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Basis of Presentation and Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
3 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2013
Interim Financial Data

Interim Financial Data

The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“GAAP”) for interim financial information and with the instructions to Form 10-Q and Article 10 of Regulation S-X. Accordingly, they do not include all of the information and notes required by GAAP for complete financial statements. In the opinion of management, all adjustments (consisting only of adjustments of a normal and recurring nature) considered necessary for fair presentation of the results of operations have been included. Operating results for the three month period ended December 31, 2013 are not necessarily indicative of the results that might be expected for the year ending September 30, 2014.

The condensed consolidated balance sheet at September 30, 2013 has been derived from audited financial statements at that date, but does not include all of the information and disclosures required by GAAP. For a more complete discussion of accounting policies and certain other information, refer to the Company’s annual report filed on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2013.

Principles of Consolidation

Principles of Consolidation

The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Sonic Foundry Media Systems, Inc. and MediaMission B.V. All significant intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated.

Under the equity method of accounting, the Company’s investment in unconsolidated affiliates are initially recorded as an investment in the stock of an investee at cost and are adjusted on a quarterly basis for the carrying amount of the investment to recognize the investor’s share of changes in the net assets of the investee after the date of the initial investment.

Revenue Recognition

Revenue Recognition


Revenue is recognized when persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists, delivery occurs or services are rendered, the sales price is fixed or determinable and collectability is reasonably assured. Revenue is deferred when undelivered products or services are essential to the functionality of delivered products, customer acceptance is uncertain, significant obligations remain, or the fair value of undelivered elements is unknown. The Company does not offer customers the right to return product, other than for exchange or repair pursuant to a warranty or stock rotation. The Company’s policy is to reduce revenue if it incurs an obligation for price rebates or other such programs during the period the obligation is reasonably estimated to occur. The following policies apply to the Company’s major categories of revenue transactions.


Products are considered delivered, and revenue is recognized, when title and risk of loss have been transferred to the customer. Under the terms and conditions of the sale, this occurs at the time of shipment to the customer. Product revenue currently represents sales of our Mediasite recorder and Mediasite related products such as our server software and other software licenses. If a license is time-based, the revenue is recognized over the term of the license agreement.


The Company sells support and content hosting contracts to our customers, typically one year in length, and records the related revenue ratably over the contractual period. Our support contracts cover phone and electronic technical support availability over and above the level provided by our distributors, software upgrades on a when and if available basis, advance hardware replacement and an extension of the standard hardware warranty from 90 days to one year. The manufacturers the Company contracts with to build the units provide a limited one-year warranty on the hardware. The Company also sells installation, training, event webcasting, and customer content hosting services. Revenue for those services is recognized when performed in the case of installation, training and event webcasting services. Service amounts invoiced to customers in excess of revenue recognized are recorded as deferred revenue until the revenue recognition criteria are met.


Revenue Arrangements that Include Multiple Elements

Sales of software, with or without installation, training, and post customer support fall within the scope of the software revenue recognition rules. Under the software revenue recognition rules, the fee from a multiple-deliverable arrangement is allocated to each of the undelivered elements based upon vendor-specific objective evidence (VSOE), which is limited to the price charged when the same deliverable is sold separately, with the residual value from the arrangement allocated to the delivered element. The portion of the fee that is allocated to each deliverable is then recognized as revenue when the criteria for revenue recognition are met with respect to that deliverable. If VSOE does not exist for all of the undelivered elements, then all revenue from the arrangement is typically deferred until all elements have been delivered to the customer. All revenue arrangements, with the exception of hosting contracts, entered into prior to October 1, 2010 and the sale of all software-only products and associated services have been accounted for under this guidance.

In the case of the Company’s hardware products with embedded software, the Company has determined that the hardware and software components function together to deliver the product’s essential functionality, and therefore, the revenue from the sale of these products is accounted for under the revenue recognition rules for tangible products whereby the fee from a multiple-deliverable arrangement is allocated to each of the deliverables based upon their relative selling prices as determined by a selling-price hierarchy. A deliverable in an arrangement qualifies as a separate unit of accounting if the delivered item has value to the customer on a stand-alone basis. A delivered item that does not qualify as a separate unit of accounting is combined with the other undelivered items in the arrangement and revenue is recognized for those combined deliverables as a single unit of accounting. The selling price used for each deliverable is based upon VSOE if available, third-party evidence (TPE) if VSOE is not available, and best estimate of selling price (ESP) if neither VSOE nor TPE are available. TPE is the price of the Company’s or any competitor’s largely interchangeable products or services in stand-alone sales to similarly situated customers. ESP is the price at which the Company would sell the deliverable if it were sold regularly on a stand-alone basis, considering market conditions and entity-specific factors. All revenue arrangements negotiated after September 30, 2010, excluding the sale of all software-only products and associated services, have been accounted for under this guidance.

The selling prices used in the relative selling price allocation method are as follows: (1) the Company’s products and services are based upon VSOE and (2) hardware products with embedded software, for which VSOE does not exist, are based upon ESP. The Company does not believe TPE exists for any of these products and services because they are differentiated from competing products and services in terms of functionality and performance and there are no competing products or services that are largely interchangeable. Management establishes ESP for hardware products with embedded software using a cost plus margin approach with consideration for market conditions, such as the impact of competition and geographic considerations, and entity-specific factors, such as the cost of the product and the Company’s profit objectives. Management believes that ESP is reflective of reasonable pricing of that deliverable as if priced on a stand-alone basis. When a sales transaction includes deliverables that are divided between ASC Topic 605 and ASC Subtopic 985-605, the Company allocates the selling price using the relative selling price method whereas value is allocated using an ESP for software developed using a percent of list price approach. The other deliverables are valued using ESP or VSOE as previously discussed.

While the pricing model, currently in use, captures all critical variables, unforeseen changes due to external market forces may result in a revision of the inputs. These modifications may result in the consideration allocation differing from the one presently in use. Absent a significant change in the pricing inputs or the way in which the industry structures its transactions, future changes in the pricing model are not expected to materially affect our allocation of arrangement consideration.

Management has established VSOE for hosting services. Billings for hosting are spread ratably over the term of the hosting agreement, with the typical hosting agreement having a term of 12 months, with renewal on an annual basis. The Company sells most hosting contracts without the inclusion of products. When the hosting arrangement is sold in conjunction with product, the product revenue is recognized immediately while the remaining hosting revenue is spread ratably over the term of the hosting agreement. The selling price is allocated between these elements using the relative selling price method. The Company uses ESP for development of the selling price for hardware products with embedded software.


The Company also offers hosting services bundled with events services. The Company uses VSOE to establish relative selling prices for its events services. The Company recognizes events revenue when the event takes place and recognizes the hosting revenue over the term of the hosting agreement. The total amount of the arrangement is allocated to each element based on the relative selling price method.


The Company reserves for stock rotations, price adjustments, rebates, and sales incentives to reduce revenue and accounts receivable for these and other credits granted to customers. Such reserves are recorded at the time of sale and are calculated based on historical information (such as rates of product stock rotations) and the specific terms of sales programs, taking into account any other known information about likely customer behavior. If actual customer behavior differs from our expectations, additional reserves may be required. Also, if the Company determines that it can no longer accurately estimate amounts for stock rotations and sales incentives, the Company would not be able to recognize revenue until resellers sell the inventory to the final end user.

Shipping and Handling

The Company’s shipping and handling costs billed to customers are included in other revenue. Costs related to shipping and handling are included in cost of revenue and are recorded at the time of shipment to the customer.

Concentration of Credit Risk and Other Risks and Uncertainties

Concentration of Credit Risk and Other Risks and Uncertainties

The Company’s cash and cash equivalents are deposited with two major financial institutions. At times, deposits in these institutions exceed the amount of insurance provided on such deposits. The Company has not experienced any losses on such amounts and believes that it is not exposed to any significant credit risk on these balances.

We assess the realization of our receivables by performing ongoing credit evaluations of our customers’ financial condition. Through these evaluations, we may become aware of a situation where a customer may not be able to meet its financial obligations due to deterioration of its financial viability, credit ratings or bankruptcy. Our reserve requirements are based on the best facts available to us and are reevaluated and adjusted as additional information is received. Our reserves are also based on amounts determined by using percentages applied to certain aged receivable categories. These percentages are determined by a variety of factors including, but not limited to, current economic trends, historical payment and bad debt write-off experience. Allowance for doubtful accounts for accounts receivable was $90,000 at December 31, 2013 and at September 30, 2013.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and Cash Equivalents

The Company considers all highly liquid investments purchased with an original maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

Inventory Valuation

Inventory Valuation

Inventory consists of raw materials and supplies used in the assembly of Mediasite recorders and finished units. Inventory of completed units and spare parts are carried at the lower of cost or market, with cost determined on a first-in, first-out basis. Inventory consists of the following (in thousands):


     December 31,
     September 30,

Raw materials and supplies

   $ 458       $ 516   

Finished goods

     1,095         931   






   $ 1,554       $ 1,447   






Capitalized Software Development Costs

Capitalized Software Development Costs

Software development costs incurred in conjunction with product development are charged to research and development expense until technological feasibility is established. Thereafter, until the product is released for sale, software development costs are capitalized and reported at the net realizable value of the related product. Typically the period between achieving technological feasibility of the Company’s products and the general availability of the products has been short. Consequently, software development costs qualifying for capitalization are typically immaterial and are generally expensed to research and development costs. During 2013, the Company’s My Mediasite product release required software capitalization since there was a longer period between technological feasibility and the general availability of the product. Upon product release, the amortization of software development costs is determined annually as the greater of the amount computed using the ratio of current gross revenues for the products to their total of current and anticipated future gross revenues or the straight-line method over the estimated economic life of the products, expected to be three years. Amortization expense of software development costs of $44 thousand for the three months ending December 31, 2013 is included in Cost of Revenue – Product. There was no amortization expense of software development costs in the three months ending December 31, 2012. The gross amount of capitalized external and internal development costs is $533 at December 31, 2013 and at September 30, 2013.

Valuation of Assets and Liabilities in Business Combinations

Valuation of Assets and Liabilities in Business Combinations

The assets acquired and the liabilities assumed in a business combination shall be measured at fair value. Fair value is based on the definition in ASC 820-10-20 as the price that would be received from the sale of an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants. Variations of the cost, market and income approaches are used to measure the fair value of components of working capital (e.g. accounts receivable, inventory and accounts payable) and tangible assets, such as property plant and equipment. When measuring the fair value of acquired intangible assets, the income, market and cost approaches are generally considered. Financial assets and liabilities are valued based on a quoted price in an active market. In the absence of a quoted market price a valuation technique is used to determine fair value, such as a market approach or an income approach. Non-financial liabilities may be valued based on a transfer approach. These measures require significant judgment including estimates of expected cash flow, or discount rates among others

Equity in Earnings from Investment in Mediasite KK

Equity in earnings from investment in Mediasite KK

The Company’s investment in Mediasite KK is accounted for under the equity method of accounting using a one quarter timing lag. At December 31, 2013, the Company’s ownership percentage was approximately 26% of their common stock. The Company recorded equity in earnings of $23 thousand and $78 thousand for the three month periods ending December 31, 2013 and 2012, respectively. The recorded value of this investment is $408 thousand as of December 31, 2013 and $385 thousand as of September 30, 2013. The results of operations for Mediasite KK, translated into US dollars based on the average conversion rate during the period, for their three month periods ended September 30, 2013 and 2012 are listed in the table below (in thousands).


     Three Months ended
September 30, 2013
     Three Months ended
September 30, 2012


   $ 1,794       $ 2,182   

Gross margin

     1,094         1,625   

Income from operations

     261         504   

Net income

     159         307   
Legal Contingencies

Legal Contingencies

When legal proceedings are brought or claims are made against the Company and the outcome is uncertain, we are required to determine whether it is probable that an asset has been impaired or a liability has been incurred. If such impairment or liability is probable and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated, the loss must be charged to earnings. No material charges for legal contingencies have been recorded for the three month periods ended December 31, 2013 and 2012.

When it is considered probable that a loss has been incurred, but the amount of loss cannot be estimated, disclosure but not accrual of the probable loss is required. Disclosure of a loss contingency is also required when it is reasonably possible, but not probable, that a loss has been incurred and there is a possibility the loss could be material.

Stock-Based Compensation

Stock Based Compensation

The Company uses a lattice valuation model to account for all employee stock options granted. The lattice valuation model is a more flexible analysis to value options because of its ability to incorporate inputs that change over time, such as actual exercise behavior of option holders. The Company uses historical data to estimate the option exercise and employee departure behavior in the lattice valuation model. Expected volatility is based on historical volatility of the Company’s stock. The Company considers all employees to have similar exercise behavior and therefore has not identified separate homogenous groups for valuation. The expected term of options granted is derived from the output of the option pricing model and represents the period of time that options granted are expected to be outstanding. The risk-free rate for periods the options are expected to be outstanding is based on the U.S. Treasury yields in effect at the time of grant. Forfeitures are based on actual behavior patterns.

The fair value of each option grant is estimated using the assumptions in the following table:


     Three months ended
December 31,
     2013     2012  

Expected life

     4.8 years        4.8 years   

Risk-free interest rate

     0.60     0.37

Expected volatility

     47.15     49.34

Expected forfeiture rate

     12.19     12.32

Expected exercise factor

     1.39        1.36   

Expected dividend yield

     0     0


A summary of option activity as of December 31, 2013 and changes during the three months then ended is presented below:


     Options     Weighted-
Exercise Price
Period in

Outstanding at October 1, 2013

     997,045      $ 10.54         6.7   


     249,900        9.91         9.8   


     (4,824     7.24         6.2   


     (6,133     13.41         6.4   




Outstanding at December 31, 2013

     1,235,988        10.41         7.1   

Exercisable at December 31, 2013

     708,101        11.51         5.5   

A summary of the status of the Company’s non-vested shares and changes during the three month period ended December 31, 2013 is presented below:



Non-vested Shares

   Shares     Weighted-Average
Grant Date Fair

Non-vested at October 1, 2013

     430,605      $ 3.28   


     249,900        3.38   


     (149,983     3.52   


     (2,635     3.72   







Non-vested at December 31, 2013

     527,887      $ 3.26   







The weighted average grant date fair value of options granted during the three months ended December 31, 2013 was $3.38. As of December 31, 2013, there was $998 thousand of total unrecognized compensation cost related to non-vested stock-based compensation, including $222 thousand of estimated forfeitures. The cost is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average remaining life of 2.5 years.

Stock-based compensation recorded in the three month period ended December 31, 2013 of $279 thousand was allocated $184 thousand to selling and marketing expenses, $17 thousand to general and administrative expenses, and $78 thousand to product development expenses. Stock-based compensation recorded in the three month period ended December 31, 2012 of $182 thousand was allocated $118 thousand to selling and marketing expenses, $9 thousand to general and administrative expenses, and $55 thousand to product development expenses. Cash received from exercises under all stock option plans for the three month periods ended December 31, 2013 and 2012 was $35 thousand and $28 thousand, respectively. There were no tax benefits realized for tax deductions from option exercises in either of the three month periods ended December 31, 2013 or 2012. The Company currently expects to satisfy share-based awards with registered shares available to be issued.

The Company also has an Employee Stock Purchase Plan (Purchase Plan) under which an aggregate of 100,000 common shares may be issued. The Shareholders approved an amendment to increase the number of shares of common stock subject to the plan from 50,000 to 100,000 at the Company’s annual meeting in March 2011. All employees who have completed 90 days of employment with the Company on the first day of each offering period and customarily work twenty hours per week or more are eligible to participate in the Purchase Plan. An employee who, after the grant of an option to purchase, would hold common stock and/or hold outstanding options to purchase stock possessing 5% or more of the total combined voting power or value of the Company will not be eligible to participate. Eligible employees may make contributions through payroll deductions of up to 10% of their compensation. No participant in the Purchase Plan is permitted to purchase common stock under the Purchase Plan if such option would permit his or her rights to purchase stock under the Purchase Plan to accrue at a rate that exceeds $25,000 of the fair market value of such shares, or that exceeds 1,000 shares, for each calendar year. The Company makes a bi-annual offering to eligible employees of options to purchase shares of common stock under the Purchase Plan on the first trading day of January and July. Each offering period is for a period of six months from the date of the offering, and each eligible employee as of the date of offering is entitled to purchase shares of common stock at a purchase price equal to the lower of 85% of the fair market value of common stock on the first or last trading day of the offering period. A total of 10,600 shares are available to be issued under the plan. There were 3,746 shares purchased by employees for the six month offering ended December 31, 2013 which were issued in January 2014. The Company recorded stock compensation expense under this plan of $3 thousand during each of the three month periods ended December 31, 2013 and 2012.

Per Share Computation

Per share computation

Basic earnings (loss) per share has been computed using the weighted-average number of shares of common stock outstanding during the period, less shares that may be repurchased, and excludes any dilutive effects of options and warrants. In periods where the Company reports net income, diluted net income per share is computed using common equivalent shares related to outstanding options and warrants to purchase common stock. The numerator for the calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share is net income (loss). The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted weighted average shares used in the earnings per share calculations:


     Three Months Ended
December 31,
     2013      2012  

Denominator for basic earnings per share - weighted average common shares

     3,995,321         3,897,880   

Effect of dilutive options (treasury method)

     —           —     







Denominator for diluted earnings per share - adjusted weighted average common shares

     3,995,321         3,897,880   







Options outstanding during each period, but not included in the computation of diluted earnings per share because they are antidilutive

     1,235,988         1,051,911   
New Accounting Pronouncements

New Accounting Pronouncements

Accounting standards that have been issued by the FASB or other standards-setting bodies that do not require adoption until a future date are not expected to have a material impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements upon adoption.