Commitments, Guarantees and Contingencies (Details Textuals) (USD $)
12 Months Ended |
3 Months Ended |
0 Months Ended |
3 Months Ended |
0 Months Ended |
Dec. 31, 2014
Dec. 31, 2013
Dec. 31, 2012
Jun. 30, 2013
Oct. 10, 2013
Oct. 03, 2013
Mar. 28, 2013
Feb. 09, 2015
Oct. 23, 2014
Dec. 31, 2013
Jul. 01, 2014
Apr. 19, 2013
Dec. 31, 2011
Nov. 12, 2014
Apr. 30, 2014
Apr. 13, 2012
Aug. 13, 2012
May 02, 2011
Feb. 13, 2015
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Liability assessed with respect to single nuclear incident |
$ 13,600,000,000fe_PublicUtilitiesLiabilityAssessedwithRespecttoSingleNuclearIncidentBasedOnAct |
Plants licensed to operate |
104fe_ExpectedNumberOfNuclearPowerPlantLicensedToOperate |
Portion of insurance coverage of private insurer included in single nuclear incident |
375,000,000fe_PortionOfInsuranceCoverageOfPrivateInsurerIncludedInSingleNuclearIncidentLiability |
Portion of insurance coverage by industry retrospective rating plan |
13,200,000,000fe_PortionOfInsuranceCoverageByIndustryRetrospectiveRatingPlan |
Losses in excess of private insurance contributed for each nuclear unit license |
127,000,000fe_LossesInExcessOfPrivateInsuranceContributedForEachNuclearUnitLicense |
Losses in excess of private insurance contributed for each nuclear unit license per unit |
19,000,000fe_LossesInExcessOfPrivateInsuranceContributedForEachNuclearUnitLicensePerUnit |
Nuclear incidence liability per incident of parent and subsidiary companys based on their present nuclear ownership and leasehold interests |
509,000,000fe_NuclearIncidenceLiabilityPerIncidentOfParentAndSubsidiaryCompanysBasedOnTheirPresentNuclearOwnershipAndLeaseholdInterests |
Nuclear incident liability not more than in any one year per incident of parent and subsidiary companies based on their present nuclear ownership and leasehold interests |
76,000,000fe_NuclearIncidentLiabilityNotMoreThanInAnyOneYearPerIncidentOfParentAndSubsidiaryCompaniesBasedOnTheirPresentNuclearOwnershipAndLeaseholdInterests |
Aggregate indemnity |
1,960,000,000fe_NuclearInsurancePolicyAggregateIndemnity |
Maximum aggregate assessments for incidents at any covered nuclear facility |
14,000,000fe_NuclearInsurancePolicyMaximumAggregateAssessmentsForIncidentsAtAnyCoveredNuclearFacility |
Coverage of decontamination costs |
2,750,000,000fe_CoverageOfDecontaminationCostsAsPerPropertyDamageInsurance |
Retrospective assessments liabilities |
74,000,000fe_RetrospectiveAssessmentsLiabilities |
Insurance coverage for replacement power costs |
1,060,000,000fe_InsuranceCoverageForReplacementPowerCosts |
Environmental plan, submission period |
30 days |
Outstanding guarantees and other assurances aggregated |
4,000,000,000us-gaap_GuaranteeObligationsCurrentCarryingValue |
Repayments of senior secured term loan facility |
1,759,000,000us-gaap_RepaymentsOfLongTermDebt |
3,600,000,000us-gaap_RepaymentsOfLongTermDebt |
940,000,000us-gaap_RepaymentsOfLongTermDebt |
Number of treatment options |
8fe_CommitmentProposedRegulationNumberOfTreatmentOptions |
Number of preferred treatment options |
4fe_CommitmentProposedRegulationNumberOfPreferredTreatmentOptions |
Renewal cycle of waste water discharge permit |
5 years |
Proposed sulfate impairment designation, length |
68fe_ProposedSulfateImpairmentDesignationLength |
Nuclear plant decommissioning trusts |
2,341,000,000us-gaap_DecommissioningFundInvestments |
2,201,000,000us-gaap_DecommissioningFundInvestments |
2,201,000,000us-gaap_DecommissioningFundInvestments |
ICG Litigation |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Gain contingency, damages denied |
15,500,000us-gaap_GainLossRelatedToLitigationSettlement / us-gaap_GainContingenciesByNatureAxis = fe_IcgLitigationMember |
Year 2020 |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Reduction in power plants carbon pollution, (percent) |
17.00%fe_ProposedExecutiveActionReductioninPowerPlantsCarbonPollutionPercentage / fe_TargetPeriodAxis = fe_Year2020Member |
Clean Water Act |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Annual percentage that fish impingement should be reduced to, per CWA |
12.00%fe_PercentageOfFishImpingement / fe_LossContingenciesByClaimsAxis = fe_CleanWaterActMember |
TMDL limit development period |
5 years |
Regulation of Waste Disposal |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Number of individuals behalf of which complaint filed |
61fe_NumberOfIndividualsBehalfOfWhichComplaintFiled / fe_LossContingenciesByClaimsAxis = fe_RegulationOfWasteDisposalMember |
Civil penalties |
800,000fe_ClaimsResolutionCivilPenalties / fe_LossContingenciesByClaimsAxis = fe_RegulationOfWasteDisposalMember |
Bond closure and post closure period |
45 years |
Period of time to implement plan |
12 years |
Accrual for environmental loss contingencies |
125,000,000us-gaap_AccrualForEnvironmentalLossContingencies / fe_LossContingenciesByClaimsAxis = fe_RegulationOfWasteDisposalMember |
Environmental liabilities former gas facilities |
85,000,000fe_EnvironmentalLiabilitiesFormerGasFacilities / fe_LossContingenciesByClaimsAxis = fe_RegulationOfWasteDisposalMember |
Regulation of Waste Disposal | Subsequent Event |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Number of individuals behalf of which complaint filed |
26fe_NumberOfIndividualsBehalfOfWhichComplaintFiled / fe_LossContingenciesByClaimsAxis = fe_RegulationOfWasteDisposalMember / us-gaap_SubsequentEventTypeAxis = us-gaap_SubsequentEventMember |
Nuclear Plant Matters |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Nuclear plant decommissioning trusts |
2,300,000,000us-gaap_DecommissioningFundInvestments / fe_LossContingenciesByClaimsAxis = fe_NuclearPlantMattersMember |
Parental guarantee associated with the funding of decommissioning costs |
155,000,000fe_ParentalGuaranteeAssociatedWithFundingOfDecommissioningCosts / fe_LossContingenciesByClaimsAxis = fe_NuclearPlantMattersMember |
Additions to parental guarantee associated with funding of decommissioning costs |
23,000,000fe_ParentalGuaranteeAssociatedWithFundingOfDecommissioningCostsAdditions / fe_LossContingenciesByClaimsAxis = fe_NuclearPlantMattersMember |
Renewal length of operating license |
20 years |
Caa Compliance |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Loss in period |
133,000,000us-gaap_LossContingencyLossInPeriod / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_CaaComplianceMember |
National Ambient Air Quality Standards |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Capping of SO2 emissions (In Tons) |
2,500,000fe_CappingOfGasOneEmissions / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_NationalAmbientAirQualityStandardsMember |
Capping of NOx emissions (In Tons) |
1,300,000fe_CappingofGasTwoemissions / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_NationalAmbientAirQualityStandardsMember |
Capping of SO2 Emissions Under CSAPR |
2,400,000fe_CappingOfGasOneEmissionsUnderCrossStateAirPollutionRule / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_NationalAmbientAirQualityStandardsMember |
Capping of NOx emissions under CSAPR |
1,200,000fe_CappingOfGasTwoEmissionsUnderCrossStateAirPollutionRule / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_NationalAmbientAirQualityStandardsMember |
National Ambient Air Quality Standards | CAIR |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Number of phases under the EPA’s CAIR for reductions of Sulfur Dioxide and Mono-Nitrogen Oxides |
2fe_Phases / fe_LossContingenciesByClaimsAxis = fe_CairMember / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_NationalAmbientAirQualityStandardsMember |
National Ambient Air Quality Standards | CSAPR |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Period of delay in implementation of new regulation |
3 years |
Number of phases under the EPA’s CAIR for reductions of Sulfur Dioxide and Mono-Nitrogen Oxides |
2fe_Phases / fe_LossContingenciesByClaimsAxis = fe_CsaprMember / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_NationalAmbientAirQualityStandardsMember |
Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Potential cost of compliance, MATS |
370,000,000us-gaap_LossContingencyEstimateOfPossibleLoss / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_HazardousAirPollutantEmissionsMember |
Climate Change |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Reduction in air emissions and compliance |
25.00%fe_PercentageOfReductionInAirEmission / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_ClimateChangeMember |
Reduction in GHG emissions between 2005 and 2012 (percent) |
10.00%fe_ReductioninGreenHouseGasEmissionsBetweenTwoThousandFiveAndTwoThousandTwelvePercent / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_ClimateChangeMember |
Energy from renewable sources (percent) |
20.00%fe_ProposedRegulationEnergyfromRenewableSourcesPercent / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_ClimateChangeMember |
Proposed emissions standard, other natural gas fired units |
1,100fe_CommitmentProposedEmissionsStandardOtherNaturalGasFiredUnits / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_ClimateChangeMember |
Proposed emissions standard, fossil fuel fired units |
1,100fe_CommitmentProposedEmissionsStandardFossilFuelFiredUnits / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_ClimateChangeMember |
Proposed emissions standard, large natural gas fired units |
1,000fe_CommitmentProposedEmissionsStandardLargeNaturalGasFiredUnits / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_ClimateChangeMember |
Senior Secured Term Loan | Senior Loans |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Guarantor obligations, guarantee fee receivable, percentage, remainder of fiscal year |
4.00%fe_GuarantorObligationsGuaranteeFeeReceivablePercentageRemainderOfFiscalYear / us-gaap_DebtInstrumentAxis = fe_SeniorSecuredTermLoanMember / us-gaap_LongtermDebtTypeAxis = us-gaap_SeniorLoansMember |
Guarantor obligations, guarantee fee receivable, percentage, next twelve months |
5.00%fe_GuarantorObligationsGuaranteeFeeReceivablePercentagePeriodSubsequenttoReportDate / us-gaap_DebtInstrumentAxis = fe_SeniorSecuredTermLoanMember / us-gaap_LongtermDebtTypeAxis = us-gaap_SeniorLoansMember |
Competitive Energy Services | Caa Compliance |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Loss in period |
56,000,000us-gaap_LossContingencyLossInPeriod / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_CaaComplianceMember / us-gaap_StatementBusinessSegmentsAxis = fe_CompetitiveEnergyServicesMember |
Competitive Energy Services | Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Potential cost of compliance, MATS |
178,000,000us-gaap_LossContingencyEstimateOfPossibleLoss / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_HazardousAirPollutantEmissionsMember / us-gaap_StatementBusinessSegmentsAxis = fe_CompetitiveEnergyServicesMember |
Regulated Distribution |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Company posted collateral related to net liability positions |
1,000,000fe_CompanyPostedCollateralRelatedToNetLiabilityPositions / us-gaap_StatementBusinessSegmentsAxis = fe_RegulatedDistributionMember |
Regulated Distribution | Caa Compliance |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Loss in period |
77,000,000us-gaap_LossContingencyLossInPeriod / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_CaaComplianceMember / us-gaap_StatementBusinessSegmentsAxis = fe_RegulatedDistributionMember |
Regulated Distribution | Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Potential cost of compliance, MATS |
192,000,000us-gaap_LossContingencyEstimateOfPossibleLoss / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_HazardousAirPollutantEmissionsMember / us-gaap_StatementBusinessSegmentsAxis = fe_RegulatedDistributionMember |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Company posted collateral related to net liability positions |
175,000,000fe_CompanyPostedCollateralRelatedToNetLiabilityPositions / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FesMember |
Potential collateral posted related to net liability positions |
24,000,000fe_PotentialCollateralPostedRelatedToNetLiabilityPositions / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FesMember |
Repayments of senior secured term loan facility |
816,000,000us-gaap_RepaymentsOfLongTermDebt / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FesMember |
1,202,000,000us-gaap_RepaymentsOfLongTermDebt / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FesMember |
429,000,000us-gaap_RepaymentsOfLongTermDebt / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FesMember |
Nuclear plant decommissioning trusts |
1,365,000,000us-gaap_DecommissioningFundInvestments / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FesMember |
1,276,000,000us-gaap_DecommissioningFundInvestments / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FesMember |
1,276,000,000us-gaap_DecommissioningFundInvestments / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FesMember |
Global Holding |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Senior secured term loan facility, term |
3 years |
Global Holding | Senior Secured Term Loan | Senior Loans |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
New syndicated senior secured term loan facility |
350,000,000us-gaap_LongTermDebt / us-gaap_DebtInstrumentAxis = fe_SeniorSecuredTermLoanMember / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_GlobalHoldingMember / us-gaap_LongtermDebtTypeAxis = us-gaap_SeniorLoansMember |
Global Holding | Senior Secured Term Loan | Senior Loans | Signal Peak, Global Rail and Affiliates |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Investment ownership percentage |
69.99%fe_InvestmentOwnershipPercentagePledgedAsCollateral / fe_BusinessUnitsAxis = fe_SignalPeakGlobalRailAndAffiliatesMember / us-gaap_DebtInstrumentAxis = fe_SeniorSecuredTermLoanMember / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_GlobalHoldingMember / us-gaap_LongtermDebtTypeAxis = us-gaap_SeniorLoansMember |
Signal Peak and Global Rail |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Senior secured term loan facility, term |
2 years |
Signal Peak and Global Rail | Senior Secured Term Loan | Senior Loans |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Repayments of senior secured term loan facility |
350,000,000us-gaap_RepaymentsOfLongTermDebt / us-gaap_DebtInstrumentAxis = fe_SeniorSecuredTermLoanMember / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_SignalPeakAndGlobalRailMember / us-gaap_LongtermDebtTypeAxis = us-gaap_SeniorLoansMember |
FEV | Senior Secured Term Loan | Senior Loans | Signal Peak | Global Holding |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Investment ownership percentage |
33.33%fe_InvestmentOwnershipPercentagePledgedAsCollateral / fe_BusinessUnitsAxis = fe_SignalPeakMember / us-gaap_DebtInstrumentAxis = fe_SeniorSecuredTermLoanMember / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FevMember / us-gaap_LongtermDebtTypeAxis = us-gaap_SeniorLoansMember / us-gaap_ScheduleOfEquityMethodInvestmentEquityMethodInvesteeNameAxis = fe_GlobalHoldingMember |
WMB Marketing Ventures, LLC | Senior Secured Term Loan | Senior Loans | Signal Peak | Global Holding |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Investment ownership percentage |
33.33%fe_InvestmentOwnershipPercentagePledgedAsCollateral / fe_BusinessUnitsAxis = fe_SignalPeakMember / us-gaap_DebtInstrumentAxis = fe_SeniorSecuredTermLoanMember / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_WmbMarketingVenturesLlcMember / us-gaap_LongtermDebtTypeAxis = us-gaap_SeniorLoansMember / us-gaap_ScheduleOfEquityMethodInvestmentEquityMethodInvesteeNameAxis = fe_GlobalHoldingMember |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Repayments of senior secured term loan facility |
269,000,000us-gaap_RepaymentsOfLongTermDebt / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FgcoMember |
364,000,000us-gaap_RepaymentsOfLongTermDebt / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FgcoMember |
288,000,000us-gaap_RepaymentsOfLongTermDebt / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FgcoMember |
Nuclear plant decommissioning trusts |
0us-gaap_DecommissioningFundInvestments / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FgcoMember |
0us-gaap_DecommissioningFundInvestments / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FgcoMember |
0us-gaap_DecommissioningFundInvestments / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FgcoMember |
FGCO | Caa Compliance |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Number of complaints filed against FGCO |
3fe_PowerPlantsComplaints / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FgcoMember / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_CaaComplianceMember |
Number of complaints seek enjoin plant |
2fe_NumberOfComplaintsSeekEnjoinPlant / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FgcoMember / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_CaaComplianceMember |
FGCO | Caa Compliance | Claim One |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Number of complaints seek enjoin plant |
1fe_NumberOfComplaintsSeekEnjoinPlant / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FgcoMember / fe_LossContingenciesByClaimsAxis = fe_ClaimOneMember / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_CaaComplianceMember |
Number of individuals behalf of which complaint filed |
21fe_NumberOfIndividualsBehalfOfWhichComplaintFiled / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FgcoMember / fe_LossContingenciesByClaimsAxis = fe_ClaimOneMember / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_CaaComplianceMember |
FGCO | Caa Compliance | Claim Two |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Number of named plaintiffs as class representatives |
8fe_NumberOfNamedPlaintiffsAsClassRepresentatives / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_FgcoMember / fe_LossContingenciesByClaimsAxis = fe_ClaimTwoMember / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_CaaComplianceMember |
AE Supply and MP | ICG Litigation |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Verdict in favor |
104,000,000fe_VerdictInFavor / us-gaap_GainContingenciesByNatureAxis = fe_IcgLitigationMember / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_AeSupplyAndMpMember |
Amount for which verdict entered for future damages |
90,000,000fe_AmountForWhichVerdictEnteredForFutureDamages / us-gaap_GainContingenciesByNatureAxis = fe_IcgLitigationMember / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_AeSupplyAndMpMember |
Amount for replacement coal and interest |
14,000,000fe_AmountForReplacementCoalAndInterest / us-gaap_GainContingenciesByNatureAxis = fe_IcgLitigationMember / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_AeSupplyAndMpMember |
Gain contingency, unrecorded amount |
14,000,000us-gaap_GainContingencyUnrecordedAmount / us-gaap_GainContingenciesByNatureAxis = fe_IcgLitigationMember / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_AeSupplyAndMpMember |
Value of damages denied |
90,000,000fe_GainContingencyDamagesDeniedValue / us-gaap_GainContingenciesByNatureAxis = fe_IcgLitigationMember / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_AeSupplyAndMpMember |
AE Supply and MP | ICG Litigation | Subsequent Event |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Amount for which verdict entered for future damages |
11,300,000fe_AmountForWhichVerdictEnteredForFutureDamages / us-gaap_GainContingenciesByNatureAxis = fe_IcgLitigationMember / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_AeSupplyAndMpMember / us-gaap_SubsequentEventTypeAxis = us-gaap_SubsequentEventMember |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Nuclear incidence liability per incident of parent and subsidiary companys based on their present nuclear ownership and leasehold interests |
501,000,000fe_NuclearIncidenceLiabilityPerIncidentOfParentAndSubsidiaryCompanysBasedOnTheirPresentNuclearOwnershipAndLeaseholdInterests / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_NgcMember |
Nuclear incident liability not more than in any one year per incident of parent and subsidiary companies based on their present nuclear ownership and leasehold interests |
75,000,000fe_NuclearIncidentLiabilityNotMoreThanInAnyOneYearPerIncidentOfParentAndSubsidiaryCompaniesBasedOnTheirPresentNuclearOwnershipAndLeaseholdInterests / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_NgcMember |
Aggregate indemnity |
1,930,000,000fe_NuclearInsurancePolicyAggregateIndemnity / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_NgcMember |
Maximum aggregate assessments for incidents at any covered nuclear facility |
13,000,000fe_NuclearInsurancePolicyMaximumAggregateAssessmentsForIncidentsAtAnyCoveredNuclearFacility / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_NgcMember |
Retrospective assessments liabilities |
72,000,000fe_RetrospectiveAssessmentsLiabilities / dei_LegalEntityAxis = fe_NgcMember |
Parental Guarantees |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Outstanding guarantees and other assurances aggregated |
712,000,000us-gaap_GuaranteeObligationsCurrentCarryingValue / fe_OutstandingGuaranteesAxis = us-gaap_ParentCompanyMember |
Subsidiaries' Guarantees |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Outstanding guarantees and other assurances aggregated |
2,338,000,000us-gaap_GuaranteeObligationsCurrentCarryingValue / fe_OutstandingGuaranteesAxis = us-gaap_SubsidiariesMember |
Other Guarantees |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Outstanding guarantees and other assurances aggregated |
649,000,000us-gaap_GuaranteeObligationsCurrentCarryingValue / fe_OutstandingGuaranteesAxis = us-gaap_GuaranteeTypeOtherMember |
Minimum | Clean Water Act |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Maximum capital investment required to install technology to meet TDS and Sulfate limits |
150,000,000fe_CapitalInvestmentRequiredToInstallTechnologyToMeetTdsAndSulfateLimits / fe_LossContingenciesByClaimsAxis = fe_CleanWaterActMember / us-gaap_RangeAxis = us-gaap_MinimumMember |
Minimum | Climate Change |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Reduction in emissions (percent) |
26.00%fe_ProposedRegulationReductioninEmissionsPercent / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_ClimateChangeMember / us-gaap_RangeAxis = us-gaap_MinimumMember |
Minimum | State and Local Agencies | Caa Compliance |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Potential MATS extension period |
1 year |
Maximum | Clean Water Act |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Maximum capital investment required to install technology to meet TDS and Sulfate limits |
300,000,000fe_CapitalInvestmentRequiredToInstallTechnologyToMeetTdsAndSulfateLimits / fe_LossContingenciesByClaimsAxis = fe_CleanWaterActMember / us-gaap_RangeAxis = us-gaap_MaximumMember |
Maximum | Climate Change |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Reduction in emissions (percent) |
28.00%fe_ProposedRegulationReductioninEmissionsPercent / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_ClimateChangeMember / us-gaap_RangeAxis = us-gaap_MaximumMember |
Maximum | State and Local Agencies | Caa Compliance |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Potential MATS extension period |
2 years |
Transportation Commitment | Caa Compliance |
Guarantor Obligations [Line Items] |
Potential cost of compliance, MATS |
70,000,000us-gaap_LossContingencyEstimateOfPossibleLoss / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_CaaComplianceMember / us-gaap_SupplyCommitmentAxis = fe_TransportationCommitmentMember |
Settlement agreement, consideration |
$ 67,000,000us-gaap_LitigationSettlementAmount / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_CaaComplianceMember / us-gaap_SupplyCommitmentAxis = fe_TransportationCommitmentMember |
Mass remaining under contract |
6,000,000fe_LossContingencyMassRemainingUnderContract / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_CaaComplianceMember / us-gaap_SupplyCommitmentAxis = fe_TransportationCommitmentMember |
Number of agreements |
1us-gaap_LossContingencyClaimsSettledNumber / us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis = fe_CaaComplianceMember / us-gaap_SupplyCommitmentAxis = fe_TransportationCommitmentMember |