Impairments of R238.0 million, which were unrelated to our Ergo operation, were recorded during FY2013. A large portion of the impairment,
R101.3 million, was due to a reclassification of the fair value adjustment already recognised on our investment in Village Main Reef Limited (“VMR”)
from other comprehensive income to profit or loss. The investment in VMR is classified as an available for sale investment under IFRS. In addition to this
impairment, we recorded an impairment of R50.1 million against our Zimbabwe exploration assets, R40.0 million against our decommissioned Crown
tailings complex, R21.0 million against the Cason underground assets and R25.6 million relating to our rehabilitation trust fund for the old DRDGOLD
mining lease area which had been sold.
DRDGOLD’s total attributable mineral reserves and resources in FY2013 were both marginally lower at 1.7Moz and 37.3 Moz respectively.
The FY2013 reserve and resource information was prepared in compliance with the South African Code for Reporting Exploration Results, Mineral Resource
and Mineral Reserves (“SAMREC”) by DRDGOLD’s designated competent person, Mr V Labuschagne, who is an employee of DRDGOLD.
During the year we successfully completed the consolidation of all of our surface retreatment operations into one operating entity, Ergo.
As previously reported, our ERPM and Zimbabwe assets have been up for sale. In respect of the latter, we have received expressions of interest from
potential acquirers of these assets, and negotiations to conclude the sale of our stake are continuing. We have placed the small Cason underground
operation on care and maintenance.
The DRDGOLD Board has declared a final dividend of 14 South African cents per ordinary share for the year ended 30 June 2013.
The dividend will be subject to the new Dividends Tax that was introduced with effect from 1 April 2012. In accordance with paragraphs 11.17 (a) (i) to
(x) and 11.17(c) of the JSE Listings Requirements, the following additional information is disclosed:
- the dividend has been declared out of income reserves;
- the local Dividends Tax rate is 15% (fifteen per centum);
- there are no Secondary Tax on Companies (STC) credits to be utilised;
- the gross local dividend amount is 14 SA cents per ordinary share for shareholders exempt from the Dividends Tax;
- The net local dividend amount is 11.9 SA cents per ordinary share for shareholders liable to pay the Dividends Tax;
- DRDGOLD currently has 385 383 767 ordinary shares in issue (which includes 6 205 559 treasury shares); and
- DRDGOLD’s income tax reference number is 9160/013/60/4.
In compliance with the requirements of Strate, given the company’s primary listing on the JSE Limited, the salient dates for payment of the dividend are
as follows:
Last date to trade ordinary shares cum dividend
Friday, 4 October
Ordinary shares trade ex dividend
Monday, 7 October
Record date
Friday, 11 October
Payment date
Monday, 14 October
On payment date, dividends due to holders of certificated securities on the South African share register will either be electronically transferred to the
shareholders’ bank accounts or, in the absence of suitable mandates, dividend cheques will be posted to such shareholders.
Dividends in respect of dematerialised shareholdings will be credited to shareholders’ accounts with the relevant CSDP or broker.
To comply with the further requirements of Strate, between Monday, 7 October 2013 and Friday 11 October 2013, both days inclusive, no transfers
between the South African and any other share register will be permitted and no ordinary shares pertaining to the South African share register may be
dematerialised or rematerialised.
The currency conversion date for the Australian and United Kingdom registers will be Monday, 14 October 2013.
To holders of American Depositary Shares
Each American Depositary Share (“ADS”) represents 10 ordinary shares
ADSs trade ex dividend on NYSE
Wednesday, 9 October
Record date
Friday, 11 October
Approximate date of currency conversion
Friday, 18 October
Approximate payment date of dividend
Monday, 21 October
Assuming an exchange rate of R10.12/$1, the dividend payable on an ADS is equivalent to 11.76 US cents for shareholders liable to pay the dividend tax.
However, the actual rate of payment will depend on the exchange rate on the date for currency conversion.
In the first half of the ensuing financial year, we will continue with commissioning of the flotation/fine-grind circuit, with a view to achieving completion
and stable production by December 2013. For FY2014 as a whole, there will be increased focus on achieving sustainable profits, and we will seek to deliver
into the targets set for reduced potable water usage and dust emission. We will invest substantially in development of internal social capital; in particular,
we want to improve our employees’ competence in the area of personal financial management, to curb the associated scourges of over-indebtedness
and garnishee orders. On the technology front, we will look afresh at the potential our new technologies offer in terms of greater scale, both within our
existing footprint and further afield.
Niël Pretorius
Chief Executive Officer
23 August 2013