I am pleased to report an improvement in a number of key performance indicators:
gold production improved by another 8%, quarter-on-quarter. Compared to the March quarter (30 126oz) the positive swing was 23% or 6 879oz;
net cash inflow from operations rose to R86.6 million. This enabled us to pay down R73.3 million in debt that was due in July, and maintain a cash balance of R204 million; and
total all-inclusive cash expenditure for the quarter – including all operational and corporate cash costs and capital expenditure, excluding repayments of borrowings – reduced to R415 659/kg from R430 243/kg for an all-in cash margin of 6.7%.
The carbon adsorption inefficiencies and throughput issues that plagued the initial start-up of the flotation and fine-grind circuit (FFG) did not manifest this time round, and inventory build-up in the FFG impacted gold output exactly as anticipated.
We track five important indicators in the FFG test-work:
the efficiency of the float circuit, targeting a mass pull of 3.5% to 4% of throughput and containing at least 40% of the gold contained in the feed. This target was achieved early on in test work and is being maintained;
the efficiency of the mills, targeting a reduction in size of the mill feed to between 20 and 22 microns, while not exceeding a certain grinding media consumption rate. Although the grind is within specification, the media consumption rate is still higher than we are targeting and we intend to run a number of further tests in this regard;
leach and carbon adsorption efficiency. Our carbon efficiencies are trending very favourably and dissolved losses are within specification. We do believe that the combined leach and carbon efficiency will benefit from a different leach and adsorption configuration. We will test this assumption during October and if this turns out to be correct, a minor engineering adjustment will be made to bring about the re-configuration;
the effect of the FFG on the down-stream low grade CIL circuit. An initial concern was that the reagents used in the float cells could impact carbon adsorption efficiencies downstream. We have not, as yet, seen any adverse effects and are closely monitoring this to keep the low grade CIL in steady state; and
washed residue value trends. Ultimately the purpose of the FFG
is to free up more of the gold that previously remained stuck in solids. The washed residues value, which is the assay value of solids leaving the plant, is the ultimate test that the mills are doing their job. Our target is to drop the washed residue grade by 0.03g of gold per tonne. While it is still early days and we have not as yet obtained an adequate number of consistent samples to declare success, early trends are promising and increasingly consistent with the outcomes that the float and grind efficiencies suggest we ought to expect.
Q1 2015 VS Q4 2014
Operational review
Gold production rose by 8% quarter on quarter to 37 005oz, benefiting from a 12% increase in the average yield to 0.194g/t that offset a small reduction in volume throughput.
Gold sold was 17% higher at 38 291oz, a consequence of the sale during the September quarter of 1 286oz of gold produced in the June quarter.
Cash operating costs were 1% lower at R375 044/kg mainly due to higher gold production, notwithstanding an increase in the local authority’s power tariff from 1 July and annual wage increments.
All-in sustaining costs were 26% higher at R427 631/kg. This increase is due mainly to the impact of a favourable R94.7 million decrease in environmental costs, credited to the statement of profit and loss in the previous quarter. This is explained in greater detail in note 7, below.
Total all-inclusive cash expenditure for the quarter, including all operational and corporate cash costs and capital expenditure, excluding only the R73.3 million loan note repayment in July, was R478.4 million. This translates into all-inclusive cash expenditure of R415 659/kg of gold produced, down from R430 234/kg in the previous quarter.
We consider this to be an important measure to enable us to track all in break-even costs and the net cash flows of the business.
Capital expenditure was 18% lower at R16.6 million, reflecting both completion of all major projects and specific planning to reduce capital expenditure during the winter months.
Financial review
Revenue increased by 18% to R528.5 million due to the increases in gold production and gold sold, and a 1% rise in the average rand gold price received to R443 760/kg.
Average volume for the quarter per day ('000)
% of issued stock traded (annualised)
Price • High
R 4.03
• Low
R 2.52
• Close
R 3.84
* This data represents per share data and not ADS data – one ADS reflects 10
ordinary shares.
As at 30 September 2014
1 479.9
As at 30 September 2014
As at 30 June 2014
1 175.4
As at 30 June 2014