amounts.
Realized gains and losses on the sale of investments are determined on the basis of specific security identification. Changes in the Company’s mortgage loan valuation allowance and recognition of impairment losses for other-than-temporary declines in the fair values of applicable investments are included in realized gains and losses on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
(c) Derivative Instruments
Derivatives are carried at fair value. On the date the derivative contract is entered into, the Company designates the derivative as a hedge of the fair value of a recognized asset or liability or of an unrecognized firm commitment (fair value hedge); a hedge of a forecasted transaction or the variability of cash flows to be received or paid related to a recognized asset or liability (cash flow hedge); a foreign currency fair value or cash flow hedge (foreign currency hedge); or a non-hedge transaction. The Company formally documents all relationships between hedging instruments and hedged items, as well as its risk-management objective and strategy for entering into various hedge transactions. This process includes linking all derivatives that are designated as fair value, cash flow or foreign currency hedges to specific assets and liabilities on the balance sheet or to specific firm commitments or forecasted transactions. The Company also formally assesses, both at the hedge’s inception and on an ongoing basis, whether the derivatives that are used for hedging transactions are expected to be and, for ongoing hedging relationships, have been highly effective in offsetting changes in fair values or cash flows of hedged items. When it is determined that a derivative is not, or is not expected to be, highly effective as a hedge or that it has ceased to be a highly effective hedge, the Company discontinues hedge accounting prospectively.
The Company enters into interest rate swaps, cross-currency swaps or Euro futures to hedge the fair value of existing fixed rate assets and liabilities. In addition, the Company uses short U.S. Treasury future positions to hedge the fair value of bond and mortgage loan commitments. Typically, the Company is hedging the risk of changes in fair value attributable to changes in benchmark interest rates. Derivative instruments classified as fair value hedges are carried at fair value, with changes in fair value recorded in realized gains and losses on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items. Changes in the fair value of the hedged item that are attributable to the risk being hedged are also recorded in realized gains and losses on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items.
The Company may enter into “receive fixed/pay variable” interest rate swaps to hedge existing variable rate assets or to hedge cash flows from the anticipated purchase of investments. These derivative instruments are identified as cash flow hedges and are carried at fair value with the offset recorded in AOCI to the extent the hedging relationship is effective. The ineffective portion of the hedging relationship is recorded in realized gains and losses on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items. Gains and losses on derivative instruments that are initially recorded in AOCI are reclassified out of AOCI and recognized in earnings over the same period(s) that the hedged item affects earnings.
Accrued interest receivable or payable under interest rate and foreign currency swaps are recognized as an adjustment to net investment income or interest credited to policyholder account values consistent with the nature of the hedged item, except for interest rate swaps hedging the anticipated sale of investments where amounts receivable or payable under the swaps are recorded as realized gains and losses on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items, and except for interest rate swaps hedging the anticipated purchase of investments where amounts receivable or payable under the swaps are initially recorded in AOCI to the extent the hedging relationship is effective.
The Company periodically may enter into a derivative transaction that will not qualify for hedge accounting. The Company does not enter into speculative positions. Although these transactions do not qualify for hedge accounting, or have not been designated in hedging relationships by the Company, they are part of its overall risk management strategy. For example, the Company may sell credit default protection through a credit default swap. Although the credit default swap may not be effective in hedging specific investments, the income stream allows the Company to manage overall investment yields while exposing the Company to acceptable credit risk. The Company may enter into a cross-currency basis swap (pay a variable U.S. rate and receive a variable foreign-denominated rate) to eliminate the foreign currency exposure of a variable rate foreign-denominated liability. Although basis swaps may qualify for hedge accounting, the Company has chosen not to designate these derivatives as hedging instruments due to the difficulty in assessing and monitoring effectiveness for both sides of the basis swap. Derivative instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting or are not designated as hedging instruments are carried at fair value, with changes in fair value recorded in realized gains and losses on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
(d) Revenues and Benefits
Investment and Universal Life Insurance Products: Investment products consist primarily of individual and group variable and fixed deferred annuities. Universal life insurance products include universal life insurance, variable universal life insurance, COLI, bank-owned life insurance (BOLI) and other interest-sensitive life insurance policies. Revenues for investment products and universal life insurance products consist of net investment income, asset fees, cost of insurance charges, administrative fees and surrender charges that have been earned and assessed against policy account balances during the period. The timing of revenue recognition as it relates to fees assessed on investment contracts and universal life contracts is determined based on the nature of such fees. Asset fees, cost of insurance charges and administrative fees are assessed on a daily or monthly basis and recognized as revenue when assessed and earned. Certain amounts assessed that represent compensation for services to be provided in future periods are reported as unearned revenue and recognized in income over the periods benefited. Surrender charges are recognized upon surrender of a contract in accordance with contractual terms. Policy benefits and claims that are charged to expense include interest credited to policy account values and benefits and claims incurred in the period in excess of related policy account values.
Traditional Life Insurance Products: Traditional life insurance products include those products with fixed and guaranteed premiums and benefits and primarily consist of whole life insurance, limited-payment life insurance, term life insurance and certain annuities with life contingencies. Premiums for traditional life insurance products are recognized as revenue when due. Benefits and expenses are associated with earned premiums so that profits are recognized over the life of the contract. This association is accomplished through the provision for future policy benefits and the deferral and amortization of policy acquisition costs.
(e) Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs for Investment and Universal Life Insurance Products
The Company has deferred certain costs of acquiring investment and universal life insurance products business, principally commissions, certain expenses of the policy issue and underwriting department, and certain variable sales expenses that relate to and vary with the production of new and renewal business. Investment products primarily consist of individual and group variable and fixed deferred annuities. Universal life insurance products include universal life insurance, variable universal life insurance, COLI and other interest-sensitive life insurance policies. DAC is subject to recoverability testing in the year of policy issuance and loss recognition testing at the end of each reporting period.
For investment and universal life insurance products, DAC is being amortized with interest over the lives of the policies in relation to the present value of estimated gross profits from projected interest margins, asset fees, cost of insurance charges, administration fees, surrender charges, and net realized gains and losses less policy benefits and policy maintenance expenses. The DAC asset related to investment products and universal life insurance products is adjusted to reflect the impact of unrealized gains and losses on fixed maturity securities available-for-sale, as described in Note 2(b).
The most significant assumptions that are involved in the estimation of future gross profits include future net separate account performance, surrender/lapse rates, interest margins and mortality. The Company’s long-term assumption for net separate account performance is currently 8% growth per year. If actual net separate account performance varies from the 8% assumption, the Company assumes different performance levels over the next three years such that the mean return equals the long-term assumption. This process is referred to as a reversion to the mean. The assumed net separate account return assumptions used in the DAC models are intended to reflect what is anticipated. However, based on historical returns of the Standard & Poor’s (S&P) 500 Index, and as part of its pre-set parameters, the Company’s reversion to the mean process generally limits returns to 0-15% during the three-year reversion period.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
Changes in assumptions can have a significant impact on the amount of DAC reported for investment products and universal life insurance products and their related amortization patterns. In the event actual experience differs from assumptions or future assumptions are revised, the Company is required to record an increase or decrease in DAC amortization expense, which could be significant. In general, increases in the estimated general and separate account returns result in increased expected future profitability and may lower the rate of DAC amortization, while increases in lapse/surrender and mortality assumptions reduce the expected future profitability of the underlying business and may increase the rate of DAC amortization.
Management evaluates the appropriateness of the individual variable annuity DAC balance within pre-set parameters. These parameters are designed to appropriately reflect the Company’s long-term expectations with respect to individual variable annuity contracts while also evaluating the potential impact of short-term experience on the Company’s recorded individual variable annuity DAC balance. If the recorded balance of individual variable annuity DAC falls outside of these parameters for a prescribed period of time, or if the recorded balance falls outside of these parameters and management determines it is not reasonably possible to get back within the parameters during this period of time, assumptions are required to be unlocked and DAC is recalculated using revised best estimate assumptions. If DAC assumptions were unlocked and revised, the Company would continue to use the reversion to the mean process.
For other investment and universal life insurance products, DAC is adjusted each quarter to reflect revised best estimate assumptions, including the use of a reversion to the mean methodology over the next three years as it relates to net separate account performance. Any resulting DAC true-up and unlocking adjustments are reflected currently in the consolidated statements of income.
(f) Separate Accounts
Separate account assets and liabilities represent contractholders’ funds, which have been segregated into accounts with specific investment objectives. Separate account assets are recorded at fair value based primarily on market quotations of the underlying securities. The investment income and gains or losses of these accounts accrue directly to the contractholders. The activity of the separate accounts is not reflected in the consolidated statements of income except for (1) the fees the Company receives, which are assessed on a daily or monthly basis and recognized as revenue when assessed and earned, and (2) the activity related to guaranteed contracts, which are riders to existing variable annuity contracts.
(g) Future Policy Benefits and Claims
The process of calculating reserve amounts for a life insurance organization involves the use of a number of assumptions, including those related to persistency (how long a contract stays with a company), mortality (the relative incidence of death in a given time), morbidity (the relative incidence of disability resulting from disease or physical impairment) and interest rates (the rates expected to be paid or received on financial instruments, including insurance or investment contracts).
The Company calculates its liability for future policy benefits and claims for investment products in the accumulation phase and universal life and variable universal life insurance policies as the policy account balance, which represents participants’ net premiums and deposits plus investment performance and interest credited less applicable contract charges.
The Company’s liability for funding agreements to an unrelated third party trust equals the balance that accrues to the benefit of the contractholder, including interest credited. The funding agreements constitute insurance obligations and are considered annuity contracts under Ohio insurance laws.
The liability for future policy benefits and claims for traditional life insurance policies was calculated by the net level premium method using interest rates varying from 2.0% to 10.5% and estimates of mortality, morbidity, investment yields and withdrawals that were used or being experienced at the time the policies were issued.
The liability for future policy benefits for payout annuities was calculated using the present value of future benefits and maintenance costs discounted using interest rates varying generally from 3.0% to 13.0%.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
(h) Participating Business
Participating business, which refers to policies that participate in profits through policyholder dividends, represented approximately 8% in 2006 (10% in 2005 and 11% in 2004) of the Company’s life insurance in force, 50% of the number of life insurance policies in force in 2006 (52% in 2005 and 55% in 2004) and 5% of life insurance statutory premiums in 2006 (5% in 2005 and 7% in 2004). The provision for policyholder dividends was based on then current dividend scales and has been included in future policy benefits and claims in the consolidated balance sheets.
(i) Federal Income Taxes
The Company provides for federal income taxes based on amounts the Company believes it ultimately will owe. Inherent in the provision for federal income taxes are estimates regarding the deductibility of certain items and the realization of certain tax credits. In the event the ultimate deductibility of certain items or the realization of certain tax credits differs from estimates, the Company may be required to significantly change the provision for federal income taxes recorded in the consolidated financial statements. Any such change could significantly affect the amounts reported in the consolidated statements of income. Management has used best estimates to establish reserves based on current facts and circumstances regarding tax exposure items where the ultimate deductibility is open to interpretation. Management evaluates the appropriateness of such reserves quarterly based on any new developments specific to their fact patterns. Information considered includes results of completed tax examinations, Technical Advice Memorandums and other rulings issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or the tax courts.
The Company utilizes the asset and liability method of accounting for income taxes. Under this method, deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases and operating loss and tax credit carryforwards. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. Under this method, the effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date. Valuation allowances are established when it is determined that it is more likely than not that the deferred tax asset will not be fully realized.
(j) Reinsurance Ceded
Reinsurance premiums ceded and reinsurance recoveries on benefits and claims incurred are deducted from the respective income and expense accounts. Assets and liabilities related to reinsurance ceded are reported in the consolidated balance sheets on a gross basis, separately from the related balances of the Company.
(k) Reclassification
Certain items in the 2005 and 2004 consolidated financial statements and related notes have been reclassified to conform to the current presentation.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
Recently Issued Accounting Standards
In February 2007, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 159, The Fair Value Option for Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities, Including an amendment of FASB Statements No. 115 (SFAS 159). SFAS 159 permits entities to choose to measure many financial instruments and certain other items at fair value that are not currently required to be measured at fair value. The objective is to improve financial reporting by providing entities with the opportunity to mitigate volatility in reported earnings caused by measuring related assets and liabilities differently without having to apply complex hedge accounting provisions. SFAS 159 is expected to expand the use of fair value measurement, which is consistent with the FASB’s long-term measurement objectives for accounting for financial instruments. SFAS 159 also establishes presentation and disclosure requirements designed to facilitate comparisons between entities that choose different measurement attributes for similar types of assets and liabilities. SFAS 159 does not affect any existing accounting literature that requires certain assets and liabilities to be carried at fair value. In addition, SFAS 159 does not establish requirements for recognizing and measuring dividend income, interest income or interest expense, nor does it eliminate disclosure requirements included in other accounting standards, including requirements for disclosures about fair value measurements included in SFAS No. 157, Fair Value Measurements (SFAS 157), and SFAS No. 107, Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instruments. SFAS 159 is effective as of the beginning of an entity’s first fiscal year beginning after November 15, 2007. The Company currently is evaluating the impact of adopting SFAS 159.
In September 2006, the FASB issued SFAS No. 158, Employers’ Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Plans – an amendment of FASB Statements No. 87, 88, 106, and 132(R) (SFAS 158). SFAS 158 requires an employer to recognize the overfunded or underfunded status of a defined benefit postretirement plan (other than a multiemployer plan) as an asset or liability on its balance sheet and to recognize changes in that funded status in the year in which the changes occur through comprehensive income. SFAS 158 also requires an employer to measure the funded status of a plan as of the date of its year-end balance sheet, with limited exceptions. An employer with publicly traded equity securities is required to initially recognize the funded status of a defined benefit postretirement plan and to provide the required disclosures as of the end of the fiscal year ending after December 15, 2006. The requirement to measure plan assets and benefit obligations as of the date of the employer’s fiscal year-end balance sheet is effective for fiscal years ending after December 15, 2008. If in the last quarter of the preceding fiscal year an employer enters into a transaction that results in a settlement or experiences an event that causes a curtailment of the plan, the related gain or loss pursuant to Statement 88 or 106 is required to be recognized in earnings that quarter. The adoption of SFAS 158 did not have a material impact on the Company’s financial position or results of operations.
In September 2006, the FASB issued SFAS 157. SFAS 157 provides enhanced guidance for using fair value to measure assets and liabilities. SFAS 157 also provides guidance regarding the extent to which companies measure assets and liabilities at fair value, the information used to measure fair value, and the effect of fair value measurements on earnings. SFAS 157 applies whenever other standards require (or permit) assets or liabilities to be measured at fair value but does not expand the use of fair value in any new circumstances. SFAS 157 is effective for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007, and interim periods within those fiscal years, with early adoption permitted. SFAS 157 is not expected to have a material impact on the Company’s financial position or results of operations upon adoption.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
In September 2006, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued Staff Accounting Bulletin (SAB) No. 108 (SAB 108). SAB 108 addresses how the effects of prior year uncorrected misstatements should be considered when quantifying misstatements in current-year financial statements. SAB 108 requires registrants to quantify misstatements using both the balance sheet and income-statement approaches and to evaluate whether either approach results in quantifying an error that is material in light of relevant quantitative and qualitative factors. SAB 108 does not change the SEC’s previous guidance in SAB No. 99 on evaluating the materiality of misstatements. A registrant applying the new guidance for the first time that identifies material errors in existence at the beginning of the first fiscal year ending after November 15, 2006, may correct those errors through a one-time cumulative effect adjustment to beginning-of-year retained earnings. The cumulative effect alternative is available only if the application of the new guidance results in a conclusion that a material error exists as of the beginning of the first fiscal year ending after November 15, 2006, and those misstatements were determined to be immaterial based on a proper application of the registrant’s previous method for quantifying misstatements. Because of the beginning-of-year recognition of the cumulative effect adjustment, misstatements occurring in the year of adoption cannot be included in that adjustment. SAB 108 requires the following disclosures if a cumulative effect adjustment is recorded: the nature and amount of each individual error included in the cumulative effect adjustment; when and how each error arose; and the fact that the errors had previously been considered immaterial. The cumulative effect adjustment is available only for prior-year uncorrected misstatements. The adjustment should not include amounts related to changes in accounting estimates. SAB 108 did not have a material impact on the Company’s financial position or results of operations upon adoption.
In June 2006, the FASB issued FASB Interpretation (FIN) No. 48, Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes, an Interpretation of FASB Statement No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes (FIN 48). FIN 48 clarifies the accounting for uncertainty in income taxes recognized in an enterprise’s financial statements in accordance with FASB Statement No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes. FIN 48 prescribes a recognition threshold and measurement attribute for the financial statement recognition and measurement of a tax position taken or expected to be taken in a tax return. FIN 48 also provides guidance on derecognition, classification, interest and penalties, accounting in interim periods, disclosure and transition. FIN 48 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2006. The Company plans to adopt FIN 48 effective January 1, 2007. FIN 48 is not expected to have a material impact on the Company’s financial position or results of operations upon adoption.
In March 2006, the FASB issued SFAS No. 156, Accounting for Servicing of Financial Assets (SFAS 156).SFAS 156 amends SFAS No. 140, Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities (SFAS 140). SFAS 156 requires that all separately recognized servicing assets and servicing liabilities be initially measured at fair value, if practicable. SFAS 156 permits, but does not require, the subsequent measurement of separately recognized servicing assets and servicing liabilities at fair value. An entity that uses derivative instruments to mitigate the risks inherent in servicing assets and servicing liabilities is required to account for those derivative instruments at fair value. Under SFAS 156, an entity can elect subsequent fair value measurement to account for its separately recognized servicing assets and servicing liabilities. By electing that option, an entity may simplify its accounting because SFAS 156 permits income statement recognition of the potential offsetting changes in fair value of those servicing assets and servicing liabilities and derivative instruments in the same accounting period. SFAS 156 is effective for fiscal years beginning after September 15, 2006, with early adoption permitted. The Company plans to adopt SFAS 156 effective January 1, 2007. SFAS 156 is not expected to have a material impact on the Company’s financial position or results of operations upon adoption.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
In February 2006, the FASB issued SFAS No. 155, Accounting for Certain Hybrid Financial Instruments (SFAS 155). SFAS 155 amends SFAS No. 133, Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities (SFAS 133), and SFAS 140. SFAS 155 also resolves issues addressed in SFAS 133 Implementation Issue No. D1, Application of Statement 133 to Beneficial Interests in Securitized Financial Assets. In summary, SFAS 155: (1) permits an entity to make an irrevocable election to measure any hybrid financial instrument that contains an embedded derivative that otherwise would require bifurcation at fair value in its entirety, with changes in fair value recognized in earnings; (2) clarifies which interest-only strips and principal-only strips are not subject to the requirements of SFAS 133; (3) establishes a requirement to evaluate interests in securitized financial assets to identify interests that are freestanding derivatives or that are hybrid financial instruments that contain an embedded derivative requiring bifurcation; (4) clarifies that concentrations of credit risk in the form of subordination are not embedded derivatives; and (5) amends SFAS 140 to eliminate the prohibition on a qualifying special purpose entity from holding a derivative financial instrument that pertains to a beneficial interest other than another derivative financial instrument. SFAS 155 is effective for all financial instruments acquired or issued after the beginning of an entity’s first fiscal year that begins after September 15, 2006. Earlier adoption is permitted as of the beginning of an entity’s fiscal year, provided the entity has not yet issued financial statements, including financial statements for any interim period for that fiscal year. Provisions of SFAS 155 may be applied to instruments that an entity holds at the date of adoption on an instrument-by-instrument basis. The Company elected to early adopt SFAS 155 as of January 1, 2006. On the date of adoption, there was no impact to the Company’s financial position or results of operations.
In September 2005, the Accounting Standards Executive Committee of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) issued Statement of Position (SOP) 05-1, Accounting by Insurance Enterprises for Deferred Acquisition Costs in Connection with Modifications or Exchanges of Insurance Contracts (SOP 05-1). SOP 05-1 provides guidance on accounting by insurance enterprises for deferred acquisition costs on internal replacements of insurance and investment contracts other than those specifically described in SFAS No. 97, Accounting and Reporting by Insurance Enterprises for Certain Long-Duration Contracts and for Realized Gains and Losses from the Sale of Investments, issued by the FASB. SOP 05-1 defines an internal replacement as a modification in product benefits, features, rights or coverages that occurs as a result of the exchange of a contract for a new contract, or by amendment, endorsement or rider to a contract, or by the election of a new feature or coverage within a contract. SOP 05-1 is effective for internal replacements occurring in fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2006, with earlier adoption encouraged. Retrospective application of SOP 05-1 to previously issued financial statements is not permitted. Initial application of SOP 05-1 is required as of the beginning of an entity’s fiscal year. The Company will adopt SOP 05-1 effective January 1, 2007. Although the Company is currently unable to quantify the impact of adoption, SOP 05-1 is not expected to have a material impact on the Company’s financial position and/or results of operations.
In May 2005, the FASB issued SFAS No. 154, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections (SFAS 154), which replaces Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 20, Accounting Changes, and SFAS No. 3, Reporting Accounting Changes in Interim Financial Statements. SFAS 154 applies to all voluntary changes in accounting principle as well as to changes required by an accounting pronouncement in the unusual instance that the pronouncement does not include specific transition provisions. SFAS 154 is effective for accounting changes and corrections of errors made in fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2005, with earlier adoption permitted. The Company adopted SFAS 154 effective January 1, 2006. SFAS 154 has not had any impact on the Company’s financial position or results of operations since adoption.
In July 2003, the AICPA issued Statement of Position (SOP) 03-1, Accounting and Reporting by Insurance Enterprises for Certain Nontraditional Long-Duration Contracts and for Separate Accounts (SOP 03-1) to address many topics. The most significant topic affecting the Company was the accounting for contracts with guaranteed minimum death benefits (GMDB). SOP 03-1 requires companies to evaluate the significance of a GMDB to determine whether a contract should be accounted for as an investment or insurance contract. For contracts determined to be insurance contracts, companies are required to establish a reserve to recognize a portion of the assessment (revenue) that compensates the insurance company for benefits to be provided in future periods. The Company adopted SOP 03-1 effective January 1, 2004, which resulted in a $3.3 million charge, net of taxes, as the cumulative effect of adoption of this accounting principle.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
The following table summarizes the components of cumulative effect adjustments recorded in the Company’s 2004 consolidated statements of income:
(in millions)
   January 1, 2004  
Increase in future policy benefits:
Ratchet interest crediting
   $ (12.3 )
Secondary guarantees - life insurance
     (2.4 )
GMDB claim reserves
     (1.8 )
GMIB claim reserves
     (1.0 )
     (17.5 )
Adjustment to amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs related to above
Deferred federal income taxes
Cumulative effect of adoption of accounting principle, net of taxes
   $ (3.3 )
Fair Value of Financial Instruments
The following disclosures summarize the carrying amount and estimated fair value of the Company’s financial instruments. Certain assets and liabilities are specifically excluded from the disclosure requirements for financial instruments.
The fair value of a financial instrument is defined as the amount at which the financial instrument could be bought or sold, or in the case of liabilities incurred or settled, in a current transaction between willing parties. In cases where quoted market prices are not available, fair value is based on the best information available in the circumstances. Such estimates of fair value should consider prices for similar assets or similar liabilities and the results of valuation techniques to the extent available in the circumstances. Examples of valuation techniques include the present value of estimated expected future cash flows using discount rates commensurate with the risks involved, option-pricing models, matrix pricing, option-adjusted spread models and fundamental analysis. Valuation techniques for measuring assets and liabilities must be consistent with the objective of measuring fair value and should incorporate assumptions that market participants would use in their estimates of values, future revenues and future expenses, including assumptions about interest rates, default, prepayment and volatility.
Many of the Company’s assets and liabilities subject to these disclosure requirements are not actively traded, requiring fair values to be estimated by management using matrix pricing, present value or other suitable valuation techniques. These techniques are significantly affected by the assumptions used, including the discount rate and estimates of future cash flows. Although fair value estimates are calculated using assumptions that management believes are appropriate, changes in assumptions could cause these estimates to vary materially. In that regard, the derived fair value estimates cannot be substantiated by comparison to independent markets and, in many cases, could not be realized in the immediate settlement of the instruments.
Although insurance contracts are specifically exempted from the disclosure requirements (other than those that are classified as investment contracts), the Company’s estimate of the fair values of policy reserves on life insurance contracts is provided to make the fair value disclosures more meaningful.
The tax ramifications of the related unrealized gains and losses can have a significant effect on the estimates of fair value and have not been considered in arriving at such estimates.
In estimating its fair value disclosures, the Company used the following methods and assumptions:
Fixed maturity and equity securities available-for-sale: See Note 2(b).

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
Mortgage loans on real estate, net: The fair values of mortgage loans on real estate are estimated using discounted cash flow analyses based on interest rates currently being offered for similar loans to borrowers with similar credit ratings. Loans with similar characteristics are aggregated for purposes of the calculations. Estimated fair value is based on the present value of expected future cash flows discounted at the loan’s effective interest rate.
Policy loans, short-term investments and cash: The carrying amounts reported in the consolidated balance sheets for these instruments approximate their fair values.
Separate account assets and liabilities: The fair values of assets held in separate accounts are based on quoted market prices of the underlying securities. The fair values of liabilities related to separate accounts are the amounts payable on demand, net of certain surrender charges.
Investment contracts: The fair values of the Company’s liabilities under investment type contracts are based on one of two methods. For investment contracts without defined maturities, fair value is the amount payable on demand, net of certain surrender charges. For investment contracts with known or determined maturities, fair value is estimated using discounted cash flow analysis. Interest rates used in this analysis are similar to currently offered contracts with maturities consistent with those remaining for the contracts being valued.
Policy reserves on life insurance contracts: Included are disclosures for individual life insurance, COLI, BOLI, universal life insurance and supplementary contracts with life contingencies for which the estimated fair value is the amount payable on demand. Also included are disclosures for the Company’s limited payment policies for which the Company has used discounted cash flow analyses to estimate fair value, similar to those used for investment contracts with known maturities.
Short-term debt, collateral received – securities lending and collateral received – derivatives: The carrying amounts reported in the consolidated balance sheets for these instruments approximate their fair values.
Long-term debt, payable to NFS: The fair values for long-term debt are based on estimated market prices.
Commitments to extend credit: Commitments to extend credit have nominal fair values because of the short-term nature of such commitments.
Interest rate and cross-currency interest rate swaps:The fair values for interest rate and cross-currency interest rate swaps are calculated with pricing models using current rate assumptions.
Interest rate futures contracts: The fair values for futures contracts are based on quoted market prices.
Other derivatives: The fair values for other derivatives are based on credit event probabilities, equity option index levels and broker valuations.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
The following table summarizes the carrying values and estimated fair values of financial instruments subject to disclosure requirements and policy reserves on life insurance contracts as of December 31:
     2006     2005  
(in millions)
fair value
fair value
Securities available-for-sale:
Fixed maturity securities
   $ 25,275.4     $ 25,275.4     $ 27,198.1     $ 27,198.1  
Equity securities
     34.4       34.4       42.1       42.1  
Mortgage loans on real estate, net
     8,202.2       8,060.7       8,458.9       8,503.0  
Policy loans
     639.2       639.2       604.7       604.7  
Short-term investments
     1,722.0       1,722.0       1,596.6       1,596.6  
     0.5       0.5       0.9       0.9  
Assets held in separate accounts
     67,351.9       67,351.9       62,689.8       62,689.8  
Investment contracts
     (27,124.7 )     (25,455.2 )     (28,698.1 )     (26,607.2 )
Policy reserves on life insurance contracts
     (7,284.7 )     (7,120.4 )     (7,243.0 )     (7,173.1 )
Short-term debt
     (75.2 )     (75.2 )     (242.3 )     (242.3 )
Long-term debt, payable to NFS
     (700.0 )     (809.3 )     (700.0 )     (822.8 )
Collateral received – securities lending and derivatives
     (986.1 )     (986.1 )     (1,359.1 )     (1,359.1 )
Liabilities related to separate accounts
     (67,351.9 )     (66,149.8 )     (62,689.8 )     (61,483.5 )
Derivative financial instruments
Interest rate swaps hedging assets
     4.2       4.2       3.3       3.3  
Cross-currency interest rate swaps
     66.1       66.1       178.5       178.5  
Interest rate futures contracts
     (2.4 )     (2.4 )     1.6       1.6  
Other derivatives
     128.2       128.2       41.1       41.1  
Derivative Financial Instruments
Qualitative Disclosure
Interest Rate Risk Management
The Company periodically purchases fixed rate investments to back variable rate liabilities. As a result, the Company can be exposed to interest rate risk due to the mismatch between variable rate liabilities and fixed rate assets. In an effort to mitigate this risk, the Company enters into various types of derivative instruments to minimize this mismatch, with fluctuations in the fair values of the derivatives offsetting changes in the fair values of the investments resulting from changes in interest rates. The Company principally uses pay fixed/receive variable interest rate swaps to manage this risk.
Under these interest rate swaps, the Company receives variable interest rate payments and makes fixed rate payments. The fixed interest paid on the swap offsets the fixed interest received on the investment, resulting in the Company receiving the variable interest payments on the swap, generally 3-month U.S. London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), and the credit spread on the investment. The net receipt of a variable rate will then match the variable rate paid on the liability.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
As a result of entering into commercial mortgage loan and private placement commitments, the Company is exposed to changes in the fair value of such commitments due to changes in interest rates during the commitment period prior to the loans being funded. In an effort to manage this risk, the Company enters into short U.S. Treasury futures during the commitment period. With short U.S. Treasury futures, if interest rates rise/fall, the gains/losses on the futures will offset the change in fair value of the commitment attributable to the change in interest rates.
The Company periodically purchases variable rate investments (i.e., commercial mortgage loans and corporate bonds). As a result, the Company can be exposed to variability in cash flows and investment income due to changes in interest rates. Such variability poses risks to the Company when the assets are funded with fixed rate liabilities. In an effort to manage this risk, the Company may enter into receive fixed/pay variable interest rate swaps.
In using these interest rate swaps, the Company receives fixed interest rate payments and makes variable rate payments. The variable interest paid on the swap offsets the variable interest received on the investment, resulting in the Company receiving the fixed interest payments on the swap and the credit spread on the investment. The net receipt of a fixed rate will then match the fixed rate paid on the liability.
The Company manages interest rate risk at the segment level. Different segments may simultaneously hedge interest rate risks associated with owning fixed and variable rate investments considering the risk relevant to a particular segment.
Foreign Currency Risk Management
In conjunction with the Company’s medium-term note (MTN) program, the Company periodically issues both fixed and variable rate liabilities denominated in foreign currencies. As a result, the Company is exposed to changes in fair value of the liabilities due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates and related interest rates. In an effort to manage these risks, the Company enters into cross-currency interest rate swaps to convert these liabilities to a U.S. dollar rate.
The Company is exposed to changes in fair value of fixed rate investments denominated in a foreign currency due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates and related interest rates. In an effort to manage this risk, the Company uses cross-currency interest rate hedges to swap these asset characteristics to variable U.S. dollar rate instruments. Cross-currency interest rate swaps on assets are structured to pay a fixed rate, in the foreign currency, and receive a variable U.S. dollar rate, generally 3-month U.S. LIBOR. These derivative instruments are designated as a fair value hedge of the fixed rate foreign denominated asset.
For a variable rate foreign liability, the cross-currency interest rate swap is structured to receive a variable rate, in the foreign currency, and pay a variable U.S. dollar rate, generally 3-month U.S. LIBOR. As both sides of the cross-currency interest rate swap are variable, the derivative instrument is a basis swap. While the receive-side terms of the cross-currency interest rate swap will line up with the terms of the liability, the Company is not able to match the pay-side terms of the derivative to a specific asset. Therefore, these derivative instruments do not receive hedge accounting treatment.
Cross-currency interest rate swaps on variable rate investments are structured to pay a variable rate, in the foreign currency, and receive a fixed U.S. dollar rate. The terms of the foreign currency paid on the swap will exactly match the terms of the foreign currency received on the asset, thus eliminating currency risk. These derivative instruments are designated as a cash flow hedge.
Equity Market Risk Management
Asset fees calculated as a percentage of the separate account assets are a significant source of revenue to the Company. As of December 31, 2006, approximately 82% of separate account assets were invested in equity mutual funds (approximately 83% as of December 31, 2005). Gains and losses in the equity markets result in corresponding increases and decreases in the Company’s separate account assets and asset fee revenue. In addition, a decrease in separate account assets may decrease the Company’s expectations of future profit margins due to a decrease in asset fee revenue and/or an increase in guaranteed contract claims, which also may require the Company to accelerate the amortization of DAC.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
The Company’s long-term assumption for net separate account returns is 8% annual growth. If equity markets were unchanged throughout a given year, the Company estimates that its net earnings per diluted share, calculated using current weighted average diluted shares outstanding, would be approximately $0.05 to $0.10 less than had the Company’s long-term assumption for net separate account returns been realized. This analysis assumes no other factors change and that an unlocking of DAC assumptions would not be required. However, as it does each quarter, the Company would evaluate its DAC balance and underlying assumptions to determine whether unlocking is appropriate. The Company can provide no assurance that the experience of flat equity market returns would not result in changes to other factors affecting profitability, including the possibility of unlocking of DAC assumptions.
Many of the Company’s individual variable annuity contracts offer GMDB features. A GMDB generally provides a benefit if the annuitant dies and the contract value is less than a specified amount, which may be based on the premiums paid less amounts withdrawn or contract value on a specified anniversary date. A decline in the stock market causing the contract value to fall below this specified amount, which varies from contract to contract based on the date the contract was entered into as well as the GMDB feature elected, will increase the net amount at risk, which is the GMDB in excess of the contract value. This could result in additional GMDB claims.
In an effort to mitigate this risk, the Company has implemented a GMDB economic hedging program for certain new and existing business. Prior to implementation of the GMDB hedging program in 2000, the Company managed this risk primarily by entering into reinsurance arrangements. The GMDB economic hedging program is designed to offset changes in the economic value of the GMDB obligation up to a return of the contractholder’s premium payments. However, the first 10% of GMDB claims are not hedged. Currently the program shorts S&P 500 Index futures, which provides an offset to changes in the value of the designated obligation. The futures are not designated as hedges and, therefore, hedge accounting is not applied. The Company’s economic evaluation of the GMDB obligation is not consistent with current accounting treatment of the GMDB obligation. Therefore, the hedging activity is likely to lead to earnings volatility. This volatility was negligible in 2006. As of December 31, 2006 and 2005, the net amount at risk was $562.4 million and $1.08 billion before reinsurance, respectively, and $119.0 million and $178.4 million net of reinsurance, respectively. As of December 31, 2006 and 2005, the Company’s reserve for GMDB claims was $29.3 million and $26.9 million, respectively. See Note 3 to the audited consolidated financial statements included in the F pages of this report for discussion of the impact of adopting a new accounting principle regarding GMDB reserves in 2004.
The Company also offers certain variable annuity products with a guaranteed minimum accumulation benefit (GMAB) rider. A GMAB provides the contractholder with a guaranteed return of premium, adjusted proportionately for withdrawals, after a specified period of time (5, 7 or 10 years) selected by the contractholder at the time of issuance of the variable annuity contract. In some cases, the contractholder also has the option, after a specified period of time, to drop the rider and continue the variable annuity contract without the GMAB. The design of the GMAB rider limits the risk to the Company in a variety of ways including asset allocation requirements, which serve to reduce the Company’s potential exposure to underlying fund performance risks. Specifically, the GMAB terms limit asset allocation by (1) requiring partial allocation of assets to a guaranteed term option (a fixed rate investment option) and excluding certain funds that are highly volatile or difficult to hedge or (2) requiring all assets be allocated to one of the approved asset allocation funds or models defined by the Company. A GMAB represents an embedded derivative in the variable annuity contract that is required to be separated from, and valued apart from, the host variable annuity contract. The embedded derivative is carried at fair value and reported in other future policy benefits and claims. The Company initially records an offset to the fair value of the embedded derivative on the balance sheet, which is amortized through the income statement over the term of the GMAB period of the contract. Subsequent changes in the fair value of the embedded derivative are recognized in earnings. The fair value of the GMAB embedded derivative is calculated based on actuarial assumptions related to the projected benefit cash flows incorporating numerous assumptions including, but not limited to, expectations of contractholder persistency, market returns, correlations of market returns and market return volatility.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
The Company began selling contracts with the GMAB feature on May 1, 2003. Beginning October 1, 2003, the Company launched an enhanced version of the rider that offered increased equity exposure to the contractholder in return for a higher charge. The Company simultaneously began economically hedging the GMAB exposure for those risks that exceed a level it considered acceptable. The GMAB economic hedge consists of shorting interest rate futures and S&P 500 Index futures contracts and does not qualify for hedge accounting under current guidance. Quarterly, the Company purchases S&P 500 Index put options and over-the-counter basket put options, which are constructed in order to minimize the tracking error of the hedge and the GMAB liability. See Note 2(c) to the audited consolidated financial statements included in the F pages of this report for discussion of economic hedges. The objective of the GMAB economic hedge strategy is to manage the exposures with risk beyond a level considered acceptable to the Company. The Company is exposed to equity market risk related to the GMAB feature should the growth in the underlying investments, including any GTO investment, fail to reach the guaranteed return level. The GMAB embedded derivative is likely to create volatility in earnings; however, the economic hedging program provides substantial mitigation of this exposure. This volatility was negligible in 2006 and 2005. As of December 31, 2006 and 2005, the balance of the GMAB embedded derivative was $116.3 million and $67.9 million, respectively. The increase in the balance of the GMAB embedded derivative was driven by the value of new business sold during 2006.
Beginning in March 2005, the Company began offering a hybrid GMAB/guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit (GLWB) through its Capital Preservation Plus Lifetime Income (CPPLI) contract rider. This living benefit combines a GMAB feature in its first 5-10 years with a lifetime withdrawal benefit which begins upon the maturity of the GMAB and extends for the duration of the insured’s life. In the event that the insured’s contract value is exhausted through such withdrawals, the Company will continue to fund future withdrawals at a pre-defined level until the insured’s death. In some cases, the contract owner has the right to drop the GLWB portion of this rider or periodically reset the guaranteed withdrawal basis to a higher level. This benefit requires a minimum allocation to guaranteed term options or adherence to limitations required by an approved asset allocation strategy as previously described above.
In March 2006, the Company added Lifetime Income (L.INC), a stand-alone GLWB, to compliment CPPLI in its product offerings. This rider is very similar to the hybrid benefit discussed above. L.INC provides for enhanced retirement income security via guaranteed accumulation rates and withdrawal rates that increase with age without the liquidity loss associated with annuitization. The lifetime withdrawal feature also is being economically hedged. Currently, the Company is using S&P 500 Index and U.S. Treasury futures to hedge exposure to declining equity and interest rate markets, respectively. Similar to GMDBs, the Company’s economic valuation of the lifetime income obligation is not consistent with the accounting treatment of the obligation. Therefore, hedging activity is likely to create volatility in earnings; however, the economic hedging program provides substantial mitigation of this exposure. This volatility was negligible in 2006.
Other Non-Hedging Derivatives
The Company periodically enters into basis swaps (receive one variable rate, pay another variable rate) to better match the cash flows received from the specific variable-rate investments with the variable rate paid on a group of liabilities. While the pay-side terms of the basis swap will line up with the terms of the asset, the Company is not able to match the receive-side terms of the derivative to a specific liability. Therefore, basis swaps do not receive hedge accounting treatment.
The Company sells credit default protection on selected debt instruments and combines the credit default swap with selected assets the Company owns to replicate a higher yielding bond. These selected assets may have sufficient duration for the related liability, but do not earn a sufficient credit spread. The combined credit default swap and investments provide cash flows with the duration and credit spread targeted by the Company. The credit default swaps do not qualify for hedge accounting treatment.
The Company also has purchased credit default protection on selected debt instruments exposed to short-term credit concerns, or because the combination of the corporate bond and purchased default protection provides sufficient spread and duration targeted by the Company. The purchased credit default protection does not qualify for hedge accounting treatment.
Quantitative Disclosure
Fair Value Hedges
During the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, a net gain of $2.9 million, a net gain of $4.1 million and a net loss of $11.3 million, respectively, were recognized in net realized gains and losses on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items. This represents the ineffective portion of the fair value hedging relationships. There were no gains or losses attributable to the portion of the derivative instruments’ changes in fair value excluded from the assessment of hedge effectiveness. There were also no gains or losses recognized in earnings as a result of hedged firm commitments no longer qualifying as fair value hedges.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
Cash Flow Hedges
For the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, the ineffective portion of cash flow hedges was a net loss of $1.5 million, a net gain of $3.1 million and a net gain of $1.0 million, respectively. There were no net gains or losses attributable to the portion of the derivative instruments’ changes in fair value excluded from the assessment of hedge effectiveness.
The Company anticipates reclassifying less than $0.8 million in net losses out of AOCI over the next 12-month period.
In general, the maximum length of time over which the Company is hedging its exposure to the variability in future cash flows associated with forecasted transactions, other than those relating to variable interest on existing financial instruments, is twelve months or less.
During 2006, the Company did not discontinue any cash flow hedges because the original forecasted transaction was no longer probable. Additionally, no amounts were reclassified from AOCI into earnings due to the probability that a forecasted transaction would not occur.
Other Derivative Instruments, Including Embedded Derivatives
Net realized gains and losses on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 included a net loss of $0.5 million, a net loss of $9.1 million and a net gain of $8.1 million, respectively, related to other derivative instruments, including embedded derivatives, not designated in hedging relationships. In addition, the Individual Investments segment included a loss of $11.4 million and a gain of $5.1 million for the years ended December 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively, related to other derivative instruments, including embedded derivatives, not designated in hedging relationships. For the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, net losses of $10.6 million, $80.7 million and $5.9 million, respectively, were recorded in net realized gains and losses on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items reflecting the change in fair value of cross-currency interest rate swaps hedging variable rate MTNs denominated in foreign currencies. Additional net gains of $14.1 million, $78.3 million and $5.9 million were recorded in net realized gains and losses on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items to reflect the change in spot rates of these foreign currency denominated obligations during the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively.
The following table summarizes the notional amount of derivative financial instruments outstanding as of December 31:
(in millions)
   2006    2005
Interest rate swaps:
Pay fixed/receive variable rate swaps hedging investments
   $ 1,930.5    $ 2,040.1
Pay variable/receive fixed rate swaps hedging investments
     60.4      79.2
Pay variable/receive fixed rate swaps hedging liabilities
     —        550.0
Pay variable/receive variable rate swaps hedging liabilities
     —        30.0
Pay fixed/receive variable rate swaps hedging liabilities
     1,048.8      170.0
Other contracts hedging investments
     —        10.0
Cross-currency interest rate swaps:
Hedging foreign currency denominated investments
     452.9      439.8
Hedging foreign currency denominated liabilities
     1,137.1      1,312.4
Credit default swaps and other non-hedging instruments
     478.6      555.3
Equity option contracts
     1,640.7      774.4
Interest rate futures contracts
     214.2      120.5
   $ 6,963.2    $ 6,081.7

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
The following table summarizes the amortized cost, gross unrealized gains and losses, and estimated fair values of securities available-for-sale as of the dates indicated:
(in millions)
fair value
December 31, 2006:
Fixed maturity securities:
U.S. Treasury securities and obligations of U.S. Government corporations
   $ 123.7    $ 11.4    $ 1.4    $ 133.7
Agencies not backed by the full faith and credit of the U. S. Government
     559.4      46.2      2.2      603.4
Obligations of states and political subdivisions
     266.0      0.7      7.2      259.5
Debt securities issued by foreign governments
     34.9      1.7      0.1      36.5
Corporate securities
     8,602.0      168.8      109.9      8,660.9
     6,015.4      128.8      71.4      6,072.8
Mortgage-backed securities – U.S. Government-backed
     6,089.1      21.3      112.8      5,997.6
Asset-backed securities
     3,506.7      43.3      39.0      3,511.0
Total fixed maturity securities
     25,197.2      422.2      344.0      25,275.4
Equity securities
     28.5      6.2      0.3      34.4
Total securities available-for-sale
   $ 25,225.7    $ 428.4    $ 344.3    $ 25,309.8
December 31, 2005:
Fixed maturity securities:
U.S. Treasury securities and obligations of U.S. Government corporations
   $ 163.8    $ 14.3    $ 0.6    $ 177.5
Agencies not backed by the full faith and credit of the U. S. Government
     849.7      61.2      6.2      904.7
Obligations of states and political subdivisions
     300.3      2.4      3.8      298.9
Debt securities issued by foreign governments
     41.4      2.7      0.1      44.0
Corporate securities
     9,520.0      233.7      106.2      9,647.5
     6,572.2      195.3      65.3      6,702.2
Mortgage-backed securities – U.S. Government-backed
     6,048.3      18.1      107.6      5,958.8
Asset-backed securities
     3,463.2      42.6      41.3      3,464.5
Total fixed maturity securities
     26,958.9      570.3      331.1      27,198.1
Equity securities
     35.1      7.0      —        42.1
Total securities available-for-sale
   $ 26,994.0    $ 577.3    $ 331.1    $ 27,240.2

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
The table below summarizes the amortized cost and estimated fair value of fixed maturity securities available-for-sale, by maturity, as of December 31, 2006. Expected maturities will differ from contractual maturities because borrowers may have the right to call or prepay obligations with or without call or prepayment penalties.
(in millions)
fair value
Fixed maturity securities available-for-sale:
Due in one year or less
   $ 1,476.3    $ 1,488.2
Due after one year through five years
     6,350.0      6,406.7
Due after five years through ten years
     4,697.0      4,722.5
Due after ten years
     3,078.1      3,149.4
     15,601.4      15,766.8
Mortgage-backed securities – U.S. Government-backed
     6,089.1      5,997.6
Asset-backed securities
     3,506.7      3,511.0
   $ 25,197.2    $ 25,275.4
The following table presents the components of net unrealized gains on securities available-for-sale as of December 31:
(in millions)
   2006     2005  
Net unrealized gains, before adjustments and taxes
   $ 84.1     $ 246.2  
Adjustment to DAC
     83.3       42.4  
Adjustment to future policy benefits and claims
     (83.1 )     (104.6 )
Deferred federal income taxes
     (29.5 )     (64.4 )
Net unrealized gains
   $ 54.8     $ 119.6  
The following table presents an analysis of the net decrease in net unrealized gains on securities available-for-sale before adjustments and taxes for the years ended December 31:
(in millions)
   2006     2005     2004  
Fixed maturity securities
   $ (161.0 )   $ (704.1 )   $ (153.3 )
Equity securities
     (1.1 )     (3.4 )     (1.2 )
Net change
   $ (162.1 )   $ (707.5 )   $ (154.5 )

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
The following table summarizes by time the gross unrealized losses on securities available-for-sale in an unrealized loss position as of the dates indicated:
     Less than or equal
to one year
than one year
(in millions)
fair value
fair value
fair value
December 31, 2006:
Fixed maturity securities:
U.S. Treasury securities and obligations of U.S. Government corporations
   $ 49.8    $ 0.8    $ 17.7    $ 0.6    $ 67.5    $ 1.4
Agencies not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
     31.7      0.1      120.3      2.1      152.0      2.2
Obligations of states and political subdivisions
     82.4      1.0      156.3      6.2      238.7      7.2
Debt securities issued by foreign governments
     12.8      0.1      —        —        12.8      0.1
Corporate securities
     2,445.0      24.3      2,964.6      85.6      5,409.6      109.9
     1,162.7      13.5      1,872.3      57.9      3,035.0      71.4
Mortgage-backed securities – U.S. Government-backed
     767.8      6.4      3,809.5      106.4      4,577.3      112.8
Asset-backed securities
     539.2      4.2      1,336.6      34.8      1,875.8      39.0
Total fixed maturity securities
     5,091.4      50.4      10,277.3      293.6      15,368.7      344.0
Equity securities
     0.1      —        3.4      0.3      3.5      0.3
   $ 5,091.5    $ 50.4    $ 10,280.7    $ 293.9    $ 15,372.2    $ 344.3
% of gross unrealized losses
        15%         85%      
December 31, 2005:
Fixed maturity securities:
U.S. Treasury securities and obligations of U.S. Government corporations
   $ 25.1    $ 0.5    $ 3.7    $ 0.1    $ 28.8    $ 0.6
Agencies not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
     297.0      4.9      42.2      1.3      339.2      6.2
Obligations of states and political subdivisions
     150.7      3.0      29.7      0.8      180.4      3.8
Debt securities issued by foreign governments
     7.4      0.1      —        —        7.4      0.1
Corporate securities
     3,210.4      63.2      1,088.2      43.0      4,298.6      106.2
     1,690.3      39.1      672.6      26.2      2,362.9      65.3
Mortgage-backed securities – U.S. Government-backed
     4,062.8      88.6      632.6      19.0      4,695.4      107.6
Asset-backed securities
     1,420.7      26.1      432.5      15.2      1,853.2      41.3
Total fixed maturity securities
     10,864.4      225.5      2,901.5      105.6      13,765.9      331.1
Equity securities
     3.9      —        —        —        3.9      —  
   $ 10,868.3    $ 225.5    $ 2,901.5    $ 105.6    $ 13,769.8    $ 331.1
% of gross unrealized losses
        68%         32%      

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
Increases in unrealized losses more than one year are primarily due to changes in the interest rate environment. Those securities are not considered other-than-temporarily impaired because the decline in market value is attributed to changes in interest rates and not credit quality, and because the Company has the ability and intent to hold those investments until recovery.
Proceeds from the sale of securities available-for-sale during 2006, 2005 and 2004 were $2.27 billion, $2.62 billion and $2.49 billion, respectively. During 2006, gross gains of $61.6 million ($71.9 million and $61.5 million in 2005 and 2004, respectively) and gross losses of $64.1 million ($22.6 million and $8.7 million in 2005 and 2004, respectively) were realized on those sales.
The Company had $5.1 million and $22.2 million of real estate investments as of December 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively, that were non-income producing during the preceding twelve months.
Real estate held for use is presented at cost less accumulated depreciation of $16.7 million as of December 31, 2006 ($21.5 million as of December 31, 2005). The carrying value of real estate held for sale totaled $42.1 million and $2.5 million as of December 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively.
The recorded investment of mortgage loans on real estate considered to be impaired was $17.5 million as of December 31, 2006 ($29.7 million as of December 31, 2005), for which the related valuation allowance was $12.3 million ($7.1 million as of December 31, 2005). Impaired mortgage loans with no valuation allowance are a result of collateral dependent loans where the fair value of the collateral is estimated to be greater than the recorded investment of the loan. During 2006, the average recorded investment in impaired mortgage loans on real estate was $3.5 million ($7.4 million in 2005). Interest income on those loans, which is recognized on a cash basis, totaled $1.9 million in 2006 ($2.1 million in 2005).
The following table summarizes activity in the valuation allowance account for mortgage loans on real estate for the years ended December 31:
(in millions)
   2006      2005      2004
Allowance, beginning of period
   $ 31.1      $ 33.3      $ 29.1
Net additions (reductions) to allowance
     3.2        (2.2 )      4.2
Allowance, end of period
   $ 34.3      $ 31.1      $ 33.3
The following table summarizes net realized gains (losses) on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items from continuing operations by source for the years ended December 31:
(in millions)
   2006     2005     2004  
Total realized gains on sales, net of hedging losses
   $ 88.8     $ 75.6     $ 65.0  
Total realized losses on sales, net of hedging gains
     (64.8 )     (22.9 )     (12.7 )
Total other-than-temporary and other investment impairments
     (17.1 )     (36.8 )     (90.6 )
Credit default swaps
     (1.1 )     (7.5 )     0.3  
Periodic net coupon settlements on non-qualifying derivatives
     1.9       1.1       6.6  
Other derivatives
     (0.6 )     1.1       (5.0 )
Net realized gains (losses) on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items
   $ 7.1     $ 10.6     $ (36.4 )

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
The following table summarizes net investment income from continuing operations by investment type for the years ended December 31:
(in millions)
   2006     2005     2004  
Securities available-for-sale:
Fixed maturity securities
   $ 1,419.2     $ 1,466.2     $ 1,461.9  
Equity securities
     2.6       2.4       1.2  
Mortgage loans on real estate
     535.4       577.3       577.4  
Real estate
     17.0       16.6       17.9  
Short-term investments
     47.3       18.8       8.9  
     (1.9 )     (31.0 )     (94.3 )
     105.8       112.2       78.4  
Gross investment income
     2,125.4       2,162.5       2,051.4  
Less investment expenses
     66.9       57.3       50.9  
Net investment income
   $ 2,058.5     $ 2,105.2     $ 2,000.5  
Fixed maturity securities with an amortized cost of $8.1 million and $16.4 million as of December 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively, were on deposit with various regulatory agencies as required by law.
As of December 31, 2006, the Company had not pledged any fixed maturity securities as collateral to various derivative counterparties compared to $8.5 million as of December 31, 2005.
As of December 31, 2006 and 2005, the Company had received $802.3 million and $1.10 billion, respectively, of cash collateral on securities lending and $171.0 million and $203.3 million, respectively, of cash for derivative collateral. As of December 31, 2006 and 2005, the Company had not received any non-cash collateral on securities. Both the cash and non-cash collateral amounts are included in short-term investments with a corresponding liability recorded in other liabilities. As of December 31, 2006 and 2005, the Company had loaned securities with a fair value of $778.6 million and $1.07 billion, respectively. The Company also held $12.8 million and $53.2 million of securities as off-balance sheet collateral on derivative transactions as of December 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively.
Variable Annuity Contracts
The Company issues traditional variable annuity contracts through its separate accounts, for which investment income and gains and losses on investments accrue directly to, and investment risk is borne by, the contractholder. The Company also issues non-traditional variable annuity contracts in which the Company provides various forms of guarantees to benefit the related contractholders. The Company provides four primary guarantee types under non-traditional variable annuity contracts: (1) GMDB; (2) GMAB; (3) guaranteed minimum income benefits (GMIB); and (4) a hybrid guarantee with GMAB and GLWB.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
The GMDB provides a specified minimum return upon death. Many of these death benefits are spousal, whereby a death benefit will be paid upon death of the first spouse. The survivor has the option to terminate the contract or continue it and have the death benefit paid into the contract and a second death benefit paid upon the survivor’s death. The Company has offered six primary GMDB types:
Return of premium– provides the greater of account value or total deposits made to the contract less any partial withdrawals and assessments, which is referred to as “net premiums.” There are two variations of this benefit. In general, there is no lock in age for this benefit. However, for some contracts the GMDB reverts to the account value at a specified age, typically age 75.
Reset– provides the greater of a return of premium death benefit or the most recent five-year anniversary (prior to lock-in age) account value adjusted for withdrawals. For most contracts, this GMDB locks in at age 86 or 90, and for others the GMDB reverts to the account value at age 75, 85, 86 or 90.
Ratchet– provides the greater of a return of premium death benefit or the highest specified “anniversary” account value (prior to age 86) adjusted for withdrawals. Currently, there are three versions of ratchet, with the difference based on the definition of anniversary: monthaversary – evaluated monthly; annual – evaluated annually; and five-year – evaluated every fifth year.
Rollup– provides the greater of a return of premium death benefit or premiums adjusted for withdrawals accumulated at generally 5% simple interest up to the earlier of age 86 or 200% of adjusted premiums. There are two variations of this benefit. For certain contracts, this GMDB locks in at age 86, and for others the GMDB reverts to the account value at age 75.
Combo– provides the greater of annual ratchet death benefit or rollup death benefit. This benefit locks in at either age 81 or 86.
Earnings enhancement– provides an enhancement to the death benefit that is a specified percentage of the adjusted earnings accumulated on the contract at the date of death. There are two versions of this benefit: (1) the benefit expires at age 86, and a credit of 4% of account value is deposited into the contract; and (2) the benefit does not have an end age, but has a cap on the payout and is paid upon the first death in a spousal situation. Both benefits have age limitations. This benefit is paid in addition to any other death benefits paid under the contract.
The GMAB, offered in the Company’s Capital Preservation Plus (CPP) contract rider, is a living benefit that provides the contractholder with a guaranteed return of premium, adjusted proportionately for withdrawals, after a specified period of time (5, 7 or 10 years) selected by the contractholder at the issuance of the variable annuity contract. In some cases, the contractholder also has the option, after a specified period of time, to drop the rider and continue the variable annuity contract without the GMAB. In general, the GMAB requires a minimum allocation to guaranteed term options or adherence to limitations required by an approved asset allocation strategy.
The GMIB is a living benefit that provides the contractholder with a guaranteed annuitization value. The GMIB types are:
Ratchet– provides an annuitization value equal to the greater of account value, net premiums or the highest one-year anniversary account value (prior to age 86) adjusted for withdrawals.
Rollup– provides an annuitization value equal to the greater of account value and premiums adjusted for withdrawals accumulated at 5% compound interest up to the earlier of age 86 or 200% of adjusted premiums.
Combo– provides an annuitization value equal to the greater of account value, ratchet GMIB benefit or rollup GMIB benefit.
See Note 5 for a complete description of the Company’s hybrid GMAB/GLWB offered through its CPPLI contract rider. All GMAB contracts with the hybrid GMAB/GLWB rider are included with GMAB contracts in the following tables.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
The following table summarizes the account values and net amount at risk, net of reinsurance, for variable annuity contracts with guarantees invested in both general and separate accounts as of December 31:
     2006    2005
(in millions)
   Net amount
at risk1
   Wtd. avg.
attained age
   Net amount
at risk1
   Wtd. avg.
attained age
Return of premium
   $ 9,231.4    $ 17.1    60    $ 9,260.6    $ 32.5    60
     17,587.0      24.2    63      16,932.1      58.7    63
     13,481.0      16.0    66      11,020.6      28.9    65
     538.4      5.7    70      592.1      8.4    69
     2,588.7      14.9    68      2,530.6      22.3    68
     43,426.5      77.9    65      40,336.0      150.8    64
Earnings enhancement
     477.8      41.1    61      418.5      27.6    61
Total - GMDB
   $ 43,904.3    $ 119.0    65    $ 40,754.5    $ 178.4    63
5 Year
   $ 2,131.1    $ 0.1    N/A    $ 1,041.8    $ 0.5    N/A
7 Year
     1,865.7      0.1    N/A      1,103.5      0.2    N/A
10 Year
     784.0      —      N/A      595.5      0.1    N/A
Total - GMAB
   $ 4,780.8    $ 0.2    N/A    $ 2,740.8    $ 0.8    N/A
   $ 450.6    $ —      N/A    $ 444.7    $ —      N/A
     1,187.1      —      N/A      1,189.3      —      N/A
     0.5      —      N/A      0.5      —      N/A
Total - GMIB
   $ 1,638.2    $ —      N/A    $ 1,634.5    $ —      N/A
Lifetime Income (L.INC)
   $ 993.8    $ —      N/A    $ —      $ —      N/A
Total - GLWB
   $ 993.8    $ —      N/A    $ —      $ —      N/A
Net amount at risk is calculated on a seriatum basis and equals the respective guaranteed benefit less the account value (or zero if the account value exceeds the guaranteed benefit). As it relates to GMIB, net amount at risk is calculated as if all policies were eligible to annuitize immediately, although all GMIB options have a waiting period of at least 7 years from issuance, with the earliest annuitizations beginning in 2006.
GMAB contracts with the hybrid GMAB/GLWB rider had account values of $2.95 billion and $939.1 million as of December 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively.
The weighted average period remaining until expected annuitization is not meaningful and has not been presented because there is currently no material GMIB exposure.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
The following table is a rollforward of the liabilities for guarantees on variable annuity contracts reflected in the Company’s general account for the years indicated:
(in millions)
   GMDB     GMAB     GMIB    GLWB    Total  
Balance as of December 31, 2004
   $ 23.6     $ 20.6     $ 0.8    $ —      $ 45.0  
Expense provision
     32.8       —         0.4      —        33.2  
Net claims paid
     (29.5 )     —         —        —        (29.5 )
Value of new business sold
     —         53.4       —        —        53.4  
Change in fair value
     —         (6.1 )     —        —        (6.1 )
Balance as of December 31, 2005
     26.9       67.9       1.2      —        96.0  
Expense provision
     32.5       —         —        0.3      32.8  
Net claims paid
     (30.1 )     —         —        —        (30.1 )
Value of new business sold
     —         95.2       —        —        95.2  
Change in fair value
     —         (46.8 )     —        —        (46.8 )
Balance as of December 31, 2006
   $ 29.3     $ 116.3     $ 1.2    $ 0.3    $ 147.1  
The following table summarizes account balances of contracts with guarantees that were invested in separate accounts as of December 31:
(in millions)
   2006    2005
Mutual funds:
   $ 4,467.3    $ 3,857.3
Domestic equity
     29,808.4      28,011.3
International equity
     3,420.5      2,161.4
Total mutual funds
     37,696.2      34,030.0
Money market funds
     1,414.4      1,350.4
   $ 39,110.6    $ 35,380.4
The Company’s GMDB claim reserves are determined by estimating the expected value of death benefits on contracts that trigger a policy benefit and recognizing the excess ratably over the accumulation period based on total expected assessments. GMIB claim reserves are determined each period by estimating the expected value of annuitization benefits in excess of the projected account balance at the date of annuitization and recognizing the excess ratably over the accumulation period based on total assessments. The Company regularly evaluates its GMDB and GMIB claim reserve estimates and adjusts the additional liability balances as appropriate, with a related charge or credit to other benefits and claims in the period of evaluation if actual experience or other evidence suggests that earlier assumptions should be revised. The assumptions used in calculating GMIB claim reserves are consistent with those used for calculating GMDB claim reserves. In addition, the calculation of GMIB claim reserves assumes benefit utilization ranges from a low of 3% when the contractholder’s annuitization value is at least 10% in the money to 100% utilization when the contractholder is 90% or more in the money.
In accordance with SOP 03-01, GLWB claim reserves for the L.INC rider are determined each period by estimating the expected value of withdrawal benefits in excess of the projected account balance and recognizing such potential additional liabilities of the Company as a benefit reserve expense ratably over the accumulation period. The Company periodically evaluates estimates used and adjusts the additional liability balance as appropriate, with a related charge or credit to life insurance and annuity benefits in the period of evaluation if actual experience or other evidence suggests that earlier assumptions should be revised.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
The following assumptions and methodology were used to determine the GMDB claim reserves as of December 31, 2006 and 2005:
Data used was based on a combination of historical numbers and future projections involving 50 probabilistically generated economic scenarios
Mean gross equity performance – 8.1%
Equity volatility – 18.7%
Mortality – 100% of Annuity 2000 table
Asset fees – equivalent to mutual fund and product loads
Discount rate – 8.0%
Lapse rate assumptions vary by duration as shown below:
Duration (years)
   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10+
   4.00%    5.00%    6.00%    7.00%    8.00%    9.50%    10.00%    11.00%    14.00%    14.00%
   4.00%    5.00%    6.00%    7.00%    35.00%    35.00%    23.00%    35.00%    35.00%    23.00%
GMABs and hybrid GMABs/GLWBs are considered embedded derivatives under current accounting guidance, resulting in the related liabilities being separated from the host insurance product and recognized at fair value, with changes in fair value reported in earnings, and therefore, excluded from the SOP 03-1 policy benefits.
Short-Term Debt
The following table summarizes short-term debt as of December 31:
(in millions)
   2006    2005
$800.0 million commercial paper program
   $ —      $ 134.7
$350.0 million securities lending program facility
     75.2      75.0
$250.0 million securities lending program facility
     —        32.6
Total short-term debt
   $ 75.2    $ 242.3
The Company has available as a source of funds a $1.00 billion revolving variable rate credit facility entered into by NFS, NLIC and NMIC with a group of national financial institutions. The facility provides for several and not joint liability with respect to any amount drawn by any party. The facility provides covenants, including, but not limited to, requirements that the Company maintain consolidated tangible net worth, as defined, in excess of $2.60 billion and that NLIC maintain statutory surplus, as defined, in excess of $1.67 billion. As of December 31, 2006, the Company and NLIC were in compliance with all covenants. The Company had no amounts outstanding under this agreement as of December 31, 2006 and 2005. NLIC also has an $800.0 million commercial paper program and is required to maintain an available credit facility equal to 50% of any amounts outstanding under the commercial paper program. Therefore, borrowing capacity under the aggregate $1.00 billion revolving credit facility is reduced by 50% of any amounts outstanding under the commercial paper program. NLIC had no commercial paper outstanding at December 31, 2006 and $134.7 million outstanding at December 31, 2005 at a weighted average effective interest rate of 4.22%.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
NLIC has entered into an agreement with its custodial bank to borrow against the cash collateral that is posted in connection with its securities lending program. This is an uncommitted facility contingent on the liquidity of the securities lending program. The borrowing facility was established to fund commercial mortgage loans that were originated with the intent of sale through securitization. The maximum amount available under the agreement is $350.0 million. The borrowing rate on this program is equal to one-month U.S. LIBOR. NLIC had $75.2 million and $75.0 million outstanding under this agreement as of December 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively. As of December 31, 2006, the Company had not provided any guarantees on such borrowings, either directly or indirectly.
The Company paid interest on short-term debt totaling $11.7 million, $11.5 million and $3.6 million in 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively.
Long-Term Debt
The following table summarizes surplus notes payable to NFS as of December 31:
(in millions)
   2006    2005
8.15% surplus note, due June 27, 2032
   $ 300.0    $ 300.0
7.50% surplus note, due December 17, 2031
     300.0      300.0
6.75% surplus note, due December 23, 2033
     100.0      100.0
Total long-term debt
   $ 700.0    $ 700.0
The Company made interest payments to NFS on surplus notes totaling $53.7 million, $53.7 million and $50.7 million in 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively. Payments of interest and principal under the notes require the prior approval of the Ohio Department of Insurance (ODI).
Federal Income Taxes
Through September 30, 2002, the Company filed a consolidated federal income tax return with NMIC, the ultimate majority shareholder of NFS. Effective October 1, 2002, Nationwide Corporation’s ownership in NFS decreased from 79.8% to 63.0%. Therefore, NFS and its subsidiaries, including the Company, no longer qualify to be included in the NMIC consolidated federal income tax return. The members of the NMIC consolidated federal income tax return group participated in a tax sharing arrangement, which provided, in effect, for each member to bear essentially the same federal income tax liability as if separate tax returns were filed.
Under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) regulations, NFS and its subsidiaries cannot file a life/non-life consolidated federal income tax return until five full years following NFS’ departure from the NMIC consolidated federal income tax return group. Therefore, NFS and its direct non-life insurance company subsidiaries will file a consolidated federal income tax return; NLIC and NLAIC will file a consolidated federal income tax return; and the direct non-life insurance companies under NLIC will file separate federal income tax returns, until 2008, when NFS will become eligible to file a single life/non-life consolidated federal income tax return with all of its subsidiaries.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
The following table summarizes the tax effects of temporary differences that give rise to significant components of the net deferred tax liability as of December 31:
(in millions)
   2006     2005  
Deferred tax assets:
Future policy benefits
   $ 607.8     $ 630.5  
     138.6       185.9  
Gross deferred tax assets
     746.4       816.4  
Less valuation allowance
     (7.0 )     (7.0 )
Deferred tax assets, net of valuation allowance
     739.4       809.4  
Deferred tax liabilities:
Deferred policy acquisition costs
     1,022.2       970.5  
     173.9       237.1  
Gross deferred tax liabilities
     1,196.1       1,207.6  
Net deferred tax liability
   $ 456.7     $ 398.2  
In assessing the realizability of deferred tax assets, management considers whether it is more likely than not that some portion of the total gross deferred tax assets will not be realized. Future taxable amounts or recovery of federal income taxes paid within the statutory carryback period can offset nearly all future deductible amounts. The valuation allowance was unchanged during 2006, 2005 and 2004.
The Company’s current federal income tax (asset) liability was $(12.6) million and $53.8 million as of December 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively.
Through June 2006, the Company’s federal income tax returns for tax years 2000-2002 were under IRS examination pursuant to a routine audit. In accordance with its regular practice, management established tax reserves representing its best estimate of additional amounts the Company could be required to pay if certain positions it had taken were challenged and ultimately denied by the IRS with respect to these tax years. These reserves are reviewed regularly and are adjusted as events occur that management believes impacts the Company’s liability for additional taxes, such as lapsing of applicable statutes of limitations; conclusion of tax audits or substantial agreement on the deductibility/non-deductibility of uncertain items; additional exposure based on current calculations; identification of new issues; release of administrative guidance; or rendering of a court decision affecting a particular tax issue. A significant component of the Company’s tax reserve as of December 31, 2005 was related to the separate account dividends received deduction (DRD).
In July 2006, the Company reached substantial agreement with the IRS on all open issues for tax years 2000-2002, including issues related to the DRD. Accordingly, the Company revised its estimate of amounts that may be due in connection with certain tax positions, including the DRD, for all open tax years. As a result of the revised estimate, $110.9 million of tax reserves were released into earnings during the quarter ended June 30, 2006.
During the third quarter of 2006, the Company recorded $7.8 million of net federal income tax expense adjustments primarily related to differences between the 2005 estimated tax liability and the amounts reported on the Company’s 2005 tax returns.
During the third quarter of 2005, the Company refined its separate account DRD estimation process. As a result, the Company identified and recorded additional federal income tax benefits and recoverables in the amount of $42.6 million related to all tax years (2000 – 2005) that were open at that time. In addition, the Company recorded $5.6 million of net benefit adjustments primarily related to differences between the 2004 estimated tax liability and the amounts reported on the Company’s 2004 tax returns.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
The following table summarizes federal income tax expense attributable to income from continuing operations for the years ended December 31:
(in millions)
   2006     2005    2004  
   $ (61.8 )   $ 90.6    $ 181.5  
     92.4       5.0      (61.5 )
Federal income tax expense
   $ 30.6     $ 95.6    $ 120.0  
Total federal income tax expense differs from the amount computed by applying the U.S. federal income tax rate to income from continuing operations before federal income taxes as follows for the years ended December 31:
     2006     2005     2004  
(dollars in millions)
   Amount     %     Amount     %     Amount     %  
Computed (expected) tax expense
   $ 228.6     35.0     $ 217.0     35.0     $ 187.2     35.0  
Tax exempt interest and DRD
     (67.5 )   (10.3 )     (107.5 )   (17.3 )     (47.2 )   (8.8 )
Reserve release
     (110.9 )   (17.0 )     —       —         —       —    
Other, net
     (19.6 )   (3.0 )     (13.9 )   (2.3 )     (20.0 )   (3.8 )
   $ 30.6     4.7     $ 95.6     15.4     $ 120.0     22.4  
The Jobs Creation Act of 2004 suspends policyholder surplus accounts (PSA) during 2005 and 2006 and provides that direct and indirect distributions from the PSA during any taxable year beginning after 2004 and before 2007 be treated as zero. Because NLIC had the ability and intent to distribute this PSA balance to its shareholder during the noted period, the potential tax liability was eliminated as of December 31, 2004. The Jobs Creation Act of 2004 had no other significant impact on the Company’s tax position.
Total federal income taxes (refunded) paid were $(4.3) million, $182.2 million and $142.3 million during the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
Shareholders’ Equity, Regulatory Risk-Based Capital and Dividend Restrictions
Regulatory Risk-Based Capital
The State of Ohio, where NLIC and NLAIC are domiciled, imposes minimum risk-based capital requirements that were developed by the NAIC. The formulas for determining the amount of risk-based capital specify various weighting factors that are applied to financial balances or various levels of activity based on the perceived degree of risk. Regulatory compliance is determined by a ratio of total adjusted capital, as defined by the NAIC, to authorized control level risk-based capital, as defined by the NAIC. Companies below specific trigger points or ratios are classified within certain levels, each of which requires specified corrective action. NLIC and NLAIC each exceeded the minimum risk-based capital requirements for all periods presented herein.
Dividend Restrictions
State insurance laws generally restrict the ability of insurance companies to pay cash dividends and make other payments in excess of certain prescribed limitations without prior approval. The Company is limited in the amount of shareholder dividends it may pay without prior approval by the ODI. The statutory capital and surplus of NLIC as of December 31, 2006 and 2005 was $2.68 billion and $2.60 billion, respectively. The statutory net income of NLIC for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 was $537.5 million, $462.5 million and $317.7 million, respectively. As of January 1, 2007, based on statutory financial results as of and for the year ended December 31, 2006, NLIC could pay dividends totaling $162.5 million without obtaining prior approval. As of March 1, 2007, NLIC will be able to pay dividends to NFS totaling $232.5 million upon providing prior notice to the ODI. On February 21, 2007, NLIC declared an ordinary dividend of $232.5 million and an extraordinary dividend of $242.5 million, both payable to NFS in March 2007. NLIC will provide notice to the ODI of the ordinary dividend and seek prior approval from the ODI of the extraordinary dividend before paying these dividends to NFS.
In addition, the payment of dividends by NLIC may also be subject to restrictions set forth in the insurance laws of the State of New York that limit the amount of statutory profits on NLIC’s participating policies (measured before dividends to policyholders) that can inure to the benefit of the Company and its shareholder.
The Company currently does not expect such regulatory requirements to impair its ability to pay future operating expenses, interest and shareholder dividends.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
Comprehensive Income
The Company’s comprehensive income includes net income and certain items that are reported directly within separate components of shareholder’s equity that are not recorded in net income (other comprehensive income or loss).
The following table summarizes the Company’s other comprehensive loss, before and after federal income tax benefit (expense), for the years ended December 31:
(in millions)
   2006     2005     2004  
Net unrealized losses on securities available-for-sale arising during the period:
Net unrealized losses before adjustments
   $ (171.3 )   $ (687.2 )   $ (182.0 )
Net adjustment to deferred policy acquisition costs
     40.9       187.0       99.1  
Net adjustment to future policy benefits and claims
     21.5       17.0       (11.0 )
Related federal income tax benefit
     38.1       169.1       33.3  
Net unrealized losses
     (70.8 )     (314.1 )     (60.6 )
Reclassification adjustment for net realized losses (gains) on securities available-for-sale realized during the period:
Net unrealized losses (gains)
     9.2       (20.3 )     27.5  
Related federal income tax (benefit) expense
     (3.2 )     7.1       (9.6 )
Net reclassification adjustment
     6.0       (13.2 )     17.9  
Other comprehensive loss on securities available-for-sale
     (64.8 )     (327.3 )     (42.7 )
Accumulated net holding (losses) gains on cash flow hedges:
Unrealized holding (losses) gains
     (0.2 )     41.7       (47.4 )
Related federal income tax benefit (expense)
     0.1       (14.6 )     16.6  
Other comprehensive (loss) income on cash flow hedges
     (0.1 )     27.1       (30.8 )
Total other comprehensive loss
   $ (64.9 )   $ (300.2 )   $ (73.5 )
Adjustments for net realized gains and losses on the ineffective portion of cash flow hedges were immaterial during the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
Employee Benefit Plans
Defined Benefit Plans
The Company and certain affiliated companies participate in a qualified defined benefit pension plan sponsored by NMIC. This plan covers all employees of participating companies who have completed at least one year of service. Plan contributions are invested in a group annuity contract issued by NLIC. All participants are eligible for benefits based on an account balance feature. Participants last hired before 2002 are eligible for benefits based on the highest average annual salary of a specified number of consecutive years of the last ten years of service, if such benefits are of greater value than the account balance feature. The Company funds pension costs accrued for direct employees plus an allocation of pension costs accrued for employees of affiliates whose work benefits the Company. A separate non-qualified defined benefit pension plan sponsored by NMIC covers certain executives with at least one year of service. The Company’s portion of expense relating to these plans was $19.9 million, $16.6 million and $13.7 million for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively.
In addition to the NMIC pension plan, the Company and certain affiliated companies participate in life and health care defined benefit plans sponsored by NMIC for qualifying retirees. Postretirement life and health care benefits are contributory. The level of contribution required by a qualified retiree depends on the retiree’s years of service and date of hire. In general, postretirement benefits are available to full-time employees who are credited with 120 months of retiree life and health service. Postretirement health care benefit contributions are adjusted annually and contain cost-sharing features such as deductibles and coinsurance. In addition, there are caps on the Company’s portion of the per-participant cost of the postretirement health care benefits. The Company’s policy is to fund the cost of health care benefits in amounts determined at the discretion of management. Plan assets are invested primarily in group annuity contracts issued by NLIC. The Company’s portion of expense relating to these plans was immaterial for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004.
Defined Contribution Plans
NMIC sponsors a defined contribution retirement savings plan covering substantially all employees of the Company. Employees may make salary deferral contributions of up to 80%. Salary deferrals of up to 6% are subject to a 50% Company match. The Company’s expense for contributions to these plans was $6.6 million, $6.2 million and $5.8 million for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively.
Related Party Transactions
The Company has entered into significant, recurring transactions and agreements with NMIC, other affiliates and subsidiaries as a part of its ongoing operations. These include annuity and life insurance contracts, office space leases, and agreements related to reinsurance, cost sharing, administrative services, marketing, intercompany loans, intercompany repurchases, cash management services and software licensing. Measures used to allocate expenses among companies include individual employee estimates of time spent, special cost studies, the number of full-time employees, commission expense and other methods agreed to by the participating companies and that are within industry guidelines and practices.
In addition, Nationwide Services Company, LLC (NSC), a subsidiary of NMIC, provides computer, telephone, mail, employee benefits administration and other services to NMIC and certain of its direct and indirect subsidiaries, including the Company, based on specified rates for units of service consumed. For the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, the Company made payments to NMIC and NSC totaling $261.7 million, $274.1 million and $194.6 million, respectively.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
The Company has issued group annuity and life insurance contracts and performs administrative services for various employee benefit plans sponsored by NMIC or its affiliates. Total account values of these contracts were $5.48 billion and $6.39 billion as of December 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively. Total revenues from these contracts were $133.4 million, $136.2 million and $136.5 million for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively, and include policy charges, net investment income from investments backing the contracts and administrative fees. Total interest credited to the account balances was $110.7 million, $107.3 million and $107.9 million for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively. The terms of these contracts are consistent in all material respects with what the Company offers to unaffiliated parties who are similarly situated.
The Company leases office space from NMIC. For the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, the Company made lease payments to NMIC of $19.3 million, $18.7 million and $18.4 million, respectively.
NLIC has a reinsurance agreement with NMIC whereby all of NLIC’s accident and health business not ceded to unaffiliated reinsurers is ceded to NMIC on a modified coinsurance basis. Either party may terminate the agreement on January 1 of any year with prior notice. Under a modified coinsurance agreement, the ceding company retains invested assets, and investment earnings are paid to the reinsurer. Under the terms of NLIC’s agreements, the investment risk associated with changes in interest rates is borne by the reinsurer. The ceding of risk does not discharge the original insurer from its primary obligation to the policyholder. The Company believes that the terms of the modified coinsurance agreements are consistent in all material respects with what the Company could have obtained with unaffiliated parties. Revenues ceded to NMIC for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 were $430.8 million, $429.5 million and $335.6 million, respectively, while benefits, claims and expenses ceded during these years were $470.4 million, $398.8 million and $336.0 million, respectively.
Funds of NWD Investment Management, Inc. (NWD), an affiliate, are offered to the Company’s customers as investment options in certain of the Company’s products. As of December 31, 2006 and 2005, customer allocations to NWD funds totaled $18.26 billion and $15.70 billion, respectively. For the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, NWD paid the Company $64.4 million, $51.6 million and $44.5 million, respectively, for the distribution and servicing of these funds.
Under a marketing agreement with NMIC, NLIC makes payments to cover a portion of the agent marketing allowance that is paid to Nationwide agents. These costs cover product development and promotion, sales literature, rent and similar items. Payments under this agreement totaled $28.3 million, $26.5 million and $23.2 million for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively.
The Company also participates in intercompany repurchase agreements with affiliates whereby the seller transfers securities to the buyer at a stated value. Upon demand or after a stated period, the seller repurchases the securities at the original sales price plus interest. As of December 31, 2006 and 2005, the Company had no outstanding borrowings from affiliated entities under such agreements. During 2006, 2005 and 2004, the most the Company had outstanding at any given time was $191.5 million, $55.3 million and $227.7 million, respectively, and the amounts the Company incurred for interest expense on intercompany repurchase agreements during these years were immaterial.
The Company and various affiliates entered into agreements with Nationwide Cash Management Company (NCMC), an affiliate, under which NCMC acts as a common agent in handling the purchase and sale of short-term securities for the respective accounts of the participants. Amounts on deposit with NCMC for the benefit of the Company were $601.3 million and $390.9 million as of December 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively, and are included in short-term investments on the consolidated balance sheets.
Certain annuity products are sold through affiliated companies, which are also subsidiaries of NFS. Total commissions and fees paid to these affiliates for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 were $58.1 million, $59.0 million and $63.1 million, respectively.
During the years ended December 31, 2006 and 2005, the Company did not purchase any fixed maturity securities available-for-sale from NFN compared to $829.9 million during 2004. NFN recorded gross realized gains of $23.4 million on such transactions during 2004.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
An affiliate of the Company is currently developing a browser-based policy administration and online brokerage software application for defined benefit plans. In connection with the development of this application, the Company made net payments, which were expensed, to that affiliate related to development totaling $6.9 million, $2.9 million and $2.6 million for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively.
Historically, the Company has retained funds for certain claim and benefit payments to customers in the form of interest-bearing accounts. During the year ended December 31, 2006, this practice was discontinued. Eligible participant balances totaling $224.7 million were transferred from the Company to interest-bearing deposit accounts of Nationwide Bank, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NFS, in exchange for cash plus a premium of $0.7 million payable to NFS for the value of the relationships acquired by Nationwide Bank.
Through September 30, 2002, the Company filed a consolidated federal income tax return with NMIC, as discussed in more detail in Note 10. Effective October 1, 2002, NLIC began filing a consolidated federal income tax return with NLAIC. Total payments (from) to NMIC were $(15.3) million, $45.0 million and $37.4 million in the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004, respectively. These payments related to tax years prior to deconsolidation.
In 2006, 2005 and 2004, NLIC paid dividends to NFS totaling $375.0 million, $185.0 million and $125.0 million, respectively.
Legal Matters
The Company is a party to litigation and arbitration proceedings in the ordinary course of its business. It is often not possible to determine the ultimate outcome of the pending investigations and legal proceedings or to provide reasonable ranges of potential losses with any degree of certainty. Some matters, including certain of those referred to below, are in very preliminary stages, and the Company does not have sufficient information to make an assessment of the plaintiffs’ claims for liability or damages. In some of the cases seeking to be certified as class actions, the court has not yet decided whether a class will be certified or (in the event of certification) the size of the class and class period. In many of the cases, the plaintiffs are seeking undefined amounts of damages or other relief, including punitive damages and equitable remedies, which are difficult to quantify and cannot be defined based on the information currently available. The Company does not believe, based on information currently known by management, that the outcomes of such pending investigations and legal proceedings are likely to have a material adverse effect on the Company’s consolidated financial position. However, given the large and/or indeterminate amounts sought in certain of these matters and inherent unpredictability of litigation, it is possible that an adverse outcome in certain matters could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s consolidated financial results in a particular quarterly or annual period.
In recent years, life insurance companies have been named as defendants in lawsuits, including class action lawsuits relating to life insurance and annuity pricing and sales practices. A number of these lawsuits have resulted in substantial jury awards or settlements against life insurers other than the Company.
The financial services industry, including mutual fund, variable annuity, life insurance and distribution companies, has also been the subject of increasing scrutiny by regulators, legislators and the media over the past few years. Numerous regulatory agencies, including the SEC, the National Association of Securities Dealers and the New York State Attorney General, have commenced industry-wide investigations regarding late trading and market timing in connection with mutual funds and variable insurance contracts, and have commenced enforcement actions against some mutual fund and life insurance companies on those issues. The Company has been contacted by or received subpoenas from the SEC and the New York State Attorney General, who are investigating market timing in certain mutual funds offered in insurance products sponsored by the Company. The Company has cooperated with these investigations. Information requests from the New York State Attorney General and the SEC with respect to investigations into late trading and market timing were last responded to by the Company and its affiliates in December 2003 and June 2005, respectively, and no further information requests have been received with respect to these matters.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
In addition, state and federal regulators have commenced investigations or other proceedings relating to compensation and bidding arrangements and possible anti-competitive activities between insurance producers and brokers and issuers of insurance products, and unsuitable sales and replacements by producers on behalf of the issuer. Also under investigation are compensation and revenue sharing arrangements between the issuers of variable insurance contracts and mutual funds or their affiliates, the use of side agreements and finite reinsurance agreements, funding agreements issued to back MTN programs, recordkeeping and retention compliance by broker/dealers, and supervision of former registered representatives. Related investigations and proceedings may be commenced in the future. The Company and/or its affiliates have been contacted by or received subpoenas from state and federal regulatory agencies, state securities law regulators and state attorneys general for information relating to certain of these investigations, including those relating to compensation, revenue sharing and bidding arrangements, anti-competitive activities, unsuitable sales or replacement practices, the use of side agreements and finite reinsurance agreements, and funding agreements backing the NLIC MTN program. The Company is cooperating with regulators in connection with these inquiries and will cooperate with NMIC in responding to these inquiries to the extent that any inquiries encompass NMIC’s operations.
These proceedings are expected to continue in the future and could result in legal precedents and new industry-wide legislation, rules and regulations that could significantly affect the financial services industry, including life insurance and annuity companies. These proceedings also could affect the outcome of one or more of the Company’s litigation matters. There can be no assurance that any such litigation or regulatory actions will not have a material adverse effect on the Company in the future.
On November 15, 2006, NFS, NLIC and NRS were named in a lawsuit filed in the Untied States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio entitled Kevin Beary, Sheriff of Orange County, Florida, In His Official Capacity, Individually and On Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated v. Nationwide Life Insurance Co., Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. and Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. The plaintiff seeks to represent a class of all sponsors of 457(b) deferred compensation plans in the United States that had variable annuity contracts with the defendants at any time during the class period, or in the alternative, all sponsors of 457(b) deferred compensation plans in Florida that had variable annuity contracts with the defendants during the class period. The Class Period is from January 1, 1996 until the Class Notice is provided. The plaintiff alleges that the defendants breached their fiduciary duties by arranging for and retaining service payments from certain mutual funds. The complaint seeks an accounting, a declaratory judgment, a permanent injunction and disgorgement or restitution of the service fee payments allegedly received by the defendants, including interest. On January 25, 2007, NFS, NLIC and NRS filed a motion to dismiss. NFS, NLIC and NRS intend to defend this lawsuit vigorously.
On February 11, 2005, NLIC was named in a class action lawsuit filed in Common Pleas Court, Franklin County, Ohio entitled Michael Carr v. Nationwide Life Insurance Company. The complaint seeks recovery for breach of contract, fraud by omission, violation of the Ohio Deceptive Trade Practices Act and unjust enrichment. The complaint also seeks unspecified compensatory damages, disgorgement of all amounts in excess of the guaranteed maximum premium and attorneys’ fees. On February 2, 2006, the Court granted the plaintiff’s motion for class certification on the breach of contract and unjust enrichment claims. The Court certified a class consisting of all residents of the United States and the Virgin Islands who, during the Class Period, paid premiums on a modal basis to NLIC for term life insurance policies issued by NLIC during the Class Period that provide for guaranteed maximum premiums, excluding certain specified products. Excluded from the class are NLIC; any parent, subsidiary or affiliate of NLIC; all employees, officers and directors of NLIC; and any justice, judge or magistrate judge of the State of Ohio who may hear the case. The Class Period is from February 10, 1990 through February 2, 2006, the date the class was certified. On January 26, 2007, the plaintiff filed a motion for summary judgment. NLIC continues to defend this lawsuit vigorously.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
On April 13, 2004, NLIC was named in a class action lawsuit filed in Circuit Court, Third Judicial Circuit, Madison County, Illinois, entitled Woodbury v. Nationwide Life Insurance Company. NLIC removed this case to the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois on June 1, 2004. On December 27, 2004, the case was transferred to the United States District Court for the District of Maryland and included in the multi-district proceeding entitled In Re Mutual Funds Investment Litigation. In response, on May 13, 2005, the plaintiff filed a First Amended Complaint purporting to represent, with certain exceptions, a class of all persons who held (through their ownership of an NLIC annuity or insurance product) units of any NLIC sub-account invested in mutual funds that included foreign securities in their portfolios and that experienced market timing or stale price trading activity. The First Amended Complaint purports to disclaim, with respect to market timing or stale price trading in NLIC’s annuities sub-accounts, any allegation based on NLIC’s untrue statement, failure to disclose any material fact, or usage of any manipulative or deceptive device or contrivance in connection with any class member’s purchases or sales of NLIC annuities or units in annuities sub-accounts. The plaintiff claims, in the alternative, that if NLIC is found with respect to market timing or stale price trading in its annuities sub-accounts, to have made any untrue statement, to have failed to disclose any material fact or to have used or employed any manipulative or deceptive device or contrivance, then the plaintiff purports to represent a class, with certain exceptions, of all persons who, prior to NLIC’s untrue statement, omission of material fact, use or employment of any manipulative or deceptive device or contrivance, held (through their ownership of an NLIC annuity or insurance product) units of any NLIC sub-account invested in mutual funds that included foreign securities in their portfolios and that experienced market timing activity. The First Amended Complaint alleges common law negligence and seeks to recover damages not to exceed $75,000 per plaintiff or class member, including all compensatory damages and costs. On June 1, 2006, the District Court granted NLIC’s motion to dismiss the plaintiff’s complaint. On November 29, 2006, the plaintiff filed its appellate brief with the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals contesting the District Court’s dismissal. NLIC continues to defend this lawsuit vigorously.
On January 21, 2004, NLIC, Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America, NLAIC, NFS and Nationwide Financial Corporation (collectively referred to as the Companies) were named in a lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi entitled United Investors Life Insurance Company v. Nationwide Life Insurance Company and/or Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America and/or Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company and/or Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America and/or Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. and/or Nationwide Financial Corporation, and John Does A-Z. In its complaint, the plaintiff alleges that the Companies and/or their affiliated life insurance companies caused the replacement of variable insurance policies and other financial products issued by United Investors with policies issued by the Companies. The plaintiff raises claims for (1) violations of the Federal Lanham Act, and common law unfair competition and defamation; (2) tortious interference with the plaintiff’s contractual relationship with Waddell & Reed, Inc. and/or its affiliates, Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc., Waddell & Reed Financial Services, Inc. and W&R Insurance Agency, Inc., or with the plaintiff’s contractual relationships with its variable policyholders; (3) civil conspiracy; and (4) breach of fiduciary duty. The complaint seeks compensatory damages, punitive damages, pre- and post-judgment interest, a full accounting, a constructive trust and costs and disbursements, including attorneys’ fees. On December 30, 2005, the Companies filed a motion for summary judgment. On June 15, 2006, the District Court granted the Companies’ motion for summary judgment on all grounds and dismissed the plaintiff’s entire case with prejudice. The plaintiff appealed the District Court’s decision to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. The appeal has been fully briefed, and the Companies are awaiting a decision. The Companies continue to defend this lawsuit vigorously.
On August 15, 2001, NFS and NLIC were named in a lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut entitled Lou Haddock, as trustee of the Flyte Tool & Die, Incorporated Deferred Compensation Plan, et al v. Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. and Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Currently, the plaintiffs’ fifth amended complaint, filed March 21, 2006, purports to represent a class of qualified retirement plans under ERISA that purchased variable annuities from NLIC. The plaintiffs allege that they invested ERISA plan assets in their variable annuity contracts and that NLIC and NFS breached ERISA fiduciary duties by allegedly accepting service payments from certain mutual funds. The complaint seeks disgorgement of some or all of the payments allegedly received by NLIC and NFS, other unspecified relief for restitution, declaratory and injunctive relief, and attorneys’ fees. To date, the District Court has rejected the plaintiffs’ request for certification of the alleged class. NFS’ and NLIC’s motion to dismiss the plaintiffs’ fifth amended complaint is currently pending before the court. NFS and NLIC continue to defend this lawsuit vigorously.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
Tax Matters
The Company’s federal income tax returns are routinely audited by the IRS. Management has established tax reserves representing its best estimate of additional amounts it may be required to pay if certain tax positions it has taken are challenged and ultimately denied by the IRS. These reserves are reviewed regularly and are adjusted as events occur that management believes impact its liability for additional taxes, such as lapsing of applicable statutes of limitations, conclusion of tax audits or substantial agreement on the deductibility/non-deductibility of uncertain items, additional exposure based on current calculations, identification of new issues, release of administrative guidance or rendering of a court decision affecting a particular tax issue. Management believes its tax reserves reasonably provide for potential assessments that may result from IRS examinations and other tax-related matters for all open tax years.
Since 2001, the Company has sold $626.1 million of credit enhanced equity interests in Low-Income-Housing Tax Credit Funds (Tax Credit Funds) to unrelated third parties. The Company has guaranteed cumulative after-tax yields to the third party investors ranging from 3.75% to 5.25% over periods ending between 2002 and 2022. As of December 31, 2006, the Company held guarantee reserves totaling $6.3 million on these transactions. These guarantees are in effect for periods of approximately 15 years each. The Tax Credit Funds provide a stream of tax benefits to the investors that will generate a yield and return of capital. If the tax benefits are not sufficient to provide these cumulative after-tax yields, then the Company must fund any shortfall, which is mitigated by stabilization collateral set aside by the Company at the inception of the transactions. The maximum amount of undiscounted future payments that the Company could be required to pay the investors under the terms of the guarantees is $1.36 billion. The Company does not anticipate making any payments related to these guarantees.
At the time of the sales, $5.9 million of net sale proceeds were set aside as collateral for certain properties owned by the Tax Credit Funds that had not met all of the criteria necessary to generate tax credits. Such criteria include completion of construction and the leasing of each unit to a qualified tenant, among others. Properties meeting the necessary criteria are considered to have “stabilized.” The properties are evaluated regularly, and the collateral is released when stabilized. During 2006 and 2005, no stabilization collateral amounts were released into income. As of December 31, 2006 and 2005, $2.2 million of stabilization collateral was unrecognized and recorded as a reserve, respectively.
To the extent there are cash deficits in any specific property owned by the Tax Credit Funds, property reserves, property operating guarantees and reserves held by the Tax Credit Funds are exhausted before the Company is required to perform under its guarantees. To the extent the Company is ever required to perform under its guarantees, it may recover any such funding out of the cash flow distributed from the sale of the underlying properties of the Tax Credit Funds. This cash flow distribution would be paid to the Company prior to any cash flow distributions to unrelated third party investors.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
Variable Interest Entities
As of December 31, 2006 and 2005, the Company had relationships with 18 and 19 variable interest entities (VIEs), respectively, each of which the Company was the primary beneficiary. As of December 31, 2006, each VIE was a conduit that assists the Company in structured products transactions involving the sale of Tax Credit Funds to third party investors for which the Company provides guaranteed returns (see Note 15). The results of operations and financial position of these VIEs are included along with corresponding minority interest liabilities in the accompanying consolidated financial statements.
VIE net assets were $445.5 million and $440.6 million as of December 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005, respectively. The following table summarizes the components of net assets as of December 31:
(in millions)
   2006      2005  
Mortgage loans on real estate
   $ —        $ 31.5  
Other long-term investments
     432.5        478.6  
Short-term investments
     33.7        42.3  
Other assets
     37.8        41.3  
Short-term debt
     —          (32.6 )
Other liabilities
     (58.5 )      (120.5 )
The Company’s total loss exposure from VIEs of which the Company is the primary beneficiary was immaterial as of December 31, 2006 and 2005 (except for the impact of guarantees disclosed in Note 15).
In addition to the VIEs described above, the Company holds variable interests, in the form of limited partnerships or similar investments, in Tax Credit Funds of which the Company is not the primary beneficiary. These investments have been held by the Company for periods of 1 to 10 years and allow the Company to utilize certain tax credits and realize other tax benefits from affordable housing projects. The Company also has certain investments in other securitization transactions that qualify as VIEs, but of which the Company is not the primary beneficiary. The total exposure to loss on these VIEs was $68.9 million and $53.9 million as of December 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
Segment Information
Management views the Company’s business primarily based on its underlying products and uses this basis to define its four reportable segments: Individual Investments, Retirement Plans, Individual Protection, and Corporate and Other.
The primary segment profitability measure that management uses is pre-tax operating earnings, which is calculated by adjusting income from continuing operations before federal income taxes to exclude (1) net realized gains and losses on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items, except for periodic net coupon settlements on non-qualifying derivatives and net realized gains and losses related to securitizations and (2) the adjustment to amortization of DAC related to net realized gains and losses.
Individual Investments
The Individual Investments segment consists of individual The BEST of AMERICA® and private label deferred variable annuity products, deferred fixed annuity products, income products and advisory services. Individual deferred annuity contracts provide the customer with tax-deferred accumulation of savings and flexible payout options including lump sum, systematic withdrawal or a stream of payments for life. In addition, individual variable annuity contracts provide the customer with access to a wide range of investment options and asset protection features, while individual fixed annuity contracts generate a return for the customer at a specified interest rate fixed for prescribed periods.
Retirement Plans
The Retirement Plans segment is comprised of the Company’s private and public sector retirement plans business. The private sector primarily includes IRC Section 401(k) business, and the public sector primarily includes IRC Section 457 and Section 401(a) business, both in the form of full-service arrangements that provide plan administration and fixed and variable group annuities as well as administration-only business.
Individual Protection
The Individual Protection segment consists of investment life insurance products, including individual variable, COLI and BOLI products; traditional life insurance products; and universal life insurance products. Life insurance products provide a death benefit and generally allow the customer to build cash value on a tax-advantaged basis.
Corporate and Other
The Corporate and Other segment includes certain structured products business; the MTN program; net investment income and certain expenses not allocated to other segments; periodic net coupon settlements on non-qualifying derivatives; interest expense on debt; revenue and expenses of the Company’s non-insurance subsidiaries not reported in other segments; and net realized gains and losses related to securitizations.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
The following table summarizes the Company’s business segment operating results for the years ended December 31:
(in millions)
and Other
Policy charges
   $ 581.7    $ 160.2    $ 390.7    $ —       $ 1,132.6
Traditional life insurance and immediate annuity premiums
     142.5      —        165.8      —         308.3
Net investment income
     739.5      636.0      328.2      354.8       2,058.5
Net realized gains on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items1
     —        —        —        1.0       1.0
Other income
     2.6      —        0.3      3.4       6.3
Total revenues
     1,466.3      796.2      885.0      359.2       3,506.7
Benefits and expenses:
Interest credited to policyholder account values
     501.7      440.5      179.2      208.7       1,330.1
Life insurance and annuity benefits
     202.8      —        247.5      —         450.3
Policyholder dividends on participating policies
     —        —        25.6      —         25.6
Amortization of DAC
     352.7      37.9      69.6      (9.9 )     450.3
Interest expense on debt
     —        —        —        65.5       65.5
Other operating expenses
     206.3      179.1      142.4      4.0       531.8
Total benefits and expenses
     1,263.5      657.5      664.3      268.3       2,853.6
Income from continuing operations before federal income tax expense
     202.8      138.7      220.7      90.9     $ 653.1
Net realized gains on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items1
     —        —        —        (1.0 )  
Adjustment to amortization related to net realized gains and losses
     —        —        —        (9.9 )  
Pre-tax operating earnings
   $ 202.8    $ 138.7    $ 220.7    $ 80.0    
Assets as of period end
   $ 55,404.6    $ 28,817.2    $ 16,948.8    $ 8,791.8     $ 109,962.4
Excluding periodic net coupon settlements on non-qualifying derivatives and net realized gains and losses related to securitizations.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
(in millions)
and Other
Policy charges
   $ 532.4    $ 145.0    $ 377.7    $ —       $ 1,055.1
Traditional life insurance and immediate annuity premiums
     96.7      —        163.3      —         260.0
Net investment income
     822.4      642.9      332.8      307.1       2,105.2
Net realized gains on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items1
     —        —        —        9.5       9.5
Other income
     1.3      0.2      —        1.8       3.3
Total revenues
     1,452.8      788.1      873.8      318.4       3,433.1
Benefits and expenses:
Interest credited to policyholder account values
     557.7      444.8      182.4      146.1       1,331.0
Life insurance and annuity benefits
     149.1      —        228.4      —         377.5
Policyholder dividends on participating policies
     —        —        33.1      —         33.1
Amortization of DAC
     329.1      47.2      89.0      1.0       466.3
Interest expense on debt
     —        —        —        66.3       66.3
Other operating expenses
     193.1      181.8      148.1      15.8       538.8
Total benefits and expenses
     1,229.0      673.8      681.0      229.2       2,813.0
Income from continuing operations before federal income tax expense
     223.8      114.3      192.8      89.2     $ 620.1
Net realized gains on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items1
     —        —        —        (9.5 )  
Adjustment to amortization of DAC related to net realized gains and losses
     —        —        —        1.0    
Pre-tax operating earnings
   $ 223.8    $ 114.3    $ 192.8    $ 80.7    
Assets as of period end
   $ 52,929.2    $ 29,987.2    $ 14,728.7    $ 9,313.4     $ 106,958.5
Excluding periodic net coupon settlements on non-qualifying derivatives and net realized gains and losses related to securitizations.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004
(in millions)
and Other
Policy charges
   $ 503.6    $ 157.0    $ 364.6    $ —       $ 1,025.2  
Traditional life insurance and immediate annuity premiums
     87.5      —        182.9      —         270.4  
Net investment income
     824.8      627.9      327.2      220.6       2,000.5  
Net realized losses on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items1
     —        —        —        (43.0 )     (43.0 )
Other income
     0.6      —        —        15.8       16.4  
Total revenues
     1,416.5      784.9      874.7      193.4       3,269.5  
Benefits and expenses:
Interest credited to policyholder account values
     573.5      435.5      181.5      86.7       1,277.2  
Life insurance and annuity benefits
     136.9      —        232.3      —         369.2  
Policyholder dividends on participating policies
     —        —        36.2      —         36.2  
Amortization of DAC
     276.1      39.6      94.4      —         410.1  
Interest expense on debt
     —        —        —        59.8       59.8  
Other operating expenses
     210.0      184.5      159.7      27.8       582.0  
Total benefits and expenses
     1,196.5      659.6      704.1      174.3       2,734.5  
Income from continuing operations before federal income tax expense
     220.0      125.3      170.6      19.1     $ 535.0  
Net realized losses on investments, hedging instruments and hedged items1
     —        —        —        43.0    
Pre-tax operating earnings
   $ 220.0    $ 125.3    $ 170.6    $ 62.1    
Assets as of period end
   $ 52,642.5    $ 29,668.7    $ 12,932.4    $ 10,714.3     $ 105,957.9  
Excluding periodic net coupon settlements on non-qualifying derivatives and net realized gains and losses related to securitizations.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Schedule I          Consolidated Summary of Investments – Other Than Investments in Related Parties
As of December 31, 2006 (in millions)
Column A
   Column B    Column C    Column D  
Type of investment
   Cost    Market
   Amount at
which shown
in the
balance sheet
Fixed maturity securities available-for-sale:
U.S. Treasury securities and obligations of U.S. Government corporations
   $ 123.7    $ 133.7    $ 133.7  
Agencies not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
     559.4      603.4      603.4  
Obligations of states and political subdivisions
     266.0      259.5      259.5  
Foreign governments
     34.9      36.5      36.5  
Public utilities
     1,541.9      1,543.5      1,543.5  
All other corporate
     22,671.3      22,698.8      22,698.8  
Total fixed maturity securities available-for-sale
     25,197.2      25,275.4      25,275.4  
Equity securities available-for-sale:
Common stocks:
Banks, trusts and insurance companies
     13.3      17.8      17.8  
Industrial, miscellaneous and all other
     7.8      9.1      9.1  
Nonredeemable preferred stocks
     7.4      7.5      7.5  
Total equity securities available-for-sale
     28.5      34.4      34.4  
Mortgage loans on real estate, net
     8,222.9         8,202.2 1
Real estate, net:
Investment properties
     66.3         49.7 2
Acquired in satisfaction of debt
     5.2         5.1 2
Total real estate, net
     71.5         54.8  
Policy loans
     639.2         639.2  
Other long-term investments
     677.4         574.9 3, 4
Short-term investments, including amounts managed by a related party
     1,722.0         1,722.0  
Total investments
   $ 36,558.7       $ 36,502.9  

Difference from Column B primarily is attributable to valuation allowances due to impairments on mortgage loans on real estate (see Note 6 to the audited consolidated financial statements), hedges and commitment hedges on mortgage loans on real estate.
Difference from Column B primarily results from adjustments for accumulated depreciation.
Difference from Column B primarily is due to operating gains and/or losses of investments in limited partnerships.
Amount shown does not agree to the audited consolidated balance sheet due to $24.1 million in unconsolidated related party investments.
See accompanying report of independent registered public accounting firm.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Schedule III        Supplementary Insurance Information
As of December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 and for each of the years then ended (in millions)
Column A
   Column B     Column C    Column D     Column E    Column F
Year: Segment
Future policy
benefits, losses,
claims and
loss expenses
    Other policy
claims and
benefits payable1
Individual Investments
   $ 1,945.0     $ 13,004.4         $ 142.5
Retirement Plans
     288.6       10,839.0           —  
Individual Protection
     1,441.0       5,574.1           165.8
Corporate and Other
     83.4       4,991.9           —  
   $ 3,758.0     $ 34,409.4         $ 308.3
Individual Investments
   $ 1,936.4     $ 14,970.9         $ 96.7
Retirement Plans
     290.3       10,847.3           —  
Individual Protection
     1,328.7       5,531.9           163.3
Corporate and Other
     42.5       4,591.0           —  
   $ 3,597.9     $ 35,941.1         $ 260.0
Individual Investments
   $ 2,015.5     $ 15,500.6         $ 87.5
Retirement Plans
     301.7       10,139.8           —  
Individual Protection
     1,244.1       5,430.5           182.9
Corporate and Other
     (144.7 )     5,312.2           —  
   $ 3,416.6     $ 36,383.1         $ 270.4
Column A
   Column G     Column H    Column I     Column J    Column K
Year: Segment
    Benefits, claims,
losses and
settlement expenses
of deferred policy
acquisition costs
Individual Investments
   $ 739.5     $ 704.5    $ 352.7       206.3   
Retirement Plans
     636.0       440.5      37.9       179.1   
Individual Protection
     328.2       452.3      69.6       142.4   
Corporate and Other
     354.8       208.7      (9.9 )     4.0   
   $ 2,058.5     $ 1,806.0    $ 450.3     $ 531.8   
Individual Investments
   $ 822.4     $ 706.8    $ 329.1     $ 193.1   
Retirement Plans
     642.9       444.8      47.2       181.8   
Individual Protection
     332.8       443.9      89.0       148.1   
Corporate and Other
     307.1       146.1      1.0       15.8   
   $ 2,105.2     $ 1,741.6    $ 466.3     $ 538.8   
Individual Investments
   $ 824.8     $ 710.4    $ 276.1     $ 210.0   
Retirement Plans
     627.9       435.5      39.6       184.5   
Individual Protection
     327.2       450.0      94.4       159.7   
Corporate and Other
     220.6       86.7      —         27.8   
   $ 2,000.5     $ 1,682.6    $ 410.1     $ 582.0   

Unearned premiums and other policy claims and benefits payable are included in Column C amounts.
Allocations of net investment income and certain operating expenses are based on numerous assumptions and estimates, and reported segment operating results would change if different methods were applied.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Schedule IV          Reinsurance
As of December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 and for each of the years then ended (dollars in millions)
Column A
   Column B    Column C    Column D    Column E    Column F
   Ceded to
from other
of amount
to net
Life insurance in force
   $ 151,109.9    $ 58,189.8    $ 7.9    $ 92,928.0    0.0%
Life insurance 1
   $ 336.4    $ 28.4    $ 0.3    $ 308.3    0.1%
Accident and health insurance
     388.9      417.4      28.5      —      N/A
   $ 725.3    $ 445.8    $ 28.8    $ 308.3    9.3%
Life insurance in force
   $ 142,308.1    $ 52,339.1    $ 10.6    $ 89,979.6    0.0%
Life insurance 1
   $ 311.5    $ 51.8    $ 0.3    $ 260.0    0.1%
Accident and health insurance
     415.2      445.1      29.9      —      N/A
   $ 726.7    $ 496.9    $ 30.2    $ 260.0    11.6%
Life insurance in force
   $ 123,756.6    $ 46,866.2    $ 10.2    $ 76,900.6    0.0%
Life insurance 1
   $ 300.7    $ 30.6    $ 0.3    $ 270.4    0.1%
Accident and health insurance
     312.7      345.1      32.4      —      N/A
   $ 613.4    $ 375.7    $ 32.7    $ 270.4    12.1%

Primarily represents premiums from traditional life insurance and life-contingent immediate annuities and excludes deposits on investment products and universal life insurance products.

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.)
Schedule V        Valuation and Qualifying Accounts
Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 (in millions)
Column A
   Column B    Column C    Column D    Column E
   Balance at
of period
(credited) to
costs and
   Charged to
   Deductions1    Balance at
end of
Valuation allowances - mortgage loans on real estate
   $ 31.1    $ 6.0    $ —      $ 2.8    $ 34.3
Valuation allowances - mortgage loans on real estate
   $ 33.3    $ 1.6    $ —      $ 3.8    $ 31.1
Valuation allowances - mortgage loans on real estate
   $ 29.1    $ 7.5    $ —      $ 3.3    $ 33.3

Amounts represent transfers to real estate owned and recoveries.


Item 26.                   Exhibits
Resolution of the Depositor’s Board of Directors authorizing the establishment of the Registrant – Filed previously with registration statement (333-31725) on July 21, 1997 and hereby incorporated by reference.
Custodian Agreements - Not Applicable.
Underwriting or Distribution of contracts between the Depositor and Principal Underwriter – Attached hereto.
The form of the contract –Attached hereto.
The form of the contract application – Attached hereto.
Articles of Incorporation of Depositor – Attached hereto.
Form of Reinsurance Contracts - Filed previously with Post-Effective Amendment No. 3 to registration statement (333-46338) and hereby incorporated by reference.
Form of Participation Agreement – Filed previously with registration statement (333-31725) and hereby incorporated by reference.
The following Fund Participation Agreements were previously filed on July 17, 2007 with pre-effective amendment number 1 of registration statement (333-140608) under Exhibit (h), and are hereby incorporated by reference.

Fund Participation Agreement with AIM Variable Insurance Funds, AIM Advisors, Inc., and AIM Distributors dated January 6, 2003, under document “aimfpa991.htm”

Amended and Restated Fund Participation and Shareholder Services Agreement with American Century Investment Services, Inc. dated September 15, 2004, as amended, under document “amcentfpa99h2”

Restated and Amended Fund Participation Agreement with The Dreyfus Corporation dated January 27, 2000, as amended, under document “dreyfusfpa99h3.htm”

Fund Participation Agreement with Federated Insurance Series and Federated Securities Corp. dated April 1, 2006, as amended, under document “fedfpa99h4.htm”

Fund Participation Agreement with Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund dated May 1, 1988, as amended, including Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund IV and Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund V, under document “fidifpa99h5.htm”

Fund Participation Agreement with Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund II dated July 15, 1989, as amended, including Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund IV and Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund V, under document “fidiifpa99h6.htm”

Fund Participation Agreement with Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund III dated November 22, 1994, as amended, including Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund IV and Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Fund V, under document “fidiiifpa99h7.htm”

Amended and Restated Fund Participation Agreement with Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust and Franklin/Templeton Distributors, Inc. dated May 1, 2003; as amended, under document “frankfpa99h8.htm”

Fund Participation Agreement, Service and Institutional Shares, with Janus Aspen Series, dated December 31, 1999, under document “janusfpa99h9a.htm”

Amended and Restated Fund Participation Agreement with MFS Variable Insurance Trust and Massachusetts Financial Services Company dated February 1, 2003, as amended, under document “mfsfpa99h11.htm”

Fund Participation Agreement with Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust (formerly, Gartmore Variable Insurance Trust) dated May 2, 2005, as amended, under document “nwfpa99h11.htm”

Fund Participation Agreement with Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust / Lehman Brothers Advisers Management Trust (formerly, Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust) dated January 1, 2006, under document “neuberfpa99h13.htm”

Fund Participation Agreement with Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds and Oppenheimer Funds, Inc. dated April 13, 2007, under document “oppenfpa99h14.htm”

Fund Participation Agreement with T. Rowe Price Equity Series, Inc., T. Rowe Price International Series, Inc., T. Rowe Price Fixed Income Series, Inc., and T. Rowe Price Investment Services, Inc. dated October 1, 2002, as amended, under document “trowefpa99h15.htm”

Fund Participation Agreement with The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc., Morgan Stanley Distribution, Inc., and Morgan Stanley Investment Management, Inc. dated February 1, 2002, as amended, under document “univfpa99h16.htm”
The following Fund Participation Agreements attached hereto are electronic file copies of the executed agreements.  Specific fee and payment information, if any, has been redacted from the attached copies.  For information regarding payments Nationwide receives from underlying mutual funds, please see the "Information on Underlying Mutual Fund Payments" section of the prospectus and/or the underlying mutual fund prospectuses.

Fund Participation Agreement (Amended and Restated) with Alliance Capital Management L.P. and Alliance-Bernstein Investment Research and Management, Inc. dated June 1, 2003.
Fund Participation Agreement with American Funds Insurance Series and Capital Research and Management Company dated July 20, 2005.
Fund Participation Agreement with BlackRock (formerly FAM Distributors, Inc. and FAM Variable Series Funds, Inc.) dated April 13, 2004, as amended.
Fund Participation Agreement with Davis Variable Account Fund and Davis Distributors, LLC dated August 7, 2007.
Fund Participation Agreement with DWS Variable Series II (formerly Scudder Variable Series I, Scudder Variable Series II, Scudder Distributors, Inc. and Deutsche Investment Management Americas, Inc.) dated July 1, 2004.
Fund Participation with Legg Mason Partners Variable Portfolio I, Inc. (formerly Salomon Brothers Variable Series Funds Inc. and Salomon Brothers Asset Management Inc. dated September, 1999, as amended.
Fund Participation Agreement with Lincoln Variable Insurance Products Trust, Lincoln Financial Distributors, Inc., and Lincoln Investment Advisors Corporation dated June 5, 2007.
Fund Participation Agreement with Lord Abbett Series Fund, Inc. and Lord Abbett Distributor LLC dated December 31, 2002, as amended.
Fund Participation Agreement with PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust and PIMCO Fund Distributors, LLC dated March 28, 2002, as amended.
Fund Participation Agreement with Pioneer Variable Contracts Trust, Pioneer Investment Management, Inc. and Pioneer Fund Distributor, Inc., dated September 27, 2002, as amended.
Fund Participation Agreement with Putnam Variable Trust and Putnam Retail Management, L.P., dated February 1, 2002.

Fund Participation Agreement with Royce & Associates dated February 14, 2002, as amended.
Fund Participation Agreement Van Eck Investment Trust, Van Eck Associates Corporation, Van Eck Securities Corporation dated September 1, 1989, as amended.
Fund Participation Agreement with Waddell & Reed Services Company, Waddell & Reed, Inc., and W&R Target Funds, Inc. dated December 1, 2000, as amended.
Fund Participation Agreement with Wells Fargo Management, LLC, Stephens, Inc. dated November 15, 2004, as amended.

Administrative Contracts
The following Administrative Agreements were previously filed on July 17, 2007 with pre-effective amendment number 1 of registration statement (333-140608) under Exhibit (i), and are hereby incorporated by reference.

Administrative Services Agreement with AIM Advisors, Inc. dated July 1, 2005, as amended, under document “aimasa99i1a.htm”

Financial Support Agreement with AIM Variable Insurance Funds dated July 1, 2005, under document “aimasa99i1b.htm”

Amended and Restated Fund Participation and Shareholder Services Agreement with American Century Investment Services, Inc. dated September 15, 2004, as amended.  See Exhibit B for information related to administrative services, under document “amcentasa99i2.htm”

Restated Administrative Services Agreement with The Dreyfus Corporation dated June 1, 2003, as amended, and 12b-1 letter agreement dated June 1, 2003, as amended, under document “dreyfusasa99i3.htm”

Dealer Agreement with Federated Securities Corp dated October 26, 2006, under document “fedasa99i4a.htm”

Fund Participation Agreement with Federated Insurance Series and Federated Securities Corp. dated April 1, 2006, as amended.  See Exhibit B of Fund Participation Agreement for information related to administrative services, under document “fedasa99i4b.htm”

Administrative Service Agreement with Fidelity Investments Institutional Operations Company, Inc. dated April 1, 2002, as amended, HTML file name “fidiiiasa99i5a.htm”

Service Contract, with Fidelity Distributors Corporation dated June 18, 2002, as amended, under document “fidiiiasa99i5b.htm” as part of Exhibit 99.

Administrative Services Agreement with Franklin Templeton Services, LLC dated May 1, 2003, as amended, under document “frankasa99i6.htm”

Distribution and Shareholder Services Agreement with Janus Distributors, Inc. dated December 31, 1999, under document “janusasa99i7.htm”

Amended and Restated Fund Participation and Shareholder Services Agreement with MFS Variable Insurance Trust and Massachusetts Financial Service Company dated February 1, 2003, as amended, under document “mfsasa99i9.htm”

Fund Participation Agreement with Nationwide Variable Insurance Trust (formerly, Gartmore Variable Insurance Trust) dated May 2, 2005, as amended.  See Exhibit B and Exhibit E for information related to administrative services, under document “nwasa99i10.htm”

Fund Participation Agreement with Neuberger Berman Advisers Management Trust / Lehman Brothers Advisers Management Trust (formerly, Neuberger Berman Advisers

                           Management Trust) dated January 1, 2006.  See Exhibit D for information related to administrative services, under     document                     “neuberasa99i11.htm”

                (11)                         Revenue Sharing Agreement with Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds dated April 13,
2006, under document “oppenasa99i12.htm”

Administrative Services Letter Agreement with T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. and T. Rowe Price International, Inc. dated October 1, 2002, as amended, under document “troweasa99i13.htm”

Administrative Services Agreement with Morgan Stanley Distribution, Inc. (The Universal Institutional Funds, Inc.) dated May 5, 2005, as amended, under document “univasa99i14.htm”
Attached hereto are electronic file copies of the executed agreements.  Specific fee and payment information, if any, has been redacted from the attached copies.  For information regarding payments Nationwide receives from underlying mutual funds, please see the "Information on Underlying Mutual Fund Payments" section of the prospectus and/or the underlying mutual fund prospectuses.

Administrative Services Agreement with Alliance Fund Distributors, Inc. dated June 3, 2003.
Administrative Services Agreement with American Funds Distributors, Inc. and Capital Research and Management Company dated July 20, 2005.
Administrative Services Agreement with BlackRock (formerly FAM Variable Series Funds, Inc. and FAM Distributors, Inc.) dated April 13, 2004, as amended.
Administrative Service Agreement with Davis Distributors, LLC dated August 7, 2007.
Fund Participation Agreement with DWS Variable Series II (formerly Scudder Variable Series I, Scudder Variable Series II, Scudder Distributors, Inc. and Deutsche Investment Management Americas, Inc.) dated July 1, 2004.  See Article 2.3 for information on administrative services.
Administrative Services Agreement with Legg Mason Partners Variable Portfolios I, Inc. (formerly Salomon Brothers Asset Management Inc.) dated September 1999, as amended.
Administrative Services Agreement with Lincoln Investment Advisors Corporation dated June 5, 2007.
Distribution Services Agreement between Nationwide Investment Services Corporation (general distributor) and Lincoln Financial Distributors, Inc. dated June 5, 2007.
Administrative Services Agreement with Lord Abbett Series Fund, Inc. dated December 31, 2002, as amended.
Administrative Services Agreement with Pacific Investment Management Company LLC dated March 28, 2002, as amended.
Administrative Services Agreement with PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust dated March 28, 2002, as amended.
Fund Participation Agreement with Pioneer Variable Contracts Trust, Pioneer Investment Management, Inc. and Pioneer Fund Distributor, Inc., dated September 27, 2002, as amended.  See Schedule B for information on administrative services.
Administrative Services Agreement with Putnam Retail Management Limited Partnership dated August 1, 2006, as amended.
Fund Participation Agreement with Royce & Associates dated February 14, 2002, as amended.  See Exhibits C and D for information on administrative services.
Administrative Services Agreement with Van Eck Securities Corporation dated November 3, 1997, as amended.
Administrative Services Agreement with Waddell & Reed, Inc. dated December 1, 2000, as amended.

Administrative Services Agreement with Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC and Stephens, Inc. dated November 15, 2004, as amended.
Other Material Contracts - Not Applicable.
Opinion of CounselFiled previously with registration statement (333-137202) on September 8, 2006 under document “legalopinion.htm” and hereby incorporated by reference.
Actuarial Opinion - Not Applicable.
Calculation - Not Applicable.
Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm – Attached hereto.
Omitted Financial Statements - Not Applicable.
Initial Capital Agreements - Not Applicable.
Redeemability Exemption– Filed previously with registration statement (333-140608) on July 16, 2007 under document “redeemexempt.htm” and hereby incorporated by reference.
Power of Attorney – previously filed with pre-effective amendment 2 on February 15, 2007 as document “powerofattorney.htm” and hereby incorporated by reference.

Item 27.                      Directors and Officers of the Depositor

Chairman of the Board and Director
Arden L. Shisler
Chief Executive Officer and Director
W. G. Jurgensen
President and Chief Operating Officer
Mark R. Thresher
Executive Vice President and Chief Legal and Governance Officer
Patricia R. Hatler
Executive Vice President-Chief Administrative Officer
Terri L. Hill
Executive Vice President-Chief Information Officer
Michael C. Keller
Executive Vice President-Chief Marketing Officer
James R. Lyski
Executive Vice President-Finance, Investments, and Strategy
Robert A. Rosholt
Senior Vice President and Treasurer
Harry H. Hallowell
Senior Vice President-Chief Compliance Officer
Carol Baldwin Moody
Senior Vice President-Chief Financial Officer
Timothy G. Frommeyer
Senior Vice President-Chief Investment Officer
Gail G. Snyder
Senior Vice President-CIO Strategic Investments
Gary I. Siroko
Senior Vice President-Corporate Relations
Gregory S. Lashutka
Senior Vice President-Corporate Strategy
J. Stephen Baine
Senior Vice President-Division General Counsel
Thomas W. Dietrich
Senior Vice President-Enterprise Chief Risk Officer
Brian W. Nocco
Senior Vice President-Health and Productivity
Holly R. Snyder
Senior Vice President-In Retirement Business Head
Keith I. Millner
Senior Vice President-Individual Protection Business Head
Peter A. Golato
Senior Vice President-Information Technology
Srinivas Koushik
Senior Vice President-Internal Audits
Kelly A. Hamilton
Senior Vice President-NF Marketing
Gordon E. Hecker
Senior Vice President-NF Systems
R. Dennis Noice
Senior Vice President-Non-Affiliated Sales
John Laughlin Carter
Senior Vice President-NW Retirement Plans
William S. Jackson
Senior Vice President-President – Nationwide Bank
Anne L. Arvia
Senior Vice President-Property and Casualty Claims
David R. Jahn
Senior Vice President-Property and Casualty Commercial/Farm Product Pricing
W. Kim Austen
Senior Vice President-Property and Casualty Commercial/Farm Product Pricing
James R. Burke
Senior Vice President-Property and Casualty Human Resources
Gale V. King
Senior Vice President-Property and Casualty Personal Lines Product Pricing
J. Lynn Greenstein
Vice President-Assistant to the CEO and Secretary
Thomas E. Barnes
Joseph A. Alutto
James G. Brocksmith, Jr.
Keith W. Eckel
Lydia M. Marshall
Donald L. McWhorter
David O. Miller
Martha Miller de Lombera
James F. Patterson
Gerald D. Prothro
Alex Shumate

The business address of the Directors and Officers of the Depositor is:
One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, Ohio 43215

Item 28.                      Persons Controlled by or Under Common Control with the Depositor or Registrant.
Subsidiaries for which separate financial statements are filed
Subsidiaries included in the respective consolidated financial statements
Subsidiaries included in the respective group financial statements filed for unconsolidated subsidiaries
Other subsidiaries

NO. VOTING SECURITIES (see attached chart unless otherwise indicated)
1717 Advisory Services, Inc.
The company was formerly registered as an investment advisor and is currently inactive.
1717 Brokerage Services, Inc.
The company is a multi-state licensed insurance agency.
1717 Capital Management Company*
The company is registered as a broker-dealer and investment advisor.
1717 Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, Inc.
The company is established to grant proper licensing to the Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America affiliates in Massachusetts.
1717 Insurance Agency of Texas, Inc.
The company is established to grant proper licensing to the Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America affiliates in Texas.
AGMC Reinsurance, Ltd.
Turks & Caicos Islands
The company is in the business of reinsurance of mortgage guaranty risks.
AID Finance Services, Inc.
The company operates as a holding company.
ALLIED General Agency Company
The company acts as a general agent and surplus lines broker for property and casualty insurance products.
ALLIED Group, Inc.
The company is a property and casualty insurance holding company.
ALLIED Property and Casualty Insurance Company
The company underwrites general property and casualty insurance.
ALLIED Texas Agency, Inc.
The company acts as a managing general agent to place personal and commercial automobile insurance with Colonial County Mutual Insurance Company for the independent agency companies.
Allnations, Inc.
The company engages in promoting, extending, and strengthening cooperative insurance organizations throughout the world.
AMCO Insurance Company
The company underwrites general property and casualty insurance.
American Marine Underwriters, Inc.
The company is an underwriting manager for ocean cargo and hull insurance.
Atlantic Floridian Insurance Company (f.k.a Nationwide Atlantic Insurance Company)
The company writes personal lines residential property insurance in the State of Florida.
Audenstar Limited
England and Wales
The company is an investment holding company.
BlueSpark, LLC
The company is currently inactive.
Cal-Ag Insurance Services, Inc.
The company is an insurance agency.
CalFarm Insurance Agency
The company is an insurance agency.

NO. VOTING SECURITIES (see attached chart unless otherwise indicated)
Colonial County Mutual Insurance Company*
The company underwrites non-standard automobile and motorcycle insurance and other various commercial liability coverages in Texas.
Corviant Corporation
The purpose of the company is to create a captive distribution network through which affiliates can sell multi-manager investment products, insurance products and sophisticated estate planning services.
Crestbrook Insurance Company* (f.k.a. CalFarm Insurance Company)
The company is an Ohio-based multi-line insurance corporation that is authorized to write personal, automobile, homeowners and commercial insurance.
Depositors Insurance Company
The company underwrites general property and casualty insurance.
DVM Insurance Agency, Inc.
This company places pet insurance business not written by Veterinary Pet Insurance Company outside of California with National Casualty Company.
F&B, Inc.
The company is an insurance agency that places business with carriers other than Farmland Mutual Insurance Company and its affiliates.
Farmland Mutual Insurance Company
The company provides property and casualty insurance primarily to agricultural businesses.
Financial Settlement Services Agency, Inc.
The company is an insurance agency in the business of selling structured settlement products.
FutureHealth Corporation
The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of FutureHealth Holding Company, which provides population health management.
FutureHealth Holding Company
The company provides population health management.
FutureHealth Technologies Corporation
The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of FutureHealth Holding Company, which provides population health management.
Gartmore Distribution Services, Inc.*
The company is a limited purpose broker-dealer.
Gartmore Investor Services, Inc.
The company provides transfer and dividend disbursing agent services to various mutual fund entities.
Gartmore Morley Capital Management, Inc.
The company is an investment advisor and stable value money manager.
Gartmore Mutual Fund Capital Trust
The trust acts as a registered investment advisor.
Gartmore S.A. Capital Trust
The trust acts as a registered investment advisor.
Gates, McDonald & Company
The company provides services to employers for managing workers' compensation matters and employee benefits costs.
Gates, McDonald & Company of New York, Inc.
New York
The company provides workers' compensation and self-insured claims administration services to employers with exposure in New York.

NO. VOTING SECURITIES (see attached chart unless otherwise indicated)
GatesMcDonald DTAO, LLC
The company provides disability tax reporting services.
GatesMcDonald DTNHP, LLC
The company provides disability tax reporting services.
GatesMcDonald DTC, LLC
The company provides disability tax reporting services.
GatesMcDonald Health Plus Inc.*
The company provides medical management and cost containment services to employers.
GVH Participacoes e Empreedimientos Ltda.
The company acts as a holding company.
Insurance Intermediaries, Inc.
The company is an insurance agency and provides commercial property and casualty brokerage services.
Life REO Holdings, LLC
The company serves as a holding company for foreclosure entities.
Lone Star General Agency, Inc.
The company acts as general agent to market automobile and motorcycle insurance for Colonial County Mutual Insurance Company.
Morely & Associates, Inc. (f.k.a. Gartmore Morley & Associates, Inc.)
The company brokers or places book-value maintenance agreements (wrap contracts) and guarantee investment contracts for collective investment trusts and accounts.
Morley Financial Services, Inc. (f.k.a. Gartmore Morley Financial Services, Inc.)
The company is a holding company.
Mullen TBG Insurance Agency Services, LLC
The company is a joint venture between TBG Insurance Services Corporation and MC Insurance Agency Services LLC. The Company provides financial products and services to executive plan participants.
National Casualty Company
The company underwrites various property and casualty coverage, as well as individual and group accident and health insurance.
National Casualty Company of America, Ltd.
This is a limited liability company organized for profit under the Companies Act of 1948 of England for the purpose of carrying on the business of insurance, reinsurance, indemnity, and guarantee of various kinds.  This company is currently inactive.
Nationwide Advantage Mortgage Company*
The company makes residential mortgage loans.
Nationwide Affinity Insurance Company of America*
The company provides property and casualty insurance products.
Nationwide Agribusiness Insurance Company
The company provides property and casualty insurance primarily to agricultural businesses.
Nationwide Arena, LLC*
The purpose of the company is to develop Nationwide Arena and to engage in related development activity.
Nationwide Asset Management Holdings
England and Wales
The company operates as a holding company.
NO. VOTING SECURITIES (see attached chart unless otherwise indicated)
Nationwide Global Asset Management, Inc. (f.k.a. Gartmore Global Asset Management , Inc.)
The company operates as a holding company.
Nationwide Assurance Company
The company underwrites non-standard automobile and motorcycle insurance.
Nationwide Bank
This is a federal savings bank chartered by the Office of Thrift Supervision in the United States Department of Treasury to exercise deposit, lending agency custody and fiduciary powers and to engage in activities permissible for federal savings banks under the Home Owners’ Loan act of 1933.
Nationwide Better Health, Inc.
The company is a holding company for the health and productivity operations of Nationwide.
Nationwide Cash Management Company*
The company buys and sells investment securities of a short-term nature as the agent for other Nationwide corporations, foundations, and insurance company separate accounts.
Nationwide Community Development Corporation, LLC
The company holds investments in low-income housing funds.
Nationwide Corporation
The company acts primarily as a holding company for entities affiliated with Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Nationwide Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
Nationwide Document Solutions, Inc. (f.k.a. ALLIED Document Solutions, Inc.)
The company provides general printing services to its affiliated companies as well as to certain unaffiliated companies.
Nationwide Emerging Managers, LLC (f.k.a. Gartmore Emerging Managers, LLC)
The company acquires and holds interests in registered investment advisors and provides investment management services.
Nationwide Exclusive Agent Risk Purchasing Group, LLC
The company's purpose is to provide a mechanism for the purchase of group liability insurance for insurance agents operating nationwide.
Nationwide Financial Assignment Company
The company is an administrator of structured settlements.
Nationwide Financial Institution Distributors Agency, Inc.
The company is an insurance agency.
Nationwide Financial Institution Distributors Insurance Agency, Inc. of Massachusetts
The company is an insurance agency.
Nationwide Financial Institution Distributors Insurance Agency, Inc. of New Mexico
New Mexico
The company is an insurance agency.
Nationwide Financial Services Capital Trust
The trust's sole purpose is to issue and sell certain securities representing individual beneficial interests in the assets of the trust.
Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.*
The company acts primarily as a holding company for companies within the Nationwide organization that offer or distribute long-term savings and retirement products.
NO. VOTING SECURITIES (see attached chart unless otherwise indicated)
Nationwide Financial Sp. Zo.o
The company is currently inactive.
Nationwide Financial Structured Products, LLC
The company captures and reports the results of the structured products business unit.
Nationwide Foundation*
The company contributes to non-profit activities and projects.
Nationwide General Insurance Company
The company transacts a general insurance business, except life insurance, and primarily provides automobile and fire insurance to select customers.
Nationwide Global Finance, LLC
The company acts as a support company for Nationwide Global Holdings, Inc. in its international capitalization efforts.
Nationwide Global Funds
This company issues shares of mutual funds.
Nationwide Global Holdings, Inc.
The company is a holding company for the international operations of Nationwide.
Nationwide Global Ventures, Inc. (f.k.a. Gartmore Global Ventures, Inc.)
The company acts as a holding company.
Nationwide Indemnity Company*
The company is involved in the reinsurance business by assuming business from Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and other insurers within the Nationwide Insurance organization.
Nationwide Insurance Company of America
The company underwrites general property and casualty insurance.
Nationwide Insurance Company of Florida*
The company transacts general insurance business except life insurance.
Nationwide International Underwriters
The company is a special risk, excess and surplus lines underwriting manager.
Nationwide Investment Advisors, LLC
The company provides investment advisory services.
Nationwide Investment Services Corporation**
This is a limited purpose broker-dealer and acts as an investment advisor.
Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America**
The company provides individual life insurance products.
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company**
The company engages in underwriting life insurance and granting, purchasing, and disposing of annuities.
Nationwide Life Insurance Company*
The company provides individual life insurance, group life and health insurance, fixed and variable annuity products, and other life insurance products.
Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America*
The company provides individual life insurance and group annuity products.
Nationwide Life Insurance Company of Delaware*
The company insures against personal injury, disability or death resulting from traveling, sickness or other general accidents, and every type of insurance appertaining thereto.
Nationwide Lloyds
The company markets commercial and residential property insurance in Texas.
NO. VOTING SECURITIES (see attached chart unless otherwise indicated)
Nationwide Management Systems, Inc.
The company offers a preferred provider organization and other related products and services.
Nationwide Mutual Capital, LLC
The company acts as a private equity fund investing in companies for investment purposes and to create strategic opportunities for Nationwide.
Nationwide Mutual Capital I, LLC*
The business of the company is to achieve long term capital appreciation through a portfolio of primarily domestic equity investments in financial service and related companies.
Nationwide Mutual Fire Insurance Company
The company engages in a general insurance and reinsurance business, except life insurance.
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company*
The company engages in a general insurance and reinsurance business, except life insurance.
Nationwide Private Equity Fund, LLC
The company invests in private equity funds.
Nationwide Properties, Ltd.
The company is engaged in the business of developing, owning and operating real estate and real estate investments.
Nationwide Property and Casualty Insurance Company
The company engages in a general insurance business, except life insurance.
Nationwide Property Protection Services, LLC
The company provides alarm systems and security guard services.
Nationwide Provident Holding Company*
The company is a holding company for non-insurance subsidiaries.
Nationwide Realty Investors, Ltd.*
The company is engaged in the business of developing, owning and operating real estate and real estate investment.
Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc.*
The company markets and administers deferred compensation plans for public employees.
Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. of Arizona
The company markets and administers deferred compensation plans for public employees.
Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. of Ohio
The company provides retirement products, marketing and education and administration to public employees.
Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. of Texas
The company markets and administers deferred compensation plans for public employees.
Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Insurance Agency, Inc.
The company markets and administers deferred compensation plans for public employees.
Nationwide Sales Solutions, Inc.
The company engages in direct marketing of property and casualty insurance products.
Nationwide Securities, Inc.*
The company is a registered broker-dealer and provides investment management and administrative services.
Nationwide Separate Accounts, LLC (f.k.a. Gartmore Separate Accounts, LLC)
The company acts as a registered investment advisor.
NO. VOTING SECURITIES (see attached chart unless otherwise indicated)
Nationwide Services Company, LLC
The company performs shared services functions for the Nationwide organization.
Nationwide Services For You, LLC
The company provides consumer services that are related to the business of insurance, including services that help consumers prevent losses and mitigate risks.
Nationwide Services Sp. Zo.o.
The company is currently inactive.
Newhouse Capital Partners, LLC
The company invests in financial services companies that specialize in e-commerce and promote distribution of financial services.
Newhouse Capital Partners II, LLC
The company invests in financial services companies that specialize in e-commerce and promote distribution of financial services.
Newhouse Special Situations Fund I, LLC
The company owns and manages contributed securities in order to achieve long-term capital appreciation from the contributed securities and through investments in a portfolio of other equity investments in financial service and other related companies.
NF Reinsurance Ltd.*
The company serves as a captive reinsurer for Nationwide Life Insurance Company’s universal life, term life and annuity business.
NFS Distributors, Inc.
The company acts primarily as a holding company for Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.'s distribution companies.
NGH UK, Ltd.*
United Kingdom
The company is currently inactive.
NMC CPC WT Investment, LLC
The business of the company is to hold and exercise rights in a specific private equity investment.
NorthPointe Capital LLC
The company acts as a registered investment advisor.
NWD Investment Management, Inc. (f.k.a. Gartmore Global Investments, Inc.)
The company acts as a holding company and provides other business services for the NWD Investments group of companies.
NWD Management & Research Trust (f.k.a. Gartmore Global Asset Management Trust)
The company acts as a holding company for the NWD Investments group of companies and as a registered investment advisor.
The company is a passive investment holder in Newhouse Special Situations Fund I, LLC for the purpose of allocation of earnings to the NWD Investments management team as it relates to the ownership and management of Newhouse Special Situations Fund I, LLC.
Pension Associates, Inc.
The company provides pension plan administration and record keeping services, and pension plan and compensation consulting.
Premier Agency, Inc.
This company is an insurance agency.
Provestco, Inc.
The company serves as a general partner in certain real estate limited partnerships invested in by Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America.
NO. VOTING SECURITIES (see attached chart unless otherwise indicated)
Quick Sure Auto Agency, Inc.
The company is an insurance agency and operates as an employee agent "storefront" for Titan Insurance Services.
RCMD Financial Services, Inc.
The company is a holding company.
Registered Investment Advisors Services, Inc.
The company facilitates third-party money management services for plan providers.
Retention Alternatives, Ltd.*
The company is a captive insurer and writes first dollar insurance policies in workers’ compensation, general liability and automobile liability for its affiliates in the United States.
Riverview Alternative Investment Advisors, LLC (f.k.a. Gartmore Riverview, LLC)
The company provides investment management services to a limited number of institutional investors.
Riverview Alternative Investment Advisors II LLC (f.k.a. Gartmore riverview II, LLC)
The company is a holding company.
Riverview International Group, Inc.
The company is a holding company.
RP&C International, Inc.
The company is an investment-banking firm that provides specialist advisory services and innovative financial solutions to public and private companies internationally.
Scottsdale Indemnity Company
The company is engaged in a general insurance business, except life insurance.
Scottsdale Insurance Company
The company primarily provides excess and surplus lines of property and casualty insurance.
Scottsdale Surplus Lines Insurance Company
The company provides excess and surplus lines coverage on a non-admitted basis.
TBG Advisory Services Corporation (d.b.a. TBG Advisors)
The company is an investment advisor.
TBG Aviation, LLC
The company holds an investment in a leased airplane and maintains an operating agreement with Flight Options.
TBG Danco Insurance Services Corporation
The corporation provides life insurance and individual executive estate planning.
TBG Financial & Insurance Services Corporation*
The company consults with corporate clients and financial institutions on the development and implementation of proprietary and/or private placement insurance products for the financing of executive benefit programs and individual executive's estate planning requirements.  As a broker dealer, TBG Financial & Insurance Services Corporation provides access to institutional insurance investment products.
TBG Financial & Insurance Services Corporation of Hawaii
The corporation consults with corporate clients and financial institutions on the development and implementation of proprietary, private placement and institutional insurance products.
NO. VOTING SECURITIES (see attached chart unless otherwise indicated)
TBG Insurance Services Corporation*
The company markets and administers executive benefit plans.
THI Holdings (Delaware), Inc.*
The company acts as a holding company for subsidiaries of the Nationwide group of companies.
Titan Auto Agency, Inc. (d.b.a. Arlans Agency)
The company is an insurance agency that primarily sells non-standard automobile insurance for Titan Insurance Company in Michigan.
Titan Auto Insurance of New Mexico, Inc.
New Mexico
The company is an insurance agency that operates employee agent storefronts.
Titan Holdings Service Corporation
The company is currently inactive.
Titan Indemnity Company
The company is a multi-line insurance company and is operating primarily as a property and casualty insurance company.
Titan Insurance Company
This is a property and casualty insurance company.
Titan Insurance Services, Inc.
The company is a Texas grandfathered managing general agency.
Titan National Auto Call Center, Inc.
The company is licensed as an insurance agency that operates as an employee agent "call center" for Titan Indemnity Company.
Union Bond & Trust Company (f.k.a. Gartmore Trust Company)
The company is an Oregon state bank with trust powers.
Veterinary Pet Insurance Company*
The company provides pet insurance.
Victoria Automobile Insurance Company
The company is a property and casualty insurance company.
Victoria Financial Corporation
The company acts as a holding company specifically for holding insurance companies of Victoria group of companies.
Victoria Fire & Casualty Company
The company is a property and casualty insurance company.
Victoria Insurance Agency, Inc.
The company is an insurance agency that acts as a broker for independent agents appointed with the Victoria companies in the State of Ohio.
Victoria National Insurance Company
The company is a property and casualty insurance company.
Victoria Select Insurance Company
The company is a property and casualty insurance company.
Victoria Specialty Insurance Company
The company is a property and casualty insurance company.
Vida Seguradora SA
The company operates as a licensed insurance company in the categories of life and unrestricted private pension plan in Brazil.



NO. VOTING SECURITIES (see attached chart unless otherwise indicated)
VPI Services, Inc.
The company operates as a nationwide pet registry service for holders of Veterinary Pet Insurance Company policies, including pet indemnification and a lost pet recovery program.
Washington Square Administrative Services, Inc.
The company provides administrative services to Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America.
Western Heritage Insurance Company
The company underwrites excess and surplus lines of property and casualty insurance.
Whitehall Holdings, Inc.
The company acts as a holding company for the Titan group of agencies.
W.I. of Florida (d.b.a. Titan Auto Insurance)
The company is an insurance agency and operates as an employee agent storefront for Titan Indemnity Company in Florida.

(see attached chart
 unless otherwise indicated)
MFS Variable Account
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Multi-Flex Variable Account
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide VA Separate Account-A
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide VA Separate Account-B
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide VA Separate Account-C
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide VA Separate Account-D
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Variable Account
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Variable Account-II
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Variable Account-3
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Variable Account-4
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Variable Account-5
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Variable Account-6
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Variable Account-7
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Variable Account-8
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Variable Account-9
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Variable Account-10
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Variable Account-11
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Variable Account-12
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Variable Account-13
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Variable Account-14
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Variable Account-15
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Variable Account-16
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Variable Account-17
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Provident VA Separate Account 1
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide Provident VA Separate Account A
Issuer of Annuity Contracts
Nationwide VL Separate Account-A
Issuer of Life Insurance Policies
Nationwide VL Separate Account-B
Issuer of Life Insurance Policies
Nationwide VL Separate Account-C
Issuer of Life Insurance Policies
Nationwide VL Separate Account-D
Issuer of Life Insurance Policies
Nationwide VL Separate Account-G
Issuer of Life Insurance Policies
Nationwide VLI Separate Account
Issuer of Life Insurance Policies
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-2
Issuer of Life Insurance Policies
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-3
Issuer of Life Insurance Policies
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4
Issuer of Life Insurance Policies
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-5
Issuer of Life Insurance Policies
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-6
Issuer of Life Insurance Policies
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-7
Issuer of Life Insurance Policies
Nationwide Provident VLI Separate Account 1
Issuer of Life Insurance Policies
Nationwide Provident VLI Separate Account A
Issuer of Life Insurance Policies






Item 29.
Ohio's General Corporation Law expressly authorizes and Nationwide’s Amended and Restated Code of Regulations provides for indemnification by Nationwide of any person who, because such person is or was a director, officer or employee of Nationwide was or is a party; or is threatened to be made a party to:
any threatened, pending or completed civil action, suit or proceeding;
any threatened, pending or completed criminal action, suit or proceeding;
any threatened, pending or completed administrative action or proceeding;
any threatened, pending or completed investigative action or proceeding.
The indemnification will be for actual and reasonable expenses, including attorney's fees, judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement by such person in connection with such action, suit or proceeding, to the extent and under the circumstances permitted by the Ohio's General Corporation Law.
Nationwide has been informed that in the opinion of the Securities and Exchange Commission the indemnification of directors, officers or persons controlling Nationwide for liabilities arising under the Securities Act of 1933 (“Act”) is against public policy as expressed in the Act and is, therefore, unenforceable.  In the event that a claim for indemnification against such liabilities is asserted by a director, officer or controlling person in connection with the securities being registered, the registrant will submit to a court of appropriate jurisdiction the question whether such indemnification by it is against public policy as expressed in the Act. Nationwide and the directors, officers and/or controlling persons will be governed by the final adjudication of such issue.  Nationwide will not be required to seek the court’s determination if, in the opinion of Nationwide’s counsel, the matter has been settled by controlling precedent.
However, the payment by the registrant of expenses incurred or paid by a director, officer or controlling person of the registrant in the successful defense of any action, suit or proceeding is permitted.
Item 30.                 Principal Underwriter
Nationwide Investment Services Corporation (“NISC”) serves as principal underwriter and general distributor for the following separate investment accounts of Nationwide or its affiliates:
Multi-Flex Variable Account
Nationwide VL Separate Account-C
Nationwide Variable Account
Nationwide VL Separate Account-D
Nationwide Variable Account-II
Nationwide VL Separate Account-G
Nationwide Variable Account-4
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-2
Nationwide Variable Account-5
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-3
Nationwide Variable Account-6
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4
Nationwide Variable Account-7
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-6
Nationwide Variable Account-8
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-7
Nationwide Variable Account-9
Nationwide Variable Account-10
Nationwide Variable Account-11
Nationwide Variable Account-13
Nationwide Variable Account-14
Nationwide VA Separate Account-A
Nationwide VA Separate Account-B
Nationwide VA Separate Account-C

Directors and Officers of NISC:

Keith J. Kelly
Senior Vice President, Treasurer and Director
James D. Benson.
Vice President
Karen R. Colvin
Vice President
Scott A. Englehart
Vice President
Charles E. Riley
Vice President
Trey Rouse
Vice President and Assistant Secretary
Thomas E. Barnes
Vice President-Chief Compliance Officer
James J. Rabenstine
Associate Vice President and Secretary
Glenn W. Soden
Assistant Treasurer
Terry C. Smetzer
John Laughlin Carter
Keith I. Millner

The business address of the Directors and Officers of Nationwide Investment Services Corporation is:
One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, Ohio 43215

Name of Principal Underwriter
Net Underwriting Discounts and Commissions
Compensation on Redemption or Annuitization
Brokerage Commissions
Nationwide Investment Services Corporation
Item 31.           Location of Accounts and Records
Timothy G. Frommeyer
Nationwide Life Insurance Company
One Nationwide Plaza
Columbus, OH  43215
Item 32.          Management Services
Not Applicable.
Item 33.
Fee Representation
Nationwide represents that the fees and charges deducted under the contract in the aggregate are reasonable in relation to the services rendered, the expenses expected to be incurred and risks assumed by Nationwide.

As required by the Securities Act of 1933, and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Registrant, NATIONWIDE VLI SEPARATE ACCOUNT-4, certifies that it has caused this Registration Statement to be signed on its behalf in the City of Columbus, and State of Ohio, on this 27th day of September, 2007.
                                                NATIONWIDE VLI SEPARATE ACCOUNT-4
                                             ;                (Registrant)
                                             ;          NATIONWIDE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY
                                             ;                 (Depositor)
                                             ;            By: /s/ TIMOTHY D. CRAWFORD
                                                      0;                  Timothy D. Crawford

As required by the Securities Act of 1933, the Registration Statement has been signed by the following persons in the capacities indicated on this 27th day of September, 2007.
W. G. Jurgensen, Director and Chief Executive Officer
Arden L. Shisler, Chairman of the Board
Joseph A. Alutto, Director
James G. Brocksmith, Jr., Director
Keith W. Eckel, Director
Lydia M. Marshall, Director
Donald L. McWhorter, Director
Martha Miller de Lombera, Director
David O. Miller, Director
James F. Patterson, Director
Gerald D. Prothro, Director
Alex Shumate, Director
By /s/         TIMOTHY D. CRAWFORD
                       Timothy D. Crawford

EX-99.C UNDER CONTRT 3 underwriting.htm UNDERWRITING OF CONTRACTS underwriting.htm


Item 24 (b)
Exhibit (3)
Underwriting or Distribution of contracts between the Depositor and Principal Underwriter




This Agreement entered into this 27 day of July, 2000, between Nationwide Life Insurance Company ("Nationwide"), and Nationwide Investment Services Corporation (“NISC”).

Nationwide proposes to develop, issue and administer, and NISC proposes to provide the exclusive national distribution services for certain annuity and life products (the "Products").
The parties hereby agree as follows:


Appointment of Product Administration

Nationwide is hereby appointed Product Administrator for the Products.

Duties of Nationwide

Nationwide will perform in a proper and timely manner, those functions enumerated in the column marked "Nationwide" in the "Analysis of Administrative Functions," attached hereto as EXHIBIT A, and incorporated herein by reference.

Duties of NISC

NISC will perform in a proper and timely manner, those functions enumerated in the column marked "NISC" in the "Analysis of Administrative Functions," attached hereto as EXHIBIT A, and incorporated herein by reference.


Distribution of Products

The Products will be distributed through registered representatives of NASD broker-dealer firms, appointed by Nationwide, who shall be duly qualified and licensed as agents (the "Agents"), in accordance with applicable state insurance authority.

NISC shall be the exclusive National Distributor of the Products.



Appointment and Termination of Agents

Appointment and termination of Agents shall be processed and executed by Nationwide.  NISC reserves the right to require Nationwide to consult with it regarding licensing decisions.


NISC shall not print, publish or distribute any advertisement, circular or document relating to the Products or relating to Nationwide unless such advertisement, circular or document has been approved in writing by Nationwide.  Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and shall be given promptly, normally within five (5) business days.  Neither Nationwide nor any of its affiliates shall print, publish or distribute any advertisement, circular or document relating to the Products or relating to NISC unless such advertisement, circular or document has been approved in writing by NISC.  Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and shall be given promptly, normally within five (5) business days.  However, nothing herein shall prohibit any person from advertising the Products on a generic basis.

Marketing Conduct

The parties will jointly develop standards, practices and procedures respecting the marketing of the Products.  Such standards, practices and procedures are intended to help Nationwide meet its obligations as an issuer under the securities laws, to assure compliance with state insurance laws, and to help NISC meet its obligations under the securities laws as National Distributor.  These standards, practices and procedures are subject to continuing review and neither Nationwide nor NISC will object unreasonably to changes to such standards, practices and procedures recommended by the other to comply with the intent of this provision.

Sales Material and Other Documents

Sales Material

Nationwide shall develop and prepare all promotional material to be used in the distribution of the Products, in consultation with NISC.

Nationwide is responsible for the printing and the expense of providing such promotional material.

Nationwide is responsible for approval of such promotional material by state insurance regulators, where required.

NISC and Nationwide agree to abide by the Advertising and Sales Promotion Material Guidelines, attached hereto as EXHIBIT B, and incorporated herein by reference.


Nationwide is responsible for the preparation and regulatory clearance of any required registration statements and prospectuses for the Products.

Nationwide is responsible for the printing of Product prospectuses in such quantities as the parties agree are necessary to assure sufficient supplies.

Nationwide is responsible for supplying Agents with sufficient quantities of Product prospectuses.

Contracts, Applications and Related Forms

Nationwide, in consultation with NISC, is responsible for the design and printing of adequate supplies of Product applications, contracts, related forms, and such service forms as the parties agree are necessary.

Nationwide is responsible for supplying adequate quantities of all such forms to the Agents.

Appointment of Agents

NISC will assist Nationwide in facilitating the appointment of Agents by Nationwide.

Nationwide will forward all appointment forms and applications to the appropriate states and maintain all contacts with the states.

Nationwide will maintain appointment files on Agents, and NISC will have access to such files as needed.

Licensing and Appointment Guide

Nationwide shall provide to NISC a Licensing and Appointment Guide (as well periodic updates thereto), setting forth the requirements for licensing and appointment, in such quantities as NISC may reasonably require.




Product Training

Nationwide is responsible for any Product training for the Agents.

Field Sales Material

Nationwide, in consultation with NISC, is responsible for the development, printing and distribution of non-public field sales material to be used by Agents.

NISC shall have the right to review all field sales materials and to require any modification mandated by regulatory requirements.

Production Reports

Nationwide will deliver to NISC the items listed in Production Reports to be Provided, attached hereto as EXHIBIT C, and incorporated herein by reference.

Customer Service

Each party will notify the other of all material pertinent inquiries and complaints it receives, from whatever source and to whomever directed, and will consult with the other in responding to such inquiries and complaints.

    Records and Books

All books and records maintained by Nationwide in connection with the offer and sale of variable annuity interests funded by a Separate Account are maintained and preserved in conformity with the requirements of Rule 17a-3 and 17a-4 under the 1934 Exchange Act, to the extent such requirements are applicable to the variable annuity operations.

All such books and records are maintained and held by Nationwide on behalf of and as agent for NISC, whose property they are and shall remain.  Such books and records are at all times subject to inspection by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.





The forbearance or neglect of either party to insist upon strict compliance by the other with any of the provisions of this Agreement, whether continuing or not, or to declare a forfeiture of termination against the other, shall not be construed as a waiver of any rights or privileges of the forbearing party in the event of a further default or failure of performance.


Neither party shall have authority on behalf of the other to: make, alter or discharge any contractual terms of the Products; waive any forfeiture; extend the time of making any contributions to the products; guarantee dividends; alter the forms which either may prescribe; nor substitute other forms in place of those prescribed by the other.

Binding Effect

This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the parties to it and their respective successors and assigns, provided that neither party shall assign or sub-contract this Agreement or any rights or obligations hereunder without prior written consent of the other.


Each party ("Indemnifying Party") hereby agrees to release, indemnify and hold harmless the other party, its officers, directors, employers, agents, servants, predecessors or successors from any claims or liability arising out of the acts or omissions of the Indemnifying Party not authorized by this Agreement, including the violation of any federal or state law or regulation.

All notices, requests, demands and other communication under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given on the date of service if served personally on the party to whom notice is to be given, or on the date of mailing if sent postage prepaid by First Class Mail, Registered or Certified mail, by overnight mail, properly addressed as follows:

Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Michael C. Butler, Vice President-Sales
Three Nationwide Plaza
Columbus, Ohio  43215



Nationwide Investment Services Corporation.
Barbara Shane, Vice President-Compliance Officer
Two Nationwide Plaza
Columbus, Ohio 43215


This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by a written amendment executed by the parties.  Any amendments to this Agreement are subject to prior approval by the Ohio Department of Insurance.

Governing Law

This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Ohio.


The parties agree that misunderstandings or disputes arising from this Agreement shall be decided by arbitration, conducted upon request of either party before three arbitrators (unless the parties agree on a single arbitrator) designated by the American Arbitration Association, and in accordance with the rules of such Association.  The expenses of the arbitration proceedings conducted hereunder shall be borne equally by both parties.


Any information, documents and materials, whether printed or oral, furnished by either party or its agents or employees to the other shall be held in confidence.  No such information shall be given to any third party, other than to such sub-contractors of NISC as may be permitted herein, or under requirements of a lawful authority, without the express written consent of the other party.


This Agreement, including the Exhibits attached hereto, shall remain in full force and effect until terminated, and may be amended only by mutual agreement of the parties in writing.  Any decision by either party to cease issuance or distribution of any specific Product shall not effect a termination of the Agreement unless such termination is mutually agreed upon, or unless notice is given pursuant to Section E.2. hereof.




Either party may terminate this Agreement for cause at any time, upon written notice to the other, if the other knowingly and willfully: (a) fails to comply with the laws or regulations of any state or governmental agency or body having jurisdiction over the sale of insurance or securities; (b) misappropriates any money or property belonging to the other; (c) subjects the other to any actual or potential liability due to misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance; (d) commits any fraud upon the other; (e) has an assignment for the benefit of creditors; (f) incurs bankruptcy; or (g) commits a material breach of this Agreement.

Either party may terminate this Agreement, without regard to cause, upon six months prior written notice to the other.

In the event of termination of this Agreement, the following conditions shall apply:
The parties irrevocably acknowledge the continuing right to use any Product trademark that might then be associated with any Products, but only with respect to all business in force at the time of termination.

In the event this Agreement is terminated the parties will use their best efforts to preserve in force the business issued pursuant to this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement to be effective as of the date first above written.


By:  __________________________
           Michael C. Butler
Title: Vice President - Sales


By:  ________________________
           Barbara Shane
Title: Vice President – Compliance Officer







-           Establishes underwriting criteria for application processing and rejections.
-           Consults with regard to new business procedures and processing.

-           Reviews the completed application.  Applies underwriting/issue criteria to application.

-           Notifies Agent and/or customer of any error or missing data necessary to underwrite application and establish records for owner of  Product ("Contract Owner").

-           Prepares policy data page for approved business and mails with policy to Contract Owner.

        -           Establishes and maintains all records required for each Contract Owner, as applicable.

-           Prepares and mails confirmation and other statements to Contract Owners and Agents, as required.

-           Prints, provides all forms ancillary to issue of contract/policy forms for Products.

-           Maintains supply of approved specimen policy forms and all ancillary forms, distributes same to Agents.





Receives premium/purchase payments and reconciles amount received with remittance media.

Updates Contract Owner records to reflect receipt of premium/purchase payment and performs accounting/
investment allocation of each payment received.

Deposits all cash received under the Products in accordance with the terms of the Products.


Balances, edits, endorses and prepares daily deposit.

Places deposits in depository account.

Prepares daily cash journal summary reports and
maintains same for review by NISC.




-           Maintains and makes available, as reasonably requested, records used in determining "Net Amount Available for Investment."
-           Collects information needed in determining Variable Account unit values from the Funds including daily net asset value, capital gains or dividend distributions, and the number of Fund Shares acquired or sold during the immediately preceding valuation period.
-           Performs daily unit valuation calculation.
-           Cooperates in annual audit of separate account financials conducted for purposes of financial statement certification and publication.
-           Will clear and settle Mutual Fund trades on behalf of the separate accounts using the National Securities Clearing Corporation FUND/Serv System.




-           Receives and processes all Contract Owner service requests, including but not limited to informational requests, beneficiary changes, and transfers of Contract Value among eligible investment options.
-           Accommodates customer service function by providing any supporting information or documentation which may be in the control of NISC.
-           Maintains daily records of all changes made to Contract Owner accounts.
-           Researches and responds to all Contract Owner/Agent inquiries.
-           Keeps all required Contract Owner records.
-           Maintains adequate number of toll free lines to service Contract Owner/Agent inquiries.


-           Receives and processes surrenders, loans, and death claims in accordance with established guidelines.
-           Prepares checks for surrenders, loans, and death claims, and forwards to Contract Owner or Beneficiary.  Prepares and mails confirmation statement of disbursement to Contract Owner/ Beneficiary with copy to Agent.




-           Ascertains, on receipt of applications, whether writing Agent is appropriately licensed.
-       Receives and performs record keeping for investment company payments made under a 12b-1 Plan.
-           Pays commissions and other fees in accordance with agreements relating to same.


-           Receives record date information from Funds Receives proxy solicitation materials from Funds.
-           Prepares Voting Instruction cards and mails solicitation, if necessary.
-           Tabulates and votes all Fund Shares in accordance with SEC requirements.


-           Prepares and mails quarterly and annual Statements of Account to Contract Owners.
-           Prepares and mails all semi-annual and annual reports of Variable Account(s) to Contract Owners.




-           Prepares and files Separate Account Annual Statements.
-        Prepares and files periodic FOCUS Reports with the NASDR and SEC, as applicable.
-           Prepares and mails the appropriate, required IRS reports at the Contract Owner level.  Files same with required regulatory agencies.
-     Prepares and files annual audited financial statements with required regulatory agencies.
-           Prepares and files form N-SAR for the Separate Account.


-           Collects, pays and accounts for premium taxes as appropriate.
-           Prepares and maintains all premium tax records by state.
-           Maintains liabilities in General Account ledger for accrual of premium tax collected.
-           Integrates all company premium taxes due and performs related accounting.


-           Provides periodic reports in accordance with the Schedule of Reports to be prepared jointly by Nationwide and NISC.  (See EXHIBIT C)
-           Provides periodic reports in accordance with the Schedule of Reports to be prepared jointly by Nationwide and NISC.  (See EXHIBIT C)




-           Receives, establishes, processes, and maintains Agent appointment records.
-          Maintains securities registrations and assumes supervisory responsibility for representatives of affiliated sales and marketing companies involved in the wholesale distribution of Nationwide variable contract products.
-      Maintains training, supervisory, and other required records for and on behalf of registered representatives of NISC.





In order to assure compliance with state and federal regulatory requirements and to maintain control over the distribution of promotional materials dealing with the Products, Nationwide and NISC require that all variable contract promotional materials be reviewed and approved by both Nationwide and NISC prior to their use.  These guidelines are intended to provide appropriate regulatory and distribution controls.

Sufficient lead time must be allowed in the submission of all promotional material.  Nationwide and NISC shall approve in writing all promotional material.  Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and shall be given promptly, normally within five (5) days.

All promotional material will be submitted in "draft" form to permit any changes or corrections to be made prior to the printing.

Nationwide and NISC will provide each other with details as to each and every use of all promotional material submitted.  Approval for one use will not constitute approval for any other use.  Different standards of review may apply when the same advertising material is intended for different uses.  The following information will be provided for each item of promotional material:

In what jurisdiction(s) the material will be used.
Whether distribution will be to broker/dealer, entity, participant, etc.
How the material will be used (e.g., brochure, mailing, web site, etc.)
The projected date of initial use.

Each party will advise the other of the date it discontinues the use of any material.

Any changes to previously approved promotional material must be resubmitted, following these procedures.  When approved material is to be put to a different use, request for approval of the material for the new use must be submitted.

Nationwide will assign a form number to each item of advertising and sales promotional material.  This number will appear on each piece of advertising and sales promotional material.  It will be used to aid in necessary filings, and to maintain appropriate controls.

Nationwide and NISC will provide written approval for all material to be used.

Nationwide will be responsible to effect necessary state filings.

NISC will coordinate SEC/NASD filings of sales and promotional material.

All telephone communication and written correspondence regarding promotional materials should be directed to Office of Product and Market Compliance, Nationwide Life Insurance Company, One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, Ohio  43215





Nationwide agrees to provide the following reports to NISC:

Daily Receipt Report:
Indicates which Agents are generating sales

Daily Approval Report:
Indicates which applications have been approved

Daily Activity Summary:
Indicates top firms’ sales and liquidation by month, year-to-date as well as total assets by firm.

Dealer Activity
Indicates top firms’ sales and
Summary by Territory
liquidation by month, year-to-date

Summary of Sales by
Indicates sales by territory/dealer/branch, including
Territory and Dealer:
non-commissionable amounts and actual commission
payments, as well as chargebacks (Internal use only)

Commission Report:
Indicates commission paid and chargebacks, matched to
Commission checks.

In addition, Nationwide will provide reports detailing current appointments and other information, as reasonably requested by NISC.
EX-99.D CONTRACTS 4 contract.htm POLICY FORM - CONTRACT contract.htm


This policy is a legal contract between the Owner (you, your) and Nationwide Life Insurance Company (we, our, us, the Company).


We issue this policy in consideration of your application and the payment of the Initial Premium.  We agree to pay the Death Proceeds to the Beneficiary upon receiving proof that the Insured has died while this policy is in force and before the Maturity Date.  We agree to pay the Maturity Proceeds to you if the Insured is living on the Maturity Date.

You and we are bound by the conditions and provisions of this policy.


The Cash Surrender Value of this policy will vary from day to day.  It may increase or decrease depending on the investment experience of the policy.  Refer to the Nonforfeiture Provisions on page 12 for details.  There is no guaranteed Surrender Value.
The amount or duration of the death benefit will be variable and depend on the investment experience of the policy.  The death benefit will never be less than the Specified Amount as long as your policy is in force.  Refer to the Death Benefit Provisions on page 10 for details.



You may return this policy to us within (1) 10 days after you get it, or (2) 45 days after you sign the application, or (3) 10 days after we mail or deliver the Notice of Withdrawal Right, whichever is latest.  The policy, with a written request for cancellation, must be mailed or delivered to our Home Office or to the agent who sold it to you.  The returned policy will be treated as if we never issued it, and we will pay you the amount specified by the laws of the state in which the policy was issued.


If you have any questions about your policy or need additional insurance service, contact your agent or write to our Home Office.

Signed at our Home Office on the Policy Date.

                      Secretary                                           President

· Adjustable Death Benefit   · Flexible premiums payable during Insured's lifetime until the Maturity Date
· Death Proceeds payable at Insured's death prior to the Maturity Date
· Maturity Proceeds payable on the Maturity Date
· Not eligible for dividends   · Investment experience reflected in benefits

VLO-0758                                 Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Home Office:  One Nationwide Plaza · Columbus, Ohio  43215-2220




Annual Report 8
Assignment 9
Beneficiary 8
Cash Surrender Value 4
Cash Value 13
Death Benefit 10
Definitions 4
Error in Age or Gender 7
Exchange of Policy Provisions 16
Fixed Account 18
Grace Period 9
Incontestability 6
Insured 5
Insuring Agreement 1
Loan 16
Monthly Cost of Insurance 15
Nonforfeiture 12
Optional Modes of Settlement 19
Ownership 8
Partial Surrender 12
Policy Data Page 3
Premium 9
Reinstatement 9
Right to Transfer 18
Separate Account Provisions 17
Suicide 7
Termination 8
Valuation of Assets 17



APPROVAL DATE:  The date we certify that the complete application materials have been submitted by the Owner and the underwriting conditions satisfied.
ATTAINED AGE:  Attained Age is the Issue Age plus the number of full years since the Policy Date.
BENEFICIARY:  The Beneficiary is the person to whom the Death Proceeds are paid.  The Beneficiary is named in the application, unless changed.
CASH SURRENDER VALUE:  The amount payable to you upon Complete Surrender.  The Cash Surrender Value of your policy on any date is the Enhanced Cash Value minus any Indebtedness.
CASH VALUE:  Your policy's Cash Value is the sum of the value in each Variable Subaccount, the Fixed Account, and the Policy Loan Account.  Refer to the Nonforfeiture Provision for details.
COMPANY:  The Company is the Nationwide Life Insurance Company. “We,” “our,” and “us” refer to the Company.
COMPLETE SURRENDER: The termination of the life insurance policy by you.
CONTINGENT BENEFICIARY:  The Contingent Beneficiary will become the Beneficiary if the named Beneficiary dies prior to the date of the death of the Insured.  The Contingent Beneficiary is named in the application, unless changed.
DAILY ASSET CHARGE PERCENTAGE:  The daily rate used in the calculation of the Variable Subaccount Asset Charge.
DEATH PROCEEDS:  The Death Proceeds are the amount payable to the Beneficiary if the Insured dies while your policy is in force prior to the Maturity Date.  Refer to the Death Benefit Provisions for details.
DEFERRED PERCENT OF PREMIUM CHARGE:  A charge assessed at the beginning of the second and subsequent policy years, up to and including policy year 5, based on the Premium paid during policy year 1.
ENHANCED CASH VALUE:  The sum of the Cash Value and the Enhancement Benefit, if any.
ENHANCEMENT BENEFIT: An additional value payable upon Complete Surrender, provided the qualifying conditions have been satisfied.  Refer to the Nonforfeiture Provisions.
FIXED ACCOUNT:  A Fixed Account is an investment option which is funded by the General Account of the Company.
FUND:  A Fund is the underlying mutual fund in which Variable Subaccount assets are invested.  There is a Fund that corresponds to each Variable Subaccount in a Separate Account.  The initial Funds are listed on the Policy Data Page with the corresponding Variable Subaccounts.
GENERAL ACCOUNT:  The General Account is made up of all of our assets other than those held in any separate investment account.
HOME OFFICE:  The Home Office of the Company is located at One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, Ohio.
INDEBTEDNESS:  Indebtedness is any amount you owe us as a result of a policy loan.  Indebtedness consists of principal amount plus accrued interest.
INITIAL INVESTMENT DATE:  The Initial Investment Date is the Valuation Day that falls on or next following the later of (1) the Approval Date, (2) the Policy Date, and (3) the date the Initial Premium is received in the Home Office or payment is received from another carrier in conjunction with a policy issued pursuant to a Section 1035 Exchange.



INITIAL PREMIUM:  The Initial Premium is the premium required for coverage to become effective.  It is shown on the Policy Data Page.
INSURED:  The Insured is the person whose life is covered by this insurance policy as named in the application and shown on the Policy Data Page.
ISSUE AGE:  Issue Age is the Insured's age on the last birthday on or before the Policy Date.  It is shown on the Policy Data Page.
MATURITY DATE:  The Maturity Date is the Policy Anniversary on or next following the Insured's 100th birthday.
MATURITY PROCEEDS:  Maturity Proceeds are the amount of money payable to you on the Maturity Date if your policy is still in force.  The Maturity Proceeds will be equal to the amount of the Cash Value, less any Indebtedness.
MINIMUM REQUIRED DEATH BENEFIT:  The Minimum Required Death Benefit is the least Death Benefit amount which will qualify the policy as life insurance under Section 7702 of the Internal Revenue Code or any successive or similar section thereto.
MINIMUM SPECIFIED AMOUNT:  The Minimum Specified Amount is shown on the Policy Data Page.  Changes to the policy which result in a Specified Amount less than the Minimum Specified Amount will not be processed.  Refer to Specified Amount Decreases and Partial Surrender Provisions for details.
MONTHLY ANNIVERSARY DAY:  The Monthly Anniversary Day is the same day as the Policy Date for each succeeding month.  In any policy month, where such day does not exist (e.g. 29th, 30th, and 31st), we will consider the last day of the calendar month as the Monthly Anniversary Day.
MONTHLY DEDUCTION: The Policy Charges against the Cash Value that occur on each Monthly Anniversary Day.
NET AMOUNT AT RISK:  The Net Amount at Risk on any day is the Death Benefit minus the Cash Value, where the Cash Value is the amount at the beginning of the day prior to any Monthly Deductions for Policy Charges.
NET PREMIUM:  The Net Premium is equal to the actual premium minus the Percent of Premium Charge.  The guaranteed maximum Percent of Premium Charge is shown on the Policy Data Page.
OWNER:  The Owner has all rights under this policy and is named in the application unless later changed and endorsed on this policy.   “You” or “your” refer to the Owner of this policy.
PARTIAL SURRENDER:  A partial distribution of the Cash Surrender Value.  Unless there is a Preferred Partial Surrender, there will be a reduction in the amount of insurance coverage provided by the policy.
PARTIAL SURRENDER AMOUNT: This is the amount requested by you as a Partial Surrender.
POLICY ANNIVERSARY:  The Policy Anniversary is the same day and month as the Policy Date for each succeeding year.
POLICY CHARGES: Fees paid to the Company for this policy.   These include Percent of Premium Charges and Monthly Deductions.
POLICY DATA PAGE:  The Policy Data Page contains more detailed information about the policy, some of which is unique and particular to the Owner, the Beneficiary, and the Insured.
POLICY DATE:  The date on which Policy Charges begin.  It is shown on the Policy Data Page.  Monthly Anniversary Days are measured from the Policy Date.  This date will be the date the Initial Premium is paid, unless you request, and we approve another date.



POLICY LOAN ACCOUNT:  The Policy Loan Account is that portion of the Cash Value which results from policy loans.
RIDER: A Rider is an optional benefit or feature available for purchase with the policy.
SEC:  SEC is the Securities and Exchange Commission.
SECTION 1035 EXCHANGE:  A policy surrender that qualifies as a tax-free exchange under Section 1035 of the Internal Revenue Code or any successive or similar section thereto.
SEPARATE ACCOUNT:  A Separate Account is separate from the General Account of the Company.  A Separate Account funds specified, non-guaranteed investment options available under the policy.
SPECIFIED AMOUNT:  The Specified Amount is the amount of Death Benefit coverage on the Policy Date. Thereafter, the Death Benefit coverage under your policy will equal or exceed this amount, provided you do not request a Specified Amount decrease and provided a Partial Surrender has not occurred.  The Specified Amount is shown on the Policy Data Page.
VALUATION DAY:  A Valuation Day is each day that the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading except for customary holidays observed by us.
VALUATION PERIOD:  A Valuation Period is the interval of time between a Valuation Day and the next Valuation Day.
VARIABLE SUBACCOUNT:  A Variable Subaccount is a part of the Separate Account.  The assets in each Variable Subaccount are invested exclusively in a specified corresponding Fund.  The Variable Subaccounts are listed on the Policy Data Page.
VARIABLE SUBACCOUNT ASSET CHARGE:  A charge assessed on a monthly basis and equal to a percentage of the assets in the Variable Subaccounts attributable to the policy. The maximum percentage is shown on the Policy Data Pages.
ENTIRE CONTRACT:  The entire contract consists of this policy, any attached Riders or endorsements, and the attached copy of any written application, including any written supplemental applications and other related documents.  No agent, registered representative, or other person may change this policy or waive any of its provisions.  Any agreement to alter this policy must be in writing, signed by our President or Secretary and attached to or endorsed on your policy.  We will not be bound by any promise or representations made by any agent or other persons.
APPLICATION:  All statements made in an application, application supplements, amendments and other related documents are considered representations and not warranties.  In issuing this policy, we have relied on the statements made in any application to be true and complete.  No such statement will be used to void the policy or to deny a claim unless that statement is a material misrepresentation.
INCONTESTABILITY:  We will not contest payment of the Death Proceeds upon the Insured’s death based on the initial Specified Amount after this policy has been in force during the Insured's lifetime for two (2) years from the Policy Date.  For any increase in Specified Amount requiring evidence of insurability, we will not contest payment of the Proceeds based on such an increase after it has been in force during the Insured's lifetime for two (2) years from the effective date of the increase.  Further, any reinstatement will be incontestable after the reinstated policy has been in force during the Insured’s lifetime for two (2) years from the effective date of the reinstatement.



SUICIDE:  If the Insured commits suicide, while sane or insane, within two (2) years from (i) the Policy Date or  (ii) the reinstatement date, we will not pay the Death Proceeds normally payable on the Insured's death.  Instead, we will pay the Beneficiary an amount equal to all premiums paid prior to the Insured's death, less any Indebtedness, and less any Partial Surrenders.  For any increase in Specified Amount requiring evidence of insurability, if the Insured commits suicide, while sane or insane, within two (2) years from the effective date of any such increase, we will not pay the Death Proceeds associated with such an increase.  Instead, our liability with respect to such an increase will be limited to its cost of insurance charges.
If the policy was issued pursuant to a Section 1035 Exchange, then we will pay a portion of the Death Proceeds for a suicide within two (2) years from the Policy Date, provided the Beneficiary is the Owner, and provided the exchanged policy was originally issued more than two (2) years prior to the new Policy Date.  The portion of Death Proceed we pay will be limited to the lesser of (a) the amount of insurance under the exchanged policy on the Policy Date, or (b) the new policy’s Specified Amount.
INTERNAL REVENUE CODE LIFE INSURANCE QUALIFICATION TEST:  At time of Policy issue, you must choose either the Guideline Premium/Cash Value Corridor Test or the Cash Value Accumulation Test.  You cannot change the test once we issue the Policy.  The two tests are defined in Section 7702 of the Internal Revenue Code and are used to define the Minimum Required Death Benefit and premium limitations.
ERROR IN AGE OR GENDER:  If the age or gender (if not unisex classified) of the Insured has been misstated, the Death Benefit and Cash Value will be adjusted.  The adjusted Death Benefit will be (1) multiplied by (2) and then the result added to (3) where:
1.      is the Net Amount at Risk at the time of the Insured's death;
2.      is the ratio of the Monthly Cost of Insurance applied in the policy month of death and the MonthlyCost of Insurance that should have been applied at the true age in the policy month of death; and
3.      is the Cash Value at the time of the Insured's death.
The Cash Value will be adjusted to reflect the Cost of Insurance Charges based on the correct age and gender (if not unisex classified) from the Policy Date.
PAYMENT OF PROCEEDS:  The Death Proceeds will be paid in one sum to the Beneficiary, unless the Beneficiary elects to leave the proceeds on deposit.  Any proceeds payable on the Maturity Date or upon surrender of this policy will be paid in one sum to you, unless you elect to leave the proceeds on deposit.
POSTPONEMENT OF PAYMENTS:  We will normally pay any amount payable on maturity or policy loan within seven (7) days after we receive your written request.  We will normally pay any amount on a Complete or Partial Surrender within thirty (30) days after we receive your written request. We will normally pay any Death Proceeds within seven (7) days after we receive proof of death and any other information we may reasonably require to pay a claim.  However, such payments may be postponed for up to six (6) months if:
1.      the New York Stock Exchange is closed (except for customary holiday closings); or
2.      the SEC requires trading be restricted or declares an emergency; or
3.      the SEC lets us defer payments for the protection of our policy Owners; or
4.      Policy Values are being withdrawn from the Fixed Account.
EFFECTIVE DATES OF COVERAGE:  Except if your Policy is issued pursuant to a Section 1035 Exchange, the effective date of coverage under your policy is the later of:
1.      the Approval Date, or
2.      the Policy Date, or
3.      the date the Initial Premium is received in the Home Office.
If your Policy is issued pursuant to a Section 1035 Exchange to us, the effective date of coverage is the later of (a) the date the insurance carrier for the exchanged policy authorizes payment of the Cash Surrender Value to us, or (b) the Approval Date, provided there is sufficient premium to fund the Policy Charges for at least 3 months.



With respect to any reinstatement or increase in coverage, the effective date of coverage will be the Monthly Anniversary Day on or next following the date we approve the supplemental application.  With respect to any decrease in coverage, the effective date of coverage will be the Monthly Anniversary Day that falls on or next following the date we receive your request.
TERMINATION:  All coverage under your policy will terminate when any one of the following events occurs:
1.      you request in writing that the coverage terminate;
2.      the Insured dies;
3.      the Insured is alive on the Maturity Date, and you elect not to extend the Maturity Date;
4.      the Grace Period ends; or
5.      you completely surrender the policy for its Cash Surrender Value.
ANNUAL REPORT:  We will send you a report at least once a year which shows the current Cash Value, Cash Surrender Value, amount of insurance, premiums paid, all charges since the last report and outstanding policy Indebtedness.  The report will also include any other information required by laws and regulations, both federal and state.  We will mail this report to you at your address in the application or another address you specify.
ILLUSTRATION OF BENEFITS AND VALUES:  We will provide an illustrative projection of future benefits and values under this policy at any time.  Your written request and payment of a service fee set by us at the time of the request may be required.
NONPARTICIPATION:  This is a nonparticipating policy on which no dividends are payable.  Your policy will not share in our profits or surplus earnings.
CURRENCY:  Any money we pay, or that is paid to us, must be in currency of the United States.
SIGNATURE GUARANTEE:  For your protection, a request for a surrender, policy loan, or a change in ownership must be signed. The Company may require the signature to be guaranteed by a member firm of the New York, American, Boston, Midwest, Philadelphia, or Pacific Stock Exchange, or by a commercial bank (not a savings bank), which is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. In some cases, the Company may require additional documentation of a customary nature.
WAIVER AND ESTOPPEL:  Our failure to enforce any provision of this policy in one or more instances shall not be deemed, and may not be construed or relied upon, as a waiver of such provision.  Nor shall any waiver or relinquishment of any right or power hereunder in any one or more instance be deemed, and may not be construed or relied upon as, a continuing waiver or relinquishment of that right or power at any other time or times.
OWNER:  You must be a corporation or an entity established by a corporation or an affiliate of a corporation which fulfills certain corporate obligations.  While the Insured is living, all rights in your policy belong to you.
You may name a new Owner at any time while the Insured is living.  If a new Owner is named, any earlier designation is automatically revoked.  Any change must be in a written form satisfactory to us and recorded at our Home Office.  Once recorded, the change will take effect as of the date you signed it.  It will not affect any payment made or any action taken by us before it was recorded.  We may require that you send us your policy for endorsement before making a change.
We reserve the right to modify the Enhancement Benefit if a new Owner is named.
BENEFICIARY:  The Beneficiary and Contingent Beneficiary on the Policy Date are named in the application.  More than one Beneficiary or Contingent Beneficiary may be named.  If more than one Beneficiary is alive when the Insured dies, we will pay them in equal shares, unless you have specified otherwise.



If any Beneficiary dies before the Insured, that Beneficiary's interest will be paid to any surviving Beneficiaries or Contingent Beneficiaries according to their respective interests, unless you have specified otherwise.  If no Beneficiary is living at the Insured's death, we will consider you or your estate to be the Beneficiary. While the Insured is living, you may change any Beneficiary or Contingent Beneficiary.  Any change must be in a written form satisfactory to us and recorded at our Home Office.  Once recorded, the change will take effect as of the date you signed it.  It will not affect any payment made or action taken by us before it was recorded.  We may require that you send us your policy for endorsement before making a change.
ASSIGNMENT:  While the Insured is living, you may assign any or all rights under the policy.  We will not be bound by any assignment unless it is in a written form acceptable to us and is recorded at our Home Office.  An assignment will not affect any payments made or actions taken by us before we record it.  We will not be responsible for the sufficiency or validity of any assignment.
The assignment will be subject to any Indebtedness owed to us before it was recorded.  The interest of any Beneficiary will be subject to the rights of any assignee of record at our Home Office.  If the assignment involves a Section 1035 Exchange, the Enhancement Benefit, if any, will cease to apply.
PREMIUM PAYMENTS:  The Initial Premium is due on the Policy Date.  It will be credited on the Initial Investment Date.  Any due and unpaid Monthly Deductions will be subtracted from the Cash Value at this time.  Insurance will not be effective until the Initial Premium is paid, even if the Policy Date precedes the date the Initial Premium is paid.  The required Minimum Initial Premium is shown on the Policy Data Page.
Premiums other than the Initial Premium may be paid at any time while your policy is in force subject to the limits described below.  Planned Premium payment reminder notices will be furnished upon request.  We will send them according to the premium mode shown on the Policy Data Page.  You may pay the premiums to us at our Home Office or to an authorized agent.  Premium receipts will be furnished.
LIMITS:  Each premium payment must be at least $25.  Additional premium payments may be made at any time while your policy is in force.  However, we reserve the right to require satisfactory evidence of insurability before accepting any additional premium payment which results in any increase in the Net Amount at Risk.  Also, we will refund any portion of any premium payment which is determined to be in excess of the premium limit established by law to qualify your policy as a contract for life insurance.  We may also require that any existing policy Indebtedness is repaid prior to accepting any additional premium payments.
GRACE PERIOD:  If the Cash Surrender Value on a Monthly Anniversary Day is not sufficient to cover the current Monthly Deduction, a Grace Period will be allowed for the payment of a premium of at least 4 times the current Monthly Deduction.  We will send you a notice at the start of the Grace Period, at your address in the application or another address you specify, stating the amount of premium required.  The Grace Period will end 61 days after the day we mail you the notice.  If you do not pay the required amount by the end of the Grace Period, this policy and any Riders you have selected will terminate without value.  If Death Proceeds become payable during the Grace Period, we will pay them.
REINSTATEMENT:  If the Grace Period has ended and you have not paid the required premium and have not surrendered your policy for its Cash Surrender Value, you may reinstate your policy if you:
1.      submit a written request at any time within 3 years after the end of the Grace Period and prior to
the Maturity Date;
2.      provide evidence of insurability satisfactory to us;
3.      pay sufficient premium to cover all Monthly Deductions that were due and unpaid during the
Grace Period;



4.      pay sufficient premium to keep the policy in force for 3 months from the date of reinstatement; and
5.      pay or reinstate any Indebtedness against the policy which existed at the end of the Grace Period.
The effective date of a reinstated policy will be the Monthly Anniversary Day on or next following the date the application for reinstatement is approved by us.
If your policy is reinstated, the Cash Value on the date of reinstatement, but prior to applying any premiums or loan repayments, will be set equal to the Cash Value at the end of the Grace Period.
Unless you have specified otherwise, all amounts will be allocated based on the Fund allocation factors in effect at the start of the Grace Period.
DEATH BENEFIT:  If the Insured dies while the policy is in force prior to the Maturity Date, your policy will provide a Death Benefit.  The Death Benefit will be determined in accordance with one of the following options, whichever is in effect on the date of the Insured's death.  The current option in effect is shown on the Policy Data Page.
Option 1
The Death Benefit will be the greater of:
1.      the Specified Amount on the date of death; or
2.      the applicable percentage of the Enhanced Cash Value on the date of death.
Option 2
The Death Benefit will be the greater of:
1.      the Specified Amount plus the Enhanced Cash Value on the date of death; or
2.      the applicable percentage of the Enhanced Cash Value on the date of death.
Option 3
The Death Benefit will be the greater of:
1.      (a) plus (b) where:
a.  is the Specified Amount on the date of death; and
b.  is the greater of zero or the lesser of (i) and (ii) where:
(i)   is the Option 3 maximum increase shown on the Policy Data Page; and
      (ii) is all premium payments accumulated to the date of death at the Option 3 interest rate  shown on the Policy Data Page less any Partial Surrenders accumulated to the date of death  at the Option 3 interest rate shown on the Policy Data Page; or
2.      the applicable percentage of the Enhanced Cash Value on the date of death.
For any Death Benefit option, the applicable percentages of the Enhanced Cash Value are shown on the Policy Data Page.
DEATH PROCEEDS:  The actual amount of money payable to the Beneficiary if the Insured dies while your policy is in force prior to the Maturity Date is called the Death Proceeds.  The Death Proceeds equal:
1.      the Death Benefit provided by your policy; plus
2.      any insurance on the Insured's life that may be provided by Riders to your policy; minus
3.      any Indebtedness; and minus
4.      any due and unpaid Monthly Deductions accruing during a Grace Period.
We will pay the Death Proceeds to the Beneficiary after we receive at our Home Office proof of death satisfactory to us and such other information as we may reasonably require.  The Death Proceeds will be adjusted under certain conditions.  Refer to the Incontestability, Suicide, and Error in Age or Gender Provisions.



MAXIMUM DEATH BENEFIT: After the Policy Date, the Minimum Required Death Benefit may exceed the Specified Amount due to investment results reflected in the Cash Value.  We reserve the right to limit the Death Benefit to the Maximum Death Benefit amount shown on the Policy Data Page.  The amount of the Death Benefit is calculated on each Valuation Day.  If the calculation results in an amount greater than the Maximum Death Benefit, and we elect to exercise the above right, we will generate a Partial Surrender of sufficient amount that after said Partial Surrender, the Death Benefit is 90% of the Maximum Death Benefit.
We will notify the Owner in writing that a Partial Surrender has been generated.  Such notice shall be sent no later than thirty (30) days after the event. The requirement that the Owner must submit a written request is not applicable to Partial Surrenders that result from this limit to the Death Benefit.  Taxes arising from the Partial Surrender, if any, are the responsibility of the Owner.

If the calculation results in an amount greater than the maximum, and we elect not to exercise the above right, we will increase the Maximum Death Benefit by endorsement or by reissuing the Policy Data Page.
If the Insured dies, the Death Benefit shall not exceed the Maximum Death Benefit.  If payment of the proceeds from a Partial Surrender is pending on the date of death, our obligation to remit such proceeds shall be in addition to our obligation to pay Death Proceeds.
MATURITY DATE EXTENSION:  Prior to the Maturity Date, we will send you a notice and election form informing you of your option to extend the Maturity Date of this policy.  To invoke this option, you must return the election form to our Home Office by the Maturity Date.  If your election is not received by the Maturity Date, the Maturity Proceeds will be paid to you according to the Settlement Provisions.
If extension of the Maturity Date is elected, the Maturity Date for this policy will be extended to the date of death of the Insured.  However, in no event will the Maturity Date be extended beyond the point where the policy would fail to meet the definition of life insurance as defined by the Internal Revenue Code as amended.  The effective date of the extension will be the Maturity Date stated in the Policy Data Pages.
In addition, the following will apply:
No premium payments will be allowed.
Increases and/or decreases to the Specified Amount will not be permitted.
Death Benefit Option 2 and Death Benefit Option 3 policies (if applicable), will be changed to Death Benefit Option 1.
The amount of death benefit will be equal to the Cash Value.
100% of the Cash Value from all the Sub-accounts will be transferred to the Fixed Account.
The Variable Subaccount Asset Charge and monthly expense charges will no longer be deducted from the Cash Value.  Since the death benefit will be equal to the Cash Value, the monthly cost of insurance charges will be zero.
You can continue to take loans and make loan repayments after the original Maturity Date.  The loan amount is transferred from the Fixed Account to the Policy Loan Account.  The Policy Loan Account will continue to function in the same manner as before the original Maturity Date.
DEATH BENEFIT OPTION CHANGES:  After the first policy year, you may change the Death Benefit option under your policy from Option 1 to Option 2, Option 2 to Option 1, Option 3 to Option 1, or Option 3 to Option 2.  We will adjust the Specified Amount such that the Net Amount at Risk remains constant.  The effective date of change will be the Monthly Anniversary Day on or next following the date we approve the request for change.
Only one change of option is permitted in a policy year.  We will refuse a Death Benefit Option change which would reduce the Specified Amount to a level where the total premiums already paid exceeds the premium limit established by law to qualify your policy as a contract for life insurance.  In order for a Death Benefit Option change to become effective, the Cash Surrender Value, after the change, must be sufficient to keep the policy in force for at least 3 months.



SPECIFIED AMOUNT INCREASES:  You may request an increase in Specified Amount.  Your request must be in writing to our Home Office on forms we provide.  Any increase shall be subject to the following conditions:
1.      you must provide evidence of insurability satisfactory to us;
2.      the increase must be for a minimum of $10,000;
3.      the Cash Surrender Value is sufficient to keep this policy in force for at least 3 months; and
4.      the increased Specified Amount must not exceed the Maximum Death Benefit.
An approved increase will have an effective date of the Monthly Anniversary Day on or next following the date we approve the supplemental application unless you request, and we approve a different date.  We reserve the right to limit the number of increases in Specified Amount to one each policy year.  The increase will be allocated among the policy components in the same manner as the last increase or, in the absence thereof, the original policy unless an alternative allocation is specifically requested and approved by us.
SPECIFIED AMOUNT DECREASES:  At any time after the first policy year, you may request a decrease in the Specified Amount.  Any decrease will be effective on the Monthly Anniversary Day on or next following our receipt of your request unless you request a different date.  Any such decrease shall reduce insurance in the following order:
1.      against insurance provided by the most recent increase;
2.      against the next most recent increases successively; and
3.      against insurance provided under the original application.
We reserve the right to limit the number of decreases in the Specified Amount to one each policy year.
The decreases will be applied in the same allocation of policy components that exists in the insurance being decreased unless an alternative allocation is specifically requested and approved by us.
We will refuse a request for a decrease which would:
1.      reduce the Specified Amount to less than the Minimum Specified Amount shown on the Policy
Data Page; or
2.      disqualify this policy as a contract for life insurance.
Prior to the death of the Insured, this policy may be a valuable asset to you.  Depending on the amount of premiums paid, the investment results of your allocations to the Variable Subaccounts, and any loans taken by you, the policy may have an accumulated value.  This value is available to you in cash upon a Complete or Partial Surrender of the policy.
MINIMUM LEGAL VALUES:  The cash surrender, loan and other values in your policy are at least as large as those set by law in the state where it is delivered.  Where required, we have given the insurance regulator a detailed statement of how we compute values and benefits.
COMPLETE SURRENDER:  Your policy may be surrendered for its Cash Surrender Value at any time while it is in force.  You must submit a written request on a form acceptable to us.  We may also require the return of your policy.  The date of surrender will be the date we receive your written request at our Home Office.  The Cash Surrender Value will be determined as of the end of the Valuation Period during which your request is received.  Payment of the Cash Surrender Value may be deferred up to a period of six (6) months.  All coverage will end on the date of Complete Surrender.
The Enhancement Benefit is not payable upon a Complete Surrender which qualifies as a Section 1035 Exchange.
PARTIAL SURRENDER:  A Partial Surrender may be made at any time after the first policy year while this policy is in force.  You must submit a written request.  We may also require that this policy be sent to us.  We reserve the right to limit the number of Partial Surrenders in a policy year to one.  Payment of Partial Surrenders may be deferred up to a period of six (6) months.




When a Partial Surrender is made, we will reduce the Cash Value by the Partial Surrender Amount.  Unless the Partial Surrender is a Preferred Partial Surrender, as defined below, we will also reduce the Specified Amount by the amount necessary to prevent an increase in the Net Amount at Risk.  Any such decrease will reduce Specified Amount in the following order:
1.      against the Specified Amount provided by the most recent increase;
2.      against the Specified Amount provided by other increases in succession; and
3.      against the Specified Amount under the original application.

A Preferred Partial Surrender is a Partial Surrender that meets these conditions:
1.      it occurs before the 15th Policy Anniversary; and
2.      its amount, plus the amount of any prior preferred policy surrenders in the same policy year,
does not exceed 10% of the Cash Surrender Value as of the beginning of the policy year.
Unless you specify otherwise, we will allocate Partial Surrenders among the Variable Subaccounts in proportion to the Cash Value in each Variable Subaccount as of the Partial Surrender date.  Partial Surrenders will be transferred from the Fixed Account only when insufficient amounts are available in the Variable Subaccounts.  The amount of any Partial Surrender is subject to the following conditions:
1.      the minimum Partial Surrender is $500;
2.      the maximum amount of a Partial Surrender is the Cash Value, less any Indebtedness, and less the greater
of $500 or three Monthly Deductions; and
3.      a Partial Surrender may not reduce the Specified Amount to less than the Minimum Specified
Amount shown on the Policy Data Page.
In addition, the Partial Surrender will be allowed only if after the surrender, this policy continues to qualify as a contract for life insurance.
CONTINUATION OF INSURANCE:  If the premium payments are not made, insurance coverage under this policy and any benefits provided by Rider will continue to apply as long as the Monthly Deductions from the Cash Value are sustainable.  If the Cash Value is insufficient, coverage will be continued as provided in the Grace Period Provision.  That provision will not continue the policy beyond the Maturity Date nor continue any Rider beyond the date for its termination, as provided in the Rider.
CASH VALUE:  The Cash Value of your policy is the sum of the Cash Value in each Variable Subaccount, the Fixed Account, and the Policy Loan Account.  The Cash Value in each Variable Subaccount on the Initial Investment Date is equal to the portion of the Net Premium allocated to the Variable Subaccount minus the Monthly Deduction for the months following the Policy Date.
The Cash Value in each Variable Subaccount on each subsequent Valuation Day is equal to (1) plus (2) plus (3) minus (4) minus (5) minus (6) where:
1.      is the Cash Value in the Variable Subaccount on the preceding Valuation Day multiplied by its net
investment factor for the current Valuation Period;
2.      is any Net Premiums or other amounts allocated to the Variable Subaccount during the current
Valuation Period;
3.      is any amounts transferred to the Variable Subaccount during the current Valuation Period;
4.      is any amounts transferred from the Variable Subaccount during the current Valuation Period;
5.      is the portion of any Monthly Deductions which are due and charged to the Variable Subaccount
during the current Valuation Period; and
6.      is any Partial Surrender Amounts allocated to the Variable Subaccount during the current Valuation
The Cash Value in the Policy Loan Account is zero, unless you take a policy loan.  If you take a policy loan, then the Cash Value in the Policy Loan Account on the loan date is equal to the amount of the loan plus any prior balance in the Policy Loan Account, including interest thereon.  The loan amount is transferred from a Separate Account in proportion to the Cash Value in each Variable Subaccount on the date of the loan.  Loan amounts will be transferred from the Fixed Account only when insufficient amounts are available in the Variable Subaccounts.



The Cash Value in the Policy Loan Account on each subsequent Valuation Day is equal to (1) plus (2) plus (3)  minus (4) minus (5) where:
1.      is the Cash Value in the Policy Loan Account on the preceding Valuation Day;
2.      is any interest credited during the current Valuation Period;
3.      is any amounts transferred to the Policy Loan Account because of additional policy loans
and any due and unpaid loan interest during the current Valuation Period;
4.      is the amount of any loan repayments you make during the current Valuation Period; and\
is any amount of interest transferred from the Policy Loan Account to a Separate Account or the Fixed Account during the current Valuation Period.
The Cash Value in the Fixed Account is zero unless some or all of the Cash Value is allocated to the Fixed Account.  The Cash Value in the Fixed Account on the Initial Investment Date is equal to the portion of the Net Premium allocated to the Fixed Account minus a pro-rata Monthly Deduction for the month following the Policy Date.  The Cash Value in the Fixed Account on each subsequent Valuation Day is equal to (1) plus (2) plus (3) minus (4) minus (5) minus (6) where:
1.      is the Cash Value in the Fixed Account on the preceding Valuation Day;
2.      is any interest credited during the current Valuation Period;
3.      is any Net Premiums or other amounts allocated to the Fixed Account during the current
Valuation Period;
4.      is any amounts transferred from the Fixed Account during the current Valuation Period;
5.      is the portion of any Monthly Deductions which are due and charged to the Fixed Account
during the current Valuation Period; and
6.      is any Partial Surrender Amounts allocated to the Fixed Account during the current
Valuation Period.
ENHANCEMENT BENEFIT:  This feature, if applicable, will result in an increased Cash Surrender Value.  It is a general obligation of the Company, and is payable only if the qualifying event occurs.   The Company does not make any deposits to the Fixed Account or the Separate Account as a result of the Enhancement Benefit.   There are no investment results associated with the Enhancement Benefit.
The Enhancement Benefit is payable only upon a Complete Surrender during the term of the Enhancement Benefit, provided the surrender proceeds are paid to the Owner.  It is not payable upon a Complete Surrender which qualifies as a Section 1035 Exchange.  The Enhancement Benefit is not available as a policy loan or as a Partial Surrender.
The types of Policy Charges are described below and the guaranteed maximum Policy Charges are listed on the Policy Data Pages.  The actual Policy Charges established by the Company for this policy may be less than the guaranteed maximum amounts.  The Policy Charges may change in the future, but will not exceed the guaranteed maximum amounts on the Policy Date.
The Policy Charges reflect the costs and risks associated with your policy.  For mortality purposes, each insured life is assigned to an underwriting class based on their age, gender (if not unisex classified), smoker status, type of evidence of insurability, and insurability status.  The characteristics of each Owner’s purchase will be evaluated and classified.  The Policy Charges will reflect the amount and timing of expenses, the amount and timing of premium payments, as well as the expected asset persistency based on the purpose for which the corporation is purchasing the policy.
PERCENTAGE OF PREMIUM CHARGE: A Percent of Premium Charge is assessed against each premium payment. The guaranteed maximum percentage of premium charge is shown on the Policy Data Page.  This charge reimburses the Company for certain actual expenses, including acquisition costs and state and federal taxes.  It also provides revenue for risk charges and profit.
Each increase in the Specified Amount will constitute new coverage, and Percent of Premium Charges attributable to the increased Specified Amount will be determined in the same manner as for a newly issued policy.  For this purpose, premium payments will be allocated to each segment of increased Specified Amount in proportion to the amount of that segment’s increase to the total Specified Amount after all increases.



DEFERRED PERCENTAGE OF PREMIUM CHARGE: A Deferred Percent of Premium Charge may apply.  It is a charge calculated as a percentage of the premium paid in the first policy year.   It is charged at the beginning of the second policy year and subsequent policy years, up to and including the fifth policy year.  This charge is assessed in addition to any other Percent of Premium Charges that may occur in those years based on the premiums paid in those years.  In particular, it is assessed regardless of whether any premiums are paid in those years.  This charge reimburses the Company for certain actual expenses, including acquisition costs and state and federal taxes.  It also provides revenue for risk charges and profit.

MONTHLY DEDUCTION:  The Monthly Deduction for each month, beginning on the Policy Date, shall be calculated as:
1.           the monthly Variable Subaccount Asset Charge; plus
2.           the Monthly Charge Per Policy; plus
3.           the monthly per $1,000 of Specified Amount charge, plus
4.           the monthly cost of any additional benefits provided by any Riders; plus
5.           the Monthly Cost of Insurance.

The Monthly Deductions other than the Variable Subaccount Asset Charge will be charged proportionately to the Cash Values in each Variable Subaccount and the Fixed Account, unless otherwise elected.

MONTHLY VARIABLE SUBACCOUNT ASSET CHARGE: This charge will be deducted from the assets of the Separate Account attributable to the policy on a monthly basis in advance on the first business day of each policy month.  It is equal to the net assets of the Separate Account attributable to the policy, multiplied by [(1 + current Daily Asset Charge Percentage) raised to the exponent R] minus 1, where R = (number of days in the current policy month divided by the number of days in the current policy year). This charge reimburses the Company for certain actual expenses, including acquisition costs and state and federal taxes.  It also provides revenue for risk charges and profit.

MONTHLY CHARGE PER POLICY: The Company deducts a monthly administrative expense charge. This charge is a dollar amount per policy.  This charge reimburses the Company for certain actual expenses related to maintenance of the policies including accounting and record keeping, and periodic reporting to policy owners.  The Company does not expect to recover any amount in excess of aggregate maintenance expenses from this charge.  The maximum guaranteed Monthly Charge Per Policy is shown on the Policy Data Pages.

MONTHLY PER $1,000 OF SPECIFIED AMOUNT CHARGE: The Company deducts a monthly charge based on the Specified Amount. This charge reimburses the Company for certain actual expenses, including acquisition costs and state and federal taxes.  It also provides revenue for risk charges and profit.   This charge will not exceed the guarantees set forth in the Policy Data Pages.

MONTHLY COST OF INSURANCE:  A deduction will be made on the Policy Date and each Monthly Anniversary Day for the Monthly Cost of Insurance.  The Monthly Cost of Insurance for each policy month is determined by multiplying the Monthly Cost of Insurance Rate by the Net Amount at Risk. The Monthly Cost of Insurance Rate is described in the Monthly Cost of Insurance Rates section below.

If there have been increases in the Specified Amount, then the Cash Value shall be first considered a part of the initial Specified Amount.  If the Cash Value exceeds the initial Specified Amount, it shall then be considered a part of the increases in Specified Amount in the order of the increases.

The Monthly Cost of Insurance Charge reimburses the Company for expected mortality benefits and certain actual expenses, including acquisition costs and state and federal taxes, and provides revenue for risk charges and profit.

MONTHLY COST OF INSURANCE RATES:  A separate Monthly Cost of Insurance Rate is used to obtain the Monthly Cost of Insurance for the Insured's initial Specified Amount and each increase in Specified Amount.  Each rate is based on the Insured's Issue Age, policy duration, gender (if not unisex classified), smoking class, underwriting class, and any substandard rating at the time the initial Specified Amount or increase took effect and on the duration since that time.

These rates will never be greater than the guaranteed maximum Monthly Cost of Insurance Rates shown on the Policy Data Page.  The basis for the guaranteed maximum Monthly Cost of Insurance Rates is shown in the Basis of Computation on the Policy Data Page.



INTEREST CREDITING: Any Cash Value allocated to the Policy Loan Account will be credited interest daily.  The guaranteed minimum annual effective rate is shown on the Policy Data Page.  Interest in excess of the minimum guaranteed rate may be credited.
Any Cash Value allocated to the Fixed Account will be credited interest daily.  The guaranteed minimum annual effective rate for the Fixed Account is shown on the Policy Data Page.  Interest in excess of the minimum guaranteed rate may be credited.  Where required, we have filed our method for determining current interest rates with the Insurance Department of the state in which this policy was delivered.
POLICY LOAN:  You may request a loan at any time while your policy is in force.  The loan must be requested in writing on a form acceptable to us.  The sum of the loan and the Policy Loan Account prior to the loan may not exceed 90% of the Cash Value as of the loan date.  The loan date is the date we process the loan.    The minimum loan amount is $500.  The loan will be made upon the sole security of the policy.  Payment of policy loans may be deferred up to a period of six (6) months.
LOAN INTEREST:  The Guaranteed Maximum Policy Loan Interest Rate is shown on the Policy Data Page.  Interest is charged daily and payable at the earliest of: (i) the end of each policy year, (ii) the date of loan repayment, or (iii) concurrently with the execution of an additional loan.  Unpaid interest will be added to the existing Indebtedness as of the due date and will be charged interest at the same rate as the rest of the loan.  Interest at a rate less than the maximum guaranteed rate may be charged.
LOAN REPAYMENT:  All or part of a loan may be repaid to us at any time while your policy is in force during the Insured's lifetime.  The minimum repayment is $50.  Any payment intended as a loan repayment, rather than a premium payment, must be identified as such.  Any Indebtedness that exists at the end of the Grace Period may not be repaid unless this policy is reinstated.
EFFECT OF LOAN:  When you take a loan, we will transfer an amount equal to the policy loan from a Separate Account or the Fixed Account to the Policy Loan Account.  Any loan interest that becomes due and unpaid will also be so transferred.  Amounts transferred to the Policy Loan Account will earn interest daily from the date of transfer. When you repay part or all of a loan, we will transfer an amount equal to the amount you repay from the Policy Loan Account to a Variable Subaccount or the Fixed Account.  We reserve the right to require that any loan repayments resulting from loans transferred from the Fixed Account must be allocated to the Fixed Account.
Unless you specify otherwise, we will allocate loans among the Variable Subaccounts in proportion to the Cash Value in each Variable Subaccount as of the loan date.  Loan Amounts will be transferred from the Fixed Account only when insufficient amounts are available in the Variable Subaccounts.  Any loan interest which becomes due and is unpaid will be transferred to the Policy Loan Account in proportion to the Cash Values in each Variable Subaccount and the Fixed Account.  Unless specified, loan repayments will be allocated among the Variable Subaccounts using the Fund allocation factors in effect on the date of the repayment subject to any other restrictions the Company may impose.
Since the amount you borrow is removed from a Variable Subaccount or the Fixed Account, a loan will have a permanent effect on any Death Proceeds and Cash Surrender Value of this policy.  The effect may be favorable or unfavorable.  This is true whether you repay the loan or not.  If not repaid, Indebtedness will reduce the amount of any Death Proceeds or Maturity Proceeds.  If the total Indebtedness ever equals or exceeds the Cash Value, your policy will terminate without value, as described in the Grace Period Provision.
RIGHT OF EXCHANGE:  During the first 24 months from the Policy Date, you have an unconditional right to move all of the Cash Value in the Separate Account to the Fixed Account.  Once all of the Cash Value is in the Fixed Account, the policy will not be affected by the investment experience of any Separate Account.



EXCHANGE AT OTHER TIMES:  After 24 months from the Policy Date, you may exchange this policy for a new policy, subject to our approval.  You must furnish any evidence of insurability we require and pay all costs associated with the exchange.
DETERMINING INVESTMENT RESULTS:  The Cash Value will change with a change in the investment results of the Variable Subaccounts.  An index called an accumulation unit value measures changes in a Variable Subaccount's  investment experience.  Each Variable Subaccount has its own accumulation unit value.
For each Variable Subaccount, the initial accumulation unit value is typically initially set at $10.00.  The accumulation unit value for a Variable Subaccount in each subsequent Valuation Period is equal to (1), multiplied by (2), where:
1.      is the Variable Subaccount's accumulation unit value for the preceding Valuation Period; and
2.      is the Variable Subaccount's net investment factor for the subsequent Valuation Period.
A net investment factor is defined below.
Because the net investment factor may be greater than or less than one, the accumulation unit value may increase or decrease from one Valuation Period to the next; however, the accumulation unit value remains constant throughout a Valuation Period.
NET INVESTMENT FACTOR:  The net investment factor for a Variable Subaccount for a Valuation Period is obtained by dividing (1) by (2), where:
1.      is the net of:
(a)         the net asset value per share of the Fund held in the Variable Subaccount at the end of the
current Valuation Period; plus
(b)         the per share amount of any dividend and capital gains distributions made by the
Fund held in the Variable Subaccount if the "ex-dividend" date occurs during the current
Valuation Period; plus or minus
(c)         a per share charge or credit for taxes reserved for, if any, which is determined by the
Company to have resulted from the investment operations of the Variable Subaccount.
2.      is the net of:
(a)         the net asset value per share of the Fund held in the Variable Subaccount determined as of
the end of the immediately preceding Valuation Period; plus or minus
(b)         the per share charge or credit for taxes reserved for in the immediately
preceding Valuation Period.
SEPARATE ACCOUNT:  A Separate Account is a separate investment account of the Company.  A Separate Account is subject to the laws of Ohio.  You will direct your Net Premiums to be invested in either a Separate Account or the Fixed Account.
We own the assets of any Separate Account; we keep them separate from the assets of our General Account.  We maintain assets which are at least equal to the reserves and other liabilities of a Separate Account.  Such assets will not be charged with liabilities that arise from any other business we conduct.  We may transfer to our General Account assets which exceed the reserves and other liabilities of a Separate Account.
We will determine the value of the assets in a Separate Account at the end of each Valuation Day.
VARIABLE SUBACCOUNTS:  The Separate Account may have several Variable Subaccounts.  We list them on the Policy Data Page.  You determine, using Fund allocation factors, how Net Premiums will be allocated among the Variable Subaccounts.  You may choose to allocate nothing to a particular Variable Subaccount.  The sum of the Fund allocation factors must equal 100%.



In states that require a full refund of premiums during the Right to Examine Policy period, Net Premiums will be allocated to a Variable Subaccount that invests in a money market Fund or to the Fixed Account.  The day following the end of this period, the Cash Value in that Variable Subaccount will be transferred to the Variable Subaccounts according to your chosen Fund allocation factors.  Also, any subsequent Net Premiums will be allocated according to your chosen factors.  Fund allocation factors during and immediately after the Right to Examine Policy period, are shown on the Policy Data Page.  After the Right to Examine Policy period has expired, you may transfer amounts among the Variable Subaccounts.  Transfers will take effect on the date your written request is received at our Home Office, subject to any restrictions imposed by a Fund.
You may change the allocation for future Net Premiums at any time while your policy is in force.  To do so, you must notify us in writing in a form that meets our approval.  The change will take effect on the date we receive your written request at our Home Office.
Income and realized and unrealized gains and losses from assets in each Variable Subaccount are credited to, or charged against, the Variable Subaccount.  This is without regard to income, gains, or losses in our other Variable Subaccounts, separate investment accounts, or our General Account.
RIGHT TO TRANSFER:  Transfers may be made via any method deemed acceptable by us.  We reserve the right to refuse, limit, or otherwise restrict any transfer request, or take any other reasonable action we deem necessary with respect to transfers among specified Sub-accounts in order to protect Policy Owners and Beneficiaries from negative investment results that may arise from harmful investment practices employed by certain Owners or their representative.  Our failure to exercise our rights under this section shall not be construed as a waiver of our rights.
CHANGES OF VARIABLE SUBACCOUNTS:  A Variable Subaccount might, in our judgment, become unsuitable for investment by a Separate Account.  This might happen because of a change in investment policy, a change in the laws or regulations, the shares are no longer available for investment, or for some other reason.  If that occurs, we have the right to substitute another Variable Subaccount.  But we would first notify you and seek approval from the SEC and the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of Ohio.  We would also get any other required approvals.
OTHER CHANGES:  To the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations (including any order of the SEC), we may make changes as follows:
1.      A Separate Account may be operated as an investment company under the Investment
Company Act of 1940, or in any other form permitted by law, if we deem it to be in the best
interest of the policy Owners.
2.      A Separate Account may be deregistered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 in
the event registration is no longer required.
3.      A Separate Account may be combined with other separate investment accounts.
4.      The provisions of this and other policies may be modified to comply with any other
applicable federal or state laws.
In the event of such changes, we may make appropriate endorsement on this and other policies having an interest in a Separate Account and take other actions as may be necessary to effect such a change.
FIXED ACCOUNT:  The Fixed Account is part of the General Account of the Company.  The Fixed Account is credited with interest as described under the Nonforfeiture Provisions.  In addition to allocating your Net Premiums to one or more of the Variable Subaccounts described above, you may direct part of your Net Premiums into the Fixed Account.  Except as outlined in the Exchange of Policy Provisions, we reserve the right to limit the allocations to the Fixed Account to no more than 25% of the Cash Value.



RIGHT TO TRANSFER:  You may transfer amounts between the Fixed Account and the Variable Subaccounts, subject to the limits below, without penalty or adjustment.  We reserve the right to limit you to one transfer from the Fixed Account to the Variable Subaccounts during any ninety (90) day period.
We reserve the right to limit the amount transferred from the Fixed Account to the Variable Subaccounts during a policy year to the greater of (a) 15% of that portion of the Cash Value attributable to the Fixed Account at the end of the prior policy year and (b) 120% of the amount transferred from the Fixed Account during the preceding policy year.
Except as outlined in Exchange of Policy Provisions, we reserve the right to refuse transfers to the Fixed Account if the Fixed Account is greater than or equal to 25% of the Cash Value.
Proceeds are usually paid in a lump sum.  Alternatively, you may elect to leave the proceeds on deposit with us in an interest-bearing account.  You may not assign your account.
We will credit interest at a rate that we will declare quarterly.   You may withdraw some or all of the deposit at any time.  Requests for withdrawal must be in writing.



ENDORSEMENTS (Endorsements may be made only by the Company at the Home Office)






· Adjustable Death Benefit  · Flexible premiums payable during Insured's lifetime until the Maturity Date
· Death Proceeds payable at Insured's death prior to the Maturity Date
· Maturity Proceeds payable on the Maturity Date
· Not eligible for dividends  · Investment experience reflected in benefits


Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Home Office:  One Nationwide Plaza  ·  Columbus, Ohio  43215-2220
EX-99.E APPLICATIONS 5 application.htm POLICY FORM - APPLICATION application.htm

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Exhibit N
Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
The Board of Directors
Nationwide Life Insurance Company:

We consent to our reports with respect to Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4 dated March 9, 2007 and for Nationwide Life Insurance Company and subsidiaries dated March 1, 2007 included herein, and to the reference to our firm under the heading “Services” in the Statement of Additional Information (File No. 333-137202). Our report for Nationwide Life Insurance Company and subsidiaries refers to the adoption of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ Statement of Position 03-1, Accounting and Reporting by Insurance Enterprises for Certain Non-Traditional Long-Duration Contracts and for Separate Accounts, in 2004.

Columbus, Ohio
September 25, 2007


EX-99.F DEP CERT/BYL 9 articles.htm ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION articles.htm



First:                      The name of said Corporation shall be “NATIONWIDE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY.”

Second:                  Said Corporation is to be located, and its principal office maintained in the City of Columbus, Ohio.

Third:                      Said Corporation is formed for the purpose of (a) making insurance upon the lives of individuals and every insurance appertaining thereto or connected therewith on both participating and non-participating plans, (b) granting, purchasing or disposing of annuities on both participating and non-participating plans, (c) taking risks connected with or appertaining to making insurance on life or against accidents to persons, or sickness, temporary or permanent disability on both participating and non-participating plans, (d) investing funds, (e) borrowing money on either a secured or unsecured basis in furtherance of the foregoing, and (f) engaging in all activities permitted life insurance companies under the laws of the State of Ohio.

Fourth:                      No holder of shares of this Corporation shall be entitled as such, as a matter of right, to subscribe for or purchase shares now or hereafter authorized.

The capital stock of this Corporation shall be Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) divided into Five Million (5,000,000) Common shares of the par value of One Dollar ($1.00) each, which may be subscribed and purchased, or otherwise acquired for such consideration at not less than par, and under such terms and conditions as the Board of Directors may prescribe.

Fifth:                      Dividends may be declared and paid on the outstanding stock, subject to the restrictions herein contained.  Dividends on the capital stock shall be paid only from the earned surplus of the Corporation.  Unless those policyholders owning participating insurance policies or contracts shall have received an equitable dividend arising out of savings in mortality, savings in expense loadings and excess interest earnings, if any, from such participating policies, no dividend from such savings and earnings shall be declared or paid on capital stock in an amount in excess of seven percent (7%) per annum, computed on the par value of the stock from date of original issue to date of retirement or date of payment of dividend.

*Sixth:                      The corporate powers and business of the Corporation shall be exercised, conducted and controlled, and the corporate property managed by a Board of Directors consisting of not less than three (3), nor more than twenty-one (21), as may from time to time be fixed by the Code of Regulations of the Corporation.  At the first election of directors one-third of the directors shall be elected to serve until the next annual meeting, one-third shall be elected to serve until the second annual meeting, and one-third shall be elected to serve until the third annual meeting; thereafter all directors shall be elected to serve for terms of three (3) years each, and until their successors are elected and qualified.  Vacancies in the Board of Directors, arising from any cause, shall be filled by the remaining directors.



The directors shall be elected at the annual meeting of the stockholders by a majority vote of the stockholders present in person or by proxy, provided that vacancies may be filled as herein provided for.

The stockholders of the Corporation shall have the right, subject to the statutes of the State of Ohio and these Articles of Incorporation, to adopt a Code of Regulations governing the transaction of the business and affairs of the Corporation which may be altered, amended or repealed in the manner provided by law.

The Board of Directors shall elect from their own number a Chairman of the Board of Directors, a General Chairman, and a President.  The Board of Directors shall also elect a Vice President and a Secretary and a Treasurer, or a Secretary-Treasurer.  The Board of Directors may also elect or appoint such additional vice presidents, assistant secretaries and assistant treasurers as may be deemed advisable or necessary, and may fix their duties.  The Board of Directors may appoint such other officers as may be provided in the Code of Regulations.  All officers, unless sooner removed by the Board of Directors, shall hold office for one (1) year, or until their successors are elected and qualified.  Other than the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the General Chairman and the President, the officers need not be members of the Board of Directors.  Officers shall be elected at each annual organization meeting of the Board of Directors, but elections or appointments to fill vacancies may be had at any meeting of the directors.

A majority of the Board of Directors and officers shall, at all times, be citizens of the State of Ohio.

*Amended Effective March 14, 1986.

Seventh:                      The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Corporation shall be held at such time as may be fixed in the Code of Regulations of the Corporation.  Any meeting of the stockholders, annual or special, may be held in or outside of the State of Ohio.  Reasonable notice of all meetings of stockholders shall be given, by mail or publication, or as prescribed by the Code of Regulations or by law.

Eighth:                      These Amended Articles of Incorporation shall supersede and take the place of the Articles of Incorporation and all amendments thereto heretofore filed with the Secretary of State by and on behalf of this Corporation.

Amended Effective March 14, 1986
EX-99.H PARTIC AGREE 10 alliancebernsteinfpa.htm ALLIANCE BERNSTEIN FPA alliancebernsteinfpa.htm

JUNE 1, 2003



THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the 1st day of March, 2002 (“Agreement”), by and among Nationwide Life Insurance Company, an Ohio stock life insurance company (the “Insurer”) (on behalf of itself and its “Separate Account,” defined below); Nationwide Investment Services Corporation, an Oklahoma corporation (“Contracts Distributor”), the principal underwriter with respect to the Contracts referred to below; Alliance Capital Management L.P., a Delaware limited partnership (“Adviser”), the investment adviser of the Fund referred to below; and AllianceBernstein Investment Research and Management, Inc., a Delaware corporation (“Distributor”), the Fund’s principal underwriter (collectively, the “Parties”),
WHEREAS Insurer, the Distributor, and AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”) desire that Class A shares (“shares”) of the Fund’s AllianceBernstein Premier Growth Portfolio, AllianceBernstein Growth and Income Portfolio, AllianceBernstein Small Cap Value Portfolio, and AllianceBernstein International Value Portfolio (the “Portfolios”; reference herein to the “Fund” includes reference to each Portfolio to the extent the context requires) be made available by Distributor to serve as underlying investment media for those combination fixed and variable annuity contracts of Insurer that are the subject of Insurer’s Forms N-4, N-6 or S-6 registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), with File Numbers as set forth on Exhibit A  (the “Contracts”), or are exempt from such registration, to be offered through Contracts Distributor and other registered broker-dealer firms as agreed to by Insurer and Contracts Distributor; and
WHEREAS the Contracts provide for the allocation of net amounts received by Insurer to separate series (the “Divisions”; reference herein to the “Separate Account” includes reference to each Division to the extent the context requires) of the Separate Account for investment in the shares of corresponding Portfolios of the Fund that are made available through the Separate Account to act as underlying investment media,
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits and promises contained herein, the Fund and Distributor will make shares of the Portfolios available to Insurer for this purpose at net asset value and with no sales charges, all subject to the following provisions:
Section 1.  Additional Portfolios
The Fund has and may, from time to time, add additional Portfolios, which will become subject to this Agreement, if, upon the written consent of each of the Parties hereto, they are made available as investment media for the Contracts.
Section 2.  Processing Transactions
2.1           Timely Pricing and Orders.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Insurer shall be appointed to, and agrees to act, as a limited agent of Fund for the sole purpose of receiving instructions from authorized parties as defined by the Contracts for the purchase and redemption of Fund shares prior to the close of regular trading each Business Day.  A "Business Day” shall mean any day on which the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading and on which the Fund calculates its net asset value as set forth in the Fund’s most recent prospectus and Statement of Additional Information.  Except as particularly stated in this paragraph, Insurer shall have no authority to act on behalf of Fund or to incur any cost or liability on its behalf.

Until such time as Fund and Insurer are able to utilize the National Securities Clearing Corporation  ("NSCC") Defined Contribution Clearing and Settlement ("DCC&S") Fund/SERV system;  Fund will use its best efforts to provide to Insurer or its designated agent closing net asset value, change in net asset value, dividend or daily accrual rate information and capital gain information by 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time each Business Day.  Insurer or its agent shall use this data to calculate unit values.  Unit values shall be used to process the same Business Day’s contract transactions.  Orders derived from, and in amounts equal to, instructions received by Insurer prior to the Close of Trading on the New York Stock Exchange on any Business Day ("Day 1") shall be transmitted without modification (except for netting or aggregating such orders) to Fund by 9:00 A.M. Eastern Time on the next Business Day.  Such trades will be effected at the net asset value of each Fund's shares calculated as of the Close of Trading on Day 1. Fund will not accept any order made on a conditional basis or subject to any delay or contingency.  Insurer shall only place purchase orders for shares of Funds on behalf of its customers whose addresses recorded on Insurer’s books are in a state or other jurisdiction in which the Funds are registered or qualified for sale, or are exempt from registration or qualification as confirmed in writing by Fund.

Until such time as Fund and Insurer are able to utilize the DCC&S Fund/SERV system, each party shall have the ability to verify trade information via the internet prior to 12:00 pm on the day of trade receipt.  Each party shall notify the other of any errors, omissions  or delay or unavailability as promptly as possible.

For those purchase orders not transmitted via the DCC&S Fund/SERV system, Insurer shall initiate payment to Fund or its designated agent in federal funds on the Business Day following the day on which the instructions are treated as having been received by Fund pursuant to this Agreement.
For those redemption orders not transmitted via the DCC&S Fund/SERV system, Fund or its designated agent shall initiate payment in federal funds on the Business Day following the day on which the instructions are treated as having been received by Fund pursuant to this Agreement.

At such time as Fund and Insurer are able to transmit information via the NSCC's DCC&S Fund/SERV System:

Orders derived from, and in amounts equal to, instructions received by Insurer prior to the Close of Trading on Day 1 shall be transmitted without modification (except for netting and aggregation of such orders) via the NSCC's DCC&S Fund/SERV system to Fund no later than 5:00 A.M. Eastern Time on the Next Business Day.  Such trades will be effected at the net asset value of each Fund's shares calculated as of the Close of Trading on Day 1.

Fund and Insurer shall mutually agree there may be instances when orders shall be transmitted to Fund via facsimile no later than 9:00 A.M. rather than through the DCC&S Fund/SERV system.  In such instances, such orders shall be transmitted to Fund via facsimile no later than 9:00 A.M. Eastern Time on the next Business Day.

With respect to purchase and redemption orders received by Fund on any Business Day for any Fund, within the time limits set forth in this Agreement, settlement shall occur consistent with the requirements of DCC&S Fund/SERV system.

At such time as Fund and Insurer are able to transmit information via the DCC&S Fund/SERV system; Fund or its designated agent shall send to Insurer, via the DCC&S Fund/SERV system, verification of net purchase or redemption orders or notification of the rejection of such orders ("Confirmations ") on each Business Day for which Insurer has transmitted such orders.  Such confirmations shall include the total number of shares of each Fund held by Insurer following such net purchase or redemption. Fund, or its designated agent, shall submit in a timely manner, such confirmations to the DCC&S Fund/SERV system in order for Insurer to receive such confirmations no later than 11:00 A.M. Eastern Time the next Business Day.
Fund or its designated agent will transmit to Insurer via DCC&S NETWORKING system those Networking activity files reflecting account activity. Such activity files shall include total number of shares of each Fund held by Insurer following such net purchase or redemption.  The Fund or its designated agent shall submit in a timely manner such activity files to the DCC&S Fund/SERV system in order for Insurer to receive such activity files no later than the next Business Day
In addition, the Fund or its affiliate will send Insurer a statement of account each quarter which shall confirm all transactions made during that particular quarter in the account.
2.2           Timely Payments.
Insurer will transmit orders for purchases and redemptions of Fund shares to Distributor, and will wire payment for net purchases to a custodial account designated by the Fund on the day the order for Fund shares is placed, to the extent practicable.  Payment for net redemptions will be wired by the Fund to an account designated by Insurer on the same day as the order is placed, to the extent practicable, and in any event be made within six calendar days after the date the order is placed in order to enable Insurer to pay redemption proceeds within the time specified in Section 22(e) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”).
2.3           Applicable Price.
The Parties agree that Portfolio share purchase and redemption orders resulting from Contract owner purchase payments, surrenders, partial withdrawals, routine withdrawals of charges, or other transactions under Contracts will be executed at the net asset values as determined as of the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange on the Business Day that Insurer receives such orders and processes such transactions, which, Insurer agrees shall occur not earlier than the Business Day prior to Distributor’s receipt of the corresponding orders for purchases and redemptions of Portfolio shares.  For the purposes of this section, Insurer shall be deemed to be the agent of the Fund for receipt of such orders from holders or applicants of contracts, and receipt by Insurer shall constitute receipt by the Fund.  All other purchases and redemptions of Portfolio shares by Insurer, will be effected at the net asset values next computed after receipt by Distributor of the order therefor, and such orders will be irrevocable.  Insurer hereby elects to reinvest all dividends and capital gains distributions in additional shares of the corresponding Portfolio at the record-date net asset values until Insurer otherwise notifies the Fund in writing, it being agreed by the Parties that the record date and the payment date with respect to any dividend or distribution will be the same Business Day.
Section 3.  Costs and Expenses
3.1           General.
Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, each Party will bear all expenses incident to its performance under this Agreement.
3.2           Registration.
The Fund will bear the cost of its registering as a management investment company under the 1940 Act and registering its shares under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “1933 Act”), and keeping such registrations current and effective; including, without limitation, the preparation of and filing with the SEC of Forms N-SAR and Rule 24f-2 Notices respecting the Fund and its shares and payment of all applicable registration or filing fees with respect to any of the foregoing.  Insurer will bear the cost of registering the Separate Account as a unit investment trust under the 1940 Act unless the Separate Account is exempt from registration under Section 3(c)(1). 3(c)(7) or 3(c)(11) of the 1940 Act, and registering units of interest under the Contracts under the 1933 Act unless the Contracts are exempt from registration under the 1933 Act, and keeping such registrations current and effective; including, without limitation, the preparation and filing with the SEC of Forms N-SAR and Rule 24f-2 Notices respecting the Separate Account and its units of interest and payment of all applicable registration or filing fees with respect to any of the foregoing.
3.3           Other (Non-Sales-Related) Expenses.
The Fund will bear the costs of preparing, filing with the SEC and setting for printing the Fund’s prospectus, statement of additional information and any amendments or supplements thereto (collectively, the “Fund Prospectus”), periodic reports to shareholders, Fund proxy material and other shareholder communications and any related requests for voting instructions from Participants (as defined below).  Insurer will bear the costs of preparing, filing with the SEC and setting for printing, the Separate Account’s prospectus, statement of additional information and any amendments or supplements thereto (collectively, the “Separate Account Prospectus”), any periodic reports to owners, annuitants or participants under the Contracts (collectively, “Participants”), and other Participant communications.  The Fund and Insurer each will bear the costs of printing in quantity and delivering to existing Participants the documents as to which it bears the cost of preparation as set forth above in this Section 3.3, it being understood that reasonable cost allocations will be made in cases where any such Fund and Insurer documents are printed or mailed on a combined or coordinated basis.  If requested by Insurer, the Fund will provide annual Prospectus text to Insurer on diskette for printing and binding with the Separate Account Prospectus.
3.4           Other Sales-Related Expenses.
Expenses of distributing the Portfolio’s shares and the Contracts will be paid by Contracts Distributor and other parties, as they shall determine by separate agreement.
3.5           Parties to Cooperate.
The Adviser, Insurer, Contracts Distributor, and Distributor each agrees to cooperate with the others, as applicable, in arranging to print, mail and/or deliver combined or coordinated prospectuses or other materials of the Fund and Separate Account.
Section 4.  Legal Compliance
4.1           Tax Laws.
(a)           The Adviser will use its best effort to qualify and to maintain qualification of each Portfolio as  a  regulated  investment  company  (“RIC”)  under  Subchapter  M  of  the  Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), and the Adviser or Distributor will notify Insurer immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that a Portfolio has ceased to so qualify or that it might not so qualify in the future.
(b)           Insurer represents that it believes, in good faith, that the Contracts will be treated as annuity contracts under applicable provisions of the Code and that it will make every effort to maintain such treatment.  Insurer will notify the Fund and Distributor immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that any of the Contracts have ceased to be so treated or that they might not be so treated in the future.
(c)           The Fund will make every effort to comply and to maintain each Portfolio’s compliance with the diversification requirements set forth in Section 817(h) of the Code and Section 1.817-5(b) of the regulations under the Code, and the Fund, Adviser or Distributor will notify Insurer immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that a Portfolio has ceased to so comply or that a Portfolio might not so comply in the future.
(d)           Insurer represents that it believes, in good faith, that the Separate Account is a “segregated asset account” and that interests in the Separate Account are offered exclusively through the purchase of or transfer into a “variable contract,” within the meaning of such terms under Section 817(h) of the Code and the regulations thereunder.  Insurer will make every effort to continue to meet such definitional requirements, and it will notify the Fund and Distributor immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that such requirements have ceased to be met or that they might not be met in the future.
(e)           The Adviser will manage the Fund as a RIC in compliance with Subchapter M of the Code and will make every effort to manage to be in compliance with Section 817(h) of the Code and regulations thereunder.  The Fund has adopted and will maintain procedures for ensuring that the Fund is managed in compliance with Subchapter M and Section 817(h) and regulations thereunder.
(f)           Should the Distributor or Adviser become aware of a failure of Fund, or any of its Portfolios, to be in compliance with Subchapter M of the Code or Section 817(h) of the Code and regulations thereunder, they represent and agree that they will immediately notify Insurer of such in writing.
4.2           Insurance and Certain Other Laws.
(a)           The Adviser will use its best efforts to cause the Fund to comply with any applicable state insurance laws or regulations, to the extent specifically requested in writing by Insurer.  If it cannot comply, it will so notify Insurer in writing.
(b)           Insurer represents and warrants that (i) it is an insurance company duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Ohio and has full corporate power, authority and legal right to execute, deliver and perform its duties and comply with its obligations under this Agreement, (ii) it has legally and validly established and maintains the Separate Account as a segregated asset account under Ohio law, and (iii) the Contracts comply in all material respects with all other applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
(c)           Insurer and Contracts Distributor represent and warrant that Contracts Distributor is a business corporation duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of the State of Oklahoma and has full corporate power, authority and legal right to execute, deliver, and perform its duties and comply with its obligations under this Agreement.
(d)           Distributor represents and warrants that it is a business corporation duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware and has full corporate power, authority and legal right to execute, deliver, and perform its duties and comply with its obligations under this Agreement.
(e)           Distributor represents and warrants that the Fund is a corporation duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of the State of Maryland and has full power, authority, and legal right to execute, deliver, and perform its duties and comply with its obligations under this Agreement.
(f)           Adviser represents and warrants that it is a limited partnership, duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware and has full power, authority, and legal right to execute, deliver, and perform its duties and comply with its obligations under this Agreement.
4.3           Securities Laws.
(a)           Insurer represents and warrants that (i) interests in the Separate Account pursuant to the Contracts will be registered under the 1933 Act to the extent required by the 1933 Act and the Contracts will be duly authorized for issuance and sold in compliance with Ohio law, (ii) the Separate Account is and will remain registered under the 1940 Act to the extent required by the 1940 Act, (iii) the Separate Account does and will comply in all material respects with the requirements of the 1940 Act and the rules thereunder, (iv) the Separate Account’s 1933 Act registration statement or other offering document relating to the Contracts, together with any amendments thereto, will, at all times comply in all material respects with the requirements of the 1933 Act and the rules thereunder, and (v) the Separate Account Prospectus will at all times comply in all material respects with the requirements of the 1933 Act and the rules thereunder.
(b)           The Adviser and Distributor represent and warrant that (i) Fund shares sold pursuant to this Agreement will be registered under the 1933 Act to the extent required by the 1933 Act and duly authorized for issuance and sold in compliance with Maryland law, (ii) the Fund is and will remain registered under the 1940 Act to the extent required by the 1940 Act, (iii) the Fund will amend the registration statement for its shares under the 1933 Act and itself under the 1940 Act from time to time as required in order to effect the continuous offering of its shares, (iv) the Fund does and will comply in all material respects with the requirements of the 1940 Act and the rules thereunder, (v) the Fund’s 1933 Act registration statement, together with any amendments thereto, will at all times comply in all material respects with the requirements of the 1933 Act and rules thereunder, and (vi) the Fund Prospectus will at all times comply in all material respects with the requirements of the 1933 Act and the rules thereunder.
(c)    The Fund will register and qualify its shares for sale in accordance with the laws of any state or other jurisdiction only if and to the extent reasonably deemed advisable by the Fund, Insurer or any other life insurance company utilizing the Fund.
(d)           Distributor and Contracts Distributor each represents and warrants that it is registered as a broker-dealer with the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and is a member in good standing of the National Association of Securities Dealers Inc. (the “NASD”).
4.4           Notice of Certain Proceedings and Other Circumstances.
(a)           Distributor or the Fund shall immediately notify Insurer of (i) the issuance by any court or regulatory body of any stop order, cease and desist order, or other similar order with respect to the Fund’s registration statement under the 1933 Act or the Fund Prospectus, (ii) any request by the SEC for any amendment to such registration statement or Fund Prospectus, (iii) the initiation of any proceedings for that purpose or for any other purpose relating to the registration or offering of the Fund’s shares, or (iv) any other action or circumstances that may prevent the lawful offer or sale of Fund shares in any state or jurisdiction, including, without limitation, any circumstances in which (x) the Fund’s shares are not registered and, in all material respects, issued and sold in accordance with applicable state and federal law or (y) such law precludes the use of such shares as an underlying investment medium of the Contracts issued or to be issued by Insurer.  Distributor and the Fund will make every reasonable effort to prevent the issuance of any such stop order, cease and desist order or similar order and, if any such order is issued, to obtain the lifting thereof at the earliest possible time.
(b)           Insurer and Contracts Distributor shall immediately notify the Fund of (i) the issuance by any court or regulatory body of any stop order, cease and desist order or similar order with respect to the Separate Account’s registration statement under the 1933 Act relating to the Contracts or the Separate Account Prospectus, (ii) any request by the SEC for any amendment to such registration statement or Separate Account Prospectus, (iii) the initiation of any proceedings for that purpose or for any other purpose relating to the registration or offering of the Separate Account interests pursuant to the Contracts, or (iv) any other action or circumstances that may prevent the lawful offer or sale of said interests in any state or jurisdiction, including, without limitation, any circumstances in which said interests are not registered and, in all material respects, issued and sold in accordance with applicable state and federal law.  Insurer and Contracts Distributor will make every reasonable effort to prevent the issuance of any such stop order, cease and desist order or similar order and, if any such order is issued, to obtain the lifting thereof at the earliest possible time.
4.5           Insurer to Provide Documents.
Upon request, Insurer will provide the Fund and the Distributor one complete copy of SEC registration statements, Separate Account Prospectuses, reports, any preliminary and final voting instruction solicitation material, applications for exemptions, requests for no-action letters, and amendments to any of the above, that relate to the Separate Account or the Contracts, contemporaneously with the filing of such document with the SEC or other regulatory authorities.
4.6           Fund to Provide Documents.
Upon request, the Fund will provide to Insurer one complete copy of SEC registration statements, Fund Prospectuses, reports, any preliminary and final proxy material, applications for exemptions, requests for no-action letters, and all amendments to any of the above, that relate to the Fund or its shares, contemporaneously with the filing of such document with the SEC or other regulatory authorities.
Section 5.  Mixed and Shared Funding
5.1           General.
The Fund has obtained an order exempting it from certain provisions of the 1940 Act and rules thereunder so that the Fund is available for investment by certain other entities, including, without limitation, separate accounts funding variable life insurance policies and separate accounts of insurance companies unaffiliated with Insurer (“Mixed and Shared Funding Order”).  The Parties recognize that the SEC has imposed terms and conditions for such orders that are substantially identical to many of the provisions of this Section 5.
5.2           Disinterested Directors.
The Fund agrees that its Board of Directors shall at all times consist of directors a majority of whom (the “Disinterested Directors”) are not interested persons of Adviser or Distributor within the meaning of Section 2(a)(19) of the 1940 Act.
5.3           Monitoring for Material Irreconcilable Conflicts.
The Fund agrees that its Board of Directors will monitor for the existence of any material irreconcilable conflict between the interests of the participants in all separate accounts of life insurance companies utilizing the Fund, including the Separate Account.  Insurer agrees to inform the Board of Directors of the Fund of the existence of or any potential for any such material irreconcilable conflict of which it is aware.  The concept of a “material irreconcilable conflict” is not defined by the 1940 Act or the rules thereunder, but the Parties recognize that such a conflict may arise for a variety of reasons, including, without limitation:
(a)           an action by any state insurance or other regulatory authority;
(b)           a change in applicable federal or state insurance, tax or securities laws or regulations, or a public ruling, private letter ruling, no-action or interpretative letter, or any similar action by insurance, tax or securities regulatory authorities;
(c)           an administrative or judicial decision in any relevant proceeding;
(d)           the manner in which the investments of any Portfolio are being managed;
(e)           a difference in voting instructions given by variable annuity contract and variable life insurance contract participants or by participants of different life insurance companies utilizing the Fund; or
(f)           a decision by a life insurance company utilizing the Fund to disregard the voting instructions of participants.
Insurer will assist the Board of Directors in carrying out its responsibilities by providing the Board of Directors with all information reasonably necessary for the Board of Directors to consider any issue raised, including information as to a decision by Insurer to disregard voting instructions of Participants.
5.4           Conflict Remedies.
(a)           It is agreed that if it is determined by a majority of the members of the Board of Directors or a majority of the Disinterested Directors that a material irreconcilable conflict exists, Insurer and the other life insurance companies utilizing the Fund will, at their own expense and to the extent reasonably practicable (as determined by a majority of the Disinterested Directors), take whatever steps are necessary to remedy or eliminate the material irreconcilable conflict, which steps may include, but are not limited to:
withdrawing the assets allocable to some or all of the separate accounts from the Fund or any Portfolio and reinvesting such assets in a different investment medium, including another Portfolio of the Fund, or submitting the question whether such segregation should be implemented to a vote of all affected participants and, as appropriate, segregating the assets of any particular group (e.g., annuity contract owners or participants, life insurance contract owners or all contract owners and participants of one or more life insurance companies utilizing the Fund) that votes in  favor  of  such  segregation,  or  offering  to the affected contract owners or participants the option of making such a change; and
establishing a new registered investment company of the type defined as a “Management Company” in Section 4(3) of the 1940 Act or a new separate account that is operated as a Management Company.
(b)           If the material irreconcilable conflict arises because of Insurer’s decision to disregard Participant voting instructions and that decision represents a minority position or would preclude a majority vote, Insurer may be required, at the Fund’s election, to withdraw the Separate Account’s investment in the Fund.  No charge or penalty will be imposed as a result of such withdrawal.  Any such withdrawal must take place within six months after the Fund gives notice to Insurer that this provision is being implemented, and until such withdrawal Distributor and the Fund shall continue to accept and implement orders by Insurer for the purchase and redemption of shares of the Fund.
(c)           If a material irreconcilable conflict arises because a particular state insurance regulator’s decision applicable to Insurer conflicts with the majority of other state regulators, then Insurer will withdraw the Separate Account’s investment in the Fund within six months after the Fund’s Board of Directors informs Insurer that it has determined that such decision has created a material irreconcilable conflict, and until such withdrawal Distributor and Fund shall continue to accept and implement orders by Insurer for the purchase and redemption of shares of the Fund.
(d)           Insurer agrees that any remedial action taken by it in resolving any material irreconcilable conflict will be carried out at its expense and with a view only to the interests of Participants.
(e)           For purposes hereof, a majority of the Disinterested Directors will determine whether or not any proposed action adequately remedies any material irreconcilable conflict.  In no event, however, will the Fund or Distributor be required to establish a new funding medium for any Contracts.  Insurer will not be required by the terms hereof to establish a new funding medium for any Contracts if an offer to do so has been declined by vote of a majority of Participants materially adversely affected by the material irreconcilable conflict.
5.5           Notice to Insurer.
The Fund will promptly make known in writing to Insurer the Board of Directors’ determination of the existence of a material irreconcilable conflict, a description of the facts that give rise to such conflict and the implications of such conflict.
5.6           Information Requested by Board of Directors.
Insurer and the Fund will at least annually submit to the Board of Directors of the Fund such reports, materials or data as the Board of Directors may reasonably request so that the Board of Directors may fully carry out the obligations imposed upon it by the provisions hereof, and said reports, materials and data will be submitted at any reasonable time deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.  All reports received by the Board of Directors of potential or existing conflicts, and all Board of Directors actions with regard to determining the existence of a conflict, notifying life insurance companies utilizing the Fund of a conflict, and determining whether any proposed action adequately remedies a conflict, will be properly recorded in the minutes of the Board of Directors or other appropriate records, and such minutes or other records will be made available to the SEC upon request.
5.7           Compliance with SEC Rules.
If, at any time during which the Fund is serving an investment medium for variable life insurance policies, 1940 Act Rules 6e-3(T) or, if applicable, 6e-2 are amended or Rule 6e-3 is adopted to provide exemptive relief with respect to mixed and shared funding, the Parties agree that they will comply with the terms and conditions thereof and that the terms of this Section 5 shall be deemed modified if and only to the extent required in order also to comply with the terms and conditions of such exemptive relief that is afforded by any of said rules that are applicable.
Section 6.  Termination
6.1           Events of Termination.
Subject to Section 6.4 below, this Agreement will terminate as to a Portfolio:
(a)           at the option of Insurer or Distributor upon at least six months advance written notice to the other Parties, or
(b)           at the option of the Fund upon (i) at least sixty days advance written notice to the other parties, and (ii) approval by (x) a majority of the disinterested Directors upon a finding that a continuation of this Contract is contrary to the best interests of the Fund, or (y) a majority vote of the shares of the affected Portfolio in the corresponding Division of the Separate Account (pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section 10 of this Agreement for voting Trust shares in accordance with Participant instructions).
(c)           at the option of the Fund upon institution of formal proceedings against Insurer or Contracts Distributor by the NASD, the SEC, any state insurance regulator or any other regulatory body regarding Insurer’s obligations under this Agreement or related to the sale of the Contracts, the operation of the Separate Account, or the purchase of the Fund shares, if, in each case, the Fund reasonably determines that such proceedings, or the facts on which such proceedings would be based, have a material likelihood of imposing material adverse consequences on the Portfolio to be terminated; or
(d)           at the option of Insurer upon institution of formal proceedings against the Fund, Adviser, or Distributor by the NASD, the SEC, or any state insurance regulator or any other regulatory body regarding the Fund’s, Adviser’s or Distributor’s obligations under this Agreement or related to the operation or management of the Fund or the purchase of Fund shares, if, in each case, Insurer reasonably determines that such proceedings, or the facts on which such proceedings would be based, have a material likelihood of imposing material adverse consequences on Insurer, Contracts Distributor or the Division corresponding to the Portfolio to be terminated; or
(e)           at the option of any Party in the event that (i) the Portfolio’s shares are not registered and, in all material respects, issued and sold in accordance with any applicable state and federal law or (ii) such law precludes the use of such shares as an underlying investment medium of the Contracts issued or to be issued by Insurer; or
(f)           upon termination of the corresponding Division’s investment in the Portfolio pursuant to Section 5 hereof; or
(g)           at the option of Insurer if the Portfolio ceases to qualify as a RIC under Subchapter M of the Code or under successor or similar provisions; or
(h)           at the option of Insurer if the Portfolio fails to comply with Section 817(h) of the Code or with successor or similar provisions; or
(i)           at the option of Insurer if Insurer reasonably believes that any change in a Fund’s investment adviser or investment practices will materially increase the risks incurred by Insurer.
6.2           Funds to Remain Available.
Except (i) as necessary to implement Participant-initiated transactions, (ii) as required by state insurance laws or regulations, (iii) as required pursuant to Section 5 of this Agreement, or (iv) with respect to any Portfolio as to which this Agreement has terminated, Insurer shall not (x) redeem Fund shares attributable to the Contracts, or (y) prevent Participants from allocating payments to or transferring amounts from a Portfolio that was otherwise available under the Contracts, until, in either case, 90 calendar days after Insurer shall have notified the Fund or Distributor of its intention to do so.
6.3           Survival of Warranties and Indemnifications.
All warranties and indemnifications will survive the termination of this Agreement.
6.4           Continuance of Agreement for Certain Purposes.
Notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement, the Distributor shall continue to make available shares of the Portfolios pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, for all Contracts in effect on the effective date of termination of this Agreement (the “Existing Contracts”), except as otherwise provided under Section 5 of this Agreement.  Specifically, and without limitation, the Distributor shall facilitate the sale and purchase of shares of the Portfolios as necessary in order to process premium payments, surrenders and other withdrawals, and transfers or reallocations of values under Existing Contracts.

Section 7.  Parties to Cooperate Respecting Termination
The other Parties hereto agree to cooperate with and give reasonable assistance to Insurer in taking all necessary and appropriate steps for the purpose of ensuring that the Separate Account owns no shares of a Portfolio after the Final Termination Date with respect thereto.

Section 8. Assignment
This Agreement may not be  assigned  by  any  Party,  except  with  the  written  consent  of  each other Party.

Section 9.  Notices
Notices and communications required or permitted by Section 2 hereof will be given by means mutually acceptable to the Parties concerned.  Each other notice or communication required or permitted by this Agreement will be given to the following persons at the following addresses and facsimile numbers, or such other persons, addresses or facsimile numbers as the Party receiving such notices or communications may subsequently direct in writing:
Nationwide Life Insurance Company
One Nationwide Plaza, 01-09-V3
Columbus, OH 43215
Attn:  Securities Officer

Nationwide Investment Services Corporation
Two Nationwide Plaza, 02-14-02
Columbus, OH 43215
Attn:  Director, Broker-Dealer Compliance

AllianceBernstein Investment Research and Management, Inc.
1345 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10105
Attn.: Edmund P. Bergan
FAX: (212) 969-2290

Alliance Capital Management L.P.
1345 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10105
Attn: Edmund P. Bergan
FAX: (212) 969-2290

Section 10.  Voting Procedures
Subject to the cost allocation procedures set forth in Section 3 hereof, Insurer will distribute all proxy material furnished by the Fund to Participants and will vote Fund shares in accordance with instructions received from Participants.  Insurer will vote Fund shares that are (a) not attributable to Participants or (b) attributable to Participants, but for which no instructions have been received, in the same proportion as Fund shares for which said instructions have been received from Participants.  Insurer agrees that it will disregard Participant voting instructions only to the extent it would be permitted to do so pursuant to Rule 6e-3 (T)(b)(15)(iii) under the 1940 Act if the Contracts were variable life insurance policies subject to that rule.  Other participating life insurance companies utilizing the Fund will be responsible for calculating voting privileges in a manner consistent with that of Insurer, as prescribed by this Section 10.
Section 11. Foreign Tax Credits
The Adviser agrees to consult in advance with Insurer concerning any decision to elect or not to elect pursuant to Section 853 of the Code to pass through the benefit of any foreign tax credits to the Fund’s shareholders.
Section 12.  Indemnification
12.1           Of Fund, Distributor and Adviser by Insurer.
(a)           Except to the extent provided in Sections 12.1(b) and 12.1(c), below, Insurer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Fund, Distributor and Adviser, each of their directors and officers, and each person, if any, who controls the Fund, Distributor or Adviser within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties” for purposes of this Section 12. 1) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of Insurer) or actions in respect thereof (including, to the extent reasonable, legal and other expenses), to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject under any statute, regulation, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or actions are related to the sale, acquisition, or holding of the Fund’s shares and:
arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the Separate Account’s 1933 Act registration statement or other offering document, the Separate Account Prospectus, the Contracts or, to the extent prepared by Insurer or Contracts Distributor, sales literature or advertising for the Contracts (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading; provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to Insurer or Contracts Distributor by or on behalf of the Fund, Distributor or Adviser for use in the Separate Account’s 1933 Act registration statement or other offering document, the Separate Account Prospectus, the Contracts, or sales literature or advertising (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing); or
arise out of or as a result of any other statements or representations (other than statements or representations contained in the Fund’s 1933 Act registration statement, Fund Prospectus, sales literature or advertising of the Fund, or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing, not supplied for use therein by or on behalf of Insurer or Contracts Distributor) or the negligent, illegal or fraudulent conduct of Insurer or Contracts Distributor or persons under their control (including, without limitation, their employees and “Associated Persons,” as that term is defined in paragraph (m) of Article I of the NASD’s By-Laws), in connection with the sale or distribution of the Contracts or Fund shares; or
arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the Fund’s 1933 Act registration statement, Fund Prospectus, sales literature or advertising of the Fund, or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing, or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading if such a statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to the Fund, Adviser or Distributor by or on behalf of Insurer or Contracts Distributor for use in the Fund’s 1933 Act registration statement, Fund Prospectus, sales literature or advertising of the Fund, or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing; or
arise as a result of any failure by Insurer or Contracts Distributor to perform the obligations, provide the services and furnish the materials required of them under the terms of this Agreement.
(b)           Insurer shall not be liable under this Section 12.1 with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or actions to which an Indemnified Party would otherwise be subject by reason of willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance by that Indemnified Party of its duties or by reason of that Indemnified Party’s reckless disregard of obligations or duties under this Agreement or to Distributor or to the Fund.
(c)           Insurer shall not be liable under this Section 12.1 with respect to any action against an Indemnified Party unless the Fund, Distributor or Adviser shall have notified Insurer in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the action shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent), but failure to notify Insurer of any such action shall not relieve Insurer from any liability which it may have to the Indemnified Party against whom such action is brought otherwise than on account of this Section 12. 1. In case any such action is brought against an Indemnified Party, Insurer shall be entitled to participate, at its own expense, in the defense of such action.  Insurer also shall be entitled to assume the defense thereof, (which shall include, without limitation, the conduct of any ruling request and closing agreement or other settlement proceeding with the Internal Revenue Service) with counsel approved by the Indemnified Party named in the action, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.  After notice from Insurer to such Indemnified Party of Insurer’s election to assume the defense thereof, the Indemnified Party will cooperate fully with Insurer and shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and Insurer will not be liable to such Indemnified Party under this Agreement for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such Indemnified Party independently in connection with the defense thereof, other than reasonable costs of investigation.
12.2           Indemnification of Insurer and Contracts Distributor by Adviser.
(a)           Except to the extent provided in Sections 12.2(d) and 12.2(e), below, Adviser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Insurer and Contracts Distributor, each of their directors and officers, and each person, if any, who controls Insurer or Contracts Distributor within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties” for purposes of this Section 12.2) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of Adviser) or actions in respect thereof (including, to the extent reasonable, legal and other expenses) to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject under any statute, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or actions are related to the sale, acquisition, or holding of the Fund’s shares and:
arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the Fund’s 1933 Act registration statement, Fund Prospectus, sales literature or advertising of the Fund or, to the extent not prepared by Insurer or Contracts Distributor, sales literature or advertising for the Contracts (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading; provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to Distributor, Adviser or the Fund by or on behalf of Insurer or Contracts Distributor for use in the Fund’s 1933 Act registration statement, Fund Prospectus, or in sales literature or advertising (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing); or
arise out of or as a result of any other statements or representations (other than statements or representations contained in the Separate Account’s 1933 Act registration statement or other offering document, Separate Account Prospectus, sales literature or advertising for the Contracts, or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing, not supplied for use therein by or on behalf of Distributor, Adviser, or the Fund) or the negligent, illegal or fraudulent conduct of the Fund, Distributor, Adviser or persons under their control (including, without limitation, their employees and Associated Persons), in connection with the sale or distribution of the Contracts or Fund shares; or
arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the Separate Account’s 1933 Act registration statement or other offering document, Separate Account Prospectus, sales literature or advertising covering the Contracts, or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing, or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, if such statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to Insurer or Contracts Distributor by or on behalf of the Fund, Distributor or Adviser for use in the Separate Account’s 1933 Act registration statement, Separate Account Prospectus, sales literature or advertising covering the Contracts, or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing; or
arise as a result of any failure by the Fund, Adviser or Distributor to perform the obligations, provide the services and furnish the materials required of them under the terms of this Agreement;
(b)           Except to the extent provided in Sections 12.2(d) and 12.2(e) hereof, Adviser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement thereof with, except as set forth in Section 12.2(c) below, the written consent of Adviser) or actions in respect thereof (including, to the extent reasonable, legal and other expenses) to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject directly or indirectly under any statute, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or actions directly or indirectly result from or arise out of the failure of any Portfolio to operate as a regulated investment company in compliance with (i) Subchapter M of the Code and regulations thereunder and (ii) Section 817(h) of the Code and regulations thereunder (except to the extent that such failure is caused by Insurer), including, without limitation, any income taxes and related penalties, rescission charges, liability under state law to Contract owners or Participants asserting liability against Insurer or Contracts Distributor pursuant to the Contracts, the costs of any ruling and closing agreement or other settlement with the Internal Revenue Service, and the cost of any substitution by Insurer of shares of another investment company or portfolio for those of any adversely affected Portfolio as a funding medium for the Separate Account that Insurer deems necessary or appropriate as a result of the noncompliance.
(c)           The written consent of Adviser referred to in Section 12.2(b) above shall not be required with respect to amounts paid in connection with any ruling and closing agreement or other settlement with the Internal Revenue Service.
(d)           Adviser shall not be liable under this Section 12.2 with respect to any losses, claims; damages, liabilities or actions to which an Indemnified Party would otherwise be subject by reason of willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance by that Indemnified Party of its duties or by reason of such Indemnified Party’s reckless disregard of its obligations and duties under this Agreement or to Insurer, Contracts Distributor or the Separate Account.
(e)           Adviser shall not be liable under this Section 12.2 with respect to any action against an Indemnified Party unless Insurer or Contracts Distributor shall have notified Adviser in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the action shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent), but failure to notify Adviser of any such action shall not relieve Adviser from any liability which it may have to the Indemnified Party against whom such action is brought otherwise than on account of this Section 12.2. In case any such action is brought against an Indemnified Party, Adviser will be entitled to participate, at its own expense, in the defense of such action.  Adviser also shall be entitled to assume the defense thereof (which shall include, without limitation, the conduct of any ruling request and closing agreement or other settlement proceeding with the Internal Revenue Service), with counsel approved by the Indemnified Party named in the action, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.  After notice from Adviser to such Indemnified Party of Adviser’s election to assume the defense thereof, the Indemnified Party will cooperate fully with Adviser and shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and Adviser will not be liable to such Indemnified Party under this Agreement for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such Indemnified Party independently in connection with the defense thereof, other than reasonable costs of investigation.
12.3           Effect of Notice.
Any notice given by the indemnifying Party to an Indemnified Party referred to in Section 12.1(c) or 12.2(e) above of participation in or control of any action by the indemnifying Party will in no event be deemed to be an admission by the indemnifying Party of liability, culpability or responsibility, and the indemnifying Party will remain free to contest liability with respect to the claim among the Parties or otherwise.
Section 13.  Applicable Law
This Agreement will be construed and the provisions hereof interpreted under and in accordance with New York law, without regard for that state’s principles of conflict of laws.
Section 14.  Execution in Counterparts
This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in two or more counterparts, each of which taken together will constitute one and the same instrument.
Section 15.  Severability
If any provision of this Agreement is held or made invalid by a court decision, statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of this Agreement will not be affected thereby.
Section 16.  Rights Cumulative
The rights, remedies and obligations contained in this Agreement are cumulative and are in addition to any and all rights, remedies and obligations, at law or in equity, that the Parties are entitled to under federal and state laws.
Section 17.  Restrictions on Sales of Fund Shares
Insurer agrees that the Fund will be permitted (subject to the other terms of this
Agreement) to make its shares available to separate accounts of other life insurance companies.
Section 18.  Headings
The Table of Contents and headings used in this Agreement are for purposes of reference only and shall not limit or define the meaning of the provisions of this Agreement.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed in their names and on their behalf by and through their duly authorized officers signing below.
 Name: William G. Goslee
 Title:   Vice President
 Name: William G. Goslee
 Title:   Senior Vi[c]e President
By:  Alliance Capital Management Corporation,
       its General Partner
 Name: Edmund P. Bergan, Jr.
 Title:   Vice President

 Name:  Richard A. Winge
 Title:    Senior Vice President and Managing               Director



Exhibit A
Specific Contracts

33 Act Num
The Soloist
Nationwide Variable Account
Nationwide Life
MFS Annuity
MFS Variable Account
Nationwide Life
Nationwide Variable Account - II
Nationwide Life
NEA Valuebuilder
Multi-Flex Variable Account
Nationwide Life
American Capital SPVL
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct
Nationwide Life
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct - 2
Nationwide Life
American Capital AO
Nationwide Variable Account - 3
Nationwide Life
Multi-Flex Annuity
Multi-Flex Variable Account
Nationwide Life
American Capital NY
Nationwide Variable Account - 3
Nationwide Life
Smith Barney AO
Nationwide Variable Account - 4
Nationwide Life
Smith Barney NY
Nationwide Variable Account - 4
Nationwide Life
Nationwide DCVA II
Nationwide Life
Evergreen Ultra Advantage Plus
Nationwide Variable Account - 6
Nationwide Life
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct - 2
Nationwide Life
BOA Future
Nationwide Variable Account - 9
Nationwide Life
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct - 4
Nationwide Life
COLI Future
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct - 4
Nationwide Life
Waddell & Reed Next Gen
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct - 5
Nationwide Life
Waddell & Reed Last Survivor
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct - 5
Nationwide Life
BOA Exclusive II
Nationwide Variable Account - 9
Nationwide Life
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct - 4
Nationwide Life
BOA Last Survivor 2
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct - 4
Nationwide Life
BOA Choice
Nationwide Variable Account - 9
Nationwide Life
BOA Advantage FPVUL
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct - 4
Nationwide Life
Nationwide Variable Account - 9
Nationwide Life
American Capital Multiple Pay
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct
Nationwide Life
BOA Multiple Pay
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct - 2
Nationwide Life
MarketFlex Annuity
Nationwide Variable Account - 4
Nationwide Life
Waddell & Reed Advantage
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct - 5
Nationwide Life
Elite Pro LTD.
Nationwide Variable Account - 9
Nationwide Life
Future Protection
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct - 4
Nationwide Life
Federated Class A
Nationwide Variable Account - 11
Nationwide Life
Federated Class B
Nationwide Variable Account - 11
Nationwide Life
Elite Pro Classic
Nationwide Variable Account - 9
Nationwide Life
Nationwide Variable Account - 9
Nationwide Life
Nationwide Variable Account
Nationwide Life
Nationwide Variable Account - 10
Nationwide Life
BOA Last Survivor 3
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct - 4
Nationwide Life
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct - 2
Nationwide Life
American Capital FPVUL
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct
Nationwide Life
Multi-Flex FPVUL
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct - 3
Nationwide Life
Multi-Flex SPVL
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct - 3
Nationwide Life
Nationwide Multiple Maturity VA
Nationwide Life
Nationwide Variable Account - II
Nationwide Life
Nationwide Public Funds/ IRA
Nationwide Variable Account
Nationwide Life
Vision Plus
Nationwide Variable Account - 8
Nationwide Life
Vision N.Y.
Nationwide Variable Account - 8
Nationwide Life
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct - 2
Nationwide Life
BOA Last Survivor
Nationwide VLI Sep Acct - 2
Nationwide Life
Nationwide Variable Account - II
Nationwide Life
Nationwide Variable Account - 5
Nationwide Life
Fidelity Select
Nationwide Variable Account - 7
Nationwide Life
Fidelity Classic
Nationwide Variable Account - 7
Nationwide Life
Evergreen Ultra Advantage
Nationwide Variable Account - 6
Nationwide Life
All American Annuity
Nationwide Variable Account - 7
Nationwide Life
Advisor Variable Annuity
Nationwide Variable Account - 13
Nationwide Life

00250.0073 #427606

EX-99.H PARTIC AGREE 11 americanfundsfpa.htm AMERICAN FUNDS FPA americanfundsfpa.htm


THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as of this _[20]_day of July, 2005 among Nationwide Life Insurance Company and Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company ("Nationwide"), a life insurance company organized under the laws of the State of Ohio (on behalf of itself and certain of its separate accounts); AMERICAN FUNDS INSURANCE SERIES (“Series”), an open-end management investment company organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and CAPITAL RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT COMPANY (“CRMC”), a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware.


WHEREAS, Nationwide proposes to issue, now and in the future, certain multi-manager variable annuity contracts and/or variable life policies (the “Contracts”) that provide certain funds (“Funds”) of the Series as investment options in the Contracts;

WHEREAS, Nationwide has established pursuant to Ohio insurance law one or more separate accounts (each, an “Account”) for purposes of issuing the Contracts and has or will register each Account (unless the Account is exempt from such registration) with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) as a unit investment trust under the Securities Act of 1933 (the “1933 Act”) and the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “1940 Act”);

WHEREAS, the Contracts, which are or will be registered by Nationwide (unless exempt from such registration) with the Commission for offer and sale, will be in compliance with all applicable laws prior to being offered for sale;

WHEREAS, the Series has received a “Mixed and Shared Funding Order” from the Commission granting relief from certain provisions of the 1940 Act and the rules thereunder to the extent necessary to permit shares of the Series to be sold to variable annuity and life insurance separate accounts of unaffiliated insurance companies;

WHEREAS, the Series is divided into various Funds, each Fund being subject to certain fundamental investment policies which may not be changed without a majority vote of the shareholders of such Fund;

WHEREAS, certain Funds listed in Attachment A to this Agreement will serve as certain of the underlying investment mediums for the Contracts; and

WHEREAS, CRMC is the investment adviser for the Series.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein and for other good and valuable consideration, Nationwide, the Series and CRMC hereby agree as follows:

1.           The Series and CRMC each represents and warrants to Nationwide that:  (a) a registration statement under the 1933 Act and under the 1940 Act with respect to the Series has been filed with the Commission in the form previously delivered to Nationwide, and copies of any and all amendments thereto will be forwarded to Nationwide at the time that they are filed with the Commission; (b) the Series is, and shall be at all times while this Agreement is in force, lawfully organized, validly existing, and properly qualified as an open-end management investment company in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; and (c) the Series’ registration statement and any further amendments thereto will, when they become effective, and all definitive prospectuses and statements of additional information and any further supplements thereto (the “Prospectus”) shall, conform in all material respects to the requirements of the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act and the rules and regulations of the Commission thereunder, and will not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statement therein not misleading; provided, however, that this representation and warranty shall not apply to any statements or omissions made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished in writing to the Series by Nationwide expressly for use therein.

2.           The Series will furnish to Nationwide such information with respect to the Series in such form and signed by such of its officers as Nationwide may reasonably request, and will warrant that the statements therein contained when so signed will be true and correct.  The Series will advise Nationwide immediately of:  (a) the issuance by the Commission of any stop order suspending the effectiveness of the registration statement of the Series or the initiation of any proceeding for that purpose; (b) the institution of any proceeding, investigation or hearing involving the offer or sale of the Contracts or the Series of which it becomes aware; or (c) the happening of any material event, if known, which makes untrue any statement made in the registration statement of the Series or which requires the making of a change therein in order to make any statement made therein not misleading.

3.           The Series will use best efforts to register for sale under the 1933 Act and, if required, under state securities laws, such additional shares of the Series as may reasonably be necessary for use as the funding vehicle for the Contracts.

4.           The Series agrees to make Class 2 shares of the Funds listed on Attachment A hereto available to the Contracts.  Nationwide's affiliated broker dealer, Nationwide Investment Services Corporation ("NISC") will be entitled to a Rule 12b-1 service fee paid by the Series and to be accrued daily and paid monthly at an annual rate of [XX.X%] of the average daily net assets of the Class 2 shares of each Fund attributable to the Contracts for personal services and account maintenance services for Contract owners with investments in subaccounts corresponding to the Class 2 shares of each Fund (each, a “Subaccount”) for as long as the Series’ Plan of Distribution pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act (the “12b-1 plan”) remains in effect.  Fund shares to be made available to Accounts for the Contracts shall be sold by the Series and purchased by Nationwide for a given Account at the net asset value of the respective class of the respective Fund (without the imposition of a sales load) next computed after receipt of each order by the Series or its designee, as established in accordance with the provisions of the then current Prospectus of the Series.

(a) Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Nationwide shall be appointed to, and agrees to act, as a limited agent of the Series for the sole purpose of receiving instructions from the Accounts for the purchase and redemption of Fund shares prior to 4:00 P.M. Eastern Time (“Close of Trading”) on each Business Day.  A "Business Day” shall mean any day on which the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading and on which the Fund calculates its net asset value as set forth in the Fund’s most recent prospectus and Statement of Additional Information.  Except as particularly stated in this Section 4, Nationwide shall have no authority to act on behalf of the Series or to incur any cost or liability on its behalf.

(b) The Series will use its best efforts to provide to Nationwide or its designated agent closing net asset value, change in net asset value, dividend or daily accrual rate information and capital gain information by 6:30 P.M. Eastern Time each Business Day.  Nationwide or its agent shall use this data to calculate unit values.  Unit values shall be used to process the same Business Day’s transactions in the Funds.

(c) Except as provided for in paragraph (d) of this Section, the Series and Nationwide shall transmit information via the National Securities Clearing Corporation  ("NSCC") Defined Contribution Clearing and Settlement ("DCC&S") Fund/SERV system in accordance with the following:

(i)           Orders derived from, and in amounts equal to, instructions received by Nationwide prior to the Close of Trading on the New York Stock Exchange on any Business Day ("Day 1") shall be transmitted without modification (except for netting or aggregating such orders) via the NSCC’s DCC&S Fund/SERV system to the Series no later than 5:00 A.M. Eastern Time on the next Business Day.  Such trades will be effected at the net asset value of each Fund's shares calculated as of the Close of Trading on Day 1.  To the extent Nationwide fails to adhere to the time limits described in this paragraph, the Series may, in its discretion, process orders at the net asset values determined as of the Close of Trading on the next Business Day.  Nationwide represents that instructions received after the Close of Trading on Day 1 will be transmitted to the Series on the next Business Day using the next Business Day’s net asset value.

(ii)           With respect to purchase and redemption orders received by the Series through the NSCC’s DCC&S Fund/SERV system on any Business Day for any Fund within the time limits set forth in this Agreement, settlement shall occur consistent with the requirements of the NSCC’s DCC&S Fund/SERV system.

(iii)  The Series or its designated agent shall send to Nationwide, via the NSCC’s DCC&S Fund/SERV system, verification of net purchase or redemption orders or notification of the rejection of such orders ("Confirmations ") on each Business Day for which Nationwide has transmitted such orders.  The total number of shares of each Fund held by Nationwide following such net purchase or redemption shall: (1) be included on such confirmations, or (2) be made available to Nationwide through an online facility with look-up capability (e.g., through an Internet website or DST’s Vision product).  The Series or its designated agent, shall submit in a timely manner, such confirmations to the DCC&S Fund/SERV system in order for Nationwide to receive such confirmations no later than 11:00 A.M. Eastern Time the next Business Day. The Series or its designated agent will transmit to Nationwide via DCC&S NETWORKING system those networking activity files reflecting account activity.

(d) If Nationwide is unable to transmit orders via the NSCC’s DCC&S Fund/SERV system due to system malfunctions:

(i)  Orders derived from, and in amounts equal to, instructions received by Nationwide prior to the Close of Trading on Day 1 shall be transmitted without modification (except for netting or aggregating such orders) via facsimile to the Series no later than 8:30 A.M. Eastern Time on the next Business Day.  Such trades will be effected at the net asset value of each Fund's shares calculated as of the Close of Trading on Day 1.  To the extent Nationwide fails to adhere to the time limits described in this paragraph, the Series may, in its discretion, process orders at the net asset values determined as of the Close of Trading on the next Business Day.  Nationwide represents that instructions received after the Close of Trading on Day 1 will be transmitted to the Series on the next Business Day using the next Business Day’s net asset value.

(ii)  With respect to purchase orders that are transmitted via facsimile, Nationwide shall initiate payment to the Series or its designated agent in federal funds no later than 1:00 P.M. Eastern Time on the Business Day following the day on which the instructions are treated as having been received by the Series pursuant to this Agreement.

(iii)  With respect to redemption orders that are transmitted via facsimile, the Series or its designated agent shall initiate payment in federal funds no later than 1:00 P.M. Eastern Time on the Business Day following the day on which the instructions are treated as having been received by the Series pursuant to this Agreement.

(e) The Series will not accept any order made on a conditional basis or subject to any delay or contingency.

(f)           (i) Each party shall notify the other of any errors, omissions or interruptions in, or delay or unavailability as promptly as possible.

(ii) With respect to errors in the net asset value as communicated to Nationwide, the correction will be handled in a manner consistent with SEC guidelines and the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

(iii) Processing errors which result from any delay or error caused by Nationwide may be adjusted through the NSCC’s DCC&S Fund/SERV system by Nationwide by the necessary transactions on an as-of basis and the cost to the Series of such transactions shall be borne by Nationwide; provided however, prior authorization must be obtained from the Series if the transaction is back dated more than five days or to a previous calendar year.

(iv) Processing errors which result from any delay or error caused by the Series may be adjusted through the NSCC’s DCC&S Fund/SERV system by the Series by the necessary transactions on an as-of basis and the Series shall bear the cost of such transactions.

(g) The Series reserves the right to temporarily suspend sales if the Board of Trustees of the Series, acting in good faith and in light of its fiduciary duties under federal and any applicable state laws, deems it appropriate and in the best interests of shareholders or in response to the order of an appropriate regulatory authority. 

(h) Nationwide has policies and procedures in place to detect and discourage short-term or disruptive trading practices, which may include (but is not limited to) monitoring Contract holder trading activity.  Nationwide reserves the right to refuse, to impose limitations on, or to limit any transaction request if the request would tend to disrupt Contract administration or is not in the best interest of the Contract holders or an Account or Subaccount.

5.           The Contracts funded through each Account will provide for the allocation of net amounts among certain Subaccounts for investment in shares of a class of the Funds as may be offered from time to time in the Contracts.  The selection of the particular Subaccount is to be made by the Contract owner and such selection may be changed in accordance with the terms of the Contracts.

6.           Transfer of the Series’ shares will be by book entry only.  No stock certificates will be issued to the Account.  Shares ordered from a particular Fund will be recorded by the Series as instructed by Nationwide in an appropriate title for the corresponding Account or Subaccount.

7.           The Series shall furnish notice promptly to Nationwide of any dividend or distribution payable on any shares underlying Subaccounts.  Nationwide hereby elects to receive all such dividends and distributions as are payable on shares of a Fund recorded in the title for the corresponding Subaccount in additional shares of that Fund.  The Series shall notify Nationwide of the number of shares so issued.  Nationwide reserves the right to revoke this election and to receive all such income dividends and capital gain distributions in cash.

8.           The Series shall redeem its shares in accordance with the terms of its then current Prospectus.  For purposes of this Paragraph 8, Nationwide shall be a designee of the Series for receipt of requests for redemption from each Account, and receipt by such designee by 4:00 p.m. Eastern time (or other such time the Board of Trustees of the Series shall so designate) shall constitute receipt by the Series; provided that the Series receives notice of such request for redemption by 9:30 a.m. Eastern time on the Next Business Day.  Nationwide shall purchase and redeem the shares of Funds offered by the then current Prospectus of the Series in accordance with the provisions of such Prospectus.

9.           The Series shall pay all expenses incidental to its performance under this Agreement.  The Series shall see to it that all of its shares are registered and authorized for issue in accordance with applicable federal and state laws prior to their purchase for the Account.  The Series shall bear the expenses for the cost of registration of its shares, preparation of prospectuses and statements of additional information to be sent to existing Contract owners (upon request in the case of the statement of additional information), proxy statements and related materials and annual and semi-annual shareholder reports, the printing and distribution of such items to each Contract owner who has allocated net amounts to any Subaccount, the preparation of all statements and notices required from it by any federal or state law, and taxes on the issue or transfer of the Series’ shares subject to this Agreement.  The Series will provide Nationwide, at least once a year, with enough copies of its Statement of Additional Information to be able to distribute one to each Contract owner or prospective Contract owner who requests such Statement of Additional Information.

With respect to any prospectus and annual and semi-annual reports (the “Reports”) of the Series that are printed in combination with any one or more such Reports of other investment options for the Contracts (the “Booklet”), the Series shall bear the costs of printing and mailing the Booklet to existing Contract owners based on the ratio of the number of pages of the Series’ Reports included in the Booklet to the number of pages in the Booklet as a whole.

10.           Nationwide shall bear the expenses for the cost of preparation and delivery of Series prospectuses (and supplements thereto) to be sent to prospective Contract owners.  The Series shall provide, at its expense, such documentation (in camera-ready or other mutually agreeable form) and other assistance as is reasonably necessary in order for Nationwide once each year (or more frequently if the prospectus for the Series is amended), and twice each year in the case of the annual and semi-annual shareholder reports, to have the prospectus or prospectuses, and the annual and semi-annual shareholder reports for the Contracts and the Series, printed together in one or more documents (such printing to be done at Nationwide’s expense with respect to prospective investors).

11.           Nationwide represents and warrants to the Series that any information furnished in writing by Nationwide to the Series for use in the registration statement of the Series will not result in the registration statement’s failing to conform in all respects to the requirements of the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act and the rules and regulations thereunder or containing any untrue statement of a material fact or omission to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading.

12.           Nationwide and its affiliates shall make no representations concerning the Series’ shares except those contained in the then current Prospectus of the Series, in such printed information subsequently issued on behalf of the Series or other funds managed by CRMC as supplemental to the Series’ Prospectus, in information published on the Series’ or CRMC’s internet site, or in materials approved by AFD, as provided in the Business Agreement in effect among Nationwide, NISC, AFD and CRMC dated as of July ___, 2005 (the “Business Agreement”).

13.           Shares of the Series may be offered to separate accounts of various insurance companies in addition to Nationwide.  The Series represents, warrants and covenants that no shares of the Series shall be sold to the general public in contravention of Section 817 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the regulations thereunder (the “Code”).  The Series agrees that each Fund will comply with the diversification requirements of Section 817.  The Series also agrees to maintain each Fund’s qualification as a “regulated investment company” (“RIC”) under the Code.  The Series will provide Nationwide with securities holdings reports for each Fund within ten days after each calendar quarter.

14.           The parties to this Agreement recognize that due to differences in tax treatment or other considerations, the interests of various Contract owners participating in one or more Funds might, at some time, be in conflict.  Each party shall report to the other party any potential or existing conflict of which it becomes aware.  The Board of Trustees of the Series shall promptly notify Nationwide of the existence of irreconcilable material conflict and its implications.  If such a conflict exists, Nationwide will, at its own expense, take whatever action it deems necessary to remedy such conflict; in any case, Contract owners will not be required to bear such expenses.

The Series hereby notifies Nationwide that it may be appropriate to include in the Prospectus pursuant to which a Contract is offered disclosure regarding the risks of mixed and shared funding.

15.           Nationwide agrees to indemnify and hold the Series harmless against, any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation (including legal and other expenses) to which the Series may be subject under any statute, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) or settlements arising as a result of Nationwide’s:  (a) making untrue statements of material facts or omitting material facts in a Contract’s registration statement, prospectus, statement of additional information, semi-annual or annual reports to Contract owners and sales literature for the Contracts; (b) making untrue statements of material facts that the Series includes in the same materials of the Series, provided that Series relies on information supplied by Nationwide; (c) unlawful conduct, bad faith, willful malfeasance, or gross negligence by Nationwide with respect to the sale of the Contracts or Fund shares; and (d) breaching this Agreement or a representation or warranty.

16.           The Series and CRMC each agrees to indemnify and hold Nationwide harmless against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation (including legal and other expenses) to which Nationwide may be subject under any statute, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) or settlements arising as a result of the Series’, or CRMC’s:  (a) making untrue statements of material facts or omitting material facts in the Series’ registration statement, prospectuses or statements of additional information, semi-annual and annual reports to shareholders, and sales literature; (b) making untrue statements of material facts that the Series includes in its materials, provided Nationwide relies on information supplied by the Series; (c) unlawful conduct, bad faith, willful malfeasance, or gross negligence by the Series with respect to the sale of the Contracts or Fund shares or the operation of the Series or a Fund;  (d) failure of the Series to comply with any Fund’s investment objectives, policies and restrictions; and (e) breaching this Agreement or a representation or warranty, including, but not limited to, the representations, warranties and covenants in Section 13.

17.           Nationwide shall be responsible for assuring that the Account calculates pass-through voting privileges of Contract owners in a manner consistent with the method of calculating pass-through voting privileges set forth in the current Contract.

18.           The parties understand that there is no intention to create a joint venture in the subject matter of this Agreement.  Accordingly, the right to terminate this Agreement and to engage in any activity not inconsistent with this Agreement is absolute.  This Agreement will terminate:

by mutual agreement at any time; or

any party at any time upon sixty days’ written notice to the other parties; or

at the option of Nationwide, CRMC or the Series upon ten calendar days’ prior written notice to the other party if a final non-appealable administrative or judicial decision is entered against the other party which has a material impact on the Contracts;

at the option of Nationwide, upon ten calendar days’ prior written notice, if shares of the Series are not reasonably available;

at the option of Nationwide, immediately upon written notice, if the Series or CRMC fails to meet the requirements for either diversification under Section 817 or RIC status under the Code, or if the Board of the Series terminates the 12b-1 plan; or

in the event the Series’ shares are not registered, issued or sold in accordance with applicable state and/or federal law or such law precludes the use of such shares as an underlying investment for the Contracts issued or to be issued by Nationwide; in such event prompt notice shall be given by Nationwide or the Series to the other party.

at Nationwide’s option by written notice to AFD and/or CRMC if Nationwide shall determine in its sole judgment exercised in good faith, that either AFD or CRMC has suffered a material adverse change in its business, operations, financial condition or prospects since the date of this Agreement or is the subject of material adverse publicity.

at the option of AFD or CRMC by written notice to Nationwide if AFD or CRMC shall determine in its sole judgment exercised in good faith, that Nationwide has suffered a material adverse change in its business, operations, financial condition or prospects since the date of this Agreement or is the subject of material adverse publicity.

The effective date for termination pursuant to any notice given under this Paragraph shall be calculated beginning with the date of receipt of such notice.

19.           All notices, consents, waivers, and other communications under this Agreement must be in writing, and will be deemed to have been duly received:  (a) when delivered by hand (with written confirmation of receipt); (b) when sent by telecopier (with written confirmation of receipt), provided that a copy is mailed by registered mail, return receipt requested; or (c) the day after it is sent by a nationally recognized overnight delivery service, in each case to the appropriate addresses and telecopier numbers set forth below (or to such other addresses and facsimile numbers as a party may designate by notice to the other parties):

If to Nationwide:
Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
One Nationwide Plaza, 1-09-V3
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention: AVP/Associate General Counsel
Facsimile No.: (614) 249-2112

with a copy to:
Nationwide Financial
One Nationwide Plaza, 1-12-04
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention: Product Officer
Facsimile No.: (614) 249- 7166

If to Series:
American Funds Insurance Series
333 S. Hope Street, 55th Floor
Los Angeles, California 90071
Attention:  Michael J. Downer, Senior Vice President
Facsimile No.: (213) 486-9041

with a copy to:
Capital Research and Management Company
333 S. Hope Street, 55th Floor
Los Angeles, California 90071
Attention:  Kenneth R. Gorvetzian, Vice President and Senior Counsel,
      Fund Business Management Group
Facsimile No.:  (213) 486-9041



If to CRMC:
Capital Research and Management Company
333 S. Hope Street, 55th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Attention:  Michael J. Downer, Senior Vice President and Legal Counsel,
      Fund Business Management Group, and Secretary
Facsimile No.:  (213) 486-9041

with a copy to:
Capital Research and Management Company
333 S. Hope Street, 55th Floor
Los Angeles, California 90071
Attention:  Kenneth R. Gorvetzian, Vice President and Senior Counsel,
      Fund Business Management Group
Facsimile No.:  (213) 486-9041

20.           If this Agreement terminates, any provision of this Agreement necessary to the orderly windup of business under it will remain in effect as to that business, after termination.

21.           If this Agreement terminates, the Series, at Nationwide’s option, will continue to make additional shares of the Series available for all existing Contracts as of the effective date of termination (under the same terms and conditions as were in effect prior to termination of this Agreement with respect to existing Contract owners), unless the Series liquidates or applicable laws prohibit further sales.  Nationwide agrees not to redeem shares unless:  (i) the Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 18(e) or 18(f); (ii) legitimately required to do so according to a Contract owner’s request; or (iii) under an order from the Commission or pursuant to a vote of Contract owners.

22.           The obligations of the Series under this Agreement are not binding upon any of the Trustees, officers, employees or shareholders (except CRMC if it is a shareholder) of the Series individually, but bind only the Series’ assets.  When seeking satisfaction for any liability of the Series in respect of this Agreement, Nationwide and the Account agree not to seek recourse against said Trustees, officers, employees or shareholders, or any of them, or any of their personal assets for such satisfaction.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Nationwide seeks satisfaction for any liability of the Series in respect of this Agreement, Nationwide (on behalf of itself or any Account) may seek recourse against CRMC.

23.           This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

24.           This Agreement and the parties’ rights, duties and obligations under this Agreement are not transferable or assignable by any of them without the express, prior written consent of the other parties hereto.  Any attempt by a party to transfer or assign this Agreement or any of its rights, duties or obligations under this Agreement without such consent is void; provided, however, that a merger of, reinsurance arrangement by, or change of control of a party shall not be deemed to be an assignment for purposes of this Agreement.

25.           The following Paragraphs shall survive any termination of this Agreement:  4, 15, 16, 19-25.

26.           The parties agree to provide reasonable advance notice to their election to remove a fund.  The Series and CRMC acknowledge that Nationwide may, if necessary, need to seek the approval of the Commission under Section 26(c) of the 1940 Act for any fund substitution.

27.           This Agreement supersedes and replaces the following agreements:

Series Participation Agreement among Nationwide Life Insurance Company, American Life/Annuity Series and Capital Research and Management Company dated May 1, 1987; and

Series Participation Agreement among Nationwide Life Insurance Company, American Variable Insurance Series and Capital Research and Management Company dated October 20, 1989.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed and attested as of the date first above written.

Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
(on behalf of itself and each Account)

By:  _______________________________
___________________________                                                                                     Its:   [Vice President]


By:  _______________________________
___________________________                                                                                     Its:  Secretary


By:  _______________________________
___________________________                                                                                     Its:   Vice President and Secretary



Attachment A

American Funds Insurance Series:

Global Discovery Fund
Global Growth Fund
Global Small Capitalization Fund
Growth Fund
International Fund
New World Fund
Blue Chip Income and Growth Fund
Growth-Income Fund
Asset Allocation Fund
Bond Fund
High-Income Bond Fund
U.S. Government/AAA-Rated Securities Fund
Cash Management Fund

EX-99.H PARTIC AGREE 12 blackrockfpa.htm BLACKROCK FPA blackrockfpa.htm

This Agreement dated as of the 13th day of April, 2004 is made by and among Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. on behalf of its subsidiary life insurance companies listed on Exhibit A (collectively “Nationwide”) and the current and any future Nationwide separate accounts as applicable (“Variable Accounts”) and Merrill Lynch Variable Series Funds, Inc. (the “Funds”) and FAM Distributors, Inc. (“Distributor”) (collectively “the Company”) which serves as advisor and distributor to the Funds, as listed on Exhibit B.


WHEREAS, Nationwide is engaged in developing and offering variable annuity and variable life insurance products (collectively “Variable Products”) through its Variable Accounts; and

WHEREAS, Nationwide also provides administrative and/or recordkeeping services for the Variable Products and in all other respects provides operational support in connection with the offering and maintenance of the Variable Products; and

WHEREAS, Nationwide and the Company mutually desire the inclusion of the Funds as investment options in the Variable Products; and

WHEREAS, the Variable Products allow for the allocation of net amounts received by Nationwide and the Variable Accounts to the Company for investment in shares of the Funds; and

WHEREAS, selection of investment options is made by contract owners of the Variable Products and such contract owners may reallocate their investments among the investment options in accordance with the terms of the Variable Products; and

NOW THEREFORE, Nationwide and the Company, in consideration of the undertaking described herein, agree that the Funds will be available as investment options in the Variable Products offered by Nationwide, subject to the following:



Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. represents that it is a holding company duly organized and in good standing under applicable state law.  Nationwide represents that its life insurance companies have been duly organized and are in good standing under applicable state law.

Nationwide represents that its life insurance company subsidiaries have validly established all separate accounts under applicable state law.  Each Variable Account is or will be registered as a unit investment trust in accordance with the provisions of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“1940 Act”), unless exempt from registration based on Section 3(c) 1 or 3(c) 7 of the 1940 Act, or any other applicable exemption.

Nationwide represents that it will amend the registration statements under the Securities Act of 1933 (the “1933 Act”) and the 1940 Act for the Variable Products from time to time as required to effect the continuous offering of the Variable Products, unless otherwise exempt.  Nationwide will also seek to have the Variable Products approved by state insurance authorities in jurisdictions where those annuity contract or life insurance policies will be offered.

Nationwide represents that the annuity contracts and/or life insurance policies are designed to be treated as annuity contracts and/or life insurance policies under the appropriate provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as Amended (the “Code”).  Nationwide shall make every effort to maintain such treatment, and will promptly notify the Company upon having a reasonable basis for believing that such annuity contracts or life insurance policies have ceased to be so treated or that they might not be so treated in the future.

Nationwide represents that the Variable Products are designed for long-term investors and Nationwide has policies and procedures in place to detect and discourage short-term trading or other abusive market timing practices, which include but are not limited to, monitoring contract owner activity, imposing trade restrictions and enforcing redemption fees imposed by funds, if applicable.

Nationwide represents that it will conduct its activities hereunder in material conformity with all applicable federal and state laws or regulations.


The Fund represents that it is duly organized and validly existing under applicable state law.  The Fund represents that its shares are duly authorized for issuance in accordance with applicable law, that the Fund is registered as an open-end management investment company under the 1940 Act, and the Fund will maintain its registration as an investment company under the 1940 Act.

The Fund shall take all such actions as are necessary to permit the sale of its shares to the Variable Accounts, including registering its shares sold to the Variable Accounts under the 1933 Act.  The Fund will amend the registration statement for its shares under the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act from time to time as required in order to effect the continuous offering of its shares.  The Fund will register and qualify its shares for sale in all states, where applicable, and will promptly notify Nationwide if any shares are not qualified in a particular state.

The Fund(s) represents that the risks to shareholders of the Fund(s) resulting from abusive trading in the Fund(s) and any policies and procedures adopted to deal with such risks, are clearly disclosed in the Fund(s) prospectus and Statement of Additional Information; and that such policies, as disclosed, will be uniformly and consistently enforced with respect to all shareholders unless otherwise disclosed in the Fund(s) prospectus.

The Fund represents that the Funds are currently qualified as regulated investment companies under Subchapter M of the Code, and that the Funds shall make every effort to maintain such qualification.  The Fund shall promptly notify Nationwide upon having a reasonable basis for believing that the Funds have ceased to so qualify, or that they may not qualify as such in the future.

The Fund represents that any insurance Funds utilized in the Variable Products currently comply with the diversification requirements pursuant to Section 817(h) of the Code and Section 1.817-5(b) of the Federal Tax Regulations, if required, and that such Funds will make every effort to maintain the Funds’ compliance with such diversification requirements, unless the Funds are otherwise exempt from Section 817(h) and/or except as otherwise disclosed in each Fund’s prospectus.  The Fund will notify Nationwide promptly upon having a reasonable basis for believing any Fund has ceased to comply.  The Fund shall make every effort to remedy any failure to comply with Section 817(h) within the time frame set forth by Section 817(h).

The Distributor represents that it is registered as a broker-dealer under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “1934 Act”) and will remain duly registered under all applicable federal and state securities laws, and is a member in good standing of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (“NASD”) and serves as principal underwriter/distributor of the Funds and that it will perform its obligations for the Fund in accordance with any applicable state and federal securities laws.

The Company represents that its investment advisor is duly registered as an investment advisor under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940, as amended, and will remain duly registered under all applicable federal and state securities laws and that it will perform its obligations for the Fund in accordance with any applicable state and federal securities laws.


Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Nationwide shall be appointed to, and agrees to act, as a limited agent of the Company for the sole purpose of receiving instructions from duly authorized parties for the purchase and redemption of Fund shares prior to the close of regular trading each Business Day.  A “Business Day” shall mean any day on which the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading and on which the Fund calculates its net asset value as set forth in the Fund’s most recent prospectus and Statement of Additional Information.  Except as particularly stated in this paragraph, Nationwide shall have no authority to act on behalf of the Company or to incur any cost or liability on its behalf.  Both parties agree to follow any written guidelines or standards relating to the sale or distribution of the shares as may be provided in the provisions outlined in Exhibit C, as well as to follow any applicable federal and/or state securities laws, rules or regulations.


For so long as and to the extent that the Securities and Exchange Commission continues to interpret the 1940 Act to require pass-through voting privileges for Variable Products, Nationwide shall distribute all proxy material furnished by the Company (provided that such material is received by Nationwide or its designated age at least 10 Business Days prior to the date scheduled for mailing to contract owners) and shall vote Fund shares in accordance with instructions received from the contract owners who have interests in such Fund shares.  Nationwide shall vote the Fund shares for which no instructions have been received in the same proportion as Fund shares for which said instructions have been received from the contract owners, provided that such proportional voting is not prohibited by a contract owner’s qualified retirement plan document, if applicable.  Nationwide and its agents will in no way recommend an action in connection with or oppose or interfere with the solicitation of proxies in the Fund shares.



Nationwide agrees to provide the Company, upon written request, any reports indicating the number of contract or policy owners having interests in the Variable Products corresponding to a Variable Account’s acquisition of Fund shares and such other information (including books and records) that the Company may reasonably request or as may be necessary or advisable to enable it to comply with any law, regulation or order.


Within five (5) Business Days after the end of each calendar quarter, the Company shall provide Nationwide, or its designee, a quarterly statement of account, which shall confirm all transactions made during that particular quarter.

The Company shall promptly provide Nationwide with a reasonable quantity (in light of the number of existing contracts or policy owners) of the Funds’ prospectuses, Statements of Additional Information and any supplements thereto.


All expenses incident to the performance by Nationwide under this Agreement shall be paid by Nationwide.  Likewise, all expenses incident to the performance by the Fund under this Agreement shall be paid by the Company and/or the Fund.

Nationwide is responsible for the expenses of the cost of registration of the Variable Products, unless otherwise exempt and the costs of having the Variable Products approved by state insurance authorities in the applicable jurisdictions.

The Company and/or Fund is responsible for the expenses of the cost of registration of the Funds’ shares, or preparation of the Funds’ prospectuses, statements of additional information, proxy materials, reports and the preparation of other related statements and notices required by law (“Fund Materials”) for distribution in reasonable quantities to contract owners except as otherwise mutually agreed upon by the parties to the Agreement.

Nationwide is responsible for distributing Fund prospectuses to its existing contract owners.  For Nationwide’s annual mailing to contract owners of Variable Product prospectuses and Fund prospectuses, the Company will provide updated Fund prospectuses for mailing to contract owners, or if a combined printing is done by Nationwide, the Company will pay the lesser of:

(a)           The cost to print individual fund prospectuses; or
(b)           The Company’s portion of the total printing costs if Nationwide does not use individual prospectuses, but reprints fund prospectuses in another format; or
(c)           The Company’s portion of the total reproduction costs if Nationwide does not use individual printed prospectuses, but reproduces the prospectuses in another allowable and appropriate medium (i.e. CD Rom or computer diskette) which is mutually agreed upon by both Nationwide and the Company and subject to reasonable costs.


Should the removal of a Fund from a Variable Product be desired by one of the parties hereto, such party seeking the Fund’s removal shall bear any expenses incurred as a result of removing such Fund as an available investment option.  The parties agree to provide reasonable advance notice of their election to remove a Fund.  The Company acknowledges that Nationwide may need to seek the approval of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) under Section 26 (c) of the 1940 Act for any fund substitution.


The Company represents that it has or will obtain a mixed and shared funding order issued by the SEC under Section 6(c) of the 1940 Act.  As set forth in the Notice of the Company’s application for the mixed and shared funding order, Nationwide agrees to report any potential or existing conflicts promptly to the Board of Trustees of the Fund (the “Board”), and in particular whenever voting instructions of contract owners are disregarded, and recognizes that it will be responsible for assisting the Board in carrying out its responsibilities under such application.  Nationwide agrees to carry out such responsibilities with a view to the interests of existing contract owners.

If a majority of the Board, or a majority of Disinterested Board Members, determines that a material irreconcilable conflict exists with regard to contract owner investments in the Fund, the Board shall give prompt notice to all Insurance Companies participating in the Fund (“Participating Companies”).  If the Board determines that Nationwide is responsible for causing or creating said conflict, Nationwide shall at it sole cost and expense, and to the extent reasonably practicable (as determined by a majority of the Disinterested Board Members), take such action as is necessary to remedy or eliminate the irreconcilable material conflict.  Such necessary action may include, but shall not be limited to:

(a)           Withdrawing the assets allocable to the Variable Account from the Fund and reinvesting such assets in a different investment medium, or submitting the question of whether such segregation should be implemented to a vote of all affected contract owners; and/or
(b)           Establishing a new separate account.

If a material irreconcilable conflict arises as a result of a decision by Nationwide to disregard contract owner voting instructions and said decision represents a minority position or would preclude a majority vote by all contract owners having an interest in the Fund, Nationwide may be required, at the Board’s election, to withdraw the Variable Account’s investment in the Fund.

For the purpose of this Section, a majority of the Disinterested Board Members shall determine whether or not any proposed action adequately remedies any irreconcilable material conflict, but in no event will the Company be required to bear the expense of establishing a new funding medium for any Variable Product.  Nationwide shall not be required by this Section to establish a new funding medium for any Variable Product if an offer to do so has been declined by vote of a majority of the contract owners materially adversely affected by the irreconcilable material conflict.


Nationwide and its agents shall make no representations about the Company except those contained in publicly available documents or other documents produced by the Company (or an entity on its behalf).  Nationwide agrees to allow a reasonable period of time for the Company to review sales literature relating to the Variable Products, which discusses the Funds.  Nationwide agrees to furnish draft copies to the Company and allow a reasonable period of time for the review of such material prior to use and prior to the submission of such material to any applicable regulatory entity.  The Company must either provide comments within a reasonable period of time or affirmatively decline to provide comments.

The Company and its agents shall make no representations about Nationwide except those contained in publicly available documents or other documents produced by Nationwide (or an entity on its behalf).  The Company agrees to allow a reasonable period of time for Nationwide to review sales literature relating to the Funds, which discuss the Variable Products.  The Company agrees to furnish draft copies to Nationwide and allow a reasonable period of time for the review of such material prior to use and prior to the submission of such material to any applicable regulatory entity.  Nationwide must either provide comments within a reasonable period of time or affirmatively decline to provide comments.


For purposes of this Section, “Customer Information” means non-public personally identifiable information as defined in the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and each party agrees not to use, disclose or distribute to others any such information except as necessary to perform the terms of this Agreement and each party agrees to comply with all applicable provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.

For purposes of this Section, “Confidential Information” means any data or information regarding proprietary or confidential information concerning each of the parties.  Confidential Information does not include information that (a) was in the public domain prior to the date of this Agreement or subsequently came into the public domain through no fault of the Receiving Party or by violation of this Agreement; (b) was lawfully received by the Receiving Party from a third party free of any obligation of confidence of such third party; (c) was already in the possession of the Receiving Party prior to receipt thereof directly or indirectly from the Disclosing Party; (d) is required to be disclosed pursuant to applicable laws, regulatory or legal process, subpoena or court order; or, (e) is subsequently and independently developed by employees, consultants or agents of the Receiving Party without reference to or use of the Confidential Information disclosed under this Agreement.  Each of the parties warrants to the other that it shall not disclose to any person any Confidential Information which it may acquire in the performance of this Agreement; nor shall it use such Confidential Information for any purposes other than to fulfill its contractual obligations under this Agreement and it will maintain the other party’s Customer and Confidential Information with reasonable care, which shall not be less than the degree of care it would use for its own such information.

In the event Confidential Information includes Customer Information, the Customer Information clause controls.


Both Parties will maintain and enforce safety and physical security procedures with respect to its access and maintenance of Confidential Information (in electronic and paper format) that are in accordance with reasonable policies in these regards, and provide reasonably appropriate safeguards against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration or unauthorized disclosure or access of Confidential Information under this Agreement.


Nationwide agrees that companies listed in Exhibit A will comply with the USA PATRIOT Act as applicable and effective.  Further, the Company agrees that it will comply with the USA PATRIOT Act as applicable and effective.



(a)           Nationwide agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Fund, the Distributor, the Advisor, and each of their Directors, Trustees, officers, employees and agents, and any affiliated person of the Fund, Distributor or Advisor within the meaning of Section 2(a)(3) of the 1940 Act (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties” for purposes of this Section) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of Nationwide) or litigation expenses (including reasonable legal and other expenses), to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject under any statute or regulation, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation expenses are related to the sale or acquisition of the Fund’s shares or the Variable Products issued by Nationwide and:

(i)           arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the registration statement or prospectus (which shall include the portions of any offering memoranda that contain information regarding the Fund, Distributor or Advisor) for the Variable Products issued by Nationwide or sales literature or other promotional material for such Variable Products (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to Nationwide by or on behalf of the Fund for use in the registration statement or prospectus for the Variable Products issued by Nationwide or sales literature or other promotional material (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of such Variable Products or Fund shares; or

(ii)           arise out of or as a result of any untrue statement or misrepresentation (other than misstatements or misrepresentations contained in the registration statement, prospectus or sales literature or other promotional material of the Fund not supplied by Nationwide or persons under its control) or wrongful conduct of Nationwide or any of its affiliates, employees or agents with respect to the sale or distribution of the Variable Products issued by Nationwide or the Fund shares; or

(iii)           arise out of any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in a registration statement, prospectus, or sales literature or other promotional material of the Fund or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading if such a statement or omission was made in reliance upon information furnished by or on behalf of Nationwide; or

(iv)           arise out of or result from any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by Nationwide in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by Nationwide; except to the extent provided in Sections (b) and (c) below.

(b)           Nationwide shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation expenses to which an Indemnified Party would otherwise be subject by reason of willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance of the Indemnified Party’s duties or by reason of the Indemnified Party’s reckless disregard of obligations or duties under this Agreement.

(c)           Nationwide shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any claim made against an Indemnified Party unless such Party shall have notified Nationwide in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the claim shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent).

(d)           In case any such action is brought against the Indemnified Parties, Nationwide shall be entitled to participate, at its own expense, in the defense of such action.  Nationwide shall also be entitled to assume the defense thereof, with counsel satisfactory to the party named in the action.  After notice from Nationwide to such party of Nationwide’s election to assume the defense thereof, the Indemnified Party shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and Nationwide will not be liable to such party under this Agreement for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such party independently in connection with the defense thereof other than reasonable costs of investigation.  If Nationwide assumes the defense or representation of an Indemnified Party, Nationwide shall not consent or agree to any settlement without the prior approval of the Indemnified Party.


(a)           The Company agrees to indemnity and hold harmless Nationwide and Nationwide’s affiliated principal underwriter of the Variable Products, and each of their Directors, Officers, employees, and agents, and any affiliated person of Nationwide within the meaning of Section 2(a)(3) of the 1940 Act (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties” for purposes of this Section) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of the Company) or litigation expenses (including reasonable legal and other expenses) to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject under any statute or regulation, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation expenses are related to the sale or acquisition of the Fund’s shares or the Variable Products issued by Nationwide and:

(i)           arise out of or based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the registration statement or prospectus or sales literature or other promotional material of the Fund (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to the Company or the Fund or the designee of either by or on behalf of Nationwide for use in the registration statement or prospectus for the Fund or in sales literature or other promotional material (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of the Variable Products issued by Nationwide or Fund shares; or

(ii)           arise out of or as a result of any untrue statement or misrepresentations (other than misstatements or misrepresentations contained in the registration statement, prospectus or sales literature or other promotional material for the Variable Products not supplied by the Company or any employees or agents thereof) or wrongful conduct of the Company, or the affiliates, employees, or agents of the Company with respect to the sale or distribution of the Variable Products issued by Nationwide or Fund shares; or

(iii)           arise out of any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in a registration statement, prospectus, or sales literature or other promotional material covering the Variable Products issued by Nationwide, or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto, or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statement or statements therein not misleading, if such statement or omission was made in reliance upon information furnished to Nationwide by or on behalf of the Fund; or

(iv)           arise out of or result from any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by the Company or the Fund in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by the Company; except to the extent provided in Sections (b) and (c) hereof.

(b)           The Company shall be not liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation expenses to which an Indemnified Party would otherwise be subject by reason of willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance of the Indemnified Party’s duties or by reason of the Indemnified Party’s reckless disregard of obligations or duties under this Agreement.

(c)           The Company shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any claim made against an Indemnified Party unless such Party shall have notified the Company in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the claim shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent.)

In case any such action is brought against the Indemnified Parties, the Company will be entitled to participate, at its own expense, in the defense thereof.  The Company shall also be entitled to assume the defense of such action, with counsel satisfactory to the party named in the action.  After notice from the Company to such party of the Company’s election to assume the defense thereof, the Indemnified Party shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and the Company will not be liable to such party under this Agreement for any legal or other expense subsequently incurred by such party independently in connection with the defense thereof other than reasonable costs of investigation.  If the Company assumes the defense or representation of an Indemnified Party, the Company shall not consent or agree to any settlement without the prior approval of the Indemnified Party.


This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio.

This Agreement shall be subject to the provisions of the 1933, 1934 and 1940 Acts and the rules and regulations thereunder, including such exemptions from those statutes, rules and regulations as the SEC may grant.


This Agreement shall terminate as to the availability of shares of the Funds:

(1)           at the option of Nationwide or The Company upon at least 90 days advance written notice to the other;

(2)           at any time upon the Company’s election, if the Company determines that liquidation of the Funds is in the best interest of the Funds or their beneficial owners.  Reasonable advance notice of election to liquidate shall be provided to Nationwide in order to permit the substitution of Fund shares, if necessary, with shares of another investment company pursuant to the 1940 Act and other applicable securities regulations;

(3)           at the option of Nationwide, if Fund shares are not reasonably available to meet the requirements of the Variable Products as determined by Nationwide.  Reasonable advance notice of election to terminate (and time to cure) shall be furnished by Nationwide;

(4)           upon a decision by Nationwide, in accordance with the 1940 Act and applicable regulations, to substitute such Fund shares with the shares of another investment company for the Variable Products for which the Fund shares have been selected to serve as the underlying investment medium.  Nationwide shall give at least 60 days written notice to the Fund of any proposal to substitute Fund shares;

(5)           if the applicable annuity contracts and life insurance policies are not treated as annuity contracts or life insurance policies by applicable regulatory entities or under applicable rules and regulations;

(6)           if the Variable Accounts are not deemed “segregated asset accounts” by the applicable regulatory entities or under applicable rules and regulations;

(7)           at the option of Nationwide or the Fund, upon institution of relevant formal proceedings against the broker-dealer(s) marketing the Variable Products, the Variable Accounts, Nationwide or the Funds by the NASD, the IRS, the Department of Labor, the SEC, state insurance departments or any other regulatory body;

(8)           upon assignment of this Agreement unless such assignment is made with the written consent of each party and in accordance with applicable law;

(9)           in the event Fund shares or the Variable Products are not registered, issued or sold pursuant to federal law and state securities laws, or such laws preclude the use of Fund shares as an underlying investment medium of the Variable Products issued or to be issued by Nationwide.  Prompt written notice shall be given by either party to the other in the event the conditions of this provision occur;

(10)           At the option of Nationwide, if Nationwide shall determine, in its sole judgment reasonably exercised in good faith, that the Fund or the Company has suffered a material adverse change in its business or financial condition or is the subject of material adverse publicity and such material adverse change or material adverse publicity is likely to have a material adverse impact upon the business and operation of Nationwide.  Nationwide shall notify the Company in writing of such determination and its intent to terminate this Agreement, and after considering the actions taken by the Fund or Company and any other changes in circumstances since the giving of such notice, such determination of Nationwide shall continue to apply on the sixtieth (60th) day following the giving of such notice, which sixtieth day shall be the effective date of termination;

(11)           At the option of the Company, if the Company shall determine, in its sole judgment reasonably exercised in good faith, that Nationwide has suffered a material adverse change in its business or financial condition or is the subject of material adverse publicity and such material adverse change or material adverse publicity is likely to have a material adverse impact upon the business and operation of the Fund or The Company.  The Company shall notify Nationwide in writing of such determination and its intent to terminate this Agreement, and after considering the actions taken by Nationwide and any other changes in circumstances since the giving of such notice, such determination of the Fund shall continue to apply on the sixtieth (60th) day following the giving of such notice, which sixtieth day shall be the effective date of termination; and

Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions of this section (“Termination”), this Agreement and all related agreements shall remain in full force and in effect for so long as allocations to any or all of the Variable Accounts remain invested in Fund shares.




Each notice required by this Agreement shall be given in writing to:

Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.
One Nationwide Plaza 1-09-V3
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention: Securities Officer
Fax Number: 614-677-2295

With a Copy to:
Nationwide Financial
One Nationwide Plaza, 1-12-04
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention: Vice President- Investment and Advisory Services

FAM Distributors, Inc.
Merrill Lynch Variable Series Funds, Inc.
800 Scudders Mill Road
Plainsboro, NJ  08536
Attention: General Counsel
Fax Number: 609-282-3222

Any party may change its address by notifying the other party(ies) in writing.


This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns; provided, however, that neither this Agreement nor any rights, privileges, duties or obligations of the parties may be assigned by any party without the written consent of the other parties or as expressly contemplated by this Agreement.


If any portion of this Agreement shall be held or made invalid by a court decision, statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected thereby.


The rights, remedies and obligations contained in this Agreement are cumulative and are in addition to any and all rights, remedies and obligations, at law or in equity, which the parties to this Agreement are entitled to under state and federal laws.




Except to the extent required by applicable law, no party shall use any other party’s names, logos, trademarks or service marks, whether registered or unregistered, without the prior consent of such party.


Sections “Representations,” “Privacy/Confidentiality,” “Indemnification,” and “Trademarks” hereof shall survive termination of this Agreement.  In addition, all provisions of this Agreement shall survive termination of this Agreement in the event that any Variable Accounts are invested in a Fund at the time the termination becomes effective and shall survive for so long as such Variable Accounts remain so invested.


Each of the parties acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement and the arrangements described in this Agreement are intended to be non-exclusive and that each of the parties is free to enter into similar agreements and arrangements with other entities.


Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create a partnership or joint venture by and among the parties hereto.


This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by a written agreement, which includes any amendments to the Exhibits, executed by all parties to the Agreement.


Not applicable.




Each party hereby represents and warrants to the other that the persons executing this Agreement on its behalf are duly authorized and empowered to execute and deliver the Agreement and that the Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and biding obligation, and is enforceable in accordance with its terms.  Except as particularly set forth herein, neither party assumes any responsibility hereunder and will not be liable to the other for any damages, loss of data, delay or any other loss whatsoever caused by events beyond its control.

This Agreement may be executed by facsimile signature and it may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.


By:[William G. Goslee]                                                            
Title: Vice President                                                      


By[Daniel J. Dart]                                                        
Title: Managing Director                                                      



Exhibit A

Subsidiary Life Insurance Companies

Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America
Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America

Variable Accounts
Nationwide Variable Account
Nationwide Variable Account-II
Nationwide Variable Account-3
Nationwide Variable Account-4
Nationwide Variable Account-5
Nationwide Variable Account-6
Nationwide Variable Account-7
Nationwide Variable Account-8
Nationwide Variable Account-9
Nationwide Variable Account-10
Nationwide Variable Account-11
Nationwide Variable Account-12
Nationwide Variable Account-13
Nationwide Variable Account-14
Nationwide Variable Account-15
Nationwide Variable Account-16
Nationwide Variable Account-17
Multi-Flex Variable Account
Nationwide VA Separate Account-A
Nationwide VA Separate Account-B
Nationwide VA Separate Account-C
Nationwide VA Separate Account-D
Nationwide VLI Separate Account
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-2
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-3
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-5
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-6
Nationwide VL Separate Account
Nationwide VL Separate Account-A
Nationwide VL Separate Account-B
Nationwide VL Separate Account-C
Nationwide VL Separate Account-D
Nationwide Private Placement Variable Account
Nationwide Provident VA Separate Account 1
Nationwide Provident VA Separate Account A
Nationwide Provident VLI Separate Account 1
Nationwide Provident VLI Separate Account A



All current and future funds available for sale through the Variable Products, including but not limited to any funds listed below.

Merrill Lynch American Balanced V.I.
I, II, and III
Merrill Lynch Basic Value V.I.
I, II, and III
Merrill Lynch Core Bond V.I.
I, II, and III
Merrill Lynch Developing Markets V.I.
I, II, and III
Merrill Lynch Fundamental Growth V.I.
I, II, and III
Merrill Lynch Global Growth V.I.
I, II, and III
Merrill Lynch Global Allocation V.I.
I, II, and III
Merrill Lynch Government Bond V.I.
I, II, and III
Merrill Lynch High Current Income V.I.
I, II, and III
Merrill Lynch Index 500 V.I.
I, II, and III
Merrill Lynch International V.I.
I, II, and III
Merrill Lynch Large Cap Growth V.I.
I, II, and III
Merrill Lynch Large Cap Core V.I.
I, II, and III
Merrill Lynch Large Cap Value V.I.
I, II, and III
Merrill Lynch Small Cap Value V.I.
I, II, and III
Merrill Lynch Utilities and Telecom V.I.





The purchase, redemption and settlement of shares of a Fund (“Shares”) will normally follow the Fund/SERV-Defined Contribution Clearance and Settlement Service (“DCCS”) Processing Procedures below and the rules and procedures of the SCC Division of the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) shall govern the purchase, redemption and settlement of Shares of the Funds through NSCC by Nationwide.  In the event of equipment failure or technical malfunctions or the parties’ inability to otherwise perform transactions pursuant to the FUND/SERV Processing Procedures, or the parties’ mutual consent to use manual processing, the Manual Processing Procedures below will apply.

It is understood and agreed that, in the context of Section 22 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “1940 Act”) and the rules and public interpretations thereunder by the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC Staff), receipt by Nationwide of any Instructions from the contract owner prior to the Close of Trade on any Business Day shall be deemed to be receipt by the Funds of such Instructions solely for pricing purposes and shall cause purchases and sales to be deemed to occur at the Share Price for such Business Day, except as provided in 4(c) of the Manual Processing Procedures.  Each Instruction shall be deemed to be accompanied by a representation by Nationwide that it has received proper authorization from each contract owner whose purchase, redemption, account transfer or exchange transaction is effected as a result of such Instruction.

Fund/SERV-DCCS Processing Procedures

1.           On each business day that the New York Stock Exchange (the “Exchange”) is open for business on which the Funds determine their net asset values (“Business Day”), the Distributor shall accept, and effect changes in its records upon receipt of purchase, redemption, exchanges, account transfers and registration instructions from Nationwide electronically through Fund/SERV (“Instructions”) without supporting documentation from the contract owner.  On each Business Day, the Distributor shall accept for processing any Instructions from Nationwide and shall process such Instructions in a timely manner.

2.           Distributor shall perform any and all duties, functions, procedures and responsibilities assigned to it under this Agreement and as otherwise established by the NSCC.  Distributor shall conduct each of the foregoing activities in a competent manner and in compliance with (a) all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including NSCC Fund/SERV-DCCS rules and procedures relating to Fund/SERV; (b) the then-current Prospectus of a Fund; and (c) any provision relating to Fund/SERV in any other agreement of the Distributor that would affect its duties and obligations pursuant to this Agreement.

3.           Confirmed trades and any other information provided by the Distributor to Nationwide through Fund/SERV and pursuant to this Agreement shall be accurate, complete, and in the format prescribed by the NSCC.

4.           Trade information provided by Nationwide to the Distributor through Fund/SERV and pursuant to this Agreement shall be accurate, complete and, in the format prescribed by the NSCC.  All Instructions by Nationwide regarding each Fund/SERV Account shall be true and correct and will have been duly authorized by the registered holder.

5.           For each Fund/SERV transaction, Nationwide shall provide the Funds and the Distributor with all information necessary or appropriate to establish and maintain each Fund/SERV transaction (and any subsequent changes to such information), which Nationwide hereby certifies is and shall remain true and correct.  Nationwide shall maintain documents required by the Funds to effect Fund/SERV transactions.  Nationwide certifies that all Instructions delivered to the Distributor on any Business Day shall have been received by Nationwide from the contract owner by the close of trading (generally 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time (“ET”)) on the Exchange (the “Close of Trading”) on such Business Day and that any Instructions received by it after the Close of Trading on any given Business Day will be transmitted to Distributor on the next Business Day.

Manual Processing Procedures

1.           On each Business Day, Nationwide may receive Instructions from the contract owner for the purchase or redemption of shares of the Funds based solely upon receipt of such Instructions prior to the Close of Trading on that Business Day.  Instructions in good order received by Nationwide prior to the close of trading on any given Business Day (generally, 4:00 p.m. ET (the “Trade Date”)) and transmitted to the Distributor by no later than 9:00 a.m. ET the Business Day following the Trade Date (“Trade Date plus One” or “T+1”), will be executed  at the NAV (“Share Price”) of each applicable Fund, determined as of the Close of Trading on the Trade Day.

2.           By no later than 7:00 p.m. ET on each Trade Date (“Price Communication Time”), the Distributor will use its best efforts to communicate to Nationwide via electronic transmission acceptable to both parties, the Share Price of each applicable Fund, as well as dividend and capital gain information and, in the case of funds that credit a daily dividend, the daily accrual or interest rate factor, determined at the Close of Trading on that Trade Date.

3.           As noted in Paragraph 1 above, by 9:00 a.m. ET on T+1 (“Instruction Cutoff Time”) and after Nationwide has processed all approved transactions, Nationwide will transmit to the Distributor via facsimile, telefax or electronic transmission or system-to-system, or by a method acceptable to Nationwide and the Distributor, a report (the “Instruction Report”) detailing the Instructions that were received by Nationwide prior to the Funds’ daily determination of Share Price for each Fund (i.e., the Close of Trading) on Trade Date.

(a)           It is understood by the parties that all Instructions from the contract owner shall be received and processed by Nationwide in accordance with its standard transaction processing procedures.  Nationwide or its designees shall maintain records sufficient to identify the date and time of receipt of all contract owner transactions involving the Funds and shall make or cause to be made such records available upon reasonable request for examination by the Funds or its designated representative or, by appropriate governmental authorities.  Under no circumstances shall Nationwide change, alter or modify any Instructions received by it in good order.

(b)           Following the completion of the transmission of any Instructions by Nationwide to the Distributor by the Instruction Cutoff Time, Nationwide will verify that the Instruction was received by the Distributor.

(c)           In the event that an Instruction transmitted by Nationwide on any Business Day is not received by the Distributor by the Instruction Cutoff Time, due to mechanical difficulties or for any other reason beyond Nationwide’s reasonable control, such Instruction shall nonetheless be treated by the Distributor as if it had been received by the Instruction Cutoff Time, provided that Nationwide retransmits such Instruction by facsimile transmission to the Distributor and such Instruction is received by the Distributor’s financial control representative no later than 9:00 a.m. ET on T+1.  In addition, Nationwide will place a phone call to a financial control representative of the Distributor to advise the Distributor that a facsimile transmission concerning the Instruction is being sent.

(d)           With respect to all Instructions, the Distributor’s financial control representative will manually adjust a Fund’s records for the Trade Date to reflect any Instructions sent by Nationwide.

(e)           By no later than 4:00 p.m. on T+1, and based on the information transmitted to the Distributor pursuant to Paragraph 3(c) above, Nationwide will use its best efforts to verify that all Instructions provided to the Distributor on T+1 were accurately received and that the trades for each Account were accurately completed and Nationwide will use its best efforts to notify Distributor of any discrepancies.

4.           As set forth below, upon the timely receipt from Nationwide of the Instructions, the Fund will execute the purchase or redemption transactions (as the case may be) at the Share Price for each Fund computed as of the Close of Trading on the Trade Date.

(a)           Except as otherwise provided herein, all purchase and redemption transactions will settle on T+1.  Settlements will be through net Federal Wire transfers to an account designated by a Fund.  In the case of Instructions which constitute a net purchase order, settlement shall occur by Nationwide initiating a wire transfer by 2:00 p.m. ET on T+1 to the custodian for the Fund for receipt by the Funds’ custodian by no later than the Close of Business at the New York Federal Reserve Bank on T+1, causing the remittance of the requisite funds to the Distributor to cover such net purchase order.  In the case of Instructions which constitute a net redemption order, settlement shall occur by the Distributor causing the remittance of the requisite funds to cover such net redemption order by Federal Funds Wire by 2:00 p.m. ET on T+1, provided that the Fund reserves the right to (i) delay settlement of redemptions for up to seven (7) Business Days after receiving a net redemption order in accordance with Section 22 of the 1940 Act and Rule 22c-1 thereunder, or (ii) suspend redemptions pursuant to the 1940 Act or as otherwise required by law.  Settlements shall be in U.S. dollars.

(b)           Nationwide (and its Variable Accounts) shall be designated as record owner of each account (“Record Owner”).  Distributor will provide Nationwide with all written confirmations required under federal and state securities laws.

(c)           On any Business Day when the Federal Reserve Wire Transfer System is closed, all communication and processing rules will be suspended for the settlement of Instructions.  Instructions will be settled on the next Business Day on which the Federal Reserve Wire Transfer System is open.  The original T+1 Settlement Date will not apply.  Rather, for purposes of this Paragraph 4(c) only, the Settlement Date will be the date on which the Instruction settles.

(d)           Nationwide shall, upon receipt of any confirmation or statement concerning the accounts by such method acceptable to the Distributor and Nationwide, verify the accuracy of the information contained therein against the information contained in Nationwide’s internal record-keeping system and shall promptly advise the Distributor in writing of any discrepancies between such information.  The Distributor and Nationwide shall cooperate to resolve any such discrepancies as soon as reasonably practicable.


In the event of any error or delay with respect to both the Fund/SERV Processing Procedures and the Manual Processing Procedures outlined in Exhibit C herein: (i) which is caused by the Funds or the Distributor, the Distributor shall make any adjustments on the Funds’ accounting system necessary to correct such error or delay and the responsible party or parties shall reimburse the contract owner and Nationwide, as appropriate, for any losses or reasonable costs incurred directly as a result of the error or delay but specifically excluding any and all consequential punitive or other indirect damages or (ii) which is caused by Nationwide, the Distributor shall make any adjustment on the Funds’ accounting system necessary to correct such error or delay and the affected party or parties shall be reimbursement by Nationwide for any losses or reasonable costs incurred directly as a result of the error or delay, but specifically excluding any and all consequential punitive or other indirect damages.  In the event of any such adjustments on the Funds’ accounting system, Nationwide shall make the corresponding adjustments on its internal record-keeping system.  In the event that errors or delays with respect to the Procedures are contributed to by more than one party hereto, each party shall be responsible for that portion of the loss or reasonable cost which results from its error or delay.  All parties agree to provide the other parties prompt notice of any errors or delays of the type referred to herein and to use reasonable efforts to take such action as may be appropriate to avoid or mitigate any such costs or losses.



Amendment to Fund Participation Agreement

Reference is made to the Fund Participation Agreement dated as of April 13, 2004, (the “Agreement”) by and among Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. on behalf of its subsidiary life insurance companies listed on Exhibit A (collectively, “Nationwide”) and the current and any future Nationwide separate accounts as applicable (“Variable Accounts”) and FAM Variable Series Funds, Inc. (the “Funds”) and FAM Distributors, Inc., (“Distributor”) (collectively, “the Company”) which serves as adviser and distributor to the Funds, as listed on Exhibit B.  This amendment to the Agreement is made as of April 1, 2005.

WHEREAS, the parties to the Agreement wish to amend it to include the FAM Series Funds to be offered as investment options in the Variable Products.

NOW THEREFORE, the Agreement is amended as follows:

Exhibit B to the Agreement is hereby deleted and replaced with the attached Exhibit B, and all references in the Agreement to the Portfolios shall be deemed to refer to the series of shares of the Fund as set forth on Exhibit B as attached hereto.

All capitalized terms used herein without definition and defined in the Agreement shall have the same meaning herein as therein.

All other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused their duly authorized officers to execute this Amendment to Fund Participation Agreement as of the date and year first above written.


Name:                      [Karen R. Colvin]                                                                                     
Title:                        Officer                                                                           


Name:                      [Donald C. Burke]                                                                                     
Title:                        Vice President and Treasurer                                                                                     


Name:                      [Daniel J. Dart]                                                                                   
Title:                        Managing Director                                                                                     



Exhibit A

Subsidiary Life Insurance Companies

Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America
Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America

Variable Accounts
Nationwide Variable Account
Nationwide Variable Account-II
Nationwide Variable Account-3
Nationwide Variable Account-4
Nationwide Variable Account-5
Nationwide Variable Account-6
Nationwide Variable Account-7
Nationwide Variable Account-8
Nationwide Variable Account-9
Nationwide Variable Account-10
Nationwide Variable Account-11
Nationwide Variable Account-12
Nationwide Variable Account-13
Nationwide Variable Account-14
Nationwide Variable Account-15
Nationwide Variable Account-16
Nationwide Variable Account-17
Multi-Flex Variable Account
Nationwide VA Separate Account-A
Nationwide VA Separate Account-B
Nationwide VA Separate Account-C
Nationwide VA Separate Account-D
Nationwide VLI Separate Account
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-2
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-3
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-5
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-6
Nationwide VL Separate Account
Nationwide VL Separate Account-A
Nationwide VL Separate Account-B
Nationwide VL Separate Account-C
Nationwide VL Separate Account-D
Nationwide Private Placement Variable Account
Nationwide Provident VA Separate Account 1
Nationwide Provident VA Separate Account A
Nationwide Provident VLI Separate Account 1
Nationwide Provident VLI Separate Account A





All current and future funds available for sale through the Variable Products, including but not limited to any funds listed below.

Mercury American Balanced V.I.
I, II, and III
Mercury Basic Value V.I.
I, II, and III
Mercury Core Bond V.I.
I, II, and III
Mercury Domestic Money Market V.I.
I, II, and III
Mercury Fundamental Growth V.I.
I, II, and III
Mercury Global Growth V.I.
I, II, and III
Mercury Global Allocation V.I.
I, II, and III
Mercury Government Bond V.I.
I, II, and III
Mercury High Current Income V.I.
I, II, and III
Mercury Index 500 V.I.
I, II, and III
Mercury International Value V.I.
I, II, and III
Mercury Large Cap Growth V.I.
I, II, and III
Mercury Large Cap Core V.I.
I, II, and III
Mercury Large Cap Value V.I.
I, II, and III
Mercury Value Opportunities V.I.
I, II, and III
Mercury Utilities and Telecommunications V.I.

Portfolios of FAM Series Fund, Inc.
Offered to Segregated Accounts of NATIONWIDE FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.

Fund Name
Share Class
Mercury Mid Cap Value Opportunities Portfolio
Class I, Class II, Class III
Mercury Global Small Cap Portfolio
Class I, Class II, Class III
Mercury Small Cap Index Portfolio
Class I, Class II, Class III
Mercury International Index Portfolio
Class I, Class II, Class III
Mercury Equity Dividend Portfolio
Class I, Class II, Class III
Mercury Low Duration Portfolio
Class I, Class II, Class III

EX-99.H PARTIC AGREE 13 davisfpa.htm DAVIS FPA davisfpa.htm

This Agreement dated as of the 7th day of August, 2007 is made by and among Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. on behalf of its subsidiary life insurance companies listed on Exhibit A (collectively, “Nationwide”) and the current and any future Nationwide separate accounts as applicable (“Variable Accounts”) Davis Variable Account Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”), and Davis Distributors, LLC (the “Company") which serves as Distributor to the Funds listed on Exhibit B.


WHEREAS, Nationwide is engaged in developing and offering variable annuity and variable life insurance products (collectively “Variable Products ”) through its Variable Accounts; and

WHEREAS, Nationwide also provides administrative and/or recordkeeping services for the Variable Products and in all other respects provides operational support in connection with the offering and maintenance of the Variable Products; and

WHEREAS, Nationwide and the Company mutually desire the inclusion of the Funds as investment options in the Variable Products; and

WHEREAS, the Variable Products allow for the allocation of net amounts received by Nationwide and the Variable Accounts to the Company for investment in shares of the Funds; and

WHEREAS, selection of investment options is made by contract owners of the Variable Products and such contract owners may reallocate their investments among the investment options in accordance with the terms of the Variable Products; and

NOW THEREFORE, Nationwide and the Company, in consideration of the undertaking described herein, agree that the Funds will be available as investment options in the Variable Products offered by Nationwide, subject to the following:



Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. represents that it is a holding company duly organized and in good standing under applicable state law.  Nationwide represents that its life insurance companies have been duly organized and are in good standing under applicable state law.

Nationwide represents that its life insurance company subsidiaries have validly established all separate accounts under applicable state law. Each Variable Account is or will be registered as a unit investment trust in accordance with the provisions of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“1940 Act”), unless exempt from registration based on Section 3(c) 1 or 3(c) 7 of the 1940 Act, or any other applicable exemption.

Nationwide represents that it will amend the registration statements under the Securities Act of 1933 (the “1933 Act”) and the 1940 Act for the Variable Products from time to time as required to effect the continuous offering of the Variable Products, unless otherwise exempt.  Nationwide will also seek to have the Variable Products approved by state insurance authorities in jurisdictions where those annuity contract or life insurance policies will be offered.

Nationwide represents that the annuity contracts and/or life insurance policies are designed to be treated as annuity contracts and/or life insurance policies under the appropriate provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as Amended (the “Code”).  Nationwide shall make every effort to maintain such treatment, and will promptly notify the Company upon having a reasonable basis for believing that such annuity contracts or life insurance policies have ceased to be so treated or that they might not be so treated in the future.

Nationwide represents that it will conduct its activities hereunder in material conformity with all applicable federal and state laws or regulations.


Each Fund represents that it is duly organized and validly existing under applicable state law.  Each Fund represents that its shares are duly authorized for issuance in accordance with applicable law, that the Fund is registered as an open-end management investment company under the 1940 Act, and the Fund will maintain its registration as an investment company under the 1940 Act.

Each Fund shall take all such actions as are necessary to permit the sale of its shares to the Variable Accounts, including registering its shares sold to the Variable Accounts under the 1933 Act.  Each Fund will amend the registration statement for its shares under the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act from time to time as required in order to effect the continuous offering of its shares.  Each Fund will register and qualify its shares for sale in all states, where applicable, and will promptly notify Nationwide if any shares are not qualified in a particular state.

Each Fund represents that it is currently qualified as a regulated investment company under Subchapter M of the Code, and that it shall make every effort to maintain such qualification.  Each Fund shall promptly notify Nationwide upon having a reasonable basis for believing that it has ceased to so qualify, or that it may not qualify as such in the future.

The Funds represent that any insurance Funds utilized in the Variable Products currently comply with the diversification requirements pursuant to Section 817(h) of the Code and Section 1.817-5(b) of the Federal Tax Regulations, if required, and that such Funds will make every effort to maintain the Funds’ compliance with such diversification requirements, unless the Funds are otherwise exempt from Section 817(h) and/or except as otherwise disclosed in each Fund’s prospectus.  The Funds will notify Nationwide promptly upon having a reasonable basis for believing any Fund has ceased to comply.  The Funds shall make every effort to remedy any failure to comply with Section 817(h) within the time frame set forth by Section 817(h).

The Company, as the distributor of the Funds represents that it (i) is registered as a broker-dealer under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “1934 Act”) and will remain duly registered under all applicable federal and state securities laws, (ii) is a member in good standing of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (“NASD”), (iii) serves as principal underwriter/distributor of the Funds, and (iv) will perform its obligations for each Fund in accordance with any applicable state and federal securities laws.


Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Nationwide shall be appointed to, and agrees to act, as a limited agent of the Company for the sole purpose of receiving instructions from duly authorized parties for the purchase and redemption of Fund shares prior to the close of regular trading each Business Day.  A "Business Day” shall mean any day on which the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading and on which the Fund calculates its net asset value as set forth in the Fund’s most recent prospectus and Statement of Additional Information.  Except as particularly stated in this paragraph, Nationwide shall have no authority to act on behalf of the Company or to incur any cost or liability on its behalf.  Both parties agree to follow any written guidelines or standards relating to the sale or distribution of the shares as may be provided in the provisions outlined in Exhibit C, as well as to follow any applicable federal and/or state securities laws, rules or regulations.


For so long as and to the extent that the Securities and Exchange Commission continues to interpret the 1940 Act to require pass-through voting privileges for Variable Products, Nationwide shall distribute all proxy material furnished by the Company (provided that such material is received by Nationwide or its designated agent at least 10 Business Days prior to the date scheduled for mailing to contract owners) and shall vote Fund shares in accordance with instructions received from the contract owners who have interests in such Fund shares.  Nationwide shall vote the Fund shares for which no instructions have been received in the same proportion as Fund shares for which said instructions have been received from the contract owners, provided that such proportional voting is not prohibited by a contract owner’s qualified retirement plan document, if applicable.  Nationwide shall fulfill its obligation under, and abide by the terms and conditions of, the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order. Nationwide and its agents will in no way recommend an action in connection with or oppose or interfere with the solicitation of proxies in the Fund shares.



Nationwide agrees to provide the Company, upon written request, any reports indicating the number of contract or policy owners having interests in the Variable Products corresponding to a Variable Account's acquisition of Fund shares and such other information (including books and records) that the Company may reasonably request or as may be necessary or advisable to enable it to comply with any law, regulation or order.


Within five (5) Business Days after the end of each calendar month, the Company shall provide Nationwide, or its designee, a monthly statement of account, which shall confirm all transactions made during that particular month.

The Company shall promptly provide Nationwide with a reasonable quantity (in light of the number of existing contract or policy owners) of the Funds’ prospectuses, Statements of Additional Information and any supplements thereto, and semi-annual and annual reports.


All expenses incident to the performance by Nationwide under this Agreement shall be paid by Nationwide. Likewise, all expenses incident to the performance by the Funds under this Agreement shall be paid by the Company and/or the Funds.

Nationwide is responsible for the expenses of the cost of registration of the Variable Products, unless otherwise exempt and the costs of having the Variable Products approved by state insurance authorities in the applicable jurisdictions.

The Company and/or the Funds are responsible for the expenses of the cost of registration of the Funds’ shares, or preparation of the Funds’ prospectuses, statements of additional information, proxy materials, reports and the preparation of other related statements and notices required by law (“Fund Materials”) for distribution in reasonable quantities to contract owners except as otherwise mutually agreed upon by the parties to the Agreement.

Nationwide is responsible for distributing Fund prospectuses and semi-annual and annual reports to its existing contract owners.  For Nationwide’s annual mailing to contract owners of Variable Product prospectuses and Fund prospectuses and its mailing of semi-annual and annual reports, the Company will provide updated Fund prospectuses and semi-annual and annual reports for mailing to contract owners, or if a combined printing is done by Nationwide, the Company will pay the lesser of:
The cost to print individual fund prospectuses and semi-annual and annual reports; or
The Company's portion of the total printing costs if Nationwide does not use individual prospectuses and semi-annual and annual reports, but reprints such documents in another format; or
The Company’s portion of the total reproduction costs if Nationwide does not use individual printed prospectuses and semi-annual and annual reports, but reproduces such documents in another allowable and appropriate medium (i.e. CD Rom or computer diskette) which is mutually agreed upon by both Nationwide and the Company and subject to reasonable costs.


Should the removal of a Fund from a Variable Product be desired by the parties, the parties agree to share any reasonable expenses incurred as a result of removing such Fund as an available investment option.  The parties agree to provide reasonable advance notice of their election to remove a Fund.  The Company acknowledges that Nationwide may need to seek the approval of the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") under Section 26 (c) of the 1940 Act for any fund substitution.


The Company represents that it has or will obtain a mixed and shared funding order issued by the SEC under Section 6(c) of the 1940 Act.  As set forth in the Notice of the Company's application for the mixed and shared funding order, Nationwide agrees to report any potential or existing conflicts promptly to the Board of Trustees of the Fund (the “Board”), and in particular whenever voting instructions of contract owners are disregarded, and recognizes that it will be responsible for assisting the Board in carrying out its responsibilities under such application.  Nationwide agrees to carry out such responsibilities with a view to the interests of existing contract owners.

If a majority of the Board, or a majority of Disinterested Board Members, determines that a material irreconcilable conflict exists with regard to contract owner investments in the Fund, the Board shall give prompt notice to all Insurance Companies participating in the Fund (“Participating Companies”). If the Board determines that Nationwide is responsible for causing or creating said conflict, Nationwide shall at its sole cost and expense, and to the extent reasonably practicable (as determined by a majority of the Disinterested Board Members), take such action as is necessary to remedy or eliminate the irreconcilable material conflict.  Such necessary action may include, but shall not be limited to:
Withdrawing the assets allocable to the Variable Account from the Fund and reinvesting such assets in a different investment medium, or submitting the question of whether such segregation should be implemented to a vote of all affected contract owners; and/or
(b)  Establishing a new separate account.

If a material irreconcilable conflict arises as a result of a decision by Nationwide to disregard contract owner voting instructions and said decision represents a minority position or would preclude a majority vote by all contract owners having an interest in the Fund, Nationwide may be required, at the Board's election, to withdraw the Variable Account's investment in the Fund.

For the purpose of this Section, a majority of the Disinterested Board Members shall determine whether or not any proposed action adequately remedies any irreconcilable material conflict, but in no event will the Fund be required to bear the expense of establishing a new funding medium for any Variable Product. Nationwide shall not be required by this Section to establish a new funding medium for any Variable Product if an offer to do so has been declined by vote of a majority of the contract owners materially adversely affected by the irreconcilable material conflict.


Nationwide and its agents shall make no representations about the Company or the Funds except those contained in the Funds’ current prospectuses, statements of additional information, advertising, sales literature or other promotional material produced by the Company or the Funds (or an entity on their behalf). Nationwide agrees to furnish draft copies of any sales literature that discusses the Funds to the Company and allow the Company a reasonable period of time for the review of such material prior to use and prior to the submission of such material to any applicable regulatory entity. The Company must either provide comments within a reasonable period of time or affirmatively decline to provide comments. Failure to provide comments or affirmatively decline to provide comments within a reasonable period of time shall constitute acceptance of such sales literature. In the event that there are no material changes thereto, Nationwide shall not be required to furnish draft copies of sales literature to the Company that is substantially similar to sales literature that has been previously accepted by the Company.

The Company and its agents shall make no representations about Nationwide except those contained in current publicly available documents or other documents produced by Nationwide (or an entity on its behalf). The Company agrees to furnish draft copies of any sales literature that discusses the Variable Products to Nationwide and allow Nationwide a reasonable period of time for the review of such material prior to use and prior to the submission of such material to any applicable regulatory entity. Nationwide must either provide comments within a reasonable period of time or affirmatively decline to provide comments. Failure to provide comments or affirmatively decline to provide comments within a reasonable period of time shall constitute acceptance of such sales literature. In the event that there are no material changes thereto, the Company shall not be required to furnish draft copies of sales literature to Nationwide that is substantially similar to sales literature that has been previously accepted by Nationwide.




For purposes of this Section, “Customer Information” means non-public personally identifiable information as defined in the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and each party agrees not to use, disclose or distribute to others any such information except as necessary to perform the terms of this Agreement and each party agrees to comply with all applicable provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.

For purposes of this Section and the next, “Confidential Information” means any data or information regarding proprietary or confidential information concerning each of the parties.  Confidential Information does not include information that (a) was in the public domain prior to the date of this Agreement or subsequently came into the public domain through no fault of the Receiving Party or by no violation of this Agreement; (b) was lawfully received by the Receiving Party from a third party free of any obligation of confidence of such third party; (c) was already in the possession of the Receiving Party prior to receipt thereof directly or indirectly from the Disclosing Party; (d) is required to be disclosed pursuant to applicable laws, regulatory or legal process, subpoena or court order; or, (e) is subsequently and independently developed by employees, consultants or agents of the Receiving Party without reference to or use of the Confidential Information disclosed under this Agreement.  Each of the parties warrants to the other that it shall not disclose to any person any Confidential Information which it may acquire in the performance of this Agreement; nor shall it use such Confidential Information for any purposes other than to fulfill its contractual obligations under this Agreement and it will maintain the other party’s Customer and Confidential Information with reasonable care, which shall not be less than the degree of care it would use for its own such information.

In the event Confidential Information includes Customer Information, the Customer Information clause controls.


Each party will maintain and enforce safety and physical security procedures with respect to its access and maintenance of Confidential Information (in electronic and paper format) that are in accordance with reasonable policies in these regards, and provide reasonably appropriate safeguards against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration or unauthorized disclosure or access of Confidential Information under this Agreement.


Nationwide agrees that companies listed in Exhibit A will comply with the USA PATRIOT Act as applicable and effective.  Further, the Company agrees that it will comply with the USA PATRIOT Act as applicable and effective.




Nationwide agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company and Funds, and its officers, directors, employees, agents, affiliated persons, subsidiaries  and each person, if any, who controls the Company and/or Funds within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties” for purposes of this Section) against any losses, claims, expenses, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement thereof) and/or litigation expenses (including reasonable legal and other expenses)  (collectively the “Losses”), to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject to when such Losses result from a breach by Nationwide of a material provision of this Agreement.  Nationwide will reimburse any reasonable legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Indemnified Parties in connection with investigating or defending any such Losses. Nationwide shall not be liable for indemnification hereunder if such Losses are attributable to the bad faith, negligence, willful misfeasance or misconduct of the Company or Fund in performing its obligations under this Agreement.  Nationwide further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties related to the Variable Products (issued by Nationwide) that arise out of or are based upon any untrue or alleged untrue statement or misrepresentation of any material fact contained in the registration statement, prospectus, or supplement for the Variable Products.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, this agreement to indemnify the Indemnified Parties shall not apply if such statement is based on information furnished to Nationwide by or on behalf of the Company or the Funds.

The Company and Funds agree to indemnify and hold harmless Nationwide and its officers, directors, employees, agents, affiliated persons, subsidiaries and each person, if any, who controls Nationwide within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties” for purposes of Section) against any Losses, to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject to when such Losses result from a breach by the Company and/or Funds of a material provision of this Agreement.  The Company and/or Funds will reimburse any legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Indemnified Parties in connection with investigating or defending any such Losses.  The Company and Funds shall not be liable for indemnification hereunder if such Losses are attributable to the bad faith, negligence, willful misfeasance or misconduct of Nationwide in performing its obligations under this Agreement.  The Company and Funds further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties related to the acquisition of the Funds’ shares that arise out of or are based upon any untrue or alleged untrue statement or misrepresentation of any material fact contained in the registration statement, prospectus, or supplement for the Funds.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, this agreement to indemnify the Indemnified Parties shall not apply if such statement is based on information furnished to the Company or the Funds by or on behalf of Nationwide.

Promptly after receipt by an indemnified party hereunder of notice of the commencement of action, such indemnified party will, if a claim in respect thereof is to be made against the indemnifying party hereunder, notify the indemnifying party, in writing, of the commencement thereof; but the failure to notify the indemnifying party will not relieve it from any liability which it may have to any indemnified party otherwise than under this Section except to the extent that the indemnifying party has been prejudiced by such failure to give notice.  In the event that such an action is brought against any indemnified party, the indemnifying party will be entitled to participate therein and, to the extent that it may wish to, assume the defense thereof, with counsel satisfactory to such indemnified party, and after notice from the indemnifying party to such indemnified party of its election to assume the defense thereof, the indemnifying party will not be liable to such indemnified party under this Section for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such indemnified party in connection with the defense thereof other than reasonable costs of investigation.

If the indemnifying party assumes the defense of any such action, the indemnifying party shall not, without the prior written consent of the indemnified parties in such action, settle or compromise the liability of the indemnified parties in such action, or permit a default or consent to the entry of any judgment in respect thereof, unless in connection with such settlement, compromise or consent, each indemnified party receives from such claimant an unconditional release from all liability in respect of such claim.


This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio.

This Agreement shall be subject to the provisions of the 1933, 1934 and 1940 Acts and the rules and regulations thereunder, including such exemptions from those statutes, rules and regulations as the SEC may grant.


Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration administered by the America Arbitration Association in accordance with its Commercial Arbitration Rules and Supplemental Procedures for Securities Arbitration, and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The arbitrators shall award to the prevailing party, if any, as determined by the arbitrators, all of its costs and fees. “Cost and fees” mean all reasonable pre-award expenses of the arbitration, including the arbitrators’ fees, administrative fees, travel expenses, out-of-pocket expenses such as copying and telephone, court costs, witness fees, and attorneys’ fees.


This Agreement shall terminate as to the availability of shares of a Fund (if specified) or all the Funds:

at the option of Nationwide or the Company upon at least 90 days advance written notice to the other;

at any time upon the Company's election, if the Company determines that liquidation of the Funds is in the best interest of the Funds or their beneficial owners.  Reasonable advance notice of election to liquidate shall be provided to Nationwide in order to permit the substitution of Fund shares, if necessary, with shares of another investment company pursuant to the 1940 Act and other applicable securities regulations;

at the option of Nationwide, if Fund shares are not reasonably available to meet the requirements of the Variable Products as determined by Nationwide.  Reasonable advance notice of election to terminate (and time to cure) shall be furnished by Nationwide;

upon a decision by Nationwide, in accordance with the 1940 Act and applicable regulations, to substitute such Fund shares with the shares of another investment company for the Variable Products for which the Fund shares have been selected to serve as the underlying investment medium.  Nationwide shall give at least 60 days written notice to the Fund of any proposal to substitute Fund shares;

if the applicable annuity contracts and life insurance policies are not treated as annuity contracts or life insurance policies by applicable regulatory entities or under applicable rules and regulations;

if the Variable Accounts are not deemed “segregated asset accounts” by the applicable regulatory entities or under applicable rules and regulations;

at the option of Nationwide or the Company, upon institution of relevant formal proceedings against either  Nationwide or the Company or the Funds by the NASD, the IRS, the Department of Labor, the SEC, state insurance departments or any other regulatory body;

upon assignment of this Agreement unless such assignment is made with the written consent of each party and in accordance with applicable law;

in the event Fund shares or the Variable Products are not registered, issued or sold pursuant to federal law and state securities laws, or such laws preclude the use of Fund shares as an underlying investment medium of the Variable Products issued or to be issued by Nationwide.  Prompt written notice shall be given by either party to the other in the event the conditions of this provision occur;

At the option of Nationwide, if Nationwide shall determine, in its sole judgment
reasonably exercised in good faith, that the Fund or the Company has suffered a
material adverse change in its business or financial condition or is the subject of material adverse publicity and such material adverse change or material adverse publicity is likely to have a material adverse impact upon the business and operation of Nationwide.  Nationwide shall notify the Company in writing of such determination and its intent to terminate this Agreement, and after considering the actions taken by the Funds or Company and any other changes in circumstances since the giving of such notice, such determination of Nationwide shall continue to apply on the sixtieth (60th) day following the giving of such notice, which sixtieth day shall be the effective date of termination; or

At the option of the Company, if the Company shall determine, in its sole judgment reasonably exercised in good faith, that Nationwide has suffered a material adverse change in its business or financial condition or is the subject of material adverse publicity and such material adverse change or material adverse publicity is likely to have a material adverse impact upon the business and operation of the Funds or the Company.  The Company shall notify Nationwide in writing of such determination and its intent to terminate this Agreement, and after considering the actions taken by Nationwide and any other changes in circumstances since the giving of such notice, such determination of the Funds shall continue to apply on the sixtieth (60th) day following the giving of such notice, which sixtieth day shall be the effective date of termination.

Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions of this section ("Termination"), this Agreement and all related agreements shall remain in force and in effect for so long as allocations to any or all of the Variable Accounts remain invested in Fund shares.


Each notice required by this Agreement shall be given in writing and delivered by U.S. first class mail, overnight courier, or facsimile (with a paper copy provided via U.S. mail), in each case prepaid and addressed, to:

If to Nationwide:
Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.
One Nationwide Plaza 1-09-V3
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention:  Associate General Counsel
Fax Number:  614-249-2112

With a Copy to:
Nationwide Financial
One Nationwide Plaza, 1-12-04
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention: Vice President- Investment and Advisory Services

If to the Company:
Davis Distributors, LLC
2949 E. Elvira Road, Suite 101
Tucson, Arizona 85706
Attention:   Thomas Tays, Vice President
Fax Number:  520-434-3770

If to the Fund:
2949 E. Elvira Road, Suite 101
Tucson, Arizona 85706
Attention:  Thomas Tays, Vice President
Fax Number:  520-434-3770

Any party may change its address by notifying the other party(ies) in writing.  Notices will be deemed given upon dispatch.


This Agreement, together with all contemporaneous exhibits, sets forth the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes any and all prior discussions, representations, and understandings, whether written or oral, between the parties related to the subject of this Agreement.


This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns; provided, however, that neither this Agreement nor any rights, privileges, duties or obligations of the parties may be assigned by any party without the written consent of the other parties or as expressly contemplated by this Agreement.


No term or provision of this Agreement may be waived or modified unless done so in writing and signed by the party against whom such waiver or modification is sought to be enforced.  Either party’s failure to insist at any time on strict compliance with this Agreement or with any of the terms under this Agreement or any continued course of such conduct on its part will in no event constitute or be considered a waiver by such party of any of its rights or privileges.


If any portion of this Agreement shall be held or made invalid by a court decision, statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected thereby.


The rights, remedies and obligations contained in this Agreement are cumulative and are in addition to any and all rights, remedies and obligations, at law or in equity, which the parties to this Agreement are entitled to under state and federal laws.


Except to the extent required by applicable law, no party shall use any other party's names, logos, trademarks or service marks, whether registered or unregistered, without the prior consent of such party.


Sections “Representations,” “Privacy/Confidentiality,”  “Indemnification,” and “Trademarks” hereof shall survive termination of this Agreement.  In addition, all provisions of this Agreement shall survive termination of this Agreement in the event that any Variable Accounts are invested in a Fund at the time the termination becomes effective and shall survive for so long as such Variable Accounts remain so invested.


Each of the parties acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement and the arrangements described in this Agreement are intended to be non-exclusive and that each of the parties is free to enter into similar agreements and arrangements with other entities.


Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create a partnership or joint venture by and among the parties hereto.


No party to this Agreement will be responsible for delays resulting from acts beyond the reasonable control of such party, provided that the nonperforming party uses commercially reasonable efforts to avoid or remove such causes of nonperformance and continues performance hereunder as soon as practicable as soon as such causes are avoided, rectified or removed.


This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by a written amendment, which includes any amendments to the Exhibits, executed by all parties to the Agreement.




Each party hereby represents and warrants to the other that the persons executing this Agreement on its behalf are duly authorized and empowered to execute and deliver the Agreement and that the Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation, and is enforceable in accordance with its terms.  Except as particularly set forth herein, neither party assumes any responsibility hereunder and will not be liable to the other for any damages, loss of data, delay or any other loss whatsoever caused by events beyond its control.

This Agreement may be executed by facsimile signature and it may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.



Davis Distributors, LLC


Davis Variable Account Fund, Inc.




Exhibit A

Subsidiary Life Insurance Companies

Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America
Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America





All current and future funds available for sale through the Variable Products, including but not limited to any funds listed below.

Davis Value Portfolio
Davis Financial Portfolio
Davis Real Estate Portfolio






The purchase, redemption and settlement of shares of a Fund (“Shares”) will normally follow the Fund/SERV-Defined Contribution Clearance and Settlement Service (“DCCS”) Processing Procedures below and the rules and procedures of the SCC Division of the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) shall govern the purchase, redemption and settlement of Shares of the Funds through NSCC by Nationwide.  In the event of equipment failure or technical malfunctions or the parties’ inability to otherwise perform transactions pursuant to the FUND/SERV Processing Procedures, or the parties’ mutual consent to use manual processing, the Manual Processing Procedures below will apply.

It is understood and agreed that, in the context of Section 22 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “1940 Act”) and the rules and public interpretations thereunder by the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC Staff), receipt by Nationwide of any Instructions from the contract owner prior to the Close of Trade on any Business Day shall be deemed to be receipt by the Funds of such Instructions solely for pricing purposes and shall cause purchases and sales to be deemed to occur at the Share Price for such Business Day, except as provided in 4(c) of  the Manual Processing Procedures. Each Instruction shall be deemed to be accompanied by a representation by Nationwide that it has received proper authorization from each contract owner whose purchase, redemption, account transfer or exchange transaction is effected as a result of such Instruction.

Fund/SERV-DCCS Processing Procedures

On each business day that the New York Stock Exchange (the “Exchange”) is open for business on which the Funds determine their net asset values ("Business Day"), the Company shall accept, and effect changes in its records upon receipt of purchase, redemption, exchanges, account transfers and registration instructions from Nationwide electronically through Fund/SERV ("Instructions”) without supporting documentation from the contract owner.  On each Business Day, the Company shall accept for processing any Instructions from Nationwide and shall process such Instructions in a timely manner.

Company shall perform any and all duties, functions, procedures and responsibilities assigned to it under this Agreement and as otherwise established by the NSCC.  Company shall conduct each of the foregoing activities in a competent manner and in compliance with (a) all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including NSCC Fund/SERV-DCCS rules and procedures relating to Fund/SERV; (b) the then-current Prospectus of a Fund; and (c) any provision relating to Fund/SERV in any other agreement of the Company that would affect its duties and obligations pursuant to this Agreement.

Confirmed trades and any other information provided by the Company to Nationwide through Fund/SERV and pursuant to this Agreement shall be accurate, complete, and in the format prescribed by the NSCC.

Trade information provided by Nationwide to the Company through Fund/SERV and pursuant to this Agreement shall be accurate, complete and, in the format prescribed by the NSCC.  All Instructions by Nationwide regarding each Fund/SERV Account shall be true and correct and will have been duly authorized by the registered holder.

For each Fund/SERV transaction, Nationwide shall provide the Funds and the Company with all information necessary or appropriate to establish and maintain each Fund/SERV transaction (and any subsequent changes to such information), which Nationwide hereby certifies is and shall remain true and correct.  Nationwide shall maintain documents required by the Funds to effect Fund/SERV transactions.  Nationwide certifies that all Instructions delivered to Company on any Business Day shall have been received by Nationwide from the contract owner by the close of trading (generally 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time (“ET”)) on the Exchange (the "Close of Trading") on such Business Day and that any Instructions received by it after the Close of Trading on any given Business Day will be transmitted to Company on the next Business Day.

Manual Processing Procedures

On each Business Day, Nationwide may receive Instructions from the contract owner for the purchase or redemption of shares of the Funds based solely upon receipt of such Instructions prior to the Close of Trading on that Business Day.  Instructions in good order received by Nationwide prior to the close of trading on any given Business Day (generally, 4:00 p.m. ET (the “Trade Date”) and transmitted to the Company by no later than 9:30 a.m. ET the Business Day following the Trade Date (“Trade Date plus One” or “T+1”), will be executed at the NAV (“Share Price”) of each applicable Fund, determined as of the Close of Trading on the Trade Date.

By no later than 6:00 p.m. ET on each Trade Date (“Price Communication Time”), the Company will use its best efforts to communicate to Nationwide via electronic transmission acceptable to both parties, the Share Price of each applicable Fund, as well as dividend and capital gain information and, in the case of funds that credit a daily dividend, the daily accrual or interest rate factor, determined at the Close of Trading on that Trade Date.

As noted in Paragraph 1 above, by 9:30 a.m. ET on T+1 (“Instruction Cutoff Time”) and after Nationwide has processed all approved transactions, Nationwide will transmit to the Company via facsimile, telefax or electronic transmission or system-to-system, or by a method acceptable to Nationwide and the Company, a report (the “Instruction Report”) detailing the Instructions that were received by Nationwide prior to the Funds’ daily determination of Share Price for each Fund (i.e., the Close of Trading) on Trade Date.

It is understood by the parties that all Instructions from the contract owner shall be received and processed by Nationwide in accordance with its standard transaction processing procedures.  Nationwide or its designees shall maintain records sufficient to identify the date and time of receipt of all contract owner transactions involving the Funds and shall make or cause to be made such records available upon reasonable request for examination by the Funds or its designated representative or, by appropriate governmental authorities.  Under no circumstances shall Nationwide change, alter or modify any Instructions received by it in good order.

Following the completion of the transmission of any Instructions by Nationwide to the Company by the Instruction Cutoff Time, Nationwide will verify that the Instruction was received by the Company.

In the event that an Instruction transmitted by Nationwide on any Business Day is not received by the Company by the Instruction Cutoff Time, due to mechanical difficulties or for any other reason beyond Nationwide’s reasonable control, such Instruction shall nonetheless be treated by the Company as if it had been received by the Instruction Cutoff Time, provided that Nationwide retransmits such Instruction by facsimile transmission to the Company and such Instruction is received by the Company’s financial control representative no later than 9:30 a.m. ET on T+1.  In addition, Nationwide will use its best efforts to place a phone call to a financial control representative of the Company prior to 12:00 p.m. noon ET on T+1 to advise the Company that a facsimile transmission concerning the Instruction is being sent.

With respect to all Instructions, the Company’s financial control representative will manually adjust a Fund’s records for the Trade Date to reflect any Instructions sent by Nationwide.

By no later than 4:00 p.m. on T+1, and based on the information transmitted to the Company pursuant to Paragraph 3(c) above, Nationwide will use its best efforts to verify that all Instructions provided to the Company on T+1 were accurately received and that the trades for each Account were accurately completed and Nationwide will use its best efforts to notify Company of any discrepancies.

As set forth below, upon the timely receipt from Nationwide of the Instructions, the Fund will execute the purchase or redemption transactions (as the case may be) at the Share Price for each Fund computed as of the Close of Trading on the Trade Date.

Except as otherwise provided herein, all purchase and redemption transactions will settle on T+1.  Settlements will be through net Federal Wire transfers to an account designated by a Fund.  In the case of Instructions which constitute a net purchase order, settlement shall occur by Nationwide initiating a wire transfer by 1:00 p.m. ET on T+1 to the custodian for the Fund for receipt by the Funds’ custodian by no later than the Close of Business at the New York Federal Reserve Bank on T+1, causing the remittance of the requisite funds to the Company to cover such net purchase order.  In the case of Instructions which constitute a net redemption order, settlement shall occur by the Company causing the remittance of the requisite funds to cover such net redemption order by Federal Funds Wire by 1:00 p.m. ET on T+1, provided that the Fund reserves the right to (i) delay settlement of redemptions for up to seven (7) Business Days after receiving a net redemption order in accordance with Section 22 of the 1940 Act and Rule 22c-1 thereunder, or (ii) suspend redemptions pursuant to the 1940 Act or as otherwise required by law.  Settlements shall be in U.S. dollars.

Nationwide (and its Variable Accounts) shall be designated as record owner of each account (“Record Owner”) and Company shall provide Nationwide with all written confirmations required under federal and state securities laws.

On any Business Day when the Federal Reserve Wire Transfer System is closed, all communication and processing rules will be suspended for the settlement of Instructions.  Instructions will be settled on the next Business Day on which the Federal Reserve Wire Transfer System is open.  The original T+1 Settlement Date will not apply.  Rather, for purposes of this Paragraph 4(c) only, the Settlement Date will be the date on which the Instruction settles.

Nationwide shall, upon receipt of any confirmation or statement concerning the accounts, verify the accuracy of the information contained therein against the information contained in Nationwide’s internal record-keeping system and shall promptly advise the Company in writing of any discrepancies between such information.  The Company and Nationwide shall cooperate to resolve any such discrepancies as soon as reasonably practicable.


In the event of any error or delay with respect to both the Fund/SERV Processing Procedures and the Manual Processing Procedures outlined in Exhibit C herein:  (i) which is caused by the Funds or the Company, the Company shall make any adjustments on the Funds’ accounting system necessary to correct such error or delay and the responsible party or parties shall reimburse the contract owner and Nationwide, as appropriate, for any losses or reasonable costs incurred directly as a result of the error or delay but specifically excluding any and all consequential punitive or other indirect damages or (ii) which is caused by Nationwide,  the Company shall make any adjustment on the Funds’ accounting system necessary to correct such error or delay and the affected party or parties shall be reimbursed by Nationwide for any losses or reasonable costs incurred directly as a result of the error or delay, but specifically excluding any and all consequential punitive or other indirect damages.  In the event of any such adjustments on the Funds’ accounting system, Nationwide shall make the corresponding adjustments on its internal record-keeping system.  In the event that errors or delays with respect to the Procedures are contributed to by more than one party hereto, each party shall be responsible for that portion of the loss or reasonable cost which results from its error or delay.  All parties agree to provide the other parties prompt notice of any errors or delays of the type referred to herein and to use reasonable efforts to take such action as may be appropriate to avoid or mitigate any such costs or losses.
EX-99.H PARTIC AGREE 14 dwsfpa.htm DWS FPA dwsfpa.htm


THIS AGREEMENT, dated as of the 1st day of July 2004 by and among each life insurance company listed on Exhibit A hereto (each a “Company”) and on behalf of each separate account of the Company set forth on Schedule A hereto as may be amended from time to time (each separate account hereinafter referred to as the "Account"), SCUDDER VARIABLE SERIES I and SCUDDER VARIABLE SERIES II (individually, a "Fund"), each a Massachusetts business trust created under a Declaration of Trust, as amended, SCUDDER DISTRIBUTORS, INC. (the "Underwriter"), a Delaware corporation, and DEUTSCHE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT AMERICAS INC., a Delaware corporation (the “Adviser”).  The parties agree that a single document is being used for ease of administration and that this Agreement shall be treated as if it were a separate agreement with respect to each Fund (and each series thereof) and each Company, that is a party hereto, severally and not jointly, as if such entity had entered into a separate agreement naming only itself as a party.  Without limiting the foregoing, no Fund (or series thereof), shall have any liability under this Agreement for the obligations of any other Fund, or series thereof and no Company shall have liability for the obligations of any other Company.
WHEREAS, the Fund engages in business as an open-end management investment company and is or will be available to act as the investment vehicle for separate accounts established for variable life insurance and variable annuity contracts (the "Variable Insurance Products") to be offered by insurance companies which have entered into participation agreements with the Fund and Underwriter ("Participating Insurance Companies");
WHEREAS, the beneficial interest in the Fund is divided into several series of shares of beneficial interest without par value, and, with respect to certain series, classes thereof (“Shares”), and additional series of Shares, and classes thereof, may be established, each such series of Shares designated a "Portfolio" and representing the interest in a particular managed portfolio of securities and other assets;
WHEREAS, the Fund has obtained an order from the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") granting Participating Insurance Companies and variable annuity and variable life insurance separate accounts exemptions from the provisions of sections 9(a), 13(a), 15(a), and 15(b) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act") and Rules 6e-2(b)(15) and 6e-3(T)(b)(15) thereunder, to the extent necessary to permit Shares of the Fund to be sold to and held by variable annuity and variable life insurance separate accounts of both affiliated and unaffiliated life insurance companies (the "Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order");
WHEREAS, the Fund is registered as an open-end management investment company under the 1940 Act and Shares of the Portfolios are registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act");
WHEREAS, the Adviser, which serves as investment adviser to the Fund, is duly registered as an investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended, and any applicable state securities laws;
WHEREAS, the Company has issued or will issue certain variable life insurance and/or variable annuity contracts supported wholly or partially by the Account (the "Contracts"), and said Contracts are listed in Schedule A hereto, as it may be amended from time to time by mutual written agreement;
WHEREAS, the Company provides administrative and/or recordkeeping services for the Contracts and in all other respects provides operational support in connection with the offering and maintenance of the Contracts;
WHEREAS, selection of investment options is made by owners of the Contracts and such owners may reallocate their investments among the investment options in accordance with the terms of the Contracts;

WHEREAS, the Account is duly established and maintained as a separate account, established by resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company to set aside and invest assets attributable to the aforesaid Contracts;
WHEREAS, the Underwriter, which serves as distributor to the Fund, is registered as a broker dealer with the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "1934 Act"), and is a member in good standing of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (the "NASD"); and
WHEREAS, to the extent permitted by applicable insurance laws and regulations, the Company intends to purchase shares in the Portfolios, and classes thereof, listed in Schedule B hereto, as it may be amended from time to time by mutual written agreement (the "Designated Portfolios") on behalf of the Account to fund the aforesaid Contracts, and the Underwriter is authorized to sell such Shares to the Account at net asset value;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual promises, the Company, the Fund, the Adviser and the Underwriter agree as follows:
ARTICLE I.                                Sale of Fund Shares
1.1.             The Fund has granted to the Underwriter exclusive authority to distribute the Fund's Shares, and has agreed to instruct, and has so instructed, the Underwriter to make available to the Company for purchase, on behalf of the Account, Fund Shares of those Designated Portfolios selected by the Underwriter.  Pursuant to such authority and instructions, and subject to Article X hereof, the Underwriter agrees to make available to the Company for purchase on behalf of the Account, Shares of those Designated Portfolios listed on Schedule B to this Agreement, such purchases to be effected at net asset value in accordance with Section 1.3 of this Agreement.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) Fund series (other than those listed on Schedule B) in existence now or that may be established in the future will be made available to the Company only as the Underwriter may so provide, and (ii) the Board of Trustees of the Fund (the "Board") may refuse to sell shares of any Designated Portfolio to any person, or suspend or terminate the offering of Fund Shares of any Designated Portfolio or class thereof, if such action is required by law or by regulatory authorities having jurisdiction, or if, in the sole discretion of the Board acting in good faith and in light of its fiduciary duties under federal and any applicable state laws, suspension or termination is in the best interests of shareholders of such Designated Portfolios.
1.2.             The Fund shall redeem, at the Company's request, any full or fractional Designated Portfolio Shares held by the Company on behalf of the Account, such redemptions to be effected at net asset value in accordance with Section 1.3 of this Agreement.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) the Company shall not redeem Fund Shares attributable to Contract owners except in the circumstances permitted in Section 10.3 of this Agreement, and (ii) the Fund may suspend the right of redemption or postpone the date of payment or satisfaction upon  redemption of Fund Shares of any Designated Portfolio to the extent permitted by the 1940 Act, any rules, regulations or orders thereunder.
1.3.             Purchase and Redemption Procedures
(a)  The Fund hereby appoints the Company as an agent of the Fund for the limited purpose of receiving purchase and redemption requests on behalf of the Account  for Shares of those Designated Portfolios made available hereunder, based on allocations of amounts to the Account or subaccounts thereof under the Contracts and other transactions relating to the Contracts or the Account.  Receipt of any such request (or relevant transactional information therefore) on any day the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading and on which the Fund calculates its net asset value pursuant to the rules of the SEC (a "Business Day") by the Company as such limited agent of the Fund prior to the time that the Fund calculates its net asset value as described from time to time in the Fund Prospectus (which as of the date of execution of this Agreement is 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time) shall constitute receipt by the Fund on that same Business Day, provided that the Fund receives notice of such request by 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time on the next following Business Day.
(b)  The Company shall pay for Shares of each Designated Portfolio on the same day that it notifies the Fund of a purchase request for such Shares.  Payment for Designated Portfolio Shares shall be made in federal funds transmitted to the Fund by wire to be received by the Fund by the end of the Business Day (normally 5:00 p.m. Eastern time) on, the same Business Day the Fund is notified of the purchase request for Designated Portfolio Shares pursuant to Section 1.3(a) (unless the Fund determines and so advises the Company that sufficient proceeds are available from redemption of Shares of other Designated Portfolios effected pursuant to redemption requests tendered by the Company on behalf of the Account).
(c)  The Fund will redeem Designated Portfolio Shares requested on behalf of the Account, and make payment therefore, in accordance with the provisions of the then current registration statement of the Fund.  Payment for Designated Portfolio Shares redeemed by the Account or the Company normally shall be made in federal funds transmitted by wire to the Company or any other designated person by the end of the Business Day (normally 5:00 p.m. Eastern time) on the same Business Day the Fund is notified of the redemption order of such Shares pursuant to Section 1.3(a) (unless redemption proceeds are to be applied to the purchase of Shares of other Designated Portfolios in accordance with Section 1.3(b) of this Agreement).  The Fund shall not bear any responsibility whatsoever for the proper disbursement or crediting of redemption proceeds by the Company, the Company alone shall be responsible for such action.
1.4.             The Fund shall use its best efforts to make the net asset value per share for each Designated Portfolio available to the Company by 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time each Business Day, and in any event, as soon as reasonably practicable after the net asset value per share for such Designated Portfolio is calculated, and shall calculate such net asset value in accordance with the Fund's Prospectus.  Neither the Fund, any Designated Portfolio, the Underwriter, nor any of their affiliates shall be liable for any information provided to the Company pursuant to this Agreement which information is based on incorrect information supplied by the Company or any other Participating Insurance Company to the Fund or the Underwriter.
1.5.             The Fund shall furnish notice (by wire or telephone followed by written confirmation) to the Company as soon as reasonably practicable of any income dividends or capital gain distributions payable on any Designated Portfolio Shares.  The Company, on its behalf and on behalf of the Account, hereby elects to receive all such dividends and distributions as are payable on any Designated Portfolio Shares in the form of additional Shares of that Designated Portfolio.  The Company reserves the right, on its behalf and on behalf of the Account, to revoke this election and to receive all such dividends and capital gain distributions in cash.  The Fund shall notify the Company of the number of Designated Portfolio Shares so issued as payment of such dividends and distributions.
1.6.             Issuance and transfer of Fund Shares shall be by book entry only.  Stock certificates will not be issued to the Company or the Account.  Purchase and redemption orders for Fund Shares shall be recorded in an appropriate ledger for the Account or the appropriate subaccount of the Account.
1.7.             The parties hereto acknowledge that the arrangement contemplated by this Agreement is not exclusive; the Fund's Shares may be sold to other insurance companies (subject to Section 1.8 hereof) and to certain qualified retirement plans, and the cash value of the Contracts may be invested in other investment companies.
1.8.             The Underwriter and the Fund shall sell Fund Shares only to Participating Insurance Companies and their separate accounts and to persons or plans ("Qualified Persons") that qualify to purchase Shares of the Fund under Section 817(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), and the regulations thereunder without impairing the ability of the Account to consider the portfolio investments of the Fund as constituting investments of the Account for the purpose of satisfying the diversification requirements of Section 817(h).  The Underwriter and the Fund shall not sell Fund Shares to any insurance company or separate account unless an agreement complying with Article VI of this Agreement is in effect to govern such sales.  The Company hereby represents and warrants that it and the Account are Qualified Persons.  The Fund reserves the right to cease offering Shares of any Designated Portfolio in the discretion of the Fund.
ARTICLE II.                                Representations and Warranties
2.1.             The Company represents and warrants that the Contracts (a) are or, prior to issuance, will be registered under the 1933 Act or, alternatively (b) are not registered because they are properly exempt from registration under the 1933 Act or will be offered exclusively in transactions that are properly exempt from registration under the 1933 Act.  The Company further represents and warrants that the Contracts will be issued in compliance in all material respects with all applicable federal securities and state securities and insurance laws and that the sale of the Contracts shall comply in all material respects with state insurance requirements.  The Company further represents and warrants that it is duly organized and in good standing under applicable law, that it has legally and validly established the Account prior to any issuance or sale thereof as a separate account under applicable insurance laws, and that it (a) has registered or, prior to any issuance or sale of the Contracts, will register the Account as a unit investment trust in accordance with the provisions of the 1940 Act to serve as a segregated investment account for the Contracts, or alternatively (b) has not registered the Account in proper reliance upon an exclusion from registration under the 1940 Act.  The Company shall register and qualify the Contracts or interests therein as securities in accordance with the laws of the various states only if and to the extent deemed advisable by the Company.
2.2.             The Fund represents and warrants that Fund Shares sold pursuant to this Agreement shall be registered under the 1933 Act, duly authorized for issuance and sold in compliance in all material respects with all applicable federal securities laws and that the Fund is and shall remain registered under the 1940 Act.  The Fund shall amend the registration statement for its Shares under the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act from time to time as required in order to effect the continuous offering of the shares of the Designated Portfolios.  The Fund shall register and qualify such Shares for sale in accordance with the laws of the various states only if and to the extent deemed advisable by the Fund or the Underwriter after taking into consideration any state insurance law requirements that the Company advises the Fund may be applicable.
2.3.             The provisions of this Section 2.3 apply to Class B Shares.  The Company agrees to provide distribution services (“Distribution Services”) for the Class B Shares of the Designated Portfolios including  the following types of services:
(1)           Mailing of Fund prospectuses, statements of additional information, any supplements thereto and shareholder reports for prospective Contract owners.
(2)           Developing, preparing, printing and mailing of Fund advertisements, sales literature and other promotional materials describing and/or relating to the Fund and including materials intended for use within the Company, or for broker-dealer only use or retail use.
(3)           Holding seminars and sales meetings designed to promote the distribution of Fund Shares.
(4)           Obtaining information and providing explanations to  Contract owners regarding Fund investment objectives and policies and other information about the Fund and its Portfolios, including the performance of the Portfolios.
(5)           Training sales personnel regarding the Fund.
(6)           Compensating sales personnel and financial services firms in connection with the allocation of cash values and premiums of the  Contracts to the Fund.
(7)           Personal service with respect to Fund Shares attributable to  Contract accounts.
In consideration of the Company performing the Distribution Services, the Underwriter will make quarterly payments to the Company pursuant to the Fund’s Master Distribution Plan for Class B Shares, as amended from time to time, at the annual rate of [X.XX%] of the average daily net asset value of the Class B shares of each Designated Portfolio held by the Company pursuant to this Agreement.

                      The Company shall perform all record keeping  services (the "Record Keeping Services") with respect to the Contracts, including, without limitation, the following:

                      (a)           Maintaining separate records for each Contract owner , which shall reflect the Designated Portfolio shares purchased and redeemed and Designated  Portfolio share balances of such Contract owners.  The Company will maintain omnibus accounts with each Designated Portfolio on behalf of Contract owners, and such accounts shall be in the name of  the Company (or its nominee) as the record owner of shares owned by such Contract owners.

                      (b)           Disbursing or crediting to Contract owners  all proceeds of redemptions of shares of the Designated Portfolios and processing  all dividends and other distributions.

                      (c)           Preparing and transmitting to Contract owners , as required by law, periodic statements showing the total number of shares owned by Contract owners as of the statement closing date, purchases and redemptions of Designated Portfolio shares by Contract owners during the period covered by the statement  and dividends and other distributions paid during the statement period (whether paid in cash or reinvested in Designated Portfolio shares), and such other information as may be required, from time to time, by Contract owners.

                      (d)           Supporting and responding to service inquiries from Contract owners.

                      (e)           Maintaining and preserving all records required by law to be maintained and preserved in connection with providing the foregoing services for Contract owners.

                      (f)           Generating written confirmations and quarterly statements to Contract owners, to the extent required by law.

                      (g)           To the extent required by applicable law, administering the distribution to existing Contract owners of  Fund prospectuses, proxy materials, periodic reports to shareholders and other materials that the Designated  Portfolios provide to their shareholders (the printing and distribution expense to be borne as set forth on Schedule C).

                      (h)           Aggregating and transmitting purchase and redemption orders to the Designated  Portfolios on behalf of the Contract owners.

           In consideration of the Company performing the Record Keeping Services, the Fund agrees to pay the Company, quarterly, a record keeping fee at the annual rate of 0.05% of the average daily net assets of the Class B Shares of each Designated Portfolio held  by the Company pursuant to this Agreement.    The Company represents and agrees that no charge imposed by it on Contract owners is specifically intended or designed to compensate the Company for the Record Keeping Services as described herein.

2.4.             The Fund makes no representations as to whether any aspect of its operations, including, but not limited to, investment policies, fees and expenses, complies with the insurance and other applicable laws of the various states, except that the Fund represents that the investment policies, fees, and expenses of the Designated Portfolio are and shall at all times remain in compliance with the insurance laws of the state of organization of the Company to the extent that the Fund is notified in writing of the requirements of such laws.
2.5.             The Fund represents that it is a Massachusetts business trust duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and that the Designated Portfolios do and will comply in all material respects with all applicable provisions of the 1940 Act.
2.6.             The Underwriter represents and warrants that it is a member in good standing of the NASD and is registered as a broker-dealer with the SEC.  The Underwriter further represents that it will sell and distribute the shares of the Designated Portfolios in accordance with any applicable state and federal securities laws.
2.7.             The Adviser represents and warrants that it is and shall remain duly registered as an investment adviser under all applicable federal and state securities laws and that it shall perform its obligations for the Fund in compliance in all material respects with any applicable state and federal securities laws.
2.8.             The Fund, the Adviser and the Underwriter represent and warrant that all of their trustees, directors, officers, employees, investment advisers, and other individuals or entities dealing with the money and/or securities of the Fund are and shall continue to be at all times covered by a blanket fidelity bond or similar coverage for the benefit of the Fund in an amount not less than the minimum coverage as required currently by Rule 17g-1 of the 1940 Act or such related provisions as may be promulgated from time to time.  The aforesaid bond shall include coverage for larceny and embezzlement and shall be issued by a reputable bonding company.
2.9.             The Company represents and warrants that all of its directors, officers, employees, and other individuals or entities employed or controlled by the Company dealing with the money and/or securities of the Account are covered by a blanket fidelity bond or similar coverage for the benefit of the Account, in an amount not less than $20 million.  The aforesaid bond includes coverage for larceny and embezzlement and is issued by a reputable bonding company.  The Company agrees to hold for the benefit of the Fund and to pay to the Fund any amounts lost from larceny, embezzlement or other events covered by the aforesaid bond to the extent such amounts properly belong to the Fund pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.  The Company agrees to make all reasonable efforts to see that this bond or another bond containing these provisions is always in effect, and agrees to notify the Fund and the Underwriter in the event that such coverage no longer applies.
2.10.             The Company represents and warrants that all shares of the Designated Portfolios purchased by the Company will be purchased on behalf of one or more unit investment trust separate accounts that offer interests therein that are registered under the 1933 Act and upon which a registration fee has been or will be paid or that are unregistered because the interests are exempt from registration under the 1933 Act, and the Company acknowledges that the Fund intends to rely upon this representation and warranty for purposes of calculating SEC registration fees payable with respect to such Shares of the Designated Portfolios pursuant to Form 24F-2 or any similar form or SEC registration fee calculation procedure that allows the Fund to exclude Shares so sold for purposes of calculating its SEC registration fee.  The Company will certify the amount of any Shares of the Designated Portfolios purchased by the Company on behalf of any separate account offering interests not subject to registration under the 1933 Act.  The Company agrees to cooperate with the Fund on no less than an annual basis to certify as to its continuing compliance with this representation and warranty.
2.11.             The Company represents and warrants as follows:
(a)  The Company will maintain an anti-money laundering program ("AML program") that will comply with applicable and effective laws and regulations, including the relevant provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107-56 (2001)) and the regulations issued thereunder by the U.S. Treasury Department.
(b)           The Company has in place and will maintain a compliance program that will comply with the laws and regulations administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”).

ARTICLE III.                                Prospectuses and Proxy Statements; Voting
3.1.             The Underwriter shall provide the Company with as many copies of the Fund's current prospectus (describing only the Designated Portfolios listed on Schedule B) as the Company may reasonably request.  If requested by the Company in lieu thereof, the Fund shall provide such documentation (including a final copy of the new prospectus on computer diskette or other electronic means at the Fund's expense) and other assistance as is reasonably necessary in order for the Company once each year (or more frequently if the prospectus for a Designated Portfolio is amended) to have the prospectus for the Contracts and the prospectus for the Designated Portfolios printed together in one document.  Expenses with respect to the foregoing shall be borne as provided under Article V.
3.2.             The Fund's prospectus shall state that the current Statement of Additional Information ("SAI") for the Fund is available from the Company (or in the Fund’s discretion, from the Fund), and the Fund shall provide a copy of such SAI to any owner of a Contract who requests such SAI and to the Company in such quantities as the Company may reasonably request.  Expenses with respect to the foregoing shall be borne as provided under Article V.
3.3.             The Fund shall provide the Company with copies of its proxy material, reports to shareholders, and other communications to shareholders of the Designated Portfolios in such quantity as the Company shall reasonably require for distributing to Contract owners.  The Company shall distribute all proxy material furnished by the Fund (provided that such material is received by the Company or its designated agent at least ten (10) Business Days prior to the date scheduled for mailing to Contract owners).  Expenses with respect to the foregoing shall be borne as provided under Article V.
3.4.             For so long as and to the extent that the Securities and Exchange Commission continues to interpret the 1940 Act to require pass-through voting privileges for Variable Products, the Company shall distribute all proxy material furnished by the Fund (provided that such material is received by the Company or its designated agent at least ten (10) Business Days prior to the date scheduled for mailing to Contract owners) and shall vote Fund shares in accordance with instructions received from the Contract owners who have interests in such Fund shares.  The Company shall vote the Fund shares for which no instructions have been received in the same proportion as Fund shares for which said instructions have been received from the Contract owners provided that such proportional voting is not prohibited by a Contract owner’s qualified retirement plan document, if applicable.  The Company and its agents will in no way recommend an action in connection with or oppose or interfere with the solicitation of proxies in the Fund shares.
3.5.             The Fund reserves the right, upon prior written notice to the Company (given at the earliest practicable time), to take all actions, including but not limited to, the dissolution, termination, merger and sale of all assets of the Fund or any Designated Portfolio upon the sole authorization of the Board, to the extent permitted by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the 1940 Act.
3.6.             It is understood and agreed that, except with respect to information regarding the Fund, the Underwriter, the Adviser or Designated Portfolios provided in writing by any such party, none of the Fund, the Underwriter or the Adviser is responsible for the content of the prospectus or statement of additional information for the Contracts.
3.7.             For purposes of this Article, “Customer Information” means non-public personally identifiable information as defined in the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and each party agrees not to use, disclose or distribute to others any such information except as necessary to perform the terms of this Agreement and each party agrees to comply with all applicable provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.
For purposes of this Article, “Confidential Information” means any data or information regarding proprietary or confidential information concerning each of the parties.  Confidential Information does not include information that (a) was in the public domain prior to the date of this Agreement or subsequently came into the public domain through no fault of the Receiving Party or by violation of this Agreement; (b) was lawfully received by the Receiving Party from a third party free of any obligation of confidence of such third party; (c) was already in the possession of the Receiving Party prior to receipt thereof directly or indirectly from the Disclosing Party; (d) is required to be disclosed pursuant to applicable laws, regulatory or legal process, subpoena or court order; or, (e) is subsequently and independently developed by employees, consultants or agents of the Receiving Party without reference to or use of the Confidential Information disclosed under this Agreement.  Each of the parties warrants to the other that it shall not disclose to any person any Confidential Information which it may acquire in the performance of this Agreement; nor shall it use such Confidential Information for any purposes other than to fulfill its contractual obligations under this Agreement and it will maintain the other party’s Customer and Confidential Information with reasonable care, which shall not be less than the degree of care it would use for its own such information.

           In the event Confidential Information includes Customer Information, the Customer Information clause controls.

3.8.             Both Parties will maintain and enforce safety and physical security procedures with respect to its access and maintenance of Confidential Information (in electronic and paper format) that are in accordance with reasonable policies in these regards, and provide reasonably appropriate safeguards against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration or unauthorized disclosure or access of Confidential Information under this Agreement.
ARTICLE IV.                                Sales Material and Information
4.1.             The Company shall furnish, or shall cause to be furnished, to the Fund or its designee, each piece of sales literature or other promotional material that the Company develops or uses and in which the Fund (or a Designated Portfolio thereof) or the Adviser or the Underwriter is named, at least five (5) Business Days before its use.  No such material shall be used until approved by the Fund or its designee, and the Fund or its designee will review such sales literature or promotional material within five (5) Business Days after receipt of such material.  The Fund or its designee reserves the right to reasonably object to the continued use of any such sales literature or other promotional material in which the Fund (or a Designated Portfolio thereof) or the Adviser or the Underwriter is named, and no such material shall be used if the Fund or its designee so objects.  Failure to provide comments or affirmatively decline to provide comments within five (5) business days after receipt of sales literature or promotional material shall constitute a waiver of the right to review such material before its use as provided above.
4.2.             The Company shall not give any information or make any representations or statements on behalf of the Fund or concerning the Fund in connection with the sale of the Contracts other than the information or representations contained in the registration statement or prospectus or SAI for the Fund Shares, as such registration statement and prospectus or SAI may be amended or supplemented from time to time, or in reports or proxy statements for the Fund, or in sales literature or other promotional material approved by the Fund or its designee or by the Underwriter, or such other information provided in writing, except with the permission of the Fund or the Underwriter or the designee of either.
4.3.             The Fund and the Underwriter, or their designee, shall furnish, or shall cause to be, furnished, to the Company, each piece of sales literature or other promotional material that it develops or uses and in which the Company, and/or its Account, is named, at least five (5) Business Days before its use.  No such material shall be used until approved by the Company, and the Company will review such sales literature or promotional material within five (5) Business Days after receipt of such material.  The Company reserves the right to reasonably object to the continued use of any such sales literature or other promotional material in which the Company and/or its Account is named, and no such material shall be used if the Company so objects.  Failure to provide comments or affirmatively decline to provide comments within five (5) Business Days after receipt of sales literature or promotional material shall constitute a waiver of the right to review such material before its use as provided above.
4.4.             The Fund and the Underwriter shall not give any information or make any representations on behalf of the Company or concerning the Company, the Account, or the Contracts other than the information or representations contained in a registration statement, prospectus (which shall include the portions of an offering memorandum that contain information regarding the Fund, the Underwriter or the Advisor, if any, if the Contracts issued by the Company or interests therein are not registered under the 1933 Act), or SAI for the Contracts, as such registration statement, prospectus, or SAI may be amended or supplemented from time to time, or in published reports for the Account which are in the public domain or approved by the Company for distribution to Contract owners, or in sales literature or other promotional material approved by the Company or its designee, or such other information provided in writing, except with the permission of the Company.
4.5.             Upon request, the Fund will provide to the Company at least one complete copy of all registration statements, prospectuses, SAIs, reports, proxy statements, sales literature and other promotional materials, applications for exemptions, requests for no-action letters, and all material amendments to any of the above, that relate to the Fund or its Shares, contemporaneously with the filing of such document(s) with the SEC or other regulatory authorities.
4.6.             Upon request, the Company will provide to the Fund at least one complete copy of all registration statements, prospectuses (which shall include the portions of an offering memorandum that contain information regarding the Fund, the Underwriter or the Advisor, if any, if the Contracts issued by the Company or interests therein are not registered under the 1933 Act), SAIs, reports, solicitations for voting instructions, sales literature and other promotional materials, applications for exemptions or substitutions, requests for no-action letters, and all material amendments to any of the above, that relate to the Contracts or the Account, contemporaneously with the filing of such document(s) with the SEC or other regulatory authorities.  The Company shall provide to the Fund and the Underwriter any material complaints received from the Contract owners pertaining to the Fund or the Designated Portfolio.
4.7.             The Fund will provide the Company with as much notice as is reasonably practicable (but at least ten (10) Business Days prior to the date scheduled for mailing to contract owners) of any proxy solicitation for any Designated Portfolio, and of any material change in the Fund's registration statement, particularly any change resulting in a change to the registration statement or prospectus for any Account.  The Fund will work with the Company so as to enable the Company to solicit proxies from Contract owners, or to make changes to its prospectus or registration statement, in an orderly manner.  The Fund will make reasonable efforts to attempt to have changes affecting Contract prospectuses become effective simultaneously with the annual updates for such prospectuses.
4.8.             For purposes of this Article IV, the phrase "sales literature and other promotional materials" includes, but is not limited to, any of the following that refer to the Fund or any affiliate of the Fund:  advertisements (such as material published, or designed for use in, a newspaper, magazine, or other periodical, radio, television, internet website (or other electronic media), telephone or tape recording, videotape display, signs or billboards, motion pictures, or other public media), sales literature (i.e., any written communication distributed or made generally available to customers or the public, including brochures, circulars, reports, market letters, form letters, seminar texts, reprints or excerpts of any other advertisement, sales literature, or published article), educational or training materials or other communications distributed or made generally available to some or all agents or employees, and registration statements, prospectuses, SAIs, shareholder reports, proxy materials, and any other communications distributed or made generally available with regard to the Fund.
ARTICLE V.                                Fees and Expenses
5.1.             The Fund, the Adviser and the Underwriter shall pay no fee or other compensation to the Company under this Agreement, although the parties hereto will bear certain expenses in accordance with Schedule C and other provisions of this Agreement.
5.2.             All expenses incident to performance by the Fund under this Agreement shall be paid by the Fund, except and as further provided in Schedule C.  The cost of setting the Fund’s prospectus in type, setting in type and printing the Fund’s proxy materials and reports to shareholders (including the costs of printing a prospectus that constitutes an annual report), the preparation of all statements and notices relating to the Fund required by any federal or state law, and all taxes on the issuance or transfer of the Fund's Shares shall be borne by the parties hereto as set forth in Schedule C.
5.3.             The expenses of distributing the Fund's prospectus to new and existing owners of Contracts issued by the Company and of distributing the Fund's proxy materials and reports to Contract owners shall be borne by the parties hereto as set forth in Schedule C.

ARTICLE VI.                                Diversification and Qualification
6.1.             The Fund will invest the assets of each Designated Portfolio in such a manner as to ensure that the Contracts will be treated as variable contracts as defined in sections 817(d) and (g) of the Code and the regulations issued thereunder (or any successor provisions).  Without limiting the scope of the foregoing, the Fund will, with respect to each Designated Portfolio, comply with Section 817(h) of the Code and Treasury Regulation §1.817-5, and any Treasury interpretations thereof, relating to the diversification requirements for variable annuity, endowment, or life insurance contracts, and any amendments or other modifications or successor provisions to such Section or Regulations, if required.  In the event of a breach of this Article VI by the Fund, it will take all reasonable steps (a) to promptly notify the Company of such breach and (b) to adequately diversify the affected Designated Portfolio so as to achieve compliance within the grace period afforded by Treasury Regulation §1.817-5.
6.2.             The Fund represents that each Designated Portfolio is or will be qualified as a Regulated Investment Company under Subchapter M of the Code, and that it will make every effort to maintain such qualification (under Subchapter M or any successor or similar provisions) and that it will notify the Company immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that a Designated Portfolio has ceased to so qualify or that it might not so qualify in the future.
6.3.             The Company represents that the Contracts are currently, and at the time of issuance shall be, treated as life insurance or annuity insurance contracts, under applicable provisions of the Code, and that it will make every effort to maintain such treatment, and that it will notify the Fund and the Underwriter immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing the Contracts have ceased to be so treated or that they might not be so treated in the future.  The Company agrees that any prospectus offering a contract that is a "modified endowment contract" as that term is defined in Section 7702A of the Code (or any successor or similar provision), shall identify such contract as a modified endowment contract.
ARTICLE VII.                                Potential Conflicts
7.1.             The Board will monitor the Fund for the existence of any material irreconcilable conflict among the interests of the Contract owners of all separate accounts investing in the Fund.  An irreconcilable material conflict may arise for a variety of reasons, including:   (a) an action by any state insurance regulatory authority; (b) a change in applicable insurance laws or regulations; (c) a tax ruling or provision of the Internal Revenue Code or the regulations thereunder; (d) any other development relating to the tax treatment of insurers, Contract or policy owners or beneficiaries of variable annuity contracts or variable life insurance policies; (e) the manner in which the investments of any Designated Portfolio are being managed; (f) a difference in voting instructions given by variable annuity contract holders, on the one hand, and variable life insurance policy owners, on the other hand, or by the contract holders or policy owners of different Participating Insurance Companies; or (g) a decision by a Participating Insurance Company to disregard the voting instructions of its Contract owners.  The Board shall promptly inform the Company by written notice if it determines that an irreconcilable material conflict exists and the implications thereof.
7.2.             The Company and the Adviser will report any potential or existing conflicts of which it is aware to the Board.  The Company will assist the Board in carrying out its responsibilities under the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order, by providing the Board with all information reasonably necessary for the Board to consider any issues raised.  This includes, but is not limited to, an obligation by the Company to inform the Board whenever Contract owner voting instructions are disregarded.  At least annually, and more frequently if deemed appropriate by the Board, the Company shall submit to the Adviser, and the Adviser shall at least annually submit to the Board, such reports, materials and data as the Board may reasonably request so that the Board may fully carry out the obligations imposed upon it by the conditions contained in the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order; and said reports, materials and data shall be submitted more frequently if deemed appropriate by the Board.  The responsibility to report such information and conflicts to the Board will be carried out with a view only to the interests of the Contract owners.
7.3.             If it is determined by a majority of the Board, or a majority of its disinterested members, that a material irreconcilable conflict exists, the Company and other Participating Insurance Companies shall, at their expense and to the extent reasonably practicable (as determined by a majority of the disinterested Board members), take whatever steps are necessary to remedy or eliminate the irreconcilable material conflict, up to and including:  (1) withdrawing the assets allocable to some or all of the separate accounts from the Fund or any Designated Portfolio and reinvesting such assets in a different investment medium, including (but not limited to) another Designated Portfolio of the Fund, or submitting the question whether such segregation should be implemented to a vote of all affected contract owners and, as appropriate, segregating the assets of any appropriate group (i.e., annuity contract owners, life insurance contract owners, or variable contract owners of one or more Participating Insurance Companies) that votes in favor of such segregation, or offering to the affected contract owners the option of making such a change; and (2) establishing a new registered investment company or separate account.
7.4.             If a material irreconcilable conflict arises because of a decision by the Company to disregard Contract owner voting instructions and that decision represents a minority position or would preclude a majority vote, the Company may be required, at the Fund's election, to withdraw the affected Account's investment in any Designated Portfolio and terminate this Agreement with respect to such Account; provided, however, that such withdrawal and termination shall be limited to the extent required by the foregoing material irreconcilable conflict as determined by a majority of the disinterested members of the Board.  The Company will bear the cost of any remedial action, including such withdrawal and termination.  Any such withdrawal and termination must take place within six (6) months after the Fund gives written notice that this provision is being implemented, and until the end of that six month period the Fund shall continue to accept and implement orders by the Company for the purchase (and redemption) of shares of such Designated Portfolio.
7.5.             If a material irreconcilable conflict arises because a particular state insurance regulator's decision applicable to the Company conflicts with the majority of other state regulators, then the Company will withdraw the affected Account's investment in the Fund and terminate this Agreement with respect to such Account within six months after the Board informs the Company in writing that it has determined that such decision has created an irreconcilable material conflict; provided, however, that such withdrawal and termination shall be limited to the extent required by the foregoing material irreconcilable conflict as determined by a majority of the disinterested members of the Board.  Until the end of the foregoing six month period, the Fund shall continue to accept and implement orders by the Company for the purchase (and redemption) of shares of such Designated Portfolios.
7.6.             For purposes of Sections 7.3 through 7.6 of this Agreement, a majority of the disinterested members of the Board shall determine whether any proposed action adequately remedies any irreconcilable material conflict, but in no event will the Fund be required to establish a new funding medium for the Contracts.  The Company shall not be required by Section 7.3 to establish a new funding medium for the Contract if an offer to do so has been declined by vote of a majority of Contract owners materially adversely affected by the irreconcilable material conflict.  In the event that the Board determines that any proposed action does not adequately remedy any irreconcilable material conflict, then the Company will withdraw an Account's investment in any Designated Portfolio and terminate this Agreement within six (6) months after the Board informs the Company in writing of the foregoing determination; provided, however, that such withdrawal and termination shall be limited to the extent required by any such material irreconcilable conflict as determined by a majority of the disinterested members of the Board.
If and to the extent the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemption Order or any amendment thereto contains terms and conditions different from Sections 3.4, 3.6, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 of this Agreement, then the Fund and/or the Participating Insurance Companies, as appropriate, shall take such steps as may be necessary to comply with the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order, and Sections 3.4, 3.6, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5 of this Agreement shall continue in effect only to the extent that terms and conditions substantially identical to such Sections are contained in the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order or any amendment thereto.  If and to the extent that Rule 6e-2 and Rule 6e-3(T) are amended, or Rule 6e-3 or any similar rule is adopted, to provide exemptive relief from any provision of the 1940 Act or the rules promulgated thereunder with respect to mixed or shared funding (as defined in the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order) on terms and conditions materially different from those contained in the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order, then (a) the Fund and/or the Participating Insurance Companies, as appropriate, shall take such steps as may be necessary to comply with Rules 6e-2 and 6e-3(T), as amended, and Rule 6e-3 or any similar rule, as adopted, to the extent such rules are applicable; and (b) Sections 3.4, 3.6, 7.1., 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 of this Agreement shall continue in effect only to the extent that terms and conditions substantially identical to such Sections are contained in such Rule(s) as so amended or adopted.

ARTICLE VIII.                                           Indemnification
8.1.             Indemnification By the Company
(a)  The Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Fund, the Adviser and the Underwriter and each of its trustees, directors, trustees, officers, employees, agents and each person, if any, who controls the Fund, the Adviser or Underwriter within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act or who is under common control with the Underwriter (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties" for purposes of this Section 8.1) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of the Company) or litigation (including legal and other expenses), to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject under any statute or regulation, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) or settlements are related to the sale or acquisition of the Shares of the Designated Portfolios or the Contracts; and:
(i)  arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statements of any material fact contained in the registration statement, prospectus (which shall include an offering memorandum, if any), or SAI for the Contracts or contained in the Contracts or sales literature for the Contracts (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished in writing to the Company by or on behalf of the Fund for use in the registration statement, prospectus or SAI for the Contracts or in the Contracts or sales literature (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of the Contracts or Fund Shares; or
(ii)  arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statements of any material fact contained in the registration statement, prospectus (which shall include an offering memorandum, if any), or SAI covering insurance products sold by the Company or any insurance company which is an affiliate thereof, or any amendments or supplements thereto, or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished in writing to the Company by or on behalf of the Fund for use in the registration statement, prospectus or SAI covering insurance products sold by the Company or any insurance company which is an affiliate thereof, or any amendments or supplements thereto; or
(iii)  arise out of or as a result of statements or representations (other than statements or representations contained in the registration statement, prospectus, SAI, or sales literature of the Fund not supplied by the Company or persons under its control) or wrongful conduct of the Company or its agents or persons under the Company's authorization or control, or any affiliate thereof, with respect to the sale or distribution of the Contracts or Fund Shares; or
(iv)  arise out of any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in a registration statement, prospectus, SAI, or sales literature of the Fund or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading if such a statement or omission was made in reliance upon information furnished to the Fund by or on behalf of the Company; or
(v)  arise out of or are based upon any untrue statements or alleged untrue statements of any material fact contained in any registration statement, prospectus, statement of additional information or sales literature for any fund not affiliated with the Fund (“Unaffiliated Fund”), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, or otherwise pertain to or arise in connection with the availability of any Unaffiliated Fund as an underlying funding vehicle in respect of the Contracts, or arise out of or are based upon any act or omission on the part of the investment adviser or underwriter of an Unaffiliated Fund; or
(vi)  arise as a result of any material failure by the Company to provide the services and furnish the materials under the terms of this Agreement (including a failure, whether unintentional or in good faith or otherwise, to comply with the qualification requirements specified in Article VI of this Agreement); or
(vii)  arise out of or result from any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by the Company in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by the Company, as limited by and in accordance with the provisions of Sections 8.1(b), 8.1(c) and 8.1(d) hereof.
(b)  The Company shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities, fines or litigation to which an Indemnified Party would otherwise be subject by reason of such Indemnified Party's willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance of such Indemnified Party's duties or by reason of such Indemnified Party's reckless disregard of its obligations or duties under this Agreement.
(c)  The Company shall not be liable under this indemnification provision for any claim made against an Indemnified Party unless such Indemnified Party shall have notified the Company in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the claim shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent), but failure to notify the Company of any such claim shall not relieve the Company from any liability that it may have to the Indemnified Party against whom such action is brought notwithstanding this indemnification provision, except to the extent that the Company has been materially prejudiced by such failure to give notice.  In case any such action is brought against an Indemnified Party, the Company shall be entitled to participate, at its own expense, in the defense of such action.  The Company also shall be entitled to assume the defense thereof, with counsel satisfactory to the party named in the action and to settle the claim at its own expense; provided, however, that no such settlement shall, without the Indemnified Parties’ written consent, include any factual stipulation referring to the Indemnified Parties or their conduct.  After notice from the Company to such party of the Company's election to assume the defense thereof, the Indemnified Party shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and the Company will not be liable to such party under this Agreement for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such party independently in connection with the defense thereof other than reasonable costs of investigation, but, in case the Company does not elect to assume the defense of any such suit, the Company will reimburse the Fund, such officers, trustees and directors or controlling person or persons, defendant or defendants in such suit, for the reasonable fees and expenses of any counsel retained by them.
(d)  The Indemnified Parties will promptly notify the Company of the commencement of any litigation or proceedings against them in connection with the issuance or sale of the Fund Shares or the Contracts or the operation of the Fund.
8.2.             Indemnification by the Underwriter
(a)  The Underwriter agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company and each of its directors, officers, employees, agents and each person, if any, who controls the Company within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties" for purposes of this Section 8.2) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of the Underwriter) or litigation (including legal and other expenses) to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject under any statute or regulation, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) or settlements are related to the sale or acquisition of Shares of the Designated Portfolios or the Contracts; and:
(i)  arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the registration statement or prospectus or SAI or sales literature of the Fund (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to the Underwriter or Fund by or on behalf of the Company for use in the registration statement, prospectus or SAI for the Fund or in sales literature (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of the Contracts or Fund Shares; or
(ii)  arise out of or as a result of any untrue statements or misrepresentations (other than misstatements or misrepresentations contained in the registration statement, prospectus, SAI or sales literature for the Contracts not supplied by the Underwriter or persons under its control) or wrongful conduct of the Fund or Underwriter or persons under their control, with respect to the sale or distribution of the Contracts or Fund Shares; or
(iii)  arise out of any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in a registration statement, prospectus, SAI or sales literature covering the Contracts, or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto, or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statement or statements therein not misleading, if such statement or omission was made in reliance upon information furnished to the Company by or on behalf of the Fund or the Underwriter; or
(iv)  arise as a result of any failure by the Fund or the Underwriter to provide the services and furnish the materials under the terms of this Agreement (including a failure of the Fund, whether unintentional or in good faith or otherwise, to comply with the diversification and other qualification requirements specified in Article VI of this Agreement); or
(v)  arise out of or result from any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by the Underwriter in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by the Underwriter;
as limited by and in accordance with the provisions of Sections 8.2(b), 8.2(c) and 8.2(d) hereof.

(b)  The Underwriter shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities, fines or litigation to which an Indemnified Party would otherwise be subject by reason of such Indemnified Party's willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance or such Indemnified Party's duties or by reason of such Indemnified Party's reckless disregard of obligations and duties under this Agreement or to the Company, the Fund, the Adviser, the Underwriter or the Account, whichever is applicable.
(c)  The Underwriter shall not be liable under this indemnification provision for any claim made against an Indemnified Party unless such Indemnified Party shall have notified the Underwriter in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the claim shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent), but failure to notify the Underwriter of any such claim shall not relieve the Underwriter from any liability which it may have to the Indemnified Party against whom such action is brought notwithstanding this indemnification provision, except to the extent that the Underwriter has been prejudiced by such failure to give notice.  In case any such action is brought against the Indemnified Party, the Underwriter will be entitled to participate, at its own expense, in the defense thereof.  The Underwriter also shall be entitled to assume the defense thereof, with counsel satisfactory to the party named in the action and to settle the claim at its own expense; provided, however, that no such settlement shall, without the Indemnified Parties’ written consent, include any factual stipulation to the Indemnified Parties or their conduct.  After notice from the Underwriter to such party of the Underwriter's election to assume the defense thereof, the Indemnified Party shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and the Underwriter will not be liable to such party under this Agreement for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such party independently in connection with the defense thereof other than reasonable costs of investigation.
(d)  The Company agrees promptly to notify the Underwriter of the commencement of any litigation or proceedings against it or any of its officers or directors in connection with the issuance or sale of the Contracts or the operation of the Account.
8.3.             Indemnification By the Fund
(a)  The Fund agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company and each of its directors, officers, employees, agents and each person, if any, who controls the Company within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties" for purposes of this Section 8.3) against any and all losses, claims, expenses, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of the Fund) or litigation (including legal and other expenses) to which the Indemnified Parties may be required to pay or may become subject under any statute or regulation, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, expenses, damages, liabilities or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) or settlements, are related to the operations of the Fund and:
(i)  arise as a result of any failure by the Fund to provide the services and furnish the materials under the terms of this Agreement (including a failure, whether unintentional or in good faith or otherwise, to comply with the diversification and other qualification requirements specified in Article VI of this Agreement); or
(ii)  arise out of or result from any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by the Fund in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by the Fund;
as limited by and in accordance with the provisions of Sections 8.3(b), 8.3(c) and 8.3(d) hereof.

(b)  The Fund shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities, fines or litigation to which an Indemnified Party would otherwise be subject by reason of such Indemnified Party's willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance of such Indemnified Party's duties or by reason of such Indemnified Party's reckless disregard of obligations and duties under this Agreement or to the Company, the Fund, the Adviser, the Underwriter or the Account, whichever is applicable.
(c)  The Fund shall not be liable under this indemnification provision for any claim made against an Indemnified Party unless such Indemnified Party shall have notified the Fund in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the claim shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent), but failure to notify the Fund of any such claim shall not relieve the Fund from any liability which it may have to the Indemnified Party against whom such action is brought notwithstanding this indemnification provision, except to the extent the Fund has been prejudiced by such failure to give notice.  In case any such action is brought against the Indemnified Parties, the Fund will be entitled to participate, at its own expense, in the defense thereof.  The Fund also shall be entitled to assume the defense thereof, with counsel satisfactory to the party named in the action and to settle the claim at its own expense; provided, however, that no such settlement shall, without the Indemnified Parties’ written consent include any factual stipulation referring to the Indemnified Parties or their conduct.  After notice from the Fund to such party of the Fund's election to assume the defense thereof, the Indemnified Party shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and the Fund will not be liable to such party under this Agreement for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such party independently in connection with the defense thereof other than reasonable costs of investigation.
(d)  The Company, the Adviser and the Underwriter agree promptly to notify the Fund of the commencement of any litigation or proceeding against it or any of its respective officers or trustees in connection with the Agreement, the issuance or sale of the Contracts, the operation of any Account, or the sale or acquisition of Shares of the Fund.
ARTICLE IX.                                Applicable Law
9.1.             This Agreement shall be construed and the provisions hereof interpreted under and in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
9.2.             This Agreement shall be subject to the applicable provisions of the 1933, 1934 and 1940 Acts, and the rules and regulations and rulings thereunder, including such exemptions from those statutes, rules and regulations as the SEC may grant (including, but not limited to, any Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order) and the terms hereof shall be interpreted and construed in accordance therewith.  If, in the future, the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order should no longer be necessary under applicable law, then Article VII shall no longer apply.
ARTICLE X.                                Termination
10.1.             This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until the first to occur of:
(a)  termination by any party, for any reason with respect to some or all Designated Portfolios, by three (3) months advance written notice delivered to the other parties; or
(b)  termination by the Company by written notice to the Fund, the Adviser and the Underwriter based upon the Company's reasonable and good faith determination that Shares of any Designated Portfolio are not reasonably available to meet the requirements of the Contracts; or
(c)  termination by the Company by written notice to the Fund, the Adviser and the Underwriter in the event any of the Designated Portfolio's Shares are not registered, issued or sold in accordance with applicable state and/or federal securities laws or such law precludes the use of such Shares as the underlying investment media of the Contracts issued or to be issued by the Company; or
(d)  termination by the Fund, the Adviser or Underwriter in the event that formal administrative proceedings are instituted against the Company or any affiliate by the NASD, the SEC, the Insurance Commissioner or like official of any state or any other regulatory body regarding the Company's duties under this Agreement or related to the sale of the Contracts, the operation of any Account, or the purchase of the Fund's Shares; provided, however, that the Fund, the Adviser or Underwriter determines in its sole judgment exercised in good faith, that any such administrative proceedings will have a material adverse effect upon the ability of the Company to perform its obligations under this Agreement; or
(e)  termination by the Company in the event that formal administrative proceedings are instituted against the Fund, the Adviser or Underwriter by the NASD, the SEC, or any state securities or insurance department or any other regulatory body; provided, however, that the Company determines in its sole judgment exercised in good faith, that any such administrative proceedings will have a material adverse effect upon the ability of the Fund or Underwriter to perform its obligations under this Agreement; or
(f)  termination by the Company by written notice to the Fund, the Adviser and the Underwriter with respect to any Designated Portfolio in the event that such Portfolio ceases to qualify as a Regulated Investment Company under Subchapter M or fails to comply with the Section 817(h) diversification requirements specified in Article VI hereof, or if the Company reasonably believes that such Designated Portfolio may fail to so qualify or comply; or
(g)  termination by the Fund, the Adviser or Underwriter by written notice to the Company in the event that the Contracts fail to meet the qualifications specified in Article VI hereof; or
(h)  termination by any of the Fund, the Adviser or the Underwriter by written notice to the Company, if any of the Fund, the Adviser or the Underwriter respectively, shall determine, in their sole judgment exercised in good faith, that the Company has suffered a material adverse change in its business, operations, financial condition, insurance company rating or prospects since the date of this Agreement or is the subject of material adverse publicity; or
(i)  termination by the Company by written notice to the Fund, the Adviser and the Underwriter, if the Company shall determine, in its sole judgment exercised in good faith, that the Fund, the Adviser or the Underwriter has suffered a material adverse change in its business, operations, financial condition or prospects since the date of this Agreement or is the subject of material adverse publicity, and that material adverse change or publicity will have a material effect on the Fund’s or the Underwriter’s ability to perform its obligation under this Agreement; or
(j)  termination by the Company upon any substitution of the Shares of another investment company or series thereof for Shares of a Designated Portfolio of the Fund in accordance with the terms of the Contracts, provided that the Company has given at least 45 days prior written notice to the Fund and Underwriter of the date of substitution; or
(k)  termination by any party in the event that the Fund's Board of Trustees determines that a material irreconcilable conflict exists as provided in Article VII; or
(l)  at the option of the Company, as one party, or the Fund, the Adviser and the Underwriter, as one party, upon the other party’s material breach of any provision of this Agreement upon 30 days’ written notice and the opportunity to cure within such notice period; or
(m)  at the option of the Fund or the Adviser in the event the Contracts are not treated as annuity contracts under applicable provisions of the Code.
10.2.             Notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement, the Fund and the Underwriter shall, at the option of the Company, continue, for a one year period from the date of termination and from year to year thereafter if deemed appropriate by the Fund and the Adviser, to make available additional Shares of a Designated Portfolio pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, for all Contracts in effect on the effective date of termination of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Existing Contracts"), unless the Underwriter elects to compel a substitution of other securities for the Shares of the Designated Portfolios.  Specifically, the owners of the Existing Contracts may be permitted to reallocate investments in the Designated Portfolios, redeem investments in the Designated Portfolios and/or invest in the Designated Portfolios upon the making of additional purchase payments under the Existing Contracts (subject to any such election by the Underwriter).  The parties agree that this Section 10.2 shall not apply to any terminations under Article VII and the effect of such Article VII terminations shall be governed by Article VII of this Agreement.  The parties further agree that this Section 10.2 shall not apply to any terminations under Section 10.1(d),(g) or (m) of this Agreement.
10.3.             The Company shall not redeem Fund Shares attributable to the Contracts  except (i) as necessary to implement Contract owner initiated or approved transactions, (ii) as required by state and/or federal laws or regulations or judicial or other legal precedent of general application (hereinafter referred to as a "Legally Required Redemption"), (iii) as permitted by an order of the SEC pursuant to Section 26(c) of the 1940 Act, but only if a substitution of other securities for the Shares of the Designated Portfolios is consistent with the terms of the Contracts, or (iv) as permitted under the terms of the Contract.  Upon request, the Company will promptly furnish to the Fund and the Underwriter reasonable assurance that any redemption pursuant to clause (ii) above is a Legally Required Redemption.  Furthermore, except in cases where permitted under the terms of the Contacts, the Company shall not prevent Contract owners from allocating payments to a Designated Portfolio that was otherwise available under the Contracts without first giving the Fund or the Underwriter 45 days notice of its intention to do so.
10.4.             Notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement, each party's obligation under Article VIII to indemnify the other parties shall survive.
ARTICLE XI.                                Notices
Any notice shall be sufficiently given when sent by registered, certified, or overnight mail to the other party at the address of such party set forth below or at such other address as such party may from time to time specify in writing to the other party.

If to the Fund:
Scudder Variable Series I
Scudder Variable Series II
Two International Place
Boston, MA 02110-4103
Attn.:  Secretary

If to the Company:

Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company of America
One Nationwide Plaza, 1-09-V3
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention:  Securities Officer
Fax Number:  614-677-2295

With a Copy to:
Nationwide Financial
One Nationwide Plaza, 1-12-04
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention:  Vice President – Investment Advisory Services

If to Underwriter:
Scudder Distributors, Inc.
Two International Place
Boston, MA 02110-4103
Attn.:  Secretary

If to the Adviser:

Deutsche Investment Management Americas Inc.
Two International Place
Boston, MA 02110-4103
Attn.: Secretary

ARTICLE XII.                                Disruptive Trading Practices
12.1.             The Company represents that the Variable Insurance Products are designed for long-term investors and the Company has policies and procedures in place to detect and deter short-term trading or other abusive market timing practices, which include but are not limited to, monitoring contract owner activity, imposing transfer restrictions and enforcing redemption fees imposed by funds, if applicable.
The Company represents that all purchase orders (including exchanges) accepted on behalf of the Fund(s) are subject to the terms of the then current prospectus and Statement of Additional Information of each Fund, including policies regarding market timing and excessive trading.  The Company shall use its best efforts, and shall reasonably cooperate with the Fund(s), to enforce stated prospectus and Statement of Additional Information policies regarding transactions in the Fund(s), particularly those related to market timing.
The Company acknowledges that the Fund(s) reserves the right to reject any purchase order(s) (including exchanges) that the Fund(s) determines may be disruptive or harmful to all shareholders.  The Fund acknowledges that rejection of a purchase order(s) (including exchanges) poses potentially significant consequences to the Company and Variable Insurance Product contract holders.  Therefore, the Fund(s) represents that purchase order(s) (including exchanges) normally will be rejected only after attempts to prevent the activity through the Company have failed.
The Fund represents that the risks to shareholders of the Fund resulting from disruptive trading in the Fund and any policies adopted to deal with such risks, are disclosed in accordance with applicable law.

ARTICLE XIII.                                           Miscellaneous
13.1.             The Company agrees that the Fund, the Underwriter and the Adviser shall bear no responsibility for any act of any unaffiliated fund or the investment adviser or underwriter thereof.
13.2.             The Fund’s name is the designation of the Board for the time being under a Declaration of Trust, as amended, and all persons dealing with the Fund must look solely to the property of the Fund, and in the case of a series company, the respective Designated Portfolios listed on Schedule B hereto as though each such Designated Portfolio had separately contracted with the Company and the Underwriter for the enforcement of any claims against the Fund.  The parties agree that neither the Board, officers, agents or shareholders of the Fund assume any personal liability or responsibility for obligations entered into by or on behalf of the Fund.  No Portfolio shall be liable for any obligations properly attributable to any other Portfolio.
13.3.             Subject to the requirements of legal process and regulatory authority, each party hereto shall treat as confidential the names and addresses of the owners of the Contracts and all information reasonably identified as confidential in writing by any other party hereto and, except as permitted by this Agreement, shall not disclose, disseminate or utilize such names and addresses and other confidential information without the express written consent of the affected party until such time as such information has come into the public domain.
13.4.             The captions in this Agreement are included for convenience of reference only and in no way define or delineate any of the provisions hereof or otherwise affect their construction or effect.
13.5.             This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in two or more counterparts, each of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument.
13.6.             This Agreement incorporates the entire understanding and agreement among the parties hereto, and supersedes any and all prior understandings and agreements between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof.
13.7.             If any provision of this Agreement shall be held or made invalid by a court decision, statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected thereby.
13.8.             Each party hereto shall cooperate with each other party and all appropriate governmental authorities (including without limitation the SEC, the NASD, and state insurance regulators) and shall permit such authorities reasonable access to its books and records in connection with any investigation or inquiry relating to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby.  Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, each party hereto further agrees to furnish the State Insurance Commissioner with any information or reports in connection with services provided under this Agreement which such Commissioner may request in order to ascertain whether the variable annuity operations of the Company are being conducted in a manner consistent with the State variable annuity laws and regulations and any other applicable law or regulations.
13.9.             The rights, remedies and obligations contained in this Agreement are cumulative and are in addition to any and all rights, remedies, and obligations, at law or in equity, which the parties hereto are entitled to under state and federal laws.
13.10.             This Agreement or any of the rights and obligations hereunder may not be assigned by any party without the prior written consent of all parties hereto.
13.11.             The Company shall furnish, or shall cause to be furnished, to the Fund or its designee, upon request, copies of the following reports:
(a)  the Company's annual statement (prepared under statutory accounting principles) and annual report (prepared under generally accepted accounting principles) filed with any state or federal regulatory body or otherwise made available to the public, as soon as practicable and in any event within 90 days after the end of each fiscal year; and
(b)  any registration statement (without exhibits) and financial reports of the Company filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission or any state insurance regulatory, as soon as practicable after the filing thereof.
13.12.             All persons are expressly put on notice of the Fund’s Agreement and Declaration of Trust and all amendments thereto, all of which are on file with the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the limitation of shareholder and trustee liability contained therein.  This Agreement has been executed by and on behalf of the Fund by its representatives as such representatives and not individually, and the obligations of the Fund with respect to a Designated Portfolio hereunder are not binding upon any of the trustees, officers or shareholders of the Fund individually, but are binding upon only the assets and property of such Designated Portfolio.  All parties dealing with the Fund with respect to a Designated Portfolio shall look solely to the assets of such Designated Portfolio for the enforcement of any claims against the Fund hereunder.
13.13.             The Company is expressly put on notice that prospectus disclosure regarding the potential risks of mixed and shared funding may be appropriate.
           IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed in its name and on its behalf by its duly authorized representative and its seal to be hereunder affixed hereto as of the date first above written.

FUND:                                                                SCUDDER VARIABLE SERIES I
                                                                Title: [Vice President & Secretary]

                                                                SCUDDER VARIABLE SERIES II

                                                                Title: [Vice President]

UNDERWRITER:                                                                SCUDDER DISTRIBUTORS, INC.

                                                                Title: [Jonathan R. Baum]
           [Scudder Distributors, Inc.]

 By: __________________________________
Title: [Jonathan R. Baum]


                                                                Title: [Vice President]


                                                                Title: [Vice President]


                                                                Title: [Asst. Treasurer]


                                                                Title: [Asst. Treasurer]




Subsidiary Life Insurance Companies

Nationwide Life Insurance Company, an Ohio Corporation
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company, an Ohio Corporation
Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America, a Pennsylvania corporation
Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America, a Delaware corporation




All current and future separate accounts available for sale through the Variable Products, including but not limited to any separate accounts listed below.



A.           Scudder Variable Series I

           Designated Portfolio                                                                                     Class

1.           Capital Growth Portfolio                                                                                 B
2.           Health Sciences Portfolio                                                                               B

B.           Scudder Variable Series II

           Designated Portfolio                                                                                     Class

1.           Scudder Contrarian Value Portfolio                                                             B
2.           Scudder Global Blue Chip Portfolio                                                             B
3.           Scudder High Income Portfolio                                                                    B
4.           Scudder International Select Equity Portfolio                                            B
5.           Scudder Fixed Income Portfolio                                                                    B
6.           Scudder Small Cap Growth Portfolio                                                            B
7.           Scudder Technology Growth Portfolio                                                        B
8.           Scudder Total Return Portfolio                                                                      B
9.           SVS Dreman Financial Services Portfolio                                                     B
10.           SVS Dreman High Return Equity Portfolio                                                 B
11.           SVS Dreman Small Cap Value Portfolio                                                       B



New Sales:
Existing Owners:
Same as Prospectus
Existing Owners:
All operations and related expenses, including the cost of registration and qualification of the Fund's shares, preparation and filing of the Fund's prospectus and registration statement, proxy materials and reports, the preparation of all statements and notices required by any federal or state law and all taxes on the issuance of the Fund's shares, and all costs of management of the business affairs of the Fund.

1Solely as it relates to the contracts listed on Schedule A, as it is attached to the same Agreement as this Schedule C.

EX-99.H PARTIC AGREE 15 leggmasonfpa.htm LEGG MASON FPA leggmasonfpa.htm




THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of September , 1999 ("Agreement"), by and among Salomon Brothers Variable Series Funds Inc, a Maryland corporation (the "Fund"), Salomon Brothers Asset Management Inc, a Delaware Corporation (the "Adviser") and Nationwide Life Insurance Company and Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company, Ohio He insurance companies (collectively referred to herein as "NATIONWIDE"), on behalf of themselves and each of their segregated asset accounts listed in Schedule A hereto, as the parties hereto may amend from time to time (each, an "Account," and collectively, the "Accounts").
WHEREAS, the Fund is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") as an open-end management investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act");
WHEREAS, the Fund is available to the extent set forth herein to act as the investment vehicle for separate accounts established for variable life insurance policies and variable annuity contracts to be offered by insurance companies which have entered into participation agreements with the Fund and ("Participating Insurance Companies");
WHEREAS, the Fund currently consists of seven separate investment portfolios which issue shares ("Shares") registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act");
WHEREAS, the Fund will make Shares of each investment portfolio listed on Schedule A hereto (each, a "Portfolio" and collectively, the "Portfolios") as the Parties hereto may amend from time to time available for purchase by the Accounts;
WHEREAS, the Fund has received an order (the "Order") from the SEC to permit Participating Insurance Companies and variable annuity and variable He insurance separate accounts exemptions from the provisions of sections 9(a), 13(a), 15(a), and 15(b) of the 1940 Act and Rules 6e-2(b)(15) and 6e-3(T){bXl5) thereunder, to the extent necessary to permit shares of the Fund to be sold to and held by variable annuity and variable life insurance separate accounts of both affiliated and unaffiliated He insurance companies;
WHEREAS, NATIONWIDE will be the issuer of certain variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies (collectively, the "Contracts") as set forth on Schedule A hereto, as the Parties hereto may amend from time to time, which Contracts, if required by applicable law, will be registered under the 1933 Act;



WHEREAS, NATIONWIDE wi11, to the extent set forth herein, fund the variable life insurance policies and variable annuity contracts through the Accounts, each of which may be divided into two or more subaccounts ("Subaccounts"; reference herein to an "Account" includes reference to each Subaccount thereof to the extent the context requires);
WHEREAS, NATIONWIDE will serve as the depositor of the Accounts, each of which is registered as a unit investment trust under the 1940 Act (or exempt therefrom), and the security interests deemed to be issued by the Accounts under the Contracts will be registered as securities under the 1933 Act (or exempt therefrom);
WHEREAS, to the extent permitted by applicable insurance laws and regulations, NATIONWIDE intends to purchase Shares in one or more of the Portfolios on behalf of the Accounts to fund the Contracts; and
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits and promises contained herein, the Parties hereto agree as follows:
Section 1. Available Portfolios 1.1Available Portfolios
The Fund will make Shares of each Portfolio listed on Schedule A available to NATIONWIDE for purchase and redemption at net asset value next computed after the Fund's receipt of a purchase or redemption order and with no sales charges, in accordance with the Fund's then current prospectus and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Board of Directors of the Fund may refuse to sell Shares of any Portfolio to any person, or suspend or terminate the offering of Shares of any Portfolio if such action is required by law or by regulatory authorities having jurisdiction or if, in the sole discretion of the Directors acting in good faith and in light of their fiduciary duties under federal and any applicable state laws, such action is deemed in the best interests of the shareholders of such Portfolio.
1.2             Addition. Deletion or Modification of Portfolios.
The Parties hereto may agree, from time to time, to add other Portfolios to provide additional funding alternatives for the Contracts, or to delete or modify existing Portfolios, by amending Schedule A hereto. Upon such amendment to Schedule A, any applicable reference to a Portfolio, the Fund, or its Shares herein shall include a reference to all Portfolios set forth on Schedule A as then amended. Schedule A, as amended from time to time, is incorporated herein by reference and is a part hereof
1.3 No Sales to the General Publie.
The Fund represents that shares of the Portfolios will be sold only to Participating Insurance Companies, their separate accounts and qualified pension and retirement plans ("Plans") and that no Shares of any Portfolio have been or will be sold to the general public.



Section 2. Processing Transactions 2.1 Placing Orders.
    (a)  The Fund or its designated agent will use its best effort to provide NATIONWIDE with the net asset value per Share for each Portfolio by 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time on each Business Day, As used herein, "Business Day" shall mean any day on which (i) the New York Stock Exchange is open for regular trading, and (ii) the Fund calculates the Portfolios' net asset value.
    (b)  NATIONWIDE will use the data provided by the Fund each Business Day pursuant to paragraph (a) immediately above to calculate Account unit values and to process transactions that receive that same Business Day's Account unit values. NATIONWIDE will perform such Account processing the same Business Day, and will place corresponding orders to purchase or redeem Shares with the Fund by 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time the following Business Day.
    (c)  With respect to payment of the purchase price by NATIONWIDE and of redemption proceeds by the Fund, NATIONWIDE and the Fund shall net purchase and redemption orders with respect to each Portfolio and shall transmit one net payment per Portfolio in accordance with Section 2.2, below.
(d)  If the Fund provides materially incorrect Share net asset value information (as determined under SEC guidelines), NATIONWIDE shall be entitled to an adjustment to the number of Shares purchased or redeemed to reflect the correct net asset value per Share. Any material error in the calculation or reporting of net asset value per Share, dividend or capital gain information shall be reported promptly upon discovery to NATIONWIDE.
(a)  NATIONWIDE shall pay for Shares of each Portfolio on the same day that it notifies the Fund of a purchase request for such Shares. Payment for Shares shall be made in federal funds transmitted to the Fund by wire to be received by the Fund by 1:00 P.M. Eastern Time on the day the Fund is notified of the purchase request for Shares. If payment in federal funds for any purchase is not received, or is received by the Fund after 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time on such Business Day, NATIONWIDE shall promptly, upon the Fund's request in writing, reimburse the Fund for any charges, costs, fees, interest or other expenses incurred by the Fund in connection with any advances to, or borrowings or overdrafts by, the Fund, or any similar expenses incurred by the Fund, as a result of non-payment or late payment.
(b)  The Fund wi11 wire payment in federal funds for net redemptions to an account designated by NATIONWIDE by 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the business day succeeding the day the order is placed, to the extent practicable, but in any event within five (5) calendar days after the date the order is placed in order to enable NATIONWIDE to pay redemption proceeds within the time specified in Section 22(e) of the 1940 Act. The Fund shall not bear any responsibility whatsoever for the proper disbursement or crediting of redemption proceeds by NATIONWIDE.



2.3 Applicable Price
(a)  Share purchase payments and redemption orders that result from purchase payments, premium payments, surrenders and other transactions under Contracts (collectively, "Contract transactions") and that NATIONWIDE receives prior to the dose of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange on a Business Day will be executed at the net asset values of the appropriate Portfolios next computed after receipt by the Fund or its designated agent of the orders. For purposes of this Section 2.3(a), NATIONWIDE shall be the designated agent of the Fund for receipt of orders relating to Contract transactions on each Business Day and receipt by such designated agent shall constitute receipt by the Fund; provided that the Fund receives notice of such orders by 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time on the following Business Day.
(b)  All other Share purchases and redemptions by NATIONWIDE will be effected at the net asset values of the appropriate Portfolios next computed after receipt by the Fund or its designated agent of the order therefor, and such orders will be irrevocable.
2.4 Dividends and Distributions
The Fund will furnish notice by wire or telephone (followed by written confirmation) on or prior to the payment date to NATIONWIDE of any income dividends or capital gain distributions payable on the Shares of any Portfolio. NATIONWIDE hereby elects to reinvest all dividends and capital gains distributions in additional Shares of the corresponding Portfolio at the ex-dividend date net asset values until NATIONWIDE otherwise notifies the Fund in writing, it being agreed by the Parties that the ex-dividend date and the payment date with respect to any dividend or distribution will be the same Business Day. NATIONWIDE reserves the right to revoke this election and to receive all such income dividends and capital gain distributions in cash. Any such revocation will take effect with respect to the next income dividend or capital gain distribution following receipt by the Fund of such notification from NATIONWIDE.
2.5 Book Entry
Issuance and transfer of Portfolio Shares will be by book entry only. Stock certificates will not be issued to NATIONWIDE. Shares ordered from the Fund will be recorded in an appropriate title for NATIONWIDE, on behalf of its Accounts.
Section 3. Costs and Expenses 3.1 General
Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, each parry will bear all expenses incident to its performance under this Agreement.
3.2 Registration
(a) The Fund will bear the cost of its registering as a management investment company under the 1940 Act and registering its Shares under the 1933 Act, and keeping such registrations current and effective; including, without limitation, the preparation of and filing with the SEC of Forms N-SAR and Rule 24f-2 Notices with respect to the Fund and its Shares and payment of all applicable registration or filing fees with respect to any of the foregoing.
    (b) NATIONWIDE will bear the cost of registering, to the extent required, each Account as a unit investment trust under the 1940 Act and registering units of interest under the Contracts under the 1933 Act and keeping such registrations current and effective; including, without limitation, the preparation and filing with the SEC of Forms N-SAR and Rule 24f-2 Notices with respect to each Account and its units of interest and payment of all applicable registration or filing fees with respect to any of the foregoing.
3.3 Fund Expense
The Fund will bear, or arrange for others to bear, the costs of preparing and filing with the SEC the Fund's prospectus, statement of additional information and any amendments or supplements thereto (collectively, the "Fund Prospectus") and setting the Fund Prospectus for printing. In addition, the Fund will bear the costs of printing and distributing the Fund's Prospectus, the Fund's periodic reports to shareholders, the Fund proxy material and other shareholder communications to existing Contract owners on whose behalf the Accounts hold Shares to the extent required by law or as deemed appropriate by the Fund.
3.4 Nationwide Expenses
NATIONWIDE will bear the costs of preparing, filing with the SEC and printing each Account's prospectus, statement of additional information and any amendments or supplements thereto (collectively, the "Account Prospectus"), any periodic reports to Contract owners, annuitants, insureds or participants (as appropriate) under the Contracts (collectively, "Participants"), voting instruction solicitation material and other Participant communications to the extent required by law or as deemed appropriate by NATIONWIDE. In addition, NATIONWIDE will bear the costs of printing in quantity and distributing the Fund Prospectus to be delivered to prospective Participants.
3.5 Parties To Cooperate
Each parry agrees to cooperate with the other, in arranging to print, mail and/or deliver, in a timely manner, combined or coordinated prospectuses or other materials of the Fund and the Accounts.
Section 4. Legal Compliance 4.1 Tax Laws
(a)  The Fund represents and warrants that it will elect to be qualified as a regulated investment company ("RIC") under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and represents that it will qualify and maintain its qualification as a RIC and to comply with the diversification requirements set forth in Section 817(h) of the Code and the regulations thereunder. The Fund will notify NATIONWIDE immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that it has ceased to so qualify or so comply, or that it might not so qualify or so comply in the future.
(b)  NATIONWIDE represents and warrants that the Contracts currently are and will be treated as annuity contracts or life insurance contracts under applicable provisions of the Code
(c)  and that it will maintain such treatment; NATIONWIDE will notify the Fund immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that any of the Contracts have ceased to be so treated or that they might not be so treated in the future.
                 (c) NATIONWIDE represents and warrants that each Account is a "segregated asset account" and that interests in each Account are offered exclusively through the purchase of or transfer into a "variable contract," within the meaning of such terms under Section 817 of the Code and the regulations thereunder. NATIONWIDE will continue to meet such definitional requirements, and it will notify the Fund immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that such requirements have ceased to be met or that they might not be met in the future.
4.2 Insurance and Certain Other Laws
    (a)  NATIONWIDE represents and warrants that (i) it is an insurance company duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under all applicable laws and has full corporate power, authority and legal right to execute, deliver and perform its duties and comply with its obligations under this Agreement, (ii) it has legally and validly established and maintains each Account as a segregated asset account under all applicable laws and regulations, and (iii) the Contracts comply in all material respects with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
(b)  The Fund represents and warrants that it is a corporation duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of the State of Maryland and has full corporate power, authority, and legal right to execute, deliver, and perform its duties and comply with its obligations under this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Fund, makes no representations as to whether any aspect of its operations (including, but not limited to, fees and expenses and investment policies) otherwise complies with the insurance Iaws or regulations of any state.
(c)  The Adviser represents that it is and warrants that it shall remain duly registered as an investment adviser under all applicable federal and state securities laws and agrees that it shall perform its obligations to the Fund in accordance in all material respects with such laws.
(d)  NATIONWIDE acknowledges and agrees that it is the responsibility of NATIONWIDE and other Participating Insurance Companies to determine investment restrictions under state insurance law applicable to any Portfolio, and that the Fund shall bear no responsibility to NATIONWIDE, for any such determination or the correctness of such determination. NATIONWIDE has determined that the investment restrictions set forth in the current Fund Prospectus are sufficient to comply with all investment restrictions under state insurance laws that are currently applicable to the Portfolios as a result of the Accounts' investment therein. NATIONWIDE shall inform the Fund of any additional investment restrictions imposed by state insurance law after the date of this agreement that may become applicable to the Fund or any Portfolio from time to time as a result of the Accounts' investment therein. Upon receipt of any such information from NATIONWIDE or any other Participating Insurance Company, the Fund shall determine whether it is in the best interests of shareholders to comply with any such restrictions. If the Fund determines that it is not in the best interests of shareholders to comply with a restriction determined to be applicable by the NATIONWIDE, the Fund shall so inform NATIONWIDE, and the Fund and NATIONWIDE shall discuss alternative accommodations in the circumstances.

4.3 Securities Laws,
(a)  NATIONWIDE represents and warrants that (i) interests in each Account pursuant to the Contracts will be registered under the 1933 Act to the extent required by the 1933 Act, (ii) the Contracts will be duly authorized for issuance and sold in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws, including, without limitation, the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act, the 1940 Act and applicable state law, (iii) each Account is and will remain registered under the 1940 Act, to the extent required by the 1940 Act or any other relevant provision, (iv) each Account does and will comply in all material respects with the requirements of the 1940 Act and the rules thereunder, to the extent required, (v) each Account's 1933 Act registration statement relating to the Contracts, together with any amendments thereto, will at all times comply in all material respects with the requirements of the 1933 Act and the rules thereunder, (vi) NATIONWIDE will amend the registration statement for its Contracts under the 1933 Act and for its Accounts under the 1940 Act from time to time as required in order to effect the continuous offering of its Contracts unless otherwise exempt, or as may otherwise be required by applicable law, (vii) each Account Prospectus will at all times comply in all material respects with the requirements of the 1933 Act and the rules thereunder, (viii) all of its directors, officers, employees, investment advisers, and other individuals/entities having access to the funds and/or securities of any Portfolio are and continue to be at all times covered by a blanket fidelity bond or similar coverage covering such risks and in such amount as is customary for companies engaged in similar businesses in similar industries. The aforesaid bond includes coverage for larceny and embezzlement and is issued by a reputable bonding company.
(b)  The Fund represents and warrants that (i) Shares sold pursuant to this Agreement will be registered under the 1933 Act to the extent required by the 1933 Act and will be duly authorized for issuance and sold in compliance with Maryland law, (ii) the Fund is and will remain registered under the 1940 Act to the extent required by the 1940 Act, (iii) the Fund will amend the registration statement under the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act from time to time as required in order to effect the continuous offering of its Shares, (iv) the Fund does and will comply in all material respects with the requirements of the 1940 Act and the rules thereunder, (v) the Fund's 1933 Act registration statement, together with any amendments thereto, will at all times comply in all material respects with the requirements of the 1933 Act and rules thereunder, (vi) the Fund's Prospectus will at all times comply in all material respects with the requirements of the 1933 Act and the rules thereunder and (vii) all of its directors, officers, employees, investment advisers, and other individuals/entities having access to the funds and/or securities of any Portfolio are and continue to be at all times covered by a blanket fidelity bond or similar coverage for the benefit of the Fund in an amount not less than the minimal coverage as required currently by Rule 17g-(1) of the 1940 Act or related provisions as may be promulgated from time to time. The aforesaid bond includes coverage for larceny and embezzlement and is issued by a reputable bonding company.
(c)  The Fund will at its expense register and qualify its Shares for sale in accordance with the laws of any state or other jurisdiction if and to the extent reasonably deemed advisable by the Fund.
4.4            Notice of Certain Proceedings and Other Circumstances.
(a) The Fund will immediately notify NATIONWIDE of (i) the issuance by any court or regulatory body of any stop order, cease and desist order, or other similar order with respect to

the Fund's registration statement under the 1933 Act or the Fund Prospectus, (ii) any request by the SEC for any amendment to such registration statement or the Fund Prospectus that may affect the offering of Shares of any Portfolio, (iii) the initiation of any proceedings for that purpose or for any other purpose relating to the registration or offering of Shares of any Portfolio, or (iv) any other action or circumstances that may prevent the lawful offer or sale of Shares of any Portfolio in any state or jurisdiction, including, without limitation, any circumstances in which such Shares are not registered and are not, in all material respects, issued and sold in accordance with applicable state and federal law. The Fund will make every reasonable effort to prevent the issuance of any such stop order, cease and desist order or similar order and, if any such order is issued, to obtain the lifting thereof at the earliest possible time.
(b) NATIONWIDE will immediately notify the Fund of (i) the issuance by any court or regulatory body of any stop order, cease and desist order, or other similar order with respect to each Account's registration statement under the 1933 Act relating to the Contracts or each Account Prospectus, (ii) any request by the SEC for any amendment to such registration statement or Account Prospectus that may affect the offering of Shares of any Portfolio, (ii) the initiation of any proceedings for that purpose or for any other purpose relating to the registration or offering of each Account's interests pursuant to the Contracts, or (iv) any other action or circumstances that may prevent the lawful offer or We of said interests in any state or jurisdiction, including, without limitation, any circumstances in which said interests are not registered and are not, in all material respects, issued and sold in accordance with applicable state and federal law. NATIONWIDE will make every reasonable effort to prevent the issuance of any such stop order, cease and desist order or similar order and, if any such order is issued, to obtain the lifting thereof at the earliest possible time.
4.5 Documents Provided by NATIONWIDE; Information About the Fund.
(a)  NATIONWIDE will provide to the Fund or its designated agent at least one (1) complete copy of all SEC registration statements, Account Prospectuses, reports, any preliminary and final voting instruction solicitation material, applications for exemptions, requests for now action letters, and all amendments to any of the above, that relate to the Fund which serves as an investment option in each Account or the Contracts, contemporaneously with the filing of such document with the SEC or other regulatory authorities.
(b)  NATIONWIDE will provide to the Fund or its designated agent at least one (1) complete copy of each piece of sales literature or other promotional material in which any Portfolio, the Fund or any of its affiliates is named, at least ten (10) Business Days prior to its use or such shorter period as the Parties hereto may, from time to time, agree upon. No such material shall be used if the Fund or its designated agent objects to such use within ten (10) Business Days after receipt of such material or such shorter period as the Parties hereto may, from time to time, agree upon.
(c)  Neither NATIONWIDE nor any of its affiliates, will give any information or make any representations or statements on behalf of or concerning any Portfolio, the Fund or its affiliates in connection with the sale of the Contracts other than (i) the information or representations contained in the then current registration statement, including the Fund Prospectus contained therein, relating to Shares, as such registration statement and the Fund Prospectus may be amended from time to time; (ii) in reports or proxy materials for the Fund; (iii) in published reports for the Fund that are in the public domain and approved by the Fund for distribution by
NATIONWIDE; or (iv) in sales literature or other promotional material approved by the Fund for use by NATIONWIDE, except with the express written permission of the Fund.
(d)  NATIONWIDE shall adopt and implement procedures reasonably designed to ensure that information concerning the Fund and its affiliates that is intended for use only by brokers or agents selling the Contracts (i.e., information that is not intended for distribution to Participants) ("broker only materials") is so used, and neither the Fund nor any of its affiliates shall be liable for any losses, damages or expenses relating to the improper use of such broker only materials.
(e)  For the purposes of this Section 4.5, the phrase "sales literature or other promotional material" includes, but is not limited to, advertisements (such as material published, or designed for use in, a newspaper, magazine, or other periodical, radio, television, telephone or tape recording, videotape display, signs or billboards, motion pictures, or other public media (e.g., on-line networks such as the Internet or other electronic messages)), sales literature (i.e., any written communication distributed or made generally available to customers or the public, including brochures, circulars, research reports, market letters, form letters, seminar texts, reprints or excerpts of any other advertisement, sales literature, or published article), educational or training materials or other communications distributed or made generally available to some or all agents or employees, registration statements, prospectuses, statements of additional information, shareholder reports, and proxy materials and any other material constituting sales literature or advertising under the NASD rules, the 1933 Act or the 1940 Act.
4.6 Documents Provided by Fund; Information About NATIONWIDE.
(a)  The Fund will provide to NATIONWIDE at least one (1) complete copy of all SEC registration statements, Fund Prospectuses, reports, any preliminary and final proxy material, applications for exemptions, requests for no-action letters, and all amendments to any of the above, that relate to the Fund or the Shares of a Portfolio, contemporaneously with the filing of such document with the SEC or other regulatory authorities.
(b)  The Fund will provide to NATIONWIDE copies of all Fund prospectuses, and printed copies of all statements of additional information, proxy materials, periodic reports to shareholders and other materials required by law to be sent to Participants who have allocated any Contract value to a Portfolio. The Fund will provide such copies to NATIONWIDE in a timely manner so as to enable NATIONWIDE to print and distribute such materials within the time required by law to be furnished to Participants.
(c)  The Fund will provide to NATIONWIDE or its designated agent at least one (1) complete copy of each piece of sales literature or other promotional material in which NATIONWIDE, or any of its respective affiliates is named, or that refers to the Contracts, at least ten (10) Business Days prior to its use or such shorter period as the Parties hereto may, from time to time, agree upon. No such material shall be used if NATIONWIDE or its designated agent reasonably objects to such use within ten (10) Business Days after receipt of such material or such shorter period as the Parties hereto may, from time to time, agree upon.
(d)  Neither the Fund nor any of its affiliates will give any information or make any representations or statements on behalf of or concerning NATIONWIDE, each Account, or the Contracts other than (i) the information or representations contained in the registration statement, including each Account Prospectus contained therein, relating to the Contracts, as such registration statement and Account Prospectus may be amended from time to time: (ii) in published reports for the Account or the Contracts that are in the public domain and approved by NATIONWIDE for distribution; or (iii) in sales literature or other promotional material approved by NATIONWIDE or its affiliates, except with the express written permission of NATIONWIDE.
        (e)  The Fund shall cause its principal underwriter to adopt and implement procedures reasonably designed to ensure that information concerning NATIONWIDE, and its respective affiliates that is intended for use only by brokers or agents selling the Contracts (i.e., information that is not intended for distribution to Participants) ("broker only materials") is so used, and neither NATIONWIDE, nor any of its respective affiliates shall be liable for any losses, damages or expenses relating to the improper use of such broker only materials.
       (f)  For purposes of this Section 4.6, the phrase "sales literature or other promotional material" includes, but is not limited to, advertisements (such as material published, or designed for use in, a newspaper, magazine, or other periodical, radio, television, telephone or tape recording, videotape display, signs or billboards, motion pictures, or other public media (i.e., any written communication distributed or made generally available to customers or the public, including brochures, circulars, research reports, market letters, form letters, seminar texts, reprints or excerpts of any other advertisement, sales literature, or published article), educational or training materials or other communications distributed or made generally available to some or all agents or employees, registration statements, prospectuses, statements of additional information, shareholder reports, and proxy materials and any other material constituting sales literature or advertising under the NASD rules, the 1933 Act or the 1940 Act.
Section 5. Mixed and Shared Funding
NATIONWIDE acknowledges that the Fund has received an order from the SEC granting relief from various provisions of the 1940 Act and the rules thereunder to the extent necessary to permit Fund shares to be sold to and held by variable annuity and variable life insurance separate accounts of both affiliated and unaffiliated Participating Insurance Companies, as well as by Plans. Any conditions or undertakings that are imposed on NATIONWIDE and the Fund by virtue of such order shall be incorporated herein by reference, as of the date such order is granted, as though set forth herein in full, and the parties to this Agreement shall comply with such conditions and undertakings to the extent applicable to each such party.

Section 6. Termination
6.1 Events of Termination
Subject to Section 6.4 below, this Agreement will terminate as to a Portfolio:
        (a) at the option of any party, with or without cause, upon one (1) year advance written notice to the other parties; or
        (b) at the option of Nationwide if shares of a Portfolio are not reasonably available to meet the requirements of the Contracts as determined by NATIONWIDE provided, however, that such a termination shall apply only to the Portfolio(s) not available. Prompt written notice of the election to terminate for such cause shall be furnished by NATION IDE to the Fund;
    (c)  at the option of the Fund upon institution of formal proceeding against NATIONWIDE or its affiliates by the NASD, the SEC, any state insurance regulator or any other regulatory body regarding NATIONWIDE's obligations under this Agreement or related to the sale of the Contracts, the operation of each Account, or the purchase of Shares, each case, the Fund reasonably determines that such proceedings, or the facts on which such proceedings would be based, have a material likelihood of imposing material adverse consequences on the Portfolio with respect to which the Agreement is to be terminated; or
    (d)  at the option of NATIONWIDE upon institution of formal proceedings against the Fund, its principal underwriter, or its investment adviser by the NASD, the SEC, or any state insurance regulator or any other regulatory body regarding the Fund's obligations under this Agreement or related to the operation or management of the applicable Portfolio or the purchase of the applicable Portfolios, if, m each case, NATIONWIDE reasonably determines that such proceedings, or the facts on which such proceedings would be based, have a material likelihood of imposing material adverse consequences on NATIONWIDE, or the Subaccount corresponding to the Portfolio with respect to which the Agreement is to be terminated; or
(e)  at the option of any parry in the event that (i) a Portfolio's Shares are not registered and, in all material respects, issued and sold in accordance with any applicable federal or state law, or (ii) such law precludes the use of such Shares as an underlying investment medium of the Contracts issued or to be issued by NATIONWIDE; or
(f)  at the option of NATIONWIDE if the applicable Portfolio ceases to qualify as a RIC under Subchapter M of the Code or under successor or similar provisions or fails to comply with the diversification requirements of Section 817(h) of the Code or such requirements under successor or similar provisions or if NATIONV~IDE reasonably believes the applicable Portfolio may so cease to qualify or comply and, in each case, the Fund upon written request fails to provide reasonable assurance that it will take action to cure or correct such failure; or
(g)  at the option of the Fund if the Contracts issued by NATIONWIDE cease to qualify as annuity contracts or life insurance contracts under the Code or if Fund reasonably believes the applicable Contracts may so cease to qualify, or if interests in an Account under the Contracts are not registered, where required, and, in all material respects, are not issued or sold in accordance with any applicable federal or state law and, in each case, NATIONWIDE upon written request fails to provide reasonable assurance that it will take action to cure or correct such failure; or
         (h)  at the option of the Fund by written notice to NATIONWIDE, if the Fund shall determine in its sole judgment exercised in good faith, that NATIONWIDE and/or its affiliated companies has suffered a material adverse change in its business, operations, financial condition or prospects since the date of this Agreement or is the subject of material adverse publicity; or
          (i)  at the option of NATIONWIDE by written notice to the Fund, if NATIONWIDE shall determine in its sole judgment exercised in good faith, that the Fund and/or its affiliated companies has suffered a material adverse change in its business, operations, financial condition or prospects since the date of this Agreement or is the subject of material adverse publicity; or
          (j)  at the option of NATIONWIDE by written notice to the Fund, if NATIONWIDE shall determine in its sole judgment exercised in good faith, that the Adviser and/or its affiliated companies has suffered a material adverse change in its business operations, financial condition or prospects since the date of this Agreement or is the subject of material adverse publicity; or
          (k)  at the option of either party upon a determination by a majority of the Fund's Board of Directors, or a majority of the Fund's disinterested directors, that an irreconcilable material conflict exists among the interests of: (1) all contract owners of variable insurance products of all separate accounts; or (2) the interests of the Participating Insurance Companies investing in the Fund; or
      (1) at the option of any party upon another party's material breach of any provision of this Agreement; or
 (m)  with respect to any Account, upon requisite vote of the Contract owners having an interest in that Account (or any subaccount) or upon the receipt of a substitution order by the SEC to substitute the shares of another investment company for the corresponding Fund shares in accordance with the terms of the Contracts for which those Fund shares had been selected to serve as the underlying investment media. NATIONWIDE will give at least 30 days' prior written notice to the Fund of the date of any proposed vote to replace the Fund's shares; or
  (n)  at the option of the Fund if it suspends or terminates the offering of Shares of the applicable Portfolio to all Participating Insurance Companies or only designated Participating Insurance Companies, if such action is required by law or by regulatory authorities having jurisdiction or if, in the sole discretion of the Fund acting in good faith, suspension or termination is necessary in the best interests of the shareholders of the applicable Portfolio (it being understood that "shareholders" for this purpose shall mean Participants), such notice effective immediately upon receipt of written notice, it being understood that a lack Participating Insurance Companies interest in the applicable Portfolio may be grounds for a suspension or termination as to such Portfolio.
6.2 Notice Requirement for Termination
No termination of this Agreement will be effective unless and until the party terminating this Agreement gives prior written notice to the other party to this Agreement of its intent to terminate, and such notice shall set forth the basis for such termination. Furthermore:
(a) in the event that any termination is based upon the provisions of Section 6.1(a) hereof, such prior written notice shall be given at least one (1) year in advance of the effective date of termination unless a shorter time is agreed to by the Parties hereto;
(b) in the event that any termination is based upon the provisions of Section 6.1(b), 6.1(c), 6.1(d), 6.1(e), 6.1(f), 6.1(g), 6.1(h), 6.1(i), 6.16), 6.1(k), 6.1(1), 6.1(m), or 6.1(n) hereof, such prior written notice shall be given at least 30 days in advance of the effective date of termination unless a shorter time is agreed to by the Parties hereto.
6.3 Fund To Remain Available
Notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement, the Fund will, at the option of NATIONWIDE, continue to make available additional shares of a Portfolio pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, for all Contracts in effect on the effective date of termination of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Existing Contracts"). Specifically, without limitation, the owners of the Existing Contracts will be permitted to reallocate investments in Portfolios of the Fund (as in effect on such date), redeem investments in Portfolios of the Fund and/or invest in Portfolios of the Fund upon the making of additional purchase payments under the Existing Contracts. Notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement, NATIONWIDE agrees to distribute to holders of Existing Contracts all materials required by law to be distributed to such holders (including, without limitation, prospectuses, statements of additional information, proxy materials and periodic reports). The parties agree that this Section 6.3 will not apply to any terminations under the conditions of the Order and the effect of such terminations will be governed by the Order.
6.4 Survival of Warranties and Indemnifications
All warranties and indemnifications will survive the termination of this Agreement.
Section 7. Parties To Cooperate Respecting Termination
Subject to the provisions of Section 6.3 hereof, the Parties hereto agree to cooperate and give reasonable assistance to one another in taking all necessary and appropriate steps for the purpose of ensuring that an Account owns no Shares of the applicable Portfolio after the Final Termination Date with respect thereto, or, in the case of a termination pursuant to Section 6.1(a), the termination date specified in the notice of termination. Such steps may include combining the affected Account with another Account, substituting other mutual fund shares for those of the affected Portfolio, or otherwise terminating participation by the Contracts in such Portfolio.
Section 8. Assignment
This Agreement may not be assigned by any party, except with the prior written consent of all the Parties.



Section 9. Notices
Notices and communications required or permitted by Section 9 hereof will be given by means mutually acceptable to the Parties concerned. Each other notice or communication required or permitted by this Agreement will be given to the following persons at the following addresses and facsimile numbers, or such other persons, addresses or facsimile numbers as the party receiving such notices or communications may subsequently direct in writing:
Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company One Nationwide Plaza
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Att: Vice President - Life Company Operations
with a copy to:
Compliance Manager - Securities Facsimile: 614-249-2112
Salomon Brothers Variable Series Funds Inc. 7 World Trade Center
New York, New York 14048
Facsimile: (212) 783-3357
Attn.: Corporate Secretary
Section 10. Voting Procedures
Subject to the cost allocation procedures set forth in Section 3 hereof, NATIONWIDE will distribute all proxy material furnished by the Fund to Participants to whom pass-through voting privileges are required to be extended and will solicit voting instructions from Participants. NATIONWIDE will vote Shares in accordance with timely instructions received from Participants. NATIONWIDE will vote Shares that are (a) not attributable to Participants to whom pass-through voting privileges are extended, or (b) attributable to Participants, but for which no timely instructions have been received, in the same proportion as Shares for which said instructions have been received from Participants, so long as and to the extent that the SEC continues to interpret the 1940 Act to require pass through voting privileges for Participants. Neither NATIONWIDE nor any of its affiliates will in any way recommend action in connection with or oppose or interfere with the solicitation of proxies for the Shares held for such Participants. NATIONWIDE reserves the right to vote shares held in any Account in its own right, to the extent permitted by law. NATIONWIDE shall be responsible for assuring that each of its Accounts holding Shares calculates voting privileges in the manner required by the Order obtained by the Fund. The Fund will notify NATIONWIDE of any amendments to the Order it has obtained.



Section 11. Indemnification 11.1 Of the Fund by NATIONWIDE
(a) Except to the extent provided in Sections 11.1(b) and 11.1(c), below, NATIONWIDE agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Fund, its affiliates, and each person, if any, who controls the Fund or its affiliates within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act and each of their respective directors and officers (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties" for purposes of this Section 11.1) against any and all losses, claims, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of NATIONWIDE)or actions in respect thereof (including, to the extent reasonable, legal and other expenses), to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject under any statute, regulation, at common law or otherwise insofar as such losses, claims, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities or actions:
(i)arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in any Account's 1933 Act registration statement, any Account Prospectus, the Contracts, or sales literature or advertising for the Contracts (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading; provided, that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with written information furnished to NATIONWIDE by or on behalf of the Fund for use in any Account's 1933 Act registration statement, any Account Prospectus, the Contracts, or sales literature or advertising (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing); or
(ii)arise out of or as a result of any other statements or representations (other than statements or representations contained in the Fund's 1933 Act registration statement, the Fund Prospectus, sales literature or advertising of the Fund, or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing, not supplied for use therein by or on behalf of NATIONWIDE, or its affiliates and on which such persons have reasonably relied) or the negligent, illegal or fraudulent conduct of NATIONWIDE, or its respective affiliates or persons under their control (including, without limitation, their employees and "Associated Persons," as that term is defined in paragraph (ee) of Article I of the NASD's By-Laws) or subject to its authorization, including without limitation, broker-dealers or agents authorized to sell the Contracts, in connection with the We, marketing or distribution of the Contracts or Shares; or
(iii)arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the Fund's 1933 Act registration statement, the Fund Prospectus, sales literature or advertising of the Fund, or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing, or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading if such a statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to the Fund or its affiliates by or on behalf of NATIONWIDE or its affiliates for use in the Fund's 1933 Act registration statement, the Fund Prospectus, sales literature or advertising of the Fund, or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing; or
(iv)arise as a result of any failure by NATIONWIDE or persons under its control (or subject to its authorization) to perform the obligations, provide the services and furnish the materials required under the terms of this Agreement, or any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by NATIONWIDE in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by NATIONWIDE or persons under its control (or subject to its authorization); or
(v)arise as a result of failure to transmit a request for purchase or redemption of Shares or payment therefor within the time period specified herein and otherwise in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Agreement; or
(vi)arise as a result of any unauthorized use of the trade names of the Fund to the extent such use is not required by applicable law or regulation.
(b)  This indemnification is in addition to any liability that NATIONWIDE may otherwise have. NATIONWIDE shall not be liable under this Section 11.1 with respect to any losses, claims, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities or actions to which an Indemnified Party would otherwise be subject by reason of willful misfeasance, bad faith, or Boss negligence in the performance by that Indemnified Parry of its duties or by reason of that Indemnified Party's reckless disregard of obligations or duties (i) under this Agreement, or (ii) to the Fund.
(c)  NATIONWIDE shall not be liable under this Section 11.1 with respect to any action against an Indemnified Party unless the Fund shall have notified NATIONWIDE in writing promptly after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the action shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Parry shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent), but NATIONWIDE shall be relieved of liability under this Section 11.1 only to the extent the indemnifying parry is damaged solely by reason of such party's failure to so notify and failure to notify NATIONWIDE of any such action shall not relieve NATIONWIDE from any liability which they may have to the Indemnified Party against whom such action is brought otherwise than on account of this Section 11.1. Except as otherwise provided herein, in case any such action is brought against an Indemnified Party, NATIONWIDE shall be entitled to participate, at its own expense, in the defense of such action and also shall be entitled to assume the defense thereof (which shall include, without limitation, the conduct of any ruling request and closing agreement or settlement with the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") and/or SEC), with counsel approved by the Indemnified Party named in the action, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. After notice from NATIONWIDE to such Indemnified Party of NATIONWIDE's election to assume the defense thereof, the Indemnified Party will cooperate fully with NATIONWIDE and shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and NATIONWIDE will not be liable to such Indemnified Parry under this Agreement for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such Indemnified Parry independently in connection with the defense thereof, other than reasonable costs of investigation.



11.2 Of NATIONWIDE by the Fund
(a) Except to the extent provided in Sections 11.2(b), 11.2(c) and 11.2(d), below, the Fund agrees to indemnify and hold harmless NATIONWIDE, its affiliates, and each person, if any, who controls NA"T"IONWIDE or its affiliates within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act and each of their respective directors and officers (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties" for purposes of this Section 11.2) against any and all losses, claims, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of the Fund) or actions in respect thereof (including, to the extent reasonable, legal and other expenses), to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject under any statute, regulation, at common law, or otherwise; insofar as such losses, claims, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities or actions:
(i)arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the Fund's 1933 Act registration statement, Prospectus or sales literature or advertising of the Fund (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading; provided, that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with written information furnished to the Fund or its affiliates by or on behalf of NATIONWIDE or its affiliates for use in the Fund's 1933 Act registration statement, the Fund Prospectus, or in sales literature or advertising or otherwise for use in connection with the We of Contracts or Shares (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing); or
(ii)arise out of or as a result of any other statements or representations (other than statements or representations contained in any Account's 1933 Act registration statement, any Account Prospectus, sales literature or advertising for the Contracts, or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing, not supplied for use therein by or on behalf of the Fund or its affiliates and on which such persons have reasonably relied) or the negligent, illegal or fraudulent conduct of the Fund or its affiliates or persons under its control (including, without limitation, their employees and "Associated Persons" as that Term is defined in Section (ee) of Article 1 of the NASD By-Laws), in connection with the We, marketing or distribution of Fund Shares; or
(iii)arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in any Account's 1933 Act registration statement, any Account Prospectus, sales literature or advertising covering the Contracts, or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing, or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, if such statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with written information furnished to NATIONWIDE, or its affiliates by or on behalf of the Fund for use in any Account's 1933 Act registration statement, any Account Prospectus, sales literature or advertising covering the Contracts, or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing; or



(iv)arise as a result of any failure by the Fund or persons under its control (or subject to its authorization) to perform the obligations, provide the services and furnish the materials required of it under the terms of this Agreement, including, without limitation, any failure of the Fund or its designated agent to inform NATIONWIDE of the correct net asset values per share for each Portfolio on a timely basis sufficient to ensure the timely execution of all purchase and redemption orders at the correct net asset value per share, or any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by the Fund in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by the Fund or persons under its control (or subject to its authorization); or
(v)arise as a result of any unauthorized use of the trade names of NATIONWIDE to the extent such use is not required by applicable law or regulation.
(b)  Thus indemnification is in addition to any liability that the Fund may otherwise have. The Fund shall not be liable under this Section 11.2 with respect to any losses, claims, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities or actions to which an Indemnified Party would otherwise be subject by reason of willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance by that Indemnified Party of its duties or by reason of such Indemnified Party's reckless disregard of its obligations and duties (i) under this Agreement, or (ii) to NATIONWIDE, each Account or Participants.
(c)  The Fund shall not be liable under this Section 11.2 with respect to any action against an Indemnified Party unless the Indemnified Party shall have notified the Fund in writing promptly after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the action shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Parry shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent), but the Fund shall be relieved of liability under this Section 11.2 only to the extent the indemnifying party is damaged solely by reason of such party's failure to so notify and failure to notify the Fund of any such action shall not relieve the Fund from any liability which it may have to the Indemnified Party against whom such action is brought otherwise than on account of this Section 11.2. Except as otherwise provided herein, in case any such action is brought against an Indemnified Parry, the Fund will be entitled to participate, at its own expense, in the defense of such action and also shall be entitled to assume the defense thereof (which shall include, without limitation, the conduct of any ruling request and closing agreement or other settlement proceeding with the IRS and/or SEC), with counsel approved by the Indemnified Party named in the action, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. After notice from the Fund to such Indemnified Party of the Fund's election to assume the defense thereof, the Indemnified Party will cooperate fully with the Fund and shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and the Fund will not be liable to such Indemnified Party under this Agreement for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such Indemnified Party independently in connection with the defense thereof, other than reasonable costs of investigation.



11.3 Of NATIONWIDE by the Adviser
(a) Except to the extent provided in Sections 11.3(b), 11.3(c) and 1.3(d), below, the Adviser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless NATIONWIDE, its affiliates, and each person, if any, who controls NATIONWIDE or its affiliates within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act and each of their respective directors and officers (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties" for purposes of this Section 11.2) against any and all losses, claims, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of the Fund) or actions in respect thereof (including, to the extent reasonable, legal and other expenses), to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject under any statute, regulation, at common law, or otherwise; insofar as such losses, claims, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities or actions:
(i)arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the Fund's 1933 Act registration statement, Prospectus or sales literature or advertising of the Fund (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading; provided, that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with written information furnished to the Adviser, the Fund or their affiliates by or on behalf of NATIONWIDE or its affiliates for use in the Fund's 1933 Act registration statement, the Fund Prospectus, or in sales literature or advertising or otherwise for use in connection with the We of Contracts or Shares (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing); or
(ii)arise out of or as a result of any other statements or representations (other than statements or representations contained in any Account's 1933 Act registration statement, any Account Prospectus, sales literature or advertising for the Contracts, or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing, not supplied for use therein by or on behalf of the Adviser, the Fund or their affiliates and on which such persons have reasonably relied) or the negligent, illegal or fraudulent conduct of the Adviser, the Fund or their affiliates or persons under their control (including, without limitation, their employees and "Associated Persons" as that Term is defined in Section (ee) of Article 1 of the NASD By-Laws), in connection with the sale, marketing or distribution of Fund Shares; or
(iii)arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in any Account's 1933 Act registration statement, any Account Prospectus, sales literature or advertising covering the Contracts, or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing, or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, if such statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with written information furnished to NATIONWIDE, or its affiliates by or on behalf of the Adviser or the Fund for use in any Account's 1933 Act registration statement, any Account Prospectus, sales literature or advertising covering the Contracts, or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing; or



(iv)arise as a result of any failure by the Adviser or the Fund or persons under their control (or subject to their authorization) to perform the obligations, provide the services and furnish the materials required of it under the terms of this Agreement, including, without limitation, any failure of the Fund or its designated agent to inform NATIONWIDE of the correct net asset values per share for each Portfolio on a timely basis sufficient to ensure the timely execution of all purchase and redemption orders at the correct net asset value per share, or any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by the Adviser or the Fund in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by the Adviser or persons under its control (or subject to its authorization); or
(v)arise as a result of any unauthorized use of the trade names of NATIONWIDE to the extent such use is not required by applicable law or regulation.
(b)  This indemnification is in addition to any liability that the Adviser may otherwise have. The Adviser shall not be liable under this Section 11.3 with respect to any losses, claims, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities or actions to which an Indemnified Party would otherwise be subject by reason of willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance by that Indemnified Parry of its duties or by reason of such Indemnified Party's reckless disregard of its obligations and duties (i) under this Agreement, or (ii) to NATIONWIDE, each Account or Participants.
(c)  The Adviser shall not be liable under tNs Section 11.3 with respect to any action against an Indemnified Party unless the Indemnified Party shall have notified the Adviser in writing promptly after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the action shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent), but the Adviser shall be relieved of liability under this Section 11.3 only to the extent the indemnifying party is damaged solely by reason of such party's failure to so notify and failure to notify the Adviser of any such action shall not relieve the Adviser from any liability which it may have to the Indemnified Party against whom such action is brought otherwise than on account of this Section 11.3. Except as otherwise provided herein, in case any such action is brought against an Indemnified Parry, the Adviser will be entitled to participate, at its own expense, in the defense of such action and also shall be entitled to assume the defense thereof (which shall include, without limitation, the conduct of any ruling request and closing agreement or other settlement proceeding with the IRS and/or SEC), with counsel approved by the Indemnified Party named in the action, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. After notice from the Adviser to such Indemnified Party of the Adviser's election to assume the defense thereof, the Indemnified Party will cooperate fully with the Fund and shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and the Adviser will not be liable to such Indemnified Party under this Agreement for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such Indemnified Party independently in connection with the defense thereof, other than reasonable costs of investigation.



11.4             Effect of Notice
Any notice given by the indemnifying party to an Indemnified Party referred to in Sections 11.1(c), 11,2(c) or 11.3(c) above of participation in or control of any action by the indemnifying party will in no event be deemed to be an admission by the indemnifying party of liability, culpability or responsibility, and the indemnifying party will remain free to contest liability with respect to the claim among the Parties or otherwise.
11.5             Successors
A successor by law of any party shall be entitled to the benefits of the indemnification contained in this Section 11.
11.6             Obligations of the Fund.
All persons dealing with the Fund must look solely to the property of the applicable Portfolio for the enforcement of any claims against the Fund as neither the Board, Officers, agents or shareholders assume any personal liability for obligations entered into on behalf of the Fund.
Section 12. Applicable Law
(a)  This Agreement wi11 be construed and the provisions hereof interpreted under and in accordance with New York law, without regard for that state's principles of conflict of laws.
(b)  This Agreement shall be subject to the provisions of the 1933 Act, 1934 and 1940 acts, and the rules and regulations and rulings thereunder, including such exemptions from those statutes, rules and regulations as the SEC may grant (including, but not limited to, any Order of the SEC) and the terms hereof shall be interpreted and construed in accordance therewith.
Section 13. Execution in Counterparts
This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in two or more counterparts, each of which taken together with constitute one and the same instrument.
Section 14. SeverabiIity
If any provision of this Agreement is held or made invalid by a court decision, statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of this Agreement will not be affected thereby.
Section 15. Rights Cumulative
The rights, remedies and obligations contained in this Agreement are cumulative and are in addition to any and all rights, remedies and obligations, at law or in equity, that the Parties are entitled to under federal and state laws.



Section 16. Headings
The headings used in this Agreement are for purposes of reference only and shall not limit or define the meaning of the provisions of this Agreement.
Section 17. Confidentiality
Subject to the requirements of legal process and regulatory authority, each party hereto shall treat as confidential the names and addresses of customers of the other party and all information reasonably identified as confidential in writing by any other party hereto and, except as permitted by this Agreement, shall not, without the express written consent of the affected parry, disclose, disseminate or utilize such names and addresses and other confidential information until such time as it may come into the public domain.
Section 18. Trademarks and Fund Names
(a)  Salomon Brothers Asset Management Inc, the adviser to the Fund and its affiliates, own all right, title and interest in and to the names, trademarks and service marks "Salomon" and "Salomon Brothers" and such other tradenames, trademarks and service marks as may be identified to NATIONWIDE from time to time (the "Salomon licensed marks"). Upon termination of this Agreement NATIONWIDE and its affiliates shall cease to use the Salomon licensed marks, except to the extent required by law or regulation.
(b)  NATIONWIDE and its affiliates, own all right, title and interest in and to the names, trademarks and service marks "Nationwide®", Nationwide Life®, Nationwide Insurance Enterprise®, the N-and eagle logo, "The Best of America®" and such other tradenames, trademarks and service marks as may be identified to the Adviser and/or the Fund from time to time (the "Nationwide" licensed marks). Upon termination of this Agreement the Fund, the Adviser and their affiliates shall cease to use the Nationwide licensed marks, except to the extent required by law or regulation.
Section 19. Parties to Cooperate
Each parry to this Agreement will cooperate with each other parry and all appropriate governmental authorities (including, without limitation, the SEC, the NASD and state insurance regulators) and will permit each other and such authorities reasonable access to its books and records (including copies thereof) in connection with any investigation or inquiry relating to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby.
Section 20. Year 2000 Compliance
Adviser and Nationwide hereby agree and represent that each expects their information technology systems will be Year 2000 Compliant. The Fund hereby agrees and represents that it has been advised by the Adviser that it expects the Fund's information technology systems will by Year 2000 Compliant. Each party shall notify the other if there is a change in the status of their informational technology systems or upon having a reasonable basis for believing that their information technology systems will bat be Year 2000 Compliant.
"Year 2000 Compliant" shall mean that the systems or software in question shall be able to accurately process date or date-related data, without creating any material logical or mathematical inconsistencies from, into and between, the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, when used in accordance with the specifications set forth for such systems or software; provided, however, that neither party shall be responsible for any failure of its systems or software to by Year 2000 Compliant which is caused by or related to the interaction or interface of such systems or software with the systems or software of a third party which are not Year 2000 Compliant.
Section 21. Partnership
Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create a partnership or joint venture by and among the parties hereto.
Section 22. Amendments
Except to amend Schedule A, or as otherwise provided in this Agreement, this Agreement may not be amended or modified except by a written amendment executed by each of the parties.
Section 23. Countemarts
This Agreement may be executed by facsimile signature and it may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.
Section 24. Authorization
Each pasty hereby represents and warrants to the other that the persons executing this Agreement on its behalf are duly authorized and empowered to execute and deliver the Agreement and that the Agreement constitutes its legal, valid and binding obligation, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms. Except as particularly set forth herein, neither party assumes any responsibility hereunder, and will not be liable to the other for any damage, loss of data, delay or any other loss whatsoever caused by events beyond its reasonable control.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed in their names and on their behalf by and through their duly authorized officers signing below.

Attest:___________________________              By:______________________________

Name:_[Robert Vegliante]___________                   Name:____Heath B. McLendon]_______

Title:__[Asst. Secretary]_____________               Title:_____[President]________________



Attest:_______________________                                                                                                By:_________________________

Name:___[Robert Vegliante]_____                                                                                                Name:___[Howard Fredman]____

Title:___[Asst Secretary]________                                                                                                Title:___[Director]____________



on behalf of themselves and their separate accounts

Attest:_____________________________                                                                                                     By:___________________________

Name:____Heather C. Harker_________                                                                                                           Name:___Joseph P. Rath__________

Title: ____Compliance Manager_______                                                                                                           Title:___Vice President – Office of
  Product and Market Compliance





Salomon Brothers Variable Total Return Fund Salomon Brothers Variable Capital Fund
Salomon Brothers Variable High Yield Bond Fund Salomon Brothers Variable Strategic Bond Fund Salomon Brothers Variable Investors Fund
Nationwide Private Client Corporate Variable Universal. Life
                 CONTRACTS FUNDED BY THE SEPARATE ACCOUNTS  Nationwide’s Private Client Corporate Variable Universal Life



As of September , 1999, the Administrative Services Agreement between the Nationwide and SALOMON BROTHERS ASSET MANAGEMENT INC is applicable to the following portfolios of the Fund:
Salomon Brothers Variable Investors Fund Salomon Brothers Variable Capital Fund
Salomon Brothers Variable Strategic Bond Fund Salomon Brothers Variable High Yield Bond Fund Salomon Brothers Variable Total Return Fund
The applicable annual fee shall be 25 basis points (0.25%) of the aggregate investments in portfolios of the Fund by all separate accounts of the Nationwide related to the Contracts and Policies as a percentage of the average daily net asset value of such investments.



This amendment corresponds to the Participation Agreement dated September 1999.
Nationwide Private Client
Corporate Variable Universal
Nationwide Private Clients
Corporate Variable Universal
·  Salomon Brothers Variable Total Return Fund
·  Salomon Brothers Variable Capital Fund
·  Salomon Brothers Variable High Yield Bond Fund
·  Salomon Brothers Variable Strategic Bond Fund
·  Salomon Brothers Variable Investors Fund
Nationwide Qualified Plans
Variable Account (‘APVA”)
Qualified Plans Variable Group
Annuity Contract
·  Small Cap Growth Fund
·  International Equity Fund
·  Capital Fund
·  Investors Growth Fund
·  High Yield Bond
·  Strategic Bond Fund


COMPANY on behalf of themselves and their respective separate accounts

EX-99.H PARTIC AGREE 16 lincolnfpa.htm LINCOLN FPA lincolnfpa.htm
THIS AGREEMENT, made as of June 5, 2007, by and between LINCOLN VARIABLE INSURANCE PRODUCTS TRUST, a Delaware statutory trust (“Trust”), on its behalf and on behalf of its investment series set forth in Exhibit A (each, a “Fund”), LINCOLN FINANCIAL DISTRIBUTORS, INC., a Connecticut corporation (“Distributor”), LINCOLN INVESTMENT ADVISORS CORPORATION, a Tennessee corporation (“Adviser”), and NATIONWIDE FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., a company organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, on behalf of its insurance company subsidiaries listed on Exhibit B hereto (collectively, “Nationwide”) and the current and any future Nationwide-established separate accounts, as applicable.
WHEREAS, the Trust is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“1940 Act”) as an open-end, diversified management investment company;
WHEREAS, the Trust is organized as a series fund comprised of separate investment, series, including each Fund;
WHEREAS, the Trust was organized to act as the funding vehicle for certain variable life insurance and/or variable annuity contracts offered by life insurance companies through separate accounts of such life insurance companies and also may offer its shares to certain qualified pension and retirement plans;
WHEREAS, the Trust operates under an order from the SEC, dated June 4, 2007 (File No. 812-13287) (“Order”), granting relief from various provisions of the 1940 Act and the rules thereunder to the extent necessary to permit Fund shares to be sold to and held by variable annuity and variable life insurance separate accounts of both affiliated and unaffiliated participating insurance companies accounts (“Participating Insurance Companies”) and qualified pension and retirement plans outside the separate account context and any other trust, plan, account, contract or annuity trust that is within the scope of Treasury Regulation §1.817.5(f)(3)(iii) (collectively, the “Plans”);
WHEREAS, Nationwide has established or will establish one or more separate accounts (the “Separate Accounts”), set forth on Exhibit B, to offer variable annuity products and variable life insurance products (the “Variable Products”), and it seeks to have each Fund serve as certain of the underlying funding vehicles for such Variable Products;
WHEREAS, the Adviser is registered with the SEC as an investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940;
WHEREAS, the Distributor is duly registered as a broker-dealer under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, (the “1934 Act”) and is a member in good standing of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (the “NASD”); and
WHEREAS, to the extent permitted by applicable insurance laws and regulations, Nationwide intends to purchase Fund shares to serve as investment options under the Variable Products and each Fund is authorized to sell such shares to Nationwide at net asset value (“NAV”).
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual promises, Nationwide, the Trust, the Distributor and the Adviser agree as follows:
1.1.  The Trust agrees to make available to the Separate Accounts shares of each Fund as listed in Exhibit A for investment of proceeds from Variable Products allocated to the designated Separate Accounts, such shares to be offered as provided in Fund’s Prospectus.
1.2.  The Trust agrees to sell to Nationwide those Fund shares that Nationwide orders, executing such orders on a daily basis at the NAV next computed after receipt by the Trust or its designee of the order.  For purposes of this Section, Nationwide shall be the designee of the Trust for receipt of such orders from Nationwide and receipt by such designee shall constitute receipt by the Trust; provided that the Trust receives notice of such order by 7:00 a.m., New York time on the next following Business Day. “Business Day” shall mean any day on which the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading and on which the Fund calculates its NAV.
1.3.  The Trust agrees to redeem for cash, on Nationwide’s request, any full or fractional Fund shares held by Nationwide, executing such requests on a daily basis at the NAV next computed after receipt by the Trust or its designee of the request for redemption.  For purposes of this Section, Nationwide shall be the designee of the Trust for receipt of requests for redemption from Nationwide and receipt by such designee shall constitute receipt by the Trust; provided that the Trust receives notice of such request for redemption by 7:00 a.m., New York time on the next following Business Day.
1.4.  The Trust shall furnish, on or before the ex-dividend date, notice to Nationwide of any income dividends or capital gain distributions payable on the shares of any Fund.  Nationwide hereby elects to receive all such income dividends and capital gain distributions as are payable on a Fund’s shares in additional shares of the Fund.  The Trust shall notify Nationwide of the number of shares so issued as payment of such dividends and distributions.  Nationwide reserves the right to revoke this election by written notice to the Trust.
1.5.  The Trust shall make the NAV per share for the selected Fund(s) available to Nationwide on a daily basis as soon as reasonably practicable after the NAV per share is calculated but shall use its best efforts to make such NAV available by 6:30 p.m., New York time.  In the event of an error in the computation of a Fund’s NAV or any dividend or capital gain distribution (each, a “pricing error”), the Distributor or the Fund shall promptly notify Nationwide as soon as possible after discovery of the error.  Such notification may be verbal, but shall be confirmed promptly in writing.  A pricing error shall be corrected in accordance with the Fund’s policy for correction of pricing errors (“Pricing Policy”); provided such Pricing Policy meets the requirements of the 1940 Act and any views expressed by the SEC staff.   If an adjustment is necessary to correct a material error which has caused Variable Contract owners to receive less than the amount to which they are entitled, the number of shares of the applicable sub-account of such Variable Contract owners will be adjusted and the amount of any underpayments shall be credited by the Distributor to Nationwide for crediting of such amounts to the applicable Variable Contract owners accounts.  Upon notification by the Distributor of any overpayment due to a material error, Nationwide shall promptly remit to the Distributor any overpayment that has not been paid to the Variable Contract owners.  A pricing error shall be deemed to be “materially incorrect” or constitute a “material error” in accordance with the Fund’s Pricing Policy for purposes of this Agreement.  The standards set forth in this Section are based on the parties’ understanding of the views expressed by the staff of the SEC as of the date of this Agreement.  In the event the views of the SEC staff are later modified or superseded by SEC or judicial interpretation, the parties shall amend the foregoing provisions of this Agreement to comport with the appropriate applicable standards, on terms mutually satisfactory to all parties.
1.6.  At the end of each Business Day, Nationwide shall use the information described in Section 1.5 to calculate Separate Account unit values for the day.  Using these unit values, Nationwide shall process each such Business Day’s Separate Account transactions based on requests and premiums received by it by the time as of which the Fund calculates its share price as disclosed in the Fund’s prospectus to determine the net dollar amount of the Fund shares which shall be purchased or redeemed at that day’s closing NAV per share. The net share purchase or redemption orders so determined shall be transmitted to the Trust by Nationwide by 7:00 a.m., New York Time on the Business Day next following Nationwide’s receipt of such requests and premiums.
1.7.  If Nationwide’s order requests the net purchase of the Trust shares, Nationwide shall pay for such purchase by wiring federal funds to the Trust or its designated custodial account on the day the order is actually transmitted by Nationwide by the close of the Federal Reserve wire system.  If Nationwide’s order requests a net redemption resulting in a payment of redemption proceeds to Nationwide, the Trust shall wire the redemption proceeds to Nationwide on the day the order is actually received by the Trust by the close of the Federal Reserve wire system.  If Nationwide’s order requests the application of redemption proceeds from the redemption of shares to the purchase of shares of another fund administered or distributed by the Distributor, the Trust shall so apply such proceeds on the same Business Day that Nationwide transmits such order to the Trust.  Nationwideshall notify the Distributor at least five days in advance of a single purchase, redemption or exchange order for one million dollars ($1,000,000) or more of which it has prior knowledge
1.8.  Notwithstanding Section 1.7, the Trust reserves the right to suspend the right of redemption or postpone the date of payment or satisfaction upon redemption consistent with Section 22(e) of the 1940 Act and any rules thereunder.
1.9.  The Trust agrees that all Fund shares will be sold only to Participating Insurance Companies which have agreed to purchase Fund shares to fund their Separate Accounts and/or to certain qualified pension and other retirement plans, all in accordance with the requirements of Section 817(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the “Code”) and Treasury Regulation 1.817-5.  Fund shares will not be sold directly to the general public.
1.10.  The Trust may refuse to sell shares of any Fund to any person, or suspend or terminate the offering of the shares of any Fund if such action is required by law or by regulatory authorities having jurisdiction or is, in the sole discretion of the Board of Trustees of the Trust, acting in good faith and in light of its fiduciary duties under federal and any applicable state laws, deemed necessary and in the best interests of the shareholders of each Fund.
2.1.  Nationwide represents and warrants that: (i) it is a holding company duly organized and in good standing under the laws of Delaware; (ii) that its life insurance company subsidiaries have been duly organized and are in good standing under applicable state law; (iii) that the life insurance subsidiaries have legally and validly established each Separate Account as a segregated asset account under applicable state law; and (iv) that the principal underwriter for the Variable Products is registered as a broker-dealer under the 1934 Act.
2.2.  Nationwide represents and warrants that it has registered each Separate Account as a unit investment trust in accordance with the provisions of the 1940 Act and cause each Separate Account to remain so registered to serve as a segregated asset account for the Variable Products, unless an exemption from registration is available.  Nationwide represents and warrants that interests in the Separate Account under the Variable Products will be registered under the Securities Act of 1933 (“1933 Act”) unless an exemption from registration is available prior to any issuance or sale of the Variable Products and that the Variable Products will be issued and sold in compliance in all material respects with all applicable federal and state laws and further that the sale of the Variable Products shall comply in all material respects with state insurance law suitability requirements.
2.3.  Nationwide represents and warrants that the Variable Products are currently and at the time of issuance will be treated as life insurance, endowment or annuity contracts under applicable provisions of the Code, that it will maintain such treatment and that it will notify the Trust immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that the Variable Products have ceased to be so treated or that they might not be so treated in the future.
2.4.  Nationwide represents and warrants that it shall deliver such prospectuses, statements of additional information, proxy statements and periodic reports of each Fund as required to be delivered under applicable federal or state law in connection with the offer, sale or acquisition of the Variable Products.
2.5.  The Trust represents and warrants that the Fund shares offered and sold pursuant to this Agreement will be registered under the 1933 Act and shall be duly authorized for issuance and sold in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, and the Trust shall be registered under the 1940 Act prior to and at the time of any issuance or sale of such shares.  The Trust shall amend its registration statement under the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act as required in order to effect the continuous offering of Fund shares.
2.6.  The Adviser represents and warrants that each Fund currently complies, and will continue to comply with the diversification requirements set forth in Section 817(h) of the Code, and the rules and regulations thereunder, and will notify Nationwide immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing any Fund has ceased to comply will take reasonable steps to adequately diversify the Fund to achieve compliance within the grace period afforded by Regulation 1.817-5.
2.7.  The Adviser represents and warrants that each Fund invested in by the Separate Account is currently qualified as a “regulated investment company” under Subchapter M of the Code, that it will maintain such qualification under Subchapter M (or any successor or similar provisions) and will notify Nationwide upon having a reasonable basis for believing any Fund has ceased to so qualify.
2.8.  Nationwide hereby consents to the use by the Trust of the name and telephone number of Nationwide and to the reference by the Trust to the relationship between Nationwide and the Trust as part of an informational page on the Trust’s site on the World Wide Web portion of the Internet.  Nationwide hereby further consents to the Trust’s establishing a link between the Trust’s site and Nationwide’s site from the same place that Nationwide is listed on the Trust’s site.
2.9.  The Trust represents that it is lawfully organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Delaware.
2.10.  The Trust represents and warrants that its directors, officers, employees dealing with the money and/or securities of the Trust are and shall continue to be at all times covered by a blanket fidelity bond or similar coverage for the benefit of the Trust in an amount not less than the minimum coverage as required by Rule 17g-(1) under the 1940 Act or related provisions as may be promulgated from time to time.  The aforesaid blanket fidelity bond shall include coverage for larceny and embezzlement and shall be issued by a reputable bonding company.
2.11.  The Adviser represents and warrants that it is registered as an investment adviser and shall remain duly registered under all applicable federal and state securities laws and that it shall perform its obligations for the Trust in compliance in all material respects with the laws of the State of Tennessee and any applicable state and federal securities laws.
2.12.  The Distributor represents and warrants that it is registered as a broker-dealer and shall remain duly registered under all applicable federal and state securities laws and that it shall perform its obligations for the Trust in compliance in all material respects with the laws of the State of Connecticut and any applicable state and federal securities laws.
2.13.  Each party represents and warrants that the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated herein have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate, partnership or trust action, as applicable, by such party, and, when so executed and delivered, this Agreement will be the valid and binding obligation of such party enforceable in accordance with its terms.
2.14.  Nationwide represents and warrants that all orders for the purchase and sale of Fund shares submitted to the Trust (or counted by Nationwide in submitting a net order under this Agreement) will have been received in good order by Nationwide prior to the time as of which the Fund calculates its NAV on that Business Day, as disclosed in the prospectus for the pertinent Fund (the “trading deadline”), in accordance with Rule 22c-1 under the 1940 Act (subject only to exceptions as permitted under Rule 22c-1(c) under the 1940 Act, respecting initial purchase payments on variable annuity contracts, and to the established administrative procedures of Nationwide as described under Rule 6e-3(T)(b)(12)(iii) under the 1940 Act respecting premium processing for variable life insurance contracts).  Nationwide will, upon reasonable request, certify to the Trust and the Distributor that Nationwide is in compliance with this Section.
2.15.  Nationwide represents and warrants that it is currently in compliance, and will remain in compliance, with all applicable anti-money laundering laws, regulations and requirements, including, but not limited to, its obligations under the U.S. Bank Secrecy Act of 1970, and the rules and regulations thereunder.
3.1.  The Trust shall prepare and file with the SEC and any state regulators requiring such filing all shareholder reports, notices, proxy materials (or similar materials such as voting instruction solicitation materials), prospectuses and statements of additional information of the Trust.
3.2.  The Trust will bear the printing costs and mailing costs associated with the delivery of the following Trust (or individual Fund) documents, and any supplements thereto, to existing Variable Contract owners of Nationwide who are invested in the Trust:
Prospectuses and statements of additional information;
Annual and semi-annual reports; and
Proxy materials (including, but not limited to, the proxy cards, notice and statement, as well as the costs associated with tabulating votes).
Nationwide will submit any bills for printing, duplicating and/or mailing costs, relating to the Trust documents described above, to the Trust for reimbursement by the Trust.  Nationwide shall monitor such costs and shall use its best efforts to control these costs.  Upon request, Nationwide will provide the Trust on a semi-annual basis, or more frequently as reasonably requested by the Trust, with a current tabulation of the number of existing Variable Contract owners of Nationwide whose Variable Contract values are invested in each Fund.  This tabulation will be sent to the Trust in the form of a letter signed by a duly authorized officer of Nationwide attesting to the accuracy of the information contained in the letter.  If requested by Nationwide, the Trust shall provide such documentation (including a final copy of the Trust’s prospectus as set in type or in camera-ready copy) and other assistance as is reasonably necessary in order for Nationwide to print together in one document the current prospectus for the Variable Products issued by Nationwide and the current prospectus for the Trust.  Should Nationwide wish to print any of these documents in a format different from that provided by the Trust, Nationwide shall provide the Trust with sixty (60) days’ prior written notice and Nationwide shall bear the cost associated with any format change.
3.3.  The Trust will provide, at its expense, Nationwide with the following Trust (or individual Fund) documents, and any supplements thereto, with respect to existing Contract owners who are prospective purchasers of the Trust and with respect to prospective Variable Contract owners of Nationwide:
The current prospectus suitable for printing;
The current statement of additional information suitable for duplication;
The current proxy material suitable for printing; and
The current annual and semi-annual reports suitable for printing.
Nationwide will pay all the expenses for printing and mailing these documents.
3.4.  The Trust will provide Nationwide with at least one complete copy of all prospectuses, statements of additional information, annual and semi-annual reports, proxy statements, exemptive applications and all amendments or supplements to any of the above that relate to the Fund after the filing of each such document with the SEC or other regulatory authority.  Nationwide will provide the Trust with at least one complete copy of all prospectuses, statements of additional information, annual and semi-annual reports, proxy statements, exemptive applications and all amendments or supplements to any of the above that relate to a Separate Account after the filing of each such document with the SEC or other regulatory authority.
3.5.  Nationwide agrees that it will cooperate with the Distributor and the Trust by providing to the Distributor and the Trust, within thirty (30) days prior to any deadline imposed by applicable laws, rules or regulations, information regarding shares sold and redeemed and whether the Separate Accounts are registered or unregistered under the 1940 Act and any other information pertinent to enabling the Distributor and the Trust to pay registration or other fees with respect to the Trust shares sold during the fiscal year in accordance with Rule 24f-2 or to register and qualify Trust shares under any applicable laws, rules or regulations in a timely manner.
3.6.  Except with respect to information regarding Nationwide provided in writing by that party, Nationwide shall not be responsible for the content of the prospectus or statement of additional information for the Trust.  Also, except with respect to information regarding the Trust, Distributor, Adviser or the Fund provided in writing by the Trust, Distributor or Adviser, neither the Trust, the Distributor nor Adviser are responsible for the content of the prospectus or statement of additional information for the Variable Products.
4.1.  Nationwide will furnish, or will cause to be furnished, to the Trust and the Distributor, each piece of sales literature or other promotional material in which the Trust, the Distributor or Adviser is named, at least ten (10) Business Days prior to its intended use.  No such material will be used if the Trust or the Distributor objects to its use in writing within ten (10) Business Days after receipt of such material.
4.2.  The Trust and the Distributor will furnish, or will cause to be furnished, to Nationwide, each piece of sales literature or other promotional material in which Nationwide or its Separate Accounts are named, at least ten (10) Business Days prior to its intended use.  No such material will be used if Nationwide objects to its use in writing within ten (10) Business Days after receipt of such material.
4.3.  The Trust and its affiliates and agents shall not give any information or make any representations on behalf of Nationwide or concerning Nationwide, the Separate Accounts, or the Variable Products issued by Nationwide, other than the information or representations contained in a registration statement or prospectus for such Variable Products, as such registration statement and prospectus, or in reports of the Separate Accounts or reports prepared for distribution to owners of such Variable Products, or in sales literature or educational or other promotional material approved by Nationwide or its designee, except with the written permission of Nationwide.
4.4.  Nationwide and its affiliates and agents shall not give any information or make any representations on behalf of the Trust or a Fund or concerning the Trust or a Fund other than the information or representations contained in a registration statement or prospectus for the Trust, as such registration statement and prospectus, or in sales literature or other educational or promotional material approved by the Trust or its designee, except with the written permission of the Trust.
4.5.  Subject to law and regulatory authority, each party to this Agreement shall treat as confidential all information pertaining to the owners of the Variable Products and all information reasonably identified as confidential in writing by any other party hereto and, except as permitted by this Agreement, shall not disclose, disseminate or utilize such names and addresses and other confidential information until such time as it may come into the public domain without the express written consent of the affected party.  Each party shall be solely responsible for the compliance of their officers, directors, employees, agents, independent contractors, and any affiliated and non-affiliated third parties with all applicable privacy-related laws and regulations including but not limited to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and Regulation S-P.  The provisions of this Section shall survive the termination of this Agreement.
5.1.  The Board of Trustees of the Trust (the “Board”) will monitor the Trust for the existence of any material irreconcilable conflict between the interests of the Variable Contract owners of Participating Insurance Company Separate Accounts investing in the Trust.  A material irreconcilable conflict may arise for a variety of reasons, including: (a) state insurance regulatory authority action; (b) a change in applicable federal or state insurance, tax, or securities laws or regulations, or a public ruling, private letter ruling, or any similar action by insurance, tax, or securities regulatory authorities; (c) an administrative or judicial decision in any relevant proceeding; (d) the manner in which the investments of the Trust are being managed; (e) a difference in voting instructions given by variable annuity and variable life insurance contract owners or by contract owners of different Participating Insurance Companies; or (f) a decision by a Participating Insurance Company to disregard voting instructions of Variable Contract owners.
5.2.  Nationwide will report any potential or existing conflicts to the Board.  Nationwide will be responsible for assisting the Board in carrying out its responsibilities under the Conditions set forth in the notice issued by the SEC for the Trust on May 11, 2007 (the “Notice”) (Investment Company Act Release No. IC-27821), by providing the Board with all information reasonably necessary for it to consider any issues raised.  This responsibility includes, but is not limited to, an obligation by Nationwide to inform the Board whenever Variable Contract owner voting instructions are disregarded by Nationwide.  These responsibilities will be carried out with a view only to the interests of the Variable Contract owners.
5.3.  If a majority of the Trust’s Trustees or a majority of its disinterested trustees (“Independent Trustees”) determines that a material irreconcilable conflict exists, affecting Nationwide, Nationwide, at its expense and to the extent reasonably practicable (as determined by a majority of Independent Trustees), will take any steps necessary to remedy or eliminate the irreconcilable material conflict, including: (a) withdrawing the assets allocable to some or all of the Separate Accounts from the Trust  or any Fund thereof and reinvesting those assets in a different investment medium, which may include another Fund of the Trust or another investment company or submitting the question as to whether such segregation should be implemented to a vote of all affected Variable Contract owners and, as appropriate, segregating the assets of any appropriate group (i.e., Variable Contract owners of one or more Participating Insurance Companies) that votes in favor of such segregation, or offering to the affected Variable Contract owners the option of making such a change; and (b) establishing a new registered management investment company or managed separate account.  If a material irreconcilable conflict arises because of Nationwide’s decision to disregard Variable Contract owner voting instructions, and that decision represents a minority position or would preclude a majority vote, Nationwide may be required, at the election of the Trust, to withdraw its Separate Account’s investment in the Trust, and no charge or penalty will be imposed as a result of such withdrawal.  The responsibility to take such remedial action shall be carried out with a view only to the interests of the Variable Contract owners.
For the purposes of this Section, a majority of the Independent Trustees shall determine whether or not any proposed action adequately remedies any material irreconcilable conflict, but in no event will the Trust be required to establish a new funding medium for any Variable Contract.  Further, Nationwide shall not be required by this Section to establish a new funding medium for any Variable Contract if any offer to do so has been declined by a vote of a majority of Variable Contract owners materially affected by the irreconcilable material conflict.
5.4.  The Board’s determination of the existence of a material irreconcilable conflict and its implications shall be made known promptly and in writing to Nationwide.
5.5.  No less than annually, Nationwide shall submit to the Board such reports, materials or data as the Board may reasonably request so that the Board may fully carry out the obligations imposed upon it by these Conditions.  Such reports, materials, and data shall be submitted more frequently if the Board deems appropriate.
Article VI.  VOTING
6.1.  To the extent required by Section 12(d)(1)(E)(iii)(aa) of the 1940 Act or Rule    6e-2 or Rule 6e-3(T) thereunder, or other applicable law, whenever Trust shall have a meeting of shareholders of any series or class of shares, Nationwide shall:
Solicit voting instructions from Variable Contract owners;
Vote Trust shares held in each Separate Account at such shareholder meetings in accordance with instructions received from Variable Contract owners;
Vote Trust shares held in each Separate Account for which it has not received timely instructions in the same proportion as it votes the applicable series or class of Trust shares for which it has received timely instructions; and
Vote Trust shares held in its general account in the same proportion as it votes the applicable series or class of Trust shares held by the Separate Accounts for which it has received timely instructions.
Except with respect to matters as to which Nationwide has the right under Rule 6e-2 or Rule 6e-3(T) under the 1940 Act to vote Trust shares without regard to voting instructions from Variable Contract owners, neither Nationwide nor any of its affiliates will recommend action in connection with, or oppose or interfere with, the actions of the Trust Board to hold shareholder meetings for the purpose of obtaining approval or disapproval from shareholders (and, indirectly, from Variable Contract owners) of matters put before the shareholders or a vote recommended by Trust Board.  Nationwide shall be responsible for assuring that it calculates voting instructions and votes Trust shares at shareholder meetings in a manner consistent with other Participating Insurance Companies.  The Trust shall notify Nationwide of any changes to the Order or conditions.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Nationwide reserves the right to vote Trust shares held in any segregated asset account in its own right, to the extent permitted by law.
6.2.  If and to the extent Rule 6e-2 and Rule 6e-3(T) are amended, or Rule 6e-3 is adopted, to provide exemptive relief from any provision of the 1940 Act or the rules thereunder with respect to mixed and shared funding on terms and conditions materially different from any exemptions granted in the Order, then the Trust and/or Nationwide, as appropriate, shall take such steps as may be necessary to comply with Rule 6e-2 and Rule 6e-3(T), as amended, and Rule 6e-3, as adopted, to the extent such Rules are applicable.
7.1.  Indemnification by Nationwide.  Nationwide agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Trust, the Distributor and the Adviser and each of their Trustees, directors, officers, employees and agents and each person, if any, who controls the Trust, the Distributor or Adviser within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties” for purposes of Sections 7.1 to 7.3) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of Nationwide, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) or litigation (including legal and other expenses), to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) or settlements:
Arise out of or are based upon any untrue statements or alleged untrue statements of any material fact contained in the registration statement, prospectus, or sales literature for the Variable Products or contained in the Variable Products (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to Nationwide by or on behalf of the Trust for use in the registration statement, prospectus or sales literature for the Variable Products or in the Variable Products (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of the Variable Products or Fund shares;
Arise out of or as a result of statements or representations (other than statements or representations contained in the registration statement, prospectus or sales literature of the Trust not supplied by Nationwide, or persons under its control) or wrongful conduct of Nationwide or any of its directors, officers, employees or agents, with respect to the sale or distribution of the Variable Products or Fund shares;
Arise out of any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in the registration statement, prospectus or sales literature of the Trust or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to the Trust for inclusion therein by or on behalf of Nationwide;
Arise as a result of any failure by Nationwide to substantially provide the services and furnish the materials under the terms of this Agreement; or
Arise out of or result from any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by Nationwide in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by Nationwide.
7.2.  Nationwide shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation incurred or assessed against an Indemnified Party as such may arise from such Indemnified Party’s willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance of such Indemnified Party’s duties or by reason of such Indemnified Party’s reckless disregard of obligations or duties under this Agreement or to the Trust, whichever is applicable.
7.3.  Nationwide shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any claim made against an Indemnified Party unless such Indemnified Party shall have notified Nationwide in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the claim shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent), but failure to notify Nationwide of any such claim shall not relieve Nationwide from any liability which it may have to the Indemnified Party against whom such action is brought otherwise than on account of this indemnification provision.  In case any such action is brought against an Indemnified Party, Nationwide shall be entitled to participate at its own expense in the defense of such action.
7.4.  Indemnification by the Adviser.  The Adviser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Nationwide and each of its directors, officers, employees, and agents and each person, if any, who controls Nationwide within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties” for the purposes of Sections 7.4 to 7.6) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of the Adviser which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) or litigation (including legal and other expenses) to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) or settlements:
Arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the registration statement, prospectus or sales literature of the Trust (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to the Adviser, the Distributor or the Trust by or on behalf of Nationwide for use in the registration statement or prospectus for the Trust or in sales literature (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of the Variable Products or Fund shares;
Arise out of or as a result of statements or representations (other than statements or representations contained in the registration statement, prospectus or sales literature for the Variable Products not supplied by the Adviser or persons under its control) or wrongful conduct of the Trust, the Distributor or the Adviser or persons under their control, with respect to the sale or distribution of the Variable Products or Fund shares;
Arise out of any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in the registration statement, prospectus or sales literature covering the Variable Products, or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto, or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to Nationwide for inclusion therein by or on behalf of the Trust;
Arise as a result of a failure by the Trust to substantially provide the services and furnish the materials under the terms of this Agreement; or
Arise out of or result from any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by the Adviser, the Distributor or the Trust in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by the Adviser, the Distributor or the Trust.
7.5.  The Adviser shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation to which an Indemnified Party would otherwise be subject by reason of such Indemnified Party’s willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance of such Indemnified Party’s duties or by reason of such Indemnified Party’s reckless disregard of obligations and duties under this Agreement or to Nationwide.
7.6.  The Adviser shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any claim made against an Indemnified Party unless such Indemnified Party shall have notified the Adviser in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the claim shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent), but failure to notify the Adviser of any such claim shall not relieve the Adviser from any liability which it may have to the Indemnified Party against whom such action is brought otherwise than on account of this indemnification provision.  In case any such action is brought against the Indemnified Parties, the Adviser shall be entitled to participate at its own expense in the defense thereof.
7.7.  The provisions of this Article VII shall survive the termination of this Agreement.
8.1.  This Agreement shall be effective as of the date hereof and shall continue in force until terminated in accordance with the provisions herein.
8.2.  This Agreement shall terminate in accordance with the following provisions:
At the option of Nationwide or the Trust at any time from the date hereof upon 180 days’ notice, unless a shorter time is agreed to by the parties;
At the option of Nationwide or the Trust, if Fund shares are not reasonably available to meet the requirements of the Variable Products.  Prompt notice of election to terminate shall be furnished by Nationwide.  The termination will be effective ten days after receipt of notice unless the Trust makes available a sufficient number of Fund shares to reasonably meet the requirements of the Variable Products within the ten-day period;
At the option of Nationwide, upon the institution of formal proceedings against the Trust, the Distributor or Adviser by the SEC, the NASD, or any other regulatory body, the expected or anticipated ruling, judgment or outcome of which would, in Nationwide’s reasonable judgment, materially impair the Trust’s, the Distributor’s or the Adviser’s ability to meet and perform their respective obligations and duties hereunder.  Prompt notice of election to terminate shall be furnished by Nationwide with said termination to be effective upon receipt of notice;
At the option of the Trust, the Distributor or the Adviser, upon the institution of formal proceedings against Nationwide by the SEC, the NASD, or any other regulatory body, the expected or anticipated ruling, judgment or outcome of which would, in Trust’s reasonable judgment, materially impair Nationwide’s ability to meet and perform its obligations and duties hereunder.  Prompt notice of election to terminate shall be furnished by Trust with said termination to be effective upon receipt of notice;
At the option of Nationwide, in the event the Trust’s shares are not registered, issued or sold in accordance with applicable state or federal law, or such law precludes the use of such shares as the underlying investment medium of Variable Products issued or to be issued by Nationwide.  Termination shall be effective immediately upon notice to the Trust;
At the option of the Trust if the Variable Products cease to qualify as annuity contracts or life insurance contracts, as applicable, under the Code, or if the Trust reasonably believes that the Variable Products may fail to so qualify.  Termination shall be effective upon receipt of notice by Nationwide;
At the option of Nationwide, upon the Trust’s breach of any material provision of this Agreement, which breach has not been cured to the satisfaction of Nationwide within ten days after written notice of such breach is delivered to the Trust;
At the option of the Trust, upon Nationwide’s breach of any material provision of this Agreement, which breach has not been cured to the satisfaction of the Trust within ten days after written notice of such breach is delivered to Nationwide;
At the option of the Trust, if the Variable Products are not registered, issued or sold in accordance with applicable federal and/or state law.  Termination shall be effective immediately upon such occurrence without notice to Nationwide;
At the option of Nationwide in the event that any Fund ceases to qualify as a Regulated Investment Company under Subchapter M of the Code or under any successor or similar provision, or if Nationwide reasonably believes that any Fund may fail to so qualify.  Termination shall be effective immediately upon notice to the Trust;
At the option of Nationwide in the event that any Fund fails to meet the diversification requirements specified in Article II hereof or if Nationwide reasonably believes that any Fund may fail to meet such diversification requirements.  Termination shall be effective immediately upon notice to the Trust; and
In the event this Agreement is assigned without the prior written consent of Nationwide, the Trust, the Distributor and the Adviser, termination shall be effective immediately upon such occurrence without notice.
8.3.  Notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 8.2 hereof, the Trust shall, at the option of Nationwide, continue to make available additional Fund shares, as provided below, for so long as Nationwide desires pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, for all Variable Products in effect on the effective date of termination of this Agreement (“Existing Contracts”).  Specifically, without limitation, if Nationwide so elects to make additional Fund shares available, the owners of the Existing Contracts or Nationwide, whichever shall have legal authority to do so, shall be permitted to reallocate investments in the Trust, redeem investments in the Trust and/or invest in the Trust upon the payment of additional premiums under the Existing Contracts.  In the event of a termination of this Agreement, Nationwide, as promptly as is practicable under the circumstances, shall notify the Trust, the Distributor and the Adviser whether Nationwide elects to continue to make Fund shares available after such termination.  If Fund shares continue to be made available after such termination, the provisions of this Agreement shall remain in effect.
8.4.  Except as necessary to implement Variable Contract owner initiated transactions, or as required by state insurance laws or regulations, Nationwide shall not redeem the shares attributable to the Variable Products (as opposed to the shares attributable to Nationwide’s assets held in the Separate Accounts or invested directly), and Nationwide shall not prevent Variable Contract owners from allocating payments to a Fund that was otherwise available under the Variable Products, until thirty (30) days after Nationwide shall have notified the Trust of its intention to do so.
Article IX.  NOTICES
Any notice hereunder shall be given by registered or certified mail return receipt requested to the other party at the address of such party set forth below or at such other address as such party may from time to time specify in writing to the other party.

If to the Trust:
Lincoln Variable Insurance Products Trust
1300 South Clinton Street
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
c/o Kelly D. Clevenger
If to the Distributor:
Lincoln Financial Distributors, Inc.
Metro Center, 350 Church Street
Hartford, Ct 06103
c/o John Reizian
If to the Adviser:
Lincoln Investment Advisors Corporation
1300 South Clinton Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46802
c/o William P. Flory, Jr.
If to Nationwide:
Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.
One Nationwide Plaza
Columbus, Ohio 43215
c/o Karen R. Colvin

Notice shall be deemed given on the date of receipt by the addressee as evidenced by the return receipt.
10.1.  This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in two or more counterparts, each of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument.
10.2.  If any provision of this Agreement shall be held or made invalid by a court decision, statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby.
10.3.  This Agreement shall be construed and the provisions hereof interpreted under and in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware without regard to conflicts of laws principles thereof.  It shall also be subject to the provisions of the federal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder and to any orders of the SEC granting exemptive relief therefrom and the conditions of such orders.
10.4.  The parties agree that the assets and liabilities of each Fund are separate and distinct from the assets and liabilities of each other Fund.  No Fund shall be liable or shall be charged for any debt, obligation or liability of any other Fund.  No Trustee, officer or agent shall be personally liable for such debt, obligation or liability of any Fund.
10.5.  Each party shall cooperate with each other party and all appropriate governmental authorities (including without limitation the SEC, the NASD and state insurance regulators) and shall permit such authorities reasonable access to its books and records in connection with any investigation or inquiry relating to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby.
10.6.  The rights, remedies and obligations contained in this Agreement are cumulative and are in addition to any and all rights, remedies and obligations, at law or in equity, which the parties hereto are entitled to under state and federal laws.
10.7.  No provision of this Agreement may be amended or modified in any manner except by a written agreement properly authorized and executed by the Trust, the Distributor, the Adviser and Nationwide; provided, however, that the Adviser may from time to time update Exhibit A to this Agreement, with a copy to Nationwide in due course, to add a new Fund, delete an inactive or terminated Fund, or reflect the change of name of a Fund.  The establishment by Nationwide of an account in any Fund, whether or not as yet reflected on an updated Exhibit A, shall constitute the agreement by Nationwide and the Trust, the Distributor and the Adviser to be bound by the provisions of this Agreement with respect to that Fund.
10.8.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the Trust, the Distributor and the Adviser agree that Nationwide shall be fully entitled to make disclosure of information relating to the structure and tax aspects of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, without limitation of any kind on such disclosure, and all materials of any kind (including opinions or other tax analysis) that are provided herein related to such structure and tax aspects as described in Treasury Regulation Section 301.6111-2(c)(3).
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused their duly authorized officers to execute this Fund Participation Agreement as of the date and year first above written.
Name: Kelly D. Clevenger
Title:   President
Name: William P. Flory, Jr.
Title: Second Vice President and
Assistant Treasurer
By: ________________________________
Name: James J. Ryan
Title:   Senior Vice President
By: ________________________________
Name:  Karen R. Colvin
Title:    Product Officer



Exhibit A
The currently available Funds of the Trust are:
LVIP Baron Growth Opportunities Fund – Service Class



Exhibit B

Subsidiary Life Insurance Companies

Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America
Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America

Variable Products

MFS Variable Account
Nationwide Multi-Flex Variable Account
Nationwide VA Separate Account-A
Nationwide VA Separate Account-B
Nationwide VA Separate Account-C
Nationwide VA Separate Account-D
Nationwide Variable Account
Nationwide Variable Account-II
Nationwide Variable Account-3
Nationwide Variable Account-4
Nationwide Variable Account-5
Nationwide Variable Account-6
Nationwide Variable Account-7
Nationwide Variable Account-8
Nationwide Variable Account-9
Nationwide Variable Account-10
Nationwide Variable Account-11
Nationwide Variable Account-12
Nationwide Variable Account-13
Nationwide Variable Account-14
Nationwide Variable Account-15
Nationwide Variable Account-16
Nationwide Variable Account-17
Nationwide Provident VA Separate Account 1
Nationwide Provident VA Separate Account A
Nationwide VL Separate Account-A
Nationwide VL Separate Account-B
Nationwide VL Separate Account-C
Nationwide VL Separate Account-D
Nationwide VL Separate Account-G
Nationwide VLI Separate Account
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-2
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-3
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-5
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-6
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-7
Nationwide Provident VLI Separate Account 1
Nationwide Provident VLI Separate Account A

EX-99.H PARTIC AGREE 17 lordabbettfpa.htm LORD ABBETT FPA lordabbettfpa.htm

THIS AGREEMENT made as of the 31st day of December, 2002, by and between Lord Abbett Series Fund, Inc. (“Fund”), a Maryland Corporation, on its behalf and on behalf of each separate investment series thereof, whether existing as of the date above or established subsequent thereto, (each a “Portfolio” and collectively, the “Portfolios”), Lord Abbett Distributor LLC, a New York limited liability Company (the "Distributor"), and Nationwide Life Insurance Company(“NLIC”) and Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company, (“NLAIC” and collectively  referred to herin with NLIC as the “Company”),each a life insurance company organized under the laws of the State of  Ohio.

WHEREAS, Fund is registered with the Securities and Exchange  Commission (“SEC”) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “ ‘40 Act”), as an open-end, diversified management investment company; and

WHEREAS, Fund is organized as a series fund comprised of separate investment series, namely the Portfolios; and

WHEREAS, Fund was organized to act as the funding vehicle for certain variable life insurance and/or variable annuity contracts (“Variable Contracts”) offered by life insurance companies through separate accounts of such life insurance companies and also offers its shares to certain qualified pension and retirement plans; and

WHEREAS, Fund has filed an application with the SEC requesting an order granting relief from various provisions of the ‘40 Act and the rules thereunder to the extent necessary to permit Fund shares to be sold to and held by variable annuity and variable life insurance separate accounts of both affiliated and unaffiliated participating insurance companies accounts ("Participating Companies") and qualified pension and retirement plans outside the separate account context (including, without limitation, those trusts, plans, accounts contracts or annuities described in Sections 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 408(a), 408(b), 414(d), 457(b), 408(k), 501(c)(18) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”) and any other trust, plan, account, contract or annuity trust that is determined to be within the scope of Treasury Regulation §1.817.5(f)(3)(iii)("Plans"); and

WHEREAS, the Company has established or will establish one or more separate accounts (“Separate Accounts”) to offer Variable Contracts and is desirous of having Fund as one of the underlying funding vehicles for such Variable Contracts; and

WHEREAS, Distributor is registered with the SEC as a broker-dealer under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and acts as Fund’s principal underwriter; and

WHEREAS, to the extent permitted by applicable insurance laws and regulations, the Company intends to purchase shares of Fund to fund the aforementioned Variable Contracts and Fund is authorized to sell such shares to the Company at net asset value;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual promises, the Company, Fund, and Distributor agree as follows:


1.1           Fund agrees to make Variable Contract Class shares (“Shares”) of the Fund available to the Separate Accounts of the Company for investment of purchase payments of Variable Contracts allocated to the designated Separate Accounts as provided in Fund's then current prospectus and statement of additional information.  Company agrees to purchase and redeem the Shares of the Portfolios offered by the then current prospectus and statement of additional information of the Fund in accordance with the provisions of such prospectus and statement of additional information.  Company shall not permit any person other than a Variable Contract owner to give instructions to Company which would require Company to redeem or exchange Shares of the Fund.

1.2           Fund agrees to sell to the Company those Shares of the selected Portfolios of Fund which the Company orders, exe­cuting such orders on a daily basis at the net asset value next computed after receipt by Fund or its designee of the order for the Shares of Fund.  For purposes of this Section 1.2, the Company shall be the designee of Fund for receipt of such orders from the designated Separate Account and receipt by such designee shall constitute receipt by Fund; provided that the Company receives the order by 4:00 p.m. Eastern time and Fund receives notice from the Company by telephone, facsimile (orally confirmed) or by such other means as Fund and the Company may mutually agree of such order by 9:00 a.m. Eastern time on the next following Business Day.  "Business Day" shall mean any day on which the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading and on which Fund calculates its net asset value pursuant to the rules of the SEC.

1.3           Fund agrees to redeem on the Company's request, any full or fractional Shares of Fund held by the Company, executing such requests on a daily basis at the net asset value next computed after receipt by Fund or its designee of the request for redemption, in accordance with the provisions of this agreement and Fund's then current registration statement.  For purposes of this Section 1.3, the Company shall be the designee of Fund for receipt of requests for redemption from the designated Separate Account and receipt by such designee shall constitute receipt by Fund; provided that the Company receives the request for redemption by 4:00 p.m. Eastern time and Fund receives notice from the Company by telephone, facsimile (orally confirmed) or by such other means as Fund and the Company may mutually agree of such request for redemption by 9:00 a.m. Eastern time on the next following Business Day.

1.4           Fund shall furnish, on or before the ex-dividend date, notice to the Company of any income dividends or capital gain distributions payable on the Shares of any Portfolios of Fund. The Company hereby elects to receive all such income dividends and capital gain distributions as are payable on a Portfolio’s Shares in additional Shares of the Portfolio. Fund shall notify the Company or its designee of the number of Shares so issued as payment of such dividends and distributions.

1.5  Fund shall make the net asset value per share for the selected Portfolios available to the Company on a daily basis, via a mutually agreeable form, as soon as reasonably practicable after the net asset value per share is calculated but shall use its best efforts to make such net asset value available by 6:30 p.m. Eastern time.

1.6           At the end of each Business Day, the Company shall use the information described in Section 1.5 to calculate Separate Account unit values for the day.  Using these unit values, the Company shall process each such Business Day's Separate Account transactions based on requests and premiums received by it by the close of trading on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (currently 4:00 p.m. Eastern time) to determine the net dollar amount of Fund Shares which shall be purchased or redeemed at that day's closing net asset value per share.  The net purchase or redemption orders so determined shall be transmitted to Fund by the Company by 9:00 a.m. Eastern time on the Business Day next following the Company's receipt of such requests and premiums in accordance with the terms of Sections 1.2 and 1.3 hereof.

1.7           If the Company's order requests the purchase of Fund Shares, the Company shall pay for such purchase by wiring federal funds to Fund or its designated custodial account on the day the order is transmitted by the Company.  If the Company's order requests a net redemption resulting in a payment of redemption proceeds to the Company, Fund shall use its best efforts to wire the redemption proceeds to the Company by the next Business Day, unless doing so would require Fund to dispose of Portfolio securities or otherwise incur additional costs.  In any event, proceeds shall be wired to the Company within three Business Days or such longer period permitted by the '40 Act or the rules, orders or regulations thereunder and Fund shall notify the person designated in writing by the Company as the recipient for such notice of such delay by 3:00 p.m. Eastern time the same Business Day that the Company transmits the redemption order to Fund.

1.8           Fund agrees that all Shares of the Portfolios of Fund will be sold only to  Participating Insurance Companies which have agreed to participate in Fund to fund their Separate Accounts and/or to Plans, all in accordance with the requirements of Section 817(h) of the Code and Treasury Regulation 1.817-5.  Shares of the Portfolios of Fund will not be sold directly to the general public.

1.9           Fund may refuse to sell Shares of any Portfolios to any person, or suspend or terminate the offering of the Shares of any Portfolios if such action is required by law or by regulatory authorities having jurisdiction or is, in the sole discretion of the Board of Directors/Trustees of the Fund (the "Board"), deemed necessary, desirable or appropriate.   Without limiting the foregoing, it has been determined that there is a significant risk that the Fund and its shareholders may be adversely affected by short-term or excessive trading activity, particularly activity used to try and take advantage of short-term swings in the market.  According, the Fund reserves right to reject any purchase order, includes those purchase orders with respect to shareholders or accounts whose trading has been or may be disruptive to the Fund or that may otherwise adversely affect the Fund.  The Company agrees to cooperate with the Fund with respect to the Fund’s policies and restrictions on short-term or excessive trading activity.

1.10           Issuance and transfer of Portfolio Shares will be by book entry only. Stock certificates will not be issued to the Company or the Separate Accounts. Shares ordered from Portfolios will be recorded in appropriate book entry titles for the Separate Accounts.


2.1             Except as otherwise provided under this Agreement, the Fund and Distributor shall pay no fee or other compensation to Company under this Agreement, and Company shall pay no fee or other compensation to the Fund or Distributor, except as made a part of this Agreement as it may be amended from time to time with the mutual consent of the parties hereto.  All expenses incident to performance by each party of its respective duties under this Agreement shall be paid by that party, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement


3.1           The Company represents and warrants that it is an insurance company duly organized and in good standing under the laws of Ohio and that it has legally and validly established each Separate Account as a segregated asset account under such laws.

3.2           The Company represents and warrants that it has registered or, prior to any issuance or sale of the Variable Contracts, will register each Separate Account as a unit investment trust (“UIT”) in accordance with the provisions of the ‘40 Act and cause each Separate Account to remain so registered to serve as a segregated asset account for the Variable Contracts, unless an exemption from registration is available.

3.3           The Company represents and warrants that the income, gains and losses, whether or not realized, from assets allocated to each Separate Account are, in accordance with the applicable Variable Contracts, to be credited to or charged against such Separate Account without regard to other income, gains or losses from assets allocated to any other accounts of the Company.  The Company represents and warrants that the assets of the Separate Account are and will be kept separate from the General Account of the Company and any other separate accounts the Company may have, and will not be charged with liabilities from any business that the Company may conduct or the liabilities of any companies affiliated with the Company.

3.4           The Company represents and warrants that the Variable Contracts will be registered under the Securities Act of 1933 (the “’33 Act”) unless an exemption from registration is available prior to any issuance or sale of the Variable Contracts and that the Variable Contracts will be issued and sold in compliance in all material respects with all applicable federal and state laws and further that the sale of the Variable Contracts shall comply in all material respects with state insurance law suitability requirements. Company agrees to notify each Fund promptly of any investment restrictions imposed by state insurance law and applicable to the Fund.

3.5           The Company represents and warrants that the Variable Contracts are currently and at the time of issuance will be treated as life insurance, endowment or annuity contracts under applicable provisions of the Code, that it will maintain such treatment and that it will notify Fund immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that the Variable Contracts have ceased to be so treated or that they might not be so treated in the future.

3.6           Fund represents and warrants that the Portfolio Shares offered and sold pursuant to this Agreement will be registered under the ‘33 Act and sold in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, and Fund shall be registered under the ‘40 Act prior to and at the time of any issuance or sale of such Shares.  Fund, subject to Section 1.9 above, shall amend its registration statement under the ‘33 Act and the ‘40 Act from time to time as required in order to effect the continuous offering of its Shares.  Fund shall register and qualify its Shares for sale in accordance with the laws of the various states only if and to the extent deemed advisable by Fund.

3.7           Fund represents and warrants that each Portfolio will comply with the diversification requirements set forth in Section 817(h) of the Code, and the rules and regulations thereunder, including without limitation Treasury Regulation 1.817-5, and will notify the Company immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing any Portfolio has ceased to comply or might not so comply and will immediately take all reasonable steps to adequately diversify the Portfolio to achieve compliance.

3.8           Fund represents and warrants that each Portfolio invested in by the Separate Account intends to elect to be treated as a “regulated investment company” under Subchapter M of the Code, and to qualify for such treatment for each taxable year and will notify the Company immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing it has ceased to so qualify or might not so qualify in the future.

3.9           Distributor represents and warrants that it is and will be a member in good standing of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. ("NASD") and is and will be registered as a broker-dealer with the SEC.  Distributor further represents that it will sell and distribute Portfolio Shares in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations, including without limitation the '33 Act, the '34 Act and the '40 Act.

3.10           Distributor represents and warrants that it will remain duly registered and licensed in all material respects under all applicable federal and state securities laws and shall perform its obligations hereunder in compliance in all material respects with any applicable state and federal laws.

3.11           Fund represents and warrants that all its directors, trustees, officers, employees, and other individuals/entities who deal with the money and/or securities of the Fund are and shall continue to be at all times covered by a blanket fidelity bond or similar coverage for the benefit of the Fund in an amount not less than that required by Rule 17g-1 under the ’40 Act.  The aforesaid bond shall include coverage for larceny and embezzlement and shall be issued by a reputable bonding company.  The Fund shall make all reasonable efforts to see that this bond or another bond containing these same provisions is always in effect, and each agrees to notify the Company in the event such coverage no longer applies.

3.12             Company represents and warrants that all of its employees and agents who deal with the money and/or securities of each Fund are and shall continue to be at all times covered by a blanket fidelity bond or similar coverage in an amount not less than that required to be maintained by entities subject to the requirements of Rule 17g-1 of the ’40 Act.  The aforesaid bond shall include coverage for larceny and embezzlement and shall be issued by a reputable bonding company. Company shall make all reasonable efforts to see that this bond or another bond containing these same provisions is always in effect, and each agrees to notify the Fund in the event such coverage no longer applies.


4.1           Fund shall prepare and be responsible for filing with the SEC and any state regulators requiring such filing all shareholder reports, notices, proxy materials (or similar materials such as voting instruction solicitation materials), prospectuses and statements of additional information of Fund.

4.2           At least annually, Fund or its designee shall provide the Company, free of charge, with as many copies of the current prospectus for the Shares of the Portfolios as the Company may reasonably request for distribution to existing Variable Contract owners whose Variable Contracts are funded by such Shares.  Fund or its designee shall provide the Company, at the Company's expense, with as many more copies of the current prospectus for the Shares as the Company may reasonably request for distribution to prospective purchasers of Variable Contracts.  If requested by the Company in lieu thereof, Fund or its designee shall provide such documentation in a mutually agreeable form and such other assistance as is reasonably necessary in order for the parties hereto once a year (or more frequently if the prospectus for the Shares is supplemented or amended) to have the prospectus for the Variable Contracts and the prospectus for the Fund Shares and any other fund shares offered as investments for the Variable Contracts printed together in one document, provided however that Company shall ensure that, except as expressly authorized in writing by Fund, no alterations, edits or changes whatsoever are made to prospectuses or other Fund documentation after such documentation has been furnished to Company or its designee, and Company shall assume liability for any and all alterations, errors or other changes that occur to such prospectuses or other Fund documentation after it has been furnished to Company or its designee.

4.3             The Fund shall provide the Company with copies of the Fund’s proxy statements, Fund reports to shareholders, and other Fund communications to shareholders in such quantity as the Company shall reasonably require for distributing to Variable Contract owners.

4.4           Fund will provide the Company with at least one complete copy of all prospectuses, statements of additional information, annual and semi-annual reports, proxy statements, and all amendments or supplements to any of the above that relate to the Portfolios promptly after the filing of each such document with the SEC or other regulatory authority.  The Company will provide Fund with at least one complete copy of all prospectuses, statements of additional information, annual and semi-annual reports, proxy statements, and all amendments or supple­ments to any of the above that relate to a Separate Account promptly after the filing of each such document with the SEC or other regulatory authority.


5.1           The Company will furnish, or will cause to be fur­nished, to Fund or Distributor, each piece of sales literature or other promotional material in which Fund, Distributor or any affiliate thereof is named, at least fifteen (15) Business Days prior to its intended use.  No such material shall be used unless the Fund or Distributor approves such material.  Such approval shall be presumed given if notice to the contrary is not received by Company within fifteen Business Days after receipt by the Fund or Distributor of such material.

5.2           Fund or Distributor will furnish, or will cause to be furnished, to the Company, each piece of sales literature or other promotional material in which the Company or its Separate Accounts are named, at least fifteen (15) Business Days prior to its intended use.  No such material shall be used unless the Company approves such material.  Such approval shall be presumed given if notice to the contrary is not received by Fund or within fifteen Business Days after receipt by the Company of such material.

5.3           Except with the permission of the Company, neither the Fund nor Distributor shall give any information or make any representations on behalf of the Company or concerning the Company, the Separate Accounts, or the Variable Contracts other than the information or representations contained in the registration statement or prospectus for such Variable Contracts, as such registration statement and prospectus may be amended or supplemented from time to time, or in reports of the Separate Accounts for distribution to owners of such Variable Contracts, or in sales literature or other promotional material approved by the Company or its designee.  Neither the Fund nor Distributor shall give such information or make such representations or statements in a context that causes the information, representations or statements to be false or misleading.

5.4           Except with the permission of the Fund or Distributor, neither the Company nor its affiliates or agents shall give any information or make any representations or statements on behalf of the Fund, Distributor or any affiliate thereof or concerning the Fund, Distributor or any affiliate thereof, other than the information or representations contained in the registration statements or prospectuses for the Fund, as such registration statements and prospectuses may be amended or supplemented from time to time, or in reports to shareholders or proxy statements for the Fund, or in sales literature or other promotional material approved by the Fund or Distributor or designee thereof.  Neither Company nor its affiliates or agents shall give such information or make such representations or statements in a context that causes the information, representations or statements to be false or misleading.

5.5           For purposes of this Agreement, the phrase "sales literature or other promotional material" or words of similar import include, without limitation, advertisements (such as material published, or designed for use, in a newspaper, magazine or other periodical, radio, television, telephone or tape recording, videotape display, signs or billboards, motion pictures or other public media), sales literature (such as any written communication distributed or made generally available to customers or the public, including brochures, circulars, research reports, market letters, form letters, seminar texts, or reprints or excerpts of any other advertisement, sales literature, or published article), educational or training materials or other communications distributed or made generally available to some or all agents or employees, registration statements, prospectuses, statements of additional information, shareholder reports and proxy materials, and any other material constituting sales literature or advertising under NASD rules, the ‘40 Act or the ‘33 Act.


6.1           The parties acknowledge that Fund filed has received an exemptive order from the SEC granting relief from various provisions of the ’40 Act and the rules thereunder to the extent necessary to permit Fund Shares to be sold to and held by variable annuity and variable life insurance separate accounts of Participating Companies and Plans. The terms of such exemptive order (the "Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order"), require Fund and each Participating Company and Plan to comply with conditions and undertakings substantially as provided in this Article.

6.2           The Fund’s Board will monitor the Fund for the existence of any material irreconcilable conflict between and among the interests of the Variable Contract owners of all Participating Companies and of Plan Participants and Plans investing in the Fund, and determine what action, if any, should be taken in response to such conflicts.  An irreconcilable material conflict may arise for a variety of reasons, which may include: (a) an action by any state insurance regulatory authority; (b) a change in applicable federal or state insurance, tax, or securities laws or regulations, or a public ruling, private letter ruling or any similar action by insurance, tax or securities regulatory authorities; (c) an administrative or judicial decision in any relevant proceeding; (d) the manner in which the investments of Fund are being managed; (e) a difference in voting instructions given by variable annuity and variable life insurance contract owners; (f) a decision by a Participating Insurance Company to disregard the voting instructions of Variable Contract owners and (g) if applicable, a decision by a Plan to disregard the voting instructions of plan participants.

6.3           The Company will report any potential or existing conflicts to the Board.  The Company will be obligated to for assist the Board in carrying out its duties and responsibilities under the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order by providing the Board with all information reasonably necessary for the Board to consider any issues raised.  The responsibility includes, but is not limited to, an obligation by the Company to inform the Board whenever it has determined to disregard Variable Contract owner voting instructions.

6.4           If a majority of the Board, or a majority of its disinterested Board members, determines that a material irreconcilable conflict exists with regard to contract owner investments in the Fund, the Board shall give prompt notice of the conflict and the implications thereof to all Participating Companies and Plans.  If the Board determines that Company is a relevant Participating Company or Plan with respect to said conflict, Company shall at its sole cost and expense, and to the extent reasonably practicable (as determined by a majority of the disinterested Board members), take such action as is necessary to remedy or eliminate the irreconcilable material conflict.  Such necessary action may include but shall not be limited to: (a) withdrawing the assets allocable to some or all of the Separate Accounts from Fund or any Portfolio thereof and reinvesting those assets in a different investment medium, which may include another Portfolio of Fund, or another investment company; (b) submitting the question as to whether such segregation should be implemented to a vote of all affected Variable Contract owners and as appropriate, segregating the assets of any appropriate group (i.e variable annuity or variable life insurance contract owners of one or more Participating Insurance Companies) that votes in favor of such segregation, or offering to the affected Variable Contract owners the option of making such a change; and (c) establishing a new registered management investment company (or series thereof) or managed separate account.  If a material irreconcilable conflict arises because of the Company’s decision to disregard Variable Contract owner voting instructions, and that decision represents a minority position or would preclude a majority vote, the Company may be required, at the election of Fund to withdraw the Separate Account’s investment in Fund, and no charge or penalty will be imposed as a result of such withdrawal.  The responsibility to take such remedial action shall be carried out with a view only to the interests of the Variable Contract owners.

For the purposes of this Article, a majority of the disinterested members of the Board shall determine whether or not any proposed action adequately remedies any irreconcilable material conflict but in no event will Fund or its investment adviser (or any other investment adviser of Fund) be required to establish a new funding medium for any Variable Contract.  Further, the Company shall not be required by this Article to establish a new funding medium for any Variable Contracts if any offer to do so has been declined by a vote of a majority of Variable Contract owners materially and adversely affected by the irreconcilable material conflict.

6.5           The Board’s determination of the existence of an irreconcilable material conflict and its implications shall be made known promptly and in writing to the Company.

6.6           No less than annually, the Company shall submit to the Board such reports, materials or data as the Board may reasonably request so that the Board may fully carry out its obligations.  Such reports, materials, and data shall be submitted more frequently if deemed appropriate by the Board.

6.7           If and to the extent that the SEC promulgates new rules or regulations with respect to mixed or shared funding on terms and conditions materially different from those contained in the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order, then (a) the Fund and/or the Participating Insurance Companies as appropriate, shall take such steps as may be necessary to comply with such rules and regulations, as adopted, to the extent such rules are applicable; and (b) this Article VI shall be deemed to incorporate such new terms and conditions, and any term or condition of this Article VI that is inconsistent therewith, shall be deemed to be succeeded thereby.

68.           The Company acknowledges it has been advised by Fund that it may be appropriate for Company to disclose the potential risks of mixed and shared funding in prospectuses or other applicable disclosure documents.


7.1           The Company will provide pass-through voting privileges to all Variable Contract owners so long as the SEC continues to interpret the ‘40 Act as requiring pass-through voting privileges for Variable Contract owners.  Accordingly, the Company, where applicable, will vote Shares of the Portfolio held in its Separate Accounts in a manner consistent with voting instructions timely received from its Variable Contract owners.  The Company will be responsible for assuring that each of its Separate Accounts that participates in Fund calculates voting privileges in a manner consistent with other Participating Insurance Companies.  The Company will vote Shares for which it has not received timely voting instructions, as well as Shares it owns, in the same proportion as its votes those Shares for which it has received voting instructions. Company and its agents shall not oppose or interfere with the solicitation of proxies for Fund Shares held for such Variable Contract owners.


8.1           Indemnification by the Company.

(a)           Subject to Section 8.3 below, the Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Fund and Distributor, and each of their trustees, directors, members, principals, officers, partners,  employees and agents and each person, if any, who controls Fund or Distributor  within the meaning of Section 15 of the ‘33 Act (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties” for purposes of this Article) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of the Company, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) or litigation (including legal and other expenses), to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject under any statute, regulation, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) or settlements are related to the sale or acquisition of Fund’s Shares or the Variable Contracts and:



arise out of or are based upon any untrue state­ments or alleged untrue statements of any material fact contained in the registration statement or prospectus for the Variable Contracts or contained in the Variable Contracts (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), ­or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to the Company by or on behalf of an Indemnified Party for use in the registration statement or prospectus for the Variable Contracts or in the Variable Contracts or sales literature (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of the Variable Contracts or Fund Shares; or

arise out of or as a result of statements or repre­sentations (other than statements or repre­sentations contained in the registration state­ment, prospectus or sales literature of Fund not supplied by the Company, or persons under its control) or wrongful conduct of the Company or persons under its control, with respect to the sale or distribution of the Variable Contracts or Fund Shares; or

arise out of any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in a registration statement, prospectus, or sales literature of Fund or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading if such state­ment or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in con­formity with information furnished to Fund by or on behalf of the Company; or

arise as a result of any failure by the Company to provide the services and furnish the materials under the terms of this Agreement; or

arises out of information or instructions from the Company or its agents concerning the purchase, redemption, transfer or other transaction in Fund Shares; or

arise out of or result from any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by the Company in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by the Company.

(b)           The Company shall not be liable under this indemnifi­cation provision with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation incurred or assessed against an Indemnified Party as such may arise from such Indemnified Party's willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance of such Indemnified Party's duties or by reason of such Indemnified Party's reckless disregard of obligations or duties under this Agreement.

(c)           The Company shall not be liable under this indemni­fication provision with respect to any claim made against an Indemnified Party unless such Indemnified Party shall have notified the Company in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the claim shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent), but failure to notify the Company of any such claim shall not relieve the Company from any liability which it may have to the Indemnified Party against whom such action is brought otherwise than on account of this indemnification provision.  In case any such action is brought against an Indemnified Party, the Company shall be entitled to participate at its own expense in the defense of such action. The Company also shall be entitled to assume the defense thereof, with counsel satisfactory to the party named in the action.  After notice from the Company to such party of the Company's election to assume the defense thereof, the Indemnified Party shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and the Company will not be liable to such party under this Agreement for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such party independently in connection with the defense thereof other than reasonable costs of investigation.

           Indemnification by Fund and Distributor.

(a)           Subject to Section 8.3 below, the Fund and Distributor agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Company and each of its directors, officers, employees, and agents and each person, if any, who controls the Company within the meaning of Section 15 of the ‘33 Act (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties” for the purposes of this Article) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of Fund and Distributor which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) or litigation (including legal and other expenses) to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject under any statute, or regulation, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) or settlements are related to the sale or acquisition of Fund's Shares or the Variable Contracts and:

arise out of or are based upon any untrue state­ment or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the registration statement or prospectus of Fund (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, pro­vided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such state­ment or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in con­formity with information furnished to­ Fund or Distributor by or on behalf of the Company for use in the registration statement or prospectus for Fund (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of the Variable Contracts or Fund Shares; or

arise out of or as a result of statements or repre­­sentations (other than statements or repre­sentations contained in the registration state­ment, prospectus or sales literature for the Variable Contracts not supplied by Fund or Distributor or persons under its control) or wrongful conduct of Fund or Distributor or persons under its control, with respect to the sale or distribution of the Variable Contracts or Fund Shares; or

arise out of any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in a registration statement or prospectus covering the Variable Contracts, or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to the Company for inclusion therein by or on behalf of Fund or Distributor; or

arise as a result of a failure by Fund or Distributor to provide the services and furnish the materials under the terms of this Agreement; or

arise out of or result from any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by Fund or Distributor in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by Fund or Distributor.

(b)             Fund or Distributor shall not be liable under this indemni­fication provision with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation to which an Indemnified Party would otherwise be subject by reason of such Indemnified Party's willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance of such Indemnified Party's duties or by reason of such Indemnified Party's reckless disregard of obligations and duties under this Agreement.

(c)             Fund or Distributor, as the case may be, shall not be liable under this indemni­fi­cation provision with respect to any claim made against an Indemnified Party unless such Indemnified Party shall have notified Fund or Distributor, as the case may be, in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the claim shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent), but failure to notify Fund or Distributor of any such claim shall not relieve Fund or Distributor from any liability which it may have to the Indemnified Party against whom such action is brought otherwise than on account of this indemnification provision.  In case any such action is brought against the Indemnified Parties, Fund or Distributor shall be entitled to participate at its own expense in the defense thereof. Fund or Distributor also shall be entitled to assume the defense thereof, with counsel satisfactory to the party named in the action.  After notice from Fund or Distributor to such party of Fund’s or Distributor’s election to assume the defense thereof, the Indemnified Party shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and Fund or Distributor will not be liable to such party under this Agreement for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such party independently in connection with the defense thereof other than reasonable costs of investigation.

8.3             Indemnification for Errors.  In the event of any error or delay with respect to information regarding the purchase, redemption, transfer or registration of Shares of the Fund, the parties agree that each is obligated to make the Separate Accounts and/or the Fund, respectively, whole for any error or delay that it causes, subject in the case of pricing errors to the related Portfolio’s policies on materiality of pricing errors.  In addition, each party agrees that neither will receive compensation from the other for the costs of any reprocessing necessary as a result of an error or delay.   Each party agrees to provide the other with prompt notice of any errors or delays of the type referred to in this Section.


9.1             This Agreement shall be effective as of the date hereof and shall continue in force until terminated in accordance with the provisions herein.

9.2             This Agreement shall terminate in accordance with the following provisions:

At the option of the Company or Fund at any time from the date hereof upon ninety (90) days notice, unless a shorter time is agreed to by the parties;

At the option of the Company, if Fund Shares are not reasonably available to meet the requirements of the Variable Contracts as determined by the Company.  Prompt notice of election to terminate shall be furnished by the Company, said termination to be effective ten days after receipt of notice unless  Fund makes available a sufficient number of Shares to reasonably meet the requirements of the Variable Contracts within said ten-day period;

(c)         At the option of the Company, upon the insti­tution of formal proceedings against Fund by the SEC, the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., or any other regula­tory body, the expected or anticipated ruling, judgment or outcome of which would, in the Company's reasonable judgment, materially impair Fund's ability to meet and perform Fund's obliga­tions and duties hereunder.  Prompt notice of election to terminate shall be furnished by the Company with said termination to be effective upon receipt of notice;

(d)         At the option of Fund, upon the institution of formal proceedings against the Company by the SEC, the NASD, or any other regulatory body, the expected or anticipated ruling, judgment or outcome of which would, in  Fund's reasonable judgment, materially impair the Company's ability to meet and perform its obligations and duties hereunder.  Prompt notice of election to terminate shall be furnished by Fund with said termination to be effective upon receipt of notice;

(e)         In the event Fund’s Shares are not regis­tered, issued or sold in accordance with appli­cable state or federal law, or such law precludes the use of such Shares as the underlying investment medium of Variable Contracts issued or to be issued by the Company.  Termination shall be effective upon such occurrence without notice;

(f)         At the option of Fund if the Variable Contracts cease to qualify as annuity contracts or life insurance contracts, as applicable, under the Code, or if Fund reasonably believes that the Variable Contracts may fail to so qualify.  Termination shall be effective upon receipt of notice by the Company;

(g)         At the option of the Company, upon Fund's breach of any material provision of this Agree­ment, which breach has not been cured to the satisfaction of the Company within ten days after written notice of such breach is delivered to Fund;

(h)         At the option of Fund, upon the Company's breach of any material provision of this Agree­ment, which breach has not been cured to the satisfaction of Fund within ten days after written notice of such breach is delivered to the Company;

(i)         At the option of Fund, if the Variable Contracts are not registered, issued or sold in accordance with applicable federal and/or state law. Termination shall be effective immediately upon such occurrence without notice;

In the event this Agreement is assigned without the prior written consent of  the Company, Fund, and Distributor,  termination shall be effective immediately upon such occurrence without notice.

9.3             Notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 9.2 hereof, Fund at the option of the Company will continue to make available additional Fund Shares, as provided below, pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, for all Variable Contracts in effect on the effective date of termination of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Existing Contracts").  Specifically, without limitation, the owners of the Existing Contracts or the Company, whichever shall have legal authority to do so, shall be permitted to reallocate investments in Fund, redeem investments in Fund and/or invest in Fund upon the payment of additional premiums under the Existing Contracts.

Article X.  NOTICES

Any notice hereunder shall be given by registered or certified mail return receipt requested to the other party at the address of such party set forth below or at such other address as such party may from time to time specify in writing to the other party.

If to the Funds:

Lord Abbett Family of Funds
90 Hudson Street
Jersey City, NJ 07302
Attention:  General Counsel

With a copy to:

Lord, Abbett & Co.
90 Hudson Street
Jersey City, NJ 07302
Attention:  Daria L. Foster

If to the Distributor:

Lord Abbett Distributor LLC
90 Hudson Street
Jersey City, NJ 07302
Attention:  General Counsel

If to the Company:

One Nationwide Plaza, 1-09-V3
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention: Securities Counsel

Notice shall be deemed given on the date of receipt by the addressee as evidenced by the return receipt.


11.1             Privacy.  Each party hereto acknowledges that, by reason of its performance under this Agreement, it shall have access to, and shall receive from the other party (and its affiliates, partners and employees), the confidential information of the other party (and its affiliates, partners and employees), including but not limited to the “nonpublic personal information” of their consumers within the meaning of SEC Regulation S-P (collectively, “Confidential Information”).  Each party shall hold all such Confidential Information in the strictest confidence and shall use such Confidential Information solely in connection with its performance under this Agreement and for the business purposes set forth in this Agreement.  Under no circumstances may a party cause any Confidential Information of the other party to be disclosed to any third party or reused or redistributed without the other party’s prior written consent.

11.2             Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in two or more counterparts, each of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

11.3             Severability.  If any provision of this Agreement shall be held or made invalid by a court decision, statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected thereby.

11.4             Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be construed and the provisions hereof interpreted under and in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.  It shall also be subject to the provisions of the federal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder and to any orders of the SEC granting exemptive relief therefrom and the conditions of such orders.

11.5             Liability.  This Agreement has been executed on behalf of the Fund by the undersigned officer of the Fund in his or her capacity as an officer of the Fund.  The obligations of this Agreement shall be binding upon the assets and property of the Fund and each respective Portfolio thereof only and shall not be binding on any Director/Trustee, officer or shareholder of the Fund individually. In addition, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, no Portfolio shall be liable for any loss, expense, fee, charge or liability of any kind relating to or arising from the actions or omissions of any other Portfolio or from the application of this Agreement to any other Portfolio.  It is also understood that each of the Portfolios shall be deemed to be entering into a separate Agreement with the Company so that it is as if each of the Portfolios had signed a separate Agreement with the Company and that a single document is being signed simply to facilitate the execution and administration of the Agreement.

11.6             Inquiries and Investigations. Each party shall cooperate with each other party and all appropriate governmental authorities (including without limitation the SEC, the NASD and state insurance regulators) and shall permit such authorities reasonable access to its books and records in connection with any investigation or inquiry relating to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby.

11.7           Subcontractors, Agents or Affiliates.  The Company may hire or make arrangements for subcontractors, agents or affiliates to perform the services set forth in this Agreement.  Company shall provide the Fund with written notice of the names of any subcontractors, agents or affiliates Company hires or arranges to perform such services, and any specific operational requirements that arise as a result of such arrangement.  Company agrees that it is and will be responsible for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors, affiliates, and agents and that the indemnification provided by Company in Section 8 of this Agreement shall be deemed to cover the acts and omissions of such subcontractors, affiliates, and agents to the same extent as if they were the acts or omissions of Company.

11.8             Client Lists.  Company hereby consents to Distributor’s, Fund’s, or its investment adviser’s use or reference to the Company’s name in connection with any full, partial or representative list of clients.

11.9             Entire Agreement.  This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior agreement and understandings relating to the subject matter hereof.

11.10             Amendment, Waiver and Other Matters. Neither this Agreement, nor any provision hereof, may be amended, waived, modified or terminated in any manner except by a written instrument properly authorized and executed by all parties hereto.  The rights, remedies and obligations contained in this Agreement are cumulative and are in addition to any and all rights, remedies and obligations, at law or in equity, which the parties hereto are entitled to under state and federal laws.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused their duly authorized officers to execute this Fund Participation Agreement as of the date and year first above written.

Lord Abbett Series Fund, Inc.
Name: Lawrence H. Kaplan
Title: Vice President & Assistant

Lord Abbett Distributor LLC
By: Lord, Abbett & Co., [LLC], Managing Member

Name: Lawrence H. Kaplan
Title: Member & Deputy General Counsel

Nationwide Life Insurance Company

Name: William G. Goslee, Jr.
Title: Vice President – Investment
Management Relations

Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company

Name: William G. Goslee, Jr.
Vice President – Investment
Management Relations

With a copy To:
Securities Counsel
One Nationwide Plaza, 1-09-V3
                                        Columbus, Ohio 43215

EX-99.H PARTIC AGREE 18 pimcofpa.htm PIMCO FPA pimcofpa.htm

THIS AGREEMENT, dated as of the 28th day of March, 2002, by and among Nationwide Life Insurance Company, Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company , (collectively the "Company"), an Ohio life insurance company, on its own behalf and on behalf of each separate account of the Company set forth on Schedule A hereto as may be amended from time to time (each account hereinafter referred to as the "Account"), PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust (the "Fund"), a Delaware business trust, and PIMCO Funds Distributors LLC (the "Underwriter"), a Delaware limited liability company.
WHEREAS, the Fund engages in business as an open-end management investment company and is available to act as the investment vehicle for separate accounts established for variable life insurance and variable annuity contracts (the "Variable Insurance Products") to be offered by insurance companies which have entered into participation agreements with the Fund and Underwriter ("Participating Insurance Companies");
WHEREAS, the shares of beneficial interest of the Fund are divided into several series of shares, each designated a "Portfolio" and representing the interest in a particular managed portfolio of securities and other assets;
WHEREAS, the Fund has obtained an order from the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") granting Participating Insurance Companies and variable annuity and variable life insurance separate accounts exemptions from the provisions of sections 9(a), 13(a), 15(a), and 15(b) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, (the "1940 Act") and Rules 6e-2(b)(15) and 6e-3(T)(b)(15) thereunder, if and to the extent necessary to permit shares of the Fund to be sold to and held by variable annuity and variable life insurance separate accounts of both affiliated and unaffiliated life insurance companies (the "Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order");
WHEREAS, the Fund is registered as an open-end management investment company under the 1940 Act and shares of the Portfolios are registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act");
WHEREAS, Pacific Investment Management Company (the "Adviser"), which serves as investment adviser to the Fund, is duly registered as an investment adviser under the federal Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended;
WHEREAS, the Company has issued or will issue certain variable life insurance and/or variable annuity contracts supported wholly or partially by the Account (the "Contracts").
WHEREAS, the Account is duly established and maintained as a separate account, duly established by the Company, on the date shown for such Account on Schedule A hereto, to set aside and invest assets attributable to the aforesaid Contracts;
WHEREAS, the Underwriter, which serves as distributor to the Fund, is registered as a broker dealer with the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "1934 Act"), and is a member in good standing of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (the "NASD"); and
WHEREAS, to the extent permitted by applicable insurance laws and regulations, the Company intends to purchase Administrative Class shares in the Portfolios listed in Schedule A hereto, as it may be amended from time to time by mutual written agreement (the "Designated Portfolios") on behalf of the Account to fund the aforesaid Contracts, and the Underwriter is authorized to sell such shares to the Account at net asset value;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual promises, the Company, the Fund and the Underwriter agree as follows:
ARTICLE I.  Sale of Fund Shares
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1.1.  The Fund has granted to the Underwriter exclusive authority to distribute the Fund's shares, and has agreed to instruct, and has so instructed, the Underwriter to make available to the Company for purchase on behalf of the Account Fund shares of those Designated Portfolios selected by the Underwriter.  Pursuant to such authority and instructions, and subject to Article X hereof, the Underwriter agrees to make available to the Company for purchase on behalf of the Account, shares of those Designated Portfolios listed on Schedule A to this Agreement, such purchases to be effected at net asset value in accordance with Section 1.3 of this Agreement.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) Fund series (other than those listed on Schedule A) in existence now or that may be established in the future will be made available to the Company only as the Underwriter may so provide, and (ii) the Board of Trustees of the Fund (the "Board") may suspend or terminate the offering of Fund shares of any Designated Portfolio or class thereof, if such action is required by law or by regulatory authorities having jurisdiction or if, in the sole discretion of the Board acting in good faith and in light of its fiduciary duties under federal and any applicable state laws, suspension or termination is necessary in the best interests of the shareholders of such Designated Portfolio.
1.2.  The Fund shall redeem, at the Company's request, any full or fractional Designated Portfolio shares held by the Company on behalf of the Account, such redemptions to be effected at net asset value in accordance with Section 1.3 of this Agreement.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) the Company shall not redeem Fund shares attributable to Contract owners except in the circumstances permitted in Section 10.3 of this Agreement, and (ii) the Fund may delay redemption of Fund shares of any Designated Portfolio to the extent permitted by the 1940 Act, and any rules, regulations or orders thereunder.
1.3.  Purchase and Redemption Procedures
(a)  The Fund hereby appoints the Company as an agent of the Fund for the limited purpose of receiving purchase and redemption requests on behalf of the Account for shares of those Designated Portfolios made available hereunder, based on allocations of amounts to the Account or subaccounts thereof under the Contracts and other transactions relating to the Contracts or the Account.  Receipt of any such request (or relevant transactional information therefor) on any day the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading and on which the Fund calculates its net asset value pursuant to the rules of the SEC (a "Business Day") by the Company as such limited agent of the Fund prior to the time that the Fund ordinarily calculates its net asset value as described from time to time in the Fund Prospectus (which as of the date of execution of this Agreement is 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time) shall constitute receipt by the Fund on that same Business Day, provided that the Fund receives notice of such request by 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time on the next following Business Day.
(b)  The Company shall pay for shares of each Designated Portfolio on the same day that it notifies the Fund of a purchase request for such shares.  Payment for Designated Portfolio shares shall be made in federal funds transmitted to the Fund by wire to be received by the Fund by 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the day the Fund is notified of the purchase request for Designated Portfolio shares (unless the Fund determines and so advises the Company that sufficient proceeds are available from redemption of shares of other Designated Portfolios effected pursuant to redemption requests tendered by the Company on behalf of the Account).  If federal funds are not received on time, such funds will be invested, and Designated Portfolio shares purchased thereby will be issued, as soon as practicable and the Company shall promptly, upon the Fund's request, reimburse the Fund for any charges, costs, fees, interest or other expenses incurred by the Fund in connection with any advances to, or borrowing or overdrafts by, the Fund, or any similar expenses incurred by the Fund, as a result of portfolio transactions effected by the Fund based upon such purchase request.  Upon receipt of federal funds so wired, such funds shall cease to be the responsibility of the Company and shall become the responsibility of the Fund.
(c)  Payment for Designated Portfolio shares redeemed by the Account or the Company shall be made in federal funds transmitted by wire to the Company or any other designated person on the next Business Day after the Fund is properly notified of the redemption order of such shares (unless redemption proceeds are to be applied to the purchase of shares of other Designated Portfolios in accordance with Section 1.3(b) of this Agreement), except that the Fund reserves the right to delay payment of redemption proceeds to the extent permitted under Section 22(e) of the 1940 Act and any Rules thereunder, and in accordance with the procedures and policies of the Fund as described in the then current prospectus.  The Fund shall not bear any responsibility whatsoever for the proper disbursement or crediting of redemption proceeds by the Company; the Company alone shall be responsible for such action.
1.4.  The Fund shall use its best efforts to make the net asset value per share for each Designated Portfolio available to the Company by 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time each Business Day, and in any event, as soon as reasonably practicable after the net asset value per share for such Designated Portfolio is calculated, and shall calculate such net asset value in accordance with the Fund's Prospectus.  Neither the Fund, any Designated Portfolio, the Underwriter, nor any of their affiliates shall be liable for any information provided to the Company pursuant to this Agreement which information is based on incorrect information supplied by the Company or any other Participating Insurance Company to the Fund or the Underwriter.
1.5.  The Fund shall furnish notice (by wire or telephone followed by written confirmation) to the Company as soon as reasonably practicable of any income dividends or capital gain distributions payable on any Designated Portfolio shares.  The Company, on its behalf and on behalf of the Account, hereby elects to receive all such dividends and distributions as are payable on any Designated Portfolio shares in the form of additional shares of that Designated Portfolio.  The Company reserves the right, on its behalf and on behalf of the Account, to revoke this election and to receive all such dividends and capital gain distributions in cash.  The Fund shall notify the Company promptly of the number of Designated Portfolio shares so issued as payment of such dividends and distributions.
1.6.  Issuance and transfer of Fund shares shall be by book entry only.  Stock certificates will not be issued to the Company or the Account.  Purchase and redemption orders for Fund shares shall be recorded in an appropriate ledger for the Account or the appropriate subaccount of the Account.
1.7.  (a)           The parties hereto acknowledge that the arrangement contemplated by this Agreement is not exclusive; the Fund's shares may be sold to other insurance companies (subject to Section 1.8 hereof) and the cash value of the Contracts may be invested in other investment companies, provided, however, that until this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Article X, the Company shall promote the Designated Portfolios on a similar basis as other funding vehicles available under the Contracts.
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(b)  The Company shall not, without prior notice to the Underwriter (unless otherwise required by applicable law), take any action to operate the Account as a management investment company under the 1940 Act.
(c)  The Company shall not, without prior notice to the Underwriter (unless otherwise required by applicable law), induce Contract owners to change or modify the Fund or change the Fund's distributor or investment adviser.
(d)  The Company shall not, without prior notice to the Fund, induce Contract owners to vote on any matter submitted for consideration by the shareholders of the Fund in a manner other than as recommended by the Board of Trustees of the Fund.
1.8.  The Underwriter and the Fund shall sell Fund shares only to Participating Insurance Companies and their separate accounts that communicate to the Underwriter and the Fund that they qualify to purchase shares of the Fund under Section 817(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") and the regulations thereunder without impairing the ability of the Account to consider the portfolio investments of the Fund as constituting investments of the Account for the purpose of satisfying the diversification requirements of Section 817(h).  The Underwriter and the Fund shall not sell Fund shares to any insurance company or separate account unless an agreement complying with Article VI of this Agreement is in effect to govern such sales, to the extent required.  The Company hereby represents and warrants that it and the Account offer insurance products that are subject to Section 817(h) of the Code and regulations thereunder.
ARTICLE II.  Representations and Warranties
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2.1.  The Company represents and warrants that the Contracts (a) are, or prior to issuance will be, registered under the 1933 Act, or (b) are not registered because they are properly exempt from registration under the 1933 Act or will be offered exclusively in transactions that are properly exempt from registration under the 1933 Act.  The Company further represents and warrants that the Contracts will be issued in compliance in all material respects with all applicable federal securities and state securities and insurance laws and that the sale of the Contracts shall comply in all material respects with state insurance requirements.  The Company further represents and warrants that it is an insurance company duly organized and in good standing under applicable law, that it has legally and validly established the Account prior to any issuance or sale thereof as a separate account under Ohio insurance laws, and that it (a) has registered or, prior to any issuance or sale of the Contracts, will register the Account as a unit investment trust in accordance with the provisions of the 1940 Act to serve as a segregated investment account for the Contracts, or alternatively (b) has not registered the Account in proper reliance upon an exclusion from registration under the 1940 Act.  The Company shall register and qualify the Contracts or interests therein as securities in accordance with the laws of the various states only if and to the extent deemed advisable by the Company.
2.2.  The Fund represents and warrants that Fund shares sold pursuant to this Agreement shall be registered under the 1933 Act, duly authorized for issuance and sold in compliance with applicable state and federal securities laws and that the Fund is and shall remain registered under the 1940 Act.  The Fund shall amend the registration statement for its shares under the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act from time to time as required in order to effect the continuous offering of its shares.  The Fund shall register and qualify the shares for sale in accordance with the laws of the various states only if and to the extent deemed advisable by the Fund or the Underwriter.
2.3.  The Fund may make payments to finance distribution expenses pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act.  Prior to financing distribution expenses pursuant to Rule 12b-1, the Fund will have the Board, a majority of whom are not interested persons of the Fund, formulate and approve a plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act to finance distribution expenses.
2.4.  The Fund represents that it is lawfully organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Delaware and that it does and will comply in all material respects with the 1940 Act.
2.5.  The Underwriter represents and warrants that it is a member in good standing of the NASD and is registered as a broker-dealer with the SEC.  The Underwriter further represents that it will sell and distribute the Fund shares in accordance with any applicable state and federal securities laws.
2.6.  The Fund and the Underwriter represent and warrant that all of their trustees/directors, officers, employees, investment advisers, and other individuals or entities dealing with the money and/or securities of the Fund are and shall continue to be at all times covered by a blanket fidelity bond or similar coverage for the benefit of the Fund in an amount not less than the minimum coverage as required currently by Rule 17g-1 of the 1940 Act or related provisions as may be promulgated from time to time.  The aforesaid bond shall include coverage for larceny and embezzlement and shall be issued by a reputable bonding company.
2.7.  The Company represents and warrants that all of its directors, officers, employees, and other individuals/entities employed or controlled by the Company dealing with the money and/or securities of the Account are covered by a blanket fidelity bond or similar coverage for the benefit of the Account, in an amount not less than $5 million.  The aforesaid bond includes coverage for larceny and embezzlement and is issued by a reputable bonding company.  The Company agrees to hold for the benefit of the Fund and to pay to the Fund any amounts lost from larceny, embezzlement or other events covered by the aforesaid bond to the extent such amounts properly belong to the Fund pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.  The Company agrees to make all reasonable efforts to see that this bond or another bond containing these provisions is always in effect, and agrees to notify the Fund and the Underwriter in the event that such coverage no longer applies.
ARTICLE III.  Prospectuses and Proxy Statements; Voting
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3.1.  The Underwriter shall provide the Company with as many copies of the Fund's current prospectus (describing only the Designated Portfolios listed on Schedule A) as the Company may reasonably request.  The Fund shall bear the expense of printing copies of the current prospectus for the Contracts that will be distributed to existing Contract owners, and the Company shall bear the expense of printing copies of the Fund's prospectus that are used in connection with offering the Contracts to prospective Contract owners.  If requested by the Company in lieu thereof, the Fund shall provide such documentation (including a final copy of the new prospectus on diskette at the Fund's expense) and other assistance as is reasonably necessary in order for the Company once each year (or more frequently if the prospectus for the Fund is amended) to have the prospectus for the Contracts and the Fund's prospectus printed together in one document.  The calculation for costs to the Fund associated with the printing of a combined prospectus shall be a weighted average factoring in the number of contracts with assets allocated to the Fund’s respective portfolio(s) and the actual number of pages in that portfolio’s prospectus.
3.2.  The Fund's prospectus shall state that the current Statement of Additional Information ("SAI") for the Fund is available, and the Underwriter (or the Fund), at its expense, shall provide a reasonable number of copies of such SAI free of charge to the Company for itself and for any owner of a Contract who requests such SAI.
3.3.  The Fund shall provide the Company with information regarding the Fund’s expenses, which information may include a table of fees and related narrative disclosure for use in any prospectus or other descriptive document relating to a Contract. The Company shall provide prior written notice of any proposed modification of such information, which notice will describe in detail the manner in which the Company proposes to modify the information, and agrees that it may not modify such information in any way without the prior consent of the Fund.
3.4.  The Fund, at its expense, shall provide the Company with copies of its proxy material, reports to shareholders, and other communications to shareholders in such quantity as the Company shall reasonably require for distributing to Contract owners.
3.5.  The Company shall:
solicit voting instructions from Contract owners;
vote the Fund shares in accordance with instructions received from Contract owners; and
vote Fund shares for which no instructions have been received in the same proportion as Fund shares of such portfolio for which instructions have been received,
so long as and to the extent that the SEC continues to interpret the 1940 Act to require pass-through voting privileges for variable contract owners or to the extent otherwise required by law.  The Company will vote Fund shares held in any separate account in the same proportion as Fund shares of such portfolio for which voting instructions have been received from Contract owners, to the extent permitted by law.
3.6           Participating Insurance Companies shall be responsible for assuring that each of their separate accounts participating in a Designated Portfolio calculates voting privileges as required by the Shared Funding Exemptive Order and consistent with any reasonable standards that the Fund may adopt and provide in writing.
ARTICLE IV.  Sales Material and Information
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4.1.  The Company shall furnish, or shall cause to be furnished, to the Fund or its designee, each piece of sales literature or other promotional material that the Company develops and in which the Fund (or a Designated Portfolio thereof) or the Adviser or the Underwriter is named.  No such material shall be used until approved by the Fund or its designee, and the Fund will use its best efforts for it or its designee to review such sales literature or promotional material within ten Business Days after receipt of such material.  The Fund or its designee reserves the right to reasonably object to the continued use of any such sales literature or other promotional material in which the Fund (or a Designated Portfolio thereof) or the Adviser or the Underwriter is named, and no such material shall be used if the Fund or its designee so object.
4.2.  The Company shall not give any information or make any representations or statements on behalf of the Fund or concerning the Fund or the Adviser or the Underwriter in connection with the sale of the Contracts other than the information or representations contained in the registration statement or prospectus or SAI for the Fund shares, as such registration statement and prospectus or SAI may be amended or supplemented from time to time, or in reports or proxy statements for the Fund, or in sales literature or other promotional material approved by the Fund or its designee or by the Underwriter, except with the permission of the Fund or the Underwriter or the designee of either.
4.3.  The Fund and the Underwriter, or their designee, shall furnish, or cause to be furnished, to the Company, each piece of sales literature or other promotional material that it develops and in which the Company, and/or its Account, is named.  No such material shall be used until approved by the Company, and the Company will use its best efforts to review such sales literature or promotional material within ten Business Days after receipt of such material.  The Company reserves the right to reasonably object to the continued use of any such sales literature or other promotional material in which the Company and/or its Account is named, and no such material shall be used if the Company so objects.
4.4.  The Fund and the Underwriter shall not give any information or make any representations on behalf of the Company or concerning the Company, the Account, or the Contracts other than the information or representations contained in a registration statement, prospectus (which shall include the relevant potions of an offering memorandum, if any, if the Contracts issued by the Company or interests therein are not registered under the 1933 Act), or SAI for the Contracts, as such registration statement, prospectus, or SAI may be amended or supplemented from time to time, or in published reports for the Account which are in the public domain or approved by the Company for distribution to Contract owners, or in sales literature or other promotional material approved by the Company or its designee, except with the permission of the Company.
4.5.  The Fund will provide to the Company at least one complete copy of all registration statements, prospectuses, SAIs, reports, proxy statements, sales literature and other promotional materials, applications for exemptions, requests for no-action letters, and all amendments to any of the above, that relate to the Fund or its shares, promptly after the filing of such document(s) with the SEC or other regulatory authorities.
4.6.  The Company will provide to the Fund at least one complete copy of all registration statements, prospectuses (which shall include the relevant portions of an offering memorandum, if any, if the Contracts issued by the Company or interests therein are not registered under the 1933 Act), SAIs, reports, solicitations for voting instructions, sales literature and other promotional materials, applications for exemptions, requests for no-action letters, and all amendments to any of the above, that relate to the Contracts or the Account, promptly after the filing of such document(s) with the SEC or other regulatory authorities.  The Company shall provide to the Fund and the Underwriter any complaints received from the Contract owners pertaining to the Fund or the Designated Portfolio.
4.7.  The Fund will provide the Company with as much notice as is reasonably practicable, but with at least 10 business days prior notice, of any proxy solicitation for any Designated Portfolio, and of any material change in the Fund's registration statement, particularly any change resulting in a change to the registration statement or prospectus for any Account.  The Fund will work with the Company so as to enable the Company to solicit proxies from Contract owners, or to make changes to its prospectus or registration statement, in an orderly manner.  The Fund will make reasonable efforts to attempt to have changes affecting Contract prospectuses become effective simultaneously with the annual updates for such prospectuses.
4.8.  For purposes of this Article IV, the phrase "sales literature and other promotional materials" includes, but is not limited to, any of the following that refer to the Fund or any affiliate of the Fund:  advertisements (such as material published, or designed for use in, a newspaper, magazine, or other periodical, radio, television, telephone or tape recording, videotape display, signs or billboards, motion pictures, or other public media), sales literature (i.e., any written communication distributed or made generally available to customers or the public, including brochures, circulars, reports, market letters, form letters, seminar texts, reprints or excerpts of any other advertisement, sales literature, or published article), educational or training materials or other communications distributed or made generally available to some or all agents or employees, and registration statements, prospectuses, SAIs, shareholder reports, proxy materials, and any other communications distributed or made generally available with regard to the Fund.
ARTICLE V.  Fees and Expenses
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5.1.  The Fund and the Underwriter shall pay no fee or other compensation to the Company under this Agreement, except that if the Fund or any Portfolio adopts and implements a plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 to finance distribution expenses, then the Fund or Underwriter may make payments to the Company or to the underwriter for the Contracts if and in amounts agreed to by the Underwriter in writing, and such payments will be made out of existing fees otherwise payable to the Underwriter, past profits of the Underwriter, or other resources available to the Underwriter.  Currently, no such payments are contemplated.
5.2.  All expenses incident to performance by the Fund under this Agreement shall be paid by the Fund.  The Fund shall see to it that all its shares are registered and authorized for issuance in accordance with applicable federal law and, if and to the extent deemed advisable by the Fund, in accordance with applicable state laws prior to their sale.  The Fund shall bear the expenses for the cost of registration and qualification of the Fund's shares, preparation and filing of the Fund's prospectus and registration statement, proxy materials and reports, setting the prospectus in type, setting in type and printing the proxy materials and reports to shareholders (including the costs of printing a prospectus that constitutes an annual report), the preparation of all statements and notices required by any federal or state law, and all taxes on the issuance or transfer of the Fund's shares.
5.3.  The Company shall bear the expenses of distributing the Fund's prospectus to owners of Contracts issued by the Company and of distributing the Fund's proxy materials and reports to such Contract owners.
ARTICLE VI.  Diversification and Qualification
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6.1.  The Fund will invest its assets in such a manner as to ensure that the Contracts will be treated as annuity or life insurance contracts, whichever is appropriate, under the Code and the regulations issued thereunder (or any successor provisions).  Without limiting the scope of the foregoing, each Designated Portfolio has complied and will continue to comply with Section 817(h) of the Code and Treasury Regulation §1.817-5, and any Treasury interpretations thereof, relating to the diversification requirements for variable annuity, endowment, or life insurance contracts, and any amendments or other modifications or successor provisions to such Section or Regulations.  In the event of a breach of this Article VI by the Fund, it will take all reasonable steps (a) to notify the Company of such breach and (b) to adequately diversify the Fund so as to achieve compliance within the grace period afforded by Regulation 1.817-5.
6.2.  The Fund represents that it is or will be qualified as a Regulated Investment Company under Subchapter M of the Code, and that it will make every effort to maintain such qualification (under Subchapter M or any successor or similar provisions) and that it will notify the Company immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that it has ceased to so qualify or that it might not so qualify in the future.
6.3.  The Company represents that the Contracts are currently, and at the time of issuance shall be, treated as life insurance or annuity insurance contracts, under applicable provisions of the Code, and that it will make every effort to maintain such treatment, and that it will notify the Fund and the Underwriter immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing the Contracts have ceased to be so treated or that they might not be so treated in the future.  The Company agrees that any prospectus offering a contract that is a "modified endowment contract" as that term is defined in Section 7702A of the Code (or any successor or similar provision), shall identify such contract as a modified endowment contract.
ARTICLE VII.  Potential Conflicts
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The following provisions shall apply only upon issuance of the Mixed and Shared Funding Order and the sale of shares of the Fund to variable life insurance separate accounts, and then only to the extent required under the 1940 Act.
7.1.  The Board will monitor the Fund for the existence of any material irreconcilable conflict between the interests of the Contract owners of all separate accounts investing in the Fund.  An irreconcilable material conflict may arise for a variety of reasons, including:  (a) an action by any state insurance regulatory authority; (b) a change in applicable federal or state insurance, tax, or securities laws or regulations, or a public ruling, private letter ruling, no-action or interpretative letter, or any similar action by insurance, tax, or securities regulatory authorities; (c) an administrative or judicial decision in any relevant proceeding; (d) the manner in which the investments of any Portfolio are being managed; (e) a difference in voting instructions given by variable annuity contract and variable life insurance contract owners; or (f) a decision by an insurer to disregard the voting instructions of contract owners.  The Board shall promptly inform the Company if it determines that an irreconcilable material conflict exists and the implications thereof.
7.2.  The Company will report any potential or existing conflicts of which it is aware to the Board.  The Company will assist the Board in carrying out its responsibilities under the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order, by providing the Board with all information reasonably necessary for the Board to consider any issues raised.  This includes, but is not limited to, an obligation by the Company to inform the Board whenever Contract owner voting instructions are disregarded.
7.3.  If it is determined by a majority of the Board, or a majority of its disinterested members, that a material irreconcilable conflict exists, the Company and other Participating Insurance Companies shall, at their expense and to the extent reasonably practicable (as determined by a majority of the disinterested Board members), take whatever steps are necessary to remedy or eliminate the irreconcilable material conflict, up to and including:  (1) withdrawing the assets allocable to some or all of the separate accounts from the Fund or any Portfolio and reinvesting such assets in a different investment medium, including (but not limited to) another Portfolio of the Fund, or submitting the question whether such segregation should be implemented to a vote of all affected contract owners and, as appropriate, segregating the assets of any appropriate group (i.e., annuity contract owners, life insurance contract owners, or variable contract owners of one or more Participating Insurance Companies) that votes in favor of such segregation, or offering to the affected contract owners the option of making such a change; and (2) establishing a new registered  investment company.
7.4.  If a material irreconcilable conflict arises because of a decision by the Company to disregard Contract owner voting instructions and that decision represents a minority position or would preclude a majority vote, the Company may be required, at the Fund's election, to withdraw the Account's investment in the Fund and terminate this Agreement with respect to each Account; provided, however, that such withdrawal and termination shall be limited to the extent required by the foregoing material irreconcilable conflict as determined by a majority of the disinterested members of the Board.  Any such withdrawal and termination must take place within six (6) months after the Fund gives written notice that this provision is being implemented, and until the end of that six month period the Fund shall continue to accept and implement orders by the Company for the purchase (and redemption) of shares of the Fund.
7.5.  If a material irreconcilable conflict arises because a particular state insurance regulator's decision applicable to the Company conflicts with the majority of other state regulators, then the Company will withdraw the affected Account's investment in the Fund and terminate this Agreement with respect to such Account within six months after the Board informs the Company in writing that it has determined that such decision has created an irreconcilable material conflict; provided, however, that such withdrawal and termination shall be limited to the extent required by the foregoing material irreconcilable conflict as determined by a majority of the disinterested members of the Board.  Until the end of the foregoing six month period, the Fund shall continue to accept and implement orders by the Company for the purchase (and redemption) of shares of the Fund.
7.6.  For purposes of Section 7.3 through 7.6 of this Agreement, a majority of the disinterested members of the Board shall determine whether any proposed action adequately remedies any irreconcilable material conflict, but in no event will the Fund be required to establish a new funding medium for the Contracts.  The Company shall not be required by Section 7.3 to establish a new funding medium for the Contract if an offer to do so has been declined by vote of a majority of Contract owners materially adversely affected by the irreconcilable material conflict.  In the event that the Board determines that any proposed action does not adequately remedy any irreconcilable material conflict, then the Company will withdraw the Account's investment in the Fund and terminate this Agreement within six (6) months after the Board informs the Company in writing of the foregoing determination; provided, however, that such withdrawal and termination shall be limited to the extent required by any such material irreconcilable conflict as determined by a majority of the disinterested members of the Board.
7.7.  If and to the extent the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemption Order or any amendment thereto contains terms and conditions different from Sections 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 of this Agreement, then the Fund and/or the Participating Insurance Companies, as appropriate, shall take such steps as may be necessary to comply with the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order, and Sections 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5 of this Agreement shall continue in effect only to the extent that terms and conditions substantially identical to such Sections are contained in the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order or any amendment thereto.  If and to the extent that Rule 6e-2 and Rule 6e-3(T) are amended, or Rule 6e-3 is adopted, to provide exemptive relief from any provision of the 1940 Act or the rules promulgated thereunder with respect to mixed or shared funding (as defined in the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order) on terms and conditions materially different from those contained in the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order, then (a) the Fund and/or the Participating Insurance Companies, as appropriate, shall take such steps as may be necessary to comply with Rules 6e-2 and 6e-3(T), as amended, and Rule 6e-3, as adopted, to the extent such rules are applicable; and (b) Sections 3.5, 3.6, 7.1., 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 of this Agreement shall continue in effect only to the extent that terms and conditions substantially identical to such Sections are contained in such Rule(s) as so amended or adopted.
ARTICLE VIII.  Indemnification
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8.1.  Indemnification By the Company
8.1(a).                      The Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Fund and the Underwriter and each of its trustees/directors and officers, and each person, if any, who controls the Fund or Underwriter within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act or who is under common control with the Underwriter (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties" for purposes of this Section 8.1) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of the Company) or litigation (including reasonable legal and other expenses), to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject under any statute or regulation, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) or settlements:
(i)  arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statements of any material fact contained in the registration statement, prospectus (which shall include a written description of a Contract that is not registered under the 1933 Act), or SAI for the Contracts or contained in the Contracts or sales literature for the Contracts (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to the Company by or on behalf of the Fund for use in the registration statement, prospectus or SAI for the Contracts or in the Contracts or sales literature (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of the Contracts or Fund shares; or
(ii)  arise out of or as a result of statements or representations (other than statements or representations contained in the registration statement, prospectus, SAI, or sales literature of the Fund not supplied by the Company or persons under its control) or wrongful conduct of the Company or its agents or persons under the Company's authorization or control, with respect to the sale or distribution of the Contracts or Fund Shares; or
(iii)  arise out of any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in a registration statement, prospectus, SAI, or sales literature of the Fund or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading if such a statement or omission was made in reliance upon information furnished to the Fund by or on behalf of the Company; or
(iv)  arise as a result of any material failure by the Company to provide the services and furnish the materials under the terms of this Agreement (including a failure, whether unintentional or in good faith or otherwise, to comply with the qualification requirements specified in Article VI of this Agreement); or
(v)  arise out of or result from any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by the Company in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by the Company;
as limited by and in accordance with the provisions of Sections 8.1(b) and 8.1(c) hereof.
8.1(b).                      The Company shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation to which an Indemnified Party would otherwise be subject by reason of such Indemnified Party's willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance of such Indemnified Party's duties or by reason of such Indemnified Party's reckless disregard of its obligations or duties under this Agreement.
8.1(c).                      The Company shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any claim made against an Indemnified Party unless such Indemnified Party shall have notified the Company in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the claim shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent), but failure to notify the Company of any such claim shall not relieve the Company from any liability which it may have to the Indemnified Party against whom such action is brought otherwise than on account of this indemnification provision.  In case any such action is brought against an Indemnified Party, the Company shall be entitled to participate, at its own expense, in the defense of such action.  The Company also shall be entitled to assume the defense thereof, with counsel satisfactory to the party named in the action.  After notice from the Company to such party of the Company's election to assume the defense thereof, the Indemnified Party shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and the Company will not be liable to such party under this Agreement for any reasonable legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such party independently in connection with the defense thereof other than reasonable costs of investigation.
8.1(d).                      The Indemnified Parties will promptly notify the Company of the commencement of any litigation or proceedings against them in connection with the issuance or sale of the Fund shares or the Contracts or the operation of the Fund.
8.2.  Indemnification by the Underwriter
8.2(a).                      The Underwriter agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company and each of its directors and officers and each person, if any, who controls the Company within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties" for purposes of this Section 8.2) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of the Underwriter) or litigation (including reasonable legal and other expenses) to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject under any statute or regulation, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) or settlements:
(i)  arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the registration statement or prospectus or SAI or sales literature of the Fund (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to the Underwriter or Fund by or on behalf of the Company for use in the registration statement, prospectus or SAI for the Fund or in sales literature (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of the Contracts or Fund shares; or
(ii)  arise out of or as a result of statements or representations (other than statements or representations contained in the registration statement, prospectus, SAI or sales literature for the Contracts not supplied by the Underwriter or persons under its control) or wrongful conduct of the Fund or Underwriter or persons under their control, with respect to the sale or distribution of the Contracts or Fund shares; or
(iii)  arise out of any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in a registration statement, prospectus, SAI or sales literature covering the Contracts, or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto, or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statement or statements therein not misleading, if such statement or omission was made in reliance upon information furnished to the Company by or on behalf of the Fund or the Underwriter; or
(iv)  arise as a result of any failure by the Fund or the Underwriter to provide the services and furnish the materials under the terms of this Agreement (including a failure of the Fund, whether unintentional or in good faith or otherwise, to comply with the diversification and other qualification requirements specified in Article VI of this Agreement); or
(v)  arise out of or result from any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by the Underwriter in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by the Underwriter;
as limited by and in accordance with the provisions of Sections 8.2(b) and 8.2(c) hereof.
8.2(b).                      The Underwriter shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation to which an Indemnified Party would otherwise be subject by reason of such Indemnified Party's willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance or such Indemnified Party's duties or by reason of such Indemnified Party's reckless disregard of obligations and duties under this Agreement or to the Company or the Account, whichever is applicable.
8.2(c).                      The Underwriter shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any claim made against an Indemnified Party unless such Indemnified Party shall have notified the Underwriter in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the claim shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent), but failure to notify the Underwriter of any such claim shall not relieve the Underwriter from any liability which it may have to the Indemnified Party against whom such action is brought otherwise than on account of this indemnification provision.  In case any such action is brought against the Indemnified Party, the Underwriter will be entitled to participate, at its own expense, in the defense thereof.  The Underwriter also shall be entitled to assume the defense thereof, with counsel satisfactory to the party named in the action.  After notice from the Underwriter to such party of the Underwriter's election to assume the defense thereof, the Indemnified Party shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and the Underwriter will not be liable to such party under this Agreement for any reasonable legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such party independently in connection with the defense thereof other than reasonable costs of investigation.
The Company agrees promptly to notify the Underwriter of the commencement of any litigation or proceedings against it or any of its officers or directors in connection with the issuance or sale of the Contracts or the operation of the Account.
8.3.  Indemnification By the Fund
8.3(a).                      The Fund agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company and each of its directors and officers and each person, if any, who controls the Company within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties" for purposes of this Section 8.3) against any and all losses, claims, expenses, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of the Fund) or litigation (including reasonable legal and other expenses) to which the Indemnified Parties may be required to pay or may become subject under any statute or regulation, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, expenses, damages, liabilities or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) or settlements, are related to the operations of the Fund and:
(i)  arise as a result of any failure by the Fund to provide the services and furnish the materials under the terms of this Agreement (including a failure, whether unintentional or in good faith or otherwise, to comply with the diversification and other qualification requirements specified in Article VI of this Agreement); or
(ii)  arise out of or result from any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by the Fund in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by the Fund;
as limited by and in accordance with the provisions of Sections 8.3(b) and 8.3(c) hereof.
8.3(b).                      The Fund shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation to which an Indemnified Party would otherwise be subject by reason of such Indemnified Party's willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance of such Indemnified Party's duties or by reason of such Indemnified Party's reckless disregard of obligations and duties under this Agreement or to the Company, the Fund, the Underwriter or the Account, whichever is applicable.
8.3(c).                      The Fund shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any claim made against an Indemnified Party unless such Indemnified Party shall have notified the Fund in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the claim shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent), but failure to notify the Fund of any such claim shall not relieve the Fund from any liability which it may have to the Indemnified Party against whom such action is brought otherwise than on account of this indemnification provision.  In case any such action is brought against the Indemnified Parties, the Fund will be entitled to participate, at its own expense, in the defense thereof.  The Fund also shall be entitled to assume the defense thereof, with counsel satisfactory to the party named in the action.  After notice from the Fund to such party of the Fund's election to assume the defense thereof, the Indemnified Party shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and the Fund will not be liable to such party under this Agreement for any reasonable legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such party independently in connection with the defense thereof other than reasonable costs of investigation.
8.3(d).                      The Company and the Underwriter agree promptly to notify the Fund of the commencement of any litigation or proceeding against it or any of its respective officers or directors in connection with the Agreement, the issuance or sale of the Contracts, the operation of the Account, or the sale or acquisition of shares of the Fund.
ARTICLE IX.  Applicable Law
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9.1.  This Agreement shall be construed and the provisions hereof interpreted under and in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio.
9.2.  This Agreement shall be subject to the provisions of the 1933, 1934 and 1940 Acts, and the rules and regulations and rulings thereunder, including such exemptions from those statutes, rules and regulations as the SEC may grant (including, but not limited to, any Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order) and the terms hereof shall be interpreted and construed in accordance therewith.  If, in the future, the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order should no longer be necessary under applicable law, then Article VII shall no longer apply.
ARTICLE X. Termination
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10.1.  This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until the first to occur of:
termination by any party, for any reason with respect to some or all Designated Portfolios, by three (3) months advance written notice delivered to the other parties; or
termination by the Company by written notice to the Fund and the Underwriter based upon the Company's determination that shares of the Fund are not reasonably available to meet the requirements of the Contracts; or
termination by the Company by written notice to the Fund and the Underwriter in the event any of the Designated Portfolio's shares are not registered, issued or sold in accordance with applicable state and/or federal law or such law precludes the use of such shares as the underlying investment media of the Contracts issued or to be issued by the Company; or
termination by the Fund or Underwriter in the event that formal administrative proceedings are instituted against the Company by the NASD, the SEC, the Insurance Commissioner or like official of any state or any other regulatory body regarding the Company's duties under this Agreement or related to the sale of the Contracts, the operation of any Account, or the purchase of the Fund's shares; provided, however, that the Fund or Underwriter determines in its sole judgment exercised in good faith, that any such administrative proceedings will have a material adverse effect upon the ability of the Company to perform its obligations under this Agreement; or
termination by the Company in the event that formal administrative proceedings are instituted against the Fund or Underwriter by the NASD, the SEC, or any state securities or insurance department or any other regulatory body; provided, however, that the Company determines in its sole judgment exercised in good faith, that any such administrative proceedings will have a material adverse effect upon the ability of the Fund or Underwriter to perform its obligations under this Agreement; or
termination by the Company by written notice to the Fund and the Underwriter with respect to any Designated Portfolio in the event that such Portfolio ceases to qualify as a Regulated Investment Company under Subchapter M or fails to comply with the Section 817(h) diversification requirements specified in Article VI hereof, or if the Company reasonably believes that such Portfolio may fail to so qualify or comply; or
termination by the Fund or Underwriter by written notice to the Company in the event that the Contracts fail to meet the qualifications specified in Article VI hereof; or
termination by either the Fund or the Underwriter by written notice to the Company, if either one or both of the Fund or the Underwriter respectively, shall determine, in their sole judgment exercised in good faith, that the Company has suffered a material adverse change in its business, operations, financial condition, or prospects since the date of this Agreement or is the subject of material adverse publicity; or
termination by the Company by written notice to the Fund and the Underwriter, if the Company shall determine, in its sole judgment exercised in good faith, that the Fund, Adviser, or the Underwriter has suffered a material adverse change in its business, operations, financial condition or prospects since the date of this Agreement or is the subject of material adverse publicity; or
termination by the Company upon any substitution of the shares of another investment company or series thereof for shares of a Designated Portfolio of the Fund in accordance with the terms of the Contracts, provided that the Company has given at least 45 days prior written notice to the Fund and Underwriter of the date of substitution; or
termination by any party in the event that the Fund's Board of Trustees determines that a material irreconcilable conflict exists as provided in Article VII.
10.2.  Notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement, the Fund and the Underwriter shall, at the option of the Company, continue to make available additional shares of the Fund pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, for all Contracts in effect on the effective date of termination of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Existing Contracts"), unless the Underwriter requests that the Company seek an order pursuant to Section 26(c) of the 1940 Act to permit the substitution of other securities for the shares of the Designated Portfolios. The Underwriter agrees to split the cost of seeking such an order, and the Company agrees that it shall reasonably cooperate with the Underwriter and seek such an order upon request.  Specifically, the owners of the Existing Contracts may be permitted to reallocate investments in the Fund, redeem investments in the Fund and/or invest in the Fund upon the making of additional purchase payments under the Existing Contracts.  The parties agree that this Section 10.2 shall not apply to any terminations under Article VII and the effect of such Article VII terminations shall be governed by Article VII of this Agreement.  The parties further agree that this Section 10.2 shall not apply to any terminations under Section 10.1(g) of this Agreement.
10.3.  The Company shall not redeem Fund shares attributable to the Contracts  except (i) as necessary to implement Contract owner initiated or approved transactions, (ii) as required by state and/or federal laws or regulations or judicial or other legal precedent of general application (hereinafter referred to as a "Legally Required Redemption"), (iii) upon 45 days prior written notice to the Fund and Underwriter, as permitted by an order of the SEC pursuant to Section 26(b) of the 1940 Act, but only if a substitution of other securities for the shares of the Designated Portfolios is consistent with the terms of the Contracts, or (iv) as permitted under the terms of the Contract.  Upon request, the Company will promptly furnish to the Fund and the Underwriter reasonable assurance that any redemption pursuant to clause (ii) above is a Legally Required Redemption.  Furthermore, except in cases where permitted under the terms of the Contacts, the Company shall not prevent Contract owners from allocating payments to a Portfolio that was otherwise available under the Contracts without first giving the Fund or the Underwriter 45 days notice of its intention to do so.
10.4.  Notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement, each party's obligation under Article VIII to indemnify the other parties shall survive.
ARTICLE XI.  Notices
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Any notice shall be sufficiently given when sent by registered, certified or overnight mail   to the other party at the address of such party set forth below or at such other address as such party may from time to time specify in writing to the other party.
If to the Fund:                                       PIMCO  Variable Insurance Trust
840 Newport Center Drive, Suite 300
Newport Beach, CA 92660

If to the Company:                                Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Company
1 Nationwide Plaza, MC 1-09-V3
Columbus, OH  43215
Attn:  Securities Officer

If to Underwriter:                                  PIMCO Funds Distributors LLC
2187 Atlantic Street
Stamford, CT 06902
ARTICLE XII.  Miscellaneous
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12.1.  All persons dealing with the Fund must look solely to the property of the Fund, and in the case of a series company, the respective Designated Portfolios listed on Schedule A hereto as though each such Designated Portfolio had separately contracted with the Company and the Underwriter for the enforcement of any claims against the Fund.  The parties agree that neither the Board, officers, agents or shareholders of the Fund assume any personal liability or responsibility for obligations entered into by or on behalf of the Fund.
12.2.  Subject to the requirements of legal process and regulatory authority, each party hereto shall treat as confidential the names and addresses of the owners of the Contracts and all information reasonably identified as confidential in writing by any other party hereto and, except as permitted by this Agreement, shall not disclose, disseminate or utilize such names and addresses and other confidential information without the express written consent of the affected party until such time as such information has come into the public domain.
12.3.  The captions in this Agreement are included for convenience of reference only and in no way define or delineate any of the provisions hereof or otherwise affect their construction or effect.
12.4.  This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in two or more counterparts, each of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument.
12.5.  If any provision of this Agreement shall be held or made invalid by a court decision, statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected thereby.
12.6.  Each party hereto shall cooperate with each other party and all appropriate governmental authorities (including without limitation the SEC, the NASD, and state insurance regulators) and shall permit such authorities reasonable access to its books and records in connection with any investigation or inquiry relating to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby.
12.7.  The rights, remedies and obligations contained in this Agreement are cumulative and are in addition to any and all rights, remedies, and obligations, at law or in equity, which the parties hereto are entitled to under state and federal laws.
12.8.  This Agreement or any of the rights and obligations hereunder may not be assigned by any party without the prior written consent of all parties hereto.
12.9.  The Company shall furnish, or shall cause to be furnished, to the Fund or its designee copies of the following reports:
the Company's annual statement (prepared under statutory accounting principles) and annual report (prepared under generally accepted accounting principles) filed with any state or federal regulatory body or otherwise made available to the public, as soon as practicable and in any event within 90 days after the end of each fiscal year; and
any registration statement (without exhibits) and financial reports of the Company filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission , as soon as practicable after the filing thereof.
(Signatures located on the following page)IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed in its name and on its behalf by its duly authorized representative and its seal to be hereunder affixed hereto as of the date specified below.

By its authorized officer
Name:  [William G. Goslee]
Title:  [V.P. Investment & Advisory Services]
Date:  [1/23/03]

By its authorized officer
Name:  [Jeffrey M.Sargent]
Title: [Senior Vice President]
Date: [1/7/03]
By its authorized officer
Name:  [Newton B. Schott, Jr.]
Title:  [Managing Director]
Date:  [12/24/02]

8194921.doc   12/31/97



Schedule A

PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust Portfolios:
Money Market
Low Duration
Real Return
CommodityRealReturn Strategy
Total Return
Total Return II
High Yield
Long-Term U.S. Government
Global Bond
Foreign Bond
Emerging Markets Bond
Strategic Balanced
StocksPLUS Growth and Income
StocksPLUS Total Return

Separate Accounts
Nationwide Variable Account-II
Nationwide Variable Account-3
Nationwide Variable Account-4
Nationwide Variable Account-5
Nationwide Variable Account-6
Nationwide Variable Account -7
Nationwide Variable Account-8
Nationwide Variable Account-9
Nationwide Variable Account-10
Nationwide Variable Account-11
Nationwide Variable Account -12
Nationwide Variable Account-13
Multi-Flex Variable Account
Nationwide VA Separate Account-A
Nationwide VA Separate Account-B
Nationwide VA Separate Account-C
Nationwide VA Separate Account-D
Nationwide VLI Separate Account
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-2
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-3
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-5
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-6
Nationwide VL Separate Account
Nationwide VL Separate Account-A
Nationwide VL Separate Account-B
Nationwide VL Separate Account-C
Nationwide VL Separate Account-D
Nationwide Private Placement Variable Account




This document constitutes an Amendment to the Participation Agreement (the “Agreement”) dated March 28, 2002 among Nationwide Life Insurance Company, Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company (the “Company”), PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust (the “Fund”) and PIMCO Funds Distributors LLC (the “Underwriter”), collectively the “Parties.”  Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement.

WHEREAS, The Parties entered in the Agreement to provide for the use of the Portfolios as investment options within the Company’s Variable Insurance Products.

WHERAS, The primary purposes of this Amendment are as follows:
Add additional insurance companies as parties to the Agreement;
Terminate and Supersede prior agreements; and
Update Schedule A.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual promises, the Parties agree as follows:
Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America (dba Nationwide Provident) and Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America are hereby added as additional Parties to the Agreement on their own behalf and on behalf of each separate account as set forth on Amended Schedule A.
All references to the “Company” in the original Agreement and subsequent Amendments shall now include Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America and Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America (hereafter collectively the “Company”).
Section 2.1 of Article II - Representations and Warranties is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

2.1           The Company represents and warrants that the Contracts (a) are, or prior to issuance will be, registered under the 1933 Act, or (b) are not registered because they are properly exempt from registration under the 1933 Act or will be offered exclusively in transactions that are properly exempt from registration under the 1933 Act.  The Company further represents and warrants that the Contracts will be issued in compliance in all material respects with all applicable federal securities and state securities and insurance laws and that the sale of the Contracts shall comply in all material respects with state insurance requirements.  The Company further represents and warrants that it is an insurance company duly organized and in good standing under applicable law, that it has legally and validly established the Account prior to any issuance or sale thereof as a separate account under applicable state insurance laws, and that it (a) has registered or, prior to any issuance or sale of the Contracts, will register the Account as a unit investment trust in accordance with the provisions of the 1940 Act to serve as a segregated investment account for the Contracts, or alternatively (b) has not registered the Account in proper reliance upon an exclusion from registration under the 1940 Act.  The Company shall register and qualify the Contracts or interests therein as securities in accordance with the laws of the various states only if and to the extent deemed advisable by the Company.
Article XI- Notices is amended to include Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America and Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America as part of the “Company.”
Article XIII- Termination of Prior Agreements is added as follows:

XIII.  Termination of Prior Agreements.  The Parties agree that by this Amendment the following Agreements are superseded and replaced:
The Participation Agreement among Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America (fna Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company), PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust, and PIMCO Funds Distributors LLC dated June 1, 2001 and assigned on or about October 1, 2002.
The Participation Agreement among Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America (fna Providentmutual Life and Annuity Company of America), PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust, and PIMCO Funds Distributors LLC dated December 1, 1999 as amended and assigned on or about October 1, 2002.
Schedule A is amended to reflect the inclusion of the separate accounts of Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America and Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America.  The Amended Schedule A is attached to and made a part of the Agreement.
The Agreement, as amended, is and shall remain in full force and effect until terminated pursuant to the terms of the Agreement.
This Amendment shall be effective as of __[Jan. 1, 2003]_______.




IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Amendment #1 to be executed:

By its authorized officer
Name:   [William G. Goslee]
Title:     [V.P.]
Date:     [1-12-04]

By its authorized officer
Name:     [Kevin S. Crossett]
Title:       [V.P. Ass’t Secretary]

By its authorized officer
Name:    Jeff  Sargent
Title:      Senior Vice President
Date:     November 19, 2003

By its authorized officer



Amended Schedule A

PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust Portfolios:
Money Market
Low Duration
Real Return
CommodityRealReturn Strategy
Total Return
Total Return II
High Yield
Long-Term U.S. Government
Global Bond
Foreign Bond
Emerging Markets Bond
Strategic Balanced
StocksPLUS Growth and Income
StocksPLUS Total Return

Separate Accounts
Nationwide Variable Account-II
Nationwide Variable Account-3
Nationwide Variable Account-4
Nationwide Variable Account-5
Nationwide Variable Account-6
Nationwide Variable Account-7
Nationwide Variable Account-8
Nationwide Variable Account-9
Nationwide Variable Account-10
Nationwide Variable Account-11
Nationwide Variable Account-12
Nationwide Variable Account-13
Nationwide Variable Account-14
Multi-Flex Variable Account
Nationwide VA Separate Account-A
Nationwide VA Separate Account-B
Nationwide VA Separate Account-C
Nationwide VA Separate Account-D
Nationwide VLI Separate Account
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-2
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-3
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-5
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-6
Nationwide VL Separate Account
Nationwide VL Separate Account-A
Nationwide VL Separate Account-B
Nationwide VL Separate Account-C
Nationwide VL Separate Account-D
Nationwide Private Placement Variable Account
Nationwide Provident VA Separate Account 1
Nationwide Provident VLI Separate Account 1
Nationwide Provident VA Separate Account A
Nationwide Provident VLI Separate Account A


EX-99.H PARTIC AGREE 19 pioneerfpa.htm PIONEER FPA pioneerfpa.htm

THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on September 27, 2002, is by and among PIONEER VARIABLE CONTRACTS TRUST, a Delaware business trust (the "Trust"), NATIONWIDE FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Company") on behalf of the affiliated companies and each segregated asset account set forth in Schedule A hereto, as may be amended from time to time (the "Accounts"), PIONEER INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT, INC., a Delaware corporation ("PIM") and PIONEER FUNDS DISTRIBUTOR, INC. ("PFD"), a corporation organized under the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
WHEREAS, the Trust is registered as an open-end management investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), and its shares are registered or will be registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act");
WHEREAS, shares of beneficial interest of the Trust are divided into several series and classes of shares, each series being designated a "Portfolio" and representing an interest in a particular managed pool of securities and other assets;
WHEREAS, the Trust is available to act as the investment vehicle for separate accounts established for variable life insurance policies and/or variable annuity contracts to be offered by insurance companies, including the Company, which have entered into participation agreements with the Trust (the "Participating Insurance Companies");
WHEREAS, the Trust has obtained an order from the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), dated July 9, 1997 (File No. 812-10494) (the "Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order") granting Participating Insurance Companies and variable annuity and variable life insurance separate accounts exemptions from the provisions of Sections 9(a), 13(a), 15(a) and 15(b) of the 1940 Act and Rules 6e-2(b)(15) and 6e-3(T)(b)(15) thereunder, to the extent necessary to permit shares of the Trust to be sold to and held by variable annuity and variable life insurance companies that may or may not be affiliated with one another and qualified pension and retirement plans ("Qualified Plans");
WHEREAS, PIM is duly registered as an investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended, and any applicable state securities law, and is the Trust's investment adviser;
WHEREAS, the Company will issue certain variable annuity and/or variable life insurance contracts (individually, the "Contract" or, collectively, the "Contracts") which, if required by applicable law, will be registered under the 1933 Act;
WHEREAS, the Accounts are duly organized, validly existing segregated asset accounts, established by resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company, to set aside and invest assets attributable to the aforesaid variable annuity and/or variable life insurance contracts that are allocated to the Accounts (the Contracts and the Accounts covered by this Agreement, and each corresponding Portfolio covered by this Agreement in which the Accounts may invest, is specified in Schedule A attached hereto as may be modified from time to time);
WHEREAS, the Company has registered or will register the Accounts as unit investment trusts under the 1940 Act (unless exempt therefrom);
WHEREAS, the Portfolios offered by the Trust to the Company and the Accounts are set forth on Schedule A attached hereto;
WHEREAS, PFD is registered as a broker-dealer with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (hereinafter the "1934 Act"), and is a member in good standing of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (the "NASD" and is authorized to sell shares of the Portfolios to unit investment trusts such as the Accounts;
WHEREAS, NATIONWIDE INVESTMENT SERVICES CORPORATION ("Policy Underwriter"), the underwriter for the variable annuity and the variable life policies, is registered as a broker-dealer with the SEC under the 1934 Act and is a member in good standing of the NASD; and
WHEREAS, to the extent permitted by applicable insurance laws and regulations, the Company intends to purchase shares in one or more of the Portfolios specified in Schedule A attached hereto (the "Shares") on behalf of the Accounts to fund the Contracts, and PFD intends to sell such Shares to the Accounts at net asset value;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual promises, the Trust, PIM, PFD and the Company agree as follows:
1.1.           PFD and the Company agree to provide pricing information, execute orders and wire payments for purchases and redemptions of Fund shares as set forth in this Article I until such time as theymutually agree to utilize the National Securities Clearing Corporation ("NSCC").  Upon such mutual agreement, PFD and the Company agree to provide pricing information, execute orders and wire payments for purchases and redemptions of Fund shares through NSCC and its subsidiary systems as set forth in Exhibit I.
1.2.           PFD agrees to sell to the Company those Shares which the Accounts order in accordance with the terms of this Agreement (based on orders placed by Contract owners or participants on that Business Day, as defined below) and which are available for purchase by such Accounts.  Each such order will be executed on a daily basis at the net asset value next computed after receipt by the Trust or its designee of the order for the Shares.  For purposes of this Section 1.2, the Company shall be the designee of the Trust for receipt of such orders from Contract owners or participants and receipt by such designee shall constitute receipt by the Trust; provided that the Trust or its designee receives written (or facsimile) notice of such orders by the time the Trust ordinarily calculates its net asset value as described from time to time in the Trust's prospectus (which as of the date of this Agreement is 4:00 p.m. New York time on such Business Day).  "Business Day" shall mean any day on which the New York Stock Exchange, Inc. (the "NYSE") is open for trading and on which the Trust calculates its net asset value pursuant to the rules of the SEC.
1.3.           PFD agrees to make the Shares available for purchase at the applicable net asset value per share by the Company and the Accounts on those days on which the Trust calculates its net asset value in accordance with the rules of the SEC.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board of Trustees of the Trust (the "Board") may refuse to sell any Shares to the Company and the Accounts, or suspend or terminate the offering of the Shares to the Company and the Accounts if such action is required by law or by regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over PIM, PFD or the Trust or is, in the sole discretion of the Board acting in good faith and in light of its fiduciary duties under federal and any applicable state laws, in the best interest of the Shareholders of such Portfolio.
1.4.           The Trust and PFD will sell Trust shares only to Participating Insurance Companies and Qualified Plans which have agreed to participate in the Trust to fund their Separate Accounts and/or Qualified Plans all in accordance with the requirement of Section 817(h) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended (the "Code") and the Treasury regulations thereunder.  The Company will not resell the Shares except to the Trust or its agents.
1.5.            The Trust agrees, upon the Company's request, to redeem for cash, any full or fractional Shares held by the Accounts (based on orders placed by Contract owners on that Business Day).  Each such redemption request shall be executed on a daily basis at the net asset value next computer after receipt by the Trust or its designee of the request of redemption.  For purposes of this Section 1.5, the Company shall be the designee of the Trust for receipt of requests for redemption from Contract owners or participants and receipt by such designee shall constitute receipt by the Trust; provided that the Trust or its designee receives written (or facsimile) notice of such request for redemption by the time the Trust ordinarily calculates its net asset value as described from time to time in the Trust's prospectus (which as of the date of this Agreement is 4:00 p.m. New York time on such Business Day).
1.6.           Each purchase, redemption and exchange order placed by the Company shall be placed separately for each Portfolio and shall not be netted with respect to any Portfolio.  However, with respect to payment of the purchase price by the Company and of redemption proceeds by the Trust, the Company and the Trust shall net purchase and redemption orders with respect to each Portfolio and shall transmit one net payment for all of the Portfolios in accordance with Section 1.7 hereof.
1.7.           In the event of net purchases, the Company shall pay for the Shares by 11:00 a.m. New York time on the next Business Day after an order to purchase the Shares is made in accordance with the provisions of Section 1.2 hereof.  Company shall transmit all such payments in federal funds by wire.  If payment in federal funds for any purchase is not received or is received by the Trust after 11:00 a.m. on such Business Day, the Company shall promptly, upon the Trust's request, reimburse the Trust for any charges, costs, fees, interest or other expenses incurred by the Trust in connection with any advances to, or borrowings or overdrafts by, the Trust, or any similar expenses (including the cost of and any loss incurred by the Trust in unwinding any purchase of securities by the Trust) incurred by the Trust as a result of portfolio transactions effected by the Trust based upon such purchase request.  In the event of net redemptions, the Trust ordinarily shall pay and transmit the proceeds of redemptions of Shares by 11:00 a.m. New York time on the next pay and transmit the proceeds of redemptions of Shares by 11:00 a.m. New York time on the next Business Day after a redemption order is received from the Company in accordance with Section 1.5 hereof, although the Trust reserves the right to postpone the date of payment or satisfaction upon redemption consistent with Section 22(e) of the 1940 Act and any rules promulgated thereunder.  Payments for net redemptions shall be in federal funds transmitted by wire.
1.8.           Issuance and transfer of the Shares will be by book entry only.  Stock certificates will not be issued to the Company or the Accounts.  The Shares ordered from the Trust will be recorded in an appropriate title for the Accounts or the appropriate subaccounts of the Accounts.
1.9.           The Trust shall furnish notice (by wire or telephone, followed by written confirmation) no later than 7:00 p.m. New York time on the ex-dividend date to the Company of any dividends or capital gain distributions payable on the Shares.  The Company hereby elects to receive all such dividends and distributions as are payable in cash or Shares on a Portfolio's Shares in additional Shares of that Portfolio.  The Trust shall notify the Company by the end of the next following Business Day of the number of Shares so issued as payment of such dividends and distributions.
1.10.                      The Trust or its custodian shall make the net asset value per share for each Portfolio available to the Company on each Business Day as soon as reasonably practical after the net asset value per share is calculated and shall use its best efforts to make such net asset value per share available by 6:00 p.m. New York time.  In the event of an error in the computation of a Portfolio's net asset value per share ("NAV") or any dividend or capital gain distribution (each, a "pricing error"), PIM or the Trust shall notify the Company as soon as possible after the discovery of the error.  Such notification may be verbal, but shall be confirmed promptly in writing in accordance with Article XII of this Agreement.  A pricing error shall be corrected in accordance with the Trust's internal policies and procedures.  If an adjustment is necessary to correct a material error that occurred through no fault of the Company and such adjustment has caused Contract owners to receive less than the number of Shares or redemption proceeds to which they are entitled, the number of Shares of the applicable Account will be adjusted and the amount of any underpayments will be paid by the Trust or PIM to the Company for crediting of such amounts to the Contract owners' accounts.  Upon notification by PIM of any overpayment due to a material error, the Company shall promptly remit to the Trust or PIM, as appropriate, any overpayment that has not been paid to Contract owner; however, PIM acknowledges that the Company does not intend to seek additional payments from any Contract owner who, because of a pricing error, may have underpaid for units of interest credited to his/her account.  The costs of correcting such adjustments shall be borne by the Trust or PIM unless the Company is at fault in which case such costs shall be borne by the Company.
2.1.           The Company represents and warrants that the Contracts are or will be registered under the 1933 Act or are exempt from or not subject to registration thereunder, and that the Contracts will be issued, sold, and distributed in compliance in all material respects with all applicable state and federal laws, including without limitation the 1933 Act, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "1934 Act"), and the 1940 Act.  The Company further represents and warrants that it is a duly organized holding company in good standing under applicable law for (i) an insurance company subsidiary duly organized and in good standing under applicable law; (ii) the insurance company subsidiary has legally and validly established each Account as a segregated asset account under applicable law; (iii) the insurance company subsidiary has registered or, prior to any issuance or sale of the Contracts, will register the Accounts as unit investment trust in accordance with the provisions of the 1940 Act (unless exempt therefrom) to serve as segregated investment accounts for the Contracts, and (iv) the insurance company subsidiary will maintain such registration for so long as any Contracts are outstanding.  The Company shall ensure that the insurance company subsidiary amend the registration statements under the 1933 Act for the Contracts and the registration statements under the 1940 Act for the Accounts from time to time as required in order to effect the continuous offering of the Contracts or as may otherwise be required by applicable law.  The Company shall ensure that the insurance company subsidiary register and qualify the Contracts for sales in accordance with the securities laws of the various states only if and to the extent deemed necessary by the Company.  At the time the Company is required to deliver the Trust's prospectus or statement of additional information to a purchaser of Shares in accordance with the requirements of federal or state securities laws, the Company shall ensure that the insurance company subsidiary distribute to such Contract purchasers the then current Trust prospectus, as supplemented.
2.2.           The Company represents and warrants that the Contracts are currently and at the time of issuance will be treated as life insurance, endowment or annuity contracts under applicable provisions of the Code, that it will maintain such treatment and that it will notify the Trust or PIM immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that the Contracts have ceased to be so treated or that they might not be so treated in the future.
2.3.           The Company represents and warrants that Policy Underwriter, the underwriter for the individual variable annuity contracts and the variable life policies, is a member in good standing of the NASD and is a registered broker-dealer with the SEC.  The Company represents and warrants that the Company and Policy Underwriter will sell and distribute such contracts and policies in accordance in all material respects with all applicable state and federal securities laws, including without limitation the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act, and the 1940 Act and state insurance law suitability requirements.
2.4.           The Trust represents and warrants that the Shares sold pursuant to this Agreement shall be registered under the 1933 Act, duly authorized for issuance in compliance with the laws of Delaware and that the Trust is and shall remain registered under the 1940 Act.  The Trust shall amend the registration statement for its Shares under the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act from time to time as required in order to affect the continuous offering of its Shares.  The Trust shall register and qualify the Shares for sale in accordance with the laws of the various states only if and to the extent deemed necessary by the Trust.
2.5.           The Trust represents that it is lawfully organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Delaware.  The Trust further represents that it has adopted a plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act and imposes an asset-based charge to finance its distribution expenses with respect to the Class II shares of certain of the Trust's Portfolios as permitted by applicable law and regulation.
2.6.           PFD represents and warrants that it is a member in good standing of the NASD and is registered as a broker-dealer with the SEC.  PFD represents that it will sell and distribute the Shares in accordance in all material respects with all applicable state and federal laws, including without limitation the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act, and the 1940 Act.
2.7.           PIM represents and warrants that it is and shall remain duly registered as an investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended.
2.8.           No less frequently than annually, the Company shall submit to the Board such reports, material or data as the Board may reasonably request so that it may carry out fully the obligations imposed upon it by the conditions in the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order pursuant to which the SEC has granted exemptive relief to permit mixed and shared funding.
2.9.           The Trust and PIM represent and warrant that all of their respective officers, employees, investment advisers, and other individuals or entities dealing with money and/or securities of the Trust are, and shall continue to be at all times, covered by one or more blanket fidelity bonds or similar coverage for the benefit of the Trust in an amount not less than the minimal coverage required by Rule 17g-1 under the 1940 Act or related provisions as may be promulgated from time to time.  The aforesaid bonds shall include coverage for larceny and embezzlement and shall be issued by a reputable bonding company.  The Company represents and warrants that all of its respective officers, employees, and other individuals or entities employed or controlled by the Company dealing with the money and/or securities of the Trust are, and shall continue to be at all times, covered by a blanket fidelity bond or similar coverage in an deemed appropriate by the Company.  The aforesaid bond shall include coverage for larceny and embezzlement and shall be issued by a reputable bonding company.  The Company agrees that any amounts received under such bond relating to a claim arising under this Agreement will be held by the Company for the benefit of the Trust.  The Company agrees to make all reasonable efforts to maintain such bond and agrees to notify the Trust and PIM in writing in the event such coverage terminates.
2.10.                      The Company represents and warrants, for purposes other than diversification under Section 817 of the Code, that the Contracts are currently at the time of issuance and, assuming the Trust meets the requirements of Article VI, will be treated as annuity contracts under applicable provisions of the Code, and that it will make every effort to maintain such treatment and that it will notify the Trust, PFD and PIM immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that the Contracts have ceased to be so treated or that they might not be so treated in the future.  In addition, the Company represents and warrants that each Account is a "segregated asset account" and that interests in the Account are offered exclusively through the purchase of or transfer into a "variable contract" within the meaning of such terms under Section 817 of the Code and the regulations thereunder.  The Company will use every effort to continue to meet such definitional requirements, and it will notify the Trust, PFD and PIM immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that such requirements have ceased to be met or that they might not be met in the future.  The Company represents and warrants that it will not purchase Trust shares with assets derived from tax-qualified retirement plans except, indirectly, through Contracts purchased in connection with such plan.
3.1.           At least annually, the Trust or its designee shall provide the Company, free of charge, with as many copies of the current prospectus (describing only the Portfolios listed in Schedule A hereto) for the Shares as the Company may reasonably request for distribution to existing Contract owners whose Contracts are funded by such Shares.  The Trust or its designee shall provide the Company, at PFD's expense, with as many copies of the current prospectus for the Shares as the Company may reasonably request for distribution to prospective purchasers of Contracts.  If requested by the Company in lieu thereof, the Trust or its designee shall provide such documentation (including a "camera ready" copy of the new prospectus as set in type or, at the request of the Company, as a diskette in the form sent to the financial printer) and other assistance as is reasonably necessary in order for the parties hereto once each year (or more frequently if the prospectus for the Shares is supplemented or amended) to have the prospectus for the Contracts and the prospectus for the Shares printed together in one document; the expenses of such printing to be apportioned between (a) the Company and (b) the Trust or its designee in proportion to the number of pages of the Contract and Shares' prospectuses, taking account of other relevant factors affecting the expense of printing, such as covers, columns, graphs and charts; the Trust or its designee to bear the cost of printing the Trust's prospectus portion of such document for distribution to owners of existing Contracts funded by the Shares and the Company to bear the expenses of printing the portion of such document relating to the Accounts; provided, however, that the Company shall bear all printing expenses of such combined document where used for distribution to prospective purchasers or to owners of existing Contracts not funded by the Shares.  In the event that the Company requests that the Trust or its designee provides the Trust's prospectus in a "camera ready,"  diskette format or other mutually agreed upon format, the Trust shall be responsible for providing the prospectus in the format in which it or PIM is accustomed to formatting prospectuses and shall bear the expense of providing the prospectus in such format (e.g., typesetting expenses), and the Company shall bear the expense of adjusting or changing the format to conform with any of its prospectuses, subject to PIM's approval which shall not be unreasonably withheld.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Trust shall also provide the Company, at PFD's expense, no less frequently than annually, copies of the Portfolios prospectuses in PDF format for the use on the Company's and/or affiliated producer's websites.  However, if any time PFD deems the usage by the Company of such materials to be excessive, it may, prior to the delivery of any quantity of materials in excess of what is deemed reasonable, request that the Company demonstrate the reasonableness of such usage.  If PFD believes the reasonableness of such usage has not been adequately demonstrated, it may request that the Company pay the cost of printing and delivery of any excess copies of such materials.  Unless the Company agrees to make such payments, PFD may refuse to supply additional materials and this section shall not be interpreted as requiring delivery by PFD of any copies in excess of the number of copies required by law.
3.2.           The prospectus for the Shares shall state that the statement of additional information for the Shares is available from the Trust or its designee.  The Trust or its designee, at its expense, shall print and provide such statement of additional information to the Company (or a master or such statement suitable for duplication by the Company) for distribution to any owner of a Contract funded by the Shares.  The Trust shall also provide such statement of additional information to the Company in a mutually agreed upon electronic format.  The Trust or its designee, at the Company's expense, shall print and provide such statement to the Company (or a master of such statement suitable for duplication by the Company) for distribution to a prospective purchaser who requests such statement or to an owner of a Contract not funded by the Shares.
3.3           The Trust or its designee shall provide the Company free of charge, if and to the extent applicable to the Shares, copies of the Trust's proxy materials, reports to Shareholders and other communications to Shareholders in such quantity as the Company shall reasonably require for distribution to Contract owners.  The cost of distributing such documents shall be borne the Trust or its designee.
3.4.           The Trust or PIM will provide the Company with as much notice as is reasonably practicable of any proxy solicitation for any Portfolio, and of any material change in the Trust's registration statement, particularly any change resulting in change to the registration statement or prospectus or statement of additional information for any Account.  The Trust and PIM will cooperate with the Company so as to enable the Company to solicit proxies from Contract owners or to make changes to its prospectus, statement of additional information or registration statement, in an orderly manner.  The Trust and PIM will make reasonable efforts to attempt to have changes affecting Contract prospectuses become effective simultaneously with the annual updates for such prospectuses.
3.5.           The Trust hereby notifies the Company that it may be appropriate to include in the prospectus pursuant to which a Contract is offered disclosure regarding the potential risks of mixed and shared funding.
If and to the extent required by law, the Company shall:
solicit voting instructions from Contract owners;
vote the Shares in accordance with instructions received from Contract owners; and
vote the Shares for which no instructions have been received in the same proportion as the Shares of such Portfolio for which instructions have been received from Contract owners;
so long as and to the extent that the SEC continues to interpret the 1940 Act to require pass through voting privileges for variable contract owners.  The Company will in no way recommend action in connection with or oppose or interfere with the solicitation of proxies for the Shares held for such Contract owners.  The Company reserves the right to vote shares held in any segregated asset account in its own right, to the extent permitted by law.  Participating Insurance Companies shall be responsible for assuring that each of their separate accounts holding Shares calculates voting privileges in the manner required by the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order.  The Trust and PIM will notify the Company of any changes of interpretations or amendments to the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order.
4.1.           The Company shall furnish, or shall cause to be furnished, to PFD or its designee, each piece of sales literature or other promotional material in which the Trust, PIM, any other investment adviser to the Trust, or any affiliate of PIM are named, at least five (5) Business Days prior to its use.  No such material shall be used if PFD or its designee reasonably objects to such use within five (5) Business Days after receipt of such material.  PFD or its designee shall notify the Company within five (5) Business Days of receipt of its approval or disapproval of such materials.
4.2.           The Company shall not make any representation on behalf of the Trust, PIM, any other investment adviser to the Trust or any affiliate of PIM and shall not give any information on behalf of the Trust, PIM, any other investment adviser to the Trust, or any affiliate of PIM or concerning the Trust or any other such entity in connection with the sale of the Contracts other than the information contained in the registration statement, prospectus or statement of additional information for the Shares, as such registration statement, prospectus and statement of additional information may be amended or supplemented from time to time, or in reports or proxy statements for the Trust, or in sales literature or other promotional material approved by the Trust, PIM, PFD or their respective designees, except with the permission of the Trust, PIM or their respective designees.  The Trust, PIM, PFD or their respective designees each agrees to respond to any request for approval on a prompt and timely basis.  The Company shall adopt and implement procedures reasonably designed to ensure that information concerning the Trust, PIM, or PFD or any of their affiliates which is intended for use only by brokers or agents selling the Contracts (i.e., information that is not intended for distribution to Contract owners or prospective Contract owners) is so used, and neither the Trust, PIM, PFD nor any of their affiliates shall be liable for any losses, damages or expenses relating to the improper use of such broker only materials.
4.3.           PFD shall furnish, or shall cause to be furnished, to the Company or its designee, each piece of sales literature or other promotional material in which the Company and/or the Accounts is named, at least five (5) Business Days prior to its use.  No such material shall be used if the Company or its designee reasonably objects to such use within five (5) Business Days after receipt of such material.  The Company shall notify PFD within five (5) Business Days of receipt of its approval or disapproval of such materials.
4.4.           The Trust, PIM and PFD shall not give any information or make any representations on behalf of the Company or concerning the Company, the Accounts, or the Contracts in connection with the sale of the Contracts other than the information or representations contained in a registration statement, prospectus, or statement of additional information may be amended or supplemented from time to time, or in reports for the Accounts or in sales literature or other promotional material approved by the Company or its designee, except with the permission of the Company.  The Company or its designee agrees to respond to any request for approval on a prompt and timely bases.  The parties hereto agree that this Section 4.4. is neither intended to designate nor otherwise imply that PIM is an underwriter or distributor of the Contracts.
4.5.           The Company and the Trust shall provide, or shall cause to be provided, to the other at least one complete copy of all registration statements, prospectuses, statements of additional information, reports, proxy statements, sales literature and other promotional materials, and all amendments to any of the above, that relate to the Contracts, or to the Trust or its Shares, within a reasonable time after the filing of such document with the SEC or other regulatory authorities.
4.6.           For purpose of this Article IV and Article VIII, the phrase "sales literature or other promotional material" includes but is not limited to advertisements (such as material published, or designed for use in, a newspaper, magazine, or other periodical, radio, television, telephone, electronic messages or tape recording, videotape display, signs or billboards, motion pictures, or other public media, including, for example, on-line networks such as the Internet or other electronic media), and sales literature (such as brochures, electronic messages, circulars, reprints, or excerpts or any other advertisement, sales literature, or published articles), distributed or made generally available to customers or the public, educational or training materials or communications distributed or made generally available to some or all agents or employees, and shareholder reports, proxy materials (including solicitations for voting instructions) and any other material constituting sales literature or advertising under NASDR Conduct Rules, the 1933 Act or the 1940 Act.  However, such phrase "sales literature or other promotional material" shall not include any material that simply lists the names of Portfolios of the Trust in a list of investment options.
4.7.           At the request of any party to this Agreement, each other party will make available to the other party's independent auditors and/or representative of the appropriate regulatory agencies, all records, date, access to operating procedures that may be reasonably requesting in connection with compliance and regulatory requirements related to the Agreement or any party's obligations under this Agreement.
4.8.           Subject to the terms of Sections 4.1 and 4.2 of this Agreement, the Trust (and its Portfolios), PIM and PFD hereby each consents in connection with the marketing of the Contracts to the Company's use of their names or other identifying marks, including PIONEER INVESTMENTS® and Pioneer's sail logo, in connection with the marketing of the Contracts.  The Trust, PIM or PFD or their affiliates may withdraw this authorization as to any particular use of any such name or identifying mark at any time: (i) upon a reasonable determination that such use would have a material adverse effect on its reputation or marketing efforts or its affiliates or (ii) if any of the Portfolios of the Trust cease to be available through the Company.  Except as set forth in the previous sentence, the Company will not cause or permit, without prior written permission, the use, description or reference to a Pioneer party's name, or to the relationship contemplated in this Agreement, in any advertisement, or promotional materials published, distributed, or made available, or any activity conducted through, the Internet or any other electronic medium.
5.1.           Neither the Trust, PIM nor PFD shall pay any fee or other compensation to the Company under this Agreement, other than pursuant to Schedule B attached hereto, and the Company shall pay no fee or other compensation to the Trust, PIM or PFD under this Agreement.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties hereto will bear certain expenses under the provisions of this Agreement and shall reimburse other parties for expenses initially paid by one party but allocated to another party.  In addition, nothing herein shall prevent the parties hereto from otherwise agreeing to perform, and arranging for appropriate compensation for, other services relating to the Trust and/or to the Accounts pursuant to this Agreement.
5.2.           The Trust or its designee shall bear the expenses for the cost of registration and qualification of the Shares under all applicable federal and state laws, including preparation and filing of the Trust's registration statement, and payment of filing fees and registration fees; preparation and filing of the Trust's proxy materials and reports to Shareholders; setting in type and printing its prospectus and statement of additional information (to the extent provided by and as determined in accordance with Article III above); setting in type and printing the proxy materials and reports to Shareholders (to the extent provided by and as determined in accordance with Article III above); the preparation of all statements and notices required of the Trust by any federal or state law with respect to its Shares; all taxes on the issuance or transfer of the Shares; and the costs of distributing the Trust's prospectuses, reports to Shareholders and proxy materials to owners of Contracts and participants funded by the Shares and any expenses permitted to be paid or assumed by the Trust pursuant to a plan, if any, under Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act.  The Trust shall not bear any expenses of marketing the Contracts.
5.3.           The Company shall bear the expenses of distributing the Shares' prospectus or prospectuses in connection with new sales of the Contracts and of distributing the Trust's Shareholder reports to Contract owners.  The Company shall bear all expenses associated with the registration, qualification, and filing of the Contracts under applicable federal securities and state insurance laws; the cost of preparing, printing and distributing the Contract prospectus and statement of additional information; and the cost of preparing, printing and distributing annual individual account statements for Contract owners as required by state insurance laws.
5.4.           The Company agrees to provide certain administrative services, specified in Schedule B attached hereto, in connection with the arrangements contemplated by this Agreement.  The parties intend that the services referred to in the Section 5.4 be recordkeeping, shareholder communication, and other transaction facilitation and processing, and related administrative serves and are not the services of an underwriter or principal underwriter of the Trust and the Company is not an underwriter for Shares within the meaning of the 1933 Act.
6.1.           The Trust and PIM represent and warrant that each Portfolio of the Trust in which an Account invests will meet the diversification requirements of Section 817(h)(1) of the Code and Treas. Reg. 1.817-5, relating to the diversification requirements for variable annuity, endowment, or life insurance contracts, as they may amended from time to time (and any revenue rulings, revenue procedures, notices, and other published announcements of the Internal Revenue Service interpreting these sections), as if those requirements applied directly to each such Portfolio.
6.2.           Trust and PIM represent that each Portfolio will elect to be qualified as a Regulated Investment Company under Subchapter M of the Code and that they will maintain such qualification (under Subchapter M or any successor or similar provision).
No Shares of the Trust will be sold directly to the general public.
7.1.           The Trust agrees that the Board, constituted with a majority of disinterested trustees, will monitor each Portfolio of the Trust for the existence of any material irreconcilable conflict between the interests of the variable annuity contract owners and the variable life insurance policy owners of the Company and/or affiliated companies ("contract owners") investing in the Trust.  A material irreconcilable conflict may arise for a variety of reasons, including:  (a) an action by any state insurance regulatory authority; (b) a change in applicable federal or state insurance, tax or securities laws or regulations, or a public ruling, private letter ruling, no-action or interpretive letter, or any similar action by insurance, tax, or securities regulatory authorities; (c) an administrative or judicial decision in any relevant proceeding; (d) the manner in which the investments of any Portfolio are being managed; (e) a difference in voting instructions given by variable annuity contract and variable life insurance contract owners or by contract owners of different Participating Insurance Companies; or (f) a decision by a Participating Insurance Company to disregard the voting instructions of contract owners.  The Board shall have the sole authority to determine if a material irreconcilable conflict exists, and such determination shall be binding on the Company only if approved in the form of a resolution by a majority of the Board, or a majority of the disinterested trustees of the Board.  The Board will give prompt notice of any such determination to the Company.
7.2.           The Company agrees that it will be responsible for assisting the Board in carrying out its responsibilities under the conditions set forth in the Trust's exemptive application pursuant to which the SEC has granted the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order by providing the Board, as it may reasonably request, with all information necessary for the Board to consider any issues raised and agrees that it will be responsible for promptly reporting any potential or existing conflicts of which it is aware to the Board including, but not limited to, an obligation by the Company to inform the Board whenever contract owner voting instructions are disregarded.  The Company also agrees that, if a material irreconcilable conflict arises, it will at its own cost remedy such conflict up to and including (a) withdrawing the assets allocable to some or all of the Accounts from the Trust or any Portfolio and reinvesting such assets in a different investment medium, including (but not limited to) another Portfolio of the Trust to the extent permissible, or submitting to a vote of all affected contract owners whether to withdraw assets from the Trust or any Portfolio and reinvesting such assets in a different investment medium and, as appropriate, segregating the assets attributable to any appropriate group of contract owners (e.g., annuity contract owners, life insurance owners or variable contract owners of one or more Participating Insurance Companies) that votes in favor of such segregation or offering to any of the affected contract owners the option of segregating the assets attributable to their contracts or policies, and (b) establishing a new registered management investment company and segregating the assets underlying the Contracts, unless a majority of Contract owners materially adversely affected by the conflict have voted to decline the offer to establish a new registered management investment company.
7.3.           A majority of the disinterested trustees of the Board shall determine whether any proposed action by the Company adequately remedies any material irreconcilable conflict.  In the event that the Board determines that any proposed action does not adequately remedy any material irreconcilable conflict, the Company will withdraw from investment in the Trust each of the Accounts designated by the disinterested trustees and terminate this Agreement as soon as is reasonably practicable, but no later than twelve (12) months after the Board informs the Company in writing of the foregoing determination; provided, however, that such withdrawal and termination shall be limited to the extent required to remedy any such material irreconcilable conflict as determined by a majority of the disinterested trustees of the Board.
7.4.           If a material irreconcilable conflict arises because of a decision by the Company to disregard Contract owner voting instructions and that decision represents a minority position or would preclude a majority vote, the Company may be required, at the Trust's election, to withdraw the Account's investment in the Trust and terminate this Agreement; provided, however, that such withdrawal and termination shall be limited to the extent required by the foregoing material irreconcilable conflict as determined by a majority of the Trust's independent trustees.  Any such withdrawal and termination must take place as soon as is reasonably practicable, but no later than twelve (12) months after the Trust gives written notice that this provision is being implemented, and until the end of that six-month period PFD and the Trust shall continue to accept and implement orders by the Company for the purchase and redemption of shares of the Trust.
7.5.           If material irreconcilable conflict arises because of particular state insurance regulator's decision applicable to the Company conflicts with the majority of other state regulators, then the Company will withdraw the Account's investment in the Trust and terminate this Agreement as soon as is reasonably practicable, but no later than twelve (12) months after the Trust's Board informs the Company in writing that it has determined that such decision has created a material irreconcilable conflict; provided, however, that such withdrawal and termination shall be limited to the extent required by the foregoing material irreconcilable conflict as determined by a majority of the disinterested members of the Trust's Board.  Until the effected date of the termination of this Agreement, the Trust and PFD shall continue to accept and implement orders by the Company for the purchase and redemption of shares of the Trust.
7.6.           For purposes of Sections 7.3 through 7.6 of this Agreement, a majority of the disinterested members of the Board shall determine whether any proposed action adequately remedies any material irreconcilable conflict, but in no event will the Trust be required to establish a new funding medium for the Contracts.  The Company shall not be required by Section 7.2 to establish a new funding medium for the contracts if any offer to do so has been declined by vote of a majority of Contract owners affected by the material irreconcilable conflict.  In the event that the Board determines that any proposed action does not adequately remedy any material irreconcilable conflict, then the Company will withdraw the Account's investment in the Trust and terminate this Agreement as soon as is reasonably practicable after the Board informs the Company in writing of the foregoing determination; provided, however, that such withdrawal and termination shall be limited to the extent required by any such material irreconcilable conflict as determined by a majority of the independent trustees.
7.7.           If and to the extent that Rule 6e-2 and Rule 6e-3(T) are amended, or Rule 6e-3 is adopted, to provide exemptive relief from any provision of the 1940 Act or the rules promulgated thereunder with respect to mixed or shared funding (as defined in the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order) on terms and conditions materially different from those contained in the Mixed and Share Funding Exemptive Order, then (a) the Trust and/or the Participating Insurance Companies, as appropriate, shall take such steps as may be necessary to comply with Rule 6e-2 and 6e-3(T), as amended, and Rule 6e-3, as adopted, to the extent such rules are applicable; and (b) Sections 3.5, 3.6, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and 7.7 of this Agreement shall continue in effect only to the extent that terms and conditions substantially identical to such Sections are contained in such Rule(s) as so amended or adopted.
Indemnification by the Company
The Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Trust, PIM, PFD, and any affiliates of PIM, and each of their respective directors, trustees, officers and each person, if any, who controls the Trust or PIM within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act, and any directors, officers, agents or employees of the foregoing (each an "Indemnified Party," or collectively, the "Indemnified Parties" for purposes of this Section 8.1) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of the Company) or expenses (including reasonable counsel fees) to which any Indemnified Party may become subject under any statute, regulation, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) or settlements:
(a)           arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the registration statement, prospectus or statement of additional information for the Contracts or contained in the Contracts or sales literature or other promotional material for the Contracts (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements herein not misleading, provided that this Agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reasonable reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to the Company or its designee by or on behalf of the Trust, PIM or PFD for use in the registration  statement, prospectus or statement of additional information for the Contracts or in the Contracts or sales literature or other promotional material (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of the Contracts or Shares; or
(b)           arise out of or as a result of statement or representations by or on behalf of the Company (other than statements or representations contained in the Trust's registration statement, prospectus, statement of additional information or in the sales literature or other promotional material of the Trust, or any amendment or supplement to the foregoing, not supplied by the Company or persons under its control and on which the Company has reasonably relied) or wrongful conduct of the Company or persons under its control, with respect to the sale or distribution of the Contracts or Shares; or
(c)           arise out of any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in the registration statement, prospectus, statement of additional information, or sales literature or other promotional literature of the Trust, or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto, or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statement or statements therein not misleading, if such statement or omission was made in reliance upon information furnished to the Trust by or on behalf of the Company; or
(d)           arise out of or result from any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by the Company in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by the Company; or
(e)           arise as a result of any failure by the Company to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement; as limited by and in accordance with the provisions of this Article VIII.
Indemnification by PIM and PFD
PIM and PFD agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Company and Policy Underwriter and each of their trustees and officers and each person, if any, who controls the Company or Policy Underwriter within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act, and any directors, officers, agents or employees of the foregoing (each an "Indemnified Party," or collectively, the "Indemnified Parties" for purposes of this Section 8.2) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of the Trust) or expenses (including reasonable counsel fees) to which an Indemnified Party may become subject under any statute, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) or settlements are related to the sale or acquisition of the Shares or the Contracts and:
(a)           arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the registration statement, prospectus, statement of additional information or sales literature or other promotional material of the Trust (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statement therein not misleading, provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reasonable reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to the Trust, PIM, PFD or their respective designees by or on behalf of the Company for use in the registration statement, prospectus or statement of additional information for the Trust or in sales literature or other promotional material for the Trust (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of the Contracts or Shares; or
(b)           arise out of or as a result of statements or representations (other than statements or representations contained in the Contract's registration statement, prospectus, statement of additional information or in sales literature or other promotional material for the Contracts not supplied by the Trust, PIM, PFD or any of their respective designees or persons under their respective control and on which any such entity has reasonably relied) or wrongful conduct of the Trust, PIM, PFD or persons under their control, with respect to the sale or distribution of the Contracts or Shares; or
(c)           arise out of any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in the registration statement, prospectus, statement of additional information, or sales literature or other promotional literature of the Accounts or relating to the Contracts, or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto, or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statement or statements therein not misleading, if such statement or omission was made in reliance upon information furnished to the Company by or on behalf of the Trust, PIM, or PFD; or
(d)           arise out of or result from any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by PIM and PFD in this Agreement (including a failure, whether unintentional or in good faith or otherwise, to comply with the diversification requirements specified in Article VI of this Agreement) or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by PIM and PFD; or
(e)           arise out of or result from the materially incorrect or untimely calculation or reporting of the daily net asset value per share or dividend or capital gain distribution rate; or
(f)           arise as a result of any failure by PIM or PFD to perform any of their respective obligations under this Agreement;as limited by and in accordance with the provisions of this Article VIII.
Indemnification by the Trust
The Trust agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company and Policy Underwriter and each of their trustees and officers and each person, if any, who controls the Company or Policy Underwriter within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act, and any directors, officers, agents or employees of the foregoing (each an "Indemnified Party," or collectively, the "indemnified Parties" for purposes of this Section 8.3) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of the Trust) or expenses (including reasonable counsel fees) to which any Indemnified Party may become subject under any statute, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) or settlements are related to the sale or acquisition of the Shares or the Contracts and:
(a)           arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the registration statement, prospectus or statement of additional information of the Trust (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statement therein not misleading, provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reasonable reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to the Trust or its respective designees by or on behalf of the Company for use in the registration statement, prospectus or statement of additional information for the Trust (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of the Contracts or Shares; or
(b)           arise out of or result from any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by the Trust in this Agreement (including a failure, whether unintentional or in good faith or otherwise, to comply with the diversification requirements specified in Article VI of this Agreement); or
(c)           arise as a result of any material breach by the Trust of any of its obligations under this Agreement; as limited by and in accordance with the provisions of this Article VIII.
8.4.           In no event shall the Trust, PIM or PFD be liable under the indemnification provisions contained in this Agreement to the Company or its affiliates or to any Contract owner, with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses that arise out of or result from (i) a breach of any representation, warranty, and/or covenant made by the Company hereunder; (ii) the failure by the Company or its affiliates to maintain its segregated asset accounts (which invest in any Portfolio) as legally and validly established segregated asset accounts under applicable state law and as a duly registered unit investment trusts under the provisions of the 1940 Act (unless exempt therefrom); or (iii) the failure by the Company or its affiliates to maintain its variable annuity and/or variable life insurance contracts (with respect to which any Portfolio serves an underlying funding vehicle) as life insurance, endowment or annuity contracts under applicable provisions of the Code.
8.5.           Neither the Company, the Trust, PIM nor PFD shall be liable under the indemnification provisions contained in this Agreement with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses to which an Indemnified Party would otherwise be subject by reason of such Indemnified Party's willful misfeasance, willful misconduct, or gross negligence in the performance of such Indemnified Party's duties or by reason of such Indemnified Party's reckless disregard of obligations and duties under this Agreement.
8.6.           Promptly after receipt by an Indemnified Party under this Section 8.6. of notice of commencement of any action, such Indemnified Party will, if a claim in respect thereof is to be made against the indemnifying party under this section, notify the indemnifying party of the commencement thereof; but the omission so to notify the indemnifying party will not relieve it from any liability which it may have to any Indemnified Party otherwise than under this section.  In case any such action is brought against any Indemnified Party, and it notified the indemnifying party of the commencement thereof, the indemnifying party will be entitled to participate therein and, to the extent that it may wish, assume the defense thereof, with counsel satisfactory to such Indemnified Party.  After notice from the indemnifying party of its intention to assume the defense of an action, the Indemnified Party shall bear the expenses of any additional counsel obtained by it, and the indemnifying party shall not be liable to such Indemnified Party under this section for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such Indemnified Party in connection with the defense thereof other than reasonable costs of investigation.
8.7.           A successor by law of the parties to this Agreement shall be entitled to the benefits of the indemnification contained in this Article VIII.  The indemnification provisions contained in this Article VIII shall survive any termination of this Agreement.
9.1.           This Agreement shall be construed and the provisions hereof interpreted under and in accordance with the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
9.2.           This Agreement shall be subject to the provisions of the 1933, 1934 and 1940 Acts, and the rules and regulations and rulings thereunder, including such exemption from those statutes, rules and regulations as the SEC may grant (including, but not limited to, the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order) and the terms hereof shall be interpreted and construed in accordance therewith.
The Trust, PIM, PFD and the Company agree that each such party shall notify the other parties to this Agreement within a reasonable time, in writing, of the institution of any formal proceedings brought against such party or its designees by the NASD, the SEC, or any insurance department or any other regulatory body regarding such party's duties under this Agreement or related to the sale of the Contracts, the operation of the Accounts, or the purchase of the Shares.  Each of the parties further agrees to notify the other parties within a reasonable time of the commencement of any litigation or proceeding against it or any of its respective officers, directors, trustees, employees or 1933 Act control persons in connection with this Agreement, the issuance or sale of the Contracts, the operation of the Accounts, or the sale or acquisition of Shares.  The indemnification provisions contained in this Article X shall survive any termination of this Agreement.

This Agreement shall terminate with respect to one, some or all of the Accounts or Portfolios:
(a)           at the option of any party upon six (6) months' advance written notice delivered to the other parties; provided, however, that such notice shall not be given earlier than six (6) months following the date of this Agreement; provided, further, that if later than six (6) months, upon receipt of any required exemptive relief or orders from the SEC; or
(b)           at the option of the Company to the extent that the Shares of Portfolios are not reasonably available to meet the requirements of the Contracts or are not "appropriate funding vehicles" for the Contracts, as reasonably determined by the Company.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Shares of a Portfolio would not be "appropriate funding vehicles" if, for example, such Shares did not meet the diversification or other requirements referred to in Article VI hereof; or if the Company would be permitted to disregard Contract owner voting instructions pursuant to Rule 6e-2 or 6e-3(T) under the 1940 Act.  Reasonably prompt notice of the election to terminate for such cause and an explanation of such cause shall be furnished to the Trust by the Company; or
(c)           at the option of the Trust, PIM or PFD upon institution of formal proceedings against the Company by the NASD, the SEC, or any insurance department or any other regulatory body regarding the Company's duties under this Agreement or related to the sale of the Contracts, the operation of the Accounts, or the purchase of the Shares; provided that the party terminating this Agreement under this provision shall give notice of such termination to the other parties to this Agreement; or
(d)           at the option of the Company upon institution of formal proceedings against the Trust, PIM or PFD by the NASD, the SEC, or any state securities or insurance department or any other regulatory body regarding the duties of the Trust, PIM or PFD under this Agreement or related to the sale of the Shares; provided that the party terminating this Agreement under this provision shall give notice of such termination to the other parties to this Agreement; or
(e)           at the option of the Company, the Trust, PIM or PFD upon receipt of any necessary regulatory approvals and/or the vote of the Contract owners having an interest in the Accounts (or any subaccounts) to substitute the shares of another investment company for the corresponding Portfolio Shares in accordance with the terms of the Contracts for which those Portfolio Shares had been selected to serve as the underlying investment media.  The Company will give thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the Trust of the Date of any proposed vote or other action taken to replace the Shares; or
at the option of the Trust, PIM or PFD by written notice to the Company, if any one or all of the Trust, PIM or PFD respectively, shall determine, in their sole judgment exercised in good faith, that the Company has suffered a material adverse change in its business, operations, financial condition, or prospects since the date of this Agreement or is the subject of material adverse publicity; or
at the option of the Company by written notice to the Trust, PIM or PFD, if the Company shall determine, in its sole judgment exercised in good faith, that the Trust, PIM or PFD has suffered a material adverse change in this business, operations, financial condition or prospects since the date of this Agreement or is the subject of material adverse publicity; or
at the option of any party to this Agreement, upon another affiliated or unaffiliated party's material breach of any provision of or representation contained in this Agreement.
The notice shall specify the Portfolio or Portfolios, Contracts and, if applicable, the Accounts as to which the Agreement is to be terminated.
It is understood and agreed that the right of any party hereto to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 11.1(a) may be exercised for cause or for no cause.
Except as necessary to implement Contract owner initiated transactions, or as required by state insurance laws or regulations, the Company shall not redeem the Shares attributable to the Contracts (as opposed to the Shares attributable to the Company's assets held in the Accounts), and the Company shall not prevent Contract owners from allocating payments to a Portfolio that was otherwise available under the Contracts, until thirty (30) days after the Company shall have notified the Trust of its intention to do so.
Notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement, the Trust and PFD shall, at the option of the Company, continue for a period not exceeding six (6) months to make available additional shares of the Portfolios pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, for all Contracts in effect on the effective date of termination of this Agreement (the "Existing Contracts"), except as otherwise provided under Article VII of this Agreement; provided, however, that in the event of a termination pursuant to Section 11.1. (c), (f) or (h), the Trust, PIM and PFD shall at their option have the right to terminate immediately all sales of Shares to the Company, subject to compliance with federal securities laws.  Specifically, without limitation, the owners of the Existing Contracts shall be permitted to transfer or reallocate investment under the Contracts, redeem investments in any Portfolio and/or invest in the Trust upon the making of additional purchase payments under the Existing Contracts.
Notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement, each party's obligations under Article VIII to indemnify the other parties shall survive and not be affected by any termination of this Agreement.  In addition, with respect to Existing Contracts, all provisions of this Agreement shall also survive and not be affected by any termination of this Agreement

Any notice shall be sufficiently given when sent by registered or certified mail, overnight courier or facsimile to the other party at the address of such party set forth below or at such other address as such party may from time to time specify in writing to the other party
If to the Trust:
Pioneer Variable Contracts Trust
c/o Hale and Dorr
60 State Street
Boston, Massachusetts  02109
Attn:  Joseph P. Barri, Secretary

If to the Company:
Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.
One Nationwide Plaza, 1-12-04
Columbus, Ohio  43215-2220
Attn:  William G. Goslee, Vice President

With a copy to:
Scott Kreighbaum
Securities Counsel
One Nationwide Plaza, 1-09-V3
Columbus, Ohio  43215-2220

If to PIM:
Pioneer Investment Management, Inc.
60 State Street
Boston, Massachusetts  02109
Attn:  Dorothy E. Bourassa, General Counsel

If to PFD:
Pioneer Funds Distributor, Inc.
60 State Street
Boston, Massachusetts  02109
Attn:  William A. Misata, Senior Vice President

13.1.                      Subject to the requirements of legal process and regulatory authority, each party hereto shall treatas confidential all information reasonably identified as confidential in writing by any party hereto and, except as permitted by this Agreement or as otherwise required by applicable law or regulation, shall not disclose, disseminate or utilize such other confidential information without the express written consent of the affected party until such time as it may come into the public domain.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, in addition to and not in lieu of other provisions in this Agreement:
(a)           "Confidential Information" includes without limitation all information regarding thecustomers of the Company, the Trust, PIM, PFD or any of their subsidiaries, affiliates or licensees; or the accounts, account numbers, names, addresses, social security numbers or any other personal identifier of such customers; or any information derived therefrom.
(b)           Neither the Company, the Trust, PIM or PFD may disclose Confidential Information for any purpose other than to carry out the purpose for which Confidential Information was provided to the Company, the Trust, PIM or PFD as set forth in this Agreement; and the Company, the Trust, PIM and PFD agree to cause their employees, agents and representatives, or any other party to whom the Company, the Trust, PIM or PFD may provide access to or disclose Confidential Information to limit the use and disclosure of Confidential Information to that purpose.
(c)           The Company, the Trust, PIM and PFD agree to implement appropriate measures designed to ensure the security and confidentiality of Confidential Information, to protect such information against any anticipated threats or hazards to the security and integrity of such information, and to protect against unauthorized access to, or use of, Confidential Information that could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to any of the customers of the Company or any of its subsidiaries, affiliates  or licensees; the Company, the Trust, PIM and PFD further agree to cause all their respective agents,representatives or subcontractors, or any other party to whom they provide access to or disclose Confidential Information, to implement appropriate measures to meet the objectives set forth in this Section 13.1.
The Company hereby acknowledges that as applicable or required:  (i) it has adopted an anti-money laundering program that complies with the requirements of applicable anti-money laundering laws, including the USA Patriot Act, the Bank Secrecy Act and applicable regulations thereunder; (ii) it regularly searches its databases for shareholder/customer names and countries appearing on U.S. governmental agencies' lists of prohibited persons (i.e., lists maintained by OFAC); and (iii) it monitors its compliance with such program.  The Company agrees to notify PIM of any:  (i) material changes to its policies and procedures; (ii) identified instances of non-compliance that involve an account related to the Funds or PIM (a "Pioneer Related Account"), either through a shareholder or transaction(s); and (iii) other anti-money laundering issues that may arise with respect to a Pioneer Related Account.  The Company agrees to notify PIM with such periodic certifications of compliance as PIM may reasonably request.
The captions in this Agreement are included for convenience of reference only and in no way define or delineate any of the provisions hereof or otherwise affect their construction or effect.

This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in one or more counterparts, each of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument.
If any provision of this Agreement shall be held or made invalid by a court decision, statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected thereby.
The Schedules attached hereto, as modified from time to time, is incorporated herein by reference and are part of this Agreement.
Each party hereto shall cooperate with each other party in connection with inquiries by appropriate governmental authorities (including without limitation the SEC, the NASD, and state insurance regulators) and shall permit such authorities reasonable access to its books and records in connection with any investigation or inquiry relating to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby.
The rights, remedies and obligations contained in this Agreement are cumulative and are in addition to any and all rights, remedies and obligations, at law or in equity, which the parties hereto are entitled to under state and federal laws.
A copy of the Trust's Certificate of Trust is on file with the Secretary of State of Delaware.  The Company acknowledges that the obligations of or arising out of this instrument are not binding upon any of the Trust's trustees, officers, employees, agents or shareholders individually, but are binding solely upon the assets and property of the rust in accordance with its proportionate interest hereunder.  The Company further acknowledges that the assets and liabilities of each Portfolio are separate and distinct and that the obligations of or arising out of this instrument are binding solely upon the assets or property of the Portfolio on whose behalf the Trust has executed this instrument.  The Company also agrees that the obligations of each Portfolio hereunder shall be several and not joint, in accordance with its proportionate interest hereunder, and the Company agrees not to proceed against any Portfolio for the obligations of another Portfolio.
Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in a forum jointly selected by the relevant parties (but if applicable law requires some other forum, then, such other forum), which shall be binding, in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights and obligations hereunder may be assigned by any party without the prior written consent of all parties hereto.
The Trust, PIM and PFD agree that the obligations assumed by the Company shall be limited in any case to the company and its assets and neither the Trust, PIM nor PFD shall seek satisfaction of any such obligation from the shareholders of the Company, the directors, officers, employees or agents of the Company, or any of them.
13.13.                      No provision of the Agreement may be deemed or construed to modify or supersede any contractual rights, duties, or indemnifications, as between PIM and the Trust and PFD and the Trust.
This Agreement, including any Schedules or Exhibits hereto, may be amended only by a written instrument executed by each party hereto.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed in its name and on its behalf by its duly authorized representative and its seal to be hereunder affixed hereto as of the date specified above.

on behalf of the Portfolios

By its authorized officer and not individually,
By its authorized officer,
Daniel T. Geraci
By:  ________________________________
President and Chief Executive Officer
Joseph P. Barri________________________
Date:  ___[10-29-02]____________________
Date:  ___[10-28-02]______________________

By its authorized officer,
By its authorized officer,

By:  _________________________________
By:  ___________________________________
William G. Goslee
Vice President
Name:  __Daniel T. Geraci__________________ Date:  _[10-15-02]______________________
Title:  President___________________________

Date:  ____[10-28-02]______________________

        Pioneer Participation Agreement Trustee Version 2002.doc                                                                                                                                                     1      


As of September 27, 2002

Name of Separate Account
Affiliated Companies
Class I and II Shares
Nationwide Variable Account
Nationwide Variable Account-II
Nationwide Variable Account-3
Nationwide Variable Account-4
Nationwide Variable Account-5
Nationwide Variable Account-6
Nationwide Variable Account-7
Nationwide Variable Account-8
Nationwide Variable Account-9
Nationwide Variable Account-10
Nationwide Variable Account-11
Nationwide Variable Account-12
Nationwide Variable Account-13
Multi-Flex Variable Account
Nationwide VA Separate Account-A
Nationwide VA Separate Account-B
Nationwide VA Separate Account-C
Nationwide VA Separate Account-D
Nationwide VLI Separate Account
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-2
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-3
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-5
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-6
Nationwide VL Separate Account
Nationwide VL Separate Account-A
Nationwide VL Separate Account-B
Nationwide VL Separate Account-C
Nationwide VL Separate Account-D
Nationwide DC Variable Account
Nationwide DC Variable Account-II
NACo Variable Account
Nationwide Governmental Plans
Variable Account
Nationwide Governmental Plans
Variable Account-II
Nationwide Qualified Plans Variable
Nationwide Private Placement
Variable Account
Ohio DC Variable Account
Registered Broker Dealers
Nationwide Advisory Services, Inc.
Nationwide Investment Services Corporation
Affiliates and Subsidiaries
Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
Nationwide Trust Company, FSB
Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc.
National Deferred Compensation, Inc.
Pioneer America Income VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Balanced VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Emerging Markets VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Equity Income VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Europe VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Fund VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Growth Sales VCT Portfolio
Pioneer High Yield VCT Portfolio
Pioneer International Value VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Mid Cap Value VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Real Estate Shares VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Science & Technology VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Small Cap Value VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Small Company VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Strategic Income VCT Portfolio
Schedule B
1.           Administrative Services
Administrative services to Contract owners and participants shall be the responsibility of the Company and shall not be the responsibility of the Trust or PFD.  The Company will provide properly registered and licensed personnel, as necessary, and any systems needed for all Contract owners servicing and support - for both fund and annuity life insurance information and questions, including
Communicative all purchase, withdrawal, and exchange orders it receives from its customers to PFD;
Respond to Contract owner and participant inquiries;
Delivery of both Trust and Contract prospectuses as required under applicable law;
Entry of initial and subsequent orders;
Transfer of cash to Portfolios;
Entry of transfers between Portfolios;
Portfolio balance and allocation inquiries; and
Mail Trust proxies.

Administrative Service Fees
For the administrative services set forth above, PIM or any of its affiliates shall pay a servicing fee based on the annual rate of [X.XX%] of the average aggregate net daily assets invested in the Class I Shares of the Portfolios and [X.XX%] of the average aggregate net daily assets invested in the Class II Shares of the Portfoilos through the Accounts at the end of each calendar quarter.  Such payments will be made to the Company within thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar quarter.  Such fees shall be paid quarterly in arrears.  Each payment will be accompanied by a statement showing the calculation of the fee payable to the Company for the quarter and such other supporting data as may be reasonably requested by the Company.  The Company will calculate the asset balance on each day on which the fee is to be paid pursuant to this Agreement with respect to each Portfolio for the purpose of reconciling its calculation of average aggregate net daily assets with PIM's calculation.  Annually (as of December 31) or upon reasonable request of PIM, Company will provide PIM a statement showing the number of subaccounts in each Class of Shares of each Portfolio as of the most recent calendar quarter end.
3.           12b-1 Distribution Related Fees (Class II Shares Only)
In accordance with the Portfolios' plans pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, PFD will make payments to the Company at an annual rate of [X.XX%] of the average daily net assets invested in the Class II shares of the Portfolios through the Accounts in each calendar quarter.  PFD will make such payments to the company within thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar quarter.  Each payment will be accompanied by a statement showing the calculation of the fee payable to the Company for the quarter and such other supporting data as may be reasonably requested by the Company.  The Rule 12b-1 distribution related fees will be paid to the Company for as long as the Accounts own any Shares of a Portfolio and (i) distribution services are being provided pursuant to this Agreement and (ii) a Rule 12b-1 plan is in effect with respect to such Portfolio.Exhibit I
Participation Agreement

Procedures for Pricing and Order/Settlement Through National Securities Clearing Corporation's Mutual Fund Profile System and Mutual Fund Settlement, Entry and Registration Verification System
1.           As provided in Section 1.1 of the Participation Agreement, the parties hereby agree to provide pricinginformation, execute orders and wire payments for purchases and redemptions of Fund shares throughNational Securities Clearing Corporation ("NSCC") and its subsidiary systems as follows:
(a)           Distributor or the Funds will furnish to Company or its affiliate through NSCC's Mutual Fund Profile System ("MFPS") (1) the most current net asset value information for each Fund, (2) a schedule of anticipated dividend and distribution payment dates for each Fund, which is subject to change without prior notice, ordinary income and capital gain dividend rates on the Fund's ex-date, and (3) in the case of fixed income funds that declare daily dividends, the daily accrual or the interest rate factor.  All such information shall be furnished to Company or its affiliate by 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time on each business day that the Fund is open for business (each a "Business Day") or at such other time as that information becomes available.  Changes in pricing information will be communicated to both NSCC and Company.
(b)           Upon receipt of Fund purchase, exchange and redemption instructions for acceptance as of the time at which a Fund's net asset value is calculated as specified in such Fund's prospectus ("Close of Trading") on each Business Day ("Instructions"), and upon its determination that there are good funds with respect to Instructions involving the purchase of Shares, Company or its affiliate will calculate the net purchase or redemption order for each Fund.  Orders for net purchases or net redemptions derived from Instructions received by Company or its affiliate prior to the Close of Trading on any given Business Day will be sent to the Defined Contribution Interface of NSCC's Mutual Fund Settlement, Entry and Registration Verification System ("Fund/SERV") by 5:00 a.m. Eastern Time on the next Business Day.  Subject to Company's or its affiliate's compliance with the foregoing, Company or its affiliate will be considered the agent of the Distributor and the Funds, and the Business Day on which Instructions are received by Company or its affiliate in proper form prior to the Close of Trading will be the date as of which shares of the Funds are deemed purchased, exchanged or redeemed pursuant to such Instructions. Instructions received in proper form by Company or its affiliate after the Close of Trading on any given Business Day will be treated as if received on the next following Business Day.  Dividends and capital gains distributions will be automatically reinvested at net asset value in accordance with the Fund's then current prospectuses.
(c)           Company or its affiliate will wire payment for net purchase orders by the Fund's NSCC Firm Number, in immediately available funds, to an NSCC settling bank account designated by Company or its affiliate no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the same Business Day such purchase orders are communicated to NSCC.  For purchases of shares of daily dividend accrual funds, those shares will not begin to accrue dividends until the day the payment for those shares is received.
(d)           NSCC will wire payment for net redemption orders by Fund, in immediately available funds, to an NSCC settling bank account designated by Company or its affiliate, by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the Business Day such redemption orders are communicated to NSCC, except as provided in a Fund's prospectus and statement of additional information.
(e)           With respect to (c) or (d) above, if Distributor does not send a confirmation of Company's or its affiliate's purchase or redemption order to NSCC by the applicable deadline to be included in that Business Day's payment cycle, payment for such purchases or redemptions will be made the following Business Day.
(f)           If on any day Company or its affiliate, or Distributor is unable to meet the NSCC deadline for the transmission of purchase or redemption orders, it may at its option transmit such orders and make such payments for purchases and redemptions directly to Distributor or Company or its affiliate, as applicable, as is otherwise provided in the Agreement.
(g)           These procedures are subject to any additional terms in each Fund's prospectus and the requirements of applicable law.  The Funds reserve the right, at their discretion and without notice, to suspend the sale of shares or withdraw the sale of shares of any Fund.
2.           Company or its affiliate, Distributor and clearing agents (if applicable) are each required to haveentered into membership agreements with NSCC and met all requirements to participate in the MFPS and Fund/SERV systems before these procedures may be utilized.  Each party will be bound by the terms of their membership agreement with NSCC and will perform any and all duties, functions, procedures and responsibilities assigned to it and as otherwise established by NSCC applicable to the MFPS and Fund/SERV system and the Networking Matrix Level utilized.
3.           Except as modified hereby, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.  Unless otherwise indicated herein, the terms defined in the Agreement shall have the same meaning as in this Exhibit.




This Amendment No 1. to Schedule A corresponds to the Participation Agreement dated
September 27, 2002 and is effective December [22], 2003


Separate Accounts
All existing and future Separate Accounts including but not limited to the following:
Nationwide Variable Account                                                                                     Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4
Nationwide Variable Account-II                                                                                     Nationwide VLI Separate Account-5
Nationwide Variable Account-3                                                                                     Nationwide VLI Separate Account-6
Nationwide Variable Account-4                                                                                     Nationwide VL Separate Account
Nationwide Variable Account-5                                                                                     Nationwide VLI Separate Account-A
Nationwide Variable Account-6                                                                                     Nationwide VLI Separate Account-B
Nationwide Variable Account-7                                                                                     Nationwide VLI Separate Account-C
Nationwide Variable Account-8                                                                                     Nationwide VLI Separate Account-D
Nationwide Variable Account-9                                                                                     Nationwide DC Variable Account
Nationwide Variable Account-10                                                                                     Nationwide DC variable Account-II
Nationwide Variable Account-11                                                                                     NACo Variable Account
Nationwide Variable Account-12                                                                                     Nationwide Governmental Plans Variable
Nationwide Variable Account-13                                                                                     Account
Nationwide Variable Account-14                                                                                     Nationwide Governmental Plans Variable
Multi-Flex Variable Account                                                                           Account-II
Nationwide VA Separate Account-A                                                                           Nationwide Qualified Plans Variable
Nationwide VA Separate Account-B                                                                           Account
Nationwide VA Separate Account-C                                                                           Nationwide Private Placement Variable
Nationwide VA Separate Account-D                                                                           Account
Nationwide VLI Separate Account                                                                                     Ohio DC Variable Account
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-2
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-3

Registered Broker Dealers
Nationwide Advisory Services, Inc.
Nationwide Investment Services Corporation

Affiliates and Subsidiaries
Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
Nationwide Trust Company, FSB
Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc.
National Deferred Compensation, Inc.



Portfolios Class I and II Shares
Pioneer America Income VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Balanced VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Emerging Markets VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Equity Income VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Fund VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Growth Shares VCT Portfolio
Pioneer High VCT Portfolio
Pioneer International Value VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Mid Cap Value VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Real Estate Shares VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Small Cap Value VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Company VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Strategic Income VCT Portfolio

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Amendment No.1 to
Schedule to be executed in its name and on its behalf by its duly authorized representative and its seal to be hereunder affixed hereto as of the date specified above.

PIONEER VARIABLE CONTRACTS                                                                                     PIONEER INVESTMENT
TRUST,                                                                                     MANAGEMENT, INC.
On behalf of the portfolios                                                                                     By its authorized officer,
By its authorized officer and not individually,

By:__________________________________                                                                                                By:______________________________

Name:__[Dorothy Bovrassa]______________                                                                                                Name:___[Dorothy Bourassa]_________

Title:___[Senior VP]________________



By its authorized officer,
By its authorized officer,

William G. Goslee
Vice President
Name:____[Steven Graziano]___________
Title:__[Executive Vice President]_______

Date: ____ [12/11/03]__________________



This Amendment Number 2 to the Participation Agreement, dated September 21, 2000 (the “Participation Agreement”) is effective as of the 13th day of December 2004, by and among Pioneer Variable Contracts Trust (the “Trust”), Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. (the “Company”), Pioneer Funds Distributor, Inc. (“PFD”), and Pioneer Investment Management, Inc. (“PIM”).  PFD and PIM are members of the UniCredito Italiano banking group, register of banking groups.
WHEREAS, the Trust, the Company, PFD and PIM are each parties to the Participation Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the parties now desire to modify the Participation Agreement to include the new Schedule A and Schedule B attached hereto.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and the mutual covenants expressed herein, the parties agree as follows:
Schedule A and Schedule B of the Participation Agreement are hereby deleted in their entirety and replaced with the Schedule A and Schedule B attached hereto with effect from December 13, 2004.
The Participation Agreement, as supplemented by this Second Amendment is hereby ratified and confirmed.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Amendment No. 2 to the Participation Agreement to be executed in its name and on its behalf by its duly authorized representative as of the date specified above.



PIONEER VARIABLE CONTRACTS TRUST,                                                                                                           PIONEER INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT, INC.
On behalf of the Portfolios                                                                                                By its authorized officer,
By its authorized officer and not individually,

By:  _______________________________                                                                                                           By:  ___________________________________
Name:  [Chris Kelley]_________________                                                                                                           Name:  ___[Mark Goodwin]________________
Title:  Assistant Secretary______________                                                                                                           Title:  Treasurer__________________________
Date:  _[4/4/05]______________________                                                                                                           Date:__[4/4/2005]________________________



NATIONWIDE FINANCIAL SERVICES,                                                                                                PIONEER FUNDS DISTRIBUTOR, INC.
By its authorized officer,                                                                                     By its authorized officer,

By:  ______________________________                                                                                                By:  _______________________________
Name:  [Karen R. Colvin]_____________                                                                                                Name:  _____________________________
Title:  Officer_______________________                                                                                                           Title:  E.V.P. Distribution_______________
Date:  ___12/29/04]__________________                                                                                                Date:  ___[4/6/05]_____________________




Separate Accounts
All existing and future Separate Accounts including but not limited to the following:
Nationwide Variable Account                                                                                     Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4
Nationwide Variable Account-II                                                                                                Nationwide VLI Separate Account-5
Nationwide Variable Account-3                                                                                                Nationwide VLI Separate Account-6
Nationwide Variable Account-4                                                                                                Nationwide VL Separate Account
Nationwide Variable Account-5                                                                                                Nationwide VL Separate Account-A
Nationwide Variable Account-6                                                                                                Nationwide VL Separate Account-B
Nationwide Variable Account-7                                                                                                Nationwide VL Separate Account-C
Nationwide Variable Account-8                                                                                                Nationwide VL Separate Account-D
Nationwide Variable Account-9                                                                                                Nationwide DC Variable Account
Nationwide Variable Account-10                                                                                                Nationwide DC Variable Account-II
Nationwide Variable Account-11                                                                                                NACo Variable Account
Nationwide Variable Account-12                                                                                                Nationwide Government Plans Variable Account
Nationwide Variable Account-13                                                                                                Nationwide Governmental Plans Variable Account-II
Nationwide Variable Account-14                                                                                                Nationwide Qualified Plans Variable Account
Multi-Flex Variable Account                                                                                                Nationwide Private Placement Variable Account
Nationwide VA Separate Account-A                                                                                                Nationwide VA Separate Account-D
Nationwide VA Separate Account-B                                                                                                Ohio DC Variable Account
Nationwide VA Separate Account-C                                                                                                Schwab Custom Solutions Variable Annuity
Nationwide VLI Separate Account
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-2
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-3

Registered Broker Dealers
Nationwide Advisory Services, Inc.
Nationwide Investment Services Corporation

Affiliates and Subsidiaries
Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
Nationwide Trust Company, FSB
Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc.
National Deferred Compensation, Inc.



Portfolios Class I and II Shares
Pioneer America Income Trust VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Balanced VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Emerging Markets VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Equity Income VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Europe VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Fund VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Growth Shares VCT Portfolio
Pioneer High Yield VCT Portfolio
Pioneer International Value VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Mid Cap Value VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Real Estate Shares VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Small Cap Value VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Small Cap Value II VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Small Company VCT Portfolio
Pioneer Strategic Income VCT Portfolio



1.             Administrative Service

Administrative services to Contract owners and participants shall be the responsibility of the Company and shall not be the responsibility of the Trust or PFD.  The Company will provide properly registered and licensed personnel, as necessary, and any systems needed for all Contract owners servicing and support - for both fund and annuity and life insurance information and questions, including:

Communicate all purchase, withdrawal, and exchange orders it receives from its customers to PFD;
Respond to Contract owner and participant inquires;
Delivery of both Trust and Contract prospectuses as required under applicable law;
Entry of initial and subsequent orders;
Transfer of cash to Portfolios;
Entry of transfers between Portfolios;
Portfolio balance and allocation inquires; and
Mail Trust proxies.

2.             Administrative Service Fees

For the administrative services set forth above, PIM or any of its affiliates shall pay a servicing fee based on the annual rate of [X.XX%] of the average aggregate net daily assets invested in the Class I Shares of the Portfolios and [X.XX%] of the average aggregate net daily assets invested in the Class II Shares of the Portfolios through the Accounts at the end of each calendar quarter.  PIM or any of its affiliates shall pay an additional servicing fee of [X.XX%] per annum of the aggregate net daily assets invested in Class I shares of the Portfolios invested through Schwab Custom Solutions Variable Annuity.  Such payments will be made to the Company within thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar quarter.  Such fees shall be paid quarterly in arrears.  Each payment will be accompanied by a statement showing the calculation of the fee payable to the Company for the quarter and such other supporting data as may be reasonably requested by the Company.  The Company will calculate the asset balance on each day on which the fee is to be paid pursuant to this Agreement with respect to each Portfolio for the purpose of reconciling its calculation of average aggregate net daily assets with PIM's calculation.  Annually (as of December 31) or upon reasonable request of PIM, Company will provide PIM a statement showing the number of subaccounts in each Class of Shares of each Portfolio as of the most recent calendar quarter end.

3.             12b-1 Distribution Related Fees (Class II Shares Only)

In accordance with the Portfolios' plans pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, PFD will make payments to the Company at an annual rate of [X.XX%] of the average daily net assets invested in the Class II shares of the Portfolios through the Accounts in each calendar quarter.  PFD will make such payments to the Company within thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar quarter.  Each payment will be accompanied by a statement showing the calculation of the fee payable to the Company for the quarter and such other supporting data as may be reasonably requested by the Company.  The Rule 12b-1 distribution related fees will be paid to the Company for as long as the Accounts own any Shares of a Portfolio and (i) distribution services are being provided pursuant to this Agreement and (ii) a Rule 12b-1 plan is in effect with respect to such Portfolio.

EX-99.H PARTIC AGREE 20 putnamfpa.htm PUTNAM FPA putnamfpa.htm






THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this     1st  day of February, 2002, among Nationwide Financial Services, Inc., (the “Company”), a Delaware corporation, on its own behalf and on behalf of each separate account of the insurance company subsidiaries of the Company (“Insurance Subsidiaries”) and on behalf of the affiliated broker-dealers and subsidiaries set forth on Schedule A hereto, as such Schedule may be amended from time to time (each such account hereinafter referred to as the “Account”), PUTNAM VARIABLE TRUST (the “Trust”), a Massachusetts business trust, and PUTNAM RETAIL MANAGEMENT, L.P. (the “Underwriter”), a Massachusetts limited partnership.

WHEREAS, the Trust is an open-end diversified management investment company and is available to act as the investment vehicle for separate accounts established for variable life insurance policies and variable annuity contracts (collectively, the “Variable Insurance Products”) to be offered by insurance companies which have entered into Participation Agreements with the Trust and the Underwriter (the Participating Insurance Companies”); and

WHEREAS, the beneficial interest in the Trust is divided into several series of shares, each designated a “Fund” and representing the interest in a particular managed portfolio of securities and other assets; and

WHEREAS, the Trust has obtained an order from the Securities and Exchange Commission, dated December 29, 1993 (File No. 812-8612), granting the variable annuity and variable life insurance separate accounts participating in the Trust exemptions from the provisions of sections 9(a), 13(a), 15(a) and 15(b) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), and Rules 6e-2(b)(15) and 6e-3(T)(b)(15) thereunder, to the extent necessary to permit shares of the Trust to be sold and held by variable annuity and variable life insurance separate accounts of the Participating Insurance Companies (the “Shared Funding Exemptive Order”); and

WHEREAS, the Trust is registered as an open-end management investment company under the 1940 Act and the sale of its shares is registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “1933 Act”); and

WHEREAS, the Insurance Subsidiaries have registered or will register certain variable life and/or variable annuity contracts under the 1933 Act and any applicable state securities and insurance law or will offer such contracts in compliance with exemptions from such registration; and

WHEREAS, each Account is a duly organized, validly existing separate account, established by resolution of the Board of Directors of the appropriate Insurance Subsidiary, to set aside and invest assets attributable to one or more variable insurance contracts (the “Contracts”); and

WHEREAS, the Insurance Subsidiaries have registered or will register the Account as a unit investment trust under the 1940 Act or will operate the Account in accordance with an exemption; and

WHEREAS, the Underwriter is registered as a broker dealer with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “1934 Act”) and is a member in good standing of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (the “NASD”); and

WHEREAS, to the extent permitted by applicable insurance laws and regulations, the Company intends to cause the purchase of shares in certain Funds (“Authorized Funds”) on behalf of each Account to fund certain of the Contracts and the Underwriter is authorized to sell such shares to unit investment trusts such as each Account at net asset value;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises herein, the Company, the Trust and the Underwriter agree as follows:

ARTICLE 1.  Sale of Trust Shares

1.1           The Underwriter agrees, subject to the Trust’s rights under Section 1.2 and otherwise under this Agreement, to sell to the Insurance Subsidiaries those Trust shares representing interests in Authorized Funds which each Account orders, executing such orders on a daily basis at the net asset value next computed after receipt by the Trust or its designee of the order for the shares of the Trust.  For purposes of this Section 1.1, the Company shall be the designee of the Trust for receipt of such orders from each Account and receipt by such designee shall constitute receipt by the Trust; provided that the Trust receives notice of such order by 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time on the next following Business Day.  “Business Day” shall mean any day on which the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading and on which the Trust calculates its net asset value pursuant to the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission.  The initial Authorized Funds are set forth in Schedule B, as such schedule is amended from time to time.

1.2           The Trust agrees to make its shares available indefinitely for purchase and redemption at the applicable net asset value per share by the Insurance Subsidiaries and their Accounts on those days on which the Trust calculates its net asset value pursuant to rules of the
Securities and Exchange Commission and the Trust shall use reasonable efforts to calculate such net asset value on each day on which the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Trustees of the Trust (the “Trustees”) may refuse to sell shares of any Fund to the Company or any other person, or suspend or terminate the offering of shares of any Fund if such action is required by law or by regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over the Trust or if the Trustees determine, in the exercise of their fiduciary responsibilities, that to do so would be in the best interests of shareholders.

1.3           The Trust and the Underwriter agree that shares of the Trust will be sold only to Participating Insurance Companies and their separate accounts.  No shares of any Fund will be sold to the general public.

1.4           The Trust shall redeem its shares in accordance with the terms of its then current prospectus.  For purposes of this Section 1.4, the Company shall be the designee of the Trust for receipt of requests for redemption from each Account and receipt by such designee shall constitute receipt by the Trust; provided that the Trust receives notice of such request for redemption by 9:30 a.m., Eastern time, on the next following Business Day.

1.5           The Insurance Subsidiaries shall purchase and redeem the shares of Authorized Funds offered by the then current prospectus of the Trust in accordance with the provisions of such prospectus.

1.6           The Insurance Subsidiaries shall pay for Trust shares on the next Business Day after an order to purchase Trust shares is made in accordance with the provisions of Section 1.1 hereof.  The Trust shall pay the Insurance Subsidiaries the redemption price of shares redeemed on the Business Day after a redemption order is made in accordance with Section 1.4 hereof.  Payment shall be in federal funds transmitted by wire.

1.7           Issuance and transfer of the Trust’s shares will be by book entry only.  Share certificates will not be issued to the Company or any Account.  Shares ordered from the Trust will be recorded as instructed by the Company to the Underwriter in appropriate title for each Account or the appropriate sub-account of each Account.

1.8           The Underwriter shall furnish prompt notice (by wire or telephone, followed by written confirmation) to the Company of the declaration of any income, dividends or capital gain distributions payable on the Trust’s shares.  The Company hereby elects to receive all such income dividends and capital gain distributions as are payable on the Fund shares in additional shares of that Fund.  The Company reserves the right to revoke this election and to receive all such income dividends and capital gain distributions in cash.  The Underwriter shall notify the Company of the number of shares so issued as payment of such dividends and distributions.

1.9           The Underwriter shall make the net asset value per share for each Fund available to the Company on a daily basis as soon as reasonably practical after the Trust calculates its net asset value per share and each of the Trust and the Underwriter shall use its best efforts to make such net asset value per share available by 7:00 p.m. Eastern time.

1.10           Within 10 Business Days after the end of each calendar month, the Underwriter shall provide the Company, or its designee, a monthly statement of account, which shall confirm all transactions made during that particular month.

ARTICLE II.  Representations and Warranties

2.1           The Company represents and warrants that

(a)           at all times during the term of this Agreement the Contracts are or will be registered under the 1933 Act or will be offered and sold in compliance with exemptions from such registration; the Contracts will be issued and sole in compliance in all material respects with all applicable laws and the sale of the Contracts shall comply in all material respects with states insurance suitability requirements.  The Company further represents and warrants that each Insurance Subsidiary is an insurance company duly organized and in good standing under applicable law and that such Insurance Subsidiary has legally and validly established each Account prior to any issuance or sale thereof as a separate account under applicable law and has registered or, prior to any issuance or sale of the Contracts, will register each Account as a unit investment trust in accordance with the provisions of the 1940 Act to serve as a segregated investment account for the Contracts or operates such Account in compliance with an exemption from such registration; and

(b)           the Contracts are currently treated as endowment, annuity or life insurance contracts, under applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), and that it will make every effort to maintain such treatment and that it will notify the Trust and the Underwriter immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that the Contracts have ceased to be so treated or that they might not be so treated in the future.

(c)           The Company acknowledges that the services provided for under this Agreement by the Underwriter and the Trust are not exclusive and that the same skill will be used in performing services to other companies in similar contexts.  The Company represents that it will use its best efforts to give equal emphasis and promotion to the Trust as is given to companies in similar contexts.

2.2           The Trust represents and warrants that

(a)           at all times during the term of this Agreement Trust shares sold pursuant to this Agreement shall be registered under the 1933 Act, duly authorized for issuance and sold by the Trust to the Insurance Subsidiaries in compliance with all applicable laws, subject to the terms of Section 2.4 below, and the Trust is and shall remain registered under the 1940 Act.  The Trust shall amend the Registration Statement for its shares under the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act from time to time as required in order to effect the continuous offering of its shares.  The Trust shall register and qualify the shares for sale in accordance with the laws of the various states only if and to the extent deemed advisable by the Trust or the Underwriter in connection with their sale by the Trust to the Company and only as required by Section 2.4;

(b)           it is currently qualified as a Regulated Investment Company under Subchapter M of the Code, and that it will use its best efforts to maintain such qualification (under Subchapter M or any successor provision) and that it will notify the Company immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that it has ceased to so qualify or that it might not so qualify in the future; and

(c)           it is lawfully organized and validly existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and that it does and will comply in all material respects with the 1940 Act.

(d)           The Trust acknowledges that the services provided for under this Agreement by the Company are not exclusive and that the same skill will be used in performing services to other companies in similar contexts.

2.3           The Underwriter represents and warrants that

(a)           it is a member in good standing of the NASD and is registered as a broker-dealer with the SEC.  The Underwriter further represents that it will sell and distribute the Trust shares in accordance with all applicable securities laws applicable to it, including without limitation the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act, and the 1940 Act.

(b)           Underwriter acknowledges that the services provided for under this Agreement by the Company are not exclusive and that the same skill will be used in performing services to other companies in similar contexts.

2.4           Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Trust shall be responsible for the registration and qualifications of its shares and of the Trust itself under the laws of any jurisdiction only in connection with the sales of shares directly to the Company through the Underwriter.

2.5           The Trust makes no representation as to whether any aspect of its operations (including, but not limited to, fees and expenses and investment policies) complies with the insurance laws or regulations of the various states.

ARTICLE III.  Prospectuses and Proxy Statements: Voting

3.1           The Trust shall provide such documentation (including a camera-ready copy of its prospectus) and other assistance as reasonably necessary in order for the Company once each year (or more frequently if the prospectus for the Trust is amended) to have the prospectus for the Contracts and the Trust’s prospectus printed together in one or more documents (such printing to be at the Company’s expense).

3.2           The Trust’s Prospectus shall state that the Statement of Additional Information for the Trust is available from the Underwriter or its designee (or in the Trust’s discretion, the Prospectus shall state that such Statement is available from the Trust), and the Underwriter (or the Trust), at its expense, shall print and provide such Statement free of charge to the Company and to any owner of a Contract or prospective owner who requests such Statement.

3.3           The Trust, at its expense, shall provide the Company with copies of its reports to shareholders, proxy material and other communications to shareholders in such quantity as the Company shall reasonably require for distribution to the Contract owners, such distribution to be at the expense of the Company.

3.4           Each Insurance Subsidiary shall vote all Trust shares as required by law and the Shared Funding Exemptive Order.  Each Insurance Subsidiary reserves the right to vote Trust shares held in any separate account in its own right, to the extent permitted by law and the Shared Funding Exemptive Order.  The Company shall be responsible for assuring that each Account participating in the Trust calculates voting privileges in a manner consistent with all legal requirements and the Shared Funding Exemptive Order.

3.5           The Trust will comply will all applicable provisions of the 1940 Act requiring voting by shareholders, and in particular the Trust will either provide for annual meetings or comply with Section 16(c) of the 1940 Act (although the Trust is not one of the trusts described in Section 16(c) of that Act) as well as with Sections 16(a) and, if and when applicable, 16(b).  Further, the Trust will act in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s interpretation of the requirements of Section 16(a) with respect to periodic elections of trustees and with whatever rules the Commission may promulgate with respect thereto.

ARTICLE IV.  Sales Material and Information

4.1           Without limiting the scope or effect of Section 4.2 hereof, the Company shall furnish, or shall cause to be furnished, to the Underwriter each piece of sales literature or other promotional material (as defined hereafter) in which the Trust, its investment adviser or the Underwriter is named at least 15 days prior to its use.  No such material shall be used if the Underwriter objects to such use within five Business Days after receipt of such material.

4.2           The Company shall not give any information or make any representations or statements on behalf of the Trust or concerning the Trust in connection with the sale of the Contracts other than the information or representations contained in the registration statement or prospectus for the Trust shares, as such registration statement and prospectus may be amended or supplemented from time to time, or in annual or semi-annual reports or proxy statements for the Trust, or in sales literature or other promotional material approved by the Trust or its designee or by the Underwriter, except with the written permission of the Trust or the Underwriter or the designee of either or as is required by law.

4.3           The Underwriter or its designee shall furnish, or shall cause to be furnished, to the Company or its designee, each piece of sales literature or other promotional material prepared by the Underwriter in which the Company and/or its separate account(s) is named at least 15 days prior to its use.  No such material shall be used if the Company or its designee objects to such use within five Business Days after receipt of such material.

4.4           Neither the Trust nor the Underwriter shall give any information or make any representations on behalf of the Company or concerning the Company, each Account, or the Contracts other than the information or representations contained in a registration statement or prospectus for the Contracts, as such registration statement and prospectus may be amended or supplemented form time to time, or in published reports for each Account which are in the public domain or approved by the Company for distribution to Contract owners, or in sales literature or other promotional material approved by the Company or its designee, except with the written permission of the Company or as is required by law.

4.5           For purposes of this Article IV, the phrase “sales literature or other promotional material” includes, but is not limited to, advertisements (such as material published, or signed for use in, a newspaper, magazine, or other periodical, radio, television, telephone or tape recording, videotape display, signs or billboards, motion pictures, or other public media), sales literature (i.e. any written communication distributed or made generally available to customers or the public, including brochures, circulars, research reports, market letters, form letters, seminar texts, reprints or excerpts of any other advertisement, sales literature, or published article), educational or training materials or other communications distributed or made generally available to some or all registered representatives.

ARTICLE V.  Fees and Expenses

5.1           Except as provided in Article VI, the Trust and Underwriter shall pay no fee or other compensation to the Company under this agreement.

5.2           All expenses incident to performance by the Trust under this Agreement shall be paid by the Trust.  The Trust shall bear the expenses for the cost of registration and qualification of the Trust’s shares, preparation and filing of the Trust’s prospectus and registration statement, proxy materials and reports, setting the prospectus and shareholders reports in type, setting in type and printing the proxy materials, and the preparation of all statements and notices required by any federal or state law, in each case as may reasonably be necessary for the performance by it of its obligations under this Agreement.

5.3           The Company shall bear the expense of (a) printing and distributing the Trust’s prospectus in connection with sales of the Contracts and (b) distributing the reports to Trust’s Shareholders and (c) of distributing the Trust’s proxy materials to owners of the Contracts.

ARTICLE VI.  Service Fees

6.1           So long as the Company complies with its obligations in this Article VI, the Underwriter shall pay such Company a service fee (the “Service Fee”) on shares of the Funds held in the Accounts at the annual rates specified in Schedule B (excluding any accounts for the Company’s own corporate retirement plans), subject to Section 6.2 hereof.

6.2           The Service Fees will be paid to the Company, or its designee, by electronic funds transfer as soon as practicable, but no later than 30 days after the end of the period in which they were earned.  The Service Fees will be paid on a quarterly basis.  The Service Fee payment will be accompanied or preceded by a statement showing the calculation of the amounts being paid by Underwriter for the relevant period and such other supporting data as may be reasonably requested by the Company.

6.3           The Service Fee shall be calculated as an annualized percentage of the average aggregate amount invested in the Funds for the applicable period.  The average aggregate amount shall be computed in accordance with the prospectus and governing instruments of the Trust.

6.4           The parties agree that a Service Fee will be paid to the Company or its designee according to this Agreement with respect to each Fund as long as shares of such Fund are held by the Company or an affiliate/subsidiary of the Company on behalf of the beneficial owner of contracts issued by the Company affiliate/subsidiary.  This provision will survive the termination of this Agreement.

6.5           The Company and Underwriter agree that the Service Fees described in this Agreement are for administrative and distribution services of the Funds only, and do not constitute payment in any manner for investment advisory services for the Fund or for costs of administrative and distribution services on behalf of the Contracts.

6.6           The Company understands and agrees that all Service Fee payments are subject to the limitations contained in each Fund’s Distribution Plan, which may be varied or discontinued at any time and hereby waives the right to receive such service fee payments with respect to the Fund if the Fund ceases to pay 12b-1 fees to the Underwriter.

6.7           (a)           The Company’s failure to provide the services described in Section 6.4 or otherwise comply with the terms of this Agreement will render it ineligible to receive Service Fees; and

(b)           The Underwriter may, without the consent of the Company, amend this Article VI to change the terms of the Service Fee payments that are paid pursuant to the Funds’ 12b-1 plan with prior written notice to the Company so long as such amendment applies to all insurance companies receiving Service Fees and is not diverted at the Insurance Subsidiaries.

6.8           The Company will provide the following services to the Contract Owners purchasing Fund Shares:

(i)           Maintaining regular contact with Contract owners and assisting in answering inquiries concerning the Funds;

(ii)           Assisting in printing and distributing shareholder reports, prospectuses and other sale and service literature provided by the Underwriter;

(iii)           Assisting the Underwriter and its affiliates in the establishment and maintenance of shareholder accounts and records;

(iv)           Assisting Contract owners in effecting administrative changes, such as exchanging shares in or out of the Funds;

(v)           Assisting in processing purchasing purchase and redemption transactions; and

(vi)           Providing any other information or services as the Contract owners or the Underwriter may reasonably request.

The Company will support the Underwriters’ marketing efforts by granting reasonable requests for visits to the Company’s offices by representatives of the Underwriter.

6.9           The Company’s compliance with the service requirement set forth in this Agreement will be evaluated from time to time by monitoring redemption levels of Fund shares held in any Account and by such other methods as the Underwriter deems appropriate.

6.10           The provisions of this Article VI shall remain in effect for not more than one  year from the date hereof and thereafter for successive annual periods only so long as such continuance is specifically approved at least annually by the Trustees in conformity with Rule 12b-1.  This Agreement shall automatically terminate in the event of its assignment (as defined by the 1940 Act).  In addition, the payment of Service Fees attributable to the Fund’s 12b-1 plan may be terminated at any time, without the payment of any penalty, with respect to any Fund or the Trust as a whole by any part upon written notice delivered or mailed by registered mail, postage prepaid, to the other party, or, as provided in Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act by the Trustees or by the vote of the holders of the outstanding voting securities of any Fund.

6.11           The Underwriter shall provide the Trustees of each of the Funds, and such Trustees shall review at least quarterly, a written report of the amounts paid to the Company under this Article VI and the purposes for which such expenditures were made.

ARTICLE VII.  Diversification

7.1           The Trust shall use its best efforts to cause each Authorized Fund to maintain a diversified pool of investments that would, if such Fund were a segregated asset account, satisfy the diversification provisions of Section 817(h) of the Code.

ARTICLE VIII.  Potential Conflicts

8.1           The Trustees will monitor the Trust for the existence of any material irreconcilable conflict between the interests of the contract owners of all separate accounts investing in the Trust.  A material irreconcilable conflict may arise for a variety of reasons, including: (a) an action by any state insurance regulatory authority; (b) a change in applicable federal or state insurance, tax, or securities law or regulations, or a public ruling, private letter ruling, no-action or interpretative letter, or any similar action by insurance, tax, or securities regulatory authorities; (c) an administrative or judicial decision in any relevant proceeding; (d) the manner in which the investments of any Fund are being managed; (e) a difference in voting instructions given by variable annuity contract and variable life insurance contract owners; or (f) a decision by an insurer to disregard the voting instructions of contract owners.  The Trust shall promptly inform the Company if the Trustees determine that a material irreconcilable conflict exists and the implications thereof.

8.2           The Company will report any potential or existing conflicts of which it is aware to the Trustees.  The Company will assist the Trustees in carrying out their responsibilities under the Shared Funding Exemptive Order, by providing the Trustees with all information reasonably necessary for the Trustees to consider any issues raised.  This includes, but is not limited to, an obligation by the Company to inform the Trustees whenever Contract owner voting instructions are disregarded.

8.3           If it is determined by a majority of the Trustees, or a majority of the disinterested Trustees, that a material irreconcilable conflict exists, the Company shall to the extent reasonably practicable (as determined by a majority of the disinterested Trustees), take, at the Company’s expense, whatever steps are necessary to remedy or eliminate the material irreconcilable conflict, up to and including: (1) withdrawing the assets allocable to some or all of the separate accounts from the Trust or any Fund and reinvesting such assets in a different investment medium, including (but not limited to) another Fund of the Trust, or submitting the question whether such segregation should be implemented to a vote of all affected contract owners and, as appropriate, segregating the assets of any appropriate group (i.e., annuity contract owners, life insurance contract owners, or variable contract owners of one or more Participating Insurance Companies) that votes in favor of such segregation, or offering to the affected contract owners the option of making such a change; and (2) establishing a new registered investment company.

8.4           If a material irreconcilable conflict arises because of a decision by the Company to disregard Contract owner voting instructions and that decision represents a minority position or would preclude a majority vote, the Company may be required, at the Trust’s election, to withdraw the affected Account’s investments in one or more portfolios of the Trust and terminate this Agreement with respect to such Account; provided, however, that such withdrawal and termination shall be limited to the extent required by the foregoing material irreconcilable conflicts as determined by a majority of the disinterested Trustees.  No charge or penalty shall be imposed as a result of such withdrawal.  Any such withdrawal and termination must take place within six (6) months after the Trust gives written notice that this provision is being implemented, and until the end of that six month period the Underwriter and Trust shall, to the extent permitted by law and any exemptive relief previously granted to the Trust, continue to accept and implement orders by the Company for the purchase (or redemption) of shares of the Trust.

8.5           If a material irreconcilable conflict arises because of a particular state insurance regulator’s decision applicable to the Company to disregard Contract owner voting instructions and that decision represents a minority position that would preclude a majority vote, then the Company may be required, at the Trust’s direction, to withdraw the affected Account’s investment in one or more Authorized Funds of the Trust; provided, however, that such withdrawal and termination shall be limited to the extent required by the foregoing material irreconcilable conflict as determined by a majority of the disinterested Trustees.  Any such withdrawal and termination must take place with six (6) months after the Trust give written notice that this provision is being implemented, unless a shorter period is required by law, and until the end of the foregoing six month period (or such  shorter period if required by law), the Underwriter and Trust shall, to the extent permitted by law and any exemptive relief previously granted to the Trust, continue to accept and implement orders by the Company for the purchase (and redemption) of shares of the Trust.  No charge or penalty will be imposed as a result of such withdrawal.

8.6           For purposes of Sections 8.3 through 8.6 of this Agreement, a majority of the disinterested Trustees shall determine whether any proposed action adequately remedies any material irreconcilable conflict.  Neither the Trust nor the Underwriter shall be required to establish a new funding medium for the Contracts, nor shall the Company be required to do so, if an offer to do so has been declined by vote of a majority of Contract owners materially adversely affected by the material irreconcilable conflict.  In the event that the Trustees determine that any proposed action does not adequately remedy any material irreconcilable conflict, then the Company will withdraw the Account’s investment in one or more Authorized Funds of the Trust and terminate this Agreement within six (6) months (or such shorter period as may be required by law or any exemptive relief previously granted to the Trust) after the Trustees inform the Company in writing of the foregoing determination; provided, however, that such withdrawal and termination shall be limited to the extent required by any such material irreconcilable conflict as determined by a majority of the disinterested Trustees.  No charge or penalty will be imposed as a result of such withdrawal.

8.7           The responsibility to take remedial action in the event of the Trustees’ determination of a material irreconcilable conflict and to bear the cost of such remedial action shall be the obligation of the Company, and the obligation of the Company set forth in this Article VII shall be carried out with a view only to the interests of Contract owners.

8.8           If and to the extent that Rule 6e-2 and Rule 6e-3(T) are amended, or Rule 6e-3 is adopted, to provide exemptive relief from any provision of the 1940 Act or the rules promulgated thereunder with respect to mixed or shared funding (as defined in the Shared Funding Exemptive Order) on terms and conditions materially different from those contained in the Shared Funding Exemptive Order, then (a) the Trust and/or the Participating Insurance Companies, as appropriate, shall take such steps as may be necessary to comply with Rules 6e-2 and 6e-3(T), as amended, and Rule 6e-3, as adopted, to the extent such rules are applicable and (b) Sections 3.4, 3.5, 8.1, 8.2, 8..3, 8.4 and 8.5 of this Agreement shall continue in effect only to the extent that terms and conditions substantially identical to such Sections are contained in such Rule(s) as so amended or adopted.

8.9           The Company has reviewed the Shared Funding Exemption Order and hereby assumes all obligations referred to therein which are required, including, without limitation, the obligation to provide reports, material or data as the Trustees may request as conditions to such Order, to be assumed or undertaken by the Company.

ARTICLE IX.  Indemnification

9.1           Indemnification by the Company

9.1           (a).           The Company shall indemnify and hold harmless the Trust and the Underwriter and each of the Trustees, directors of the Underwriter, officers, employees or agents of the Trust or the Underwriter and each person, if any, who controls the Trust or the Underwriter within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties” for purposes of this Section 9.1) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of the Company which consent may not be unreasonably withheld) or litigation (including reasonable legal and other expenses), to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject under any statute, regulation, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) or settlements are related to the sale or acquisition of the Trust’s shares or the Contracts or the performance by the parties of their obligations hereunder and:

(i)            arise out of or are based upon any untrue statements or alleged untrue statements of any material fact contained in a Registration Statement, Prospectus, Statement of Additional Information or private offering memorandum for the Contracts or contained in the Contracts or sales literature for the Contracts (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party is such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to the Company by or on behalf of the Trust for use in the Registration Statement, Prospectus, Statement of Additional Information or private offering memorandum for the Contracts or in the Contracts or sales literature (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of the Contracts or Trust shares; or

(ii)           arise out of or as a result of written statements or representations (other than statements of representations contained in the Trust’s Registration Statement or Prospectus, or in sales literature for Trust shares not supplied by the Company, or persons under its control) or wrongful conduct of the Company or persons under its control, with respect to the sales or distribution of the Contracts or Trust shares; or

(iii)           arise out of any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a materialfact contained in a Registration Statement, Prospectus, or sales literature of the Trust or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading if such a statement or omission was made in reliance upon information furnished to the Trust or the Underwriter by or on behalf of the Company; or

(iv)           arise out of or result from any breach of any representation and/or warranty made by the Company in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other breach of this Agreement by the Company, as limited by and in accordance with the provisions of Sections 9.1(b) and 9.1(c) hereof.

9.1           (b)           The Company shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation incurred or assessed against an Indemnified Party to the extent such may arise from such Indemnified Party’s willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance of such Indemnified Party’s duties or by reason of such Indemnified Party’s reckless disregard of obligations or duties under this Agreement or to the Trust, whichever is applicable.

9.1           (c)           The  Company shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any claims made against an Indemnified Party unless such Indemnified Party shall  have notified the Company in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the claim shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent), on the basis of which the Indemnified Party should reasonably know of the availability of indemnity hereunder in respect of such claim but failure to notify the Company of any such claim shall not relieve the Company from any liability which it may have to the Indemnified Party against whom such action is brought otherwise than on account of this Indemnification provision.  In case any such action is brought against the Indemnified Parties, the Company shall be entitled to participate, at its own expense, in the defense of such action.  The Company also shall be entitled to assume the defense thereof, with counsel satisfactory to the Indemnified Party named in the action.  After notice from the Company to such Indemnified Party of the Company’s election to assume the defense thereof the Indemnified Party shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and the Company will not be liable to such Indemnified Party under this Agreement for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such Indemnified Party independently in connection with the defense thereof other than reasonable costs of investigation.

9.1           (d)           The Underwriter shall promptly notify the Company of the commencement of any litigation or proceedings against the Trust or the Underwriter in connection with the issuance or sale of the Trust Shares or the Contracts or operation of the Trust.

9.1           (e)           The provisions of this Section 9.1 shall survive any termination of this Agreement.
9.2           Indemnification by the Underwriter

9.2           (a)           The Underwriter shall indemnify and hold harmless the Company and each person, if any, who controls the Company within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act and any director, officer, employee or agent of the foregoing (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties” for purposes of this Section 9.2) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of the Underwriter which consent may not be unreasonably withheld) or litigation (including reasonable legal and other expenses), to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject under any statute, regulation, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) or settlements are related to the sale or acquisition of the Trust’s shares or the Contracts or the performance by the parties of their obligations hereunder and:

(i)           arise out of or are based upon any untrue statements or alleged untrue statements of any material fact contained in the sales literature of the Trust prepared by or approved by the Trust or Underwriter (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party is such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to the or Trust by or on behalf of the Company for use sales literature (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of the Contracts or Trust shares; or

(ii)           arise out of or as a result of written statements or representations (other than statements of representations contained in the Registration Statement, Prospectus, statement of Additional Information, private offering memorandum or sales literature for the Contracts not supplied by the Underwriter (or persons under its control) or wrongful conduct of the Underwriter or persons under its control, with respect to the sale or distribution of the Contracts or Trust shares; or

(iii)           arise out of any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in a Registration Statement, Prospectus, Statement of Additional Information, private offering memorandum or sales literature of the Contracts, or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto, or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statement or statements therein not misleading if such a statement or omission was made in reliance upon information furnished to the Company by or on behalf of the Underwriter; or

(iv)           arise out of or result from any breach of any representation and/or warranty made by the Underwriter in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other breach of this Agreement by the Underwriter, as limited by and in accordance with the provisions of Sections 9.2(b) and 9.2(c) hereof.

9.2           (b)           The Underwriter shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation incurred or assessed against an Indemnified Party to the extent such may arise from such Indemnified Party’s willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance of such Indemnified Party’s duties or by reason of such Indemnified Party’s reckless disregard of obligations or duties under this Agreement or to each Company or the Account, whichever is applicable.

9.2           (c)           The  Underwriter shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any claims made against an Indemnified Party unless such Indemnified Party shall  have notified the Underwriter in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the claim shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent), on the basis of which the Indemnified Party should reasonably know of the availability of indemnity hereunder in respect of such claim but failure to notify the Underwriter of any such claim shall not relieve the Underwriter from any liability which it may have to the Indemnified Party against whom such action is brought otherwise than on account of this Indemnification provision.  In case any such action is brought against the Indemnified Parties, the Underwriter shall be entitled to participate, at its own expense, in the defense thereof.  The Underwriter also shall be entitled to assume the defense thereof, with counsel satisfactory to the Indemnified Party named in the action.  After notice from the Underwriter to such Indemnified Party of the Underwriter’s election to assume the defense thereof the Indemnified Party shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and the Underwriter will not be liable to such Indemnified Party under this Agreement for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such Indemnified Party independently in connection with the defense thereof other than reasonable costs of investigation.

9.2           (d)           The Company shall promptly notify the Underwriter or the Trust of the commencement of any litigation or proceedings against it or any of its officers or directors, in connection with the issuance or sale of the Contracts or operation of the Account.

9.2           (e)           The provisions of this Section 9.2 shall survive any termination of this Agreement.
9.2           Indemnification by the Trust

9.2           (a)           The Trust shall indemnify and hold harmless the Company and each person, if any, who controls the Company within the meaning of Section 15 of the 1933 Act and any director, officer, employee or agent of the foregoing (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties” for purposes of this Section 9.3) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of the Trust which consent may not be unreasonably withheld) or litigation (including reasonable legal and other expenses), to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject under any statute, regulation, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses (or actions in respect thereof) or settlements are related to the operations of the Trust’s and/or the performance by the parties of their obligations hereunder:

(i)            arise out of or are based upon any untrue statements or alleged untrue statements of any material fact contained in a Registration Statement, Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information of the Trust (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party is such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to the Underwriter or Trust by or on behalf of the Company for use in the Registration Statement, Prospectus, or Statement of Additional Information for the Trust (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of the Contracts or Trust shares; or

(ii)            arise out of or result from any material of any representation and/or warranty made by the Trust in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by the Trust, as limited by and in accordance with the provisions of Sections 9.3(b) and 9.3(c) hereof.

9.3           (b)           The Trust shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation incurred or assessed against an Indemnified Party as such may arise from such Indemnified Party’s willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence or by reason of such Indemnified Party’s reckless disregard of obligations or duties under this Agreement or to the Company , the Trust, or the Underwriter or each Account, whichever is applicable.

9.3           (c)           The  Trust shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any claims made against an Indemnified Party unless such Indemnified Party shall  have notified the Trust in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the claim shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent), on the basis of which the Indemnified Party should reasonably know of the availability of indemnity hereunder in respect of such claim but failure to notify the Trust of any such claim shall not relieve the Trust from any liability which it may have to the Indemnified Party against whom such action is brought otherwise than on account of this indemnification provision.  In case any such action is brought against the Indemnified Parties, the Trust will be entitled to participate, at its own expense, in the defense thereof.  The Trust also shall be entitled to assume the defense thereof, with counsel reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnified Party named in the action.  After notice from the Trust to such Indemnified Party of the Trust’s election to assume the defense thereof, the Indemnified Party shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and the Trust will not be liable to such Indemnified Party under this Agreement for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such Indemnified Party independently in connection with the defense thereof other than reasonable costs of investigation.

9.2           (d)           The Company agrees to notify the Trust of the commencement of any litigation or proceedings against it or any of its officers or directors, in connection with the Agreement, the issuance or sale of the Contracts or the sale of acquisition of shares of the Trust.

9.2           e)           The provisions of this Section 9.3 shall survive any termination of this Agreement.

ARTICLE X.  Applicable Law

10.1           This Agreement shall be construed and the provisions hereof interpreted under and in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

10.2           This Agreement shall be subject to the provisions of the 1933, 1934 and 1940 acts, and the rules and regulations and rulings thereunder, including such exemptions from those statutes, rules and regulations as the Securities and Exchange Commission may grant (including, but not limited to, the Shared Funding Exemptive Order) and the terms hereof shall be interpreted and construed in accordance therewith.

ARTICLE XI.  Termination

11.1           This Agreement shall terminate:

(a)           at the option of any party upon 90 days advance written notice to the other parties; or

(b)           at the option of the Trust or the Underwriter in the event that formal administrative proceedings are instituted against the Company by the NASD, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Insurance Commissioner of the State in which an Insurance Subsidiary is organized or any other regulatory body regarding the Company’s duties under this Agreement or related to the sales of the Contracts, with respect to the operation of any Account, or the purchase of the Trust shares, provided, however, that the Trust or the Underwriter determines in its sole judgment exercised in good faith, that any such administrative proceedings will have a material adverse effect upon the ability of the Company to perform its obligations under this Agreement; or

(c)           at the option of the Company in the event that formal administrative proceedings are instituted against the Trust or Underwriter by the NASD, the Securities and Exchange Commission, or any state securities or insurance department or any other regulatory body in respect of the sale of shares of the Trust to the Company, provided, however, that the Company determines in its sole judgment exercised in good faith, that any such administrative proceedings will have a material adverse effect upon the ability of the Trust or Underwriter to perform its obligations under this Agreement; or

(d)           with respect to any Account, upon substitution of the shares of another investment company for the corresponding Fund shares of the Trust in accordance with the terms of the Contracts for which those Fund shares had been selected to serve as the underlying investment media.  The Company will give reasonable prior written notice to the Trust of the date of any such substitution.  Unless the substitution is required due to a decision of the Trust to liquidate a Fund (a “liquidation”) or otherwise make such Fund unavailable to existing contractholders (other than as a result of a merger of a Fund into another Fund in circumstances under which contractholders may continue to invest in the merged fund (a “Qualifying Merger”)), the Company will be responsible for any and all expenses incurred as a result of removing such Fund as an available investment option under the Contracts.  In the event of a Liquidation or other decision by the Trust to make such Fund unavailable to existing contractholders (other than as a result of a Qualifying Merger), the Underwriter shall bear the expenses of drafting, filing and execution of a substitution application under Section 26 of the 1940 Act; or

(e)           with respect to any Authorized Fund, upon 90 days advance written notice from the Underwriter to the Company, upon a decision by the Underwriter to cease offering shares of the Fund for sale.

11.2           It is understood and agreed that the right of any party hereto to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 11.1(a) may be exercised for any reason or for no reason.

11.3           No termination of this Agreement shall be effective unless and until the party terminating this Agreement gives prior written notice to all other parties to this Agreement of its intent to terminate, which notice shall set forth the basis for such termination.  Such prior written notice shall be given in advance of the effective date of termination as required by this Article XI.

11.4           Notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement, subject to Section 1.2 of this Agreement, the Trust and the Underwriter shall, at the option of the Company, continue to make available additional shares of the Trust pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, for all Contracts in effect on the effective date of termination of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Existing Contracts”).  Specifically, without limitation, subject to Section 1.2 of this Agreement, the owners of the Existing Contracts shall be permitted to reallocate investments in the Trust, redeem investments in the Trust and/or invest in the Trust upon the making of additional purchase payments under the Existing Contracts.  The parties agree that this Section 11.4 shall apply to any termination under Article VIII and the effect of such Article VIII termination shall be governed by Article VIII of this Agreement.

11.5           The Company shall not redeem Trust shares attributable to the Contracts (as opposed to Trust shares attributable to an Insurance Subsidiary’s assets held in an Account) except (i) as necessary to implement Contract owner initiated transactions, or (ii) as required by state and/or federal laws or regulations or judicial or other legal precedent of general application (hereinafter referred to as a “Legally Required Redemption”).  Upon request, the Company will promptly furnish to the Trust and the Underwriter an opinion of counsel for the Company, reasonably satisfactory to the Trust, to the effect that any redemption pursuant to clause (ii) above is a Legally Required Redemption.  Furthermore, except in cases where permitted under the terms of the Contracts, subject to Section 1.2 of this Agreement, the Company shall not prevent Contract owners from allocating payments to an Authorized Fund that was otherwise available under the Contracts without first giving the Trust or the Underwriter 90 days notice of its intention to do.


Any notice shall be sufficiently given when sent by registered or certified mail to the other party at the address of such party set forth below or at such other address as such party may from time to time specify in writing to the other part.

If to the Trust:

One Post Office Square
Boston, MA  02109
Attention:  John R. Verani

If to the Underwriter:

One Post Office Square
Boston, MA  02109
Attention:  General Counsel

If to the Company:

Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.
One Nationwide Plaza, 1-09-V3
Columbus, OH  43215
Attention:  Securities Officer

ARTICLE XIII.  Customer Privacy

13.1           The Trust and Underwriter acknowledge that each has read, and will conform to, the Company’s Privacy policy which is explained in Nationwide’s Privacy Statement, herein attached as Schedule C, which may be updated from time to time.  Failure to conform to the Company’s Privacy Statement is a breach of this Agreement.

13.2           The Trust and Underwriter agree to comply with all laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances relating to privacy, confidentiality, security, data security, and the handling of customer information which may from time to time be established.

13.3           The Trust and Underwriter agree not to disclose or use any consumer nonpublic personal information (including nonpublic personal financial information and nonpublic personal health information), which may be supplied by the Company to the Trust and/or Underwriter in performance under this agreement other than to:

a)           carry out the purpose for which the information was provided; and
b)           to use or disclose the information as otherwise permitted or required by law.

13.4           The Company agrees to comply with all laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances relating to privacy, confidentiality, security, data security, and the handling of customer information which may from time to time be established.

13.5           The Company agree not to disclose or use any consumer nonpublic personal information (including nonpublic personal financial information and nonpublic personal health information), which may be supplied by the Trust and/or Underwriter to the Company in performance under this agreement other than to:

a)            carry out the purpose for which the information was provided; and
b)            to use or disclose the information as otherwise permitted or required by law.

13.6           The Customer Privacy provisions of this Agreement extend to any other agreements between the Company (including any affiliates and subsidiaries) and the Trust and the Underwriter (including any affiliates and subsidiaries).  This provision will survive and continue in full force and effect after the termination of this agreement.

ARTICLE XIV.  Miscellaneous

14.1           A copy of the Agreement and Declaration of Trust of the Trust is on file with the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and notice is hereby given that this instrument is executed on behalf of the Trustees of the Trust as Trustees and not individually and that the obligations of or arising out of this instrument, including without limitation Article VII, are not binding upon any of the Trustees or shareholders individually but biding only upon the assets and property of the Trust.

14.2           The captions in this Agreement are included for convenience of reference only and in no way define or delineate any of the provisions hereof or otherwise affect their construction or effect.

14.3           This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in two or more counterparts, each of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

14.4           If any provision of this Agreement shall be held or made invalid by a court decision, statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby.

14.5           Each party hereto shall cooperate with each other party and all appropriate governmental authorities (including without limitation the Securities and Exchange Commission, the NASD and state insurance regulators) and shall permit such authorities reasonable access to its books and records in connection with any investigation or inquiry relating to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby.

14.6           The rights, remedies and obligations contained in this Agreement are cumulative and are in addition to any and all rights, remedies and obligations, at law or in equity, which the parties hereto are entitled to under state and federal laws.

14.7           Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the obligations of the Trust and the Underwriter are several and, without limiting in any way the generality of the foregoing, neither such party shall have any liability for any action or failure to act by the other party, or any person acting on such other party’s behalf.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed in its name and so on its behalf by its duly authorized representative and its seal to be hereunder affixed hereto as of the date specified below.



By its authorized officer,

Title:  Vice President

By its authorized officer,

Title:  Vice President

by its authorized officer,

Title:  Senior Vice President




Registered Broker Dealers
Nationwide Advisory Services, Inc.
Nationwide Investment Services Corporation

Affiliates and Subsidiaries
Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
Nationwide Trust Company, FSB
Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc.
National Deferred Compensation, Inc.

Separate Accounts
Nationwide Variable Account
Nationwide Variable Account -II
Nationwide Variable Account-3
Nationwide Variable Account-4
Nationwide Variable Account-5
Nationwide Variable Account-6
Nationwide Fidelity Advisor VA
Nationwide Variable Account-8
Nationwide Variable Account-9
Nationwide Variable Account-10
Nationwide Variable Account-11
Nationwide Variable Account-12
Nationwide Variable Account-13
Multi-flex Variable Account
Nationwide VA Separate Account-A
Nationwide VA Separate Account-B
Nationwide VA Separate Account-C
Nationwide VA Separate Account-D
Nationwide VA Separate Account
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-2
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-3
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-5
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-6
Nationwide VL Separate Account
Nationwide VL Separate Account-A
Nationwide VL Separate Account-B
Nationwide VL Separate Account-C
Nationwide VL Separate Account-D
Nationwide DC Variable Account
Nationwide DC Variable Account-II
NACo Variable Account
Nationwide Governmental Plans Variable Account
Nationwide Governmental Plans Variable Account-II
Nationwide Qualified Plans Variable Account
Nationwide Private Placement Variable Account
Ohio DC Variable Account




Authorized Funds

Putnam VT Voyager II Fund
Putnam VT Voyager Fund
Putnam VT Vista Fund
Putnam VT Utilities Growth & Income Fund
Putnam VT Technology Fund
Putnam VT Small Cap Value Fund
Putnam VT Research Fund
Putnam VT OTC & Emerging Growth Fund
Putnam VT New Value Fund
Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund
Putnam VT Money Market Fund
Putnam VT Investors Fund
Putnam VT International New Opportunities Fund
Putnam VT International Growth & Income Fund
Putnam VT International Growth Fund
Putnam VT Income Fund
Putnam VT High Yield Fund
Putnam VT Health Sciences Fund
Putnam VT Growth Opportunities Fund
Putnam VT Growth & Income Fund
Putnam VT Global Growth Fund
Putnam VT Global Asset Allocation Fund
Putnam VT The George Putnam Fund of Boston
Putnam VT Diversified Income Fund
Putnam VT Capital Appreciation Fund
Putnam VT Asia Pacific Growth Fund
Putnam VT American Government Income Fund



Service Fees

[X.XX%] per annum (XX basis points) of the average daily net assets of each Fund for which the Company performed administrative services during the period.

EX-99.H PARTIC AGREE 21 roycefpa.htm ROYCE FPA roycefpa.htm

This Agreement dated as of the [14] day of [February], 2002 is made by and among Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. (“NFS”) (including any affiliates and/or subsidiaries listed on Exhibit A) and Royce & Associates, Inc. ("Royce"), which serves as adviser to the mutual funds (the “Funds”) listed on Exhibit B.

WHEREAS, NFS or a subsidiary or affiliate thereof (collectively referred to as “NFS Affiliate/Subsidiary”) provides administrative and/or recordkeeping services to variable contracts, which may include, but are not limited to, variable annuity contracts, variable life insurance policies and various retirements plans which meet the definition of retirement plans under Sections 401, 403 and 457 of the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”) (collectively, “Contracts”); and

WHEREAS, NFS Affiliate/Subsidiary may issue variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies through separate accounts (“Variable Accounts”) as listed on Exhibit A; and

WHEREAS, the Contracts allow for the allocation of net amounts received by NFS to sub-accounts which correspond to each Fund for investment in shares of the Funds; and

WHEREAS, selection of a particular sub-account is made by the contract owner or by participants in various types of retirement plans and such contract owners and/or participants may reallocate their investment options among the sub-accounts in accordance with the terms of the Contracts; and

WHEREAS, NFS and Royce mutually desire the inclusion of the Funds as investment options for the Contracts; and

NOW THEREFORE, NFS and Royce, in consideration of the promises and undertakings described herein, agree that the Funds will be available in products and services provided by NFS subject to the following:



NFS or an NFS Affiliate/Subsidiary agrees to perform certain administrative services (“Services”) as listed on Exhibit C.

NFS represents that the NFS Affiliates/Subsidiaries, including Variable Accounts, have been established and are in good standing under the state law in which they were organized.  The Variable Accounts are registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, unless otherwise exempt therefrom.

NFS and its agents shall make no representations concerning the Funds or Fund shares except those contained in the Funds’ then current prospectuses, Statements of Additional Information or other documents produced by Royce (or an entity on its behalf) which contain information about the Funds.  NFS agrees to allow a reasonable period of time for Royce to review any advertising and sales literature drafted by NFS (or agents on its behalf) with respect to the Funds prior to use and prior to submitting such material to any regulator.

NFS acknowledges that the identity of Royce (and its affiliates’ and/or subsidiaries’) customers and all information maintained about those customers constitute the valuable property of Royce.
NFS acknowledges that the services provided for under this Agreement by Royce are not exclusive and that the same skill will be used in performing services to other companies in similar contexts.

NFS represents that the Contracts marketed as annuity contracts and/or life insurance policies are currently treated as annuity contracts and/or life insurance policies under the appropriate provisions of the Code, and that it shall make every effort to maintain such treatment.  NFS will promptly notify Royce upon having a reasonable basis for believing that the Contracts have ceased to be treated as annuity contracts or life insurance policies, or that the Contracts may not be so treated in the future.

For Contracts issued through the Variable Accounts, NFS represents that each Variable Account is a “segregated asset account” and that interests in each Variable Account are offered exclusively through the purchase of a “variable contract”, within the meaning of such terms pursuant to Section 1.817-5(f)(2) of the Federal Tax Regulations, and that it shall make every effort to continue to meet such definitional requirements.  NFS shall promptly notify Royce upon having a reasonable basis for believing that such requirements have ceased to be met or that they may not be met in the future.


Royce acknowledges that it receives substantial savings as a result of NFS performing those Services listed on Exhibit C on behalf of the Funds.

Royce and its agents shall make no representations about NFS except those contained in publicly available documents or other documents produced by NFS (or an entity on its behalf). Royce agrees to allow a reasonable period of time for NFS to review any advertising and sales literature drafted by Royce (or agents on its behalf) with respect to NFS prior to use and prior to submitting such material to any regulator.

Royce acknowledges that the identity of NFS (and its affiliates’ and/or subsidiaries’) customers and that all information maintained about those customers constitute the valuable property of NFS.

Royce acknowledges that the services provided for under this Agreement by NFS or an NFS Affiliate/Subsidiary are not exclusive and that the same skill will be used in performing services to other companies in similar contexts.

Royce represents that the Funds are currently qualified as regulated investment companies under Subchapter M of the Code, and that the Funds shall make every effort to maintain such qualification. Royce shall promptly notify NFS upon having a reasonable basis for believing that the Funds have ceased to so qualify, or that they may not qualify as such in the future.

Royce represents that any insurance Funds utilized in the Contracts currently comply with the diversification requirements pursuant to Section 817(h) of the Code and Section 1.817-5(b) of the Federal Tax Regulations, if required, and that such Funds will make every effort to maintain the Funds’ compliance with such diversification requirements, unless the Funds are otherwise exempt from Section 817(h) and/or except as otherwise disclosed in each Fund’s prospectus. Royce will notify NFS promptly upon having a reasonable basis for believing that the Funds have ceased to so qualify, or that the Funds might not so qualify in the future.




The parties agree to keep agree to keep confidential all information, documentation and/or data related to this Agreement, except as may be necessary to perform services under this Agreement, as required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction or other governing regulatory body, or as otherwise may be agreed to in writing by the parties.  Each party agrees not to use, disclose or distribute to others any consumer non-public personal information, except as necessary to perform the terms of this agreement or as permitted or required by law.  This provision shall survive the termination of this Agreement.


Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, NFS shall be appointed to, and agrees to act, as a limited agent of Royce for the sole purpose of receiving instructions from authorized parties as defined by the Contracts for the purchase and redemption of Fund shares prior to the close of regular trading each Business Day.  A "Business Day” shall mean any day on which the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading and on which the Fund calculates its net asset value as set forth in the Fund’s most recent prospectus and Statement of Additional Information.  Except as particularly stated in this paragraph, NFS shall have no authority to act on behalf of Royce or to incur any cost or liability on its behalf.

Until such time as Royce and NFS are able to utilize the National Securities Clearing Corporation  ("NSCC") Defined Contribution Clearing and Settlement ("DCC&S") Fund/SERV system,
Royce or its designated agent will use its best efforts to provide to NFS or its designated agent closing net asset value, change in net asset value, dividend or daily accrual rate information and capital gain information by 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time each Business Day.  NFS or its agent shall use this data to calculate unit values.  Unit values shall be used to process the same Business Day’s contract transactions.  Orders derived from, and in amounts equal to, instructions received by NFS prior to the Close of Trading on the New York Stock Exchange on any Business Day ("Day 1") shall be transmitted without modification (except for netting or aggregating such orders) to Royce or its designated agent by 9:00 A.M. Eastern Time on the next Business Day.  Such trades will be effected at the net assets value of each Fund's shares calculated as of the Close of Trading on Day 1. Royce or its designated agent will not accept any order made on a conditional basis or subject to any delay or contingency.  NFS shall only place purchase orders for shares of Funds on behalf of its customers whose addresses recorded on NFS’ books are in a state or other jurisdiction in which the Funds are registered or qualified for sale, or are exempt from registration or qualification as confirmed in writing by Royce.

Until such time as Royce and NFS are able to utilize the DCC&S Fund/SERV system, each party shall, as soon as practicable after its receipt of an instruction or confirmation transmitted, verify its receipt of such instruction or confirmation, and in the absence of such verification such a party to whom an instruction or confirmation is sent shall not be liable for any failure to act in accordance with such instruction or confirmation, and the sending party may not claim that such an instruction or confirmation was received by the other.  Each party shall notify the other of any errors, omissions or interruptions in, or delay or unavailability as promptly as possible.

For those purchase orders not transmitted via the DCC&S Fund/SERV system, NFS shall initiate payment to Royce or its designated agent in federal funds no later than 1:00 P.M. on the Business Day following the day on which the instructions are treated as having been received by Royce pursuant to this Agreement.

For those redemption orders not transmitted via the DCC&S Fund/SERV system, Royce or its designated agent shall initiate payment in federal funds no later than 1:00 P.M. on the Business Day following the day on which the instructions are treated as having been received by Royce pursuant to this Agreement.

At such time as Royce and NFS are able to transmit information via the NSCC's DCC&S Fund/SERV System:

Orders derived from, and in amounts equal to, instructions received by NFS prior to the Close of Trading on Day 1 shall be transmitted without modification (except for netting and aggregation of such orders) via the NSCC's DCC&S Fund/SERV system to Royce or its designated agent no later than 5:00 A.M. Eastern Time on the Next Business Day.  Such trades will be effected at the net asset value of each Fund's shares calculated as of the Close of Trading on Day 1.

Royce and NFS shall mutually agree there may be instances when orders shall be transmitted to Royce or its designated agent via facsimile no later than 9:00 A.M. rather than through the DCC&S Fund/SERV system.  In such instances, such orders shall be transmitted to Royce or its designated agent via facsimile no later than 9:00 A.M. Eastern Time on the next Business Day.

With respect to purchase and redemption orders received by Royce or its designated agent on any Business Day for any Fund, within the time limits set forth in this Agreement, settlement shall occur consistent with the requirements of DCC&S Fund/SERV system.

At such time as Royce and NFS are able to transmit information via the DCC&S Fund/SERV system, Royce or its designated agent shall send to NFS, via the DCC&S Fund/SERV system, verification of net purchase or redemption orders or notification of the rejection of such orders ("Confirmations ") on each Business Day for which NFS has transmitted such orders.  Such confirmations shall include the total number of shares of each Fund held by NFS following such net purchase or redemption. Royce, or its designated agent, shall submit in a timely manner, such confirmations to the DCC&S Fund/SERV system in order for NFS to receive such confirmations no later than 11:00 A.M. Eastern Time the next Business Day. Royce or its designated agent will transmit to NFS via DCC&S NETWORKING system those Networking activity files reflecting account activity.  In addition, within five (5) business days after the end of each month, Royce or its affiliate will send NFS a statement of account which shall confirm all transactions made during that particular month in the account.



NFS agrees to provide Royce, upon written request, any reports indicating the number of shareholders that hold interests in the Funds and such other information (including books and records) that Royce may reasonably request or as may be necessary or advisable to enable it to comply with any law, regulation or order.


Within five (5) Business Days after the end of each calendar month, Royce or its designee shall provide NFS, or its designee, a monthly statement of account, which shall confirm all transactions made during that particular month.

Royce shall promptly provide NFS, or cause NFS to be provided with, a reasonable quantity of the Funds’ prospectuses, Statements of Additional Information and any supplements thereto.


Each notice required by this Agreement shall be given in writing to:

Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.
One Nationwide Plaza 1-09-V3
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention:  Securities Officer
Fax Number:  614-249-2112

Royce & Associates, Inc.
1414 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019
Attention: John D. Diederich
cc: General Counsel
Fax Number:  212-832-8921

Any party may change its address by notifying the other party(ies) in writing.


For Variable Accounts that are registered under the 1940 Act and so long as and to the extent that the SEC continues to interpret the 1940 Act to require pass-through voting privileges for variable contract owners, NFS shall distribute all proxy material furnished by Royce (provided that such material is received by NFS or its designated agent at least 10 Business Days prior to the date scheduled for mailing to contract owners) and shall vote Fund shares in accordance with instructions received from the contract owners who have interests in such Fund shares.  NFS shall vote the Fund shares for which no instructions have been received in the same proportion as Fund shares for which said instructions have been received from the contract owners, provided that such proportional voting is not prohibited by a contract owner’s plan or trust document, if applicable.  NFS and its agents will in no way recommend an action in connection with or oppose or interfere with the solicitation of proxies in the Fund shares.


All expenses incident to the performance by NFS under this Agreement shall be paid by NFS.  Likewise, all expenses incident to the performance by Royce under this Agreement shall be paid by Royce.

NFS shall not bear any of the expenses for the cost of registration of the Funds’ shares, preparation of the Funds’ prospectuses, proxy materials, and reports and the preparation of other related statements and notices required by law except as otherwise mutually agreed upon by the parties to the Agreement.

Should a Fund no longer be available in an NFS contract, Royce shall be responsible for any and all expenses incurred as a result of removing such Fund as an available investment option under the Contract.

Should NFS desire to no longer have a Fund available in an NFS contract, NFS shall be responsible for any and all expenses incurred as a result of removing such Fund as an available investment option under the Contract.

Should a removal of a fund as an available investment option be mutually desired by the parties, the parties agree to equally share any expenses incurred as a result of removing such Fund as an available investment option.

Both NFS and Royce agree to provide reasonable advance notice of the election to remove a fund as an available investment option in order to permit the parties to file documentation as may be required under applicable law.


Each party agrees to inform the other of the existence of, or any potential for, any material conflicts of interest between the parties and any possible implications of the same.

It is agreed that if it is determined by a majority of the members of the Boards of Directors of the Funds, or a majority of the Funds’ disinterested Directors, that a material conflict exists caused by NFS, NFS shall at its own expense, take whatever steps are necessary to remedy or eliminate such material conflict.

It is agreed that if it is determined by NFS that a material conflict exists caused by Royce, Royce shall at its own expense, take whatever steps are necessary to remedy or eliminate such material conflict.


Each party shall promptly notify the other party(ies) in writing of any situation which presents or appears to involve a claim which may be the subject of indemnification under this Agreement and the indemnifying party shall have the option to defend against any such claim.  In the event the indemnifying party so elects, it shall notify the indemnified party and shall assume the defense of such claim, and the indemnified party shall cooperate fully with the indemnifying party, at the indemnifying party’s expense, in defense of such claim.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the indemnified party shall be entitled to participate in the defense of such claim at its own expense through counsel of its own choosing.  Neither party shall admit to wrong-doing nor make any compromise in any action or proceeding which may result in a finding of wrongdoing by the other party without the other party’s prior written consent.  Any notice given by the indemnifying party to an indemnified party or participation in or control of the litigation of any such claim by the indemnifying party shall in no event be deemed an admission by the indemnifying party of culpability, and the indemnifying party shall be free to contest liability among the parties with respect to the claim.


NFS agrees to reimburse and/or indemnify and hold harmless Royce and each of its directors, officers, employees, agents and each person, if any, who controls Royce within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 (the “1933 Act”) (collectively, “Affiliated Party”) against any losses, claims, damages or liabilities (“Losses”) to which Royce or any such Affiliated Party may become subject under the 1933 Act or otherwise, insofar as such losses (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon, but not limited to:

Any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in information furnished by NFS;
The omission or alleged omission to state in the Registration Statements, Prospectuses,  Informational Brochures or other similar material, a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading;
Conduct, statements or representations of NFS or its agents, with respect to the sale and distribution of Contracts for which Fund shares are an investment option;
The failure of NFS or an NFS Affiliate/Subsidiary to provide the services and furnish the materials under the terms of this Agreement;
A breach of this Agreement or of any of the representations contained herein; or
Any failure to register Contracts or Variable Account that do not meet any exemptions under federal or state securities laws, state insurance laws or failure to otherwise comply with applicable laws, rules, regulations or orders.

Provided however, that NFS shall not be liable in any such case to the extent that such statement, omission or representation or such alleged statement, alleged omission or alleged representation was made in reliance upon and in conformity with written information furnished to NFS by or on behalf of Royce specifically for use therein.

NFS shall reimburse any legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by Royce or any Affiliated Party in connection with investigating or defending any such Losses, provided however, that NFS shall have prior approval of the use of said counsel or the expenditure of said fees.

This indemnity agreement shall be in addition to any liability that NFS may otherwise have.


Royce agrees to reimburse and/or indemnify and hold harmless NFS and/or NFS Affiliate/Subsidiary and each of its directors, officers, employees, agents and each person, if any, who controls NFS or NFS Affiliate/Subsidiary within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 (the “1933 Act”) (collectively, “Affiliated Party”) against any losses, claims, damages or liabilities (“Losses”) to which NFS, NFS Affiliate/Subsidiary or any such Affiliated Party may become subject under the 1933 Act or otherwise, insofar as such Losses (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon, but not limited to:

Any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in information furnished by Royce, including but not limited to, the Registration statements, Prospectuses, or sales literature of the Funds;
The omission or alleged omission to state in the Registration Statements, Prospectuses,  Informational Brochures or other similar material, a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein no misleading;
Royce’s failure to keep applicable Funds qualified as regulated investment companies as required by the 1940 Act and applicable regulations thereunder, and if applicable, fully diversified as is required by the Code and applicable regulations thereunder;
The failure of Royce to provide the services and furnish the materials under the terms of this Agreement;
A breach of this Agreement or of any of the representations contained herein; or
A failure to register the Funds under federal or state securities laws or to otherwise comply with such laws, rules, regulations or orders.

Provided however, that Royce shall not be liable in any such case to the extent that such statement, omission or representation or such alleged statement, alleged omission or alleged representation was made in reliance upon and in conformity with written information furnished to Royce by or on behalf of NFS specifically for use therein.

Royce shall reimburse any legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by NFS or any Affiliated Party in connection with investigating or defending any such Losses, provided however, that Royce shall have prior approval of the use of said counsel or the expenditure of said fees.

This indemnity agreement shall be in addition to any liability which Royce may otherwise have.


In consideration for the Services provided by NFS pursuant to this Agreement, Royce will calculate and pay, or cause one of its affiliates to pay, and NFS or an NFS Affiliate/Subsidiary that is registered as a broker/dealer, will be entitled to receive from Royce a fee (“Service Fee”).  Such fee will be calculated at an annualized rate equal to the rates shown on Exhibit D of the average daily net assets of each Fund for which NFS performed administrative services during the period in which they were earned.

The Service Fees will be paid to NFS, or its designee, by electronic funds transfer as soon as practicable, but no later than 30 days after the end of the period in which they were earned.  If the Fund assets administered by NFS are less than $1 billion as of December 31 of the prior calendar year, the Service Fees will be paid on a quarterly basis.  Once assets are greater than $1 billion, the Service Fees will be paid on a monthly basis.  NFS will provide to Royce a statement showing the calculation of the amounts to be paid by Royce for the relevant period and such other supporting data as may be reasonably requested by Royce.

NFS acknowledges that Royce may pay the Service Fee as follows:

Each Fund will pay a portion of the Service Fee that Royce designates as representing transfer agent, recordkeeping, administrative servicing and/or shareholder servicing fees which the Fund would otherwise pay if accounts were direct shareholders of the Fund.;
Royce will pay any portion of the Service Fee not paid by the Funds.

The Service Fee shall be calculated as an annualized percentage of the average aggregate amount invested in the Funds for the applicable period.  The average aggregate amount shall be computed by totaling the aggregate investment on each business day during the period and dividing by the total number of Business Days during the period.

The parties agree that a Service Fee will be paid to NFS or its designee according to this Agreement with respect to each Fund as long as shares of such Fund are held by an NFS Affiliate/Subsidiary on behalf of the beneficial owners of contracts issued by an NFS Affiliate/Subsidiary.  This provision will survive the termination of this Agreement.

NFS and Royce agree that the Service Fees described in this Agreement are for administrative and distribution services of the Funds only, and do not constitute payment in any manner for investment advisory services for the Fund or for costs of administrative and distribution services on behalf of the Contracts.


The forbearance or neglect of any party to insist upon strict compliance by another party with any of the provisions of this Agreement, whether continuing or not, or to declare a forfeiture of termination against the other parties, shall not be construed as a waiver of any rights or privileges of any party hereunder.  No waiver of any right or privilege of any party arising from any default or failure of performance by any party shall affect the rights or privileges of the other parties in the event of a further default or failure of performance.


This Agreement shall terminate as to the availability of shares of the Funds for new Contracts:
at the option of NFS or Royce upon at least 90 days advance written notice to the other;
at any time upon Royce's election, if the Funds determine that liquidation of the Funds is in the best interest of the Funds or their beneficial owners.  Reasonable advance notice of election to liquidate shall be provided to NFS in order to permit the substitution of Fund shares, if necessary, with shares of another investment company pursuant to the 1940 Act and other applicable securities regulations;
if the applicable annuity contracts and life insurance policies are not treated as annuity contracts or life insurance policies by the applicable regulators or under applicable rules and regulations;
if the Variable Accounts are not deemed “segregated asset accounts” by the applicable regulators or under applicable rules and regulations;
at the option of NFS, if Fund shares are not available for any reason to meet the requirements of Contracts as determined by NFS.  Reasonable advance notice of election to terminate (and time to cure) shall be furnished by NFS;
at the option of NFS or Royce, upon institution of relevant formal proceedings against the broker-dealer(s) marketing the Contracts, the Variable Accounts, NFS, an NFS Affiliate/Subsidiary or the Funds by the NASD, the IRS, the Department of Labor, the SEC, state insurance departments or any other regulatory body;
upon a decision by NFS, in accordance with the 1940 Act and applicable regulations, to substitute such Fund shares with the shares of another investment company for Contracts for which the Fund shares have been selected to serve as the underlying investment medium.  NFS shall give at least 60 days written notice to Royce of any proposal to substitute Fund shares;
upon assignment of this Agreement unless such assignment is made with the written consent of each party; and
in the event Fund shares are not registered, issued or sold pursuant to federal law and state securities laws, or such laws preclude the use of Fund shares as an underlying investment medium of Contracts issued or to be issued by an NFS Affiliate/Subsidiary.  Prompt written notice shall be given by either party to the other in the event the conditions of this provision occur.


This Agreement shall be construed and the provisions hereof interpreted under and in accordance with the laws of Ohio, without respect to its choice of law provisions and in accordance with the 1940 Act.  In the case of any conflict, the 1940 Act shall control.


Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create a partnership or joint venture by and among the parties hereto.


This Agreement supersedes any and all prior Agreements made by and between the parties.
This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by a written amendment, which includes any amendments to the Exhibits, executed by all parties to the Agreement.


Each party hereby represents and warrants to the other that the persons executing this Agreement on its behalf are duly authorized and empowered to execute and deliver the Agreement and that the Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation, and is enforceable in accordance with its terms.  Except as particularly set forth herein, neither party assumes any responsibility hereunder and will not be liable to the other for any damages, loss of data, delay or any other loss whatsoever caused by events beyond its control.

This Agreement may be executed by facsimile signature and it may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.


By:   William G. Goslee
Title: Vice President
         Investment Management Relationships


By: [John D. Diedrich]
Title: [Chief Operating Officer]




This Exhibit corresponds to the Fund Agreement dated [February 14, 2002], 2002

Registered Broker Dealers
Nationwide Advisory Services, Inc.
Nationwide Investment Services Corporation

Affiliates and Subsidiaries
Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
Nationwide Trust Company, FSB
Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc.
National Deferred Compensation, Inc.

Variable Accounts
Nationwide Variable Account
Nationwide Variable Account-II
Nationwide Variable Account-3
Nationwide Variable Account-4
Nationwide Variable Account-5
Nationwide Variable Account-6
Nationwide Fidelity Advisor VA
Nationwide Variable Account-8
Nationwide Variable Account-9
Nationwide Variable Account-10
Nationwide Variable Account-11
Nationwide Variable Acount -12
Nationwide Variable Account-13
Multi-Flex Variable Account
Nationwide VA Separate Account-A
Nationwide VA Separate Account-B
Nationwide VA Separate Account-C
Nationwide VA Separate Account-D
Nationwide VLI Separate Account
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-2
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-3
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-5
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-6
Nationwide VL Separate Account
Nationwide VL Separate Account-A
Nationwide VL Separate Account-B
Nationwide VL Separate Account-C
Nationwide VL Separate Account-D
Nationwide DC Variable Account
Nationwide DC variable Account-II
NACo Variable Account
Nationwide Governmental Plans Variable Account
Nationwide Governmental Plans Variable Account-II
Nationwide Qualified Plans Variable Account
Nationwide Private Placement Variable Account
Ohio DC Variable Account




This Exhibit corresponds to the Fund Agreement dated [February 14], 2002
Royce Capital Fund – Royce Micro-Cap Portfolio
Royce Capital Fund – Royce Small-Cap Portfolio



Services Provided by NFS
Pursuant to the Agreement, NFS shall perform all administrative and shareholder services with respect to the Contracts and Plans, including but not limited to, the following:
Maintaining separate records for each Contract owner and each Plan, which shall reflect the Fund shares purchased and redeemed and Fund share balances of such Contract owners and Plans.  Nationwide will maintain accounts with each Fund on behalf of Contract owners and Plans, and such account shall be in the name of Nationwide (or its nominee) as the record owner of shares owned by such Contract owners and Plans.
Disbursing or crediting to Contract owners and Plans all proceeds of redemptions of shares of the Funds and all dividends and other distributions not reinvested in shares of the Funds.
Preparing and transmitting to Contract owners and Plans, as required by law, periodic statements showing the total number of shares owned as of the statement closing date, purchases and redemptions of Fund shares during the period covered by the statement and the dividends and other distributions paid during the statement period (whether paid in cash or reinvested in Fund shares), and such other information as may be required, from time to time, by Contract owners and Plans.
Supporting and responding to service inquires from Contract owners and Plans.
Maintaining and preserving all records required by law to be maintained and preserved in connection with providing the Services for Contract owners and Plans.
Generating written confirmations and quarterly statements to Contract owners and Plan participants.
Distributing to Contract owners and Plans, to the extent required by applicable law, Funds’ prospectuses, proxy materials, periodic fund reports to shareholders and other materials that the Funds are required by law or otherwise to provide to their shareholders or prospective shareholders.
Transmitting purchase and redemption orders to the Funds on behalf of the Contract owners and Plans.




This Exhibit corresponds with the Fund Agreement dated [February 14], 2002.

Basis Points Per Annum
·  Royce Capital Fund – Royce Micro-Cap Portfolio (XX Bps)
·  Royce Capital Fund – Royce Small-Cap Portfolio (XX Bps)
Funds available for NFS (including any affiliates and/or subsidiaries)




THIS AMENDMENT, dates as of _[3-15]____________, 2004, by and between NATIONWIDE FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. (“NFS”) and ROYCE & ASSOCIATES, LLC, formerly Royce & Associates, Inc. (“Royce”), on behalf of each of the registered investment companies and/or series thereof listed in Exhibit B of the Agreement defined below (individually a “Fund” and collectively as the “Funds”):


WHEREAS, NFS, Royce and the Funds entered into a Fund Agreement dated February 14, 2002 (the “Agreement”); and

WHEREAS, NFS, Royce and the Funds now wish to amend and restate in its entirety Exhibit A of the Agreement in the form attached hereto.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above, NFS, Royce and the Funds hereby amend Exhibit A of the Agreement in the form attached hereto and made a part hereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, NFS, Royce and the Funds have caused this Amendment to be executed by their duly authorized officers effective as of the day and year first above written.


By:           ____________________________________
Name:        __[William G. Goslee]_________________
Title:           [Vice President]______

On behalf of each series listed on Exhibit A

By:           ____________________________________
Name:        _John D. Diederich____________________
Title:           Vice President


By:           ____________________________________
Name:         ___John D. Diederich__________________
Title:           Chief Operating Officer


Registered Broker Dealers
Nationwide Investment Services Corporation

Affiliates and Subsidiaries
Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
Nationwide Trust Company, FSB
Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc.
National Deferred Compensation, Inc.

All existing and future Variable Accounts including but not limited to the following:
Nationwide Variable Account
Nationwide Variable Account-II
Nationwide Variable Account-3
Nationwide Variable Account-4
Nationwide Variable Account-5
Nationwide Variable Account-6
Nationwide Fidelity Advisor VA
Nationwide Variable Account-8
Nationwide Variable Account-9
Nationwide Variable Account-10
Nationwide Variable Account-11
Nationwide Variable Account-12
Nationwide Variable Account-13
Nationwide Variable Account-14
Multi-Flex Variable Account
Nationwide VA Separate Account-A
Nationwide VA Separate Account-B
Nationwide VA Separate Account-C
Nationwide VA Separate Account-D
Nationwide VLI Separate Account
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-2
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-3
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-5
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-6
Nationwide VL Separate Account
Nationwide VL Separate Account-A
Nationwide VL Separate Account-B
Nationwide VL Separate Account-C
Nationwide VL Separate Account-D
Nationwide DC Variable Account
Nationwide DC Variable Account-II
NACo Variable Account
Nationwide Governmental Plans Variable Account
Nationwide Governmental Plans Variable Account-II
Nationwide Qualified Plans Variable Account
Nationwide Private Placement Variable Account
Ohio DC Variable Account

EX-99.H PARTIC AGREE 22 vaneckfpa.htm VAN ECK FPA vaneckfpa.htm

This Agreement, made and entered into as of the 1st day of September, 1989, by and among, Nationwide Life Insurance Company (“Nationwide”), and Van Eck Investment Trust (“Trust”), the Trust’s investment adviser, Van Eck Associates Corporation (“Adviser”), and the Trust’s Distributor, Van Eck Securities Corporation (“Distributor”) each of which hereby agrees that shores of the Trust’s Gold and Natural Resources Fund and Global Bond Fund (“Portfolios”) shall be made available to serve as an underlying investment medium for Individual Deferred Variable Annuity and Variable Life contracts (collectively “Contracts”) to be offered by Nationwide subject to the following provisions:

Nationwide represents that it has established the Nationwide Variable Account–II and the Nationwide VLI Separate Account–2 (collectively and individually, the “Variable Account”), as separate accounts under Ohio law, and has registered them as unit investment trusts under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“1940 Act”) to serve as investment vehicles for the Contracts.  The Contracts provide for the allocation of net amounts received by Nationwide to separate series of the Variable Account for investment in the shares of specified investment companies selected among those companies available through the Variable Account to act as underlying investment media.  Selection of a particular investment company is made by the Contract owner who may change such selection from time to time in accordance with the terms of the applicable Contract.

Nationwide agrees to make every reasonable effort to market its Contracts.  It will use its best efforts to give equal emphasis and promotion to shares of the Trust as is given to other underlying investments of the Variable Account.  In marketing its Contracts, Nationwide will comply with all applicable state or Federal laws.

The Adviser will provide closing net asset value, dividend and capital gain information at the close of trading each business day to Nationwide.  “Business day” shall mean any day on which the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading and on which the Trust calculates its net asset value as set forth in the Trust’s prospectus and Statement of Additional Information.  Nationwide will use this data to calculate unit values, which will in turn be used to process that same business day’s Variable Account unit value.  The Variable Account processing will be done the same evening, and orders will be placed the morning of the following business day.  Orders will be sent directly to the Trust or its specified agent, and payment for purchases will be wired to a custodial account designated by the Trust or the Advisor, so as to coincide with the order for Trust shares.  The Adviser will execute the orders at the net asset value as determined as of the close of trading on the prior day.  Dividends and capital gains distributions shall be reinvested in additional shares at the ex-date net asset value.  Notwithstanding for providing Nationwide with net asset value, dividend and capital gain information when the New York Stock Exchange is closed, when an emergency exists making the valuation of net assets not reasonably practicable, or during any period when the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) has by order permitted the suspension of pricing shares for the protection of shareholders.

All expenses incident to the performance by the Trust under this Agreement shall be paid by the Trust.  The Trust shall pay the cost of registration of Trust shares with the SEC.  The Trust shall distribute, or cause to be distributed, to the Variable Account, proxy material, periodic Trust reports to shareholders and other material the Trust may require to be sent to Contract owners.  The Trust shall pay the cost of qualifying Trust shares in states where required.  The Trust will provide Nationwide, or cause Nationwide to be provided with, a reasonable quantity of the Trust’s Prospectus and the reports to be used in contemplation of this Agreement.  The Trust will provide Nationwide a copy of the Statement of Additional Information suitable for duplication.

Nationwide and its agents shall make no representations concerning the Trust or Trust shares except those contained in the then current prospectuses of the Trust and in current printed sales literature of the Trust.

The Trust and Adviser shall comply with Sections 817(h) and 851 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, if applicable, and the regulations thereunder, and the applicable provisions of the 1940 Act relating to the diversification requirements for variable annuity, endowment, and life insurance contracts.  The Adviser shall provide Nationwide within ten business days after the end of each calendar quarter with a letter from the appropriate Trust officer certifying the Trust’s compliance with the diversification requirements and qualification as a regulated investment company, and a detailed listing of the individual securities held by the Trust.

Nationwide agrees to inform the Board of Trustees of the Trust of the existence of or any potential for any material irreconcilable conflict of interest between the interests of the Contract owners of the Variable Account investing in the Trust and/or any other separate account of any other insurance company investing in the Trust.

A material irreconcilable conflict may arise for a variety of reasons, including:

an auction by any state insurance or other regulatory authority;

a change in applicable federal or state insurance, tax or securities laws or regulations, or a public ruling, private letter ruling, or any similar action by insurance, tax or securities regulatory authorities;

an administrative or judicial decision in any relevant proceeding;

the manner in which the investments of any Portfolio are being managed;

a difference in voting instructions given by Contract owners and variable life insurance contract owners or by contract owners of different life insurance companies utilizing the Trust; or

a decision by Nationwide to disregard the voting instructions of contract owners.

Nationwide will be responsible for assisting the Board of Trustees of the Trust in carrying out its responsibilities by providing the Board with all information reasonably necessary for the Board to consider any issue raised, including information as to a decision by Nationwide to disregard voting instructions of Contract owners.

It is agreed that if it is determined by a majority of the members of the Board of Trustees of the Trust or a majority of its disinterested Trustees that a material irreconcilable conflict exists affecting Nationwide, Nationwide shall, at its own expense, take whatever steps are necessary to remedy or eliminate the irreconcilable material conflict, which steps may include, but are not limited to,

withdrawing the assets allocable to some or all of the separate accounts from the Trust or any Portfolio and reinvesting such assets in a different investment medium, including another Portfolio of the Trust or submitting the questions of whether such segregation should be implemented to a vote of all affected Contract owners and, as appropriate, segregating the assets of any particular group (i.e., annuity Contract owners, life insurance Contract owners or qualified Contract owners) that votes in favor of such segregation, or offering to the affected Contract owners the option of making such a change;

establishing a new registered management investment company or managed separate account.

If a material irreconcilable conflict arises because of Nationwide’s decision to disregard Contract owner voting instructions and that decision represents a minority position or would preclude a majority vote, Nationwide may be required, at the Trust’s election, to withdraw the Variable Account’s investment in the Trust.  No charge or penalty will be imposed against the Variable Account as a result of such withdrawal.  Nationwide agrees that any remedial action taken by it in resolving any material conflicts of interest will be carried out with a view only to the interests of Contract owners.

For purposes hereof, a majority of the disinterested members of the Board of Trustees of the Trust shall determine whether any proposed action adequately remedies any material irreconcilable conflict.  In no event will the Trust be required to establish a new funding medium for any Contracts.  Nationwide shall not be required by the terms hereof to establish a new funding medium for any Contracts if an offer to do so has been declined by vote of a majority of affected Contract owners.

The Trust will undertake to promptly make known to Nationwide the Board of Trustees’ determination of the existence of a material irreconcilable conflict and its implications.

This Agreement shall terminate as to the sale and issuance of new Contracts:

at the option of Nationwide, the Adviser or the Trust upon six months’ advance written notice to the other;

at the option of the Trust, if the Trust determines that liquidation of the Trust is in the best interests of the Trust and its beneficial owners.  Reasonable advance notice of election to liquidate shall be furnished by the Trust, to permit the substitution of Trust shares with the shares of another investment company, pursuant to SEC regulation;

at the option of Nationwide if Trust shares are not available for any reason to meet the requirements of Contracts as determined by Nationwide.  Reasonable advance notice of election to terminate shall be furnished by Nationwide;

at the option of Nationwide, the Adviser or the Trust, upon institution of formal proceedings against the Broker-Dealer or Broker-Dealers marketing the Contracts, the Variable Account, Nationwide or the Trust by the National Association of Securities Dealers (“NASD”), the SEC or any other regulatory body;

upon a decision by Nationwide, in accordance with regulations of the SEC, to substitute such Trust shares with the shares of another investment company for Contracts for which the trust shares have been selected to serve as the underlying investment medium.  Nationwide will give 60 days’ written notice to the Trust and the Adviser of any proposed vote to replace Trust shares;

upon assignment of this Agreement unless made with the written consent of each other party;

in the event Trust shares are not registered, issued or sold in conformance with Federal law or such law precludes the use of Trust shares as an underlying investment medium of Contracts issued or to be issued by Nationwide.  Prompt notice shall be given by either party to the other in the event the conditions of this provision occur.

Termination as the result of any cause listed in the preceding paragraph, except for paragraph 8.(b), shall not affect the Trust’s obligation to furnish Trust shares for Contracts then in force for which the shares of the Trust serve or may serve as an underlying medium, unless such further sale of Trust shares is proscribed by law or the SEC or other regulatory body.

Each notice required by this Agreement shall be given by wire and confirmed in writing to:



Nationwide Life Insurance Company
One Nationwide Plaza
Columbus, Ohio  43216
Attn:   Joseph F. Ciminero

Van Eck Investment Trust
122 East 42nd Street
New York, New York  10168
Attn:  Bruce J. Smith, Controller

Van Eck Associates Corporation
122 East 42nd Street
New York, New York,  10168
Attn:  Bruce J. Smith, Controller

Van Eck Securities Corporation
122 East 42nd Street
New York, New York,  10168
Attn:  Bruce J. Smith, Controller

Advertising and sales literature with respect to the Trust prepared by Nationwide or its agents for use in marketing its Contracts will be submitted to the Trust for review before Nationwide submits such material to the SEC or NASD for review.

Nationwide will distribute all proxy material furnished by the Trust and will vote Trust shares in accordance with instructions received from the Contract owners of such Trust shares.  Nationwide shall vote the Trust shares for which no instructions have been received in the same proportion as Trust shares for which said instructions have been received from Contract owners.  Nationwide and its agents will in no way recommend action in connection with or oppose or interfere with the solicitation of proxies for the Trust shares held for such Contract owners.  Nationwide will also comply with the prospectus delivery requirements of federal and state law.

Nationwide agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other parties to this Agreement and each of their directors, officers, employees, agents and each person, if any, who controls the other parties within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 (the “Act”) against any losses, claims, damages or liabilities to which such other parties or any such director, officers, employee, agent or controlling person may become subject, under the Act or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material act contained in information furnished by Nationwide for use in the Registration Statement or prospectus of the Trust or in the Registration Statement or prospectus for the Variable Account, or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state in the Registration Statement or prospectus of the Variable account a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, or arise out of or as a result of conduct, statements or representations of Nationwide or its agents, with respect to the sale and distribution of Contracts for which Trust shares are an underlying investment, or from any violation of applicable securities or insurance laws, rules or regulations; provided, however, that Nationwide shall not be liable under this paragraph 13.(a) if such statement, omission or representation or such alleged statement, alleged omission or alleged representation was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to Nationwide by or on behalf of one of the other parties.  Nationwide will reimburse any legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by such other parties or any such director, officer, employee, agent or controlling person in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action.  This indemnity agreement will be in addition to any liability which Nationwide may otherwise have.

The Trust agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other parties to this Agreement and each of their directors, officers, employees, agents and each person, if any, who controls the other parties within the meaning of the Act against any losses, claims, damages or liabilities to which such other parties or any such director, officer, employee, agent or controlling person may become subject, under the Act or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the Registration Statement or prospectus or sales literature of the Trust, or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, and the Trust will reimburse any legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by such other parties or any such director, officer, employee, agent or controlling person in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action; provided, however, that the Trust will not be liable in any such case to the extent that any such loss, claim, damage or liability arises out of or is based upon an untrue statement or omission or alleged omission made in such Registration Statement or prospectus in conformity with written information furnished to the Trust by such other party specifically for use therein.  This indemnity agreement will be in addition to any liability which the Trust may otherwise have.

The Distributor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other parties to this Agreement and each of its directors, officers, employees, agents and each person, if any, who controls the other parties within the meaning of the Act against any losses, claims, damages or liabilities to which such other parties or any such director, officer, employee, agent or controlling person of such other party may become subject, under the Act or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the Registration Statement or prospectus or sales literature of the Trust, or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, and the Distributor will reimburse any legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by such other parties or any such director, officer, employee, agent or controlling person in connection with investigation or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action; provided, however, that the Distributor will not be liable in any such case to the extent that any such loss, claim, damage or liability arises out of or is based upon an untrue statement or omission or alleged omission made in such Registration Statement or prospectus in conformity with written information furnished to the Distributor by such other party specifically for use therein.  This indemnity agreement will be in addition to any liability which the Distributor may otherwise have.

The Adviser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other parties to this Agreement and each of their directors, officers, employees, agents and each person, if any, who controls the other parties within the meaning of the Act against any losses, claims, damages or liabilities to which such parties or any such director, officer, employee, agent or controlling person of such other party may become subject, under the Act or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon the Adviser’s failure to keep each of the Trust and its Portfolios fully diversified and qualified as a regulated investment company as required by the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, the 1940 Act, and the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder to the extent such failure arises by reason of the Adviser’s gross negligence, bad faith or willful misfeasance in the performance of its duties under this Agreement or the Investment Advisory Agreement between the Adviser and the Trust, and the Adviser will reimburse any legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by such other parties or any such director, officer, employee, agent or controlling person in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action; provided, however, that the Adviser will not be liable in any such case to the extent that any such loss, claim, damage or liability arises out of or is based upon an untrue statement or omission or alleged omission made in such Registration Statement or prospectus in conformity with written information furnished to the Adviser by such other party specifically for use therein.  This indemnity agreement will be in addition to any liability which the Trust may otherwise have.

It is understood and expressly agreed that the obligations and liabilities of the Trust hereunder shall not be binding upon any of the Trustees, shareholders, nominees, officers, agents or employees of the Trust, personally, but shall bind only the assets and property of the Trust, as provided in the Declaration of Trust of the Trust.  The execution and delivery of this Agreement have been authorized by the Trustees and signed by an authorized officer of the Trust, acting as such, and neither such authorization by such Trustees nor such execution and delivery by such officer shall be deemed to have been made by any of them individually or to impose any liability on any of them personally, but shall bind only the assets and property of the Trust as provided in its Declaration of Trust.

Each party shall promptly notify the other in writing of any situation which presents or appears to involve a claim which may be subject to indemnification hereunder and the indemnifying party shall have the option to defend against any such claim.  In the event the indemnifying party so elects, it will notify the indemnified party and shall assume the defense of such claim, and the indemnified party shall cooperate fully with the indemnifying party, at the indemnifying party’s expense, in the defense of such claim.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the indemnified party shall be entitled to participate in the defense of such claim at its own expense through counsel of its own choosing.  Neither party shall confess any claim nor make any compromise in any action or proceeding which may result in a finding of wrongdoing by the other party without the other party’s prior written consent.  Any notice given by the indemnifying party to an indemnified party or participation in or control of the litigation of any such claim by the indemnifying party shall in no event be deemed to be an admission by the indemnifying party of culpability, and the indemnifying party shall be free to contest liability with respect to the claim among the parties.

If, in the course of future marketing of the Contracts, Nationwide or its agents shall request the continued assistance of the Distributor’s sales personnel, compensation (which will be negotiated by the Distributor and Nationwide) shall be paid by Nationwide to the Distributor.












This Addendum No. 1, executed this 22nd day of May, 1992, hereby amends the Fund Participation Agreement (“Agreement”) between Nationwide Life Insurance Company (“Nationwide”) and Van Eck Investment Trust (“Trust”), the Trust’s investment adviser, Van Eck Associates Corporation (“Adviser”), and the Trust’s Distributor, Van Eck Securities Corporation (“Distributor”) dated November 2, 1989.

The parties agree that as of August 1, 1992 shares of the Van Eck Investment Trust Global Bond Fund and Van Eck Investment Trust Gold & Natural Resources Fund (“Portfolios”) shall be made available to serve as an underlying investment medium within the Nationwide Qualified Plan Variable Account (“QPVA”) for certain Group Separate Account Annuity Contracts offered by Nationwide.

Section 1 of the Agreement is hereby amended to include the following paragraph:

Nationwide further represents that it has established the QPVA, a separate account under Ohio Law, to serve as an investment vehicle for the contracts.  The Contracts provide for the allocation of net amounts received by Nationwide to a separate series of the QPVA for investment in the shares of specified investment companies selected among those companies available through the QPVA to act as underlying investment media.

Beginning with Section 2 of the Agreement and thereafter, all references to the Variable Account in the Agreement shall include  the Nationwide Qualified Plan Variable Account, unless specifically provided to the contrary in certain provisions of this Addendum No. 1, as set out above; and further, all references to the Contracts(s) in the Agreement shall include the Group Separate Account Annuity Contracts, unless specifically provided to the contrary in certain provisions of this Addendum No. 1, as set out above.

Each Fund shall send to Nationwide, within five (5) business days after the end of each month, a monthly statement of account confirming all transactions made during that month in the Nationwide Qualified Plan Variable Account.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Addendum No. 1 on the date first written above.


Date      Vice President –
Financial Operations


Date      VP


Date       VP


Date        VP


VAN ECK WORLDWIDE INSURANCE TRUST (formerly, “Van Eck Investment Trust”),





This document constitutes an Addendum to the Fund Participation Agreement dated September 1, 1989 (the “Agreement”) among VAN ECK WORLDWIDE INSURANCE TRUST (formerly “Van Eck Investment Trust”) (the “Trust”), VAN ECK ASSOCIATES CORPORATION (the “Adviser”), VAN ECK SECURITIES CORPORATION (the “Distributor”) and NATIONWIDE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (“Nationwide”).

The purpose of this Addendum is to allow shares of the Trust to serve as underlying investment vehicles for deferred variable annuity products issued through Nationwide Variable Account – 9 and variable life insurance policies issued through Nationwide VLI Separate Account – 4; each account a segregated asset account of Nationwide Life Insurance Company.

For Such purpose listed above, the Trust, the Adviser, the Distributor and Nationwide amend the Agreement as follows:

1.           The first paragraph of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and is replaced with the following:

The Agreement, made and entered into as of the 1st day of September, 1989, by and among, Nationwide Life Insurance Company (“Nationwide”) and Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust (formerly “Van Eck Investment Trust”) (the “Trust”), the Trust’s Investment Adviser, Van Eck Associates Corporation (the “Adviser”), and the Trust’s Distributor, Van Eck Securities Corporation (the “Distributor”), each of which hereby agrees that shares of the Trust as listed in Exhibit A shall be made available to serve as underlying investment vehicles for Deferred Variable Annuity Contracts and Variable Life Insurance Polices (collectively referred to as “Contracts”) to be offered by Nationwide subject to the following provisions:

2.           Number 1 of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and is replaced with the following:

Nationwide represents that it has established segregated asset accounts (as listed in Exhibit A to the Agreement) as separate accounts under Ohio law, and has registered such accounts as unit investmenttrusts under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“1940 Act”), unless otherwise exempted by applicable SEC Rules and Regulations, to serve as investment vehicles for the Contracts.  The Contracts provide for the allocation of net amounts received by Nationwide to separate series of the Variable Account for investment in the shares of specified investment companies selected among those companies available through the separate accounts to act as underlying investment vehicles.  Selection of a particular investment company is made by the contract owner who may change such selection from time to time in accordance with the terms of the applicable Contract.

3.           All applicable references throughout the Agreement to “Nationwide Life Insurance Company” shall also mean “Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company”.

4.           A new document entitled Exhibit A is attached to and made a part of the Agreement.  The purpose of Exhibit A is to list the Variable Accounts, Corresponding Contracts and Corresponding underlying investments of the Trust currently subject to this Agreement.

5.           This Addendum, including Exhibit A, is attached to and made a part of the Agreement.

6.           This agreement, including Exhibit A and any related Service Agreements as amended, is and shall remain in full force and effect until terminated pursuant to the terms of the Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Addendum to be duly executed as of date(s) set forth below.

VAN ECK WORLDWIDE INSURANCE TRUST (Formerly “Van Eck Investment Trust”)

By:           _______________________________________________                                                                                                                          60;      Date:_______________________
Title:                      Vice President and Secretary                                                                                 


By:           _______________________________________________                                                                                                                          60;      Date:________________________
Title:                      Vice President                                                                           


By:           _______________________________________________                                                                                                                          60;      Date:________________________
Title:                      Vice President                                                                          


By:           ______________________________________________                                                                                                                          0;      Date:________________________
Title:                      Vice President – Product and Market Compliance­




Variable Account of the
Corresponding Contract(s)
Corresponding Fund(s)
Nationwide Variable
Account – II
Deferred Variable Annuity
·  Worldwide Bond Fund (Formerly “Global Bond Fund”)
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund (Formerly “Gold and Natural Resources Fund”)
Nationwide Variable
Account – 9
Deferred Variable Annuity
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Nationwide VA Separate
Account – B
Deferred Variable Annuity
·  Worldwide Bond Fund (Formerly “Global Bond Fund”)
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund (Formerly “Gold and Natural Resources Fund”)
Qualified Plans Variable
Qualified Plans Variable
Group Annuity
·  Worldwide Bond Fund (Formerly “Global Bond Fund”)
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund (Formerly “Gold and Natural Resources Fund”)
Nationwide VLI Separate
Account -2
Modified Single Premium
Variable Life and Flexible
Premium Variable Universal
·  Worldwide Bond Fund (Formerly “Global Bond Fund”)
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund (Formerly “Gold and Natural Resources Fund”)
Nationwide VLI Separate
Account – 4
Modified Single Premium
Variable Life and Flexible
Premium Variable Universal
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund

Exhibit A corresponds with Amendment No. 2 to the Fund Participation Agreement.



VAN ECK WORLDWIDE INSURANCE TRUST (formerly, “Van Eck Investment Trust”),


This document constitutes an Addendum to the Fund Participation Agreement dated September 1, 1989 (the “Agreement”) among VAN ECK WORLDWIDE INSURANCE TRUST (formerly “Van Eck Investment Trust”) (the “Trust”), VAN ECK ASSOCIATES CORPORATION (the “Adviser”), VAN ECK SECURITIES CORPORATION (the “Distributor”) and NATIONWIDE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY and NATIONWIDE LIFE AND ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY (herein collectively referred to as “Nationwide”).

The purpose of this Addendum is to allow shares of the Trust to serve as underlying investment vehicles for variable life insurance policies issued through Nationwide VL Separate Account – C, a segregated asset account of Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company.

For such purpose listed above, the Trust, the Adviser, the Distributor and Nationwide amend the Agreement as follows:

1.           Schedule A is amended to reflect the addition of the following segregated asset accountof Nationwide:
a)           Nationwide VL Separate Account – C

2.           The amended Schedule A is attached to and made a part of the Agreement.

3.           The Agreement and any related Service Agreements, as amended, are and shall remain infull force and effect until terminated pursuant to terms of the Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto cause this Addendum No. 3 to be executed as of the date(s) set forth below:

VAN ECK WORLDWIDE INSURANCE TRUST (Formerly “Van Eck Investment Trust”)

By:           ___________________________________________                                                                                                           Date:              &# 160;       ________________
Title:                      Vice President and Secretary                                                                                    


By:           ___________________________________________                                                                                                           Date:              &# 160;       ________________
Title:                      Vice President and Secretary                                                


By:           ___________________________________________                                                                                                           Date:              &# 160;       ________________
Title:                      Vice President and Secretary                                                  


By:           __________________________________________                                                                                                           Date:               60;       ________________
Title:                      Vice President – Product and Market Compliance­



Variable Account of the
Corresponding Contract(s)
Corresponding Fund(s)
Nationwide Variable
Account – II
Deferred Variable Annuity
·  Worldwide Bond Fund (Formerly “Global Bond Fund”)
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund (Formerly “Gold and Natural Resources Fund”)
Nationwide Variable
Account – 9
Deferred Variable Annuity
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Nationwide VA Separate
Account – B
Deferred Variable Annuity
·  Worldwide Bond Fund
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Qualified Plans Variable
Qualified Plans Variable Group Annuity
·  Worldwide Bond Fund
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Nationwide VLI Separate
Account – 2
Modified Single Premium Variable Life and Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life
·  Worldwide Bond Fund
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Nationwide VLI Separate
Account – 4
Modified Single Premium Variable Life and Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Nationwide VL Separate
Account – C
Corporate Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life and Flexible Premium Variable
Universal Life
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund

Exhibit A corresponds with Amendment No. 3 to the Fund Participation Agreement.




This document constitutes an Addendum to Exhibit A of the Fund Participation Agreement dated September 1, 1989 (the “Agreement”) among VAN ECK WORLDWIDE INSURANCE TRUST (formerly “Van Eck Investment Trust”) (the “Trust”), VAN ECK SECURITIES CORPORATION (the “Distributor”) and NATIONWIDE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY and NATIONWIDE LIFE AND ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY (herein collectively referred to as “Nationwide”).

The purposes of this Addendum are to allow shares of the Trust to serve as underlying investment vehicles for immediate variable annuity contracts issued through Nationwide Variable Account -9, and for variable annuity contracts issued through Nationwide Variable Account -8 and Nationwide Variable Account -10; each a segregated asset account of Nationwide.

For such purposes listed above, the Trust, the Adviser, the Distributor and Nationwide amend the Agreement as follows:

1.           Exhibit A is amended to add immediate variable annuity contracts to NationwideVariable Account – 9;

2.           Exhibit A is amended to reflect the addition of the following segregated asset accounts ofNationwide:

a)           Nationwide Variable Account – 8;
b)           Nationwide Variable Account – 10;

3.           The amended Exhibit A is attached to and made a part of the Agreement; and

4.           The Agreement and any related Service Agreements, as amended, are and shall remain infull force and effect until terminated pursuant to terms of the Agreement.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto cause this Addendum No. 4 to Exhibit A to be executed as of the date(s) set forth below:


By:           _____________________________________                                                                                                Date:                      ________________

Title:                      Vice President                               

By:           _____________________________________                                                                                                Date:                      ________________

Title:                      Executive Vice President                                                                          


By:           _____________________________________                                                                                                Date:                      ________________

Title:                      Executive Vice President                                                                           


By:           _____________________________________                                                                                                Date:                      ________________

Title:                      Office of Product and Market Compliance­___


Variable Account of the
Corresponding Contract(s)
Corresponding Fund(s)
Nationwide Variable
Account - II
Deferred Variable Annuity
·  Worldwide Bond Fund (formerly “Global Bond Fund”)
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund (formerly “Gold and Natural Resources Fund”)
Nationwide Variable Account – 8
Deferred Variable Annuity
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Nationwide Variable
Account – 9
Deferred Variable Annuity and Immediate Variable Annuity
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Nationwide Variable Account – 10
Deferred Variable Annuity
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Nationwide VA Separate
Account -B
Deferred Variable Annuity
·  Worldwide Bond Fund
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Qualified Plans Variable
Qualified Plans Variable
Group Annuity
·  Worldwide Bond Fund
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Nationwide VLI Separate
Account -2
Modified Single Premium
Variable Life and Flexible
Premium Variable Universal
·  Worldwide Bond Fund
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Nationwide VLI Separate
Account – 4
Modified Single Premium
Variable Life and Flexible
Premium Variable Universal
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Nationwide VL Separate
Account –C
Corporate Flexible Premium
Variable Universal Life and Flexible Premium Variable
Universal Life
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
*Addendum No. 4 to Exhibit A Corresponds with the Fund Participation Agreement dated September 1, 1989.







This document constitutes an Addendum to Exhibit A of the Fund Participation Agreement dated September 1, 1989 (the “Agreement”) among VAN ECK WORLDWIDE INSURANCE TRUST (formerly “Van Eck Investment Trust”) (the “Trust”), VAN ECK SECURITIES CORPORATION (the “Distributor”) and NATIONWIDE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY and NATIONWIDE LIFE AND ANNUITY INSURANCE COMPANY (herein collectively referred to as “Nationwide”).

The purposes of this Addendum are to allow shares of the Trust to serve as underlying investment vehicles for variable life insurance contracts issued through Nationwide Private Placement Variable Account; a segregated asset account of Nationwide.

For such purposes listed above, the Trust, the Adviser, the Distributor and Nationwide amend the Agreement as follows:

1.           Exhibit A is amended to reflect the addition of the following segregated asset account ofNationwide:

Nationwide Private Placement Variable Account;

2.           the amended Exhibit A is attached to and made a part of the Agreement; and

3.           the Agreement and any related Service Agreements, as amended, are and shall remain in
full force and effect until terminated pursuant to terms of the Agreement.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto cause this Addendum No. 5 to Exhibit A to be executed as of the date(s) set forth below:


By:           _____________________________________                                                                                                Date:                      ________________

Title:                      Vice President and Secretary                                                                                     


By:           _____________________________________                                                                                                Date:                      ________________

Title:                      Executive Vice President                                                                            


By:           _____________________________________                                                                                                Date:                      ________________

Title:                      Executive Vice President                                                                           


By:           _____________________________________                                                                                                Date:                      ________________

Title:                      Vice President,
Office of Product and Market Compliance­___


Variable Account of the
Corresponding Contract(s)
Corresponding Fund(s)
Nationwide Variable
Account – II
Deferred Variable Annuity
·  Worldwide Bond Fund (formerly “Global Bond Fund”)
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund (formerly “Gold and Natural Resources Fund”)
Nationwide Variable Account – 8
Deferred Variable Annuity
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Nationwide Variable
Account – 9
Deferred Variable Annuity and Immediate Variable Annuity
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Nationwide Variable Account – 10
Deferred Variable Annuity
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Nationwide VA Separate
Account – B
Deferred Variable Annuity
·  Worldwide Bond Fund
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Qualified Plans Variable
Qualified Plans Variable
Group Annuity
·  Worldwide Bond Fund
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Nationwide VLI Separate
Account – 2
Modified Single Premium
Variable Life and Flexible
Premium Variable Universal
·  Worldwide Bond Fund
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Nationwide VLI Separate
Account – 4
Modified Single Premium
Variable Life and Flexible
Premium Variable Universal
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Nationwide VL Separate
Account – C
Corporate Flexible Premium
Variable Universal Life and Flexible Premium Variable
Universal Life
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
Nationwide Private Placement Variable Account
Variable Universal Life
Insurance Policies
·  Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund
·  Worldwide Hard Assets Fund
*Addendum No. 5 to Exhibit A Corresponds with the Fund Participation Agreement dated September 1, 1989.

EX-99.H PARTIC AGREE 23 waddellreedfpa.htm WADDELL & REED FPA waddellreedfpa.htm

Fund Participation Agreement

This Fund Participation Agreement (“Agreement”), dated as of the 1st day of December, 2000 is made by and between Nationwide Life Insurance Company and/or Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company (separately or collectively “Nationwide”) on behalf of the Nationwide separate accounts identified on Exhibit A which is attached hereto and may be amended from time to time (“Variable Accounts”), and WADDELL & REED SERVICES COMPANY (“WRSCO”) and WADDELL & REED, INC. (“W&R, INC.”) which serve respectively as the accounting services/shareholder servicing agent and the distributor to the W&R TARGET FUNDS, INC. (the “Funds”) listed on Exhibit A.  WRSCO and W&R, INC. are collectively referred to throughout this Agreement as “W&R.”

WHEREAS, the Contracts allow for the allocation of net amounts received by Nationwide to separate sub-accounts of the Variable Accounts for investment in shares of the Funds and other similar funds as agreed by W&R and Nationwide; and

WHEREAS, selection of a particular sub-account (corresponding to a particular Fund) is made by the Contract owner; or, in the case of certain group Contracts, by participants in various types of retirement plans which have purchased such group Contracts, and such Contract owners and/or participants may reallocate their investment options among the sub-accounts of the Variable Accounts in accordance with the terms of the Variable Accounts in accordance with the terms of the Contracts; and

WHEREAS, Nationwide and W&R mutually desire the inclusion of the Funds as underlying investment media for variable life insurance policies and/or variable annuity contracts as agreed by W&R and Nationwide (collectively, the “Contracts”) issued by Nationwide;

NOW THEREFORE, Nationwide and W&R, in consideration of the promises and undertakings described herein, agree as follows:

Nationwide represents and warrants that the Variable Accounts have been established and are in good standing under Ohio Law; and the Variable Accounts have been registered as unit investment trusts under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”) and will remain so registered, or are exempt from registration pursuant to section 3(c)(11) of the 1940 Act;
Nationwide represents and warrants that it is an insurance company duly organized and in good standing under the laws of its state of incorporation and that it has legally and validly established each Variable Account and Contract;
Nationwide represents and warrants that the Contracts will be registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (“1933 Act”) unless an exemption from registration is available prior to any issuance or sale of the Contracts and that the Contracts will be issued in compliance in all material respects with applicable federal and state laws.

Each party recognizes that the Funds shall be the exclusive underlying investments for the Contracts developed for exclusive distribution by W&R.  The Funds may be available in other Contracts upon mutual agreement of Nationwide and W&R.

Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Nationwide shall be appointed to, and agrees, to act as a limited agent of W&R, for the sole purpose of receiving instructions for the purchase and redemption of Fund shares (from Contract owners or participants making investment allocation decisions under the Contracts) prior to the close of regular trading each Business Day.  “Business Day” shall mean any day on which the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading and on which the Funds calculate their net asset value as set forth in the Funds’ most recent Prospectuses and Statements of Additional Information. Except as particularly stated in this paragraph, Nationwide shall have no authority to act on behalf of W&R or to incur any cost or liability on its behalf.

W&R will use its reasonable best efforts to provide closing net asset value, change in net asset value, dividend or daily accrual rate information and capital gain information by 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time each Business Day to Nationwide. Nationwide shall use this data to calculate unit values.  Unit values shall be used to process that same Business Day’s Variable Account transactions. Orders for purchases or redemptions shall be placed with W&R or its specified agent no later than 10:00 a.m. of the following Business Day.  Orders for shares of Funds shall be accepted and executed at the time they are received by W&R and at the net asset value price determined as of the close of trading on the previous Business Day.  The Funds may refuse to sell shares to any person or may suspend or terminate the offering of its shares if such action is required by law or by regulatory authorities having jurisdiction or is, in the sole discretion of the directors of the Funds, necessary in the best interest of the shareholders of the Funds.  W&R will not accept any order made on a conditional basis or subject to any delay or contingency.  Nationwide shall only place purchase orders for shares of Funds on behalf of its customers whose addresses recorded on Nationwide’s books are in a state or other jurisdiction in which the Funds are registered or qualified for sale, or are exempt from registration or qualification as confirmed in writing by W&R.

Payment for net purchases shall be wired to a custodial account designated by W&R and payment for net redemptions will be wired to an account designated by Nationwide. Dividends and capital gain distributions shall be reinvested in additional Fund shares at net asset value.  Notwithstanding the above, W&R shall not be held responsible for providing Nationwide with ex-date net asset value, change in net asset value, dividend or capital gain information when the New York Stock Exchange is closed, when an emergency exists making the valuation of net assets not reasonably practicable, or during any period when the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) has by order permitted the suspension of pricing shares for the protection of shareholders.

Issuance and transfer of Fund shares will be by book entry only.  Share certificates will not be issued to Nationwide for any Variable Account.  Fund shares will be recorded in the appropriate title for each Variable Account.

Nationwide agrees to provide W&R, upon request, written reports indicating the number of shareholders that hold interests in the Funds and such other information (including books and records) that W&R may reasonably request or as may be necessary or advisable to enable it to comply with any law, regulation or order.

All expenses incident to the performance by W&R and the Funds under this Agreement shall be paid by W&R and the Funds.  W&R shall promptly provide Nationwide (or its designee), or cause Nationwide (or its designee) to be provided with, a reasonable quantity of the Funds’ Statements of Additional Information and any supplements, and a camera-ready copy of the Funds’ Prospectus and any Supplements for use by Nationwide in producing a combined prospectus for each Contract incorporating both the Contract Prospectus and the Funds’ Prospectus.  Costs for production of such documents shall be allocated as set forth in the Administrative Services Agreement, dated September 1, 2000 by and between Nationwide and Waddell & Reed, Inc.

Nationwide and its agents shall make no representations concerning the Funds or Fund shares except those contained in the Funds’ then current Prospectuses, Statements of Additional Information or other documents produced by W&R (or an entity on its behalf) which contain information about the Funds. Nationwide agrees to allow a reasonable period of time for W&R to review any advertising and sales literature drafted by Nationwide (or agents on its behalf) with respect to the Funds prior to submitting such material to any regulator.



W&R represents that the Funds are currently qualified as regulated investment companies under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the “Code”), as amended, and that the Funds shall make every effort to maintain such qualification.  W&R shall promptly notify Nationwide upon having a reasonable basis for believing that the Funds have ceased to so qualify, or that they may not qualify as such in the future.

W&R represents that the Funds currently comply with the diversification requirements pursuant to Section 817(h) of the Code and Section 1.817-5(b) of the Federal Tax Regulations and that the Funds will make every effort to maintain the Funds’ compliance with such diversification requirements, unless the Funds are otherwise exempt from section 817(h) and/or except as otherwise disclosed in the Funds’ prospectus.  W&R will notify Nationwide promptly upon having a reasonable basis for believing that the Funds have ceased to so qualify, or that the Funds might not so qualify in the future. Unless otherwise exempt, W&R shall provide to Nationwide a statement indicating compliance with Section 817(h) and a schedule of investment holdings, to be received by Nationwide no later than twenty-five (25) days following the end of each calendar quarter.

Nationwide represents that the Contracts are currently, and at the time of issuance will be, treated as annuity contracts or life insurance policies, whichever is appropriate under applicable provisions of the Code, and that it shall make every effort to maintain such treatment. Nationwide will promptly notify W&R upon having a reasonable basis for believing that the Contracts have ceased to be treated as annuity contracts or life insurance polices, or that the Contracts may not be so treated in the future.

Unless the Funds are exempt from the requirements of section 817(h), Nationwide represents that each Variable Account is a “segregated asset account” and that interests in each Variable Account are offered exclusively through the purchase of a “variable contract”, within the meaning of such terms pursuant to section 1.817-5(f)(2) of the Federal Tax Regulations, that it shall make every effort to continue to meet such definitional requirements, and that it shall notify W&R immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that such requirements have ceased to be met or that they may not be met in the future.

Within five (5) Business Days after the end of each calendar month, W&R shall provide Nationwide a monthly statement of account, which shall confirm all transactions made during that particular month in the Variable Accounts.

(a) The directors of the Funds will monitor the operations of the Funds for the existence of any material irreconcilable conflict among the interest of all Contract owners of all separate accounts investing in the Funds.  W&R shall notify Nationwide of the potential for, or the determination of, such irreconcilable material conflict.  An irreconcilable conflict may arise, among other things, from (i) an action by any state insurance regulatory authority; (ii) a change in applicable insurance laws or regulations; (iii) a tax ruling or provision of the Code or the regulations thereunder; (iv) any other development relating to the tax treatment of insurers, contract holders or policy owners or beneficiaries of variable annuity or variable life insurance products; (v) the manner in which the investments of the Funds are managed; (vi) a difference in voting instructions given by variable annuity contract owners, on the one hand, and variable life insurance policy owners on the other hand, or by the contract holders or policy owners of different participating insurance companies; or (vii) a decision by an insurer to override the voting instructions of participating contract owners.

Nationwide is responsible for reporting any potential or existing conflicts to W&R and the Funds.  Nationwide will be responsible for assisting the directors in carrying out their responsibilities under this provision by providing the directors with all information reasonably necessary for them to consider the issues raised.  The Funds will also require Waddell & Reed Investment Management Company (“WRIMCO”) (the Funds’ investment adviser) to report to the directors any such conflict that comes to the attention of WRIMCO.

If a majority of the directors of the Funds or a majority of the disinterested directors determine that a material irreconcilable conflict exists involving Nationwide, Nationwide shall, at its expense and to the extent reasonably practicable (as determined by a majority of the disinterested directors), take whatever steps are necessary to eliminate the irreconcilable material conflict, including, but not limited to, withdrawing the assets allocable to some or all of the Variable Accounts from the Funds and reinvesting such assets in a different investment medium, including another Fund, offering to the affected Contract owners the option of making such a change or offering a new funding medium, including a registered investment company.

For purposes of this provision, the directors or the disinterested directors shall determine whether any proposed action adequately remedies any irreconcilable material conflict.  In the event of a determination of an irreconcilable material conflict, the directors shall cause the Funds to take such action, such as establishment of one or more additional Funds, as they reasonably determine to be in the interest of all shareholders and Contract owners in view of all the applicable factors such as the cost, feasibility, tax, regulatory and other considerations.  In no event will the Funds be required by this provision to establish a new funding medium for any Contract..

Nationwide shall not be required by this provision to establish a new funding medium for any Contract if an offer to do so has been declined by a vote of a majority of the Contract owners materially adversely affected by the material irreconcilable conflict.  Nationwide will decline an offer to establish a new funding medium only if Nationwide believes it is in the best interest of its Contract owners.

9.      This Agreement shall terminate as to the sale and issuance of new Contracts:

at the option of Nationwide or W&R upon at least 60 days advance written notice to the other;
in the event of termination of the General Agency Agreement between Waddell & Reed, Inc. and Nationwide;
at any time, upon W&R’s election, if the Funds determine that liquidation of the Funds is in the best interest of the Funds and their beneficial owners. Reasonable advance notice of election to liquidate shall be furnished by W&R to permit the substitution of Fund shares with the shares of another investment company pursuant to SEC regulation;
if the Contracts are not treated as annuity contracts or life insurance policies by the applicable regulators or under applicable rules or regulations;
if the Variable Accounts are not deemed “segregated asset accounts” by the applicable regulators or under applicable rules or regulations;
at the option of Nationwide, if Fund shares are not available for any reason to meet the requirements of Contracts as determined by Nationwide.  Reasonable advance notice of election to terminate (and time to cure) shall be furnished by Nationwide;
at the option of Nationwide or W&R, upon institution of relevant formal proceedings against the broker-dealer(s) marketing the Contracts, the Variable Accounts, Nationwide or the Funds by the NASD, IRS, the Department of Labor, the SEC, state insurance departments or any other regulatory body, the expected or anticipated outcome of which would, in the reasonable judgment of the terminating party, materially impair the other party’s ability to meet and perform its obligations under this Agreement.  Prompt notice of an election to terminate under this provision shall be furnished by the terminating party and shall be effective upon receipt;
upon a decision by Nationwide, in accordance with regulations of the SEC, to substitute such Fund shares with the shares of another investment company for Contracts for which the Fund shares have been selected to serve as the underlying investment medium, provided, however, that Nationwide shall not take any action to remove the Funds as the underlying investment medium for the Contracts developed for exclusive distribution by W&R.  Nationwide shall give at least 60 days written notice to the Funds and W&R of any proposal to substitute Fund shares;
upon assignment of this Agreement unless such assignment is made with the written consent of each other party; and
in the event Fund shares are not registered, issued or sold pursuant to Federal law, or such law precludes the use of Fund shares as an underlying investment medium of Contracts issued or to be issued by Nationwide.  Prompt written notice shall be given by either party to the other in the event the conditions of this provision occur.

10.  Each notice required by this Agreement shall be given orally and confirmed in writing to:

Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
One Nationwide Plaza 1-09-V3
Columbus, Ohio  43215
Attention: Compliance Officer

Waddell & Reed, Inc.
Waddell & Reed Services Company
6300 Lamar Avenue
Overland Park, KS  66202
Attention: Legal Department

W&R Target Funds, Inc.
6300 Lamar Avenue
Overland Park, KS  66202
Attention: Treasurer

With a copy to:

Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
One Nationwide Plaza 1-09-V3
Columbus, Ohio  43215
Attention:  Director – Securities

W&R Target Funds, Inc.
6300 Lamar Avenue
Overland Park, KS  66202
Attention: Secretary

Any party may change its address by notifying the other party(ies) in writing.

So long as and to the extent that the SEC continues to interpret the 1940 Act to require pass-through voting privileges for variable contract owners, Nationwide shall distribute all proxy material furnished by W&R (provided that such material is received by Nationwide at least 10 business days prior to the date scheduled for mailing to Contract owners) and shall vote Fund shares in accordance with instructions received from the Contract owners who have such interests in such Fund shares.  Nationwide shall vote the Fund shares for which no instructions have been received in the same proportion as Fund shares for which said instructions have been received from Contract owners, provided that such proportional voting is not prohibited by the Contract owner’s related plan or trust document.  Nationwide and its agents will in no way recommend action in connection with or oppose or interfere with the solicitation of proxies for the Fund shares held for the benefit of such Contract owners.



12. (a)
Nationwide agrees to reimburse and/or indemnify and hold harmless W&R, the Funds, and each of their directors, officers, employees, agents and each person, if any, who controls or is controlled by W&R within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 (the “1933 Act”) (collectively, “Affiliated Party”) against any losses, claims, damages or liabilities (“Losses”) to which W&R or any such Affiliated Party may become subject, under the 1933 Act or otherwise, insofar as such Losses (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon, but not limited to:

any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in information furnished by Nationwide;
the omission or the alleged omission to state in the Registration Statements or Prospectuses of the Variable Accounts, or Contract, or in any sales literature generated or approved by Nationwide on behalf of the Variable Accounts or Contracts, a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading;
conduct, statements or representations of Nationwide or its agents, with respect to the sale and distribution of Contracts for which Fund shares are an underlying investment;
the failure of Nationwide to provide the services and furnish the materials under the terms of this Agreement;
a breach of this Agreement or of any of the representations contained herein; or
any failure to register the Contracts or the Variable Accounts under federal or state securities laws, state insurance laws or to otherwise comply with such laws, rules, regulations or orders.

Provided however, that Nationwide shall not be liable in any such case to the extent any such statement, omission or representation or such alleged statement, alleged omission or alleged representation was made in reliance upon and in conformity with written information furnished to Nationwide by or on behalf of W&R specifically for use therein.

Nationwide shall reimburse any legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by W&R, the Funds, or any Affiliated Party in connection with investigating or defending any such Losses, provided, however, that Nationwide shall have prior approval of the use of said counsel or the expenditure of said fees.

This indemnity agreement shall be in addition to any liability which Nationwide may otherwise have.

W&R and the Funds agree to indemnify and hold harmless Nationwide and each of its directors, officers, employees, agents and each person, (collectively, “Nationwide Affiliated Party”), who controls Nationwide within the meaning of the 1933 Act against any Losses to which Nationwide or any such Nationwide Affiliated Party may become subject, under the 1933 Act or otherwise, insofar as such Losses (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon; but not limited to:

any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in any information furnished by W&R or the Funds, including but not limited to, the Registration Statements, Prospectuses or sales literature of the Funds;
the omission or the alleged omission to state in the Registration Statements or Prospectuses of the Funds a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading;
W&R’s failure to keep the Funds fully diversified and qualified as regulated investment companies as required by the applicable provisions of the Code, the 1940 Act, and the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder;
the failure of W&R to provide the services and furnish the materials under the terms of this Agreement;
a breach of this Agreement or of any of the representations contained herein; or
any failure to register the Funds under federal or state securities laws or to otherwise comply with such laws, rules, regulations or orders.

Provided however, that W&R and the Funds shall not be liable in any such case to the extent that any such loss, claim, damage or liability arises out of or is based upon an act or omission of Nationwide or untrue statement or omission or alleged omission made in conformity with written information furnished to W&R or the Funds by Nationwide specifically for use therein.

W&R and the Funds shall reimburse any reasonable legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by Nationwide or any Nationwide Affiliated Party in connection with investigating or defending any such Losses, provided, however, that W&R and the Funds shall have prior approval of the use of said counsel or the expenditure of said fees.

This indemnity agreement will be in addition to any liability which W&R and the Funds may otherwise have.

Each party shall promptly notify the other party(ies) in writing of any situation which presents or appears to involve a claim which may be the subject of indemnification under this Agreement and the indemnifying party shall have the option to defend against any such claim.  In the event the indemnifying party so elects, it shall notify the indemnified party and shall assume the defense of such claim, and the indemnified party shall cooperate fully with the indemnifying party, at the indemnifying party’s expense, in the defense of such claim.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the indemnified party shall be entitled to participate in the defense of such claim at its own expense through counsel of its own choosing.  Neither party shall admit to wrong-doing nor make any compromise in any action or proceeding which may result in a finding of wrongdoing by the other party without the other party’s prior written consent.  Any notice given by the indemnifying party to an indemnified party or participation in or control of the litigation of any such claim by the indemnifying party shall in no event be deemed to be an admission by the indemnifying party of culpability, and the indemnifying party shall be free to contest liability among the parties with respect to the claim.

Subject to Section 9(h) of this Agreement, W&R may request or Nationwide may initiate the filing of a substitution application pursuant to Section 26(c) of the 1940 Act to substitute shares of a Fund held by a Nationwide Variable Account for another investment media (“Substitution Application”).  The costs associated with a Substitution Application shall be allocated as follows:

In the event W&R requests Nationwide to submit a Substitution Application, W&R shall reimburse Nationwide for all reasonable costs incurred by Nationwide with respect to such Substitution Application.  W&R shall be obligated to reimburse Nationwide under this provision irrespective of whether the Substitution Application requested by W&R is effectuated.
In the event Nationwide initiates a Substitution Application and the Fund being substituted is offered by separate accounts of companies other than Nationwide, Nationwide shall bear all costs associated with the Substitution Application irrespective of whether the Substitution Application is effectuated.
In the event Nationwide initiates a Substitution Application in accordance with Section 9(h), Nationwide shall bear the costs incurred in the transfer.

The forbearance or neglect of any party to insist upon strict compliance by another party with any of the provisions of this Agreement, whether continuing or not, or to declare a forfeiture of termination against the other parties, shall not be construed as a waiver of any of the rights or privileges of any party hereunder.  No waiver of any right or privilege of any party arising from any default or failure of performance by any party shall affect the rights or privileges of the other parties in the event of a further default or failure of performance.

This Agreement shall be construed and the provisions hereof interpreted under and in accordance with the laws of Ohio, without respect to its choice of law provisions and in accordance with the 1940 Act.  In the case of any conflict, the 1940 Act shall control.

Each party hereby represents and warrants to the other that the persons executing this Agreement on its behalf are duly authorized and empowered to execute and deliver the Agreement and that the Agreement constitutes its legal, valid and binding obligation, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.  Except as particularly set forth herein, neither party assumes any responsibility hereunder, and will not be liable to the other for any damage, loss of data, delay or any other loss whatsoever caused by events beyond its reasonable control.

Nationwide acknowledges that the identity of W&R’s (and its affiliates’ and/or subsidiaries’) customers and all information maintained about those customers constitute the valuable property of W&R.  Nationwide agrees that, should it come into contact or possession of any such information (including, but not limited to, lists or compilations of the identity of such customers), Nationwide shall hold such information or property in confidence and shall not use, disclose or distribute any such information or property except with W&R’s prior written consent or as required by law or judicial process.

W&R acknowledges that the identity of Nationwide’s (and its affiliates’ and/or subsidiaries’) customers and all information maintained about those customers constitute the valuable property of Nationwide. W&R agrees that, should it come into contact or possession of any such information (including, but not limited to, lists or compilations of the identity of such customers), W&R shall hold such information or property in confidence and shall not use, disclose or distribute any such information or property except with Nationwide’s prior written consent or as required by law or judicial process.

This section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.

Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create a partnership or joint venture by and among the parties hereto.

This Agreement supersedes any and all prior Fund Participation Agreements made by and between the parties.

Except to amend Exhibit A, or as otherwise provided in this Agreement, this Agreement may not be amended or modified except by a written amendment executed by each of the parties.



This Agreement may be executed by facsimile signature and it may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

By:     William G. Goslee
Title:  Vice President
          Investment Management Relationships


By:         Thomas W. Butch
Title:           Executive Vice President


By:         Michael D. Strohm
Title:           President


By:         Robert L. Hechler
Title:           President




This Amendment No. 1 to Exhibit A is corresponds to the Fund Participation Agreement dated
December 1, 2000
Variable Accounts of Nationwide
Corresponding Nationwide Contracts
Corresponding Funds
Nationwide VA Separate Account-D
·  Waddell & Reed Advisors Select Annuity
W&R Target Funds, Inc.
·  Asset Strategy Portfolio
·  Balanced Portfolio
·  Bond Portfolio
·  Core Equity Portfolio (formerly, Income Portfolio)
·  Growth Portfolio
·  High Income Portfolio
·  International Portfolio
·  Limited-Term Bond Portfolio
·  Money Market Portfolio
·  Science and Technology Portfolio
·  Small Cap Portfolio
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-5
·  Waddell & Reed Advisors Select Life
·  Waddell & Reed Advisors Select Survivorship Life
W&R Target Funds, Inc.
·  Asset Strategy Portfolio
·  Balanced Portfolio
·  Bond Portfolio
·  Core Equity Portfolio (formerly, Income Portfolio)
·  Growth Portfolio
·  High Income Portfolio
·  International Portfolio
·  Limited-Term Bond Portfolio
·  Money Market Portfolio
·  Science and Technology Portfolio
·  Small Cap Portfolio



Variable Accounts of Nationwide
Corresponding Nationwide Contracts
Corresponding Funds
Nationwide Variable Account-9
·  Waddell & Reed Advisors Select Plus Annuity (proprietary version of Future (1933 Act No. 333-28995))
·  Waddell & Reed Advisors Select Reserve Annuity (proprietary version of Exclusive II (1933 Act No. 333-52579))
W&R Target Funds, Inc.
·  Asset Strategy Portfolio
·  Balanced Portfolio
·  Bond Portfolio
·  Core Equity Portfolio (formerly, Income Portfolio)
·  Growth Portfolio
·  High Income Portfolio
·  International Portfolio
·  Limited-Term Bond Portfolio
·  Money Market Portfolio
·  Science and Technology Portfolio
·  Small Cap Portfolio

EX-99.H PARTIC AGREE 24 wellsfargofpa.htm WELLS FARGO FPA wellsfargofpa.htm

This Agreement dated as of the 15th day of November, 2004 is made by and among Nationwide Financial Services, Inc., on behalf of its subsidiary life insurance companies listed on Exhibit A (collectively “Nationwide”) and the current and any future Nationwide separate accounts as applicable (“Variable Accounts”), and Wells Fargo Management, LLC (“Adviser”) and Stephens, Inc. (“Distributor”) (collectively “the Company”) that serve as adviser and distributor, respectively, to the Wells Fargo Variable Trust (the “Trust”).


WHEREAS, Nationwide is engaged in developing and offering variable annuity and variable life insurance products (collectively “Variable Products ”) funded through its Variable Accounts; and

WHEREAS, Nationwide also provides administrative and/or recordkeeping services for the Variable Products and in all other respects provides operational support in connection with the offering and maintenance of the Variable Products; and

WHEREAS, Nationwide and the Company mutually desire the inclusion of the investment portfolios of the Trust (each a “Fund”) listed on Exhibit B (and may be amended from time to time) as investment options in the Variable Products; and

WHEREAS, the Variable Products allow for the allocation of net amounts received by Nationwide and the Variable Accounts to the Company for investment in shares of the Funds; and

WHEREAS, selection of investment options is made by contract owners of the Variable Products and such contract owners may reallocate their investments among the investment options in accordance with the terms of the Variable Products; and

NOW THEREFORE, Nationwide and the Company, in consideration of the undertaking described herein, agree that the Funds will be available as investment options in the Variable Products offered by Nationwide, subject to the following:



Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. represents that it is a holding company duly organized and in good standing under applicable state law.  Nationwide represents that its life insurance companies have been duly organized and are in good standing under applicable state law.

Nationwide represents that its life insurance company subsidiaries have validly established all separate accounts under applicable state law.  Each Variable Account is or will be registered as a unit investment trust in accordance with the Provisions of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“1940 Act”), unless exempt from registration based on Section 3(c)(1) or 3(c)(7) of the 1940 Act, or any other applicable exemption.

Nationwide represents that it will amend the registration statements under the Securities Act of 1933 (the “1933 Act”) and the 1940 Act for the Variable Products from time to time as required to effect the continuous offering of the Variable Products, unless otherwise exempt.  Nationwide will also seek to have the Variable Products approved by state insurance authorities in jurisdictions where those annuity contract or life insurance policies will be offered.

Nationwide represents that:  (i) the Variable Products are designed to be treated as annuity contracts and/or life insurance policies under the appropriate provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as Amended (the “Code”); (ii) for so long as the Variable Accounts hold shares of the Funds, Nationwide shall maintain such treatment; (iii) no investment portfolio of the Trust (i.e., each Fund) will fail to be eligible for “look through” treatment under Treasury Regulation 1.817-5(f) by reason of a current or future failure of Nationwide, the Variable Accounts or the Variable Products to comply with any applicable requirements of the Code or Treasury Regulations; (iv) it will promptly notify the Company upon having a reasonable basis for believing that the Variable Products have ceased to be so treated or that they might not be so treated in the future; and (v) it will notify the Company immediately upon having any basis for believing that the failure of Nationwide, the Variable Accounts, or the Variable Products to comply with any applicable requirements of the Code or Treasury Regulations will render a Fund ineligible, or jeopardize a Fund's eligibility, for “look-through” treatment under Treasury Regulation 1.817-5(f) and will take all necessary steps to cure any such failure, including, if necessary, obtaining a waiver or closing agreement with respect to such failure from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service at Nationwide's expense.

Nationwide represents that any prospectus offering a Variable Product that is a life insurance contract where it is reasonably probable that such Variable Product would be a “modified endowment contract,” as that term is defined in Section 7702A of the Code, will identify such Variable Product as a modified endowment contract.

Nationwide represents that it will conduct its activities hereunder in material conformity with all applicable federal and state laws or regulations.

The Company represents that the Trust is duly organized and validly existing under applicable state law.  The Company further represents that the shares of each Fund is duly authorized for issuance in accordance with applicable law, that each Fund is registered as an open-end management investment company under the 1940 Act and will maintain its registration as an investment company under the 1940 Act.

The Company represents that the Trust shall take all such actions as are necessary to permit the sale of its shares to the Variable Accounts, including registering its shares sold to the Variable Accounts under the 1933 Act.  The Company further represents that each Fund will amend the registration statement for its shares under the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act from time to time as required in order to effect the continuous offering of its shares.  The Company represents that each Fund will register and qualify its shares for sale in all states, where applicable and will promptly notify Nationwide if any shares are not qualified in a particular state.

The Company represents that each Fund is currently qualified as a regulated investment company under Subchapter M of the Code and that the Trust shall maintain such qualification.  The Company further represents that the Trust shall promptly notify Nationwide upon having a reasonable basis for believing that it has ceased to so qualify or that it may not qualify as such in the future.

The Company represents that the risks to Fund shareholders resulting from abusive trading in the Fund and any policies and procedures adopted to deal with such risks are clearly disclosed in the Fund prospectuses and statements of additional information; and that such policies, as disclosed, will be uniformly and consistently enforced with respect to all Fund shareholders unless otherwise disclosed in the Fund prospectuses.

The Company represents that the Trust will at all times invest money from the Variable Products in such a manner as to ensure that the Variable Products will be treated as annuity contracts and/or life insurance policies under the Code and the regulations thereunder.  The Company further represents that, without limiting the scope of the foregoing, each Fund will comply with Section 817(h) of the Code and Treasury Regulation 1-817-5, relating to the diversification requirements for variable annuity, endowment, or life insurance contracts and any amendments or other modifications to such Code section or Treasury Regulation or successors thereto.  In particular, each Fund will maintain its compliance with such diversification requirements, unless the Fund is otherwise exempt from Section 817(h) and/or except as otherwise disclosed in the Fund’s prospectus.  The Company represents that the Trust will notify Nationwide promptly upon having a reasonable basis for believing it (or any of the Funds) has ceased to comply.  The Company further represents that the Trust shall remedy any failure to comply with Section 817(h) within the time frame set forth by Section 817(h).

The Company represents that the Distributor:  is registered as a broker-dealer under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “1934 Act”) and will remain duly registered under all applicable federal and state securities laws; is a member in good standing of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (“NASD”); serves as principal underwriter/distributor of the Trust; and will perform its obligations for the Trust in accordance with any applicable state and federal securities laws.

The Company represents that the Adviser:  is exempt from the requirement to be registered as an investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended; and will perform its obligations for the Trust in accordance with any applicable state and federal securities laws.


Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Nationwide shall be appointed to, and agrees to, act as a limited agent of the Company for the sole purpose of receiving instructions from duly authorized parties for the purchase and redemption of Fund shares prior to the close of regular trading each Business Day.  A “Business Day” shall mean any day on which the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading and on which the Fund calculates its net asset value as set forth in the Fund’s most recent prospectus and Statement of Additional Information.  Except as particularly stated in this paragraph, Nationwide shall have no authority to act on behalf of the Company or to incur any cost or liability on its behalf.  Both parties agree to follow any written guidelines or standards relating to the sale or distribution of the shares as may be provided in the provisions outlined in Exhibit C attached hereto, as well as to follow any applicable federal and/or state securities laws, rules or regulations.

The Trust agrees to make its shares available indefinitely for purchase at the applicable net asset value per share by insurance companies that have entered into participation agreements substantially similar to this agreement (“Participating Insurance Companies”) and their separate accounts on those days on which the Fund calculates its net asset value pursuant to rules of the SEC, provided, however, that the board of trustees of the Fund (hereinafter the “Trustees”) may refuse to sell shares of any Fund to any person, or suspend or terminate the offering of shares of any Fund, if such action is required by law or by regulatory authorities having jurisdiction, or is, in the sole discretion of the Trustees, acting in good faith and in light of their fiduciary duties under federal and any applicable state laws, necessary in the best interests of the shareholders of any Fund.

The Company agrees that shares of the Funds will be sold only to Participating Insurance Companies and their separate accounts, and to qualified pension and retirement plans.  No shares of the Funds will be sold to the general public.

The Company will not sell Fund shares to any insurance company or separate account unless an agreement containing provisions substantially the same as Articles II, III, IV, V, VI and VII of this Agreement are in effect to govern such sales.

Nationwide agrees that purchases and redemptions of Fund shares offered by the then current prospectus of each Fund shall be made in accordance with the provisions of such prospectus.


For so long as and to the extent that the Securities and Exchange Commission continues to interpret the 1940 Act to require pass-through voting privileges for Variable Products, Nationwide shall distribute all proxy material furnished by the Company (provided that such material is received by Nationwide or its designated agent at least 10 Business Days prior to the date scheduled for mailing to contract owners) and shall vote Fund shares in accordance with instructions received from the contract owners who have interests in such Fund shares.  Nationwide shall vote the Fund shares for which no instructions have been received in the same proportion as Fund shares for which said instructions have been received from the contract owners, provided that such proportional voting is not prohibited by a contract owner’s qualified retirement plan document, if applicable.  Nationwide and its agents will in no way recommend an action in connection with or oppose or interfere with the solicitation of proxies in the Fund shares.

Nationwide shall be responsible for assuring that each of its separate accounts participating in the Trust calculates voting privileges in a manner consistent with other Participating Insurance Companies and as required by the mixed and shared funding order.  The Trust will notify Nationwide of any changes of interpretation or amendment to the mixed and shared funding order.



Nationwide agrees to provide the Company, upon written request, any reports indicating the number of contract or policy owners having interests in the Variable Products corresponding to a Variable Account's acquisition of Fund shares and such other information (including books and records) that the Company may reasonably request or as may be necessary or advisable to enable it to comply with any law, regulation or order.


Within five (5) Business Days after the end of each calendar quarter, the Company shall provide Nationwide, or its designee, a quarterly statement of account, which shall confirm all transactions made during that particular quarter.  Additionally, the Company shall provide Vision access to Nationwide.

The Company shall promptly provide Nationwide with a reasonable quantity (in light of the number of existing contract or policy owners) of the Funds’ prospectuses, Statements of Additional Information and any supplements thereto.


All expenses incident to the performance by Nationwide under this Agreement shall be paid by Nationwide. Likewise, the Company and/or the Trust shall pay all expenses incident to the performance by the Trust under this Agreement.

Nationwide is responsible for:  the expenses of the cost of registration of the Variable Products, unless otherwise exempt and the costs of having the Variable Products approved by state insurance authorities in the applicable jurisdictions; the cost of preparing and printing annual individual account statements as required by state insurance laws.

The Company and/or the Trust is/are responsible for the expenses of the cost of registration of the Funds’ shares, or preparation of the Funds’ prospectuses, statements of additional information, proxy materials, reports and the preparation of other related statements and notices required by law (“Fund Materials”) for distribution in reasonable quantities to contract owners except as otherwise mutually agreed upon by the parties to the Agreement.

Nationwide is responsible for distributing Fund prospectuses to its existing contract owners.  For Nationwide’s annual mailing to contract owners of Variable Product prospectuses and Fund prospectuses, the Company will provide updated Fund prospectuses for mailing to contract owners, or if a combined printing is done by Nationwide, the Company will pay the lesser of:
(a)  The cost to print individual Fund prospectuses; or
(b)  The Company's portion of the total printing costs if Nationwide does not use individual prospectuses, but reprints Fund prospectuses in another format; or
(c)  The Company’s portion of the total reproduction costs if Nationwide does not use individual printed prospectuses, but reproduces the prospectuses in another allowable and appropriate medium (i.e., CD Rom or computer diskette) which is mutually agreed upon by both Nationwide and the Company and subject to reasonable costs.

For the purposes of the foregoing paragraph, the Company’s portion shall be the percentage of the total cost of the document represented by the ratio that the number of pages of the Fund prospectuses bears to the total number of pages.


Should the parties to this Agreement desire the removal of a Fund from a Variable Product, the parties agree to share any reasonable expenses incurred as a result of removing such Fund as an available investment option.  The parties agree to provide reasonable advance notice of their election to remove a Fund.  The Company acknowledges that Nationwide may need to seek the approval of the SEC under Section 26 (c) of the 1940 Act for any fund substitution.


The Company represents that it has obtained a mixed and shared funding order issued by the SEC under Section 6(c) of the 1940 Act.  Consistent with the Company's application for the mixed and shared funding order, Nationwide agrees to report any potential or existing conflicts promptly to the board of trustees of the Trust (the “Board”), and in particular whenever voting instructions of contract owners are disregarded, and recognizes that it will be responsible for assisting the Board in carrying out its responsibilities under such application.  Nationwide agrees to carry out such responsibilities with a view to the interests of existing contract owners.

If a majority of the Board, or a majority of disinterested Trustees, determines that a material irreconcilable conflict exists with regard to contract owner investments in the Trust, the Board shall give prompt notice to all Participating Insurance Companies.  If the Board determines that Nationwide is responsible for causing or creating said conflict, Nationwide shall at its sole cost and expense, and to the extent reasonably practicable (as determined by a majority of the disinterested Trustees), take such action as is necessary to remedy or eliminate the irreconcilable material conflict.  Such necessary action may include, but shall not be limited to:
(a)  Withdrawing the assets allocable to the applicable Variable Account from the Trust and reinvesting such assets in a different investment medium, or submitting the question of whether such segregation should be implemented to a vote of all affected contract owners; and/or
(b)  Establishing a new separate account.

If a material irreconcilable conflict arises as a result of a decision by Nationwide to disregard contract owner voting instructions and said decision represents a minority position or would preclude a majority vote by all contract owners having an interest in the Trust, Nationwide may be required, at the Board's election, to withdraw the applicable Variable Account's investment in the Trust.

For the purpose of this Section, a majority of the disinterested Trustees shall determine whether or not any proposed action adequately remedies any irreconcilable material conflict, but in no event will the Trust or the Company be required to bear the expense of establishing a new funding medium for any Variable Product. Nationwide shall not be required by this Section to establish a new funding medium for any Variable Product if an offer to do so has been declined by vote of a majority of the contract owners materially and adversely affected by the irreconcilable material conflict.

The Board's determination of the existence of a material irreconcilable conflict and its implications will be made known in writing promptly to Nationwide.

Nationwide shall at least annually submit the Board such reports, materials, or data as the Board may reasonably request so that the Board may fully carry out the duties imposed upon the Board by the mixed and shared funding order, and such reports, materials and data shall be submitted more frequently if deemed appropriate by the Board.

If and to the extent that Rule 6e-2 and Rule 6e-3(T) are amended, or Rule 6e-3 is adopted, to provide exemptive relief from any provision of the 1940 Act or the rules promulgated thereunder with respect to mixed or shared funding (as defined in the mixed and shared funding order) on terms and conditions materially different from those contained in the mixed and shared funding order, the Company and/or Nationwide, as appropriate, shall take such steps as may be necessary to comply with Rules 6e-2 and 6e-3(T), as amended, and Rule 6e-3, as adopted, to the extent such rules are applicable.


Nationwide represents and agrees that sales literature or other promotional material for the Variable Products prepared by Nationwide or its affiliates will be consistent with every law, rule, and regulation of any regulatory agency or self-regulatory agency that applies to the Variable Products or to the sale of the Variable Products, including, but not limited to, NASD Conduct Rule 2210 and IM-2210-2 thereunder.

Nationwide and its agents shall make no representations on behalf of or about the Trust in connection with the sale of the Variable Products except those contained in publicly available documents or other documents produced by the Company (or an entity on its behalf).  Nationwide agrees to allow a reasonable period of time for the Company to review sales literature relating to the Variable Products, which discusses the Trust.  Upon reasonable request, Nationwide agrees to furnish draft copies to the Company and allow a reasonable period of time for the review of such material prior to use and prior to the submission of such material to any applicable regulatory entity. The Company must either provide comments within a reasonable period of time or affirmatively decline to provide comments.

The Company represents and agrees that sales literature or other promotional material for the Trust prepared by the Trust or its affiliates in connection with the sale of the Variable Products will be consistent with every law, rule, and regulation of any regulatory agency or self regulatory agency that applies to the Company or the Trust or to the sale of Fund shares, including, but not limited to, NASD Conduct Rule 2210 and IM-2210-2 thereunder.

The Company and its agents shall make no representations about Nationwide except those contained in publicly available documents or other documents produced by Nationwide (or an entity on its behalf).  The Company agrees to allow a reasonable period of time for Nationwide to review sales literature relating to the Trust that discusses the Variable Products. Upon reasonable request, the Company agrees to furnish draft copies to Nationwide and allow a reasonable period of time for the review of such material prior to use and prior to the submission of such material to any applicable regulatory entity.  Nationwide must either provide comments within a reasonable period of time or affirmatively decline to provide comments.


For purposes of this Section, “Customer Information” means non-public personally identifiable information as defined in the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and each party agrees not to use, disclose or distribute to others any such information except as necessary to perform the terms of this Agreement and each party agrees to comply with all applicable provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.

For purposes of this Section, “Confidential Information” means any data or information regarding proprietary or confidential information concerning each of the parties.  Confidential Information does not include information that:  (a) was in the public domain prior to the date of this Agreement or subsequently came into the public domain through no fault of the receiving party or by violation of this Agreement; (b) was lawfully received by the receiving party from a third party free of any obligation of confidence of such third party; (c) was already in the possession of the receiving party prior to receipt thereof directly or indirectly from the disclosing party; (d) is required to be disclosed pursuant to applicable laws, regulatory or legal process, subpoena or court order; or, (e) is subsequently and independently developed by employees, consultants or agents of the receiving party without reference to or use of the Confidential Information disclosed under this Agreement.  Each of the parties warrants to the other that it shall not disclose to any person any Confidential Information which it may acquire in the performance of this Agreement; nor shall it use such Confidential Information for any purposes other than to fulfill its contractual obligations under this Agreement and it will maintain the other party’s Customer and Confidential Information with reasonable care, which shall not be less than the degree of care it would use for its own such information.

In the event Confidential Information includes Customer Information, the Customer Information clause controls.


Both parties to this Agreement will maintain and enforce safety and physical security procedures with respect to its access and maintenance of Confidential Information (in electronic and paper format) that are in accordance with reasonable policies in these regards, and provide reasonably appropriate safeguards against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration or unauthorized disclosure or access of Confidential Information under this Agreement.


Nationwide agrees that companies listed in Exhibit A will comply with the USA PATRIOT Act as applicable and effective.  Nationwide agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations designed to prevent money “laundering,” and if required by such laws or regulations, to share with the Company information about individuals, entities, organizations and countries suspected of possible terrorist or money “laundering” activities.

The Company agrees that it will comply with the USA PATRIOT Act as applicable and effective.  The Company agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations designed to prevent money “laundering,” and if required by such laws or regulations, to share with Nationwide information about individuals, entities, organizations and countries suspected of possible terrorist or money “laundering” activities in accordance with Section 314(b) of the USA Patriot Act.


A successor by law of the parties to this Agreement shall be entitled to the benefits of the indemnification contained in this Article XII.  The indemnification provisions contained in this Article XII shall survive any termination of this Agreement.


(a) Nationwide agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Trust and the Company, and each of their Trustees, directors, officers, employees and agents, and any affiliated person of the Trust, Distributor or Adviser within the meaning of Section 2(a)(3) of the 1940 Act (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties” for purposes of this Section) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of Nationwide) or litigation expenses (including reasonable legal and other expenses), to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject under any statute or regulation, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation expenses are related to the sale or acquisition of the Fund's shares or the Variable Products and:

(i) arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the registration statement or prospectus (which shall include the portions of any offering memoranda that contain information regarding the Trust or the Company) for the Variable Products issued by Nationwide (or in the policy forms for the Variable Products) or sales literature or other promotional material for such Variable Products (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to Nationwide by or on behalf of the Trust for use in the registration statement or prospectus for the Variable Products issued by Nationwide, or in sales literature or other promotional material (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of such Variable Products or of any Fund shares; or

(ii) arise out of or as a result of any untrue statement or misrepresentation (other than misstatements or misrepresentations contained in the registration statement, prospectus, or sales literature or other promotional material of any Fund not supplied by Nationwide or persons under its control), or wrongful conduct of Nationwide or any of its affiliates, employees or agents with respect to the sale or distribution of the Variable Products issued by Nationwide or the Fund shares; or

(iii) arise out of any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in a registration statement, prospectus, or sales literature or other promotional material of any Funds or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto, or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading if such a statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished by or on behalf of Nationwide; or

(iv) arise as a result of any failure by Nationwide to provide the services and furnish the materials or to make any payments under the terms of this Agreement; or

(v) arise out of or result from any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by Nationwide in this Agreement, or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by Nationwide; except to the extent provided in Sections (b) and (c) below.

(b) Nationwide shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation expenses to which an Indemnified Party would otherwise be subject by reason of willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance of the Indemnified Party's duties or by reason of the Indemnified Party's reckless disregard of obligations or duties under this Agreement.

(c) Nationwide shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any claim made against an Indemnified Party unless such Party shall have notified Nationwide in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the claim shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent).

(d) In case any such action is brought against the Indemnified Parties, Nationwide shall be entitled to participate, at its own expense, in the defense of such action.  Nationwide shall also be entitled to assume the defense thereof, with counsel satisfactory to the party named in the action.  After notice from Nationwide to such party of Nationwide's election to assume the defense thereof, the Indemnified Party shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and Nationwide will not be liable to such party under this Agreement for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such party independently in connection with the defense thereof other than reasonable costs of investigation, unless (i) the indemnifying party and the Indemnified Party shall have mutually agreed to the retention of such counsel or (ii) the named parties to any such proceeding (including any impleaded parties) include both the indemnifying party and the Indemnified Party and representation of both parties by the same counsel would be inappropriate because of actual or potential differing interests between them.  If Nationwide assumes the defense or representation of an Indemnified Party, Nationwide shall not consent or agree to any settlement without the prior approval of the Indemnified Party.


(a)  The Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Nationwide and Nationwide's affiliated principal underwriter of the Variable Products, and each of their directors, officers, employees, and agents, and any affiliated person of Nationwide within the meaning of Section 2(a)(3) of the 1940 Act (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties” for purposes of this Section) against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of the Company) or litigation expenses (including reasonable legal and other expenses) to which the Indemnified Parties may become subject under any statute or regulation, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation expenses are related to the sale or acquisition of the Fund's shares or the Variable Products and:

(i)  arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the registration statement or prospectus or in sales literature or other promotional material of the Fund (or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based upon the omission or the alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, provided that this agreement to indemnify shall not apply as to any Indemnified Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to the Company or the Trust or the designee of either by or on behalf of Nationwide for use in the registration statement or prospectus for any Fund or in sales literature or other promotional material (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in the registration statement or prospectus for any Fund or in sales literature or other promotional material (or any amendment or supplement) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of the Variable Products or Fund shares; or

(ii)  arise out of or as a result of any untrue statement or misrepresentations (other than misstatements or misrepresentations contained in the policy forms for the Variable Products, in any Variable Product or Fund registration statement and prospectus, or in sales literature or other promotional material for the Variable Products or for any Fund not supplied by the Company) or wrongful conduct of the Company, or the affiliates, employees, or agents of the Company with respect to the sale or distribution of the Variable Products or of any Fund shares; or

(iii)  arise out of any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in a registration statement, prospectus, or sales literature or other promotional material covering the Variable Products (or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto), or the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statement or statements therein not misleading, if such statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished to Nationwide by or on behalf of the Company or the Fund; or

(iv) arise as a result of any failure by the Company to provide the services and furnish the materials under the terms of this Agreement (including a failure, whether unintentional or in good faith or otherwise, to comply with the diversification requirements and procedures related thereto specified in Article I of this Agreement); or

(v)         arise out of or result from any material breach of any representation and/or warranty made by the Company in this Agreement or arise out of or result from any other material breach of this Agreement by the Company; except to the extent provided in Sections (b) and (c) below.

(b) The Company shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation expenses to which an Indemnified Party would otherwise be subject by reason of willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance of the Indemnified Party's duties or by reason of the Indemnified Party's reckless disregard of obligations or duties under this Agreement.

(c) The Company shall not be liable under this indemnification provision with respect to any claim made against an Indemnified Party unless such Party shall have notified the Company in writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first legal process giving information of the nature of the claim shall have been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Party shall have received notice of such service on any designated agent).

(d) In case any such action is brought against the Indemnified Parties, the Company will be entitled to participate, at is own expense, in the defense thereof.  The Company shall also be entitled to assume the defense of such action, with counsel satisfactory to the party named in the action.  After notice from the Company to such party of the Company's election to assume the defense thereof, the Indemnified Party shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel retained by it, and the Company will not be liable to such party under this Agreement for any legal or other expense subsequently incurred by such party independently in connection with the defense thereof other than reasonable costs of investigation, unless (i) the indemnifying party and the Indemnified Party shall have mutually agreed to the retention of such counsel or (ii) the named parties to any such proceeding (including any impleaded parties) include both the indemnifying party and the Indemnified Party and representation of both parties by the same counsel would be inappropriate because of actual or potential differing interests between them.  If the Company assumes the defense or representation of an Indemnified Party, the Company shall not consent or agree to any settlement without the prior approval of the Indemnified Party.


This Agreement shall be construed and the provisions hereof interpreted under and in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware without giving effect to conflicts of laws provisions thereof.

This Agreement shall be subject to the provisions of the 1933, 1934 and 1940 Acts and the rules and regulations thereunder, including such exemptions from those statutes, rules and regulations as the SEC may grant (including, but not limited to, the mixed and shared funding order), and the terms hereof shall be interpreted and construed in accordance therewith.


This Agreement shall terminate as to the availability of shares of the Funds:

(1)  at the option of Nationwide or the Company upon at least 6 months advance written notice to the other;
(2)  at any time upon the Company's election, if the Company determines that liquidation of any Fund is in the best interest of the Fund or its beneficial owners.  Reasonable advance notice of election to liquidate shall be provided to Nationwide in order to permit the substitution of Fund shares, if necessary, with shares of another investment company pursuant to the 1940 Act and other applicable securities regulations;
(3)  at the option of Nationwide, if Fund shares are not reasonably available to meet the requirements of the Variable Products as determined by Nationwide.  Reasonable advance notice of election to terminate (and time to cure) shall be furnished by Nationwide;
(4)  upon a decision by Nationwide, in accordance with the 1940 Act and applicable regulations, to substitute such Fund shares with the shares of another investment company for the Variable Products for which the Fund shares have been selected to serve as the underlying investment medium.  Nationwide shall give at least 60 days written notice to the Fund of any proposal to substitute Fund shares;
(5)  if the applicable Variable Products are not treated as annuity contracts or life insurance policies by applicable regulatory entities or under applicable rules and regulations;
(6)  if the Variable Accounts are not deemed “segregated asset accounts” by the applicable regulatory entities or under applicable rules and regulations;
(7)  at the option of Nationwide or the Trust, upon institution of relevant formal proceedings against the broker-dealer(s) marketing the Variable Products, the Variable Accounts, Nationwide or the Trust by the NASD, the IRS, the Department of Labor, the SEC, state insurance departments or any other regulatory body;
(8)  upon assignment of this Agreement unless such assignment is made with the written consent of each party and in accordance with applicable law;
(9)  in the event Fund shares or the Variable Products are not registered, issued or sold pursuant to federal law and state securities laws, or such laws preclude the use of Fund shares as an underlying investment medium of the Variable Products issued or to be issued by Nationwide.  Prompt written notice shall be given by either party to this Agreement to the other in the event the conditions of this provision occur;
(10)  At the option of Nationwide, if Nationwide shall determine, in its sole judgment reasonably exercised in good faith, that the Trust or the Company has suffered a material adverse change in its business or financial condition or is the subject of material adverse publicity and such material adverse change or material adverse publicity is likely to have a material adverse impact upon the business and operation of Nationwide.  Nationwide shall notify the Company in writing of such determination and its intent to terminate this Agreement, and after considering the actions taken by the Trust or Company and any other changes in circumstances since the giving of such notice, such determination of Nationwide shall continue to apply on the sixtieth (60th) day following the giving of such notice, which sixtieth day shall be the effective date of termination;
(11)  At the option of the Company, if the Company shall determine, in its sole judgment reasonably exercised in good faith, that Nationwide has suffered a material adverse change in its business or financial condition or is the subject of material adverse publicity and such material adverse change or material adverse publicity is likely to have a material adverse impact upon the business and operation of the Trust or the Company.  The Company shall notify Nationwide in writing of such determination and its intent to terminate this Agreement, and after considering the actions taken by Nationwide and any other changes in circumstances since the giving of such notice, such determination of the Company shall continue to apply on the sixtieth (60th) day following the giving of such notice, which sixtieth day shall be the effective date of termination; and

Notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement pursuant to this Section and subject to Article II of this Agreement, Nationwide may require the Trust to continue to make available additional shares of a Fund for so long after the termination of this Agreement as Nationwide desires as provided below, for all Variable Products in effect on the effective date of termination of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Existing Contracts”).

If shares of a Fund remain available after termination of this Agreement pursuant to this Section, the provisions of this Agreement shall remain in effect, except for provision (1) above, and thereafter the Company may terminate the Agreement, as so continued pursuant to this Section, upon written notice to the other party, such notice to be for a period that is reasonable under the circumstances but need not be for more than 90 days.

Except as specifically provided herein, Nationwide shall not redeem Fund shares attributable to the Variable Products, except (i) as necessary to implement Variable Product owner initiated or approved transactions, or (ii) as required by state and/or federal laws or regulations or judicial or other legal precedent of general application.  Upon request, Nationwide will promptly furnish to the Company the opinion of counsel for Nationwide to the effect that any redemption pursuant to clause (ii) above is a legally required redemption.

Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions of this section (“Termination”), this Agreement and all related agreements shall remain in force and in effect for so long as allocations to any or all of the Variable Accounts remain invested in Fund shares.


Each notice required by this Agreement shall be given in writing to:

If to Nationwide:
Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.
One Nationwide Plaza 1-09-V3
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention:  Securities Officer
Fax Number:  614-677-2295

With a Copy to:
Nationwide Financial
One Nationwide Plaza, 1-12-04
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention: Vice President—Investment and Advisory Services

If to the Company:
Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC
525 Market Street, Floor 12
MAC # A0103-123
San Francisco, CA  94105
Attention:  J. Sinha
Fax Number:  415-977-9300

With a Copy to:
Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC
525 Market Street, Floor 12
MAC # A0103-123
San Francisco, CA  94105
Attention:  S. Pedrin, Business Manager
Fax Number:  415-977-9300

Any party may change its address by notifying the other party(ies) in writing.



All persons dealing with the Trust must look solely to the property of the Trust for the enforcement of any claims against the Trust, as neither the Trustees, officers, agents nor shareholders assume any personal liability for obligations entered into on behalf of the Trust.


The captions in this Agreement are included for convenience of reference only and in no way define or delineate any of the provisions hereof or otherwise affect their construction or effect.


Each party hereto shall cooperate with each other party and all appropriate governmental authorities (including without limitation the SEC, the NASD, and state insurance regulators) and shall permit each other and such authorities reasonable access to its books and records in connection with any investigation or inquiry relating to this Participation Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby.


This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns; provided, however, that neither this Agreement nor any rights, privileges, duties or obligations of the parties may be assigned by any party without the written consent of the other parties or as expressly contemplated by this Agreement.


If any portion of this Agreement shall be held or made invalid by a court decision, statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected thereby.


The rights, remedies and obligations contained in this Agreement are cumulative and are in addition to any and all rights, remedies and obligations, at law or in equity, which the parties to this Agreement are entitled to under state and federal laws.


Except to the extent required by applicable law, no party shall use any other party's names, logos, trademarks, trade name, service mark or symbol whether registered or unregistered, without the prior consent of such party.


Articles I, IX, XII hereof, and “Trademarks” above, shall survive termination of this Agreement.  In addition, all provisions of this Agreement shall survive termination of this Agreement in the event that any Variable Accounts are invested in a Fund at the time the termination becomes effective and shall survive for so long as such Variable Accounts remain so invested.


Each of the parties acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement and the arrangements described in this Agreement are intended to be non-exclusive and that each of the parties is free to enter into similar agreements and arrangements with other entities.


Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create a partnership or joint venture by and among the parties hereto.


This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by a written amendment, which includes any amendments to the Exhibits, executed by all parties to the Agreement.


Each party hereby represents and warrants to the other that the persons executing this Agreement on its behalf are duly authorized and empowered to execute and deliver the Agreement and that the Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation, and is enforceable in accordance with its terms.  Except as particularly set forth herein, neither party assumes any responsibility hereunder and will not be liable to the other for damages, loss of data, delay or any other loss whatsoever caused by events beyond its control.



This Agreement may be executed by facsimile signature and it may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.


By:           William G. Goslee
Title:         Vice-President


By: [Karla M. Rabusch]_____________
Title: [President/Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC]

By: [C. David Messman]____________
Title: [Secretary/Wells Fargo Funds Trust]





Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America
Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America





All current and future funds available for sale through the Variable Products, including but not limited to any funds listed below.

Wells Fargo Variable Trust Asset Allocation Fund
Wells Fargo Variable Trust Large Company Growth Fund
Wells Fargo Variable Trust Money Market Fund
Wells Fargo Variable Trust Total Return Bond Fund
Wells Fargo Variable Trust Small Cap Growth Fund





The purchase, redemption and settlement of shares of a Fund (“Shares”) will normally follow the Fund/SERV-Defined Contribution Clearance and Settlement Service (“DCCS”) Processing Procedures below and the rules and procedures of the SCC Division of the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) shall govern the purchase, redemption and settlement of Shares of the Funds through NSCC by Nationwide.  In the event of equipment failure or technical malfunctions or the parties’ inability to otherwise perform transactions pursuant to the FUND/SERV Processing Procedures, or the parties’ mutual consent to use manual processing, the Manual Processing Procedures below will apply.

It is understood and agreed that, in the context of Section 22 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “1940 Act”) and the rules and public interpretations thereunder by the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC Staff), receipt by Nationwide of any Instructions from the contract owner prior to the Close of Trade on any Business Day shall be deemed to be receipt by the Funds of such Instructions solely for pricing purposes and shall cause purchases and sales to be deemed to occur at the Share Price for such Business Day, except as provided in 4(c) of  the Manual Processing Procedures. Each Instruction shall be deemed to be accompanied by a representation by Nationwide that it has received proper authorization from each contract owner whose purchase, redemption, account transfer or exchange transaction is effected as a result of such Instruction.

Fund/SERV-DCCS Processing Procedures

1.           On each business day that the New York Stock Exchange (the “Exchange”) is open for business on which the Funds determine their net asset values (“Business Day”), the Distributor shall accept, and effect changes in its records upon receipt of purchase, redemption, exchanges, account transfers and registration instructions from Nationwide electronically through Fund/SERV (“Instructions”) without supporting documentation from the contract owner.  On each Business Day, the Distributor shall accept for processing any Instructions from Nationwide and shall process such Instructions in a timely manner.

2.           Distributor shall perform any and all duties, functions, procedures and responsibilities assigned to it under this Agreement and as otherwise established by the NSCC.  Distributor shall conduct each of the foregoing activities in a competent manner and in compliance with (a) all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including NSCC Fund/SERV-DCCS rules and procedures relating to Fund/SERV; (b) the then-current Prospectus of a Fund; and (c) any provision relating to Fund/SERV in any other agreement of the Distributor that would affect its duties and obligations pursuant to this Agreement.

3.           Confirmed trades and any other information provided by the Distributor to Nationwide through Fund/SERV and pursuant to this Agreement shall be accurate, complete, and in the format prescribed by the NSCC.

4.           Trade information provided by Nationwide to the Distributor through Fund/SERV and pursuant to this Agreement shall be accurate, complete and, in the format prescribed by the NSCC.  All Instructions by Nationwide regarding each Fund/SERV Account shall be true and correct and will have been duly authorized by the registered holder.

5.           For each Fund/SERV transaction, Nationwide shall provide the Funds and the Distributor with all information necessary or appropriate to establish and maintain each Fund/SERV transaction (and any subsequent changes to such information), which Nationwide hereby certifies is and shall remain true and correct.  Nationwide shall maintain documents required by the Funds to effect Fund/SERV transactions.  Nationwide certifies that all Instructions delivered to Distributor on any Business Day shall have been received by Nationwide from the contract owner by the close of trading (generally 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time (“ET”)) on the Exchange (the “Close of Trading”) on such Business Day and that any Instructions received by it after the Close of Trading on any given Business Day will be transmitted to Distributor on the next Business Day.

Manual Processing Procedures

1.           On each Business Day, Nationwide may receive Instructions from the contract owner for the purchase or redemption of shares of the Funds based solely upon receipt of such Instructions prior to the Close of Trading on that Business Day.  Instructions in good order received by Nationwide prior to the close of trading on any given Business Day (generally, 4:00 p.m. ET (the “Trade Date”) and transmitted to the Distributor by no later than 9:00 a.m. ET the Business Day following the Trade Date (“Trade Date plus One” or “T+1”), will be executed at the NAV (“Share Price”) of each applicable Fund, determined as of the Close of Trading on the Trade Date.

2.           By no later than 6:00 p.m. ET on each Trade Date (“Price Communication Time”), the Distributor will use its best efforts to communicate to Nationwide via electronic transmission acceptable to both parties, the Share Price of each applicable Fund, as well as dividend and capital gain information and, in the case of funds that credit a daily dividend, the daily accrual or interest rate factor, determined at the Close of Trading on that Trade Date.

3.           As noted in Paragraph 1 above, by 9:00 a.m. ET on T+1 (“Instruction Cutoff Time”) and after Nationwide has processed all approved transactions, Nationwide will transmit to the Distributor via facsimile, telefax or electronic transmission or system-to-system, or by a method acceptable to Nationwide and the Distributor, a report (the “Instruction Report”) detailing the Instructions that were received by Nationwide prior to the Funds’ daily determination of Share Price for each Fund (i.e., the Close of Trading) on Trade Date.

(a)           It is understood by the parties that all Instructions from the contract owner shall be received and processed by Nationwide in accordance with its standard transaction processing procedures.  Nationwide or its designees shall maintain records sufficient to identify the date and time of receipt of all contract owner transactions involving the Funds and shall make or cause to be made such records available upon reasonable request for examination by the Funds or its designated representative or, by appropriate governmental authorities.  Under no circumstances shall Nationwide change, alter or modify any Instructions received by it in good order.

(b)           Following the completion of the transmission of any Instructions by Nationwide to the Distributor by the Instruction Cutoff Time, Nationwide will verify that the Distributor received the Instruction.

(c)           In the event that an Instruction transmitted by Nationwide on any Business Day is not received by the Distributor by the Instruction Cutoff Time, due to mechanical difficulties or for any other reason beyond Nationwide’s reasonable control, such Instruction shall nonetheless be treated by the Distributor as if it had been received by the Instruction Cutoff Time, provided that Nationwide retransmits such Instruction by facsimile transmission to the Distributor and such Instruction is received by the Distributor’s financial control representative no later than 9:00 a.m. ET on T+1.

(d)           With respect to all Instructions, the Distributor’s financial control representative will manually adjust a Fund’s records for the Trade Date to reflect any Instructions sent by Nationwide.

(e)           By no later than 4:00 p.m. on T+1, and based on the information transmitted to the Distributor pursuant to Paragraph 3(c) above, Nationwide will use its best efforts to verify that all Instructions provided to the Distributor on T+1 were accurately received and that the trades for each Account were accurately completed and Nationwide will use its best efforts to notify Distributor of any discrepancies.

4.           As set forth below, upon the timely receipt from Nationwide of the Instructions, the Fund will execute the purchase or redemption transactions (as the case may be) at the Share Price for each Fund computed as of the Close of Trading on the Trade Date.

(a)           Except as otherwise provided herein, all purchase and redemption transactions will settle on T+1.  Settlements will be through net Federal Wire transfers to an account designated by a Fund.  In the case of Instructions which constitute a net purchase order, settlement shall occur by Nationwide initiating a wire transfer by 1:00 p.m. ET on T+1 to the custodian for the Fund for receipt by the Funds’ custodian by no later than the Close of Business at the New York Federal Reserve Bank on T+1, causing the remittance of the requisite funds to the Distributor to cover such net purchase order.  In the case of Instructions which constitute a net redemption order, settlement shall occur by the Distributor causing the remittance of the requisite funds to cover such net redemption order by Federal Funds Wire by 1:00 p.m. ET on T+1, provided that the Fund reserves the right to (i) delay settlement of redemptions for up to seven (7) Business Days after receiving a net redemption order in accordance with Section 22 of the 1940 Act and Rule 22c-1 thereunder (and any amendments thereto), or (iii) suspend redemptions pursuant to the 1940 Act or as otherwise required by law.  Settlements shall be in U.S. dollars.

(b)           Nationwide (and its Variable Accounts) shall be designated as record owner of each account (“Record Owner”).  Distributor will provide Nationwide with all written confirmations required under federal and state securities laws.

(c)           On any Business Day when the Federal Reserve Wire Transfer System is closed, all communication and processing rules will be suspended for the settlement of Instructions.  Instructions will be settled on the next Business Day on which the Federal Reserve Wire Transfer System is open.  The original T+1 Settlement Date will not apply.  Rather, for purposes of this Paragraph 4(c) only, the Settlement Date will be the date on which the Instruction settles.

(d)           Nationwide shall, upon receipt of any confirmation or statement concerning the accounts by such method acceptable to the Distributor and Nationwide, verify the accuracy of the information contained therein against the information contained in Nationwide’s internal record-keeping system and shall promptly advise the Distributor in writing of any discrepancies between such information.  The Distributor and Nationwide shall cooperate to resolve any such discrepancies as soon as reasonably practicable.


In the event of any error or delay with respect to both the Fund/SERV Processing Procedures and the Manual Processing Procedures outlined in Exhibit C herein:  (i) which is caused by the Funds or the Distributor, the Distributor shall make any adjustments on the Funds’ accounting system necessary to correct such error or delay and the responsible party or parties shall reimburse the contract owner and Nationwide, as appropriate, for any losses or reasonable costs incurred directly as a result of the error or delay but specifically excluding any and all consequential punitive or other indirect damages or (ii) which is caused by Nationwide,  the Distributor shall make any adjustment on the Funds’ accounting system necessary to correct such error or delay and the affected party or parties shall be reimbursed by Nationwide for any losses or reasonable costs incurred directly as a result of the error or delay, but specifically excluding any and all consequential punitive or other indirect damages.  In the event of any such adjustments on the Funds’ accounting system, Nationwide shall make the corresponding adjustments on its internal record-keeping system.  In the event that more than one party contributes to errors or delays with respect to the Procedures hereto, each party shall be responsible for that portion of the loss or reasonable cost which results from its error or delay.  All parties agree to provide the other parties prompt notice of any errors or delays of the type referred to herein and to use reasonable efforts to take such action as may be appropriate to avoid or mitigate any such costs or losses.




This Assignment  and Amendment (“Assignment/Amendment”) is made as of June [1]_, 2005, by and between Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. (“Nationwide”), Nationwide Investment Services Corporation (“NISC”), Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC (“Funds Management”) and Wells Fargo Funds Distributor, LLC (“Funds Distributor”) that serve as adviser and distributor, respectively, to the Wells Fargo Variable Trust (the “Trust”) and Stephens, Inc..  Reference is made to the Fund Participation Agreement (the “FP Agreement”) and the Administrative Service Agreement (the “Service Agreement”), each both made as of November 15, 2004, by and between Nationwide, Funds Management, Stephens, Inc. (“Stephens”) and the Trust.  This Assignment/Amendment assigns the FP Agreement and the Service Agreement to Funds Distributor and makes other amendments to the FP Agreement and the Service Agreement.  All capitalized terms used in this Amendment and not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the FPA Agreement and the Service Agreement.

WHEREAS, subject to the provisions hereof, Stephens desires to assign and transfer its rights, privileges, duties and obligations under the FP Agreement and the Service Agreement to Funds Distributor, and Funds Management and Funds Distributor wish to accept Stephens’ rights and privileges and to assume Stephens’ duties and obligations under the FP Agreement and Service Agreement as described herein;

WHEREAS, Nationwide is engaged in developing and offering Variable Products funded through Variable Accounts;

WHEREAS, the separate portfolios of the Trust are currently included as underlying investment options for the Variable Products issued by Nationwide through the Variable Accounts pursuant to the FP Agreement;

WHEREAS, Nationwide or its designee, pursuant to the Service Agreement, provide certain administrative services to the owners of certain Variable Products issued by Nationwide through certain Variable Accounts; and

WHEREAS, Funds Management, Funds Distributor and Nationwide (collectively, the “parties”) wish to amend certain portions of the FP Agreement and the Service Agreement;

WHEREAS, pursuant to a purchase agreement with Strong Financial Corporation, Wells Fargo & Company acquired certain of the asset management arrangements of Strong Capital Management, Inc., investment adviser to the Strong Funds;

WHEREAS, effective at the close of business on April 8, 2005, the Strong Funds were reorganized into the Wells Fargo Advantage Funds;

WHEREAS, Nationwide and the Wells Fargo Companies mutually desire that, upon execution of this Amendment, the hereinafter defined Strong Agreements will be of no further force and will be completely superceded by the Agreements;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual promises set forth below, the parties agree as follows:

Assignment and Assumption of Stephens’ Rights and Obligations.  Stephens hereby assigns and transfers its rights, privileges, duties and obligations under the FP Agreement and Service Agreement to Funds Distributor.  Funds Distributor agrees to accept such rights and privileges and assume such duties and obligations. Stephens shall not thereafter have any responsibility for such duties and obligations.

Term.  The Assignment/Amendment shall become effective as of April 11, 2005, the date upon which Stephens ceased serving as the primary distributor to the Trust.

Stephens’ Liability.  Nationwide specifically acknowledges and agrees that (a) Funds Distributor does not accept or assume any liabilities of Stephens prior to April 11, 2005, and does not agree to pay, perform or discharge any indemnification obligations, under the FP Agreement and Service Agreement resulting from actions of Stephens prior to April 11, 2005, the date which the FP Agreement and Services Agreement is assigned from Stephens to Funds Distributor, and (b) Nationwide shall seek indemnification from Stephens, and not from Funds Distributor or any of its affiliates, for all claims, suits, actions, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses of any nature whatsoever resulting from actions of Stephens occurring prior to April 11, 2005, the date which the FP Agreement and Services Agreement is assigned from Stephens to Funds Distributor.

Nationwide, on behalf of itself and its subsidiary, NISC; and the Wells Fargo Companies, as successor to the Strong entities indicated below, hereby agree that the following agreements (collectively “Strong Agreements”), to the extent related to the inclusion of insurance funds as investment options in various products administered by Nationwide and services provided by Nationwide with regard to insurance funds shall, upon execution of this Amendment, be of no further force and effect and shall be completely superceded by the Agreements:

Mutual Fund Distribution and Shareholder Services Agreement, dated December 13, 2002, between Strong Investments, Inc. and NISC; and

Fund Agreement, dated May 1, 2003, among Nationwide, Strong Investor Services, Inc. and Strong Investments, Inc.

Amendment to the FP Agreement.

a.  Article II of the FP Agreement is hereby supplemented with the following:

“The Trust has adopted policies designed to prevent frequent purchases and redemptions of any Fund shares in quantities great enough to disrupt orderly management of the corresponding Fund’s investment portfolio.  These policies are disclosed in the Trust’s prospectus.  From time to time, the Trust and Funds Management may implement procedures reasonably designed to enforce the Trust’s disruptive trading policies and shall provide a written description of such procedures (and revisions thereto) to Nationwide.  Such procedures may include the imposition of redemption fees.  Nationwide’s policies and procedures include, but are not limited to, monitoring contract owner activity, imposing trade restrictions and enforcing redemption fees (of up to 1%) imposed by the funds (if applicable).  The policies are disclosed in the Variable Product prospectuses.”

b.  Article XVI of the FP Agreement is hereby supplemented with the following:

Nationwide is an independent contractor vis-à-vis the Trust, Funds Management, or any of their affiliates for all purposes hereunder and will have no authority to act for or represent any of them.  In addition, no officer or employee of Nationwide will be deemed to be an employee or agent of the Trust, the Company or any of their affiliates.  Nationwide will not act as an “underwriter” or “distributor” of Trust shares, as those terms variously are used in the 1940 Act, the 1933 Act, and rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.  Likewise, Nationwide is not a “transfer agent” of the Trust as that term is used in the 1934 Act and rules and regulations thereunder.

c.  NISC shall be a party to the FP Agreement for the sole purpose of receiving payments from Funds Distributor pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

Amendment to the Service Agreement.

a.  Exhibit A to the Service Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and the Amended Exhibit A attached hereto shall be inserted in lieu thereof.

b.  Except as specifically set forth herein, all other provisions of the Service Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment as of the date first written above.


By: [Karen R. Colvin]
Title: [Attorney-in-Fact]


By: [Karen R. Colvin]
Title: [Vice President]


Title: [Secretary]


By: [Karla Rabusch]
Title: [President]



Agreed and accepted as to the entire Amendment, except Sections 5 and 6

By: [Cara Peck]
Title: [President]



Stephens, Inc.

Agreed and accepted as to the entire Amendment, except Sections 5 & 6


Title: [ VP]




FUND                                                                                                SERVICE FEES

Variable Trust Asset Allocation Fund                                                                                    [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust C&B Large Cap Value Fund                                                                            [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Discovery Fund                                                                                                [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Equity Income Fund                                                                                         [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust International Core Fund                                                                                   [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Large Company Core Fund                                                                              [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Large Company Growth Fund                                                                          [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Money Market Fund                                                                                         [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Multi Cap Value Fund                                                                                       [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Opportunity Fund                                                                                              [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Small Cap Growth Fund                                                                                     [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Total Return Bond Fund                                                                                    [X.XX%] (XX BPS)

This Assignment  and Amendment (“Assignment/Amendment”) is made as of June [1]_, 2005, by and between Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. (“Nationwide”), Nationwide Investment Services Corporation (“NISC”), Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC (“Funds Management”) and Wells Fargo Funds Distributor, LLC (“Funds Distributor”) that serve as adviser and distributor, respectively, to the Wells Fargo Variable Trust (the “Trust”) and Stephens, Inc..  Reference is made to the Fund Participation Agreement (the “FP Agreement”) and the Administrative Service Agreement (the “Service Agreement”), each both made as of November 15, 2004, by and between Nationwide, Funds Management, Stephens, Inc. (“Stephens”) and the Trust.  This Assignment/Amendment assigns the FP Agreement and the Service Agreement to Funds Distributor and makes other amendments to the FP Agreement and the Service Agreement.  All capitalized terms used in this Amendment and not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the FPA Agreement and the Service Agreement.

WHEREAS, subject to the provisions hereof, Stephens desires to assign and transfer its rights, privileges, duties and obligations under the FP Agreement and the Service Agreement to Funds Distributor, and Funds Management and Funds Distributor wish to accept Stephens’ rights and privileges and to assume Stephens’ duties and obligations under the FP Agreement and Service Agreement as described herein;

WHEREAS, Nationwide is engaged in developing and offering Variable Products funded through Variable Accounts;

WHEREAS, the separate portfolios of the Trust are currently included as underlying investment options for the Variable Products issued by Nationwide through the Variable Accounts pursuant to the FP Agreement;

WHEREAS, Nationwide or its designee, pursuant to the Service Agreement, provide certain administrative services to the owners of certain Variable Products issued by Nationwide through certain Variable Accounts; and

WHEREAS, Funds Management, Funds Distributor and Nationwide (collectively, the “parties”) wish to amend certain portions of the FP Agreement and the Service Agreement;

WHEREAS, pursuant to a purchase agreement with Strong Financial Corporation, Wells Fargo & Company acquired certain of the asset management arrangements of Strong Capital Management, Inc., investment adviser to the Strong Funds;

WHEREAS, effective at the close of business on April 8, 2005, the Strong Funds were reorganized into the Wells Fargo Advantage Funds;

WHEREAS, Nationwide and the Wells Fargo Companies mutually desire that, upon execution of this Amendment, the hereinafter defined Strong Agreements will be of no further force and will be completely superceded by the Agreements;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual promises set forth below, the parties agree as follows:

Assignment and Assumption of Stephens’ Rights and Obligations.  Stephens hereby assigns and transfers its rights, privileges, duties and obligations under the FP Agreement and Service Agreement to Funds Distributor.  Funds Distributor agrees to accept such rights and privileges and assume such duties and obligations. Stephens shall not thereafter have any responsibility for such duties and obligations.

Term.  The Assignment/Amendment shall become effective as of April 11, 2005, the date upon which Stephens ceased serving as the primary distributor to the Trust.

Stephens’ Liability.  Nationwide specifically acknowledges and agrees that (a) Funds Distributor does not accept or assume any liabilities of Stephens prior to April 11, 2005, and does not agree to pay, perform or discharge any indemnification obligations, under the FP Agreement and Service Agreement resulting from actions of Stephens prior to April 11, 2005, the date which the FP Agreement and Services Agreement is assigned from Stephens to Funds Distributor, and (b) Nationwide shall seek indemnification from Stephens, and not from Funds Distributor or any of its affiliates, for all claims, suits, actions, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses of any nature whatsoever resulting from actions of Stephens occurring prior to April 11, 2005, the date which the FP Agreement and Services Agreement is assigned from Stephens to Funds Distributor.

Nationwide, on behalf of itself and its subsidiary, NISC; and the Wells Fargo Companies, as successor to the Strong entities indicated below, hereby agree that the following agreements (collectively “Strong Agreements”), to the extent related to the inclusion of insurance funds as investment options in various products administered by Nationwide and services provided by Nationwide with regard to insurance funds shall, upon execution of this Amendment, be of no further force and effect and shall be completely superceded by the Agreements:

Mutual Fund Distribution and Shareholder Services Agreement, dated December 13, 2002, between Strong Investments, Inc. and NISC; and

Fund Agreement, dated May 1, 2003, among Nationwide, Strong Investor Services, Inc. and Strong Investments, Inc.

Amendment to the FP Agreement.

a.  Article II of the FP Agreement is hereby supplemented with the following:

“The Trust has adopted policies designed to prevent frequent purchases and redemptions of any Fund shares in quantities great enough to disrupt orderly management of the corresponding Fund’s investment portfolio.  These policies are disclosed in the Trust’s prospectus.  From time to time, the Trust and Funds Management may implement procedures reasonably designed to enforce the Trust’s disruptive trading policies and shall provide a written description of such procedures (and revisions thereto) to Nationwide.  Such procedures may include the imposition of redemption fees.  Nationwide’s policies and procedures include, but are not limited to, monitoring contract owner activity, imposing trade restrictions and enforcing redemption fees (of up to 1%) imposed by the funds (if applicable).  The policies are disclosed in the Variable Product prospectuses.”

b.  Article XVI of the FP Agreement is hereby supplemented with the following:

Nationwide is an independent contractor vis-à-vis the Trust, Funds Management, or any of their affiliates for all purposes hereunder and will have no authority to act for or represent any of them.  In addition, no officer or employee of Nationwide will be deemed to be an employee or agent of the Trust, the Company or any of their affiliates.  Nationwide will not act as an “underwriter” or “distributor” of Trust shares, as those terms variously are used in the 1940 Act, the 1933 Act, and rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.  Likewise, Nationwide is not a “transfer agent” of the Trust as that term is used in the 1934 Act and rules and regulations thereunder.

c.  NISC shall be a party to the FP Agreement for the sole purpose of receiving payments from Funds Distributor pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

Amendment to the Service Agreement.

a.  Exhibit A to the Service Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and the Amended Exhibit A attached hereto shall be inserted in lieu thereof.

b.  Except as specifically set forth herein, all other provisions of the Service Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment as of the date first written above.


By: [Karen R. Colvin]
Title: [Attorney-in-Fact]


By: [Karen R. Colvin]
Title: [Vice President]


Title: [Secretary]


By: [Karla Rabusch]
Title: [President]



Agreed and accepted as to the entire Amendment, except Sections 5 and 6

By: [Cara Peck]
Title: [President]
Stephens, Inc.

Agreed and accepted as to the entire Amendment, except Sections 5 & 6


Title: [ VP]




FUND                                                                                                SERVICE FEES

Variable Trust Asset Allocation Fund                                                                                     [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust C&B Large Cap Value Fund                                                                             [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Discovery Fund                                                                                                 [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Equity Income Fund                                                                                          [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust International Core Fund                                                                                    [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Large Company Core Fund                                                                               [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Large Company Growth Fund                                                                           [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Money Market Fund                                                                                          [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Multi Cap Value Fund                                                                                        [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Opportunity Fund                                                                                               [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Small Cap Growth Fund                                                                                      [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Total Return Bond Fund                                                                                     [X.XX%] (XX BPS)

EX-99.I ADMIN CONTRT 25 alliancebernsteinasa.htm ALLIANCE BERNSTEIN ASA alliancebernsteinasa.htm
June 1, 2003
Nationwide Life Insurance Company
One Nationwide Plaza
Columbus, OH 43215
Ladies and Gentlemen:
We the undersigned Alliance Fund Distributors, Inc. ("ABIRM"), herewith confirm our agreement with you as follows:
1.           Subject to our direction and control, we hereby employ you to provide certain administrative services respecting the operations of Alliance Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. (the "Fund") as described on Schedule A attached hereto.
It is understood that you will from time to time employ, or associate with yourselves, such persons as you believe to be particularly fitted to assist you in the execution of your duties hereunder, the compensation of such persons, and all other expenses in connection with the performance of your duties hereunder, to be paid by you.  No obligation may be incurred on our behalf or on behalf of the Fund in any such respect.
During the continuance of this agreement you will furnish us without charge such administrative assistance and such office facilities as you may believe appropriate or as we may reasonably request, subject to the requirements of any regulatory authority to which you may be subject.  Subject to our prior consent, you may, at your expense, retain other persons or firms, which may include affiliates, to assist you in carrying out your administrative and clerical obligations hereunder.
2.           You will bear all expenses in connection with the performance of your services under this agreement.
3.           In consideration of the foregoing, we will pay you a fee on a quarterly basis, in arrears, as described in Schedule B attached hereto and made a part hereof.  Upon any termination of this agreement before the end of any quarter during which you acted under this agreement, such fees will be prorated according to the proportion which the period bears to the full quarter and will be payable upon the date of termination of this agreement.  provided, however, that [ABIRM] will continue to pay the service fees in accordance with the terms of this letter so long as Insurer or its affiliates provide the services as set forth in this letter on behalf of ABIRM.
4.           This agreement shall become effective as of the date written above and shall remain in effect unless specifically terminated as provided below.
5.           This agreement may be terminated at any time, without the payment of any penalty, by mutual agreement of the parties in writing.  This agreement will terminate automatically upon the termination of the Participation Agreement, dated as of [March 1, 2002] and amended and restated as of June 1, 2003, among Nationwide Life Insurance Company, Alliance Capital Management L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, and [ABIRM].
6.           This agreement may not be transferred, assigned, sold in any manner, hypothecated or pledged by you and this agreement shall terminate automatically in the event of any such transfer, assignment, sale, hypothecation or pledge by you.
7.           You agree that all records which you maintain for us are our property and you will surrender them to us promptly upon our request.
If the foregoing is in accordance with your understanding, will you kindly so indicate by signing and returning to us the enclosed copy hereof.
Very truly yours,
Richard A. Winge
Senior Vice President
Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Name: William G. Goslee
Title: Vice President


S:\DEPT550\Drew\Agreements\ADM SRV MASTER AGR




Nationwide Life Insurance Company (the “Insurer”) shall provide certain administrative services respecting the operations of Alliance Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”), as set forth below.  This Schedule may be amended from time to time as mutually agreed upon by the Insurer and Alliance Fund Distributors, Inc.
Maintenance of books and records
Maintain an inventory of shares purchased to assist the Fund’s transfer agent in recording issuance of shares.
Perform miscellaneous accounting services to assist transfer agent in recording transfers of shares (via net purchase and redemption orders).
Reconciliation and balancing of the Insurer’s separate account at the Fund level in the general ledger and reconciliation of cash accounts at general account.
Purchase orders
Determination of net amount of cash flow into the Fund.
Reconciliation and notification to Fund of net purchase orders (wire) and confirmation thereof.
Redemption orders
Determination of net amount required for redemptions by Fund.
Reconciliation and notification to Fund of cash required for net redemption orders and confirmation thereof.
Periodic information reporting to the Fund.
Fund-related contract owner services
Telephonic support for contract owners with respect to inquiries about the Fund (not including information about performance or related to sales).
Assistance with Fund proxy solicitations, specifically with respect to soliciting voting instructions from contract owners.
Other administration support
Sub-accounting services.
Providing other administrative support to the Fund as mutually agreed between the Insurer and the Fund from time to time.
Relieving the Fund of other usual or incidental administration services provided to individual shareholders.
Preparation of reports to third party reporting services.





AllianceBernstein Investment Research and Management, Inc. (“ABIRM”)  will pay Nationwide Life Insurance Company (“Insurer”) a quarterly Servicing Fee as follows:

For Contracts funded by Class A shares:

at an annual rate of [X.XX%] of the average daily net assets of each Portfolio attributable to Contracts funded by Class A shares purchased  by  [Insurer}.

II.           For Contracts funded by Class B shares:

at an annual rate of [X.XX%] of the average daily net assets of each Portfolio attributable to Contracts funded by Class B shares issued by Insurer.    Insurer acknowledges that some part of the payment may be for distribution related services and may represent payments under the Class B distribution plans.

For Fund Participating in the Nationwide Best of America Mutual Fund and Annuity Wrap Program:
In consideration for inclusion in the Nationwide Best of America Mutual Fund and Annuity Wrap Programs, the following Funds agree to pay a [$X] initial set up fee and a [$X] annual maintenance fee.  The Company will send to AGIS an invoice setting out the applicable fee each January.
Funds to which the Wrap Program Fee applies:

AllianceBernstein International Value Portfolio
AllianceBernstein Real Estate Investment Portfolio
AllianceBernstein Small Cap Value Portfolio
Growth and Income Portfolio
Premier Growth Portfolio

EX-99.I ADMIN CONTRT 26 americanfundsasa.htm AMERICAN FUNDS ASA americanfundsasa.htm


THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as of the [20] day of July, 2005 (the “Effective Date”) by and among Nationwide Life Insurance Company and Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company ("Nationwide”) a life insurance company organized under the laws of the State of Ohio (on behalf of itself and certain of its separate accounts); Nationwide Investment Services Corporation ("NISC") (the “Distributor”), a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Oklahoma; AMERICAN FUNDS DISTRIBUTORS, INC. (“AFD”), a corporation organized under the laws of the State of California; and CAPITAL RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT COMPANY (“CRMC”), a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware.


WHEREAS, Nationwide proposes to issue, now and in the future, certain multi-manager variable annuity contracts and/or variable life policies (the "Contracts") that provide certain funds (“Funds”) of the American Funds Insurance Series (the “Series”) as investment options in the  Contracts;

WHEREAS, Nationwide has established pursuant to the insurance law of the State of Ohio one or more separate accounts (each, an “Account”) with respect to the Contracts and has or will register each Account with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) as a unit investment trust under the Securities Act of 1933 (the “1933 Act”) and the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “1940 Act”) (unless the Account is exempt from such registration);

WHEREAS, the Contracts, which are or will be registered (unless exempt from such registration) by Nationwide with the Commission for offer and sale, will be in compliance with all applicable laws prior to being offered for sale;

WHEREAS, the Distributor, a broker-dealer registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “1934 Act”) and a member of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (the “NASD”), will serve as principal underwriter of the Contracts and will arrange for the distribution of the Contracts;

WHEREAS, AFD, a broker-dealer registered under the 1934 Act, a member of the NASD, and the principal underwriter of the shares of the Series, will provide certain marketing assistance in connection with the Contracts;

WHEREAS, the Series is divided into various Funds, each Fund being subject to certain fundamental investment policies which may not be changed without a majority vote of the shareholders of such Fund;

WHEREAS, the Series has received a “Mixed and Shared Funding Order” from the Commission granting relief from certain provisions of the 1940 Act and the rules thereunder to the extent necessary to permit shares of the Series to be sold to variable annuity and life insurance separate accounts of unaffiliated insurance companies;

WHEREAS, Class 2 shares of certain Funds in the Series will be available as an underlying investment to the Contracts pursuant to the terms of a Fund Participation Agreement among the Series, CRMC and Nationwide to be executed in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A (the “Fund Participation Agreement”); and

WHEREAS, CRMC, by virtue of an Investment Advisory and Service Agreement between CRMC and the Series, will serve as investment adviser to the Series, as the term “investment adviser” is defined in the 1940 Act.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, and of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, Nationwide; (on behalf of itself and each Account), the Distributor, AFD and CRMC hereby agree as follows:

Duties of Nationwide

1.           CRMC will make available for use in the Contracts certain Funds that it has in the Series, as described in the Fund Participation Agreement.

2.           Nationwide will administer the Contracts and the Accounts, including all Contract owner service and communication activities, such as:  filing any reports or other filings required by any law or regulation; establishing each Account; creating the Contracts, confirmation and other administrative forms or documents; and obtaining all required regulatory approvals to permit the sale and maintenance of the Contracts.

3.           Nationwide will not distribute any prospectus, sales literature, advertising material or any other printed matter or material relating to the Contracts or the Series, if, to its knowledge, any of the foregoing contains any material misstatements.

4.           Nationwide will provide to AFD and/or CRMC, upon AFD’s and/or CRMC’s request, at least one complete copy of all registration statements, prospectuses, statements of additional information, reports, solicitations for voting instructions, sales literature and other promotional materials, applications for exemptions or requests for no-action letters that may have a material impact on the operation of the Series, and all amendments to any of the above, that relate to the Contracts.  Nationwide will advise AFD and CRMC immediately of:

the issuance by the Commission of any stop order suspending the effectiveness of the registration statement of the Contracts or the initiation of any proceedings for that purpose;

the institution of any regulatory proceeding, investigation or hearing involving the offer or sale of the Contracts of which it becomes aware and which materially impacts Nationwide; or

the occurrence of any material event that, if known, makes untrue any statement made in the registration statement of the Contracts or the Series or which requires the making of a change therein in order to make any statement made therein not misleading.

5.           Other than the 12b-1 fees provided for in the Fund Participation Agreement and as provided below, Nationwide and NISC will bear their respective expenses under this Agreement, including:

(a)           the cost of providing service to Contract owners;

the expenses and fees of registering or qualifying the Contracts and the Account under federal or state laws;

any expenses incurred by Nationwide employees in assisting AFD and/or CRMC in performing AFD’s and/or CRMC’s duties hereunder;

the marketing expense allowance payable to AFD in consideration for AFD’s marketing assistance, as provided for under this Agreement (including, without limitation, the provisions of Paragraphs 19 and 20 hereof), which shall be 0.16%, multiplied by the amount of new and subsequent purchase payments made under the Contracts and allocated to the Series, paid monthly in arrears;

provided, however, that, pursuant to Section 9 of the Fund Participation Agreement, the Series shall bear the expenses for the cost of registration of its shares, preparation of prospectuses and statements of additional information to be sent to existing Contract owners (upon request in the case of the statement of additional information), proxy statements and related materials and annual and semi-annual shareholder reports, the printing and distribution of such items to each Contract owner who has allocated net amounts to any Subaccount, the preparation of all statements and notices required from it by any federal or state law, and taxes on the issue or transfer of the Series’ shares subject to the Fund Participation Agreement.

6.           Nationwide or its agents will receive and process applications and purchase payments in accordance with the terms of the Contracts and the current prospectus.  All applications for Contracts are subject to acceptance or rejection by Nationwide in its sole discretion.

7.           Nationwide shall amend its registration statement for its Contracts under the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act from time to time as required by law, and, should it ever be required, under the state securities laws, in order to effect the continuous offering of its Contracts; and Nationwide shall file for approval of the Contracts under state insurance laws, when necessary, and to maintain registration of the Accounts (unless the Accounts are exempt from such registration) under the 1940 Act.

8.           Nationwide reserves the right to refuse, to impose limitations on, or to limit any transaction request if the request would tend to disrupt Contract administration or is not in the best interest of the Contract holders or an Account or Subaccount.

Duties of Distributor

9.           Nationwide acknowledges that the distribution of Contracts pursuant to this Agreement will take place primarily through selling agreements with certain non-affiliated broker-dealers or financial institutions (“Members”) for distribution of the Contracts through the Members’ registered representatives.   Nationwide  agrees to provide to AFD and CRMC on a monthly basis in writing information, on a Fund basis, regarding the volume of sales of the Contracts and the amount of sales in each state in which the Contracts are sold.

Any selling agreement between Nationwide and a Member described in this Section 9 will provide that:

each Member will distribute the Contracts only in those jurisdictions in which the Contracts are registered or qualified for sale and only through duly licensed registered representatives of the Members who are properly insurance licensed and appointed with Nationwide to sell the Contracts in the applicable jurisdiction(s);

all applications and initial and subsequent payments under the Contracts collected by the Member will be remitted promptly by the Member to Nationwide  at such address as it may from time to time designate; and

(c)           each Member will comply with all applicable federal and state laws,
rules and regulations.

10.           [Reserved]

11.           The Distributor or its designee will promptly provide Members with current prospectuses, and any supplements thereto, for the Contracts and for the Series.  The Distributor or its designee will use reasonable efforts to ensure that its registered representatives deliver only the currently effective prospectuses of the Contracts and the Series to existing clients.

12.           The Distributor or its designee will use reasonable efforts to provide information and marketing assistance to its registered representatives and to Members, including preparing and providing such registered representatives with advertising materials and sales literature, and other promotional or marketing materials.  The Distributor or its designee will provide wholesaling and marketing services with respect to the Contracts.  For purposes of this Agreement, Distributor agrees to assume responsibility for all actions taken by it or its designee pursuant to the terms hereof.

13.           The Distributor will use reasonable efforts to ensure that any sales literature and advertising materials it disseminates with respect to the Contracts conforms with the requirements of all pertinent federal and state laws and rules and regulations thereunder.  AFD shall have the right to approve all sales material that mentions AFD’s name and/or the Series (the “AFD Material”) prior to its use.  The Distributor shall send all AFD Material to AFD’s Marketing Coordinator at the AFD address listed in Section 46 of this Agreement or such other person as AFD may direct the Distributor in writing (any such person shall be referred to as the “AFD Reviewer”).  The AFD Material will be deemed approved unless the AFD Reviewer notifies the Nationwide Reviewer (as herein defined) of any required changes within five business days of his/her receipt of the AFD Material.  No review of sales material produced by Nationwide shall be necessary if all references contained in such materials regarding AFD and/or the Series are identical to those references that appear in the Series’ current prospectus or statement of additional information.

Nationwide shall have the right to approve all sales material that mentions Nationwide’s and/or the Distributor’s name (the “Nationwide Material”) prior to its use.  AFD and/or CRMC shall send all Nationwide Material to Nationwide’s Annuity Marketing Representative ( at Mail Code 3-21-04) at the Nationwide address listed in Section 46 of this Agreement or such other person as Nationwide may direct AFD and/or CRMC in writing.  Nationwide Material will be deemed approved unless the reviewer for Nationwide notifies the AFD and/or CRMC of any required changes within five business days of his/her receipt of Nationwide Material.  No review of sales material produced by the AFD and/or the Series shall be necessary if all references contained in such materials regarding Nationwide and/or the Distributors are identical to those references that appear in Nationwide’s current Contract prospectus(es) or statement(s) of additional information.

14.           The Distributor will be responsible for filing sales literature and advertising materials, where necessary, with appropriate regulatory authorities, including the NASD, used in connection with its marketing efforts for the Contracts.

15.           The Distributor or its designee will not distribute any prospectus, sales literature, advertising material or any other printed matter or material relating to the Contracts or the Series, if, to its knowledge, any of the foregoing contains any material misstatements.

16.           Subject to Section 5 herein, the Distributor or its designee will bear all its expenses of providing services under this Agreement, including the costs attributable to wholesaling efforts, advertising, and producing and distributing sales literature and prospectuses used by its registered representatives and the Members with prospective Contract owners, provided that, pursuant to Section 9 of the Fund Participation Agreement, the Series shall bear the expenses for the cost of registration of its shares, preparation of its prospectuses and statements of additional information to be sent to existing Contract owners (upon request in the case of the statement of additional information), proxy statements and related materials and annual and semi-annual shareholder reports, the printing and distribution of such items to each Contract owner who has allocated net amounts to any Subaccount, the preparation of all statements and notices required from it by any federal or state law, and taxes on the issue or transfer of the Series’ shares subject to the Fund Participation Agreement.

17.           The Distributor or its designee will provide to AFD and/or CRMC, upon AFD’s and/or CRMC’s request, at least one complete copy of all registration statements, prospectuses, statements of additional information, reports, solicitations for voting instructions, sales literature and other promotional materials, applications for exemptions or requests for no-action letters, and all amendments to any of the above, that relate to the Contracts and materially impact the Series.  The Distributor will advise AFD and CRMC upon becoming aware of:

the institution of any regulatory proceeding, investigation or hearing involving the offer or sale of the Contracts of which they become aware and which materially impact the Series; or

the occurrence of any material event, if known, which makes untrue any statement made in the registration statement of the Contracts or the Series or which requires the making of a change therein in order to make any statement made therein not misleading.

Duties of AFD

18.           AFD will bear its expenses of providing services under this Agreement.  AFD will conduct training of Nationwide wholesalers regarding CRMC’s approach to investment management and specific Subaccount positioning and sales.  Training will include initial hire training, periodic training in conjunction with sales meetings, and refresher training.  From time to time, AFD will provide, at its expense, speakers and panelists at due diligence meetings regarding the Contracts.

19.           AFD will provide Nationwide with information regarding accounts and transactions via monthly statements of account or an online facility with look-up capability (e.g., through an internet website or DST’s Vision product).  AFD will furnish to Nationwide and/or the Distributor such information with respect to the Series in such form as Nationwide and/or the Distributor may reasonably request.  AFD will advise Nationwide and/or the Distributor upon becoming aware of:

the issuance by the Commission of any stop order suspending the effectiveness of the registration statement of the Series or the initiation of any proceedings for that purpose;

the institution of any proceeding, investigation or hearing involving the offer or sale of the Series of which it becomes aware; or

(c)           the occurrence of any material event, if known, which makes untrue any statement made in the registration statement of the Series or which requires the making of a change therein in order to make any statement made therein not misleading.

Duties of CRMC

20.           CRMC agrees to allow Nationwide to include in the Contracts certain Funds described in the Fund Participation Agreement.  CRMC will cause the Series:  (a) to make available for use in the Contracts the Funds in the Series, as described in the Fund Participation Agreement and (b) to adequately diversify the Funds of the Series, pursuant to the requirements of Section 817(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the regulations thereunder relating to the diversification requirements for variable annuity, endowment and life insurance contracts.

21.           CRMC will furnish to Nationwide and/or the Distributor such information with respect to the Series in such form as Nationwide and/or the Distributor may reasonably request.  CRMC will advise Nationwide and the Distributor upon becoming aware of:

the issuance by the Commission of any stop order suspending the effectiveness of the registration statement of the Series or the initiation of any proceedings for that purpose;

the institution of any proceeding, investigation or hearing involving the offer or sale of the Series of which it becomes aware; or

the occurrence of any material event, if known, which makes untrue any statement made in the registration statement of the Series or which requires the making of a change therein in order to make any statement made therein not misleading.

22.           CRMC will bear its expenses of providing services under this Agreement.

23.           The Series will pay Distributor a Rule 12b-1 service fee to be accrued daily and paid monthly at an annual rate of [X.XX%] of the average daily net assets of the Class 2 assets of each Fund attributable to the Contracts for personal services and account maintenance services for Contract owners with investments in Subaccounts corresponding to the Class 2 shares of each Fund so long as the Series’ 12b-1 plan is effective with respect to the Class 2 shares of a Fund.  Such payments shall be calculated by the Series and be paid by the Series to Distributor as soon as practicable after the end of each month and in any event within thirty days.

Joint Duties

24.           All the parties to this Agreement will cooperate in the development of advertising, sales literature and all other sales materials to be used with respect to the Funds.

25.           The parties shall coordinate with each other in the filing with the Commission of amendments to the registration statements for the Contracts (if required by law) and for the Series, respectively.

26.           Each of the parties hereto agrees: (a) to comply with all laws applicable to it in the sale of Contracts and (b) to refrain from participating, cooperating, or assisting in any way with its or any third party’s (i) development of marketing programs or other activities (written or oral) which directly encourage exchanges from the Contracts or (ii) creation of broker and/or client marketing tools which provide direct comparisons between the Contracts and any other investment products directly targeting the holders of the Contracts to exchange or transfer assets from the Contracts, unless such marketing programs or other activities or broker or client tools relate to variable insurance products issued by Nationwide or an affiliate; or if  agreed to by the parties.

Representations and Warranties

27.           Nationwide represents and warrants to AFD and CRMC that:

each of the recitals applicable to it and/or each Account is true and correct;

a registration statement under the 1933 Act and under the 1940 Act (if required by law) with respect to the Contracts and each Account has been or will be filed with the Commission (a copy of which will be delivered to AFD, upon request, when effective), and copies of any and all amendments thereto will be forwarded to AFD, upon request, at the time that they are filed with the Commission (if required by law);

each such registration statement (if required by law) and any further amendments or supplements thereto will, when they become effective, conform in all material respects to the requirements of the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission thereunder, and will not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading; provided, however, that this representation and warranty shall not apply to any statement or omission made in reliance upon and in conformity with the information furnished in writing to Nationwide or the Distributor by AFD or CRMC expressly for use therein;
Nationwide is validly existing as a life insurance company under the laws of Ohio, with power (corporate or other) to own its properties and conduct its business, as described in the prospectus for the Contracts, and has been duly qualified for the transaction of business and is in good standing under the laws of each other jurisdiction in which it owns or leases properties, or conducts any business to the extent such qualification is required;
the Contracts to be issued through the Account have been duly and validly authorized and, when issued and delivered against payment therefor as provided in the prospectus (if a prospectus is required by law) and in the Contracts, will be duly and validly issued, and will conform to the description of the Contracts contained in the prospectuses (if a prospectus is required by law);

the performance of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions herein contemplated will not result in a breach or violation of any of the terms or provisions of, or constitute a default under, any statute, any indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, note agreement or other agreement or instrument to which  Nationwide is a party or by which Nationwide   is bound, Nationwide’s  charter as a life insurance company or By-Laws or any order, rule or regulation of any court or governmental agency or body having jurisdiction over Nationwide or any of their properties; and no consent, approval, authorization or order of any court or governmental agency or body which has not been obtained by the Effective Date of this Agreement is required for the consummation by Nationwide  of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, except for the Commission’s approval of the registration statement referred to in this Section 27(b) hereof;

there are no material legal or governmental proceedings pending to which Nationwide or the Account is a party or of which any property of Nationwide or the Account is subject, other than as set forth in the prospectus relating to the Contracts, and other than litigation incidental to the kind of business conducted by Nationwide which, if determined adversely to Nationwide, would not individually or in the aggregate have a material adverse effect on the financial position, surplus or operations of Nationwide;

any information furnished in writing by Nationwide to AFD or CRMC for use in the registration statement or annual report of the Series will not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, nor result in the Series’ registration statement’s failing to materially conform in all respects to the requirements of the 1933 Act and 1940 Act and the rules and regulations thereunder; and

Nationwide will materially comply with all applicable requirements of state insurance laws and regulations in connection with the Contracts.

28.           The Distributor represents and warrants to AFD and CRMC that:

each of the recitals applicable to it is true and correct;

The Distributor is validly existing as a corporation under the laws of the State of Oklahoma and it is a broker-dealer duly registered with the Commission pursuant to the 1934 Act and is a member in good standing of the NASD, with power (corporate or other) to own its properties and conduct its business, and has been duly qualified for the transaction of business and is in good standing under the laws of each other jurisdiction in which it owns or leases properties, or conducts any business to the extent such qualification is required;

there are no material legal or governmental proceedings pending to which the Distributor is a party or of which any property of the Distributor is subject, other than as set forth in the prospectus relating to the Contracts, and other than litigation incidental to the kind of business conducted by the Distributor which, if determined adversely to the Distributor, would not individually or in the aggregate have a material adverse effect on the financial position, surplus or operations of the Distributor;

any information furnished in writing by the Distributor to AFD or CRMC for use in the registration statement or annual report of the Series will not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, nor result in the registration statement’s failing to conform materially in all respects to the requirements of the 1933 Act and 1940 Act and the rules and regulations thereunder;
the Distributor will comply with all applicable requirements of state insurance laws and regulations in connection with the sale of the Contracts; and
the Distributor or its designee will not pay commissions to persons who, to the best of the Distributor’s knowledge, are not appropriately licensed in a manner as to comply with applicable state insurance laws and regulations.
29.           AFD and CRMC represent and warrant to Nationwide and the Distributor that:

each of the recitals applicable to it, them, and/or the Series is true and correct;

a registration statement under the 1933 Act (File No. 2-86838) and under the 1940 Act (File No. 811-3857) with respect to the Series has been filed with the Commission in the form previously delivered to Nationwide and the Distributor, and copies of any and all amendments thereto will be forwarded to Nationwide at the time that they are filed with the Commission;

the registration statement for the Series and any further amendments or supplements thereto will, when they become effective, conform in all material respects to the requirements of the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission thereunder, and will not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading; provided, however, that this representation and warranty shall not apply to any statement or omission made in reliance upon and in conformity with the information furnished in writing to AFD or CRMC by Nationwide or the Distributor expressly for use therein;

AFD is validly existing as a corporation under the laws of the State of California and it is a broker-dealer duly registered with the Commission pursuant to the 1934 Act and is a member in good standing of the NASD, with power (corporate or other) to own its properties and conduct its business, and has been duly qualified for the transaction of business and is in good standing under the laws of each other jurisdiction in which it owns or leases properties, or conducts any business to the extent such qualification is required;

CRMC is validly existing as a corporation under the laws of the State of Delaware and it is an investment adviser duly registered with the Commission pursuant to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, with power (corporate or other) to own its properties and conduct its business, and has been duly qualified for the transaction of business and is in good standing under the laws of each other jurisdiction in which it owns or leases properties, or conducts any business to the extent such qualification is required;

the shares to be issued by the Series have been duly and validly authorized and, when issued and delivered against payment therefor as provided in the Series prospectus, will be duly and validly issued, and will conform to the description of such shares contained in that prospectus;

the performance of duties under this Agreement by AFD and CRMC will not result in a breach or violation of any of the terms or provisions of, or constitute a default under, any statute, any indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, note agreement or other agreement or instrument to which AFD or CRMC is a party or by which AFD or CRMC is bound, the Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws of AFD or CRMC, or any order, rule or regulation of any court or governmental agency or body having jurisdiction over AFD or CRMC or its property; and no consent, approval, authorization or order of any court or governmental agency or body which has not been obtained by the Effective Date of this Agreement is required for the consummation by AFD or CRMC of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

there are no material legal or governmental proceedings pending to which AFD or CRMC is a party or of which any property of AFD or CRMC is subject, other than as set forth in the prospectus relating to the Series, and other than litigation incidental to the kind of business conducted by AFD or CRMC which, if  determined adversely to AFD or CRMC, would not individually or in the aggregate have a material adverse effect on the financial position, surplus or operations of AFD or CRMC;

CRMC and AFD will use reasonable efforts to ensure that no offering, sale or other disposition of the Contracts will be made until it has been notified by Nationwide that the subject registration statements (if required by law) have been declared effective and that the Contracts have been released for sale by Nationwide, and that such offer, sale or other disposition shall be limited to those jurisdictions that have approved or otherwise permit the offer and sale of the Contracts by Nationwide;

any information furnished in writing by AFD or CRMC to Nationwide or the Distributor for use in a registration statement (if required by law) of the Contracts will not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, nor result in the registration statement’s failing to materially conform in all respects to the requirements of the 1933 Act and the rules and regulations thereunder; and
AFD will comply with all applicable requirements of state broker-dealer regulations and the 1934 Act as each applies to AFD and shall conduct its affairs in accordance with the rules of the NASD.

30.           AFD and/or CRMC agree to indemnify Nationwide and/or the Distributor (or any parent, affiliate, control person, shareholder, director, officer, employee or agent of Nationwide and/or the Distributor) from, and hold them harmless against, any and all losses, claims, liabilities incurred (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of AFD and/or CRMC) or litigation (including reasonable legal fees and costs relating to the investigation and/or defense of any action) arising out of any act or omission of AFD and/or CRMC (or those of its affiliates) relating to:

rendering services under, or breaching, this Agreement;

the failure by the Series or CRMC to adequately diversify the various Funds of the Series, pursuant to the requirements of Section 817(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the regulations thereunder relating to the diversification requirements for variable annuity, endowment and life insurance contracts;

the failure by the Series or CRMC to supply Nationwide with information sufficient to adequately calculate its accumulation and/or annuity unit values as required by law and the registration statement (if required by law) for the Account;
unlawful conduct, bad faith, willful misfeasance, or gross negligence on the part of AFD and/or CRMC; or
the failure by the Series and CRMC to invest the assets of each Fund in accordance with the Fund’s investment objective, policies and restrictions;
provided, however, that indemnification will not be provided hereunder for any such liability that results from the actions of Nationwide and/or the Distributor or from Nationwide’s and/or the Distributor’s failure to fulfill their respective duties and obligations arising under this Agreement.

31.           Nationwide and/or the Distributor agree to indemnify AFD and/or CRMC (or any affiliate, control person, shareholder, director, officer,  employee or agent of AFD and/or CRMC) from, and hold them harmless against, any and all losses, claims, liabilities incurred (including amounts paid in settlement with the written consent of Nationwide and/or the Distributor) or litigation (including reasonable legal fees and costs relating to the defense of any action) arising out of any act or omission of Nationwide and/or the Distributor (or those of its affiliates) relating to:

rendering services under, or breaching, this Agreement; or

unlawful conduct, bad faith, willful misfeasance, or gross negligence on the part of Nationwide and/or the Distributor;

provided, however, that indemnification will not be provided hereunder for any such liability that results from the actions of AFD and/or CRMC or from AFD’s and/or CRMC’s failure to fulfill their respective duties and obligations arising under this Agreement.

32.           Any party seeking indemnification (the “Potential Indemnitee”) will promptly notify any party from whom they intend to seek indemnification (each a “Potential Indemnitor”) of all demands made and/or actions commenced against the Potential Indemnitee which may require a Potential Indemnitor to provide such indemnification.  At its option and expense, a Potential Indemnitor may retain counsel and control any litigation for which it may be responsible to indemnify a Potential Indemnitee under this Agreement.

33.           With respect to any claim, the parties each shall give the other reasonable access during normal business hours to its books, records and employees and those books, records and employees within its control pertaining to such claim and shall otherwise cooperate with one another in the defense of any claim.  Regardless of which party defends a particular claim, the defending party shall give the other parties written notice of any significant development in the case as soon as practicable, and such other party, at all times, shall have the right to intervene in the defense of the case.

34.            If a party is defending a claim and indemnifying the other party hereto, and:  (a) a settlement proposal is made by the claimant or (b) the defending party desires to present a settlement proposal to the claimant, then the defending party promptly shall notify the other party hereto of such settlement proposal together with its counsel’s recommendation.  If the defending party desires to enter into the settlement and the other party fails to consent within ten business days (unless such period is extended, in writing, by mutual agreement of the parties hereto), then the other party, from the time it fails to consent forward, shall defend the claim and shall further indemnify the defending party for all costs associated with the claim which are in excess of the proposed settlement amount.

Regardless of which party is defending the claim, if a settlement requires an admission of liability by the non-defending party or would require the non-defending party to either take action (other than purely ministerial action) or refrain from taking action (due to an injunction or otherwise) (a “Specific Performance Settlement”), the defending party may agree to such settlement only after obtaining the express, written consent of the non-defending party.  If a non-defending party fails to consent to a Specific Performance Settlement, the consequences described in the last sentence of the first paragraph of this Section 34 shall not apply.

35.           The parties shall use good faith efforts to resolve any dispute concerning this indemnification obligation.  Should those efforts fail to resolve the dispute, the ultimate resolution shall be determined in a denovo proceeding, separate and apart from the underlying matter complained of, before a court of competent jurisdiction.  Either party may initiate such proceedings with a court of competent jurisdiction at any time following the termination of the efforts by such parties to resolve the dispute (termination of such efforts shall be deemed to have occurred thirty days from the commencement of the same unless such time period is extended by the written agreement of the parties).  The prevailing party in such a proceeding shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses.

Rule 12b-1 Fee

36.           If the Series 12b-1 plan is no longer effective or is no longer applicable to the Funds in the Contracts (the “12b-1 Termination”), AFD, CRMC and the Series shall discuss with Nationwide and Distributor, in good faith, alternate fee arrangements and/or a reallocation of marketing expenses.  If no new agreement is reached within thirty days after the 12b-1 Termination (or at such later date mutually acceptable to all of the parties), Nationwide, at its option, may elect to terminate this Agreement, and/or may elect to obtain an order of substitution (if necessary) pursuant to Section 26(c) of the 1940 Act (“Substitution Order”) for the Fund(s) or a vote of Contract owners authorizing redemption and substitution of Fund shares.  The Series, AFD and CRMC shall cooperate with Nationwide in obtaining and implementing any such Substitution Order.


This Agreement may be terminated:

by mutual agreement at any time; or

by any party at any time upon six months written notice to the other parties; or

at Nationwide’s option, pursuant to Section 36 hereof.

at Nationwide’s option by written notice to AFD and/or CRMC if Nationwide shall determine in its sole judgment exercised in good faith, that either AFD or CRMC has suffered a material adverse change in its business, operations, financial condition or prospects since the date of this Agreement or is the subject of material adverse publicity.

at AFD or CRMC’s option by written notice to Nationwide if AFD or CRMC shall determine in its sole judgment exercised in good faith, that Nationwide has suffered a material adverse change in its business, operations, financial condition or prospects since the date of this Agreement or is the subject of material adverse publicity.

38.           If this Agreement terminates, the parties shall cooperate after termination to effect an orderly windup of the business.


39.           This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of   New York.

40.           This Agreement (along with the Fund Participation Agreement) constitutes the entire agreement among the parties pertaining to the Contracts, and supersedes any and all prior agreements, understandings, documents, projections, financial data, statements, representations and warranties, oral or written, express or implied, between the parties hereto and their respective affiliates, representatives and agents in respect of the subject matter hereof.  If there should be any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and those of the Fund Participation Agreement, the terms of the Fund Participation Agreement shall govern.

41.           This Agreement may be amended from time to time only by agreement in writing of the parties.

42.           No waiver of any provision nor consent to any exceptions to the terms of this Agreement shall be effective unless that waiver or consent is executed in writing by the parties and then only for the specific purpose, extent and instance so provided.

43.           This Agreement and the parties’ rights, duties and obligations under this Agreement are not transferable or assignable by any of them without the express, prior written consent of the other party hereto.  Any attempt by a party to transfer or assign this Agreement or any of its rights, duties or obligations under this Agreement without such consent is void; provided, however, that a merger of, reinsurance arrangement by, or change of control of a party shall not be deemed to be an assignment for purposes of this Agreement.

44.           This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon Nationwide, the Distributor, AFD and CRMC, and their respective successors and permitted assigns.  Nothing expressed or mentioned in this Agreement is intended or shall be construed to give any person or corporation, other than the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns, any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim in respect of this Agreement or any provision herein contained.

45.           This Agreement and any amendment to it may be executed in one or more counterparts.  All of those counterparts shall constitute one and the same agreement.  Neither this Agreement nor any amendment shall become effective until all counterparts have been fully executed and delivered.

46.           All notices, requests, demands and/or other communications permitted or required hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sent by nationally recognized overnight courier, and/or by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to each party (other than the Distributor) to the individuals and at the address shown in the notice provisions of this Agreement and the Fund Participation Agreement, or at such other address as a party has directed in writing.

If to Nationwide:

Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
One Nationwide Plaza, 1-09-V3
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention: AVP/Associate General Counsel
Facsimile No.: (614) 249-2112

with a copy to:

Nationwide Financial
One Nationwide Plaza, 1-12-04
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention: Products Officer
Facsimile No.: (614) 249-7166

If to the Distributor:
Nationwide Investment Services Corporation
One Nationwide Plaza, 1-12-04
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention: Senior Vice President
Facsimile No.: (614) 249-7166

If to AFD:

American Funds Distributors, Inc.
333 S. Hope Street, 55th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Attention:  Kevin G. Clifford, President
Facsimile No.:  (213) 486-9223

with a copy to:

American Funds Distributors, Inc.
333 S. Hope Street, 55th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Attention:  Kenneth R. Gorvetzian, Senior Vice President and Senior Counsel,
Fund Business Management Group
Facsimile No.:  (213) 486-9041

If to CRMC:
Capital Research and Management Company
333 S. Hope Street, 55th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Attention:  Michael J. Downer, Senior Vice President and Legal Counsel,
Fund Business Management Group, and Secretary
Facsimile No.:  (213) 486-9041

with a copy to:
Capital Research and Management Company
333 S. Hope Street, 55th Floor
Los Angeles, California  90071
Attention:  Kenneth R. Gorvetzian, Vice President and Senior Counsel,
Fund Business Management Group
Facsimile No.:  (213) 486-9041

A notice shall be presumed to have been received:  (a) on the day after it was sent if sent by overnight courier, so long as a receipt evidencing that it was sent, in fact, by overnight courier is obtained or (b) on the day that the recipient signs the receipt if sent by certified mail.

47.           Each of the parties warrants to the other that it shall not disclose to any person any Confidential Information which it may acquire in the performance of this Agreement; nor shall it use such Confidential Information for any purposes other than to fulfill its contractual obligations under this Agreement [or as permitted by applicable law] and it will maintain the other party’s Customer and Confidential Information with reasonable care, which shall not be less than the degree of care it would use for its own such information.

For purposes of this Section, “Customer Information” means non-public personally identifiable information as defined in the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and each party agrees not to use, disclose or distribute to others any such information except as necessary to perform the terms of this Agreement and each party agrees to comply with all applicable provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.

For purposes of this Section, “Confidential Information” means any data or information regarding proprietary or confidential information concerning each of the parties.  Confidential Information does not include information that (a) was in the public domain prior to the date of this Agreement or subsequently came into the public domain through no fault of the Receiving Party or by violation of this Agreement; (b) was lawfully received by the Receiving Party from a third party free of any obligation of confidence of such third party; (c) was already in the possession of the Receiving Party prior to receipt thereof directly or indirectly from the Disclosing Party; (d) is required to be disclosed pursuant to applicable laws, regulatory or legal process, subpoena or court order; or, (e) is subsequently and independently developed by employees, consultants or agents of the Receiving Party without reference to or use of the Confidential Information disclosed under this Agreement.

In the event Confidential Information includes Customer Information, the Customer Information clause controls.

48.           The provisions of this Agreement are severable.  Should any provision hereof be held unlawful or invalid by any competent authority, the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

49.           The provisions contained in Sections 2, 4, 5 (except for 5(d)), 6-8, 17, 19-23, 25-26, 30-35 and 38-49 shall survive the termination of this Agreement for so long as any of the Series shares remain as investment options in any of the Contracts.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed and attested as of the date first above written.

Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
(on behalf of itself and each Account)


___________________________                                                                                     By:  _____________________________
Its: [Vice President]

The Distributor: Nationwide Investment Services Corporation


___________________________                                                                                     By:  _____________________________
Its:  [Officer]



___________________________                                                                                     By:  _____________________________
Its:   Secretary



___________________________                                                                                     By:  _____________________________

Its:   Vice President and Secretary

EX-99.I ADMIN CONTRT 27 blackrockasa.htm BLACKROCK ASA blackrockasa.htm

This Administrative Service Agreement (the “Agreement”), effective this 13th day of April, 2004 is made by and between Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. and its subsidiary life insurance companies, (collectively, “NFS”) and FAM Distributors, Inc., (“FAMD”) and Merrill Lynch Variable Series Funds, Inc. (the “Fund”), (collectively, “the Company”);

WHEREAS, the Company is responsible for certain administrative functions associated with each series of the Funds (each a “Fund”) set forth on Exhibit A, which may be amended from time to time; and

WHEREAS, NFS or its designee provide certain administrative services to the owners of certain variable annuity contracts and/or variable life insurance policies (collectively, the “Variable Products”) issued by Nationwide Life Insurance Company, Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company, Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America and/or Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America (collectively, “Nationwide”) through certain Nationwide Variable Accounts; and

WHEREAS, the Funds will be included as underlying investment options for the Variable Products issued by Nationwide through the Variable Accounts pursuant to a Fund Participation Agreement previously or contemporaneously entered into by NFS and the Company and/or Funds; and

WHEREAS, the Company recognizes substantial savings of administrative expenses as a result of NFS or its subsidiaries performing certain administrative services (“Services”) on behalf of the Funds; and

NOW, THEREFORE, NFS and the Company, in consideration of the undertaking described herein, agree that the Funds will be available as underlying investment options in the Variable Products issued by Nationwide, subject to the following:

NFS or its designee agrees to provide Services for the contract owners of the Variable Products who choose the Funds as underlying investment options.  Such Services will include those described on Exhibit B.  NFS and the Company each acknowledge and agree that the Services provided hereunder are for sub-accounting for individual holders of Contracts, recordkeeping, and other such administrative services.  The Services do not include investment advisory or distribution services, and each party acknowledges and agrees that no fees paid hereunder are in exchange for any such investment advisory or distribution services.

In consideration for the Services to be provided by NFS to the Variable Products pursuant to this Agreement, the Company will calculate and pay NFS a fee (“Service Fee”) at an annualized rate equal to the rates shown on Exhibit A of the average daily net assets of each Fund held by the Variable Accounts during the period in which they were earned.  NFS and the Company agree that the Service Fee described in this Agreement is for administrative services only and does not constitute payment in any manner for investment advisory services or the cost of distribution of the Funds or the Contracts.  The Service Fees will be paid to NFS as soon as practicable, but no later than 30 days after the end of the period in which they were earned.  The Service Fees will be paid on a quarterly or monthly basis.

The parties agree that a Service Fee will be paid to NFS according to this Agreement with respect to each Fund as long as shares of such Fund are held by the Variable Accounts.  This provision will survive termination of this Agreement and the termination of the related Fund Participation Agreement(s) with Nationwide.

Either party may terminate this Agreement by at least 90 days’ written notice to the other.  In addition, NFS or the Company may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to the other:  (1) if required by any applicable law or regulation; (2) if NFS or the Company engage in any material breach of this Agreement; or (3) in the event of an assignment as defined by Section 2(a)(4) of the Investment Company Act of 1940.  This Agreement will terminate immediately and automatically with respect to Funds held in the Variable Accounts upon the termination of the Fund Participation Agreement which governs a Fund’s inclusion as an underlying investment option in the Variable Products and in such event no notice is required under this Agreement.

Each notice required by this Agreement shall be given by wire and confirmed in writing to:

If to NFS:

Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.
One Nationwide Plaza
Columbus, Ohio  43215
Attention:  Securities Officer
Fax:  (614) 677-2295

If to the Company:

FAM Distributors, Inc.
800 Scudders Mill Road
Plainsboro, New Jersey  08536
Attention:  General Counsel
Fax:  (609) 282-3222

This Agreement shall be construed and the provisions hereof interpreted in accordance with the laws of Ohio.  This Agreement shall be subject to the provisions of the federal securities statutes, rules and regulations, including such exemptions from those statutes, rules and regulations as the Securities and Exchange Commission may grant and the terms hereof shall be interpreted and construed in accordance therewith.

Each of the parties to this Agreement acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement and the arrangements described herein are intended to be non-exclusive and that each of the parties is free to enter into similar agreements or arrangements with other entities.

This Agreement may not be assigned unless agreed to by the parties in writing, except that it shall be assigned automatically to any successor to either party, and any such successor shall be bound by the terms of this Agreement.

Each party hereby represents and warrants to the other that the persons executing this Agreement on its behalf are duly authorized and empowered to execute and deliver the Agreement and that the Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation, and is enforceable in accordance with its terms.


Name: [William G. Goslee]
Title: Vice President – Investment and Advisory Services


Name: [Daniel J. Dart]
Title: Managing Director




Merrill Lynch American Balanced V.I.
Merrill Lynch Basic Value V.I.
Merrill Lynch Core Bond V.I.
Merrill Lynch Developing Markets V.I.
Merrill Lynch Fundamental Growth V.I.
Merrill Lynch Global Growth V.I.
Merrill Lynch Global Allocation V.I.
Merrill Lynch Government Bond V.I.
Merrill Lynch High Current Income V.I.
Merrill Lynch Index 500 V.I.
Merrill Lynch International V.I.
Merrill Lynch Large Cap Growth V.I.
Merrill Lynch Large Cap Core V.I.
Merrill Lynch Large Cap Value V.I.
Merrill Lynch Small Cap Value V.I.
Merrill Lynch Utilities and Telecom V.I.
Merrill Lynch American Balanced V.I.
Merrill Lynch Basic Value V.I.
Merrill Lynch Core Bond V.I.
Merrill Lynch Developing Markets V.I.
Merrill Lynch Fundamental Growth V.I.
Merrill Lynch Global Growth V.I.
Merrill Lynch Global Allocation V.I.
Merrill Lynch Government Bond V.I.
Merrill Lynch High Current Income V.I.
Merrill Lynch Index 500 V.I.
Merrill Lynch International V.I.
Merrill Lynch Large Cap Growth V.I.
Merrill Lynch Large Cap Core V.I.
Merrill Lynch Large Cap Value V.I.
Merrill Lynch Small Cap Value V.I.



Merrill Lynch American Balanced V.I.
Merrill Lynch Basic Value V.I.
Merrill Lynch Core Bond V.I.
Merrill Lynch Developing Markets V.I.
Merrill Lynch Fundamental Growth V.I.
Merrill Lynch Global Growth V.I.
Merrill Lynch Global Allocation V.I.
Merrill Lynch Government Bond V.I.
Merrill Lynch High Current Income V.I.
Merrill Lynch Index 500 V.I.
Merrill Lynch International V.I.
Merrill Lynch Large Cap Growth V.I.
Merrill Lynch Large Cap Core V.I.
Merrill Lynch Large Cap Value V.I.
Merrill Lynch Small Cap Value V.I.




Services Provided by NFS

Pursuant to the Agreement, NFS shall perform all administrative and shareholder services with respect to the Variable Products, including but not limited to, the following:

Maintaining separate records for each contract owner, which shall reflect the Fund shares purchased and redeemed and Fund share balances of such contract owners.  NFS will maintain a single master account with each Fund on behalf of contract owners and such account shall be in the name of NFS (or its designee) as record owner of shares owned by contract owners.

Disbursing or crediting to contract owners all proceeds of redemptions of shares of the Funds and all dividends and other distributions not reinvested in shares of the Funds.

Preparing and transmitting to contract owners, as required by law, periodic statements showing the total number of shares owned by contract owners as of the statement closing date, purchases and redemptions of Fund shares by the contract owners during the period covered by the statement and the dividends and other distributions paid during the statement period (whether paid in cash or reinvested in Fund shares), and such other information as may be required, from time to time, by contract owners.

Supporting and responding to service inquiries from contract owners.

Maintaining and preserving all records required by law to be maintained and preserved in connection with providing the Services for contract owners.

Generating written confirmations and quarterly statements to Contract owners/ participants.

Distributing to contract owners, to the extent required by applicable law, Funds’ prospectuses, proxy materials, periodic fund reports to shareholders and other materials that the Funds are required by law or otherwise to provide to their shareholders or prospective shareholders.

Transmitting purchase and redemption orders to the Funds on behalf to the contract owners.



Amendment to Administrative Services Agreement

Reference is made to the Administrative Services Agreement dated as of April 13, 2004, (the “Agreement”) made by and between Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. and its subsidiary life insurance companies, (collectively, “NFS”) and FAM Distributors, Inc., (“FAMD”) and FAM Variable Series Funds, Inc. (the “Fund”), (collectively, “the Company”) which serves as adviser and distributor to the Funds, as listed on Exhibit A.  This amendment to the Agreement is made as of February 1, 2005.

WHEREAS, the parties to the Agreement wish to amend it to permit FAM Series Funds as investment options in the Variable Products,

NOW THEREFORE, the Agreement is amended as follows:

Exhibit A to the Agreement is hereby deleted and replaced with the attached Exhibit A, and all references in the Agreement to the Portfolios shall be deemed to refer to the series of shares of the Fund as set forth on Exhibit A as attached hereto.

All capitalized terms used herein without definition and defined in this Agreement shall have the same meaning herein as therein.

All other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused their duly authorized officers to execute this Amendment to Administrative Services Agreement as of the date and year first above written.


Name:                      [Karen R. Colvin]                                                                           
Title:                      Officer                                                                           


Name:                      [Donald C. Burke]                                                                           
Title:                      Vice President and Treasurer                                                                                     


Name:                      [Daniel J. Dart]                                           
Title:                      Managing Director                                                                           





All current and future funds available for sale through the Variable Products, including but not limited to any funds listed below.

Mercury American Balanced V.I.
Mercury Basic Value V.I.
Mercury Core Bond V.I.
Mercury Domestic Money Market V.I.
Mercury Fundamental Growth V.I.
Mercury Global Growth V.I.
Mercury Global Allocation V.I.
Mercury Government Bond V.I.
Mercury High Current Income V.I.
Mercury Index 500 V.I.
Mercury International Value V.I.
Mercury Large Cap Growth V.I.
Mercury Large Cap Core V.I.
Mercury Large Cap Value V.I.
Mercury Value Opportunities V.I.
Mercury Utilities and Telecommunications V.I.
Mercury American Balanced V.I.
Mercury Basic Value V.I.
Mercury Core Bond V.I.
Mercury Domestic Money Market V.I.
Mercury Fundamental Growth V.I.
Mercury Global Growth V.I.
Mercury Global Allocation V.I.
Mercury Government Bond V.I.
Mercury High Current Income V.I.
Mercury Index 500 V.I.
Mercury International Value V.I.
Mercury Large Cap Growth V.I.
Mercury Large Cap Core V.I.
Mercury Large Cap Value V.I.
Mercury Value Opportunities V.I.
Mercury Utilities and Telecommunications V.I.



Mercury American Balanced V.I.
Mercury Basic Value V.I.
Mercury Core Bond V.I.
Mercury Domestic Money Market V.I.
Mercury Fundamental Growth V.I.
Mercury Global Growth V.I.
Mercury Global Allocation V.I.
Mercury Government Bond V.I.
Mercury High Current Income V.I.
Mercury Index 500 V.I.
Mercury International Value V.I.
Mercury Large Cap Growth V.I.
Mercury Large Cap Core V.I.
Mercury Large Cap Value V.I.
Mercury Value Opportunities V.I.
Mercury Utilities and Telecom V.I.

Portfolios of Fam Series Fund, Inc.
Offered to Segregated Accounts of NATIONWIDE FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.

Fund Name
Share Class
Total Service Fee
Mercury Mid Cap Value Opportunities Portfolio
Class I, Class II, Class III
Class II                       XX bps
Class III                       XX bps
Mercury Global Small Cap Portfolio
Class I, Class II, Class III
Class II                       XX bps
Class III  XX bps
Mercury Small Cap Index Portfolio
Class I, Class II, Class III
Class II                       XX bps
Class III  XX bps
Mercury International Index Portfolio
Class I, Class II, Class III
Class II                       XX bps
Class III  XX bps
Mercury Equity Dividend Portfolio
Class I, Class II, Class III
Class II                       XX bps
Class III  XX bps
Mercury Low Duration Portfolio
Class I, Class II, Class III
Class II                       XX bps
Class III  XX bps

EX-99.I ADMIN CONTRT 28 davisasa.htm DAVIS ASA davisasa.htm

This Administrative Service Agreement (the “Agreement”), effective this 7th day of August, 2007 is made by and between Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. (“NFS”) and Davis Distributors, LLC (the “Company");

WHEREAS, the Company is responsible for certain administrative functions associated with each series of the Funds (each a “Fund”) set forth on Exhibit A, which may be amended from time to time; and
WHEREAS, NFS or its designee provide certain administrative services to the owners of certain variable annuity contracts and/or variable life insurance policies (collectively, the “Variable Products”) issued by Nationwide Life Insurance Company, Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company, Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America and/or Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America (collectively, “Nationwide”) through certain Nationwide Variable Accounts; and
WHEREAS, the Funds will be included as underlying investment options for the Variable Products issued by Nationwide through the Variable Accounts pursuant to a Fund Participation Agreement previously or contemporaneously entered into by Nationwide and the Company and/or Funds; and
WHEREAS, the Company recognizes substantial savings of administrative expenses as a result of NFS or its subsidiaries performing certain administrative services (“Services”) on behalf of the Funds; and
NOW, THEREFORE, NFS and the Company, in consideration of the undertaking described herein, agree that the Funds will be available as underlying investment options in the Variable Products issued by Nationwide, subject to the following:
NFS or its designee agrees to provide Services for the contract owners of the Variable Products who choose the Funds as underlying investment options. Such Services will include those described on Exhibit B.
In consideration for the Services to be provided by NFS to the Variable Products pursuant to this Agreement, the Company will calculate and pay NFS a fee (“Service Fee”) at an annualized rate equal to the rates shown on Exhibit A of the average daily net assets of each Fund held by the Variable Accounts during the period in which they were earned.
The Service Fees will be paid to NFS as soon as practicable, but no later than 30 days after the end of the period in which they were earned.  The Service Fees will be paid on a monthly basis.
NFS and the Company agree that the Service Fee described in this Agreement is for administrative services only and does not constitute payment in any manner for investment advisory services or the cost of distribution of the Funds.
The parties agree that a Service Fee will be paid to NFS according to this Agreement with respect to each Fund as long as shares of such Fund are held by the Variable Accounts.  This provision will survive termination of this Agreement and the termination of the related Fund Participation Agreement(s) with Nationwide.
The Company recognizes that NFS incurs certain expenses relating to offering Funds in the Nationwide Advisory Services Program for Variable Account-13. If the Company has Funds participating in Nationwide Variable Account-13, the Company agrees to pay a [$X] set up fee, per fund and a [$X] annual maintenance fee per year, per fund.  NFS will invoice the Company annually for these fees.
Either party may terminate this Agreement by at least 90 days’ written notice to the other.  In addition, NFS or the Company may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to the other: (1) if required by any applicable law or regulation; (2) if NFS or the Company engage in any material breach of this Agreement; or (3) in the event of an assignment as defined by Section 2(a)(4) of the Investment Company Act of 1940.  This Agreement will terminate immediately and automatically with respect to Funds held in the Variable Accounts upon the termination of the Fund Participation Agreement which governs a Fund’s inclusion as an underlying investment option in the Variable Products and in such event no notice is required under this Agreement.
Each notice required by this Agreement shall be given by wire and confirmed in writing to:
If to NFS:
Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.
One Nationwide Plaza
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention: Securities Officer
Fax: (614) 249-2112

If to the Company:
         2949 East Elvira Road, Suite 101
Tucson, Arizona 85706
Attention: Kenneth Eich, Chief Operating Officer
Fax:  (520) 806-7657

This Agreement shall be construed and the provisions hereof interpreted in accordance with the laws of Ohio.  This Agreement shall be subject to the provisions of the federal securities statutes, rules and regulations, including such exemptions from those statutes, rules and regulations as the Securities and Exchange Commission may grant and the terms hereof shall be interpreted and construed in accordance therewith.
Each of the parties to this Agreement acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement and the arrangements described herein are intended to be non-exclusive and that each of the parties is free to enter into similar agreements or arrangements with other entities.
This Agreement may not be assigned unless agreed to by the parties in writing, except that it shall be assigned automatically to any successor either party, and any such successor shall be bound by the terms of this Agreement.
 NFS agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company and their officers and directors, from any and all loss, liability and expense resulting from the gross negligence or willful wrongful act of NFS under this Agreement, except to the extent such loss, liability or expense is the result of the willful misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence of the Company in the performance of its duties, or by reason of the reckless disregard of their obligations and duties under this Agreement.

The Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless NFS and its officers and directors from any and all loss, liability and expense resulting from the gross negligence or willful wrongful act of the Company under this Agreement, except to the extent that such loss, liability or expense is the result of the willful misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence of NFS in the performance of its duties, or by reason of the reckless disregard of its obligations and duties under this Agreement.

Each party hereby represents and warrants to the other that the persons executing this Agreement on its behalf are duly authorized and empowered to execute and deliver the Agreement and that the Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation, and is enforceable in accordance with its terms.







All current and future funds available for sale through the Variable Products, including but not limited to any funds listed below.

Davis Value Portfolio
Davis Financial Portfolio
Davis Real Estate Portfolio


The Company agrees to pay NFS an amount equal to XX basis points ([X.XX%]) per annum of the average aggregate amount invested by NFS in the Company under this Agreement. Such payments will be made monthly. From time to time, the Parties hereto shall review the Service Fee to determine whether it reasonably approximated the incurred and anticipated costs, over time, of NFS in connection with its duties hereunder. The parties agree to negotiation in good faith any change to the Service Fee proposed by another Party in good faith.





Services Provided by NFS

Pursuant to the Agreement, NFS shall perform all administrative and shareholder services with respect to the Variable Products, including but not limited to, the following:

Maintaining separate records for each contract owner, which shall reflect the Fund shares purchased and redeemed and Fund share balances of such contract owners.  NFS will maintain a single master account with each Fund on behalf of contract owners and such account shall be in the name of NFS (or its designee) as record owner of shares owned by contract owners.
Disbursing or crediting to contract owners all proceeds of redemptions of shares of the Funds and all dividends and other distributions not reinvested in shares of the Funds.
Preparing and transmitting to contract owners, as required by law, periodic statements showing the total number of shares owned by contract owners as of the statement closing date, purchases and redemptions of Fund shares by the contract owners during the period covered by the statement and the dividends and other distributions paid during the statement period (whether paid in cash or reinvested in Fund shares), and such other information as may be required, from time to time, by contract owners.
Supporting and responding to service inquiries from contract owners.
Maintaining and preserving all records required by law to be maintained and preserved in connection with providing the Services for contract owners.
Generating written confirmations and quarterly statements to Contract owners/participants.
Distributing to contract owners, to the extent required by applicable law, Funds’ prospectuses, proxy materials, periodic fund reports to shareholders and other materials that the Funds are required by law or otherwise to provide to their shareholders or prospective shareholders.
Transmitting purchase and redemption orders to the Funds on behalf of the contract owners.

EX-99.I ADMIN CONTRT 29 leggmasonasa.htm LEGG MASON ASA leggmasonasa.htm
Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. ("NFS") and Salomon Brothers Asset Management Inc ("SBAM") mutually agree to the arrangements set forth in this Agreement (the "Agreement") dated as of September , 1999.
WHEREAS, NFS is the holding company for Nationwide Life Insurance Company and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company, (collectively referred to herein as "Nationwide"), each of which issues Variable Annuity Contracts (the "Contracts") and/or Variable Life Insurance Policies (the "Policies"); and
WHEREAS, amounts invested in the Contracts and/or Policies by Contract owners or Policy holders are deposited in separate accounts of the Nationwide which will in turn purchase shares of certain portfolios of the Salomon Brothers Variable Series Funds Inc (the "Fund"), each of which is an investment option offered under the Contracts or Policies; and
WHEREAS, the Fund and SBAM, as adviser to the Fund, expect to derive savings in administrative expenses by virtue of having separate accounts of the Nationwide as shareholders of record of Fund shares, rather than numerous public shareholders, and having NFS, or an entity on its behalf, perform certain administrative services for the Fund (which are identified on Schedule A hereto); and
WHEREAS, neither NFS nor any other person has any contractual or other legal obligation to perform such administrative services for the Fund; and
WHEREAS, NFS desires to be compensated for providing such administrative services to the Fund; and
WHEREAS, SBAM desires that it benefit from the lower administrative expenses expected to result from the administrative services performed by NFS, or an entity on its behalf;
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:
(a)  SBAM agrees to pay NFS an amount as identified and described on Schedule B hereto.
(b)  SBAM shall calculate the payment contemplated by this Section 1 at the end of each calendar quarter and will make such payment to NFS, without demand or notice by NFS, reasonably promptly thereafter.
(c)  The payment will be paid to NFS by electronic transfer as soon as practicable, but no later than 30 days after the end of the period in which they were earned. The payment will be paid on a quarterly basis. Such payment shall be accompanied or preceded by a statement showing the calculation of the showing the calculation of the amounts being paid by the Adviser for the relevant period and such other supporting data as may be reasonably requested by NFS.



(d)  The payment shall be calculated as an annualized percentage of the average aggregate amount invested in the Funds under the Contracts issued by the Variable Accounts for the applicable period. The average aggregate amount shall be computed by totaling the aggregate investment (net asset value multiplied by the total number of Fund shares held in the Variable Accounts) on each calendar day during the period and dividing it by the number of days in the period.
2.            TERM
This Agreement shall remain in fu11 force and effect for a period of one year from the date hereof and shall be automatically renewed thereafter for successive one-year periods, unless otherwise terminated in accordance with Section 3 hereof.
3.            TERMINATION
(a)  This Agreement will be terminated upon mutual agreement of the Parties hereto in writing.
(b)  Either party to this Agreement may, by notice to the other party delivered at least ninety (90) days in advance, elect to terminate this Agreement.
(c)  This Agreement shall automatically terminate upon (1) the termination of the Participation Agreement between Nationwide and the Fund; (2) a material breach of this Agreement by NFS or the Adviser; or (3) an assignment as defined by Section 2(a)(4) of the Investment Company Act of 1940. However, the parties agree that a payment will be paid to NFS according to this Agreement with respect to each Fund as long as shares of such Fund are held by the Variable Accounts. This provision will survive the termination of the corresponding Fund Participation Agreement.
4.            AMENDMENT
This Agreement may be amended only upon mutual agreement of the parties hereto in writing.
5.            NOTICES
All notices, requests, demands and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered
(a) to SEAM at 7 World Trade Center, New York, New York 10048, attention: General Counsel.
{b) to NFS at One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus Ohio 43215, attention: Senior Vice President - Sales-Financial Services.
(a)  Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their transferees, successors and assigns. The benefits of and the right to enforce this Agreement shall accrue to the parties and their transferees, successors and assigns.
(b)  Assignment. Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, obligations or liabilities of either party hereto shall be assigned without the written consent of the other party.
(c)  Intended Beneficiaries. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to give any person or entity other than the parties hereto any legal or equitable claim, right or remedy. Rather, this Agreement is intended to be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the parties hereto.
(d)  Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each which shall be deemed an original but all of which shall together constitute one and the same instrument.
(e)  Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, without reference to the conflict of law provisions thereof.
(f)   Severability. If any portion of this Agreement shall be found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court or tribunal or regulatory agency or competent jurisdiction, the remainder shall not be affected thereby, but shall have the same force and effect as if the invalid or unenforceable portion had not been inserted.
(g)  NFS and the Adviser agree that the payment described in this Agreement is for administrative services only and does not constitute payment in any manner for investment advisory services or the cost of distribution of the Funds or the Contracts.
(h)  Each of the parties to this Agreement acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement and the arrangement described herein are intended to be non-exclusive and that each of the parties is free to enter into similar agreements or arrangements with other entities.

Title: Chief Compliance Officer
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.



B            Maintaining a record of she purchases to assist transfer agent in recording issuance of shares.
B            Performing miscellaneous account services to assist transfer agent in recording transfers of shares (via net purchase and sale orders).
B            Reconciliation and balancing of the separate account at the Fund level in the general ledger and reconciliation of cash accounts at general account.
B            Determination of net amount of cash flow into F.
B            Reconciliation and deposit of receipts at Fund level and confirmation thereof. REDEMPTION ORDERS
B            Determination of net amount required for redemptions by Fund.
B            Notification to Fund of cash required to meet payments for redemption. REPORTS
B            Periodic information reporting to the Fund as mutually agreed to in writing by NFS or an entity on its behalf and the Fund.
B            Telephonic support for Contract owners and Policy Holders with respect to inquiries about the Fund (not including information about performance or related to sales.)
B            Sub-Accounting services as mutually agreed to in writing by NFS and the Fund.
B            Providing other administrative support to the Fund as mutually agreed to in writing by NFS and the Fund.
B            Relieving the Fund of other usual or incidental administrative services provided to individual shareholders as mutually agreed to in writing by NFS and the Fund.
B            Preparation of reports to certain third-party reporting services as mutually agreed to in writing by NFS and the Fund.



This amendment corresponds to the Administrative Services Agreement dated September 1999
The Administrative Services Agreement between Nationwide and SALOMON BROTHERS ASSETS MANAGEMENT INC is applicable to the following portfolios of the Fund:
Nationwide Private Client
Corporate Variable Universal
Nationwide Private Clients
Corporate Variable Universal
·  Salomon Brothers Variable Total Return Fund- XX bps
·  Salomon Brothers Variable Capital Fund- XX bps
·  Salomon Brothers Variable High Yield Bond Fund- XX bps
·  Salomon Brothers Variable Strategic Bond Fund-XX bps
·  Salomon Brothers Variable Investors Fund- XX bps
Nationwide Qualified Plans
Variable Account (‘APVA”)
Qualified Plans Variable Group
Annuity Contract
·  Small Cap Growth Fund- XX bps
·  International Equity Fund-XX bps
·  Capital Fund- XX bps
·  Investors Growth Fund- XX bps
·  High Yield Bond- XX bps
·  Strategic Bond Fund- XX bps

The applicable annual fee shown herein above shall be of the aggregate investments in the portfolios of the Fund by all separate accounts of Nationwide related to the Contracts and Policies as a percentage of the daily net asset value of such investments.

NATIONWIDE FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.                                                                                                           SALOMON BROTHERS ASSET


EX-99.I ADMIN CONTRT 30 lincolnasaa.htm LINCOLN ASA A lincolnasaa.htm

This ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) made as of June 5, 2007, is by and between Lincoln Investment Advisors Corporation, an Indiana corporation (“Adviser”) and Nationwide Financial Services, Inc., a company organized under the laws of Delaware (“Company”).


WHEREAS, Lincoln Variable Insurance Products Trust (the “Trust”) is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Investment Company Act”) as an open-end management investment company;

WHEREAS, the Trust is composed of separate series, some or all of which are listed on the attached Schedule One (each, a “Fund”) as it may be amended from time to time;

WHEREAS, the parties have entered into a Fund Participation Agreement  (the “Participation Agreement,” as the same may be amended from time to time), dated June 5, 2007, by and among Company, Adviser and the Trust, on its behalf and on behalf of the Funds and Lincoln Financial Distributors, Inc.;

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Participation Agreement, Company, on behalf of certain of its separate accounts identified therein (“Separate Account(s)”), shall purchase shares (“Shares”) of certain Funds to serve as an investment vehicle for the Separate Accounts to fund certain variable life and  annuity contracts identified on Schedule Two hereto (as the same may be amended from time to time) (the “Contracts”), which Funds may be one of several investment options available under the Contracts;

WHEREAS, Adviser provides or procures, among other things, investment advisory and/or administrative services to the Funds;

WHEREAS, Adviser desires Company to provide the administrative services specified in the attached Exhibit A (“Administrative Services”), in connection with customers purchasing Shares indirectly through their purchases of Contracts issued by one or more Separate Accounts of the Company (the “Shareholders”); and Company is willing and able to provide such Administrative Services on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants hereinafter contained, each party hereto severally agrees as follows:

Company agrees to perform some or all of the Administrative Services specified in Exhibit A hereto for the benefit of the Shareholders.

Company agrees to maintain separate records for each Shareholder, which records shall reflect Shares purchased and redeemed for the benefit of the Shareholder and Share balances held for the benefit of the Shareholder.

Company may contract with or establish relationships with other parties for the provision of the Administrative Services or other activities of Company required by this Agreement, or the Participation Agreement.

In consideration of the performance of the Administrative Services by Company with respect to the Contracts, beginning on the date hereof, Adviser agrees to pay Company an annual fee which shall equal [X.XX%] (the “Asset Fee”) of the average daily value of each Fund’s assets attributable to the Contracts held by the Shareholders. The foregoing fee will be paid by Adviser to Company quarterly within thirty (30) days after the end of the calendar quarter.  For purposes of determining the payment, the total of the average daily net assets in the applicable Funds shall be multiplied by the Asset Fee multiplied by the actual number of calendar days in the period divided by the number of calendar days in the year.

Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement or the Participation Agreement appearing to the contrary, the payments by Adviser to Company relate solely to the performance by Company of the Administrative Services described herein only, and do not constitute payment in any manner for services provided by Company to any separate account organized by Company, or for any investment advisory services, or for costs associated with the distribution of any variable life or annuity contracts.

This Agreement may be terminated without penalty at any time by Company or by Adviser as to one or more of the Funds collectively, upon sixty (60) days written notice to the other party.  Adviser may terminate this Agreement, with thirty (30) days written notice, in the event Company does not, or is unable to, meet its obligations under paragraph 4 hereof.

It is understood and agreed that in performing the services under this Agreement, the Company, acting in its capacity described herein, shall at no time be acting as an agent for the Adviser, the Trust or any of the Funds.

This Agreement may only be amended pursuant to a written instrument signed by both parties hereto.  This Agreement may not be assigned by a party hereto without the prior written consent of the other party.

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Indiana, without giving effect to the principles of conflicts of law of such jurisdiction.

This Agreement, including Exhibit A and Schedules One and Two, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the matters dealt with herein and supersedes any previous agreements and documents with respect to such matters.  Schedules One and Two may be amended from time to time, as appropriate, to accurately reflect any changes in the Funds available as investment vehicles under the Participation Agreement.

IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and delivered this Agreement as of the date first above written.


By:            William J. Flory, Jr.
Title:                 Second Vice President and Ass’t. Treasurer


By:                 Karen R. Colvin
Title:   Product Officer




Investment Company Name:
Fund Name(s):
Lincoln Variable Insurance Products Trust
LVIP Baron Growth Opportunities Fund




MFS Variable Account
Nationwide Multi-Flex Variable Account
Nationwide VA Separate Account-A
Nationwide VA Separate Account-B
Nationwide VA Separate Account-C
Nationwide VA Separate Account-D
Nationwide Variable Account
Nationwide Variable Account-II
Nationwide Variable Account-3
Nationwide Variable Account-4
Nationwide Variable Account-5
Nationwide Variable Account-6
Nationwide Variable Account-7
Nationwide Variable Account-8
Nationwide Variable Account-9
Nationwide Variable Account-10
Nationwide Variable Account-11
Nationwide Variable Account-12
Nationwide Variable Account-13
Nationwide Variable Account-14
Nationwide Variable Account-15
Nationwide Variable Account-16
Nationwide Variable Account-17
Nationwide Provident VA Separate Account 1
Nationwide Provident VA Separate Account A
Nationwide VL Separate Account-A
Nationwide VL Separate Account-B
Nationwide VL Separate Account-C
Nationwide VL Separate Account-D
Nationwide VL Separate Account-G
Nationwide VLI Separate Account
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-2
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-3
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-5
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-6
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-7
Nationwide Provident VLI Separate Account 1
Nationwide Provident VLI Separate Account A

MFS Variable Account
Nationwide Multi-Flex Variable Account
Nationwide VA Separate Account-A
Nationwide VA Separate Account-B
Nationwide VA Separate Account-C
Nationwide VA Separate Account-D
Nationwide Variable Account
Nationwide Variable Account-II
Nationwide Variable Account-3
Nationwide Variable Account-4
Nationwide Variable Account-5
Nationwide Variable Account-6
Nationwide Variable Account-7
Nationwide Variable Account-8
Nationwide Variable Account-9
Nationwide Variable Account-10
Nationwide Variable Account-11
Nationwide Variable Account-12
Nationwide Variable Account-13
Nationwide Variable Account-14
Nationwide Variable Account-15
Nationwide Variable Account-16
Nationwide Variable Account-17
Nationwide Provident VA Separate Account 1
Nationwide Provident VA Separate Account A
Nationwide VL Separate Account-A
Nationwide VL Separate Account-B
Nationwide VL Separate Account-C
Nationwide VL Separate Account-D
Nationwide VL Separate Account-G
Nationwide VLI Separate Account
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-2
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-3
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-4
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-5
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-6
Nationwide VLI Separate Account-7
Nationwide Provident VLI Separate Account 1
Nationwide Provident VLI Separate Account A




Pursuant to the Agreement by and among the parties hereto, Company shall perform some or all of the following Administrative Services:

Establish and maintain a teleservicing support system whereby the Company shall respond to inquiries, as permitted by applicable law and to the extent appropriate, from Shareholders regarding Fund prospectuses, reports, notices, proxies and proxy statements concerning the Funds.

Establish and maintain an internet website whereby Shareholders and their financial intermediaries may access performance information regarding the Funds and any other Fund information as Company determines appropriate, and Shareholders may execute transfers of their interests into or out of the Funds.

Provide and administer various features of the Contracts for the benefit of Shareholders which relate to the Funds, which may include transfers among the Funds, to the extent the Company deems appropriate, dollar cost averaging, asset allocation, portfolio rebalancing, and pre-authorized deposits and withdrawals.

Provide Shareholders with a service that directly or indirectly invests the assets of their accounts in a Fund’s Shares pursuant to specific or pre-authorized instructions.

Provide information periodically to Shareholders showing premiums or cash values allocated to sub-accounts invested in the Fund’s Shares.

Respond to inquiries from Shareholders relating to the services performed by the Company under this Agreement.

If required by law, forward communications from the Trust in accordance with the Participation Agreement (such as proxies, shareholder reports, annual and semi-annual financial statements, and dividend, distribution, and tax notices) to Shareholders.

Provide such other similar services as may be mutually agreed upon between the parties hereto to the extent the Company is permitted to do so under applicable statutes, rules, or regulations.

EX-99.I ADMIN CONTRT 31 lincolnasab.htm LINCOLN ASA B lincolnasab.htm

This Distribution Services Agreement (“Agreement”) is made as of June 5, 2007 by and between Lincoln Financial Distributors, Inc. (the “Distributor”), and Nationwide Investment Services Corp. (the “Broker-Dealer”), an Oklahoma corporation.


WHEREAS, the Distributor has been appointed and currently serves as the principal underwriter of Lincoln Variable Insurance Products Trust (the “Trust”), a Delaware statutory trust, and each of its series listed in Schedule A (the “Funds”), pursuant to an underwriting agreement by and between Distributor and the Trust;

WHEREAS, each Fund currently offers Standard Class shares and Service Class shares and has adopted a Service Class Distribution and Service Plan (the “12b-1 Plan”) applicable to its Service Class shares; and

WHEREAS, the Broker-Dealer serves as the principal underwriter of certain variable annuity and/or variable life insurance contracts issued by an affiliated insurance company (the “Contracts”), and Broker-Dealer desires to provide certain services in connection with the Contracts that offer Service Class shares of the Funds as underlying investment options of the Contracts.


1.  Services of the Broker-Dealer
a.   The Broker-Dealer shall, as agreed upon by the parties from time to time, provide certain services or incur certain expenses relating to the Service Class shares of the Funds for activities primarily intended to sell Contracts offering Service Class shares.  These services or expenses are the printing and mailing of Fund prospectuses and reports used for sales purposes and the payment of service fees as defined under NASD rules.
b.  The Broker-Dealer may, at its expense, subcontract with any entity or person concerning the provision of the services contemplated hereunder; provided, however, that the Broker-Dealer shall not be relieved of any of its obligations under this Agreement by the appointment of such subcontractor and provided further, that the Broker-Dealer shall be responsible, to the extent provided in Section 5 hereof, for all acts of such subcontractor as if such acts were its own.
c.  The Broker-Dealer will furnish to the Trust or its designee such information as the Trust or its designee may reasonably request, and will otherwise cooperate with the Trust in preparation of reports to the Trust’s Board of Trustees concerning this Agreement, as well as any other reports or filings that may be required by law.

2.             Fees
In consideration of the services provided by Broker-Dealer with respect to each Fund’s Service Class shares pursuant to the 12b-1 Plan, the Distributor agrees, to the extent legally permissible, to: (1) pay to the Broker-Dealer quarterly in arrears a fee (the “Fee”) which shall accrue daily in an amount equal to the product of (A) the daily equivalent of [X.XX%] per annum multiplied by (B) the net asset value of the Service Class shares outstanding on such day.  Such Fee shall be paid quarterly (on a calendar year basis) in arrears within thirty (30) days of the end of the quarter; provided, however, that Broker-Dealer shall waive payment of the Fee until the Distributor is in receipt of the Fee.  Documentation to support the calculation of this Fee will be provided to the Broker-Dealer along with the payment.  The rate of the Fee with respect to any Fund may be prospectively increased or decreased by the Trust, in its sole discretion, at any time upon notice to the Broker-Dealer.

3.  Nature of Services
The Distributor and the Broker-Dealer agree that the Distributor’s payments pursuant to this Agreement are only for the services listed in Section 1(a) herein and do not constitute payment in any manner for investment advisory services or for administrative services.  The Distributor and the Broker-Dealer agree that this Agreement does not preclude the Trust or Distributor from contracting separately with the Broker-Dealer to provide other services to the Trust or Distributor.

4.  Representations and Warranties
a.  The Broker-Dealer agrees to comply with requirements of all applicable laws, including federal and state securities laws, the rules and regulations of the SEC in connection with its performance under this Agreement.
b.  The Broker-Dealer agrees not to act as dealer for its own account; the Broker-Dealer shall act solely for, upon the specific or pre-authorized instructions of, and for the account of, Contract owners.  For all purposes of this Agreement, the Broker-Dealer will be deemed to be an independent contractor, and will have no authority to act as agent for the Trust or any dealer of the shares of the Funds in any matter or in any respect.  Broker-Dealer shall not make any representations concerning the Trust or a Fund’s shares except those representations contained in the Fund’s then-current prospectus and statement of additional information and in such printed information as the Trust may subsequently prepare, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties to this Agreement or pursuant to the Participation Agreement.
5.  Exculpation and Indemnification
a.  The Broker-Dealer agrees that under no circumstances shall the Trust or the Distributor be liable to the Broker-Dealer or any other person under this Agreement as a result of any action by the SEC affecting the operation or continuation of the 12b-1 Plan.
b.  The Distributor shall not be liable to the Broker-Dealer, and the Broker-Dealer shall not be liable to the Distributor, for acts or failures committed pursuant to its performance of the Agreement except for acts or failures which constitute lack of good faith or gross negligence and for obligations expressly assumed by either party hereunder.  Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended to operate as a waiver by the Distributor or by the Broker-Dealer of compliance with any applicable law, rule, or regulation.
c.  The Broker-Dealer will indemnify the Trust and Distributor and hold each harmless from any claims or assertions relating to the lawfulness of the Broker-Dealer’s participation in this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby or relating to any activities of any persons or entities affiliated with the Broker-Dealer performed in connection with the discharge of its responsibilities under this Agreement.  If any such claims are asserted, the Trust and the Distributor shall each have the right to manage its own defense, including the selection and engagement of legal counsel of its choosing, and all costs of such defense shall be borne by the Broker-Dealer.
6.  Termination
a.  Unless sooner terminated with respect to any Fund, this Agreement will continue with respect to a Fund only if the continuance of a form of this Agreement is specifically approved at least annually by the vote of a majority of the members of the Trust’s Board of Trustees who are not “interested persons” (as such term is defined in the Investment Broker-Dealer Act of 1940 (the “1940 Act”)) who have no direct or indirect financial interest in the 12b-1 Plan relating to such Fund or any agreement relating to such 12b-1 Plan, including this Agreement, (the “Independent Trustees”) cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval.  This Agreement may be terminated with respect to any Fund at any time without penalty by the vote of a majority of the Independent Trustees, or by a vote of a majority of the Service Class shares of such Fund on 60 days’ written notice.
b.  This Agreement will automatically terminate with respect to a Fund in the event of its assignment (as such term is defined in the 1940 Act) with respect to such Fund.  This Agreement may be terminated with respect to any Fund by the Trust, the Distributor or the Broker-Dealer, without penalty, upon 60 days’ prior written notice to the other party.
7.  Miscellaneous
a.  This Agreement may only be amended by an instrument in writing signed by the parties to the Agreement; provided the Trust may amend the amounts of the Fee in accordance with Section 2 of this Agreement.  All notices and other communications to either party will be duly given if in writing to the other party.
b.  The Distributor may enter into other similar agreements for the provision of the services contemplated hereunder with any other person or persons without the Broker-Dealer’s consent.
c.  The invalidity or unenforceability of any term or provision hereof shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other term or provision hereof.  This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws (other than the conflict of laws rules) of the State of Connecticut and shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed by their officers designated below.

Name:  Karen R. Colvin
Title:    Product Officer

Address for Notices:
Lincoln Financial Distributors, Inc.
Metro Center, 350 Church Street
Hartford, Ct. 06103
Attn:  John Reizian
Address for Notices:
Nationwide Investment Services Corp.
One Nationwide Plaza
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attn:   Karen R. Colvin



Schedule A

LVIP Baron Growth Opportunities Fund

EX-99.I ADMIN CONTRT 32 lordabbettasa.htm LORD ABBETT ASA lordabbettasa.htm


Ladies and Gentlemen:

This will confirm the terms of our agreement (the “Administrative Services Agreement”) dated as of  December 31,2002 by and between Lord Abbett Series Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”), on its behalf and on behalf of each separate investment series thereof, whether existing as of the date above or established subsequent thereto, and  Nationwide Life Insurance Company (“NLIC”) and Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company (“NLAIC,” and collectively referred to herein with NLIC as the “Insurance Company”) with respect to the Insurance Company’s provision of certain administrative services with respect to the Variable Contract Class of shares of the Fund (the “Shares”).

1.           Compensation and Services to be Performed.
The Fund will pay the Insurance Company a fee (the “Administrative Services Payment”) for its services in connection administrative support functions it performs for its customers (“Contract Owners”) purchasing Shares indirectly through their purchases of contracts (“Variable Contracts”) issued by one or more variable insurance separate accounts of the Insurance Company (the “Separate Accounts”).  The Administrative Services Payment will be calculated daily and paid monthly at the annual rate of [X.XX%] of the average daily net asset value of the respective Shares held by the Separate Accounts.  For purposes of calculating the fee payable to the Insurance Company, the average daily net asset value of the Shares will be calculated in accordance with the procedure set forth in the Fund’s current Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information.
The administrative support services to be furnished by the Insurance Company relate to tasks incident to the relationship between the Separate Accounts and the Fund, including maintenance of the books and records for the Variable Contracts investing in Shares, and tasks related to the placing of purchase and redemption orders on behalf of the Contract Owners.  Maintenance of books and records includes: (i) recording the issuance and transfer (via net purchase orders) of Shares, and (ii) the process of reconciling and balancing the Separate Accounts at the portfolio level on the Fund’s transfer agent’s books to the Separate Accounts’ general ledgers maintained by the Insurance Company and with the detail of each Contract Owner’s account.  Purchase and redemption order functions include: (i) determination of amounts available for investment in the Fund; (ii) the wiring of the monies to the Fund; and (iii) communicating to the Fund (or its agent) the estimated amount required to pay dividends or distributions to Contract Owners.  In addition, the Insurance Company may provide such other similar services as the Fund may reasonably request from time to time to the extent the Insurance Company is permitted to do so under federal and state statutes, rules and regulations.
In connection with this Administrative Services Agreement, the Insurance Company shall be deemed to be an independent contractor, and shall have no authority to act as agent for the Fund in any matter.  Neither the Insurance Company nor any of its directors, officers, partners, employees or agents are authorized to make or furnish any representations concerning the Fund or the Shares, except for those representations set forth in the Fund’s current Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information, or as set forth in such supplemental literature as may be authorized by the Fund in writing.

The parties hereto agree that the Administrative Services Payment to Insurance Company under this Section 1 is for administrative services only and does not constitute payment in any manner for distribution services.

The Insurance Company may hire or make arrangements for subcontractors, agents or affiliates to perform the services set forth in this Agreement.  Insurance Company shall provide the Fund with written notice of the names of any subcontractors, agents or affiliates Insurance Company hires or arranges to perform such services, and any specific operational requirements that arise as a result of such arrangement. Insurance Company agrees that it is and will be responsible for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors, affiliates, and agents and that the indemnification provided by Insurance Company in Section 6 of this Agreement shall be deemed to cover the acts and omissions of such subcontractors, affiliates, and agents to the same extent as if they were the acts or omissions of Insurance Company

2.           Term of the Agreement.

The Administrative Services Agreement will have an initial term of one year and shall renew automatically for successive one year terms unless terminated at any time, without penalty, by the Fund or by the Insurance Company upon no less than ninety (90) days advance written notice to the other party.

3.           Amendment and Assignment.

The Administrative Services Agreement may be amended from time to time by agreement of the Insurance Company and the Fund.  The Administrative Services Agreement is non-assignable.
4.           Representations of the Insurance Company.

The Insurance Company represents to the Fund that any compensation payable to the Insurance Company in connection with the investment of its Separate Accounts’ assets in the Fund, including the compensation payable hereunder and any additional fees the Insurance Company may directly assess in connection with a Variable Contract investment, (i) will be disclosed by the Insurance Company to the Contract Owners in the prospectuses for the Separate Accounts, (ii) will not result in an excessive fee to the Insurance Company under any provision of law, including, without limitation, NASD Conduct Rules.

The Insurance Company represents and warrants that the Administrative Services Payment paid to Insurance Company pursuant to Section 1 is solely in exchange for the administrative services outline in Section 1 and will not be used or accepted in whole or in part for distribution services.

5.           Written Reports.

The Insurance Company will provide the Fund with such information as the Fund may reasonably request and will cooperate with and assist the Fund in the preparation or reports, if any, to be furnished to its Board of Directors concerning the Service Agreement and any fees or compensation paid or payable pursuant hereto, in addition to any other reports or filings that may be required by law.

6.           Indemnification.

Insurance Company agrees to release, indemnify and hold harmless the Fund from and against any and all liabilities or losses directly resulting from any action or inaction by the Insurance Company, its directors, officers, partners, employees or agents regarding the Insurance Company’s responsibilities under this Agreement.
Fund agrees to release, indemnify and hold harmless the Insurance Company from and against any and all liabilities or losses directly resulting from any action or inaction by the Fund, its directors, officers, partners, employees or agents or affiliates regarding the Fund’s responsibilities under this Agreement.
The parties agree that the indemnification provisions of this Agreement shall not limit or restrict a party’s rights to seek indemnification under a separate agreement between the parties.

7.           Governing Law.

The Administrative Services Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.
*                      *                      *
If the terms and conditions set forth above are in accordance with your understanding, kindly indicate your acceptance of the Administrative Services Agreement by signing it in the place provided below and returning an executed copy of the Administrative Services Agreement to the Fund.

Lord Abbett Series Fund, Inc.

By: ____________________________
Name:                      Lawrence H. Kaplan
Title: Vice President & Assistant Secretary

Accepted and Agreed:

Insurance Company:

Nationwide Life Insurance Company

By: ____________________________
Name: William G. Goslee, Jr.
Title: Vice President- Investment Management Relations
Address: One Nationwide Plaza, 1-12-04
                Columbus, Ohio 43215

Nationwide Life and annuity Insurance Company

By: ____________________________
Name: William G. Goslee, Jr.
Title: Vice President- Investment Management Relations
Address: One Nationwide Plaza, 1-12-04
                Columbus, Ohio 43215

With a Copy To:
Securities Counsel
One Nationwide Plaza, 1-09-V3
Columbus, Ohio 43215

EX-99.I ADMIN CONTRT 33 pimcoasaa.htm PIMCO ASA A pimcoasaa.htm


The terms and conditions of this Services Agreement between Pacific Investment Management Company LLC (“PIMCO”) and Nationwide Life Insurance Company and Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company (collectively the “Company”) are effective as of March 28, 2002.

WHEREAS, the Company, PIMCO Funds Distributors LLC and PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust (the “Trust”) have entered into a Fund Participation Agreement dated March 28, 2002 as may be amended from time to time (the “Participation Agreement”), pursuant to which the Company, on behalf of certain of its separate accounts (the “Separate Accounts”), purchases Administrative Class shares (“Shares”) of certain Portfolios of the Trust (“Portfolios”) to serve as an investment vehicle under certain variable annuity and/or variable life insurance contracts (“Variable Contracts”) offered by the Company, which Portfolios may be one of several investment options available under the Variable Contracts; and

WHEREAS, PIMCO recognizes that it will derive substantial savings in administrative expenses by virtue of having a sole shareholder rather than multiple shareholders in connection with each Separate Account’s investments in the Portfolios, and that in the course of soliciting applications for Variable Contracts issued by the Company and in servicing owners of such Variable Contracts, the Company will provide information about the Trust and its Portfolios from time to time, answer questions concerning the Trust and its Portfolios, including questions respecting Variable Contract owners’ interests in one or more Portfolios, and provide services respecting investments in the Portfolios; and

WHEREAS, PIMCO wishes to compensate the Company for the efforts of the Company in providing written and oral information and services regarding the Trust to Variable Contract owners; and

WHEREAS, the following represents the collective intention and understanding of the service fee agreement between PIMCO and the Company.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual promises, the Company and PIMCO agree as follows:

1.  Services.  The Company and/or its affiliates agree to provide services (“Services”) to owners of Variable Contracts including, but not limited to:  teleservicing support in connection with the Portfolios; delivery of current Trust prospectuses, reports, notices, proxies and proxy statements and other informational materials; facilitation of the tabulation of Variable Contract owners’ votes in the event of a Trust shareholder vote; maintenance of Variable Contract records reflecting Shares purchased and redeemed and Share balances, and the conveyance of that information to the Trust or PIMCO as may be reasonably requested; provision of support services, including providing information about the Trust and its Portfolios and answering questions concerning the Trust and its Portfolios, including questions respecting Variable Contract owners’ interests in one or more Portfolios; provision and administration of Variable Contract features for the benefit of Variable Contract owners in connection with the Portfolios, which may include fund transfers, dollar cost averaging, asset allocation, portfolio rebalancing, earnings sweep, and pre-authorized deposits and withdrawals; and provision of other services as may be agreed upon from time to time.

2. Compensation.  In consideration of the Services, PIMCO agrees to pay to the Company a service fee at an annual rate equal to ([XX]) basis points ([XX%]) of the average daily value of the Shares held in the Separate Accounts.  Such payments will be made monthly in arrears.  For purposes of computing the payment to the Company under this paragraph 2, the average daily value of Shares held in Separate Accounts over a monthly period shall be computed by totaling such Separate Accounts’ aggregate investment (Share net asset value multiplied by total number of Shares held by such Separate Accounts) on each business day during the calendar month, and dividing by the total number of business days during such month.  The payment to the Company under this paragraph 2 shall be calculated by PIMCO at the end of each calendar month and will be paid to the Company within 30 days thereafter.  Payment will be accompanied by a statement showing the calculation of the monthly amounts payable by PIMCO and such other supporting data as may be reasonably requested by the Company.

3. Term.  This Services Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for an initial term of one year, and shall automatically renew for successive one year periods.  This Services Agreement may be terminated by either party hereto upon 30 days written notice to the other.  This Services Agreement shall terminate automatically upon the redemption of all Shares held in the Separate Accounts, upon termination of the Participation Agreement, upon a material, unremedied breach of the Participation Agreement, as to a Portfolio upon termination of the investment advisory agreement between the Trust, on behalf of such Portfolio, and PIMCO, or upon assignment of the Participation Agreement by either the Company or PIMCO.  Notwithstanding the termination of this Services Agreement, PIMCO will continue to pay the service fees in accordance with paragraph 2 so long as net assets of the Separate Accounts remain in a Portfolio, provided such continued payment is permitted in accordance with applicable law and regulation.

4. Amendment.  This Services Agreement may be amended only upon mutual agreement of the parties hereto in writing.

5. Effect on Other Terms, Obligations and Covenants.  Nothing herein shall amend, modify or supersede any contractual terms, obligations or covenants among or between any of the Company, PIMCO or the Trust previously or currently in effect, including those contractual terms, obligations or covenants contained in the Participation Agreement.



In witness whereof, the parties have caused their duly authorized officers to execute this Services Agreement.


By:            Jeffrey M. Sargent
Title:                       Senior Vice President
Date:                       December 19, 2002


William G. Goslee
Vice President – Investment & Advisory Server
[January 25, 2003]




This Amendment No. 1 to the PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust Services Agreement dated March 28, 2002, between PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust (the “Trust”) and Nationwide Life Insurance Company and Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company (“Authorized Firm”) is effective as of __January 1, 2003___.  Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement.

WHEREAS, the Trust and Authorized Firm entered into the Agreement to provide for certain administrative, record keeping and investor services for customers of the Authorized Firm that invest in the Portfolios of the Trust;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual promises, the Trust and Authorized Firm acting pursuant to Section 13 of the Agreement, agree as follows:

1.  Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America and Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America are hereby added as additional parties to the Agreement.

2.           All references to the “Company” in the original agreement shall now include Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America and Nationwide life and Annuity Company of America (hereafter collectively the “Authorized Firm”).

Section 15 is added as follows:

Termination of Prior Agreements.  The parties agree that by this Amendment the following Agreements are superseded and replaced:

The PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust Services Agreement between Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America (fna Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company) and PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust dated June 1, 2001 and assigned on or about October 1, 2002; and

The PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust Services Agreement between Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America (fna Providentmutual Life and Annuity Company of America) and PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust dated April 1, 2001 and assigned on or about October 1, 2002.

The Agreement, as amended, is and shall remain in full force and effect until terminated pursuant to the terms of the Agreement.

This Amendment No. 1 may be executed simultaneously in two or more counterparts, each of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust

By:  _________________________                                                                                     Address for Notices:
Name:     [Jeffrey M. Sargent]                                                                          840 Newport Center Drive
Title:  __Senior Vice President____                                                                                     Newport Beach, CA  92600
Fax:  (949) 720-6773


Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company

By:  __________________________
Name:  _[William G. Goslee]_______
Title:  __Vice President___________

Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America
Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America

By:  __________________________
Name:      [Kevin S. Crossett]                                                                          
Title:  ___V. P. & Asst. Secretary___

Address for Notices:
One Nationwide Plaza
Columbus, Ohio  43215
Attention:  Securities Officer
FAX:  (614) 677-2295




This Amendment No. 2 to the Services Agreement dated March 28, 2002, as amended, (the “Agreement”) between Pacific Investment Management Company LLC (“PIMCO”) and Nationwide Life Insurance Company, Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company, Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America, and Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America (collectively the “Company”) is effective as of May 1, 2004.  Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement.

WHEREAS, PIMCO and the Company entered into the Agreement to provide for the rendering of services to the owners of variable annuity and/or variable life insurance contracts (“Variable Contracts”) offered by the Company that use shares of certain Portfolios of PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust (the “Trust’) as the underlying investment vehicle;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual promises, PIMCO and the Company, acting pursuant to Section 4 of the Agreement, agree as follows:

Schedule A is amended to add the All Asset Portfolio.  The Amended Schedule A is attached to and made a part of this Agreement.
The Agreement, as amended, is and shall remain in full force and effect until terminated pursuant to the terms of the Agreement.

This Amendment No. 2 may be executed simultaneously in two or more counterparts, each of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument.


By:           Jeffrey M. Sargent
Title:                      Executive Vice President


By:           William G. Goslee
Title:                      VP, Investment and Advisory Services

By:           Kevin S. Crossett
Title:                VP and Assistant SecretarySCHEDULE A

Nationwide Insurance Portfolio
Fee effective January 1, 2003  through December 31, 2004
Fee effective January 1, 2005 on   assets per Portfolio basis
Total Return, Admin. Class
XX bps
Less than $50 MM:                                           XX bps
$50 - $200 MM:                                   XX bps
$200 - $500 MM:                                           XX bps
More than $500 MM:                                                      XX bps 
High Yield, Admin. Class
XX bps
Less than $50 MM:                                           XX bps
$50 - $100 MM:                                   XX bps
More than $100 MM:                                                      XX bps 
Low Duration, Admin. Class
XX bps
Less than $50 MM:                                           XX bps
$50 - $100 mil.:                                   XX bps
More than $100 MM:                                                      XX bps 
Real Return, Admin. Class
XX bps
Less than $50 MM:                                           XX bps
$50 - $100 mil.:                                   XX bps
More than $100 MM:                                                      XX bps 

Nationwide Insurance Portfolio
Fee effective May 1, 2004
All Asset, Admin. Class
XX bps




This Amendment No. 3 to the Services Agreement dated March 28, 2002, as amended, (the “Agreement”) between Pacific Investment Management Company LLC (“PIMCO”) and Nationwide Life Insurance Company, Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company, Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America and Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America (collectively the “Company”)  is effective as of July 1, 2004.  Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement.

WHEREAS, PIMCO and the Company entered into the Agreement to provide for the rendering of services to the owners of variable annuity and/or variable life insurance contracts (“Variable Contracts”) offered by the Company that use shares of certain Portfolios of PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust (the “Trust’) as the underlying investment vehicle;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual promises, PIMCO and the Company, acting pursuant to Section 4 of the Agreement, agree as follows:

Schedule A is amended to add the CommodityRealReturn Strategy Portfolio.  The Amended Schedule A is attached to and made a part of this Agreement.
The Agreement, as amended, is and shall remain in full force and effect until terminated pursuant to the terms of the Agreement.

This Amendment No. 3 may be executed simultaneously in two or more counterparts, each of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument.


By:           Jeffrey M. Sargent
Title:                      Executive Vice President


By:           William G. Goslee
Title:                      VP, Investment and Advisory Services

By:           Kevin S. Crossett
Title:                      VP and Assistant Secretary

Nationwide Insurance Portfolio
Fee effective January 1, 2003  through December 31, 2004
Fee effective January 1, 2005 on   assets per Portfolio basis
Total Return, Admin. Class
XX bps
Less than $50 MM:                                           XX bps
$50 - $200 MM:                                   XX bps
$200 - $500 MM:                                           XX bps
More than $500 MM:                                                      XX bps 
High Yield, Admin. Class
XX bps
Less than $50 MM:                                           XX bps
$50 - $100 MM:                                   XX bps
More than $100 MM:                                                      XX bps 
Low Duration, Admin. Class
XX bps
Less than $50 MM:                                           XX bps
$50 - $100 mil.:                                   XX bps
More than $100 MM:                                                      20 bps 
Real Return, Admin. Class
XX bps
Less than $50 MM:                                           XX bps
$50 - $100 mil.:                                   XX bps
More than $100 MM:                                                      XX bps 

Nationwide Insurance Portfolio
Fee effective May 1, 2004
All Asset, Admin. Class
XX bps

Nationwide Insurance Portfolio
Fee effective July 1, 2004
CommodityRealReturn Strategy, Admin. Class
XX bps

EX-99.I ADMIN CONTRT 34 pimcoasab.htm PIMCO ASA B pimcoasab.htm

This Agreement is made as of March 28, 2002, between PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust (the “Trust”) and Nationwide Life Insurance Company and Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company (“Authorized Firm”), life insurance companies providing variable annuity and variable life and other life insurance products.

WHEREAS, the Trust is registered as an open-end management investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act");

WHEREAS, the Trust issues shares of beneficial interest ("shares") in separate series ("Portfolios"), with each Portfolio representing interests in a separate portfolio of securities and other assets;

WHEREAS, certain beneficial owners of the Trust’s shares (“investors”) may require administrative, recordkeeping, and other services, and the provision of such services to investors requiring these services may benefit such investors and facilitate their ability to invest in the Portfolios;

WHEREAS, the Trust has adopted a Services Plan pursuant to which the Trust, on behalf of each Portfolio, may enter into agreements with registered investment advisers, registered broker-dealers, life insurance companies, banks, trust companies and other persons or that agree to provide administrative, recordkeeping, and investor services to their clients, members or customers who purchase shares of a Portfolio, directly or indirectly; and

WHEREAS, the Trust desires that Authorized Firm provide, or arrange for the provision of, certain administrative, recordkeeping, and/or investor services with respect to shares of the Portfolios in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement set forth below.
W I T N E S S E T H:
The Trust and Authorized Firm agree as follows:
1.  Appointment.  The Trust hereby authorizes Authorized Firm or its designee  to provide certain administrative, recordkeeping and investor services to investors in the Portfolios that are the clients, member, or customers of Authorized Firm.  The appointment of Authorized Firm hereunder is non-exclusive, and Authorized Firm recognizes and agrees that, from time to time, the Trust (or its agent) may enter into other agreements with financial intermediaries with respect to the provision of administrative, recordkeeping and/or investors services.
2.  Services to be Performed.  For the duration of this Agreement, Authorized Firm or its designee agree to use its best efforts, subject to applicable legal and contractual restrictions and in compliance with the procedures described in the prospectus(es) and statement(s) of additional information of the Portfolios as from time to time in effect (collectively, the “Prospectus”), to provide in respect of investors investing in shares of the Portfolios:  teleservicing support in connection with Portfolios; delivery of current Trust prospectuses, reports, notices, proxies and proxy statements and other informational materials; facilitation of the tabulation of investors’ votes in the event of a Trust shareholder vote; receiving, tabulating and transmitting proxies executed by or on behalf of investors; maintenance of investor records reflecting shares purchased and redeemed and share balances, and the conveyance of that information to the Trust or Pacific Investment Management Company (the administrator of the Portfolios) as may be reasonably requested; provision of support services, including providing information about the Trust and its Portfolios and answering questions concerning the Trust and its Portfolios, including questions respecting investors’ interests in one or more Portfolios; provision and administration of insurance features for the benefit of investors in connection with the Portfolios, which may include fund transfers, dollar cost averaging, asset allocation, portfolio rebalancing, , and pre-authorized deposits and withdrawals; receiving, aggregating and forwarding purchase and redemption orders; acting as the nominee for investors; maintaining account records and providing investors with account statements; processing dividend payments; issuing investor reports and transaction confirmations; providing subaccounting services; general account administration activities; and providing such similar services as the Trust may reasonably request to the extent the Authorized Firm or its designee is permitted to do so under applicable statutes, rules or regulation.
3.  Orders and Settlement.  Orders submitted by Authorized Firm on behalf of investors shall be accepted or rejected by the Trust (or its agent) in the manner disclosed in the Prospectus, or as otherwise agreed to by the parties.
4.  Compliance with Laws.  In performing its duties under this Agreement, Authorized Firm agrees to abide by all applicable laws, including, without limitation, federal and state securities laws and regulations, state insurance laws and regulations, and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.
5.  Sales Materials.  No person is authorized to make any representations concerning shares of the Portfolios except those contained in the then current Prospectus and printed information issued by the Trust as explanatory materials and/or information supplemental to each Prospectus.  The Trust shall supply or cause to be supplied Prospectuses, reasonable quantities of supplemental sales literature, explanatory materials and additional information as issued.
6.  Compensation.  In consideration of Authorized Firm’s provision of the services as described in this Agreement, the Trust agrees, subject to the limitations of applicable law and regulations, including rules of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., to pay Authorized Firm fees (“Service Fees”) at an annual rate of up to [X.XX%] of the average of the aggregate net asset value of outstanding shares serviced by Authorized Firm, measured on each business day during each month.  Authorized Firm may, in turn, pay any or all of these fees to service providers with whom it has entered into service agreements, with no recourse to or liability on the part of the Trust or any Portfolio.  The applicable portion of the Service Fees will be paid by the Trust within 20 days following the end of each month.  The parties acknowledge and agree that the Service Fees will be paid by the Trust on behalf of each Portfolio and shall be paid for each Portfolio  so long as assets of the Authorized Firm’s separate accounts remain in the Portfolios, provided such continued payment is permitted in accordance with applicable law and regulation.
The fee rate with respect to any Portfolio may be prospectively increased or decreased by the Trust, in its sole discretion, at any time upon notice to Authorized Firm.

In addition, Authorized Firm will furnish to the Trust or its designees such information as the Trust or its designees may reasonably request (including, without limitation, periodic certifications confirming the rendering of services with respect to shares of the Portfolios as described herein), and will otherwise cooperate with the Trust and its designees (including, without limitation, any auditors designated by the Trust), in the preparation of reports to the Trust’s Board of Trustees concerning this Agreement and the monies paid or payable by the Trust pursuant hereto, as well as any other reports or filings that may be required by law.
7.  Term and Termination.
(a)  This Agreement is entered into by the Trust in accordance with the terms of the Services Plan.  Accordingly, unless sooner terminated, this Agreement will continue in effect until one year from the date hereof and thereafter for successive annual periods, provided that such continuance is specifically approved at least annually by votes of a majority of both (i) the Board of Trustees of the Trust and (ii) those Trustees of the Trust who are not “interested persons” (as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940) and have no direct or indirect financial interest in the operation of the Distribution Plan or any agreements related to it (“Plan Trustees”), cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on the Services Plan and such related agreements.
(b)  This Agreement may be terminated, with respect to a Portfolio, at any time without the payment of any penalty, by vote of a majority of the Plan Trustees or by vote of a majority of a Portfolio’s shares, on 30 days’ written notice.  Notice of termination (or non-renewal) of the Services Plan by the Trustees shall constitute a notice of termination of this Agreement.
(c)  This Agreement shall terminate automatically in the event of its assignment, as defined in the 1940 Act.
8.  Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be construed and the provisions thereof interpreted under and in accordance with the laws of the State of California applicable to agreements fully executed and to be performed therein, without regard to its conflicts of law rules.
9.  Limitation on Liability.  The obligations of the Trust under this Agreement shall only be binding upon the assets and property of the Trust, and shall not be binding upon any Trustee, officer or shareholder of the Trust individually.

10.  Exculpation:  Indemnification
(a)  The Trust shall not be liable to Authorized Firm and Authorized Firm shall not be liable to the Trust except for acts or failures to act which constitute lack of good faith or gross negligence and for obligations expressly assumed by either party hereunder.  Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended to operate as a waiver by the Trust or by Authorized Firm of compliance with any applicable federal or state law, rule, or regulation and the rules and regulations promulgated by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
(b)  Authorized Firm will indemnify the Trust and hold it harmless from any claims or assertions relating to the lawfulness of Authorized Firm’s participation in this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby or relating to any activities of any persons serving as officers or employees of Authorized Firm and performed in connection with the discharge of its responsibilities under this Agreement.  If any such claims are asserted, the Trust shall have the right to manage its own defense, including the selection and engagement of legal counsel of its choosing, and all reasonable costs of such defense shall be borne by Authorized Firm.
(c)  The Trust will indemnify the Authorized Firm and hold it harmless from any claims or assertions relating to the lawfulness of the Trust’s participation in this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby or relating to any activities of any persons serving as officers or employees of the Trust and performed in connection with the discharge of its responsibilities under this Agreement.  If any such claims are asserted, the Authorized Firm  shall have the right to manage its own defense, including the selection and engagement of legal counsel of its choosing, and all reasonable costs of such defense shall be borne by the Trust.
11.  Notices.  Each notice required by this Agreement shall be given in writing and delivered personally or mailed by certified mail or courier service or sent by facsimile to the party’s address identified on the signature page to this Agreement or such other address as each party may by written notice provide to the other.  A notice given pursuant to this section shall be deemed to have been given immediately when delivered personally or by facsimile, three (3) days after the date of certified mailing, and one (1) day after delivery by overnight courier service.
12.  Complete Agreement.  This Agreement contains the full and complete understanding of the parties and supersedes all prior representations, promises, statements, arrangements, agreements, warranties and understandings between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, whether oral or written, express or implied.
13.  Amendment.  This Agreement may be modified or amended, and the terms of this Agreement may be waived, only by a writing signed by each of the parties.
14.  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same Agreement.

        C:\Documents and Settings\townsed2\Desktop\FPA's work in progress\rev'd PIMCO VIT Services Agreement.doc  09/26/2007 4:55 PM      


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized officers as of the date and year first written above.
PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust
By:                                                      Address for Notices:
Name:                      Jeffrey M. Sargent                                                      840 Newport Center Drive, Suite 300
Title:                      Senior Vice President                                                                Newport Beach, CA 92600
Fax:  (949) 720-6773
Authorized Firm
By:                                                      Address for Notices:
Name:                      [William G. Goslee]                                                      One Nationwide Plaza
Title:V.P. Investment & Advisory Services     1-09-V3
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention: Securities Officer
FAX: (614) 677-2295


        -  -      



This Amendment No. 1 to the PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust Services Agreement dated March 28, 2002, between PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust (the “Trust”) and Nationwide Life Insurance Company and Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company (“Authorized Firm”) is effective as of __January 1, 2003___.  Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement.

WHEREAS, the Trust and Authorized Firm entered into the Agreement to provide for certain administrative, record keeping and investor services for customers of the Authorized Firm that invest in the Portfolios of the Trust;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual promises, the Trust and Authorized Firm acting pursuant to Section 13 of the Agreement, agree as follows:

1.  Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America and Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America are hereby added as additional parties to the Agreement.

All references to the “Company” in the original agreement shall now include Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America and Nationwide life and Annuity Company of America (hereafter collectively the “Authorized Firm”).

Section 15 is added as follows:

Termination of Prior Agreements.  The parties agree that by this Amendment the following Agreements are superseded and replaced:

The PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust Services Agreement between Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America (fna Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company) and PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust dated June 1, 2001 and assigned on or about October 1, 2002; and

The PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust Servies Agreement between Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America (fna Providentmutual Life and Annuity Company of America) and PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust dated April 1, 2001 and assigned on or about October 1, 2002.

The Agreement, as amended, is and shall remain in full force and effect until terminated pursuant to the terms of the Agreement.

This Amendment No. 1 may be executed simultaneously in two or more counterparts, each of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust

By:  _________________________                                                                                     Address for Notices:
Name:  ____Jeffrey M. Sargent___                                                                                     840 Newport Center Drive
Title:  __Senior Vice President____                                                                                     Newport Beach, CA  92600
Fax:  (949) 720-6773


Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company

By:  __________________________
Name:  ___[William G. Goslee]____
Title:  __Vice President___________

Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America
Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America

By:  __________________________
Name:  ____[Kevin S. Crossett]____
Title:  ___V. P. & Asst. Secretary___

Address for Notices:
One Nationwide Plaza
Columbus, Ohio  43215
Attention:  Securities Officer
FAX:  (614) 677-2295

EX-99.I ADMIN CONTRT 35 putnamasa.htm PUTNAM ASA putnamasa.htm
NATIONWIDE FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. (“NFS”), and PUTNAM RETAIL MANAGEMENT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (“Distributor”) mutually agree to the arrangements set forth in this Administrative Services Agreement (the “Agreement”) dated August _[1]_, 2006.  NFS and Distributor are referred to collectively herein as the “Parties.”

WHEREAS, NFS is the issuer of variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies (the “Contracts”);

WHEREAS, NFS has entered into a Participation Agreement, dated February 1, 2002, as amended as of this date (the “Participation Agreement”), with Putnam Variable Trust, a Massachusetts business trust (the “Trust) and Distributor, pursuant to which the Trust agreed to make shares of certain of its portfolios, listed on Schedule B to the Participation Agreement, as such Schedule may be amended from time to time (the “Portfolios”), available for purchase by one or more of NFS’s separate accounts or divisions thereof (each, a “Separate Account”) for Contract owners to allocate Contract value;

WHEREAS, NFS desires to provide certain marketing, administrative and recordkeeping services (collectively, the “Services”) to Contract owners in connection with their allocation of Contract value and purchase payments to the Portfolios;

WHEREAS, Distributor desires to retain NFS to provide such Services and to compensate NFS for providing such services; and

WHEREAS, NFS is not engaged in directed brokerage activities and in the event that NFS does engage in directed brokerage activities in the future, NFS represents and warrants that it shall abide by the requirements set forth in the Agreement.

NOW THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:

Section I – Representations and Warranties

(A)  NFS represents and warrants that it is a holding company duly organized and in good standing under applicable state law.

(B)  NFS represents and warrants that it will not accept compensation for promoting or selling shares of the Portfolios in the form of commissions on brokerage transactions directed to it by a Portfolio.

(C)  NFS represents and warrants that it will not accept compensation for promoting or selling shares of the Portfolios in the form of commissions directed to it by any Portfolio from any broker or dealer which has executed portfolio securities transactions for that Portfolio.

(D)  NFS represents and warrants that it has not entered into any agreement with any Portfolio or Distributor or any of Distributor’s affiliates pursuant to which that Portfolio or Distributor or any of Distributor’s affiliates is expected to direct brokerage commissions to it to compensate it for promoting or selling any Portfolio’s shares.

(E)  Distributor represents and warrants that it will not offer or pay compensation to NFS for promoting or selling shares of the Portfolios in the form of commissions on brokerage transactions directed to it by a Portfolio.

(F)  Distributor represents and warrants that it will not arrange for any broker or dealer which has executed portfolio securities transactions for a Portfolio to offer or pay compensation to NFS for promoting or selling such Portfolio shares in the form of commissions directed to NFS by any Portfolio.

(G)  Distributor represents and warrants that neither it nor any of its affiliates has entered or will enter into any agreement with NFS or any Portfolio pursuant to which that Portfolio or Distributor or any of its affiliates is expected to direct brokerage commissions to NFS to compensate it for promoting or selling any shares of the Portfolios.

Section II – Services; Payments

(A)  NFS shall perform all Services with respect to Contract owner values and NFS’s assets from which investments in shares of the Portfolios are made, including, without limitation, the following services:

(1)  Maintaining separate records for each Contract owner, which shall reflect the Fund shares purchased and redeemed and Portfolio share balances attributable to such Contract owners.  NFS will maintain an omnibus account with each Portfolio on behalf of Contract owners, and such accounts shall be in the name of NFS (or its nominee) as the record owner of Portfolio shares attributable to such Contract owners.

(2)  Disbursing to or crediting to the benefit of Contract owners all proceeds of redemptions of shares of the Portfolios in relation to Contract owner requests to redeem their Contract value and processing all dividends and other distributions reinvested in shares of the Portfolios.

(3)  Preparing and transmitting to Contract owners, as required by law, periodic statements showing allocations to sub-accounts investing in the Portfolios, purchases and redemptions of Portfolio shares and dividends and other distributions paid in relation to Contract owner transaction requests, and such other information as may be required, from time to time, by Contract owners.

(4)  Maintaining and preserving all records required by law to be maintained and preserved in connection with providing the foregoing services for Contract owners.

(5)  Generating written confirmations to Contract owners, to the extent required by law.

(6)  Distributing to existing Contract owners, to the extent required by applicable law, of Portfolio prospectuses, proxy materials, periodic reports to shareholders and other materials that the Portfolios provide to their shareholders.

(7)  Aggregating and transmitting purchase and redemption orders to the Portfolios on behalf of, or with respect to, Contract owners.

(8)  Supporting and responding to service inquiries from Contract owners.

(B)  In consideration of NFS performing the Services, Distributor agrees to pay NFS, on a quarterly basis, an administrative services fee at an annualized rate, equal to the rate provided in Schedule A, of the average daily net assets of Portfolio shares held by the variable accounts during the period in which they were earned pursuant to the Participation Agreement.  Fees contemplated under this paragraph (B) shall be wired to NFS pursuant to the wiring instructions in Schedule B.  NFS acknowledges and agrees that Distributor is paying a fee to NFS for the administrative services that NFS provides.

(C)  The Trust shall calculate the administrative support services fee at the end of each calendar quarter and will make such payment to NFS, without demand or notice by NFS, as soon as practicable, but not later than 30 days after the end of the period in which they were earned.

(D)  NFS will furnish to Distributor or its designees such information as Distributor may reasonably request, and will otherwise cooperate with Distributor in the preparation of reports concerning this Agreement, as well as any other reports or filing that may be required by law.

Section III – Nature of Payments for Services

The Parties to this Agreement recognize and agree that Distributor’s payments to NFS are for administrative services only and do not constitute payment in any manner for investment advisory services. The amount of administrative expense payments made by Distributor to NFS pursuant to this Agreement are not intended to be, and shall not be deemed to be, indicative of Distributor’s bona fide profits or of the actual costs to NFS of providing administrative services to Distributor.

Section IV – Disclosure

To the extent required by law, including without limitation, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the rules thereunder and the applicable rules of any self-regulatory organization, in effect at any time during the term of this Agreement, or as requested by Contract owners, NFS agrees to provide written point of sale disclosure to its Contract owners describing the Services provided by it pursuant to this Agreement, the payments made by Distributor pursuant to this Agreement and the payment schedule(s) agreed to by Distributor pursuant to this Agreement in consideration of such Services.

Section V- Maintenance of Records

Each party shall maintain and preserve all records as required by law to be maintained and preserved in connection with providing the services described herein.  Upon the reasonable request of Distributor, NFS will provide Distributor or its representative, copies of all such records.

Section VI – Term and Termination

(A)  The provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed effective as of January 1, 2005 and will continue in effect until December 31, 2006 and shall be automatically renewed thereafter for successive one-year periods, unless otherwise terminated.

(B)  This Agreement may be terminated by either party without penalty, upon ninety (90) days’ prior written notice to the other party.  In addition, NFS or Distributor may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to the other: (1) if required by any applicable law or regulation; (2) if NFS or Distributor engage in any material breach of this Agreement; or (3) in the event of an assignment as defined by Section 2(a)(4) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.  In addition, this Agreement will terminate immediately and automatically with respect to Portfolios held in the variable accounts upon the termination of the Participation Agreement, which governs a Portfolio’s inclusion as an underlying investment option in the Separate Accounts and in such event, no notice is required.

Section VII – Amendment; Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the Services and no modification, amendment or waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be effective unless made in writing specifically referring to this Agreement and signed by the Parties hereto.

Section VIII – Notices

All notices and other communications to either NFS or Distributor will be duly given if mailed, telegraphed or telecopied to the address set forth below, or at such other address as either party may provide in writing to the other party.

Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.
One Nationwide Plaza
Columbus, Ohio 2220
Attention:  AVP – Associate General Counsel
Fax (614) 249-2112

Putnam Variable Trust
c/o Putnam LLC
One Post Office Square
Boston, Massachusetts  02109
Attention: General Counsel

Section IX - Miscellaneous

(A)  Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties and their successors and permitted assigns.  The benefits of and the right to enforce this Agreement shall accrue to the Parties and their, successors and assigns.  No party may assign either this Agreement or any of its rights, interests, or obligations hereunder without the prior written approval of the other party.

(B)  Intended Beneficiaries.  Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to give any person or entity other than the Parties, any legal or equitable claim, right or remedy.  Rather, this Agreement is intended to be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Parties.

(C)  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which shall together constitute one and the same instrument.

(D)  Applicable Law.  This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

(E)  Severability.  This Agreement shall be severable as it applies to each Portfolio, and action on any matter shall be taken separately for each Portfolio affected by the matter.  If any portion of this Agreement shall be found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court or tribunal or regulatory agency of competent jurisdiction, the remainder shall not be affected thereby, but shall have the same force and effect as if the invalid or unenforceable portion had not been inserted.

(F)  Non-Exclusivity  Each of the parties to this Agreement acknowledge and agree that this Agreement and the arrangements described herein are intended to be non-exclusive and that each of the parties is free to enter into similar agreements or arrangements with other entities.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties represent and warrant to the other that the persons executing this Agreement on its behalf are duly authorized and empowered to execute and deliver the Agreement and that the Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation, and is enforceable in accordance with its terms.

Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.


Name:  _[Karen R. Colvin]______________

Title:     [Attorney-in-Fact]_____                                                                

Putnam Retail Management Limited Partnership


Name  _[Mark Comeeny]________________
Title:     [Managing Director]______________




In consideration of the performance of the Services by NFS beginning on January 1, 2005 and during the term of this Agreement, NFS shall be compensated as follows:

“Relevant Assets” shall mean the Portfolio shares held by the Separate accounts and listed on Schedule B of the Participation Agreement as such Schedule may be amended from time to time.

The Fee shall be calculated and paid each quarter based on the Asset Based Component as follows:

Asset Based Component:

Annual rate of [X.XX%](XX basis points) of the value of the Relevant Assets.  This amount payable shall also be for purposes of reimbursing NFS to help defray cost certain maintenance costs associated with the Relevant Assets.

In addition, the Distributor agrees to pay NFS a [$X] set up fee, per each new Portfolio participating in the Nationwide Advisory Services Program for Variable Account – 13.

Reference is hereby made, for informational purposes only, to Article VI and Schedule B of the Participation Agreement, which provide for certain fees to be paid to NFS for services rendered in accordance with said Participation Agreement in the amount and manner set forth therein. SCHEDULE B

BANK NAME:   Bank One – Columbus  100 E.  Broad St.  Columbus, OH  43215
NAME ON ACCOUNT:   Nationwide Investment Services
Please e-mail backup calculations to:  Colvink1@nationwide.com
Mailing Address:Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.
Attention: Karen R. Colvin
One Nationwide Plaza
Columbus, Ohio 2220
Contact phone #:614 249-0653




THIS CONSENT is executed as of the _[23]__ day of _[May]_, 2007, by and among Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. (the “Company”), Putnam Variable Trust (the “Trust”), and Putnam Retail Management Limited Partnership (the “Underwriter”).

WHEREAS, the Company, the Trust and the Underwriter are parties to a Participation Agreement dated as of February 1, 2002 (the “Participation Agreement”).

WHEREAS, the Company wishes to consent for all purposes under the Participation Agreement to the sale of Putnam Investments Trust, the indirect parent company of the  Underwriter, to Great-West Lifeco Inc. or its affiliates (the “Great-West Transaction”), and each of the parties hereto wish to agree that the Participation Agreement shall not terminate as a result of the Great-West Transaction.  For the avoidance of doubt, each of Trust and Underwriter will remain parties to the Participation Agreement upon the closing of the Great-West Transaction and shall remain subject to the terms and conditions of the Participation Agreement.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree as follows:

For purposes of the Participation Agreement, the Company hereby expressly consents to any assignment of the Participation Agreement that will occur as a result of the Great-West Transaction.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Participation Agreement, including, without limitation, Section 6.10 thereof, the Participation Agreement shall not terminate as a result of the Great-West Transaction, and shall remain in full force and effect.

This Consent shall be governed and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

A copy of the Agreement and Declaration of Trust of the Trust is on file with the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and notice is hereby given that this instrument is executed on behalf of the Trustees of the Trust as Trustees and not individually and that the obligations of or arising out of this instrument are not binding upon any of the Trustees or shareholders individually but binding only upon the assets and property of the Trust.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Consent as of the first above-written date.


By:                                                                                 By:                                                      
Name:                                                                            Name:                      
Title:                                                                                                              Title:                      [Managing Director]

Name:   [Karen R. Colvin]                                                                           
Title:     [Attorney-in-Fact]                                                                          

EX-99.I ADMIN CONTRT 36 vaneckasa.htm VAN ECK ASA vaneckasa.htm

This Service Agreement (the “Agreement”), dates as of the 3rd day of November, 1997, is made by and among Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. (“NFS”) and Van Eck Securities Corporation (the “Distributor”);

WHEREAS, Distributor is the distributor of the shares of each of the investment companies (each a “Fund”) set forth on Exhibit A, which may be amended from time to time; and

WHEREAS, NFS provides administrative services to the owners of certain variable annuity and variable life insurance contracts (the “Contracts”) issued by Nationwide Life Insurance Company or Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company (collectively, “Nationwide”) through certain of Nationwide’s separate accounts (the “Variable Accounts”) set forth on Exhibit B; and

WHEREAS, the Funds will be included as underlying mutual fund options for the Contracts issued by Nationwide through the Variable Accounts pursuant to the Fund Participation Agreement previously entered into by the Distributor, on behalf of the Funds, and Nationwide; and

WHEREAS, the Distributor recognizes substantial savings of administrative expenses as a result of NFS performing certain administrative services (the “Services”) on behalf of the Funds; and

NOW, THEREFORE, the Funds will be available for purchase and sale by Variable Accounts, subject to the following conditions:

1.           NFS agrees to provide Services for the Contract owners of the Variable Accounts who choose the Funds as underlying investment options in the Contracts.  Such Services will include those described on Exhibit C.

2.           NFS shall not bear any of the expenses for the cost of registration of the Funds’ shares, preparation ofthe Fund’s prospectuses, proxy materials, and reports, and the preparation of other related statements and notices required by law, except as otherwise agreed upon by the parties to this Agreement.

3.           In consideration for the Services to be provided by NFS to the Contract owners pursuant to this Agreement, the Distributor will calculate and pay, or cause one of its affiliates to pay, and NFS will be entitled to receive from the Distributor a fee (“Service Fee”) at an annualized rate equal to [X.XX] % of theaverage daily net assets of each Fund held by the Variable Accounts during the period in which they were earned.

4.           If in the good faith opinion of the Distributor or the Funds, based upon an opinion of counsel reasonably acceptable to NFS, it is determined the payments under this Agreement are, will be or may be in contravention or violation of any law, rule, regulation, court decision or order, out-of-court settlement of actual or threatened litigation or enforcement position of any regulatory body having jurisdiction over the Distributor or the Funds or their affiliates (taken together, “Change in Law”), the Service Fee shall be adjusted accordingly to conform to such Change in Law on terms and conditions deemed fair and equitable by the Distributor or the Funds, as the case may be.

5.           The Service Fee will be paid to NFS by electronic funds transfer as soon as practicable, but no later than 30 days after the end of the period in which they were earned.  If the assets held in the Variable Accounts are less than $1 billion as of December 31 of the prior calendar year, the Service Fees for the following year will be paid on a monthly basis.  The Service Fee payment will be accompanied or preceded by a statement showing the calculation of the amounts being paid by the Distributor for the relevant period and such other supporting data as may be reasonably requested by NFS.

6.           The Service Fee shall be paid either by (a) the Distributor or one of its affiliates from general operating funds, or (b) directly by the Funds pursuant to the shareholder service plan adopted by the Board of Directors of the Funds.

7.           The Service Fee shall be calculated as an annualized percentage ([X.XX%]) of the average aggregate amount invested in the Funds under the Contracts issued by the Variable Accounts for the applicable period.  The average aggregate amount shall be computed by totaling the aggregate investment (net asset value multiplied by total number of Fund shares held in the Variable Accounts) on each calendar day during the period and dividing by the total number of calendar days during the period.

8.           The effective date of this Agreement with regard to a Contract will be the later of November 3, 1997, or the launch date of each Contract.

9.           The parties agree that a Service Fee will be paid to NFS according to this Agreement with respect to each Fund as long as shares of such Fund are held by the Variable Accounts except in the event NFS terminates this Agreement, provided that payments will continue for six months after such termination based on shares of the Fund held by the Variable Accounts during that period, or payment is prohibited by a Change in Law.  This provision will survive the termination of this Agreement and the termination of the Distributor’s Fund Participation Agreements with Nationwide.

10.           NFS and Distributor agree that the Service Fees described in the Agreement are for administrative services only and do not constitute payment in any manner for investment advisory services or for the cost of distribution of the Funds or the Contracts.

11.           This Agreement may be terminated by NFS at any time upon written notice to the Distributor and by Distributor upon at least 30 days’ written notice to NFS.  In addition, Distributor may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to NFS (1) if required by any applicable law or regulation, (2) if so required by action of the Board of Directors/Trustees of a Fund, (3) if NFS engages in any material breach of this Agreement or (4) if Nationwide or any other NFS affiliate engages in conduct which would constitute a material breach of this Agreement were Nationwide or the affiliate a party to this Agreement.  This Agreement will terminate immediately and automatically with respect to Funds held in the Variable Accounts upon the termination of the Fund Participation Agreement which governs a Fund’s inclusions as an investment option in the Variable Account and in such event no notice is required under this Agreement.

12.           Each notice required by this Agreement shall be given by wire and confirmed in writing to:

If to NFS:
Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.
One Nationwide Plaza
Columbus, Ohio  43215
Attn: Senior Vice President-Sales-Financial Services

If to Distributor:
Keith Fletcher
Van Eck Securities Corporation
99 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10016

13.           This Agreement shall be construed and the provisions hereof interpreted under and in accordance with the laws of Ohio.  This Agreement shall be subject to the provisions of the federal securities statutes, rules and regulations, including such exemptions from those statutes, rules and regulations as the SEC may grant and the terms hereof shall be interpreted and construed in accordance therewith.

14.           Each of the parties in this Agreement acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement and the arrangements described herein are intended to be non-exclusive and that each of the parties is free to enter into similar agreements or arrangements with other entities.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed as of the date first written above.

NATIONWIDE FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.                                                                                                           VAN ECK SECURITIES CORPORATION

By:           ________________________________                                                                                     By:           ______________________________

Name:                       [Joseph P. Rath]                                                                           Name:                      [Keith A. Fletcher]

Title:                      Vice President/Chief Compliance Officer                                   Title:                      Executive Vice President




Name of Fund

Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust – Worldwide Emerging Markets Fund

Van Eck Worldwide Insurance Trust – Worldwide Hard Assets Fund




Name of Variable Account/Contracts

Nationwide Variable Account 9                                        - Best of America – America’s Future Annuity, akaNEA Valuebuilder Future Annuity

- Best of America – America’s Exclusive Annuity II

- Best of American V Annuity, aka NEAValuebuilder Select Annuity

- Best of America – America’s Choice Annuity, aka
Best of America – Vision II Annuity

Nationwide VLI Separate Account 4                                 - Best of America – America’s Future Life Series -Next Generation Flexible Premium Variable
Universal Life Insurance Policies

- Best of America – America’s Future Life Series -
Future Corporate Flexible Premium Variable
Universal Life Insurance Policies

- Best of America – America’s Future Life Series -
Modified Single Premium Variable Life
Insurance Policies

- Best of America – America’s Future Life Series
Last Survivor Flexible Premium VariableUniversal Life Insurance Policies

Nationwide VL Separate Account C                                 - Best of America – America’s Future Life Series –
Next Generation Flexible Premium Variable
Universal Life Insurance Policies

- Best of America – America’s Future Life Series -
Future Corporate Flexible Premium Variable
Universal Life Insurance Policies

- Best of America – America’s Future Life Series -
Modified Single Premium Variable LifeInsurance Polices


Services Provided by NFS

Pursuant to the Agreement, NFS shall perform all administrative and shareholder services with respect to the Contracts, including but not limited to, the following:

1.           Maintaining separate records for each Contract owner, which shall reflect the Fund shares purchased and redeemed and Fund share balances of such Contract owners.  Nationwidewill maintain a single master account with each Fund on behalf of Contract owners and such account shall be in the name of Nationwide (or its nominee) as the record owner of shares owned by Contract owners.

2.           Disbursing or crediting to contract owners all proceeds of redemptions of shares of the Funds and all dividends and other distributions not reinvested in shares of the Funds.

3.           Preparing and transmitting to Contract owners, as required by law, periodic statements showing the total number of shares owned by Contract owners as of the statement closing date, purchases and redemptions of Fund shares by the Contract owners during the period covered by the statement and the dividends and other distributions paid during the statement period (whether paid in cash or reinvested in Fund shares), and such other information as may be required, from time to time, by Contract owners.

4.           Supporting and responding to service inquiries from Contract owners.

5.           Maintaining and preserving all records required by law to be maintained and preserved in connection with providing the Services for Contract owners.

6.           Generating written confirmations and quarterly statements to Contract owners.

7.           Distributing to Contract owners, to the extent required by applicable law, Funds’ prospectuses, proxy materials, periodic fund reports to shareholders and other materials that the Funds are required by law or otherwise to provide to their shareholders or prospective shareholders.

8.           Transmitting purchase and redemption orders to the Funds on behalf of the Contract owners.

9.           Federal and state income tax withholding and reporting.

10.           Providing such other assistance and services as may reasonably be requested by the Funds.




Name of Variable Account/Contracts

Nationwide Variable Account – 8                                    - Best of America – America’s Vision Plus Annuity

Nationwide Variable Account – 9                                   - Best of America – America’s Future Annuity, aka
              NEA Valuebuilder Future Annuity

- Best of America – America’s Exclusive Annuity II

- Best of America – V Annuity, aka NEA Valuebuilder
              Select Annuity

- Best of America – America’s Choice Annuity, aka
              Best of America – Vision II Annuity

- Best of America – America’s Income Annuity

Nationwide Variable Account – 10                                  - Best of America – InvestCare

Nationwide VLI Separate Account – 4                            - Best of America – America’s Future Life Series – Next   Generation Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance   Policies

- Best of America – America’s Future Life Series – Future   Corporate Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance   Policies

- Best of America – America’s Future Life Series – Modified   Single Premium Variable Life Insurance Policies

- Best of America – America’s Future Life Series – Last Survivor
   Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policies

Nationwide VL Separate Account C                                  - Best of America – America’s Future Life Series – Next   Generation Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance   Policies

- Best of America – America’s Future Life Series – Future   Corporate Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance   Policies

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto cause this Amendment No. 1 to Exhibit B to be executed as of the date(s) set forth below:


By:           _____________________________                                                                                                           Date:                 0;     [9/2/99]

Name:                       Joseph P. Rath

Title:                      Chief Compliance Officer                                                                


By:  ________________________________                                                                                                             Date:                      [8-9-99 ]

Name:                      [Keith A. Fletcher]

Title:                      Executive Vice President                                                                




Name of Variable Account/Contracts

Nationwide Variable Account – 8                                    - Best of America – America’s Vision Plus Annuity

Nationwide Variable Account – 9                                    - Best of America – America’s Future Annuity, aka
              NEA Valuebuilder Future Annuity

- Best of America – America’s Exclusive Annuity II

- Best of America – V Annuity, aka NEA Valuebuilder
              Select Annuity

- Best of America – America’s Choice Annuity, aka
              Best of America – Vision II Annuity

- Best of America – America’s Income Annuity

Nationwide Variable Account – 10                                  - Best of America – InvestCare

Nationwide VLI Separate Account – 4                           - - Best of America – America’s Future Life Series – Next   Generation Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance   Policies

- Best of America – America’s Future Life Series – Future   Corporate Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance   Policies

- Best of America – America’s Future Life Series – Modified   Single Premium Variable Life Insurance Policies

- Best of America – America’s Future Life Series – Last Survivor
   Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policies

Nationwide VL Separate Account C                                  - Best of America – America’s Future Life Series – Next   Generation Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance   Policies

- Best of America – America’s Future Life Series – Future   Corporate Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance   Policies

Nationwide Private Placement                                              - Best of America – Group Flexible Premium Variable Universal
Variable Account                                                                             Life Insurance Policies
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto cause this Amendment No. 2 to Exhibit B to be executed as of the date(s) set forth below:


By:  ________________________________                                                                                                                                Date:    & #160;                 [12-29-99]

Name:                       [Joseph P. Rath]

Title:                      Office of Product and                                                                           
Market Compliance                                                                


By:  ________________________________                                                                                                                                Date:    & #160;                 [1-3-00]

Name:                      [Keith A. Fletcher]

Title:                      Executive Vice President                                                                



Name of Variable Account/Contracts

Nationwide Variable Account – 8                                  - Best of America – America’s Vision Plus Annuity

Nationwide Variable Account – 9                                   - Best of America – America’s Future Annuity, aka
              NEA Valuebuilder Future Annuity

- Best of America – America’s Exclusive Annuity II

- Best of America – V Annuity, aka NEA Valuebuilder
              Select Annuity

- Best of America – America’s Choice Annuity, aka
              Best of America – Vision II Annuity

- Best of America – America’s Income Annuity

Nationwide Variable Account – 10                                  - Best of America – InvestCare

Nationwide VLI Separate Account – 4                            - Best of America – America’s Future Life Series – Next   Generation Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance   Policies

- Best of America – America’s Future Life Series – Future   Corporate Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance   Policies

- Best of America – America’s Future Life Series – Modified   Single Premium Variable Life Insurance Policies

- Best of America – America’s Future Life Series – Last Survivor
   Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policies

Nationwide VL Separate Account C                                  - Best of America – America’s Future Life Series – Next   Generation Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance   Policies

- Best of America – America’s Future Life Series – Future   Corporate Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance   Policies

Nationwide Private Placement                                             - Best of America – Group Flexible Premium Variable Universal
Variable Account                                                                              Life Insurance Policies

Nationwide Qualified Plans Variable                                    - Nationwide Qualified Plans Variable Annuity



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto cause this Amendment No. 3 to Exhibit B to be executed as of the date(s) set forth below:


By:  ________________________________                                                                                                                                Date:    & #160;                 [8-29-00]

Name:                      [William G. Goslee]

Title:                      Vice President                                                      
Investment Management Relationships


By:  ________________________________                                                                                                                                Date:    & #160;                 [Sept 6-2000]

Name:                      ______________________________

Title:                      Vice President                                                                

EX-99.I ADMIN CONTRT 37 waddellreedasa.htm WADDELL & REED ASA waddellreedasa.htm

This Agreement (the “Agreement”), dated as of the 1st day of December, 2000, is made by and among Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. (“NFS”) and WADDELL & REED, INC. (“W&R”);

WHEREAS, W&R is the distributor for the Funds set forth on Exhibit A, (the “Funds”) which may be amended from time to time; and

WHEREAS, NFS provides services to the owners of certain variable annuity contracts (the “Contracts”) issued by Nationwide Life Insurance Company (Nationwide”) through the Nationwide separate account (the “Variable Account”) set forth on Exhibit A and;

WHEREAS, the Funds will be included as underlying mutual fund options for the Contracts issued by Nationwide through the Variable Account pursuant to a Fund Participation Agreement previously entered into by W&R, the Funds, and Nationwide (the “Fund Participation Agreement”); and

NOW, THEREFORE, the Funds will be available for purchase and sale by Variable Account, subject to the following conditions:

1.           NFS agrees to provide administrative and shareholder services for the Contract owners/participants of the Variable Account who choose the Funds as underlying investment options in the Contracts.  Such services will include those described on Exhibit B.

2.           NFS shall not bear any of the expenses for the cost of registration of the Funds’ shares, drafting or typesetting of the Funds’ prospectuses, proxy materials, and preparation of reports and other related statements and notices required by law, except as described on Exhibit B; provided, however, that nothing contained in this Agreement shall affect the obligations of any Nationwide company or affiliate pursuant to any other agreement with W&R.

3.           In consideration for administrative and shareholder services to be provided by NFS, or its subsidiaries, to the Contract owner/participants pursuant to this Agreement, W&R will calculate and pay, or cause one of its affiliates to pay, and NFS will be entitled to receive from W&R a fee (“Service Fee”) at an annualized rate equal to XX basis points of the average daily unit value of each Fund held by the Variable Account during the period in which they were earned.

4.           The Service Fees will be paid to NFS by electronic funds transfer as soon as practicable, but no later than 30 days after the end of the period in which they were earned.  The Service Fees will be paid on a quarterly basis.  The Service Fee payment will be accompanied or preceded by a statement showing the calculation of the amounts being paid by W&R for the relevant period and such other supporting data as may be reasonably requested by NFS.

5.           The Service Fee shall be paid either by W&R or one of its affiliates from general operating funds or administrative services fees, as applicable.

6.           The Service Fee shall be calculated as an annualized percentage (as described above) of the average daily unit value of the Funds under the Contracts issued by the Variable Account for the applicable period.  The average daily unit value shall be computed by totaling the daily unit values for each Fund for the applicable period and dividing it by the number of days in the period.

7.           The parties agree that a Service Fee will be paid to NFS according to this Agreement with respect to each Fund as long as shares of such Fund are held by the Variable Account and NFS continues to provide the services to contract owners described in Exhibit B, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the parties.  This provision will survive termination of this Agreement and the termination of the Fund Participation Agreement.

8.           The parties agree to review the information contained in the Agreement once per calendar year and agree to make any necessary adjustments as agreed upon by the parties as timely as possible.  The parties understand, notwithstanding the prior sentence, that the Agreement (including any Exhibits) may be amended, by written amendment signed by the parties, at any time upon request of either party.

9.           This Agreement may be terminated by either party at least 90 days’ written notice to the other.  In addition, NFS or W&R may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to the other; (1) if required by any applicable law or regulation; (2) if W&R or NFS engages in any material breach of this Agreement; (3) in the event of an assignment as defined by Section 2(a)(4) of the Investment Company Act of 1940; or (4) as to a Fund, in the event it terminates its Service Plan, if applicable.  This Agreement will terminate immediately and automatically with respect to Funds held in the Variable Account upon the termination of the Fund Participation Agreement and in such event no notice is required under this Agreement.

10.           Each notice required by this Agreement shall be given by wire and confirmed in writing to:

If to NFS:                                                                                     With a copy to:

Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.                                          Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.
One Nationwide Plaza                                                                 One Nationwide Plaza 1-09-V3
Columbus, Ohio 43215                                                                Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention: Compliance Officer                                                   Attention: Director – Securities

If to W&R:                                                                                     With a copy to:

Waddell & Reed, Inc.                                                                   W&R Target Funds, Inc.
6300 Lamar Avenue                                                                      6300 Lamar Avenue
Overland Park, KS 66202                                                              Overland Park, KS 66202
Attention: Legal Department                                                       Attention: Treasurer

11.           This Agreement shall be construed and the provisions hereof interpreted under and in accordance withthe laws of Ohio.  This Agreement shall be subject to the provisions of the federal securities statutes,rules and regulations, including such exemptions from those statutes, rules and regulations as the SEC may grant and the terms hereof shall be interpreted and construed in accordance therewith.

12.           Each of the parties to this Agreement acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement and thearrangements described herein are intended to be non-exclusive and that each of the parties is free toenter into similar agreements or arrangements with other entities.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed as of the date first written above.


By:           __________________________________________
Name:                       William G. Goslee
Title:                      Vice President – Investment Mgmt. Relationships


By:           __________________________________________
Name:                       Thomas Butch
Title:                      Executive Vice President




Variable Accounts of Nationwide
Corresponding Nationwide
Corresponding Funds
Nationwide Variable Account – 9
Waddell & Reed Advisors Select
Plus Annuity (proprietary version of Future (1933 Act No. 333-28995))
W&R Target Funds, Inc.
• Asset Strategy Portfolio
• Balanced Portfolio
• Bond Portfolio
• Core Equity Portfolio (formerly,
   Income Portfolio)
• Growth Portfolio
• High Income Portfolio
• International Portfolio
• Limited-Term Bond Portfolio
• Money Market Portfolio
• Science and Technology Portfolio
• Small Cap Portfolio




Services Provided by NFS

Pursuant to the Agreement, NFS shall perform all administrative and shareholder services with respect to the Contracts, including but not limited to, the following:

1.           Maintaining separate records for each Contract owner/participant, which shall reflect the Fund shares purchased and redeemed and Fund share balances of such Contract owner/participants.  Nationwide will maintain a single master account with each Fund on behalf of Contract owner/participants and such account shall be in the name of Nationwide (or its nominee) as record owner of shares owned by Contract Owners/participants.

2.           Disbursing or crediting to Contract owners/participants all proceeds of redemptions of shares of the Funds.

3.           Preparing and transmitting to Contract owners/participants, as required by law, periodic statements showing the total number of shares owned by Contract owners/participants as of the statement closing date, purchases and redemptions of Fund shares by the Contract owners/participants during the period covered by the statement and the dividends and other distributions paid during the statement period (whether paid in cash or reinvested in Fund shares), and such other information as may be required, from time to time, by Contract owners/participants.

4.           Supporting and responding to service inquiries from Contractor owners/participants.

5.           Maintaining and preserving all records required by law to be maintained and preserved in connection with providing the Services for Contract owners/participants.

6.           Generating written confirmations and quarterly statements, as required, to Contract owners/participants.

7.           Distributing to Contract owners/participants, to the extent required by applicable law, Funds’ prospectuses, proxy materials, periodic fund reports to shareholders and other materials that the Funds are required by law or otherwise to provide to their shareholders or prospective shareholders.

8.           Transmitting purchase and redemption orders to the Funds on behalf of the Contract owners/participants.




This Amendment No. 1 amends the Agreement dated December 1, 2000 made by and between Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. ("NFS") and Waddell & Reed, Inc. ("W&R").

WHEREAS, NFS and W&R intend to amend the Agreement to reflect new revenue schedules;

NOW THEREFORE, the Agreement is amended as follows:

1.           Provision 3 is replaced in its entirety with the following:

In consideration for administrative and shareholder services to be provided by NFS, or its subsidiaries, to the Contract owner/participants pursuant to this Agreement, W&R will calculate and pay, or cause one of its affiliates to pay, and NFS will be entitled to receive from W&R a fee ("Total Fee"), at the annualized rates shown on Exhibit A, which shall be calculated as a percentage of the average daily unit value of each Fund held by the Variable Account during the period in which they were earned.

Exhibit A to Agreement is hereby replaced with the attached Amendments to Exhibit A to Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment No. 1 to Agreement is executed as of October 27, 2006..


Name:                                 Karen R. Colvin
Title:                                Attorney-in-Fact


Name:                                Thomas Butch
Title:                                President



This Amendment No. 2 to Exhibit A corresponds to the Agreement dated
December 1, 2000 and is effective September 1, 2003.
W&R Target Funds, Inc.
Asset Strategy Portfolio
Balanced Portfolio
Bond Portfolio
Core Equity Portfolio
Growth Portfolio
High Income Portfolio
International Portfolio
International II Portfolio
Limited-Term Bond Portfolio
Micro Cap Growth Portfolio
Money Market Portfolio
Science and Technology Portfolio
Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Small Cap Value Portfolio
Value Portfolio

Nationwide Contracts
Service Fee
Additional Compensation
Total Fee
Proprietary Products (those contracts developed and registered specifically for distribution by Waddell & Reed, Inc.)
·  [XX] bps on Commission Option 1;
·  [XX] bps on other commission options
[XX] bps
·  [XX] bps on Commission Option 1;
·  [XX] bps on other commission options
Non-Proprietary Products (those contracts developed primarily for NF distribution but also distributed by Waddell & Reed)
[XX] bps
[XX] bps
[XX] bps



This Amendment No. 3 to Exhibit A corresponds to the Agreement dated
December 1, 2000 and is effective January 1, 2004.
W&R Target Funds, Inc.
Asset Strategy Portfolio
Balanced Portfolio
Bond Portfolio
Core Equity Portfolio
Dividend Income
Growth Portfolio
High Income Portfolio
International Portfolio
International II Portfolio
Limited-Term Bond Portfolio
Micro Cap Growth Portfolio
Money Market Portfolio
Science and Technology Portfolio
Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Small Cap Value Portfolio
Value Portfolio

Nationwide Contracts
Service Fee
Additional Compensation
Total Fee
Proprietary Products (those contracts developed and registered specifically for distribution by Waddell & Reed, Inc.)
·  [XX]  bps on Commission Option 1;
·  0 bps on other commission options
[XX]  bps
·  [XX]  bps on Commission Option 1;
·  [XX] bps on other commission options
Non-Proprietary Products (those contracts developed primarily for NF distribution but also distributed by Waddell & Reed)
[XX]  bps
[XX]  bps
[XX]  bps



This Amendment No. 4 to Exhibit A corresponds to the Agreement dated
December 1, 2000 and is effective May 30, 2004.
W&R Target Funds, Inc.
Asset Strategy Portfolio
Balanced Portfolio
Bond Portfolio
Core Equity Portfolio
Dividend Income
Growth Portfolio
High Income Portfolio
International Portfolio
International II Portfolio
Limited-Term Bond Portfolio
Micro Cap Growth Portfolio
Money Market Portfolio
Mortgage Securities Portfolio
Real Estate Securities Portfolio
Science and Technology Portfolio
Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Small Cap Value Portfolio
Value Portfolio

Nationwide Contracts
Service Fee
Additional Compensation
Total Fee
Proprietary Products (those contracts developed and registered specifically for distribution by Waddell & Reed, Inc.)
·  [XX]  bps on Commission Option 1;
·  [XX]  bps on other commission options
[XX]  bps
·  [XX]  bps on Commission Option 1;
·  [XX]  bps on other commission options
Non-Proprietary Products (those contracts developed primarily for NF distribution but also distributed by Waddell & Reed)
[XX]  bps
[XX]  bps
[XX]  bps



This Amendment No. 5 to Exhibit A corresponds to the Agreement dated
December 1, 2000 and is effective December 3, 2004.
W&R Target Funds, Inc.
Asset Strategy Portfolio
Balanced Portfolio
Bond Portfolio
Core Equity Portfolio
Dividend Income
Growth Portfolio
High Income Portfolio
International Growth
International Value
Limited-Term Bond Portfolio
Micro Cap Growth Portfolio
Money Market Portfolio
Mortgage Securities Portfolio
Real Estate Securities Portfolio
Science and Technology Portfolio
Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Small Cap Value Portfolio
Value Portfolio

Nationwide Contracts
Service Fee
Additional Compensation
Total Fee
Proprietary Products (those contracts developed and registered specifically for distribution by Waddell & Reed, Inc.)
·  [XX]  bps on Commission Option 1;
·  0 bps on other commission options
[XX]  bps
·  [XX]  bps on Commission Option 1;
·  [XX]  bps on other commission options
Non-Proprietary Products (those contracts developed primarily for NF distribution but also distributed by Waddell & Reed)
[XX]  bps
[XX]  bps
[XX]  bps



This Amendment No. 6 to Exhibit A corresponds to the Agreement dated
December 1, 2000 and is effective May 1, 2005.
W&R Target Funds, Inc.
Asset Strategy Portfolio
Balanced Portfolio
Bond Portfolio
Core Equity Portfolio
Dividend Income
Global Natural Resources Portfolio
Growth Portfolio
High Income Portfolio
International Growth
International Value
Limited-Term Bond Portfolio
Micro Cap Growth Portfolio
Mid Cap Growth Portfolio
Money Market Portfolio
Mortgage Securities Portfolio
Real Estate Securities Portfolio
Science and Technology Portfolio
Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Small Cap Value Portfolio
Value Portfolio

Nationwide Contracts
Service Fee
Additional Compensation
Total Fee
Proprietary Products (those contracts developed and registered specifically for distribution by Waddell & Reed, Inc.)
·  [XX]  bps on Commission Option 1;
·  0 bps on other commission options
[XX]  bps
·  [XX]  bps on Commission Option 1;
·  0 bps on other commission options
Non-Proprietary Products (those contracts developed primarily for NF distribution but also distributed by Waddell & Reed)
[XX]  bps
[XX]  bps
[XX]  bps



This Amendment No. 7 to Exhibit A corresponds to the Agreement dated
December 1, 2000 and is effective May 1, 2006.
W&R Target Funds, Inc.
Asset Strategy Portfolio
Balanced Portfolio
Bond Portfolio
Core Equity Portfolio
Dividend Income
Energy Portfolio
Global Natural Resources Portfolio
Growth Portfolio
High Income Portfolio
International Growth
International Value
Limited-Term Bond Portfolio
Micro Cap Growth Portfolio
Mid Cap Growth Portfolio
Money Market Portfolio
Mortgage Securities Portfolio
Real Estate Securities Portfolio
Science and Technology Portfolio
Small Cap Growth Portfolio
Small Cap Value Portfolio
Value Portfolio

Nationwide Contracts
Service Fee
Additional Compensation
Total Fee
Proprietary Products (those contracts developed and registered specifically for distribution by Waddell & Reed, Inc.)
·  [XX]  bps on Commission Option 1;
·  [XX]  bps on other commission options
[XX]  bps
·  [XX]  bps on Commission Option 1;
·  [XX]  bps on other commission options
Non-Proprietary Products (those contracts developed primarily for NF distribution but also distributed by Waddell & Reed)
[XX]  bps
[XX]  bps
[XX]  bps

EX-99.I ADMIN CONTRT 38 wellsfargoasa.htm WELLS FARGO ASA wellsfargoasa.htm

This Administrative Service Agreement (the “Agreement”), effective this 15th day of November 2004 is made by and between Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. (“NFS”) and Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC and Stephens, Inc. (collectively, the “Company”) that serve as adviser and distributor, respectively, to the Wells Fargo Variable Trust (the “Trust”).

WHEREAS, the Company is responsible for certain administrative functions associated with each of the investment portfolios of the Trust (each a “Fund”); each Fund is set forth on Exhibit A, which may be amended from time to time; and
WHEREAS, NFS or its designee provide certain administrative services to the owners of certain variable annuity contracts and/or variable life insurance policies (collectively, the “Variable Products”) issued by Nationwide Life Insurance Company, Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company, Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America and/or Nationwide Life and Annuity Company of America (collectively, “Nationwide”) through certain Nationwide separate accounts (the “Variable Accounts”); and
WHEREAS, the Funds will be included as underlying investment options for the Variable Products issued by Nationwide through the Variable Accounts pursuant to a Fund Participation Agreement previously or contemporaneously entered into by Nationwide and the Company; and
WHEREAS, the Company recognizes substantial savings of administrative expenses as a result of NFS or its subsidiaries performing certain administrative services (“Services”) for owners of Variable Products; and
NOW, THEREFORE, NFS and the Company, in consideration of the undertaking described herein, agree that the Funds will be available as underlying investment options in the Variable Products issued by Nationwide, subject to the following:
NFS or its designee agrees to provide services for owners of the Variable Products who choose the Funds as underlying investment options. Such services will include those described on Exhibit B.
In consideration for the services to be provided by NFS with respect to the Variable Products pursuant to this Agreement, the Company agrees to pay Service Fees to NFS in the percentages stated on Exhibit A.
The Service Fees will be paid to NFS as soon as practicable, but no later than 30 days after the end of the period in which they were earned.  The Service Fees will be paid on a quarterly or monthly basis.
NFS and the Company agree that the Service Fee described in this Agreement is for administrative services only and does not constitute payment in any manner for investment advisory services or the cost of distribution of the Funds.
NFS and the Company agree that a Service Fee will be paid to NFS according to this Agreement with respect to each Fund as long as shares of such Fund are held by the Variable Accounts.  This provision will survive termination of this Agreement and the termination of the related Fund Participation Agreement(s) with Nationwide.
Either party to this Agreement may terminate this Agreement by at least 90 days’ written notice to the other.  In addition, NFS or the Company may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to the other: (1) if required by any applicable law or regulation; (2) if NFS or the Company engage in any material breach of this Agreement; or (3) in the event of an assignment as defined by Section 2(a)(4) of the Investment Company Act of 1940.  This Agreement will terminate immediately and automatically with respect to Funds held in the Variable Accounts upon the termination of the Fund Participation Agreement, which governs a Fund's inclusion as an underlying investment option in the Variable Products, and in such event, no notice is required under this Agreement.
Each notice required by this Agreement shall be given by wire and confirmed in writing to:
If to NFS:
Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.
One Nationwide Plaza
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Attention: Securities Officer
Fax: (614) 677-2295

If to the Company:

Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC
525 Market Street, Floor 12
MAC # A0103-123
San Francisco, CA  94105
Attention:  J. Sinha
Fax Number:  415-977-9300

With a Copy to:
Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC
525 Market Street, Floor 12
MAC # A0103-123
San Francisco, CA  94105
Attention:  S. Pedrin, Business Manager
Fax Number:  415-977-9300

This Agreement shall be construed and the provisions hereof interpreted in accordance with the laws of Delaware without reference to conflict of laws principles.  This Agreement shall be subject to the provisions of the federal securities statutes, rules and regulations, including such exemptions from those statutes, rules and regulations as the Securities and Exchange Commission may grant and the terms hereof shall be interpreted and construed in accordance therewith.
Each of the parties to this Agreement acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement and the arrangements described herein are intended to be non-exclusive and that each of the parties is free to enter into similar agreements or arrangements with other entities.
This Agreement may not be assigned unless agreed to by the parties hereto in writing, except that it shall be assigned automatically to any successor to either party, and any such successor shall be bound by the terms of this Agreement.
Each party to this Agreement hereby represents and warrants to the other that the persons executing this Agreement on its behalf are duly authorized and empowered to execute and deliver the Agreement and that the Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation, and is enforceable in accordance with its terms.

 By:      _____________________________________
Name:  William G. Goslee
Title:  Vice President – Investment and Advisory Services

By:     ___[C .David Messman]_____________________
Name:  __[C. David Messman]_____________________
Title:    [Secretary –Wells Fargo Funds Trust]__________

By: ___[Karla Rabusch___________________________
Name:__[Karla Rabusch]_________________________
Title:_President – Wells Fargo Funds Management-LLC]_




                      FUNDS                                                                           SERVICE FEES

Wells Fargo Variable Trust Asset Allocation Fund                                                                                                                 [X.XX%]  (XX bps)
Wells Fargo Variable Trust Large Company Growth Fund                                                                                                      [X.XX%]  (XX bps)
Wells Fargo Variable Trust Money Market Fund                                                                                                                     [X.XX%]  (XX bps)
Wells Fargo Variable Trust Total Return Bond Fund                                                                                                               [X.XX%]  (XX bps)
Wells Fargo Variable Trust Small Cap Growth Fund                                                                                                                 [X.XX%]  (XX bps)




Services Provided by NFS

Pursuant to the Agreement, NFS shall perform all administrative and shareholder services with respect to the Variable Products, including but not limited to, the following:

Maintaining separate records for each owner of a Variable Product, which shall reflect the Fund shares purchased and redeemed and Fund share balances of such owners.  NFS will maintain a single master account with each Fund on behalf of owners of Variable Products and such account shall be in the name of NFS (or its designee) as record owner of shares owned by owners of Variable Products.
Disbursing or crediting to owners of Variable Products all proceeds of redemptions of shares of the Funds and all dividends and other distributions not reinvested in shares of the Funds.
Preparing and transmitting to owners of Variable Products, as required by law, periodic statements showing the total number of shares owned by such owners as of the statement closing date, purchases and redemptions of Fund shares by such owners during the period covered by the statement and the dividends and other distributions paid during the statement period (whether paid in cash or reinvested in Fund shares), and such other information as may be required, from time to time, by owners of Variable Products.
Supporting and responding to service inquiries from owners of Variable Products.
Maintaining and preserving all records required by law to be maintained and preserved in connection with providing the services for owners of Variable Products.
Generating written confirmations and quarterly statements to owners/participants of Variable Products.
Distributing to owners of Variable Products, to the extent required by applicable law and the Fund Participation Agreement between the Company and Nationwide, Funds’ prospectuses, proxy materials, periodic Fund reports to shareholders, and other materials that the Funds are required by law or otherwise to provide to their shareholders or prospective shareholders.
Transmitting purchase and redemption orders to the Funds on behalf of owners of Variable Products.




This Assignment  and Amendment (“Assignment/Amendment”) is made as of June [1]_, 2005, by and between Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. (“Nationwide”), Nationwide Investment Services Corporation (“NISC”), Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC (“Funds Management”) and Wells Fargo Funds Distributor, LLC (“Funds Distributor”) that serve as adviser and distributor, respectively, to the Wells Fargo Variable Trust (the “Trust”) and Stephens, Inc..  Reference is made to the Fund Participation Agreement (the “FP Agreement”) and the Administrative Service Agreement (the “Service Agreement”), each both made as of November 15, 2004, by and between Nationwide, Funds Management, Stephens, Inc. (“Stephens”) and the Trust.  This Assignment/Amendment assigns the FP Agreement and the Service Agreement to Funds Distributor and makes other amendments to the FP Agreement and the Service Agreement.  All capitalized terms used in this Amendment and not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the FPA Agreement and the Service Agreement.

WHEREAS, subject to the provisions hereof, Stephens desires to assign and transfer its rights, privileges, duties and obligations under the FP Agreement and the Service Agreement to Funds Distributor, and Funds Management and Funds Distributor wish to accept Stephens’ rights and privileges and to assume Stephens’ duties and obligations under the FP Agreement and Service Agreement as described herein;

WHEREAS, Nationwide is engaged in developing and offering Variable Products funded through Variable Accounts;

WHEREAS, the separate portfolios of the Trust are currently included as underlying investment options for the Variable Products issued by Nationwide through the Variable Accounts pursuant to the FP Agreement;

WHEREAS, Nationwide or its designee, pursuant to the Service Agreement, provide certain administrative services to the owners of certain Variable Products issued by Nationwide through certain Variable Accounts; and

WHEREAS, Funds Management, Funds Distributor and Nationwide (collectively, the “parties”) wish to amend certain portions of the FP Agreement and the Service Agreement;

WHEREAS, pursuant to a purchase agreement with Strong Financial Corporation, Wells Fargo & Company acquired certain of the asset management arrangements of Strong Capital Management, Inc., investment adviser to the Strong Funds;

WHEREAS, effective at the close of business on April 8, 2005, the Strong Funds were reorganized into the Wells Fargo Advantage Funds;

WHEREAS, Nationwide and the Wells Fargo Companies mutually desire that, upon execution of this Amendment, the hereinafter defined Strong Agreements will be of no further force and will be completely superceded by the Agreements;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual promises set forth below, the parties agree as follows:

Assignment and Assumption of Stephens’ Rights and Obligations.  Stephens hereby assigns and transfers its rights, privileges, duties and obligations under the FP Agreement and Service Agreement to Funds Distributor.  Funds Distributor agrees to accept such rights and privileges and assume such duties and obligations. Stephens shall not thereafter have any responsibility for such duties and obligations.

Term.  The Assignment/Amendment shall become effective as of April 11, 2005, the date upon which Stephens ceased serving as the primary distributor to the Trust.

Stephens’ Liability.  Nationwide specifically acknowledges and agrees that (a) Funds Distributor does not accept or assume any liabilities of Stephens prior to April 11, 2005, and does not agree to pay, perform or discharge any indemnification obligations, under the FP Agreement and Service Agreement resulting from actions of Stephens prior to April 11, 2005, the date which the FP Agreement and Services Agreement is assigned from Stephens to Funds Distributor, and (b) Nationwide shall seek indemnification from Stephens, and not from Funds Distributor or any of its affiliates, for all claims, suits, actions, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses of any nature whatsoever resulting from actions of Stephens occurring prior to April 11, 2005, the date which the FP Agreement and Services Agreement is assigned from Stephens to Funds Distributor.

Nationwide, on behalf of itself and its subsidiary, NISC; and the Wells Fargo Companies, as successor to the Strong entities indicated below, hereby agree that the following agreements (collectively “Strong Agreements”), to the extent related to the inclusion of insurance funds as investment options in various products administered by Nationwide and services provided by Nationwide with regard to insurance funds shall, upon execution of this Amendment, be of no further force and effect and shall be completely superceded by the Agreements:

Mutual Fund Distribution and Shareholder Services Agreement, dated December 13, 2002, between Strong Investments, Inc. and NISC; and

Fund Agreement, dated May 1, 2003, among Nationwide, Strong Investor Services, Inc. and Strong Investments, Inc.

Amendment to the FP Agreement.

a.  Article II of the FP Agreement is hereby supplemented with the following:

“The Trust has adopted policies designed to prevent frequent purchases and redemptions of any Fund shares in quantities great enough to disrupt orderly management of the corresponding Fund’s investment portfolio.  These policies are disclosed in the Trust’s prospectus.  From time to time, the Trust and Funds Management may implement procedures reasonably designed to enforce the Trust’s disruptive trading policies and shall provide a written description of such procedures (and revisions thereto) to Nationwide.  Such procedures may include the imposition of redemption fees.  Nationwide’s policies and procedures include, but are not limited to, monitoring contract owner activity, imposing trade restrictions and enforcing redemption fees (of up to 1%) imposed by the funds (if applicable).  The policies are disclosed in the Variable Product prospectuses.”

b.  Article XVI of the FP Agreement is hereby supplemented with the following:

Nationwide is an independent contractor vis-à-vis the Trust, Funds Management, or any of their affiliates for all purposes hereunder and will have no authority to act for or represent any of them.  In addition, no officer or employee of Nationwide will be deemed to be an employee or agent of the Trust, the Company or any of their affiliates.  Nationwide will not act as an “underwriter” or “distributor” of Trust shares, as those terms variously are used in the 1940 Act, the 1933 Act, and rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.  Likewise, Nationwide is not a “transfer agent” of the Trust as that term is used in the 1934 Act and rules and regulations thereunder.

c.  NISC shall be a party to the FP Agreement for the sole purpose of receiving payments from Funds Distributor pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

Amendment to the Service Agreement.

a.  Exhibit A to the Service Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and the Amended Exhibit A attached hereto shall be inserted in lieu thereof.

b.  Except as specifically set forth herein, all other provisions of the Service Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment as of the date first written above.


By: [Karen R. Colvin]
Title: [Attorney-in-Fact]


By: [Karen R. Colvin]
Title: [Vice President]


Title: [Secretary]


By: [Karla Rabusch]
Title: [President]



Agreed and accepted as to the entire Amendment, except Sections 5 and 6
By: [Cara Peck]
Title: [President]



Stephens, Inc.

Agreed and accepted as to the entire Amendment, except Sections 5 & 6


Title: [ VP]




FUND                                                                                                SERVICE FEES

Variable Trust Asset Allocation Fund                                                                                    [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust C&B Large Cap Value Fund                                                                            [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Discovery Fund                                                                                                [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Equity Income Fund                                                                                         [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust International Core Fund                                                                                   [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Large Company Core Fund                                                                              [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Large Company Growth Fund                                                                         [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Money Market Fund                                                                                        [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Multi Cap Value Fund                                                                                       [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Opportunity Fund                                                                                             [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Small Cap Growth Fund                                                                                    [X.XX%] (XX BPS)
Variable Trust Total Return Bond Fund                                                                                  [X.XX%] (XX BPS)

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Please Reply to:        Timothy D. Crawford
Officer, Managing Counsel
One Nationwide Plaza 01-09-V2
Columbus, Ohio 43215
E-mail: crawfot1@nationwide.com
Tel: (614) 249-3398
Fax: (614) 249-2112

September 27, 2007

Ms. Rebecca A. Marquigny
Senior Counsel
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Investment Management
100 F. Street, NE
Washington, D.C.  20549-4644

Re:           Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide VLI Separate Account - 4
Pre-Effective Amendment No. 3 (N-6 Registration Statement, File No. 333-137202)

Dear Ms. Marquigny:

On behalf of Nationwide Life Insurance Company (“Nationwide”) and its Nationwide VLI Separate Account - 4 (“Variable Account”), we are filing this pre-effective amendment to the Registration Statement.  The Registration Statement provides for the offering of certain life insurance policies through the Variable Account.

This filing is being made electronically via EDGAR in accordance with Regulation S-T.

At the outset, we acknowledge the following:

should the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) or the staff, acting pursuant to delegated authority, declare the filing effective, it does not foreclose the Commission from taking any action with respect to the filing;

the action of the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to delegated authority, in declaring the filing effective, does not relieve Nationwide from its full responsibility for the adequacy and accuracy of the disclosure in the filing; and

Nationwide may not assert this action as defense in any proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal securities laws of the United States.
We are filing this pre-effective amendment pursuant to numerous discussions with the Staff.  We believe with this filing we have addressed all Staff comments.


Page 2 of 2

Nationwide Life Insurance Company
Nationwide VLI Separate Account - 4
Pre-Effective Amendment No. 3

In addition, we are seeking acceleration pursuant to Rule 461 with a desired effective date of September 27, 2007.  We have attached the required acceleration letters to this correspondence.

We appreciate your continued review of this matter.  If you have any questions about this filing, please reply to me at the contact information on the first page of this correspondence.

Sincerely yours,

Timothy D. Crawford
Officer, Managing Counsel
Office of General Counsel
Nationwide Life Insurance Company

September 27, 2007


The United States Securities
   and Exchange Commission
SEC Headquarters
100 F Street NE
Washington, D.C. 20549-4644

Nationwide VLI Separate Account - 4
Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
SEC File No. 333-137202

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Pursuant to Rule 461 of the Securities Act of 1933, Nationwide Investment Services Corporation, the General Distributor of the Flexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance Policies to be issued by Nationwide VLI Separate Account - 4 (the “Variable Account”), respectfully requests acceleration of the effective date of the Registration Statement for the Variable Account.  It is desired that the registration become effective on Thursday, September 27, 2007.

The undersigned is Vice President for Nationwide Investment Services Corporation and is duly authorized to request accelerated effectiveness of the Registration Statement.

Please call Tim Crawford at (614) 249-3398 should you have questions.

Very truly yours,


Karen R. Colvin
Vice President

Ms. Rebecca Marquigny
Stop 5-6
Office of Insurance Products

September 27, 2007


The United States Securities
   and Exchange Commission
SEC Headquarters
100 F Street NE
Washington, D.C. 20549-4644

Nationwide VLI Separate Account - 4
Nationwide Life Insurance Company
SEC File No. 333-137202

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Pursuant to Rule 461 of the Securities Act of 1933, Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company for itself and on behalf of its Nationwide VLI Separate Account - 4 (the “Variable Account”) respectfully requests acceleration of the effective date of the Registration Statement for the Variable Account.  It is desired that the registration become effective on Thursday, September 27, 2007.

The undersigned is an officer of Nationwide Life Insurance Company and is duly authorized to request accelerated effectiveness of the Registration Statement.

Please call Tim Crawford at (614) 249-3398 should you have questions.

Very truly yours,


Peter A. Golato
Senior Vice President

Ms. Rebecca Marquigny
Stop 5-6
Office of Insurance Products