XML 31 R20.htm IDEA: XBRL DOCUMENT v3.22.1
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2021
Organization Consolidation And Presentation Of Financial Statements [Abstract]  
Nature of Operations

Nature of Operations

Gulf Island Fabrication, Inc. (together with its subsidiaries, “Gulf Island,” “the Company,” “we,” “us” and “our”) is a leading fabricator of complex steel structures and modules and a provider of special services, including project management, hookup, commissioning, repair, maintenance, scaffolding, coatings, civil construction and staffing services to the industrial and energy sectors. Our customers include U.S. and, to a lesser extent, international energy producers; refining, petrochemical, LNG, industrial and power operators; and EPC companies. We currently operate and manage our business through two operating divisions (“Fabrication & Services” and “Shipyard”) and one non-operating division (“Corporate”), which represent our reportable segments. Our corporate headquarters is located in Houston, Texas and our primary operating facilities are located in Houma, Louisiana.

On April 19, 2021, we sold our Shipyard Division operating assets and certain construction contracts (“Shipyard Transaction”) and intend to wind down our remaining Shipyard Division operations by the third quarter 2022. See basis of presentation below and Note 3 for further discussion of the Shipyard Transaction.

On December 1, 2021, we acquired (“DSS Acquisition”) the services and industrial staffing businesses (“DSS Business”) of Dynamic Industries, Inc. (“Dynamic”). The operating results of the DSS Business for the one-month period ended December 31, 2021, are included within our Fabrication & Services Division. See Note 4 for further discussion of the DSS Acquisition.

Basis of Presentation

Basis of Presentation

The accompanying Consolidated Financial Statements (“Financial Statements”) reflect all wholly owned subsidiaries. Intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. The Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the rules and regulations of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) and accounting principles generally accepted in the U.S. (“GAAP”). Certain amounts for 2020, and balances at December 31, 2020, have been reclassified within our Consolidated Balance Sheets (“Balance Sheet”), Consolidated Statements of Operations (“Statement of Operations”), and Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (“Statement of Cash Flows”) to conform to our presentation of such amounts for 2021, and balances at December 31, 2021.

We determined the Shipyard Division assets, liabilities and operations associated with the Shipyard Transaction, and associated with certain previously closed Shipyard Division facilities, to be discontinued operations in 2021. Accordingly, such operating results for 2021 have been classified as discontinued operations on our Statement of Operations. We had no material assets and liabilities of discontinued operations at December 31, 2021. Our classification of these operations as discontinued requires retrospective application to financial information for prior periods presented. Therefore, such assets and liabilities at December 31, 2020, and operating results for 2020, have been recast and classified as discontinued operations on our Balance Sheet and Statement of Operations, respectively. Discontinued operations are not presented separately on our Statement of Cash Flows or our Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity (“Statement of Shareholders’ Equity”). Unless otherwise noted, the amounts presented throughout the notes to our Financial Statements relate to our continuing operations. See Note 3 for further discussion of the Shipyard Transaction and our discontinued operations.

Revision of Previously Issued Financial Statements

Revision of Previously Issued Financial Statements

During 2021, we determined that our accrued liability for employee earned vacation and the associated expense related to prior periods was understated, resulting in immaterial errors in our previously issued financial statements. As a result, we have made certain corrections to adjust the liability and associated expense.

Our vacation policy generally provides that no vacation may be taken prior to working for a defined service period, with such service period end date ultimately being reset to the first day of each calendar year after the defined service period. Accordingly, such employees generally “earn” their allotted vacation in the calendar year prior to such vacation being made available to them, beginning on the first day of the subsequent calendar year. Such vacation is then available to the employee. Any unused vacation not taken during the year is forfeited if the employee remains with the Company and is paid if the employee is terminated or otherwise leaves the Company during the year. The understatement of our vacation liability is the result of not accruing vacation expense in the calendar year in which the vacation was earned. Instead, expense was historically recorded during the calendar year in which the vacation was taken.


In addition, in our previously issued Financial Statements we presented our estimated insurance recoveries for workers’ compensation liabilities in excess of any deductibles and self-insured retentions on a net basis on our Balance Sheet.  However, because we do not have an offset right, such amounts should be presented on a gross basis on our Balance Sheet, with a liability for the workers’ compensation obligation and an asset for the estimated insurance recoveries.

In evaluating whether the previously issued financial statements were materially misstated for periods prior to December 31, 2021, we applied the guidance of Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) 250, “Accounting Changes and Error Corrections”, SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin (“SAB”) Topic 1.M, “Assessing Materiality” and SAB Topic 1.N, “Considering the Effects of Prior Year Misstatements when Quantifying Misstatements in Current Year Financial Statements”, and concluded that the effect of the error in accounting for employee earned vacation, as well as certain other previously known immaterial errors, on prior period annual financial statements was immaterial; however, the cumulative effect of correcting the previously unrecognized earned vacation liability in 2021 would materially misstate the 2021 Financial Statements. The guidance states that prior-year misstatements which, if corrected in the current year would materially misstate the current year’s financial statements, must be corrected by adjusting prior-year financial statements, even though such correction previously was and continues to be immaterial to the prior-year financial statements. Correcting prior-year financial statements for such immaterial misstatements does not require previously filed reports to be amended.

The cumulative effect of adjustments required to correct the misstatements in the Financial Statements for years prior to 2020 totaled $1.8 million and is reflected as a reduction to retained earnings at January 1, 2020 on our Statement of Shareholders’ Equity. The adjustments required to reflect the corrections attributable to 2020 are reflected on our Balance Sheet at December 31, 2020, and in our Statement of Operations and Statement of Cash Flows for 2020. A summary of the adjustments to previously issued 2020 Financial Statements to correct the error in accounting for employee earned vacation, as well as certain other known immaterial errors, is as follows (in thousands):


Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2020



As Previously Reported (1)






As Adjusted Prior to Recast



Recast (2)



As Adjusted


Prepaid expenses and other assets (3)





















Total current assets (3)




















Total assets (3)




















Accrued expenses and other liabilities (3)





















Current liabilities of discontinued operations (4)


















Total current liabilities (3)




















Total liabilities (3)




















Retained earnings




















Total shareholders' equity




















Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity (3)





















Statement of Operations for the year ended December 31, 2020



As Previously Reported (1)






As Adjusted Prior to Recast



Recast (2)



As Adjusted


Cost of revenue





















Gross loss





















General and administrative expense





















Operating loss





















Loss before income taxes





















Net loss






















Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended December 31, 2020



As Previously Reported (1)






As Adjusted (5)


Net loss













Accrued expenses and other current liabilities
















Represents amounts as reported in our previously issued 2020 Financial Statements which do not reflect discontinued operations presentation.



Reflects adjustments to recast previously issued 2020 Financial Statement amounts on a discontinued operations basis.



The error corrections include a $5.4 million increase to prepaid expenses and other assets, and corresponding increase to accrued expenses and other liabilities, to reflect the “gross up” of insurance recoveries and associated workers’ compensation obligations as discussed further above.



Recast amount includes $0.2 million associated with the earned vacation liability error correction that is reflected within discontinued operations.  



Discontinued operations are not presented separately on our Statement of Cash Flows.

See Note 12 for a summary of the corrections to previously reported segment amounts for 2020 and Note 13 for a summary of the corrections to previously reported quarterly and segment amounts for 2021.

Operating Cycle

Operating Cycle

The durations of our contracts vary, but typically extend beyond twelve months from the date of contract award. Consistent with industry practice, assets and liabilities have been classified as current under the operating cycle concept whereby all contract-related items are classified as current regardless of whether cash will be received or paid within a twelve-month period. Assets and liabilities classified as current which may not be received or paid within the next twelve months include contract retainage, contract assets and contract liabilities. Variations from normal contract terms may result in the classification of assets and liabilities as long-term.

Use of Estimates

Use of Estimates

General The preparation of our Financial Statements in conformity with GAAP requires us to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses and related disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities. We believe our most significant estimates and judgments are associated with:


revenue recognition for our contracts, including application of the percentage-of-completion method, estimating costs to complete each contract and the recognition of incentives, unapproved change orders, claims and liquidated damages;


determination of fair value with respect to acquired tangible and intangible assets;


fair value and recoverability assessments that must be periodically performed with respect to long-lived tangible assets, assets held for sale, goodwill and other intangible assets;


determination of deferred income tax assets, liabilities and related valuation allowances;


reserves for bad debts;


liabilities related to self-insurance programs;


costs and insurance recoveries associated with damage to our operating facilities in Houma, Louisiana resulting from Hurricane Ida discussed further below; and


the impacts of volatile oil prices and the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic (“COVID-19”) on our business, estimates and judgments as discussed further below.

If the underlying estimates and assumptions upon which our Financial Statements are based change in the future, actual amounts may differ materially from those included in the Financial Statements.


Volatile Oil Prices and COVID-19 – For the last several years, the price of oil has experienced significant volatility, resulting in reductions in capital spending and drilling activities from our traditional offshore oil and gas customer base. Consequently, our operating results and cash flows have been negatively impacted as we experienced reductions in revenue, lower margins due to competitive pricing, under-utilization of our operating facilities and resources, and losses on certain projects. COVID-19 added another layer of pressure and uncertainty on oil prices and our end markets, which further impacted our operations during 2021 and 2020. In addition, our operations (as well as the operations of our customers, subcontractors and counterparties) were negatively impacted by the physical distancing, quarantine and isolation measures recommended by national, state and local authorities on large portions of the populations, and mandatory business closures that were enacted in an attempt to control the spread of COVID-19, and which could be reenacted in response to new and emerging strains and variants of COVID-19 or any future major public health crisis. We continue to monitor the impact of COVID-19 on our operations and recognize that it could continue to negatively impact our business and results of operations in 2022 and beyond.

The ultimate business and financial impacts of oil price volatility and COVID-19 on our business and results of operations continues to be uncertain, but the impacts have included, or may include, among other things, reduced bidding activity; suspension or termination of backlog; deterioration of customer financial condition; potential supply interruptions; and unanticipated project costs due to project disruptions and schedule delays, material price increases, lower labor productivity, increased employee and contractor absenteeism and turnover, craft labor hiring challenges, lack of performance by subcontractors and suppliers, and contract disputes. Our estimates in future periods will be revised for any events and changes in circumstances arising after the date of this Report for the impacts of oil price volatility, COVID-19 and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Income (Loss) Per Share

Income (Loss) Per Share

Basic income (loss) per share is calculated by dividing net income or loss by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period. Diluted income (loss) per share reflects the assumed conversion of dilutive securities in periods in which income is reported. See Note 11 for calculations of our basic and diluted income (loss) per share.

Cash Equivalents and Short-term Investments

Cash Equivalents and Short-term Investments

Cash Equivalents We consider investments with original maturities of three months or less when purchased to be cash equivalents.

Restricted Cash – At December 31, 2021, we had $1.7 million of restricted cash as security for letters of credit issued under our letter of credit facility (“LC Facility”) with Hancock Whitney Bank (“Whitney Bank”). Our restricted cash is held in an interest-bearing money market account with Whitney Bank. The classification of the restricted cash as current and noncurrent is determined by the contractual maturity dates of the letters of credit being secured, with letters of credit having maturity dates of twelve months or less from the balance sheet date classified as current, and letters of credit having maturity dates of longer than twelve months from the balance sheet date classified as noncurrent. We had no restricted cash at December 31, 2020. See Note7 for further discussion of our cash security requirements under our LC Facility.  

Short-term Investments – We consider investments with original maturities of more than three months but less than twelve months to be short-term investments. We had no short-term investments at December 31, 2021. At December 31, 2020, our short-term investments included U.S. Treasuries with original maturities of less than six months that were held until their maturity.



Inventory is recorded at the lower of cost or net realizable value determined using the first-in-first-out basis. The cost of inventory includes acquisition costs, production or conversion costs, and other costs incurred to bring the inventory to a current location and condition. Net realizable value is our estimated selling price in the normal course of business, less reasonably predictable costs of completion, disposal and transportation. An allowance for excess or inactive inventory is recorded based on an analysis that considers current inventory levels, historical usage patterns, estimates of future sales and salvage value.

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

In the normal course of business, we extend credit to our customers on a short-term basis and contract receivables are generally not collateralized; however, we typically have the right to place liens on our projects in the event of nonpayment by our customers. We routinely review individual contract receivable balances for collectability and make provisions for probable uncollectible amounts as necessary. Among the factors considered in our review are the financial condition of our customer and its access to financing, underlying disputes with the customer, the age and value of the receivable balance, and economic conditions in general. See Note 2 for further discussion of our allowance for doubtful accounts.

Stock-Based Compensation

Stock-Based Compensation

Awards under our stock-based compensation plans are calculated using a fair value-based measurement method. We use the straight-line and graded vesting methods to recognize share-based compensation expense over the requisite service period of the award. We recognize the excess tax benefit or tax deficiency resulting from the difference between the deduction we receive for tax purposes and the stock-based compensation expense we recognize for financial reporting purposes created when common stock vests, as an income tax benefit or expense on our Statement of Operations. Tax payments made on behalf of employees to taxing authorities in order to satisfy employee income tax withholding obligations from the vesting of shares under our stock-based compensation plans are classified as a financing activity on our Statement of Cash Flows. See Note 9 for further discussion of our stock-based and other compensation plans.

Assets Held for Sale

Assets Held for Sale

Assets held for sale are measured at the lower of their carrying amount or fair value less cost to sell. See Note 5 for further discussion of our assets held for sale.

Depreciation and Amortization Expense

Depreciation and Amortization Expense

Property, plant and equipment are depreciated on a straight-line basis over estimated useful lives ranging from three to 25 years. Ordinary maintenance and repairs, which do not extend the physical or economic lives of the plant or equipment, are charged to expense as incurred. Intangible assets are amortized on a straight-line basis over 7 years and amortization expense is reflected within general and administrative expense on our Statement of Operations. See Note 6 for further discussion of our property, plant and equipment and Note 4 for further discussion of our intangible assets.

Long-Lived Assets

Long-Lived Assets

Goodwill Our goodwill is associated with the DSS Acquisition on December 1, 2021. Goodwill is not amortized, but instead is reviewed for impairment at least annually at a reporting unit level, absent any indicators of impairment. Our Fabrication & Services Division includes one reporting unit associated with our DSS Acquisition. In evaluating goodwill for impairment, we have the option to first assess qualitative factors to determine whether it is more likely than not that the fair value of our reporting unit is greater than its carrying value. If we determine that it is more likely than not that the carrying value of the reporting unit is greater than its fair value, we perform a quantitative impairment test by calculating the fair value of the reporting unit and comparing it to the carrying value of the reporting unit, and we recognize an impairment charge to the extent its carrying value exceeds its fair value. Because of the proximity of the Acquisition Date to December 31, 2021, we performed a qualitative assessment at year-end to determine whether our goodwill was impaired. Based on this qualitative assessment, we determined that it was more likely than not that the fair value of our reporting unit is greater than its carrying value. We intend to perform our future annual impairment assessments during the fourth quarter of each year based upon balances as of the beginning of that year’s fourth quarter. If, based on future assessments, our goodwill is deemed to be impaired, the impairment would result in a charge to our operating results in the year of impairment. See Note 4 for discussion of the DSS Acquisition and related goodwill.

Other Long-Lived Assets Our property, plant and equipment, lease assets (included within other noncurrent assets), and finite-lived intangible assets (associated with the DSS Acquisition) are reviewed for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. If a recoverability assessment is required, we compare the estimated future undiscounted cash flow associated with the asset or asset group to its carrying amount to determine if an impairment exists. An asset group constitutes the minimum level for which identifiable cash flows are principally independent of the cash flows of other assets or asset groups. An impairment loss is measured by comparing the fair value of the asset or asset group to its carrying amount and the excess of the carrying amount of the asset or asset group over its fair value is recorded as an impairment charge. Fair value is determined based on discounted cash flows, appraised values or third-party indications of value, as appropriate. See Note 2 for discussion of our long-lived asset impairments associated with Hurricane Ida, Note 3 for discussion of our long-lived asset impairments within discontinued operations, and Note 4 for discussion of the DSS Acquisition and related long-lived assets.



We record a right-of-use asset and an offsetting lease liability on our Balance Sheet equal to the present value of our lease payments for leases with an original term of longer than twelve months. We do not record an asset or liability for leases with an original term of twelve months or less and we do not separate lease and non-lease components for our leases. Our lease assets are reflected within other noncurrent assets, and the current and noncurrent portions of our lease liabilities are reflected within accrued expenses and other liabilities, and other noncurrent liabilities, respectively, on our Balance Sheet. For leases with escalations over the life of the lease, we recognize expense on a straight-line basis. See Note 6 for further discussion of our lease assets and liabilities.

Fair Value Measurements



Fair Value Measurements

Fair value determinations for financial assets and liabilities are based on the particular facts and circumstances. Financial instruments are required to be categorized within a valuation hierarchy based upon the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement.  The three levels of the valuation hierarchy are as follows:


Level 1 – inputs are based upon quoted prices for identical instruments traded in active markets.


Level 2 – inputs are based upon quoted prices for similar instruments in active markets and model-based valuation techniques for which all significant assumptions are observable in the market.


Level 3 – inputs are based upon model-based valuation techniques for which significant assumptions are generally not observable in the market and typically reflect estimates and assumptions that we believe market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability. These include discounted cash flow models and similar valuation techniques.

The carrying amounts of our financial instruments, including cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments, accounts receivable and accounts payable approximate their fair values. Our fair value assessments for determining the impairments of goodwill, inventory, long-lived assets and assets held for sale, are non-recurring fair value measurements that fall within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. See Note 4 for discussion of fair value measurements associated with the DSS Acquisition and Note 5 for further discussion of impairments of our long-lived assets and assets held for sale.

Revenue Recognition

Revenue Recognition

General – Our revenue is derived from customer contracts and agreements that are awarded on a competitively bid and negotiated basis using a range of contracting options, including fixed-price, unit-rate and T&M. Our contracts primarily relate to the fabrication and construction of steel structures, modules and marine vessels, and project management services and other service arrangements. We recognize revenue from our contracts in accordance with Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2014-09, Topic 606 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers” (“Topic 606”).

Topic 606 requires entities to recognize revenue in a way that depicts the transfer of promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services. Additionally, provisions of Topic 606 specify which goods and services are distinct and represent separate performance obligations (representing the unit of account in Topic 606) within a contract and which goods and services (which could include multiple contracts or agreements) should be aggregated. In general, a performance obligation is a contractual obligation to construct and/or transfer a distinct good or service to a customer. The transaction price of a contract is allocated to each distinct performance obligation and recognized as revenue when, or as, the performance obligation is satisfied. Revenue for performance obligations satisfied over time are recognized as the work progresses. Revenue for performance obligations that do not meet the criteria for over time recognition are recognized at a point-in-time when a performance obligation is complete and a customer has obtained control of a promised asset.

Fixed-Price and Unit-Rate Contracts Revenue for our fixed-price and unit-rate contracts is recognized using the percentage-of-completion method based on contract costs incurred to date compared to total estimated contract costs (an input method). Contract costs include direct costs, such as materials and labor, and indirect costs attributable to contract activity. Material costs that are significant to a contract and do not reflect an accurate measure of project completion are excluded from the determination of our contract progress. Revenue for such materials is only recognized to the extent of costs incurred. Revenue and gross profit for contracts accounted for using the percentage-of-completion method can be significantly affected by changes in estimated cost to complete such contracts. Significant estimates impacting the cost to complete a contract include: forecast costs of engineering, materials, equipment and subcontracts; forecast costs of labor and labor productivity; schedule durations, including subcontractor and supplier progress; contract disputes, including claims; achievement of contractual performance requirements; and contingency, among others. Although our customers retain the right and ability to change, modify or discontinue further work at any stage of a contract, in the event our customers discontinue work, they are required to compensate us for the work performed to date. The cumulative impact of revisions in total cost estimates during the progress of work is reflected in the period in which these changes become known, including, to the extent required, the reversal of profit recognized in prior periods and the recognition of losses expected to be incurred on contracts. Due to the various estimates inherent in our contract accounting, actual results could differ from those estimates, which could result in material changes to our Financial Statements and related disclosures. See Note 2 for further discussion of projects with significant changes in estimated margins during 2021 and 2020.

T&M Contracts – Revenue for our T&M contracts is recognized at contracted rates when the work is performed, the costs are incurred and collection is reasonably assured. Our T&M contracts provide for labor and materials to be billed at rates specified within the contract. The consideration from the customer directly corresponds to the value of our performance completed at the time of invoicing.

Variable Consideration Revenue and gross profit for contracts can be significantly affected by variable consideration, which can be in the form of unapproved change orders, claims, incentives and liquidated damages that may not be resolved until the later stages of the contract or after the contract has been completed. We estimate variable consideration based on the amount we expect to be entitled and include estimated amounts in transaction price to the extent it is probable that a significant future reversal of cumulative revenue recognized will not occur or when we conclude that any significant uncertainty associated with the variable consideration is resolved. See Note 2 for further discussion of our unapproved change orders, claims, incentives and liquidated damages.

Additional Disclosures – Topic 606 also requires disclosures regarding the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty of revenues and cash flows from contracts with customers. See Note 2 for required disclosures under Topic 606.

Pre-Contract Costs

Pre-Contract Costs

Pre-contract costs are generally charged to cost of revenue as incurred, but in certain cases their recognition may be deferred if specific probability criteria are met. At December 31, 2021 and 2020, we had no deferred pre-contract costs.

Other (Income) Expense, Net

Other (Income) Expense, Net

Other (income) expense, net, generally represents recoveries or provisions for bad debts, gains or losses associated with the sale or disposition of property and equipment other than assets held for sale, and income or expense associated with certain nonrecurring items. For 2021, other (income) expense, net included charges of $3.8 million associated with damage caused by Hurricane Ida and transaction costs of $0.5 million associated with the DSS Acquisition. For 2020, other (income) expense, net included a gain of $10.0 million associated with the settlement of a contract dispute for a project completed in 2015 and charges of $0.8 million associated with damage caused by Hurricane Laura. See Note 2 for further discussion of the impacts of Hurricanes Ida and Laura.

Income Taxes

Income Taxes

Income taxes have been provided for using the liability method. Deferred income taxes reflect the net tax effects of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for income tax purposes using enacted rates expected to be in effect during the year in which the differences are expected to reverse. Due to state income tax laws related to the apportionment of revenue for our projects, judgment is required to estimate the effective tax rate expected to apply to tax differences that are expected to reverse in the future.

A valuation allowance is provided to reserve for deferred tax assets (“DTA(s)”) if, based upon the available evidence, it is more likely than not that some or all of the DTAs will not be realized. The realization of our DTAs depends on our ability to generate sufficient taxable income of the appropriate character and in the appropriate jurisdictions.

Reserves for uncertain tax positions are recognized when we consider it more likely than not that additional tax will be due in excess of amounts reflected in our income tax returns, irrespective of whether or not we have received tax assessments. Interest and penalties on uncertain tax positions are recorded within income tax expense. See Note 8 for further discussion of our income taxes and DTAs.

New Accounting Standards

New Accounting Standards

Income taxes – In the first quarter 2021, we adopted ASU 2019-12, “Income Taxes,” which simplifies the accounting for income taxes by removing certain exceptions to the general principles and simplifies areas such as franchise taxes, step-up in tax basis goodwill, separate entity financial statements and interim recognition of enacted tax laws or rate changes. Adoption of the new standard did not have a material effect on our financial position, results of operations or related disclosures.

Financial instruments – In June 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-13, “Financial Instruments - Credit Losses - Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments,” which changes the way companies evaluate credit losses for most financial assets and certain other instruments. For trade and other receivables, short-term investments, loans and other instruments, entities will be required to use a new forward-looking “expected loss” model to evaluate impairment, potentially resulting in earlier recognition of allowances for losses. The new standard also requires enhanced disclosures, including the requirement to disclose the information used to track credit quality by year of origination for most financing receivables. ASU 2016-13 will be effective for us in the first quarter 2023. Early adoption of the new standard is permitted; however, we have not elected to early adopt the standard. The new standard is required to be applied using a cumulative-effect transition method. We are evaluating the effect that the new standard will have on our financial position, results of operations and related disclosures.