EX-99.1 2 simulations_8k-ex9901.htm PRESENTATION simulations_8k-ex9901.htm
Investor Relations
FY08 Conference Call
December 1, 2008

 With the exception of historical information, the matters discussed in this
 presentation are forward looking statements that involve a number of risks
 and uncertainties. The actual results of the Company could differ
 significantly from those statements. Factors that could cause or contribute
 to such differences include, but are not limited to: continuing demand for
 the Company’s products; competitive factors; the Company’s ability to
 finance future growth; the Company’s ability to produce and market new
 products in a timely fashion; the Company’s ability to continue to attract
 and retain skilled personnel; the Company’s ability to identify, evaluate,
 and close suitable acquisitions; and the Company’s ability to sustain or
 improve current levels of productivity. Further information on the
 Company’s risk factors is contained in the Company’s quarterly and
 annual reports and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Safe Harbor Statement Under the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
of 1995

Introduction and Welcome
 Introduction and Welcome
  Fourth Fiscal Quarter FY 2008 Summary
  Entire FY 2008 Summary
  Progress Review
  Strategy Going Forward
  Questions and Answers

Fourth Fiscal Quarter 2008 Summary
 Gross revenues = $1.84 MM (decrease of 17.9% from 4Q07)
  Pharmaceutical software and services = $1.09 MM (down 25.4% from
  Words+ subsidiary = $744,000 (down 3.6% from 4Q07)
 SG&A = $995,000 (up 13.1% from 4Q07)
 R&D Expense = $290,000 (up 54.4% from $188,000 in 4Q07). Total R&D
 expenditures up 13.1% including capitalized software development costs
 Income Before Income Taxes = $151,000, a decrease of 77.5% from $671,000
 in 4Q07
 Tax benefit of $14,000 for the quarter to bring Y-T-D rate to 29.5%
 Net Income = $165,000 ($0.009/FD share) an increase from a loss of $57,000
 or (a loss of $0.003/FD share) in 4Q07.
 Cash = $6.64 MM - including ARS for $750,000 (up 46.3% from $4.54 MM in
 Shareholders’ Equity = $9.92 MM (up 29.4% from $7.67 MM at the beginning
 of the fiscal year)

Fourth Quarter FY08 Sales
 Pharmaceutical software and services
  Q4 revenues were down as a result of:
  One order for $118,800 that was renewed early in Q3
  Nine companies that did not renew ($413,800):
  4 because of budget cuts
 » One of these may have money in 2009 ($112,500 last year)
  2 because the user left the organization
  1 because of change of research focus
  2 went with competitors for lower price
  Offsetting the net decrease from the above was $165,000 in
 sales to 5 new customers and $110,000 in increased sales to
 existing customers
  Q4 revenues were down slightly from 4Q07

Fiscal Year 2008 Summary
 Gross revenues = $8.97 MM (increase of 1.2% from FY07)
  Pharmaceutical software and services = $6.06 MM (up 5.2% from FY07)
  Words+ subsidiary = $2.91 MM (down 6.1% from FY07)
 SG&A = $3.70 MM (41.2% of sales, up from 39.0% in FY07)
 R&D Expense = $990,000 (up 21.5% from $815,000 in FY07). Total R&D
 expenditures increased 23.1% including capitalized software development costs
 Income Before Income Taxes = $2.4 MM, a decrease of 6.8% from $2.62 MM
 in FY07
 Net Income = $1.73 MM ($0.095/FD share) an increase of 15.9% from $1.47
 MM or ($0.082/FD share) in FY07.
 Cash = $6.64 MM - including ARS for $750,000 (up 46.3% from $4.54 MM in
 4Q07). We have executed an option with UBS whereby they have agreed to buy
 back the ARSs after January 1, 2009 at full face value plus interest.
 Shareholders’ Equity = $9.92 MM (up 29.4% from $7.67 MM at the beginning
 of the fiscal year)

Fiscal Year 2008 Sales
 Net increase of 1.2%
 Pharmaceutical software and services
  Increase of 5.2% ($300,000)
  Software licenses
  Consulting services
  Funded collaborations
  Decrease of 6.1% ($190,000)
  Lower sales of “Freedom”, “TuffTalker Plus”, and MessageMate
  Increase sales of Say-it! SAM and “TuffTalker” did not offset

Share Repurchase Agreement
 Share repurchase agreement was approved by the board of
  Authorizes repurchase of up to $2.5 million in shares over one-year
 period beginning October 27, 2008 and ending October 26, 2009
  Subject to all applicable rules of the SEC and NASDAQ regarding
 stock buybacks - volume limitations, up-tick requirement, etc.
  Strategy is to buy back as many shares as possible to reduce number of
 shares outstanding, not to push up stock price. We believe this is the
 better strategy for our long-term shareholders.
  As of today, the company has not bought back any shares, but we have
 authorized our broker to begin and we expect purchases soon within
 the restrictions imposed by the SEC and NASDAQ.

Progress During FY2008
 ADMET Predictor/ADMET Modeler
  Version 3.0 released in June
  More than 50 new quantum charge-related descriptors added from the
 work we did under our Phase I SBIR project last year, and subsequent
 work funded internally
  All existing property models retrained with the new descriptors, resulting
 in improved accuracy, fewer numbers of descriptors required, or both
  Consistent #1 ranking for predictive accuracy in comparison studies
  Funded collaboration announced for development of a dose
 optimization capability - beta version being delivered to customer
 today. Enables medicinal chemists to input large files of molecular
 structures along with any combination of their own data and ADMET
 Predictor’s built-in predictions to get estimates of the dose amount
 required to reach effective plasma concentrations. This is an
 important shift in how medicinal chemists work because it provides
 them with the ability to evaluate complex interactions among multiple
 properties, rather than thinking only about potency.

Progress - 2
  Version 4.5 released in June
  Pair SAR (structure-activity relationship) feature allows rapid
 detection of small changes in molecular structure that result in large
 changes in properties
  Full integration with ADMET Predictor
  De novo molecule design capabilities have become a powerful new tool
 for multidimensional design of new drug-like molecules
  New release expected soon with expanded graphics capabilities that
 enable chemists to visualize complex relationships in multiple
  Working toward new release before end of year
  User base continues to grow for this new technology
  Contract study with Northeastern University for measurement of
 solubility of 200 drugs in simulated gastric, fasted state intestinal, and
 fed state intestinal fluids will contribute to our ability to calibrate
 dissolution models in these physiologically relevant environments.

Progress - 3
  Version 6.0 released in June
  Additional improvements to our new IVIVCPlus™ Module - important
 capability for generic and innovator companies
  PKPlus™ Module - pharmacokinetics for multiple oral and iv doses
  PDPlus™ Module - improved pharmacodynamic (response) modeling
  Pfizer poster presented at Shanghai conference in May reported
 results of a two-year study comparing the four commercially available
 simulation programs with physiologically based pharmacokinetics
 (PBPK) capabilities. Ratings were based on the programs’ ability to
 predict human results from only laboratory and animal data for either
 intravenous or oral doses. GastroPlus placed #1 in both categories. No
 other program was consistently in the top 4.
  FDA now has multiple licenses
  Consulting contracts continue coming in to assist pharmaceutical
 companies worldwide in analyzing preclinical and clinical data with

Progress - 4
 Words+ subsidiary
  Third quarter set new record for revenues. Fourth quarter
 was down slightly. First two quarters were the major
 problem because of end-of-life issues with PDA used in
 previous product. New product release at the end of Q1
 has now achieved excellent sales.
  Major new product called Conversa™ was released - 12”
 touch tablet-based system with excellent sound quality
  We are expanding the Words+ sales force both inside and
 outside the company, and we expect Words+ to continue
 to make a small but positive contribution going forward

Strategy Going Forward
 Pharmaceutical software and services
  Continue to seek and hire exceptional scientists to expand Life Sciences team
  Greater investment in R&D for product enhancement and development of new
 products and services. Strategic planning meeting held in November, during which
 a number of opportunities for new products and services were identified.
  Expand the marketing and sales team - existing products are best-in-class
  Continue seeking funded collaborations where appropriate
  Drug-drug interaction in GastroPlus - ongoing
  Ocular delivery - ongoing
  Dose optimization in ADMET Predictor - ongoing
  Pulmonary delivery - proposal in evaluation
  Continue to seek accretive acquisitions with our growing cash reserves
  Discussions now in progress with several companies
  Greater promotion of our consulting services
  Many companies are outsourcing more - our expertise in oral absorption and
 pharmacokinetics is at the top of the industry
  Consulting often leads to software licenses - high future value
  More training courses and seminars for all products
 Words+ subsidiary
  National sales manager is continuing efforts to grow sales force
  New web site design underway
  Reevaluating options for acquisitions and growth

 Company is financially strong with steadily growing cash position and no
 debt. Shareholder equity continues to grow at about 30%.
 Growing, dedicated and extremely talented workforce
 Marketing and sales efforts are being expanded in both businesses
 We continue to be on the hunt for acquisition opportunities for
 complementary products and businesses
 Market potential on the pharmaceutical side of the business is in three
 areas: chemistry, preclinical/clinical analysis, and training. We believe
 there are many hundreds of companies that can productively use our
 products and services in this area, as well as additional growth potential
 within the pharmaceutical giants
 Market potential on the disability side of the business is also large. For
 example, our newest solutions address communication needs for autism,
 which is a growing part of the assistive technology market. Also, the new
 12” tablet has filled a hole in our product line that was created last year
 when we discontinued our super rugged product of this size. The previous
 unit was quite expensive, where the new unit will be priced within the
 Medicare allowables.
 These slides available by e-mail on request through info@simulations-
