EX-4.1 2 y43209aexv4w1.htm EX-4.1: SPECIMEN STOCK CERTIFICATE EX-4.1

016570| 003590|127C|RESTRICTED||4|057-423 E COMMON STOCK ................................................................................................... COMMON STOCK PAR VALUE $.02 THIS CERTIFICATE IS TRANSFERABLE IN            li*vJ ^1N -r^1-^-V4~t            CANTON, MA AND JERSEY CITY, NJ REIS %. ^ I l^» ....................................................................................... fcMW^I ^**^|| i cate XXJ-^XV^ ...................... Shares r .............................. **60062o****** H Dflfl .................................................................................................................. ***60o62o***** ; UUU .................................................................................................................... ****gggg2Q**** tfl REIS, INC. ............................................................................................................. *****g00620*** j INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MARYLAND * 6006 20* “ “Mr .Alexander DavidSample — Mr.Alexander David Sample — Mr.Alexander David Sample “Mr .Alexander D9«t SAlB^lefler David Sample            l!l5\S*^J??ft«5?lHE THIS CERTIFICATE THAT I nlO            Otr\ I ll~ltO            I l~lr\l            Sample""|Mr.*pS*ider M^W Sftnpfc “J|PrVI|xa ndfl-Ba vkQa mplfc “1| ilPYMBtf der r^T^ Salhp|l"*«|r^lf^irrnHIR-Da*vk1(V^lexander Sfft’S iu’^C-tl-KjUl D1 >i ^ 4ylWA^ ^ ......................................................................................... rn^TP 7 RQ^^P            ID            R Alexander laVdMan\lft “-*P*f /GxMbSI II vid simp let-Mr VHra nleV[WvidV Wle""'l»^lJxa*fftllid S^flfcwavltftirnple” .... ^UO-LJT /J^OOJT _LU -J “/W” ^M^i"'’SAfl
___O COL’^? ‘ OKil ‘ ifi-fr Mr.Alexander DavidSample — Mr.Alexander David Sample — Mr.Alexander David Sample — Mr.Alexander Da\KJrSAkaptotret David Sample Sjflt-^i. ‘ ‘ tJli’fr ‘ ‘JtFVi?
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Rei s, In c. (th e “ Corporation ) s fer able in person or by duly authorized attorney upon surrender of pp^1‘*^^^ -SSSSSS” °^5“a2 certificate properly endorsed. This certificate and the shares represented hereby are issued and shall be subject ^iSSSSSSs §"3i“T> lllr^^^^yii *° a II of the provisions of the charter of the Corporation (the “Charter “), the Bylaws of the Corporation , and a IU-^;;” IggggggS-S^go            a men dmen ts ther eof and ther eto, cop ies of which s ha II be a va ila ble a t the hea dqua r ter s of Cor p or a tion , a n d to a II «§§§§§§z ^1? :^>:t^of which the holder by a ccep ta n ce her eof a s s en ts . This cer tifica te is n ot va lid un Ies s coun ter s ign ed by the ;. . !’<£<£<£<£<£<£§- 3™ Transfer Agen t a n d r egis ter ed by the Regis tr a r . SSSSSS Witne stfcie fa cs imile s ea I of the Cor p or a tion a n d the fa cs imile s ign a tur es of its duly a uthor ized officer s . 0501-^ooio^i. 23 tt!^-’rff^%ii xv/!a///^ ?/X’/^X /^ VS.:..’^C\, COUNTERSIGNED AND REGISTERED: l^^f^-’JIll Z ~ ‘^yl^^^lffi //^/’^“T/ l/// /3**°**>£\ \ COMPUTERSHARE TRUST COMPANY, N.A.R»K*lf Itwl % *£ xx ‘^^i^’^’^^Sl            Pf es iden t a n d Chief Executive OfficerI / SEAL ‘i ^ ^^^^SsSsH »rp^-*- !‘N&^ I Vice-Pr es iden t, Chief Fin a n cia I Officer a n d As s is ta n t Seer eta r y authorized signature ^^B 1234567