EX-99 2 ex1form40f_2007.txt SUPPLEMENTARY OIL & GAS INFORMATION EXHIBIT 1 SUPPLEMENTARY OIL & GAS INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) This supplementary crude oil and natural gas information is provided in accordance with the United States FAS 69, "Disclosures about Oil and Gas Producing Activities", and where applicable is reconciled to the US GAAP financial information. NET PROVED CRUDE OIL AND NATURAL GAS RESERVES The Company retains qualified independent reserves evaluators to evaluate the Company's proved crude oil and natural gas reserves. For the years ended December 31, 2007, 2006, 2005 and 2004 the reports by Sproule Associates Limited and Ryder Scott Company covered 100% of the Company's conventional reserves. Proved crude oil and natural gas reserves are the estimated quantities of crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids that geological and engineering data demonstrate with reasonable certainty to be recoverable in future years from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions. Proved developed reserves are reserves that can be expected to be recovered from existing wells with existing equipment and operating methods. Estimates of crude oil and natural gas reserves are subject to uncertainty and will change as additional information regarding producing fields and technology becomes available and as future economic and operating conditions change. The following table summarizes the Company's proved and proved developed conventional crude oil and natural gas reserves, net of royalties, as at December 31, 2007, 2006, 2005 and 2004: North North Offshore CRUDE OIL AND NGLS (mmbbl) America Sea West Africa Total =============================================================================================== Net proved reserves Reserves, December 31, 2004 648 303 115 1,066 Extensions and discoveries 98 - - 98 Improved recovery 3 3 2 8 Purchases of reserves in place - - 15 15 Sales of reserves in place (3) - - (3) Production (70) (25) (8) (103) Revisions of prior estimates 18 9 10 37 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reserves, December 31, 2005 694 290 134 1,118 Extensions and discoveries 53 3 - 56 Improved recovery 190 26 - 216 Purchases of reserves in place 26 - - 26 Sales of reserves in place - - - - Production (75) (22) (13) (110) Revisions of prior estimates (1) 2 9 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reserves, December 31, 2006 887 299 130 1,316 Extensions and discoveries 30 - - 30 Improved recovery 13 6 - 19 Purchases of reserves in place 1 - - 1 Sales of reserves in place - (3) - (3) Production (77) (20) (10) (107) Revisions of prior estimates 66 28 8 102 =============================================================================================== RESERVES, DECEMBER 31, 2007 920 310 128 1,358 Net proved developed reserves December 31, 2004 367 218 20 605 December 31, 2005 402 214 80 696 December 31, 2006 420 214 63 697 DECEMBER 31, 2007 426 240 70 736 ===============================================================================================
North North Offshore NATURAL GAS (bcf) America Sea West Africa Total ============================================================================================== Net proved reserves Reserves, December 31, 2004 2,591 27 72 2,690 Extensions and discoveries 506 - - 506 Improved recovery 30 - - 30 Purchases of reserves in place 6 - - 6 Sales of reserves in place (23) - - (23) Production (411) (7) (1) (419) Revisions of prior estimates 42 9 1 52 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reserves, December 31, 2005 2,741 29 72 2,842 Extensions and discoveries 250 - - 250 Improved recovery 74 - - 74 Purchases of reserves in place 1,111 - - 1,111 Sales of reserves in place (1) - - (1) Production (433) (5) (3) (441) Revisions of prior estimates (37) 13 (13) (37) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reserves, December 31, 2006 3,705 37 56 3,798 Extensions and discoveries 134 - - 134 Improved recovery 132 3 - 135 Purchases of reserves in place 12 - - 12 Sales of reserves in place - - - - Production (503) (5) (4) (512) Revisions of prior estimates 41 46 12 99 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESERVES, DECEMBER 31, 2007 3,521 81 64 3,666 =============================================================================================== Net proved developed reserves December 31, 2004 2,213 12 5 2,230 December 31, 2005 2,300 16 10 2,326 December 31, 2006 2,934 17 12 2,963 DECEMBER 31, 2007 2,731 58 53 2,842 ===============================================================================================
CAPITALIZED COSTS RELATED TO CRUDE OIL AND NATURAL GAS ACTIVITIES 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (millions of Canadian dollars) NORTH NORTH OFFSHORE TOTAL AMERICA SEA WEST AFRICA OTHER =============================================================================================================== Proved properties $ 32,061 $ 3,164 $ 1,695 $ 14 $ 36,934 Unproved properties 2,259 10 138 25 2,432 34,320 3,174 1,833 39 39,366 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Less: accumulated depletion and depreciation (12,213) (1,446) (645) (14) (14,318) Net capitalized costs $ 22,107 $ 1,728 $ 1,188 $ 25 $ 25,048 =============================================================================================================== 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (millions of Canadian dollars) North North Offshore Total America Sea West Africa Other =============================================================================================================== Proved properties $ 29,596 $ 3,346 $ 1,601 $ 14 $ 34,557 Unproved properties 2,244 24 84 24 2,376 31,840 3,370 1,685 38 36,933 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Less: accumulated depletion and depreciation (9,878) (1,341) (481) (14) (11,714) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net capitalized costs $ 21,962 $ 2,029 $ 1,204 $ 24 $ 25,219 =============================================================================================================== 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (millions of Canadian dollars) North North Offshore Total America Sea West Africa Other =============================================================================================================== Proved properties $ 20,886 $ 2,675 $ 1,365 $ 14 $ 24,940 Unproved properties 1,372 28 182 13 1,595 22,258 2,703 1,547 27 26,535 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Less: accumulated depletion and depreciation (7,993) (1,022) (294) (14) (9,323) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net capitalized costs $ 14,265 $ 1,681 $ 1,253 $ 13 $ 17,212 ===============================================================================================================
COSTS INCURRED IN CRUDE OIL AND NATURAL GAS ACTIVITIES 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (millions of Canadian dollars) NORTH NORTH OFFSHORE TOTAL AMERICA SEA WEST AFRICA OTHER =============================================================================================================== PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS Proved $ 55 $ (38) $ - $ - $ 17 Unproved 13 1 - - 14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exploration 239 19 - 1 259 Development 2,173 380 148 - 2,701 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Costs incurred $ 2,480 $ 362 $ 148 $ 1 $ 2,991 =============================================================================================================== 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (millions of Canadian dollars) North North Offshore Total America Sea West Africa Other =============================================================================================================== PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS Proved $ 5,627 $ - $ 1 $ - $ 5,628 Unproved 910 - - - 910 Exploration 238 4 1 11 254 Development 2,807 628 133 - 3,568 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Costs incurred $ 9,582 $ 632 $ 135 $ 11 $ 10,360 =============================================================================================================== 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (millions of Canadian dollars) North North Offshore Total America Sea West Africa Other =============================================================================================================== PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS Proved $ (448) $ (3) $ 63 $ - $ (388) Unproved 210 - (52) - 158 Exploration 360 22 16 5 403 Development 2,386 232 439 - 3,057 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Costs incurred $ 2,508 $ 251 $ 466 $ 5 $ 3,230 ===============================================================================================================
RESULTS OF OPERATIONS FROM CRUDE OIL AND NATURAL GAS PRODUCING ACTIVITIES The Company's results of operations from crude oil and natural gas producing activities for the years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005 are summarized in the following tables: 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (millions of Canadian dollars) NORTH NORTH OFFSHORE TOTAL AMERICA SEA WEST AFRICA ========================================================================================================= Crude oil and natural gas revenue, net of $ 7,441 $ 1,522 $ 709 $ 9,672 royalties and blending costs Production (1,642) (432) (94) (2,168) Transportation (335) (16) (1) (352) Depletion, depreciation and amortization (2,359) (340) (165) (2,864) Asset retirement obligation accretion (38) (30) (2) (70) Petroleum revenue tax - (141) - (141) Income tax (997) (282) (121) (1,400) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Results of operations $ 2,070 $ 281 $ 326 $ 2,677 ====================================================================================================== 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (millions of Canadian dollars) North North Offshore Total America Sea West Africa ====================================================================================================== Crude oil and natural gas revenue, net of $ 5,707 $ 1,310 $ 911 $ 7,928 royalties and blending costs Production (1,436) (390) (106) (1,932) Transportation (326) (15) (1) (342) Depletion, depreciation and amortization (1,894) (297) (189) (2,380) Asset retirement obligation accretion (35) (31) (2) (68) Petroleum revenue tax - (234) - (234) Income tax (706) (172) (172) (1,050) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Results of operations $ 1,310 $ 171 $ 441 $ 1,922 ====================================================================================================== 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (millions of Canadian dollars) North North Offshore Total America Sea West Africa ====================================================================================================== Crude oil and natural gas revenue, net of $ 5,727 $ 1,499 $ 472 $ 7,698 royalties and blending costs Production (1,211) (379) (53) (1,643) Transportation (287) (20) - (307) Depletion, depreciation and amortization (1,588) (306) (104) (1,998) Asset retirement obligation accretion (34) (34) (1) (69) Petroleum revenue tax - (172) - (172) Income tax (1,007) (235) (110) (1,352) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Results of operations $ 1,600 $ 353 $ 204 $ 2,157 ======================================================================================================
STANDARDIZED MEASURE OF DISCOUNTED FUTURE NET CASH FLOWS FROM PROVED CRUDE OIL AND NATURAL GAS RESERVES AND CHANGES THEREIN The following standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows from proved crude oil and natural gas reserves has been computed using year-end sales prices and costs and year-end statutory income tax rates. A discount factor of 10% has been applied in determining the standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows. The Company does not believe that the standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows will be representative of actual future net cash flows and should not be considered to represent the fair value of the crude oil and natural gas properties. Actual net cash flows will differ from the presented estimated future net cash flows due to several factors including: o Future production will include production not only from proved properties, but may also include production from probable and possible reserves; o Future production of crude oil and natural gas from proved properties will differ from reserves estimated; o Future production rates will vary from those estimated; o Future rather than year-end sales prices and costs will apply; o Economic factors such as interest rates, income tax rates, regulatory and fiscal environments and operating conditions will change; o Future estimated income taxes do not take into account the effects of future exploration expenditures; and o Future development and asset retirement obligations will differ from those estimated. Future net revenues, development, production and restoration costs have been based upon the estimates referred to above. The following tables summarize the Company's future net cash flows relating to proved crude oil and natural gas reserves based on the standardized measure as prescribed in FAS 69: 2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (millions of Canadian dollars) NORTH NORTH OFFSHORE TOTAL AMERICA SEA WEST AFRICA ================================================================================================================ Future cash inflows $ 71,069 $ 30,269 $ 9,921 $ 111,259 Future production costs (23,729) (9,316) (2,419) (35,464) Future development and asset retirement obligations (7,938) (4,021) (621) (12,580) Future income taxes (9,508) (11,376) (1,978) (22,862) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Future net cash flows 29,894 5,556 4,903 40,353 10% annual discount for timing of future cash flows (13,952) (2,176) (2,505) (18,633) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standardized measure of future net cash flows $ 15,942 $ 3,380 $ 2,398 $ 21,720 ================================================================================================================ 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (millions of Canadian dollars) North North Offshore Total America Sea West Africa ================================================================================================================ Future cash inflows $ 63,368 $ 20,815 $ 7,779 $ 91,962 Future production costs (21,634) (8,077) (2,517) (32,228) Future development and asset retirement obligations (7,029) (4,348) (824) (12,201) Future income taxes (9,118) (5,623) (1,372) (16,113) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Future net cash flows 25,587 2,767 3,066 31,420 10% annual discount for timing of future cash flows (11,214) (956) (1,258) (13,428) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standardized measure of future net cash flows $ 14,373 $ 1,811 $ 1,808 $ 17,992 ================================================================================================================
2005 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (millions of Canadian dollars) North North Offshore Total America Sea West Africa ================================================================================================================ Future cash inflows $ 52,266 $ 19,961 $ 8,515 $ 80,742 Future production costs (17,310) (6,130) (1,803) (25,243) Future development and asset retirement obligations (3,916) (3,099) (1,032) (8,047) Future income taxes (10,272) (6,631) (2,092) (18,995) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Future net cash flows 20,768 4,101 3,588 28,457 10% annual discount for timing of future cash flows (7,793) (1,144) (1,068) (10,005) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standardized measure of future net cash flows $ 12,975 $ 2,957 $ 2,520 $ 18,452 ================================================================================================================
The principal sources of change in the standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows are summarized in the following table: (millions of Canadian dollars) 2007 2006 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sales of crude oil and natural gas produced, net of $ (7,150) $ (5,635) $ (5,785) production costs Net changes in sales prices and production costs 7,412 (2,420) 11,056 Extensions, discoveries and improved recovery 1,429 4,769 3,596 Changes in estimated future development costs (169) (1,885) (971) Purchases of proved reserves in place 39 2,406 469 Sales of proved reserves in place (103) (2) (130) Revisions of previous reserve estimates 2,380 81 961 Accretion of discount 2,760 3,112 1,812 Changes in production timing and other 508 (2,156) 1,414 Net change in income taxes (3,378) 1,270 (4,458) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net change 3,728 (460) 7,964 Balance - beginning of year 17,992 18,452 10,488 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance - end of year $ 21,720 $ 17,992 $ 18,452 ===============================================================================================================