Exhibit 2



Ernst & Young LLP

One Manhattan West

New York, NY 10001


Tel: +1 212 773 3000



Report of Independent Accountants on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures



Deutsche Mortgage & Asset Receiving Corporation (the “Depositor”)

German American Capital Corporation

Deutsche Bank Securities Inc.

Barclays Capital Real Estate Inc.

Barclays Capital Inc.

Bank of Montreal

BMO Capital Markets Corp.

Goldman Sachs Mortgage Company

Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC

Goldman Sachs Bank USA

Citi Real Estate Funding Inc.

Citigroup Global Markets Inc.

(collectively, the “Specified Parties”)





Re:FIVE 2023-V1 Mortgage Trust (the “Issuing Entity”)

Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2023-V1 (the “Certificates”)


We have performed the procedures enumerated in Attachment A, which were agreed to and acknowledged as appropriate by the Specified Parties, for the intended purpose of assisting the Specified Parties in evaluating the accuracy of certain information with respect to the Mortgage Loans contained on the Underwriting Files, Underwritten Rent Rolls and ASRs (all as defined herein) (collectively, the “Subject Matter”) relating to the Issuing Entity’s securitization transaction as of 1 February 2023. This report may not be suitable for any other purpose. The procedures performed may not address all of the items of interest to a user of the report and may not meet the needs of all users of the report and, as such, users are responsible for determining whether the procedures performed are appropriate for their purposes. The appropriateness of these procedures is solely the responsibility of the Specified Parties identified in this report. No other party acknowledged the appropriateness of the procedures. Consequently, we make no representation regarding the appropriateness of the procedures described in Attachment A, either for the purpose for which this report has been requested or for any other purpose.


The procedures performed and our associated findings are included in Attachment A.


For the purpose of the procedures described in this report, German American Capital Corporation (“GACC”), Barclays Capital Real Estate Inc. (“Barclays”), Bank of Montreal (“BMO”), Goldman Sachs Mortgage Company (“Goldman”) and Citi Real Estate Funding Inc. (“Citi,” together with GACC, Barclays, BMO and Goldman, the “Mortgage Loan Sellers”), on behalf of the Depositor, provided us with the following information, as applicable, for each Mortgage Loan:



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a.Certain electronic data files (the “Borrower Operating Statement Data Files”) prepared by the Mortgage Loan borrower(s) containing revenue and expense information relating to the historical three year period, if applicable (the “Historical 3 Year Period”), and most recent trailing twelve month period, if applicable (the “TTM Period,” together with the Historical 3 Year Period, the “Historical Periods”), for the Collateral Property or Collateral Properties (both as defined herein) that secure the Mortgage Loan,
b.The most recent appraisal reports (the “Appraisals”) prepared for the applicable Mortgage Loan Seller, which contain the appraiser’s estimated year one (the “Year One Period,” together with the Historical Periods, the “Specified Periods”) revenue and expense information for the Collateral Property or Collateral Properties that secure the Mortgage Loan,
c.The borrower budgets (the “Borrower Budgets”) prepared by the Mortgage Loan borrower(s) for the Collateral Property or Collateral Properties that secure the Mortgage Loan,
d.Copies of the:
i.Ground rent abstracts or leases, if applicable (the “Ground Rent Documents”),
ii.Most recent real estate tax bills (the “Tax Bills”) and
iii.Most recent insurance review files (the “Insurance Review Files”) or insurance bills (the “Insurance Bills”)

for the Collateral Property or Collateral Properties that secure the Mortgage Loan,

e.Asset summary report(s) (the “ASRs”),
f.The most recent electronic borrower rent roll files (the “Borrower Rent Roll Files”) for the Collateral Property or Collateral Properties that secure the Mortgage Loan,
g.The lease abstracts (the “Lease Abstracts”), lease agreements (the “Leases”) and/or lease estoppels (the “Estoppels,” together with the Lease Abstracts and Leases, the “Lease Documents”) relating to the commercial tenants at the Collateral Property or Collateral Properties that secure the Mortgage Loan,
h.Underwritten rent rolls (the “Underwritten Rent Rolls”) for the Collateral Property or Collateral Properties that secure the Mortgage Loan,
i.Electronic underwriting files (the “Underwriting Files”) prepared by the applicable Mortgage Loan Seller containing:
i.The revenue and expense information for the Specified Periods and
ii.The underwritten revenue and expense information for the underwritten period (the “Underwritten Period”)

for the Collateral Property or Collateral Properties that secure the Mortgage Loan,

j.Instructions, assumptions and methodologies (the “Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments”) used to prepare the information on the ASRs, Underwritten Rent Rolls,

Underwriting Files and/or Tenant Billing Schedules (as defined herein), which were included as footnotes to the Underwriting Files and/or were separately provided in e-mail or other written correspondence from the applicable Mortgage Loan Seller and

k.Instructions, assumptions and methodologies, which are described in Attachment A.


For the purpose of the procedures described in this report, the Depositor provided us with a schedule (the “Mortgage Loan Schedule”) containing a list of the Mortgage Loans and the original principal balance of each Mortgage Loan, which is shown on Exhibit 1 to Attachment A.




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For the purpose of the procedures described in this report with respect to each of the first twenty (20) Mortgage Loans shown on the Mortgage Loan Schedule (collectively, the “Top 20 Mortgage Loans”) (except for the Mortgage Loans identified on the Mortgage Loan Schedule as “Network Crossing” (the “Network Crossing Mortgage Loan”) and “ECD Lincolnshire” (the “ECD Lincolnshire Mortgage Loan”)), the Mortgage Loan Sellers, as applicable, on behalf of the Depositor, provided us with an electronic file with the applicable Mortgage Loan Seller’s calculation of the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period (each, a “Historical Occupancy File”) for the Collateral Property or Collateral Properties that secure such Top 20 Mortgage Loan (only if the physical occupancy rate for such Historical Period was not included on the corresponding Borrower Operating Statement Data Files) (except for the Network Crossing Mortgage Loan and ECD Lincolnshire Mortgage Loan).


For the purpose of the procedures described in this report with respect to each of the first ten (10) Mortgage Loans shown on the Mortgage Loan Schedule (collectively, the “Top 10 Mortgage Loans”) (except for the Mortgage Loan identified on the Mortgage Loan Schedule as “Clifton Industrial” (the “Clifton Industrial Mortgage Loan”)), the Mortgage Loan Sellers, as applicable, on behalf of the Depositor, provided us with the tenant billing schedule and any supplemental information prepared by the Mortgage Loan borrower(s) (the “Tenant Billing Schedule”) relating to the tenants at the Collateral Property or Collateral Properties that secure such Top 10 Mortgage Loan (except for the Clifton Industrial Mortgage Loan).


For certain Collateral Properties, we were instructed by the applicable Mortgage Loan Sellers, on behalf of the Depositor, to obtain information relating to the current property taxes for each such Collateral Property from the applicable tax assessor website (each, a “Tax Assessor Website,” and collectively, the “Tax Assessor Websites”).


For the purpose of the procedures described in this report, the Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisals, Borrower Budgets, Ground Rent Documents, Tax Bills, Insurance Review Files, Insurance Bills, Borrower Rent Roll Files, Lease Documents, Historical Occupancy Files, Tenant Billing Schedules and Tax Assessor Websites are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Source Documents.”




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The procedures included in Attachment A were limited to comparing or recalculating certain information that is further described in Attachment A. The Depositor is responsible for the Subject Matter, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Rolls, Underwriting Files, Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, Mortgage Loan Schedule and the determination of the instructions, assumptions and methodologies that are described herein. We were not requested to perform, and we have not performed, any procedures other than those listed in Attachment A with respect to the ASRs (as applicable), Underwritten Rent Rolls or Underwriting Files. We have not verified, and we make no representation as to, the accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of the Source Documents, ASRs (as applicable), Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, Mortgage Loan Schedule or any other information provided to us, or that we were instructed to obtain, by the Depositor or Mortgage Loan Sellers, on behalf of the Depositor, upon which we relied in forming our findings. We performed no procedures to compare any information contained in any Source Document or ASR (as applicable) to any information contained in any other Source Document or ASR (as applicable). Accordingly, we make no representation and express no opinion or conclusion as to: (a) the existence of the Mortgage Loans, (b) the ability of any Mortgage Loan borrower(s) to repay the Mortgage Loans, (c) questions of legal or tax interpretation or (d) the appropriateness, accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of any instructions, assumptions and methodologies provided to us by the Depositor or Mortgage Loan Sellers, on behalf of the Depositor, that are described in this report. We undertake no responsibility to update this report for events and circumstances occurring after the date hereof.


This agreed-upon procedures engagement was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (the “AICPA”). An agreed-upon procedures engagement involves the practitioner performing specific procedures that the Specified Parties have agreed to and acknowledged to be appropriate for the purpose of the engagement and reporting on findings based on the procedures performed. We were not engaged to, and did not, conduct an examination to express an opinion or a review to express a conclusion in accordance with attestation standards established by the AICPA on any of the items referred to herein. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion or conclusion. Had we performed additional procedures, other matters might have come to our attention that would have been reported to you.


The agreed-upon procedures described in this report were not performed for the purpose of:

a.Satisfying any criteria for due diligence published by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization (a “rating agency”) or
b.Making any findings with respect to:
i.The value of the collateral securing the Mortgage Loans,
ii.Whether the originator(s) of the Mortgage Loans complied with federal, state or local laws or regulations or
iii.Any other factor or characteristic of the Mortgage Loans that would be material to the likelihood that the issuer of the Certificates will pay interest and principal in accordance with applicable terms and conditions.




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We are required to be independent of the Depositor and to meet our other ethical responsibilities, as applicable for agreed-upon procedures engagements set forth in the Preface: Applicable to All Members and Part 1 – Members in Public Practice of the Code of Professional Conduct established by the AICPA. Independence requirements for agreed-upon procedure engagements are less restrictive than independence requirements for audit and other attestation services.

This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Specified Parties and is not intended to be, and should not be, used by anyone other than the Specified Parties. It is not intended to be, and should not be, used by any other person or entity, including investors and rating agencies, who are not identified in the report as Specified Parties, but who may have access to this report as required by law or regulation.


/s/ Ernst & Young LLP


1 February 2023



Attachment A

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For the purpose of the procedures described in this report, the Depositor indicated that the assets of the Issuing Entity will primarily consist of a pool of fixed rate commercial mortgage loans (the “Mortgage Loans”) secured by first mortgage liens on various types of commercial properties (each, a “Collateral Property,” and collectively, the “Collateral Properties”).


Procedures performed and our associated findings


Operating Statement Comparison and Recalculation Procedures


a.Information on the Borrower Operating Statement Data Files,
b.Information in the Appraisal(s),
c.Information in the Tax Bills and
d.The Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments

for each Mortgage Loan (as applicable), we compared, or recalculated and compared:

i.The effective gross revenue or total revenues,
ii.Total expenses and
iii.Net operating income or net cash flow

for each Specified Period that is shown in the Source Documents listed above (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File. We provided the Mortgage Loan Sellers (as applicable) a list of any differences that were found (subject to the instruction(s) provided by the Depositor described below).


For the purpose of this procedure, the Depositor instructed us to:

a.Omit non-cash and non-recurring revenues and expenses that are shown on the Borrower Operating Statement Data Files from the comparison of the information that is shown on the Underwriting File,
b.Use a materiality threshold of +/- 3%, calculated as a percentage of the value as shown in the Source Documents listed above (as applicable), which is also below $10,000, and
c.Not perform the procedure described above for any of the Specified Periods that were not shown on the Underwriting Files for the Collateral Properties that secure the Mortgage Loans.




Attachment A

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Historical Occupancy Comparison Procedures


a.Information on the Historical Occupancy Files,
b.Information on the Borrower Rent Roll Files,
c.Information on the Borrower Operating Statement Data Files and
d.The Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments

for each Top 20 Mortgage Loan (as applicable) (except for the Network Crossing Mortgage Loan and ECD Lincolnshire Mortgage Loan), we compared the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period in the Source Documents listed above (as applicable) to the corresponding physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File. We provided the Mortgage Loan Sellers (as applicable) a list of any differences that were found (subject to the instruction(s) provided by the Depositor described below).


For the purpose of this procedure, the Depositor instructed us to:

a.Use an absolute materiality threshold of +/- 0.5%,
b.Not perform the procedure described above for any of the Historical Periods that were not shown on the Underwriting Files for the Collateral Properties that secure the Top 20 Mortgage Loans and
c.Not perform the procedure described above for the Network Crossing Mortgage Loan and ECD Lincolnshire Mortgage Loan.


Cashflow Reimbursement Comparison Procedures


a.Information in the Leases,
b.Information on the Tenant Billing Schedules,
c.Information on the Borrower Rent Roll Files,
d.Information in the Borrower Budgets,
e.Information in the Tax Bills,
f.Information in the Appraisal(s) and
g.The Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments

for each Top 10 Mortgage Loan (as applicable) (except for the Clifton Industrial Mortgage Loan), we compared the cash flow reimbursements for the five largest tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) at the Collateral Property or Collateral Properties that secure such Top 10 Mortgage Loan, as shown in the Source Documents listed above (as applicable), to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. We provided the Mortgage Loan Sellers (as applicable) a list of any differences that were found (subject to the instruction(s) provided by the Depositor described below).


For the purpose of this procedure, the Depositor instructed us to:

a.Use a materiality threshold of +/- 10%, calculated as a percentage of the value as shown in the Source Documents listed above (as applicable), which is also below $10,000, and
b.Not perform the procedure described above for the Clifton Industrial Mortgage Loan.



Attachment A

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Supporting Expense Comparison and Recalculation Procedures



a.         Information in the Ground Rent Documents,

b.         Information in the Borrower Budgets and

c.The Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments

for each Mortgage Loan (as applicable), we compared, or recalculated and compared, the ground rent expense of each Mortgage Loan for the Underwritten Period, as shown in the Source Documents listed above (as applicable), to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File. We provided the Mortgage Loan Sellers (as applicable) a list of any differences that were found (subject to the instruction(s) provided by the Depositor described below).


For the purpose of this procedure, the Depositor instructed us to use a materiality threshold of +/- 5%, calculated as a percentage of the value as shown in the Source Documents listed above (as applicable).


a.Information in the Tax Bills,
b.Information on the Tax Assessor Websites,
c.Information in the Insurance Bills,
d.Information on the Insurance Review Files,
e.Information in the Appraisal(s),
f.Information in the Borrower Budgets and
g.The Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments

for each Mortgage Loan (as applicable), we compared the tax expense and insurance expense amounts for the Underwritten Period (as applicable), as shown in the Source Documents listed above (as applicable), to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File. We provided the Mortgage Loan Sellers (as applicable) a list of any differences that were found (subject to the instruction(s) provided by the Depositor described below).


For the purpose of this procedure, the Depositor instructed us to only identify differences where the tax expense and insurance expense amounts in the Source Documents listed above (as applicable) exceeded a -5% and -$10,000 variance from the corresponding amounts on the Underwriting File and that were not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.




Attachment A

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Lease Expiration and Termination Comparison Procedures


a.Information in the Lease Abstracts,
b.Information in the Leases,
c.Information on the Borrower Rent Roll Files,
d.Information in the Estoppels and
e.The Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments

for the Collateral Property or Collateral Properties that secure each of the first fifteen (15) Mortgage Loans shown on the Mortgage Loan Schedule (collectively, the “Top 15 Mortgage Loans”) (as applicable) (except for the Mortgage Loans identified on the Mortgage Loan Schedule as “Ontario Airport Tower” (the “Ontario Airport Tower Mortgage Loan”) and “Foothill Plaza” (the “Foothill Plaza Mortgage Loan”) and the Clifton Industrial Mortgage Loan), we compared:

i.The lease expiration date only for the commercial tenants (ordered, from largest to smallest, by the underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue (a maximum of ten tenants), as shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll, at the Collateral Property or Collateral Properties that secure such Top 15 Mortgage Loan and
ii.The lease early termination options for the ten largest commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) at the Collateral Property or Collateral Properties that secure such Top 15 Mortgage Loan,

all as shown in the Source Documents listed above (as applicable), to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll). We provided the Mortgage Loan Sellers (as applicable) a list of any differences that were found (subject to the instruction(s) provided by the Depositor described below).



a.Information in the Lease Abstracts,
b.Information in the Leases,
c.Information in the Estoppels and
d.The Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments

for the Collateral Property or Collateral Properties that secure each Mortgage Loan that is not a Top 15 Mortgage Loan (as applicable) and the Clifton Industrial Mortgage Loan, Ontario Airport Tower Mortgage Loan and Foothill Plaza Mortgage Loan, we compared the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the five largest commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) at the Collateral Property or Collateral Properties that secure such Mortgage Loan, as shown in the Source Documents listed above (as applicable), to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll). We provided the Mortgage Loan Sellers (as applicable) a list of any differences that were found (subject to the instruction(s) provided by the Depositor described below).


For the purpose of the lease expiration date comparison procedures, the Depositor instructed us to use a materiality threshold of +/- 90 days.



Attachment A

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Underwritten Cashflow Comparison and Recalculation Procedures


a.The TTM Period revenue and expense information that is contained on the Underwriting File,
b.The underwritten revenue and expense information that is contained on the Underwriting File and
c.The Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments

for each Mortgage Loan (as applicable), we compared the underwritten revenue and expense line items, as shown on the Underwriting File, to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items, as shown on the Underwriting File. We provided the Mortgage Loan Sellers (as applicable) a list of any differences that were found (subject to the instruction(s) provided by the Depositor described below).


For the purpose of this procedure, the Depositor instructed us to:

a.Use a materiality threshold of +/- 10%, calculated as a percentage of the TTM Period revenue and expense line item value, as shown on the Underwriting File, and
b.Only identify differences over the 10% materiality threshold (calculated as described in a. above) that were not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.



a.Information on the Underwriting Files,
b.Information in the Source Documents,
c.Information in the ASRs,
d.Information on the Underwritten Rent Rolls and
e.The Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments

for each Mortgage Loan (as applicable), and the additional instruction provided by the Depositor described in item b. of the succeeding paragraph of this Item, we recalculated and compared the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File. We provided the Mortgage Loan Sellers (as applicable) a list of any differences that were found (subject to the instruction(s) provided by the Depositor described below).


For the purpose of this procedure, the Depositor instructed us to:

a.Use a materiality threshold for each underwritten revenue and expense line item of +/- 3%, calculated as a percentage of the value as shown on the Underwriting File, which is also below $25,000, and
b.Assume that an underwritten revenue or expense line item is based on the TTM Period if the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments do not include information for such revenue or expense line item.



Attachment A

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8.Subsequent to the performance of the procedures described in the preceding Items, the Mortgage Loan Sellers, on behalf of the Depositor, provided us with certain updated ASRs (as applicable), Underwritten Rent Rolls and Underwriting Files for each Mortgage Loan (as applicable), which in certain cases included updated Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments. As instructed by the Depositor, we compared the results of the recalculations or comparisons for each Mortgage Loan that are described in the preceding Items to the corresponding information on the updated ASRs (as applicable), Underwritten Rent Rolls or Underwriting Files (as applicable). All such compared information was in agreement. Attached as Exhibit 2 to Attachment A is a schedule for each Mortgage Loan (collectively, the “AUP Findings Schedules”), which contains the primary Source Documents for each Mortgage Loan that were used to perform the procedures described in the preceding Items and the results of the comparison procedures described in the preceding two sentences of this Item.



Exhibit 1 to Attachment A


Mortgage Loan Schedule


Mortgage Loan


Original Principal Balance


Green Acres $75,000,000  
Brandywine Strategic Office Portfolio $75,000,000  
3PL Distribution Center $67,000,000  
Sentinel Square II $64,000,000  
Blue Oaks Town Center $56,500,000  
428-430 North Rodeo $52,000,000  
Palm Glade Apartments $45,000,000  
575 Broadway $37,700,000  
Clifton Industrial $27,900,000  
Gilardian NYC Portfolio $27,750,000  
Hyatt Regency Jacksonville $25,000,000  
Metroplex $25,000,000  
Ontario Airport Tower $23,630,000  
Centers of High Point $20,000,000  
Foothill Plaza $18,900,000  
Baricelli Little Italy $16,750,000  
Tesla Long Beach $16,500,000  
Network Crossing $15,925,000  
Essex Crossing $15,690,000  
ECD Lincolnshire $10,000,000  
Rockwell Chicago $10,000,000  
Holiday Inn Express Van Nuys $10,000,000  
Sequoia Portfolio $9,664,000  
Hilton Garden Inn McAllen Airport $9,100,000  
Park West Village $6,500,000  
Cityline Kangaroo Storage $5,100,000  
Note:For any pari passu Mortgage Loans, the original principal balance in the table above represents the portion of the whole loan that will be included in the Issuing Entity’s securitization transaction.


Exhibit 2 to Attachment A



AUP Findings Schedules





Green Acres                          
  Mortgage Loan Seller: Goldman Top 10 Mortgage Loan: Yes                            
  Original Principal Balance: $75,000,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: Yes                            
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                            
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                            
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                            
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. N/A N/A                            
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. Leases, Tenant Billing Schedule and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                            
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                            
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Tax Bills, Borrower Budget and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                            
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Leases and Estoppels No Exceptions Noted                            
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                            
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                 




Brandywine Strategic Office Portfolio                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: Barclays Top 10 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  Original Principal Balance: $75,000,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisals and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. Historical Occupancy File No Exceptions Noted                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. Leases, Borrower Rent Roll File, Borrower Budget, Tenant Billing Schedule and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  Borrower Budget and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Tax Assessor Website, Tax Bills, Insurance Bills and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Leases No Exceptions Noted                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



3PL Distribution Center                               
  Mortgage Loan Seller: Citi Top 10 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  Original Principal Balance: $67,000,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Appraisal No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. N/A N/A                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. Lease No Exceptions Noted                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Tax Bills and Insurance Review File No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Lease Abstracts No Exceptions Noted                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Sentinel Square II                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: GACC Top 10 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  Original Principal Balance: $64,000,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisal and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. Borrower Rent Roll File and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Rent Roll File, Tax Bills, Leases, Tenant Billing Schedule and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Borrower Budget No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Leases No Exceptions Noted                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Blue Oaks Town Center                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: Barclays Top 10 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  Original Principal Balance: $56,500,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisal and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. Historical Occupancy File No Exceptions Noted                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. Leases and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Tax Bills and Insurance Review File No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Leases, Borrower Rent Roll File and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



428-430 North Rodeo                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: GACC Top 10 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  Original Principal Balance: $52,000,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisal and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. N/A N/A                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Tax Bills and Borrower Budget No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Leases No Exceptions Noted                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Palm Glade Apartments                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: BMO Top 10 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  Original Principal Balance: $45,000,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisal and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Appraisal and Insurance Review File No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
N/A N/A                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



575 Broadway                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: Citi Top 10 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  Original Principal Balance: $37,700,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisal and Underwriting Instruction and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. Historical Occupancy File No Exceptions Noted                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Rent Roll File and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  Ground Rent Documents and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Appraisal and Insurance Review File No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Estoppels, Leases and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Clifton Industrial                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: GACC Top 10 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  Original Principal Balance: $27,900,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisal and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. N/A N/A                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Insurance Review File and Borrower Budget No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Lease Abstracts and Leases No Exceptions Noted                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Gilardian NYC Portfolio                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: BMO Top 10 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  Original Principal Balance: $27,750,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisals and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. N/A N/A                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Borrower Budget and Insurance Review File No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Leases No Exceptions Noted                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Hyatt Regency Jacksonville                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: Citi Top 10 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  Original Principal Balance: $25,000,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisal and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files No Exceptions Noted                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Insurance Review File and Appraisal No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
N/A N/A                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



  Mortgage Loan Seller: GACC Top 10 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  Original Principal Balance: $25,000,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisal and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustment No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. Historical Occupancy File No Exceptions Noted                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Tax Bills, Insurance Review File and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Leases, Lease Abstracts and Estoppels No Exceptions Noted                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Ontario Airport Tower                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: GACC Top 10 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  Original Principal Balance: $23,630,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisal and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. N/A N/A                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Appraisal and Insurance Review File No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Leases, Lease Abstracts and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Centers of High Point                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: GACC Top 10 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  Original Principal Balance: $20,000,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisal and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments  No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. Historical Occupancy File No Exceptions Noted                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Appraisal and Insurance Review File No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Leases No Exceptions Noted                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Foothill Plaza                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: Barclays Top 10 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  Original Principal Balance: $18,900,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisal and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments  No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. N/A N/A                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Tax Bills, Insurance Bills and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Leases and Lease Abstracts No Exceptions Noted                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Baricelli Little Italy                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: GACC Top 10 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  Original Principal Balance: $16,750,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: No                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisal and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. N/A N/A                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Insurance Review File and Borrower Budget No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
N/A N/A                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Tesla Long Beach                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: Citi Top 10 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  Original Principal Balance: $16,500,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: No                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Appraisal No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. N/A N/A                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Insurance Review File and Appraisal No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Lease Abstracts and Leases No Exceptions Noted                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Network Crossing                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: Goldman Top 10 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  Original Principal Balance: $15,925,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: No                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisal and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. N/A N/A                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Insurance Review File and Appraisal No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Leases and Estoppels No Exceptions Noted                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Essex Crossing                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: Goldman Top 10 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  Original Principal Balance: $15,690,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: No                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisal and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. N/A N/A                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Tax Assessor Website and Borrower Budget No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Leases and Estoppels No Exceptions Noted                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



ECD Lincolnshire                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: GACC Top 10 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  Original Principal Balance: $10,000,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: No                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: Yes                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisal and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. N/A N/A                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Borrower Budget and Insurance Bills No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
N/A N/A                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Rockwell Chicago                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: GACC Top 10 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  Original Principal Balance: $10,000,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: No                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files and Appraisal No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. N/A N/A                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Insurance Review File and Appraisal No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Lease No Exceptions Noted                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Holiday Inn Express Van Nuys                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: GACC Top 10 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  Original Principal Balance: $10,000,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: No                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisal, Tax Bills and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. N/A N/A                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  Ground Rent Documents and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Insurance Review File and Tax Bills No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
N/A N/A                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Sequoia Portfolio                              
  Mortgage Loan Seller: GACC Top 10 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  Original Principal Balance: $9,664,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: No                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Appraisals No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. N/A N/A                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Appraisals No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Leases and Lease Abstracts No Exceptions Noted                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Hilton Garden Inn McAllen Airport                               
  Mortgage Loan Seller: Citi Top 10 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  Original Principal Balance: $9,100,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: No                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files and Appraisal No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. N/A N/A                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Tax Bills, Insurance Review File and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
N/A N/A                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Park West Village                               
  Mortgage Loan Seller: BMO Top 10 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  Original Principal Balance: $6,500,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: No                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files and Appraisal No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. N/A N/A                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Tax Bills and Insurance Review File No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
Leases No Exceptions Noted                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable                                     



Cityline Kangaroo Storage                               
  Mortgage Loan Seller: Citi Top 10 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  Original Principal Balance: $5,100,000 Top 15 Mortgage Loan: No                                
      Top 20 Mortgage Loan: No                                
  The following Items 1. to 7. refer to the procedures described in Attachment A:                                    
  Item Description of the Procedures Primary Source Document(s) Used Findings                                
  1 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the (i) effective gross revenue or total revenues, (ii) total expenses and (iii) net operating income or net cash flow information shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for each Specified Period to the corresponding information on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $10,000 threshold. Borrower Operating Statement Data Files, Appraisal and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
    HISTORICAL OCCUPANCY COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  2 For the Top 20 Mortgage Loans, compare the physical occupancy rate for each Historical Period shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the physical occupancy rates on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 0.5% threshold. N/A N/A                                
    CASHFLOW REIMBURSEMENT COMPARISON PROCEDURES                                    
  3 For the Top 10 Mortgage Loans, compare the cash flow reimbursements for the top five tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding underwritten cash flow reimbursements on the Underwritten Rent Roll or Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 10% and $10,000 threshold. N/A N/A                                
  4 Compare, or recalculate and compare, the ground rent expense shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) for the Underwritten Period to the corresponding amount on the Underwriting File. Identify any variance above a 5% threshold.  N/A N/A                                
  5 Compare the tax expense and insurance expense amounts shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding amounts for the Underwritten Period on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a +5% and +$10,000 threshold. Appraisal, Insurance Review File and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  6 For the Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date (only for the commercial tenants (ordered by underwritten base rent revenue of each tenant) that comprise 80% of the aggregate underwritten base rent revenue) with a maximum of ten commercial tenants and lease early termination options (for the top ten commercial tenants by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information on the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.  

For non-Top 15 Mortgage Loans, compare the lease expiration date and lease early termination options for the top five commercial tenants (by underwritten base rent revenue) that are shown in the Source Document(s) listed (as applicable) to the corresponding information in the Underwritten Rent Roll (or ASR if the lease early termination options are not shown on the Underwritten Rent Roll).  Identify any variance above a 90-day threshold.
N/A N/A                                
  7 Using the TTM Period revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File, underwritten revenue and expense information on the Underwriting File and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments, compare the underwritten revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File to the corresponding TTM Period revenue and expense line items on the Underwriting File.  Identify any differences above a 10% threshold that are not explained in the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments.

Using the information on the Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and the Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments (footnotes), recalculate the underwritten revenue and expense line items that are shown on the Underwriting File.  Identify any variance above a 3% and $25,000 threshold.
Underwriting File, Source Documents, ASRs, Underwritten Rent Roll and Underwriting Instructions and Adjustments No Exceptions Noted                                
  **N/A: Not Applicable