DEF 14A 1 d219111ddef14a.htm TRANSAMERICA ASSET ALLOCATION VARIABLE FUNDS Transamerica Asset Allocation Variable Funds
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(Rule 14a-101)



Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934



Filed by the Registrant  ☒                             Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  ☐

Check the appropriate box:


  Preliminary Proxy Statement
  Confidential, For Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
  Definitive Proxy Statement
  Definitive Additional Materials
  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-12




(Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)


(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

  No fee required.
  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:




Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:




Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):




Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:




Total fee paid:



  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

Amount Previously Paid:




Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:




Filing Party:




Date Filed:






Table of Contents




1801 California Street, Suite 5200

Denver, Colorado 80202

September 1, 2021

Dear Investor:

A special meeting of holders of your Transamerica fund is scheduled to be held as a virtual meeting on November 1, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. (Mountain time).

In light of the public health concerns regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and to support the health and safety of fund holders, the Board Members responsible for your fund have determined that the special meeting will be held in a virtual meeting format only, via the internet, with no physical in-person meeting. The details on how to participate in the virtual special meeting are included in the enclosed joint proxy statement.

At the special meeting, you are being asked to elect Board members of your fund. Nine of the eleven nominees are independent of Transamerica management, and nine of the eleven nominees already serve as Board Members of your fund.

We are seeking your approval of this proposal through the enclosed joint proxy statement, which we invite you to review closely.

Importantly, after careful consideration, the Board Members responsible for your fund have considered the proposal and have determined it is in the best interest of your fund, and unanimously recommend that you vote “FOR” the proposal. However, before you vote, please read the full text of the joint proxy statement for an explanation of the proposal.

Holders of record of your fund as of the close of business on August 6, 2021 are entitled to vote at the special meeting and any adjournments or postponements thereof. Whether or not you plan to virtually attend the special meeting and regardless of the size of the interests you hold, your vote is very important to us. By responding promptly, you will save the expense of additional follow-up mailings and solicitations. Please vote today.

Voting is quick and easy. You may vote by telephone, via the internet or by simply completing and signing the enclosed proxy card (your ballot) and mailing it in the accompanying postage-paid return envelope. Please follow the voting instructions on your proxy card or voting instruction form.

If you have any questions about voting, please call Computershare Fund Services, Inc. (“Computershare”), the funds’ proxy solicitor, toll-free at 866-963-6126.



/s/ Marijn P. Smit

Chairman of the Boards
President and Chief Executive Officer


Table of Contents




Questions and Answers


Notice of Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders


Joint Proxy Statement




Quorum, Vote Required and Manner of Voting Proxies


Revoking Proxies


Proposal I — To Elect Board Members


Other Business


Additional Information


Investment Manager, Transfer Agent and Principal Underwriter




Annual and Semi-Annual Reports


Proxy Solicitation


Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Principal Shareholders


Shareholders Communications to the Boards


Shareholders Sharing the Same Address


Shareholder Proposals


Fiscal Year






Information About the Funds


Appendix A - Funds’ Issued and Outstanding Shares


Appendix B - Nominating Committee Charter


Appendix C - Officers of the Trusts


Appendix D - Compensation of the Board Members


Appendix E - Equity Securities Owned by Nominees


Appendix F - 5% and 25% Interest Ownership




Table of Contents


Please read the full text of the enclosed Joint Proxy Statement.

Below is a brief overview of the proposal to be voted on. Your vote is important.




Why am I receiving the Joint Proxy Statement?



As a shareholder of one or more of the Transamerica Funds, or as a policyowner or contract holder investing in, one or more series of Transamerica Series Trust or Transamerica Asset Allocation Variable Funds through a variable annuity contract or variable life insurance policy, you are being asked to vote “FOR” the election of your fund’s Board of Trustees or Managing Board.

The Investment Company Act of 1940 requires that holders elect a fund’s Board Members under certain circumstances. As a general matter, the Board may fill vacancies as long as, after the Board fills the vacancy, at least two-thirds of the Board Members have been elected by shareholders. Six of the current nine Board Members were elected by holders. Nine of the eleven nominees, including these six, already serve as Board Members of your fund. The two new nominees, both of whom are independent of Transamerica management, could not be appointed by the Board without the Board falling below the two-thirds requirement. In addition, by electing Board Members now, the Board will be able to appoint new Board Members for a longer period of time without holder approval and the expense and delay of conducting additional holder meetings.



Why am I being asked to vote on the proposal?



The proposal requires the approval of holders of your fund. Your fund’s Board has approved the proposal, believes it is in holders’ best interests and recommends you vote “FOR” the proposal.



Will my vote make a difference?



Your vote is very important and can make a difference in the governance of the funds, no matter the interests you hold. Your vote can help ensure that the proposal recommended by the Board can be implemented. We encourage all holders to participate in the governance of their funds.



Who is paying for the preparation, printing and mailing of the joint proxy statement and solicitation of proxies?



It is anticipated that the total cost of preparing, printing and mailing the joint proxy statement and soliciting proxies will be approximately $1,657,325 ($942,173 for Transamerica Funds, $708,831 for Transamerica Series Trust and $6,321 for Transamerica Asset Allocation Variable Funds), which will be borne by the funds. These costs will be allocated among the funds on the basis of their respective net assets, except when direct costs can be reasonably attributed to one or more particular funds.



Who do I call if I have questions?



If you have any questions about voting, please call Computershare, the funds’ proxy solicitor, at 866-963-6126.



How do I vote?



You can provide voting instructions by telephone by calling the toll-free number on the enclosed proxy card or by computer by going to the internet address provided on the proxy card and following the instructions, using your proxy card as a guide. Alternatively, you can vote your shares by signing and dating the enclosed proxy card and mailing it in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

You may also virtually attend the special meeting and vote at the meeting. However, even if you intend to do so, we encourage you to provide voting instructions in advance by one of the methods described above.



When and where will the special meeting be held?



We intend to hold the special meeting as a virtual meeting on November 1, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. (Mountain time). In light of the public health concerns regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, and to support the health and safety of fund holders, the Board of your fund has determined that the special meeting will be held in a virtual meeting format only, via the internet, with no physical in-person meeting. The details on how to participate in the virtual special meeting are included in the enclosed joint proxy statement.




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1801 California Street, Suite 5200

Denver, Colorado 80202


To be held Virtually on November 1, 2021

Please take notice that a joint special meeting of holders of each series of Transamerica Funds, Transamerica Series Trust and Transamerica Asset Allocation Variable Funds identified below (each series, a “Fund” and collectively, the “Funds”) is scheduled to be held as a virtual meeting on November 1, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. (Mountain time) (the “Special Meeting”), to consider and vote on the following proposals:



To elect Board Members;



To transact such other business as may properly come before the Special Meeting and any adjournments or postponements thereof.

After careful consideration, the Board of your Fund approved Proposal I and recommends that you vote “FOR” the proposal.

Holders of record of each Fund at the close of business on August 6, 2021 are entitled to notice of and to vote at the Special Meeting and any adjournments or postponements thereof.

PLEASE NOTE: In light of the public health concerns regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, and to support the health and safety of Fund shareholders, the Board of your Fund has determined that the Special Meeting will be held in a virtual meeting format only, via the internet, with no physical in-person meeting. The details on how to participate in the virtual Special Meeting are included in the Joint Proxy Statement.


By Order of the Boards,

/s/ Erin D. Nelson

Erin D. Nelson

Chief Legal Officer and Secretary

September 1, 2021


The proxy materials for the Funds will be available to review at . A paper or email copy of the proxy materials may be obtained, without charge, by contacting the Funds’ proxy solicitor, Computershare, at 866-963-6126.




Table of Contents

Funds Holding a Special Meeting on November 1, 2021

Transamerica Funds


Transamerica ClearTrack® 2015    Transamerica High Yield ESG
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2020    Transamerica High Yield Muni
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2025    Transamerica Inflation Opportunities
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2030    Transamerica Inflation-Protected Securities
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2035    Transamerica Intermediate Bond
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2040    Transamerica Intermediate Muni
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2045    Transamerica International Equity
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2050    Transamerica International Growth (effective
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2055    November 1, 2021, this fund will be named
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2060    Transamerica International Focus)
Transamerica ClearTrack® Retirement Income    Transamerica International Small Cap Value
Transamerica Asset Allocation Intermediate Horizon    Transamerica International Stock
Transamerica Asset Allocation Long Horizon    Transamerica Large Cap Value
Transamerica Asset Allocation Short Horizon    Transamerica Large Core
Transamerica Asset Allocation – Conservative Portfolio    Transamerica Large Growth
Transamerica Asset Allocation – Growth Portfolio    Transamerica Large Value Opportunities
Transamerica Asset Allocation – Moderate Growth Portfolio    Transamerica Mid Cap Growth
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    Transamerica Mid Cap Value
Transamerica Balanced II    Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities
Transamerica Bond    Transamerica Multi-Asset Income
Transamerica Capital Growth    Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced
Transamerica Core Bond    Transamerica Short-Term Bond
Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    Transamerica Small Cap Growth
Transamerica Emerging Markets Opportunities    Transamerica Small Cap Value
Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value
Transamerica Event Driven    Transamerica Stock Index
Transamerica Floating Rate    Transamerica Sustainable Bond
Transamerica Global Equity    Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income
Transamerica Government Money Market    Transamerica Total Return
Transamerica High Quality Bond    Transamerica Unconstrained Bond
Transamerica High Yield Bond    Transamerica US Growth
Transamerica Series Trust
Transamerica 60/40 Allocation VP    Transamerica Goldman Sachs 70/30 Allocation VP
Transamerica Aegon High Yield Bond VP    Transamerica International Growth VP (effective November 1, 2021,
Transamerica Aegon Sustainable Equity Income VP    this portfolio will be named Transamerica International Focus VP)
Transamerica Aegon U.S. Government Securities VP    Transamerica Janus Balanced VP
Transamerica American Funds Managed Risk VP    Transamerica Janus Mid-Cap Growth VP
Transamerica BlackRock Global Real Estate Securities VP    Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation – Conservative VP
Transamerica BlackRock Government Money Market VP    Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation – Growth VP
Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 40 VP    Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation – Moderate Growth VP
Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 50 VP    Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation – Moderate VP
Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 75 VP    Transamerica JPMorgan Core Bond VP
Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 100 VP    Transamerica JPMorgan Enhanced Index VP
Transamerica BlackRock Tactical Allocation VP    Transamerica JPMorgan International Moderate Growth VP



Table of Contents
Transamerica JPMorgan Mid Cap Value VP    Transamerica PIMCO Total Return VP
Transamerica JPMorgan Tactical Allocation VP    Transamerica PineBridge Inflation Opportunities VP
Transamerica Legg Mason Dynamic Allocation - Balanced VP    Transamerica ProFund UltraBear VP
(effective November 1, 2021, this portfolio will be named Transamerica BlackRock iShares Dynamic Allocation – Balanced VP)    Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation – Conservative VP (effective November 1, 2021, this portfolio will be named Transamerica BlackRock iShares Active Asset Allocation – Conservative VP)
Transamerica Legg Mason Dynamic Allocation – Growth VP (effective November 1, 2021, this portfolio will be named    Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation – Moderate
Transamerica BlackRock iShares Dynamic Allocation – Moderate    Growth VP (effective November 1, 2021, this portfolio will be
Growth VP)    named Transamerica BlackRock iShares Active Asset Allocation –
Transamerica Madison Diversified Income VP    Moderate Growth VP)
Transamerica Managed Risk – Balanced ETF VP    Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation – Moderate VP
Transamerica Managed Risk – Conservative ETF VP    (effective November 1, 2021, this portfolio will be named
Transamerica Managed Risk – Growth ETF VP    Transamerica BlackRock iShares Active Asset Allocation –
Transamerica Market Participation Strategy VP    Moderate VP)
Transamerica Morgan Stanley Capital Growth VP    Transamerica Rothschild & Co Large Cap Value VP
Transamerica Morgan Stanley Global Allocation VP    Transamerica S&P 500 Index VP
Transamerica Morgan Stanley Global Allocation Managed Risk –    Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value VP
Balanced VP    Transamerica T. Rowe Price Small Cap VP
Transamerica MSCI EAFE Index VP    Transamerica TS&W International Equity VP
Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced VP    Transamerica WMC US Growth VP
Transamerica PIMCO Tactical – Balanced VP   
Transamerica PIMCO Tactical – Conservative VP   
Transamerica PIMCO Tactical – Growth VP   
Transamerica Asset Allocation Variable Funds
Transamerica Asset Allocation — Intermediate Horizon   
Transamerica Asset Allocation — Intermediate/Long Horizon   
Transamerica Asset Allocation — Short Horizon   



Table of Contents




1801 California Street, Suite 5200

Denver, Colorado 80202



This Joint Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies by the Boards of Trustees or the Managing Board (each a “Board” and each Trustee, a “Board Member”) of each of the Transamerica Funds (“TF”), Transamerica Series Trust (“TST”) and Transamerica Asset Allocation Variable Funds (“TAAVF”) (each, a “Trust”; together, the “Trusts”) funds or subaccounts listed in the accompanying Notice of a Joint Special Meeting of Holders (each, a “Fund”; together, the “Funds”). The proxies are being solicited for use at a joint special meeting of shareholders, policyowners or contract holders of the Funds to be held as a virtual meeting at 10:00 a.m. (Mountain time) on November 1, 2021 (each, a “Special Meeting”), and at any and all adjournments or postponements thereof. The Special Meeting will be held for the purposes set forth in the accompanying Notice of a Joint Special Meeting of Holders.

The Board of each Trust has determined that the use of this Joint Proxy Statement for each Trust’s Special Meeting is in the best interests of each Trust, the applicable Funds and their holders in light of the similar matters being considered and voted on by the holders of each of the Funds. The Special Meetings are being held together for convenience, but each Special Meeting is a separate meeting of the relevant Trust. At each Special Meeting of a Trust, holders of each Fund in the Trust will vote together on the election of Board Members for that Trust. This Joint Proxy Statement and the accompanying materials (for TST and TAAVF) or a Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials (for TF) are being first mailed by the Boards to holders on or about September 1, 2021.

PLEASE NOTE: The Special Meeting will be held virtually over the internet. To attend, vote, and submit any questions at the Special Meeting, please register using your control number located on the proxy card or voting instruction form at

In order for beneficial owners of shares held through an intermediary, such as a bank or broker, or other nominee to attend, participate, and vote at the virtual Special Meeting, you must register in advance. To register you must submit proof of your proxy power (legal proxy) reflecting your Fund holdings along with your name and email address to Computershare, the Funds’ proxy solicitor. You may forward an email from your intermediary or attach an image of your legal proxy to Requests for registration must be received no later than 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, three business days prior to the meeting date. You will receive a confirmation email from Computershare of your registration and a control number that will allow you to vote at the Special Meeting.

TF and TST are each organized as a Delaware statutory trust. TAAVF is a segregated investment account of Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (“TFLIC”). The Trusts are investment companies registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”). Funds that are series of TST are offered to variable annuity and variable life insurance separate accounts established by insurance companies to fund variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies. Funds that are series of TAAVF are group variable annuity contracts offered as funding vehicles for certain retirement plans and other investors.

In certain cases, for ease of comprehension, the term “Fund” is used in this Joint Proxy Statement where it may be more precise to refer to the “Trust” of which the Fund is a series. In addition, for purposes of this Joint Proxy Statement, the term “shareholder” (when used to refer to the beneficial holder of ownership interests in a Fund) shall also be deemed to include holders of variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies.

You are entitled to vote at the Special Meeting of each Fund of which you are a shareholder as of the close of business on August 6, 2021 (the “Record Date”). Shareholders of record of the Fund that are series of TF and TST at the close of business on the Record Date are entitled to one vote for each dollar of net asset value of the Fund represented by the shareholder’s shares of the applicable Fund (with proportional fractional votes for fractional shares). Shareholders of record of the Funds that are series of TAAVF at the close of business on the Record Date are entitled to one vote per $100 (with proportional fractional votes for amounts less than $100) of the dollar value of the accumulation account for the shareholder’s credit in a contract held in the applicable fund subaccount. The net assets and total number of shares of each Fund outstanding at the close of business on the Record Date is shown in Appendix A.

The Fund(s) with respect to which your vote is being solicited is named on the proxy card included with this Joint Proxy Statement (references herein to proxy cards include voting instruction forms provided to the holders of variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies). If you have the right to vote with respect to more than one Fund as of the Record Date, you may receive more than one proxy card. Please sign, date and return each proxy card, or if you prefer to provide voting instructions by telephone or over the internet, please vote on the proposal with respect to each applicable Fund. If you vote by telephone or over the internet, you will be asked to enter a unique control number that has been assigned to you, which is printed on your proxy card(s). This control number is designed to confirm your identity, provide access to the voting sites and confirm that your voting instructions are properly recorded.



Table of Contents

All properly executed proxies received prior to a Trust’s Special Meeting will be voted at that Special Meeting. On the matters coming before each Special Meeting as to which a shareholder has specified a choice on that shareholder’s proxy, the shareholder’s shares will be voted accordingly. If a proxy is properly executed and returned and no choice is specified with respect to Proposal I, the shares will be voted “FOR” the proposal. The duly appointed proxies may, in their discretion, vote upon such other matters as may properly come before the Special Meeting.

Shareholders who execute proxies or provide voting instructions by telephone or the internet may revoke them with respect to the proposal at any time before a vote is taken on the proposal by filing with the applicable Fund a written notice of revocation (addressed to the Secretary at the principal executive offices of the Funds at the address above), by delivering a duly executed proxy bearing a later date or by virtually attending the Special Meeting and voting, in all cases prior to the exercise of the authority granted in the proxy card. Merely virtually attending the Special Meeting by itself will not revoke any previously executed proxy. If you hold your shares through a bank or other intermediary or if you are the holder of a variable annuity contract or variable life insurance policy (as discussed below), please consult your bank or intermediary or your participating insurance company regarding your ability to revoke voting instructions after such instructions have been provided.

Quorum, Vote Required and Manner of Voting Proxies


A quorum of shareholders is required to take action at the Special Meeting. For the purposes of taking action on Proposal I, with respect to TF and TST, shareholders entitled to vote and present at the Special Meeting or by proxy representing at least thirty percent (30%) of the voting power of the Trust shall constitute a quorum at the Special Meeting. With respect to TAAVF, shareholders of at least thirty percent (30%) of the outstanding interests of TAAVF, present in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum at the Special Meeting with respect to Proposal I.

Only proxies that are voted, abstentions and “broker non-votes” will be counted toward establishing a quorum. “Broker non-votes” are shares held by a broker or nominee as to which proxies have been returned but (a) instructions have not been received from the beneficial owners or persons entitled to vote and (b) the broker or nominee does not have discretionary voting power on a particular matter. The Trusts understand that a broker or nominee may exercise discretionary voting power with respect to Proposal I, as this proposal is considered a “routine” matter under the rules of the New York Stock Exchange, and there are no other proposals expected to come before the Special Meeting for which a broker or nominee would not have discretionary voting authority. As a result, the Trusts do not anticipate that there will be any broker non-votes at the Special Meeting. Abstentions and broker non-votes are not considered “votes cast” and, therefore, do not constitute a vote “FOR” Proposal I. Abstentions and broker non-votes will have no effect on the results of the voting on Proposal I.

Votes cast at the Special Meeting will be tabulated by the inspectors of election appointed for the Special Meeting. The inspectors of election will determine whether or not a quorum is present at the Special Meeting. The inspectors of election will treat abstentions as present for purposes of determining a quorum.

In the absence of a quorum, the Special Meeting may be adjourned by the motion of the person presiding at the Special Meeting. If a quorum is present but sufficient votes to approve a proposal are not received, the Special Meeting may be adjourned by the affirmative vote of a majority of the shares present at the Special Meeting or represented by proxy at the Special Meeting. The persons named as proxies may, at their discretion, vote those proxies in favor of an adjournment of the Special Meeting. A vote may be taken on any proposal prior to any such adjournment if sufficient votes have been received.

Vote Required

Proposal I. In the case of each Trust, shareholders of all of the Funds that are series of the Trust vote together as a single class with respect to the election of nominees to the Board of the Trust. Each nominee must be elected by a plurality of the votes cast on the proposal by shareholders of the applicable Trust. Accordingly, assuming the presence of a quorum, abstentions and broker non-votes will have no effect on Proposal I.

The election of Board Members by one Trust is not contingent upon approval of Proposal I by any other Trust. If the shareholders of a Trust do not ultimately approve Proposal I, the current Board Members will continue to oversee that Trust and its Funds as they currently do pending any further action by the Trust.

Manner of Voting

The Funds expect that, before the Special Meeting, broker-dealer firms holding shares of the Funds in “street name” for their customers will request voting instructions from their customers and beneficial owners. If these instructions are not received by the date specified in the broker-dealer firms’ proxy solicitation materials, the Funds understand that broker-dealers may vote on Proposal I on behalf of their customers and beneficial owners. A signed proxy card or other authorization by a beneficial owner of shares in a Fund that does not specify how the beneficial owner’s shares should be voted on a proposal may be deemed an instruction to vote such shares in favor of the proposal.

If you hold shares in a Fund through a bank or other financial institution or intermediary (called a service agent) that has entered into a service agreement with the Fund or a distributor of the Fund, the service agent may be the record shareholder of your shares. At the Special Meeting, a service agent will vote shares for which it receives instructions from its customers in accordance with those instructions. A signed proxy card or other authorization by a beneficial shareholder that does not specify how the beneficial shareholder’s shares should be voted on the proposal may be deemed an instruction to vote such shares in favor of Proposal I. Depending on its policies, applicable law or contractual or other restrictions, a service agent may be permitted to vote shares with respect to which it has not received specific voting instructions from its customers. In those cases, the service agent may, but may not be required to, vote such shares in the same proportion as those shares for



Table of Contents

which the service agent has received voting instructions or in the same proportion as those shares for which the Fund receives voting instructions from other shareholders. This practice is sometimes called “proportional voting” or “echo voting.” Because of this practice, a small number of shareholders could determine how a Fund votes, if other shareholders fail to vote.

In the case of shares of Funds (such as the Funds that are series of TST or TAAVF) that are not offered to the public, but only sold to certain asset allocation portfolios, certain retirement plans and to variable annuity separate accounts established by insurance companies (including Transamerica Life Insurance Company and Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company, Inc. (collectively, the “Insurance Companies”)) to fund variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies, ownership of the shares is legally vested in the separate accounts. The Insurance Companies will vote shares held by these separate accounts in a manner consistent with voting instructions timely received from the shareholders of the variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies used to fund the accounts. A signed proxy card or other authorization by a shareholder that does not specify how the shareholder’s shares should be voted on the proposal may be deemed an instruction to vote such shares in favor of Proposal I. The Insurance Companies will use proportional voting to vote shares held by separate accounts for which no timely instructions are received from the shareholders of variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies. The Insurance Companies do not require that a specified number of variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies submit voting instructions before the Insurance Companies will vote the shares of the Funds held by their respective separate accounts at the Special Meeting. As a result, a small number of owners of variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies could determine how the Insurance Companies vote, if other owners fail to vote. Other participating insurance companies may follow similar voting procedures.

If you beneficially own shares that are held in “street name” through a broker-dealer or that are held of record by a service agent, or if you hold shares through a variable annuity contract or a variable life insurance policy, and if you do not give specific voting instructions for your shares, they may not be voted at all or, as described above, they may be voted in a manner that you may not intend. Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to give your broker-dealer, service agent or participating insurance company specific instructions as to how you want your shares to be voted.

If you hold shares in a Fund directly (not through a broker-dealer, bank, insurance company or other intermediary), and if you return a signed proxy card that does not specify how you wish to vote on Proposal I, your shares will be voted in favor of the proposal.

Transamerica Asset Management, Inc. (“TAM”), the Funds’ investment manager or adviser, exercises proxy voting discretion for certain asset allocation Funds that invest their assets in other Funds. Consistent with TAM’s proxy voting policies and procedures, TAM will echo vote the shares of each applicable underlying Fund in the same proportion as the vote of all of the other voting holders of the underlying Fund’s shares. Should there be no other voting holders of an underlying Fund so TAM cannot echo vote, TAM will vote the shares of the underlying Fund in accordance with the recommendation of the relevant asset allocation Fund’s Board. The Boards have recommended that, in any such cases, the applicable underlying Fund shares be voted “FOR” the election of each nominee described in Proposal I.

If you need more information or have any questions about Proposal I or about voting, please call Computershare at 866-963-6126.

Revoking Proxies

Each shareholder signing and returning a proxy has the power to revoke it at any time before it is exercised:



By filing a written notice of revocation with the Secretary of the Trusts;



By returning a duly executed proxy bearing a later date;



By voting by telephone or over the Internet at a later date; or



By virtually attending and voting at the Special Meeting and giving oral notice of revocation to the chairman of the Special Meeting.

However, attendance at the Special Meeting, by itself, will not revoke a previously executed and returned proxy.

If you hold your shares through a bank or other intermediary or if you are the holder of a variable annuity contract or variable life policy, please consult your bank or intermediary or your participating insurance company regarding your ability to revoke voting instructions after such instructions have been provided.



Table of Contents


The purpose of this Proposal I is to elect Board Members of TF, TST and TAAVF.

At a Board meeting held on March 10-11, 2021, the current Board Members of each Trust nominated for election the eleven nominees listed below (the “Nominees”) to serve on the Board of the applicable Trust. Nine of the Nominees, Sandra N. Bane, Leo J. Hill, David W. Jennings, Fredric A. Nelson III, John E. Pelletier, Patricia L. Sawyer, Marijn P. Smit, John W. Waechter and Alan F. Warrick, currently serve as Board Members of each Trust. Nine of the Nominees, Ms. Bane, Mr. Hill, Kathleen T. Ives, Mr. Jennings, Lauriann C. Kloppenburg, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Pelletier, Ms. Sawyer and Mr. Waechter, are not “interested persons” of the Funds within the meaning of the 1940 Act (the “Independent Nominees”). Mr. Smit, the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Funds and TAM, and Mr. Warrick are “interested persons” of the Funds as defined in the 1940 Act (the “Interested Nominees”).

Ms. Bane, Mr. Hill, Mr. Jennings, Ms. Sawyer, Mr. Waechter and Mr. Warrick were elected by Fund shareholders in 2012. Mr. Smit was appointed to the Board of each Trust in 2015 and Messrs. Nelson and Pelletier were appointed to the Boards in 2017. Mses. Ives and Kloppenburg are new nominees to the Boards and have not previously served as Board Members of the Funds (Mses. Ives and Kloppenburg, together, the “New Nominees”). Information about the Nominees for the Boards is set forth below.

Mr. Smit, an Interested Nominee, is an “interested person” of the Funds as defined in the 1940 Act by virtue of his position with TAM and its affiliates described below. Mr. Warrick, the other Interested Nominee, is considered an “interested person” of the Funds as defined in the 1940 Act due to his former service in various executive positions for certain Transamerica affiliates as described below. Each of the other Nominees is an Independent Nominee. Each Independent Nominee was nominated by the applicable Trust’s Nominating Committee comprised of the current Board Members who are not “interested persons” of the Funds within the meaning of the 1940 Act (the “Independent Board Members”).

The Nominees’ term of office would commence upon their elections, which, if the Nominees are elected by shareholders, is expected to occur on November 1, 2021. If elected, the Nominees will comprise the entire Board of each Trust, and each of them will hold office until his or her successor has been duly elected or appointed, until the end of the calendar year in which he or she reaches the mandatory retirement age of 75, or until his or her earlier death, resignation or removal.

Each Nominee has consented to serve on the Board of each Trust if elected by shareholders. If, however, before the election, any Nominee refuses or is unable to serve, proxies may be voted for a replacement nominee, if any, designated by Board Members of the applicable Trust(s).

The enclosed proxy card will be voted for all Nominees unless a proxy contains specific instructions to the contrary.

Reason for Proposed Election of Nominees

The 1940 Act requires that shareholders elect a fund’s board under certain circumstances. As a general matter, a fund’s board may fill vacancies as long as, after the board fills the vacancy, at least two-thirds of the board members would be elected by shareholders. The New Nominees could not be appointed by the Boards without the Boards falling below the two-thirds requirement. The other nine Nominees already serve as Board Members of each Trust, all of whom, with the exception of Messrs. Nelson, Pelletier and Smit have been elected by shareholders (representing two-thirds of the current Board Members). Electing each Nominee to the Boards would provide the Boards the flexibility to add new Board Members or to fill any future vacancies created by the departure of one or more shareholder-elected Board Members, if necessary, without the expense and delay of conducting additional shareholder meetings.

Information about the Nominees

The table below sets forth each Nominee’s name, age (as of the shareholder meeting date), positions and length of service with the Trusts, each Nominee’s principal occupation for at least the past five years (titles may have varied during that period), the number of funds in the Transamerica Fund Family each Nominee will oversee if elected, and any other board memberships held by each Nominee. The length of time served is provided for the current Board Members from the date the Board Member became a member of the Boards. The Transamerica Fund Family consists of TF, TST, TAAVF and Transamerica ETF Trust (“TET”). TET is overseen by a separate Board of Trustees. The mailing address of each Nominee is c/o Secretary of the Funds, 1801 California Street, Suite 5200, Denver, Colorado 80202.



Table of Contents

Name and Age


Position(s) Held
with Trust(s)


Term of Office
and Length of
Time Served*


Principal Occupation(s)
During Past Five Years


Number of
Funds in
by Board


Other Directorships Held
by Board Member


Marijn P. Smit


   Chairman of the Boards, President and Chief Executive Officer    Since 2014 (all Trusts)    Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer, TF, TST and TAAVF (2014 – present); Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer, TET (2017 – present); Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer, Transamerica Partners Portfolio (“TPP”), Transamerica Partners Funds Group (“TPFG”) and Transamerica Partners Funds Group II (“TPFG II”) (2014 – 2018); Director, Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer, Transamerica Asset Management, Inc. (“TAM”) and Transamerica Fund Services, Inc. (“TFS”) (2014 – present); Senior Vice President, Transamerica Retirement Solutions LLC (2012 - present); Trust Officer, Massachusetts Fidelity Trust Company (2014 - 2021); President, Investment Solutions, Transamerica Investments & Retirement (2014 – 2016); Vice President, Transamerica Life Insurance Company (2010 – 2016); Vice President, Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company (2010 – 2016); Senior Vice President, Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (2013 – 2016); Senior Vice President, Transamerica Retirement Advisors, Inc. (2013 – 2016) and President and Director, Transamerica Stable Value Solutions, Inc. (2010 – 2016).    120   


Massachusetts Fidelity Trust Company (2014 -2021); Director, Aegon Global Funds (2016 - present)

Alan F. Warrick
   Board Member    Since 2012 (all Trusts)    Board Member, TF, TST and TAAVF (2012 – present); Board Member, TPP, TPFG and TPFG II (2012 – 2018); Senior Advisor, Lovell Minnick Equity Partners (2010 – present); and Retired (2010).    115    N/A
Sandra N. Bane
   Board Member    Since 2008 (all Trusts)    Retired (1999 – present); Board Member, TF, TST and TAAVF (2008 – present); Board Member, TPP, TPFG and TPFG II (2008 – 2018); and Partner, KPMG (1975 – 1999).    115    Big 5 Sporting Goods (2002 – present); Southern Company Gas (energy services holding company) (2008 – present)



Table of Contents

Name and Age


Position(s) Held
with Trust(s)


Term of Office
and Length of
Time Served*


Principal Occupation(s)
During Past Five Years


Number of
Funds in
Overseen by


Other Directorships Held
by Board Member

Leo J. Hill
   Lead Independent Board Member    Since 2002 (TF & TAAVF) Since 2001 (TST)    Principal, Advisor Network Solutions, LLC (business consulting) (2006 – present); Board Member, TST (2001 – present); Board Member, TF (2002 – present); Board Member, TAAVF (2007 – present); Board Member, TPP, TPFG and TPFG II (2007 – 2018); Market President, Nations Bank of Sun Coast Florida (1998 – 1999); Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Barnett Banks of Treasure Coast Florida (1994 – 1998); Executive Vice President and Senior Credit Officer, Barnett Banks of Jacksonville, Florida (1991 – 1994); and Senior Vice President and Senior Loan Administration Officer, Wachovia Bank of Georgia (1976 – 1991).    115    Ameris Bancorp (2013 – present);
Ameris Bank (2013 – present)
Kathleen T. Ives
   Board Member Nominee    N/A    Proposed Board Member, TF, TST and TAAVF (2021 – present); Retired (2019 – present); Senior Vice President & Director of Internal Audit (2011-2019), Senior Vice President & Deputy General Counsel (2008 – 2011), OFI Global Asset Management, Inc.    None currently; 115 if elected as to all Trusts    Junior Achievement Rocky Mountain (non-profit organization) (2013 – present); Institute of Internal Auditors, Denver Chapter (audit organization) (2017 – 2021).
David W. Jennings
   Board Member    Since 2009 (all Trusts)   

Board Member, TF, TST and TAAVF (2009 – present); Board Member, TPP, TPFG and TPFG II (2009 – 2018); Managing Director, Hilton Capital

Management, LLC (2010 – present).

   115    N/A
Lauriann C. Kloppenburg
   Board Member Nominee    N/A    Proposed Board Member, TF, TST and TAAVF (2021 – present); Director, Adams Funds (investment companies) (2017 – present); Investment Committee Member, 1991 Office, LLC (family office) (2017 – Present); Executive in Residence and Student Fund Advisory Board Member, Champlain College (2016 – present); Executive in Residence, Bentley University (2015 – 2017); Chief Strategy Officer (2012 – 2013), Chief Investment Officer – Equity Group (2004 – 2012), Loomis Sayles & Company, L.P.    None currently; 115 if elected as to all Trusts    Trustees of Donations to the Protestant Episcopal Church (non-profit organization) (2010 – present); Forte Foundation (non-profit organization) (2016 – present)



Table of Contents

Name and Age


Position(s) Held
with Trust(s)


Term of Office
and Length of
Time Served*


Principal Occupation(s)
During Past Five Years


Number of
Funds in
Overseen by


Other Directorships Held
by Board Member

Fredric A. Nelson III
   Board Member    Since 2017 (all Trusts)    Board Member, TF, TST and TAAVF (2017 – present); Board Member, TPP, TPFG and TPFG II (2017 – 2018); Chief Investment Officer (“CIO”), Commonfund (2011 – 2015); Vice Chairman, CIO, ING Investment Management Americas (2003 – 2009); Managing Director, Head of U.S. Equity, JP Morgan Investment Management (1994 – 2003); and Managing Director, Head of Global Quantitative Investments Group, Bankers Trust Global Investment Management (1981 – 1994).    115    N/A
John E. Pelletier
   Board Member    Since 2017 (all Trusts)    Board Member, TF, TST and TAAVF (2017 – present); Board Member, TPP, TPFG and TPFG II (2017 – 2018); Director, Center for Financial Literacy, Champlain College (2010 – present); Co- Chair, Vermont Financial Literacy Commission with Vermont State Treasurer (2015 – 2018); Chairman, Vermont Universal Children’s Higher Education Savings Account Program Advisory Committee (2015 – 2021); Founder and Principal, Sterling Valley Consulting LLC (a financial services consulting firm) (2009 – 2017); Independent Director, The Sentinel Funds and Sentinel Variable Products Trust (2013 – 2017); Chief Legal Officer, Eaton Vance Corp. (2007 – 2008); and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer (2004 - 2007), General Counsel (1997 – 2004), Natixis Global Associates.    115    N/A



Table of Contents

Name and Age


Position(s) Held
with Trust(s)


Term of Office
and Length of
Time Served*


Principal Occupation(s)
During Past Five Years


Number of
Funds in
Overseen by


Other Directorships Held
by Board Member

Patricia L. Sawyer
   Board Member    Since 1993 (TAAVF) Since 2007 (TF & TST)    Retired (2007 – present); President/Founder, Smith & Sawyer LLC (management consulting) (1989 – 2007); Board Member, TF and TST (2007 – present); Board Member, TAAVF (1993 – present); Board Member, TPP, TPFG and TPFG II (1993 – 2018); and Trustee, Chair of Finance Committee and Chair of Nominating Committee (1987 – 1996), Bryant University.    115    Honorary Trustee, Bryant University (1996 – present)
John W. Waechter
   Board Member    Since 2004 (TST) Since 2005 (TF & TAAVF)    Partner, Englander Fischer (2016 – present) (law firm); Attorney, Englander Fischer (2008 – 2015); Retired (2004 – 2008); Board Member, TST (2004 – present); Board Member, TF (2005 – present); Board Member, TAAVF (2007 – present); Board Member, TPP, TPFG and TPFG II (2007 – 2018); Employee, RBC Dain Rauscher (securities dealer) (2004); Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Compliance Officer, William R. Hough & Co. (securities dealer) (1979 – 2004); and Treasurer, The Hough Group of Funds (1993 – 2004) (fund accounting).    115    Board Member, Operation PAR, Inc. (non-profit organization) (2008 – present); Board Member, Boley PAR, Inc. (non-profit organization) (2016 - present); Board Member, Remember Honor Support, Inc. (non-profit organization) ( 2013 - 2020); Board Member, WRH Income Properties, Inc. (real estate) (2014 - present)



Each Board Member shall hold office until: 1) his or her successor is elected and qualified or 2) he or she resigns, retires or his or her term as a Board Member is terminated in accordance with each Trust’s Declaration of Trust.

To the knowledge of the Trusts, as of August 6, 2021, all Board Members and officers as a group owned less than 1% of the outstanding shares of each Fund.

Each Board believes that each Nominee’s experience, qualifications, attributes or skills on an individual basis and in combination with those of the other Nominees lead to the conclusion that the Boards will possess the requisite skills and attributes. Each Board believes that the Nominees’ ability to review critically, evaluate, question and discuss information provided to them, to interact effectively with TAM, the sub-advisers, other services providers, counsel and independent auditors, and to exercise effective business judgment in the performance of their duties, support this conclusion. Each Board also has considered the following experience, qualifications, attributes and/or skills, among others, of the Nominees in reaching its conclusion: his or her character and integrity; such person’s service as a board member of a predecessor fund family (other than Mses. Ives and Kloppenburg, and Messrs. Jennings, Nelson, Pelletier, Smit and Warrick); such person’s willingness to serve and willingness and ability to commit the time necessary to perform the duties of a Board Member; the fact that such person’s service would be consistent with the requirements of the retirement policies of the Trusts; as to each Nominee other than Mr. Smit and Mr. Warrick, his or her status as not being an “interested person” of the Funds as defined in the 1940 Act; as to Mr. Smit, his status as a representative of TAM; and, as to Mr. Warrick, his former service in various executive positions for certain affiliates of TAM. In addition, the following specific experience, qualifications, attributes and/or skills apply as to each Board Member: Ms. Bane, accounting experience and experience as a board member of multiple organizations; Mr. Hill, financial and entrepreneurial experience as an executive, owner and consultant and experience as a board member of multiple organizations; Ms. Ives, audit, securities industry and compliance experience as a fund executive; Mr. Jennings, investment management experience as an executive of investment management organizations and portfolio manager; Ms. Kloppenburg, investment management experience as an executive and board experience; Mr. Nelson, business experience, securities industry and fund executive experience; Mr. Pelletier, securities industry and fund legal and operations experience, entrepreneurial experience as an executive, owner and



Table of Contents

consultant, and board experience; Ms. Sawyer, management consulting and board experience; Mr. Waechter, securities industry and fund accounting and fund compliance experience, legal experience and board experience; Mr. Smit, investment management and insurance experience as an executive and leadership roles with TAM and affiliated entities; and Mr. Warrick, financial services industry experience as an executive and consultant with various TAM affiliates and other entities. References to the qualifications, attributes and skills of the Nominees are pursuant to requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission, do not constitute holding out of the Boards or any Nominee as having any special expertise or experience, and shall not impose any greater responsibility or liability on any such person or on the Boards by reason thereof.

The nominations of Mses. Ives and Kloppenburg were recommended to the Nominating Committee of each Board by certain Independent Board Members serving on that Nominating Committee. The remaining Nominees currently serve on the Boards and are being submitted for election or reelection, as applicable.

Each Board is responsible for overseeing the management and operations of the Funds. Mr. Smit serves as Chairman of the Boards. Mr. Smit is an interested person of the Funds. Independent Board Members currently constitute more than 77% of each Board, and if all Nominees are elected, Independent Board Members would comprise more than 81% of the Boards.

The Boards currently believe that an interested Chairman is appropriate and is in the best interests of the Funds and their shareholders, and that its committees, as further described below, help ensure that the Funds have effective and independent governance and oversight. The Boards believe that an interested Chairman has a professional interest in the quality of the services provided to the Funds and that the Chairman is best equipped to provide oversight of such services on a day-to-day basis because of TAM’s sponsorship of the Funds and TAM’s ongoing monitoring of the investment sub-advisers that manage the assets of each Fund. The Boards also believe that its leadership structure facilitates the orderly and efficient flow of information to the Independent Board Members from management. The Independent Board Members also believe that they can effectively act independently without having an Independent Board Member act as Chairman. Among other reasons, this belief is based on the fact that the Independent Board Members currently represent over 77% of each Board.

Board Committees and Membership

Each Board has two standing committees: the Audit Committee and Nominating Committee. The Audit Committee and Nominating Committee of each Board is chaired by an Independent Board Member and composed of all of the Independent Board Members. In addition, each Board has a Lead Independent Board Member.

The Lead Independent Board Member and the chairs of the Audit and Nominating Committees work with the Chairman to set the agendas for Board and committee meetings. The Lead Independent Board Member also serves as a key point person for dealings between management and the Independent Board Members. Through the Funds’ Board committees, the Independent Board Members consider and address important matters involving the Funds, including those presenting conflicts or potential conflicts of interest for management, and they believe they can act independently and effectively. Each Board believes that its leadership structure is appropriate and facilitates the orderly and efficient flow of information to the Independent Board Members from management. Except for any duties specifically assigned by the Board or in relevant documents, the designation of a Board Member as Chairman of the Board, Lead Independent Board Member or chair of a committee does not impose on such Board Member any duties, obligations or liability that is greater than the duties, obligations or liability imposed on such person as a Board Member, generally.

Audit Committee

Each Audit Committee, among other things, oversees the accounting and reporting policies and practices and internal controls of the applicable Trust, oversees the quality and integrity of the financial statements of the Trust, approves, prior to appointment, the engagement of the Trust’s independent registered public accounting firm, reviews and evaluates the independent registered public accounting firm’s qualifications, independence and performance, and approves the compensation of the independent registered public accounting firm.

Each Audit Committee also approves all audit and permissible non-audit services provided to each Fund within the applicable Trust by the independent registered public accounting firm and all permissible non-audit services provided by each applicable Fund’s independent registered public accounting firm to TAM and any affiliated service providers if the engagement relates directly to each Fund’s operations and financial reporting. Each Audit Committee acts pursuant to a written charter.

During the fiscal year ended October 31, 2020, the Audit Committee of the TF Board met 4 times. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020, the Audit Committee of each of the TST and TAAVF Board met 3 times. Each Nominee then in office attended more than 75% of the aggregate number of such committee meetings.

Nominating Committee

Each Nominating Committee is a forum for identifying, considering, selecting and nominating, or recommending for nomination by the Board of that Trust, candidates to fill vacancies on the Board. The Nominating Committee may consider diversity in identifying potential candidates, including race, gender, differences of viewpoint, professional experience and skill, as well as such other individual qualities and attributes as it may deem relevant. Each Nominating Committee has not adopted a formal procedure for the implementation, or for assessing the effectiveness, of its policy with regard to the consideration of diversity in identifying potential candidates.



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When addressing vacancies, each Nominating Committee sets any necessary standards or qualifications for service on the Board of that Trust and may consider nominees recommended by any source it deems appropriate, including management and shareholders. Shareholders who wish to recommend a nominee should send recommendations to the Trusts’ Secretary that include all information relating to such person that is required to be disclosed in solicitations of proxies for the election of Board Members. A recommendation must be accompanied by a written consent of the individual to stand for election if nominated by the Board(s) and to serve if elected by the shareholders. Each Nominating Committee will consider all submissions meeting the applicable requirements stated herein that are received by December 31 of the most recently completed calendar year.

Each Nominating Committee also identifies potential nominees through its network of contacts and may also engage, if it deems appropriate, a professional search firm. Each Nominating Committee meets to discuss and consider such candidates’ qualifications and then chooses a candidate by majority vote.

Each Nominating Committee acts pursuant to a written charter, as set forth in Appendix B. The charter sets forth procedures for each Nominating Committee’s consideration of candidates submitted by shareholders.

During the fiscal year ended October 31, 2020, the Nominating Committee of the TF Board met 3 times. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020, the Nominating Committee of each of TST and TAAVF met 4 times. Each Nominee then in office attended more than 75% of the aggregate number of such committee meetings.

Risk Oversight

Through its oversight of the management and operations of the applicable Funds, each Board also has a risk oversight function, which includes (without limitation) the following: (i) requesting and reviewing reports on the operations of the Funds (such as reports about the performance of the Funds); (ii) reviewing compliance reports and approving compliance policies and procedures of the Funds and their service providers; (iii) meeting with management to consider areas of risk and to seek assurances that adequate resources are available to address risks; (iv) meeting with service providers, including Fund auditors, to review Fund activities; and (v) meeting with the Chief Compliance Officer and other officers of the Funds and the Funds’ service providers to receive information about compliance, and risk assessment and management matters. Such oversight is exercised primarily through the Boards and their Audit Committees but, on an ad hoc basis, also can be exercised by the Independent Board Members during executive sessions. Each Board has emphasized to TAM and the sub-advisers the importance of maintaining vigorous risk management.

The Boards recognize that not all risks that may affect the Funds can be identified, that it may not be practical or cost-effective to eliminate or mitigate certain risks, that it may be necessary to bear certain risks (such as investment-related risks) to achieve the Funds’ goals, and that the processes, procedures and controls employed to address certain risks may be limited in their effectiveness. Moreover, reports received by the Board Members as to risk management matters are typically summaries of the relevant information. Most of the Funds’ investment management and business affairs are carried out by or through TAM, its affiliates, the sub-adviser and other service providers each of which has an independent interest in risk management but whose policies and the methods by which one or more risk management functions are carried out may differ from the Funds’ and each other’s in the setting of priorities, the resources available or the effectiveness of relevant controls. As a result of the foregoing and other factors, the Boards’ risk management oversight is subject to substantial limitations. In addition, some risks may be beyond the reasonable control of the Boards, the Funds, TAM, its affiliates, the sub-advisers or other service providers.

In addition, it is important to note that each Fund is designed for investors that are prepared to accept investment risk, including the possibility that unforeseen risks may emerge in the future.

Officers of the Trusts

The officers of each Trust, including their ages, their positions held with the Trust and their principal occupations during the past five years (their titles may have varied during that period) are set forth in Appendix C. Each officer is elected by and serves at the pleasure of the Trust’s Board. Each officer will hold office until his or her successor has been duly elected or appointed or until his or her earlier death, resignation or removal.

If an officer has held offices for different Funds for different periods of time, the earliest applicable date is shown. No officer of the Trusts, except for the Chief Compliance Officer, receives any compensation from the Trusts.

General Information Regarding the Boards

Compensation: Information relating to compensation paid to the Board Members for the most recent fiscal year ends of the Funds they will oversee is set forth in Appendix D.

Equity Securities Owned by the Nominees: Information relating to the amount of equity securities owned by the Nominees in the Funds that they will oversee and in the other funds in the Transamerica Fund Family, as well as certain additional information regarding the Independent Nominees, is set forth in Appendix E.

Attendance of Board Members at Annual Meeting: The Trusts do not hold annual meetings of shareholders, and therefore do not have a policy regarding attendance of Board Members at annual meetings. No annual meeting for any of the Trusts was held during the most recent fiscal year ends of the Funds.



Table of Contents

Board Meetings: During the fiscal year ended October 31, 2020, the Board of TF met 5 times. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020, the Board of each of TST and TAAVF met 5 times. Each Nominee then in office attended more than 75% of the aggregate number of such meetings of the Boards.

Indemnification of Board Members and Officers

The governing documents of each Trust generally provide that, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Trust will indemnify its Board Members and officers against liabilities and expenses incurred in connection with litigation in which they may be involved because of their offices with the Trust, unless it is finally adjudicated that they engaged in willful misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard of the duties involved in their offices.

Required Vote

This Proposal I must be approved by a plurality of the votes cast at the Special Meeting or by proxy at which a quorum exists. The votes of each Fund in the same Trust will be counted together with respect to the election of the Nominees to the Board and the shareholders of each Fund will vote together as a single class with the shareholders of all other Funds that are series of the same Trust.

Your Board recommends that you vote “FOR” the election of each of the Nominees to the Boards.


The Board Members do not know of any matters to be presented at the Special Meeting other than those set forth in this Joint Proxy Statement. If other business should properly come before a Special Meeting, including any questions as to an adjournment of postponement of the Special Meeting, any such matter will be voted in accordance with the judgment of the persons named in the accompanying proxy card.


Investment Manager, Transfer Agent and Principal Underwriter

TAM serves as the investment manager for the Funds in TF and TST. TF and TST have entered into an Investment Management Agreement with TAM, on behalf of each Fund. TAM serves as the investment adviser for the Funds in TAAVF pursuant to an Investment Advisory Agreement. TAM, located at 1801 California Street, Suite 5200, Denver, CO 80202, provides continuous and regular investment management services to the Funds.

TAM has been a registered investment adviser since 1996. As of December 31, 2020, TAM has approximately $88 billion in total assets under management. TAM is directly owned by Transamerica Life Insurance Company (“TLIC”) (77%) and AUSA Holding, LLC (“AUSA”) (23%), both of which are indirect, wholly owned subsidiaries of Aegon NV. TLIC is owned by Commonwealth General Corporation (“Commonwealth”). Commonwealth and AUSA are wholly owned by Transamerica Corporation (DE).

Transamerica Corporation (DE) is wholly owned by Aegon International B.V., which is wholly owned by Aegon NV, a Netherlands corporation, and a publicly traded international insurance group. Transamerica Fund Services, Inc. (“TFS”), the transfer agent of TF and TST, is located at 1801 California Street, Suite 5200, Denver, Colorado 80202. The current principal underwriter and distributor of the TF and TST Funds is Transamerica Capital, Inc. (“TCI”), located at 1801 California Street, Suite 5200, Denver, CO 80202. TAM, TFS and TCI are all affiliated due to their common ultimate ownership by AEGON, N.V.

Legal Proceedings

On September 30, 2020, Transamerica Asset Management, Inc. (“TAM”), the investment manager of the funds, entered into a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) relating to expense recaptures. The recaptures at issue, which TAM self-reported to the SEC, involved amounts previously voluntarily waived and/or reimbursed to four money market funds to prevent the funds from experiencing a negative yield. In some cases recaptures under the voluntary yield waiver arrangements exceeded contractual expense limits. The recaptured amounts were not reflected in the funds’ prospectus fee tables. The funds involved were Transamerica Government Money Market, Transamerica BlackRock Government Money Market VP, Transamerica Partners Government Money Market and Transamerica Partners Institutional Government Money Market. The two Transamerica Partners Government Money Market funds reorganized into Transamerica Government Money Market in October of 2017.

Under the settlement order, TAM agreed to pay affected fund investors approximately $5.3 million in disgorgement and approximately $690,000 in prejudgment interest. These amounts represent expenses incurred above the applicable expense limit (plus interest). TAM was also censured and ordered to cease and desist from committing or causing any violations of certain statutory provisions and SEC rules. The settlement order imposes no civil penalty on TAM based upon TAM having self-reported the matter, the prompt remedial steps taken by TAM, and TAM’s cooperation in the SEC staff ’s investigation. The settlement order does not affect TAM’s ability to manage the funds.

The foregoing is only a brief summary of the settlement order. A copy of the settlement order is available on the SEC’s website at


State Street Bank & Trust (“State Street”), located at One Lincoln Street, Boston, MA 02111, serves as each Fund’s custodian.



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Annual and Semi-Annual Reports

Shareholders of TF can find important information about the Funds in their annual reports dated October 31, 2020 and their semi-annual reports dated April 30, 2021 (or, for Transamerica Stock Index, the annual report dated December 31, 2020 and semi-annual report dated June 30, 2021), which have been previously mailed or made available to shareholders. Shareholders of TST and TAAVF can find important information about TST’s portfolios and TAAVF’s sub-accounts in their respective annual reports dated December 31, 2020 and semi-annual reports dated June 30, 2021, which have been previously mailed or made available to shareholders. You may obtain copies of these reports without charge by writing to the Funds at the address shown on the first page of this Joint Proxy Statement or by calling the following numbers: 1-800-851-9777 for TST, 1-888-233-4339 for TF and 1-800-755-5801 for TAAVF.

Proxy Solicitation

The principal solicitation of proxies will be by the mailing of this Joint Proxy Statement beginning on or about September 1, 2021, but proxies may also be solicited by telephone and/or by representatives of the Funds, regular employees of TAM or its affiliate(s), or Computershare, a private proxy services firm. It is anticipated that the total cost of preparing, printing and mailing the joint proxy statement and soliciting proxies will be approximately $1,657,325 ($942,173 for TF, $708,831 for TST and $6,321 for TAAVF), which will be borne by the Funds. These costs will be allocated among the Funds on the basis of their respective net assets, except when direct costs can be reasonably attributed to one or more particular Funds. If we have not received your vote as the date of the Special Meeting approaches, you may receive a call from these parties to ask for your vote. Arrangements will be made with brokerage houses and custodians, nominees and fiduciaries to forward proxies and proxy materials to their clients.

The cost of the Special Meeting, including the preparation and mailing of the Notice, Joint Proxy Statement and the solicitation of proxies, including reimbursement to brokerage firms and others for their expenses in forwarding proxy materials to the beneficial owners and soliciting them to execute proxies, will be borne by the Funds.

Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

The Audit Committee and Board Members, including a majority of the independent Board Members, of each Fund have selected Ernst & Young LLP (“E&Y”) as the independent registered public accounting firm for such Fund. E&Y, in accordance with Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1 (ISB No. 1), has confirmed to each applicable Audit Committee that it is an independent registered public accounting firm with respect to the Funds.

Each Fund’s Audit Committee approved the engagement of E&Y as each Fund’s independent registered public accounting firm for the applicable Fund’s current fiscal year. E&Y provides audit and accounting services including audit of the annual financial statements, assistance and consultation with respect to filings with the SEC, and preparation for annual income tax returns.

The reports of E&Y on each Fund’s financial statements for each of the last two fiscal years audited by E&Y contained no adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion and were not qualified or modified as to uncertainty, audit scope or accounting principles. There have been no disagreements with E&Y during such fiscal years and any subsequent interim period on any matter of accounting principles or practices, financial statement disclosure or auditing scope or procedure which, if not resolved to the satisfaction of E&Y, would have caused them to make reference thereto in their reports on the financial statements for such years.

Representatives of E&Y are not expected to be present at the Special Meeting but have been given the opportunity to make a statement if they so desire and will be available should any matter arise requiring their response.

Shown below for each Fund’s two most recent fiscal years, are the fees billed by the Fund’s independent registered public accounting firm for all audit and non-audit services provided directly to the Fund. The fee information is presented under the following captions:

(a) Audit Fees - fees related to the audit and review of the financial statements included in annual reports and registration statements, and other services that are normally provided in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements.

(b) Audit-Related Fees - fees related to assurance and related services that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit or review of financial statements, but not reported under “Audit Fees” including accounting consultations, agreed-upon procedure reports, attestation reports, comfort letters and internal control reviews not required by regulators.

(c) Tax Fees - fees associated with tax compliance, tax advice and tax planning, including services relating to the filing or amendment of federal, state or local income tax returns, regulated investment company qualification reviews and tax distribution and analysis reviews.

(d) All Other Fees - fees for products and services provided to the Fund other than those reported under “Audit Fees,” “Audit-Related Fees” and “Tax Fees.”

The charter of each Audit Committee requires that the Audit Committee shall approve (a) all audit and permissible non-audit services to be provided to each Fund and (b) all permissible non-audit services to be provided by the Fund’s independent registered public accounting firm to TAM and any service providers controlling, controlled by or under common control with TAM that provide ongoing services to the Fund (“Covered Service Providers”) if the engagement relates directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Fund. The Audit Committee may implement policies and procedures by which such services are approved other than by the full Audit Committee. The pre-approval of these services also is intended to assure that the provision of the services does not impair the accounting firm’s independence.



Table of Contents

No Audit Committee may approve non-audit services that the Audit Committee believes may impair the independence of the independent registered public accounting firms. Permissible non-audit services include any professional services (including tax services) that are not prohibited services as described below provided to the Fund by the independent registered public accounting firms, other than those provided to a Fund in connection with an audit or a review of the financial statements of the Fund. Permissible non-audit services may not include (a) bookkeeping or other services related to the accounting records or financial statements of the Fund; (b) financial information systems design and implementation; (c) appraisal or valuation services, fairness opinions or contribution-in-kind reports; (d) actuarial services; (e) internal audit outsourcing services; (f) management functions or human resources; (g) broker or dealer, investment adviser or investment banking services; (h) legal services and expert services unrelated to the audit; and (i) any other service the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board determines, by regulation, is impermissible.

Unless a type of service to be provided by the independent registered public accounting firm has received pre-approval, it will require separate pre-approval by the Audit Committee. Also, any proposed services exceeding pre-approved cost levels will require separate pre-approval by the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee is not required to pre-approve services for which pre-approval is not required by applicable law, including de minimis and grandfathered services.

Each Audit Committee has considered whether the provision of non-audit services that were rendered by E&Y to TAM and Covered Service Providers that were not pre-approved (not requiring pre-approval) is compatible with maintaining such auditor’s independence. All services provided by E&Y to each Fund, TAM or Covered Service Providers that were required to be pre-approved were pre-approved as required.

For each Fund’s two most recent fiscal years, there were no services rendered by E&Y to a Fund for which the pre-approval requirement was waived.

There were no non-audit fees billed by E&Y for services rendered to TF in each of the last two fiscal years ended October 31, 2019 and October 31, 2020, respectively. In addition, there were no non-audit fees billed by E&Y for services rendered to TAM or any Covered Service Provider(s) that provide ongoing services to TF in each of the last two fiscal years ended October 31, 2019 and October 31, 2020, respectively.

There were no non-audit fees billed by E&Y for services rendered to each of TST or TAAVF in each of the last two fiscal years ended December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2020, respectively. In addition, there were no non-audit fees billed by E&Y for services rendered to TAM or any Covered Service Provider(s) that provide ongoing services to TST or TAAVF in each of the last two fiscal years ended December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2020, respectively.

Transamerica Funds


     Fiscal Year Ended
10/31 (in thousands)
     2020      2019  

Audit Fees

   $ 1,346      $ 1,445  

Audit-Related Fees(1)

   $ 11      $ 48  

Tax Fees(2)

   $ 284      $ 158  

All Other Fees(3)

   $ 61      $ 64  



Audit-Related Fees represent assurance and related services provided that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit of the financial statements including review of documents and issuances of consents related to Securities and Exchange Commission Form N-1A filing of the Funds comprising TF.


Tax-Fees represent tax compliance, tax planning and tax advice services provided in connection with the review of the distributions for excise tax purposes, fiscal year end taxable income calculations and certain fiscal year end shareholder reporting items on behalf of the Funds comprising TF.


All Other Fees represent service fees for analysis of potential Passive Foreign Investment Company and N-14 merger items.

Transamerica Series Trust


     Fiscal Year Ended
12/31 (in thousands)
     2020      2019  

Audit Fees

   $ 1,029      $ 1,013  

Audit-Related Fees(1)

   $ 57      $ 145  

Tax Fees(2)

   $ 163      $ 87  

All Other Fees(3)

   $ 46      $ 53  



Audit-Related Fees represent assurance and related services provided that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit of the financial statements including review of documents and issuances of consents related to Securities and Exchange Commission Form N-1A filing of the Funds comprising TST.


Tax-Fees represent tax compliance, tax planning and tax advice services provided in connection with the review of the distributions for excise tax purposes, fiscal year end taxable income calculations and certain fiscal year end shareholder reporting items on behalf of the Funds comprising TST.


All Other Fees represent service fees for analysis of potential Passive Foreign Investment Company and N-14 merger items.



Table of Contents

Transamerica Asset Allocation Variable Funds


     Fiscal Year Ended
(in thousands)
     2020      2019  

Audit Fees

   $ 48      $ 47  

Audit-Related Fees(1)

   $ 0      $ 0  

Tax Fees(2)

   $ 0      $ 0  

All Other Fees(3)

   $ 0      $ 0  



Audit-Related Fees represent assurance and related services provided that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit of the financial statements including review of documents and issuances of consents related to Securities and Exchange Commission Form N-3 filings of the Funds comprising TAAVF.


Tax-Fees represent tax compliance, tax planning and tax advice services provided in connection with the review of the distributions for excise tax purposes, fiscal year end taxable income calculations and certain fiscal year end shareholder reporting items on behalf of the Funds comprising TAAVF.


All Other Fees represent permissible non-audit services for TAAVF that it believes are routine and recurring services and would not impair the independence of the accountant.

Principal Shareholders

As of August 6, 2021, the outstanding shares of each Fund were as set forth in Appendix A.

As of August 6, 2021, the persons listed in Appendix F owned of record the amount of shares of the Funds indicated in Appendix F.

Shareholders Communications to the Boards

Shareholders of each Trust may mail written communications to the Trust’s Board, addressed to the care of the Secretary of the Trusts, at the Trusts’ address. Each shareholder communication must (i) be in writing and be signed by the shareholder, (ii) identify the underlying series of the Trust to which it relates, and (iii) identify the class (if applicable) held by the shareholder. The Secretary is responsible for collecting, reviewing and organizing all properly submitted shareholder communications. Except as provided below, with respect to each properly submitted shareholder communication, the Secretary will either (i) provide a copy of the communication to the Board at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting, or (ii) if the Secretary determines that the communication requires more immediate attention, forward the communication to the Board promptly after receipt. The Secretary may, in good faith, determine that a shareholder communication should not be provided to the Board because the communication, among other things, (i) does not reasonably relate to a series of the Trust or its operations, management, activities, policies, service providers, Board, officers, shareholders or other matters relating to an investment in the Trust, or (ii) is ministerial in nature (such as a request for Fund literature, share data or financial information). These procedures shall not apply to (i) any communication from an officer or Trustee of a Trust, (ii) any communication from an employee or agent of a Trust, unless such communication is made solely in such employee’s or agent’s capacity as a shareholder, (iii) any shareholder proposal submitted pursuant to Rule 14a-8 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”) or any communication made in connection with such a proposal, or (iv) any communication that reasonably may be considered to be a complaint regarding a Trust or shareholder services, which complaint shall instead be promptly forwarded to the Trusts’ Chief Compliance Officer. The Trustees are not required to attend a Trust’s shareholder meetings, if any, or to otherwise make themselves available to shareholders for communications, other than pursuant to these procedures.

Shareholders Sharing the Same Address

As permitted by law, each Fund will deliver only one copy of this Joint Proxy Statement or the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials to shareholders residing at the same address, unless such shareholders have notified the Fund of their desire to receive multiple copies of the shareholder reports and proxy statements the Fund sends. If you would like to receive an additional copy, please contact your Fund by writing to the address shown on the front page of this Joint Proxy Statement or by calling Computershare, the Funds’ proxy solicitor, toll-free at 866-963-6126.

The Fund will then promptly deliver, upon request, a separate copy of this Joint Proxy Statement or the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials to any shareholder residing at an address to which only one copy was mailed. Shareholders wishing to receive separate copies of each Fund’s shareholder reports and proxy statements in the future, and shareholders sharing an address that wish to receive a single copy if they are receiving multiple copies, should also send a request as indicated.

Shareholder Proposals

The Funds are not required to and do not intend to hold regular annual meetings of shareholders. Shareholders wishing to submit proposals for inclusion in a proxy statement for a subsequent meeting (if any) should send their written proposals to Erin D. Nelson, Secretary, 1801 California Street, Suite 5200, Denver, Colorado 80202.

Proposals relating to the Funds must be received a reasonable time prior to the date of a meeting of shareholders of the applicable Fund to be considered for inclusion in the proxy materials for the meeting. Timely submission of a proposal does not, however, necessarily mean that the proposal will be included. A shareholder proposal may be presented at a meeting of shareholders only if such proposal concerns a matter that may be properly brought before the meeting under applicable federal proxy rules, state law and other governing instruments.



Table of Contents

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year end of each Fund that is a series of Transamerica Funds, except Transamerica Stock Index, is October 31. The fiscal year end of Transamerica Stock Index and each Fund that is a series of TST and TAAVF is December 31.


Management does not intend to present and does not have reason to believe that any other items of business will be presented at the Special Meeting. However, if other matters are properly presented to the Special Meeting for a vote, the proxies will be voted by the persons acting under the proxies upon such matters in accordance with their judgment of the best interests of the applicable Fund.

A list of shareholders entitled to be present and to vote at the Special Meeting will be available at the offices of the Funds, 1801 California Street, Suite 5200, Denver, Colorado 80202 for inspection by any shareholder by appointment during regular business hours beginning ten days prior to the date of the Special Meeting. If you would like to review the shareholder list, please call Computershare at 866-963-6126 to coordinate the scheduling of an appointment.


Failure of a quorum to be present at the Special Meeting will necessitate adjournment. The persons named in the enclosed proxy may also move for an adjournment of the Special Meeting if a quorum is present but sufficient votes have not been received to approve the proposal, or for any other reason consistent with applicable law and each Fund’s Declaration of Trust or Charter and By-Laws, including to allow for the further solicitation of proxies. Under each Fund’s By-Laws, in the absence of a quorum, the Special Meeting may be adjourned by the motion of the person presiding at the Special Meeting. If a quorum is present but sufficient votes to approve the proposal are not received, the Special Meeting may be adjourned by the affirmative vote of a majority of the shares present or represented by proxy at the Special Meeting. Any adjournment may be made with respect to any business which might have been transacted at such meeting, and any adjournment will not delay or otherwise affect the effectiveness and validity of any business transacted at the Shareholder Meeting prior to adjournment.

Information About the Funds

Each of the Funds is subject to the informational requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and certain other federal securities statutes, and files reports and other information with the SEC. Proxy materials, reports and other information filed by the Funds can be inspected and copied at the Public Reference Facilities maintained by the SEC at 100 F Street, NE, Washington, DC 20549. The SEC maintains an internet web site (at, which contains other information about the Funds.

If you have questions about the Funds, please call 1-888-233-4339 for TF, 1-800-851-9777 for TST and 1-800-755-5801 for TAAVF.

Please submit your voting instructions promptly by signing and dating the enclosed proxy card and returning it in the accompanying postage-paid return envelope OR by following the enclosed instructions to similarly providing voting instructions by telephone or by the internet.


By Order of the Boards of Trustees

/s/ Erin D. Nelson

  Erin D. Nelson
  Chief Legal Officer and Secretary

September 1, 2021




Table of Contents

Appendix A

Funds’ Issued and Outstanding Shares

The following tables list, with respect to each Fund, the total number of shares outstanding and the net assets of the Funds on the Record Date.


Transamerica Funds

   Shares Outstanding      Net Assets ($)  

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2015

     2,945,150.71        36,241,631.43  

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2020

     3,583,248.47        37,858,769.30  

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2025

     5,596,482.40        61,735,114.11  

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2030

     4,730,248.36        64,785,312.31  

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2035

     4,668,958.72        67,460,027.27  

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2040

     4,005,233.21        59,229,960.03  

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2045

     2,589,164.91        40,066,373.41  

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2050

     2,107,792.06        34,155,149.11  

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2055

     64,776.05        972,874.21  

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2060

     60,523.55        908,559.13  

Transamerica ClearTrack® Retirement Income

     5,166,477.75        61,064,144.84  

Transamerica Asset Allocation Intermediate Horizon

     28,721,671.61        341,624,961.83  

Transamerica Asset Allocation Long Horizon

     17,107,701.26        209,975,720.18  

Transamerica Asset Allocation Short Horizon

     10,929,658.41        118,224,542.33  

Transamerica Asset Allocation – Conservative Portfolio

     59,709,639.25        722,296,108.48  

Transamerica Asset Allocation – Growth Portfolio

     75,192,003.71        1,234,910,104.88  

Transamerica Asset Allocation – Moderate Growth Portfolio

     138,896,262.56        2,017,171,752.99  

Transamerica Asset Allocation – Moderate Portfolio

     102,293,390.88        1,350,544,570.38  

Transamerica Balanced II

     9,979,469.76        135,695,615.79  

Transamerica Bond

     186,668,182.32        1,799,600,782.49  

Transamerica Capital Growth

     113,194,691.37        6,096,733,367.06  

Transamerica Core Bond

     84,867,381.64        860,461,576.40  

Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt

     42,903,744.28        468,164,790.43  

Transamerica Emerging Markets Opportunities

     82,911,627.15        992,215,101.13  

Transamerica Energy Infrastructure

     31,850,630.18        204,572,135.99  

Transamerica Event Driven

     5,527,570.32        61,815,620.44  

Transamerica Floating Rate

     30,097,780.71        284,597,141.42  

Transamerica Global Equity

     5,935,753.26        103,832,664.45  

Transamerica Government Money Market

     572,576,162.55        572,581,234.19  

Transamerica High Quality Bond

     17,884,813.53        177,913,766.73  

Transamerica High Yield Bond

     240,917,080.80        2,230,662,687.90  

Transamerica High Yield ESG

     2,080,276.82        21,164,445.19  

Transamerica High Yield Muni

     11,966,022.73        150,739,849.83  

Transamerica Inflation Opportunities

     9,798,340.06        111,085,798.90  

Transamerica Inflation-Protected Securities

     9,777,206.64        109,924,685.67  

Transamerica Intermediate Bond

     169,618,366.09        1,775,621,345.71  

Transamerica Intermediate Muni

     218,681,576.54        2,673,924,118.32  

Transamerica International Equity

     260,799,534.97        5,648,971,745.52  

Transamerica International Growth

     177,731,359.24        1,782,485,656.51  

Transamerica International Small Cap Value

     44,650,358.12        734,818,887.79  

Transamerica International Stock

     11,732,438.80        137,895,828.51  

Transamerica Large Cap Value

     195,321,986.39        2,634,604,854.94  

Transamerica Large Core

     15,483,568.50        204,487,880.17  

Transamerica Large Growth

     62,451,585.77        1,250,118,185.11  

Transamerica Large Value Opportunities

     34,809,368.69        390,493,691.73  

Transamerica Mid Cap Growth

     21,814,692.94        326,950,449.49  

Transamerica Mid Cap Value

     9,205,189.91        117,157,064.18  

Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities

     113,009,376.94        1,647,296,305.76  

Transamerica Multi-Asset Income

     36,980,438.84        521,946,827.35  

Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced

     38,915,436.28        1,372,188,669.70  

Transamerica Short-Term Bond

     352,031,656.07        3,613,136,376.19  

Transamerica Small Cap Growth

     28,656,060.01        266,204,760.80  



Table of Contents

Transamerica Small Cap Value

     26,945,301.09        874,996,117.84  

Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value

     31,569,733.56        875,096,737.34  

Transamerica Stock Index

     23,952,687.33        403,937,002.83  

Transamerica Sustainable Bond

     2,535,960.93        24,820,365.37  

Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income

     36,777,749.30        342,980,164.35  

Transamerica Total Return

     63,756,998.14        662,916,596.46  

Transamerica Unconstrained Bond

     117,583,951.68        1,211,608,148.16  

Transamerica US Growth

     64,115,201.24        2,186,090,380.27  








     4,126,490,047.03        52,556,397,757.79  


Transamerica Series Trust

   Shares Outstanding      Net Assets ($)  

Transamerica 60/40 Allocation VP

     3,838,766.96        52,484,472.74  

Transamerica Aegon High Yield Bond VP

     31,895,264.35        258,372,102.14  

Transamerica Aegon Sustainable Equity Income VP

     34,917,310.48        727,576,581.19  

Transamerica Aegon U.S. Government Securities VP

     28,874,935.30        340,053,911.05  

Transamerica American Funds Managed Risk VP

     84,680,796.79        1,105,526,636.20  

Transamerica BlackRock Global Real Estate Securities VP

     71,080,742.01        930,437,350.64  

Transamerica BlackRock Government Money Market VP

     815,204,115.23        815,196,423.51  

Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 40 VP

     33,579,462.56        349,340,251.93  

Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 50 VP

     36,400,099.48        530,417,809.65  

Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 75 VP

     13,331,314.04        217,545,049.66  

Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 100 VP

     5,826,893.54        101,064,996.00  

Transamerica BlackRock Tactical Allocation VP

     77,310,739.53        1,347,282,492.00  

Transamerica Goldman Sachs 70/30 Allocation VP

     247,206.12        3,451,159.52  

Transamerica International Growth VP

     48,503,585.48        510,842,388.38  

Transamerica Janus Balanced VP

     63,744,900.90        1,282,208,327.02  

Transamerica Janus Mid-Cap Growth VP

     24,928,952.34        1,197,975,941.49  

Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation – Conservative VP

     114,486,868.15        1,352,501,612.01  

Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation – Growth VP

     78,400,190.95        1,290,585,333.98  

Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation – Moderate Growth VP

     349,066,889.67        5,106,418,740.33  

Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation – Moderate VP

     544,844,387.45        7,439,283,126.50  

Transamerica JPMorgan Core Bond VP

     36,798,895.98        525,474,736.58  

Transamerica JPMorgan Enhanced Index VP

     78,266,778.08        2,262,167,110.91  

Transamerica JPMorgan International Moderate Growth VP

     53,689,363.00        645,409,887.69  

Transamerica JPMorgan Mid Cap Value VP

     28,304,453.28        536,199,811.47  

Transamerica JPMorgan Tactical Allocation VP

     84,123,312.40        1,481,340,714.74  

Transamerica Legg Mason Dynamic Allocation—Balanced VP

     77,956,178.50        1,040,299,615.72  

Transamerica Legg Mason Dynamic Allocation – Growth VP

     32,111,050.10        461,250,363.48  

Transamerica Madison Diversified Income VP

     12,685,350.70        192,281,306.69  

Transamerica Managed Risk – Balanced ETF VP

     409,927,124.31        5,691,156,682.38  

Transamerica Managed Risk – Conservative ETF VP

     51,596,603.37        675,957,355.63  

Transamerica Managed Risk – Growth ETF VP

     221,009,575.03        2,633,283,115.02  

Transamerica Market Participation Strategy VP

     31,030,747.54        470,034,954.39  

Transamerica Morgan Stanley Capital Growth VP

     73,376,861.80        3,214,822,082.27  

Transamerica Morgan Stanley Global Allocation VP

     96,558,498.73        1,547,031,493.66  

Transamerica Morgan Stanley Global Allocation Managed Risk – Balanced VP

     27,986,825.74        306,832,121.95  

Transamerica MSCI EAFE Index VP

     5,708,972.03        76,157,270.99  

Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced VP

     108,823,936.84        2,027,735,542.76  

Transamerica PIMCO Tactical – Balanced VP

     43,506,195.19        563,524,075.40  

Transamerica PIMCO Tactical – Conservative VP

     22,406,633.16        285,555,417.85  

Transamerica PIMCO Tactical – Growth VP

     30,398,139.02        387,143,887.93  

Transamerica PIMCO Total Return VP

     170,324,577.90        2,040,461,483.14  

Transamerica PineBridge Inflation Opportunities VP

     14,459,677.64        166,856,816.67  

Transamerica ProFund UltraBear VP

     82,287,083.22        7,473,873.35  

Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation – Conservative VP

     28,995,820.84        338,790,018.54  

Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation – Moderate Growth VP

     44,201,243.68        500,725,029.42  

Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation – Moderate VP

     106,337,957.55        1,301,143,302.81  

Transamerica Rothschild & Co Large Cap Value VP

     3,334,838.83        41,357,395.37  

Transamerica S&P 500 Index VP

     25,709,035.99        498,558,873.74  

Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value VP

     27,655,047.77        636,715,862.72  



Table of Contents

Transamerica T. Rowe Price Small Cap VP

     51,748,436.43        1,016,627,667.58  

Transamerica TS&W International Equity VP

     13,058,541.98        210,100,986.33  

Transamerica WMC US Growth VP

     89,359,597.72        4,499,061,750.57  








     4,644,900,775.68        61,240,095,313.70  


Transamerica Asset Allocation Variable Funds

   Shares Outstanding      Net Assets ($)  

Transamerica Asset Allocation — Intermediate Horizon


Transamerica Asset Allocation — Intermediate/Long Horizon


Transamerica Asset Allocation — Short Horizon

     233,384.57        6,069,804.43  








     1,624,336.61        60,746,679.44  




Table of Contents

Appendix B




(Each, a “Fund” and collectively, the “Funds”)


(Approved April 3, 2008, as revised through March 12, 2020)




The Nominating Committee (the “Committee”) of the Funds’ Boards (the “Boards”) shall be composed solely of trustees who are not “interested persons” of the Funds as defined in Section 2(a)(19) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Independent Trustees”). Other members of the Boards, while not serving as members of the Committee, may assist the Committee in the discharge of its responsibilities, e.g., by identifying and recommending potential candidates to the Committee for its consideration. In addition, at the request of the Committee, the Funds’ investment advisers and other service providers will provide administrative support and other assistance to the Committee.

The Boards shall nominate and appoint the members of the Committee and shall designate the Chair of the Committee. The Chair shall preside at each meeting of the Committee.

The Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Boards. A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the act of a majority of the members of the Committee present at any meeting, including by means of a conference call or other communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear and communicate with each other, at which there is a quorum shall be the act of the Committee. The Committee may take action by unanimous written consent if at least the number of Trustees required for approval of such action at a meeting of the Trustees consent to the action in writing.




The primary purposes and responsibilities of the Committee are to (i) identify individuals qualified to become members of the Boards in the event that a position is vacated or created, (ii) consider all candidates proposed to become members of the Boards, subject to the procedures and policies set forth in this Charter or resolutions of the Boards, (iii) select and nominate, or recommend for nomination by the Boards, candidates for election as Trustees and (iv) set any necessary standards or qualifications for service on the Boards. The Independent Trustees, however, retain the authority to act in place of the Committee to select and nominate the independent trustee candidates if they determine to do so. Similarly, the Trustees (the Independent Trustees together with the Management Trustees) retain the authority to act in place of the Committee to select and nominate management trustee candidates if they determine to do so.




In the event of any anticipated or actual vacancies or created positions on the Boards, the Committee shall oversee the process for the identification, evaluation and nomination of potential candidates to serve on the Boards. The Committee may solicit suggestions for nominations from any source it deems appropriate, including from representatives of Management or from Shareholders. The Committee may also identify potential nominees through its network of contacts and may also engage, if it deems appropriate, a professional search firm.

The Committee shall evaluate each candidate’s qualifications for Board membership, and, with respect to nominees for Independent Trustee membership, their independence from the Funds’ investment advisers and other principal service providers. The Committee shall consider the effect of any relationships beyond those delineated in the 1940 Act that might impair the independence of a prospective Independent Trustee.

The Committee does not have specific qualifications for nominees (other than as set forth in Schedule A), nor has it established specific qualities or skills that it regards as necessary for the Boards’ members to possess (other than any qualities or skills that may be required by applicable law, regulation or listing standard). In assessing the qualifications of a potential candidate for membership on the Boards, the Committee may consider the candidate’s potential contribution to the operation of the Boards and its committees, and such other factors as it may deem relevant. The Committee may consider diversity in identifying potential candidates, including differences of viewpoint, professional experience and skill, as well as such other individual qualities and attributes as it may deem relevant. Specific desired (but not required) qualities of Independent Trustee candidates are set forth in Schedule A to this Charter. All equally qualified nominees will be treated equally in consideration by the Committee. No person shall be qualified to be a Board member unless the Committee, in consultation with legal counsel, has determined that such person, if elected as a Trustee, would not cause the Funds to be in violation of or not in compliance with (a) applicable law, regulation or regulatory interpretation, (b) its organizational documents, or (c) any policy adopted by the Boards regarding either the retirement age of Board members or the percentage of a Board that is to be composed of Independent Trustees.



Table of Contents

While the Committee is solely responsible for the selection and nomination of potential candidates to serve on the Boards, the Committee may consider and evaluate nominations properly submitted by shareholders of the Funds. Nominations proposed by shareholders will be properly submitted for consideration by the Committee only if the qualifications and procedures set forth in Schedule B of this Charter, as it may be amended from time to time by the Committee or the Boards, are met and followed. It shall be in the Committee’s sole discretion whether to seek corrections of a deficient submission or to exclude a nominee from consideration.

The Committee shall evaluate, as necessary, the operations and effectiveness of the Boards as a whole and shall evaluate the composition of the Boards to determine whether it may be appropriate to add individuals with different backgrounds or skills from those already on the Boards.




The Committee shall meet as necessary to carry out its responsibilities hereunder, and otherwise from time to time as the Chair of the Committee deems appropriate.

The Committee may delegate any portion of its authority to a subcommittee of one or more members. Any decision of the subcommittee shall be presented to the full Committee at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

The Committee shall have the resources and authority appropriate to discharge its responsibilities, including the ability to engage and compensate third party consultants from each Fund’s assets.

The Committee shall periodically assess this Charter and recommend to the Boards any revisions or modifications that the Committee deems necessary or appropriate to the effective discharge of its responsibilities.

Nothing in this Charter is intended to impose, or should be interpreted as imposing, on any member of the Committee any additional duties or responsibilities over and above those placed on the member in his or her capacity as a Trustee of the Funds under applicable federal and state law.



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The Independent Trustees’ primary responsibility is management oversight of the Funds on behalf of shareholders. Diverse responsibilities include review and negotiation of contractual arrangements with management and other service providers, and oversight and review of service provider performance, investment performance, compliance, shareholder services and communication with shareholders.






Public or private sector stature sufficient to instill confidence.



High personal and professional integrity.



Good business sense.



Ability to commit the necessary time to prepare for and attend meetings.



Not financially dependent on Trustee retainer and meeting fees.






General understanding of balance sheets and operating statements.



First-hand knowledge of investing.



Experience in working in highly regulated and complex legal framework.



Demonstrated ability to maintain “independence” of management and other service agents while maintaining a constructive working relationship.



Ability to be critical, and confrontational if necessary, but in a constructive manner.



Demonstrated ability to contribute to Board and committee process.



Ability to consider diverse issues and make timely, well-informed decisions.



Familiarity with the securities industry.



Qualification as an “Audit Committee Financial Expert.”

Note: The Personal Attributes listed in Section B above should be possessed by all Trustees. The Skills, Experience and Qualifications listed in Section C include items that should be possessed by all Trustees as well as items that should be possessed by at least some Trustees.



Table of Contents



A candidate for nomination as Trustee submitted by a shareholder will not be deemed to be properly submitted to the Committee for the Committee’s consideration unless the following requirements have been met and procedures followed:



Each eligible shareholder or shareholder group may submit no more than one nominee each calendar year.



The nominee must satisfy all qualifications provided herein and in the Funds’ organizational documents, including qualification as a possible Independent Trustee if the nominee is to serve in that capacity.



The nominee may not be the nominating shareholder, a member of the nominating shareholder group or a member of the immediate family of the nominating shareholder or any member of the nominating shareholder group.1



Neither the nominee nor any member of the nominee’s immediate family may be currently employed or employed within the year prior to the nomination by any nominating shareholder entity or entity in a nominating shareholder group.



Neither the nominee nor any immediate family member of the nominee is permitted to have accepted directly or indirectly, during the year of the election for which the nominee’s name was submitted, during the immediately preceding calendar year, or during the year when the nominee’s name was submitted, any consulting, advisory, or other compensatory fee from the nominating shareholder or any member of a nominating shareholder group.



The nominee may not be an executive officer, director or person fulfilling similar functions of the nominating shareholder or any member of the nominating shareholder group, or of an affiliate of the nominating shareholder or any such member of the nominating shareholder group.



The nominee may not control the nominating shareholder or any member of the nominating shareholder group (or, in the case of a holder or member that is a fund, an interested person of such holder or member as defined by Section 2(a)(19) of the 1940 Act).



A shareholder or shareholder group may not submit for consideration a nominee which has previously been considered by the Committee.



In order for the Committee to consider shareholder submissions, the following requirements must be satisfied regarding the shareholder or shareholder group submitting the proposed nominee:



Any shareholder or shareholder group submitting a proposed nominee must beneficially own, either individually or in the aggregate, more than 5% of a Fund’s (or a series thereof) securities that are eligible to vote both at the time of submission of the nominee and at the time of the Board member election. Each of the securities used for purposes of calculating this ownership must have been held continuously for at least two years as of the date of the nomination. In addition, such securities must continue to be held through the date of the meeting.

The nominating shareholder or shareholder group must also bear the economic risk of the investment.


The nominating shareholder or shareholder group must also submit a certification which provides the number of shares which the person or group has (a) sole power to vote or direct the vote; (b) shared power to vote or direct the vote; (c) sole power to dispose or direct the disposition of such shares; and (d) shared power to dispose or direct the disposition of such shares. In addition the certification shall provide that the shares have been held continuously for at least two years.



Shareholders or shareholder groups submitting proposed nominees must substantiate compliance with the above requirements at the time of submitting their proposed nominee as part of their written submission to the attention of the Funds’ Secretary, who will provide all submissions to the Committee. This submission to the Funds must include:



the shareholder’s contact information;



the nominee’s contact information and the number of applicable Fund shares owned by the proposed nominee;



all information regarding the nominee that would be required to be disclosed in solicitations of proxies for elections of directors required by Regulation 14A under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and



a notarized letter executed by the nominee, stating his or her intention to serve as a nominee and be named in a Fund’s proxy statement, if so designated by the Committee and the Funds’ Board.



The Committee will consider all submissions meeting the applicable requirements stated herein that are received by December 31 of the most recently completed calendar year.




Terms such as “immediate family member” and “control” shall be interpreted in accordance with the federal securities laws.




Table of Contents

Appendix C

Officers of the Trusts

The officers of each Trust, including their ages (as of the shareholder meeting date), their positions held with each Trust and their principal occupations during the past five years (their titles may have varied during that period) are shown in the table below. The address of each officer is c/o Secretary, 1801 California Street, Suite 5200, Denver, Colorado 80202.

No officer of the Trusts, except for the Funds’ Chief Compliance Officer, receives any compensation from the Trusts. If an officer has held offices for different Funds for different periods of time, the earliest applicable date is shown.


Name and Age




Term of Office and
Length of Time Served*


Principal Occupation(s) or Employment During Past Five Years

Marijn P. Smit


   Chairman of the Boards, President and Chief Executive Officer    Since 2014    Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer, TF, TST and TAAVF (2014 – present);
Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer, TET (2017 – present);
Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer, Transamerica Partners Portfolio (“TPP”), Transamerica Partners Funds Group (“TPFG”) and Transamerica Partners Funds Group II (“TPFG II”) (2014 – 2018);
Director, Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer, Transamerica Asset Management, Inc. (“TAM”) and Transamerica Fund Services, Inc. (“TFS”) (2014 – present);
Senior Vice President, Transamerica Retirement Solutions LLC (2012—present); Trust Officer, Massachusetts Fidelity Trust Company (2014—2021);
President, Investment Solutions, Transamerica Investments & Retirement (2014 – 2016);
Vice President, Transamerica Life Insurance Company (2010 – 2016);
Vice President, Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company (2010 – 2016);
Senior Vice President, Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (2013 – 2016);
Senior Vice President, Transamerica Retirement Advisors, Inc. (2013 – 2016)
and President and Director, Transamerica Stable Value Solutions, Inc. (2010 – 2016).
Christopher A. Staples, CFA
   Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Advisory Services    Since 2005    Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Advisory Services, TF and TST (2007 – present);
Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, TET (2017 – present);
Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Advisory Services, TAAVF (2007 – present);
Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Advisory Services, TPP, TPFG and TPFG II (2007 – 2018);
Director (2005 – 2019), Senior Vice President (2006 – present), Senior Director, Investments (2016 – present), Chief Investment Officer, Advisory Services (2012 – 2016) and Lead Portfolio Manager (2007 – present), TAM;
Director, TFS (2005 – 2019);
Trust Officer, Massachusetts Fidelity Trust Company (2010—present);
Registered Representative (2007 – 2016), Transamerica Capital, Inc. (“TCI”);
and Registered Representative, TFA (2005 – present).



Table of Contents

Name and Age




Term of Office and
Length of Time Served*


Principal Occupation(s) or Employment During Past Five Years

Thomas R. Wald, CFA


   Vice President and Chief Investment Officer    Since 2014    Chief Investment Officer, TF, TST and TAAVF (2014 – present); TET (2017 – present); Chief Investment Officer, TPP, TPFG and TPFG II (2014 – 2018);
Director (2017 – 2020), Akaan Transamerica, S.A. de C.V., Sociedad Operadora de Fondos de Inversión;
Chief Investment Officer, Transamerica Investments & Retirement (2014 – 2020);
Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, TAM (2014 – present);
Director, TFS (2019—present); and
Trust Officer, Massachusetts Fidelity Trust Company (2015—present).

Vincent J. Toner


   Vice President and Treasurer    Since 2014    Vice President and Treasurer, TF, TST and TAAVF (2014 – present), Vice President and Treasurer (2017 – present), Vice President, Principal Financial Officer and Treasurer (2020 – present), TET;
Vice President and Treasurer, TPP, TPFG and TPFG II (2014 – 2018);
Vice President (2016 – present), Treasurer (2016 – 2019), Vice President, Administration and Treasurer (2014 – 2016), TAM;
Vice President, Administration and Treasurer (2014 – 2019), Senior Vice President (2019 – present), TFS;
Vice President (2016 – present), TCI;
and Trust Officer (2015 – present), Massachusetts Fidelity Trust Company.

Francine J. Rosenberger


   Chief Compliance Officer    Since 2019    Chief Compliance Officer, TF, TST, TET and TAAVF (2019 – present);
Chief Compliance Officer (2019 – present), TAM;
and General Counsel, Corporate Secretary and Fund Chief Compliance Officer, Steben & Company, Inc. (2013 – 2019).

Molly Possehl


   Anti-Money Laundering Officer    Since 2019    Anti-Money Laundering Officer, TF, TST, TET and TAAVF (2019 – present);
Assistant General Counsel, Transamerica Life Insurance Company/Aegon USA (2013 – present);
and Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer and Fraud Officer, Transamerica Life Insurance Company/Aegon USA (2015 – present).

Erin D. Nelson


   Chief Legal Officer and Secretary    Since 2019    Chief Legal Officer and Secretary, TF, TST, TET and TAAVF (2019 – present);
Assistant General Counsel II and Assistant Secretary, TAM (2019 – present);
Assistant Secretary (2019 – present), TFS;
and Senior Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer, ALPS Advisors, Inc. (2015 – 2019).

Peter Sattelmair


   Assistant Treasurer    Since 2018    Assistant Treasurer, TF, TST and TAAVF (2018 – present);
and Director, Fund Administration, TAM (2014 – present).

Timothy Bresnahan


   Assistant Secretary    Since 2020    Assistant Secretary, TF, TST and TAAVF (2020 – present);
Assistant Secretary (2019 – present), Secretary (2019), TET; and Senior Counsel, TAM (2008 – present).



Elected and serves at the pleasure of the Board of each Trust.



Table of Contents

Appendix D

Compensation of the Board Members

Board Members who are not “interested persons” of the Funds under the 1940 Act (“Independent Board Members”) receive an annual retainer fee as well as an additional annual fee for service on one or more committees and are reimbursed for all travel and out-of-pocket expenses relating to attendance at such meetings. Board Members who are considered “interested persons” of the Funds under the 1940 Act (“Interested Board Members”) do not receive compensation from the Funds but may be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses relating to attendance at such meetings. Mr. Warrick is compensated by TAM or an affiliate of TAM for his service as a Board Member. Mr. Smit will not receive any compensation for serving as a Board Member.

As of January 1, 2021, the Independent Board Members receive a base retainer of $330,000 from TF, TST and TAAVF. Each Trust pays a pro rata share of these fees allocable to each series of the Trust based on the relative assets of the series.

As of January 1, 2021, the Lead Independent Trustee of the Boards receives an additional retainer of $63,000 per year. The Audit Committee Chairperson receives an additional retainer of $28,000 per year and the Nominating Committee Chairperson receives an additional retainer of $15,000 per year. Each Trust also pays a pro rata share allocable to each of its series based on the relative assets of the series for the Lead Independent Trustee, Audit Committee Chairperson and Nominating Committee Chairperson retainers.

Any fees and expenses paid to an Interested Board Member and officers are paid by TAM or an affiliate and not by the Trusts or any series thereof, except that the compensation of the Chief Compliance Officer of the Trusts is paid as provided in the next sentence. A portion of the compensation of the Chief Compliance Officer is paid by TAM or an affiliate; the remaining portion is allocated ratably, based on relative net assets, among the mutual funds and ETFs sponsored by TAM, including the series of each Trust.

Under a nonqualified deferred compensation plan effective January 1, 1996, as amended and restated January 1, 2010 (the “Deferred Compensation Plan”), available to the Board Members, compensation may be deferred that would otherwise be payable by each series of the applicable Trust to an Independent Board Member on a current basis for services rendered as Board Member. Any deferred amount is treated as though an equivalent dollar amount has been invested in shares of one or more funds advised by TAM, as elected by the Board Member. The liability of each series of the applicable Trust for these amounts is adjusted for market value changes in the elected investment fund(s) and remains a liability to the series until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Compensation Plan.

Amounts deferred and accrued under the Deferred Compensation Plan are unfunded and unsecured claims against the general assets of the Trusts.

Transamerica Funds

The following table sets forth the compensation amounts paid to the Independent Board Members of the TF Board for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2020.


Name of Person, Position

from the
     Pension or
Accrued as
Part of
from the
Fund Family

(including the

Sandra N. Bane, Trustee

   $ 122,938        N/A        N/A      $ 331,000  

Leo J. Hill, Trustee

   $ 145,739        N/A        N/A      $ 392,400  

David W. Jennings, Trustee

   $ 122,938        N/A        N/A      $ 331,000  

Fredric A. Nelson III, Trustee

   $ 122,938        N/A        N/A      $ 331,000  

John E. Pelletier, Trustee

   $ 122,938        N/A        N/A      $ 331,000  

Patricia L. Sawyer, Trustee

   $ 128,360        N/A        N/A      $ 345,600  

John W. Waechter, Trustee

   $ 132,183        N/A        N/A      $ 355,900  



The Trust has no plan or other arrangement pursuant to which the Trustees receive pension or retirement benefits.


Compensation expenses are allocated pro rata based on the relative net assets of each Fund included in the Transamerica Fund Family. Of this aggregate compensation, the total amounts deferred from the Funds (including earnings and dividends) and accrued for the benefit of the participating Trustees for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2020 were as follows: John E. Pelletier, $109,230.

As of August 6, 2021, the Board Members and officers held in aggregate less than 1% of the outstanding shares of each series of the Trust.



Table of Contents

Transamerica Series Trust

The following table sets forth the compensation amounts paid to the Independent Board Members of the TST Board for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020.


Name of Person, Position

from the
     Pension or
Accrued as
Part of
from the
Fund Family

(including the

Sandra N. Bane, Trustee

   $ 206,488        N/A        N/A      $ 330,000  

Leo J. Hill, Trustee

   $ 245,908        N/A        N/A      $ 393,000  

David W. Jennings, Trustee

   $ 206,488        N/A        N/A      $ 330,000  

Fredric A. Nelson III, Trustee

   $ 206,488        N/A        N/A      $ 330,000  

John E. Pelletier, Trustee

   $ 206,488        N/A        N/A      $ 330,000  

Patricia L. Sawyer, Trustee

   $ 215,873        N/A        N/A      $ 345,000  

John W. Waechter, Trustee

   $ 224,008        N/A        N/A      $ 358,000  



The Trust has no plan or other arrangement pursuant to which the Trustees receive pension or retirement benefits.


Compensation expenses are allocated pro rata based on the relative net assets of each Fund included in the Transamerica Fund Family. Of this aggregate compensation, the total amounts deferred from the Funds (including earnings and dividends) and accrued for the benefit of the participating Trustees for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 were as follows: John E. Pelletier, $108,900.

As of August 6, 2021, the Board Members and officers held in aggregate less than 1% of the outstanding shares of each series of the Trust.

Transamerica Asset Allocation Variable Funds

The following table sets forth the compensation amounts paid to the Independent Board Members of the TAAVF Board for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020.


Name of Person, Position

Allocation -
Short Horizon
Allocation -
Allocation -
Long Horizon

Sandra N. Bane, Trustee

   $ 27      $ 71      $ 133  

Leo J. Hill, Trustee

   $ 32      $ 84      $ 159  

David W. Jennings, Trustee

   $ 27      $ 71      $ 133  

Fredric A. Nelson III, Trustee

   $ 27      $ 71      $ 133  

John E. Pelletier, Trustee

   $ 27      $ 71      $ 133  

Patricia L. Sawyer, Trustee

   $ 28      $ 74      $ 139  

John W. Waechter, Trustee

   $ 29      $ 77      $ 145  

As of August 6, 2021, the Board Members and officers held in aggregate less than 1% of the outstanding shares of each series of the Trust.




Table of Contents

Appendix E

Equity Securities Owned by Nominees

The following table shows the amount of equity securities owned by the Nominees in the Funds that they are nominated to oversee and in all the Funds in the Transamerica Fund Family as of December 31, 2020.

Transamerica Funds





Marijn P.


Alan F.


Sandra N.


Leo J. Hill


Kathleen T.


David W.



Lauriann C.


Fredric A.

Nelson III


John E.



Patricia L.



John W.


Transamerica ClearTrack® 2015

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2020

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2025

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2030

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2035

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2040

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2045

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2050

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2055

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2060

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica ClearTrack® Retirement Income

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Asset Allocation Intermediate Horizon

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Asset Allocation Long Horizon

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Asset Allocation Short Horizon

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Asset Allocation – Conservative Portfolio

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Asset Allocation – Growth Portfolio

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   Over $100,000

Transamerica Asset Allocation – Moderate Growth Portfolio

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   Over $100,000

Transamerica Asset Allocation – Moderate Portfolio

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Balanced II

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Bond

  None   None   None   $50,001 –   $100,000   None   None   None   None   Over $100,000   None   $10,001 –   $50,000

Transamerica Capital Growth

  None   None   None   $50,001 –   $100,000   None   None   None   $50,001 –  $100,000   None   None   None

Transamerica Core Bond

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Emerging Markets Opportunities

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Energy Infrastructure

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None



Table of Contents
    Interested Nominees    



Marijn P. Smit






Leo J. Hill


T. Ives1





Lauriann C.





John E.



Patricia L.



John W.


Transamerica Event Driven

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Floating Rate

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Global Equity

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   $50,001 –   $100,000

Transamerica Government Money Market

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica High Quality Bond

  $10,001 –   $50,000   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica High Yield Bond

  $10,001 –   $50,000   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   $10,001 –   $50,000   None

Transamerica High Yield ESG

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica High Yield Muni

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Inflation Opportunities

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   $10,001 –   $50,000   None

Transamerica Inflation-Protected Securities

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Intermediate Bond

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Intermediate Muni

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica International Equity

  Over $100,000   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica International Growth

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica International Small Cap Value

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   $10,001 –   $50,000   None   None

Transamerica International Stock

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Large Cap Value

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   $10,001 –   $50,000   None

Transamerica Large Core

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Large Growth

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Large Value Opportunities

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Mid Cap Growth

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   $10,001 –   $50,000   None

Transamerica Mid Cap Value

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities

  $10,001 –   $50,000   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   $10,001 –   $50,000   None   None

Transamerica Multi-Asset Income

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced

  None   None   None   $10,001 –   $50,000   None   None   None   None   Over $100,000   None   None

Transamerica Short-Term Bond

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   Over $100,000   None   None

Transamerica Small Cap Growth

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   $10,001 –   $50,000   None

Transamerica Small Cap Value

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   $10,001 –   $50,000   None   None

Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   $10,001 –   $50,000   $10,001 –   $50,000   None

Transamerica Sustainable Bond

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None



Table of Contents
    Interested Nominees    



Marijn P.


Alan F.






T. Ives1





Lauriann C.





John E.



Patricia L.



John W.


Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Total Return

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica Unconstrained Bond

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None

Transamerica US Growth

  None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   $10,001 –   $50,000   None



As of December 31, 2020, Kathleen T. Ives and Lauriann C. Kloppenburg were not Board Members of the Trusts.

Transamerica Series Trust

As of August 6, 2021, none of the Nominees owned equity securities in any TST Fund.

Transamerica Asset Allocation Variable Funds

As of August 6, 2021, none of the Nominees owned equity securities in any TAAVF Fund.

Transamerica Fund Family



   Aggregate Dollar
Range of Equity
Securities in All
Funds to be
Overseen by
Nominee in
Transamerica Fund

Interested Nominees


Marijn P. Smit

     Over $100,000  

Alan F. Warrick


Independent Nominees


Sandra N. Bane


Leo J. Hill

     Over $100,000  

Kathleen T. Ives


David W. Jennings


Lauriann C. Kloppenburg


Fredric A. Nelson III

     $50,001 - $100,000  

John E. Pelletier

     Over $100,000  

Patricia L. Sawyer

     Over $100,000  

John W. Waechter

     Over $100,000  

None of the Independent Nominees or their immediate family members had any interest in TAM, any sub-advisers or TCI, or any person controlling, controlled by or under common control with such persons as of August 6, 2021. For this purpose, “immediate family member” includes the Nominee’s spouse, children residing in the Nominee’s household and dependents of the Nominee.



Table of Contents

Appendix F

5% and 25% Interest Ownership

To the knowledge of the Trusts, as of August 6, 2021, the following persons owned of record the amounts indicated of the shares of the class of each applicable Fund indicated.

Transamerica Funds


Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio    A    50.30%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio    A    7.48%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio    A    5.55%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio    C    17.39%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio    C    12.16%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio    C    9.95%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio    C    8.61%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept -  4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio    C    8.58%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio    I    32.76%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio    I    12.06%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio    I    7.80%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio    I    7.45%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept -  4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio    I    7.15%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

TD Ameritrade Inc
PO Box 2226
Omaha NE 68103-2226
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Conservative Portfolio    I    6.12%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Conservative Portfolio    I    5.96%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Conservative Portfolio    I    5.27%
Alexander Kirschenbaum FBO
Alexander Kirschenbaum M D P C 401
229 East 79th Street Ste A
New York NY 10075-0866
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Conservative Portfolio    R    39.77%
Mid Atlantic Trust Company FBO
Graham, Arceneaux & Allen, L.L 401
1251 Waterfront Pl Ste 525
Pittsburgh PA 15222-4228
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Conservative Portfolio    R    20.05%
Mid Atlantic Trust Company FBO
Selectek Inc
1251 Waterfront Place, Suite 525
Pittsburgh PA 15222-4228
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Conservative Portfolio    R    11.21%
Mid Atlantic Trust Company FBO
Glavin Industries Inc
1251 Waterfront Place, Suite 525
Pittsburgh PA 15222-4228
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Conservative Portfolio    R    10.91%
Mid Atlantic Trust Company FBO
Avenel Pharmacy Inc 401(k) Profit S
1251 Waterfront Pl Ste 525
Pittsburgh PA 15222-4228
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Conservative Portfolio    R    8.78%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Conservative Portfolio    R    5.95%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept -  4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    A    19.74%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    A    8.94%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    A    6.99%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    A    6.12%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    C    15.81%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    C    10.83%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    C    10.25%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    C    9.25%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    C    6.54%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    I    24.54%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    I    15.48%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    I    10.55%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept -  4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    I    10.37%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    I    9.75%
Mid Atlantic Trust Company FBO
Graham, Arceneaux & Allen, L.L 401
1251 Waterfront Pl Ste 525
Pittsburgh PA 15222-4228
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    R    38.26%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    R    13.56%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    R    13.14%
Mid Atlantic Trust Company FBO
Id Automation Inc
1251 Waterfront Place, Suite 525
Pittsburgh PA 15222-4228
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    R    10.25%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    R    10.09%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Mid Atlantic Trust Company FBO
Glavin Industries Inc
1251 Waterfront Place, Suite 525
Pittsburgh PA 15222-4228
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Growth Portfolio    R    5.13%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept -  4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Moderate Growth Portfolio    A    23.72%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Moderate Growth Portfolio    A    10.71%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Moderate Growth Portfolio    A    6.37%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Moderate Growth Portfolio    A    6.35%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Moderate Growth Portfolio    C    18.12%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Moderate Growth Portfolio    C    10.31%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Moderate Growth Portfolio    C    9.80%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Moderate Growth Portfolio    C    6.64%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept -  4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Moderate Growth Portfolio    C    6.52%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Moderate Growth Portfolio    C    5.49%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Moderate Growth Portfolio    I    28.12%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Moderate Growth Portfolio    I    14.55%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Asset Allocation -  Moderate Growth Portfolio    I    8.87%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio    I    8.66%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio    I    8.37%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio    I    6.70%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio    I    5.25%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio    R    31.58%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio    R    22.60%
Pai Trust Company, Inc.
Lg Holding LLC 401(k) P/S Plan
1300 Enterprise Dr
De Pere WI 54115-4934
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio    R    10.35%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio    R    8.26%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    A    35.61%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    A    10.48%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    A    6.30%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    C    21.16%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    C    9.75%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    C    9.51%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    C    9.10%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    C    7.69%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    I    29.25%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    I    14.77%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    I    9.83%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    I    8.32%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    I    6.95%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    I    6.43%
Mid Atlantic Trust Company FBO
Jobsinlogistics Com Inc 401(k) Prof
1251 Waterfront Pl Ste 525
Pittsburgh PA 15222-4228
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    R    20.90%
Mid Atlantic Trust Company FBO
Smede-Son Steel & Supply Company, I
1251 Waterfront Place, Suite 525
Pittsburgh PA 15222-4228
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    R    11.89%
State Street Bank And Trust
Custodian FBO Adp Access Product
1 Lincoln St
Boston MA 02111-2901
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    R    10.30%
Mid Atlantic Trust Company FBO
Electro Tech, Inc. 401(k) Savings
Plan And Trust
1251 Waterfront Pl Ste 525
Pittsburgh PA 15222-4228
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    R    9.42%
Matrix Trust Company Cust. FBO
Shives Funeral Home 401k Psp
717 17th Street
Suite 1300
Denver CO 80202-3304
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    R    9.03%
Matrix Trust Company Cust. FBO
Vernadero Group, Inc
717 17th Street
Suite 1300
Denver CO 80202-3304
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    R    8.43%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    R    5.24%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Asset Allocation Intermediate Horizon    R    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R4 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Asset Allocation Intermediate Horizon    R4    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Asset Allocation Long Horizon    R    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R4 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Asset Allocation Long Horizon    R4    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Asset Allocation Short Horizon    R    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R4 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Asset Allocation Short Horizon    R4    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Balanced II    I3    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Balanced II    R    100.00%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Bond    A    18.94%
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6484
   Transamerica Bond    A    11.42%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Bond    A    11.12%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Bond    A    10.39%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Bond    A    8.91%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Bond    A    5.75%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Bond    C    27.51%
Merrill Lynch Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6484
   Transamerica Bond    C    13.41%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Bond    C    13.28%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Bond    C    10.82%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Bond    C    10.28%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Bond    C    7.95%
Merrill Lynch Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6486
   Transamerica Bond    I    18.67%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Bond    I    10.32%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Bond    I    9.93%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Bond    I    9.92%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Bond    I    9.55%
American Enterprise Investment Svc
707 2nd Ave S
Minneapolis MN 55402-2405
   Transamerica Bond    I    6.63%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Bond    I    6.49%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Bond    I    6.37%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Bond    I    5.51%
Blackrock Tactical Allocation VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Bond    I2    41.80%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Bond    I2    24.90%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Bond    I2    16.07%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Bond    I2    15.90%
Reliance Trust Company
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Bond    R6    39.37%
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Bond    R6    35.86%
Transamerica Life Insurance Co.
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Bond    R6    15.98%
Voya Institutional Trust Company
1 Orange Way
Windsor CT 06095-4773
   Transamerica Bond    R6    5.42%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Capital Growth    A    19.43%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Capital Growth    A    15.64%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Capital Growth    A    8.34%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6484
   Transamerica Capital Growth    A    7.02%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Capital Growth    A    5.81%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Capital Growth    C    33.32%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Capital Growth    C    11.55%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Capital Growth    C    11.42%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Capital Growth    C    9.78%
American Enterprise Investment Svc
707 2nd Ave S
Minneapolis MN 55402-2405
   Transamerica Capital Growth    C    6.57%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Capital Growth    C    5.62%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Capital Growth    C    5.14%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Capital Growth    I    15.66%
American Enterprise Investment Svc
707 2nd Ave S
Minneapolis MN 55402-2405
   Transamerica Capital Growth    I    14.42%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Capital Growth    I    12.02%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Capital Growth    I    11.93%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Capital Growth    I    9.35%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Capital Growth    I    9.04%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Capital Growth    I    5.92%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Capital Growth    I2    40.05%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Capital Growth    I2    30.70%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Capital Growth    I2    17.15%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Capital Growth    I2    6.47%
Reliance Trust Company
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Capital Growth    R6    35.25%
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Capital Growth    R6    27.67%
Transamerica Life Insurance Co.
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Capital Growth    R6    24.80%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2015
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2015    R1    90.55%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2015
Reliance Trust Company
FBO Transamerica Retirement Plans
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2015    R1    9.45%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2015    R3    100.00%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2015    R6    61.81%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2015
Transamerica Life Insurance Co.
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2015    R6    37.97%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2020
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2020    R1    90.98%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2020
Reliance Trust Company
FBO Transamerica Retirement Plans
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2020    R1    9.02%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2020    R3    100.00%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2020    R6    54.53%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2020
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2020    R6    33.96%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2020
Reliance Trust Company
FBO Transamerica Retirement Plans
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2020    R6    11.50%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2025
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2025    R1    91.43%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2025
Reliance Trust Company
FBO Transamerica Retirement Plans
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2025    R1    8.57%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2025    R3    100.00%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2025
Transamerica Life Insurance Co.
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2025    R6    41.41%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2025
Reliance Trust Company
FBO Transamerica Retirement Plans
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2025    R6    35.32%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2025    R6    23.28%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2030
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2030    R1    87.93%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2030
Reliance Trust Company
FBO Transamerica Retirement Plans
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2030    R1    12.07%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2030    R3    100.00%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2030
Transamerica Life Insurance Co.
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2030    R6    49.71%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2030    R6    40.77%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2030
Reliance Trust Company
FBO Transamerica Retirement Plans
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2030    R6    9.51%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2035
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2035    R1    88.68%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2035
Reliance Trust Company
FBO Transamerica Retirement Plans
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2035    R1    11.32%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2035    R3    100.00%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2035
Transamerica Life Insurance Co.
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2035    R6    49.46%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2035    R6    43.43%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2035
Reliance Trust Company
FBO Transamerica Retirement Plans
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2035    R6    7.11%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2040
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2040    R1    88.93%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2040
Reliance Trust Company
FBO Transamerica Retirement Plans
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2040    R1    11.07%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2040    R3    100.00%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2040    R6    58.14%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2040
Transamerica Life Insurance Co.
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2040    R6    37.51%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2045
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2045    R1    89.28%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2045
Reliance Trust Company
FBO Transamerica Retirement Plans
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2045    R1    10.72%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2045    R3    100.00%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2045    R6    68.53%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2045
Transamerica Life Insurance Co.
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2045    R6    27.24%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2050
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2050    R1    93.06%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2050
Reliance Trust Company
FBO Transamerica Retirement Plans
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2050    R1    6.94%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2050    R3    100.00%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2050    R6    58.19%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2050
Transamerica Life Insurance Co.
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2050    R6    27.33%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2050
Reliance Trust Company
FBO Transamerica Retirement Plans
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2050    R6    14.49%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2055    R1    100.00%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2055    R3    100.00%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2055    R6    77.02%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2055
Reliance Trust Company
FBO Transamerica Retirement Plans
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2055    R6    14.67%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2055
Transamerica Life Insurance Co.
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2055    R6    8.31%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2060    R1    100.00%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2060    R3    100.00%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2060    R6    87.39%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2060
Reliance Trust Company
FBO Transamerica Retirement Plans
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2060    R6    10.21%
Transamerica ClearTrack® Retirement Income
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® Retirement Income    R1    92.72%
Transamerica ClearTrack® Retirement Income
Reliance Trust Company
FBO Transamerica Retirement Plans
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® Retirement Income    R1    7.28%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® Retirement Income    R3    100.00%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® Retirement Income    R6    67.13%
Transamerica ClearTrack® Retirement Income
Transamerica Life Insurance Co.
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® Retirement Income    R6    30.60%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Core Bond    I2    42.58%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Conservative VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Core Bond    I2    15.33%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Core Bond    I2    11.04%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Core Bond    I2    8.74%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Core Bond    I2    6.69%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Core Bond    I2    6.60%
Universal Life Insurance Company
Moderate Portfolio
PO Box 2145
San Juan PR 00922-2145
   Transamerica Core Bond    I2    5.17%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    A    21.96%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    A    15.90%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    A    12.47%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    A    7.71%
Merrill Lynch Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6486
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    A    7.12%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    C    19.67%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    C    14.88%
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6486
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    C    13.21%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    C    11.65%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    C    8.93%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    C    8.58%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    C    7.10%
RBC Capital Markets LLC
Mutual Fund Omnibus Processing
Attn Mutual Fund Ops Manager
510 Marquette Ave S
Minneapolis MN 55402-1110
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    C    6.69%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    C    5.97%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    I    15.61%
RBC Capital Markets LLC
Mutual Fund Omnibus Processing
Attn Mutual Fund Ops Manager
510 Marquette Ave S
Minneapolis MN 55402-1110
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    I    15.13%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    I    14.07%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Attn Mutual Funds
101 Montgomery St
San Francisco CA 94104-4151
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    I    8.46%
Merrill Lynch Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6486
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    I    8.44%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    I    6.79%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    I2    47.93%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    I2    32.29%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    I2    16.19%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    R6    66.60%
Saxon & Co
PO Box 94597
Cleveland OH 44101-4597
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    R6    18.47%
Reliance Trust Company
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    R6    5.83%
Transamerica Life Insurance Co.
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Debt    R6    5.45%
Northern Tr CO Cust FBO Schaeffer
Revocable Family Trust
PO Box 92956
Chicago IL 60675-2956
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Opportunities    I    59.96%
Attn Mutual Funds
C/O ID 337
Sei Private Tr Co
1 Freedom Valley Dr
Oaks PA 19456-9989
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Opportunities    I    23.27%
Northern Trust As Custodian
FBO University Of Missouri Medical
PO Box 92956
Chicago IL 60675-2956
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Opportunities    I    6.30%
Northern Tr CO Cust FBO David
Schaeffer Trust
PO Box 92956
Chicago IL 60675-2956
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Opportunities    I    5.49%
Transamerica Asset
Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Opportunities    I2    33.53%
Transamerica Asset
Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Opportunities    I2    26.65%
Transamerica Asset
Allocation-Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Opportunities    I2    10.97%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Opportunities    I2    7.46%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Opportunities    I2    6.95%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Opportunities    R6    100.00%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    A    20.25%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    A    18.55%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    A    11.38%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    A    10.62%
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6484
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    A    8.76%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    A    8.46%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    C    19.87%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    C    17.74%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    C    12.55%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    C    8.93%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    C    6.76%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    C    6.08%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    I    24.37%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    I    23.97%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    I    19.18%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    I    10.04%
RBC Capital Markets LLC
Mutual Fund Omnibus Processing
Attn Mutual Fund Ops Manager
510 Marquette Ave S
Minneapolis MN 55402-1110
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    I    6.02%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    I2    37.49%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    I2    29.01%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    I2    18.36%
Universal Life Insurance Company
Moderate Portfolio
PO Box 2145
San Juan PR 00922-2145
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    I2    5.68%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    I2    5.50%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Event Driven    I    44.85%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Event Driven    I    24.36%
Gerlach & Co, LLC/Citibank Open We0
3800 Citigroup Center
Building B3-14
Tampa FL 33610
   Transamerica Event Driven    I    7.56%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Event Driven    I    7.11%
Bnp Paribas New York Branch FBO
Omnibus Us Clients
525 Washington Blvd FL 9th
Jersey City NJ 07310-1606
   Transamerica Event Driven    I    6.92%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Event Driven    I2    33.57%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Event Driven    I2    26.69%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Event Driven    I2    24.16%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Event Driven    I2    13.73%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Floating Rate    A    33.07%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Floating Rate    A    18.04%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Floating Rate    A    7.14%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Floating Rate    A    6.13%
American Enterprise Investment Svc
707 2nd Ave S
Minneapolis MN 55402-2405
   Transamerica Floating Rate    A    5.22%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Floating Rate    C    53.35%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Floating Rate    C    19.16%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Floating Rate    C    5.63%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Floating Rate    C    5.55%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Floating Rate    I    21.18%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Floating Rate    I    20.64%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Floating Rate    I    12.49%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Floating Rate    I    9.61%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Floating Rate    I    9.00%
American Enterprise Investment Svc
707 2nd Ave S
Minneapolis MN 55402-2405
   Transamerica Floating Rate    I    6.74%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Floating Rate    I    6.14%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Floating Rate    I2    51.07%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Floating Rate    I2    35.16%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Conservative VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Floating Rate    I2    9.30%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Global Equity    A    14.25%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Global Equity    A    12.63%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Global Equity    A    11.17%
Merrill Lynch Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6484
   Transamerica Global Equity    A    8.09%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Global Equity    A    5.46%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Global Equity    A    5.34%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Global Equity    A    5.20%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Global Equity    C    14.98%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Global Equity    C    10.66%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Global Equity    C    8.09%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Global Equity    C    7.44%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Global Equity    C    6.30%
Albert H Bernhardt III &
Catherine M Bernhardt Ttees
Bernhardt Family Trust
Dtd 12/09/2004
8659 142Nd St
Orland Park IL 60462-4189
   Transamerica Global Equity    C    5.61%
Reliance Trust CO FBO
Comerica Non-Eb R/R
PO Box 78446
Atlanta GA 30357-2446
   Transamerica Global Equity    I    45.50%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Global Equity    I    10.25%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Global Equity    I    9.81%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Global Equity    I    7.49%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Global Equity    I    6.58%
Merrill Lynch Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6486
   Transamerica Global Equity    I    5.06%
Reliance Trust Company
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Global Equity    R6    41.01%
Transamerica Life Insurance Co.
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Global Equity    R6    37.89%
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Global Equity    R6    13.08%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Global Equity    R6    8.03%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Government Money Market    A    47.37%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Government Money Market    A    12.40%
Edward D Jones & Co
For The Benefit Of Customers
12555 Manchester Rd
Saint Louis MO 63131-3710
   Transamerica Government Money Market    A    10.18%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Government Money Market    C    7.52%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Government Money Market    I    33.82%
Reid A Evers
1333 Valley View Rd Apt 28
Glendale CA 91202-1734
   Transamerica Government Money Market    I    8.59%
Universal Life Insurance Company
PO Box 2145
San Juan PR 00922-2145
   Transamerica Government Money Market    I2    99.42%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Government Money Market    I3    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R2 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2426
   Transamerica Government Money Market    R2    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R4 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Government Money Market    R4    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica High Quality Bond    I3    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica High Quality Bond    R    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R4 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica High Quality Bond    R4    100.00%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    A    22.78%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    A    10.73%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    A    8.95%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    C    18.43%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    C    15.39%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    C    11.25%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    C    9.97%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    C    7.25%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    C    5.47%
American Enterprise Investment Svc
707 2nd Ave S
Minneapolis MN 55402-2405
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    C    5.17%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    I    80.81%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    I    9.79%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    I2    46.45%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    I2    37.12%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica Asset Allocation-Conservative VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    I2    6.05%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    I3    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    R    85.44%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    R    14.56%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R4 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    R4    100.00%
Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company
FBO 401k Clients
Attn: Investment Services
PO Box 2600 Vm L20
Valley Forge PA 19482-2600
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    R6    23.68%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    R6    18.21%
Transamerica Life Insurance Co.
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    R6    16.27%
Lincoln Retirement Services Company
FBO InspIRA 403B Savings Plan
PO Box 7876
Fort Wayne IN 46801-7876
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    R6    14.90%
Reliance Trust Company
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    R6    12.88%
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    R6    12.24%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica High Yield ESG    I    95.86%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica High Yield ESG    I2    100.00%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    A    21.80%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    A    17.54%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    A    15.64%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    A    9.42%
Td Ameritrade Inc
FBO Our Customers
PO Box 2226
Omaha NE 68103-2226
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    A    9.27%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    C    28.02%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    C    23.29%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    C    10.77%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    C    7.20%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    C    6.56%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    C    6.38%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    I    20.15%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    I    13.19%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    I    13.07%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    I    11.77%
TD Ameritrade Inc
PO Box 2226
Omaha NE 68103-2226
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    I    10.86%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    I    9.24%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    I    6.93%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    I    5.39%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica High Yield Muni    I2    100.00%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Inflation Opportunities    A    25.99%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Inflation Opportunities    A    17.19%
Umb Bank Na
Cust Rollover IRA FBO
Christine M Koy
3 Halifax Ct
Rockville MD 20850-3009
   Transamerica Inflation Opportunities    A    9.02%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Inflation Opportunities    C    49.11%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Inflation Opportunities    C    29.03%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Inflation Opportunities    C    15.63%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Inflation Opportunities    I    76.01%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Inflation Opportunities    I    21.94%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Inflation Opportunities    I2    29.79%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Inflation Opportunities    I2    20.94%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Inflation Opportunities    I2    19.19%
Universal Life Insurance Company
Moderate Portfolio
PO Box 2145
San Juan PR 00922-2145
   Transamerica Inflation Opportunities    I2    14.86%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I2 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Inflation Opportunities    I2    8.66%
Universal Life Insurance Company
Conservative Portfolio
PO Box 2145
San Juan PR 00922-2145
   Transamerica Inflation Opportunities    I2    5.15%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Inflation Opportunities    R6    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Inflation-Protected Securities    I3    100.00%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Inflation-Protected Securities    R    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R4 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Inflation-Protected Securities    R4    100.00%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Intermediate Bond    I2    55.56%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Conservative VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Intermediate Bond    I2    12.70%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Intermediate Bond    I2    7.96%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Intermediate Bond    I2    7.66%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Intermediate Bond    I2    5.60%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Intermediate Bond    I2    5.60%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Intermediate Bond    I3    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Intermediate Bond    R    87.13%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Intermediate Bond    R    12.87%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R4 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Intermediate Bond    R4    100.00%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Intermediate Bond    R6    100.00%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    A    19.50%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    A    11.10%
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6486
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    A    11.04%
Charles Schwab & Co
Special Custody Acct For Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
101 Montgomery St
San Francisco CA 94104-4151
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    A    9.52%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    A    7.14%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    A    6.64%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    A    5.51%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    A    5.24%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    C    22.61%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    C    14.27%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    C    12.33%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6486
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    C    11.44%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    C    9.80%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    C    6.58%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    C    5.96%
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6486
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    I    15.38%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    I    13.12%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    I    10.83%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    I    10.15%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    I    8.47%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    I    8.23%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    I    6.60%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    I    5.70%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    I    5.43%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Intermediate Muni    I2    100.00%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6486
   Transamerica International Equity    A    26.67%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica International Equity    A    19.88%
Sammons Retirement Solution
4546 Corporate Dr Ste 100
Wdm IA 50266-5911
   Transamerica International Equity    A    11.00%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica International Equity    A    7.68%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica International Equity    C    23.17%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica International Equity    C    19.63%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica International Equity    C    9.59%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica International Equity    C    8.33%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica International Equity    C    7.80%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica International Equity    C    7.17%
Merrill Lynch Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6486
   Transamerica International Equity    C    6.80%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica International Equity    C    5.29%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica International Equity    I    42.80%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
101 Montgomery St
San Francisco CA 94104-4151
   Transamerica International Equity    I    12.80%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica International Equity    I    7.26%
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dt E FL 2
Jacksonville FL 32246
   Transamerica International Equity    I    7.19%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0001
   Transamerica International Equity    I    5.91%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Equity    I2    22.67%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Equity    I2    22.11%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Equity    I2    10.47%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Equity    I2    8.79%
Transamerica International Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Equity    I2    8.78%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Equity    I2    7.40%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica International Equity    I3    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica International Equity    R    86.30%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica International Equity    R    13.70%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R4 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica International Equity    R4    100.00%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica International Equity    R6    33.04%
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica International Equity    R6    10.65%
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6484
   Transamerica International Equity    R6    8.60%
Transamerica Life Insurance Co.
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica International Equity    R6    6.55%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica International Growth    A    26.64%
Umb Bank Na
Farwell Area Schools
403B-7 A/C Hugh W Lewis III
8757 Reiss Dr
Farwell MI 48622-8713
   Transamerica International Growth    A    10.83%
Umb Bank Na
Joyce Vicki Brady
304 Hobby St
Georgetown TX 78633-2301
   Transamerica International Growth    A    5.93%
Umb Bank Na
Cust Simple IRA FBO
Zonya E Foco
1240 Sand Lake Dr
Onsted MI 49265-9585
   Transamerica International Growth    A    5.43%
Umb Bank Na
Cust Simple IRA FBO
Terry J Pitchford
34 Water Front Ave
Lakeway TX 78734-5308
   Transamerica International Growth    A    5.08%
Umb Bank Na
Cust Rollover IRA FBO
Jamy Tagatac
91-1131 Pekau St
Ewa Beach HI 96706-5605
   Transamerica International Growth    A    5.05%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica International Growth    I    49.07%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Umb Bank Na
Cust Roth IRA FBO
Sandra M Coyle
4 Thomsen Ct
Stony Point NY 10980-3461
   Transamerica International Growth    I    23.45%
Umb Bank Na Cust Dcd Roth IRA For
Helena Kobinski (Dcd)
FBO Sabina M Kobinski
5418 69th Pl
Maspeth NY 11378-1810
   Transamerica International Growth    I    18.83%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Growth    I2    27.51%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Growth    I2    26.10%
Transamerica International Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Growth    I2    10.87%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Growth    I2    9.32%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Growth    I2    8.81%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Growth    I2    6.72%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica International Growth    R6    100.00%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica International Small Cap Value    I    83.62%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica International Small Cap Value    I    10.51%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Small Cap Value    I2    28.19%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Small Cap Value    I2    27.67%
Transamerica International Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Small Cap Value    I2    10.84%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Small Cap Value    I2    8.72%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Small Cap Value    I2    7.12%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Small Cap Value    I2    6.60%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica International Stock    A    77.13%
Umb Bank Na
Cust Simple IRA FBO
Brian S Handa
20315 Calle Montalvo
Saratoga CA 95070-6001
   Transamerica International Stock    A    12.84%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica International Stock    I    98.88%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Stock    I2    39.52%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Stock    I2    22.55%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Stock    I2    20.17%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Stock    I2    12.65%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica International Stock    R6    100.00%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    A    46.51%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    A    11.43%
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6486
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    A    9.36%
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6486
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    C    14.47%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    C    13.23%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    C    11.03%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    C    10.25%
American Enterprise Investment Svc
707 2nd Ave S
Minneapolis MN 55402-2405
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    C    9.59%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    C    6.30%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    C    5.75%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    C    5.66%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    I    20.56%
Merrill Lynch Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6486
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    I    18.72%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    I    18.11%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    I    8.42%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    I    8.18%
American Enterprise Investment Svc
707 2nd Ave S
Minneapolis MN 55402-2405
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    I    6.50%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    I    5.52%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    I2    32.59%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    I2    22.29%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    I2    10.84%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    I2    9.34%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    I2    8.57%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Conservative VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    I2    5.99%
Transamerica Life Insurance Co.
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    R6    53.28%
Reliance Trust Company
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    R6    22.02%
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    R6    13.98%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Large Core    I3    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Large Core    R    90.61%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Large Core    R    9.32%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R4 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Large Core    R4    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Large Growth    I3    100.00%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Large Growth    R    89.35%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Large Growth    R    10.65%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R4 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Large Growth    R4    100.00%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Large Growth    R6    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Large Value Opportunities    I3    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Large Value Opportunities    R    94.76%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Large Value Opportunities    R    5.24%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R4 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Large Value Opportunities    R4    100.00%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    A    70.48%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    C    36.25%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    C    12.69%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    I    28.84%
Interactive Brokers LLC
2 Pickwick Plz Ste 202
Greenwich CT 06830-5576
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    I    18.62%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    I    15.74%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    I    14.73%
Interactive Brokers LLC
Cash Distribution Omnibus Account1
2 Pickwick Plaza
Greenwich CT 06830-5576
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    I    9.41%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    I    7.87%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    I2    34.46%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    I2    33.42%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    I2    10.02%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Conservative VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    I2    6.14%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    I2    5.96%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    I3    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    R    73.62%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    R    26.38%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R4 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    R4    100.00%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    R6    100.00%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value    I2    37.73%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value    I2    33.37%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value    I2    19.27%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    A    17.33%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    A    17.20%
Merrill Lynch Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6484
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    A    10.30%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    A    7.99%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    A    5.82%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    A    5.60%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    A    5.56%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    C    28.99%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    C    22.48%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    C    11.81%
Merrill Lynch Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6484
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    C    8.38%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    C    6.18%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    C    5.50%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    I    20.85%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    I    16.94%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    I    14.81%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    I    10.57%
TD Ameritrade Inc
PO Box 2226
Omaha NE 68103-2226
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    I    7.94%
Merrill Lynch Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6484
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    I    7.08%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    I    6.04%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    I2    40.36%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    I2    34.01%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    I2    8.93%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Conservative VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    I2    7.52%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    I3    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    R    86.00%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    R    14.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R4 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    R4    98.92%
Tiaa, Fsb Cust/Ttee FBO:
Retirement Plans For Which
Tiaa Acts As Recordkeeper
Attn: Trust Operations
211 N Broadway Ste 1000
Saint Louis MO 63102-2748
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    R6    37.51%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    R6    34.04%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities    R6    19.59%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    A    16.22%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    A    14.13%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    A    11.64%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    A    10.71%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    A    9.49%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    A    7.26%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    A    5.45%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    C    21.66%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    C    16.35%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    C    13.10%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    C    9.92%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    C    9.57%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    C    7.48%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    I    29.08%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    I    14.19%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    I    12.62%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    I    10.87%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    I    8.55%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    I    6.22%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    I    5.02%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Multi-Asset Income    I2    100.00%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    A    43.22%
Sammons Retirement Solution
4546 Corporate Dr Ste 100
Wdm IA 50266-5911
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    A    8.26%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    A    7.06%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    A    5.24%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    C    34.30%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    C    11.55%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    C    8.87%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    C    7.91%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    C    6.26%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    I    16.60%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    I    11.52%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    I    11.04%
Merrill Lynch Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6486
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    I    10.01%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    I    7.83%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    I    7.70%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    I    5.30%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    I    5.17%
Reliance Trust Company
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    R6    43.98%
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    R6    27.61%
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6484
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    R6    22.12%
John Hancocktrust Company LLC
690 Canton St Suite 100
Westwood MA 02090-2324
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced    R6    6.14%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    A    26.09%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    A    16.12%
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6484
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    A    9.10%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    A    8.54%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    A    7.17%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    A    5.03%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    C    32.47%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    C    12.02%
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6484
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    C    9.16%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    C    7.29%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    C    6.69%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    C    6.62%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept—4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    C    5.38%
Merrill Lynch Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6486
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    I    14.19%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    I    14.00%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    I    12.90%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    I    8.24%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    I    8.04%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept—4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    I    7.34%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    I    7.19%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    I    7.01%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    I    6.34%
Transamerica Asset Allocation—Moderate Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    I2    34.51%
Transamerica Asset Allocation—Conservative Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    I2    15.36%
Transamerica Asset Allocation—Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    I2    13.23%
Universal Life Insurance Company
Moderate Portfolio
PO Box 2145
San Juan PR 00922-2145
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    I2    11.04%
60/40 Allocation VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    I2    8.47%
Blackrock Tactical Allocation VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    I2    7.13%
Universal Life Insurance Company
Conservative Portfolio
PO Box 2145
San Juan PR 00922-2145
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    I2    5.74%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Short-Term Bond    R6    96.68%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept—4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Small Cap Growth    A    53.00%
Charles Schwab & Co
101 Montgomery St
San Francisco CA 94104-4151
   Transamerica Small Cap Growth    A    7.67%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Small Cap Growth    C    38.35%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Small Cap Growth    C    16.25%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Small Cap Growth    C    10.62%
American Enterprise Investment Svc
707 2nd Ave S
Minneapolis MN 55402-2405
   Transamerica Small Cap Growth    C    8.70%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Small Cap Growth    I    81.66%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Small Cap Growth    I    11.38%
Saxon & Co.
PO Box 94597
Cleveland OH 44101-4597
   Transamerica Small Cap Growth    I2    45.72%
Transamerica Asset Allocation—Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Small Cap Growth    I2    15.79%
Transamerica Asset Allocation—Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Small Cap Growth    I2    11.17%
Transamerica Asset Allocation—Moderate Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Small Cap Growth    I2    10.60%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica Asset Allocation—Conservative Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Small Cap Growth    I2    5.71%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Small Cap Growth    I3    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Small Cap Growth    R    74.01%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Small Cap Growth    R    25.99%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R4 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Small Cap Growth    R4    100.00%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Small Cap Growth    R6    100.00%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept—4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    A    41.19%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    A    30.09%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    A    10.75%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    C    51.70%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept—4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    C    18.65%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    C    9.77%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    C    9.28%
T. Rowe Price Retirement Plan
Services Inc
FBO Retirement Plan Clients
4515 Painters Mill Rd
Owings Mills MD 21117-4903
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    I    94.32%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    I2    42.92%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    I2    29.51%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    I2    10.29%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Conservative VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    I2    7.89%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    I3    100.00%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    R    83.50%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    R    16.50%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R4 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    R4    100.00%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    R6    100.00%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept—4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    A    20.37%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    A    9.40%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Seperate Account D
4333 Edgewood Rd NE MS 4410
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0001
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    A    8.63%
Sammons Retirement Solution
4546 Corporate Dr Ste 100
Wdm IA 50266-5911
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    A    7.56%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    A    7.31%
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc
For the Sole Benefit of Its Customers
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6484
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    A    6.83%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    A    6.40%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    C    25.61%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    C    13.14%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    C    11.79%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    C    7.99%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    C    7.72%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    C    7.62%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept—4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    C    7.44%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    I    16.60%
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
For The Exclusive Bene Of Its Cust
1 New York Plz FL 12
New York NY 10004-1932
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    I    13.22%
Merrill Lynch Fenner & Smith Inc
4800 Deer Lake Dr E Fl 2
Jacksonville FL 32246-6486
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    I    12.43%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    I    8.15%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    I    7.45%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept—4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    I    7.37%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    I    7.33%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    I    6.77%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    I    6.42%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept—4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    I2    100.00%
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    R6    38.40%
State Street Bank & Trust As Ttee
For Hanesbrands Inc Master
Investment Trust For Defined
Contribution Plans
801 Pennsylvania Ave
Kansas City MO 64105-1307
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    R6    17.55%
Pims/Prudential Retirement
As Nominee For The Ttee/Cust Pl 300
Grundfos Pumps Corporation
3905 Enterprise Ct
Aurora IL 60504-8132
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    R6    14.41%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica Life Insurance Co.
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value    R6    6.72%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Stock Index    R    92.24%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Stock Index    R    7.76%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R4 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Stock Index    R4    100.00%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Sustainable Bond    I    99.80%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Sustainable Bond    I2    100.00%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account D
4333 Edgewood Rd NE MS 4410
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0001
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    A    74.07%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept—4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    A    12.48%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    C    28.08%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
Special Custody A/C FBO Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
211 Main Street
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    C    16.06%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    C    8.68%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    C    7.91%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    C    7.29%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept—4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    C    5.29%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    I    24.91%
Matrix Trust CO As Agent FBO
Old Mutual Asset Management Volunta
PO Box 52129
Phoenix AZ 85072-2129
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    I    23.30%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    I    11.89%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    I    9.91%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    I    9.00%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept—4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    I    8.39%
Transamerica Asset Allocation—Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    I2    36.29%
Transamerica Asset Allocation—Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    I2    28.52%
Transamerica Asset Allocation—Moderate Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    I2    16.34%
Universal Life Insurance Company
Moderate Portfolio
PO Box 2145
San Juan PR 00922-2145
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    I2    6.79%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica Asset Allocation—Conservative Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    I2    5.93%
Reliance Trust Company
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    R6    57.11%
Transamerica Life Insurance Co.
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    R6    39.43%
Transamerica Asset Allocation—Moderate Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Total Return    I2    31.75%
Transamerica Asset Allocation—Conservative Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Total Return    I2    28.22%
Transamerica Asset Allocation—Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Total Return    I2    26.36%
Universal Life Insurance Company
Moderate Portfolio
PO Box 2145
San Juan PR 00922-2145
   Transamerica Total Return    I2    9.65%
John Sung Woo TOD
29375 Laro Dr
Agoura Hills CA 91301-1682
   Transamerica Unconstrained Bond    A    29.28%
RBC Capital Markets LLC
Mutual Fund Omnibus Processing
Attn Mutual Fund Ops Manager
510 Marquette Ave S
Minneapolis MN 55402-1110
   Transamerica Unconstrained Bond    A    14.34%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Unconstrained Bond    A    14.34%
John Sung Woo TOD
29375 Laro Dr
Agoura Hills CA 91301-1682
   Transamerica Unconstrained Bond    A    8.78%
Umb Bank Na
Farwell Area Schools
403B-7 A/C Hugh W Lewis III
8757 Reiss Dr
Farwell MI 48622-8713
   Transamerica Unconstrained Bond    A    6.28%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Umb Bank Na
Cust Roth IRA FBO
Michael S Rumschlag
4155 County Road 14
New Riegel OH 44853-9770
   Transamerica Unconstrained Bond    A    5.03%
LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica Unconstrained Bond    I    43.39%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica Unconstrained Bond    I    29.28%
Spec Cdy A/C Eboc Ubsfsi
1000 Harbor Blvd
Weehawken NJ 07086-6761
   Transamerica Unconstrained Bond    I    22.18%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Unconstrained Bond    I2    53.56%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Unconstrained Bond    I2    29.63%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Conservative VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Unconstrained Bond    I2    11.40%
Transamerica International Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Unconstrained Bond    I2    5.41%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept—4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica US Growth    A    8.64%
Charles Schwab & CO Inc
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica US Growth    C    14.87%
Pershing LLC
1 Pershing Plz
Jersey City NJ 07399-0002
   Transamerica US Growth    C    7.15%
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
2801 Market St
Saint Louis MO 63103-2523
   Transamerica US Growth    C    7.04%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

LPL Financial
Omnibus Customer Account
Attn Mutual Fund Trading
4707 Executive Dr
San Diego CA 92121-3091
   Transamerica US Growth    C    6.82%
RBC Capital Markets LLC
Mutual Fund Omnibus Processing
Attn Mutual Fund Ops Manager
510 Marquette Ave S
Minneapolis MN 55402-1110
   Transamerica US Growth    C    6.73%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept—4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica US Growth    C    6.03%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept—4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica US Growth    I    28.47%
Charles Schwab & Co
211 Main St
San Francisco CA 94105-1905
   Transamerica US Growth    I    19.62%
Transamerica Asset Allocation—Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica US Growth    I2    35.25%
Transamerica Asset Allocation—Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica US Growth    I2    33.42%
Transamerica Asset Allocation—Moderate Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica US Growth    I2    18.35%
Transamerica Asset Allocation—Conservative Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica US Growth    I2    6.69%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica US Growth    R6    100.00%

Transamerica Series Trust



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Portfolio Name




Percent of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica 60/40 Allocation VP    Service    96.06%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon High Yield Bond VP    Initial    71.56%
AEGON Financial Partners—Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon High Yield Bond VP    Initial    15.28%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon High Yield Bond VP    Initial    7.04%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon High Yield Bond VP    Service    93.44%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon Sustainable Equity Income VP    Initial    57.84%
AEGON Financial Partners—Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon Sustainable Equity Income VP    Initial    13.46%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon Sustainable Equity Income VP    Initial    12.77%
Blackrock Tactical Allocation VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Aegon Sustainable Equity Income VP    Initial    8.99%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon Sustainable Equity Income VP    Service    62.27%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Acct A
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon Sustainable Equity Income VP    Service    19.97%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Portfolio Name




Percent of

TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon Sustainable Equity Income VP    Service    9.47%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon U.S. Government Securities VP    Initial    77.77%
AEGON Financial Partners—Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon U.S. Government Securities VP    Initial    9.92%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon U.S. Government Securities VP    Initial    8.46%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon U.S. Government Securities VP    Service    84.77%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon U.S. Government Securities VP    Service    12.26%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica American Funds Managed Risk VP    Service    92.90%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica American Funds Managed Risk VP    Service    7.10%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica BlackRock Global Real Estate Securities VP    Initial    41.13%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica BlackRock Global Real Estate Securities VP    Initial    26.00%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica BlackRock Global Real Estate Securities VP    Initial    10.36%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Portfolio Name




Percent of

AEGON Financial Partners—Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock Global Real Estate Securities VP    Initial    5.28%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock Global Real Estate Securities VP    Initial    5.23%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock Global Real Estate Securities VP    Service    89.52%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock Global Real Estate Securities VP    Service    5.99%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock Government Money Market VP    Initial    55.29%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock Government Money Market VP    Initial    15.90%
AEGON Financial Partners—Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock Government Money Market VP    Initial    12.50%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock Government Money Market VP    Service    91.82%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock Government Money Market VP    Service    6.47%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 100 VP    Service    67.41%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 100 VP    Service    32.59%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Portfolio Name




Percent of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 40 VP    Initial    73.22%
AEGON Financial Partners—Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 40 VP    Initial    10.15%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 40 VP    Initial    8.49%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Retirement Builder Variable Annuity
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 40 VP    Initial    6.80%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 40 VP    Service    90.55%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 40 VP    Service    8.95%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 50 VP    Service    91.25%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 50 VP    Service    8.75%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 75 VP    Service    83.57%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 75 VP    Service    16.43%
AEGON Financial Partners—Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock Tactical Allocation VP    Initial    96.60%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Portfolio Name




Percent of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock Tactical Allocation VP    Service    92.02%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock Tactical Allocation VP    Service    7.39%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Goldman Sachs 70/30 Allocation VP    Service    44.14%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Goldman Sachs 70/30 Allocation VP    Service    40.45%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Goldman Sachs 70/30 Allocation VP    Service    15.41%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Acct D
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica International Growth VP    Initial    26.18%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica International Growth VP    Initial    23.90%
Blackrock Tactical Allocation VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Growth VP    Initial    19.30%
AEGON Financial Partners—Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica International Growth VP    Initial    11.07%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica International Growth VP    Initial    9.64%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Acct A
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica International Growth VP    Initial    6.83%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Portfolio Name




Percent of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica International Growth VP    Service    88.82%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica International Growth VP    Service    7.34%
AEGON Financial Partners—Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Janus Balanced VP    Initial    98.17%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Janus Balanced VP    Service    89.39%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Janus Balanced VP    Service    9.43%
AEGON Financial Partners—Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Janus Mid-Cap Growth VP    Initial    51.80%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Janus Mid-Cap Growth VP    Initial    14.10%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Janus Mid-Cap Growth VP    Initial    10.31%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Janus Mid-Cap Growth VP    Initial    8.62%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Janus Mid-Cap Growth VP    Initial    8.51%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Portfolio Name




Percent of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Janus Mid-Cap Growth VP    Service    79.54%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Janus Mid-Cap Growth VP    Service    9.16%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Acct A
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Janus Mid-Cap Growth VP    Service    8.09%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Conservative VP    Initial    67.07%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Conservative VP    Initial    16.00%
AEGON Financial Partners—Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Conservative VP    Initial    10.49%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Retirement Builder Variable Annuity
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Conservative VP    Initial    5.43%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Conservative VP    Service    89.32%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Conservative VP    Service    5.69%
AEGON Financial Partners—Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Growth VP    Initial    44.92%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Growth VP    Initial    37.58%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Portfolio Name




Percent of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Growth VP    Initial    10.12%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Growth VP    Service    78.29%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Ins Company
Separate Account VA U
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Growth VP    Service    11.92%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Moderate Growth VP    Initial    48.75%
AEGON Financial Partners—Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Moderate Growth VP    Initial    30.88%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Moderate Growth VP    Initial    13.26%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Moderate Growth VP    Service    86.36%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Moderate Growth VP    Service    5.15%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Moderate VP    Initial    64.99%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Moderate VP    Initial    15.39%
AEGON Financial Partners—Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation—Moderate VP    Initial    13.48%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation - Moderate VP    Service    92.66%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation - Moderate VP    Service    5.22%
Blackrock Tactical Allocation VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica JPMorgan Core Bond VP    Initial    53.23%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Core Bond VP    Initial    22.38%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Core Bond VP    Initial    21.80%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Core Bond VP    Service    84.83%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Core Bond VP    Service    12.28%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica JPMorgan Enhanced Index VP    Initial    38.52%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica JPMorgan Enhanced Index VP    Initial    37.80%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Enhanced Index VP    Initial    7.45%
Blackrock Tactical Allocation VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica JPMorgan Enhanced Index VP    Initial    6.45%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Enhanced Index VP    Service    88.71%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Enhanced Index VP    Service    6.49%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan International Moderate Growth VP    Initial    72.50%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan International Moderate Growth VP    Initial    16.57%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Tflic Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan International Moderate Growth VP    Initial    8.30%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan International Moderate Growth VP    Service    89.12%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan International Moderate Growth VP    Service    7.14%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica JPMorgan Mid Cap Value VP    Initial    32.54%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica JPMorgan Mid Cap Value VP    Initial    31.56%
Blackrock Tactical Allocation VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica JPMorgan Mid Cap Value VP    Initial    11.91%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica Asset Allocation-Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica JPMorgan Mid Cap Value VP    Initial    9.40%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Mid Cap Value VP    Service    93.03%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Mid Cap Value VP    Service    6.12%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Tactical Allocation VP    Initial    53.38%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Tactical Allocation VP    Initial    37.12%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Tactical Allocation VP    Service    92.12%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Tactical Allocation VP    Service    7.52%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Legg Mason Dynamic Allocation - Balanced VP    Service    92.51%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Legg Mason Dynamic Allocation - Balanced VP    Service    7.35%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Legg Mason Dynamic Allocation - Growth VP    Service    89.30%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Legg Mason Dynamic Allocation - Growth VP    Service    10.50%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Madison Diversified Income VP    Service    96.52%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Managed Risk – Balanced ETF VP    Initial    77.08%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA Cc
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Managed Risk – Balanced ETF VP    Initial    10.42%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Tflic Separate Account Vny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Managed Risk – Balanced ETF VP    Initial    9.66%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Managed Risk – Balanced ETF VP    Service    92.63%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Managed Risk – Balanced ETF VP    Service    7.14%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Managed Risk – Conservative ETF VP    Initial    81.38%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account Vul-3
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Managed Risk – Conservative ETF VP    Initial    18.62%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Managed Risk – Conservative ETF VP    Service    89.63%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Managed Risk – Conservative ETF VP    Service    9.65%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Managed Risk – Growth ETF VP    Initial    82.03%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA Cc
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Managed Risk – Growth ETF VP    Initial    7.91%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Tflic Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Managed Risk – Growth ETF VP    Initial    6.03%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Managed Risk – Growth ETF VP    Service    87.02%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Managed Risk – Growth ETF VP    Service    12.52%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Market Participation Strategy VP    Service    92.69%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Market Participation Strategy VP    Service    6.99%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Morgan Stanley Capital Growth VP    Initial    34.48%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Morgan Stanley Capital Growth VP    Initial    20.09%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Morgan Stanley Capital Growth VP    Initial    12.75%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Morgan Stanley Capital Growth VP    Initial    11.96%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Morgan Stanley Capital Growth VP    Initial    6.67%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Morgan Stanley Capital Growth VP    Initial    6.00%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Morgan Stanley Capital Growth VP    Service    89.37%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Morgan Stanley Capital Growth VP    Service    8.28%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Morgan Stanley Global Allocation Managed Risk - Balanced VP    Service    94.38%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Morgan Stanley Global Allocation Managed Risk - Balanced VP    Service    5.62%
Morgan Stanley Global Allocation
Managed Risk - Balanced VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Morgan Stanley Global Allocation VP    Initial    97.74%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Morgan Stanley Global Allocation VP    Service    94.42%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Morgan Stanley Global Allocation VP    Service    5.56%
60/40 Allocation VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica MSCI EAFE Index VP    Initial    100.00%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica MSCI EAFE Index VP    Service    90.00%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica MSCI EAFE Index VP    Service    10.00%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced VP    Initial    36.69%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced VP    Initial    31.31%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced VP    Initial    29.26%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced VP    Service    87.60%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced VP    Service    8.96%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica PIMCO Tactical - Balanced VP    Initial    95.10%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica PIMCO Tactical - Balanced VP    Service    93.12%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica PIMCO Tactical - Balanced VP    Service    6.01%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica PIMCO Tactical - Conservative VP    Initial    98.03%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica PIMCO Tactical - Conservative VP    Service    90.89%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica PIMCO Tactical - Conservative VP    Service    7.53%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica PIMCO Tactical - Growth VP    Initial    96.46%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica PIMCO Tactical - Growth VP    Service    88.89%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica PIMCO Tactical - Growth VP    Service    10.41%
Blackrock Tactical Allocation VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica PIMCO Total Return VP    Initial    35.66%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica PIMCO Total Return VP    Initial    29.83%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica PIMCO Total Return VP    Initial    12.68%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Conservative VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica PIMCO Total Return VP    Initial    12.11%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica PIMCO Total Return VP    Service    88.87%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica PIMCO Total Return VP    Service    9.08%
70/30 Allocation VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Pinebridge Inflation Opportunities VP    Initial    92.84%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Pinebridge Inflation Opportunities VP    Initial    7.16%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Pinebridge Inflation Opportunities VP    Service    89.64%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Pinebridge Inflation Opportunities VP    Service    10.36%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica ProFund UltraBear VP    Service    94.52%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica ProFund UltraBear VP    Service    5.48%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation – Moderate VP    Initial    91.57%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation – Moderate VP    Service    93.60%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation – Moderate VP    Service    6.01%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation Portfolio – Conservative VP    Initial    98.60%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation Portfolio – Conservative VP    Service    92.19%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation Portfolio – Conservative VP    Service    5.95%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation Portfolio – Moderate Growth VP    Initial    94.53%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Tflic Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation Portfolio – Moderate Growth VP    Initial    5.23%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation Portfolio – Moderate Growth VP    Service    90.64%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation Portfolio – Moderate Growth VP    Service    8.42%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Rothschild & Co Large Cap Value VP    Service    93.62%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Rothschild & Co Large Cap Value VP    Service    6.38%
60/40 Allocation VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica S&P 500 Index VP    Initial    63.71%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account Fund B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica S&P 500 Index VP    Initial    36.29%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica S&P 500 Index VP    Service    83.90%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica S&P 500 Index VP    Service    16.10%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value VP    Initial    39.09%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value VP    Initial    32.54%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value VP    Initial    22.66%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value VP    Service    74.22%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Acct A
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value VP    Service    12.46%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value VP    Service    6.04%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Ins Company
Separate Account VA U
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value VP    Service    5.60%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica T. Rowe Price Small Cap VP    Initial    28.77%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica T. Rowe Price Small Cap VP    Initial    14.08%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica T. Rowe Price Small Cap VP    Initial    12.94%
Blackrock Tactical Allocation VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica T. Rowe Price Small Cap VP    Initial    9.92%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica T. Rowe Price Small Cap VP    Initial    9.69%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica T. Rowe Price Small Cap VP    Initial    7.74%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Em Private Placement
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica T. Rowe Price Small Cap VP    Initial    7.17%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica T. Rowe Price Small Cap VP    Service    86.92%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica T. Rowe Price Small Cap VP    Service    10.60%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica TS&W International Equity VP    Initial    65.94%
Blackrock Tactical Allocation VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica TS&W International Equity VP    Initial    31.93%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica TS&W International Equity VP    Service    78.87%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica TS&W International Equity VP    Service    10.46%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Acct D
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica TS&W International Equity VP    Service    5.32%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica WMC US Growth VP    Initial    44.84%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name




Percent of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica WMC US Growth VP    Initial    15.24%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
WRL Series Annuity Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica WMC US Growth VP    Initial    14.60%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica WMC US Growth VP    Initial    8.14%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica WMC US Growth VP    Initial    5.65%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica WMC US Growth VP    Service    70.34%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica WMC US Growth VP    Service    9.91%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Acct A
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica WMC US Growth VP    Service    9.05%

Transamerica Asset Allocation Variable Funds - To the knowledge of the Trust, as of August 6, 2021, TAAVF had no persons who owned of record 5% or more of its outstanding shares.

Control Persons

Any shareholder who holds beneficially 25% or more of a Fund may be deemed to control the Fund until such time as it holds beneficially less than 25% of the outstanding common shares of the Fund. Any shareholder controlling a Fund may be able to determine the outcome of issues that are submitted to shareholders for vote, and may be able to take action regarding the Fund without the consent or approval of the other shareholders.

To the knowledge of the Trusts, as of August 6, 2021, the following persons held beneficially 25% or more of the outstanding shares of the Fund indicated.

Unless otherwise noted, the address of each investor is c/o TAM, 1801 California Street, Suite 5200, Denver, CO 80202.



Table of Contents

Transamerica Funds


Name & Address


Fund Name


Percentage of
Fund Owned

National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio    45.14%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio    31.25%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Asset Allocation Intermediate Horizon    96.88%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Asset Allocation Long Horizon    96.74%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Asset Allocation Short Horizon    99.52%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Balanced II    56.85%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Balanced II    43.15%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2015
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2015    88.99%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2020
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2020    89.55%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2025
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2025    89.29%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2030
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2030    86.52%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2035
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2035    87.34%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2040
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2040    87.74%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name


Percentage of
Fund Owned

Transamerica ClearTrack® 2045
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2045    87.71%
Transamerica ClearTrack® 2050
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2050    90.77%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2055    43.33%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2055    42.21%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2060    46.45%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica ClearTrack® 2060    45.21%
Transamerica ClearTrack® Retirement Income
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica ClearTrack® Retirement Income    91.89%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Core Bond    42.58%
Transamerica Asset
Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Opportunities    33.24%
Transamerica Asset
Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Emerging Markets Opportunities    26.42%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Energy Infrastructure    26.78%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name


Percentage of
Fund Owned

Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Event Driven    30.70%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Floating Rate    25.95%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica High Quality Bond    71.66%
Raymond James
880 Carillon Pkwy
St Petersburg FL 33716-1100
   Transamerica High Yield Bond    29.23%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica High Yield ESG    94.80%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Inflation Opportunities    26.41%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Inflation-Protected Securities    90.12%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Intermediate Bond    36.43%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Growth    27.51%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Growth    26.09%
National Financial Services LLC
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
499 Washington Blvd
Attn Mutual Fund Dept - 4th Floor
Jersey City NJ 07310-1995
   Transamerica International Small Cap Value    39.61%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name


Percentage of
Fund Owned

Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica International Stock    38.96%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Large Cap Value    30.02%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Large Core    66.46%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Large Core    29.20%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Large Growth    78.84%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class I3 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Large Value Opportunities    79.54%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Mid Cap Growth    25.35%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value    37.73%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Mid Cap Value    33.37%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    39.60%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Small Cap Value    27.22%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Fund Name


Percentage of
Fund Owned

State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R4 Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Stock Index    48.62%
State Street Bank & Trust Co Ttee
Various Retirement Plans
Trs Class R Series
440 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison NY 10528-2418
   Transamerica Stock Index    47.39%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Sustainable Bond    95.99%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Sustainable Equity Income    26.61%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Total Return    31.75%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Total Return    28.22%
Transamerica Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Total Return    26.36%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Unconstrained Bond    52.73%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica Unconstrained Bond    29.17%



Table of Contents

Transamerica Series Trust


Name & Address


Portfolio Name


Percentage of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica 60/40 Allocation VP    96.06%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon High Yield Bond VP    58.75%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon High Yield Bond VP    26.57%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon Sustainable Equity Income VP    38.51%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Aegon U.S. Government Securities VP    62.04%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica American Funds Managed Risk VP    92.90%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica BlackRock Global Real Estate Securities VP    36.43%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock Government Money Market VP    67.08%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 100 VP    67.41%
TCM Division
Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co
Separate Account VA Bny
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 100 VP    32.59%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 40 VP    83.20%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Portfolio Name


Percentage of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 50 VP    91.25%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 75 VP    83.57%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica BlackRock Tactical Allocation VP    90.01%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Goldman Sachs 70/30 Allocation VP    44.14%
Transamerica Asset Management Inc
Seed Money Account
Attn Corporate Accounting
6400 C St Sw Msc 2H-Cr
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0003
   Transamerica Goldman Sachs 70/30 Allocation VP    40.45%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Janus Balanced VP    88.33%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Janus Mid-Cap Growth VP    40.18%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation - Conservative VP    72.24%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation - Growth VP    32.30%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation - Growth VP    27.02%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth VP    67.19%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Portfolio Name


Percentage of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation - Moderate VP    85.05%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Core Bond VP    59.64%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica JPMorgan Enhanced Index VP    36.36%
Transamerica Asset Allocation-Moderate Growth VP
Investment Account
Attn Fund Operations Mailstop 20B
1801 California St Ste 5200
Denver CO 80202-2642
   Transamerica JPMorgan Enhanced Index VP    35.68%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan International Moderate Growth VP    86.54%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Mid Cap Value VP    52.62%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica JPMorgan Tactical Allocation VP    86.96%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Legg Mason Dynamic Allocation - Balanced VP    92.51%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Legg Mason Dynamic Allocation - Growth VP    89.30%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Madison Diversified Income VP    96.52%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Managed Risk – Balanced ETF VP    92.57%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Portfolio Name


Percentage of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Managed Risk – Conservative ETF VP    89.63%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Managed Risk – Growth ETF VP    86.87%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Market Participation Strategy VP    92.69%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Morgan Stanley Capital Growth VP    30.34%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Morgan Stanley Global Allocation Managed Risk - Balanced VP    94.38%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Morgan Stanley Global Allocation VP    75.70%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica MSCI EAFE Index VP    80.74%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced VP    70.48%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica PIMCO Tactical - Balanced VP    92.02%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica PIMCO Tactical - Conservative VP    87.26%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica PIMCO Tactical - Growth VP    85.66%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Portfolio Name


Percentage of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica PIMCO Total Return VP    33.85%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Pinebridge Inflation Opportunities VP    89.54%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica ProFund UltraBear VP    94.52%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation – Moderate VP    93.41%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation Portfolio – Conservative VP    90.82%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation Portfolio – Moderate Growth VP    85.78%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Rothschild & Co Large Cap Value VP    93.62%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica S&P 500 Index VP    77.68%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value VP    31.78%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica T. Rowe Price Small Cap VP    40.83%
TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica TS&W International Equity VP    41.85%



Table of Contents

Name & Address


Portfolio Name


Percentage of

TCM Division
Transamerica Life Insurance Company
Separate Account VA B
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica TS&W International Equity VP    28.81%
AEGON Financial Partners - Florida
Transamerica Life Insurance Co
WRL Series Life Account
4333 Edgewood Rd NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52499-3830
   Transamerica WMC US Growth VP    39.84%

Transamerica Asset Allocation Variable Funds - To the knowledge of the Trust, as of August 6, 2021, TAAVF had no persons who held beneficially 25% or more of its outstanding shares.



Table of Contents


1801 California Street, Suite 5200

Denver, CO 80202

Telephone: 1-888-233-4339


A special meeting of shareholders of your Transamerica fund will be held as a virtual meeting on November 1, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. (Mountain time).

This communication is not a form for voting and presents only an overview of the more complete proxy materials, which contain important information and are available on the internet or by mail. We encourage you to access and review the proxy materials before voting.

The following materials are available for view: Proxy Materials for the Special Meeting of Shareholders to be held on November 1, 2021.

At the special meeting, you are being asked to vote on a proposal to elect Board Members for your fund. Importantly, the Board Members responsible for your fund have considered the proposal and have determined it is in the best interest of your fund, and unanimously recommend that you vote “FOR” the proposal.

The proxy materials for the Funds will be available to review at A paper or email copy of the proxy materials may be obtained, without charge, by contacting Computershare, the Funds’ proxy solicitor, at 866-963-6126.

If you want to receive a paper or e-mail copy of the proxy materials, you must request one. There is no charge to you for requesting a copy.

Online Viewing and Voting is Quick, Easy, and Environmentally Friendly!

View proxy materials and vote immediately in 3 simple steps:


Step 1:    Go to the electronic voting site at   
Step 2:    Access and view the proxy materials, which consist of the Letter to Shareholders, Questions and Answers, Notice of a Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders. Joint Proxy Statement and Form of Proxy Card by clicking on the links provided.                
Step 3:                    Follow simple instructions on the screen to log in and vote your eligible positions.   

To vote your eligible position(s), you must either vote online via the internet or request a copy of a full set of proxy materials which includes a proxy card (see instructions above). If you wish to vote at the special meeting, please bring this notice and proper identification with you.


Table of Contents


TRANSAMERICA FUNDS IMPORTANT PROXY INFORMATION Your Vote Counts! PLEASE USE THE 14-DIGIT CONTROL NUMBER & 8-DIGIT SECURITY CODE LISTED IN THE BOXES BELOW WHEN REQUESTING MATERIAL VIA THE TELEPHONE & INTERNET. When you are ready to vote, you can use the same Control Number & Security Code to record your vote. Joint Special Meeting Notice – THIS IS NOT A PROXY – Please read carefully for voting instructions. Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Transamerica Funds Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders to Be Held Virtually on November 1, 2021. The Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders of Transamerica Funds will be conducted on-line at the following website:, on November 1, 2021, at 10:00 a.m., (Mountain time). To participate in the virtual meeting enter the 14-digit control number from the shaded box on this Notice. As a shareholder, it is important for you to vote! On the back of this Notice, you will find a summary of the proposal being voted on at the Joint Special Meeting. This communication is NOT a form for voting and presents only an overview of the more complete Proxy Materials that are available to you on the Internet or by mail. We encourage you to access and review all of the important information contained in the Proxy Materials which include instructions on how to vote your shares. The Proxy Materials, which include the Joint Proxy Statement and the Form of Proxy Card, are available at: If you want to receive a paper copy of the Proxy Materials or an email with a link to the Proxy Materials, you must request them. There is no charge to you for requesting a copy. Paper materials will be mailed to the address on file within three business days of receipt of the request. Please make your request as soon as possible, but no later than October 21, 2021, to facilitate timely delivery. ONLINE MATERIAL ACCESS AND PAPER COPY REQUESTS CAN BE MADE UTILIZING ONE OF THE THREE METHODS BELOW. YOU CAN ALSO USE ONE OF THESE THREE METHODS TO ELECT A PERMANENT DELIVERY PREFERENCE FOR FUTURE MEETINGS. ACCESS MATERIALS AND VOTE OR REQUEST PAPER DELIVERY OF MATERIALS EASY ONLINE ACCESS – REQUEST BY INTERNET Log on to the Internet and go to: On this site you can view the Proxy Materials online, request paper copies, request an email with a link to the materials and/or set future delivery preferences. Just follow the steps outlined on this secure website. TELEPHONE REQUESTS - CALL 1-877-816-5331 E-MAIL REQUEST AT: Email us to request Proxy Materials for the Shareholder Meeting and/or Obtain paper copies of the Proxy Materials with an option to set to set future delivery preferences. future delivery preference by touch tone phone. Call toll free from the - Provide only your 14-Digit Control Number and 8-Digit Security Code as U.S. at NO CHARGE to you. Follow the instructions provided in the listed on this Notice in your email request for materials. recorded messages. - If you want to elect to receive all future proxy materials in paper form or via email, please note your request and for email, provide the email address. PAPER COPY REQUESTS SHOULD BE MADE NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 21, 2021, TO FACILITATE TIMELY DELIVERY. TSF_32230_NA_072621

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FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS TA Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio TA Asset Allocation - Growth Portfolio TA Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio TA Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio TA Asset Allocation Intermediate Horizon TA Asset Allocation Long Horizon TA Asset Allocation Short Horizon TA Balanced II TA Bond TA Capital Growth TA ClearTrack® 2015 TA ClearTrack® 2020 TA ClearTrack® 2025 TA ClearTrack® 2030 TA ClearTrack® 2035 TA ClearTrack® 2040 TA ClearTrack® 2045 TA ClearTrack® 2050 TA ClearTrack® 2055 TA ClearTrack® 2060 TA ClearTrack® Retirement Income TA Core Bond TA Emerging Markets Debt TA Emerging Markets Opportunities TA Energy Infrastructure TA Event Driven TA Floating Rate TA Global Equity TA Government Money Market TA High Quality Bond TA High Yield Bond TA High Yield ESG TA High Yield Muni TA Inflation Opportunities TA Inflation-Protected Securities TA Intermediate Bond TA Intermediate Muni TA International Equity TA International Growth TA International Small Cap Value TA International Stock TA Large Cap Value TA Large Core TA Large Growth TA Large Value Opportunities TA Mid Cap Growth TA Mid Cap Value TA Mid Cap Value Opportunities TA Multi-Asset Income TA Multi-Managed Balanced TA Short-Term Bond TA Small Cap Growth TA Small Cap Value TA Small/Mid Cap Value TA Stock Index TA Sustainable Bond TA Sustainable Equity Income TA Total Return TA Unconstrained Bond TA US Growth The following matters will be considered at the Meeting: 1. To elect Nominees to the Board: . Sandra N. Bane, Leo J. Hill, Kathleen T. Ives, David W. Jennings, Lauriann C. Kloppenburg, Fredric A. Nelson III, John E. Pelletier, Patricia L. Sawyer, Marijn P. Smit, John W. Waechter and Alan F. Warrick. 2. To transact any other business as properly may come before the Special Meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof. Please refer to the Proxy Materials for further details on the proposal and for instructions on how to vote your shares. YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT NO MATTER HOW MANY SHARES YOU OWN Common Questions about Notice and Access Why am I receiving a Notice of Internet Availability instead of a Proxy Card and Proxy Statement? The Funds have elected to utilize a distribution model authorized by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) in 2007. This model, known as Notice and Access, allows public companies to send you a Notice instead of a full set of printed proxy materials. As a shareholder, you can select the means by which you access those proxy materials. You can view the materials electronically via the Internet, or request a full set of printed materials for the Special Meeting and all future shareholder meetings, or you can make that choice on a case by case basis. How do I access the materials, set my preference for future shareholder meeting materials and record my vote? On the front side of this Notice are easy to follow instructions on how to access the Proxy Materials electronically or request a full set of printed materials. Once you are on the website or ordering on the phone, you can also make your selection for future meetings. When you are ready to vote, electronic voting is available by Internet or Touch Tone Telephone by using the Control Number and Security Code on the front of this Notice. The Touch Tone phone number for voting is different from the ordering phone number and is displayed on the website. If you want to vote via mail, you will need to request a paper copy of the Proxy Materials to receive a Proxy Card and Return Envelope. If I request printed Proxy Materials, how long will it take for me to receive them? The SEC rule requires that the materials be sent via first class mail within three business days of receipt of your request. TSF_32230_NA_072621 EVERY SHAREHOLDER’S VOTE IS IMPORTANT! YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT NO MATTER HOW MANY SHARES YOU OWN

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EASY VOTING OPTIONS: Please detach at perforation before mailing. PROXY TRANSAMERICA FUNDS PROXY FOR THE JOINT SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS TO BE HELD VIRTUALLY ON NOVEMBER 1, 2021 THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. The undersigned hereby appoints Timothy J. Bresnahan and Erin D. Nelson as attorneys and proxies of the undersigned with full power of substitution, to vote for the undersigned all shares of beneficial interest of the Fund(s) with respect to which the undersigned is entitled to vote at the Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders of Transamerica Funds (“Special Meeting”) to be held as a virtual meeting at the following Website:, on November 1, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. (Mountain time), and at any and all adjournments or postponements thereof, with all the power the undersigned would possess if personally present. Receipt of the Notice of a Joint Special Meeting and the accompanying Joint Proxy Statement is hereby acknowledged. The shares represented by the Proxy will be voted as instructed. If this Proxy is executed but no instructions are given, the votes entitled to be cast by the undersigned will be cast “FOR” the Proposal. VOTE VIA THE INTERNET: VOTE VIA THE TELEPHONE: 1-800-337-3503 TSF_32230_072621 PLEASE COMPLETE, SIGN, DATE, AND RETURN THIS PROXY CARD PROMPTLY USING THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx code EVERY SHAREHOLDER’S VOTE IS IMPORTANT! VOTE ON THE INTERNET Log on to: or scan the QR code Follow the on-screen instructions available 24 hours VOTE BY PHONE Call 1-800-337-3503 Follow the recorded instructions available 24 hours VOTE BY MAIL Vote, sign and date this Proxy Card and return in the postage-paid envelope VOTE AT THE VIRTUAL MEETING at the following Website: on November 1, 2021 at 10:00 a.m., Mountain time. To Participate in the Virtual Meeting, enter the 14-digit control number from the shaded box on this card.

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Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders of Transamerica Funds to Be Held virtually on November 1, 2021. The Joint Proxy Statement and Proxy Card for this meeting are available at: IF YOU VOTE ON THE INTERNET, BY TELEPHONE, OR IN PERSON, YOU NEED NOT RETURN THIS PROXY CARD FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS TA Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio TA Asset Allocation - Growth Portfolio TA Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio TA Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio TA Asset Allocation Intermediate Horizon TA Asset Allocation Long Horizon TA Asset Allocation Short Horizon TA Balanced II TA Bond TA Capital Growth TA ClearTrack® 2015 TA ClearTrack® 2020 TA ClearTrack® 2025 TA ClearTrack® 2030 TA ClearTrack® 2035 TA ClearTrack® 2040 TA ClearTrack® 2045 TA ClearTrack® 2050 TA ClearTrack® 2055 TA ClearTrack® 2060 TA ClearTrack® Retirement Income TA Core Bond TA Emerging Markets Debt TA Emerging Markets Opportunities TA Energy Infrastructure TA Event Driven TA Floating Rate TA Global Equity TA Government Money Market TA High Quality Bond TA High Yield Bond TA High Yield ESG TA High Yield Muni TA Inflation Opportunities TA Inflation-Protected Securities TA Intermediate Bond TA Intermediate Muni TA International Equity TA International Growth TA International Small Cap Value TA International Stock TA Large Cap Value TA Large Core TA Large Growth TA Large Value Opportunities TA Mid Cap Growth TA Mid Cap Value TA Mid Cap Value Opportunities TA Multi-Asset Income TA Multi-Managed Balanced TA Short-Term Bond TA Small Cap Growth TA Small Cap Value TA Small/Mid Cap Value TA Stock Index TA Sustainable Bond TA Sustainable Equity Income TA Total Return TA Unconstrained Bond TA US Growth Please detach at perforation before mailing. TO VOTE MARK BLOCKS BELOW IN BLUE OR BLACK INK AS SHOWN IN THIS EXAMPLE: X A Proposal Your Board recommends that you vote “FOR” the election of each of the Nominees to the Board. 1. To elect Nominees to the Board: 01. Sandra N. Bane 02. Leo J. Hill 03. Kathleen T. Ives 04. David W. Jennings 05. Lauriann C. Kloppenburg 06. Fredric A. Nelson III 07. John E. Pelletier 08. Patricia L. Sawyer 09. Marijn P. Smit 10. John W. Waechter 11. Alan F. Warrick INSTRUCTIONS: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee(s), mark the box “FOR ALL EXCEPT” and write the nominee’s number on the line provided 2. To transact such other business as may properly come before the Special Meeting and any adjournments or postponements thereof. B Authorized Signatures ? This section must be completed for your vote to be counted.? Sign and Date Below Note: Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) on this Proxy card, and date it. When shares are held jointly, each holder should sign. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee, officer of corporation or other entity or in another representative capacity, please give the full title under the signature. Date (mm/dd/yyyy) ? Please print date below Signature 1 ? Please keep signature within the box Signature 2 ? Please keep signature within the box Scanner bar code xxxxxxxxxxxxxx TSF 32230 xxxxxxxx EVERY POLICYOWNER’S INSTRUCTIONS ARE IMPORTANT! FOR WITHHOLD FOR ALL ALL ALL EXCEPT ☐ ☐ ☐ / /

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EASY VOTING OPTIONS: Please detach at perforation before mailing. VOTING INSTRUCTION CARD TRANSAMERICA FUNDS VOTING INSTRUCTION CARD FOR THE JOINT SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS TO BE HELD VIRTUALLY ON NOVEMBER 1, 2021 [INSURANCE COMPANY DROP-IN] The undersigned hereby instructs the above referenced insurance company with full power of substitution, to vote as directed on the reverse side of this form all shares of the Fund(s) the undersigned is entitled to provide instructions for at the Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders of Transamerica Funds (“Special Meeting”) to be held as a virtual meeting at the following Website:, on November 1, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. (Mountain time), and at any and all adjournments or postponements thereof. THESE VOTING INSTRUCTIONS ARE SOLICITED ON BEHALF OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED INSURANCE COMPANY. This voting instruction form will be voted as instructed. If no specification is made, the voting instruction form will be voted “FOR” the Proposal. VOTE VIA THE INTERNET: VOTE VIA THE TELEPHONE: 1-866-298-8476 TSF_32230_072621_VI PLEASE COMPLETE, SIGN, DATE, AND RETURN THIS VOTING INSTRUCTION CARD PROMPTLY USING THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx code VOTE ON THE INTERNET Log on to: or scan the QR code Follow the on-screen instructions available 24 hours VOTE BY PHONE Call 1-866-298-8476 Follow the recorded instructions available 24 hours VOTE BY MAIL Vote, sign and date this Voting Instruction Card and return in the postage-paid envelope VOTE AT THE VIRTUAL MEETING at the following Website: on November 1, 2021 at 10:00 a.m., Mountain time. To Participate in the Virtual Meeting, enter the 14-digit control number from the shaded box on this card.

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EVERY POLICYOWNER’S INSTRUCTIONS ARE IMPORTANT! Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders of Transamerica Funds to Be Held virtually on November 1, 2021. The Joint Proxy Statement and Voting Instruction Card for this meeting are available at: IF YOU VOTE ON THE INTERNET, BY TELEPHONE, OR IN PERSON, YOU NEED NOT RETURN THIS VOTING INSTRUCTION CARD FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS TA Asset Allocation - Conservative Portfolio TA Asset Allocation - Growth Portfolio TA Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth Portfolio TA Asset Allocation - Moderate Portfolio TA Asset Allocation Intermediate Horizon TA Asset Allocation Long Horizon TA Asset Allocation Short Horizon TA Balanced II TA Bond TA Capital Growth TA ClearTrack® 2015 TA ClearTrack® 2020 TA ClearTrack® 2025 TA ClearTrack® 2030 TA ClearTrack® 2035 TA ClearTrack® 2040 TA ClearTrack® 2045 TA ClearTrack® 2050 TA ClearTrack® 2055 TA ClearTrack® 2060 TA ClearTrack® Retirement Income TA Core Bond TA Emerging Markets Debt TA Emerging Markets Opportunities TA Energy Infrastructure TA Event Driven TA Floating Rate TA Global Equity TA Government Money Market TA High Quality Bond TA High Yield Bond TA High Yield ESG TA High Yield Muni TA Inflation Opportunities TA Inflation-Protected Securities TA Intermediate Bond TA Intermediate Muni TA International Equity TA International Growth TA International Small Cap Value TA International Stock TA Large Cap Value TA Large Core TA Large Growth TA Large Value Opportunities TA Mid Cap Growth TA Mid Cap Value TA Mid Cap Value Opportunities TA Multi-Asset Income TA Multi-Managed Balanced TA Short-Term Bond TA Small Cap Growth TA Small Cap Value TA Small/Mid Cap Value TA Stock Index TA Sustainable Bond TA Sustainable Equity Income TA Total Return TA Unconstrained Bond TA US Growth Please detach at perforation before mailing. TO VOTE MARK BLOCKS BELOW IN BLUE OR BLACK INK AS SHOWN IN THIS EXAMPLE: X A Proposal Your Board recommends that you vote “FOR” the election of each of the Nominees to the Board. 1. To elect Nominees to the Board: 01. Sandra N. Bane 02. Leo J. Hill 03. Kathleen T. Ives 04. David W. Jennings 05. Lauriann C. Kloppenburg 06. Fredric A. Nelson III 07. John E. Pelletier 08. Patricia L. Sawyer 09. Marijn P. Smit 10. John W. Waechter 11. Alan F. Warrick INSTRUCTIONS: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee(s), mark the box “FOR ALL EXCEPT” and write the nominee’s number on the line provided 2. To transact such other business as may properly come before the Special Meeting and any adjournments or postponements thereof. B Authorized Signatures ? This section must be completed for your vote to be counted.? Sign and Date Below Note: Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) on this Voting Instruction card, and date it. When shares are held jointly, each holder should sign. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee, officer of corporation or other entity or in another representative capacity, please give the full title under the signature. Date (mm/dd/yyyy) ? Please print date below Signature 1 ? Please keep signature within the box Signature 2 ? Please keep signature within the box Scanner bar code xxxxxxxxxxxxxx TSF2 32230 xxxxxxxx FOR WITHHOLD FOR ALL ALL ALL EXCEPT ☐ ☐ ☐ / /

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EVERY SHAREHOLDER’S VOTE IS IMPORTANT! EASY VOTING OPTIONS: [GRAPHIC APPEARS HERE] [GRAPHIC APPEARS HERE] [GRAPHIC APPEARS HERE] [GRAPHIC APPEARS HERE] Please detach at perforation before mailing. PROXY TRANSAMERICA SERIES TRUST PROXY FOR THE JOINT SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS TO BE HELD VIRTUALLY ON NOVEMBER 1, 2021 THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. The undersigned hereby appoints Timothy J. Bresnahan and Erin D. Nelson as attorneys and proxies of the undersigned with full power of substitution, to vote for the undersigned all shares of beneficial interest of the Fund(s) with respect to which the undersigned is entitled to vote at the Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders of Transamerica Series Trust (“Special Meeting”) to be held as a virtual meeting at the following Website:, on November 1, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. (Mountain time), and at any and all adjournments or postponements thereof, with all the power the undersigned would possess if personally present. Receipt of the Notice of a Joint Special Meeting and the accompanying Joint Proxy Statement is hereby acknowledged. The shares represented by the Proxy will be voted as instructed. If this Proxy is executed but no instructions are given, the votes entitled to be cast by the undersigned will be cast “FOR” the Proposal. VOTE VIA THE INTERNET: VOTE VIA THE TELEPHONE: 1-800-337-3503 TST_32230_072621 PLEASE COMPLETE, SIGN, DATE, AND RETURN THIS PROXY CARD PROMPTLY USING THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx code VOTE ON THE INTERNET Log on to: or scan the QR code Follow the on-screen instructions available 24 hours VOTE BY PHONE Call 1-800-337-3503 Follow the recorded instructions available 24 hours VOTE BY MAIL Vote, sign and date this Proxy Card and return in the postage-paid envelope VOTE AT THE VIRTUAL MEETING at the following Website: on November 1, 2021 at 10:00 a.m., Mountain time. To Participate in the Virtual Meeting, enter the 14-digit control number from the shaded box on this card.

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EVERY SHAREHOLDER’S VOTE IS IMPORTANT! Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders of Transamerica Series Trust to Be Held virtually on November 1, 2021. The Joint Proxy Statement and Proxy Card for this meeting are available at: IF YOU VOTE ON THE INTERNET, BY TELEPHONE, OR IN PERSON, YOU NEED NOT RETURN THIS PROXY CARD FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS TA 60/40 Allocation VP TA Aegon High Yield Bond VP TA Aegon U.S. Government Securities VP TA Aegon Sustainable Equity Income VP TA American Funds Managed Risk VP TA BlackRock Global Real Estate Securities VP TA BlackRock Government Money Market VP TA BlackRock iShares Edge 40 VP TA BlackRock iShares Edge 50 VP TA BlackRock iShares Edge 75 VP TA BlackRock iShares Edge 100 VP TA BlackRock Tactical Allocation VP TA Goldman Sachs 70/30 Allocation VP TA International Growth VP TA Janus Balanced VP TA Janus Mid-Cap Growth VP TA JPMorgan Asset Allocation - Conservative VP TA JPMorgan Asset Allocation - Growth VP TA JPMorgan Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth VP TA JPMorgan Asset Allocation - Moderate VP TA JPMorgan Core Bond VP TA JPMorgan Enhanced Index VP TA JPMorgan International Moderate Growth VP TA JPMorgan Mid Cap Value VP TA JPMorgan Tactical Allocation VP TA Legg Mason Dynamic Allocation – Balanced VP TA Legg Mason Dynamic Allocation – Growth VP TA Madison Diversified Income VP TA Managed Risk - Balanced ETF VP TA Managed Risk - Conservative ETF VP TA Managed Risk - Growth ETF VP TA Market Participation Strategy VP TA MS Capital Growth VP TA MS Global Allocation VP TA MS Global All Mgd Risk-Balanced VP TA MSCI EAFE Index VP TA Multi-Managed Balanced VP TA PIMCO Tactical - Balanced VP TA PIMCO Tactical - Conservative VP TA PIMCO Tactical - Growth VP TA PIMCO Total Return VP TA PineBridge Inflation Opportunities VP TA ProFund UltraBear VP TA QS Investors Active AA - Conservative VP TA QS Investors Active AA-Moderate Growth VP TA QS Investors Active AA-Moderate VP TA Rothschild & Co Large Cap Value VP TA Small/Mid Cap Value VP TA S&P 500 Index VP TA T. Rowe Price Small Cap VP TA TS&W International Equity VP TA WMC US Growth VP Please detach at perforation before mailing. TO VOTE MARK BLOCKS BELOW IN BLUE OR BLACK INK AS SHOWN IN THIS EXAMPLE: X A Proposal Your Board recommends that you vote “FOR” the election of each of the Nominees to the Board. 1. To elect Board Members: 01. Sandra N. Bane 02. Leo J. Hill 03. Kathleen T. Ives 04. David W. Jennings 05. Lauriann C. Kloppenburg 06. Fredric A. Nelson III 07. John E. Pelletier 08. Patricia L. Sawyer 09. Marijn P. Smit 10. John W. Waechter 11. Alan F. Warrick INSTRUCTIONS: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee(s), mark the box “FOR ALL EXCEPT” and write the nominee’s number on the line provided 2. To transact such other business as may properly come before the Special Meeting and any adjournments or postponements thereof. B Authorized Signatures ? This section must be completed for your vote to be counted.? Sign and Date Below Note: Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) on this Proxy card, and date it. When shares are held jointly, each holder should sign. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee, officer of corporation or other entity or in another representative capacity, please give the full title under the signature. Date (mm/dd/yyyy) ? Please print date below Signature 1 ? Please keep signature within the box Signature 2 ? Please keep signature within the box Scanner bar code xxxxxxxxxxxxxx TST 32230 xxxxxxxx FOR WITHHOLD FOR ALL ALL ALL EXCEPT ☐ ☐ ☐ / /

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EVERY POLICYOWNER’S INSTRUCTIONS ARE IMPORTANT! EASY VOTING OPTIONS: Please detach at perforation before mailing. VOTING INSTRUCTION CARD TRANSAMERICA SERIES TRUST VOTING INSTRUCTION CARD FOR THE JOINT SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS TO BE HELD VIRTUALLY ON NOVEMBER 1, 2021 [INSURANCE COMPANY DROP-IN] The undersigned hereby instructs the above referenced insurance company with full power of substitution, to vote as directed on the reverse side of this form all shares of the Fund(s) the undersigned is entitled to provide instructions for at the Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders of Transamerica Series Trust (“Special Meeting”) to be held as a virtual meeting at the following Website:, on November 1, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. (Mountain time), and at any and all adjournments or postponements thereof. THESE VOTING INSTRUCTIONS ARE SOLICITED ON BEHALF OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED INSURANCE COMPANY. This voting instruction form will be voted as instructed. If no specification is made, the voting instruction form will be voted “FOR” the Proposal. VOTE VIA THE INTERNET: VOTE VIA THE TELEPHONE: 1-866-298-8476 TST_32230_072621_VI PLEASE COMPLETE, SIGN, DATE, AND RETURN THIS VOTING INSTRUCTION CARD PROMPTLY USING THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx code VOTE ON THE INTERNET Log on to: or scan the QR code Follow the on-screen instructions available 24 hours VOTE BY PHONE Call 1-866-298-8476 Follow the recorded instructions available 24 hours VOTE BY MAIL Vote, sign and date this Voting Instruction Card and return in the postage-paid envelope VOTE AT THE VIRTUAL MEETING at the following Website: on November 1, 2021 at 10:00 a.m., Mountain time. To Participate in the Virtual Meeting, enter the 14-digit control number from the shaded box on this card.

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EVERY POLICYOWNER’S INSTRUCTIONS ARE IMPORTANT! Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders of Transamerica Series Trust to Be Held virtually on November 1, 2021. The Joint Proxy Statement and Voting Instruction Card for this meeting are available at: IF YOU VOTE ON THE INTERNET, BY TELEPHONE, OR IN PERSON, YOU NEED NOT RETURN THIS VOTING INSTRUCTION CARD FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS TA 60/40 Allocation VP TA Aegon High Yield Bond VP TA Aegon U.S. Government Securities VP TA Aegon Sustainable Equity Income VP TA American Funds Managed Risk VP TA BlackRock Global Real Estate Securities VP TA BlackRock Government Money Market VP TA BlackRock iShares Edge 40 VP TA BlackRock iShares Edge 50 VP TA BlackRock iShares Edge 75 VP TA BlackRock iShares Edge 100 VP TA BlackRock Tactical Allocation VP TA Goldman Sachs 70/30 Allocation VP TA International Growth VP TA Janus Balanced VP TA Janus Mid-Cap Growth VP TA JPMorgan Asset Allocation - Conservative VP TA JPMorgan Asset Allocation - Growth VP TA JPMorgan Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth VP TA JPMorgan Asset Allocation - Moderate VP TA JPMorgan Core Bond VP TA JPMorgan Enhanced Index VP TA JPMorgan International Moderate Growth VP TA JPMorgan Mid Cap Value VP TA JPMorgan Tactical Allocation VP TA Legg Mason Dynamic Allocation – Balanced VP TA Legg Mason Dynamic Allocation – Growth VP TA Madison Diversified Income VP TA Managed Risk - Balanced ETF VP TA Managed Risk - Conservative ETF VP TA Managed Risk - Growth ETF VP TA Market Participation Strategy VP TA MS Capital Growth VP TA MS Global Allocation VP TA MS Global All Mgd Risk-Balanced VP TA MSCI EAFE Index VP TA Multi-Managed Balanced VP TA PIMCO Tactical - Balanced VP TA PIMCO Tactical - Conservative VP TA PIMCO Tactical - Growth VP TA PIMCO Total Return VP TA PineBridge Inflation Opportunities VP TA ProFund UltraBear VP TA QS Investors Active AA - Conservative VP TA QS Investors Active AA-Moderate Growth VP TA QS Investors Active AA-Moderate VP TA Rothschild & Co Large Cap Value VP TA Small/Mid Cap Value VP TA S&P 500 Index VP TA T. Rowe Price Small Cap VP TA TS&W International Equity VP TA WMC US Growth VP Please detach at perforation before mailing. TO VOTE MARK BLOCKS BELOW IN BLUE OR BLACK INK AS SHOWN IN THIS EXAMPLE: X A Proposal Your Board recommends that you vote “FOR” the election of each of the Nominees to the Board. 1. To elect Nominees to the Board: 01. Sandra N. Bane 02. Leo J. Hill 03. Kathleen T. Ives 04. David W. Jennings 05. Lauriann C. Kloppenburg 06. Fredric A. Nelson III 07. John E. Pelletier 08. Patricia L. Sawyer 09. Marijn P. Smit 10. John W. Waechter 11. Alan F. Warrick INSTRUCTIONS: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee(s), mark the box “FOR ALL EXCEPT” and write the nominee’s number on the line provided 2. To transact such other business as may properly come before the Special Meeting and any adjournments or postponements thereof. B Authorized Signatures ? This section must be completed for your vote to be counted.? Sign and Date Below Note: Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) on this Voting Instruction card, and date it. When shares are held jointly, each holder should sign. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee, officer of corporation or other entity or in another representative capacity, please give the full title under the signature. Date (mm/dd/yyyy) ? Please print date below Signature 1 ? Please keep signature within the box Signature 2 ? Please keep signature within the box Scanner bar code xxxxxxxxxxxxxx TST2 32230 xxxxxxxx FOR WITHHOLD FOR ALL ALL ALL EXCEPT ☐ ☐ ☐ / /

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EVERY SHAREHOLDER’S VOTE IS IMPORTANT! EASY VOTING OPTIONS: Please detach at perforation before mailing. PROXY TRANSAMERICA ASSET ALLOCATION VARIABLE FUNDS PROXY FOR THE JOINT SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS TO BE HELD VIRTUALLY ON NOVEMBER 1, 2021 THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. The undersigned hereby appoints Timothy J. Bresnahan and Erin D. Nelson as attorneys and proxies of the undersigned with full power of substitution, to vote for the undersigned all shares of beneficial interest of the Fund(s) with respect to which the undersigned is entitled to vote at the Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders of Transamerica Asset Allocation Variable Funds (“Special Meeting”) to be held as a virtual meeting at the following Website:, on November 1, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. (Mountain time), and at any and all adjournments or postponements thereof, with all the power the undersigned would possess if personally present. Receipt of the Notice of a Joint Special Meeting and the accompanying Joint Proxy Statement is hereby acknowledged. The shares represented by the Proxy will be voted as instructed. If this Proxy is executed but no instructions are given, the votes entitled to be cast by the undersigned will be cast “FOR” the Proposal. VOTE VIA THE INTERNET: VOTE VIA THE TELEPHONE: 1-800-337-3503 TAA_32230_072321 PLEASE COMPLETE, SIGN, DATE, AND RETURN THIS PROXY CARD PROMPTLY USING THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx code VOTE ON THE INTERNET Log on to: or scan the QR code Follow the on-screen instructions available 24 hours VOTE BY PHONE Call 1-800-337-3503 Follow the recorded instructions available 24 hours VOTE BY MAIL Vote, sign and date this Proxy Card and return in the postage-paid envelope VOTE AT THE VIRTUAL MEETING at the following Website: on November 1, 2021 at 10:00 a. m., Mountain time. To Participate in the Virtual Meeting, enter the 14-digit control number from the shaded box on this card.

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EVERY SHAREHOLDER’S VOTE IS IMPORTANT! Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders of Transamerica Asset Allocation Variable Funds to Be Held virtually on November 1, 2021. The Joint Proxy Statement and Proxy Card for this meeting are available at: IF YOU VOTE ON THE INTERNET, BY TELEPHONE, OR IN PERSON, YOU NEED NOT RETURN THIS PROXY CARD FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS TA Asset Allocation-Intermediate Horizon Subaccount TA Asset Allocation-Int/Long Horizon Subaccount TA Asset Allocation - Short Horizon Subaccount Please detach at perforation before mailing. TO VOTE MARK BLOCKS BELOW IN BLUE OR BLACK INK AS SHOWN IN THIS EXAMPLE: X A Proposal Your Board recommends that you vote “FOR” the election of each of the Nominees to the Board. 1. To elect Nominees to the Board: 01. Sandra N. Bane 02. Leo J. Hill 03. Kathleen T. Ives 04. David W. Jennings 05. Lauriann C. Kloppenburg 06. Fredric A. Nelson III 07. John E. Pelletier 08. Patricia L. Sawyer 09. Marijn P. Smit 10. John W. Waechter 11. Alan F. Warrick INSTRUCTIONS: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee(s), mark the box “FOR ALL EXCEPT” and write the nominee’s number on the line provided 2. To transact such other business as may properly come before the Special Meeting and any adjournments or postponements thereof. B Authorized Signatures ? This section must be completed for your vote to be counted.? Sign and Date Below Note: Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) on this Proxy card, and date it. When shares are held jointly, each holder should sign. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee, officer of corporation or other entity or in another representative capacity, please give the full title under the signature. Date (mm/dd/yyyy) ? Please print date below Signature 1 ? Please keep signature within the box Signature 2 ? Please keep signature within the box Scanner bar code xxxxxxxxxxxxxx TAA 32230 xxxxxxxx FOR WITHHOLD FOR ALL ALL ALL EXCEPT ☐ ☐ ☐ / /

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EVERY POLICYOWNER’S INSTRUCTIONS ARE IMPORTANT! EASY VOTING OPTIONS: Please detach at perforation before mailing. VOTING INSTRUCTION CARD TRANSAMERICA ASSET ALLOCATION VARIABLE FUNDS VOTING INSTRUCTION CARD FOR THE JOINT SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS TO BE HELD VIRTUALLY ON NOVEMBER 1, 2021 [INSURANCE COMPANY DROP-IN] The undersigned hereby instructs the above referenced insurance company with full power of substitution, to vote as directed on the reverse side of this form all shares of the Fund(s) the undersigned is entitled to provide instructions for at the Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders of Transamerica Asset Allocation Variable Funds (“Special Meeting”) to be held as a virtual meeting at the following Website:, on November 1, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. (Mountain time), and at any and all adjournments or postponements thereof. Receipt of the Notice of a Joint Special Meeting and the accompanying Joint Proxy Statement is hereby acknowledged. The shares represented by the Proxy will be voted as instructed. If this Proxy is executed but no instructions are given, the votes entitled to be cast by the undersigned will be cast “FOR” the Proposal. VOTE VIA THE INTERNET: VOTE VIA THE TELEPHONE: 1-866-298-8476 TAA_32230_072321_VI PLEASE COMPLETE, SIGN, DATE, AND RETURN THIS VOTING INSTRUCTION CARD PROMPTLY USING THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx code VOTE ON THE INTERNET Log on to: or scan the QR code Follow the on-screen instructions available 24 hours VOTE BY PHONE Call 1-866-298-8476 Follow the recorded instructions available 24 hours VOTE BY MAIL Vote, sign and date this Proxy Card and return in the postage-paid envelope VOTE AT THE VIRTUAL MEETING at the following Website: on November 1, 2021 at 10:00 a.m., Mountain time. To Participate in the Virtual Meeting, enter the 14-digit control number from the shaded box on this card.

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EVERY POLICYOWNER’S INSTRUCTIONS ARE IMPORTANT! Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders of Transamerica Asset Allocation Variable Funds to Be Held virtually on November 1, 2021. The Joint Proxy Statement and Voting Instruction Card for this meeting are available at: IF YOU VOTE ON THE INTERNET, BY TELEPHONE, OR IN PERSON, YOU NEED NOT RETURN THIS VOTING INSTRUCTION CARD FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS TA Asset Allocation-Intermediate Horizon Subaccount TA Asset Allocation-Int/Long Horizon Subaccount TA Asset Allocation - Short Horizon Subaccount Please detach at perforation before mailing. TO VOTE MARK BLOCKS BELOW IN BLUE OR BLACK INK AS SHOWN IN THIS EXAMPLE: X A Proposal Your Board recommends that you vote “FOR” the election of each of the Nominees to the Board. 1. To elect Nominees to the Board: 01. Sandra N. Bane 02. Leo J. Hill 03. Kathleen T. Ives 04. David W. Jennings 05. Lauriann C. Kloppenburg 06. Fredric A. Nelson III 07. John E. Pelletier 08. Patricia L. Sawyer 09. Marijn P. Smit 10. John W. Waechter 11. Alan F. Warrick INSTRUCTIONS: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee(s), mark the box “FOR ALL EXCEPT” and write the nominee’s number on the line provided 2. To transact such other business as may properly come before the Special Meeting and any adjournments or postponements thereof. B Authorized Signatures ? This section must be completed for your vote to be counted.? Sign and Date Below Note: Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) on this Voting Instruction card, and date it. When shares are held jointly, each holder should sign. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee, officer of corporation or other entity or in another representative capacity, please give the full title under the signature. Date (mm/dd/yyyy) ? Please print date below Signature 1 ? Please keep signature within the box Signature 2 ? Please keep signature within the box Scanner bar code xxxxxxxxxxxxxx TAA2 32230 xxxxxxxx FOR WITHHOLD FOR ALL ALL ALL EXCEPT ☐ ☐ ☐ / /