<SEC-DOCUMENT>0001144204-13-056571.txt : 20131024
<SEC-HEADER>0001144204-13-056571.hdr.sgml : 20131024
ACCESSION NUMBER:		0001144204-13-056571
FILED AS OF DATE:		20131024
DATE AS OF CHANGE:		20131024


		CENTRAL INDEX KEY:			0001023549
		IRS NUMBER:				000000000

		SEC ACT:		1934 Act
		SEC FILE NUMBER:	001-36000
		FILM NUMBER:		131166748

		ZIP:			10016
		BUSINESS PHONE:		972 9 955 7080

		STATE:			L3
		ZIP:			46140
<BODY STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif">

<P STYLE="margin: 0; border-bottom: Black 2pt double">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="margin: 0">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center"><B>UNITED STATES</B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center"><B>SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION</B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center"><B>Washington, D.C. 20549</B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center"><B>Form 6-K</B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center"><B>&nbsp;</B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center"><B>Report of Foreign Private Issuer</B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center"><B>&nbsp;</B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center"><B>Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16</B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center"><B>of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934</B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center">For the month of October, 2013</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center">Commission File Number: <B>000-51310</B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center"><U>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<B>XTL Biopharmaceuticals Ltd.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</B></U></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center">(Translation of registrant&rsquo;s name
into English)</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center"><B>85 Medinat Hayehudim St., Herzliya </B><BR>
<B>Pituach, PO Box 4033,</B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center"><B>_<U>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Herzliya 4614001, Israel&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</U></B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; text-align: center">(Address of principal
executive offices)</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: center">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0">Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will
file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: center">Form 20-F&nbsp;<FONT STYLE="font-family: Wingdings">&#120;</FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Form 40-F&nbsp;<FONT STYLE="font-family: Wingdings">&#168;</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: center">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0">Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form
6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1): <FONT STYLE="font-family: Wingdings">&#168;</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0">Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form
6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7): <FONT STYLE="font-family: Wingdings">&#168;</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0">Indicate by check mark whether by furnishing the information
contained in this Form, the registrant is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b)
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: center">Yes&nbsp;<FONT STYLE="font-family: Wingdings">&#168;</FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No&nbsp;<FONT STYLE="font-family: Wingdings">&#120;</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: center">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0">If &ldquo;Yes&rdquo; is marked, indicate below the file number
assigned to the registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): 82-<U> N/A </U></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: center">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: center"></P>

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<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: center">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0"><B>Incorporation by Reference: This Form 6-K of XTL Biopharmaceuticals
Ltd. dated October 24, 2013 is hereby incorporated by reference into the registration statements on Form S-8 (File No. 333-148085,
File No. 333-148754 and File No. 333-154795) filed by XTL Biopharmaceuticals Ltd. with the Securities and Exchange Commission on
December 14, 2007, January 18, 2008, and October 28, 2008, respectively.</B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify; text-indent: 0.5in">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify; background-color: white"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white">Below&nbsp;is
an English translation (from Hebrew) of an immediate report by XTL Biopharmaceuticals Ltd. as published on the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange
Ltd. according to the Israeli Security Regulations.</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0"><B>&nbsp;</B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: center"><B><U>Re: Change in Affiliate Holdings</U></B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: center">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white"><B>Name
of Affiliate:</B> Alexander Rabinovitch</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white"><B>Date
of change:</B> October 23, 2013</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white"><B>Quoted
price:</B> 0.933 New Israeli Shekels</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white"><B>Balance
(quantity) previously reported:</B> 41,180,634</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white"><B>Previous
holding in Company shares:</B> 17.70%</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white"><B>Change
(quantity) in shares:</B> -10,211</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white"><B>Current
balance (quantity):</B> 41,170,423</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white"><B>Current
holding in Company shares:</B> 17.69%</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white"><B>Holding
in Company shares after change:</B> Equity: 17.69%; Voting power: 18.22%</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white"><B>Fully
diluted holding in Company shares after change:</B> Equity: 16.11%; Voting power: 16.54%</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white"><B>Date
and time in which the Company was informed of event:</B> October 23, 2013 18:00 (GMT +2)</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white"><B>Additional information:</B>
22,169,536 ordinary shares of the Company are held by Green Forest Holdings Ltd., a company that, to the best of the Company's
knowledge, is wholly owned by Alexander and Sagit Rabinovich in equal parts.</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0"></P>

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<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify"><B>About XTL Biopharmaceuticals Ltd. (&ldquo;XTL&rdquo;)</B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify; background-color: white"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white">XTL
Biopharmaceuticals Ltd., a biopharmaceutical company, focuses on the acquisition, development, and commercialization of pharmaceutical
products for the treatment of clinical unmet needs. XTL is focused on late stage clinical development of drugs for the treatment
of multiple myeloma, schizophrenia, and hepatitis C. </FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify; background-color: white"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white">&nbsp;</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify; background-color: white"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white">XTL&rsquo;s
lead drug candidate, rHuEPO, for the treatment of multiple myeloma blood cancer, was granted an orphan drug designation from the
FDA. rHuEPO has been approved for marketing by the FDA and has for many years been sold for billions of dollars across the world
for the treatment of severe anemia. </FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify; background-color: white"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white">&nbsp;</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify; background-color: white"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white">XTL
controls InterCure Ltd. (TASE: INCR), a company which has disrupted the $42 billion hypertension industry with the world's first
FDA-cleared, OTC blood pressure treatment device, RESPeRATE&reg; (www.resperate.com).</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify; background-color: white"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white">&nbsp;</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify; background-color: white"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white">XTL
is a public company traded on the Nasdaq Capital Market (NASDAQ: XTLB) and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE: XTL). XTL shares
are included in the following indices: Tel-Aviv MidCap-50, Tel-Aviv Biomed, Tel-Aviv MidCap, and Tel-Aviv Bluetech-50. <FONT STYLE="font-size: 10pt">
</FONT> </FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify; background-color: white"><FONT STYLE="background-color: white">&nbsp;</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify">Contact:</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify">Investor Relations, XTL Biopharmaceuticals

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify">Tel: +972 9 955 7080, Email: <FONT STYLE="color: black">ir@xtlbio.com</FONT>,
<FONT STYLE="color: black">www.xtlbio.com</FONT></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify"><B>&nbsp;</B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify"><B>Cautionary Statement</B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify">Some of the statements included in this
Form 6-K may be forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. For those statements, we claim the
protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0"></P>

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<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: center"><B>SIGNATURES</B></P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify; text-indent: 0.5in">Pursuant to the requirements
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0; text-align: justify">&nbsp;</P>

<TABLE CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" STYLE="width: 100%; font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; border-collapse: collapse">
<TR STYLE="vertical-align: top">
    <TD STYLE="padding: 0; text-indent: 0">&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD COLSPAN="2" STYLE="padding: 0; text-indent: 0"><B>XTL BIOPHARMACEUTICALS LTD.</B></TD></TR>
<TR STYLE="vertical-align: top">
    <TD STYLE="width: 50%; padding: 0; text-align: justify; text-indent: 0">&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD STYLE="width: 3%; padding: 0; text-align: justify; text-indent: 0">&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD STYLE="width: 47%; padding: 0; text-align: justify; text-indent: 0">&nbsp;</TD></TR>
<TR STYLE="vertical-align: top">
    <TD STYLE="padding: 0; text-align: justify; text-indent: 0">&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD STYLE="padding: 0; text-align: justify; text-indent: 0">&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD STYLE="padding: 0; text-align: justify; text-indent: 0">&nbsp;</TD></TR>
<TR STYLE="vertical-align: top">
    <TD STYLE="padding: 0; text-align: justify; text-indent: 0">Date: October 24, 2013</TD>
    <TD STYLE="padding: 0; text-align: justify; text-indent: 0">By:</TD>
    <TD STYLE="padding: 0; text-align: justify; text-indent: 0; border-bottom: Black 1pt solid">/s/ Josh Levine</TD></TR>
<TR STYLE="vertical-align: top">
    <TD STYLE="padding: 0; text-indent: 0">&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD STYLE="padding: 0; text-indent: 0">&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD STYLE="padding: 0; text-indent: 0">Josh Levine</TD></TR>
<TR STYLE="vertical-align: top">
    <TD STYLE="padding: 0; text-indent: 0">&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD STYLE="padding: 0; text-indent: 0">&nbsp;</TD>
    <TD STYLE="padding: 0; text-indent: 0">Chief Executive Officer</TD></TR>
<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0">&nbsp;</P>

<P STYLE="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0"></P>

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