EX-99.1 2 simulations_8k-ex9901.htm POWERPOINT PRESENTATION simulations_8k-ex9901.htm
Exhibit 99.1
Simulations Plus, Inc.
Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2009
Conference Call
November 30, 2009

Introduction and Welcome
 Introduction and Welcome
  Fourth Quarter FY 2009 (4QFY09)
 Financial Summary
  Fiscal year 2009 Financial Summary
  Progress in Business Units
  Strategy Going Forward
  Questions and Answers

 With the exception of historical information, the matters discussed in
 this presentation are forward-looking statements that involve a number
 of risks and uncertainties. The actual results of the Company could
 differ significantly from those statements. Factors that could cause or
 contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to: continuing
 demand for the Company’s products; competitive factors; the
 Company’s ability to finance future growth; the Company’s ability to
 produce and market new products in a timely fashion; the Company’s
 ability to continue to attract and retain skilled personnel; the Company’s
 ability to identify, evaluate, and close suitable acquisitions; and the
 Company’s ability to sustain or improve current levels of productivity.
 Further information on the Company’s risk factors is contained in the
 Company’s quarterly and annual reports and filed with the Securities
 and Exchange Commission.
Safe Harbor Statement Under the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
of 1995

4QFY09 (3 months) Financial Summary
 Gross revenues = $1.839 MM (up 0.2% from 4QFY08)
  Pharmaceutical software and services = $1.107 MM (up 1.4% from $1.092 MM in 4QFY08)
  Words+ subsidiary = $732,000 (down 1.5% from $744,000 4QFY08)
 SG&A = $966,000 (down 2.8% from $995,000 in 4QFY08)
  SG&A declined slightly because of reduced professional fees (tax credit consultant and
 valuation company for potential acquisitions in 08 but not 09)
 R&D Expense = $118,000 (down 59.4% from $290,000 from 4QFY08)
  Greater time on contract studies (but COGS up $164K because of efforts on study contracts)
 Income Before Income Taxes = $127,000 (down 16.0% from $151,000 in 4QFY08)
  ~$80,000 lower write-off of old Words+ invoices - conservative estimate - still working on
 them. Additional funding staff & special software have improved short-term collections.
 Net Income = $190,000 (up 15.8% from $165,000 in 4QFY08)
  ~$64,000 reduction from estimated income taxes for the first 3 quarters, due to additional
 credits related to stock options from earlier fiscal years discovered by our tax consultant
 EPS = $0.011 FD share (up $0.002 from $0.009/FD share in 4QFY08)
  Positive results continue in spite of global economic crisis
  Share repurchase reduced number of fully diluted shares
 Cash = $7.47 MM (up $1.58 MM or 26.9% from $5.89 MM in 4QFY08)
  Cash increases even with share repurchase program spending over $1 MM in FY09
 Shareholders’ Equity = $10.571 MM (up 6.6% from $9.915 MM in 4QFY08)

FY09 (12 months) Financial Summary
 Gross revenues = $9.143 MM (up 2.0% from $8.968 MM in FY08)
  Pharmaceutical software and services = $6. 031 MM (up 4.1% from $6.055 MM in FY08)
  Words+ subsidiary = $2.842 MM (down 2.4% from $2.912 MM in FY08)
 SG&A = $3.896 MM (up 5.3% from $3.699 MM in FY08)
  Increased spending for marketing and sales (trade shows, travel, etc.) is major factor, along
 with health insurance, and company contributions for payroll-related expenses
 R&D Expense = $1,114,000 (up 12.5% from $990,000 in FY08)
  Greater time on funded collaborations (4 at present), less capitalized software development
 Income Before Income Taxes = $2.027 MM (down 17.1% from $2.446 MM in FY08)
  Increased investments in marketing and sales, R&D, and less gross profit for the year.
  ~$7,000 greater write-off of old Words+ invoices - conservative estimate - still working on
 them. Additional funding staff & special software have improved short-term collections.
 Net Income = $1.412 MM (down 18.2% from $1.726 MM in FY08)
  Contract study costs produced increased cost of goods sold.
  Large reduction in interest income in spite of larger cash position.
 EPS = $0.082/FD share (down $0.013 from $0.095/FD share in FY08)
  Profitability continues in spite of global economic crisis
 Cash = $7.47 MM (up $1.58 MM or 26.9% from $5.89 MM in FY08)
  Cash increases even with share repurchase program spending over $1 MM in FY09
 Shareholders’ Equity = $10.571 MM (up 6.6% from $9.915 MM in FY08)

Share Repurchase Program
 Board of directors authorized share repurchase program for up to
 $2.5 million from October 2008 through October 2009. Actually
 repurchases began December 2, 2008, so the board extended the
 repurchase period through December 1, 2009.
 As of November 27, over 1.02 MM shares had been bought back
 at average price per share of about $1.32.
 Share repurchases are subject to Safe Harbor restrictions:
  Number of shares that can be bought back per day in non-block trades is
 25% of average daily trading volume for previous 4 weeks
  Block repurchases can be made for large blocks
  Cannot have block and non-block purchases on the same day
  Can only purchase on an up-tick, etc.
  Cannot have repurchases when insiders are trading
 No plans at this time to repurchase shares after December 1;
 however, the board of directors may decide to reinstitute
 repurchasing shares at any time.

Progress - 1
 ADMET Predictor™ (Structure-property prediction program)
  Version 4.0 was released in July
  New Dose Optimization Module estimates dose amount needed for new
 molecules based on mini-GastroPlus simulation
  Developed under Pfizer funding and in active use at Pfizer now
  New toxicity models: five new liver toxicity models were added
  New metabolism models: seven new enzymes were added to the Enslein
 Metabolism Module
  Expanded graphics capability was added with Miner3D component
  Work began in 4th quarter on our $525,000 SBIR Phase II grant, which is
 now well under way with excellent progress to date. This grant is funding
 the development of a rapid atomic partial charge calculation method,
 which was already shown in Phase I to provide new descriptors that
 improve many of our predictive models. These descriptors are unique to
 ADMET Predictor and provide a strategic advantage in predictive models.

Solubility in Biorelevant Fluids
 During FY09 we funded a series of experiments with Northeastern
 University to measure the solubility of 160 drugs and drug-like compounds
 in three different types of biorelevant fluids:
  Fasted state simulated gastric fluid (FaSGF)
  Fasted state simulated intestinal fluid (FaSSIF)
  Fed state simulated intestinal fluid (FeSSIF)
 These data have been used to build preliminary solubility models for
 ADMET Predictor that can provide estimates for
in vivo solubilities for new
 compounds without the need to measure them.
 In vivo solubilities are important for GastroPlus simulations of low-solubility
 Our Chief Scientist, Dr. Michael Bolger, presented a scientific poster at the
 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists meeting a few weeks ago
 and received very high interest from scientists at the meeting.
 We may decide to offer these data as a new product. We intend to conduct
 more of these experiments to expand the database and improve our

Progress - 2
 ClassPharmer™ (Data Mining and De Novo Molecule Design)
  Numerous improvements were being incorporated during the 4th
 quarter, and Version 4.7 was released in October.
  We continue to enhance ClassPharmer’s capabilities in data mining and
de novo molecule design (design of new molecules) and to add
 additional convenience features requested by our users.
  New “scaffold hopping” capability was added in 4.7 - allows chemists
 to change the core (or any portion) of a molecule while maintaining
 other features and the bond distances between them.
  Added a new method to generate molecular transformations from our
 Pair SAR results to design better molecules. Pair SAR’s compare two
 molecules with very similar structures but very different values for one
 or more properties.
  Coordination between ADMET Predictor and ClassPharmer provides an
 unmatched capability for new molecule design and screening, as well as
 for screening molecules from high throughput screening activities.

Progress - 3
DDDPlus - Simulates laboratory dissolution experiments
 Sales continue to increase steadily
 Version 3.0 was released in Q3 with a number of important
 Remains the only tool of its kind

Progress - 4
  Development of Drug-drug Interaction module continues under funded
 collaboration with Roche - initial capability in use at Roche
  Development of ocular delivery capability under a funded collaboration
 with Pfizer is nearly complete
  Development of a nasal-pulmonary delivery module under a funded
 collaboration with GlaxoSmithKline is nearly complete. Proposal has
 been submitted for further extension in response to a request from GSK.
  Consulting contracts continue to come in to assist pharmaceutical
 companies worldwide in analyzing preclinical and clinical data with
  At AAPS meeting in November, GastroPlus was mentioned by every
 speaker in at least 3 different sessions as the tool used to run the analyses
 that were being presented.

GastroPlus Ocular Delivery - Funded

GastroPlus Pulmonary Delivery

Progress - 5
 Words+ subsidiary
  General economy appears to be affecting this business -
 many states are struggling, and a large percentage of our
 sales come from 3rd-party sources (Medicaid, Medicare,
 schools, state vocational rehabilitation programs, etc.)
  New Conversa™ communication device selling well
  Full-time national sales manager working to improve
 marketing and sales activities and dealer relationships
  Two new employee sales reps added in California

Miscellaneous Items
 Potential acquisition we were working on for a number of months did not go
 through - seller decided to go with another buyer. Potential remains to acquire
 software part of the business, which was our primary interest.
 Due diligence currently in progress on three acquisition possibilities for the
 pharmaceutical side of the business.
 Two new Ph.D.s started recently. Interviewing additional scientists to hire at
 least two more to work on contract studies and internal projects for both
 existing products and new product development.
 Recent interview of very experienced medicinal chemist for the position of
 Director of Life Sciences after the resignation of Dr. John Crison last month for
 personal reasons. Dr. Michael Bolger, Chief Scientist, is also serving as Acting
 Director of Life Sciences until the position is filled.
 Mr. John DiBella has been promoted to Manager, Marketing and Sales,
 reporting to Dr. Michael Pelekis, Director, Business Development, Marketing,
 and Sales after the resignation of Mr. Ronald Creeley for family health reasons.

Strategy Going Forward
 Continue to expand product line and services
  Pharmaceutical software and services
  Continue to expand Life Sciences team
  For new product development as identified in corporate strategic planning
  To increase capacity to conduct consulting studies and funded collaborations
  Seek and complete strategic acquisitions
  Goal is to add both new products & services as well as additional scientific staff
  Examine additional SBIR opportunities
  Words+ subsidiary
  Continue product improvements and more aggressive marketing and sales
  Added staff and new billing software to process prior authorizations and accounts
 receivable more quickly - collecting old receivables from state Medicaid agencies
  Look for SBIR funding opportunities that fit our expertise
 Continue our expanded marketing and sales activities - increasing number
 of conferences and meetings worldwide - lead list is growing
  China appears to be significant potential market for pharmaceutical business
  New dealer in Shanghai just signed up this month.
  Continue our new push into the environmental toxicology area

 Simulations Plus financial strength continues
  Excellent cash position that continues to grow in spite of spending over $1 million
 on share repurchases - cash increased
  No debt
  Share repurchase has reduced number of shares outstanding by over 1 million
 Decent fourth quarter - not outstanding, but in this economy, healthy
  Pharmaceutical software and services revenues up slightly from 4QFY08
  Words+ subsidiary had ~$10,000 loss, last year ~$83,000 loss for 4th quarter
 Decent fiscal year - again not outstanding, but healthy
  Pharmaceutical software and services earnings $1.5 MM
  Words+ subsidiary had $87,000 loss, last year $29,000 profit
  Partial loss of European customer who replaced one of our products with their own
  Medicare accreditation was achieved during the fiscal year in a single visit
  Expanded funding staff and new billing software expected to improve A/R collections
 Focus on maintaining best-in-class position in product quality and superior
 customer service in both business units
 Continue to actively seek strategic acquisitions.
 Slides available by e-mail on request through info@simulations-plus.com

Additional Factors
 State of the pharmaceutical industry
  Mergers have had no effect on business to date - in fact licenses have
 increased at the larger companies. Academic and government licenses
 have also increased.
  Large companies continue to adopt in silico (software) technologies in
 various departments, and Simulations Plus software is independently
 ranked as best-in-class.
  Smaller companies are recognizing the value of in silico tools as a result
 of the many scientific presentations that are now being presented at
 meetings around the world.
 Marketing and sales efforts are paying off - big push early this
 year with typical 6-month sales cycle
 Strategic acquisition opportunities are being sought both for
 new products that are synergistic with our expertise and
 products, and that can add to the capabilities we offer now.
