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Lincoln PathBuilder Income® IRA
Individual Variable Annuity Contract
Summary Prospectus for New Investors
XX XX, 2022
This summary prospectus summarizes key features of the Lincoln PathBuilder Income® IRA variable annuity contract, issued by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company (Lincoln Life or Company).
This prospectus describes two versions of the Contract: (i) Lincoln PathBuilder Income ® IRA, available through registered representatives who are affiliated with us; or (ii) Lincoln PathBuilder Income ® IRA – Advisory (“the Advisory version”), available through a third-party financial intermediary who may charge an advisory fee for their services. That fee is in addition to contract fees and expenses. If you elect to pay third-party advisory fees out of your Contract Value, this deduction may reduce the Death Benefit(s) and other guaranteed benefits, and may be subject to federal and state income taxes and a 10% federal penalty tax. For more details, see Advisory Fee Withdrawals.
Before you invest, you should also review the prospectus for the Lincoln PathBuilder Income® IRA variable annuity contract, which contains more information about the Contract’s features, benefits, and risks. You can find this prospectus and other information about the Contract online at www.lfg.com/VAprospectus. You can also obtain this information at no cost by calling 1-800-234-3500 or by sending an email request to CustServSupportTeam@lfg.com.
In some states, this free look or cancellation period may be longer under certain scenarios. Upon cancellation, you will receive either a full refund of the amount you paid with your application or your total Contract Value. You should review the prospectus, or consult with your investment professional, for additional information about the specific cancellation terms that apply.
Additional information about certain investment products, including variable annuities, has been prepared by the Securities and Exchange Commission’s staff and is available at Investor.gov.
All prospectuses and other shareholder reports, will be made available on www.lfg.com/VAprospectus. If you wish to receive future shareholder reports in paper, free of charge, please call us at 1-800-234-3500, send an email request to CustServSupportTeam@lfg.com, or contact your financial professional. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all funds available under your Contract. This prospectus gives you information about the Contract that you should know before you decide to buy a Contract and make a Purchase Payment. You should also review the prospectus for the funds and keep all prospectuses for future reference.

Special Terms
In this initial summary prospectus, the following terms have the indicated meanings:
Account or Variable Annuity Account (VAA)—The segregated investment account, Account L, into which we set aside and invest the assets of the Contract offered in this prospectus.
Accumulation Unit—A measure used to calculate Contract Value for the Contract before the Annuity Commencement Date.
Advisory Fee Withdrawal—Withdrawals from your Contract Value to pay the advisory fees associated with your Fee-Based Financial Plan.
Annuitant—The person upon whose life the annuity payments are based. The Annuitant is also the Contractowner.
Annuity Payout— An amount paid at regular intervals after the Annuity Commencement Date under one of several options available to the Annuitant and/or any other payee. This amount is paid on a fixed basis.
Automatic Step-up—A feature that provides an automatic step-up of the Protected Income Base to the Contract Value, subject to certain conditions.
Benefit Year—Under Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit, the 12-month period starting with the effective date of the rider and starting with each anniversary of the rider effective date after that.
Beneficiary—The person you choose to receive any Death Benefit paid if you die before the Annuity Commencement Date.
Contract—The variable annuity contract you have entered into with Lincoln Life.
Contractowner (you, your, owner)—The person who can exercise the rights within the Contract (decides on investment allocations, transfers, payout option, designates the Beneficiary, etc.). The Contractowner must be the Annuitant.
Contract Value—At a given time before the Annuity Commencement Date, the total value of all Accumulation Units for a Contract.
Contract Year—Each 12-month period starting with the effective date of the Contract and starting with each contract anniversary after that.
Death Benefit—Before the Annuity Commencement Date, the amount payable to your designated Beneficiary upon your death.
Excess Withdrawals—Amounts withdrawn from the Contract which may decrease or eliminate guarantees under the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit.
Fee-Based Financial Plan—A wrap account, managed account or other investment program whereby an investment firm/professional offers asset allocation and/or investment advice for a fee. Such programs can be offered by broker-dealers, banks and registered investment advisers, trust companies and other firms. Under this arrangement, the Contractowner pays the investment firm/professional directly for services.
Good Order—The actual receipt at our Home Office of the requested transaction in writing or by other means we accept, along with all information and supporting legal documentation necessary to complete the transaction. The forms we provide will identify the necessary documentation. We may, in our sole discretion, determine whether any particular transaction request is in Good Order, and we reserve the right to change or waive any Good Order requirements at any time.
Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI)—The guaranteed periodic withdrawal amount available from the Contract each Benefit Year for life under Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit.
Income Base—A value used to calculate the Guaranteed Annual Income amount.
Investment Requirements—Restrictions in how you may allocate your Subaccount investments.
Purchase Payment—The initial investment made by a single premium payment to purchase this Contract.
Rollover Money—An eligible rollover from your former qualified plan.
Subaccount—Each portion of the VAA that reflects investments in Accumulation and Annuity Units of a class of a particular fund available under the contracts. There is a separate Subaccount which corresponds to each class of a fund.

Important Information You Should Consider About the Lincoln PathBuilder Income® IRA Variable Annuity Contract
Location in
Charges for Early
There are no surrender charges associated with this Contract.
There are no sales charges associated with this Contract.
Ongoing Fees and
Expenses (annual
Minimum and Maximum Annual Fee Table. The table below describes the fees and
expenses that you may pay each year, depending on the options you choose. Please
refer to your contract specifications page for information about the specific fees you will
pay each year based on the options you have elected. These charges do not reflect any
advisory fees paid to a financial intermediary from Contract Value or other assets of the
Contractowner. If such charges were reflected, the ongoing fees and expenses would be
Fee Tables
Charges and
Annual Fee
Base Contract
1.00% 1
2.00% 1
Investment options (fund fees and
0.48% 2
1.64% 2
1 As a percentage of the Income Base.
2 As a percentage of average Account Value in the Subaccounts.
Lowest and Highest Annual Cost Table. Because your Contract is customizable, the
choices you make affect how much you will pay. To help you understand the cost of
owning your Contract, the following table shows the lowest and highest cost you could
pay each year , based on current charges. This estimate assumes that you do not take
withdrawals from the Contract.
Lowest Annual Cost: $2,239
Highest Annual Cost: $3,742
Investment of $100,000
5% annual appreciation
Least expensive fund fees and
No additional Purchase Payments,
transfers, or withdrawals
No sales charges or advisory fees
Investment of $100,000
5% annual appreciation
Most expensive fund fees and expenses
No additional Purchase Payments,
transfers, or withdrawals
No sales charges or advisory fees
Location in
Risk of Loss
You can lose money by investing in this Contract, including loss of principal.
Principal Risks
Investments of
the Variable
Not a Short-Term
This Contract is not designed for short-term investing and may not be appropriate for
the investor who needs ready access to cash.
The benefits of tax deferral, long-term income, and living benefit protections also
mean the Contract is more beneficial to investors with a long-term investment
Principal Risks
Surrender and
Fee Tables

Location in
Risks Associated
with Investment
An investment in this Contract is subject to the risk of poor investment performance
of the investment options you choose. Performance can vary depending on the
performance of the investment options available under the Contract.
Each investment option has its own unique risks.
You should review the investment options before making an investment decision.
Principal Risks
Investments of
the Variable
Company Risks
An investment in the Contract is subject to the risks related to us. Any obligations,
guarantees, or benefits of the Contract are subject to our claims-paying ability. If we
experience financial distress, we may not be able to meet our obligations to you.
More information about Lincoln Life, including our financial strength ratings, is
available upon request by calling 1-800-454-6265 or visiting
Principal Risks
Location in
We reserve the right to remove or substitute any funds as investment options that
are available under the Contract.
Investment Requirements apply to the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit.
Principal Risks
Investments of
the Variable
Location in
Tax Implications
Consult with a tax professional to determine the tax implications of an investment in
and payments received under this Contract.
If you purchase the Contract through a tax-qualified plan or IRA, you do not get any
additional tax deferral under the Contract.
Earnings on your Contract are taxed at ordinary income tax rates when you withdraw
them, and you may have to pay a penalty if you take a withdrawal before age 59½.
Federal Tax
Location in
Your financial professional may receive compensation for selling this Contract to you,
in the form of commissions, additional cash benefits (e.g., bonuses), and non-cash
compensation. We may share the revenue we earn on this Contract with your
investment professional’s firm.
This potential conflict of interest may influence your financial professional to
recommend this Contract over another investment for which the investment
professional is not compensated or compensated less.
Distribution of
the Contracts
Principal Risks
You should only exchange a contract if you determine, after comparing the features,
fees, and risks of both contracts, that it is better for you to purchase the new
Contract rather than continue to own your existing contract.
Overview of the Contract
Purpose of the Contract
The Lincoln PathBuilder Income ® IRA is intended to be used as a rollover product and provides guaranteed periodic withdrawals. It is designed for you to accumulate assets through investments in a variety of investment options during the accumulation phase. Then, during the annuity phase, the Contract is designed to supplement your retirement income by providing a stream of income payments. The Contract also offers a Death Benefit payable to your designated Beneficiaries.
This Contract may be appropriate if you have a long-term investment horizon. It is not intended for people who may need to make early or frequent withdrawals or intend to engage in frequent trading in the Subaccounts that are available under the Contract.
Phases of the Contract
The Contract has two phases: (1) an accumulation phase (for savings) and (2) an annuity phase (for income).

Accumulation (Savings) Phase. To help you accumulate assets during the accumulation phase, you can invest your payments and earnings in the variable options available under the Contract, each of which has an underlying mutual fund with its own investment objective, strategies, and risks; investment adviser(s); expense ratio; and performance history.
A list of the funds in which you currently can invest is provided in Appendix A: Funds Available Under the Contract.
Annuity (Income) Phase. You can elect to annuitize your Contract and turn your Contract Value into a stream of income payments from us (sometimes called Annuity Payouts). These payments may continue for a fixed period of years, for your entire life, or for the longer of a fixed period of your life. The payments may be fixed or variable. Variable payments will vary based on the performance of the funds you choose.
If you annuitize, your investments will be converted to income payments. You will no longer be able to make withdrawals from your Contract and there won’t be a death benefit. However, please note that certain annuity payout options make an amount payable upon death.
Primary Features and Options of the Contract
Accessing Your Money. Before you annuitize, you can withdraw money from your Contract at any time. If you take a withdrawal, you may have to pay a surrender charge and/or income taxes, including a tax penalty if you are younger than age 59½.
Tax Treatment. You can transfer money between investment options without tax implications, and earnings (if any) on your investments are generally tax-deferred. You are taxed only upon: (1) taking a withdrawal; (2) receiving a payment from us; or (3) payment of a Death Benefit.
Death Benefits. The Contract includes a Death Benefit that will pay your designated Beneficiaries the Contract Value at the time of your death.
Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit. The Contract includes a Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit that provides guaranteed lifetime periodic withdrawals, regardless of investment performance of the Contract. This guarantee is subject to certain conditions, as set forth elsewhere in the prospectus.
Additional Services. The additional services listed below are available under the Contract for no additional charge (unless otherwise indicated).
Portfolio rebalancing. Allows you to automatically reallocate your money among investment options on a periodic basis based on your instructions.
Automatic Withdrawal Service (AWS). Allows you to automatically take periodic withdrawals from your Contract Value.
Fees Associated with Fee-Based Financial Plans. You may provide authorization to have your advisory fees paid to your financial professional's investment firm from your Contract Value. Advisory Fee Withdrawals will not impact benefits and values under a Death Benefit or a guaranteed benefit or be treated as a distribution for federal tax purposes under certain conditions. If those conditions are not met, the Advisory Fee Withdrawals will impact benefits and values under a Death Benefit or a guaranteed benefit. See the Death Benefit and Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit Sections of the prospectus for more information on how withdrawals affect these benefits. Advisory Fee Withdrawals may not be available in all states, and certain firms may not allow withdrawals to pay advisory fees from your Contract Value. Please check with your financial professional.
If you elect to pay a third-party advisory fee out of your Contract Value, this deduction may reduce the Death Benefit(s) and other guaranteed benefits, and may be subject to federal and state income taxes and a 10% federal penalty tax. See The Contracts – Death Benefits and Advisory Fee Withdrawals and Federal Tax Matters – Payment of Investment Advisory Fees.
Benefits Available Under the Contract
The following table summarize information about the benefits available under the Contract. A detailed description of each benefit is available in the prospectus.
Standard Benefits
Name of Benefit
Maximum Fee
Brief Description of Restrictions /
Account Value Death
Provides a death benefit equal to the
Contract Value.
Poor investment performance could
significantly reduce the benefit.
Withdrawals could significantly reduce
the benefit.

Standard Benefits
Name of Benefit
Maximum Fee
Brief Description of Restrictions /
Withdrawal Benefit
Guaranteed lifetime periodic withdrawals;
Automatic step-ups of the Income Base.
Excess Withdrawals could significantly
reduce or terminate the benefit.
Investment Requirements apply.
Portfolio Rebalancing
Allows you to automatically reallocate your
Contract Value among investment options
on a periodic basis based on your standing
allocation instructions.
Automatic Withdrawal
Allows you to take periodic withdrawals
from your Contract automatically.
Advisory Fee
Allows you to take withdrawals from your
Contract to pay the advisory fees.
May not be available in all states.
You may take Advisory Fee Withdrawals
up to 1.25% annually without negatively
impacting your rider guarantees.
The deduction of advisory fees from
Contract Value may reduce the Death
Benefit and other guaranteed benefits
(unless the requirements listed above are
met), and may be subject to federal and
state income taxes and a 10% federal
penalty tax.
Buying the Contract
If you wish to purchase a Contract, you must apply for it through a financial professional authorized by us. The completed application is sent to us and we decide whether to accept or reject it. If the application is accepted, a Contract is prepared and executed by our legally authorized officers. The Contract (and a statement confirming your investments) is then sent to you either directly or through your registered representative. The purchase of multiple contracts with identical Contractowners, Annuitants and Beneficiaries will be allowed only upon Home Office approval.
When a completed application and all other information necessary for processing a purchase order is received in Good Order at our Home Office at The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, PO Box 2340, Fort Wayne, IN 46801-2340, an initial Purchase Payment will be priced no later than two business days after we receive the order. If you submit your application and/or initial Purchase Payment to your registered representative, we will not begin processing your purchase order until we receive the application and initial Purchase Payment from your registered representative’s broker-dealer. While attempting to finish an incomplete application, we may hold the initial Purchase Payment for no more than five business days unless we receive your consent to our retaining the payment until the application is completed. If the incomplete application cannot be completed within those five days and we have not received your consent, you will be informed of the reasons, and the Purchase Payment will be returned immediately. Once the application is complete, we will allocate your initial Purchase Payment within two business days.
Purchase Payments – Investing in the Contract
Periodic Purchase Payments are payable to us at a frequency and in an amount specified by the Plan sponsor. Purchase Payments are allocated to the LVIP American Global Balanced Allocation Managed Risk Fund and LVIP Global Moderate Allocation Managed Risk Fund, and are used to fund the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit. If Purchase Payments are discontinued, the Contract will remain in force as a paid-up contract. If you submit a Purchase Payment to your agent, we will not begin processing the Purchase Payment until we receive it from your agent's broker-dealer in Good Order.
The maximum annual Purchase Payment into the Contract for a Participant will be limited to $500,000 without the Home Office approval. Purchase Payments from a Participant which originate from other investment options available under the Plan and are made within 180 days of a withdrawal from the Participant Account Value may be limited to $25,000 in the future. In addition we may further limit or decline future Purchase Payments into the Contract as long as we provide you 180 days notice. It is possible that we could refuse any or all future Purchase Payments. If future Purchase Payments cannot be made into this Contract, Participant Account Values and Income Bases will no longer be increased by additional Purchase Payments. Participants should consider these Purchase Payment limitations and how they may impact their long-term investment plans, especially if the intent is to make additional Purchase Payments over a long period of time.

Making Withdrawals: Accessing the Money in Your Contract
Before the Annuity Commencement Date – During the Accumulation (Savings) Phase
You can access the money in your Contract by making a withdrawal, which will reduce the value of your Contract (including the amount of the death benefit and certain living benefits). You may withdraw all or a portion of the Contract Value (minus applicable charges and other adjustments, discussed below). However, withdrawing the entire cash value of your Contract will terminate your Contract.
Before the Annuity Commencement Date, you can completely surrender the Contract or withdraw part of the Contract Value upon your written request on an approved Lincoln distribution request form (available from the Home Office), fax, or other electronic means. Withdrawal requests may also be made by telephone or our website, subject to certain restrictions. All surrenders and withdrawals must be made in accordance with the rules discussed in the prospectus. The amount available upon surrender or withdrawal is the Contract Value less any applicable charges, fees, and taxes at the end of the Valuation Period during which the written request for surrender or withdrawal is received in Good Order at the Home Office.
If we receive a surrender or withdrawal request in Good Order at our Home Office before the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange (normally 4:00 p.m., New York time), we will process the request using the Accumulation Unit value computed on that Valuation Date. If we receive a surrender or withdrawal request in Good Order at our Home Office after New York Stock Exchange regular market close, we will process the request using the Accumulation Unit value computed on the next Valuation Date.
There are tax consequences for surrenders and withdrawals.
There are limitations associated with taking money out of the Contract, including the following:
Limitations on withdrawal amounts
The minimum withdrawal amount is $300.
Negative impact on benefits and guarantees of your
A withdrawal may have a negative impact on certain
optional benefits that you may elect. It may reduce the
value of or even terminate certain benefits.
Internal Revenue Code or Retirement Plan
Depending on the circumstances, the Internal Revenue
Code or your retirement plan may restrict your ability
to take withdrawals.
After the Annuity Commencement Date – During the Annuity Income Phase
After the Annuity Commencement Date, you will receive payments under the annuity payment option you select, but generally you may not take any other withdrawals or surrender your Contract. Surrender or withdrawal rights after the Annuity Commencement Date, if any, depend on the Annuity Payout option selected.
Additional Information About Fees
Fee Tables
The following tables describe the fees and expenses that you will pay when buying, owning, and surrendering or making withdrawals from the Contract. Please refer to your Contract Specifications page for information about the specific fees you will pay each year based on the options you have elected. These charges do not reflect any advisory fees paid to a financial intermediary from Contract Value or other assets of the Contractowner. If such charges were reflected, the ongoing fees and expenses would be higher.
The first table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay at the time that you buy the Contract, surrender or make withdrawals from the Contract or transfer Contract Value between investment options. State premium taxes may also be deducted.

There are no sales charges, deferred sales charges, or surrender charges associated with this Contract.
The following table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay each year during the time that you own the Contract, not including fund fees and expenses.

Base Contract Expense (as a percentage of average Account Value in the Subaccounts):
Base Contract Expense
Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit1
Guaranteed Maximum Annual Charge
Current Annual Charge
As percentage of the Income Base established at the time of the contract issue, as increased Automatic Step-ups and decreased upon an Excess Withdrawal. This
charge is deducted from the Contract Value on a quarterly basis.
The next table shows the minimum and maximum total annual operating expenses charged by the funds that you may pay periodically during the time that you own the Contract. The expenses are for the year ended December 31, 2021. A complete list of funds available under the Contract, including their annual expenses, may be found in Appendix A: Funds Available Under the Contract.
Annual Fund Expenses
Expenses that are deducted from the fund assets, including
management fees, distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees, and other
expenses before any waivers or expense reimbursements
Expenses that are deducted from the fund assets, including
management fees, distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees, and other
expenses after any waivers or expense reimbursements.1
Any expense waivers or reimbursements will remain in effect until at least April 30, 2023, and can only be terminated early with approval by the fund’s board of directors.

Appendix A – Funds Available Under The Contract
The following is a list of funds currently available under the Contract. Investment Requirements related to the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit limit your ability to invest in certain funds. More information about the funds is available in the Fund’s prospectus, which may be amended from time to time and can be found online at www.lfg.com/VAprospectus. You can also request this information and current fund performance at no cost by calling 1-800-234-3500 or by sending an email request to CustServSupportTeam@lfg.com.
The current expenses and performance information below reflects fees and expenses of the Fund, but do not reflect the other fees and expenses that your Contract may charge. Expenses would be higher and performance would be lower if these other charges were included. Each fund’s past performance is not necessarily an indication of future performance.
Investment Objective
Fund and
Current Expenses
Average Annual Total
Returns (as of 12/31/2021)
1 year
5 year
10 year
Long-term capital growth and current
income by investing approximately 60%
of its assets in equity securities and the
remainder in bonds and other fixed-
income securities.
American Century VP Balanced Fund -
Class II
Long-term capital growth, income is
secondary objective.
American Century VP Large Company
Value Fund - Class II
Long-term capital appreciation.
Delaware VIP® Emerging Markets Series
- Service Class3
Capital Appreciation.
Delaware VIP® Small Cap Value Series -
Service Class3
Long-term growth of capital.
Invesco V.I. EQV International Equity
Fund - Series II Shares
A balance between a high level of
current income and growth of capital,
with an emphasis on growth of capital. A
fund of funds.
LVIP American Balanced Allocation Fund
- Service Class
A balance between a high level of
current income and growth of capital. A
fund of funds.
LVIP American Global Balanced
Allocation Managed Risk Fund - Service
Long-term growth of capital. A master-
feeder fund.
LVIP American Global Growth Fund -
Service Class II
Growth of capital. A master-feeder fund.
LVIP American Growth Fund - Service
Class II
Long-term growth of capital and income.
A master-feeder fund.
LVIP American Growth-Income Fund -
Service Class II
A high level of current income with
some consideration given to growth of
capital. A fund of funds.
LVIP American Income Allocation Fund -
Service Class
Long-term growth of capital. A master-
feeder fund.
LVIP American International Fund -
Service Class II
Capital Appreciation.
LVIP Baron Growth Opportunities Fund -
Service Class
High total investment return.
LVIP BlackRock Global Allocation Fund -
Service Class
This fund will be available on or about
June 3, 2022. Consult your financial

Investment Objective
Fund and
Current Expenses
Average Annual Total
Returns (as of 12/31/2021)
1 year
5 year
10 year
Total return through a combination of
current income and long-term capital
LVIP BlackRock Global Real Estate Fund
- Service Class
To maximize real return, consistent with
preservation of real capital and prudent
investment management.
LVIP BlackRock Inflation Protected Bond
Fund - Service Class
Maximum current income (yield)
consistent with a prudent investment
LVIP Delaware Bond Fund - Service
Total return.
LVIP Delaware Diversified Floating Rate
Fund - Service Class3
Maximum long-term total return
consistent with reasonable risk.
LVIP Delaware Diversified Income Fund -
Service Class3
Maximum total return, consistent with
reasonable risk.
LVIP Delaware Limited-Term Diversified
Income Fund - Service Class3
To maximize long-term capital
LVIP Delaware Mid Cap Value Fund -
Service Class3
Maximum long-term total return, with
capital appreciation as a secondary
LVIP Delaware REIT Fund - Service
Long-term capital appreciation.
LVIP Delaware SMID Cap Core Fund -
Service Class3
To maximize long-term capital
LVIP Delaware Social Awareness Fund -
Service Class3
Long-term capital appreciation.
LVIP Delaware Value Fund - Service
To provide a responsible level of income
and the potential for capital appreciation.
LVIP Delaware Wealth Builder Fund -
Service Class3
Long-term capital appreciation.
LVIP Dimensional U.S. Core Equity 1
Fund - Service Class
Current income consistent with the
preservation of capital.
LVIP Global Income Fund - Service Class
A balance between a high level of
current income and growth of capital,
with an emphasis on growth of capital. A
fund of funds.
LVIP Global Moderate Allocation
Managed Risk Fund - Service Class
Current income while (i) maintaining a
stable value of your shares (providing
stability of net asset value) and (ii)
preserving the value of your initial
investment (preservation of capital).
LVIP Government Money Market Fund -
Service Class
Current income and some capital
appreciation. A fund of funds.
LVIP JPMorgan Retirement Income Fund
- Service Class
Long-term capital appreciation.
LVIP MFS International Growth Fund -
Service Class
Capital Appreciation.
LVIP MFS Value Fund - Service Class

Investment Objective
Fund and
Current Expenses
Average Annual Total
Returns (as of 12/31/2021)
1 year
5 year
10 year
Long-term capital appreciation as
measured by the change in the value of
fund shares over a period of three years
or longer.
LVIP Mondrian International Value Fund
- Service Class
To match as closely as practicable,
before fees and expenses, the
performance of the Barclays Capital U.S.
Aggregate Index.
LVIP SSGA Bond Index Fund - Service
To maximize long-term capital
LVIP SSGA Developed International 150
Fund - Service Class
To maximize long-term capital
LVIP SSGA Emerging Markets 100 Fund
- Service Class
To approximate as closely as practicable,
before fees and expenses, the
performance of a broad market index of
non-U.S. foreign securities.
LVIP SSGA International Index Fund -
Service Class
To maximize long-term capital
LVIP SSGA Large Cap 100 Fund -
Service Class
A balance between a high level of
current income and growth of capital,
with a greater emphasis on growth of
capital. A fund of funds.
LVIP SSGA Moderate Index Allocation
Fund - Service Class
A balance between a high level of
current income and growth of capital,
with an emphasis on growth of capital. A
fund of funds.
LVIP SSGA Moderate Structured
Allocation Fund - Service Class
To approximate as closely as practicable,
before fees and expenses, the total rate
of return of common stocks publicly
traded in the United States, as
represented by the S&P 500 Index.
LVIP SSGA S&P 500 Index Fund -
Service Class4
To approximate as closely as practicable,
before fees and expenses, the
performance of the Russell 2000®
Index, which emphasizes stocks of small
U.S. companies.
LVIP SSGA Small-Cap Index Fund -
Service Class
To maximize long-term capital
LVIP SSGA Small-Mid Cap 200 Fund -
Service Class
Long-term capital growth.
LVIP T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Fund -
Service Class
To maximize capital appreciation.
LVIP T. Rowe Price Structured Mid-Cap
Growth Fund - Service Class
Capital growth.
LVIP Wellington Capital Growth Fund -
Service Class
Long-term capital appreciation.
LVIP Wellington SMID Cap Value Fund -
Service Class
Total return.
MFS® VIT Utilities Series - Service Class
The name of the adviser or sub-adviser is not listed if the name is incorporated into the name of the fund or the fund company.
This fund is subject to an expense reimbursement or fee waiver arrangement. As a result, this fund’s annual expenses reflect temporary expense reductions. See the fund prospectus for additional information.

Investments in Delaware VIP Series, Delaware Funds, Ivy Variable Insurance Portfolios, Ivy Funds, LVIP Delaware Funds or Lincoln Life accounts managed by Macquarie Investment Management Advisers, a series of Macquarie Investments Management Business Trust, are not and will not be deposits with or liabilities of Macquarie Bank Limited ABN 46008 583 542 and its holding companies, including their subsidiaries or related companies, and are subject to investment risk, including possible delays in prepayment and loss of income and capital invested. No Macquarie Group company guarantees or will guarantee the performance of the series or funds or accounts, the repayment of capital from the series or funds or account, or any particular rate of return.
The index to which this fund is managed is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC (“SPDJI”) and has been licensed for use by one or more of the portfolio’s service providers (licensee). Standard & Poor’s® and S&P® are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (S&P); Dow Jones® is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC (Dow Jones); and these trademarks have been licensed for use by SPDJI and sublicensed for certain purposes by the licensees. S&P®, S&P GSCI® and the index are trademarks of S&P and have been licensed for use by SPDJI and its affiliates and sublicensed for certain purposes by the licensee. The Index is not owned, endorsed, or approved by or associated with any additional third party. The licensee’s products are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by SPDJI, Dow Jones, S&P, their respective affiliates, or their third party licensors, and none of these parties or their respective affiliates or third party licensors make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in such products, nor do they have any liability for any errors, omissions, or interruptions of the Index.
Standard & Poor’s®,” “S&P®,” “Standard & Poor’s Equal Weight Index,” “S&P EWI,” “S&P 500®,” “Standard & Poor’s 500” and “500” are trademarks of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. and have been licensed for use by the Invesco V.I. Equally-Weighted S&P 500 Fund. The fund is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by S&P, and S&P makes no representation regarding the advisability of investing in the fund.
Dow Jones is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC (“Dow Jones”). The trademark has been licensed to S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and has been sublicensed for use for certain purposes by First Trust Advisors L.P. The product is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Standard & Poor's and Standard & Poor's makes no representation regarding the advisability of purchasing the product.

Appendix B – Investment Requirements
As long as the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit rider is in effect, you will be subject to Investment Requirements. This means you will be limited in how much you can invest in certain Subaccounts of your Contract. You must comply with the Investment Requirements during the period of time you own the rider (the minimum time period for ownership, if any, is specified in the termination section). After that period, if you no longer comply with the Investment Requirements, the rider will be terminated. We impose Investment Requirements to reduce the risk of investment losses that may require use to use our own assets to make guaranteed payments under the rider.
Certain of the underlying funds that are included in the Investment Requirements, including funds managed by an adviser affiliated with us, employ risk management strategies that are intended to control the funds’ overall volatility, and for some funds, to also reduce the downside exposure of the funds during significant market downturns.
These funds are included under Investment Requirements in part because the reduction in volatility helps us reduce the risk of investment losses that may require us to use our own assets to make guaranteed payments under the rider. At the same time, risk management strategies in periods of high market volatility or other market conditions could limit your participation in market gains. This may conflict with your investment objectives by limiting your ability to maximize potential growth of your Contract Value and, in turn, the value of any guaranteed benefit that is tied to investment performance. You should consult with your financial professional to determine whether these funds align with your investment objectives. For more information about the funds and the investment strategies they employ, please refer to the funds’ current prospectuses. Fund prospectuses are available by contacting us.
We have divided the Subaccounts of your Contract into groups and have specified the minimum or maximum percentages of Contract Value that must be in each group at the time you purchase the rider. The Investment Requirements may not be consistent with an aggressive investment strategy. You should consult with your registered representative to determine if the Investment Requirements are consistent with your investment objectives.
You can select the percentages of Contract Value to allocate to individual Subaccounts within each group, but the total investment for all Subaccounts within the group must comply with the specified minimum or maximum percentages for that group.
In accordance with these Investment Requirements, you agree to be automatically enrolled in the portfolio rebalancing option under your Contract and thereby authorize us to automatically rebalance your Contract Value on a periodic basis. On each quarterly anniversary of the effective date of the rider, we will rebalance your Contract Value in accordance with your allocation instructions in effect at the time of the rebalancing. Any reallocation of Contract Value among the Subaccounts made by you prior to a rebalancing date will become your allocation instructions for rebalancing purposes. If your allocation instructions do not comply with the Investment Requirements, portfolio rebalancing will be paused, and any subsequent transfer requests will be considered not in Good Order until updated allocation instructions are received . Confirmation of the rebalancing will appear on your quarterly statement and you will not receive an individual confirmation after each reallocation .
We may change the list of Subaccounts in a group, change the number of groups, change the minimum or maximum percentages of Contract Value allowed in a group, change the investment options that are or are not available to you, or change the rebalancing frequency at any time in our sole discretion. You will be notified at least 30 days prior to the date of any change. We may make such modifications at any time when we believe the modifications are necessary to protect our ability to provide the guarantees under these riders. Our decision to make modifications will be based on several factors including the general market conditions and the style and investment objectives of the Subaccount investments.
At the time you receive notice of a change to the Investment Requirements, you may:
submit your own reallocation instructions for the Contract Value, before the effective date specified in the notice, so that the Investment Requirements are satisfied; or
take no action and be subject to the quarterly rebalancing as described above. If this results in a change to your allocation instructions, then these will be your new allocation instructions until you tell us otherwise; or
terminate the applicable rider immediately, without waiting for a termination event if you do not wish to be subject to these Investment Requirements.
At this time, the Subaccount groups are as follows:
The fixed accounts are not available with these riders.
Group 1
Investments must be at least 40% of Contract Value or Account Value.
Group 2
Investments cannot exceed 60% of Contract Value or Account Value.
LVIP BlackRock Inflation Protected Bond Fund
LVIP Delaware Bond Fund
LVIP Delaware Diversified Floating Rate Fund
American Century VP Large Company Value Fund
Delaware VIP Emerging Markets Series
Delaware VIP Small Cap Value Series

Group 1
Investments must be at least 40% of Contract Value or Account Value.
Group 2
Investments cannot exceed 60% of Contract Value or Account Value.
LVIP Delaware Diversified Income Fund
LVIP Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund
LVIP Global Income Fund
LVIP Government Money Market Fund
LVIP SSGA Bond Index Fund
Invesco V.I. EQV International Equity Fund
LVIP American Global Growth Fund
LVIP American Growth-Income Fund
LVIP American International Fund
LVIP Baron Growth Opportunities Fund
LVIP BlackRock Global Real Estate Fund
LVIP Delaware Mid Cap Value Fund
LVIP Delaware REIT Fund
LVIP Delaware SMID Cap Core Fund
LVIP Delaware Social Awareness Fund
LVIP Delaware Value Fund
LVIP Dimensional U.S. Core Equity 1 Fund
LVIP MFS International Growth Fund
LVIP MFS Value Fund
LVIP Mondrian International Value Fund
LVIP SSGA Developed International 150 Fund
LVIP SSGA Emerging Markets 100 Fund
LVIP SSGA International Index Fund
LVIP SSGA Large Cap 100 Fund
LVIP SSGA S&P 500 Index Fund
LVIP SSGA Small-Mid Cap 200 Fund
LVIP T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Fund
LVIP T. Rowe Price Structured Mid-Cap Growth Fund
LVIP Wellington Capital Growth Fund
LVIP Wellington SMID Cap Value Fund
MFS VIT Utilities Series
As an alternative to satisfy these Investment Requirements, you may allocate 100% of your Contract Value among the funds listed below. If you allocate less than 100% of Contract Value among these funds, then the funds listed below that are also listed in Group 1 will be subject to Group 1 restrictions. Any remaining funds listed below that are not listed in Group 1 will fall into Group 2 and be subject to Group 2 restrictions.
American Century VP Balanced Fund
LVIP American Balanced Allocation Fund
LVIP American Global Balanced Allocation Managed Risk Fund
LVIP American Income Allocation Fund
LVIP BlackRock Global Allocation Fund
LVIP BlackRock Inflation Protected Bond Fund
LVIP Delaware Bond Fund
LVIP Delaware Diversified Floating Rate Fund
LVIP Delaware Diversified Income Fund
LVIP Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund
LVIP Delaware Wealth Builder Fund
LVIP Global Income Fund
LVIP Global Moderate Allocation Managed Risk Fund
LVIP Government Money Market Fund
LVIP JPMorgan Retirement Income Fund
LVIP SSGA Bond Index Fund
LVIP SSGA Moderate Index Allocation Fund
LVIP SSGA Moderate Structured Allocation Fund

This initial summary prospectus incorporates by reference the prospectus and statement of additional information (SAI) for the Contract, both dated XX XX, 2022, as may be amended or supplemented from time to time. The SAI may be obtained, free of charge, in the same manner as the prospectus.

SEC File Nos. 333- 265679 ; 811-07645
EDGAR Contract Identifier C000237799